yNr. ~cn FYI.. ,y. ..it~l ~. ~.i. iiiiTY TRIAL or A 'BOSH finumo.---When a fi re 00.. • curs in the city there le always trouble In regard to tbe running of the passenger railway carstaild sosoctlitnes boors elapse Wore tto c ire can make regular trips. To obviate this annoyance varlomsplens have been suggested and examined by the railway comp toles. le poisoned of a Com mittee of the Board of Preoldents,yesterday, there was a trial ofJobn A. liasse's patent hose shield, on nee. Ridge aventte,dtipdsite the Fairmount Engine This shield is somewhat in the shape of a bridge. It Ms In the track, and when do an is very permasent. It is fourteen feet In length tbo hose or e passes under there being holes for eight lines. The hose covered sq as to be proketed from the fact of the horses. The grade to about su inch and a quarter to the foot and easy.of hal dly perceptible-to the passim- Seregt m the cars. This shield worked with perfect stice.cW-drulug the trial y, suirday. For two hotull the ears and vehicles traveling stioug ibege avenue passt , d over it without the slightest ieconvet fence. The rallwLy Presidents and fire men who %housed the trt.thi all seemed to be veil satisfied with the working of the apparatus. Thus far it is the only shield which allows of the passage of the care and protects the hose at the same time. THE Trauma/mu Missiox.—An interesting meeting of the "Temperance Mission" was held last evening in the church, Seventh street above Brown. Dr. Rennalde presided. Addresses were made by William J. Mullen, who gave a history of persons incarcerated In Moyamensing Prison for capital and other offences, and traced their downfall to the. use of intoxicating liquors. Thomas M. Coleman followed; he spoke of the duty oerf church members and in refereuce to e temperance .moveM anent, regretted that M so little Inlet - tot was manifested by them in this great reform. , The concluded uing church Members to speaker consider well their b ry espo rg oat- WHY I n this - direction, and intimated that the lose of many would be charged to their account unless they aroused themselves from their lethargy. S. K. Mnrdoeh read selections having a bear ing on the subject of temperance, and showing the evil from the adder h in toxicating results bowl. Heflowing also made an address on the evils of intemperance. Hiram Ward spoke in reference to the good work accomplished by temperance urea in other churches, alluding particularly to that in Dr. Sheyllerd'a Church, where over one thousand persons have signed the pledge. All the speeches were well received. During the proceedings a amber of signatures were obtained to the total abstinence pledge The meetings at this church ate :rowing in interest. • Tnig Paxstossms.—The closing of the Pension Office; In const quence of the resignation of COI. E. W. C. Greene, the Agent, is a serious inconve nience, and a great hardship to many who receive a email stipend from tbe Gaverucuuut in couaide ration of having lost a leg or an arm In defence ef the country. The office in this city has on its rolls men residing in different sections of the State. These men come to the city at stated periods to draw their money, and as difficul ties are entirely =expected, they, now dud themselves in a strange place, without friends or money. Ekveral pensioners so circum stanced appeared =the office this morning. Tao goverment will no doubt take prompt measures to furnish these woanded, soldiers with their money, but to the meantime they have no hoines or means of subsistence. dome of our benevo lently diem sad citizens ought to see that these gallant fellows are properly provided for until the proper relief arrives from Washington, MILITARY RECCEPTION.—The Washington Grays are expected to arrive in this city this afternoon, at 4 o'clock, on their return from Washington, and will ho received by Company D, Gray Re• serves, The two co atp nies will Riradeup Broad to Christian, up Christian to Eighteenth - street, up Eighteenth street toSpruett, down Spruce to Broad,"up Broad to Chestnut street, down Chest nut to Sixth street, down Sixth to Walont, up Walnut to Fifteenth street, to their Lardner street armory. The "Old Guard," Washington - Grays, will also take part in the reception. SEBroos Frour.—A fight occurred on Frank ford road, above Norris street. Black jacks, knives and other weapons are said to have been freely used, and one man is reported to have been seriously cut. The cry of poilce was ruled, and the fighters scattered, carrying off the injured pan. whose name et,uld not be ascertained. LientO)ant Kelley an a a pose of policemen came vu soon afterwards, hut wore unable to capture any of the belligerents. A Wpm 1111813AND.—Bamnel Radcliff resides at Ridge avenue and Ogden street. It is said that he has been in the habit of abusing his family, and some time ago Mrs. Radcliff bought a eewlreg-machine in order to support herself land children. Yesterday Radcliff went home, and, it is alleged, beat his wife and smashed the siewitig-msehlne. He was arrested, and atter a hearing before Alderman Pancoast, was sent to neon. CHAIM:RD wirrr Rouusay.—George Daily, Wm. Love end Robert Long were arrested last night by Lieut. Smith', upon the charge of baiting broken into a time at Seventh and Peirce streets, about six weeks ago, and robbed it of a lot of silverware, clothing, Sce. Most of the stolen property has been recovered. The ac cuttd will have a hearing this afternoon at the (Antral Station. Summons —John Kelley, aged 14 years, was found concealed in the house of Dr. Burr, No 1633 South Ninth street, last evening. Ho will have a bearing at the Central Station this after noon. Two other juveniles, who wore waiting on the outside while Kelley robbed the house, es caped. BOARDING Room Ronan) —A. man of genteel apvearst.ce engaged hoarding at the house of pirs.Dare, N 0.225 South Broad street, last even. lug. This morning he decamped, tatting with him three gold watches, a gold chain, gold eye glue, and an overcoat. Suspicion OF LARCENY.—CharIes M. Evans was arrested last night, at Front and Soath streets, with a lot o orate iron In his possession. He was unable to account satisfactorily for the irtiti, and was sent to prison by Alderman Luta on suspicion of having stolen it. ASSAULTING A POLICSXAN. —John Phtllps, eolored,svas arrested last night by Officer Quinn, at Eleventh and Bedford streets. Lie levied upon the ottleer,blackened his eye, and beat htm pretty severely. Aid. Luiz sent Philips to Moyamen sing. EVri;BLIC ROMIRD.-Tilf) At Ade of r laarlea Taylor, on Norwood avenue, Chestnut Bill, was entered ftw nights ago and was robbed of a lot of harms,. AMERICAN ART.—B. Scott, Jr., will sell, this evening, at 734 o'clock, at the Art Gallery, 1020 magma street, a collection of modern paint ings, all by American artists, and elegantly mounttd in fine gold-leaf frames. Sale without reterve. THE COURT& &rick -Mk COURT—Uhler Justice Thomoson,and Justice Read, Agnew, Sharawoed and ViriMains. —The Peiladeiphte li st was roamed. Geor,re W. &road. phi. in error, vs. The City of Fhila delp-ita. d• it in error. From the District Court. This et an revolves a question of the right of the city to Li culvert in front of prepertv and assess the owni r for the cost. In the presaot cafe Jurge 1 - 3lroud's propertv,rin Nrisster street, Twen tieth Wald, wan astesned 6267 26 for the culvert, „ and in his cf defence, the judge asserts that be never T. (tainted the work, and, also, that as the cuive , t wa, on a public highway, it was no part of his nio;wriy. In Ca.. Omit hi low Indvinent was entered for the city because of an lusalliacut affidavit of do fence. The me was argued and held under advise tnent. QUARTER tiE.SIONS Puire.e.—M ary )4;4ltiwa was convicted of a charge of ateatinc 1:52b She was a cook in u family, and Oak the ;none‘ (rem the mistress. William Id orlev, Jr. ' was charged wi t h corn . Witting an assault and tmttery upon William --.~~ Motley, 8r Xt wan n d Dien ty between father and,son, in which the methet and dater of the defendant came upon the stand and madded that` Cho son was not to bhune..- , • Remarkable -Ithinins Lett • Behind by ittUeeiti The invoice taken by three notaries public on the night after the flight of the Queennf . Spain of the objects contained in her apart ments, as well as those of her husband, Don Francis de /Win% will shortly be published in Madrid. Some French correspondents who have been permitted to inspect it sav that it will be certain to create a great sense sation. Neither the Queen nor the Kiug Consort possessed a single book except some livres d'heures (prayer books). But on the table of Don Francis there were found large numbers of obscene photographs, many of which represented distinguished royal and imperial personages in extremely lascivious attitudes. Another remarkable discovery was that King Francis did not possess a weapon. In the apartments of this successor of Ferdi nand of Castile and Charles tae Filth, there was not found a sword, a dagger, a musket, but only a small toy pistil. As the King was known to be a great bon-bon eater, the fact that all his drawers were filled with_ boxes of sugar plums did not excite mush surprise. , Queen Isabella's artistic taste hal mani fested itself in various ways. She had pasted miserable daubs representing saints on some of the finest Murillos hanging in her apart ments and steel engravings of th e nun, Patro cinio,thad been pasted on the immense Ven etian mirrors with which the Alcazar at Madrid abounds. A. poorly-painted full-size portrait of Pope Pius the Ninth had been hung over a precious palming by Velasquez; and the King Consort had been vandal enough to shoot with his toy pistol at a Large', which was no other than a historical p tint ing by Goni. When the notaries public had performed their curious task, they expressed themselves in terms of the most intense in dignation at the discoveries which they bad made. They compared the members of the royal family with certain unclean animals, and slid that those who talked about the re turn of the Queen and her miserable husband to Madrid shonld be taken to the Alcazar and allowed to see the private apartments of Isabella and Don Francis de Ansisas, when they would be loudest in demanding that such persons should not be permitted again to oc cupy the Spanish throne. —The facts about Mr. 8 )thern'a American en gagetnent are stated thus by an English paper: " After the engagement was signed, the New York manager ignored it, unless the &etc of the opening was altered, on which Mr. Bothern re fused to go on any date. His euceFes in 'tome' is complete, and his acting is considered superior even to his Dundeary." —Pi young Bostonian commercial agent was re centl tricd and condemned b mock court of salt sm y en Bt. Louts, for sellingy a goods without a license. - Pe took everything In earnest, all oleo' forms Were observed, and the defence cou ductcd with serious vigor. He had even been 91 ret•ted by mock officers in uniform. He was finally sentenced to "stand treat," much to hie astonishment. —The Marquis do Grillo. Rlstori's husband, Is about to pub iab, in Venice, a volume on the visits which be and his cilstiaguished wife paid to the ljuitud Siates. The book will contain seve ral contributions from the [Ten 01. 4 Adelaide Itts Lori. —The Paraguayan Lopez meant to die at An gostura in the high Roman fat.hion. and handed revolvtr to his adjutant to shoot him withal. But when the crew.% was made ready, Lopez tied. CITY. NOTICES eUESTITUTICS I 9 THE DENTAL RANKS are not desirable; therefore, keep the natural teeth (11l lif and pure with that wholesome ve2etaele el ix , r, SutODONT. DO this, and they will last. as long as the b.eath lasts, and the breath itself will never be tainted. MELTON CLOTH, CEBAINETO, and NObbE Scotch Bp in¢ Overcoat now ready at Charles Stokes ag CO. TFICFE who intend participating in the in auguraiion of General Grant, and those who don't ah.o, ran be supplied wiih the latest style hat or can at Oakfords', CuLtinental floteL Quirr and soothe the pain of children teething Co Bower's Infant Cordial. Suld by all Druggists No INAUGURATION ever equalled the inaugura tion of Chas. Oakford & Sone', the great hatters, 834 and 838 Chestnut street. Comm, Bunions, Inverted Nails, skillfully treated by Dr. J. Davidson ,No. 915 Chestnut street Charges moderate. BOT CROW' Bops, Utah every day through Lent. Moans, 902 and 904 Arch street. BKAIRME_ BLINDNESS AND CATARRH. J. /MACK, M. D.. Professor or the Eye and Ear treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the city can be seem at this Wilco, No. 805 Arch street. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients,as ho has no 'secrets in hts prectioc. Artificial eyes inserted. No charge made for examination. SonumAL luarnumszrrs and druggists' sun drica ElNovirnEn St Bac:mune. 29 Flonth Eighth .trait, Nti P ( ) FIT ATI° NTS, Reported for the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. Ah Et 1 Int. PH--Bark Prtivdt Inn. Mc Uolloch —VW hhde scent ite.! hbde thelarees Dollen dr. son. t RIX•• A6—dehr W B Thereat , . Wit/more-481 tihde 61 to. molasses Geo C l mason dc Co. 01.Att 11'4 I; ttIU tiL/19'11'124 POUT OF PHILADELPHIA- earr sea siarnie Butietin en ineffle Page. ARRIVED Tlifft DAY. ettostner Millville. Renear. from N York. with mdse to NV hitall.l Mum di Co Below Ledge Light.tiassed aohr J Jpeo , cr. how Boatel'. hound no. th.i Paleotina Mel:Ouch. 12 dar Arecibo. Pit. with pager and snolassea to Dalton di don. Schr W B I horrao. Wtuomore, 10 days from Cardenas. wit h 1/013. to Oco t 1 Coroon &t (to. 1 4 , hr Vandal's, thimpbt IL, 2 dove from Leipalc. Del. it la grain to Joe E Palmer. (ILEA KED T 71121 OAV Ste ewer Millvillo, Renear. Mtllville, Whitall. Tatum t:0 chr Emma Bacon, Beane. Bate.ffia J Rommel. MgMlOttANDst Ship City of New York. Thomas, cleared at New York ye.t. rday for Son Francisco. Ship J C Boynton, Waycott, at Blddleeboro 19th ult. from Rotterdam, Steamer Java, Macaulay. from Liverpool via Boston. at New' ork yeeterdas Hark Brazil. Hibbert, hence at iletvoet 18th ult. Bark astbel t Borter. Calvert. from Liverpool for this port. sailed from Holyhead Ibth ult.—before reported Nailed 18th. Bark Corea, Bange, cleared at New York yesterday 'or M elbour-e. 'Bark Pleiades (Br). Holt. cleared at Matsu:llB2lth ult. for a port north of Hatteras. Bark Lode Hilda, Pullen, entered out at London 20th tilt. for this port. Brig Dal,y, Philllpafrom London for this port, anchored at 1 lord 18th Mt Brig David Bugbee, at Havana 87th ult. for a port north of Batter to. Schr Louisa Frazier, Bteelman. at Savannah let instant from Baltimore. Behr Mary F. Simmons, Gandy. cleared at Savannah lst hot. for New York. Betas Albion. shave. from Rockland and Ago Cariet, Westcott, tram Boston, both for this port, at Newport 34 Wand, hr Admiral Steelman, sailed from Providanco 3d inst. for this tout—not as before. Behr Ralph Sender. Crosby, for New York, remained at Havana 27th schre M (I Fore. M slov. and J J Phan), Soper. at NYork yaw ter Arty from Baltimore. Behr Pmilta (Br). Richarde, alined from Mayaguez 11th ult. for Delaware Breakwater. Sabra Bertha Bonder ; Margaret Ann. Whelpley. and H RC. cleared at St John. NB. 84 inst. for this port. tit bre G M Wentworth, Robtone hence for Calais, and Lo. tie Beard. Perry. from Now Bedford for this port, at New York yesterday. 14E1W1111V161 MACH NNE% Meddlers, iiitarneam.lniatters. ITlaniefeac. toter.. of • lotting. Boots, eilioesairc. VC U , find it to the' , Interest to nee our UNRIVALI.I&D MACHINE TWIST and the "Milford Linen Turned." Manufactured expreeely for ne from the beat ma,tortal. and warranted a eueorior article. VIE 1111116E111 RIMIIIPwArrnII 4 O Manufacturer. and I'mptiotore of the SINGER SEWING No. 1106 Uhf' Street. rrvil Ivry Wm te. (XU)PP:u. A vent QARDINEB —lOO OASEB, HALF QUARTER BOXES, lariding And for gale by JOB. B. BUBBLER. LOB South Delaware eyecup. TIIE DAILY ,EVEIgNtI,I3,ITL . LATIN - 71 1 xtlLApE,l4r,liu, ylu DAT IA4OII, 5, 1809. Bee Sixth Pao iVe A , 13 . 1 1— L - k..l4 l llLif) INIA; VW 4 . ,410,04;110 BIOS. • ' ' FINEST 10E OP THE 1104.11101C' Also, afine.extdbitionEN DAY .of ;VELOCIPEDE RIDING.: OP AND EVENING. Agency for the calc Of a itttoo og Velocipedes. • J. W. POST. SUSAN GALTOWS CHESTNUT STREET THEATRE. 1 1118 ( F B /DiV,/. FVENING FAREWELL BENEFIT' MISS SUSAN 'OALTON, TWO OF (WEEMS AULPS CIO sl oPERAS. LETCIIEN ANO FRIT Z CHEN. And OirephmeleA 6466!"601” 1.406111 , 10 060191 , SATURDAY AFTERNOON. et9l4 o'cleek. LAST !SUSAN REA'r ()ALT ONBIEL. MA iINEE. sATURLity, EVENING. _ Last P. rformance of the SUHA GALTON OPERV_COMPANY., MONDAY. MRTViI for.one week. N AtAiMAN atV.LIARDNIOt`d GREAT SEN SA'i we AY AL RA vs sth ATIC COMPANY. mOND MA eh . C. D. lIESzt&I BURLESQUE COMPANY IN Tlllll , FIELT OF TIIE CLOTH OF GOLD. ft FOR SALE. Elegant oountry Residenoe, Within Five Miles of Market Street Bridge, near the line of the Pennsylvania Railroad. The above property is first•class in every respect, and in ye) feet order throughout, and is in ono of the finest loca tions near the city. U. W. BEESLAtit, Conveyancer, No. 206 South FOURTH. Street. mbe f to 4t* IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! Flour Dealers and Green!Take Notice! LANGLEY'S CELEBRATED FAMILY FLOUR Again in the Maricetl "Ivory Sbent,” 64Ae0rb,,,, 4940i11g1ey.”. 'I he above braves of Flour are new - strriving from the mile. and will be constandi on band and for tale in lota to suit purvbaeera by BROOKE, COLKETA , Ca., FLOUR AND GRAIN DEALERS. :' Non. 1727, 1729, 1731 and 1733 Milked It. 1(46 1 tr , 41:4 _ ' rr 0 3EL V. On March ist o The Room occupied by the late lotto M Harper, • nil otter of Watt hes aid Watch No 308 Chestnut Street Story) Aiey t io CA now, TM 1131 IJILT &00 102 mt rp To k ENT—A HAN+I3.OiMIP.LY NURVIBIIED 4111 Vous., in a fashirrtbloqusenr. gent. $2.700 to e • stn.li family without children. Address. "I'. 1 itut.Lx.rin Office. ' foltl.tr.ro§ (Maw & Justice's Altrenry steam acid Test are entirely reliable. Indicating by the absolute welsh. of fiercely the exact pressure upon the Bailers. Maantan tar ed by PHILIP 8. .1111.9 rave, 14 North FIFTH Street, Philadelphhs. Shops— Severitrenth and Coates Streets. Philadelphia. Infallible Low-Water Signal, Always indicating by the melting of esin In the bowl of Steam Whistle and colluding the nlam. a hen there it a dangerGualy low !stage of water In the Boller. Mann• lectured b 7 U North FIFTH Street, Philadelphia, Show—Seventeenth and Goatee Etreeth Philadelpula. Hydraulio Jecks and Testing Maohinee of all Pizee from 4 to 100 tone lifting power. Mande* tared by PIN It IP M. JUSTICE, le North FIFTH Street, Philadelphia Shope—Seventeenth and Coates Streets, Philadelphia lee to t stmrws GEO. J. HENKELS, 1301 and 1803 CHESTNUT STREET. felawrpt I NGAGERENT AND WEDDING RINGS. A large assortment of Coin and 18 karat always on hand. LEWIS LADOMUS & CO , Jewelers, 802 CHESTNUT STREET. r-. WATCHWIL. AND. MUSICAL BOXES' BB h pared Omuta workmen FARR & maraca. IntrArt,erg et Watahos,eto. Chop trim WOK ISAIAS. writerow. ITI 41UH 1 NEtillf. PRICES REDUCBD. PfDILIP t 9. JIIS rice, runrirrunz. ac. CABINET MAKER, WA7:11 7 111E0. JEWELRY. ase. 113LAWFIV APONGR. Pennsylvania, tlastio Sponge 00., 1111 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. ELASTIC tiPON QE A SUBSTITUTE FOR (WALED HAIR FOR ALL UPHOLSTERY PURPOSES CREAM THAN FEATHERS OR HAIR. AND FAR SUPERIOR The Lightest, Softest and most Matto and Durable ma terial known for MATTRESSES. PILLOW&UBIL OAR CHAI R C CARRIAGE AND NS. trimt Is entirely Indestructible. perfectly clean and free dust. IT DOES NOT PACK AT ALL I V 3 always free from Insect We; Ls perfectly bealthr. and for the sick is ant,qualed. If boiled In any way. can be renovated quicker and easier than any outer Mattress. Special attention given to • FURNISHING CHURCHES, HALLS. dgc. Railroad teen are especially invited to examine the Cushion Sponge. SATISPA.CTION GUARANTEED. THE TRADE SUPPLIED. w t HOOT SKIII rd WM. T. HOPKINS. 1115. 1115. truufaehrter of the Celebrated Champion hoop Fikirte, bee rewved to hie new and com. modious building. No. 1115 Chortnut street.' (Girard Row.) v. here he has opened tor limas lion the argonl &sorts moat of lior p ekirts, l'oreets &c, in this country. in. finding every quality. stNle, eize and ehepo fro n the igheel to the lowert grade of toodd at such prices e envy°, tango meet the view' f aIL MADire TO ()RD ALTERED AND REPAIRED. Special attention is Invited to our nesortment of LADIES' UNDER GARMENTS. n blrh we are selling at very load prices. We buy our tioade nt first harm, in large QUANTI.• 11 tt for entlii, and at ouch prices that yea e f 01 awl N 11 .1. ,e I avers , !whelp in our hue CHEAPER than Mel can he lied any a here aloe. lime call and Judge for yourselvee. atour Atumfac.. 'andCory Salesrooms, Lao. 1115 bheetnat atreet.. ciell.f m w•amrp§ NV.YL T. tIOPIKINB. B-- - AmmumselMe PROPERTIES. Their odor is strong, diffusive and eamcwhat aromatic, their taste bitterish and analo gage to mtnL NEDIOAL PROPERTIES AND IJSES.—Bacha eaves are gently stimulant, with a peculiar tendency to the Urinary Organe. They are &min complaints °trate 'Urinary . Organs; each as Gravel, ()Ironic Catarrh of the Bladder, Mor• bid Irritation of ilia Bladder and Meths, Disease o herrcatrate Oland, and Rctenttcm or Incoittinenoo of Urir.e. ficon &Joao( tone in the parte concerned Its evacuation. IZtio remedy has also been mom meni ed in Elysprpols, Chronic RheconotJim; COtane one Affection and Dropsy. DISEASES OF THE BLADDER, 'KIDNEYS GRAVEL AND DROPSIFAL EWELLINGS.—Tiab3 medicine Increases the power or Digestion, aril ex eito3 the AbEtorbenta into healthy [action, by whictt lb- W tery or Valcareow3 doriositiov, and all Unna u .u 1 1 - nlargements are reduced, as well as Pain and nian mation. cafe of Diabetes in which it has been given. Irrita- Lion of Welled; of the Bladder, and Inflamm Won o the Kidneys, Ulceration of the Kidneys and Bladder Retention of the Urine, Db3eases of tho Prostrate Gland, Stone in the Bladder, Calculus, Gravel, Brick Dust Deposit, and Mucus or Milky Dleeharges, and for enfeebled and delicate conatltatlont., of both eexee, attended with the following symptoms: Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power. Loss of Memory, Dthl cult) , of Breathing, Weak Nerve?, Trembling Horror of Moue, Wakofalness, Dimness of Vision Pain in the back, not Bands. Flushing of the Body Dryness of the Skin, Eruption on the Face, Pallid Coruatenance, Universal Lsasßude of the Muscular ~;;;., ... ..... _ ... .1.. E=ME From Diepeneatory of the United EiteiteB.3 BIOSMA CRIMATA-BUOLIU LEAVES. RELMBOLD'S EXTRACT EUCRII tuts cared every System, &C. 111 LISIBOLD'S RXTRAOT BIICIII.I is Dlnns'Ac and Bl3od Purifying, and cures rll Moues arising from habits of dissipation, excesses and imprudences La impurities of the Blood, &c. Sold by all Dragnets a❑d Dealers everywhere Bewared counterfeits. Ask for Helmbold's. Take no other. PRICE—gI 25' per bottle, or 0 bottles for $660. Delivered to 64 addrese. Describe symptoms n all communications. Address, H. T. HEI.MI3OL•Di 594 BROAIDWAN. W. T• Crir - NONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS DONE UP IN steel-cngravea wrapper, with lac-simile of tny cal Warchouse, and signal iltil'ol.?fr,i',. : .l?;,. '' . o:', : ' ; '- r,L A.1):::1*.:',Y.:...::•..-•:..-:,i&H'.::::',!.9.:0.,...-.'. deeiro to call Uto attcntlon to the following disposition of the different departments of , tie* btlidteiid. This embraces not only the choicest productions of Lyons in the way of novelties, but every article for service from the best quality and matt of Black Bilk W o lin moss moderate-priced dud can be relied upon and recommended. • will comprise all the novelties of Paris as they appear la that emporium of Style and Faatdou. Herik also, will be found goods to suit the moat :Polemic ideas. DRESS-M AJECINI3t . DEPARTMENT. This departnient will be In charge of moat competent persons. and with - our facilities far Msais,- factoring and onr intimate connections in Paris, we hope to make it an entire eucceas. Promptitll4lll and attention will be given to orders. , will be found replete with all the desirable styles of this article. We abaft offer at one opening tit meet elegant lot of INDIA SHAWLS yet offered in this city. Every article used for dresses, whether of French, English or German productiOn,ll be repre sented on the Shelves of this department; also, the beat makes of American - manufacture. It will be our aim to present for sale every style and quality, so as to suit every taste and need., This department it intended to supply every article of Ladles' and !Masa' Underwearl Infants' and Children's Dretses, Wedding Outfits, dc,e., &e. A supply will idwaya be found Oia and order will be taken for epeeist wants. We have increased thin department In stope, and aro prepared to supply all dentanda korn the moat moderate-priced to the finest articles made, in every size and in all varieties. will contain every novelty of the season as they occur, including Collars, Barboa, Handkerchiefs. Point and Brumls, Chtaileettee, Sleeves, and a boat of small articles too numerous lodate& A full stock of Linens. Linen Shectings, Tablo Damasks, Napkins, tic.. of the toostAried and ap port d manufacturt 8 of libb and French toske,will elwaye be found, Lowther with all the Malaita material for starliog housekeeping and also for replenishing. N. B ' .—HOSIER, COLLADAY & CO. wish emphatically to state Out they intend to show at all tia cs the bat assorted stock of goods ; but they are determined to sal them et as low prices as any home in this country. 869 . CENTRAL 1869. (10TH EMPORIUM. MEN'S COATINGS. LADIES• CLOAKING S. FAFCY CABSIMERES. IIL&C II CLOTHS. BLit DUEEKINB, BO1'8• GOODS. SPRLNG WRIGHT VELVETEENS. SUPER QUALITY. 67 RAW BRIDGE &CLOTHIER respectfully mmollll6o that daring the seasos now opening their Propose $ odu the larireet stook and most sett .ctive assortment of .11 kinds of Clothe that they have ever offered. Heins de ta maned to wake our house the Castro! Emporium f K thle deed Wien of goods, we have collected for the P es nt reason .03VMY deeltablo style and make of Cloths twit the market presents for Ladles', 'en's and Soya' Wear. Onr Ftcck of Ladles' Cloaking , In, omtleular is very extensive. and bought at the manitfacturers' to meat cash rates. lt will be to the interest of all who Intend tn buy this kind of gocda &ping the coming season to call on us. as we cffer by far the Isigast assortment to be foupd. and at et f. er that cannot be surpassed anywhere. We ina Ito dealers, both city and count'►. to ex smln• our Arc k. as our prince are as 10 V as the same Coeds can be seld in whole package* by ..tty wholesale houso, whale otTer many styles that are confined exclusively to out telvee. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER Ccntral Cloth Emporium, COWER 6148T8/ND Malin •TBBBTI. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN & ARRISON, 1008 CIVESTNUT bTEEET. LINEN Housekeeping Dry Goods, AND Curtain Establishment. Lim mui LARGEST ATOM IN TIM CITY AT LOWEST CABII PRICER. Foal Hamlet and French Heim Linen Sheeting:6 Beet Heavy Pillow-Case Mums. Double Damask and Beal Barnsley Table Miens French. Double Damaskand Huckabact fringed Towels. Splendid Double Damask, .Table Chithei. of elegant do. sigmh from 2 to 0 yards long. with largo NAPKLNB ttr match. • Fine Marseilles Quilts. Etch (Intone and Fll:l3ltUreGlaint Embroidered Cloth Piano and TOlis (Myer Elegant Plaid and Striped Vdt aloveridge. s. Lase and Zint,iingham Curtains Of New Patterns. Silk end Worsted Curtain -Draperies. and Furniture CovErings. in great variety. Plain and. Bordered Window Shades. N. B.—The best makes of Domeetie Musßac In all widths at the lowest Cash Prices. felP I M w . 11(RADAR'8 CELEBRATED PURE TONIC ALB FOB Invalids, family use, De. The subscriber is 110 W furnished with his Dill Winter supply of his highly nutritious and wellanown beverage. Its a Ida wreae ono increasing use, by order of phvek clans. for It.r al de. use of families, dee. coturn ,, nd it to the st , er tiou of all consumers who want a sirictly - pure ar. Orb ; metaled from the beet me/Odell , , and put up in the most careful manner for home use or trammortation. Cr. dors by mail or otherwiee promopv sou-MJOed. RDAN, 241 Poßt . istrOßT, Below Third and Walnut streets. lat, ND% ISUbTObI 13181JUIT.—BONIV8 BOSTON BM .1) ter and SUM 1416cEdt, landln&from Warner NOralfirk and for sale by JOB. U. DUBBIEU & Adauti for Sonil 148 South Delaware avenue. 11. T. lIELMBOLD. •, . • IN CIPMNINGI THEIR NEW EKABLISHMENT, CHESTNUT STREET ABOVE BROAD, SILK IVEPA:FL'TME NT. MANTILLA r) IE. pArttrmammr BRAWL -n-v,pA.wr,c4lEN'T TIMM SS G 4-00 IDS. DEAPAitTMENT! LACE AND EMBROIDERIES , HOUSEKEEPING GrOOODS. MIXED CLOrns, PLMIst OLOTUS. FAR' CLOTIIO. OPERA CLOT as. `' t a. "JLAIN CA ERIE. CLOTHING HOUSE, First Class Ready-Made Clothing, suit , able /or all Seasons, constantly on hand. Aliso, a Handsome Line of Piece Goods for Custom Work. OEO. W. HERMANN. EARLES' GALLERIED, LOOKING GLASSES. OIL PAINTINGS, JAMES S. EARLE ik 5018. FRENCH PEAS aND MU 11R 4D 4D rvi . Tie Finest Small Tender French Peal, Illuskreems and Trnillai. • arses Oar Very Fine Olive . Oil, llEvocaroni and Vermicelli. , SIMON COLTON & CL&RICE, S. W. corner Broad and Wall it Sta. alfmw I NDIA RUBBER MACHINE BELTING STEAM 1 Packing Bose, Engineers and A l ters Ond a full assortment of cloodyear's Patent Vulcanized Rubber Beltin& Paeldag Hose. dm. at the Manufacturor's /leadquarteni. GOODYEAR'S, 208 tliusitnut street South Ode. N. B.—We have now on hand a large lot of Gentlemen% Ladies' and Wares" Otuti Boots. Also, every variety and s Vp IltMr(lvPrroPtft. 1p 'rub . Phi:kik:BllED RINGER. -- PREBEIWED A onprr, in mut , . ef the celebrated Chyloong Wendt Oro. Dry IPreeerved Ginger, in boxes. imported end fpr enie by JOSEPLI D. BUSSIER & 0(1.. LOB Routh Damage SVOIIIIO. ; r - _ eSO2IIIIAIII6 ONES' 40 NE-PRICE 004 MARKET STREET, PHILAIVLPHIA.. TUB WINE ALMS. 816 OffEETBUT STREET. PICTURE FRAMES, FINE ENOHAVINGS, CHROMO LITHOGRAPHS. onoonatEti.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers