.. . .. ii; -.-?!..-I.!:•'' , --. 1 ..... ,- .' :'“.: - • taTy BrLLET,tp. ME= :CITY`Got \ cu.s.—A stated meeting was Itmeld yesterday afterniien., • Select I3raifrlr.-The Committee Oti. City Pro reported the reSolutl,M directing the ,Offite foOtWaYin front...at:city-Property nn Brown street, between c:orhathian avenue and Twenty-second street. limiting . the width . thospaving to four feet ,:frdinthe . .eirrb; . : Voinniitteeon,Scheols reported an ordi :riance mmdzing, an appropriation of $OO to .pay k:•fer the erection orritifhalldings 'to: - the school, rNbrieteenth and Pine. Agreed to. The, same committee reported an. ordinance aPPrepriation of .7;50 for repairs to, TWenty-sixth and Thompson streeta., *feed . fe. : , Mr.4:ing, submitted a resolution directing the !commissioner of City, Property to pave tli'e footway hr" front of Independence Hall with flag stone: 'l . lefenil to the, 'Conmuttee ort City, Property„ Ste: King aISO introduced a reseliiticiti direet.- ing the grading of Long lane, from Federal to Mr. Har'mess submitted a resolution that fnam and after the 23d of September it shall not be' lawful to Wash pavements bet Ween 6 • E.lt: and 7 P. M., until the Chief Engineer of',,the W Water ; orld> shall issue. , notice that 'there is a sufficient supply ofwater on hand!. o of propose( an amen( men , mu mg reogaiition,:to the Twentieth Ward. lie suggested that, while•therelvas va scarcity of , water in the Twentieth Ward, it ivas• not the ease in other ~. portions of the city. These', portions should ndV,be 'Made . ite Stifler for the ':,Twentieth Mr:Stokley intimated that it was the supply . .'elseWbere.that led to -the scarcity in the Twen ''c,,tieth:Ward. . • • '' , .Mr.l;Harkness 'urged that , . the Twentieth Ward V'as 'Alibiing . front the want of water, .art11;111 soine•cases; the people Were compelled to tap the-pipe in their cellars in order to secure litr. Smith . fat erelthe resolution if it would ►utan,end.to, end to, the nuisance of washing pave . mentS, and .ithe,eortld accomplish it, lie would be infavor of taxing every washpave $lOO. At the prasent time . the'washino• 'of-pavements is an;excuse for the gossips to get outside and talk lvith their neighbors. So long as our fac ' torieS'are stopped for want of water we should base this Ordinance in effect. 11* r -,, 4don stested that the Thirteenth drew its supply front the Twentieth • Ward;, and thiswas a good reason for the pas "sage 'of the resolUtion. • lilr.'Fox again opposed the resolution. He insisted that the . people ought to hai - e 'an op= poitutilty tp'.keepAlean.' He was., willing to assist the. Twentieth Ward...with. , a new, reser voir;btit this was the only. Means of removing. the .difticulties ',complained of. The people of • the Twentieth Wa•d lia've always complained of the-Scarcity of the Water, as they could not gee Water above the. hydrant. Islr.'llodgdon replied that so long as there is thirteen feet of water in the. Spring Garden reservoir, the people in the Twentieth Ward can be supplied, except in the highest points .in the Ward. The new Cornish engine has been working for about three day ,-and there is now twelve feet of. water.in•the basin; but if the Peciple 'Of ' the . Thirteenth Ward are alloWed to wash their, pavenfents,, this supply will continue to be insufficient. Mr. Harkness said that while Mr. Fox was pleading Or dean'PavementS;• he • forgot • that the lieOple'of the Twentietli Ward had hot had water in their bath=tubs for months, and were now asked to forget ^ cleanliness • of person in order to promote cleanliness of pavements. The .amendment :of , Mr.. :Fox was not agreed to and the original resolution was adopted. The ordinance appropriating :$13,337 50 to "4 the workmen of Henry Bickley, street con tractor, $6,241 08 to Mr., Crawford, $7,000 25 to Mr. - McGlue, and $4,254 57 to Mr. Reed, came up as the speciatorder of the day. In answer to a question,. Mr. 'Barlow said that the anftnint would come out of the origi nal appropriation for street cleaning. Dr. Eamerly inquired , what guarantee the city has that the money be paid by Mr. Crawford to the people in': his employ. After the.impndent'conduet of Mr Crawford when before fhe cominittee, the city ought ttrcompel : huh go into the courts. liarlow said that there were but two and ,a half months in dispnfe, and.fhe amount was: fixed` by parties outside' the contractors. On a motion' to: suspend' the- ruleB to pro ceed to .a. third'reading,theyeas were 'l3,nays 0, so that-the - rules were suspended. The ordi nance then paSsed 'finally without calling the' yeaS and nays. Mr, Smith submitted an ordinance extending the provisions of the ordinaneeprobibiting the running at lame of goats, &e. Agreed to. The ordinance from Common ' Council changing the place :of' holding :election in the Third.-Division of the Third Ward was post, The resolution from Common Council for • the aPpohnment of a special committee to take into.eonsideratiott thecomniiinication from the LCittiMallo - :(l.olopereild ConivotititiliT . tiyas cop-, curredln4 nlsia the ori,linance makinganappi•o priatiop:Of $lOO,OOO to the Park Commission- ers ; also the , resolution directing the, owners of property :Foillkrod.'street to pave and curb ; also the resolution ratifying the proclamation of the Mayor,' 'offering a reward of S1',001) for the arrest of the assassins of James J: Brooks ; also the resolution ''ithecting the 'Opening of. Vienna street,Troin - Belgrade street; also the. resolution of request to the Mayor in regard to the ordinance prohibiting the thrOWing of 4-garbage into the streets. • • - The Committee on' Conference on the sub ject of the suspengion of the South Penn hose CompanyK , reported in favor of Common Council receding from its amendment. The report was accepted. The ordinance appropriating $28,870 00 to the - City'CounniSsionei.s; to - pay eSpenses inci dent to the ItelOstry : law ; was taken Up, and upon a vote upon the first section, the yeas were 11, nays none. "Mr. Hopkins was the only Democrat who voted with the majority. The others refused to Tote, thue. leaving the chamber without a quorum. A call of the House resulted in the same way, and the chamber was 'declared ad , Common Bianch.—A tomniimidation was received from Mister Warden Gideon Clark, an:flouncing 'that there is a vacancy in the .4 Board, causedby - the - deatirof -:- .Jobn . R: Pen-, ; rose, who was electedin May, 1860, for two 4. • Laid upon the table., - Also - CtUe - frenilL - B' . .' 7 'LaUsine - St.'' Pro , posing to lay the “Stow feundatimi pavement" - I on Broad street,fr: an Coates to Reed for $4 7' , per square yard, the city to retain the cobble • stones. Referred to the Cemmittee on High ways. Mr. Hanna, Chairman of the Conimittee AVater of Common COuncil, presented a report recommending .the passage df an ordinance appropriating $25,000 to the DepartMent on is,k Water to pay the expenses. attendant 'upon keeping up the supply of water. Mr. Ray, Chairman of the Highway Com rnittee, reported a resolution for the opening of Woodland street, from. Forty-first to. Forty 7 ninth street ; also, one for the opening of King- sensing airenue, from Forty-sixth street ' to Seventy-first street. Agreed to. Mr. Miller offered a resolution changing the place of :voting . In the Sixth division of the -Nineteenth Wan:l_lo .. the_northeast, corner -of Trenton avenue , and York streets. Agreed to: Mr. Bardsley offered a resolution for the, ex ' tension of the Rues of Bread street, between Thorp's lane arid tith To'wi.i hip fce. Agre:ed The Select CNN - well bill repealing the prohibi— Lien to lay Water pipcon the Township line road , and other streets, wai taken hp, • Mr. Ilanna moved to- refer the hill to the. Committee on,Nater of ,this 'Chamber, . The rhotion to Eit.fei was ihlopted. ' The following bills from Select Council were considered One for the laying. - ot:.-Nvater pipes On. - .l3 , ace and other streets. Agreed to. One for the .ap pointment of a committee on the robbery in. the Receiver otTaxetptliee; Agreed .W,The. following is the Committee of this Chamber : Messrs. H. Huhn, Creeley and Dillon. One. fixing, the , grade tot'Long • lane, from: 'ederal to Mifilin. streets. Agreed to. One changing ,the place of voting in the Eighth di- Vision ortlie - Third Ward: Agreed to One , relative to the transferring of certain Reins in the appropriation to the Department of, City Property. , . Agreed to. One - for footways on Corinthian avenue. Agreed to: - One :for. the . repairing of the - root of the .school 'ln:nisei at" Twenty-:.sixth - and•Thdinpson streets Agreed' to. One making an aPProprintiontO _tho Cori trollers of . Public SchoolS,,to, be ,expended - on, a. certain school house. „Agreed to. One topro tect citizens at the railroad crossings. at Thirty— first, Ludlow and Chestnut streets:" 'Referred' to Committee on Polite. ' ' Mr. Evans offered - a:resohition 'clianging,the: l )lace, of i'oting in the Fifth Diusion of the: , Second "ar' to . le '• • I 77 - 1 and Federal streets. Agreed to. : Mr. Shoeniaker; - Chairman of. the. Finance , Committee, presented ordinance appro priating $2.68 , 70 to pay for stationery for the Bupicine CoUrt. Agreed to.' , • Also,, one appropriating, $798 64 for the liayment, of expenses , : nttendatit upon :the.. erection.'of. the ; Washington; statue. Agreed to. Also, one appropriating to,. the City Clint missioners ,the sum .of $2,122 95, to • pay the Inspectors of . the Eastern Penitentiary. for the expenses of prisoners forlB6o. .Agreed Also, one appropriating 45,000 to the, Roard of Health, to pay the contractors:. for cleansing' the streets. Agreed to. Also, one appropriating to the City Commis stoners, to carry out the purpoSes of the, Regis try law, the sum .of $28,870 - 63; Agreed ' to. ' Mr. Jenneihairman of the Special Com mittee of COnference on the 'resohition, rela tive to the South Penn Hose, presented a re port, recommending this. Chamber to concur in the amendment of the Select Chamber. The resolution provided for the reinstatement of the South Penn Rose , Company to service, and the amendment included the Independence Engine ; Company: The report was agreed to-- , yeas 24, nays 14: Mr. • Ray, Chairman of the Committee on BighwayS, presented a resolutioh for the pave inept of the footways on Broad street; from the Germantown railroad to Clearfield street'; agreed to. Also, one for the paving of Oriantia s and„ other streets; agreed .to. Also, one, for the grading of Dauphin, from Eighth to Tenth streets, and Twenty-seventh street; from Federal street to Park's lane ; .agreed to. AlsO, one for the tramwaying, &c., of St: David's avenue; , agreed to. Also, one for the paving of West street, from Nineteenth !to! Twentieth .streets ; agreed to. Mr. 11. Huhn offered a resolution instructing, the Police COnintitte,e to inquire - ,if ;My - officers of the force attempted illegally to „be assessed at the recent extra assessment inwards where they hail no residence. Agreed to. The following additional. bills froM Select Council were considered. One relating to the lyashin 6 f , Of paVetnents. Agreed to. A supple ment to the ordinance relating to the running at large of horses; goats and Other animals. •Re , . lerred to the Committee on .LaW. ' One au thorizing the Mayor to draw warrants for the payment of the late Street Contractors. Mr. Eletzel, moved to indefinitely postpOne the Matter, believing that the question in volved should be decided by the ,Courts. The motion to indefinitely postpone the bill was lost, and it was finally postponed for the present, Yeas A•nays 4. A Supplement to the bill relative to the erec tion o 1 wooden buildings was referred to Com mittee on Police. Adjourned. ATTEMPTED WIFE MtrupErt:-Last evening a man named John Deihl, aged 40 years; who keeps a beer sqloon at No, 1004 Poplar street, was, arrested, chargesligAtb shooting his wife with a pistol. It affiears that Deihl had a quarrel with his wife yesterday, in relation to a pistol he kept hi hiS bar-room, for the ostensible purpose of protecting himself against roughs. The piStol was Missing, and Mrs. Deihl states that her husband accused her of Carelessness, in allowing it to be stolen. He then said he would go out and buy ' 'lbw pistol, and did so. When he returned he resuthed the quarrel with his wife, and took out the pistol and shot her, inflicting two -- wounds, one in the left thigh and the other in the shoulder. The shooting took place' in the btu•-room, and then the wounded woman went to the second-story front room, followed by her husband. Officers Knowles and Taylor then made their appearance, but they were warned not to go up stairs, as Deihl , was armed and io - 4 shoot theni. :The officers went up, how ever, and arrested . Deihl, and locked him up in the , TWelfth District Station House, Tenth and laster streets. ' • Dr. Slielmerdine was called in, and, after ex amining Mrs. Deilil's wounds', he pronounced tliem . not to be of a dangerous character. Deihl was undedjAAo influence of liquor at the time of tlic ocenrYetTe, ..Mrs. Deihl is about• thirty eight years,oll".4o. Deihl recently wrote a letter to' a Uernn friend of his, in which he stated fliat„he intended to kill his wife awl then would kill himself, and made some provisions in the letterfOr their burial side by side, and also for the settlement of what property he is possessed or. • Impoirr.ANT AnnEsT.- 7 0nr -- the 7th of August the stand in front of George A. Eno's jewelry store, at the southeaSt Omer of Eighth and Chestnut streetS, was broken into and robbed of jewelry to the value of $1,>300. De tectives Taggart and Smith; of the Detective Bureau, Walnut street, above Sixth, were em ployed to ferret out the thieves. From in formation received, they suspected two per sons in New York city, and went in search of them. The men had gone to Coltunbus, Ohio, and were there arrested 'for breaking into the jowelify store of Gates & IhnTington, at that place;• but the evidence against them was not :Sufficient to hold them. Detective Taggart, , witn a requisition from. the Governor of this :commonwealth, repaired to ColunibuS, and ar :rested the men for the robbery:at Eno's store are—innned.—E& ward Magee and -John Anderson. They. haVe been brought to this city and committed for trial. DSKIIARGEli.—Charles Matthews; who had been arrested for being caught,in the house known as the ‘ Boii7on," on Eleventh street, :below Girard 'ateuue, about three o'clOck ou Wednesdaymorning, 'WM discharged yester day by AM. Kerr. Charles Minna . ; the alleged owner of the rabid dog which bit Georgiana McCready, aged twelve years, from the effects. of which iri jiu•ies site, has since died, waS:also discharged. I AN OFFIciAt. VISIT TO FAIRNIOUNT PARK. —Yesterday afternoon the-delegation of the Board of Park Commissioners . • of Allegheny City, Pa:, who canto hither to . make au ex ' amination of our Fairmount Park, visited the- . Park, accompanied by' Gustavus Rernak, .Esq.; and.. Mr. John Cresson, of the Philadelphia Park Commission. The visitors were driven through the Park, . . . . . . . . . 'P , . '----''''liEriVAlLliir - E - VENINO'Init LETIW-THILIDELTIIif. . 'IDTAY - StINIVIMIt . ' *.IIW. , • over the VI ta Drive., as. as Creorgeta Hill, and all the , lialalted and contemplate& improve 'nerds *ere NEW JEMMY MAIMIERS.,j T.zits, T.ixEs.--Considerable mitunderstaia ' ing reihrence to the time dies tile `,taxoi.SO; coYeeted: are to be paid overoiYitlioLeo.iinty, aticiAbWiishiP•colleo.. tors in New Jersey. • At the fast session of the Legislature a supplement to the .Tivx,Law was pbsse,tl„w.hich, helps) acme measurer. po:preate: the •conftisiorr Cornplathed;of. Of this supplement,. after apportioning. the amount of State tax to be raised : . among the severaleountics, has the following; • n “Whlch 'MX 'mut 'the stuns 'required to be raised for county, city, township and other.pub taxes,shall be levied,,assessed and collected on the person and property, and - in the; manner directed by the above recited act, entitled '.nti .Act concerning Taxes,' amine several supple 4itents'thereto, and thelaws 'of this Stafe_Which shall be in force at the time the said taxes shall be assessed, re g ulating the assessment' .and Collection of 'taxes, except; as 'an and li,y.thiS act is otherwise ordered and directed; provided, that it shall be the dutY of the county collectors of the several counties of this State tb pay to the 'Treasurer of this State the 'quotas , due from their respective counties of theduxes imposed by this act, on or before the tenth day of. December, next after the passage Of this act _and at th mine time ..Imma ly •thereafter ; and t shall . be.; lawful for the , said , collectors, and they:' are , bereV required to pay the said quOtag out of the first moneys which, shall, be'v , aid to them by "the several townshipof wArd'colleetotS of their respectiv=e counties ; and Said'l,OVhiship or Ward collectors are hereby required to pay the taxes by them severally col ' lected, to the collectors of their respective counties; es on or , before the first day' 'of Decem ber, next, after the passage of this act, and at the same time annually thereafteritnything . in • any foriner law to the contrary notwithstand . In consequence of the provision directing the Collector 'of the County to pay tile , State quota hylhe 10th of December, and the col lectOtA'• of the townshipS to pay the moneys they collect on or before the Ist of December, . the latter have been notified to make the taxes returnable' on the. 27th of • NoVember. ' But some contend there is no lam' 'for this. proCeed big. The above supplement has no provision for returning the taxes, and as. the old law fixed it on the 20th of December, if the law requires the people to pay their taxes several weeks pre- VlOll9 tone usual period, it should be generally known by the tax-payers. SAD AUTDENT.—Yesterday afternoon a sad accident oceitrred at the logwood mills of the - Messrs. Browning Brothers, on Cooper's creek, about one mile from Camden. One of the workmen, named James Beatty, while en gaged in attending the feeder,, had his arm caught by the machinery and lacerated in a shocking manner. The flesh was hacked into fearful gashes before it could be'extricated. llimn TO . BAIL.—On Wednesday evening last Nathan S. Reed,the proprietor of the'River side, N.: J., Betel, Where the terrible riot oc curred on Tuesday afternoon, was arrested and taken before Justice Powell, of Beverly, who held him to bail to answer the charge of keeping tulisorderly houSe, at the December ,term of . court, to be held at Mt. Holly. Wil.m.x3isTowx.—Under the auspices of the , "Republican Invincibles," of Camden, a mass-meeting was held last evening, at Wil liamstown, which was well . attended. The "irrepressible" J. AL-s. addressed the audience. Ttiniorrow evening another will be held at Merchantville, and a procession of "Tanner Boys," from Camden, is announced. PIMA" TniEviNG.--:-A number of petty thieving Operations have recently been per petmted.in the vicinity of Camden, the per petrators of which escaped without detection. As this is the season when this kind of work is carried do quite extensively the people should pay attention to the fastenings of their doors. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY CONVENTION.—The Democratic Convention for Burlington county has been fixed for the 4th of October, at Mount Holly. The Republican Convention for the same county will be held in the Court-house on the sth of October. . PROPOSALS. TREAS UR Y DEPARTMENT, SEPTEMBER 24th, 180. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this Department up toll M., MONDAY, 25th October next, for the building and fitting of four Steamers for the Revenue Marine. Bid ders to furnish their own specifications,-the same to be submitted to a board of officers ' the Department reserving the right to reject all, if .'riot from competent and responsible parties. Speed being of great importance, the De partment has adopted this course to invite competition, and will require the bidders to furnish drawings in detail of hull and ma chinery, with models complete, and the par-" ties to whom the awards are made shall give bonds with sufficient sureties for the proper performance of the work, according to t'he specifications, models, &c.; approved. The vessels will be of the following dimen sions --Propeller of iron—hermaphrodite brig . - rigged. Length, 170 feet on load line. Breadth of beam, 28 feet, moulded. Depth of hold, 15 feet, amidships. Draft of water, loaded, not to exceed 13 feet. Side-wheel steamer, iron or wood—bermanh rcidite brig-rigged. Length, 165 feet on load Breadth of beam, 28 feet, moulded. Depth of hold, 12 feet. Draft of water not to exceed 81 feet, loaded. Two small steamers, of wood. Length, 150 feet on load line. Breadth of beam, 26 feet, moulded. Depth of hold, feet. Draft of watet not to exceed 53 feet, loaded. Propeller to have one direct-acting engine; ...Large side-wheel steamer, one oscillating engine ; Two small steamers, beam engine. --- Speed to be guaranteed. GEO. S. BOUTWELL, Se 24 f s toc2s§] Secretary of the Treasury. FAIRMOUNT PARK, OFFICE or CHIEF 'ENCINECII„ PEILADELPHIA, Sept. 1.7,1869. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED PROPOSALS, to be indorsed "Proposals for Trenching," will be received till noon of . FRIDAY, September 24, at the Office , of the Cornmissionere of Fairmount Park, No. 224 South Fifth street, for digging about 10,000 lineal feet of Trenches, suitable for laying drain tile, on land near the inter section. of Ridge avenue and Thirty-third_ street. Proposals to state the price - per one hudred (100) lineal fget, 1)1180 on an average depth of four (4) feet - Plans and specifications can be seen at the Oflice of the Chief:Engineer, Fairioemit ( R ear Coates street. , • . 401 IN C. CRESSON: selS-dt 'Chief lngineer BURLAU OF ORDNANCE. --, i . . NAVY DEPARTMENT W.AsinNo.rox farrY, Sept. 14, 1800. SEALED PROPOSALS wilrbe receive at this Office ;until TUESDAY, October sth, 1869 'at 12 M., for the manufacture and .delivery of 2,000 barrels Navy Cannon Powder. 1,000 barrels to be delivered at Boston, and 1,009 barrels at Now York. The emit of delivery to be at the expense of the inattufaeturer, and the Powder to lie sub ject to- the usual Navy inspection before ac- ceptance. - . Bidders will state the time the Powder will be ready for delivery. . . A. LUDLOW CASE, selstecls§ . - Chief of Bureau. CHALK.—FOR SALE, I'Bo TONS Oil' V Chalk, Afloat.. Apply to WORKMAN & 00. a 3 Walnut Amt. ~i V • • - ASHERYS' ,- DANCING — ACADEMY;. - • 890•471,LuErm8rit11 'lr.r,- , ... .• 'All the blewandrly asbionanle ILndies and Gentlemen—Tuesday and Friday Evenings. Blisses and Masters—Tuesday and' 'Saturday Alter-. Gentlemen Grity+-4int'iirday Evening - 2 Private lessons singly cilia eat at any hour to alit convenience: . se2rdru AURA KEENE'S CIIESTNta'.§T.FITET .E t : Tam v.r..,rami willlicipregentedlho'fi v it of seriea Of revivals f Mon* gyrated with • 'THE MARBLE" HEARTi • /1 TUE .SOCLIVT9I2S DREAM. MadethOhelle. Margo • • -• LAVAAdtEE . I.II3 . ,Assisted'hy thothew company-.' • • I.loors open at T; Commences 3.1" to S. !Seats secured smilers in nili.anCe• lATALNUT ST. T,TTRATRE, BEGINS IN! ty • v • - cordef , THIS: -FRIDAY. BENEFIT OP EDWIN BOOTH; • When will be enacted Dulwer's benutifuleplay of THE LADy OF LYONS. • CLAUDE Bin:BUTTS. ..:.EDWlNtigetr-E4t MAT/NEE ON SATURDAY AirTll N NNNNNN at 2 o'ght.. TILE , LADY OF LYONS. SATURDAY EVENING—TIIE APOSTATE. .3111/91300TH AS PESCARA. _, , • MONDAY --EDWIN BOOTH AS , lIAMLET2.:.: - ' - .L irßs. JOHN DREW'S AIWfl STREET In_ THEATRE. Begins ato 8., TO-NIGHT; FRIDAY, Sept. 24. h 569., . BENEFIT OF ' LYDIA ,, THOIIIPSON,: AND, POOITIVELY LAST APPEARANCE OFHER- sELF AND TROUPE. SINBAD . SINBAD TIIE SAILO R; ' • - SINBAD 31188 LYDIA , TH0.312.50N , A hltil Lv bcr Full Troupe. . Concluding tvith the laughable farce, NAN, THE GOOD FOHNOTIIING. MISS L'EIIIA 'TIIOMI'SON ag "NAN:" TO - MORROW,.. SATURDAY, , :I/YEN/NV—HONEY.. ,• MONDAY—Boucieitult's"FOßDlOSAn'Y pot AREPA-ROSA ENGLISH OPEIVA:E . CARL ROSA, C..D. HESS & CO:, : Ptoprietors and Eitectors. D. DE • • • ' • ihniinessltßuniger AMERICAN ACADEMY OF' 'MUSIC: • - The public are respectfully informed that a • SEASON OF 12 NIGHTS OF THE PAREPAAIOSA.. • , GRAND ENGLISH:OPERA' Will be given in 'a style of excellence which wilt leave nothing to he desired, with a largo anti otticient (Mortis : , a grand Orchestra, and an unsurpassed' array oil talent. OPENING . NIGHT: MONDAY OCTOBER 4th Further partienlars in Sunday papers: F OX'S AMERICAIN THEATRE, Wallin t 'street:above Eighth. BRILLIANT BILL OF' NOVELTIES-. . .KIRALEYS IN:TWO BALLETS , . NEW PIEOE—THE SULTAN'S FAVORITES. The Deleventi Brothers. Wile De Rosa and - Ballet. Matinee on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'cfook.- NEW ELEVENTH. STREET OPERAS. RUM! „- IRE FAMILY RESORT. CA lINCIt 089 B DIX.EY',S• MOVSTRELS, EVERY' EVENING. J. I; ..OMINUEOSEr,.Nannizer. A CADEMY OF FINE ARTS, CHESTNUT street, above Tenth. Open • • from 9A. M 11 ,,t0 ' 6 P. M. - Benjamin CHRIST G REJECTED { still an exhibition. j023-tf • TO RE'N'T.: • TO LET. . . A Small , well-fureished House, No. 921 Clinton Street. . For furtliey particulars, apply to. FRE D'IC BROWN, N. E. corner Fifth and Chestnut Streets. Fe 23311, " IFIADe Vi t 0 • itfaskA THE BOSTON AND PHILADELPHIA Salt Fish. Company Baying more room in their NEW BUILDING, now going up, than they wish to occupy, will LET a portion of the same with power. The building is sOxii2 feet, four story high, with basement, situated on Columbia Avenue, above Fifth Street. Will be ready for occupation in forty days, and will have fifty-horse power. Apply 274 South Third Street, Room 12. se2l fit§ CkEtSE ez, c VOLLITAI, .R, L-ESTAT.I3I • AGENTS. Office,Jacksorratreet, opposite Mansion-street,Ciape_ Island, N. J. Real Estate bought and sold. Persona • desirous of renting cottages during the season will apply or address as above. Respectfully refer to Chas. A.RubicalnillenrY Mum, Francis Ificllvain, Augustus Merino, John Davis and W. W. Juvenal. fee3-tf9 • , -- 910 RENT—THE THIRD, FOURTH AND 1 fifth stories of 707 Chestnut street, In connection with house No. 34 Soutlt Seventh street, suitable for a light manufacturing business requiring largo Space. se22-inw f 3t" MO EFT—AN OFFICE AND CELLAR, No. 701 Arch stmt. SO 2.3 3 t " FOR RENT. - STORE ROOM 4 AM) BASEMENT of New Build ing, 1202 MARKET Street. Apply to STEPHEN F. WIIIT.MAN, auG tf§ OFFICES TO RENT AT 524 WALNUT street, at elOO per annum and upwards. .1. 11. EDWARDS; 152 South Fourth street s( 13.12 t erdi TO RENT—TO A PRIVATE FAMILY P 1 4 1 at ` the large double house, No. 4035 Clu•st , - nut street_ 'nu ult.° ou- the premises Iron 9A.M. to 1 P. 111. set243t.' • - TO RENT—FURNISHED—A HAND -3' 'mine throe-story Brick :Dwelling; with double back on the south sidiy i of Arch, st., between 15th and Kith ids., with or withont atabin. Apply to A. B. CARVER Az CO.. S. W. cor. Jilt and Filbert. se2l-11t* FOR . , RENT.—THE LTRNISHED Reside nee,1914 Rittenhouse SqUare, will be rented a'year Or longer if desired. It is desirably located, hendsoniely and newly furnished, mid replete with all CLARK Se ETTING, sell-tf§ 711 Walnut street. --- MI TO RENTL-A CONVENIENT Lill Dwelling. with three-story back buildings, No. 31 South Sixteenth street. Apply 011 the ,pronitses from 8 to 10 and from 4 to 0 P."3lL' .se2l-1t" F If EN ED RESI PENCE, No. 11111 Sp: nee street. Apply between 10 and 2, to - J. L. 11.A11.111AIL ilel4,tn.th.S6r ; : : No. 708 Walnut Btreet.• ' WANTS. OM WAN TED 1 ITENISHED it Tit I shout Nov . Ist until Ist to 15th AprWmest•Of Broad strvet , between Arch and Spruce. Tennht unexception able. Fondly—Four grown persons ;no children. titate location and terms per month, payable monthly. Ad dress box 2017,1'; o..Philn. selB-tr" A , LADY LARGE EXPERIENCE - 1 desires engaireinehts to .init all kinds of cloth for fnmilies, including little boys' sults either, at her own honor or theirei. 'Address C. R . . X'.: l'. U.' 5e24,27' W/VIED—TO RENT., , ONF..; SITTING -in St. Mark's Church, Locust street. AthlrUss S. E. A.. Itcx •2401. Post-office. se22-3t BOARDING. BOA HANDSOME COM MUN 1- eating rooms mid other vacancies, with hoard, at 228 Soo th road streot. , se24 lINV 011 Ali 158 ti if .8 c 03:1MITNI.CATING i,,,, 50 ,,i t it 0 - tcn t,,with lxiardint 20Q/ Walantatreef,,in a private family, , see; dt* .'"; 13 .11:N I Sil 13 D . ROOMS'.—TWO OR II three gentlemen can fluff comfortably furnished rooms near Seventeenth and Chestnut streets. Addresm ,It,W, .13 .2 BULETEN Office, ee22-3t* ItIWO COMMUNICATING BOOMS; 2 J. story to let, with board. in Wahlia. Mtreet, West Philadelphia. Address " llome, 7 ".Wesi Philadelphia FAMILY CAN BE ACOOM MO _ridated with board hi a private family near Nineteenth ,pd Walnut streets, by addressing" W W ~" BULLETIN Oitie(3. • • • set:-6t' 1608- CHESTNUT STREET. . Boarding at MS Cluoitnut otreot. ROOlllO in suites or single. selB-6t:' . . MORTGAGES. , -- -- -------- $6-000-$i mu , AN li O 113 ...E R . . to.o milts to to In on Mortgage: ~A nplytu • LEWIS H. REIMER, • sem 2t§ - - 731 Walnut street: ESTATE OF :REBECCA GRATZ, DE cetued.=-lietters testamentary on the abrive estate having been granted by the Requiter of Wills to thu un dersigned ,all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present Win to HORACE ROSES, Executor, NO Spruce street, Of ay Wdattt ntrect. Bed w rovcstatE. SALE: The Zoos ;: MaeleutertmPiatturesancrWod-WWI dasannier Namesitiring Auld Iliertat Perforat,ing Busincls TRH LATE PM!, o,tri.4lt, It boabeen aucceasittlku eatabliajltOd for trttle .than 16. years, and affords an excellent opportunity to once upon , a sari: rant! prolltablu lytuittless. , ; ,Several patont&.will be dlepouod .*ltlithe business. 'For tes and, full. partiontaksi ,:^apply to Slit- LIVAN Ad s. and', ROOM N 0,49! CfOA-E , I r— Arti). , f3ALE, ,. I7V A Wiratal N./ ton avenue % neseltrouti ;, good location. , OhearteLf' tiold ut ono,- , A I: STEPHEN W. SOUTH. nth Fourth street, FORSA_LE.,- -VALITABLE 'COAL, IRON county, Timber Lands In Elk eoity, Penna.. on .the ino of the Philadelphia and Erie- Railroadr For-tle seriptiens apply to • • • B. •A :HOOPES ' 321 Walnut street. • • ficlB tip F OR_ A L dence, Green street Elevehtlf: ' • kittperior ResidenemSpring Garden St:, nb. Twentieth. Superior residence, Tenth street. Above Arch. Superior residence, Sixth street, below Oreen. ; . Small house in Clinton street, above Premises No. North Third street. Nalnable property, Third street, above; Chestuutq. 40 feet front. To Let—An elegant furnished Residence, on (lemma town R. R. • RICHARDSON W. s JANNET,. Ke22t)-11.1 NV f-W' - Fourth street... rt _FOE SAITE - =-13 - IV - ELL INGIt3.. . 1210 Columbia Avenue. 'Nineteenth and .Thompoon. 144 N. Eighteenth street. 3221 . 8an50m, West Phila. 1301 DI t . lemon street. 909 N. Fifteenth. Street., 130 Brandywine, Lot 16x60. 8 rooms, new/yreti and painted. Only 13300 cash required. Price . . JAMES W..11Al ,•. S. W. corner Broad and Chestuut, FOR SAL E.-MODERN THREE: Story Brick Dwelling, 519 8. Ntuth Every eiln ventetioe. Inquire on the promisee.' hatr6-th,t,tuttn '441P 1 1 131 EIGHTEENTH,_ • AiwvE 'WALNUT, IS ear Billonliougo Square, an elogunt moilm Roajdoneo, French roof. Guinn' room and parlor, blaok walnut lin intl. low grate, every coneenlene+l3, +NUM to near. ()pen from 334 to 1% daily. For ealo 1, 7 - REDP.RIOK LIST, av Walnr.l &drool.- selfill to tliGt* . 0 GERMANTOWN.-FOR SALE-A MANKARD HOOP COTTAGE, near the Depot. Price, 87,400 ; terms easy Alarm neat cottage to rent. ApplY to W.ll. STVIEEB se2Q•l2t" , Insurance Office, Germantown. tel GERM AN TOWN.—FOR a,modem-built Country Villa. with alb the laical improvements ; near the depot. Price $1.3.590. Terms easy. Apply to W. A. t4TOKES,' Ken 12t"g Insurance Office, Germantown. 1419 FOR RENT, FURNISIIED.—ILA.ND. - MEL some Read& rice, No. Walnut street. - Als*-1111MISOITle Residence. No. till Girard street. J. M. GUMMET & SONS. 733 Walnut stm.t., Property Fon R 8 11 1 1 went E Germantown U %a l l] lOu feet front, and extending through witun front 'ON feet on Sixth street, between Berko and Norris streets. J. M. GUMMI:I' & SONS,J93 Walnut street. _ . _ ip FOR SALE.—ADESIRABLE THREE. • 1:&i! 'Apr) . Residence, on the south side of Chestnut street, above Nineteenth. Lot VI by 123 Apply to ISAAC H. CLOTHIER., • se•M-nt w Or N. W. cur. Eighthawl Market:sta., EL E G AN T .13'n N- sr E JES:F• Residences, 11(!5:.4112 and 4118 Spruce street, CO ude o r to tent. Apply v FELL fi BROTHER. • nuTi-nt w I Im§ 120 Front 9.-treot. 'iJ.l-0 E 8A L 11—THE FLANDBO3LE • Du - ening Nu. 211$ Spruce street.. Built In the best /1.1111111. r : all and every hnproyentent. Possession With deed. One-half can remain. Apply to CCIPPIIIUK .10111.1AN,133 Walnut street. fp CHESTNUT STREET—FOR SALE.-- - - LIE.a. A handoowo brick Iteshience. 20 feet frent.replete with extra COLlVClllencen :Ind in perfw-i onler t situate on Chettnnt pima, eaot, of Fitteenth .rtreet. Lot fret deep to It iStreet. J. /J. (11173.131 E Y .t.'1501i8:733 Walnut bfrm. tzn - Tirtilt SALE.---TILE. HANDSOME. ..maTtiren-gtory Brick Residence.. with; three start ilytible back buildings, situate No. f/11 Vine guest, aPPa• site Franklin 'Square. Lot 24 feet front by•l73 feet deep. to Wood street. Terms necorataodating. Inanetlitite possession. J.' N. 1..;t1.111211.EY. 6 tiONB i 733 Walnut street. - fra. FOR SALE—A HANDSOME DEICE, 2318 S. prue , , street. A. Shire and Ducllmg, northwest corner, Eighth and Jefferson. A fine 'Residence, 1721 Vino strret. A handsome Residence, 4 4 / 1 4BouthIlluthaitzeet. A bon& owe liesttleuce.Wcitl A Business Location. Strastherry street. A Dwelling, No. Ma North Front stutiet,, &poly, to coPPUCK ct JOILLAII,433:WoIoot !street. f r i , FOR SALE,--THE HANDSOME RF, sidene,, inutile first story, finished in. the best manner. with every convenience, and Lefi*n wide side yard': N 0.317 South Fifteenth street, below Spruce. .1: M. GUIIIIIIEY it SONS, 733 Walnut street. ' fiR FOR SALE-THE NEW ELEGANT iLFour•storyßrickßesidence, feet front, built in t he most substantial manner, In suites of throe rooms on first and second floors bathrooms. communicating with chambers, and finished in the best style, with extra con venience*. No. 2035 West Delancey. place. J. ND GUM3IKY ,k SONS. 733 Walnut street. fa • FOR SALE ---- DWELLTNG 14.21 zile North Thirteenth street ; every convenience, and In good order. Convenient Dwelling, No. bl 7 Pine street; ten 'owns, bath, gain, n:c. 610 queen street, twolifory brick, good yard. 20.515thm per street, below Pine, mall bottle). Alien street, two wed four-room Building Lots on Passyunk road, and a good Lot at Rising Sun. ROBERT GRAFFEN .1: SON, =Pine attest. . _ NEW PUBLICATIONS. RENAN'S ST. PAUL. THE LIFE OF ST. PAUL. Air. Carleton announces this morning . that ho bas at lust ready a translation of Ernest Renturs. great work, Just published in Paris; entitled Life of Saint Paul. '• ' This work, wide]) hag created much a aermation abroad, is the thud volume. in the, famona French, antliorli - "Orighia - ofTbristiaiiity"—the •first being THE LIFE OF JESUS and the second being. TUE APOSTLES. nOth uf4heac hooka had an IMIIIOIII3O sale. and thin con eluding once will have lin even greater HUCt,I , I, an it in the most exhaustive history of the. Life and Times, Man ners and Customs of the Period of .1091 1 / 1 and Paul that has over appeared in any language. • TbonSands and thonSands of the original French edi tion have been sold at a very high price, and this new American edition's - being called tor already in enormous quantities. its publication is to be the I ilrentry oveht of the year among the religious community. • \ • The volume is beautifully printed, and bound en ifdrrrx with the author's ether books, and Put at the low price of ,51 75. Sold every wlwre, and sent by mail ;free of postot:e , on receipte of price,,.•'l 75, by. Carleton, Publisher, New • York 808 x w 4t rpHE OCTOBER PHRENOLOGICAL 1.. JOURNAL contains: George W. Childs, Philip Phrenology a Science 1' Salem Witchcraft ; Our Con yietti—W lud shall be done with them? A New Method of Warming houses ; The Chinese question—Shall we Cciestiarliaborers? 'The 'Tiger, ke. with Il lusiidions. Only 30 cents, or• a year. 'Newsmen have it. :Address 'S. lb. WELLS, No. 389 Brinulway,' New York, or FELL ~1i; DUFFY, 1112 Chestnut streot, • • se22-w s2t§ pH I L.O SOPH Y. OF MARRIAGE.—A 1 new course of Lectures, as delivered at the New York Museum of Anatomy; embracing 'the subjects; How to Live and what to Live for; Youth, Maturity and Old Age; Manhood generally reviewed; the Cause of In.. digestion, Flatulence and Nervous Diseases accounted for; Marriage < Philosophically Considered Pocket volumes containing these Lectures will be for warded_, post paid, on receipt of 25 cents, by addressing W,. A. Leary, Jr., Southeast corner of Fifth and Walnut streets. Philadelphia. .„ . • 1026 131 ILEA,tERS AND STOVtS. • , Tll OMSO N' S •LONDON:KITCII - or European Ranges, for 'families, liable or public inatitutionif, in, twenty different ekes. Alec., Philadelphia Bongo, Hot Air Furnaces, Portable 'Heaters, Low dbwn Gratee,Firebeard Stovoe, Bath Boilers, Stew-hole Platee, ' . 1 3rOilerti, Cooking Stoves, ole., wholeoalo and retail by the inannfacturore,' SHARPE & Tllo3llr, c - tny2B I'M w 61111 No. 209 North Second a rat. „ . . T,ECOMAS Si DIXON SONS/ Late Andrews Rc Mien, NO.I3,24•CHESTNET Street, Phllada:, Opposite United States rdint. . •' - anuratturers ot, LOW DOWN, PARLOR, • CHAMBER, ',OFFICE, • And other GRATES', For Anthracite, Bituminous and Wood Fire; ' at e° • FURNAOES, For Warming , Public and Private Buildingh. REGISTERS, VEr p NTILATORS, , Ati oirruNE CAPS H , COOKING-RANGES, BAT-BOALERS. WHOLESALE and. RETAIL. fIOTTON-403 BALES COTTON NOW VV landing from almoner 'Tonawanda, from Savannah, 011., 11111/ foriatto by COULLUAIi, RUSSELL 3; -UU., 111 OhMint street. MEM t 7- 4 ' 7, •1. ' THE rNr ` `a :'::. { :. i ~'~ ,~ .s's 003ANERCIAL LIST =MI PRIG CURRENT WHICH .CONTAINS RE ABLE REPORTS` OF TUB MA.rtl-00 1 1'S, AS WELL AS THE 'LATEST ,NEW FROM THE OIL, COLD AND SILVER REGIONS THE LETTER SHEET PRICE CURRENT, Which are=•lnvaluable for -Corres pondence, ARE PUBLISHED Weekly, Semi-Weekly and Daily STEPHEN N. WINSLOW & SON, No. 241 DOCK STREET. it is the best Medium of Communicatio between the Merchants and Mum faeturers of the City of _ rhilatielpilia • AND THE Cpuntry Merchants', 1 a,tradrs, Planters, Millers, Mechanics ' , and Hothl-KeepeM It Meets the Eye of Every Business Man MIMI WIMil NEMER IiYENING EIILY . I UN. FRIDAY, iiileptember,2s 1869 , . • • :irtr.7cOnarn i " '‘inications• t for /this _cotuan' mtist a Le ruldressed " Chess Editor of EVENX But, Lr:itti," and should reach the office, at lutes on 'l'hursday, morning. All Problems must be accompanied by the, solution and name of (bid composer. ._ , , ''Ans*vers to CorreSpOudents., ig W. R. Rl'--Inserted to4lay.'3, The fpeettliatr., features of castling and en passant 'are not con sidered perfectly legitimate. The solutionB are "J. F. SHROEDERP—Your proposed second solution shall be examined. , " L."-»Gladto hear ,'from y ` oui agaix4 Solutions are right - ' • BATTY the man with not too nice a nose, • If to a certain Chess resort he goes— • • Built on the plan of Noah's ark, all tight • Except.a :vvindow in the top for light. The air he is expectedlo'inhale , • Comes through some process where they make itstale, • And has an odor=some would call it That's' very' like—l'm blest if I can tell! But, anywayiit tills the spacious rooms, liakingfliern.pleasant as BkOptian tombii ;: Bent up*Vvittiout a cent of charge for scent,.. No mercenary motive can be meant; 'With vain invective stamped by those who've quaffed, itoped.the managers will change the draft. &IL The present statOof the score between 11essrs.,ELson and Whiteman is that the latter has,Won four games to two draws. The first two gamen we have already published; the Ahlroi r a, centre Coupter Gambit,,was t after.ati 'eight hour's' strfiggle, 'won; by Mr. Whiteman 4ourth game (1 - lolLlndish, Opening) was iCkßeby Mr. Elson through crelessness, after One-half hour play. The fifth game (Giuoco 'Piano) was, after 'a good fight, drawn. The sixth game (I-Tollandish Opening) Mr., Eisen lost by a direct oversight on the' 14th move. We shall, coutinue the publication of these games Ludt 1 i A consultation match is now progress ing at• the German Chess Club, in which Messrs. Hoskins and Ruch play against Messrs. Roberts, Reuss and Hicken. The first game haaAeett the two H's; The short match between Messrs. Mac kenzie and Mason has come to a ,terminati The first-named player gave the odds of pawn and move, and won five gamescto',4dalVer sary's three, The. peculiarity of the following production is.that the : piecs are arranged so as to form the letter ;J: (1. W., the initials of Mr. White man's name, and to whom it is accordingly in ,serihed by the aufli • BY MB/ JACOB EL$f)N. • "/ 0% , Z digh a/4 r,;•• g 4 j p A - 7 f X/1 6 Al A4Z'J ea e„a-w-iks. , 50, •'7kir% 57/i,7•N r, (IEI7, 0 '' 44 7,71 vT4 ry - 4 /‘1„ /' - 7/ /' " (L /; // ?;,/,% / / % , / A • 7 f ( ' 77 :4' , • % 3A "-" r'w 44- %U. 4 / 4 *r7-47; f4-7/•45'; •?,' O 4 Ag„ zk:W '„ j „a ltp %4\ % g 7 // T 2(/ ;;• 4 tea ", /' • 57 ,, 4 o , ,#' - 10 / / ,A %7,4 ()HESS IN PHILADELPHIA.. Game No. 2305. Played between Messrs. Hoch and Hieken • (11(illandish Openimi.) Wir. (MU. Hiciunc.) EL. RUCH) 1. P to Q 4 P to K 13 4 2. Pt° K 4 P xP„ 3. QKt to B 3 •- KKt to B 3 4. B to K Kt ,5 P to 13 4 px p . ' -Q'to R 4 B x•Kt • • KP x 7. QtO s'(el) ' PtoK Kt 3 8. QtoQs B x P 9. Btoll 4' Rtoß, sq , , 10. Q x P (eh) KtoQ sq • 11. Castles , 12. Kt tb B 3' Rto'•K sq 13. Q to Kt 4 Kt to BE • 14'. Kt to'Q:s' ; ," ;Q Rs' , • ' 15..KR'toBsq Rto K 7 , (The terunnating moves :We pretty:) 16. Kt to Q 3 Kt to Q 5 17. Pto Kt 3:- , -Q x RA' 18. B to Q'3..,; Black mates in three moves. . , CHESS' IN PARIS. • L2 .6iamo No. 2306.. . • Betw eon Messrs. Neural= and 'Mortimer. (Evans Gambit.) WIT., ; (I4n.•ISituNANN.) (Mit. MownstEn.) to K. 4 • • , PtoK 4 '• • '• 2. K.Kt to - 13 3 "' ,Q at to B 3 3. B to B 4 • to 13 4 4.Pto(lKt4•• 'BxKtP P to B 3 B to 13 4 .P to' (. .P . x . 7. P x P 13 to 3 ! 8. CastleB . 4 P to , Q 9. P to. Q • Ktlia R 4 , 10. Rto lct 2 d • Kt to K 2 ,CB.BtleB . • • Ktto • B 3 • to Q B 4 43 1 . R to. QB sq • Kt to Kt 3 14. Q (2 2 Ptol3 3 15. Kt to K 2 , R tol3 2 16. K to R P to Q lt 3 17. Kt to Ksq • B toll 2 18. P to 13 4. P to Kt 4 10 B 3 Pto B 5 • 2(1.' 13 to ICt sq. , ' It to K 2 X - Kt•to Q 4 - --• B to•lit 3 • 22. ICt to K6H ' • to K Scr - 23. It to B 3 • 'Kt to 13 8q 24. P to B 5 • Kt to (12 25. Rto K Kt 3 • Kt to IC 4 2t, i. 13 to 1313 - Kt,to Kt 2 27. Q t 9 ;28. B x Kt„ (Compulsory, on apeount of the threatened rejoinder, 13 to B 7.) 28. Q, P x 13 29.'8Px8. K to It sq •• = •SO. Q-to It 3 to Klt 3 31. 1t Lo 13 sq Kt to Q 0 FLESS 0.0 :LtiJ MN_ ATP. 090. EIEB3 WHITE. White to play and mate in four moves Problem No. 691. rs CAPRICCIO. BY MR. WM: REESE, of Baltimore. OEM White tnplay and mate in four moves CHEss IN GERMANY. • „ • t No . 4 g3,070 Maykd In '4ocoby'a' CoriditOrd,o3erri!o, bq--4 twoeri MitsBrB. Mlnekvirlft'attil , Eukerfort. (Ruy Lopez Attack.) W. Mrxcx.wirz.) B. Tu. ZurcEreroltr.)'i 1. P to K 4 to K 4 k. 2.K Ktto B 3 'QK"tto,B3 , • 3. B to Kt 5 3tt to B %4. entitles .Kt x P P-toQ4 BtoK2 6. Q to K 2 Kt to Q 3 7. B x Kt Kt P x B 8. P x P Kt to Kt 2 9. Kt to B 3 lit to B 4 10. KRto Q ; "CraB,tles ,;11. Bto.K 3 _EV? 3(?) 12. Q, to Q 2 P to Q 4 13. P _x P (en pos) B x P (Better P x P.) 14. B x Kt 1.5.4 x(. ---- " 18.. Kt to K • SARATOGA WATER. 7; '• STAR SPRINGS SARATOGA, NEW YORK. ' The analysis proves that the waters of the Saratoga . Star Springs hare a much larger amount of solid substance, richer in medical ingredients than any other spring in , Sarato,ga, and shows what [he taste indicates—namely, that it is the, STRONGEST WATER. It alio demonstrates that the STAR WATER contains 100 Cubic Inches More of Gas in a gallon than any other spring. It is this extra amount of gas that imparts to this water its peculiarly sparkling appearance, and renders it so very agreeable ' to the taste. It also [enlist° preserve the deliciousflavor of the water when bottled, and causes it to uncork with an effervescence almost coital to Champagne. Sold by the leading Druggists and Hotels through out* the country. • • . JOHN WYBTH, & BRO., • 1412 'Walnut Street, Philada • Wholesale 4gents. • Also for sale by \V.Walter Mullen,Chestnut Hill ;Fred,,,,' Brown, corner of Fifth'and Chestnut atrevu; I. I. G ra• home, Twelfth and Filbert; 11. B. Lippincott, Twentieth and Cherry; Peck,,b Co., 'MIS Chestnut; Samuel S. Stmt. lug, Tenth and Spruce; A.B. Titylor;lols Chestnut; P.G • Q . obv ,J r., 917 Chest ut; Geo. C. Bowel., Sixth and Vine; d,iw T Qt`•;..e !I ' anu hpruce; Daniel S....lones t LTwelfth and Spruce; W: B. -; Webb, Tenth awl Spring G a rden,; dol-tu,th,e.lyro• ' WL G. FLANAGAN & SON, HOUSE AND SHIP PLuituarai, , - 7A3IES A'. WRIGHT., 11,101iNTON PIHH, ,etummyr 'A. OHIO COM, TUROVOIIE W/11(4111,.FICANK.L. MEALL. • • PETER WRIGHT & SONS, '.• Importers of earthenware r, 'Elltippin.KOnd danunisaion Merehatits'p 116 kiwi, Philadelphia. ip B. WIGHT,. • • _ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, IluNTFirr of Deeds filfleStdo of Ponnsylvnniti in ' Illinois. 06 Madison street No 11 Chicago,lllinois. aul9tf§ Co 14' AiL iffteli OF EVEitY width, from 22 inches to 7.3 inches wide. all numberp front and Awning , liucki Paper-maker's Felting, Bail Twitietdm. JOHN NV. EVEII3I.AN, Ja26" No. 103 Church street, City Stores. 113, RIVY , OWNERS OF PROP .orty—The. only place to got privy wells cleansed and disinfoctodLat vOry Ifiw. prices. 4. 'PEVSSON. Mann H in incler of Poudretto. Goldsmith's all. Library .tviot , • • CUTLERY , • • - gOD GER S' AND , .WOSTENHOLIViik. POCKET KNIVES, PEARL and. STAG lIA.N• ES of beautiful WIDGETS' and WADE SE BUCHER'S. and the CELEBRATED LECOULTfth RAZOR,,_• • SCISSORS IN 'OASES of the'finst Razors, Knives, Scissors and Table C utlerY. , Efroglul find polished. EAR INSTRUMENTS of thola oat approved construction to assist tho hearitr, at P. MADEIRA'S, Cutler and Surgical InetrumentMaker,lla Ttintb street, below.Chefitn.at. ' • • Lay/-ti 32 Tt x B P " Rit osl ; 2 ' l4 ! , ~- ;,--...AT:ts_ktligKcio.kinvolvetmate#ntlreen3 l 3.). xs !io Blti Ktolt2 :34.W It to K B 3 P to Kt 4 45,idt t lto TfriNt3p... 1 1 36;IO!-B '6, • A 1104a2. 37: - K g, tto St 3_ ' to Kltd 38."1.K 11 X IL 'a .T.B. • x -.lCta( R 40. x Kt i g 3r.P 41—KttoB5 boB3 • ; • 42.-e,to R 5 • to Kt 3 43 Q, , to Q act 'to K Ift 5, 44. Pto QG , QtoKt4 ; top “45 iB to Q 7 , P KR4 It ; 13 2Q 5 47 P.Queens • B2it 48.:Q - to Q 7 (ch), and wins. . 'l7. R . x 'R Rto K sq. u/ 18. Kt xQBP K to B sq. 19.. R to Q 8 P to B 3 20. x R (ch) Kx R 21. Kt to R 4 • Bx P (ch) K-x • .13 to XV, 4. • •B± Kt • ' t 24.PtoQKt3 13t0Q2 `2;:rfrto Q, R 4 `:s;', 1.3 3° : 2(1.1C to K 3 KtoK2 27. Kto Q, 4'_ K. to Q 3 233. P to. QKt 4, and - wins. • flame N0..2308. Bptween the same Playpj. ~ • t! (lheioco' :•'; • ' 'l3.(3iiti tiieKwir z.) 1. Pto 1C.4 • Pto K 4 2. K. lit to, B 3 Q lit to B 3 :3. B to B 4. B to 13 4 4. Ptol3 3 • Kt to 13 3 5. P to Q 4 • P x P p p . 13toKt5ICllt , . . 7. : 8 :13 B (eh) $. '0 lit x B * lit xIC P • O. Kt x lit P to Q 4 10. 11 x Q, x 11.:,Castles, , Castles • , ,12.11 B 3 Qto Q sq' 'l3. Pto Q 5 ' • Kt to K 2 14. lit to K+3 8t0134 15. It to li sq Kt to lit 3 16. QtoßB Ktxlit. 17, It x lit Il to lit 3 Is.,Qlt_to..KSq P to K •13 a • It).-1 t 10:1( to K • .sq 20. Q ±' 21. Q s R. Q '22. It Q It to K. (i.• 10 . 1 - ' h _ 24. 'P to. B 4 I" , to K 11 4: 25. Kt.sl32 K t() 13 26. Kto li B 3 • ' (The-tore. are equal, hut it is doobtfttl •whe ther Black 'can save the gauze.)''':' 2.1Ct0Q4 P to K It 3 3. P, to Q Kt 4 ..1? to 11, 29. Plo'Q-It 4 P'to , K' Kt 4 10. Pto Kt 3 ' Bto Q 2 31. P 'to It 5! B to K sq 12. IC to B 5 • ' Kto K 2 33. Kt to K 2 B to Q 2 34. lit ta,Q 4 P to. Kt (TO prevent Kt to B 3,) • 35. Kt to B 2 Rio Kt 4 ' 36. lit to .K 3 B to Q 37. lit to B 4 B to Kt 5 3. P Qt, (eh) - 1![ to Qsq 39.,1it to K 5 BtoKrtl„. 40. K to Q 5 P i to lit 3 41. P x P P x Kt P 42. K to K 6' • P to Q It 4 43. P P Px P .44. P to'Q7 .13 x P • Bishop naives to It 4, then mate in two moves.) 43. lit x B 46. Kt to .B 47 li x P ' 45. lit to Kt 3 49. K x P 50.Pt085 51. P to 11 6 52. Kt to It .s 9 P to .1.1: 54: P Queens, and' wins. Bus4pr,- is CARDS. Established IS2I. No. 129 Walnut ptrOpi. iyny§, 'HIE DAILY EVENING*BULLETIN-TIIILADELPUIIk, FEIDAY,SEPTEMBER, 24, 1869. Itxß QRxQ 1, T prever. from turning gray or failing off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which?, make some preparations dangerous and:, injurious to the hair, rthe Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted: merely for, a HAIR DRESSING nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it doe? not soil white cambric, and yet lasts longer on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and-a grateful perfume. '. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., PRACTICAL e3-ND ANALYTIC/3.14 CIMInTS, LOWELL, MASS. .P/LICE $l.OO. Sold. by all Druggisli4 everywhere. At wholesale by J. N. NA EIS .6: CO., Philadelphia. rulgitu:th-rt-eow-ly TEE RIGHTS..OF TILE SICK. It is the right of" every invalid to know what his medicine Is, and Why it is prescribed_ Is any sufferer from dysvpsia, liver ecim plaint, headache, costiveness, or heartburn, desirous to know what TARRANT'S SELTZER APERIENT is, and,why he ought to take it? The answer is simple. It is the chemical equivalent of the Seltzer , Spa water, and the greatest physicians the world has ever even have pronounced that water, a specific. for tho qomplaints, in question MIDDLETOWN MINERAL SPRINGS P to B. Pfolt,i IC to B `_.! IC to lit 3 Kt t 4 K to Kt 3 K to B li K LO KV 7 g ..`7` 5.4 Never before have any Mineral Waters attained in short a time a reputation so general as the Middletown Mineral Spring Waters, solely, too, by the number of almost marvellons ; Cures they have effected. EXTRACTS FROM A FEW OF OUR MANY A. R. erant, No. 269 River st., Troy. N. Y.,' (Kidnov Dibeabe), bays : It line renor•ated me thoroughly, killed my pains, and gives me back a healthy uppetite;thgestion, and circula tion.,, F. F. Burled:, No. 89 Clinton place, N. Y.,(General Debility), says : ' " I any Sure that I owe my present health solely to the daily and persistent use of the water." Call for I copy of testimonials in full. THIS WATER IS FOR, SALE , BY ALL FIRST- • Addreen: Middletown .Mineral Spring Company, Wholesale Agent for Philadelphia and vicinity sop the to 2m§ OPAL DENTALLTNA. A SUPERIOR IL,/ article for cleaning the Teeth,destroying al) imalcula which infest them, giving tone to the gnms, and leaving a feeling of fragrance and perfect cleanliness in the mouth. It may be used daily, and will be found to strengthen-weak-and bleeding-gums,-while -the-aroma and detersiveness will reconimend It to every one. Be ing composed with the assistance of the Dentist, Physi- cians and 'Microscopist, it is confidently. offered as a reliable substitute for the uncertain washes formerly in vogue. Eminent Dentists, acquainted with the constituents of the Dentallina,advocate its use; it contains nothing to prevent its unrest ra in AMESed empI oSHIN yment. N, Apothecary Made only by J T. Broad and Spruce streets. .ally, and D. L. Stackhouso, Robert O. Davis, ' Geo. 0. Bower, Chas. Shivers, S. M. McCann, • 8.0. Bunting,- Chas. R. Eberle, James N. Marks • E. Bringhurst &'OO., I Dyott & Co., • H. 0. Blair'S Sopa, For sale by Druggists gene Fred ..Browne, Hansard Sc co., • ' C. R. Remy, Isaac H. Kay, C. R. Needles, T, J. ' Dust aud, Ambrose Smith, Edward Parrish, Wm. B. Webb, James L. Bispham, Hughes ,t Combs. gOEIV3,I‘; PLUMBING. WNI. G. 1 7 1.1-10A.135, . . ; 4221' MA.NRET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Steam and Gas fitting, Hand Power and Steam PumPel Plumbers' Marble and Soapstone Work. Terra Cotta Pipe, Chimney Tops, &c.., wholesale and retail. Samples of ^finished work may , baleen at my storo. • Of the latest and most beautiful designs, and all other elate work on hand or made to order. • - - - Factory and Balec , roonm,SlX TEENTiI and OALLONi • BILL &recta • - WILSON . & MILLER. ap2l Gm§ - ffirriov4t; - ~;~ ~,~,:; , s SOLD BY ALL DBUGGISTS jyl3 to tb s SW, TESTIMONIALS: CLASS DRUGGISTS MIDDLETOWic,I7 C. LIPPINCOTT, 916 Filbert Street, MISCELLANEOUS. VEVe v. LER5 .0 ,61.11,00 4 -4.. Y _ ___,...___ ...... .......,. _ 14,1r04::D1 - If4}7 - 101:11A102%Drz .,,- • Gliti,', rank Line. from. Philadsitia,tos the interibrg erindYlvaida, , theSchttylkit , l, utaltiehanit6;f3hitili land and WyemlnieValleys, the OrtkOitirtaWr s ' the Castadas,Snmtner A rrangetatatcdPanienger J o , 4 l Yeb - Theit; loating thgar i mlir Dopot,lPhirteenis '..• an- a os,fhill sires% si, at ;Cho fellewl ~i11011.31/NO A CCOMMODATIOHAt7.3O'Ai;IIi.,i' .. 1 Rewungand all intorniedlate,-Stations and -AllentinSp , leaves Reading it6.3o' P Returning.l M. 4, arriVillit in Philadelphia at 9.16.P. - 3L , - • •- , • . . - i ' MO EXPERBB.=. I .It =' - A'. ml , ':roiriteiiinng, Lebanon; Harrisburg, Pottsvillel.Pinet‘irove,TaMittinai Sunbury, PWillianemort, Elmira; Rothester, . "Hagar, Falia, Buffalo, Wilkeabarro r Pittettrn, .York:" Carlisle :'Ohilmbeiebtirgidiagerskiwn,dte.,, , t ..1.0.' ~ ....9. i 0 The 7.30 A .31... train connects at /leading with the East Pennsyhroullaltallioad trains for Allentown,kc.and the 8.15 A, MArain connects with the Lebanon Vall , ortraiit for Harrisbur,g ..bc.; ht -Port Clinton with Catawissa Mi 'R;traing Ail' luillaulenort, Lock Haven: lilmirait o_,.'itt Harrisr s 4rh Northern Central, Alumberlanu val.' ley.an a 'kill and Susquehanna trains for.piarthi: gr am o b v e e_t ri sr a lir ild, i _ flllamsport.^York, Chambereburg, Plus! • METE , OHN EXPRESS.-Delladelphla at, 3.30 .P.M. or Reading, Pottsville, Handaharg, dm ~ con nett ia . with b.c ik . tidin g end Columbia . Railroad trains fori POTTSTOWN, ACCOMMODATION.-Leaves - Potts 4 town at 5.26 A. M., atopping at thd I ntennedlatesdaticne; - arriVes in Philadelphia at 8.40 A. M. ..'Retiarning leareei Philadelphia at 4.30 P. M.; arrives in Pottattivrh at 6.40 p3l, "TtEADINO' AND 1 4 4TTSVILLE ' 'ACCOMMODA- Timi.-Leaves Pottsville at 5.40:A. 31., and 'Reading at 7501-': lid., stopping at ail way station, arrives In Flails- . dolphin. at. 10.15 .6.. 31 • - ' . : • , Returning, leavea Philidelphitini's36P. : 3l4'a;riell in Reading at 8:00 P.M., and at Pottsville at 9.40 P. M. , Trains for Philadelphia leave Harrisburg 'at 830 A.: M; .a pottsv il le al 9,00 A. 31 ~ arriving in Philadelphia at 1:00 P.,M. Afternoon trains leaveliarrisbtirg at 208 P. M. and Pottsville at 2.451' . 341,; arriving at Phila delphia at 6.45 P. M. Harrisburg Accommodation leaves Beading at T. 13 A. 31., and Harrisburg at 4.10 P. 314 'Connecting at Read ing with Afternoon Accommodation south at 6.30 I': 31., arriving in Philadelphia at 9.15 P. M. . Market train, with a Passenger car attached, leaves Philadelphia at 12.45 noon for Pottsville • and 'all' Way :tationewleaves - PortsvUle at .10 A. at., connecting at Mmuling with accommodation train for Philadelphia and' all Way Stations Ali the above trains run daily, Sundays excepted. i nnday trains leave Pintsvilleat 8 A. 111.-, . and Phila.- . delphia at 3.15'P. M.; leave Philadelphia for Reading at 800 A. M., returning from Reading at 4.25 P. M. CHESTER VALLEY RAILROAD. , -Passengera for. Downingtown and intermediate points take the 7.30 A.' M.., 12.45 and 4..f1i P. 31. trains from Philadelphia,return ing from Downingtown at 6.10,A. 1a,.1.00.r , . M.. and 6.45 P .PM II 3IEIO 3I EN RAILIIDAD ,-Pasiengera for Skippack. take 7.30 A.31.,430 and 5.15 P.M.tratus for Philadelphia,, returning from Ski ppack at 6.36 and 3.16 A.31.,1.00 P.M. Stage lines for various points in Perlsiomen Valley con nect with trains at Collegeville and'Skippack. .- - , NEW YORK EXPRESS FOR PITTSBURGH AND Tur, Ile - EST.-Leaves New . York at 9.00 A. 31., 5.00 and Leo ,p, M passing Reading at 1.05 A. 31.,'1.60' and' 10.19 P. 31.,..ancl connects at Harrisburg with rofintgivahia and Northern Central Railroad Express Trains for Pitts-. burgh,Vhicag_e, Williamstairt, Eintint,Maltimore, be. Returning,'Expreed Tra in leaves Harrisburg on arrival of Pennsylvania Express from Pittsburgh, at 2.35 and 6.20 A. Id . and 10.55 P. 31., passing Readin n at. 4.30 and 7.05 A.. M. and 12.50 P.M., arriving at N,ew rork 11,00 A.M. and 12.20. and 5.00 P.. 31...• Sleeping. Cara accoro jmny these trains through between .lersor City and Pittsburgh, without change. • , . Mail train for New York leaves Harrisburg at 8.10 A. M. and 2.95 P. 31... Mail train for Harrisburg leaves Ne York at 12 Noon. SCHU YLR ILL VALLEY IiAILIWAD--Trains leave. Potiscille nil 11..',1) .11.anil . 6 - 40 P.3l:.reildrnini. frost Tanniqua at SM A:. 31., 2.15 and 4.157.'34 SCHUYLKILL, AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD Trains' leave Auburn at 6.55 A: M. and 120 P. M. for; Pinegrovo and Harrisburg, and at 12.16. 1100/1 for Pine groco and TrEmont; returning troni Harrisburg ate 7451 A. Si, and 3.40 P.-31., and from Tremont at 6.45 A. 31.. and 5,05 P. Si. TWEE TS.—Throngh first-class tickets and emigrant • ticket; to all the principal pointi in the North and West and Cluirufa." Excursion Tick•etit from Philadelphia to Reading and Intermediate Stations:, good for day only, are sold by Morning Accommodation, Market Train, Reading apd • PottstoWn Accommodation Trains at reduced rates.• Excursion Tickets to Philadelphia, good for day only, are sold at Reading and Intermediate Stations by Read ing and Pottstown Accommodation Trhins at •reduced'. rater.. The following tickets are obtainable only atthe Office SJEtradfora, Treasurer, N0. , 227 South Fom•th street, Philadelphia, or of G. A. Nicell4, General "Superinten- , dent, Reading. Commutation Tickets at 25 per cent. discount, between tiny points desired, for families and firms. Mileage Tick ets.good for 20Xlmiles, between all points at €52•50 each tot' families :mg firms. Season Tickets, for three, six, nine or twelve months. for holders only. to all points, at reduced rates. ),) Clergymen residing on the line of the roadfur nished with cards, entitling themselves' and wives to . tickets at half fare • • : •,• Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to principal Eta- • lions, good for Saturday, Sunday and Monday, at re duced fare, to be had only at the Ticket Office,' at Thlr- teenth and Callow hillptruits. FREIGHT.—Goods of all descriptions forwarded to all the above points from the Company's New Freight Depot; Bread and Willow streets..,• • Ireight Trains leave Philadelphia daily at 4.55 A. M., 12.45 noon, 5-W and 7.15 P. M. for Reading; Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pottsville, Port Clinton, and all paints be , yomP • • t Mails close at the Philadelphia Post-office for all places cn the road nod its branches at 5 A. H., and for the prin-. : cipal Stations ohly at 2.15 P. 5L . BAGGAGE. • . - - Dungan's Express will collect Baggage for all trains leaving Philadelphia Depot. Orders eau be left at No. t.s' Bout It Fourth street, or at the Depot, Thirteenth and Callowhill streets. , . . ORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. 11 —THE MIDDLE ROUTE,—Shortest and most di rect line to Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Hazleton, White Maven; Wilkesbarre, Mahanuy City, bit. Cannel, Pittsten..Tunkhannock, Scranton, Carbondale and all the points in the Lehigh and Wyo ming coal 'regions : 2 - Passenger Depot in Philadelphia, N. W. corner Berke and American streets. SUMMER. ARRANGEMENT, IS DAILY TRAINS. —On and after TUESDAY, Juno Ist, 1669, Passenger Trains leave the , Depot, corner of Becks and American streets, daily (Sundays excepted), I+.s follows: 6.4.5 A. M. Accommodation for Fort Washington. At 7.45 A. M.--. Morning Express for Bethlehem and Principal Stations. on North Pennsylvania Railroad, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Railroad for Allentown, Catusauqua, Slatington, Mauch Chunk, IV eat herly ,J eanesville, Hatleton,White Haven, Wilkes barre, Kingston; Pittston, Tnnkhannock, and all points in Lehigh-and-Wyoming -- Valleys; - also in connection with Leigh and Malarkey Railroad for 'Maltanoy City, and with Catateissa Railroad for Rupert, Danville, arid Williamsport. Arrive at Mauch Chmik at 12 fiL; at Wilkesbarre at 2.50 P.ll.:at Mithanoy City at 1.50 P.M, At 0.45 A. 31.-11.ccommodation for Doylestown, stop pin irat all intermediate Stations. Passengers for Wil len. Grove, El.itboro' and Hartsville, by this train, take . Stage at Old York Road. . 9.45 A. 31. (Express) for Rethleheni, AllePtown, • Cimiik, White Haven, Wilkesharre, Pittston, t .Si Yemen and Carbondale via Lehigh and Susquehanna and -Allentown and Easton, and Eoouts on New Jersey Central Railroad and Morris aud ssex Railroad to New York via Lehigh Val leyßailrotui. At 10.45 A. M.--Accummodation. for Fort Washington; stepping at intermediate Stations. 1.11, 3.15,5.20 and S P.M.—Accommodation to Abington. At 7.45 P. M.—Lehigh Valley Express for Bethlehem, Fasten, Allentown, blanch Chunk, Hazleton, White jlaveD,Wilkesburre, Pittston, Scranton, and Wyoming Coral Ilet , jens. At 2.45 P. M.—Accommodation for Doylestown, stop ping at all intermediate stations. At 4.15 P. M.—Accommodation for Doylestown, stop ping at all intermediate stations. At 5.00 P. M.—Through for Bethlehem, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Evening Train for L'a shah Allentown, Mauch Chunk. At 6.2 e P. M.—Accommodation for Lansdale, stopping at all intermediate stations. At 11.:30 M.—Accommodation for Fort Washington. _ TRAIN S. ARRIVE IN PHILADELPHIA. . . _ _ . • 'A+73 Frenlieliilehein at 9A. M., 2.10, 4.45 and 8.25 P. M. 2.10 P. M., 4.45 P. N. and 8.25 P.M. Trains make direct connection with Lehigh Valley or Lehigh and Susque hanna trains from Easton, Scranton, Wilkesbarre, Ma bailey City and Hazleton. ' From Doylestown at 8.25 A.M.,4.55 P.M.and 7.05 P.M From Lansdale at 7.30 A. 31. Front Fort Washington at 9.20 and 10.35 A. 31. and 3.10 P . 31. ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphialor Bethlehem at 9.30 A. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 2.90 P. M. Philadelphia for Abington at 7 P M. Doylestown for 'Philadelphia. at 6.30 A. M. '.11,•t 141(14414110r Philadelphia at 4.00 P. M. • Abington for-Philadelphia at 8 P. M. Filth and Sixth Streeter Passenger cars convey passen gers to and from the new Depot. White cars of Second and Third Streets Lino and Union Line run within a short distance of the Depot.' Tickets must be procured at the Ticket Unice, in order to secure the lowest rates of fare. ELLIS CLARK, Agent. Tickets sold andllaggage checked through to princi pal points, at_Mtinn _Ntn•th—Penn. Baggage_ Express_ Awe, No. 105 South Fifth street. WEST CHESTER AND PHIL AD EL- Tv • I'III A DAILROAD.--finnimer Arrangement.—On and alter MONDAY, April 12,1869, Trains will leave as follows; - Leave Philadelphia:, from New Depot, Thirty-first and Chestnut streets, 7.25 A. M., 9.30 A. M., 2.30 P. 31.,4.15 p. 111., 4.25 P. 31.,7.16 P. M., 1130 Leave West Chester, from Depot, on East Market street, 6.26 A. 31.„ 7.25 A. M., 7.40 A. M., 10.10 A. M., 1.55 I P._31..45 11 P. 6.45 P. 31. • Leave Philadelphia for - DX. Junction and Interme diate Points, at 1220 P, 111. and 5.95. Leave B. C. Junc tion for Philadelphia, 41.'6.30 A. M. and 1.46 P. 31. • Train leaving West Chester at 7.40 A. M. will stop at 11. C. J unction , - Lennh :UR% Niddie aud Media; leaving Philadelphia at 4.35 31:, will stop at Meat, Glen Lena tend '13.• 0; - Junction. Passengers to or from stations botween'WeSt Cheater 'and 11. 0, Junction going East, will take trout leaving, West Chester at 7.25 M., and car will be attached tt/AsNpress Train at B. 13:-3nnet ion ; -449i91--going-West, -Passengers or-Station d ph la at 4.35'r, vat ciutrige cars at 11: C. June. inn. • The Depot in Philadelphia is reached directly by the Chestnut and Wuhint street cars. Those of the Market street line run,within one square. 'rho cars of both lines connect with each truth Open its arrival. • ON SUNDAYS.—Leave Philadelphia for West Chester at 8 A. ill. and 2.30 P. M. Leave Philadelphia for D. C.'Jimctionat 7.15 P: M. Leave West Chester for Philadelphia at 7.45 A. M. and 4,45 P. 31 . • ; _ Leave D• C: JrinctiorOfor Philadelphia at 6.00 A. U. Mir Passengers are allowed to take. Wearing Apparel only, as Itaggage, and the Company will not in any case be responsible for an amount exceeding ono hundreddol lars, unless a special contract be made fotr the same. " • . WILLIAM C. WIMELER. • • - • . General Superintendent. VAST FREIGHT LINE, VIA NORTH PENNSYLVANIA.. RAILROAD, to Wilkesbarro, Mahoney City 1 Mount Carmel, Centralia, and .all points on Lehigh Valley Railroad and its branches, By new arrangements', perfected this day, tide road Is 'enabled to give tumefied despatch to merchasollso con- Signed to the above-named points. Goods delivered at the Through;Freight Depot, 8.7:. cor. Front and Noble streets, 'Before SP. will roach Wilkesbarro Mount Carmel. Malannoy City, and the other stations in Mahoney and WyomingvalleyrdbeforeA.M., the aucceeaing day. • '' ELLla.,cuarti Agents fi /-; 46 . 44 , 4IVELERS GUIDE - • . ' (, ), It — : — .N.ACW''** - YORK - TIFE — Tr.A.III3/EN' ~. .., AND .-. AMBOY, and PIII.LAPIMMitki ANM nT4I4 `,IIALT.NOAD COMPANY'S .LlNES,..frptil F ir., hiladefp pi toeW,York, and war nhings, from-, wal A 1.90 A.M.,vis Camden and Atabor Ateont.if.i .02 25 ..d taiA; M., armrainden and Jertey CAA N,t,'Mau,. 300 At P. ftl4-viti (Minden and Ambor a ( ireatt,' 300 -:.ltt 6 I°.!.M.:ferArnboate and , i ntermediate atations , I. ' '- • i ' •, At 6.20 an 4 B,A. hi., arkg 2,P. M.,for:Frechold,. . _'. ", 4 li 4 2 4 -r- t- 1. 41' 2,0 p8 - 4Puic4 41114 ?Opts oh '., At B , and 2 .1;131•402 M { 22.30 And 4.30,P. iff.,feei- - Tranton.•' At6.39,6and lto A.M. i, - /2 Al ~2 . 3.304.30,6, Tand iLso,p,cm„ ror Rordentown,Florence,Burliamon,fleverly and, P - At 6.204md 1 0A.".31:,12 M,, 3.30,4.80,6,7 and 11.50 P.M. for tEdgewater, Riverside, Riverton. Palmyra and-,Yiah Xf...o.pall,'and.2)9'; Al., for: Illi - erton. , - - ~. , w 9 rtie '. MAO '.P; •M. 'Line leavett from ' Riot of 1 Markettitreet hy.rnmer.ferry, ... - . . , - .-i ) ,Irxontlf.enaingtonDepat:.".,.., and r , i • - ,„' 4 t' / lA '. x..; YittMeneinglon Jer sey City, Maw, York • • EXpreot Line X....; . .-.- ' ' ;,;...1.....- e 3 00 At 7.3o'and 41.00 A. 8P., - 2.30,241)ani113 P; 31. for Trenton ;And, R,riatel. And at 10:16 A. M., and 6P: M. for Bristol. At 7.30 andll",A; M.", 2 SO, cuitd 5 .I!. M.. for Morriavillo and At 7 30 and 10.15Ai ALI 2.38f6 and 6 P. M. for Scheitck't r luidEddington. . _ ‘ ,L, ,, ~r, . r . ' . .- .: . 'At 720 and 4115 A. 11,220, 4 ..s.and'43 P. M., ,for :Corti; i wells, TOrreedal6,llohneehntg,Tacony,iVissinomlng, •. - •.,•Brideoburgand Frankford, and 8,30 P.a. for Holmes ',. iAtrAtind /utermediate Stations. r. -,,. • . _, ~.1 ! D. rtserk ' e4t Phibidelfildailejot vta Connecting Railway: At 9.30 M. i 2.2014, 7 atid 12 P. M i . New Ybrit Ex • . - - preturlAn_ ,o• ViilderßOYCitY6.44:;,::-.L.,....4..4 ' .es 2.4 At ALM P.M ,Emigrant Lino. ' J.... 2.00 At 9.30 'A.'3l , 1•20,, 4, 6.45,8 and 1.2.P.M. for 'Trenton, , ~ At 9.30 A.M. , . 4,, 6.45 and 12 P. 1411, for l'iriatol:' • At 12 P.M.aki igitt).for MorriavilleiTtllytowtScheviek'a , Eddinaton, Vornwells, :Torreadale', Holhaembitrg, T'al. cony, Vapa Wowing araleafburg and Frankford. The 9.00 A . . lit.fasd s and .ItP. Di: Irlaeapan: q aily, 'All . others., Stualayg eXcepted.: , w) , . , • , v ~1 L , • IFor Linea leariigXeneingon DePat, take the care on 'Third or fifth streets, at Cneatnut, at half an hontbe.. fore 'deptulure. The,4oains pf Market-Street Midway tvtit direct to WestPhiladelpkiaDettot, Oheattiatand Walnut .'within one sQuare. r On Stindayg, the Maricet Street Oars . will ran to connect the 9.10 A. M. and Ban • 12 . ' _ BELVIDERE DELAWARE: RAILROAD LIMB .from Kensinalol2 Depot. At 7.30 A.: M., for Niagara .Falls, Dunkirk, Elmira,; Ithaca, • Owego A —Rockester, - - Bingharnpton, Oswego, Syracuse, Great Bendi Montrose, Wilkesbarre, Schooley's Mountain, • At 7.30 A. AI. and 13.30 P. 31; for:'Scranton Strands burg, Water Gap,' ',Belvidere, Easton, Latilbertville, -Flemington' ac. The 3.30 P. M; 'Line emmects -direct withthe train leaving Easton for Ailltl4l (+link , Allen-. town, Bethlehem, Ac. - r -r At 11 A.'ll. and 5 T. If. for LanThertVillei and Interme diate Stations. • , - CAMDEN AND BURLINGTON CO., AND _PEMBER TON-AND DICIITSTOWN RAILROADS, from-Mar ket street Ferry (Upper Side.) At 74knd 10 Al 235,3.50,9 dc 6.30 P,M.for Merchanki.' vllle,Moorestown,, Dartford. .Alnsoriville,Hainsport, Mount Holly, Smitbville, EWansville,. - Vincentown. Birmin_gbant and Pemberton. ' ' • - • . - At 10A. M. for .Lewlstown, Wrightstown,..Cookstown t New!Eg.ypt and Horneratown..• , At 7A. M.. and 3.30 P.M. for • LerOititown; Wrights-' • town, Cookstown,'New: Egypt, nornerstown, Cream, Ridge, Imlaystown, Sharon and Ilightstown , Fifty pounds of Baggage only allowed each Passenger: Passengers are prohibited from taking anything'as bag gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage.over fifty. , pounds to be paid for extra, The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to. One Dollar per , pound, and will not be Liable for any amount 'beyond $lOO, ex cept by special contract. , •' z r Tickets sold and Baggage checked direct through to . Boston4Worcester, '3pringtield, Hartford, New Baron Providence, Nevvport, Albany, Troy, Saratoga, Utica.; Rome, Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara. Falls and, Suspension Bridge: • An additional Ticket bitice is located at N 0.828 Cheat; nut street, where tickets to New :York, and all impor-: taut points North and East, may ho proenred. Persons purchasing Tickets at this Office, can have their' bag gage checked from residences or hotel to destination, by L'nion Transfer Baggage Express,. ' , Lines from New' ork for Philadelphia will leave from , footof Cortland street at 1.00 and At., via Jersey City and Camden. At 6.30 P. ; 31. via Jersey City and. Kensington. At 7, and 10'A.11.,'12.30, 5 and 9 p.m., and 12 Night. via Jersey City and West Philadelphia. From Pier No. 1, N. River, at 6.30 A. 31. Accommoda-' thin and 2 P. 31. Express, via Amboy and Camden. Aug. 30.1869.. WM: 11. GATIMER; Agent. , • DENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL , RAIL- L 3. P. M., SUNDAY, Septeinber btli 1869. The trains of the Pennsylvariin Central Railroad leave the Depot,at Thirty-first and Market streeta,which is reached directly by the ears of the Market Street Pas senger Railway, the last car 'connecting with each' train leaving 'Front and Market street.thirty •tainntes before its departure. These of the 'Mesta - tit and Walnut Streets Railway nth within one square of the Depot. Sleeping Car Tickets can be had on application at tho ' • Ticket Office, Northwest corner of .Ninth and .phestitat streets, and at tke Depot. • ' Agents of the Union Transfer Company will call for' and deliver Baggage at the Depot. ' Orders leitut N 0.901 Chestnut street, No. 118 Market street, will receive at 1 tention TRAIN'S LEAVE DEPOT', TIZ.:' , Mail Train .. .. ..... • 'at 8.00 A. M. Paoli Accom. ........ A.M., MO, and. 7.10 P. M. Fast Line ' tit 11.60 AL! Erie Express - at 1140 A. M., Harrisburg Accom. ....... - at 2.30 P. M.; Lancaster Accom at 4.00 P. M. i Parksburg Train. , at 5.30 P. M. Cincinnati Express ' at 9.30. P. M. Erie Mail and Pittsburgh Express . . ...... 9.30 P.M. i Acebrmitodation * „.;.at-11.00 P. M. Philadelphia Express • at 12.00 night. Erie 111 ail leaves daily, except Sunday,' rennin.,on ' Saturday night to Williamsport only. On Sunday night passengers will leave Philadelphia at 8 o'clock. 'Philadelphia Express leaves Cincinnati.. Ex press daily except Satutday. All other trains ,daily, The Western Accommodation Train runs daily, except Sunday. For this train tickets must be procured and • baggage delivered by . 4.00 P. M.. at 116 Market street. TRAINS ARRIVE, AT DEPOT, Cincinnati Express, at 2.45 A. M. Philadelphia Express at 6.20'A. ipp Eris MniJ at 6.3) A. M. Paoli Accommodation 'at 8.20 A. 111: and 4.95 .t . 6.3.5 P. M Parksburg ....at 9.30 A. 111. Fast Line at 9.35 A. 111 Lancaster Train ' 'at 12.30 P. M. - - Erie Express ' 'T " ' ' at tl,lO P. .31.' Day Express ...... ..... ~. at 1.39 P. M. Pacific Express at 9.2.5 P.lll. • HarrisburgAccommodatio at 9.40 P. N. For further information pilY-10 - JOKE F. VANLEER', J , ' icket Agent, 9011:111estnut street.. • FRANCIS FUNK, Ticket ent„ll6.Market street: SAMUEL IL WALLACF,, , Ticket Agent at the Depot, , The DenusYlvania 'Railroad Company will not assume any risk for Baggage, except for wearing apparel, and • limit their responsibility to One Hundred. Dollars In. value 'All Baggage exceeding that umonnt in value will be at the risk of the owner. unless taken by special con- • tract. . EDWARD li. W.H.LIAMS, General Superintendent:Altoona, _LR IL ADELPILIA,' GERMANTOWN AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD TIME TA BLE.—On and after Alonday, ,Slay 30, 1859, and anti ;further notice: • FOR GERMANTOWN. ' Leave Philadelphia-0, 7,8, 9.05, , 10,, 11;12 A. H., 12, 0 3.15,3%.4.35; 5.05, 5%, 6, 636,7,8, 9,10,11, 12 P. M. Leave Germantown-6, 7, 73i.,8, 8.20, 9,10, 11(12 A: SI.; 1.2, 3,4, CI, 5, 516, 6, 636,7, 8; 9, 10;11,P. M. The 8.20 down-train, and the 3% and 5% up truing, W/1 not step on the Germantown Branch. ON SUNDAYS. Leave - Philadelphia-9.15 A. H., 2, 4.05 minutes, 7 and 10% P. . Leave Germantown-8.15 A.M.; 1,3; 6 and 9% P. M. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia-6, 8,10, 12 A. SI; 2, 811,531, 7,9 and 11 P.111:' Leave Chestnut Hill=7.lo minutes.. 8, 9.40,.and 11.40 A. M. 1.40, 3.40,5.40, 6.40, 8.40 and 10.40 P. ••• , ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9.15 minutes A. M.; 2 and. P. M. Leave Chestnut 11tH-7.50 minutes A. M..; 12.40;5.40 and 9.2.5 minutes P. M. FOR CONSHO4OCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia-6. n 4,0,11.05, A. 31.; 1%, 3,436, 5, 536; 6.15, 8.05, 10.05 and. 1136 P. M. Leave Norristown-5.40, 636,7, 7%, 9, 11 A. M.; 1%, 3 , 436,6.15, 8 and 936 P. M. AG" - The 7 3 .1 A.M. Trains from Norristown will not stop at 11locee's,'Potts , Landing, Domino or Schur's Lane: Wit ,- The 5 P. 31. Train front Philadelphia will stop oul at Sehool'Lane; Maiinvunk mid Conshohocken.: 014 SUNDAYS. . • Leave Philadelphia-9 A. M.; 23 6 ,' 4 and 7.16 P. H. Leave Norristown-4 A.M.; 1,.536 and 9 P.M. • FOR MANAIUNK, = • Leave Philadelphia-6, 736, 9,11,05 A. M.; 1%, 3,,436, 5, 536,0.15, 8.05,10.05 and 11% P. 31. .• Leave Munityunk-4.10,7,736, 8.10,0%, 11% A,11.; 2 , 3 36, 6,6, ,=6 8.30 and 10 P. M. • Thee P. 31. Train from Philadelphia will stop only at School Lune and Mane yunk. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia 9 A .111.• ' 2.36, 4 and 7.15 P. 31. Leave Stanaynnlt-7.36 51 .; 136, 6 and 9% P.M. W. 10. WILSON, General Superintendent, . Depot, Ninth and Green streets. PHILADELPHIA . AND ERIE RAIL - - ROAD—WINTER. TIME TABLE. , Oii and after MONDAY, Nom. 6, 1889, the Trains on the Philadelphia rind Erie railroad will run as renews from Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, West Philadelphia : WESTWARD. • • . , Mail Train leaves Philadelphia 9,20 P. M. Williamsport 730 A. M. " " arrives at Erie - - ' 8.15 P. M. Erie Express leaves Philadelphia 11.50 A. 25. . 0, " Williamsport ' 9.00 Pt M. '" " arrives at Erie • • • - 10.00 A ra, Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia.. • B.OO'A. M. " Williamsport • ' ' ' 6.10JP.•31. " " arrives at Lark Haven '. 1 . 30 P. U. , - - EASTWARD: ' • : . ;1 ;, Mail Train leaves Erie • 8.15 A. M. " • " -"- - - Williamsport 9.15 P.M. " • " arrives at. Philadelphia ' 6.10 A. 51. Erieleaves Express lees Erie • 'i 0 0 P. 51, ...Williamsport " ' ' 4.25 A.ll " ._-,". -,arriv ant ..Philadelphia • 1,20• P. M. .:Eiiiiialailleares_Loalc...lfavez.,..-.....„.._........6.50 5.. M.- " . " , " 'Williamsport ' • - 8.45 A. M. " ' " arrives nt Philadelphim 7.15 P. 51. llafralu Express leaves Williamsport' - 1'2,20A1111. •. , - '" , , Harrisbu r g ' 5,10 A. M. ,:, , `• ' , arrives at Philadelphia 9.25 AiIII• ' ntid Express east eenne'ets at Corry, Moll east at Carry Iry [Hetes . Express west' at; irvlnettal with.,trains au pit Creek and. Allegheny Giver Ttaltroail: • • - , ALFRED. L. TYLER, General Superintendent. , • WEST JERSEY RAILR()AD: FALIeAND WINTER AEIIA COMMENCINGTUBSDAY,BEPT. 215t,18601 • Leave phlludelphia Fet•rjlttt „Toot of 11.1arket street. ( Upper 8.10 A. M.. Mail, for Bridgeton, Salem, Millville,Vine• land, and all littorals/Mite stations. 3.15 P. M. Mail, for Cape May, 31.111011 c, Vineland and way iitaticins below Glassboro. .3.90P.•91., Passenger; for Dridgetca, Salem, and all intermediate Ph - dim/v. - 9.30 P e Woodbury laid Gleshoro accounuodation. Freight train for alt antions leaves C'enatlen daily, at 12.00 Wciork, boon. ” " " " • Freight received In Philadelichla at second covered what! below Walattestreet. Freight delivored at No. 228 S. Delaware avenue. Commutation tickets, at' reduced rates, between Phila• dolphin and'all stations, 7 ' • '• ' WILLIAM :T. SE WELL; Superintendent.. TRAVELERS' GU IDE"' 11011 HILAELPICIA, ''SVMILIt TON ANA), .11. BALTIMORE It'A'ilfßO TABLE. Com- , mencing 310NDAY,May 1ath.1560. 'Trains will leave/ - Depot, coruer_Broad. and :Washinglair itventan,'4o ' WAY'bfAITi TRAIN at 830 . A. 31.1 lor Battimore,atopping at all. Regular , Bteetio n t,Lr, QDll nee' tlns . with Delaware •Itailrgad at,,Wliminaten4or %R ant Baltimore and :Waehingteti, skipping Wilrallialone • perryviiie and Havre, de ffrawa i .; xonneetc at,WiAming. ton with train Mk Neve - Castle, r c EXPBESS TRAIN at 4.00 P: 3r. (Seidayli eiaeited), for Taltititere 'and Washington stopping at 'Cheater, ThurlOw t , lotilrooda Cifklat duff , W. ll olinistotif Newport. Stanton,. Nelhark, Elkton, North -.Laat, Charlestonm, Perryville; 'Havre de Orace,. Aberdeen,' Fenymmec t Etigewood,_lin t olia C hatio'il and StentMer'aßtni: , 'J NNIKT , Etlf at 21..30,P. Al, (dant )rurßaltimorei "and Washin on, °plane at • Cheater, Thurlow_tkin wOod,,Clartnont.LWilmington,' Neuttrk, Elkton 'NOrth. East, Perryillle, „Havre de Grade, Perrxmatt'ail I'r 4 Mag. Pacesogrs for Fortrais ?denrott an Norfolk will take WII.MINGTOB .TlZAlNS.f—Sfopping at all Stations . between Philitdl ;ohia and Wilmington, Leare J PHIL ELPIIIA ,11.00 A. , 11 , 1..:2.30,8.00, and ' _ooy.'litJ Theo , .1 4 2 2 g :grain cennectewith' Delaware Railredd for 'Harm aud tr edlate ination'` Leave WIL3IIINO ON`a d'B.lo A .11 vl.,loi'4.lsand 7.00 M. The §.lO A.. 111. train will not, top , between Chester and Philadelphia. The 7.00T.' trant. from Wilmington rune dalltl'allotherAccommOd llaTaine Sundays excepted. , From BAL T IMORE t 44 PHILADELPHIA . --Lentell Baltiniore Lib A: Id., 'Way Mail." 9.35 A.M.., Hata:Pea. 2.35 P. W.:Z*Mese. 7.20 P. M.. Exipprese.: SUNDAY TRAIN FROM eIiALTIMORE.-e:Learell BALTIMORE: at 7,2 a P. M. Stopping at Magnolia,per. ryman's, Aberdeen, LI arre - de-Grace,Porryville,lllutgeo• town, NortliZast, Elkton, Newark, Stanton / Balrlntrt, Wilmington, Claymont4 Linwood and Chester. It /Tatar AMA 41 1 4 1 41 1 1 i fifilrzWe' 'ter Creek and Philadelphia and Baltimore Central mg , : Leaves:PHILADELPHIA. for PORT DEPOSITISttne day excepted) at 7.00 A. M. and 4,30 P=lli Th 07.00 .M. 'Frain wi . tan's - --- -- • . . A. 'Fr ght,. Train with Passenger. 'car 'attached' kart) Ehiladelphia daily (Sundays excepted) al! I , ot/„ rinfng,to-ogord. • M tu LOavtirPOßT DEPOSIT for PIIILADELPratA. days.excepted int 5.40 A. M., 9.25 A. M.; and 2.30 P. At " 'Trains , Ieaving:WILMINGTON at 0.30 A. and LI& , P. M., WillconnectlttLanioldn ' Junction ' with 4.. "the '7.00 'A: hi. trains:ter llaltitnerti Central IL • . • Through.licketnto all point West, Southi mitt South. west may be.psocured at the ticket office, gas Chestnut • Street, under c(intinental Hotel, where also State Rooms , and Berths iii , Sleeping cars can be secured 'di:mil:lOW, day. Persons purchasing tickets at this , office can have baggage checked at their residence by. tbe _Union Trans ferDrri epany. F.:ENE - EDE, 80.0: tHOET.ESTROUTL TO , THE , BEAL ,MIRE CAPIDENAND ATLANTIOILAILIMAD • • _FALL ARRANGEBIPsavT. ' • 1. • TAKES-EF.F.ECT E4.I.PTEM BEI& 14. IWO. 3 411 rough Tralptt leave Vine Street Ferry as followst_. , Freight (with passenger cat ..B.o7A.atalt 11,46A4M0, Atlantic Accommodation • - „3 P , f L 1 AVE ATLAI4TIC CITY - • Atlantic ..liccanwiddation , ' • i 2 oty Freight (tvith iissenger car _ Mail" bl " ''''' 'Wriir.74.:, LOCAL , „ Atco Accommodation ' , , ,• , lii Haddonfield •tt . . • .540 Hammonton . ''''''''''''''''''' ' • A. , • E P 295 P D3l su 4 i ? Ay. MAIL MAIN. Leaves Vine street, , , Leaves Atlantic • , '`• Atco -Haddonfield Hammonton An Exprota Truitt through hours will run ovary Saturday afternoon and further notice. " up (14' _ c ' naaY ' in°l'4".lll4ll LROVO Tine Bt. Ferry ' • .3 15 P Atlantic . MUNDY A' , ant.'':. CCIP_4LAT,NERH.f.rp. FRANCIS PEROT HAZINGTms..DAY •• retired, the undersigned will continue the butdness. of _Baffin g . at the old locations, No. 314, Vine street, And corner Twenty-tirsr and Spttc ! streets, under:the }mte of 'FRANCIS PEROT'S' SONS: . ' - •t. t Ti MORRIS PEROT ' ••• NINTH - ELI V. 00DE.3.7,: , ' : tie• 23 3t* ' ' '• ' • , . iHILADELPRIA,.§EPTEMBER 2, 1869 -The copartnership heretofore - trading unpile r }he firm and mune of CORNELIUS &pAK.En. was dlssolvStl.- • ' by mutual tionsent on July 24 1869: .-; • • Tho; business of: the manufactory bq settled add . ."." .closed by - ROBERT, CORNELIUS, at No. 821 Chery. street.' and that of the store. lay }}/AAC: F. BAKER, - at No. 710 Chestnut street '' • , • • •.; ROBERT CORNELIUS.; „.; • ISAAC BAKER, - . - • • 'WE. C RAKER,'" . • t:ItOBERT RNELITIS, • . • JOHN C CORNELIUS, • r . ROBERT O,BAKER,„ - .• HARLES - E. CORNELIUS. r 4.1 , • PILMADELPIITA, 1E6.• The.' undiu - siened, late of UORNELIus &:BAXER. ' have thin day entered into a copartnen3blp; under the firm name' 'of CORNELIUS & SONS.::: •• • • }IAA - jug purchased the factories ftt/I.Cherry street, and Fifth street ; near Columbia. avenue), And • the Ina chinory of the Jute'lirnt, we are prepared to continue the -manufacture and :We of Ghs Fixtures; Lentils, &e:vat , No;B2i CHERRY STREET, PHILADELPHIA.. .ROBERT CORNELIUS, • • '• . ROBERT C. CORNELIUS, '• : ' ' • • - JOHN" V - RNELIUS, ' • • se2-Im§ •!. • • CIIARLF:S E CO. conNElaus. CiRAWFORD 'ARNOLD AND ROlitRT NJ, C. BAKER, late of .CORNELIUS ~t BAKER, hart+ this day forthedit eoptirtnerithip . under the name of ARNOLD &MAKER. • - - . Having purchased the entire stork of goads ofthe late firm Of Cornelins & Baker, at 7/0 cuEsTroirT Street, they are - praptired to continue s at that lilac() the 'sale. of Gas Fixtures, Lautps,'Brolizes, &c. • ... 5e.2,114. LEG4.I, ..NOTTeiS. IN THE_ ORPHANS' •VOURT FOR THE City. aud County of Philadelphia.—Estitto of ELI ZABETH- ANN..BM/G(4B, ileoeased,7-Tho.Andi tor ap• ointed-b WILLIAM.wat settle - aud - iidiust thlY an , vomit - Of 'DUANE, 'Executor - ,of ELIZA `BETH ANN lllllGOK:deceased; lout torreport thin of the balance in the hands of tho, accountant, meet thq parties interested for the purpose of appoint intuit , ,in.IEIONDAY. October 4th, 180, eif 4 o'clock 1''..M.,. at his Mb ITo 417 SOut h Third. street,' • in' tho city: If Philudelphia.•.. • , S. HENRY Nongis„ • se22-w f nibt!, . ' Auditor. ESTATE; OF -mAnY WOLF E, .DECD. —Letters Teetanteittary to the above Estate. having been, granted the :undersigned, all persons indehted to 'the Estate will Make jaiyment, and those having . claims ot•esent tO 'ALBERT E: MURPHY, Executor or hie Attorneys; VAIL & STROUB,7O3 filament street: ee3f at§ - LI STATE OF. CATHAR I LNE.SMITIL DE . , . cekti+Cd. ' Lettersteehunentary upon the - above es late having been granted to the undersigned; all persons indebtkd to the same will please make payment, and all persons , having claims- will present them to MARY ANN •KOSERITZ, Executrix' 842 North Eleventh et., or to her Attorney, WILLiAM A. ALLISON, 42 Wal nut street. • , . - . • : . ~ a tt.23 s lie . , • TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE .1, City and County of Phllatlelphia.—Estate of DMA JANE YARDLEY. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the first account, of JOSEPH W, JOHNSON, Jll.4ExixujOr or the hist will of 'ELLA JANEYARDLEY, deceased, and •to report . dis tribution.of the balanco in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested, for the purpose of his'. appointment, on ;MONDAY, October, 4th, 1866, at 1135 o'clock, A;11L, at is' office, No. 9 Law Building, No.. 532 :Walnut • street, • , itt the . city of Thiladal phia. . se ;3 th a to st* TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR, THE City ands County of rhilatlelphia.—Setato of JOHNSON OHEER, dot:M.—The Auditor, appointed by tho Court to antlit,settle and ailjnet tho acconitt of MAR GARET GREEH,Ailtilluistratrix of JOHNSON GREER deceased, an to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the ACMIIIIIBI4. will meet the parties 'interested, for the purpose of 'hie appointment, on TUESDAY; October 6th, Ditia, at '4 o'clock P. M., at his office,No..ll3 South El fth'etreet.in the City of Phila.- cb:lphiat. L.HENNIS, Auditor,. PIMADELPHIA, Oeilt: 21, 1869. se2l-tn th N at TN THE ORPHANS' 'COURT FOR THE IN City and County of . Philadelphia.--Estate of WM. deceased.—The Auditor 'appointed, by tho Court to audit; sottlo and adnist the account of JOHN KINGSTON and. 0110.11Gbl ULRlOK,Administrators of WEL ULRICH:, deneased, and treport distri bution of Om billet:ea in-the-hands - t4J - Itreountanol4 .w ill meet the parties 'lnterested, for.tinY. purpose of his appointment, our • DION/JAY, •:Optober. 4th, 1319, at,.4 o'clock, P. 111.• at his Mike, No 113 South Fifth street, lu I he'City of Philadelphia. ' ..'IIENN IS, * PAlLAMa' ll ,o 4. 4'Sept.. 2 l, Auditcie: 5e4.411411,b5q. ' • TitsTlviE PEDRIUK, .DE LJ .evatoel.—Lettors Testanientary' , upou thedttovo estate having. been granted to the undersigned Ext.- ' , vat triX, all persons indebted to the all estate are re- quested' to make payment,' and those 'haring 'claims ngalust the samo prosont,them to MAROARETTA M. I'EnItICIC.-, Executrix, or to her Attorney ' , J. 4 : WAEllEft COOLSTOE, at 124, South Sixth street, Philadelphia. • - fio/13,t 110.t11,60 LETTERS TESTAMENTARY HAVING,. t. been giunted to the suliseriber upon the Estate of • Pt - -. MOSES. GOUItLEX,,, deceased, all persons indebted to the snore will inako payment,iind those lowing iedlihno 't . them to 1t0111,111,' KEARNEY,4l.lxecutol , .. 1923 ".".• .Pembertonxtrret h :).r.biti.mlimiud4NPASLLlFlßtliil*. southeast:center - rtkandiViattut_stretttn , c.___ . PII DsLrmi., August 26t11,1169.. ' attnetaite- • - 11411 , 1 (*Olt; COOReAL-LiettorO 'of Adthin istration.; - torsi, , tlsta.: cantle attnexo, lag been gnuitell to the ittadertilood, persons indebted to said „}state , are requestol:3o nutke Parnitnt, anti thoso having. claims to!_present,,,t bent to . JAMES N. 11ANCKElt, carp Of A ' S: S" •OOA ST, Doi.' '416 Walnut street: T'STATE OF CHARLES:N. BA - Kok-kit, X.l deceased.—Letters of Adinintstrutiotr. tic Opnis!noSi CUM testament(' f r inuexo Laving, - been; granted .to,t Jui litt dersigneti, all persons indebted' to mild ‘Ei4tate 0 . ,', e requested to make payment; and. th0140 , -havint 'roitiirent o present them to 'JAB A.IIANOKEiI, ettreit.,,com.tais, PAIitIOAST,Esq - .,lla,)linhint -.,•,,44,4109,41,111,1„1 Irf . T7E - Rs :TESTAMENTABAr.' V.,l*,er ji liven granted tO , the o.thsertherjuo4l O) Efitato of 3 Olt N R. PENROSE, degeatied, all persons indebted to tto some will make payment, amt.. 010$0 havintt.`clainv pr orb flank to ,ED),V f 6 ,11,1) ,13,410:Cai• v Zio,. Walnut error,• • ealo th STATE 01 ED 1 um) ,AvAzoox;:ri r r e r-, ..,4.l.—hottpEN tesitainuntnry-uPou tho. eqtato of Eton N WILCOX, degt‘ased:'haylugdpeen granted to the tinden•Uned; 'persono•tildebtad to',Abittl utititto itro requested to maku payment, and thoeg ,hh . ving glainto or 14 inambi aro colnented to Himont the morn without do lay, to SAMUEL llACON,'Lxgentor, No: 224 Walnnt . . • 0'5 , .,4. - '' , ';' . •••;_' l .l?':,''',i:, , ' .- '"•''' ., ,'.,. , L . ''''.-'.' , ' , .;.:''''''.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers