thipnblishod Letters of Madame dc_ Latta, ells to Washington. (From the Edinburgh Ravioli , . New• Number.) Before we take leave of this interesting wo man,.we are tempted, to lay before our read-; era two unpublished letters addressed by Madame deUfilyette to -Washington, during the captivity of her husband, and before she had joined him at Olmtitz. These letters have been printed in rosnch in the ' "Miscellany of the Philoblblon.Society,” but they are other-- wise unknown both in France and England. Their autheuticityis undoubted, for, they are taken fmrn the family papers of Mr. Dyson, formerly of Dim in Norfolk, who resided for some time in M. de Lafayette's family, and who was employed, as' Madame de Lafayette httreelf states, to transcribe them, as she was afraid to send them in her own hand-writing. Mr. Dyson kept © of the letters, whicu isetill in the possession of his nephew, Thomas Lombe Taylor, Esq., of Starston Hail, Norfolk. "CnsvAN - litc, Oct. 8, 17:f2.—Sir: Without doubt yon have learnt our misfortunes; you know that your disciple, your friend, has never ceased to be worthy of you and of liberty; you know that the attachment to the Constitution which he had sworn has gained him the hatred cf the powerfel faction which wishes to destrby it; that proscribed by this criminal faction, accused at the head of his army,and wishing to spare his fellow-citizens the commission of a fresh crime, he has avoided the sanguinary fury that pursues the true friends ofliberty, and was already on the way, to neutral territory; from thence he was prepared to go to your country, there to offer up prayers that his own ungrateful land might find defenders who would serve it with ae much disinterested zeal and love of freedom as he bad done. His wish was that I and all our family shoUld join him in England, to go and establish ourselyes in America, enjoying there the consoling spectacle of virtues worthy of liberty;—bet 'before reaching this much desired end—before even he had reached neutral ground—he had to traverse a small part of our enemies' country; there he encountered them, and was taken prisoner. Shree the 2d of August he has been in their hind: He was first conducted to Namur, then to Nivelle, thence to Luxembourg; at last I learn (and that only from the newspa pers) that on the 6th of September he was taken to Wesel, in Westphalia, a town in the dominions of the King of Prussia, and that there he is to be separated from the three Members of the Assembly who had hitherto shared his fate, and is to be taken alone to the citadel of Spandau, between Berlin and Pots dam. The motive and the design of such strange and'cruel conduct on the part of the allies are alike unknown to me. He is not permittea tO write a single line. It was by the iroops,of. the Emperor that he was ar rested, now it is the King of Prussia who keeps him prisoner in his dominions; and while he is experiencing this inconceivable persecution from our external enemies, the faction which now rules us at home detains me as a hostage here at 120 leagues from the capitaL Judge how far removed from him "In this abyss of misfortunes, the idea of owing to the . United States and to ,Washing ton the life and liberty of M. Lafayette comes to revive hope within my heart. I hope everything from the goodness of the people, freinkviliom;: he learnt all those virtues and that love of liberty of which he is now the victim; and I venture to say all that I hope, I verdure to ask of them, throilah your mouth, that iessiir May 'be sent ' to demand him whereverho4nar be, in the name of the Re public of the United States; also an envoy who, in the name of the Republic, may take all. , the engagements that may be thought ne misery for detaining him in America, even as a captive. If his wife and children may be included in the terms of this happy mis sion, it is easy to judge what , a blessing it would be „for' her and them; but if mon a stipulationwere likely to embarrass or retard its success, - ,we would defer the joy of our re union; and :when we knew how -to be safe with you we should support with greater courage the pain of separation. 4I trust that my request is not too bold. Pray accept the feelings of attachment and deep respect which have dictated this letter, and with which I am, &c.,' - [Signed] "NOAILLES LABAYSTTE. "If the kindness of the United'States could be extended to the companions in misfortune of M. Lafayette, it, would indeed fill up the measure ot-their goodness; hut as these gen tlemen are not`persecuted with the same bit - terness, I do not think I fail in delicacy to wards them in ask with regard to them, as well as to myself and my children, that care for their interests should not interfere with the speedy help which the position of M. Lafayette demands. M. Maubourg, M. Bu reaux de Posy, and M. le Colombe (who has had the, advantage of having served the United States), deserve to be distinguished among the dumber. MM. Romeaf, Met, Masson, Curmeur, the two young brothers Maubonrg, are prisoners, and merit from us the most tender interest, from their devoted attachment to M. Lafayette since the begin ning of the revolution. LETTER 11. "CHAVANTAC BY BRIOUDS, Department of the Haute Loire, March 1 3, 179 6 3. —5ir: The gazettes inform me that you are a second tune elected President of the bnited States, and these happy tidings revive my courage a little, which has been sorely tried by the silence of the United States on the fate of M. Lafayette. During six months that he has been in captivity to our enemies, alter the unheard-of proscription by his own country, I have heard but few expressions of interest, and those only from private American citi zens. "I bad the honor of writing to you, sir, in tturbegiiming of October, 1792, when I was kept prisoner,by, the order of the Committee of PubliteSafety, which, after ordering me to come to Paris about the time of the massa cres, had 'perinittedthe administration of the department to keep me first under lock and key, and then to send me here under the sur veillance of the municipality of my village. It watt from this that I had the consolation of writing to you. I did not dare to sign my letter, not even to send it written by my own hand: a young English agriculturist, Mr. Dyson, who had passed some time in our retreat, and who'was returning 3o England, prows' ed, to, get a copy conveyed to you. Did 'such Metter ever reach you? Or was it necessary to awaken your interest ? cannot believe it; but your silence, air, 1 confess, and the neglect you have for six months ahown towards M. Lafayetterand his family, is among all - our misfortunes, the one that lam least she to explain to myself. I hope it will not always continue, and if 1 have any earthly hope for him or for our re union, it is still founded on your kindness and that of the United States. The public papers will have told you that M. Lafayette and his companions in misfortune were trans"- !erred from Wesel to Magdebourg towards the end of December, and when the French troops were approaching this citadel I was told that it was intended to remove him to Spandau. I was even for a moment given togeT 1 19..P_eia.; la% nothing haszontirmed - them. AB lof myself, I am no longer the prisoner of the municipality of the village. At the end of two months the orders of the committee of surveillance were revoked; but tyran nical laws which forbid us to quit French territory, and pronounce sentence of confiscation of property against all who do SC! (or who have done so since the 9th of Peo rutty), condemn me to remain and to pre - serve.' at least for our creditors, my small per-4 , sonal fortune, on` • which the children exist now that their father's property has been seized. lam obliged to keep them with me —not for my own consolation, which I would far rather sacrifice for him; but Providence meanwhile offers me this, of hoping that they will grow . .. up worthy of him. But lam powerless to do anything for him: t cannot receive one line from him, or contrive to let him receive one by. any means what ever. Certainly I will never; take any step unworthy of him whom I love, nor of the cause to which he has never ceasedla be faithful, and 'which his fellow citizens haie shown themselves unworthy to defend—unworthy also for a long time hence of being served by virtuous men. Be lieve, sir, that in the present state of Europe we have everything to fear for Lafayette while be remains in the power of the one*. I do not know how to urge you; I will only repeat that my confidence in General Wash ington, though rudely tried, still exists, and that I still venture to offer him the homage due to his character and virtue. [Signed] `libitum LAFAYETTE." It does not appear that any answer was made by Washington to this affecting appeal —or, at least, no answer ever reached Ma dame de Lafayette, though at a later period the good offices of the American governme❑t were employed to a certain extent to obtain the release of her husband. WICY BiIIIALETI24 THE CONTESTRD .ELP.CTIONB.-MC8.4111. W. P Messick and R. M. Batturs, examiners, held another session yesterday afternoon. Alexander Mcßride testified—l offered to vote in the Second division of the First Ward at the October ,election; handed in the window a full Democratic ticket; I gave my name and residence; I was then driven away from the polls by a mob of about fifteen or twenty men; Henry Goodwin was the only one I recognized; I never saw the others about there before; Goodwin cried, "Arrest the —I shoot him! kill him!" I had done noth ing to provoke this; merely went up to vote; one or two shots were fired at me while I was running away; John Miller did not live at 118 Denmark street in October; be left the house when I moved in in June last, [ Miller is assessed at 118 Den mark streets and is , on the list of Voters.] Cross-examined—l was a Deputy Sheriff; I had had a badge on, but did not have it on at the time I offered to vote;. .I was then employed and am now in the whisky business; am employed at a disullery; I did not go back to the poll after the difficulty; I put my badge on abOut seven o'clock in the morning, at the poll of the First precinct; I staid there all the morning; I had no arms. The boxes of the Second and Tenth Dll'lBlOllE, First Ward, were. produced, and the papers wort taken out and offered in evidence. nal:keit!, McDowell testified—Resided at 21 ,, Marker street in October [Supreme Court natu ralization paper, dated ISeptember ' 14, 1868, shown]; that is mine; I offered to vote on that paper; °tiered to-vote the full Democratic ticket; handed in the ticket, and gave my name and residence; they swore me as to my right to vote, and asked me to produce my papers; I handed them In; they were returned to me, and the in spector sold that I shouldn't vote, as they were Supreme Court papers; I went to the polls again with my voucher, Mr. Melloy, and allude another trial, ard the vote was again refused. Cross-examined—l was naturalized in a court: think It was before Judge Ludlow; the Jadgr saw me, and I saw him; I made no statement to the Judge, except to answer his questions; my voucher swore that be had known we so long iu this country; that was in the court-room; I think that there were only two in the court-room Wearing witnesses and asking questions; thought one was a Judge and the other a clerk. Re-examined—l had been to court two years before to got my first papers. Mrs. Henrietta Redman, testified—Reside 1710 South Fourth street; lived at 113 Tasker street, and moved from there In September last,• I am a widow; my linsband's name was John Redman; he die in the spring of 1864. '('John Redman 15 assessed,ll3 Tasker street, and No. 099 on list of Mere. I Mrs. Catharine Dooley testified—Lived 107 Troller street in October; my husband's name le Edward: he is a sailor; he has been away sine- January, 1868. Ed ward Dooley is assessed 107 froller street, marked "V," and is No. 521 on the, list of voters..l Joseph Wbite has made hi. home at my house off and on for seven years; he arrived from the West Indies on a man-of-war about three weeks before the October election, and left again before the Presidential election. Cross-examined—My husband is in Montana; did not get a letter from him in October; I sup posed that he was digging for gold; ho went there in January, 1868. Robert O'Neill testified—Reside No. 29 Reed street; did live at 1624 South Front street; did not vote at the last October election. I Robert O'Neal is assessed 1624 South Front street, marked V, and is No. 894' on the list of voters. I I moved from 1624 S.Front street about two weeks before the election. William Buddenborm testified—Lived 1625 South Front street last October; voted the Demo cratic ticket in the Second division, First Ward, at the election; Jeremiah Brown did not live there then; be moved away in Jnne.lB6B. f Brown is assessed 1625 South Front, and No. 433 on the let of voters. I Martin Cavanaugh testified—Lived in Troller street in October last, and offered to vote in the Second division, First Ward, about twelve o'clock; my vote was thrown out in consequence of my tax papers being out of date; I went to Alderman Lutz and got new tax papers; went back again and got into sine between twelve and one o'clock; I was dragged out of line and was handed over to a policeman or special constable; I was taken up to Southwark Hall, and was Locked up for two days and fed on water; no charge was ever made against me; don't know the policeman who dragged me out of the line; I had lived in that division for thirteen years; have been voting there since 1857; I meant to vote the Democratic ticket, and bad it in my,.lhand. Cross-examined—The man who dragged me iron the line said I was going to vote twice; his name is Dubois; he told the policeman to take me to the Hall for going to vote twice. Timothy Carbon testified—Resided 111 Tasker street, in October; voted the Democratic ticket in Second division, First Ward; have been vot ing in that division ten fears; about ten minutes after I voted John Call came up to vote and was challenged on residence; his vote was refused; I went to the window to vouch for him and the book woe-handed to me; I swore that he resided :it the piece specified; some man in the line be hind me said, "What got ?". and another voice said, "Go for him;" some of my Republican acquaintances wouldn't allow it; that is all that took place until between one and two o'clock, when a crowd came up Gree,nivieh street from Second and wont into 13onvier'es house; they remained a while and then came out and went close to the window and made a rush: I then saw Alexander Mcßride leave; a young man they called Henry Godwin pursued Mcßride and fired twice at him; r was afterwards told that they had driven. Erickson away, And that Canner, who held the Democratic window book, was also driven away; all the Democrats had to go; there were fifty or sixty in the crow d;there were police officers around there; they did not attempt to, put the crowd away; a great litany of that crowd were MCA , lichees spe cial deltutiis,sonic of them were intoxicated; saw no pistols except the one Goodwin fired at Mc- Bride; between live and eix o'clock I returned to the poll; the Republicans had possession of both sides ol the window; no Democrats were to be seen; I heard one man say, "Where is the Copperhead who can come to the window now ?" and I came to the conclusion that 1 had better leave, and so I left. James Parker testified—in October, 1868, I lived at 1634 South Front street; Robert O'Neill didn't live with me at that time, though he did before that, having left three or four weeks be fore the election; he is at 1626 south Front; no man lives with me by the name of O'Neill. I James Parker is assessed at 1626 SaSth Front, and O'Neill lu_ais.o_ol3B_eoe4l_- ofttkm place: I --/ijoililiallliTilditWat-irF.- ASSAULT UPON A MIB9IONARY.—JOIIII Marlow was arrested by • Sergeant Duffy, charged with assaulting Rev. J. D. Long, the Bedford street missionary. It seems that the defendant had be come angered about an article that had been pub lished in relation to some dangerous buildings on Bedford street, among which was one owned by the accused. Yesterday afternoon he visited the ?Maslen House and nailed to see Mr. Long. As TAE DAILY EVENING BULL'EI'IN7PI - 1 1 A 1 - . )E EJ 1, 3 T-11 - A tfIUkSDAY,i AT 6 869 soort"as that gentleman made bis,appearanCeOle called him fly tiointiveritopprohrionsopitheti anti threatened to tlx him. The reverend gentleman ther.,went,',ltotomptmy with the Sergeant, to Marto wk • r&ttidence,:_and_nakett_him__what ho meant, 0 - efeopon t the accnsedltardered him away and seized him by'the coat; gtilinehim a violent push. Marlow was hold - in 18500 - bail to keep the Peace. '' •t f 133tias op RICAL EsTAnt.—Jaines . A. Frcetnnn, auctioneer, sold yeaterday afternoon, at the Ex change, the follotvirifs: •'c • • • Lot No.l2o,section 54, Mount Morlati Cemetery, $5l. Lot No. 7, section No. 50,Mount Moriah Come- Share Mercantile Library, $7 25. Twenty-sixth Ward--LaLferty's Point Ikeez.. Hotel, with over 1.13 f acres of land, fronting on the river road, $17,000.' No. No. 2311 South at.—Three-story brick house and lot, 15 by 92 feet. Subject to $22 50 ground rent, $1,200. Garrison's Court.—Three-story brick house. above Twelfth and Mt. Vernon streets, lot 13 by 85 feet, $1,150. Ridge avenue.—Seven two-story frame houses and valuable lot of ground, above Seventeenth street; lot 50 by 269 feet to Geary street, $12,000 No. 1806 Cameron strcet.—Neat three-story brick dwelling with back buildings; lot 17 by 60 feet. Subject to $3O grotind rent; $2,900. Ground rent of $92 per annum, payable In silver, well secured and punctually paid, p 1,600. Norris street.—Three-Story brick dwelling, above Thompson, lot 15% by 101 feet, $2,75u. No. 1316 Beach street.—Genteel three-story brick dwelling, with back buildings;. lot 20 by 93 tett, $4,000. zmw JZBS MMIMERS. CARRYING LEITERB.-It 18 said that Post master Creswell has been tanking, arrangements for instituting a freo . delivery of letters in Cam den. That policy was once before established, but it was thought that the salary of the carriers, which was paid by the Department, was greater than the benefits resulting therefrOta, and, there fore, it was discontinue& The present carriers In Camden do the work on their own responsi bility, and the fee of two cents per letter for de livery is appropriated for their salary. TUE PARADE.—.Ottawa Lilo. -15, of Cam den, Order of Red Men, are making preparations to participate in the grand paradis in Philadel phia On the 12th lost. A handaiitaii banner Is to be presented to the Tribe on the morning of the parade by the "Daughters of the Forest." Other Tribes from South Jersey will also take part in the procession. Dnownen MAN.—Yesterday a man supposed to have been a German soldier was found drowned near lialglin's Point. He was five feet five inches in height, the tore finger of his left hand was oil, and be bad on a pair of soldier pants, alao a parr of brown pants, and a cloth cap. Ho had been In the water for some time, and was buried near the place where the body was found. IMPaDING TUE STRESTS. Much complaint has been made of the practice of blockading t street, from Front to the West Jersey Hotel, with wagons and vehicles of various descriptions left there for repairs. The authorities should see that this nuisance Is abated. Lana 6 PORTLY - NIL—It is said by the death of the late E. P. Middleton, of Philadelphia, a nephew in Camden,of the firm of Liibke & Middleton, has been left as residuary legatee an estate valued at $200,000. Firma.—Last evening two men were arrested and taken before Mayor Cox for throwing stones and disorderly behavior in the streets. They were each fined $2 and costs. IMPQM,TATIO fstb, Reported for the Philadelphia Evening Idulletim 808 . 1 ON —Bl t ather Saxon, deals--63 es boots and eii,iex Bunting Durborow Az Co; 1.11 Go. Aloboyer, Dorf] & doD S CI 1111 In & Co; ill do Chandler. Hart & Co; 1) do t; M Fay , 37 do (31.1 f, Watkins & Co; 22 do Hibler, Keith & o; 10 do Ltlr IC k Broe; 31 do Monroe, timaltz & Co; 32 do C cllses Az Co: 37 do W McKniaht & Co ; 12 do N ick eleon ds Mooeley 14 do M G Felber ;24 do W W Paul . 71 do li L Reeve &Co; 83 do A A 8 tiumorsy ; 15 do SutterXl filler; 11 do W W Elmedley di 'let; 10 do J J Stour; 87 do Shultz di Else; 14 do Thatch& & Co; 18 do A Tilden & Co 10 do Winebrenner & McWilliams; 23 vkgs dry goods .1 .1 Bailey ; 22 do Boyd & White ; 83 do CI Brewer & Co; 22.5 d. W Chase &dons; 14 do 6. H franelsous; 28 do (Jor g e,, en, lher ; 50 do T 'T Lea & Co; 49 do Lewis, Wharto ukt; 14 do Leland, Allen & Bates; 16 do McCallum, Crewe & Sloan; in d• H W Matchett ; 18 de Newell & Co ;20 do Wi dam 9impson ; 75 toils palls G 8 Adams; 9 vkgs do 20 d glass W 'l' Barry & Co; 50 do hardware Biddle Hard ware Co; 24 eke eil J C Baker & Go :69 pkge glass 8 6 Boughton ; 55 has pails E W Cassidy; 25 es mdse Colton & clerk; 30 nbls mdse 5 hide do Gitnens h Bereamer; led bags Hideo W Cunningham it Son ;16 bxs furniture 111 A Davie; 11 boles skins Hen-y Davis; 25 bk.' /1311,50Freach, Richards & Co; 5 bble oil nhober &Co; 131 Om frames N Cirdinau 8 Co; 8 organs J E Gould: 48 os machines Grover Baker; 450 rolls paper Howell Bros; 13 pko glutei h B Horborger; 10 Ws oil J Howell ar Co; 80 bales cutch J W Jones: 127 ca furniture Kilburn it Gates; 26 pkgs rope J 8 Leo it tio ; 53 idle paper J M Longetretb 85 empty pkga Massey. Bunton & Co; 680 do J L Nicholson; 50 bbla fish E A Solider & Co; 300 bdle do Boston and Philadelphia Flan Co; 11 bbls vine. ear C E duller & Co; 11 cc flles Truitt it Watson: 4 cs 15 kegs iron N & 7 aylor ;53 boxes W .51 Wilson ;46 bdls calls Chae Watson; 140 boxes mdse 15 Ws oil 34 es radio order. EILOVIKDIEDITS OF OCIEAR ®TPA snirevq,, TO AREII7I4, anis% 110/1 101 Dir. Helvetia . .. ...Liverpool_New York ..........April 21 Pennsylvania Liverpool.. New York.. 23 Marathon.. ....... Liverpool-New York.' 24 City of Boeton. ....Liverpooi..New York via H..A.pril 94 Pnreguay ....London...New Y0rk..... ..... April 24 April 24 Union. —Southampton ..New York. ...... —April 27 Nevada ........ ..... Liverpool-New., April 27 China.............Liverp001..New York via B ...April 27 City of London... .Liverpool-New Y0rk....... April 98 The Queen.... Liverpool EP -New York.— ..... April 29 TO Mariposa. New York-New Orleans May City of Mexico. _hew York.. Vera Cruz. dm......1tay Celia . . . .. .........New York.. London.... ...... ....May Colna .... . ......New Y0rk..01aeg0w............MaY City of BaftimoriL.New York..Ltrorpool- ...........May City of Boston_ _New York..LdverpooL.... • ...... May Erin ................Mew York.. Liverpoo- .May Cimbria New York.. Hamburg ...May I Scotia ..............New Y0rk..Liverp001.............May 1 China . ...New York..LiverpooL May 1 City of London.... New York.. Liverpool. May 1 Lafayette.......... New York. -Havre .....May 1 Europa. ......... .New York..olaagow. Juniata.. . ..... Pitlladelphia..l9 Orb via Xav May 1 Tonawand . a.....Philadelobia-flavannah.... ....... May 1 Pioneer... ........May LS iti(JAkt,L) OF TII.AL)I6i. J PRICE W - ETHERELL, RA Mt- EL O. wroKEs, Idoxrati Couitnran, J Akteb D01;61E1E11:1 Y lA_RINE BUSAGIVI'LP4 PORT OP PHILADELPHIA-MAY 6 Spa Itusis.'4 61 I Bop Bars. 6 0 I Man WAies2. 10 20 Steamer Saxon. Sears, 48 hours from Boston, with mdse and passengers to 11 Wineor & Co. Saw off the Over t ails. bark Clara. from ldatansas. at anchor ; below the nuoy on the Brown. ship Asia. from New York. and seta (of Boothia), laden with moister', ; at anchor off the Brown. bark Volant, from Liverpool •, one bark (Eastern) and harm brig. names unknbwn; at the Brandywine, .schr Abbott Devereux. from Sagns: o ff Fourteen Feet Blink. brig Ellen P Stewart. from Cfestruegos. member W C Plerrep(mt, Shropshire, 24 hours from )ew York. with mdse to Win M Baird & Co. ntearner Frans Pierce. 24 hours from New York. with mdse to W M Baird lb Co.' steamer Black Diamond, Meredith, 24 hours from New York, with lodge to W M Baird & Co, Solir Vandalic, Campbell. 2 days from Lelpeic, Del. grain to Jos E Palmer. CLEARED YESTERDAY. ship KOOD:108 (Nor), Ellelson, Rotterdam, L Weetorgaard di Co. Steamer It Willing, Oundiff, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. ;Ammer Boman. Baker. Bonton. IS Wiruor & liurk Inland Queen (Ha Brooke, Antwerp. Workman&CO aelir J Ficardo Jove,Cobb, Cienfuegoe. Madelra&Cabada. aehr A AJ Aldridge, Jr. Fisher, Boston. Borda, Kollar & Nutting. richt 1 'lhompeon. Endicott, Now Bedford, do stiff H A Itogere, Frombee. Amesbury, do ❑ehr W F Car dean, Barrie, itoxbury, Weld, Nagle & Co. chr A Tniedell, Barrett, CacubridgePort, do Selir Jae Ponder. nucleon, Wilmington. Del. captain. achr E Ewing, °linden. Norwich, Hammett, Neill di Co. riehr J ° McCarthy. dlmpeon. Boston, do . - - meta A M Leo, Taylor, Boutou, do Sc lir R RR No 43 loylor, Norwich, do Hat go R RR No 68. W omit, Bridgeport, do Berge Aurrßyen, Traek, New York. do Bulge Wei liaeter. Gummi, NOW 1 ork, do Sh p );watara ((: S), sailed from Cadiz 17th ult. for thLs port. St ip Cremorne, Gates. from New York 19th Dec. at San Froneheo 4th inst. ship alparaiso, Mammy, from New York 7th Jan. at Ban Francisco 411.11 must. hip Radiant, Chan, from Boston 19th Dee. at San Francisco hhinst Ship Cingala (Br). Neilson. 98 days from Shangtmo, at New Yolk yeaterdaY4 With tea. Steamer Prometheus, Gray, hence at Charleston yes terday. Meamer Geo 11 Stout. Ford, hence at Georgetown 4th instant. Steamer Norfolk, Platt, hence at Norfolk 3d Met, and sailed for Richmond. Steamers Idaho, Cutting; Siberia, Martyn, and Den. mark. Cato, cleared atNew York yesterday for Liverpool. Btu k Scottish Bride, Allen, hence at Stettin 20th ult. Bark Tejaca, Howell. from Cardona++ for a port north of Hatteras, was spoken 29th ult. lat 2992, lon 7929. (trig Palestina:Patterson, sailed from llardepas ..tor-mportuortii.of-llatterats. — Brig Gee 13 Berry, Bradley, sailed from Matanzas 24th ult. for this port. Brig Mary Stewart: Adams, sailed from Matanzas 24th ult for a port north of Hatteras. Brig Mary E Thompson, Bunker, cleared at Portland 4th inst. for Bavana. Brigs Selo (Br), Brown; Frank Clark Jonee,and Choice (Br) Brosvn,eatled from Cardenas 23d ult. for a port north otHatteras. • Brig H J Burton, Burton, from Rotterdam. at Boston yesterday. ultßehr Belle, Jones, hence for Loudon. off Portland 22d Schr Marjory, Allderdice, Masco at Br i dol 22d ult. L1:7:11 WA kii"CA:.lO 11;4 MEPRORA±4DA Aar Berrien Gear. Sherpterd, Trent Triiildiel poll: woe seen 28thnorobrero.' • Bahr Harlin Si Gate9ett, ealled Trent Caiderunt 94th nit. for sport norther& if atterite:- Behr Ciente Tilton.' derntins,froht aenfnegtee f6r N York, nab seen'29th 949e,h0n80 94: ' theler Oliver ' itmeaElieneb.e.-fromititeoreretoarn. Da, far , Provideneti. , withr-oodl.z , le` ashore on Oino - Li3dk6; , ifterir - Pvarren river, and leaking badly.,.Two steam tinge have Rona, to her anWetance: -0 Cabo wreck onttio' Loeb: ;Mooned; tot Philadelphia, hats been snits at fluenoe Ayree'ror $B2. • AL'_ 'iwrzuEiSe e a r AT IHE ANNUAL MEETINO Company. STOCK. holders of the Lehigh Zino held this d ay. the following gentlemen*ere duly elected Directors to servolluring the ensuing year 'BENJo MIN C. WEBSTER, GEORGE K. ZEIGLER. CHARLES W. TROTTER. GORDON MONGES, ADOLPH E. HOME. CHARLES L. BORIE, JAMES O. FISHER. And et a subscauent meeting of the Directors, the fol. lowing officers were elected to Horvath° ensuing year: BENJAMIN C. WEBSTER. President. CHARLES W. TROTTEx. Vice President. GORDON MONGES. Treasurer. HENRY A. WILTI3ERGEK Secretary. By order of the Board, GORDON MONGES. Treasurer. myb Bit PIIII.A.ORLPRIA. May 5. 18439 THE GIRARD LIFE INSURANCE s ANNUITY AND TRUBP COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. At 8.13 election held on the 8d inst., the following gentle. torn cc ere elected Managers for the ensuingya m*: 1110 MAB RIDGWAY, JOHN A. BROWN, THOMAS P. JAMES, IH. N. BURROUGHS, GEORGE TA 8e.11., THOMAS H. POWERS, SETH I. COMLY. EDWARD H. TROTTER, ISAAC STARR. STACY H. BARCIOFT, HENRY u. FREEMAN. CHARLES WHEELER, WILLIAM P. JEAN KS, ADDISON MAY. At a meeting of the Alauagers, held on the 4th inst.. THOMAS RIDGWAY, DN.. was unanimously re-elected Pmtldent, and SETH 1. COBILY, EOl, , Vice President. 6.80 JNO, F. JAMES. Actuary. mole TO BUILDERS, CONTRACTORS AND OTHERS. —THE hICIIMOND GRFINITE COMPANY have constantly arriving at their extensive now wharf. first be low south M.. Schuylkill, Granite rif the best quality. and are prepared to supply the trade by the cargo or single pie. sea for Buildingaidenumental and. Cemetery Work. large Platforms, fine dressed Curbing. Belgian Paving Blocks. &c. Estimatesgiven for all kinds of work in Granite. shipped direct from the quarries. Fine dressed Monu ment Bases. of all sizes, on hand. OFFICE OF Tae, COMPANY,I7OB CHESTNUT STREET. [AM sto th6t4 THE ANNUAL MEETING OF TUE BLOORS• l lar burg Iron Company will be held at the office at Iron dale. Columbia county, Pa., on WEDNESDAY, M;ky 19 1949, for the election of nine Directors to serve the ensu lug year. and for the transaction of other business. WI& E. S. B &KER., Secretary and Treasurer, No. 122 Race street PIIILAIIIELPIII.A. April 17. 18e). ap29tmy2o* NOTICE. S fir DELAWARE AND RARITAN CANAL COM PANY. An Eleotion for Nine Directors of the above Company, to Nerve for the ensuing year, will be hold at the office. in Princeton. Now Jersey, on MONDAY. May 10, 1869. at 12 o'clock M. Dated Princeton, N. J., April 17. 1869 JOHN I'. STOCKTON. sp22-18t* Secretary. air OFFICE VULCAN MINING COMPANY PHILADELPHIA. April 12, lEBI2. The Annual Meeting of etockhonderi of the Vulcan Mining Company will be hold at their office, No. 824 Wal. nut acorn, on THURSDAY, May 12th, 180, at 12 o'clock , to tho election of Lirectorg and traneaction of other Imeinees. B. A. HOOPES, trpl3-tinvl3p Secretary. DIVIDEND NOTICES. mt y- NATIONAL BANK OF 0)NIM ERCE. May 4, 1869. I be Board of Directors have this day declared a divi d,.nd of Y lye Per (Amt. , payable on demand, clear of In) 3tl JOUN A. LEWIS, Cashier. tfir PENN NATIONAL BANK. PUMA 1.Z1.1 . 111A. May 4.11159. 911 Directors have this day declared a Olvldeud of I 1. Jr'c Leaf., clear of all taxes. payable 013 de mend. GEO. P. LA/Uiali E Dv lc yr, 3t§ Cashier. ati t- im plEit., AND MECHANICS' NATIONAL PUMA DELP/I A. May 4, ISO. The Poard of Directors have thin day declared a Divl of Five Per c;ent.. payable on dernand,clt , ar of Teo( W. 1{1:81.114.3.N, Jtt., Cashier. arm,- THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK OF PEN NBY LVAN Ib . Putianet.vnia. May 4. I.9iD. 'I he Board of Directors have declared a semi annard I.lnrud of Live Per Cent., vayable on demand, meat of :a tee u4y4-st§ S. C. PALMER, Cashier. THE WESTERN NATIONAL BANE Or PHIL ' - ` 4 " DELPHIA, Max 4, 1859. The Director! have this day, declared a dividend of Six Per Cent., payable on demand, clear of tax.. C. N. WEYCIANDT. Cashier. :ter• NATIONAL BANK OF GERMAN'IOWN,PHIL AD ELPHIA. • - - GM:MANTON N, May 4. The Directors have thhi day declared a dividend of Seri u and One-half Per Cent, for the last ete. monthe, , dear of taxes, payable on demana. CHARLES W. OTTO. mv4 stt Cashier. COKN EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK. Pumenxtract , May 4, 1889. '1 be Board of Directors have this day declared a Divi dend of Seven Per Cent. for the last six months, payable on demand, clear of taxes. tns 448 , H. P. SCHETKY, Cashier. RE CONSOLIDAq lON NATIONAL BA.NEC.• Pll ILA!) /IL HIM. May 3, 1869. 1 be Board of De.ectors have ihit day declared a divi dend of Six Per Cent., clear of taxes. and payable on de mand. WM. 11. WEBB. n 4.3 t. Cashier. gdf- MECHANIGS' NA'IIONAL Pau..arammila. May 4,166 g. The Board of Directors have thia day declared a divi dend of Eight (13) Per Cent., payable on demand, free of J. WIEGAND, my 4 6t Cashier. GJRAIW NATIONAL BANK. PLITLADNLIMIA, May 4, MI The Directors have declared a dividend of Six Per Cent for the last six months. payable on demand. free of taxes. W. L. BCIIAFFER, my 4 3tll Csushler. stir BOUTUWARK NATIONAL BANK, PniLAD/ILPISIA, Map 4th, 1869 The Directors have this day declared a dividend of Eight Per Cent, payable on demand. my 4 ghl P. LAMB, Cashier. far COMMONWEALTH NATIONAL BANK. PIIILAIMILI . I/IA. May 4, Pal. The Directors have this day declared a dividend of Five Per Cent., payable on demand. clear of taxon. tort BO B. C. YOUNU. ashler gar KENSINGTON NATIONAL BANK, Pultanetente. May 4. IBM The Board of Directors have this day declared a divi• dead of Twelve Per Cent for the last et: months, payable op demand, clear of taxes. WM. bIoCON N 8 LL. my 4 6t! Cashier: Ag e r TOE MANUFACTURERS' I, BA s r Tho Roard of Directors have L ai gL dry i lecla%d 4 a WTI dend of Five Per Cent., payable on demand. inv4.Btt M. W. WOODWARD, Cashier. gulf- CITY NATIONAL BANK. Puimaulmmite. May 4, 1869. The Board of Directors have tine day declared a divi dend of Six Per Cent, Payable on demand, clear of taxes. v4.9t0 G. ALBERT LEWid. Cashier. gtv— CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK. PUILADRI.PDIA, May 4, IfM. The Directors have declared a dividend of Five fer Ucut, payable on demand, clear nf taxes. TIIEO. my 4 ()ashler. aloe a ATIONAL BANK OF THE NORTHERN LIBERTIES. PILILADELPIIIA. May a 1869. The Directors have this day declared a dividend of Ten Per ('eat., paYablerm demand. clear of tax. myabtil GUMMERE. Cashier. steis. TUE PHILADELPHIA NATIONAL BANK. PIIII.ADBLPLIIA. May 3, IBM The' Directors have declared a Dividend of &wen Per !ant. for the past six mouths, payable on demand clear of till taxes. D. B. commults. my 3 6t Cashier. ger. NATIONAL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC. PHILADELPHIA. May IMt, 180 The Board of Directors havu declared a dividend of I b ree and one.h Mt per Cent. for last eh months, clear of truce. payable on demand. mytett ' JOSEPH P. MUMFORD. Cashier. *we THE CHELTENHAM AND WILdOW GROVE '""`" TURNPIKE COMPANY. The Managers have this clay declared a • dividend of lace Per Cent. on the capital dock of the company for the Met six months (exclusive of Taxes). Payable on and otter Utth instant. WILLIAM S. PEROT, • 3d MA I'M). '1 roaenrer, n , y4 3t* IC W. corner Sixth and Maetor etroote ger DIVIDI , ND NOTION. OFFICE OF SHAMOKIN AND BEAR VALLEY COAL LOAIXANY, No. 214 CD F SMUT STREET. P 1111.AUELPIIIA , April 30th, 1662. The Board of Directors of the Shamokin and Bear VIII. ley Coal Company have thin day declared a dividend of wordy Conte Per Share, payable at the °dice of the Company on and after the 11th proximo, free of tax. WM. I'. ATKINSON, my 3 6 Bp El 14 15-7tl Secretary and Troaourer. Et a-Rwr. OFFICE OF THE PILILADELNUA EX, CHANGE COMPANY. • • • _ . _ Aran. 30, 1869, The Board of Managers hay this day deotared a Dirt dsue of Two Voltam and Fifty Cents per *hare, payable on and after May 10, 1861. he Transfer Books will be closed until that date. HENRY D. EiIiEBRERD, 4.41.' Treasurer. TDB GERMANTOWN AND PERK [OMEN war TURNPIKE COMPANY.—TiIe Managers have tills day declared a dividend of Twcsand-whalf Per Cent. ou stook of the Company, for the last six montlas (exclusive of taxes). payable on and after 13th instant. WILLIAM B. P EROT, Transit, or. N. W. cor. dixth and Master streets. MAY 31,1869. my 4 31• etiar ~:r aneeC --DE - - - 4DFFE LUBIN . Company of Philadelphim—At a meeting of the Board of Directors, held Ude day, a semi-annual dlvi deed of Three Per Cent, was declared, clear of all taxes. • payable on demand. By order of tho Board. E. COLEMAN. See'v, May 3.1869. my44t4 11101iTGAGEM. ott; (In ft TO INVEST IN A ORBT-CLASS MORT ewe", vIJ gage of city property. A. B. CARVER & CO . inys 3t• S. W. corner Ninth and Ellbort etreote. ILIALUOSIEVIENTS• ACADEMY OP MOBIL: ': ILIOLUNG§ , ENGI.IBII OPERA. BIRO. O. RIOHINOB BERNARD DiroctroM BENEFLT -OF -21 B MONDAY EVENING,' Mar 101 b, 1869. Seats may be obtained THVRBDAY. May 8 9 A. M. at tho Academy of .*ualq,aud at o.W.A.Trumpler's Music , 863r0. VIE BOHEMIAN GIRL. First and only appearance of MIBB BVBAN GALTON. , .131 , kind perm firionof !dopers. Tunisen dr Parsons. of the Theatre immique,whore she is now performing. OASTLZ INOIttASED onua ESTILL A cADEmy mrdauslc. Al FZ \ LIBLI OPERA COMrANY. MRS. C. RICIIINGB BERNARD. „DIREOTREBit A. S. PENNOYER ...BUSINESS MANAGER B. BED RENS... , ... .. ...CONDUC TOR Lent engagement in the City . of 'the Preiont or(anmation. (TMURBDAY) EVENING, May 6, Riel Brother' Comic Opera. ClatiPlNO AmD THE FAIRY. With a groat cast. and Grand Orchestra and enlarged Chortle. TO-MORROW FRIDAY , EVENING, May 7th. 1669. ANNUAL BENEFIT OF A. B. PENNUYER. BUoINEB6 MANAGER. Whim will be prompted, for the first Unto this season. Flotor's Grand Opera. MARTHA. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, GRAND FAMILY MATT. NEE, at I reelect, when will be resented, for the first time this season, Amber's Romantic Opera. Via DLAVOLAs. Parquotte, Parouetto Circle, and Balcony. uNE DOLLAR. No extra charge for renal/Mg. Family Circle. 50 cents. Ain phithy.atre, .25 cents. Sale of • for MONDAY EVENING next corn. menced THIS (Thursday) MORNING, at 9 o'clock. at rumplat'e Music Store and the Academy. J. F. ZIMMERMAN. Treasurer. W ALNUT BTREgT THEATRE. Maas at 73( o'clock. THIS EVENING May 6, The distinguished author and comedian, MR. JOHN BROUGHAM, Whose engagement is positively limited to TWLIAR NIGHTS, Previous to Ms departure for Califorois.and will appear As PERRY, Tllii. SWELL, In his great DEA MATIU SATIRE. Upon the vices.follies and soneatione of the oreeent time entitled TIIE LOTTERY OF LIFE. FRIDAY—BENEFIT OF MR. JOHN BROUGHAM. m ftb. JOHN DREW'S Alien BTRE , T THEATRE. Bed= at 734'. THIRD WEER OF LOT T A. Lotta In a new piece, "PRYINA." MONDAY, EVERY EVENINO And SATURDAY AFTERNOON at 2. L otta'a Original Dual Drama, "PEPLislt." Pepina. LOTTA Myrtle Myddleton.)' ' THURSDAY—BENEFIT OF CUBAN PATIILOTS. FRIRAY—LOTTA'S BENEFIT. TtiEATRE COMIQUE—NEYENTII STREET, BELOW Arch. Commences at 8 o'clock. T UNISON I: C 0... . TWO NEW 6!iiiid 1 bird week of the gifted young MISS SUSAN °ALTON. Fourth time of JESSIE LEA mcm. and LES DEUX AYENGL= One by "Offenbach," and one by Maciterran. The Whole Company appears. MATINEE SATURDAY. N EW YORK CIRCUS. (From the liippotheatronlldinge, Fourteenth Strout. of,poelte the Academy of Mu.ic, Now York- L. B. LENT PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT The pubik are respectfully Informed that this cede braved Metropolitan Troupe will exhibit m Philadelphia ON MOUTH STREET. ABOVE RACE. FOR Two WEEKS ONLY, COMMENCING MONDAY. MAY UAL, When cs iR be pfreented a eeries of tilos , * BRILLIANT, EXCITING AND ELEGANT EQUESTRIAN ENTERTAINMENTS. Which for years have proved one of the most popular and successful features of the public amusement,. In New York, and which,for variety and, snlendor,vvill be found UNPARALLELED IN AMERICA Ire - Full particulars listen:lre advertisement& AUOLtiTINE'S CHERCH.FOURTII STREET. ORGAN OPENING AND SACRED CONCERT. THURSDAY EVENING. MAY N. 1869. The Organ, rebuilt. with Electro. Magnetic Action .by Standbridgodlrothere, will be performed upon, by MR. HENRY G. THUNDER. And SI aster P.CRERT WINTERtiOTINEM. ands choice prelgntrnine of GI&L'AC4I !dude. Gems from MOZART'S quiem, dc., &c., will be given by the Choir. aided by M r. TH US DE h'd, CHORAL CLASS. Tickets 50 cents. For gale at .Murlc Stores. du... or at the Church in the evening. 1nv4.442 UNIX'S AMERICAN THEATRE. WALNUT STREET, above Eighth. E F THE THIS &THE O THE WORLD. too A RUSTS OF ALL NATIONAL the Head and Front of all Profeeelone. The Home of the Ballet and Fine Art. :Austained b 3 the leading Eight Premeires and a Uoryv of Fifty Fignaranters. MONDAY. AND EVERY EVENING. Abr. SATURDAY AFTERNOON. THE DASIIWOOD SISTERd. Two Ballets and a Pantomino this evening. CHESTNUT STREET RINK. V) Corner TWENTY THIRD and CHESTNUT Streets. Open daily' from B'e. M. to 1051 P. M. FOR ELOCIPEDE ItLt.l NG. Admieaion 10e. Riding tickets. SO and 80 cents.. Veioelpedes for Foie at factory pito... rnyievr the at X lIISITION OF WATER COLOR DRAWINGS IN 12,1 aid of the Children'. Hospital. Open daily from 9 A. m to 611 P. M . at the ARTIST FUND GALLERIES, 1894 tiheetnut street. Tickets, 20 cents. Season Tickets. $l. For sato at the Gallerien e.Pllsl•lni: PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF PINE ABTA. THE PORTYEIXTH ANNUAL /WRING EXHIBI TION OP PAINTHIGS SCULPTURE . Ac.. Is now Open. Adminlon 25 cents. Beason Tickets 50 cents. Open from OA. M. to 630 P. M.. and from 73f to 10 P. M. ap2o Ow SENTZ'S Ar , D HASSLEIVE 'rlllial Y.TII AND LAST 11011EBTRA MATINEE npl Will be given on HAY Mb. ACADEMY OF FINE CH ARTS._ ESTNUT Street. above Tenth. Open from 9 A. M. to B P. M. BetUaruin Werths Great Picture of gin on exhibition. T lIEJEOTED Rasa BOARDING'. 2LARGE SECOPIE STORY ROOMS TO RENT, wttb board, together or separately, or as lodsina roomy, and fumiabed, 1430 Beath Penn 14quare. myo 2t* 10ARDING AT MRS. EL W. GRAVENSTINE'd Twenty-first and Venango streets; five minutes walk from 'flogs Station. to Germantown Railroad. 1 -l ANDSWA E COMM UNI‘ATINO ROOMS AND other vacancies, with board, at 228 South BROAD street. ray 3 BURNER HOARDING. WANTED- A FEW RUMMER BOARDERS. AT A T beautifully located and commodious farm house,with large limos, oleaeantly shaded, near the Brandywine, on the Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Railroad. Referencegiven at this °thee . Address H. H. PAINTER, ap29 th e tu6t° Concordville P. 0., Delaware co., Pa. UMMER BOARDING—A FEW FAMILIES CAN BE .3 accommodated during July and August. at Bishop thoree.on the south side of the Lehigh. near Bethlehem. Address for term. dtc., MPIS CHASE. apDtlmAnat4 Binhopthorpe. 13otblehem. Pa. LOST. ObT OR MISLAID—PERPETUAL POLICY. NO. 1.1 6249, issued by the Enterprise Insurance Company, 4,n the bottle situate south side of Wharton Area.. oast of Sixteenth. Any pet eon having said policy will pleaue return same to No. outh Fifteenth street, as application haft been matte forenew policy. a .Patha tun' ROOFING. r[lo BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. 1 We are prepared to furntel! English Imported AbPIIALTIC ROOFING FELT. In quantities to suit. This rooting was used to cover the Para Exhibition in 1667• MERCHANT & CO.. iny4 lm6 517 - and 519 Minor street. XIEATE US &NI RTOVEN. THOMAS S. DIXON & SONS, 4 " ag . Late Andrews & hdxor4 . No. 1824 CHESTNUT Street, _Phil:Dia— Oppoeite United States Mint. Manufacturers of LOW DOWN, PARLOR, CHAMBER, OFFICE, G And other RATES, For Anthracite.Dituminous end Wood Fire I sue, _ WARM-AIR FURNACES, For Warming Public and Privatb Buildnuoi. REGISTERS, VENTLLATORth AND CHIMNEY CAPS, COOKINR-RA E NGES, BAT RE II•DOILERS. WHOLSALE and TAIL. • Onglldttria RUGGISTB' SUNDRIES.—GRADUATES, MORTAX / Pill Tiles, Combs, Brushes, Mirrors, Tweezers Pull !toxes, Horn Scoops, Surgical InstrumenM, Trusses, 'Hard and loft Rubber Goods, Vial Cases, Glass and Metal Syringes, dic., all at "First Hands" prices. SNOWDEN di P.P.OTHER, aptl-tf 23 South Eighth street. DRUGGISTS ARE INVITED TO EXAMINE OUR large stock of fresh Drugs and Chemicals of the latest importation. Also, essential OiD, Vanilla Beans, Sponges, Chamois Skins, etc. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CU., N. E. corner - - -Ireurth ttnd Race etreeta.. OLIVE OIL, SUPERIOR QUALITY. ON DRAUGHT und in bottles: various brands. ROBERT SHOE MAKER /a CO.. N. E. corner Fourth and Race streets. CASTILE SOAP—NOW LANDING.-300 BOXES VW bite and Mottled Castile Soap, very superior nuallt.T. ROBERT SHOEMAKER di CO., Wholesale Drusidete. N. E. corner Fourth and Race streets. QPIRITB TUAPENTINE AND ROSIN-110 BARRELS la Spirits Turpentine :4453 bbbs. Pate Soap Motu; UM bblo. No. Viblektroo Rooks.landing from 'steamer Plower. tor saleobv EDW. IL ItOWLEY.IB Wttarvaiks WW2 Nr` BALLIr.-4dODIIIIN TußerszEinv intiAcii:tm : 114trtWnit. s.lllSeutb Ninth street. Every _conveni ence. Inquire on the premises. tan Gthd to ttS gi FOR BALE . • . • AT CAPE ISLAND. N. J.. Tholxibit boautytillv locatBd COTTAGE. Oierlooiftig the ocean mysw th e• Fr'EIIALE—THE HANDSOME NEW -DWELL. " 829 North Sixth ',treat. Lot 20 feet front by 135 feet to Randolph area. Terms wily. Apply to BOND 4tt DlDDLE,Northeset , corner of Front and Cbeetout streets. mys 12t• irFOR PALE—TRE NEW HOUSE, NO. 144 NORTH r Eighteenth street. below Race. Price $15.000. oto J1A..01; 8 to 8.1".81. HENRY D. WtHr,6lAtt. myts 30 , • 72 Walnut street, itFOR 42ALE CHEAP—THE GOOD-WILL AND fixtures of an establinhed Fruit and Produce store. Apply at 334 NOrth Water at.. above Vine. M76.3t" _ • _ 13. FOR BALE OR RENTi— fiOUNTRY RUH dance, 10 acres, comfortable home furnished if deal.ed. good grater s plenty of fruit and shade, Asylum road. one mile. West of Frankford, Address J. C. , lerankford Yost office. my66t• JEFOR SALE.-2018 SPRUCE STREET—ELEGANT Drown Stone Dwelling; four atorica, with throe " atory double back buildinga, Lot 23 hy 120 to back Meet. Llandeomcly finished and furnished with all modern conveniences. D. W. SEESlA.Y.Onnonyancer. my 4 gt• 206 South Fourth street. FUR BALE OR RXOIIANOB —A' BEA UTIVUL Country Beat of acres. withexeelleut buildings. handsome lawn and shade. pleasantly Shunted. at e station in view of the Delftware. RANSOM ROGERS. _ixlbouthl•ifth street. t0Y463 --- FOR BALE—DWELLINGB I Irk 861 North Broad etroct. 1617 North Broad street... 21(8 Jefferson street. 143 Brandywine etreot. 1266 brand) %v ine street. 1341 Girard avenue. Fittectrh. scar Manter et. 1642 Franklin street. 31.10 Franklin street. ;nu and 933 North Twelfth. 1711 North Ninth street. 11411 and 1204 'notation. b.legant prosetty. German own. on cbettuu arenue.lso by 100 feet; house with modern conveniences; pleats , of shrubbery. Price 6:11.1 UUU. Lots en North Broad street. For full particular,, got the it. E Itrplgter, pripe I centa. J. W. HANtI,VR 0 ' 869 North Broad. EDRUG STORE FOR SALE VERY ELLEAP-- " Call Ituamilately. corner of Marshall and Master ',treet/h. A r dro chance for ono with s szall thy 3 fiFOR SALE.—MODEBN THREE-STORY BRICK dwellinig. No. fela Pine street. Every convenience and in perfect order. Price low. ROBSIIT GRAF. FEN & SON. 637 Pine street inFOR BALE—DESIRABLE RESIDENCEOI4 TUR eastern tide of llianheim erect, Germantown . near "tbe Township Line." 200 feet front, and extending 6fii feet to depth to Clapler etreet (three acres).command ingra fine view. Pointed Stone Dwelling and Stable; Fse. hydrant and well water.with modern Improvements. ruit, shade, and a variety of beautffal evorgreen tree.. ap24-12t* Apply No. '4B South Third street. FOR bALE--A COUNTRY BRAT. 'Of ACRES, on the Delaware—convenient to railroad and steam. " boat—with Douse and stable, furniture, Unica. Oar tinges. tools. boats. Ac. Healthy eltuation, tine view. old Eroea and choice act leetion of fruit in hearing. Tonna easy. Photographs at 234 bouth Third street. FOR BALE —NEAT 3, , TORY STONE COTTAGE, good location. Germantown. near depot: 9 moult; • every cauvenlenm. Lot 20 by 110 feet. Price $4,303. • aP7419 .J. M. P. WAJ...LAGE. 12 1 3 8. Sixth st. EII4I , :uBOME (OUNTRY BEAT FOR SALE. in containing L 9 acres supezior land, situated on the (lull road . one mule horn Villa Nova !Ration. an the restesylvania Central Railroad. Modern stone mansion. with every city convenience •seeptgisa; Arabia. carriage botue, chieteri house. Ice house, dte.. &a. Lawn baLdsonaely Improved with shade and ever/mien trees et d shrubbery. Also spring and spring-berme. and a stream of water running through the plsee; trultaand berries of all kinds. J, M. IiUMMEY 6t SONS. 733 Wal nut vtreet. DIRECTOR EFOR A lIANDSL•SfE BRICK REM, dence. with Uwe-a:eatery double back baildingl. every convenience. and lot 21 feet front by Ilk. foot deep. Situate on the weet eido of Tenth etroet, below Spruce street. J. U. Ci UIibLEY di SUNS. 7641 Walnut et re. t. triFOR BALE THE MODERN FotntErroar brick resident.... with earn coavenhatee: in excel. lent older. tied lot Ilk feet deep to e street; No,Stn CI irton street. betsse.-n Spruce end Dina 'streets. J. M. IitMALEY 6 801%8. 783 Walnut rt. EWr.ST RITTENHOUSE NQUARE--FOR BALE _ An elegant Ettdde lice, 21 feet 6 Inches front, blat and finithed threughont le tha twat manner: with 4 bath mann. etveral cedar desalt. &c.. and lvt ozl fort deep. through to Twentieth street- J. M. GrUbLIdBY clu t• B. 7.c3 Walaut treet FUlt SALE.--A HANDSOME MODERN COT. E tags. built in the beet...manner, with everrcity cow vet:deuce. plate glass wrindow-e, and in perfect, :or. der. Situate within nye inlnutea' walk from nogg Sta. won. on the Germantown Railroad. Lot tOtizZA/ feet, handperraly korrovtd, end excellent garden.. J. M. I !gild b 4.7 BONS. Whit:tut. tweet CREEsE di mom. LL M. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. . Office, 'Jackson p •eet, Oprlsifs BtaliZlOn street, Cr Island. N. J. heal I -tate bought atulisold. Ptrialia e etrowi of rentloiceou..aes auriri . sthOsesaort valiant" oc address as above. Respectfully refer to Chat A Ruble:mt. Henn, Baum, Wsuds Waitaki. Augustus MeiLiao. Job s DaVb. and . JutenaL IcB-U4 oincEs TO RENT ON SECOND AND THIRD FLOORS. my44l. IND WALNUT BrEtELT FOR RENT.—TILE SECOND. THIRD AND FOt3RTISI , i fluore of the new building at the N. W. corner of Eighth and Market atreeta Apply to STRAWBRIDGE CLOTIDER. on the premleea .1145tfi rip() LEASE,— A A HANDSOMELY FITTED-LT BASEMENT. Ow and water, for Office or dtore, with dry cellar and MO LET—A LARGE fOrCOND-STORY FRONT ROOM. ever the Office of the Provident Life end Trust tJem olLoV• inquire at the Office of the Company. No. 111 South Fourth etreet- eni3tu th slaty TO RENT.—.A P.ISST.CLABS COUNT= .RESl donee, furnished , and lawn of It acres; ilrOve, oppo site ; atablink, ire hours titled on Lartetater . pUro. within lout minutes' walk of Have/ford College Station. Penrusylvartia Central liallroad, Apply MAR TIN. West Haverford P. 0.. Delaware Co.. Pa. noyll 21* UE/MANTOWN.—TO RENT—FURNISHED , a largo re analomwith a beautiful lawn of 10 acres.. Darriagirhouse and Orapery. Very near to station, or the passenger ears. and only Ye minutes by rail from the city. RICHARDSON JANNEY. 908 South Voinib at. 11 TOR RENT IN GERMANTOWN A FUR. nisbed Home, medium size. good situation. con venient to depot. Address M. D.. Gormantown Peat-office. my 6 2t• I.on RENT—A FURNISHED SUMMER REN- Edenct - Mechem 'freer., corner of McKean avenue. Germantown• Inquire of WM. B. JOHNS, on the uremia's. my 4 to th eat• fia tot LET.—A SUPERB COUNTRY SEAT, NEAR ranklord, with garden, lawn. stabling, carriage houre, etc. Inquue lEU Girard ay. Apia the to tit TO RENT AT CHESTNUT HILL—A THO• C roughly furnished house, replete with every wove. ith large stable and coach booze , within two rquaree of the Chestnut Hill depot. E. S. HARLAN No. "al Walnut otreet. TO BENT A FURNISHES) HOUSE, WITH Emodern conveniences. 0110 mile from the Greenwood Station on the West Chester Railroad. foul teen miles from the city. Addrees C. E.. Box 85. Media Seet toyE.St• sTABLE TO LET.—TO LET. A STABLE AND Chorine° Roues in Cherry street. below Nineteenth. A spiv et N 0.1829 Arch street.. my fs6til 10 LE P.-A LARGE. AND DEBIRABLE PUR- E . ni, bed Residence; stabling and fine shade. lawn. At. Near Fisher's Lone and Germantown. CLARK ETTING, 707 Walnut street. To RENT— FURNISHED —THREDSTORY rikßrom n-Btone House, with large garden. No. 4407 " Spruce street, West Philadelphia, ' Permeation. June let. Apt ly on pretniemor at NI Arch etzept. sny44it4 TO LET—FIJRNIBTIED BUMMER RESIDENCE. 111 on the Delaware, near Bride' Fouroltory brick. 818'South Fifth etreet. ROBERT GRAFF'EN St , N. f 47 Five area. • anal) 17, FURNISHED—TO LET—FOR JUNE. JULY, EAugust and September, s Cottage of tearooms. with " trait and vegetable garden and poultry Yard, an hour from tho city, at Edgewater*, N. J. ; two minutes' walk to aC. Az A. R. R. etation. Apply on the premises to Rev. J. A. BPOONF R. , ap27,tft, TO RENT A PLEASANTLY SITUATED tu' Douse (partially furnished), and about an acre of ground. The. property la lour miles fteut the city, and within a square of a Railroad Station. E. N. HARLAN.' spit -ti§ 731. Walnut knot. • To) RV NT- HAM/0011E FOUR-STORY STORE; inl6o feet deep ." eititate No. 41• North Third street. , ; " Largo Store and Dwelling, No. 1e2.4 Walnut street. Store end Dwelling, No. 810 Walnut streei„ 'J ii. %mist EY - di BON B. 733 Walnut Minot, TO RENT—A HANDSOME COUNTRY BEAT. rigs FOR THE BUMMER nEABON, with two and a " half acres of ground, Thorp% lane, third honsofrora Dny'a lane, Herniantoi,vo. With every convenience. gas,, bath, hot and cold water, stable, carriage.bouse. ice. house, with 40 tons of ice, cow etahle, chicken:house; and every improvement ; will ho rented with or without fur nitore., Apply to CO PPUCK & JORDAN. 463 Walnut et. inTO RENT.—A mobERN BERIDENOE,. NO. 1828 Oxford street, flint door oast of, Broad street. All modern improvements. Immediate possession. Alpo, the h.ndeome Country Beat. with ten acres of land. ' at Edvowator. N. J. A full view of the river; 81111111 MB walk from station. APPLY. to 00P.PUCK 4h JORDAN. 433 'Walnut street. &SNAP PAINTING.— '; 100 lbs of the PEOC.S. COttratrr's COLORS]) PAINT (costing $1210) will paint as much to '250 lb s. of toad 3 ', and wear lonirer. Nor, particulars, COST 1,11/tD, address B. BOWFIN, Ba h y N 0.1.50 N. Fourth st., Pillada. . apt3•tu th s 3m D. T. PrttiTT. 10 South Fourth !street re ,s 1 TX. (wl7•e to Shia' No. 49 South FRONT Itroot. PAINTS. to!.i the isleind Thu Invention Of f.loltoia , firmitilliV4l3`. The LonikiVille Rolirees‘ii3 responiiible , for the following eurioua Rory in reference to the invention :of the; 'pistol which *es' by, thp name of "Colt'ißevolver." If the story is not true it is , at all events, ingeniously devised to bear the sembianee ot trutbibUriria - simply given here as a,ceriosity: , "There are people' in Teinetisee Who will tell you a queer story about the way in which the late Colonel Cult invented the repeater which bears his name, tied which enabled him to leave a widow with an income of nearly four hundred thousand dollars. They say that some twenty. or twenty-five , years ago , a gunsmith from 'Fayetteville, in that 6tate, came to Nashville in search of em ployment, and ne he was a skillful work man, and a sober, industrious man, he soon found iitirriething to-do in one of the shoos there. He was whit the world calls 'a good, easy fellow,' always at work, but always poor, wasting much of his time upon inven tions of his own, come of which were worth less, and some of which he lacked persever ance and the means to complete and intro duce to the public. Among the last-named was a repeating pistol, a model of which he had made at Fayetteville and , brought with him to Nashville. He had never had it patented, for twenty or twenty-five years ago it was far more troublesome to procure a patent for a new invention that it is in our day, inventors in obscure villages knowing little or nothing about the process by which patents were obtained. Working in the same shop with our Fay etteville gunsmith was a young journeyman from Connecticut, named Colt. Ttle new fangled pistol was drawn from the inventor's trunk one day, and exhibited to the work men. Colt `took a good look at it,' examining all its machinery with the greatest care; but like the shrewd Yankee he was, said nothing as to Its merits. In a few days Mr. Colt threw nplhis situation in the Nashville shop and returmd to his native State. Nothing more was beard of him until be turned up as the inventor and p'atentee of Colt's repeater— the identical repeater the Fayetteville gun smith exhibited to him in Nashville. "This is the story they tell in Tennessee. We do not s vonch for the truth of it, though we think it likely that it might very safely be done. Colt died a millionaire, leaving a wife and several childien to mourn his loss and re joice in his genius, and to enjoy an inc nue of 4 , 397,000. The Fayetteville gunsmith may or may not have starved to death. If be did not, it was no doubt because it i 3 and always has been impossible to starve in so plentiful a country as Tennessee." Alligator nacos In Elorida—Ex citing sport. tFrom the Jackeonville Me Union, April lti+.l The guests of the St. James Hotel, needing some excitement in order to counteract the elects of the hot weather, instituted, a few days ago, a new species of race, one not heretofore chronicled in the ordinary sport ing papers. This was nothing less than an alligator race, a match between a number of juvenile alligators, intended to be reared by their confiding proprietors as household pats, provided the aforesaid proprietors should not be eaten up in the meantime. ALLIGATORS BIITERED Nimble Jack, by J. W. Cornell, of New York. 'Poston Boy, by A H. Rhodes, of Boston. Spotted Tail, by A. B. Hershel!, of Jack sonville. Champion Maid, by M. A. Parker. Gazelle, by N. Hymen, of New York. Purse ditio—best two in three. First Heat.—The alligators, after some belligerent detrionstratima, got well off to gether, making good time at the quarter pole. itliptted Tail bolted the track, to the con sternation of the lady spectators, who in continently fled and nimbly mounted the ad jacent chairs and settees, until the ferocious monster was captured. At the three-quarter pole Gazelle and Boston Boy both dashed among the spectators, causing another amusing panic, but were soon restored to the track and made desperate efforts to regain the lead. Nimble Jack, however, came in win ner, closely followed by Champion Maid. Second Heat.—The alligators took the track well and all got a good start, dashing off in fine style. All were neck and neck at the three-quarter pole, but in coining down the homestretch, Champion Maid took the lead and held it to the eud, closely followed by Nimble Jack. Third Heat. —Nimble Jack got the lead in starting and held it throughout, Champion Maid coming in second. SUMMARY Nimble Jack 1 2 1 Champion Maid.. 2 1 2 Spotted Tail 3 4 3 Boston Boy 4 3 4 Gazelle dis. The second race will come off some time next week, the animals being now in train ing. No alligator over four feet long will be admitted to the track. Sehubertls Struggles Whether Schubert's symphonies and operas are published and performed niw, or twenty years later, is not of much im portance to his fame. He can afibrd to wait. They will assuredly be done some day or other, and then the world will dud out what It has lost by waiting to long, and wonder that It did not recognize its jewel sooner. Certainly, what poor Schubert said was right, that the music that was the fruit of his distress had given the world most pleasure; and the world seems to have known it, for it kept him in his poverty and harass and dis appointment, till he died of it. Good God! it makes one's blood boil to think of so tine and rare a genius, one of the ten or twelve topmost men in the world, in want of even the common necessaries of life. Failure, disappointment, depreciation, and such like shocks and wounds of the heart and soul, these areothe necessary accompaniments of a fine intellect and a sensitive heart ; but to want the ordinary comforts and amenities of life, to want bread! is too dreadful to think of. And yet such troubles have been the lot of all the great men from David downwards; only Schubert's was peculiarly hard, for he hart all the struggles of youth and none of the repose of age. He died on the rapids, before he came to the broad, smooth, sunny water— before it was even in sight. He, too, like David, "ate ashes for bread, and mingled his drink with weeping;" but unlike David, God took him away in the "midst of his days," and he never came in the "large room," and the "goodly heritage" that would have made up for his early troubles. Made up ?—a rash word! No doubt there is compensation in all things; some there must be, or such trials could not be survived. And as the Three Holy Children, even in the very crisis of their fate, when they fell down bound and helpless in the fire, had the angel at their side, and found the "midst of the furnace as it had been a moist whistling wind," and thence intoned their glorious hymn, so there are some allevi ations even in the fiery trials which Schubert and Beethoven underwent—alleviations of l .o 4 :lM.Wlto_hatre, not, thabtgeniUs. can never taste the sweets. At any rate, we profit by the struggles of the heroes, and drink at our ease the rich wine that they trod out with so much toil and so many tears. Honor and love to them all; and honor and love in a Special degree to Franz Schubert.— A. D. Coleridge's Life of Schubert. 1117114NISE01,CAMINS Jilin A. witfoirr. Tuozzerox pfx - r. outforrr A. gunroom: TI3ZODORZ WILIOUT. MINX Num. PETER:WM.6IIT 41 3 0 N8i- , ' Importers of ' 0/uthenwaro arid flibipplog and COtonalsoloraferch oats. No. 115 Walnut ofree.L.RhUgOolphia, El Li. BOYD. , J2l. Window Shade, Beds; Mattresdee, Carpets and Curtains,. No. 186. North Ninth street, Philadelphia. al. ways on Curtains,. Furniture repaired and varnished. mhl7.3m 'J ON BAIL DUCK OF nu wnyru. FROM 22 inch to in ches wideh an numbers. Tent and Awning Duck, aber.matr's epttlnajtell • _winiL "JunN w. }Mum IsVI No. 103 Church street, CKy Stores. L)IUVY WELLS—OWNERS OF PROPERTY-AWE only Plato to get privy wells clammed and Wein. footed, at very tow prfeeg. •A. PEYSSON, Manufactuna of Pondrette. Holdemlttee Hall. Library West. • 6IIIPPEBt►v. For Boston---Steamehin Line Direct SAILING FROM FAOH FORT 'EVERY FM: DAFB. k RUM YL E I3TREET. PHILADELPHIA; AND LANG WHARF, BOSTON. 'Vide line fs 7.--- t eciinvosed of the dr. last Steamships, 190111 A ft 9 1,488 tone , Captain 0. Sahel. fsiaXohi, 1,290 tone. Captain Sears. p.olllll^ ft., 1,293 tone. Captain CrowelL The ARIES from Phila.. Saturday, May 8. at 6 P The I.ORM AN, from BostOn. Saturday, May 8, at 3 P. ht bese Steamships nail punctually, and Freight win be received every day,a Steamer being always on the berth. Freight for points beyond Boston sent with despatch. Freight taken for all points in New England and lon warded as directed. Insurance ?: per cont. at the office. For Freight or Passage wipe:not accommodations) RVPIS to NRY NVINSOR &DO » tril9l 388 South Delaware avenue. '" PRILADELPIIIA, FIiCIDIOND MW NOR. 4 , FOLK STEAMSHIP LINE. , • THROUGH FREIGHT Alit LUNE TO THE SOUTH AM) WEST.- EVERY SATURDAY_ At Toom from ViRoT WLIAKF above MARILET street. TUROIIGis RATES THE , , LGII SECF.LPTS to all points in North and South Carolina Seaboard Air line Railroad; connecting at Portsmouth, and to Lynch burs,. Va.. Tennossoe and the West via Virginia and Tennesme Air-Line andttiehmond and Danville Railroad. Frelglit NDLLD EU I" ONCE 4 and taken at LOWER RAI LS THAN ANY 04 IlEa LINE. The iesularlty. safety and cheapness of this route com mend It to the public as the most detdrable medium for earning every description of freight. No thargeforcurcmiegloh. drayage. or any expense for rangier. Steamships insure at lowest rates. Freight recelved DAILY. Yv P. CLYDE & No. 12 South Whervee and Pier ho .1-I`iorti W. Y. ronTr,,t• 'lgen: at I:kW:pond and City PoinL T. P. CEOW 'ELL & CO.. A gente at Norfolk. AM.PiIILADELPOIA A ND SOUTHERN 51.11 L EAMSHIP 003LPA GII NY'S RELMI ER( M LEEN STREET WIIARF. The JUNIATA will sail for NEW ORLEANS...via A VANA, Saturday May 18.8 A. M. 1 he -- will sail from NEW ORLEANS, via HA. ANA The TONAWANDA wllleall for SAVANNAH on Sa. turday, May 8, at o'clock A. M. The WYOMING will sail from SAVANNAH on Sa. ".Irdny, May 9 The PiONLER will rail for MIA VIINGTON. N. 0.. on Saturday, May 16th., at 6l'. !& ih billP of lading signed, and paraage tickets Bold aft pointi bouth and W eat. 1.111.1.. b OF LADING SIGN EHat. QUEEN ST. WHARF. freight 01 par:age, appl y to WiLLLAM L. JAMES. General Agent, 13u South Third street. • HAVANA' STEA bAILINC, EVER)/ 21 DAYS. st,aniete will le,ve fitly port for Ile one ivory third Wednesday, otll o'clock A. fel_ 'flue eteamship STARS AND STRIPE'S, Captain n-111 soil for Liavoun on Tuesday morning. arri 16. at A o'clock ['mare, 54c , currency. l'a , hgeis must he provided with passports. o I might received after Monday. Reduced ?lace of freight Tliti:d AS WATTSON di Sony. 14u North Delaware avenue. NEW EXPRESS LINE TO ALEXANDRIA. oreeton u aud Waztangton.. ,D. U., viz DitveaPelake end Delaware usual. with con nertionr at Ah-r,ridrin fr , in the rare direct route for I...)ncti burg. Bristol. Knc.s,ille, Nashville. Dalton aad the bouthweet. Steamers leave regularly from the firct wharf above Market etreet, every Saturday at noon. k'reight received daily. W3l. P. CLYDE& CO.. No. 12 Bondi Wharves and Pier 1 North Wharves. DYE'S &Tit LER. Agents, at Georgetown. ELDRIDGE ZS CU.. Agents at Alexandria, Virginia. NOTtCE.— FOR NEW YORK. Via Delaware and Raritan Canal, EX PRES its STE AM BOAT COMPANY. be CH EAPEST and QC •K . VEIT water commtutica. Hoe bait% can Philadelphia and'New York. Steam ere leave daily !mini firm wharf below Market Et: ea. Philadelphia, and foot of Wall threat, New York. Oooda forwarded by al/ the linen running out of New York—North. Earl and Weet—free a Communion. Freight received and forwarded on accommodating terms. WM. P. CLYDE & (0.. Agents 12 South Delaware avenue, Philarielphea. JAR. RAND, Agent. 119 Wall 'tree. New York. NOTICE.—FOII NEW YORK, VIA DELAWARE AND ft tRITAII CANAL. 131 V IFT d i; .; r KAN siiirr:tenoii• LES!. A•ICH AN b wivrs .)R.P. N+R6. TLe boboo,n of these Hues will ba resumed on wad of itr the 1.901 of North. For Ireight.whlth will be taken vu st.t.nott °dating tot upplv to WM. M. BAIRD & GO., No. 131830th Wharves. • DELAWARE AND CHESAPEAKE t ~ s Steam Tow Boat Company. Bargee towed between Philadelphia, Baltimore. 11 a re-de.Drace, Delaware City and intermediate Points. WM. P. CLYDE & CO...Amnta; Capt. JUILN LA L'Git LIN, Sup't Of fi ce. 19 South Wltarrea, Philadelphia. NOTICE—FOB NEW YORK, VLfl. s li dsG : t Delaware and ..Raritan Canal-3 wifteure Trannpertation . Uompany--Despatch and Switteure 1 inen.- The business by these Ldri , n Will be re. funned on and after the nth of Mardi, For Freight, hich wi I be taken on aenomnaodating terms, apply to WM. M. BAIRN & CO.. 132 Bondi %titian-ea. VILA 1/ lbLiati.3 , obtuse/as WEST iTEILSEY RAILROADS, - y_ r• Pit I I% G RRANGEMENT. From root of flniket at. (Upper Ferry). Cornmencing Thursday, April 1, 1869. Tr nine leave as follows: For Cae May and stations below Mlllville 3.10 P. M. Lit t Forill:tile Vinelntel and intermediate stations S.OO A. M., S lb r.d. For Bridgeton. Salem and wayetatione 8.00 A. M. and a SO P. M. la. For Woodbury at SOO A. M.. &lb. 230 and 6 P. M.. Freight trate leaven Demean daily at 12 o'clock, noon. Freight received at second covered wharf below Wal. nut street. daily. Frei,ght Delivered No. 223 8. Delaware Avenue. virll.l.lA M. J. SLWELL. Superintendent. 14. NORTH PENNSYLVANIA R. R.- ":141,9"n" - -.47- of HE MIDDLE ROUTE .-Shortest and most direct line to Be.hlehem Easton, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Hazleton. White Hz. ven. Wilkesbarre, Mahanoy City, Mt . Cannel, Pittston. Tunkhannock, Scranton, Carbondale and all the points in the Lehigh and Wyoming coal rig.ions. Passenger Depot in Philadelphia, N. W. corner Berk, and A tnerican streets W INTER ARRANGEMENT, TEN DAILY TRAINS. -on and after MONDAY, NOVEMBER Md. Passenger Trains leave the Depot, corner of Berke and American streets, daily M. -Morning excepted ), as follows At '7 .4b A. M.-Morningi Express -for Bethlehem an Principal Stations on North Pennsylvania Railroad, con fleeting at Bethlehem, with Lehigh Valley Railroad Lot Allentown. Catasanqna, Slathagton, blanch Chunk. W eatherly, Jeanesville, Hazleton, White Haven.Wilkes berm Kingston, Pittston. Tunkhannock., Mid all points in Lehigh and Wyoming Valleys; also, in connection MO Lehigh and Mahavoy Railroad for Mahanoy City, and with Catawissa Railroad for Rupert, Danville, Milton and Vi illiamsport. Arrive at Mauch Chunk a 12 M.; at Wilk ethane at 160 P. M.; at Mahanoy City at 450 P. M. Passengers by this train can take the Lehigh Valley Train, passing Bethlehem at 11.55 A. M. for-Easton and points on New Jersey Central Railroad to New York: At 5.45 A. M.-Accommodationfor Doylestown, stopping at ail intermediate Stations. Passengers for willow Grave, Hatboro' and Hartsville, 10 this train, take Stage at Old York Road. 9.46 A. M. (Bantam) for Bethlehem. Allentown,Manch Chunk, White Haven, W Kkesbarre, Pittston, Scranton and Carbondale via Lehigh and Susquehanna Railroad, also to Easton and points on Morris and Essex Railroad to lien York and Allentown and Easton, and points on New RileyJCentral Railroad to New York via Lehigh Valley airoad_ At 1045 A. M.-Accommodation for Fort Washington stopping at intermediate Stations. At 145 P. M.-Lehigh Valley Express for Bethlehem, Allentown. Mauch Chunk. White Haven, Witheebarre. Pittston Scranton Wyoming Coal Regions, At 2,45 P. M.-Accommodation for Doylestown, stop ping at all intermediate stations. At 4. 16„ P. M.-Accommodation far EloylestoWn.Stop- Ping at all intermediate stations. At 5.01 i P. M.-Through accommodation for Bethlehem, and stations on main line of North Peivania Rail road, connecting at Bethlehem with Le hValley Eve. ning Train for Easton, Allentown. Mauch rink. At 6.2.0 P. M.-Accomodation for Lansdale. stopping all intermediate stations. At 11.50 k.AI. : -Accommodatiosti! toy Pon t Washington TRAINS ARRIVE IN PIiILADELPHIA. From Bethlehem at 9.10 A. M. 2.10, 5.25 and 8.80 P. M. 2.10 P. M., 5.25 P. M. and 8.80 1.. M. Trains make direct connection with Lehigh Valley or Lehigh and Susque. banns ty train and s from lia.rieton Easton. Scranton , Wilkeeharre, Mahar Painengers leaving Wilkeebarre at 10.18 A.M., L 45 P. M., connect at Bethlehem and arrive in Philadelphia at. 5.25 and 8.80 P. IL From Doylestown at 8.86 A. M.. 4.55 P. M. and 7. P.M, From Lansdale at 7.80 A.l l / 4 1. From Fort Waelihaston at m 46 A. M. and 8.10 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9.10 A. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at ROOT. NI, .. ...DoleslowefortEbiladiddiia at Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4.00 P. M. Fifth and Sixth Streets Passenger cars convey passen. gem to and from the now Depot. White cars of Second and Third Streets Line and Union Line run within a short distance of the Depot. Tickets must be procured at the Ticket Office, in order to secure the lowest rates of fare. ELLIS CLAIM Agent" Tickets sold and Baggage, checked through toprincipal points, at Mann's North Penn. praggage Expree awe . No. lee Mouth Fifth strppl, 1•111)Aif,Y 1 31;td, 14 11N-1 1 1 - tiy , Aly.,.b njETTBSriA MAY ,6 1869 v t 1 • * Y , " 4 4 4 ,•) Ticomttitsvoinio (MUST TIME .ON BEOORD. Wint - PAVAANDUS 201:111. tar MOM to ladltaltelia.l4_lolsb PENNSYLVA. AtID PAN.HAICILE,I,NI HOURS lan l'ient than by_COMPETING • *: PASSENGERS telling the euck P. lit: "MUM larriv6 tte , LIINODINATI next EVENING at PM Fowls ONLY ONE NIGHT on - SW - THE WI/WEI:FPS ' belebruted riclazal VABLEEPING-OW r.eas thsowth . rout Plitu.acra , P to CINCINNA . rextere taking the 12.03 M. And P M.. Tredve reach T/ tutd all xd.ats WEttrand BOOTH ONE TCINCLNN RAIN '39 ' A ADVANCIir ildlop Ani tag l toutes. tar - ars for CINWNNikYtYII4.OI4IMAPOLIS. T. LOWS, AIR%.A.3.IICAWEORLA, BURLLNO. &'ON. ISHLWAUKE . PAUL, ,OM.Allti t N. l'. and ell F lute WEST NO WES and /301 J LI W'EST, a pattjp/ter sti4t ,TK* 4ll3 . " F " ' P&N-AM) E muff.. Io to SECURE the UNEctIfALESPD ilia LIN; be VERY PARTILIJLAIL_ undo_ASK FOR ricitura •Via PAN-HANDLE? kt TIVELV - r 0FV107.14. N. W. CORNER NINTH and OfTCRTNOT Streetx,' NO. 116 fdARILET STREET, hat...lleepnel, and Fr amine. End THIRTY-FIRST and MAlKET A treete. Witat Phil& . S. F. SCULL, Oen.' Tlcket Eittzbeteh. • JOHN 13. MP , N, Gen'l East'n Att.ltdElewavreY.N.ii ffigEgg I n ll P AMMOit W— El L l i alt ROAD—TIM6 TABLE. Cavemen cing MONDAY,ApeiI 12th. INN. Trabas will leave Depot. coiner .Broad and Waebinutan avenue. as f 9110570: WAY MA1LT11.4124 at 8.30 A.. 31. (deadeye 'excepted), for Baltimore. atopping at all Regular citation. Goa fleeting filth Dolaward„Ratlroad Wilmington for Crielleid and Intennediate Stations. , EXPRESS 'PRAM at ig.uo DL (Stindayff excepted), for. Baltimore and Wathington. stopping at • eV ihnlagtOtri • Penyville and 13averde - Grace. ,Connecta at Waffling• ton u ith train for New Cap EXPRESS TRAIN at 4.00 P. M. (Sundays excepted) fOr Baltimore and Waahinaton. stopping . at Cheater. Timr low. Linwood.'Clayniont, Wilmington; Newpott: Stan ton. Newark, ;Elkton. North East, Chaileatown. Perry ville Havre no Grace. Aberdeen, Perryman'e, Edgewood, Magnolia, Chare'n and Stenuner's nun. NIGHT EXPRYSS at 11.80 P. M. (daily) for Baltimore and W achington, mopping at Cheateraburlow. Linwood, Llaymont, Wilmington. Newark. Elkton, North East, Perryville and Havre de Grace. Pamengere for Fortreas Monroe and Norfolk will take the 12.t0 M. Train. . WILMINGTON TRAINS.--StoPplntat all Sbitiena be. to een Philadelphia and Wilmington. Leave PHILADELPHIA at 11.00 A M., 2.30, 5.05 and 7.00 P. M. ,'.l 6.00 P. M. train connects with Dela.ware Railroad for Ifarrington and intermediate Mallow.' ' - Leave WILMING'f ON 6 45 and 8.10 A. M., 1 31. 4 15 and 7.00 P. M. The 8.10 A. M. [nun will not atop between theater and l'hilacielphis. ills 7.00 P. M. train from \V ilia& gten tuna daily: all other Accommodation Trains Sunday!, excepted. From BA L'l IMORE to P lIII,ADELPII lA.—Leave Bal timore 7.20 A. M.. VVav Mail. 9.36 A. M., &apices. .2.2.5 P M .Ex ',rear. 720 P. M., Expre,e L ^ DAY 1 RcliAN FROM BALTIMORE--Lea.vea BAL TIAIORE, at 7 6 I'. M. Stopping at Magnolia, Perryman'e, Aberdeen, liavre-de-Grace, Perryville, Cliariestewn , rth-1" apt. Elkton. Newark, Stanton. Newport. Wil mington. Claymont, Linwood and Cheater. PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE CENTR 4L RAM-ROAD '1 RA INS —Stopping at all Stations on Ghee. let Creek and Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Rail . oat . • Leave PIIILA DEL PIIIA for PORT DEPOSIT (Sunday excepted) at I.oe A. M_. and P. 51. '1 he 7 tW) A. M . Train will etop at all Stationer between Philadelphia and Lamokin. A Freight Train with Paseenger car attached will I. eve Philadelphia (Sundays excepted) at LOOP. Meg to Oxford. Leave rola DEPOSIT for imiLADELPaIA (Sun. day! excepted) at 5.40 A. M., 0 25 A. M., and 4.D3 P. M. 'l raiur leaving NVIL.MING'PoN at 6.45 A. M. and 415 P. M., x ill connect at Lamoklu Junction with the 7.f10 A. M. and 410 P. M. Trains for Baltimore Central Rail road Ttrough tickete to all points West, South and South. v..e,t may be procurred at ticket office, FIM Chestnut street, nvderContinental Hotel, where also state moms at.d Bertha in bleeping Carr can be secured during the day. Yercona purcharing tickets at thin office can have baggage checked at their reeidence by the Union Trauder Company. IL E. 11..14NNLY. SuPl. DA-viri,C"„Ezoo , ,tr ru li ni t m " er . Arrangement —llll and after MON. DAY. April U. 1869. Trains will leave as follows : Leave Philadelphia. from New Deno., Thirty_-first and Chestnut streets. 7w A bi- 9.20 A. hi.. 2.3 U P. Al.. 4.15 P. 4 t 5 P. 14.. 7. L 5 P. 11.20 P. M. Leave Weet Lbesier. from Depot on East Market street, 6.25 A. M.. 7.25 A. M.. 7 41.1 A. bd.„ 10.10 A. bL. L 65 P. M.. 4.50 P. Pd., 6.45 P. M. Leave Philadelphia for B. C Junction and Interme diate Points, at 12.30 P. M. and 5.45. Leave B. C. Jane. thin for Philadelphia , at 5.8 u A. 51. arid 1.45 P. M. 'I rain leaving Went Chester at 7.40 A. M., will stop at B. C, Junction. I.ennb Glen Biddle and Media; leaving Philadelphia at 4.35 P. M.. will stop at B.C. Junction a,pd Media only. Passengers to or from stations between W est Chester and B. C. Junction going East, will take train leaving West Cheater at 7.25 .1.4.1 i and carwill be attached to Express Train at B. C. Junction: and going West. Passenger for Stations above Media will take train leaving Philadelphia at 436 P. M.. geld car will be at tached to Local Train at Media. 'I he Depot in Philadelphia in reached directly by the Chestnut and Walnut street cars. Those of the Market rtreet line run within one equine. The cars of both Brun connect with each train upon its arrival. ON SUNDAYS: - - - - Leave Philadelphia for Wert Cheater at 8.00 A. M. and 2.33 P. M. Leave Philadelphia for B. C. Junetion at 7.16 P. id. Leave Welt Cheater for Philadelphia at 7.45 A. M. and 4 45 P. ti Leave B. C. Junction for Philadelphia at 6.00 A. M. rv - Vases ngela are allowed to take Wearing Apparel only, as Baggage, and the Company not in any caao he regpongibte !Or an amount exceeding one hundred dollars, unless a special contract is made tot the same. HEN BY WO d/D, General. Superintendent. PH ILA DELPHIA, April let. ltiett afflimE A FOR „EMIT YORK.—THE CAMDEN ND 'AMBOY and PHILADELPHLA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COM pANIPS LINES, from Philadelphia to NNW York. and way places. from Wahmt dxent wharf. ara. At 8.80 A. M.. Ida Camden and • Amboy . Aceom. P 92 22 At BA. $. via Camden and Janney City Expreaa Zan. a ou At 2.00 P. M., via Camden and Amboy Expreu. a 00 At 6 P. M. for Amboyand intermediatestations. At 6.80 and 8 A. M,„ and 2 P. M., for Freehold. At 8 and 10 A. IL. .2,8.80 and 4.80 P. M., for Trenton. At aln,B and to A. LS. 1. 2 0, 4.80. 6 and UM td P. . for Bordentown.' Bur lington. ngton. BoaertY and Delano. At 6,30 and 10 A. 61...1,, 0 and 11.60 P. M. for Flor reuca, Edgewater, Riverside, Riverton Palmyra and Ptah Douce, and 2 P. M. lot Florence and Riverton. WV - The 1 and ILBO P. M. Lines will leave from foot of ...rket street by appal' terry. From Kensington Depot: At 11 A. M., via Kensington end JervevCity. New Yore F.lxereas Line.. .. . ... .23 00 At 7.80 and 11.00 arid . for .......... and ErictoL And at 10.1 b A. M. for BristoL At 7.80 and 11 A. IL, LSO and I P. M. for Morrisville and Tellytown. at 7.80 and 10.15 A. M.. 180 and I P.M. for Schenck' and Ed dlrigton. 6.t 7.50 and 10.15 A. M.,180,4, 2, and 6 P. hi., for Cornwell'. Torresoale. liolmoisburg. Tacony, Wizainoming, Bride: burg and Frauktord, and b P. M. for Holmeaburg and intermediate Stations. Frotn West Philadelphia Depot,via Connecting Rail was At 41.30 A. IL. L2O, 4.0.60 and fa P. M. New Port Express Line, via Jersey City. 83 :A At 11.30 P. M. Emigrant Line............... 100 At 9.50 A. M., 1.2 u, 4, 6.30 and 12 P. bL, for Trenton. At 9.20 A. AL. 4, 6.30 and 18 P. M.. for BrictoL at 12 P. M. (Night) for Morrisville, Tnllytown. richencks, Eddington. Cornwelle, Torriedale.Holmemburg. Taooo.v. Winn/outing. Bridealang and Frankford. The 9.80 - AbLand 6.80 & 12 P.hLfAnea run daily. All others, Sundays excepted. For lanes leaving Kensington Depot, take the cars on third or 'Fifth streets, at Chestnn toit half an hour before lepertere. The Cars of Market Street Railway run di. - cot to West Philadelphia Depot, Chestnut and Walnut within one square. On Sundays, the Market Street Cars Bill run to connect with the 9.30 A. M and 6.30 and 12 P M. lines BELVIDERE DELAWARE RAILROAD LINES from Kensington Depot At 7.30 A. M., for Niagara Falls, Buffalo., Dmikirk, Ithaca, Owego, Rothester,l3lnghampton, Oswego, Jyracuse. Great Bend. Montrose. Wilkesbarra Scranton, Otroudsburg, Water Gap, Behoolev's Mountain, dia. At 7.30 A. Al. and 8.80 P. IL for Belvidere, Easton, Lambertville,Flemington, gio. ' The 8.30 P. M. Ideto - con: 'Teets direct with the train leaving Easton for Manch ChtuskAllentowii. Bethlehem. ?sc. At 11 and 5 P. M. for Lambertville and Intermediate cistwes. ..;AMDEN AND BURLINGTON CO.,AND PEMBERTON AND HIGHTSTOWN IfA7f.SQADS, from Market Street Ferry_ (Upper Bide.) Lt 7 and 10 A.M.,1403,8.30 and 5.30 Flitter Merchantsvffle, Mociestown, Hartford, Masonvilla Hainsport, Mount Holly,Rmithville, Ewansville,Vincentown,Birmingtuno and Pemberton. kt 7 A.M.,L30 and 8.80 P.M.for Lowistown,Wrightstown. Coolustow n, New Egypt, Hornerstomi. Cream Rids% Indaystown. Sharon and Hightatown. Fifty Pounds of Baggage only allowed each Passenger. !assengers are prohibited from taking anything as bag. sage but their wearing appareL All baggage over fifty , ounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their re ,eonsibillty for baggage to One Dollar per pound andwill cot be liable for any amount beyond 12100, except by xpe. Ital contract Tickets sold and Baggage checked direct through ,to rioston. Worcester. Springfield. Hartford, New Haven, Providenee, Newport, Albany, _Troy, Saratoga , _Utl a c u l Rome, Syracuse, Rochester, BeMlO., Niagara Falls 3cuspenMon Bridge. An additional Ticket Office is located at No. 628 ,:hestnut istreet„where tickets to New York, and all hn. portant points North and East, may be procured. Pea .ons purchasing Tickets at this Office, can have their bag ,l from residences or hotel .to bi on Transfer Baggage Express. es from Now YOrg. for Philadelphia will leave from foot of Cortland street at 1.00 and 4.00 P. M.. via Jersey CiVd Camden. At 6.80 P. M. via Jersey Ciand Kens n. At. 7. and 10 A. 154.,_12 Mos and 4) P.M., and 151 N t, via Jersey City and West Philadel phia. From Pier No. 1, N. River,. at &BO A. M. Accommodation and 2 P.M. Express, via Am_ney and Camden. April 20. 1861). GATZMER. Agent swimRAII.APHEGADROA DELPHL S.UMMER AID_FRIETA —B Tthm . BLE.—Thor, :n Route be. tween Philadelphia. Baltbnore, Williams ant, to the Northwest and the Great Oil not Pam sylvania.—Elogant Sleeping Oars on all 17 Maim On and after 1110NDAY L Aprll V. 1889. the Trains on the PLUddepltte add Erie wauroad will ran as follows. pt IVESTWARD. 51 :1 11 TnlP lea v er wini adelP 7... " 8111 " " arrives at ....... . Egress termA rt delldA 8.58 P. M. " • " arrives arie..,........ ..... A. M. Etnira !do ll leaves tE 8.00 M. - 8.80 --.----' — '7lllllVelret-Loc S k-Waven TWARD. . - 4 - :.7: - . - :; - ;: - .. - 7.45 Jr. au EA T f al . 4i V " .......... arrives elpaie: EllB Express 11 " "IEil ..... 5 1: U: arrives aft Plaladeltddri:: . , r ; , 4.10 P. Mail And Express connect with Oil treats and AllB- Rhein , linerßailroad.. Bag farkodum • Oassral duverteduden% etruii; . isrviiiiii iAB A D It% jtAILIIG,&*.• GREAT TkU e NIC Mile Mal ' delphia to . interior Of 'Peens7Mll." nia. litiel Itelyirlidll., iteseinshegina. Cimber/and Mt WronauS , vestern, the .aorte4 biorth=e the cania.,, dug. Sprint Arranitenientef Paler APrikigth. I. 1559, _MOW -the Consianri - Thirtetinth'ana thd.i 4/Whin Itbeetili A Wl l ati at* js followhAf bite": .. ItetlingZ i all intermegteiltatligs. At end Ailento 6L -42 , . Rein.-stn : Malta* Reading at 5.80 •P; WC. arriving in P hil I , P. AL . ... • , , , ~E es, t iA: 0 E li EXPEE/31.-rdt 3.15 A. M. Olt!, . Le oanon.,' arrbrbrirg; Pottsville, Pine' - Grove. T M. cemberri_Williscosspbrt,Elmira; Rochester:4ln Falls. Beiralo,,Wilinesbarre, .Pittaton.. york.. g Ohara. !rusher& II agetatewn. At. • ' • The TM A. M. irate connects at Reading wit h the Edit Vera, elivands, itailroad trains for Allenta dre.luad,the! 415 4.ll;trahl connect, with tk 0 LebanonV 'grainier, ilarriabrina,_din.'; at Port Clinton with ,_Catmvissa 'Lit an "li Garr aa ns isbarie e ' f h 4 : 7 7 ki wys:N rnsP d ortti t : n tt 'ern . imt Ccu k tr il at. a" .thra r4 'E ber initt* liiia ' . l2f:‘..‘ Vall r e lL y t . ' rellebonua traine.for Northimberf. ,und, Wlllialna Dort If 0 rk.Chambereburg,' Pin ye, die. AFTERNOON EXPRESS.-Leaves Philadelp, (1.1 ,3 at WO P. M. for Reading, Pottsville. Harriabarg. dte.. !Meet , (Lk with Reading awl Colombia RaUtroad trains for Got undria,_4:c. POWSTOWN ACCOMMODATION.Leavosi lotto. rCwll'at 05AM. IllopPleg ht intermediate ;static. • ar. rives friPhiladelphia at 15.40 A. M. 'Renaming leaves:kilt isidelphla at 4.31 P. M.; arrtres in Pottstown at 6.40 I'. M.. READING ACCOMMODATION-leaves Reading __at 1.30 A. AL, stopping, _at all way stations : arrives to Phila. datable at 10.1 u A. M. Returning. leaves Philadelphia at Alb P. MI arrives:ln Beading at 8 . 0 5. P.M. Trains for tquiadelphla leave Harrebreg at 11,10 A. M., snd Pottsville at 8.46 A. M., arriving no Philadelehla at I.ool'.:2l:' , 7Aftemoon train' leave Merril:lung at 205 P.M. aul Po Tide at Mb P. M. s arriving et. Phliedelphia 84 ∓ , , IA •accommodation leaves itesdini a 1.7.16 A. ~ and Harrisburg at 4.10 P. M. Connecting at Reading with Afternoen Accommodation . ninth , at 620 P. AL. arriving in Philadelphia at 9.1.5 P. M.' Market train, with a Paasenger Car attached, loaves Philadelphia at 12.46 noon for Pottsville and all Way lila- Uonis_pleaves Pottsville at 7.90 A. M..for 6TdiedelnhM mg all Way, Static:ma. . All the above trains run datlY, Sundaya excepted. anneartrains leave Pettaville at !ROO A. id.: and Phila. delphis, at 3.16 P. Al....jeave Philadelphia . for_ Reading at B.oTA...lll,„retarning froth Reading at 4.23 P. M. CIiPSW.R • vALLEY. RAILROAD , --PaMengers for .Yetowniptowla and intermediate points take lw 7.80 A-61... 12 4 6 a 1 tee P. M. trains, from Philadelphia, re from o'•*gtowia'at 0.1.0 A. AL , 1:00 P. PC and A t 4fIV I . PERRIOREN RAILIPMA-Pasterigerre for Side. Pia, telfel.3oA. ht. and I'. Jill, trains .from Philadel. ht returning from fillippack .at 6.16 A, M. and 1.00 P. M. stage lines for various points in - PerMotnert Wallet comma with ts sins et Collegervitte and Skippach- NEW YORK EXPRESSFOR PITTSBURGH AND THE WEST.-LeaverNewlrlrat" a A.. AL. 5.0 e and 8.00 P.M.,eassing Reading et 1.G5 1L.L60 and 10.19 P.M. and connect at Harrisburg with Pennsylvania and Northern Central R,alUosul ExpnesTridin for Pittsburgh. Chicago. Willian'nOn. Elmira, Baltimore. siM_ Retundegi IS rent Train waves Harrebtirg, on arrival of Pennsylvania from 3.60 midi 5.60 , A. A1.....111.60P_ , M.. passing needing at 6.44 ,and 7.81 A. 61„ end 12.50 P. M., arriving at Now' ork 11,00 and 12.20 P.M., and 5.00 P. M. Sleeping Cara , accompany thine trains through. between Jonas Cltr and Pittsburgh. without . Ma train for New York Le !MCI Harrisburg at 3.10 A.M. ' end 2.06 1", M. Mail trainfor Harrisburg leaves New York at 12 Noon. SCLICYLRILL VALLEY BAIL ROAD.-Trains leave Pottsville at 11;5,11,30 A. M. and 6.40 P. i.L.rettrnalngfrora Tamsqna at 8.36 A. AL and 2.1.6 and 4.26 P. M. BIIIIUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD-- Trains leave Auburn at 7.1,:g A. NI. for Pinegrove and Her. risburg, and at 12.16 P. M. for Pinemiove and Tremont; to turning from Harrisburg at 3.30 P. AL, and from Tremont at 7.40 A. AL and 5.36 P. M. , TICKETS, -Through fun...clams tickets and emigrant Sante to all the principal points in the North and West end Cmadas. Excursion Tickets. tram Philadelphia to Reading and ' intermediate Stations, good for day_ only. are sold by Morning 'Accommodation, Market Train, Reading and • Pottstown Accommodation Trains at reduced rates. ' Excursion Tickets to Philadelphia, good for day may, are sold at Beading and Inter edlate Stations by Read. ir a l ap and Pottstown Accommodation Trains at reduced The_follcrwtog tickets are obtainable only at the 011 ice of S. Medford. Treaturer, No. 227 South Fourth street, Philadelphia, or of G. A. Nicoll/. General Saperintendent, i Readm Commtdation Ticket, at IS per cent discount, between an ypolute desired, for 1.. eAnts; and firms. mheige Tickets, good for 2,000 miles, between all points at 562 60 each, for families and firms. Reagan Veleta for three, six, nine or twelve months, (or holders only, to all points at reduced retest Clergyman residing on the line of the road will be far °loud with cards. entitling themselves and wives to tickets at half f am. Excunsion Ticket' from Philadelphia to principal sta. Dona good far Saturday„ Sunday and,Menday, at reduced fare. to be had only at the Ticket Office, at Thirteenth miliCallowhill streets. FREIGHT.-Goods of all descriptions forwarded to all the above points from the Company's New Freight Depot, Broad and Willow streets. Freight Trains leave Philadelphia daily at 4.30 A. M.. 12.45 noon, Bice and 6,P z W as i.'eading. Lebanon. Harris. bu r ad i =Tr i t hiladelp and r %.I.kar e lmnd i . ,laces m the:Toad arid its branches at 6 A. 2d.. and tor the prin. :rdpallitatiOne Only at 215 p.X. 1 BAGGAGE. • !leaving Phi l adelphi a Depot Orders eau be teft at No, 226 *Routh Fourth street or at the Depot. ThhteMth and Cu. lowhill stmts. CENTRAL Railroad. -Summer Time-Tatting effect April lgth, 1,569. The trains of !the Pennsylvania Central MsDroad leave the Depot, at Thirty .drst and Market streets, which is reached directly 'be' the we of; the Market Street Paasenger Railway. the Tad car connecting, , , , . with each train leaving Front and Market streets thirty minutes before its dep art ing. Those of the ; Chestnut and Walnut Btreet RailwaYrtm within one square - of the,DePot. _ TPck le n a lcrNor T tr'l et i -Imest"tobe ha d riinr i anda tt eatal streets, and at the Depot. &gents Of Um I.lrtion'Vrfer Company will call for and deliver Baggage at the pot. Orders left atNo. 901 Chett• nnt sU•m- 1, No. 1111 Market street, will receive attention. ' TRAINS LEAVE DEPOT. NT7- Hail Train... at A. M. Paoli Accent - -at 10.30 A. M.. 1.10. and eau P. li. Flat Line . . at 1150 A. M. Erie Express. . at 1.1.60 A.M Hers:balsam Acconeruxlation. at 2.30 P. M. LaneasterAc.mmModation...- ....... .... .... at 4.00 P. M. Parlu Cina LmTrain. . at 6.30 P. 51.. Erie Mail and Met: nigh ElDresV Exi . rielis ' at 10.46 P. AL Philadelphia l EXTue55......... - ... ,-.,. . .. at 12.00 night Erie ail leaves deny, except Sundayi. running on Saturday night to Williamsport only. On Sunday night passengers will leave Philadelphia at 12 o'clock. Philedelphia Express leaves dairy. All other trains daily, except Sunday'. The Western Accommodation Train rant daily, except Sunday. For this train tickets must he procured and baggage delivered by 6.00 P, M.. at 116 Market street. TRAINS A.P.R., AT DEPOT. VIZ: Cincinnati E5pree5............ ..... ..........itt, 3.10 A t M. Philadelphiegnapress... ...... . ..... ... ..... - 6.51 Paoli Accom- ,_.. . - - . at &2/I . A. M. and 3.40 p 7.30 P. M. Erie Mail and Betide Express ' 905 B.M. Parksburg Train ..... .... .. ..... ....... .... " 9.10 " F^sat Lino. " 9.35 " Lancaster Trains . "12. n.: P. M. Erie Excreta. " 4.20 Day Exprees. . .at 4.20 Southern Express at 6 40 Ran ieburg Accom .... .... ~. .... " 9.40 " For fuser information , ap pl y to . JOHN F. VANLEER,Je, ticketLEEß,Je r etet Ageth.9olChesthut et FUNS. Agent, llel'itarket street. SAMUEL H , WALLACE.Ticket Agent at the Depot. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not immune any risk for Baggage, except for wearing apparel, and limit their tesponeiMlitY to One Hundred Dollare in value. All Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, =lees taken byspeciatcontract. EDWARD H. Gemmel Brwerintendent. Altoona. lie, at 7"cERKAB -•••• TOWN AND NORRIS W D N RAIL - `"• ROAD TIME TABLEi—On after Monday, May 3d_1869. and until further notice: rolt (lEittlilleATOVVl4. Leave Philadelphia—ft, 7, BOLO, 10, 11. l 2 A. M., L 2, 3.15. 4. 4 35, 5.05, 5%, 6. 6%. 7. 8. 9. 10, 11, UR M. Leave Germantown-6, 7,7%. 8, 8 90. 9, to, 11, A M.; 1. li, 4. EC 6, 536, 6, Obi, 8. 9, 10, 11 P. M. The 8.20 down train. and the 8% and 5% up Main& will not doe on the Germantown Branch. ON SUNDAYS. 4eavePhiladelphia-9.15 A. M., 2, 4.05 minutes, 7 and 10.. P. M. L.eave Germantown—&l9 A. M. •1, 6 and 9% P. M. OF.R... r rrarr MIL kAILROAD. Leave Philaaminia-8. 8,10.12 A. M. 111.135(. 531, 7.9 and ti P. M. Leave Chestnut 11111-7.10 minute& 6, 9.40 and 11.49 A t 140. 2.40. 5.404.40 6.40 and 10,40 P. M. VirSiTNDXVI37 Leave Philadelphia ,0.15 minutes .A. M. t land 7P. M. Loayo Cbestnnt Hill-7.sominutes A. hid 12.40, 1.40 and 4.50 minutes P. M. FOR (.43NSHOHOCKEN AND NOREISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia-6:736.0,11.0k A.M. t 434, &OA 8.if.03.1.4,10.t5 and 1.1.,M P. M. Leave NorrfeterwwS,4o, 634, 7. 73". i, 0.11 A. M. ;136.3. 436, fI.IF. SkUld OIS P. pir.." rirl be 7 2 .; A. M. Trains from Norristown will not atop at M ogee's. Yotte' Landing, Domino or !tabor's Lane. larltho 5 Y. M. Train from Philadelphia will atop only at School Lane, Manayunk and.Vonahohocken. _ Oki 00°41 ( q• Leave Philadelphik - 81.. :- . 9..W.Tand 7.111'. U. LeaveNosristown-7 A. M. • I4and 9P. M. ' • • PORT MA LEA K. Leavel'hilidelp/a.44.114.9. A.BL 11)1i. a. OS. UN. 6.15. 8.05, j 0.115 and GM P. VI Leave Mazummik--11.10, 7, 7}6. 8.10, MC We A. IL 19. 8)6, 5.014, 11.30 and 10 09 E M. W•••• TP e' 5. P. 11. Train from Philadelphia will atop only at School Lane and Manayuuk. UN SUNDAY b. Leave Philadedphia , -9 A. M.a 934, 4 and 745 P. M. Leave IdataYrink--73 , ‘ A. 81.1134. 6 and r w. K. Mr. oN. General Eiti ten= ' Depot. Ninth an Green OAAIDENAND ATLANTIO NAIL • • ROAD. 1.1 . SPRING AItitiitIGEBINNT. tp On and after, MONDAY, April 12th. 1860.' traing will leave Vine Street Wharf as follows. viz.: ... ......... age A. M, Freight. with Passenger Car attach0d..........9.16 A. At1anti0........................,8.46 P. M. ,HETVIMUIie. WILL LEAVE ATLANTIC. Mail .. CM P. M. Freiggt._With,Pcissitnger ()sr.-- ......... A. M. Atlantic Accommodation.. .. — t . , A. M. Junction. Accommodation, • Ai.eo . and intermit • dime fitatLons,' - Leave Vine Street . 10.115 A. M. and 6.00 P. M. Leave litctr.c.;:r.„). (1.69 A.M. and 12.15 P.M. Haddonfield Accommodation Trains Leave Nine Street,:". ... 101&A : A: and 2.00 %P. M. Leave Haddon fi eld,l.o o P. M. and 8.1.5 P. M. • .D. H. MUNDY, Agent FAST FREIGHT LINE, VIA NOWIII PENNSYLVANIA RAlL to...._Wilkosbarre,_ _Mahoney City;' a ll PotlO4 onl4o/41ith 1 Valley Railroad on blanches. By new arrangements, perfected this day, this road is enabled to give increased despatch to morehandisb con. signed to the above•namod,pranta. Goode delivered at the Through Weight Depot. 13 E. cor. of FRONT and NOBLE streets, Before 5 P. M., will reach Wilkesbarre, Mount Carinel, Mahoney City,and the other stations In Mahoney ;tact Wyoming veyeyo btfore A.. 1.1" of the ouoceeding day., 1 is ot MARK. Apar; azim. ESTATE itaILES. r„ ni ISALE:--BY OftDER _UP,llEirtti•. -,,,batater of ?liose nettles deceased - ,James, Fetemin4 Auct loneer.—Stone . D wailers sod-vacant gtountll Lancaster and iderionaventtes„ and Rorty.nbittil atreet, Wwenty fourth Will be. sold sailboat- any, reserve; at pnbhe tale,on Tlitiredito afternoon, may.,99th„, 1969. at 4 o'clock:on the prenatal ,The following described' Acid hatate, late the , poverty tot .Thottul Theauta „, de teased. No. I: All that. certain two-Istory, sada° hem) and, lot of, eroded thereto belonging. ablate on the north aide, of Lanctuder greet use, lt64s;leeto weetWard trim Forty., ninth street, in the Twenty. four tit Walter the city:l6.s. feet front and extending,in depth 195.‘3, feet.. on the welt , fide and 96.4 feeyen the Batt aide: Haute will rent tor, No. 2, , The let: of, ground Adjoinieg the above on the end. 10 feet, front and in depth on the watt, and , 6556 feetlon the coat betwikg !Ines nearlY parallel. 140.`0,A1e0 the triangular hit tif; ground. 'adjoining the, above oil telecast 43 fent front on Lancaster f01re,,55A..56 feet on the west line in depth at right, angles, and 73.321 n distance irons' point' to point. , , No.'4. The two-etoi7 atone dwelling. and lot of ground thereto talonaing.;ao.lothing No; h on the. weat. - 27 5 feet front, and foe_ t detp ou the weet-lino. and 105.03 beet on the east line" }lodge will rent ter $lB4l month. No. 5. A triangular lot of ground on the rear of NO. 4. having a front on Merton avenue of-25 feet and in depth on the neat, Jineabout 9 . 5 feet, and, on the weat,line 102.31 No. 6. A lot'of ground adjoining No. 6 And in'tho roar of hoe. 1 and 4. being 22.70 foot front On oleriontwouue. and in depth 102.87 feet on tha coat ljne, and about 93 feet on the Treet lino, equal in xneaaurement to 'o lot about 27 by 100 feet. . Car TOR ABOVE PROP/ DITEBAUE WITHIN F,ODELBCIDADDE OV TUE PARK. OLRECTLY OrrobLTE THE PENNA., a . 11, STATION AT ft r.erartvrt.t.E. AND ARE AOCESSIBLE DY HTEAM AND 11011811 CARR EVERY YEW MINIJTEB. rue A.9* RN Ur. Is 80 VERT WIDE,AND THE NBIOMIJORROOD IS RAPID. Lir u PRO VING TLIZYIALLITORROBIDED,AND WILL DE HOLD ACOORDING TO A SITRYET. MADE DY PLAIDEE. L. . 6MIDLEY. Es q, DINTUICT SURVEYOR. air nine riaay per-man:tined at the Auction Store. at the office of the I)setrf et buireyor. Thirty-fifth and Lan c (tter aver no,' and on the premtees: W Site peremptory, by order of the Seim cor - . Clear of all incemorsece., • $3OO , to be paid on each at the litho of sale. JAMES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer. ay)29 my 6 13 . - Store. 4P.,3 Walnut ettreet. PFRFZEIPTOBV BALE:=JAMES A: FRCHNIAN, nut tioneer.—Desirable building iota. Merchantable, " Camden couaitr.,, NOWT JerseY ,4 milea front Causden. On V. edneaday. May 19. WO, at 12 o'clock.. noon. V 9 ill be sold et public vale. without reserve at the Philadel phia Exchange. the fullosting described real estate, viz.: Ali, that., certain) lot of ground situate nn the southwest corner of Moorestown and Camden Turnpike rood and' Finn avenue ;in Merchantville•Matoden county, New Jersey:contain:rutin front on the'l77 feet. and in , depth on the:neat line along Finn avenue, 250 feet and on the west line 245 feet. _ • No- 2. Atilt of ground situate at the itotitheast coiner of 2 inn manta' and' Moorestown and Camden Turnpike road, containing in front on said turnpike 173 feet and in depth on the west line along Finn avenue 22130 feat, and on the eadt linel66Kfein. No. 2. Nine • It, of grotmd adjoining.No..l, Situate no the west side of Finn avenue, each containing sin front 110 feet by about 176 feet deep. No. 4. '1 we Into adjoining the above, each containing in front on Finn avenue 60 feet, by about 143 feet deer.. 90.6. A trianguhr lot of ground at trio corner of 4.lnapel road and Finn avenue, containing in front on said road 162 test, and on Finn avenue 127 feet, and in depth on the north line 102tekt No, 6. Sixteen lots of ground on the went aide of Finn avenue, adjoining No. 2. Each containing in front 60 feet by about 175 feet deep. No 7. A lot of ground, No. 86 on plan, attuathvon the northerly eldo of Chapel road, containing in front 6354 tect,and in depth on the north line 167 feet and on the mutt 6 hne 130 feet. being 60 feet wide In rear. No. 8, A lot adjoining the above, No. It on the plan, being 67 feet front on Chapel road, and in depth on the north line 1,30 feet, and on the south line 74 feet, being 6{ feet vride on rear. - - - • ItV — Ploos may be had at the Auction Store. $lO to be paid on each at time of gale. TUE AMON'S. ARE THE MOST DESIRABLE LOTS IN MER CIIAN7 VILLE. AND ARE SERE 3VNBED BY ELEGANT TM PtIOVEMMVIS. ACCESSIBLE BY TILE MOUNT HOLLY AND MOORESTOWN RAILROAD. AND BY A. GOOD TURNPIKE. • - • . JAMES A. FREEMAN ,_auctioneer, tnf 6l3. Store, 422 Walnut street oRPRANbt CIjURT SALE. ESI'A rE OF 2 Janice Carmichael, deceased. James A. Freeman, A uctirneer. Valuable Oil Cloth Manufactory, St coma Wert • and Erie avenue, T wenty.lifth urd.' tbder authority of the Orphans' Court for the City and t. ounty of Philadelphia, on Wednesday, May 19 1169, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, wit bout reserve; at the Philadelphia Exchange , the fol lowing deecritted real estate. late the property of James CarmichaeL deceased. 411 that certain lot of ground. with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate In the Twenty fifth Ward of the city. Beginning on the east line of Second street, 50feet wide, at a corner of land lately conveyed by James Carmichael to Josiah Bacon for the Connecting railroad; thence extending by the said Connecting railroad eastwardly about 558 feet to 'a corner thence by land now or late 05 Jacob Ridgway, north 13 deg 33min., west about 568 feet ItB inches to a corner; thence by land now or late of John Jordan, south 60 deg. 40Min west 580 feet 85 inches to Second street ;and thence by the same south 11 dog. 8 mimaabout 879 feet 364 inches to the place of the beginning, Mr - Containing 4 mires and 150 equate perches. Re fronts on Second street, Erie avenue, Vcnango and ()Briton streets. THE jarnovr waivre toosteurr OF A LAnuk roust mint ISEICE MUST 81101' , 82 PEET WIDE BY 168 PERT DEEP, A TEREESTORY BRICEJAPANNING SHOT wrril SLATE ROOF 33 err 72 PENT. A T1,11'0.67'0= UNICX mina. error Pon TABLE OIL CLOTIL 23 BY 150 FEET, A. ONN-STQEY IMAMS BUILDKNO TBEU LS A TRIEMING SUM 2$ BY n, FEET 2.TWO. STORY FIUME BOSSES FRONTING ON 13E00ND STREET. PILULE fiIABLES:SIDIDDING. &C. ALL 'rue statrarstanir, SHAFT. LNG. (MAMAS. ENGINE AND -BOILER (ISLAND. R. AND ALI. - TRE TOOLS AND PISTVEES ARE RESERVED AND WILL BE 60Lto SEPARATELY. ... . . . Rte' Plan. at the Auction Store. Bale peremPfdry. Clear of in cumbrance. • - Gam" elm lobe paid at . the time of sale By the Court, JOSEPH - MEGARY, Clerk 0. C. ANN CARMICIL.EL, Adtaiotatratrix. JAMES A. FREBMAN,Atictloneer, ap29 roy6 13 . . Store 422 Nitaltut etreet. riFRREM ?TORY SALE.—BF ORDER .OF TM) Supreme Court.- James A. Freeman. Auctioneer.- - Wirethickon Turnpike Road. Under and in purse sues of.a decree of the Supreme Court for the Eastern Dietrict.of Pennsylvania - 1u Eget*, dated, 3d April, lea, will be cold at public elite; without reeerve. on 1 Vednes da y. May 26, 1E69 at 19 &deck. norm, at the Philadelphia xchabge. the following described estate: All that turn pike road, toll-Douses , and all other property real and persona], of the Wissahickon Turnpik stockholders all the rights, liberties and franchises of the of the caid Co Spany, and all the corporate powers of the said Compsny. eubject to the Act of incorporation and the several laws of this Ccrnmonwealth, regulating Turnpike Roads; and ell and singular all the property. rights. powere and purchaser, with the appurtenances, and all buildings. improvements, ways, rights, liberties and privileges thereto belonging. TIIIB TURNPIKE EXTENDS FROM TILE RIDCIE TUBNPIICE ROAD, WHERE IT CROSSES TILE WISBAIIICKON CREEK, ALONG TIIE CREEK TO WEST:: UT SILL. ACROSS THE BARB TO FLOVILTOWN• A DISTANCE OF ABOUT 10 MILES IT Is Dimbrt, WPM STONE. AND IS IN GOOD TRAVELLING CON. DITION.' rar - Any farther information that may be required, can be had of the auctioneer. Terms--Cash within 20 daye. Title unquestionable. CEir $1,410 paid at the time of sale. JOSE Ell A. CLAY, Trustee. JAMES A. FREIMAN, Auctioneer, Rl326myti.lß.ifi Store. 42t Walnut street. ooltPliANS. LOL Itl SALE.—ES A'PEI OFJAMLEd riCarrerher, deceased.---James &Freeman, Auctioneer. " —Three-story Brick Dwelling, No. 734 Jamison street . Second Vs ard. Under authority of the Orphan' Court for the city and county of Philadelphia, on Wed. neke ay. May M 1869; at 12 o'clock, noon, will be told at nblic exile, without reserve, at the Philadelphia Ex. change, the following described real eetatu. latu the Pro- Terty of Jatnet. Canither. deeetued, All that certain lot Of ground situate on the south side of Jamison street. at the distance of 144 feet 7 inched east of Eighth street, in the Second Ward of the city; containing in,frocit 18 foot. and in depth Pt, feet to Mum street. Said lot having been. laid out by decedent to be 18feet fronton Jamison street: thence running south ou the east line 14 feet 6 inched, at Which point it is narrowed 3 feet, making said lot 15 feet •wide, and tatending of that width southward to Eneu street- On the shove lot is elected a thremetory brick haulm over its lull width, with a frame kitchen, fronting on Jamist n street. ItTrf Plan at the Auction Store. Subject to $29 25 ground rent per annum. Sae abso lute. 8:V *lOO to be paid at time of sale By the Court, JOSE RGARY, Clerk 0. C. ELIZABETH CAI Clt aIIEIR, Adßltaistratrix. JAMES A.FREEstAN. Auctioneer. a p2i(my 6 13 Store, 422 Waluut area. YtißLiC BALE.—JAMES A. FREEMAN, AUG tioneer—Genteel 1 kreasto_ry Brick Dwellingo, 8 . 11 and 013 Norris street. On W cdneeday, May Be Bo id 18 o'clock, itoon,ic ill be sold at public sale, at the Phi la. , delphia Exchange, the following deocribed real eetate: e. 1. All that certain lot of ground, with the three. Story brick messuage and two-story brick back buildings thereon erected, eituate on the southwest lido of Norris Strict (No. 811), at the diatance of 76feet 6,411 Inches south beet of Memphis street, in the Eighteenth Ward of the city, containing in front on Norris street 16 feel and in dept it 61 fret to a 4-feet wide alley, with the privilege of latd alley. No. 2. All that certain three-story brick dwelling, with the twastory brick back building. and the lot of ground I.dioluieg the above No. Big Norris otreet, containing in front lb feet, and in depth 61 feet tola 4 feet wide alley, a ith the privilege of said alley. lEst - Clear of incumbranco. *WUXI may remain on. each. Each hat saloon parlor, dining.roum and kitchen On first floor. Baltimore heater, range, hot and cold enter, bath. waeh pave, gas throughout, papered and pa Intt d. 16t — Rent for *360 eaoh. 63100 to be paid on each at the time of este. JAMES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer. ap.29nu6&13 Store 4201 Walnut street. SALE.—JAMES A. FREEMAN. AUC lERomer. -Modern Three story Brick Dwelling, No. " 1642 North '1 wealth Street. —lin Wednesday. May 19,, 1869, at 12 o'clock. noon , will bo field at public sale, at the 1-Miladelphia Exchange, the following described mat es tate: All that certain three-story brick measuage. with the three story Midi back buildings thereon erected, situ at e on the west side of Twelfth street, at the distance of 128 feet southward of Columbia avenue, iu the Twentieth % at d of the city; containing in trout on Twelfth street Itifeet, and in depth 70 feet, to a 3 feet wide alley, with the privilege of said alley. Subject to 1138 ground rent per annum. - - - 'filn ABOVE 11AB SALOON. PABLO% DI TING 00011 AND ILITIBIEN ON FIRST FLOOR. BALTIMORE lINATELL PRIVATE STAIRWAY, MARBLII MA.INTELB, STATIONARY WABIIBTAND, NATIL RANDY.. lIDT AND 001.1) WATER. HEATER IN OELLAB4 11AB riVEUE.PI3, 4/0 , IS NEATLY PAPEEED AND PAINTED, AND 15 IN PEIIYECT OLDER. Irumedlate poseceeloo. IBM to be paid at timo of Bale. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. ap29 myti 13 Store, 423 Walnut etroot. ORPIIANB' COURT SALE.—ESTATE OF ' .tt Jobu D. Bland. decetteed.—James A. Freeman. Auctioneer.— Building 'Lot. McKeon, west of Nine teenth street. Under authority of the Orphans , Court 'for thacity and county of Philadelphia, on Wednesday. Nay 13. IEB9, at 12' n' noon, will be told at public ;Paio , without restrve. tho Philadelphia bitchapite, the following described teal estate late the ProPertY of John l•land deceaied: All that certain lot of around in the tTwenty•slittli Ward of the city. and nombered 48 Inn certain Mari of lets 81 Patayunk and Alitliu-Lanti. elation. situate en the /I side of tilcileau street, xi h Ward, at the dlitance of 132 feet westward :of Nineteenth itteet t-e •nt-inlng in trout on McKean 'street 17 feet. and in depth 78 feet. itlr Clear if lecentbranee. . to to be paid at the time of sato, I3' the Court, MeoARY. Clerk co. C. ANNA la BLAND, executrix. JAMEd A. FREEMAN, udi. neer, 4143MY0 13 422 alnut etreet. REAL Y * 3BT~TB SAi[:Lli" th,l.k; frir OktilEß titr TlIt'OOl.7RT OF C9SIMON ! fi g P leas..--Estate ofTlenoJamfit Ilevhr. deceased.-dames A: Freeman. Anctioreer..- , lirell secured (ironed Rent or $144 per annum ($2,400). Under authority of the Court. i of Common Pleas for she'C r iti a tuld (kip_ tr. of , Ph 11 3 1401, i phis. en WednerdaY, May;. 9t , 11369 Z -it IRO lock; doing.' wilt be gold at pobliteale,49l ontqadtg*, at the Phila. 1 delphi a Exchute e. the followioji desaribe4real 0E444 blite I the property of Benjamin Barb,' ffeetteged ir Mt thets 'Ain yearly "found rent, entrain Ottaili hitadilldratlatO ... 4 four (149) dollars; /awful tnoneyeliadrovend Penh i Z . men a. on. first days oft ) thet . 4, April and ,October,'velthent any',..dedattiOn 'Ott %a out of 'al. :that , certedn' lot Of ground,,Witathet. a al , and improvements theretm .ereoted.lol3 tilL ad ~ Twent,y.firtit etrect, 94 0 ft. 9 inched menthe 4Vtartqljatgl Eighth iVatd ,18 feet front by 193 feetto Oen', ;Keen. Vk % Mr - 'the above ground Tenta i Welleectirett' 4-' , '''''.. , (t rar 911)0 to be paid at thp.titee of Nam n 1t i ; ityr ,, MI ' By the Court, ' .. G,4o4BEBTClertg l„7, . ,!:avißGEna,mara; .4..K.414:' AMOi BfLfe y 1: JAMBE, AxPiteliMAN4 Auctioneer .*:.'t aP99mY9 13 - v BALE . BY .011 DER CF' TRUSTEES , CP ;Tilt 1 1 G ee E7. 6 Works.—,jarges, A. Freeman, .Ahetinteero, " Under authority of atiOrdleance . anproYed4eril 19,,•.. 'NEP, en VP edneiday ,'May' IS . Welockt•'notol3;! w iil be gold at public vele at tho,Philadetobia ittoballine't the following described real estate :,-Sterg aud dwellingid 711 8. Second - street: all thatlcertartthfile-story.. bil messuage or tenement Mid lot of green& el hates oat t hat> east ride of ,Second street. (No, /IL) at ttu3;distatided.inlS. feet 30 inch northward from Almond street4FOurTNard.) being 16 feet trent 'and eettanding In depth 79 - fee .3: nidli, to a 4feet wide alley. Subject to a grotnei tented $96 per ' annum. . , . , ... : , ,Il' Acr,l'iw,,s LI N 0.9. , Bushnell stand.; No . .615 Paget' L.road: All. that certain two-story trate tnessuado emit; the "1.0i"..9t' ground:, ettnate °nth e east side of PasaYunk roadi,A 6161. between South and Shipper, streets. in the, *Munn Ward of the city. being 20 feet front b y. 7. feet,ileeP. rtr Clear of allincenibranco: - - , "• ' 1 ISIEr 18100 to be paid ,113 each at the-Mine ef Safe: , '>- 1 _ JAM.E B A. -FREEMAN,Auctletteen, OP2O !nye .1A • , ,store. 422 waix*,t F set tv , EORPiIi r iNIP COURT SALE.—ESTATE Watt rick Rif , de( eaSed.-- f iames A..Freotoart, uoGoia, etr.--f hreelitory brick Renee Parker .-PIAM ithOthav Front and Race. -Under authority of the litnnanst Cebitr for the city end Countyc We aryl ; May 10, 180, et 'Volpe - men. wilt be eold at pub, 22 at the Philadelphia , Eta ante. the following 'd real estate; Into the oroderty.of Patrick,Rirke dem , All that. certain three-story brick measnage,,,Frid, ground. situ ate on the north side. of Pater °l7l; erly called Harmony point In the square- betelear and Vine and ,Frinit and ~ Second - Streebur itf , thel BMW' Ward of the City, at-the distance 0f,221 fcet 1 inelm ell4fr's ward 'of Second street, .containing in front' on." - parker. It Place lt feet inches. and in depth Pi feet: Itar - (3ear of ail incumbrance. „ • W"12112 to be paid at time.of side. Sy the Court, JOSEPH - MEG SyARY: pieta tf.'u. 3 - MARY -KIRK. Adrninistratrix:' _ JAMES A. FREEMAN. - Auctilmeer;: aprnyt3,l3 Store, 422 Walnut atreet, PIdILIU BALE.—JAMES A: .V.REMMANOMIO.; , „um:lcor...4)n Wednesday, _ ,May. 11y1 eclock,, noon, will ,be sold at'imollo 'tale. At, ; Philadelphia Exchange. an interest, being' 10,25'in' ba Proceeds from an adventure noon certain landsikno aKi the Francis Nichols, Roger,_ Beatty, Solomon - 11 e4tYil David Raines , , George Derr, George Moore; Johltelingee., Andrew Kennedy` Peter Benson and John Barron; Jr. , Tracts situate in rush. Elva Union. Union, hitthaneyand. Butler townships, in Schuylkill county, Pe., containing, together about 2 500 acres. 850 to be paid at the time of sale - JAMES 'A. FREEMAN', Auctioneer.' sp2°my6 13 No. -422, Walnut street. reassustel tatlf: hAt,n.—THOMAS • ds",• SONS , . Ir; A u ctioueere.— Very elegant and superior- ilyaltoty stone IntilisiOnwith'stables and coach hcluees, no. 1813 Walnut street , 'between Sixteenth and lleventeehth: streets, 48 feet front. 130 feet dee_p to Chaneellor 'street. fn feet in rear, two fronts. On Tueede,Y,Ma, 18th 18631)at 12 o'clock noon. will be sold at rublic aide, Without reserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange.' all 'that wity elegant and five story granite atone frontmmtg ea ago and lot of ground, situate on the south aido of stab, out en; act , west of Sixteenth street, No. 1612. 4 containing in front on Walnut street 46feet, and extending in depth IN feet to Chancellor street: on which: it has a front ot ng feet, the privilege of a 3 feet alley. The mansion is five stories high, well and aubstanti .lly twill, and has all the modern conveniences; first floor has reception, room, dining room. with dumb waiter,. pantry, library,A billiard room ; second door. (very elegant chambers and recess room, 2 handsome parlors. bath and valltareloaer: third door, 4, large chambers, 2 baths ; fourth floor;3 large chembera and banqueting room, (with ekylight,) marl chambers. andlinen room on the fifth floor; large kitchert,;.) 2 wine ealara, . vault. under front pavement,. laundry, • with' stationary wash tube, with hot and coldWeter. meat vault. 9 steam furnaces; cooking.. range, bell-ealt& marble mantles. gee throughout,wattlatfpave, flag pave ment ; balcony ( second story) front add bac& high, cell-- in ge, numerous closets, ere. A 150.2 two-steryStables' end coach bomea in•the rear, fronting on Chancellor area i• court yard paved ith granite; large cistern in the yard. it la ono of the moat valuable residences on ; W4ln . up street, and situated in a dateable neighborhood. Terme—lMMO may remain on mortgage for 5 yearlj if • desired. May, be examined on application to, the , Auctioneers. Elegant furniture, heroes, carriages' dee. Also." ~ert Panay. May ittl, 1869, Will be sold at nubile gale, wirittutrr ..mrszavx, °utile premise& the entire elegant furniture,th 'cludingnbony end gilt parlor furniture. Bilk te_rry,coVerr , , lam very elegant walnut - and rosewood charnber Belle; handsome Wilton. Velvet, „rlirtussela and other carpets' china and glosawara dte roll Partinulara7 in catalefitUfla, • THOM-4o & 13043;AuctIoneare, , • an 3 - 3 88 15 . 139 and 141 South Fourth street. EIPUBLIC SALE OF A HANDSOMI„ ; stable Country eertt. Stunted 'on Havetford tf;', Baverford township, within three , thinutedgwalic.' from White Sall Station PennsylvaniaVentralnitall-4: road, nine suttee from Philadelphia, on MONDAY,,inliky x 10, 180 e, on the premises. Title indisputable. VOUtaltUr over 81 acres. improvements are a fine's atone miMilitiM filled, t stable, ice.bouse ll fine'sed:dm. „Parana view • ,same will call upon the subscriber residing thereon. ••leop *teeth= .verl June 10th next. Bale commence.¢t3)g P. M. when conditions will bo made , known by. • • • • • m 93 It , - IL ARZIU•j.I LEGAL. Noarsims, N TEE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED BTATMI FOR THE EASTERN DIBTRIM .OF PEBNI4I - L VANIA. JACOB KOLLER. of PbiladelPßla. Rankrup.t petitioned for hie discharge, a meeting of, orewors Tv r be held on the Ist day of June. 1269. at 2 Feclock.E.M4,? before Register wiLLIAat MoIKICIIAEL L Esqa mo o , a office, N 0.620 Walnut street. in the city , rhila elf; ' that the examination of,the bankrupt may bAtittighed.7 nc d any business of meetings required by sections,tßielltY,a, .even and twenty eight of the act - of Congxess =Arne , transacted. • • • • 13%,1 Iha usgt'eter veal certify whether the bankrgpt haaon., formed to the duty. , A hearing will also be held on WRONESDAY., tbe ' day of June before, tha Grunt at Philadelphia; Uhl, o'clock A. lel.,whon all parties interested rosy mho 9r. mum f against the discharge. wit 0 the 13011614 m i OU c ht 4„, CAD ji le /LADElt,Judge 01 the 'MC f Seal of Court Diettict Court. and thf3 deal thereat' s , at Philadelphia , &len. G. li."l.oXyClerYd' Attest—'4'l'e. Moblicua.m., Register. myti,thBt4 STA't E OF MULiiiNS;` tiECEASED.— 11/ Letters testamentary noon the above .Eat"tel having been granted to the underair nod by the 'Resider of ;Willa for the city and county Of Philadelphia, all penoina' in debted to the 'aid. Imitate make pal ment. and , MOW having claims agairutt the mune will, present 1 4 0 1:ft ELIZAI3I , F MULLINS, No. 515,NorhSevontlastree EDWARD 1 1 ,1L'LLIN13. No. 410 Cominerce "tract VFi TIPCMPSON. Eleventh Area and.Rldge avenue, delphia. Evecuton; or to their Attorney', WA RB LING, n ROO., No. 522 W ',bout street, Philada. `ARAN 8. HAWKINS, BY HER, NEXT fiILEN.O, A ., o.', k.) vs WILLIAM H. HAWKINS. Coidruen ' Divorce. Sept. Term. 1868 No 23. - •••, • To WILLIAM. ILIHA WKINS. Respondent—STE:lYMa will please take notice that the Court. liaa grantellia rnle. ou you to.Olow cause why a divorce s. v tn. should not . be dtoreed. personal ecrvice on you having fa/186 1 0W ac count of your abeence._ Buie returnable,, SATURDA,Y., ,May 151 h 1869, at 11 o'clock A. M.. lu Comuion 'Court Boom, Chestnut street, between Fifth 'ititd' Sixth. main building of State Home. i f•i licepectfully. JOHN C. REDILEFFER., 12SSouth Sixth street. , Attorney for Mrs. Hawkirie. apS7 1.6t4 N THEORPHANS ' COUE, ET F OR THE, CITY AND County of Philadelphia—PAW.° of - JOSEPH - B. ' LA PBL7tY, deetaSed. The Auditor appointed Court to audit. style and adjust , .the asefiente.t of ItiulltlaiD B. BUNTON and H. ritANKIOIN PYLE; , executors and trustees wider the last urill'ofJOSEPII B. LAPSLEY, deceased. and' to report distributletkof 7 :the nalbnce in 'the bands of the aocountan's witiLmept,' the parties interested tot the purposes of his appointment:On MONDAY. May 17. 1869,at1a o'clock: M. ,atme ott~HCe No. 9 'AIM , Building, No. 589 Walnut street; in- the city of Phllado~yhla• • ' Mr 4 Mth17.15L!,: IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS Felt TPE tiny' and County of Philadeinhia.—ln the mat er of tho trust of the land known as"Delnlont.' —The undersigned, areointed'Auditor by the Court to audit. settle and. adjust the second account , of JOSEPH B LOVERING..Trustee of the estate known as "Belmont," under deeds of March 20 and .31. MR root. rdee IA deed. ,hook„,T, H.. No. 73, rages 269 and 260, and repOrt distribetion of the balance' In hie hands. will meet the nutlet' interested for - that Purpose at his Office. No, 266 South Third street. delphia, on MONDAY, May 10th. 1861 at 11 o'clock, A. MI. EDWARD M. PAXdON, ap29 th s tufa Auditor.. 1N TUE LOURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR 'TH E 1 City - and County 'of I , bilsdelphla. In the matter of the Trust of the land knout. as "Lowdown, No. 11.",—Tho undersigned: appointed auditor by the Court to audit. settle and adjust the second account' of JOEIMPri 14, Trustee of the estate known am "Lansdown ander Deeds of Nov. 21 and 22. 1863, recorded In Deed BOOk, T. H., No. 121. p. 188. 189, and to report dlatri lbution of tba balance in his hands. will meet the nartlea Thirdsted for that purpose at hie office, No. 2611 South street, Philadelphia. on MONDA.F. May 10. 1869. at 11 o'clock A. M. n22th.e.t Oda EDWARD M. PAXSON, Andltoft, T TElin OF ADIVIINISTRILTIoN HAVING. BEEN granted to the gut scriber upon the Estate of liMBEO. c A VA NTINE, deceased, all persona Indebted to• the name will make par:natl. s.od those having_ claim Im:t aunt them to OE 'ROE VANTINE, 105 Montgomery ',en'' , below Frankford road. apB MeV' - - 1 OTILET AIt.TIOLIIii. lIAIR WORK EXTRACTS FROM A NOTICE IN THE NEW YORE TRIBUNE. •• • ; •• , 1 "The advertisement of a hair dreasor in the city of Yhl ladelphia, GI. MAYBE, No. 906 Arch .atrectl..itee mum Inv with admiration. An artist who can aminie.thejiair, ,kith er without Oust( ring curls, yvaVidg 'roue.; Ilaßeilatt plaitr by the aid of auverior contrivances (oulg u rsuse ,o. poo orch street ) file appeal to ladles pf IL what lady ho without hate.' be gallantlyigduiree sure, the !edits' taste is a little whiraaldatand tintertalti, —sometimes bonnets twice at largo es 'their littAti_hintAto: and eometimea about twice ea large AA their litE lingere. --well may , this tartiatld) hairdresser obtierve that the lady of taste must be loft to please het , tmoirn beautiful` TLEIt'W. DE 'Le upureitie AND - t 7 WOSZINWS 7 POCKETS I. iibilVEo._ PEAK. and trpAti DIX of belts. Mut tinith. RODG.B , an& WAD &It DEE% o,d the • CELEttRA.TED ..' LECOULIDD . - R. , •..16EORm3 'IN VASES of .the finest tillethilk.e. glik %OVEN, Belpoorti and Table Catlery. Ground arta Polished.. Alt INSTRUMENTS of the xotil i taproved tonstrdation. o ante, the bearing. At P. MAD S. Cutler end thir 'etti Inttrumaent naukor.lls Ton omit. ttantv Chest - nut. inti-tt , , . , ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers