SIMILNESS NOTIULS. WNW) =ME INVENTOR AND 111Esziolacturer of the esiebrstediron Frame mvl wises. as received the Prise lied:dot the World's Great libithibition. London. Eng._ Tho highest prises awarded" =lend vrherever exhibited. Wererootre. 722 Arch Established ---'------F------.rite IP katVAri3 PIANOS hi est al,_tfiertJtold medali at the Intents. anrocgign ISO. ' Bee OEO4I Report. at M i d BLAt3ILIS BROIL. yell& No.looB Chestnut street. 11 - I — E — OIIIOSEING PIANOS RECEIVED 1041 the highest swa mi at the Paris Emositton. jiITTON I S Warerooms. 914 Chestnut street. eeEl.tll EVENING BULLETIN. Monday, flay 3, 1869 TSB .EING ABAMA CL A I M S. LISIIII PS ND THE A As everybody expected, Senator Sumner's able and vigorous speech upon the Alabama claims has made a great stir in Englaed. For some incomprehensible reason the English people have hitherto failed to com prehend the precise theory and character of the demand made upon them by our Govern ment. Mr. Sumner has explained it with unmistakable distinctness at last. He shows that the claim for pecuniary compensation for the damage done is not the only re paration that we require. It is, indeed, the least important portion of it. The vital point is that Great Britain shall, in some sort, admit the illegality and monstrous wrong of the policy by which the belligerency of the rebels was recognized in indecent haste, and in accordance with which British vessels, managed by British crews, equipped with British munitions, and protected in British ports by British authority the world over, were sent out to destroy our merchant marine. It is apology for this iniquitous vio lation of international law and courtesy that we demand and have demanded from the beginning. The Alabama and her sister pirates were as completely English as any men of war in the British navy, and we want an admission of that fact and such a de termination of its outrageous character as will make its recurrence impossible in the case of future wars. Now that the English people have mastered this idea, their newspapers have expressed the popular feeling in outbursts of indigna tion, and in vehement declarations that Eng land will never submit to the humiliation of an apology. Some of the lesser journals pro fess to find in Mr. Sumner's speech a threat of forcible advocacy of our claims, and with very discreditable bloodthirstiness they have declared the preference of the bold Britons ft:a war to the dishonor of an admission of wrong doing. We anticipated just such an ebullition of feeling when the speech reached , England; but we believe that as soon as the first frenzy is over, it will be perceived that the excitement was unnecessary. So far from having a belligerent tone, Mr. Sumner's remarks were quite pacific enough to suit the most conscientious member of the Peace So ciety. His voice is not for war. No think ing man in this country desires to press the Alabama claims against England with the bayonet. It would not pay; and we have had enough blood-letting to satisfy even the most sanguinary for many years to come. But a cooler consideration of the speech by the Britons will convince them of one fact : that England must either admit the illegality of her conduct and pay the claims, or else have it become a fixed principle in American ver sions of international law, that American ves sels, manned by American seamen, can seize the occasion of any war between any two maritime nations,to commit ravages upon the commerce either of one or the other with ab solute impunity, and with the certainty of securing the protection of our government. This will be our only revenge. England can choose present humiliation and pecuniary loss, or she can await the inevitable conse quences of refusal to do simple justice. It i 8 immaterial to us. But she can be well as sured that her conduct will never be forgot ten or forgiven ; and . that the Alabudita elaimF,unless satisfied now, as we wish them to be, will be paid in the future with heavy interest. IiLAGGEWS if AGAIN. !I. is not very complimentary to the clev,r nese or the activity of the police that Hag gerty could not be foudd when Judge Brewster called for him, and yet that he was so close at hand that the moment Judge Brewster was off the bench he walked into court, with an attempt to renew his bail. The clerk, in the absence of the Judge, re fused the proposition of Haggerty and his friends, and he fkas taken into custody and sent below. Haggerty has certainly made a serious mis calculation if he supposes he will faro any better in Judge Ludlow's hands than he would with Judge Brewster. Indeed, it will require all of Judge Ludlow's virtue to dea , with this case impartially, after the afi'ron• which Haggerty's conduct puts upon him. Haggerty wisely desired to avoid Judg e Brewster's clutches; but, in suggesting, as h e seems to do, that he will have a better chance with Judge Ludlow, he invokes from that of fices the most stringent application of the law Which can be made consistent with strict Justice. The public will recognize the importance of Judge Brewster's peremptory procedures against Haggerty's baiL It was a new sensa tion, in the Haggerty circle of soeiety, to have a ten-thousand dollar bail followed up in this sharp and decisive fashion. It now Peonies to be seen, whether a still more start ling sensation cannot be gotten up, in the shape of a quick trial, and prompt convic tion and a suitable sentence, for the various offences of which Haggerty stands charged. THE OB&ND JURY. The presentment of the Grand Jury, made last week, before Jzdge Brewster, is a &tea m:lent which deserves the careful attention of our people. It calls attention to subjects of the gravest moment, calling for some radical reforms in our present system of administer ing oriminal justice. The exposition of the present malpractice of many of the aldero.on iri theltilitter'br commitments, as made by the Grand Jury, is clearly elucidated in Judge Brewster's response, and ought to lewd the way to a change in our present ahlormanie. system. There ie one paragraph of this presentment which has'peculiar significance. Tne Graud Jury say 'l'he Grand Jury BeArched In vain to discover within the prison walls any fair proportion of the high grades of crime—the bold burglar, the disciplined thief and the accomplished.pick pocket,whOee achlevernenta hotirly filling our communities with welder dis May. Crimi nals by professiOn, Whose Proper , place is the penitentiary, are newton* within 00r• prison walls. Baffling and chiding, Or in league with our keen-eyed detective forces, at times com pounding their felonies for "valuable considera tions," or, if ever arrested, soon released on bail, these professional criminals roam at lame, prey ing and luxuriating on our rank civillyl4ton in their gambling hells, driving their fast horses, enlarging the boxems or patronizing the broth els, which, like themselves, prosper in ntiblash ing. bold, and exultant impunity. While the Grand Jury promptly find true bills against all professional violators of law brought within their province, they can but add their Fondest ascents to the calls of public justice, in urging upon our detective agents the importation of a now and higher degree of vigor to weir system,or the pro priety of resigning their commissions." This is the same Grand Jury before which the Haggerty, Tobin,Whitney and McMullin bills were ignored. The Miners' Journal of Pottsville entered upon its forty-fifth year on Saturday last, and its able editor began the forty-first year of his connection with it. He claims now to be the oldest political editor in the State. Certainly he is one of the best. The Journal increases in vigofas it gains in years. It is now one of the ablest, handsomest, largest and most entertaining newspapers published in the State of Pennsylvania. We again call attention to the announce ment by the Republican City Executive Com mittee in reference to revising the registry for the delegate election on the 11th inst. There was much confusion, and no little ill—feeling, last year, in consequence of the very partial and unsatisfactory way in which the registry was made. Every Republican should feel interest enough in the primary elections to see that he is properly registered to- morrow. Fxtra Valuable Head Estate.—Dlessrs. Thomas & 8"1115 advertise for public sale the elegant Residences No. 1612 Walnut street,l6Bl Girard avenue, and others, and the very valuable Church Property, Righth street, above Race, 100 feet front. See adver tisements en the last page, and catalogues at the Auc tion Rooms, 189 and 141 South Fourth street. Salo of the siouthwark Hay Press. 111 es A. Fiusala AN, Auctioneer, relit sell on Wednes day at the Exchange, by orclel of the Executors of Thcmas 1'). Webb, deed., the large three-story stone and brie): Buffeting, known as (he Southwark llau Press, Jiloyantensing A venue, Catalogues of the 8,11. , note re Wit). I) R. R. F. 'THOMAS, THE LATE OPERATOR Al theColton Dental AssociaLion, is now the onto one in Philadelphia who devotee he entire time end practice lo extractli, teeth, absolutely without patn, by fresh uittoae oxide gas. Unice, 1W? NvALNur e Teat. trihls 1Y rPB - lt,Llurr I)LIsIAL ActiuolATWN ORIGINATED) Vi the nraltl,ttic uee of NIMOUS OXIDE, OR lALGIIINO GAS, Ard devote their whole time and practice to extracting teeth without pain. Office, Eighth and Walnut streeta. ap2o lyl HE L NRY PIIILLIPP CARPENTER AND BUILDER. NO. lON SANSOM ATREET. ly4o PBILA.DELPHIA. J URN GRUMP, BUILDER. 1731 CaIEBI'NUT STREET, and 113 LODGE STREET, Med antes of every branch required for houao-bulldins and tilting prorut fly harnb3bed. fe27tf ARBURTON'S HdPROVED, VENTILATED BAand ears - fi tting Drew Hate (Patented) In an the ap proved taalfiona of the season. Chestnut street, next door to the Yost Ottee. ace-tfry RAdti COAT AND HAT CHECKS AND KEY TAGS with numbere on, for betels, die., and a variety of k HAV ' a t3 n ,N d o. L i ckt E n i i gthte s T hi ß rt a y r - d ewveareM. ar a k t e t Tß tr U ee M t s A be N l ow Ninth, Philedelphia. THE PATENT ONE-MINUTE EGG BEATERS WILL tup up a dozen eggs into a stiff loam in that space of time. for sale, with other kinds, by TiundAN IIHAW, No. 835 (Eight Tbirty•five) Market street. billow Ninth, lbliadelphia. QTCBB•S SAW FILES.—SOME MECHANICS AS 0 pert that these Piles will do throe times more sharp eulug than any other. For sale by TP.U6IAN Gt SLIAVV No ti2s(Eight Thhty.flye) Market street, below Ninth Philadelphia. T - - HE BF 8T eInARB AND TOBACCO ARE OB TAINED at WILEY BROT118.1(8. N. W. corner Eighth and Walnut greets. ap23-rp tfq Di dt K LAGE SACQUES.— A SUPERB ASSORTMENT IJoocned thin morning. JllO received, direct from Part?, pm steamer America, a superb annortment of Black Lace barques. all the novelties of the present Selllloll, for sale at retail at importers' prices. GEORGE W. VOGEL, 111111-60 1202 Chestnut street. A RE YOU A CONISOISSFUR IN MEERSCHAUD I 1 I'lyte and Cigar 1 tilicr? WILEY BKOTtIEHE hav, a tlllll . l for rtock at Eighth and TA'alnut. ap23.rp tf M AGAZIN DES MODh3 lul4 waLnuT 8111L'L"I% MRS. PROCTOR. Cloaks, Walking Butts, BMus, Dress Goods, Lace Shawls, Ladies' Underclothing and Ladies' Firm Dresses made to measure In Twemty.f our Hours. bE FIVE CE •T YAEA CIGARS! SPLENDID, I .11.4. they. Country merchants are invited to call Imo m. BMW() them at Vv.ILEI BROTHERS, Eighth and W t etreete. ap23-ratim I'IILY FLAVIER, BUT TO KILL 'Ti. drugproditcre more l'irost.r. death, a huudred score, han every ether ill comber,- d, 'I hen ime er can afflict mankind. For d rugraug quickly breeds Catarrh; • I ie bete, there, both near and , A meet dis„ undue. sad disease, 11 Ito %el y ether on shore comas, hacking, hawking. spitting chow', Cetnrth t. tlicte the head and none; he throat and lunge will shortly tell; Cousumpt ion seated,the bell. Duquee , deafness, melancholy, Teach men end women drugs ate folly, f net too late. a NN tilt LAToit, Made by Wutoscra. drives the traitor. To W motor' Vb UVVIOR. coma end try it Wheu eatietied, then )eu can buy It; dollar bottle fills e clip hot holaa a pint, for muffing up. And when Catarrh attacks the bead, Fulluese and colds or blues, ANNIHILATOR MO Instead lit DOSCA that lateen, The throat and palate do require This liquid for the noee; It cleave the miscue, cools the tire, , And all onetruction gooa Consumption`e mother in Catarrh, And COMO leit millions die; In city, country, near and far. On beds of death they lie. Catarrh comes first: Consumption next, And by corruption led Into the 'sternums, Is lily teat, From Ulcers ID the bead, Then core Catarrh, and never dread Uumumption of the cum's; Clear ant the matter irons the boas, W bile skeptics wag their tongues. Wets:lvrea ANDMILATOII try; Pint bottles are in store, At druggiets on their counters lie, .no Dollar at your door. If ro H u nd re dk. what can compare To At Women-ea place on Chatham moan) All try it free, my eon. A standard article In known, 'Tie public every tc here, And all who come are freely shown The wow' on Chatham square. FOOD MAKES THE BLOOD, BONE AND MUSCLE. No as:theism of any description contains a particle of outrition. 'I Isom who disbelieve thin doctrine will please atop entitle food and try to live on the dome that ignorance recommend's. We go a step further, and poefaively assort that no remedy ever invented has a single curette° pro perty ID he composition. Healing power is inherent, and all that medicines can do at the utmost is simply to assist nature. The stomach was never intended for medicine. All doses swallowed mix with the food, and thus inoculate the blood with Meals's. Catarrh Is en ulceration of the mm one membrane of the head. W o LOOTS'S ANNIDILATOR washes t of the filth, and nature thug assisted heaie the ulcer. Thousand. are so ignorant thet they submit to dosing tee stomach, ruining the digestive organs instead of removing the difficulty on the head, the real cause of the trouble. Senates) the corruption in the head and na ture will heal. s.o snuff-taker lives but has Catarrh; no Moue-cutter what follows hie trade has Catarrh; every inmate of every very dusty factory, who has been employed therein nix reoutlin.but hen Catarrh ; every miller In flouring mills bee Catarrh. Excessive dust of any kind will always soots p•oduce this disease. Heavy and repeated colds will AevitrAneeklJ.itertit.....73/te soon mine the ces tome, smell. heating, memory ' andliMaiitiniesitlits'e ht., end iudeeen nervoueneee , indigestion and a b ilious nunnrcb ,cut 'o4d by the dlneharge of matter into the throat Consumption soon follow's. Pills and dome hasten this disease, but WeLoorr's ANNIHILATOR washes the herd end mucous membranes, and cures this dangerous cella Inlet Pint bottle's, VI; are sold at all drug etoren. It can be tested free of cent at No. Nil Chatham square. it a pints of Annihiletor for Catarrh or' Colds iu the Deno or one Pint of Paiti Paint, double etreagth . scut tr, e et ea ('lda chat gee, eta receipt 0f.85j or one gallon of Pe ID POMI tdanblo et rongth) tot dill, Sant betties sold at ail Drum Stores. H. L. WOLOOTT. 1111110DUX and bole eprietor, No. lel Chatham equate, N. Y. 1 eat therm tree of coat, at 812 Arch Meet Private rooms tut Witte. It) THE DAIMATIMIRGovumTiIfr,PHILIMELMIAI.. MONDAY; N.4iyl . 4 1 , 064..... i A q Secure Style and Save Something AT WANAMAKER & BROWN'S. EDWARD P. KELLY, TAILOR, 8. E. Cor. Chestnut and ;venth Streets. Choice Goods for Present Season. la daily receipt of New and Itaide Opting Goods, GRANDFATHER'S SUNDAY COAT. It was of home-made woven Stuff, A genuine azure blue ; And Grandma wove the cloth herself In seventeen ninety-two. It was not cut as coats are now ; The sleeves were made so tight, Ile had to rise to put it on Before the morning light. With collar of tremendous size, This venerable coat Rose up against the back of his head And warmed his neck and throat. So queer in those peculiar days The fashions did prevail, The hinder part of the coat wag shaped Much like a swallow's tail. They kept things long in Grandpa's days From records, it appears, That he wore this most remarkable coat Some fifteen or twenty years. But coats are nicer and cheaper now; You can buy for a trifle, or more, Better coats than Grandfather ever saw At Rockhill & Wilson's Store. Brass Coats with Blue Buttons are all the go now for evening entertainment. Light Pants of delicate hues and tasteful cut enable the Ameri can citizen of the most moderate means to out bbine her Majesty's subjects Is the new court rig just inaugurated for her receptions. Everything in the masculine clothes line that a male human can want, for business or pleasure, It prices so far below what our grandparents aFed to pay, that if those venerable persons were to call in and see, they would open their eyes so wide that their measure could not be taken. Do you want the worth of your money ? Then bring your money to ROCKHILL & WILSON'S Great Brown Clothing House, 603 and 605 Chestnut Street THE RAIN MADE IT NECESSARY TO CHANGE. THE 330.A. - X 7 , AND WE HAVE FIXED WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, FOR THE FIRST DISPLAY OF cam COMPLETE STOCK OF YOUTHS', BOY z.' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. The Ladies of Philadelphia and vicinity are invited at all times TO VISIT OUR . - New E stablishment But for Best Selections, Notice will be given for the Openings of NEW GOODS. NOTE.—This Department is on the First Floor to the rear of the Dome. Saleswomen as well am Salesmen are in attendance. and every polite attention will be given to Lady customers. JOHN WANAMAKER, Clothier. wynr. WOOLENS FEARFULLY LOW. COOPER & CONARD, S. E. cor. Ninth and Market Ste CASSIMERES, Ail-wOol, 500, up. CLOAKINGS, good styles, $1 up. CLOTHS, Low to fine grades. The elanghter in this branch of business still continues. We have availed ,oureelves of the low prime to go in heavily, and offer to our friends and customers some great drives in Tx owserbtge, Coatings, drs, myB-Im4p OGDEN & HYATT, Na 827 ARCH STREET,' LATE WITH WAN/MAKER & BROWN., The Finest Goods, French, Enpeh and Domestic. Terms moderate. n,141m4P 15°I;E PAR lEbitt.--EN . J6YAIENT 11EIOTP- WaCed by itnnitio r i those oplentlid Yam (Avg a t e Y. tfolltb an Walnut. DJEIY.GOODS. Materlals for Suits, • In Stripes end Gray Mixtures. TED LARGEST ASSORTMENT ON THIS MARKET, RICKEY, SHARP & CO., •727 Chestnut Street. SILKS ! SILAKS,T. In Stripes, Cheok9 and Shots. IN (MEAT VARIETY RICKEY, SHARP & CO., 727 Chestnut Street. 8-4 BLACK HERNANI, HEAVY MESH, AT $l5O PER YARD, RICKEY, SHARP & CO., 727 Chestnut Street. JAPANESE SILKS AND POPLINETTES, A FULL ASSORTMENT. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., 727 Chestnut Street. LACE POINTS, In New and Beautiful Designs. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., 7 t 7 Ches. nut Street. miS 11ANTILLAS CLOAKS, SHaWLS We invite Ladles` attention to our erpoeition of MAN. T LES.rot op is ith outwit/LI take and elegance. The price from *lO to SLO. Among the etylee we enumerate the Paula, laianes Wattean. Mcseaniello, Velocipede, Skeleton Backine, &o A choice collection of LLAMA LACES, SHAWLS, dto, for the eea-.ids, evening, carriage, full dress and for mourning, in all the fabrics adapted to these wants. tP, MARKET o 0041 2i7LEFTEL 4,7t v 4/14N % MOURNING GOODS 13elaines. Bombazines. rramises. liernanies. Challies. 3Parisiennes. And Every other variety for Spring and Bummer. PERKINS & CO • 9 9 SOUTH NINTH STREET, mh6 f m w Bm4p§ 310 D S D(►RMON, 310 No. 310 N. EIGHTH Street. above Vine, (Successor to Morriss A Hoffman.) Having secured the above well-known Store, and filled it with a large, fresh and 'well selected stock of DRY GOODS, We are prepared and determined to offer spec al Eighth street bargains in Black Silks and Drape Goode al latest impoi tations and choicest style!. Drees Goode. beautiful styles, at 21., 25. 29, 31c. Mohair Poplins. 23'35. 3734. 40. 45, 50. 60, 65. 75c. Black Alpacas. at 31, 35. 11736, 40. 45, 50, 55, 60, 70c. Alpacas, double width. Spring Shades only 40c. Alt-w 001 Poplips. choice shades, only 76c. Black Silks. $2, 152 25, $2 35, $2 40. $2 $2 75, $3. Mirelins.-51 online from JO cents upwards, and all the celebrated makes, s t the loweet prices. Cloths and Cassimeres.—AU.wool Casaimeree from 45r. up. White Goode—Piques. from 2.5 c. up; Pleb] Idualine. Nelms , oils, Linens, Brilliants, Soft Cambric, Swiss Vic torte i-awn, Book Health, Birds.eye 'rowels, 9apking I ioylies, mbroiderhs, Edgings. Insertings, Table Linens, in brown, half-bleached and bleached . ()loves and Hosiery—l_adiee', Gents' and Children's Hosiery hid Gloves—choice BPIF'S obadesi, only 181 25. R , 10 awn" 405 N. SECOND STREET. 407 JOHN W. THOMAS, Non, 405 and 407 N. Second Street, Rae just received a large lot of very handeome BLACK SILKS. At price!) ranging from $2 to 97 per yard. To which he invitee especial attention. ruh27 A 7 • io and mod _ KEEP A STOCK OF DRY GOODS ADA.FTED TO THE DAILY WANTS OF VAMP lES FULL STOCK OF FRENCH GOODS. FULL STOCK OF O BRITISH OOODS. ...,41W&CK OF t BLACK NLRB OF THE DEBT GRADES IMPORTED znw•H J rCHAMBERS 8100 STREE,T. LLAMA LAUB POIe.TE3. LLAMA LACE PARASOL OuVltiltd, BLACK ThIREAD LADES,aII very low Prices. lE MOH:3. PLAID SIAINSOOK, from 26 cents PRE:NOD MUSLIN. 2 yards wide. 60 cent. I.IARSIC.LLES VI Ott I a N,En. from 21 cents to $I 2 . icAmBUILO EVOINOS AN' INNENTLONs NEEDLE 'WORK EDGINOR AND IN nERTIONS. choice degigne, bought,. under regular ptleea, nue ace of. end as BA.II/0.1.11413. ap111.1n35 .:fIOW-0,..,-...::F1NN.:4 : ,..,•:.cp.. PAPER HANGINGS, AT NO, 1117 CHESTNUT STREET, Until completion of their Store, S. W. oolinzwor NINTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS. JUST OPENING OUR SPILINO IMPORTATIONS, French Medallions, Imitations Woods, Persian, Chinese, Flower Patterns, and other peculiar foreign styles. AUCTION SALES. Peremptory Sale—Damaged Cotton POWELL & WEST, Auctioneers, Will sell on TUESDAY (TO-MORROW). at 1 o'clock. at Old Depot, S. W. corner NINTH and GREEN &mete. for sec cunt of whom it may concern. A Large Lot of Cotton, b water at the late Are. Itt DUX GOODS. NA IAI LINEN STORE S ;P S 2 A.r®h iiiltreett. 1128 CHESTNUT STREET, NEW LINEN DRESSES, Few and Beautiful PRINTED LINEN CAMBRICS Ibreetved by last Steamer from Europe. 111.1LIANEEM GOODS. & 13. OPEN TO-DAY A NEW INVOICE OF Ladies' Hats and Bonnets, Trimmed and Untrimmed. Bonnet Frames, French Flowers, Ribbons and Laces, Wholesale end Retail. THOS. KENNEDY & BRO., Fo. 729 Chestnut St. THOMPSON REYNOLDS, Importer, Wbolecite and Retail Dealer in Straw and Millinery Goods FRENCH FLOWERS, FEATHERS, dm. ,to. N. W. corner Eighth and Vine Streets, B. F. B. IMAM rtiii.Anr.Lraut. aoH-Imrp lIEHIOVAL. REMOVAL J. W. PRICE'S RESTAURANT From FOURTH and CHESTNUT to No. 305 CHESTNUT STREET. Fine Jewelry. On Tnurgday, nay 6, I will open my new and greatly enlarged eetabliehment at No. 3415 CHESTNUT Street, where I have fitted up the first and eecond etwiee with every comfort and conve nience for LADIES and GENTLEMEN. The dining rooms arc large and airy, and no pains wit be spared to insure a continuance and increase of the geneioue patronage which has hitherto been extended to my establishment by the public. a .29 etrp F. 4 :;t ILL:w.I 1 if 4.11 NOW ON FREE EXHIBITION EARLES' GALLERIES LOOSING-GLASS WAHEROOMS, 816 CHESTNUT STREET. YO BEISITE VALLEY. by Thomas Hill. GOOD WORDS, by Constant Mayer. THE BOYHOOD OF LINCOLN, by Eastman Johnson. THE CROWN OF NEW ENGLAND, by Goo. L. Brown BINBET IN CALIFORNIA. by A. Blerstadt. THE REEF OF NORMAN'S WOE, by E. Moran. COAST OF NANTUCKET, by Win. T. Richards. And other very Sue AMERICAN PAINTINGS. Aiso, a Special Exhibition of Etierstwit's Eruption of Vesuvius, 1868 DMIBI3ION ....TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. FOR INVALIDB,—A FINE MUSICAL 801 AR A I. companion for the sick chamber; the finest mma. mint in the city and a great variety of airs to select . holm Imported direct by FARR & BROTHER, 124 Chestnut street, below Fourth. tnlit6 Grp CIA/WINE RIOTAPIOCA.WITH FULL DIRECTIONS Q) ft,r use. Fresh Bethlehem, Canada and. Scotch Cat meal Pearl lingo, Bards' Farinaceous Food, Racal:lout. Cox'. Gelatine. Caracas Cacao and other Dietetics. For sale T y JAIILUti T. BBINN, B. W. cor. Broadand Spruce etr apt 3 tfrp LW" RVCEIVED AND IN STORE 1.000 'OASES ON Chausnagne.sparklingCatawba and tialifornia Virtue', ; Port, Km& ira. litierry! Jamaica end Santa Cruz Burn, ; -.4.laratid•Brarndiontutt , WWQ;es,-Wirr , 4;: ,- alman 4 zetalL ,. . P. J. JO RI) AN, VA Pear street. Below Third and Walnut streets and above Melt . ,treet. . de74l dr%MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED UPON DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY. PLATE. OLOTHING,:pdga. d; owe , OLD.ESTABLISHED AN ouncE, Corner of Third and aokill !treetop Below Lorn ord.' 'N. B,—DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY. HUNS, roi. asit.ILAT , . . • REMARKABLY LOW PRICES, in4l-InuSl Wholesale and Retail J. W. PRICE 1•1:Itisj 0:4 i THE CELEBRATED M. 4Sr., le. MARYLAND HAMS OTHER CHOICE BRANDS, FOR BALE BY MITCHELL & FLETCHER, 1204 CHESTNUT STREET. a lyry To Families Going to the Country. Our stock of 'Aridly fine quality of Staple and Fanoy Groceries was never more complete than now. We shaft strive to esti es low as t uch fine goods can possibly be purchased and guarantee everything Great care will be taken to pack securely. and deliver tree of ohargo to any Cope! or express office in the city SIMON COLTON & CLARKE, S. W. corner Broad and Walnut Ste. MIitIEILLANEOUts. ICE! ICE! ICE! ICE! ICE! ICE! ICE! ICE! ICE! OFFICE OF THE KNICKERBOCKER ICE COMPANY, No. 435 Walnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. Established 1832. Incorporated 1884. Wholesale and Retail Dealers and Shippers of EASTERN ICE. THOS. E. CATIILL. Prod Went: M. P. KEREIIIOW. Viee•Presidenti A: HUNT, Treasurer ; M. IL OOMNELL, Earetary: T A. LlENDRY,Elaperintendent. Ice dellyered daily in all parts of the c ons o l i dated West Philadelphia. Mantua, Richmond. Brideetrarlf... Tloga and Germantown. Prises for familia, offices. ate., for 180 6 pounds daily St es , ' 12 Large eoneameri at wholesale pikes nrders rent to the offiee.or any of the followings depots. will receive prompt attention: North Pennsylvania Railroad and filast , r ettret, Willow street wharf Dela.- war. , acenne. Ridge avenue and Willow street.-T.wenty sprout] and Hamilton streets. Ninth street and Washing ton FC , n to., and Fine sweet wharf, lir hoylkilL 10P:ice! Ice! Ice! Ice! Ice! Ice! ruyt gairp: CLARK & EVAN'S, No. 630 Chestnut Street. OPEN DAY AND EVENING. Jobbing at lilanufactprers' 'Prices. BETAILING AIiViDLESALE cause: Gold \'% ntcher. SUN er Watcher Plated 'Were. I •et 1111,33 A ccordeonr, Splendid ChrOMOtt. otogreph dlbvme mll y dieter. Tnble Cutlery Po,ket Cutlery, Pocket Booke, &c., Mcney raved by pnrchneing your Roods of CLARK & EVANS. a p 22 tfrp G. 16 LLOWAY C. MORRIS At CO, RETAIL DEALERS 1N LETBIGEL AND 8011IIIMINALL COAL. Ofliee--No 208 WALNUT Street. Yard—Foot of TABILER Street H. P. & 0. R. TAYLOR, PERFUMERY MID TOILET SOAPS, Oil and 04 N. Ninth Street. A - - -- 11 TIIE FAVORITE BRANDS OF SMOKING TO burro, including Lone Jach. PerrPke. Lynchburg, Hi hlander , eto., nary be bad at the lowest rates or H W ILEY NROTEItt4 N. W. corner Eighth and Walnut streets. so23.rotn • JAMES 8. NEWBOLD 14 BON BILL BROKERS AND GENERAL &NOIAL AGENTS, 126 SLOTH BEDOND STIKEW.T nr27 S6trp• BAP GAINS 1N THICK FRENCH BREAKFAST Bete. GM Ran w. voGEL. No. ism Ebeetnnt street. Inv/108 nttcntion to a lot of French tireaaftust Seta. fPlsoed On the counter to ho eoW at $2 60 a eot, goods that sold up to Rife morning at $5. *6, VI to $ 60 a sot, all put out at $2 go, ap27.6t* wI SHETLAND SHAWLS AT $8 75.—A CAS of White Shetland nhawle at OS 75. GEOlcou VOGEL. 12011 Chestnut etreot hEA 'l . BARGAINS IN PINS ALBUMS.--VELVET. Turkey Morocco and Antique Binding. Black Bodo, Stationery. Hondas , Booka, Games. Ladles' Companion& Pon.knlyoa, Pocket-hooka. Salaam and- Panes , Goods. selling low. White. Buff and Canary Envelopes, IR cents par hun dred. Firm Note Paper. $l nor rebul-Pattlohoe. lb cants and upward. Fine,Cintlary. Loather Goode, Obese, Cards. Dominoes. and ail parlor i tpunee,lranoy Goods, he., Re. PtWeatONERY, - CHEAP BIBLES. • ALBUMS and.IEd,J3,JOLG4iTiIIiTIMET • • • fIUNTEkVB PATEINT SPECS ‘0.51 be had at his Store, No. 137 Booth Eighth ! above Walnut. t i plAtf 4p , - SIMON GARTLAND. • • ' UNDERTAKER. 88 Bonilla Thirteenth street. mb2s tltnorPli • READ I. READ I READ I IMPORTANT - -I ` , 4IIIIIIWKW to WWI 'Ham\ Economy, Durability. and Sty lel if vou Rant shoes with ail the above qualltiee for /.tuliee, Mims, Children and Youthr, you eon obtain them at WIMPS, No. 234 Sbuth Lloventh tot. apt Im4P .6) cents pa. week Stationery Pe rf umery, Sospendorn. Neck no& Caesimeree Linen Teblo Coven, Linen Nspkliu. Linen Handkerchiefs, Woolen Table Covers. Notione, &0., ac. ap24 Im4p SECOND EDITION. BY TELEGRAPH. LATER CABLE NE'ffB 3E' roli•op e n Markets . Ely the Atlantic cable• Lo woo, May 8, A. M.—Consols 9334 for both money and account. United States Five-twen ties flat at 8031. Btocke quiel Erie Railroad, 19X; Mina) Central, 98%; Atlantic and Great West ern. 25%. • ' FRANKFORT. May 3.—United States Five-twen ties 86%@863<,. laranrom., May 8, A. M.—Cotton opens quiet; Middling Uplands, 11 1 4 d ; Middling Orleans, 12 d. The sales of the day are estimated at 8,000 Wes. Biesdstaffs firmer. Wheat Bs. 4d.@ Bs. 6d. Flour 21e. 6d. Corn 206. 6d. LONDON, May 8, A. M.—Turpentine 80a. 9d. Sugar 28s. Bd. afloat.. Losuort, May 3, P. M.—Consols 93y, for both money and account U. S. Five-twenties, 80. Stocks flat. Erie Rat lroad,l93(; Illinois Central, 98N; Atlantic and Great Western, 2bX LtraitrooL, May 3, P M.—Cotton dull but on changed. Bacon 008.; Lard 70s ; Spirits Petro leum 143;d. VitE, May 3 —Cotton opens quiet both on the spot and afloat. Marine Intelligence. c/o aorirrowra, May 3.—Arrived oteamthips France and Nobrtioka. from Now York. Naw Toss. May S.—Arrived, steamships Kangaroo, Sty of Baltimore, Cella, Erin, and Minnesota, from Liverpool. Cowan, May S.—Arrived, steamship Ocean Queen, trim New York. Bovrox, May B.—Arrived, steamship Reels, from Liverpool. Naw YORK, May 8 —Arrived, steamship Brunette, from Philadelphia. state of Thermometer This Day at the lialicrtin Office. 10 A. 211 49 deg. 12 11......13 deg. SI P. ht WI deg. Weather cloudy. Wind West Imprisonment et americans at Ha- WARES. (From the Wilmington Oommoreisil Captain Jesse Ward, of the brig Windward, writes tone under date of April 26, from New Orleans. He wishes us to publish his letter for the information of the family of Captain Henry Jones, of Wilmington, the latter haying desired him to write ue,when Captain Ward left Havana, some three weeks ago. Captain Jones, It appears, took command of a threvmasted schooner al Mobilo, "bound for the Well Indies." He was overhauled by a Spanish man-of-war off the coast of Cuba. and some arms being found on board, the Spanish authorities decided they were intended to aid the revolution ists, and took the schooner Into Havana. Cap tain Jones was put In very close confinement, and his crew were Imprisoned In Moro Castle. Captain Ward concludes his letter to the effect that: "I think they run a mighty poor chance. Captain Jones seems to suffer a ereat deal from the effects of his Imprisonment, although he seems to have a great many friends there." IPor the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin.) The Weather for April. B. J. L. senile UP the following table of the weather at Germantown for the month just paetted AYRIL, IS6 l i ii 4 li 141 1 il ..slX§. ,k -fi .: . .. re, ...4 . -.. .4., - s , :. z ... ~., i.O Wind and Weather. s e. . Z Z '4' .„H" A C. a •c : - 4i A I 1131 R 48 53159.9153 N. W. Clear. 2 4 32 45 19,1129.9 59 1-10 N. E. Cloudy. Rain. 385 48 47010. 50 N. W. Clear. 428 38 43130. 41 N. W. Cloudy. Spit snow. 5 30 43 54:22.9155 W. Clear. 6 51 5719.8 58 8. W. Clear. 7 54 57 80. 56 ' 18. W. Clear. 8 48 6 80. 55 W. Cloudy. High wind. 936 43 55,30. 57 W. Clear, 10 X 1 42 5130. 51 N. W. Cloudy. 11 82 40 44 80. 45 N. 8. Cloudy. 12 31 41 0180. 52 N. IL Clear. 80,48 8180. 43 N. E. Clear. 4 30 1 44 50130. 431 ,N, W. Clear. lee. 15 82'48 55130.1 0.3; N.W.Clear.Btilliant Aurora. 16 38 52 66;30.4 671 S. W. Clear. 17 44 61 65159.1166 i W. Clear. 16 46 65 75 9.0.2/161 S. W. Clear. 19 52166 75 30. 176; 18. W. Clear. PA 611e9 77 29.91701 4-1018. Clear. Shower. • 52 66 64 29 8167 IW. Clear. 22 4656 6 4 29.0 65 W. Clear. Vi 45 58 66343 164 1 E. Clear, flair. 24 49 59 6130. 72.8. W. Cloudy. 25 51157 CO 30. 1591 W. Clear. 26 46 1 60 70180. !12 , , S. W. Clear. 27 ter 77/30. , 7R IW. Clear. 28 615 67 75 30. '77 ~ S.W. Clear. Shower. T.&L. 29 c 5161154 M. ; N5 l 'N. E Cloudy. Rain. SO .18i49 5 5 030. 59' F... Cloudy. El== Lowest Point.. Bight Twelve o'clock Three o'clock . Depth of Bain. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL The Pbtladelphi Sales at the Philadet PI UST 5160 Uhy Ge ohi 98 4000 thty6B new Its 1011( 7500 do b 3 1011( 1530 do s 5 1014{ 800 do b 5 Its 101 1050 Philn&Erie 7e b 5 &4' 60(4) do do 88 LW Lebhth 68 '93 &a uoo do 85wn 5000 Loh Gld Ln Its 94 )4 5 eh WeStJer R 6t 100 Eh Niagara 041 211 14.0 eh Ger'nPat 1.454t:n 3230 lea 811 Catawa pi 3514 CIETWIIIM 000' 13904:041 '64 cp 118% 6 00 Citya* revolt. 03 101 k 7000 Ph l 4:sliileß 73 RA 83 12 eh Union 13k 04 150 60 Girard CoIR '29 1 eh Len Valß 06 SO eh do 2dyaltb 155 100 ab Bch Nav pf b 5 18 100 eh Penns Canal 20 &zoom) 11300 City tie new 101 k 7500 do 2dys 10116 2000 do Its 101,V 1100 Potts 11 per 104 10c0 Pittsburg Bs c 71% M OADA May ad, 180.—Money to day to abundant, and we are prepared to bud that our banks during the past week have steadily gained In all the elements which go to make up an easy and comfortable market. Call loans cot tinue to be made at about s@id per cent. on Govern. merit securities, and at 637 per cent. on other collateral& Dbmounte of prime mercantile paper have been nego. tiated at the banks during most of lastweek at rates varying from 7069 per cent—the former Ligure perhaps prevailing Holden of good paper who may not have credit at the banks are in a position of independence M Met now, and as It is quite searee,, there le a considerable degree of competition between the lumina and outside lenders to obtain it, and the rates are, therefore, the same in both markets, viz.: 768 par tent for well en. doreed notes. In call loans the transactions are light at day, which leads to the impression that the rates are at the point of another decline. Government securities show a decided upward ten. dsncy. Gold is Orin and advancing; premium at 12 M.. 113534. The speculative stocks were dull, but without es sential change in prices. Reading Railroad closed at 411--a decline of; Lehigh Valley Railroad sold at 611;'Catawiesa Railroad Preferred at SG( ; Philadelphia and Erie Railroad at 20'4—an ad vance of X. and Camden and Amboy Railroad at 12794 an advance of Pennsylvania Railroad closed at NS hid. Rank, Canal and Passenger Railroad shares were quiet. U 143 Directors of the Phßadelphia National Bank trave declined a dividend of 'even par cent. for the peat six month& payable on demand. clear of all taxes. The Directors of the National Bank of the Northern Liberties have declared a dividend of ten per cent., pay able on demand. clear of taxes 'ihe directors of the National Bank of the Republic have declared a dividend of OM per cent for the last .11 moethe, clear of taxer,_ payable en dema nd. 'rho Rhamokin and Bear Valley Coal Company has de clared a dividend of twenty cents per share, payable on and atter the 15th. free of tax. Iklassre•Deßaven di Brother, No, 40 Routh Third street, make the following unotatione of the rates of exchange to-lay, at IP. Id United States Slaw of 1881. 118144 11P4; do. do. 1882, 118118%; do. do. 1864 , 1183/C4114: do. do. 1868, 116S(4115 : do. do, 1665 new. nog 1164; ay. de: 1867. new. 116 b, 110% do do. 1868. 116% t 107,Ti@10834: U S. ' Bo Year 6 per con joilW;V: . ,Du 4 Comp. Int Notes. IRV. Gold. 18541.0 Smith. Randolph &. C 4, bankers , Third and Chestnut , titlere t le,/e o'clock as . follows: Gold. 10E4; 11. B. ill 10 8• 1881. Five . twenties.lBB2.llB%®llBU r do. 1861, 113'r,2ii114; do. 1865,116 3441,1163; ; r • do. July, 1860 116349 116%; 1807, ilt o itcgll7: do. do 1868. 11.6%®11.6: • riven, Ten forties. .1 108,Y; Currency tie, 1et1ig41.08%. " Jay Coolie dr.Co: quo Government securities. to dayas •A, R 11100 1 ,11- U, es. '81,118)6;4118U; 5.20's of 1881,118 N aIIEU: d0 . ..1864. 113 31(.114,Y;d0.N0v..1866,116101 d • July, Egg, B 040117: do. 1867. 116;.,q1117 ; ilo. 1806, ill „ ; Tien father; il/MI.OBXI Pacific& i o d:eqo l o6%; 4 3 0 / • 41 11-10 .52 S-10 52 4-10 60 2-10 1 9-10 In. a honey relarliet4 Ida Stock Exchange, BOARD. 20 eh ',LAWN ri 56 IC; Eb do b 5 56 7 oh Cain & Amboy 12714 3 Eh do 127 ti 100 Oil Creek & R :47 100 eh Phi &fi R 630 29q 8 sh do 28 lU sh do 29 300 sh Readtt c 49 100 sb do b 9 100 nh do 1130 45-1.10 100 sh do hag 48 100 sh do 43 Rosana. 100 eh Ph&lirion 2de 29„ii iOO eb do 100 eh do 030 2314 3en Cam& Am R 12716 100 eh LohNavals b 5 323 d 100 eh Reedit rg&ln 48 100 eh do c 48 500 eh do b 3 Its 48 2 eh Leh Val IC 56 65 eh do b 5 100 eh Lon Nv etk b 5 32,3 i 100 eh do hGO 32% 200 ph do NS 263 i Philrideltsdaini Produce Plaricei. IrozwAT. May 3.—Trade eon limes dull in all depart. Meats. and In Breadetuffs the transactions are small. In• *leer they comprise d 100 barrels Safine' at 4815 50 Per barrel; small lots of -Extras at 75® 625; auo barrels lows. Wisconsin and Minnesota Extra , Varolly at 116 5027 25; MO barrels Pennsylvania de. do . *41707 751 NO barrels low grade Ohio do. do. at 155 75; woo barrels eboice da. do. at $8 50219 25. and fancy lots at higher figures. Rye Flour and Corn Meal era very quiet. Small sales of the former at 8707 25. There Is rather more demand for Wheat, but prices are unchanged. Sales of 2 COO bushels good Pennsy lvania and Western Red at $1 00@I 65 Der bushel; 8.000 - babel.) Amber at $1 750185—the.latter figure for choice Michigan and Kentucky ; and 600 bushels White at t 2 (cute. Rye Is steady at $1 45 for Western. Corn comes in slowly and held firmly. handl sales of Yellow at 880190 cents, and 5,000 brunets of Wester& at 85107 cents—the latter figure ter high mixed. Cate are steady. with sales of 8,000 bushels of Western at 78 cents, and 1,200 bushels Prime Southern at 70 cents. In theveneed and Timothy no change. Small sales of Flaxreed at 32 68(42 70 per bushel, at. which figures it is wanted Whirky le held firmly ; small sake) at rele.dP, in for tax Paid. The New York IXobey !Market. Mom the New York Ileratd of tO.:day.l icier 2.—The rise of gold to 125 is one cif the unsatisfac torY lenitivee of the financial eirnation. It le very un complimentary to our national credit that we should thus retrograde instead of going forward, especially as so many fond anticipations of a steady approach to beech) payments were Indulged in with tue advent of` the pre' ent business sateen. These anticipations were natural with the decline of the premium which succeeded the winter arm ensued upon the immense foreign demand for our. government tecuritles. Until within the pact week they eeemed still possible of realization: but the fact is too patent that in our dealings with foreign FlailiDLlS we have been too much the buyer and too little the seller. The Secretary of the reasnry has been blamed for hie apathy or laek of ability In administering the finances of the country, and while there is an Impression that in hoarding the government geed be has played Into the bends of the gold gambler, of the New 'York market. he is not wholly responsible forth° evil cf dearer gold. His intentions are doubtless most pro. per and well meant but be does not poesese the capacity to grasp the great problem which more famous financiers would hesitate to attempt the telethon of. Misstatement of the public debt for the past month allows a reduction of over elef-00.004, which was as much a sewprire to him as to the public. Last Thursday he commenced his programme of weekly gold sales, but gold went UP immediately thereafter and continued its ascent tithe close of the week , when it touched its highest, despite the contribu tion to the market of nearly Urn millions to payment of the May coupons. These facts show that he is not whotly to blame. 'lll. tremble Iles in the extravagant amount of our imports. which for the period since January 1 were over 11100 fleatehl This rem is 25 millions In erects of last year and about equal to our imports In the inflation of 1501. Oar =Porta for the came period were about fifty-two millions. The movement in specie was sheet three minima against us. The total balance against to at this time is therefore, about Sfty millions. to the pay ment of which we have exported government bonds and railway stooks, variously estimated at from thirty to forty-Ave millions. We are, therefore. still heavily in debt to foreign countries, oven allowing that our payment in bends is eatisfaetory and effectual. Which many are Inclined to question. Should our national (celerities come back to us through any panic or fear of our stability the prospect would be a very cheerless one; bat it is certain that as long as the interest he regularly and promptly paid such • contingercy need not be counted upon, eo far especially, as Erigleud le concerned. whose comedy are Investments the prieeipat of wt leh it is understood will never he paid. 1 be tinsettifsetory charac er of our foreign trade is the' elate, the real secret of the appreciagon of the geld pre ml um. As to the remedy which ehould be applied.che discussion is one meriting mere trace than can be devoted in this Ma geratth. It le a subject. however. which should prompt!, arrest the attention or all dance of the comma city. 1-• toual extravagance Is individual bar.kreptcy. I. atil there la a more healthy tone in the character of our for. ten t- ede relatiorn the government has lu its power to sir reel the h. xi &nen which, will succeed the advautre in geld. There are over ninety million. in tre mare now In the bands of Been-tare Illoutiven. A large portion of this rote could tie devoted to combating the rise in th, pre. rel. tn. It is lying in the vaults of the Treasury, drawing re intarart, and can be reared. The money mart et was easy at six and seven per cent.. a favorable renter,. t to tut year, when fond. were in geed demsr d e t seven per cent. as late as the loth of May. We Sr. so much earlier, therefore, in recovering from the et rine stringency. After 2 o'clock on Saturday there wee she rp inquiry at the full legal rote, owing to the tempo rary v. ante of moving day in the general community.acid the withdrawals of the City Chamberlain to pay the in terest on the city stocks. This activity was aided by lal ties supt osed to be inaugurating a "bear" raid on s °eke. th• extent of which could not, however, be d. totted. l'oremereial paper reflects the easier state of the money market end the disposition of the country bank. to renew their inquiry for this claws of Invest ment.. Prime four months paper, doable names, is emoted at seven end a half to nine per emit discount bhort paper Is not so much in demand. because buyere.on the advent of tee summer ease in money, prefer to bridge ever the interval with long paper at present rates. Ibe weekly bsok statement is quite favorable. The de palls are unusually large. owtag to the payment of the government interest although the sextet specie ineresse I. less than half a million. The exams above the legal reserve gains over a million and a half. Until the receipt In England of the mail report of Sen. ether SlMlreles speech on the Alabama claims there was eostinned buoyancy in the market for government bonds, and the Ws told freely at the remarkable price of In The discussion of the speech caused an uneasiness in Om foreign market, especially as the London bankers are al' ready carrying tame amounts, and on Friday there war • decided decline in the (*reign quotation. 'Mis was fol. lowed by • vteldins in the New York market, Particular dfor the 'el's. which declined to 1161 (. La th on Satur y there was a reaction in all levees, based noon the higher price of gold, and the more widespread Impression that Secretary Bentwell will avail himself of the an. thority of the Sinking Fund act to retire a per tentage of the bonded debt. fly Tll3lollioB.s 'Special Despatch to the Maeda. Evenitnt Bulletin./ Ns w Weitz. May B.—Paeifie Malt 9151 91; Wester Union. 43(442N, ; hew York Ventral, 177„k0k5177%; Erie. ; iludeon, 160 , 44156 X. Ltetding, 267(0,496; Mich. t onthein_ 1p431 19434, 92W49231; Island. 12'4 In', ;hi Weetarn,E6 7 4gEe4;Preferrol%o 98; Fait Ws. ye. 1493}4; Plartste. 1611 aevernmente.. 1861, coupon, 1183,(41I6U, : five twenties of '6i, rextetered 1164 coupon , 11834;7418 , , . '64. coupon, 1153%141154 ; '65, coupon. II 644(4116 , .., ; new , 116g41.165‘; '67. coup 116 1 411 e% '6B, con pon , 116)6(4110; ; temfortice.resietered. 1t734a6107,4; ten forties. coupons. thirty years' lOthlAloVi. Gold. lag: the market is very excited and very strong; the Alabama news Iv probably the cane e. New York Stock Market. (Correspondence of the Amoctated rress.l New Yor.a.May B.—Stocke strong and active ;ceold,l2stri ; Exchange. 91.; 6204. 1862. 111 N: do„, 1564. 114 .; do. le6e. 115! - .; new. 116:1‘; 1867. 116%; Ten-fortiea, 108: Virginia &zee. 62; Mtesouri Sixes. 8856; Canton Com pany 61. X. Cumberland Preferred, 34; New York Central. 177% : Reading, ; Hudson River. 157 X Mlclagan Central. 128: Michigan Southern. 104 3. y ; intro% Central. 145; Cleveland and Pittsburgh. 93'.4; Cleveland and Toledo. 104; Chicago and Rock island. 138: Pittsburgh and Fort Wayne, 140 X. Markets by Telegraph. I Spot tel Despatch to the Phila. Evening Belletin. I r Yoga. hf ay 3 —Cotton—The market this morning was firm and fairly active; antes of about 1,001 bales. We quote as follows Middling Uplands. 23U; Middling Orleans, 28,14. Flour, 3c.--Receipts, 8 500 bble. The market for Western and State el ur is fairly active; low grades Mit loc.better ; supply emelt; other brands dull and heavy; the eel. a are about 8,1 (al bbls., including Superfine State at 65 1547456 00: Extra State at $6 10456 40; lA:kw grades Weetern Extra at $6 004480 be. Southern Flo er is without change; demand moderate; eal.s of 300 b As at $n 40056 Ft, for Extra Baltimore and Country. and 36 4t fa $0 - 200456 40@.4113 00 for Family do. California Flour In dull but steady; sales of 218' bble. at $7 00488 75 for old. %la the Horn., arid 83 OK4$lO 00 for new via the Isthmus. Grain—Receipts of Wheat bushels. Holders are firm in asking. The sales are -- bushels No. 2 hfilwauke, at $1 450:551 48, and No. Ido at $1 50041 65. Winter glue, and nominal. Corn—Receipts, 18 200 bushels. The market Is bettor, with n good speculative demand. Sales of Ott bushels new Western at 88 g9l cents, afloat: old , 90091 cents. Oats—Receipts, 5.8410 tap-bele ; market strong. with a fair demand. Sales of 28 000 bushels at 8.5 e. aft int. Rye quiet. Sales at $1 30g1 86. Barley nominal Provisions.—The receipts of Pork are 600 barrels. The mark et is eseler and dull ; sales of aXI barrels at $3O 75•4 30 873• for new Western Mess Lard—receipts. 64 pkg. The market is easier. We quote fair to prime steam at 17Va 18 cents Whisky.—Receipts, 680 barrels. The market is bettor. We queto Western free at 96fd96c. Coffee-1310 dull and nominal. Other styles firm. Molasses dull and steady for prime grades. Floe quiet. Carolina, 8 / 4 @as. Sugars dull and nominal at 113s(411%, asking price. Tallow firm with a gdod demand. Sales of 175,00) Ibe. at 11X®,11%. Grass seeds drooping. Pre-rmicson. May &- There is but little demand for Refined Petroleum, and but little disposition on the part of holders to force sales. 500 barrels spot changed hands at 33e. ; and 500 barrels first half May, at 32c In Crude there is no movement but It is held with much firmness. 14,14 c. Is offered but refused for spot off. Receipts, 880 barrels. Shipped by A. V. R. R. 7,031 barrels Refined. It barrels 1. übricating, and 13 barrels Tar. and from D. W, Depot 146 barrels Refined. 'Correspondence of the Associated Press .1 Firm YORK. MRY 3.--Cottqn quiet; sales of 276 bales Middling Uplands at 80 cents Irlenr--Salea of 7.500 barrels; :State and Western advanced 10415 cents; super fine to fancy State *6 60(46 60; Dupe, fine to choice white W eider% $6 66®8; Sontnern is a shade firmer; common to choice. $6 40®11 75. Wheat advanced 102 cents; sales of 1.000 bushels. Corn advanced 1(42 cents; sales of 36,000 bushels: new mixed Western, 88Y0®88)9 cents; old, do.. 90 cents In store. Oats advanced lc.; sales of 34,000 bushels; Western , 85 cents in store , cad 86486.45 cents afield. Beef quiet; plain Mese. $8 00(416 00; extra Mess, $llBlB. Fork dull; new Mess, $BO 750530 80; prime, $55 75@,1826 00. Lard dull; steam in tierces. 1734@160. Whisky dull and nomin flayrneons. May Co B.—Ootton quiet and steady at 28(4 283ic Flour dull and lower; Howard street superfine, iB5 751e1656 501 do. extra, $6 6te@lB; do. family, $8 95(4 i 0 g City Mills superfine. 185 76®58 60; do. ext. a. $6 7514 WS; do. family, $8 75@511 25: Western 60 es: do. extra. $6(4156 50; do. family, $84459 Wheat steady and unchanged; receipts small. Corn scarce and higher; White, 88a. ; Yellow, 86c. Oats firm at 17n. for heavy. !Rye unchanged. Provisions unchanged. Whisky firm at 93c. DUFFIELD ASHMEA.D, Publist er, Bookseller, Stationer, - AND DEALER IN CH BONO LITROGRAP US, No 724 Chi3Oniztj3trejipt, Ail Hooka Cold Detail at Whoklale Irrien, mblll to tli dtf ro ETTIPREI TEBTANIONYMY HAVLS{,} granted to the etthscrlher upon the Estate of DANIEL.' L. COLLIER. E 89., decea , ed, all parsons tridebtod to the' namo wLlmake pelmet:Lt. end shoe haviug clAtuis pre. rent theta to GEORGE 11. COLLIER, ExecWor; or hie ,Attorney'. OEO. JUNKIN, EisQ.,'l3:_,E.: comer Sixth and Walnut ntrocte. ' ' 2 ' ' "4" 2P-'*apla TEE DRYLY E'VEINING ULLETII I. MONDAY MAY. 3,1869. THIRD.,:i..t..ED.II3ON IiVA.SIIIN43-TON. THE PACIFIC RAILROAD CLAIM Chief-Justice ChaBe Gone to Richmond THE JEROME PARK RACES [Special neonatal' 'to the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin.] WASHINGTON, May 3.—The argument before the Secretary of the Interior on behalf of the Central branch of the Pacific Railroad, which claims the right tinder existing laws to build and to receive lauds and subsidy for one hundred and eighty miles more of road to reach to the one hundredth meridian, was concluded by ex- Attorney-General Evarte on Saturday. Secre tary Cox informed the counsel for the road that be would not assume the responsibility of de ciding so important a matter, but would bring it before the Cab net for decision. The arguments made will be printed for use before Congress if the decision is adverse. Chief Justice Chase left this morning for Rich mond, where he will hold a term of court. He goes thence to hold court at Raleigh and Charles ton. Sixth Auditor Martin entered upon duty to day. New Tons, May B.—The Prospect Fair Assn elation, of Brooklyn, willgive a race meeting under the stewardship of the American Jockey Clot), to follow the meeting given at Jerome Park. Entiiee close on the 20th inst. Boavom, May 8.--James Hunnewell, a leading ;merchant of this city, and who has been identi- Bed with the Sandwich bland and California trade for over ball a century, died yesterday, aged seventy years. PHILADELPHIA CATTLE MARKET, Monday, May ?d, 1869.—There was a fair demand for good cattle this week, but other descriptions were dull. We quote choice at 10@l le, the latter rate for an extra lot: prime at 8 ; A , 9c.; fair to good at 7403 c. ; and common at s®6c.per lb. :tress. Receipts, 1,434 bead. The following sales were reported: 70 Owen Bmlth. Weider°, gni. 8 en 66 A. ( briery k Bro., Western ere ........ ... . 9 0 914 / 14 Dangler & klcClese•Las.catier co., ere... .. .. 844 814' 1111 P. Me ntes. Lancaster & Western, gre.. 8 9ii 100 P. I.l.thawas. Lancaster co., gm............ 8 10 90 J. P. Kirk:. (;hector co.. gre. 8 (410 6 B F. McFllLen. Lancaster co., ers. •••••• •• • • • 8 010 50 Jae. 64cFillen, Lancaster co. gm.. 8 Got 9'4 CO K. P. McFilleo'Lancaster co. ~......... ..... 8 (a) 934 110 Martin Fullers Co., Lancaster co.. gr e 8 (410 100 Mooney & Smith, Lancaster co . gre.. . ...... 8340 B . li tO Thomas Mooney & Bro.. Laneamer co. gre.. 64A 9 Ft L. Frank , Lancaster co.. gra.... , ...... . ... ..... 7 834834 gl Prank ez. Schimberg. Lancaster co„ gra 7 4 WI( 91 Mope & Co. Lancaster co.; gra.. .. .... .. ........ 8 0 9 7 .4 SI Elk , . n & Co. Lancaater cct.. gra................ 734 a 9 42 J. Clemaon, Lancaster co. gra....' - ..... .. 050 gild 55 Chandler & Alexander. Cheateico.. ere 830410 26 Kimble & Wallace. Chester eo., era 8 14 9% Cows and calves were in steady request, and changed hands at 1840@76, and springers at s3s@ 65. Receipts 125 bead. Sheep were in active request at very full prices. Sales of 12,000 head at 634@834c. per lb. gross. The supply of Hogs was quite light, and the offerings were all taken up sharp at $l2O/8 50 for slop, and $lB 50@14 60 per 100 pounds net for corn fed. About 8,000 head changed hands at H. Glass's Union Hog Drove Yard, within the above range of figures. Rartrimicast REGISTRATION —ln accordance with Rule Ninth of the Dutton Republican party, and a resolution of the Republican City Ezecu uve Committee, the registering officers of each election division will meet at the regular places of bolding elections on Tuesday, May 4, between the bones of 4 and 8 o'clock P. M., for the pur ee of correcting the registry for the Delegate Election to be held May 11. I MP(2..IITAT I 0 NTS. , Reported for the rouladelphia Evening Bulletin. IfiIDPLESBORO. E.—Ship J C Boynton. Wayeett-965 tone railroad iron Prima Central RR Co. MAVAOCEZ—Bng Altavela. Thompson-231 Wide 81 bble sugar John blazon & Co; 78 hhde melanins I Hough & beyrie. t+AGUA—Bark Lincoln. Trott-909 hhde !nor IN tee de li & W Welsh. TRINIDAD-Brig Jotete Movie.. Tacker-413 hhele 40 tem r near 80 bhde rneda.e.ea 8 dr. W Week. WrightMATANZA 8 - Br i e RC i W - alker—l47s bxs anger 8 Morrie Waln d Co. HAVANA—Bark 8 W Holbrook. Polloys-1566 hhde 72 tce molasses Jarden dr. Co. . . kikTANZAl3—Brig Hyperion. Woodbury-470 Mule 65 Ice inolgreea E C Knight & Co. _ t:A RDENAS—FIrig J Hickmore, Henley -485 hhcbc 45 tee I 1,81 molaesei Hallett dc Bon. W , NDBOR,NI3.--13chr Ida May, Driska—MS tone plaits: C C Van Flom. WINDBOR,NEL—Behr Addle Ryerson. Houghton-250 tons plaster C C Van Horn. PORTLAND—Behr Oriole. Stall-278 tone Plaster Thee C Hand, Jr 12V - Bee Marine Bulletin en inside Pagek. ARRIVED TELIB DAY. Bblp J C Boynton (Br). Wa) oaf, 40 days from Middles bor.'. with railroad iron to Penns RR Co—vessel to A R Nialenty fi Co. dtentner B Sbriver. Rigging, from Baltimore.wttli mdzo to A Groves, Jr. • - . • • liteanier Decatur. Webb. 18 hours from Baltimore, with Ender to A Groves. Jr. Hark Lincoln, Trott. 8 days from Bogus, with guitar to 9 W Wcleh -VCR sel to B L Merchant & Co. - - - - - • - • - Bark Village Queen. Gray. 86 days from London. with rods.. to Workman 6i Co Bark 13 W Holbrook. Polley°. 19 days from Havana. with melasees to Jordan & rio. 99d nit, off Charleston, spoke yacht Azella, from Rey Weet for New Bedford. Brig Altave:a (Br). Thompson. 12 days from Mayaguez, with sugar and molasses to I Bough & Morris—veasei to ii U Van Horn. Brig Jessie Rhyne?, Tucker, 16 days from Trinidad.with sugar and molasses to 8 & W Welsh Brig R C Wright, Walker, 8 dave from Matanzas with near to B Monte Wain dr Co—Veesel to B L Merchant &(o. Brig Hyperien. Woodbury :0 days from Matanzas,with inslaeses to E C Knight & Co—vessel to Warren & Gregg. Brig J Biektoore, Henley. 11 dave from Cardenas with molassee to Dallett & Son—vessel to Warren & Gregg. gchr Ida May, Brisk°, 18 days from Windsor. N. with plaster to C (I Van Horn. Behr Addle Ryerson. Houghton. 15 days from Windsor. NB. with plaster to U C Van Horn -vessel to Warren & Gregg. gcbr F B Bol'on, Robinson, 5 days from Boston, with plaster to C C Van Horn Behr C L Herrick. Baldwin.) day. from Dighton. with rodeo to captain. - - - gcbr ht Al Freeman. Bowes, 4 dale from Dighton, with m dee to captain. BebrOrMle,Btahl, 14 days from Portland. with plaster to Thos U Band, Jr.- vowel to 8 L Merchant & Go. Bohr Gov Burtort.Ludiam, 8 days from Boston, in ballast to Lennox & Burgess. Behr Isaac Rich. Urowell.B dare from Boston, with mdse to Knight & Bons CLEARED TWA DAY Bbip Urdu (Nom). 13Jerkage, Qneigie:L WentergaarddiCo Brig J J Clark, Freethey, Key Wed, Audenriod, Norton & Co. 6chr C I °emir. Jameson. Bath. do Schr P Boice. Adams. Boston. do Echr Harry Lee. Little. lUston. do Bahr E B rfhaw. Pilaw. Boston. do 'chr Geo Miles, Little. Providence. Binnickson & Co Eclair Herrick. Baldwin. Taunton, do Schr Bent Strong. Barris. Providence. do emir I W Nine. Lane, New Haven. Westmd Coal Co. MEMORANDA. Bteamer Crorcent City. Holmes, from New Orleans 25th ult. at New Yolk yesterday. Bark Balma Uckblom from Shields for this port, was rpoken 50th ult. lat 40 delon 6917. Behr Mary E Staples. Dhumore. hence at Ouracoa 14th ult. Bcbr Broadßold. Crowell hence at Boston let hut. Behr A it Creamier, Crammer, cleared at Barton let inst. for this von 30thghrr McDevitt, for this port, sailed from New London IL Selo Watauga, Lawrence, cleared at Wilmington, NC 10th nit for New York. DREXEL & CO., Philadelphia. DREXEL, WINTHROP Eit 00., N. Y. DREXEL, HAR JES & 00„ Patio. Bankeis and Beaten In U. 5. Bonds. Parties going abroad can make all their financial arylangetnente with us, and.procure Letters of' Credit all parts of Europe. Dwitzfts lor Nolo on Eualohnd, Xr01823141. I•'rance, fiaatnattly, acc, mhlOw fin tfb➢ " 2:15 BY TELEGRAPH. Pedlar Railroad Claim. Jerome Park Sneer. Death of a Roston [Merchant. 111111611:111,111:441: Ell :4 sa ail Lill ri mo 4 IA PORT OF PAILAAELPHIA-MAT & .FOURTH:....EDITIOM Big TELEGRAPH. ADDITIONAL CABLE NEWS RECALL OF THE RUSSIAN MINISTER LATER FROM WASHINGTON Naval Despatches from Alaska PUNISHMENT OF THE NA FIVES risoovery of Large Fields of Coal Alaska, Items. ignecial Despatch to the Phila. Evening Bulletin.) WMIUNGTO74, May 3.—The Navy Department to-day received despatches from Alaska giving the particulars of the destruction of various villages and a stockaded fort of the Hake Indians, as a punishment for the murder of two white traders in January last, and other outrages. General Davis and a party of soldiers acted In conjunction 'with Commander &W Meade, of the Sagi naw. The ages had been deserted on the ap proach of our forces. It was thought that the destruction of these was a more effective punish ment than the capture and execution of the mur derers,' as these lawless tribes place little Value upon life, and their houses cannot be rebuilt without much labor and trouble. Commander Meade gives much interesting in formation about the country, and reports the discovery of large fields of resinous coal, and valuable harbors little known, though used by the Hudson Bay vessels. By the Atlantic Cable. ST. PETERSBURG, May 3. —The recall of De Steockle, Russian Minister at Washington, is officially announced. Corm, May Bd.—A mass meeting of citizens was held here on Saturday night at which the re cent speech of the Mayor was warmly endorsed and resolutions were adopted, expressing sym pathy with and confidence in that functionary. NiMV PUBJLICAEIONS. THE WAVERIEY NOVELS. Standard Edition. Complete in 23 volumes. Illustrated. Large 12mo. Toned paper. Ectra cloth Retail price per volume. $1 to. This is the best and moat complete edition for the library or for general use published. Its convenient size, the extreme legibility of the type, w hich is larger than is need in env other edition either F nglinh or American. its spirited illustrations, quality of the piper and binding, end the general execution of the press work, which is from the celebrated Caxton preen must commend it at once to °vet? , one. ANY VOLUME SOLD SEPARATELY. NOW READY: WAVERL EY. GUY MANNERING, THE ANTIQUARY, THE ABBOTT, KENTLWtIRTEI. Also. Second Editions of ST‘'ItENGE ON THE HORSE, NORRIS FISH CULTURE. Book' retailed it whOlee;1; prices. PORTEII & CO &TES, Pablishera, 822 Chestnut Street. mb2o rPti THE FAMILY DOCTOR. Complete Dictionary of Domestic fledidne and surgery. Fayed&lly Adapted for Family flee. BY A LONDON DISPENSARY SURGEON. Illustrated with upwards of One Thousand Illuatrationa crown Bvo . 'loth. 750 pages and an Appendix. .2 50; halt morocco $4 00. AGENTS WANTED. Apply to GEO. DEBBIE, No. 733 SANSOM STREW. ap23 Dm§ wiorteues. JEWELMIT, &Oa JAS. E. CALDWELL & CO., No. 819 CHESTNUT STREET, • (Until their (Mere le rebuilt,) IMPORTERS OF DIAMONDS, Manufacturers of Diamond Jewelry. BOLE AGENTS IN AMERICA FOR H. B. EKEGREWS Geneva and Copenhagen Watches, Repeaters and Chronographs. SPECIAL AGENTS FOR THE SALE OP Gorham Inanufacturing Company's FINE ELECTRO PLATED WARES, ARTISTIC SILVER WARES, A very full and valuable collection in NEWEST DE• SIGNS for Bridal Presents and Household Use. MAN TEL CLOCKS, FINE BRONZES, FANCY ARTICLES. None but FIRST CLASS GOODS REPT, and every ARTICLE FOLD UPON ITS OWN MERITS. P 6 To w f 2rne REMOVAL. V. J. klagbill,Guedin&Co beg to announce that they have removed their ulace of business from No. 9 MAIDEN LANE to 652 BROADWAY, N.Y. (between Bleecker and Bond ate.), and offer, from their Spring Im• portations,a complete and elegant assortment of their specialtiee in WATCH IRS, 11011611 s. PI IIIEFIR, W 1t.14, CLOCKS, new Z ES niusic AL nofrs And FANCY AO irDA. BOLE aGI NTB FOR T IVAIIDIN NATO MASTER'S SALE.-7110MAS & SONS. ADC tioucers. In the Court of Common Pleas, for the " City and County of Philadelphia. Wood ward ye. Martin, of June Term.lB6B, 44 Partition in Eq(litv. V. ry valnab e (insisters lit. nd. Nive.story building N. E. come. of 'nil d and Chestnut streets. In oursuanoe of an • rder and dec. co made by the said Court in the above CtIIIPO on thO 24th day of April. A D will be sold at public sale, en Tuesday, May 25th. 1889. at 12 o'clock. lbOoD. al the Misdeal. hia Exchange, all that lot of ground.the tiventory rough east building thereon ere( ta d. situate on the northeast corner of Third and ( hestaut streeeti, in the city of Philadslplila; containing in front on Chestnut street 26 , oat 3 inches, more or leas, d external , gin depth northward of that width. along the raid Third street, on the lend lino thereof. 87 feet 1 in , it more or less, and on the east line thereof el feet 08 inches. mortaor lessjo a 3f , of 8 - inches wide alley. (Being the came prrmises n Lich William A. Martin; by inden ture dated June Bth, A. D. 1829. recorded iu Deed Book W 11.10.33 pase 78, &e., granted and conveyed unto Robert 0 Martin. note deo( need, in fee.) ' • ' • -Subject ion ground rent of - SW Per • Information in reference LS $11(i sale of said' prsperty In y bo bad of the Master, at his office H No. 75.3 Walnut ttreet. BY order.of T, GRANVILLE LE VDU, Mister. verma—Widow"a dower. oue•third of Abe purchase money; Most feniain on the IPeemertY" ' • ILL THOMAS & SUNS. Anctioneera. m 038.152 2. - 139 'and 141 South Fourth street 111111 - I:Rlasso.o.o3ES , T 1 N eanidet. ra and fancy bozo% frupertAd: and-f or sale by JOB. DUBblEil 4'00..108 Boutb Delaware avenue. 3:00 o'ol<x3k. FIFTH EDITION BY TELEEttLAP.I,-1. LATEST FROM WASHINGTON 4.ppointments by the President Snit Against Insurance Companies A RIOT 111 TENNESSEE LATER OABLE QUOTATIONS From Washington. (Special Despatch to tho Phila. Evening Bulletin I Wesursurron, May B.—Henry T. Blow, of Mis souri, was to-day appointed .11'ulster to Brazil, and Daniel J. Vaughn, Pension Agent, Ports mouth, N.H. The concluding argumente in the Dyer Court Martial are being beard to-day. Mrs. President Grant and family, and a number of friends, attended a parade at the Marine Bar rubs, this morning. Collector Grinnell, of New Yorh, le here Appointments WASHINGTON, May B.—The President has ap pointed Giles B. Overton, of rennsylvania, re ceiver of public moneys for the Utah Land Dis trict, D. J. Vaughn, Pension Agent at Ports mouth, N. EL, and Captain D. Ammon Chief of the Bureau of Yards and Docks, Navy Depart ment. Suite Against insurance CompardoiL BALTMORE, May B.—ln the Supreme (loud of Baltimore city, this morning,' In several suits btought by James E Kelley, of New York,against six insurance Companies o f this city, to recover pOlicies of insurance on the 'building known as Barnum's Museum, New York city, Judge Dob bin instructed the Jury that there was no such sale or conveyance of the property by Barnum dr Reeder before the fire as would forfeit their right under the policies of insurance, and judgment was then entered against the six Baltimore com panies for is abou the plaintiff for the l amount claiMed, which t $lO,OOO. Blot at Brownsville, Tenn. Idnatrurs, May 3.—The Appeal teams that a riot occurred at Brownsville, Tennessee, last night, in which one white man and two negroes were killed, and a white man named Torn Grant mortally wounded. The affair grew out of a negro threatening to kill a white man named Showman. At eleven o'clock last night the fight ing was still going on. By the Atlantic Cable. LONDON, May 3, P. M.—Consols 93% for ninney and account; Five•twentiee quiet at 80;4; Railways dull; Erie, 190 d; Illinois Central, 98; Atlantic and Great Western, 26. FRANKFORT, May 3.—United States Five twenties, 86. LIVERPOOL, May 3, P. M.—Cotton easier; Up lands 11%d.; Orleans, 12Nd. Sales to-day 8,000 totiles. Rosin 16s. 9d. for fine. Losoon, May 8, P. M.—Tallow 495. 3d. Sugar Bs. 6d. afloat. Linseed oil, .£3l be.; Calcutta linseed 69e. 6d. ANTWEIIP, May 3.—Petroleum quiet and un changed. 0 bilnalT• Efussnonor, 111., May S.—John 13. Hayward, an old and wealthy citizen, and one of the largest land - holders in Illinois, died here to-day. ki :9 1.1 10 0 ; 4'A IA SPECIALTY IN REAL LACE AND NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS, Will offer our varied otOok PERFECTLY NEW AND FRESH. An inspection will demonstrate now Much their value exceeds their price. REAL LACES, FROM $6 PER PAIR UPWARDS. Nottingba,m Laces, FROM $1 50 PER PAIR UPWARDS. Together with the G R.E'ATEST NOVELTY. FRENCH LACE DROP CURTAINS AND LACE SHADES. T. E, WALRAVEN, No. 719 CHESTNUT STREET. CARRINGTON, DE ZOUCHE & CO., 1232 CHESTNUT STREET, Wholesale and Retail Dealers IN Lace, Nottingham and Minslin Cur tains, Cornices, Bands, koops, Cen tres, dcc., Furniture Coverings, Terry, Reps, Weenielies, Da masks,&c., Piano and Table Covers, Window Shades, Paper Hangings, dcc., dcc, WHITE HOLLAND SHADES, Trimmed and put up as low as $1 10 eaob. Lace Curtains from Auction, very oheap Our dock U 3 new, our orioles are low. and entire oath, faction le guaranteed in every instance. CARRINGTON, DE ZOUCHE& CO Be O. E. ear. Thhisenth and Chestnut Nis • PIM& th a to Secret FITLER, WEAVER & CO. NEW CORDAGE FACTORY NOW IN PULL OPERATION. No.::N WATER otroat said 23 N. DELAWARE strewth PATENT OFFICES, NO? W. comer Fourth and Qbeatnut, fßtntnee on y:01111TH Street.) FRANCIS D Solicitor oT Patentiiii ratents procured for inventione in the Matra El!attia and Foralgn Conntrioa and all hi:felucca relating to the same promptly transacted. Call or Fond for Ovular on Rairn n i to open until 9 o'clock 'every crooning. rob.% th *WM 4:00 '4_YOlook. ratv~atabue~~.. REMOVAL THE BATE DEPOSIT'COMPANY Their New Fteeand Beigiar-prelef galleon Not. 329 and, 331,CHESTNUT gfinitil Which will be open for the traiuseetion of beeineei Oa Thursday, the Bth of April, 1E4691 The Fidelity Insurans, Trost arid Safe Deposit Company. Capital, $500,000, fan ' DIRECTORS: ____ _ ---. N. B. Browne. _ Edward W. Clark, Clarence R. Clark, Alexander Henry. _ John Welsh. Stephen A. Caldwell. Charles Macalester, . George Y. T y /ere Bery. Gibson. • President—N. B. BROWNE Vice President—(;LAßENCE H. CLARK. _ _ __,, Secretaty and Treasurer—ROßEßT PATTERSON. The Company have provided in Emir new Itilding . and Vaults absolute security awaited loat by SIM 4 4Ukr" . • (MARY, or ACCIDENT. slid • , _, RECEIVE SECURITIES AND .ItALUABL223 Obi DE. POSIT DER GU ARANTEE. , Upon the following rates. for one year et bile pale& •1 i Government and all other Coupon Se. entitles. or those transferable by 11l 00per BLOW delivery. . .. la . . o . • ' Government de1ivery.......... ell . oiflei: Wieu'iligs, registered and negotiable only by en . 50 " 1 .00 0 doreement Gold Coln or tii . lllOin 125 " dB Silver Coin or Bullion: .. —— —.—.,.. 200 " Silver or Gold Plate, under . WWI 1 owner's estimate of value, and rate 100 " lie subject to adjustment for bu1k....,.... Jewell -S. Diamonds. &G..-- ...... . ...... 200 " 2.000 Deeds. Mortgages and Valuable PaPtrea generally. when of no fixed value, el a year oink, or according to bunt. Tbeee latter, when deposited In Tin Boxes, are changed according to bulk, upon a basis of 1% feet cubic cape , WY. $lO a year. Cloutiong and Interest will be collected when destred.and remitted to th 3 owners, for one per cent. The flompelly offer forBENT, the leseee exolorlYef? bolding th e key, Bafee Ituslde Ha Burglarproof Vaults, at rates varying from SID to $76 each ger annum, se. cording to die. Deposits of Money Received. on which interest will be allowed : a per cent on OsU Deowdbr. payable by Check at sight. and 4 per cent on Time De. Peelle. Payable on ten dims' .nottee. Whir Gout Prow is also authorized to act as Exe Administrators and Guardians. to receive and ex il = 17 nets of every description from the Courts, corporation, or individuala N. B. BROWNE, President. ROBERT PATTERSON, Secretary and. Treasurer. aps m w f 2mrp 04, 60 O p 0 00 SEVEN PER CENT. GOLD BONDS. Thirty Tears to Run, .1681789 The Lake Superior and iblinsissipp River Railroad Company. They are a Wird ffortgage linking Fund Bend Free of United States Tax. IffiCIMUM ev DE MIXON SIX MOM AND lillnriO MEM NM OF GOB WNDI And by the Railroad, Its Itoilhig Stock and the Pfan aloes of the Company. A Doable Security and Wird Chun Investment In every Telmeet, yielding in Currency nearly Ten Per Cent. Per Annum:. Gold. Clovernment Benda and other Storks received payment at their highest market price. Pamphlet!' and full information given an application to JAY COOHE & CO., No. 114 South Third Street. E. W. CLARK & CO., No. 35 South Third Street, Fiscal Agents of the Lake Superior and Misetecivp Ricer Railroad ComPanV. rnhlo 60trri• PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD CO. THEASIIREIVI DEPIRTMMT. PIIILADELPIIIA. PENNA., April %IBM. To the Stockholder' of the Pennijivaala • Railroad Compapy. All Stockholders. as registered on the Books of thin Company on the 311th day of April, ISA will be entitled to subscribe for 25 Per Cent. of their respective interests in New Stock at Par, as follows: kfrat—Fifty per cent. at the time of subscription, be. tweeze the 15th day of May, lfida, and the 80th day of June, 11180. Second -Fifty per cent. between the 15th day of Novem ber, 1869, and the Met day of December. 1869; or, tf stock holden ahould prefer, the whole amount may be paid np at the time of subecription, and each instalment eo paid and] be entitled to a pro rata of the Dividend that may be declared on full there& Third—That every Stockholder holding less than four shares shall be entitled to subscribe for ,one share; ante those holding more than a multiple of four shares shall be entitled to subscribe for an additional share. Fourth—All shares upon which instalments are let to he paid under gesolutioti of May 18,1868, will be entitled to their allotment of the 95 Per Gent at, par. as though they were paid in full. THOMAS T. FIRTH, Treasurer. ap2,9nin) BANIcERS, No. 35 SOUTH THIRD STREET. PHILADELPHIA. etOYXRNMS* Rs aCURITIE B , STOCK, COLD AND NOTE BROKERS. Aeoounto of Banta, Filth. and Individuals received, WACO tothOck at eight. INTEREST 'ALLOWED 'ON BALANCE& - 4 ekENERArkENTB FOR .s PENNSYL VANIA 118 ZE N A NEVS** S 0ye ...) , OF THE 14. 5\ t til t OE Ob i .. fit,ll olv '' Of FNE 74 gtrect • UNITED STATES. or AMERICA. The NATIONAL. LIFE , INSUBANOZ 0011 PANT, 1.9 nprporation chartered by special Act of Congress, as Fayed July 20, 1669, with a A ---- ' - tAtiltAlsitAt;3l;dol) ociti rum MTh , , • , Liberal terms offered „ to A_genta and Solicitors, who am Invited taapply at 94& cow. Full particulars,to be had on application at our &ice. kraated In the second_stnry of our Barikihe Boas% Zara Cireulnke and ramphiets, describing antagea ollered by the Company, Iriay be had. 17. • • W & CO, .iVa. 35 South Thirth&l,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers