~~ ''r • 4 ~:. orrit . tatutiktiri. DAWN(' AtiOtrt /19118EnnuAaiNo4 4 -, Ahent , noon, Yestorday, three - well-dressed yoitug men, who had been loitering at the car ner of Iftlyaniensing avenue and. Dickerson litteet; attempted to foreihly enter the dwelling of Mr. Thomas Worsley, at, the intersection of Itithur thoroughfaresi. Mrs. Worsiey had just gone to a neighboring grocery store, and in a moment afterwards one of the thieves Fulled, The door bell. No one answering indicated that-, the house was not guarded. Two of `the Fly, scaled the fence, and with a "..`,Jimmy commenced operations on the back AP* Of the kitchen. One bolt was forced oil; and the others partly so. Mrs. W. returned while the 'aeoundrels were at work. They 'were of course surprised, and upon being , confronted with the lady asked her if Mrs. Ketler lived there. She thought there was 'something wrong, and upon discovering that .the door was broken open, gave the alarm by crying " Stop thief!" The despoilers tied in different directions, One of them throwing the "jimmy" in a yard during his flight. A citizen caught one of the fellows, but was unable to hold him. There were no police officers in that section of the city at the time. Citizens who observe well dressed, strange young men or half-grown boys standing about street corners should re gard them with more than ordinary suspicion. This " loafing" at street intersections is con sidered as a preliminary to relining houses. Sometimes women, who, go to market leave their residences without protection. This the thieves ascertain, and they seldom fail to avail themselves of the opportunity thus afforded to commit robbery. °TESTA NTS U COUNC IL. - President Wagner ' yesterday, presented an exhaustive reply to Councilmen Dillon, Griffiths, Judge, Stahl, Campbell and Stocadale, the gentle men who protested, last week, a,aainst the ruling upon certain points of order at the preceding meeting. After an elaborate de fence of his position, General Wagner con cludes his protest against the protest by say ing ;—"By this lengthy discussion I have, perhaps, given the protest an importance al together fictitious, yet I feel justified in tres passing upon the time and patience of Com mon Council if I have overthrown the insinuation that the validity of the ordinance nassed was impaired by my action and de on, and if I have shown that the zeal for the public welfare which, of course, actuated the gentlemen in signing this paper, went be vond their knowledge of parliamentary law." FRENCH BENISVOLENT SOCIETY.-At the annual meeting,held at 307 Walnut street yes terday, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year : Presuient—M. Bouvier. rice President—H. A. Pintarti. - Taeasurer—M. V. Olry. Secretary—N. Petry. Directors—P. S. Bernardy, J. Berr, H. Du commun, P. Lafitte, J. E. Lafore, C. L. Pas cal, W. Pelletier, C. Pam, Hy. Perdritrx, Eug. Roussel. The Society numbers 225 members,including 44 ladies. Amount distributed in money and coal, $1,587 40. 1,012 applications fOr relief were provided for. Persons wishing to become members or de siring to contribute to the Society, will please address either of the above-named officers. THE LIBRARY OF WILLIAM B. REED i 8 to be sold under a Sheriff's execution, by M. Thomas & Sons, at their auction rooms, on Monday afternoon next. Mr. Reed was a dainty collector, and for the sake of the party for whose benefit the books are to be sold, we trust there will be a large assemblage 9f liberal buyers. The catalogue contains about four hundred lots, including fine editions of standard works and an admirable variety of belle's-lettres works. Several are made more valuable by autograph signatures and auto graph letters of their authors. Mr. Reed's furniture has already been Sold by the Sheriff. The house cannot be sold under the execution on account of the first mortgage to another party. STREET CLEANlNG.—Notwithstanding the strenuous efforts made, by the Board of Health to have the streets of the city kept in a clean condition, pedestrians have to wade through mud in almost every section. The contractors seem to almost entirely neglect the work which they have agreed to do and are under bonds for the faithful performance of. The warrants of the non-doing contractors have been with held time and again; and some mouths only three or four contractors have been promptly paid, but even this stringent regulation does not seem to have the desired effect. Propo sals for cleaning the streets for two years from the Ist of January next have been advertised for, and the Board of Health will hold a meet ing to-morrow to receive and open the bids. THE STORES.—The near approach of Christ mas has greatly livened up retail business of all kinds. The streets upon which retail stores are principally located are crowded daily with ladies and others, engaged in pur chasing presents for the little ones. The windows of the stores devoted to the sale of fancy goods, toys and confectionery all pre sent a very showy and and attractive appear ance, and things are going off at very cheap rates when compared with the prices which prevailed two or three years ago. Hoven Ronnzay.—The dwelling of Mrs. Foster, No. "A.. Mt. Vernon street, was en tered through the front parlor-window last evening, while the Wetly was at supper. The thief passed out into the entry, where he se cured two overcoats belonging to Mr. F. F. Shattuck, and then took ins departure, leav ing the front door open. FATAL "RESULT.= Mrs. Mary McNalley, who was badly burned by her clothes taking fire from a coal oil lamp at her residence, No. 1440 America street, as stated in the BULLETIN of yesterday, died from the effects of her inju ries a few hours after the occurrence. SLIGHT FlRE.—Last evening, about eight o'clock, a fire occurred in the cotton factory of Richard Garsed, at Frankford. The flames originated from the picker machine, and wore extinguished before any serious damage had been done. AN OWNER I ,VANTED.-A key for a com bination lock of tire-proof - safe - was found in front of the Academy of Music last even ing,and is now in posSession of Special Officer James N. Roberts,of the Fifth Police District. .A.Nritonv who wants to procure first class confectionery for the holidays—and everybody does, for Christmas without sugar-plums would be like summer without sunshine—should visit the magnificent establishment of Mr. Stephen F. Whitman, at the southwest corner of Twelfth and Market streets. Mr. Whitman has one of the largest and most elegant stocks of confectionery to be found in the civilized world., It comprises every imaginable variety in fruits, nuts, chocolates, bon-bons, fine pre serves, and delicately flavored preparations. Mr. Whitman's chocolate has world-wide fame and does not need any special recom mendation at this time. The stock of fancy boxes in this store is very large, and com prises every possible design, all of them of great beauty. some of the specimens have musical boxes secreted in them. Mr. Whit man can suit any taste or any pocket-boOk. OAIiDALE SKATING PAlni.,For the skating season, now due, but not yet arrived, Oakdale Skating Park has been put in thorough order. and as soon as the weather becomes „cold enough to make ice, skaters will have a full opportunity to enjoy their favorite sport, at a very .popular place. This Park is well supplied with reception-rooms, dressing-rooms, &c., and all have been renovated and refitted for the better accommodation of the patrons of the establishment. ROBINSON'S ABT-SALE.—The fine collection of objects of art arranged for this sale will be dispersed at last to-night. The character of the works of art in this; the third day's sale, ekeeeds the quality of those previously dis posed of.- Sonic of the finest oil-paintings, plain and colored engravings, painted photo graphs, &c., arc included. The opportunity for selecting holiday gifts of an elevated and refining character, at an inconsiderable price, is a rare one. liounAv (llFTs.—Ameng the many useful articles for giftS during the coming holiday season, nothing could he more desirable or acceptable to mother, wife, sister or friend, Than one of WitEELEn & WiLsoN's improvod /family Sewing Machines. Call at the new and elegant salesroom: of.PwrmtsoN CAR.- pENTnit, No. 914 CHESTNUT .STREF.T, and ex amine these unrivalled instruments. They are sold on very reasonable terms. GHOVEIt & BAKER'S ELASTIC STITCH SEI9- '174(; .Is.l nen IN S, also their SHUTTLE OR "LOCH" STITCH SEIVItiC MACHINES, may be obtained during the Holidays on very easy teipie, Salesrooms, 4 '29 Chestnut street. TAE Miff `EV,ENING.II4I . 4ETLIP'-1 9 111LADELPIIIA., FRIDAY,,DEOEMBEII , II7, 1869. THE COUR'X'S. • Nrsr Pnius.--JusticeWilliams.—Rithardson vs. The Bowing Machine Company. Before reported,.. This morning, before thejarycatne into Court with a verdict, the counsel fOrplain tiff suffered a nonault. • Benjamin C. Evans vs. Anspaoh & Stanton. Qn action to recover damages for an alleged breach of contract made in 1863, fdr the do livery of 22,000 pairs of military pants. The defence set up that theplaintiff was to hlatete. On trial Quanynxt Szastors—Judge Paxson.—The whole morning was occupied with an assault and battery case in which there were cross bills, the dispute being between a policeman and citizen. The case was not finished. QUARTER SESSIONS—Judge Peirce.-:--Deser don cases were taken up in this court. THE NATIONAL HOTEL belonging to George W. Griggs, on Main street, Great Bend, Sus quehanna county, Pa., was destroyed by fire on the 13th instant. It is intiuted by the Franklin, Fire Insurance Company of this city. .CITY NOTICES. OUR FIRM BELIEF.—There is always com fort as well as pleasure in wearing a neatly-made, nice fitting pair of French calf bciots; but there are com paratively few among the followers of St. Crispin who thoroughly understand the art of making them. To such of our readers who are not already cognisant of the fact, we would state that William R. Helweg,the accom plished artisan, N 0.535 Arch street, next to the corner of Sixth. has attained such prollcienent hat be invariably pleases all who favor him with their patronage. To undertake to pass through the Christmas II oliclays with out encasing your pedal extremities in a pair of Relweg's boots, is to curtail your enjoyment at least BO percent. You had better go see Ilelweg about this before it is too late. , You CAN REGULATE TAE COLOR.—Every natural shade from light brown to deepest black le im parted by PIIALOWS VITALIA OR SALVATION FOR THE HAIR. The number of applications deterruhao the tinge. It would be like comparing shining water to the drain ings from a marsh, to compare it with the ordinary hair dyes. AN EXCELLENT MEDICINE.--JOIIES Whit comb's Remedy for Asthma enjoys a well-deserved re putation. EVERY variety of ready-made Clothing at CILLS. STOKES'S, No. 624 Chestnut street. GENT'S BLACKING CASES, $2 50, 83 00, $.3 50, $4 tO and $5 00, and a full assort ment of Housekeeping Ankles. PARSON & CO., Dock street, below Walnut. As A HOLIDAY GIFT, nothing could be more appropriate than a Binger Faintly Sewing Machine. To be had upon easy terms at 1106 Chestnut street. - Go To OAKFOIIDS for Christmas presents of Furs, Mufflers and the most exquisite styles of Hate and Ca ps.at their Stores, 634. and 1136 Chestnut street. SINGER'S FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. HALANcI R E N s i t ' o O N L 'ruN I c 4Sal' i n . LmENTs. O. F. 11...vr5, 810 Chestnut street PIIILADELPIIIA SRVVI.NO MACHINE M ART. BOSTON BUNS. BOSTON BUNS. MORSE Al OT 'c 238 South Eleventh street, THE. VERY BEST BLACK FRUIT CAKE, beau tifully ornamented, only 6.5 cents per pound. Mann -902 Arch street. A MEDICAL PHENOMENON !—A • simple lozenge has thrown all purgative pills into the shade. It is palatable as candy. It is the vegetable equivalent of Mercury. It is harmless as water. It cures dys pepsia. It regulates the secretions. It fully relieves the bowels. The . people believe in it. and its name, Dr. Winslow's Laver and Stomach Lozenge, is already a "household word." Sold by all druggists. WHITE IRON STONE TEA SETS. BEAT QUALITY, WARRANTED.' Tea Sets, 60 pieces, cups with handles, $5. Chamber Bets, II pieces, large sizes, $3 25. Flint Glass Goblets new patterns, per dozen, 8 1 . Iron'Stone China Dinner Sets, 00 pieces, g lO. The above goods in quality, patterns and sizes. are equal to any offered in the city at the same prices. Packed free of charge. N. H.—China and Glass loaned to Balls, Parties and Festivals for threeper cent. on selling prices. Can delabras and Vases far flowers. Plated Forks, Spoons and Knives for hiring to phrties,at 12% cents per dozen. SAMUEL FETRERATON & Co., No. 276 South Second street, above Spruce. CORNS, Bunions, Inverted Nails, skillfully treated by Dr. J. Dayldeon, No. 9Th Obeetant otreet. ()barges moderate. JUDICIOUS MOTHERS and nurses use tor children a safe and pleasant medicine in Bower's Initial Cordial• CHRISTMAS AND HOLIDAY GIFTS, of Fine Sable, Mink, and all other stiles of Furs, at lowest prices, at OAKFOIID s. under the Continental 817EGICA.L 11113TINattEliTS and dlllggian3' sun dries. • SNOWDEN & BROTHER, 23 South Eighth street. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATAREIL J. Isaacs, EL D., Professor of the Eye and Ear treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the city can be seen at his office, No. 806 Arch streeti The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in his practice. Arti ficial eves inserted. No charge made for examination It ' IGIOUS NOTICES 80. BISHOP SIMPSON WILL PREACH THIS ( Friday) EVENING, in the Oxford Presby terian Church, corner of Broad and Oxford streets. It§ Das FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Washington Sgnare.—The Second Monthly 'Meetin held oung Men's Association Inte resting church, will behis evening at 7%, o'clock. ex ercises um be ex . cted. it* HOLIDAY - GOODS BONBONS DE PARIS. Paris Confections of Every Variety. The resent enlargement of the Store and an increased number of experienced hands will insure customers being waited on with despatch. C.,PEN AS 830 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. A magnificent assortment of Paris Fancy Boxes and Christmas Tree Ornaments. deg 20trp§ USEFUL PRESENTS. Gold Spectacles. Gold Nose Spectacles. Opera Glasses. Thermometers. SPY Glasses. Cases of Drawing Instruments. Microscopes. Stereoscopes, &c., &c. Will. Y. McALLISTER, No, 72,R CHESTNUT STREET. rp§ Christmas Presents. The Best and most Suitable Present to a Friend or the Needy is a barrel ofour "J 1 &Welch's" First Premium Flour, Anil a bag or half barrel "Sterling's Mountain' , Buckwheat Meal, which we warrant SUPERIOR to ' any other in the U. S. All goods warranted as represented, and delivered free . GEO. F. ZEHNDER, FOURTH AND VINE STREETS THE ~r BEST Buy 41 ~/3\Y feIINATURAiIiAVORRETAIN. *TS Sold by all first - class Grocers By our improved process in canning the QUINTON TOMATOES excel all others both in the quality and .quantity of the contents of each can. Our labels and cases have boon imitated. Beware o substitution. Ask for QUINTON TOMATOES. REEVES dc PARVIN, Wholesale Ageney,46 North Water St. nol3 tf F RENCII KID GLOVES. WHITE KID Gloves I, 2,3, 4,5, and 6 buttons. Light Evening Colors, 1, 2,3 and 4 buttons. GENT'S' KID GLOVES. New Colors, White and Light. Misses' Kid °loess. Imported direct and fur oak at retail only for sash, by GEO. W. VOGHL, 1202 Chestnut streut, HOLIDAY GIFTS RARE CONFEOPIONS Fine Cheeplete Preparatione. The largest and most varied stook of CHOICE, and Ran CONFECTIONS now ready for the HOLIDAY SEASON. BON-BONS, in Bich Papers. BON-BONS,'Conards. BON-BONS, Victoria. DOUBLE EXTRA AND VANILLA CHOCOLATE. Chocolate Nougat, Chocolatena, Chocolate Burnt Almonds, b'tratoberry Chocolate Amarames, Pistacho Chocolate, Jim Crow Choco late, Americano, St. Nicholas Choco late, Chocolate Beans, and Chocolate Medallions, etc. A Splendid Importation of Rich Fancy Boxes Direct From PARIS AND VIENNA. Together, forming a beautiful assortment from which to choose for Select Presents STEPHEN F. WHITMAN S. W. cor. Twelfth and Market Sts. dell-tf rp CHRISTMAS GIFTS ! MUSICAL BOXES. "Bolan Adair,"" The Last Bose of Summer,""ltome Sweet Home," "The Monastery Bells," "Coming Thro' the Bye," "Auld Lang Syne," with Choir Selections from "Lucreala Borgia," "La Belle Helene," "The Grand Duchess," "Trovatore," "Norma," "Martha" and other favorite Operas 1* found in our handsome assortment of Musical Boxes, mating a beautiful and appropriate Christmas Gift. Made to our own order and imported direct by FARR & BROTHER, NO. 324 CHESTNUT STREET, Below Fourth. act.' -w f m Strpg UMBRELLAS FOB HOLIDAY PRESENTS WITH Latest London and Paris Novelties IN HANDLES. WILLIAM A. DROWN & CO., Manufacturers. No. 246 MARKET STREET. deb t 12 4 rp 1107. 1107. CONRAD BROS: CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. COURVOISIEB'S LADIES' KID GLOVES. " MEN'S 41 ALEXANDER'S LADIES' 44 4, MEN'S " SHIRTS TO ORDER. SCARFS, PARTY FANS, STUDS,• OPERA GLASSES, CUFF BUTTONS, DRESSING CASES, DRESSING GOWNS, ODOR BOXES, HANDKERCHIEFS, PORTENDS NAIES, MUFFLERS, CIGAR CASES, SUSPENDERS, SILK UMBRELLAS, PULSE WARMERS, CANES, PERFUMERY. Everything beautiful in our line is represented and for sale choap at CONRAD BROTHERS, 1107 CHESTNUT STREET, (Girard Row.) dela Strp 1869. HOLIDAYS, CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, DRUG° ors, RUGS, MATS, . HASSOCKS, OTTOMANS SHEEP SKINS, Great Tarletp-!Prices Down Witk Gold. R. L. KNIGHT & SON, No. 1222 CHESTNUT STREET. delti-latrp SOLID SILVER WARE Useftd and Valuable .ro ESEN S To Wire, Family or Friends. WM. WILSON & SON'S OWN MAKE, , Old Stand, Cor. Fifth and Chary Stse y PICULADELPIFIA. Also, A No., I PLATED WARE. deW6trp-18t iu§ • . t .. ;„. • !.. A ......:....,..... y .,:„......6 ~. ~..._„...„ ~..T.,,, * f . • - A - :N -. ....'A:'''# . 'A'.. K: . .- . .t. w 4- . ..'X . ..4..: . .]:A.:A-..'...:".....'..E:: w.. A.... A......A.:.-1g,......:A::(...:v, WANAMAKE WAN.AMAKE WANAMAKE WANAMA.KE WANAMAKE WANA WANA WA - NA BANKRUPT STOCK OF SILKS OF A MARKET STREET JOBBER. GOOD BLACK SILKS, COLORED DRESS SILKS, FANCY DRESS SILKS, AT LESS THAN GOLD COST, • • The cheapest Silks we have ever offered. $30,000 Worth of Dress ,Stuffs Closing Out at Less than Gold Cost of Importation. GREAT BARGAINS IN LINEN HDKFS. Gents' extra fine hemmed Hdkfs., 31, 37i, 411, 50. Gents' hemstitched Hilkfs,large size, 50,'62, 71$ Ladies' hemstitched Hdkfs.; 20 to We. Ladies' hemstitched Hdkfs.,corded borders ,20 . 300 doz. Linen Cambric Hdkfs., 8, 12, 15, 25c. Pointe and Pointe Applique Lace Collars and Hdkfs, Valenciennes Thread and Imitation Lace Hdkfs. rOO Real Cluny Lace Collars, 250., worth $l. 100 doz.. Children's Linen Hdkfs., 6, 8 and 10c • Embroidered Linen Sets, at 50c., cost $1 25. Embroidered Sets and Hdkfs. In great variety. 100 Robes de Chambre; New and Beautiful Designs, at less than cost of importation. Printed French Flannels, for Gents' Wrappers. Genuine Jonvin Kid Gloves—Greens, Blues, Purples, Wines, Autumn Leaves, Bismarcks, Tans, and all the choice colors, our own importation. The Best $1 00 Kid Gloves, in 2.'1 the new and desirable colors HI STEEL.& S 0 N NOS. 713 AND 715 NORTH TENTH STREET. 5,000 yards French Chintzes, at 25c., worth 500. Open untillo o'clock P. M. • JONES' CONE-PIMICE_ _ CLOTHING HOUSE, 004 (MARKET STREET. PICILADELPIWIA. First Class Ready-Made Clothing, suitable for all Seasons, constantly on hand. Also, a Handsome Line of ileee Goods for Cus tom Work. CEO. W. RIEM P ANN. roprietor 1869. USEFUL PRESENTS. HARRISON SAFETY BOILER, AMERICAN INSTITUTE FAIR, "Report on Steam Boilers, Thirty;eighth Fair of the American Institute, held in the city of New York, October, 1862 : « Th . e Harrison Safety Boiler.—First Medal and Diploma for Ist, safety; 2d, economy of space; 3d, economy of fuel. This boiler was the only one which was found reliable and ca pable of driving the engines at the Exhibi tion, and•which did furnish all the steam for the competitive test of the eiigines." A true copy from the report on file adopted. (Signed) JOHN W. CHAMBERS, Secretary. ' December 7th, 1869. Address, HARRISON BOILER WORKS, PHILADELPHIA. del3wfrptt MAKE M A K MAX M A K MA MA NA NA M A M A NA M A A M A AMA AMAKE CLOTHING. :First Medal and Diploma AWARDED NEW YORK. - J RI IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOs ANT OISE TO GET THE PRICES DOWN AS LOW t$ R. R. And the reason fir it is quickly understood by those who see E R E R. E R. E R. Than anywhere else, or we will take Goods back and return moor It will be remembered that our Style, Make and Finiskis FAR BETTER than ordinary Ready-Made Clothing: Our large facilities always enable us to SELL CHEAPER THAN OTHER HOUSES ; and now, under these special K E circumstances, it can be readily seen that this is THE opportunity to lay in a K E full supply. . We have still a very large stook (at least $250,000 worth of Goods) and freshly supplied every day by new lots, as we are making up all the pities) goods we have on hand. We continue to allow those whom it suits best to make K E K E selections and pay in installments until all is paid up. Store Open from 7 A. M. to 9 P. M. SIXTH AND MARKET STRILIETS. GREAT\ CRASH DRY GOODS. EVERYTHING DOWN. High Prices Over for the Season. Grand Closing Sale OF RICKEY, sn.A.BP ar, CO.'S IMMENSE STOCK OF DRY GOODS AT RETAIL. UNPRECEDENTEDIBARGAINS IN SILKS, VELVETS, DRESS GOODS AND MISCELLANEOUS DRY GOODS. : i re s. s tock is the 1 :t ° : t :1 3 11 fe= ea d , and contains more novelties and staples of recent importation than can be found elsewhere. ONE PRICE AND NO DEVIATION. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., Sliestaut street. de2 USEFUL PRESENTS • I3'OLIDA~ Yom. Pointe, Real Valenoienne LACES Thread and. Guipure In Setts, COLLARS, lIDKFS., and by the yard. TRIMMED and EMII'D. SETTS. ROMAN SCARFS and SASHES. GLOYESof every description. INDIA and CASHMERE SCARFS. Together with our elegant Stock of SILKS, FOPLINS, and every variety of Dress 43k)ods,Shawls,Cloths,lassimeres,ete JOHN W. •THOMAS, Nos. 405 and 407 N. Second Street, waHmi .x FEW r•Airs wobtAirw- =IIIM=I GREAT WE RAVE 'MUCH STILL TO SELL, 'We A.re Now Selling, WHAT AN IMMENSE STOCK WE HAVE. THE PRICES ARE ALL PUT DOWN, So that we guarantee them FULLY TEN PER CENT. LOWER WANAMAKER & BROWN: OAK HALL, THE LARGEST . CLOTHING HOUSE, DRY GOODS. FOR THE OP THE ; when shown otherwise. BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHERS' OLD AND CHEAP LOCATION, 450, 452 and 454 N. Second Street. DRESS - GOODS at 15 cents. DRESS GOODS at Vicente. DRESS GOODS at rp cents. • DRESS GOODS at 30 cents. DRESS GOODS at x,Ki cents. Large purchases at very low prices enable us to ffer $ very attractive stock AT LESS THAN GOLD COST. In line goods our stock is extensive, and embraces aN the popular styles purchased at the fate AUCTION SALES, Where goods have been so fearfully sacrifices'. In addition to the above we hare purchaaed at auction a portion of a Dry Goods Jobbers' Stock, sold by order of assignees', BLACK SILKS, BLACK POPLINS. COLORED POPLINS. Sot . eral lota Summer 'Drees Goode, which will be nu off cheap. del63t BLANKETS FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS. A full lino of Sa l vrior Blankets at low prices. CIJRWEN STODDART & BROTHER, OLD AND CHEAP LOCATION, 450, 452 and 454 N. Second Street. d el 6 31, LADIES WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, That they can buy the Finest TRIMMED HATS and BONNETS at KENNEDY'S for less than they can buy tno materials and make them themselves. All kinds of Goods have been marked down in order to sell off their immense stock. They are offering GREAT BARGAINS IN . Trimmed Hats and. Bonnets, Steel Ornaments, Ostrich Plumes, Rich Sash Riblons, Felt and Velvet Hats, Bonnet Materials Cut Bias, Velvets, Satins and Laces. This stook is acknowledged to be the finest to be found, and must be closed out at a sacrifice. THOS. KENNEDY & BROS., 729 CHESTNUT STREET. se29 *awn wrzw - narc, • BOOTS, AND SHOES For Gentlemen. BARTL-.ET,T, No. 33 South Sixth Street, • ABOVE CHESTNUT. d013.m w f lyrp H P. & O. R. TAYLOR, PERFUMERY AND TOILET SOAPS. S IA E. DRY GOODS. — MILLINERY 11015155. BOOTS AND SHOES. 41 andet3 North Ninth street
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers