BE BEETLE HT 14110MA9 CARLT. 'Poor bobbling beetle, need'st not baste; IThould traveler, traveler thus alarm? Parana thy journey through the waste, No foot of mine shall work thee harm. Who knows what errand grave thou had— " Small family" that have not dined ? Lodged under pebble there they fast, Till head of house have raised the wind! Man's bread lies 'mong the feet of men For ark and moil sufficient cause; w in Beetledom ano por la And if thy wife and thou agree But ill, as like when short of victual, 1 swear, the public sympathy Thy fortune merited), poor beetle. Alas! and I should do thee skaith To rea lms of night with heeltap send! Who judved thee worthy pains 01 friend? ,death On earth, save me, without a Pass on, poor beetle! Venerable Art thou, were wonders ne!er so rife; Tbou bast what Bel to Tower of Babel Not gave; the chief of wonders—Life. Also of "ancient family," Though small in size, of features dark What Debreett's peer surpasseth thee? Thy ancestor was in Noah's ark. NEW PUBLICATIONS .Le Nouveau Monde is a handsome weekly paper published in the French lan guage at 91 Walker street, New York. It contains political reviews, ably condensed; correspondence; sketches, short biographies, light anecdotes and witticisms, graced with all the charm of French conversation; and it is printing now, for its running novel, one of the romances of M.M. Erckmann-Chatrain, .-Mbose efforts have been so powerful in di *fang the tastes of the' reading public away from military glories—so powerful, that, owing chiefly to these novels, the Emperor now finds it impossible to arouse any enthu siasm for the centennial anniversary of his uncle. We likewise receive the last number of the Paris Monde illuetre, one of the two great illustrated weeklies of France. This number contains, among its pictorial riches, a page of Cham's bewildering jokes, and portraits of the last Paris lion, the Nab 31) of Bengal, and his sons. The literary matter of a French paper like this is of a higher quality than that of an English or American illustrated weekly; each article is signed by a name of promi nench. The _Nouveau Monde and Monde Plus /4.6 may be subscribed for together at a con siderable advantage. A 'MARRIAGE 1N EGYPT (CoTreepondenco of London NOWB.I Cargo, April 2.—The Viceroy's olden daughter has just been married according to the Mohammedan customs, and yesterday she was driven away in state from the palace of her grandmother to that of Mansour Pacha, the bridegroom. The prenuptial festivities lasted for three days and three nights. At daybreak on Monday, intermina ble peals of cannon on high from the citadel hill, and afar from the plain below, awoke a vast. assemblage of Cairines and visitors from the large towns and villages of the far-reach ing viceroyalty. Presently bugles, fifes and kettle-drums announced infantry and cavalry parading through the streets. Mounted car blniers and men of the line strode in the direction of Kassr-Aali, that great block of buildings overlooking the river Nile. The lofty palace walls and the great plain adjoining were surrounded by gaily be streaked wooden lattice-work, SAratillilaff Mr. ucon 61••., ',Tito LIU auu stained glass lanterns, each with its dip ready to be lighted when the sun would go down. Banners, flags and streamers of all shades soared on high and fluttered to the cooling wind. Sol diery and constabulary on guard at first, soon straggled onwards with a jostling but well behaved holiday-clad population, eager to witness the grand national sights and pastimes on all sides of the vast area, lined by many colored tents, with gilt legged damask furni ture brought hither from palaces and govern ment offices, empty and abandoned during the three days' feasting. But the government clerks are not lazy. They are arranging the tents for the grand banquets to be given. There was to be indiscriminately feeding for the rich and the poor. And so there was. Invitations had been issued for three grand consecutive banquets to Europeans each evening at about seven o'clock; whilst whole herds of cattle and flocks of sheep, and plan tations of rice and shiploads of macaroni were all day and night oflered to a less pre tentious crowd of natives. They tilled them selves to their heart's content, and then squatted on the dusty earth, round trellised booths, from which peeped at times, or emerged altogether when summoned by some great man to tent or plain, singing-girls re citing their plaintive melodies, deserving no doubt of the interest they inspired. And dancing-girls bedecked in "purple and gold" Bathed forth from their headquarters in the MI, and after dir:ner iu the evening, for the: delectation of the Europeans. It was a vast arena, characteristic of the colossal wealth aid unto .uuded munificence of Ismail Paella, cft,!ti g a never ending study of the native element and its pursuits. Here a dense crowd surrounding an enclosure for jereed throwing horsemen. There another equally motley and picturesque throng, watching athletes lifting ponderous weights. Presently legerdemain Greeks perched on gigantic see-saws, throw ing ivory balls in rapid indefatigable sequence. Higher still, men on tightropes balancing weights again, on end of poles. Below all this, hemmed in by the admiring multitude, men dressed as coryphees, wriggling about like the Arab dancing-girls, to the sound of the native music, which has no particular tune or time. Then came jugglers holding writhing serpents by their tails, or spurring on monkeys to an attack; exasperating a goat until, poor animal, It butted at a monkey. Then there was a little modest gambling —natives staking their diminutive silver currency of copper coin, tantamount to half • pence or pennies, on cards as is England at race meetings. Presently a balloon was des patched, and then all eyes were riveted on it as Boating higher and higher, the astounded natives bt.low thought it would never return with its inmate, but enter the heavenly realms of Mohammed at once instead. Moreover, a circus had taken root among the diversified shows and exhibitions performing there in the day, and throughout the night in the pal ace across the way. There in the harem eat its ladies in state, glorious to behold in their gsy silk attire and profusion, without parallel, of precious stones,littering in happy har mony with the gold -dust bestrewn double piled carpets, giltlegged tables and furniture, gigantic mirrors and chandeliers. Toys from the Black Forest and Nurem - berg, music boxes, talking dolls, poliohinelles m gayhture, cats and kittens and other soli ranis lined the walls, and caused merriment during the Princess's srnatinee musicale, va ried occasionally by a troupe of native sing iggirls. Ladies on visits of congratulation arrived .during the morning. Her Highness ve t tbtee grated banquets to the principal Airoq l : 2.l hdleb of Egypt on the evenings of g io loy i Tuesday and Wednesday. The ftepilbuier proceedings appear to have been very attractive. tipideiNie circus the ladies;-`, hadlbeatxicals. Tlift tie* had been ordered' 10 the salaniek dfiliekaretn, when the .native printessesiand theirlurOpean guests watched " from their trelliii-ivirked galleries the per formancea Froni their windows they saw the splendid display' of fireworks on'the adjacent, plain. Catharine wheels, "pinto d'or,"- many-colored rockets appeared forever id"' the air, and the gay scene was quickeftpd by different colored Bengal lights. Afteidinner, in one of the tents with a great many other favored guests, and listen ing afterwards to the military bands at their poste in the illuminated galleries which tow ered above,a visit was suggested to the bride goom. Past the brilliant illuminations, and then through narrow streets, dark as pitch— the moon had not yet risen—we drove, until ft fresh blaze of petroleum lamps and car riages obstructing the thoroughfare notified an approach to Mansour Pacha's palace. The eyes were fairly dazzled as they beheld the spacious courtyard draped with rich-c4l - silks, cashmeres and variegated cloths, like an awning on board some leviathan ves sel, splendidly illuminated, and full of drabs in their gay dress. Two military bands played alternately, and Catherine wheels and Bengal lights enhanced the gorgeous theatrical scene of Oriental magnificence. Inside coffee and pipes were proffered, and Mansour was very courteous. Greeks were dancing, and a buffoon knocking away their canonical shaped paper hats. Here, too, there had been festivities for the last three days. They were brought to a close yesterday morning. In the afternoon the Pacha's young wife was conducted to him draped from the palace of her mother at Kasar- Lail. It was a very grand procession. The Viceroy, attended by his son and Minis ters, saw it as it passed from the palace the Prince and Princess of Wales inhabited when here. His highness had invited a numerous assemblage of ladies and gentlemen. First came a squadron of dragoons, afterwards an other squadron of cuirassiers, and then fol lowed venerable-looking men, with grizzly hair, long flowing robes and white turbans, on horseback. With their regimental bands playing the two squadrons wheeled slowly round the palace, and then, after the Arabs holding prominent places in the viceregal household, tlitintantry came in view. They were preceded by mounted officers, and an avante garde of pioneers, with bear - -skins, white leather aprons and axes. Then there were the men, headed by their bands playing the lively Zouave pas, and dressed as such also. After wards the strains of more martial music an nounced more battalions of fresh arriving troopsAiressed like French voltigeurs. Again, elderly Arabs on horseback followed the cor tege, and presently there came carriages drawn by pairs of horses, and driven by gold lace coated coachmen. As carriage after carriage moved on, displaying every con ceivable shape, a veiled face at times peered out from the draped windows. And presently gaily dressed servants led on splendidly appointed carriages-and-four until more splen did than all there came the gilt coach con taining the bride. Powdered servants sat on the boxes, and others walked at the horses' beads. It was altogether a very brilliant pageant. The procession reached Mansour Pacha's at, about five o'clock, and in the eve ning the Viceroy gave a grand ball at Gizireh Palace in honor of the marriage, which was continued with the usual spirit until a late hour this morning. The Viceroy and his son were present. WISCONSIN SPORTS A 'Wolf Hunt. [From the Baraboo (Wiecontsial Republic, April 21 l On the sth inst., after the last flurry of uuw, Jour Biniroub or Greenfield smelt a wolf. Captain John O. Miller, Bill Wilkinson and Peter (not Simon Peter nor Peter Funk, but Peter his brother), together with all and singular Byron Pruyn and five other dogs, armed mostly with fire arms and no fire-water —this quartette of Nimrods, or rather this first nine of the Greenfield Wolf-slayers, sal- Led forth on the sth, in quest of the wolf that had been offensive to their olfactories. The great old dog hound soon bayed out a yell in dog-Latin, which any Nimrod would know meant a fresh track. Soon the man part of the nine came up to where a big wolf had, like a Gideon's bander in good standing, "S tuck her toe-nails in the ground. 80't when she's wanted she might be found!' And away they went, pursuers and pursued For a time Wolfy took the chase as though 'tweren't much of a shower, and wended her way in paths of pleasantness. But perhaps a eight of the hound's deep mouth,and the bull dog's broad one, reminded her that perhaps those hunters deployed in the hill really wanted a wolf scalp. And so, "With a long gallop, which can tire, The deer-hound's bate, the hunter's fire," She plunged away to her den. For a dozen or more miles the chase was continued. The dogs tired; the men tired, and at times almost desponded of the hope that the wolf had any den at all. But the great hound kept belch ing forth words of dog hope, and when the pack wagged their tails in concert, and lifted up their voices in unison and Wildcat h of low, which is in the town of Caledonia, then the men said to the old hound: Dog, oY truth thou'rt no tool. Wildcat Hollow is adapted to wolf-breed ing. A wild, ghostly place, suggestive of fierce beasts of prey and all manner of war Licks grim, brownies, bogies, spooks and unholy apparitions. A. basin, as 'twere, with craggy walls and jagged cliffs, where owls and bats do sojourn, and the she-well with her whelps may gnaw skulls in security; where the wildcat's briuded kits mew out a response to the horned owl hooting defiance like the King of the Night to the watch-dogs that howl afar. Far up in these cliffs stood the pack, wagging their tails in dog-talk, saying, We've holerer ! The hunters knew by the dogs' voices about how many feet in extent the den must be, and knew 'twas big as a room, and several feet under ground. The entrance would a wolf, but not a Miller; would it, this narrative would have been re lating bow Captain Miller made a regular old Put junior of himself by paying Mistress Wolf a personal visit in her own bedroom. So, they dug, some ten feet from the hole, at a point where they could hear the bull-dog express a desire to lock jaws with the wolf. The digging was all rock; and these Nim rods pried and boosted out bowlders bigger than several oxen could draw. At length they threw out a rock which made a hole right square over where Mrs. W. stood in a corner or crevice, %Mel:taut, keeping the dogs at bay. Her back was right exposed, nigh Captain Miller's feet, and he grabbed her! but she gave such a spring that she squirmed loose, but so much dog company as she met in her kitchen soon crowded her back to the bole, when Cap. reached under her Oink and drew forth first one hind foot, and then the other, and then deliberately cut her ham strings with a jack knife; and then Cap., se curing a good foothold, gave her a swing out of the hole past him, down the craggy cliff. Tier jaws snapped as loud and fierce as a big steel-trap as she went past his legs ; but his giant arms threw her clear, and soon a bull-dog might have been seen with his best grip in a monstrous great gray she-wolf's clieek,as though he bad a killing affection for her, while hound introduced a few nips of his THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN-PHILADELPHIA TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1869. .1 _I i o ng - rtionao her spinal column. There wla EIDMV a +.4oid wolf and ajubilant party of "%Umtata on their way to, refrepmentai„and,a town aid county bountY. And let every, sheep:and other good ciUien'return thanks. . rh'e Humana.* Dliarera:[: Sometimes the native children fix a long pole so as'to project from 'a bank over deep Water; along this they chase , drich other to the utmost end, leapinKin.regtilar succes sion, into the water. leaping from high, perpendicular °lifts is alavorite and daring sport with the men. They choose a place where the water is not leas than fifteen or twenty feet in depth at the foot of the cliff; then taking a rousing run, to get fairly under way—like Washingtonl Irv i ng' s Dutchman, who started to jump over the mountain—they bound for into the air firm the edge of the cliff. As the leriper"ralls'lrOni" that 'dizzy height—sometirndk a'4 l 4 l 3oiPcV feet ',by Meas urement—toward the . -Writer;,,he' bends him self almost double,. wanton mus cular play ; but just before' striking the water he partially straightens himself so that his whole body is slightly Curved forward at the moment of the'plunge, and thin :feet are, perhaps, a foot in advance of,S perpendieular line let fall from the heed. 'He strikes the water without a splash, entering it: withthat quick dull chuck that a smooth pebble makes when thrown forcibly in the water, and at an angle with We 'surface so nicely calculated that 'be is " 'actually; brought to the surface again by the O.dmeatum of the fall. With his body i eurvea as I havelde scribed, he shoots through the arc of a circle under the water, and after two or three se conds comes up, feet foremost. The first thing you see of him is his toes, emerging from the water fifteen or twenty feet in front of the place where he went under. No ath letic feat is more daring and beautiful than this. The sensations experienced by one who falls from a great height have not, I think, been described in print. A singular good for tune having made the writer of this article an expert in the Hawaiian manner, he is able to give some account of them. Until you are thoroughly practiced in the leap, you have a decided inclination to think twice about the matter before you risk it: You first dive at the loot of the cliff, and satiety yourself that there is sufficient depth of water. You watch one after another of your companions as they bound away in long, parabolic curves from the edge of the cliff ; but it requires some nerve to throw yourself deliberately from a high precipice into mid-air. The solid ground seems a much more comfortable place. At last nerving yourself, you run and leap. lostautly you have a feeling of floating rather than of tailing—suer/ a feeline, I suppose as a bird has when rapidly alighting from an elevated flight. There is no sense of accelerated motion as you fall; but you feel your hair blown u,) ward by a fierce current of air. This does not, however, in the least embarrass your breathing. The notion that people have "their breath taken away" in falling from a height is erroneous. In an instant comes the plunge; and you must enter the water in ex actly the right position, or it will hurt you almost like the solid earth. Upon enter with a splash you meet its resistance too suddenly, and may be lamed or stunned. The great leaper, Sam Patch, lost his life thus. Had he posse sed Hawaiian skill and a sober head he would never have lost his position white falling, as in his last leap at Genesee Falls. Could an Islander have taught him how to come out toes foremost, he might have been alive and leaping at the present day. You, wiser than he, come safely to the surface, swim ashore and prepare for another leap.— Hearth and Home. MIIMBEIESUMMi BTILLINERY. AN ELEGANT ASSI4RTM ENT OP FINE French Millinery always on nand by Miss A Bonner, at heir show rooms, No. 1103 Chestnut street ap30.11n6 - MRS. S. D. WILLITB,I37 N. NINTH STREET 57) 10 conPtantly in receipt of a fi ne and varied amAort meet of French millinery. apl4-IM6 CLOTHS, CASSIMIERVS, &c; WASEINGTUN MILLS. LAWRENCE. MASS 6-4 SCOTCH CHEVIOTS. These goods are known to the Trade BA "Ca.EVIOTS" end - IiANNOCKI3UIOCS," and are the strongest and most durable w oolen fabrics which can be made. as It is impossible to /nuke them of shoddy or any other material with which the manufacture of woolens has usually been cheapened. 'IV ABIll NGTO N MILLS LAWRENCE, MASS UIIEV roTs. for spring and rummer wear BAN tsO(,KI3URNd, for autumn and winter, have been copied from the beet Scotch stviee, and mann. lectured Item the imported wool, which alone can give the meter effect to them. At trot it wee thought by the partiea who contracted for the goods, that they n ould sell better without the dielinct ye mark of the Washington Mille; but it has I et n found that in general appearance and durability they are quite equal to their foreign prototypes; there• fore the largest consumers have requested the'. the regu lar Warlmigton Mills ticket should be attached to every piece; and iu order that purcl,astre may be protected Iron, the voecibility of havi'.g inferior goods sold to them in get mente, under the name of the Warbiugton Mille Cheviots, the following named parties hereby advertise to the trade and public generally, that they have given the preference to these goods, and will have them con• ttently in stock, AND NO INFERIOR GRADES WILL. I tF. OFFERED AS BUDSTITUTEB. NEW YORK. Abernethy & Co t'ollitie Plummer & Co. Curliest. Whalord & Co. J ewer ilde, Jr. & Co. Doi & Co. Mau , Pros. ltrookeltros. W. W }Ate & for. rnerly White, Whitman & Co. A. Itnymond. Itiud•keff tiros & Co. Klrtl Pl end ll , l,AlA }lnbc oLPHlAck&Brorleon . IN an nine ker & Brown. Wllgne & Fill,. Mule. ed & Hawkins. Drool+ field & Eck. noir) etu 26t COP AIVFNEMI fit ILPB. 1( TA BTNERSIIIP NOTICE. (/ The underafgnothave We day entered into copart. nerohlo for the traimaction of the buzinere of B.Ankmro and Brokers, at No. douth Thiru streJt, under the name of WORK & kI/LNki, r II I LA DICLPIIIA, /1105 1,1b69• BUSINESS JAMEB A. WIMMIT, TLIOBNTON MICE. CLEMENT A. OIMBOOM THEODORE WRIGLIT. FILINK L MULL. PETER W RiGET do dObW. Lmp oriel a of earthenware and Shipping and Conirnif don Merchant/. No. 116 Walnut street, Philadelphia. TO 23 BOYD. Window Minder, Bede. Mattreesee Carpets and Curtains, No. 136 North Nint street, Philadelphia, al• wayn on la nd. Furniture repaired and varnished. ( SOT ON BAIL DUCK OF EVERY WIDTH, FROM VI II inch to 76 inches wide numbers. Tent and Awning Duck.. YOPOMIlak(31.11 JO Felting, Flail Twine. AN &e: - tiN W. EVERM. 526 No. 108 Church itroot, City 13tores VitIVY WELLS—OWNERS OF PROPERTY—THE only placo to got privy wells cloaneed arid'dlein• footed, at very low-prleea- A,. PEYSAON., idanutaattwar of Poudrette.Cirddendtb's 11.a.U. Library stroot. ou'ramty. T Q ODO ERB , AND WOBTENEIOLM'S POGICE . T KNIVES, PEARL and STAG HANDLER. Of bulln• tiful finial. RODGERS' and WADE & BUTOtiEttql , 'and the CELEnItATED LFICOULI'RE RAZOR EICABSUBB IN CABER of the fined Razors. Knlveti, Balsam and Table Cutlery, Ground andquality.. EAR IN writ ÜbIENTU of the moat 11,vproved eontitruotlon to akatat the hearing. at. P. MADEIRA'S. Gator and Sur. era! hatrament Maka.llls Tenth Woe. Wow' 01°4 ' mot CHAMPION SAFE-S' Maw Yomr, Apr 11,10,4869. . DEERING, FARREL & SHERMAN, No. 261 Broad way. GENTS : On the night of the 22d ult., our store, No. 20 South street, was entered, and a desperate attempt made by burglars upon one of your safes in oar counting-room. The key to the safe In which we kept our se curities was locked inside of our fire-proof book s ate, the doors of which were literally cut to pieces; from this they obtained the key to the other safe and opened it. Fortunately we had ono of your Burglar-Proof Bankers' Chests inside, in which our valuables were deposited. This they went to work at with a will, and evidently used up all their time and tools In vain attempts to force it. The night was dark and stormy, and the fact of their knownig where our key was kept shows that their plans were well ma tured. They tried wedging the door and body of the Chest, and the faithful safe bears evidence of the labor 4nd skill devoted to the work. All was useless, and it is with great satisfaction we report that upon opening it we found our securities all sale, and can therefore cheerfully indorse the Burglar-Proof work recommended by you. Yon will please send the new safe purchased by ns to our counting-house, and take the old one to show that some safes are still manufactured worthy of the name. DAVID DOH'S & Co. HERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION SAFES, "THE. MOST RELIABLE SECURITY FROM FIRE NOW KNOWN." Manufactured and sold by , FARREL, HERRING & CO., Philadelphia. HERRING, FARREL & SHERMAN, No. 251 Broadway, New York. HERRING & CO., Chicago. HERRING, FARREL & SHERMAN, N. 0. fe2 tit tb e tit FRESH FRUIT IN CANS. Peaches, Pine Apples, &0., Green Corn, Tomatoes, French Peas Mushrooms, Asparagus, &0., &o. ALBERT C. ROBERTS. DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, Corner Eleventh and Vine Streets, QW ET OIL.--150 DOZEN OF F:rl RA QUALITY Olive Oil, expretely imported for COMITY'S Emit And Grocery, No, 118 Bourn Second street. I'EACIiES IN LARGE CANS, AT FIFTY 0-LW per Can—the theapeat and heat goods the rity, et COUSTY'd Eset End Grocery, .No. 118 Soutn Second etrect. }..W DATES, FIGS, PRUNES, RAISINS AND AL 11 monde—all of new crop—in etore and for este at COUEITI"S Eaet End Grocery, No. 118 South Second et. --- VRENCH PEAS. MUSHROOMS. TRUFFLES. TO matoee, Green Corn. Asparagne, .0., in etore and for tale at cOUSTY'S East End Grocery, No. 1113 South Be- ENEEI Whitten, Burdett 'At Young. Miner, Beal & U. W. Fretil , nd, Beard & CINCINNATL Lockwood BMX eV Co EIUMME Field. Bow - die:l.i Co M=MIS3 Davis, fbikat ar wileon •. - • - Pi It(111. PA. Btein Bros. TOY. N. Y. G. V. S. Quackenbush & Co Dorr 8 bione. PHU V IDEN(..:E, IL I, James H. ueßd & Co 'Chadbourne & KendalL SAMUEL WORK. kRANCIS T. MLLNE. myl,3t. mbll-am M=SiMMMIMM FIRE-PROOF SAIFEN MIN ~ 1 114i3tICCESITFUL* B URGIARY, • LETTER or bIEBBIIB. DAVID DOWB &CO and street t , NED CHERRIES, PLUMS, BLACKBERRIES, Peaches. Pxunellas. Pears,Lima Beans, Shator queer Coln. COCKEY'S ast End Grocery,,No. 118 South Second street LIDEZBER. IVIAULE, BROTHER ik.„CO:, 2500 South St. -4343t 869 PATTERN MAKERS. 1869 CHOICE SELECTION oa MICHIGAN CORK PINE }OR PAT ERNS. 1869 BP , ULT. AND HEMLOC 1869 J. SY} CCE AND HEMLOCK K LARGE STOCK -- (TRIISA FLOORING. VLORIDA FLOORING. CAROLINA FLOORING. VIE WislA FLAK/RING. DELAWARE FLOORING ASH FI,OORI 1869. WALNUT iLOORING 1869 FLORIDA STEP BOARDS. • , -,FLORIDA STEP BOARDS. RAIL FLALNK. RAIL PLANK. w iW N k T g B A A IRD PLAN'Ib69. WALNUT WALNUP BLANK. AA SORTED FUR CABINET MAKERS. BUILDERS. &U. 1869. , `LVD ) FETRIaIII k .LUNI,II.. 1869. RED GEDAA. WA.Lt 7 IC:T - AND PINE 1869. nESEA SO ASONED POPLAR. NED CHERRY. 186 ASH WHITE OAK PLANK Y. AND BOARDS. HICKOR _ CAROLINA BUANTLINU CAROLINA H. T. BILLS NORWAY bCANTLING. 1869. CEDAR SHINGLES, CEDAR SIHINGLE CYPRESS 61111%1(31.ES. LARGE A SbORI 'AI ENT, FUR SALE LOW. 1869. PLA STRIG LATH. PLASTERING LATH. 1869. LATH. raIt.CILIE ItitOTIFIETR. dk CO., MO' 0 SOUTH STREET. 1869. ILumber Under Cover, ALWAYS DRY. WATSON 8c GILLINGHAM, 924 Biehmo d Street. mh29 I v 0 . . m IJUMAti do POIIL LUMBI/ lIEKIIANTS. NO. IGII IS. Polirth street. At their yard will be round Walnut, Potlar, Cherry , floe, lieroloelt &c., Aln.. at rea• Sonab,e prices. Giro them a call. MARTIN THOMAS. trall7.6rn• MAAS POHL, rrO COISTRACrIdtB, LUMBERMEN AND BULP• builde , P.—We are now prepared to execute promptly ordere for Southein Yellow Pine Timber, fihipstuff and Lun.ber. COCHRAN, RUSSELL di, CO., 22 North Pront strei t. tult2A-tt "VELUM PINE LUMBER—ORDERS FOR CARGOES J. of every description Salved Lumber exocuted at glint. notiqulity subject Wharves. Apply to .EDW. n. ROWLEY. 16 south Tea NEW PUBLICATION N. NEW PUBLICATIONS, Amelia n Sunday-School Union, LADY LUCY'S S Ec EMT ; or, The Aold Thimble This is the fir.t volume of a new and original arrive to be mated the Children of Btantoun Corbet; or, tooles of English t hildren, from the reign of Queen Mary that of Queen Anne. Moo.. cloth. 60 cantos. 1110010.1rOlc IL EN DALE'S CHILDREN. A very attractive and entertaining book. 16m0., cloth, 81. E EICENCit Ptt O'r ES TAN ; or, Louie Michaud. 18mo., cloth. 10 cents. OLIVES VW OSLO. llmo., cloth, GO centg. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS; or, The Grateful Irish Boy. 18mo.. cloth. 40 cents. American hunday-Bchool Union, 1122 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia. ay27 t o th Ot ICtiIILOSOPLIY OF MARRIAGE.—A. NEW COURSE of lectures, as delivered at thei Now York Museum of Anatomy ; 'embracing the subjects.: How to Live and v; hat to Livo reviewed; th aturity an Indigestion, A Man. hood generally the Cause ot Flab 'tierce and Tcrvoue 'Diseases accounted for; Marriage Ybilmophically Considered, ,tc. Pocket volumes containing these Le( turea will be forwarded, poet patd,on rot cu of at cents, by addressing W. A. Leary, Jr., South. wist corner of Fifth and Walnut ;druids, Philtidel. phis. ' folg.iv• OLIVES.—FINEI , BP&NISII CRAVES IN and agd half Kayou keg& For !salt flial'Jß 'omen r tt kapNo. 115 Walnut ecru t, MMESIMEMai - yq L Ewisx-Atkomu,p:& C 0 ..P• .DIAMOND titA - fillus 41i'AEWEILEBB. WATCHEE4O4IVIIIIII.7I 9 su.yAtu vv..A4g4, ) WATCHES and JBWELRI r*RPLUED. • • . 802 'Cheitint SC; Phil& • Ladies' and Gents' Watches American and Imrorted, of the moat celebrated makers. Fine Vest Chains and Leontines, Diamond and Other Jewelry. ENGAGEMENT Alen WEDDING DINGS, la 18 karat and coin. SOLID SILVER WARE FOR, BRIDAL PRESENTS. TABLE CUTLERY, PLATED WARE, Etc. lal "T e l, Wtfi. 11. 1 1 17&IIINE & CO., Wholesale Dealers in "I v WATCHES AND JEWELRY* H. 3. corner Eleventh and Chestnut Strada, And late of No. 85 South Third street fel IY trmiTHIANDoLpF7; ,• kERs bee Jere la 2 V. %Ronde and Members of stock and G d Exchange, receive accoUnte of Min b and BUMILCrIi on lib- eral terms, issue Bills of Exchange on U. J. Hambro & Son. London. B. Metzler, S. Sohn & Co. Frankfint James W. Tucker & Co., Perks, Mid other principal eines, and Letters of Credit available throughout Europe S. W. corner Third and Chestnut street. UNION PACIFIC R.R. Bought aud Sold at Beat Market Prices. Payable in Gold. The Road will be completed In And Trains run through In *A ; ~ E I g i ) / ' t i. it ~.. ... .1 6 Dealere in Government Seeuritiee, Gold, &0., 40. S. 'Third Street. .1869 114, So. 1" - EYT. 1 3:1 1 PT. PlerTL 1 ""' IN ALL GOVERNIVIENT SECURITIES We will receive applicatlobe for Yolicieft of MY: Insurance in the new Nntlonal Life Ineuranet ( joreuany of the United, Statca. Full ln.fornultiot given at oar office. rr Sr, ID Pi ti,r Having removed to their New Building. No. 100 BOUT S THIRD STREE'r . GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS, And &al In I \ -- ERN YIENT and other SECURITIES, GUI E. BD LS. ,t2c. EY ON DEPOSIT, allowing h3tereot, N Ft,o'IIATE LOANS. giving opecial attontion to Mer cantile, Rover. Will r xi rrdoil4 for Stork M. Rondo, &r.. on Comm!. Fine, at Rini-lock Exchanger of Philadelphia. Now York, Br rtes and 13 iElinoto. ap27-1 111 , ; -- - - :Arid Mosquitoes. Mtog,oun'e Patent, Adjiietable WINDOW SCREEN, WATefirAf t In 14 and 18 karate. Of the Latest designs FAINANCIAL. First Mortgage Bonds These Donde pay BLa (6) Per Cent Interest. in GOLD. PRINCIPAL Frui INFOR!ATION C : ; FULLY FURNISIIRD. Ten (10) Days, Twenty-live (25) Days, h.A.NK.XING g. 01.101: L)1 A.LEIRS REMOVAL. Are cow prepered tranytet 1 IRIUJELLADISOII}ti. WILL Ell' ANY WINDOW. SEI I,ERS 13 1 E OTHERS, No 623 Market Street Philadelphia, BOLE hiAN ITAOTURERB Liberal diecontit to the Trade AKI,HZ,„,e,,M, ANT ,..t ..,Z , VS)] , „4 Of the West nod most beautiful designs, and all other Slate wells ou h sod or made to order. Factory and Salesrooms, hIX'PEENT IT and GIALLO W -1111,1, et rema. WILdON di KILLER. ap2l fant ClO - AJC , lAD WOUHP. CROSS CREEK LEHIGH COAL. PLAISTED & MoCOLLIN, N 0.1038 CHESTNUT Street, West Philadelphia, Sole Retail Agents for Core Brothers & Co.'s celebrated Cross Creek Lehigh Coal, from the Buck Mountakr Vein. This Coal is particularly adapted for making Bteam for Bugar and Malt Houses, Breworioe, dre. It in also augur passed as a Family Coal. Orders lft at the office of the Miners, No. 341 WALNUT Street (let floor), will receive our vrompt attentn. Liberal arrangements made witb mannf art ruinaresg a ragulnr quantity. ASOril BRUM JOllll F. BUZ&OT. EIVIIE UNIThAtSIONED INVITE ATTENTION TO their stook of Spring Mountain, Lehigh and Locust Mountain Coal, which, with the preparation given by us, we think can not he excelled byoiny other Coal - Office. Franklin Institute Building, No. 16 S. Seventh street. SINES di SHEAF' Jail-ti „ A;ea street wharf. Schuylkill. f 1 OAI. BREAKER—WE PREPARE COAL IN OUR kiyard from the beet collieries. Cur operations are no humbug, hat u determination to sell pure coal. Churches and Charitable inotitutioue outrank) at liberal di-count. KEI l'Ett At tIEdINGSR , nilr.l3 3m S. W. cor. 13th and .Waohiniston avenue. I,IIII7NICAPJa Ovate. HON-DINE roes.EAUkir.B. 1311401NQ, [ Thirteenth essor. and d Busidmice. 808 B. Thirteenth ktreet, a1i26.1711 t i S TAR -•,... - .7 . 1k ,, , ,›- ... t 'r SPRING, pAtt SARATOGA, NEW YORK: The analysis Proves thlit the wehelli of the • SARATOGA STAR SPRINGS. hay° a much larger amount ot rolid substance, richer in medical ingredients than any Other spring in Baratol. and shows what the taste indlcates--namely , thatit is t he STRONGEST WATER.. It also demonstrates that the STAR WATER contains about,, . 100 Cubio Inches adore of Gas in a gallon then any other goring. It fathii ektra amount of gas that imparts to tble waterits peeulifirly sparkling appearance. and renders it so yery agreeable to 0 taste- It bin , tend! to preserve the delloloue flavor of e water when bottled, bed caueets it to uncork with an &Terve*. once almoet equal to Übampagne. Bold by the leading Druggists and Hoick through out the country. JOHN WYETH & BRO„ 1412 Walnut Street, Philada. WholoBo.o Agent - di. Atm for aale by W. Walter Mullen. Cheatnnt BM; Fred. brown. corner of Fifth and Chestnut streets; LJ. Grahame. Twelfth and Filbert: IL B. Lipphnot4 Tweptit th and Cherry ; Peck dr. C0..122 Cheethut; nuts nh Olt nth Eigh t Sprace; Sp Te.ylorools °heat. ;P. 0. er. eenth ance Jacob,. Jr,. 917 Chestnut; Geo. O. Dower, Sixth and , Vine; James T. Shinn. Broad and oprnee; Daniel S. Jones. Twelfth and Borneo ; W. S. Webb, Tenth and burble Garden. del.tu th a tyro° Ayer's Hair Vigor, For the Renovation of the Hair. The Great Desideratum of the Age. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair is soon. restored to its original color and the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thick ened, falling hair checked, and bald ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts longer on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr, J. C. Ayer & Co,, PIIACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL CLIEIIk.TB; LOWELL, MASS. PRICE $l.OO. grid by allrniejoto .•-v i.M. M %P.IS Li) , PhilAdt Lit :s1E.1)ill:s1 ur.i , 111 GKiNIAI Lf es: c intulFrP 74• II I II Plll Ser NA POLT:ON 4514 , h ter K I NSF:MATS TPF, CIIEST. SYRUP 4 11)' P.)191. ISPIIITP. OF LIME. U 11 x 111,7 4: ,1. 11.1.11r , TP, Ysgta A Pyrup comp..% tied with thin new salt has been tu b-clmed by Churchill for the treatment of pulmonary kr. itecent tria'r made at the tiromnton Consult:lP non inwitotion .fneelailv devoted to the treatment cf dirvlt-.e of the eht.vt,liavo abundantly do hemp tratee the ahao' , ute neco.altv or obtaining this now I herup , ',tic Agent in Ito mutt pot fectiv pure and neutral rendition. tatilvehoonlitl of C}ftiP contains four grains of peril, UY 1 ate by hophorplitto of lime: and, as eon rounded by MM. firinoinlt Co.. of Patin. this ,yrop it. the oely monarat,on r. hick 'guarantees to the m. ducal profeirion all the plot.orties required in this ittediribe. .1+ at, :a Phllfidelphi.. I. I:F: , 1 11. RICIIARDS . CO., dei N. IA . col To n o and Market streeta. (1 I'A loholN*l ALIA: , A.--A tit I'U.RIOR ARTICLE FOR rleanirs th , leeth, dectroyinc eniznalcula, which In tr-ot them, gtv ing time to the g titrir, and leaving a feeling of frvgranre and perfect eh ant in the mouth. It may be used dolly, and wilt be found to strengthen weak and Mee the sierra and detersivenoss will reeouotooebot it to evcry one, being composed with the aerietance of f o r ftecilet. and Microscopist, It Sr c entid , IdlY oticrrd of a reliehlt, substitute for the um cell,in Nttsehre torn sly in voeuo. En.inent tienttrte, uctioaiuted With the constituents 02 the Dent &Mop_ aiv,cate tiro; li contains nothing te prevent its unrestrained employment. Made only by 3AM Lb I'. el I NN, Apothecary, Bootie and BPruce siro6tih ally. and Rob Stawse, ort ('.Davis.av Oeo. C. Bower, Chas. Shivers S. M. Metioliti„ B. C. Bunting. Chas. U. Eberle. Joes N. Marks, It. li fli ringhurst & Co.. Dyott & Co., 11, C. Blair's Bons. Wyeth & Bro. For lade by Di updfft., gone Fred. Browne, Harvard t Co..' C. LI. Keeny. Isaac H. Rao, C. H. Needle?, T. J. II neband, broo4 - Smith, F.dVt nrd Porrialt. Wm. B. Webb, James L. libmbain. Hnphee & Combo. Henry A. Bower. np29 Imii =a (Mies' & Gents', El Satchels and 1 1 Travelling Bags, in all styles. 'mix lab Ettn• ti Er:4W VC IV A. GO IMO 41104106.210 r ~...... _ GENT'S PATENT SPRING AND_ B ift toned Over Gatters,Cloth,Leather,white and 4 a, .., brown Telt; Chlldrun's Cloth and Velvet 4 of every deet;,,iaItNISIIING t • Da. very low, A. Qhestard . street, corner of N °'. for ladies and g outs, at lath : I: ' 43l)ebt gla 611 9 vel ' BICIIELDEE rs WS ' itcrli-tfii OPEN IN TI L EEVENING. —A4AAL BIEDIOAIo At wholesale by 10.9 to th , e-eow I y 15. Boola.s, &c. Pocket Books, Portemonnies, Cigar CiMS, Portfolios, Dressing Cases, Bankers' Cases, v i t,‘ r i battled and Gents Dressing Chutes. COItMERS. ifs Ft 40 VV . N'S WholleDale and Retail OORSET STORE% 329 and 819 Aroh SL Where the Merchants and Ladlon win find an extensive assortment ufactured Corsets and Heel) Skirts- E ANGLED. in a rvar. tizt6oit. Birds among the budding trees, Blossoms on the iingineground : Light from those ? or song from these? Can ,the tangle be unwound? For the•blubbird'e warbled note, Violet-odors hither flung; And the violet curved her throat, Just as if she sat and sung. Datidelloiis l / 4 1teteed in geld, Give out echoes clear and loud, To the oriole's' story, told 1 With gay poise and gesture proud And the ISwaying yellow-bird, • Trilling, thrills their hollow stems, Until every root is stirred, Under theildrooped diadems. Swallows thicken through the air,— Curve and drift of plumy brown,— Wafting. showering everywhere, Melody's light seed-notes do wn. Beauty, music on the earth ; Music; beauty in the sky ; Guess the mystery of their birth! All the haunting what and why Nature weaves a marvelous braid ; Tints and tones how deftly blent: Who unwinds the web she made ? Thou, who wearest her wise content Wrapped Within her beauty's fold, Of her eons thyself apart, Plainly are her secrets told Unto thee, 0 pure of heart ! TELassiiiw•mi to St 012►1eiIr3 Y. Tit Seventeenth infantry arrived in Richmond, Virginia, last•rdgitt. Qussens 18 re-elected Generalissimo of the Revolutionary armies in Cuba. MAIO: plentatlone and estates In Cuba bave been seized by the ,Spardah officials, under the confiscation decree. BETAtscouraz and several Inerobere of the patriot committee in Cuba ere reported captured by the Spanish forces. A DILL providing for a paid 6•e department in Brooklyn has passed the New York Legislature, and is before the Governor. FRANK Fs•Ctisturer, a boy of 15, committed sui cide brahooting himself, in Boston, yesterday. He had been ordered by hie fattier to apologize to his school leacher for playing truant. A FREW= train on the Toledo,Pcoria and Wa bash Railroad broke through a bride yesterday morning. The engineer was killed, the fireman severely injured, and several ears wero smashed. Tun Treasury warrants issued during April to meet Governaient expenses, amounted to 819,- 374.000. This includes 414,135,00 t) for interest on the public debt. A mamma of the Revolutionary Congress of Cubs has been held, at which resolutions were adopted declaring for Independence and annexa tion to the tTnited States. llasoremoks were adopted at a large meeting in St. James's Hall, London, last night, condemn ing Mr. Gfadstone's Church bill, and uoou the FlOl3BO of Lords to rejector materially alter It. GRN. STANLEY writes from Fort Sally to Gen. Sheridan that the effort to make pence with the Sioux Worms as a nation la a failure; that the unfriendly Indians are as hostile as ever; and that their enmity mill manifest itself in murders and depredations, if not In attacks upon the frontier' Juor.c. PIiAIIFON, In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin county. yesterday, gave a de cision In favor of the Reading Railroad Com pany, against which suit bad been brought by the Cornmonsvcalto for taxes on gross receipts going beyond the State lines. JobTKE C:11.1.51: opened the United States Circuit COUrt, at::Richmond. yesterday. The `'irene-clad - oath was dispensed with, and the jury was altogether white. The legally of Judge "Underwood's decision, setting aside the action of State Courts having ineligible officers, will he argued to-day...: A noLrkattempt at robbery occurred yesterday at the corner of broadway and Pearl streets, New York. Two men jumped into one of the money-wagons of the American Express Com pany, and knocked down the messenger in charge. but before they could drive off or break CIT.II the eafo they were arrested. cosivw... - Trost of biohops of the Methodist Church south will be held In Bt. Lrnns tbts week; about one hundred ministers will probably be pre F ent. The proceeditiza of the convention - will be private. Thu Sunday School Convention and the celebration of the anniversary of the Board of Missions will take place during Inc -week. CAPE COD WOMEN 3 he Effeetto of Heart Sorrow and Con tinued Fear-A Blighted pace of neutrons. [From the Bpringfi•ld Republican.) Nowhere else in all New England will one see so high an average of female beauty of figure and hair and skin as among the young girls of one of the peninsular towns on Sun day, and in no place is the change produced by the lapse of years, from twenty to thirty, so painful and obvious. For the• rounded, complete matronly beauty of the second span of married life, one may look without seeing a single instance. The cause of this is not far off, and suggests itself at once, to one who sees the congregations of women, with here and there an old sick man among them, and then skips all the years of active life down to early childhood before he finds the wale sex again represented. For it is true that in the fishing season there are no men or boys on shoie, Sind' if lon go among the group of bright, happy girls who do not remember the cloud that hangs above them, you will fold that nine ont of tee of them look forward to a union With one' Who 19 now away, and who expects to spend his life fishing in the sum mer and coasting in the winter. Now imagine One of them sitting in her little home two years married, with her baby in the cradle, and the northeaster howling without. She knows ton well that at that moment he may be struggling in the breakers; while the Highland light that she can see glares lowa pitilessly upon his agony; for she has only to climb a spur of land behind her house ti see thelSkeletorrief a ship from which the cruel waves tore o:6:desperate handhold mouths ago, and left the husband and father to sink in sight of his own home, without a friend t aid. The graveetones in the churchyari will not let. „her, stand between them, even for a motnent,"filt they tell het' ha* in a single • night sixty-seven women of, one little town were left widowed and desolate: If she will stay in her; house and shut out Abe rsugges-: lions of 'peril, still'ktie must lonk'Out, and she sees, coming deyn the street, one- whose lover sailed awri'Y'yeais and yew's' s. o, and has•since been missing. His vessel was seen going out by the Rice, bottom up, and when they told thia,peof iyionan all they liedw,she pressed her hands to her forehead, cud cast her glance out upon the waters, over which she has since waitcd for his return. When a vessel,arrivei sob hurries to the landing, and nothing doubting for lee long disaopeint ment, waits an'ti•Watehes to the end. Lbw little ,pan wonder, Olen, at the premature 41 eday, *lien 'vve riiirneinber that to the Jinni - table, sorrows of woolen's lot,, ie whatever statlilikthet*.otherS, intense and perpetual, are ....Prim, °nee-the idol of the people of Oats lonin,,is said , to have few or no friends loft in that Provine°. Ia tarcelona, where he was formerly wonderfully popular, he would not now dare to shoal himself in public, except surrounded by a strong- eiscorf.. - —Rdchefott suggests, in .f.,a Lanterne. to:the French government, the propildtx of ordering the indiscreet. Parisian heir-dresser , who displays on his eign,„in gigantic letters, the words "Wig maker to Her Majesty, the Empress," to remove that iign, because it gave rise to`much unpleas an f" talk. .kroinini . Latfi'.'gdlOo#i of Yesterda y: .. - ':' , ...0..,.c',A:i .riiii isiii . i.iiiiril;'ili., - .: 1 ): '-;;,' ~.t, Meelai Despatch to tho Phila. Evening Bulletin I WASHINGTON, May 3.—Eienry T. Bio Wi or Ws sone, wee to-dav appointed Minister, Ai) ,Brazil, and Daniel J. Vaughn, Pensitin 'Agent; Pains inoutb, N.H. The concluding arguments in the, Dyer Court Martial are being beard to-day. , Mrs. President Grant and faml4o . indinnrnber of friends, attended' a parade, at the Marine Bar racks, tills morning, ! . ,.. Collector Grinnell, of Now York; is hero. Appointmente, „ WASHINGTON, May he' m rresenthas ap pointed Giles B. Overton, of Pennsylvania, re ceiver of public moneys for the Utah hand Dis trict, D. J. Vaughn, Pension Agent at Ports mouth, N. EL, and Captain D. Ammon Chief of the Bureau of Yards and Docks, Navy Depart ment. stilts Agalitist Inenuertatice Compat4es. BALTIMORE, May" the . Supreme Court of Baltimore city, thismondogr -In several sul s brought by James E. Kelley, of New York,agalnst six insurance companies of this city, to recover policies of insurance on tho banding known as Barnum's Museum, Now l'ork city, Judge Dob bin instructed the Jun , that there was no such sale or conveyance of tho property by Barnurh & Reeder before the lire es would forfeit their right under the policies of insurance, and judgment was then entered against the six' Baltimore com panies for the plaintiff forth° amount claimed, which is about 0515,000. Blot at Brownotalle,, wenn. MEMPHIS, May B.—The Appeal !Darns that a riot occurred at Brownsville, Tennessee, last night, in which one white man and two negrocs were killed, and a white man named Torn Grant mortally wounded. Thd affair grew out of a negro threatening to white man named Showman. At eleven o'clock last night the fight ing was still going on. - ' By the Atlantic Cable, LONDON, Slay 8, P. M.-:-Consols 9:4V for money and oecount; Five twenties quiet at BO; , .,; Railways dull, Erie 1985(0 Illinois Central, Ott; Atlantic and Great Western, 2G. FRANKFORT, May 3.—linited States Five twenties, 86. LIVE-M. 001.. May 3. P. M.—Cotton easier; Up lands um.. Orleans, 12M. Sales to-day 8,000 bales. Eosin 16s. 3d. for fine. LoNoow, May 3, P. M.—Tallow 49e. 3d. Sagfir tia. 6d. afloat. Limeed oil, £3l be.; Calcutta 'tweed 595. Gd. Aarrwssnr, May 3.—Petroleum quiet and un changed. Sr. PETY.II6I3IIIIG, Mif a—The recall of De &cockle, Hussiau Minister et Washington, la officially announced. Coca, May 3d.—A mass meeting of citizens was hcid here on Saturday night at which the re-- cunt speech of the Mayor was ;warmly endcrsed end revolutions were adopted, expre,sing BYLEl pathy with and confidence in that func.ionary. Alaska Items. iSpecial rertottch to the Phtla Evening BuHelm) WASlllls,Tkoti. May B.—The Navy Department , to-day received despatches from Alaska giving the particulars of the destruction of various villages .and a stockaded fort of the Kake Indians, as a t•unithment for the murder of two white traders ' In 'January last. and other outrages. 6 , -neral Davis and a party of soldiers acted in onjunction with Commander Meade,'of the Sagi naw. The villages had been deserted on the ap proach of our forces. It was thought that the o,cstructlon of these was a more effective punish n.ent than the capture and execution of the mur derers, as these lawless tribes place little value I,pon tile, and their bou.sei cannot he rebuilt v. Its out much labor arid trouble. Li rnander Miade eyes much Ir.terestin rc rro t ion about the eountty, and 'reports the 0n.. 0 1,,0 r y of !tap: 11, Ids of re_ torus coal, and aluable harbors little known, though used by the fludcon Bay VgSEelk- Pacific Railroad Cla.ltn. Special Detratelt to the Philadelphia - Evening 13,111ettn.1 Mq11.1%,70,i, May 3.--Thee argument odure the fieetetary of the IntCrior on tiehalf of the Central branch of : the" Pacific Ritilroad, which claims the right-under existing laws ter build and to receive lac& and subsidy for one hundred and eventy miles more of road to reach to the one Lundrldtb meridian, was concluded by ex- Attorney-General Evans on Saturday. S?cre- Lary Cox informed the counsel for the road that he would not assume the responsibility of de ciding so important a matter, but would bring II ! nt lore the Cab net for decision ; The arguments made will be printed for tag" before Congress if the d , ciston is adverse. Chief Justice Chace It-ft this morning for Rich mond, where he will hold a term of court. Ho noes thence to hold court at Raleigh and Charles ton. bisth Auditor Marlin entered upon duty to day. Jerome Park Races New yon!, May 3.—The Prospect Fair Asso ciation, of ,Brooklyn, will give a race meeting Tinder the iktewardshlp of the American Jockey ( lab, to follow the meeting given at Jerome Park. Entries close on the 20th inst_ Obituary. Ho ILFROIIO . , 111., May 3.--John S. Hayward. an old and wealthy citizen, and one of the largest land holders in Illinois. died here to-day. Dentin of a Boston rtlerchant 80.57. , N, May 3.—James Hunnewell, a leading merchant of this city, and who has been identi ticri with the Sandwich Island and California it-nth- for over halt a century, died yesterday, acid F.eventy years. OITY Bribrairr Prift-ADIMPITIA CATTLE N1A131:11:T, Monday, May 1861f.—There was a fair demand fur good c.,ttle this week, but other descriptions were d all. We quote choice at the latter rate for an extra lot; prime at 8 1 .60 , 2 e.; fair to Kurd at 7 1 ., (4 , 1• 1 e : and common at 5 oa;e.per lb. crest,. Receipts. 1,431 bead. The following sales were reported: ,0 On en tindth, NVeotern, gra._ .... f Xll 65 A. I.hritty S Bro , Western gr. 9 I Dangler A. , hict:lese,Labcag ter gra.. • . Ito P. \fel. Uler. Laucaater /1: \Vetted], grs. '1 tot 0'..„ iLe P. ilethativitN. Lancaster co.. grP ...... • • • '" Ia 111 tei J. '. Kirk. Cherter co., gre ti :f, B F. SlrFillgn. Lancaster co., gr 8...... ••• • i " 8 1 0 to ,las. Lancaater co. gra... ........ ("4 9,L4 ko F. I'. I.lclfilled, Co., lLancaoter 8 (4,' MartinMartinFaller LI Lancaster co., gra (FON -.• 8 , ,,Ck. 9 to Thou.., Mooney & Bro., Lantesatter Cf). 9 b.,t L. Frank,Lancaztor co., 1918...... 7 telj 835 t.I I rook c". , - bichamberg Laocaster co., gr 7 (iti 8.4" ..I Hope & Co. Lancaster co., gre .. 8 t 493 I. n & Co. Lancaster co., gra.. . 7 W 4.1" 92 J (lei - roan. Lancaster co, gre .. ... . 193titit, 4t4 fts ('hat dler & Alexander. Clieetor co., gre 8340410 25 fCitnhie & Wallace. Chester co., gre =y RI 9'4. Cows and calves were in steady request, and chanced hands at s4o(Wi r o, and soringera at $35(0 Receipts 125 hend.': Sheep were in active request at Vert' full prices. Sales of 12,000 head at ti. j . (4 . lB, t in. per lb. gross. The supply of Hogs FMB quite light, and, the offerings were all taken up sharp at $12,413 50 for slop, and $l3 50@14 50 per 100 pounds 'net for corn fed. About 3,000 head changed bands at 11. Glass's Union Hog Drove lard, wlthi4 the above range of figures., RKPULLICAN RI,CGISTiIiSTIO3! . , —ln accordance' with Rule Ninth of the Union Republican party, :11c1 a resolution of ,the RepublicaP.CitY,EXpeu7 ttve Committee, the registering offers •of (1,404 election division Will meet at the reg'ular:plades of holding elections on Tuesday, May 4, between the hours of 4 and 8 o'clock 1 3 . M.., for the par- pose of correcting the registry for the Delegate Election to be held May il.': • F ITLER, NVEdyga, 4 co., NEW CORDAGE FACTORY NOW IN FULL OPERATION. No. N WATER strect and N. DELAWARE avenue • TUBT RECEIVED AND IN STORE 1,000 OASES Or el Champagne,sparkllng Catawba and California Wines: Port, Madeira. Sherry l Jamalea and Santa Crue Rum, fine old Brandies and hlskies, Wholearale and retail. ' • .J. JORDAN, 220 Pear street," Below Third and Walnut streets and above Doek• street. o INDIA — RUBBER' • t 'BELTING, 'BTEAM 7 Packing Hose. dm. • • Engineers and dealers will •find a full assortment of Goodyear's Patent Vulcanized Rubber Bolting,-Packing Dose, &0., at the Manufacturer's Headquarters * GOODYEAR'S, • 808 Chestnut street. , South side. N.B.—We have now on hand El largo lot of Gentlemen's, Ladles' and Misses' Gum Root% - Also, every vatiotY and n t ylo of Glim Overeoate. . , . ?CI ,; - 4TY.1,11; e Laverpoot Qg Lion don CD' Globe Co. 4 4 dlisth Goa ) 8'769c0 f 390 t h e „.. United States 2 ) 000 ) 000 pailyßiceipts ozier $20;o00 00 Itremiums in'TB6B,' 85,665,07:5.60 Losses in 1868, $3,662,445.00 go. 6 .111orchants' Exchange, . Philadelphia. 1829,-HARTER PERPETUAL. Fl Al' Trw eT ;FIRE 'INSURANCE COMPANY OF PaILADELPHIA4 . , Office---435 end 437 Chestnut Street. Assets on January - 4,1809, 1ff42.,41377;372 13. capital ....„ ..... .. .. . . .Bwougoo 00 Accrued BUrldne. ' . . ...... 70 Premium/. ••• • • •••• • • I.RiBETTLE BB D CLAIMB, /WOMB FOR lEda. $23.7 12. 18254100. Losses Paid Sine 1829 Ovei 4045, /500,000. Perpetual and Temporary Policies on Liberal Terms. The Company also issues Policies upon the Rent/ of AU kindsOf B111111(11, e. Gr oun d it en t a and mortgage,. PiRECIORB. Alfred G. Baker. , 'Alfred fitter. • • Samuel Grant, Thomas Sparks, Geo. W. Iticaards, War_ 8. Grant. leaac Lea, Thomas 8. Ellis. Geo. fait; Gustavus d. Benson, ALFRED . BAILER. President. GEO. FAZES. Vice President. JAB. W. MoALLIPTBR. Secretary. TL L GDGEE M. ItEGER, Assistant Secretary. tell tde3l 7 MPANYPPERSON FIRE INSURANCE (X) OF cl Philadlphia-011Mo. No. 24 North Fifth street. near Market etrect. Incorporated by the Legialature of Pennsylvania. Char ter perpetual. Capital and Afseete, IMAM. Make luau ranee againtt Lou or damage by Fire on Public or Private ilolldingt. Furniture. Stocks. Goode sad blerchandiee. avorable terms. DIRECTOIO3. WM. McDaniel. Edward P. Moyer. Peterson, Frederick Ladner. fotat P. Belaterling. Adam J. Ghlaz, enry Troetonet. Henry Delany. Jacob bebnedeia. ohn Elliott, Frederick Doll. Chrictian D. Frick, Samuel Miller. George E. Fort. Willtam D. Gardner. WILLIAMMoDANI EL. Preatderrt. ISRAEL PETERSON. Vico President. Prirthr E. Cohniali. Secretary and Treasurer. VAlotP lABLILANCE COMPANY, No. SC9 CHESTNUT l' WISP EET. INCORPORATED 1P56. CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL, S.Uht,9l El RE INS UKA NCE EX Of, CSTVELY, I esurea agaiust Lew or Damage by Fire, either by Per' pettllll or Terupernry DIIIKOTOeS. Robert Pearce, John Kessler. Jr.. Edward B. Ornu. Charlei Stokes, John W. Eecrnosn, Mordecai Buzby. ' a MCI-ARSON. President 'HAW N ; Vice President. WO, Secretary, Lftott • Charles RiebardF on. al. H. navvy, Fthnris N. Buck. nry LewtE. t4.than 11111th., Gt. cage A. ‘Vext. (/FABLE. WDLFLI wn.LLANts L BLANC; . Tr- - -XITED FIREMEN'S INSUB.A.NCE COMPANY OF F'IIILALELPIiIA , „ . . , Thl.s Company take! rieke'at the to,wezt rat& conrietent it,L eatety , ety. and.confinee busim... ezeluzive4 to FLEE INSURANCE IN THE CITY OF PHILADEL, OFFICE—No. 722 Arch street, Fourth National Bank DuildlnK. Dnitcroßg. Monty W. Brenner, Albertus &tog. Henry liumm.. James Wood., John Bhallcroes, J. Henry Askin, Hugh Mulligan. Philip Fitzpatrick. Tillman J. Martin. .Itmu Hint, Wm. A. .4Am— Mongan, W lthun Glenn. Jame* Jenner, Alexander Dicke Albert C. Roberta, Jame* I, CONRAD 1i ANDRESS, Prod4ent Wm. A. Roma, Trews. Whit. U. FAGEN. BOC'Y. TEE PENNSYLVANIA FLEE LISUSLILANCE COM PANY. —lncorporated P--Charter Perpetual. O. Mo Wild , . UT ?Street, oposite Independence Square. This Company, favorably known to the community for over forty years, continues to insure against lose ur damage by fire on Public or Private Building., either per n.eprutiy Or for a HMI tc-d time. Also On Furniture, Stocks of Gocds, and Merchandise generally , on liberal terms, Capital, together with a large &intim! Fund, is Invreted in the runt careful manner, which enable them t•. offer to the mau:edaaundoubtedeecuritylnthe coeeof luef. I aniel Smith, Jr. .. . . . _ . .. . A Ida r rAirr 1.., , , . U. Smith, 1-anr I, a al, I rb., Henry Lewia. I.lintnne Itobine,, J. Ciillivqbata Fell, Daniel Haddock. .Ir. I)A .iEL SMITIL Jr.., PreEidont. WM G. Cr.( )WELL, Becretar.Y. apl9-tf M 11 - E PELIANCE INStiti'\CE CO'.~IPANY OF Pllll. incorporated la 1841. Charter Perpetual Otlice, No. Walnut etreet. CAPITAL s3uumin. insures against loss or danaap by FIRE, on Hone , " ten, and o . her Building!, linuted or oelpetnal, and on I •ruiturn. Goods, Wares and Merchandise in town or c. Leary. LOzSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. ae,iete .. 1348;.5 RE33 Inverted in the following Becirrities, viz. Ftrit Mortgagee on City Yroperty,woll eocured.6lM,6oo ai United b t.tew Government Loans.— ........ . .. 117,0.51 u; I'h ilae. ulphla City 6per cant. Loans .. ... 75,000 uu 1 Y.•wylvania *3,000,0u0 6 per cont. L0an........ 30..uu kk; l'e nsylvania tinilroad Bonds, Bret Alortgag9.. 6,0 w w 'don and Amboy Itallroad CoMpany'd 6 par gent. Loan. .. ............... . .'... ' ... 6.000 00 I_ ,, ans on Collaterale 600 00 II untingoon and Broad Toy 7 per Cent. 'Mort gigt. 80nd5.... ........ ........... ...... :,. ... ... 4.K1 00 _ . conty Fire Insurance Gompanre Stock.. .... J: , ChillrliCL , Bank Stock... .. .. .. .. 4.000 oo . ocomerchil Raul: of Penusiltahla. ....... • • 10,000 Ou Cutou Mutual In,aranco.Colopany', Stock 3Bu IA) I , Dance lli=orance lionipany of Philadolphfa Stock. A. 250 UO Cloth iu iiank and ou haud. ....... ........ ...... 12..256 Worth at Par Worth Ellie aat , z, at' market prfees DIRECTORS. . .. Thomas C. Bill. Thomas H. Moore. 'Vu. hlueeer, Samuel Caatuer, Samuel Bippluma. James T. V oung. ii. L, Carvon,. J.eaae. F. Baker. IV m.Stavemen. ) , (Nriatlan J.' Fiona tur. Benj. W. Tingley, 'S atnuel B. Thomas. Edward Biter. . 'Fizit..MISLAS C. LULL President. Wm. CBI' I; Ft, Secretary. Pri February .17, I r . . FIRE A iBOCi4TION OP PF.IILAn4L. . phut, incorporated March 27, ISM. . Office, • " North_ Fifth, street. ; Insure Buildings. lv !.A•4lOrfsehol4 tUrniturn end Unfehandlie • TS' genurally, , from Lola by Fire. Ae4ete . TRUSTEES. bimmuolSparbora: Peter A. Keyser, : Charles p. Bower. Carrow, •*, • i.lesse Lightfoot, eorge 1. Y oung c „,. , c lobert, shownwior. _peeph IL Lyndon."' • . tee ArmtstuetNic Levi P. Coate Ela i Mite L , D F . ? "VirM. H. SIAMILTON,Preside - t, SA24IIUPLOPJLIM4AWK4: Viso Prpsident. • WM. T. BUTLER:Bcrobtarv-. d Trut.A. — im irratitimigo' . conseoy.—clua JTER PERPETUAL.- 4 - , . , . ~- • . , . , %.' u - iflice, No. all WALNUT street, above Third. Phila. ns ' ill iure against Loss or Damage by Fin, on Build 'fn in , either perpetually on. fonalimitod Ume. Househol4 Furnitumand MerOhanditagpnerAllv...i ~1 ':',.' : ' Also, Marino Insurance on Veesels Cargoes and Freights. Inland Insuranca hz, _all parts of' the Union. DIRECTORS. , ".. • Wm. Esher, Lewis Audenried. ,D. Enther ....- I..'' ; 't. ~ ; John Retcham4 John 11.4liamstork. _\ ) !.: J... 111. Baum,. . '. Wm. F. Dean. John B. Hopi. :, : ,Peter niegef, r, c. , .... . Samuel 11 , ltothermeL i . ~ : WM:ESIIER. President ^ Wit. F. DEAN, Vice President, Wm. M. Sarni. Secretary.., - 7,s,tf ,77 --- - AMERICAN. FIRE INSURANCE,, COM:M.I4i. INCOP , .M. poratedlBl(L,,Charterper'petual. 1.1- . ,' , , L' . .t . ) No. ale WALNUT street, above Third,Philadelphia. . /laving a large paid-up Capital Stook and Surplus vel ted in soundand available Securities, continuo to in , cure on dwollir stored , farniture,'Uterchandlse.veSeckl in Dort, and theircarless; and - other - personal property. - Al leases liberally an Proma adj!lctefL - . • HIE RS. • . “ .. ' Thomas R. Maris, , ~ . Edmulud_g4tilli. John Wa i k , ,• - ' ---, ' Oliarlei W. , oultneY. Patrick Br . _ Israel nto John T. Le ._- ' •_2_,LI • , John at: We Orli], winiam . Be THOMAS. Be Japd.lll, itealdont. ALBERT V. Cureerroa.D. Secretary ;,.',,o r i Ai: 1 g -lauWzariros,- DIRECTORS. John Devereux. $437,698 3:1 $454.3ia 33 ialtu the tf $1,40t3,W5 08 !k:f flt w 1,. 41111 j J ADZ' Lit samvizAitax;--. 0 i yit t a z gAßE MUTUAL &Izmir INSURANCE Cuos) , oryorrtid by the Legislature of Pennsylvania. 1835. • -- ce - ,8: E. - corner of THIRD and WALNUT Streets. Philadelphia. • MARINE INSURANCES 4 • 1 Vessels, Cargo and Frefignt to all parts of the world. t ) . INLAND INSURANCES 'goods by river, canal, lake and land carriage to all arts of the Union. FIRE INEWILLNEES 1 On merchandise gLouses. A enerally; on Stores!. Dwellings. •. s. iASSETS OF TUE COMPANY. November 1. 1868. 200,000 United States Five Per Cent. Loan, • 1040's . . ! 4090 lii Stairii . kri'Fii•ViziElsiiii: 7 ; 7 . ....... i i- ~.. ..... ~.;.. 'Saldul 00' 60,000 United Btaies Six Per elent. Loan (for Pacific Railroad) . _.- ~... 60,000 00 1 200,000 State of Peßneylvania 131 x • Per ; Cent. Loan. ..,t ..."...... ' 211,875 00 . . ... ...... 1 125,000 City of Philadeli;ia Six Per Cent. -,, r . •-- LoanAexero Miro= Tax)-.:,'_, .': - 125,524 , 1)(f 50,000 State of New JersoY Six Per.anf., h Loan ... . . ........, .. , ~.,,„., 51.600 00 i 20,000 Yentuylvania Railroad First Mort gage Six Per Cent. Bonds 20.200 00 25,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Second i Mortgage Six Per Cant Bonds. 24,000 00 ~. E 5,000 Western Pennsylvania Railroad Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds (Penna. P.R. guarantee). 90,625 00 80,000 State of Tennessee Five Per Ce n t 'I Loan.. . 21.000 00 i 7.000 State of Tennesse e Six P er e Cent. 1 Loan 408125 i 16,000 Germantown (i.e Company. princi i pal and interest guaranteed by the Lity of Philadelphia. GOO i shares etoek . 16.0(k) 00 10,000 Pennsylvania Raihoad . Liiii]Ui,a .... i- 13)0 eharees tock. - . 11,300 00 , 6,0(X) North Pennsylvaniaßailroad Com ( pony. lee shares etock moo 00 9300 Philadelphia and ifouthern Mail Steamship Company, wahines _ stock.. -.. . ... :.,.. _I: .. .: . ',_.• .. '. : /5•000 00 i 507,550 Loans on Bond ' and Mo . rtgage...lstet ' - ' liens on City Properties 207,900 oci $l.ll/0.900 Par. Market Va1u0.,41.131325 25 Colit. 5L083.644 Jt< 86,000 00 Real Estate.. ..... ..... 13111 s hecelyable for Insurances m m made— 8413eleades due at . 4getic ess- • rulatus en Marine , . PolJelosits. crued haterest and other debts 40.178 88 due the Company Stock and Scrip of jiumiry.co_ done, $3.153 W"ki. • ' LBl3 CO came ..; ...... Cash in Cash In Drawer. ........ 413, ___ ort 7,8 DIRECTORS; airmail C. Hand, James B. 'McFarland. •Edward Darlington. William G. Ludwig, Jogeph H. Beal. Jacobi'. Jones, Edruntal A. Bonder. Joshua P. Eyre. TheoPhilug 'Paulding Willlain EL Bonitodi , Hugh Craig, • Henry C. Dalai; Jr.. -John C. Davie, John D. Talor. James C. Hand, Edward Laf nrClle. John R. Penrose, Jacob ItiAgel, H. donee Brooke, George W. Bernadon. /Veneer MWvaine, Wm. C. Houston, Dairy Sloan, D. T. Mprfian, Pittsburgh, Samuel E. Stoker., John B. Beniplei do., James Traquair, THOMAS A. C. HAN B. BergAr, D.Prtieldent do., J6J3N(I. DAVIB, Vico iteeitiecat. HENRY LYLBURN, Secretary. HENRY BALL, A,.`t Becretaty. ellilk, ILIOLNTY FIRE I.NSUBANCIECOMPANY--OF /. lice, No. 110 South Fourth itreet, below Cheatnnt. be Fire Insurance et)of County of Phila delphia," Incorporated by !attire of Pennaylve ,ztia in LEW, for indemnity againat as or damage by fire. 'exclusively. . . . . .. . . ...... CHARTER PERPETUAL, This old and reliable lastitution,With atnnle capital and contingent fund carefully inverted, contirs. - .1 to insure buadmits, furniture, merchandise, air-- .either permanent: I or for a limited time,against lots Or earnage by fire, at the lowest rates consistent with the absolute safety of its customers. . Lbsses adjusted and pyaid with all possible despatch. DIRECTORS : Cims. J:Biltter, Andrew EL Miller. Henry Rudd, James N. Stone, John Born, Ed win L., iteakirt., Jr.. Joseph Moore, Robert V. Massey. tleorge Mecke. Mark Devine. CHARL S J, SUTTER, President. HENRY BUDD, Vice President' BENJAMIN F. 13.0ECKLEY.Becretary. and Treasurer. i Et CE N I X OF i 1•11 iv 8 U itd.P NU ID.AE_, COItiP.ANIC J. ILEL. DtiCORF'ORA TED 15et—Clid. AD RTSR PERTETCAL. i N0.^..5t WALNUT Street. opposite the Exchange. 1 This Company insureFfrorriloases .5r damage by ILRE_ on iliberal toms on buildings, nierchandise, furniture,. &c... for limited - periods, and - Permanently' 'on buildings by deposit or premium. -• • Tbe Company has been in active operation for more than sixty_ year, during which all losses have been promptly adjusted and paid. 1 DIRECTORS: ohn L. Hodge. , David 'Lewis. B. Mallow, Benjamin Biting, oh* T. Lewis - Thes.ll. Pciwers. ' Vin. 5, Grant:.d. IL , Militinq ' Robert W. Leamin - & Edmond Cast' 'on. P. Clark Wharton. Serene' Wilcox, Lawrence Lewis, Jr, Louie G. Norris. JOHN B. WUCHPRPTe President. Sairrun. Wrtoox. Secretary. Saddlers, ElaimeNs-llllilltergo, , ditannfae. tttrers oT 101othing, Roots, Shoes. & e.._ Will find it to their interest to use our 'UNRIVALLED biAt.IIINE TWIST and the "Milford Linen Thread." Manufactured expressly for us from the best material and warranted a superior article. THS ACl'UltiNG comply! manufacturers and Proprietors of the SINGER SEWING MACHINE. No. 1106 CIIIIr.SISUIr Street. rny2lyra • TAI 15. IC. OBER. Agent. IitIEA'VERS AND STOVES. WASHINGTON RANGE In Constant Operation. Will do the Cooking for a Large Family and HEAT THREE ROOMS. 11. AIeCLENAGHAN, No. 837 Race Street. apls th to a lm THOMSON'S LONDON KITCHENER, OR sr-rA European Ranges. for tanailles, hotels or pubic 7 6 --, institutions, In twenty different sum .Aldo, Phil adelphia Ranges, Hot Air Furnaces,- Portable !eaters. Low downFireboard Moves, Bath Boil. Stew-hole Plates.. Broilers, Cooking Stoves. etc.. bolceale and retail b y the rnanniacnrers. SHARPE & THOMSON, No. 2e5 North fileoend street. no2s.wJ,m-6ml THOMAS 3, DIXON & SONS, Latelindre wed; - Dixon, .;c -- ;" / No. 1324 CI.II.BTN UT Street, Philada.. .Opponite United Staten Mint tuLu3tifactureri • LOW DOWN, PABLO? DC.., • And otherORATES, For Anthracite, 131cm:13111one and Wood Fire WARM-ALlt FuntiAap3, For Warming Public and Prlvatli fluildingr. RECHSTERS. YENTILA f Olt i. CHIMNEY CArd, COOKINO-RANDES,' HATH.DOTLERS. WHOLESALE and RETAIL - Dittman. I (;GISTS` BUNDRIES,.—GRADDATES, MORTAR, 1 , Hill Tiles, Combs, Brushes, Mirror's, Tweezers, Pub }font Scoops, Surgical Instrtunents, Trussos,Alard at d Soft liubber Goods, - Vial Cases. Glass and Motal byrinaoz, &c,, all at !th"triutgancla'! . prices.• SNOWDEN & BROTIIEFt, apb-rf S 3 South Eighth stroot. 1 ) I..GIiEnTS Tr INVI4D TO EXAMINE VCR large stock - of fresh Drage and Chemicals of the I,,tef•t. importation: teeentlal Oils Vnntlla Beam, Si - wages, Chamois otr. 1:(113EliT Sh OEIIAKEIt S Cu., N. E. corner i?(,11 th and Race streets, • , LIVE OIL, SITERIOR QNALITY. 'ON 'DILITIONT krnd In bottles ; varbua britudei. HOBERT 8110E NI Ali Eft & CO.. N. B. corner Fourth and Race xtreeta. SI ILE SOAP "NOW` 'LAND DIG.-300 , BOXES V, hitt, and Mottlea Cantilo Soap, very. euportor quality. Httltl;t'l'. SHOEMAKER Wholcaalu Drusgicite, N. L. corriorFourtivand Baca streets. , C 'VI; VME E 4 E. \ . • WABnlA:o•rot,r,'4pril The NtNy Departinont , will offer for sale the iron prize umerlemohia k , :she now lies at ttie .Navy std . cw York, on the Elth M day of ay' irfe.Xt, at 12 ' vetnellind her fWventorr eati ho examined any ou,a,iitip4tivrktv/buCarnrcatudant:ol ttt,t yard. 'l' a 0 hole amount at the purchaae money ;neat Detpaitl at the time of the adjudication. and the veasel must he • roved f rem , the , Navy Yard within LOU days from the ml ay of 1.8151. 7 4 • 7 ) A. R DOWN; 4A 2stetyBs Secretary of thull+tv7. ECKENLORFE AND 3deGEERAN. • (NEW FITIDI AND LIVE IdEN),_ I'Ll M BEES. Gakil AND SIEANI VITEEES. No.B, Ncrth Seventh stroct, , Fhtindelphim. Builder. and others will find it to their advadage to give us atrial., attention paid to laying ISAAC VATUANS. AUCT/ONEER, N. E, CORNET; Third and , Spruce streets, only ono square belOw'the Exeltange. $.20,000 to loan, in large or small amounts. on disonda, sllvetialatslitvatches,llowolry and Allgood/of value. Office hours .fr0mft.A.....1%..ta1_.Y. , 1132r,Estab, liskied for the last forty Yeare,---Advanoes made in' large amounts at the lowest market rates. laB tfrp NAVAL STORES:—. 1,000 BARRELS ROBIN. - ALL .41 grades, 16 bble, Tar.loB bble. PAch, IVes bb10:. Spirit' Turpentine, for ego VOOURAN,RESSELL' 10 CO.. 12 orth Front etreet.q., , [RPM TURPENTINE AND ROSIN-110 BARRELS Spirts TurV.. Table 1 1 1,48 bbbx rala Boor) Rosin; MS b troollistaxtoing.frono stestior pioneer, for oalsibrEDri. U. ROWJA)11103. Wiwi^ ~,A1934A, T , • v- " : "7 „ J _ ii. .4."AtiCTIONEER. f : , ... . , gy i •.+•ii• ~ I,(17: ,___ , z • , _ . i4Nrc,ty ,;.pire k lia,„wAdam i tekity,, I '• pre* - EBT6T/A_BAL.E. MAI( 6.1559._ y,.., , ItloligglSVOli. • na....EßßAY44l.sirikaaawnodi mike- ET I NW I TV 1211 1 01? 1 41/11 1 4 ) . w elt: - '' t3 ' u ) 0t.N0. , 7, Electlon 50,-54:mot klorlab ti . enietery . -,, •• i l',. Maio in tint mardentite Library:" ' . •• , -r- , • ,,, aril •WARD-Latferty!ar. k'olint,Z Breeze gotelir,tvltllt , over'' acrea'of land. fronting on the river road. ' Plan at Una tote:f fLlear;',Vijudinnbritncit, Adatinietrestora•+ Sale- 'state of,J. Q. Lafferty, deed. - • 81017ThlWARB Hal/ PRLdSt - llarrlolestraitalltriii: playa menelng av ,10t.54% by 8936 fe2tt to. Millman street. grantees Sale-Atdate - of T. 0. 'Webb dee'd:' • , L N0.,705 1 11 botim 8T.,-Threc.,torybrick, house and lot,, . 15 by `92'- fdet• ' ttfuttlebt' to' tg9o4 gt radii root.' OYDAt1 1 111" - Creirt.volf-/catateaf S. Ifleinflid, decd.• ' i L ' ' • - asniusams. uo V RT--Three-s yl.ry brick noose, Above .12th oridliti. Vernonet4lotla by;se, feet.' OrgehOupti Court Sole-Estate of Wm.. Parkas', dec.d.' 15 fl y - 6rf c e l l . -It° B N u Y ttre Subject iiTergeraoullnlyreanint.c or lo d ß wa ha l ns liti w g Q ; u lo r t t Sa e 4, --Eetatellf GEM E. 'IS 1.4"19107'.7146 . d.1 1 IDOk. AV.-7 twtkatory frame bousee ani valuable lot, of grmind,etbrive 17111 sti; tot 50 byDifileet to Ghats. street. Orpha".o , Court Sale Estate of Janc Wallace, dec•d. NG. 2015 RIDGE AV.-Genteel Three atoll , Brick Du clhng , with pack buildings tot 20 by 7d ft. flee the modern mit Inter cm -' ' '' ' 1 No. Itl6 CAMbItON 8 .. I''Neitt Threeabery Brick 6 - i p)„ Dwelling, win:iv:back build ga 1°617 by 60feet; Rill:Oct to 530 ground•rent ISdote of ha*. &Pow/a; elect N. 53 69 51BREIS ST.:Ahreeratory.i&iok , liot ; and. Dwelling; lot 15 by 60 ft. Oyaans , Court Sale- tate of C. Strang.Veed.; II E. t;OP... 21ST AND FILBEIVI . ST.-Threemitery Brick. II otel slid Dwelling.: lot RV by , 6314 Idot , Sabi act to 49 i, er annum. Or phanP, anirt,Svo-stme Estate. ROUND' RENT of 5P2 per tirmitint; pay able in 'lnver, we 1 tenon d and punctually paid. Orphans', Coyri Sale -Estate tif INeftial, 7 7, 2 7, 6rA• HAMILTON BT.--Three-etory; 'gone reeldeneei above 36.6 street, 24th Ward. Lot 26% by 96 feet. Clear of tn., gun/bronco% . t • . ~, • y.. ; • , , BUILDING LOT-Weer corner of Belgrade and Fre .noht street.t.3s by 151 feet. Clear o.f inctintArance. . , . , 6'ORRIB hT,-Three.atory brick welling above 'lll )mp. eon. Lot 1531 b' Al feet Sale aotolute.' , ': • NO. 1316 BEACH. ST.--Genteel tbree-etory brick third, Bug with back buildings. '.Lot-20 by 93 feet. • NO. 1715 lit 0 51PouN . br.-Neat-three•atory brick dwelling, with kitchen. Lot 14 by '4s' feet. Immediate Or catalogues }tow ready. Peremptory Sale Noa. 1513 and 1515 AmeriCa. et. MACIIIN 681 OFt:A SAW kfAriIIIdAtITOKY. SHAFT- IN Q. AD, NILS, CIRLULAII. SAW*, FlRF,liLitik`, i ' •'• Ort. TIitiRSDAY. MORNING:. ; - • • At n ock, will be eold, ebova 4 offex-, eon. the entire. hlaebinin ref it , Saiv , llanufactOry. com- Priting ,bhotting, ,Ptilleve,Grindetenea,. Ativitir,..Povver rubebing 3fAchire!, 'Hand-and iihea'es tirceller ; Saws. Gig itribbieg , Ittachtneq, Screw, Pr.leses. Evans Wateon'e and Fifeproor Woe. Of lre Furniture; /an:, - (.- • •, I Club. Sale liiirernntorv. • __ Executors' gale 241 Dock atreot. LEASE, GOODWILL. AND:OFFICE FIIIIINITURE OF A 0111.17A,8Y GLAIM. AGENCY., oN MONDAY MORNitla: At 10 o'clock, wit be sold, by order 9f the Executors of Geo. W. Ford, deed., the Lease; Geod*ill and office' Furniture. Leeks, Chairs, dtc., of a. Military Claim ,t 3 gancy. • ALI6OLUTE. TEClifti CAffir. 81.647,3e77 BO VENTING. DERBORO dr CO., AUCTIONEERS , .11 Nos.= and WA MARXET etreot. earner of 13a4it: Successors to JO. N MILERS & CJ. LARGE BALE OF EUROPEAN Ai.DOME3r/0 DRY GOODS. ON TIT. RSDAX MORNILiGi May 6, Cli four months' credit, at o'clock.including DONIEBIIta Bales bletlebed and brown bbeetings. Shirting. and DI /1.4. do all wodl.panton and Fancy Sbytleg Flannels. Cases Cottortadea Kentucky and Mixed Jeans. (king harm. do Linings, Cambrice, Corset Jeans, Madder Prints, do Igoe Stz ire% Ticks, Denims, Cbscks, do Cassimeres, Satinets. Tweeds, Coatings. Kersey LINEN GOODd. CP ses bloa. and W.B. liamaalle,lable Cloths, ?slant:lna. do ant.rh, Bley and Blauee Linona, bheetluga. do Uucks; Plain and Pancy Drills, Burlaps, Canvas, Uratb. SIIIRT G LIIsIF,VR, A. full assortment of 44 grate bleached Irish Shirting Linens, in webs and pieces. lintqT TAILORS' GOODS. Pieces French, English and SAZOIIf Black and Colored all wool and Union CRClas. do English MeMae. French Casslmares and Coat. do Doeskins, Ta Bled Cloths, Tricots, Paletota. Ate. do Black inn Colored Italians, Satin de Chines, Bran WE, th. DRESS GOt , DS, SILKS AITD SHAWLS. Pieces London; Black - and colored idollairs. Alpacas, kind.. do Empress Cloths. DelaincsoPonlina. Ski , tintdt. no Alpaca Yoplint., V 1 vol Vlaids, Scotch Gingnama. do Black and colored EilkA, Fancy Spring Stimvia, Cloaka, Giuves, Baimoral and Hoop Skirts, Traveling syd Under Shirts and Drawers. SCIVIIIRS. blares:lilies and I e)comb Quilts. k °nail Piques. Willie Giopla. Uta h. i less. Si k Ties, ELM t E ronta, Linen Cambric Ilarillrerr et,efe, die. LARGE SALE CF CARPETING% OIL CLOTIII3, CANTON. MATTING& ago. ON FRIDAY NSW: WING. ._ Me y 7. at.'ll , b`clock. fciut months' credit. about WV i.lic.e lugtntu, Vtnctisu.Liet Holum. Cattago and. Rag uku-i..etiaga kloornil Clothe, Mattinge.,&c. LARGE 'SALE OF FRENCH AND 'OTHER kA.hUP.LIAN OR).CiDODS.Ma- • ON MONDAY MORNING, May 10, at 10 o'clook.on tour raontba , credit. THOMAS BIRCH, . SONAUCTIONFI R 8 AND COMMISSION M_ERCJIIANTS, NO.)1110 CHESTNUT street Rear Entrance N 0.1107 Sansom street. 110USFLICLD FURNITURE OF: EVERY DESCRIP TION REVEDEED ON CONSIGNMENT. Sales of Furniture at Dwellings attended to - on tho mott realonable tonne. Pale at No 11 South Ninth Ptteet. STouri OF AN I'PIIOL 4 TERER. MATRESSES. 13E1/S, FEA 1111 , Rd, CARPETS. OIL 01..0T cito. ON WEDNLSDAY MORNING. May 5. at 10 o'clock, at No. 11 South Ninth street, will be the Stock and Fix,iires of an Upholsterer declining hiednets, cou.sieting of Hair and other Matreqfes; Feather d, Boletere and Pillows; Bedßltade;lirunsele, Ingrain and Venetian Carpets; Oil Clothe: Feathere; Materlale; Store Fisturee, rc. Catalcgues will be ready on Monday, ELEGANT W A I.N Ul' AN, UAK LIOUSEII9LD FINE CARPETS'. IWiEWOuI) PIANO FORTE, PLAI EL) WARE, 01. F GLASS, 43:41. v.,r. L,RBOAS , M.olLroms. May 6, at ten o'clock, at No 4006 Pine street, West Phrlsdelpt in, will be :old the elegant furniture of a family declining housekeeping. comprising seven and a half octave Rosewood Piano Forte, which coat oae thou sand dollars; Velvet and Brussels parlor, chamber and Pt nit Carpets; Parlor and Drawing Room Suits of Fun& tare, covert d wLb crimson and gold Brocatelle: larihe Etagere with French Piate 51 irrora : Salt of Walnut Chamber Furniture; large Wardrobe, with thirro, door Hall Suit; richly carved Oak Sideboard and Extension Dining Table; hilver Plated Ware, China, Cut thus, &c.; &c. The Cabinet Furniture is of the first tuelity, mady to order by J Lutz and W. & J. Allen. Catalogues can be had at the Auction Store on Monday. The furniture can be examined at 8 o'clock on day of gala. AA ARTIN FROTH Elttl, AUCTIONEERS. /U. (Latch , Salesmen to M. Thomas & Sons.) No. fai LIIEWIN UT street. rear entrance from Mllicrr Sale No 639 Chognet street. _ _ _ _ . _ . HANDSOME WALNUT FORNITUftE, ELEGANT FRENCH PLATE M18.8.0R SUPERIOR FIREPROOF SA 1 ES. HANDsOME B..u 4 KU SE. lIANDB. Mit E BRUSSELS AND I) rips; CARPETS. MARBLE SODA WATER FOUNT .1 ,_6c. ON lA' EDNI. SDAMORNING. May 5, r t 10 o'clock, at the auction rooine, No. 51 , ,9 heEtilut Ist] cot by catalogue, yet y clearable Furniture. including—ilandeothe NV aunt and Homewood Parlor Fur niture. cover, d in Bromic hr, Tocry and Hair Cloth; b. ub -otne Wain u Lunt r Slant, of a variety of btlieti, tiimlied in oil and vftrui,h .1 perior Fireproof S +fen, it ade by Evan,: tk at,on. Little and Farrel di Herring; lutudeorne Walnut iieolteaoo. Chandeliers, Marble Soda Watt r Fount 11 In. haud,eloo Hl...nein Imperial and in ra ln Car iwto. film Feather Bode, I lair Matromeem. Steam 1,1,0 tie, Oil Paititibg - A. auoetior tlatforzu Seale% dtc, t.L.FtiAINT M Rid dI.S. A lee. two ext large and elfgant ectrieb Plate Pier rove. ma ,ivi• frameu: tour fine Ova! and Pier Minton!, Coneol 'I . _ r 1 (J 1 MANI, A.C . II:IIERS' MACHINERY. At I• 3 o'clock the' Mactlinery of a Shoo 'Manufactory, ( .10 ing ucLinc . t ;gilt oupericr Sowing trfachluce, made by Singer and II owe; Cutting Min:bine. Lute, 'rook Sic. 13. b ' OTT, J a., AUCTIONEER. • bi..+ol"l"S ART GALLERY IIY2O CILEx+TNUT etreot. PlitladelOhla SPECIAL SALE OF TWO PRIVATE COLLECTIORS (IF 1 1 .10DT 7 RN PAINTINGS. ON NVTDNEbDA AND '1 IltritSDAY EVENINGS, 5 and 6, at lief ore 8 o'clock. at Scott's Art. Gallery. 10201 beet nut street, will be eold, Private Calleetione of Modcra Bondi riga. Among the Artist§ represented tire Ede+ cud D. Lawn, 11. C. 1) Manta. not, e.lllem nn, \V B. Jul.lleoti, W. 'IN demon. U. I I eller. letter L. W Devlin: +D. Briscoe. J/11110t7 II mitten Bonfield . Deintour. Jnmfaon, McCann. ”eig, Mario, tl. Cole, Laurent do Meiz. L. Wintere and of here. Now arranged for examinatton. Fah, at hit South Eighth street. SALE uF ur.ricE runNyru RE, FARREL A: lIER Rini , - SA PE. _ ON THURSDAY NIORNINGi t , . • 11lay 6 at 10 o'clock, wilt be Hold Without reeervek. en the endeCe, 109 eolith Eighth ktreqt, alot, ef. Unice Perna. ET re, eui tnblo fo , bauko.. inatironao• or' newspaper. mon; i,.1 g oak Der ks and Railing, Walnut Lounge; ( ha i re, Walnut "robin!, Sicre,ea 'e Also, one afrpl, ti erring . a ba.fe. ' 11j L ASIII3IUDGE & CO.;_ AGOTIONDERG,' No. 80.1 mmucET treat. %hove Fifth. BOOTS. BEIOEI3 • HATS AND CAPS. ON WUDNIaiDAV MORNING. . 511 1 3' s:at tO o'clock,we I. ) y catalogue, about;1000 oabetS Mote and- Bliqoe, Also,be mama - late and Capu. to which the attention of city and' countrY telyers le caliocL eV - Open patty on the morning of Bale for examination. PittaLTPAL MONEY ESTABLISHMENT—. TB. IL earner hf BIXTHand RACE streets. Money advanced on Iterchandimo generally—Watches, JeweirY. laamondit, gold. and, suvor - ,riate. and on an articles of value, for anyllngth of . time agreed on, _ WATCHES ANP aEWELnY AT pi:try/am BALE. Fine Gold Hunting Cesio,Eouble Bottom and Open Face Atherloan and S win Patent Lover Watches; Fine Gold Hunting Cage and Open Face Lepthe Watchemt Fine Gold Duplex, and other Watehoo Fine Silver Hunt , Ing Cage and Open Face English. American and kiwis* Patent Lever and Lapin° Watches; Double Came English Quartier and other Watches Ladies' Fancy Watching Diamond Breastpins; Finger Mugs; Ear Rings; Studlid fac.; Fine Gold Cimino; Medallions Bracelets; Sow{ Pins; Breastpins ; Fingerningstrenail Camas and Jewnlry go orally. ALE.—A large and valuabla Fireproof Ches 6 imitable fora Jewelertoot Also, mama Lots in South Carneemtuth and Otatant streetz. a D. idoOLEBEI & (X?"AuCTIONEII4I24 No. 60 6 MARKET vlttirrgbNDAY AND \ gooT ANA 0/ 1 9 8 iltifineDAY. Sale at No. 400 S Pine street ~,,ti' : ejfAr . AV 0 - r gradioffoetti , aen BALES OP i i• STAND BRAD ; MBlO teatV i ttioThiladliktistrAbliftre E/310_8045tV10 Creitt r' kf • •• lierwarnittitan Babis — at 'Atitikkajtktr mays , TEDEBDAypg ) .A7141' r' 'l' it rovilt • Vitalist Eitideattet receive eivettal ' • ; oh. s : •,; I Sale ontha PrettiTallei t- ' 41013auttt atraaw MODERN Rt BIDE ts CD vit , ti ED% WOK 0130111111 , :, -- BOLD EDENATurcr, _WAND. , PORTA ELEGANT IlllifiEEN AND °TH EN-CARPETS, dro. ON WEDNESDAY- MOEN 'NU. , Mar it 10 (Polo elevat No , , 118 tfoultiVieVetrta stretitiW_. eatatoOm thd doperior tionsenold• EttraltarkttaapnelaVA Walnut Parlor Oak Dluing Room, -Illehoganyr,4aud • 'a Cage Chamber ?araltgra. nino; trottit,MArvatiy tau Eibfrckte etergint W 11003 1 1.40 404 001 Carpet i,fi ,llalr ,fdag - Ooket.,,Vebiittaa' Plated Tb' srd, °tweet ara,LKiketleti Purtayter' E • MODERN , THREE )3WORY` 1111,101C' EtDDENW. Previbui"tO tho aale 01' 1 'e018: tt ^ o'clock pteelrelt the 111'ddetry.Thre0,1rtorr denee. Pith'thrroty bact tialhlllgai e lq feat frotly by 8 6 feet In de th to a back atter: ' May be exath nevi any day previpui attA tho raotigis of sato at 8 o'clock. ' ' MISCELLANEOUS AND ' THEOLO,CH AT4 HOOKS.:. FROM LTHRARtt,„_;;a. • , • ON WEDNkSDAEAtoristinuON. May 6, at 4 o'clock; " ' ' Extensive' Sale nt the Anetioh FeounN rO5; 11 IFI4I. 141 South Poulin 'street , HANDSOME HoLTS It:HOLD FURN I TUNE,.I3 ,- JlMSr:',: , ', wort) PlArk FRENCH I'LATH .1111.RR0E,1% FICE FURNITuRE, FIREPRO'tFI SAFE' ; n 'IR MAIRESSES FEAVIE DUOS. FINBPII AND 01,481.3WARP1: REFRIGERATORS,. YES. ;„a' ? HANDSOME WIE,TON. VCLVIj' . ,144usulys - OTLIER CARPETS, &cc.. • - _ _ • ON TIIL•RSDAY MORNING, - j r May u, at R reclockatthe auction rooms, bio ' aresO n g ri gi. , e large assibrtment of anperior Household ' Ftlr . commiting,;Buits elegant, Walnut Parlor Library an Diningliclom Furniture, covered with repai hr.4ll,Ai hair Cloth ;13nit Liar doom° Oiled 'Walnut Chamber P - niture. 18 Rosswoed -.Piano. Fortes, One'ElextllPlate Mirrors. ExtenSion, Centro, and Bouquet' Tab le s; tins atr Matreeree, Feather Beds and Bedding. Glass itihoe cases. Counters and Bars,,Refrigerator .Gat-consumlnig and Cooking Cloves. largo ,Ice (.Yearn Freezer and/Pnba.l China and Glassware , Fireproof Safe. handsome etivet.• Brussels and other Carnets. dm. • , lir...Gunning and PleaeureSkiffe r.. Also. superior Magical 80x... plays 24,tirnea - Also,anperior. French .Mantel Clock. rune 21 days , f,l! Also, Jewellers' superior Fireproof Beie. ' • Administrator's Bale—Estate of Henry Anies..dge'cr h BUPEBIOR ROBENuOII PIANO FORTES; I ON THURSDAY MORNING. 33 May 6, at the auction store. by order of the Admintli'' trator. 16 superior Rosewood Plano Fortea. made H. IGale it Co.. C. Nareeon. Grovesfeln'dl CO.. reglrea-, Msinufacturing Ce.. Graham and others. ' ' Bale Peremptory. , f - &delft): 1808 Seruce street. SUPERSUPERIOR FURNITURE ( IRAN[ WANG, -ENGRA: . lOR BOOK' t CASnit, Grata ."::ANIlt.; PLATED WARE CARP ETS , &o. ONFRIDAY MORNING, May 7, at le o'clock at N o . Li eg Spruce, street, by cata logue, the entire furniture of a gentleman going tb nurope. cernpriaing suit walnut Parlor Furniture, covered.. wins cilmeon repo; superior rosewood Gland Action Piano; Ball Furniture p walnut Dining Ito'osn-Ferrdturo't Ika p e rio r u alnut Book iiase: tine China, 00. 91sas 'and Plated' WO re, fmo krigravingo; na periorCha ber Fernituiet'firte Bair Motu. twee; Blankets, Rolsterzt and Pillowts ;Amiga and au eerier walhut - Wardrobe; 4" doors; fine ''raitestry and other Carpets; Rite henlitengibP ; 'Refrigerator, de, ASSIONEE!S SALT:. STOCK AND FIXTURES u.F.A STATIONERY‘SToiIa. ON SATI_TRDAY MORNING, Mny 8, at ;o p'ciclck, at too etore. V. W. ,corner Sixth, and Chestnut 'streets. by catalogue, the entire stock. of Staple bnd Farley Stationery ,Paper, Maur: Wort, Mir. et lieneous Books, Show Cases, Contiters Shelving. dm. PER" MPTORP BALE' By Order of the Commissioner of Ffl.tnnormt Park._ BUILDING MATERIAL, BRICK AND PR/19,4 WORK, dtc, OF. 10 BUILDINGS. COATEB ST: ON MONDAY AFTERNOON!: May 10, at 4 o'clock. be sold at public sato; without reserve, op the premise& all the .bluildlng Slated,' of 10 , brick homiest as theynew stand,' Nos: 3719. 2721, 2728, 2737, 2739, 2741, 2713. 2747 and 2719 Coates street. _ . Terms—Cash, and the 'material to be taken away at the expense or the purchaser. B' HAREM' di CO., AUCTIONEERn. ‘• CASH AUCTIJN notrar.. - Na 2EO ISLELILKET etreet. earner of:BANK Stretit• cub aevoossd on ennennimenta arthont... , lo-ca eeanni. STRAW GOODS. EiTRAWi GOODS: . ON WEDNESDAY MORNADIG. • May 6: at' 10 o'clock. precicely, reedier stile et If tinufrie.•i. turgid htran- and t'alca Leaf. Gl:oda and ,Soft„Hato. kr,i , t in it ' 2 ll o' Cafes. enlist acing at fun astortment'dfltiou'als' ' 'W tnen's anti (Thildreseo Hata. reosivpd , direct from mar ; na(aettitent. including the • Infest and "most' 'desirableir ih apeepn ,t rimmed and untrimmed goods., ,• Also, at 11 o'clock . 160 cares and cartons city ern made';Bootx, times, 13alnierals. DI hues , Women's and Children's wear. In, tn tt ty after' the sale of ShohtriNtill 610 !kild trete iie',4lo, vet..lote Stock .Goods., Ohms, pretil 00044 r 1 , It e d y4l, ado (nothing. Over Blurts; Suspenders, fultlinesi , of Hosiery. Spool Lotions. eiC.. . ~ , . ASSIGNBW, SALE., ,r • BANKRUPT S'EOCK.: OM I'ILIDAY MONNIOIII., _ May 7. commencing at 10 o'clock. one thousand corn O+,lEl the entire Stock of a large Befall StatliarvfolL'l I lowP—Lioliteotice, tJtothe. l'aselmeres. Prints, dm. Also 200 dozen ilosiety 'and' Gloves, Bilk, Velvet, 'and , ' Taffeta' iti-.13 , 0ne-14“braideries,Whitft4.1004.4.ineiuk:G114".."1.. Triromings..gre4, with a large aiSortment of Miscellaneous Goode. 514 :CLELLAAND. AUCTiONEER. ; inl9 OECESTI4Ur etrek. CONGEB.T IdALL AUCTION , Hear Entrance on Clover' street. Froneehold Furniture and Merchandise of every de. rcription received on conaignment. Bales of Furniture at dweilinga attended to on reasonable terms ~ Safe 168 Vine street. _ . PARLOR. CHAMBER. HNING ROOM AND KITCHEN FURNITURE, TOCTAVE ROSEWOOD PIANO. BY SCIIOMACK ER. ON THURSDAY MORNING, May 6. at 10 o'clock. will be sold, by catalogue, the entire , Furniture of Dwelling No. 161$ Vine street, embracing Parlor, Chamber, Dining Room and Kitchen Furniture; 7-oriave Rosewood Piano, by Bchomacker ; /Heiresses: Bedding ; Shades ; Mods ; China and Gliterware. &e. AY/S & HARVEY. AUCTIONEERS. Late with M.Theinag & Sew. Store Nos. 48 and gONOttitSltlti street. Bale No 411 Soutb Third street. ' SUPERIOR FURNI CURE TAPESTRY CARPETS., BEDS MATRESStga,_&o. ' ON THURSDAY MORNING. At 10 o'clock, at No 411 South Third .tree,. _ street, comprising—Superior Mahogany Parlor Furnittira: Chamber and Dining Room Furniture, Extension Table; Beds ; Matresses: Oil Clothe ; Tapestry and other Carpets; China: Cooking Utensils, Ac. rT-ATirmr7w7wmTim, oil MASTER'S BALE OF Elegant Mansion, Stable and Coach House, 2 0 and handsome Grounds ,on 151.11 n street ' I Haddonfield, N. J , , six miles from Camden, and five minutes' walk from the Duvet on tho Camden, and Atlantic Railroad. . . Lot 1:10 feet front, by about 310 feet deep; the house. stands hack from the street , Is built in the moat substan- ti al xnanner„ with all toe modern improvements. Ngti Om throughout, bath hot and cold water, water c set. furnace, low down grates, portico veranda iron fenceirtr ,; front on brick wall , hemlock hedges and usage orange all.. mooed the property. Also a Stable and Coatitilionse.,, ice house, wells of excellent water, &c.; the grounds aro well shaded by large evergreens, and the garden welt ' atocked with the choicest fruits. it ie well Guited for 1%,' etimmer nr winter residence. Conditions of .purchase maul° knownat titno of. eal9.. t.k.11 a i l be on AVEiDNESDAY, TUE 5111 DAY OF PM, at 3. o'clock P. M., at the Went Jersey Hotel, in the city or Camden. cuAR.Lr,s. P. I3TRATTON. IStmter in Uhancori: ' Camden, N, J BLIO BALK. OF A HANDSOME AND — VAT, cable Country Beat. situated orr Havoriotd %Road. lisverford township, within three minutes walk. from White Hall btotion,:Poinneylvania ' Central' oats. nine wiles,froin Philadeleilia.. on MONDAY. May 10[V, on the premises: Title , indispetable. 'tiontaitut over 31 acres., improvements aro a tine , stows J3:10.Th310101,. nte blo, icabiatee filled. &c. Persons wfshittk tb 'view the' Faille wnkenll upon' the subecriber residing thereon... Poe, ere, ion given Juno ie li next. 'Side will cointaence at 334 P. Al..a lion conditions will ho made ,known by. my37t* ,E.IC ARITU. tetorc. ttam MEItRICK d SONS. 0, ) , • . SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, 43U WASHINGTON ANTI./ llej'hiladelPhia: MANUE4CTP STEAMNEgh And 140<i' rl'eisitro. HOrizontat:' VprtlnaLlaurn..Ounill.tfug, 1.31t0t dud A.:or/ash Puny- .. BoILERS:-}Cylludet: Flue,truhnlar. &o• ' STEAB I .HAIHM,EItS--.-.Niuunyth and ouvy etYles.and of CAST.kpiQ3 7 -Loani, Dry and Green Sand, Bragg. &o. RO )P Iron Frltniet.t for coverinq with ' Slea6 or Iron. , TANKS- Tr ig Hantnr Wrought Iron. for refluerfea, oIIGiii'MAf,IIIINERY--Such Evi Hotorta Borth. Cultinge l , , oldere and SI Pilritier?, Coke and Charcoal-Bar r wBi t. l;3l.vell, Goyuniors. SUGAR, tNFItY- Such no 'Vacuum rang 41111 riIMPOIDEOP.Catart. Bono tflao /filter% Durnot4; iirasha, ets anti Ej.evAtols, Bag liSters, linol3lnclr„ . ; f4,6y , • . sbic nianolacturers at the fellowing,:rpecialtieg ; In VI lactulph'ia and vi , dnit v,of Wrlght*a Patent Vartt.ble (..tur, , oti steno' BUgiud. ln l'ennt , vlvnnitt , of Show & atldtiCe3 Patent'Diffrd•Strolttf i;:iP . - d" InVVneilgi,tor'iest(n,a fatentgsiiciriterli and Self -taulancing uentrlingAiiwftareroxielPh4 4 o l 49-:1 A jiartorn eu.eurou Apinwall a , Vootiey'a" • (ieti . MVOs Patent Wrotattlitlron 1 1 .0tort,.Litl- Strithanve ' C.,titractora for the det•itto, erection, ouifflttfug up of RA, tineriee' for working Sogar oe Molaeseif...• .• •'.;.;;) 1 Hoff ktNCE.— " ' - . ' -- - '-',)".. 1. -...; . Th e x;alderahmed are prepared to exeenfo - ordere for - - ENGLI3II ri2ON Eteitilii: '. ." ';'''',l l , ~ ,‘' ',,' ,i• , of i he beet make. 'rho 'attention of ownere , la bohttert :, ,1 Se ts is especially asked to Ude east once the Meat nightly. th most durable, and the moateConomloal fenee'that Cana -• Specimen panels may be teen' at du 6 ill i). ' ..-.' ''' . 614 .5 412-11,4 YANALL, he Tiwalt,ll. . 418'South Delaware avertde. , . tioPPER AND YELLOW „1 , 11TA1.4 'BREA:IT/14G. %.J Brazier's Cooper N 01114,110161 and - InKo6 nevar. cope otalatjy en baud and for solo by 11 1lariu:KIVANSOR 4r* N0.'882 South Wharveo./ . • PIG IRON.— TONS i 404 1 iIi.,WG.A . nNtY(.:IC Booteb Pig Iron, for Bala, ex-ship' in iota to gun, by PnTHR wßicarr 4 tIONS, 115 Walnut tnreot• 1)101.1,-75 OASES RIDE. PRIME CAROLINA. FOR .It , sale by 0901 IRAN, It1;881=4 Oa. No. fra Not* l'rout street -,,~ ~ __
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers