VITT BULLETIN* SUDDEN DEATH tie , in,. U. S. .1/tAWlllett.. en. ;John Ely, U. 8. Marettsl for the is-stern DIRAC , of Pennsylvania, died suddenly last night a hi residence o'c lock 727 Pine street He returned nom , about 11 , and was taken ill when passing up stairs. Be was taken into his room, and diem In a few minutes. It is supposed that ho rap tured a blood vessel by over-exertion in playing With his niece while going up stairs. Gomm! Ely was a native of Backe county and was 55 years of ago. Ho entered the service of the United States, September 2, 1861, as Major of the, Twenty-third Rement.Bney'a Zottaves). On July 2 0. 1862, he wa( lr s made Lieutenant-Colonel, and December 13, 1862 Colonel of the same regiment. Ho served with great credit in the various battles In which his regiment participated, and at Fair Oaks, May 81, 1862, be was severely wounded, losing a leg. In additkin to his services In the field, be acted for some time as Provost Marshal eGeneral en of New Jerse charge and est Vir reeginia. Sub sequtly he took of W the Fdmen's Bu reau In Kentucky, and until quite recently re mained in that State as Superintendent of the Freedmen's Affairs. For gallant and meritorious services be was brevetted Brigadier-General, and afterward Major-General. He was appointed Un ited States Marshal by President Grant on account of his strict Integrity and Ids honorable military record, and entered upon his duties about ten days ago. The de• ceased was held in the highest esteem by a large circle of friends, all of whom will hear of his sudden demise with the deepest regret. APPOINTMENTS IN TUN ()yawn Housa.—Col lector Moore has made the following additional appointments, which have been approved by the Department at Washington: William Wallace, Ganger. B. A. Howell Gauger. Daniel W. Ansainger, Messenger at Custom House. Wm. T. Pierce, Headman. Wm. H. Campbell, Beameman. David Ball, Beameman. Jos. H. Russell, Beameman. J. G. Milton, Beameman. J. A. Hutton, Beameman. Thos. C. Bpackman, Night Watchman. Thos. S. Fauset (colored), Porter at Custom House. The latter appointment is an evidence of the recognition by our Collector of the fifteenth amendment to the Constitution. Fauset served in the army for three years, and his appointment was due to the large body of colored soldiers who assisted in crushing the rebellion. This completes the appointments of the Col lectof, and all the drones who have for years been fattening at the public crib have now been turned adrift. Naval Odicer General 13 - ixter has appointed Mr. George P. Kern a clerk in the Naval Office, vice J. Mortis Welsh removed, and the same has been approvgd by the Secretary of the Treasury. THE Ncurruitax Roars FOR FRIIIN muse Cam DRF2L-It was truly gratifying to the managers, officers, and all others concerned in the Northern Home for Friendless Children and the Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphan Home, that the late anniver sary passed off so successfully, and was appre ciated by an intelligent community, and compli mented generally by the press of the city. We are requested to correct an impression which was made by a statement in one of the papers, that scarcely one of the Soldiers' Orphans in these. two Homes Is over ten years of age. This is a pdatalte. There are at least twenty-five boys and girls of twelve and thirteen, besides one or phan girl who is now sixteen, and will soon leave the institution. She was very conspicuous as ''Goddess of Liberty," fiat. All the dialogues were performed only by pupils of the Institution, and the various clothing worn was not, as some supposed, borrowed for the occasion, bat was made in the Institution for the occasion. The two companies who went through the military drill on the stage all belong to the Northern Herne and Soldiers'Orphans'Elome,and were commanded by two lads of these institu tions. Any precision .or military skill which they exhibited is-entirely owing to the untiring ef forts of Dr. A. Harshberger. physician of soldiers' orphans, who has charge of the military drill in both Homes. The indefatigable efforts of the lady managers to make this a first-class institution in every re spect have been successful, and we hope before many years to see the Northern Home endowed, and set on such a substantial footing as to pre clude.the unpleasant task of yearly solicitations tor its support. Tan Pouco.—The removal of the Republican policemen still continues. This morning 25 re ceived their notices of dismissal. The following appointments were made this morning: First Distriet—Richard bandy. Second District—Charles Mcßride, William Nugent. Third District—John. McLaughlin, John Fee ney, Pat. Ring. Fourth District—John Prenderville, Martin McLaughlin. Sixth District—Chas. O'Brien. Seventh District—Jacob Klar, Irvine Crox, Jos. KruElpev. p enth District—Joseph Laybold, Wm. H. Jones, John Trexler. Sixteenth District—James Gorman, Joseph Urian, Michael Donovan, Geo. Matzinger, Wm. Force, James Thomas. Seventeenth District—Jacob Sheller, James Nicholson, John Degan, Daniel McCarthy. MILITARY.-Ii is rumored that four brigades of militia will be formed in this ell , . Tue First Brigade will consist of the National Guards. First City Troop, Washington Grays and 14ley stone Battery. The Second Brigade will corn prise the Fritz Zen/111'Pu and Gray Reserves. Tao Third Brigade will be composed of Baxter's Fire Zonaves, Philadelphia City Guard, and Brady's Battery. The Fourth Brigade will include Col. W. B. Thomas's Regiment, Veteran 69th Regi ment and all of the new organizations now in process of formation. NEW Run PEW Ecr.—Steps arc about being inaugurated for the building of a new church edifice by the Old school Presbyterian Church in the neighborhood of Twelfth and Thirteenth streets and Montgomery avenue, there being no religious organization of this kind in that sec tion of the city. [VV. Robert A. Brown, late of Columbia, Pa., has been named as the pastor. Mr. Brown has filled several prominent pulpits in different sections of the country. THE TEMPERAN a. BLESSING.—A meeting under the auspices of the Temperance Blessing, Charles Heritage. chairman, was held last evening at the old Court-house on Chestnut street, below Sixth Addresses were made by Hiram Ward, Esq., Thomas M. Coleman, and others. A number of signatures were obtained to the total abstinence pledge. This has been 'Jue of the most success. ful temperance organizations since the old Wash ingtonian movement. ALMOST A SERIOUEI ACCIDENT. - Yesterday Goodlender & Co., 808 Arch street, were loading packing boxes by sliding them from a second story window. The driver neglecting to remove the sliding plane before starting his horse,it cam, down upon the heads of two ladies and a child, ho were passing at the moment. Fortunately they received no injury beyond some rather pain ful bruises. The careless driver was promptly discharged. PARS NTED FROM WALK INU OVERBOARD.— Ellen McLaughlin was about to walk into the Delaware, at Dock street wharf, last night, when the we warned of her danger by Officer Denard, of the harbor Police. Hiram Clark was similarly warned by Harbor l'ollet men Wcstcott when about to step off of Lhestnnt street wharf. ileum! Itonlikuis.s.—The dwelling of George Fox. No. 424 Norris street, in the Nineteenth v. aid. was. entered on Monday night by prying a rear window, and was robbed of $47. The house of George Link, on seventh street, below Oxford, Nan entered on M.onday night and was robbed of an cvereoat and a pair of gaiters. --- MAD Doos.—Policeman Burgin, of the Eizh teenth Dlstrtct, allot a mid dog on Tilton titre - near Ouratiniamtl; - Trite - Idi4 T tornoon. This morning Policeman McDonough killed a mad dog at Fifth and Gaßkill streets. MI OwNErt WANTED. —A. very handeancie Sleeve button, marked "E. M. 8.," was found on the etepl Of the Academy of Muelc, on Monday night, and , awalts an owner at the Fifth District Pollee Station. Tir.r.TAPPrtfo.—Jamee Wood and Wm. Carter. both colored, were arrested for tapping a till on sixth etreet below Lombard. 'they got *II). They were committed by Ald. Carpenter. BOOIRTY FOR PROMOTING &O nteuvrttan..--The monthly meeting of this So- Orly was held this morning at the rooms of the Society, at the southwest corner of Ninth and Walnut streets, Craig Biddle, Esq., President, in the chair. Mr. Bethel K. Custer. of Delaware county, was elected almember of the Society. Mr.. H. Ingersoll reported adversely to the proposition made by the Lehigh Agricultural Society, to make an appropriation for the im portation of insectiverous birds to protect fruit trees from the ravages of birds. The question of having a sale of fine stock under the auspices of the Society was post poned until the next meeting. adjourned. RAID ON ILLICIT WIIIBKT STILLS.—Late On Monday afternoon Deputy U. S. Marshal Wm.,13. Duke, with a revenue officer, paid a visit to the district of Richmond to look after some Illicit molasses whisky distilleries in that neighbor hood. They discovered one in the rear of 1616 Salmon street, also ono in William street near Edgemont, both establishments being in fail operation. The apparatus and everything con nected with the distilleries were destroyed by the U. S. officials. No arrests Were made. RETiIIEMENT OF A Goon brFICIOI.—In the re organization of the Assessor's office, in the Se cond District, under the new Assessor, Mr. J. 11- Alexander, the Assistant Assessor for the Third District, retires. This officer has occupied his position for the past year, with faithfulness and satisfaction to his superior, and we trust that his successor will be equally successful in winning the esteem both of the public and of the Depart ment to which he belongs. DEATH OF WELL KNOWN CITIZEN.—John De stonet, Esq., a well known citizen of Philadel phia, residing at 1309 Walnut street, fell dead this morning; at about .11 o'clock, in uhestnut street, above Ninth. His death is attilbuted to a sudden affection of the heart. Mr. Destouet was a partner of of the former well known French importing house of Destouet Brothers. LARCENY OF ROBR —Mary Price and Rose Cogley were arrested - last night, at Sixth and South streets. They had in their possession a lot of garden hose, of which they could give no ac count. They were committed for a further hear ing by Alderman Beishow. The hose is at the Fifth District Police Station. A GENUINE CURIOSIM—In one of the windows of the Wilcox je Gibbs' Sewing Machine Depot, No. 720 Chestnut street, there is upon exhibition a miniature locomotive and tender made of silver and gold, by Mr. J. Dean Benton,of Wilmington. Del. This costly and beautiful toy contains 218 ounces of silver, 70 onnops of gold, 2,300 gold rivets and 900 silver rivets. It contains iu all 9,300 distinct pieces of metal. The engine is complete in every respect, down to the smallest valve and rod. It can be run by steam as readily as a large locomotive,but at present it is mounted upon an immense musical box, which furnishes the motive power and sweet music at the same time. This superb work of. mechanical art was constructed for Matthew Baird. Esq. a ANNIVERSARIES. WO call the attention of all lovers of Sabbath v -&- school singing to the an nouncement in another column. The members of the Green Hill Presbyterian SabbAth School during the past week held two distinct anniver saries. One ' of its Youth's Missionary Society,on Friday evening last; the other, of its Sabbath School, on Sabbath afternoon. On both of these occasions the church was decorated in a truly magnificent style. The singing fully sustained the. reputation which this.. school has By par ticular request, they propose to combine the mu sical pot tions of these two programmes,and give, on Friday evening next, a musical entertainment. They will be assisted on this occasion by a part of the Germania Orchestra. LET NO LADY who is interested in the matter of Boys' Clothing forget that this is "Ladies' Day" at Mr. Wanamaker's now establishment, and that an entirely new stock of Spring and Summer Sults, for Boys and Children, made up In the most fashionable and' novel styles, elegantly trimmed and tastefully worked, is to be opened to public inspection. All our ladies ought to see this assortment of goods before a single article is taken from it, and hence, while they are always welcome, and will always receive the politest attention, they are particularly Invited to -day. SALE OF all. rAINTINU.i.—A sale of paintings will commence this evening at 3i before 8 o'clock, at Scott's Art Gallery, 1020 Chestnut street. The collection, amounting to about 200 paintings, is well worthy of a special visit. We have noticed works by artists well known to us, whose very names are enough to insure that they must he good. We would specially speak of landscapes by E. D. Lewis and W. Sheridan Young; marines by Thomas Birch, Bonfield, Hamilton, and others, In fact, the whole collection is so well arranged that it will strike an artistic eye In a moment. CITY NOTICES. PercusyLvANIANIB cannot too often be reminded that in the matter of Life Insurance they owe a duty to their own State, and should not ha Dendiug tbecr money away Into other States while all the adventszee .4 Life Insurance can he secured just as well in their 0%911 FlOlllO Company, THE A_DI&LIOA S LID E I N.SULANOI. ('CNI'IAI OD POILADELPIDIA. COLGATH tt. Co.'S Toti.Er 80APH. The article produced by this Company we know t; he Or the very beet quality. It is a pleasant and efrec I eel purifier of the flesh.—Aorthern Chriefian Adv. cats. INSECT POWDER How TO TELL TEE GENUINE ARTIOLII.—Prof. E. Lytn, while traveling in Asia, discovered a flower. which, when powdered, is sure death to every kind of Insect, from n Cockroach to a Fly. He protected his discovery by letters-patent, government medals, &c., pat his signature upon every flask of the article and named It Lyon's MAONETIt) INSECT POWDER. He im parted his secret to no ote but his successor. Purchasers of Insect Powder—and it is used in al most every house—must see to it that they are not de ceived by worthless imitations and counterfeits. The ,ignatu. - t of E. Imon is the purchaser's guarantee Look sharp for it, and buy no Insect Powder that does not bear it. It may be had of Druggists and Family Stores, at 25 cents per flask. Depot, 21 Park Ito tv,N.Y SOMETHING NEM , . We invite tLo public to call and ex.amhae our new EMIMOLDEREIS, one of the most ingenious yet simple and uaehll device ever attached to a sewing machine. The "Singer" I, the only machine having this attachment. TUE SINGER MANUYAMITUING 1106 Chestnut street. A TEETH-PRESERV ING TREE. This name is fairly tine to the Soap Tree of the Chilian Cordilleras, the hark of which confers on the world-renowned Sozonoter its purifying qualities ,t 4 ozonozyr hi the only dentritice in wh i ch this rants and invaluable vegetable antiseptic has ever been incor porated. HOT-HOUSE GRAPIO3, FRRBII JORDAN ALMONDS caramels, and other delicactea, at A. L. Vanaant'a manufacturer of French and American Confectionery Ninth and CheatnuL PERFROTION ATTAINILD. . The S'nger new Family Sewing Machine. For Bah upon e,oy terms at the Principal Office, llua ehaatnut street. THERE'S No MISTAKE ABOUT IT.—lt IS a pleaq me to deal with tt man 111L0 Etoutm, the artistic Bootmaker, at No. 504 North Eighth street, tamve Buttonwood. Ills aim is togive entire mats met ion to his patrons, and we scarcely need say he an inplishes it, lie gets up some of the very best work 01 the city, and his mines challenge emnpotitiun. Try him once and you become a permanent customer. WASHBURN goes to France more to Rueeit blorLity goes to England EVERYBODY goo to CHARLES STOREWS, No. 823 Cheat not street, for really Fewhionable Clothing. The best Cattere In the State are there. Ir JIAS $0 EqUAI. von FAMILY eanyrNo 'rhe Ringer new Family Sewing, Machine. Principa 011 ire, 1106 Cheetnut street. QUIET and soothe the pain of children teethinrr Use Bower's Infant Cordial. Sold by all Druggists NEW tortEss Goons opened - eviry . dn - !; , ;"ta J. IL ENS One-Price Dry Goods and Notion Douse, No. 23 North Eighth street. CORNS, Bunions ' Inverted Nails, skillfully treated by Dr. J. Davidson No. 91.5 Chestnut street Charges moderate. Fon your Spring Hat go to Omcvorto's TAILORS, I:shoe-Micro, harness-makers, seamstresses, corset makers. and all manufacturers say the "Singor" is the beet. Prlucipal Quite , 1106 Cheatuut titreot. FOR your Boring Hut go to OAKvoun'a. THE DAILY EVENING BUILETI.N-PHILADELPHIA WtD,PIESDAY, MAY 5, 1869. 11 , , , 0911tRY I HOBIIIRT 1-A. large seaortmont for filial-es, Ladies and Children—all numbers--of the best iron frame. Gents' half hose, 20, 26, ill and 33 acute. Beet superfine, stout, full, regular made, only 28 cents, at BeirrnoLousw's. THE WORLD'S VRRDIRT, As evidenced by tbo bake; of the root yoar,bs In favor of tho •`Binger." Principal Office, 1106 Chestnut et. Mum PROOF CHESTS, At Rumor; & Co.'s Refrigerator Warehouse, 222 Dock street. SCHOOLEY'B PRIIFCT Ventilating Refrigerators, AT Fansox & Co.'s Old Stand, 222 Dock street. To COMPLETE your Spring Suit, buy one o those beautiful Hats sold so low, at OAKFORD'S, Under the Contluental. 500 WATER COOLERS. Assortment. PARSON & Co.'s Refrigoratcyr Store, 222 Dock streeL SUnatcet INBTROURNTS and druggists ' BUZl drlea. SNOWDEN Ito BItOTILIVB, SG South eighth street. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH. J. Isaacs M. D., Professor of the Eye and Bar treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the city can be seen at this office, No. 806 Arch street. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients,as he has no secrets In his practice. Artificial eyes inserted. No charge made for examination. aii;OTHENflire THE RAIN MADE If NECESSARY TO CHARGE THE LADIES' DAY FROM LAST SATURDAY TO TO-DAB ) , FOR THE FIRST DISPLAY OF OUR Complete Stock YOUTHS', HOLY AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING: THE LADIB3 OF PHILADELPHIA AND VICIVTY ARE INVITED 4 AT ALL TIMES TO VISIT OUR NEW ESTABLISHMENT Nos 818 and 820 Chestnut Street. BUT FOR BEST SELECTIONS, NOTICE WILL BE GIVEN OF THE OPBNINUS OF NEW GOODS. NOTE.—This Department is on the First Floor to the rear of the Dome. Sa , eswomen as well as Salesmen are in attendance, and every polite attention will be given to Lady customers. JOHN WANAMAK ER, CLOTHIER. JONES' OTCE -Pala cv. CLOTHING HOUSE, CS 04- MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA; First Class Ready-Made Clothing, suit able for all Seasons, constantly on hand. Also, a Handsome Line of Piece Goods for Custom Work. GEO. W. NIEMANN, Proprietor. lIIILLINEfiIir GOODS. OPEN TO-DAY A NEW INVOICE OF Ladies' Hats and Bonnets, Trimmed and Untrimmed. 13onnet Frames, French Flowers, Ribb,ns and Laces, Wholeeee end Retail. TKOS. KENNEDY & BRO., No. 729 Chestnut St. THOMPSON REYNOLDS. Importer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Straw and Millinery Goods FRENCH FLOWERS, FEATHERS, dto., &o. N. W. corner Eighth and Vine Streets, R. V. 9. REATII. 1111LADELPLELA. nol4-Durp PWAS NG Br Ake MN El% Sadd lers, liarness.lnitners naumfac. I itrerri of Clothing, flootp, Wl , l find it to their haterert to use our UNRIVALLED MAI HINE TWIST and the "Milford Num Thread," Manufactured expressly for no from the best material and warranted a ruperior article. TEM BINGER flig,sllll /MITRING (Amp tn. Manufacturers and Prortietors HINE of the BINOER SEWING MAC, NO. 11100 CEILS WI U T Street. myt lyro THOS K. (1141 4 :11. Arent. -.ISOAiftDING. 9 1 0 LET—FOR GENTLEMEN'S LOGGING-TWO 1 communicating nononctotary rooms, f urnished or um furnished. Apply et 662 South Ninth et. mvf, 2typs FUEL SALLE* FOR BALE OR RENT A COUR CRY R Pll3l. deuce. 10 acren, comfortablo holm foruldlied if ed good water, plenty . of fruit and ahado. At ylum road, ono mita west of I rankford. Addrees J O. , Frankford Pala office. rovn at. lA!TLEYBROTHERSARE THE LARQES r MAN Y V facturers of Havana Cigard to Plitiodelphin. Of noun() their immense fnellitiee onahlo theta to sell at the lowest poasibla price. Eighth and WaLuut ap23 rptfil DST GOODS. 11. STIEJEAL. It. SON, Nos, 713 and 715 N. Tenth St., WILL OPEN TO.DAY, 8,000 YARDS PLAID WASH SILKS, ALL COLORS. 20 INCHES WIDE, AT $1 12,16. Plaid and Striped Japanese Silks. Plain Japanese Silks. $1 60 to $l. BLACK GRO GRIM SILK/ AT LOW PRICER. Black Oro Grainy. 25 incline wide. at $2. inar qualities at $2 95, $2 N. $2 7G $2. Best make' of Lyons Gro Grains. $2 25 to $9 60. Bargains in White Goods. Large Plaid Swiss Muslin at Mc. Plaid Nainrooks, fine qualities. 25 to 50e. Gents' Linen lidkfs , large Bike. 20, 250. Ladies' Hemstitched Hdkfs , fine quality. 25 to 600. Dress Goods at Old Prices.; A large assortment of every variety of Dress Goods at as low prices as before the war. 100 dozen Real Bid Gloves at 61, Selling elsewhere at $1 95. MAY OPENING. J: M. HAFLEIGH, 012 end 1014 CHESTNUT STREET, HAS NIT OPENED ELEGANT NEW STYLES IN C hone Silks. Stripe Grenadines, Japanese Silks, Grey Poplinettes. Grey Serge'', Organdies and Lawns, Lawn Robes, New Style Striped Piques, Brocade Piques, Percale Robes. Black Silks in every grade ruined. my 4dl w IT Materials for gaits . , In Stripes and Gray Mixtures. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT ON THIS MARKET. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., 727 Chestnut Street. SILKS SILA-CS In Stripes, Cheeks and Shots. IN GREAT VARIETY RICKEY, SHARP & CO., 727 Chestnut Street. 8-4 BLACK HERNANI, TILEAVY RIAU, AT $l5O PER YARD, RICKEY, SHARP & CO., 727 Chestnut Street. JAPANESE SILKS AND POPLINETTES, A FULL ASSORTMENT. RICKEY, SHARP & CO. 727 Chestnut Street. LACE POINTS, In New and Beautiful Designs. RICKEY, SHARP & CO. 727 Chestnut Street. mya MANTILLA, tLfIAKS SHAWLS. We invite Ladles' attention to our exposition of MAN, TI.F.S.cot up with unusual taste and elegance. The prices from dW to dto. Among the styles we enumerate the Paula, El lane. Watteau. Masea.niello. Velocipede. Skeleton 13emque, &o. A choice collection of LLAMA LACS% SHAWLS, for the sea-side, evening. carriage. full dross and for mourning, in all the fabrics adapted to these wants. MARKET ozi NINTH. 41 1:t 4r 4 " .4 41 6 it (.1 t 6 MOUE NING GOODS 3Delaines. 33oznbazines. gramises. riernanies. ChaHies. Parisiennes. And Every other variety for Spring and Summer. PERKINS & CO., tOtrTIFNINTH STREET; - rohs m w arri4l4 J. CHAMBERS , 810 ARCH STREET. , LLAMA LACE POINTE% LLAMA: LACE. PARASOL COVERS. BLACK THREAD LACES,MI widthe,at very low prices. WHITE GOODS. PLAID NAINSOOK, from 25 contd. FRENCH. MUSLIN. 2yards wide. 60 canto. MARSEILLES VOR DithilaEtt, from 25 cants to 61 2 HAMBURG EDGINGS ANG INSERTIONS. NEEDLE WORK EDGINGS AND INSERTIONS choice designs, bought under regular prices, and aro of cred as BARCiAINI3. DIM GOODIRD .PRICE: . :At.W9OI). N. W. corner Eighth and Filbert Ste. BLACK SILKS. SLACK SILKS. Black Groe Grata Bilks, $2.82 25, $2 85, SI 60.53.52 50. Mixed Poplins for suits et 53. 85, 8730.46, up to 80 cent/ per yard. Plaid Mohair', 25 cents per yard. French Lawns, neat styles, 25 cents per yard. Black Alpacas, good qualities 804,15 and 03c. White Goode, White Goods. Plaid and Stripe Nainsooks, Plaid and Stripe Swiss, soft Fini , h Cambria!, Jaconets., Victoria Lawns, Nain soolts, Swiss Moslins and Piques. iland•ome Marseilles Quilt., very cheap. Boncycomb and Jacquard Quilts. Table Linens, Napkins and Towels. Bargains In all•wool and Domet Flannels. Best Make Bleached and Unbleached Muslims. Sheeting and Ptllow•Caae Linens. Ladies' and Gents' Hosiery and Gloves. Ladles' and Gents' Bandkorcbiefs. Gents' Neckties. Shirt Fronts and Suspenders. Ladies' and Gents' Gauze Morino Vesta. IJamburg Edgings and insertugs. PRICE Qs WOOD. N. W. COR. EIGHTH AND FILBERT STS N. B.—Anew lot of Parasols and Sun Umbrellas Jouvbes Kid Gloves. beat quality. Kid Glove'', $1 a pair: myl-s-n -St te, K LINEN STORE, I P S2S _Arch. Sl.treett. AL/30. 1128 CHESTNUT STREET. NEW LINEN DRESSES New and Beautiful PRINTED LINEN CAMBRIOS [teethed by lad Steamer from Europe. GRENADINES, LAWNS, ORGANDIES. JOHN W. THOMAS, Noe. 405 and 407 N. Second Street, It as now in stock a large and handsome assortment of Yew Style GI tnadiner, In stripes and figural. New Style Lawns and Organdiro. 3-4, 4.4 and 8-4 Iron Seth Benumb Together with every variety of now and elegant DRESS GOODS. New and choice Goode are received daily from the New York and Philadelphia Markets. whin gmrp , 4 0,V 1 fett....60 Fourth and Arch. N--- . KEEP A STOCK OF DRY GOODS ADAPTED TO THE DAILY WANTS OP FAMILIES FULL STOCK OF FRENCEI GOODS. FULL STOCK OF BRITISH GOODS. FULL STOCK OF AMERICAN GOODS. SHAWLS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BLACK SILKS OF THE BEST GRADES IMPORTED in cr s ti . 310 D. S. DORMON, 310 310 N Eighth Street above Vine, (Suceeteor to Morrteo & Floffman.) Boring opening of Black Sllke, Drees Goode, eassimore., White Goode. Kid (Berea, Ernbroit:rodeo, Lloriery. r iloves, Trimminga and Notion', toget.,er with a full line of all good' usually kept In a large, first-class Dry Goode Store. Black Bake. .$2 25. $2 40.1 Good White Hardin, 10c. Black bilks. 52 su, 162 75. $3.! Plaid !dueling, 20, 25c Black Alpaca. 31. 36. 40c,StrIpe Naintook. 22. Mo. lox s Luatres, Eli, 55, eOc. (White and Buff Piano. 25e. Mohair Lustreg, 65, 75, $l. Y and wide Chintzes. 28c. Beautiful Drina Goode. 23,25 ; Wool Cassirrieres, 45. 85. 750. Spring Alpaca, 25, 28, 31c. i Black and White Skirl's, &)e Our goods are new styles and frcelr,bought at the lowest cash figure!, and will ho offered as special bargains, to make room for Summer purchacea. Remember the Number, 210 North RIGHTS Street. above VINE, (large double trout Store.) aoll3 Eimrp CAMEL CARRIAGES! CARRIAGES! tyl 011 %A i ** 1 NO, WM. D. ROGERS, CARRIAGE BUILDER, 1009 and 1011 CHESTNUT STREET. Superior CarrLagoa of my own manufacture built for the DRIVING SEASON OF *ss 0 9 , COMBINING STYLE, DURABILITY, and BLEGANCE OF Frasil. iMr" - Attention given to repairing. pc - Carriages etored and Ineurance effected. apl6 f wam WM' Important Announcement. NEW CARRIAGES! At 712 Sansom Street, Philadelphia. MeLEAIEt IKENDALi Will keep a splendid assortment of good, strong and woll finished CARRIAGES always on hand, to whloh they invite the attention of all desiring to purchase. Call at 719 BANSOM street before purchasing elsewhere. mh2o s w 26trPO AND—rjRSKLIC BY. ‘...A J. B. 13 uI3BLER COON Bout 4 Doloweso ovonue. n Ozw* .. A CLEAR SMOOTH SKIN And BEAUTIFUL. COMPLEXION follow. the use of 11EL/11130U:1'R CONCENTRATED EXTRACT BARS& PA BILL& It Pamir's black spots, pimpled, moth patoher, and aft eruptions df the skim IN THE SPRING MONTHS, ttip eystem naturally an. deraace a change. and nimuctottsa OON• CRNTRATED EXTRACT OF BARBAPARILLA t an soidetant of the granted velum YOUNG LADIES. BEWARE! OF TIIE INJURIOUS EFFECTS of Face Powders and Washes. 011 filch remedies close ep the pares of the skin. and Ina abort time destroy the complexion. If You would have a fresh. healthy and youthful appearance. use UELISILIOLD'S EX riteca NOT A FEW of the worst disorders that afflict man kind arise from corruption of the blood lIELMEOLDII EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA is a remedy of the utmost value. 11/ILM BOLD'S E X 1 new PAREAPARILLA cleanser end renov■tee the 1,1,0 e. Iratil'a the vigor of health Into eyeteru.end purges oat the humors that make &sawn QUANTITY ce QIIALITY. ITELBABOLD'd EXTRA OT BAHBANARiI LA. The core to email Those who desire a largo quantity ud Lazo doacu or medicine ERR. THOSE WHO DESIRE BRILLI &NOY OP COM. PLEX loN moat purify and ern Ida the blood. which Ii ELM BOLD'S CONCENTIt !TED EXTRA.O POP 13 AR. APARILLA invariably does. Ask for LIELM BOLD'S. Take no other. BELMBOLD'A CONCENTRATF.D EXTRACT BAR. BAPARILLA Is the GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER, HELMBOLD'S Highly Concentrated FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA Eradicates Eruptive and Ulcerative Memo Throat, Nose Eyes Eyelids, Soup and Skin, Which co disfigure the appearance. PURGING the evil effecte of mercury and removing all taints, the remnants of DISEASES, hereditary or otherwise, and is taken by ADULTS end CHILDREN with perfect SAFETY. TWO TABLESPOONFULS of the Extract of Bares parilla,,added to a pint of water, fi equal to the Lisboa Diet Drink, and me lbottio is equal to a gallon of the Syrup of tiareaparilln. or the decoctions ee usually made. AN INTERESTING LETTER is published in the Medico Chirugical Review, on the eubject of the Extract of Sarsaparilla in certain alfeetione. by Benjamin Tra. Vera, F. R. S., &c. Freaking of those disci:tees tugging from the canna of mercury, he stated that no remodY is nyunl to the Extract of Sareaparilla ; its power to oxtraor ,unary, more eo than any other dreg I am acquainted with, It ie. in its 'strictest pence, a tonic. with this inval uable attribute, that it is applicable to a state of the eye. t eunken, mad yet eo irritable al youdons other sub. stances of the talc clue unavailable or ioiurlou4. HELIABOLD'S Concentrated Extract Sarsaparilla Fetal)Haled v prrardo of 18 y etre. PrOParad b 9 H. T. HELMBOLD, DrUggifli .and . 594 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. 0,01(1 by Druggisbi everywhere SI 25 per bottle, or 6 for b 6 54). NV f tf OF TIIIC PUICE,
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