. m. .r.q.. .. ... ;1131113INERI Norium4 INvEmR AND , iii;Mblasufacturer et the celebrated tree Frame a tate", al received there Plce edea! the Werld'a (Oast pDEo Eshilettea,Leadta, Nag Th Mailed prism awarded, sod wherever exhibited. Wareroome. Mk Arch atreet. bsetehlabre 11111- 0 4thrtarda _ TON WELIER PIANO& Used entirely by Madame Parers.” "Mks evorg." - DIP. Mid° TPPP.." Msss. 1111 ht Sanderson. suirocOtle 8011. liongins and other great artists. Ng esie only byJ. A. GETZit. •e_rto I. It , ft 1101 Chestnut amt. 1 4 4 1 ciTriIAWAY . I3 PIANOS RECEIVED THE MOM award MA gold medal) at the Interns. Exhibition, Perla. 1867. Bee Official Report, at gke arm= of BLABIUS 131t061.. wri.tf No. 1006 Cheetout street. geT4lli h_ ,ONICRERING PIANOS RECEIVED the Maeda award at the Parte ExPedtkm r`TrPaNl l vr.rorfmmp. fn 4 Cherbattt 'treat. *Mtn ENENING BULLETIN. 'Wednesday, May 5, 1869. 4 MAUD COLLEGE. The worthy President Judge of the Court of Quarter Sessions delivered a charge to the Grand Jury, yesterday, a considerable por tion of which is, strangely enough, devoted to raking np the ashes of the Girard College investigation made in October 1867. Judge Allison takes up the subject as if it were an entirely new revelation to him, and invokes a rising of the people of Philadelphia "in hon est indignation and condemnation." There are two practical objections to this suggestion of the respected Judge. One is that these terrible things which he revives in his elo quent charge are so many ghosts which were exorcized and laid, more than a year ago. And the other is that the spirit of these greatly. exaggerated charges was thoroughly ventilated at the time, and the combination of College Directors who were sobentupon getting rid of President Richard B. Smith was clearly exposed and under stood. Judge Allison can never have read the manly and convincing defence of Presi. dent Smith before the Investigating Commit tee, or he would not have been carried away by the interested testimony which he spreads, with such honest zeal,before the Grand Jury. }to one who has ever had any personal con nection with any public or private charity can be ignorant of the ease with which such charges of abuse can be trumped up upon the most trifling foundation. It has been a subject of wide-spread regret that Senator Connell should have garnithed his speech in favor of the Board of Trusts with this mass of stuff, and this regret, as we happen to know, has been largely shared many of President Allen's beet friends. It was totally unnecessary to advo cate the Board of Trusts on any such grounds, and the case was rather weiurened than other wise by this revival of stories which had their origin in a personal persecution of a brave soldier and an honest, upright and useful citizen. But there is a very serious objection to the principle upon which Judge Allison bases his reference to Giraxd College, and PS the point is not a legal or judicial one it may properly be criticized from a laic point of view. Judge Allison says : "The exercise of arbitrary power, when hidden from public view, when allowed to run on un questioned for a long time in secret, is almost cer tails to depenetata into an abuse of such power, cad often to be attended with circumstances of gnat wrong to the defenceless." As Girard College is cited as a "marked and startling illustration" of this proposition, the principle must be made to cover all aimi tar institutions and, indeed, to include every charity of all the noble sisterhood of mercy which have made Philadelphia the honest pride of her people. Our public and private charities, without exception, must all be charged, under Judge Allison's definition, with "the exercise of arbitrary power, hidden from public view," and must all theref ire be suspected of having "degenerated into au abuse of such power." That this is not the fact, the records of the numerous charities of Philadelphia abundantly prove. The homes, the asylums, the hospitals, the schools, the thousand and-one institutions which minister to every form of human need, are all admin istered—at least as much as Girard College is —by "exercise of arbitrary power, hidden from public view." But who does not know that, as an almost universal rule, these chari ties of Philadelphia, public and private, are proverbial for the excellence of their admiai- stration and the success of their work ? The truth is, that neither at Girard College, nor at any of the minor institutions of Phila delphia, is such a case as Judg4 Allison sup poses possible. Without, an exception, these "Charities are under the supervision of board• of directors or managers who give their un paid, but untiring supervision to the working of the internal machinery, and we cannot imasine such a thing as "arbitrary power al lowed to run on unquestioned fur a long time in scent." If there is abuse or mismanage ment in any quarter,—and it undoubtedly occurs in isolated and exceptional instances, —it soon comes to the surface and is speedily remedied. In behalf of the collective chan ties of Philadelphia, we beg, with sincere respect for Judge Allison's efforts against what he believes to be a dreadful state of Whirs, to protest against the injustice done to Girard College, not only for the sake of that great institution but by reason of the reflected injustice to all the other charities which are included in Judge Allison's cate nErwaLioartsisn IN tiP AIN. The present indications are that Spain will, after all, choose a Rerbliean form of gov ernment in spite of the fact that the monarch kits are largely in the majority among ticw people and in the Cortes. This will be a Splendid victory for the little band of extrenk., Liberals who have contended for such a re Eat, but the credit must be given rather to a fortunate combination of circumstances, than to the genius and the devotion—great as these have been—of the Republicans. Roy of the monarchists have abandoned in des pair the search tor a competent candidate f the tbrone,and not a few of the proudest have been mortified and disgusted by the indiffssr- ence manifested by the princes to whom the honor has been offered. Rather than risk __another. slight such US that given- by Dam Fernando, of Portugal, these believers in tun divine right and general excellence of kinp, have agreed to yield their scruples Eva' accept a government of the peopin. some of them, too, have been frightens l by the Ltrigues of the Uarliat faction and of the gum') parry that Still adhere to the ancient faith in the exiled Isabella: , `Delay in the or, ganization offixed and, substantial gimern ment affords to 'these divisions opportunity in , advoCate , their theoriee with some degree of success, and to create dissensions and tumult in some of the districts. Even a Re public, if guided by a firm band, would put an end to this treason and utterly defeat its purpose. Liberal men among the monarch ists have also been convinced of the necessity for organizing the highest form of free gov ernment, by the violence and intemperance of the clerical party, which has opposed free dom of religion with fanatical zeal, and has not hesitated to redden its hands with blood to promote a system of bigotry and intole rance. It is reported that General Prim has headed the disaffected among the monarchists and gone over, with a multitude of followers, to the Republican ranks. His motives have been impugned. He has been accused of aspiring to the Presidency under the coming dispensation. But, ambitious as he certainly is, we think his patriotism and devotion in the past entitle him to the credit of seeking, in this present movement, what he believes to be the best interests of his country. Even if he should obtain the Presidency there would be no harm done. Spain might have a much worse ruler; and with a liberal legis lature to check any selfish schemes which might be developed, it would be impossible for him to inflict any vital injury upon the free government. The only really serious question is this: Is Spain fitted for Republicanism? We fear that such is not the case. It is a mighty stride and a perilous one from blind absolutism up to pure popular govern ment. Success in the latter, requires popular intelligence, hearty loyalty of the people to themselves, and thorough self reliance. The Spaniards do not lack Institu tions of learning, but the masses are grossly ignorant. They are almost fanatical in their devotion to their religion and ministers ; and priestly influence is ever adverse to popular liberty and enlightenment. The majority du not want a Republic. Tne last general elec tion proved this with unmistakable distinct ness; and we fear that even under a liberal government there would be strong parties stupidly favoring a return to wallowing in the mire of despotism. Still, the experiment is worth trying. Indeed, there seems to be no alternative. If :t is honestly undertaken, Spain will have the hearty sympathy and encouragement of our people, and of the friends of liberty everywhere. If the Repub lic succeeds the example will be immensely valuable to the other nations of Barone, and will advance the cause of freedom immeasur ably. If it falls, popular liberty will receive a grievous and dangerous hurt. ituntina, Durborow & Co., Anonon. Leas, Noe. 282 and 284 Market Street, will hold on to morrow (Thursday), May 6, by catalogue, on four months' credit, at 10 o'clock, a large sale of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goode, including 170 packages Cot ton and Woolen Domestic.; 700 pitons Cloths, easel metes, Doeskins. Tricots. lieltons, Italians, &e.; full lines Shirting Linen, In webs and pores; Tailoring and Housekeeping Lb,en Goods; Drees Goode; Silks; Shawls; Hosiery ; Gloves; Ilatmoral and Hoop Sairte; White Goods ; Quilts' Ildkln.; Ilinbiellas; Ties; Travel Fru ing and a Undinehirte and Drawers ; Bowleg, ibc nv, May 7, at 11 o'clock, by catalogue, o four mouths' medit, 200 pieces Crossley's,Cotta Tapsecry, Srussels, Ingrain, Venitian, List, lamp, ge awl Hag Carpetings, Moulage, 011 Cicths, 20 bales Cotton W arps. Flegant Iteoldence and Furnkture.— WW be sold, without reserve, May 18th, at 12 o'clock noon, at tee Exchange, by M. Thomas & Bons, aao tioneers, the very elegant and supern.r flve.story stout Residence end coach-nooses. No. 1612 Walnut atree has all the modern conveniences; lot 46 feet, front, 151 feel deep, to Chancellor street. Etumu STILInIT PHOPYRTY.—They will also sell, a , the same lime, the ',cry valutble Church property flint ride of Eighth street, above Race, 100 feet front Room enough for the stores. Public Sale of filoukehold Brussels and Ingrain Carpets, 7-octave hbisevirood Piano, being 'be entire furnishmem, of dvrelliug 162 S Vine street. Sale peremptory, the family declining homekeeping. To lc sold by T. A. McClelland, Auc tioneer, tu-morrow (Thursday) morning, by catalogue commencing ot 10 o'clock. vF. THOMAS, THE LATE OPERATOR Al the Colton Dental Atauciation, is now the only ou, in Philadelphia who devote', h.a entire time •nd emetic, to extracting teeth, abuolut.'ly without pain, riy frau Outten oxide gaa. Office, Ivo. ICU/ WALNI; I ntreet nibt, lY rtg DE'sTAL At 13'.ulATION OItiGINATEI V 11w anantt Ile me of NIThOUS OXIDE, Olt LAUGIIING GAS. Al d devote then whole time and practice to extractiur teeth without pain. Clime, Liof th and Walnut streeta. H ENRY PHILLIPPI, CARPENTER AND BUILDER. NO. 1034 SANBOI'd kTREET. PIiILADELPLOa. JOHN CRUMP. BUILDER, 1721 CHESTNUT BTRE ,, T, And 213 LODGE STREET. Mechanics of every branch required for house-buildine and fitting promptly furnished. 1, 2)U IX'STS AND RAILS, POSTS AND RAIL 4, ALL 1 et3l. e. rour.hole, o fare and half round wrote. eb lug le.—Long and abut t, heart Eirld btMJU foot cown.on boa. de. bI( Iving , lining and etore•fitting mato! Inl made a fp , d n ity. I.: IC kit)LBo m“.111p Seventh and Carpenter eta. WARBURTON'S IMPROVED, VENTILATE:I. and eaty•tittlng Drove Hate (patented) In all the ap proved taohione of the sesoon. Cheatnut otroet, next door to the Yost Office. AB A NON•CONDULTOR OF ANIMAL ELECTRI ( : ity, the vitrified glazing upon tore. lam oed rod fur 'Mule tiosten, n neeris them eq ,al to 1.4000 of al int, and Inert foie q..i.e ee efficaciotto la their curative effecto on dmeoree F or rale, w ith a gener.,l &atoll wont of other 1::r d end roman, e caste re UMAN & titlA No. 836 klt Lt Ave) Market etreet,below Ninth. QCEIOLA RS' BOOIDLAMYS. SLATES - AND S L,ATE PreeDo, Steel Pent. P.-ouoidore, Lend l'eneiloilrak k. , eyoms I. r BlaIA hoards. mud Paper U.tt re. Jur dalo hY 1 RUMAN di BiAW No. Nif, tea fivu) Marko , street, below Muth. , _ _ TIBABB BOLTB OF A VARIETY OF SIZES: BRASS. 13 ioned &Ed Iron Door ebalne, smug wrournt-iron 1301 a, for outride doors. Pocket Door Nartenerr. and be mailman Policeman," ter travelers, for rale by 'MU MeN & 8113 A W. No. 106 (Eigut Tribty•tive) I.L.rket rtreet. below Ninth. MBE BF ST CIGARS AND TOBACCO AhE OBTAINED I at WILEY 131KOTELEES. N. W. corner Eighth mid Wrilout etrtets. Kai.' pit* I.ILALK LACE AUQUEd.— A BUI'E RR ABBOR'I'M ENT lioeened this mornina. —J oat meet ed, direct trout Paris per steamer America. a 'superb keegrtineut of libtok Lace Bisques, all the novelties of the preeeut eoaeou, far aGo at retail at Importers' prieee. GEORGE W. VOGEL, mt ft-6t• 120 Ohootuut street. - V,OLCE FAR NIENTF.—ENJOYMENT HEIGHT cued by enullug Om.* eplondid Yara (Awn mold by ILIA . kaghth uud Walnut. apM ran no YOU WANT PRIME N kI7Y, FINE CUT. OR 1-- , Cavendlehl tio to odILEY'I3, at Eighth and Walnut 'streets. ap23.1 p a§ FOR INVALIER.,,A FINE MUSICAL BOX AS A companion for the sick chamber•, the Attest assort meet in the city, aod a great variety of airs to select iron). Imported direct by FARR dr 'morn Elt, kahl6 tfrp 894 Chestnut street, below Fourth UENGINE R 1 )TArioca.wrrui FULL DER& ru.cl for nee. Fresh Bethlehem. Canada and ne)tch 'at meal Pearl nage, WIT Perinattetets Food. Heo•hout, Cox'a Gelatine, Caracas Cacao and other Ihete thus Foi Bale by JAM T. MANN. d. W. oor. Broad and doruce etrt eta. apl3 ECICENL(IRFF AND MoGEEIIAN. (NEW FIRM AND LIVE 4SEN), I'LL MBH:Rti. 0 +B AND EA id rirrEas. No.B, N..rth Seventh street, Pn , l4delphia. Builders and cations %Eland it to Dion- advantage to give us a trial. N. D.—Bpectal attention paid to layinp drain vine. anti-:nitro , 4# TELA NATUANS,..A.I:I.3IfItikEIt, 1 1 hlrd and bpruce etreele, only one square below the Ear/muse. $280,0t0 taloa'', to large or small amounts, ou diamonde, silver piata. ..vatoh , s, Jee.otry, and all &mod. of Istlvh. Other hour.. fr om BA.Mto 7 P M ver Estan fibbed for the last folly years. Advauees made in large amounta at the lowcot market rates. lab If ro JUST RECEIVED AND IN wronr, LOOO (I.ASFA OF eitampagne,sparkllng Cat .whoi and t.ttliternta Mm's. l'art. Mad. ira. iiherry. Jamaica and davits Cruz Rum, fine old Brandies and Whiaki Who!, Fkale and ratan. P. J. ,J ett' AN, MO Pear street. Below Third and Walnut, ntreuts snd above Deck 'treat. de74l THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN-PHILADELPHIATV EDNESDAY, MAY 5, 1869. ::.. _... _ ~ i Eiterrvitrilii ~ '3 i.' 3 i ?.. i \ ~..:. 1 k Superb, Superior, Serviceable Suits WANAMAKER & BROWN'S. EDWARD P. KELLY, TAILOR, S. L Cor. Chestnut and Seventh Streets. Choice Ckwas for Present Season. In daily receipt of New and Sande Spring Goods. HOW THE ' MERRY, MERRY MONTH OF MiY" CAME IN. With storm and blow, And rain and snow, And water and mud, above, below, Ugh! Booh! What could we do ? When() could we go? flow could we get Out of the dismal rain and wet? Colds in our heads, Frogs in our throats, Wrapped to our ears In our overcoats, What dismal, splashy, horrible day To begin the merry, merry month of May ! But the sun shines out And the rain is done, And now, no doubt, We will have the fun Of wearing the clothes So new and nice, Which we buy for the spring, At moderate price, • At the place where they clothe the people all, Rockhill & Wilson's GREAT BROWN HALL! It is one of the beauties of Rocklin] & Wilson' - Clothing Establishment that gentlemen can bct elothes for every kind of weather, and at east, low prices that no gentleman can afford to b Without the proper variety for every emergency of storm or sunshine. sir Our new style of light Spring Overcoat 1, such that you can roll ft up and put It in your hat or pocket, when you do not want to be in convenienced by carrying or wearing It. Cheviots, Bannookburns, Piqae, Diagonals Stripes, lichens, Steel and Silver Mixed, and, to 4ort, all manners and descriptions of good things in the clothesline that are needed to autisly the most ardent aspirations of masculine numanhy, CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP FOR CASH, CASH, CASH, ROCKFIILL & WILSON'S Great Brown Stone Hall, )03 and 605 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPEIFILL WOOLENS FEARFULLY LOW. COOPER & CONARD, S. E. col% Ninth and Market Sts CASSIMERES, All-wool, 500, up. CLOAKINGS, good styles, $1 up . CLOTHS, Low to fine grades. The slaughter in this branch of business atilt continues We have availed ourselvea of the low prices ij go in heavily, and offer to our friends and curitomors memo great drives in Trowscringa, Coalinga, dm £l-ise4p OGDEN & HYATT , TAILORS, No. 827 ARCH STREET, LATE WITU WANAMARRR & BROWN. The Finest Goods, French, English and Domestic. Terms moderate. a ,14 Im4p H. P. & O. R. TAYLOR. PERFIIMEHT AHD TOILET 9OASJP6 9 641 and 643 H. Ninth Street. • TIIOSE FIVE CBNT VARA CIGARBI SPLENDID, ain't they. nenntry merchants are invited to call and °gamine themsit WILEN 13110111E116. Eighth and Walnut streets. apEtvo tW -- MA BRING WITH INDELIBLE INK, EMBROIDER ing. Braiding, stamping. Age. M. A. tO RhY, Filbert street. A LL TUE FAVORITE BRANDS OF SMOKING TO IA hue°, including Lone Jae/. Perreke, Lynchburg, Hlpblander, etc. n ay be had at the !arrest rates of W ILLY iiROTIIERtf. N. W. corner Eighth and Walnut streets. apnnnif JAMES B. NEWBOLD & BON, BILL BROKER 9 AN') GENERAL FINANCIAL AGENTS, tiFAION /Unita' w2l 26tip* - BARGAINS 4hl -Fi NE A inlEtt3Md.=NELVer I._T 'I orke-y Morocco and Antique Binding, Blank Docks, StatioLery, liolioaY Book.. Illbles,fhtmee Ladies' Companion,. Pm-knives, Pocket-books, Soloactr: and Fancy Goods. prilina low. White. Buff and Canary Envelopes, IR cents per Into died. Fine bias Paper 151 per roam Portf.gios, 15 coot, and upward. Flue Untiery. Leather tur , ds, Limas, Dards. Dominoes. and all parlor gamcs.Fatioy (puce,. &a, ho. Lowest prices in the city FANCY CHEAP uTA PIONERY, MALES, ALBUM'S, spn 4D tri Ira and 381 El, >3IYUTH iiTREET. APPLETON S' 315ITRNAL- No.' 7i Table of Contents : THE WV WHO LAUGHP, by Victor lingo—oontloned. THE WOMAN OEHUSINESS. By the Author of "The dieter of tho Alborg." FOR Rlefißß—Poß POORER. BY Caroline Crhesebro. A tik AL BUNT IN DIELAr. D. (Realities of Irbil) Life.) DhtiCRIPTIoN OF Tlli RAINBOW. (Illustration.) GOLD AND BILVER MlNlNG—Praetioal and It Inca' IBF RuMAN SENTINEL. By Demi Abbey Rjl ETLII ES OF EARLY LIFE IN BOSTON. WPM! , 0 NOI ES. By Eugene Benton. EU PHI SICAL HAM OF LIFE. CA• TLE GARDEN AT D NEW YORK BAT. TN B BACK.DEIVERS OF PAM& TA DIE. I'AF H. FOREIGN NOTES. THE MUSEUM'. IT CONTAINS A SUPERB CARTOON, MOM A DEMON. BY HENRY PENN, Castle Garden and New York Bay TWENTY-EIGHT INCHES LONG IT 18 A Lifelike and kith& View of one of the heeled Barbera hi the World, MARINO A PICTURE SUITABLE FOR FRAbLINO. THE JOURNAL Is for sale by all News Agents In the Lolled btates. Price 10 comb per No., or 84 per annum, to advance. 0, APPLETON do CO., Publishera, CO. 92 and 94 G , and Ftreet, 19tw York. Published This Day: O,N THE WING. A Book for Young Fgort,men. By JonN Bruen:kJ , Richly lllustr.t.te, 1 vol. lfn o. tB2 150. This book. prepared by one of the beet eportemen Li Risme. tree of all the principal euojects that , ace the attention of a spot terns u. It la emineutty et actiesl cmctsintra much w e ap ons no w , e,p• hug the cerium soh of wea a pons now in u.et hos y ate mom, and se hat constitutes the auptitrturlt. .1 tee e , ap..n over another. 7 he r louß t xpet fence has enabled him to Ratlu li orb that to Deeetoaty for every Mart... Man to 4 now, to p etieg the hubit4 sod haunts of the ream varieties gm we Mt de found in o• r Northern States—the Wo , dooek • pe Q. ail and the Partridge,as well ac the game bird, an. water fowlgof New IF niland The cheervstiona of th mithot, however. apply to sporting evelywitere. Th. vo.Ellne ia fully and appropriately illuatrated. Cheap end P(p liar Edition ELSIE VEIN NEB : A ROMANCE OF DESTINY. By ()Livia Wowitu. Hourza. I voL lemo. ea 00 This tale contains some of the best of Dr. Rohn& !pod things. lie has lavl• bed npon it much close. an , °Orel xenon, and It tetras with his peculiar excellencies I is intuited by his most sparkling wit and hue mo.• e no. Te bumor. with here and there a touch of the trust. pathos.—Loston DraocUsr. Cheap Illustrated Edition TOM BROWN'S SCHOOL-DAYS AT RUGBY. By THOMAIS HI hurt,. 1 N 01. 16mo. With Blittirittion by Liam), Ltd , . $1 i$ Ore of the moot delightful, and at the game time fro pie trice of the better sort of kcboolteuy life ever pub t. bed.---London klr.futvr. Foruhr 4ition THE RECREATIONS OF A COUNTRY PARSON. First and Second Series. 2 vols. 16mo. $1 26 each For sale by all Booksellers. Bent postpaid of receipt of price by the Publishers, FIELDS, OSGOOD & CO., Boston TI-1 W V.EttLEY N Vr,LS. Standard Edition. Complete in St volumes. 111untratod. Large 121110. '1 coed paver. Extra cloth Retail price per vukme. dl fre. Thie io the beet and moot complete edition for the lib, ary m tot goer rat tine oublielied. La eoribnulent tiara the t intim) I atb.iity of the type, a bleb la larger than toed in t rat other edition either or America., it plritt d DlN,trmllool3, (polity of the p.per and bladlur tad the general execution of the pre.% work. wilt h t: glom the reirbr+ted Uttitori prceo, moat commend It a ohne. to every one. ANY VOLUME SOLREAD SEPA RATELY. W DY•. WA VEIl) EY. GUY IiiANNICHANG. THE ANTI Q UA hY• Tit E ABBOTT, KENILVV• Alm Biltoer ion. of ST' Ett EN GE ON THE HORSE, NORM: I'll3ll CULTURE. Nooks retailed wholesale prince. PORTER & cpwrzl, Puhlhatere. ,t'2o rrtf 822 OH EnTtx UT /Street. ZELL'S POPULAR lENCYCLDIMEIDI.A., A Dlitlonary of llolveroal Knowledge. T. ELLWOOD ZE.LL. Publisher 17 end 19 South Sixth Street. P lthl W emrp THE FAMILY DOCTOR. Complete Dictionary of Domestic Nedldat and surgery. Especially Adapted for Family Use. BY A LONDON DIBFENBARY BURGEON. illustrated with upwards of One Thousand lilustratlou grown Aro lot half pages and an Appendix, $2 60morocco, 54 00. AGENTS WANTED. Apply to GEO. GEBOUW', No. 780 RANSOM BTREST. 'n2811131 THE MOUTH AEU THE TEETH Di+. J. DE RAVEN WEITE'3 Name and Standing in Medical Dentistry are a goaran tee for the Efficacy of whatever ho Pre scribes for the Month and Teeth. The great demand for the preparations made from hi• formula has in ".aced many persons to sell their own prp paratious under his name. To protect his reputation frog rugining by this practice. and to secure the best remedies for lib patieats In regard to Ids NEW MEDICATED DENTIFRICE. MOUTH WASH AND G ARGLE. He bah taken legal meaeoree to prevent 11th tormul , from being compounded by alkY other Übemiat or Drug tint lu the lJnited States, but OUBTAVT.II3 BRAUSTA APOTHECARY, E. W. car. Twelfth and Cheatnu il t adevViPhiaerts, Ph As testified by the following certificate mouth repudiate as arsnuous all tooth powders and Mouth weahes rejlinner my-namer. - except-thoet Lasing. my Signature On the Ciili—tiiiiitiotimlud--and -sem. ouLP by GIiSTAVU3 KRAUS.E. Apothecary. N. W. em uor of TWF,1,1;7 , -; and tl-IEBTNU'I` ..trocts. PlJladei phis, who es.ortri hohlo my prescriptions, and is autho rimed to prupare and sell the same." J. DaIIAVFIN WHITE, on wilmrply td. D ; D. D. S. - 1:14 PArtAtitiLs. ALT. THE N EIWITIST 'LONDON arid Part , diylea which for novelly'. variety and elegnuce are unequalled. A large assortment of LAW l CIVNEB. MIA `ll3ll and BUN UMMIPILLAB,_at B leweer WWII. at II 01.XON'.i ,IPANCY llaiilDd bTi)//3. No. 21 Oath Eighth otreet. 0p22).1a6rs BOWELLTINN 'Bl CO.; N l / 2 3.olessale end Retail =BE PAPER HANGINGS, AT NO,. 1117 CHESTNUT STREET, Until, completion of their Store, S. W. CORNER OF NINTH AND OHESTNIIT STREETS. JUST OPENING OUR SPRING IMPORTATIONS, French Medallions, Imitations Woods Pardon, Chinese, Flower Patterns, andi other peouliar foreign styles. timwEet4p STATIONERS . BLANK BOOKS. The Largest Stook and Greatest Variety of FULL AND HALF-BOUND BLANK BOOKS. MEMORANDUM, PASS. COPY BOOKS. Eto.. Etc., To be feend in this City, in at the Old Established BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY OF JAS. B. SMITH& CO. I No. 27 South Seventh Street, riaLsokmue. OHM, and Salesroom, Elm-Floor. liwareroonso. up -attars. rebam w•f•anirPi KEIIIOVAL. REMOVAL J. W. PRICE'S RESTAURANT From FOUR'RiI and CHESTNUT to No. 305 CHESTNUT STREET. On Thursday, nay 6, I will open my new and greatly enlarged establiehmern .t ho. tO5l t EBTN UT Street, where I have fitted up th twat and ercond etc. ha with every comfort and conve [deuce for LADIES and GEN i'LEMEN. 1 he dintug-rooms are large and airy. and no maim wil be 'pared to ineure a tOntilltllleCe and tncreaee of the genet one patronage which has hitherto been extended to my establiattuaent by the public. ap29 eirP CHINA AND GLASSWARE. THE PUBLIC la invited to examine OUR IMMENSE STOOK China, 4G-lams and and compare the prices and qualities with those of any other house in the city. TYNDALE & MITCHELL, 707 CHESTNUT STREET. rnblb In w f awry vottrorriuttlf. mc. I. L, IU rir Z , FURNITURE. 121 South ELEVENTH Street. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF FIRST CLASS FURNITURE At Bit dende Prices. FURNITURE. T. & J. A. HENIKELS, Baying REMOVED to their ELEGANT STORE,IOO2 ARCH ST., Are now selling first-class FURNITURE at very reduced pricer. mh3l-3mrpt, WII EB, Liquous, aG LANGSTRO7H & BOULTON, 130 WALNUT STREIEr. Bole direct Imootters In Pennsylvania of OTARD DEPUY & C O.' S HCAM PtJONAII AGN BRANDIES, kiEIDSIEJE. & Cu., and otbor CE WINES. HARP GIN, JAMMI/A RUM, SCOTCH WHISKIES, Bt RT ON, BASS and INDIA ALI/. ft, LONDON C at d POW!). It. CLARETS and vt. HITE WINES, BUR GUNDY, PORT end tow priced WINES. OLI Vic OIL Prom Nice. France, pure and beet imported. VERY OLU FUR. SHERRY, MAL/EISA and PORT WIN Ed in boast. , ono dozen bottles each, or in Packages . to euit. Choice brords of old RYP and BOURBON WHISKIES. Above vods iu Custom House and Bonded Warehonaos. m 1.31 w 18tro• CALIS PETIIIIO9. dith, SPRING. 1869. ' LEEDOM & SHAW, 910 ARCH STREET. We are now receiving a very large dock of new goods fot SPRING SALES, Embracing all the new styles of CARPETING% FLOOR OIL CLOT Ele a MAT T 111 G 13 0 &o. DIM Arn rply MINTER'S PATENT SPECS (AN 41jEfalt. h. had et his Store, No. 137 South ghth, above Walnut. af 141 f 40. C at Ak s SIMON GAJRTLAND, UNDERTAKER, NS Bond , Thirteenth ape. m 1125 6morpt MAGAZIN DEB MODAttrr MRS. rxairoß. Cloaks. Walking Balta. Bilks. Drees Goods, Lacu Shawle, • Ladies' Underclothing and Ladles* Etws. Dresses made to measaira In Timmty.four Flours. -- RE YOU A CON NOIERWUR IN Ai EllflitOttAUM APipes and Cigar. Tubes? WILEY BKOTtiFuts have a superior stook at Eighth and W (anat. unarg J. W. PRICE. Stoneware, aUOCESIE. THE CELEBRATED M. Ar, F. MARYLAND HAMS OTHER CHOICE BRANDS, FOR BALE BY MITCHELL & FLETCHER, To Families Going to the Country. Our stook of strictly fine quality of Staple and Farley Groceries was never more complete than now. We shall strive to sill as low as such fine goods can possibly be purchased and guarantee eventhlrg Great care win be taken to peck securely, and deliver free of oharge to ally depot or express Office in the city SIMON COLTON & CLARKE, S. W. corner Broad and Walnut Sta. fmw .0 7 VIII Lea. k. VIVELILT, ~. „~ ~. JAS. E. CALDWELL & CO,, Na 819 CHESTNUT STREET, (Until their Store Is rebuilt.) IMPORTMRS OP DIAMONDS; Manufacturers of Diamond Jewelry. BOLE AGENTS IN AMERICA FOR H. B. BHEGBEN'S Geneva and Copenhagen Watohee, Repeaters and Chronographs, SPECIAL AGENTS FOR THE BMX OF Gorham Bilanufacturing Company's FINE ELECTRO PLATED WARES. ARTISTIC SILVER WARES. A very full and valuable celled:lon In NEWEST DE -811.,b6 for Bridal Presents and Household Use. MANTEL CLOCKS, FINE BRONZES, FANCY ARTICLESS None but FIRST CLASS GOODS KEPT, and aver? Awrio k F(11 o L PON IPEI OWN MERITS. • re m a r 2n Ft einov al.. CLARK & BIDDLE, Jewelers and Silversmiths, RATING 1111110VED Flll3l 712 CHESTNUT STREET Their New wilding, 11'14 CHESTNUT STREET, Are now opening &large and new araortment of Diamond line Jewelry. American and &visa Watches,. Ware. Gorham Electroqplatod Ware. Ea;;hb hi c- a ß utel Clock!. &0.. &c. 1e37 a w U rroF REMOVAL. V. J. Magnin,Guedin &Co. beg to announce that they have from;mod 2 th MAIDEN LANE toeir Waco of buelneee Nuo. 652 BROADWAY, N.Y. (between Bleecker and Bond sta.). and Utter. from, their Baring Im portations.a conipte s p eci a ltiesnt assortment of their in WATCHES, nonszor EWELRY, CLOCKS, ISKONZE „ in WORM.. BOYLES And FANCY 000DS. BOLE AoFNTH FOE THE MAILMEN WANVEL SALE OF CUSTOMMADE CARRIAGES. ON THURSDAY MORNING. - • May 0, ISM at 10 o'clock. at the wareecamg. No. 8:5 Walnut street, will be told without reserve, a col. 'action of RIMY NEW CARRIAGES, Manufactured by Sir. Henry Pretrachner, of Wilming ton. Del.. and all warranted. 877 " 1 ho • Wire collection st ill be on view two days pre• sum to the day of sale, w A h FR a ED g M ue LI ERRNEBB. Auctioneer. n , T4 2tri IS READ I READ I READ I IMPORTANT ,elgelMlieg to Ladies! Ease. Economy, DurabilitY and v ant PhOPS with all the above qualities for Lod • m „„ r , children and Youths, you can obtain th i,at 11,k, ..,.1041....N0-2.34 Beate Eleventh EC apd Ito4p Rif MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED UPON tr% Otana & W e It eklEB ' jEWELRY` PLATE. JONES Ai CO.'S • OLD.ESTABLISEIED LOAN 01/710E. Corner of Third and Ounkill Ftreets. Below Lombard. N. 8.-DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. GUNS. MB SALE AT MASA 11:KAMA LOW PRICES. sn'',A4mnn P 9P. SECOND EDITION. TO-DAT'S CABLE QUOTATIONS NVA.SIIINC3I•TOW. THE CABINET Great Confidence Felt in its Ability A NEW RAILROAD ENTERPRISE By the Atlantic Cable. Lennon, May 5, A. M.—Console 93% for both money and account. United States Five-twen ties, 80. American stocks quiet; Erie Railroad, 19%; Illinois Central, 98%; Great Western. 24%. LrvenrooL. May 5, A.M.—Cotton market opens Irregular; Middling Uplands, 11%,d. ; kllddlinsr Orleans 12d. The sales for to-day are estimated at 7,600 ' bales. LONDON, May 5, A. M.—Sugars, 88s. 9d. Lonnotr, May 5, P. M.—United States. Five twenties, 80R. The Stock market is without material alteration. Erie Railroad. 19%; Illinois Central, 98%. Lolls:fon, May 5, P. M.—The shipments of Cotton from Bombay to the let inst., since last report, according to private despatches, were 85,000 bales. Common Rosin, Os. Tallow, 44a. 6d. LONDON, May 5, P. M.—Tallow satiric and un changed. Boons. May 5.--Cotton opens list for both on the spot and afloat; Low Middling, afloat , I tOl.; tree ordinaire, on the spot, 145 L The market will be closed on Thursday. The Cabinet. Medal Despatch to the PM*. Evening Ballain WASHINGTON!, May, b.—While there has been an Impression from the first In some circles that the Cabinet would be remodelled, the tsik of the leading men who have stayed here has been lately expressive of increased confidence In the Administration, as it now stands. Mr. Sumner, notably, and others of his chum, who were quite eprn in their doubts, arc now equally,putspoken In their confidence. Wow Railroad Entorprlse. !Special Despatch to the Philadelphia Evening iluileillii WASHINGTON, May 5—A delegation from Frederick City, Maryland,interceted in a railroad from Washington, north, via that city, are here, and a meeting Is in progress at the rooms of the Board of Trade to give an opportunity for them to exchange views with the citizens of Wash ington. Weather iteport. lit y 6, 9 ri .it•ter Cove—. ...... Boston New mit. . Wilmington, Pei. . Wivetungtor, D. C Farina; Monroe.. Augusta. Gs. Charleston, S. C. Savannah En ash,— ...... Pittsburgh. klebtle..... New Orleans . Rey West_ natana. ffitate of Thermometer Was Day at the Bulletin Office. A.dee. 12 U. —AI deb 2P. M......G des; WileaMat : eiear. Wind Northeast. BUN SISTEMI MO rzsir. His Policy with latgltand—lle I. to Bove Written Inotrnotions. The Washington correspondence of the Herald says: Mr. Motley is expected to return here in about a week. In the meantime his Instructions are -eigistepaTilatartheiltSte - Departatent, and will be ready for him on his return. It Is ascertained from the proper source that the story sent out semi-officially by the Associated Press that Mr. Motley was to be sent away without any instruc tions is Incorrect. Our new Minister to England will, of course, have large discretion allowed him, but he rad have specific written instruc tions by which his official conduct in Great Britain will be l inided. It is not the custom of the government :o send a minister to a foreign court without instructions, even under ordinary circumstances. In view of oar peculiar relations with Great Britain it is of course more important than ueusl that our Minlater there should be spe cially !esti - nett-if by his government. The precise nature of Mr. Motley's Instructions will not be made known, but the government officials make no secret of the filer. that they are based ea the views set forth in Mr. Sumner's speech. That seems to be settled upon as the American ultimatum. As to the time of opening nego tiations, the manner of doing It, dm., Mr. Motley is to use his own Judgment. There is to be no ,particular harry about IL The govern. meet here seems to have an idea th at there is nothing to be lost on our side by delay. The British government. It is thought, will grow mel low towards us on the subject of the Alabama claims as it grows old. It re confidently expected by ti e admielstration that between this and Christmas there will be a great reaction in the pubic sentiment of Great Britain, and that the views of the British alb:lista" , will undergo con siderable change relative to the Alabama claims. Mr. Motley is expected to press our claims upon the Braila) government; but he will seek the most favorable occasions upon which to act. FINANCIAL AN D COMMERCIAL The Philadelphia. Money Market.; Sales at the Philadelphia Stock Exchange. IrIIIFIT 11011(.1). 714 City 68 new lot % 100 913 Reedit 475{ 1400 Ultvdr neu Its 101% 200 Ph do c 47.69 200 Phil&Rric Is 87% 2110 eh do Its 47-69 Satio Leh Gld In c 9451 80 eh do Its 1)5 47-69 4000 Lehigh Val R bde 300 eh do la 47% new cp he 945/ 200 eh do Its 1)60 47% 1000 Permit hug es 9451 100 8h do b3O 47% 2000 Penne le war In .800 eh do b6O 47% coup Its 1015!290 811 do 1)5 Its 47% 21 eb Leh Val It 55% 100 eh do c 478 15 eh Csin&Am R 12751 100 eh do 115 475; 100 eh Ottawa pt 85 100 eh do 85 47% 200 eb Phl && R 560 29% 100 eh do elo 47-56 100 eh do eBO 29% 200 eh do Its 47-56 100 et do 9951 400 eh do 115 4746 100 eh do c 2944 210 eh do 815 4754 500 eh do 140 , 29% 100 eh do BlOwn 4734 103 eh Penne R 54 100 al do 47-56 Beh do due bill 54 .00 eh do c 4746 46 ell do do Its 54 9 81) Minehdiß Own 5454 17 eh do c&p 54 25 eh Lehigh Nay titic 3254 87 eh do opg&in 6451 eIITWEIIS 11 &Reg Co 5s b 5 74%1 1110 Pa Sd Sete 2dye 107 1000 Lett Gld Ln 9446 86441 Cityll'e pew 10134 500 Hunt & Broad Top Ist mtg 75 7sh edam cOS 127% 8 eh do h 5 127% 100 eh Pettus H b3O OD% 125 sh do 16454 100 eh de cLp 7,413 100 eh do 590 5431 900 sh Ph&Erieß 1160 29% 100 eh do MO 29% 21 eh LehVal R 55% WEDNZSDAY, May 5. MR —The chief feature in the local money market lea revival of the speculative spirit. which has been for some few day, dormant, The OW 13 the money market le, no doubt, the direct WWI% the comparative quiet prevailing In all the marts of trade failing to create eulliclent demand for the capital daily thrown on the market for employment. The banks are at the present time overstocked, and are glad to accom modate brokers at uoroleal rates rather than iseee large balances in reserve unemployed. As a safety v lye ibis epectilative spirit is often beueficial, but too often, no. fortunately, when carried beyond the limits of modera tion and prudence, it le decidedly the reverse; we would therefore recommend caution on the part of tbeuninitiated. The banks are Met now Metal, became they can afford it, but if a sudden call 'Mould he made upon them by the Comet eller, which is dot improbable, a withdrawal of theli loans would pi ova anythli,g but convenient to the holders el stooks on bin to a ed capital. Leer-' on call are very easy tc-day at 5a)6 per cent. on Gox ernments, and at t(,7 per ceut on mixed securities. .11.4-iloucts range from tote per cent,iter prime. enders: novt iv ante am dunned wonk Gold opened at pia end at 15 lid. otood at 135'4. State • and clty Loans steady at ytali-rtinv's l it tationa, with sales of the ue.v he ea of the lit ter At 1 he hrecniativerhares were irregular and lower. Read• irg fteiltnnd sold 0.t.47 eg47 On—a deedloc of Lehigh Vol e:. Railroad nt t.s34—st declitie of t..,; Peurterivailla 1 , ilrend al 154(0.54i4—an advance tiatavithrea Ktll road at 33—a decatte of Mine 11tH nallru3d Wind. Weather. The N. Foggy. 47 N. E. Cloudy. 47 .E. Clear. 52 N W. Cloudy. 52 N. W. Clear. 52 .N W. Clear. 5t N. W. Clear. tS .W. Cloudy, 641 . E. Cloudy. Se .8. E. II szy. 70 S. W. Clear. 76 S. W. Clear. 63 N. Clear, GO W. Clear, 46 Cloudy. 4; .8. EL Cloudy. Co N. Cloudy. 04 .8. Clear. Te .S. W. Clear. 70 E. Clear. T 9 .. Olear. ID =.3 3uo eh Read R b3O 4754 100 eh do do. 4T-44 300 eh do b3O Its 47 g 300 sh do %lye Its 4714 100 eh do b 5 47g leo eh do 47-44 200 eh do Sat'day 47-44 100 eh do elOwn 47ti 100 eh do 12dvs 47-44 100 eh do e5851n 1t547.41 200 eh do Its 47-44 500 sh do bd 47.44 100 shShamokin el 5 4" 100 oiti do b3O sti at beg; and Philadelphia and Edo /railroad at tifed 4 32ll%. clewing at 981(. 'in tinttal skarell the only sale was of Lehigh Navigation at 811,36. /hsk and Passenger Railroad shores attracted but little attention. and prices were without quotable chums. i 'I be Directors of the Penn National Bank have de. dared ÷nd of floe par cent, cleat of taxed, and pa) ab Nati o naland _Ube Bank of Comtherce hu declared a Mid' deed of five per cent., pqyaole clear of taxes. Jay Coolie •11. Co quote Government securities. Rte., to. doy es follows: ki 6e. q31.119A119.1i; 6W's of 1868. 118% 11 8 ht_do. 1861. 114(4114M :do.Nov.. 1868. 115)60115U: A?, Ei e lz% 4 .4 % Ingya 6108% 86 ; P ,l ac 64 , 1 6)0 ; 0 0 0 . 6X 80 ; 4 0 61,. 1814. brolth. Randolph &bankers. Third and Chestnut. quote t 1( o'clock as follows: Gold. 135% U.S. Oise% 1881.11840119)i: Five-twenties. Ms. 118904118 do Mi. 114:4114m; do. 1865. 115%0115%; do. July, 1836 116),;(41 116 X; do.do 1867. .163.50.116 X; do. do I.BM. 1165irdlitiX; Fives. Ten.forties. 108M4108.56: Currency &E. 10644106* Messrs. Dettaven & Brother. No. 40 South Third street make the following Quotations of the rates of exchange tads,. at 1 P. M.: United Stutes Sixes of 1884 11837 119,%; do. do. 1862, iieggiin4; do. do. 1 8 6 4 . 114 T 4114 ' do. do. 1868. 115.304115fic: do do. 1865 new. 1161 4 4116'.0 do. do 1867. new, litsy,omPlX ; do. do. 1868,116%:4116 Ps. le 40'0 108 3 414108)6 •. 811 Year 6 per cent C 9.. logn(41116%: tone Comp. Int Notes. Mei... Gold. 11153543 11:6%. 1436431110. Philadelphia Produce Market. WEI)I4EHDAT. May 6.-- The Flour market is as dull as et ci, the inquiry being extremely limited and confined to the wants of the home trade. Prices, however. iv/ main web out quo.able ct-aoge. About 800 barrels changed nande, mostly Extra Families at $6 51.(a7 25 per barrel for lon a, Wisconsin and Minn°. ots: 06 7547 50 for Pennsylvania. and 87 50(48 for Ohio, Including some fancy lots at $10(a12; axtra at Iss 70@d.. 25. and Superfine at 1844 , 6 60. Inc Flour is very quiet at $7. In t orn Meal nothing doing. Tie movements in Wheat are small, being confined to the better torts for the supply of the local millers. dales of Red at $1 60181 70: Amber at 81 70@li 23; and 2WO bushels Genesee White et 82. Rye is firmer. and 10 0./0 bushels/ Penns) ivon.a sold at $1 45. Corn id eesrco and hes again advanced. Sale. of 2.000 bushels yellow at 92e. ; 1.600 bnebela white at 874/slik:.: $lO bushels Western ai.d Pennsylvania yellow at 00c , and 5,000 bueln/ls mixed at 21114refic. Oats am also advancisg. and may be q•oted 2r. per bushel higher. Sales of 646400 bushels Western at 1104t80...0u0w higher:l.6oo bushels Soathern at ililfs6l*... and corns PennsylvaaLa at 75e. Prices of Barley Malt are nominal. er - reeed . la quiet and muses from ea 60 to $9 25. No miles of Timothy. Small sales of Flaxseed at 42 70 per burheL iiViday la quiet, with small sales at P6c.®sl—tai paid. The New York money 811arket. (Flom the New York Herald of to-dity.l MAW 4.—The activity in money was more noticeable to. daY.and aa high as gold luta-rest wee paid upon call loans, but the great majority of transactions took place at 7 per cent. currency. The cliques are supposed to be aggro.- vatic( the actual demand for money which occurs during the week, about the lit of Mar. in the settlement of mortgage, and the contraction of other real estate en gagements. In the buoyant market which ensued upon the favorable bank statement of the 26th of April. and the r &rage of statement day. they not only unloaded their "lone clock. but went "short" of a vast amount mote. The "street" Is alway. weak as against the &Mune, teethe disorganized multitude +re more •u.cmti hie of a panic. 'I be ciques have also been instrumentsl in causiug the rise in gold. for eimultanetue with th dr "bear" operations In 'tucks they tyve burl "b la gold, the relations of the two markets enabVng them to consistently carry on their diveree opa-atioas. Another caure of the aggravation la found in the high rate for can tag gold, which to-day ranged nn to ten per rent and Induced many to withdraw fund, and do their own ter-tag . The money market is in an anomalous condition and dlfflrult to characterize. Commercial paper %V at, quo ed at from preen and a half VI ulna per mint. he failure of a prominent dry plods .) , ,bhing firm was foilowea by rumors of several similar failures that were oithoct (conflation. Foreign exchange was dull, the merchants declining to purchtiste s the present price of gold, the eye not yet be itrilLrr s i c ie. n tu,r , d eix ed to the e n ehr mer, not g w edfigur ~. stiff in P figure. Iv of fheir de. nista' r. Thus the asking rate or prime banker,' sixty nay sterling was ItY,a tg. but large amount/1 were porch tv •lJt at a cnncesel 4/ of cc etglith per cent, while sales nut of second hands were reported as low no 1..9. The r, nr eof the market I. very doubtful t toe larg ha k ing hon.'. to sold to have ship..ed s minim of govern- In , et he to -d -y. G 1' , 1111. - 11 ,, w ere dell and a fraction we eker . The ‘O., were the steadiest of the lift, which is all the more curl u• es the foreign quotation came se low as 79%1 at I option recce - eying at the dome to 19' , . Thus decline &trued bring. the two markets almost to an equality, and I. ay. I Huh or no margin to- shipment cave what may arise trout the firm's,. of exchange. The weak t oe.a was n ore noticeable in the domestic. hoods, which • how, that ft e market was influenced by the dearer wear°. money. Goveromente are quite sensitive to the changes of the money market, and reflect lite ease or stringency with sore-rising Promptitnde. The stock clique, who bought gold en heavily in the In. clpieut elates of the recent advance were rucc‘watal in making a g• n 4 market to cell upon today. Th , .. opening Pri- e was MIN. from which there was a gradual decline to ISSfe . (lath gold was In greet abundance under the contiuned dieburvernente of the Trearney in payment of the flay coupons. Loans were made at five per cent. for cynics In the earlier portion of the laren.on. bat later as blob es 1.82 per diem and ten p•r cent per annum were allowed upon the currency collateral /or carrying bal ances over. Mr. yen 'Dyck gives notice that be will receive puma. anis for the "mond sale of government gold on Thursday. the conditions being precisely the same as on the first on casino . The dtatrunementa of coin intereet to-day were FOAMS 2& As anticipated. the report of the Gold Br. change Bank chows the Immense transaction' of yoater. day. The figures are as follows: Gold C1eared.........................8194 MAO Gold Balances LAX Sin Clammy Balances... ............... .. 434.15uT The steamer Germania. for liaMbarg, took out figa.ooia in specie. New Work Stook market. (Corrrepondence of the Auntdated Prera.l New Yoga. klay b.—Storks weak; Gold. 12634; Exchange. 10935; 6.21). 118%: do.. 1564. t 144; do. 181.11, MO.( : new. 116;:; do. Oki. 116 , 4: Ten forties. 108',; betstecui Elie.. 1 , 23.0; Cumb..rtand Preferred. 3v; New otk •.entraL 173; 1 eading.. 054; Hudson River. 153: Ildlel,bran Central. 51PAilgan douthern, 1113: (Monis C•ntt al. 1454: Cleveland and Plttsbnrett. P 1; Cleveland sad Toledo 102; Chicago and Kock Wand, 130; Pitts berth and Fort Warne, 1411 • Markets by Telegraph. IBPecial Despatch to the Phila. Evening flotlertln.) New 1 oar, May 6 --Cotton-The market thio morning was Oren with a good trade: sales of about 2OW h 11.161. We quota as follow, Middling Uplands, 28'a; Middling lir lean& 29.. Flour. 6e_-Receipts, 6 261 title The market for ertern and State Fl mir is fairly active and ss•Oc better. The rah' are about 7;00 bbls., including Superfine State at $5 es - ale 15: Petra State at $6 alol 66 70. Low grader Western Extra at 136 104446 7.1. Hoothere Hour to firm and quiet Sales o. 200 barrels at e - for r xtra Balt mere said country; Califorida Flour lo dull. Saler • f 100 ' , arr.). at e - t , tato- Iteceipto 01 Wheat bushels The market is d .11 d tome The vales are - - bushels No 2 atilwaulcsa at $1 47061 481 n store. end No. 1 do at el 50.4153 afloat. torn-heeelph , . 3 grin burhels. Tbo market vo qqat,t but 1.. m. Sal ao. 10.000 M.Phil. new . W. 'tern at 94 596 cents, afloat. (.Id. 9.10 - 403 in store. Data-Receipts. 3.400 brugh 1, Market otr-ns with a crud oeui•od Salm of 20.000 boohelo of 56. iii st , re. 18 afloat. Rye quiet. Salei at 61 3040 . 1 36. Lip. ley Inactive. criolon..- Ibe rereipte of Pork are 359 barrels. The n earl et is firmer. whii a (.1- demand at *3l 25 for new W. firm M CF. Lard- receipts 200 pkg. 'rho market Is q; jet, We quote fair .o prime steam at l 8 -can's Whirk v.- eeipt., 50 barrel.. The market to firmer We quote Wirier!. free at 96 .96 fit orerie9 tire—hin 19 deli and hea•v. Angara firm, with a fair hil.it,e-•; pale.; at II k,all Refined (pilot oull; ptitxe irades are firmly held 'fallow firm ' With a rood exptrt demand ; salmi of 100 000 pouuda at 113,011141. Prrisammu , May tl -In Crude Petroleum bnt little dolts; .al es of I AKI bacrels.bulit. ao. May. 40 to 45 at it!se. Lett/ barrels spot. 40 to 48 at 1414 c. Refined ver• firm, a ith a fsnr demand. sale,' of FLO bar'els last half May at Mk c. ;589 barrel.. do. do. at 33 .4c,; 1.000 ba , o. dk , s at 52e.; 6000 barrels Ma. to September. I dal bar , els each month, at 34c.; LAO barrels 1104 half .July al :Ake. Receipts. I 90 barft la. Shinned b• A, V. It It Lam I arrela refined, and 60 Marren Lab:Mating, and from L. W. del of 49 barrels refined. 'orne,,,knd t e•re of the A evriated P,115.1. , 1 YOKai May S.—CC tt - nqn et and unchanged sales of ate hales. Floe is without &cited change. and there i• le-a defier. Wheat dull and d 26e3c.; No. 1 boring. 8i 65 livered ; No. 2. $1 48 in atom; White 'Prorate $1 70. Co•-ti dnla en' not so firm; saLa of now miaed Wetterrn at 92(d94;5e.; old, Mc. In store. Data quiet •, W. Ft. na. Yee h' d. and 76X asked fo- 1.02 in store 11 •ef t and unchanged. Pork steady: new St. es, s'l 18.4 *3l 25 crime. $26 76(611626 25. Lard steads; steam in threes. 1621834 Whisky get' et Western., 97itille. Bat TEldlila, May s.—Cotten quiet and weak at 24e hnr fairly active and unchanged. Wheat firm and on. changed ; receipt a 5m..11. Cent fc in and in fair dour.nd ; pme White. 852E6 • • Yell..w. 862yE8c. tiat.l dull at '6 Ca7Bc. for heavy. 68470 c for light. Rye niminally si 4c(41 46. Mess Pork quiet at $3l 75432 Race quiet; rib sines. o. ; clear do. 17.34; shmilders.l4 4441414 ; hams, 2.042 L Laid quiet at 19340 Whisky firm at 95c. WOO LATE FOB CLASNII FICA riot. DESTOUET.—On the sth inet., suddenly, John E Dettonet, In the 74d year of his age. e a r AT 't FIE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BTOt7K• holders of the I ehigh Zinc Uo npany. held thin gy, the following gentlemen were duly elected Directors to serve during the enemas year : BEN.) 4 MIN 0. WEBSTER, GEORGE X ZEIGLER. CH IMES W. TaorrEß, GORDON M'INCIFS. ADOLPH E. BORIS. CHARLES L. RORIE, JAMES O. FISHER And at a subsequent meeting of the Directors, tho fol lowing officers were elected to serve the ensuing year: BENJAMIN 0. WEBSTER. President. CHARLES W TROTTE.r. Vice President. rORI:ON HONG S:ti, Treasure•. HENRY A. WlL'r BERGER, Secretary. By order of the Board. GORDON MONGER. 91'B "met. PIIILADELPIIIA. May 5. 1868. mysBt6 Point Breeze Park. _ _ To-Morrow (Thursday) at 3 P. M. MI ATO 1111 5500, Milo heath, Bln6, to harrna. Gaod day and track. R. P. STETSON names b. in. IDA. ()WEER names b. g. VICTOR PATON r N. A dmlesion; $l. It 4 rIZIRTA fru.l3.l4En_ IIPrZrLNG, S' 1 :Larking En sincere ind dealers Will find a full 4B , ortine Goodyear's Pstory Vulcanised Rubber Raffia I Pk Hose, fie., at the 31sGna ODYEA sstnrer's S. Fieadquarters: U''' Sue Chestnut strict. South side. N.B.—We have now on hand a largo lot or Gentlemen's, Ladies and Gnm 'Boots. Alsek every varlery and et3ic of Crum Ovaraoata. TEE DAILY EVENING VULLETIN-1111LADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 5,1859. THIRD EDITION. FRO M WASHINGTON Naval Intelligence. A MARINE DISASTER WASHINGTON, May b.—Professor Azaph now attached to the Naval Observatory here, has been ordered to the Pacific coast for the purpose of making observations of the eclipse of the sun on the 7th of August next. Mr. Joseph A. Rogers, a civilian employed in the Hydrographic Office, has been assigned to special duty as as sistant to Professor Hall. Commander W. Rogers Taylor ban been or dered to the command of the Northern Division of the Pacific station, hoisting bis pennant on the Oesipee; Lieutenant Commander W. R. Bridg man Is ordered to the Sabine; Assistant Surgeon William A. Corwin . Is ordered to Boston Navy- Yard; Assistant Surgeon William A. Casein is ordered to the receiving ship Vermont; Com mander D. B. Harmony Is detached from the command of the Frolic and phreed on waiting orders. The other officers be longing to the Frolic are also detached, and gene rally placed on waiting orders. Masters George L Converse and E. S. Armory, of that ship, are ordered to this city for examination for promo tion. Lieutenant-Commander Theodore F. Jew ell is detached from the Hydregraphic Office and ordered to the Sabine. bu r geon George Pack is detached from the New York Navy Yard and ordered to the Sabine. SAVANNAH, May s.—The steamer Liberty, from Baltimore for New Orleans by the way of ELSVaLIa, lost her propeller in latitude 30, longitude 80,and put into Tybee. She is awaiting the arrival of tbe steamer Cuba to tow her to Norfolk for re pairs. MADTEON, Ind., May s.—The city election yes terday Was hotly contested. The Democrats re elected the Treasurer, Clerk and Assessor by an average majority of 207. MEETING OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND SOUTHERN STl:_smsetr f..k,strat.r.—Ttie meeting was c to order this morning at 12 o'clock', and James C. Hand, Efq , was elected President, and Mr. Chalks S. Teal was appointed Secretary. After which ibe Secretary read the third annual report of the business of the fiscal year ending March 81st. 18f9. From it we take the following: The steamer* of the Company have performed rho fol io. tog service: The Pioneer. on the tJilinineton Line, hake p ats to entv.tour roond voyages. on the Savannah Line the V. yommg has made twenty-four, and the Poe sw•ods eighteen round eo7 ages. On the hew (Meson ate li••ao, Line the j twilit. has made ten, the dtar of the Union >l t. and Yazoo one round voyage. The man seer, have to report the lose of the tkesripsuy.4 et. artier Star of the T' , .ion, near Bahia Honda on her yore,. frrm New Orleans to Haven.. reolace the Star of the L Men and totoep up the New Orleans lire, tte manswera have purchased the steamship "Yazoo." at a con of ninety five thousand doilara. She is a ship of 1.164 tone, and much better adapted to the burin. et of the Company than the ono that was 103 t The maple of the liminess of the current year, as compared with the preceding. is as follows: I opt en tact yeat'a bunneve.. ....... Profit on the bt shun of the current year , Ebowing a difference In favor of Ibis year'a eye. Intiona of the several lines of.. .......... rid Old 0 Since the organization of the Company. ita Ica Fea amount t 0... ..... 8229,112 70 Which. deducted from the amount of capital paid in, vur. 674.9 19 Would leave the unimpaired capital at ........$445,252 49 ?be Managers value the eteamthim of the Company at 5475.000. . Ihe Board of Managers believe that the permanent lroeterity of thoenterreise requires an addition of at east all oe,oo. addltionid capitl, and in order to obtain this they have had a eupplement to the charter enacted by the General Assembly, authorizing the .rtockholders to reduce the par value of the stock to $ll5 per , hare. The following to a partial account of the supplement: Sierrior, L Be a enacted by the Senate and Bowe of Bel reeentatit.a of the flymmontreafth of Penneurcania, to General d entmbly met, and tt , to hereby enacted b y the au( eprito of the acme. flat the Par value of each 'hare of the capitol etoek of the Philadelphia and Srrsthern alwf Pienniship Company) heretofore paid into the said Company end ironed or cubacribed for. shall be reduce 1 from the Dim of two hundred and fifty dollars, ae provided in the act to which this is a sup plement, to the rum of one hundred and twenty ve dollen., and that each and every share of stock hereafter snbecrihed for and lamed by the salt Con, rimy shall be of the like par value or one hundred and twenty five dollars. PO that the capital stock of the raid t ompcvy. when fully subscribed for and 6,1 led, ball conrist of viz tit( usand 'hares of the par veld., of one hundred and te-en•y-five dollar, ea h. 1 - ' , o that this section of the act pilot' only go into effect and become operative when the same .hail have been ac e. rut d at a met tire of the present stockholders of the raid Company. called upon one week's notice published in too daily new rpapete in the city of Philadefpoia. The other Fe etiOnEt refer to the dividends on the shuns, and that the company are authorized to 1 orrow on the credit of the company a sum of money not exceeding $lOO,OOO. After lt,e re port was read it was moved and carried that it should he accepted and printed. The snpplehaent Wee then read, some rernark3 were made upon it, after which Mr. Lemuel C'cllin cif, red the following resolutions: Resolved. That the Sepplemant to the Charter of the Pirladethhis and Sonthern Mail Steamship CompanY, etc, il roved AI 1116,1869. be and is hereby accepted by the Ural& ra. mgr.. (I. That under the authority given by tho no p rment to the charter (of this Company, approved April loth, lthO, thy oar vette of the capital stark of the C.im• racy be nod hereby is reduced from esgs., per share to @125 p•r r bur. Ree , the Hoard of Directors be and are b. ri by fustrneted to take each tuensares as shall. in their dment. he best adapted to pro.nre an additions .et o to the capital stock of the Company. Tbr recolutiona were adopted. The meeting then adjourned to go into an elee ticn of officers. The following are those ctrozen for the enacting year: Directors— B. Flanagan, Hem-v Winner, Win field 8. linceell, Richard Wood, William 3:l2.taseY, George N. Allen, B. Perkins, Jr. 13RARING8 AT THE CHNTIIAL BTATIO:P.—Thforf . alderman Becker, this afternoon, Henry Wilson. arrested while in the third story of 109 North Seve nth street, bad a hearing. John Suetthen testified that be found the prisoner ransacking his (witness's) trunk and bureau drawers. having a book brimming to his father under his arm at the time. Wilson states that be lives in the lower part of the city; is a single man, and got into the house through mistake, in looking for a man by the name of Franklin. He was held In $BOO bail for his anpearJuce at court. Harriet and William Wilson were charged with the larceny of some artirleet from a tea store en North Second etre et. Detective Miller testified that he followed the parties up Second street and saw thorn enter the tea store, and thought he saw the man pass some tea to the woman. Mr. Con nor, Nir. Faulk and Mr. Sheridan testified that the partite came into their stores and priced goods but they missed nothing. Chit f Fntn testified that ho discovered a lift bag and the articles of tea and chocolate on the prisoners, who were then hold in $l,OOO ball to answer the charge of larceny. ELECTION OF POINT BREEZE PARE PRESTOENT. R Penrose, Esq , was elected President of Point Breeze Park, on Monday last. MAD DOG KILLED —Officer John McCormick killed a mad dog this morning. at Fifth and Gaa , kill streets. DISTRICT COURT—Judge Stroud.-81M1101 G. Rodgers vs. Abraham W. Horton. Au action on book uceonnt. Verdict for Plaintiff for $249 28. James H. Davie.r., John W. Brown, trading, ttc. vs. F. Gabryiewirz. An action to recover for lumber tarnished the defendant. On tri•li . - - Dmmum Cot:tux—Judge Thayer.—Oh ale et Bro. vs. Schofield. An action to recover for machinery furnished the defendant. The de fendant eat up that the machinery did not answer the porpose for which it was designed. On trial. QUARTER SESSIONS—Judge Allison.—Prison eases were taken up this morning, but there was a small attendance of witnesses and spectators In the dock there was a motley crowd of blacks and whites, young and old. Scipio Pelee and Win. Bundy (colored) pleaded guilty to a charge let stgallig_n quelpfity of clothing from it rest- Wnce trey entered during the absence of the f..Tri Hy at el urch. Another bill charged larceny at - Dinst the same defendants, and they were con vievA d. I , lva Kelley pleaded guilty to a charge of tar' eut , Y. tine look :a roll of •eneeimere, and was caught In the act. CYCloolu BY TELEGRAPH. " Naval Orders. •teawer Disabled. Political. CITY BULLETIN. TILE COURTS. P0URT11....-.EDITIO& FROM WEST. CONDITION OF THE INDIANS Their Present and Future Prospects Coming Peace Jubilee at Boston By. Lours,May s.—The Republican learns that Indian matters continue unsettled In the South ern district of the Indian territory. The warriors are disaffected by the failure of the Government agents to furnish the supplies stipulated. Tall Bull, chief of the Dog soldiers, has already gone to the north of Arkansas river, waiting till the grass grows before commencing hostilities. Forty lodges of Arrapaboes,half of the Kiowas, order old &tuck and Spotted Wolf, are still on Red river and the borders of Texas, joining their foyers to about 160 lodges of Comanches, all of whom refuse peace. Vincent Collyei, the well known philanthropist of New York city, left on the 18th ult. for the Navajoe country, New Mexico, and le mailing a tour of the Indian coun try in the interest of the Humanitarian Society of New York. Contracts have been let to break ground for all Whet and bands now friendly. Houses are in process of erection for the chiefs, seeds and farming implements furnished and every facility shown to those disposed to adopt the habits of civilization. The Indians are reported as dumb scholars. A Kansas City despatch says it was reported on Friday that a surveying party on the Fort Scott Railroad were attacked by an armed body of settlers, on what is known as the Jay Joy pur chase, and two of the party captured, with all their equipage. Bon. If. O. Vass while attempting to address a meeting of settlers at Fort Scott, was fired ou by a mob and driven away. Much troub:e is apprehended. Bosco t. May s.—Thomas Drew was before the Supreme Court to day on a writ of habeas corpus, and Judge Gray, after reviewing the c sold the Court was fully satisfied the Legislature had a perfect right to summon a prisoner to testify, and also, in case of his refusal, had a right to popish him for contempt. Drew therefore was remanded to the custody of the Sheriff. The Ea, entice Committee of the National Peace Jnbllec have established a bureau of ac commodation for the purpose of securing to visitors good board and lodging at reasonable charges. Frew York lioney Market. (Special Teepatch to the Philadelphia Evening Belletinl Naw Yong May 5 -The money market fa very ac tive. 7 per rent. it the ruling r ,te, with some transactioni at coin itte.est The moe plausible theory upon which to account lor the sue den change fr m eaee to activity is that the clique. who have erld oft stocks ti real , ze the loco' t adv., re are k , eying money ofi the street for the porters. of buying in again at lower figures. Commercial peeper 7,4 to it pre ce nt. bold ehow- lees speculative interest and itelvity than yesterdsy. and t he speculators mani , est no diopodtion to operate, ePhe- for a l ire or decline. The average t-ans acti.ns ,re made at 1354A1ig% The supply of cash gold it abundant Holders pay .from eto Spar cent to have balances rented The steamer Samaria. for Liverpool. takes on , no ipeeie. Foreign exchange is dull and firm at 1051.555V(51i.,. Government sonde are du•l and devoid of interest, on amount tbo activity in money, but retain steadiners e.pecially the new issues State bonds have bat it fat, ly active, but lower In sympathy with the de cline in Seib oad shares. $60.344 53 17.701 14 Stocks are nnneually active and excited at a lower range of prices. The decline is somewhat panicky. The transactions in the leading shares are on a scale of on. commor magnitude: they are heavily premed fur sale by the cliques and outride speculators who feel disposed to realize. The active stocks have fallen off from to 8 per rent N. 1 . Central declined from 175 1 4 . to 1723 i; Reading from 9534 to 04%; Michigan Southern degline.d Reck Island , 334; Hudson River, 3; Ilarleogf. U.(; Ft.* Peal Common, ; Preferred. 2; Northwestern Common. Preferred, Phil* and Mississippi is steady at N& a 11!!..% The miscellaneous stocks are very steady. Pacific : Western Union, 425e€11421* ; 3iaripo•a Preferred. 4234. There is little movement in Ex press stocks. The American Institute Farmem9 Correspondence of the Phila. Bveniur Bulletin.] New YORK, May 4.—The regular session of the American Institute Farmers' Club was held this afternoon at Cooper Institute, Mr. N. C. Ely in the chafe RHEUM RHAPORTICOM BAD FOR PORKERS. Wtn. P. Passcoorp, of Fairville P. o.,Ctiester Co., Po., wrote an follows: On last Sixth day, the 23d, we prepared, among other marketing, twenty-five bunches of common rhubarb, or pie-plant, by stripping the leaf from the petiole, which, being refuse rubbish,we threw into the hog•pen, where we had nine Chester whites that would dress about one hundred pounds each. The result this morning is that of the nine, five are dead, three apparently conva lescent and one doubtful. The hogs died wtth every sympton of poisom from rating rhnbtrb. Scan ON BREEP.—Asher S. Chapman, of Pen dleton Hill, New Landon county, Connecticut, save as a remedy : One pound of tobacco soaked in warm water a few hours, then press the Juice out of it, then add three pounds of lam, then simmer the water out of It over a slow fire, and rub the affected parts of the sheep with the ointment thus secured. He had known one application to cure and start the wool in two weeks. RAT AND Mice PROOF HOURES.—Tames K. Hartwell, of Colesbrook, N. Y., gave his plan which he says has proved fully successful. Mier the framo of the building le no and boarded and the partitions for the rooms are mode, take some mortar and bricks and lay one or two thicknesses of brick bet ween the lower and upper floors. Then lath and plaster to the floors, and put on a narrow mop or waelabfrard, not so high as to have the upper edge come above the bricks, ae the rate and mice gnaw just over or just under the waehboarde. EX PERIN:NCR WITH POULTRY.—Isaac Fitz, of Reed's b'erry, N. R , gave some account of his low) ventures. His feathered friends were a cross between Bolton grays and common dung hills Feed Indian wheat, and, like fat oxen, make them eat it clean. Give also fat meat, pounded 03 ,ter shells and water in abundance. They are allowed to run at large, with the ex ception ol two months in the year,when they are confined, only belt e let out an hour or two in the afternoon. Statistics for the year showed that 20 hems yielded 164 dozen eggs; average price, 29c.—eqnalIng 047 36. Cost of f.'ed.sl4 45; turning a net profit of $33 11, or ll 65 each, not to speak of 60 chickens produced from thorn. APPLIC Blossoms.—Dr. Trimble showed some apple blossoms; also, some blossoms from peach and plum trees, and currant bushes, showing that the violent storms of the last few dare have not injured them. It Isnot the southeasters that do harm to the buds and blossoms, but the long warm rains which rot them and do the mischief. CURB FOR HOP CHOLERA. —C. B. Perry. of New Sherry, R, I , says he has cured this disease by using the following recipe, which ho has never seen in print: Brimstone and rosin, equal quanti ties. with one-half the bulk of saltpetre . VIRGINIA Lasms_—J. C. Owens, of Lebanon Valley, Pa., has been on a visit to the Mother of Presidente, and volunteered some gratuitous notice of the State. He did not speak very 11 it terlrely of Warrenton county; said no Northern men should go there unlde on colonies. Fairfax and London counties were more kindly men tioned. Several settlements are already there mode up of immigrants from Pennsylvania and New York. KICKING Cows.—Robert Chauncey, of Rhode Isllind, said that the beat way he know of to manage kicking cows was to put a chain around the animal's body, first back of the forelegasjoin ing the cede with a stick and giving it a twist •slienever the beast showed a dlopotition to raise a foot. She will soon stand easy and in a brict space will be perfectly cured of the vicious trick.. GRINDING Her.—Jos S. Kerr, of Pittsburgh, Pa., thought that bay ought to be ground like grain. He knew by experience that it is bettor. particularly for old stock, and ho thinks it might be done for one dollar per ton. 0111E1IIING ME MN/TER W/TII TIM COHN Levi H.. Albertson. of DES Statute, Warren e ,, enty, N. J., gave an account of the corn crops in his vicinity, some Of which have failed. A. C. Fuller sold it was probably the 00111• worm, anew insect which outs Into the kernel cud nonoOmes the heart. Dr. Trimble, who ,la familiar with the ,rock- honed neighborhood , ludicattd,. expressed the opinion that .a liberal rippileatlorr of well"retted barn-vard manure might .tend to remedy the evil c‘mplalntd of. Adjourtettit , , , - 3ioo Iddian Affairs. From Boston. FIFTH EDITION EY TELEGRAPH: IMRORTANT BY CABLE The Alabama Claims Mr. Sumner's Ppeeeh Troubles the Times Can Great Britain be held Answerable ? LATER FROM WASHINGTON CANADIAN AFFAIRS_ Governatorial Election of Georgia By the Atlantic Cable. LONDON, May s.—The Times of this morning eon tidos another leading article on the Alabama treaty recently rejected by the United States &nate. The writer sharply criticises the speech of Sumner, and concludes as follows:—"The question is one of law and not of feeling—it re mains to be shown that Great Britain can be held answerable for any infraction of law or excess over the ordinary practice of both countries." The Right Hon. Thomas Lefroy, late Chief Justice of the Queen's Bench in Ireland, died yesterday, aged 98 years. Lonnort, May 5, Evening.—Consols for money and account, 933 i; Five-twenties, 80X; Railways steady atd unchanged. PARIS, May s.—The Bourse is quiet. Rentes, 71f. 97c. LIVERPOOL, May 5, Evening.—Cotton dull and unchanged; sales today 8,000 balm Breadstuffa dull and unchanged. Provielone dull and un changed. Naval stores, ditto. Lennon, May 5, Evening.—Linseed Oil, £Bl.. Sugar firm and unchanged. ANIWPIIIP, May b.—Petroleum firm at 523 i for standard white. Qoalcayrown. May s..—Arrived, City of Ant werp, from New York. Prom Washington. WAsmZcOTON, May b.—The President to-day appointed Emma A. MeMaeken postmistress at Salt m, 111., and John A. Pratt Assessor of Inter nal Revenue for the 7th Kentucky district. A telegram was received at the War Depart ment to-day from Austin, Texas, announcing that brevet Captain B. H. Harkness, First Lieu- It nan t Thirty-eighth U. 8. Iniantrv, was shot and lustre ily killed while in pursuit of deserters from the Thirty-eighth Infantry. The murderers were cawure d and confined in Fort Blies. Ex•Sf nator Carlisle, of West Virginia, who was rep n tly confirmed as United States Minister to Stockholm, but whose confirmation was sub— s( quently reconsidered, had an interview with the President to-day. Governor Geary, of Pennsylvania, and a dele gation of the Philadelphia lJnion Leign•r were at the White House to-day and had a long Inter view with the President A large number of per sons thronged the ante-room during the morn ing, but very few obtained audience. Secretary Boutwell has rescinded the order clostrg the official dpties of the clerical force of the Treasury Departme nt at 3P. AL, and business hours will continue from 9 A. M. until 4 P. M., as heretofore. Colonel Wm. P. Wood, Chiet of the Detective Force of the Treaeury Department, having re. signed, Major C. U., Whiteley, of Boston, has been appointed to the office. Canadian Affairs. Orrews, May 5.—A delegation of Bankers had a conference with the Hon. John Rose, Financial Minister, in regard to the Government• currency question. A series of resolutions was read, the purport of which was that the circulation ought to be preserved on its present basie,and the Bank charters ought to be renewed,with certain amend ments, to give greater security to note•holdere. These amendments have been agreed to by nearly all the fftnkers of the Dominion. Mr. Rose said that he wee not able to enter into a statement of his intentions. but would be prepared, after the Budget wee disposed of, to die- CUPP the matter. The Bankers replied that they had no doubt they would be able to meet the views of Govern ment, provided that they were still permitted the privilege of issuing ootes as at present. MONTRRAL, May b.—James Morrison & Co., retail dry goods dealers, have failed. It la esti mated the liabilities are 1)126,000. Speculation is again commencing about the election of a Bishop here. Dr. Balch's resigna tion is talked of. An interesting discovery connected with the early history of Canada has just been made by Abbe Lovaire, of the Quebec Seminary. It is the site and part of the foundation of the Chapel of Notre Dame de Recouverance, built by Samuel Champlain, after his return from France in 1633. QUEDICO, May s.—The trial for murder of B. J. Cnaloner, who shot Ensign Whitaker for Fednelog his sister, terminated last night. The jury were locked up until this morning, when they rendered a verdict of not guilty. An at tempt was make by the dense crowd of person., In the court room to mark their approbition of the reeult, but the demonstration was quickly put down. Chaloner was loudly cheered outside of the court house. The Georgia vlection. ROCIIRSTER, May b.—Governor Bullock, of Georgia, who Is In Ole city to-dayottates that the next regular nominating convention and elec tion for Governor in Georgia does not occur un til 1871, and tbat there la no troth whatever In the paragraph concerning Georgia matters, from the speel,l corn spondence of the New York World, w hich has been telegraphed to the Press. Fire In Brooklyn, N. Y. (Beetle' Deavatch to the Philp. Evening Bulletin] New Yottx, May 5.--A. number of children while at play In Charles street, Brooklyn, threw Ilchted chips on a wagon, loaded with hay, ig niting the hay, the flames from which spread to a number of tcntmo nt-houses in the same street. and five of the houses were destroyed, rendering a number of poor families homeless. Robbery as Ch CHICAGO, May s.—The jewelry storo of Giles Brothers was robbed of 1165,000 worth of diamonds yesterday afternoon. Two men went into the store together and naked to see some spoonkand while the attention of the clerks was directed to another pert of the store, the men seized the dia monds. There is no trace of the thieves. Tire as Milwaukee. MlLwAvitne, May El.—Steelman% livery stable wee burned last night. 'Loss about .10,000. THAT AL NEXArION SCIIERIE. The Labs Iheiean Enterprise—lt Warne Out to be a filutuburo The Washington correspondent of the N. Y. thratd says: It is ascertained from authoritative sources that so much of the despatches recently brought here from Minister Roseerans by Consul Brink as related to the sale of a portion of the Mexican territory to the United Slates is without the color of countenance or authority from the Mexican government, Dr. Brink, it appears, is not and has not been friendly to the Juarez govern ment. On The contrary, ho has boon engaged In giving what aid Mad comfort he could to the enemies of that government Our government is informed that the sale of any portion of Mexican territory would be very distasteful to the people of that cone try. Nothing would servo so wall to bring the Juarez government into contempt, and to make It un• popular with the people, as an attempt to raise 111 ovey by selling a portion of the terrritory. On this pound it would he exceedingly Impolitic for thlarez to make any overtures of the kin 4 referred .to by Dr-Blink. The Bette Department and the Preedent;betneaVraro:ef diesiat teKkaala lUrrs ins'encouragement wbatever. fie had nothing to zbotv that the Juarez government bad authorized 63 make any proposals to our government far tbe purchase of Boum, or any other part of j Motico. The proposition came from certain tee- Iwo" in Mexico unfriendly to Juarez, with Vle - W, it, Is believed, of creating trouble With his' 4,i00 640100 k. , . The NATIONAL LIF:I3 iNMITTIANCTI C0110.4.N11" 4 19 A corporation chartered by special Act of Congress, arm ' proved July 25, 184.15, with a CASH CAPITAL, $1,000,000, FULL PAM. . . Liberal terms offered' to Agents ' , and Solicitors, Naha are invited to apply at. our °dice, , , Full particulars to be had on application at °prance, i bested In the second story tit*, our llankloc House, ',. witcro.,Ciscularer.anil Prunphrets, fully describing rb" , advantages offered by the CoinitiaY,maY be butt ; , ' , • E,. W. CLAWU& di:- CO.. No. 35 South 171int&f. - Boxee, - intite best manner. by Akitity) sve , kfneti.. s•yV r: .1 • . • •- • FARR 6; Het) . r , • " 31111 Cbientautetreet.-botOw 4'0 1 11 1 4 . . . . adminietration, and Dr. Brink was made their agent. President •Grant la known to. be frkmdly . to Jpapts and fa anxiona to Bee hia adminkdra- Bon' aneceid. Ho is' not diapated; therefore. to do anything that whnid tinbanater hinfeither home or abroad, Dr 13rinkim misaiOn, so far as the sale of Mexican territory . Itconeerned, waa signal failure. r, NEw Yong, May grea t asa-M r m ; 4 , 4 " held at Cooper Institute last night WWl:worth, insurgents in Cuba, Speeches ••were Inede . by Messrs. McKeon, Woodford, Tolman& szul others. .5 In the United States Circuit Coarl, 4 4 l rOxlrap the Grand. Jury. reported last evening, hitting found fifteen Indictments for assault with timely ous weapons against tne earpenter, and third mate of the ship James Foster, jr. Lady Thorn and American Girl trotted , ,At tho Fashion Course yesterday, for $2,000, Lady, Thorne coming out, winner. The beat inilo`was made in 2.26. - 5 • Ex-Collector Shook, of the Thirty-seem:4i Dis trict, formerly in , charge of the exports at ,thin port, yesterday transferred to , ,Colnnel Bailey the books, papers, bends, certiflcatee and ether property appertaining to the matters of u the n settled accounts relating to drawbacks andims port+. His acconntsomonntlng to over $46,000- 000, have been satisfactorily settled, and, he will request the Drpariment at Washington to im mediately relieve him from any further, raven-, sibill ty. The Vessel Owners and Captains' CeroperatiVe, Association met yesterday. The Association, eomprises 222 members. The objects are iollre: tect the rights and interests of all owners and masters of Vf UEiisn4Ebus. CLARK & EVA.NS, No. 680 Chestnut Street. OPEN DAY AND EVENING. Jobbing at Manufacturers!, Prices. RETAILING ►T WEIIOLEBALT MGM Gold Watthes, Silver Watches, Fine Jewelm Plated Ware. Gorman Accordeong. Splendid Chromes. Pb oto graph Album!, Family Bibles, Table Cutlery, Pocket Cutlery, Pocket Booke, Be., Money laved by purehating your goods of CLARK & EVANS. ICE! ICE! ICE! ICE! ICE! WE! ICE! ICES ICE! OFFICIO OF THE KNICKERBOCKER ICE COMPANY, No. 435 Walnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. Established 1832. Ineorperated 1804. Wholesale and Retail Dealers end Ehdplone of EASTERN. THOS. E. CAHILL. President; E. P. KERSHOW. Vicorreeldent; A. HUNT, Treasurer; E. H. - CORNELL. Secretary; T A. HENDRY, Buperintesulent. lee delivered daily In all parts of the consolidated city, West Philadelphia. Mantua, Richmond. Bridestrerg. Tioga and Germantown. Prices for families, offices. etc., for 1869: 8 12 pounds daily. .60 cents par watt " " 75 MI II le " " ....... gi) 20 " " " Large consumers at wholesale prices. Orders rent to the office.or any of the followings depots. will receive prompt attention: North Pennsylvania Railroad and 10 ester beet. Willow street wharf, Dela. ware avenue, Midge avenue and Willow street. T'weAltY second and Hamilton strrotis Ninth street and Worm& ton av cline, and Pine street wharf, SchnylkilL I op! 1oe! !toe! fee lee! loe ! Ice! mart2inri3,l TIIE Ftri ' The Last Days OF THE EXHIBITION OF "YO SEMITE VALLEY," By Thomas Hill. And seer Important Pictures, sod BIEBSTADT'S ( VESITVIIIS" EA RLE S' GALLERIES OF PAINTINGS . AND LOOBING-GLASS WARM:IOO6M 816 CHESTNUT STREET. ir rit &ft CIANLA. 4 OAR K 4) < l / 4/ BANKERS, Og No. 35 SOUTH THIRD STREET. PHILADELPHIA. C.OYERNMiIa Rs Bi 4 CURITIES, STOCK, COLD AND NOTE BROKERS. Aenonnto of Banks, Om%e, and Loomduata molted, subton, toobook at sight. INTEUEST ALLOWED ON BALANCES. *NERACAgENTB FOR 4 70,.?EN . N S A V 6 VAN I A 4 . vrßzatv ss?' ore . , OF THE (. 5".\ it aft kitinb h. PP P' Of ME 41 RECO. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Stationery, Perfumery. Suspenders, Neck Plea. limlery. Claectmeres, Linen Table Cover Linen Napkin!. Linen Ilandkerehlefe, Woolen Table Covets, Notions, Ito.. dio
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