, * i 7\ f; .> i -.1 GIBSON PEACOCK. Editor, VOLUME XXII.—NO. 302; TX7EDDINQ CARDS. INVITATIONS -FOR FAR Vv ' tier, 6e» New styles, MASON A CO., 907 Cbertnut «treat, Va EDUING INVITATIONS ENGRAVED IN THE VrNswwtahd bejfmamter, I/*UIB DHEXA, St*-, e'e-arand EPSr*v«VU33ClU>rtnut»*reet. tebS6,-tt PAVIEfi.—In on tho *4 lnet. Harry F. Davie*. in the Sid yPafof hlsago, • - The relatives and/ikndßofthe family are Invited to t'tcnd JliQ ; feneral.TrOm iho residence of hl« father, ■ Edward 8„, Davie*. Ekj.. in Fntfecown, on Monday;•: Mtih)*t'«St2^>'CkW’kfVM.‘>> DIiNGLIdON.-On Th'irfday evening, April 1, J)r. Bohley Dum-llfOt), In the 72d year of hi* age. ! Thofriend*of tbe family nte re-pertfnliy lnvited to' attend the funeral reivice,, at St. Stephen's Chared, on Monday morning, April S, nt 11 o'clock precisely. It IlOSixlNs.—On Thursday, afnjnjoou.ibe lst lnaU, Edwin a, Ilu/kiur, aged » yean*. ~ f $..., ?\. The relatives and friend* of the family arei rc*poct fnjly Invited to attend me fhnera', from nialate. run I. dcncc,,U3L Filbert street, on Monday aftercoon. the Bib lnet., at 2 o'clock. . * MIDDLETON.—On Thamday evening, April Ist, IJ. p. Middleton, In the 63d jc.ir of hie ae*. Hieielatlvea and frioocH are reepeclfaliy.lavl'cd to nlttnd-'fclS fnncral, from No. t«s3 Cheatpntetreer, pn Mondsyi tha eth Ihlt;, at 11 o'clock AIM. To proceed to VV., lilaiidH Cerreicry. 1 ETBRSON.—On the 3d lnet., at M« lata residence, 1706 Arch turoet, Alexander P«trr?on,Brq., in the 74tb year of hiadge.:'; } t U i Services at the house, on Monday af'ernoon, at 4 oV ock. Inieiment at Smyrna, Ilei.ware, on Tues day, Oih lust. Leave the hanren' 1H «’c ock, for ‘tal tlmore D pot, Bclailvea and frleuda are Invited to aiu*nd. * <■ ■■ ■■ ** ' STOCKEBT.—EarIy tbla-mohi'ng, Mr.'George T. Blacken, In. the 76th vear of hla age. His re'allvea and friend* are respectfully larited to attend hla funeral, from bis late residence. No, 1309 Girard avenue, on Tac-day morning, the 6 h of April at 11 o’clock. To oniceed ft* Gennantovrd. ffy > ' . TIDDV.-At fiialen 1.1.nd,' New York.ntithe ’st ln*t„ Diljlb U. wife of 'Diehard N. Tlddy, of North Carolina, and jimnsrestlthdgbter oftne late Btchird Penn Smith, Ks 4 >Of ihla cny. "' ' "'' Dae no'.ice of the funeral will be given. •• VyETHEKILU—Xhin mtirulpg (AprilM), Isabella Grade WetherilV yoangcat daughter of William aod laabella WoiberUL Tba rclailvea and friends of tbe family are invited to attend hit fnm ral (without farther notice;, tram the residence of Mrs, luabeUa Wetbcrl l. No. IS3S Pina street, on Monday next, the Bth lmt.. at 4 o'clock p jj, . ..... ■ ■ ............ * . WHEATLEV,—On Thamday afternoon, April let, ar er n lung and painfai 111 11 err, BlUabetb A , wile of Wm. Wheatley, in,thcB7inyear of her age , It The lunorni .will latte place from tba residence of her father, Thernaa J.'Beckclt, No. 810 Locitet atreel, on Surday, 4ih in»lan>, at 3 o'clock P. M. * WOOD —April let. Richard D. Wood, aged TO years. IPs fiionds and those of the family arc invited,with out farther notSbe, to attend his funeral, from hla late reeidcuco.llSi'Arcb street, at 10 o'clock on themorn lng of the Sth in«t ' ' - ' WJEFFERfcON MEDICAL COLLEGE, Puiaansi rata, April 8, 1669. inrreat. It baa pleated Almieb'y. Owl to/emore from among Ur, Id tile evening of hla llf*Vand in the fratUtn of n wortd-w lde repatstlim, oar fnead and lata asrocia e, Dr. 8081 EY DUNGLISON, Emeritus Pro- Terror of the InsiUntea of Mealclne lu the Jrfferson Medical College, and late Dean of ihla Faculty; Andtitterau. He was warmlylcodesred tons by tala high social quail'fer, fata Stern lutegrtiy of character, hla anceaaiDg devotion to bie official duties, bis uul fo m urbanity and kindness, and tne great purity of lasllte; Afti tchsrttu. In his death tbe madlcd prof talon, has ■ Lat one of its 'moat learned, xeatohai And exem pt! ry members, medical literature oue of Its moat able prometem, medical science one at Ua. mosf eucceaarit cnßivstdrs, and medical philosophy one oT Its most faiihfnl Interpreter*t Iberelurc.l , Rttolted, That thlsFaculty wUI attend the funeral! of tbclr*late friand and eolWagne In a body, and tbat ote of thslr Lumber lye appuuted Lo deliver, at the opening or >be ntg* aesrion pt the Collegs, a dtacoarao ntonateplaaodeharacter., •. . KetoltfA, That a copy of tbareproceedlßgt.autherm caied by (ho slenaturu at Jt>» Dean; be IraoytnlttSd to the family of the defeated,' with tbe expression of oar heartfelt sympathy In tbelr tiereavement; argl that the aame be pobin bed Ua . the different pipers and In the itt u Medical .!«> mas of this city. / v, -V SAMUEL HENRY DICKSON, M. l<s Dean of Faculty- . SPRING GLOVES—FIRST QUALITY ONLY. _ b F.YRB & LAN DELL rOIJHTH AND ABCH. KFKP ONLY TBR BEST GLOVES. hr/ . SIZES FBOM UTot • ■- »ris<jiAi. Nirrium. : tki SattA Paotjor AdjlU, br4chvrrrd«tl;>V'M Aprilfffthk bfr tt leKCuioi;#*;# i> textor# o» ha^'SJjoim, porPurgery. fcpgatrp* LONDONr-BprkUrd*, ftitrkau-j&OW .;bn Iron 6 9 pl.temxltttNßjtorftOo; I c*»'todjd KelUi'OrOo; Woo pi»ieitddXlftWj* AEm3Mubh£ 'VenmJ 40 kzs%n*« lick KSe»l»r ft Co:87 pk*»mdw Picnch. Kichird* ft Co; SB do Ho>cog»rt£» ft dop»;,lt>l».d» Powers ft .Weirhtmtn ; SI do N Lraidat 88 tf» HrowU.afitp>«y ft Co; jEekowtao W'sjdm Kteno ft Co; I cveplj, fleets p Ba*y; S pk*<, rDd^oFft'nigsi.nßdoO PftG QC*nnlg; dbirtapfckle* °OA«DENAft-Sckr MurJOjColllai ‘Bndrctitt-BWhhdJ moltuta 15 U* do O W Berpadcu ft Bro. ■ jhabise bcxjuktin. POST OF PHILADELPHIA-A rsn. 8. tar Be* Marta* BuUettn mbusme foot* ’AKkiVku 'rbJ» ireV Bark Ur** (Nor*). BJcrka** 60 day? from Loadoa mdre toC PftOti übu.ir ' Balk Colon NO), eci uette, 8 day* from Savannah, iu balia»t to liarjep Brea*. * / . .• j ' ! f H*ik Marion (br;, Williams, fU days from Liverpool wltb*dwWfMfcr,WU|btd««w. - ... -•> «' • defer teaiy O CoUmr, fcudicott, 10 day a from Carden** me*aa*e» te4>'ViburpadouA Ibo.. - s , - , • Hriir./ W flay* from New York.with ieiuo to captain, ; j •, . 4 i * Qcfir (iliviai.Fox.il day, from Oderax, Set with drain to JaeSßoßh** B!eimerßrunotto.lloH«. N@«r s VorS, .John.FOUL .... Brig Hitiooaa, Leighton, Ufenfuego*. Madeira; & Canada BchrWanrJonraon* bbmnof. Lynn* nudeaned, xiorton fito. 2 ,r\ !. •; f ~ ' Scnr W B Thompson. Cato*. Washington* BcbrKodruo. McL-u*hnr. froifotk. Behrd t; Mceholn. Gibba. Geoigctnwn. \ do . Bchr Bertha Bonder. IN oocufr.lOlllsbd. ScotC.W-vlter&Co Bchr ftofth Ernckwo, *iip«ui£u|, “i- do ( Cort'erpondencedfthePhliadeli.bla Ex^hanie. o ('!. . U WEB. Du. Aonl 1-d PM, , Bark Dana Queep. from Ncwopii,;:; pr;* A>b*tro)«. froui-MutoDcao.’uud»batkeD(tabunkuo*'U.*ltfor Phil*- Juplila. arrivedpiCUelj«pe« ti-d»y, ,-BrU Johndander . «OE. (com Philadelphia lor Matauaiu. wont to Boa to-day. ■ Yoniß,4c. “■ v. JOdKtrji LAFEIUa. Steamer Fanlto. Bleati.er PfuußTlvotda tUr). Ualt, cloArea-at No ar kerk yeeterdav for Livci pool;* ft \\,t e ~v,j V \ , PiNA Steamer AtaJ at la (Br),T)lkon. »t Now'York ! BtealuerKuropo <» r,,X>u&rt.> clearedat-New Vorkyea tcrday fotHayra via firtut, V w ■•-a ( j Bark Undß. r leu-lng, ht Gardenia, sith'UlL fpt a port\ °Batka Idniltflfe, and'Nok both hirthla porffpemilneif aP Newport. Etta. SOihlneL 4. u BrlgGoorfte Harris, French, at Gaidcnaa 14th ultimo (orttiu port. , -I , r,. rr ■> ->■ brig dV Merrick, ghepard, at Catdenaa SOtn ultimo (oraportnoithof Hattpiraa. 4, ' : ....... _ *,« tjcbre Rtacue. Kelley.trpra Beet op lor tnfa port, and,) AnnaMay.'May. Bomefwt iffir.do; (taaed;ir6c|i,NdWlN.rt . Bchtseca Nymph, Conley t GeoFoJee. UttlcvindSfA" BoyreiVatea. nance at Providence letlnat,' '* ' J scbraOnrufit. Ileath. and; Fly. Canor, hence at East Greenwich Irt met, .-ti p „ , .. „ Bchia B B Wheeler Llojdt R W.TIIUon, Ltldlam; DS MeiaboD. Myera; F W ll white, rimltii.brnco tor dalom; Ann Uarlet, WeatoD. do forßolia»t:.4|:Bjpelman, steel man; N A McGaban.Galll G'ESniitQ.’Haneon; -Feaßio B Smith, WMlaina; M V Cook. Falkenber.il; B B Bhaw. Hickman; ft I.Simmons, Gaudy;WG Berilolt, Bartlett; A V Boraen, Thonip-on; L Manl. Brawe/. do for Bolton; Ma>y Price, do for Ply mouth ;;E. O/WUlard. Parsons, do (or Port laud; Clara Datldeon, JefTeta. do (or Lynn, and Hiawatha. Lee. do (or Ndwhnryport, at ilotwei* Hole Ist instant. Brhra Latreriine. Butler, from Marion forthis port, and LotUeHeardj Perry,’ (rom Blihtnn for do, nailed front NewportBMt tilt 1 '■ “• •••.'••<*> •••:; non ■io »»•;>- •««<£ , Bclir M &l Metrymah, Babbltt-hcnoe at Dlghton Ist Inst. ■BtOE XN VALJD3.—A ! VINE MUSICAL BOX! AS‘ A A 1 eompimlOD.tor the etok’ chamber; the fWeatdaeort. mhlg tfrp • DSlCliratnuPstreeh bllewFowiK.' DEB MOPES. , i 1014 WAIiSTOT STREET. ; / . MB3. PROCTOR. ■ 'WalklDgßulta.Blltoii' ■ 1 1 Prew Goods, WoSbawls, :i, , ~ , ;]:.v ~y. - - V; ■>, ■ I -i; , • j ' atffl LMW Dieoea made to measure In Tirentr.fonrHOT^.^ ■ ■■ ' ■ ■ 1 ■■' :'i^ ; t rrr hETTEB FRO9I WASHINGTON, Grams Smssps itie ueclc—Nomination* I roaring’into tbs senate-Thc Uemo ! cmialiOpliig fora Veio, but will be i lilsuppvtotod-Tbo He mo vat a In riiltnaclpbla—Tire Cliungea Nearly, ; all Couipleled—rbiludelpbla hdvjr Yard Horkmen on me r.lghUhour luw- Cellvclor Henry U. Moore, .:(Corrc>rendeiic»«f the Pblta. Evcnlns BcDettnl Wasiiimgtoh, April 2,1809. —The avalanche of homlpations 'wh)£bfpdttrc3 into the Senate to day, created very general surprise, os few ox peefed the Prteldenl would go into snch removals by wholesale tilt be bad sent in bis approval of tteafnemled clviLierinro bill to both Houses of Cocgrpa. The large nurooer of removals made, bowcyeK yery, clearly shows that ho isdetermloed to he in accord wilh Congress, no matter whether fbe ttlll’iiist'jfSEsed meets,' r hla Views fplly of pot. ( XbejDl-uioerste have been cbnchllng all day oyer the j>ro*pect of a veto, which they hopo will come In fiom the Prerldeiit, bni there Is not rnttcb dafcgetr of'tbatj'tiulecs It sboold bofoand tbe act is sns'ytpiitilo of .a double coustrhctiod, and if tuch ü be j; tuij ; :ca'fe t ,'„,'tben; . tbo 'Presplaol will be. jnstlOcd. In . asking Congress, to still furlher anitljdH. jWhlch.wm be cbeerfally dona. L ‘•riiti' t’Hltla.iißLPHiA AtpotfiTiiasTa., Tho . nomiLuitoh of John. 8.. Kenney, for Asst etor,' FlrepDlsiricV was. expected,: as u was, known be waa'thocbntwof Mr. Secretary Bond Tbe Colleclorship of the First District is not (citlid jet, bring still under consideration. In the Second District, William R. Leeds will vncoidJobn H. Diehlaa Collector,and la the Thlid.GtorgeC. EvaDß will takeZalick'S place. ' T bis completes all r (he, .changea ln„ revenue officers that niU probably he made at present lit tbe fitbi four districts, excepting the Collector ship of the First J3j9itlci, rytilehj will be 'decided nry poou. TheAi-flftant-TreaßUrership was awarded to George Eysfer/of Chambenburg. said to be a tf lative of Synafor Scott. Goodrich was. made jutvtf dlvesi tbe luterior districts a fair rrptcscntalion In the Federal offices in Fnila dclphta. rf- ! "! '.v 0 i,: ' 1 be Marehaishlp is BtUl In donbt, with a lively Letter Promt be Agent of tbe Yankton tlcui -i (illicit! »iatt>-of AHaln | I'bretttened IJLiuwcrt oI tfblica. Washington, April 1, 1869.—The following Slier has been forwarded to, the Commissioner <f lndlanAffaire, byihe agent -fOr the Yankton iioux, in rtlation to the condition of Indian luatlerstuDacotab; . --u-.’ t- ,n:s Washington, .March 29, 1869.— 8 an. W. ■ G. Taylor, Comaittitmer of■ ladiaa Ajplirj—Slß: i .Qi in receipt this da; of a letter (tommy brother./ who is in charge of the Yankton agency daring uiy Bbsence. He writes nnder date of 21st lost, os follows: - "Dear Brother— l received your letterbox - the 14 ih lost, last evening. It finds ns all well. In itlaiion to the condition of things in the conn try since my last letter 1 have to lniorm yon that we nave bad some excitement, occasioned by some i oving war parties. Last week there was a party of nine hostile Indians, who came to onr village and said they were going to nraronHie Pawnees. Cor interpreted saw them and advised them not io go. They said they wpttld turn, hack, bat that. bey were very hungry'and if I would give them something to eat;lhtO’,Wonl<L abaijdonji.thelr de ign. I gave them some flonr, sugar and coffee, a hen they (crossed ih'erlvef po' the Hritcfaman'*,'’ •pat lives thp; and de 'mandtd jP^Ml^jV, VWh J t turn . .hearty a- eyeiything i v .■imkkadbad ip hiifacueftto aave hls utc, and they thenwould JtJffiJl»ajeQl«*fflie filLjejgiEJsa&M whom the interpreter, sept.over .to fats; relief or • rived in. time to prevent it and drove them off . they stdle five horses and” started for Fortßan dWipol tbe/Mirsourt fiver. ArflVing titerblfafey? called on Colenel Oh tmbeTS.eommanflOr 'of' the' ..oat, and begged him for provisions. The Colo nel gave .them something; to ,e»W wben.they -lartedon tip the country; bb f‘ near tbe fort they tell in with a email petty of soldiers who were en gaged in getting 8 load ofwOSd: ‘They fired on the soldiers, kiiUpg the one driving the team of • t*w> j»i<ttsr4 Indians took the six moles and proceeded up to La Plata, when they kflleiLep vea of his oxen and .ben made gdbd their cscape, aitho&irfffhdy were pursued, twelve ...ox fifteen milea by ifae. -oidlem froto .Fort-BabdalL Yen: will remem oer the Indian that shot at Old Strike some years ago. He gampi here a day or two ago; be was armed with bow and arrows, a email axe and t. revolver, which he woro ahdearried, naked and ready for instant nee. » Ho ibid oar Indiana that when tbe grata was eight inches high a big coon- , cli oC.’ailahe hb&d-chiefs and; soldiers ofali the different tribes, were, lotnect at .some place be aten here and Fort Bully, end then ho'would know whether three pf onrchlefs* Medicine Con, iVbile Swan and Deloria would stand up to What they aaef egreed to—thatls,;-unless the government furnished what they wanted they would "drive Blithe wbltesout oftheir country, as they- termr lr,-meaning'this country. Now, oiy brother, yon know that I am no coward, and that 1 may ae weilT die’ here os .by where; bUt I feel that- lit is due id the white people, employes on ibi§ agency, that yOH make a request for at least part of a company of soldiers for the protectiou oi the whito lambics here as well as for tbe secu 'liyoflbe government property. You kaow (bat the force at Fort Randall is no protection to ■ib. . Only yeeieiday odo of onr lodlans. told your •pntbai Ihey intended to kill O.d Strike and then (five all ihe whiles out oflhlacsUntry. Onr in vrpretcr Bays ho novel 1 , In the .thirty! years he uas iivtd wlih these Indians;has known; sueb e upstlle feeling as they howminifest all along the vjiftouri. Ttll Colonel PatriCk,wHcn you bos ;i|m,.lhat there is danger Of( trouble at the’ White- ■ -(one agency. Fifteen ,of, hisklndfanYiarrivedr ■ btmrtlvcs a day or two ago and. went round to 4 ibe bouses and'demandea Whisky; not findlog ity they fired off their guns: in tho houaea aed .-aid they, would • kill three white, meg .on the lgeney, one.of whom is the doctor, who is left .beie in .charge by Generpi Harney. [The fbr'egplng, lepk'thy pxifact froia ifiy bro ther's if Itct fully explains the critical and dau i;rroliB coDhilion of our Indian affairs in D icolati, .Ed I implore, you to press ,thls subject again upon lhe oftention of lijo department and Cou aress. It may now eveD be too late to prevent a i rightful 'massacre of the defenceless settlers upon ibo border. I beg yon to ask formilltarypro idetion immediately.for the Yanhton agency, and (hat yon will once more attempt tosbow to the Congiess.ofithe United States the absolnte neces sity there Is of appropriating a: sum sufficient to keep tbe Yabkton Indians from starvation. ’■ In this connection I deemit my duty'to giVe (be reason for oil this dissatisfaction and ibroatrned trouble. "The Yankton Indians are' djesnUsfied because, tlroy affirm; they are entitled 16 se good treatment by Ote government as thoso obnds of Sldtix with whpm lhd recent Peace Com mission treated, as.l nave often stated to the de partment in thelr behalf. , They hove never violated a,treaty obligation. They have furnished -oldlirs to fight the battles of our coaotry; both m the snppreesiofi pf the rebeliloo and to fight tbtir' : own - • relatives, their hostile 8m tee Sioux of Minnesota. . These things they remem her and blttiFiy complain of when in the agouy and .despair of, unsatisfied ; hunger. In regard to the dlsaOhetlon of those bands of Slonx recently ■ brought from tbe North Platte 'and the neigh borhood of Fort Laramie, and located near .the ... Dowutao pur.es. . YaDkton agency, I understand that they are dis- Havana, March 22,1869. • ' satisfiid with the management ofthe Government Among some who are friendly to the Captain* with them, and that the delay In oomdlytugiWUh General there Is a palliating , idea that by killing the treaty on .the part of the Government pauses one man who wpuld-bave'. hoea pat to. death In: them to Miluvo that they'have been deceived into i. spite of him, he saved other lives’ beside his own: leaving tbiir old homes. The rqmedy ;for all. When aU premises urg so, wrong as .they ...gepe iblsevirfe'siillln the hands Of the govanunom, Orally are In Spanish . provitlces,, perhaps thore Ij trust; but It may even now 1 be too late to'pro is a comparative It nth io thle;bot to Northern ; vent si horrible massacre of ; tho defencelua-set* lookers-on there was little in the Exebatlve crisis.tiers upon thofaorder. - : herethataman of high moral courigijmight ' iTfaerompy.yet botimo,,ifthlsCongresssCaiijbe not have ridden over rough shod. Oa eo areoH-ddo tbe immeuse importance of..- thl£ bulh' has,still, the, credit of,. J ,,b(iiuff. r mtore r . humane Ject the muidoroftheaefaiicOlesssef-i hla lilddwbohaiiebeeußOnlSh^ji'.ilersontbo.lmfder.TheromedyUliitliclflfahd^', onbctwecnlieo.-1/anroaa; of Phila delphia, atid John Hlesland of Lancaster. "lbc Directorship. of ll,e &l,iDl will be given to ex-Uo'veiiioi:Pollock, Whenever bo wants II TUB (EW COLLECTOB OF TOUT, Henry U.Moore, E?q , *u down to-day, sworn ■n, and received bis commission, and will enter on bis duties on Monday,. Tbe number of ap plications lo lhe CoDKreßsmen bere. asklng them to ute ibtlr Influence with Collector Moore to procure placed for Uie applicants, is ooprece tedtetJ, and letters by thehußdrid are received dally, and scarcely, opened or; read fur want of time. TUB WORKMEN AT TUB rBILADXLFHIA RAW A delegation of wotkmen from, the Fhlladel pbia Nary Yard waited upon Secretary Boris, to day, asking him to cbaDge tlie: rale.recently. adopltd, of paying only for eight hoars’ labor, instead of ten, ..Which tbey had paen receiving 1 under S<cntary Welles. They claim that the law - contemplates that they shodld .be paid nagestoreight hourß.labor as far ten previous to tbe postage of tbe elgbtrboor law.. Secretary . Borio aseand theta' that'lie sympathised with - -ibeotpbotihattbpoidercotpplsicedaf wasisaaed. onder “a legal constrhcUbo of .thsfewjdiEareot from that taken Ire his predecessor, Dot (bat It abODidrecetre famercarefalettattiii>tUon,'i&nd. that if the Solldlor .pf, the .Department should dtcide that tbe ' coßttriictlon of the law natnmed by ihs. wpihaJCT eras ; co.i7pct, theo ho ,W(ihld chei rtnily secede to Iheir request Tbedelegatlon after hr ird» Wafted on’ Gen. N P banks, with whom thfi had a very pleasant . interview. Gen. B. assttred them of his warmest sympathies; and 'said l bd Relieved ‘they wert hh-’ tilled, pnder the eiifhMiour law,’ to tbs samo pay they formerly rectived tor ten houfs’ work. , ...rgsaovam , - Assessor Wm. 8. Stokluy, Second Dlatrict was here to-day .on internal fevcune ,bnslness. As sessor Barrett, ’Fourth District. WU dotnr on the tame bnslnesa early Jn, the week. ~ ~ :J> /t .St I gflapnintawwa. GDBt. Oulce and 111* Volnoteers—Proclama uana una iiaiulexaa. The Havana correspondent of ihe Hew York , TnOmwg eajfc »" J i A'.t Judge If it la cot the deposition of a Captain- ' General, echooled ln Spanish ware, to lcad each men as ibp vqluuttera rather than be dragged by them. Occetbey orltd’,“DieDulce !” according 10 credible report, hot nobody, was shot for: Il Now (be Optaib-General issues a proclamation congratulating tbeni upon the events of Sunday nnd /laUeriuK them iQafearfuiand.wonderfpl way. He adjures ihem to be “aU for iitbe law,’,) bnl os we bare : seen, tbo ,law, is all btod. The admission is almost expressly made ■n this address that, bqt lor him, the Fernando tVpiisonere might have all beea’pat to death consider, then, the nature of the clemency of (be Spanish authorities hod it in their,hearts to ezeicise .towdrd Cuba, when it U s piece of lack. e« njpaiaitvoJy, tbut they get sent toFcrniado Pq and the summer heals of the Afrleau col at. Not all Spaniards conceive, the address ot tbe Captain-General to be Id good.taste; but here tl is; . f copies of the Island of Cuba: I have fulfilled my t>,oid loyou. 1 have offered justice to yo« aLd prompt Justice, and the entire population. ol tieruno .has yesterday witnessed one ot tnoso . itriible. epictacles, which; although they make uarueally, tremble, are necessary Jo especial ino mtuts.snd when treason raises the flag of exter mination. Two unfortunates, instruments of ' hidden movers of rebellion, dated to pronounce seditious dlie, contravening seandulpualy,in the.light Ql day ihd' rollup orders. 000 of- them, against whom the proofs were clear, has paid with his lilt f r his crazy temerity. > - -, .. r And wbat moment whs it that was chosen for so areata scandal 2 ,Just that moment when the, g. Dtroslly of the'Supreme Government of the nation, by means of an .overstrained resolution, the responsibility of which I heebpt, pat la se enrity iflo existence o£ so inany others, not less culpable, perhaps, but more astute,’ as mere ac customed not ilo break plcdges whlch mlght draw upon ihcm tho euvcrfiy of the laws. Notable example of criminal logrhtltado !; ; , t ? i Volunteers! Your prudence was yesterday the solid cement pf public order; your discipline will be ttf-dAy a vlgoroad Clement, making uipfo ro bosl the ncdtuilnisbed prestige of the authority. To the merit df tbernllltary servjbCb' which,with out weartng tho unifdrrh of' o soldier, you are lending,to our counlry, addnow witb, pride the honor!,bio latirel of good cltizenhrprfijectors of t roperty and.family. .' SpaiD, our mother, Spain, in the dlfllcultand perilous crlsis of au Inevitable regeneration, thanks you. ' ' " ■ : Vein uli ere, believe iu tbe word of a soldier a hose blood has run many times in defence oi cur country. All for the lsiw. Your confidence does not tail mo, and tbe flag of Spain, When ended this strife oi ungrateful sous against a generous mother, shall wava more bril liantly, and illustriously. • ’ '. p Spaniards all—Live Spain. PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, APRIL 3, 1869. 6r who may come—Caballero do Bodts, for In stance. yesterday, to avail, himself to the utter frost of, a political opportunity, be.reviewed all tbe volunteers on tbe Prado. Tito papers,' with one voice, say that Dulce and tbe volnnteeraare reconciled, and that never were such soldiers as tbe volnuieeie, and-not many Captaln-tkraerals like Dolce. Tbe address which be made to them Jtfbtdpy on,paradelappend: <v-.-T;',f ; Volunleeis, the' difficult circumstances which son e lime otto beset tbls province,' an Iniquitous rebellion menacing- Iblfnot triumphant, and the special attention'which the state orthepublitxad ndnlsirailon claimed trom me, did not permit me till now to battalions. ■, - s - Volnnteers. my Jurprisebas been groat. I fe licitate yon upon your brilliant organization, and I feilcliale (be country,.becante.lt coupis among ibe comber of lia armed defenders, tnen.llke j oniselves, wbo,. lt waniing In veteran hablta < Dly,lQ-be- acquired ,ip the .life of campslgne i> avotrieseha w>a tbe Sense loft the ."national > dig nity end tbe consclentions sense of duty as Span iards. No peril can ever Jeopardise tbe integrity of tie national territory. £be pendop. of Castile, will never be trampled, t£f (bore bands .who ieek,i in pillage and incendiarism, their present security 4*i ib«;Msrtol future^, : a „ r 1 Volunteer! rTf starry diy the circumstances or 'be necessities of tbe moment oblige yon to abandon yeratjhearths, and presentyoof; breasts'? uncovered to Ibe balls of tbeenemieaof our equa lly, I promise you, itaat hfl wbl cede to no ooe the nonor of commanding yon. Your CaptnlQ-ISsu i|ai Domingo Dolce. i 1 here are no opinions in j Havana concerning tbls specimen of heroic literature. Men smile, apd sowo-wink} acd-some.fbske tbeirbeadsp-anct : »;gfeat ll msby-ea^, , tibtblB!g.* a Thu'" newspjperir Write a fit-ice or pompous both, as usual, If you «jill allow that expressive; word. Bat tbe trnlh is that Dulce Is not, essentially, any belter than ibe rest of, bis kind. t He baa quite gone over to the voiunfeerj; trbdtheiwaf Isfiobe managed: on volunteer principled, the nature of whlcd you :chow. OtJK laouw TBODBLES otEWHoiE Country, and I implore yon in tbo name of justice and ba manify.lo nse every ioflaence at your command to stay, tied, If possible, ptevent this threatcocd destruction. < 11 have the honor to be, respectfully, your obe dient servant, P. H. Cohqko, ■■ United States Yancton Agent Long, leng. aao, wben a Philtdelpbla gentle man wanted a coat, tbe coarse of proceediog In volved lb . becoming possessor thereof , was at-. - undid wilb mucb vexation of mind and expendi ture of -precious time and hard-earned money. Tbestepstobe taken were as follows: First— lt was tictesary to go to.a cloth store, or a general dry gcods store where cloih Was kept for sale, and Beltct from whatcrer might ho on band such "8 might-suit him. Many and many.a tlmo.dld-a naan' hive io take bis wife, bla wife's sister, bis ann.li 1 blfl mother-in-law. and' ’other-. relations;' • I'bei* singly : dr collectively, to help’' him!--. pass v -judgment ■•on ' ttib color, he. 'texiurcq .the mutability, or ibe. jzonoral -lyleci lbe fabrics offcred Jor sale. Often.did < te candidate for a new coat have to, visit twenty ’ •n,;»'tf'pr more estah’irbmeuts to get such cloth as wcrrffd shit him, and often did be corns bonne at • ycn-WoS, bringing to tbe sharer of bib joys! Sad' bis? sorrow*; a pocket full of three-cornered crapßiklndly famished him by the people, who warned,to Jell bim tbe cloth, Sometimes , the c,»m« a and.priccs attached to these.pattern scraps wonld geypose, or become mixed, and then tbe whole, Work of seeking stub pies aud,as certain log prfMSfwcnld bave to be more over again. 1 ’ i Tfcevsorfc of ; eelectldn Of - a Bultaulematerlal having been laborlously accodopltshed.ttre next ’ -upwas to take the goods to tQe . tailor's to be made,into a coat fiat here was newtroableaod mojre ot It-. Who sbaold make tbe coat? .Only abbut' one tallor In filty, knew, bow to cat and fit a coat.so as to make the wearer look ulbtfwlsc.lhan Jibe a ectrecrow, Ii eeldom bap-- pened tbSt Aman would go a second time to tbe 6ame lallor,and iho botheration was whom to go ,'O next lime-! All tbe man’s .relations and ac-r ; qualntsppej had to be. asked.. When, at last, a ciuppatent artist In cloth was fpnnd, tbe victim of "(be 'edit bad td‘go and be measured lor'lhe garment. Tbetaifor would takedowtlthe ligores bf the measure, and promise to have tbe uoacfiblrbed by a certain day, which -generally Lursed ont to be avery uncertain one. Yon were, never certain when,yon were to get jpnr, coat; nor was ibeiejny cenaidly about it,, at ail; bul here was a large probabUlly that ltwonltia’i fit. Tbe tailor fold yon to calfheit Wednesday week, he had pot it cut out?'and basted together, ibatbemlght try It on you. Whenyon called,be would tell yon to call next Saturday. Who, at - last, be finished it, be seemed, to nave made it -ofier. the measure'cither of yonrcorpnlent grand iniber, or else. ,ifu-t that, of your lean next-door neighbor, wLo Is as (bin as a pair of tongs, rafidravrerevery clever, though, about these Ut ile accidents; and never refused to make 7 another coat, If you wanld lake them some more cloth. It is fanny t° think bow long people, endured tbls troublesome, tedious and expensive efyle of netting tbpir clothes. A demand arose, for a diifcrent"way offurnlshlng masenliiie garments. The idea dawned on the minds ol some folks bat they-might as well bay theiS coats, ready made.jcstss (hey bought tbelr hats. > floipe cheap fsiabliehmenls gradually arose for tbe fnanufaciureacdsale of a coarse and.ln .texiprveijle of clothes. Bat .gehtlemen ,wbo wanted' good raiment found no' teUet’from ‘ -• •' 1 ■■■•■ '' - ; BockhUUb .WHsonwera mnong the .ileve enfieficg maohind from their difficulties in ihls reepecu - At thevery qommencementof their -tiutlnes* in 1841, they Mmed at fornisbing-their paifons with a enpetior style off raimeht,-:at the most moderate pffces. Gentlemen fpnnd, that it : ~ was better to go to Bockbul & Wilson’e and buy ,an elegant snitof elotbes ready made; than to eo through the - experience' we have -narrated, only. to;, find it .tedious, unsatisfactory, and costly. ~. , i ■ ■i, . HockblU <fe Wilson soon took iho lead in sup plying the wants pf ihe best men, in the city and Us vicfnUy; and'by:clo3e'Attentldn' to business, . and a consuntcamlng out of their determina tion to give v tiSPb<ottst6aer the worth of his money,-.sobn'teaebMl the pOslUon thev have ever sldcc neldjss tbelfirtl .clothiers of Philadelphia. Thtir eltgaqtpUeof firpwn stone, la.Gbesiuut ureet, aboye 4wm stooef since 1^56,a monn - mefit or tbtir ability and snceetß in giving the people exactly wbat they want' fiiegaifcp - ol styld, faultiessness of flt, and a per fect adaptatiOn, of-the kind ot goods and cha racter of material ta the person of the wearer, so as loensarpa ,tout enaemble of, the utmost gen iliiy and beauty, are 'among the characteristics of ibe ganncnts which havo made Bockhlll & WilsonsojqStly.popnlar, We neeo only “dd that a visit to the elegant nalesrooms of this firm will repay all gentlemen wbo desire a vlew of some-ol the most elegant things in clothing that bare ever been ofieicd to.ihp,public;, A tree and-foil -examina tion Is ipvited, and gentlemen are desired to make lull comparisondl the goods at the Great Brown Hall with stiyinlng elee in town of elsewhere. J, smart mtl’a View* on tUc Aineri i«au livll Service, Tbe following letter was received recently by a gentleman in New York, from J- Stuart Mill: br-M-KHEATn Pabk. Kent, Marco 11, 1839 Dear Sirs Immediatelyon receiving your letter ,if January 19, I wrote to Sir CharlesTravely .n, ,vbo is the,principal author of Competitive Ez m iuation-as- applied to tbe Uivil Service lnEug (aiid onu lndia.y peat bnco nndertpoki to write o you, uqd to furnish voa with, .oil the inform*- (iou Id bis poWcr. ahdT tiresome be,has done so nelore this time.' The question seoinß' to me, if possible, cvtn more lmportabt lh the! United States than Intitl® chantry, , Ihavolong thought . .bat the appointments to office, wiibdut regard to qualifications, are the worefrsldo of American pt what is justly complained Of/Jb their' . practical opera tion, and ibb principal hlndrandb’ to the" corruc- Icu cf wbat Is anjleB;.as weiraa a- cause of ill repo te to democratic ihbtlttfuons all over the vorld. If appointments were given, not by pp- r itlcsl tnllueiicrr.'but by open competition, tbe practice of tnmingioat the holders of office, at every ebsage, in.politics,.ln order to reward par tisans. would necessarily cease, and with,it nearly nil the corruptlop and the larger half of. .the vlr •1I1 tee of there paj-tV’cbnilict. I have been de lighted to see tnat ; #r. Jenckes’ nieasure ‘ meets 1 with increasingt J pnppprt from disinterested opinion, thongh lt will have to enconhtor tbo ut tnnsi hostility from tbd professional politicians who are .tbe great pervertere of freo govemment. * * . ■. J- S. ; MILL It is a noticeable fact of the'lost two or three: months that whatever the weather may ‘have been daring, thoi week, Sunday bait invariably come to us with itb most smiling face and gentle aspect. ‘>(- ! ( ':■■( , ; V , , ■ UoweTir wintry tbo week-days, the last two or three Sundayahavo kiven us spring in earnest, sDd many a man and bey his been vexed with blm telf that he had not secured his spring salt. With Ahlch to replaco' the nnscusonabte and shabby overcoat and winter-dress'. <BO we take the lib erty to suggest tbat aJI sneh. chagrin be saved from to-morrow, by the purchase to-day of a new suit, ur.at least,, a fine spring overcoat, at Wonamsher &, Brown’s QakHall., . ~ If you b»ve been' in the habit of haying your clotbykinade to order,‘yob 'Ml)" be surprised to find bow fibo a class of clothlng they sell ready— uiade-cqnsl in every respect, ond far-cheaper: ihon the custom-work of many of oub bebt mer cbant’tailois: ■■■■ : —The New Orieiuja papers aro ln love with MrskBeaitffilSdbps.fi Jpa Bosalind, shecharmed; . them;'* iTm&s&tofo pays tV f‘Wl'th|eyep lllie a: .some, ypiqe .pps^guejlq, ; mMipw,ißim,e.qftmed r .preoiqejy the pwftpp.Ao,, S D%pJp tn,Jhe fai»p,*pb, (Ardennes,-antt-theroipfas<anata;JaotaUße,-. tease and bewllderjh^.'pingularfeooletyfatahailftaUw i, . J’ r i- r ,, I'i . ;, . , , . ;- ; - The Poet untrtlio Present. ABWINEOIENTB. nn rxornxTß at run aojllßhy. —Mr. MatetzoU ) mom than fulfilled tils promleato ‘ produce Mejcrbeert hi Praphite in handsome stylo li wa* 1 laced np n tbo stage of ibe Academy of Music, last evening, in « manner worthy or tbe noblll'y aud the lofty character or tbe work. Too opportunity f u display is nnastrally.large, bnl.ln every acene Ibatper ; milted it, tbere was a pomp and splendor and mtgalfi emee such as we have rarely seen in the Academy Xu (he fourth act tbe Interior ofacathedral la represented . Tbe stage is set with the altar; In tbe, perspective, ap proached by a series pf, steps rising up tbe nave, which la Amass of columns and fretwork aud architectural , devices. A. { rocession, composed of tirurea In, plctur eiqne and nicely harmonized costumes, enters, and ciorses the stage mnid groups or w usblppors, to tbe rjtffm of censers swdbgby altar boys. ' Tne cathedral Is filled with briUisntiigblf, shining througb tbu fra . grant mist of *he Incense,and bringing out lutobj'dre . lief Ibestfongly contrasted figures In their many colord ‘ dresses; w> ile tbo majestic tamale of ,be orchestra and ol the full brass band ewe'epe Irr a flood of sabllmo t ar ■ mony around and above tbo scene add giVesdt a soletai' nltj which was ltadescribably .lmpres.ivo/ This la the greatest Mage effect ever produced Id the Acadomy.and it well deserved the cmhn-lastio applause besiowen upon It. There was another noticeable scene,—are. presentation of a frozen lake, on wb)cb merry skatep, cvojuled wirb various skill, while, in the foreground, two ballet; dancers, in chilling costume for tne open, wintry air, dleported themselves In an exgiilslt ) .dance. Bn tell ol lire scenes are good,,—they are cred.' jliable.to, the msnseement and to tbe taste and artistic .spirit of the gepilemcn by yvbom Ihey yvorp arranged. And Ibeoperadeservesallthlsadorqment, andmore, After the Huguenots, it is the greatest wiirk of thd mott-dramalic ctampbret, . Thirteen arduous years we/e expeufied ln' its elaboration, and it cami u6Pn tbe stage in 1649 a work complete in all its parts. Its conception lsdofty and Inspiring, Sufi not 1 only is its ‘elevated character sustained throughout, bat hya series’ of wonderful cllmaxes lt Increases In sublimity and iiiiens'jytbronsh tbe eurceedlog acts, until it reaches lie ttallest glory In the closing scenes. Tbe tueme is -gloomy and terribV, almost 10 pain mines* Froraflm tr last it le an nwfo! tragedy, in wideb fanaticism, re vt Bfe, disappointed love, pride, filial tmpU ty, remorse : and. death, predominate. But tula *ombrenesa, is relieved in come degree by passages ins which , ihe tlrength andsweelnees of maternal, love find r)cb and, fail' expression; and womanly capacity for self •ecflficd is exhibited with touching truthfulness. The dork fabric of the drama is Interwoven with' this leu- as a velvet woof shot tbrongb and ihrougli wltb a golden thread. Tbe music gives elo quent expression to the story. It runs through the gamut- of the emotions, aud with equal faithfulasss depicts them aIL The wall oi the Anabaptist preachers embodies the whole idea of religions fanaticism, as tne plaintive melodies of "I'ides" do the heart-alck nesaand anguish ot a bereaved ana etrlckcn mothcr .and the cathedral music the eubllme grandfar of pure .religion. The score is actually a /series, of dramatic portraits! aa bold, vivid, striking and true as if they .were drawn upon canvas. We hied, hardly ssy that La Grange, gave a great in , terpretation of the part of ‘‘Fides. The role to her ; she nearly created it; and Mr. Maretzek,ba B been simply just to her and to (he public in permitting her to appear In it once more before her retlremeut' She was great In every portion of It The aloging id 1 the earlier episodes was Hot equal to her best; evi dently ebe saved* her- foiling voice for 1 he tremen louv music of the conclusion, But she sang Very swtetly lb the firat duct "Delia Jfeia Un OlOi no," aud ln some :of the lesser passages.; She first displayed her. pewe, dn the noble aria “Ofiglio mio," where she blesses per sun for his aacriflye for his sahe. Thla WW given with that inexpresaible jenderajees and paihos of yrhlph La Grapge iß.capqble Ju her ipomente of highest Inspira tion, and, U provoked tbe sinperest, applause from her sympathetic hearers. Tbs solos in the fourth act •'l'ieia i'teta," and rO igio figlia.” were given with a matchless skill, and the ' ‘Spirito tjvpemo’’ and Tu Che Del Cielo in the last setwete even more worthy of enthusiastic praise. Ail of this vocalization was in tensified by the wonderful dramatic art of the slogor. La Grange in all the tragic episodes of the drama Was absolutely enblime, and iu none more than iu tne scene where she denies her son to save his life. Tbe composer, with hie' fine ir> tffict, has made her* the contrast between the bigotry and fear of the son and .be anguish of the mother very striking, and be found a worthy interpreter in La Grange. The artist seemed thrilled with the grandeur of the situation and with the divinity of the music which gave it expression; Her acting was as great as that of, Bistort In the wild est lreuzy .of her "Maria Antoinette ;—it has never bten surpassed upon, the lyric stag-, m this country at least. Mies McCulloch appeared as “Bertha,” and gave a very creditable performance. The port is greater than bet capacity, but she played with epblt, unil sang the difficult music intelligently. Her greatest triumphs Here in the first duet witn “Fides,” and in the af.er scene, wbeio the neels “Fides” iu the gnise of a beg gar. Signor Boctti’s interpretation of the part of “The Prophet’’ was only fair, The music is difficult enough 1 o appal any but a stout hearted tenor, and to can found any but a great artist. Boeltl has courage without re. markable ability, ills execution was wortby of ranch praise, but there was a wont of sympathy and expres sion in his manner which chilled the audience; Ills acting was cold.and r aid; Dot oxce during the per luimonce.dld he rise 10 the demand ot the part for pas rlouuto acjng, .Thp deficiency of dramatlcp iwer was le,eciully. remarkable in tbe calbedral scene, vrheie, be denies Mb mother. Tbo music, the languugc, and the b ituation all require that he shall exhibit deep bnt re strained emu.inn. But. Buelll stood there frigid aid immovable, while La Grunge excited the uudieoct tu a frenzy by ber superb action. Tbe bes tof Boettib efforts uas iu ihd eplßbdtt in the cathedral, where he it ads the chorus in the miserere, l’hu singer warmed' up a little In this, and seemed to feel something of the: cuhlimity of the mastc aud tbe situation. The three Auabaptiats were represented by Antonnccl, Habel.. (lihun and Ba:lll. The first bore the harden of tbe duty, and, as,his custom, sang migulficotatly. The cboiqa woe large aud iu excelleut-trainLag; the urchestru, In wblcb we observed sumo ualimfUar rtlees, was hotter than upon oilier of the former oec.f Dions,ana did full Justice to tiro noble music Wcsinspi and,Zuccoii gave two dances gracefully. The ope.u n ili be. repeat* d this eveulbg, and wo hopc some high; next week-,.Now that \ve have rehlly ft gdocl' tnluga! ust, it will b'c well to Diftke Hid must of II ' ' ' —Tor ibis evt'jiirg.ur the American 'Theatre,a varied ontertalumenl isuunuuuced. 1 , —The Field o/ ths Cloth 0/ Omj'l continues to draw large dudiencea at the t/hestuul* - , . —At. toe-Ttchtro Comique, this evening,: Jilt, aqd Mrs. Madieon Obrey will give u.ilual performance. —Jdr,' A. Bverly'wlli bave,a bohelit at.tne Arqb Street' 'Ttciitre on this (Saturday) OVfehtng, Wbeu he nil! produce Strathmore, a play of intense dramatic iuiciest, and a hurriorona drama .entitled Helping Hands, or Love,and itusU. •' —.it, Assembly Buildings, to-nlghtj Morchante’'Totir o)lreiund will be’exhibited. ' ” > —'Sir. Ohos. Q. Jarvis"glvch his sixth and last soiree of classical.mneiaut the Naututorlam Uall this (Satur day) evening, ~ , , ' — Miriam's Crims and the burlesque Ixton will be giyeji at iho Wuiuut Street Theatre .this eyeuieg. ... —Mr, H. V. McCully W jll give select readings atNti tatorlum-Hall on Monday night, f■; j ’ 5 . Ota Mondsy evehing a grand farewell concert will bo gtVea tit Coucerl Hull, to Dr. Leupold Melguon. f pepienb, tbo womaix of Maraelllos who boiled twenty ehlldren to death, bus;tt>sn; seutenoed-to. Hie gaileye for life, baving beeb -found /"guilty , /wttb extenuating clicuiuaiu'iiees.” The • ex /uyDUhlU'({'clrtuuiot4iico’, poMibly ii Was that she boiled Ibeiulit waterafidoottuell y UTbujt fikjt tile Klng rf MbUOd i: witb.fttistiwivoa to hwtbo bi» ‘ ~ 'j JfXaintueeeo'or tho Kmg should pain, ■ .t * lbpJKjbg ro.wive again •/ -jj || A' r> ■£. j: /i-w-.-ta; <‘m tva,; ; It* '.!• F. L. PTHERSTON. Palilisher. PRICE TfaKElfi CENTS* , > FIFTH EDmm ADDITIONAL CABLE NE#s LATEST FROM WASHINGTON NominatioßS by the President’ Printing of Fractional Garfdnoy NEWS BY THE CFBA (IART.W NEW YOBK fiXON BY , MABKBT . . Atlantic <fabld>! i rn??> iitiA London, .April 3d. -The political nows tO-dsF - i is Advicts From CoaataQUQO&io.: n neivtdi to-day. State that the PrlDCe'or’WSto* 3 '! bod nr rived, there, and was received By theflalteut-.i with great splendor, „ . r ... f .., , Noialntittona tiy the President. 1 .JBi/tctaJtottiieJftiltaj Bvemna Washington, April 3.— ThefijUoivloghpmlns-. " r tlons werf'made iblauittriioou: 'O;'ai.'ulog," fl CoosulatPabama ;.H.H. Hongbtod.Coiiiiui af.i jLahljaa; Wna. at Bp JaKO, Uat)»,,, v, , Tbe following were nominated for Secretaries jof Territories: T. W. Wilkins, Dacocati; -E‘. L. 'Perkine, New 1 Mexico;' James Scott. .of Ohio, ’VVueblnglon; Wllev Scribner, Montana; Cole» , Baeblord, Anzoba; Frank Hall, Colorado; E. if. L«e. Wyon.lr,g;-8. A. Mann, Utah. ''l < t J 'M 1 i To be Governors of Territories—A. P. K. Salr •• ,ford, Arizono; John A. Campbell, Wyoming; Charles U. Croroe, New Mexico; Joho A. Uor bank, Dncntnb; Alvin Flanderh, WuShtngtOß.' •' 'MW, Tbe following were nominated asCoilecton>: . Samuel F. Miller, Nineteenth District bf'Nehr Yoib; Robert Williams; Jr.; Third Bfstrlct'W •Ohio; Mpjrlte Ut Merrick,,.TwenW/onrth iDiS- Hi trlct of Pennsylvania; Thomas E. Grtssell, Fifth ' District ol Ohio: W. if. Barnes, First Ula'rtct'bf ' ; Fernsylvanla; BL Dbgny, Twenty-third District’ .of New York,, ■; • "fMwaw'.i-' Aitn sMirri George.L,Clark, Sixteenth-Dittrlet, .. ofNi-w York; R. H. Dnell, Twenty-third District 1 oi New York; H. F. Myers, ;Nevada; J. W. i Bowen, Seventh District oT North;,Carolina; F. .... Blades, Seventh Distiict;of Illinois; N.' Under* wo< d: Second District of' Louisiana. ;;f - ui: ' ;l Marshals: John Ely; Eastern DlstrlctofPonn- ' sjlvnnia; Aleiander Murdock, Western District > of Pennsylvania; Ell H. Murray. foir ifentueky;,, 1 L. B. Xitcblleld. for Dacotab; W. H.Moultoo, for Idaho; .Church Howe,., for.' Wyoming; J. M. Curry, United States Attorney for Wyomlrg; Jobn H. Hotve, Chief Jostle/ of tho ' Supreme Conrt of Wyoming; J, W.' Klttgstaa;7 'Associate Justice pf the Supremo, Cpnrt Wy-; , - omlhg; W: F. James, do.;, George W.jFreneai,'i , Chief Jbailee of DacothbjJ.P.' Ritter, AakoClatO 1 ' Juatlceof Dacotah. 1 > u‘ - s ■ ' ’’ ’ ir'ibm'' Waabiukton. V . /' Washington, April s.—Fractional’ currency printed for 1 the week, *95,£00; do. doi shipped ‘Asßtsiant;Treasurer, Boston, StOO.OOO; do- dov,. •upplled National : Banks. 9195,008; seeorUtoa held for. circulating hate 5,5842,740 800; securities, 1:t ,dt posits of public money e> 932.428i350;;inati;in%i:s (bank currency leaned, $138,800; national bank r'nrreLcyiagaed'JOidaCe<,9Bl3;a9Z.76Gjimu,tllatal tills returned, $12,727,626; .notes of. insolvent banhs redeemed, $11058;*)8* actdal elftaUtfon at presenLdate,. $299,011:832; /factional carrn'dbjr' redeemed. $674.780,.0(K); Customs receipts# M irSb: ! 22 to March Ol^-Bpaton,: $032,121; Naw; Jfork. - jf 04,222,200; Philadelphia, ,slo9,o74;,,Bi|tlnWW. 070.736, San Francisco, March Ist to March 6tb. .*210,861. ' .'\V, Circular 71, ! ’ issued’ : to-day by Commissioner 1 Delano, Ttlatlvn to notice to partlescharged'wUli ■ fallnre, neglect or refusal to make trne: rotnras ", f t.f annual gains, proots and income, prescribes , i that before aeseesmg the penalty on , ttt,o par4on . , for .neglect or refqsal to make each retarn, or for,,, rendering a frandnlent one,the assistant, aHse^sor; ; " charged with the duty of assesaing taxes on the' ’ galnp, pfoQta and Income of the peraon chilgOd,- 1 : shall cause notke to be served on snch porjbn fifteen days prior to the day of hearlng;dotify(ng ■’ him to appear apd show canae .why.the. penalties. ■ preScrlbt a by law should pot bu assessed on,, him . ; by reason of snch neeh'ct or refusal.; , , , From Ciuba. Havana, Apriry. Ac'iminittca arrive! hore ; last evening from Matanzis, for (tie purpcai of '■( deronndlrg the person of an important 3»lo ; t rleoner who hod been font hereby tbe Governcr m ot Matanzas, • According, to the committee's rci; ,;j qntsl, the prisoner will be returned to the aatao- . ritiiK of Malm 7.38 for trial. ' '' v . The Prensa yesterday said that, the steamer" ”■ Cottianciiiurio, which wus captured'by Glbiua, 1 was (applied with coa'. uoDiv ammaaUloivoicJ. 1 - i tf ibe bubamae, end did not enter. tbe part' .of : : Nnunu nt ull. .. Sugar quiet and wichnnged. , , Ttoo Slew turn iilnucy Market, 1 v?i l Special beepatch to the Fhilada. Evening BUlletlihi 1 ’® v ‘ ,: Nt-.tv tfoKK, April !!.—The money - market • rhowa a partial reaction from; tbo extrema >irmgtiicy. , The applications for loanearulesa n : iirgint than yesterday,uud,t|»eextreme rates|esa • a* ncrul. . Thu banks, are' sending, lUlla to, ihA ci uiitiy, the shipments to Philadelphia ‘'i wholly ceakid. “/ Some of the banks te- J a Iving moderate nthoUnts of currency from Cih- 1 v; innail, Toledo und‘Detroit. Thefeelluga’ihQllg- i be honk officers Is lhat tho stringency chua ; i cei Uj d ileelluiay, nnd tbatlq alewduykmonoy ■; wdl come back from tbecouturyln saUitj cnt, volt)mo to restore a steady., f, per “cent' “ market.' The real obstacle 'to injupodtiitij. ■ ttlU lla thcffcticencu of the compiroller or (ho : Currency relative to tbo bank statement.' Hl9 ; ..call lor a statement based upon the business of i romei past day would produce immediate relief;. bU.fcilcnpe bent Ilia none, but too SUvlocks- The , , 'whole bunking interest of tbo country Is.kept In, -cupijiee and its movements Impeded by 6(JIcW uetton at a J period when money fromnatural ' caules Is ordinarily very active and the banks mid lo be file to expand. Ou call lo tas the .uioti general' rate; outside the banks is 7. per ci u.t. ,in , gold; in come cases 1-16 percent; c-ommirslon is added. Tbe relict appears; to to . , partially doe to a certain amonntof‘locked up , . menci’s having been released yesterday. aft-ir r.oou' ns an equivalent for a compromise with -'parlies upon u large Bbort ceotract' on North- , western stock, This circumslanco is aeseptna ;;. 'us evidence that the present stringency Is largely- - due to the locking np of currency. In discounts there Is almost nothing doing, not ovcu at i ' icr cent, for best names. United States bonds ~, show ntdeh armnestt, especially the '> Issues. Forilgn bankers anticipate that European, ( holders will take most all tbelr Moy Interest in tbo lorni of bonde, and the pre-payment of the con- ■-> nons has consequently induced u.'gooJ deal of ho ring. Pilcee range U&% percent, pbovo «jKr eloelig figures of yesterday. Tho : stock market ? , dbowa considerable irregularity, prices notify-, < log'generally responded to the easier tone IQ 'money! The cliques,’ as well ad/the smaller 11 operutOrß, appear to adapt tholr coursd td‘ s clr- - •cutbstnpees, and tbelr apparent vacillation pro-5 < rtnccs a good desl of confusion of opinion ns Ito, .■ •he posit on and flrtft pf tho, market,; .-Porti i Wayne has been especially Arm. Ipnenseauenao ~ of a reported corn>jr, tbo, stock has Wn loaned .... ,’ioi Biz pet cent! In currency.' y y. Specie shipment. [Sptriri Po«p»uli t» ; th»' yfall*. l Kwmlat BatteHitl 1 Nitw ! iS‘oßk,'apriia. !J -iTh'®‘Eii«fcpS> 4 n Btetma*-' >whlch antled; 16-day took ita'specie..' TbcCotfUtfe bla, (<w. E&TaaPi tooii 0ai5265,000 la rfpockh ■ ; ' iU J ko'lAq■ ay*. '”V ft.!;? • jfVr;:iL : ' • ; •• •*> r. jf I . J..i 4:00 G'OlootcJ
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers