nusiome samosa • .. • ' I Least 'A Is Igo, ..taret street. new Yegke rasa Stet—For three weeks past I have been using Your dlArrration BiTrana. E'er more thanfour months Yetat I have been suffering from what my doctor said was nem= peosteation, being unable to endure hardly way Phy 130, i brat or mental labor without great fatigue. 1 hadeet turd the Bitters a week before I was comatose of their benefiting me as nothing oleo had, and I have con. tinned to gain very rapidly rinse, till now I am able to be shout my usual household duties. To all who are gelded with general debility I can testify from expo. gigue that the Bitten) are invaluable. Yours, trail` • JAROARET B. STONE. MAGNOttA WATVII.— SllperiOr to the beet imported Gen. •an Cologne, and sold at half the price. my 4 to th THE "SCHOMACKER" PIANO. liffißUY A PII3T - CLABI3 PLIILAITELPMA CAIsO AT iiiANUFAQTUROR'S PBIC(C OH. 'FAIN THEIR GUARANTEE, AND THEREBY EN• CUURAOIG kI(ASIE INDUBTRY. Fonstait Pianos sold by Aostrre are generally the cheapest that can be found in the Nsw Yawn on floe TON :markets. and after all they cost the purchaser as much as ifirstclass BOIIOIIIXOSEII PIANOS The A gent has already SONETEICOMMISBIOIO3 AIMEE before the customer obtains an initranient, and in a tow years it becomes worthless, and there is no redress. Onr Pianos have maintained their high reputation as stein CLAPS FOB MORE T 11•24 THIRTY YEARS, and have been awurded the highest premiums, aud are now ad, ratted to be the finest and most highly improved.instru , wants made in the country. Our new sod beautiful AILEM.OO/iti, N 0.1103 CCIEFITNIIT IffEEEET, are constautly sui.plied from our extensive fae. Lodes with a foil assortment of superior GRAND, SQITIOLE AND UPEICIUT Pixams, which we offer on the most mxvosautz terms. Call and examine them and all will admit that we ate able -to PROVE. that which we have said, and that no other establishment in this city can offer thesame saustutturnucutAmarre. TEN BCIIOMACILER PIANO UPPG CO., No. 1103 Chestnut street N. 13.—Now Pianos to Pent Tuning and Moving promptly attended to. fe26 the batif ALBRECHT._ _ 110 g IHRKEIS.& BOHMUIT. Manufacturers at FIRST-CLASS AGREFFE PLATER PL WC PlatTEd. a, Wareroom No. 610 ARCH street. tilSe to Philadelphia. STECK & t.O.'S AND HAINES BROS'. Pianos, Mason & Hamlin's Cabinet,and Metro politan Organs with Vox Human.). J. E. GJULD, inll27s, No. 923 Chootaiut Amer. -_. 1 -- 7 -. 7z -, _ _STEINWAY'S PIANOS RECEIVED THE higheet award (first gold medal) at the Interne bition. Paris. 1867. Bee Official Report, at li a Me=om of BLASIUS BROS., ell No.looB Chestnut street. -- - IryTHE CHIC:MERINO MHOS RECEI • the highest award at the Paris Exposition • lATIVOIPS Wareroome. 914 Chestnut street. se2l,tl§ EVENING BULLETIN. Thursday, May G., 11369. JUSIIICE Jlf PIIILADELPAILIA Philadelphia cannot over-estimate the bless ing which she enjoys in a judiciary, com posed of men of high personal responsibility, of thorough legal training and ability, and of a remarkable degree of political impartial ity. Here and there we have had painful ex ceptions as to this last quality, but the com munity is justly zealous of whatever seems to trench upon a pure administration of justice, and a strong public opinion has promptly re buked the judge who may have been tempted, in the heat of politics, to forget the obligation of his sacred office. The rapid increase of crime has aroused the judges of our criminal courts to new ac tivity and stronger determination in their ef forts to guide the public mind toward a higher appreciation of the dangers which threaten society. The charges recently made by Judge Allison and Judge Brewster to the Grand Juries are excellent illustrations of the earnest purpose, of our judiciary to leave no proper measures untried to check the pro gress of crime and incite the police and other authorities to greater efforts for the arrest and punishment of criminals. Nor are these exertions of the bench con fined to words. A glance at the single day's work in the Court of Quarter Sessions, yes terday, gives a good idea, both of the amount of labor thrown upon our criminal courts, and orthe-prompt-and-vigorous-manner in which justice is meted out by Judge Allison. Two men, convicted of larceny, were sent to the County Prison for three years ; a shop lifter received six months; a professional pick pocket, one year ; a drunken wretch of a wife-beater, six months; an assailant of a police-officer, three months ; a thief, six months ; a professional burglar, four years ; a shop-lifter, five months. This is emphati cally a good day's work, and Judge Allison is entitled to the gratitute of the community for every such example of his stern purpose to do his full duty in suppressing the growth of crime by decisive action, as well as by eloquent words. There is much more to be done, in this di rection, beside the conviction and sentencing of thieves and drunken wife-beaters. These are to be done, but not so as to leave other things undone. There are higher and more dangerous grades of rascality which enjoy a degree of immunity at the hands of the law, for which our judges are not responsible. Between the police and the District-Attorney this responsibility must be divided. So long as well-dressed villainy walks oar public streets in broad-cloth and fine linen; so long LB notorious gamblers ply their fatal trade under the very eye of the law; so long as the scoundrels who destroy the sacred rights of the citizen at the ballot-box, and by secret fraud and open violence set the law at de fiance; so long as rascality is permitted to be respectable; so long as our prison system is so abused as to afford to fashionable criminals, as Judge Allison says, "the use of the corridors of the prison, the free access of friends, and the supply of luxuries which money will procure," our judges are comparatively helpless to aid the cause of justice. They can inquire more narrowly into the odious system of profes sional bail, the fruitful cause of much crime, and they cart inflict the penalties of the law when District-Attorneye prosecute and juries convict; but they cannot be expected to do everything. The public must support and encourage every honest and pare judge who, like Judge Allison or Judge Brewster, takes open and brave stand against public abuses and crime• Being human, and being, moreoverairessed with an overwhelming amount of duty, they are liable to err, at times. But so long as the community retains its present confidence in the integrity and moral courage of the Judi diciary, the members of the bench will be cordially upheld, when they are right, and kindly and courteously criticised, when they are wrong. TERES GREAT RAILROAD. W 4 are officially informed that the con-. section between the Union Pacific and the Central Pacific Rows, will be made on the gib instant. California .bas_forwarded_ a gold.4lFiliefi cross-tie to complete the Western link, and the Union Pacific has stretched out its eleven hundred miles of rail across prairie and hill and mountain range and river and ravine, until it has met the advancing line from California, and so completed the great trans-continental highway of America. rersonal observation ie the only thing that can convey an adequate idea'of the material Magnitude of this wonderful work. But a partial conceptinemay be formed by a refe rence to the amount of some of the material consumed upon the construction of the Union Pacific alone. One hundred and ten thou sand tons of rails have been required for its single track, with a million fish-plates, two million bolts and fifteen million' spikes. Twenty thousand workmen and eight thou sand mule and horse teams have been em ployed, and these men have traveled many times the length of the road on foot, in all seasons and exposed to all weather driving forward the unrivalled enterprise with that enterprise with which the master mind of Durant seems to have inspired hie whole army from his highest engineer,or contractor, or superintendent, down to his lowest team ster or wood cutter. Three and a half mil lion cross-ties have been cut and hauled, while countlesS millions of feet of timber have been consumed in the construction of bridges and other works. A splendid series of Macbine and Repair Shops, Water-Sta tions, Engine Houses and other substantial buildings have been constructed, and an am ple supply of locomotives and other rolling stock is ready for the opening business of the road. All this has been done in a little more than three years, and it stands alone, is the history of the period, as the grandest proof of American enterprise, energy and skill. What the future of the Pacific Railroad is to be no human foresight can predict. That it is to traverse, within a few years, a vast region teeming with an industrious popula tion, creating an ever-increasing local travel and traffic; and that it is also the first of the two or three great channels of the world's travel and traffic, Connecting all the great in terests of America with the enormous com mercial resources which are only beginning to develop themselves in Eastern Asia, are facts easily to be seen, but impossible to ap preciate in all their importance and extent. The same vigor and forecast and indomitable perseverance which have combined to com plete the great enterprise within such an in credibly brief period, will doubtless be ap i lied to the future management of the Pacific Railroad, as its affairs will be conducted under the wholesome stimulus of the com petition which will eventually spring rip as other and rival roads are organized and built. The completion of the road on Saturday next will be an event of national importance and interest. The Governor of Galitorni will lay the connecting rail,and there will un doubtedly be a general rejoicing in the grand army of construction whose two wings will meet to celebrate the termination of these years of unremitting and unexampled labor. It will be a holiday long to be remembered by all who have borne any part in the great enterprise; and the whole country will unite in congratulating the men who have had the nerve and the ability to conquer all opposi tion, surmount all obstacles, and so to win their grand victory over Nature and Knavery. The establishment of public drinking-foun tains for man and beast is an excellent thing. But is it pecuniary to make these fountains as ugly as the first specimens are ? In Liver pool and other English towns, drinking fountains have been erected, which are no. only useful but ornamentaL In Philadelphia, if we are to take the first two structures as samples of the Society's ideas on the subject, the fountains may assuage the thirst of tra velers, but they will certainly impress them with very uncomfortable ideas as to the Society's regard for the cultivation of the'fine arts. The drinking-fountain is a new institution, and a very commendable one. But we cannot but plead for fountains that wit not be perpetual architectural eye sores to the public. Of course, handsome and graceful fountains will cost more money than the ugly blocks of granite now being piled together in our streets, but it would be better for the Biciety to move a little more slowly, and to do its work in a style that will contribute somewhat to the aesthetic education of the people,at the same time that it supplies its much-noeded refreshment to man and beast. WIRE FIN E ak.1111.14. Tint painter Bo milton has spent a busy winter. and a number of large works are at the present moment ready for delivery to their several pur chasers. These may be seen at various depOts, chiefly at the studio of the artist, and form a pre ttv round answer to such of his fri ends as think that Hamilton's 81.31 e wants variety. We scarcely in fact recall icy [minus of the fecun dity ot Mr. Hamilton who has created so many fetch &theta As a specimen of his older taste we nia3 point to the "Thalia," (No. 164 at the Aci,den.o) rtccntly purchased by Mr. Gibson, but not avt ry late painting. This composition, which r( presents the god Balder receding over the ocean in an apocal) pse of storms tat d temple ga, (receding to his death: for the sad Scandinavian gods were mortal) is one of the most striking works the painter has produced for years. If we have any sense of art, or let Hug for that critical distance which sepa rates the poet from the pot taster, we recognize thin piclure as something dignified and almost awful. In the same exhibition, (No. 118) is one of his largest pray pictures, the 'Brigantine shoals during a Gale." It is a turbulent piece of painted motion, in which sunless waves seethe under a sunless sky the "gray," recently con tributed to art by Hamilton, we might almost say created by him, is not entirely to; of taste; but a much higher authority than, tle=the first colorist in America—has expredsed to us his liking for and approval of" Hamilton's good gray, dipping into purple.' At the studio of the painter are three large pic tures, just finished and about to be removed to private galleries. The finest is a representation of the Thames at London Bridge, from one of Hamilton's old English studies. The poetry of Loudon foe has hardly been better realized, Even by Turner. The coppery sky and weltering, sanguinary sun reflected in the river, the black, dripping barges, the half real, unreliable-looking bridges, the monument, with the large dim fore head of be. Paul's peeping over it like a deceased wife in one of klumler's photographs—the paint er's treatment of all these objects shows his abil ity to make diabierie out of one of the most pro aide and ugliest of cities. Another superb picture represents storm-clouds on a flat shore, splendidly penetrated with golden spokes from the setting sun. A third la one of Hamilton's direct transcripts of nature, executed as literally as that overmastering imagination will permit, and represents the sun sinking through banks of dismal clouds over a saudened, flattened Boa, which turns up its t liver-edged knives to smooth thetheirlilo_egsee_weapsome piece of meehan- . ism. This has been finished `for one of our wealthy bankers, who seems disposed to do for our tieing art what Florentine bankers did for the art of Tuscany in lie infancy three hundred years ago. The three last mentioned are large, careful pictures, elaborate . a pr. eeious of the painter's talent. Pwo more 11.. e Owes, of on upright shape, have attracvd :u ten Ira. at Emit's. galleries, wheretthey setln to I with the it tragic gloom the sunny picture by 11111, uu either side of which they are arranged. TAB , DAILY . EV E 111146 l I,IOII4,4ItItADELPIIIIOIftIRSDAY;MAYg. 61,3869"; Ono representa the torture ok Pcomethane. bold iit6ohyltni; the other-ropreserits the green stator of Niagara falling into Its bed of olonds. The exhibition of water-colore. at 1884 Chest nut street is still open day and evening, but its frequenters are rather select than numerous. Al though it is a fashionable thing to buy a handful of tickets for the sake of the Hospital, the pur chasers do not always take UM trouble to go to the gallery afterwards—a procedure which tells better for their hearts than their cultivation. The arrangement of these pictures has been a labor of love to the owners of them, a circle of art pa trons who have a special predileetion for the kind of painting represented, and who have lav ished from their own galleries the treasures which form the collection. As they hang, the water colors at the Artiste' Fund make :a better expoal don of the art as understood by its masters, than we have ever had. The most dexterous Eaglieh brushes are represented, and that American water-color art which is really in pupilage to tbe British may be !mina in some of its best expressions. A small company of American water-color pioneers —they are nearly all New Yorkors—visited the gallery on Tuesday, and were very much pleased kith the exhibition, of which most of the pictures, contributed from private galleries, wore new to them, and were regarded as elements of 'Denny lion. Si) far, in fact, [be labor of the gentlemen who have arranged these rare and delicate works, has redounded more to the benefit of our artists than to the culture of the public. This is not the way to prove our city an Athena. When the Athenians had good works of art among thorn, it lb probable they knew it. 'lna PAINTINGS AT EARLEEI' GALmmins.—Thos. 11111's fine painting of the Yo• Semite Valley, and the interesting "Eruption of Vesuvius. 1868," by Lierstadt, can only be examined one day longer, as they will be removed after to-morrow. These large landscapes ehould be studied before their withdrawal by all who hare not seen them. Th. , Vesuvine" is probably the moat literal and able representation of a grand volcanic convulsion ever noted down by art for the benefit of science. The "Yo-Semite," more interesting for its paint ing quality, is, we are inclined to say, the su preme delineation of American scenery produced up to this time. Let every one see it before It goes, and thus travel without leaving home. The artists are talking about Fennimore. lic may be called the hero of the annual exhibition of 1869; hie success will date from this Spring. It is certain that no other painter has made such a stride—so completely distanced himself. 01 his pictures at the Academy, the professionals env that the "Columbia Bridge" (169), is cm:to pic(' by a sky of the purest and richest quality, that the "Schuylkill" (208) recalls Paul Weher in his most poetic moods, and that,. the lame "Mount Washington" (127), though Laying less good and careful. _ Feunimore hue come erwurd with a bound. Vublie Mate of superior Walnut and coo nge 1 mmiture, Parlor Baitv, Dining Room and loam log Boom Furniture, new 0113ce Desks and Ti :i r ; alim,two Velocipedes—to-morrow (Friday) morn commencing at 10 o'clock, by T. A. 31cOlullaml. ~clincyr, 1219 I-tieonut etroet. Ift. R. F. THOMAS, THE LATE OPERATOR Al 1 / the Colton Dental At eociation, is now the 0/10/ Lti Philadelphia who devotee hie entire time find ',meth ., o extracting teeth, absolutely without pain, by f r,Ht t.itr 011 H oxide gas. Office, No. Re 7 WALNITI ri reef . mhs ly rit. , LTON DENTAL At. SOCIATION ORIGINATEI , V the si trithetie uee of I , 4IThOCE3 OXIDE, OR LAUGIIING GAS, And devote their whole time and practice to extracting teeth without pain. Office, Eighth and Walnut etreeta.. an2ols{ HENRY PRILLIPPL CARPENTER AND BUILDER, NO. 1.084 13AN8OM STREET, JeS.ITO PtiILADELPHIA. JOUR CRUMP, BUILDER, 1781 CLIEBTNUT STREET, and 218 LODGE STREET, Mechanics of every branch required for house -building and ntting promptly furnished. fan( DUSTS AND RAILS, POSTS AND RAILS. ALL . styles:'' frOurliele"." square andlialfrotind poets. Shingles—Long and *holt, heart said sap. 50.000 feet common boards. Shelving, lining and store -fitting material made a specialty. NICIIOLSONS', mya ttrp Seventh and Carpenter eta. 11 WARBURTON'S IMPROVED. VENTILATED and eary-Iltfing Dress Hata (patented) In all the as proved fashions of the season. Chestnut street, next door to the Poet Office. ece-tfrp BEWARE OF THE DOG CA7OIEIEIOI I—MUZZLES Collars and Chaos for sale by TRUMAN At SILAW No. 6.35 (Eight Thirty-five) Maikot drew, below Niuth. [LATENT ILE PICKS, ICE TOMAHAWKS, AXES L. and tongs, Ice Cream Freezers, and other seseoftable hardware, for sale at the hardware store of TRUMAN 6 SHAW, No. 835 (Eight Thirty. five) Market strset, oe'ow shah. QIIOE SPIKER, FOR CRICKETERS OR BAST ilea Here' role t' - for Bale by TRUMAN la SHAW, No. 835 arght Thirty-IWe) Market ttreet, below Ninth. _ . 'PO FEMOTE DANDRUFF AND CURE Tli 4.T DIG. 1 agreeable itching aenaatlon. nee Prof. Chriaty'a Hall I.utio. For kale by druggists. Applied only at 711 Chest. Lot at. Iht - i9. Saloon, 1 131' 01 Cgrt AT Hair u te a. flair Cut at their ltesitren c ee. "B and W i hiskeni Dyeci! Razors set in order. Open Sunday morning. 125 Exchange Plai e. it• a. C. KOPP. EIDE DEBT CIGARS AND TOBACCO AhE OBTAINED 1 al WILEY BROTHERS, N. W. corner Eighth and IVninut etreets. a.p23-rp tf4 [_?LA UK LACE SACQUES.—A SUPERB ASSORTMENT Uevened this moraina.--Jestrecei ved, direct from Pari s psi steamer America, a superb assortment of Black Lace acques. all MI) novelties of the present season, far ede at retail at importers , prices. GEORGE W. VOGEL., my 8-61." 1209 Chestnut street. riOLCIE FAR NIENTE.—ENJOYMENT cued by emoking Ihoae splendid Yarn Mara Hold bs Eighth and Walnut. . ap2.3.rutf§ - 14 1 ()It INVALIDS.—A FINE MUSICAL BOA Ad A 12 companion for the sick chamber; the finest a,sort went in the city, and a great variety of airs to select tram. Imported direct by FARR & BROTHER, mhIO tfrp 824 Chestnut street, below Fourth. FNCINE liIvTAPIOCA,WITEI FULL TI t) S for um Fresh Bethlehem. Canada and Scotch vat Lot al. Pearl Sago, Bards' Farinar. , .ous Food, ftacahont, Cox', Gelatine, Caracas Cacao and othor I..hotetide. For gala by JAIaEB T. SHINN, B. W. cor. Broad and Sproco ptrtete. apl.3 tree I NATIIANS, AUCTIONEER. N. E. CORNER 1 bird and lipruce streets, only one aquare below the Exchange. $260,000 toloan. in large or aw all amounts, on diamonds. silver plate, watches, jewelry, and all swirls of slue. Office hours from ti A. M. to 7 P M. lair Eetala tidied for the last forty years. Advances made in large amounts at the lowest market rates. lab tin) 1 LST RFCEIVED AND IN STORE 1,00 CABER OF Champagnemparkling Catawba and ualifornia Wines, Port, klathira, Bherry, Jamaica and Banta Cruz Rum, lino old Brandies and Whiskies, Wholesale and retail. P. J. JOltii AN, 220 Pear street, Below Third and Walnut streets and above Dock street. deT-tf MAGAZIN DEB MODES 1014 WALNUT STREET NLRB. PROCTOR. Cloaks. Walking Bulls, Bilks, Drees Goode, Lace Shawls, Ladles' Underclothing and Ladles. Fun Dresses made to Measure in Twenty.fonr Hours. AEE YOU A :OONNOUEIEUR IN MEERFICHAUM Pipes and Cigar Tubes? WILEY BROTISELtB have a superior stock at Eighth and Walnut. apnrp tit MAIMING WITH INDELIBLE INS, EMBROIDER. ins. Braiding, Stamping, dm. M. A. FURRY, Filbert aired. A LL TILE FAVORITE BRANDS OF SMOKING TO bacco, Including Lone Jack, Porreke, Lynchburg, Dishhinder, etc., may be had at the lowest rates of WILEY bIt(YFLIERB, N. W. corner Eighth and Walnut streets. ao23.rutft J AMES B. I\ EWBOLD .3: BON, BILL BR , B EER AND GENERAL FINANCIAL AGENTS, ar27 26trP' 118 SOUTH SECOND 8 FREE'T D 0 YOU WANT PRIME NAVY, FINE CUT, OR Cavendish? Go to MET'S, at Eighth and Walnut streets. apal.rp tft, 'IREAT BARGAINS IN FINE AMIUMS.—VELVET. I._7f urkey Morocco and Antique Binding. Blank Books, Stationery, Holiday Books. Biblee, Genres. Ladies , Companions. Peu•kniyes, Pocket,books, Scissors and Fancy Goode, ailing low. W bite, Buff and Canary Envelopes, 16 cents per hun dred. Fine Note Paper, $1 per rcaui.Portfolios, 15 cents and upward. Fine Cutlery. Loather Goods, Chose, Cards, DOCIADOM and aliparlor games,Fancy Goode. &es., am. Lowest pnces in the city FANCY CHEAPOTATIONERY, CHEAP 818 ALBUMS, ep2l 4p tfe 129 'and 151 EIGHTH STREET. ToRDAN'S CELEBRATED PURE TONIC ALE FOR el Invalids, family use, The subscriber is now furnished with his full Mutat supply of his highly nntritibus and welblindten — boyerage. Its aide ' , Toad and increasing use, by order of ph el clans, forwent da. use of-fweittes, &c., command it to ;Aug- tion-elaticonaumers-who - want a-strictly—mer. - t i chi prepared from the beet materials, and put up in the most careful manner for home use or transportation. Or. dere by mall or otherwise promptly auppici. P. J. JORDAN, 220 Pear street, Below Third and Walnut streets. REPAIRS TO WATCIIES AND MIII3IOAL Yap Boxes, in the beet mannerl i a t akll l lf i llor i ltru. Jy 524 Chestnut street, below Four i tz i lz=2:D SIMON GARTLAND. UNDERTAKER, 96 South Thirteenth drool.. tuh2s &count Vi.MeniNti Shams Shunned AT WANAMAKER & BROWN'S. EDWARD P. KELLY, TAILOR, S. E. Cor. Chestnut and Seventh Streets. Cboioe Goode for Present Season. In daily receipt of New and Staple Spring Goods. HOW THE ' MERRY, MERRY MONTH OF MAY" CAME IN. With storm and blow, And rain and snow, And water and mud, above, below. Ugh! Booh! What could we do ? Where could we go ? How could we get Out of the dismal rain and wet? Colds in our heads, Frogs in our throats, Wrapped to our ears In our overcoats, What dismal, splashy, horrible day To begin the merry, merry month of May ! But the sun shines out And the rain is done, And now, no doubt, We will have the fun Of wearing the clothes Bo new and nice, Which we buy for the spring, At moderate price, At the place where they clothe the people all, Rockhlll & Wilson's GREAT BROWN HALL It is one of the beauties of Rockhill Br, leon's Clothing Establishment that gentlemen can buy clothes for every kind of weather, and at such low prices that no gentleman can afford to be without the proper variety for every emergency of storm or sunshine. Sir Our now style of light Spring Overcoat is such that you can roll it up and put it in your hat or pocket, when you do not want to be in convenienced by carrying or wearing it. Cheviots, Bannockburns, Piga°, Diagonals, Stripes, ideltous, Steel and Silver Mixed, and, in short, all manners and descriptions of good things In the clothes line that are needed to satisfy the most ardent aspirations of masculine humanity, CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP FOR CASH, CASH, CASH, ROCKHILL & WILSON'S Great Brown Stone Hall, 603 and 605 Chestnut Street PHILADELPHIA OGDEN & HYATT, TAILORS, No. 827 ARCH STREET, LATE wirier WANATIAK ER dc fl OWN. The Finest Goods, French, English and Domestic. Toms moderate. apl4 lmip 919E1 V. ESPit. R. THE LARGEST ONE-PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE No advantage taken of a want of knowledge of goods. FINE GOODS AT THE LOWEST RATES. STRICTLY ONE PRICED PERRY & 00., No. 609 CHESTNUT Street, above SEXTEL spIII) f to th EmrV WOOLENS FEARFULLY LOW, COOPER & CONAR D, , S. E. COT. Ninth and Market Ste. CASSIMER ES, All-wool, 500. up. CLOAKINGS, good styles, $1 up, CLOTHS, Low to fine grades. The slaughter to this branch of business atilt continuos We have availed ourselves of the low price. to go in heavily • and offer to onr friends and customers Immo great drives in Tiowsorings, Coatings, rol&lni.te PLUMBING.° M; 1221 M[ARK]ET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Stearn and GastMing Pampa, lland.power and Steam Plumbers, Marble and Soapstone Work. Terra Volta VW, Chimney Tops, &c., wholesale and retail. Samples of finished w ork may Doreen at my atom. wyd6en§ LADIES' DIMAS GOODS. FOR THE LADIES. JusTamErvEn. TOWEL LACKS AND HAT RACKS, With entctifor Zephyr Embroidery. Satin Quilled Tiibbone, Satin Quilled Ribbons, Noe. 3.4, 6.9 and 19, in Black. No. 4. in all Colors. Also, a full line of new designs in cal Guipure Laces. Beat Gnipure Laces. J. G. MAXWELL, Ladles , Dress Trimmings and Paper Patterns, S, cor. Chestnut and Eleventh mNduto IPFATtIifiLEO, JJEVVELEIMI CM. Special Notice. JACOB HARLEY, JEWELF R, Has Removed todde New Store, No. 1320 CHESTNUT STREET. msetoeto6trp [MEW runiuluATiorts. MRS, SOUTBLWORTH'S NEW BOOK WILL BE PUBLIMED IN A PEW BM. THE CHANGED BRIDES, Mrs. Emma D. E. N. Sonthworth, Ie in preen and will be published on Saturday, May I.sth, by T. B. Peterson di Brothers. It will command a very largo sale, stair le fully equal to "Fair Play" and "How lie Won bier." which have proved to he two of the beat novels ever published, and [chick ore having nnpreco dented salon, for Mts. Bouthworth ta. beyond all doubt, the first female novelist of the day. The Changed Brides" will be teemed in a large duodecimo volume of "yet five hondred_pagen. to uniform style with • Fair Play" and "Flow Be Wan Iler." and cold by all Book roller, at the low price of $1 'it in cloth, or al tO in paper cover; or copies will be wont at once, by mail to any plate, pErt-oaid, by the pubPsbei a, to receipt of the price of the work in a latter to them. Bonk pellere are reque,ted to eend on their ardent at once for a bat they may want of this book to the Po blieb era. T. 11. PETLESON & CUM, 306 Cliestiiht ht., Philadelphia, Pa. 1 t.-113 DUFFIELD ASHMEAD, Publister, Bookseller, Stationer, AND DEALER IN CHROMO LITHOGRAPHS, No, 724 Chestnut Street. All Books bold Retail at Wholesale Prices. mbis tn th s tt THE FAMILY DOCTOR. 0 Complete Dictionary of Domestic fledidne and Burgery. Fayed&lly adapted for Family Use. BY A LONDON DISPENSARY SURGEON. Illustrated with upwards of One Thousand DlustraUons crown (Mc , cloth, 760 pages and an Appendli. 69 50; ball morocco. $4 Ca AGENTS WANTED. Apply to sy9B Imi THE WAVERLEY NOVELS. Standard Edition. Complete in 08 volumes. liluetrated. Large lilmo. Toned paper. Ectra cloth Retail price per volume. dl 60. This is the best and moat complete edition for the library or for general nee publiehed. Ite convenient rite, the extreme legibility of the type s which is larger than la used in env other edition. either isngibb or American its (Tithed illustrations, quality of the paper and b inding. and the general execution of the pro's work. which to from the celebrated Caxton piece, must commend it at once to every one. ANY VOLUME B REA OLD BE NOW DY : WAVERLEY GUY MANNBRING THE ANTI. QUAKY, THE ABBOT, KENILWi iRTH. Also. Second Editions of STONEHENGE ON THE HORSE, NOttRIS FISH CULTURE. Books retailed • t wholesale Prices. PORTER & COATES, Publisher?. mb24:lrbit lad (MEd I`N UT Strati.. rcurnrrivis.E. &a. Established 144. GEO. J. HENKELS, CABINET MAKER, 1301 and 1303 CHESTNUT STREET. my 6 Bm4P FURNIT URE. A. & H. LEJAMBRE HAVE REMOVED THEIR Furniture and Upholstering Warerooms TO 1127 CHESTNUT STREET, 412NLARO ROW. mbe,4 to th I. I_, 1U 'Il Z , FURNITURE. 121 South ELEVENTH Street. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF FIRST CLASS FURNITURE At !Moderate Priem. apn ImrPO FURNITURE. T. & J. A. HENKELS, Having REMOVED to their ELEGANT STORE, 1002 ARCH ST., Are now selling iiret.clars FURNITURE at very reduced Prices. mh3l4lmrpit goal MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED UPON DIAMONDS. WATCHES, JEWELRY, MATE. CLOTHING, dte.., at JONES & 00.'8 OLD-ESTABLISHED LOAN OFFICE, Com Be lower of Third and Gaatdil streets. ,Lombard. N. B.—DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY. GUNS. dus.. t .~.~ ' J. ~!.. ~~ a r., CH NTER'S PATENT SPECS CAN 4A54.' hr . Illnd Store. No. 127 Smith a -. -Rtglith i aboillls sa:Writtint,:-;.z.:wriptttEdir. 7 . -...: ..._ 'srPARASOLS.- ALL THE NEWEST LONDON 1 and , Parla styles, which for novelty. variety and , LIEHIGD. AND SIMIIIVLIKILL 00AL. elegance aro unequalled. A lam assortment of 1 LACE COVERS. tin/Alma and BON UMIIREI.LAS, at • Ofrice—No. 208 WALNUT Street the lowest mines. at H. DIXON'S FANCY GoODd STORE, No. sx Booth Eighth street. aoWlin4P ______ READ READ I READI IMPORTANT and 4iffiaWt to Ladies; Ease, Economy, Durability Style; . , . T IWBE FIVE CENT — Y - ARA CIGARS! SPLENDID, If you want sheen with all , the above , qualities for ain't they. Country morclinhts aro invited to call Ladiee, Mews, Children and 'Youths. you can obtain and examine them at WILEY BitoTliEßS, Eighth and them at WER,VB„ No, 234 peach Eleventh tit. spB Im4p, ViAnist gamete: apiare tip GEO. GEBIIIIE„ Na 780 BANBOM STREET TEE CELEBRATED ac- MARY LAND HAMS OTHER CHOICE BRANDS, FOR SALE BY MITCHELL &•FLETCHER, mu CHESTNUT STREET. apfl tyro The Original and Genuine ALBERT BISCUITS MANUFACTURED BY MACICENZIII & MACKENZIE, Edinburgh. There Moults aro revolted regularly to the Queen, the !toy al Family and tho nobility of England. FOR BALE BY THOIVPSON BLACK'S SON & CO., Broad and Chestnut Streets. ar3 p to 1113mrr `Cirli%W4, LIQUORS, &o. CHAMPAGNE. KUPFERBERG'S IMPERIAL, OIL of the finest Wines eves used in this coun try, nod among the most popular known in Received direct through the Agency, and for sale at the Agents' prices by SIMON COLTON & CLARKE, S. W. corner Broad and Walnut. Ui MILLINERY GOODS. K. Sr, 13. OPEN TODAY ANEW INVOICE OF Ladies' Hats and Bonnets, Trimmed and Untrimased. 13onnet Frames, French Flowers, Ribbons and Laces, Wboiesate and MALI. THOR", KENNEDY & BRO., No. 729 Chestnut Eit. Int 31 3riarp CHOICE GOODS, POPULAR PRICES. PARIS FLOWERS. LIN EN BACK .SATINS AND Ladies' end Mister' Hots and Bonnets. In unrivaled aesortment. . A. & D. STERN, 724 ARCH STREET. .11 1n 014 i :tarp OP.IPSON REYNOLDS. Importer, Whole,alo and Retail Dealer in Straw and Millinery Goods FRENCII FLOWERS. FEATURES, dco. P. W. corner Eightta and Vine Streets, 11. F. B. ne4.Tn. Pii 7 7.A 7 IIELPiI/A. npl4-Imro THE FFIVE AMPS. The Last Days OF THE EXHIBITION OF "YO SEMITE VALLEY," By Thomas Hill. And other Impoi tont Picture& and BIERSTADT'S I VESUVIIIS " EA RLE S' GALLERIES OF PAINTINGS AND LOOSING-GL&SS WAREIZOO 816 CHESTNUT sTREVy. W LINDERO ER. TAYLOR & BROWN'S OLD ESTABLIHIBD PROTOOMPHIC POBBUT 011/1131 Furnished with every oonvenlence and fa ditty for producing the best work. A new pri - vats passage from the " Ladies' Dressing Room to the Operating Room. • - All the refinements of PhotorraPhY. such as "Ivorytypes," "Meta,. turee" op porcelain. "OpalotYPes.' the "New Crayons" originated with this establisnment. WENDEROTH TAYLOR & BROWN / . 914 40111ESIIIIIT sirnEEr. ap27 to the 26trPt. H. P. & C. R. TAYLOR,. PENFIIBIEUT AND TOXLETSOAII4, 641 and 643 N. Ninth street, GALLOWAY C. MORRIS & CO., ._:_. !£ETIiZG '. D3SAL ' ~IIgIDI Yard—Foot of TASICEIt Street. . , —A Nevada letter reporta an an important fact , 1 ho, a finning tunnel pas %truck a stream of water. 1 TI scarcity of that article In the mountains is to r 6. hied in a cold water rezion the most serious • Crawbacit to a residence at White Pine. apo.A Imap SECONW'EDITIQN, BY TEIAGRAP}LA LATER CABLE NEWS London Money Market COTTON REPORTED FIRMER FROM CI-I I C A. 43- MINING OF A PLANING MILL Completion of the Paoifio Railroad By the Atlabille Cable. Losuori. May 6, A. Sl.—Console, 933. for both money and account; United States Five twenties, 80X; American stocks dull; Erie Railroad, 19k; Illinois Control, 98M; Groat Western, 25. lavEnpoot, May 6, A. M.—Cotton opens firmer bntitot bleier; Middling Uplands. 11Voi.; Mid dling Orleans. 12d. The sales to-day aro esti mated at 8,000 bales Loanow,May 6 P. M.—Consols for money 9351; for %mount 913 i,. U. 8. Five-twenties flat at 7 , 4 i. Stocks ull. Erie Railroad, 1951; Illinois Central, 9751. lavanroot, May 0, P. M.—Cotton quiet and steady, and it i, now tlionaht the sales to-day will reach 10,000 bales. Pork 102 e. 6d. Tallow 14e. Lennon, May 6, P. M.—Calcutta Linseed 69s 6d. A Chicago Planing Mill Burned. C.HCAGO, May 6.—Last evening the planing mill of Walcott et Croaker took fire, and the boiler exploded, blowing the mill to atoms. Several persona were injured, but none fatally. The lore is $10,000; insurance $2.000. The ad joining buildinge Nero damaged to the extent of 45,000. The citizens of Chicago have determined to celebrate the completion of the Pacific railroad on• Monday or Tuesday next. In the evening ad dreeees will be delivered by Vice-President Col fax and Governor Palmer, Mayor Rice, and otbere, at Farwell Hall. Banners will be sus pended, and there will be a general Illumination it, the evening. BUYEALO, May 6.—11 t. Richard P Jones, agent of French's Circus, oommiVed suicide this morn irg by swallowing an ounce of laudanum. which hi , obtained under the pretence of relieving neu ralgia. Marine intelligence. NEW YOKE, May o.—Arrived, qteamer Bmidt, from firemen. E.A.VIIMORE, play 6 —A rrived —Schooner WE ham Allen, Rogers, from Cub', for orders. W eattaer Report. ' y 6, 9A. M. 11 , A. to Cove... ...... 130)Aton +-- New i ork Philadelphia. . . Wilmington. Doi. Waist:antrum. D. C Fortreos lidonroe.. Richmond........ ..S. wirasta. Ga...... Charleatan, B. C... rittebtugh. tJELIcago... Clear. CT New Orletn; .W. Cloudy. 7 MEI Mate of Thermometer Thie Day as the Bulletin Office. le A. M...... 68 dee, 11 K.... . 63 dm. IP. H 66 deg. WOnt4sar. Wind rlttout. Adventures et a Frenon Prlsonot• A ruffian, who was recently confined in gaol in Beesancon, contrived to saw through his prison bars, whence he escaped to the outer walls, which ho scaled like a cat, and let himself down plump Into the street below. The sentry on guard sighted him, and shot at him; but the Chassepot, which did such wonders at Rome, was ineffectual with a real criminaL The milieu rushed along the Seise, with the hue and cry after him, Milo arrived at a parapet overlooking a fearful abyss 100 feet deep. A policeman came up with him, a fierce struggle ensued, and the radian hurled him like a feather into the yawn ins chasm. A et coud tried a fall with him. but he was also tossed down upon the rocks below. By this time the troops arrived, and'ae he did not like the looks of them,he bounded with a yell into mid air, and fell a mangled corpse beside his two victims, ono of whom was found still breathing, with both legs and several ribs broken. Death of the Last neseendant of the Famous Count Tilly, of Dolton& The line of Count Tilly,the celebrated opponent of Gustavus Adolphus in the Thirty Years' War, hes just become extinct by the decease of Count Charles Gustavus Edward Augustus von Teeter else Tilly, at the ripe old age of 85. He had been Chamberlain to the King of Golland,and a mem ber of the Equestrian order of Brabant, and was the last direct descendant of Everard von Tser cies Tilly, the liberator of Brussels in I:tstt, and of his descendant above alluded to, who was zen eralitisimo of the Catholic League in the 1711 em tuzy. THE COURTS. The Registry Law. CORSI ON PLEAS —J udge Peirce.--This morning. George W. Biddle, Esq., on behalf of cerium as seseore (Democrats), appeared in Court and stated that his clients desired to be instructed in regard to their duties and (obligations under the provisions of the Registry law pas;.-d by the last Legislature. There was, he said, a question in re gard to how far they could act, or acting, what they should do, and it was desirable that there should be a Judicial interpretation of the act so tar as the assessors are concerned Mr. Biddle farther staled that it was understood that Wm. B. Mann, Esq., had been retained to represent those who were of a different opinion from his clients, and it would be proper to allow him to be heard. All be desired was that an early day should be fixed by the Court for an argument. Judge Peirce fixed to-morrow week. The point which is raised refers to the 27th section the assessors asking who of the boarders at public houses are to be considered and entered upon the lists as qualified voters. j Carpenter vs. Carpenter.—A libel for divorce brought by the husband against the wife, charg ing desertion. Verdict for libellant (husband). QUARTER SESSIONS—Judge Allison.—Robert Powers pleaded guilty to a charge of robbery. He assaulted a small boy at Eighth and Christian streets, and robbed him of his watch. Peter Wilder pleaded guilty to a charge of lar ceny. Ho stole a quantity of butter from the Spring Garden market. James D. Thurston, a boy, pleaded guilty to a charge of stealing $6. Ho was employed ae an errand boy, and watching hie opportunity, took the money. The boy was . abandoned by his father because he absconded from a boarding school. Edwin Speer was convicted of a charge of entering a dwelling with intent to steal. Dormer Coeur—Judge Thayer.—Chatin do Bro. vs. Schofield. Before reported. Still on trial. Dimmer COURT—Judge Strond.—Jeremiah Hurley vs. Isaac Sennett. An action to recover on a mechanic's Ron for work and labor done. Verdict for plaintiff, $6OB 86. Jacob Young, and Frederick Vollmer, and Catharine Vollmer his wife, in right of said Catharine, vs. James Evans. Au action to re cover a balance on a lease of a brick-yard. The Plaintiff alleged.that the yard was leased with a stipulation that a certain number of gangs of men were to work the ground and manufac ture bricks, but it was di4covered that the defendant was working more men. The de f; lce d enied bafleriibet anyvithicid=ttrent Le irgegfmelectocn - lease were - eruPliiYed-andmo-twom and therefore the plaintiff is' not entitled to any further corn, pt. neation. On trial. Suicide Wind. Weather. Thor E. Cloudy. M ... J N.E.E. Cloudy. r H . Clear. 68 N. Clear. 59 .... E. Clear. Cloudy. 56 Cloudy. 53 ...... N. E. Cloudy. 50 N.E. Cloudy. 53 .8. Oloudy. 69 .K E. Cloudy. 69 .13. Cloudy. 54 Cloudy. BO .S. Cloudy. 51 Cloudy. 71 Cloudy. 80 THI.R.P:': -- nEDI.TIO. N., 2%15 O'Cnoolt• Jay TELEGRAPH. ANOTHER CUBAN EXPEDITION A nuttier Cuban lixpOitlon. Bill , WEST, Florida May 6.—The British steamer Salvador sail ed night, crowded with Cuban sympathizers. She sailed for St. Thomas by way of Nassau, it is rumored; in connection with some Cuban expedition fitting out in one of the Gulf ports. From Baltimore BALTIMORE, May 6.—Baron Von Geroit, Pros elan Minister at Washington, BMb-A from this port yesterday. Mao, Major A. M. Hancock, U. B. Consul at Malaga. George Francis ;train neturtede the Seizure of the Cuban Expedition. George Francis Tr io has sent the following despaich t fo the President of the United States: Nam YORK, May 5, 1869.—The President of the United Stales. Washington, D C: The Govern ment slopped the Fenians on the Canadian froutler. I demand in the name of 1,000,000 Irish voters that you send a fast war-steamer to seize the Cuban filibuster which sailed yester day The expedition is an English Intrigue to check mate Ireland's freedom. The Cuban mass meet ing was a Tammany affair in English Interest. thronorr. Fit.awcts TRAIN. UITY BULLETIN. HEARING BEFORE ALSISIUMAN BEITLER. —Joh a A. Schaff, merchant tailor at 203 South Tenth street, made a charge against James Gallagher, who says that Gallagher came into his store in January last, and wanted to buy an overcoat, and gave his name as James Wright. living at 748 Passyunk road, and was a carpenter, working near Fairmount. He selected what he wanted, but did not take it' away with hitt, stating that he would come back in the evening and deposit $lO. He came back in about an hour, saying that he would like to borrow a dollar to buy some mills, dre. , to work with. He received two dollars and then left, but never re• turned. Mr. Schaff went to 748 Pas: road, and was told that several persons h been there ill search of the same man, who did not live there. Gallagher was held in $BOO ball to answer. AccIDENT —About n o'clock this morutug Pr.trick McGoldrick. 50 vest of age, was it Dor heti down and run over by a cart at Girard I.IV(DIJe and Psltner street. He was taken to rvsidence to William street. Pr ti,o:sAL --.Gr,vernor Geary is in the city, eloprit g at the Continental. FINANCIAL AND CONMERCIA.L Thy Ph I lairleiph la Money Market.: Sales at the Philadelphia Stuck Exchange. 7ttoo f:lltyrs new Its 101 , EOO do 10114 26491 Citv Geoid Its 99 0 do 3 stfts 0; 1000 CS:A 6st min 65'59 92 1000 Leh 613 Old In lts e 3 X 1100 do Its 93 2153 , 0 Ph&E H 7.. LSO Is 100 eh nestonv'ett b3O FA/ eh Union ParE b3O 43 3sh :Norristown ft 67 63 sh Leh Val E b 5 56 3sh do !Awn 56 50 sh Minehlli It 5434 50 sh do itelys 54l 8 eh Penha 7t d bill 65 L 0 eh Lit Bch B 2dye 48 56 011 Creek Allegh'y li 38 11.0 eh Catawte pr b6O 35)i 100 86 do 00 3.836' serve GOO 1186-20 e 'B4 cp 112% 2600 ❑B6-20e'65 cp. 1151( EOM C B 6-20'82 rep 11256 100 Le!dab 68 R Ln 8416 too Leh Old La 9436 167(0 Uiry tie new c 10136 6000 Pbll&Eric 75 b6O 87% 100 re Be 3 eel* 108 11.0 eb Mivehill R 6456" lee eh Penns bt eBO 164% 26T eh do tkp 15536 DO E h d upgotitt 55 1 4 eh LebVal H 56 16 .-2h do 2dys td 200 eh Cataw al ,bBO 15 3536 Tut )1/410 A 1 , May 6, leM.--There ie a general complaint of the uneatirfactory condition of oar domeetic trade. which seems not to react with that vigor which might have been expected from the favorable condition of the meney market. This comparative quiet has a very sentible effect on monoy. in checking the d. mend and keeping down the rates. but the condition would be greatly benefited by a more pirited demand for buellnera parpoQes, even though a higher reale of figure, .tiould rule in the market than at the prerent time. The eurplur capital would ha thus rendered prod tic' ito forte ad of acting. as now la an in. centre to wild epecuietion. . . We have no change to make in the rates for call loan % hicti remain at iriS.6 ocr cent. on Gor.rnment bond., and at C. 4,07 to cent. on stock and Illi6cellacteous collateral& Di.cnunt arc , done at toter ably regular rates for prime butiness paper. The. ratite for first.cla,‘ signatures hi el - di, per cent, but for interior or less reliable the rabre b wide. Clovetnn.ent bonds to-day are weak, and gold it sir, ow. opening at 13d, and standing at 12 M. at 13644,with a rtvong readentry to a further advance. City Loans ad. vonced to lot kr : for the, new and lta for the old certificates. Lehigh Gold Loan cold freely at 91. Leading Railroad advanced ?:. and closed at 47.1.00317 , i; Pe nheyivahla Raiboadetild at a; Norristown Railroad at 67; lain, Hill Railroad at 5.1.54; Little Schuylkill Rail. road at 41t; Philadelphia and Erie Itatfroftd at 2954 up to :v. and ?advance of 4 .: and Catawiasa Railroad Pre. terred an advance of .ks. Canal and Bank shares were dull and inactive. In Pareenger Railroad shares the only Bale vras of Union at 4.3. Thr Directore of the Sixth National Bank have declared . dl , td.nd of 4 per cent , clear of taxer, and payable on di wand. . . . The presen , Pennsylvania Canal Company id now ope• rating thc , 303 mites of oanalt , in the S i gnohnona vane v, hlrh. until this rear. were diridod between the Penn. sy !garde Canal, the \Vett Branch and Susquehanna Ca na , and the Wyoming Canal. The aggregate refti to in 1.6.9 to April:3o were.. 547,930 159 Balmy pet tod in 113438 . . 4,819 53 Increnfo In 186 61 essm. Deli even & Brother, No. 40 South Third street. make the followlog anotarloos of the rates of exchange at 1 P. 1.I.: United States Sixes of 1881. 11935 113 S do. do. 16D... 118160,1185:: do. do. 1884. 113T,i,81114. do. do. 1866, 11534@116"• do do. 1865 new, 1161% 4 116' do. do 1887, new. 118341Q - 8116ti'; do do. WS. 1100 , '4116%; l's. 10114@lit810 : C S. 30 Year 6 per cent. Cy.. 106)441063.,; Due Comp, Int Notea, 19 Gold, 1364,4 UV.. Bllver, 127,4(4184. Smith. Randolph &Ct bankers. Third and Chestnut, quote t It' o'clock as follows: Gold, 186 e.; U, S. Sixes, BBL 11941191 i Five-twenties. 186.1 itemgoteu; do 1861. MR:C(1,114; do. 1866, 11634q,115%; do. July. 1665. 1165.,,@, 118 N; dodo 1867. t113X(4116%; do. do 1866,118t661165%; Pives,Temforties. iotin@lo;33.6 ; Currency 6e, 106344106 N Jay Cooke & Co quote Government securities. &e.. to. day as follows: U. B. 6s. '81,119r4119.4 ; 6M's of 1861. 118Yi @l1P!:,;; do. 1864. 113tagi14;do.Nov.. 1865. 115%03115%; do. July . „ . 1865, 116}401161.‘; do. 1867.116Ii0116%; do. 1868,1160 i Il6's len fortlea, 106344108 X ; Pacifies, 106, , ig106.%; Gold. 186;4. PhAlftdelphla. Produce Market. ruenev, May 6 —There is little or nothing doing in Tm.othy or Cloverseed, the season beitg over. Small rake of klaxseed at $2 66®52 70 per bushel, at which figures it is taken on arrival by the crashers. There is no change in Quercitron Bark, and further Pales of No. I were made at $62 Der ton. The Flour marl' et le excessively dull, and for the me. aim grades of Families prices are weak. There la no shipping demand, and the Bakst to the trade com. prime small lots of superfine at $5416 50 per barrel ; Extras ,at at $6 87,'4®8 25; 600 barrels lowa. Wisconsin mod Minnesota Extra Family at $6 60® 7 25: 200 barrels Illinois do. at $6 60; 800 barrels Pennsyl vania and Ohio do. do. at s7®9, and fancy lots at nigher figuroe. Rye• Flour sells in tote at $7. Prices of Corn Meal are nominally unchanged. 'I he Wheat market is very quiet, but prices are 1111. changtd. Belot of 8000 bushels at $1 65.41 78 for Red. $1 100.1 86 for Amber, $1 77(41 80 for California. and $1 15 for No. 1 spring. Rye to etoady at $1 45. C o rn le held firmly at the advance recorded yesterday; sales of 8 000 bushels Pennsylvania and Western ellow at 90qt92c and 1,600 bushels Western Mlxa. at 86(481e. Oats are ate tdy, and :1,000 bushels Western sold at boc. Whisky in firm and sells at 96c. to $l, tax paid. New York annoy ina.rket. Mora the New York Herald of toda9.l MAT 6.- The eteck market wee greatly excl'ed to-day over P fut flier and heavy decline In `niece. The move. meet ins n eurated by the "beam" in the beginning of the week has been aotouishingiv sneceseful. and the change of trout bee extended to both sides of the Remelt. Opera sone in Wall street are at. timee like the ebb and flow of the , ide, and the main etreugell of operators on either side determines which direction the current. shall take. In thin snot the cliques were uLardnie,a for a fall. The conotitutional "bears'. were, of course. immensely pleased while the constitutional "hung' , falling fu with the movement ae one against which it wore vain to otteggle, swelled the etroam. Ever since the middle of winter prices have eteedlly riniu on the Stock Exchang_e. The .t bleb e wheat 'three - In it wartelleverable' elmettunityillieret ore. for a reversal of theqcotirso of prices. The great cliques have started overstlang on a downward turn, and the ebb appears to hove hew. Money was' made activelti ordar to nthdet their rperattene but the attempt to ti obton it Menet proved euecessful. The 'growi. , g abundauce of filed-) In the metrepolis at MIS velem, of the year precludes the hope of fIICCC:Iv for such strategy. TIN money market was easy , at the dose to day:-lint Ito reaction will hardly stay the declive iu stacks, for the impressioe is general that. they must go down. and oilers, one lit ler the 'time being a TEE DAILY ,EV TII RSDAy, I mAy.o., , 800 eh Phi &R R b 5 29 , i 100 e.ll do c 2954 200 Eti do t4.51,4D 2954 100 eh do 29X 140(.1 eh do Its 29X 1800 eh do he b6O 29X 1100 eh do, 295 600 eh Read R b3O 41X 100 eh do MO 47X ICO eh do 6.swriain 47X 99 eh do 41 x 100 eh do h3O 47x 100 eh do eTracin 47-69 ,300 eh do b3O Its 474 200 eh do, do. 47-61 100 eh do . 47X 100 eh do e 5 477( 200 eh do 810 47X HA eh do 47-St IRO eh do b6O fix 100 eh do b3O 6734 mumps. 400 eh Read R b3O 47% WO eh do MO 41-01 400 eh do WO 47-24 100 eh do awn 41'.4 600 eh do 1030 Ka 4744 200 ell do bUtln 41-24 100 eh do eSsan 41-91 '2OO eh Ph&Rtieß WO 29% 100 eh do c 293 100 eh do Monday 2274 100 eh do b 5 29 % 100 eh do 030 IbEtti 300 eh do c Its 519% 100 eb do b3O 30 Eallia bey.", ,Thiscordition of thing/Ail a nnriOni Cornmell" tary on charecter or : present Alegi speculation. , The Yeluealif the ntoeit Exchange are_ `iosinehi en extent. don. on., or so concealed in the gamblieg, operations of, the rigors; that legitimate invastMent entifely at fault its to efforts to seek locetfon, The: great Mut of parehnienta soap and securities which constitute one-half of: the lo herits d reseurcigs of .- hundreds of fatuities are teased about , nee , football between the rival - interests fat; Well street. Mono , makes money. ! The ger: the amegation iof , eamtel the ; greater is capacity for leo - ease In Wall streak ilt ds irate twisty that hundred, of thousands of dollars have been lost since Monday morning last by those wnom the swelling prices of the stockmarket durlag the spring In duced to venture their marinas at the moment• when fig,. tares were at their highest ,and when it suited the cliques to sell and go ''short." The long purees of them canitallsta glie them the power to withstand an un favorable tom even when the tide of petrels: feeling be. comes ISO it sometime's. will. temporarily unmanageable. In the long MO they preyeil against their opponents in the "outride public," who are numerically stronger. but financially wee keean d are, tinsmith their lack of °tenni gation.more cagily swayed oy panicky reclined. Motley during the earlier hours of bus uesis was in good errand at the full legal rate, and soma Watt' borrowers and weak homes mild as high as fold internat. The cup- Ely was abundant after two o'clock, and lenders had dn . . culty inplacing all their balances at seven per cant he activity hat' worked injuriously to the commercial interest, whore paper it km in requlsitioo. and hence offering at hither retell of discount. A few days since the preesnro was from the bus err, and rates in extreme quotetions deciii dto revs n par cent. With the change to the money market there is more paper offering. and the etcetera is rather from makers. rates ranging from eight to ten per cent. for prime double name acceptances. Governmente were neglected by the specelative por tion of the et ect, and the only transactions arose' out of the rrputer invriffrnent numb? The mice came a little better. se, from Loudon , bi , t velem Meads% in the face of en apprebenelln of the effect of active army. Foreign exch epee was dull and rates rather Irregular and esininal.ovrieg to the number of hills in tiecond hands Purchasable at concessions from the asking figures of the prime bankers. Gold was comparatively quiet and the market leas ex cited then usual, in consequence. probably, of the diver. *ion of interest to etocke. Operators were also very can Hens, and, in preemie° of the gold sate by the government to-morrow, indtspoesd to act. ',Rehire, the board sties were Ir.ade Ms toil a. 134. During the board the image se as trete 125,30. There ie very little "short , ' inte red fn the market, the feeling. conversely to that in the Mock musket beL gin favor of a rise. The Cuban expe. dition was without effect criou the peer% in which the yielding to-day was the result of the high rates exacted for carrying gold. eight and ten per cent per annum, and LH per diem being charged before Clearing Home, and 7 per cent, and 1.32 afterwards, The EleteTreasery dia. hewed 1111.218,042 in payment of May commons.' The Scotia and the Cambria brought about 8125.000 in specie. Mew work stock !liarliet. [Correspondence et the Associated Prete.] tqzw Year. May 6--Stocks feverich Gold. 125'4; P.schanee. 1093 i; 6.9 M. INN. 11614: t BB4. 1121 i; do. HON 111”i',: new. 111C 1 4 ; do. 1861, 11636: Tetutortios. , 108,4 Virginia Sizes. 62; Muguniri filzes. 8854 ; Canton Company, ; Ccunberiand Preferred. ; New York Central, Sealing, 93t0: Hudson River. 164 sr: Michigan Central, 126;4; Michigan Southern, 104; Minds C16 1 2r4 , It 6; Cleveland and Pittsburgh. 9634" ; Cleveland and 19 10- do. 102'. ; Chiesgo and Roca wand. 122; Pittsburgh and Fort Warne. 142. 1111 ark eta by 'relearapbe Special Deepatoh to the Phila. Evening Butlatio..l NRW YokJ. May a —Cotton—The market title morning War rtraOy trill) a fair demand; Kole., of about 1.033 1,1,4-4. e quote aK followe: Middling Oplande. 51 iddllag Orleang• 2944 . Hour, 11 17e bbla. The market for extern and Site e'llur is lower. dqlt and heavy. 'The ebbe are about 5.100 bble„ including Superfine tit ate at KJ. 50rathi4 95: lixtra Btate at ISO W 44*6 Low grad..t. Western Fztra at $f Ct.-3it:6 49 zirmther.l Flour ie IoS. Salve of barrtlP. laliforula Hour is quiet. Safre of 200 hernia. _ . Grain- hectirt. of V 1 hoot. ILt¢i bsaliele The market is d , I 1 leo er The sales are -- buahele N 0.2 NIB watik.le at re - r. - in stor-, end No. Ido at —ati ist. - recripte. 1.000 hue heti,. The ms:ket IP ste.d, with a fair demand. Sala, of ItIZI hod:No10 new W. stern at 4 4,22 cents afloat. ate- Itece.pta. 22,13.60 bushels. Market strong with a roi d nennsnd. hales of ci, buehet.. at Btiri. in sure, shoat. Ilst—heeelpte. F!9.000 bushels. M...rket firm. ba ley uusafal,le, PrON rereipts of Pork are 2i barrels. The marl et to quiet end firm, at *2l 123.1431 23 for new Western Mess Lard—recelpte. :NS pka. The market Is dun We quote fair to prime steam at 1801 —cents Whisky.— Itsreipts, 1,600 harrilg . The market is arm. We quote Western tree at 97ictitS. Pyrrenucen May 6. -tired/3 Petroleum unchanged And cloaca weak ; sales of 1 .000 barrel... ao . la=t half May 40 to 45 at 143 4 c , Lad 1,600 barrels. spot, at 143 , ..;c. Refined plitk dull . sales of 1 6u3 barrel • , June to September, at 35c. 600 barrela. spot. at and WO last half May at 33c. Heecipts..l9 barrels. Shipped by A V. It R. 660 ba.rels refined. 100 barrels Tar, and from D. W. depot 55 barrels Tar. Gro•ertea—Coffee—iito drill and Irregular; all other Pads, Brea Sugars firm. with a (air business; aalea at 11%011fao. rifiasd °Wet. 7 allow firm, with a good de• wand; salee of 100.000 pounds at 1134011%e. Icorreapeudeuna of the Associated Prete 1 Nrw YOex. May 6.—Ccttrn firm : 800 bales sold at Mc. Flo.‘r dull and- declined 5410 c. ealea of 5,500 uurtrels State, $5 010 667; Western, $5 6k745. Southern. e 6 50011 15. ‘Vbeat dull and declined 1. 7 445 r. Estes of 61.05 bushels. No. g and 3 mixed, $1 48. Corn raster and declined lc.; ealea of 34,000 bushels; mixed Western. 51@:94e. Oats quiet Pork dull; new sdess, ukaasat 25 Lard qiret steam, 113@lgid. Whisky quiet anrd quotations are uominst 8A1.M10112. May 6.--Cotton eteady at 2 5 c Flour quiet and dull. Wheat firma' ; good to prime Red el 90 Oda Corn opened firm and closed doll; rime Waite, 540 i ; Yellow, 135(468c. Oats dull at 7 75 for Light. arid :egg :0 for heavy. Rye dull at $1 4Ck 131 45. Pro• vipi•-nr nuchongrd.. Whisky firm at 96c. :4 1;14: PORT OF tar - Bee Marine Buaeffn en /wade Page. PA:4:40:451011-1A Stemma Brunette, Howe. 24 hours from New York. with mdse to John F OhL Steamer Decatur Webb. IS hours from Baltimore, with utd.e to A Grove!. Ir. EMES':EZMMOMZiII BihrD 13StE 2digpi from Port mouth, Va. tilt), lumber to Henry Cro>key. iehr M li M shoney. Andergon. 7 days from Lank,'.3CO're with tionc to captain. Schr Robin Hood, Adams, Myetir. hchr Sarah PrieecTotongend, Boston. Schr Nightingale; Bolan, New Bedford. do L S lowering. Carson. New York. Schr A Hugel, Adam,. New York. Sebr A bhepoard. Betrditcb. Providence. tichr Lucy (Mardi, Adams. Nantucket. Bark Posetdon.Krindeen, Cork for orders., L Westentaard A Ca. Rehr ebecc• Florence. Ruth. Bath. J Rommel, Jr.& Bro Rehr Robin Rood. Adams B Norwalk. do Rehr Ladv Emma. Bnedeeor. New Haven. do Rehr 8 McDevitt. McDevitt. do do Rehr Goy Burton. Lndlam. Boston. d* Behr Chat lie dr, Willie. Monona. Chelsea, do a• s W. I: • etom •. • . E. Etin. AY 5. The following vessels passed in n ye WES sterday aft Mer noon: Brien Chas Fleury. from Liverpool, and schr Perseve tenee, from Pernambuco. both for Philadelphia. Ship Pla. from New York: barks Volant and Clara (reported by Roston steamer) also passed in yesterday. A shiP. • bark and bile are now passing in. Yottre. JOSEPH LAFETBA MEMOS A. ND A.. ship ltfarirn Greenleaf. Batee. cleared at New Orleaue lit loot for Liverpool. with 37;r7 b.lea cotton. Steamer Whirlwind. Sherman, hence at Providence 4th inetant. Steamer Guilty, Nickerson. sailed from Providence 4th int t for this poly. 13rean,er Faults'. Freeman. hence at N York yesterday. Steamer Hecht (Br). GM, from Liverpool via Boston. at No. , York yesterday. Steamers Ono Bramwell. Vail!, and Vicksburg, Burton, cleared at New Chleans let Met. for New York. Steamer City of Limerick (Br). Phillips, for Antwerp. loafed at New York Yesterday. Bark Louise (NG), Wiclte BO days from Iquique, with ,iltrotre. at New York yesterday. Burt New Orleans (Rue). Barman. from Padang Jan 11. New York y(-terdaY, with coffee, &c Brig Ortolan. Leman, wail loading at Havana XI ult. for this port. [trig Guiding Star. Feeney, hence at Key Went 24th ult. Schr .Insetihine. Phioney, henca at Providence 4th inst. HMI' Wm M Wilson, Brown. hence at Newport 4th inst. Srhr Ripple. Warwick, sailed from Norwich lid instant for thlr port. Baas lieniy Hobart. Manson, and S C Evans, Ham •,)ond, hence at Fall River 4th that. Soh!' Win B Mann, Roger, sailed from Fall River 4th i for Now York. _ &. hr. A 8 Simpson. Chnrn, smiled from Fall River 4th net for Newport to load ihdl for this port. Srbr Wm Coßyer, Taylor, tailed from Dighton let imt. I or this port. Sara Lottie Beard. Berry. and Farah, Cobb, hence at .`'etv Bedford 4th filet . . Schr Triumph. SR' In. Balled from New Bedford 4th last. I or thls port Schrs J Maxfield, May; L Mauls. Butler, and Ella (melt. Bowes. cleared at Boston Ith in.t for this port. Schr Emily Curtis (new, of Boston. 28965.1(3 tone), Has hell. cleared at Boston yesterday for this port. lADRINGTON, DE VOCHE & CO., 1232 CHESTNUT STREET, Wholesale and Retail Dealers I nee, Nottingham and Muslin Cur tains, Cornices, nand% !Coops, Cen tres, 4%, Furniture Coverings, Terry, Reps, Brocatelles, Da masl►s.dtc., Piano and Table overs, Window Shades, Paper Hangings, Acc WHITE HOLLAND SHADES, Trimmed and put up u low as 81 50 each. Leoe Curtains from Auction, vesy °heap Otir stork is now, our •prioee' aro Isw. and o'ntire sane. ,totion 1s gouranteed in ovary inetanoo. CARRINGTON, DE ZOUCHE & co 4 Ow. Thift•enth and Chaotnnt . Phila. inlllB the fa 89cr0 DIVE —76 I U - ASKBRfOETvitiSfu (1111tOLINA. FOR EA , pule by COUIIitAN. CO. No. 33 North Mont etre. et. I N:1 4 A Erlytit 11.000 , 11AARgt,y,. Rol blil4. Pitch, 100 bbbi."13 . 1.0114e 0.1 tb riont et Zli t e t :!).)! IN, 111188 r.r..,14- co.. FOURTH EDITION. LATER FROM WASHINGTON VtsiroßS TO THE wiirry, HOUSE Dit. MARY W4LKER A CALLER . Movements of the European Squadron LATER ObBLE QUOTATIONS WASHINGTON, May —The number of visitors ft. the White Mons° this morning was larger than usual, nearly all of whom had an opportunity of seeing the President. Mr. Ashley, lately confirmed as Governor of Montana, was among the visitors, and took leave of the President previous to his departure for Montana. Dr. Mary E. Walker was also present at the general reception. She was attired in her "dress reform" costume. Movements or the European Squad- ropt., WASIME9TON ' May 6,,-- : The •blavy Department has despatchesfrom Rear Admiral William Rad ford, commanding the European equadron,dated Cadiz, Apti 17, at which port be had just arrived in the Franklin,from Lisbon. While the Franklin was at Lisbon she was visited by the King of Portugal and the Ministers and Representatives of the various governments resident at that place. The Richmond arrived at Cartagena, Bpain, March 24, and left about the 29th for Athens. The Kenosha sailed from Lis bon on the 4th of April for Cadiz, Malaga, Carta gena and Barcelona. Lonams, May 6, Evening.—Console for money 98X, and for account, 93;1. Five- twenties, 79%. Railways steady. Erie, 19. Illinois Central, 97%. Atlantic and Great Western, 24%. RAN FOItT, May 6, Evening.-5-20s, 86%@ 86%. Livimeoor.. May 6, Evening.—Cotton easier; Uplands, 11%d ; (Means. 12d. Sales to-day, 10,000 bales. Flue Rosin, 15a. Turpentine, 295. Lonocov, May 6ih, Eve nrev.—Sagar firmer; on the spot, .88s lid., nod rilonr. 28s. 9d. The specie in the Rink of England bas de creased £400,000 since the last report. The rate of discount has been advanced per cent., and to now 4% per cent. MAIMID, May 6.—ln the Constituent Codes, yesterday, the article of the N atonal Constitu tion guaranteeing liberty ot worahip,was adopted by a vote of 164 to -10. Serrano, the Prime Minister. strongly urged the postponement of the contemplated minis teri3l changes until the form of government had been definitely fettled upon, which, after an interchange of ideas, was agreed to. Coxcono, May 6.—Tallant (fe.l,Btevens's grocery store in East Concord was destroyed by lire last night. Loss, 63,000 ; insurance, $3,800, in the People's Company, of Brooklyn. John Putney's store was also burned, but the stock was saved. Mr. Stevens's home was badly damaged. The fire was the work of an incen diary. NEW YORK MONEY MARKET THE MARKET MORE AO rivr, The Government Bale of Gold IN EXCITEMENT IN THE GOLD lIIREET Heavy Advance in R. R. Stooks 3533331 8. • 13: • h , , Nxw YORE, May 6.—The money market is fairly active, 7 ner cent. being the ruling rate on all classes of coilaterals. In the new and strong position of the banks, from the continued receipt of currency from the interior, the attempt to make money strong by artificial means appears futile. Unusual speculation in stocks,this morn ing, has operated to make money more active than would have been the case under ordinary , circumstances. Prime discounts range from 7' to 9 per cent. ." The Secretary of the Treasury to-day cotn menu(' the eale of the second million of gold. It occasioned less excitement than the last sale. Fifteen bide were receind, amounting to $7,- 030,000, ranging from 135;,1 to 136 22-100. Awards were made to Henry Clews & Co., for $250,000 at 13618=100; $250,000, 136 20-100; $250,- 000, 136 22-100. Adams, Kimball & Moore, $250,- 000 at 180 17.100. These rates are a fraction lower than the market price at the time of the award. Gold opened at 136, and bee since advanced to 13631 on moderately active transactions. The strength in the pre nAtim is attributed to the advance of 4 per cent., to 44, in the rate of discount of the Bank of England, producing a decline in government bonds from 30).i. to 794 cash. Gold is abundant; 8 1-32, 7M, 7 and 9 per cent. are paid to have balances carried. F.oreign exchange continues fi t rang at 10*, for prime bankers' sixty day 01 Ils. Governments are dull and devoid of interest. Speculators manifest little disposition to pur chase at present prices, owing to the decline in Loudon. The general market is about 56(§31 lower than best prices yesterday. The only de mand noticed .is a small one from investors. Slate bonds arc moderately dealt in, without im portant change. The upward speculation in Railroad shares was renewed to-day with great vigor, with the "bulls" In the ascendancy. The market opened weak at a slight decline . -from the closing quotations of last night., but tas the day advanced, rumors were current on the street that the bill legalizing the 80 per cent. scrip dividend on Central would sun ly pass to-day. The prices of Central ad vat.ced rapidly from 17034 to 17834. The entire market sympathized. Pacific Mail advanced 1.4'; Cleveland and Pittsburgh, h; Harlem, 14,f; Readincr. 13s; Lake Shore, 1%; Michigan South ern, l%; Wabash, X; North Western Common and Preferred, 1; Rock Island and Fort Wayne, St. Paul, fli; and Hudson, 534. The miseel- Iseeons shares arc firm, without marked fluctua tions. Express shares are dull, with little move ment. NEW Your:, May 6.—Wall street is excited to day. Money is active at 7 per cent. Exchange strong. Gold active and excited. The Assistant Treasnrer opened proposals, snd $1,000,000 of government gold were taken at 136 17-100®136 22-100. Bonds opened lower. but recovered, and closed strong. The Stock Exchange was the scene of the wildest excitement. Important Annonnoement. NEW CARRIAGES! At 712 hansom Street, Philadelphia, MeLEAR KENDALL Will keep a splendid assortment of good, etrong and well. finished VARRIAGES always on hand, to which they invite the attention' of all desiring to purchase. a11 0 a:7 44 1324180D1 etreetbefore purchasing elsewhere. ZEl,llits POPULAR , Etrd.o g . ~► 2 Elr) 9 a Bittionart ef-ileiverOal Etlowiedrs - "'' T. ELLWOOD ZELL. .IPuillisher, 17 and 1.0 Sixth Street. Let w B SyorP fIANTOt4 .. , PRESEIRtED' GINGE-PRIIERVED k ) Ginger. in syrup et the celebrated tihyloona brand; a iki, Dry Priquirved• rtincer. in boxes. implrtod and' for Halt' 13 ', PUOPP:aI, gq.. $1 , 1111) Dellovitve 3:00 CVOloak. *V:. , _% 7 PX iE.G X4r, I 4,4i';:.- : _'. From Washington. By the Atlantic Cable. Fires in Last Concord. N. U. Worresoontenee of the Associated Pram) FIFTH L::,•:EDITION .n. :BY'I*BLEeRAPH. LAiEgt FROM WASHINGTON Third flssietant Posemaster-Ganeral GOD, itatklaudDeelines the Appointment Adoption of the Texas Constitution No Doubt of Its Final Buenas Rumor Lauding of Americo; Cuba TtLe Spanish Minister Discredits It The Coming Washington Election Decline. an Appointment. [Special Despatch to the Philadelphia Dvening Bulletin.] WASHINGTON, May 6.—Preeident Grant again tendered to Gen. Markland, yesterday, the posi tion of Third Assistant Postmaster-General, but the latter, finding that certain Senators were prerring other names upon the President for tkto appointment, and that it might in some degree came embarrassment by accepting it, thanked Gen. Grant for the compliment, but declined to accept it. Having been appointed in the'first in stance by the President 'without solicitation, Mr. Marhland did not desire to make any fight for the place now, and hence felt it his duty to decline the appointment. Gov. Morton, who was with the President this morning, had assurances from him that General Terrill, from Indiana, would be appointed to this position to-day. The Texas Conetitution. Dernatch to the Phila. Evening Bn&tin.] WASHING" ON. May 6.—Advicea from Texas say that the new Constitution,when submitted to the people, in sure to be adopted by a large majority. The only opposition manifested comes from Ulm Republicans who are in favor of a division of the State into three States, which will be &Plated if the Constitution is adopted and represcraitives admitted into Congress. The Spanish Nide of the question . Ispeetal Ueepateli to the Phila. Evening Bulletin.] WASHINGTON, May 6.—The reported landing of a large number of Americans with arms on the Island of Cuba Is discredited at the headquarters of the Spanish mission. Mr. Roberts, the Spanish Minister, expresses the utmost confidence in the ability of the Spanish authorities to suppress the insurrection, and says that the Insurgents, all told, have not more than twelve thousand men under arms. The Washington glasnost. liinetial Despatch to the Phlla. Evening Bulletin.) WASHENOTON, May 6,—lt is likely there will be two or three Republican tickets in the field here at the coming municipal election, one composed entirely of whites, the second of whites and blacks mixed, and the third composed entirely of blacks. lr ears are entertained that in this tri angular Republican fight the city will pass into the hands of the Democrats. VaHera at the White Howie. Moeda' Despatch to the /tiled& Duping Dialed/a.) WASHINGTON, May th—The doors of the White Rouse were thrown open at an early hour, and everybody who desired it obtained audience with the President. About two hundred visitors called. • New York Rotas. (Special Despatch to the Phila. Evening BitUnitas] NEw YORK, May 6.—Reports of the mailing of another Cuban expedition are current to-day. The Chamber of Commerce held their annum► meeting to-day, and re-elected the old officers. From Washington. WABNIEGTO2I, May 6.—The following appoint ments were made by the President, to-day: R. C. Kirk to be Minister Resident at the Republic of Uruguay; James W. Purviance to be United States Attorney Western District of Ten nesse; Jobn H. McNeely, Assessor Internal Revenue First District of Indiana. Custom receipts from April 26 to April 30, in clusive : New York... Philadelphia Baltimore... /Ilan Fronsibco trom April Ito April 10 191,854 Wm. H. Clemenee has been appointed a detec tive,ln the Internal Revenue service,and assigned to duty with the new Supervisor of the North and South Carollna districts. Wm. Casey, of Galena, 111.,wh0 was nominated and confirmed as Assessor of Internal Revenue for Utah Territory, has written to the Depart ment. declining the appointment. Fifty-one Assistant Assessors of Internal Reve nue were appointed yesterday, the majority be ing. for Pennsylvania districts. i) NJ ILlrAk_llll RIAT.E SPECIAiIrY LN REAL LACE AND NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS. Will offer our varied stook PERFECTLY NEW AND FRESH. An inspection will demonstrate how mach their value exceeds their price. REAL LACES, FROM $6 PER PAIR UPWARDS. Nottingham Laces, FROM V 150 PER PAIR UPWARDS. Together with the GREATEST NOVELTY. FRENCH LACE DROP CURTAINS AND LACE SHADES. 1., :E. WALRA vE N, 'No. 719 CHESTNUT STREET. 6TON. , -100 PALES COTTON FOR SALE BY • 6T CCtUBILAN. CO.. No, 2 North Front ..INDGNOU PRUNER: 60 .CASES, IN TIN. canniab.rn and fancybozna. Importnd and tnr nal°. by Okl, N. DUB9II I .rA LPL. /OS Scut b Delaware avenue.; , AND FOR HALE Int v.B J. It BLA9BIER'4. I CO., 10E Routh Delaware avenue. 4:00. O'Clock. e 334,135 1,758,679 138,412 187,710 4320560,79 U • arirgeorioucte 60 0, 000 • - - SEVER PER OE NT. GOLD BONDS Thirty Bun The Lake 'Superior end Miedasigo, River Railroad toilipenY' L' They are a First ifertgage linking Pond Boit Free of Vrnited Beater Tax, 7 ~.A. so ONO MILLION SIX UNDID AND THIRTY TWO IiffMIRANIS ACRIS OF CHOICE LINN, And by the Railroad, the Rollhig Stock'and the' chises of the Company, ' " f A Double Ilecurltv and First Claim kerestmerri In every respect, yielding In Currency !wily Ten Per Cent. Per Annun4.t . '""•` Gold, Government Ronde and other Stock's rdeatrei, Payment at their highest market price. , Pamphlets and full Information given on applisitif to: JAY COORE & CO No. 114 South Third Street. E. W. CLARK & 00., No. 85 South Third street Anal duenta of the Lake Superior and Itteeteatio • inhio wry . Ricer .acifhvgul Cemvanit, PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.' CO. TREMBEEPS DEPHITNINT. Pnicsann.etriss. Piano». Apri2, 1888.. To the Stockholders of be Pemmylvtuiln Railroad Company. AB Stockbolders, as registered on the Books of Ms Company on the 20th day of April. MS, will be entitled to subscribe for 25 Per Cent, of their respective interests • in New Stock at Par, OS fOUOIV13: Lefref—Fifty per cent. at the time of eabseription. be tween the 16th day of May, 1669, and the 20tti day of June, lOW. Second -Fifty per cent. between the 15th day of Novara. her, 1869, and the Shit day of December. 1869; or, if Ettoek.! holders should prefer, the whole amount may be paid' up at the time of subscription, and each instalment so paid shall be entitled to a pro rata of the Dividend that may be declared on full shires. Third—That every Stockholder holding less than fonr shares Phan be entitled to subscribe for one share; and those holding more than a multiple of four shares shall be entitled to subscribe for an additional share. Fourth—All aharea upon which inataimenta are yet to he paid under Pesolntion of May 16,1868, will be entitled to their allotment of the 25 Per Cent. at Pare al though they were paid in THOMAS W. FIRTH, Treasurer. apt- mrp DREXEL, & CO., 34 SOUTH THIRD STREET, AMERICAN AND FOREIGN BANKERS issue Drafts and Letters of Medl!. available throughout, Europe. Drexel, Winthrop It Ce. l loreseli Maria' & NEW YORE. I PAM. • tri tf 15n • Ak'stk- -•". 44 4/ BANKERS.V No.3srSouTH IHIRCI,bTREET.I PHILADELPHIA. DE4ESS, ' * '' + aOYERNMENTSY.CURITM, STOCK, COLD AND NOTE BROKERS._ Ammer." of flanks, arms, and Individuals received, wire! Po cheek at eight. INTEREST ALLOWED ON BALANCES; EN ERAL kENTS, FOR 4 SI PENNSYLVANIA 04 / ". AND StA, . 17 IZal NEW ' k OF THE - 7 7) C-1 P o rr- NSIIO I/ • . ifAll °l° OF T/£ "14 CE 0 P • UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The NATIONAL LIVE INSURANCE' COMPANY is a corporation chartered by special Act of Congress, alio proved July 23, 1868, with a CASH CAPITAL, 0,000,000, PIIILPAID. Liberal terms offered to Agents and SelicitorS, are invited to apply at our mime. Full particulars to be had an application at o 9 ed:ice. Ffed lu the second story of our Banking House, re Circulars and Pamphlets, fully deseribinglbP vantages otibred by the Company, may be had. , E. W. CLARK at CO.. IVO., SS &Nth Third SL onitiwa AND GUNMAN& THE PUBLIC Is invited to examine OUR IMMENSE STOOK OF China, Glass and Stoneware, and compare the prices and qualities with those of any other home in the city. TYNDALE & MITCHELL 707 CHESTNUT STREET. whit. m w Ilmra 4 Z L j"./ Yourio ghttO Oa, WEIR A t3TOCK OR DRY. GOODS ADAPTF,T) Tol , l'llol, DAN Y WANTS OF FAMILIVIL. FULL STOOK U.F.FREtsOEI ,OOODS. FULL STOt.a.OF BRITISH 00003. . I , ULI, STOCK. oF ANEMIAS aeons. SHAWLS, •WHOLEt4A LE AND tiNTASb. SLAVS SUIF.I3 OF TiI*BEST, ORADpI 4 1 s; )I'4-- 1 5{
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers