... . Cruets? *• Anlwal*. - .■... . _ Mr. Davis bus presented too foUow.tur bill to too House for toopttnUhment of craelty to Secthutl. J3e it enacted, etc , That any ooraon whosbatolii toe diy of Philadelphia, or crueUylU-Ueat Or otherwise abuse any awmai. wbhtocr belonging to himself or otUcr-rbc or aballkccpor use or to any way be coanected with or Interested In the management of oreuaii receive money for, too adniteSlon ( bf a^ r pe ”° n $ any place kept or used Tor the purpose oi fighting or baiting any bull, bear, d °g' co h c s'i or other creature, and every person "?o sha encourage, aid or assist therein, or jwbpshqii permit or ’suffer any place to be so kept or used, shall be deemed guilty of a misde meanOr, and on being convicted thereof, before any Alderman of toe city, shall be fined_by the said Alderman for toe first offence m a sum not less than five dollars, nor more than ten dollars, and for the second and every subsequent offence in a sum of not less than tern nor exceedlng twenty dollars, to bo paid one half to the in former (who shall be a competent witness not withstanding such interest), and the other half to toe Pennsylvania Socioty lor- the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals; and if fiiitd fine o£‘ penalty and the costs of the proceedings are not paid, then said Alderman shall commit said offender to the County Prison, thoro to remain until dis charged by" duu coureo of law. Provided, That when the fino imposed exceeds the snmof five dollars the party complained against may appoal from the decisions ot said Alderman to. the Court of Quarter Sessions upon his entering bail in the nature of a recognizance, in the usual manner, for his appearance at said Conn, when the offence,shall bB, prosecuted in toesamem&ttoepaßi iB direejed by law in, otoBf cases of misdemeanor. - CEO. 2. If, in lien of deciding the cause, such alderman shall bind over or commit snch person to appear at, the. Court,of .Quarter Sessions, or if such person i shall appeal as' hforesaid; or upon such binding over or commitment appear betore too said court and be there convicted of such misdemeanor, he shall be sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding *s2oo, payable as aforesaid, or un dergo an imprisonment not exceeding one year,or both, at the discretion of toe court. 8e«. ii.clf uny person ehall be arrested for rying or causing, oritllowlng Id be Carried, in or upon any cart or other vehicle whatsoever, any creature in a cruel or inhuman manner, the par son taking him ipto custody may take charge of such vehicle and its contents and deposit the same, in,some< safe place ofcustody, and- any ne cessary expenses which may be incurred for tak ing charge of and keeping the same and sustain ing any animal attached, thereto, shall bo a lien thereon, to be paid.bcfore the same can lawfully be recovered. Or the said expenses or any part thereof remaining unpaid may: be recovered by the person Incurring the same of the owner of said creatnre in any .action therefor. Sec. 4. If Any maimed, sick, infirm or disabled creatnre shall by any person be abandoned to die in any public place, sneh person shall be guilty.of a misdemeanor, and it shall be lawful ior any alderman oi the said city to appoint saitab’e per sons’to destroy and remove such creatures, if unfit for tfirtoer-use, at the cost of the owner thereof, recoverable before the said alderman. Bec. 5. Any policeman or eonstablo of the said city, or any agent of the Pennsylvania Society lor the Prevention of-Cmelty to Animals, who shall havo been designated as such to the Sheriff or Mayor of said city, may, within too limits thereof, upon his own view of any such misdemeanor or upon thecomplalntoiahy dthCr pereod.'iwho may declare his or her naine and abode to such police man, constable or agent; make arrests and bring before any alderman thereof offenders found vio latingVthe' provisions jof this act " WJ&X jUUiuiiM'JLN The Contested Election 'Casks. —Messrs, ffm. P. Messick and Richard M. Batters, ex aminers to take testimony in the contested elec tion / cases,, resumed their . sessions yesterday afternoon. Mr. Mann offered in evidence the list oi'tnxa hks of the SCventh Division, Seventeenth Ward, 'there are 337 names marked with a ‘V on this book, and two nanii s added. - Devlin and David Far (age) are udded. The list ol‘voters, .-hewing 438 names, was also offered in evidence. Jubn McCullough recalled—(Window-book shown.) David Far is on that book in lead pencil,with age written titter it; Michael Kenney. Bernard McGinnis, James Hannah, James Fox, James MeGurk. Jos. Black (onoassessed apd two voted), Jaine 6 Kearney, Bernard Warner, Hugh Murthur, Michael Thomas, James'Kirby, (one a:» seesed and two voted). Miebael Guin, Jonn Bhi tlcy, Jae. T. Egan, Wm. McClußkey, Edward McGrau, Benj. Riley,Wm. Braudlord. Jos Bunt. John MeAtasidy, I’at Barchan Peter Itth-y. Jos. Harrison, John Kramer, Jos"ph MrlCi.l • German Putter, David Urourjy, James Coup 1 (one assessed and two voted) . Hdc'U Mel nil ■li-. Edward Busies, John Wall, Wm. Count!!., Pat rick Cate, Thmnaß.Parlvcr, Henry C ither,Bernard Curran, Henry K Iky, John C ir. P.it Dailey, Richard Farr. Joliu Brady, Jam's Me ale. Pat Donohue, Ca.-pcr D..y. JTiiltji Wcl-h. I’.u M:- nicy, Tiros. MctraLdl.f-, ,\li had Morgan Dan Buhivan. Jofiali Stni'.h. (.'hr;ft"pk -r Bnuarl. Vr.drew Kenney, Jr., Archibald dr.nt Jo up i i' Neill and Harry MrCr:y-i ar- on tin- 1M loitrs. anu are not on tin- ii ! ul ■ da i ( 10-r-cvanrin'd —ll iv '•■rrnp.rri' i th" ! v: have made att ; lloiv.o tor va ;• I ! U.Ji i?J k-h ' 1 1-«: i x r.;>\ •• iioiuco D. <i:UT, fit.rk in \'u. uli.i il oromry ft U' ; Court »»l C'rn?ut, r * I,' c. a )Ul (T n> <<• l':t- - t - mei inh Wv . whirb «’:• • c\< , •• ;■ I J!; I'e by till 1 '-i'-'-’K'n niUC' -\\ ,;I. . n. in r UiO Ucio'.i r-oltciiou. .'!r. M;i! i. nil itd tLi-. l:.-l in < \i«Ji.ui*L M'j'v M( < jirtui y : . -;- -f; -i’ In < i: my !. U :.itd Ij. «Tur>*i [■■■: y. l mi ,\ \ in !; ( Hi (.1 .. u i,:> * u (.1. ar.il N» ]:'< U i l". ?; . Ia tiiul. a •: '•vi • \<> t-u. i l \v*i*jr. U nm: * i: u • x Uiiii' . 1 i!i\ \ - iio m. bit**;.* t V. »• ' f -• •’ ! 1: • i.v* n i:' ► IP*'. (.1 Ip l-i iii.j «.» «>■ \[u; i it e i ' i.<: ■ .'.Ur lu Ih V > it) 1 * ' ,\i [ x ] lo' L r l»! 'hf - !• "i j-l-cs r j •<: k ■ ! I: it l w: ~ n ! .;Y< il. i Mi. Mauij - X.i t.l. , i:.l> . hi ! v \ • i,' 11 W il/ii t* uoniirj c! Irt in!., 1 , c:• r, ilj CC'U '• tr \ : il•t. a ! it Itt/Uf j.u;! - JUU I'M Ij- jot heir. :.i.d iiint v/as al;oa f a year Qlfo last . -he left <njr n.'‘n.-r a* -■ r. n« nr July h*t: ' a?/t ~ay Util L\ W'jLl 1-; haV'-li t SMI] lii-ii y r . —f>ri ih< li-t of m vn!,'- -• in nir Vole. v.i.uvcl', l.*)b r'ceoud itit'ci.l, and Oil UielL-l u! N'lUtf his naumi* No. «;ul. WllLCs-sj continued •-I K'jti.v 1 > :"11 i T< 1 Ml'llid; m- hud No. 161 s North fcJceon.l -irct *. tbc ov r; t’ hic of I a.si summer: !»■ •i- un. \< . •of Ir. 1 md: i.i ha- t.-ul li'.cn in the ii:i’«d b:.i'T v.r\ bum u ij■ ( here I thick Uu fall a year a;/ >: h-. leit 1.-l* North Si'COTid -trii-'t t-our'- iime- in .Inly i'.'.-l; h«. buid that he vvm to hi- -iu< .• at ha-luii; have LOt 6t‘Cli luDj übo.lt tbo ijUi%tib.u • hiok fcineo. - % Mr Maun—On the Unfrof taxable* ic tivrau.l iv-njiil, 3518 North fcecoud street. laborer, and u - .ifL«(l “voted" by tin- election oLLjcerr. on uk net o( voters the name is No. 4df>. Vuineth eoniinued—William Montgomery for* mcrlv liu-d at 1518 North Second etru-i: lie lch laM spring; at the time of the October election he : rtbuud in the Nineteenth Ward, about Amber •‘tid A'luin Uriels. Mr. Mann— On the list of taxablei- If William .Montgomery, weaver, 1518 Second street, and marked voted by the election oUieert; on the list oi voters the name is No. I 'M. Witnesb conunuwl—l knew William Walker: bo lived Borne time at our houeo; he waß a weaver; he kit before the October election; he H 0 Hotiert Walker.lived at our k°J} 60 m 1C 1 .H October election. Mr. Alaun On the list of taxubles is Hoboit weaver, j.*lh Bceond street, marked ‘‘VOtttT by the election officers, and the name is on the lietoi voters No. 40t. 4 lue Qume io . Witness continued—! voted iu the EWonth Division, Seventeenth Ward, at the Octobererec tion; examined my ticket; voted the HonubUcan ticket all through: I knew Mornuß irm«rone“ he lived in our house at the October election- he gaveme my tlckot, and I left him in the ranks iMosea Yerkea testified—Reside 1626 North Stcond street: 1 know Won Crompton; he for merly resided at ,1620 North Second street; he worked at carpet-weaving; bo loft there about the middle of June; can’t say whero be went to; I think It was to Front street, i Mr. Mann—On the, list of taxables Is Win. Cfompton, glass-blower, 1626 Second streot, -marked“voted” by-the-olectlon-olllcorSj and on the list of voters his name is 435. . jWitriess continued—l know Thomas Ervins; hd lived in tho house with me; ho left about the middlo ofJuno to go to Ohio. .. ... , Mr.Manp—On the list of taxable ais Thomas Ervins, 1626 Second street .and on fist of voters bo Is 690. v u'h ’ \' i. i n riudic.U • 1 tiit bu vu ■ f v'or- rn i.- 1 1> : «n• • t 'Lu >I.J hoi. ii-i (»!' t !■ » .! l :r • ■ •I-' IriVM’L' Vo!"' 1 iv Wi.w.i .Mu'io; U'J is u f.o.v 1.-i wolfing to .vote; ho always .voted the Bopubiicau ticket; be is dMd now. Cross-examined—ldon'tkeep ttie hoitsa 1618 Bccond street; I board there; It is a board-: Ifig-hbtiee; I have lived there two years, last Jouoj. I was born inXrclftud. came bore la 1849; did not know Nellt-Magtilfe before he came to this conn-_ try; have not seen Oliver Mole since be left the hbnsc; didn’t' knowhlmbefore be came there; Montgomery Is back there now; bo came back some Undo after Uto election; 1 was naturalized In 1868. WltDcsa continued—Charles McCnstun . for merly lived at 1526 North Second streektao moved to the Nineteentli Ward, in tho neighborhood of Pntnam streot; he left nay place on Saturday night before the election; he slept there for some time afterwards, but did not cat there; he never moved back to my place; the first I knew of him wes last Spring, when ho came there te board; he came from California; I believo that he is an Irishman; don’t know whether he voted. Mr. Mann—On the list of taxables ,1s Charles McCnskin, 1626 Second street, marked “voted” by the election officers, and he is No. 57 on the list of voters. Witness continued—l voted the Democratic ticket. , Cross-examined—l keep a boarding-house;Mc- Cuskin continued to sleep at my home until alter tho election; I think that they call him McClerkin. . . ' Joslah Shearer tostlfled—l reside No. 1640 North Second streot; Tim Shuhan resided at oar. place some time last summer; he left about August; believe he moved on Second street above Thompson, in the Fifth'division; I saw him there afterwards. Mr, Maun—On the list of tnxables Is Timothy Shun, J 540 Second street; on list of voters ho is 4:t2; marked on the list of taxables, by the elec tion officers, as having voted. Witness croEB-cxamined—Ho told me that he lived on Second street, above Thompson; think it was about the tlm&of the October election.' James Armstrong testified—Reside 1529 Philip street; I know John Bayne, who lived at. 1527 Philip street; he inoved into the Nineteenth Ward last summer. 51r. Manus-On the list of taxables is John Bayne, 1527 Philip street, and he is 71 on the list ut voters. Witness continued—l knew James Mc-Kce when be lived opposite to me, No. 1626; he loft there early in tho apinmer to go to Scotland; ho never came back. Mr. Mann—On the list of taxables i 6 James McKee, 1526 Philip street, and on the list of vo ters ho is No. 82. Witness continued—l voted in the Beventh di vision, Seventeenth Ward,at the October election; voti d the full Republican ticket except school director. Cross-examined—l was born in Ireland: have been in this country since 18.'!(i; Bayne left in June; McKee’s wife and children left about the •Jd or 3d of October to y o to Scotland. Charles Fox testified-Reside 1517 American street; I know George Gladding; he formorly lived corner of Oxford and American streets: at at d before the October election ho was working in ‘Wilmington, and his wife lived in the Nlne t, entli Ward. Mr. MnnD—On the list of taxables is George Clindon n oroceo-finisher, 1539 American street, .end on list ol voters Is George Gladding, No. 21P; cm tho list of taxables he Is marked “V.” Witness resniued—Wm. Boyle never lived at 1717 American street. Mr. Mann—On the extra assessment is Wm. H.yle, 1517 American street, and on list of voters ;.1:1, and marked "V" on the list of taxables. Witness eoDiinned—l voted at the October i ction in Seventh division, Seventeenth Warj,!: acted full Republican ticket. Adjourned nnul this afternoon. 'fur. New l’l.iu.tc Bcllhixus—After the pre n ntatinn uf the report of tho Committeo on Ar it itieture and Buildings (published in the Btrr.- i i tin vc-fterdny) to the Public Building Com i; stion, Mr. Dickinson desired to know whether ii ,• gentleman was in order when he referred to 17 on S,|unre. Ti.e l.Lnir thought so. from the fact that at the h.sf niretirgreference was made to Penn Square. Cicartel Huge said that Mr. Dickinson had iutro- tl (L» ih.'ilU'l al the fur! 'ted Air. aJii'r’p n-rn!irkf> wen* iulcrukd to tbo ] i'l'lic m'H’t.: a." to tin 1 allvtrt <1 fid Hiclrncy t i: Kid) S'lmirc for the weclion of lilt* prop l I 1'.!, ; e-. 'J hi. f-p<‘iikcr WKsin favor ol fnde p- P'.'ihii' S. inure lor lh<*i>o w 1 >niitl i nirr-. and ht |- vtti iL.it the n rnarKii in rt-liTeiict* to I’onn .• a.»:i v. ; i e Filch us to r!hj\v *b ;it 1 iif irr« uind iv.,s ’..LiLii ti r i ’ •• pui ? lor which tu- '■mi* ~ i. Vii" i i. ,r.i < 1. ‘f .' 1 1 -ii * * r ■-] C in t'lVi • 0 r 1\ rr: • • 1 : l(>r r C P'VV 1-eP |J-«-I rdi.i i 4ml l ] ;i k- ;'u; ;n oy i.i -i v . * v.. i.M i } • or, '.ii.' i niud.'j of Hi ' .. • d- l'i ; Jr (...in L- in.: a .. i-j: ' O’ I-.. . 'illAi-A 'U ■; th’lt xhi' CJOi!: 'll.!. •. 1’ ) ' \ ; . ' 1 : : f tjc o.iv< 1 t ('. to I • lii •• (.J i !.i - ' f• • • l!! i ill' d ill J :> i i it j ;t. jm.’v* iiii- * j < u ’ 1 v lli (. ’•ini'i n[ Idiij i r I Lot n wib out ul i,- 1- idi m ,:,-i - i.-dui il. • «'i no l .id ■.p Ltn i • 'Jib ; > in -! * i ■;! tic domin' t‘v 'v-ri' i I 'hi I.if ,I■ilui ih • bp 0! { A.' -.l"i . i ■ .■ ( .i.i i : 'Ce- cuill nil."-i I in i i.Ut y: ir .* .u. • e !< - f ' •o■• it •. i‘ v.' i- u " ! I', nU |> i) ja fi u r . y. * ii. l 1-, mo- wouH i’.Ls'-ver mueli lu-Uer tlmu !eiis ■ *i t u \vi ; iidl * win ! ’ 1% . 1 o *■■ • > iJ' ii (ue !-• *jiii v» i . ’ ; d 'I j' rio; >' id ini- cn ;i’iii fc’ .i U- i. ijui t' ■ ii K.i iy bi f i. ou lu-’ ltu:l U' L. ;l Mili;u«'i|»ui tiUldi fW fin Oc <*U‘<* t*jU ujrf>n ; ':. m:> HI I►' 1 ;;i t\ , wi.h H.lbdri-t capil'-ity to < i tsri.< 1 1 • f i'll ' 1 '■ w. 1.1 h ‘iLi i' <_ily. i.n ‘ leave •{• i- :* t \ j ’J" IMt-y;>re n. t; t ,[ i.j . uii a. wilb -1" ' :• u.o\ i l-(4 Un I'iti ill ]. O.lm d l’.'te Miid ti*ui iiolh recolulion> were >■i • .1 oulcr. Jl< io euinmih.fciou b:ul ln-un up |:i!i:lullo i'U.kl i.:eiv public balidinis on iride ] i deuce i u< rc, mid lliuec* v, ho w ere opposed to ii i ir t r< eik.'ii on that oii)-Ut noito b?. on it LOinuiir-fIOP. \ir. Jnua r V. Wabon liiovod lo übjourn. to. ibe coii)ini?f-lon adjourned with uii luUiiLi any notion on Mr. Knuass’gi retioluliou Tint Comhoixi-.d Gerald Eaton, under ecu m roof (Jeatb, and to be executed on thetinih n.rt. cceupicb the condemned cell usually nppro priniid lo convicted murderers. Tho last occu* 1» mis ol ihe apartment were Probst and Winoo uiuit. tbnee llic reception of the death V7arrant, Kulon bne been quiet and thoughtful, his only ee mpinint beiLL r that the Governor him a vi ry bhorl time to prepare for death, k *only threo iviikb.” At bifi rc(|uest, his it allowed to visit him in bis cull every other day. A minister also vieits him, uud he haß had eomceonverdationa in regard to his rapidly approaching death. Eaton elates Hint ho is thirty-lhreuyearß ot ago, bfivlug been born in Ireland, of Catholic parenl oge, and leaving that country for America at a very early period of bialifc. 110 is married to a Prole Btant woman, and bos an adopted daughter, lie prot4 ste moat eoleninly that ho never firedlho pistol, hut that It wqb taken from hie pocket by another person, who is now at largo, and fired at ii email. In confirmation of which, bo Lifted his eyes to the ceiling of the cell, and exclaimed, ‘ 'Ab I hope to meet my God and Savionr,l nevor fired that pietol/bul I am to suffer for another guilty para, who is now walkiug about your streets with tho guilt on hiBSOuH" Owing to the ‘ occupation of tho “coudomned cell’by Eaton,George B.T wltcholl, Jr.,ia placed on THE DAILY EVENING BULLETm-PHILADELimA, WEDNESDAY,.■« * r $ '1 'r •"**** •*--■ ■ ■ ’ -- - ' 1 "in i I II ,r I I’.iia n.u b tbe. third corridor, After,- thoflentonceon Satur day, and Ms return to 111*, cell lb; prison, Twit fcbell tows' fujl vent tofaljfccUnlto, odd for ribout | tnoJiDart wep tbi ttorly; Ho of ter whrds reenmod lib usual calm and composed domoanor, and, later In the day, expressed his thanks to thoao of tb'o prison hoopers and visitors who had been kfad to him. , i Death op a Member ov tub Mar.—David Paul Browp, Jr,, a member of the bar, died on Mon day evening, at his residence,lh tnia cHy/afier a short illness. Ee had attended to his profes sional,duties a few days previously, and was In . apparently good health. His diabase was pnen toodlo. Mr. Crown was a United Statos Oom mlseloner and Clerk of the Board of Judges for ~ihb selection of,jarymen.for thelocaPconttß. Ho :had been a member oftho Schoolßoard of the Pifth Section. Among the members of the. bar he was mncb-cs teemed,. friends outside of the profession. He was in the foj-ty-flrst year of hiff age ‘ Gums’ KoBiiAL fcaooL. -Thc. following is a list of t lie pupils admitted to the Gltlb’ Normal School, Feb rnpryl 1(1869, and the schools fxomwhloh they came: BSrrtctb.Ailea, • Keystone;: i ,■< Miry Bell. Mt. Vernon, iijtzle H. Bnllen, ' G. W; Neblnger, K Eraser. Northeastern. ’ Ella It. Barnes, Madteon. Maggto N. Beers, " ' Monroe; - - • ' Atjnic Blojler,: Lincoln. Ella Black, Lincoln: > alary A. Brown. Lnd)ow. Mdgglo Bancroft, Manuyunk. Mary W. Bell, No. 3, Bth Section. L L. Blcliley, No. l. Sh Section. Mi S. Bancs, 1 ’ No.'!; Bth Section. Ella J. Blake,- < No. 1. Consolidated. Fannie Barber, Sherman Consolidated, Mirtba H. Bockson, Jackson, Mary B. Collins, Weccocoo, . AnnteM: Carrell, ' Wetcacoo. • LlzzioM. Connor, "Ringgold, | , E. Culvert, Northeastern.: MJCarr, > Northeastern;: i Balia Carre, Southwestern. . A'imCroaedell, Northwestern. Mary Clarlr, ~: Jfontoe... TUlieJ. Chambers, Boxbbrongh. 1 :• BclcnO. Collins, Leveflttg Consol. ‘ Ellen F. Clark, University. Laura Cadmus, . Hancock. . Eva Cecil. Hancock; Martha Bunn, Southwestern. Mary B. Dwler, . Vaughan.., . LI ijzle Dawson, Manajdnk.' KateM. ID urn an, No.S; Eighth Section. Clara Deisher, ' Newton.' . Hill Evans, - Northwestern. Kate Ferrell, G, W. Nebimter. Ella Forbes, G. W. Neblnger. Anna Fnlberton, Newton. , , Annie M. Frailoy, Heston Consol. Mary B. Gilmore, WecciCOe. ‘' Mattie Gohhley, Vaughan. Bailie P. Garto’n, Vaughan! Mary Hewitt, Moont 'Vernon. Salhe D Harris, Lincoln. Lzzie Hall. Lincoln. Helena A- Hearder, Jeffoieon. MaryG. Hney, Jefferson, haliteE. Bill, Ludlow. Ida Badges, Twentieth Section. Mary Harding, No. 2, Eighth Section. Barak A. Hodson, Blttonhouea. Laura Qu'chmson, Hancock Clara Jacob, Southeastern. Anna JenhlDS. Northwestern. Cletnantho Jones, Northwestern, i.ldie Johnson, Monroe.’ Ida Kemp, Keystone. Laura Kramer, Wyoming. M ary L. Korr, Hlttoribouse. Mary Kreueon, No. 1. Harriet B. Large, Keystone. . Kate Lower, Monroe. Anna Lees. Price. Mary C. McClain, Keystone. Mary Mnrpby, Mount Vernon. Fannie Moore, "Wyoming. Anon J. McKee, Bingßold. Helen Mooney. Southeastern. Emma Montgomery, Southeastern. - . Ida Mcore, Southwestern; • Mary WcCreight, Madison. Ella JlcGurk. Lndlow. Al'cc T. McGarvey, Ludlow. A on a Mason. Price. ArnaMcKenney, Price Edith Menrs, Twentieth Section, lizzieF Morgan, Fayette. Mattie Moore, Newton. June • : Marill. Forest- Lcwetto P. Newman, Ringgold. M.fry A. B. Madteon, fanina Perry, G W. Nebiflger. Fiinuto Pace, Twentieth fieclioc, El ,\ Rd»lv. Mount Vernon- A ecOn Reeve, Mndlpon. Mtrimu c. lUnciicr, Wyoming. Til.irv ivt'pbexii*, Mantua. Li ura Smith, Wyoming. IJemt N Miarp, Rinceold. Li uipft Snvder, Price. Mary St ull, Twentieth Section Mary St.eriiEp, N0.,2, JQhzhth Sec. L'-nina Stowirun, Irving, Nt ]}icSimp&OD, "Newton. Lirlir Srairer, Davidson. JmEie tf. Weaver. Jefloraou. s Eilfl W<-i*vr. Jeflcreon. Aliri- Wbiunkei, VaoKban. L'/zi- W'pireD. Manaynnlc- KiteL M’oodK Jackeon. ,J(itnctie Mara, OakdaLe. M:,tt ; c Wood, Hancock. M. I .oiler, fcf.u.l.s nj ]{ l'. Ai. KMATIC AM» B'lO< K?.— Thotuue A: Sous Bold at Ike Excltucge, yesterday tv nr, tbi* JollowiDy: ftocks and real eeUte S' p ;,j; 1 > i‘\', v.\\i:< .-aImI lar.;t- !ot, <>M : k ‘JOby feet T! i t/t M « n ic.dit’y. r iiiui >' Well- i■ . . 11 ■ ’•! * hiu i Tie turret, - 'Yo w 'i'i ■ ♦ ur\ bl.l'k MW! i.h' . ; -i tb hir«_-01. .1• i* •»l tu a ! ■ v N i. ' . ' • < id ■ 'Hi. > f -, i je.. . . I.| 1 • f' ii r Ail -- * >i‘. <!' /•! .->i \ ** » \\..b:i-n 'ii!.' i;:-4.e 1 2;.C , ■ : . .•I i: I i . -il M r .... > HU . ■i,.iii N:v. 1- *c:V'-!' I ': 1 -v - 11 . > i -'■•lahiuuu C.-iiiji t U <'• '.Tib AiU'.rM is, I, .1,1, v i o: ih Aim!! l.Miin (id ; . |);i: i., - b/l b’,r . 'J,'lli2 ft') *, .j. II Hi L'> , :fw.> .ft.’ltlC Uu •* ** ,t *.D W’i"o Oil '• i i'l 1 ,'JII<I (ID l I . .! ;>l . • /\! bill .. !P'.» -.1.'. Il'l ■ ]'» N'li biml l*:u:k. iT JS 4-1 Jf EIS2HE£ If IWA r Ji'fi .ll —Thu frt-iicnT nj'pro'.uion m. tj h h;cli li u nut (if Council v.h- '.lino >r'th -i .j (.1 liiitiui. avenue from Second street to liio |i. 1 invorc liai> heen received, in tlm wis.hmi o| il:c meisure. J t in regarded U 3 a olc|i In the rij. ui eme'ion luvvmdu Uiu cO£nmeiH",'Uitn'. of no iiiovt ii.i nth which Coxnden bus lor.jt t-inee 1, ou in r.f.cd of, 0110 of the must tc. r,ii:i..| el which ie the drillir,!; of c.u c. Up to. tlih present time the Cimidcn n:<! An.l.cv t'dijipauy have bn-n oliliLcid, liciii w :ii.| ol room iu tbeiryard.-. lo dri’l their c tsui.nii niiil nioTofi Bridtre uvco uo, lo the ttreal nUi.i; ..ii ol v.-J.iol. s and diiDKcr to'life and limb jl jji(\. r ll ‘iniiis. Tbla Is to bo obviated, tor the , . LU|.auy will at once enclose Lhul part of tbo nv‘_m:c now \nc.u.id, uiul eo soon us the- tiroper ir.-cks enn be laid, Iho (lrllllnu of trains will bo done iinldf tbo It (•losurc. Anufhcr ustentlal lm pi nuuier.t v,ill be the paving: of becoud slreet, irotn the iivcnue southwardly, until if cou ik'clo with iv pKihit In Somli Ward, where ihe pavement hue already been laid. Unis street id one oi Ihe most extensively traveled ave nues in the city, and in wot and stormy wuather tho worst for nil; ltinds oflocomoiion. Only a day or two since a valuable liorec lost its life from bempc Injured upon it, for which tho city will have ui nay damages. But as u conditloh and in consideration of the vacation of Bridge avenue, tho railroad company have agreed to pave this street, and put it in as good condition as any of, the paved streets of Camden. Here is another advantage which the people and the city will derive from this act of Council. Tho simple shutling off of that part ol tbo avenuo will not, in tho loaßt, incom mode the public in reaching the ferry, and will servo os a gale-guard against danger from the carelessness of Individuals who jeopardize them selves by endeavoring to gain a few feet la cross ing tho track, and traveling for noarly a square amomr passing and repassing locomotives and trains. By preventing this, life and tlio Northeastern. lyj: . on ■So. r;l :nm:||, ally Ii;• l.i . maßgllng.of llmb9 may beawcdi Tf-one-llTe*!* savtd,.by -thlB,ineflBnro,-,U will more, than; compensate for thus ceded Jo - tbqj company. it As soomos convenient, tho com. panyrlikewlaei design to make other improve ments which, will be,of groat advantage, not only toilhopublic.'bnt also facilitate the transaction, of- their own rapidly increasing business. For want of the, faculties;which thtf company now possess many valuable Improvements have been retarded, ana it Is believed that the broad and liberal pollcy now ptirsaed by Connell will add much to the rapid advancement of needful enter prises ns well as the material wealth of the city. Sunday School, Anniversary —The annual exhibition and concert, of tho Sabbath School connected'with the First Baptist Church of Cam den takes place on Thursday evening, the pro ciCdß lo be appropriated fortho bonufltof the library belonging to tho schbol. These annlver .earics have always been exceedingly Interesting, and the managers on. the,present occasion havo made arrangements for n very attractive enter tainment. Congressional Committee.— A. committee of Congress appointed for'tho purpose of examin ing the condition of tho shore at Atlantic City,l6- gctbcr With a numbor of Other' gentleman, wont down to that city this mornlng in'a'special train provided for the occasion., Police ArVAtßS.— There seems to be a remark nblo lull in police affairs in Camden- Daring the past week bnt one or two arrests havcbcen made, and they were for trivial cansos. I'cnusylvanio, Legislature. Harrisburg, Feb. 2. Senate.—Tho 101 l owing bills on the private calendar were passed: One to provide for tho payment of damages awarded to the Allegheny County Agricultural Society, under tho act of April 16, 18G2, entitled "An act lor tho adjudication and payment of cer tain military claims." An act to establish tho office, of . Interpreter and . Translator of Foreign Languages for tho city of Philadelphia—tho office to bo held during the pleasure of the Governor. A supplement to the act relative to building and loan associations, conferring additional powers upon tho Court of Common Pleas of the city of Philadelphia. An act to incorporate Zion Society Mutual Life Insurance Company. . An act to permit Israel T. Knoll to peddlo in the county of Berks. An act to repeal part of a certain act relative to party-walls In tho late borough of West Philadel phia, approved April 22, 1850. An act relative to the appointment of auditors in tho county ol Montgomery. An act to change the burden of proof in refer ence to wills. &c., heretofore admitted tu probate by the several Registers of Wills in and for tho county Of Lebanon, which nonenpativo probates have been nltocbtd. A further supplement to the act Incorporating the Philadelphia BaviDg Fund Society, approved February 25, 1811). An act authorizing tho school directors of Coatesvllle school district, in tho county of Chos u r. to borrow money. An act exempting the property of the Yoang Mens Christian Association of PuUudelphU from taxation. A further supplement to an act to incorporate the Fidelity Insurance and Trust and Safety De noait Company, of the city of Pulludclpbia, passed the ‘-'2d day of March, 1800, d dining and extending the trust powers of said’compiny, and authorizing it to act as surety. An act to Incorporate the Philadelphia Dork ing Company. A supplement to an act passed the 25th day of March, IStil, entitled “An act to incorporate tti'.' Walker Hall Association of Germantown." The following bills were read In place in the Senate: Mr. Connell. an act to provide for the admis eit n ol certain classes of the Insane to the hos pital lor the insane, and their discharge thero trom. Mr. Stinson, one to incorporate the North ast TurnpiUe Road Company, in Montgomery ( only. Mr. Me Candles?, one supplementary to the act .1 1770, regulating apprentices. , . . , , Mr. Fisher, one authorizing the formation of i jmion school libraries. • Mr. ContitU, one to pnnish cruelty tft animals. Alfo, one incorporating the Chlhadha Sever Mining Company.. Also, one exempting the property ol the In iustiinl Home for Uiris from taxation. T:initiated for the I'hilsdellthia Evt-ntnfi [ti IU-tin. HOIii'EJBOI.U UisCIPliS. 11V IiAF.O.N 11UI»K (.’ki.eju FKiJTriiti-.—Celciy Fritters arc very <k ' k-j.U', although e*« Idom made The ik.scTriplion uni 1 eiN c* la Lourcki.ci»cre will I‘amLUari/c fcUcin without (ioul^. L\i<n/ /Vr/t/>■. (’ut the elalkr of ct h r y to within ore third of an inch of the r»»-»*.; iri.n the rn without fropnraLimr, W'itk th»*:n coni >!iv. hat.eh them for usd'. c «>r liiu-i-n in ir:-li W'ltr, drain them, Lie hum up ju pif o.jS-*. lu n boil theta in hroih. Afu r i»»,k i. j. <1 'gain.and iet thi to cool. To t >ok. e,■ i., 1 1; 1 v, i i candy, pOWii'-r will: suy.I.!'. 1 .!'. <k;.ii< !:t? [\i> y n rt; i-i ■ly • ■ /«. vv i ti.ru; < ,11 11-ij ,1 , [ A :n; J •• try tl As S"' !■ ’i- <■ llnlll Mil: 1 i kle wit!; I'i-wil I,ill? i> by t'(.\ i. I'ii'i. mf Lot ' 1 \'i I < 1 ’ )•' l:<.' >“•' t; . t (,!..! t«j L'. \ ■ h i!:< l-atiu* in wlii bu« ii_>• *:».* :j / at-'* r.~ Mix »,*::. ijll;3 ■f a u' <ur w.i . wf !•. r to r-i- c •»!.-i-I,<ll •<• o! ;:.i, i, :-h -!_• : • • , :•«. ;> il w jlh aHi lie oil!; adi! luu.ll 2!u -w! hr .n ;»\ .jt.ii ,-lir W i.ll 10» U.c wldl’-Oi ill. o_.: in a ,<i!ow; mix i: hi u.< o-u'r; M i, .-'..i.j.1 .m hour aml il.tn ho.. it. />of .’■'ii. 1 I.l'Ol - i ; \.'± I \ t ,'l ■ iV , ' rrN'd f'» r t n.* I': ’ ~.dt i ;■!- j:i I .•air 2 1 : ' SA \ A .\ N.A 11- -h h ailed ia « n'Oiin f>-ul ) ; , . til 1 J 2i:i bai-v* CO"ou (,i*ru ut, i -rli 'i: 1 N v i •' ■ .1 H. 1 li- .1 i.<{ o-iia- t|.; ... !• : ; i, '■ iV t n ; 1 1 • ■ \ l; i . 1: ir. :< <i. and lh.il' . <; 11 ; \ IJl.Rrt , i bbl 1' Hi 11 il 111 'V iS ! i T l ll < * I , If. r J--- t .* ■’ n V. M Oi • ; lu *• . -.i tin > hi li Hu • A .tU: 1 >tvi -1; fj t-n U-s -U r*i!r 1 I - VV .1 .11.-r; 1 L*i- “ \V. , i ~1, - i-i » j a Vil- t cV ::n h-.o o h;>!' >‘.l -,,, i - , liui.tui : ,'w i">ll*.* cfitt'-'i: . idii d 1 ■*o K -’nr.- , 1 j 11. ■! J 1. t>- .t!, (1 Ij! j I'll !A'l - ’ d ■■ i. i-1;‘l 1 N i i< I; ii I J Y' l/l • J 7 ’ O U Illr/lV Vt dJ 2( li, JSui. i 7v i .1 ;V %1 I* ‘ •: •. ■ *. .■).>* r•' % u.‘. -ri. \ \ sk ' I «•! <U:n .NVv.- Ycr\r .T*tn. 1.-1 ;I !.'•«!! i,o ;1.. .v Von. via itulifax. .-I an. l*i v,.-;v 1 .iW'i !' .-01. ,N . ’.v Vvlk .lull, is* I .ivfj'Vu 1.. I'-, ttoiiit >» Yurlj... .•) iu. U- i . .. i.Uvi.ool. .Nvw V.'i’k '! . i I r;<ni>. iAvt■: i/ooi. Ni*w Y.-rk }< i: -1.:,..; .r.arlu-.d i ,i i in .So.it!' 'rin '.'ion.. Now York Jnu *J i ; .. L.V. I riuit*l. ,Nt»w Yoi k Jau. ‘JH ; ;- k . ;.a ci.p'.-ui. .New York vin. li. ..«) «ui. di) M, :n.. *cciit: im.Muu. .Ne'v York lan. 2d \i ij, INvenx/oi. .'>ew York. ilivu 2d i• , { knria Livcn'oul. .New York »Jau. 27 , , : ; ,i.d . ,Ne .i* Yoik Juu. 27 IiKPAH-l » i r.vj-i New York. .Liverpool Feb. A i. i.. \ i.htle Nt .p York. .Uavuna. b’ob. 4 I> c i. t. chlaud ~N t-w Yoik. .Jb eliieD Feb. 4 i nt:ir.« J’hll.utuh'liia. .Suvniinub Fob. 6 \t.: uuita Y ork..Loudon. Feb. H ‘,ts u HuUauoir.N.-u 'i (u k. .Liverpool Fob. b ■olur bin Nu.v York.«ola. u /io\v Fob. 6 iji- vi'w.t. !a New York. .Liverpool. rob. II , i (> „j (oil, New Y ork. .Liverpool via. Qai’xFob. 0 it- bun M w Fob. 9 •i v hl a .....Now Yo’ic. .Liverpool J.'ob. It) l, ll|iau ..Now York, .linemen. bVb. H . .l , hii:wl*tt..Hnvaiiu • Fob. 17 » A K J • 01-' T.3 rU\ KJ ■ .l-MKS POUOUFRTY',; 'Y-r v HAS WiiKtLLli, \ Mormn>Y CoMMrrrEr KENT. > I#<A K S.NI IZIJSuhm'UA FOKT OF PHILADELPHIA- FiamuAß\ H. b ,*r | Sow BSTiij ; 5 fIIHIOU Wa.yxr. 7 S-i " iRRIVBD VERTP.IIDAY. btoiinier Wyoming, Teal, 70 hours from Savannah, with cotton. &.c. to PhiladelphU and Boathorn Mail bU Co. Pacbongoja M*a Btruiu» jus Btcwart. VV T Kelly* C t; bpaiky. John Koceru. . _ . Steamer VShirlwird. Oeor. hours from Providence. nltb n.ilne ‘CREAKED*vehTBUDAV. Stenincr Pioneer, Catlmrino. Wilmington, NC. PulladoL piiia and Wonthcm Mail Co. „ _ Steamer «J B Bhriver, Dennis, DaUimore, A Oroves, Jr, MEMORANDA , „ Ship Oeceoln. Walden, from Liverpool for Culao, waa bpi n it'll Nov. off Cape Dorn. _ . . . __ Shin Mutluli. Bollard, from Boston let Auj fo * Hong Kone, ' v na spoken AUg 16. lat 83 69. lon 4840. Ship Dexter. I'uylor, trom Ban Francisco 4tn eopt at Li Ship Sh'octlna rtur. Peck, com Ban FrauclßO) (cr Na nnl2o.WßfcdVlct.-rla. VI. 10th tilt. . ° Btenmer Tonawanda. Jennings. Uonco at Savannah r< Stwnfor' Alliance., lor. thin port. BaUpi from Key West “steamer Chao Chamberlain. Baker, from Now Yerk for NowOrleanp. cleared at Savannah29tk ult. Alice. *i utton» from Llyorpool, waa going up to ConoordUi Sears, from New Orleans at Boston yesterday. ‘ - .wßtoMaer ColOMdo, Fan»worth.» at-SoaFnmetoeO' W Steamer Haihlrar* fir • Hew Votk.eMko from Havre 80 th ult. ... . . . ■■■;«' ii Steamer Cuba. Dakebart. cmared aTßUUraorelrt talfc. forJHaviuia tod New QHean,'via KajrVfbat. _.. .- Hark N.ptuue (Br), Uaye« from Kln«gt<ni. Ja. tar tint port,, renal uniat KcyWe*t2Btti'ult,ana would bo readrto a all about the bat of tbo .week. . - i-.. ■ r ; BtikJM ltdti CbitK cleared ft NewOrleans2Blb ult. Balk Traveller, Penfleld, 34 dmya from ulo Janeiro, at Baitiiccrßlfltliiflt > ' ■» BiukNorthern Qucep, (Hr). Soot, cleared atNew York jeeterdM for thu port _ .. Bark Elba. Peterson, at Havana lit lnatant (rom Now York. ■■■ .. ' Bark AHeana,JDarver 67 dan from Montevideo, witb hides, at New York yonterday. Brla Ellen Marta, lienee at Savannah yesterday, Brie Fanny. T inner. for Boston immediately, remained at Antwerp Mth ult. - ■ Brie Ano (Dan), Brinck, cleared at New York 30th ult. for Betnombiico, . , ' • . Brie teopoldine. Haeatoop, from Bio Janeiro 2d Dec. at. GalvertOD 26th ult. ■■ Brig Inverurie (Br).lgari, from Bio Janeiro33d Dec. at Fort MonroeßUtult ■ i , .i ■■ ■ •. ■ flehr K VannemM, Vanneman, from New Orloiiu for Now Yoik. wastowediosoaSOthult , Schr A Falkenburg, Terrell, (rom Providonco for thla port at New York Ist lnvt ", , . „ , ‘ , , SOhrliainunons, Godfrey. cleared at Boston Ist Inst Schr (Tc Morris. Artis, lienoeot Norfolk oth ult Behr Marietta Tilton. Frltatngof, at Baltimore Ist4nst fr ßohr Mary E Van Cleaf, McCobh, cleared at George, town. 8U 27th ult for Portsmouth. NU. ■ _ ■. •• • Bohr L. Q CWlshart Mason, from Wumlngton. NO. for New York. was lying at NOW Inlot 29th ult waltlnd to go t °Jchr J 8 Betwller. Grace, hence at Savannah 3lst ult Bohr Ida L, Burgess* cleared at Boston Ist instant °Bchr 3 iJurtSs Tilton. Somers* from Nayassa lor this port, was spoken 10 AM 29th alt. to the northward of liattoras. marine miscellany. Schr J Johnson (of Philadelphia),Mcßride, from Boston Jptb ult for Havana, was towed into Newport morning of, 3lft, bv New York pilot boat Isaac . Webb, dlsinattod. Cant Mcßride Teporta that on tbo night of the l9*.b t o£f cape Cod. wind moderate, a hoavy soa running, vessel rolling heavily, carried away foremast close to tbe deck, which, waa lost, with every Aftlft topmast. nigged temporary Ahead sails, with the hope of SetdDg tbe vowel into port, Cand after, drifting vtbottt U nye, was fallen in with on fho moraioaof thd*fl)th by the pilot boat on Nantucket Shoals, which hooked on to, her land towed her into Ncwpcrt, ~ PITTSBURGH, JAN. 23, 1863. NOTICE.— AII perßona arc hereby nellflcd not ,to pur cbuK*.,diecount. or In any way negotiate, tbo following Promissory Notes, a- we have * defence, to then* pay ment, of which the payees havo been notified, riz.: ; - one note, dated November 2. 1863,. at two months,in favor Jos* pit Harriion, Jr., of $617 CO. ■ , one noio dated December 6. 18Si, at two monihs, In favor Joseph Harrison, Jr„ of $6OB 07. One note dated December 5, 1868, at three months, in favor Jo(OplvHarrisou,Jr M of $6ll Qi. fel-3t* BRgRETON & WILKINS. OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD CO. Pmi.ADELi*mA, Jan 27.1869. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.-1 ho Annual Mooting of tbo Stockholders of this Company will bo hold on TUi SDAY. the 16 tb day of February, A 869. atlo o'clock, A .Ms. at Concert Hall, No. 1219 Chestnut street, Phila delphia. *ihe Annual Election for Directors will bo held on MON* DAY, tbe let day of March. 1P69, a’ theOflico of the Com pany, N o 238 south THIRD a tree L EDMUND SMITH, Jn27jtfel6s Secretary. OFFICE OF TRF CO Au RIDGE IMPROVE- MiSftT AND COAL COMPANY. Pun.A I'n.i‘in A, Jan. SO, 1868. Tbe annual meeting of the Stockhoidors of the Cool Ridge Improvement und Coal Company, will be held at their ofhc«\ No. 33. (t alnutetiect, on THURSDAY, Feb ruary 11 tb, 1869, at 12 o'clock M., when an election wIU Do held for eight Directors, toeerve fortbseu-ulog year. ' 'l be books for tlie transfer of stock w ill be oloeed for ten dbye previous to said meeting, jaeo-llt* WM. Y/YRNALU Secretary. fgif- OFFICE OF TBE FREEDOM IRON aSD STEEL COMPANY, NO 230 SOUTH TIIIRD STREET. PuiT.Ai»Ei.pmA, January 20.1869. Tbe Annual Meeting of the stockholders or the Free d m iron and Steel Company will be held at tbe oflicoof the ( otupnuv, No. 230 South Third street, Philadelphia, ou '1 HUhttDAY, February 4th, 1869, at 12 o'clock >L, & hen an election will bo held for Director* to serve for the i-iiFulng-year. Tbo Transfer Book* will be c*.o*od (or fifteen days previous to the date of holding said elec tion. CUAti. WESTON, J u , ju2ltfe4{ becrctary. KOTJOR T«* THE HOLDERS OF THE 7 PER GENT riiILADELPiIIA AND EKIE BONDS, DATED JULY 1-u ifeto, Tho Philadelphia and Erie itailrond Company *re now pr. pared to exchange, or purchase front tho holder* tb. reof, the Honda of eald Componydatcd Ist day of July, IK.f;, leaned m-der authority of the Act of Assembly ap> irruvid March Pth, 1666, and will exercUe the option of Itti'v inp the mortgage euchring tho eamo eatleficd in pur* fuum u of tho agreement and conditions endorsed on said ttlidf. , __ OFHCE OF THE M ANUFACTL KKRS* IX3U HAN «£ COMPANY, No. 431 W.VLN‘I V btreet. PniLAmtr.vurA. January .’>U IS&i. A Frecinl Meeting of t*’e stockholder* of tbla com pm v u i I be held at thb» oltice. at two.vo o'clock. nt>ou»_ or MOMJAI, thf 15 f h da? of February, IStt'.Tor fb* piir-~ of increasing tlio Capital Stock, and intake action on f>ther.n«iittc’« affecting the Interest* of tlic Company. i(v order of thu board of D.rectors, jn;-u mt; M, 11. KEILY*. Secretary. rw- CONMiLLaYILLE GaS COAL COMPANY. I'lill.Ufkfrl.l HTA. ,J:in. 21 t'lc' '1 he Annual Meetit R of the £toekhulderw will be b -ld i(t their cilice. No. 7U-IW, Waluuc ctreet. un MoSUAi. 1 .i i u;t.ry (?, Fti J . at 12 ti'ch.ek M.. to elect live Director!- t i nnetor lU eLitLiuK year. '1 nr. ANMtW. Mn; riN’iJ -or THE !i V YB - oil. C‘»M PAN V uillbt held at the Vk -th (■..iLc e Sauct.":.. alxike Sr.’ll, • >lj F«i>- I ),; > 2. at :i o’d. Ck, l\ M. 16t* 1 J. B. WaDIL oec*> . a , on i( v. • i- 'rin: no.-.th penn^wa'A'-ha tj - l-.MI i.i’/MJ ti'dfj.SV, FillJ.ADl.oPlliA, NO ii 7 Vi /, i.l- (. j j) 1 i. b. 1 i . ji. »- i:< i [ i' i j ■!- i ( (’ 1 '? r Mo; i •.•> l / ‘-i; ii. •• I ■ '.V I\\ \ -V I I Ii . R./ 1 • . 1 i . !' •• -Wi.. :)■ h. .*.! : P.« ■ •••»';: < f ’- 1 P ‘i: ' . r : ■ t•- :> !'!■..• .j i•. i i ; 2: <:i• ’ijcii't F - ; iv, i .ni .<> • rv a, |< ;;; ,1 t• ■ *\ ■ . «o. , Ko■ <y rli • - / ~ i.wm: ' )V''.\'a of iHR H 1 .v'i'i: oi ;’ .■ Tfirecto: - I -vi* I hi.i <i;i -*! -c! ’ red I>i . ol ■ ti; f , i i 'I •. f Iv.‘ , '<i 1 1 i: - j/t r fO •; • . *:i^r 'ii i;i 1 cl tif it'- 'i • I Su*.'.- T;i :.j-. rutynU*- tn t !;v HU" k ■mi : *• <ji t'.ji.ll U\. :•! (•;.* ;; [ on .i. Mi. VW U_. ■■ li Akl lAi. ?«■ y v A(\ •> ;*. ; f onV.-ul m ‘ ic nr {-:vk;;v width, from \ _ : ir> h f«* Ui'iii-- tvult-. n>’ u n T vi rj* ; r>. Ten? :wid mu Duel;, I‘Hi i r-makcr’f ■’ -•»> f l ' .1') iN W. KVKKM \N, | ■ ..rl .No lo'M. Imi I’ll '.-tl CCC, City St'CL'H . s:x i V \ VVRLLS- OWNRUS OF PRO PRUT Y-T H b [ t tily I'R.v to f:i*t j/rivy vtl|.- cßani-ed und diirin i'h t. .j. tf mry low rriceb. A PEVS.-'-Orl, Manufacture’- t -.i i fiudretU*. Oold.'»utirli , o IJhrai y Ptree.L \ ) iiL L' IMI KrirAlilJailKO HEPOT J. l :< i the pui'cliuK. ami enle of Hecoud baud door.-' o. t-Joro ti \terete Arc., lVotn euth rtreiti to bixtL h»> t. ui ovi: (.'.\toi<l, where such article*} arc tor hulo id • :i * v»i jut v. A :■*' m u door:?, RaeheH, ebuttarf, Arc. ; i - iji NATHAN W. ELLI 3. \ & FIX TUIt E 8.-MISICKY, M filtKlUi & l l VU Af'-KAIU. No. 718 Chestnut «trBet. imimilac.uror. ot linn Kixtuiee, Lbuiiib, «c., *c., would calllhu uttentioi. Ol the public to their laree and elpgantassortment_of Oiu Cliiuideliol'e, t'oudanto. lirackutr.die. Thoy also introduce ear ptnos into dwellings and public buildings, and attend to c'.tendfDK. altering and repairinggaa nipee. All worb •.VKlTlVlltfed bi'eoul «6SoBS PijUtAOXlphia. Jan. I*, IS©, *,M; u 'if l B>£ 5 HI . U • I M) .‘nTJ* V. ! n • :'f I<, < kr . ’ l !■*;■ i. !'|V W i‘} K.- l-lo >• (1 ■i r | , ' 1» j ,t j • i- t: i:-t.. v.l ;<<•■« l. *-k l J M.. ruit! v. tli el ). A 1 {. IJA v . *;:»• }‘ 'r ju- t i ■ ; d iji.i !|».; <! " •'!, f‘v« • . ■ .1 I iv • *r» >* • r !. * i, • • .i- "s *> ui t:‘- i I■ r « •.. M< ftKtrf t I it; •-!! i He il' 11. ".1 ' 1 I :t I'l j I 'I .’ )!! I» 11 • ■ «. vu '. ;. .1 t ■ \ I < u\ <<■> \ . tl.u in:; n n !.>• i I - * ■ ;•!: - *li • . • :;i i.ov‘,Atii) \.n. + : « rue::. oVi'v.Mf>•/ i.oi: • t . WV.UUJ’i. \J. p.. R vyJUoIiT *• 3* >’*••>, • I: f) j . ruu I'.'vrJ. omva.:» d;.i “i..' >. tj .'505;- ?. I Ifi V' '-..U fri tjt t. I’i.i; 'LJAa FBXTSXHKS. itvwß’tmcjrioiis srv nous E M A N SHIP SCIENTIFICALLY *l* taught at the Philadelphia Riding School, fourth ct. above Vine. Tho hones are quiet and rhoi-onfhly trained. For hiro, euddlo horwea. Alaooar. tinu'fi for weddings, parties, opera, funerals, tic UoibCß trained to the saddle. * c * THOMAS CRAifIE & RON. [ IAN NED FRUIT, VEGETABLES, A<3l— l«ooQ CABEO \J (reah Canned Peacboe; 500 cases fresh Canned JPinfl Apples: 800 cases fresh Pino Applgb, in glasss LOOO cases Green Com and Green Peas; 600 cases fresh Plnms in cans; 200 cases fresh Green Gages; 600 cases Cherries, in syrup; Dioceses Blackberries, in syrup; 500 cases Straw* beiTJoe. in syrup; 600 coses fresh Pears, in syrnp; 2,000 cobob Canned Tomatoes s6OO coses Oysters, Lobsters and Clams: 600 cases Roast Beef, Mutton, Veal, Soups, So. For sale by JOSEPH B. BUBSIEB & GO.» 103 Booth DeU ware a venae, • DORDEN'B BEEF TEA.—HALF AN OUNCE OF THIS JD extract will make a pint of excellent Beef Team a few minutes. Always on hand and f6r sale by JOSEPH B. BUSSIER A CO- 108 Delaware avenue.» AND VERMIOELLL-185 - BOXES IVI Italian Cotied Maboorenl and Vermicelli landing from ship Memnon, direct from Genoa,, and lOMvo **f JOB. B, IIUBBIER* COa 106 Booth PeSwareavenuA QHEATHINO FELT. FOB BMjK-j-TESf, QO)FRAMES IJICnRIiBU BheatMng Folt,!>y PETEB, WBIQH'F; fi SONS, 11C Walnut atrooL n*l7 H GEO. I\ LITTLE. Treasurer, 230 Walnut street. NukTuN JOIINSUN. Sti ; ijl-iry . I \■> i i: \ d. ■lit- i r r> Ih- S til t!l‘* \‘, w i." n: 1 ;. it: cr. 1 ly.' bi- rj f; jjgli II ' WEDNESDAY EVENING, EEBBVABY H.UC9I s.«ir a* JOSEPBINE SOBinPf'S i GRAN D CO N C ERT In wblcb .he will be oMleted br MBS. HENRIETTA BEHRENS, Soprano. KB. JACOB GRAF. Tenor. ; ’ (Of Bt Stephen's Cliolr.) ; UR. WILLIAM HARTMANN. Basso. , (Lctdor of tbo Young Mnnncrchor Society.) MB. WILLIAM ATOLL, Jit., Violinist. and MR. THOMAS A'BECKET, Jit, Accompanist. TICKETS ONE DOLLAR. - May be procured at Trnmijlec'e,-No, 928 Ohortnnt 01. J. E. Gould's. TO Cbcetnut,and at Boner's, UO2 Chestnut. TboGeo. Stack dtCo.Grend Plano used li fom 3. B. Gould's Now Wartroouiß, TOlCUMinut utroof., Doors open at ", n’Uoclc. Concert atB precisely. ! PROGRAMME. PACT I. 1. Duo-Piano and Violin— FanUala, "La Favorite," Al.iWl Mcßsra. BTOLL and A'BEOKET. Roraanaa—"Adelaide’'...BjutTnotTHo Mr. JACOB GRAF, Drinking Bong—(•Lucror.la Borgia") .Donizetk Alra JuBErIIINB.SOHIMPP. •"Hrtto"(OnIlnlloin Maschora)... . Mr. WILLI AM HARI'M ANN. Love andthe Ulrd"....ouoliki.mo Due— (l M»nmdl<rrl) -Vann Merera. UltAFuid HAJtTMANN. iMjrr ii. , 1. Ballad—"Beware”—..... .Mooltow ' ■ MiiyJOBEWUWB ttCMUBF. , 2. Bong— V. nuderor” . HonumcnT Mr. W. IIAIITMANK 8. Valeo—Vl. 1 Ardita” Mrs. U. BEHRENS. 4. Bong-"My Angel".., Eaiii* Mr. JACOB GRAF. ' 5 Duo— Plivo aMj VioUk—l , Ela»le’l.i. .......Eanrr Meeeia bTOLL and A'BEeKRT. Vj Bong—“Tbo Klm" (By ooetro) Barhuiint* Mra. J'HfcPHINEBOUIMBF. 7 Trio-“Ziti. Ziti." (11 Barbloie) (twin Mrs. uKliiifcNS and Meaere. GItAF and UAKTUAMH. PjaSWI V OZART’S TWELFTHtMASS BY 1 HE HANDEL AND HAYDN SOCIETY. AT THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC. < ON THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 4th. 188*. MI3B H. H. ALEXANDER, Soprano. MISS CAROLINE MoCAFFREY, Contralto, MB. JACOB GRAF. Tenare. MR. W. W. GILCHRIST, Baaao. CONDICTOB ........ , .L. ENGELKB The Society feel confident that thia Concert will bo «ne of the moat enjoyable oftheaeaaon Tho MASS.whlchfcf one of Moz&rTa greatest efforts.has been studied and car*- fully rehoused by the cboruaand artlets.and wIU bo cask entire to the original text, The ensemble will bo ono ot the finest ever brought together in this city for tbo per formance of thia work. in addUion.to the Mass each of the vocal artists w ill etng ao Oratorio Solo. Reserved seats, 81 &> FamUyCi cleft) cents; AmphK theatre. zscent«; at Irumpter'a and Doner's, 925 andiM Chestnut street - Commencing at 8 o'clock. jaSABt yy ALNUT STREET THEATRE. Begins at 7* O'clock, THIS tWEDNESDAY) EVENING, Feb. 3. LAST NIGHT BEFTHREEOF Dion Booclcault'e Great Sensational 1 »raroa of AFTER DARK ; OR, LONDON BY NiGHT. Received cti each repre*entation wnu ENTIiL-bIASTIC APPLAUSE. J. E. McDonough a* nr OLD TOM To commence with the laughable Force of THE SWISS aw AINU. FRIDAYBENEFIT OF J. E MoDONOUGIL In order to accc-xmnodat* those who reside to adjacent cithr and town*. there w ill be a d«yiight performance ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON. at a O'CLOCK. The a t r e c o m i q. u b. SEVENTH STREET, below Arch. Connnene* at7.<* J C. GIiKUoKY. to-night/most' P- dSmVELx, J HOLMES GBUVEk, In his own new Sensational Contcdvof THE OF THE WICKED, Mr, GROVkK sustaining the Characters, supported by a new Dramatic Company. FRIDAY- BfcNEtlT OF J. HOLMES GROVER Mibb suban galton’s chestnut street theatre. MIBB SUSAN GALTON’3 COMIC UI'K R A COMPANY. With augmented Ok'. «r fra. a. d Chorus. wIU appear oa WED*- -paV KVKNiNO •b.al ,cirs LA ROSE DE ST, Fi. . R I.EI HEN ANDFRITCHEN HI! 5 ‘ s tsNING, i \ \ s ‘\ \ la. FRIDAY •• l .V ‘»:■ ' V EVENINGS, MA 5* it 1 • »L BY L/V.N TERNS And SWi<S CwTTAGE, \ > p.S. JOHN DRKVV’a ARCH STitEETTHEATRE Hj Hftxins at CRO\VI‘KI) AND FASHIONABLE IIOt.SES. ’IHEPtM l' DKM/VM) ANoTflEn WEEK Wnil HH AKPrtPEAKE. MONIMVULKINCTHE WEEK. L J n./t-'i- 5 Act f v uur-tly. called g.z7~ “TV* l-LK'f 1 !! * OK WHAT VOL' WILL Wl'IH Ni:\V Si rNKHY AND COSTUMES. W"> i.'i u Mu-ic ond FI in. 1 ti.'l M-.B JOli.N HHRW t., VIOLA Aid. Ijv '.nr I'ull Lin ;■ any. MONDAY ' i. v’i . > hj '•'••s. i --. i ! : A ii r '» "i.\ ME CATO-.” A i *' 1 1 ' < m i:*MA y.i -u ai. i. i k ! ; I .a■) i:!u xn,oi'Hi;M3f * lirM'H:-!'.' V i 11 Ar-HT. *jr . Ar.Si Ni I;i.A l-l il l ; > »■-\ . i:V A ' rllti L- ilUti *v» * tJi.Ui. ivl ot i.A! J.r - it .lAliVih'ji -lli - i \ V • NAT A'! • IV M ii.*u i.. I- i r-t'in VI: «. ■.! I V k t:l ! - I i- V l '! i ' i tt !<• it l Hli t '■ I t i i*. 11 L' tU- > ' mv! i . *.i - F): rj- NATA.WJLM HALL lJtoad 1 M IT’. 5 MV. W<*] r 1 • . i, i uinw v'ev: \ <4. r.-fv r»u. • • >,t i.. Mojor'.- ;vUi:.tr. iito* ■.r. ij>->r. lot st* ■ ; L Ait. A*. K M> Al * ; HI- vj:N it.A v> AKK M 'V*’ . 3 i.W:t .VI Vi &/*Ti a'-K . I v i :.\ 11. him v, a f :;w, I'. M - itr tv u ;- I i< r,> tj. • i Aaaiirji.v;, >j Oot«!, 1 I I - * ’ I tint. 1 , -’ttvt M-tf t<r i *. i A . y. t- • *.in i : i t < : h.-v Pi bi.ir !•;LHKAR3ALB u i ..1 ! ! .)1. o er>- V, . <5 uii.nlV. at 3 Yt l'( T, I*l ). ! I'KALIIALi .• •: • i ivil pi'ibtij'ul i>tores. . , , . f i f i -ii , ii*. Jj cri'-f-**, C&JI i. -’-u, iiA.'vn.UT. i_j: Moutciey , >A n''i ii;> >; • iiMoj* l . J<•-1 trtnot, or y, ,j< M WM t. ocl7-tf3 v ) X 'is r. k' ‘..i1l A F :.i > ii * OiIOSB CBWKft I/EHTQ-H COAL, PLA»STV.'> <fc MnCOJJJL'J, No. 0038 OHKSTSIT Sheet., \Vt-f RMtsdr-lphia, r>ole Kett.sl Ai.cnti 1 for nnjtlKr* & Mo.';) celebrated }ru*e crfc«'k Loiug'i OwL f*oai the buck Mountain Vein. This tjoiil in pnilicuiiuL adapted for making Strain for iuxnr and Malt Hon?*I*, 1 *, Breweries, &c. !t is alio uiumr. ,A<:vd ay a F.uuily Cop. I Order.-* Mfnt rr»o oilv.'c of Ututna, ho. IMI V* AhMT. Street (Ist tinor), will receive mr i rompt attention. Liberal urnuigeuiouts made ; with r,atiiifacturer? upliik a nr oli’.v quimtUv. *. MASON MNKB. JOHN V B!IRA£F. 101 K, UNAJi KHIGNED INVITE ATTENTION TO 1 their stock of Spring Mountain, Lehigh find Locust Mountain Coal* ivbich, wirh the propagation givuu by us, wo think cau cot be excelled by any other (Jon! ' „ Oflicc, Franklin institute Building. No. 15 S. Soyonth itjwt. BINES *BUKAPK. jc.lu.tf Arch street wharfs Schuylkill. IVAVAJL HTORES* (J I’IIUTS TUKPBNTINIS-6U BAKRBLSBPIKITaTIJB. O pontiuo now landing and for ealo by EDW. 11. ROW* LEY. No 1H South Wharves. au27«tf CPIIUTd TUI'.PFM'INE AND KOSIN—IIO BARRELS O Spirits Turpentine; 142 bbls. I alo Soap ,1156 bbls, No. 2 Shipping Rosin .landingfrom Bteamer Tioueen or enW* hv ROW. li. HOWI.BV. Iri B. Wliarvo* iio2.tr /BUTTON—ISO BALES COTTON FOR SALE BY 0 COCHRAN, RUSrfJCLL & CO , si2 North Front street. Ticis'rN - AND NAVAL STORES.-200 BBLS. NO. 2 JtvKo*in: SSUbhls. No. 1 Rosin; 150bbln. Palft-Roain; 100 bble Bitch; 100 bbls. Tar; 100 bbls. Spirits Turpentine. For palo by COCHRAN, RUtiSELL & .CO., 22 North Front streoh - ■ ■ > NEW PVBLIOAinOind. TMIILOPOPHY OF MARUIAGE.-A'NEW COURSE i of Lectures, as delivered at the Now York Museum - of Anutomy; embracing tho subjects: Haw to Llvo and what to Livo for; Youth. Maturity and Old Ages Moo-, hood generally reviowod; the Cause oModlgestlon; Flat ulence and Nervous Diseases accounted for-. Murriage ’’ BbilO'Opbfcally Conridorod, &0.. <fcc. Pookct voluruor containing theeo-Lectures will be forwarded, po«fc paid.on receipt of S¢eiby addressing W. A. Leary, Jr., Sinth onpt corner of rath and Walnut atreou, PhiUdoL • phia^ w . ___ M • •foitfclyft <■ • 7 TTALIAN VERMICELLI—IOO BOXES FINE QUALITY A white, imported and for sale by JOS. B, BuBBIERa* CO* avenue. .Soto Leasee and Manager '•'•.h \Ls>)i:a:rs •!» a jtt i-cb: J’iO ■-f> .vt t . ■ liiii-*, i.f.a \ •> iI .. \ loil.i). * f)Mi b')LUR t ;-'d bi . c-.i‘-Uri *i( *ho < i-r. et-r.. fTto-S IT ir.roct, O <>»*.» 'i'-'Ulh. i ii(i vi iv* U I. -A < ■/ V .T {Christmas decorations, by tbe canons, of the Xngliih Church, are allowed to remain np / until Candlemas Day, February 2d, but no longer. J Down with, tbe rosomarv and bays, With ivy down also; Instead of holly, now upraise Tho greener box for show. | Tbo holly hitherto did sway, Let box now domineer, i Until ihc dancing Easter Day i Or Eaeter Eve appear. wte box whteh now hath grace ; j , Tour churches to renew, !v Growh dld, earrendc)r must bis place ' I Unto tho;crlßpfcd yew. : When yew Is oat then birch comes in, ! -, v . Andmany flowers beside, . Both of a fresh hnd fragrant kin, ‘ To honor Whitsuntide. Green rushes tl&n, and sweetest bents, v ,,,,With cooler oaken boughs, Conte In for comely ornaments, , , To re-adorn God’s house. Thus times do shift; each thing in turn does hold; Slow things succeed, as former things grow old. Bobebt Hbbbick. ForUctb Congresa—Tlilrd Session, ■>< CBOHB OB YKSTEBI)AVB PROCEEDIHGO. Sbhate.— Tbo consideration of the Consular and Diplomatic Appropriation bill was con tinued. The pending .amendment was that of Hr. Patterson, of Mew Hampshire, to reduce the i ' annual pay of judges and arbitrators appointed under the treaty of 1862, with Great Britain, for the suppression of the slave trade to $lOO and $5O respectively; Mr. Morton moved to amend by providing that the salaries of (he judgesshould be paid omy for the time that they reside at their respective posts. Ho wonld like to know who tho jndgea were. He had been Informed that those assigned to Africa bod not been there for years. , Mr. Sumner, In reply, read the names of the lodges. Truman Smith, at New York, Benjamin Prlndlc, at Cape Town, and George W. Palmer, at Sierra Leone. If these judges were too long absent from their posts, the State Department was to blame;" but that was no reason why Con gress should violate a treaty stipulation. Mr. Bnekalew said that these judges, who drew pay for doing nothing, ought long ago, as good citizens, to have resigned, and be was in favor of Striking out tbe appropriation os a hint to the judges and to the State Department that they mast attend more faithfully to tnelr business u they were to be paid. . Mr. Morton said that In order to carry ont the trekty stipulation the judges must reside at the places where ihe court- are established, and there fore he moved an amendment providing that they shall bo paid only for the time they arc at their posts. After an animated discussion which lasted over an bonr, and developed a remarkable diversity of op nlon of Senators In regard to tbe rule, Mr. Fullerton's amendment was voted down, and Mr. MOrtdti’s adopted as an amendment to tbe provision of the hill as reported by the com mittee. Ther-provisioa as amended was then agreed to, having tbe salaries of the judges and arbitrated unchanged. bat requiring residence at thclr reSpcctlve posts as a condition of payment. Mr. Wilson introduced a joint resolution pro posing to submit to the Legislatures of the seve ral States, for ratification, tbe following articles of amendment to lire Constitution: I Article 15. Section 1. All the male citizens of the United States, residents of the several States now Or hereafter comprehended in the Union, of the age of 21 years and upwards, of sound mind, shall be entitled to an equal vote In ail elections in the State wherein they shall reside; the period of inch residence as a qualification tor voting to be decided by each State, except snch citizens as have engaged In rebellion or insurrection, or Shall be duly convicted of treason or other infa mous crimes. : Bsc. 2. That Congress shall have power to en force by appropriate legislation the provisions of this article. ! Abt. 16. The right of citizens of the United States to hold office shall not bs dented nor abridged by the United States, or any State, on acconnt of rat e, color or previous condition of servitude. Sac. 2. The Congress shall have power to en force,by appropriate legislation.tbe provisions oi this snide. i Mr. Henderson Introduced a bill to establish a v Department of Homo Affairs. The deportment la to have charge of the General Land Office, Mining Interests and Indian Affairs,the Bureau of Frced men and Abandoned Lands, and the Barcan of Education. Adjourned. Hoose.—The bill to establish a bridge across the East river, between the cities of Mew York and Brooklyn, was passed. Od motion of Mr. Kobinson, the House pro ceeded to the business on the Speaker's table. Tbe first business taken up was tho message from the President transmitting the correspon dence called for by a resolution offered by Mr. Robinson, in December last, in reference to me cases of Messrs. Costello and Warrenr-Lmited States citizens Imprisoned in Great Mr. Robinson addressed the House at able length, Insisting that the honor and exist ence of the American nation were involved In the question. As to the suggestion that a treaty in reference to naturalization was being made, he said that he wonld kick any manjnto tbe middle of next week who wonld talk abobUa treaty with England until she first liberated the American citizens whom she held, in prison, Mr. Chandler also addressed the Jfona* on the samo subject, and flnally'-the correspondence was referred to tho Committee on. Foreign Affairs, with leave to report a; any tidac. On motion of Mr. Farnsworth, the Senate amendments to the House bill declaring vacant the hfliees beld by disqualified persons in the un reconstructed States, were taken from the table and concurred in. Tbe House then, at half-post two. went into Committee of the Whole, Sir Wilson (Iowa) In the chair, and resumed the consideration of the Indian appropriation bill. After iking abont two hours in session the Committee rose, and Mr. I.uwrence (O.) asked leave to introduce a joint resolution to amend the Constitution of the United Stales for reference to the Committee on the .Judiciary, but Mr. Riu dallobjecled. The proposed amendment was as follows: . “No State shall make or enforce any law which I ahall deny or abridge to any male citizen of the United States, of tho age of twenly-ono or over, and who is of sound mind, and who has resided I in such Stale one year, and has eompllcd with | such h gnlations equally applicable to atleleetors, as to registration and local residence, not greater than Otto yoar, as may be prescribed by law, an equal right to vote by ballot at all elections in ■nch States, excopt only to such os have aided or participated in, or may aid or participate in in snrreciion or rebellion against the United Btates, or any State, 1 or to such ns may be convicted of treason, felony or lnfamons crime.” The Home,then,athalf-posttonr took a recess tlil half-past seven,the evening session to be con fined exclusively to the consideration of the In ternal Revenue bill. ! Evening (Session.—The House reassembled at 7.30,1 n C'ommiUeo of the Whole, Mr. Scofield in the chair, and proceeded to the consideration of the Internal Rcvenno bill, resuming where it was left off at the last session at section 121, page 61, of the pamphlet print of the bill, which consists of 124 pages. Section 125 imposes a tax on the owner orleseeo of buildings used for theatrical or other perform ances. Mr. Schenck moved to increase the tax on gross receipts from 2 to 3 per cont., oud to strlko out all the provisions graduating the specific tax on the seating capacity of the building. Agreed *o'. ■ • ■ Mr. Schenck, on behalf of the Committee of Ways and Means, moved to strike ont the sec tions 128 to 138 inclusive, relating to minoral oil, they, .being rendered unnecessary by the act of last session* which includes them in the list of manufacturers paying one-fifth of one por cont. on sales, &s. Mr. Hooper called the attention of Mr. Schonck to tbo 132 d section, wuich provides' pehaittes for mixing oils with dangerous infiammablo sub stances. said that lie would like : to'retain that section, but ho thought that by striking oat all In reference to oil, Cougress liad no jurisdic tion on the enbjcct. Mr. Hooper moved to retain theseation,. Mr. Moorhead iiiovcd a substitute lor ail the petroleum sections, being tho sections of a bill 'f 1 7~ • ■ M ‘Vai'VJ * /proposed at ameeting of 'petroleum inspectors/ s iSt rS > fiS*B nonee of tbo disastrous polJlslon on the f OMnhyfcr eome| months inland the qestrnc ;; tion of so mahy lives by the explosion of fletro i lenm. The enbetllntc preposes the inspection of all petroleum, so as to /see thatidt,!# ;not mixed ■ with dangerous eomponnds.' -■ < i• : Mr. Hooper moved to amend bis substitute by ! making It unlawful, to, convey any coal 011-or i petrolenm on any- railroad train, steamboat or i other conveyance while carrying passengers. \ Mr, fichencjteatd.tbat tbero,was ono objection l fatal to the pfoposed’substitute. * The 5 bin was a j bill'to provide revciide, and tfro eubstUute wasa : bill to establish police regulations. It should be : a separate act of legislation, and should come 1 Ir.om tbe Committee om Commerce. ! ' Mr. Garfield preferred to leave tho matter to the police regulations of each Stale, remarkingthit, it was the first time he nad favored tho principle of State rights. After discussion, the substitute offered by Mr. Moorhead and tbo amendment offered by Mr. Hooper wero rejected and the amendment of fered by Mr. Bchenck Was ngrood to, aud all the siciiouß relating' to mineral ollswero struck out. Mr. Schenck said that the sections, from 189 to 326,related;to. tobacco,; snuff,and spirits, and be moved to strike them out''and to substitute for them tbe law of the last session, taxing those articles. He admitted that tbe Committee of Ways and Means was In receipt of cords of com munications suggesting slight modifications of the law, but all concurring in the representation that the law was excellent, with the oxceptton of the little matter that displeased each correspon dent. Mr. Bcbenck went on to say that reports were current all over the country, the centre of their circulation being in Cincinnati, that there was a purpose on the part of the Committee of Ways and Means; or of the Chairman if that Commit tee, otof some member of the House, to spring upon the House a proposition to increase the tax on spirits. He was perhaps the. last member of the Committee of Waifs and Meads who wonld have proposed anything of the kind. The law nad only for a few months been in operation, and It had worked well. It had thus far promised- to produce at least three times tbe revenue of last year, andi he hoped there would be no tinkering with' it as to the amount of tax fl( j He thought Jig understood these rumors. There Was si, parcel Of speculators through the country who' were trying to “bnll” the whisky market, and to create an impression that in Congress, or In some committee ot Con gress, 1 there was a purpose to Incresse the tax on whisky. He allnded toitnow for the,purpose of saying that nobody, be thought, contemplated any amendment of the kind, - and ho did not be lieve any persons with correct purposes, or with any other purpose than rascality in speculation, have set afloat snch rumors. Without disposing of the amendment about the whisky section, the committee rose, and the Honse adjourned. Tho Fenian Pritoncra In Ireland. The President replied vesterday to the resolu tion of Representative Robinson, of New York, calling lor the correspondence between the gov ernments of Great Britain and tbo Untied States relative to Costello and Warren, naturalized citi zens of the United States; now imprisoned, in Great Britain, having been convicted of treason and felony. The following is the correspomleuoe of the Stale Department: SKVVABD TO .IOHSSON Shtfwbeb 14, —I have to acknowledge the receipt of yonr despatch of August-efi, wiin its accompaniment, namely, three copies of ■■ correspondence which was recently transmitted to Parliament, between the Untied States and Great Britain, concerning the treaty on the sub ject of naturalization, aDd likewise concerning the imprisonment of Messrs. Warren and Cos tello. Toe explanations given by Lord Stanley may have satisfied Parliament concerning the judicial severity maintained by the British Government in the case of Warren and Costello. They are, however, by no means satisfactory to the people of tbe Uniud States. It is not easjrto see what advantages the Government and people of Great Britain derive from that indulgence, counterbal anc'd by continued irritation on tbe part of a friendly nation. SEWARD 1-0 JOUNSOS. Bpi-temi;eh 23, 1868.—1 earnestly hope not omy ilmt Warren and Costello may bo soon re leased, as you 6cem authorized to expect, but that the naturalization question may be settled before the new session of Congress in December. I think St hardly necessary to repeat the reasons I have heretofore given why it Is desirable that the new administration of this government, which is to come in here on the 4th of March, and the reconstructed administration of Great Britain, which la supposed to be hand, shall find themselves relieved of all the international ques tions which, although they arc not intrinsically difficult, have nevertheless so long and so pain fully embarrassed both nations. OcTOUEIt 10, 1868. —-To Hon. Hcvfrd’j Johnson, l . H. Minister, London: —SlE: I presume I may be allowed to make a few Inquiries,which I deem It Important for me to know. I wonld first respectfully inquire if yon, sir, have received any Instructions in my case, and if so, wbat these instructions are ? Secondly, I would ask If lam an American citizen r If so, it is a sublime prtvlleee. Thirdly, If the United Stales Government has taken any action in mr cose, and what the likelihoods are of an eventual ; and ii so, when ? I will not Ue vou to a flwjnth or two, I only wish to know the’ “there ubouC' lam a long time waiting, and am,only spprcnSßslve that the begicniug ol the end has not yet cohlp. In tbe wohd phases of life the inevitable is more endurable suspense. Judging from tho present as well as the past, my future is not very cheering,bnt of course events of iuiportiurce may be transpiring in the outside world, which, if known to me,might make mo think differently. 1 presume you are aware, sir, that I am allowed to know absolutely nothing on this or any other subject. But lam permitted to write a letter to my friends once in six mouths. 1 thought it wonld not bo a bad idea to write lo you iustead.' andjeani, if possible, what the prospects are of being rescued from this life-in-death existence.' 1 tbonght to have written you a special, so not to interfere with my domestic lotters, but the di- rector for some reasons best known to himself denied me that privilege. It may be in the whirl ol more Erave and important events that the United States Government has failed to meet tlic issue in my case* or, as I have been conjecturing, the Republic may not wish to disturb the amica ble relations existing with the mother country; or, again, Know-notbingism may be, as formerly. In Ibc ascendancy, andhcnectlio startling'anom aly of one-third of the American population proved to be, according to the lcttor and the spirit of the English law, British snbjects. Truly we may exclaim with Joab, "Waa ever time in wonders richer?'' If I abate be con demned to penal servitude for enjoying liberty's first bom freedom of speech: if words or eveu tots of mine while ip the United Stuioa can wale cue amenable to; British law, then I boldlt assert that liberty lb not to be found beneath the -tar and stripes, and 1 brand that act of ilie Legisla ture that Conferred upon hie all the responslbili tiia, but none ol the advantages el an America citizen, ns an insult undo mockery; . Hut let i be known to whom it may concern, Ibal tl“i'Hi ding and miserable as my present position is, I envy not that happiness ot toy fellow-citizens who arc placed but a step higher on the poli tical ladder than the negro under the old ircgim r. 1 am not very pleasantly situated forlette' writing, neither am I Bure that this letter will reach yon. I should like to give you some idea of prison discipline, but that is'an interdicted subject, and no wonder, I would request that a copy, or what is hotter, tho original of thiß lcttei be sent to tho President. Hoping to roceivo a prompt and explicit reply, I am, 6|r, Your haoßt obedient servant, ,~".V Adjutant Euaott Costiillo. cmwm; (]fiTCrovnTS I l?^ lAMES * WBEi No, 11 NORTB now on hana a large and choioe Sir? i QjkmUu particularly ad* Tailor Trade, comprising in part. iWh. Belgian and American ClotSbs of; every detcrir . OVEROOA i TING3. Black French Cwtor Boavera. Colored InQcUCutbrßeaver*. lAndon-Bluo Pilot Cloths. Black and Colored Chinchillas: Blue& Black and Dahlia’Moscow*. PANTALOON STUFFS. * * Bl&ok French Caetimares,' Do do. Doeskins. Fancy Ceejstaoreß new ttyles. * : Stool Mixed Doeeklns. C&eaimerea foreuito, new styles* } 3*4 and B 4 Doeskins, beet make* ’ Velvet Coide, Beavorteonß, Italian Clothe, with every variety of other trimmings, adapted to Men*B and Boye'wear, to which wo invitejho Often tlon of Merchant Tailors and others, at whoiandasirotr retail. ' JAMES ATiEfST^ No.* I North Second street. v Sign of the Golden Ltunb. TRAV£JUKk«'«C7UFM . , ih . ( ; » to CIHCIHMA’ni PENNBlrtiy£.' : ' NIA RAILROAD AND PANJIANDLb, 7J< HOURS lew TIME than by COMPETING UMEST^ ; PASSEa GEES taking the &00 P.M. TBADUttrtvs to • oTNCXMNATIoextKVEMIMHwtIitIt P. HOURS 1 tar the WOODRUFF'S celebrates Fabca Btajto , Room BLKKPIN (MJARS ran through from PHiLaDEU PDIA toOiK€IbNATL iFaaMmWrrtafia*, the itoqp M. 1 and 11.00 P. MU Train* roach CINCINNATI and all OMBiTBAXNpi'ADVANCB W Passenger* for CINCINNATI. INDIANAPOLIS, , TONfoUIN , CY^HUVv^KKBr^i^Ai^*OMAHA ? B!^ ! T, and all pifnt. WEST. NORTHWRSTanaBOUTH. : WEST, will be ptrticulort! *»k for TICKETS WT VU PAN-HANDLE ROUTE, - . . ... C W To SECURE tha OMMUALEH) advmntaxoa of this LINE, be VERY PAKfICCLAR and ASK FOB TICKET8 I ‘Vfa ; PAN.HASDLE.* , atTICkCTOFFICEa. N.W. CORNER NINTH and CtiESTNUT Streets, _ : NO. US MARKET STREET, bet. Second and Front Bti. And THIRTY-FIRST and MARKET Streets,West FhlU S. F. BCULR, Qon'l Tfck« A«t,Pitt*bmxh. . . JOBNH. MILLER. Oen'l EasPn iat.SU Droadwar.N-Y FOR NEW YORK.—THE CAMDEN JIaMWBBB«aAND AMBOY and PHILADELPHIA ■ -JPrAHD TRENTON RAILROAD COM. PANE’S LINES, from Philadelphia to New York, and way places, from Walnat rtreet wkarf. ~ jr&J, At 6.80 A. M., via Camden and Amber, Accom. «a Si i At BA. M..via Camden and Jenev City Express Mall, 8 00 At a-OOPTM., via Camden and Amboy Express,' 8 00 At 6 P. M. tor Amboy and Intermediate station*. - At AStrand 8 A. M« and 8 P. SL,' for FVeonold. AtB audio 0710.880 and ASOP.Ma-for:tn«nto% ■ At&So,Band to A M.,L aCsa,'4Bll, eaifd lteog. M.,10r . ttornebtown, BarUnxton, Beverty and Delaneo. ~ - At 6.30 and lu A. RBu,CBOi B and tLSb P. u. for Elor rehCfe&oat water,_Bivarside, Riverton Palmyra and Fun fiouee. and SPJU. for'Florence ana Riverton. Hr The 1 and ILBO P. M. Unea will leave from foot of Market street by upper ferry. andJeaey caty. New York At 7JO and 11.00 A.M-130,8.80 and E PAL for Trenton and Bristol And at IOIS A. M. tor Bristol. At 7AO and UA. M., DAO and IP. M. for Motrisvme and dTollvt^wu* ; • -' b jV At 7.Boadd 10.UA. VL,%SO andS P.M.forSehenekl and EddiMtoo. At 7.&) and 10.15 A. H- A80A.5. and 6F.IL» (or Cornwall, Bride* borg &nd Frankford, and BP. u. for Uolmeaourg utd Intermediate Stationa. Froo Weit pblladelDhifi Depot.vis Connecting Eaflfrav Ai Ad iuM eco UP. 2d. Mew-¥orA&zm%£s Lfn©,viftJerwyCity.. .d.;:.53 2> At ILSO P. M. Emics&nt Line ,200 At 8.45 A. Mm L20. 4, 6.3u mun IX P. lor Trenton. At 9.45 A. M.a 4,’A30 andi2 for BrletoL _ At 12 P. M. uflgbt) for MerrixvUla, Tullytovnz, Seheneka, Eddington, Corawelle, Torriedale, H olme« burg. Taco ny, Wlosinoiaiiige JBrideebnxff and Pr&nkford. The ft4s AM.«ua &S 0 &12 P.hLUne« ran daily; All othdns v guhdays ereepted • “ For Lines leaving Eecjdngton Depot, take the ear* on. Third or Fifth streets, at Cheatnut,athalf an hoar before departure. TheCaraof Market Street *Eailw&yruD di* cect to West Philadelphia Depot, Chestnut and Walnut within one square. On Sundays, the Market Street Can vill run to connect with the 9,45 A. M and &30 and 12 P M. linear . BELVIDERE DELAWARE RAILROAD LINES from Kensinxton Depot. „ „ At 7 JBO A. fii*, for Niagara Fail*, BaS&lo, Danhirh, Etminn ithoco, Qwego. BocheKterjßinghamrton, Oswego. Syraccie, GrearEeno, Montrose. vVilkeiharre, dcroßton, btroi/'otburg, Water Gap, Bchooler*# ilountairu Ac. At 7.30 A. M. and iUfli P. 5L foi tteindere, ejastem, LmheztrlUe»Fleiaington, Ae> rheSLSOP. M. Line don nedti direct with the train leaving Easton for Afauch Obnuli. Allentown. Belhlelom. At 5 P« M. t orLambertvllle aaa intermediate CAMDEN AND BUKLINGTON OO..AND PEMBERTON AcrD HIGHTSTOWN RALLHOADS, trom ifarhel A?^,3 SO 3 S>d fi.3o P. M.for MerchantsviDD. Mooiertown, Harhord, MaeoDviUe, Uainsport, Mount HoUy.SmithvliJc, Ewamvllle,VinccntowiLßirmingham and Pemhcrtom _ _ At 7 A-M.,LSoand s.SoP.M.forLowistown,Wrlghtetown, Coohetown, New Egypt, Hornerstovra, Cream Ridge, Imlayetown, Sharon and Bightatown. M Fifty Pounds of Baggage only allowed each Poascngex. Paacentters are prohibited from tafcmg.anything ca bag iage but their wearing appareL AU Daggage over fifty pound* to he paid for extra. The Company limit their re rponcibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound,and wit’ not be liable for any amoant beyond gift), except by fpe dal contract. Tickets sold and Baggage cheeJced direct through t< Boston, Worcester, SpnneSeld, Hartford, New Haven. Providence, Newport, Albany, 'Troy, Saratoga, UUca, Some, Syracuse, Rochester. Buffalo, Niagara Falls One Sospenafon Bridge. An additional Ticket Office u located at No. 82S Chestnut street, where tickets to New York, and all im portant points North and East, may be procured. Per tons purchasing Tickets at this Olfice, can have their bag* gage checked from residences or hotel to destination, to Union Transfer Baggage, Express, . Unpa from New York for PhQadelpnia will leave from foot of Ciortland street at LOi and . 4.00 P. SL, via Jersey City and Camden. At diso P. M. via Jersey City Kensington. At 7, aud to A- M.. 12 end P. M., and 13 Night, via Jersey City and West Philadel phia From Pier No, L N. River, at 6.30 A. M. Accommodotlor aod 2 PM. Amboy and Camden. Nov. 23. m , WM. H. QATZuMKR. Agent. KTh—.rrin NORTH PENNSYLVANIA R. R.- AMHBSSSItHE MIDDLE ROUTE. rrjSbortest wntw+XMM —-md most-direct line to Easton. Allentown. Mauch Chunk. Hazleton. White Ha- Ten. Wilkesbarre, Mahanoy City. MC Carmel, Pittston, Tank bannock, Scranton, Carbondale and all the points in the Lehigh and Wyoming coal reg’ons. Passenger Depot jpPhilanelphla,N. W. comer Berks and American streets ■ WINTER ARRANGEMENT, TEN DAILY TRAIN'S. —On and after MONDAY* NOVEMBER 23d. Passenger Trains leave the Depot, edraer of Berks and American streets, daily (Sundays excepted), as follows: At 7.46 A. M.—Morning Express lot Bethlehem an Principal Stations on North Pennsylvania Railroad, con necting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valle/ Railroad foi Allentown. Catasauqna, Slatington. Mauch Chunk, Weatherlt.Joanesville, Hazleton, White HavemWilkes barre. Kingston, Pittrton, Tmikbannock, and all points in I thigh andWTomingValleys; also, in connection with Lehigh and Mananoy Railroad for Mahaooy City, and with Catawissa Railroad for Rupert, Danville. Milton and Williamsport. Arrive at Mauch Chunk at 13 M.;at Wilkesban eat 2-50 P. M.; at Mahanoy City at LfiO P. M. Passengers by this train can take the ». ehtgh Valley Train, pasting Bethlehem at 11 65 A. M. for Easton and points on New Jersey Certral Railroad to New York. At h. 45 A. M. - Accommodation lorDoylcetOTrn, atopving at tul intermediate Stations. Passengers for Willow Crave, Batbflio 1 and liartsville, by this train, take Stage at Old York Rond. 9.45 A, M. CExprew) for Betb’ohem, Alleatown,Manch Chunk* W bite Haven. Wilkasbarre, Pittston, Scranton aid Carbondale via Lehigh and Susquehanna Railroad, aUo to Easton and points on Morris and Essex Railroad to Yor*- and Allentown and Easton, and points on New Jersey Central Railroad to New York via Lehigh VaHey Railroad. At 10 45 A. M.—Accommodation for Fort Washington .stepping at intermediate Btattona. At 1.15 P. M.--Lehigh Valley Express for Bethlehem, Allentown Mauch Chunk, White liaveu, Wiikeebarrc, Pitb-ton,BcranU)n,and Wyoming Coal Regional At 2,45 H. M.—Accommodation for Dorleatown* stop ping at all intermediate) Bt&tiong. At 4. 15. P.'M.—Accommodation for Doyles to wn,etop 'ping at nil intermediate stations, . At sOt P. M-—‘l hrough accommodation for Bethlehem, and stations on main line of North Pennsylvania Rail ro»d. connecting at Btthlcbem with Lehigh Valley Eve ning Train forLaston, Allentown, Mauch Chunk. At 6.20 P. M.— Accomodation for Lonsdale, stopping at all Duei mediate stations. , „ . _ , At IL3O K to.—Acoom nodations for Fort Washington TRAINS ARRIVE IN[^PUUADKLPHIA^ From Bethlehem at 9.10 A. M* 2.10,6.25 and B.CO P. M. 2.10 I*. M„ 6.25 P. M. aod h3O £*. to. Trains make direct connection with Lehigh V’alley or Lehigh and Susque hanna train.-* from Eastom ticmnton, Wilkesborre, M&ha nov UUj and UtSzleton.'' • Pas engwp leaviiig Wiltccsbarre at 1(1.1H A. M., 1.45 P. to., r,?mjo< t at Bethlehem and arrive in Philadelphia at 5.25 and EUfti P- M. Prom Daylustown at- 8.H5.-A. M„ 4.65 I*. M. and 7. P. M. From Lniigdaie at 7,C0 A. M. > From Fort "Washington at 10 45 A. M. and B.lu I'. M. ON SUNDAYS. PhiladfilpHa for Bethlehem at n.HO A. M. PhilncelrhialorDoyiegtow u at 2 01) P. M. Dujiestowbfar Phiwdfelphia at 7 A to. Bethlehem for Philadeli hia at 4 00 P. M. eifth and Sixlh Street- Passenger cara convey gr Tt to and from the Depot. , \\ hite car a. of t econd and 'ihi d streets Line and Union Line run within aivbdrftUstrinco ef the l)oiot. Tickets mu.-t be procured at \ho Ticket ofUce, tn order t« e*ci:Tc the lovviut rules of fare. ELLIb CLA.KK, Aaent Ticket*- eold ami Kaggug* checked through to principal point*, at .Alann’r North renn. Baggio Express office, Ko.ltio houth'Fiitn street. 111 ip PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL lllffnMßfflWilffi"-'’ ' Pall ln& - Taking ■llrlM ".MN . ■■■> —elloct Not. 23d, 1868 Tho trains or the Pennsylvania Central Railroad leave the Depot, at Thirty«rst and Market which la reached directly by the clfli oftho Market Street Passenger Hallway, the laet car connecting with each train leaving Front and Market street* thirty minutes before Its departure. Three of the ,(iheitaut and Walnut Street Hallway ran within one eanareef the Depot. , j , „ .. . Sloeplvg Car Tickets can be had on application at the ricket Office, Northwest comer of Ninth and Cheetnnt streets, and at the Depot. ... nntrtre^^aitoUhee^^Urec^reattenUon. PaoUAccom.'.'.l'.'.'.V.V.V.'.atidiioA.' M..MO.aidWf!« Fast Lino atILSOA M, Brin Express, *t 11.60 AM . HarrhbnreAcoommodatlon ..atSJioP.M. Lancaster Accommodation at J.OO PrM, ParkehuikTraln...... at gSJP. M. Cincinnati Express at 8.00 P. M. Erie Mail and Buffalo Express.. at 1845P.M. Philadelphia Express. ............at 13.00 night Erie MaU leaver daily, except Sunday, running on Saturday night to Wlldaraßport only. On Sunday night nassengerewiUloavo Philadelphia at 12 o’clock. Philedclphla Kxpieii leaves dolly.- All other trains WeetomAccmimodatlon Train runs dallv, excopi Sunday. For this, train tickets must bo procurod and ha ggngft delivered by B. 00 Pi M.♦afcllG U&rkotitroots lw * goao TOlj2?B AKKIVI2IAT DEPOT. VXZ: „ Cincinnati Expre*§ *•*% 3.IQA. 014 ?M£™V..atB»AM:ana46 f £p.M. 1 Erie MaU and Buffalo Express " 1800 AM. Parketmrg Train. “RW „ Harrisburg Accom..... R*> For further Information, apply to ■ ■ , , JOHN VANLEEIt,Jn-.TicketAgent,9ol(ffiE*fciut street. FRANCIS FUNlL'Agent. 116 Market street! • SAMUEL H. WALLACE* Tleket Agent at the. Depot. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not assume any risk for except for wearing apparel* and the risk ofthe owner, unless General Superintendent. Altoona, Pa. mt*v«uuu> «vu , WEST JEESEY HarLBOADB. FALL'&SII.WISTEB ABIUKUEfIEIIT. {■ from Foot ot Sfukctli. : (IJpp«ii-V«rry). ' ; : 16,1808, : Txaf ns leave a. follow.: . ; For Cape M»V and BlaUons below Mklvffla Sl5 P. M._ - A*sf r^Bl6P^^I nel,, * < ** intarmadlato ztattim* 8.18 „ M. 0 i^ dteUa ' Salem'and way ftationi ilB A. M. and : 3.80, F/M,-' -i :. For Woodbury at &15 A. M„ ftlA a ft) and A P. M, at 12 noon. lYeight received at second covered Wharf below Wal nut street* daily. Freight Delivered No. 228 B. Pel*ware Avenue. WILLIAM J. SBWELL, : ■ • f Superintendent IKnHHnn gfi&DiNa bailroad.- 1 lifli iMi-IMMPQHEAT TRUNK LINE from Phllfl, , ' - ‘o - to the 'lnterior of Penmylva ft® Saoquehartna, Ctunberland and * North, Northwest and the Cana for Beajlnr anfi aU intermediate StationAand Allentown. ■MOBNINQ EXPRESS.—At 8.15 A. M. tor Beadlfw. Le banon, Hamstrars, Pottsvflle, Pine Grove; Tamaqna. Roobetter.Niuara Falls, Dnffalo. Wflkesbarre. Pittiton. York. OaHUto, Cham. connects at Reading with the Pennirtrouta Railroad trains for AUentown.-dM.uid the &I 6 A.M. train oonnoct* with tt e Lebanon Valley train for Sff ri, J ur fe,4S?-! atPori OUntqn with Catawissa KJt. featos for Williamsport, Lock Haven, Elmira, &o.; at U&rrtebuT/t with Northern Central, Cumberland VaUey. and_ Seh.qyfkiß end BnsqneltaiinatraUs for Nortfifimber _AFTlESNW)N EXPRESS.-leaves Pimadeipms at BLBO F- Pottsvflle, Harrisburg. On, oonnect* in* vrith Reading and CoiSbU Btfboad trains for CoL °PC®»%DWN ACCOMUODATIOH-teava. lfotto. mi A. it. stpripm; at all way sUttonsi delpbla atlO-SuATM.. ‘ Trainsfor FbiliubHphUlegveHonislmrg >t A. M., otftSiLOML rMUdmphia-at LOU P.M. Afternoon trains leave Harrisburg andPottsvlilost 2.46 P. FhUadeJphia at Harrisbrng .acemlbibdation' at7.l6A Mj. and Harrisburg at 4.10 P. Id. Connecting at Beading with Afternoon Accommodation south at P. BL, arriving in Philadelphia at 0.25 P.fiL - * Market .train,' with a Passenger ear attached, leaves Philadelphia at 12.20n00n for Pottoville and all Way Sta tions; leaves Pottsville at 7.B(KA. Philadelphia and si) Way Btationi. i •. ' } : f 1 $ - All the abovetraJiunin dally, flundayi exeepted, Sunday trains leave Pottsville at 8.00 A. M*, Phlla delphla at 2.15 P. ML; leave Philadelphia for at A. M.. returning from Reading at 4£& P. M. CHFBTEH VAIXEY RAILROAD.-Paasengai for Downingtown and intermediate points take the A-&L, ana 4.0 U P. ML trains from Philadelphia, returning from Downingtown at &80 A. M-.1a.45P.6L and 5.15 P.M RAlLKOAD,—Paßsengtirs for. dLip pack take 7.80 A. M. and 4.00 P. M. trains from PhUadel. phia, returning from Skiopack at&lOA. &L and 12.45 P. U. stage lines for various points in Perkiomen Valley connect with bains at ColiegevUle and Sldppack. NEW YORK EXPRESS. FOR PlTTbliUKUil AND I’HE WEST. —Leaves New York at; 9 A- SL, 5.00 and B.ot p.sL,pasHinir Beading at 1.G5 A. iL,LSO and 10119 P.M-.and connect at Harrisburg wttb Pennsylvania and Northern Central Railroad Express Trains for Pittsburgh, Chicago. Williamsport, Elmira. Baltimore, Ac Letumlng, Express Train leaves Harrisburg, on arriv&i of Pennsylvania Express/iom Pittsburgh, at 3.50 and 5.5 c A M.. IftSO P. M.. pa suing Reading at 5.44 and 7.81 A. W and 12-Bu P. M-, arriving at New York ILOOond 12.20 P.M , and6.oo P.M. Sleeping Cars accompany these train/ 'hrough between Jersey City and PittsDorgu, withom Mail train for Harrisburg at 8 10 A. M mdftOO P, M. Mai* train for Harrisburg leaves New Yor' at 12 Noon. V: _ ' “ BCHUYXJULL VALLEY RAILROAD. -Trains leav. Pottsville at A 45, lLBti A. &L and 6.40 P. M.4etuming Iron romaquaatft&6A. M. and 2.15 and P. M. SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD rraxnB leave Auburn at 7X5 A. ML for Pinegrove and Hai dsburg, and at 12.15 P. M. for Pinagrovo and Tremont; re raming from Harrisburg at X3O P. SL, and from 'Prcmon? at 7.40 A. 5L and ASS P. M. TlCKET’S.—Through ftrst-dass tickets and emigrant dekets to &U the principal points in the North and Wer end Canadas.- Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to Reading ana intermediate Stations, good for day only, are sold by Morning Accommodation*- Market Train, Reading ant* Pottstown Accommodation Trains at rodneed rates. Excursion Tickets to Philadelphia, good for day only, tie sold at Reading and Inter ediate Stations by Read a» and Pottstown Accommodation Trains at reduced rates The following tickets are obtainable only at theOfflet of S. Bradford. Treasurer, No. 227 South Fourth street Philadelphia, or of Q. A. Nicolls, GeneralSaperlntendeat Uommntatloa HckeLiti Mpev seat, discount, between sny points desired, forfsjniliea mitl firms. HUeeee good forfluuo miles, between aU point. *t 65150 esoE, tor families end firms. Season Tickets, for three, six, nine or twelve months, tor holdere only, to all points at reduced rates. . Clergyman residing on the line of the road will be for olrhed with cards, entitling themselves and wives t» tickets st half fare. Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to principal sta tions. good tor Saturday, Sunday and Monday, at reduced ■are, to be bad only at the Ticket Office, at Thirteenth aad Callowbill streets. FREIGHT.--f>bo<fiqpf all descriptions forwarded to all tbe above points fsoln'the New Freight Depot, Broad andwillowYtreeta Freight Trains leave Philadelphia dally at 4.30 A. M., 12.80 noon, 3.1X1 and 6 P. for Reading, Lebanon, Harris burr- Pottsvflle, Port Clinton, and all points beyond. Maila close at the Philadelphia PosfiOffiee for all places on the road and its branches at f A. M., and tor the prin cipal Stations only at sys P.H.'„ BAGGAOR Dnnganl Express will collect Baggage for all trains leaving Philadelphia Ddpot. Orders can oe left at No 25 Sooth Fourth street, or at the Depot, Thirteenth and Cat towbill streets. ffTT rvgffllimi l I I VVlliMlN€m>f« fiteMMIAND BALTIMORE HAILKOAO - ■uMgg . riME Mon. day. Nor. 23d, 1888. Trains will Leave Depot, comer of Broad street and Washington avenue, as follow*: W ay-mail Train, at&SO A. M. (Sundays excepted), lot Baltimore, ■topping at all regular stations. Connecting with Delaware Railroad at Wilmington for CM afield and inter sta^ons. ExxTOutra3{k4Q£U)& ftL (Bnnday* excepted) (for -Balti more and Wsahißgi&n, stopping At Wilmington. Perry ville andHavre-de-tiraca Connect* at Wilmington with train,for New Castle. _ _ _ „ Express Train at 4.00 P. U. (Bonday* exceptedWor Bal timore and Wariunaton* stopping at Chester, Thmiow, Linwood; Claymont, WilimngtorwNewport,Btanton, New ark, Elkt6n i Northeaet,Ch&rlestown, PerryviUe.Havre-de urace, Aberdeen, Perryman's, Edgewood, Magnolia. Chase's and Stammer's ’Bon. Night Express at ILBU P. M. (dally) for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester, Thurlow, Linwood, Claymont, Wilmington, Newark, Elkton, Northeast, PerryviUo add Bavre-de-Grace. Paasengenfor Fortran Monroe and Norfolk will take theISLOOM. Tra*n. Wthnfngton Trains, stopping at all stations between PhiUdemoia and Wilmington: Leave Philadelphia at ILOO A. M., LBQ, 6.00, 7!00 P. M. Tne &.00P. H; train connect* with the Delaware RaJlroad for Hatrington and intermediate stations. Leave Wilmington7.oo and 8,10 A. M. and L3U.ft.ls and 7.00 P. BL The 8.10 A, M. Train will not stop between Chester and Philadelphia. The 7.00 P. M. Train from Wilmington runs Daily: all other Accommodation Trains Sundays excepted. _ ... From Baltimore to Philadelphia.—-Leave Baltimore 7.fift A U., Wa^MaiL-A. AL, Express. Lifi P. BIL, Ex* P SUNDAY' BALTIMORE.-Leave Bal timore at73P.M..stopping atMagnolia, Periymau'e, Aberdeen. JBavrede Grace, Perry ville, Charlestown, North*ce*t, Elkton,.Newark, Stanton, Newport, Wil mington, Claymont, Linwood and Chetter. _ Through tickets to ah pemu Wesuboatu and Southwest may be procured at ticket* office. 888 Chestnut «treet,under Continental HoteL where also State Rooms and Bertha in Sleeping-Can can be secured during the day. Persons pnrcnaflng tickets at this office can have baggage checked nanarare— _.. ,w^ hoat> time TABLE,—On and after Friday, May 1, Ftj&g GERMANTOWN. Leave FhDadelpUttr-6,7,8,9.05, 10, U, 12 A. U..LI, All, S’i.4,s,6Mia3Q. 7. 8.9,10.11,1iP. M. , „. ■ „ , Leave Germantown—«, 7, 7)4, 8, 8.90. 9,10,11. UA,M. j 1, 6, 8,4,4Ji, 8,8)47,8, 9,10,11 fCu. , „ The AS) down train, and the 8)4 and 5X np train*. wi) aotrtop oa the Qerxrißnto^m^BrMch, Leave PhiladelpbAv-9Jfominnte«A Uitt?andl<n(P.M ta ‘ w^™a®tteMfi3aBat P * 8 > 8,10 , 19A.U,|t,8X, BK>7.Ban Leave Uhertnnt Hid—7.lo minntea, 8,9,40 and 11.40 A H, L4O. MO, k Leave Philadelphia— 0.15 minute* A. M.) I and 7 P. M LeayoGboetnutHiU—7.&lminuto« A. M. i 12.40, M 0 and 125 FOK tSoNBHQUOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave PUiladelphltt—U, 7tf, 9* m A. M.; IX. 8» 4X, IX. M& 8.0& rod U&fp. AL Wave Norri«town-Mi), 7,7.80,9, UA. U. 1 134,3,4)4.4.11 and 8M F. M. ■ ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia—9 A. M.; 9)4 and 7.1* P. M. L»vcNpm*toi^^^nd9P.M. Leave Philadelphia—4,7)4,9,lLoB A. M. 1 D 4. 8,4)4. IM. 4.16,8.05 and 11)4 P. M. Leave Manayunk-AlO, IX. BM 9)4.1134 A. M. IA 9)4. nr and 9 P. M. ** . ON SUNDAYS. , „ • Leave PUtladetpbior-9 A. M. i SD4 and 7.1* P. ML Leave Manaynnte— andg)4 Depot. Ninth andGreen.treet*. CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC BAIL HT WINTER ARRANGEMENT. -MM On and after MONDAY, October S 6, 1868, train* will leavo Vine Street Wharf da follow*, Via. :> Mat)and' Freight;............'. ...................7.30A.M. Atlantic Accommodation. .3.45 P. M' Junction Accommodation, to Atco and Interme diate station*.....'.. ............ .AOO P. M. RETORNINO, WILL LEAVE ATLANTIC, ; Mail and Freight. 1,25 P.M. Atlantic Accommodallon... ;. ;o.io A. M. junctlon Acoommoaatlou. from Atco... ...... ...&3S A. M ACCOMMODATION TRAIN WILL ■ •' • . LEAVE Vine 5treetFerryat..............111s A. M, and 2 00 P. M. Iladdonfield 0t.,,................1.00 P. MandtUß P.M. jcSfttf, tt 1L MUNDY. Aeon*. . ■. siade. , leave West Chester for Philadelphia; froa Depot on H ; Mwketjtfeeti A. IL,!UJ,«O* tf Trains leaving West Chester at 8.00 A.' M., ana leavlca ‘ PMladelpbra at 4dbP.lL. jrtU stop at B. <i Junction anS ' ParapngOT to or from stationabetween Wert Chestoi . andIVC. Junction golng .Eart. will take train leavhis West Cheater at 7.45 AM-and going Wert will tako train , leaving Philadelphia at 480 P. KU and transfer at B. C * t%fladrtpUa at A. IX. and 180 P. > andieaving Wtst Chester at 8.00 A.;M. and 4 60 P. M„ : connect at B.C. Junctlon wlth 'Eraina onP. and B. C. U. B. lor extern and intermediate points.; . CNBUNDAYS-Heave Philadelphia at &00 A.M.and ; 2.WP.Mi__ '".■“■vir-'--’’ Leave West Charterss A. IL'andLOO P. M. " The Depot is reached directly by;the Chestnut end Wal nut Btreeteart., Those of the Market, Street Line run 'within ono Kquarei The cars of both lines connect with each train npon its arrival s- ; '.J ' 1 :■ tsr~ Passengers are allowed to take wearing appaxe only .as Baggage, and the Company will not; in any caso. he responsible lor an amount exceeding aloe nnleia special contract is made for'the tame. r HfcNRY WOOD, General Superintendent. HAuSaSSi- FAXOL ram BLE;—Throughandßir&tßouteb** : tween Philadelphia, Baltimore, Marriibnr*, William*. : porb to the Northwest and the Great Oil Region of Penn. tylvonlo Pleyent Bleeping Con on all Night Train*. On and after MONDAY. Nov. 23d, 1868, the Trains on thePhiladelphla and Erie Railroad will ran arfoUow*: WESTWARD. Ball Train leave* Philadelphia... 10.46 P. M. “ " “ Witlinmiport..... 8. IS AM “ “ arrive* at Erie; SMP.tS. Erie Expew leaveamiadelphia.... IIKTa. M. t* " arrive* at 8rie..;........ ..laoo A M Elmira MaU leave* Philadelphia...- &00 AM. “ “ Williamsport; (Uu P. ML " “ “ riv “‘*i&&wS& 74SP,M - Mail Train leaves Erie. loss A M. “ •• “ WilU*jn*port..._ lass AM., “ “ arrive* at Philadelphia 10.00 AM. ErteExpretS'' ve *wjui smeport. ". 7. to"A* Ml " “ arrivesat Philadelphia. 4.20 P.M. ’Mail, and Express connect with Oil Crook and Alle gheny River Railroad. Baggaig^CheckedTOroogh. ' : . '' '-. 1 ' '' . General Superintendent, . TTTt i ll i— | inn inn run a baltbuokb AUM&&JJSVHBCENTRAE RAILROAD. Winter \ 1 '■ ! .Arrangement*. On and after Monday, Oct 6th, -1848, the Train* will leave Philadelshitafrom the Depot of the West Chester A Philadelphia Railroad, cor. ner Of Thirty-first and Chestnut streets (West Philada.), at 7,45 AM.andA6OP. M. Leave Rising Bon,at &4B AM., and Oxford, at 4.30 A M-and leave Oxford at&2SP. M. AMarket Train with Passenger Car attached wfll ran on Tuesdays end Fridays, leaving the Rising San at ILOS A M., Oxford at 1L45 SLi and Kennett at LOO P. M., con ooeting at West Chester Junction with a train for Phila delphia. On Wednesdays and Saturdays train leaves Phuadelphiaat 2.80 P. iCrnns through to Oxford. The Train leaving Philadelphiaat 7.45 AM. connects at Oxford with a daily line of Stages for Peach Bottom; in Lancaster comity. Returning, loaves Peach Bottom tc connect at Orto d with the Afternoon Train for Philadel phia. The Tram leaving Philadelphia at 4.60 P. M. runs tc Rising Sun. Md. < Paeeengen allowed to take wearing apparel-only, m Baggage, and the Company win not. In any case, be re sponsible for an amount exceeding one hundred dollars' unices a special contract bo made for.the came. mhia HENRY WOOD. General BupH. KAXLr to Wilkosbarre, Hahanoj City, Mount Carmel, Ceutralja. and all points on LehigJ Valley Railroad and its tranches. By new arrangements, perfected this day, this road t< snabled to give Increased despatch to merchandise cm? dmed to the above Kamcd points. _ Hoods delivered at the Through Freight Depot 8. B, cor. 6f FRONT and NOBLE Btceau, Before BP. M., will reach WHfceabarrei -Mount Carmu. Mahanoy City, and the other stations in Mahanoy one Wyoming, valleys before it A. M., of the succeeding day FIJJB <g>ARK. AgonT eijurcfisiui’ ttcijwjb. For Boston—Steamshio tine Direot SAILING FROM EACH POET EVERY FIVE DAYS. FROM PINE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, AND LONG WHARF, BOSTON QtfJSVflSjb’ This line ifc composed of the fiM class aggSawgsi Steamships, tftOITIAW, 1,488 tons, Captain O. Baltei. NAXOtf, 1,250 tons, CaptainF. AL Boggs. OtiDl« N« 1,293 tons. Captain CraweiL The ROMAN, from Phila, Thursday, Feb, 4. at 6 A M. The KOKMAN.irom Boston, on gaturday.Feb.6. at tf P.M. These bteaxnshipß sail punctually, and Freight will be received every day,a Steamer being always on the berth. Freight fo** points beyond Boston sent with despatch. Freight taken for all pomts in New England and for warded as directed. Insurance H per cent, at the office. For Freight or Passage (superior accommodations) apply to HENRY WINSOR ACO., m?3l 838 South Delaware aveuno. PHILADELPHIA, RICHMOND AND NOtt ttglESV FOLK STEAMSHIP U*E. «™Wfc THROUGH FREIGHT AIR LINE TO THE SOUTH AND WEST. EVERY SATURDAY. At Food, from FIR*TWHARF above MARKET street THROUGH RATES and THROUGH RECEIPTS to all points in North and Bouth Carolina via Seaboard 'Air- Line Railroad, connecting at Portsmouth, and to Lynch* bur fc , Va., Tennessee and the West via Virginia and Tennessee Air-Line and Richmond and Danville Railroad. Freight HANDLED BUT ONCE, and taken at LOWER RATES THAN ANY OlfiEß LINE. The regularity, safety and cheapness of this route com mend it to the public as the most desirable medium for carrying every description of freight No charge for commission, drayage, or any.expense for transfer. v Bteflimhips insure at lowest rates. Freight received DaILY. WM.P. CLYDE A CO., 14 North and South Wharves. W. P. PORTER, Agent at Richmond and City Point T. P. CROWELL <to CO., Agents at Norfolk. dTUfTTi PHILADELPHIA A ND SOUTHERN M 4JL gßßfljjQfr 83 EAMSUIP COMPANY'S REGULAR FROM QUEEN STREET WHARF. Tho wUI eail for NEW ORLEANS, via HAVANA, on Feb. —, at 8 o'clock A, M. The J LNIATA will Bail from NEW ORLEANS,via HA* VARA* —, Feb . ’Jbo WYOMING will sail for SAVANNAH on Sa turn ay, Fcbmary 6, at 8 o'clock AM. The TOMAWANDA will eail from SAVANNAH on Sa turday, February 6. Ifae PIONEER will eail for WTLVUNGTON, N. C.. on Wednepday, February 3, at BA.U. THROUGH BILLS OF LADING SIGNED AT QUEEN S 3 KELT WHARF. For freight or passage, apply to WiLLJLaM L. JAMES, General Agent, 130 South Third street. HAVANA STEAMERS. mßSfijtt SAILING EVERY 21 DAYS. These steamers will leave this port for Ha vana every third Wednesday, at 8 o'clock A. M. The steamship STARS AND STRIPES, Captain Hobnee, will sail for Havana on Wednesday morning. Ftbi nary 17, at 8 o'clock AM. Paeb age, $4O currency. PasB«Dgei 8 must be provided with passports. No freight received after Monday. Reduced rates of freight THOMAS WATTSON * SONS, 140 North Delaware avenue. NEW EXPRESS LINE TO ALEXANDRIA Georgetown and Washington, D. C.« via > Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, with con nections at Alexandria from the most direct route for Lynchburg, Bristol, Knoxville, Nashville* Dalton and the Southwest. Steamers leave regularly from the first wharf above Market street, every Saturday at noon. Freight received daily. WM. P. CLYDE & CO., 14 North und South Wharves. ,1. B DAVIDSON, Agent at Georgetown. >l. ELDRIDGE A CO., Agents at Alexandria, Virginia. NOTICE.- FOR NEW YORK, HflH® mßla via Delaware and Raritan CanaL EXPRESS STEAMBOAT COMPANY. Tho Steam Propeller* of the Line leave Daily from first wbarl below Market street. . THROUGH IN 24 HOURS. Goods forwarded by all tbo lines going out of New York-North, East and West—free o» Commission. Freight received at our usual low rates. WM. P. CLYDE* 14 South Wharves, Philadelphia. JAS. HAND. Agent, / 11!) W all street, cor. of South, New York. | NOTICE.—FOR NEW YORK. ' TkWffiftl DELAWARE AND RARITAN CANAL. SWIFTSLTrE TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. DESPATCH ANi> BWIFTSIRE LI^ES. The basinets of these Hues will be resumed on and after the *9th of March. For freight,which will be taken on accommodating tcims. apply to WM.M. BAIRD & CO., No. 132 South Wharvee. DELAWARE AND GEIE4APEAKIC m «jCBK. h Steam low Boat Company. Bareet '> dniSiuiiiSd** towed between Philadelphia, Baltlm rro, Havre-de-Uraco, Delaware City and intermediate points j WM. P. CLYDE A CO.. Agents; Capt -JOHN LAUGH I LIN, ttup’t OJfice, 14 South Wharves, Philadelphia. •. , f— ». NOTICE-FORNEW YORK, VIA , M A g&_ l _MD6laware and Raritan Canal—Swifts art i .Company—Despatch and ; Bwiltsuro i.ißes.—The hnsiness by Lines will be re iJiumed on and after the 19th of March. For Freight ; which wi Ibe taken on accommodating terms, apply U ■ WM. M. BAIRD A CO., ua Bouth Wharves, /CONSIGNEES OF MTRCHANDISE PER NORW. ■ \J Bark ’*Onni," bannevig, Master, from Liverpool, will i plcapeeend tbeir permits on board at Pier B,'S. Wharres. ,(W aJnut stjuor at the office of tho wdereignod.Tbe general : orderw Ulbelutucd on THURSDAY.tho4thinat,tvlieo all goods not permitted will be sent to the publio snore*, i PETER v> RIGHT & SONS, llfi Walnut street. fc3-2t THE BRITISH BARK BROTHERS 5 P-tIDR, SMITH i 1 Master.from Liverpool,is now dhoharging under general [order at Washington Streot Wharf. Consignee will please attend to the reception of their goods. PETER j WRIGHT & SONS, 116 Walnut street feS-tf ; VTOTICB.—ALL PERSONS . ARiE, HEREBY CAU •TN tioned against trusting any of the crew of the British ! Bark Oadetto, Christian,-Masler, from Liverpool, os no : debts of their, contracting wilFbo hold; b?_ either .the , Captain or Consignees* PETER WRIuHT A SONS. llfi /Walnut street. ■ , - JaaojL HARDWARE, ? ’DODGERS* AND • WOSTENMLWS o POuKE3 ' ]it KN apd STAG HAN DLES, of bo an ? BCIBSORS IN CASES ofthe fideafc quaUty.-Gtfspr*. I lar^strumen^ net • . ° syMl "7 s , -/-x. '• •»y* —f *>.«•*•* -M-w,-..,,* ~ T SECOND-STORY FRONT ROOM, HEAT*B WITH STEAK, ■ ”: :/ ' IN THE N EW BULLETIN BUILDING, 607 ChestcLut Street/* ; ; in the Publication. Office. r LET-TWO LARGE BRCONJ3 STORY ROOMS lUlmthcd, at *: j, .. lel-3f ' UO Sonth Eleventh et. RENT.—THE SECOND, THIRD AND FOCJRTH ,i, Floor* of tt e new building at the N. W. cornS? of 1 M TO LET-STORE NO. 238 CHESTNUT STREET, J. SEKGBaNT TRICK,, *!?3P No. 8U Arch street. STO RENT-A COUNTRY PLACE. WlTHttt three minutes walk ef a station opN;P. BSt-ISoe. 2jfS , is7Ji L .ts’. elve acr ??. of land attached. wMt hll ..Trert“Me b |'rh?i nCT - ac ' Appl? ‘”S ?> BB gecoDrtandUypor l lq ora 0 f 439 and 428 Marketer.. «-* 33 by 118 feet to Merchant atreot • r Dickson bros;; - S&jW&lmitst&ot. : j'klfilU'm wtf AEOt '•lO RENT.-A HANDSOME COUNTRY' SEAT, HI - of Gro . nna ' Dn»*i lane, Germantown, With every convenirnco;. gas, bath, hot mod cold water, large stable, rarrlago home, lce.{iouee.“wlth 53 tonaefico; .cow stable, cfilekcn.houßo,and mlenrdm.' movement; Win bo rented, with or without Furniture On *tre”t e * Arlllr toOOFrLOK a JORDAN,, 438 WOlnut 03 STORE FROPERTXEB FOR RENT.—HAND* Latge Fenr-atory Building, NO. 41 North Third BtrheO? ' largo Building. No. 630 Market atroet, and running throush toMinoratreot. • , • ... " Very Desirable Store ftoperty, No/436 Market atiefet runniUgthronghtoMerehsnt afreet: , ", Store and Basement, No. 621 Minor etrect Thlrd atory Store, 26M feet front, No 916 Market street. HandsomeBtore*ndpn*lJinßiTio.’ 1021 Walnut street ■ .1. M. GUMMKY& SUN a, 723 Walnut etreet 4g& FOR RENT-A HANDSOME RESIDENCE IN’ ■Swot, rn part of thoclty. Favorable terms would be offered,to;»n Acceptable party, , AdIre»BAROU SJREET,PirLMiTiN4JfIicCi.„. <jaaiuJiT M FOR RENT.-A HANDSOME COUNTRY; SEAT, on a turnpike, east of Germantown; 6 acrea of land attacked; large mbneion honao, 1 with city.' convex' niencea; stabling, ico-houße, filled. Ac, ; J. M. GUHMEY & SONS. 733 Walnut street... •r.-,*--;.- dM FOR RENT.-A HANDrOME MODERN REST* dence, new, with every convenience, situate tn tuo a*-® non llwestern part ol the city. The furniture, now only a lew months eince. tor sale at a sacrifice. 1 ’ j; M. GUMMtY A SONS, 733 Walnut st SUFFICE ROOMS TO RENT ON THIRD FLOOR OF V Bidding,''No. 733 Walnut Btreet: -J. M. GGMMEY A BUNS. : ... ■ )- !/**& SASlks Good Will ami Fixtures For Sale OF OUR -.v-v Furnishing Goods Dapamnanfe, And Iron! Half ot Store To " V. CIIESTNKT street, VAN DEUHEN, BOEUMEB & CO. 4B& FOK SALE OR EXCHANQE-A HANDSOME Country Reefden'C and thirteen'pcres of land*near ■Ktai Germantown (or the dwelling and three or four acies). Good city'property will be takfiain o art nay mentv Ai'piy on Mondays or Fridays, 12 to 1 P. -M. at No; 19 Forth SIXTH street, . ' afr FOK S4LE.-THE LARGE BRICK 'KtfUiDJtyG gjsju with lot of ground, M feet front by .109 feet deep, the southwest corner of 'fewh and ship pen streets—? nitable for an institution. J. M. fIGLMMEY & SONS* 733 Walnut street- , ..... FOB SALE—THE FOUR-STORY & D WELLINO Hfj? House, southeast corner of Seventeenth and Sum • B-t mar streets, with all modern liuprovemontaj ha* a front of S 3 feet on Summer street Opposite Churrirof <he Atonement. Apply to COPPUL’K & JORDAN, 483 Walv nat street t , , -r ggss, GERMANTOWN- FOR BALP-A HANDSOME Etjr double Stone. Residence. _with all modem content* B-i enccs; situate on East Walnut lano, between Main ond Morton streets fatablo and earrilure-house,eow*ftotise, ice-hot «c. cpiing-houec, Ac.; choicefruit and shade trees of every description. The lot which has a front of, 976 t oet will be sola in whole or part wlth the improvement. J. M. GUMMEY & SONS, 733 Walnut street 4*4 FOR BALE—THE ELEGANT COUNTRY-SEAT, wzi late of Samuel Hildebum. deceased, with from a B-tto 65 acres of land attached,situate on the turnpike* within twelve mihntts walk fiom the Railroad depot at Chestnut Hill. Large Mansion House, with clear hall through the centre, over 70 feet in length: ft parlors, sit ting-room, library, dining room end Si thQ first floor, end every city convenience. band sozFely improved with cut stone walls the entire front; graveled carriage drives and walke, shade and evergreen trees - i full growth and iu perfect order. Photographs rrny bo eeen at the ofli,ce of J, M. GUMMEY <b SON, 733 Walnut street 4B& FOR SALE -THE HANDSOME THREE-STORY Mpf3 Residence, 21 feet front, with three-sto»y, back ■ii* buildings, every convenience.and in perfect order* No. 1713 Spruce street Lot running through -to a back itreet. J. M. GUMMEY <fc SONS, 788 Walnut street. M FOR BALE OR RENT.—THE LARGE STORE. No. 418 Arch sheet. Apply.oh the premises,, or to D. M. FOX. No. 640 NoruiFlfth street, or the owner may be seen by addressing Box 220 T Philadelphia'Post* office, .> . .•. - de4 tf , REAL ESTATE SAI>EN. GERMANTOWN. - PUBLIC SALE, OF FIVE Kjml ac.cs elegant ground on Mill .street,, * opposite, MShi Bpencer old place, fifteen 'minutes from 5 Duy’e Station. Elegant situation for a country seat Will be eold on premises > - ’ < THURSDAY, February L ' r at 2 o’clock P. M. Plans At Real Estate Office 5 It* C. KEYSBR KING; I\ Dew uKfc, Auctioneer. Next to Depot, Germantown. PEBSONAIi. CA PER CENT. REDUCTION. OU NOTICE TO THE TRADE. Circulars, Letters, Price List, Music, or unyfiocum&uts or drawing may be obtained at the following EXTRA-. ORDINARY CHEAP. PRICES; 100copies.fucsimUeaof. any document or drawing, $8 00; 600 corned, $5 00l 1,000 copies,MOO*. 100,000copier,$460 00,O'*60PERCENT.hpoh the ABOVE PRICES may be SAVED bv-using MAU RICE’S PATENT AUTOGRAPHIC PRINTING PJU3SS. forOFFIOJBB, Ac.. $BO 00. A young boy c*n manage.the press with the greatest facility. MAURICE’S PATENT STATEiRIGHTS are SOLD at MODERATE! PRICES. All kinds of Lithographic work Is done with thej&rcateat care at the low cut prices. MaUKICK’S PATENT-AUTO GRAPHIC AND Eli HOGHAPHIC PE IN TIN G, 1 WRIT-' ING AcD ENGRAVING ESTABLISHMENT, 10north WfiiUm street. Nl Y Ja29.f mw39t3 COPARTNERSHIPS. DISSOLUTION, , The firm of HOMER. COLLADAY * CO. expires'tbi* day by limitation, j PuiiAi>r.LFUiA' Jan. 30, 1889. j COPARTNERSHIP. ! The subscribera hereby givo notice that they have ! formed a A-imited Partnership, pursuant with the Laws I cf the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania relating to such, i The name or firm under which said partnership fft to he ■ tonductodis HOMER, COLLADAY & CO. The general nature of the business hr the Importing, Bnyinft and Bolling of Pry Good* The name. of General Partners are BSNJA.MTN UOMEH. THOMAS HOMER, FKANOIB 8. COLLADAY | and GEORGE BIN PSON. all of tbe citv of Philadelphia; 1 the name of the BpocialPortneria THimAB W. EVANS, i aleo of tho city of Philadelphia , Tho amount of capital contributed to thecoinmon ■ stock by laid Special Partner is One Hundred Thousand , DoliatßinCaeh. The said Paitneraliip to commence Fobrunry 1,1869. and :to terminate on January 81,1814... . ... The hoeineec of the late firra will be ub. RES,TAM IN HOMER, THOMAB'HOMER* ■ 1 FKANOIB Be COLLADAY, ; GEORGE BUdPSON. I General Partners; ! THOMAS W. EVANS, i Bpeolal Partner, i N. R—Mr. G. H. SOMMER hB« an interest to our tmat -1 ,r 0“ U “ B aMe - HOMER. COLLADAY A CO. I Phii.adki J’iiiA, Fob. 186 P. XTOTICE OF CHANGE OF PARTNERSHIP.-THE JN Partneiebir heretofore eadstlpp under too Srm ot I VAN DBI BEN, BOEHMER & CO. J" ,l *k£K f bv u-ntual consent, and tho B > m " 1 nnw < .’n.narfnorehiu under the name, IhW ana nnp w ; kpvst IneTou AH COMPANY, for tho manufacture ! of aid dealing In Piper CoSrB and Cuff;., Thepriudpal hm“se will be In Ihe cRy of Philadelphia, with bra»eU j house, to the Nog YmkandChicago & d6> ! Pmuimrnu. Feb 1.1861. : fel-3tt O-PA HTNEH3HIP NOIftE.—MR. HUGH BtHOUB TON admitted to an intereat m ourbuelnew JAB. E CALDWELL & Co! BOSHUIa Hreot. 1 "-u - |: '' ’ ■•'»uas.lyB _ JBDUCATION. OELLCT SCHOOL-HALL S. W. CORNER OF SIXTH O street and Girard avenue. . . . . . jafB,lot" _ 0. ENGLISH . School, Ne. Hifctgafkct atreot. jnaim* !»/ EBT PENN «QUABE ENGUBU AND CLASSICAL W School for Young Mon aud Boye, Southwest corner f Market and Merrick Fui>llfl admitted at any time. GEORGE EASTS URN. A. B.,FripcipaL jalf Imo* ; tOIUiMwFOX«U.D.V , . iy,- JviU glva ln«WuotSne l , to'^YmSch s atS“Gorra«c. kjy. f leudflellrecC to gentlemen wEhing a knowledge of thaw • l.nKCßea! with a virw to the-tnedfcal profeadou. ,I’ma i» a deiuranle onioxtunlty- nodf-us ED W. K. TRITON;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers