" 6 —City . touneile held 'a stated meeting yes terday. . , . • • —The Chief Engineer 'of the Water Works, Select Branch referred to the Committee on Mr. Frederick Green; yesterday submitted, to Finance a ; resolution :introduced by Mr. City Councils a communication In reference' to Ilumn4 asking theelaegislature to; repeal the the Most , the Board of Health important - deficiencies " in • -the: law conferring .tiOn.. sittlbring Works s The pewees to Clean theaareets. A protest against Chief-statesu mling the cit with water. "that the y . works--are are tlie;propositioa of the Philadelphia and Read - from a want of reservoirs and limited w - ire?, Ithilriaad - E' aimiany, to remove the ••rails wer. For eleven ears nriOr to 1867, when from Broad, streeteupon a guarantee that the poe chief was elected, the only material rails shall never be. removed from Pennsyls he vania avenue, was received and was referred change made in the works was the add'_ to the Committee on Railroads. An ordinance tion of three turbines at Fairmount: in' . crease in the contents of Corinthian avenue for leasireetwo tracts of the Girard coal lands reservoir and a standpipe at the Delaware for fifteen years to the Philadelphia Coal Com patty was adopted. A resolution providing woriz. Much of the power of the works was all ; . leases or sales of found (in 1867) to be in . • the most dilapidated that a than a year; a , belonging '•'; to the . city had not been used for more condition; engine,: No. 1 at Schuylkill works -In 4rt Y . e ' ' shall be made at public auction after due ad- ptimpnt the Delaware works out of order; the vertisement, was offered and was postponed. The engines at Twenty-fourth Ward works in a dl ordinance for the removal of the Reading Railroad Company front Broad street came alp, lapidated condition." "My first efforts," says but was recommitted' to 3. the. •Cettenittee Lon the Chief, " 'were directed Oahe most defective Railroads. An ordinance requiring the owners works, and to get them in such condition as would enable the department to keep up the of switches on Market street to have the tongue switches keyed, Under a Penalty of:ss for non turbine actual daily wants of the citizens." The first c wheel and pumps to supply the place compliance with the ordinance, was adopted. The.ordinance of Mr. Smith, for the exclusion of the breast wheel were put in onemtion Feb., of idlers from the fire grounds, was lost by e; tie 1869, and a second turbine wheel is now under vote. A resolution for the appointment of a way. At the:, Schuylkill worlo a Cornish en- Special Committee to inquire what_amounts gine has been put in the place of engine No. 1, and at the Twenty-fourth Ward works a have been taken from the salaries of policemen, es, for what purp Su os was lost. An ordinance Worthington duplex engine has aided in authorizingkeep the pe rintendent of the City ing up. a supply of water in that district." The Chief further states, " that the unprel . Arsenal to issue arms to uniformed militia Companies upon receiving the proper security cedented drought of the summer has developed was adopted. The Special Committee, to the want of an auxiliary to our ordinary reli which Was referred the 'subject of' the :'coal able water power, which I believe may yet be leases, made a report setting forth that wit implicitly depended upon for at least eight, and nesses were examined under oath, and finding probably ten months of any year,. particularly nothing to justify the charge Wade against the if it is improved by raising:the dam." In re- Committee on Girard Estate, of leasing the fearing to the employment of auxiliary steam lands improperly; but on the ' century, 'a the power the Chief objects to the proposition to evidence went to show that these leases were place engines at Fairmount to pump from below the dam, because the water is contaminated by. made most advantageoualy 'for the Trust. the tide ; if the supply was taken from the fore- The ordinance authorizing the sale of a - bay, it would be a serious disadvantage to the portion of the Almshouse property to the wheels ;if Cornish engines are employed, they University of Pennsylvania came from could not, without great disadvantage, pump Common Council, with.the amendment mak from both above and below the dam. jug the sum $B,OOO per acre, instead of $15,000, proposed by Select Council.," Select Council as The . Chief, in'view of these and' other ob concurred in the amendment nicking the sum jections named, recommends the erection of $B,OOO per acre—yeas 16, nape. 7.' The ordi forauxiliary steam power at the Schuylkill Works, Hance from Common Council, directing re have the reason that it' is a great advantage to pairs to the Mantua and Hestonville ,Railroad, all the steam power 'concentrated at one was concurred in; also the ordinance allowing point. These works are now provided with an a temporary loan; also the billimaklugun ap- ample forebay, which only requires a new propitiation. to the Board of Revision for 1870; inlet from the river to - makeiesuitable.for the also the an appropriation to` the Depart= supply of dolible the number of engines now merit of Police and Fire ' Alarm Telegraph ; drawing from it; also, coal can be delivered to also the annual appropriation ' to' the Depart ofgreat advantage. From this point the highest our reservoirs can be easily reached . by- merit, of Law. mains . of Common Branch postponed indefinitely the moderate length, and auxiliary . power can be erected here and made available ordinance fixing the Lex rate f0r,1870, as, by de much sooner than at Fairmount. It fault, the rate was fixed by Act of Assembly. is proposed to take out engine No. 2 Mr. J. C. Martinpresented a petition, 184 yardS at these works, and put in a Cornish long, for the increase of the salaries of School * Teachers. The' Survey .Committee reported engine, and also remove engine No. 3, to make . Plans for a bridgeover the Schuylkill river, at '' room for one of increased power ; and then Fairmount. An ordinance dedicating to public erect a nevi engine house on the Western Side of the forebaya and place therein engines of use, Locust, Spruce, Pine, Thirty-second, Thirty-fourth, Thirty-sixth and Thirty-seventh ' adequate power to pump through a stand pipe streets, so far as they run through the into any new reservoir which may be erected Alms within a reasonable distance. . house grounds, was adopted. An ordinance to The comniunication- also states that a new systematize the keeping of the accounts of the . various departments' was reported, and was engine as necessary at the Delaware' Works, postponed until Thursday' next. The House and a new ascending main. The west side of of Correction Committee presented an op inion the river will have ample engine power and reservoir, storage when the new works now of the City Solicitor that the city has no right. to use the Almshouse property in tie . erecting are finished. The water power at Fairmount may be improved, should the 'dam TWenty-third Ward for a louse of Correction, and then reiforted in favor of the Clark farm. . be rebuilt at a level of two feet above its present. Postponed. A resolution to discharge the corn height. The third turbine should be truilt in corn the mill house. . mittee from further consideration of the subject In 'reference toproviding additional reser- was then voted - down:" A resolution instragt p voirs, the Chief says, "that the average amount log the Finance Committee to inquire by what authority bills amounting to $750 Were in of water supplied 'to the whole city in the month of July, 1869, reached 41,715,088 gal- elated and paid as the expenses of certain m ions, about 54 gallons per day for each mail, members of Council to Gettysburg, in violation woman and child of the population; the maxi- of the Act of Consolidation, was adopted. The mem demand in a few years will reach at following bills were passed : Appro. . least 75 gallons ahead per day, at which rate priatifig $82,725 to the Board of Revision the Twentieth Ward will require 4,500,000 gal- of Taxes , for 1870; appropriating $50,125 to ions, assuming its population now to be 60,000, the Police and Fire Alarm Telegraph Depart and the Twenty-eighth Ward will consume went for the same year; appropriating $19,350 .225,000 gallons, taking its population at 3,000." to the Law Department for 1870; appro- After mentioning in the Communication priating $237,356 to the City Commissioners plans heretofore proposed for erecting reser- for 1870. The following bills and resolutions voirs, the Chief says : "The plan of supplying from Select Council were considered : An ordinance providing for the support of from the new reservoir now erecting for the west side of the river,'is less objectionable than Guard College. An ordinance providing for other propositions, as the distance to the cen- . i the payment of the expenses of the Girard Es tre of distribution is about 18,000 feet, and the ! tate: An ordinance directing the temporary i i height of the water level above the curb at 'nvestment of the surplus funds of the Girard Ridge avenue and Jefferson street but 100 feet. 1 Estate. An ordinance for the execution of The capacity of. the reservoir will be over 40,- two leases of Girard Estate lands in Schuyl kill county. An ordinance for the issuing of 000,000 gallons, which can be enlarged, or a arms and accoutrements belonging to the city. new one built near the present one, capable of holding $0,000,000 gallons. The engine house An ordinance providing for the payment of the interest on the funded debt. A resolution for now building is calculated to receive one more ' engine, capable of raising 3,000,000 additional the removal of the concrete pavement from Vine per day, with which and an additional main street, near Third. An ordinance for the pay there would be sufficient power to supply the ment of ground rents due on school grounds. Twenty-fourth, Twenty-seventh, Twentieth '—The Penna. Institution for the Blind - held and Twenty-eighth Wards. its thirty-seventh annual meeting yesterday "A storage capacity on StraWberry Mansien afternoon. The annual report shows that property of about 89,130,000 gallons can be there are 183 pupils at the Institution. Of secured at a point much nearer the centre of these 153 are from Pennsylvania ;22 from New distribution than by any other plan proposed, Jersey; 5 from Delaware, and 3 front 'other and 150 feet above city datum, which will give States. , During time past year there were 24,- a head of 39 feet above the highest curb, in the 075 brushes made by the males, which were Twentieth Ward. The cost of this .work is valued at $5,562 89, and 26,213 brooms,'valued estimated at $425,000. It is proposed, to sup- at $8,977 46. There were also manufactured ply the balance of the city, to erect a reservoir, i by them 4,401 whisks, 1,002 mats and 1,708 capable of bolding 635,704,200 gallons, upon yards of carpet. The amount received from the Eastern Park, having a water level of at caning chairs was $224 50. The total least 130 feet above datum, high enough to see_ value of - goods manufactured by the ply the whole city, except the Twentieth, I male inmates was - $16,8 9 9 69. The Twenty-first, Twenty-second and Twenty- females ' manufactured 3,123 articles, valued eighth Wards. Fbr the present it mains could be at $1,085 80. Total value of manufactures, connected with the distributing ainS now $117;975 49, being an increase of $2,394 44 .eading from Corinthian avenue reservoir." , over the previous year. The following officers- This reservoir, the Chief . urges, should be , were elected for the ensuing year: Pesident, erected. The cost of it is estimated at ' Franklin Peale; Vice Presidents, Thomas :S. $1,194.407. ' 1 Kirkbride, M. D., John C. Cresson, Alfred L. The Chief also says that a reservoir, capable i Elwyn, M. D., Anson V. Parsons; Correspond of bolding 13,398,475 gallons, may be erected , ing Secretary, William R. Lejee ; Recording upon the lot of ground owned by the city, west ! Secretary, J. Sergeant Price ; Treasurer, of the Delaware reservoir, at a cost of $l6O,- • : Robert Patterson ; Consulting Surgeon, Thos. 000. If all the reservoirs are built, time entire I G. Morton, M. D. ; Managers, S. Francis storage capacity in them and the old ones on Fisher, Morris Patterson, Caspar Morris, M. the east side of the river, excepting Rox- 1 D., John Wegand, Napoleon B. Kneass, James borough and Germantown, will be 821,603,311 1 S. Biddle, Edward Townsend, John J. Lytle, gallons, equal to about twenty-four days' sup- ' E. S. Whelen Charles E. Lex, James H. ply, at time average rate of delivery in July, , Hutchinson, ill. D., Francis W. Lewis,M. D., 1869, or twenty-two days longer than at pre- Alexander J. Derbyshire. sent..—A young man, named Fred. E. Brown, The following approximate estimates, in ad- was charged with having passed a forged rged check ditien to the above, are given for all the work upon Philip Schwartz, doing bus . nesa in the proposed , : 'To enlarge size of reservoir at Bel- Callowhill Street Market. The accused par mont, $30,000; for 36-inch main from Schuyl- chased $l5 86 worth of beef, giving a check in kill Works to reservoir at Strawberry Mansion, ' payment therefor upon the Third National $140,400; for 36-inch ascending main from Bank, calling for $35. He receivedthe change, Delaware Works, $240,300 ; for - 36-inch . and ordered the beef to be sent to. Mrs. Buck's, ascending main from Schuylkill Works to No. 2028 North Eighth street, swhichp lace large reservoir, $57,900 ; for 36-inch main to could not be found, and, upon the; presenta connect large reservoir with Schuylkill tion of the check at the bank, it was declared a and Corinthian avenue mains, $95,400; for forgery. The accused visited the store of 30-inch main from Strawberry. Mansion to James Hughes, No. 1300 North Third' street, Ridge avenue, $125,000 ; for -30-inch and 24- and after. purchasing a bill ' of groceries ainount , inch mains for the re-arrangement -of- the =1110,0429, offered a check on the Seventh Twentieth and Twenty-eighth Wards,sso,ooo'; National Bank for $45 in 'payment, which new mains for Germantown works, $60,000 ; . refused. He also tried time same game w ith 7 • for enginesof all kinds, $221,850 ; new turbine • John G. Heffner, groCer, corner of Germ-u -wheel at Fairmount, $143,000 ; rebuilding the town road and Girard avenue a a and also a upon dam from low tide, $215,000. Making a Charles Fox, istitcher ' in r, , , • irard Avenue grand total of $3;129,357 from which $6OO,- Market. The accused was held in $3,000 for 400 is to be deducted if die supply should be a further bearine taken from the Belmont Water Works instead ' —Another b. meeting astevenin of ingrain carpet weavers • of Strawberry Mansion. • The communica- l' was hel, lball, Front and pen concludes by stating that the estimated Master streets. Reports were th e were received from receipts of the Water Department for the next ' various shops showing that weavers were at year are $872,000; byi a small increase in the ' work at the reduced readily be 'ensued price. A long discussion water-rents now charged, this may , as to whether a compromise could not increased $200,000. ' be made with the employer . . but :),.no action . —The residence of Eligio Muni, No. 1226 , was taken. veto street, in the Secontl Ward, was robbed of —T he work of fitting up the building,No. about 3,500 cigars and $65 in money, last night.( r al a Locust street, for the use of the ews ' Trunks and bureau drawers were also broken boys' will Dome, be completed in af •weeks, open: Entrance is supposed, to have been whenaccommodations . ' em". tor lodging and feeding effected by means of false keys. : over one hundred homeless boys will be pro -The State Camp of the" Patriotic Order '. vided. Sons eif America yesterday granted charters —A caucus of the iepiti i P 1 V can members of ' for the, instil - Ida - a of two new -Carols, one Commonto Council, yesterday nominated M. be located at Chardville, Schuylkill county, 'Ball Stantonand George ' i u , I. Young as Gaff and one at Danville, Montour county, Pa. ' ' Trustees. CITY BULLETLN.' iMMMUI=UM . . THE DAILY EVENglia 131ILL,FirIN-7131I1L.ADELPHIA,,FRIDAir, DEC4MgER ; 17, isco. —A lady named French, residing in Third street, bad a leg broken, yesterday, by a fall on the pavement. —There are no less than - tur hundred grog mills in Camden, where ruin and" misery are doled out at ten cents a glass. —Yesterday afternoon a man named Bam ford was crushed between the cars at Cooper's Point, and bad his shoulder and collar-bone broken.. He was attended by Dr. White, and is doing well. man named John, Ballinger was struck by, the cow-catcher of the up train of the At lantic Road, on Wednesday night, between Haddonfield and. Camden, and so badly in nred.that he died soon after. —The two men, Corbit and Jones, who were before Majrcir Cox on Wednesday, charged with ba.ving.cOmmitted a series of burglarit. in Bur lington county, were taken to Mount Holly yesterday by Officer Ayres for trial. They were locked up in the jail of that place, and will probably be tried next week, as the Court sits on Tuesday. ,—There is a village near Merchautville de signated "Whisky, Town." It took, its name, from this circumstance : The first settlers there consisted of an old man and woman. Finding times pretty hard they came to the conclusion to set up a tavern,; but, unfor timately,'both loved the "critter."' - They; how ever, secured a gmllon,'and agreed that the price should be *six cents 'a' drink per ;capita. The old lady' had Cents; and soon got dry. She:gaye theur to her husband for' it drink— which was all bad the drink and lie had the "fip,'! a pretty good begimling. After awhile he got dry, and handed over the six cents to the wife for a drink. This was also good, :the wife having had a drink, and, was again owner of the money. But what use is money if 'it does not circulate? Such were her thoughts, and it was not long before the husband was possessor of the "tip" again. In this manner the six pence circulated trona. the One to the other, until the whole gallon was gone, and the six cents had bought it all. It was a good specu lation, but their hotel "busted up," the profits not paying for the raw 'whisky. Hence the name "Whisky Town" has attached to that )lace ever since. In ,the matter of the cktim of the officers of the steamer Triumph, late Atlan* for salary due them, I.T. S. congaissiomm. Clarke, upon the presentation of proper evidence, cer tified the case to Court for its action: Counsel for thi.clainiabts this 'blotting presented a libel to Judge Cadwaleder, asking for .ati. attach ment against the vessel. After aigument, the Court Stated that as the corauulaidafit of the vessel purported to be an Admiral in the Ilay tien Navy, he had doubts as to the jurisdiction of the 11. S. - ahthorities, in , cOnsegitence of which the claimants determined to seek their common law remedy gainst the alleged owners of the Vessel. —A movement is on foot to organize a State Association SA Cricketers, as a nucleus of a national association. The object is to Ameri canize cricket. ' CAMDEN GOSSIP. - —The Courts of Atlantic county conunenced on Tuesday, and ended yesterday. —Petitions, numerously signed, are hi circu lation in Camden asking Council not tp license any more taverns. A FIFTY TUOUSAND DOLLARS LAW SUIT —Mr. Benjamin W. Hitchcock, the originator and successful publisher of Halt Dime Sheet Music,. has commenced'an action in the Supreme Court, against R. M. 'Dewitt, for an alleged infringement of his Trade Mark, laying the damages at $50,000. The Courts have already awarded heavy damages in suits of this kind. IGI EAD CARTERS FOR EXTRACTING 11 TEETH WITH FRESH NITROUS O XIDE GAS. " ABSOLUTELY NO PAIN., . . . . DR. F. R. 1:110111A8, " formerly Operator at Colton Dental Booms, positively tho only Office in the city entirely devoted to extracting teeth without pain. Off ce, 911 Walnut street. mhs lyrp§_ COLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION 08,1 gloated the anaesthetic nee of NITROUS OXIDE, OR LAUGHING GAS, And devote their whole time and practice to extracting teeth without pain. Olilce, Eighth and Walnut streett. ap2Oly FOREIG.N FRUITS, NUTS, &C.-151 HIS - - pine Oranges and Lemons, Turkey Figs, in kegn, drums and boxes ; Austrian IPrunelloa in kegs and fancy boxes : Arabian Dates, new crop ; Tnrkey Prunes In casks and fancy boxes ; Raisins—Layers. See Bess. Imp , •rial, Jac.; Fig Paste and Guava Paste; Maple* and Bordeaux Walnuts,Paper Shell Almonds, for sale by J. B. BUSSIER k CO.. 103 South Delaware avenue. 4 % MONEY TO ANY MI MINT LOANED UPON DLAMONDS,WATOWES, JEWE LRY ONES PLATE&6O CLOTHIN S G, so., M J.' oLD-EBTABLISHED LOAN OFIfICE, Corner of Third and Gaakill streets, Below Lombard. R. B.—DIMOND/3, WATCHES, JEWELBY , GUNS a., YOU BALE AT REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. tfraS ".*:.1: : • , ' • Mated and easy-fitting Dress eats (patented) in all the approved fashions of the season. Ohestant street. next door to the Post-Oilice. ocli-tfrp EDD IN G AND ENGAGEMENT v Rings of solid 18 karat fine Gold—a specialty; a foil aSsortment of sizes, and no charge for engraving names, etc. FARB, It BROTHE, Makers, mr2t-rs tf 824 0 hestunt street below reoirtb.. JOHN . CRUMP, BUILDER 1781 CHESTNUT STREET, and 213 LODGE STREET. Mechanics of every branch reinired for house-building and fitting promptly furnished. fell-tf HENRY PRILLIPPI, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, ' 102,t SANSOIR STREET. jelo-Iyry PHILADELPHIA. PANCREATIC EMULSION, • FOR CON SUAtPTIYES. LEIBIG'S EXTRACT OF MEAT. HAWLEY'S PEPSIN. TOURTELOT'S EXTRACT OF BEEF. Nor sale by, JAMES T. SHINN ocs-bfrp Broad and Spruce streets, Philadelphia PHILADELPHIA SURGEONS' BAND AGE INSTITUTE,I4 N. Ninth st.,above Market. B. C. EVERETT'S Truss positively cures Ruptures. Cheap Trusses, Elastic Belts, Stockings, Supporters, Shoulder Braces, Crutches Suspensories, Pile Band ages. Ladles attended to by Mrs. E. iyl-lyrp MAGAZIN DES MODES. 1014 WALNUT STREET MRS. PROCTOR (Hoak's, Walking Bnita Bilks, Dress Goods, Lace Bkayrls, Ladles' Underclothing and Ladies' Fare. Drama made to memmre in Twenty-four Hours. FUR lit —A FINE MUSICAL Box as a companion for the sick chamber; the finest assortment in the city, and a great variety of airs to a lest from. Imported direst by FARR & BROTHER ' mbllittro 824 Chestnut street. below Fourth. JUST RECEIVED AND IN STORE 1,000 eases of Champagne, sparkling Catawba and Cali fornia Wines, Port, Madeira, fiherrhJamaica and Santa Oruz Rum, One uld Brandies and Whiskies, Wholesale and Retail. P. J. JORDAN, 220 Pear street, Below Third and Walnut streets, and above Doolt street, de7-tf JORDAN'S CELEBRATED PURE TONIC Ale for invalids, family use,,ko. The subscriber is now furnished with his full Winter suppl of his highly nutritious and well-known bever age. Its wide-spread and increasing nee, by order of physicians, for invalids, use of families, dm., commend it to the attention of all consumers who 'want a strictly pure article; prepared from the b materials, and put tip in the most careful manner for home use or transpor tation. Orders by mall or otherwise promptly supplied. . J . JORDAN No. 220 Pear otreOt. do? below Third and Walnut etre° t : R. LEIGH'S IMPROVED HARD 'lubber Truss never rusts, breaks or soils S/40 lifted in bathing • Supporters, Elastic , Belts, Stockings, all kends of Trusses and Brakes. Ladies attended to by MRS. LEIGH 1230 Chestnut, sec ond story. no 9 iy rp§ - imp A Tits TO WATCHES AND m in i m a Boxed in 02011161111111143T64 1 1 1 % workmen. Chestnut street gelow Fourth. HORSE COVERS, FUR ROBES, Lap Rugs and Ilona Gear. All kinds. Mono utter or cheaper. KNEASS'S harness Store . , 1128 Mar ket street. 13Ig Horse in the door. • jyri.lop COTTON AND EIOE.-182 BALES COT ton, It casks Rica—Now landing from stoamor Tonawanda," from Savannah, Ga., and for sale by COCHRAN, RUSSELL Sc CO., 111 Chestnut stroot. NAVAL ST OR ES.-365 • BARRELS Bonin W barrels Pitch, U, Id barrels Spirits Tur pentine, GObarrels Tar, now landing from steamer Pioneer, from, Wilmingten, N. O. and for sale by 00(111RAN. RUSSELL & No. ill Uhebtnut street. SII EATELING FELT. 2 —TEN FRAMES English Sheathing Felt, for ealo by PETZU WILIOUT do SONS, 116 Walunt stroot. t. 01TY OP ALLEGHENY, PA. }•ticy TREMMIREIVO Of/VW/go DoCelubpr 130389. A.LLEGHMNY carry an Cothpromise Bonds Vlinteid. Portions holding Compromise Benda of the City of Allegheny, Pa, are - hereby notified that the Pinking Fund of 1869 will be invested in these thelilweet rates o6red. Proposals will be recelyed by the under , signed until SATUIIDAY, lst,day of January, 18711., D . '3l AOVE 8110/14 Treasurer of the City of Allegheny, Pa, delatjel, SPECIAL NOTICES. CITY OF ALLEGHENY, PA. tir..77 • Tanssuana's Omen, December 13, 1863. Notice is hereby given to the holders of the B.IX PER CENT. lltutielpal Bonds of the City of Allegheny, that the Coupons on said Bonds coming due January let, 1370, will be paid on said day (less the State tax► at the Bank of Pittsburgh, in the City of Pittsburgh. Pa. D. lifAC PERRON, Treasurer of the City of Allegheny, Pa. delstial EAST• PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD COMPANY. ,rIfILADELPIIIA. Dec. 14, 1/69. Notice is hereby ,giren to the Stockholders of this Company that the Annual Meeting and• Election for President and eight• Directors will be held at the Office of the Company, in the city of Reading, on MONDAY, the 10th day of January, 1870, between the hours of 12 DI. and 2 P. M. HENRY C. JONES, deletojalo§ Secretary. fALLENTOWN RAILROAD COM.- PANT. PHILADELPHIA; December 15th, 1869. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of tho Allen town Railroad Company will he hold at the office of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company, No. r 27 South Fourth street. Philadelphia, on MONDAY, January 10th, 1870, at I.e,i o'clock A. 31 when an elec tion will be held for a President and six Directors to serve for the ensuing year. WM. U. WEBB, delstjalo3 Sectotari. . LORBERRY CREEK RAILROAD 10 COMPANY. Pimanni.enta., December 15, 1359. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the " Ler berry Creek Railroad Company" will be held at the of fice of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company 4 No. 227 South Fourth street,, Philadelphia, on MON DAY, January 10th, 1870, at 10 o'clock A. M.,when an election will be held for a President and six irectors to serve for the ensuing year dels t jolos PHFLADELPHIA AND READING EiZ i" RAILROAD COMPANY, OFFICE 227 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Pitit,Atiri.Putii; Dec. 15. IBM ' Notice is hereby given to the Stockholders of this Company that the Annual Meeting soul Election for ,President, six Managers, Treasurer and Secretary will take place on the second MONDAY - (10th) of January next, at 12 M. - WM. M. WEBB, delfdojalo§ . Secretary. 1:1;?THE PINE GROVE AND LEBANON RAILROAD COMPANY, OFFICE 227 SOUTH FOURTH STREET.' • PHILADELPHIA December 15 1869 i The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany, and an election.for officers to serve for the ensu• ing vein-, will be held at the Office of the Company on MONDAY, January 10th, 160, at ll_o'clork Al RICHARD COE, .elfitjalo§ Seeretarr. ub "TB E AIAHANUY VALLEY R. It. COMPANY," OFFICE.. 227 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. PIiII;APELPIIIA, Dec. 15, PO. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholdore of this Com. sauy, and au Election for ()Steers to Barer! for the en. suing year, will b' held at the Office of the Company, on )101/DAY: January 10, 170, at 11 o'clock A. 31. deft tjalo 11ICHADD COE, Secretary, " THE SHAMOKIN AND TEE VORTON RAILROAD COMPANY," OFFICE 227 SOUTH YOU/tall STREET. • PIIILADIiLPiita, Dec. 15 1r3•70. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Com. pony, and an election for officers to serve for the ensuing ear. IN in be hell at the Office of the Company, on MONDAY, January 10. 1870, at 11 o'clock A. M. RICHARD Col, • delMialOg Secretary. 67. OFFICE- OF- "THE RE LIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHLLADEL PHIA," NO. 308 WALNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA, Nov . . 2!). The Annual fleeting of the Stockholders of " ThO Re liance Insurance Company of Philadelphia," and the Animal Election of thirteen(l3) Directors, to serve for the ensuing year, will be held at this Wilco on MON DAY, December 20th,11i69, at 12 o'clock M. n 029 to tle2A3 WM. CHUBB. Secretary. STEREOPTICON AND MAGIC . Lantern Exhibitiona given to Sunday Schools, Schools, Colleges, and for private entertainments. W. HITCH - ELI, 111cALLISTEIL,728 Chestnut litroet, second story, no 2 2mrp§ Om 1109 GIRARD STREET. 1109 TURKISH, RUBBL&N, AND PERFUMED BATHS. Departments for Ladies Bat oven from 6A.M.to 9 P. M. 1.7. PHILADELPHIA, DEC. 7, 1%9. The Directors of the Butler Coal Company have this day declared a semi-annual dividend of eighty-five (t 3) cents par share, payable on and after Dec. 20, 1669. SAMUEL DUTTON, Treasurer, deB 120 138 South Third street. FARMERS' AND MECHIANI . C. arY 'NATIONAL .BANK. PHILADELPHIA Dec. 10, 1969. The manual election of Directoraof this Bank will be held at the Banking House, on WEDNESDAY, the 12th day of January next, between the hoursuf 11 o'clock A. 11. and 2 o'clock P. M. • W. RUSHTON, Ja., delo-tjanl2§ Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 11, 1869. The Annual Election for Directors of this bank will be held at the banking-house on TUESDAY, January 11. 1870, between the hours of 11 o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock P. M. del3,tjall§ MORTON McIiIIORAEL, Jr.,Cashier. 00FOURTHNATIONAL BANK, NO. .72J ARCH STREET. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 11, 1869. The annual election of the Directora of this Bank will be held on TUESDAY, January 11, 1870, between 12 o'clock M . and 2 o'clock P. M. F.. F. MOODY, del3',3ot§ Cashier. Doz, NATIONAL BANK OF COM MERCE. PHILADELPHIA, December 10,1&;9. The Annual Election for Directors will be held at the banking-house on THURSDAY, the 13th day of January next, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. del3 tj — al.3§ JOHN A. LEWIS, Cashier. • (0. MECHANICS' NATIONAL BANK. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 8,18 A The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Batik, for the election of Directore,will be hold at the banking house on WEDNESDAY, January 12, 10,R between the hours of 12 M. and 2P. 31. " del3 tjal2§ J. WIEGAND, JR, Cashier. o:2 p, THIRD NATIONAL BANK. PHILADELPHIA, Doc. 11,180. The Annual Election for Directors will be held at the bankiniz-liouse on TUESDAY, January 11, 160, between the hours of 12 M. and 2 P. 31.. del tiall§ lt.. GLENDENNING, Cashier. COMMONWEALTH NATIONAL BANK. DecenaPrn. 1869. The Annual Election for Directors will be held at the banking-house on TUESDAY, Sanuary 11,1670, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock P. del3tjall§ H. C. YOUNG, Cashier. IVDELAWARE AND RARITAN CANAL COMPANY. PRICE OF TILE ENGINEER AND SUPERINTEN DENT, TRENTON.Pecember 11,1869. The water will not be drawn from the level of the Delaware and Itaritan Canal until the 25th mat. J. G. STEVENS, . del3-m w f-3t§ Engineer and Superintendent. ._ _ . [u. NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK, PIIILADELPHIA. Dec. 9, 1869. The Annual Meetin i g of the Stockholders; for the Elec tion of Directors, wi be held at the Banking Home), on TUESDAY, the Ilth day of January, 1870, from 12 to 2 P. M'. J. W. GILDOUGM, delOtltg Cashier. azu NATIONAL BANK OF THE NORTHERN LIBERTIES, PHILADELPHIA, December 10,1969. The Annunl Election for Directors of this Bank will be held at the Banking House, on WEDNESDAY, the 12th day of Januar/0870, between the hours of 10 A. M and 3 P. M.W. GUItUSIBER, delOf to tojall§ Cashier. cricaHOWARD , HOSPITAL, NOS. 'l5lB emd IMO Lombard street, Dispensary Doiartatent. I treatment and medicine furnished grataitowdr to the boor. BUSINESS CARDS. Established 1521: WM, G. FLANAGAN & SON, HOUSE AND SHIP PLUMBERS, No. 129 Walnut Street. wily§ MOO A. WRIGHT, THORNTON PIKE, CLEMENT A. 011.111. COM, THEODORE WRIGHT. PRANK L. NEALL. MITER WRIGHT dr SONS, Importers of earthenware nd a Shipping and Commission Merchants, No. 114 Walnut street, Philadelphia. F a B. WIGHT 4 of A ffeaclo ß afaile . 7 o nmlesloner I)onneylvarits In 06 Madison otroot, No. 1 11 1 , i titi m ago,1111nolo. aulittfi COTTON BAIL DUCK OF EVERY width, from 22 inches to 78 inches wide all numbers Tont and Awning Duck, Papermaker's Felting, Bail Twine, &c . JOHN W. EVERMAN, a2B No. lO3 Church street, City Stores. PRIVY WELLS.- OWNERS bF7PßOP arty—The only place to get Privy wellscleansed and disinfected, at very low prices. A. PHYSSON. Dana. lecturer of Poudrette. Goldsmith's Hall. Library. street I'iOTTON.-Ib 7 BALES COTTON, LAND- N_Jing from Rteamor Tonawanda, for Halo by OOOA• /lAN • AUE3t3ELL & CO., 111 Clioatuut.dtroet, 2.2 L NEW OARPETS. AXINMSTERS, WILTON% VaterS, - " • BRUSSELS, ANDINGRAINS , Venetians, pruggets, Oil clotlis, LEEDOM Ar, Si3O4:VV, . 22.1 . 9 O ARCH STREET. IiEMOVAL. ' JOSHUA. COMMAND & NOES 'YAWL lIRMOVED Trutt. LOOKINHHLASS AND I , IOTURE-FRAME STORE To No. 18 NORTH SIXTH STILEST, Where they offer. at Reduced Prices -a geoetal assort snout of LOOK ING.GLASSES, IPIUTURE-FR AMES, LARGE FRENCH PLATE MIRRORS, OUSTAIN ()ORR ICES, ROOM MOULDINGS, &c. • 00 ; 4 .w frd MOS_ BEALE, D., & SON, DENTIST B I S.. hive ratoovod to 1116 0 rard etreeit. 0023 &ay ASSERTS DANCINGACADEMT, NO. 808 FILBERT STREET. All the Now and Fashionable Dances Tacight. Ladies and Gentlemon--Idonday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday Evenings. Elm* and Eastern—Tuesday and, Saturday After noons. Gentlemen Only—Saturday Evening. Private lessons.singly or in classes, at any hour to snit convenience. -2mt WALNUT STREET THEATRE, . N. E. cor N loth and Walnut streets. THIS, FRIDAY, EVENING, Dec. 17th, ISM, BENEFIT. OY" MISS BATEMAN, When will be presented the New Drama, by Tom Tay lor, written expressly for Miss Bateman, entitled MARY WARNER. DIARY WARNER. MISS BATEMAN Miss Bateman will be supported by Mr. GEORGE JORDAN, MISS VIRGINIA FRANCIS and the full strength of the Company. L. A DIA.TIN RE WILL B GIVEN EVERY SATURDAY. L AURA, KEENE'S _ Ch ESTNIIT STEEET THEATRE. SECOND WEEK OF THE GREAT SUCCESS! Colonel Fitzgerrild's new romantic drama, in five ads, PLAYING) TO 01WW DEB HOUSES. PATEICE ; OR, THE WHITE LADY OF WICKLOW. I'ATRICF ' , libel LAURA.KEENE FOURTH CH ILDREN'S DIATINEE.SATUR DA V at 2. The Play-7POOIt BABES IN THE WOOD ; Or, THE KIND FAIRY BIRDS. Evening, doors open at 7. Commence at .4 to 9, it/rEB. JOHNDREW'S ARCH STREET .1.11. THEATRE. 'Begins Xto a. • LAST WEEK OF OVERLAND ROUTE, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THE OVERL A N D RS ROUTE. and FRIDAY, New Scenery, Great Cast. MRS. JOHN DREW as DIRS. SEBRIGHT. Aided by the Full Couipauy. SATURDAY—BENEFIT OF R. CRAIG, SEVERAL CoIIEDIEs IN IiEIIEAILSAL. LITTLE DOBR11'! in preparation. VOYAGE O LIFE, OR THE WORLD'S F PROGRESS.-31ercantRe Library Hall, Tema,- above Chestnut. Will open on SATURDAY EVENING, b'th lust., for a short season, a magnificent H iatorical and instructive series of Illuminated l'iorks of Art, blending the most beautiful chemical effects of lights atid shadeaaM folnh , d npoa the principles of Natural Philosophy. Eywellent tatisic, and interesting Lecture at each entertaintuent, Admission ,10 cents. del72t4 A CADEMY OF MUSIC. First Exhibition Drill. and Musical and Dramatic Entertainment,ty COMPANY s, CADETS, PHILADELPHIA CITY GUARD. THIS EVENING, at 7! , a o clock. Admis.ion, tO cents. lt,rtiurvoml kelits,7s centri. ' AV3.I. IL WEBB, Secretary DUI'ItISZ & BEN EDI() T'S OPERA. HOUSE, SEVENTH Shwa, below Arch. (Late Theatre Coml.:me./ SCAR WEEK 1 STAB WEEK!' TIIIS EVENING AND EVERY NIGIT. 131., , PREZ & BENEDICT'S Gigantic Minstrels and Burielmne Opera Troupe. Engagement of the Great Comedian. Mr. FRANK BROWER, FOR SIX NIGIITS ONLY. First Week—Mr. Brower's 'Virginia Mummy. Firet Week—Great Giraffe Dance, First Week—Kent's Girl of Period. rATtripktea gEmovAg" DANCING ACADEMIES. AMUSEMENTb. FOX'S AMERICAN THEATRE, EVERY EVENING, LAST NIGHTS OE THE RIZAHELLI 13110TBERS; Prisnere Danseuse. me. Luro3llle. DE ItOSA; MILLER 13EALL, The D ay- State Boys, Mr. Juan Shay, !cc.; MISS EVA BRENT, Queen of Song. Matinee on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. TEMi C LE OF WONDERS, . ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. SIGNOR BLITZ in his pew mysteries, assisted by his son, THEODORE BLITZ. Evenings at 7'4. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday, at 3. Magic, Ventriloquism, Canaries and BurlesnUe Min strels. Admission, 23c.; Reserved Seats, sOc. PARLOR CONCERTSr.-SECOND CON CERT will be given at NATATORIUM lIA'LL, Broad street, below Walnut, SATURDAY EVENING, December,lgth. Subscription Tickets for the remainder of the SERIES and single tickvts to be had at L. MEYER'd Music Store r No. 1413 Chestnut street. and single tickets at the door. (103 m w f a 4t` NEW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA HOUSE FAMILY RESORT. CABNCROSS * DIXEY'S MINSTRELS, EVERY EVENING. J. L. CAANCROSS, Manager. QtAITZ AND HASSLER'S MATINEES.- Mruttpal Fund Hall, 11369-70. Every SATURDAY AFTERNOON. at 1131, o'clock. ocl9- ti A CADEM Y OF FINE ARTS, CHESTNUT street, above Tenth. Open from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Benjamin CHRI S T Great REJEC Pictu TE re D of Is still on exhibition. .7141 NEW PUBLICATIONS. LIUNDAY SURO.OLS DESIRING THE 10 beet Publications, send to J. C. GARRIGT:ES & CO., at the S. S. Emporium, No. MS Arch St. dell 11010 E ENGLISH. BOOKS FOR PRE C - SENTs.. C. .1 .PitICE, Importer of English and French Books, &c. No. 723 Semeom street, invites the attention of boo , k-bny_ere to ~ t iperb stock of ELEGANTLY BOUND AND ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, together with a great variety of JUVENILE BOOKS, CIIROMOS, &C., suitable for Christmas Preeennis: 'AT'initiive most rea sonable rates. ENGLISH, FBENCH -AND-GERMAN BOOKS AND PERIODICALS DIPORTED TO ORDER. idelo-12; rHIL OSOP HY OF MARRIAGE.-11, new course of Lectures, as delivered st • the New rk Museum of Anatomy; embracing the subjects; How to Live and what to LiYe for; Youth, Maturity and Old Age; Manhood generally reviewed; the Cause of In digestion, Flatulence and Nervous Diseasea accounted for; Marriage Philosophically Considered &0., &o. Pocket volumes containing those Lectures will be for warded, post paid, oh receipt of 25 cents, by addressing W. A. Leary,,lr.t Southeast corner of Fifth and Walnut streeta, Philadelphia, fa 26 lyi COAL AND WOOD. COAL ! THE CHEAPEST AND BEST IA the olty.—Keep constantly on hnnd the oelelirated HONEY :BROOK and HARLEIGH LEHIGH; also, EAGLE VEIN, LOCTJST MOUNTAIN and BOSTON RUN COAL. J. MACDONALD. Ja. Yards, 519 Soutb Broad et. and 1140 Washington avenue. 00l Sm S. MASON SINES. .701 IN Y. FIEBAYP. TIEUNDERSIGNED INVITE ATTBIT. to their stock of Spring Mountain, Lehigh and Locust Mountain Coal, Which, with the pration given by ns , we think can. not be excelled by anytlier Coal, Office, Franklin Institute Building, N 0.16 £l. Eleventh street. SINES & BEIBAFF,_ 10 . 0 . tr Arch street wharf. Schuylkill. MACHINERY, IRON. &U. MERRICs & SUNS A SOUTHI,VARK FOUNDRY, 430 WASHINGTON Avenue, Philadelphia, , MANUFACTURE STEAM ENGINES—Thigh and Low Pressure, Horizon tal, Vertical, Beam, Oscillating, Blast and Cornish Pumping. BOILERb--Cylinder, Flue, Tubular, itc. ST,fiAllf HAMMERS —Ntuanyth and Davy styles, and of ail sizes. CASTINGS—Loam, Dry and Green Band, Bras., &o. ROOFS—Iron Frames for covering with Slate. or Iron, TANKS—Of Cast or Wrought Irou,for refineries, water, oil, &c. GAS MACHINERY—Such as Retorts, Bench Castings. Holders and Frame., Purifiers, Coke and Charcoal Barrows ,Valves, Governors, &o, DI SUGAR ACHINERY—Buch as Vacuum Pane and Pumps, Defecators, Bone Black Filters, Burgers, Washers and Elevators, Bag Filter., Sugar and Bons lila& tiara, &c. Solo manufacturers of the following specialties: In Philadelphia and vicinity,of William Wright's Patent Variable Cut-off Steam Engine. In the United States; of Weston's Patent Self-ceater ing and Self -balancing Centrifugal Sugar draining Ma chine. - Glass & Barton's imprOVement on Aspinwall & Woolsey's Centrifugal. Bartors Patent Wronght-Iron Retort Lid. Stratum's Drill Grinding Rest. Contractors for the design, erection and fitting up of Re fineries for working Sugar or Molasses. COPPER AND YELLOW Bneathing, Brazier's Copper NMlsißolts and Ingot Copper, constantly on band and for sale by HENRY WINSOB. & CO.. No. 893 South Wharves. PIANOS. & DIANE CLASS atlmalt l e l olt i tt Pil utra i u n i li p ci a s s . seti Orchard - In, and C;illbrt Planoa. . For Hale at bargains only by dat)dn. a tulto A. 6C11.111tZER,52.5 Arch ,3trcot. Fox thud, ':it A:iiitt-Ai....•-•;is NEW AND HANDSOME DWELLING, 2107 SPRUCE STREET, 4.Btery(Frouch roof.) Finished in Fine Style. Built Owner. Will be 80k1 reasonable, and not mica mon" needed. APTLY TO JOHN WANAMAXER, Sixth and Market Streets. 111, ARCH STREET RESIDENCE a FOR SALE, No. 1922 ARCH STREET. Elegant Brown-Stone Beehlence, throe stories sad Mansard roof ; very commodious, furnished with AMP modern convenience, And built in a very enpertor and etibetantlal manner. Lot 28 feet front by 130 feet deep f Cuthbert street, on which is °recta& handsome tort* Stable and Coach Howie. •• 3. M. OUDIMEI7 P BONO, 723 WALNUT Street. IMO eft TEREDEE3IABLE SILVER GROUND RENTS FOR SALE.--On the 34 January. liffo, at t P. bl., there will be e,old, under an order in partition, by the. Sheriff, in the old Quarter &embank room. a valuable het and dwelling house on Wayne avenue, between Queen and Ilenhoini streets, In tlermantowls,63 feet be 76 feet, and several:lrredeemable ground rent* payable. in elltc:t motley. These rents are in stuns of illlll Z. *29 23:83:1 91. 15•39, 041 SO. 125, "49, 613, felft 75, 1,16, /530, am, )36, ea.. $26, 4536.012; ale°. Tour rented .61 each, and one of 6.36, payable iu lawful money. For particulars see Sheriff's handbills. Briefs of title can I" seen at the office of It. C. Mr7dUBTRIE. dclb w 416 Walnut etnert. f;ER 3t WN FOR . The Handsome Stone Residenee. baring elrery . city con veniences iu perfect order and well shaded. Situate northwest corner rest Walnut Lane and !dor - ton street. .1. )1. t.C)IMEY & SONS, 733 Walnut et. C 4 FOR . BENT-448 NORTH(FIFTII7. - - Mathselling, 11 looms. 1315 Jefferson,' dw.illiag;' II rooms. IVouttland 4tl4 , et tarot, West rhiberjelpbia, New, Low rent. FlitiLt. SYLVESTER., 204 Month Fourth Eitrftt. • • , dr; F P.E STItEET (NO. 734), .71telern Nreidence.l.l feet (rent. , Filbert street (No. 1.307 ',Three-story 1/wc/ling ; Throe °tory back buildings std 10t.% by Ti. (1.47'40 N OIC T 11; II TE ENTH sritmh"r, Jett,' abo% ry 31tedern Residence. - - •11411. rtVINESTHR, tlel7-20 Ziol. 4 ...rourth street. . FOE SALE—NOILTH BROAD T. La property, two fronts, 64 by RV fmt, to rsilros4L now °crushed its a coat yard. witN stock antl futures. Will rent. EDWARD ti. SCHIVELY, 123 fiAerentli street. ' deltear f rot• GERA'ANTONVN COTTAG F. FOR. sita. solo, Woe: 'Walnut Lone,—Hpleulltt French goof cottage. E rooms, !Argo lot. Toms racy. Apply at once to V. KEVSKIt KING, next dept. l,rrmsit• P.CII STREET PROPERTY FOR. Sele.—inuinttliate possession. The handsome tonr-stOry residence. No. 110 Arch Meet. Apply to William Bossed' Allen 331 Walnut street. delt:eit • VI HIGH STREET, GERMANTOWN- Vor Eale.—A tionbist atone 'residence with all the city conveisienCe. erohnds arts handsomely laid eat anti plantrl tsith choke frnt, allot& treesendehrahbery. Located within tire ntirmsts walk of Ilailread Depot. J. M. Gumanr & Noss. 731 Walnot street. • EtFOR 841 1, E--TIIE HANDBO3rE three-story brick dwelling with attles and threw atory back buildings. situate No. 118 North Nineteenth street:Luta erery ino4ern convenience and improvement, and in perfect order. Lot 25 feet front by 103 feet deep. inunediate poeseseion'given. J. 11. GU3IMEY SONS 733 Vi'aluut street. E. 4 FOR SALE—DWELLINGS 1fir."1.2524 North Broad, IMO North Ninteenth, 27 South Second, . 1.10 North Street. 2620 Christian 909 North Fifteenth street Algo tuany thbers for sale and rent. .IA.MES W. BAVBNI3, S. W. cor. Broad and Cheetnut. FOR SALE DWELLING 1491 North Thirteenth street ; every convenience, and In gE order. Superior dwelling. 1t22 North Twelfth streetiale °en temp. ea,zoo. Three-story brick. re North Twelfth street, having • good two-story dwelling in the rear, SUOO. Throe-story brick, lie Powell street, in good order. $2,760. Store and dwelling, No. 340 South Sixth street. as,ooo. Frame house, 909 Third street, South Camden, near Spruce, clear., SM. 6)0 Queen street, two-story brick, good yard. Building Lots on Passyunk road, and a good Lot at Bistrig sun. ROBERT °EMMEN ik 80N. 537 Pine street. FOR SALE— THE HANDSOME Brown Stonawa nd as Brig 11 , 1,o,21& the b ° esV ree it'a w nner a . irn 4:1%1 P if... ° ::: ( ll; uu t tla half can remain. if desired. Apply e to p o sses • JORDAN. 433 Walnut street. NA - FOR THE VALIIABLE Property B.W. corner of Fifth and Adelphd streets. below Walnut. 82 feet front by 198 feet deep, fronting on three streets. J. M. GLIMMEY & 80Nti, 713 Walnut street.- el FOR SALE-A HANDSOME RESI DENCE, 2118 Spruce street. A Store and Dwelling, northwest corner Eighth and Jefferson. A tine Residence, 1721 Vine street. A handsome Res idence, 400 South Ninth street. A handsome Residence. West Philadelphia. A Business Location, Strawberry street. A Dwelling,No. Spruce Street. Apply to COP: UCH Ar JORDAN. 433 Walnut street. WO RENT. --- CREEBE & ucOOLLUM, REAL ESTATE AGENTS. - OMee,Jackson street, opposite Mansion street, paps Island, N. J. Real Estate bought and sold. Pers desirous of renting cottages during the season will app., or address as above. _ . Respectfully refer to Chas, A. Rubtcato,Henry BLUM Francis Mcllvaln, Augustus Merino, John Davls F u ltd W. W. Juvenal. fot3- it COMFORTABLE DOUBLE OFICE A to rent, at No. 112 South Fourth street', near Chestnut street. Very central for any,buslness. dell-tt* LET.—A SPACIOUS SUITE OF COUNTING ROOMS. with ono or wore lofts, on Chestnut street. Apply to COCHRAN, RUSSELL & 00.,111 Chestnut street. 0c.22411 inTO. Llit7- 1- IMITATION BROWN: stone Dwelling, side yard 121 A Coates street. 12 rooms. In perfect order. EDWARD R. SCHIVELY, 12Efliortb Eleventh street. ' del3m ar f3t* En TO -L No; 10 NORTH Ellif.Third street; from end after the Ist of February next. Apply to GEORGE L. ASHISIEAD, Nu. 333 Wal nut street. . dons 3t* 7 01 -7 ,711 TO RENT—DESIRABLE STORE, MIPS°. 1517 Market street. /Limb' to ALFKILD G. BAKER. 41151Thestnut street. delta CI FOR RENT.—S.' W. CORNER MAR ket and Sixth etreete, large and desirable store. 31) M feet front'. J. M. GUMEY tt SONS, 7.33 Walnut street. sig FOR ItENT—THE LA,RGE DWELL- J 1124 ING, situate N. E.Torner Eighteenth and Vino etreete, suitable for a Boarding MAW?, J. M. GUM- Id - EY St SONS, 733 Walnut street. TI - LIED STREET.—FOR RENT—ME old-established Business Stand, situate No. 2,4 North Third street. J. M. GLIIMEY 1c b0N13,.733 Walnut street. LIFI TO LET—DESIRABLE NEW IRON e front store, No, Gls Market street, 72 by ISO feet to Commerce. Excellent light. A prly to JOHN PEARCE, No. 32'7 Market street. WTO LET—HOUSE 7043 SOUTH SEVEN. SEVEN. TEENTII street. Portable heater, range, bath, hot water, gas—all the modern conveniences. ' Eight rooms. Apply on the premises. no24tf FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT— It atn v o t s u s azo o. l ll I g te n e tre j et west.- t. c Twentieth.ilfmbi tr autigs Walnut street. NORTH NINETEENTH STREET.- nu To Reut—Tho three-story residence, with three story double back buildings and side yard ,• has all the modern conveniences. Situate No. 102 North Nineteenth street, second door above Arch, J. IL OUMMEY & SONS, 733 Walnut street. MORTGAGES. 0. I o.' S 7ON D I - gage. Apply to A. NITLEII, ill N bah street don WANTS. WANTED—A PAItI NEI2, WITItS36,OO, " in an old and profitable T 1& broineee, Addce ee P O. Box 2155, with read name, Muting time and place of Interview. del7 3t rp". te.AEDINC# WANTED FOR TWOi5ER HOUR—botAxeon Pine , and Ram west of Broad. Terum to be moderate. RefereneeH eNehauvd. Addrot4 t" 0, But.,b - LTLIS OiliCe. defy mor,f 30' CHESS COLIIMN, PUIMAD ELPHIA EVENING imuumnri FSIDAt 000 1 4.4 r, 17. /P. ALL communications for this_column must beaddreascd "`Chess Editor of EvinsiNajßip , satiins," and should reach the of at/latest, on-Thureilay morning. Ail ,Probleins must be ascompanto by the solutionand unlit° of the rikunveser. Cllnfif3 prizes Cr:nu-4;07 Walnut street. Open daily, ATinerh: UM —Sixth „and' AtielPti staff .., Open daily. _ ~ MERCANTILE LiiinArtv—Tenth street, near Market. Open daily. • • GrumAN CLu IS—Fourth and Cherry streks: Open Wednesday evenings 2 • _ , Howxt. ,Dm t . e,,s.,xn--4iiii .141 - Orth :Third, stregte 'Open daily. , , . .. , , ~', , . ....,, , e,.. ;., Answers to Correspondents. if W. E, T.”—Correctlon received. z Glad to, bear from you again. ." ' ;', The Tourney at the Brooklyn Club has terminated. The first prize -was carried off by Mr. Men zingir, and the titan& mar. A little contest is also going on between Messrs. Meriam and Delmar. Tournaments are aimy going on at the„2i4...w yorlc, Chi!) and Cafe Ettioria.f. f't Probiemlio. 706. By t.. 0., of Troy, N, Y *,BILAGIi... • - , 7,,,6 ',./„''%. //'• / - 4 , ~,' '7 , 7;•/, % ' ~', nA .&' / ,/.," %A / ~, / m // ;',//,7•//;//' /%7 - ' / / /1' / 6. ,'% Vi• %,, P / / / 4,4 ',/a 7 , 4 7/ , ,,, v ' .. - 7/ 4 / , '%•%0 7 •,' mrP •V OW" ) '' • // "., 7 ,,'Y - A r //// * W/i4 ',7) ..M., V/A / /////, *///,-,,,,.%,/ A, „„ ~- 4-"'" ~Z / A'' ' // / 41.-A 4:722; 11IX , /%/7/4 %-'4 gt -, 4„„ • „ / ,' / g' ,' gl L f: c,.//5,, m ;,,', ••,,,,,..:„,,, , / •,‘; . ,5/4 , ,„, "'Z " I:,e/1 , V5',4 '. pee/ / 4 VO; / '', ,V , ,!Y „ 7 ice.: / 4 A / / Y /,/ 4r , V ' L „ , , 1 , / A, ', „ : A / White to play and mate in three moves CIIEBB rw i PRILADELPHLA. • • Gam No. =63.. , ' Between Mr. James G. Whiteman and Mr. Reichhelm. (French Opea W. (Mn. WHITEMAN.) B. (MR. Ity(cuttii.x.,ta.) 1. P to K 4 • K ( l e/o. iamo N 0.2338.) " 2. P to PQ' 4 Q 4 • 3. P x • 4. Ktto KB3 Kt to KB3 6. B to Q - (1 B to Q 3 • I. Castles Castles 7. Kt to 13 3 BtoKKts 6. P to K It 3 B to R 4 9. B to K.Kt 5 P toll 3 10. P to K Kt 4 Etolit3 11.KttoK.5 QKtto(l2 • 12. P to B 4 11 x 1; 13. Q x 11 Qtoß2 I~.4jlttoKsq QlttoKsq Pto 11.3 ' QtoKt 3 16: P to Kt 4 (Fearing P to Q B 4.) 16. B x Kt , 17. P x B KttoK 6! 16. Bto K 3 Kt x Kt 19. ta x Kt Ptoß3 20. Rto K 2 . QtoKt 4 21. Q It to 112 P x P 22. It x It (eh) It x Ii Sri: It x K (eh) K x It 24. P x P Q, to 11 26. Q Q • Px Q 26. B x P Kt x P -27. K to B 2 Ktoß2 Kto K 3 KttoQ2 - BtoQ4 P to Q Kt 4 30. KtoK4 P to It 3 31.13 to B 2 K to K K to Q 4 K to B 3 33. 11 to Kt 3 P to K Kt 4 Abandoned as drawn 'CIIESS IN GERMANY. Game :ti o. 2 364. At the North German Congress, between Messrs. Anderssen and Minekwitz. (Rtw.L4pet Attack.) TV. ANDE11.8810:.) B. (Mn. :I.ll.tiCti WITZ.) 1. P to IC 4 PtoK 4 2. K KC to B 3 Q Kt to B:3 3. II to Kt 5 - P to Qt It 3 4. 13 to R 4 Kt to 13 3 5. P to Q 3 PtoQ 3 6. 13x 'Kt (eh) Y x 7. P to K R. 3 P to It 3' 8. Kt to 13 3 P to 1.1 4 9. Iltolia P to Kt 3 10. Q to Q 2 I3toICKt2 11. P to K. Kt 4 Q R to Kt sq (This appears u.seless.) 12..1' to lit 5 B to K 3 • 13. Kt to R 2 Kttota 2 14. Kt toßsq lit to Kt 3 15. Kt to Kt 3 Q to R 5 Q Kt to K 2 Q to K 2 (?) 17. P to K. 13 3 P to Q 13 3 18. P to K R 4 P to Q 4 (?) (Mr. M inckwitz ascribes the loss of the game to this move.) 19. Q to R 5 Pto Q s 20. Btoll so Bto Q sq 21. P to It Q tot/ 3 ~ R 2. P to lit 5 RPxP 23. BxP Ptoß3 24. B to B sq RPxP 25. Kt x P 13 to fin 26. Q Kt to Kt 3 • K. It to Kt mg (K to Q so is better.) 27. B to It 3 KtoQ sq 28. IC to B 2 Ktoß2 • . Qlttoli Kt sq R I O Kt 4 SO. Kt to B 5 B x.Kt '3l.Rx - R PxR 32. l' x B K to Kt 2 33. lit to Kt 3 Kt to Q 2 34. KttoK4 „QtoK2 35. B x P! lit x 13 26. Kt x Kt (oh) x Kt. - 37. It to It 7 (eh) Qto K 2 (best) 38.11 x Q (eh) Bxlt • 39. Q x K Y, and wins. Game No. 2366 In the same Congress, between Messrs. Zaker tort and Alexander. • • (Buy Lopez Attack) W. (MR.ZIIKERTORT.) B. (Mn. ALExAmnna.) I.PtoK 4 PtoK4 2. K Kt to g 3 QKttoß3 3. B to Kt 5 K Kt to 11 3 4. Castles 11 to K 2 5. Kt to B 3 PtoQ3 6. B x Kt (eh) P x B • 7.PtoK 1v 3 • Castles 8. P to Q 3 Kt to K sq (It to Q 2 is somewhat bettor.) 9.PtoKKt4 10. Kt to It 2 PxP 11. P x P B to K 3 • .12.KtoKt2 . Ptota4 13. Qto B 3 • • • Pto Q 5 14. Kt to K 2 P to K 11 4! Well conceived.) : • , 15. Q to R 3 P x Kt P 16.ItxP B x ICt 17. Q x B • Kt to B 8 (?) irretrievable oversight.) 18. Q to K 6 (ch) -R to B 2 19. QxKP Pto 134 20. QtoK. 6 • It to Kt sq 21. R to It R fo Kt 3 22. Qto R 3 Rtoß sg • 23. Ktto 13 4 • Qto Q 2 24. P to K 5 Q x Q (ch) 23. R.x Q, Kt to Kt 5 26. Kt to Q's • RtoIC 3 27. Kt x B (ch) R x Kt . 1.13.Pt0K84 R to K 3 B to. Q 2 . Kt to It 3 . 30. RtoK Ng , 4, Kt to B 4 31. K to 13 3 P to B 3 32. QlttolC R sq Kt to It 3 ' 33. to K - 4" Kt to B 2 34. P to B 3 Kt to Q 3 (oh) 33. K toll 3 ' Kt to B 2 •, 36. IC to K. 2 Kt to It 3 37. Icto Q Ng ' R to 13 4 a. It to It G R to 13 Ng ' 39. K to IC 2 R to B 2 40.PxP - PxP 41.Kt083 • RtoQ2 42. )3 to K. Ng Kt to B 2 =2=2l 43. Bto ICt 3 Pto '? : : • -44. WA -14P - - 46. It to Q .ts mg R fo /,a 2 44, . 7 at to QKt 2 R zu-r- x R "B.Rxlt RxP ' 49. x P (eh) , 1C ton 2 It) . 6o.Rtotaß9 Rt 0447 61. K to K 4, and tviipm. ream. mr4243.6. 'ilkt the Railbjk . Choo4Congte i lli , between Memsrm.-.Ginvertort and Minekwitz. ' (Ruy Lopez Attack.) W; (MIL DICK WITZ.) ZITEZIITOUT . 1. to K. 4 Pto K 4 • KV*I3.3, Q Kt to 13 3 3. BtoKts • PtoQR3 4. Btoß4* Kttoß3 • S.PtoQ3, PtoQ3 6. xKt tch) ' •P x B 7.PtoKR3PtoKt3, A 14 - to 434.1 •,•• •-; Br.JUIC fdl . ••,, 7 ? 4 9:13 td " '4l'3 10. B to K Castles 11. Q to Q 2 Ktoß2 12. P,to K 114,11,„,„ • '•Pto Q 4 810 R to KNq 14. Castles tt.,) It) B to K 3 15. KtoKt sq • Kt to Q 2 ' ' 16. B to R:3 Q to. Kt Sq ;Kt to•lkit ,• s Q Kt 3 • 'll.t K It :sq '"" Itt'to'4" 19. B x Kt Qx 13,1 20. Q It to K Kt sq 1' to Q R 4 „ r to K P to It 5 •!& P OR 3 K R.!ftiQ Kt sq Kt to 14 If 2 " ' to ci 24. Kt to Kt 2 B to K B sq • 25. It to QKt mg Bto Q 3 - 26..KIttoICI3sq it to Kt 2 • r: 27. 'r . oi riC33 4 Q Rto Q Kt sq (27. 13 X Ktlrtst;'l6 Stronger.) 28. I' to QB4 P x ten ptat) 29. Kt x P PxP '.0..1(.1.itx 11 to K 4 31. Ktxß P x Kt 32. IC It to ( B sq I' to Kt 4 33. It to B 2 R to Kt 6 34. li,to It 2 B to Q 3 • 35. QtO 13 SqQ 5 36.'iQtti 2 • Q 1,01.1 4 37. QtolSsq QtOQ Q to Q 2 K to Kt 3 (Black is not content with a remise.) 39. E. to K 13;1 B' to B 5 40. QtoK 2(?) ",' (Kt to IC 2 is the e6up juste.) 40. Q R. to Kt 3 '4l. P toll. 4 x Kt P (eli) 92. It x R Q x Kt 43. P to It 5 (ch) Ktolt 2 94. R x R Pxlt 45. Itio:Q . Ktliq- 13 to 3 • a , to Q . Kt 4 is the proper play.) 41. x . . • . QxKP (ch) 47. K to Kt sq • • 13 to f. 4 98. It to Kt 7 (ch) IC to Kt sq . 49,'P to Q,4 BxQP 50. Qt 0134 Q to Q 3 '5l x R P 13 to Kt 2 Q to B 2' • (It to Kt 0 would have given Mr. Minckwitz the game.) _ 52. P to B 53. Qtolt4 Qto (2 (ch) And draws by . e Ptnalcheck. riat -- - - rgoor SAXES: HERRING'S CHAMPION SAFES. The Burning of the Chamber of . Commerce Building. • DnILADISLPITIA, December 13, Vg9 1iz6946. PAaREL,OE44nm 4 Co., Ito. 629 Chestnut street Gleremintlie: The two Herring's Patent Champion Bates purchased of you by the Commercial Exchange and Chamber of Commerce about eight months ago were in the conflagration of the Chamber of Commerce Build ing on thelth this. Upon opening . them we tumid the books and papers in a perfect state of preservation. We can, therefore, readily testify to the Fire-proof qualities of the Hurting Patent Safes. J. H. MICLIENEE, President , Commercial Exc hange • SAMUEL L. WAIID, Treasurer Chambr.•r of Commerce PnitAnELPsitA,l2month,l3s9 iiHEAVSG. A Co You are respectfully informed tLat the SAfe 'smarmed of yousmeral yews back was in Room 'No. 12, Com mercial Sachange, at the time of the tire on the 7th inst. lt was opened without difficulty on •• following day. and the money, checks and papers, found to bo dry and perfect. The books were also In as good state of pro aerration as before thp occurrence of the fire, except one or two being slightly daintrmed by steam, brit 'in these the writing and figures were not at all defaced, and the safe has given entire P.M.l6llLetion. • ELIBU ROBERTS, Secretary of the Atlantic Petroleum Storage Uo. - itEeBll.l. FAIIIIEL.111:1011N6 c@ Co.: G.ENTL.EBIY.N:(IS.Ire Which we purchasexl from you last Spring was in the late fire to the Chiunhor 'of Com merce Building, and although it was submitted to the severest test of any in the building, we take pleasure in informing you that it woe opened the next day with ca..se. and papers, books, &c., that it contained, were found to be in perfect condition. Respectfully, WARDEN, FREW 14 CO., Office. 1.11 Walnut Streeta HERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION SAFES, the most reliable crot.ction from lire now known. BEE RING'S NEW PATENT BANKERS'. SAFES, com bining hardened steel and iron; with the Patent Frank Unite, or SPIEGEL EISEN, furnish a resistant against boring and cutting tools to an extent heretofore unknown. Farrel, Herring 84 Co., Philadelphia. Herring, Farrel . & Sherman, No. 251 Broadway, corner Murray St., N. Y. Herring & Co., Chicago. Herring, Farrel & Sherman, New Orleans. del6 r .tf LUILBER. MAULE, BROTHER & CO., , ' -2500 Soiath Str - eet... 1 , • , • 1,869 PATTERN MERS. 1869 • .PE .ILN MARS CHOICE SELECTION . . OF MICHIGAN CORN PINE . FOR /"ATTERNB.. . ' ... , B PIW2A2 Milk b - 11869. E1a.869. LARtIX STOCH,, 1869. FLORIDA Trl,To7tlT.G`c 1869. CAROLINA FLOORING. ' • - , ''' VIRGINIA FLOORING.' . . • . DELAW ASH FLOOARE FLO RINGIORNG' • • . - WALNUT FLOORING.. . . 1869.'PLUVAL NY Mt:PS . IB69. BAIL PLANK. BAIL PLANK. 1869 ; w 4 L'uT 7 111.7Ds 4 ' 1 '1869 WALNUT ROARDS AND PLANK, • WALNUT BOARDS. WALNUT - ,PLANK. • ASBOBTI R M FO CABINET MAKERS, BUILDERS, &C. ITIIDERMARPRIT I,B i 1869 DUMBER. , OU„ UNDERTAKERS? LUMBER. '' ' - WAPRIMaiNE: , • 1869. ":I,l7Mi:olT,EitieL 1869. WRITE OAK PL ANK ROARDI3. 1.869. CAI4 o Mi I iN A A II (3 ~ f ille G . 18 6 9 NOV I WAY SCANTLINO. _ • 1869. egeki, SIifINGLES. 1869. CYPREbS s SIIINA I L E FI LARGE ASSORTMENT. 1.869. PLANTIMULMT.H . 1869. LATH. MAIIL.V. BROTHER & CO., 2.500 SOUTH STREET Linraber Under CCovek s ALWAItti DIM Walnut, White Pine, Tallow Pine, Spruce, Hemlock EMl:lees, always , on hand at low rates. WATSON .& GELLINGHAIVI; . 924 Richmond Street, Eighteenth Ward. "VTP.T.T,OW PINE _ LUMBER..-O.EDERS t t i for cargoes of every description Baca L . ber . exe cuted at short notice—quality subjeo . motion Apply to EDW. /1. ROWLEY, 7.6 ilouth hams. Nll. t;k1:. '.', , ;:'.l'.„ I,•,tts":o4ltr.' 1/ 5-24)8 tt lionstityandrEushanged ou'imegt ; •„. tehosio. t t Bought and Sold at Mariet Ram' 121•111 CbtlipO'N's -6A.lltli.' PACIFIC BAlLiiab tONN3 Bonght and SOld. Smocr s Bought and Sold on Commission Only. COLLECTIONS Made ea all Aeeeseible Pointe. - „ sync ,!, 40 South 9E l hitd St., • - PHILADELPHIA. ar9tf BANKING ,HOUSE OF YtA O O-KT&CCOO /12 and 114 So. THIRD ST. PHILAD'A DEALERS'.:. IN ALL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES: We will receive applications for Pelletal of Life Insurance in the new National Life In surance Company of the United States. Pull information given at our office. REMOVAL. ANDOLPHI OANkERs HAVE REMOVED TO NO:i 121 S. THEMD STREET, Opposite Girard Bank. FIRST- MORTGAGE SEVEN PER CENT, GOLD BONDS OF THE Fredericksburg and Gordonsville Railroad Co,, of Virginias Principal and Interest Payable in Gold. These Bonds are secured by a First and Only Mortgage on the entire real estate, road, personal property, fran chise and rollitig stock of the Company, given to the Farmers' Loan and Trust Company of New York, Trustees. The road is 62 miles in length, connecting Fredericks burg with Charlottesville by way of Orange Court House, passing through a section of the Shenandoah Valley, the local traffic of which, alone, will support the road.while, as part of the great through lines to the Southwest and West, the safety and security of the Company's Bonds areplaced beyond question and doubt. e offer a limited amount of these Bonds at 925 i and interest from November I,in currency. Pamphlets, maps and information furnished on appli— cation to TANNER & CO., -. 49 WALL Street, New York. 'SAMUEL-WORK , No. 25 S. THIRD Street,. rktlaidelphia. deg A RELIABLE HOME INVESTMENT THE FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS OF TSZ Wilmington aid-Rddine Railroad, BEAM:NO AT SEVEN PEi CENT..IN CITIMENCY, Payable April and October, free of State and united States Taxes. This roadr n through a thickly populated and rich agricultural and manufacturing district. For the present we are offering a limited amount of the above bonds at 85 Cents and Interest. The connection of this road with the renneylvan and Beading Railroieds insured it•a large WIC zinntmoratiTe trade. We recommend the bonds ae the cheeped first claw investment in the market. WM. PAINTER d• CO., Bankers and Dealers its Governments, No. 36 S. THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Wit CORSETS. BROWN'S Wholesale and Retail Corset Warehouse 819 ARCH STREET. BARATET. C 0 RS E T S TOURNIIIns, PANIERS. 112 S. Eleventh St. EDUC. 4% TION. ROBERT 11. LABBERTON'S SEMINARY for YOUNG 'LADIES_ will by opened at 338 South Fifteenth street, on MO N DAY, JaUndrY $(41871" PeErw I m3m§ REMOVED DELPHIA. FRIG A Y. D yL -----1 1 te3!12 t'ifi : 'o',li llilplaa.PEKNO VAN -A4M-44946R, —"II M, 'ILVMMINLISUnthbOniSoIin 3 w. and Wyoming ••• n •• i and in r New golt,'ldoch ,-, Baitalc±,-Nlagarni Folio, the r lailtlte ,i tl iniff ati lirk• N .„.. 4 . t:ft ig T" ' f . • „t - . A b• • • er , „;• 14 BA Y' 'A S 1 el - Set' elitie_,_,,, olT• Berko and Amerkan streets (Sundays exce pted), as rollowat, • _ f 7.30 A. M. Accommod attdo for nit Washington. ; ' ' Al 8 A . M.—Morning Express - for Bethlehenl - and Principal Stations on main line of North Penni/34 ,6 6 1 C I ,itailreadormewthurmoriehap• with...Y.4113r; lASPettd f r'4MrtU*ll' 44? i f t coup. Xall ,'• • ',mum** e•G"lttlitok, o swam WiVesat; ' ting at Waverly . with ERZ RAILWAY for lagaral Falls, Buffalo, 'Rochester, Olevelan ,d Chica,go, San. Francisco, and all pointeilyt the Great Wait. At 8.46 A. M.—A ccomnfcidation for Doylestown, stop-1 Pow st all intermediate Stations. Passeoers for Wu-. Itrw Groai t rahoro'4l4 11..illifillici by, trill", take; , Stage* 9.46 A. '.l.lYr i E k li- i p t ress foie... iitltuidient, i.litatitown,‘, Stanch Chunk, White Haven,Wilkesbarre, Pittston,', - Scranton and Carbondale via L ehigh and Sarehanna , illstlrdad4;6l9ll Allehtowrri BalltOttelßeeket olenf o lud points opt New Jersey Central Raitroad and orris and : Nom rtatlrpad to New York tvla Lehigh Vaftlyiliroost.: At 10.45 A. 111.--Accommodation for Fort Waehirtifton, stopping at intermediate Stations. I .15440 sod B.p,bccommodat/on tit 6, l >ingto_n. At l'Ap P.11,-10illigh.yaloyyfggprelg. TO etniehem, Easton, Alfentown,'Manch• Chant, He 0.0- While Ilaven,Wilkesbarre, Pitteton, Scranton , and Wyoming Coal Regions. At 2.46 p. m.-A.Maaraidatt97i tor BOIllitiliwil; •lleffr ping at all intermediate stations. , At 4.16 I'. Id e--Acconnotlation, for Doylestown, stop ping at all intermediatd stations] '• •• ; -.4 • ' At 6.00 P. M. Through for Bethlehem, connecting at Bethlehern with 'Lehigh. Talley ' Evening Train fori • ' Radon. AllentoWn, Mauch Chunk. At 6.20 P. 51.—'Accommodation for Lansdale, stopping at all intermediate stations. 'At BM l':31 .--Acoonunodation for FortFhington. • • • TRAINS ARRIVE IN PB/I.A.DEL lA'. • •-• i From Bethlehem at 9A. Id., 2.16, 4.40 an B.M P. M. gib P. M., 4.404'. M. and 8.25 P.M. Trains make direct connection w ith Lehigh Valley or Lehigh and Snooty.- banna trains from.rEaston, - Scranton, Wilkesharre, Ma- , hanoy City attliazieton. , ... • , " i __.'" FromDcYlestown at 8.35 A.M4.30 .sf.and 7.05 P. ill From Lansdale at %V A.M. /from Fort Washington at 926 and 10.35 A.M. and 3.10 P., M. . UN SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Bethleh.m at 900 A. X. ~ Philadelphia for Doylestown at 2.00 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7.00 A. M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4.00 P. M. Filth and Sixth Streets aud Second and Third Streets Lime of City Passenger cars run directly to and from the Depot. : Onion 'Lino run within a short distance of • the Depot. Tickets must be procured at the Ticket Office, in order to Secure the lowest rates of fare. ELLIS CLARK, Agent. Tickets sold arid Baggage checked through to princi pal points, at Mann's North Penn. Baggage Express othce. No. 105 Sontb Fifth street :HEM PENNSYLVANIA. ".CENTRAL RAIL* ROAD.—After 8 2; AL, SUNDAY, November 1404 1869. The trains of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad leave the Denot,et Thirty-first and flarket streetsosdlich id reached drrectly by the Care. of the Marliet Street l'as. benger Railway, the last car connecting with each train leading Front and Market street thirty minutes before its departure. Those of the Chestnut and Walnut Streets Rail way'ruri within one sOnare of the Depot. Sleeping Car Tickets can be had on application at the Ticket Office, Northwest corner of Ninth and Chestnut streets.'end nt the Depot. •-• ' • Agents of then Union Tranifcrr-Ccimpany. , willcall foi and deliver Baggage at the Depot. Orders lett at N 0.901 Chestnut street, No. 116 .111arkt street. will receive at tention TItAINS LEAVE DEPOT; ' Mail 8.00 A. Paoli Accom. at 10.30 A.M., 1.10, and 650 P. AL Fast Line at 11.50 A. M. Erie ' at 11.60 A. 3L Harrisburg Accom. ..... P. M. Lancaster Accotn. ............. . ... 4.10 P. AL Park , iburg Train. at 5.30 P. M. Cincinnati Express. at 8.00 P. M. Erie Mail and Pittsburgh Express. .. . .... 9.45 P. M. Accommodation: - .....„ . .. at 12. n A M. Pacific Express. at 12.00 night. Erie Mail leaves daily, except Sunday, running on Saturday night to Willianisport only. On Sunday night passengers will leave Philadelphia at 8 o'Cloc. Pacific Express leaves daily.' Cincinnati Ex press daily,. except. Saturday. All other trains daily, except Sunday. The Western Accommodation,Traln runs dallysexecrd Sunday. For this train tickets must be procured and baggage delivered y,O AL. at'll6 Market street. TRAINS A RRI VE AT DEPOT, VIZ : Cincinnati -at 3.10 A. M. Philadelphia Express.. ...at 6.30 A. M. ,Erie . at 6.30 A. AL Faoli Accommodation at 8.20 A. IL and 3.40 do 6.25 P. M Parksburg...... 9.10 A. M. Fast . . ....... at 9.40 A. M Lancaster Train at 12.55 P. 111. Erie Express. .....».»:..»....__ --at 12.55 P. M. Southern Express " . ... .. .. 7.00 P. M. Lock Haven and Elmira Expre55......... ...... .at 7.00 P. I. Pacific 4.25 P. Harrisburg Accommodation.-. . ..... -.....at9.50 P. %or further information, apply JOHN F. VA.NLEER, JR., Ticket Agent,,9ol (Amstrad street. FRANCISFIEINE, TiCket Agent, 116 Market Street SAMUEL R. WALLACE; Ticket Agent at the Depot. • The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not assume arty risk for Baggage except for wearing apparel, and limit their responsibility to One' Hundred Dollars' in value. All Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, unless taken by con tract. EDWARD H. WILLIAMS, • General Superintendent. Altoona, Ps.t A.ILADYI.PHLA., WILMINGTON AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD—TIME TABLE. Com mencing MONDAY, May 10th, 1869. Trains will leave Depot, corner Broad and Washington avenue, as fol . lows: . WAY MAIL TRAIN at 8.3) A . M . Sundays excepted), for Baltimore, stopping at all Re gul ar Stations. Odh- Electing with Delaware Railr oad at Wilmington for Crisfield and Intermediate Stations. EXPRESS TRAIN at 12.00 M. (Sundays excepted , ' far Baltimore and. Washington, stopping at Wilmington, Perryville and Havre de Grace. Connects,at Wining , ton with train for New Castle. EXPRESS TRAIN at 4.00 P. M. (Sundays excepted), for Baltimore and Washington,stopping at Chester Thurlow, Linwood, Claymont, Wilmington, Newport; Stanton., Newark, Elkton, North Beat, Charlestown, Perryville, Havre de Grace, Aberdeen, Perry - maul', Edgewood 'Magnolia, Chase's and Stemmer's Run. NIGHTEXPRESS at 11.30 P. M.( daily ) for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester, Thurlow,Lin wood, .Claymont Wilmington, Newark, Elkton,Nofth East, Perryville, ' Havre de Grace, Perayman's and AUg nolia. Passengers for Fortreas Monroe and Norfolk will take the 12.00 51. Train. WILMINGTON TRAlNS.—Stopping at all Stations between Philadelphia and Wilmington. , Leave PHILADEI4PIIIA at 11.00 A. M. 2.30, 5.00 and 7.00 P. M. Theo . oo Pt M. train 'connects with 'Delaware Railroad for Harrington and intermediate stations. LeaTo WILMINGTON 6.30 and 6.10 A.M., 1.30, 4.15 and 7.00 P. M. The 8.11),A .-M. train will not stop 'beta en _Chester and Philadelphia. The 7.00 P. M. train front Wilmington , runs, dealy;allotherAccommodation Trains Sundays excepted. Trains leaving 'WILMINGTON at 6.30 A. M.' and'4.ls P. M. will connect at Lamokin Junction with Use 7.00 A. 31. and 4.30 P. 31. trains for Baltimore Central R. R. From BALTIMORE to' PIIIIADELPHIA.—Leaves Baltimore 7.25 A.M., Way Mail. 9.35 A. M., Express, 2.35 P. 11. Express. '725 P. 111,_Express, SUNDAY' TRAIN FROM BALTIMORE.—Leaves BALTIMORE at /.25 P. M. Stopping at Magnolia, Per 's, Aberdeen, avre-de-Grace,Perryville,Charlea town, North-East, Elkton Newark, Stanton, Newport, Wilmington, Claymont, Linwood. and Chester.. Through tickets to all-point West, South, and South- west may be procured at the ticket office, 626 Chestnut street, under Continental Hotel, where also Snits Booms and Berths in Sleeping Cars'can be secured during the diiY. Persons purchasing tickets at this office can have baggage checked at their residence by the ‘Union Trans fer Company. H. F. KENNEY, Sup't EST. Cif PATER AND P WIT. .A DEL. EL. PHIA RAILROAD.—Winter Arrangement —On and after MONDAY, Oct. 4, 1869,Trains will leavers! follows: Leave Philadelphia, from, New Depot Thirty-lirst and Chestnut streets 7.45 A. 31., 11.00 A. Si 2.30 P. M., 4.15 P. M., 4.40 P.M;6:15 P. M.,11.30 P. M. • Leave West Cheater, from Depot, on East Market street, 8.25 A. M., 8.00 A. M., 7.45 A. M.,10.45 A. M.,1.66 P. M.,4.50 P.M., 6.55 P.M. Train leaving West Chester at 8.00 A. M. will stop at B. C. Junction, Lentil, Glen Riddle and Media: leaving Philadelphia rit 4.40 P. Si. will- stop at Media, Glen J Riddle, Lenni and B. C. unction: Passengers to or, from stations between Wert Chester' and B. C. Junction going East, will' take train leaving West Chester at 7.45 A. M., and car will be attached to Express Train at B. C. J motion and going West, Passengers for Stations above B. C. Junction will take train leaving Philadel phia at 4.40 P. lit'' and will change cars at B. C. Junc tion. • The Depot in Philadelphia Is reached directly by the Chestnut and Walnut street cars. Those of the Market street line run within one square. • The cars of both lines connect with each train upon its arrival. ON SUNDAYS.—Leave Philadelphia for West Chester at 8.30 A.M. and2.oo -A Leave West Chester for Philadelphia at 7.55 A. M. and 4.(0 P. M. Lir - Passengers are allowed to take Wearing Apparel only, as Baggage' and the Company will not in any case be responsible for an amount exceeding one hundred dol lars, unless a special contract be made for the same. WILLIAM. O. WHEELER. General Superintendent. PPHILADELPHIA. AND ERLE RAM ROAD—WINTER TIME TABLE. , On and after MONDAY, Nov. 15, 1869, the Traine on the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad. will run as follows from Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, West Philadelphia : WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia 9.35 P. M. " Williamsport 7.40 A. DI. " " arrives at Erie 8.20 P. M. Erie Eipress leaves Philadelphia 11.40 A. M.. Williamsport ........ ......... . 9.00 P. M. ‘• arrives at Erie. 10.00 A. 111. Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia. 7.50 A.M. " Williamsport- 6.00 P. M. O " arrives at Lock Haven 7.20 P. M. EASTWARD. Mail Train leaves Erie 8.40 A. M. . . . Williamsport 9.25 P.M. " " arrives at Philadelphia 8.20 A. M. Er . ie Exprose leaves Erie • 4.00 P. M. " Williamsport 3.30 A. 35 . . arrives at Philadelphia 12.45 P. M. Elmira Mailleaves Lock 'Haven 8.00 A. M. . . " - ' Willi a msport 9.45 A. M. 6 , •• arrives at Philadelphia 8.50 P. M. Buffalo Er z press leaves Williamsport 12.25 A.M. * • , " Harrisburg 5.20 A. M. .. 1 " arrives at Philadelphia 9.25 A. M. Express east connects at Corry. Mail east at Corry and Irvineton. Express west at Irvineton with trains on Oil Creek and Allegheny River Railroad. ALFRED L. TYLER, General Superintends E S T L JERSEY A R AI G LR E O N A DA COMM I NCIN D TU NT D R Y, R S RN T. E II M t,IBB T. ' Leave Philadelphia, Foot of Market street (Upper Ferry) at 8.15 A. M,,Malli for Bridgeton, Salem, Millville,Vine• land, Swedesboro and all intermediate stations. ' 3.15 P. 31,, Mail, for Cape May, Millvillo, Vineland and way Stations below Glassboro. - .. 3.30 P. M., Passenger, for Bridgiiron, Salem, Swedeg boro. and all intermediate stations. 5.30 P. M., Woodbury and Glassboro'accommodation. Freight train for all stations leaves Camden daily, at 12.00 q'clock, noon. • Freight received in Philadelphia at second covered wharf below Walnut street. Freight delivered at No. =8 B. Delaware avenue. Commutation tickets, at reduced rates, between Phil delphia find nil stations: EXTRA TRAIN FOR CAPE MAY. (Saturdays only.) . • . Leave Philadelphia ' 8.13 A. M. Leave Cape Mat P. 31. WM/AMU J. SEWELL' Supaintondent. CEMIIER 17, 186 u. pit4V IieLMRIP GUIDE VAT) 1N 0 ' IFA4Roiu). - ...loLit E rwirk it s/" vitarniar ibterclit4ettnis'• . 0 11 . 111.1113. a.5ai i Cgmlber- ns - : nd and Wyorti fill. in rl446l viiii: 6 Tas,. for th ll , N al o 'e rt ill lrweist till‘f anit 44 , tif 1 "li gtegWiriololdsr light '.' i ' ' tat oath . AL , # 4 . 44 , 11 , 0A . st, I • • te, t mu, 1 n . /in In ., leaves fat *auk?, IV Arriving In , lad i. I it i d . 6 : I T -At tt. la A . t leading ti • • aryl. Mtgs . 1116 Pi id s' andibrus - LIB 1:' Br irelcaidrikiodie,44.A.Th . u ur -- ; 'tills y, frW debtrtrui Y18M431114 TOM) OttrWei Atlf b A l lt E ttrtettiiiiiati , Ith - . . .t . i. tx, if.o - N 0 , Pennsylvania Railroad trains folentown 4o: and tiLisitliagA.ltat.ittruwilictrovrataillitortith4e Clinton. nt, wi pe rs i t re a g . 1 1 r ir aMs 11,L Bailin. E Mira, ~ at Harris with Tfo hscid Central; Ortinberlaild Val, )lava nylldlk and Susinehanna trains lad Ncirth. taliberri.Wirnamollort. York, ovalroto,o4.-' sIiITINCA R Olt EFRESIM-41tatee'lliiiildelnhiit at 3.301'. 11; for BeagngePottirollei HarrhyOurg, 3n., GOA-, netting with **ding and Columbia maiiroaa traind for m Colubia, arc. - POTTSTOWN AOCOMMODATION. , -Leirdea . Potts- , Wort at 6.45 A.M. siopping. at tile intermesiiiite ntationis;, arrives in Philadelphut lit 9.10 A. N. Returning leaded Philadelphia' at'4.oo P . M.; arrives in Po ttatoWn at 615 RI2ADINQ,AND. POTTSVILLE . ACCOMMODit- TIGN.-LdaYes"Pottsvilln at'6.4o A. M., an,? Reading at' 7.30 A. M., stopping ot all way stations; arrives In.Phlla del phis at 10.20 A. M. - . - • Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 4.45 P. M.; arrival In Reading at 7.40 P. M. and at Pottsville at 9.31) P. M. Trains for Philadelph ia leave Harrisburg at 8.10 A. M„ and Pottav illoat 9.00 A.4.3l,.,arrivillg la Ptilladallikia at 1.00 P. IL Afternoon trains, leave uartlebtirg at 2.55 P, 11,,,and Pottevillo at 3.55 .P, Ai.; arriving • ill - Phila delphia at 7.05.1'. M , ~ . _ Harrisburg Accommodation Naves Reading at 7.15 A. Tilt, and Harrisburg at 4.10 P. M. Connecting at Read. ing.with Afternoon Accommodation South at 6.35 P. M., arriving in Philadelphia at 9.2. r, P. H. • Market train, with a Taiisenger - car attached, leaves Philadelphia at 1.2.30n00n for Potty/111e and all Way Stations; leaves Pottsville at 5.40 A. M., connecting at Reading with acconnmodation train for Philadelphia add all Way Statical All the above trains run daily, Sundays'excepted. Sunday trains leave Pottev ille at 8 A. M., and Phila delphia at 3,15 P. M.; leave Philadelphia for Reading at 8.00 A. M ~ returning from Resui ing at ' 4.251 '. M. CHESTER VALLEY' RAILROAD.-Passengers for Downingthwn and intermediate points take the 7.30 A. M.,12.80 and 4.03 P. M. trains frfti Philadolphia,return big from Downingtown at 6,30 A. M:.12.45 and 5.1.5 P.M . 'PERK 10111 EN RAILROAD .-Paasengers for lichWonks ville take 7.30 A. 51., 1230 and 4.00 P.M. trains for Phila delphia, returning frond Schwenksv ilia at 8.0.) A .11.,, 12.45 noun. Stage lines for various points in Perk lemon Valley connect with trains at Collegeville and Schweriksvillo. COLEBROOK BA LE RAILROAD.-Passengers for 31 t. Pleasant and intermediate points take the 4.00 P. M. train from Philadelphia, returning from , Mt. Pleasant at 700 and 11 A A. rd. NEW YORK EXPRESS FOR PITTSBURGH AND THE WEST.-Leave, Now Yprk at 0.00 A. 31., 5.00 and 8.00 P.M., passing Reading at 12.43 A ~ 3 1.0.45 and 10.05 P. M., and connects at Harrisburg with Pennsylfania and Northern Central Railroad Express Trains for Pitts burgh, Chicago, 'Williamsport, Elmira, Baltimore, At, Returning, Express Train leaves Rarnsburg on arrival of Pennsylvania Express from Pittsburgh, at 2.40 and 5.35 A. It., 12.20 noon, 2.55 and 11.00 P.M. passing Reading at. 1255 . 4.30 and 720 A. M. and 2.0 0 and 4.40 P. M., arriving at New York 6.00 and 1n.15 A.M., 12.06 noon, and 6.36 andlo.l3o P. M. Sleeping Cars accompany these trains through between Jersey City ' and Pittaburen. Now without change , • • I Mail train for York leaves Harrisburg at 8.10 A. M. and 2.65 P. M. Mail train for Harrisburg leaves New York at 12 Noon. SCHUYLKILL VALLEY RAILROAD-Trains leave Pottsville at 6.30 and 1131A:51. and 6.50 P.M.. returning from Tamaqua at 3.35 A.M.. and 1.40 and 4.50 P. M. SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD -Trains leave Auburn at 8.55 A.M. and 318 P. M. for Pinegrove and Harrisburg, and at 12.10 noon for Pine grove, Tremont and Brookside; returning from Har risburg. at 7.30 A. M.. and 3.40 P M; from Brookside at 4.00 P,M, and from Tremont at 7.15 A.Mand 5.115 P.M. TICKETS.-Through Mat-class tickets and emigrant tickets to all the principal points In the North and West and Canada. Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to Reading and Intermediate Stations, good for dayonly, are sold by Morning Accommodation, Market Train, Reading and Pottstown A scommodation Trains at reduced rates. Excursion Tickets to Philadelphia, good for day only, are sold at Reading and Intermediate Stations by Read inn and Pottstown Accommodation Trains at reduced rates. The following tickets are obtainable only at the Once of S. Bradford, Treasurer, No. =7 South Fourth street, Philadelphia, or of G. A. Nicolls, General Superinten dent, Reading. Commutation Tickets at 25 per cent. discormt,between any points( desired, for families and firms. Mileage Tickets, good for 2,000 intiesi,between all p 0 int" at $52 50 each for families and firms. Season Tickets, for three, six, nine or twelve monthas for holders only, to all points, at reduced rates. Clergymen residing on the One of the road will be fur• nished with cards, entitling themselves and wives to tickets at half fare Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to principal Ma; Rona, good for Saturday, Sunday and Monday, at re duced fare, to be had only at the Ticket °Flee, at Thir teenth and Callowhill streets. FREIGHT.-Goods of all descriptions forwarded to all the above points from the Company's New Freight Root, Broad and Willow streets. Freight Trains leave Philadelphiallally at 4.3.5 A. M., 12.30 noon, 5.00 and 715 P. M., for Reading, Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pottsville, Port Clinton, and all paints be yond. Mails close at the Philadelphia Post-Wilco for all Dianne on the road and its branches at 5 A.M., and for the prin cipal Stations only at BAG 2.15 P. M. GGE. _ . - ... .. Dungan's Express will collect Baggage for all trains leaving Philadelphia Depot. Orders an ho left at No. 225 South Fourth street, or at the Depot, Thirteenth and Callowhill streets. TCR • NEW YORK.-THE CAMDEN AND ' AMBOY and PHILADELPHIA AND NTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S LINES, from Philadelphia to New York, and way" places, from Wal nut street wharf. Fars. At 6.30 A. 6.1., via. Camden and Amboy, Accom., 82 26 At 8A . M., Via Camden and Jersey Clity Ex. Mall, 300 At 2.00 P. Id ~ via Clunden and Amboy Express, 000 At 6 P. M. for Amboy and' iutormedlate stations At 6.30 and 8 A. M.;and 2 P. M.; for Freehold. At 2.00 P. M. for Long Branch• and Points on R. h D. B. R. R. At 8 and 10 A.M.,12 M 2,330 and 4.30 P. M.,for Trenton. At 6.30;8 and 10 A.M., 12 M.,2,3304.30116, Tand 11.30 P. M., for Bordentown,Florence,Burlington,Beverly and De lanco. At 8.30 and 10 A.11.,12 M. 310.4.30,0 and 11.30 P.M. for Edgewater, Riverside, Riverton, Palmyra and Fish Honse, A .61. and 2P. Di., for Riverton. Sir • The 1.1.30 P. 61. = Line leaves from foot of Market street by upper ferry. From Kensington Deot: At 7.30 A. M., 2.30, 3,30 and 5 P. M. for. Trenton and , Bristol. And nt 10.43 A. N. and 6 P. M. for Bristol. • At 7.30 A. M., 2.30 and 6 P. M. for Morrisville and Tully , town. At 7.30 and 10.45 A. 31., 2.30, 5 and 6 P. M. for Schenck's and Eddincton. At - 730 and 10.45 A. M., 2.30,4, 5 and 6 P. M., for Corn wells, Torresd ale, Holniesburg,Tacony, Wissinoming, Bridesburg and Frankfordond 8.30 P.M. for Holmes burg and Intermediate Stations. From IV est Philadelphia Depot via Connecting Railway At 7,9.31 . , and 11 A. M. 1.20,4, 6.45, mid 12 P.. 51. ' New York tcx press Line,via Jersey City "$325 At 11.30 P, M. Emigrant Line 200 At 7,9.30 and 11 A.M. .1.20,4,6.45,and12 P.M.for Trenton. At 7, 9.36 and 11 A. M., 4,6.45 and 12 P. M., for Bristol. Atl2 P.M.( Night 'for ylown, Schenck's, Eddington Cornwells, Torresdale, Holiiiesbnrg, .Ta• cony, Wissinoming, Bridesburg and Frankford. The9.3o A. M.and and 12 P.M. Lines rtm daily. All others, Sundays excepted. For Lines leaving liensingten Depot, take the cars on Third or Fifth streets, at Chestnut, at half an hour be fore departure. The Cars of Market Street Railway run direct to West Philadelphia Depot,Chestnut and Walnut within one square. On Sundays, the Market Street Cars will run to connect with the 9.30 A. M., 6.45 and 12 P. M. lines • BELVIDERE DELAWARE RAILROAD LINES from Kensington Depot. At 7.30 A. M., for Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Dunkirk, Elmira, Ithaca, Owego, Rochester, Bihainpton, Oswego, Syracuse, Great Bend, Montrose, Wilkesharre, Scranton, Stroudsbur g ., Water Gap, Schooley's Moun tain. &c: At 7.30 A. M.and 3.30 P.M.for Belvidere,Eaaton, Lam _bertville,_Flemington, An. The 3.31 P. M. Line con nects direct with the train leaving Easton for Mauch Chunk Allentown, Bethlehem, .2c. At 1.1 A. DI. from West Philadelphia Depot, and 5 P. M. from Kensington Depot,tor Lambertville and interme diate Stations. CAMDEN AND BURLINGTON CO., AND PEMBER TON AND HI GHTSTOWN RAILROADS, from Mar ket street Ferry (Upper Side.) At 7 and 10 A. M.,1, 2.15,3.30,5 6.30 P.M.,and on Thurs day and Saturday nights at 11.30 P. for Merchants , - rifle ,Moorestown, Ilaxtford, lthasonville, Hainsport and Mount Holly. At 7 and 10 A.11.,1, 245,3-30 At 6 P.M., fo,r-Smithville, Ev, , ansville,Vincentown,Birmingham and Pemberton. At 10 A. M. for Lewistown, Wrightstown, Cookstown, New Egypt and Hornerstown: At 7 A. Ai.. 1 and 3.30 P. M. for Lewistown, Wrighta town , Cookstown, New Egypt, Hornerstown, Cream Ridge, Inalaystown. Sharon and Ilightstown. Fifty pounds of Baggage only allowed each Passenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as bag gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over .fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per,pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond a ox. - . • .. cept by special contract. Tickets sold and Baggage checked direct through to Bostbn, Worcester, Springfield, Hartford, New Haven Providence, Newport. Albany, Troy Saratoga, Utica, Rome, Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge. An additional Ticket Office is located at No. 829 Chest nut street, where tickets to Now Iprk, and all impor tant points North and East, may be procured. Persona purchasing Tickets at this Office, can havo their bag gage checked from residences or hotel to destination,bl Union Transfer Baggage Express. Linea from New York for Philadelphia will leave from foot of Cortland street at 1.00 and. 4.00 P. 111., via Jersey City and Camden. At 810 and 10 A.M., 12.90. 5, 6 and 0 P.M.. and at 12 Night, via Jersey City and West de im P r i o lia ‘Pier No. 1, N. River, at 6.30 A. H. Accommoda tion and 2 P. M. Express, via Amboy and Camden. Dec. 9.-1869. GYM. H. CIATZMZR, Agent. PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. On and after MONDAY, Rev. let., 1869, Trains will leave as follows, stopping at all Stations on- Philadel phia, Baltimore Central and Chester Creek Railroads: Leave PHILADELPHIA for PORT DEPOSIT from Depot of Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad Company,' corner Broad and Washington avenue, at 7.00 A. Al. and 4.30 P. M. A Freight Train, with Passenger car attaohod,will leave Philadelphia for Oxford at 2.30 P. M. Leave _PORT DEPOSIT for PHILADELPHIA at 6.40 A. EL,9.26 A. M., and 2.26 P. M. On Saturday the 2.26 train will leave at 4.30 P. ki Passengers are allowed to take wearing apparel only as baggage, and the Company will not ho responsible for an amount exceeding ono hundred dollars, unless special contract is made for the same., HENRY WOOD, President and General Superintendent. 110HTLA:DELPILIA,. "GEE M AN TOWN J_ AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD COMPANY.— Parties going froto Philadelphialo New York - can save time by taking the cars at Ninth and Green and-Ninth and Columbia avenue, at 7,1401, n A. N. and 4.05 P. M„ to the Intersection Station, and there take the trains for-New York leaving Wed Philadelphia on the same hours as above mentioned. IL WILSON, Gen.,Stipl. NOVEMBER 22; IBM. ,n6Z-Lint§ • ,-....-...... . H•ILA. DE L • .fri AND NORRISTOWN laAlllitOAD . TZMI TA. • IILII.--On Ind atter Notufailt 210.21111,'W, Ind until farther noucet - NOR. GIRMARTOV,IS." Leave Philadelphia -8.7, .83,,, 0.41, a•Dr, 4r, 6,4 0 3 1,7 gm 1001 le ffi 1216 antowri—i 731 - fi 9.16:5.124E4 sj+ 2 0/. 3 r 4 3(. 5 , 5 1 4 0ia 610101 % potatLae dawn -trairita t e ira and am alt train,, 111 op 00- She German *A Brancli. ON 81115DAY5 DeaTti Philadelphia-416A. M.,2; 4 , 03 mninte.,7 aid (feriaanlol6-8,111 A. M.; 18, and OX r.lO. • (111118TNITIP RILL RAILROAD._ 1, Leave Philadelphia-6i 8i 10i 12 A.M.; 2 ,5%, 1 04,70.111 and,ll,P. 10 4 - Leave chastens mall-7.10 minutes, 8,2.40, • and 11.4045. 61.; 1.40,8:80, 6.40,6.40 1 11.40 and 10.40 P. fp BIINDAYB Leave Phileuletihia-9.15 minutes A.M.; 2WI x *Lear infantile A. m.; 12:40,5.40 &a FOR CONBROMOOR.RN AND NORRISTOWR.,;_ Leave Philadelphia...o. M.;134 ,, 3,4, Vas SX, 5.15, 8.06,10,Xand M , • Leave NorkistoWn-.6.0,11.25,7,7%; 8'.60,'11 A.M.; Og, s, oe, 6.15;8 and Ott'. M..- or Then% A“, 114 rains fromllonistouro will not stop at hrosee'e, Potte atding, Dolt in& or Sehnrl Lane, PO — The 4 P. M. Train from Pbiladiilphia stop Only at School Larie,Manay_rink andOonehohoeken. ON SUNDAYS. 7I Leave Philadelphia-9 A. M. • 2N, 4' and .15 P. Leave Norristown—l A. M.; i i 6s.nd P _ F: 11 51. ARA URN. Leave Philadelphia-6, 11.05 A. N .134, 8, 4 1 472 53i,6.15, and 11% 'P.M. Leave , lalanaynnk-6.10,6.156,734,8.10,0.20, 113 i A.M.; , 8%,5, 63fi, 8.30 and 10 P. M. vt ON BUN IM . ; Leave P hilade l phia-9 A. .; 2311, 4 and 7.15 P. M. Leave liiiinaynnk-7% A. M. 1%, 0 and 934 P. 51. PLY MOO PR R. It. Leavo Philadelphia, 734 6 . 41i P. Lew, o Ply mouth: 61.1' A . 44' 111. W. B. WILSON, General Superintendent; • Depot, Ninth and Green street,. 'OAIVIDEN' 7 AND - TictirANTlO ItA V ROAD-CHANGE OF HOURS—WINTER AM-• . • - EADOEMENT. On and after MONDAY, Nov.l, 186g5 -.' trains will I. eve Vino :Arcot ferry as follows viz:„ . Mallow] Freight ' 1 0.00 A 11,4 1 ' Atlantic Accommodation —... 340 P. M. '' c ..q . ',' Janction Accommodation to Atco and inter- ' ..„... ' mediate stations 'AM P. • ' . REV:3IO4Na. LEAVE ATLANTIC: , Mail and Freight 1.48 P.M,/ Atlantic Accommodation.' 6.00 A. M. :l ' ••: Jootion Accommodation from Atco , ' 0.22 A: M. Iladdontiold Accommodation trains leave • _..2 1 , . , 5... Vine Street Ferry-- 10.10 A. M. and . 2.OOP.M. Thiddontiold.--......... ".. , .. ', • ~... 1.00 P.lll. and 3.10 P.' M. ..'' A . VID It. MUNDY. Agent FAST FREIGHT LINE, VIA; NORT PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, to Wilkedbarre, Nahanoy City Montt Carmel, Centralia, and all points on Lehigh - Valley' Railroad and its branches: , • . .• By new arrangements, licrfeeted this day, this roadlll : •" - enabled to give ihereased despatch to. merchandise con- • signed to the above-named points. • • -` Goods delivered at the Through Freight Depot, r • • eOr. Front and Noble streets, Before 5 P. Id., Will :reaCh Wilkeebarre • • • .- Mount Carmel. lahanoyCity,and the otherstationsWanorn d Wyoming A. _ .jthe ng dsr. • • IBLLISAMARK, Amentc • LEGAL NOTICES. T. 14 THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE TeNITED STATES FOR THE EASTERN ; DIS TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. In the matter of RICHARD R.9('ORSON,Bankrupd4, IN BANKRUPTCY., The said bankrupt havingonnler the act - of Congress of 2,1 of Alarch, 7867, filed dims Petition for a discharge from all his debts provable under the said act, and for a certificate thereof, it is ordered that a meeting of credit ors be held on the iltitilay of January, IVO. eta o'clock. P. - AL, before the Register. 'WILLIAM Ho - MICHAEL, Esq.. at his office, No. Lae Walnut street, f Philadelphia; to be continued by adjournment, if necessary, when and where the examination of the said bankrupt' will ho finished; and any business of the second and third meet ings of creditors required by 'the twentY•sorenth' and twenty-eighth sections of the Act, may he tran ear-tett. , It is farther ordered that a - hearing be had 'upon the said petition for discharge and certificate on WEDNES DAY, the 26th day of January, 1870; before , the said Court, at Philadelphia, at Id o'clock A. AL, when and where all creditors Who here proved their - debts, and other persons in interest, may appear, and show °mule, if any they hare; why the prayer of -the said petitioner should not be ,granted. Witness the Honorable JOHNcADWA:LA DER., Judge orate raid District Court, and the seal thereoLat Philadelphia, the. 16th. day of December, A. D. 1869. G. It. INILX, Clerk. Attest—WAL Ale - MICHAEL, Register. fdell-Igt* I THE 'ORPHANS' COURT' TOE , THEI City and County of Philadelphia:—Estate of JAMES F, WILLETT, deceased.—The .Auditer appointed b the Cdnrt to audit, settle and 'adjtud the account ofJA - mags 13. wrixErr Executor of the last will and testament of JAMES F. WILLETT, deceased, mid to report distri bution of the balance in the hands of the accountant,will meet the parties Interested for the purpose of his appoint ment, on WEDNESDAY, December 29th, 1869, at 936 . o'clock P. M., at his °Mee, No. terßaco street, in the city of Philadelphia. JOS. ABRAMS, 405-w f mst" . Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COI.IOT VOR City and County of Philadelphia —Estate of P. PROVENCIIERE, dec'd.—Tbe Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and must the final ac count of WM. V. HEATING, M. D., Trustee under the will of P. PROYENCHERE. deceased, 'and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the an. couutant t will meet the parties interested, for the pur pose of hiappointment, on 'MONDAY, December 29th, 1869, at 4 o'clock P. W.at No. 128 Bonth Sixth street, in the City of Philadeltillia. • des w f ILI E 4.5 _HENRY E. WALLACE, Auditor, NTHE COURT OF COMNION P for the City end County of Philadelphia.— She matter of the Assigned Estate of HENRY OR DO, . late tru ding as the firma H. G RAMBO A COMPANY. A —The Auditor appointed by the said Court to audit, Pet tle,ooti adjust t fie account of HARRISON °RAMBO. EFtl„ Assignee of 11. ORAMBO A COMPANY, end. to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested. for the pur pose of his appointment, on TUESDAY, the 2,lst day of December, 1869, at 4 o'clock P. 31., at his office, No.. 529 Walnut street, in the city of Phflad IpLin.• LEWIS WALN SMITIf t deb w f intst* Auditor. .11 - N THE COURT OF CONUION PLEAS J. for the City and Comity of Philadelphia.—Petition of HENRY WOOD and HARRIET F. his. wife, to change the nitnin'of ROBERT McOAW WOOD.—Notice is hereby given of the-decree of the Court Made this 26th day of November, 1869, changing the name of Robert MeGaw Wood to that of Robert Metiaw. in accordance with the provkions of the Act of Assembly in such case made and provided. J. WARREN COIILSTON, no29f-41§ Attorney for Petitioners. COPARTNERSHIPS. LIMITED PARTN EIISHIP, The subscribers hereby give notice that thoy have entered into a limited partnership, under the provisions of the acts of Asseinbly of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania in such cases made and provided, upon the fol lowing terns: Fi , sr—The name of the firm nnder which said partner ship shall be conducted is EDWIN L. MINTZER, JR. rond—The gen , Tal nature of the business intended lo be transacted is that of Foreign and Domestic Fruit pad Produce business, said business to be carried on in the city of Philadelphia. Third—The name of the general Partner le - EDWIN L. MINTZER, Jet „ who resides at N0..2111 South Third street. iu the city hi Philadelphia, and the name of the special partner is EARRING WILLIAMS, who resides at No. 1505 North Tenth street, in the city of Philadel phia. Fourth—The amount of capital contributed by the said special partner. HARDING WILLIAMS, to the comma: stock of said firm, is ten thousand dollars( iu goods and merchandise, duly appraised by `1 'WAAL 11. DUNLAP, an appraiser appointed by the Court of CORIIIIOII Pleas for the comity of Philadelphia for said.purpokw, which said appraisemenl, made, showing the nature and Value thereof, has been duly tiled hi the office of the Recorder of Deeds for the city and county of Philathlratia• Pi/in—Said partnership is to commence on the Bth day of December, 1900, and is to terminate on the 9th day of 1 EDWIN L. MINTZER, ;Tn., Coneral Partner HAILDING WILLIAMS, Special Partner d elo § CA 11111 _ XTOTICE—ALL PERSONS ARE HERE -11. BY cautioned against trusting any of the crew of the British bark B. Rogers. Crosby, master, from Bris tol, 'England, tql 00 debts of their contracting will ho void by either Captain or Consignees. PETER WEIGHT it SINS. Its Walnut street. dol4df - MOTICE.—ALL PERSONS ARE J. hereby cautioned against trusting any of the crew of the Norwegian Ship Refund°, Blegeu - master, from Bristol. England, as no debts of their contractitiF will be paid by either Captain or Consignees. PLTER WBIGTIT SONS, 115 Walnut street. delltf GA UT 1 N.—ALL PERSONS ARE . hereby cautioned against harboring or trusting any of the crew of the liritish brig" Estelle," Delay master, from Rotterdam, as no debtsziof their contract ing will be paid by Captain or Consignees. WORKMAN CO.. Consignees. deli tf N 0 T C .---ALL PERSONS ARE hereby cautioned against trusting any tho crew of the B. G. Bark Anton, Fricke; Master, from New York . as no debts of their contractine will be paid by either Captain or Consignees. PETER WRIGHT As FIiNS.IIS Walnut strunt. - dol4 BEATERS AND STOVES. T H OMSO N' S LONDON ICITOH. ener, or European Ranges, for familiee, hotels ' or public institutions, in twenty different sizes. Also, Philadelphia flanges, Hot Air Furnaces' Portable Heaters, Low down Grates, Fireboard Stoves Bath Boilers, Stow.hole Plates Broilers. Oookini Stoves, eto., wholesale and retail byy the manufacturers ' , SHAH. E & THOMSON, none w f 6m6 N 0.209 North Second street. THOMAS S. DIXON & SONS, Late An_drews Dixon, No. 1924 CHESTNUT Street, Philade" Opposite United States Mint. annfacturera of LOW DOWN. PARLOR, CHAMBER, OFFICE, • And other GRATES, for Anthracite, Bituminous and Wo od Eire; ALSO. WARM-AIR, FURNAOR'S, for Warming Public and Private Buildings. REGISTERS, VENTILATORS, • AND 0/lIMNET OAPS, COOKINIG-RANGES, BA.TH-ROILERS. WHOLESALE and RETAIL. , • SPIRITS TURPENTINE AND Rosnr.v )0 Ed barrels Spirits Turpentine; 292 barrels Palo Sottjp Rosin •.199 barrels No. 2 Hosirt, landing per stettnieltip "Pioneer." For sale by EDW. R. ROWLEY, 10 &nth Front street. "I\TAVAI , STORES.-208 DBES. ROSIN ' , 11 50 bbls, Tar, 50 bble. Pltrla, 209 bble. w - biteSpirtta Turpentlna. 14 . 1)W landing front steamer- Fioneerk, from .Wilmington , N. 0., and trot. sale by EOOII.BAS, RUSFELL 4; (.0., Blebestuut street, -,:... ~. :.!' r. ,:,,+it.:,%-.,,;.,.,i.,,,.::
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers