EMI=M =Tara = - 11Omfoirm.—The i ague(' • „uponthe.bodyal Francis Arnholt,who (lied -effect.: of a on the head with it rilbrick, receive on Girard , avenue,. near 'lhir , „te , iiiith streetast Satiirday night, was resumed 'by Coron DanielsD er this morning: Mrs: 'Clara Baltz 111i ( Girard avenue, testir ,i l eo—W,as in the kitelienand heard a- noise'.; went to the door; a• young man caine : ,acrosa the Street:and came into the house; he said 'llPleasii hide me;" I asked what ,he had done, he Said that there was a light, that he tor the police and, the men were coming fter him; I let him out the back gate; didn't knowthe.young man. , .Brady, N 0.4 Dickson's Place,Broad • above Poplar, testified—Was coining up Pop ? „,..,lar.street,, about half-past ll &clock,' and saw Prank Aruholt sitting on a step ,at Ontario street; he'started up the street on the ,other aide ; went into the house, and when I came 1.; out I saw a man coming acrosa the street with • his head down; I said to ,Stewnit .‘,!There 'is ; something the matter with Arnholt, he , has his nose bleeding.;" *tewart, Tlio,mas Clary and _Michael O'Brien. AVinit in;, and 'ished the blood off of ArnhOlt ;''Arnholt ran up Broad street to-,Girard avenue, and • down, • , Girard &Venue ;to between,Ontarni teentlistreets,after thepartles who were figlit ing • T ran down to the I ,tat ern •at Thirteenth and irar avenue, anti rilioltwas standing therewith)'".' ns face ibleeding diff not ..see, any .7'. of the risoners -there , . know - Btiner, lint, id - ut see urn ere; •0 • : sat . 7 .melon the Mert,•bilt didn't SaYWhotheY,Werej Michael , O'Brien; NO:7 ; •:' , tefitifiedAbtint 11 i"o'ohiqh, Satiirday bight as Sitting on' .steps of No:oo9Broditatteet Arnholt ran across Broad streetanil intothe ,•'..ecihrt ;wash!. his \ face; after Washing •• UP 'Bread ,street ;;.BradY and Campbell ;7(ctilled• Clary) • and myself :Went fit'tet JAM; he went down . Girardavenuq; he 'o•VertoOkli , coliple of yoting.men at Ontario. ~ : .street; can't , say who they , !Were; 'they • got • fussing and got - out intothe Street, and I saw. • :. , ;Arnliolt get a folio* ;down ; another young; r4eisiti across' Girard ' avenue Ana titre* omething ; heard it:Strike and a fellow cry ,out;: the man ran .41Own: to ,Thirteenth and turd tit-enuo;andtretit through' a'taYern:. 1 1iOn't know him; can'trecegnize'anYbedy who, vas , there... , , • , .Thos.: Clary, rear of NO: 607 Broad street,' ,:testified— , Was standing at Broad and Poplar;; :•• ~AirnliolVeallie.oVer with his ;head . doWn he! , :,: • -said: that he was struck in the Mouth; didn't; say who struck him; • went Up:to Girard ave-;: mue, and saw • two felloWs • lighting ; another Man ran up ,and threw something; I started . .. c after this fellow,• he. ran through the doors of tavetti atThirteentli" street • and Girard 'avenue and, went up to Styles street and down :%; Styles street; did not See any ofthe . prisoners there, , when Arnholt was stritek some one, , said, "All right, Arnholt," arid Somebody an , swered, ."All right, 'Ronne' ;•:Ibelieve that it' • 'Was Arnholt who made the reply; did not see -Romig there; I heard last night that Breiner :•threw,the brick. • - ' Michel Patton, 1624 ~ •ThOmpson —street, sworn— • Q. Whii told you that Brelher Ai struck n-, • holt with . a. brick? • Witness-4 decline totell you. • Coinner-LOtheer, hick:liinanp„ • R fitness—You maylnekupuntiliDoonas ;4lav and I won't , tell.. 7 • L- - .: .,, Patton was then taken- away. , by-al • Man. • , ]VilliarriA;Montgrmery;: 1141 North 'Six- AeelithStreet;te.stifiedtimeS D (Min Came ,to me and told, me that he, had been• cut in the bead three :times with. a :black-jaelti' I saw 'cut's on his head; was told that his . side was black and blue; he said that fol loWed hith from Green Hill Hall; hq said that he had got in. a light ; with Arnholt and hit him in tbeMouth witli''his fist ; Mr. Oliver RomigWAS . With me When Devlin told me; it was. at FR - UM:Okapi:l` Thompson streets, about • five. or ten minutes after twelve o'clock Satur-', day night; Romig was there when I, got there 'AbonttWelye b'cloek ; 'be did not say that he kneW anything about the fight; DeVlin did ;not mention the name of , the man; but I have twice heard that it Was tArnholt Deylin did not say, anything about George :Weiner ; saw Breiner Tuesday evening, and he said that he was in; that fight at .Broad and Poplar •1 streets; I WM .at:; Fifteenth • and Thompson streets when he came there t did not see either ' James or Oliver Romig at Green Hill Hallthat • night , • ' 7 Michael • Patton, the witness 'who had de- dined to answer the questionS of the Coroner, subset chap,ged his minditendwas again • brought into the office. He then testified as follows :reside 1624 Thompson street ; Brad ley teldMe about ten minutes of 12 o'clock, • that Devlin, Breiner and him Self, with three Jadiesi, were walking down Poplar street ; .—.:2Bradley took one : of • the ladies' parasols and tipped up Devlin'S hat; arnholt IVI.IB walking along with Bradley ; Devlin turned and hit Arnholt on the nose, thinking it was him that, done it ; Bradley's lady said it was a'shame, and told Bradley to go over and help Wash Arnholt's face; he was bleeding at the nose ; they then went up Broad street to Girard ave nue, and along Girard avenue to - about • half way to Thirteenth street, when Arnholt over took theni, with his party, and wanted to fight ; Devlin was struck An the bead with a - "billy;" Breiner picked up a stone and fired it in the crowd, mid Aruholt happened to be - hi'. • Francis. S. Bradley, testified—l reside 1229 North Fifteenth street; we left the hall about 11 o'clock; Arnholt came up and spoke to Annie Davis ; she said, "1 •have something to , tell you ;" walltud alongside of us; I was carrying her parasol ; on Broad street, just above Poplar, I tipped Devlin's hat with my __parasol ; Devlin turned and said something to Arnholt; and then .struck 'him in the face; his nose commenced bleeding ; he crossed the - street to Dixon Court, to a hydrant; Annie Davis asked •me to go over and help him wash his face ; went over: just as 1 got over a crowd of men that stand at Broad street and Poplar, came up to Arnholt ; Arn holt said something to them ; they then put their hands' in their pockets and pulled out % Bomething that loOked to , me like black .*ks and put them on their arms ; then they • told Arnholt to go on the lead and hit the tel low, and they would see him through; Annie ' Davis and '.I. went on the other side, and up Broad street and down the upper side of 7Glrard avenue,. a man on the ears said, "There's a light down there"; then 1 went dawn to a tree-box and saw Breiner run iu a store, with a crowd following; I met Breiner afterwards; hotold me lie picked mail stone and threw it in the crowd ; I saw. .Devlin after wards; he told me one of the fellows came struekliint withablackjack r and then ,he turned and hit ,Arnholt, and was then struck again with the blackjack, which nearly ,• knocked him down; and he laad to. ran; -Breiner told me he was hit, and he stooped • and got a stone and threw it at the crowd. - • The jury rendered the following verdict: That the said Francis Arnholt came to his Leath by violence (blows' 011.. the head) at the (James DeVlin'and George Brehier,on of September 18,1869, on Girard ave ,Thuteenth street:- .er discharged the Romigs and hal the iii " ] r nue, ajJo The Cora Bradley. WITERE HE VOTED.--There has been con siderable dispute 10)04 the Hon. 'Asa Packer, the Democratic candidate for Governor, hav ring, rembted -residence - ,Lfrorn Carbon county to PldradelpinaT — Tffelialeiti - dit in the office of the Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas show that"at the last elec tion.,"Judge,A.Packer" voted in the Fourth Di vision Sixth Ward / giving as his residence lierthants' Hotel, that his, vote was= chal lenged and was vouched for by J. MeKtbbm, one of the proprietors of the, hotel. ACCIDENT FROM GuiirowDEn.—This morn -111 about half-past eight o'clock, Frazer .Wills, aged nine years, was badly burned about the face, hands and legs by the explo sion of gunpowder, with Which he was play big,' at. Third and Jarvis streets: He •was taken :to his home, at .No. 220 Wyoming stivet: • , ` , ,AccirkENT.-I , fichael Trainer, residing at Eleventh and Pine 'streets, Was knocked down by a runaway horse, at Tenth and' Mar ketstreeb, yesterday afternoon, and had an ankle brolstn. He was taken to the Pennsyl vania Hospital _ lionnEnr.—The li9uor store of Mai ettigan S. G Wigglier, at Jumper.and Sliippen streets, was entered through the transom, and $1.76 were Btoleu from a drawer in the °thee. .0 Atm.-9100 PA 10N1sUnt*--A's • Airkit - A , - , onnrs,Anit.v. PABV, PioneerAste:4. dation of Caliternia passedthrough theeity; at au early hour thia' morning 'The 'astictelation is couiposed of the_ who settled iii.Cali fomia during the_ gold• • excitementioll349 and 1850, and whb have never 'been After the conipletion of the PacifiP Railroad; and with the great facilities for reaching the Atlantic coast s these gentleinen Made ' a ' party' ,to visit New York. ''The trip has now: , been ' completed, fend the eatraordinarif time Wade by the .ekcursionists shows fully that the best rotitelrom San Fran deco to New York is via Philadelphia. , :: The excursionists came all the Way. in a' traini; don- Sisting of six Palace cars; including the magni ficent new sleeping-car COlormfo" and Nip baggnge-cark. They left San Francisco' on the 16th inst., and reached• Omaha °tithe evening of .the 20th At , Omaha , they were . met by.. Mr. Nolen,. the agent of • the Pennsylvania Fadlroad, on the., Pacific coast, ,who had made all of the arrangements for-the, transportation east The train'left Omaha' 'at 0 o'clock, P. M., on„ the 20th, and arrived in Chicago on the next evening. At Chicago, the Pioneers had a reception from the. city couneils. The party;; left , Chicago , aret . 'came to Pithtburgh; where another stop_ was made.' • They then started east over , the . Perm sylvania Railroad, leaving ',pittsburgh atz , l o'clobk P. M. on the '23d, stopped at Altoona,i Were:entertained by the officers of,the Penn sylvania Ratlroaf.l Co.,' and reached Mantua, Station in tide city at 6.10 o'clock this morniog. r3.4r .61...‘ 1;1.. 1. of the Camden- and Amboy Railroad' Com-; luny was, made fast to the train,' - and" at 9.49 the depot, at ,Jersey City, was 'reached - ,Which is tine'of the fastest trips ever made' between - i here and, :Xew.-York. ,, Deducting . the stop= pages on .the Ilhe running - time: of this . tram - from Say Francisco to; NeWlrerk has; been only six dapilvand it shows. conclusively, What: . extraordinary :things; can be done. .all' of -this, long', journey,' and with' the lightning speed with which' the. train' has:been, rim ' .net the sligliteFit aeciderit'occur-: red,'nor Was there anything-to mar - the pleas.= ure of,the trip: :" The arrangethents between the Camden and. Amboy, and the Perinsylva-, •nia, and the Western roadito Omaha are per fect, mad r as this trip of the "Pioneers" has so fully.demonstrated, makes the route by the way of PhiledelPhia the safest and quickest between the Pacific and:the.Atlantic. • , . Wooi)ix Constables yesterday directed that twenty-six wooden buildings in the Eighteehth,' Twenty-fourth and Twenty .sixth Wards shall betaken down, having bean'put up contrary to law. FELL - PROM NV INDOW.-ThiS about ten o'clock, William Lumbsley, aged 25 years, fell from the second-story window of a factory at Warren and Beach streets, and had an arm broken. 'He Was taken to the Penusyi-. llama , ixkl‘iriql:n Rommnr.—This morning, be tweenl2.and 1 o'clock; a coal offibe, No. 2052 Tlai•ket street, -vas broken into. The thieves were frightened off before they had secured any phinder, . . THE MANNEnction.The Mannerchor Vocal Society will give a concert and soiree clansunte at Handel & Haydn Hall this evening. This is the first of a series of semi-monthly entertain month, consisting of concerts, theatrical per formances ..find .hops, which. have been ar ranged-to take'place - alternately at th e - Handel & Haydn Hall and the Soeiety's roone,at Fifth and Callowhill streets. • . For these entertainments no tickets are sold, membership alone securing : admission... The dues of contributing members are . slo per an num. The following are the officers of the ' Society • President r Geo..F. Benkert. Vice President—Louis Tourny. Trettaurer--Richard T:Schmkit. Financial Secretary—Chas. J. Roth.. Corresponding SecretarY—Wm. Gerlach. • Librarfans—Gust.-A. Studer, Conrad Reis. • Ward of Directors—Lorenz' Herbert,, A. m Weihenayer, Jacob .Keraper; A. C. Fetis, Dr. F. B. Gross, A. Sengstack, C, M. • Ban- Doetllein, F. Seelhorst, Albert • Schohay. • ALTF,illigo A Grunt.:--Tlie alteration of the grade qu'ilid Darby road, betiveen Chestnut Street and Woodland Cemetery, which is now 'going on; will be a great .irnprovetnent to that street wheircompleted.., On, and. After Mon day ;next, passengers over the Chestnut And, Walnut, and Market street roads, will change; cars at Thirty-ninth street, where oiunibuses , will be in waiting tncarry them to the Darby cars at,' Woodland Cemetery gate., This ar-' rangement will•be only temporary, while the' .track is being raised to grade. • DECIDEIthi' A SUCCESS!-Such was the uni , venial verdict. The weather was as iinfavor-,- able as it well could.be until late in the day, but still crowds of people were in. attendance from morning till night. • The " Exhibition" was really a treat. So Many garments and piece•goodsiiand such tasteful arrangement of them, made a sight well worth seeing. The prepnratiOnS Ter fair trade have certainly been of the most prodigious kind, as every . available space in all the six or sevonstories of Oak Hall LS packed with clothing, and more goods are being daily received. Our• readers will miss it if they do not avail themselves of • the continuation of the " Opening," and gather some good ideas on the matter of dress froM looking through . Wanamaker & Brown% new stock. :NEW ADVEETIE;ING AGENCY. LA United States and European Advertising Agency has recently been opened at NOs. 13 and 1 City , hall Square, in New York, by D. F. Mierson & co. Dr. Mierson is wellltnewn to the - business men of this city, particularly the ermans, having "been formerly connected with the German Democrat. He us an active, energetic man, and his new agency Will be worthy of the confidence of all who desire to adVertise extensively. • • THE COURTS. . Qu'Aiirtn Srseroxs-Judge Allison.—John Leary was convicted of a charge of stealing three shirts. Ho watched his opportunity, mid took the shirtS from clothes line, but was -detected by the washer 7 woman and arrested. -..Thomas Nyelsh.-wat.4 acquitted of a charge of committing an assault and battery upon his Wife. The wife failed to appear and prose cute. Thomas Tuttle was charged with committing an assaillt and battery upon a policeman. The testim(my WaS contlicting 7 4lnit for the pollee man charging the provocation - and assault upon the !defendant, wl*ile that for Tuttle represented that the policeman, without cause, beat him over the head with a " and serionslylinjured him. The case was not con chided when our report closed. CITY NOTICES. • LE.m P TTis from Ex-residont Irral Boron, also front his physician, Mrpressed nitwit gratification with the result of taking Whitcomb's Asthma Remedy. PEATuzits—Just received, per lust steamer; a magnificent assortment, cheap. Taos. Kaaa , innv k lino., • 729 Chestnut street. - • • • OunA !' CUBA II- Cupid . .••• ' ' " • --. 'The new rityte of Gefits' flat. "Arrhabliiri - TorMiliiTOlllft - O - RIM - Siffe7 --------- '• • Under the Continental. • PErtsolis returning from the seashore or mountains, rho kin continue in delicate health, will do welt by taking a few electrical liltrentmonts from Drs. Galloway k Mlles, the long-established Medical Electri clans of the city. 'Their ofilcts is on Walnut street, so cond door east of Thirteenth. AN EPICUREAN ANTID6TE!—This title ap plies to Dr. Winslow's Liver and st ianne h L azinnrre ,- 4 . D . rerybody likes it, the sick relish it, and its elfect in oases of obstinate constipation, billions colic, indigestion and liver complaint, is far more salutary than of tiny other alterative or corrective., FULL STOCK . OF READY-MADE CLOTHING; NOW COMPLETE, AT AUUTIONEIIItiL.N. :1; corner Third .and' nitrites streets, only one square below the Exchange. ' ,5•250,000 to loan, in large or small amounts, on diamonds, silver plate, watches, jewelry, 'PAUL ANDRIC) . - i,TTAILOII, of long experience igt . d m ali viv _goods of value. Office holm from B.A. N. to 7 Establiiihed for the last forty yeara.—Ad. and high reputation hi Path and Now York, recently in yunces made iu large amounts. at the lowest market this city conneeted with establishments in which he rates. ' . . • ink?, MD could not display the skill and taste.that made his repo: tation ;..has the pleasure" of informing his friends, pa- JUST RECEIVED AND IN STORE. 1,000 trans and the fashionable public, that he is now em,-. cases of Champagne, sparkling Catawba aud . Oali- Darted • with EDWARD P. kkad.), Merchant Tailor, fornia WinesoPort, Madeira, Sherry, Jamaica and Banta southeast .nerner Chestnut, and Seventhoyhere he can Cruz Rum, flue. old' Brandies and Whiskies, Wholesale show them a magnificent stock of goods ' and make them and Retail. P. J. JORDAN, 220 Pear street: • clothes equal to the best, establishments of Paris, I. Below Third and Walnut streets, and above Dock don, or Now York, and at moderate prices. etrset de7.4 DAILY EVPING ,,, BITI FTT CHARLES No. 824 CHESTNUT firnEuf si,'Stit.r§ under t Confinebt4l;tl6t , tho latest Apo.' ingq' kpea4t!tut - ittyle - 4 ;of . untiatoatiscrowyn.ale,,c4y.,.. , , • 4 h iVe theplift caw - ; .. end' a rti 1 t' • If Olt.Ape6iMen. 60i)idq a ve 6n g . arra:, of the „iWihningloi . D a ily ,corenterciat and Lietaftwro. lreekly , 1 2" Fib psi e j • address; JENIciliSl•& :-A.REINSONi Nyilatingtorli'Dcdttwore .- +,..•-!,-,,,, , ..;,- -,, ~- ~,,,, • • - dri i x i , Blol'. JUD/OTPRO .TEERSItiTIII;- .3111T13 :';'.1180' , tor; children a safe find. oleatuutt ' ixied iota° in -A 111 4 3 leant ardictt. , ~. .. • ;,,, ,--.. • • •1 - r .t , ~.,:. BriltelCia. 1 1TaTRITS g Is'aun--; 0 . „--. ' ,2movviitpri-bRo:ruER, ' 23 South Eighth street. .... . GENili' AND YOUTFIV IikiEVAT , OAXFORDS Wheitisll the , latost fttyles can alWayo bi ,, had at the low :, . Storm tinder ilie - Continontnl. • Conk Butions,.. Inverted Nails, skill fully treated. Dr.'J. Davidson, No., fp 016stntit street: Charges moderate. • • • bEArtrEss, tiLirmrrEEis .011 oAittatart. leaks, M: 11., Professor of the Eye and Bar treats all diseases appertaining to the . 'ebpve members with the utmost success. Testimonials' froth' the most reliable "sources in the city can he seen at his office, No. 6O Arch street. The medical faculty are invited. to accompany their patients, as he leis no secrets in his practice. A rti.. fletel hvoa intiorted. No charge made Tor'exotriorttion LMMO2LIM=I3 pa REPUBLICAN MASS MEETING AT MARTIN'S HOTEL, Clarpde"xl. WILVBE ADDRESSED BY JAMES M. SCOVEL CHARLES J. HOLLIS HON. WM. GRAOE,, Late Lditor of the. friA Saturday, Suit:24, T. N. The Railroad traii,will lea ; v : e at 7 o'clock, sharp. sea at§ u REPUBLICAN MASS' EETINGS WILT.' BE ADDRESSED BY' JAMES M. SCOVEL AND CHARLES 4. HOLLIS At the following places MARTIN'S HOTEL, MERCHANTVILLE, SATURDAY, September 25, 73 . 1 P. M. AT CAMDEN COUNTY COURT , HOUSE, TUESDAY, September 28, 734 P. M. FRIDAY, October 1, WATERFORD. SATURDAY, October 2, 2 P. DI., At People'iMass Convention, Chew Land ing, N..J. • B as toc2§ lia° Hdqrs. Republican Invincibles, OLD MERCANTILE3LIERAET itNITAnNG, FIFTH AND LIBRARY STREETA t Septeinber 23, 156) WIRER NO. 2 , I. The Club will aSsemble at neadonartere, FRIDAY, Sept. 24th, 1860, at 6 P., M., sharp, to prodeed to GER MANTOWN to participate iii the Grand Union Demon stration for .Geary and the entire Repubilenti Ticket. 11. Tickets for the round trip 30 cent;3, to be had at the during the day and evening of the 24th. 111. Equipments can be had , at the :Hall day and evening. By order of GEOBGE TRUMAN, Jh., • Chief 51arslial Jos. E. ItteCkmmox,t Assl.Marshals CALIIII B. KIMBER, ~`O~~ALE. ARCH STREET PROPERTY in FOR SALE, 1922 ARCH STREET. Ono of those splendid new Brown-Stone HOUSES three stories and Mansard roof,. 20 feet front, 150 feet :deep to Cuthbert street, on which there is a very line Stable.., The House is very large and commodious; hav ing all ie modern improvements,nnd built bt,tho pre sent owner in the very best manner Inquire at 1924 ABCII. Street FIRE-PROOF SAFES HERRING'S CHAMPION SAFES. The Burning of Erles' Art Gallery. . . Picranr.r.ritia, September 1,1869. . Messrs. FARREL, HERRING cr. CO., 629 CHESTNUTStreet.' GENTLEMEN :. We have just examined, with tbo-r greatest satisfaction, our safe, piii!ghoried o 4 . 11 - some years ago, and which passed through our t Aructive fire of last night, . We find the contents, without exception, entirely un harmed, merely slightly damp, and we.feel now in a con dition td commence our business again, having every Reek perfectly safe. --- We - shaltin a few - days require a larger one, and will cull upOu you.. : Very Respectfully, JAMES EARLE & SONS • • .PIIILAIIEI.P.HIA, August 27,1869 111E830s. FARREL, 'HERRING & On, G - ExTmotlix In'the year 1856 I unfortunately was in Liminess in the Arlisah Building, which was destroyed" by fire on the 10th of April. I had then In use what I supposed was a Fire -proof Safe, but upon opening it I found everything AVIA destroyed ,and file burning therein. You will recollect,• gentlemen, there wet several of ' your safes in that fire, also several in the tiro at Sixth and Commerce streets, the next, 11E4, live weeks after wards, all of which upon being . opened pretrial they Were tire-proof indeed, for I witnessed the opening of the most of them, an& in every •case the contents were 'preserved, while safes of other Makers were Partially or entirely destroyed. :1 at once concluded to have some thing that I 'could depend upon, and purchased . olo of your safes. , The safe I purchased of you at that time was subjected to (twhitc heat (which was witnessed by several gentle men that resiilc hithe ifeighbeithliel) at the destruetfon of my Marble Paper factory, 921 Wallace street, 'on the afternoon matevening of the 24th inst. After digging the safe from the ruins, and opening it this morning, I Was much pleased to find everything, consisting of books, papers, money end silverware, all right. - I . stlutli want another of your safes as stain 'ae I can get a place to continue my business in. I could not rest contented ' IA LES VILLIAAIS, With any f othermake °fin i s. 0 • , t . , , Dlarble Door Manufacturer. HERRING'S PATENT ,CHAMPION SAFES, tho most rellablo protection ,from fire now known. HER RING'S NEW PATENT BANKERS' SAFES, cont. Lining hardened stool`: and iron, - witirflio 'Putout Franklinite, or SPIEGEL EISEN, 'furnish a resistant Agitlit4 boring anti cutting toolslo an extent heretofore Ferrel, Herring & Co., Philadelphia. Herring . , Tarrel & Sherman, NO. 251 Broadyvay, corner :Hurray St., N. Y., Herring & Co., Chicago. ~ Herring . , Farrel:it Sl►ermaii, New Oi ieans. ISIIIIMI ii..lol'.A - -p.5...t4pti1:...A:: ; . ,.iv#1));A:.y.;. ; ..,5F,PTEmAgA . ,? - 4,,.:4!3',0..f.), - '.... . • E Ito= a 4 sml miNiv-- . ••• :13115'4A tegit.ittAt4' 31•B' ' Ditaii"dgara • tatilik • ,41374 rpard, tTO MORE lINPIA44:I,I* . AND " 1 " WM 6 ititdiea for UnPlo4:lBl4it ind dadderousi diseases.' Use HEILMIBOIiD , Ei EXTA#O, 14,0107, 0D /PIzBoTBD ROSE WASL A %? Y:4 THE GLORY OF MAN IS' STRENGTH therefore the nervous end debilitated ehould hum diatelfuee .132141.130LD'6 EXTRELOT 111701111.' 'County , MANHOOD AND YOUTHFUL VIGOR 'a're reffairted by II E L 0 ED'S EXTRACT SHATTERED. CONST ITU TI ON SIR E STORED by HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT IttrOlill. FOR. NON-RETENTION OR INCONTI nonce of Urine, Irritation, Inflammation or Ulcera tion of th'e Bladder or Kidneys, Diseases of theDrastrate Glands, Stone In tho 131 adde r; Calculus; Gravel or Brick= Duet Deposits. and all Diseases of theDladder, Kidneys or DropsicalSweLlings, USE HELAIBOLDS FLUID 'EXTRACT Itcau 'fTELNIBbLD'S 'EXTRACT BUCHU gives health arid vigor to tho frame, and bloom to the pallid cheek. Debility is accompanied by many alarming symptoms, and if no treatment is submitted to Consumption, Insanity of Epileptic Fite ensuo. _NFEEBLED AND, DELICATE CON- E stitutions, of both sexes, use RELIdBOLD'S TRACT BucHIT. It will give brisk and energetic feo ngs, and enable you to sleep Well, 50'20 tfrp HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Orgaitia Weakness,' Female Complaints, • . General Debility. Au all diseases of the Whether existing in From whatever cause originating, and no milt rof Diseases of these organs require the use of a diuretic. If no treatment is submitted to,Plonsumption or insanity may ensue. Our flesh and blood aro supported from these sources, and the and that of imstority, deptind upon prompt nee of a re lablo remedy. REL - 31BOLWS:___EXT4ACT TBUCHU Established upwards 9f 18 years. Prepared by H. T. Hr,LNII3OLI9, 694 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. 104 South Tenth Straet, Philadelphia, 'Pa. • . Price till 25 per -bottle, 'or sts bottles for $6 55,.d0• ivered trolly address. 111171301 d rugglate evirywhore. S _~..__~; ~ i ..- nt~. ' .~... ~7 4 r. BMWAIIIMIRE BEE la a certain•euro for diseases of the URINARY ORGANS, MALE OR FEMALE, BOW LONG STANDING. HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, Druggist, •i , :,;,:;.•! , „1.,, , 1...:',.•, - ::: . ::: : :: - : - „ :1 : :::'..if +..7: • :',:' , . - ...' . .' , 1 ,, ....i: : :... : ;. 1 ..„ : .::,...: : : . ..:,...::•-„,,..:,:..,,,, i'..,,,.,.:..,, , ..,'.,-,,,, , ..,,',,,,,.•‘.,i-,,,). 0 - ne . : , ,..;C. 44e':. , Stiperbf.,:uality -, .; . .*: -- .:-.„,„t.:.,i..,,,1,,,..;..,,.,:,!•,.:.,j,..:,,:,,...,..,_:,....:.,..:.„,.•,...,:i:-:.,:....!:•,,„i,r,.,: - .•.-':.. , ;':::,:..f.'.. •:..'.: % , .. , '.,... - ::.'.' 1 .''.. , '.','.' . ''''''-;',•:;'-''''.',;'.,;',.':;.-.;'1,'.•,'S,'',:',•.1',-,i S ,S , tt „Le, Twenty-four inches wide. Price $2. FIFTY PIECES BLACK SILT(Si: Twenty-six inches,`wide,„ Prices $1 87 'and $2. The above lots of SILKS, purchased for'cash of the imPOrter Tes s. than their gold cost, will be offered at a small advance to our cuStmitep, STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER, N. W. CORNER EIGHTH AND MARKET STREETS. POPULAR PRICES DRY GOODS. RICKEY, SHARP & CO. 727 CIEESTNIIT STREET .Iyl4 tin) NEW STYLES AMERICAN. MKS At $2 75 per Yard. , FOE SALE BY JOHN W. THOMAS, Nos. 405 and 401. N. Second Street. n-4m§ FALL OPENING. McVAUGH & DUNG AN, 114 So ith Eleventh Street, will open on Monday, September 20th, French Worked and Hamburg Edging -8 and Inserting - 8. French Embr'd Setts, new designs. • Laces, Ribbons. Collars, Cuffs, lldhis. FANCY ARTICLES. And all the Nbrelties of the Sensou Also a full liai? of Shirting Masi Flannels and RICHARDSON'S LINENS soIB4A rp =+TRTT7iIgINGB tIND- PAT . TERNt~. GRAND OPENING - - : PAPER :PATTERNS, Of Landon, Paris and New Yak: • Fashions, J. G. MAXWELL, S. E. Cor. Chestnut and Eleventh Streets. LADIES , DRESS TRIIIIMINGs, ' PAPER PATTERN AND • DRESS-MAKING ESTABLISHMENT, Will open TO-DAY with an entirely new aatiortmantof TRIMMED' PATTERNS, IN ALL TIIE LATEST STYLES OF REDINGOTES, NEGLIGEE VV RAPS, JACICETS, TRAINED AND STREET DRESSES. , • PRINCIPAL AGENCY. FOR --..,•, - E. BUTTERIOIC & CO.'S CELEBRATED PATTERNS OF GARMENTS. FOR LADIES, MISSES AND BOYS. Catalogues of STYLES now toady for distribution. DRESS AND CLOAK mAKING in all its branches, and particular, attention paid to cutting and basting ma. Odal at short notice. - A full Rne of all novelties in .• TRIMMINGS AkiD BUTTONS. mils. M. A. BINDER, • ARTISTE DEW MODES, • • r 3104 N. W. corner Eleventh and Chestnut streets. This opportunity is taken to announce that I have just returned from Paris 'and London with the latest Fall Fashions—these designs being personally selected, and modeled from the greatest novelties, and trimmed ,in a superior st le an will open • • WEDNESDAY, September l 18G9,• with French and English Dresees, Cloaks, Mantelettr, Sleeves, and•Citildren's.CostuMMßoblieChtinibroand. ...lireakfatititresse,e. - • Dress and 0/081C.w Trousseaux furnished • at short notice and reasonable prices. Real Thread and Guipure Laceit, Roman and Plain Ribbons and Sashes. - Paris Jewelry, neatest styles of'Jet,' Gold and Shell, the rarest And most elegant, ever offereil. Hair Bands, Combs and Regal Nets. •, Drees and Cloak Trimminge;the , most tasteful that are to be soured in the French metropolis, Wholesale and retell. ' Bridal Veils and Wreathe: ma oloves,Th cents and :sl' per pair: Exclusive agent for Mrs. M.' Work's celebrated system for matin; Ia lies' dresses, sac, nes,basques mylatfr. WEAIDIEROTII I TAYLOR BROWN'S OLD ESTABLISHED - PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAIT GALLERY. :Furnished with every convoni• onco and facifityfor producing tho hest work, A new private pat sago from the, Ladies! ~ D ressing Room to the Operating Itoom: All the rotlnoment. or ,Plfotogra pliy, such as "Iyorytroo,kt , turtle on.porcelailW , palotYnes,!' the 'New Crayons" originated with this;oB (1311011111Cnt . . WENDEROTH, TAYLOR & 'SRO 914 CIIES'ENUT STREET w f 2nup :1 - .. .2.e f -, :toi ‘. :4. 1 4.7—,,j___ . .. .. : ~., , _ Rr4AINS IN - - G. , . . . ~. . ~. - . , _- ~.,,,, ~ . ~.. i .., --,,,...,', • 1 . ~ ,•„;-•.,--,, - ~, { , t 0----- cURTAIN MATERIALS. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN No. 100 S CHESTNUT STREET. • Respectfully announce the commencement of their importations for this eensoi, of a large tot of NEW VIOICE-AND NESIRAELE GOODS, - and beg toren the special attention 'Cif buyers to their iIiaIpiRE'STOCK of LACE CURTAINS, In (planting ranging frotn the lowent price np to ttie rich and nung expemilre, among which at*ltlanY TerY . 'Choice. and • Elegant Designs, r made expressly for them, and not to be bad:elsewhere. Also, a large assortment of LACE SHADES AND,ZAMBREQUINS„ • CURTAIN GOODS, and • ' CURTAIN MATERLALS, important for this season, comprising the special styles for PARLORS, DRAWING-ROOMS, LIBRARIES, BOUDOIRS, CHAMBERS, 4.r., 'with CORNICES and FIXTURES, and rich rAssELs and TRIM-, to Thatch. Also', • . WINDOW . SHADES, • CHINTZES, , , . CRETONNES, ¢c., ¢c., 11.—First-elase Workmen employed to make and Lang Shades, Draperies, Curtains; dre., and all work warranted. • ; :• . sel7•f in w FURNITURE, &C. GEO. J. HENKELS, CABINET MAKER, 1301 and 1303 CHESTNUT STREET. ESTAIIMISIIIEO .11.814. Good Furniture at the lowest possible price. an3l 2m CARPETINGS, &C. NEW - M PETS. AXMINSTERS, VELTETS, BRUSSELS, 3 PLYS AND INGRAINS, Vt netlaw, Druggets, Oil Cloths, &c. I,3op.nc)3l&s.ii[A.w, 910 ARCH STREET. se223mrp U,LOTHING JONES' ONE-PRICE CLOTHING HOVSE, 604 MARKET STRF4VT; PHILADELPHIA:' First Class ileady-Made Ciotiting,:;stritable for all Secwons, constantly han'et.! Also, a' ilandsome Linir ' Piece:Goods for pirs-I, torn Work:- t; • GEO. W *VOX!, t , Proprietor PERSONAL; FOE THE LADIES. THE "00SMEI.I.QUE ALA PODITADOVIt; , ? • for it and : preserving the coinPlexiottond giv ing it the freshness and brilliancy Of Totitlif is Nith out a rival. Is perfectly free from' any 4101(461'10mi Iliiir‘rolti and drugs, and its ,allicacy .is wonderful tfor. rendering the akin soft , pure and beautifitl. It' to, the tine secret of twenty, and all lailieS lihould age te' 'I. For sale by all dealers. ' E • . MICHALSKI co:, see 3m r , . No. 21 South Eight street. " REPAIRS TO- WATCHES AND 6 Musical Boxes, in theirt rt nnimaligiatut workmen. 24 Chestnut street below Fourib. IMEMIERMIE =EME MEE =MEI r~ - ;.i. &. ARRISON,
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