•.:' ::•••‘:'.,: - ,' , '' . ... 4.i.;Xi. ,A••:kr;.';'s.:,•:.: '* 7 --,-, ee ,` ' ' T ,'O4-4- Irg; . ',77r,'---17-::- ' l -• ''i • i d l i_c T': . Ixt,:liirll!rn.' lient - ttaimi,.-'l O- 11: -.- = i.4 v i r .ii , .., ,113 ~:I, 4 , lo, , b d i je t.l 9tc;_m i butl,i. of the iSehirylltill there - t . *Ow 'e l iliai-six.g,l,,,ghie 1 7 . 11 itd, States. , it, • 4,54- .1,4,e the'PaSsagt . . ( xf th e lat`g u el ( 4jZ4 l i i, t f t ? t i l l 4."1471iat "ahoy low. water ''--''P's• . , , „,, pt 1, 'close in, to it „ to . t her e is s uffici ent 4,:41 iirfhts to al ".' - Is "M' banks orlon. . ~ si. t ow: : ~, . 1 / 4 lory steanitugt; oz . ighips,to pass N .;I ts biti t s: ~,,,,P,i,l-thl:PliTidi to throw At line ,i, ,l i:T4at llo ,alarl ' i t to A u : r p riPf t " ' 3l) tr ell4 ' more : : .,:; . I.enclicit nearly to Gra v;: a l l' ' of There rl a V re A te a t V ii .t .4, - aftl e: t ti o t s l i d x s t l v xli f ii ee t t lin o d r :t ‘ h: t A r , r u Y th' of , the stream irkthe channel at , '',,J , biiiCtide The. "Schitt l ikil • ft e/&,are. just *eat of Leagg i : l elat s 12t41 tlie I id, and the • ' 4?' , 4 , 4/ if.f• - :uoiMneLextetids from it In an easterly ~;'.4 4. entio,m This chann el _ rticeives most of the , -, ,, ': , 1, • :-ga,.. m tfli l o tu f Il a e h li a ti l n it der;:s e 'prt;e_k, the head of w hich 1 1 4:1410-*M4t,Ward 311// of dwelling 'MUSES , ill. . t ,igiAt'e the recent freshetmore ' , ,:, , ~,, k ,,, i , t ,„_,,,. • thatinrdinary e!,,t.:,-.130-r-rxr),..tryAs been e paid to thislocality, partic -10:Ali th:Ariiis;suggltitrgnnodt9tr heavil engaged ''' , *'4lvliere the Penrose Fog:. bAlSam., The place ~, / 81 9./e termination of Itiovain ge "le.; leen"d ~,:Pfforkipmences at Second`- eilm a l . :lg I ""P I T e3 iChristian 0 4.:1-,r 4,,„_kirreea 4 'lt was known among the oldersettle rs : 4 ~.;',?y,k.-.4a4110 Rope Ferry road, simply because,util ~,,, : , Avi .vr Ili iff_tl , the last twelve or fifteen years =a rop ,ek,,,, ..,.6.4trenect , across the Sch 41011' h e ~.•-.- ' •lfe sr/I'4mo nassage was a ft 4 . ' 1 , at ~'t e ,: ~,v , 0 A n t on ',scow by ;menthe eied pver tnestrearn it,, , ti 4 . 01, i i i of pullin ways g on !, 4 4 0r, , , fiked , ~;. , he.eeatral part .of th e i rope - 4 I'^ ,*,,,,,ri,v,5 1 ', :gd Mis l‘ i ll 'ln e t i sunk 'to tbelled bf -, _ ~..oA igation This n aocit e ll a ty no was nb a str pt e o ti r en lac te 14. 1 ~ r, '•et , ect a, bridge, because, in, times of . g reat; 1 ark,,;, ; ?,, , ~. :bets,' which occur almost a lit yin the , "R I 6 , ti ,.., Slkill u , m a t tr ,,....,: eme nstrti ndouS ieve ddLir _' a formed that itteddYingZrer that'' , .1-a'- " ul-.1twal4 " • iuqf•tile- Piets altl 1 recently demolished. it:o , „ mani a ° 1 0,1 1 g igreat care was taken rs.lare . n of this mass of masonry.' As„*.r. oilier bridge at this:point' 4 r , ' 'upon rem 'fo i . a ibmia a ' - eP6at tug a on,'would. be de sti'o Yed - from 14ne' same cause.which betel the , x . prebent Ofl i e ts ' i l a h i n aite city; ti authorities are giving more nail' to the snbject.. . s ,Mr. Dickinson the l 4ri ,Highwaysi. a-vrlteiicaFitief Commissioner of I ,k , ''possessing line c H on e str i li a c s tir e : h4l3 pow ie e ; !s urt ; h t a l : l g e e l l Y i .- • , ' , fititerviewed.”. , ome to the c0nc1it ,,,,,, ..' tio_bi a lint n a lw b a rl ys dge e lo tt e t t e rd at the old ferry 'wow • indefinite (amount of expense to the city. For temporary , • TiSei he favors the introduppon of a steamer, - - - . . ~..,,, whin can be run continually between the two ,trit,,.. points, at no more expense than is-regnired-to; ,1' - .'''4 . :1.; pay watchmen to attend the bridge., Such an ' 1 :': .- - , ;arrangement as this would certainly facilitate ~i. : ;'• the immense amount of businesS done on the Schuylkill, All obstructions could then .be remoYed, and the • stream , 'be left i'.l. ;' free as nature made it, for :corn- mercial advantages. A new bridge could , be built at Gibson's Point, :.some distance further up the stream, so as to connect Fifty , fourth street, which is now . being opened,. . graded and paved. When such a brdge is com pleted, .then >, the steamboat` ferry may be abandoned,,Without any detrilpent to public trayel. In view of the improvements at League' Island. as a naval station! and the prospect of converting the Point Breeze Park into build ing lots; it .would 'be well if the authorities should be careful as to making any costly per niauent bridge in that locality. ; ' '• ,I%T.Ew BRANCH Or A — RATIZILOAD.—The new, ;branch of the Baltimore Central Bailroad,- ex tending from Lamokin station on 'the. Phila.- delPhia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad, to the old intersection of the Philadelphia and ' . West Chester road, has proven to be a great . . ~:cantgenience to the many. residents who reside' --.... '-:near - Chester creek. This is hymnal:die stream of water, and decidedly crooked. The branch road, seven miles in length, crosses- the creek four or five times, and passengers who delight' VS ".View, a,,* ..- panorama, • wild . id, ' the luxuriousness :: .of - . nature ' , here. haVe an ample opportunity.' Mr:.'_ Benry, 'Wood, for many years ,the 'General Superin tendent of the Chester Road. itil ..E'reSi dent of the new.road. Be is pushing: with his proverbial ;energy...'Tiiitibranch ;don; nects with the Baltitnore Central; near the old intersection, from.:,:'Which point it passes through Oxford to th 6 Susciiiehaana; where it turns and . runs alpug , -. that streani l. until it reaches, the Baltiniofe Roadat Perryville. ..Of course this. route.- opens a now'. section .of country, and since being established, private improvements ' have sprung up as though by magic. Persons desiring : to-reach any locality through which.the road' 'passes can take the train at Broad treet and Washington avenue, instead of at West Philadelphia as formerly. It is _probable that next season a series of 'ex cursions will be inaugurated, by whieliparties can reach the - beautitutSusquelianna - in a OW' hours, where nature unfolds to the vision many scenes of attraction which cannot help proving to be as interesting as novel to thou sands of' our citizens. . --_____ . WELL. GUARDED.After the reception of the verdict in the Brooks case on Saturday night, Hugh Mara and James Dougherty, the convicted defendants, were taken to the Cen tral Station and-locked up. Every necessary precaution was taken to prevent an escape or an attempted .rescue. One hundred police men were' on duty, and every window and door of the building, and every avenue leading thereto, were carefully guarded until daylight, 'when the prisoners were taken to and safely lodged in Moyainensing Prison. FATAL .111:SULT. 1 —Philip Goodman, driver of a milk wagon, who was found, seriously in jured, loin on the track of the Germantown Railroad, ne. r Tioga Station, last _evening, died at the F o irteenth District Police Station \ \l lastuight about 11 o'clock. .It is supposed that he attempted to .drive his wagon across the track in front of a train. The deceased resided at Nicetown Lane and Simmer street, and leaves a wife and four children. - ,*% Ass - Ar - LT - TrITH - nßnrcit - =-John - MeNamee was before Alderman Bengali this morning upon tie c urge o assail an m ery an Johu O'Neill. Mr: O'Neill, and wife were passing Tenth and Federal streets last even ing, when, it is alleged, ,McNamee throw a brick at them. The missile struck Mr: O'Neill on the head, causing a severe wound. The accused was committed. ' --- 7 - :''POTATT7 - ,APPOiNT;SIEFTS:= I The - '3layor - has • de the following appointments within the . ast few days : L , First District—Wm. D. Brandt. ;,-., ,i; , ...i1t District—John Denegan, ' James. Ellis. ~kn a : )r - ''' - . - rT -- Eightlt - Dtstrkt—Joseph C. Todd. 4.44 -;---- • • .i. ifl.f p. .21 - in(h District—Jacob G. Wolf, Nicholas .. Cli ,, l.4leagher.. . . • ~... -4.';..;3 - • BUIICLAE CArrrnm—The hotel of Thomas ''.7,!.-.., Smyth, at the southeast corner of Juniper and ) ,•.•, , . ~', South streets, was entered. hrough the tram , ,-.. ),,,. ~ • sem at an early hour this morning. The noise r j , : •;-: ., J.: ~. made'by the thief attracted the attention of 8, - 1 , ) „ Mr. Smyth, who got up and captured a felloW : 4 .4-: in the Louse. The prisoner gave his name as John Hasson, and will have a bearing at the Central Station this afternoon. t 1 RUNAWAY' AND Acctotyr.—This morning, about 9 o'clock, a pair of horses attached to a '; carriage ran away at Thirteenth and 'Arch . o t, 7J streets. - The vehicle was upset, and 31t. - Wat- - Jon the owner, and the driver, a colored man C%-named John Davis, were somewhat injured. 111.' . They were taken to the home of Mr. Watson ; IS - 0.1517 Vine street. Ronnstrir.—John McMahon is the tor o ek, and p hotel rovision store at th ore e suthwist Lot and liquor eatt the south ,•2l.oast coin a er.o o f Sixteenth and Federal streets.'l • as early 'hour yesterday morning both es '-tablislunents wore entered' •by thieves and I..;:were,robbed or.. provisionS, liquors; clothing tuna amount ef _money. Istrammius3l.—The . coilToffice of Russell tfi &B r other, No. 7411 • f3outh 'Broad. street, Wag discovered to he on fire aboiit haliVast twelve tole morning. The flames • were extinguished ra.••• ; "'X 'before any serious damage had been done. • I oil was found scattered' 'about 'the • _pre. es, mitt therefore thei fire s belle to have • een: the work of an incendiary ti .. •NY.„. J.inntr.mr.---Mary Brown his been , corn ,hy Alderman Batman •to• answer the • charge of -the•larceny of :$lO from Sinith.L , The,,compblitiant alleges. that he was . • intticed. Auto • a house in the neighborhood of • :. , - Bgrentk:itntd: Shippbn 'streets, by Mary, and l eas tpc-R, relieved of his money. • AITOSONE gittgEr.—abe Publication of - -a • k,',;;:ve' but ne.atatid handsome illuminated „1,-•, , , , •; 13 b e et.. , ,,,,ca11ed :The Constellation, printed • on • 4 .1 , /".! ; •.'?iiitititoilolnaper, has been conimenced by Messrs. •t r • , .•'`This little affairisintended 118 the & Benedict's Opera .',,,lrattie,ltridAtia put, to the programme of /144/14t, cOntains considerable Ivell it4i . 01,010oted: tOrtiry matter. The subject matter 10'0 be .04PPred daily. • { 4 "•.,-.,,;',": . • ~.,:',;'.:':•:. 4,: n xxin rt ,who ave hti~ldi wa _ , Isiensslif erd4 Agel eOur I 4 e V.te Vir nine ! iVon:xeytchariev Wog y larinlalse'pfe'terteei IrtPrOirgc, Illnitielf as lin Vete& • g Olkt goon Society; And his ,bobjcs 6 1 3. 6 1 Athat h e l ass alrendy..succeeded #llo.tnlfo* 'or business non. Itiktitest4whe,inafeilt;the ;in; stanceof. air John Welsh iPagefwas-taken: before Aid. Dougherty and',Wiethitild Ap.,ogo bail fora-fliNthek/ieo l Pglymu§, 2 4 ll :i • • wrnAnonle deiii ,o • f New. ork got. into the lirau3e , _Of DebOiah;3lacko N0. , 241 , 50uth Front`street, ,' last.-nighte^i had : while there he was',Oeized ,nnditobbed ;Of a' ellain and , pension f p4pere. zietitled , the .police the' robbers, and ',Sergeant Davit with .'a - sfibad. of the Third Disttief Pollee, made ; , 4 - descent :on the .;Fight'. persons were , capturecl,"andAthia" ,- userning,'T were arraigned befote AldermatiParp,coter., Deborah Mack 'and Thomas Hyde were,com-, mitted' on the 'charge of suspicioh.Of larceny,. and' 'the Others were', rcir t :xiteach i er the peace.; ••••,, CarißLEssrmsti.-I..teutOitantlnejidqrop the First ,District. • Police,• reportettjo , the Maypr, this niOrning, thlit tell houses in his district were found opeii durink,Sriturdak.; wid• Sunday ni &rim 3ltsslNo.—James Hagerty' who' made his escape from Officer's of the Count - On.l Saturday; is still missing, rt,fs recapturo the poliee.of this city , is'extremely deabtful.;,,, TIER jurzaEß Mit,l4.;Zit cnort. l --The ;11' letti c and dramatic entertainmentsglYtm Junger Mannerchor at 'their hall during'`the winter'seasons lime "been 'a Source? of great ,pleasure to the membere,of the 'Society and , their•families. In addition to these entertain- , 'Ments during the approaching, seasoti, ' .'the ty-a,-madolarrargAraents,for - hops,&q. The programme is as follows : October 28-Ball at Hamlet and Haydn, December 2X--Grand Vocal ' and Instrunten- Ital concert at Mieacal Fund Hall. December 30--Ball at, the Musical Fund :Hall. r January 27--Grand Bal Masque at the Academy of Music. February-23--Celebration-of the eighteenth anniversary of the .J. M. at the Society's Hall. March Sl=Ball at the Musical Fund Hall. The members and ladies liave free admis sion to all of these entertainments except the Grand Bel Masque. • A enr..n MonNixo.—This morning , them,he the, moMeter7Stood-but a little above the freezing point s and made many a gentleman call at Mr. Wanamaker's and purchase •or order a fall or winter overcoat. To take the proper , precau= tion in, the matter of dress is often to save enough 'on the doctoi bill to pay for an•en tire new suit. • . . • • STEW JERSEY MATTERS. . CENTENNIAL CELE BRATION.--UM the of October, 1769; one hundred years ago, two. eminentdivines _belonging-to-the elass-of-fel— loWers of John Wesley; the founder of Meth odism, landed at Gloucester City, on the Dela- • ware. The year previously a society of:Meth odists vas *established in New.Yerk and an-, other in . Philadelphia:: These societies were destitute of funds, and also needed preachers, Its their organization and doctrines were new, and needed means and advocates. They Made known their wants to Mr.lyesley, , who im mediately. acquainted th , Conference, , which .was in session at::: Leeds, of their desire, .; and .• that • body raised' • them • pohnds, money. The two ..missibnaries above alluded to; namely : 'ard Boardman and - Rev. Mr. Tilmore,. volun tecred-theirfi-eiviceS to - come - to -At:aerie:v-o,nd ' preach, and• on the day,designated they landed •at Gloucester Point. Boardman went to , New Yoiit and Pilmore remained in Philadelphia. Yesterday was the centennial anniversary of _their landing; -and the occasion .was taken advantage ot,by the 31(ithodist Church of that place, - whonbserVed the day tu an appropriate manner. Eminent • ruinisters' , from various places were preSent; and' the ceremonies throughout the day were of the most interest ing • character. - The attendance was very , SOLDIERS' aturrummr.--Post , No.-6, Grand Army of the Republic, Of Canitten, have com pleted the arrangements for erecting a suitable monument to the soldiers from Cattiden county, who fell in the wax of the rebellions The cost, is calculated at $6,000, of Vilich BUM the Board of Chosen Freeholders will pay $2,000, having agreed to do so: The peSt will bqprocured by. the Post. The work of prepariNg amishap lug the shaft is now in progress. it _ DEli,ic.iiiiiiki.o . -xtiorro* the lieW hall be-, lOnging . to WildeyLodge,No.9l - , - Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of Camden, will be dedicated to the use of the Lodge with ap propriate, ceremonies, which will, continue throughout the day. In the, ,morning a grand Parade will take place of mdrilbers in fiill re galia, who will march through Many of the principal streets, and in the evening a grand ball will come off. THE COURTS.—It ,is thought that the Courts of Camden county will probably get through with the business of the term the present week. .it'inuch larger number of prisoners will be sentenced to the State Prison than at any previous team. SABBATH VlOLATORS.—Yesterday afternoon five young ladsfrom Philadelphia were ar rested in Camdenf for playing ball contrary to law. They were committed for a hearing. ROHE. Father IfyaeLuthe'sDefenee. In the Council. The Bulletin du Diocese de Reims, France, publishes the following note from the Arch bishop:- Ceartain journals have_announce(L_thatLthe Archbishop of this city, to ether with several -e-def• of Father llayacinthe at the (Ecumenical Council: The Archbishop has not protestedi agaimst such an assertion, because lie is per fectly decided, on principle, to reply only by silence, saving in certain exceptional easel, to the insiiinations of the . press. That, in fact, is the only method in these times to avoid placing - IAS speech' at the complete diseretion ofjournalism. ' CITY 'NOTICES. SFAAP ------ ADvEnTrsiaG:=7 - PHAT:o.N's — V el. - AM - on SALVATION for the Hair carries with it its oNvM best. advertiseruest. As the lightshines through the bottle Yetiese that the is clear as 'the azure of heaven. Yeti smell it and find the odor agreeable. You apply. it and it changes gray hair to any natural shade without soiling the.scalp or producing headache. Nothing can be more harmless. • " • WELDER SPRING WATER—St. Alb Ans, Ver. AlteratiVe and Chalybeate. Apply for descriptive pamphlet. FRED)f. BROWN, N. E. corner Fifth and Chestnut tstreets. . , DOSED ALMOST TO DEATH with vile drastic compounds, the di•speptic, . the bilious, the constipate.' hail with rapture the advent of Dr. WINSLOWS palatable Liver and dtornach Lozenge. It robe medic e llen of all its horrors and its pangs and is destined to become the Standard Fatally Alterative of ArnAiiol, Drugglete. Ix Nvourm fill Volumes to enumerate tbe names 'of druggists and storekeepers who sell Burnett's Cocoaine for the Hair, . . . CUARLER STOKES, ~ ~ •' :. Merchant Tailor and Clothier, .. - in. 824 Chestnut street, . . . . Offers extraordinary ctit• , , inducements to Purchasers of .Beantatio FINE CLOTRING. ~ HilitaEMOrtillOnt is full,und oompt lees ~ , ~' , .• , . -all Styles and Quialitiee. - 1 ' A vEn v ar and the best stock of Bate and Cups in tko city can be at • ' ' ~ .OAKHORDIP, under the Continontol.': JuDiesorts:lVionaßits and niirges tor ebildren a safe and pleasant medicine In Bower's infant 02. rdlai. • • , A GitAXD and attractive sale is going On at the great laghionable Hat and Cap Store or Onaa. OA ILIFORD 1 SONS, 834 and 838 Chestnut street. 15VROICAZ INsTaMINNTA and druggists'. eun dziets, • OptoWDllli & tacqnsn i • 23 South Eighth street. • +.Conzts Bunions, Inyert4d Nails, skillfully treated by Dr. J. 1)514469Th $9. ANS Oheatnut street. (Urges moderato. LADIES' AND 311B8Ele Alte moat complete and largest assortment to bo found in the city is at • 0/Ml , OllSe, 831 and 838 Chestnut street. DEAFNESS , BLINDNEski AND CATARRH. J. ',masa, M. P., Professor of the Eye and Ear treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Teatimoniala from the moat reliable sources in the city can be aeon at hie office, No. 805 Arch street. The mddical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as be beano wrote in hie practice. Arti- Octal eyeainserted. No charge made for examination , , r • --• r t lif ° A.ADEtt i . - 001 1 1411Unt45 ' laW garodiitin:rinelliautri*trachan ..t, 14.(.‘'(4 v••••• tptiVl 11317, .1: ' rry .S •• I t'•0 : : : r ; EDWIN ' ' ;'k • ! - •!A't ,•'V,••• T;;N,43; 80.trOCIUDIaktitE r t'T : E: : •••• I kAirPi' e 4 tl3/4 i 6 4 : •t l# \•: „ OIEiBtACK'IS'OtAtIVN'CLOTES lIStrOSBEtQrAIIE tEatTLAZ*RidE,S. t ••••,, :,• •., open this popaing,g9neeot;liapcikiatien, /04141C.11011.0aCtinfi9 1 trilA r r l7 i;t:. •••"'" FUR Cl49rsam, • , • ASTRAVIIISNAMBOTJUS, • • , BFACK AJFTAIIPOINAAtOLOTIFIS, , 4 J II I/:"E 45 /0 1 0 5 :cil t Aalti* - CLOII I I S. - ' ' ;'• • •''' will opeziedAls,*penlifte,'li'? • Four Las VolVitelAS l 4iik4inieh Pro* csi.i.eikesp,niuch ioweql,l • the **a geode. have been selling,. . • selb f Sinrslt , • : • iv „; • MEE ttrirtiiiiitiit****.: : :-::'-: ~......,....,.,,,..,,..,.....,..,. _ , RgbifeTlO.N:.:: . tk,i.i*Jeo•; . o.F. RICKEY,SHARP& CO. 727 OHEBTNI71 1 STRUT, In order to close out their FALL and WINTEE. STOOK. , by DEbEDIBER Ist, will offer , EXTRA _ORDINARY BAIKI4NO Silks Drat Goods and Misoellaneous .. pry Po9ds,..': th This Stocke largest and moet varied ever offere4 at retail in this market, and is more , replete_ .with STA PLES and NOVELTIES Of' recent importation than any other in this city. ' ONE PRICE AND NO DEVIATION. RICKEY, SHARP & ;C0.4 iyl4 Uhl VINE 1313,0C1-I.V. LONG SHAWLS, FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. .gY - RE LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH .STS., Ila - ve made expensive Si'awls a leading article this season. • N. .B.—Best stook of good staple Dry Goods tnol6 LYONS BLACK SILK VELVETS. In all Widths and Qualities. JOHN W. THOMAS , Nos. 405 and 407 N. Second Street, soll-4m§ .DRESS - GOODS !-DRESS-GOODS One case largo double cord French Silk Epinglines,6'2. • One .case French Lustrous Silk Poplins,at 6 , 1 50, $3:l 75 One case French Wool Poplins, 62%.2,.. One case French Wool Poplins,,76c. Two cases Plaid . Poplins,76c. Forty-three pieces-BlackSilks, e 1,75 to 6'6 50, - - --- Anierican Striped Silks cheap. MOURNING DEPARTMENT. ,One case Black Wool Poplins, 62 and 75e. Ong calfeßlack Wool Poplins, 86c. 61: One case Black Wool Poplins, ei 25 and 81 Ga. Black Silk Poplins and Epinglines, Black Velour Ottoman - Poplins. Blaok•French Miiiinoes and Dolaines. Black Mohair Tandso, Alpacas; riloliairs,,te. 11 - I Black and White Stripod Silks, a bargain. ' Black English Crapes and Crape Veils. Black liid . Gloves, Crape Collate, &c., &c. COOPER iSz CONARD. S. E., corner Ninth and Market Sta. LADIES' FALL: — AND — WINTER CLOAK EXHIBITION ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26 9 We will hove a large eioeli of , LADIES' CLOAKS EXHIBI FED , comprionq al the leadin g isoveltlee in , Velvet, ' Altritehan. ' *Velour Beaver, • 1 Chinchilla, ;: , • • Velveteen, Lk:43. JrelL te ~1.11 oored ,receive ordere, which arc promptly CURVER'STODDART , BRO ., , 45 „, 0 21 . 3 45 t 2 and North Second Street. INDIA SHAWL'S. GEO. FRYER, MG CUESTNUT STREET , Will Open on Monday, Oot. 11.18 ntROBTATION OF . India' Camel's Hair Shawls and Scarfs, At nodervite •PriceS s • , • , • With a CHOICE OELgOTION of NOVELTIES In the actual TASTE mad ,QUALITY of 1114 Establiehtaent. .oc2 Yuma BEM Ds; • •DRY,' • - DODS.: 727 Cheistnet Street. India Camel's Hair Scarfs. India. Style Shawls.' • ' Vienna, liong and Square. Paris Quality Broche.' Scarlet, Long . arid SigUare- Black, Long and Square. Stylish Stripe Shawls. Breakfast Shawls. Carriage Stripe Shawls. Shizoulder Shawls. LINE STORE -tfi- • T ! -).; 828 A-iabliltiiitreet. I,4elty.St9r,ool2. l ollo.TriPT.#T.: New;,',l)epartment4Jed Clod ng. PPd. s MtP lu k t .te F f . .r. ) M tht9 Ylillei ' Marseilles Bed Quilts. Honeycomb Quiit; all bize§:" '- Allendale and Lancaster Quilts.- Linen Sheeting; every width. CottOnlhectings„' Pillow Casings. ' • Wo mean to - de) a 110.0 trrido ininisdapartmentil by offering cheap and reliable goods. '4 1869. 186,9. Fourth and Arc r ' . OREN= TO ,DA. STRIPE SHAWLS, STYLISH. EXPENSIVE 1AP1431 SHAWLS, spAnzinf CENTRE SQUARES, OPEN CENTRE LONG AND swum, --- waragifizsualms: • - SHOULDER HR AWLS, STRIPE SHAWLS LAPS. FULL LIN OF woolarar savrivui,ThriMENSEY PLAIDS, AND OTHER CLoN PLAIDS MILLINERY, GOODS. 729 CHESTNUT STREET. THOS . . KENNEDY & BROS. Open To-Day LARGE INVOICE RICH FEATHERS . FRENCH NOVELT Wholesale and Retail. SPECIAL COP9EI IO IIIN - 0 - " ~. Trimmed Bonnets Si Rats, TRIMMINGS AND PATTERNS. A. BINDER, ' - 111 ARTISTE DES DIODES, -- 1101, N. W corner Eleventh and Chestnut streets. This opportunity is taken to announce that I havejust returned. from Paris and London with the latest Fall Fashions—these designs being personally' selected, and modeled from the greatest novelties, and trimmed in a superior style—and will open WEDNESDAY, September 1,1i69, with French and English Dresses, Cloaks, Mantelotts, tileevea,.and Children's Costumes, nobs. do Uharabro and Breakfast Dresses. Drees end Cloak ',ldelclng in every variety. Wedding Trousseaux furnished at short notice and reasonable prices. Beal Thread and Guipure Laces, Boman ,and plain Ribbons and Sashes, Paris Jewelry, neatest styles of Jet, Gold and Shell, the rarest and most elegant ever offered. Hair Bands, Combs and Begat Nets. Dress arid Cloak Trimmings, the most tasteful that aro to be secured the "French metropolis, wholesale'and retail. Bridal Veils and Wreaths. Kid Gioves,76 cents and pl Exclusive agent for Mrs. M. Work's celebrated system for cutting ladles' dresses, sacquee,lmentlesotn. raYhMirt. MEDICINAL. JOYFUL' ANNOUNOEMENT TO.SEFTIEDII(II% HUMANITY. DRS. GALLOWAY and BoLLes . Welkknown discoverers and teachers of applying : GALVANISM . ; ItIMOIVETIting And other modifications of Eleetricity. cot. the Mire of acute and chronic diseases have returned to the Phila delphia Electropathic Institution, Walnut Street, 2d door east of Thirteenth. They have added two now Operating Rooms to the tablishment, which will enable them to treat one Min-1 dred patients per day. The fact that tirs..GALLOWAY and BOLLES hero been practising here for ten leers, and have in that time' • • • CUREGOVER 12,000 INVALIDS,. ' considered incurable by till other treatment, is evidence the most indubitable of the superiority of• their system , over all others. . CONSULTATION FREE. CURES GUARANTEED. DRS. GALLOWAY and BOLLES, • WALNUT Street, second door cast ci THIRTEENTH. 0c.22 r tti NV 13trlA 'FOR SALE. FOR SALE. in Elegant Brown-Stone RESIDENCE, WITH COACH HOUSE, N 0.1507 SPRUCE-STREET. Furniture new and will be included, if 2cidwd APPLY TO J. NORRIS ROBINSON, AT DREXEL & CO.'S, 34 SOUTH THIRD STREET. ocls fmNV tf rp4 • • • ARCH STREET RESIDENCE : FOR No. 1922 ARCH, STREET. EledatAi - Brown-SterM iteshionce, three storlea and Mansard roof ; 'very commodins, furnished with every modern cdnvenience, and built zn a very suOrfor and substantial manner. Lot 20 feet ,front by 150 feet deep to Cuthbert , street, on which Is erected a handsome brick Stable and • - ' J. SI. GU.31.31Ei Br. SONS, T 33 WALNUT . Street. I. 20 tins • • - TO RENT—A FURNISHED -H6UsE, —ON:BAISTAVALNUT LANE,,Gormantown, : „ Very desirably sitnatecl.. be rented until May _ next. and perhaps longer. . Enr torims; ace.; 404ress 0c2543t§ • • • "S. 8.;" Gerinantown st. To. 14Ear._No. 2022 RACE STREET, ha ying:large saloon parlor,:dining and. , sitting rooms, seven chambers, store-rooni,bath„ hot and cold water. -Bent, $7OO per annum., McLEAN StIOTT, 222 Sbuthleourth street:— • • • • • it' BALE. AQRSES AND TMIILL+S FUG tkto,- , 7151004 workers, , old for want orAise,oo7. • APPLY a"tabl" " COMPANY,' ILLIPMEBBOCKII,II, and ISt • Twen -second and Lleunilton tits. TORDANO CELEBRATED PURE TONTD 'ty Motor invalids, fandly use, &O • , ' , . The subscriber is now furnished With his full Winter supply of his highly nutritious and well-known bever age:: au widespread and increasing use % by order of physicians, for invalids, use of families, &c.,conimentit to tha attention of all consumers .who want a strictly purenrticle; prepared from the blast,materialv, and put np in tbejnost careful manner for home me or traruspop.' tathm, Order's by mail or othernisepromptly supplied. . , P. J. JORDAN , • , No. 220 Pear street: . : below Third and Walnut street A r t• , . 'T4I4 - ESTNU - T STR r ' • ~„,' Weave sp a lii4teliddit us •to our 'bargains previously 0 trod; tif Aibit " .ropo urge ant willtes found . • • • ligg-ORNAPESr STOC K , • •• ~: ~ ..,, S ii ets, VERY HEAVY PURE OHENE MOKAIRS, double fold, 37 1-20. HEAVY DOUBLE WIDTH CHENE. POPLINS, 87 1-2. VERY HEAVY WORSTED SERGES, in the fashionable dark shades for Snits, 600. ' ° FINE ALL-WOOL EMPRESS OLOTHS, in all colors, including the very desirable shades in Navy Blne, for Suits, 65c. SPLENDID QUALITY SILK SEIWES,,in all colors, 75c. ItICHRROCRE POPLINS, SILK AND WOOL, ye' FRENCH ROLL POPLINS, ALL SILK AND WOOL, 87 1-2 c. E I T . p.,, A. FAVY WOOL POPLIN COEDS, for Walking Dresses, $l. 25. HERRING'S CHAMPION SAFES. The Burning of Barks' Art Gallery. Plimameislue, September 1,1569. Messrs. FSBREL, RERUN° & CO., 629 CIIES'rNEit Street, GENTLEMEN : We have last examined, with the very greatestsatisfaction, our ware, purchaaad of you some years ago, and which passed through "our destructive proof last night. • • • , We find the_pententa, without exception * entirely un harmed, merely slightly 'damp, and we feel now in a con dition to commence our business again, having every Rook perfectly safe. ' We shall in a few days require a larger one, and will call upon you. Very Respectfully * , !JAMES S. EARLE, & SONS. puILADELPITTA, August 27, ISO. Mns.stts . FARREL, HERRING ,St CO. ' CENTLRIVEN: In the year 1856 I unfortunatelywas in business in the Artisan Building. which was destroyed by fire, on the 10th of April. I bad then in use what I supposed was a Fire-proof Safe; bat Upon opening it I found everything was destroyed,and fire burning therein. You will recollect, gentlemen, there woe several of your safes in that fire, also several ,in the fire at .Sixth and Commerce streets, the nest May, five weeks after wards, all_of ‘thich_upon_being o_pened proved they were fire-proof Indeed, for I witnessed the opening of the most-ofthem, and in every .case _the contents 'fro preserved, while safes of other makers were partially or entirely destroyed. 1 at once concluded to bare some thing that I could depend upon, and purchased one of your safes. • The safe.' purchased of you at that time was subjected to a white heat (which was witnessed by several gentle men that reside in the neighborhood) at the destruction of my Marble raper_factory, OM _Wallace_ street, on the afternoon and evening of the 24th inst. After digging the safe from the ruitet t and opening it this morning, I was, much pleased to iiiiti - ei , erything, consisting of books, papers, Vow) , and silverware, all right. I shall -want another of-yourtsafes as_soort_ asisangetaplae_e to,continue my business in. I could not rest contented with any other make of safes. CHARLES WILLIAMS, HERRING'S PATENT CIIAMPI9N SAFES, the most reliable prOtection from fire now known. HER RING'S NEW, PATENT BANKERS' SAFES, cow• bining hardened steel and iron, with the. Patent Franklinitei Or SPIEGEL EISEN, furnish a resistant against boring and cutting tools to an extent heretofore ,Farrel, Herring & Co., Philadelphia. Herring, Farrel & Sherman, No. 251 Broadway, - cerner Hurray Herring & Co., Chicago. ilerring, Fare l & Sherman, Now °Adm. 0304- ' NIARKET.STREET. • ' • First... Claste Ready4faitte Clothing, for an Seasons,conotanß hand. ...also, a ''./iaucitailaO Ltio of • ,• • • Piece-Goods fof . Cus- : tom Work. -,.. , •• , t(); - ; .1 i'hl . ~R s •. • WE lAVE FIRE-PROOF SAFES. Marble , raper Illanofacturer ari2l3 r .ti v.COTB - 11fi - O. Jo ms CPME -1.1:1 IC 90 CLOTHING HOUSE, (1136°. W. zuEmAivria. Proprietor MEM NM= {~ r 5 INC LtrDiarc; Rare IVla,nufactures FINE CONFECTIONS CHOCOLATES, FOR CHOICE PRESENTS. STEPHEN F. WHITMAN, _ New Building, S. W. cor• Twelfth and Market Sts. nch 3try UPHOLSTERY STORE' AND Window Blind and Shade Manufactory. Competent kande ready to lay CARPETS, UPHOL STER FURNITURE. make over BEDDING, hang SHADES. CURTAINS, and DRAPERY. cat and make FURNITURE SLITS, or do anything in tho way of UPHOLSTERY. STORE SHADES made and lettered. OHITRGH, HALL, and HOUSE WORK promptly attended to at _ CHARLES L. HALES, .831 Arch atroot. rel 7 f m w 24trp SIMES' COD LIVER .OIL., The superiority of this _Oil, established over 20 years ago, and so universally acknowledged by tho Medical Faculty and by the Public, renders any further praise of its qualities useless. • It-undergoes no-process of-purification-whatever, but as it flows from the Liver of the Fish so It is sold by the r f o l trietor. - GUSTAVUS KRAUSE, N. W. cer. Twelfth and Chestnut Sts., And by Druggists generally. iv s m 3mrp) • GASFIXTURES. From the Celebrated Manufadtureta, Mitchell, Vance & Co., New, York, and Tucker Munufacturing Co., Boston. And every variety of CO A.L OIL LAMPS,' • From our own Monwenotory, Coniden, ' lew Jersey. COULTER, JONES 81, C O.- 1 102 ARCS STREET, PHILADELPHIA." 5e2,3.3m rp FRED. SYLVESTER, 208 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. 0014 Zrarp§ , , I.TIiER, WEAVER & 00. NEW CORDAGE FACTORY • 140 W IN'FIILL OPERATION, N 0.22 lI:WATER troot and 23 ILDEL&WAItiI event', handsome goods, 750. RISCELLANEOUS. REAL ESTATE BROKER, . • ~)
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