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Soon after the da Iltatno up . to this file ~ Tt • itsahhapds . _om li e o_kl. " Tate like nearly ' &Rot' two bundrixt g ago , „on tke spot yvberP.a 4-z 4 :4jicerokee. At otko, dine, t4O reifieren of Cardinal ' , Y :York, and k . 1 01 w Stuittp, T. 0 y 01 CI L 111 '' " eenbe, tuns still some very grand remains. The , gardens arepalatial ; each floor has its own fine range of r grbuwls Ottr;iiPtirtiii,e3l4ll* on:o4**d iintry.,4hirdi We she*. collll4i Arne ei4tutddfitiiteofi.retoMS;k i hilthWeitaite on the southwest side of the silik4ens oitthe second or upper terrace. First, on , this 'ter race of cns, Just beside' my Aressing-room, there is a grove of lichened oakit,laurel and bay trees, the branches of-which are trained into ceilings and o walli.. that -fenia Ora out-door chambersi n them 'ire stone fieatitrind marble tables supported on old Corinthian capitals. A headless Pudicitia and Demosthenes - grace the walk leading down from this grove to a' garden which adorns the . slope of the hill that reaches to the first and grandest terrace. In this girden is a miniature river, a little island, a baby-house bridge; alaree fountain, statues, and a multitude of fine flowers. terrace, .whieh helm garden, the state apartments the" ChiPel open. The Chapel iideiticated to San Fran- $, cesca da Roznima., who was a kins Woman of the great .I!fititi Pavanuzzi faintly; as thelLatin inscription over the door tells us. Mass is 1 celebrated in 'if eVory ..Btuilltsy. A fine car riage-roati leads up • to:this terrace ftsina the 1 beautiful main avenues of thick-ro ofed piano and laurel trees that run fromthe largo gate at the high road to the villa. On the corner 'of this first rampart,--for botliterraces, are built at their'sides' more ' douhie bastions' han ' • pleasure mounds—stands a dove-cot, whose '1 peaceful snow-white tower can be seen quite, far off. in the . seventeenth century this dove- 1 -cot tower was a prerogative of noble families; the voininon people, were. not allowed to keep doves and pigeons. ' But the'grand ormu.nent of this rampart is a fi curious box-woodgarden, which stretches out . on the hill beyond the fountain and . geometri- ' cal-shaped:ll2*pr Pets whit:4 deeorateitsdll wit. It is a remnant of the French ...taste which prevailed: l ,in the _seventeenth century, when thity•rilla,Watklmilt, The hox-treei are . clipped into various forum, " fent' feet'" high, whose outlines can be seen to advantage from oursouthwest3 wiadovat atid , ....from ; a. place called the Hennitage-Lli'delightftil little tree chaniber made in the thick bay hedge which surrnpurds the high stone. wall of our second :terrace::} ;The bakis,Cut to,rePrescat the.walls of a city; alio into huge palms like those on old India shawls ; into cones and pyramids, and around some of the pyramids a harmless box-wood serpent twines. Beyendtbis creation of the shears and prun ing knife of the topiartus—for the ancient no manshad just such quaint old gardens, and gave this name to theirfaticy gardener—is an Academia, a grove of Hex oaks, with a huge founMin hasin in the centre, whose Stone har der is covered with thick, velvety moss, and stone benches supported on mysterious old Corinthian capitals placed at "Olympian dis tances." • , , The piazza on which the Court sof this Villa Castle opens has still another garden, with its pond and fountain, its geornetriail . flower-beds . with, box borders, that look like squares and pieces of rich carpet and tapestry ; ,From our southwest windows we look down onthe first terrA4*, the esplanades leading up. and down, shaded in With the thick trees, through whose leaves the sun at noonday can only peep in enough to make little golden ' flecks Of light on the high wallig i theterraces—whicii make us think . erthe - warring• - ffi — nes when stiT:li walls were protections—on the piazza aud its ---gardentandrouraereille - f-kiteliew-gardenine.. , - ----yardsLzral=olirchasibt-flurt---itu-qiiietly-Land usefully down - the hill-side slope. These last are suggestive of a modest farm, and are quite satisfactory to look at, after the vanities and freaks' of the Augustan'aiid Louis (2tttorzii ages which frisk around on the terraces. But view; beyond makes me forget , farms and garcienti, indeed all living things; auchniany a rimming, When I arasittingin the Hermitage, 1 drop my bestir, or writing, or seivirre,fOldinybandS, -- and for hours - do - noth-• :enjoy 'this wonderful ..view. Before me lies the whole CamPagna, with Borne' on its seven hills,' and:St.. Peter's dome.; and not only these r but the bright, dancing Mediter ranean; Clear beyond Ostia. I count the sails that pass'over the horizon, Width go "From lands of sun to lands of snow." Such lights ;this shadovisl.• Bread, fifir:and beautiftil they are. The great clouds, as they' inove iiilnigerMaSgeii-oVeethe 'blue sky, rest their cool _shadows . restfully. on the fields and villages miles and miles away. I see thein gather together 'and fold up, like beautiful* wings, then spread nut 'again 'fif' some ',other distant spot, every time assuming new form's, each time more graceful than the last,ifancy, and taking hues and shades • that are inde scribablylovely.-----. • --- -- • .• AnotherziOrYof..SOWAlParttacOts. is a flax , state on the northeast : side..of-thev e illa, From . its windows we . 164 on Frascati and the various . 'villair avlaoe fine ornamental grounds adorn theTusculum Hill tolls summit Nl7ith the most -beautiful grouping of Italian, trees, the very names„ of, - which . suggest - little lyrics—bay and, laurel, cypress . and myrtle, -taxus and rosemary -and plane tr ees- _When look on, point el thq landscape, I-feel , more defiant than ever . against the oracle whose revealtngs ruled my youthful ',opinioas --Ruskin=arid am' randy, to swear on any art' gospel'in any high Court. of Parnassus that Italian landscape-gardening-was &tine; 'and Claude, Lorraine' : and Poussin Were, its' prophets. - After Playing. peep-mouse rover Frascati, and 'noticing Who goesin and out of .. her city' gates, :,my, eyes 'sweep, over just-as -glorious a view as-we conamarid on the other side of the villa. There is not the sertilkiSltifie,; but there'-are the Alban hills,which siiffiatint 4Yfi~' Thalmann; the sculptor, - ; . used "1a.,: say bst winter,. "are always young and beautlfol; , !. and the Sabine mountains; and still farther on Sabine Appenbiesk -wltk idombara and Mentaimi and-1* writing from nature, the whole - 'diVine'antiine i t e# ' traced before me as sit in the high winder! , balconyand that most loieliiiiiiimtain'evet: traced on the sky canvass; So reale Apollo, which rises boldli and solitary, 'after the Alpine andidation* have Then comes the , great "broad Stretch of the, Vain:- raw= again, dome lying like a great mountain Ott the; sky. . 4 " study is, a.giuud 0 4_Pitiati*fa 1s ail over thirty-five feet bign,. and. broa d and long in proportion; hzu3' thiee' clere-story windows near the ,eeiling, besides the long ones which reach to 416 - tioer.' Its'walls have on them faded freseoev oft dancing nymphs and 'idaringfienn-godii!' 'There' are six huge VitiPulik.l 3 o,ti . illiedlriti_kl . stars ;9r raro--plq Dr6sden, uhinese and ; 4apanese porcelain Such kiiret";'Of: ninllstOrilarid. , idols !.Superb vases and bowls! Huge plates and delicious tea and dinner sets: A lady, of..queen Anne's time would haver gone -wild over Ahem. I Often feel temPled to coimnit forcible entry en the locked glass and wire doors that pro ect these treasures. It is easy to imagine the roung Pretender and his fine lords and .atlies enjoyingtheir high testae. off of this • delectable ware. , _ In this grand' salon and' its ante-rooms I think of, a prelate moving about in kearla robes,surrounded by his noblemen and attend ants, listening to Vsionary schemes of, regain ing a /OSt kingdom. In his stately receptions here he.coultl have delivered many a majestic hainngue as his eyes rested on the busts of dead i ernperors acid" immortal - philosophers. Cicero's • bust on 'that marble' pier might recal many a diiuble dealing of apolitician too cunning to be wise, and Commodes on this console table tell how art „empire was lost, while, these leering. Bacchus and Bacchante beads, standing on pillars between - the tall windows, suggest passages in the 'life of an uncle who knew how to keep his throne' better than his conscience, his honor and his The broad stone flights of garden steps, so majestically adorned with statues and buSts; the wide r stately esplanades; the imposing tam part-like terraee:, one overhanging the other, arc sufficiently spacious for a cardinal to walk: through without fear of having his rich robes entangled in the shrubberies; lnd his visitors'. and attendants could gather around him, or i hold oif eta distance, be dispersed about, and ; theair of a Court, even if tlie kingdom ,was , a mythicalone. The vistas everywhere are beautfful, and can be seen at every V turn inside and: outside the house Bits of ravishing landscapes apt pear at the end of the long suites of rooms. As I enter roydressing-room from the 'upper grove, I see, across live large hall-like rooms, a divine picture framed in the• south window of a corner bUI-rootn., There is the purple slope of the Appenines, a nearer Sabine hill, and a glorious sky, blue and pulsing in the rich light of morn, noonday or, sunset. • The ilevolution SpreadingrAlarna of the Spaniards. Ilsva2ss, Saturday., Angust --- 28th, The revolution, is slowly but steadily spreading westward, and to those jurisdic tions west of the Cinco Villas, which . are now known as the revolutionary . districta, are added Cardenas, Colon, Guinness and Matanzas, where quite frequent' incendia.- risms have occurred. The alarm created among . the ever faithful legions by these sur prises is great, and a spontaneous cry goes up to save the sugar district. The Cubans areju bilant over the matter, and consider the days of Spanish posiession as numbered, while the ultras _pretend to be equally confident, and busy themselves in predicting the speedy sup pression of the new movements. The Government of Caspedes, recognizing, doubtless, the folly of continuing a policy sui cidal in itself and opposed to the best and truest interests of the country, has decided to ribeirdenitin - part: -- and - so - ithas - forbiddeh - thb 1L4,• of the flairibetiu by its adherents, and __while forbidding_thenrtodestray = the_varieus sugar onS; hasiirdererd them - tri — bieelc: -important ---ineees ---ef----the-- -nrmehin. perforate the steam boilers and unroof the sugar -houses. The cane fields are to be left, uninjured .as well, and every thing else not necessary to the grinding of esne anti the making of sugar all else calm eited to facilitate the conversion of the yield of the cane fields into marketable produce I is to be-'remorselessly destroyed. Care will be taken that nothing be given to the flames that, may, hereafter pi-eve to be of real service to private or public interests, unless such pre-_ perty . may ritiovii of inciriortanceetcl - the — enerajr or of detriment to the Cuban cause) by its pre servation from destruction. This order, I must, say, is not .strictly :corn plied with by the 3laniqueros. Their west ward advance has been as usual signalized by the bard 'chimneys and smouldering ruins of sugar'estates. Zulueta and friends are :dallied at the close proxitnity of what the Havana press calls " bandelensmo" (banditism), and midnight , can - L(71111as of select clubs of the true blue are being held to consider 'lvriat is to be clone •in view of the grave nature. of the situation. Much anxiety, too, is manifested by the Spanish element as to what, the course of. General Grant will, be with regard to the question of Cuba, and fears are entertained by many that the Maniqueros will be recognized as belligerents before they cam succeed , crushing the rebellion, cirthfi 3 fornised twenty thousand errive.—.N. Y. The .uutchery ,of Prisoners and Others Near Jigtiani...Panie Among. the Poo. ple.:4lEopes of American. Interference ofa Sptinisit Captain and a Priest. SAN TIAG 0 DE Cllpa, August 21, 1889---The steamer CienfuegoS, Which arrived on the 18th inst.drom,Manzanillo; brought full centime, toil of the murder, of the innocent townsmen by. Colonel Palacios. Still the details - are f ek tremely meagreius onlythe assassins are left to tell the tale. t • The prisoners, the friends who accompanied them and even their servants, were huddled into a group and fired bite until not one was left alive. They wore twenty-one in all, including the eleven, who set out fronr here, nine of their friendso accompanying - them front Manzanillo and Bayern°, and it cook hired in theformer pike. Among the 'friends` - were .'three Nroluntoers, and also one of .the handful af men who de fended themselves for,,thirty,days a house •in - Holguin 'against :the insurkents 'These :_'were included ,tu,theindiscijminate slaughter, the murderers, in order to co,nceal their crime as 'flinch as possible, milkinkno disorierioa r . tion. - - • The excitement here ,resulting !.frOm *this most barbarous act was fearful, and the Agony ~e.7~"~.e7i' ~'7i.AT~ c~r.." ti ""•,~+''~."~r"~~`~''Gt"'-;w e `~~. BREWSTER. THE WAR E5l! 4713 A.. OUR WITMIN°6IWTILY. MEE pu l pMALPlOATrittspgisEF:TEmpAA'',.49. of the dead men's relations beyond descrip tion, many of them , being left entirely desti tute ; and yet there were found, some Spam iards so lost to ail sense of shame as openly Ur rejoice over this savage butches:_. Among.these were a captain in the army an at ic riest:. who had a special orgie "in - a public' p e - Olf, refreshment,. drinking "to the health of COI. Palacios, and a safe passage to the infernal:re glens „for the inurderedmero Thisseandalbus combiet 'was condenined by, the' Governor, who sent the captain,ninited Lame de la Vega, under arrest to Havana, and his couternpffble companion; Padre ',mind% only escaped , We ..fateby-the:most-_ , abjeetrentr_ The - impression caused , by _this tragedy's very . deep, nett 'shows clearly - that under .4. 1. .0 - - - life-4s--saf • , 4.1 strong hopes of American interference ate cherished by all Who have Still something: to , lose:- The gleam of -hope-raised , by the pro xclamation,ofiCaballere iathE announcing ,tho motto, "Spain, Justice and Diorality,7 has out since it is, plain that thoughSpaua is fully rePresented, justice and morality are entirely lost sight of. • - . , • , De Rados analterrera.. Barnon de Herrera• recently hat au hater view with General de Bodes, and suggested the propriety of- garrisoningl: the -Morro- aad Fort Cabanas with ',..i , olunteers, thus allowing the regular troops to enter into 'active cam paign. De r liodas thanked the representative of theVollinteers for MS offer,- but declined to profit by it. He further Wormed Herrera to caution the volunteers . against making any further 'suggestions, , saying: 'I am not General Duke, recollect, and should the volunteers attempt - Ao dictate 'the ; law to me I am Capable of reducing to'ashes the city of Havana. Let them, therefore, keep their propositions to themselves ; o not heed them." Such is the report current in this city with regard to the interview, and, although cannot swear to its truth, it obtains credence in all circles. EUROPEAN Amp Aims FRANCE. Effects or the...tatinesty. The Paris correspondence of the New York Times says , Owing to some misunderstanding on the part of the local authorities in• some parts of the , country, the prisoners• entitled to the benefit of the amnesty were not liberated for several days after its punlicatiou. •The delay, as you may imagine, gave rise to loud coMplaints on the part of the farniliescitthe persons detained, who naturally hemline alarmed in regard to the causes. .Their apprehensions have'' been set at rest by 'orders tele graphed by the Government as soon - as the facts became known. All the political itenutt, however, did not participate in this eagerness. to quit their prisons. On its•-being ! announced to..4.NapoleonGaillard, (he who sent the recent challenge to 31. Paid de Cassa gnac) that he was at liberty to quit Saint Pela,-; gle; he refused to hedge,. saying that,those ti wholuid sent him there without a shadow of right, had as:little right to:liberate him. The Governor expostulated"' with him, but, ink ' acid he was , allowed to-sleep over the , matter,on the idea- that .the morning, would' . bring wiser Counsels. 'When '"morning:: came, .• however; the sturdy - Republican 'declared his; 'intention of persisting in"his derterniination. , , The Governor, embarrassed, was about to 're-' tire, when the lucky idea struck him „of. neinicing- to his prisoner. that: as. no , o pr: vision would be made in the budget of the establishment fOr his heard, he would , be corripelled,to stop gte ,supplies. This brought down his refracfory inmate at, one, and he left the prison. griambling loudlsr about. be incon sistency of the Government, and announcing. his intention of following up his provocations to 31: Paul de Cassagnac, to whose office he, in fact, shortly after repaired, with a couple of witnesses, to renew his eccentric challenge, the terms of which I sent you in a former let ter. M. de Ca.ssa,,r-nac, I need not add, per sisted in his refusal to meet him in the fashion propesed. It is affirmed, I know not with how much trtith, that since the appearance of the wn nesty,-Henri Rochefort has been to Paris and passed twenty-four hours here. Te just took time to snuff the air of the Boulevards and was Offagain. He is about, to publish a letter on the political situation. THE MASHED VILLAINS IN TEN. NESSEE. Negroes Flying to Nashville--Losses in the Cotton Crop—Colored Hen a !Mur dered and Whipped. Recent Ku-Klux outrages. in Rutherford county, Tenn., have so terrified the negro pop ulation that they have flocked to Nashville by the hundred, leaving the farms which they have been worldng on shares destitute of la _borersata-very-critical—time. The—planters -themselves are much troubled, and teel the necessity of putting an end to the violence and thefright: -- Threeliegrolealtliat - e -- The -- ell murdered, -ancLieveralathenWhipited-by-men in disguise. A school-house has also been burned. The Nashville Press of Monday has the following: • . , For the past ten days mounted men in -dis guise have been riding through the country, taking negroes out of their beds and whipping them most cruelly. They have 'also beeutalc= ing away their gurLs and pistols; and, in seve ral instances, have _warned negroes to leave the country. The alleged provocation'for this ' conduct is that some negroe,s carried guns and -pistols - to:the:Tolls-at -the-recent- electioniand -- tehaved in a disorderly manner. The negroes allege . , on the other hand, 'that they: carried arms in self-defence. The following is a copy of a notice which was thrust under the cabin door of one of the negroes. .- The note , is in neat and .undisguised hand-writing: In the wild woods We love to roam. SIMON IlAiNs: As we love peace and har mony, we advise you to leave these parts as soon as possible. 1 1 ,re give you ample time to settle up your business. (Our time is six days). LOVERS OF PEACE AND HARMONY, A MOD - SAND STRONG. S. T. or P.. K. K..K. warnings have been.left at the doorit of several others. Other negroes who have been biding in the woods have been warned to return to their work immediately. There are now in Nashville between - 75 and 100 negro men; who have, as they asierti fled for their Jives, leaving their families behind them. The fugitives* were coining hi squads on foot at intervals during Sunday ; If, this exodus :contindes; thtr felfeet the cotton crop will be most disastrous to . ' - the plantera, -- Who , willhe - utterlymnable to gather . one-tenth of their cotton, while the negro laborers will be 'deprived of thefruits ofsix months' hard work. All the fugitives, nearly, report, that they are raising cet 2 to,n, - shares.',l;". The fol lowing statement will give au idea'of the esti mated quantity of', cotton now growing and ownedhy,the negroes in (, ono - neighborhood : NO. 1 °Militate§ Ins cron.of -eotton at. 12' bales; 100. 2 has .10 bales ;, snuad, of three have growing 21bales; to be divided between them; three others have 10 bales between them; an other has three .bales -,of cotton.; a squad of three have 19 bales 'between them another one Ida fiVe bales; a squad - of iihre'htis - 32 bales . between them, and a squad of seven estimate . their, share at over 10 bales each. Here is an aggregate Of nearly.l9o:. bales .Of 'seed cotton, owned by sonic 23 laborers, which is in a flue • way to be utterly lost. c, We add ,to this the plantere' share of the crop, We have total of 080 bales in a single neighborhood which will, perilli,for Want, of pickers liis would 111 VolWinitlinly a serious loss.to bur market , but a most injurieus and dishonorable robbing of laboring men who have :nothing else in the world to depend on for 'their' support: TheY have Worked bard fan it, and 'aurelk tho la borer is worthy of his hire. - The cotton crop is, not the only one raised by these :laborers; neatly • all of them have been cultivating' more or Jess corn.i The .men ~who have raised it are fugitives ; from . ~who have and whose' hands she. it - fall 'into? One •large Jand-owner in likitherford,who hat Sortie half a dozen fine farms, 'and has a large . rim,- b•-r of megreek in , his employ, seems to have incurred the bitter enitity of the Ku-Klux on =account of-the treatment: lie gives to his tenants. • One of the Km -Klux remarked to one • :•,•.,,7-iatforers-whi3ki that, they "intended to put a atop fo Sender s-on% '6lg :fanning!! !The ne _ave bim a ood-MalnnOtil • • Tao %low I . • - them a good chance to make'mancy. , Another planter; 'whose house was appioached. by ',a coltißanY 'or Rd-Klux, took' down his shot-gun, and. puttTato flight by a Volley. • The ruffians ilea precipitately,- and bave not vemtured. near him Another gentleman of intelligence say . e , that if the Ku-.lllnx operations are not iftneftly stopped, Rutherford county will lose at lOist,,samooo worth of cotton 'and other crops ''lie fugitive.s say ~that :the planters allege that outrages are committed by frreport;• sitilti'and 'reckless persons; tiger whom they Have no Control, and.. that they are powerl64s to'-prevent this vittlence. Such inhurnanity would befit a troop of Mexican banditti'rather than . a eommunty of Americans. Gov. Senter has issued a - proclamation, threatening to call out the military power_ of the State : unless the disorders cease imme•- •-diately. TENNESSEE POLITICS.: • Colintel Stokes' and Colonel Broth)low's Interviews with the President.: "hie Washington correspondent of' the N. bays • Among the callers at the Executive Mansion toWlay. Were Colonel StOkes'; yepresent ing,! the Capulets,,' and Colonel John. BroWnlOw, representing the , Montagues, of :Abe' ;radical party Art Tennessee: Col. i Biewnlow,Who s a son of Senator Brownie*, wits' 'accompanied • by Judge d": J. Noah, late Supervisor of Internal Revenue in Tennessee. The partieS reached the White House about the same time and their cards were sent • into the President simultane onsly, After a brief delay Stokes, Brownlow and .Noah were ushered into the Executive presence. This was anawkward predicament for all conceined.. Each of the, partiewcame Ito relate. .his story of the late political cam _paign iixiTennessee, and.ef the 'present tion of afthirs in that State, with the view, if 'possible, of getting the, President's sympathy. 'When they entered the Presidentwas engaged in eonstiltation with Secretary Rawlins. He imniediately recognized • the belligerents, however, and beckoned them to take a seat together on a sofa Neither, of them felt in -64441 to make such an approach 't . e.pabific don. Stokes sat down in. one part of the room and Brownlow and Noah in another. As soon as the President was through with his, War Minister, Stokes approached him, and after a few words of private conversation 'withdrew, leaving the field in the undisputed possession of Brownlow and his friend Noah: Brownlow at once opened the conversation 137 referring 'to the" rumors — abont athe President's interference in. Tennessee with regard to.„the election. The Presi dent, . said .he.had no more to do with the local affairs of Tennessee than he had with those of New York, and did not propose to in terfere. He recognized Governor Seiner as a Republican, and also. the Republicans who voted for. Senter, and he did not propose to re move any man otherwise competent, merely because fie.s.upported"Senter. Colonel Brown low referred to a speech made by Stokes in the canvass, wherein, he (Stokes) had said that the President Was :about to write a letter en dorsing Stokes and condemning Senter. The President replied that he had written no such letter, and had ;not authorized any person to make such a statement. He met Governor Senter, he said z in New York, and had a very pleasant interview with him. The 13rownlow party retired with the impression that the President did not propose to make a sweep o what Stokes mils - the " Senter renegades.' It appears that Stokes. 's private talk with the President during_ has trying • dilemma was for the purpose of arranging for a separate interview. This was granted, and late in the afternoon Stokes made his appearance at the White House for, the purpose of 'telling his version of the story. He occupied the President until it was time for the latter to start for the train. Stokes re counted all his grievances, repeated the story of the campaign as he had told it to your cor respondent about a IVeek ago, and assured the President that he was not-here for the pur pose of having officials renioved, but simply to secure protection to the Union men of Ten ! __nessee. The_President_liStened_ patiently—to all Stokes had to say, and then expressed the opinion that'Union men would be protected POLITICAL OPPRESSION. The Effect of .Walker's Victory. The facts set forth,. below can be substanti; .'iced by thcAttlidttivit. of the parties concerned; says the Richmond ,State Journal, and we pub 7 lisp them in order to show how thoroughly scone people are reconstructed, and how-tole rant they are of the political sentiments of their neighbor; • • A young Man belOngiug, to thepolite :'farce, iit - gOedinorat eliaraeter grid of intddulifed in tegrity, rented a small house on,Tacksonstreet a few .days since; and entered into a written contract with the -proprietor! 'The paper was signed by both parties, but Was still in posses lion of the latter. This morning the lessee put his furniture into 'several carts 'and con veyed it to the door of the house he .supPOsed he had rented. •- At ' the - doer' he Was confronted by the owner 'Of the' pro perty, who said : ‘! The - neighbors in form me, sir, that you voted for Wells for Governor?" ' Welli . sir, so I did. What . of • that?" returnett the policeman. " Well, just this: the neighbors don't want anybody who voted for 'Wells in thiS neighborhood, and no man who is a Radical shall ever live in a house of mine." "But,•sir, I have signed a contract, and I shall hold you to the bargain." " That for the contract," he said ; and tearing it up, be threw it into the street and slammed the door in the thee of his 'Would;bil tenant; that couldn't be. Let us have peace! • , Tliellen4ylVanialtegis, lature, in aa.eeent cession', 'Mealy increased the penalty for destroying a blackbird, robin, , or any other itisccteating birelittawenty-five dollars for each offence—one half .of the line' to go to the' informer,. and the other half to the county; ' ' - It cannot be denied'thatthe destruction for many autninns past of theso innocent and valuable attiliarieS.to atrieialtare is telling seriously on our crops.. - None :can. plead that this sulucct.does not concern'theat; for all are interested alike; and we..would appeal in all: kindness to' the'thoughtleSs and inconsiderate, who indulgellifthis•pefarious: pastime, to de ' silt therefroni. The Society Ter, 'the , PreVeti d - on of Cruelty :is, • determined-te enforce the law agtiiimt !gutineis,' and 'to this end handbills are liedtig-eirculateii.throughont the State,. offerlag'4l,reWard. for their arreSt and coa.yleti9n.'.' 1. • • •. • - S. IVEeitate W.Atx; President; • 4.k - 2 K.Pagejourruthst sap , tbet:llB' e lutir worn. by the la es of the_ gay capital would - malte pile as high as the Napoleon column. nirsAsimpak: LARGE FOE I ,IIEW YORK..; _ . A IrAttnbeinaraird and , Six lionises Burned -.4. Total: Loss or _ :11 4 28,tymk6kamtalued.. ' The N.Y. num; f 41,78 : • At• 4.16 , o'clock 'yesterday - afternoon the lumber yard of Russell Johnson; at the corner of•Broome and Tompkins streets, was fired by, two children. who had been carelessly playing with matches. The yard extended from Bropme = street along Tompkins"' 'street to - the rear" of a number -- of 7 1'fainello"tties tre - Mingaiitaaral . street, with a single house on Tompkins street, it _being'a three-story and: basement• , brick front and ; • ~, . - • nes were q cMy on the grolind, but the flames =continued to work their,, way through the lumber unchecked. Within a few moments from the time of the children's bonfire a great portion of the yard was in flames and the Tompkins street house had been ignited. A little later and the lire reached the roof of No :SJO Grand street, and thence spread to Nos. 508, 598/, GOO and 802, all old two-story., frames, except the last, which was three stones high and in tolerable con dition. The Tompkins'street house was almost entirely destroyed, and of the' Grand street houses the roof of Vo. 15.. was buined, and the others Were so ndarly destroyed as to be uninhabitable. After a vigorous contest of more than .two hours, the Firs•DephrtMent got the flames under control and finally ex tinguished them. The houses injured `and destroyed were of comparatively little value, and the occupants succeeded in saving so much of the' contents as to greatly lessen the losses. FRON , NEW YORK. .NEW Youx, Sept 2.—Forty-three dealers in kerosene oil were yesterday reported by the , Hoard of Health as selling a burning fluid - more dangerous and inflammable than gun- i , poWder, and their prosecution has been or=] tiered. The Commissioners of Emigration have in structed the General Agent at Castle Garden to inquire into the alleged cruel treatment of an emigrant by a policeman. Two young' girls were imprisoned in Ho boken, yesterday, for attempting to commit Lawrence Graham, the principal witness against "Reddy, the, Blacksmith," . was ar rested in Hudson city, on Tuesday, for threatening to take the life oflaoratin.gelson. A fine snow fell in this eity.yesterday. ._ _Martha Teddywas held- to answer-a chargp of high Way robbery - yeSterday. • He was arrested about three o'clock' in the morning by Officer Donnelly, 'at whom -he Arc& six pistol shots , before fns capture. The officer was unhurt. . , . . . It was . reported yesterday that recruits were being raised in this city for another Cuban ex pedition,whichis slibrtly to start from Halifax. A 'posse of the depiity marshaLs have received instructions to watch for the reported tilibus- AMVSEMENTS. - . Walnut —At the W Street Theatre, this even ing, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Watkins gill appear in the drama 'Kathleen Mwiourneen: This is a mighty pretty little play,and it ought to fill the houSil every ,night. It isby all odds the best that the :Watkinses baVe. yet lierfornied. • It has pathos, sentiment and a great deal of power, and the Wa.tkinse.s uncom monly well. We are glad . to see that the lov • - of Irish, drama are beginning (to find these actors out. The audience lastnight was larger than it ever been before, When the ad mirers of Irish plays become acquainted With Mr. and Mrs. Watkins We are sure they will become established favorites, . -The. Lydia Thompson burlesque troupe will perform the burlesque Sinbatl the &Nor lnd the tart% To ,Oblige Benson, at the Arch• this evening. .• —Carneross & Dixey's minstrels have re opened-the -NewEleventhrStreet Opera - lionse and are drawing crowded houses nightly. A number of new members have been added to the compny, and new attractions in the min strel line are promised. A first-rate" bill is offered for this evening, including a, number of novelties. —On Monday evening next the Ilichings English Opera Troupe' will . begin an engage ment of ten nights and two matinees at the Academy of Music. The initiatdry opera will be Fanzit. The following operaS will be given successively during the week: / Fra Diavolo, 11 Trovatore, Bohemian Girl, _Fra Diavolo, .31ari tana. Seats can be procured at TrumplerN 3lusic Store. . —The following . gentlemen have' been elected as officers of the Mendelssohn Society for the ensuing year. We congratulate th 9 Association_upon-the-character--of—the —Men- who are to carry it forward to complete suc cess : - - PrEsident-eolonehTames —Vice Presicient.§--ColsoleliTsguLTimuley_an Secretary—Paul Brower. • ' Treasurer—George W. North . Librarian—Philip. C. Ca;rlin— Musical DireetorJeaii Louis Pianist—Hugh A. Clark. : - The rehearsals of the Society will commence on 3Londay evening, September 20, in, the Na tatorium, on Broad street, below Waliant. of Singers. -- 77A , 7,CorreSpendent writes in reference, to ; the habits of operatic: singers referred to in the Pall Mall Gazette, that- from his long acquaint, mice with artists, native and foreign; he can testify as to, their moderation, both in eating and drinking,•whilst preparing for, or in the performance of, their duties. They dine early on the day they sing; they take as little as possible, and ',they receive very ferar visitors before they have to sing. " But then the suppers are- • ''something to see-their appetites - are after the evening's excitement.- As . a general rule they . take little or nothing between the aets,but some of them reqpire stringent stimulants. if not strong ones. • Malibran never sang better than when she had drank at least a pet of porter out Of a - pewter pot. The more difficult the music thelarger the quantity ; and the edd'aneedote related of her by Bunn, the Drury Lane .The atre lessee, that she could never delineate the thirst of the ,desert scene in. Balfe's Maid of Artol4 except Mae:hada quart of porter. „con-. cealed behind the sand moinid„ is quite authentic Urtsi . drank always bettleSof Diiblit'Stont';'betWeeillhe , aets; and hadit she -to - sing - a - 'Minty - Character • the: dose was strengthened. French Singers pre fer 'On sucr&e the Spaniards take ;strong cups of ',chocolate, followed .by , glasses of• water sugarett; and, 'lemoned., The Germans are L described in the Vienna papers pretty cor rectly- ':' :The . ItalianS like eggs befit up simply or With wine. `,The' centmental singers 'are certainly more careful, find. abstemious than the English' in ''their 'dietary arrangenients. , Many, native artists with noble voices have: been ruined in health and:vitiated in style:by singing at:o!orpiAblic dinners."' . , , The young ladies of Dover,Wayne,county, Aldo; have ;formed a society,. , for the rodemp tionior, gdang men whose habits do 13,6 p suit than, m pledging themselves . not to reenive the attention; of an ,j7oting matt 'that'' Swears, stnokts i choWs; loafs on the street carnerS, or The amount of "sitting up witht,the girls", done in, that region , since , the speletv went into operation is "nothing worth speak ing of.”. 11n igitationin iltver of "suspending for tiVp, evenings 4. week 19 wt , petted ' • • .~ , Fi. L. FETHERSTON. 'Pablister: PRIOgIiffit,WOENT4, . • •••.' ••' ' i , • 'Avis Atfira 1r.AM.4711?5,; • Good nut crop this yearisdotible t,hitt • of-lint year. ---Prim and Murfori Wit' the Other'tfit:y "on • the public prorrienade Vichy. • ' —There is a • hand-orgait factory liit! 434•rati$1 Rapids. Michigan. " • • • • ' • —A matrimonial broker has put out his sign in. Memphis. • . • • • -One Coroner in Chicago has held three Hundred inquests in the last nine months.. . • writ, spoTt—in—Cimahn--eortslshtTitizz-.- - diTting a ; "teamof geese harnessed to a wash tab: =Napo) olerarth - e - Tlnnt smoicee annually. from. fifteen hundred to two thousand franca'. worth of cigarettes. • • • —A couple announce ,their . marriage; and add to, the notice ".No cards;.nor 'stoney, to get them" .A —There is a phredolegist"iii . .T.Aadon ivho don tell the contents - of a toarielhy.examining to head. • - • . ".• •". , • • . . . • . • —A . Califorrda justice sent to jail a boy five years old for bathing in the bay cordatry to the city ordinance. • . t, —The Italian papers predietthaVVlctorlks • uninnel •will be very. coldly received lir Tariff, where he will arrive in September. • —Offenbach has gone out of fashion:gout:en pletely in Paris / that,the • managers who, pay him large sums for .his operas are rapidly losing —A peasant in the 'Black Forest to have invented a nenekind of marl, which an swers all the purposes,and' made ' for • —bfr. George Train his aimidle' be an object ur•a subject of reportorial interest to California scribes. From tentolcitims their givehim tw•o lines. -• . • . . • —There is. in Germany' not a single daily paper that has a four-cylinder press, except. the .Koelnische Zeilung. All Berlin dailies are printed on small presses. , • • . —Jenny Lind has hecome,qUite poor. lier buil:land has squandered most of her fortune. It is thought that she ;will open' , School for opern-singers in Paris. ' • • —A Mobile negro mother-in-law whaled her son-in-law with an iron bar because he would not buy her a new dress and a Pair of ear rings. These mothers-in-law are dangerous. --It is stated that one hour' after the gas of London is lighted the air is ' deoxidized as. much as if 300,000 people had been added to. -the-population, -:During a sudden flood at- Wolcottville, Conn.,. recently fish were caught in the stree ts and gardens.o ne mau caught a large pick erel in his 3rard. Several dams were , carried. away by th e flood.. , The Society for the PielientiOn of Cruelty Animals; on 'Tuesday night, the tire at Broad and Coates itreetslit •is said) tried t& iorrest-the • progress of the liameis for burning lobes. ; . ••,; • : '=An attempt is =Mpg tehreak thelitleof a large Swhe'coldny to the • lands which were purchased for them in Grundy county,. Ten nessee, and there is danger that they may bo swindked out of their farms. . • • —Presiding Elder Peter Cartwright is to be the cause and complement of a general ISfetho -dist jubilee; this fall, out in linnets. The pro vocation is his fiftieth annual incumbency of the office he now•holds: • --A sanguine Englishman proposes to ex plore Mount Ararat, bring home theark and place it in the Crystal. Palace •ground; as a reeeptaele'for the remains of extinct animals. —A recent French biographer of King William the First, of Prussia,; asserts that never sat a more moral king on the throne of a great country, and that all the stories about his - lifrve.allifirs with Ida Pellet and other balletgirls are base inventions. • —The debtors of Prince Napoleon have lately_become_sa clamorous-that, in -order-to , satisty*their demands, he has even mortgaged his famous property at Porto Ferrago, on the island of Elba, where Napoleon the First re, sided 133 1 1814 and 1815. . , —Alfred A. Hart is painting - the scene at the driving of the, last spike ot the trans-conti nental railways. The central figure, Rev. John. Todd, troubles the painter. To be truthful of it is to be unartistic. To be artistic is to be untruthful. It is - proposed to leave Mr Todd —The Papal Nuncio has addressed a severe admonition to the Archbishop of Cracow for having applied the term "demons"to the jail ors of - the nun Barbara Nbrylt. He immedi ately, expressed his. regret that Ids feelings haft led him to apply injurious terms to the "pious sisters." ' ' , • —A Paris correspondent writes: "The mar riage season was set - in with extreme severity. The English 'keep one chaplain constantly in - Ilikzobes_;.aititil-SAKAnwmarv,-,yßung,-ilatlioB.=== they are married by scores, and ; indeed, lido single bythe - entl August"-, • . • —While Napoleon was at St. Helena the master of a vessel arriving in Boston reported . that the inland had. sunk ind, all the.mhabi tants Ivere drowned. There was a great ex citement'at the news, and rejoicing an some circles. It proved that the slupniaster had lest his reckonin&, and hence he touldnotland'at St. Helena as usual. • • • • —The Augusta, Georgia, (MnstitttlioiialistAs hopeful for the South. 11" We have:-to . thank our Northern, brethren. ~for ruins and ashes. But in the- iliinsno, :bats and owls g gibber to the moon, croonin over. a. Solitude which hasno hope, and beneath the aSheti Our :Indent tires are still mive and still immort all aglow" ,y. , • . . •• . • - A oung man Of. respectable appearance recently applied to a polico, magistrate In Paris to obtain 'him an' entry - into 'a' lunatic asylum, as he could not withAttuul the tenipta tion to strangle every child. lie!. %He was a teacher in a large 'school, and - althougli be had succeeded so far he.deciared,Watterly im possible to, keep his hands off'. the, children under his charge for the future: . —A Itussian Prince has written a biography of the late Czar Nicholas, in which lie relates the' following aneedote. The 'lf.lroperor,(or-- tiered a review, muly in Vito of the entreaties of his doctor, insisted on ,Fitling,flsrth in the Told. Evan when he ivas in the Courtyard or his :palace, Dr, lirandt renewed his eukaina tiong; and begged His 3ln t iesty atleastio thrbw a cloak ever him. = 'The Czar remained deaf to -,- - everywarning.-!,!Sire; younre ilt-it-will-„-ba-,-,---- your death;" and at .last, "Sire, it lii ,siticide you are about to commit"., At this, expestn lation,:Xieholas turned sliarply;and aske9ihis. physician ,by what authority he - 'ventuVed - :to scrutinize his thoughts." He held his reidetr, got a chill, and expired after' 4 'sheit - illneetf.- - - - —Extraortlinary'seeneS in a graveyard 'Aro reported from Belfast; :Ireland: Th s e - Privy Council had ordered the closing iiif Mei Shank hill burying-gromul, except wherwtheter.ticitild be seven feet of earth left above., eactliirselonn, for two days, until a late hour ,at ,vighV, a number of persons, to , evade this order,, took possession of the graveyard, anti, dlatilte#ed' the remains from, the civererciWcled ,gralges- , Their ohjectwaS to sink the rave so k ddept as to enable theta to - reinter the coffins, and still retain the right of- sepulttire in the particular spot. The scene. Was , of the ' . most dreadful character ; corpses iwall,atageepidecomposi tion were lying, aheati Aug even undecaed shrouds. ne, Atn,yor :ultimately, with a police force, appettred,„ and - having conViriced„he • ,People tlmt 'they . were., acting. illegally, ' the,: , - '.. graved Were covered up again. ' ' ' • ‘,. -74. • vt.4> =in=ltil le!tii,..;l63l , ;'*qy !-,ra. EOM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers