THU noo ;>..■* « *> uas. areaiDemructto.i ui miumid W#p*rtf 'twelve fenona uroweco; Wetoku the following accouotof tQO damage done by the flood at Danbury. Conn., on Banaiiv night, from an- extra issued by tbo Danbury Times on-Monday: „ “Sunday evening, Jan. 31, 1860, will long e remembered by the people of Danbury. Juat < 6 the bells censed to ring the people to ll ?i r i ef „ l i l ;' tog worship, the d»m of the upper kohrni!l._ Rneervolrgave way.and the immense body of water therein contained came ®™’ oe P i “sA'}'™L upon ©urnnconßclonacitizons. Those who Uved at thoupper pnrlof tbe town wore a tartly by a sodden-rushing, roaring sound, like.the driving nf a heavy gale of wind. Those indoors conld not understand it, ae . their buildings were not racked, as thoy would be in such a galo. Many left theirbonßcs and wentout to liaton bet ter, and then discovered before thotr very doors a boillog, bnrling mass of water. Tho water esmo upon the village throogh the gorge above Flint’s dam, bringing with it hugo masses of ice and boavr masses oi timber. It camo with fearful velocity, striking tbo houses on Main street,, near tbe river bank, and sweeping them from their foundation in an instant, It swept down the flats along the stream north and east or M»!u street; carrying destruc tion to everything m its roach, and bring ing terror to all within Us hearing. The amount of property lost cannot be Icbs than fifty thou arnd dollars, and will probably exceed that amount Tbe loss of life lias been terrible. In the bouses destroyed in the upper pirt ot Main Street, there were fonrteen persons. Tho terrible scenes add incidents of tbe night and this morn ingbeggar description. The people have turned out in masses, and at this hour are going over the pathway of the calamity. Thesoeue now N one of great desolation, {specially on tho slto of the houses of those lost. Hardly a trace of where thoy stood is visible. One building is deposited a little way back, badly shattered; the other is a eompiete wreck, the ; larger portion lying juat south of Fateh street. and some distance below its foundations. Tho Main, North and White street bridges were destroyed, and the Patch streot bridge so racked as to be unsafe to walk over. Charles Chases carriage manufactory, on North street, was de molished, being struck by the building removed from Main street. Sunderland's carpenter shop, on. White street, was torn from its place. A horse stabled at one end of the building, in some unaccountable way, got out and, swimming to land, came off unharmed The office and builder's hardware store of tho Ives Brothers was flooded, and considerable dam age dono to tbo stock. Isaac W. Ives’ lumber yard was also flooded, and a large lot of lumber swept down tbe stream,or thrown about the yard in confused ebape. Loss was also sustained by Stevens Brothers and A. Ely, carpenters; P. Rob inson & Co., flour dealers; Lacey, Hoyt & Co., hat manufacturers, and Bradley & Mansfield, liv ery stable-keepers. Great cakes of lee, weighing a ton or more, were scattered along the course of tho water in sreat profusion,fences wore swept down, outhoußCP. sheds, &c., damaged. The following is a list of the persons killed: Mrs. Hnested, an old lady, mother-in-law of Charles E. Andrews—body recovered; Edward Clark—body recovered; Vrs. Edward Clark—a body supposed to be hers, but badly disfigured, was recovered; throe children of Mr. and Mrs Edward Clark—bodies not recovered; wife of James Brotbwoll—body not recovered; two chil dren of Jamesßromwtll—body of one recovered. A body was fonnd near Hurlburt’s factory, which was identified by Mrs. Hanford B. Fair child as that of Miss Fanny Humphreys, a lady who bad left Mrs. Fairchild's house, on While street, just before tbe coming of the flood, and was overtaken by it before she could get across the bridge. Bight after the water reached White street, two women were seen clinging to a tree. They cried for help, but tbo huge cakes of ice and masses of timber surging between them and those who en deavored to help, rendered ail attompts ineffec tual, and after a few moments they loosed their hold fo tbe tree and were swept from sight. Oue of these two was undoubtedly Miss Humphreys, but tbe other is not yet known. The damage done the reservoir is very great About 100 feet of tbe upper dam and the entire length of the lower dam is Men are already at work upon the dams, and tbe water-pipes will be filled in a few days. The foundation of Flint’s foundry is undermined, and two tenements belonging to Heudrlck Barnaul on North street, are somewhat damaged.” Explaaion of Petroleum. [From tho Pittaburfh Chronicle of Feb. 3.1 Another explosion, resnlliug from the reckless use of oil in kindling Arcs, occurred at the house of Mr. J. B. Robson, at Fort Perry, yesterday morning. Mr, R. arose about half-past four o'clock yesterday morning, and discovering, as he supposed, that the fire, which had been •‘covered over” the previous evening, had gone out, proceeded to rt-kind’o it. In order to make it bum up more rapidly, he took a large can, containing nearly two gallons of oil, and poured a auantitv of the fluid over the coals in the grate. He then went upstairs for a match, and on returning concluded to add a little more oil to the quantity already applied before lighting the match. Just while he was pouriaa the oil ant of the can, some of it fell upon a live coal and ignited. The flame communicated to the Oil in the can, ond in an instant an explosion ensued, Ihe noise of which aroused those residing in the immediate neighborhood. The burulmr fluid was scattered in every direction, setting Are to the floor and other woodwork. Mr. R. wis hurled with violence to the opposite side of the room, and fell npon a table. His clothing had "Sfo taken flno.nnd before be could succeed In ex tinguishing the flames he was shockingly burned about the breast, hands, face and head. In the meantime the fire in the room had mado some headway, and before attempting to save the building Mr. R. rushed up stairs to secure his wife and children. His wife had been aroused by the noise oi the explosion, but the children were still asleep, and were carried out of the house by Mr. R., notwithstanding he was so severely burned. By this time some neighbors had reached the bouse, and Mr. R., with their as sistance, sncciedid in extinguishing the fir before any material damaize had been donn. Mr. R. was then removed to the house o: Mr. West, Immediately adjoining, whsr he received prompt attention,Dr. Maginnl having been called in. His injuries, although very se vere, are not considered dangerous. The fore of the explosion was terrific. Tne sides of tie room were forced out about two iuchea al around, the windows were Shattered, and a dooi tp the stairway leading to the second floor was torn from its binges and jammed up the step-. Theeßcapeof Mr. R. from Instant death see in to have been almost miracolous. Such an occur rence should prove a warning to those who use . petroleum or its products for kindling fires; bui there Uavo been so many similar warnings that l; is not probable this owwlll be heeded. Ihe Fenuaylvuutu neutral Flank ftiovemeu i, The lease of the Oolumbua, Chicago and In diana Central Railway, made to the Puu liaudit Company and the Pennsylvania Railroad Corn pany jointly. Is perpetual, and provides tint tin lessees are to keep the road in first-clasa toad tion, and furnish all the equipment which mtj bo required without charge to the lessors; an through traffic is to be pro rated over the roid- Of the three companies, all taxes are to be Um paid out of the gross earnings, and the bal a act of the gross earnings is to bo divided, HO per sunt to the lessors and 70 per cent, to th. lessees, and toe lessees guarantee tbat thi minimum sum produced by tue 00 p. i cent. iaeh and every year shall not b less than the Interest on the entire bonded deb' oi the Columbus, Chicago and Indiana Centra. Company It in any oub your it should bo In sufficient for that purpose the lessees are to makt uu the deficiency without charge to the lesson-. thuß making a positive guarantee for the interest upon its entile bonded debt. Tho lessees are also preildo lor the sinking fund of the Columbus, Chicago and Indiana Central Company for the redeuipllou ol its bonds out of their own fuuds. “u? a- c , t ? ulr " c ’ 8 of the Columbus, Chicago and Indtuuu Central Company arc aßsutncd anu. guarantied by the lessees, and the lease prcclud - °f earnings between -i> 0 Wayne aud CUieagoaud Pan Handle comoanies. without the consent ol the Columbus, Chicago and Indiana Central Com pany- —M. Zadoc Kuhn, rtecu-ly invented with tho dignity 111 Grand Rabbi, at tho ttvnaxotue Run Notre de Nazareth, is but thirty y am old and is said lo be the youngest Ur.u.t Uibbi elected since the days of Jeremiah tu o Prophet THE DAILY EVEMING BULLETIN--PHILADKLPMIA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY ,3,1869. OITT BUlilifilW. Tint VoMMKBciAt, ExcaA*av.—The fine build log on Second street, opposite Gold, which is " about being finished for the’Commercial Ex change Association, will be dedicated on Monday, March 1. at 12 o’clock M. Tho ceremonies pro mise to bo of a very intonsting character, and should the weather prove favorable a large at tendance of the membera nod thrir friends is expected. Tbe Liberty Cornet Band has been engaged for tbe occasion and will e nil von the proceedings.with choice music. Prayer will bo offered by Bev..Geo. Bringbnrst. Tho lntrodac lory addrees will be mode by E. Harper Jeffries, Esq , and tho oratldn will bo delivered by GeOrgo L. ffuzby, Keq. In tbe evening the grand-bau quet will take place at tbe Continental Hotel, and tho most extensive arrangements hsv r been made to insure perfect success. Invitations have been extended to ail the commercial bodies in the United States and Canadas, and a large num ber of representatives are expected to be present. A Snow Bbokrh Up.—A sort of a ehow,wbero verdant individuals could be relieved of their spare cash In short order, was set up yesterday afternoon, at Second and Dock streets. A young man named Albert Davis got Into tneestabllsh rnent, and in a few minutes was mIDUB about $3. He didn’t like the way things were done, and no tified! the police. Sergeant Fox, of the Third District l'olice, tnado a descent on the plaoe and captured Henry Briscoll, alleged to be toe pro oileter, and Charles Cllgloy, whose fine voice and pleading tones hod inddeed many indlvldnuls to enter the show. The prisoners were taken be fore Alderman Carpenter, and wore held to ball upon the chaige of keeping a gatrfbllng estab lithmtnt. The Bush ton Office.—The biid\WoaUlor to day did not interfere with the offlcc-BUi-kors. TUo Muyor had set apart this morning for the recep tion of petitions from the Nineteenth, Twentieth, 1 wenlj-flrst, Twenty-second, Twenty-third, and Twenty-fifth Wards, and there was n good-sized ueptmblngo at his office. The would bi polloe men were all kept in line by a squad of Beserro. pohetmen until they bad presented their peti tions. The notice that applicants will diminish tbr-tr chances of success by loitering upon the staircase has had a good effect, and this morning, pt none having other business at the office were able to get in without much trouble. Alleged Gambling Houses. —Henry Welsh was arrested yesterday and taken before Aider man Maull, upon the charge of keeping a gam bling bouse ou Market street, above Thirty second'. It is also alleged that lottery policies are sold in tho establishment The accused was committed to answer. James Dorsey was before Aid. Carpenter, yes terday, npon tbe ebarge of keeping a gambling bouse at No. 605 South Sixth street He was was held in $5OO bail to answer at Court Juvenile House Breakers. — Three youths named Charles McFarland, William Welsh and Job Kenner were arrested, yesterday afternoon about five o’ Officers Jordan and Francis, oi the Schuylkill Harbor Police, while in the act of breaking into a blacksmith shop on Thirtieth street,below Bridge, in West Pbil-delphio. They weie taken before Alderman Pancoast and were held In $4OO bail for trial. Disagreeable.— The weather to-day is ex ceedingly disagreeable. Last night enow foil to a sufficient depth to cover the groond, and this morning it was succeeded by a drizzling rain. Umbrellas are not of much account, and every body who is compelled to be out gets a prettv ihorough soaking in a short time. Labl'Bki. —Samuel McGrath has been co:u mlttid by Alderman Carpenter, to answer tbe cboige of the larceny of a bucket of lard,on Penn strict, btlow Lombard. ArroiKTMEST.— Richard H. Pritchard was ye-r lerday appointed Lieutenant of Police for the Eli vinth District, in place of John R. Witcratt. removed. Prfss Club. —The regular stated meetiDg of tbe Press Club of Philadelphia will be held this afternoon at the rooms, No. 607 Walnut street. Oyster T roubles in Dlaryiand* The BL Michael's (Md.) Comet of jannary 60th says: "The oyster business In Miles and Choptank rivers is very nearly destroyed. Tbe Oyster law made at tbe last session of tbe Legislature bis proved totally inadequate to protect tbe interests of the longmeu, especially bldco the recent deci sion of Attorney-General Jones. During ail of last fall and up to this period the dredgers have Ucn operating without restraint in botbtheabore Damid rlvt-rB, penetrating into waters they never dartd venture into belore. The result is the market is kept stocked with dredged oysters to such an extent that tongers cannot afford to work for the prices buyers are able to pay. But this ib not all. Rocks and bars upon which the tong men depended for a supply of oysters taivj been completely despoiled, und the ovsters co urt ly taken away by the dredges. Our oyster mt-n have leen idle during the whole of this ere ctile nt weather, und thousands of dollars thus lost to them. We fear this will have a very injurious effect upou mercantile and other in terests In Bt. Michael's, which depends for its prosperity to a considerable extent upon the ovster traffic.” ’KtftrriDK to the probability of a successful (florl being made by the Baltimore City Coaacll lo get a pp- clal meeting of the Legislature calle 1 to give the city authority to widen Jones’ Fall j, the Centerville Übeerver speaks as follows : The session, according to law,would be limited to thirty days,and if our people have any laws which they desire passed upon they had better have them ready. The oyster law requires re modeling. Uuder the interpretation of the At (orney-General, Chester, Choptank, Sassafras, SmqacbaMia,Patuxent,Nanticoke and Pocomok** rivers, with others, no doubt, not now on oar mind, are thrown open to foreign dredgers, they being the dividing lines bet ween counties, and not atncily 4 within the limits of ThU renders the Oyster Police force almost a nullity - certainly takes from them much Important labor." CITY NOTIOES. “The greatest good to the greatest number. " in tho matter of Life Insurance, is doubtless secu-ci by the “stock’ 1 plan of Insuring hatter than by any über. There are cases and wants tbat arc better cov ered by tho ‘'mutual” system, bat what is most do erved and sought for by nine men out! of every tea who insure, is secured better, because at lower rates and less risk, by a Joint Stock Company, such as the “American Life,” of Philadelphia. Thk Tektii’h Salvation. The iutefor burk of the Soap Tree of Chill is adrnl • ted by botanist* to possess cleansiug and orcservativ qualities unshared by any other kn* wu rubstance. K native name, Quillay t is from Quilli tn, to make clean This matchless antiseptic is a main constituent of th<- famout* preparation for the teeth known as So7.'*- which bus long since taken tho lead of every other article of its class throughout the Western Uemlsphere, Reduction in Pricks, To close off Winter Stock, CIIAKLRB StOKEH & ( 0.. Oiot.hierH, No. 824 Ckertiuut street. Quiet and soothe tho puln of children teethlng- Use Bower’s Infant Cordial. Sold by all Druggists. To THE LaDIPS. We now have a Hple.ndld and largo stock of L-idh s’ >iid Miski'b’ llute, which cannot bo excelled for <lur«- mlity and make. Oakkorub', Contlueutal Hotel. Coknb, Bunions, Inverted Nalls, skillfully . eated by Dr. J. Davidson, No. 915 Cheßtnut street i bargee moderate. Deafness. Blindness and Catabrii. fJ. eaacs. M. D„ Professor of the Rye and Ka state all dleeatws appertaining to the above member «ilk tbo utmost success. Testimonials from the moei •i liable sources In the city can bo seen at this olllcc, no. 605 Arch street, Tho medical faculty are Invitee ■< accompany their pallcnta,as he h&F no secrets In hi ,» notice. Artificial eyes Inserted. No charge mad' 1 r r examination. Gents’ Pats—Gents’ Hats, ! Of :Lu latest and most fashionable style, Al Ike lowest price. OAUvoans', 894 and 636'Chcstuut street. . Buboioal Instruments and druggists' sun . dries. 1 Snowden & Boothe b. 26 South Eighth Btreet. I M f O RT AT JO MS. reported lor tht Thllndrlphla Evening llnllotin. DL’ENOrt AYhßS—Burk Gertrude, Atherton—43J »oua bone* and boas (Slot ord«r. NI;\V|iKRN. NC 3cbr Ocean Wav®, Walter—s3,s26 Lt-art cvpices uhlrg'ee Psttireou & Lfppinoott. Cuxai.orrON -251.b1a bottled stout cow&igaod toordor. pert arkOnnL ' ftem MveiMob. yesterday, should have Men to BuoauCoiton & Clarita. • ; MAHLNB BULLET!'. / POST OF PHILADELPHIA—FRBuuAar.S wrSeeKarm Bvßettnmtnstae Pnoe. I ARRIVED TOTS DAV. ‘ ■ ■ Park Gertrude. Atherton, 68 dayafrom ISuenoa Aw*, with bowdmtto ordM* > ;. i r v - y Schr Ocean Wave, Walter, 19 daya from Nowbarn, with to Patterson A Llpptnoott. Correspondence of the PMtedrdnhtaßxohaiu^ LFWBS, tiEuFeb. I—6 PM. Bark Gertrude, from Buenos Ayres for Philadelphia, pamdupthis morning. Srhr Curtis Tilton, from Na vpsen fir Philadelphia, is at the Breakwater. Bark Sarah A Staples, for Saauaj brigs Baml Lindsey, for Cardenas; Anna, for Barbados, and schr JTAltmr eer, for Guantanamo. aU from Philadelphia, went to so i veterday; bark Abeidocn. for Bremen, was towed toect this evening by to* America, •' ■■■* ; - _ Voan,dto, JOSEPH liAFETRA. MEMORANDA Hbip Don Quixote, Nelson, cleared at N York yesterday for Ban Pranchco. Ship Nile (Br), Arlward. cleared at Now Orleans B»th utt tor Lhrei pool with 4118 balee cotton. Steamer Mariposa, Komble. cleared at New Orlems S?th Bteaner Manhattan (Br). Williams, cleared at NYork yesterday for Uvurpoi I. , .... , Bark Ida. Ingraham, for this port.retained to Liverpool fid li-et. leekv. Bark Kate Weather (Br). pnt into Provincetown ret terdoy: eho voa from Singapore via 8t Helena and Shel burne. NS, wbeio she pnt In disabled, and was bound to Bobtou. HChr Wm 8 Hillce, Bnrgese, hence, was going up to Now Oih*»m 2Plh utt. \ ' . . . ScbrM IfiCoyna, Facemlro, clearod at New York vee toi ri ay-forthia-oort; — : : : t-cbr Betaeawn. Bryant, hrsco at New York veatorday. Schr T D Wilder, Ho&tbor, at Providence Ist inat. from Savannah. Schr Kliie L Smith< Bmitb, -15- days from Mobile, at Providence let inat Schr Frank B Colton, Robinson, hencofor Barbados, wee apoken 15th ult. (at 14 09, lon 69 Btfv‘ Schi Mary K Smith* Smith; at Providence let lu«t. from- Darien. Ga. . Schr Hiawatha, Lee, sailed from Providence let mat for Baltimore. ’ . . SchrE J- Heraty. JHeraty, from NowCaatle Dol. for Quincy Point, at Holmea* Hole let Inst. Bark Helen Bands,lor Charleston, returned to Liver pool yesterday, leaky. „ _ Bark Eureka, Holloway, from Shields Sopt 25 via Ber muda 17th ult. at New York veeterduy experienced very heavy weetoilv ffaKs from Shields to Bermuda: le*t »nd split sails, etovojiouses and boat and broke wheel washed water casks Jklid binnacle overboard, started cutwater and ppllt a|4ra- Fobs, Fire Island.bearing N br E oiehc .milep, ndfised over the spars of a schooner apparently but a'fihrn time in the water. •MWBUia, JON E S ’ ONE-PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 604 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. First Class Ready-Made Clothing, suit able for all Seasons, constantly on hand. Also , a Handsome Line of Piece Goods for Custom Work. SLUTIIJ BPONGE. Pennsylvania Elastic Sponw Go. ■ 111 Cbeitant Street, Philadelphia. ELASTIO^PONGE, A (SUBSTITUTE FOR CURLED BAIR FOB AD UPHOLSTERY PURPOSES CHEAPER THAN FEATHERS OR HAIR, AND FAi SUPERIOR. The lightest. Boftest and mast Elastic and Durable ma serial known for MATTRESSES, PILLOWS, GAR. CARRIAGE ANI CHAIR CUBatONB. It is entirely Indestructible, perfectly clean and fre • rom dust. IT DOEB NOT PACK AT ALL! is always free from insect Ufe; is perfectly healthy, anr for the sick is unequaled. If eoiled In any way, can be renovated quicker an easier than any other Mattress. Special attention riven to FURNISHING CHURCHES, HALLS, Ac, Railroad men are especially Invited to examine tb» CLukian Sp g*gPj BpAOTION GUARANTEED. THE TRADE SUPPLIED. ivSom w f lyg i WINES, LIQUORS* AC, ERNEST IRROY & CO ’S •'Carte Blanche” and “Special” CHAMPAGNE. Ob K OF THE F£NE3T WINES IMPORTFJ). For sale at Agents’ prices by JAMES ft. WEBB, S. E corner Walnut and Eighth Sts Ja2ll2trp6 TOltb AN‘Bv;Ei EBKATEi) PURE TONIC ALE FOR tl, invalids, family use, &c. Tho subscriber in now furnished with his fuU Winter •apply cf his highly nutritious and well-known beverage. Its wide spread and increasing use, by order of phyei plans, forluval de, use of families, die., oammend it to the .itrentioD of all consumer* who a ant a strictly pure ar tide; prepared from the best materials, and put up in tho most careful manner for borne use or transportation. Or der* by mail or otherwise promptly supplied. P. J. JORDAN, 220 Pear street, de7-tf Below Third and Walnut stroeta. IUBT RECEIVED AND IN STORE 1.000 CASES OF O Champagne, sparkling Catawba and California Wines. Port Madeira, Sherrv. Jamaica and Santa Cruz Rum, due old Brandies and Whiskies, wholesale and retoiL P. J. JORDAN, 220 Pear street. Below Third and Walnut streets and above Oocb street. de7tf- HOOP SKIRTS. / 1115. 'VM.T.HOFKINB. I[T5 Manufacturer of the Celebrated Champion Hoop Skirls, has removed to his new and com modlous building, No. 1115 Cbettnut street. (Girard Row.) tvhero he has opened for inspection tbo largo it ussort uu-nt of Hoop bkirts. Corsets. &c., in this country, in eluding every quality. Btyle, size .and shape, fro u tue highest to Ihe lowest grade of goods at such prices as cannot fail to meet tho views of all. oKIRTB MADE TO ORDER, ALTERED AND REPAIRED. Special attention is invited to our assortment of LADIES' UNDER GARMENTS. which we ore selling at very l*w prices. We buy our Goods at first hand*, in large OUANTL ' T TEB, lor CASH, and at such prices that we CAN and WII.L *e 1 every article in <mr line CHEAPER than they cap be had anywhere olse. Pleat© call and judge for yourselves, atour Manufao tory and Salesrooms, No. Ulfi.Chestnut street, dclUm w-SmrpS WM. T. HOPKINS, HOiIPSKIRT AND CORBET MANUFACTORY, NO . 812 Vine street. AU goods made of the best material* md warranted. . ‘ Hoop Skirts repaired. „ w»7 Hum* E, BAVTiEY. AIICTIUN HALka James a. freeman, auctioneer. ; No 422 WALNUT street REAL ESTATE BALE FEB. 10.18d9. This Sole, on WEDNESDAY. at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Exchange, will include the following— STOCKS. Share in the Mercantile Library. 50 shares Nntirnal Exchange Bank (Seventh and Chestnut)— PtremKj tory Sale. 8702 shares Cook Oil < lo., of Crawford ciuntv, Pa. hhA inKFOHD ROAD—A tavern stand and dwelling, Frank ford road and Coral st,. 19th Wtrd. Orphans* < hurt Sale™ Kntate of Henry Donnelly . deo'd, NO. 709 MORRId ST—A B story brick dwelling. l&Mby 64fe*t. $40 ground rent. Sale o% orderqf Heir M AVENUE—A lot. MoFamon«ing av., botow Dlrkersou 5t.,16 by 68 feet $l4 ground rent. Or pbcnp' fy*irt Mutate of Peter Bouuier. dec'd. NO. 1747 N. 7TH ST -A 2 story hi ick houne with back buildings, ai d lot below Montgomery. 15 by 87 feet Orphans Court Snlr—Entat* of Ocorge arc'd. No 867 LAWRENCE ST—A ft-etorv brick bouse and lot biiow Leoigo et., 16th Ward, lo by 45 foot Same Mutate. Mu y» b LAW HENCE BT—House adjoinlug. lo'-i by 40 *©et. >ovie h’ntate. No. i a WHENCE ST—Home adjoining. 10 by 40 f'em*’ Khtate. Nf\974 LTi’HGtiW ®T—A Jt'etory brick house in tho r. ai of tho above, lo'A by 45 feet NYtmc HsUxte. O’O. i*72 LITHGOW Bl’- AO-story brick house and lot iMinins. lb by 40 ;< et. Same ttntaU. N< . P7b LriTti.qW ST—A 3 story brick house and lot adj iui’ g. lObydOfept Same. t&~ Pian q/ theahovc may t>s neen at the awtion store $B3 Cil OOND LENT per annum, out of a 8 story hrick bouse and lot, /*dntns st., above Columbia aveuue, 12 by 4fi f (t Some 1929 NAUDAiN ST—A 8 story brick house and lot, 7tl» vi, d, 15 hv 60 feet. .<o?nc Matate oIX ilul e*EB-6 brick iioutiofl Barloy ond C&rollneStl.. above loth aud Lombard rtfl, 80 by 61 feot to I'iuurdd pi mc* . ICbtate. V vLI ABLE la/T, NO 474 N STH ST-The dwelling end -tables, sth at, above Norths Utli Ward 4UX by aboi-t 160 feet. Sale bu order or the Hay \r ICOWLANITfi th-URT -A tliroe'Rtory brick house and lot Powlano's Court (souib from V»%uq below Eighth). 25 b> W'/itwL Sale. Perenwtorv. TIJhuI ’' EIHiA 'D—in tho Aliev,h*ny river, opposlto Tidioutr Wani u county, Va. P remutory sal* bv ••rdf or .s o ctchoUiera q f the Phiodeiphtt and Tiiioutc Oil Com pant, »> catalogues ready on Saturday MRH. R. DILLON, 823 and 831 SOUTH BTRKKIY .1 o.H rr . . M A l .te erJ ' forl-cidto,an< HtMOfc t? atinj. Silka. Vplyota, Hibhona, Plowom, Feath.nv Franjea. Mouralns Mlllliiory.Or.po Votto, he. Bilk Velvet and Satin Hata, Sash Uibbona. {mors ORYGOODfi* SILKSISILKS! SILKS! STBAWBEIDQE A OLOIHIEE’S SILK DEPARTMENT hiMvVßOioany aUnatlTC. Thoawortment la large and prices reaionable. Biehßlack Silks, Bioh Panoy Silks, Bioh Plain Silks, Bioh Evening Silks, PinkSilhs, White Silks, Corn Colored Silks, Scarlet Sitka, Blue Silks, Plain Dreea Silks, - - $2 OG All Shades Dress bilks, - $2 00 Bioh Corded Silks, - - $2 75 Very Wide Heavy Silks, - $3 60 Good Black Silks, - - $2 00 Heavy Blaek Gro Grains, - $2 SO Joit received, per late steamer, fall astert- mentor Silk and Linen Poplins in Plaids, Plain and Broohe Figures. STRAWBRIDfIE afetOTHIEB Central Dry Goods House, EIGHTH AND MARKET STREETS, PBOADBLFHU. POPGLAR PRICES FOE DRY GOODS RICKEY, SHARP & CO. No. 797 Chestnut Street. 'TI KS. RICKF.Y, SHARP & C'v. VELVETS. HHJKKY. SHARP «s CO «liP~ ' “ ' \ ELViTEENS. RifiKßY, SHARP & 00 IRI*H POPLINS. RICKER, SHARP & CO HIENCII POPLINS. RICKEY, SHARP 4: CO j-Ii K P' PL!NS. RICKEY, SHARP « CO WOOL POPLINS. RICKEY. SHARP ft CO. PLAID POPLINS. KICKRY, SHARP id. UHANGEABi E POPLINS. RICKEY, SHARP ft Co. L reefi Goods at 25 cento. RICKEY, SHAKP ft CO. Dress Goodfl at &i cento. RICKEY, bHARP A: CO. Drepß Goods > 18f> cents. RU KEY, SHARP ft CO. Drees Goods at 40 cents. RICKEY, SHARP & CO. Dress Goods at 60 cents. KiCICEY, SUAKP ft CO. Drees Goods at cents. RICK CY, SUAKP A; CO Drees Of ode at 75 eento. KICKrCY. .SHAKP ft CO. Dread Goods. Cl to SU. RICK - Y, SHARP ft CO. BLANKETS. kRS&EY, SHARP ft CO. t LA VNELH. Rl< KEY, SHARP ft CO. Cloths end Capeimeree. HICKEY. SHARP ft CO. Pari* La Bale Skirts. RICKKY. SHARP ft CO. BALMORALS. KIcKBY, BHAKP-ft C*f). BLEACHED MUSLINS- KTCKEv, SHARP ft CO. LINENS. RICKEY, SHARP ft CO. WHITE GOOD*, RI«JKEY\ SHAKP ft CO. Pot ular prices for Dry Goods by the yard piece, or pack* ***" BICKET, BHA.BP & CO., No. 727 CHESTNUT STREET. Fourth and Arch. ? BELLON’S BLACK BHKB.CET EBRATED FOR THEIR DURABILITY AaD BRILLIANT BIACK. EYRE<t LANDELL. FOURTH AND ARCH. Alwayt keep*be very BEST BLACK SILKS. BAT»N FACF.o QRO GRAINS. HEAVIEST COED* D SILKS. WIDOW©* ►‘ILKB, HAi.E LUSTRE. BRILLIANT LLSTRE LUTESTRINGS. BLACK SILKS WHOLESALE. mw»tf . X V V I K LINEN STORE, SPECIAL BARGAIN. Wein.. - «* a 100 Dozen {£??; LADIES’ HEMSTITCHED HANCKEBOHIBFt 5 , 31 cento,«r $3 50 per dozen. Wrll worth B*s 00 per doze i. COTTdN goods department. STRAWBBIDGE& CLOTHIER CENTRAL DRYGOODS STORE, Corner Eighth and Market Sts., PHILADIiLPHIA. - We shall continue to maintain and Increase the reputa tion we have euetalned of being 'tho largest and cheapest MUSLIN HOUSE in tho city. Receiving our supplies from first hands only, we shall hereafter sell all Muslins by the piece, at tho regular wholesale prices. THUITY-PJVE CASES AND BALES MUSLINS, com prising all the loading brands and widths of PILLOW MUSLINS. * WIDE SHEETINGS. FINE SHEETINGS, WAMBUTTA. WILLIAMBVILLE, NEW YOKK'MILLS, PAY MILLS. ARKWRIGHT, FOUKoTDALE, FRUIT OF THE LOOM, HOUSEKEEPER. Our constant aim will be to make tho lowost prices to the market. Good yard-witlo SHIRTING. 1216 c. ■ Yard-wide UNBLEACHED MUSLIN, lßJtfc. file-yards wide UN BLEACHED SHEETINGS, BOc, ■ HOUSE BURNISHING LINENS In largo assortment, STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER '1869. REMOVAL 1869.' 807 OHESTHOT BTBEET, (SECOND FLOOR. I EDWARD FERRIS, IMPORTER. WHITE GOODS, LACE'S, EMBROIDERIES, HANDKERCHIEFS, *O4 8m BwMtd to bis Row Store, No. 807 CHESTNUT STREET, (SECOND BTOI£V.) ltfAtoCti r CLOTH DEPARTMENT OR « MARKET <=> .» * 0 > *k & Wo have collected fa tbU department a moot com* pleto stock of Woolens, adapted to Men's and Boys' Wear. Oar Mr. Cooper making Woolen* a specialty, eomlngconstantlj In contact with the eelDr a* well as buyer, and having a Boys* Clothing nod Tailor Dopaitment io our Second litory, which comumcs targe quantities of goods, is enabled to buy not only is laige lotß at tbo lowest market prices, but to judge of the wants of the consumer. Our motto in business is frankness—always till ing, when asked, what we know of a piece of goods If all wool; If port cotton; if ehoddy; If imported or dim«*ettc: telling candidly any of these and more. Uoods not aa represented will always bo exchanged cheerfully. NMOeLLAnkOCfI. ONE POUND OF BUTTER IDADE FROM ONE PINT OF MILK. C*OK profit made by Investing $1 for a bottle of tho EXTRACT OF BUTTES PLANT which, with six gallons of milk, will produce 60 lbs of prim's fresh Butler. This Inexpensive, ex cellent Butter Is now daily consumed from the tables of the first Hotels, Restaurants and private families in New York city and elsewhere. State, County and City Rights for sale, offer ing to capitalists rare opportunities for estab'isb iDg a etaplo business, paying enormous profits Agents wanted everywhere. A bottle of the Extract, sufficient to make Mi lbs. of Butter, with full directions for use, will be sent to any address on the receipt of @1 00. The public are cautioned agaln6t all worthiest imitations, sold under tho name of “Butter Pow ders, Compounds, &c.," as the EXTRACT OF BUTTER PLANT Is prepared only by the ECONOMY BUTTER COMPANY, Office, 115 Liberty Sliest. Faotoiy, 236 Greenwich Street. HEW YORK CITY. N. B—By the nse of the Batter Plant a pun. and excellent Table Batter is made at a cost of sixteen cents per pound ONLY 2,000 LEFT OF THE NEW MUSIC ALBUMS Handsomely bound in Leather and Rich contsinim PDTI of the Revest Piero of Hnifc fur Piano, both Tool and Instrumental Beal Value 925, and held for Only $2 50. J. E. GOELD’S PI4NO WAttEBOOM* 923 CHESTNUT STBEET. |JIITLER, WEA.VBK & 00. NEW CORDAGE FACTOR* HOW UR FUEL OPERATION. So. U N- WATER and U N. OKU av» USMKIiHIi J. E. CALDWELL& CO. JEWELLERS. Baring supplied themselves with an entirely NEW STOCK OF GOODS Throughou*. will be happy to meet their many friend* and the public generally at their present place of business. NO. 819 CHESTNUT STREET. laietfrp CLARK & BIDDLE, Jewdera and fllverimlthi, No. 712 CHESTNUT Sfraot, Invite the attention of their patrone to their large and elegant assortment of DianoßDS. WAICHER, JBWELBT, RILVF.B-WAUIi, PIiAIKD WARE, Ac. Beautiful Dcaipni la (liver and Silver-Plated Wares for Bridal fllfts. fefi-w&e tfrp hEWIHS nAODIHEiI, btftOcMer*, Uarucssafllabersi manuiac turcra off Clolbitiff. Boots, Sboes*&c«, Will find It to their Interest to nso our UNRIVALLED MACHINE TWIST and the "Milford Linen Turoad." Manufactured expressly for ue from the boat material, and puarrauted a superior article. _ the nwEB MurtAcmiw iionmv Manufacturers and Proprietors of the BINGEK HEWING MACHINE. llO6 <Jhe^lrt^fee^ent EDIWATIONi BUIE LEHIGH UNIVERSITV. 1 bOLTH BETBI.HSHCEM.PA The Becond Term will open on WEDNESDAY, Feb. Bd. 18fS. 'I ho special schools of Civil EoglDOeriag. Miv rbsnical Engine, r,ng, Mining and Analytical Chemistry are in full operation for advanced Studeatssoeklns a p ferslonuf course. Practical Instruction In the Machine Hhop and itolling Mill, and In Hallway Enjdneeilng on the road.l e combined with theorptleal exorewos ita ,tho classroom. Aiplyto BENBV9 OPBEE- Lf. f)„ jaH lmrvi '■*- Pros Mont 3 rp PHTStoxaaa. Alow mo to cod rotr attontt— to ar PRBPARkTIOJf OF COMPOUND EXTRACT BUCHO. The W*p«e* parts aro BUCHU, Loav Uir, GUBEB& JXmiPW BERRIES. Mods op Psrpasatiom.—Bucha, in racua. Juniper Berrtaa, by dtetlllattoa, to form a find gin. Cebebe.cfr tracted hr displacement by liquor obtained from Jnnlpef Bcz?(ee« containing very little sugar, a email proportion of spirit, and more palatable than any now En nae. The active properticjoro by UUsmbde extracted. Bucha. as prepared by Dragylata generally, is of a dsrtc color. It is a plant that emits its fragrance; tho aetlon of a flame destroys this (Its octivo principle), leaving a dxcfc and glutinous decoction. Miosis thecolorof Ingredients* The Dacha in my preparation predominate*; tho smallest quantity of the other ingredients are added, to prevent fermentation; upon inspection* It wiH be found not to bo a Tincturv, as mode in Phonnaoopwa, nor is it a Byrap— and th erefore lean be used in caaee where fever of infisiar mationfexiitij. In this .you have the knowtedgo of the Ingredients and the mode of preparation. Hoping that you wUI favor it with a triol+ond that upon in.*peetion it will meet with roar approbation. With a fee line of roniidence. (Jbemist and Druggist of 16 Years* Experience in Philadelphia, and now located at his Drug and Chemical Warehouse, 634 Broadway, New HriJdi.ouD's> Kj-tuju/t Uvuin, for weakaeoe aril leg from indiscretion. Iho exhausted powers of Nature which are areontp&nied by so many alarming fiymptoms. aau'ut - '• i-.U be found Indisposition to Exertion. Lots o’ Memor', Wakefulness, Horror of Cbea&r, or a** of t il. in fact. Universal Load- tnde, Prostration. and Inability to enter into the onlay meet* of society jail 6mijK The Constitution, once affected with Organio WooX- ness, requires the aid of Medicine to strengthen and in. vigoratr the system, which HELMBOLIPS KXTHAOT BUCHU Invariably does. If no treatment Is Submitted to. Consumption or Insanity ensues. Hn MBor.n’s I'lcip Evmacr Buoirn, In affeettons pe- culiar to Females, Is nnequaled by anr other preparation. as in Chlorosis, or Ketention. Painfulness, or Suppression of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Schima State Ot the Uteranand all complaints Incident to the sox.whoth(r ari-ing from habits of dissipation, tmpnidonce lr>. or the decline or rhsnge of life. IlEJ.Mitoni,’s ExTMiOl Btroinr uro lufsovsb Boev Wash will radically exterminate from the system diseases arising from habits of dissipation, at Uttl* 0X- peme. little or no change in diet, no inconvenience or ox- poaurt; completely superseding these unpleasant and dangerous remedios, Copalv. and Mercury. In all those diseases. Use HEhMiiOLD'a Fi.uu> Exrnaor Buoirn In all diseases of these organs, whether existing In the male or fomxls, from whatever cause originating, and no mattor of how long etanding. It is ploasant in taste and odor,''‘lmme. dlatc" in action, and more strengthening than any of the preparations of Bark or Iron, Those suffering from brokomdown or delleato const!- tutions. procure the remedy at oneo- The reader must bo aware that, however slight may bo the attack of the above diseases, it Is certain to affect the bodily health and mental powers. All the above diseases require the aid of a Diuretic. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU Is the great Diuretic. Bold by Druggists everywhere. Pnsoß—sl2s per bottle or 6 bottles for $6 50. Delivered to any address. DoeeribO symptoms in aU communications. Address, Medical Depot, Ml 8. Tenth atroot, Phllada, Drug and Chemical Warehouse, 591 Broadway, N. V. None aro genuine unless done up In stocl-engfaveff wrapper, with fae-simile of my CUomloal Wirehouso, and signed Nmr X***t An***tlWA*!oW. - V. .• ... . -J" ,V>,‘ X, , I am, very respectfully, U. T. HELMBOLD, B. T. BELMBOL9, .‘.-j h
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