FATionis ow TILE WOOL . 7 ` on ' rfi-iiWorking Man's way to Wealth a **(llea' treatise, on BuildingAssociatious; , : what they are and how'to use them. By mund-Wrigley, -12 mo, pp.-108.= nicAx SUNDAY Scnoor. Urrion`!' el Children of Stantoun-Corbet ; bel, or the Bitter Root. By the author ( Of '"lrish Amy."' 12mo, illustrated. 0.• GOOD &Co. ,For sale by Turn . er Bros. r. onsehold edition.] • Miscellanies by k .5 1 W. M. Tbackeray. 11. Paris Sketch n took, Charles J. „Yellovrplush, Irish • Book, and Cornhill to Cairo. Ni .1:Ballads of New England, •. by John G. t VI - littler. Illustrations. [Holiday, edition.] 71Chapter of Erie. By Cha'rles Francis Adams, Jr. Brockure. 'Ulteld Sam Series. The . Ballad of Abra f'. ham Lincoln, by t Bayard Taylor. • De signs by Eytinge., The Story of Colum bus, by J. T. Trowbridge. ; Designs by 7 ~ - F redericks. Rip Van'Winkle's Nap, by •MI Edm d Claren ce Stedman. Designs by • 'Eytinge. Putnam the Brave), by It. H. Stoddard. Designs by Fredericks. "•; 5 33itiRolinirrs I3nos. • For sale by Porter & Coates and Turner Bros. I ,'lbe Woman who Dared. [Poem.] ' By &,, t r7 7, .: ,- .:Xpes Sargent. 12mo, pp. 270.- , n 'Tales, by Auerbach. Handy Volume Series. , By ,01 4 1 3 .• PUTNAM. & SON. % For sale by J. KP Simon and by Porter & Coates. • .4\‘' : :[Kniekerbocker Edition.] • Life'and Letters of Washington Irving : By his nephew, sPierre M. 'lrving. Revised and,condensed, three volumes. Vol. I. Portrait. • t Letters iof a Traveler, or Notes of Things seen in Europe and America. By Wm. Cullen Bryant. . l 9 mo pp. 412 Portrait. Letters, from the East. By Win. Cullen ,•;'. Bryant 12mo, pp. 256. . . . By liAnrlin .BROS, Sold by Turner Bros. A Beggar on. Horseback, or,• a Country Faithly.. ' By the author of " Lost Sir Alas , singberd. - Broche. • CrOVELDTHr ., .SiT PEINTENG OFFlCE,WaShirigtoll Roll of Aonor, Xos.. 21 and 23. t -:PERIODICALS. The North American Review, for October. Fields, Osgood & Co. The Sitriday . Magazine, for - November. J. B. i`•.. Lippuicott & Co: The English Government on Canadian Confederation. , •j'? : • :i OTTAWA, Oct. 29.—The Dominion Cabinet '- •-''."',lias been rconstructed as follows: Prethier ~,,. • and Minister of Justice, Sir Joan McDonald,lK. C. B.; Minister, of Militia, Sir George Cartier, Bait. ; Minister of Finance,Sir Francis Hinclo, :' •C.B.K.C. M. G. ; Minister of Customs, Hon. •.- S. L. Tilley, C. B. ; Minister of Public Works, :•' 1 Ron. H. L. Langeviu, C. B. ; Minister of In land ZeVenue, Hon. C: Durkin; . Minister •of Marine and Fisheries, Hon. Peter Mitchell ;' ~':ilqinister of Agriculture and Statistics, jolm R. : . son ; Secretary of State for the Provinces, n. ;. Joseph Rowe ; Secretary of State for Ca ada; Hon. Alexander Morris; Postmaster- General,, Ilon Alexander Campbell; Deceiver . - General,, Hon. Edward Kenney; President of . . the Council, J.- C. Chapais. Of these thirteen - , Cabinet, , officers five are filled Ontario, -• "and are Representatives, and four are Repre-• 1 .• , sentatives from Quebec, two from New Bruns '.l r wick and two from Nova:Scotia. A copy of a • ~_ very important despatch, from Earl Granville to Governor Mus g rave, regarding the Confede -79 'ration of British Colnmbia with Canada, has just been communicated to SO 'John' Young. The Colonial Secretary -sti - yS that New Rupert's Land and " the northwest territory are to be united to Canada. Her Majesty's Government is of opinion that British Columbia should also be united with the Dominion. Regarding the ad vantages to be derived from such union, Earl Granville says her Majesty's Government an ticipates that the interests of the provinces of British North America will be more advanced, and that it will better enable the wealth, credit and intelligence of the whole to be brought to bear on every part than by encouraging each ".in the contracted policy of taking care of Itself, possibly at the expense of its neigh bor. Most especially is this true in case of . • internal transit. It is evident that the estab lishment of a British line of communication between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans is more feasible by the operations of a single govern ment responsible, tor its progress to both shores of the continent, than by a bargain negotiated between separate and, perhaps, in some re : spects, rival Governments and Legislatures. The San Francisco of British North . Ameriea,t...would, under these circumstances, • hold a greater commercial and political position than would be attainable by a capital of the isolated colony of British Columbia. Her Ma jesty's government is aware that the distance between Ottawa and Victoria presents a real • diffictilly in the way. of imnialiate. — union, but • ; that very difficulty will not be without advau ,tage, if it render every communication ;indis pensable, and forces onward the operations -which are to complete:it. It appears far better to accept it as A temporary drawback on the ' advantages of the union than wait for those obstacles_todie:lencoontered_henafter more in - tractable, which are (sure to spring ofilirt* the _ neglected opportunity.' The despatch also authorizes Governor Mos , grave to communicate with Sir John' Young, . or take such Step,S' as' can be. constitutionally ' taken for promoting the. favorable colisidera :;c:' . 4; tion of the question. It also says that the Con `-t".. I stitution of British Colombia will oblige the government to enter personally on manyLques • ' 1 ,1,:' ?Aoll.47such as the condition of some of the In -dian tribes, and the future position of the gov ,::. ? , v ernment. accounts, with which, in case of ne *ti.'ltions between two responsible govern ments, heWould not be bound to concern him self. Photographing Light. iftroin the Journal of the Telegraph.l It is well known that the method of receiv ; Mg communications by the Atlantic and French cables is by the reflection of light upon an 2 .. ivory scale from a small mirror on what may be termed the armature of the receiving mg net.. Every movement of this tiny glass causes the light reflected from it to pass to the right or left on the ivory scale, these motions being in dieative of letters, which the operator records. This seems to many a painful process. has • to be done in a dark room. It, requires pro found silence c ,, It requires one perssu to read the evanescent characters thus given by a wandering ray of light and another to note them down.. The utmost attention by both is • - necessary. It seems to require such aconcen -4"!r; tration of Mind as to be painful and full of ,' hazard. Sueh is the impression conveyed to ie ge the nerallmind. s -'' It isnot wonderful; therefore, that litany per- A l sons ask:--Cannot the vo cable \ be made to trans r d p ': o s s C` Can not : late its inessae on ne leave a su t c l'e:e° ' ' . not the light ba b lj o ad re it to aa l to _ ota n ti ml y,facilit4te paper m°vii? ce tion ? Sucli - a. the work of , r proposal was made to us fewdaysago, 4 4 _ P which we could , nbt do othe isethan acknowledge as desira ble.should ot be surprised if that same We already n a scheme to accomplish this ,hr ' person bas _ _ , ~, , 4 , in the Patent V ce.. . ill That seems the first thought '` '-,, ,fan inventor. It is enough . rigbt The brain h we do not clues / leis its rights of capital wine, i 'f' . ti°,T,ll„. ;prevent folly, however, in any such sup is',,;, ' i,„,..„ .. d di,see 'miles and, it may be, to aid inven ' ' ' `v" - " - ' • d' ectien we published in our last. ' l, 1, .. i . tiou in : t %. numlier an , ex.,j,a , ___ . e, tr t . ci from au able article in the I f,;‘, , , Genitentares i -mid= a in on Aurora Polaris, showing bow , photop p .. lay has been employed 4-1'... :to riorint a similar sery ce . I in recording the -,' ,fr-- P e ----..-- - - of needle% tu the Euro ti a&LOVOME:I4.4 , . i :.magnetic - ~,,,,' rt a during in:toilette storms. , x ~,,,,,, o b s o v , let, (id • • '47 Yr - , 7 seein 4c, busy ou every band devising. sg'4 '" ''' e.ence -' - t inty and precision to r ' - 'i.* ncest , es ,tn gli* eer a : r .7- labor and discovOry. Let inventors keep pOsted on the results already attained. Itr is a dis c( uraaing thing to discover that after Much, laborious thought and expense, a process mado public Flgich is found to be the counter 7 Pa 4 of another already in use. It is an ungra4 emus task to be obliged to.undeceive them. Ey:the aid of photography . the feeble:st motions of the most delicately poised machinery are now recorded in the observatories of Europe, and this process may yet. be applied to recording . messages . :by our great cables, unless mechanism, such as George Little's, - with his delicate yet responsive floating pen, accomplish not only a direct record, but make possible automatic repetition in connecting with our land lines. 41TY . BUA.LET1N. —Mr. J. H. Stephens, formerly: a detectife under Mayor McMichael, has been appointed a special officer by Recorder Given. Mr.. Stephen S„ is a very competent officer.: . • ' • ' • —Richard Page, charged with collecting money on behalf of the Spring Garden Soup Society without authorityilad a further bear ing before Aid, Dougherty yesterday afternoon, and was committed in default of $1;000 bail for trial. • , • • —Astable ' belonging to Hugh Stringer; a , milkman, inAlder street, below ThOmpson, was destroyed .by fire lastnight, about - half past ten o'clock. , Two horses, which wereirt, the stable, were rescued with considerable difficulty. Loss about $500., '—Wm. Kelley, aged. 35` years, residing', 'at No. 5 Beck street, was rim over at Crown and Vine streets by, a car of .the: Rate'. and Vine. Streets Passenger Railway Yest s erday afternoon; and had his right leg fractured.. He was taken t o.the Pennsylvania-Hospital, -- , -The Grand Section of Temperance held its annual ineetin,g yesterday. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: G. P.,,Wm. Davis; G. V. P., Chas. S. Massey; G. A., B. F. Dennison; G. T., Jacob Potter; G. C . ., Richard Twelves • G. G., C. F. Gret ;Anger ; G. W., H. Lyndall. —Mr. Geo. H. Stuart, Treasurer of the Avondale Relief Fund in tflis city, announces, that the subscriptions have reached $35,104 89, and, as he is anxious'to close his account with the General Treasurerr, requests', any 'persons holding funds, or who intend tO,'contribute, to pay onpr. before Thursday next, 4th prox. —The scaffold in front of the building being. erected in Callowhill street, near Fifth, gave way yesterday afternoon, causing some of the workmen to fall to the ground. Luther Mc- Donnell, aged 22 years, residing at 1917 Mar ket st.,was injured internally. ' T i nas Gleason, aged 29 years, residing at 1217 Market street, was also injured internally. —Revenue Officer Rause and Assistant As sessors Griffiths, Johnson and others, made fourzraids.inAhe-Riclunond District during this Week, and captured eight stills that were in full operation. While the officers were operating yesterday an attempt was made to take a cap tured still from them. Stones were' thrown, and Assistant Assessor Williams was severely hurt. The Officers finally got away with the articles they had seized. —Patrick Rafferty, Patrick Keenan, John Keenan and Owen McCartney, who are charged with murderously assaulting Watch 'man Patrick Marley, on Market street, near rprtietli, some Weeks since, were to have had a further hearing before 'Alderman Kerr yes terday at ternoorflie osecutor - was- , pres ent. but the defendants failed to appear. Their bail was forfeited, add warrants were issued for their re-arrest. The bondsmen are James Rafferty, Patrick 'gallery and Edward F. Con way. —President Grant yesterday gave a recep tion to the clergy of Philadelphia at the Conti nental Hotel.. Bishop Simpson was present, and gave most of the clergymen an introduction to the distinguisbeilvisitor. There were about one hundred and fifty clergymen in the room, many of whom had their families with them. Rev, J. Walker Jackson, George H. Stuart, Esq., and William C. Bakes, Esq., also took part in introducing the clergy to the President. At the close of the interview the President left the hotel for Washington, accompanied. by Gen. Dent and family. ILEBR'B CHINA HALL. Lint. of Ironstone China Dinner Set for CB, co* Paining : 12 DINNER PLATES. 12 SOUP PLATES. 72 BREAKFAST, DESSERT OR TEA PLATES. 32 SAUCE PLATES. I OVAL SOUP TUREEN STAND AND LADLE. • 1 OVAL SAUCE TUREEN STAND AND LADLE 1 SAUCE BOAT. 4 OVAL COVERED VEGETABLE DISHES. 2 UNCOVERED VEGETABLE DISHES. 3 MEAT DISHES, ASSORTED SIZES. 1 SALAD OR FRUIT BOWL. COVERED BUTTER DISH, WITH DRAINER 1 PICKLE SHELL. 6 1 WATER PITCHER. 12 TEA CUPS (WITH HANDLES), AND 12 SAUCERS. All the above pieces churlnality W for .5t lb, packed free of ina ge. Kratnle Oh' 11a11,1214 Otr HERB'S Clll, .17A HALL. Liat opronstOne China Dinner Set for 6`l ins : - _ 12 DINNER I'LATES'. . P 2 SOUP PLATES. 12 BREAKFAST, DESSERT OR TEA PLATES. . ) COVERED SOUP TUREEN. 2 COVERER VEGETABLE: DISHES. :11iNCOVEICED VEGETABLE DISHES. 1 COVERED BUTTER DISH, 'WITH DRAINER. 1 PICKLE SHELL. ~ 3 NEAT DISHES, ASSORTED SIZES.. —.12 SAUTE PLATES. ..1 , • 1 WATER PITCHER. 1 SAUCE TUREEN / AND STAND. 12 TEA CUPS (WIT TOUT HANDLES) AND 12 S ra:cmt The above set, be t quality White Stone China, for B'lo Orders by mail prom nth' attended to. • li ER R'S WlllL'llffill. 1918 Chestnut st vett • KERR'S CAUSA HALL, • • NOW OIJCNING, A TIF.AUTIFiIL AssORTMENT OF PARK, VIENNA, ENGLISH AND BOHEMIA' FANCY GOODs, • FOR HOLIDAY PREBENTs, "CLOVE. JEWEL. AND lIANIIKEncIimr Boxr:r. ,• "SWISS CARVED Wool; ".lAnDolEtts,' , "MAJOI.I( . .A, • "CARD STANDS, &C.. A LI. ENTIRELY NEW GOODS NOT TO DE FOUND ELSEWHERE, BANGING IN PRICE I. ROM THE LOWEST TO TIIII•3IONT JANEH K. KERR & 111 w , CIIINA 1218 CIIIIsTNET STREET. i..t9 • FST STYLES. Fur Beater. English Paletots. Blue and Black. English Paletots. Blue Brown, Black. Carr's Finished Melt ons. English Paletots. Brown, Drab, Slate. English Paletets. Brown and Black. Cratrine Bear or English Paletots. , Brown and Black. Beady .made and made to order; at eIIARLEA STORRA'i No. 824 Chestnut street. SUNNY SlDE—Oltltt INAL it'IRE-PLACE STOVE. AND WAnti-Ant 'FURNACE COMBINED.—The only Fire- Place State ever ibvented that will warm the room In 'which it it violated'. Al others fail in that 'particular, 'We hare embodied hi Tun SUNNYSIDE all the LATEAT and 311:T-KNOWN PRINCIPLES of consuming coal with -EcoNomv • end have discarded all the numerous huger feetiena that artebeing used in the Baltimore and New York Fire-Place Heaters. THE iiI3NNVPIIER will prodnce :unnk wAnm AIR with LI:KA litEL than any other Stove, a nd is o ckn o wleagol, by all who art, using them, to. be SUPRRIOR IN ICORRY PARTICULAR to the Baltimore and Now York Fit o-Plaue Beaters, which they,ltd,heretotbre usq. Donut Pe decetv•Finy ruiirepreaentattonVitiregited to Tats riuNlYAnn:, but call mid minim) 'it, and see the -Larne - number of tendithonials from those who have them in use which will convince any pers o n or Piopßy to all others, thin Warping . and Ventilating Wareromne of • (merge P. Shoch 33:3 North Second street. trl (11 tn • HOLT'S PATE:.iT .31.ARI(INO V, I. F..6c n EITIL.E. SOLE. AGENT, No. 40 SOUTLI TURD STREET, FIIILADELPLIIA, Thin machine in deeigned to supersede the use of sten cil plut , n on canes ' wrapping - paper, cloth or paper bags. Tiee type being made of rubber, it will print on any leTel i,urltke«. • It is soli-inking. It Is isirriple, durable, nod alwaye ready fornee. - ENQVISITE FALL CONIPECTIONS, • Mannfacturbil by ll'urra lAN et Cp.,31.i Chestnut Iltreet bupplied•at the lowest viiulesale prices. - MEAT SAFES, IRONING TABLES, KnefrEN Tables, Titbu and Buckets: Aluo, a full ausortment of liouisekeeping goods. E. ti!FABSON & CO., Dock, below 'Walnut btreet. OAKFORDS have the largest marketstock Fine Furs! Fine Furs in tho city. . Stores under Continental. SuitGICAL INHTltubiraqs and druggists' sun dries. • ' • Stinwusti Zt.BROSIIV.EI., • 23 South Eighth street. THE DAILY EVENLN G BULLET' CITY NOTI S. to Stone C PltErAliE for cold weather • by purthpaing a set of theaa • " elegant and Fine Fuji, sold at Ouan..t.na OLICEORD m Sams. under the Qontinentat _ . JIIDIQIOUS MOTHERS and nurses use ter children Ak a* and pleasant medicine in Ihnoer's belong( Courts, Runlets, Inverted Nails, skilleuliy treated by. Drri.--Devidnon,-No.-916A:lbuttt_ street, Obarges moderate. .' OAKFORDS unrivaled stock Olt rine 71111-11- DOW NO I :?; the time purelinee. 834 and S3G Chestnut at:, (upder Voetinentel..) • .11EAPHESS, - BLINDNESS - AND CATARRH. J. Isaacs, X. Pr, Professor of the Eye and Ear treats all diseases appertaining to the above members With the utmost success. • Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the city can be seen at his office, No. 805 Arch street. The medical Iseult,' Are Invited to accompany' their patients, as he has no secrete in his practioe. Art ficial eyes inserted. No charge made for examinatien, , ASHER'S 'DANCING ACADEMY, . NO. 808 FILBERT STREET. All tho New and Fashionable Dances Taught. Ladies and Gentlemen—Monday , Tuesday, Thursday and Friday Evenings. Misses and Masters—Tuesday. and Saturday After noons. . Gentlemen Only—Saturday Evening: Private lossone.singly or in classes, at any hour to salt convenience. ocas-2m5 AMERICAN ACADEMY;- PATTI r. •• MAX STRAKOSCII respectfully announces that the unrivalled Concert N ocalist Mlle. CARLOTTA PA.TTI, ' • Will make her flat appettrance : .horo .(since . her 'return. from Europe I in TWO 'GRAND:PATTI CONCERTS, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS, 29th and 30th Oetober, at 8 o'clock. • Mlle. CARLOTTA PATTI will bo assisted by RONCONI, RITTER', PRIME, HAWILMANN and JOSEPH IIk:MARRS, AND GRAND_ ORCHESwItIe, Musical Director aln DIETRICH Accompanist. ' 0:W. COLBY Admission. One Dollar,. Reserved Seats, 50 'cents and el extra; Proscenium Boxes, en; Family Circle, 60 cents; Amphitheatre, 25 cents. SPECIAL NOTICE.—A few rows in the Family Circle will be reserved at el ( including Reserved Seats Steinway's Pianos are used at all of the PATTI CONCERTS. The sale of Seats will commence this morning at . Ce W . A. Trumpler's Music Store, 925 Chestnut street; also at the Academy or Music. ACADEMY OF MUSIC 'HERRMANN, PRESTIDIGITATEUR, REFINED ILLUSION .• DELIGHTFUL MYSTERY, • • FEATS OF MODERN MAGIC. Will ma his first_ iarance on \!) MONDAY EVENING, - Nov. And every evening daring the week, with a programme ENTIRELY NEW, NEVER.BEFORE ATTEMPTED. invented by himself, expressly to, signalize his return to - this - hentisthere. NO APPLIANCE OF MECHANISM Or asistance of paraphernalia of any kind, aro used in these astonishing performances. Being the last performances of PRO , ESSOR HERRMANN' • Before retiring to Europe, after astonishing the old and new worlds. TUESDAY, SECOND NIGHT. Tickets One Dollar, including Reserved Beats,vrithout extra charge. Fluidly 'Circle, 10 cents; Gallery, 23 cents. Seats now for sale tirampler's MIMIC SUM, No. 926 Chestnut street, and the Academy. L - AURA KEENE'S, CHESTN T STREET THEATRE. ' A SPLENDID OUBLE BILL. I THIS, SATUR AY, NIGHT, ,LAST-TI LE.OF HUNTED DOWN. M LAURA KEENE MARY LEIGH First time hero of the Nau cal Drains of BLACK EY D SUSAN. Tho two Plays introduce the entire Company. On MONDAY—AN UNEQUAL MATCH. In active preparation, ' BELLA, And a new Play by en American author, PATRIE; On,THE WHITE WOMAN O. WICKLOW Doors open at 7; commence at 3a to 8. MRS. JOHN DREW'S .A.ROH STREE'I i THEATRE. Begins Yi to 8. , GRAND DOUBLE BILL. TO-NIGHT, SATURDAY, 0ct.30,1869. SIXTH AND LAST LIME OF _. ' • ALL'S WE LL THAT ENDS WELL-, By MRS. JNO. DREW, : And the entire Company. To conclude with the great drama. • •'' THE SMUfiErLE RS' RETREAT.. • By the Full Company. —MONDAY; Noy. Ist, Boueleault andliyron'a . LOST AT SEA. Nv AISIJT ST. THEATRE, BEGINS to 8 N. E. corner Ninth and Walnut Streets.. THIS, SATURDAY. EVENING, FIRST TIME IN THIS CITY, An Original Romantic Sensational Drama, in three acts by Palgrave Simpson, entitled • T !ME AND THE HOUR. To conclude with the successful Domestio Drama, en titled THE PEEP SHOW MAN. MONDAY , Nov, Ist—LUCILLE WESTERN. • EAST LYNNE ; OR, THE ELOPEMENT. NV ALNUT STREET THEATRE, N. E. cur. Ninth and Walnut streets MONDAY EVENING,NOV. Ist. ENGAGEMENT FOR TWELVE NIGHTS, Of the eminent Artiste. ' LUCILLE WESTERN, Who will appear us LADY ISABEL AND MADAME VINE, In the Great Moral Draina.of EAST LYNNE; OR, THE ELOPEMENT DUPREZ Bc,BENEDICT'S OPERA HOUSE, SEVENTH Street, below Arch. (Late Theatre Comique.) Brilliant Opening. Triumphant. Success. The Ladies' Favorite Amusement - Resort. This Evening and Every Night During the Season. First week of the great famous DUPREZ k BENEDICT'S GIGANTIC MINSTRELS AND BURLESQUE OPERA TROUPE. First 'Week—Pas do Fleur. First Week—Benedict's Japanese Troupe. First Week—Band Began to Play. 'First Week—Burlesque Opera, El Tractor°. First Week—Jogging Through Life. First Week See- - Ell-oh-tie. First Weekl—Buin Doors open at 34 of 7. Commence .4 of S. Dross Circle, 50c.; Parquet, 75c.,• Boxes, 85; Gallery, 25c.; Reserved Seats, 75c.; Colored Boxes, boc. Ticket Of open at 10 A. M. to 1 P. M., and from 2 to 4 P. 0c27-it NEW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA HOUSE. IHE FAMILY RESORT: CARNCROSS *.HytighENSTRELS, • Ergß J. L. OARNOROSS, Manager. FOX'S - AMEBIC : THEATRE, THE CLODOCHE TROUPE. NEW BALLET—THE GREEK SLAVE. THE CAN-CAN. THE CAN-CAN THE FEMALE 40 THIEVES. Matinee on Saturday afternoon et 2 o'clock. _—__ A ERI CAN CONSERVATORY 0 A Music.—Second Grand Orchestral Matinhe,-Dec. 1 Bee notice under head of Musical: oc2o w&s dt§ SENTZ A HASSLER'S MATINEES.— Musical Fu al , 1E9;9-70. Every BA.TURDAY AFTERNOON at 3;i . o'clock. ocl9-tf c*DEM OF FINE ARTS, A CHESTNUT street, above Tenth; Open from 9 A.lll. to 6 P. H. Benjamin West's Great Picture of CHRIST REJECTED Is still on exhibition. - --,----BUSINESS CARDS. ' Established 1521. WM.. G. FLANAGAN & SON, HOUSE AND SHIP PLUMBERS, /3'§No. 129 Walnut Street. - - lANLEB A. WRIGHT, THORNTON PIKE, CLERIC= A. GIMP CON, TUBODORE WRIGHT, FRANK L. ?MALI:. PETER WRIGHT & BONS, Importers of earthenware and Shipping and Commission Merchants, No. 116 Walnut street, Philadelphia. W 1 fT, E. E. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ,ennnalssioner of Deeds for the State of Penney'yenta In Illinois. 06 Madison street,,No. 11, lahicago, Illinois. atil9tf§ COTTON SAIL DUCK OP EVERY 'Width; from 22 inches to 76 inches wide. all numbers Tent and Awning Duck, Paper-malier's Pelting, Sail Twine, kc. JOHN W. EYERMAN, : }8 26 . No. 103 Church street, City Stores. PRIVY ---- "WitLS. — OWXERS OF PROP arty—The only place to get privy weliscleansed and disinfected. at vory low _prices. PEYSSON. Mame? . facturer orPondrotte. Goldsmith's Hall. Library street NT - se nig:berm; iR-oNT,,(;. S A 1 1 .1 SEBBICIOUt, SUNS 1 THWARK, FOUNDRY, - 1 430 WASHINGTON AVOW:WA Phii/111010%, 111ANVFM:r UNE STEAMENSINIIS"-litgh and Low Preesure,liorizon tal, - V4tlcaf, Beam, Oselßating, Blast and Cornish Puenyfing. . . BOlLEltS—Oylinder, Fhto; Tubular .k.o. ~ ST/lAM HAMMIIRS—Nasnyth and Davy styles, and of CA " I Sll l4 NI3Loarn , Dry and Green Sand, Braes, k.o. hi ar a tn a r ud ero T I li I b i t y err °, 0 1 I f ' . W W i f I l li a pp t g aißan:::irt: tg:h1::::.' ;3100P:tee ynr:. ROOFS— on Framts, for covering covering -with Slate or Iron. TANKS—Of Oust or Wrought Iron,for refineries, water, oil, &o. GAS MACHINERY—Such as Retorts, lifinch Castings. Holders arid Frames, Purifiers, Coko and Charcoal • Barrows , Valves. Governors, Sm. SUGAR pi ACHINBUY`--131101 Ile VacSuln;Palumdsßaonnde Pumps, Defecatcrrs. Bone Black Filters Burners, 13WwasehkerleldkoElovators, Bag Filters, InS Y P l lh r e l im a la b ad le llelu eu : t-off Steam Engine. ing and Self-halancing Centrifugal Sugar-draining Ma. • and fitting up of Re- Gi lc' e n a h o s i e n tah t i i ß i ll .. ga a nit rto e L n d . 's S im tat :rO:o t m Wee n:Ol i n o Al l Bartol's Potent Wrought-Iron Retort Lid. 4 38 t ° fi r n n atb o " r a i n ti° B f r r i ribi w irl o t r ib t r E ei l n u dd g elll S ni u gng Sugar or Mo 1 a Rena, _, _ _ PRUGGISTS' ISV.NDRIES..: GRADII atoII, Noitar, Pill Tiles, Combs, Brushers, Er irrorth• eezers, Puff Boxes,rtorn• Scoops,' Surgical Instru ments, Trusses, Hard and Soft Rubber Goods, Vial norinisonodYppeEanrLdNLfayri7B—Betic::_tbBM,yaangsb • Oa a t; s s . , t :ilass and Metal SyrinKto,_ /to, all at ~ mid :Hands" prices SNOWMEN er, BBOTNEII, (l e o :13 0 1' n r e l :a c t i o lt a i lt u t g an , BurAyari 23 South Eighth street. WINSOR & 00.. No. 332 South Wharves. - - riFIALK. FOR .SALT:', _. 180 TONS, OF VV w a di" Afl o at. Apply to WORKM.NN t 00. 12J Walnut street. 61IA, - SA . l 7 llRlilir, CTiBiR 30, 1869. GEO. J. lIENKELS, CABINET MAKER. 1301 and 1303 CHESTNUT STREET. ESTAIIIILIgHED 1544. Goad Furniture et the lowest possible prlee. soh 2n • • FURNITURE.' T. ezr J. A. HENKELS , AT TEEM ' • NEW STORE,.IOO2 . ARCH STREET, Are now selling their ELEGANT FURNITURE at very redneed pricee. • seta Ina • - NEW CARPETINGS. McCAINUM, CREASE: & SLOAN, No. 509 CHESTNITT STREET. 4 . linporters and Rota!(era of . • , . 4 CATZP - JETINGI - S , Of every description. FALL IMPORTATIONS. a- • NEIibESIGNS IN MOQUETTE. OSS/JE Y'S VELVETS, 6.4 WIDE. In original and exclusive' patterns. 1,000 Pieces Brill ' 88089 Of the best English manufacture,• of new and novo) styles, many of them designed expressly for ns. 1,000 Pieces Crossley Tapestries , All the newest styles. ° ENGLISH AND AMERICAN OIL CLOTH'S, McCALLEM,.. 'MUSE &, SLOAN'S Carpeting and Oil Cloth Warehouse, No. 309 Chestnut Street r Phila., Opposite Independence Hall se7 to the Sm rp§ NEW CARPETS. AXMINSTERS,— WILTONS, VELTETS, BRUSSELS, , 3 PLYS AND INGRAINS, Venetians, Drnggets, Oil Cloths, &c. LEFA:OO3I. SIIANVI 910 ARCH STREET. son arnra 11 OR BOSTON .-,STEAMSHIP LINE DMECT. BAILING FROM EACH POET EVENT Wednesday and Saturday. FROM PINE STREET WHARF, PHILADELPHIA, AND LONG WHARF, BOSTON. FROM PHILADELPHIA . FROM BOSTON. NORMAN Saturday, Oct. 2 ROMAN, Saturday, Oct. 2 ARlF,S,_Wednesday, " 6 SAXON, Wednesday, " 6 ROMAN, _Saturday, " 9 NORMAN, Saturday," 9 SAXON,Wednesday, " 13,ARIES,_Wednesday, " 13 NORMAN, Saturday, " 161ROMAN,Saturday, ". 16 1 ARlES,Wedneeday " 20 SAXON, Wednesday, ". 20 ROMAN, Saturday, • " 23 NORMAN, Satdrday," 23 SAXON, Wednesday " 21 ARIMS. Wednee&a " = NORMAN, Saturday," 30 ROMAN, Saturcli4„ -- -- .... • , Those Steamships sail punctually. Freight receli.". every day. Freight forwarded to all points in New England, F or F re i g ht or passa,ge (warrior acoommodatlons) apply to HENRY wINSOR& CO., 338 South Delaware avenue. VIIHMADELPHIA., RICHMOND L NORFOLK STEAMSHIP LINE. THROUGH FREIGHT AIR LINE TO THE SOUTH AND WEST. EVERY SATURDAY, at Neon, from FlItEiT WHARF above MARKET Street. THROUGH BATES to all points in North and South Carolina via Seaboard Air-Line Railroad, connecting at Portsmouth, and to Lynchburg, Va., Tennessee and the West via Virginia and Tennessee Air-Line and Rich inland and Danville Railroad. Freight HANDLED BUT ONCE,andtaken at LOWER RATES THAN ANY OTHER LINE. The regularity, safety and cheapness of this route „commend it to the publfb as the moatdesirable medium for carrying every description of freight. No charge for commission, drayage, or any expetwo for _transfer. Steamships insure at lowestrates. Freight received DAILY. WILLIAM P. ()Limn & Orb. No. 12 South Wharves and Pier No. 1 North Wharvoe. W. P. PORTER, Agent atßichmond and City Point. T. P. CROWELL A CO., Agents at Norfolk. HIL -- EL — PHIAAND --- BOUTHERN MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S REGULAR INES FROM QUEEN STREET WHARF. The JVNIATA will sail for NEW ORLEANS, via Havana, on Tuesday. Nov. 16, at B A. M. The TAZOO will sail from NEW ORLEANS, via HAVANA, on -. The WYOMING will sail for SAVANNAH on Saturday , Oct. 20, at 8 o'clock A. M. The TONAWANDA will sail from SAVANNAH on Saturday, Oct. 10. The PIONEER will sail for WILMINGTON, N. 0.,0n Wednesday, Nov. 10, at BA. 21. Through bills of lading signed, and passage tickets sold to till points South and West. *BILLS of LADING SIGNED at QUEEN ST. WHARF. For freight or Joaseage, apply to WILLIAM L. JAMES, General Agent, ISO South Third street. FURNITURE. &IC. , 4 CARRETIriGS, &C. SHIPPERS' GUIDE. NOTICE. -FOR NEW YORK, VIA DEL AWARE AND RARITAN CANAL EXPRESS STEAMBOAT COMPANY. The CREAPEST and QUICKEST water communica• tion between Philadelphia and New'York. Steamers leave daily from first wharf below-Market street, Philadelphia, and,foot of Wall running out York. Goods forwarded by all the lines rtuining out of Now York—l. North, East and West;—free of Commission. 'Freight received and forwarded on aocommodating terms. AVM. P. CLYDE & CO. Agents N 0.12 South Delaware avenue, Philadelphia. JAS. HAND, Agent, No. 119 Wall street, New York. NEW EX_PREIBS LINE TO A_Llr &la, Georgetown and Washington, D. C., via Ches apeake and Delaware Canal, with connections at Alex andria from the most direct route for Lynchburg, Brie tol, Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton and the Southwest. Steamers leave regularly from the first wharf above Market street, ever Saturday at noon. , Freight received daily. WM. F. CLIMB & CO., No:12 South Wharves and Pier 1 North Wharves. DYDN & T VDU% Agents at Georgetown.. vost,cltlDGE .t CO., Agents at Alexandria. Va. • M. MDR NOTICE—FOB NEW"YORK, VIA 111 DEL aware and Raritan Canal—Erwiftsure Transporta tion Company—Despatch and fiwiftenre lines.—The business by these Linea will be rammed on and after the Bth of klarclii, For Freight, which will bo taken on acconamoclatin terms, apply to WM. M. BAIRD a CO., LT2 South \V fiarves. DELAWARE AND CHES.A_PRAKEI Steam Tow -Boat Company.—Barges towed between Philadelphia, Baltimore, Havre de Grace, Relaware GM' and interniethate potato. WLIN M. P. CLYDE CO.,Ae_nts; Capt. JORN LAUGH- Stip't *Mee, 12 South Wharves, Philadelphia. NOTICE.—FOR NEW YORK, 'VIA DEL, AWAKE AND RARJTAN OANAY., , SWIFTSUIIN TRANSPORTATION. COMPANY.. DFAPA'YCH AND SWIPTYDRIB LINER. Tho business of these llnen wiH be resumed on and after the 19th of March. For freight which will be taken o accommodating terms, apply to W BAI No. 192 Sou Wharves. DRUGS. CSOAP--GENUINE AND VERY I,J,Bnporior-204 boxes Jost lauded from bark Idoa, and. Sorlale by ROBERT SHOEMAKER & 00., Importing "meats, N. B. corner - Fourth and Race streets. 11111GGISTS WILL FIND A LARGD stock of Allen's Medlar Extracts and 011 Almonds, ad. libel. Opt., Citric Aoki, Ooxe's Sparkling Gelattq, genotze Wedgwood klortara. , &e.,Just landed from bark Roffnung, from. London. ROBERT ,SHOEMAKIBU &. GO., Wholesalo Druggists. N. 13. corner ;fourth and itaelnetreotp 11TI;8: 1.00 GALS--AVT§ii.Elf,i4. -OIL IMO Gals. IL W. Whole Oil. 1,20 Galli. Naturat Whole Oil, 20 Bbla. No. 1 •Lortl Oil. In Moro nod for 11 03 by 00(.3111.AN, UUSBELL & CO., No.' 111 Clkestnnl otroot. 729 IDUESTDDITT STREET. THOS. KENNEDY .& BROS. Open To -nay A LARGE INVOICE ,RICH FEATHERS AND FRENCH NOVELT Wholesale and Retail. SPECIAL OPENING- O! Trhumed Bopetti & Hats, MISCELLANEOUS. , . . GOLDEN - -EAGLE - FURNACES AND COOKING RANGES • 1 461 '6OO Cubic feet of space thoroughly heated,by 8 medluxn , sized Golden Eagle Furnaces at United States Naval Asylum Philadelphia. PERFECT SUCCESS. It 10 three years since the shave Furnaces were in vented and offered to the public. The advantages they combine have given them a most signal success. Already in our city it has taken the load, AND THE DEMAND CAN SCARCELY BE SUPPLIED. • The community are seenred that the essential feata which have given the Golden Eagle such unbounded popularity aro not found in any other Furnaces now 4 4", tent. ' • • An examination is solicited. • • SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. CHAS.. WILLIAMS, Nos. 1132 AND 1134 MARKET STREET. Ben a to th 2mrps GAS FIXTURES. prom the Celebrated Mannfactuera, Mitchell, Vance & Co., New Yorke and Timker Munufeeturing Co., Boston. And even , variety of COA.L OIL LAMPS, From our own e , Manufaetory, Camden, Nw Jersey. COULTER, JONES &. CO 702 ARCH STREET, t, PEfILADELVEIA. ee2:l , 3m rp FRED. SYLVESTER, REAL ESTATE BROKER,- 20S SMITH rouleTs STREET. ocl4 2mrpi _ _ _ FITLER, WEAVER 8D CO. NEW CORDAGE FACTORY NOW 111 FULL OPERATION, No. 22 N.WATEB , treat and 23 N.DELAWABB mane PATENT OFFIOES N. cor. Fourth and Chestnut' (Entrance on FOITRTII Street./ FRANCIS D. PAS'fORIUS, Solicitor. of Patents. Patents procured for inventions in the United State' and foreign Countries, and_ all business relating to the 811.030 promptly transacted. Call or send for circular on Patents. Offices open until!) o'clock every evening. mh2o-s to th lyre§ PLUMBING. WM. G. EL110.9.135, 1221.11ARRET STREET, . PHILADELPHIA, • Steam and Gas fitting, Hand Power and Steam Pumps, Plumbers' Marble and Soapstone Work. ; - Terra Gotta Pipe, Chimney Tops, de., wholesale and retail. Samples of finished work may be seen at my store. ilm§ SEWING MACHINES. gig WHEELER & WILSON'S 9i4 sowing Maohmeg FOR SALE ON \ EASY PAMENT,,,S, 914 Chestnut Street. oi4PETERSON & CARPENTER, GENERAL. AGENTS. je2B s t th 'yrs ORNAMENTAL IRON WORRb. WIRE WORK. GALVANIZED and Painted WIRE GUARDS, for tore fronts and windows, for factory and warehouse Windowe, for churches and collar windows. IRON and WIRE RAILINGS, for balconies , ofdees , cemetery and garden fences. Liberal allowance made to Contractors, Builders and Carpenters. AU orders tilled with promptness and Work guaranteed. ROBERT WOOD & CO.,' 1136 Ridge Avenue, Phila. le3o:tu th Cm NHE FINE ARTS Established. IVOS. • A. S. ROBINSON • FRENCH PLATE LOOKING GLASSES, Beautiful ChEpzaos, ENGRAvaITAND n tIiFITIN GS, Loo ki ng .dapAlSAPlctureFrafnes., tao C3IIESTNUM STREET. Fifth Door sUbve the 06ntinentfil, I,IIILAIRCIPHIA. • , ItOSIN AND' SPTS. " - TUTtPENTINE RV NUB. •Ileein; 1.57' Bble. ' Prime Betakes' Bplsita Turpentine. • Now landing . from steamer "Pioneer," from -Wilmington, N: 0., and for Bale b)' 'COCIVAN, RUSSELL .i CO., 111 Chestnut] street AGBAND IRON.-11.3 BALES RAtit— Aid 'I ontl,l3—Bble,-Trir.--„N tundinS from oietiinor. 'Pioneer." from Wilmington. N. 0.. and for alo by COCILEAN, /I.Ut.PSELL & W., 111 Oltoittunt tllroot.- &ARCH STREET RES I DENCE . FOR SALE, No. 1922 : ARCS STREET. Elegant Browsrlitone . Residence; three stAitiee ft Mansard roof; very oommodiousi furnished witiassory unldern coarenioncei. and built in a very nuPtefer aad : substantiattnanner.' Lot W, feet front by 150 feet deelyto Cuthbert street, on which is erected a handsome bricc,,, Stable and Coach aQIIBO. - • J. M. GUMBINT & BONS, 733 WALNUT Strad. 8020 tic, ea • - ESTATE .OF JOHN -00TTMAN, r • 1113.doccesed.--Executoes sale of Frankford property at public sale, on Thureday afternoon, Noy. Ilth 1062; at 2 o'clock ? on the premisee—A Frame H F ra nke o ground, N 0.4412, northwest side ofblain , s treet, ford' containing , in front VO feet .1 inch, and in da; northwestward on the northeast lins 100 feet 5 us" hest and on the southwest line 106 foot. ' EDWARD S. GOTTMAN, F.zectitsr.• .• • SHALLUROSS 14:14, • Real 'Estate Brokers, at Walnut et 0c22 2880 no 3 10 4610 Frankford et., Frankard: da- CAPE MAY CITY PE.)I'ERTY FOIL illtit * Ealo eh easy terms.. ' ' ..' - II o.l.—ouse and lot, 60 by 100 fet, stiititblo or about 60 i warders ;:throe squares from battling, Price, WAIL. a, o. 2,—liouso and lot, 40 by 630 feet.. Price 82,600. 0.3.-11°am) and lot, 66 by 100 feet. Price 52400. No. 4.—Honse and lot. 60 by 200 foot. Price $3,540; aid' several building lots about 100 yards from 'bathing._ Ap ply to . , f.)RNSSFI A IIicOOLLUSI, . . 0c23.t1i s m-31§ * Gape May Oity, ii: - CHESTNUT HILL LOU3LT EY - SEELT for 'sale or exchanger-0 rieres, handeornelf proved, and replete) with every conrenteri&(near tie depot). A dwelling house, worth' about 320,000, situate south of Arch street and west of Twelfth street; wsabi, be taken ittittit payment. W. E. LITTLETON, edit-rant K 4 1 ., ' . ni Wotnutetreet. , • it FOR SALE DWELLING. 14 "Mrth Thirteenth titreet ; every convenience, Ann in go driter. Sapertor dwelling. 1422 North Twelfth street, en Vaag terms. Three-story briek. 233 North Twelfth street, harlag good two-story dwelling in the roar. 88400. Three-story brick, 518 Powell street, in good order. 82,750. Store and dwelling, No. 340Bouth Stith street: 85488. Frame house, 909 Third, street, South Camden, near Spruce, clear. 8800- - 510 Queen street, two-story brtck, good yard. Building Lots on Passytink road,and a good Lot et Aiming BUM , nousnir GRAFFEN &BON. " 537 Pine street. p0 - FUR-A VERY DESIRABLE Dwelling. situate in Locnqt street, near Fifteetatat. , Isle. Range and Gas. With 8 Chambers, Parlor awl - - Dining-room. Four-stories front and Three-story rear ~ building, Apply to A. At. JONES, . ' oc2Btit No. 416 Walnut street. .' ' 7 _ ..,- Z. FOR BALE THE ' HAND • OME Brown Stone and Press Brick Dwelling, No. tail • ti ruse street, with all and every improvement. Built in the best manner. Possession on November Ist. Ono, t. halt can r DAN emain, gles istre e red. Apply to OOPPUBK & J 08,433 Walnut ' nFOR SALE OR RENT-DWELLIAG Houses 1214 to 121 t Routh Fifteenth street, below eral. 10 rooms. Modern improvements. , 0c26-tu tit is3t . 11. AL CON NELL, 756 S. Ninth st. el FO R SAL E.-110140' THREE, im. - • Story Brick Dwelling, 610 S. Makin. Every con venience. inquire on the premises. toVii-th,artu,tg NI WEST PINE STREET-FOR SALE. Dia —The handsome tourstory brick residence; and three-story back every c on v eni en ce No. 1806 Pine street; furnished with every and in good order. . immediate possession given. J. AL GUMMEY k.EONE, 7.. VJ Walnut it. ' in • • GERMANTOWN.-FORSA.LE-THE 11:a handeomestone Cottage Residence, situate K. W. corner East Walnut Lane and Morton street ; has prat./ modern consenienc and is pe order. Grounds handsomely 'shaded by full gownr tres— Immediate pos session given. J. M. GUMM Y k SQNS. • 7.Ti Walnut trig FOR . —BALE. THE VALUABLE ma. Property S.W. corner of Fifth and Adel phi streets, below Walnut. 62 feet frost by 193 feet deep, fronting on three streets.• J. M. 1111.11211XY Wawa street. el . ARCH STREET—FORMALTi,—THE JILL , Elegant Brown-Stone Residence. X feet front, built and finished throughout In a superior manner, with lot feet deep to Cuthbert street ; with _large 'bi ble and roach-house on the rear. J. M. & SONS, 731 Walnut street. G ER 3 - 1 A N — 1 1 ) _ ....-- ( 15-STORE PRO L nellY, corner Main and Coulter streets. Cheap."' }l eggin ; pl a e,. tbme acres, near Wayne /rational •st sacrifice.. . C. KEYSER, KING. tr ' Next Depot, Gertatautown: — : -It -- g0.. - 1 - e...4reH.l.stN UT ITPREE'r, MAR- - % ble front. ettlen.lkt I 'ling ;20 reams, large ! lot. 'or Kale cheap. Apply to or address C. KETSICE 'KING, next Depot, GOTII34I7VATLI. it. --- etRI , FOR. Ati LE- 7 1- TRR --- TALUABLE Ka Property No. 114 South -Twelfth street; Wen, Chestnut ; feet,front by filfeet deep. J. M. GUMMMT SONS, 733 Walnut street. • • GEItMANTOWN-FOR SALE-TWO knit new pointed stone •Cottages, jag finishing with ewers , city convenience, within five minnt& walitront Church Lane Station. Price, 85400 each. .T. WPM KEIT 50N8,733 Walnut street: • MI FOR SALE--DAVELLING B, AWL 1210 Columbia avenue. li' noteenth and Thommfon. /44 N. Eighteenth street. B=l 88110rAn. Weed Nubs, 1907 Mt. Vernon street. 909 N. Fifteenth street. I=3 'Brandywine. Lot 1.8160. 8 rooms, newly p l or o red end painted. Only tra3o cash r«tnired. Price bica . JAMES W. NAVE ili - • se2tf S. W-. corner Broad and Chestnut. ._.- FOR SALE—A HANDSOME REM DANCE, 2113 Spruce street. A Store and Dwelling, northwest 'corner Eighth and Jefferson. A fine Beeidefice, VII Vine etroet. A handsome Residence, 400 South A Enth street. A handeome Residence. Neat Philadelphia. . A BOlitlet4l Location, Strawberry street. A Dwelling,TNo. 1111 North Front etteet. Apply to COPP UCH. J ORMAN, 433 Walnut street. FOR SALE.-THE HANDSOME RE sidence marble first , story , finished in the best manner, with 'every convenience, and .5-feet wide side yard ; No. 317 South Fifteenth street, below Spruce. J. M. GUMMY . 2i 50N5.7.1111 Walnut street. TO RENT. CREESE & IticCOLLIIM, REAL BF • AGENTS. Oftlee,Jackson street, opposite Mansion street, Caps Island, N. J. Beal Estate bought and sold. Persons desirous of renting cottages durtng.the season Will apply or address as above. - Respectfully refer to-Ctuts.A_Rabicam,Renry Basra% Francis Iticlirain, Augustus Joint DaTio 604 . W. Juveual • 91 0 LET.—A SPACIOUS SUITE OF COUNTING ROOMS, with one or more lofts, on Chestnut street. Apply to COCHRAN', RUSSELL__& CO., 111 Chestnut street. ac=-1111_ en TO RENT--DESIRABLE REST- Sabi (knee—handsomely furnished; in western part of the city. J. 31. GU MILEY a SONS, 733 Walnut street, TO RENT. FURNISHED HOUSE, 11 4 “; No. IHO7 Walnut street. Apply to J. PARKER NORRIS,No. nt South Delaware avenue. oat , 3t it TO RENT—FURNISHEDS HAND= =IL some Dwelling, near Seventeenth and Spruce streets. Apply at No. 313 tjautti Seventeenth street. ocll•St' V I V) RENT—TO A PRIVATE FAMILY Zia —Douse, No. 1010 Race street. Ilas just been put in complete repair. Apply to. WM. CHAPMAN, No. az North Eighth street. Douse open from 10 to 2.129 3t"' lern TO RENT--THE DESIRABLE 31odern Residence, No. 104 , WALNUT_stroet. Will be leased fora term of years at a moderate rent. Immediate possession. Open daily from oto 11 o'clock: A. M. Apply at Xi WALNUT strebt. oc23r CI TO LET.—THE NEW IRON — Eft. — ONT tL Storo, No. ttla lllarket street, through to',Vorn mem). First rate light. Apply to .10 . 11 N PEARUE, 0c27-1t" No. 3':7 Market street, trm T irkNT—A F URNISHED HOUSE, ON BAK' WALNUT LANE, Goilmantown. .V. ' ery desirably situated. Will be rented until MaY next. and perhaps ionizes% . For terius, tcc., Address oc2L-6t§ "S :5.," Clerrnantown P.O. ___ _ CNI milTO LET-A O3IODIOUS AND large . modern Dwelling•house, with stable sad s urrounding ground, in the suburbs of Camden. Apply to CHARLES RHOADS, No. t 6 South Seventh street. . • Philadelphia. TU LET--TRULY CENTRAL L00.A.- tion.—Macbiniste. workers in brass, or parties deyiriug light rooms for mannfactnring7please °main° building rear of 611 Commerce, outlet Discount Place to Ninth etreot. 2 feet front, three-stories high—high front end rear, w tine cellar, onghle - rnam and snink u-stack. Apply deity from 10 to 11 to the Oner,at natioZitfn street. oc TO THE THREE-STORY LModern Residence. with double throo-story back bulldlugs and side yard,altuato N0.J02 North Nlnotoonth atreet, near Arch. Immediate posesemsion. At. GUM /SILBY sS 733 'Walnut atret. EGAEDIN G.:. . . . H AND SO. E • COMMUNICATING Rooms . , ..w it h board, -At No. 1209 Byrne() uap no 2 5 4t* WANTED- Agetits,'Tcachors, Students e , ,C and ler al l gyen,' Farmers, Sons • - and )10aughterm to sell • Before the Footlights and Behind the .., Scenes, by Olive Logan, • niE GR Id AT, REFORMER, OF TIJJ STAGE, who, havingbaurioned stage life, uow oxhibita • ill iiyid colora the whole Omar world ' Before and .Beltmat the rites. ,BOWS Truthful, Moral and High-toned, as well as Sensational, Bich and RaCY, It outsells. all books. Beautifully illustrated with 40 spitited ongru- vings• 24 full pogo cuts, OW po vie' , on rose-tinted raper. Greatest inducements yet offored.- Prospectus, Boxes and Bratioseryfree. For circular explaining, address Immediately . . . 1 ''''' PATIN ELITE gr, CO., rhuadetplith. ra. 1 Bitumensus, either at Clneinnaioßrio, .' • ' or 'Middletown, Coon. Rle OR —BWijitE WANTS 1111 Rev-Mr. Fullerton has-become. the ars sisfant to the'reetot of 1.3 t. Stephen's Epiiicopal Church, in this city. r Tar. Rev, W. W, Bronson has been selected as first assistant to the rector of St. Peter's .Episeopai Church, in this'eity.. Ilai,Tur Rev. Dr. Alexander Vinton, of St. Mark's Church, New York, has accepted a tall to the' Imlnanuel Episcopal Church, In Boston. , r Tnir. Afellioditst says concerning the vote on lay,delegation ; '"l'lius-fatywe have the requi ,. irfte three•fou'rths vote of all 'the Conferences reported, and 131 votes to spare." .. ,PATITER MORRELL, pastor. of. St. Albans • . Episcopal' Chur.eh, New York,'has applied to 'the ' Pope' fir permission to represent his church at the _Council at Rome. The Pope has refused th;yrequest. TIIE Rev. l'hillips•Brooks having taken his departure to assume the charge of Trinity Church, Boston, the Bishop of.. the Diocese will take'charge of pie' Church' of: the Holy Triiiity t for a few weeks. r., Tun Rev. Dr. Leeds, formerly Rector of St. Peter's Protestant tpiseopal Church, in this city, will deliver a sermon ceinmernerative'of the late Rev. Dr. Purr, Reethr of - Christ 'Church, to-morrow morning. - THE Rev. Alexander Sinclair, of the Pres bytery of.Philadelphie, hag =ineeived- and ac-' oepted a unanimous Call to the'Presbyterian Church of Titmsville, Pa. Ho expects to enter on his labors on the second Sabbath of , Noyember. 'THE Baptists of the State of Nest Virginia number about eighteen thotisand members, divided into ten District Associations. The-' -envisions that existed among them during the , war are healed and they are living and label* • '-ing together ii theutmost harmony. debt . of 1.,50,000 against the Methodist Metropolitan Church, Washington City, is to be paid by three thousand ladies paying ten !dollars each. A committee of ladies,with :qrs. President Grant at their head, has been 'or • • ganized to consummate the measure. AT the late session of the Tennessee Confer ' enee eine Methodist Episcopal Church the following rbiolution was passed: "That we deetu it incompatible with the best, interests of our work for mem tiers of this Conference . to be actively engaged. in partisan politics or ~-to bold political Mimeo?' • \ • e llue Rev. E. B. Raifensperger; a prominent Presbytermiarlivine of Toledo, Ohio, has been' invited by She authorities of the Cohocksink Presbyterian Church, ; corner of Franklin street and Columbia avenue, to occupy their pulpit until the return of their pastor, Rev, Mr. Muchmore, who is now in Europe. A MEETT.NO in behalf of the Church of the •• Crucifixion (EpiScopal) will be held to-mor row evening at the Church of the Epiphany, common( r" at 71 o'clock. Addresses will be 'wade by r'•,;hop Stevens, Rev. Dr. Newton, and - the rector in charge of the mission, who will give an account of the work during the past year. ‘. • TILE vote of the Presbyteries has, been pro nounced in favor of the, union of. the Old and New School Presbyterian Church. The num ber necessary to make two-thirds Of the Pres byteries is 90. The number of Presbyteries • voting aye islol. • In the New School Church more than two-thirds of the Presbyteries have voted in the ailirinWve.. Trigßev. Dr. E.V. Hotter preached his nineteenth anniversary sermon as pastor of Et. Matthew% Lutheran Church, in this city, on the 10th inst. During .these years be has received into the church 608' members elated at 389 funerals,and married 381 couples. ,Several mission Schools were eStablished,from which churches have originated. Tun new Board of Directors of the Philadel phia Tract and 3i lesion Society met at the Society's room, No. 1334 Chestnut street, on Tuesday evening, St ith inst., Samuel H. Per kins, Esq., President, in the chair. The fol lowing gentlemen were elected the Executive Committee for one year : William R. Scott, Winthrop Cunningham, Isaac. S. Williams, Purves, Alex. V. Murphey, Robert li. Davidson arkrilyman L. Lipman. D. S. H. Tyng, of New York, in a letter on the revision of the Prayer Book,thinki that re- vision must either be limited to a few verbal. changes and alternate forms, or else be so comprehensive as practically to give a new Prayer Book. Tins letter of Dr., ' . l`yng haS . broughtout more distinctly the project for a division iu the Episcopal (Murcia. The Chris tian Wanes& (Episcopal) of Boston, approves tbe letter, and speaks cautiously on the' sub ject of division, though not clearly against it. _ THE festival of the Reformation, which oc ""Viirti.to-morroW; the . 3ISt inst.., will be 'eele . brayed with special services in ail the Lutheran churches. " The day Is to be commemorated in consequence of Luther beginning the ,Refor matien October 31,-1:517, by nailing up the fa- MOUS ninety-live Theses. It will be observed by impressive services at St. Luke's Lutheran Church, Fourth and Thompson streets, Rev. J. B. Reifensnyder, pastor. ...The exercises will terminate in the evening With a discourse from the pastor o 4 he subject, "Does the theran Church of to-day tend toward Roman ism?" At 2P.M. an address to the Sunday school children will be delivered on the "Childhood of Lnther," Tin: General Convention of Universalists, 'at its last meeting, at Buffalo, N. Y. unani- Mously adopted the following resolntions: Resotrol, - That this Convention reaffirms the -testimony-it:lms heretofore bormywithregartt to the vital importance of giving to the world the influence of this body in support of the all imrortant cause of Temperance, which is now so -Justly claiming the attention of the. wise and good of all classes of the American people. .R6seired, That we would urge upon the Uni versalists of the United States the duty and necessity of working with unflagging zeal to carry forward a reforth so vitally connected with the religions and moral welfare of Man , kind. • . TILE Seventh Anniversary of the Young People's Association of - the Fifth Baptist Church was eelebrated on Tnesilay ev. last at the church, Eighteenth and Spring , - nen streets. The annual report IVaN read by the President, Chas. H. Brown, Showing that timing the year 9,42peiNons had attended the prayer-meeting; of tie Association ; tracts and ether religious matter distributed, - 12:3,543 pages; visits ameng the sick and others.,l3; temperance diseourses;2 . ; public temperance meetings held,:;; signatures to the temperance pledge, 275 • value of articles given to the poor,.sloo ; Money received, 51.070; expended, $897 60. An able address was made by ReV. B. Dryden Phelps, D. D., of Conn. IN he Foreign 4llzssionary, the publication of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign MlA sions, will be found the following estimate of the amount given for the cause of foreign Mis sions by the members of the various churches: American Board, : $440,407 ; Presbyterian Board, $290,709; Methodist Board, $2:75,808 • Baptist—Board, $180,041; Reformed Board; $79,009 ; Episcopal , Board, $61;909. Then J. 4 0, I.Klirds represent the following mernhorshi t , CV4mgregationalists, 291,042 ; Presbyterian (.1 . SO, 172,560, or a total 0463,002 supporters ,if the American. Board. ' Presbyterian , Board, leaving out its foreign mission' chtfrches, ' 267,685 ' - Methodist Board,. 1,060,205; Baptißaptist. Board, their report says, 1,000,000; Reformed, 18,262; Episcopal,'l9o,ooo. Taking the average of the last two years of receiptS and member slop we have ati the average individual gifts:: Presbyterian Board, per member, $1 08; Amd rican Board, 51 03; Reforined 80ard,93 ecntki; Episcopal Board, .31,1 cents ; Methodist Board, 2:31 cents ; Baptist Board, 18 cents. . • .. '-' - Tun • tenth anniversary 'of . the Sabbath schools connected with the Trinity PresbytO. riau Church, corner of Frankford road and Cambria street, took pities-. on Sabbath aftei4 noon,.2lst inst.,.in the chapel connected with the chfirch At an early hour the chapel waS, packed to overtkriving by the scholars,te.achel and parents and friends, to take part in an listen to tho exercises: which consisted of ady dresses of Revs. M. C. Best and R. A. Brownl and John R.• Senior, Esq., Assistant Superim , tendent of the Sabbath schools at the House of Refuge,. and-readingpf the report - by the • Superintendent, F. W. Getz. with lively and spirited singing by the children, who entered heartily into the spirit of the occasion. Thil young and enterprisingeo ngregati on we striv. : ing earnestly to finish their churchellitice, in order . ..that they may be enabled to ,gather,"-in the large, number •in this truly missionary . field, who do not visit the house of` God, into the church and Sabbath schools.. They need at present the generous contributions .and', prayers of alito aid them in dedoniplishin ; their - desires. `Tlif,re to e in - the schools .11 ma o and 111 female scholars, malting a total of 201! in the .tnain school, and ).p2 iii tlio infant de partment, or 303 scholar: in all, with an.aver •iKe aittenihnico ii tiring thn•} - c n of 217 scholar/4. During the year• s6vo :12 were ..:ontri ()J . :Lod IT tie Scheele toward the o . ll2pletion itithemaie • rROPOSALS. EPARTMEYT OF HIGHWAYS, j../ BRIDGES, SEWERS, &C.--_-OFFICE OF CHIEF COMMISSIONER;-- HO, 104 SOUTH-FIFTH, STREET. • PHILADLPHIA, Oct.-28, 1868 " NOTICE, TO CONTR CTORS. SEALED, PROPOSALS' will be received at the office of' the Chief - Commissioner of Highways until 12 o'clock M. on MONDAY, Nov.'lst,.for the construction of a Sewer on the line of 'Walnut street, to begin at the Sewer in Thirteenth 'street, and extending westward to the cast curb-line of Broad street; on Spruce street, from Bingham street to Fourth street; on Spruce street,from the east cuxbdine of Twenty-first street westward to the Schuyl kill river; on Fifth street, from the Sewer in Poplar street,to the north side of Wager street, and on Sixth street, from the Sewer in Willow street,to a. point sixty-seven feet south of Green, street.-Said Sewers to be constructed of brick, circular'in foltrisidth a clear inside diameter of three -feet; also, on Tndor street, arid connect` with the Sewers now constructed on Dickinson and Tasker streets,with a clear inside diameter of twp`feet six inches,with such iron and stone nlets and man holes as may be directed by the Chief Engineer and Surveyor. The .understanding to be, that the Sewer' here in adirertised are 'to be completed on or beforethe 31st day of December, 1889. And the. Contractor shall take bills . prepared against the propertrtronting en • said Sewer to the amount of one dollar and fifty cents for each lineal feet of front on each side of the street as sonata' cash paid; the balance, as limited by Ordinaoce, to be paid by the City; and the Contractor will be required to keep the street and sewer in good order for - three years after the sewer is finished. i_ When the street is occupied by`a''CityTaa senger Railroad track, the Sewer shall be con structed along side of said track in such man ner as not to obstruct orinjerfere with thesafe passage of the cars thereon ; and no claim for ~remuneration shall be paid the Contractor by the company using said track, as specified in act of Assembly approved May Bth. 1886. Each proposal will be"accompanied by cer tificate that a Bond has been filed in the Law Deiriartment as directed by Ordinance of. May 2.5 th; 1860.- If the ldwest bidder shall not exe cute a contract within,five days after the work is awarded, he will be deemed as declining, and will be held liable on his bond for the dif ference between his bid and the next lowest bidder. Speci fi cation.s May. be had at the Depart mt- enof Surveys,which-will he strictly adhered to. 'flu Department of Highways reserves the right to reject all bids not deemed satis factory All bidders may be present, at the time and place of opening the said l'rope.sals. No al: lowance will be made for rout excavation wiles-, by special contract. MAHLON H. DICKINSON, oc2B :it§ Chief CorarniFFioner of Highways. MEDICAL Ayer's Cathartic Pills, For all the purposes of .a Laiative lnedicine. Perhaps no one medi ae is so universally re dred by everybody as sthartic, nor was ever before so univers:ll - into use, in ry country and ameng classes, 'as this mild efficient purgative . ... The obvious ma il, that it is amore le and far more effee remedy than any r. Those who have tried It, know that it cured - them; those who have not, know that it cures their neighbors and friends, and all know that what it does once it does always —that it never fails through any fault or neglectof its composition. We have thousands upon thou hands of certificates of their remarkable cures of the following complaints, but such cures are knoWn in every neighborhood, and we need not publish them. Adapted to all ages and conditions in all climates; containing neither calomel or any, deleterious drug, they ma' be taken with safety by anybody. Their sugar coating, preserves them ever fresh and makes them pleasant to take, while being purely vegetable no harm can arise from their use m any quantity. They operate by their :powerful influence on the internal viscera to purity the blood and stimulate it into healthy action—remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and Other organs of the body, restoring their irregular action to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such derange ments as are the first origin of disease. 31innte directions are given in the wrapper' on the bOx, for the following complaints, which these Pills rapidly core:— For Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Listless. tiess,_Languor and Ikons of Appetite, .they should be taken moderately to stimulate the stem ads and restore it healthy tone and action. For Liver Complaint and its various symp toms, Bilious Headache, Nick Headache, Jraundice or Green flickness,Ditions Colic and Bilious Fevers, they should be ju diciously taken for each case, to correct the diseased aotion or remove the obstructions which cause it. For Dysentery or Diarrhoea, but one mild dose is generally required. For .lithenniatisna r Gout, Gravel, 'Valii- . tatlon of (Ile Heart, Pain in the Side, • Hack and I ,in, they should be continuously , taken, as reqinizil, to change the diseased action of the system. With such change those complaints disappear. _ _ For Dropsy and Itropsical Swellings, they should be taken in large and frequent doses to pro duce the effect of a drastic purge. For Suppression A, large dose should be taken as it produces the desired effect by . sympathy. - As a Dintaer - Pill , take - orie - or two-rills to pro. mote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, restores the appetite, and invigorates the system. Hence , it is often ad vantageous where no serious dezangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often finds that a dose of thefie Pills makes him feel decidedly better, from their cleansing aud,renovatisig effect on the diges• five apparatus. ZO.B. J. C. AYEIt & CO., Practical Chomists, JFIASS., U. S. A. At wholesale by J 31.31A1t18 tyG-tu Lb s 4sn PAL DENTA.LLINA. A SUPERIOR article for cleaning the Teetlf,destroying, animalcula which infest them, giving tone to the ft nme. and leaving a feeling of fragrance and perfoct cleanliness in the mouth. It may be itsed daily, and will be found to etrengthen weak and bleeding mime, while the aroma and detersi veness will recommend it to every one. Be. composed with the assistance of the Dentist, Phyla ,clans and Micrescopiat, it is confidently offered as a reliable substitute for the uncertain washes formerly in yoeue. Eminent Dentists, areuaihtod with - the 'corditnente of the Dentallina, advocate its use; it containa nothing to prevent its unrestrained employment. Made only.by JAMES T. SHINN, Apothecary. Broad and Spruce streets. For sale by Druggists generally, and 'red. Browne, 1). L. St:lel:110mm, Bossard & Co., Robert C. Davie, C. It. lieeny, Geo. C. Bower, Isaac 11. Kay, Chao. Shivers, C. H. Needles, S. M. McColin, T. J. Iluaband, H. C. Bunting, Ambrose Smith, Chas. 11. Eberle, 7. Edward Farrioli, James N. Marko, Wm. B. Webb, E. Bringhnret James L. Biapharn, 'lDyott ,t Co., Ilughea & Combo, 111. C. Blair'e Sons, Henry A. Bower. . Wyotlt & Bro. HEATERS AD STOVES ANDREWS, . FIARRISON & oO.y 1327 MARKET STREET'. • IMPROVED STRAM REATINd APPARATUS, FURNACE, AND COOKING RANGES. , ea th eto Sm. • , • • THOMAS S. DIXON & SONS, • Late Andrews Dixon, __ a _ ti 7 4. 14 o. 10% g r i l t 4 R , Til i te lj d T g r t: t idtl i t i . l " annfactnrersL O of PAARDown. LOR, ORAMBEE, OFFICE, ' And other GRATES, For Anthracite, Bituminous anO Wood Fire; WARM-Alr ArßiCaktgssJ • For Warming Public and Private Buildings. 11}1 O1§VERS,TENTTLATOBE3, • 011TAINEy CAPE; COOEING-RANGER, BATII.I3OILERS. viIIOLESALR , and RETAIL. ~NTISTR'Y: .- rt , 30 YEARS' ACTIVE PRACTICE. —Er. FINE, No. 219 Vine street, below Third, inserts the handsomest Teeth in the city,at prie,es to suit all. Teeth Plugged, Teeth Repaired, Exchanged, or Remodelled to suit. Gas and Ether. No pain in ox, trusting. Mee Jaeura.B to S. euz-s,m,tom Y EVENING 2_4,,.0:41 . x 4 . . f . .. STAR i. .. .. .. _.. , ...,. , . .' f .SPRIN 1 8 , ~.., SARATOGA, NEW YORK. .. --': The analysis proves that the waters of the Saratoga - Star - ',t prings. have a touch larger amount of solid substance; richer in medical ingredients than any other spring in Saratoga, and elbows what thetas teludicates—namely, that it is the , _ - STRONQEST WATER :-- . it also demontstrates that the pTes. WATER contain. - about - . ' , , . „, . , 100, , Cubic Inches Nor . of Gas in a gallon -than any other springlitlt is this extra amount of gas that imparts to this Water its peculiarly sparkling appearance, and renders it so-very agreeable to the taste. It also tondo to preserve the delicious favor of the water when bottled, and causes it to uncork with an efferveseence almost equal to Champagne. • i . 80/4, by . the /adding Druggists and Hotels thy crugla . out the . eOUNtry. • - JOHN WYETH, & BRO., .. 1412 Walnut Street, Phllada, Whoiesaie-Agents. - - - Also for sale by W.Walter Mullen ,i:lhestrint Rill;Freir. Brown corner of Fifth and Chestnut streMe; I. J. Gra- , • hame, Twelfth and Filbert; B. B. Lippincott, Twentieth , an Cherry; Peek . A . 003 - 4228-Chestnnt; Samuel S. Bunt- ' th and Spruce; A.l37.'lUyier.ll3k6 Chestnnt;P.G: Over; Eighteenth and Spirice; I%Jacotly,Jr.,9l7 Chest net, C. Bower, Sixth and Vint; JaV.T. Shinn,Broad and Spra . cek . Dsualel 8, Jones, Twelfth and Spruoe; W. B. Webb, Tenth and_Spring Garden. dtil-tu.thuirma A RELIABLE HOME INVESTMENT THE. FIRST. MORTGAGE. BONDS Wilmington and Reading Railroade BEARING =EMIT AT SEVEN PER CENT.TN CURRENCY, Payable April and October, free of State and limited States Taxes. This roadr nn through a thltkly populated and rich agricultural and manufacturing district. For the present wo are offering a limited amotint of the above bonds at - 85 Cents and Interest. The connection of this road with the Pennsylvan and ReadinOtailroads insures It a large and remunerative trade. We recommend the bonds as the cheapest Wit class inieetznent in the market. WM. PA - ENTER .41k, CO., Bankers find Dealers in-Goverzunents, No. 3613.• THRD STREET, PHILADELI6.IIII*. 385til BANKING HOUSE OE' JAY . COOFEIe& 112 and 114 So. THIRD ST. PHILAD'A DEALERS IN ALL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. We will receive applications for Policies of Life,lru3nrance in the new National Life In surance Company of the United States. Full information given at our office. „ ": • FE .. cRS Dealers In 17. S. Bonds and Members' of Stock and Gold Exchange,' receive ac counts of Banks and Bankers on liberal terms, issue Bills of Exchange on C. J. Hambro & Son, London. B. Metzler, S. Sohn & Co., Frankford. _James W. Tucker& Co'. Paris. And other principal eines, and Letters of Credit available throughout Europe S. W. corner Third and Chestnut Streets. UNITED STATES BONDS Bought, Sold and Dx. ohanvd op most Bought and Sold at Market Rates. COUPONS CASHED. PACIFIC RAILROAD BONDS Bought and Sold on Commligion:Only. Made on all Accessible Points. 6 1 , 41) •, )lEl' . LAVER. a) xi > -I . 40 South Third sik% • THE THILADELPHrA" School, Nos. 33.34, 3336;3338,3340 and 3342 Idarketi Street, fp now open. The School is the largest, best ari ranged. and the Stables attached arc the most oommo-I diens and thoroughly ventilated of any in the city., Horsemanship scientifically taught, an y Horses they-, oogbly trained for theliaddle.. The most timid may ride" withperfect safety., . • To hire, handsome Carriagee, with-cireful drivers, for: weddings, parties, opera, shopping, &o. Horses ta.ken at livery. • nc9tf • SETH CRAIGE. Proprietor. OTICE.—THE N. G.: B.A.RK AgTRAEA, , .. /1111(31,Master, , front Lonflon,le now discharging.' under general orOer, at Race street WWI. Consignees will please 'attend to the reception of• their goods.; PETER W RIG liT & SUNS, 115 Walnut street. 000 CNSIGNEES • , -OF • •MERCHANTd - SE per-N.G. Bark " Antreeti"—Hillet. master, from London, will please send their 'permits to the MUM) of the undersigned. The. general order will be humeri on 11.11.11tBDAY, the 28th lust.,[ when 101 l goods not per - milted will be sent, to public stereo. Bate of Rs change for freight, 142)1 percent. PETEIt WRIGHT &NAM, 115 Walnnt street. oe2Bll SARATOGA' WATER. rrirrrtmrri liberal terms. GOLD 13oug.ht and. Sold. SvrCo C I-c._ S COLLECTIONS PHILADELPHIA. INSTRITOYIS. , kjia LU&LtUa S4:I I II4DAY. OCT A en RADING RAILROAD. -, GREAT -.- !Prank Line from Philadelphia to the interior 'W nirylvania, the Schuylkill, Susquehanna, Cumber land and .W.V o MingValleys, the North, Northweet and • the Cansams,firtmmer Arrangement of Passenger Traluai , July 12, , 1869, leaving Um Conneany's Depot, Thirteenth' - and ' !Gallowb111- streita s ,Thilada/Phia, at the foll owing hotirs: ...- MORNING - ACCOId3IODATIOR.-At 7.30 A. It for Beading and all intermediate Stations. and Allentown.. Returning, leaves Reading at 6.30 P. M: . arriving in 4'hiladellohla 10.9.15 P. M. , ,:. • MORNING EXPRESS:At 8.16 A.. M. for -Readidg. . 114babiow,Harrisburg,'Pottiatille, Ro c he s ter , dguav Barry, Williamsport, Elmira, Niagara ' Falls,'Enfialo, Wilkesbarre, Pittston , York. Carlisle, 1 _ Chambersburg, Hageretown, Ac. The 7.30 A. IL train connects at Reading with the/gist PennisylVanlaßailroad trains for Allentown Arc ,and the 8.15 A.M. train connects with the Lebanon 'Valley train „for Harrieburg, at.;. at Part Clinton with Catawtsas R. R. trains for WAlliamsport,Lock Haven. Elmira, &a_ ~*at Harrisburg with Northern Central, Cumberland Val-. ley. and Schuylkill: and Susuehanna trains for North umberland, Wialiarasaort. York, Chanabaraburg,P i na grove go. AY lERNOON EXPREI3BI . --lieareal Philadelphia at' 3,30 - P. 31. for Reading, Pottsville, Harrisburg, &c., con-' panting With Reading and Columbia Railroad trains for . Columbia. &c. POTTSTOWN ACCOM3IODATION.c-Leaves Potts ' town at 625 A. M. etopping at the intermediate atatinne arrives in Philadekhia treB.4o A. M. . Returning leaves ; Philadelphia at 4 P. M.; arrives in Pottstown at 6.40 , .READING AND - POTTSVILLE . ACCOMMODA TION .-Leaves Pottsville at 5.40 A. M., and Reading at 7.30 A. al. stopping nt all way stations; arrives in Phlla dete hia at ' lo.ls A. M. • . , '• turning, leaves Philadelphia At 5.15 P. M.; arrives' In eading at BAK/ I'. M., and at Pottsville at 9.40 P.M.. Trains for Philadelphia leave Harrisburg at B.IOA. 31 „, and Potteville'at 9.00 A. M., arriving in Philadelphia' at 1.00 P. IL Afternoon trains leave Harrisburg at 2.00' P. M., and Pottsville at 2.45 P. M.; arriving at Phila delphia at 6.45 P. M • liarriebarg Accommodation leavas Reading at 7.15 A. Al., and Harriebvirg, at 4,10 P. 31. Connecting at Read ing.with Afternoon Accommodation south at 6.30 P. M., Arriving in Philadelphia at 9.15P.M. . . Market train, with a Passenger car at tached leaven Philadelphia at 12.45 noon for Pottsville and all Way Stations; leaves Pottsville at 5.40 A. M., connecting at ' Refuting with accommodation train far Philadelphia and all War Stations .__- Sii the above train , run daily, Sundays excepted. unday trains leave Pottsville at 8 A. M., and Phila delphia at 3.15 P. 31.; leave Philadelphia for Reading at 8.00 A. M. returning from Reading at 4.25 P. 31. • CHESTER VALLEY RAILBOAD.-Passengers for Downinetawn and intermediate points take the 7.30 A. 11.,1'.45 awl 4..11P. M. trains from Philadelphia,return. Incrom DowningtoWn at 6.10 A. M.. 1.00 P. Id.. and 5.45 • ' PEREIOIIEN RAILROAD.-PassengerWor Schvrenks ville take 720 A ad.. 12A5 and-4.30 P.M. trains for Phila delphia, returning f rom Schwenksville at 0.56 and 8.12 'A.II , 12.55 Boon. Stage lines -. for various points in • Perkomen Valley connect with trains at Collegeville and Se hwenksville. COLEBROUEDALE RAILROAD.-:-Passengers for Boyertawn and intermediate points take the 7.30 A. Si. and 4.301'. R. trains from Philadelphia; returning from lloyertown at 7.25 and 11.50 FOR . NEW YOBK EXPRESS PITTSBURGH AND THE WEST.-Leaves New York at 9.00 A. al., 5.00 and - 001'. M., passing Reading at 12.35 M.,14 and 10.02 - P B. \\ip M., and connects at Harrisburg with l'Ohnsylvania an Northern Cent ral Railroad Expreim Trains for Pitts bu gh, Chicago, - Williamsport, Elmira, Baltimore, Ac. Returning, Express Train leavee Harrisburg on arrival of Pennsylvania - Express from Pittsbagh, at 2.10 and 5.20 A. 51. and 4.45 P. 31., passing Beading at 4.10 and 7.05 A. •M. and 6.15 P. M.. arriving at New York 10.00 and 11.45, ,A.M., and 10.20 P. 31. Sleeping, Cars accompany these -trains through between, Jersey. City and Pittabargh. without change. Mail traidtor New York leaves Harrisburg at 8.10 A, M. and 2.0 t P. M. Mail train for Harrisburg leaves New York at 1211 bon. SCHUYLKILL VALLEY RAILROAD -Trains leave Pottsville at 6.30 and 11.33 A.M. and 6.50 P. 31.. returning from Tamaqua at 9.35 A. M.. and 2.15 and 440 P. M. SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD -Trains leave Auburn at 825 A. M. and 3.20 P. M. for Pinegrove and Harrisburg and at 12.10 noon for Pine grove and Tremont; returning from Harrisburg -at 735 and 11.50 A. M., and from Tremont at 6.'45 A.M. and 5..05 P. M.,____ TICKETS.—Throagh first-class tickets and emigrant ticheia to all the principal points in the North and West and Canada. Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to Reading and Intermediate Stations, ! good •for clay only, are sold by Morning Accommodation , Market Train, Beading and Pottstown Accommodation Trains at reduced rates. . . . Excursion Tickets to Philadelphia, good for day only, are cold at Reading and Intermediate Stations by Read ing and Pottstown Accommodation Trains at, reduced rates. The following tickets (tie obtainable only at the Office .of S. Bradford, Treasurer, No. 227 South Fourth street, Philadelphia,, or of G. A. Nicolls, General Superinten dent, Reading. • Commutation Tmkets,at 25 per cent. discount. between any points desired, for families and firms. ileag e Tickets, good for 2,000 miles,botween all points at .51/2 /50 each for families and firms. • Season Ticketsjor three, six, nine or twelve'm'onths, for holders only to all points, at reduced rates. Clergymen residing on tho line of the road will be fur nished with cards, entitling themselves and wives to tickets at half fare, . _ Excursion Tickets from Philndelphialo principal Sta tions, good for Saturday, Sunday and Monday, at re duced tare, to be had only at the Ticket Office, at Thir teenth and Callowhill streets. - - . - FREIGHT.—Goods of .all descriptions forw;trded to all the above points from the Company's New Freight Depot, Broad and Willow streets. Freight Trains leave Philadelphia daily at 4.35 A. 11., 72.45 noon, 5.00 and 7.15 P. /1., Tor Beading Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pottsville, Port Clinton, and all points be- YhraL:r Mails close at the Philadelphia Post-offi se for all places 'on the read and its branches at 5 A. M., and for the prin cipal Stations only at 2.15 P. H. BAGGAGE. Dungan's Express lOU collect Baggage for all trains Tearing Philadelphia Depot. Orders can be left at No. 25 South Fourth street, or at theDepoti Thirteenth and Callowhill streets. . • FROR NEW STORM. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY and PHILADELPHIA AND ENTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S LINES, from Philadelphia to New York, and way. places, from Wal nut street wharf. • Fare. At 6.30 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accom. 82 25 At BA. M._, via Camden and Jersey City Ex. 1,1;11, 300 At 2.00 P. M., via Camden and Amboy Express, 300 At 6 P.M. for Amboy and intermediate stations At 6.30 and 8 A. hi., and 2 P. M., for Freehold. At 2.00 I'. M. for Long Branch and Pointe on R.& D. B. It. R. At 8 and 10 A.M., 12 M, 2,3.30 and 4.30 P. le.,for Trenton. At 6.30,8 and 10 A.M., 12 31.,2330,4.30,6, 7 and 11.30 P. hi.i. for Bordentown,Florence,Burlington,Beverly and De lanco. At 6.30 and 1 GA.M.,12 M., 3.30,4.30,6,7 and 11.30 P.M. for Edgewater Riverside, Riverton, Pahnyra and Fish House, an d P. 31,, for Riverton. , - The 11.30 P. 31. Line leaves ' front foot of Market street by upper ferry. From Kensington Depht: At 11 A. DI, via Kensington and Jersey qty, New York Express ..... . .33 00 At 72.0 and.ll.oo A. 711.5..1173,30 . an0t5 P. M. for Trenton and Bristol. And at 10.15 A. If. and 6 P. 31. for Bristol. At 7.30 and 11 A. M., 2.10 and 6 P. M. for Morrisville and Tullytown . . At 7.30 and 10.15 A. 31., 2.30,5 and 6P. M. for Schenck)! and Fddingtot i . At 7.10 and 1u.15 31 - ., 2.30,4, band 6P. M. for Corn= wells, TorresdaleHolmesburg,Tacony,Wissinoming t Itridesburg and I rankford, and 8.30 P.M. for Holmes burg and Intermediate Stations. From 'West Philadelphia Depot via Connecting_Railway At 9.30 A. M., I.W. 4, 6.4.5, 8 and 12 P. M. New York Ex tress Line, via Jersey City 83 25 At 11.30 P. M. Emigrant Line. 2 00 'At 9.30 A. hi 0.30, 4, 6.45,8 and 12 P.M. for Trenton. At 9.30 A. 31., 4, 6.45 and 12 P. h.L, for Bristol:' At 12 P.M .(Eight) for blorriitville,Tullytown;Schenck's Eddington, Cornwells, Torresdale, Holmesburg, Ta cony, Wissinoming, Bridesburg and Frankford. - The 9.80 A. M. and 5 and 12 P. X. Linea r.ux, daily. All others, Sundays excepted. For Linea leaving Kensington Depot, take the cars on Third or Fifth streets, tat Chestnut, at half an hour be- Torn departure. The Cars of Market Stroh Railway run direct to West Philadelphia Depot, Chestnut and Walnut within one square. On Sundays, the Market Street Cars will run to connect with the 930 A. 31. and 8 and 12 P. M. lines _ . BELYFDERE DELAWARE RAILROAD LINES from Kensington Depot. At 7.30 A. 31., for Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Dunkirk, Elmira, Ithaca, Owego, Rochester, Bingluunptou, Oswego, Syracuse, Great Bend,, Montrose, Wilkeabarre, tin Schooley's Motain. Ac. At 7.30 A. 31. and 350 P. IL for, Scranton, Strouds burg, Water Gap, Belvidere Easton, LarubertVille, Flemington, Ac. Tho 3.30 r..}l. Line connects Meat . with the tram leaving Eastbn for Manch Chunk- Allen-c town, Bethlehem, Am. Atli A. M. and 5 P.M. for Lambertvillo and intermo -- diate Stations. • CAMDEN AND BURLINGTON CO., AND PEM_BER TON AND 113011TQTOWN RAILROADS, from Mar ket Street Ferry ( Upper Side.) At 7 and 10 A. M.,1, 2.15,3.30,5 A 6.30 P.M.for Merchants. vlile,Moorestown, Hartford. Maaonville, Ilainsport, Ewansville,--Vincentown, Birmingham and Pemberton. At 10 A. 31. for Lewistown, Wrightstown, Cooklit4wit,' • New Egypt and Rornerstown. At 7 A. 31., 1 and 3.30 P. 31. for Lewlatown, Wrights town, Cookstown, New Egypt, Kornerstown, Crean/ Ridge, imlnystown, Sharon and Hightstdwn. Fifty pounds of Baggage only allowed each Passeinter. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as bag- • gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty, pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit • their, iesponsibility • for baggage to One. Dollar per. pound,' ndovill nut be liable tor any amount beyond 0100, ox-' ept by special contract. • • Tickets sold and Baggage checked direct through. to. Boston, Worcester, Springfield, Hartford, New 'Raven Providence, .NeWport, Albany, Troy, Saratog. a; Utica, Rome, Syracuse Rochester , Buffalo,Niagdra'Falls and. Suspension Bride. • ~ . • • I An additional is et Office is located at No. 828 Chest nut street, whore tic ets to New York, and all Minor,: tant points North and East, may be. proctleed: -. Peraons: purchasing Tickets at this Office, can have their' bag gage checked from residences or hotel to destination, ill Union Transfer Baggage Expreas. t Lines ffom New York for Philadelphia will leave from foot of Cortland etteet at 1.00 and - 460 P. X.,via;Jorsoyil Citrand 'tpuntlen. At 6.30 P. M. via %Jersey 'City amt.! Ilen9ington: - At 7, and 10 A.M., 12.30,5 and 9 P.M., and 4 . .12 Night, via Jersey City and West Philadelphia. tt Front I'ler NO. /j N. River, At 6.30'A Aecommoda- Con and 2 P. M. - Express, _via Amboy and Camden. Aug. 30.1869. ' • WM. I.I.f4ATZMER, Agent. n WEST JERSEY` RAILROAD: FALL ..O.ND WINTER' F,RANGEM.ENT. COMMENCING TUESDAY', SEPT, 210, liks4l. I Leave Philadelphia, Foot of Market_ street (Upper • Ferry) ut 8,14 A, kt., Mail, for Bridgeton, Salem, Millville,Vine• -land, Mwedoeboro and all interniodiate stations. 3.15 P. M., Mail, for Caps May, Itliliville, Vineland and way stations below Glaesboro,. 330 P. M., Passenger, for Bridgeton,. Salein,./fivedes bore, and all intermediate - stationa. 630 P. M., , Woodbary AIDA ,Glassboro accommodation. Freight train for all stations leaVes Camden 'daily, at. 12.00 o'clock, noon. . . Freight , roceived_irt Philadelphia at • second covered' wharf below Walnut, street. Freight delivered at No. 22e S. Dela Ware avenue., Commutation tickets, at reduced rates, between Phila.!' delphia and all station& - • • WILLIAM J. SEWELL, Saran:intendant; : • fAST FREIGHT LINE, VIA NORTH . PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, to Wilkesbarre, , sbanoy tlity, Mount OarmeltOentralla, and all points - on Lehigh Valleydittiliroad and its branches. By now arrangements, perfected this day, this road Co enabled to give inerenstal despatch , to mitriiPaPiiiifie 0 0 0- signed to the above-named points. Goods delivered at the Through Freight'Dopot, . lielt. cor. Front and Noble streets Before 6 P. M., will reach Wilkesbarre, Mount Carmel: Mnbanoy Oity, and tho other stations to MII,IIIIIIOY and Wyoming vnUovabefore A.M. the socoosoing day. ' . libleili 01411.15. Agoui, '7;; Ett 1 34 : 1869. TEA VELEM! G -THE , MIDDLE BOUTE.—Elborteetand most di- • rent' • line !to: - Bethlehem,: Easton , Allen town, • Mauch Chntilt,Haaletett, Whitalraven;Wilkeslbsirre, Mahanoy.- ~C ityi- 111L ilarmel,:- P itniton,%Tnnkluirinook4 - Scrantan, Carbondale and all the :points in: the -.Lehigh 'and -ming Ovalle a .. _ _ -- Passenger orin - Pfdlielelpliftol - .7W.'.COrrfer Ifenkii7 andAtnerleans eets .` • • •'; SLIMMEWARRANCIEMENT, • DAILY • TRAINS.' •oAand" after TUESDAY , ' Jima bit, 3269, Passenger , Trains' leav e the Depot , ' corner of Berke - ant/Awnless'. streets;tlaly.(Sundaya exceeted), OS follows: 7- ' • 6.45(A. , 111. Accommodation, for Fort Washington.. •• • - At 7.46 A.lll."ldorning Express for Bethlehem and . I Principal Stations' en North 'Pennsylvania Railroad, • connecting'. at - Bethlehem with . Lehigh Valley , Rallroad for Allentea , n,7oatasatiqun,•Slatingtori,• :Manch-Chunk, Weatherlyjoantsville,-.Hazleton,White Haven, Wilkes Barre Hingeton„Pittston, Tnnkbannock, and all points in • Lehigh -sad Wyoming'Valleys;. also, in • connection: with Lehigh and 'Mahanoy Railroad for also, City,: and with Cataaistui Railroad for. Rupert, Danville, Mil tonand Willitunsport. "'Arrive at Manch Chu. at 12 M.;" at Wilkesbarre at 2.50:P.M.:at Mabanoy City at 1.60 P.M. At 8.45 A.=31.-Accommodation • for Doylestown, . stop- ting at all • intermediate Stations. Passengers for Wll- ' • ow Grove, Mitioro' and Hartsville; by this trairG take Stage 01 Yorkßoad.... • • , ?9.45 A . _ (Exprossi_ for •• Bethlehem, - Allentown, -Mauch Chunk : W hite Wlikesbarre, Pittston, • • • Scranton and Carbondale-via Lehigh. and Susquehanna • Railroad, - and Allentown' , • - and • Easton, - and . • - points on Ne w -Jersey Central :Railroad and Morrie and lKssex Railroad to New York via Lehigli Valleyßailroad. At 10 . 45 A. M.-Accommodation for Fort Washington, • stopping at intermediate Stations.,_ , - , • •. 1.16,3.15,6.20 and 8 P.M .—Accomniodation to Abington:, • At 1.45 P. M.—Lehigh Valley 13xpress for, Bethlehem, Eteton,• Allentown, Stanch Chunk - , Hazleton White Hayen,Wilkesbarre, Pittston, Scranton, and Wyoming Coalltegions.•• • • • • - • • • •• -: • .• At 2.45 - P. 11.4ctommodation for Doylestown,' stop- 1.• Ping at all interrnediate stations. ••• • • . .• At 4.15 P. M.- . -AcCommodittion for Doylestown, atop . Sing at all intermediate atations.• • • - .. • ••• At 5.00 P., 11.- , Threugh :for Bothlehem,Connecting at Bethlehem-•'_with.:Lehigh'•Valley • Evening • Train ' for Easton,'Allentown, Mauch Chunk. <- •-• • • . •-• • - At 6.20 Pi'i , lll.—Accommodation for Lansdale, stopping at all intermediate stations. • ' • • - • • - - • . At 11.30 P.lll.—Accommodation for Fort Winshingten. • " TRAINS" ARRIVE' IN PHILADELPHIA.. • From Bethlehem at 9A. M. Sae,. 4.45 - and.:8.25 P. M. 2.10 P. M., 4.451 , ;M:and•8.25 R. M. Trains make direct • connection with Lehigh Val ley or• :Lehigh 'and Susque hanna trains from Easton,' Scranton, Wilkepbarre, Ma ! ' hanoy City and Hazleton: - ' .• • •• ' • ' •- • From Doylestown at 8.25A.M4.56 P.M.and .7,05 P. M• From Lansdale at 7.2o'A'. 14: ' •• - •• • - • ••-• From Fort Washington at 9.20 and 10.35A.M.and P.M. - A ••••• ' •• ' • M. • ON SUNDAYS. - • ‘... ' • •••. ••• • Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9.30 A. M-: •• _ • •:• •• Philadelphia for Doylestown at 2.00 P. M. .• • : Philadelphia for Abington at 7. I'. M. • • • ••• • Doylestown for Philadelphia at 6.30 A. M.. - Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4.00 P. M. :• • Abington for Philadelphia at 8 P. M. '• Fifth and Sixth Streets Passenger cars convey 'sedan- • • gers to and from the new Depot. White' cars of Second and. Third • Streets ' ine and. Union Line run - within a short distance of the Depot.' • • Tickets must be procursd•at tho Ticket Office, in order to seCure the low.est rates of fare. ELLIS 'CLARK, Agent. ••• • Tickets sold and Baggage checked through to_princi pal points, at Mann's. North Penn. - Baggage. Express office, N 0.105 South Fifth street DILADRLPHIA; WILMINGTON AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD—TIME TABLE. Com mencing MONDAY, May 10th, 1869. Trains will leave Depot, corner Broad and Washington avenue, as fol lows . . . . . WAY MAIL TRAIN at 8.30 A. a bi l i. Sundays excel.* for Baltimore stopping at all Re gul arße Stations. excel.* for necting with ' Delaware DAM° at Wilmington ,for Crisfield and Intermediate Stations. EXPRESS TRAIN at 12.00 31. (Sundays excepted %,for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Wilmington, Perryville and Davre de Grace. Connects at Wilming ton with train for New Castle. • . - - EXPRESS TRAIN, at 4.00 P. Id. (Sundays excepted), for Baltimore and '• at Chester, Thurlow, Linwood, Claymont, Wilmington, Newport; Stanton, Newark, Elkton, North East, Charlestown, Perryville Havre de Grace, Aberdeen, Perrymatoo, Edgewood; Magnolia, Chase's and Stemmer's Run. NIGHT EXPRESS at 11.30 P. M. ( daily /for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester, Thnrlow, Lin wood, C ont, Wilmington, Newark, Elkton North East, Perryville, Havre do Grace, Pertyman's and Mag nolia. , Passengers for Fortress Monroe and Norfolk will take the 12.00 DI: Train. 'WILMINGTON TlAlNS.—Stoppiag at all Station between Philadelphia and Wilmington.- Leave PHILADELPHIA at /1.00 A. M. 2.30, 5.00 and 7.00 P. M. The 0.00 P. IL train, connects with Delaware Railroad for Harrington and intermediate stations. Leave WILMINGTON 6.30 and 8.10 A.M., 1.30, 4.15 and 7.00 P. M. The 8.10 A. M. train will not stop between Chester and Philadelphia. The 7.00 P. IC train from WilmingtOn runs daily;all.otherAccommodatieaTraine Sundays, excepted. From BA_LTIIIORE to PHILADELPHIA.—Leaves Baltimore 7.25 A. M. 4 Way Mail. - 9.35 A. M., Express. -2.35 P. M., Express. , .25 P. M.,Ex - press. SUNDAY TRAIN FROM BALTIMORE.—?Leavea BALTIMORE at 1.25 P. H. Stopping at Magnolia, Per fnyme 's, Aberdeen, II avre-cle-Grace,Perryville,' Charles own,North-East, Elkton Newark, Stanton, Newport, Wilmington, Claymont, Linwood and Chester. Through tickets to all point West, South, and, South west may be procured at the ticket office, 828 Chestnut, street, under Continental Hotel, where also State Rooms and Berths in Sleeping Cars can be secured during the day. Pertons purchasing tickets at this office can have baggage checked at their retidenco by the Union Trans fer Company. H. F.'KENNEDY, Supt. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAIL ROAD.—After 3 P. M., SUNDAY, September sth 1869. The trains of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad leave the Depot,at Thirty-first and Market streets,which is reached directly by the cars of the Market Street Pas senger Railway, the last car connecting with each train leaving Front and Market street thirty minutes before • its departure. These of the Chestnut and. Walnut Streets Railway run within one square of the Depot. Sleeping Car Tickets can be had on application at the Ticket (Mice, Northwest corner of Ninth and Chestnut streets. and at the Depot. Agente of the Union .Transfer Company will call for and deliver Baggage at the Depot. Orders lett at No. 901 Chestnut street, No. 116 Market street, will receive at tendon TRAINS LEAVE DEPOT, VIZ.: Mail Train. • at B.OOA. M. Paoli Accom. at 10.30 A,M.., 1:10, and 7.10 P. M. Fast Line ' at 11.50 A. M. Erie Express.- at 11.50 A. M. Harrisburg , Accom • ' at 2.30 P. M. Lancaster .Accom. a 1.4.00 Parksburg Train at 5.30 P. M.' Cincinnati Express at 8.00. P. M. Erie Mail'and Pittsburgh Express ..............at 9.30 P. M. Accommodation at 11.00 P.M. Philadelphia Express at 12.00 night. Erie Mail leaves daily, except Sunday running on Saturday night to Williamsport only'. On Sunday night - tafssengers will leave Philadelphia at _8 o'clock. Philadelphia Express leaves daily. Cincinnati Ex press daily, except Satuiday. All other trains daily, except Sunday. 'c•6- The WesternAceommodaMon Train runs daily, except Sunday. For this train tickets must be procured and baggage delivered by 5.00 P. M.. at 116 Market street. TRAINS ARRIVE AT DEPOT, VIZ.: Cincinnati Express at 2.45 A. Philadelphia Express at 6.20 A. M e Erie Mail at 3.'20.A. M. Paol i-Aceom ruod at 0n.ati3.20 Parkiburg Train_at 9.10 A. M. Fast Lineat 9.35 A. M Lanca6ter Train' at 12.30 P. M. Erie Ex)pfess at 6.10 P. I+l. Day Express at 1.30 P. 81. Pacific Express • at 8.25 P. M. Harrisburg Accommodation at 9.40 P. M. For further information, apply to JOHN F. VANLEER, Jit., Ticket Agent, 901 Chestnut street. FRANCIS FUNK, Ticket Agent, 116 Market street. SA EL 111 WALLACE, Ticket Agent at the Depot. The Penneylva , oa itailvoad Company will not assume any risk for Baggage % except for wearing apparel, and limit sheir' responsibility to One Hundred Dollars in xalne -.All Baggage exceeding t amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, uul a taken by special con tract. EDWA tD H. WILLIAMS, General Superintendent. Altoona. Pa. , DR IL A DEL PRIA, GERMANTOWN NORRISTOWN RAILROAD TIME TA BLE.—On and after Monday, May 3d, 150, and anti further notice: FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia-0,7, 8, 9,05, 10, 11,12 A.AI., 1,2, 3.15, 3%, 4,4.35, 5.05, 15%, 6, Chi, 7,8, 9, 10, 11, 12 P. M. Leave Germantown-6, 7, 7.4, d, 8.24, 9, 10, 11, 12 A. M. 1. 2,3, 4, 411,5, 53,i, 6,01,7,8, 9, 10, 11, P. M. Tho b.::0 down-train, and th 3% and 5% up trains, w of 4top on the Germantown Branch. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Phlladelphla-935 A. 211,2, 4.05 minutee,7 _ _ 10,1' P. Id. Leave Germantown-8.15 A. 11.; 19, 0 and 9% P.-5. 011litiTNUT RILL RAILROAD, Leave Philadelphia 6, 8,10, 12 A. AI.; 2, 3%,5 4 ,4,7,9 and 11 P. Id. , Leave Chestnut 31111-4.10 minutes,B,9.4o, and 11.40 A. Al.; 190, 3.40, 5,40, 0.40, 8.40 and 10.40 P. 51. ON SUNDAYS. - - - Leave:Philadelphia-9.15 minutes A. M.; 2 and P. M. LeaVt , Chestnut .LO minutes A. 61.; 12.40,5.40 and 9.25 minutes P. M. VOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. • Leave Philadelphia-0.73, 9,11.06, A. 21.; Al, 3,4%, 6%, 0.15, 8.05, 10.05 and It% P. M. Leave Norristown-5.40, 6%, 7, 714, 9, 11 A. 61.; 1%, 3, 4%, 035, 8 and 04 P. M. air The 7M A:111. Trains from Norristown will not stop at livee's, Potts' Landing, Domino or Schur's Lane. ara- The:, P. 31. Train from Philadelphia will stop onl at School Lane,Manayunk mad Conshohocken. ON SUNDAYS. . Leave Philadelphia-9 A. 3L; 2%, 4 and 7.15 P.. M. Leave Norristown-7 A. 61.;1, 57a and 9P. M. • • FOR MANAYUNK. Leai•e Philadelphia—d, 7D4.0,11.05 DC 3,45 G, 5, 516,6.15,8.05 i 10.05 and IlDi P.M. LOLVC Dlunayunk-0.10,7,7R,,8.10,036, 5, 6'‘, 650 and 10 P. • SE,' The 5 P.M. Train from Philadelphia will Min, only at School Lane and Alimayunk, ON SUNDAYS. • teave•P hi ladelpitia-0 A, 31.; 21,,, 4 and 7.15 P. M. Leavelitanarunk-716 A.M.; 06, 6 and 91,1 P. Di. . . W. S. WILSON, General Superintendent; • . Depot, Ninth _and . IDreer, exacta._ ' -- fifriffr .ll • , D.HiLAD 4 . A E LL CENTRAL BA ttnokn COMPANY: _ WINTER, ARRANGE :BENT. Ou iital after . MONDAY, Nov. hit., 1362, Trains will '1(.11Vi• as follows, Stopping;at all Stations on Philadel la, .Baltimore; Oentral and Cheater Creek Railroads: Leave PDILADELPRIA for PORT DEPOSIT front Depot of Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore .Railroad Company, corner Broad and. Washington avenue, at 7.00 A. M. and 4.30 P. m.. A Freight Train, with Passenger car attached,will leave .Philadelphia for Oxford at 2.30 P. M. Leave PORT DEPOSIT -. tor - PHIIzADELPIIIA -- at' 5.40 A. Id ~ 9.25 A. M.. and 2.25 P. M. . On baturday the 2.25 train will leave itt 4.30 P.' M. PA ssengers are 'Mimed to take wearind apparel only as 1 / a ggage, and the Company will not , responsible .for ail amount exceeding one.liundred, dollars, uideqs S pec (al contract isin,:de for the same. ;.- , IMMIX WOOD, President and General Superintendent. CAIIIDEN AND ATLANTIC ' BAIL: ROAD.—On and after 'MONDAY, October 4, 180, trains will leave Vino street lorry as follows (Sundays excepted): . • - ,Mail • . - ' J. 8.00 A. M. Frcin la (with pet...ager car) 9.15 A. M. , A thintic Accommodation.:., ' • • ' 3.45 P. Al. .)tinctinii Ac,commodatlon to Atco and inter ntektiate'tdotions.., ..... .....—.—, . ... . ... ... 5.50 P.M.. -' • . 'RETU,IINING,LEA . V . 4 :ATlSifflb. • 'i • ' ' ' li l i l elttl_ t ' , 3A5 P.llll. 11,36 A, 31, Atlantic A ccniumodut lon -1. OM A. M. 3111Jetifli/ ACC OM molt lit lon from At e, 0.20 A. 11. Ilndiluntiold Accommodation trains leave. Vine KireCt 10.15 A. Al. and 2,00 P. M. Iluddontield.„ 1.00 P ,01. and 3,15 P. M. DAVID 11. MUNDY, Agent, TEA V ELEItSt GUiDOA EST CHESTER AND ' P: 1 FETA RAILIIOAD.—W inter Arran , an after MONDAY, Oct. 4, 'W. Trains - , Leave 'Philadelphia, fiem New DePot w• v Chestnut streets; 7.45 A: 1l 00 A kr - --" P. Niv-e 4 , 40 P A1...:10.-1 5 P. 44311.30 Zeaie Wed -- "unifirtFt, Irani" Do - not_ k .on, street, 845 A. M., 8.00 A.. M.. 7.45 A. M.,-10,48" • j, e " P. M.,. 4.-KoP. M,6,05 Train leaving West -Chestfirat 8.00 A. kt;-; • B.J. Junction; Lenni, Olen Biddle and M. • .- Zhiladelphia at 4.40 -F. M., will -stop at Biddle, Lenni and B. 0. - Junction: - from stations between "West Chester galaff Eaat, Will take trairtleaving:West Chin ... A.l ~ and car will be attached to EXpresar Tie 0 o.Junction; and going West, Passengers ~ f- o r. • above B. o..fanction will take train leaVing phia at 4.40 P. M., and will chaugenant 14 Lh _ Con.- - , 7- f . P.T• The Depot In Philadelphia is reached dired* t Chestnut and Walnut street care:- Thole of thai street line run within one square.: The cars of • connect with each train upon 04 arrival. ON SUNDAYS.,—Leave Philadelphia for-W • at 8.30 A. H. and 2.00 H-4-.M. • . Leave Weep Chests kenphiladelphia at 700' 4 : 4.00 P.M. -k n NT Passengers are allowed to take Wearing - 4A only, as Baggage, and the Company will not in: be responsibie tor an amount exceeding one htm • 1 - 7 Jars, unless 8 special contract be male far the wiLLLiki C. WHZ 14i6ne-, - ke . 10IIIRTLA_DIMPITIA. AND ' " '.16.11 . 14gi 1 ROAD-WINTER TIME TABLE l. . _ ,„... On and after , MONDAY - Sept . 8. Beg. tna.": l H , the Philadelphia and Erie itailroad *Lil } Pin Alf from Pennsylvania Railroad Depot , Wes t . , :, Mail . 1 WESTAVAtty. • ........0.,,,%,- .) . .1 i M Train leaves Phi1ade1phia................ r aw. .• .. 4 ' WilliaMSPOrt 4" 4. ", '' ... 1". 1 . 4 '. ' "`arrives at Erie ' •••nii4 Erie Express leaves Philadelphia L.#,,.. _,_ .. ~ ~ Williamsport -. ... .........ty:.1.11 ~ ~ arrives at Erie. ' igli r Elmira Mail leaves Phi1ade1phia......... , .., _ 44 44 4, 'Williamsport.-- .- .. ---r,,,:,„j_ip .. at arrives at Lock Haven " i , :.4ttf1741 EASTWARD. . ~.,..' . - t's , '' -' i :..„.."B'. ' Hail Train leaves Brie— - ..,, , 9, • 44 '‘ Willialll9Ort«.. ...... ... .. ". -. 4" ... * )6, q " - " arrives at PhilediriPh4e.; . - . - . - -*.f"..:' 120 , , Erie Ex - press leaves Erie.... ~ -..—...--r ....: .6 .. • .6 Wi11hunap0rt.........',.. 4, '4 arrives at Philadelphia «„ 4 , 4: Elmira !dad leaves Lock Haven - 7 ,i. ; ... Ai A. . w ,„ 0 4, . 44 WllliaMe9ort•--4.!i-t,,,i15 P. 171' 41 " arrival! at Philad e lpn ia -----.1. , 1tt”?;',; 20 A".w. Buffalo Express leaves Wialtamsport..;..i.i'.... .. ;I- 10A Ne k : . , " ' , " --' Harrisburg -- • s_ .., " , " . ' arrives at Pinladelpidtt:.:...- 9.25 A,RE. % Expresseast connects at Corry . Mail east at Corry and in Irveton. Express west at Ineton with truing ou Oil Creek and Alleghanyllixer - llailroad,, ALs - AED L. TYLE._B. General Superintendent. ' • LUMBER. MAULE BROTHER & co. -2500 South St'reet PATTERN .. 1.869. ICE AIAKERSE. • CHOICE SELECTION MICHIG AN TT CORK TXNE • FOR PAERNS. 1869.'11.%VeE LARGE STOOK. • "Pitiftl CAROLINA FLOORING. VIRGINIA FLOORING. DELAWARE FLOORING' . ASS FLOORING. WALNUT FLOORING. 1.869.F,LE9L11111- ST E EP BAD. '1864 RAIL PLANK.. BAIL PLANK. ": 1869 WAINTJT II .I i 3 A (Rit-tDS..&N - 1318, •. VADNUT BOARDS AND MARL WALNUT BOARDS:' WALNUT PLANK: ASSORTED • • • FOR CABINET MAKERS, • BUILDERS, &O 1:869'• UNDNELje t. .ERW :: ' 18694,:. lINDERTAKERS' . : RED CEDAR. WALNUT AND PINE. 1869. .spIEsAVIE °Take . .1.86 V ASH. . • ' WHITE OAK PLANK AND BOARDS. . , HICKORY. • , . _ _ 869 R1N .' 01 - 1 1 6LEN A A H. T. SILLS. SC ANTLIN G IB69• • NORWAY SCANTLING.' •i CEDAR SHINGLES. _ORDAR MIMES. MrPRESS SHMGLES. LARGE ASSORTMENT. . YOE BALE LOW. 1869. . 1869 PLASTERING LATH. . PLASTERING LATH. 1869 ~I. . LATH. MIELE BROTHER & CO, 2500 SOUTH STREET: ' . . . TAnniber. Under Coivers ALWAYS DRY. Walnut, White Pine, 'Yellow Pine, Spruce, hemlock Shingles, etc., always on hand at low rates. " WATSON & GILLINGHAM, 924 Richmond Street, Eighteenth *Ward. mh29-Iy§ ATELLOW PINE LIIMBER.-ORDERS for cargoes of every description Sawed Lumber exe cuted at short notice—quality subject to inspection. "Sp .ly to EDW. H. ROWLEY. 16 South Wharves. LEGAL NOTICES. EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYL vania:—ln Bankruptcy.—Tho undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as asngnee of WILLIAM . TOMLINSON, of the city and county of Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylvania, within said District, who has'been .adjudged a bankrupt upou him own petition by the said District Court of said district. .Dated at Philadelphia. Oct. 29, ISO. -JAMES 'CREIGHTON, 217 Chestnut street, Philadelphia oc3o s 3t§ •-- TIC—THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE ' - city_antLtannts_of_jThiludelythia:=llllAS—RaSEN, BERG vs. PHILIP MA.ERKLE. • Sept. Term, 1869. No. 273. Pluries Yen. Ex. The, auditor appointed as report distribution of the fund in Court, being the pro. ceeds of a Sheriff's sale under the above stated writs of all that certain lot or piece •of ground with the brick messuagee or tenements thereon erected, situate ton the northeast side of the Germantown Road, at the. distance of r.O feet . northwestward from the' um t:. side • of Norris • (formerly called Monroe) street, in the city of Philadelphia aforesaid, contain . ing in frontor breadth on the said Germantown road, 19 feet, and extending in length or depth northeastward between parallel lines at right angles with the said Gor r mantown-road onthe northweetern line thereof. 54 feet 9 males and 3,i, and on the southeastern line thereof fa feet 10 inches and Thence eastward at right angles, with .ressler street on the northern line thereof 54 feet 9 inches and 3i, and on the Southern line • thereof 52'. feet 10 inches and ;4, to the west aide • of Kressler street, on which it has a front 16 feet: N. B.—On the above l'ot is erected a three-story • brick store and dwelling on Germantown avenue, (mkt-, two three-story brick dwellings on the rear end of the lot, one of them fronting on lareesler street. Will at tend to the duties of Ills appointment on WEDNESDAY. November 3d, 1869, at 3 o'clock P.M.. at his office; ' 125 South Seventh street, 'in the city of l'hiladelphie when and where all parties interested are required la, melte their claimer, or be debarred from coming In upeej,:- said fund. • 0c23-10t§ TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR T • I_ City and County of Philadelphia. 7 -Estate of ISAA RODGERS, decensed.—The Auditor appointed by th Court to report distribution of the fund in Court'S being the proceeds ofa 840 by decree of the Court of the premises situate on the north side Shippen street. at the distance of 181 feet west from Sixth street, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment, on WEDNESDAY, November:M t 1869. at 2 &clock, P. M., at hts otibT, No.1:17 South Sixth street, in the city of Philadelphia. __oc2l-th,sdnst§ JOHN GOFORTH; Auditor EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLtkin J 11111.—In Banlcruptcy.—ln th itat ter of4olPrit. t3TEVENSON, Jr. 1.41 bankrupt. Tho I:lndus/gaud hereby - Fkges - ..notice 'has ordered that a second gittlera I meeting or the'orodl,....-A tors of sold bankrupt be held in Ph ilartelphitt,' in , iteld • District. on TUESDAY, the Sth day of Noseratter.AAl.'..:: ]BIJ9, at 11 o'clock,_A . M. at the pinto -of; IIEAVIN-.'r,r.• CHASE, No. GU Walnut street, our °rule Doctistore;dp Bankruptcy in said District. • • • • ' -cuptt,, AUBTI • • N 6.* 0c23 a at§ Asaighee of the Creditorgilif said ltankrtipt.''' , • •'-• VS - TATE OF ittv. BENJAMIN D.D D., deceased.—Lettera Testnmentory 'uplift (ttie; , ' , ' , 'N estate of BENJAMIN DORS. &cc:MO.lloe of the , city Of.; of Philadelphia, having been granted 'thit undo h signet]: all persona indebted to thee. said' estateare r 0 ( ,..• quested to make payment, and thoie haring: claimsb(.l. against the aunts to present them,without .tiONY LIAM tH. WEIIB and EDWARD L.roVAßll,L'Exelitt.: tore;or to their Attorney,J.IEDWARD - OABPENTEIti - ; - •.•'4 7 .1 242 South Third street. • ,• VSTATE OF - JOHN • LITTLE; .: DECIDI,- , .:1,:ki - :, , ! 13 Letters of • Administratioulo the estate LITTLE haring been granted to • the undersign/1(441" persons indebted to call eabito are relitmoted,te make r paynient, and those having elnims agolnet•tho stalto.cslU. present them to. JULIA S.'LlTTLX4•4dmlnliftratrOcOlP trideaburg P. 0. • • • • , •• TITTRE :DISTRICT COURT'' . J. lI.NITED STATES TOE TUE , EASTEE.R.Dia,46 'VOGT OF PEN.fiSYLVANI.A.--IWllankrutifoy, Ak Philadelphia, February 270,A D. V69.-4Tl.to,,tHujer., signed. hereby alera not/co of:his app_oitittnenr tut L111;' 1 • mimeo of JOSIAH. of FhtfthdelAWAtt. the county of Philadelphia, and of Pantutylvo4o4'.i. within Fuld District, who adjukte,LAhMituk.)?' rupt, upon his own petition, t 4,0 Dtatnq utttrt'of Maid Dibtrict. • • - ~• J. If: POWER W.ALLAClE.Aqsztoiiti.4 , ..:.l.e.' . No. /03 &Ruth attwet To the efedifors of mai.l bankrant.. ;f 3 .l L4l; CARR'S COTTAGE, - J 4., P-u" ,,0 -‘lq;lit CAPS, iguNro.s.:rftvrsit l l OPEN ALT A THE YEAR SPs.v'tr Sportsmen auti otherNdeeiring ta apoe 40.4 r s Seuehure, • during tha t - Kiln:al whiter seeSaatiouritia thin Jumbo elery convenience and.Cotucer;;.. , ..- Gime, fishing tackle, etc., can, Oa `nnikaintAd,Ati COTTAGE. , • .e 22 w ?m u 6 FRANK , 041111: Prop tiOthi HOTELS.' , , N 4484,4 ,1 4V 1 .) , or 81 , Pi' Hur l l'alcinfA cor,',ooz 14-30 . OMR & CO., I.h.v.k isttyot Aog • 44,,•;!:. - *, '.;1;;;.t.,-,'.., t; • '7 , • • Ilia i 75,, 1869. LEONARD Audit 44.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers