GIBSON PEACOCK. Editor. VOLUME XXIII. WNDDDICI CARD% INVITATIONB FOR PAR i• w ties, dm -New Ws. /CANON di CO., LAM le7 Chestnut street. WDINO INVITATIONS ENGRAVED IN THE Newest Mid beet manner. LOUIS DEEKA, &a /inner and Engraver. 1033 Cbeatnut street. lab 20.-tf DIED. CASEY.—On the morning of the 3d teat. Anna M. Casey, widow of the late James K. Casey, Sag., aged 55:.1 years. The friends of the family are Invited to attend the funeral service. at her late residence, No. 2007 De lancey Place, on Wednesday afternoon, the sth lust., at 5 o'clock. The remains will be taken to Green wood. N. Y., for interment. DULLER.—On Monday afternoon, 8d lust , Marga ret Welsh. only daughter of William and Fanny Dulles, seed le years. •• FULLER —On tho 4th Inst., Abbott Channeey, youngest child of Marie T. and the late Abbott 11. Fuller. aged 2 years and 5 months. •11 LlAltMAß.—Suddenly, on Saturday morning, May let. Sarah Colt Lanman, widow of the late Joalatt /hamar. Funeral at Norwich. Conn. • - - ILAYD.—Oa the morning of the 2d Instant, Mary Lloyd, In the 70th near of her egt. Der relatives and &lends end those of the family aro particularly invited to attend Ir.r. funeral, on Fourth day, at 2 o'clock; trent' nor Ills residence, No. 541 North Tenth street-. • PEACOPIC—On Seedily, May 2, Louisa Vattuxem Widow of the late Jamey Peacock. Powers" ServlUM at the kerve of Dr. W. S.,Porbes, No. 20 South Porty-sseond street, on Wednesday, at 10 o'clock A. 34 precisely, Interment at Harrisburg. It WHITMAN.=-On the 2d inst.. Charles H., eon of Iltlward G. end alumnus Wlultman, In the 13th year of his age. The reletivee and friends of the family are respect fully invticd tcrattend his funeral, from the residence of his parents, No. 1718 Green street, on Wednesday. the Bth inst., at two o'clock. To proceed to Laurel BilL • WRIGIIT.-04 the 2d instant, Edward Brognard, eldest on of Samuel G. and Margaret B. Wright, of Wrightetowo, N. J., in the 20th year of hie age. The rt lativee and friends of the family. are respect fully melted to attend h:s funeral , from the residence of his wrote, 8, IL and M. V. Brognard. Forty.flftn and Spruce street.. Watt Philadelph ia, on Wedueadity afternoon, 6th inst. at 4 o' To proceed to Woodlands Cemetery •s S ILAWLb FOR BPSING SALES. WHOLESALE Ni)i RETAIL. FL-LL LINE OF WHITE SHAWLS. FULL LINE OF BLACK BHA wLs. 11/LL LINE OF PLAIN SHAWLS. EIRE 4; LANHELL, FOLRTH AND ARCH STB SPECIAL NOTE CEA. WOOD & CARY. FANCY BONNETS NOVELTIES IN HATS. WOOD & CARY, 725 CHESTNUT Street FRENCH. FLOWERS Amp EVERY STYLE BONNET MATERIAL. PRICES MODERATE. OOD & CARY. sfirAN EXAMINATION OP CANDID A.TES FOR Certificates of Qualification for teacher' in the Public Schools of the First School District of Peunsy I cassia, will , be held in the Zane dtreet /School House. Pil. bell. above beventb, on Thursday and Priday, May 13th and 14th, 1809. The examination will commence at 1 o'clock P. M. preriaelv. on Thured•9, aid at 9 o'clock A. 3i. on Friday. No appbcant under 17 years of age will thexamined, except in accordance with tee resolution of Board of Controller'. No pupil of the public schools will be examined aho has not pu•sued at least a two years' couree of study in the Girls' Normal. or in the Gen- Oral High School, of Philadelphia An average of not leeP than ib ie required for • Mat eloas certificate: an average of not lets than 65 for a second-class certificate; and en average r f not lees loan fie fora third-class ear• Dm-me. These will be but one pet of questions. by order t f the Committee on Quolific4 bon of 'l'eachere. my 4 810 19 strp LEVY id b.LK iN, Chairman. par JOHN B. GOUGH AT TEE RINK, TWENTY-THIRD AND CDESTNCT STREETS FRIDAY EVENING. May 9th. Subject—"TESIPERApiCK" TICKETS. 10 CENTS. For sal/ at the Hall of the YOUNG MEN'S CLIRLSTIAN AdSOCIATLON, 1210 CHESTNUT etreet. PROVIDED r oa L...m es. A fine Braes Band ban been engaged. myl a to th 3trp§ oar ZLIBBABY COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. May bd. 1860. At an Election for Directors and a Treasurer of the Li brary Company of Philadelphia, the following officers were appointed for the ensuing rear: DIREGTOILI, CEORGE W. NORRIS,tIyi ER Mo(ALL, I DENBY J. WILLIAMS, A LEX AN DER BIDDLE CHARLES 'WILLING. HENRY \VGA ATON. DAVID LEWIS, LIR %IRV (DIAMOND, J. L CLARK HARE, S. MORRIS WALN. TRRABUREIL—LLOYD P. dit Pr lEL stir PERSONS IN DELICATE lIE4LTII SHOULD avail themselves of the Scientific Treatment of Dra. GALLOWAY dt BOLLES. Their discovery consists in the proper application of Magnetism. Galvanism and Electricity for the cure of all diseases. They make this department of the Healing Art s specialty. and in many cases they cure after all other means had failed. Office, 1230 WALNUT street. second door from Thirteenth. ap6tu th efifitrol FUEL SAYINGS SOCIETY OF THE CITY AND LIBERTIES OF PHILADELPHIA.--The forty.eiatith annual meeting of tho tiocietY, will be held at No. leg - North Tenth street. second story. on TCES• PAY EVENING, May 4th, 1t69. Election of officers aid malingers. D. W. BEESL.r..Y It. ocretary. OFFICE OF THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSUR ANCE COMPANY. PHILADELPIIII, May 1. 1869. At a meetinfLof the Board of Cirectors. held April bth. 1869, Mr. THEODORE M. REGER waa uuauhri °ugly cl.cted A•etetunt Secretary of tho ComtufeY. In place of Mr. WM. GREEN, rofigned. myl Itrpf J. W. MoALLISTEIL Secretary. IIerTURKIBII BATHS. 11C9 GIRARD STREET, TWO SQUARES FROM THE CONTINENTAL. Ladles' department strictly private. Open day and evening. apt•trrivl PENNSYLVANIA 11 0 Rile ULTURAL SO• clune.—Eeony on Roiled. TUESDAY evening, 31nY:4. It* 6114rAtanPITAL NOB. 1518 and 1520L051 • bardstreet, lMnarntrModicl treatment and modicinunhoaratiytot:o .00r. . 44 N0 Postponement on Account of the etith err, Is good theory, and good practice too, except - where thojadies are concerned. But when they are the most interested parties, gallantry de mands any accommodation rather than their ex posure. -- Mr. -- Witifamaker eildently thought so •whon, on account of the rain last Saturday, ho deferred. the opening of his Youth's and Boys' Department until to-morrow. If half the M inors and reports that are rife are true, in refer lence to this part of his now establishment and the beauty and novelty of the bora clothing that stocks it, It will well repay our ladies - to'look through it to-morrow. • ' _-_. ~.... . . . -,. • • • . . . . .. .. ft- , . , . . . . . , , , „ ~ , ..„: .... . .. . . . . - • , . - . . h......a . •.,.... ' ' ,f , :' .'".• ~'.• 1...., . ..: ~....,.. : e ... . .. . . ... .., ..-. • • • ... . . .., :. 1 - ~. , . , . '' ' Pilli ••1 . • :••• . ..• . - i .. .. ~ . . • . 0 . .: .. . . . , , ..,. * , . ... ! ! • . . : • • , •• • ' ' :: ' ••• ' I • • , • •• . • ~ , . . • . • • • : , : . • . ... • ! .. . . .„.. 't •••. , . . . ! . • . , NO. 22. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. Pants, Tuesday, April , 20th, 1869.—There is evidently a bitch In the Belgian business, and the matter is not likely to be brought to a conclusion as soon as was expected by either party, or by the public In general. The position of the affair at the present moment appeaie to be simply this: When M. Frere•Urban, the Belgian Mixtiater, rived In Paris, he bad presented to Irlat,.by the French Government, proposals of arrangement based upon the conventions already made , be tween the French Eastern and the Belgian Railway Companies, with only some alight modifications in the conditions thereby entered into. But this did not suit M. Frere-Orban' 6 book at all, nor , the views of his government or country. He therefore demanded to put in a counter•projeet of agreement Of, his min; and when he did so, two days ago, it was found to consist of proposals for arrangement based, not upon the conventions between the Railway Com panies above mentioned, but upon the very bill passed by the Belgian Chamber in such halite. on the 28d of February last, to prohibit, by An ez ,post facto act of legislation, those Iden tical conventions from being carried out. • Here, then, was a complete misunderstanding : the parties wore far as the poles asunder; and might as well have stayed at home, as attempted to meet and come to terms on these grounds; for each of them started from a different basis of their own. The incident is carious, and proves how necessary it is for parties in these and similar diplomatic negotiations to have a common basis before starting. if they wish to arrive speedily a t any definite conclusion. Since the above divergence manifested Itself, there has been a good deal of official fuse, and runnings to and fro, and meetings at this minis try anti that, but I don't think there is the least reason to be alarmed, or to apprehend ttic march of a French army upon Btu/sets just yet The fact is that the big power, in this case, ha' the worst of it. For France feels, and is per fe etly aware that Prussia must feel, too, that the more she bullies Belgium the worse for boreall and the better for Prussia. If ever the struggle does come between the two nationalitia, on either side of the Rhine, It will be an Immense advantage to either of them to have an advanced position, like Belgium, decidedly predisposed in their favor. If France, tterefore, were to be too hard upon Belgium I ow, she would only throw her more and more into the arms of Pruteia, and make an enemy o ter against the evil day. The Belgians are an acute people, and perfectly understand their position in this respect, and the advantage It Etvee them. They are moreover, somewhat vain, ut indeed they have good right to be. of their prosperity and liberty, so superior to those of their big neighbor; and are not sorry that "little Belgium" should be making . seise in the world and keeping the eyes of all Europe fixed upon her. I trust. however, they will be prudent and not go too far, and remember that if they were to provoke a conflict their country must Inevitably be made the battle ground. But I have no doubt the affair will be arranged by mutual concessions. Besides the dotation of the old soldiers of the Empire, we are to have all sorts of doings in celebration of the Centenary of the birth of the First Napoleon. The usual fete of the 15th of August is to be extended this year over three days, from the 14th to the 16th The arrangements for the festivities have already been placed in the hands of Marshal Valliant Greed Marshal of the Palace and Minister of the Emperor's Household, and there is no doubt that the cfilcial programme on such an occasion will to on the grandest scale. Now is the time, there fore, for those who have never seen a French fete, and wish to do so to perfection, to make up their maids to a trip to Paris in the summer. The oc casion will be unique; for everything will be done to take advantage of the opportunity for roving the enthusiasm of the people to the utmost in savor of the dynasty. The Intention of going to Corsica, if ever eeriously entertained, seems to be abandoned, the presence of the Emperor being, no doubt, deemed neces sary in the capital at such a moment. The Prince Napoloon has just left Paris for Marseilles, vthere be embarks on board his yacht for a cruise in the Adriatic. It has been very much remarked here that, previously to going away, the Prince gave several grand dinner parties at the Palais Royal, to which all the principal mem- ncra of the Opposition were invited, and formed, indeed, the chief guests. He is an " artful dodger," the Prince Napoleon Jerome, and is not generally supposed to entertain a very high idea of the stability of the existing state of things. Perhaps he thlnke It as well to look ahead, and make friends with the "men of the future" in case of accident. At all events the incident I mention has been much commented upon in private French circles. I forgot to mention that among ether things spoken of to he done in commemo ration of the approaching centenary,is a triumph al car and six horses in bronze, with a statue of Napoleon 1.. which, it is said, the Empero r proposes placing on the summit of the Are de l' Etoile. Yesterday tho Emperor completed his 61s year, but no official notice is taken of the eventt Only,a grand dinner happened to be given at the Tuileries in honor of the Prince and Princess Charles of Prussia, brother and sister-In-law of the King, who are now In Paris; and as her Ida- J, My the Empress hold hor usual weekly recap- Lion the same evening, the Emperor received the compliments and felicitations of the company on the occasion. Who Emperor looks hearty enough in the face, but ho now stoops a good deal, and carries his head on ono side In a way which indi cates increasing ago and infirmity. The Duke d'Aumale's book, entitled the His. Loire des Princes de Condi, and which was seized acid confiscated at the printing office, some six years ago, by M. de Porsigny, then Minister of the Interior, just as it was going to be published —appears at last this day. The Duke's lawyers have fought the government through all the courts of law, and have at last compelled it to give in and withdraw its opposition. The seizure was, no doubt, grossly illegal Etna arbitrary, and one of those acts of over-zeal which such men as M. de Persigny are apt to commit, and which always end by doing more harm than good to the cause they profess to support!' The work is highly spoken of, and, of course; the cu riosity of the public to read it is just in propor tion to the length of time they have been pre , " vented doing so. The only business doing in the Chamber is the Budget, which, as the iSiecie remarks, though amounting to nearly two thousand live hundred millions of money, is being voted:at railway speed, because the deputies are tired and only LETTER mom! PARIS.PARIS. PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY. MAY 4, 1869. thinking about their own re-election. The elec tions are spoken of for the end of nest month, and the immense efforts making by the Prefectir all uver the country show that they consider the conflict, to be near at band. HIGH CHURCH PROGRESS fIB AEW EDDIE OF ME GUILD OF EH BOLT CEOB3 f , cene In Christ Church New pork-- Processions,Gennfierions,and Novel Ceremonies in an Episcopal Temple —2lie Sacred Edifice In Darkness. [From the New York Sun of this morning.] When George Francis Train shouted "Hurrah for Progress," be Struck a key -note which ap pears to have found a response in the lay and ecclesiastical heart of the country. The magic word Is moulding everything Into new forma,and the ceremonies of the church militant are no ex ceptions to the rule. This Interesting fact had a roaring illustration yesterday morning in Lilllit Church, Fifth avenue. The rector boldly announced, six months ago, that Proteatantism was a failure; and the Tyngs, the Canfield!), the Dyers bad scarcely recovered from their wonder at Bishop. Potter's love for his liigh Church brethren, when the Ritualists threw a bomb thell into their ranks, and it exploded in triumph j ea terday. THE GUILD 05 'UHL HOLY CROW. An astoclation was formed about a year ago in Christ Church, styled the Guild of the Holy Lross. The principal members of Dr. Ewer's congregation approved the objects of the organi zation. and were duly enrolled as modern Cruse errs. Their fundamental duty was to promote reverence toward the "noble tree," and unite in tbe ceremonials designed to honor the Masa, ac ,:ording to the formulas in St. A.lbsn's Chapel. ‘i ben the purposes of the association had been coiled abroad, it received new accessions. It bar, therefore, become wealthy and powerful. lis proce‘dings have been conducted in secret, lor the leaders are disinclined to any publicity. tine of the reporters of the Bun, however, knew f the existence of the association, and attended its anniversary. On entering the church he found EGYPTIAN DARKNESS, in which the select circle of visitors had to "feel their way" to the pews In the various aisles. The ..ecasion was de signed to commemorate the mini \ emery of the Guild, and the ceremonies were in ir adt.d to be "strictly confidential," so at least -tild the programme. After the worshipper had .rcped over the mosaic paths to the transept, a w lights on the altar were faintly visible. bat be great come of the temple was black with cc ,. itelahtical gloom. PROCESSION OF TITS CRUSADERS Soon the organist relieved the sepulchral mo ,,otony by performing a voluntary, and then ouuds of antiphonal chants were heard in the ~stance. The procession approached nearer and nearer, until the great doors at the entrance tre rolled back, and a column of a remarkable cLaructer entered in the following order : Acoisle carrying a Cross. Members of the Choir of the Church. The Reverend Clergy, with Crosses. Chief Master of theGoild in a cassock. Fellows of the Guild, in dark gowns and chasn- Bebordimate officers of the Guild, in otssocks and red chaeubles. Members of the Guild, in dark gowns and gray chasubles. All the members of she procession wore large red crosses on their vestments. In this order hey passed down the side and up the central aisle to the chancel.. Then they filed off to the , ewe near the transept, and the clergy moved on :o the altar. CELRBRICTION OF MA6B Prayer and the Litany were read, after which ,mother procession moved from the sacristy to the chancel, composed of priests in gorgeous vestments of cloth and gold bullion, with mag nificent ecclesiastical designs. This digntled c , ody now entered the chancel gates. At this moment all the crusaders prostrated themselves and made genuflexions before a massive cross which ream' : its stately head high above the anper-altar. The priests, three in number, were the hats (berrettas) supposed to be peculiar to the Catholic clergy. Mass was then sung by the celebrating priest, acolytes providing him with the elements at the epistle aide of the al!ar. Alter offering the "eucharistic Pacriftee" the chief priest made numerous germ- H& xions before the cross, and his example was !allowed by all the crusaders in the church. He then kissed two books, one representing the Old, the other the New Testament, which were pre ,•ented to him by acolytes. He then adminis tered the Holy Communion, beginning with the priests. and distributing the sacred element] to ,he Guild in the order of their rank. LICIIIT O.N TIM BIIBJECIF When all the crusaders had communed, one of the reverend clergy shed some light on the sub it et. He said that the Guild represented a new movement in the Church; and it was only be ginning its good work. No one, he said, should despair if the Guild had not done all that the most squguine had expected or the most ardent hoped. Lie would tell his hearers, for their encourage- ment, that only one hundred and twenty persons i•rufeseed to have believed in Christ himself after file mission of three years on the earth. If the rest cause in which they were engaged were not of God It would not prosper—lt would come to ❑aught. Ho felt assured, however, that they would progress until the great objects of the Guild had been accomplished. The clergy and crusaders then sang one of the hymns of the Guild, thus : Faithful Cross 1 above all other, One and only noble Tree ! None In foliage, none in blossom; None In fruit thy peers may be; Sweetest wood and sweetest iron, Sweetest Weight is hung on Thee. The chief priest then pronounced the benedie tion, and the Guild separated. CIEIBILN PROSPECTS. Mattering prospect of Cuban Affairs —.Negotiations for the Purchase of the Peruvian nonitorti—American Gunboats for the Cuban Navy. The Washington correspondent of the New York Herald contains the following :—Vir. Domingo Ruiz, the Cuban Envoy to the United States, returned to this city to-night after a few weeks' absence, which was spent in visiting dif ferent parts of the country in the interest of hie canoe. Mr. Ruiz declares that so far from the Cubans being in a weakly condition they aro really stronger now than at any time since the commencement of their revolution. Despatches have been received by Mr. Ruiz from Cespedes, which represent the state of affairs as being in the highest degree cheering. Thousands of arms and two thousand men, among were two hundred American anti leriste, have recently reached Cuba in safety, and fresh supplies are leaving Mexico and the United States almost every week. Mr. Ruiz states that the Spaniards aro very much mistaken in suppo sing that the Cubans will permit them to remain idle during the warm season. Ceepedes Intends to force the Spanish troops to fight during the sickly season, and will per mit them to take no rest until they consent to leave the country or are taken prisoners. In this hind of warfare the Cubans will have an immense advantage, being proof against the heat and the fever, while the Spaniards must naturally fail victims to both. In about a month Mr. Ruiz ex pects to receive intelligence from the Cuban agent sent to Peru announcing the successful negotia tion of the purchase of two Peruvian iron-clads. Mr. Ambrose Vallento who has undertaken this business, has been given fall power, and, no doubt is entertained about • his, complete sue- C4:88. The" cOrtditlollB 'will be' that nci'money OUR WHOLE COUNTRY. need be paid for the monitors until after the achievement of Cuban independence. The moni tors are quietly awaiting at St. Thomas the con clusion of the purchase, and it is said that they are ready to start on their mission of dastrection at twenty-four hours notice. Besides these two monitors the Cuban Envoy here hopes soon to be able to despatch three of the fastest vessels in our navy to Cuba. These three vessels, which include the Hornet, now lying at the Philadel phia Navy Yard, will be purchased by Cuban gentlemen and private parties and then transferred to the Cuban gov erment. in this Way the interna tional difficulties will be got over. This arrange ment meets with the approbation of our govern ment. The Secretary of the Navy - has 'Wormed Cuban gentlemen who consulted him on the sub ject that otir government is ready to sell vessels to anybody willing to purchase, inasmuch las Congress has by enactment provided for a de creue In the force of the navy, thereby rendering the sale of several vessels of war obligatory. et the same time it is given out that oar govern ment will endeavor to prevent the transfer of any such vessels to the Spanish government. , IFor the PIAla. Evening Bunstinj Irlie Blisagdaien society -Aeyetim, F. E. Corner of Twenty-terst and lace letreeta, There are but few of the great public charitiea of our city which are more deserving of notice than the above-named, and none that Is less ob trusive before the public. Many citizens do not know its locality,nor even of its existence among the charitable iD6fiItILIMIS of Philadelphia. It bolts' no public ann iversariea, and, therefore, rarely ever gets into the newspapers. The ob jects of the Society are among the noblest within the rangeoLhuman sympathy—the care of fallen women. What more pitiable thing than a fallen woman I Woman ! the companion of man— the guardian of his youth, and the consolation of his age—rat-Les ! We are apt to speak lightly of her; but w ben we stop to consider the awful ness of the theme, how does the sympathetic heart yearn for her, sad bow should It labor to raise her iv. Led by man himself—her natural protector—into crime, her sensitive nature feels lie degradation , and thence, deserted by her former companions, and lost to her own better instincts, Elia plunges at once into in conceivable depths of sin. "Nor man nor beast has fallen EU far." If once confirmed in tier evil habits, her reformation is very difficult, simply because her ein is the yielding up of the entire moral tense to vice, intemperance, pro lenity and all licentiousness. The only mode of contending with her case is the separating her, early in her carter, from her wicked companion ships, and subjecting her, long enough to -übdue her propensities, if not to change her heart, to better influences, good example and moral emotion. Tine is the disease and the treatment, in a nut-shell. The Magdalen Society believes In complete reformation, and studies to make its home comfortable as a part of the eystem. Possessing a large house, with ample garden end grounds, 11 tarnishes out-door exer cise, while teaching the household arts, and simple games and reading, while leading tho soul &twat& Its . higher and better aspirations. The rudiments are taught the inmates, and many who enter the Asylum entirely illiterate go away able to read and write. For nearly seventy years this Society bas labored for the poor fallen women, and its reformed ones are found not only in our own city and State, but in nearly all the neighboring States. Great numbers of women have experienced its hospitality in all these years, and according to nu l m at bi a r re s. po h r s t v ,. e o t n e e en th c o o ne m an ple d te o ly f r th ef o o m rm , round The tense is open ftve days in the week to 'Visitors, after 1 P. 11.., and the public is always welcome. Clergymen of all denominations and ladies are especially invited, and will be kindly received by the excellent matron, Miss McDonild, who has been many years in charge. The Institution has aceommodations for one hundred inmates, and with the necessary means,it ought always be full. Contributions are needed mid will be thankfully received. either in money or "in kind." Beoks suitable for the inmates would also be acceptable. Money should be seat to the Treasurer, John W. Biddle, No. 618 Ctn....ILA street, or to the Man agers. Provisions, merchandise or books, to the A:•ylum, Twenty-first street, above Rees. The following are the officers and managers, to wit: President, Ambrose White; Vice-President, M. L Dawson: Secretary, T.Charlton Henry; Treasurer, John W. Biddle: Managers, Arthur G. Coffin, William Purves, William Biddle, Henry D. Sher rent, L. Montgomery Bond, Thomas A. Robin ion, Coulson Hieskell and Samuel a. Shipley. Navlgatlng Salt Lake-The Attempt a The Salt Lake Reporter of April 24th says : ho far the experiment of boating on the Lake bas proved very uninteresting to those making it at least. The Bret trip of the Kate Connor from K. T. City to Monument Point demonstra ird the necessity of building the boat almost anew and putting in heavier machinery. This was got through from Chicago about the middle of February, and another trip sufficed to render the boiler unserviceable from the nad qualities of the water used. Still another boiler was put in and a third trip made successfully, better water Laving been found on the lake shore. On her fourth trip the boat was caught in the prevalent heavy storm, and was obliged to eat loose from the scow she was towing, which drifted back towards the starting point. That was the last we have heard from the enterprise. There is no doubt of the practicability of navi gating the Lake, but it must be done by boats of lamer tonnage, and with more power than the pioneer in the business, the Kate Connor. A line of packets plying between Salt Lake City and Corinne, one leaving eachplace every morning and making the trip by daylight, would no doubt pay. Salt Lake, the Dead Sea of the with its mountain Islands and bidden out eta. being one of the most noted novelties of the Rocky Mountains furnishing also a cheap means of transportation letween the two points, per haps the cheapest way of getting merchandise to Salt Lake City until a branch railroad shall have been built to that town. General Connor's ex periment has at least demonstrated the feasibility of such navigation, although it has cost him dearly. The Wrench Cable as Cape/May. The Cape May Ocean Wave is informed by in disputable authority that the French Atlantic Cable Company will land their Shore end at a point of the beach nearly fronting the new Stock ton Hotel, at the cape, under the sanction of the MU passed by • the State Legislature at its last session. A company to connect with them, au thorized by the same act, was organized at Cam den recently, of which A. W. Markley, Senator rubbins, Attorney-General Robeson and other a ell known Jerseymen are Directors. The Wave add,.: "We know not by what means or through whose instrumentality the companies were p u vniled upon to land their cable at this point, but that every effort was used to give the control of this tad into the hands of a Now York corpora tion we are fully satisfied; and though money was applied the plot fell through. Of course there is no telling exactly to what degree, Cape May will be benefited by thus converting it into an important seaport, and the grand central point from which the telegraph will radiate north,sonth and west, but that it will prove advantageous and immensely so, the merest numbscull will readily perceive. From Cape May three main lines will deviate, ono running across the bay to Levies, on to Washington, another direct to Philadelphia, while the third it to extent along the shore north' of New York. The steamer having - aboard the cable will sail from France in 'July, so that we may look for its arrival off our coast in the vary height of the season.' " , —The residences of the great rulers of Japan are called palaces.' These have none of the Sum nifleenee of royal residences in Europe. They are plain structures of one story; whitewashed, and eeVered with variously covered tiles. Nztll are. aztuisoernsmrs. —Lotta produced a new drama, entitled Pepina, at the Arch last night, in the presence of an immense au dience. The piece is valuable in one respect—lt serves to chew how wretched a play a man can write when be Wee. Pepina is a poor specimen of the slangy drama.. It combines ell the commonplace street realism of the latter day sensational school, with some oithe cheap pathos of the old melodrama, and a little genn'ne fan. It Is indebted to several recent plays of the same class for many of Its characters and not a few of Its situations. This is sufficient proof of its poverty. An author who is reduced to ateating from Daly and the Great American Play Jerker, had better be gin life over again in a more hopeful and leas umbilicus manner. The plece,.bas no plot worth speaking of; the di:tenement le known with absolute certainty beige the close of the first act- There are no possibilities in the drama; everything that hap pens is just the sort of thing that never could happen under any circumstances while the terrestrial globate volvea in its usual manner, Mr. Daly might have written such a play if he had become a demented Daly and undertaken composition while he was agitated by alternate fits of frenzy and Weld intervals. Tho only Intelligible and coherent purpose of the dramatist seems to have been to give Lotta a chance to 'Espial her various accomplishments. Recalling in sacrificed to this ; even common sense—for we have her thrum_ ming a banjo, Dinging "Shinbone Alley" songs, and dancing "ham fat" and the "walk aronad" in a school room daring study hours. It is undeniable, however, that Lotta is, somehow, very attractive even in thes e absurdities, and despite a certain coarseness which was grievously frequent last night. A little more modesty in some of the dancing would bo an agree able Improvement. roesibly It cannot be helped. bat 11 Lotta would, also, hick less, she would be more pleasant. Now, she kicks through sentiment and humor and pathos and anguish and misery and mirth and despair. She kicks when she laughs; she kicks when she weeps, when she eats, when she sleeps, when she sings, when ■he stands, when she walks , when she is sick, when she dies, She kicks up, down, backwards, forwards, across, diagonally and around; and when the curtain comes down the last thAng seen by the - spectator Is a small gaiter with another kick under way. This is the kind of thing that finds favor a ilk the galleries and the canaille, but it to not acting. It is not the sort of performance that will give the young lady enduring popularity. She cannot kick along through life picking banjo strings. After a while people will tire of this foolery, which, however charm ing is a pretty, young girl, will be disgusting in a woman on the eh ady side of ti irty. A fair, fat, and forty female who kicks, will have to practice the exer cise in private. The public will not appropriate each to witness the operation. Lotta has fine abilities, and she ought to ahannon this slang-whang,ing businelis— partially, at least,—sad make some ventures in gen_ trel drama. The Bt. Vitne'e business pays now, and managers will scoff at good advice while the exchequer is tilled. Bat there Is something better than enormous pecuniary succes. It is a pity that a maiden with Lot ta'e talent should have no aspirations for triumphs in higher and legitimate art. We believe that she would he just as successful, pecuniarily, in one an in the tuber. it is hardly worth while to notice separately the ea_ rictus part ir ipants in the performance last night. They all played better than the text deserved. We must. hnwever, compliment Mr.Cralgfor hie intensely funny personation of '•Jackey." This was far better than Lottalt performance, and /Waived, as it deserVid, heartier applause. —Miss Spasm Genoa anil fief little troupe of gray eyed and fair skinned ivegium opera-singers, tilled the Theatre Cemique last niglit with a contented if not rapturous audience. Little Snean herself, with her exquisite aquiline profile, resembling that of Victo ria at the accession, was in her beet spirits, and sang and played like, what she is, the moat , delightful sou brette now on our stage. Tier Jessie Lea, in -Shaer ren's two act opera of which she took the title rele,was an impersonation of sprightliness, sweetness, melody end grace. Mr. Whiffin played the country bumpkin, Gilbert, his original character, with a great deal of spirit, and kept the house in high good humor. He was still more inspired, however, in the afterpiece, Les Peva Apeugles, where he acted a sham blind man with intense humor; title piece le one of tae gayest follies perpetrated by Ofrenbach, and will have a sure ran ; it is in a single act, and represents two "alleged" blind beggars posting thenuseives on the Pont St. Michel, and using every effort to drive each other off. It is flied with the most preposterous and most innocent extravagancies of French invention. This gay little piece ie not, as has been am erted, new to Philadelphia sudieecee. In former pears It has been heard here in French, and always with favor. Miss Gallon has done well in setting the English and French piecae side by side, as they contrast admirably and give die incites to each other. The music of Jessie Leo is full of pleasant monels, and the composer has arranged such a varied succession of solos, duos, terzettoe and quartettos, and changed his combinations with so mach liveliness, that the small number of the persouie Is ably masked. The public will wish to hear this plessiast brace of operettas a good many times yet. It is to be hoped that at the repetition to-night. Mr. Kel leher will be able to contribute his promised interlude of an English ballad; the substitution last eve ning of a little blowing hum the miniature orchestra of the troupe wax not. quite satisfactory to the audience. —Mr. John Brougham appeared at the Walnut S'ieet Theatre, last night, In We sensational drama, The Lottery of Life. He will repeat the performance this evening. On Monday next Mr. Brougham will prcdoce his new burlesque, Mush Ado About a Mer chant of Venice. --The Chestnut Street Rink, at Twenty-third and Chestnut streets, is open deity from 8 A. M. to to P. M., for these who watt to learn velocipede riding. or to practice the art. There will be it prize exhibition t hie evening, when a number of gentle youths will straddle their fiery, untamed steak) and roll around rapidly for prizes. —On Monday of next week Mr. Behrens, the accom plished leader of the Mains', Opera Company, will have a beeettt in the Beheitswan Girl. Upon Ilia occa sion Miss Susan Gaiton will appear, for the first time in this city, as "Arline." and we doubt not. she will love the part with mach spirit and skill. Tickets may be premed at Trampler's. As the rush promises to be great, we advise our readers to make early ap plication. —The last matinee of the Santa-Hassler orchestra will be given at Musical Fund Hall next Saturday. Schu bert's "Unfinished Symphony," Wagner's "Rienzi" Overture, and other first-class compositions will be given by an increased orchestra. —At the Academy of Music, to-night. Maritana wilt be given by the Richingm Opera Company. —Mr. John E. MeDonongh announces that he will appear at the Chestnut Street Theatre on Monday evening or next week, with "Elsie flolt'a English 13ar leeque Company. ' The engagement will begin with an extravaganza entitled I,uorotia Borgia, the Grand Doctrtene. —At the American Theatre, to-nlght,a miscellaneous perlurmance oten as nal c ce I tence will be given. A number of new artists have been engaged. and the famous t troupe having been retained,will appear in several novel dances. —Mr. J. 13 Lent, the proprietor of the great New Yotl: Circus, will bring his immense establiehment to tiliN city gad week, arta on Monday evening. the 10th Inst., will open it upon the lot, Eighth street, above Race. It is one of the very beat of its kind in the uorld, ne its prolonged success in New York city piot.vas. —On Thum'lay evening of this week, the Cohan pa trfote will have a benefit at the Arch Street Theatre Aire. Drew having kindly tendered tha reeonrces of the eatahlialunent, and hilim Lott& having volunteered her eervicee. —At St. Augustine% Church, on Thursday evening, n concert of sacred and organ music will be glven,under the direction of Professor Henry C. Thunder. The or ban has been entirely rebuilt by Messrs . J. S. Stand ridge & SODS, and is now in splendid condition. It contains the first application in this country of the "eleciro-magnetic action," which promises to revolu tionize the construction of organs. it does away nearly altogether with tho old system_ of lovers, and niskeethe action depend entirely upon 'electricity. Au organist can control his instrument as well at the dis tance of a mile as if. bo went close at hand. —The Math matinee of the American Conservatory , of Music will bogiven to-morrow, at AA' o'olook, la M the Academy °usic. —A Mienlialppi editor and justice of the peace married a couple in 1808, divorced them Ira 1860, married the man to another woman in 1F.361,mar , ried the; oman to another man la 1865, Awl lan week ho remarried the original couple. F. L. REVULSION. rillisitter PRICE THREE CERT& FACTS AND rallotos. [For the Philadelphia Evening Banletta.l VIOLETS AT THE OPERA. Sweet little flowers, how wan and faint yoit Look staid this atmosphere of heat end noted. Your souls, like mine, it seems but.cioorly brook These artificial griefs, these hot-bedjoyet, I wonder if you're dreaming, half shut up, Of fir-off garden plots, and wooing breeze; Of the sweet drop of honey in your cup, lived from the neetarous-dew, for ,happy *IS t Like that clear drop of concentrated sWeet, Lies in my heart the thought of one beloved; Bo let ns welt until Time's flying feet' - Bring to tut those who gather unreprovcd. • 3 Zr For yon, I fear, no fregrant Bummer noon, No hamming beee, no tender annoy AY; Garnered in vain the honey-drop, for soon, Stilled in light and mule, you must die. For me—well, what for me? I wait, I dream Amid the fever of the world around; Perchance, my happiness may on beam, When I, like you, sink to Our mother trona& FAUST*. —ln Edmund rates'a laa play, a caricattiront Swlnburne la introduced. —All the journals In the Grand Nehy Baden that write against Prussia are Seized. —Cardinal Antcineill is laying numerous pipesi for alp papacy. —The Indian Ameer Shur. Ali has dressed all his court in pantaloons, waistcoat and swallow tails. —A Jerseyman who invented an india-rubbor carriage has sold his patent right for half a mil. lion of dollars. —The Catholics of Germany sent upwards of $2,600,000 to the Pope to commemorate his ju bilee, and the addresses bear 325,000 signatures.. —First-class private houses in Parls,ingoodlo calities, rent from $B,OOO to $20,000 per anduat in gold. —A west Texas farmer, fearful that hie eattla will stray out of hie little yard of 180,000 acre; has fenced it in. —Moonlight baptisms are becoming popular in Indiana. Very unsubstantial stuff to oaptisa with, is moonlight. —The famous nun Pstroeloio has arrived in Paris. She is believed to be nearly as wealthy as Queen Isabella herself. Offenbach has politely declined giving musk ICP801:18 to the French Prince imperial. Which is a good thing for the P. I. Gipsey predicted to the Empress of Austria. during her recent journey through Croatia, that , she would become over 80 years old. —The Pollan ladies in Posen and Gallicia, are collecting money for the purpose of enabling the female convicts from Warsaw to eacapo from Siberia. —Weston has been examined by a 'physician, who tells him that his walking has caused a sari ' ous enlargement of the heart, and forbids him': ever to start on another tramp. --The Postmaster-General. intends to furnish visitors at the leading watering-places of Aber.' country with better postal facilities this Summer • than have ever before been enjoyed. ' , —Notwithitanding the large amostnt of• wine, produced In California, the Pacific Coat imports, directly from France at least SOO 000 Worth Or e p wr tain s ' artrifto. every YeAr. - —The last shovelful of earth which composed the Big Mound in fit.Lonis has been taken away, and the place where the huge Indian sepulchral hill stood is now on a level with the adjacent streets. —There is a beam in the roof of the Portuguese Synagogue In Bevia Marks, London, which came , from the timbers of a man-of-war in the reign or Queen Anne, by whom it was presented to the . synagogue. —Prince Napoleon, who Is not wanted in Franco during the elections, is to be sent on hie travels again by an imperative order of the head of his family. It is stated "with certainty" that he is going for a cruise in the Adriatic. —The friends of Queen Isabella in Paris say that the Cortes are sure to cell the Prince desAs twins to the throne eventually. It is reported that Napoleon considers this the best solution of the difficulties. —Some time since an account was published of the sleeping man at the Bieetre Hospital, Parts- Ile died on the 12th ult., having slept there seven nu,nth■ and three days. On the morning of his death he woke up and swallowed a pint of chocolate, also the same quantity of broth, and some wine. —A Wisconsin paper, the d namosa Eureka. says: "Ebenezer Brown, well•known among ,the old residents of this vicinity, has, during the past season, trapped three wolves, seven wildcats and tour catamounts—all within five miles of Ana mesa." Who wouldn't own a villa in the vicinity of Anamosa, Wis.? —The Parisian managers are grumbling about the old law dating from 1699, which obliges them to devote ten per cent. of their receipts to pub lic charities. Chum represents a wretchedly dressed fellow applying at the ticket office for an orchestra seat. "Why, my good man, Ate price is ten francs!" says the ticket-seller, amazed. "No matter, I are a parture ; • deduct it from my right," replies the Sybari e, —We draw from our foreign files the following drops of French dramatic news: —The fourteenth representation of Faust at the Grand Opera, Paris, on the 10th of April, Melded 16,647 francs 10 centimes,—slllo, gold. —On the Emperor's birthday, the 15th'August, it is expected that Victorien iSardou wltlie made ofilcer, and Henri Meilbac chevalier ' of the , le gion of honor. Bardon, on the 13th April, left for Venice. —The interminable success of the Inutilea at. the Theatre Cluny causes the postponement of a drama which is looked for with great interest This is the first dramatic work of the novelists Erckman-Chatrain, put off until next winter for the reason stated. —Frederick-Lemaitre was announced, the middle of last month, for a re-entrance at. the Ambign in his character of the schoolmaster In Le Creme de Faverne. —What wore therarislans listening to, on a given night, at the close of the winter season? in re is the synopsis, culled from the dramatist advertisements of the J of April 17th : In the first place, your choice of six operas; at the Grand Opera, Fanst, with Colin, Faure, ancl., , Mlle. Nilsson; at the Lyriquo, Adam's opera Le, Itrasseur de l'resion; at the COllliqUO. Postilion de lon itancit, and an afterplece by Grl- ear; at the Varietes, the Belle Freitag, with Mlle. Tau tin; at the Bouffes, two Offenbachanals, fun and l't it;:ehens and La Lira (the principal. - part is played by Mlle. Schneider, and is, her first lailure); at the Fantaisies, Une Julie a Rams. TL en for drama; at the Fram;als, Vat venturitre,,, by Emile Angler ; at the Odeon, Molli:re's Tar- toffs; at the Matelot, Damas's seniksaccessfel.: military piece, Lea Blanes et lea Bleats, with thirlyi'l three principal dramatis personto; at `the Gym-o ease, Barden 's &rap/line, and, at the Porte Martin. his Fatrie at the Palalaitoyal. Laßar-1 naval crun Merle Blanc, and three trides,beside; - at the Gaite, La Fills des Chiffoniers at the ifolles. Dramatique, Le Canard d trots begs; at Dejazeiga , theatre, La Comedic de la via ,•'thalltge , 'Tt#Mte'. Cluny is still bewildered with its unexpected too: eras of Les Inutiles; and the tiny Fblies. lifartmr bravely sets forth three pieces, the lett of which: Is Ce Bon Roi Pagobtit > The • Vatideielllo, tlus Anihigu and the Menns-Flaleira are all Ones closed the same evening for rehearsals and re-, novels ; and their proper audiences are drained off elther'to sons° of thd above spectacles, or to , the circus, or to the Ocifilfs-eoiscerti, slattNtbree Of which draw away front the more legitlmattidnuna 80 to Bb,ooo Parialaneevery night; ;nut four suers are to be added to the list by next Winter. F • • e/:' M==E A. i'3l.(lN - .....! . ."....:11 -'. rt!. - 1, ,- -t; ~, ;SP) ..ji - i . - ' ri.. ,- .. 0 .1. ', i;.... - 4 . •. - '.i.',';..'; :3';:):;1407,'-'.,-. =SIM
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