SUNDOWN• . . . stood by the avonze of the §ppriiipr sea, As the day was quietly dying, 2 'When the waves Were lulled in adrearnyss sleep. . And the seaxtews plaintively crying. The,broad red disc of th&Aetting snn WaN poised on the mighty ocean, And the wavelets were breaking one by Ono On the shore, with a dreay motion. But a gorgeous curtain of bine and gold fc11:on the sleeping billow, Ata thesthi, likOia monarch infirm Mat Old, /Reclined on a glowing pillow. agaiwn change, as he sank to rest; his clench or surpassing trlorr, • "t*.biws, that _trynbled oil.. ocean's breast; 'Welted the wonders of Eastern story. Altrwlv these, beauties all passed away, . As saw ight's shadows descending, "And I ilecmcd s it well such a perfect day Should have kneh'a perfect ending. "lIIE AGONIES OF AN ANGLER. Fishing . Without Sentiment. BY JOE N QUILT, . „ . This thing of going a fishing and calling At oertie ridiculous. ld Isaac Walton , was a 4eceiter,i and hiS "Complete, calcu-' • lated to pervert public morals, and lead the; einsitspeeting astray. ,hi my opinion, it's: an *tier-ratedbook, and 'ought to be suppressed. It entourages the ideti, that ifighilikis a genteel pastime, which ' affords :thins for ineditatioiy , aiiitanitivates 'a,loye for the beautiful .in; Na . ,. . , , That this is all nonsense every Man knoWs 'nrhOever went a fishing in hielife. Ijeavuit the - Mitlitrem if it iSn't. Don't yoUknoW that you go and..nearly burst a blood-ye.ssel diggin worms, fur bait, and then You have to, dig a hole ,as big as a i tifie-pithefore you can lay your hands on one solitary worm? ; Then When you get the water you,Very `likely sit dawn on seine . blaCkberry bush or other, and undergo' ,pearly as much physical linfr6titng AS'Yett ,do when. you stiek, the fish %obit into 'ymir'cutiele While you are trying to it the on., • When you once throw in,you begin to watch. , the cork, and you:look at, it hour after hour, until you nearly go - blind, and you, : think you nee' about twenty: corks, and vs it never budges one inch all the Utile, yon conclude that there ain't any:fish about, until you pull up, when : "yOu'fi rid that some well-balanced and insiduous inember.of the finny tribe has sucked all ,the bait Off. • - .After enoughpatient endurance to start eight or nine Christian martyrs in life, you get a nibble. Yes, the cork moves slightly, and yon think you are, at last, going to get a fish. YOU Watch it closely while your mind 'runs , over the big .fish you have heard of. You think of .Tonali, of whaling voyages.aud of the sturgeons you have seen, around . tye wharves. • Perhaps this is one of-the largusize, and you wonder if you hadn't..better go home and get a dray terfeteli it. Suppose you were to catch the sea,serpent, or a thousand-pound snapper ? and you invol untarily siiggest soup to yourself; While all the time the cork keeps bobbing up and down, - until at last she gives one jerk and goes under. Got him, by George!. Pull np, and there is a Wretched little fish on the hook, that wouldn't satisfy the appetite of a , sick sardine, and he cost you just, toniteen worms, enough to bait a school of mackerel, • - Throw in again, wait for an honr, and you don't get a single nibble. Then you think you are safe to let go and light your" pipe. No sooner do you get the match lit, and you can't throw it down be- Cause it's the last one you've got,than you get a splendid bite; the cork goes clear out of sight., and before you have a chance to pick up the rod the fish gets off. Any man who says this isn't aggravating ought to die; he isn't fit to associate with ordi nary human being's. But you try to encourage yourself by saying that while there's life there's hope, and that perseverance and patience overcome all things, and, by getting off a lot more of old second-class falshoods, and throw in again. Wait for several centuries, if you calculate according to your sufferings, and never get any bites but one on the calf of your leg from some sixty-legged spider who has been on an exploring expedition up your pantaloons. Then you pull out and spit on the bait for luck; maybe you blow on it if you are super _ etifiens, and you throw in and get a bite. You pull up several hundred times and never catch. him. . . Then you get mad; you believe it is an eel and you swear to catch that eel or (lie. You feel that life 'will be perfectly joyless and desti tute of happiness unleks you get a chance to put your grip on to that eel. At last you hook him and draw him out. Ho is active, and playful and vivacious. He is a wriggler, and combines himself into letters and C and•X, and runs through the alphalult generally, and slaps you in the face, and gets around your legs and covers you all over with . . Then he tangles your line into a hard knot, and when you get your, ,foot on hini you find he hag swallowed the hook, and just as likely as not you've got to rip that eel clear open from head to tail to get it out, and when you do he will wriggle away from you and annoy you its long as you stay there. Eels never die; immortality is their strong point, and they lay themselves out to make you abjectly miserable. When you get all straightened out and throw in again, you wait for an hour, but you only get about one first-class bite during that time. You pull up aiid you have on an enor mous fish, and before you get him near the shore he quietly lets go his hold and drops back into his native element. It is rough on you, I adinit, but when you go a fishing you've got to take it as it conies without growling. There is a kimiof subdued melancholv.about it—a regretful disappointment that is pleasant. Row interesting it is when you have alropped the last one off, and veil get another bite, to make tip your mind to get this one anyhow, and then to eoncontrate all your strength and pull up with a violent jerk, and sling your line back on to a tree, and have it wind around the branches as tight as if it had been pulled by a steam engine, and in Such a bewildering condition that you can't get it loose in a; week. • This is calculated to make you use hard ex- Fres.sions, hut not any more so than it is to have your cork . dritiVn tinder gently and steadily, and go down, down, down until it is 'out of sight. "A catfish, most probably," ,you say, "they always pull in this manner!' You draw your line in gently, and the catty tugs at the other end: "They always do this," you'observe. You pull up slowly, so as to keep him on the hook, and when you get your line out, you Most probably find an old snag with more branches than the Pennsylvania Railroad, and covered With mud, and not a solitary fish in the neighborhood, while all the time there is a boy with a pin hook and an old hank of twine who is catching them so fast that he can't .bait hiS hook, and the ground is:White with them all around him. I "don't advecate. violent language; but it' there ever is an occasion when the ten com mandments are temporarily suspended, this is it. A reran is legally entitled to relieve his pent tip feelings, and the more so, because when • likgets up to go home he finds that his fish book has caught hiM by the shirt, and that there is a ptithlle.deep enough to ,float a canal e - h • beat just where has been sitting. Of course you can't go home without fish, to e laughed at, so you go over and try to buy era of the boy, who not only tries to' insult - yOn by asking you if you "ketched any'?" but feels that he has you in his power, and makes yartimy more money -than you could buy out a '3OlOO oymter-sloop for. `') . .1:6 , 1 don't see any sport in it, and if I Wanted to make a roan utterly wretched; if. 4 *anted to hurt his feelings, and break down his'SiiiritS'and ruin his morals, 'would get him --••••• ttigo lishiag about 'once a week. I approvo el abbliSbing - penitentiaries mid - jails, and making .c anncts fish for the benefit of the, 19tatt. • • NEW UNCOMBIERCIAL SAMPLM. , ,I • ,ZDY GHARLES,DICKENI2.. Fly*Leatta a Life i • nt.e npon .a tiMO,(fOmatter Swhen), I engaged matter what),, which, could be,transaeted'bOny.4elfalone; in which could have no help; which imposed a con stant strain on the attention, memory, observation, and physical powers; and which inyolyed„almost fabulous anunint of ehange Of place and rapid railway traveling. I had followed this pursuit through an exceptionally trying winter in an always trying climate, and had resumed it in England after but a brief repose. Tints it game to be prolonged until, at length—and, as it seemed, all of a sudden—it so wore nie out that I could , n 9 t r elYs .11V,I.tsual. „cheerful confidence, upon myself to achieve the constantly recur, ring task, and began to feel (for _the first time in my life) giddy, jarred, shaken, faint, uneer-;. lain of voice and sight and tread and touch, and dull of spirit. The medical advice sought within .a few hours was 'given in two words: "Instant rest:” Being accustomed to observe myself as curiously as if I were an other Map, and knowing the advice to Meet my only need, I instantly halted in the pursuit of whiCh I speak, and rested. • My intention was to interpose, as it were, a fly-leaf in the book of-my lile,in which nothing Would be written from without for a brief season of a feW 'weeks. " But some very singu lar experiences ; recorded themselves ou this same fiy 7 leaf, and lain going to relate them literally. I repeat the word: literally. • My lirst'Odd experienee was of the remark able coincidence between my Case, in the gene ral inind,:and one Mr. Merdle's as I find it re corded in ft work of fiction, called Little Dor rit. TO be sure, 'Mr. Merdle was a swindler, forger and thief, and my calling has been of a less harmful (and less renunerative) nature, but, it was' Y one for that.' • " • Here is Mr. Merdle's case : , ' first, he Wa.s,deadef all the diseases that ever were. known, ;tit(' of several Maladies invented with the speed'of Light to meet the demand of the occasion. He had coneealeita dropsy froM infancy, he had in ,herited a; large estate of water on the chest from hiS,,,rrrandlatber, he had had au operation performed Upon hinn every.morning of .his life for eighteen years, he bad been subject to the explosion of important veins in his body after the manner if tireworks,hehad.had something the matter With his lungs, he had had some thing the matter with his heart, he had had something the matter with his brain. Five hundred people who sat down to breakfast entirely uninformed on the whole subject; be lieVed before."l7% had done breakfast; that they privately personally knew. Physician to have said to Mr. Merdle, You must expect to ge out, some day, like the snulf of a cainlle'; and that they .knew Merdle to have said to Physiehni„ 'A man can die but once'.'By about 11 O'clock • in the forenoon, something the Matter with the brain, became the favorite theory againSt the held; and by twelve the something had been distinctly ascertained to be 'Pressure.' „ , , • • . , "Pressure: was so entirely satisfactory to the public mind, andseemed to make every one so comfortable, that it might have lasted all day but for Bar's having taken the real stnte of the case into Court at half4Jast nine. Pressure, however, so farfrom being overthrown by the discovery, became greater favorite than ever. There waSia, general 'moralizing upon Pressure, in_every street. All the people who had tried' to Makelhoney and hail not been able to do it, said, There you were ! You no sooner began to devote yourself to the pursuit of wealth, than yon :got Pressure. The idle people improved the occasion in a siniilar. manner See; said they, what you brought yriuraelf to by work, work, work! You persisted in working,' you overdid it, Pressure cattle on; and you were done for! This consideration was very po tent in many (pnters, but nowhere more so than among the young clerks and partners who had never been in the slightest danger of overdoing it. These, one and all, declared, quite piously, that they hoped they would never forget the warning as long as they lived, and that their conduct' might be so regulated as to keep off Pressure, and preserve them, a comfort to their friends,forimany years." Just my case, if I had only known it;•:-- when I was quietly basking in the sunshine in my Kentish meadow! - But while I so rested, thankfully recovering every hour, I had experiences more odd than this. I had experiences of a spiritual conceit, for which, as giving use a new warning, against that curse of mankind, I shall always feel grateful to the supposition that I was too far gone to protest against playing sick lion to any stray donkey with an itching hoof. All sorts of - people seemed to become vicariously religious at my expense. I received the most uneompromismg warning that I wits a Heathen; on the conclusive authority of a field preacher, who, like the most of hiS ignorant and vain and daring class, could not . construct a tolerable sentence in his native tongue Or pen h..fair letter, This in spired individual_ called to order roundly, and knew in the freest and easiest way whore I was going to, and what Would become °fine if 1 failed to fashion myself on his bright ex ample, and was on terms of blasphemous con fidence with the Heavenly Host. He was in the secrets of my heart, and In the lowest, soundings of my soul—lie!—and could read the depths of my nature better than his A 11 0, and could turn me inside out, like his own clammy glove. But what is far more extraor dinary than this,—for such dirty water as this could alone be drawn from such a shallow and muddy source,—l found front the information of a 'lueneticed, clergytnink, of whom 1 neyer heard and whom I never saw, that I had not, as rather supposed I had, lived a life of some reading, contemplation, and inquiry; that 1 had not studied, as I rather supposed 1 had, to inculcate some Christian lessons in books; that I had never tried, as rather supposed I had, to turn a child or two tenderly towards the knowledge and - love of our .Saviour; that I had neverli<ul, as 1 rather supposed I had had, departed friends', or stood beside open graves - ' but that I had lived a life of "uninterrupted prosperity," and that I needed this "cheek, overmuch;". and that the way to turn it to account was to read these sermons and these poems inclosed, and writ ten and issued by my correspondent! I beg it may be undendood that I relate - facts ,of my own, uncommercial experience, and no vain . imaginings. The documents in proof lie near my hand. Another odd entry on the fly-leaf, of a more entertaining character,was the wonderful persistency with which kind sympathi zero assumed that I hadinjurionsly coupled with the so suddenly relinquished pursuit those personal habits of mine most obviously in compatible with it, and most plainly im possible of being maintained along with it. As, all that exercise, all that cold bathing, all that wind and weather, all that uphill training, all that everything else, say, whicii is usually carried about by ex press trains in a portmanteau and , hat box, and partaken of under a flaming row of gaslights in.the company of two thousand peo ple. This assuming of a whole ease against all fact and likelihood struck me as particularly droll, and Was an oddity of which, I certainly had had no adequate experience in life until I turned that curious My old acquaintances the begging letter writers came out Were the fly-leaf, very piously w indeed. They ere glad, at such a serious crisis, to afford me-- another--opportunity of sending that post-office order. I needn't make Wit pound, ass preCiously insisted on; ten Shill ings might ease my mind. And H'eitven for bid that they should refuse, at such all insig nificant • figure, to bike a weiglit off the memory of an erring fel low-creature! (inc gentlemen, of an artistic turn (and copiously . illustrating the hooks of the 31endicity Society), thought it mightsoothe my conscience in the tender re spect ofgifts misused,if .1 wintld immediately • cash up maid of his lockly talent, for original design,—ass a specimen of which .he, inclosed me a,___Woric • of art which I re-- co sized as a • tracing' front • a wood-out onginally published? in tint 411(1 Trollope'm book on America forty or fifty years ago'. ' The number Of people who were prepared to live long years.after one, untiring benefactors to their species, for fifty :pounds apiece down was astonishing. Also; Of those who wanted. bank-noteS for - stiff .penitential . amonnts, to give away,—not to keep, on any account.. wonderful medicines and ,machines --TILF,P-AILY,ENING-BUILETIN_P_HILIDELPHIA,_.SATUADAA,JAINE'S, 1869. , sMuarecommendations of themselves 54014 fly-leaf that Vasq.'ito4 haVol;ieen. so - 4lt.was speciallyMitieoableyhatOetY li rekiriher, whether in Whior*) or physical di ' rettiOni knew pie thoronghlknew yul#oin heal to heel,in and outrthrongh and thOUgh, ,iipScde down, I was a AtliiiSs Anece .fQf gOnern); ::prOtierty, amt . eyerybO•Siinkon theMoSt Sur_ . prisingly inthhate ternks)Witlku. A few pub,' he-institutions had cbMplifiitntary percep tions of corners in my mind, of which, after, considerable self-examination, I have not dis covered-any iililicationNeatz little printed fortes were addressed to those corners, begin ning with the words: "I giyCand'berinelttlir Will it seem exaggerative to state my belief that the most honest, the most modest, and the least vain-glorions of all the records . upon this , strange tly-leafi aletter from the Self.da ceived discoverer of the reconditesecret "how to live-four or -five hnndred years"?' Doubt les,s it will seem so, yet the statement is not exaggerative by any Means, but is made in my, serious and sincere conviction. With this, and with itlaugh at the rest that shall not be cynical, I turultlietlydeaf,!and .go on again.— beery 15atit ra«y. , - , The New ChaiePennsylimutia 'lllWAverdt.y.. A Philadelphia correspondent, ,ofthe Nation says: . • Last. week, Rev. Dr. Meilvaine,,,of Prince ton, delivered an inaugural address on the es stablishment of a . chair of Political Economy .and Social the University. Mr. Stephen Colwell; a wealthy iron -master here, has Wig tbeen a diligent student of political economy, as well as an occasional author on the subject. His "Ways and Means of Pay ment"• is a learned review of Abe history and literature -of the credit system; and ho has written agreat many pamphlebi onthiS ',branch , of scieiice,and worked hard:On the recent coin mission front which Mr. David Wells' became .the'speciaLcommissioner. Mr. Colwell has col lected with great care a large library of works on political economy—about ten thou sand volumes—and probably sogood a one cannot be found 'anywhere else in this . country; collection • of pamphlets on the Bank of England numbers over six hundred pieces; and on each of the other g, , reat European banks—Venice, Genoa and Amsterdam—his labors haVe been equally exhaustive. • This library hepresents to the University, together with aklarge sum of money, on condition that there shall be estab lished and properlyendowed a professorship, and for this lie designates Dr, McllVaine. The .mbney, it Ls said, is already prothised or se cured among other merchants and manufac turers here, and the professorship will begin itS regular duties in the fall. The University is just now attracting a great deal of attention,by reason of , the vigorous ellerts made: in its be half. :The trustees have begtut a Van 'of en dowment, with a view to raise live hundred thousand dollars in one fund for the general purposes of the institution, 'and' already one hundred and fifty thousand dollars have been subscribed." , ON THE LINE OF ' . Philadelphia and Reading -Railroad Mansion House, Mt. Carbon. • Mrs. Caroline Wunder, Pottsville P . . 0., Schuylkill co. TiiScar'ora Motel, 'Mrs. M. L. Miller, Tuscarora P. 0.., Schuylkill county Mansion House, W. F. Smith, Mahanoy City P. 0., Schuylkill county. . Mount Carmel House Charles Culp, Mount Cannel P.O., Northumberland I. E. A. Hoes, Reading P. 0, Andalusia, Henry Weaver, Rending P. 0. Living Springs Hotel; Dr. A. Smith, Wernereville P. U., Berke county. Cold' Springs •LebanOti , County, Wm. Lerch, Pine Grove P: 0., Schuylkill county. Eoyertown Seminary, F. S. Stauffer, Boyertowu P. 0.; Berke county. Lithe Springs, Geo. F. dreider,Litiz P. 0., Lancaster county. Ephrata Springs, John Frederick, Lphrata P. (L, Lancaster county Perkiosuen Bridge Hotel, Davis Longaker, Freeland P. 0., Montgomery county Prospect. Terrace, Dr. James Palmer, Freeland P. 0., Montgomery county Spring, Will Heights, Jacob 11. Bretsch, Cousholnicken P. 0., Montgomery co • Donty House, Theodore Howell, Shamokin, Northumberland county iny.l-2m§ SURF HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., „ . WILL BE OPEA . POH• QUESTS JUNE 26,1669. TllO plan of the Houee 10:011 81)(1 Hoene( secured until une 20tli, at the La Pierre Ileuiw, Philadelphia. - TERMS - MODERATE". THOMAS FARLEY, Proprietor. • Carl Sentz's Parlor Orchestra has been entragedfar the season. Ja ink§ LONG BRANCH, N. J. The MANSION HOUSE opeiml June let. S. LAIRD, Proprietor The IIIETROPOLITAN HOTEL will open June nib. Apply to S. LAIRD, Proprietor. - The 'UNITED STATES HOTEL will open Juno 59th, Apply to S. LAIRD & BRO., Proprietors. , Mr. S. LAIRD can be seen at the Metropolitan Hotel, New York, between 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. on Mondays and Tuesdays of each week. • jet 12t§ jAN prED STATES HOTEL, CAPE MAY CITY, NEW JERSEY, Will be opened for the season on SATURDAY, May 29th. In all first darts appointments, equal to any, and yet affording to families all the comforts of a how. President Grant expeetti to visit Capo May this season, and will stop at the "United States.' Address: AARON MILLER, my27.lin Proprietor._ V T:IZ SPIZIN GS HOUSE,. LANCASTER COUNTY, PA., Will be reopened June 1:1 for Ii summer. Thom° (leAring a cool and In•altliy hummer resort, with all tho comforts of Immo, will tied these Springs unsurpassed. For particulars address GEO. T. 011IDER, my2S-Im§ l'roprietor. 11 SCHOOLEY'S 3toUNTAIN SPRINGS, \..1., Ipens June lit, with lerritaiiiit TI.I/1111 moderate. Time L lump:, via Belvidere nnla ware and Morris 1111(1 EkitieZ nail 1.41 i. COIIIIOC- I E. 11. COLEMAN, up2l tv&ii 21e§ Proprietor. _ CO.&(ftBSS HALL, ()APE 31A1., N 1 1V Jrreer, will receive guentii, Tnekulity , ono lit. Fur r,mnB aildreNs . CAKE, piy2o,lll.ii,to:Ot* Proprietor.. st lIIMEIt BOARDING. . - • IiB O SPECT TEE RACE. EREEI,ANG, MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 'This delightful Suunner Residence will be open for the re,option of gliekds trit tint! after May 1. The lawn avid grounds have been arranged with 811M liter anhonF, croquet grounds, billiard rooms, &c., stud' for shade and beauty bur very delightful ; bolding, fifth plunge-hatho, &c. Address, JAMES PALMER, pl 5 th s to anti§ ' Vreeland, Pa. riI'IAVO FAMILIES CAN BE ACCOmMo 1. dated with board uu a beautifully located farm by addressing' R.," Medial'. 0., Delaware county. N ia-fe OUMNER BOARDING.—AT A BEAU locatva form house, above - Miley, Pa. Fur particulars apply at 912 Spruce street. Boarding, 7 dol lars per week. ni to th EXCURSIONS. C / 61IJFIN AND ATLANTIC it 11. I{ 0 All On and after SUNDAY next, JllllO 6, tho Mail Tl'l4ll ftir Will leave. Vine of rent Ferry of_B A. II Leave Atlant (ity at 4 P. M Stopping at all ritat lotto. je:IM 1). 11. 1111.1NI)Y Agent. Il k SUNDAY: 1,X(3 -TLo xpleudbl htearabaut•" wiligitt" will ..".t!ilestnut street wlturf at o'clock AL M. and 25rz I'. )1., vtopplog at Tltcgurgt'd wharf. Tacony, itivertou, Andalusia, lieveriv, liurlington and Ilrintol. Returning leavcs Bristol at 11 o'cloclCA. 11t, and 5 'stopping at all the above littallnge. Fare 25 eente. Excursion 40 cents _ 1 - 1011SIWAN.SIT.1 P I.llNT.firr rally.tanght at Om Philadelphia Ithllng School, mat idreet, above Vine. The morn „ quiet nlet and thoroughly trained. For .11ito car liiageti at all tiniuo for weildinga, partlepi, opera, loucr ale, onorala i Sc. ortieki trained to the Nubile. • TI10:11e1S CItAIGE tic SON.. SUMMER RESORTS: SUMMER RESORTS AND BRANCHES. White House, SUNDAY TRAINS FOR THE'SRASIIORE ATLANTA: crry EDUCATION DRY GOOD. , • PAICF,;\ '' 00 e ' r 14 corner. -E g and rlttert. Daily receiving Noy Gouda, from New York Auction and other FOL) rce6. WHITE. GOODS i,Piques, at 2.5 i 81;'37.3.i', 50, Cr 2.;., 75c. up to Sl. • Stript% Nainsooks. Plaid and Stripe Swiss Fine quality Plaid Organdies, Sale. 4: .!rai»HoOkli,,SWltig uslitte,lrpturia Lawns, Soft-finish Cantbrics,Ac:, &e. 4 . 11andsmna 33ttrsoillcs.Quilts, • •... , eney comb and Jacquard . • Table Linetni.' . .Napkitut and Towels. . ?Nursery Diaper and Apron Bird-eye. Best makes Blenched and Unbleached itlnslins. -BLACK SILKS. BLACK SILKS. • Black tiro Grain Silks, .12 up to 113 1;0 a yard: Bargains in Lilies' and Gents' Hosiery and Gloves. Ladies'.and Gents' Gauze Merino Vests; cheap. Hamburg Edgings and Insertings. , Dimity Bands,Magießuillings and Coventry Rullling's Gents' Shirt Fronts, Neck Ties and Suspenders. PRICE & WOOD, N. W. corner Eighth and Filbert Ste, N. B.—Silk Sunljuttrellus mad Pitmen'& jab yr 2t - • MATERIALS .FOR SUITS In Stripes and Gray Mixtures. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT ON THIS MAIIItET. RICKEY, , SHARP & CO. -1 727 Chestnut Street. SULKS SILKS In Stripes, Checks and Shots, IN GREAT VARIETY. RICKEY SHARP & CO. 727 Chestnut Street. LINEN POPLINETTES, A New . and Desirable At 37 Cents Per Yard.:` RICKEY, • RICKEY, SHARP & CO. 727 Chestnut Street. J.apan.ese Silks AND POPLINETTES, • A FUEL ASSORTMENT. RICKEY SHARP & CO. 727 Chestnut Street. LACE POINTS In New and Beautiful Designs. RICKEY SHARP & CO. 727 Chestnut Street. my 3 INDIA SHAWLS AND SCARFS. GEORGE FRYER 916 CHESTNUT STREET, Invites attention to his elegant stock of India Shawls and Scarfs, Black and Fancy Silks, Japanese Silks, terials for Sails, Dress and Fancy Goods, in great variety, purchased on most advantageous terms. for cash, and will be gold as cheap as at-any store in the city. N.B.—lndia Shawls altered, repaired and cleansed. myt-]mrpi EDWARD FERRIS, No.' 807 CHESTNUT STREET, WHITE GOODS, • LACES and OFFERS TO TDB TRADE 200 Pieces Choicp Piques. 400 Pieces Plaid and Striped Nainsooks. New Hamburgs. New Guipure and Valenciennes Laces. New White Goods of all kinds, desirable for Spring trade. Just opened and for Hale at a small advance on cod on niportation, EDWARD FERRIS • No: 807 CHESTNUT STREET ja2B tu th NOTICE. JOHN MT. THOMAS, Nos. 405 and 407 N. Second . Street, lias jug. received a magnificent assortment of LAMA AND INDE LACES POINTS, ranging front - $lO to $lOO ROTUNDS, "• " - $25 to $75 PALETOTS, " "- $l5 to $5O CORSAGES, " " $lO to $25 SACQUES, " " s2o' to $5O ZOUAVE JACKETS, - $lO to $25 0127 3mrp IXTIDE WI:11TE NET, • • v ' 21( and a yards wide, for covering mirrors, chan deliers, &e., under regular price. • TUAN'SFER FIGURES. Just received, another large let of those very pretty' low-priced Transfer Figures. ;, • 54 SWISS MUSLIN, . In 10 yard pieces. Just received. a ; small lot of this unusual width, from 371 to . WI cents a yard; very cheap. • • • 4.4 SWISS MUSLIN . • • * Just received, a large lot, commencing at 19 chi., very much better than usual for the price .• • •ti-4 . FICENCII MUSLIN. Just raettived.. sr, - .pieces of Superfine French Organdie Muslin, at it rialacettpriee, , • . • •• . 2 YARD•)%i • DE SWISS ItilISLl N. -'• 20 yard idecet4;:,o cents, a yard by thirplece,l4l cents by the yard; the None • that we have beau Nulling •fur 70 eentri MEMO NEVRAIVIBUROB. , Just received, It", ideces ' new • Oleap • Hain . WHITT. 0001/k3 FOR. THE WARM 'WEAT HER.. Onband,.a very full star]; of desirable While Mita llbs.'ander,regular prlcria, - at' WOR NE Nu. 38 Nortl Eighth reet, , • • It , GOODB. I]IIPORTER OF EMBROIDERIES, • AllitX 00 V et, UCtiN"XN tr, .f!;.'A • 14 • r:, • • k.:l , 114 S: Eike lit )1' Sti , o. (it Would call the ittlotillon Of Junt's Wlll4/11ING BAILtttiAIINS ' To their stork of PIQUES, PLAID AND STRIPED NAIN. - • SOOKS AND ORGANDIES, which they have bought for cash, tool can offer ttt much less than the PRESENT PRICES t .j imp a rtation, -'•-lileo t nllnn-apratitnent of 'FRENCH, ENGLISII ant AMERICAN EXTItACTS. Palm Leaf, Japanese. and Pitney Fittot tt Laces, Enl- br Paltry oiderlea and Articles to great Y11140) 6 , J 1.2. IV 4t ,* LADIUS who ore preparing for a' Sommer Triy;;OtthoWltlcrl,pg. Places; will. find oor stock of , WHITE GOODS very complete; embracing THIN MATERIAL FOR, WA ISTS AND DRESSES, Including 8-4 FREIICH'MUSLIN AT 80c. TARLATANS, FRENCH NAINSOORS, In Plnin,Stripcd and Plaid. PIQUES, PEKINS, „au., &c. As we make . ; • NECK-TIES, SCARFS,. .ROWS, LINEN COLLARS AND CUFFS, EItIBROIDERED SETS, . SASHES, *.e., SPECIALTIES, In onr ataortment, will always Aro found approved novelties. • E. M. NEEDLES & CO. , 1126 Chestnut Street. my 27 ih q to 15trp 13A_JEtCr.A..1.NIS - 1. • • 10,000 Yards Silk Embroidered Grena . dines, all, 37 'l-2 Cents a Yard: 10,000 Yards Brotlie . •Grenadines, all 37 1-2 Ceuta a Yard. 5,000 Small Silk Sprigged Grenadines, All 37 1-2 Cents a Yard. 5,000 Silk Spot Grenadines, all 31 1-4 Ceitts a Yard. Theabove are BARGAINS, bin olivr , l at Mt h!nlre than LO c9rts. uii tha A N ARE FAST SELLING OUT. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., THE " BEE-HIVE," No. 02.0 Chestnut Street. jr2 w e 2trp t i t; L 447. • • 44 Fourth and Arch. • ARE PREPARED TO SUIT LADIES SIIOPPING FOR • summEß OUTFITS. - TOURISTS' DRESS GOODS. BEhT IRON BAREGES. SUMMER SILKS REDUCED. ORGANDIES AND LAWNS. MAGNIFWENT GRENADINES. LAMA LACE POINTS. JACKETS. At:. SEA-SIDE SIIA WLS „NEW STYLES. _ BREAK FAST SHAWLS, WHITE AND COLD. TOURISTS' GLOVES, HOSIERY, SCARFS, TIES AND N. 8.-BATHING DRESS GOODS, OIL SILK CAPS. A , . m w tf NEW PUBLICATIONS. Turner Bros. - (Iv Co.'s New Books. • JUST PUBLISHED: 13e:critical Snow, and Other Poemsi r By J. W. Wattion.. Price, 25. Fine cloth. -TIFF:4II:ST NOVELS PUBLISIIE The Novel's of the S popular Euttlial lFY t .otthurets, MR. C. J. KEW. Price, Fifty Centt4. In order to meet the demand of the reading public. we have leered new vditionts of the following popular novelc KATE KENNEDY. TRODDEN Do'l% N. COMMON SENSE. RIGHT AND•LEPT. MARGARET HAMILTON, ONLY TEMPER, WONDROUS STRANGE. MARTIIF,D. neotly June 15th. CIIROMOS—FORED:IN AND AMERICAN, The largest neNortment in the country, at thit Publisbero' yoicee. TURNERS', - sus_ chestnut Street, Philadelphia. my w f t.4trp DUFFIELD ASHMEAD'S Bulletin of Recent Publications For Sale at . Wltole s lie Fries. OLDTOWN FOLKS. by Mrs. Uwe. "Ilitnti Brelt• nun About Town," "ei Cluomßrides," "For Her Sake," "Gates Wide Open," "Men, Women and Ghosts," "Short Trip (hide to Europe,"•"Beautiful Snow." and "The Student's Old Testament History," by Dr. Wrn . Smith. • Call at the Old Stand, No. 724 r Chestnut Street. N. B.—We sell everything at Wholesale l`riceq. inhig tu th Ifrp ZELL'S POPULAR, VAN CY - CLOP ET) A Dictionary of Universal Knowledge, T. ELLWOOD ZELL,Publisher, 17 and 10 South Sixth Street. Tribm w n 3nirp , -12.LP11 A 13E,T1 CAL ND EX . NEW TESTAMENT. A tuieful and necessary help in the study of the Scrip turns, and in the preparation of Sunday-School lessons Prices, 25, 40, and 50 cents. ` 11, " Pnblialed by tho AIIERICAN SUNDAY SUIIOOL UNDIN, Nj. iln Chestnut Street, Philitilel Oda. tuy29 s to th pxiL O . ARRIAGE.—A new course of Lectures, as delivered at the Now York Museum 'of Anatomy; embracing the subjects; How to Live and what to Live for; Youth,- Maturity and Old Age; Manhood generally reviewed; the Canso of In digestion, Flatulence and Nerrono DiHeases accounted for; Marriage - Philosophically Considered ac., Sm. Pocket Volumes containing these Lectureswilt ho for warded, post paid, on receipt of 75 cents, by addressing W. A. Leary, Jr., Southeast corner . ot Fifth and Walnut streets, Philadelphia. • fe26-Iyia SOOHS . BOUGHT; AND CATALOGUES of New York, arid Heston 11, ok Sales for dietribrition At 710 Stumm street. JOHN CAMPBELL. my2o-Ln* COAL - AND-'WOOD. MASON DINES. JOHN P. SIIPAPP. rpli E UNDERSIGNED IN VITIJI ATTEN- Han to their etoeli. of Spring 'Mountain ;Lehigh and Vocuct 'Mountain Cord, which, With thil preparation_ avell-by 05; we think can: not be excelled by any other val. • Office, Franklin linititute Building, N 0.15 S. Seventh street. . , tt, SIMAIrr.," Arch street wharf. Schurtkill. CIAIsTON • PRESETOTED . GINGER,— ‘,.. 1 Preserved Cdn_ger, syrlip tho . celebrated. Ow , leong brand; also, Vry Preserved Ginger, in boxes ira: ported' and for tsalo by -JOS. B. BUSSIbIi Uo'., 108 booth Delaware avenue. Mir . • p Mist:FL' ANEOUS - 1:-•• r r 4 C> L i x C) T. - t I S 1 1:‘ S LEE, NO. 43 NORTH EIGIITIT STREET, WILL OPEN TATS DAY aoo bozr,l4 NVAIIKANTEI) (;ENUINE. Lie Gx-ra,nd Xtract.‘ , Our etudomers will remember ltn quality, wo baying had a VERY LARUE quantity of it oomo..year and a The 'neaort molt, commixes theNEWEST - and" moat ile licluus'OpOltS. Wo aro • Sole Importer Ibr LE GRAND XTRAPrr In the United States,except New'Orleana and California, and guarantee its quality equal If nut better than Lubin's, at half the prim. • , • ; ' Alsu,loo dozen XTNACT (Frotai.h) in atone jugs, Also, largest assortment or LINEN FANS in the Inarket. • . • • NEIBM CLARK & 'EVANS, No. '630,T Cliefftnlit Street. ' OPEN DAY AND EVENING. Jobbing at Mannfucturers'.Prices. Retailing at Wholesale Prices. COld Watcheg, Silver Wat chee Fine Jewelry-, Fluted Genuan Accorkleonm, p1.11,11(1 rlarornos, Fan] ily Table Cutlery, Pocket Cutlery, l'ocket Books, &C., Money eraye4 by purchoh CLAR apTitfril WELDEN SPRING WATER, St. Albans, Vt. Al teratilie. A Lirgv Enipply just ntt!ri% <-41 1,7 13R(YWN, [N. E. corner Fifth and Chestnut Streets, PHILADELPHIA N. 11.—Debcriptive Pamphlets to be hml.upon applies lion WIRE FENCING FARMS, GARDENS, LAWNS, &c. CHEAPEST AN) BEST KNOWN. Attu, WHITE METAL ,WIRE FOR CLOTHES LINES. C. BE mirr, BRO CO., 633 Market Street. tuy is tu t 2mro • B, J, WILLIAMS &SONS, N 0.16 North Sixth Street, MANUFACTURERS OP VENETIAN BLINDS WINDOW SHADES, Large and fine assortment at low prices. 'STORE SIADES made and lettered Cornice, Corda, TafeePt, Repairing, ,kc GAS FIXTURES. A great variety of patterns entirely new in this niarket. OUR IRON AND BRONZE GAS FIXTURES Excel all others in durability and finish COIENTWY RESIDENCES Fitted up with the Weld improyentents in KEROSENE LAMPS and CHANDELIERS. - Our Meridian Burner Is the safest anti best made, Also, Bronze and Puritan Flgitres. COULTER, JONES & CO:, 102 Arch Street. my2O lmrp Spring Styles BOOTS AND SHOES FOR GENTS' WEAR. BARTLETT, 33 S. Sixth Streety above Chestnut. uel7 tu th _l5 I PATENT OFFICES, N. W. cor. Fourth and Chestnut, (Entrabee on FOURTH. Street.) :• , FRANCIS. PASTORIUS, Solicitor of Patents. Patents procured for inventions In the United States and Foreign Countries, and all husineSs relating to tho tante.prOmptly transacted. Call or send for circular on . Patents. , Offices oppn until 9-o'clock every evening.. mhal-s ttYtTi lyry§ • FITLER,I,VEAVER & CO: NEW CORDAGE FACTORY NOW IN FULL OPEIt4TION., No. 22 N.WATER street and 22 N.DELAVASE avenue ' . • V Olt SALE—i42S,- . --LARGE E LE gant Squaro rinnO, worth! IWO,. • G:,. Hos: . i 2137 P.O. ,„ • . kti2tl3 A' WATS( 1N TOP .W AO ON ,-- 0 N 1 , 3 SEAT. cost :5410; win svli t',,r ~ 2 2:.1. In good condition.... Apply at Book stoke, 728 Arril Atreet. • " li:ir. . E., it. LEE. Stiitiorwry, Perfumery, S spvtitt Ties, 11,1 ley.), C~~~aimcrrx, 3en Table Covers, Linen Napkins, Linn Ilnn4kc!rchkrty, Woo Pit Table Covers, Notiouq, &q„, ke yOur goods of & EVANS. lUbaii4;nste. my 22 s to myll Imrp§ TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. Tin.; French Atlantic cabloili convicted. . Tin :e nw, French Agent hi Mexico Will hold: no intercourse with the Mexican government, • . .. .... CAPTAIN-GENERAL /Amer, sailed yesteraay for Spain. THE Spanlskifoft-clad Victoria luis arrived at Havana. (- Air uncle of Qaesada has been executed near Puerto PrincipK, .••. I:, . . . ONE thousam „vo miteers front Spain are expected toland in Cuba in a few days. YESTEEDAVH internal revenue receipts' ex ceed $1,000;000. THE London press are still discussing the Alabama treaty; and are disposed to take a more conservative view' of the niatter ' THE Spaniards claim to have defeated seven hundred American ' with ninety Spanish sol dierS. A 1 , 1.0 w -factory and livery' stable at Peru. IE, AV•re burned on Thursday "Light. Lows over :1;80,000. SOME rolibera entered the jewelry store • of 41.1, A.;: - .Augltiuhaugh,:iti Harrisburg, on l'hurs- Alay night, elikirofproted the clerk, mid ear— rie4l oft *3,000 worth of jewelry., • . . _ . . .. Or;IS railiMallaboter was ,killed, auiUseveral others were mortally injured by the prematuro exploA on of a Poughquog, J./Inc:hem comity, N. Y., yesterday. „ , . Au: the printing plates of the Til:4l4ltry . have been destroyed in the presence of the ceuauuiv— niouc:eleu.ted rt . ) superintend thi=iir destruction. The steel plates were melted at the Washing ton Davy Yard yesterday. " - • ~ t •nr. Assembly of .N ova. Scotia, on Thurs day night, after 'some" iliseitsSien; • it was' rangeo by the Speaker that Murray's annex- ation rt-solution•stionld lie .brought tip on Mon,: AN understanding has been reached with the Doniiniuntfuti )rj tieB ,Q. 9 to the ferifts tin which NeWfortfulland will enter the Canadian Confederation, and they are to 'be submitted to the people of Newfoundland for ratitiea tion. SUHMAIIINE diver. named Robert Sileiter, was drowned at Southwest. Piuet, Louisiana, yesterdity, while Working on the steamship Pantheon.. The face glass of his armor broke, and bectnning fettled 111 . . the tindiers,it was its 'possible to haul hinf.tip. A man named W. Buck descended twenty-five feet of water without armor, and reeovered the Innly. THx storiesof ti m e banging of railroad men on the ielierokcee lands in Kansas are not con firmed' The settlers, howeyer, .have lately re ceived large supplies of poWder and axes, and are said to be preparing for a resistance to any Three which may attempt to railroad or protect its workmen. Several settlers have been driven out of the country by the league on account of their lukewarnmess, and others have been warned to leave within forty-eight hours, under penalty of leinging. AT Dutch Hills, Long Island, on Thursday, a dispute terminating in a tight 4n-carrot be tween McNally and iielhthan, conductors on the (i reenpoint Railroad, and one Marrow and a companion, eznployes of the Astoria Railroad, reg a rding the merits of their respec tive lint-S. Having beaten Marrow in an in human manner, 'McNally and Keellaban, who were intoxicated, set•to work and tore up the track for tiearlY: a mile, and injured the bridge; causing a &hiker several hours to the Flush ing train. On their return to Greenpoint they werellnet4 the friendie of Marrow, who beat llcNnily intaleh a Manner that his recovery is dentlrifuL. Kellahan.rau away, and, as it is thought, threw himself into the creek. War rants are out for the arrest of all the leirties. Appoininsent of Pootninsters in rennsyl- • nada. The P0..-tninster-General ha; made the fol lowing change of Postio:i4terA in Pennsyl vania:— Sterreßanta, Erie comity, 'Thom:L.4 Sterrelt, vice E. Beeld; icifigned- I • Linesville station, Cranford.county-41. P. Miller, vice S. Shattuck, resigned. Crossingville." Crawford eounty—P..Clark, vice H. Stevens, resigned. Ventre Road Station, Crawford county—W. McMullin, vice H. D. LoWing, resigned. Wolf Creek, Mercer countY—William P. C. Emery, vice H. B. Williams, miigned. • Ernmitville, Fulton county—William B. Kennard. vice Job Hart, resigned. Sidelong Hill, Fulton c7onty—./. Bernhart, 'vice .1. H. Martin, resigiosl. Fort Littleton. Fulton county—S. T. Buck le.y, vice George Brun. resigned. East Chatham, Tioga county—John Kohler, vice A. Whitney, resigned. Newberry, Lycoming county—NV illiam Colt, vice 1 , 4 Showers, .resigned. Itnekrs county—J. It. Hal d'eTinan. vice T. Mcßeynolds, removed.- 'Elie tutted. States Naval Academy. .ANNANPLIS, June 4tlL—The United States steamer Tallanoosa arrived here -at half-past nine this. morniugovith a distinguished party from Washington, consisting of the. President. accompanied by Mrs. Grant. - .Vim Nellie and Ilaster. Jesse Grant, Miss Nelly and Miss Lillie Sherthan. Secretary Cox., Attorney- General Hoar; Postmaster-General Cresweil, Assistant Seeretary of State Davis and wife, and others. The distinguished party were received with a salute, fired ' from the - United States ships . ;!il aeedonia, Savaniedi anfl Santee, and as soon as the Tal lapoosa mine to an anchor, Abniral Porter went aboard, aunt the President, with his family, were escorted to the residence of the Admiral. At 11 o'clock a dress parade of the midshipmen took place, and shortly after wards .1 tidge Humphreys, of Alabama, one of the Board of Directors, delivered the address to the graduating class. The President then delivered the diplomas to the grinitiates. The uniform orthe midshipuieu consisted of white pants, dark blue jacket aMI. white caps. They were exercised in the manual of arms, using the Spencer wrbine, and gave abundant evi dence of proficiency. ANNAPOLIS, June .I.—The boat-race, this afternoon, between the first and second classes of the Naval Academy; started at 5.30. The, race was three miles. The boat of the first, or graduating class, .was a six-oared cedar shell, and that of the second class a four-oared paper shell. The stroke oarsmen, respeetively,were Midshipmen Garvin and Wood. The start from the buoy, oft' the dock at the Naval Academy, was fair, and the race was hotly contested until after passing the rounding buoy, midway between this and the starting . point, the boat of the first:class swamped, and her competitor, coming in ahead, was decided the winner, and was .awarded the flag, which was presented by Admiral Porter. Time, tweidy-onelabautes and thirty-three seconds. After the boat race there was it mock naval fight between Mlibbipmen Kimball and May, of the graduating class, each Conunanding and manning a dugout, with a crew of one man as oarsman and sculler. The Weapons hi' the contestants Were padded lances; The . boats were placed about twenty yards apart, and at the word Of command, started for each other. At the first round; , May went overboard, but soon got in his boat. In the, second romal f Kimball was knocked overboard, and in at tempting to get in his boat, upset and sunk her, when he was gallantly rescued by May. The crew, the two senllers, SWItIll ashore. The hall to:iiightl.thiim bythe 'Officers and Midshipmen of the Acailemy in honor of Mrs. Admiral Porter, is now going on. The dancing moth the, ?old battery; :an inimense ;oval building recently converted into a gynasiam:'? The interior.of the rooms ninety-six',feet in diameter, hekagonal shaped; the Walls :are beautified with Chinese and other Oriental. t lecorati .fiags;of, ,vsnio ins -.nations and propriate'thoftoes, find the ceiling painted sky blueirepresenting the heavens, brilliant with planets and stars. At half-past tell o'clock the ball-room was lighted and opened, and soon- an iminense throng filled the entrances leading thereto. No particular order was observed in entering the room, but at the appearance of the President and other high officials, the Naval Aeadeniy. - band .struck up Admiral Porter's-Grand March; when a general prome nade., ensued. This' over, a quadrille 'was formed,"eomposed, follows: Gen: Grant and. Mrk. Porter; .Seeretary Borie and Miss Lizzie Nherman;'Secretary Creswell and Miss Minnie Sherman; Gen. Shermairand Miss Boric; Ad miral Porter arid- Mrs.... Grant; .Gen. Miehler and N iss Turnball; (I Rinusey and Mrs. Gen.. _Welder, and Colonel and , lira. Dayton, led on by General Grant and Mrs. Porfer•Attlie head of the quadrille Belle .litilete" luadrille. After this quadrille the dancing bOcame general. MM. blne and white! chau Fiend.) Mnslin and Val cAirresiMail;Mal gf -Admiral Porter was d witlethrefi flouns lo paniOr Amyeryd,With mttltiflcira re,h4fi , 4 Mid fal •The folloirtng gei graduating class: Cliu:rlOS P. Perkins.')lasH: llenry - 31. 31. ltielntrils, Pa. Louis K._lllxler, Pet. . 6 . 1 • '(Tinton K. Curtis, W. Va. Wm. Potter. N. Y. B. 11. Duekingliam. (MM. Edwin 11.151 ley, 111. Sumner 41, Paine, Maine.. Henry 0. Mainly, Mass. Fletelier S. Bassett, 111. I.7rlals P. Harris. 110.. , A lOtt :111. Tlitiekara k.PII. I Newton E. Allison, Po. Arthur I'. Osborn. 01110. Charles D. Bowman, , Edward .1. Remind. P:t. John B. Brlirgs. 31:aet• di..l'. Day, mil. bor. \rm. F. Billkley,N.."Y.' John A. Norris, Pa,. (1. V. coly(11:01104,1,8. off. ('harles Bradbury,: Vt Richard 0. Davenport. Ca.. 'Win. 1.. 11. Itelahay. lieu. Geortie - F;Wright,.lll. - W'ni. H. 11r1itgs, Albdi• '.lolin A. 11. ickels, 31.14. ltielaird A. Breek,r3lass. Wm. (!. Neirley. Pa. w '4l D. Barry. a. of of. Samuel B. 4 'mid) .. . N.. 1. .WuillWright..hellog,g. Pa, .1. D. P. C01140501' of/of.. Charles A. Clark. jowa, 11. C. hinurneeker, Thous r:4. Phelps. if.lll . of. Nelson T. Iluttstoit, , , .1V JEW PiaILICATIONS. TAV,C) YEARS 11.EPORE mANT.r Two years before the Mast, and cty-eight' years after, have_relegated to Mi. Dana the copyright of one'Ofthe'moSt'faultless chronicles of adventure ever written. The new 'edition of Lis niasterPiece IS: therefore; the author's edi tion; the authoritative edition, revised and en larged, of a i'olll7llo that has bem for nearly thirty : years one = or the. most popular books ever published inthis country. It contains, In addition, the account Of 'a"second visit by Mr. Dana to .the ,scenes of the narrative, twenty live years aftef, his :Mist .memorable voyage. In its new and ittiProV'ed , forrit the book will poshess fresh interest for the .thou sands, Who have heretofore read it with delight;and will Mein - ate the generation of readers • who have grown up since its first publication. Published, by Fields, Osgood & Co. For sale by Turner Brothers & Co.' IM onk or TOE WEEK. Eight Years' Wanderings in Ceyl9n. By Sir Kimmel W. Balter,authorof "The file and Hound in Ceylon,'' &c." Illu.strations On wood. ktum, pp. :I'2. Published by J. B. Lippincott. Laws of Business, for all the States of the 1"ni011, with Forms and Directions „ for all Tramaetions. By Theophilus Parsons, • LL. D. 8 vu, pp. 881. Parmelee & Co., 748 San som street. Brightly's annotated Bankrupt Law. 8 vo, pp. :no, Kay & Bro. youth ,Sixth street: ' our New Way Bro., the World. By Charles Carlton Coffin; author of "Four Years of Fighting," &c. Illustrations ou wood. Bro, pp. 524. Published by Fields, Osgood & :Co. For sale by Turni4 Bros. & Co.. Mailmilir, an Oldpint Boniance. By Thomas Wentworth Nigginson. 12mo, pp. 244. Pub liMied by Fields, Osgood & Co. For sale by Turner Brothers & Co. The Cave 31 ethod. Color. By Madame Cave. Member of the Academy of, - Flue Arts :of Amsterdam. Published-by 14. P. Putuani For sale by Porter & Coates, 822, Chestnut street . European ViluyardF;. BV Wm..l. Flagg. 12 boo, pp: 321. Published by Harper & - 1.1r0.4. For 'Pale by Turner 13r05. - 8c Co. A Strantied Ship. By L. Clarke DaYis. 12nto, beOl'he. -Published by Putnani .5.7. Son; for sale by Porter S.:, Coates. Villa Eden: the Country-noose on the Rhine. By Berthold Auerbach. Part 11. Translated by Charles. C. Shackford: Syo, bryiehi. Published, by Roberts Bros., for sale by Datil eld Ashinean. 'ContributiOlS TO the Border Minstrelsy and Ballads. By Sir 'Walter Scott, Bart. Byo, brodr::. W.W. Swayne, New York. Sold by Duffield Ambition!. Brown's Guide-Book to Boston and vicinity. Brochure, price 10 cents.—a School street, Boston. Periodicals. Ovedaini Moitthly for, .June. Roman & Co., San Francisco. Fan Nostra/Ws Ecieetic Enyinetrihy ihigazine for June. 23 - Murray street, New York. De Boies .3bnithly Rerietr. for May. 112 Poydra.s street, N. Cf:, r/i.e_llToniaa's.. , lclroccife, for June. 39 Nassau tree st, N. Y. The Missionhry Herald, for June. 33 Pemberton square, Boston. ...11eqy's Mu tOr June. H. B. Fuller, Boston. The Y6ungCruliwier, for June. 12 Weststreet, Bos. t o l l ,. The I. 7 .ealist, No.B, Fisher &Denison, sold by Turner Bros. Coal Statement. T 1..• lolloxviou t 1... :almond of coal transported over lb. Philadelphia and .111.a.lifof Railroad during the week nding Tltormla3 , J flue 3, 1.66;1; .Torts.Ctet. From 2-t. I 'lair • l'ort Carl ,on •• I'ott-tillu •• Schtlylkin 113V..1) •• Alll.lllll P.rt and Dauphin litcmu a n d .111.urtes.. Total Atitlira , ite Coni for 1v , t,1: Ilarri4urg,autl Pau for m.,1•1: Total for urrk pa yin;; freight 9,153 (11 t ',jai for lb Company. ts IL•l• 426 0.) T.oal of all kiwi,. lvr th” Prev ion l thi. year T. I) . June 4. BO?... 1 Al Itorort. , (l tor tlo! P‘ilindelphia Evejling I'AIIIIEN.V3—}frig 6 V 3h.rrick, Lippincott—NV libds 46 to. , up.lar•es E Chniglit S Co. 31A TA.NZA:j—llark Acacia. Robinson-4.57 WO , . Jard.ll .5: Co; 111.1 Idyls sugar ttantain. 31ATANZAS—Brig .1 Ii Brown. 'lnds 3000 /1*. , 1 A: CO. NEWPORT. Wales—Bark Presto. Brown—Sso tons railroad iron-Naylor Co. SAIII:A—Brig Joh)! W.elsh. Jr, )lunday-440 (aids 47 tc sngar 2 Lb). tIo.S.S W Welsh. R W Oodfrey, Gurwood-472 hhlsnio la...s., trs ilik S l \V Welsh. MOVE3IENTS OF OCEAN STEAMERS. TO ARRIVE. SITIPA , FROM 'FOR DATE low a Glasgow... New York . May 21 Bellona lonalon...New York May 2' Palmyra Liverpool.. New York via.. B May 2.5 Weser ' Soot limpton...New York May 25 ltstinairk Ii v erpool...New York ...." MAy.2O Britannia liktegow...New York.- ' May 24 C. of Bait ithore...Liverpotkl...New York May 27 Delaware Li verpool_Doston May 27' t 'olunii,ia Glasgow .".Now York. ' ' . May 28 Scotia blverpool....Now York May 29 TO DEPART. .. Atlanta New York...lA.ll(lon • • June 6 HOISat ia NOW ur" June 9. Jay.. New York... Liverpool Juno 9 Fah-l:er Now York ..ltertniola. June 9 Manhattan ... ...... New York...Liverpolil t I IMO 9 Weser NOW York—Molten Tune 10 lowa., New York...Glaintow • 1 uno 10 Tanta New York... Liverpool Tune 10 SaNOIIIO New York...llanfit urgJuno 11 Morro Castlik New York... Havana • - ' Tune 12 Britannia New York:..Glasgow_ lune 12 Alaska New York—Aspinwall ' lune 12 Ville tie Parie.....New York...Havre June 12 C. of Baltintore..New York—Liverpool J autt.l2 BOARD OF TRADE. immtv INSOR. GIioRGE N. ALLEN. )MoNtutA , COMMITTEE 0. MORRISON roATES, - • et , MMITTg.E• ?aIBITRATIONS. John 0. 3 Riney, •'Geo. L. BllZby, Souder, 'Win. M. Putt . . GI --- MARINE ,BITLLETIN. PORT OF PHILAI.iELPILIA-JuNi 6 SUN 1115E6, 4,32.1 SUN SETS, 7{ 2ti I HIGH WATER., 1049 tRItIVED YESTERDAY. - - . , Steamer W C Plorrpont,', Shropshire, 21 hours frimt Kew York. With Hideo to :W 111 Baird St Co. • . • Steamer 'Anthracite; Green,•24 hotirs from New : York, with mils,' to W 111 Bair6 & Co. Steamer rtinniond 'State; 11cr,13 hours from Baltimore, with mdse to A Gruclrrdr. . Bark Presto (Br); Brown, 43 days from :Newport, W.; with railrotul iron to E A Solider St Co. • - , liark•Acaoin, Robinson, 7 days from Matanzas, with Sugar and 11101afiseri to Ailarren St Gregg. ; : • Brig .1 II Brown Bain, 11 days from Matanta•4With molasses to Harris: Ileyl . ' . . Brig ti.".V Merrick Lippincott, 6 days from Caribinas s ;molasses twE U - Kni g ht & Brig :form .Walsh } Jr 111mulay, 'days from •Sagua i with, ugar to SW W `Ve tch:. • ; ; • • • '4 4 chr W Godfrey !. Garwood,lo days from Sagua, with 1,1101/0011 to F. W Ottlh. • . Sehr 3 T Long, Turmoil. 2 days trout Indian with hark to Collins k Co. • ._ Sehr N C Burt ithi, Durborrow,ldity front Crundon,Del: With groin to .1-1, flowlPy kit°. • . . • . I, Illocksoto, Elocksont, 1 day twill Magnolia, with grain, tv Jtin 111004 it (IQ. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN-PH . ILAiD,ELPHIA, SATURDAY, JUNE Grant was dressed in igeable; - sirlc, pallier of lein!ipntica lace, cape: to ?t Of Ai r ainotids. ttlised' -in white satin,- . neti with 'blue satitli ant lace, yitreatifeti with l's - et of diamonds.° tlernen compose the Ohio. (ales it. Harbor, Ohio. Charles 11../Ilirou 111. N. ff. W. W. Kimball, a. of °MT. J 01111 C. Wilson, N. Y. Jos. B.ltolnion, lowa. Edward A. Yield, Conti. John liorrin. Ohio. Elliott .1. Arthur, Vt. Karl Rohrer; Mo. Jainei Franklin, F. C. "limey, a. of ollicor. Winslow. a, of othrer.: John Milligan Ohio. Kossuth Niles:lll— of of: Fre.lerie 11. Hull, Stich. Timothy D. DMus, Ark. John li. Moore. N. Y. Emory 11. Taant, l'a. Eilw 0. 31or(arlone, I'a. If. 'E. 31inialiatt, tvtl. boy.. H. Daniell). V. Stuart. N. Y. Sidney 113 11. -- • William A. !IMMO. Pa. , J1i111(41 %V. (jraytllllt: Artlittr Niizio4M34sj,, Charles E. Colaban, Po. nooois 01111 of or. Henry 'E. St ockton , Pa. A. 0. Derry. at large— , Wllltuni , 1f: Martin E.Hall, lowa. W illard itr)ng!. 31,16 . C. seyuwur. N. V. 163 01 2U U 3 146 13 467 Ul 214 11 1.t)31 it; 6,151 165 9.oi® 01 2,4.+5.11::+9 01 1.46.).1!ti 1.5A0 TN 1t lichr 011viaNFox, I day from; 'Odimita . , Dcl. With grain to4nfiE Dem tey.& C 0... r. - ein. Mary irearoline, Fowler, I-day' from L!qp:4lc, with grui if to . „Fox L Bewley & Co. :far Martha Ibutiff, Itoblinion, .day from Milforff; •Del. with grain to.las E Bewley & Co. CLEARED YESTERDAY:. StJamerTonawanda, Jefininga, Savannah, Philadelrhia gitbd uoutheru Mall SS Co. fßotimar It-WilliiittiPundiffillaltimbre; - :AA rot/ex:Jr. Dark Imperador, Heard, Pernambuco, Al' Damon. ' DAM Minnie Cameron, Graham, Pictou.' Workman&flo. Brig 31 A Da ix, Wooster - , Porbonouth, E A houder&Co. Schr inn le Winfield, Jaw), liap lea, Workman & Schr R C Crockett, Boston, Warren & Gregg, l'att , racm Scull Alexandria, Davin Coopp.r. ~, r , MEMORANDA. :Heartier Prometheui, Gray, hence at Charleston yes ter y ark Linda. Flenting, hence at Cienfuegos 20th tilt. art; A Itlionnin, lileansoirdled from Matanzas 27th ult fotra . port north of Hatteras. . Brig Leander (11r1. Citron, hence at Q_u''her 314 Brig Hyperion. Wooffistiry,lience at Mulonzai 28th ult. Brig Frontier.Morgan,at Havana 27th ult. front Sierra Mdrena. and cleared 21th for this port. • Brig Nellie Clifford, Littlefield; sailed from Matanzas ;itli ult. tor this putt. Brig Josephine, Linscott, sailed front Matanzas 25th ult. for Boiton—was ruported il9llllll, to Philadelphia. Brig Geo E lbtle:Pleree. hence at Boston 11 init. Brig Potomac (Br),. Moore, cleared at. Baltimore lid inst. for Rio Janeiro. Brig Herntun Patteroon, cleared at Portland 31 Inst. for Buenos A) liar .1 S r‘peneer, Smith. at Cardenas 2.1t11 tilt. front Nei r Orleans. • r rt ie Garwood, -Godfrey, at flo,don yeaterday frym Peneaeola: 't Seim Mary E Long, Hardly, at Cardenas 221 ult. from kiirtland. Sehr 3 M Flanagan, Shaw; sailed froth Cienfuegos 3906 ult. for,th is port. • , Salm Areher ,21,', 'Reeves, from Boson for this port,. at Holmes' Ilideßli ill At. . . l/elll'Leen et the West,'lleatty, at Cantenax ult from Maurice scht Enterpris,.. likber. from North Carolina for this port. at Norfolk 2d lost. • lit•hr4 1 $ ltnekmaster, Nell:entry. for this.port, and Mcflinagliau ,' for Wilmington. Del._cleared at Baltimore 311 inst. Allll/I.3lyrick:Ri..listrd.t: AdiniraE ; Steelmatli,and A lienee iit Salem 2.1 Seim linzletoti, (Ladner, from.. Taunton i Wit Ids port, ut iNOwport 21 inst. Sehrs* ienzle Stiidonix and .Timatlian linker. at AlexantirioAst inst. . Srlir Ger. Revenger. Smith, nt Boston 3"1, in.gtont from Alciorget ow n. Ile. ' .I.r SL E f'orAon, Brow , r,loolee at Wiltniagton,NC. 241 inst. jtvp.plier, &nut at :1;l arleiston yekerday NOTICE' TO Aft au additimuQ VIM to the 113,ightion of the main shlp cliatinel..New York Buy, a first .riaissirati•bildY; painted red; No Bel.. will be pinend. oh• abhor Iy-1,- onr the east side of the Channel, abort midway between • the Solithwee Spit Buoy, No 10, and the next rwl buoy, No 12 •north of it. ' 4 • INSEIRANCE . The I.,i , perpopl Lon r, on & Globe. Ins. Co. Assets Gold, 017,690,390 . " in the United States. 2,000,000 Daily Receipts over $2.0,0b0.00 Premiums in 1868, $5,665,075.00 Z,osses in 1868, $3,662,445.00 No. 6 Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. GROCERIES, LIQUORS, &C. TO FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE RURAL DISTRICT'S. We are prepared, as heretofore, to supply Families at their Country Residences with EVERY DESCRIPTION OF • FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, &e. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, Corner Eleventh and Vine. Streets. rE§gPPY PEACHES INLARGE atfty\(E Can—the.T cheapLtal goods in the city. at CVST_East End Grocery, No. 115 South Second street. FELNg, l 2.PopE.'Ve'en 3 kLTn3 B . l ZsiriraO,Tu"S.i It a U ta F ; and for sate at COESTY'S East Lull tirO • cer e y, l .No 6 .l l l.B South Second street. NEW DATES, FIGS, PRUNES, RAl nins and Almonds—all Ofnew crop—in store and for sale at CC/I;SMS East End , , Grocery, No. US South Stroud , street. S _ TONED CH_ERRIES,--PL1).18,- BLACK, berries, Peaches, Prnnellas. Pears, Lima Beans, Shaker Sweet COUSTVSEast End Grocery, No. HS South Second street. LEGAL NOTICES ti THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE I City- and enmity or Philadelphia. . • - ALEXANDER E. HARVEY vs. WILLIAM Mc• LAUGHLIN Venditloni Elconas.—March . Term, ISO. No. 760 The Auditor appointed to distribute the proe,ejs of Nile by the Leriff of the following described real estate, to-wit : 'All that,oi.ertain lot or piece of ground, with the two( 2) certain three-story brick stores and dwellings and back buildings thereOu erected, situate on the northwest earner of Eleventh and Fitzwater streets, in the City of Philadelphia, containing in ,front or breadth Im the said Eleventh street, thirty-six feet, and extending we,dward of that width in length or depth ninety fesq . to a certain street called Rector street; bounded northward by ground now- or late of Alexander E. Harvey. eastward by time said Eleventh street. southward by the said Fitzwater street, and westward by Rector street aforesaid, together with the free Ilse, right, libertyond privilege of the said Rec tor amid for a passage way and water course, in common with the said Alexander E. Harvey, his heirs and assigns, owners, tenants and occupiers of the other ground bounding thereon, at all times hereafter, forever; being the same lot or piece of ground which Alexander E. Harvey. by huh - name, dated the 2Sth day of August, A. In., Issin. recorded in Deed Book A. D. ii.. No. H, page H. Ac.. granted and conveyed unto William MeDaugnliu in fee. reserving thereon t. a yearly ground rent of two hundred and sixteen dollars, payable m half-yearly pay ments, un the first day of April and Octoberiu each year, under and subject to saidground rent, will hear the parties interested, at his office, S. E. corner Sixth and Walnut streets, in the Cit y of Philadelphia.on MONDAY afternoon, June 14t1h, 1869, at 4 o'clock P.M.,*hen and where all persons interested are required to make their claims or be debarred from coming in on said funds. 'WM. B. ROBINS, yity2S. Auditor. UN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS' .irof the City and County of Philadelphia; , . Notice is hereby , given to all personS interested sE ( that the Honorable 'Judges of our' said Court AL . • ). /111.1 , !IIPPOIllt0i MONDAY, the 14th day of Juno. A. D. Pitig, at 10 o'clock. A. M„ for hearing the uffiffication for the fAow Mg Charter It Ineorporation, lutd unless exceptions be filed thereto, the same will be allowed. sic.: Malta Boat House Association." FREDERICK. G. WOLTIFIRT, e Prothonotary. INT PH.A.N .HE OR S' COURT EORTTHE City and 'County of Philadelphitc.-411dattG of THOMAS PLEESON, deceased.—The Audi tbr ap pointed by the Court to report distribution of the fund in Court arising Runt the salty of real estate of said de tinder proceedingn•in partition, will meet the parties interested fur the-purpose, his appointment ou INDAT; Julie 14; • 1869,ut 1./ at his Ofileei No. 114 South Sixth 81'11.44,4n, the city of PhilatielPhia. - • T. MESS! CK je3 th s tustt EtiT.A.TE 4.I.I.CIIAI:I)Ta..SOUGLASS, . ilecearicriettern teigatreiftitrY upon thc hist Will d Itl 'I 1 AND H. 'DOUGLASS; deceased, having been granted tirthe midersignial, all persons indebted to the estate of the said decedent ere Tormented .to mako pay ment, Mid those having elation, or dernitads to present them. without delay. to BENJAMIN J. DIRR3 LASS, gxociitor, Crnibia,,Pentasylvania.. or' to his 'itttertior, JOHN 111. C S:'l.l. corner Sixth 'and Walnut ; streets. Philadelphia . • mylres it STATE OF JOHN CASPER, HOFF , . E 111E11111, DeCeased.Letters testamentary - having been ranted to the subscriber upon the estate of JOAN CAS PER HOFFMANN, &waited % all porSonm indebted to the saute Or those having claims will pri-eut them to CHARLES T: - (711EVOIS and AVILIIEL3IIINA SLAY ' AE ER Executors,,; or their Attorney, J. WARREN COULSTON, 12413. Sixth street, Philada. ,myss6t§ jN _ TE E DIsTRIcT COURT OF THE 11 United Staten Or the Eastern District 'of Pennsylv it itia.--A MOS .T. HOLAHAN. late trading with HENRY RA SEE, as HENRY RASKE'fi. CO., of Philadelphia, Bankrupt, haring petitioned Tor hill dischtirga,a MO etilltr 'of creditors will be held on the 24th day' of June, 1869, at •11 O ' clock A. 114.., before Register, William McMichael,. Esq., at No. 530 Waltiiit 'street, .Philadelphia, that the exami n natio elfin,' bauhrUpt may. be finished, and any,. -business of meetings required ''. Aiy Sections 27 or 2S of tits' Act of Congreso transacted.' • The Register will certify whether the bankrupt has cOnfOrmed to lnit duty. A hearing will also ha WEDNESDAY, the 7th day of 'July, 186'), before the: court at Philadelphia, at 10 o'clock A. 111., when parties Interested may show C(IIINCI against the discharge. Attested by tlito . Clerk and Register in the name of the JudgSrunder tits seal of tI.L3 Court, ' triy7:l,h3t*, MISCELLANEOUS. CUMBERLAND NAILS, $4 80 PER KEG, 4 Oalnininu•-100 11A. Piallst'otlier brands Of binilsll,6 o .ller keg; Bordman's Barbed illand Staples, $4 2.5 per box oflo lbs. Staples: Shutter Hinges, from 12 to 17 gm. complete with hstares, 75 'eta. per Set; 1 1-2 In. Flame Pulleys, 25 ets.; 1 3-4 in. 26 ets. per doz.: Man Locks .and ILitobs -$5 per dozen, at the Cheap-for the-Cash Hardware and Tool Store of 1 3 - 4 B. SHANNON, . i tu 1009 Market Street. 13'17224 th NEW PATENT SELE;NEN; ; TILATING AMERICAN R:EFiEtIGAER.A2rCoit And will heap each articles am Vegetal,lce, Prnite l Meatit, Gauls, Phill, Milk, Eggs, etc., etc., loner, drier and colder, with hats ice, than any other Refrigerator now in use. L. S. PARSON & CO., ifir2s the 13t . Dc)cAtitreet, Philadelphia. PLITIVIBING. Wm*. G. ELIICIAJDS, 1221 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Steam and Gas fitting, hand Power and Steam Pumps, Plumbers' Marble and Soapstone' Work. Terra Cotta Pipe, Chimney Tops', (to., wholesale and retail. • Samples of finished work may be seen at nay store. WYE Gm§ bf the latest and most beautiful designs, and all other hinte work on hand or made to order. _ _ _ . . . . Factory and Salcgrooniat,SlXTEENTlT and C ALLOW HILL Streeto. • WILSON & ap2l 6m It SA L F-FOR ACCOUNT OF WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. 2 HARRISON STEAM BOILERS, 37 HORSE POWER. - . ALSO-FITTINGS, COMPLETE All of which may be seen at the Aladdin Warehouse, Nu. 43 Market street, Pittsburgh, Pa. tuy24,l2vi BREMETON & WILKINS. BUSINESS - CA.RDS: YAMEB A. WRIGHT , THORNTON PIKE, CLEMENT A. CIRRI Colt, THEODORE 'WRIGHT, FRANK L. : , 2EALL. PETER {}EIGHT' .1 . • SONS, Importers Of earthenware .uud Shippingpaid Commission ?dereltantß, Nu. 115 Walnut street , Philadelphia. EE..B. BOYD.' _ . ' Wind ow Shades, Beds, Mattresses, Carpets and Curtains, N 0.136 North Ninth street, Philadelphia al ways on hand; Furniture repaired and varnished. inhl7 .3ra YINArNerAL. WE OFFER FOR . SALE A LIMITED AMOUNT OF City of Louisville 7 Per Cent. Bonds, HAVING TWENTY. YEARS TO RUN, Isterest pay able Send-Annually, on the first day of April and Oc tober, at ;The Bank of America New York city..,. A Special' Tax Lag been 'levied to meet the interest upon these Bonds , _ and the Sinking Fund for retiring tha indebtedness of the City amounts to about two hundred thousand dollars per annum. The comparatively small debt, and the conservative _policy which has always narked the management of the finances of the flourish ing City of Louisville, make these Bonds one of the safest and most desirable investment securities now of fered in the market. Any further particulars can be had on application at our office. WILLIAM ALEXANDER SMITH & CO., 40 Wan Street, New York. Gt: • . AUCTION SALES. iiTART.IN BROTHERS, AUCTIONEERS, .111 ( Lately Salesmen for M. Thomas Sc Sons.) N0..629 CHESTNUT s treet, rear entrance from Minor. Important Sale No. 5N Chestnut street ELEGANT ;WALNUT FURNITURE ON MONDAY MORNING, June 7, at 10 o'clock, at the auction rooms, by cata logue, very elegant Furniture. including Suits of elegant Drawing• Room, Parlor and Library Furniture, covered in fine plush, reps, terries and hair cloth: Suits Walnut Chamber Furniture, handsomely carved. finished in oil and varnish; elegant Wardrobes to match; handsomely carved Centre and Bouquet Tables, elegant Etageres, handsome walnut and oak Sideboards, handsomely carved walnut lint and Umbrella Stands, Secretary, Bookcase. oiled walnut Dining Room Chairs, The Furniture was manufactured for the best city sales. finished i■ the best and most substantial manner, and sold only on account of the manufacturer declining business. Corner Fourth and South streets STOCK AND FIXTURES. COUNTERS ANRShOW CASES OF A Illtua swim, - - k ON TUESDAY MORNING, June Si at 30 o'clock, at the N. E. corner Fourth and South streets, the Stock and Fixtures, including Coon-' tors, marble tops; Showcases, Shelving, Cases, Drawers, Show Potties, stock 'of tins Drugs, Salo No. .M 6 North Ninth street VERY SUPERIOR . IV - A i.,NCT PARLOR AND CIIAM BER FURNITURE, FINE FRENCH PLATE PIER MIRROR, HANDSOME VELVET AND IMPERIAL CARPETS, sze.' • O.N THURSDAY MORNING. June 10- at 10 o'clock, at No, Mid North Ninth atrert, above Ituttouwood, the--entire very Superior lloneehold Furniture, ke. N 0.417 Dri.ln., avenue. Comlen, N. S. SUPERIOR WALNUT PARLOR AND CHAMBER 'FURNITURE, FINE BRUSSELS AND OTHER CARPET§,MATBESSES. _ . . ON THURSDAY AFTERNOON, 1 tine 10 at 2 .st Ne. 311 Bridge avenue, Camden N. J., the entire 11,;.n , eliold Furniture, &e. Salo at No. 1318 North Sixth street - • . . ELEGANT CARVDE.WAL:. UT - FURNITURE, WAL NUT and :Mahogany Chamber Stilts. Schumacher 73;e • octave Piano Forte, Fine French Plate Mantel and Pier Mirrors. Bronzes, Handsome Velvet Carpets, • , ON MONDAY MORNING,' Jime-14, at 10 o'clock, at No. 1315 North Sixth street, by the entire Furniture, including elegant Cawed Walnut Yarlor Suit .covered with line leak cleat, le pieces, Carve fl Walma Etagere, Centre and Bouquet- Tables to match; elegant rosewnol i octave Piano Forte: made by Schothac,ker; tine French Plate' Mantel and Pier Mirrors, Bronze Figures, tWO French Mantel Clocks ,Fan ev Ornaments, snit Elegant Walnut Chamber Fiernitiere, edcgant•Wardrobe to match ,•handsome snit Mahogany Cham-ber Furniture, elegant Wardrobe to match; Walnut. Seeretaryßookcase+ Hair 31:dresses. tine Cult Glassware, French Claim Plated Ware, , Lhater Case, kitchen. Furniture and 'Utensils, Plantings and' Engravings, handsome 'Velvet, Imperial and other Car-. .pets, , . !The Furniture was reunite to order by I loll:els, and is eeimal to new. - May be examinee) 8 o'clock on the morning of sale. B SCOTT, JR., AUCTIONEER, SCOTI,_''S ART G ALLERY, 1020 CllEsuitiT street. Phllaelelphia. SECOND LARGE SPECIMEN SALE OF WRITE IRON STONEWARE. The attention or lintel Proprietors. Housekeepers and eetherS. is called to a Large 'Sale of imported White Iron Stoneware, from one of the bust Engine!' manufacturers, to be sold at Scott's Art Callery.lo:Blohestnat street, .' • • ' ON- T UEsDAY MORNING, anew S; at 103, - ; o'cleek, lie lots to suit, consisting in part or ; Teo: Sets, ;Toilet Sets„ Dinner Sets, el:c.. thee whole crannuisinThaseneral assortment, suitable for Hotels and Privato EXTRA QUALITY TRIPLE SILVER PLATED . \VAIIE. , Also, a full tend general' assurtineilt of extra quality Triple Silver Plated Ware, rta.rranted us represented or no sale. • , 114 . Y •BARIVITT as 00. j _ AUCTIONEERS. 11 • CASH AUCTION HOUSE, No. 239 'MARKET street, corner of Dank street. Cithh adyanced on consignments without eXtru charge ON MONDAY, • •• June -7,-LerimmenCing tit !10 o'clock , Regular Sale . Dry GOOll/3, Cloths and Cassimeres, Dress. Goods, Hosiery, Suspenders, Notions, Sptiol Cottons, Stock of Goods, Lte•-.; Also; Straw Goods. Wool HOS, ReadY•made Clothing, Overshirts, Overalls, dre.. • • •'." • ‘ASHMItIDGE AUCTION, .„' EMS, No. 60511A1ticHT &Oct. above POSITIVE - HALE OF 1100 TN: SHOES. 'HATS &c;'' ON ',NEDNEBI)AY Juno 9;at o clockove will i3ol} by catalogue, nbont; HMO packages of lloote and Shone; of city- and' tiaidern which manufectura. to thti attention otWity and Country , nnyerste culled.,, ' CI D. McOLE.F,S CO., ___ • No. r.Os MARKET At r o C oir!q l4."43, • ) BOOT AND SHOE HALES EvFatrIKONDAY AND 13.0111SDAY. ii,; 1869. AtittloNll4o, Nos: 139 and 141 Soiith FOIIRTTL btreot. . „. NOTICE—MIX OF FINE WlbTl l 6&c.. - Catalogues of Mr. (MATZ'S Prbrate',Sblek of Fino Wines, Si., to be mold on nATURDAY,Juno 5. at 12 o'clock,'aronove ready: • ' STOCKS; LOANS, ace: • ON TUESIIAY , JUNE At 12 o'clock noun: et the Philadelphia Exchange— • shares Continental Rotel Co. +tooo Oil Creek and Allegheny River Th•:', per sent, 121 shares Second and Third. Streets Passenger Rail , way Co. ro® Catawisait Railroad 7 per cent. Ist mortgage. kV shares La Plata.bilver Alining Co. 2.90 shares Spanish (Mid and Silver Mining Co. XXI shares River Oil Co. _ :o shares La Crosse City Light and Coke Co. a SOU Mortgage Loan 7 per cent. of the Salem Coal Co. 1 share Point Breeze Park. • ' " • *MO Washington City and Minirtg Co. *looii Western Virginia and Kentucky R. R. and Coal. .10 t 0 Vicksburg. Slireeveport and Texas Railroad. • 110 shares Chextinit and Walnut Streets P. It. Co. 100 shares Union Passenger Railway Co. SALES OF STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE. • AE T Dubih• sales at the Philadelphia Exchange every TUESDAYint 12 o'clock. Furniturg sales at the Auction Store EVERY THURSDAY. 11;07, hales at Residences receive especial attention. , REAL ESTATE SALE, JUNE S. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of John Wendell, deed— LARGE and VALUABLE THREE-STORY BRIM ItESIDEVCE, No. 41G North Fourth street, between Canom/till and Willow-20 feet front, 125 feet deep. Same Estata , -THREE-STORY , BRICK DWELLING. k No. 416 Dillwyn Street, in the rear of the above. Trustee's Peremptory Sale—Estate of John H. ShObee. deed—HANDSOME MODERN THREE‘STOR,V BROWN -STONE RESIDENCE, NO. 1713 Walnut fit.; near Rittenhouse Souare, 21 feet front, 125'feet deep to Levels Street-2 fronts. Executors' Peremptary Sale—Estate of FranCia Thi bault, deed—VERY ELEGANT FOURSTOBY BROWN -STONE RESIDENCE. No. 1607 Walnut at., 20 feet front, 125 feet deep to Letvis st-2 fronts. ' ‘, Executors' Peremptory Sale—Estate 'of Wailer E. Dick,deed—MODEßN TIIItEE-STORY BRICK RE SIDENCE, No. 625 North Eighth St., below Wallace. , ; Trustee's Sale—By.Order of: the Court of Common PIena—LARGE and 'VALUABLE LOT, west side of Franklin .street, north of Race, opposite Franklin, Square, 17r, feet front, 142 feet deep — very valuable fur re sidences Would make 7 desirable 25 feet lots; • , Executors' Peremitory Sale—Estate of Jacob N% - agner, decd—TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. IN Noble St. . SamE e kliee—TWO-STORY 'MICK DWELLING 21 . 518 Noble Rt. • • ELEGANT FOUR-STORY. BRICK RESIDENCE, No. 1917 Spruce street .20 by 104 feet to Ann st. VERY 'VALUABLE EL SINESS STAND—THREE STORY BRIO K. STORE, N 0.635 Market: street; Zt feet front, 132 feet deep to Commerce st-2 fronts. BUSINESS STANITHREE-STORY. BRICK TA VERN and DWELLING, No. 1115 Filbert street, with a Two-story Brick Dwelling in the rear on Cuthbert st. To Capitalists, Builders Coal Dealers / Commission Mod and VALUABLEOthers—VERY BUSINESS LO CATION—LAW/Hand DESIRABLE LOT. Coal Yard, Large Two-story Brick Stable, Brick Dwelling,Brick Railroad Track. Shedding, Coal Scale, &e., N. W. corner of Eigldh and Willow streets, 99 feet front, 131 feet deep. . . „ Executors - Peremptory Sale—Estate of Dr. N. Shoe maker. dec'd—GENTEEL THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 322 Marshall street, below ,Callow hill. . . Sonia Estate--MODERN THREE-STORY BRICK RESIDENCE. No. 265 tiontli'Nintli mt., above Spruce. HANDSOME MODERN THREE-STORY BRICK RESIDENCE. with Side Yard, N 0.1113 North Eighth at., above Coatea--253:i feet front. . . . . Sale by Order of Ifeir&—Estate of 'Josiah Bond 'MODERN 'I lIREE-STORY BRICK RESIDENCE, with Side Yard, .No. 622 North Twelfth street, between Wallace and Mount Vernon. SUBSTANTIAL BRICK STORE and DWELLING, N. 139 North Seventh :street, and Three-story Brick Dwelling No- .7 Nicholson street, in the rear. BRICK STORES and DWELLINGS, Nos. 1518 and 1520 thillowhill street, and 2 Friume DwellingA, Nos. 1517 and 1519 Carlton street—an Improving neighborhood for business. _ . VERY DESIRABLE COUNTRY SEAT, 23 ACRES, known as the residence of Joseph Ripka, deti'd., Wash ington street,Munuyunk, nit Ward. Grounds taste fully laid oat and decorated with evergreens and other ornamental and rare trees. VALUABLE LOT, adjoining tbeabove: LOT, corner of Church and Ilandlion fits., Manayunk, with 14 Building Lots and Stone Dwellings adjoining. TRIANGULAR LOT anti SUPERIOR STONE QUARRY, corner of Washington anti 31.0nroe streets, Ithuntyunk. VERY VALUABLE LOT anti BUILDINGS, N. E. corner of Broad and Buttonwood streets,oo32: feet front, 128 feet deep-3 fronts. MODERN TIIREE-STORY• BRICK RESIDENCE, No. 730 Buttonwood street. Ilan the unitiern conveni- VIR.PS. VALUABLE • BUSINESS STANDS 2 STORY — Bit ICK STORES and DWELLINGS, Nos. 11131 and 1022 South street. with a Two-story Brick Stable in the rear on Bedford NL-32. by-120 feet. LOT. cornet of Palmer and Ireland sts.,lBth Ward. VERY VALUABLE BUSINESS -STAND-THREE STORY BRICK RESIDENCE, W. corner of Sixth and Spring Garden streets—opposite the fountain. E'xecutor's Special Adjourned Sale Estate pf EDWIN A. STEVENS, Esq., dee'd. lE6' VERY DESIRABLE LOTS CAMDEN, N: ON MONDAY, Jane 7, at 12 o'clock noon, precisely, will be sold at pub lic sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all those 18a :De sirable Building Lots in the city of Camden ;.1C Jersey, situate between Mickle; Hamilton; Second and West streets, late the property .of Edwin A. Stevens, EB4/.., dec'd. The bits on Benson street and" north side at Washington street, between Third and West streets, will be sold subject to the restriction that purchasers shall not erect other than dwelling houses of the class of those erected within said limits, and such in; would not be ob jectionable in a good neighborhood . Terms-10 per cent. exist' at the time of sale; 21) per cent. when title is made, say within twenty days, and balance secured on premises by bond and mortgage in four years or less, at the option of purchaser. Interest 7 per cent. per annum. For full particulars see plan, which may be hail at the auction rooms. sale will commence at 12 o'clock precisely. Sale No. 313 South Sixteenth stroet. HANDSOME WALNUT PARLOR, DINING ROOM AND CHAMBER FURNITURE, GRAND NANO. MIRROR, HANDSOME VELVET, BRUSSELS and OTHER CARPETS. &c. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, :lane 9; at le o'clock, at N 0.313 South Sixteenth street, by catalogue. the entire Furniture, comprising hand- Mme Wahmt Parlor Suit, covered with crimson figured brocatollu; superior Walnut Dining Room and Chamber Furniture, three laifidgefini - Walnut Wardrobes. two Walnut Secretaries and Bookcases,. ladies' Escreteire, superior Rosewood Grand Piano Forte, made by Geo. Steck; Oval Frene,li Plate Mantel Mirror, French Man tel Clock, Buffet Sideboard, Extension Table, Matreases, China and Glassware, handsome Velvet. Brussels and other Carpets. Refrigerator, kitchen Utensils, 3:c. Ir a y be examined on the morning of sale at S o'clock. BANKRUPT'S SALE-STEEL PLATES. ON THURSDAY liIORNING,. June le, at 10 o'clock, at the auction store, south Fourth street, will be sold. without reserve, by order of the As signee of John D. Lice. Bankrupt, nineteen Steel Plates, including George and Martha Washington. (flay, Web ster, Lincoln, Grant, Sherman, Sheridan,Mcelellan, .to. EXTENSIVE PEREMPTORY' SAL} STOCK OF ELEGANT CABINET FURNITURE ON FRIDAY MORNING, June 18. at 10 o'elock, at the auction rooms. Nos. 139 and 141 South Fourth street. by catalogue, a ttplendid ;I.Seort, meat of First-class Cabinet Furniture. manufactured by GEO.. j. IiENHEI,S, expressly for his wareroone eemprising rosewood Parlor Suits, covered with plush anti other tine materials; \' hint Parlor Suite ' with the finest and most fashionable coverings; elegant, Library Suits, in terry anti leather; elegant Hall Furniture, very elegant Walnut and Ebony Chamber Furniture,Walnut, Chamber Suits, elegant Centre and Bouquet Tables, llostavotal mid Waluut Sideboards, various pm rides. eta geres, Fancy Chairs, Sc.. all from Mr.lleukels'n. ware-• rooms. Witr' This sale will comprise the largest amount of first class Furniture ever offered at public sale, and will be held in ant large sale-room, second story• Mr. lienkels having determined not to carry the stock over the sam pler, pat-chasers are nesured that every article will be sold without reserve or limitation. Xiliiiiith.trator's Sale 0n.111, , l'remiscs, No. 838 .11(troltall atreet. Estate of T. Willard George. deceased. • MODERN RESIDENCE AND FURNITURE ON MONDAY MORNING, - June 14. at 10 o'clock, at No. MS Marshall order 'Of A dministrators,all that MODERN THREE. TORY BRICK RESIDENCE, with Two-story back buildings and Lot of OroOnd. west side of Marshall street, c.d.= tabling in front 171 i. feet and in depth 109 feet. Clear of 1111 1110111111111111.1% . . Inonediately ;Liter Sale of Itesidenee will bo bold by ;duologue, the Walnut Parlor, Dining Room and Cham bor urnittre. ro*ewmal Chinn and GiaBswar t! , Ing . railk ;nal other Carpeta, Ilitir 3.ltitresses, Feather Bede. Kitchen rtenKils, &c. Salo. N.S. P 212 Spruce shi!..t. • SUPERIOR FURNITURE. FRENCH PLATE MIR RORS. CHANDELIERS. CARPETS, Ax. ON TUESDAY MOANING-, 3 tiny IL, at 10 Wdovk, at No. 1212 Spruce street, by rata los no, the entire Hourehold Furniture, comprising— NS alnut Parlor Suit, 01,0 plush; Etagure, Walnut Dining-reirin• Furniture, Buffet Sideboard,. xtension Table, 2 French Tilde Mirntel Mirrors. China, Glaew and Plated Ware. Paintings and En gninings, Walnut Cham ber Furniture, line Bureaus, .Wardrobes..iluo_Matrusses, Feather Bolsters and. Pillows. Brusselsn nil other Car Cliandelitsr,'Refrigerator, K Rebel' 'Furniture, yr. Tyro ti BIRCH & SON, AUCTION EERS AND COINUMISSION 'MERCHANTS, • No. 1110 CHESTNUT' ntreet„ Rear entranct. No. 1107 Sansoni street.: • Household Furniture of every description received on • . Consignment. Salem of Furniture at dwellings - attonded to 411 the most reasonuble terms. ..• . . . .. Sale :It 11W Ai'flint' Sth ' ro No: ihestnffrarisrf. LAG RE AS - SORTMENT OF SU PERIOIt. ,M.11:8111- BOLD IetIItNITURPt; Minarets and other carpets, French:Mat ti.Mirrora , ,Ilookonties, Sideboards, Cillni , illil Minimum Sze ~ - • ON TUESDAY MOUNING, I A 9 o'clock, at the auction store, No. 1119 Chestnut st., Vi it he sold, a largo asmortnient.of superior Parlor, .1., Mars", Dining Nonni. and Chamber Furnitureotc. -• , KECO,NI)II.AND FURNITURE. . ' Also. at asaortniont of Furniture, Carpets, China, itoii Irian ftimillea breaking up, housekeeping. , TAE PRINCIPAL MONEY ESTABLIBII - E. corner of SIXTH, and RACE streets. Money advanced on Iderchandise generally—Watches, Jewelry; :Diamonds, Gold: tind Silver Plate, and on all articles of value, for any length of time agreed on. WATCHES . AND JEWELRY AT PRIVATE SALE. Fine (hold Minting Case; Double Bottom Face English, American and Swiss Patent Lover %Watches; Fine Gehl•Hunting Case and Open FacoLepine Watches; Yilitl,Gold'Buplex and other Watches; Fine - Silver unt- , Oise and Open • Face English, American and Styles *Phtent Lever and LopineWetches; . Double Case English chanter end other IVatches; Ladies' Fancy Watches; Diamond 'Breastpins; Finger Itings; Ear Rings; Studs; Fine Gnld Chains; Medallions; Bracelets* Send Pins; Breastpins; Finger Rings; Pencil cases and Jew. r. 10 OF SAL.I—A large and valuahlo Fireproof Chest. suitable for n Jeweller; root 800. • • Also, several Lets iu boluh eutudou, Fifth aud Ohoot• :nut omen. • AUCTION SALES. , AMES A. FItgEA.I.AIT,..AUCTIONEER, ••'.NoL4 VerALtit/V street.. EXEOUTOR.4 , SALE 15,600' SHARES P/1 t DEL- , GAS FiXTUftEd COMPANY ON IVEI/NIII4DAY,! , .10 9 4 .1369rit 12ro'clork, itt the Philadelphia Excirs46, I wforder dr Executers; .15,tiOsbares stock dite.Phua- , • delphla Gas Fixtures ! Ginn Patty; par .910:- !, • ~ kor inforrnatiOn relating to Gm Company', tipplicatiatit ea ti be made' to hriati: AIiKiNET., Attorney!, Ne.-21111l . South Fourth street: EITENSIVE BALE OF REAL_ . ESTA I TE, JAM E, This Sale, on WEDNESDAY, at 120 , cloak Tway, at aliar, , Exchange, will include-- !, • !.•• - . • STOOKS—Share in Philadelphia Library. . " " • Mercantile _ SEVENTEENTII and OLLEOTNUT--The let oftirtiliciiit B. E. - corner of Seventeenth and fihestnut streets!, itgaltil+tl. feet, _with two 'residences, each 21 feet.wide, itnd w2O-reifer4 lot on Chestnut street. and Uwe dwellings on derenteettalt,' street. - Lot runs through itki Essex:street;3 froritkiled-• nupaney of the front with the deed and of, the rearing/Ai b of it year. Only one-third cash reouired. Full, deitcrtiO lions at rho star GROUND ItENTS- , -A well se c ured' refit of: Par tr 8,2241 f•d/, secured by large, lot Twenty-fourth, aap Vine eta; Orphan's' , Court "Sate—Estate Qf Erians, , lll GROUND RENT e3OO-Out of a lot S. E. 'ditrikilrd' , Twenty-third and Vine ! streets, 40x12/ feet. Orphaaa>l' ,, C'aurt,,Sau—,Saine E state, . GROUND RENT 460-011 i of glet ddlireandlwitla three-story brick - sten:l. Slut dwelling; :".r.yr, - Oornor Talent;-second and Wood streets, r e .tlatl feet. Orphan;' GROUND 156 out of - a lot. Neo]; 'neat Trienty-thipt. -*WON' gond improvenient, 15 2 4:x100.4 -feet, 'Some - Estate.' GROUND ItEN T,'e24o—Payable in silver, ont'of *dot. wharf and oil works . ; St.-Durk' above•llace street; TS feat front and extendlnginto the river:' !Stone estate.' VALUABLE IntOPERTY, FIFTEENTH' A.N111.: WASHINGTON valuable lotstth6 tl Ti: Corner of these streets, 129x724 feet; will - Tto divided and' sold nceonting,to __plan br the City Stirveyor.... Titer sit' well situated fora torwitrding or prodace for a reit! yard. ' Two-thirds of the niarchage money nl4' ' remain. Plan at the store, Full destriptions la , hattrd. , !•;" OGDEN S'TREET--Twe lionises and the lota In itekiirti on the rear of 0)7 Ogden street; to I.Wi • sold'iwiparately";=. ewar of incumbraneeti. Posipre sale by artier 'Ol, ME hetift?'`l. ni John iValr.:,(lPceitseft • Ealk 1110E111K 13 TILE]; T—Th re e -story •brick back building. 15,00 feet; .3.15 ktvound • fent.: OrPha/W- Court sate. Astate of Cal eatiat Strnit decealled: TWENTY-Fin:4T AND FILBEItT—A' throe-staw brick, house and lot, 18x033.', feet; $43 50 . gyound Saute estntt. FIFTH STREET—A lot below Canal-street, ;15 feet • ' 103 - i inches,, and-61 feet deep..,O,tehtfuisl,,t.:qvg...xoe... ; Estate if Pettr Scull, tleet , tigelE - CANAL.,STREET—A lot VrestwardOrJeffertiOhtttellue; 16x47 feet;no fifeunibrances. • , Samitestatt:: ' GROUND ItENT,•tI,3,-Out. of small.horise lee s ;, south side of Moss street, east of Eighth street, ' 10x14 feet th;ep. Executors' sale, Estate of Eiithbeth dtts Briggs. deeenme.l. . • !.., ;, , 20 ACRES, }VISSAHICKON A,VENHEy-ToWlob/0.5 road, Boxboroligh. A' yet/ ?mantilla site.f9er?,tra ~-*, int place at Allen's lane. ' Half ma remain. • . - • TWEN-FOURTH AND SOUTH STREBT/I-4:lot , '' Ihe N \Vcorner, -1/5281 feet. 'lt be dividedjuttififi, descriptions. Nos. 2405 and .240.3 South street—corner property; N 0,,. 547 and s:49•South Twenty4ourth - street.' Full descriptions in' handbills:. Masters' etbsittute , safe'- Estate of R. P. King, dei eased'. Administrator's Sale..tio,'S Smith Fourth street. STOCK AND FIXTITIIES OF SADDLERY AND • HARNESS STOItIt. • ON'MONDAY. MOANING, nt 10 o'clock, will be soul atpitblic sale. by order of tales Administrator of Milton 11. Lukins, deceased, the Stock and Fixtures of a Saddlery, and Harness store,. including. , Suddle-t rem Martingales, Bits; Stirrups, ,tc.: also, 'the Fireproof. Store Fixtures,Desks &c. • • - - W . ', The Store is for sale. Apply to the Auctioneer. - B UNTING, DURIIOROW & C 0.,. • AUCTIONEER. 4,. Nos. 232 and 234 3IABKET street. corner of. , Bank strelit. , LARGE SALE OF BRITISH, FEENCII MID GER MAN ;DITY'S3OCIDS. ',to.. • MONDAY 7.4OIININCL ; Juno 7, at 10 o'clock. on four months' credit, including -1 DRESS GOODS., • - -- • Pieces Loudon black and colored. pure litoliaint mid Alpacas. Pfeces Paris Silk ,and Wool Baregeai,Popolines t , .Grenadines, Pieces Chines, Mozanthiques. Gingham's, Deluipoet. ••• P locos LellpS,PrlutislJaconets,Percalcs,Lawne, Pigifeit; • • SHAWLS, MANTLES, Sc. Brodie Border, Moyambiques and Spring Fancy Shaidat. • Ports trimmed Sllk. and Cloth. Jackets..Bastmes; Scarfs. 100 PIECES SILKS, SATINS', ko: • ' High cost Ilk Cacholutla do Solo and Gros Grains. 111gli lustre black Taint:is and Grbs du Mine. , II eaN black Drop do Franco. Lyons rallies, Ottoman.'. Black and conl.Poult. du Sole., Gros do Napies t ranqr • • • , • • - Lustrinos, - oxtra heavy black gad curd Silk Satins. • MO CARTONS .ST. ETIENNE AND BASLE • . Full linos round eat a 'l'l'4llllllllg and * Bonnet Ribbons. all boiled •.• •• ppult solo and iron grain • • - , z • 'whits!' qualities and styles sash • " • " picot edg,.• and black add cent satin • . . , , , Artificial Flon-ere, - Etut Crepes &c. l'a rls Dress 'Trimmings. Whitc.lituals,„liittGlovea la , es, lialawfai nail Iluup tarts; Undirel las, P arasolsßaas. Eui I, rind erice. Laces. Buttons, Fringes, Notions." . A Special and yery Attractive offering of REAL AN 7 DiLVA.BiA L.A0E400115, , Ccinsistiorrot a full line of yarious qualities and new do, higfo , LI:111111. Lace Shawls, l'ointes, %Parasol • Coydrei mince, 31 antic.), Fiches, , '." A :-plend id line of real Valenciennes Edgingii find LP. White Lace Collars and Collars cued Cuffs, Birbou, CoitlttreS:EnzulkerchlefK:llumbi, - '• TIHPSSEL:3 APPLIQUE All I!CIENT GAZE LACE. MIMS - - Real Black Lace, Barbee, Coiffures. Capes. Parasol Covers. F 31autles, and extra Hilt Lace Palates. _ . .. . . . .. Particular attention of the first Wass city retail • trade is requested to this sale. as it comprises all fresh goods, 4.1 t)... newest and richest patterns, anti will ,be the only' _ off ___, offering of this season. SALE OF 2000 CASES BOOTS, SHOES, BROGANS, HATS , 'CA I'S. STRAW 1 ODDS, • ' ON TUESDAY MORNING c . a Julie S, nt 10 o•eloek, on four nionthN'credit Cases men r li,l)Ovs' and youtha' calLkip, buil leather and grain Cavalry. li'apideon - , - Dress and_ . Congress Bcipta and • Balmoral; kip, buff and pi shed .graill.l l thgalinwo-t , ..• men's, noiles• and children's calf, kid, enamelled and huff leather, goat and morocco . BtilmOrtlB,t Congress: Gaiters; Lace Boots; Ankle Ties; Slippers; Metallic Over-.. Amen and Sandala; Traveling-BagafShoo - Lacertrilm; - - - , . LARGE SALE OF BRITISH. FRENCII, - GEROILMit'' AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, ; • 7-• ON - THURSDAY MORNMO: • June 10, at 10 o'clock, etc four months' credit: , : LARGE SALE OF CAI TETINGS; CANTON 'IILiT. 'PINGS OIL CLOTHS, &c. • . ON FRIDAY MORNING, • • ; - June 11, at U oclock, on four months' credit, about 2011. "deem! Ingrain, Venetian, List, Hemp, Cottage and hag Carpet ings, 1000 rolls Canton Mattings, OR Cloths, &c. T A. McCLELLAND, AUCTIONEER,.` , 1219 CHESTNUT street. • CONCERT HALL AUCTION ROOMS. ; • Rear entrance on Clover etreet. Household Furniture and Merchandise of every' &scrip.' lion received on consignment. Sales of Furniture •at• dwellings attended to on reasonable terms. Snle No. 1810 North Thirteenth street. ELEGANT RESIDENCE AND FURNITURE-DweUL•' inemew and furniture been in use it very hurt time, ON MONDAY HORNING, • - . June 7, at No. 1810 North Thirteenth street, bk logutr; commencing at 10 o'clock, the entire furnishiment; comprising superior walnut chamber suits; flop parlor suits, seven-octave rosewood planomxtension table, side board, drliw (lig-room I urniture, first-plass 'oil paintings: (by celebrated artists), Wheeler st, B Ilson sowing ma‘ chine, fine imported shells. Brussels and ingrain carpets.. wardrol re, large lot, of book, bookcase, tool chest, com plete, mattresses and bedding, 75 pounds coffee., half barrel sugar, _flee boxes brown soap, .two boxes fine soap; nonsJhasirireit'furtitriiierrand oconpied'ony a short time. • _ _ Precious to the sale a furniture, will be Bold on On premises, the new three-story residener,with three,stors le* buildings, 17 feet 11 inches front„-and extending through to a back street, tis ,feet. Full purtictilant hit loved-bills end catalogues, ut auction rooms, 12190116g nut stieet. • Sale at Re) York menus. • • HANYISO:IIE WALNUT PARLOR AND cirAmmac FURNITURE SUPERIOR AND THREE-PLY INGRAIN - • INGRAIN CARPETS, HIAM-CLASS OIL. PA.INT . D.;Gs, . ; • ,„ , ox . wlibxEi4DAY HORNING, .1 pun 9, will Lo sold by catalogno, at •t'o York Art:antic!, at, 30 'dock, the entirn housphold Furniture of a bunny • declining honoekeeping;• enniptisitut -iii part -English+ Brussels and Thren•ply Ingrain Cu rneta.• seven - octavo Piano Forte made by Ibti . en Baron!, suPerior - hair cloth Parlor Suit, Walnut Chandler Suit, AVardrobe,, elegant Boolieuse,.high-class Oil Paintings.' Olatinivraro and Kitglant Utonsils, i• : • • • The entire Furniture was made to order by St J. The dwelling can • I , r rented by inquiring at the roc= Hon - roonis, 1219 Chestnut street. •• • . • . , & HA . .EZ VEY, AUCTIONEERS, D,, oiati , with M. Thothan ,t :Som.) '. ... 0 '. . Storo .N0r?..4-Sitiol LO North SIXTH strooc, - . Salo ut NI,. 1828•FItzwati.r stri.el/. NEAT FURNITURE: Ci orl'AttE ;WITS, TAPESTRT , O..AItrET. we.. ~ , • - . .. ,:, ON 31,L1N1).\.1" MORNING. Inn, 7. at 10 o'elock , M No. - IS'2B Fiti*ater iitreet, in •lll.liiig Walnut Parlor and Cliamber••Furniture, two ciminbet suits. Extension Table, Tapestry 'Ter , lar4t. Unok Stove. Kitchen Utensils, c.te. • Extensive Stile is and 60 North Sixth 'street. •EL EGA NT FL'RN IT ltE FINE"TONED RoSF woon PIANos, vitENcri PL , STE MIRRORS.; • EL Elf T „ CABINET , 11001i.tiABES, LARGE, KVA NS & "WAT,S N'St - P tit EPROM , ' SATE,' aUY.II-'•'-`' 1110 It 0E1 , 1(1.; FURNIT FRE.: HANDSQIItE CO TA GE S (ITS; FINE cAntirrA, RENCIICIfINi, (;oLn BAN I' DINNER SET., oN TITESDAT MORNING, , At o'clock. at Gm auction. idol?, ait extenisve assorts. inent of elegant r tirttiture, including bondman( Walnut ri;ps.. and hair ,loth Parlor Ettrnituro,•elegant'olleo -- Walnut t Itatuber Suits, two large. and. ,•untgltilicept , ,f,l IValnnt Wardrobes. two elegant roson'Ood :goVen rave Pianos, Ereneh-plate Dfirrtirs f cabinet Bookcases, superior secretary' BOOkCil3oB , 01/014. walnut library furniture, consisting of elegoneLounges, ••• library 'rabies and Chairs; superior Dining ROOM Fur niture. handsome , Buffet,' T,xtenaion , Tablesj; impeder - • office Oeoits end wallies, large and superior eire7proof lief', made by Evans it, - Watson, two Inualsonio Oottago Suits, full marble; fine French China gOiti - tlud -Dinner Sgrvice. 166 ?Wefts; fine . Carpets, bands onto Centre and 111LEGA'bil! PIANO I OETES Elegant rosewood, Seven octave, Plano m - Boardman.....i Jr Gray; elegant rosewood, seven octavo, Piano, by. Y .--. ' LARGE CABINET BOOKCAgE. • Alto, splendid w, utt Cabinet • Bookcase; rano rot; biglt, finished it, the bestnumuer. • . AA - T ILL. BE SOLD AT PT/ALTO Arc.. tion, on June 9th, ISO, on the ntontisee,3l.3 Soutk Sixteenth street the elegant. walnut furniture and grand Plum), by l3trek, gf Signor Itizzo,prierto hitt dentginwa VA. tlttrope, bo (1.07 ut t 0 1, 49.1' nitist
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers