I T EAra •• • • , cg Edi t o r, • . . VOLUME . XXIII,* XO . 125.:- ' II . T ROJE'EAk I r AirIF4CUtS, 19PA1N. The ttiban Nitgot - • • I'M Perim Prance of Aug. 20 has an article on the independence of Cuba. It considers that ;that •island =hi now Irretrievably lost by tipain.-7 t At Madrid a last, attempt is spoken of as likely , to bp Miele by the Mother country to' • retain the valuable poSsessibit. When tile healthy season sets u, It 'is' 'alleged that a Spares!), army of 20,000 men'will be'sent out to oppose•the Insurgents,. Aevain project! The /7ence save : - • , • • " I i*r known that -the-American l Govern mein bas instructed Its, new., representative; General Sickles, to proceed to Madrid. We • • , • belleve,juetlite - di i •FA. • that the object of his diplomatic mission IS.noi" to negotiate a urehase of Gubaby the 41.Tnited States. The object, ofthe mission is to offer to mediate between the mother country and the colony. The plan 145 be proposed em brace, on, the one hand, the renunciation ,by Spain of her sovereignty :over the *landjx and oti theother, provide for a pay ment the - Cubans "of,' ",e` such sum Of money as will enable:Sp r ain to pa,,e the interest of the, loans on tubansecuittiese 1. 'the - uited States 'will be par es to Um con tract to the extent of guaranteeing thefaithful tuiriffnie,nt of the proposed reciprocal. engage niene.. 1-lOnever painful it , may be ter the Spanish Government to accept, this suggested solution of the difficulty, we hold that no other is possible in the circumstances, and that, it is the only lab by which Spain eau save some fragments of the wreck, The value and the duration 41kf Cuban independence under the protection of .America is quite another ques tion. The desire to absorb and the greed of territory which , charadorize the United States, we admit, qualtfy them . very badly to perform the part of a Platonic protectorate. In fact, it is very probable that behind the compromise which they are now trying to b ring about there , lies an intended second esti= lion of the history of Texas." ' WILANC/E.- Itoehefert on the Altrumsty. M. Rochefort, the leader of the " lrrecon eilahles.".as he 'is now styled, writes as fol lows with regard to the late amnesty.: "ao-day toy friendk inform in, that a 'ffionge' has been. passed over my past career; and that an august clemeney (Cleinence, du reste, is the name .;f my cook) has remittedthe variouspen aides I have incurred fluting the last • year, by dint of economy and good conduct. what it—what do they want with me? To what penalties do they allude? What am , ' nesty are you , talking about? Have t been' sentenced? It hi not impomible. Have I been amnestied? I know nothing of it. , 'What law courts and Government decide upon has noth ing whatever to` de with me, and have determlued to quite unconnected with either • the one -or the other. The ottly. 'sentence , • and the 'only am nestv can accept are those awarded by the people,' It forms the:only trihniitil and the only power • before, which it is. niy.lloed• pleasure to boiv. I shall only .return-to, France when the people recall me 17.0-,its vote r I shall only re-outer my country in obillience to the imperative'. mandate which I shall presently solicit trom the . electors of the First Circum scription. I 'receive willingly from the peo ple, 'which I know and, love,- but it does not suit me ,to.. be under an obligation to low pers.:his - (f?m) -Whom have never seen, . and who have never been presented to me." -• ExtiesiordLuisme, 'Statement by, Napoleon. The '.%itut Public of . Lyons has 'just pub- lished a most extraordinary .. anecdote, for, the truth of which it vouches with great detertni natien. During the- sojourn of Louis Napo leon in America, he became very intimate with a family whose real name the Salut Public disguises under the pseudonym of Edwards, derived from the Christian name of its head. The friendship, ' the -Edwardses felt for the • Prince was unvarying,and his feelings toward them when he became Emperor were as con stant as they had been when U 0 was an exile, In 1859 Mr. Edwards came to • France to felicitate his friend on his Italian , victories,_ and - was - received by the Emperor with' much warmth. The interview was long and private Mr. Edwards, however, made no secret of what had passed between them, and repeated to several of Ms friends the following words of the Emperor. • TheFrinee Imperial had only just recovered from a serious illness, and hi Majesty, still under the impression of his paSt fears, said to his old friend : "If I had the nods fortune to lose my son, and all hope for an heir in a direct line were denied me, :I should have put into execution an extraordinary project. t .* * * I should have given tb France the privileges, the liberties, the manners of a Republic. I should have wished to be loo'ked upon as the tint citizen of my country, after having given back td it those liberties which olitical ne- ems' 3. as c get me to e away . or a t e; in a word, I should have rendered up ossible s4t• tet t, AUL=I - an Aa..V4 went than that of a republic—the only Ne - whi - chr - vriffely - nude -stood, and - applie with energy, can snit France. But I must give up this dream; a father of a family ' must not burn his son's roof - over his head, and I must try and conciliate two elements which masv seem utterly inalienable—the Empire and liberty. My heirs shall reign, and France shall lose only a name-the name of republic. She willsoon have, 1 hoPe, all• the liberal in stitutions that I have so much admired in the New World." .* * Such words as these, at such a time,cerfainly took Mr. Edwards by surpri&e, and ,created much astonishment and incredulity in the minds of those to whom he communicated them: ENGLAND. Clunnibn; and the Connell. The London Times comments in ,a sarcas tic vein on the; desire of Dr. Cumming to atteuclthe (Ecumenical Council, and adds: The truth is, however, there would be no place at the'Council for any useful discussion on the footing of Dr. Cumming's propositions. The Council will 'proclaim the Infallibility of the Pope. It will decree the Spiritual and Corporal Assumption of the Virgin Mary. It mayor natty not establish the indefeasibility, and eternity •of .the Pope's-temporal power, but it will take up the Syliabus,,which has already acquired seine notoriety, and make it a little stronger. Against this Dr. Cumming, no doubt, would be prepared energetically to protest; but it: needs no words to explain the results by which his protests. could be attended... There was. a -time when protestation was necessary; and thus' it= vas that Protestantism arose. But that period has long passed away. All that Dr. Cain ming could say the Councilhas been said thousands ()flames, and every prelate present would know it by heart.' There would. be 'no edification in hurling at. .the head, of .Pope. Pius and his Cardinals,,in their own city, all those " proofs of Romish error which our , correspondent, summarized in his letter to.'Dr. Manning. A conference may be desirable when each.party to it enter tains a hope of a compromise or agreement, is prepared for peossible.surrender t and. is °pent° possible conviction. No such conditions could• exist where oneitiile is nothingif it. is not iu fallittle, and the other can ,only denounce, the assumed , as a heinous sin: Then the Council, Dr, Can:ming may reply,. will be a packed meeting. Of, come it will Just as the Weqleyan. 'Conference is a packed meeting, only the Council does really expose itself to attach by the magnitude of its pretensions. The A.Veslequi Conference never ==22l/22 , ,•• . - - „v. . • - • /(, . , . , • , M • 1 7 ,1 k! , i 4 'IV/ ;q: 4) ' • •-• • I 4 „.% . • 4,4 . ".,-, • _ . . • . • ." • „ " - . T • , e r , , - ' i," . ,' .41'-'it's...' 0 .;ii...; 7.:,,,,7..... t ..•,,.......A - i,....; ...1 - ...,;. , . -.l * ::?. - /•41 .- ",1:,, , A ., .117..".11 - f•::-.." - ...,:t•fn-r,:.4'4, 5 1.i,',..•-::',',....''.'. claims to , represent the Holy Church nniver risall or assumes that an the Christiana of the 'lnhabited earth are included in it® Dora This aeglimptitoht4hel'opeihy the very ditioneof the c.abeitselfilsco7l)Klied4olhakei i and the end will : , ,ouly-show.‘....tut a '•Greneo4 , `Council is'an,attchrordtm. As to the promid- Dr..Cumming may_sa,fely leave Luton uu ritOticed. It is certainly not impossible that ftins Council may assert some monstrous pre tensions on theology or politics, but Dr. Cum ming would not avert the result by his per- Sepal attendance; and, as for the effect on the World, he may,oortfoit mice of the historian on a similar ' occasion, that "the reason of mankind, after so many trnmrwill-Iwbut-slightly---wounded-by the aiidition of this , single absurdity." PHILADELPHIA. Figure art in this city is now (except in the case of D. It. Knight, from whose studio issue rumors of a great work bf ehla,a4rallare), 61$101hOrta'aCt11,0 , -, turek and oni•ffeiilPtiirii is co'nfineitto`Balllyf for Roberts, 'who has come among us with the NrCisults of three years of Paris, training, and is ready tA) turn out, his toes with the foremost, has thus far rested from his studies and has not yet fspened-kfter(dio4qT o recur lo'Bafil, y; the greatkitisfalcdon felt late . Worics',Stteh as the statue of Washington, and the monu mental figure of Cresson, has naturally, re sulted in sivelling his list of orders. At our last visit to his ateltCr) a..., tired ifig- 4hireitering a ;Beaty `aptly Overcoat, was chiding the shining hours :while the artist translated him into a colossus of clay ten feet high. In other Words, Bailly was preparing from his model a soldierly figure to commemorate the Union dead. This work is ari c ordei from the city of Springfield, Ohio. 'The sketch furnished to Our artist represented a certain posture which he was desired to copy literally; there was, therefore, not much opportunip , for invention, and the attitude bears some BfipeiBcinl ream- Mance to the great figure by Ward, now being cast by B.oht. Wood & in-honor of the Seventh Regireent, IST. ir: This likeneis dis appears, however, on the smallest examine- . tion. The statue in honor. of ,the ,Ohio Volun teers represetits . fi young soldier at puede rest, the hands clasped upon the stock of the gun, which is reversed, as on funeral oar • ons.. The face is very.ltandspxne; and .the demeanor; Rill of, sort" of repressed Bailly's masterpiece (to our mind), of a some what tdmilar motive, 14 rdsv set tiU in - Girard College grounds, beside the principal building, and is concealed at present in expectation *of the ceremony of unveiling. It is a tribute to the young soldiers,centributedto,thu war out of the College, ranks. „ It represents q 13eard lcs youth in uniform, and its exquisite sim plicity and elgance are such as to make it bear without disgrace the neighborhood. of :that triumph ©f-French- realism, the portrait statue of Girard in the hall - within. Bailly's figure is in pure white marble; we know not how to commend;too strongly its" simplicity, beauty, and contempt of all trick and sensa . Mr. Bailly has just completed an agreeable figure ,of a nymph, sifting, with the feet crassed, the torso leaning forward, and the neck gracefully bridled and curved. If this figure, in itt present piaster form, were the is sue of come statue•factory worked by an American carpet-bagger in-Romb, our weal thy travelers would rave, our poetic corre spondents • would: send home long literary flights about it, and various patrons would dispute fora caPYA._. _ B.uf-i~isonly~n_original_ American work invented at home, and few will see'it, and perhaps the man of wealth suf ficient to gratify his taste by an order will not be among them. Mr. 8., finally, has received a commission for a life-size portrait-statue, from a Philadel: phian who admired his figure of Cresson. NEw ,Yons.—An exhibition of oil paintings and pastilles brGustave Dor*, was opened for a private view at the Somerville Gallery, No. 82 Fifth avenue, yesterday afternoon, under the direction of .Nlr. H. Carleton Ayr mar. Thefalptings in oil are entitled "Dante and Virgil" mid " Jeptha's Daughter," and the pastilles, "Dante and Virgil on theAlalebolge Circle'," and "Jonah announcing the fall of N inevah." - - r iglas_bAgun_a_large and power,_ ful composition, grappling once more witlithat incident in the lice of the Indian maiden, Po: •-ka ontawovnen7she sa,vt . ""R - r - o - faptaiTt- John Smith.' Jronze statue of Commodore Vanderbilt has been erected on the west front of the Hudson River Railroad' depot at St. John's Park, at an expense of $500,900. The immense statue of the Commodore is placed fxi'the centre of a colossal bas-relief, which in geniously illustrates the steamboat and rail road career of the Commodore. The statue it self is nearly twelve feet high. It represents the Commodore Nvith head uncovered and Svearing his well-known heavy lux.-trimmed overcoat, his left foot slightly-advanced his right hand inserted beneath his waistcoat and his left extended. The attitude is easy and dignified, andithe likeness accurate. The work was designed by Ernest Plassman, under the direction of Captain Degro'ot. LoNpox.---Mr. 3lillais; the painter, was"re cently requested to undertake the portrait of Miss Cunliffe Brooks dau'ghter of a rich Man chester man. Mr. Millais' replied that he didn't, like portrait-painting.and no longer en gaged himself in that branch of art. Ile was then asked tenet.° his price:. Thinking (it is • said) to frighten away the applicant. he fixed it.at two thousand guineas ; but t • •either to his great delight or great disappointment, we .don't pretend to know which, the picture was immediately ordered. Poor Mr. i•Millais will have all the bother of doing apiece of uncoil genial work, and only receive- the inadequate satisfaction or about fofirteen thousand dol lars. How all his affectionate brother artists will pity him ! Grotave/Doie. VIA been Making a. systematic exploration of London—from Wapping to Remington, among high and IoW 7 -with" a t , view to ilhistratii a work,frOnt the pen Of Blau chard Jerrold,: on the poor of the great capital._ Al. Dore has made a most, interesting collec tion of ettitliell: ', - 11"4" haS juSt Areturned""from • London, and is about to start for Mnpth. 'Xrceyosi,inother of the, late .:celebrated animarand lands Cape painter, and who lately foundld'a prize at, the School of? Fine Arts to the memory of her son, has just presented to the Museum of the Luxembourg a picture by him, about 'thirteen feet by ten, •and which is, perhaps, his master-piece. It represents a river scene-and ,contamsf.eight :cows, ten sheep; a donkey, - and 'a - dog.' This' work has been placed in thellubens gallery. The Exhibitiob of Fine. Arts 'as applied to i Industry is open at the,Chapap Elysees, and is Most attractive. Works of great artistic value have been lent by their' proprietors ;- amongst `, others, five etchings of Rembrandt inclosed in one frate. Mr. nutuit,, to Whom they be long, paid one thousand four:hundred pounds ' for one of these precious 'relics of the mighty colorist, of whom it has been, repeatedly said e. , :5 .. ;.. !'..•••.;., c, ~ - ZUM PHILADELPHIA SE FRIDAY, PTEMBER 3 *lBO9. that he must have painted with molten 'gold. I - CONTERRINO TRE BEAUX-RUTS PRIZES,* 'The event 111 the' artistic world of the day-1 ',night almost Mirof the year—is the distribu gou of prizes to the successful exhibitors; at thefannual exhibition, as well as to : the pupils. • the' Ecetle des Beaux-Axts. (lertainly,a more splendid solid could scarcely be found in _Europe than that' in, which this ceremony takes. place. To 'describe the -splendid triumphs of genius which ,decorate the Salon Carre of the Louvre 'Weald- be more than • aupertiuouS, the vast spate which we are accustomed .to see ..crowded. with -'easels, CoPYlßtsi" and' strangers was 1111eff-by'•benchea of scarlet -vel*et.----On-the -.is de, Welt, Uhl I,,lidetreteli of state, whiclrprecisely at one were occupied /the Monsieur le SurintendantOtims • p 110, and the aged Marshal Taillaze., 1311 p, ported on their right =and left by Senators, aca eiriciatis, members Of the and all the notabilities in art, science, and litera ture still lingering in Paris, , and it P is, needless .to; - .remark.that gold ' embroidery-, „stars,' ribbons, ' the green palm-leaved. uniform of tho savants, and even'swords and .. ; cocked hats, contributed to the imposing aspect of the dignitaries on the gold and velvet fauteuils. Meanwhile, in every spot the rest of the Immense , salon was, crowded by us, the friendsof the laureates ;of the year. the Marshal-Minister opened the proceedings by a speech, which had the units - nal merit, of brevity, in which he recited the works erected, completed, and restored since the present Einperor ascended ' the throne. as, for instance, the Louyre united t 6 the Tuileries, the churchea of St. Trinite and of the Assumption, the Palais de Justice, the Grand Opera, the Chateau of Pierrefonds, &e. M. de Nieuerkerque then commenced the distribution of gold, silver, and bronze medals to the students in painting, -sculpture, and architecture, which last branch of art, appeared to have the lion's share, and to be subdivided into several useful groups. The cheering of the' popular students relieved the tedium o this part of the day's Work, the most.interesting of which was the second part of the proceedings, namely, giving the medals to the exhibitors at the last salon. The sensational incident was when Comte de Nieuerkerque called the name of Mlle. Nelie .Tacquemart, of whose portrait, of M. Durny, ex-Minister of Public Instructicin_, I gave you a detailed report. A gold medal was , an nounced. The whole Bade rose, and then rang out a cheer such as we English'give, but in which our Gallic neighbors seldom indulge. The lady, however, was nowhere to be seen. Some minutes elapsed, during which the tym-, pamium of her cars, must have been sorely tiietL We were becoming impatient, when at last, a Slight figure in white ascended tbe estrade: The old marshal appeared to congratulate her as she ileserved, and courtly De Nienerkerque , kissed the gold medalist's fair hand. •Perrault, to wh ose statue of Despair (sold for 600 guineasy I called your attention,hasi the medal of hordr in the sculpture depaxtment,as , a matter of course • Fromentin 211 that of paint , ing. M. de Nieuerkerque next read • the ' decree of the Emperor, by „which, five years ago; a' sum of .£4,000 had been put aside from LE; privy purse, for the best work of art execute(' between the years 1861 and 15/S). It was Ilis Majesty'S good plea.sure that the winner of this prize, which had been ad judged by a committee' of members of the Beaux Arts Institute and Academy, should,' furthermore, receive a commemorative medal. It was therefore his duty to, call for 31. Due, to whom the .1:4,000 had been awarded, , for the Palais de Justice. The fortunate architect , worehis good•fortune with an air of meek re signation, but evidently wished his friends had been less demonstrative. A pause, of some minutes precede'', .. the last and.,, most impressive part of the ceremony. Mar shal Valliant stood svlnlst 31. le Surintend ant read the Imperial decree promoting MN. Fromentin, Dubuffe, and Baudry from the grade of chevalier to that of ollicier de la Legion d'llontienr. As each advanced to re cave the rosette and cross, it was easy, by the cheers of the assembly, to remark that the least popular of the promotions was that of the .dehneator of__guipure and-fashionable attire, whether male or "female (Dubuffej. M. de Nieuerkerque then announced it to be His Majesty's pleasure to bestow the cross of chevalier on four artists, amongst whom the name of 31. Ernest Sirouy will be familiar to you, inasmuch as it has been frequently my duty to call your attention to his magnificent lithographs, of which portrait of Her Royal Highness Princess Beatrice and Mid ready's W oat and Lamb are perhaps the best known in England.—Correspondenee London Ray. PEOPLE AND THINGS. llintes by Mark Twain. Mark Twain is running the 'People and ,Things" column of the Buffalo Express, and this is about the way he does it : The late Andrew Johnson is getting his re -markable-eareer set to-music;i - aml — is-going try it awhile that way. .kans-is parson, pri Poses namelti. baby - attei - Mfe - odore - Tiltort - for - a — coriTortliti' _indpitendertta year They are: putting down asphaltum walks in Greenwood Cemetery. The. old residents there have made no objections to the move ment so far. /Sir Walter Scott, in a letter, now disclaims the authorship of the IVaverty novels. It took lihn a good while to think °fit. Little boys should persevere, and keep good hearts, remembering that the celebrated John Smith was only an indifferent sort of a shoemaker at, first, but in thne, by diligence, study and close' attention to study, he became the worst shoemaker that ever was. John Wagner, the oldest Mall llt one hundred and four years—recently walked a mile and a half in two weeks. He is as cheerful and bright as any of tlfe.sti other old men that, charge around so in the newspapers, and in, every way as Telnarkable. Last, No vember he walked live_bloeks in a rainstorm, without any shelter Litt an umbrella, and cast his vote for Grant,remarking that he had voted for • forty-seven Presidents-whiph was a he. His second crop, of rich hrown hair arrived from New York yesterday,- and' he has a new set of teeth coming—from Philadelphia. He is to be married.next week to a girl one hun dred 'and two. years old, who_ still takes in ' washing. -.They. have; been• engaged eighty years, but their , parents persistently, refused their consent , until three days ago. John - Wagner is two years older than the Rhode Island veteran, and yet has never tasted a drop of liquor in his life, unless you count, whisky. - - - - Another restaurant waiter has fallen heir to a colossal fortune. How is it that waiters are so much in luck ? It is not worth while to say it is because they are willing to wait for a fortune : - because any small punster could dip his - ladle into his pot. of seething trivialties and fish that up—but honestly,why is it? Five waiters have inherited windfalls in ,the' last two weeks, and only , one milliner. Why this disparity? The last'three lucky waiters are Geo. H. Wingate, of lgissouri; 5 , 45,000 ; Henry L.Jarnes,of hansas.sl2,ooo,and Uorgan Bates, of New. Orleans, ,528,000. . We have already mentioned the Brooklyn one, who inherited s3o,ooo.from his cousin; and the Newark one, who inherited $21,000 and the cholera, frai l /his uncle, and gambled the one away and died of the other, all in the space of forty-eight hours. But the lucky-waiter crop must be about out let us take up the blacksmiths or the shoemakers for a while, and see how they will hold out. Any person knowing of a lucky 14cl:smith will confer a faviir by leaving the same at this office. We , niust have something fresh in the' Windfall linethe ntaiters don't draw any longer, ~,. .sex—~., ~ , , ~,,.. ~ ~.. OUi WHOLE ctoUNTRY. ciTy..;nity - LL l P:rjrn.:i.., kfittll OUS CHARGE . AGAINST #, N iaterroit of TrerfairtAfi ilevirrittE.---YeSterday - General Samuel Zulich had a' hearing be-' fore ConimisSioner . !Charles' P Clarke, ‘ igiciirthe charge of perjury, k , . F. Kennedy, late - Cf. S. Assistant-As , sesSor, testified that wheni In ollice,k,- on the 'gve4lng of February 11, 1867, he followed a ''Nva_.gun with whisky froin Ilartnuan's inknis district, at Twenty-third and 4.sliburton streets Seventh Ward, by' an indirect route given, to 868 North Fourth street,l4;figllector • ZirlieWs district; next ngirning".l43,Called 'it' Zulich's office • and • deliver e,d, personally, k •-written-iriforrnation-of--,the-4aetTandFmked ttlac. an officer be sent witlihim to seize them. EA ,copy of the inferniation froir'+Zulfeb.'s cltyk• 11 ink kb- 4 1 Ste Viag , ottered in , evidence, , litit ot. Jeetetito Znlieles counsel, and the stance. given verbally.] ~ sent-. his 'brother tend deplltY, and another, who, were Ft:lnducted by, wituess,,ignorant of where '4O. was taking them, until Ahey arrived at the place, a vinegar 'establiShment, When they seized the spirits, miler the direction of ; they The spirits were in due cdurse'of law condemned, when the duty Of'Avitness ended. He :afterwards inquired several tithes, and' was always told that the spirits bad not , yet been sold,. not bringing theprice then required by law. But last January he. learned .that theY had been. sold prior to, Auguat'2:3,lB67, and proceeds distributed by orderof court, September 'lO, 1867; ,ati& was , shoWn General Zulich's oath that he (Zullelo ' was' the informer, whereby he obtained half the net proceeds, to which witness- claims he. was'legally entitled. Witness said he then called at Zulich's office, but was unable to see him saw his brother and deputy, ' . and"his chief clerk, and was proceeding to :'give. their, statements, acknowledging him to be entitled: to• the money, when counsel for Zulich ob jected that `.4ulich was not present. Objection sustained. Mr. Kentutdy then produced• a letter, of, Zulich's, sent on for use at this trial by the. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, wherein Zulicb, in reporting the seizure to the Depart merit,` states that it was done "on complaint of Assistant-Assessor Kennedy," ,datecf at the time of the seizure. Also, a copy of the written information, in the same handwriting, sent on to Washington with it at that time. Counsel for Zulich objected that they were not sufficiently identified. Finallyithey were laid over for further, evidence, and the case adjourned till Monday morning next, at 10 d'elock,when it is expected thatex-Com ,inissioner E. A. Rollins, now in this city, will be present to identify th 6 letters from his of-. fice.; rifAVY PAYMENTS.--111e insurance compa nies-are promptly settlingwith the houses that suffered so severely by the great confla.gration: at Patierson's warehouse. Mr. Joseph B. St. Johns, the estimable resident manager of the "Imperial," in .New York, yesterday paid, through Messrs. Prevost & Herring, the ,fol lowing sums: B.; C. Ridgway $78,930,00 IL S. Hanms & Co s 71,392 99 H. Wallace &Co • 37,125 00 H. H. W. Catherwood 29,700 00 H. & A. C. Van Bell 10,867 50 A. J. Catherwood.. .9,883 34 S. Whalley & Co 5,445 00 Bernard Corr 2393 37 Wocid.side & Stadizer 4,930..00 • 52'.50,687 , 20 Total.. This company have about $64,000 more to pay, „which is ready as soon as the Claimants present the proper papers. The loss of the Fame Fire Insurance Com- pany at the great fire of Patterson's bonded warehouses was erroneously stated at the time as 56.3,000. The losses have since been fully adjusted and promptly paid by. the {.lom pany, and amount only to about one-third of the amount formerly stated, or $21,204 , 4.1. This very material. difference i s gratifying to all who are interested in this enterprising con cern. FOR N/AGAUA FALLs.—This morning at 7 o'clock the Northern Liberty Hose Company, accompanied by Chief Engineer - Downey, started for Williamsport, Buffalo and Niagara Falls. They made a street parade prior to their departure, and presented a fine appear ance. Thos. R. Reed acted as Marshal, and Hamilton Disston and Henry Weyl as As sistant Marshals. They were accompanied by Beck's Band, attired in their brand-new um forms. ASSAULTING AN OFFicEn.—William Allo way, who was driving a cart at Delaware avenue and Race street; yesterday afternoon; was requested by Policeman Degan not to drive so close to the other vehicles. Alloivay refused to comply,and, it is alleged, struck.the officer. The accused V7ll.Stakeya before Alder man White, who held him in 61,000 bail to an swer. TAKEN INTO CUSTODY.—About two o'clock his_mormng, Detectives Lukinsaud Cobb ar rested William O'Couner at Twentieth and Ellsworth streets, charged with shooting Jas. , Cardook; - oryWedriesdat - ,7-at , 81. -- tlystmet and the Connecting railroad. _ The acciisej will have a hearing this, afternoon at the Cen tral §Uistion. SclutyLKlLL.—This morning the Lieu tenant of the Schuylkill Harbor Police re ported the riverlower than at anytime during the summer. Our citizens will therefore see' the necessity of being economical in the use of water. FATAL ACM3E:qr.—On Tuesday last John Rodgers, aged twelve'years,- residing at )51ern phis and Huntingdon streets, - while , riding on a coal cart, fell, and was run over. He su* vil•ed but a few minutes after. DISORDERLY Houau.—Last evening a wo man named Omey Flynn was taken before Alderman Morrow, charged with keeping a disorderly house in Briar place. The accused was held in $BOO bail to answer. LEG BnoxEN.—John Wagner, aged thirty two years, 'residing on Hancock street, below Diamond, fell in the street at SecOnd street and the Reading Railroad, fracturing - his leg. He was removed to his home. FRACTURED HIS Aum.—William Kenney, aged twelve years residing in Salmon street, fell from a cart in 'Salmon street, below Ma. rile, and fractured an arm. He was removed to the Episcopal Hospital., POCKET Prom.—Last evening a gentlenian who was riding upon one of the cars of the Girard Avenue Passenger,Railway had , his pocket picked of a; gold wach. TIE NEW Yonx BAY ExcoustoNs.--Another of those popular New York 13.p 1 y excursions is announced to take place oti.lionday, Septem ber B. This excursion will be•the best that has thus far been given, as, hi addition, to the, usual ride.by land to Amboy and by steamer ' around New York Bay, the excursionists will be taken 30 miles' up the Iludson-to Sing Sing: Along this route lies some of the ,most beautir ful scenery in the world—the picturesque rally. sales, Srinnyside, Irvinton andother beauti ful towns being revealed-to the eye as the boat, glides along. An excellent view of . New York's famous prison • Sing Sing,' terminates one-half of the ride. On, the retatru'down,the', river and bay the steamer pores by Staten Island, with its scenery mu t "other, points of interest thence to Soutk where a special train'will'be fn Waiting to cOn vey the party to Philadelphia, arriving here'at au early 'hour. The National Cornbt BOA or Camden, will accompany the, ,ekehrsion., • Tbere will be no addition to the usual exeitr;, sion rates of faro : Single tickets, :V; guntl'h. man and lady, ,• • C MEl=22= .. ~. ,~ =PE t;t: "c - ler ft • , Tot , o trY h.- is,a'step, in the. progress,of.the liews Ails/Pew in, the city, of ;Philadelphia. Thatltte.hie.seln,PliiheliCiphia. ad elsewhere, rise ,griYikti tip` from %Ana beginx:' flings initiated; hylteweboys; it has attracted capacity und'ennimic.nad by its adaptation to the iricrea.sing wailitror the wine th - e'ficilV ties of ,transportationv and the ~ Wide field-of advertising, , it ~, h as extended over the whole country in an cergiudi6il sym ite, probably , then most perfect and complete for supplying-the: Wantii of reading public - existing in any part: 'of the-world. - - Co=eictensice - with the spread cif the news, business over the.' bount_rislt s • - ;grey , o ; entra s epots or,agencies for - collecting. , andforwarding supplies. These agencies, by heir-extensive-means—arid--applia • the and despatch in;tiliis.departmant, -of , the husiness: Wtt.bontiAtiohalikencies it;wouldt not be possible for the business in its immense development) to, be coinducted. .'Hundreds, of theusands.ot periddimls most be distributed. , withlifix few hours, and utmost care and re iibierved in their direction and ship -Anent. To guard against irregular shipments, and secure regular, quick and cheap diStribil= tier'', publishers of newspapers and periodicals nave found it necessary to place their' editions entire in the hands of one or,the other of these • agencies.in the great cities. In this may only ; is it r possibld ' for any periodical; to be, 'Med with perfect regularity, and the pop ar clema t ut completely met at 'all points at the same time. • ; ' “" These great agencies, acting for hundreds of Publishers and dealeis, and' having special ar rangements withvery express and ;railroad company, are taking advantage of every Mail, are able to secure thus regular and quick and cheap distribution; and there is no other way of securing it. Scores of publications 'can be packed and shipped• to the same dealer in one „package, and the expense of packing, and the cost of transporting each article, are thus re"- duced to the lowest sum. The agenc,y is a ;positive pecuniary advantage to publisher, dealer and, consumer. The leading wholesale' ealers in New York, Boston, Chicago and St. Louis have combined and formed in their respective cities News Companies, which unite in one "estabhshment nearly, the entire whdlesale news business' of each city. Publishers of newspapers and pe riedicals mend their editions entire to the com- Patties, and they are distiibuted all over the country at once from a common centre. By , this ineans'a great reduction is made in the cost of transacting the business; in the cost of collecting, packing, cartage and freight. The transaction of the business is brought to the limits of simplicity and cheapness ; • and every dealer and consumer' have their advantage. By the formation. of Tin CENTRAL )NEWS ComPAxv, the "wholesale dealers in Dina are simply following in the footsteps 'of , New York, Boston and Chicago. There* has not hitherto existed in Philadelphia the same 'facilities for 'ate distribution of newspaperS' and periodicals as in these other cities., Phila.. delphia publishers have been obliged to go to New Y. Orli to secure for their publications a proper introduction to the trade and There 'has not existed in Philadelphia an establishment having the extensive connec tions and volume 'of business.whieh take up new publications and spread theni over the whole surface of the American market. Such an organization can only be formed by the junction of the principal wholesale houses, and hy such ajunction Tim CENTRAL NEWS COM pANY of Philadelphia has been formed.. The facilities enjoyed:by TIE CErrrizAt. NEWS COMPANY for supplying every periodi cal, newspaper, book or other publicatton, are not now surpassed ,by any establishment in the United States. Its arrangements with. publishers and manufacturers of all goods sold in the traAle,enable them to supply boolniellers and newsdealers at publishersT and manufac turers' rates. Dealers, therefore, save nothing in the price of goods by ordering direct from manufactures or from similar establishments in any other city. CAPE MAY.—The West Jersey Railroad ad vertise to run their fast express _ train to Cape May on Saturday the 4th intant, leaving Philadelphia at 4F . M., and returning Mon day morning at 9 A. M. ATLANTIC CITY.—AII the trains are still running to the "City by the Sea." To-mor row the extra 2 o'clock express train, the 3.15 fast express and mail train will be ran as usual. This is the prettiest time of the year at, the sea-side, and 4° doubt our •readers . will avail themselves of the opportunities• here afforded. I • FoR"CAPE MAY.—The steatner Lady. of tne Lake will make her, last trip' this season to Cape May on to-morrow, and. Will return on Monday. The fare will be as usual, two dollars and a half. • • . r. erri - r — atkins, the comedian,., will, have a farewell benefit this evening,'at the. ;7 - Arclu:Street - .Theatre - F - In_7_Bemt — ea — lare;finctou.s--- drama The Colleen Baum. We sincerely ho - that - telinust - Do - lic - cte - Wile - d -- firifilft • is oc casion; Since Mr.Wations began his engage= went here he has - done much to establish him: self as a favorite with our theatre-going' peo ple. /1 - 1 - eaml, his wife have given us same,v.ery delightful personations, among. the,best,* of which were those of 'the characters in the 'pretty' 'drama, ' Kathleen Mobaurneen. Their acting is tree from vulgarity and coarseness, lind when they appear. in.other than."wild Irlih" dramas they charm with their delicacy, their fine appreciation ofsentinient and, their ":complete identification with:the characters assumed by them. They are the best actors in genteel Irish comedy in the countrl, and; Mr. Watkins is one of the most charming singers on the dramatic stage. —The Lydia ThompSon - Mule:Vie troupe - will perform the burlesque S'inbad the Sailor and the farce To Oblige Benson, at the Arch this. evening. ---Carncross & Dixey's minstrels have re opened the New Eleventh Street. Opera. House and are drawing crowded houses nightly, A nureber of new members have been. added to the compa4,, and new attractions in. the ruin, strel line ate promised. A , tirst-rate bill is offered for'this evening, including : ;', nuMber `of, novelties. ' —On Monday evening next tho Etchings English Opera Troupe - will begin,- an 'engage ment of ten nights and, two,•matinkes 'at the Academy of Music. •The initiatory opera will be Faltot. The following operso will , be givon successively during tile Era .Thavolo, 11 7'roratote, liplaittias Girl, .na.piavo,lo, Mari ,tancs. Seats can be pyoeured Tnimpler's Iklusic Store. • '.fhe End_of the Dronght.tit Vlrginitu 'bran the Itietmond After a. long and,parching &might, com mencing on' the 4t day of Juno, covering a. period of eights-Inine s, we are, at' last having copious and refreshing showers. During this long period of darought rain fell, it is true, two, or perhaps three times.; but none arffier 4o ,o llo Wars made the ground wct,more than two and a half inches, and in every. case the hot sunattue of the succeeding literated`all its effects. Rain commenced •fall ing,herd between 2'and '3' o'clock bn, Sunday afternoon, and there Were severalline 'shots-era before-night: 'We bad also a splendid sbower yesterday afternoon; continuing about an hour and a half, and coining down freely: 'Passen g(Fkk cakthe Seuthside, and Danville Railroads rei:wt. refreshing - .showers :iu, Pewhatan. .o,liesterfield, 'Prince Edward, Amelia anti cingibetitui; nu yesterdayatal. tiw day before'. ' 4 i ," p.vi 4 ii. 3 a). Akl 01 r r o ;3: ~ ';, ~~; IPRIt; r ,wa rint a tairrm a s i:J,:t,- The iratiltiesiteatie, TeMktits, leave Me little `' Iltithhithri '• • tion work is on. , %;“ (;;et •••.. Letrve me here to write, a letter.; 4,14w:A•411k .0 'you whetryou'ie • . • 11, 'TN the plaie. where I, , astautureilloroadll4 notice Of.tity.flootta; .. Dre'rry seeltate theAnoniitik • phieiltitllis dull" • , receptibb *Min, s.l • • • . ; . . . Muiy s night; atiiruiee ~nertlri ' --Tbights I ,tivuld; , mat . t'• wNolly for am est. •• a • y:sils.g ; er • e tiff , ieefußh..^ •'• r e Y inen)lxtrikftweilt i.sfftcv.i ) Broinght lier• ices' s .; Vie , 4441 -P0.if.eepr.1A,44g,714 • - howlhifilbhittkiitre:ramiptit , • ' s 1 . • I.yr( ).4: .z.# I Ones apontoilliibeaotl,lsse,Woll. ddieeoningll,zia Win 'Way ..; hile • the'. •ureafylaies Or Saralee were re-- • . served•for futitre time • • I .0;11.1 koi.t When geologists before tis.brt 4tiritorted'strtfitz t .4 promed;- 4 . • •• 1 " 1— , Weil:yore surer to, tirtd, , aise.swobd irtipla66 ty much cxposed. ~• •, . , Whbli,we peep'd , ititothO seottorts;444 , ttiemi; . ,s .ber might have known- That the whole of my attention yr, • by her alone: . ' At the time when Di..#9 ol tPr,tho,Darleinislak - • ) standardiraieedl . . • . • At the time mben &Wulf 'Rim Bed er tit herd selCundulY Prabed? • ' • . • 0 _L, , • At the . thite, w Fattier Seochi fraternized. Vlth.pielittes grave; • •;•': •-• •' ' ' Then it wari.tbat I discovered, L .was • sheply• - , • :- litttee **we.. And I said, 0 .1101.1: gentle copsini a. monomial! we may be, ; • •• But I crave a higher *outer for OS factors,vow , " ; and me." - • And she blushed and ansnret'ONyeaPY,!`iyrilL , ne'er pint spirit vex; You have but to aqii?.re pima ; dearb,to.optain, • ; the hoped-for • • Lcive took up the fall' equation, hre4ikt s teit- • , a light divine, • : , Bit a fatal transposition. gave me Tainu . s for or , 0 my cousin, atonylloarted Fickle:l4oy, once myilear.P ' . ;• 4) tills dreary, dreary' ineettin t ; 1: - .4 tads, bariim.• barrens yeait' . .:• • • • , Li it well. to wish ;On aman-likc nus,:•'„ ' , . you ctooptb plublenhnsoangirions4pat• horrid Section D':: • • • Yet It shall be; ypwarill lower to „< by year,' • _-• Till your taste for abstract science.wiji ceia: pletetr,dlsappettr.;' • As ttle'busbandli,"tbe wile "'••• ' to a bore, . • Andjtbe coarseness of bis studies will de you . more and more. • . , He Will hold you, when•his'theoriiiirehall hare taken proper shape,• • ' . • Something better thap.a.f,rog,tihttle higher ; than an ape. Exeter Change. —it is pioposed to !lair . e a. monism. of, war correspoodetas. ' —East Tennessee is worried by the spread' of t,ho cattle plague. • • —Setmees has-been beaten I:9larof. Cyrus Northrup for the Presidsncy, of the Alabama lJniverkty. ' —lda Lewis coMplains tltt- she 'has , so many-visitors-she can't - help - mother - about tit° washing. • • —With singular unanimity threeolimilion, gentlemen by the name of 'Bones have con cluded to change to that of Lewis, ands so ad vertise in the limes. , —The Omaha city directory, is. dedicated to George Francis Traiii,whose speeches are less coherent and consecutive thane the rdbresaid —Two elog-daneers , in ;Leavenworth. are about to have a match for, five hundred dol lars to settle whois the champion 'dander of Amerim. —A jealous Wife in _Louis. cowl:tided ••• her husband in the street the.. other .day, tore his shirt, bcisom and bit his' arni; and now feels better. • . —A. 'Western billiard-ball.keeper endeaVors • '• crtnitice-his place popular - witlr. - tbe - ladi 0 • elosiag his room to gentlemen one, afternoon.. -of-eVery-11.'aelt-tind-upening-it-to.-the-free:--use ' ofFladie. • • • Great i3ietress prevails in. many parts af' . • India. The droughtltas been fearful, and the consequence has been' a terrible mortalitY of ' man 'and beast. :Large numbers of people are 'i• ' Supported whelly, by, charity. , • , —Mr. iiharles Dickens has lost, his'uncle,. Mr, Edward Barrow. The latter was, a veteran journalist, having' for forty yearsbeen On the staff lof the L ondon, Morning Ilera/d.: .Inkarly life he was a co-laborer with Mr. Dickens, , the Mirror of Parliament, of which 3lr. J;ohn Barrow, his brother, was editor: —The New York klun'reVtves An- old Plod • island storY, as follows :—There; is a. back-- woods town in the north. part of Rhode Island, where in former times the rue.and ''strong minded natives were not partial to what they-, .. esteemed new-(angled nations pf. retigion This town, though 'eamprising great' wealth, in the aggregate, and named alter that' evil ' tient lawyer and VhiefJesticeo.fienator James. • • Harrill, had a population somewhat ,reaklesg„ in rits character. 'Whenever a missionary squatted among them, they were in 41coliabit.- of ridding themselves of the.nuisoacei as they. esteenied - him, b•y shearing.ble_borse's tail, so. that it resembled the tail of a rat.._ - In the pto,, ti cuss of time a remarkably shrewd man was , Sent there as. a missionary. •• '‘Don't'yon shear ti the tail of my horse,"" said he, "for:it:you , do,. • •." I will stay among you until the hair , grpws • out, again." This was a'po'ser fc r .ir the villians ; and not a hair of 'his borseN tail was, ever teuebed. . , •• -0--Mark Twain being in the,Hply,tmal, . a , visit to.the tomb:of "the 'first man,A,clam," Here is.what he says abocctit: a= "The, tomb,of .A.tiam How tanchingitwan„.. f',.• here in ; a ,land of strangers, to- awa,y,frour..6 home and friencts, and all who pared' for thus to discover the'grave of a blood relation.,---.- , True, a distant one, but still a relatioae,Tbee 7 , s unerring instinct al' nature thrilled its reeegni, hon. The fountain of my filial 'affeetion:Wits-' Stirred to its'profoundest depths, and kigf.Veio way to tumnltuous emotion. I leaned. Itponk : pillar and burst into tears, I deem it ncksme to have wept Over the grave Cif' my poor;- dean relative. Let him who would 'sneer at 'l4 emotion close this volume hero, for he vrill find. little to his taste in my journeying - through ,Holy land, Isloble old:man—he di not live. to see me—ho did not live' to, his : tad,. And I did, not to see him*. Weighed 'down by sorrow"• and 'disa • ppoint=',' ment, he died , berme T yeas.aril--siic thbusand ' " brief summers befote was,born.eA23ut let nic , : try to bear it with foktitude. Let AIS trust that he,,Ls Letter oft ' , Where, ho is. Let us lake com- , • fort in the thoughttbat his losa la our eternal . .AN , " :' - j'i!.;:: , '• =MI +' ;' f) 4 p:•1 .1. -.p.1 1 rppf p =NM =NU ••• " trig, J.~ :O. r 1112 NA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers