»IP • I believe, if I should die, And yon anould kiss my eyelids when I Ile Vold, dead, anti dumb to,all the world coutains, Tbefoldtd tabs would open it thy br3ath, And from its exile In the aisles of death Life would come gladly back along w 7 ans. I believe If I were dead, And 3 on upon iny lifeless heart should tread, Not knot% big what the poor clod chanced to be, It would find rtidderi pulse beneath the touch . Of him it ever lovcd in life so much, And throb egalo,•warns, tender. true to then. I believe If on my grave, Hidden in woody deep.,or by the wave. Four ey s should drop wino warm tears of ro gtet, From (very salty reed 'of your dear grief, dome fair sweet blossom would leap into leaf, To prove death could not maim my love forget. I tulleve if I ebould fodo Into those my bile realms where light is made, And you eboula long oxce. Encore my taco to see, I would comb for upon the hills - OE night, And gather mars like faligolii till thy sletit . ; Ltd by the beacon blize, lull lull on me! I believe my faith In thee, &lore' as my ilk, so nobly placed to be, It wcu'd LB Boon ex vet to see the Ban Full like a deud ktrg •from his height sublime, Ills glory buteken from the throne of time, As thy; unworthy dies worship thou haat won. I bell( in who has not loved Bath half the treasures of eis life unproved; Like one who with the grape within his grasp, Drops it, with-1111 its crimson joie° unpreseed, And all Its lusClous °sweetness left ungneased, Out from his notelet% and unheeding clasp. I btlieve love, pure and true, Lilo the soul b sweet, immortal dew Tbat gems life's petals in its hours of dusk; Tile walling angels tee and recognize The itch ni n jewel, love of Paradise, When life fails front us likes withered husk. [Front the naturally fueteay.l There are widows and widows. There are thisse who are bereaved, and those who are released; those who lose their support, and those whose chains are broken; those wh • ate stink in desolation, and those who wake lip into freedom. Of the first we will not speak... Theirs is a sorrow too sacred to be publialy htuadled even with sympathy; bw, ce e ce. second demands no such respectful reti n The widow who Is no sooner released from one husband• than she plots for another, and the widow who leaps into liberty over the grave of a gaoler, not a lover, are fair .. game enough. They have always, been favorite subjects for authors to exercise their \wits on; and while men are what they are laughing animals, apt to see the humor lying inincongruity, and with a spice of the devil to sharpen that same laughter into satire— they will remain favorite subjects, tragic as the state is when widowhood is deeper than mere outward condition. There are many varieties of the widow and all are not beautiful. Fur one, there is the widow who is bent on remarrying whether men like it or not—that thing of prey who goes about the world seeking whom she may devour; that awful creature who bears down on her victims with a vigor in her assaults that puts to flight the popular fancy about the weaker sex and the distribution of power. No hawk poised over a brood of hedge birds, no shark cruising steadily towards a shoal of small fry, no piratical craft sailing under a free flag and accountable to no law save success, was ever more formidable to the weaker things pursued than is the hawk widow bent on remarrying. She knows au much; there is not a menet lyre by which a victory can be stolen that she has not mastered; and she is not afraid of even the most desperate measures. W hen she has once struck, he would be a clever man • and a bold one who could escape her. Gene rally left but meagerly provided for in worldly goods-else her game would not be so difil cult—she makes , up for her poverty here by her wealth of bold resources, and by the courage with which she takes her own for tunes in hand, and, with her own, those of her more eligible masculine associates. Sne is a woman of purpose, and lives for an end; and that end is reonarrlige, with the most fa vorable settlement practicable on the occa sion. If fate has dealt hardly by her—though may be compassiouately by her successive spouses—and has landed her in the wido wed state twice or thrice, she is in no nowise daunted, and as little abashed. She merely refits after a certain time of anchorage, and goes out into the open again. for a repetition of her chance. She has no notion of a perpetuity of weed, and, though she may have cleared her half-cen tury with a margin besides, thiuks the sug geetive orange-blossoms of the bride infinitely more desirable than the fruitless heliotrope of the widow. If one husband is taken, she re members the old proverb, and reflects on the many quite as good, who are potentially left subject to her choice. And somehow she manages. It has been said that any woman can marry any man if she determines to do so, and follows on the line of her determina tion wish tenacity and common sense. The hawk widow exempbfies the truth of this say ing. She determines upon marriage, and sue usually succeeds; the question being one of victim only, and not of sacrifice. One has to fall to her share ; there is no help for it, and the whole con test is, which shall it be? which is strong est to break her bonds? which craftiest to slip out of them? which most resolute not to bear them from the beginning? This the etrag gling covey must settle among themselves the best way they can. When the hawk nounces down upon its quarry, it is Bauve qui peut! But all cannot be saved. One has to be caught, and the choice is determined partly by chance, and partly by relative strength. When the widow of experience and resolve bears down upon her prey,the result is equal ly certain. Floundering avails nothing; struggling and splashing are just as (stile; one among, the crowd has to come , to the slaugh ter, like Mrs. Bond's ducks, and to assist at his own immolation. The best thing he can do is to make' a handsome surrender, and to let the world of men and brothers believe he rather likes his position than not. There are widows, howeirer, who have no thought or desire for remaining anything bat widowe—who have gained the worth of the world in their condieton. "Jenne, riche, et venve—quel bonbeur!" says the French wife, eying "mon Wart" askance. Can the most exacting woman ark for' more ? Anti truly such a one is in the moat enviable position possible to a woman, supp)sing always that she has not lost in her husband the man she loved. If she has lost only the man wii-o sat by tight at the same hearth with herself— perhaps the man who quarrelled with her across the ashes—she has lost her burden and gained her release. £he cross of matrimony lies hem y on many a woman Who never takes the woilo into her c mfidence, and wko bears in absolute silence what see has , not the power to cast trona her. Perhaps her husband has been a min of note, a man of learntug, cif elevated station, a politi cal or philautliropic power. Hue alone knew the frettulaers, the petty tyranny, the miser able smallness at home of the Lull of large repute whom his nentrati in „spired w honor, and whose public life was a mark fir the future to da , e by. %Veen he died the press wrote his eulogy and hid eiLy,y; bet his widow, when she put on her weeds, sang LOVE'S RELIEF. WIDOWS. - - softly in her own heart a.paean to the great King of Freedom; and whispered , to - . herself Leandainne, with a sigh of unutterable relief. To such a WOOlati Widowhood has no seed mental regrets. • She has come into posses- sion of thegoods forWhith-• perhaps she sold herself; she is young enough yet to enjoy, t, prelect a future. she has the free choice of a bianizfaidlire:fren - actlon of a nttronots 2 no - other woman has. She may b 3 courted, and, sheneed not , be chaperoned, nor , yet forced to accept. Experience has mellowed and enriched her; for though the asperities of_ her former condition were sharp while they lasted, they had not time permanently to roughen or embitter her. Then the sense of relief gladdens, while the sense of propriety subdues her; and the deli - cote mixture of outside melancholy, tem pered oith internal warmth, is wonderfully enticing. -. Few men know now to resist that gentle sadness which does not preclude the sweetest sympathy with pleasures in w hic 1 she may not jinn—with haPpiness which i 4, alas! denied her. It gives an air of such pro found unselfishness; it asks so mutely, so be witchingly, for consolation. Even a hail man is moved at the sight of a pretty young widow in the funeral black of her first grief, sitting apart with a patient smile, and eyes east meekly down, as one not of the world, though in it. Her loss is too re cent to admit of any thought of reparation; and yet what man does not think of that time of reparation? and if she is more than usually charming in person, and well dowered in purse, what eau does not think of himself as the best repairer she could take? Then, as time goes on and she glides gracefully into the era of mitigated grief, how beautiful is her whole manner, how tasteful her attire! The most exquisite colors of the rampant kind look garish beside her dainty tints, and the untempered mirth of happy girls Is coarse beside her faint subdued admission of moral sunshine. Grays as 'tender as a dove's breast; regal purples which have a glow behind their gloom; stately silks of sombre black, softly veiled by clouds of gauzy white-Lall speak of passing time,and the gradual bloom ing of the spring after the sadness of the win ter; all symbolize the flowers which are grow ing on the sod that covers the dear. de parted; all hint Who melting of the funereal gloom into a possible bridal. She begins, too,to take pleas s ure in the old familiar things of life. She steals Into a quiet 'lack seat at the opera; she just walks through a quadrille; she sees no harm in a fde or flower-show, if properly companioned. Winter does not last forever, and a life-long mourning is a weari some prospect; so she goes through her de grees in accurate oraer, and comes out at the end radiant. For when the faint shadows cast by the era of mitigated grief 'fade away, she is the widow par excellence—the bloom ing widow; young, rich, gay and free, with the world on her side,ber fortune in her hand and the ball at her foot. She is the freest wo. man alive; freer even than any old maid to be found. Freedom, indeed, comes to the 01l maid when too late to enjoy it; at least in certal 1 directions; for while she is young she i s necessarily in bondage, and when parents and guardians leave her at liberty, the world an I Mrs. Grundy take up the reins, and hold them pretty tight. But the widow is as thoroughly emancipated from the conven tional bonds which confine the free action of a maid, as she is from those which fetter the e ite; and only she herself knows what she bas lost and gained. She bore her yoke well while it pressed on her. It galled her, but she did not wince; only when it was removed did she become fully conscious how great bad been the burden, from her sense of infi nite relief. The world never knew that she had passed under the harrow; probably therefore it wonders at her el:worminess, with the dear departed scarce two years dead; an I some say how sweetly resigned she is, an I others how unfeeling. She is neither. Ste is simply free after having lived in b mdag'-, and she is glad in consequence. But she is dangerous. In feet abe is the most dangeroe of all women to men's peace of mind. See does not mean to marry again for many years to come,if ever; granted; but that does not say that she is indifferent to admiration, or careless of men's society. And being with out serious intentions herseleshe does not re flect that she may possibly mislead and de ceive others who have no such cause as she has for bewaring of the pleasant folly. la the exercise of her prerogative as a free woman, able to cultivate the dear est friendships with men and fear lessly using her power, she entangles many e poor fellow's heart which she never wished to engage more than platonically, and crushes &Tea she had not the slightest intention to raise. Wby cannot men be her friends? se - asks, vs ith a pretty, pleading look—a tend it kind of despair at the wrongheadedness ()I the stronger sex. But, tender as she is, she does net easily yield, even when she loves The freedom she has gone through so much to gain she does not rashly throw away; and if ever the day comes when she gives it up into the keeping of another—and for all her protestations it comes sometimes—the man to whom she succumbs may congratulate himself on a victory more flattering to his vanity, and more complete in its surrender ut advantages, than he could have gain( d over any other woman. Belle or heiress, of higher rank or of greater tame than himself, no unmarried woman could have made such a sacrifice in her marriage as did this widow of means and good looks, when she laid her freedom, her joyous present, and a potential future, is his band. He will be lucky if be montages so well that he is never reproached for that sac rifict —if his wife never looks back regretf 411 y to the time when she was a widow, and If there are no longing glances forward to the possibilities ahead, mingled with sighs at the difficulty of retracing a step when fairly made. On the whole, if a woman can live witho s love, or with nothing stronger than a tend .t sentimental friendship,wido w leo id is the mo t blissful state she can attain. But if she is a loving nature, and fond of home, finding her OW n happiness in the happiness of otheis, and indifferent to freedom—thinking, indeed, feminine freedom only another word for dee. lation—she will be miserable until she h doubled her experience and carried on the ot, into the new. Mnrrled People In Society. An astute and observing reviewer says: Even in good circles a visitor may observe a constant flashing of signals between inn married guests. It is perhaps needless to remark that such messages are confined where there is propriety, to wives and tlictr respective husbands; but, in any case. the fact of these going about, combined with tun consciousness that he, of all assembled, his nothing in common with the notions thst prompt them, render the bachelor, if not for the moment unhappy, at least impelled to fall back upon those cynic,' consolations which have been specially designed fit celibates. He may note that if he addressrg a remark to Mrs. A., who sets next to him, Mr. A., at the other end of the tale, seems to have it con ducted to him by a process of Fympatbv, filch we must leave meinnerists or Mr. !ionic to discover. When Mrs. A. replies, looks up v., lib a glance of intelligenee,althomo his atirrtion is due, and is indeed given, to the roriverBation of those An iris imixlediAte neighborhood. You must know tint west you say, and what you do, wilL be subjected THE DAILY yAVEIVINQ BULLETIN-PIIILADELPLUA, FRIDAY, MAlt,Oll 5,1869, on your departure tols dual crilicheri which has the dengeretes'advantageior,helng.licit i l et public nor reslyernSible f 'hitil being thee Mira .1f ' two experiences, one male and OttetcNokie often possesses,:.Waccuraer*rible, fir th , l subject Olt te.conteriridatek,;Mor, Mltattee , supposing yeti arts . ; the Side baChelor at a cane ! try house: men itiMain:up to smeke a last cigar; baying been almost audi bly cautioned (you can either hear or see tno notice) against overstaying a short leave of absence. Oue by one they disappear, except, per haps, an extra polite or - courageous gentle- I man who is good enough to see you sutfain 4 I from a dim sense of injury, and remains , longer :ban the rest. At length ho g)es, and you are left, Next:morning yon may be per fectly Certain that if yoU Were tfinught worth a ciscussion, you have been thoroughly weighed, measured and done for, in Mat mysterious conclave .at which there are no witnesses. It you only stncly'or draw outthe men a little, ten to one you will get fr,lot them what their wives think Of you, and per haps w - hat they even - haire . said; for there aro nun with clever wives who - do not object t , ) give you a quiet prod.of the.hodkin they aro proud of. But the wlvei-Sweet hypo crites conceal their opinion from most, though it :you .watch their faces off g mod, you catch &glimpse Of it. rlere,with rut doubt, the married man has a aociil power far' beyond the isolated' and "wild ass " independence ot.the bachelor; It has been set tled that the wile selects her husband's friends af,er marriage. Sue weeds theM to her own taste, and plants others more in accord with her own sentiments. And indeed she does this constantly, to the end, of the Chapter; and, as a rule, she is right in her • 'instincts , For a woman in this` vnist acts in' 'a great measure from instinct, aided . by , the direct knowledge which she extracts, from her hue - band, and which has been,perhans, imparted to . hint in bursts of confidence never intended for conveyance to her. Spanish Jourrialitanlta Amusing Features!. It is said that no fewer than sixty political journals are now published' in Madrid, and that the number is rapidly, increasing. A.s their combined circulation does not exceed 1;,0 .000 copies, of Whicii, number; the Cor 7opundencia and the impctrciat print newly two-thirds, it would seem that the re wait der must each baVe but tt".'handful of readers, and exert a' very trifilne influence. Few probably circulate more than a thousand copies, which are sold at about a cent each in our currency. They have sprang into ex istence Eloce the overtbrow•of the Bourbon dynasty, and represent every phase of politi c,sl opinion now extantitilEtpain. In most of the attributes of an enterprising journal they are wufully deficient, and the greater part of them will doubtless become extinct within the present year. The Correspondencia may be considered 'Le type of a first-clasiliewspaper according to tivihish notions. Tne celebrated Bull Rao Ilto,stll writes ,to the Llndon Tinges the following description of this remarkable sheer t. . "The Correspondencia is, as it professes, a `universal diary of news,' universal, impar boil, encycloptudical—an indefatigable gossio pi, ker; home and foreign intelligence, per soual, political, commercial, all is given he a heap of confused paragraphs, the editor evi 'fenny throwing all items of information in , nag like the numbers of the lottery, drawine them up at haphazard, printing them d two pele mele , higgiedy-piggledy, and leaving i 'or the reader to pick uo the plums as he Ws', can out of the iudigestible paste of the pud ding which is served out smoking hot bettre hint. "The CorreApondencia is published in the evening, between 9 end 10 o'clock. The e,,,we is just composing itself to its night's ealriness, the latest shops are closed; the last carriages have driven to the theatres; the core els in the streets are thinning, when, puuctual to a minute, the talismanic name of the great budget of news is bawled ab tut by a thousand stentorian throats. A mighty stir crow s—positively a commotion; a new throb of life pervades every quarter, only subsiding by imperceptible degrees, and not dying away till `2. or 8 o'clock after midnight. "No reading Spaniard thinks the day ha 4 been fully spent tin he has skimmed over the eolurens of the Cor, espondencia. -They c,ll it the ;night-cep' because most people eke it to bed with them, and make it a p tint ro go to sleep over it. The paper is wretched, 'lie ink aborninabl-, the printing detestable; there is hardly a copy one or two pages of which are not so effaced as to be almost un readable; you cannot touch it without soiling dour fingers. The misprints, the misplace ment of the lines and whole paragraohsonake it often a riddle, always a_mess. You must wade through an uncinseirmable amount of mere inanity, twaddle and nonsense. SrAll; i• there is news alining in the world,y to are sure to have it—to bav,e it sooner than you could by any possibility get it from oilier sources. The news may be garbled, the news may be absurd, the news may be gla ringly faise,but there it is—an invaluable sum wary and index to him wh`re-cad sift it wan die.eretion, a pleasurable draught and coriial to Wm who swallows without straining at if. "Here it is, with its 'first, second and third edition' jn one. Four rows of telegrams in 'our different places, conspicuous hr the b:,( her ink in which they are invariably printed. Here is the quotation from the Ex barge, with some symptoms of recovery trout the late panic. Tidings from Cuba, sliced r• ut in four separate paragraphs, one ih each of the four pages: 'Deice has published the Bill of Rights; the publication has made a go' d impression on all good people. He has proclaimed the liberty of the press; he has eularat d the electoral franchise; he may even go the length of introducing universal sur f rage.' And a little further on, 'Dube has not proclaimed the liberty of the press; the same must be understood about any modiff-- (-alb nof the electoral law.' `Diu Aga& farnherlik has arrived at Madrid; he is not be distinguished singer, but only his brother r ' `General Caballero de Bodes is expected in Madrid.' It is not positively known when General Caballero de nodea will return tet . Madrid.' Arid so ortth the awful Jumble. If you dare to omit ai gle paragraph, you will go and inform pout send that 'a child has been run over in th Puerto del Sol,' when your friend, a more careful reader, will point to another paragraph at the foot of the column, wherein it is stated that 'the report of the coughed child has been contradicted.'" ' rancide in Prie s ra. Audtew Baker, a wealthy young firmer of Erie r.ounty, Pa., committed suicide hist Wednesday. He was enamored of a young lady lu the vicinity, who lobl• co upon his suit c ;Idly. Oa Weducuday vetting be visited her and told her if she would not consent to marry him he would coattail Bil- Ode. The lady again assured him that she would not become bi wife and in his desperation he kit her, and proceeding to his harn, attached a rope to his neck, fastened the other end to a tall upon which he had tvklett standing, and swung himself off. Mr. 13 her Owned - a Wells snaked hum of eeventy-flve iteles, was sob e r and le cur Woes, and leaves a widowed mother, him sista rs, and one brother to mourn his death. His remains were interred in the Erie euinntery On Friday—the young lady on who4e necottat he committed the foolish deed Mounting the funeral. She sectutd`very much affected by the tr.tgleAl death of her lover. —A Rocky Mountuin pop( r eaves up Edifirt pbrogrtiplis under the savory title of "Nuodlo Soup." .• ?"- , , v.vz. =21:43M7M TIM tare* Dritritanztas..—Behire Raeurder tititt4 zeiterday , aftell2ool3, Robert Ora=ley, cite of the pidleenten of the Eighteenth s . District, wade the isßloaing affidavit iu relation to. the at teat of Itiefars. hoes aril Otiosely and the pro. eft e at the taco of Aid, Devitt: "Personally appeattd before the ataleteriber,the Recorder in end for the' city of Pailadelpuis. Robert erntetne.),-who,,being duly accord irg law, dePoselb and .saltb that: On Tritifiday vetileg, betwten pine Vend ten o'clock, Officer ThertisS 'WWI', of the Eighteenth Nelda, name •to ins tin my ( s at, on the C ' leer of Cluneerlaud and R:chtnond streets, in campany with several tern, and in theme of 'Cm - NOW Samuel Reap; ()Met r flust • er told me that tea had been arrested bJ Cixstable 'Reap, .and asked me to go down to the Aide Matt's 011itte to give hail for him; I went with Officer . Hassey to the ears and rode to Aid. 15, aittttt aliee, en South Filth street; we stood kerns tirete antstdo the dour to fore the 'dour Was Opened; Aidertnan Devitt shottb came, and et abort quarter heiore eleven o'cleek the heating vvas commenced, and (Meer Hes.' 3 was err:rimmed to prison, the bail being tiled by Aid. !Mau DeVilt at $1.500; I then offered to b.. bundsm kn for Officer flus=ev, and Alele r Mat Devitt arktd me of what my property cort.it.titt; e Cut 1 odd hint It was No. 230 G Fr tokford t oad, abovetxalaed stread. and that the pro perty was assessed at $1,500, and that I had paid mate on that sum for tee property; Alderman Devitt solo d rue if I and my deeds with me;l told him be, but thatl woull take my oatla,that I was worth between four and five thousand (tatters; ho said be couldn't - take me, because I and not my duds with ter ;1 then returned home to Rich mond; yestetday morning I again went to Altietuoin Devitt, showed him the deed of my property and my tax receipts; Alderm eu Devitt then said that the bail was 403,000; he asked m 3 if 1 was worth that, and I told him I watt worth more than that; I had then been sworn, but Alderman Devitt said lid would not take me as surety. Sergeant John House, of the Eighteenth District, then asked Alderman Devitt for a tran script of the case on his docket, at the same time rfferi , g hint a twenty-dollar bill. Alderman Devitt said he wouldn't givethe transcript now— that be hadn't time, and that we ehould have a happy time getting these men out fie then put on his hat and coat and loft the office. • “Ronshr Cateamwr. 'Sworn and subectibed before me Ma 4th day of March, A. D 1860 "James Give; Recorder of Philadelphia." Thus several important statements in the Alder Man% allegations are flatly and positively denied. Lie nienant John Kelley, with a force of fifty men under his command, has been detailed to take charge of the Twenty-fifth Ward, in conse quence of the resignetiou of Lieutenant Murray arid a considerable portion of his force. Last evening twenty policemen of the Tenth District resigned to. I.leutenant Spear, on the ground that they, as officers, received no protee• don whatever fr om in those in au th ority. They also allege th at two of their number bad been removed the evening before for no cause whatever, and the rumor had gone abroad that they bad been guilty , of misdemeanor in office. Nut wishing to hove their characters maligned, they concluded to re sign. The officers have issued the following card: To the Public:—The undersigned, Ide Officers of the Tenth Police District of this city, hav ing teen at all times willing to hazard our lives to the preservation of the public peace and the ; rot:eras of our kllovv-citizens, and being un %tiling to sacrifice-our reputation and rights us citizens fur reasons political. and being without protection from the authorities while performing our duties as police officers, have rusfoted from be police force of the city : I Dalt 13 Hamilton, George Maguire, Joseph Houser, ' Jacob Patterson, Peter faith r, Jos. Henderson, ilk bard Irwin, John heed, James Goodwin. John F. Koch, fl, nry Weygand, BenJ F. Cox, vs ter A tole, Win. Magee, lames Harrison, Levi Renner, t;,•orge Switzer, i Andrew J. Coulter, John Van Winkle, Win. Bennett. Rico Arm PETICK Committee. Barmy WELTGAND, JOS111•11 UMW], THE INFP El it. OF :fie ENGINES AND BaiLans.—Tole Department, created during Let year by Councils, is now In lull working ord, r. Same the 15th of last J weary, 2,500 gaiters heat; been registered, and 220 inspected. Of these two were condemned, the one' beitg so worthless a to render It unnecessary to apply any tests, and the other giving way at a hydraulic pressure of 45 pounds. The rooms of the Department are located in the Forrest Building. oe Fourth street, below Chestnut, and are well ar ranged for the purpose. Ia the general office there is a mercury column for testing gauges to a pressure of 280 lba. to the square inch. This instrument, the only one south of New York, is constructed of fire vertical glass tubes, in which the mercury plays together with an equal number of tubes contaiuing water. These 10 tubes, about 10 feet long, are arranged parallel with each other{ and connected with a graduating scale. The mercury is contained In live horizontal cylinders, from which it is forced into the glasii tubes by means of a hydraulic wheel, pump the gauges to be tested being connected therewith by India rubber tubes. The method of finding the amount of pressure that can safely be carried in a boiler Is by the mut tlplicatien of the thickness by 56, then by 12,000, and the division cf the product by the radius. IL was fortbeily supposed that flues introductal into boilers constructed of the same thickness of iron would,present as much power of reetstauee to collapse aia the boiler to' explosion; brit receut elaborate experiments, it is said, have demon. Waled that their power of resistance to collapse is b x ut one-third of the power of reeistance to explosion of the boiler. The pressure that a flue will with safety bear, is found by multiply ing 806,300 by 2.19 of the thickness divided by the sum of Its length and Its diameter. 0 to-flan of this rteult will be. the amount desired Mr. Love glove has prepared elaborate tables, by means of which the amount of workin pressure that can with safety he put upon a holler or flue eau be seen at a rl • DISTILLERY be distillery o John Young, on the cast side of Ninth street, between Montgomery avenue and Berks street, together with the amble and oWce connected there wlta, was' enthely destroyed by,tire last - evening. The tire originated in the °Wee while the men were walking in the distillery, and spre id with such rapidity that two of them were eonsiderabli . horned whilst escaping. A horse tithe et bh was sot out with difficulty. Mr. Young owned We buildings. They were all frame, and bat b single story high. In the distillery there was large quantity of grain and considerable' whi-ky, which materially aided the flames in doing trade work swiftly. The machinery and `stills wort. nearly ail new, and were rendered tisele. , s. Mr Young estimates hie loss at $12,000. fie h.ta no Insurance. The fire r..anlterl iteeidentslly. ALl.uoso Fonounv.—Yesterdtty afternoon John Craig, alas George Anderson, who was ar -lested by Detective Cation about a week agl, charged with 'stehilrg a watch, chain, and some money from the schooner William Ilifallery, tjt w York, had a final hearing before Alderman Kerr. A cheek. was stolen at , the same time, and • the officer stated that the nee:used :Omitted that heCtidorsed the name of John Wihur, the con tain of the vessel, uud then drew the money. The defendant was held to $3,000 tail to answer. It la sold the' the prisoner, is an old offtlidt r, having served several terms of impristinmen t, and was only liberated in the early part of last week, FINES AND PENALTIBS.—The Ones and penal. ties puld into the City Treasury by the' different Aldermen of the city, daring . the month of Polt ruary amounted to 0517, as follows: Lewis Gall eon, $5l; William O. 'Volvo. $37; Charles M. carrienler, $4B; 0. L. Ramsdell, $B5; Thom as Dallas, $2B; S. P. Jones, Jr., $241 William R. Heins, •.34; William Neill, $24; Joseph C. Tit teimary, $67; A. T. Eggleton, $100; J. R. Me nary, 628; Charles E. Pancoast; $4l. ,;This is a ninth larger return than has been Made for a lenztb of litne.. PENSIONERS DISAPPOINTED —A crowd of pen fionels was dispersed, yesterday morning front the front of the office of Col. E. \V. C. Greene, Persnin Agent, without receiving their money. The cause was assigned to the failure of the Mt purinient at Washingtoo to forward the draft for the paymtnt of pensions. ,As .it is under stood that eolonel Greene has resigned his °die as Version Agent, this may be au explanation of the difficulty. AMUSEKENT& cONCELR._.T. HALL. 11101110 AT; 11111411 M o . 1869; GRAND OPENING NIGHT AR ABIAN GREAT COMBINATION ENTERTAINMENT. AND EVERY EVENING UNTIL FURTIIER, NOTICE ANli ODI% CREED T EXTRAORDINARY ThO DlSlONferntilt have the Wee urn of announcing an engagement a Rh the beautiful and talented troaellat. DDSS JENNIE WADE, From Etclnwars Old Irvine's Hall. New York. CARLE:TON, The unequalled Irbil Comedian and Vorallat, 'who will “ppear h. hi. Great Irish Specialities: The DuLim Lancing Mattei. Whiatilng Pat DicCatin. Etc. Age. PROFESSOR M. O'REARDON. l'lninfFt nod Com; over, from the Timm nny Theatre New o ek.e.llcre he Im o elicited the latMett menu:dame of th e meta. ‘N. ill intrbduce his great *Desist uu, the TUSIBLEHONICON. Playing three dletinct tuna at ene and the came time. SIGNOR CliAltLEtt GARSII.O. The Greet Comte Vocelipt and CadentLriat, from the Albambra, London, in hie Ureat Churacte: Songs: 1.4) in a Baleen. An Italian Guinea Pie Boy, king Rame. &c.. Daring the Evening will be exhibited TEE ARABIAN NIGHTS TABLEAU. Fifty in number. being the very 13604 and moat brautitol panting* aver exhibited lu thin cuuntry,thasuated by an able !retire. '1 he Entertainment will conclude each evening by a 010.1iD PRESENTATIOTOTE ONE HUNDRED VALU ABLE' ti E AUDIENCE. ihe cmoteribo Grand and Square Plano ruted neon Dili occarion ia from Gould'a Munk Store, cheatnutatrect. TICKETS. . . ..... • . , CENTS ILESEIIVED SEATS SEVr TY , EIVE • er.sTs (CEO be Revered els days in advance.) Ticket Box Office open (rem 9 Al M. to 5 P; M. MATINEE. G RA.ND AIi.ABIAN NIGHTS MATINEE, For the accommodation of families and ponces at • die. lance. SATURDAY AFTERNOON. March o, terA, Commencing at 954 o'clock. ...... . FIFTY CENTS . . CEN'l tl ......... dr bin. Proorietqm. (a.tottlik. uoitLION. Director. TICKETB. GIaLLDJO.N... co...ADV MI OF NIL 61 UPE C. RA. JAI/IFS FI SK. G u,„ ADOLPI:i BItiFLLD LAST NIGHT BUT 01 4 1 E or THE 'FRENCH OPERA. CA BP.—The undersigned beds l•ase "o state. PI answer to th o innumerable requesta received fur•prolmeettou of tbe westd ei c e sason of kiench opera.d itionl that it is utterly untooble e !Veit ripple ad performance to those outpoured below. eud they vrtil In all probs• Unity Constitute the left performances ot the Amts lu Philsoril hint rfor to their return to Frauct. .Very respectfully. BIRG FELD. FRIDAV EVENING. 'March 6th. LA CH,AbrON DE FulfillNo , . Opera Comic In one nct, by O f f enbach. Mlle. 1 hal Mea.re. Leduc and Franci,, Meidame holer. hoar. Matidide, Cc . Cc. LES ISAVARD2I. Oren' tOtOkitto in ts‘o acts. by Offenbach. Mlle. 11.htlfEc... EATURDAY AFTEENO I N at 2, GRAND GALA MATINEE. LA MANDE k 861 e, Opera Itouffe lu tour &Ct., by OtTenbach. 1.061 b.E. 3t A CJIIC. Leduc, Lartriffoul. Ducheme. Milo. Duck &c.. &c. HATA' t DAY EN" ENI • O. March 6th., (nista) FAILLWL.LL PERFORM tNt.E. Dills ttr.,TE.,-, "'the. 1t.11.1. Mous. AtAAC, First appeattu,cu ton i Philadelphia, URI. torse. Opera Vouffe. In one act, by tteany and Off..nbsch. MI LE 'I tots , Et ....... as ..... //NE le cid, [lntl to MI, ',lie MLLE. ‘4,lcri.E.: wat perform a GRAND I'o for Hann ' , tote. With Orchestra ACCOUIPUIIID , nt, by It. Lie tz. 'loo e. Duc,De. Mc. be followed by the (1 - o of .4 act La I'EttICIIOLEON E. MLLE IRMA. h 1 3. dUJAC. To conclude e , h the P , C13134 act of oftrlitth A U X LINFERS. Reetrved Beata for anv of the above perform*oees ftP RON kWh &Ulric ttore.lll4l Choetout oueet, and at U Academy of bluely. SCALE OF PRICES: ADM1E810N............ ..... ... .ONIE D3LL Alt No I. zoo Loarao for • Itiatrvi d beat Family ..........ti C t ). TO , Gab. Ty hirty Ocot-. TII LAI Itk. COMIQUE—SEVENTII STREET. BELOW Arch. (.ommemee ,hto 8. MONDAY aNE , ING. MARCaiBth. ?HOF. RIbLEY ORIGINAL JAPANitnt TROUPE. UIP WONDERFUL P6IIFORMERS. Drought Dom Japan. and plane exhOited In all the PRINCIPAL. UITIE9 T H E: WOW). Fecund Seat. TiurepleCe. PAS Cheetnut wort, and at the Box (Ake of the lbeatte, on Friday. inhfo.tfo SESAN DALTO,N , S (.'IIEST('LT taIIIEST THEATRE swat AND I.AbT WEEK OF TUE SUSAN DALTON Cl)Mit) (WEIL& titlial'ANTY. TB'S (Kr 11.1)11) EVEN:MO. March b. OFFEbbACI.' BIN d Gleba (SS US T COMIe) e.IYES Se ;ROSON t;R p. With new and clegbut actuery.,4alutud by elm'. Berk r and Jaw wcb.o. NEW AND SPLENIDID COSTUMES. WlllJbortlY rippler C. D. tiLela' GREAT lIIIIILvSQUE CO 1i PA.NY. Vrose roeby'e Ore , a Itou•e, Chicago Pea' e eau be cure d dap) udvanceost frumpier' Lheathut stitct, awl at the 1 heats Cotransocing MI )NDAY.Pdateh Hiti. for MIA week oni , BACtiMAls'd A.o D UALDSI. Eit'a .PANY, 11.5; Si•NSAIII 4 ..NAL FRAISAg. MOD. DAY. Mooch 1245. ME ib UUJIP‘\NY. JUIIN DREW'S AMU tiTIIEET TILEATRI LII iledLus nt7s. FOCI , IVELYNI 0111 : YE "A VICTIM OF claw 4.4 TA TO-NIGIIT. FEUDAL March 5,1569. First Uwe Mir BHOII. I ve 10Lt.IES 0r A NIG r. DV MRS. JUIIN DREW AND IIuMPANY. Followed Iv. (loth 11 ..13) A civrim OF CIRCI'MSTAN , ES. BY MRS. JOHN DRMIW to siPANY. Alter which. omietl.4 YOUNG MAN Ram Sionista, ...Mr R. Ural Sarah. F .„ . „ . —Mos owls Goveopo , MUINPAI . —• . 511 .7 1;11 /lib • A . 130111' NuTEDswho ALNIYI NATICK. nagina at 734 o'clock WTM 18 (FHIDAYI EVEN NO March 5. BENLF/T Ok MKS. HARNEY WaLLIAMS. NI.ifIT Of the rotnarttc lrleh l ama. vrritten exproaelp for fd him/ MIL by John 'trough am. ontiJoa THE I..IIIIIHALD.hp.I.i. Rkefived on each representation toe largo and brilitao anint:tee. u Ith ENTIJUSIMITIC aPPL.arSE. MIKE .M BARNEY WILLIAM: MAGGIE. ACA Hint MRS. MAII.NnIY WILLIAM *1 HE EMERALD RINu, on naturday Altotllooll. iVIAAtInah oktoark.bTßA. PUBLIC REHEARSAL: ./ at the Horticultural Hall. every WeduesdaY. Ist , P. AL HORTICULTURAL HALL. Tickets sold at the door a&d all prinellial masks store, Packages of five, 181; single, 26 aerate. Engagements car be made hy adorebeins ISASTERTi' DM Monter,' etreet. W11'710 7 13 Muria Stem, 1141 Lhertuu street. • AMMO.% MllPte Store. list Chestnut street, oclUlt UhjißLE lu li.."AVlb'ti rierl; or eLAssicAL music. AT NATATIMOU HALL Broad elf cot. below Walnut. East Bide. SATLEDAY. EVBNIN O. March Bth. 186?. tjOlalaaValDg at 8 o'clock. MR. JARVIS will be :veined by Steams. 01'111..EM Act. Vtolin. ACM. tiTt , Ll... Jo.. Violin TOM,. KAaiMi.hElt. Viols. R. liElvNiO. Violoncello. CARD ADMISSEON.. . . , ..ONB DOLLAR lot Sale at all Ibn principal tolIBY) Wore& and at tile door on the eveniva of the Soiree. att Jbi URDru..ll. Will read a Chaim, Selection from Diatingulehod uutbora, io bie ou unapproachablo style. AT 'Dont 'GUM Utill H ALL. On MONDAY EVEN its 14. March H. 1849. 'name for aalo at T.um (dent Muck. More. No. Pita Clacatnut atruct Itieso toad Beata. 50 centa. utli3 it' . _ I lAta. W4.)I.4BWIN'i viral MATINEE AT T5l lJ FOYER OF 'lll6 k DEM YOF MAW. on FEU DAY A r TER NooN. b tn. t., at 4 o'clock. A.stated ?iv M. IF DOIJAkii COLON NE. VlMitatt.. and 11 V.ltot 11F.NNIO. Violonca Mit: Ae.coulPA.yi lit 'MA BA' HECK LTT. Ja. A diniteloo, ISt. inhl AGADEMY•OF FINE ARTB t _ Cal ESTNUT Street. above Tenth Open from h A. M. to G P. M. Benjamin West'? Great Picture of (JURIST B.E,JEcTun gin on exhibition. Jefe.tt A , hi:SEMI:ILN iiUlLDltiilit. M Amos MRN'S NEW Id CSICA.I. r.h,Trat CAI NMENIT. Adrinteeler, rh cents. Bente &newt d without extra eherge ut '1 ruteylvi's Waldo Wore. 9<6 Cluietutit. nitit•tit. kl UtilUA L. FUND MALI.. A.V.I , CARL BENT Z ANTI MARK MA88tr.7.13 GRANT) vltUtt} BTRA MATINEE. EVkack-rMATURDAY . AT, 8M P. M Package of four Tickets. 11.1. Single Admission, SO Cents For oiliest lila 11.;hectuat street. . iskt F‘)xtlr VAIIIEII Y THSA r TRS. , _ 'IICISITINFL'i r 14AST WEIKK sir TUE cItIOIN At, " RISLEY'S "JA " ALL RIDEIT" IRVENING: Alva. SATURDAY .AFTERNOI IN at 9 &cloak. NZ G - H s.; Director eusti'Vnitst:rf 11'0 411101. A. m *ENT. SECOND-STORY ifRONT, ROOM. urmortio WITH STE&Itil, 1142iiE' 19EW BULLETIN BUILDING, 607 Chestnut Street. i /Vply in the Publication Office. CHEESE & MorN)LLUM. REAL ESTATE AGENT& Office Jackson e're , et. opposite Menden street, (Apo lehne. N..►. heal &tele bought Arid veld. Pinata Oa rheum of mating ce.tages eating the motion will apply or eddrtru ILO above. , . , , Eespeetfully refer to Chile A Robles:lh flours' . Mimi% Frt. ode blellvsfu. Augustus 1.1e4 iuo.; Jowl - Davis. - and w, W..lu a rust fee.4l6 Fh /Of id To RENT. Ci Daelratit Flirt Flo °Mersin ' WASIII , U , ON BUILIONO, No. tad 8 I herd et. tat, below Walnut etroot. ail be ituttd low to that clte9r tenant/1 tell lee* 1;0 It RENT.--TllEBbeiNet, THOU) AND F01.18.'421 I' }Vote of ti t now building at the N. W...eortuir of Elphtt. and Mark e t rtfette Apply to fROw Dos A: 01'111Elt. on the pr. mite _,_• jetZtf f 0FF713 , R. 01,1548 TO 'RENT ON TOIRDPLtRiIII.Ii Holding. b 0.733 Walnut street. . tilpfs.44V OFFICE 7U LEC on *Lvov d 1103" et artmer. mb4tl6 REN FOR 81X MONTI3B— desirable and c•nornodloos double EloOte, tut- Itimbod stud replete with every conveuleacosittuota No. 28it pridae /trek , . Wow& tdbtki4-ttoit• CLAM b E C riNQ 111 Walnut erred, TO RF:I 4 4T-- A FURNDMED COIN IRV 11,84 .dente"tlear City Av. nuts Mallon. Pew: -Firmils ti•*. toad. Apply to JullS 8. GtOttidED, 2113 South Fourth • rent. tuta.oft* •FL RNIMIED HOUSE FOR REN FWD els or. tu 0 e artist. on Green/Area. wee nt.Eth. teentb. J.M gr., .OUSIMEN & nutid 7R Wednot TO RENT- 11.1 r. lIANDSONEEMENTRY gen?., withßArreeof orout d. nt Edgewater N J. Tiros R.NtutDs' mint Heal dePet. Kahle. le.Nhouee• ores' Ito 13eatink True. The Rouee oft linprovetnents-- vall be rrnted on a Lease for three years. . APII4Y4* UOII'ULR & JORDAN. 433,W01nut 'beet. ir/SmTORE PROPERTIES FOR I toe Your duly Building. No. 712 Chesil:nit etred. 1 .- crrmottow . La' ge Four rtory,rieltdine. N 0.41 North atirst stmt. Vote and Ba,etneut. No. 421 Mioorstroot. This &eery 0t0re.20,4 feet trout, No 94 Market fitne. Uculdboref , More itr,d tr.. 'Hog, ni'e lON Wittuerettleet. J t,LAISILY &I:11013.733 Walnut •troot. i r Falk. 11E1T. —A I.lAslri.iiM bit/DERN :REM. 't r o C he eeCWr e% p L a ib rt of c r t y h e cite ul T eo hy o fen tu l toeimr . In h e h r e agar A low =oaths tlrre, tor tato sit 4 MM tY 6 ISt )Ne.133 Walnnt et. Van 1/141klhai. - . - j7Oll SALE' -111F.1 PROPERTY ON Tfig . Nfifirkl 1' aid, (1.0 144 bi 7•4 fom ), at don the flonfilfid'! (t 01. 1 46 v k 713 (err) rf Lomb:ad *freer, tag , of Twe,l..-Illitii ia1144- tie for HY.; y stabler.. Iro , k.hcfm. fouudlita, d.htitfarfee. de. llie building, la good roaditooo. Foitfettoti with deeds: AtiPlY to - ' , '- *.5..t10.4A 9 g ( IA Of'f.. tut& f in w B.* 4Z Walnut atro.t. , E . 'toff - SATE- 16Cklikiiiid 4 4. 0 , 1 ' IdEN.—T - Ii vainatla lot of Or on rd, fst ha 2+,5 fort. at,ki. k 6 rfloker " 7vie4nh street .n 4 Wall ~at,.., senior w i l t, i ins.. Olt vtnieute. Call and examine. cr- apply 14 eke% 311;EL a.t f.PA Tit fc'lC. 'tol l'', fto w 31.• .So 144 mouth /fourth street. . . . . .. 'lt 8 A E- -A NA TT ttAtTI ‘TE COUNtItT a c i, bug., L u anniou. It .1:11,e out 41.” , W.'. BA V. :AV:PENT Ett, I • ELsCheatuur. stare& WEST PIIILAITELPIIIC Lt P I: TI KR SALE OR TO RENT ?be liondeoxne Brown atone RESIDENCE 3. Nei. unk 4110 nee 4112 litrett„ and Grey titoea Double lt.t.blDENCk , 4111 , el: , 18trrcwt fen f-m-w•lm4 14 , R SAI E- lAN El.l ISGg. etroot, fob Foteouth. 13 rooms; 101 13 by ra 10, riot, mood Ord. ; /derll iluprOVemente. Uttbr 61161(1). . • Oftril u...0r T.ovtlfth 10 rooms; lot 11 by 81 feet; tSIOII M 11, De ()Lay 64,503. l'oi . ayenno. tide I ron , rti. ((V, 7 et.th •trett. near '/ hooopoort., otorty and D Hag. 16 GM. ottb ttry ad .t•r•et.ab , va Thom/len. oolendid Brown ..t/Le lieo/d. nee ; lot L 1) by Ilk; la tome: good nyder; woo. ru luoytoreineute: ountention May 1%, PM; oozy half cod/. Only e 33 KO. to:ollo of/ au tn. 1:1044' Poyla 6 roan:0;1ot 16 by GO font. Only 63:au itto welfth et: ect, aboco Jeer/no:lot 17 by 113 Vary tt esp. 872L0. Mat...l , °theca for sale and to rent. J. W. UAL il ENS. CorrreyaneiT. tt.116-Ett Ka North If.oadatreeti in Ft,. 8•• LE—THE MODRititt 131 - 11. T 'VIREO , m Prick Reek/en %o. 1621 Vine .'rent. 14 feet by 140 to bark .tieet. tfa cn ,at.ir, doable bark build. rnta.o4 in goo d condition. Aoply on the orouiloey. n telo'n 10A M and I o'cloct P M.cabz.tot• i r YUJI tidt.E---111VEPSIDE OE LW terse on the Del.ware—converdeet to reip.end and etearubnat—vs - itb house ai.d Stable. furniture. horses. carriers-a, souls, bo.te. &c. Healthy eltuadon. fine rt. w, old trees and choice ao. tiou of hoi' in bealeng Terns Easy. Photographs at at oouth Thlid .tact.OtSZPltnei had.. BALE- RESIOENt uu.luit street and County Line - road. witip eteble lee-bon. , e and grotufds planted withfruit cod ornatec ntal trteeehrubs. Also . Walnut etrep Rod drnce. l'h tame et .ble. laund'9.&n .00 ,tr. et, iguDa.4ll ate.) In the rear. Both Properties in corn. plots order . For I urth rtw ap ortnation, ply to Et. 11. OFOLTZ. tel3' No. 10 Merchants' F.:chant:o. FOR BALE OR TU RER OFAMANTOWN — Candrotue *tone reslderce. Dura and Ttiorp , a lane. "v. tth 1„.% act ea of land. "rah ell tiunovntiC , no. dl.te port tmul ou. Vine Barden; be r-nt , d with or without furniture. Also, to rent. a fine muncher tesidentet. hith ho, re from attathn ; all ititprov.-nienfa. ly to ell t• l't 4 IK•.t. l'ta 4X4 Wa sni t street' °WIN—FOR E'tone Cottage r. nipbed with lel ..tits " mude couvrilfrocee. and to perfect ardor., altuato I Ike etreet, within die minhted sulk firma the Kali rouo or. n 4344111 1, peodwialou even oadited. J. GVIUMEY & hONS, 73.3 Walnut direct. c " olt SALT.--TME ANDSOME BRICK Do thing, with Tont...diary Doable Bank uctildi nes. Da. 170 Bowe street evory c mem:deuce and id lu good order. J. M. GtJagMtX & bONS. 753 ..ut direct. FUR SALE - TUB TEIREESTORY MODEL rD. riling. with Back Balldluge aria Motors Con 'rt Di • Derr. eltUare o. 1954 bombard stseet. J.145L (; M &tio S. SeZWalnutetreal. FUN PA I.b.—TlllK LARGE I3RICK - BUILDING Ewith lot of ground. 84 feet front by 109 Net deep. " ituato cn the couttprert corner at Tap% and tibip, Pon etreeto—. uitablo for on tualtutlon. J. M. 0 4 45124,far 41. emmi. 7223 Walnut otreot. `01174111 1 M0 A 1101 7 SE IN omtmiNfimtri,vAlkurrm Tt) rent or boy. of medium size. &ad to tho south vabttrik Wirt of the town. Address P.. W 6 %Valiant stuff. 'mhs2t• BOARDING* . QUinbt ER itt/ARDiNG.—A DOUBLE COWSIODIOITEI ono Dome. v , 11 h even large roma. priva , e c ; Wid be levied to flue or two private familial for the o.on. Stabling, etc. Bun ants *.me board f endeared, and private table if de fine. be above ir convenient of scores to the city, and offers men. Luducemento for comfort, &c. nifdttve Box 2159, hoPadelphie P 0, A tif.WILEMaN AND HIS WIFE CAN OBTAIN' .Llaccommodatlom in a goad - Mined eecoud.atory front room: a ith board, in a moll priva.o family, by App_lylng at 100 CHERRY kited,. Vacancha, Mao, for two biped 4.1 tit men. Good dormice given and required. relit 2t ItLOR AN D . CliAfriP ER 1 44 LET. WITH BII.EXICI ar foal. Apply at No. 2WI Walnut ttreet., betwaen and 12 o'clock A. M. rett2443o f31,0T1F9 O. CA sisißMKEis. I 1LW:11 OTOItE—JAMEB & LEE. No. ‘../ SECOND area, have now on hand a large and cboioe assottwent of Ball and Winter (hods. )particularty l anted to the Merchant Tailor Trade,. comprising - I[n part. French, Belgian and American Cloths of even , disterlis , Sou. OVERC , O &TINOS. Black French Castor Mavens. Colored French Castor Beavers. London Blue rilot Cloth Black and Colored Chinchillas. • • Blues. Black and Dahlia M.:meows. PANTALOON STUFFS. • Black French tituottneres. Do do. Doeskina. Fancy Cuestruerea new etylea, • • Steal Mixed. Doeekina.. tiaasimeres for MM. 1:10W itytee. C. 4 and 0-4 Do.aktna, beat makes. Velvet Cords,. lieaverteenn, ltalian Cloths. Canvas, with every variety of other trimming's, adapted to blen , s and Boys' wear, to which we invite the atten tlon of Merchant Tailors and others., et ,whohusalo and retailJ .6.114Ekl .& .LICt, No. l I North Second street,. Mau of the Golden Lard' I.PA.AGNAI.II.A.NB, AI.A.YCIONEEIt, N, 13,1. CORNER flurd aud Spruce Strode, only, one square ;below the Exchange. $250 IWO to loan in large or small 'imamate. oq diamonds silver plate, watcbek lewelnr, and all goodsof value. Office Mors from 8A.M.t07 P. M. M^ 'Estats. 'tolled for the loot forty yeare, Advainta made in WWI amoonta at Um low at marketratab ing.tfrp C. F. FELL & BRO. tsouth FRONT dtreat. El 13 0 0 1 ,itl WACO PIIILALBELPULt EVENiNG BULLETIN. • FRIDAY, llarcla 5, 1869. Answers to Correspondenssoe "Ii t Eln:—Ustler examination. The best Oboes le ployed fit the Atbenteum. , z ,, , ~ , ?,„ ~ , —= The contest for the challenge' , cup In Len ion Is becoming very exciting, Messrs. do Vore, Bhickburne, and others, being,nech-and-neck. "YE CUALLENGE." A YABLZ. Warmed by the early breath of spring, Or self-eoncelt,',or - some nett thing; Some croaking little (root, ouo eight, Took in their hunchn they'd have a fight; ao. cogitating, us they do, A Ilene and frothy challenge drew Amid the boisterous pond's applause, And tent the neighboring rooks " for cause." In frog like laugulge couched, they said : " If you deelltae, We'll count you,dead." The rdolr; however good a crow, Is not amphibious, you kno They quite good-naturedly replied : fg We cao,not fight , the bulrush tribe; but ithould they ever learn to fii , , We'll give a night, respectfctily;" X. Problem No. 050. BY Md. CHARLES J eitecuN . . . • ..,* Trizi'it 4 7 ,, A - r/A , q V w P / ?..;' -,...,. 4:'" , - ''lc A • , 4,,,; ne,-o. • / Da - I;4 e),f , , , 1A • - ;„ / ' , z '' , / % •wi--4 / White to play aad mace to three moves. Problem The 651. itY 1. 11, ZITKERTORT. B .. % • ail L. , / .. 141 , / .'". 4 /6/ I A• F / r li // ///ate 1 i ~ 5 / r -, / al . , ,- if), A. :',/, r y,„ , 7. „ .f . ; -, ? 1,-A , //,4 4'4 / ...., &,/,- . A , . ; 4 ' ,/, za /• ' A , WHITS, Ste to play and mate in five moves. SinMIMI lb Zies 048. . WRITE. MUM. 1. Kttoß& K to Cr 4 2. It to lit 5 (cb) KIOB 3 B. Ht MAWS. -801atIon to No. 049. Lwor in. Acts. iit to m. R 8 Px El 2. Q to H. B 2, and mates ors ,it move. CHEN D 4 PHILADELPHIA. Gauze No. 2133. Flayed at the German Colas Club, Mr. Jacob Ekon against Mr. Hotkhas and an Amateur, la ounenliation. (Bishop's Opening.) Wu. (Mn. Etoon.) Bt.. (Ar.t.ty_s.) 1. P to K"4 P to K 4 2. B to II 4 B to B 4 3.• Qt.OK2 ProQ3 4.. P to K B 4 QKttoß 3 5. P to It 3 1$ a Kt 6. R x II 13 to K 3 7. Kit , ' E 3 13 x B 8..„1it :13 Kt to B 3 9.Pt085 Kts P 10. Q x Kt Po 1 1 2 K 4 11. Q to Kt 4 P .1. Kt 12. QxBP (Mr. Eason preferred this move to Q x Kt P.) 12. Castles 13. P to Q 3 Qt O Q 2 14: P to K Kt 4 CI R toll% sq 15. Itto Kt 3 to Q 4' 36. Q x Q_ R x Q 17. K to K 2 KtitoQaq 18. BioQ2 P to K 5 19. P.to Q 4 Kt to K 4 20. B to B 4 Kt to Q 6 21.1358 P (111-colenlated. Whits, however, had no good move at his commaad.) 21. It to Q B sq 12."'Pt084 (If he playa Bto K 5, Black replies with P to B 8.) Vi.Btoß6 24. It to Q Kt eq 26. B cob . CHESS IN NEW YORK. Game No. 2154• Mom the 7 uri, I hid and Farm.) Played in tae Tournament at We Now. York Vbees club, between Dr. Jones, of Washington, did Mr. Ware, of Boston. (Irregular Opening.) Wa. (MR. Mum.) BL. (Da. Jouxs.) 1. P to Q 4 P,toK 8 2. PtoQB4 B to Kt 6 (ch) 3. B to Q 2 Kt to Q 11 3 . 4., Ktto K B 5 Kt to K B 3 S.PtoQRB B x 13 (ch) fi 6.QKtxB P to Q 4 7. P to K 8 Castles 2.1it0Q3 PPeKRB 9.PWQBS BtoQ2 10. PtoQ Kt 4 P-to C 1 It 3 11. PtoKR3 R to K sq 12.1ittoK 5 KtPaKR2 10. P to K B 4 Q to•K R 5 (eb) 14. KA° 11 sq RtsKt 15. QPi lit B to Q Kt 4 16. Bx B ltPxß • 17. Kt to K B 3 Q to K Kt 6 18..QtoK 2 P,toQ B 8 M.' Q B 2 Q toK Kt 3 20. Qt. to o K Q 2 P to K B 3 21. P to K Kt 4 Q to K 5 22. Kteß 2 PIIIP 28. KtxKP , RtoKßeq 24. KttoKß3 (A to Kt 8 is better.) 24. P to K Kt 4 2b. K to Kt 3 P x P (ch) 16. P x P RtoKI33 ' 27. K It to K sq Q to' K , llt 2 28. Kt to K 5 Q to Kt 2 29. Q to Q 4 Kt to K B sq 30. P to K R 4 Kt. to IS Kt 3 31. Kt x Kt Q x Kt 32.Rt0K5 K to B 2 33.PtoKR5 Q to Q B 7 34. R to K 3 Q, li, to K Kt sq 3b. , Q R USK sq QtoK B 4 (Well played by the Doctor.) , 36.• Q to Q sq QxBP 37. K to It 8 It to K sq ae. Qto Q 3 • Rto K 2 39. Q to K R 7 (cb) K to K sq 40. Q to Kt 8 (ch) K to Q 2 41. Q to Q, It 8 Q to Q B 2 42,- Q to K Kt 8 R to K B 7 93. R to K Kt 3 R fr K 2 10 Ii: B 2 ah 4. rett,Qeßnito ng K S te by Q x It (ch) Q 5 , St,c.) 9P to 45. It to Q 3 Q to K 4 (K to K 2,-uud then Q to B 5 meat have won easily.) • 96.QtoQR8 Qto K 3 47. Q x Kt. P (eh) K to IC sq 48. Q to Kt 8 (eh) K to K 2 RxQP KtxICIP Kt x P R to Q 2, and wins. 40,;,.. 41436443(eb);•'' Kto B 3 "60. x4:l Pleb) qz Q 61. kxQ --ictoll 4 62. B to Q 6 Itß7 4013 6 68. RxQBP It a tr It (eb) 64. Ka It RtoQ3,2 66. K toQ.Kt 6 R x It P (eb) 66. K tolt4 ,RtoQRB 61. g to li6 3 >R to 'K K1;8 (di) 68. K to B 8 s B. to 14 8 (eh) 69. Kto K 3 RtoKKtB - CO. ItaQKCP RaKKtP 61. P to 136 (dlscb) K to Q 3 62. Rtoßb„ IttoQICIP - O. Ptol3 7 ' KaR . . 64. P Queens (eb), and wine. Game No. 2165. Messrs. Onslow and Stiloworth consult against Mr. Staunton, at the - odds of pawn and two moves. (Rfmore Black's King's lieskop'R Pawn.) Wh. (OAISIAJW & Co.) Br.. (iii. tirAo.wrox.) 1. PtoK4 2. P to Q 4 3. BtoQ3 PioQ6 . b. P to Q B 4 6. BtoK3 7. Kt to .Q 2 8. Itt to K 2 9. Castles 10. Pto K 3 PaKt 12. R x R (ch) 13. Kt to K Beq (Tbo Anita have ,not conducted , the opening very well, and at this point their superiority in position is not very marked . .) 113 PtoQ3 14.114, to Q 2 .lit to Kt 3 lb. k to R 2 Q to Kt 4 16. KitoKteq 5 Kttoß 5 17. Q to K B 2 BtoQ2 18.QtoKt8 Qtoß3 19. BtoK 2 RtoKßel 20. B to lit 4 Bx.B , 21. Q't B tOB 22.. Kt to B 3 Kt x K t(en) 25. PxKt Q P 24. Q x. Q,_ ltx.Q , 26. KtoKt 2 Rto 0 8 26. R to K eq P to B 8 27. R to K 2 P to K R 4 28. ft .2 KB Rto K 3 (ch) 29. K toR 2 Pl° R 5 80. It to 13 P x P 31. KrzPPtoQRO • • 32... Kt to Q 2 Ktolt2 33. Kt to K 4 PtoKt3 84. Ktx B. Kt P x Kt 86. P to K 4 Ptoß4 36. Ptoß3 P to R 6 87. P toKt4 RtoKt6 (Beautifully played. Black now insures the victory.) 88. P x P 39. P x P 40. PtoQ7 41. Ptoß b 42. p to Q 6 CBEBB IN GERMAN!. Game Ne. 2150. Between Dr. Max Llnge and Baron Rothschild. (Evans' Gambit.) Wa. (13.snox ROTIOCUILVJ 85... (Dn. Lnnon.) 1. PtoK4 PtoK4 2. K Kt to B 3 QKttoß3 3. to B 4 B 4 4. P to QZ.t 4 B ItxtoQKtP 5. P to B '3 Btoß4 6. P to Q i P x P 7. Castles, B to Kt ; 3 8. P x P P to Q 3 9. P to Q 5 Kt to R 4 10. B to Kt 2 Kt to 'K 2 11. BtOQ3 Castles 12. Kt to B 3 B to Kt 5 13. ittoK2 (Wale.) 14. P B 15. Q to Q 2 36. Kt to R 4 17. Kt x B 18. 1E to R aq Game No. 2157. Between Dr. Mai Lange. and Mr. Bchwenken berg (Kieseritzky Gambit.) Wu. (Da. LANGE.) BL. OBLBCIDPELVIEESBEUG.) 1. P to K 4 P to K 4 2.PtoKB 4 P x P 3. K Kt to B 3 PtoKKL4 4. 1' to K R 4 P to Kt 5 5. Kt, to K. 5 Q to K 2 (An IL ferior defence.) G. P to Q 4 PtoQ3 7. B x 8 P P x Kt, 8. P x P B to R 3 0. Q to Q 2 B x B 10. Qxl3 Q to Kt 5 (cb) it. Kt toQ 2 It to K 3 , 12. Ptoß3 Q to K 2 18. Castles (Q R) KttoQ 2 14 13 to B 4 PtoK R 4 lb. B to Q 5 B i B 16. P x B Castles 17. K R to K sq. RtoKeq 18. Kt to IS 4 Kt, to 13 sci 19. P to Q 6 Kt to K 3 20. Q to B eq P x P 21. P 5. P 14sRP 22. P 23. Px tc, R (cb 7 () K a KtoQsq 24. Kt to Q 6 (ch) K to K 2 Mate in five moves. Game No. 2158. Between the sameplayers. (French Opening.) We. (D Pto K 4u. LaiLon.) Bt.. (kin. Licawi K 8 mono to.) 1. P to ' 2. Pto Q 4 PtoQ4 3. P x P P x P 4. HKItoB3 B to Q 3 6. P toB4 B to Kt 5 (eb) 6. Kt to B 3 B to K 3 7. Q, to Kt 3 B x Kt (eh) 8. P x B KttoK 2 9. Q x Kt P Kt to Q 2 10. B to B 4 P to Q B 3 11. P to B 5 Castles 1 12. B to Q 3 Q to B RI 13. R to Q Kt 'A KRtoKsq 14. Castles B to 13 4 lti. 13 x B Kt x B 16. Q to Kt 2 R to . ,K 6 17. Q to Q 2 Qtoß3 18. h toKt 2 Q 1314) K eq 19. R to K SO P Lo B 3 20. P to. K R 3 P to Kt 4 21. Bto R 2 • Kt to Bsq 22. R x R R x R 23. Kt x Kt P (An interesting combination.) 23. P x Kt 24. Qx P (ch) " Kt to KI 2 26. B to Kb R .:B 26. Q x R q to B sq 27. R to Kt 8 QtoK 3 28. Q to B 4 Q to K 2 29. it to B 8 Kt to K 3 30. Q to Kt 4 (eh) K to R eq 31. IL x P Kt to Kt 4 32. P toK B 4 Kt to to -K K 6 33. R to B 8 . Kt 34. P to B 6 Q x Q 36. P x Q to Kt 2 36.RtoQ 8 Kt to Kt 3 37. P to B 7, and wins. 11111130ai. PURE PAINTS.—WE OFFER TO THE TRADE PUUE AA' kite Lead, Zinc, White and Colored Paints of our own manufacture, of undoubted purity, in quantities to suit pi , robaters,ROßEßT SHOEMAKER ar, Dealers In Paints and Varashes. N. E. cornet Fourth and Race streeta u027-ti 11)11LBAk II BOOT. OF RE IMPORTATION ASO lA , very superior quality; wrote Gum Arabic, East In. die Castor t al. White and Mottled Caitilo doss.. Olive Oil, of variaue brands. For sale by ROBEKT SHOEMAKER & CO.. Druggists. Notibe corner Fourth and dace Mateo. n027-Ur DRUGGISTS. SUNDRIES.—GRADUATES, MORTAR, Pill 'Tiles, Combs, Brushes, Mirrors, Tweezers. Pug - Boxes, lions Scoops. Surgical lustruments, Trusses, Bard and soft Nubber Goods. Vial IJasea. Glass and Metal at "First Bands" prices. SNOWDEN At BROTHER.. apb 03 South Eighth street. 11 Lru6giete , Northeast corner Fourth anr LE o S " G2 E invite.the attention of the Trade to their area stock 2 ittpo Prima and Chemlottle, Essential thigh Enongee.tiorko, fito. note? tf' CIDIPLEK V. DODGERS' AND Vier/STENHOLM'S POCKET J.l, KNIVES._ PEARL and 13 rAG HANDLES. of beau • titui fintbh, ' RODGERS' and W ODE & BU'rellEß`ti, and the CELEttitATED LECOULTRE RAZOR SCISSORS P l / 2 OASES of the lineal quality. Razors. Knivea,drierora and l'able Cutlery, Ground and Potithed RAH IVSTRUMENTS of the won anomved oonatruotion to ambit the bearing. at .P. ftiADEllitAl3. Cutler and Sur. gienl Instrument Maker. 115 Tenth street. below Meet. nut msrla -`t`. E DAILY ' A , i r ,„, ty A r 1 ' ' 40,414 t • , ' -EV.fav ' itm- - vs - V ; - PnILADELP H • QKttoßO 1 to K 4 Kt to,K 2 Kt to lit 3 B to Kt 5 (cla) Kt to B 3 Castles Kt to Kt 5 Kt x B Btoß4 Kt x R rR K to Kt sq R to B sq K to B 2 K to K 2, and wins. 33. B Kt St to Kt 3 Qtoltb Kt to 5 Q to Kt 4 (ch) Q to Kt 7 MAI& 421:11UKEST TlitE ON BZOORD. IBS 11114LINDIA mune cr. N HOU% OINCHINAIM, Ada Plrlyn i t lA_RAILBOAD D PAN-M/1A 722 0 DIE than by ) ETINO ASSENGERB taidioAthe 00 Id. Them arrive to LNI next EvENINGAM P.N. AI DOWN ONENIGHT on the BO Mr THE WOODIrIi eelebrated PHAN AAA Rom BLEEPIRO-ve run through INIM Plduaumie PHA to CHICIANAT rammer* taking the 12.00 21. and 11. 00 , P It. Trains reach CINCINNATI find all potato WEST and SOUTH ONE 'TRAIN IN ADVANCE a an °gum Rooted. 1 ta' CINOIMANINDIANAPOI:JA g r LOUll us fgaßQ„ol:lloAtio. P RIA. BURLING. N.O QUINCY, ILLWAUKEE,I33. P ULA °MAIM. Tand all points WPM. IiORTLIVirEST and fllQ__ _ . NEST, will be particular t aak for TICKETS sr Ills rANNANDLE ROUTE. NM° OFAJURE theMUALED adviintagNl of U E de LIN be VERY P TI 'ULAR and ASK FOR TlCxvre t Wia pm _JiAti ,* atff_lcKET. OM CiM. N. 'W. CORNERNINTB Isill CHESTNUT Streets. - NO. 116 MARKET STREET. bet., Second and Pratt St& `And TEURTII-FIRST and MARKET Btreeta.Wert PIHN IL P. f3CULJE*OMITTioked Agt.. gittsb,urgh. , . .: ' JOHN H. MILLER. (WI East% ALUM Brosalwal.flar •PiciIIefiDELPHIA,WIL 2 UNOTON AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD— TIME TABLE.—Uommendng Mon. day. Nov. Md. MR Trains will leave Depot, corner of Broad street and Washington avenneou follows: Way-mall Train, at Etau A. M. (Sundys excepted). for Baltimore, stopoimg at ail resialar stat ions. connect's.. g with Delaware B.allroad at Wilmington for Orisileld an.i intermediate giallo:is. Express train at 12.00 M. Mondays excepted) !for .Baltt more 4,11 d Washingtom !topping at Wilmington, Perry: villa and llavre-de.Graen Connects It Wilminißmi'vritil train for New Castle. Enrols Train at 4.00 P. M. (Sundays woootedk for Bel • •• ere asid•WAuddnee%staa Chester. Marlow. 7 , wood. (*gamut, wamthaa.riewPort.l l l„rantOn. New ark. Elkton,Northerist,Charlestown.Perryvine.tiavrode rAberdeen. Farman's. Edgewood. Magnolia. and Bteramer's Rm. asgurnt re :Mditt a° 1.4:16(t, [ l row Lin ood. Claymont. Wilmingtrit. news's. Elliton; Nojeast, Perryville and tiavredeUrraas. P orator Porno. Monroe and Nactelk will take the 12.00 . Train. Villmingt.oll Traillea=it at all stations between Philadelphia and W PVT l klieV i rl I . ___ l ll. bia titifteorilecti ll:"" lth i tt D4L " WTA I Railroad tot liarnagtun and intermediate stations, loam) Wlltothllton 1.40 and 9.10 A. M. andlZs and sxd. R. id, , 'The 0.10. a. M. pion will not, !too item Mester' mid Philadelphia: T he 1.110 7 . P.' 11: • from Wilmington runs Daily; all other Accommodation Tnir • Oundays excepta.. ' W. Egon ) Iro bthaiop.Batk...7.X A. Wa ail 'A.' 'Express: • ESC P. ' iIL. - Er SUNDAY . bt.. TRA I IIMOM BALTIMORE.—Lease Bal. Moore at 2111IP.111..stopping at Mawolin, jearryaamea, eel= mavre de_• Bre. Perry villoi_eWnart. Wd- Ohariettocrn. Elkton. Newark. Manton. N ewport. rorston. Ulaynurot, Linwood ac and Chester. I ThrOlaitlACS4o l l ll4olll4 POMP VW . attaboniLi Gad may be procured at Umeket , ME elielibuTtat= Motal.where also 13tMe Rooms and Bertha in P Mars can be ereared dining the day. Persons tickets at. abtagfeee as checked eatbedfladdeace by we utdotaThkaafer Om .•.• , Et. F. q ',IIIIIIIINET. : Ys? ' CRINMAL • -' FAD al. -... ,sae effect Nov. 22d. 11365. The tg a h A l l a Eirt= l ar i H its ul k 1 V*l3 dreeta, which is hsl Railroad leave l ige/ the cws of the Street Pastenger . the , ear connecliag.•,• . with each train leaving and Market streets thirty minutes before its departure. Those of the Chestnut and Walnut Street Italiwaynni within one inners of the Depot. g vat Tutors can be bad on. vpilmlion at the Tar b Ogioe. Northwest corner of liMik and Chestnut streets. and at the Depot. det dyne Onion TramderCompany will call for and sx'r at tta Dept,' L Enda; telt atbil s =est• ant street. a. US MaritetiMmet._ . .wth _receive TRAINS LEAVE DEPOT. VIZ . ...ag 6.00 A. M !fail Train Paoli &Zona " * it LOMA. K. 14 . 2.audLOOR. M. Diet Line At ILO& K likie Express.. .114 11.50 MM: Harrisburg Accommodation. at 2.130 P.. A. fcaster Aomerunodaldsm...........- .......ist 440:1 P. /* ParksburCmctnnafiTrain.. ..... .at 118)P. IL Hall and Buffalo . iiiiiii . s: ...... ........at 10.45 P. M. Exinvas.,...- ...._.... - -*MP night Erie leaves dairy, except 'Sunday._ running on Saturday eight to Wiltamsport only. OA Landay night pereeneete will leave Philadelphia at 12 o'clock. fidlairdphie Reptiles Imam daily: , All. ,olMor trains de. except undae. , The Western Accommodation Train rune daily. 0•••• t Sunday. For this train tickets must be pro ••=s, and taggsgtetelbrered by ji._oll6 Marketstrost, - RAINS ARRIVE AT DEPOT. - VIZ: .at 5.10 A. IL P ainatmag ialladelphls= • MO " Paoli Lamm- . ~... at &BO M. and L4O a 7.H1 P. IL Me Mail and flunalo . Exprees.... " 10.410 A. M. Parketrarg Train.. " 9.10 ' Fast. Line, "10.00 " Lancaster Train.. "12.110 P. K EtteExpress. " 4 20 Dag Expreso. at 430 Hanisbun Acoom.. " 9.40 " For fm• Inform:Um, apply to ati VAN LEEIL.InaicM Unit., igoCbestnat stout. FRANCIS FUNS, ,AgenA 116Marketarart. HAMVEL 11, W WALLACE Ticket Agent at the Depot. Rte Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not assume any risk for • vse... except for, wearinn ware), &Da limit their but to Me Hundred-Daarsin value, All Bedew exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk of the owner. =dose taken by_speetal contract. EDWARD H. WILLLtd% • dertaw stmertatendeat. Attasnuh Pa. gargig READING RA.----- GREAT TRUNE LINE from Phila. delphla to the interior of Peomsylva- Ma. the Schuylkill. Susquehanna, Cumberland and Wyoming Valleys, the North. Northwest and the Cana. das, Winter Arrangement of De _Trains. Dec. 14. IBM, __leaving the Compel Depot, Thirtemtn and Cal. lon bin streets. Phllad_ elpb at the following hours . MORNING A(XX)MMOD TION.-At 7.9 0 A. M. for Reading and all tntermedia Station, and Allentown. Retuning, leaves Reading at 6.86 P. M.. arriving in Philadelphia at 935 P. M. f:116011241-IN0 EXPROS.--At RIB PiAn.,ll. for , Reading. Le. banon. Harrisburg. Pottiville. _e Greve. amaqua, Sunbury. Williamrport,_ _Elmira.. I.hestecr.Nteg T ara Fans, Einitalo.,:lsVilkeebar,re...Pittston. York. Cantße. Charm The 7.110 A. M. train embeds at Reading with the Rut Penn ahrazda Railroad trains for Allentown. le.and the HTLl4.trath connect' with a 0 Lebanon Valley ;raptor arrisburg. ;at Port Clinton with Catalvissa H.R. train' for Wamsport, Lock Haven. Elmira. at Harriebmit_wi_th Northern Central, Crunberiand Valley. and' Wain and Sm o rnannatraine for Northumben A d eTERN I WALESS.--Leavem b raarie r = v iii fit P.M. for Reeding. Pettsville.thorisbung. , , connect. tng with 6 . .waing and Columbia Railroad trains for Co Em p i t iNtic ro . WN ACCOMMODA TION.-Leaves Potts town at 6.46 A.M-Latopphig at -inkamediata Kati= ;Ar rives in Philadelp_Ma at 9.10 A. M. Returning team Phi. tsar at 4.00 P. K Larrives in Pottstown at 6.15 P. M. AtXX/MMODAT/ON-Leaves Reading at LBO A. ICstoppintnt all way stations: satires in nila. Wilda 10.23 A. Di. waves Philadelphia at 4.45 P. K ; arrives in i teadilit li gi. 4 o P.M. , _ Traits for Philadelehla leave Harrisburg 3.10 A. M. and Pottsville at 8.46 A. arriving in P' hiladelchia at • LOU P. M. Afternoon trains Immo Harrisburg a 1151,05 and Pottsville at LOP. M. I arriving at hilad Philadelphia at 6.45 P. M. Harrisburg accommodation leaves [leading at 7.16 A. M. and Harrisburg at 4.10 P. M. Connecting 'at Reading with Afternoon Accommodation south at 4.56 P. M.. arriving in Philadelphia at 9.25 P. M. Market train, with a Passenger car attached, leaves Philadelphia at 18.80 noon for Poville and all Way Sta. Rona ; leaves Pottsville at 7.80 A. hi,. for Philadelphia and an Way Stations. All the above train' run ilaßy. Sundays excepted. Sunday trains leseePottevilleet '&OOA.. M.. and Phila. &V A. i llall4 at 816 P. M.; Mikes Pltatn. K. Reading at 8.00 returainatrom Readi hililde ngat 4.25 P. CHESTER WILLEy BALLILOAD.-Paciesureas for Downingtown and intermediate taint" take the li.Bo and 4.00 P. M. trains from Philadelphia. returning from Downheatown at 6.80 A. 61..._12.46 P. K. and 6.115 P.M PERRIOISEN itAILIJA)AD.-Paseengers fur alp ' pack take 7.80 A. and 4.00 P. K. trains from • MUM& phut, returning from Bkippack at 8.10 A. K. and la 45 P. M. Stage lines for various points In Perklomen Vatter connect with tr sins at Collegevina and Skippack. NEW YORK EXPRE;3B,FOR 'ffrlleastilitlli AND THE WEST.-Leaves New - York at ; 9 A. M.. 6.00 and 8.00 P.M.,paWng _Reading at 1.06 A. M..L60 and 10.19 P. M . and. connect at Hawbburg With Peruisytvania and Northern Central Railroad Express Traits for Pittsburgh. Chicago. Williamsport, Elmira. Baltimore. &a Peturning.E Tam ar a e rain leaves Harrisburg. on arrival of Pennsylvania n% l :4bnrgh.st 860 and 6.60 A. M.c113.60 P. M.: ittlii.44l.endi.6l A. M. and 1150 P. M., arriving at New York 11.15.1 and 12.80 P.M.. and bee P. M. Sleeping Cars eixonlatenY Vow train' i srll. ll betwellit-.IOTIOY CRY and VirWrallgt4 Without Mail train for New York leaves Harrisburg at alO A. M. and gel P. M. ~M"titreinforiletripbrult Imre New York Ntion.P IiCHCYLEILL VALLEY It al - t. 9 0A.D.-Trains leave Pottsville at 6.40, , & 1 N. and 6.40 P. 51...returnhig from TamikenaCat 83 A. , 6 and &IV 4.85 P. P. LL AN SU LIUBQ EJILANNA FAILBOAD -- leave Auburn at 7.66 A. for Pinegrove and Liar risburg, and at 11115 P. M. for Pincgroye and Tremont ; turning from Ilarriaburget and from Tremont at 7.40 A. M. and 686 P. M. TICKETS. -Through first-class tickets andemiar_ant deist to all the principal points in the North and Wed Cadaa. Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to P. , • 61 . 1 6 and intermediate Stations,, good for day only. are sold by Morning Accommodatiou. Market Tr ain , ' heading ono Pottstown Accommodation Trains a reduced rates. Excursion Tickets to Philadelphia, good for day only. are sold at Reading and Inter ediata /Nation' by Read. int sr and Ecittalown •Aecommodation, Train" at reduced The following tickets. are obtainable only_at the Office of 13. Bradford. Treasurer, No. 827 South Fourth street. Philadelphia. or of Ch A. Nicoll', General Saperintendeat. fieadt Commutation Ticket, at per sent discount. between pointsany power deaired, for taMili d firms. Ticketa. good for 111 5 00 a tilest. between an Pointe at 1668 &Peach, (Sr families and firma Beason Tickets, for three, six, nine or twelve mon th s, for holders only, to all points at reduced rates. Clergyman residing on the line of the road will be for. niched with cards. entitling themselves and wives to tickets at half fare. Excursiou Tickets from Philadelphia to principal di' . tiOnli. good ha d flaa,y,Bundy and Monday, at reduced tare, to be only at the Ticket Office, at Thirteenth acid Callow hill stn3eta. FREIOHT.-(loods of all descriptions forwarded to all the above points from the Company's New Freight Depot. Broad and Willow etroets. Freight Tratue leave Philadelphia daily at Lie A. 15L. ..12.80. nowt. at° and it M, forßeading,.Lebanun, Barrie Pere Pottsville, Port Clinioni i and all points beyond. Mail, close at the Philedelp is Post-Office for an placed on the road and Its hranehes at I A. M., and, for the Win alpal mily at 8.16 P. BAGGAGE. , th: 11410,0* . 'Enters will collect /Waage for all trains leaving Philadelphia Depot. Orders alai be left at No 926 b Booth Fourth e 80884 or at the Depot. Thirteenth and Cal. whill &tet 1D /MIL WE8T. , M181074" -ILAILIPAPtt , . raLtliiittt_lNlNTEß AIRIELII,NOMENT. •• Ftoim . Foot of • Natlttt (Fpper Fairy). , EINEWEANNFIMIII_z VOmn.sencing Wednenday,Sept• 16,1860, , . Values leave as followe: For Cape May and fittalollll below 21111 ville 8 16 P. IL For Vicebuid and intermediate stations 8.12 A. bl.. 816 Y.M. For Bridgeton. flaleiniend way elation* 8.15 A. M. and a zu r. For Woodbury at 8.16 A. h1..1112;8 80 and 6. P. K. • Freight trawrieavre Camden daily at 12 'o'clock. noon Freight receiv,ed at encond covered wharf below wail out etreet. daily. • . , Freight Delivered No. 228 13.10,elaware Avenue._ • wpm! A id J. 1313WELetee Nuti!erintendent. WEST CHESTER AND .PIIILA DELPIDA RAILROAD'. VIA ME DIA. WINTER ARRANGEMENTS On and after MONDAY, Oct 6th. 1808, the trains will leaveDepat. Thirty first and Chestnut Meets. as follow' Trains leave Philadelphia for West Chester. at 7.48'A H, 11 A. bi.. 2.80. 4.15, 4.60, 515 and 11.130 P. M. ,_ Leave West Chester for Philadelphia. from Depot. on E :Market chest. 426, 7.44 B.IXI and 10,45 A. M.. 1.65. 4.50 a d A. 65 P. - Trains leaving West Chester at 8 . 00 A. M., and leading :Philadelphia at 4.60 P. IL. will atop at B. C. Junction and Media only. Flittellgerr to or from stations between West Chester 'and B C. Junction going' East, will take train leaving . liVest Chester at 7.45 A: M.audaoing West will take train 'leaving Philadelphia at 4.60 P. M.. and transfer at B. Hi:matron.- • _ , rune leaving Philadelphia at 1.45 A.M. and 4.60 P.M.. sand longue W tat Chester at &DO A. M. and 4.60 P. M., :connect atß. C. Junction with Trains on P. and B. C. R. ikt; for Oxford and Intermediate points. 4,24 SUNDAYS-leave Philadelphia at 830 A. M. and *OO P. M. leave West Cheater 7.65 A. M. and 4.00 P. M. / The Depot la reached directly by the Chestnut and War ;Mit' Street can. Those of the •Market Street Line ran within one square. The can of both lines connect with !ouch train upon Its arrival. IllarVPirarteagers are allowed to take: *eating appare ionly as liaggagrl the Company will not, in any case , ibereitensibld for atrionntertceeding 4110 u unless special contract hpide at the same. HENRY ' • ' •-" - -431er:oral SUPerintandent. 1 FOR NEW O.IIIL—THE Ca EN AND AMBOY and PHILADELPHIA . . ~, AND TRENTON. SAlit 11 0A.D COM. P VS Brom Philadelphia to New Ntalr.: Skid iWaY places, from Wilma Meet wharf. Pam. 1.13. 6.110. MI Carriden 'lna MOM AXIOM t 1651 211 At SA. m....via ainden and JeneY Oity Express SAM 800 At SLOO F. M. Camden and Amboy Express. 900 At 8 P. M. for Amboy and intermediate stations. lAt 6.80 and BA. id and II P: M.l, for Preenald. AtB and le A. M.. 183) and 4.1X1 P. M., for Trent=. at WWI =4lO 4.1 ..,14.1.8141 kfle. 41, an=illii far tiortino nurunff.on, poverty a= . At 880 an i se A. 5L.1,480.4.8u. 4 and ii.su P.Flat ! rerote,horewatert •Biterddlm RiVerton , Partivra and 1 Prep Dowse and 9P. 6.. for Florence and Wyatt:at. NV Thai %lid 11.80 P. M. Lines wile istavefrinzt foot oi 11 14 A$t Kenn nktristoter.ry. I At .11 A..k. k orn Remaington and Jersey City. New Ears a , u- •-, —.. • ... . ~ . .•-Xi 00 I A l t l ir and ILO) A.14.4.80,&118 . and 6 P.M...fer . fratin and MistoL And at 10 . 16 d M. for Bristol. At 1.80 sad 11 A. M. 2110 and I P. M. for Itiorrisville and At and' MIA. M.:113:1=02 11 P.M. foilidienrib and 1 At 7.80 and IAI6 A. M., 14)49. and II P v Ahl , latlornordls , , TorreedideLliolnnr. sburs.T mM&Brides 3 ' fW e i n t eas ul Pramaord. endn i •lk. for Eitairsesbmw and te Stations. 3 • Pk t= wed PhitsVielPhirtprOokvia CorareetiMr Hailoray At 9.46 A. M., i.tu, c § Gnu anti is P. M. New Yore. laws Idne.vfaJerseYAt IL3O P.M. kinignia Liiiit:. . . ... 200 orto. At 9.45 A. M.; L2O, 4.8.80 an d 7•:ii:. Lii.ritii At 9A5 A. M.. 4.6. a) and 12 P for Bristol. At 1 2 F. M. (Nhght) for leo Tarrytown. Bcheneka. Eddington, Cornwells.lT Ilobriesteng.Taeour. Wisdnoming. Bridesburs and Vrankford. The 9:411 AK =di= di 12 P.M.Ltmerun drily, All others. , . . fituulays excepted. For Lines leaving Kensington 1:04Pot, take the ears on Third or Filth streets, at Chadnut,at half an boar before , departure. The Cars of Market , Ch Railways= . root to West Plilladelpida Depot, estnut and . Wilma within one square. On Sundays, the Market Street Can will run to connect with the 9.45 A. M. rind 8.80 , and 12 P M. Lbw ,DELITIDERE DRUM/Mil RAILROAD LINES from Remington Depot. t ~ - - , At 7.80 A. M., for Niagara . Va/10. Dad°. Dunkirk. Rimini, Ithaca, Qwego,Rochalahndramilt oll, Omega BYracnee, Groat Bend. neutrino.. vs utnibarre. Mrniaton. 811-0921=1.11,. Water Gap. SehooleVa Mountain. etc.. At 7.20 A. M and km P. M. torßelvldere,Easton, Laabertville.Flemington.eic. The SAO_ -.P N. LUIEr e43ll netts direct with the train leaving , SWUM for Mina CbtrokAllentown. - Belblebmn. de. CAt 6 P:bl. tor Lambertville a= taterinellate Stations. AMDEN AND BURLINGTON CO.,AND PENIBERTON AND iIIGHTSTOWNI RAILROADS. Mad Market Street Ferryffpper Bide.) At 7 Ind 10:a..m"La0,5 So sod 620 P.M,for MerchantsvMs Momeotown, Hartford. biasonvine. Hdr ivi ra ti rt.= Dolly_ i timithville, Ervansith4Vincento and t Pembeixon. At 1, A. 61.1.20 and 8.83 3'.11.f0r leivistown.Wrightkown. Cookstown. New Egypt. Hornerstown. Cream Ridge. Izolaystown , Sharon and Iligladown. Fifty Pounds of Baggage only 'snowed each Passenger. Paseesiters are prohibited from %skim.. saYednii le bog liggarbut their ;rine. appareL All baggage _over nib pound:lt* be_pid afore xtra. The Company Bmit theirre sponalbnitit for baggage to One Dollar per poundan4 will not be name for any amount beyond SIM except by spe cial mnia. Tuareg' Bold and Baggage atecced direct through to Dorton. Wonester. SPrlsigtiad. Hartford. New Haven. Providence: New=tur . t r ai &ny. Saratogn. Utica, Rome.l3lraeules Niagara Frdls an Suspend= Bring°. An additional Ticket Office Is located at No. sae Chestnut etrookwhere tickets to New York. and all tm. portent points North and East. may be procured. t Per. sons purchastrig,Ticketi at this Office, can have their bag gme checked from residences or hater to destination. by Union Transfer DUMB Exprelso. Lines from New York for Philadelphia will leave from foot of Cortland street at 1.00 and 4.00 P. M., via Jerway_City and Camden. At 5.80 P. M. via Jamey City and Kensington. At 7. and 10 A. M.. ISt W.. 6 nnej 9 P. M. and 12 Night, via Jersey City and West inadel groin pier Nei, L N. River, at &AD A. M. Accommodation =CS Plll:fiillislii& APahOY and Camden. Nov.„ 28. we. WM. IL OATZMEII . Agent 1L80A4,- .., „. . . MINNREULADELPHIA AND ERIE IitAILROAD,- u FALL , TIME TA BLE.-Throgh and Direct Route be tween Baltimore, - btardsb ße 7, -Williams . port. to the Northwest and the Great Oil on of Penn. gyivania.-Plessielidesphig Oars on as Ni s t Trains. On and after MONDAY Nov. SM. IM. the Trains on the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad will ron as follows: WERTWARD. ULM Trairtleives Philadelphia ....... ...... .10•45 P. t• ; i" .. Wa1i0n5p0rt.................. 815 A.M. " " arrives at_ Ed _ ,e... „ ... • • ............ 0.60 P. M. liVB Ripen lo a ves Pildrphui.... 11.50 A. tit Williamsvort...... • ........ 8.60 P. hi arrives at Erie.„, ....... ........ 10.0.) A. M. Elmira **Blames Pbi1ade1phia . ................. 8.00 A. M. -...- . Williamsport= 6.50 P. M. " " "Orions afar neon. 145 P. M. riVABD. Mel nab letves ila 10 55 A. M. " arrives at P=lptiiii:... ..... ....10.00 A. M. BO MlR;lbla Leaves Erie. --•••• • • •• • ...... •• • • a 25 P. 5L 7.150 A. M. •• " arrives at PhliadelPhla,.. ~ - .!-• • 420 P. hi- Mail and Express_ connect with tat teris. and Alfa ahem' River Railroad. Baniff Chocked Through. RED . TYLER. General finperiatoodent. FAST FREIGHT PBEVAMI I ROAD, _to Wllkeabarra Maltan„air OV, bicront Carmel, Centralia, and ail points on Le igh VWey Railroad and its beenclun. By new arrangenienth perfected this day, this road h enabled to We Increased despatch to mocbandise Gorr rimettto the above named points. Ooodsdetheered at the tßod, 8. B. eor. of El Th a lf i l eM ) BLE ISUe=. Before iP. ISL. will reach Wilkesboro. Mount bishanoy City , end the othey - stations ta Mahan= Wyenthet TOM, before 11l A. M. of the =eeding day Multi(Star OMNI& MEMTOW PHILADELPELI4_ GERMAN!' N AND NORRISTOWN RAIL. . . nuAD TIMID TABLR.-04 arid attar FrldaY. May 1. IN. • , FOR GERMANTOWN. lAtVePhiladelobia-6.1 S. 9.06. 10. IL 19A. M.. L I 8.16. NII. 4. S. 51i, 6.10.1. IL It 10, IL 18P. IL Leave pennant:mil-6, 7 , 1)6, _B, 6.SX 9, 10.11 18 A. M.; I. 1. 4, tl.li, 6. 636 78. 9. 10, 11 P M.. _ T a 15.90 down and the 831 and IS;( up trains . MO not 'top on the ;nowt; Branch. . , • = ON SUNDAYS. Leave Pbßeptdasraluntes A NI 01 T and 101(P.51 Leave G erm antown-816 A. M. • 16 an_d_W. P. M. • : °-,II3IESTNITT LULL' UAD ' Leave PhUadelptda ,2 -4. MO. IS A. R.; 11. 93e. 5%. 7.9 an Leave tritiactittt 11111=-7.15 adnuteh 6„9.40 and 111.40 A Id. ;LlO. RIO. 0.40. 0.40. 64.0 and 1040 P. rd. Leave , ON SUNDAYS. Philadeledn. 4 -9.15 minutes A. M.; Sand 7 P. M Leave Meetuu 111115-7.10 minutes A. Id.; 151.40. 6.40 and 11.26 minutes P; M. • • FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AM) NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia-6.736, 9.'1.06. A. IL t 136. 8 . /X 1 1 / 1 1. LI& 8.06 and UM P: M. Leave Nonletown-6.40. 7.7.60, 9. 11 A. M.I 136.8.434 6.11 and 836 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave PhlladelFhla--- 9 A.' 31 1 5,46 and 7.15 P.M. . aveNourtetown-7 A. M. M and 9P. 1L FOR MAN YORK. Leave Pldladelphia-6. 736, 9. 11.06 A. M.; 116, 8, 434, 936. 6.16. 8.05 and 1130 P. DI. Leave Manaitnik--6.10. 736. 6.90. 936, 1136 A. M.; 1. 834. 63( and 9 P. Id. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philaddiphia--9 A. M.; SIM and 1.16 P. M. Leave tdanayank--7)6 A. M. ; 6 and 9,14 P. M. W. 8, WILBON, General Superintendent, Depot. Ninth and Green streets. PHILADELPHIA it BALTIMORE 6111PlE CENTRAL RAILROAD. Winter . Arrangements. On and after Monday'. Oct 6th. M. the Trains leave Philadelphia.from the Depot of the West Chester & Philadelphia Railroad, cor. nee of Thirty.first and Chestnut streets (West ITilada.). at 1.45 A. 7.1. and 4.60 P. Leave Rising Bun, at 6.46 A M. and Oxford at 6.50 Si., and leave Oxford et 13.65 P. M. A Market Train with PU4OIIIOO Car attached will run on Tuesdays and Fridays, leaving the Billing. P .M. at 11.08 A. 61...0xf0rd at 1L46 and Kennett at Lee P.M. con, acting at West Chester Junction with a train for Phila. dolphin, •• tiu Wednesdays mad Saturdays train leaves Philadelphia at Rau P. Manes through to Oxford.' The Train leaving Philadelphia at 7.46 A.M. connects at Oxford with a daily line of Stages for . It each Bottom, in Lancaster county. - Returning, leaves- Peach Bottom •to connect at Oxfo:d with the Afte rn oon Train for Philadel. • • • • , The Train leaviag at 1,60 'P. M. runs to Rising Bun, Md.- •, • . • • PaSAol.lglirD allowed to take wearing: apparel 'only, as Baggage, and :the Company will not, be any case, be re, spousible for atonsount exceeding one hundred dollars, un less a 'pada contract bit made for.the same. • mhl>i HENRY WOOD. General Bop's. =NEI kiaiNoiLvAtoiottA. , - , MDJDLE , Attilner.gbiltirtevi - and. most-ctirect line to Bethlehem 'EartenfAllenfonT.Manch Churdi r tianlctxxx ,Winto reit ihieibm Ildithantry.ll.3tY, Mt.. thistteh'Pittstorf.' a In henna*, Elcialitbn: CON:lodate and all the Polnt ity- be Lehigh eilitiNyoxalpg coal rft'Oris. •. • - _ Pats. parr Ihrot in thiliedelphia. N. W. Corner perks ns ied'Aerician sweat - • - VINTER.4.ItRANOEMENT, TEN DAILY. TRAINS. b ppand, after MUNDAY.'NOVB,ht PHA . .83,1„; pagde,ger Trains karelhe Leepot..- corner of Berko land-American streets, daily (Sundays excepted). an follows; At 145 A. )1:—/tiolniag Express; for Bethlehem ate Frit tips* Stations' on North Palmer Irani*, le &Woad, con Denting at Bettilehem_with_Lehigh Valley . c &Woad toy Allentove 13. (:atasancina, -Mitten:ton: Mauch Chunk, Weatherie Barlett,. White ilaverMilkes. bane. Kingston Pitteton..Tunkhannock. and alt point. in thigh andVi a goming Valleys; also, in connection with Lehigh and 51 anoy Railroad far mahanor City. and with Catawises Railroad for Rupert, Danville, Milton and illiarosport: Arrive at Mauch Chunk at' 12 'at; eit Willa-bane at 260 P. Al.; at blahano, City, at 1.50 P. M. Passengers by this train can take the ehlgti Train, passing Bethlehem at 11 66 A. M. for Easton and points ou hew. Jersey Central Railroad to New York. At 8.46,A. M.—Accommodation for Doylestown, stop Anil at al unwire-dials Shetland. Passengers for -Willow Grave. itiatbero! and liartsville. by Ws train. takstitage at Old York Road. 9.4 A. 11.1: (Express) for lk-th , ehem. Atlentiewn.Manch Chunk; bite Doren, w ilkesbarre. Pittston, deranton and tart ovdale via Lehigh and 8 necinehouna 'Railroad, also to Easton and points on Morris and Roux Railroad to Nee Yore and Allentown and Easton. and points on Now Jerre,' Central Railroad to New York via Lehigh Valley Railroad At le 45 A. M.—Accommodation for Fort Washington storotng at intermediate Stations. At 1.46 P. M.—Lehigh Valley Express for Bethlehem, Allentown- blanch Chunk, White Haven, Wiliresbarro. Pittoton,Screnton.and Wyoming Coal Regions. At 2.45 P. M.—Accommodation for Dorlesiowri. aton ping at all Intennediate stailons. At 4. IN P. M.—Accommodation for DoVestorottathP- Ping at all intermediate stations. At 6 ut P. M.—Through accommodation for Bethlehem. and stations on main line of NortlrPennsylvania Rath mo,.d, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Eve. nine Train for Lorton. Allentown, Mauch Chunk. t CAI r. M.—AccOmodation for Lansdale. stopping at all bre- mediate stations. At 11.80 Al l . nodations for Fort Washington 111 S A RR. IVE LN PIiILADLLPHIA. From Bethlehem at, 9.10 A. M.. 2.10. 5.25 and 8.00 P. Si. 2.10 P. M.. 6.25 P. and 880 P., M. Trains make direct ,Lonneclion with Lehigh ArMier, or Lehigh and en-apio. tonna naive from Easton, ficlanton. Wilkesbarre, Moho nor City and Basle-Mt engem tearing Wilketherre at 10.18 A. MI" 1.45P.M.. connect, at Be th lehem and alTiVe.in 'Philadelphia at 5.25 and 880 P.' BL , • • From Doylestown at,8.86 A..M..,4.66 P. M. and 7. P.M. From Lansdale at 780 A. M. Frcm Fait:Washington at-1045 A. U. and an P. M. UN SUNDAYS. Philadelptia for Bethlehem it 0.80 A. IC Philadelphia lor Doyle:stole - Wet 2 00,P:M. Dor teetown for Philadelphia at 7 A_ 04_,_ Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4 tie P. M. riftiliind Sixth -Streets Paesenger cars convey pas-son. gene to and from the new Depot. White etas 6f Fecund and 'fhb d Streets Line and Union Line run. within a shortAlletlthee of the Deign- Tickets roust be procured at the Ticket ,14ifiC,,, in order to secure the lowest rates of fare: • • . ELLIE' alum Agent. Tickets' Feld and Raggacsichecked thrMittr to principal ' , Cade. at: blainVerNorth Peon. liaggagdPiaprees Nor efek milli Fifth street. , „ , a w e s CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC BAIL ROAD. 1.110, fir WINTER ARROGEBIENT...aII On and after MONDAY. October 28, 1868. trains will leave Vine Street Wbari as follows. artz.., - - Maitand Freittt. . . . ... A. M. Atlantic Aceommodation. —8.45 P. ?•17 Jut ction -Mate Mations ...... . ....... . . P. Ag Mao Accommodation leaves Vine St. iYliarl..lo.ls A. If RETURNING, WILL LEAVE ATLANTIC Mail and 1. ............... ............ P. M. Atlantic Accommodation. Ant A M. Junction Accommodation . At00..8.25 and 12 16 A. HADDONFIELD ACCOMMODATION TRAIN WILL MAS Vine Street Ferry at .... Y —.10.15 A. SI, and 2 MP. M. Datidonfield aL .........LoOtP. M. and 8.15 apnea. leriatf D. 11. MUNDY A 'PAW'SMig . 0 IMP/Ma For Boston---Steamshin Line Direct BAILING FROM EACH POET EVERY FIVE DAYS . FROM PINE STEP Ex, PHILADELPHIA, AND LONG WHARF. ROSTON. It& This line L composed of the lintels= Steamships, ' ROMAN; I,4BBtona, Captain O. Baker. 8 Axon. 9 1,260 tone. Captain S. N. Wiley. fe 0K RI N. 1.288 tone. Captain Cron eIL The ROM.Aff. from Phila.. Saturday. Mar. 6at 10 A M. The NORM AN.from Boston. on Tuesday. Mar. 0. at 3 P.M. lhere Ftestusbips sail punctually. and Freight well te received every day.a Steamer being always on the berth Freight-for points beyond Boston gent with despatch. Freight taken for all pollits in New Erudand and for warded as directed. Insurance % per cent at the office. For F reight or Passage (eupcnoi accinutoodatioluf) IfFnly to WiNSi inN 31 BEB s om b nela. .ro avenue. PHILADELPHIA.. MOH MoND AND NOts. FOLK rITEAMBHI e LINE. THROLI94 . I.tLEIGUIT AIR LINE TO THE _ . EVERY BATURDA.V. At Noon, from EJR?T«NASF above MARKET street. TP ROC() tt RATEri and TRIP 'tall RECEIPTS to all Pointe in North and Booth Carolina via Seaboard Air- L:Le Railroad, connecting at Portsmouth, and to Lynch. barb. Va.. Tennessee and the Wert via Virginia. and '1 en no...ea air-Line end trichniond and Danvihu Railroad. k re' gbt HANDLED RU ONCE, and taken at LOWER ICI 1 , 151 HAN ANY Or. LIEN LINE. I be re' 'Rarity. safety and cheapness of this route corn. mend if to tie p ,bltc ne the moat clearable:l median for can ying every description of freight. Ik 0 charge for oormunatien, drayage, or any expense for trantier. titet turbine insure at lowest rates. Freight received DAILY. WM. P. CLYDE dr. CO., 14 North and Bouth Wharves. W. P. PORTER, Agent at Richmond and City Point. 'I. P. CROW ELL agents at Norfolk. PHILADELPHIA A ND SOUTHERN MAIL B 3 EAkitililP COMPANY'S REGULAR LINER Fitt Fitt M QUEEN STREET WHARF. The JUNIATA wilt sail - for NEW ORGEANS. via HAVANA. IMJ Wednesday. M.rcb 3, at 8 o'clock N.• M. The YAZOO will sail from NEW ORLEANS. via HA ANA, —. M arch —. he WI °MING will sail for SAVANNAH on Sa turday. -March tith, at o'clock A. M. Tbr TON AWANDA will sail from SAVANNAH on Ba. tutday, Alarm} 6th, The PIONEER will sail for WILIUNGTON. N. O. On Friday, March 5, at 8 A. SL, 1 Ludt cf lading signed. and passage tickets sold to all points South and Nest. HILLS OF LAD NCI SIGNED at QUEEN BT. WHARF. For freight or passage. 001 to WILLIAM L. AMES, General Agent, Mu South Third street. HAVANA BTEAMERB. BAILING EVERY 81 DAYS. These etearnere will leave this port for Ha vane every third Weduetday, at ti o'clock A. A. The steounablp STAxr3 AND ITRLPEB, Captain Holmes, will sail for Havana on Wednesday' morning. March 10, at 6 o'clock. Passage. $4O currency. Pas& name must be provided with passports. No freight received after Monday. R.eauced rates of freig OM ht. THAS WATTSON a 1308113, 140 North Delaware avenue. NEW EXPRESS LINE TO ALEXANDRIA, G. orgetown and Washington. D. G., via Chesapeake and Delaware 'Ganal. with cote 'nevem , at Alexandria from the moat direct route for nehburg. istol, Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton and tho u is tite bawesmera leave regularly from the first wharf above Market street, every Satuiday at noon. ^ rnnaht received daily. WM. P, CLYDE & 14 IN crib and South Wharves,. J. B. DAVIDSON, Agent at Georgetown. M. El DRIDGE & Go.. Agents at Alelandria. NOTICE.— FOR NEW YORE. Via Delaware andliaritatiCanal. EX MESE , STEAMBOAT COMPAN Y. The Steam kropellon, of the Line leave Lally from firet wharf below Market street. TithOUGli IN i 4 HOURS. Goods forwarded by all the lines going out of New YQTY- . A ortb. East and Wert—free of Commisrion. Freight received at our usual lowrata WM. P. CLYDE. 14 South Wharves, Philadelphia. JAB. nevi ) . Agent. 119 M/ alt meet. cor. of South. New York. ' '• NOTICE.—FOR NEW YORK. DELAWARE AND nAtuTAN CANAL. "'SW FTBERB TRANtiI'ORTATiON COMPANY. I.EBkATCH ANL bW 11.`fd k. RE LINES. The beisiness• of these lines will be resumed on and after the /9th of Msrch. For freight.whloh will be taken on accommodating terms.' oppl9 to Wm. M. BAIRD & CO.. ; ; No. lad d tuth Wharves. goFOR FR.F.IOIIT OR %AMMER—Tun A I Tlin•e• ma et ed cbooner A RI , N. atid tone re nutcr. Aboutt Barrel', cep/wiry. A pily to WORKMAN di CO.. 123 Walnut atmet. azD.)lt FNEIMIT 011,CHARTER, BRIG 611131 E 11 Tilcombe, 376 L 4 ,1115 regiKtor. Apply to Wi i 4.1( - MAI% & Aticutk. lta Walont ntroot. feat — DELAWARE AND 011E311PEkKE g ° 44- t t _Ve n ci te r tTv v een H° Pl t ou, " :ll . I.l m UZl3;t E l l tan g r u e! Ittilat,de.,or.ce,oveloware t;tty itud intormodttste point* Wm; ?, 1.11. Y DV 61 tit).. AgeutA;,Capt. JOl - IN LAI.IOII. Llli,,esup't (Alice. 14 tioutlk WharvO, Philattoloblo. somm-TOR NEW YORK. VIA c4 l 4 . ri .: . liebiw.iro and Raritan Ounul—dwlfteure - treuelxirtatioti Cotnpany—Oeepwoh and Oteure itole.—Thelbueincee by these Lines will be re ,tirued on 'end after • the litb of Muth. For Frei eh r, which wi Ibe Oaten aceoreteodating term.), apply to 'WM. M. BAI RI) Az CO.'. 1:12 eolith \Vn,oves - ' Y riAVAL sTURES. rOVION.--500 RALFI3 EtYIToN IN ST )RE AND EV)It pulu by COCIIIIAN,ELL 33 CU., 93 N. Front IQ ()SIN AND BPI ItITR, TTIKPEN NS —920 B I role b A iro'D W tato tioirlto rorotro tine. Now loudit g from modulo,' 'roam %Vit. Kolvotob w N, V., obri for enlo by 4,001.1 RA N, 1113.15r2C1.• CO 211 Frovt trert. I'FIN'IIM AND -LIU I-MARE:L - 7 Tnrreutine; 142 bbln, Pnie tio‘p RoAn bblit. INO. 7 Shippinp Reetu l lxudluß from eteitinor Pioneer or Mel., IL HOW I. LY , 16 a Vintarvint uovd,tl EM VAL.--J. M. GUM MEY & B , AL„ E ,BT TE Broker% have removea to Igo 733 Walnut actoot. alt: ,eiri , g itAki,t),,Jduxisu ‘oll.pAtriy, WALNUT ?TREET." • :a a 3.t.r. fa. /180. ' 101100 P tivtp th at ail, a tact of toe "4.llned c.einpan UMW *Milts *With itratattrienta Ire ' due d unpaid, bwr.bees forfeited. sodas% be sold .st pat lie euc, iorea ftkfDAl.Aprli6th..l36ir:atl2oeloat noon," It the Of ictrof they been-mry of the - ffortryestion (according to Me' Charterisod Bylaws/indent prsviously re dream& ,the Company olcibms the right to onion maid EY oider of tits Dlseacee. I 'l ;. . A..1100PRO; • tiecietat?' ancirXrearcimr. who t apS5 , • RE-tlYnNlik G.. Abe )xt.reta Steamboat. Comport" bet, , weeu raW ll " delphia and Now York , W. P. Glioatik Co.. iiireatstilit -- rept:me but it ma on MONDAY. Bth Inst,;-the , :_lialitlair' • ALS , - reaOpesimv OS , ~ /Ratte • , ..• t . mtettr. ter Tue . ftEGUfzitit ANNVAL:6IBIFITING-OPTUS Stockhotmre pf The American. ExototteS.,C,Oln". pat. y of Philadf wilt. be held' at ' - tho *l)moe., NOS Walnut ttrett, Philaclelphia. , ort TII SHAY. Mart-114th. )869. at 12 o'clock : :101.1X . W. 11.4,SSLinNe. , tut tiFFICEOE 'IME itEB')LUTE ,MCONG .00M- Puii~nsLrrri l: Me..eiv le4'lBo. • Notice is hcrebv giveti that 340 itustelinent, etVitty Cent, rer r hare ou caeh tied I:very - km:tee of the Uspita! Steck the • Her olute Mules Company:^ beta this 4.y been elided peselde on or before the 15th der, of March:. UMW at . I lie ftiee ,f the Tressurer; No 224 Webtut street. 11414 , delybia. , By order of the 1/hectors. B. A. 1100P.M. • ' Treasarer. mbl t 161 TttEivi N J 13 P VA lear NO9 10E.—The Del a're and ' organ 'Canal be opened for navigation fdarch 10th. . 011f4 G. bTEVlCklili', Engineer and duperintendenr.. /Drop OFFICE OF THE DI LAWAIM COAT: 'COW PANY, Puttanetartata, Feb. lg.. 1649, , The mantel Meeting of the Stocaholdore ofthin Cloneo , . tray. and all election for irectote. will be held it No: 716 Walnut 'street on WEDNInsuAY. die 17th March next. at 11 o'clock, A. M. • 1.131n0 hl7l' J. R. *niTE. preiliderie DIVIDEND NOTICES. may- 711 E PENNS) . L 17.6 . 4.! A FIRE INSUII.9SIIIT; ‘ , NAl4l(.—olareh let; 11364 • • The Doeethre have thl4 day declared a dividend oft.t Et DO LLA IS A 1) FIFrY CEN I 6 per share -ma , tho Ftoek of the .om pain for the last six mootha, whtoh will beraid to the titockholders or their legal reproaonalW tivoL t tur the Ilthihatoistr' n•tet to mhl2o W N. O. afiClWELL.liiiieretary. XLEILIICAJfi. F EENCII DIEDICINES .• . rzEPAzurn ssr CIVIMAIJUI` &CO.. • ' mr..misT TO U. 1. ii:rat.Nogicarolxon„ 45 Raz As alliMs 4ELJ.• . . , SOLUBLE P/lOSPHATEOFIRON. Hy Lamas, M.I . posteur es Sciences. , GEI3II3LT & f1i0,,.t.11 E3llB7lll,PAItle. ACtOrding . to the °pinioned the meininuir of . the Pane' Academy of M , dicinµc thiv •, Article;ispuparioNto_all thei , ; ferruginous prev.nstiotus, known— 11, *veva beet with the stomach; never tans a eliscivonfeerlt containi !the hie: reunite of , the blood and , thirtnehous Mine. Bed rfaiteeeda• where other preparatteue tatl.,etteh se Yeitaty_eni, t rront reduced by hydroiterktsctete of-trou: and 'fare WWI Leonard ater, , One tablespoonful oi , tba ,1010 an ',or ryrup containathren grains of salt of irna: That are colorteer. • • , • .• ••', Ageptc,,lfiltafelelphia. I t ' • gItEMOMLRICILIEBB & CO4 - N. W. tor; TENniveifs,Atstaggr dc7.6mf. tiPAL DENTAL , ' INgt.=LA SUPERIOR &ET - JULE:Ft:I:w e r v, :cleaning the' Teeth. destroying &Jamaican. Wh iti fest them swing tone to thesums. - ind leaving sk. eta, off rsgrance and perfect cleanliness in the Mott= t , be used daily. and will be found to Strengthen or lamming gums. while :the ;aroma , and detemivetiess.wlH recommend it to .evers one. „Doing „composed with thet aseletatlee of '. the benne. ?kVA. _dans and Hieroi3coastit is entadtaly offered es a reliable substitute for iM nn.. certain washes (muerte in vogue. • . ..,.,.- , Eminent Dentists.acquainted with the cons tituents of the Dentallina, advocate its use; it oontains nothing to proves:A ita unrestrained employment Made only by . - JA I'. IHINN, Apothecary, . Broad and Spruce erreets. For Bale by Druggists generally, and kied.:Browne, D. 1., stuktiatuse. - - Harsard Is Co..j Robert C. Davis, C. it. Keeny, • Ceo. G. Solver. Isaac H: Kay. Chan Shivers, C. B. Need' ' S. M. hicColb4. • • T. .1. Umber/ ."11 S. C. , Bunting. - Ambrose Sin thas. - Eberti. ' Pdward Parrish. James N. Harks. Win. B. 'Webb. , '.E.."Bringinaut& Da, James 1.. Dispham. Elva & C 0...., Bushes-& Combo. la.,' U. Slates Stem .Henry et..Bewer.. . Wredit&-.15 1 ' 0 %.. • ' . , • aluanmai • mamma. K. Edi N.. - 21ntwfig Iptreet.. Coneetatioes free. , my 1,147 , LEGAL NOTICE. T ELI 1113 •TEBTAMVN'CARY ' HAVING' DEEM IA granted to tile eutperiber upon the Eataterot - JORM VOC4-phrl . deteattd all mresno. iudobtrd to the pame mill melt. payment, and , those havtog claims present them to L. , A% NAIR E. 10)W r.xecobir4: o r to h e r Attom. WM. VOGiOES, 118 South Sixth at nd154.6t• I N THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY' AND L County, of Philadelphia—Estate of. JAgos. Sitta , l ti, det ea Bed. Tie Auditor appointed by thoOthiLt to audit. ii tie and added the count of . MO W M Sol'it, Admirdat , atric 3 &JOB t*. 81.1WER. de heels. and to report distribution. ttt thalittlance.bi the hands of, the accountant, v. ill meet the.parttea interacted. for the parr ore of hid , tpt Ointment on I•LIR..DAY, March 1b99, at 19 o'rloca, table office. N 0.141 South( dlith stn et, in the Uty of khiladelabiA, + ++. rel+s f m htt WM . P. BlCSSlCka.tkinitte'il - Iht THE DEPHANEP COURT FOR THE CITY.. AND I County ot Pluladelphia.—Eptate of. JOHN CRAIG MILLER. d. cearted.—The Auditor app ant. ointed by. the Court to andh, Ce.tle and adjust. the and partial tcount of EDWA,RD MILLER. Executor of (U t 4 Cite , MILLER. 'decesned. , and to ;report dietribu • MALI of the balance, in the hande•of , the. accountant, will meet the peal( a interested; for the purpose of the Appian!. mint. on Zdt•NDAY: the t fidt day of T hiarch. A. Et. , LEM• 234 u' lock P. M.,at his °Moon. 271. Soirth Fifth etreetja the city of Philadelphia. JOARPD , A.;CUAW f.26.1..t0.w.fax . • • •,, Auditor.. USTAT EOI 011ARLES ILEX.; DECEASED.—Letters testameLtery , on, the *stet,' of:OHARDES F. , LEX, deceased.laavic a taco granted to the undering,neo, ail ersor s indebted to eaideetate will make payment: and it oee having claims present them to JAMES , IIIAItif.OFee xecutor, Ito. 1810 Locu , t street; PeAtIIIiNAND J. I M.P.H. Ext ewer. Ito. 1520 Spruce atreet; or at their Office, No, .CJ South Sixth street. , , 102043t* - 1 h THE DISIRIOT COW: T OF THE u VILED armiss Sro the Pattern District of rennevlvania.—ln fOrdr.. runtcy,No, 114.' At Phitac May 4. A. 1). 186&4-The audersisnes hereby.eires ;notine st aspoionnent as Asrisnee of itl• II hi) relLIFFETTasith of — tior firm' of RAMA Gtl do MOEVETT:cf. Philddelphia.'in the comity cf Philadelphia and State of Pennsylvania, within Paid Dietrict who has been adjudsed a Bankrupt on , hip own Petition by the District Court of said District. JeldEti W. LATTA, &Ague% ifel9.3t. 0. 103 South street. To the Creditors of the abovemsmed eaukrept Li. PKISONS 4VING Guava AGAINST THIS A' ts Estate of AN N,M. HINES, late of this nits , . deceased. are desired 10 present them paytneut; and 'these In. &Lied thLreto ,are rtquested to pay the same to, , SAMUEL M. SINES. Administrator. , No. 16 South Seventh:street: , . , telLettr 18al. .•• tr. 1;01J ecr c mauliN VLF/CB-POW Tlll6 I Y AM . ) t..OUNTY OF PHI.LAVELefII& , : WILLIAM STOPPERAN se. EMMA M. t3TOPYFAAN. 18epteruber Term, IE6B. , N0.•41. lii Olvitrce.f. ,•1 • 0 , T Itbalde M, 13 tOPPERAte, Reepondent: Madan*—Tabe notice!. that the depeatitions:of.Witheseet in the :those mute; on -the , part of the iinellAnkr will be taken I.efore TIAISVEY N,T,tRftE,N, rag'. Examinee, at the C filet of the cuhtcro her. NO. 845 Nord:ol3l:th ntreet, fu the city of bib delphia. FitlithWetheLlfltta day of March IFee at 4 O'clock. P, M., wpm and where you , rater attend 11 you think proper. ' • ' • '' ' .• FRED. DITTYLANN. AttorneY•for.Libelialit._ DAP.ISt. 'ribosortAL: AA tericwro it MESS MEN WANTXNG' TO SAYS .101 'lldlJNEY•Asaititit • 50 PER 'VENT. ItttltisTtoN. Ity , sending Ile the OItIGINAL or,ANY DOSSIMENTS OR DRAWiIs. Go, - we will return Immediately A oli" N U.llll,Ek OF EXAUT FAU SIMILE:4 of the orietnel at thr following rxtraerdiuory cheap rater: Lea coPler, $5 on; .50 0 testes. $5 On; LOOS envie& de 00, &c. la Weil Cate puper iheltided (letter or note elge.) Or Fifty Per rent. upon the oho e pricer rea4 be saved by using Vt AU kJ lUtoti Patent Autographic ninth g, Preen for of- MA LIM: Patent States West are sold at toOderat AU kinds of Lithographic work are done with the greatest care a: the loweet Om MA I RICE'S Paton Antographie Witting and Printing FrfulA ehment.4o North Willlank,cLeiNe Jado f„ an 11(EATEIHIN AND STOVES. S. DIXON & SONS:' Late Andrews& Wile% . Cl-11.81 NUT 8 , ht et, fhliada.. • , , • Onpoeiti) Urdted Matt* 41.b1t. 51"4"t°rf4." c t r LOI•V watt") • , OFEIOn: • - • A nd'other GRATES, For Anthracite, Bituminous and Wood Fire; • WANtd4,I 4 : ' ,AEIidOES, For Warndog Public and Private Building*. HEINSTERS, EN'l iLATOIL3, tiIIHAN EY CAPS, COONIN I.ItANO Ed, /14,118.130.1LE55.., WHOLESALE and RETAIL. , • TiIOBISON , 3 LONDON - IC,ll•Cliatitg, oft Ala European' Rangea, fortnmiliea hotels* or' vitAio inatitntiut+F. in twcnty dtiTerentsizea Ales, eta , adelphis Rang... llot Air Furnacaa„, Partible L gatoe, Low down taunter. Fiteboard StOvOli, Batirßoil, eio., Stew hole 'Plates. groileta.• Cooking Stoves. etc.. wboloiale and retail by tbv , rahnntaa fliers , SHARPE ez Tli - 0M13024; No.'9,oNorth Becend a'S w.f,m-6110 VOPA ftirN masons:l. 1 1 . Tit E UNDERSIGNVID, ./14 V E. InY aimed a .r•parthelehip ";undo" style "of ~[ULLE't3 dz. LAING. importera of ar.l. a are. Cutlery, .t.c...41) tora)uvreVNl/ LLE 4.311Mt1Ai3 A...V1 111114. ,Trintinra te.t. 1 N' 11CS12 KA NCI , . , 0 1 1 1 ...I t ' I nEilrauee :pal pa V. 0.0. 1179.. IA calirt 0 No. 1517 At, It rtr..et.ttion hay. it x' Lt Made to. a i t e 0; I olicy. any vvr‘wrl tiatllfot .4. 1 11 polo y woo: it tutu, n It to . LIPPIMI 1%;:' n.l 1.1n,w.f.61.• .No. th W.k.ce LONE.
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