uetst BUitLsncjaxs Tbk Saving Fu«d iwi-ntKr.—Noclne has m yet been obtained which wonld load l “? “ e ,' teblion of the bold and daring, robbers who so eucecMfally made way with nearly all the bonds and securities which wore la thosafo of tbo Bene ficial Saving Fund Society, at tbo S- W. corner of Twelfth and Chestnut streets. The details 6f Uie robbery will be found on tbo sixth; page ot to-day’s Bulletin. That the thieves are exports is evident from the manner in which the ttork was dono. The robbery has probably been Dlanntd for some time, and the tnovcnrenla; of tho watchman and the officers of the Institution had jbeeri carefully studied. On the door of the sale ore ECTerul marks which show that aclo?e calcnlat-on had been made In regard, to the Operations upon the of the safe was bored so, that the drill would Btriko the point of the lever In the lock. When so struck the lock seems to have tumbled apart and thus made the opening of the door an easy task. A Jimmy of Bteel, nnd of very fine manufacture, waß found this morning In tho basement of the Academy of Natural Sciences, where it bad evidently'been thrown. 'This - in strument Is supposed to have been one of those used by the parties who have so successfully com mitted one of the most during bank robberies ever known In the United States. The detectives are actively at work, and It is to be hoped that they 'will bo able, to discover the thieves. The, news of tho robbery has created considerable consternation among the depositors, and k crowd gathered about tbo office this morn ing. - The window through which the thieves en tertd was examined by many persons wbo3o cu riosity hsd been excited. Policamon were sta tipncd.Bbont tbe premises, but there was jio dis order, .among,any of those who visited tao place. No menty was paid out, nnd tho follbwing card has been ifsncd: ■ ■' - "rear; BSNEFICIAI. SAVINGS' FUND, APRIL 5, ip£r_4t) couwanencoof the recont robbery of *-partlo i of the awetp of ihla irßtlfution.it ia doomed expedient by tbo.Board of Mapanera not to pay nnymooey to depMit orafortho ® tcse,l^ HARIjEg A. bePPLIEB, Proliant. ’. Funeral ,op Db. Roblky UosausoN —This morning, the obsequies of tbo lamented Dr Dunglleon took plapc, his residence, in Girard street. being thronged witifKls numerous friends. The .proctsslon moved at H o’clock to St. Stephen’s Chmch, in Tenth street. The pall bearers were Franklin Peale, Esq., Hon.'Edward King, ISCac Lee, Esq., Moncure KobiasoU, Esq., Oames 8. Biddle, ,Esq, nnd George W. Richards, Esq. The remains were followed to the church by the family of the 'deceased, the Fucnlly iof the Jtflerauu Medical Collego, the Managers of the Institution for the Blind, nnd the officers of tho Musical Fund and 1 other so cietlee of’ which tho deceased 1 was a member. The cbnrch was filled with .peo ple, among whom were many men of eminence in (he various professions The coffin was rovend with black cloth, and on a silver plate the inscription: “ ROBI.KT DONOLI6ON. Born January 4th, 1798. Died April let, 1869. ; A beautiful cross of white flowers nnd many cnl flowers were placed upon the remains. Tte Impressive service of the Episcopal Church was read by Rev. Dr, Wm. Rudder, assisted by the Rev.' Phillips Brooks, the mnslcal portions of the ritual being beautifully sung by the excellent chblr of'St.'Stcphen’s. The''deceased had ex pressed a deßire that no‘unusual display, musical or otherwise, should be made at his iuneral, a re quest which was carefully observed. At the conclusion of the Burial Service, the fu neral procession left the church and proceeded to Laurel Hill, where the remains were interred. tfioKPAY School Annivebsabt.— I The exercises which attcnded|tbe annual anniversary of the Sun day Schools, Trinity Chnrcb.located on Catborlno street, yesterday, were of an extremely pleasant character. Long before the hour announced for thb commencement of the exercises the Chnrch was crowded to its utmost capacity by a large and appreciative audience, among whom we no ticed many from the extreme northern and west ern part of tho city. Tho Pastor, Rev. John Brown, officiated. A previously arranged pro gramme, consisting of singing, tbo presentation of emblems and offerings, &c., was gone tb rough With. : An addresß, delivered by tho Rev. Mr; Tax ton, of Germantown, was listened to through out with marked attention. The collections by the different classes amounted to $3lO. Coixhotor of thk Pout. —Hon. Honrv D Moore, Colloclor of the Port, entered upon the discharge of his duties this morning. Ho ap pointed O. G. Hemstead and Benjamin Haofeel his Deputies. Mr. Hcmstead baß been a clerk in the Custom House for several years. Mr. Huekel occupied a prominehiposition in the same place during the administration of Col. Thomas, and whop the establishment was filled with John sonites he had to vacate. Both of the newly appointed Deputies are familiar with the business of the department, and are fully competent to discharge the duties to which they have been as signed. David Jones has been sworn in as Gabbier, He was Cblof Clerk in the City Trea anrer’e office under Mr. Bnmm. The rush for office this morning has been ervy great: bpt it is understood that no farther op pointments will be made till alter the, adjourn mentof Congress. The Collector has determined to receive ap plications from 3 to o o’clock, and only attho Custom House. Store KonuEp.i'.r-This morulDg It was dis covered that the counting-house of. tho Linseed Oil Manufactory of Messrs. Barclay & Barclay, So. 127 North Water street, had been ransaoked by burglars during yesterday. Ail the drawers aed closets were pried open and the papers. &c.. strewn over the floor. With the exception of some wine and cigars, nothing was taken, as no valuables are ever left upon the premises. The thief had doubtless been locked up in the building when the mill was closed ou Saturday night Shut to tub Hui-sk of Refdgk. —Thomas l.von, a boy, was sent to the House of Refuge by Alderman Vancoaeton Saturday, upon the charge of the larceny of a silver bnltcr dish from the honsc of Mrs. li. A. Puc, on Coates street, west of Nlne eenth. He was engaged in gathering slop. Tic dish was missed, and he was sub peeled ol having committed the theft. After bis arrest the stolen di6h was found ou the slop in his cart. a Attkmitep Rounauv.—an utlemptwas made to enter the house of Capt. Pool, No SOS Queen street, Inst evening, while the family was absent at church The buck door was operated upoo, but the thieves were frightened away before they had effected an entrance. Rounicuno, at (Jkhmantown.— The ofllco at the coal-yard of Geo. W. Hamersley, Jr., on Armat street, Geimantown, was broken into on Friday night. The thieves got nothing but a few pennies. The office of Mr. Robert-, ou Cumberland street, was entered on Friday uighl with a like result. Foonw.ihu.—A basket containing a female in fant about ten weeks old wus found on the steps of a house on Pine street, above Second, last evening, about nine o’clock. Pinned to the cloth ing of the child was a piece of paper on which was Inscribed: “Take care of this little orphau and God wiU reward you.” Giiabgrd with Bobbery.— Jacob Eborly and “Piggy” Doran were before Alderman Eggleton. yesterday, on the charge of robbery. It is al leged tbal they entered a house in Rising Sun village, broke open the bureau-drawers and stole 840. The accused were sent to prison to awuit trial. Tu.i Tapping.— William H Stocker and John McCann have been committed b.v Aid. Hood to answer the charge of having robbed tho money drawer oi a feed store on Oxford street above Eleventh. - CottTAtNB, &e—Wo desire to call attention to the .announcement made by Mr. I. E. Walraven, No. 710 Chestnut street, of the magniflccut stock •hick he now has iu stock. His assortment is very large comorlalng SSI" 0 " 1 expo’naivoKb description, but all In new and beautiful patterns, and bold at rates which cannot surpassed by any doaier In America stock of Nottingham curtains,Veche Tapestrv° Terr.es, Damasks, Batin stripes, cur taln P^ trim! mlcge, Cretonnes and glaced chintzes, and all the articles which should be found In * first-school establishment of this kind. Mr.Walraven buys from first hands, and consc ijniu Jy. offeragreat inducements to hts custom ers. Persons wishing flic goods at. low prlcis will co well to call and examine his stock. . The Exposition To;Day —H there were any necessity for it, we would say a word by. way. of inducing all our readers this, olternoon to. step into Mr. John Wanatnakcr’s New Clothing Es tabllslimeni, on Cbestnnt street, nnd; sec the “Exposition."; !• _ Bnt tbe'bnlldings have been thronged ail the morning, and every than that was there Is send ing 4he other members of his firm, and tho pabflc acner&ily; and for once the necessity of newspa j.er comment is done away with. No one Is dis appointed, fori the. buildings, the stock of goods, the lorce of employes, and all tho appointments of tbo establishment, are all that was promised, and more tooi The satisfaction expressed bn all sides 1b full of encouragement, and any who may have had doubts of the cacaoes of this .enterprise may banish them forthwiin, for the thing is sure logo. rue ladles manifest great Interest in the de partment of Boys’Ulothlng, and ladies and genr tlemen alike leave tho '‘Exposition," determined to establish themselves as customers at the new Chestnut Street Clothing Hot^se. OITV NOTICES. N. E. Corner Chestnut and Seventh btrkkts. BINDER'S. Hair Cutting andShavluy artistically done. ® The Mystery Solved. Chemists being unable to discover the iagredients in lYagraut BczoiiOnt, which removes all slalus from tho leeib, and imparts such a peculiar roslne*s to the gums, the public are horeby informed that it ts a pre paration Dora the bark of the QuiUaua Srpvnaria or t-i.ap Tree of. Ct ill. Imported lor the first time into ihfs country for this speciul purpose, Such is the pu rifying nnd innocuous effect of this rare botanical agent that ft removes discolorations from tho most fragile textile fabrics, withoat Injuring a single thread. Grand Opening. Charlie Oukfurd & Sons, under the Continental, Will open, on Thursday, April 8, tho largest and best stock of the most beautiful Hats and Capl in the city. A Fact to Reflect On—Among the many worthy SonH of St. Crispin Air. William H. Helweg, the lnthlonablo Bootmaker, at 638 Arch Btreec, next to the coiner ol Sixth street, holds an envlab e position. Thoroughly prsctlced in all tho details of his arduoas profefiu.u, be Is well qualified to pli aeo the most fasti dious ol his pairons. llie boots are elega"tly modeled, fit 10 a charm, are mode of the ve y best materials. ADd are altogeihor unsurpassed as to durability and i sseto the wearer. All who have suffered from Ill fitting btogans are invited to give him a trial. IBs prices are, moreover, very reasonable. Chesterfield Coats, „ v ‘ All Varieties. Uobnikg and. Evening Coats, All Varieties. SrniNG OvxnooATß, All Varieties. At Crabi.kb Stokxs & Co.'s, Continental Hotel Building. Corns, Bunions, Inverted Nails, skillfully treated by Dr. J. Davidson No. 916 Chestnut street. Charges moderate. : All Should Attend Oaufordb’ Grand Open- Ing ol Spring Hats and Capa on Thursday, April 8. Quiet and soothe the pain of children teething— Use Bower’s Infant Cordial. Sold by all Druggists. Deafnehb, Blindness and Catarrh. J. Isaacs. M. D.. Professor of the Bye and Bar create all diseases appertaining to the above member! with ibe utmoßt success. TcsUinoniala from the most -oliable sources in the city can be seen at this office, Mo. 806 Arch street. The medical faculty are invited o aecrmpany their patients,as he has no secrets in hb .jr&ctice. Artificial eyes inserted. No .charge made for examination. All SnouLD Attend Oakfords’ Grand Open ing of Spring Bats and Caps on Thursday, April 8. Surgical Instruments and druggists' sun dries. Snowden & Bbotueh, 23 South Eighth street. for Bulletin. NEW OKLEA63—Steamship Juniata, Hoxio—9obates «sotton A Whilioin & Bon; to do ti Sloan & Sods: 36d0 order: 91 bills bides 18 bales skius .111 81 H Mu-tard;l36 hdis hiocß l'rlchett, Baugh * (Jo; 18 bdla iron clappings E M Cuilertl case I bole skins D Y ouuft; 1 case mdse horbea, Payee & Co; 160 empty bbls Masßey. Huston <3 Co; lease n die 8 W Hoffmap: 25 bales rags James Lees & Son; 31 bules moss H bbls nhisky 101 bbls fire clay order; 1 case 11 dse W 8 Hanseli As Son. From Havana-1 case cigars H I' & W P Smith; 361 bx» sugar S & W Welsh; 1386hx :76hhda sugar John Mason & Co; 17 bbls 1 crate IrultE 'IsEWFORT, WALES—Bark Island Queen. Brooks -1691 bars railroad iron Philadelphia, Wilmington and Rnlilmore KHCo. _ , _ , MlBBlNA—Brig E A Bernard, Crowell—67l4 boxes lemons and oranges 60 tons brimstone N Hellings & Bro. BAGUA— Bark 8 A Staples. Bt«pleß— 6B7 hhds mola-see 61 tee do 610 hbde Muscovado sugar 31 tea do BfcW Welsh. m akume HUJUUSTIn. POET OP PHIT.AnRT.PHIA—Afeii. 6. tar See Marine Bulletin en Inside Pace* ARRIVED THIS DAT. , Ship Wyoming, Julius, Jr, from Liverpool I’cb 19, with mdeetoOope Bros. . Steamer Juniata. Iloxie, from New Orleans March 20 na Havana fcUtb* with cotton, sugar, Ac. to Philadelphia and Southern Mail Steamehlp Co. Paeaengera from <4a VBna—Mrs V 8 Totcano, Mra M D Toacano. Mra John J B Toicano, Mra C Toscano. Mra J Blair. M Pijarro. J Tosca no. Mrs A Toscano, E Raivail, Mra McCurdy and servant, V BtDto, PCroucbey. D Hart, M Sedaao, Mary Buckley, II Clav, JB V Tupcano. Steamer Diamond Statc.Webb.ls hours from Baltimore, w Ith mdee to A Groves, Jr. , , „ , A . Bark Sarah A Btuplce. Stacies. 7 days from Bagua, wjitb sugar and mtdaepea to 8 <t \V Welsh, Bark jeland Queen.Brookb. 57 days fm Newport Wales, w ith railroad lion to Philadelphia, Wilmington and Bal timore - BR Co, Hathentine White Cloud, Freeman, 0 days fromßatr, in bailatt to Lenuox A Burgeaa ..„ A _ Schr Sussex. Mason, 2 oars from Milton, Del. with grain to Christian <o Co. w - . Schr i£va Bell, Barrett, A days from New York, in bal last to cap»ain. . . „ „ Bchrb Mav. Rackctt, 5 days from New Haven, Steaui.tug America, Vlrdei*. 12hours from tho Capes; brought up ship Wyoming. Yesterday morniug. saw a m.hr. loaded with Boutbern lumber, ashore on Brandy « looblioal—would probably be a total loss: off Bombay Hr ok. tv a email Italian brig, suopused to bo a fruiter. |&~Brig E A Bernard, arrived yesterday fioin Mc&ina, li consigned to N llclllnga & Bro. CLEARED TIIIB DAY. Brig Etta SI Tucker, .Tucker, Rev West, Audenried. Nor ton & Co. Bcbr Mki ion. Hllgard, Newport. da Schr Gen Grant, Hunter. Georgetown; do Schr YV 81 homrson Yntee. Wiwhlngfou, do • c-lw Eva Bell. Hamit. Bostou, L Ahdeuried & Co. Schr Henry May. Rockett, Boston. MEMORANDA. Ship Geo Green, Kirby, cleared at Bouton 3d inst. for New ft oik.with part of bnr inward cargo from Singapore. Steamer Brunette.Howo. hence at New York yesterday. Bark Volant, Caetucr, eleured ot London 22d ult. for ih'f oert. • Bark Waldo.Bnker, from Ardrossau for this oort. which put intp Queen* town ca»lv In January In a loaky state uLd rudder bead injured has been repaired audstrengtb cued, it no returned her vovago 23d nit rtchr 1J unter, Crane, hence at Providence 2d inst. Schr* Ida L. fcearce. Mid Z L Adams, Nicktrson. cleared at Bott n 3d lDBt for thtr port. Schr Goddess. Kelley, from Pawtucket for this port, at Pi ovidt net 2d inst. Schr Revenue (of Providence). Nickerson, from Phlla delpbia for Boston, which put into Newport 2d instant, iu distress, having sprung a leak of 16(fu strokes un hour, w ill. It is thought, require to discharge her cargo of coal to gt t at tbe le»b, which ia thought to be in the centre boiti d box. tr e vessel having been taken out ou the rail v in Philadelphia last month and recauiked through out. iito k Geo Anna. Dyer, from St Johu. NB. for Havana. whs oltmnsted south of Georges, and put into Bootbba> •/' ’v»t She will bo towed to Portland to relit. TO REHX. TO RENT SECOND-STORY FRONT ROOM 607 Chestnut Street. TDLi', .-AFNELOTFOR A LUMBER YaRD; a lost-i ae«* location. The fenco and buildings for sale. jitq.ii.l4l2 fcouth Penn ftquare before 10 A. M. ap&Btfl PATENT OFFICES, N. W. corner Fourth and Chestnut (Entrance on FOURTH Street.) r FRANCIS D PASTORIUS, Solicitor of Patent pfttenu pr- eared for inventions In tho United States audForoLi Countries, and all business relating to the eamo pionpily transacted. Call or send Tor circular on Pat -ips Oil «i s open until 9 o'clock every evonlog. : nr • lyrpft !M>'b IIGKj ON BiSOUI r.~BONt)*B BOSTON BUT ter and Milk Bhsomb ianling from steamer Norman, and for snlo Iv JOB. B UUBBIER CO., Agonts for Bond, lhb Bouth Delaware avenue. APRIL g;iBSV>. BILK DEPARTMENT. HOME R, COLL A D A T & C 0., CHESTNUT STREET ABOVE BROAD 5 THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT DR ESS SILKS BVJSttIMPORTED INTO PHILADELPHIA Embracing every NOVELTY in STYLE and SHADES and all the moel cele brated makes of BLACK SILKB* .' These goods Lave been made expressly for us and with the greatest oare, and we have determined to sell them at prioss that will defy competition* EVERY NOVEIiTY IN TEXTURE AND STYEE DRESS GOODS. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! The Subscribers beg leave fo announce to Iheir CUSTOMERS snd lb? PUBLIC GENERALLY, that their STOCK of GOODS DAMAGED BY WATER at the L/VTE FIRE AT THEIR STORE will be exposed for SALE on FRIDAY April 2d, consisting of TABLE LINENS, TABLE CLOTHS* NAPKINS, LINEN and MUSLIN SHEETINGS, MUSLINS, BLANKETS, FINE MARSEILLES QUILTS, SPREADS, &0., &o. Also, nearly Iheir ENTIRE STOCK of ELEGANT LACE CURTAINS and DRAPERIES, some of tham the richest imported, SLIGHTLY WET, will bs sold at prices to insure their IMMEDIATE SALE, SHIPPABD, VAN HARLINGEN & ARRISON, Linen, Bonse-rnmishing Ily Goods and .Curtain Establishment, 1008 CHESTNUT STREET. apl 6trp9 DUESS PATTEBHs. 1013 1014 THE ROYAL CHART FOR Gutting and Fitting Ladies’ Dresses. J. M. HAFLEIGH, 1012 AND 1014 CHESTNUT STREET, Haw made arrangements with the Patentee in Europe, by which he has Hecnred the celebrated Royal Chart for Cutting and Fitting Ladies* and Chilren's Dresses. This has proved to be the most reliable system for Cut itiog and Fitting ever presented to the public. To each pui chaser of a Drees Pattern one of those Charts will be given free of cost. , _ , mh3l wf m6t EPKNITURIS. dac. FURNITURE. T. & J. A HENKELS, Having REMOVED to their ELEGANT STORE, 1002 ARCH S?., Aro now rolling firet-claos FURNITURE at very reduced ],rices. , , mh3l3mrp6 GEO. J. HENKELS, CABINET MAKER, 1301 and 1303 CHESTNUT STREET. fel BmrpS - • > IBS FINE AB'IB. EARLES’ GALLERIES, 816 CHESTNUT STREET. LOCKING GLASSES, GIL PAINTINGS, PICTURE FRAMES, FINE ENGRAVINGS, CHROMO LITHOGRAPHS. JAMES S. EARLE & SONS. DEWING fUAtIKHNKN. Saddlers, Harness.Madera, Haiiuluc turcrsof DlotUlnjr, Hoots, Nbous.Arc., Will find It toilictr lntercet t; me oar UVRIVALLBD ■ MAtiIUNETWIBTBnUtho -'MUrord Linen fhreafl." Usuufacturod exproeely lor us from the bast material and warranted,a superior artlola. . the iiAUKtt noM) * MTiiiuive u.np t , Manulacturere and Pronriotors of tho BINDER BEWINQ MnviltNGi No, 1 lOGVtlfcS IN P r Street. mv2 lyrp , . i ’ ’ 1103. K. ORBlUAgont."' PREBESitVep TaMililNDtJ.-:t) awii ..Aal'lSipoß Tamarinds, in sugar, lauding and for »alo bv .1 B. BL’SSIKItiS: DO., lOtl douth D i liuviiro mnnic, Are now offering ALSO. JONES’ ONE-PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 604 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA.. First Class Ready-Made Clothing, suit able jor all Seasons, constantly on hand. Also, a Handsome Line of Piece Goods for Custom Work. GEO. W. NIEMANN, Proprietor. BLANK BOOKS. ■ (* The Largest Stock and Greatest Varioty of FULL AND HALF-BOUND BLANK BOOKS. MEMORANDUM, pass, COPY BOOKS, Etc., Eto., To be found in this City, is at tho Old Established BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY OP JAS. B. SMITH & CO. No. 27 : Bomb Seventh Street, PHILADELPHIA. Office and Salesroom, First-Hour. Wnreroonis, Up-Htairs. mh22 nin’fBnirps Pennsylvania Elastic Sponge do. 1111 Ctaeitnnt Street, Philadelphia, ELABTIOBPONGE, A SUBSTITUTE FOR CURLED HAIR FOB AL) A coxJDiii UPHOLSTERY PURPOSES ' . 1 CHEAPER THAN FEATHERB OR HAIR, AND FAF SUPERIOR. Tbe Lightest, Softest and most Elastic andDorable ms It Is entirely indestructible, perfectly clean and free IromdUflt. IT DOES NOT PACK AT ALL! 0 ! Is always free from insect life;ls perfectly healthy* anfl for tho sick is aooquated. , . If Boiled in any way* can be renovated quicker ano easier than any other Mattress. . , ... { j SpeCi FUR^IBHIISo‘oHURCBre:B ! HALLB. Ac. ! Railroad men Arp eapociMly Invited to tne OnslUon Sponge. BF ACr noN GDARANTBKD| i THE TRADE BUPPLIED, i l . • Ivflomwfly} -. i RICH CONFECTIONS CHOGOLATJSNA, - CHOCOLAT I SEAWS, AM ABACK EES. STEPHEN F. WHITM^Wi No. 1910 Market Street. apQStrp OLOTHIH6. ST ATI ONEBi. EIiAbTIC (sPONCiE. ' - it V > IN THE PHILADELPHIA CLOTHING TRADE. TO-DAY, APRIL 5, 1869, . wiul .0pen,..;.:,; THE LABGE BROWN STONE BUILDINGS, ; FIE ST-CLASH TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, ! To be conducted on a largo end gent rone, ret rot crtravagint acsle, forflnjilaq’« o'a*« of nr tdr np Clllhln ta 4 peri' *> thohtadj m .dt t.o.hlug w 1 lch hsa lomirir mot tha demand* of PLiladtlpbla trade; and .or * T" J but Incas that aboil rctnblno advantage* only to bo Beer red In en extensive and progroiilro house. READY-MADE CLOTHING. JOHN W. ROGERS, Head of Department, 7ho majority of our lit'eea' boy tbelr .Clolbea ready roades many inoro.wonld doarlf they could eechro aogrdl in Uriah at fashionable atjlo and finish at* they do io having ihulr giumoats rondo la oroer. Woaeouo reason ah/ b * should not bo oom, aid wo propose to dolt, offi-rlim ;otho publicltt-ady-mado <iothlng,«uit»Dla for tbo (raid rood of any gentleman, cut in etyle, well made.of thu teat material, and elegantly fiuuhed. , GUSTOM-W OR K . CORPS OF CUTTERS. JEAN BFRVAB*Y from Paris, BO mmended by I argrlnutt .of £).-• O' 4 Lent, B.oadway. .S'. V. I*. andeiox, f'< rntcoly Ordrtu . Hag ori s 0 • J, ZACKb.I, - Vo.atari' w b t&it fch.r; 171 . ,u. I'i AYRES, Formerly tvilh Brown * Pong.-. . oid w ir. New Yore, n n we nropoee to coroline all the advantage. tba: cau ne Uueiwi, or that o.u 'lO obtained In any of the first iiierebant tailoring establlßbroenia ot tUn .emtty, Uur ctut.ri.b 11 bo ecUnufio too. fackoowladgld akill tna itT I eat that can DC had cur stock cf Piero t.ooi a shall cmbiacu all tb 1 la Lowest a.c, fioaar, lromonro»n sad . nfiaii n aiketa and shall be more varied and extensive t »an any that hr-* he.etofore o**n fouod la Philadelphia. . boa' who desire It can confidently count upon obtaining the v.ry ueighiof thu euln, Great despatch aud p unctuality in filling all ordera. YOUTHS’ AND CHILDREN’S HENRY GSBEB, Head of Department. Formerly wM> Ily ait, Hageman A Go. hroadiTssy, '. Y. W. —til „i ve .ferial attention!, hi Xlltie C cntltroeo," and will furnish theboya and young gentlemen with clothe, lor home and school wear, ai. 10 all drees occasions. A'i novel!, ain thislmo will bo f oand loour at Kk, and iho roeatest care will bo taken WJ ha the n aterlals uaco and work dune upon tha Children’* Clothing, ttalos- Udlea will bo in a,tendance to wait np .0 auch aa may prefer their acrtlctt. GENTS FURNISHING GOODS. IjOU (8 L. PJBBB 9 , Head of Department. Ftmeily wltb J. C. Arrtjiatrt Our atock In this department w.D be aa fioe >• can be 1 ad. . mbraclog the flnett jrnaUllejVf linen and all under gumenis. collars, cußa. craeats, canei, am Tells.. vallJ.a and ah toilet articlar, and whatever*laegoee tocainpicto a g.nUctnaDV attire at borne or wh.n Lnvcliis. arcve bell.ve that the growth of onr city and the improved taateaof our pcoptoln thiamatterof draw demand irach an cnternrlse and we propose meeting the demaud. Wo bib gto uro uuderuklog a successful and not U nited cape rluuce an aroole rasbeanitah tfaeoo.opeiatlon of the be.t of workmen in all departments, asd a dstennlnat <.h to aJd with the help of all who Me Interested not only 111 ihe comparatively r*,ali matter of -O XJD LILU'I llkd •’ but tleo in the great matter of extending tbo mercantile lote/esta and spbit ofnur city, we iorond mak'oc an establishment which a 111 compare favorably with toe amount of btulheta done, and in tho mauoar of “oleil with any atoll.r concern 10 hew York or any other tiaHol the c-tintry. ... W* ark a altar* of »oor patronaae.eoleiy on the eiounds however, that w„ c .n sopply yom with clothing, either kKADY M ADh or MACb. TO OkDEK. supurtor U stylo and finish, and of a greater vanecy of mon-rial, than can b« TdE BUILDINGS WELL BE THROWN OPEN Foil Tufi HRST TIME THIS DAY, FROM 8 A. M. TO IOF, M. THE ENTIRE PUBLIC ARE INVITED TO EXAMINE. THE LADIES ESPECIALLY, TO BKE THE BOYS' AND CHILDREN’S DEPARTMENT, Which is a Prominent Feature. ri sraormiv, ATTENTION! GENTLEMEN I YE WHO WANT TBE FINEST CLOTHES! We have been making nothing else for more than A. QUARTER OF A CENTURY. Tho Oldest Established House! The People’s Favorite! The Fathers Comiort! , The Mother’*? Delight ! The Boy 's Enthusiastic Satisfaction I. Long as wo have been established, we are continually getting up NOVELTIES* Greet it has betn Ge perfection we have attained, we are constantly making IMPROVEMENTS. Much as w e have done to elevate the standard of good clothes for good m Bn, we are doing, and will 00, MUCH MORE. ! Vasily sa we have reduced th® pr ? o Bif the finest goods, wo are offering bur ■ Spring CoodaLOWER and LOWER. * : Great as are the ibrongs of appreciative patrons crowding to buy elegant ready: i rr ade raiment, end to have their measure taken for. clothe* to order, the number of our customers Is caily becoming GREATER and GREATER. | And, atould it bq 01 r lot to keep on the even tenor efbuf WayM | ANOTHER CENTURY, we shall stick to our original plan of making !V ! j THE FINEST CLOTHES, ■;;% \ TO YOUH BHITIRB BATIBFACTIOW. , ■ . FOB THE LEAST POBBIBLB >, - - • ! amqttet of ..'mobey.i : BST INSPECT, :^ y j rock HILL & WILSO 1 q.RRAT ::: ' STONE HALL vV’-'"-, - mlililU . A NEW ERA JOHN WANAMAKER (Ftrmorly asctsbd by Mourr. Homer, Calladiy * C 0.,) Merchant Tailoring D BPARIME NTS. (Formerly with RoikhlD & Wilson.) 1 SPECIAL. CARD. JOHN WANAMARER.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers