BITINESS NOTICES.'- Meta *marker & CO.'S Philadelptia • BRAND, SQUARE AND UPEIGI Are 'universally acknowlt.dged to be the "best iestru sentelyande, and have been awarded .the highest pre •neesemg Mali the principal Exhibitions ever held in the *wintry. • Our extonstve facilities for, manufacturing *sable to offer Peat indaremente. Gall at our. beau signkyyueerooms,..No. 1103 CHESTNUT, street, and ex amine COT f•NtenFlre stock of Superior R o sewood Pianos. P. S. THE BURDETT ORGAN. We have socumd the agency for the sale tt the cele *rated .Ptrelett Organ. :lt has no rival. The superiority ~{these instruments over all others is so , great that we •Aallrnge contradiction. Call and examine theta before partiaising elsewhere. Tht 'Grand 'Piano soleeta by Mrs. Lincoln for the Whits House, eight - years ago, is now at our Warerooms .a exhibition, where it will he shown to any one having a tie4tiro to see this historic relic. N. Hilfr- New and second hand Pianos to rent. Tim ing aid moving promptly attended to. Send for Descrip tive Circular.' - • . SCIIOMACKER PIANO )l'F'G CO" th stf • 1103 CHESTNUT Street. Steck dr. Co.?s and Haines Bros?. ,Pianos, , Baton a Hamlin's Cabinet and Metropoitan Organ,, with 'VOX HUIIIBIIO. *- • • J. E. GOMA), mbar-r to th No. 923 Chestnut street. a rrtrate Letter from ji.Ntr ct * * Although the eruption is not in) violent sew, the vefeano is a fearful sight to behold. The rivers of laya still flow, and the smoke from the crater ascends is awful majesty. During this volcanic upheaval it has been Very sickly here. A peculiar sort of low millarions fever, which has grown out of the foul, condensed vapors of the volcano, has prevailed to an alarming extent, and at one time it was leered it would depopulate the island. lint fortnnately, a sea-captain (calling ere for supplies) olieributed PLANTATION }JITTERS to t e suffering, and quick :and thorough • cures werethe in suit,- news • spread like wild-fire. Messrs: Cliing-Takin & Co., Commission Merchants, had theso Bitters for sale. In a short time their office was besieged and their supply exhausted. A- steamer was dispatched to San Francisco by order of the Hospital Department, and a new and enormous supply obtained as 'non asliossible. From that moment the scourge was otaittl„ Not another fatal case occurred, and the epi den& bas now entirely' disappeared * * * Is tide wonderful remedy known in your city ? I hope so, fowit is a sure cure for all feverstual miasmatic sickness. You srity tell your friends so for me. n. m. MAGNOLIA WATER—SUperiOr to the best imported Ger m/tan Cologne, and sold at half the price. jel-tuthis3t§ Magan's Magnolia Balm. Tide article is the True Secret of Beauty. It is what Fashionable 'Ladies, Actresses and Opera Singers use to 'produce that snitivated distingue appearanco so. much admired in the Crucleti of Fashion. It removes all unsightly Blotches, Redness, Freckles, "Jan; 'Sunburn and ',Effects of Spring Winds, and gives to the Complexion a Blooming Purity of transparent delicacy and power. No Lady who values a tine Co mplex km can do without the 'Magnolia Balm. 76 cents will bsy it of any of our respectable dealers. , Lyoa's Kattairon is a very delightfdl hair Dressing. myls s to th lin Albrecht, RIF.KES te SCHMIDT, Manufacturers of FIRST , CLASS AGREFFE : PLATES PIANO FORTES Warerooms, ' •' No. 610 ARCH Street, ralliletutbain§ Philadelphia. The Weber Pianos, 'Ned entirely by "'Madame Parepa.” Kellogg," .IdiFs Topp," Messrs. Mills,' Sanderson, Patter sten, Ole Bull, Hopkins and othergreat artists. - For sale only byJ. A. GETZE, apll N ,w tf 1102 Chestnut street. Conrad Meyer, Inventor and Manufac turer of the celebrated Iron Frame Piano, has received the Prize 3fedal of the World's Great E xhibition,'Lcin- Ilan, England. The highest prizes awarded when and wherever exhibited. Warerooms, 722 Arch street. Es tablished 18Z3. myi s,m,w 3rnij fteinVays Pianos received the highest award (first gold reiniall at the_lnternational Exhihition, Paris, 1861., See Official Report, at the Wareroom of BLASJUS BROS No. 1009 Chestnut street. The ChiCkerhig Pianos received the littlest award at the Paris Exposition. 1867. DUTTON'S Warerooins, 914 Chestnut street. EVENING BULLETIN. tirday, Italie 5. 1569. • ET' Persons leaving the city for the sum mer, and .wishing to have the EVENING Bur: XETIN sent to them,,will please send their ad- Areas to the office. Price by mail, 75 cents per A MEAN DESPOTISM. A few-weekii ago a son of 'Frederick Doug. lass applied for admission to the Printers' Union in Washington, and was refused upon theiround of his color. As by this injustice be was prevented from practising his trade in private offices, the government gave him work in the face of the protest of the Union. During the present week two negroes who had fought tliroughout the war, were appointed to do bricklaying in the Washington Navy. Yard. The Union declined to admit them into its fel lowship, sand their, because they were not arembers,±rthe white-bricklayers refused to work with them. In this case, also, the gov ernment declared its purpose to stand by the negroes,-to protect their rights and to assert its own right to employ whatever workmen it thought fit: 'LeaVing Out of the question the matter or color, it was quite time that some test cases had been made to prove to the Trades Unions of this country that they are not supreme in their Control of the labor market. We are glad that the goVernment, with its great strength, has determined to attempt a settlement of the qUestion. All of these men were good workthen who had learned their trades in spite of tbrinidable obstacles with which white men are Meyer confronted. They have a clear: and absolute right to earn their bread by the practice of their respective arts, and no power on this earth has any moral or legal authority to interline with them while thili conduct themselves uprightly. • The Trades Unions el alio the power to deprive a Mao of theaight to work unless he gives them his allegiance. They say to a free American citi zen: You must submit to laws enacted by us; you - mist pay tribute to our treasury; you must obey our orders at all times. or else you will be persecuted relentlessly, and have the bread taken from the mouths of your children. we will ruin you if you do not wear our collar on your neck. This is the meanest and liitiebede4 form of tyranny. It is disgrac:Ahl that such a system should exist in a free land. 'We do not see. how any man who retains a article of self-respect - can • stoop to the degra dation of membership with such organizations. In some respects a Trade Union might be Isseful as a simple combination for protection from grinding task masters, or as a beneficial society. But when it ostracises and , attempts destroy men who, in the exercise of an un questionable right, choose to act independently and sell their labor for their own price, it is a nuisance and a crime, and every honest man should treat it as such. If employers would combine also, they might stamp out these atrocities. As it is, the latter have the upper band, and to-day, half the newspapers in the _country are afraid to - utter ,I;word against them because the Unions 'really control their publi cation. That is what it amounts to. The Union says to an employer: 'You shall hire our men and pay them our price; you shall engage, no other been: you shall only somany apprentices; and if we choose to impose other terms beside, you must submit to them, or we will withdraw your workmen and destroy you. Thus Trades Unhnis not only care for their menthe)* but they enter the establishments of private hull vidttalS, and interfere With their. business: This is inSitileiably iosolent, and not to be borne. A Trade Union, has. no more right to meddle With a man's .private business than it has to seleet, for his wife, and conipe; Mimi to toarry her. .134,1)oviie0:q aspect of this subject is by imitneans unimportant. The • Trades Unions . .SaY to artisans: You Must join us or yofi shall not. work. put to some good workinen they say: You shall not enter our ranks, and be eatise you do 'iiot, you shall riot have employ ment. This 'is infinitely more villainous; and its iniquity is not lessened becaiise the tabooed men are black, negrO is as much entitled to . a Chante to win bis hread as a white man. 1410 body ever asked that he should have more than an equal chance 'giVeri. him. If he can, succeed then, he cleserves all that success will bring hint. ' If be fails, he alone must bear the consequences. The Trades' Unions begin by assuming that he is an interior being, mid then they refuse , him the position from if their: theory : was true, he would soon tall by his own weight. Their actions' contradict their Words. We have a right to believe, from their conduct, that they are afraid to perMit the negro to compete with them. Mom likely than either, this oppoSition comes frOm the old slave-born , prejudice: gainst the simple color of the hegro'S skin. If so, it. ridiculous. The time MS Come •to lay aside that bigotry forever. The pro-slavery people, for years, have been accusing the blacks of in d4ence, and yet :they have t dosed all the triideS and the learned professions to them, and denied them eVerY opportunity to rise 'above the level,of manual laborers. Now we want all the avenues to success thrown wide open to this race, that,without favor or opposition,they may come in and show of what stuff they are made., mid whether there is any foundation for these libels. No right-minded editor, cler gyman, lawyer, physician, or man of science* will object to giving intelligent and skilful ne groes a place hi their ranks, or a desk hn their offices. Many have done so, and with :the hest results. - The' mechanics must do likewise, and conseM to work side by side with these men, who are freemen and citizens of a, free land, and who are as well entitled to the largest liberty in the selection of their trades, and their places of labor, as the Wisest and best white man in the 7 . %nptry. Every true man will rejoice that PrOident Grant and his offi cers have taken this proper ground and deter wined to protect the black laborer. , As Re publicans, not more than as Americans, they "were pledged to just such a course. We hope they will stick to their determination, and if the Trades Unions make any violent opposi tion, order that no num who belongs to any such despotic orgaikation shall be employed in any government position throughout the country. We xvaut some bold action of this kind to strip these petty tyrants of their mis used power. A Delaware correspondent of the Press thanks that journal enthusiastically for "the heavy blowS you are dealing the barbarous' and inhuman laws which debase us in the eyes of the wise and virtuous." This is nei ther just nor true. The Press never yet hail a reporter present at any of the public flog gings in the yards of Delaware priSons, and it never contained twenty consecutive editorial lines denonneing the cruel and brutal system of punishment by the pillory and the lash. In . November last,•the BULLETIN contained the first original description of the proceed ings at the whipping post ever published in a Philadelphia newspaper, and since that time it, together with the Telegraph, bas fought the battle for decency and humanity without as sistance from any other of our city contempo raries. Although we intend to have the credit for urging this reform, We do not state these facts for our own glorification, but rather for the purpose of fitstening upon other Reptibli can papers of this city the shame of having kept silence in the presence of stich a . mon .strous iniquity. The Age follows up our exposure of the li" iipon William Penn, and repro duces its editorial of March 81st, to prove that it had shown up this stale slander two months ago. We may add that the BULLETIN antici pated the Aye's article by an editorial on March 30th, giving all the facts of the case, and ex ploding Victor lingo's Silly story. The Academy of Fine Arts. The exhibition at the Academy of Fine Arts goes down with sorrow to the grave to night: The enterprise has had less pecuniary success, we believe, this season, than almost ever before. The pleasant custom, observed habitually in former years, of opening the galleries to the people at half price during the final week, has now been abandoned. The exhibition has been arranged without the cooperation of Philadelphia artists, only one Or two of the better-known among our painters athmling it any support worth men tioning. The Directors were therefore forced to collect any pictures that came to hand, and have shown their want of tact by tumbling in a quantity of • paintings that everybody had just seen gratis at a neigh boring store. Under these circumstances the citizens of Philadelphia, whose noses are less tractable than people think, have not been led to patronize the show; and even the honest Pennsylvanians from the interior, v4v i in old use and wont hasdrawn Into the ticke have dared the perils of free-thinking, and have been doubting the remunerative quality of the investment. Our whole record shows the position of courtesy and indulgence which we desire to maintain toward the Academy. When we have pointed out the errors of its manage ment, it has been in a spirit of the truest friendship. And we have never for a moment excused the follies of the artists who have striven by low means to take the remedy into' their own hands. But the best friend of this venerable institution must see that to preserve it in efficiency and life an infusion of new blood is necessary. An election of officers is held on Monday, and it is the serious duty of those members of the Board whose avocations binder their conscientious attention to its in:. terests, and of those who feel fatigued with long harnesswearing, to consider what course on their part would best renew the youth of the corporation. During the exhibition we have studietudy re frained from saying anything which could compromise its pecuniary success, even fail ing, perhaps, in our duty as candid reporters to the public in our desire to spare the insti tution which had such old claims on our ,re gard._ Now, the truth cannot affect the coffers of the academic treasury Tier their depletion lie at our -charge, and the truth anay_tend to point Oft success for year. The aliena tion of the artists from their Alma Mater is almost complete. These Who openly quarrel with it 'are Uttering very rude truths indeed, and • those who are inost polite towards it are found to to have uo Pictures by thee' which are suitable to coil TIIE DAILY EVENING' BULLETINTIIILADELPHIA; SATIIRDAY 4 :3IINE 5;480. :'aik , , , tribute to its displays. If there is a lower deep than the management have reached this year, it must be; absolute estrangeMent aricta corn-, plete diversion of the Academy from the Pur poses contemplated it •it fOrniation. And, though :we do,' not consider the artists. of this place lit to nufintain . suCcessfrillya rival' Corn bination; • *o think the ,ACkideray'S' Clearly- • marked task for 'the . coniing vyear; is to win , back the recusants at almoStr . anY sticrifide, and' to constitute herself: that nother of artiste. whickshe vaa'etettted to 134:- . L-As ;postscript toi - the above, We would cat at the 4.easi erny. The earl literature of the institution during the last'lew yearsafferilti, Matter for quite a leading article, from the Sympathetic. appearance and disappearance : of - certain of ticial names on the tickets; 'and the colored stamps which divide Vann ihto;fiejces, to, the cards which ought to exist and ,do . not, and c ice servo. .Bailly's bronze; one: of the most inwortant ,contributions,' was never Cam, logued, although the exhibition committee expected it, and it had no card. To otiset this omission, a card marked "sold!' , .Was attached to a great foreign picture vended in Newlrerk by . Kmedler: Why? A German picture, a very bad one, was ticketed "for Why? The catalogue explains that objects on sale are indicated in a particular way on the list: to distinguish a low Dutch painting from; all the native works that are equally seeking a market, and to trumpet: 'the Selling of: a pictUre elsewhere by an eXpert beeause the Academy could boast no success of its . oWn as an exchange; were acts equally trilling :and invidious: ,'' They seem to us 'like the alts of: sonie young person, with great temper and great inexperience. They must be the work of tile same Mr, Toots who was leaving his cards all shout last season, and who - printed then, so large that they competed with the showiest paintings. Those cards of last ye:ar were devoted ;to the attempt to drag the. public into a eontreVetsY which should; not have been .thn!, admitted to have two sides. An institution Ofimere ad vanced decorum would then have hastened to cover its walls with objects of art, not with appeals; just as it would this year have avoided the effort to appropriate" Mr. Knuidler's sales to its own - credit, or to advertise so coarsely any sales at all, or to throw native competitors into the 'shade by'bolstering somebody's band picture in thig, bhatantl~vay Let the dadenty mend'is.rt%*ien, or this cat dia: affoton will ,rove fatal. . . Buinting, , Dairborow Aettoneerm, NOs. 232 suet 234 :Market steed, will hold, during next week. t he tallow lug important sales, by catalogue : On Monday une 7, at Ri o'clock, on tour months' cre dit, ; , 00 lot,, HAIL imported Dry Goods, including lines black and colored Moliairs, Alpacas, Lewis, Poplins, Fancy 100 pieces elegant Dress Silks, Sittim4. fie.; Shawls, Cloaks, Ribbons, Flowers, Crapes, Dre- , 8 TrifilMiligs, Gloves, White Goods, Ildkfs., Ties, Balmoral wit Beep Skirts, Eitibroideries'Umbrellas, Parasols, Fans. &c.; also, an attractive. ntl special sale areal and Llama Lace Goods, fresh goods in the richest patterns imported. .„ ON TuEsnAv, June Stk. at 10 o'clock, OD four mouths' credit. I cases boots, shoes, bats, straw goods, &c. TIIVItsDAY, June Mt hait o'clockaat four months' credit. 7On packages and lots of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, including Cloths, Cassimeres,. Doeskins, Tricots, Meltons, Italians, Satin de Climes, Drap d'Ete, &c. Also. Dress Goods, Silks, Shawls, Linens, Hosiery, Gloves. Shirt and Prawers,White oodti, Handkerchiefs, Ties, Balmoral and Hoop Skirts. Umbrellas, Para sols. &v. A 15.0,. 150 pnckages Dome,tie, Cotton and Woolen fond,.- ON 1 , II FDA v, June 11, at 11 o'clock, on four mouths credit, about 200 pieces ingrain, Yvnitian, List, Minn I 'otta ite and Rug Carpet ingvi /O EN) rolls Cantonliattingr4 Oil elotlw, &e. . , T. A. 31.011ellaml, Auctioneer, . 1210 ('het nut et ['Ceti trill hold the following sales during the coming week : On lloNuAtt blonNiNG,inne 7th, at 10 o'clock, on the premises, 1810. North Thirteenthtrect, the lautdsonte three-etory prick lteHidence and entire 'household fur nishment. higt-chnqi oil painting 7-octave 'piano (by Schomarker). . * OD I;DNEi+DAY MORNING, June 9th, at 10 o'clock, on premiers, 4.50 York avenue, the entire household fur ili:huien t 73 1 ;.-ortave piano{ by Raven & Bactut). On FRIDAY MORNING, June Mal. at the Auetion toonis,l2l9 Chest nutetreet , new and second-hand House told Furniture, Asc. Auction Sales of Valuable Real Estate. s A. Freernan?s catalogues of the sale next W.,' nes day are nom ready. They capt a in a list of Pery valuable rent estate. rtround rusts, small houses, to he peremptorily sold by throw al Court, executors and others. D - - - E.• It: F. THOMAS,. THE LATE OPE; tutor at the 'Colton Dentai kesoattionOs now the on;y one in. Philadelphia whe,desotes his entire time and -practice to extracting teeth, nbsidutely without pain, by fresh nitrous oxide' vie. 13111eei No. 1027 Walnut streets. nths-Iyrp§ CIOLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION ORA' ginated the amewthetic ume of NITROUS OXIDE, OIL LAUGHING GAS, And devote their whole time and practice to extracting toih without pain. °thee, Eight!, and Walnut Rt met 4. a y JOHN CRUMP, BUILDER, 1731 CHESTNUT STREET, and 213 LODGE STREET. Mechanics of every branch nNmired fur 1)0mm-building and fitting promptly furnished. fel:7-tf HENRY PHILLIPPI, CARPENTER AND BUILDER 140. 1023 SANSOM STREET, PHILADELPHIA. • POSTS AND RAILS, POSTS AND RAILS, all styles. Four-hole, square and half round punts. Shingles—Long and short, heart and sap. 10,000 feet first common boards. Shelving, lining and store-fitting material made a spe cialty. NICHOLsON'S, myfi-tfrp Seventh and Carpenter streets.. fl WARBURTON'S IMPROVED, VEN ,4O-1. Mated and easy-fitting Dress Hats patented lin all the approved fashions of the 'season. (Alestunt street, next door to the Post-Office. ucti-tfrp WEDDING AND ENGAGEMENT Rings of solid IS karat fine Gold—a specialty; a full assortment of sizes, and no eh:LEO for engravbig etc. FARR & BROTHER, Milkers, my24-rp tf, 224 Chestnut street, below Fourth. PLUMBING, GAS AND STEAM FlT tingt, in city or country done in the best manner, promptly, at fair prices. Gas Fixtures, Terra Cotta Pipe, and Plumbers' materialgenerally, furnished at Manufacturer s rates, by SAMUEL W. LEINAU, rayl2 Prim,rp* 11l South Seventh street. CAEN U INE RIO TAPIOCA, WITH FULL NJ directions for use. Fresh Bethlehem, Canada and Scotch Oatmeal. Pearl Sago, Hardn• Farinaceous Food, Reel - U.1(.1a, Cox's Gelatine, Caracas Cacao and other Die. tetics. For side by JAMES T. SHINN, S. W. cur. Broad and Spruce streets. apl3 tf rp O YOU USE TREGO'S TEABERRY D Tooth-Wash—the celebrated T. T. T.r is now the question of the day. All who desire to preserve the teeth, and have a liweet, pure breath, eertnialy do. Sold by the proprietor, A. WILSON', Ninth end Filbert Btrrets, and by all druggists. toy ly-tp MAGAZIN DES DIODES. 1014 WALNUT STREET. MRS.-PROCTOR. Cloalts, Walking Suits, Silks, Dress Goods, Lace Shawls .Ladies' Underclothing and Ladies' Furs Diesseirnade to ntetiatiro in Twenty-four Hours. THE MOUTH ANDITHE TEETH. DR. J. DR HAVEN WRITE'S . Name and standing in Medical Dontiotry are a guarau tee fur the I , :llicacy of whatever he Pre scribes for the Mouth and Teeth. Thereat demand for the preparations made from his formula has induced many pertains to sell their own preparations under 11111 name. To protect his reputation front suffering by this practice, and to secure the beet remedies fur his patients in regard to. Ile Lae taken legal measures to prevent his formula from being compounded by any other Chen/let or Drug gift in the United States but . As testified by the following certificate: "I hereby repudiate us grunions all tooth powders and month washes sold under my name, except those having my • signature on the Midi and compounded GUSTAVUS KTlAlTSE,Apothecary, N.W. cot , nee of TWELFTH and f.:II.IiSTN T streets, Philatleb Oda, who A LoNE holds my prescriptions, and is autho rized. to prepare the sums." J. DERAVENIVIIITE, . . AL D I). D. S. Beware of all "Mink" Tooth Butedera sub] wider Dr NV bite's name. 'A liberal tikcount on Om 'above preparatlonm will ho tondo to tho trade. zalO3•H m Worp§ . .. . . .. ._ eiPTTON.-203 BALES COTTON NOW NJ Modiog from Helmer J, W . . Evermon, and for Halo by COCllltrill, it lainaat A; CO,,Z2North Front tttrebtq NEW MEDICATED DENTIFRICE, MOUTH_ WASH AND GARHI.44 GUSTAVUS KRAUSE, APOTHECARY, N. W. son Twelfth and Chestnut rdrkets, Philadelphia LOTHING. T.11.4' NEW • _ ;SILMMER RESORT .Near otlland—Easy,of Aecess. Comfort for the Millions. Defiance, to the 11,4 TD' 6, lIUNTLVG AND RIDING SLIUT,c: NO IV OPEN FOR PUB SUMMER, andVering to the people, the B.EST , OF ACC() 4114110,D A 710 Nfi • at the LOWEST OF CHARGES. GREAT 0 AK,HALL; THE SUMMER RESORT; • - most pivillar with Philociolphi«its;Nsitect by »tore Own either CAPE MAY OR 'ATLANTIC CITY. Be sure you take "OAK BALL" in 'Our trip is season. WibTAMAEER ct BR 0 WY. EDWARD P. KELLY, TAILOR, • S. E. cor. Chestnut and Seventh Sts. Choice Goods for Present Season. In daily receipt of New and Staple Spring Goods. THE SECRET OUT! HOW TO HAKE A HAPPY HONE . . Make your home happy ;. Deck is, with flowers; Spend there your brightest And merriest hours. Make it NO pleagant With laughter and song, That all yoUr affairs. Will move briskly along. Make your home happy ; See that your girls Have plenty of bonnets, And ribbons; and curls. To perfect your happiness, ' Add to your joys, By getting good clothing ' For all Of your boys. 2 - lonic will be happy. . . Whenlather looks nice, Clad in new garments, .Atmodcrate. price.. Homo will be happy . 'When .boys, one and all, Are dntssed in fine clothing From GREAT BROWN HALL Introduce happiness into your families, gen tlemen, when you ,ain be, happy-, so, easily! Bring your boys, and come yourselves. For the Springilaiinent IS moving oirrtipidly, and the Stimmer Biiiment is ready for your examination. It Abr . & us great plea Sure to show yoU the gooda. It will afford you a ebrrespOnding pleasure to buy them. ROCKHILL & WILSON, Great Brown Stone Hall, 603 and 605 CHESTNUT Street. OGDEN & HYATT, TAILORS, Mo. 827 ARCH STREET. LATE WITH WANAHARER & BROWN All the novelties in Fine Goods, which will be made to Order in a style tinSur. passed, and upon moderate terms. myll th s Sul 1-p§ THE FINE ARTS. GREAT NOVELTIES IN - Looking Glasses, PICTURE FRAMES, bc., Atc. New Chromos, New EngraVings. EARLES' . GALLERIES, 816 CHESTNUT STREET. WENDEROTH, TAYLOR. & BROWN'S old Established Photographic Portrait Gallery. e fo r ol f , u lp. 4 7 101 1 i i di tl i i i c e e i t e l , ia N g V i i d t : l ito l uoo . o o: li t r tt ~ beet to • work. A new . private ...:-, ' %;,;,,,,w, sit , s ,B FikLe frrn Room La ,`-: ~,, •• .- .. f? the Opi r , r ;l B l B tiU All the refinements or Photography, Ruch 'us Ivorytypeß," "Minla-I three on porcelain, ---- "Opa/otYpOß,”tlui "New Crayons!' originated with this establiehnient. WENDEROTH, TAYLOR & BROWN, 914 cifiEsTxur STREET. . np27 to th $ 2.6tro§ . • 14.4..svAr_irarnE9k GALLERIES OF THE ARTS, • 1125 Chestnut Street. , • Always on Fnnt: Exhibition and for sale, Fine an, Original Oil Paintings. complete stock on hand of old and now Engravings, Ehromon, French Photograplin,Looking Glannes,Artin& Ac. , On Special Exhibition—Admission 25 cents,—"Tho Princesn,of Horocco," by Lecompto, of Paris; "Bearing Homo the Sheaves," by Veron, of Paris, with other rare and great works of art. • myl3l rp§ MONEY - TO ANY._ AMOUNT —, LOANED UPON DIAMONDS,. WATCHES, JEWELRY, PLATE, CLOTHING at - $ • e :JONES k CO.'S OLD-ESTADLISHED LOAN OFFICE, Corter of Third mid (MO' etrouta, Below Lombard. M N. D.—DIAMONDS, WATCHES,JEWELRY, GUNS kc., REbIARKFATL',I, LE AT • x LOW PAIOEB, niv24lnarpi S. W. CORNER NINTH A th tll FINE CONFECTIONS Pivprietors STEPHEN F. WHITMAN, No. 1210 Market Street. ins-Strn TO THE DEAF. GRAND OPENING ON MONDAY, JUNE 7, OF EAR-INSTRUMENTS TO ASSIST THE HEARING. , In every variety and of the moat approved eouotrite tion t at, P. MADEIRA'S, 115 Tenth Street . , beton , Chestnut. irs.7rrn; FOUND AT LAST! A BURGrLAII-PROOF SAFE. TYork Democratic PreFl3, June 4th. The First National Bank, on Tuesday, pineed in their vault one of MA.TIVIINT & CO.'S Chrome Iron Spherical Burglar which wa.s purchased from their agent, Mr. Hervy Herman, formerly of this place. The safe was'sold to the bank subject to such test as the Directors saw lit to put it to. They invited machinists and others to try their hands at safe-breaking and boring. The Bank employed MAJon, one of the best ma chinists in this section of the country, to The Major, with the assistance of his son, spent several hours in preparing his drills and tools, and having secured a strong leverage, - Went to work and after entirely using up his drills, and hardly making an impression on the safe, gave his opinion tied drilling through in side of two weeks was out of the q nestinn. The safe was then attacked with heavy sledges. Messrs. SMALL, BILLMEVIM & Co., were called upon for three of their best who were furnished with heavy sledges. After placing the klafe in the middle of the side --wallv,--they—rommeneed--Whaeking- away—in regular forge style, dealing blows that Nvere lieard for squares, but with no effect on the safe. It may be imagined with what strength they dealt their blows, when they were sulli ( ient to crack the sledges and render them i seless. The trial created quite an excitement nd all were satisfied that a BURGLAR-PROOF SATE HAD AT LAST THESE SPHERICAL SAFES MARVIN & CO., No. 721 Chestnut Street, GEORGE C. BOWER, - OF SIXTH AIID VINE STREETS, Opened His New . Drug Store, No, 46,6 CHESTNUT STREET , Under the Western Bank, This (Saturd4) Morning, June 5, with a full and complete assortment of FRESH MEDICINES, English, French and American Per fumery and Fancy Ankles, Suitable for Ladies' and Gentlemen's 'Toilet Mr. BOWER alO also make a specialty In menufac turing.SODA WATER on the latest improeti principle, which insures to lovers of this refreshing and healthful beverage freedom frontal' apprehensions of impurities. SYRUPS manufactured from the j Hirt of the fro it only, Tale Artificial Waters of Vichy, Khisingen and Sara• toga :will he kept on draught, drawn front ice cold foun tains. No.. 406 C HESTNUT STREET, Under. the Western Bank. •• je3tf BIRD } TRAPS, FOR, PROTECTION OF your fruit anti fretiltlY-plaided Seeds, or for obtniu iug uninjured apeeiniena for ntuillug. For gale by Tit - MAN At SHAW, No. Niti (Eight 'Thirty-itho) Marizet street. below Ninth, Philadelphia.. SCHOLARS'. ULEIt S WITH PENCIL- Sharpeners attachit, cost but n trifle, and are very convenient; also, Scholars' Book-Clamps. for Hale, at TRUMAN & SHAW'S; No. 113 5 (Eight Thirty-live) Market street, below Ninth, • FOIL YACHTS, AWNINGS, AND LIGHT Hoisting, We have small sizes of iron tackle, piallevs and Line Cleets. TItVIItAN :1 SHAW, No; &'3! alight Tbirtyitive) Market-street, - li,Joir Ninth, Philadelphia. .1869. GET 'YOUR HAIR CUT AT GET 'YOUR by first-class . hair-eutters; I lair and Nvlllskees 'dyed. : Razors net in order, . Ladies end child rota hair cut. -Open tiOnday nairning:: No. 125 Exchange place. 1101 CLOSING 'OUT AN INVOICE OF French papers at. low prices, 75, sheets and 75 en etopes-in box at 75 cents. ',105.-2tg , \V.II. PERRT, 724 Arc It street. • - • .. . JAMS a - lEWI.IOIAD Sc 50N, , ,: , BILL DRONERS AND • t! , • DENI6DA I, FINANCIAL AGENTS., gb y 20 rp" ntiliCalTll tiE(IOND I:ITN:ENT ITQWYI;7-..:F:lN : ' : .s4j•: . .c : Q . ,': Wlrolesale and R,etail PAPER ITANGINGS,_ From 1117 Chestnut Street, to IVIIkELLANEOITS. Rare and Fashionable von SUMMER RESORTS. INTERESTING Proof Safes, "DRILL THE SAFE, IF POSSIBLE." BLACKSMITH STRIKERS, BEEN FOUND S!ECT=III Masonic Hall, Philadelphia. 265. Broadway, N. Y. lOS Bank Street, Cleveland, 0 ,e4-Gtrp§ REMOVED D C}IESTNUT STREETS. GROCERIES._ FINE GROCERIES FOR THE COUNTRY. Families Sppplied atthelk Sum Mer Homes Goods Carogully Packe,d for Transportation• MITCHELL & FLETCHER, 1204 CHESTNUT STREET. np2l YrP 'F4e and Genuin! ALBERT BISCUITS,, MACKENZIE &, MACKENZIE, Three Iliteuitm are Hu ppfied regularly to the Queen,tho Royal !'atoily, and the nobility of England. THOMPSON BLACK'S SON & CO.; Broad and Chestnut Streets. tii attirp Iva (sc 4 - ju t: L . .{o4u, (01- RILL NATURAL fdvOß RIMMED . CANS LARGE AND FULL or SOLID TOMATOES.. FAMILIES and_RESTAURATEURS - pronunnoe them THE BEST. and therefore TILE CHEAPEST, for their INe.(11111Itolinwm:able at (eery Well ordered dinner. DEALERS prefer them tweaute of their nowl style,' aid the entire fat lon they.giTe to toneutnere. Dealer,i' Orders only errs red at SOLE AGENCY, 15 NORTH WATER STREET. Orders ore now- being entered for the coming seatlonla supply. Parked exclnsively at Factory, Cumberland comity• N • J. QUINTON PACKING COMPANY. triyls Imrpg UNITED STATES HOTEL, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., AV ill open, for tli6 I:eel:Wiwi r Guentg Snttardily. Jame '26th, 11469. it.,A,•r's Band, tinder the direction oP 31r. Sinorn lla , •lor, is engaged for the season. Per+..l , . %OAalit: to engage Itourus will apply to' GEO. FREEMAN, Superintendent, Atlantic City, N. J., Or BROWN & WOEIrPPER, 827 niehnionfl Strict, _OCEAN _ROUSE, This Aven.kboirt, and favorite House lowing been thoroughly renovated and improved. will Is. , re•ovned by the utsdersigneiLTus a firAt4TinafTanilly MARI, on tlin enty-fourth of June neat. The OCEAN is vituart , d within fifty yards of the lwarit. It offers superior advantages to Families on account of quiet stud the high character of its guests; and it will be kept strictly home-like in every rempi,et. Seondy•tive New Bathing Room, have been added, and many other important improvement 4, IV /deli will contri bute greatly to the comfort of visitors. The Proprietors have had several years eNperi , ien in •11 • • tusiness, and have secured help which will equal that of any other nonce on the Island. AEN ery effort will he made to give satisfaction to all who hay favor the OCEAN 110 USE with their patron- I:C4+ - Few Rooms, &c., addretei LYCETT & AWYER. JOHN LYCHTT. my 2.5 in In k 12t4p§ STOCKTON HOTEL, CAPE ISLAND, N. J., Will Open on the 24th or June, 1869. TiThis Hotel bas been erected within the past year; atlurds ample ac•onniindations for nearly One tholls , llllll guests. and is furnished equal to any of the leading }total in the United States. • Fur terms, kc., until then, address PETER GARDNER, Proprietor, No. 307Waluut Btreet, Plallaillelphia, jet lmrp CAPE ISLAND, N.J. A FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT, ADOLPH pnoSKAUER, Of 222 SL Third Street, Pliiladelphia; On the ith of .Imie, tinder the !mine m! title of MAISON DOREE, • . At the conofWashingtonandJacksonSts., Kikiwn its Barra Cottage. 11 t — Families wilrbe tiniinlied at the Cottage Lodging Houma by Day or Week to Rent POINT BREEZE •?, e;.•••Ii: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 1869. For Horses that have never bente2.3l. e5O entpando. Mlle hats, 3 in 3, to harness: . , - Associut ion adding net receipts. Three or more entries to 1111 and two to Start. Should only'one li.rse appear he will be entitled to al the entrance money. Should three or more start, tho" tieeitild horse to save his entrance. . Entries to . dressed to the Secret ary, and in.each instance eneloSing the entrance: 'Entries to be, closedC at 12 &clock; noon,. on Wiarneaday, Jntitt 9th. Secretary/ 144 8. FOURTH Street. je3 tit.§ - • • •• H. P. &C. R. TAYLOR, PERFEIVIEItY (NJ) TOILET SOAPS, Oil 1 613 N. Nitttlx Street. (Within reasonable distance) By Our Wagons. MANUFACTURED BY l(nbargh. FOR SALE BY SUMMER RESORTS. CAPE MAY, N. J. IMEIM!!EE3MMMEEI , A LA CARTE, WILL BE OPENED BY THE TURF. PAi 4,K. SWEEP§TAKE 31.4. Y 5t , 1 kio in 20 tfrp§ SECOND'EDITION BY irktt?E'd-ILAPH: `:_ -- LATER 'CABLE i:"-NEWS Finaneial and ;Combereial 'Quotations', FROM WASHINGTON. An Interesting Diplomatic History ENGLAND AND FRANCE Theit Responsibility in the Rebellio'n SPANISH TRADE WITH ECUADOR By the Atlantic Cable. LoiniON;:June 5, A.'lNL—Consols for money 921, and . for aecOunt 921.: Five-twenties quiet at lin, Railways quict;, Erie, MI; Illinois Central, 95. • ... Ritius, June u.—Theßennie is steady: Itentesilli22‘ francs. LirEltrOOL, June 5, A. M.—Cotton firmer, but not ltigher;.l.7plamisilld.; Orleans, 11a. The sales us-day will reach 15,000 hales . . • - Lo.,:n; .Tune 5, A. 434. 0. Interesting Diplomatic neivelatiolvo.: . tSpeetal.Deopstch to the Philo, Evening Bulletin.] Alinl:4i.:TON; JllllO s.—There is sonic talk here, in official circles, at the course which ' prominent men ir England are' pursuing in (mile:Writing to;throw upon Napolebn and the French Government most of the responsi bility., for the policy which,; Great Britain adopted and folloWed in reference to the late rebellion in the United 'States. Their object seemsto be to create a hostile feeling among American's towards France; and divert atten tion as Much aspossiblw fronibolding England alone responsible for her course: '1 he two following despatches, written in 1t42 by Mr.' Adams, then our Minister to England; which have never appeared in the public prints, throW additionar,and interest,. mg light upon this snbjeet: Mr. Adams wrote to Mr. Seward as follows: LoNnoN,April P2tll,lB62.—'"Since the date of my last letteri, I haveitaken advantage of the absence of any important business 'here, to avail myself of the permission granted me a short tine since, to visit Paris for the purpose of conferring with Mr. Dayton. I have de rived great benefit from the communications made to me, and they will eel to a correspond ing change of policy ou my part. The of rt will be to , xitweiarote the rest - x. 1104 111 ity for .oly far- Wier protrwtion of the stroggle am utw:h pioqibk 01) the (pro - mite:at here." Again, on the pith of April, Mr. Adams wrote to Mr. Seward from London as follows: "I yesterday succeeded in obtaining the ex pected conference Nvith Lord Russell. * * then opened the main topic. * * In a Late visit to Paris, where I had a conference with Mr. Dayton, I had learned from him that, in a personal Col"( t,,ation wiih the. Emperor, in which the latter had represented the urgency of the ne cessity for cotton, he had in reply dwelt upon the difficulties experienced from the effects of the Emperor's recognition of the belligerent rights of the rebels in prolonging the war, and had pressed for the withdrawal of it. The Emperor has not shown him self adverse to entertaining the qinc non, but had referred tol his co-operation with Great Britain, awl the necessity it imposed of consultation with her in this case. The know ledge Of this fact luul determined me on my side to propose the same thing hero. I did not tell Lord Rumell the most significant portion of Mr. Dayton's re port of his conversation with the 'Emperor, because I felt bound not to commit Mtn. From the tenor of yours tome of the 31st of March, 1 am led to believe you are fully possessed of it. My object was simply to see where the re sponsibility' for ,the polio' rests, a discovery which a comparison of tie tone maintained by the respective parties renders it not diffi cult to reach." Spanish Trade with Ecuador. 8,..-tutch to the Phila. Evenlou A ING ToN, done 5.--The following inte resting despatch has been reeeived from the Secretary of State of Ecuador : liErria.te -or EcrAnou„ Orrro, May IS69.—Schor Don .Josue IL ... Cou4an, Conloa __Grm2.o.l___of_dlteL—Repttlitic Lin_2_o7Osignoloo:--The_ Governments of the allied Republics of L P - Jrn7 Chile and Bolivia have manifested their ac, tinieseence, at the solicitathm of the repro . - sentatives of the Eenadorian Republic, not to act. in hostility to Spanish merchant ships that vorne to trade •in the ports of this nation, in pursuance Or the pasSes issued , by the .Government or by its Diplci inaticAgenis or Consuls abroad. In virtue of this agreement, his Excellency, the President of the Republic, seeing no obstacles in com merce with Spain, I have reeeived orders to confer on von 4-special authorization to for- Ward the passes referred to to the Spanish merehant ships that wish to come to the ports of this Republic,'. which lam pleased to com municate to yon, in order that, by such pass, • this concession to commerce. shall obtain the end indieated. God guard yoit: R. CABAVAJAL. State -of Thermometer This Day at the Bulletin Office. /0 A deg. 12 M R deg. 2P. 31 8:1 deg. Weather clear. Wind Sontliweet. FROM NEW YORK. NEw Vona, June s.—Moses E. Cr:lst:4, a well-known politician, was brought before Commissioner Betts, charged with having fraudulently imtit.tedl to give a full statement of his debts, in the schedules appended to his petition in bankruptcy, and with having com mitted wilful and corrupt. perjury in swearing that the schedules were correct. H.e was dis charged on hiS awn recognizance to appear for an examination on Monday next. It is claimed by Crasts that the charges are utterly groundless and can be easily shown to be so. The waiters' strike still continues, the pro prietors being apparently determined to resist. A committee of the Union was refused a con ference with the keeper of the St. Nicholas yesterday, when they came, it was supposed, to offer a compromise. Most of the proprie tors declare they will not receive society men back in their employ. RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE. GENERAL , SYNOD OF THE REFORMED -CIULIRCK OF AMERICA. Fourth Day. At the appointed hour this morning the Synod was called to order by the adsessor, Rev. Goyn Talmage, who made, the opening prayer. After the calling of the roll and the re Ming of the minutes Of the preceding session, the first half hour as ttSlial owls appropriated to de votional exercises, which were conducted by Rev. John H. Pitcher, Rev. J. H. Suydam, Elder William 'H. Crosby, Itev. Z. Eddy, D. D„ Ritif; and the Rev . : H Heet ma nce. Dr. Z. Eddy, D. D., of `Long Island, re quested that, his mune might he omitted from the preface of the new hymn book. Rev. Dr. Peter Stryker, of the General As' sernbly. of New York, was received, and made a short address, which was responded to by the President. Rev. Dr. S. S. SMucker, D. D., from the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Gettysburg, addressed the,Synod on the importance of the union and brotherhood of churches. The Preoident made an appropriate response. Rev. J. lief. Holmes rciid a report from the Committee on Education., containing a series of-rcOolutions ,which were considered sepa rately,- • The ti'rstreSoliitimi was as follOWst R,, 0 /r e ,/; rhatthis,synog ih•onoi it dookable to Organ ize a new - Particular Synod, nog that the cia.oe6•of Bergen. South Perg•li, Monmoutb, New ilrunm w irk , Vanuatu:, Philwielphia awl 'Raritan be and herebrare tihoniieNu4 from the Particular Syno,l of New ]{or):, to conatitute a new Particular Synod, After, smite discussion, the, resolution was suloptect, anti "The Synod Of New Brunswick" , w4.ligreed-upon--att , --the ,- -name-for-tho_new `lSlifod provided for: i The second resolution waa a(lopted'iLsfol lowt : ii4•Toirat, The clacsmi of Kingston., and Orange 'aro t Id:transferred from the liyinipt Albany to nureartleula, sytiki Of New. York. The third reqtilution read: BOolvtd, That the l'erticular Synod shall Imreaftei cony' elle at t tree 0 clock 31; of the day designated for their regular Fest•lon; that after their organization is effected, the first hour *Mall he opont In devotional ex -- Rev. Dr. Hartley offered the following . an an amendment,: . • Itisolved, At each meeting of the' !scrotal Particular S 7 nods, filial devotional exercises shall bo held and ,a dbenurse preaelied onrd such topics of a general re 1100ns interest be Introduced : am shall he deemed best for the tcligions Interests of the Synod and 'the !spiritual welfare of the Church and neighborhood in which they . are.t,itoitust to mod:table. This amendment wait under discussion when our report closed. • , , 'FINANCIAL AN !Philadelphia Mee • • 200 PNIII 161 let S(.l . . 101 . 2141 1'11116424 series 107 ' • 11 1 00 1.0 Hatt 102,a 4;00 City tim liewlJ,lcP 114 100 54,0 .1., do 100 , jaw- do 'do 1003. i 20W LchippL Val It Co • • 4 !Id 1:4114. , p 9331 moo 410 do 1. 41331 10110 10011,4 th Gold Lui 983 i ph I.lttla It 45 , ipp Val It foi; 40(M1 tv2Ps *132 reit 117 40cO do 410 c 117' 101x90 141 , 121' 1000 Cam SC Ain Cs gPi le :A) 6« 1-4 hrtiim 1004 xxxo J'epp It CH 91 31gintif Etk' 11.* tdl pfd hPA 20?1, 1 10 811 011 f'reek et Alto Ither 42% ladcillphis Money Yitarket. BATCIWAY, 31111'05:—.Molwy k a itttle mare activeto- AttY tut the rates still rule Slow and irregular. The witlidrawal of currency front the . New York market . to pay for the Treasury gold,, and the change of loans con Ilea tient ripon the 'ptirrhaefes. of Bonds on the part of the Government , give au appearance of stringency there, hut the effect is impercepti• ble here. The supply of currency is stetulif y increasing at the banks. and notwit listandhig the unusnal act lv ity of the stock market. which nletOrbe most of thin 'loan transact II a us, it is far in excess of all demands for busfuess purposes. The result is a low ride of interest and discount. with a manifest tendency ton still fu attn., decßne. At present it is difficult to quote. but call lowly pyfi,d he fairly rated above a per eent... on Pledge of Gov nue rd st.iks, nor ditCOlll)L4 above 6.17 per cent. for first cins arc ept 1111 , ”el. t:0%0•11111170tit Liattai are chill, at yesterday's quotations, Gold is fluctuating. but tirint-opening-prh;,, 13.43.4, and at 12. M Them..wrot jess spirit at the tttock Board this morning.. and prices of the p at i vshares gene- Ily ereweak... cinching Railroad clos‘ll nominal, at ides. Little S...huylkill Rallrotul sold at 45, a decline, of Lehigh Valley Railroad at cicuute; Penu ry Irinrialhailrnadat aS; and Philtplelphm awl. Eric Rail road at :13'i, it decline of 3i, Lau;. Canal and Passenger Railway' shares Were with nut e”.entin I change. . Jay Cooke 4!.: Go. rinote Government goeurit leg, to. dkr followe: U. S. 0t5,1M1,121:411.122; 5- M5 or n 122? z ; do. 1. ,, 111. 1.17?4:111774.;N0vember. L- 5. 11 :d 0, Jill mr;.)0); do, J.K47, 1191.1,,I•m; d., . Nis. I W, ; :t1197.; • Ten-furt les , raci tics P.frit 11.64; Gold, 1:183.;. IPhiladelcrlda Produce 3larket. Arritiur . Jnur Fade of 12No. 1 gip ron Bark at whic h figure it . . l'ilere is wit in I , r, , Ped or Timothy to fix gn+.tot f 4 of at Sj . 2 75 per at which pric , .. It wantml. I'M. Floor Ina rlt.d l ontinuos t.rreatly tlt-ro it. no Jim air) for ,lfitmwm, extremely lintlt.9 ite nib lel 1 rout ILr home trade. Small auto' of`titp^rti no :AI: lit) Carrot. f:xtra lit 0575a6; 4(k) barrels „lowa, Wi..,omia ~tat 3How.oota I:xtra Family at u :0; ..,Iste l'onmylvati 1/1 410. 410. at €.;a7; Ohio -and In diana 7:0 2.5: faimy lot"; ettail. Itye Floor I. very quivt. Mid ratan°, br, ,11114.1 oVvr el; 7.5 Prier: i.l Cott 3/ lure 1/OMIIO,I - Vl - 11 , 1lt nucrkrt In .titik.t. and .there are fr0....11,re. at ye, , lP.rdar', quotat Salmi: of Red at I It'al 414. mid -Amber at 55ai Ott Der bumf)—tla• lat mr on- for choMe-31iiitigatt. Ityr doll at 1 32. Corn I, hut A:Min roptost. of 2.000 1,10.110.1- Yellow 2.atm I,moolo 11101 mixed Wepfrra at , :eiliStt mmtg. :unit 1...%011 1)11,11141s niix,ll .Oat's aff• 34.10034" , 4 \Vettern sold at Mai:cent). %Vidal; y ft quiet and rellb at Wall 00. The New York Clone; Market. f From tho'New yor4 Herald of to-day.) u NE..4.—Tiw scarcity' of bond nod COI/anemial bills pnalured considerable activity in foreign exchange, toward the ..I'f4! of banking hours. remitter.: being nl by the Saturday steamer tlf , 1111111.1. Under this 111•111111 id the prime bankers adenine:A their rates rue-eighth per cent. The got ernnwut market was extremely quiet, the de. Mitlld for investment being rinslerate, if not light. whilo the relations of prices on both shies the Atlantic left no margin for shipment, curtailing the mood large inquiry from the foreign bankers. Bonds under thew.. influonces yie 11:411abont one-eighth Per cent., but were tirm at the (N-lime. holders show iug ua lineaSineSA, and not being disposed to sell, The falling off in the MI pply of bona bills having strengthened exchange there was a firmer tone to the gold market, which was enconraged by 11 renewal of the ••I,,iir speculation and II covering of lipeculative short, sale , . There was little exOtemettt, however, the stock ttlosorhinc the attention of the genend class of operators. At a meeting of the Gold Exchange today the special committee reported the failure of efforts to CliPi+ditiate a MI the Stork Exchange. There w io• a rather more active deinand for cash gold, and the currency advanced in tran•actions for carrying coationnoled 01/11::47 per cent. up to Clearing. House time. owl from ft to. 7 per cent. in the afternoon. The dis bursements of COill itnerea t"-day, were 1330,205. The report of the Gold Exchange Itank in usfollows: Gplgl cleared. 5'74,90'2,000 Currency Imbue-es 2.1.M.151 f Front to-day'.. N. Y. World.l Nr. 4.—The chief topic of coover , ,ation it Wail street is the demoralization of operatrint on tit” ,, thek eXellange, t at tog to the ilLscovery that. some of the larlert4 of the ••bull - cliques are ' unloading: their lung stock on the ;piddle, through the agency of a re puted prontimmuLoperator..and raymM4 bear nettles to. De the ellay persnp %din call eel' a large amount of stock without creathig a pitoir on the market, as act getter:it illirri4oll is that be is selling short. Mud thereby is preparing the marl - et for a sharp twist on ward. Thin afternoon there seemed tol. tin market for Michigan 1-outhern. which was . offcred by one of know o hulls - in the stock atilt' to 114 without beint , al-le to ,111,1 a sioOtt nab , . But afterwards thin •`lrelin_ succeeded to selling S.Utq shares in offs ltMck at 114, who ii th, '•imll - firm could not sell 500 shares at the emme 'At pt .sent quotation. the clique and watered stocks nay a profit of r 4.) to 100 per ccut.. •,,,11111.1 uu emprint.ll` .11111 11th I,e I , ,aliZed by tin- 1•li11t103 if they van milt succeed ill selling them to the',Wth.. i through the gemy of this prominent reputed Itor oporator. The isperatiOnel IM the stock exchange to-day show plainly that a great deal of lona ,rnak i 4 being S4Olll On ery rail)" ill The' Inattet is ..,five at 7 per 4'elit Mixed ,- 0 1. laterals, told toilet ate per cent. on government bondy. Prim , 1111.inCF , 114.111, , ;ure discounted at 7 to ,1 per cent. The New York Stock !Market. corre,rm.i“b•nct....,,l" the As..oeiated Prv,, , ;. I NEW YitRK, 31.111 e s.—Stocks lino: 'Gold, 13,P. : ; Ex change. ; 1 . 2. - .P.i; do. IStA. 117',,:; do. ;11 0 .,: new. 1191 ‘ ; Ma, 11,9 , 1; Virginia Ws, (117 i: )li,ourt9o: Canton Con pony ; Ctunberland Prel erre11.:32',.; NM York Central. 1 4 12'; 99 ',:; II vtd, , , , n Inert, IMP 4 • 3tichigan Ventral. 3liehig.ot Southern. I] 15,',; 1111 . 1101 H Centr.d. 141: Cleveland and Pitt,dotruh, Cleveland and Toledo, 11:1'i; ChicaLn) and Rock 1,,1and,12.51‘; l'ittehurelrand Fort 111Lyno,15;!4. Markets by Telegraph Spreiud 'Despatch to the PhHada. Evening Bulletin.] NEW YORK, Jltiiii 5, 123;',' P. M..---Cotton.-The market this morning was firm and fairly active. Sales of about 2,000 bales. We quote as follows: Middling Up lands. 30".0:.; Middling Orleans, 4.f1.;c. Flour, &v.-Receipts 10,000 barrels. The market for State brands is Scarce and firm; Western Jower. dull and heavy. The sales are about 6,000 barrels, including Superfine State at 85a85 25; Extra s tato :Le:l-'0.10;m 25; Low grades Western Extra at a;,: , 5 ftlaSz '5 60,• Southern Flour is dull and heavy; sales'ot 200 barrels at 86 30a 90 for Extra Italtintoro and Country - . and 86 31:01 30, sal 86 40a13 25 tor Family In. Calit'ornia Flour is dull; . sales of 240 barrels at 'AO 22.f0r ohl via the Horn, and iO4 . 30a0 60 for new via the Isthmus. Grain.-Receipts Wlwat :41,400 bushels, The market la firm With it moderate demand. The sales are 20.000 bush els Mixed 'Milwaukee at 81 44; No. 2 at 81 40a1 42. Corn. - Receipts ru,opo busitek. The market is firm with a fair demand. Sales of 30,000 bushels Now Canal Western 70a78. afloat. Extra, dry do.. at at 811:034. hits, t' FUSS. Oats.-11eceipts 11,110 bushels. Market better with a good tlettouttl. Sales of 1100 bash -els at 701041. Itye.-Receipts 6,350 bushels. Market quiet and heavy. Provisions-Pork-The market is in gull demand, and lower. Sales of 5.000.. barrels .itt 931 25a-11 :Bi-.; for new Western Mess. Lard-The market is thin and - quiet. Sales of 150 packages. We cinoto lair to prime swam tut 19 Whisky-Receipts, 1.200 barrels. The market is dull. We quote Western free'llt Groceries-Coffee quiet at prft ions .priees. Sugars dull; buyers and sellers aro apat3. Molassts firm and quiet. Petroleum-Pet rolonn firm, with an upward tendency. There is a good export and future dentinal. Naval Storrs-ltmthis lower. COmmon is freely offiwed at 82 35. Spirits of Turpentine dull 'at 451145'4'. Tar , lower 111111 IWO y„ P;ttropentrshipments - Sor the week-b lour, 18,000 420,00014inhels; Corn; 10.000 bushels. .lune 5.-The market for Petroleum yes terday Wait Armor stbd prices ndrittleed. Sales of Crude as ft dlows; 1,000 hairnets s, o..lttly at 1330 e.; 2.000 barrels .1111 y and August at 14c.; 500 barrels b. 0. all the year at lbe.• 5011 barrels spot 40 to 45 at Venaingo city tit $5 00; 1,000 bids. a. 0..1n1y lit 14e.; 1,000 lib's. August 40 to 46 at 14e. Of Relined there were sales of 1.000 barrels, each month, July, August 'out September, 32c.; 2,43410 barrels b.. 0., all the year. at 35e.; 500 barrels, Au gust. at 31135:g.; WO barrels, November, at 32c,;:00 barrels, December, 30c. Revell* , 1,627 barrels. Shipped, by Penna. Central Railroad, 4111 barrels Re fined, and by A. V. :Railroad, 1,775 barrels. .1 Correspondence of the Associated PresS.] NEW YORK, Juno 5.-COtton firmer: 000 buttes soh] at 30'.itt.40iu cents. Flour heavy; and declined 5 cents; sales of 7.500. barrels; State, 85 01116 50;• Wostorn,44 .011a7. 50; Sordltern, 80 40811 75. Wheat :fluter and stock scarce; sales of 43,000 bushels; • No. I ,' 191 -Bl4; No. 2,.81 41a1 42; c it im oia, (to as. 'Corn ;timer. and .advanced I.eclit;l Stork scarce; 51113.8 of OAS) bra hcla mixed Western 'at 021174 emits, via canal,. and. 85a110,. -tda rant oad Wait firmer' toilet; of 114,000 busltelll ittliltiFti colts. WTI quiet. Pork tjull; new lliess, 831 25a31 30.. Lard dull at vents. Whisky dull lit .81 00a1 02. 11.1LT1m0n.6..111110 b.-Cotton very Itrm;..MiddlingS, 30. Flour fairly active, hut. priees 'art! unchanged. Grain is entirely nuthuttigetl' except • mixed Corn, lit 87itAi rants Provistonx nnehanged ye4terdsy's prices. WitiAy w,llll at 9.101;t1 02. 'rIIII'DA,IL'Y VIVINVIBTILVETIN.74 'BILADELPHIA;!SATU R DAY, ,JUNE 5,! 6 9.i D COMMERCIAL k Exchange Sales. 101.1 1411ClatttwIsoa tolf 39 100 tilt do 1,5 31 oh Pent) 11. allts Ito 3P 27 I/11 do all 'into Ito 57,',1 100 oil • •110 stock 1,5 • LB 100 oh OrlCietic .Ic. At le .• Ith er I. 1100 tilt do' 1011 .411 do 100 oh Leh Nor :irk r.i 0 31', 7 100 oh Pltilit & Plrio 31‘a 200 811 Union Calnll n 11(10 0111-jenll ~ .' `"'67'f 163 Alt do stll'runi , •1t057!i 21 olt - do rillottinents 57 1 i; 200 oh , do Ito„ , 570 SOU oh Nistenrst 011 , 44;‘• on 2, , ,,1 100 oil Phijo t t Kritt ftoo, 33 100 Os Clilawkt9it Prf• 3`Pi,": 100 sit tlO, MO 30 100 011 Lett Nitr Irtk stoo 30';'," 100 oh 11.0adIng11, b3O 494;0 - THIRD =EDITION. o'C;lciar. BY. TELEGRAPH. LATER: IT'OM. WASHINGTON 'PRESIDENTIAL APPOINTMENTS ----------- The Presideirt,EiVeeteoil IFtetara To-Day IN,TELLIGENcE ADVICES ,FROM REAR-ADMIRAL HOFF From Washington. f+pccial MT patch to the Phila. livening Bulletin) Virminixo'rox, June ,5. 7 -Very. few:appoint meiits InnehimpOriatiee are' being tuade by the.. President now. Quite a munber of post Masters were appointed to-day, but mostly for lnindr dttiOeti. :In addition. to tlriestt,C. C. Andrews, of Minnesota, was appointed 3lin ister Resident at . Stockholm, and James L. Graham, Jr., Consul at Florence. " The Presiednt and the members of his party are expectedly return from ',Annapolis .this' afternoon.' ' ' • • r Cth-resnondence of flu!4ochlted Presa. ,V A sil I ~,;(;TO N . , .1 unti, s.—AssistanteSurgeons Wiulerieeb, %ben and Marmion have been ordered to Philadelphia for examination for prtimotion. Jokssistant-Surgeon OxVenti b 4 ordertid . to the Mare-Island Navy Yard, Cidiforida., Assistant Surgeon GilleSpiti Ls detached from the Mare Island Navy karil and ordered to the3fohican. . • , The Navy Department has receiveoladvices from Rear-Admiral Hoff, dated Matanzas, :clay 27, in which he says he left Havana on' the 20th and arrived at Matanzas on the sante day, where he and his Officers' Were received and entertained by the Officer of:the Jnrisdie tion at his palace: The Admiral was much surprised to find that the feeling of- ant - mostly between the volunteers and the Cuban element was much less bitter than bit had been led to believe at. Havana! In : tact, from ap- . pearances,a stiiingetin Matanzas would never suspect a revolution was ratting in the island, and American commerce, whitit is quite ex- tensive here is,unmoleSted, and the merchants - and shippers are carrying on their busineSs. as in times of peace. news from Nenvitas is meagre. All the American citizens desirous of going to the , United States, spoken, of in previous letters, have left that vicinity, and althOugh the Pe- nobscot was theft! on the 14th inst., no elaini ants for passage to Havana appeared. Lieutenant -Comm ander Eastman reports that the railway to Puerto Principe has been so far repaired, that the locomotive and freight ears can come down to. Neuvitas at a slow rate; raking three days to make a journey of 4/3 miles, and requiringa guard of 2,000 men for protection. About the Bth or 10th of May some bands of insurgents attacked the convoy of a train, de feated Amu, and destroyed the bridges the Spaniards bad built, and captured 43 officers., and men, including a Colonel. This is:the only decided success of the revolutionists that has been recently reported. The Admiral is informed that Gen. Lescas, Governor of Puerto Principe, has been re moved ny the Captain-General, for cruelties in bombarding a camp composed of women • and children. and General Latono, is ordered to succeed him. Tins action has caused great discontent among the Havana volunteers, who have placarded the streets with satirical carica tures of Dulce. The Spanish authorities at Nenvitas, and, in fart, of every part Ail the Island, excepting Cailsuien or Remedios,have been exceedingly polite, offering every facility to our officers, and manifesting a friendly desire to please. There, are rumors that Trinidad is cm-ironed by i large force of insurgents, and there is aiso a report that - the Place is in their possession. At Gnantimo, on the south side, near the eastern end of the Island, the insurgents are Said -to he very strong, in consequence of the successful land ing of the expedition in that district, and that in a recent engagement with the Spaniards the latter were defeated. It is a fact that the ' actual or supp9sed successful landing of these expeditions has infused new life into the insurrection that, to all ap pearances, was dying out some two weeks ago. The Narragansett is expected frOm Nenvitas and tin Caiharien on the 29th of May, when Admiral Hoff hopes to give the Department some news of the progress of affidrs in the vi '-f.-71Ifity-iit-th-ose-placest- The PreAdent has made the following ap- MpointmentS:—C. C. Andrews, of Minnesota, inister esi dent to Stockholm; James L. Graham, .Ir., U. S. Consul at Florence; Chas. R. Mobley, U. S. Attorney for the Southern District of Florida; J ohn-tynek, ofiLonisiana, • Surveyor-General of the Thstrict of Louisiana. I M PORTATIO NS. Erported for the Philadelphia EYelling PEN SA COL A—Schr Caturbell-200341 feet 4-t Y p heart hoard,. Patterson et Lippincott. IBA NZA Isaac Carver, Shute-339 hit& 87 tee molottes Thos Watt,o.n Sons. MARINE BULLETIN. POET 01 PHILADELPHIA—JusES i37"Set - Illarb - le Mt/lain oriinsiire Pace ARRIVE)) THIS DAY. Steamer 21 L Gaw, Ilex, Hours from Baltimore, with nalso to A Groves. Jr. Steamo George II Stout, Ford. front AVagliingtou nut Alexandria. with mdse to W 1' Ch.& Steamer Cllller, Jones, 2-I hoUrs from New York , with mdse to W F Clyde .t 7 Co. Brig .houte Carver. Shute, 10 dais from Sagua, with sugar It, TioN Wat te.on k Sons. Seim W Phillips, Craumor, 7 days from Boston, with ice lit captain. Sehr Revenue. Niekerson,4 days from - Rockland Lake, ice to Knickerbocker Ice Co. Schr K A Cummings, Whirlow, 13 days from Leach vine. with shinrles to II Croskei. , Schr A E Cam pbelbarrived yestenlay front Pensacola, is eiiivigned to Patterson & Lippincott. Tug Nicholson, from Baltimore, with a tow of Large' , to W I' Clyde & Co, Tug peake,l.terriliew, from Havre do Grace, with a tow of barges to W P Clyde & Co. Tug Thos Jefbirson. Allen, from Baltimore-, with a tow of barges to W Clyde & Co. Tog Commodore, Wilsim. from Havre de Grace, with a tow of barges to W P Clyde tCo. • BELOW. Ship i--,zaranali, Turley, from Liverpool, came in the capes this morning CLEARED THIS DAY. "Steamer Brunette. 11,‘we, New York. John P. Old. Brig S P Smith ,Rnowlton, Bangor, J E Baxley & Co. Schr E !Bard, Linn:4l,llo,4ton, E. S Reppller. Steamer Jot nes S Green, Vance, Richmond and Norfolk, W P Clyde k Co. Steamer Beverly, Pierce. New York. W P Clyde & Co. Tog Thus Jefferson, Alen, Baltimore, with a tow of barges. W P Clyde & Co, Tog Commodore Wilmington, with a tow of barges, \V P Clyde & Co. Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. LE W D EL, .1 um, 3—PM. Brig Hermes, from Philadelphia for.Laguayra; schrs P 'ake. Providence for •Baltintore; W(3 Nelson. Mut at:lam. 'Washington, DC; Paugussett, Boston for Alex andria; MA Coombs, New _York _for _Georgetown, -D ( !i_ obn . for Wilmington, NC; John Johnson and o May. bound south, remain at the Breakwater. Wind E S E; thick fog. Yours, &C. LABAN L. LYONS. MEMORANDA. Ship Italia, Whitmore, cleared at New York yesterday for Callao. Ship 'Valparaiso, Manson, cleared at San Francine yesterday for New York. Steamer Dorian (Br), Laird, for Glasgow, cleared at New York yesterday. Steamer Fanitst, Freeman, cleared at Wilmington, NC. 3d inst. for New York. Bark Isaac It Davis,lland, hence at St Thomas tith ult. diseh'g 13th, to proceed to Turks Island. Ataferson, at St. Thoniak oth ult. from NeW :York anti sailed 10th for Ponce to - load - for a port north of Hatteras. - Bark Atlantic, McKenzie, front Montevideo, at St. Thomas itth affirm') and sailed 10th for St Jago to loud for it . port north of Hatteras. llog Tally Ho, Chism, sailed from Trinidad 21st ult. for thus port. Brig John Sanderson : (Dr), Colter, was loading at De nim-am 7th ult. for this port. Brig itabboni, t'oomlis ur St Thonizo; 10th ult. and :sidled 13th for Arroyo to load for a port north of Hat 'terse. Schr Andross ( Br),Taylor,hence nt Mavagnez 12th tilt. Schr John Griffin, for this'port, - . - Was - loading at Print ' dad lath tilt. • ~, Schr II Blackmun, Jones,' salted from Prorldbncn 311 inst. for this port. so u . Casper hiett. Shoe, hence nt Paietneket 34.1 inst. Schr Aerolite, Wilcox, hence nt Barbados Bth tilt. • Schr.Queen of Clipper (Dr),. Allen, froth St Jolui,N.B. for this port at Liyerpool, N'S. 2.lth ult. Seim Suliote. front Martinique _for NSW York, with .Tiki , P , !ligrie, from wrecked steamer.MksiSsippl.,patised St Thomas 18th ult.., f nS 'rut:CORA PHI . " QUEENSTOWN", Juno • e ---Arrived,', Me:titters EOM . and Auntrnluntnn, from New York. • • FORTRESS MONROE, Juno fi—Paesial up, for Boni-. more, Mirka Antioch, .from Callao; from hip Ito; echr Lucy Alexander, froin-Prnce, PR. F~UIP~ T ~-i~~~3 1.~1 0 BY ,TELEGRA:I-'.H. LATE R CABLE . QUOTATIONS tixe West , • LATE INDIAN OUTRAGES U. S. Troops In Persnit of the Savages Introduction Coolie Serfdom in the. South By the Atlantic Cable. IloNnox,' June 11, P. M.--,Closing prieek,- Consols- for money, 92.1; for account, 921. EL S. FiVe-twenties, 80:1; Erie Railroad, 113 i; Illi nois Central, 95: •• LivEnroot., June 5, P. 31.—Closing prices. -Cotton aetive; Middling Liplands,ll4d.• ' Mid dling Orleans, 11f,d4 the sales have been 15,000 bales. : Cheese, lies. Lard .quiet at 71s. 3d. Tallow; 40:1' • , FlAvut, June s.—Cotton opened buoyant at, 5142,4 f. on the spot. : • The Indian Ontrageti.—Coolie Serfdom. Sr. Louis, Junev.—Colonel Weir hats just returned to Fort Hayes from a pursuit of the Indians:who cominittedthe outrages on Fossil Creek. He did. not overtake them: Another scouting party was sent out by eneraLCUstar yesterday morning. About one hundred In dians were seen Inlst evening, within a mile of ieridan, with a red flag hoisted. A despatch from St. Joseph, MO ? , sayS Frederick Foreman, of, the -Southernjltesur rection Society, passed through ;there :this evening on the way to commence a lecturing tour through the Southern States; with a view to the introduction etCoolie serfdom through out the South. : • : . , From (ldcago. .. [ Special Despatch to the Phila. ESening Bulletiu.r: Cnicitoo, June s.—The merchants are an ticipating the withdrawal and cancelling of . Liverpool orders in New York for wheat.. Breach-of-Promise Came. , • AIidUSTA f Me., Jene 5.-1 - 11 the bre:IA:IL-Of-a i'lreThiSti Snit brought by Miss Lawrence against Draper Cooke,wl Lerch) the nry 'Metered a ver dict for F , .8,1100 fbr plaintiff in oc:tither, 18a, it hill Court to-day, rendered an. opinion sustain h)g. the exceptions taken by defendant, and ordered a new trial. Fatal Accidents. ItortinsTEn. N. Y., June /I.—A man named Pet•.tegh was 'killed, yesterday, at ; Crouch & Co.'s saw-mill, by the bursting of an iron fly wheel, A little girl tanned Reed was burned to death, last night, by her clothes taking tire from a stove. Suit Withdrawn. BOSTON June s.—llicluird H. Dana has Withdrawn his suit against the city govern ment of rambridge for omittin,, , ; his name on the voting list last. August. Mr. Dana says, in speaking of the reasons that led to the bringing on of the suit: "I felt it my duty, and perhaps it still is, to represent in my person the invaluable right trilled with, but l doubt if, under the circumstances, the case Will be of much public value hi the shape it may pre sent itself, and I avail mySelf of that doubt to secure peace anti relief from what would be an anxious anti distasteful contest." Shipment of Specie. (Special Despatch to the Phila. Evening Bulletin.] NEW YORK, June s.—The steamer for Bre men this morning took $:18,000 in specie. Arrival of Cyrus W. Field. NEW YORK, June 5.--LAmong the passengers by the steamship Weser, this morning, are Cyrus W. Field and daughter. NEW 'YORK MONEY MARKET The Market Quiet , and Steady G o 11. d Stronger and Advanced FOREIGN EXCHANGE STRONG - RECOVERY - -1N GOVERNMENTS Spccial Despatch to the Philada. Evening Bulletin.] Nl-:w YORK, June s.—The money market is Iptiet and steady.. - Gold is stronger, and ad -vancetr-fr0fh1.138146-1341, oli theAightly_lower quotation of bonds in- London and the firm iteSs in foreign exchange. Otherwise the pre miums are not affected by any extraneous in thleriees. The transactions are about as usual. -„ - - Ca?di gold for dCliVery is in better request: and 7 being the rates allowed on cur rency advances. Foreign exchange is strong. The leading drawers are holding prime . I)ilLs at sight ; , bills, 101. The market,- however, is (full. ' ' • Govarnments have recovered from the dull ness yesterday, opening buoyant and strong at the full advance'of to on ••flie entire' ist. Few bonds are offering; these are readily taken by parties both for the home. market and the foreign - demand. - .l:ltate Bonds are strong, ‘ except Louisiana levee sixes, which are : 1• per cent.• lower, at 6.12,-. The rest of - the list is strong, although speculation in them is -not marked. Stocks opened steady at last (pieta-. tionS: , ; The:market is dull and uninteresting.: The majority of the operators have gone to'the races. leading features are Rock Island aud Pacific Mail, which advanced on the opening quotations. In the balatice of the list there is scarcely enough done to establish quo tations. ,The miscellaneous stocks arc firm. Express shares are in little movement. CITY BULLETIN. SEItIOI'S CHARGE AGAINST A PomenmAN.— This afternoon, before Recorder Givin, Police men j'ehn'. B. Nowlin' and John 'McLaughlin, of the Third District, were charged upon the oath of Priscilla Everson (colored), No. 618' Middle alley, with :assault and battery and forcible entry. The evidence showed that a woman called upon McLaughlin to arrest Mrs. Emerson. Be broke into the house, seized her, threw her clown stairs and beat lier with a black-jack. Clement ILI erred, also colored, No. 602 diddle alley, witnessed the brutal af fair, and remarked: ~ ,l t is a shame to treat a woman so." . MeLinighlin then said to B erred that he would knock his head of& then struck with his blackjack. M.e- Laughlin had no warrant for the arrest of Mrs. Emerson. He called ()dicer Noonan to his as sistatte,..bnt the testimony shoWed that he did not participate in the outrageous assault. Nop; 10111 was discharged, and McLaughlin was held in 1,000 bail to answer at Court, Stephen R. Martin,' also colored, then' charged McLaughlin with the forcible entry of his house, and assault and battery 'en his son, Alexander Martin. The testimony in this, -- ease`shewed that a , woman requested McLaughlin to arrest soup %: Martin; who was in a house, No. 091 Middle alley. Without a warrant, he entered the house, seized Martin, and threw him down stairs. He dragged hhir , into Middle alley, where he threw him down and got upon him With his knees. • Martin managed to get away niut ran to'the back gate of hig , fhther, who resides on Pine ftreet. ; There McLaughlin overtook him and commenced beating }inn with a :blank-. jack.. Mrs. Martin went'out and with Mc-: LaUghlin not to kill her son. He replied r:.' Will, kill or take the ,-,---." Mni.;Martin then seized tin bleckjaelr, and . ' duting her tussle with the Polieetnanler Son got int,o,the next -house. McLaughlin left, but soon returned to Martih'S _Muse, ,sitiod.•;•; he "2 'hint' warrant, butAhoWed none, 'entered the broke open all the . doors which ; were found locked,.tind.niade:aajnisi3o*MlL6.eknkfcit, Martin. ~He„waS subsequently found in an ad, joining y nrd .and Was'. takcii to the Statio- house, 'Martin badly injured and is • 04 1, -ne htigpif tiiil_,char , re_ 24.f!rialighlill wafireld 11. - 1 -1- 66b - 111161.tiltif. • 7" 4..lrii .161o41 4 .0,i'm—The • number • . (if . inter niehtSin the city for the week ending at noon to ay. was "51, against 197 the same period last year. Of : the. whole- number 116 were adults, and 135 aiithen-64 being under one yeaf o f ' age; '133 were. males; 118 feinales; 72 bop!, an 63 girls. - ~ „.. . .'. • ' The nuMber of dcatbk iii each . Ward was--, First - ' ~14rixteentla .. ...... ...... .... ....,... 8 :Wenn • . 8 Seventeenth - ' a .:34 Third 5 Eighteenth 6 Emirth 1112iineteenth 15 ,Fifth 5 Twentieth es Sixth 3 Seventh .. "31 Tan t t=iid 7 Eighth ..... ..... 7 Twenty-third -I Nietit• . • It Twenty-fourth 7 Tenth 4 Twenty4lftli.... ti Ele'venth ' 9 Twenty-kixth ' ' 7 Twelfth 7 Twenty-seveuth "'lt Thirteenth 33 Iwenty-eighth - 1 Forirteentb 6 Unknown. 10 F'ifteeuth 13 The prineipal. causes - of ' death wereeas ualties,- 4; . congestiom, of the brain,' 9;' con= surnption- of 'the lungfi, :.,' congestion of the lungs,4; convulsions 16 dropsy; 5; .diseaSe of the heart, 6; 'debility, 13; sCarletlever, 24;• hi flamination of the lungs, 13; , inflammation of the brain 4; marasmus, 7; old awe 'lo.' OnyropY: OF, DOOM . &c.—During the past 'eek 150 untrinzzled 'dogs Were captured in this city. , Of that number 15 were redeemed, 13 escaped in consequence of sonie person breaking open the pound,' and 102 were killed. Thiring the same: period 14 stray goats and 26 Cows were taken up. The cots were all re deemed. One goat WILY redeemed and 13 wean Sold deco ding to law. TOO LATE FOK CLASSIFICATION • 7- SifilEß.—On the 4th ingt., WK.% Sarah. relict of the lute Frederick. Sheer, In the 212 d yea rof her age. .The relatives,und friends of tho family 11r0regpectfully invited to attend the funeral, front her late residence, No.. 228 Federal street, on- Tuesday afternoon,' at '3 0 clock. Services at , Swedes' Church. . , .CURTAIN MATE4IALS. LACE AND. NOTTINGHAM CILTIVTA.INS. LACE SHADES AND DROP RIDEAUL THE STOCK IN THIS DEPARTMENT UNStI VALLED IN STYLE AND PRICE, Terries, Plain, Striped and Figured, OF NEW AND ELEGANT DESIGNS. PIANO AND TABLE COVERS, TAPESTRY AND EMBROIDERED. Gilt and Walnut Carved Cornices, Holland and Prepared Cambric Window Shades, In a variety of tints, to which we invite spe cial attention. , Wholesale anti Retail. RAILROAD. CAR SUPPLIES, I. E. WALRAVEN, 111AS011ifIC HALL, No. 719 CHESTNUT STREET. WE INVITE SPECIAL .ATTENTION TO OUR SPRING ASSORTIIIENIC . OF WINDOW SHADES. .GOLD-BORDERED SHADES, IN PLAIN AND ORNATE STYLES. White Holland, Gothic and Italian Landscapes. s‘e haver GOOD LOW-PRICED SHADES, which we sell, made, trimmed and put up to windows all the time at One Dollar and FIFO' Cents each. ALSO', PAPER HANGINGS IN TILE GREATEST VARIETY. CARRINGTON, DE ZOUCHE & CO., S.:E. corner. Thirteenth and Chestnut. mbls th s to 39trD§ FURNITURE. A. & IL- LEJAMBRE .HAVE REMOVED THEIR Furniture artrUpholstering Warerooms TO 1127 CHESTNUT STREET, GIRARD BOW. mb6 s tlt 6mrp§ GEO. J.RENKELS . CABINET MAKER, Established 1844. 1301 'and 1303 CHESTNUT STREET. tny6-3m4p FURNITURE. T. & J. A." HENKELS, . Haring REMOTER fo their ELEGANT STORE,IOO2 ARCH ST., Are now selling first•elass FURNITURE at very re duced Prices. inh2l-3rurp§ NORTON 8z CO ., AMIJEIRICAN. BANKEILS. • 6 Rue ,Seribe , ,. Grand Rotel), Paris;''S Lot4l'lll7 (opposite Bank of ; England), London; 4 Broad stroot (Dean, •lllcelinnis ¢c, Co.), New York. Letters ,of credit issued. All letters "addressed care of NORTON (h, CO. promptly. delivered. Everyattention paid to travelers. - , inyS sl2t rp§_ . atilt, Mortar. rill Tlles, Combs, Brush' rs, Mirrors, 'Tweezers, ruff Boxes,lforn Stumps, - Sorg cal lustrti. 'melds, Trusses, hard turd Soft Rubber Goods,Vial Cases, Glass uud Metal Syringes, (ice, all at "First Mande" prices. IiNOWBEN ..4:BROTHER, ap,s-tf - 2,3 South Eighth street, I.TIIDffION LATEST CABLE NEWS Alaba,tha, Clai - xint .4 ' Temperate Speech of Lora Clarendon- Comments of the English Piess:, AFFAIRS IN,. MADRID. , • , Resignation of Gen. Dolce before the COrtes • ~ .., , - . By the Attantte able: (.l . • -! • irint7ssr.r... , :; Juno titb.4l l hO Aiiipey (Maiabet' ''', Lax coithrnied the bill recently ptiised . 'by : . the ' lower Hobse; to' abolish ' imprisonment' tbk -!,' debt. LONDON, j iitii-The temperate -.Speeclt • of Clarendon in the House of Lords laSt,-:elien-, • ing, on the subject•of the Alabama treatY;_hint:, elicited the, following comments in' the as of this • Morning., TrO he nc,i . says t • "F or: our, part, considering ,thn,demand• America And the ready, coneessions,,or "Eug: land, .we wonder that the latter got oft'sd*elt The rejection of the treaty ti<<as 11100 ;a..4.05.y;;,; chance than the result of iinybOy engaged behalf of.G:reat The;_ 4 .lanclard:s:iyic: ."The negotiitiopss for the Alabama treaty failed because .AmeriCat':',. never intended them to succeed:: If England now admits that it is her duty to„ renew her efibrts ler a peaeefulsettletnept,: it' is - without hope that our honest desire for stichSettlement will not be appreciated but by ii small Section:: of the. American people: :In the Meantime; •„ until the details at Mr. Motley's mission are known, we should. fold our hands, and our compliments' to hiM aka great hiSterian.".i ,. ' The . ; Star .sapi: "Americans' can nollOnger ,— ' , doubt our willingness. to' dov them right or our n deteninatio n•to preserve'our national charac4-:; - ; ter and . # ,• • 6 - • MAnnin,' June.; s.—Admiral . TOpete read, Dulee's telegram ; announcing his resignation as Captain-General. of Cuba, before the Cortew•,. last evening. Great •excitement. prevailed: , Marshal Serrano asked., for a suspension of judgMent until the arrival of Duke, and.until the particulars in the Matter . Were knOwn:, is rumored that Duke was reealled,4 account of his lenity to the Cuban insurgents, „ PAIM„Tune Lavalette dcalareS, that the warlike rumors ,'published in the news- papers, recently, are without any'foundatiomt:. FINANCI A RELIABLE HOME INVESTMENT THE FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS Wilmington and Reading Railroad, BEARILINiG INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT,. LN CURRENCY, Payable April and October, free of . State and 'United States Iraxes. This road runs through a thickly populated and rich agricultural and manufacturing district: For the present we are offering a limited amount of tue above bonds at 85 Cents and Interest. The connection of this road with the Pennsylvania and Reading Railroads insures it a largo and remunerative trade. We recommend the bonds as the cheapest first class investment in the market. • - WM. PAINTER, Jir, Bankers and illealers In Goverrnaikfic, No. 36 S THIRD S'I'RErT,: PitILADELPIRIA. .., , . . • . . 4. el, . Av BAIsIicERS; O - N 0.35 SOUTH THIRD STREET,RE . PHILADELPHIA.''' ENERAL GENTS,' FOR- - : . , 47 PENNSYLVANIA A; oti11" AN D . ..051- • 44 za No l'cAv - L.) OF THE ' 0-/ -1 i , LFE Ns pow - , Of THE :t 6 UNITED STATES OF AIVIERICA The NATIONAL LIED INIMILLAISCEI . COMPANY 18 IX corporation chartered by special Act of Congress, ap, proved July 71,1888, with a • , CASH CAPITAL, $1,000,000, POLL PAID, , Liberal terms offered to Agdriti arid Selleltors, Naha are invited to apply at our office. Full particulars to, be had,on application at our oflice, located in the second story or our Banking "louse, where Circulars and Pamphlets, fully describing the advantages offered by the'Company, may be bad. E 4 W, CLARK de CO., No. 35 South 27iirci At: ' SEWING MACHINES.. • THE PARHAM NEW FAMILY SEWING M ACHINE..: r • This new and ildmirable Sewing Machine: has already achieved a popularity not surpassed by the. oldest ma dams of tilt, country. It combines all the good qualities Of the beet machines in the market, with many mew and superior features not found in ally other : is ADAPTED • FOR EVERY , DESCRIPTION OF FAMILY SEWING AND FOIL LIGUT, MANUFACTURING PURPOSES ;' • Is ilrgant in style and finish. simple in construdion, noiseless in operation, .makes perfect work. on every do- seription of material, 18 very light 'running. perfeothr , free in all its movements, adapted to a greater • of work than any maildne yet Invented , and e ti- - rutty the MOST • PERFECT, SIMPLE: AND BETAOLE.', FAMILY ' SEWING .! MACHINE EVES OFFERED TO FEE PUBLIO: It Is it positive pleasure to operate it. Call and examine it at the Wilco of the EAIIIIIANI SEWING MACHINE CO., No.RACIIESTNUT STREET. 'Ol lair TTUST ILECEIVE;D AND INSTC/It,Wiraki,i. el cases of Cluunpagae, sparkling Catawba and gall- fornia Wines, Port, ?Madeira, bhorrv, Jamaica and Santa Cruz Bum, Sue old lirandies and' WhiskieSi Wholesale and Retail. P. .1 -JOADAN,22oTearkstrolot,.. • Below Third and Wahant, stroote, and abolro Dock. stroot. del tf TOli DAN'S CELEBI4TEDpvux.ToNT9 ei Ale for invalids, tonally use, 4:P. The subscriber is now furnished with hie raft Winter supply ends itighly nutritious and: well known bever age. Its widespread arid increasing ;use, by order, of physicians, for invalids, use of families, &o,,coramend It; to the attention of all - constimerif who - want a strietbr pure article; prepared froni the best materials; and put " up in the most careful manner for home use or transpor tation. Orders by mailer otherwise prom i rifi taa4plied„ No. Z.til Pear street, Below Third and 'Walnut streste. O'Oloc3c.
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