MEMIM ALT V 1011.11ALETICK! . Or.pirpAr. Gnawr.—Geceral Grant left Phila delphia to•day, for Washington. Yesterday morn ing, he paid' a visit to the venerable Rarace Bin nay, Esq.. who, in his 891.11 year, retains his ac tive interest in hiss country's welfare, and who oxpresaed in warm terms the gratification with which hezegarded the election of Gen. Grant as thing needed to-ensure the satisfactory conclusion of the great struggle for National ex istence through which we have passed. -During the day, General Grant received many visitors at his rooms at th 4 Continental, and at five o'clock dined at the Union League House with about fifty members: of that body, the num ber being limited by the capacity of thethe Banquet- in room. Among' the gentlemen ppating the affair were General Dent, General Badean, Genersi Owen. General Selfridge, Hon. A. G. Cattail, Hon. William D. Kelley, Hon. Charles O'Neill, Hon. Leonard Myers, Hon. Mr. Sypher, of Louisiana, Adolph E. Borle, Esq., who pro aided, Hon, Charles Gibbons, Daniel Smith, jr., Eeq., William D. Lewis,,q , Henry C. Carey, Esq., Hon. G. A. Grow, George H. Stuart, Esq., Wayne McVeigh, Esq., George EL Boker, Esq , Hon, John P. Verree and other prominent mem bers of the League. The dinner was a very elegant affair, and re flected great credit on the efficient Steward of the League, Mr. A. Frohmiinn, who bad evidently taxed the full resources of his cuisia.s to provide an entertainment worthy of the occasion. The following was the carte: Oysters in the Half Shell. Latour Blanche.) —• onp r : la Roble. egetable Soup. Old :Sherry.) (~._ Boiled BahrioLaotrater qutco, (Lieterauenmllch.) Sweet Bread Pate, with Truffles. Salmi of Pheasants. Vegetables. (ChamPagne.r 'Chicken Cotelettes, Sauce Sonbise. (Chateau INttem.) Canvasa-backDttek (Chateau Latitte.) Charlotte Russo. Meringues. Ice-cream. Water' Ice. Fruit. Coffee. 'There were no after-dinner speeches. The single toast of the evening was to General Grant, who -simply acknowledged the compliment by a bow. At about nine o'clock, General Grant descended to the drawing-room, which was u crowded with thetnembers of the League, He was greeted with hearty cheers as he *appeared on the grand staircase, and was afterward introduced to the gentlemen present, individually. The storm which raged during the evening prevented the contemplated serenade, but the band of the Boys in Blue and the Invincibles was stationed in the main hall, and played a variety of appropriate trinsie - 7 - After receiving the many gentlemen who Were anxiens to greet him, the General returned to the Banquet Room, and enjoyed an hour of pleesant conversation and cigar. At about half past ten o'clock, he walked down to the Academy of Music with a small party of gentlemen, and made his appearance in one of the proscenium boxes, a short time before the cue- Aran fell on the ' last act of La Bells Bilene. He was immediately recog nized, and the performance was interrupted by a _bursit,Of applause from all parts of the house, to the great astonishment of the performers, who had not observed his "entrance._He remained until the close of the piece, and ten returned to his hotel, receiving fresh tokens of Philadelphia's ,appreciation; lit - he passed through the audience who had congregated in the vestibule of the Academy to greet him. The storm, which prevented the serenade in front of the League House, disappointed thou sands of our citizens, who had hoped to pay their _ respects to the President-elect on this occasion. We are glad to be able to announce that it is his purpose to return to Philadelphia in a short time, remaining here long enough to receive as many of his friends as desire to call upon him. General Grant and his party spent this morn ing quietly at the Continental, receiving a few personal friends who called upon them. We ob served a few office-seekers hovering in the corri dors, but not many. General Grant expressed himself as greatly pleased with his visit to Phila delphia, and especially with his evening at the Unto • League, which be seems to have enjoyed espe ally. The party left for Washington by the A. M. train. Bre •• egiii`mtvime.—We regret to learn that the injuries received by Bishop Stevens at Bethlehem, on last Sunday night,while not actually alarming, are more serious than has been reported. The Bishop walked over a perpendicular bank, in the dark falling a distance of seven feet. His right arm is broken so near the shoulder as , to make it impossiqle to set it in the regular manner, and thesurgeons have been compelled to depend upon bandaging, hoping that the use of the arm may be restored by the ligamentous adhesions. There is also a very serious injury to the knee-joint,the full exten‘ofbleb hoe not let been determined. , In the Bishop enfeebled condition of health, the l e reaction from e shock to his system has been slow, and his overt' will. be necessarily quite tedious. He is at the house of the Rev. Mr. Potter, the son of the late Bishop Potter, and is, of course, receiving every possible attention, and the advantage of the best medical skill. CHARGED WITH ROBBERY.—William Manger was arrested yeeterday by Detective Brown and Sergeant Cameron of the Thirteenth District Po lice, upon the charge of having robbed 'the home of Mr. Chas. R. Abbott, at the Falls of Schuyl kill. A lot of clothing, some silver-ware and a flute were stolen. The flute was recovered Manger admitted the theft. He will have a ear-, leg at the Central. Station this afternoon. Fins AT GIERMANTOWN.—Last evening. abonl o'clock, an old out-building on Washington lane and the Township Line road;in Germantown, was destroyed by lire. AN INTERESTING PORTRAIT GALLERY.— Messrs. Read & Fisher, of this city, have just issued on one large sheet, the portraits of all the °Ricers of the Penn sylvania Central Railroad Company. The easily-re cognizable head of .1. Edgar Thompson, in the centre of the grotip. is surrounded by between thirty and forty smaller likenesses, generally quite recognizable so far as we know the originals. These gentlemen,fr on whom devolves the management of a road 818 aides long-4 road so safe,so indispensable to the commerce and the travel of the country—are the friends of us all; and many will be glad to secure, M a kind of photo graph•sheet of the compactest sort, the albs of their faces. BERTH-DAY rngsliiiTe are being made ev - , • day, and people me often at a loss to know what is most appropriate. We would suggest that if it is the birth day of your father, or your eon, or your htieband, or your brother , or your "gentleman friend," you could not please him better than by giving him a stylish wrapper, or a smoking Jacket, or a new suit, or some thing in that line, from Wanamaker & Brown's. To TIM PUBLIC.—The came of Geo. 0. Evans, in connection with certain oil operations, having ap peared is the public press. I desire to state that 'tie not the undersigned. 0108011 0. EvANs, 229 Church +street. , CITY NOTICES. KRIM'S CHINA BALL. 1218 Chestnut street, between Twelfth and Thir teentb.atraeta. Families and all in want of French China Dinner, Tea or Chamberware. will tin/ at the China Ball the largest and mogt complete stock in this city, of style exclusively.our own, and warranted to be superior to any China for sale In this market. Being imported direct from the manufacturers by ourselves we are enab , ed to furnish families retail, a 0 the lowest wholesale prices; also, to give purchaser the advent age of making their selection from all the best shapes. All in want of any article in our line are invited to call and examine the goods and prices for themselves, .and compare them with other stores. Jamas K. Krau & Ban., 2 China Ball, 12t8 Chestnut street. Kr) CIIIISA HALL, • -1218 Chestnut street, between Twelfth and Thir teenth. White French China Dinner Plates, $2 50 per dozen, usual price, $4. White 'French China CUDB and Saucers, $2 50 per dozen (24 pieces) usual price, $2. Knitn:e thiii BALL, For the best China and largest assortment, go to Irraa , a China flail, 12t8 Chestnut street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth. . . _43f48E1 WARS. • . ' FOR the largest assortment of Glass Ware, and low iiitit WPCS, go , to Renn'e China flail 1218 Chestnut t HEAL ESTATE —T11051,18 di 130:48 , BALE.- litrt , . I EGround gent, t 519 50 a year. On Tu.sdy, December CilitriZirilTß OF A.l l l EMINENT Clig.:3llgr. ! 1, 11388. al 12 o'clock. noon, will be . old a nubile male, at the t'hiladelphla Exchange. all that g a nd rent of I have made a careful chemical anal pale IA the li^zo- gm 50 a year, payable ht of June, issuing out of - all that bony A from an impartial sample purchased by me per- lot of ground . taunt° on the emit I , ida of tot th street, 16)4 Solidify, from a leading drug bouc of - the city, but feet north of German street ; containing in frouCon Miff h nothing-arm] injarlo sOr objectiona le character Ivo street 19 feet 6 inchea.and extending In depth oullre south been found in itn corn eltion. , side 124 feet, and on the north side 121 foot . 'Pito front Jones G . Po ,111. D., '‘ Wirt of thin lot on Fifth street in released, from the I ground rent ' Anulyacca Chemist, 489 Itroadway, N. York. K. TiIObLAB & BONS. Anetioneere. • --- -- , - Late Dr. James R. Milton ik Co. n05p..*3 -1 1i 141 Bonth Yourth street. ".• woßrit iriz9vrt2to. , , PANTALOONB—OO they. RINVO bet OW,' to reittlyt. , comfor fachiortablv, • .• arz only to be found at ... CUAULIA STOILICKSs CO, ;: . SCHAFFER, ' - the most successikh PANTALOON CUTIZII 111 the city, is at No. 824 Chestnut street. A Perfect Fit Guaranteed Alwaya. A FASIDONAELIN GARMENT Neatly Made, Tastefully Tritattted, A Pearson FLT, Qat by Artists Unsurpassed, at CIIARLEB STONES & Co.'s, No. 824 Chestnut street. Wtaiicaes COD LIVER OIL AND LIME. —The great popularity of this safe and efficacions prepara tion is alone attributable to its intrinsic worth. In the cure of Coughs, Colds. Asthma, Bronchitis, Whooping-Congh, and all consumptive symptoms, it has no superior, if equal. Let no one neglect the early symptoms of disease; - when an agent is thus at hand which will alleviate all complaints of the Chest, _.nngs, or Throat.. Manufactured only by A. B. Wan non,Chemist, No. 166 Court street, Boston ;in Phila delphia by Johnston, Holloway 8t Cowden, and Drag gh utterterally. Funs. —Removed to. 610-610.—Russia, Hud son Bay, Mink Sable, Royal Ermine, Dark Squirrel, etc., of the best quality, at the mix. t reasonable prices ) at our new and 11 store. 510 Arch street,..betwegh Fifth and Sixth lease give as a call. Jos slut Ro 13ENDAt3M & S.—No business transacted on Saturdays. Furs altered "nil repaired. Inosrixo Tables, $5 to $l2. Person - & Co.'s Kitchen Furnishing Rooms, 290 and 222 Doelreelreet, below Walnut. Funs] sons! ! I Now open, a magnitleent stock of Fare for Didion. Ch ; Oakford & Sunp, under. the Continental Rotel. • . - DON'T NAM TO TRY DOWAR'I3 "Gum Arabic Secrete" for your Cough. Sore Throat and Pulmonary tronbles. rhysiclanatse them. De pot,- SlictiCM:id - Vine. — - Bcfnenta: . GET THE BEST! ! —Get the best Hats for Gents; MiSses' Whyh Hata, Ladies' Fars, etc., etc. Where? at Charles Oakford & Sou, Conti nental Hotel. I - AGAIN TRIUMPHANT —Oar-advi stato:—..To the GREAT AMERICAN COMBINA lON BUTTON 'HOLE AND SEWING MACHINE was awarded the GOLD MEDAkat the close of,the HAVRE INTER NATIONAL EXPOSITIONOct. ltStb, over FORTY TWO competitors." ,It alto too the GOLDMEDAL "trite MARYLAND °MANION. INSTITUPE just closed'atßniti e. Victory is eaWith THIS Machine! It can bo hathe S. W. corner of Eleventh and Chestnut stree t,Phila. WzLLT H. HELWEII.—Who has not heard of Helweg, the incomparable Boot Maker, at 535 Arca street? His fa:nit:as a manufacturer of Atte calf boots 3 is proverbial. He never falls to fit his par us neatly and comtortablY, and moreover be uses the 4 est mate rial in hie manufactures. Of Helweg it ay be said that be has brought the business - 5f boot- utak man art, so exact is he in his measurement, a so neat ele gant and substantial in the making of wares. Hr. Heiweg confines his stock exclusive to men's and boys' wear, of which he has at all times a very large stock ready-made. He has also Just opened 't full as sortment of gentlemen's parlor slippers, very suitable fur presents. JUDICIOUS mothers and nurses use for children a safe and pleasant medicine In Bewares NsANT. Con dial. CORNS, Bunions, Inverted Nails, skillfully treated by Dr. J. Davidson, No. 915 Chestnut street. Charges moderate. • - SURGICAL INsTswitEscrs and druggists' sun, dries. SNOWDEN & BaumEa, 23 South Eighth btreet. DEAFNESS BLINDNEtsb AND CATARRH. J. Isaacs, hi . D.. 'Professor of the Eye and Ear, treats allilisettsesrappertainine - above - membe with the utmost BUCCOBB. be eTestimnials from the most reliable sogrces in the city can seen at this office, No. 805 Arch street. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients,as ho has no secrets In his practice. Arcial eyes inserted. No charge made for examination. REAL ESTATE SALES. IriEAEGLee.Oltia' Sigost . ..—ESTATe , OF JAUOB Bockitie. deceased.—Thomas .1 Bons. Auctioneers.— Two Modern Pourstory Brick Residences. Noe. 329 an 331 New Market street, south of Callowhill street w court , eetory brick Dwelling% in the rear, for a 42 feet front 165 feet deep. On Tueeday. Decec. 1. 1868, at 12 o'clock, noon. will be sold at public sale, at tho Philadelphia I xchangs, ail those meesuages and the lot of ground i hereunto belonging, situate on the east side of New Market street, teeth of Callowhill street; the lot containing In front on. New Market street 41 feet I',; inches, and on the rear end 41 feet. and extendinglii depth 164 feet .9,1„; inches. The improvements are two f , ur -atm y brick o welling% fronting on Now Market at., Nos. 329 and 331; each have the modern cow:el:llene es ; and 10 three -awry brick dwellings. adjoining in the rear, forming a cow t known as Millicent avenue. Clear of ail ineumbrance. Will be sold according to a survey which may be seen at the Auction Rooms By order of CHARLES G. BOCK 118,e E xecutors,_ GEORGE W. tsOUCIUs,I • Id. 'mom', s ar. SONS, kuctioneent'y no2l 28 139 di 141 South Po •Ith 'err . ._ REAL ESTATE.—THOMari & SONS' 6AL *.— Two Beitory brick dwellings, Nos. 1100 and 1103 la worth etroet, west of Eleventh street.OnV,, , abs 9. Noveinher 24, 18613, at 12 o'clock, noon, will beim. at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the folio Jag described propertite, viz.. No. 1. All that 9.sitSty remssuage and lot of ground, situate on the south. of E newel th street, west ..f Doventh street, N0..11.00 con taining in front on Ellsworth street 15 feet ten inches,and extending in depth 80 feet with the privilege of , a 3 feet n ide alley. it is well built; has parlor, dining room and kitchen oh first floor, gas fixtpres,An house, hot and cold water, die. ', 'Clear of all incumbrance. No. 2.—A1l that two-s .y brick mountain. and lot of ground, adj 'Wing the a ve. No. 11n front 16 f inches. and in depth 77 r tto said alloy It is well built t e bas parlor. dining - roote nd kitchen on thatiret floor; hot and cold water, gas fixtures, &c. VP — Clear of all incumbrance. % , U. TiIoMAI3 & SONS, Auctioneers, 139 and 141 South Fourth street.': fIVA LUABLE Re.aI.ESTATE—TIIOXII6 ai NA.- _60N13, Auctioneers.—Three story Brick Residence, 16114 Walnut street, lot 22 feet fry nt, 150 feet deep to Chancelior street, two fronts.—On Tuesday. December let, 1e69, at 12 o'clock. noon, will bo sold at public sale at th Ybiledelphia Exchange, all that lot of ground, with th • three•story,derick residence, with two.etory brick bab buildings sidereal erected, situate on the south side o Walnut street, No. 1624; containing in front 22 feet, and (truth 159 feet to a 40 fent wide street, called Chanced° street. The house wasllt for the vicuna owner an occupant, and has ample modern couveniencea ; dose r nnusruaMy;numerous and comulodlons; furnace and Balti more nerie; bath rcom with 'hot and cold orate se chewer bath; gas. &c ; 'vault in cedar. frge7 The preen lees may be examined daily until 1 from I to d.P. M., to piteous brjnaing a written order f N. Thou as & Bons. and no etherd. , Tome— Two-thlrdß of the purchase money may reMaild in mortgage for I year, at 6 per cent. Immediate possession. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, n 021,28 189 & 191 South FourthAreer..' cREAL ESTATE—THOMAS & SONS' E,— Exteneive Truesel Drop ConlYard, kna wn ,the "keystone," B. W. corner of 'Twenty-eecon. set and Wee hingtun avenue, 96 feet front, 130 feet O. • to Alter street, 3 fronts. un Tueiday November 24, *- • t 12 o'clock Exchangeill be Bal valuable ic sale, at the rin dell:lda all that coal yard and the improvements thereon erected, attuate at the B. W. cor. of Twenty•aecond W etreet and ashington. avenue; con. tamping in front on' Washington avenue 96 filet, and ex tending in depth along Tweet) -second street HO feet to Alter street-11 fronts. The imptovemente are an office, new scales complete, 2 tracks each 130 feet in length, 24 bine, each capable of holding 46 tuns of coal • stone wall along the entire front 10 feet high, fence, toolouse built of stone, pump in the yard, &c. Subject to 2 ground rents, amounting to $264 a year. Tetme—s3,ooo may remain on mortgage. Immediate pusseieion. May be examined any day pre vious to sale. M. THO I MX 9 n& 411 O N S SA ou u rctt h iege e r • itREAL EBTATE.—THOMAS & SONS' BALE— Large and desirable Lot, southwest corner of Thir tl 'eighth 811:14 Bridge etreed extending through to Hamilton etreet ; throe fronts, 100 feet front, 218 feet deep, Twenty-fourth Ward On Tuesdily December 1,1808. at 12 o'clock, noon, will be Bold at public hale. at the Phila delphia hxchange, all that large and valuable lot of ground. situe streets.o southwest co o Thlrt3 -eighth. and Bridge Tweno -fourth Ward; containing in front on Thirty-eighth street 100 feel, and attending in depth 218 feet to llsmilton street. (which is 80 feet wide Bridge street is a groat thoroughfare, and a ill increase in value by the erection of the now bridge across the Bcbuylkill. The alcove lot is situate in a very improving neighborhood. TERMB—HaIf Cash. M. THOMAS & BONS, Auctioneers, 139 & 141 Bouth Fourth Bt. REAL ESTATE,—TEIOMAS At SORB' SALE.- oLair and valuable Lot, Forty-second street. south of Chestnut street, Wad Philadelphia. On Tuesday. December 1 1868. at 12 o'clock noon, will sold atoubliti - sale at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that large and valuable lot of ground, situate on th • west side of Fort ',- second street, 120 feet south of Chestnut street, West Philadelphia; containing in front on Forty second street 100 feet 2 Welker, and extending , in depth on the northc, line 168 feet IX inches and on the south line 151 feet 56 of an inch. Bounded Jewish by Saneom street. Sublet to a redeemable yearly ground rent of 6128124. Terms- 166,000 mlv rematn on mortgage. M. TIIOI4IAB tir SONS, Auctioneers. 139 and 141 S. Fourth street. rEXECUTOR'S S ALE.—EST.I.TE OF HUGH Busk, deceased. Thomas & Son Auctioneer... Iwo story frame dwelling, No. 616 Shippon atrhet, with a twostory frame dwelling in the rear. On Ines. dav,Dec. B. MB, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold ateublio S ir sale, at the Philadelphia xchange : All those frame roessusges and the lot of round thereunto belonging, situate on the sou h side of hipper. street, No. o°,B, be tween Fifth and Sixth litre te, containing in fro on fillieren street e s feet, and e ing in depth B 8 ..t. One of the house fronts on Shippc street, and the othe in the rear on Little Oak. . ~. M. Thu ..S 6t SO 8, Auctioneers. no2l 28 dc 6, 189 and 141 South Fourth St . - -' THE 15AllAY; EYENI , NR buLLFIf-jx-THILAbELPHLA , URDAY,,NOVEMBE 21,,,1868. iff, PUBLIC SALE.- t . as .&131.0;$ o;Mit; rION . sere.—Tbe one undiv •ed ' halt iiiterentin the I eal 1 I ill EetateiVery.,,wituable tract , of • Coal Land, SOU, 'ill count Pa.. 691 C,' ea %pone:Leg, ele which aro eever I veins nthracito Coal, Adjoining lands of tho Nal ' Fulli e CnlnPanYl and thof Colliery Of Mr. Gutter. in . conta g 691 acreqllivereheit, s.rict, measure. as a vey ad b & I); W. elbavdt. , —(ll7 Tuesday. riedember Bth, •IPBB, 19 &cinch:aeon. wi'l bo sold et public sale, at the MI elohla Exchange, Ml that undivided one.haif intent; n all that certain trserof land, situate in Schuyl kill to ehip, 11 thuylkill County, known* the Coal 11111 - at ata Er: red 'WWII of this Trnb,fikore under lease 'to:Mr. Pliny . it, from sehich the celebrated' "Fisk Fsintly Coal'. as mined. andfrom which ' propert .Mr. Gutter • manilas also since mintk i .---Three enter Veins.' 6,4 and-6 n ~ feet spectively, are , b eta on the Lewis Farmer Tract adjoining, and Mr. Wil ain.F. Roberts In his Burley, re. ports that these veiria pas 1 through this tract. 1 Elis toPo graphical plan,' with the lines of their' probable tome. may be seen at tho Auction tore, b 10.119 and 141 iNuttli Fourth stied.) In addition the feregbing„ .he reports 'another aeries of Five Team, irr._t:iet opened.` The . oat Veins lay on the side of "Sharn.Mtitintain;”-ghere is, triers. fore. a large getintity oLopainbove water 10,401 1110 propen y'is to be sold to-close,the interests bf two separate owners and will be Hold tn two separate ono fourths ; one-fourth on account of :the heirsof Mrs. sarah }cart, deceased, which will be put up separately. - the pur chaser having the privil go of taking the.other fourth at the same price: the etb onchalf is owned by a gentle manlwhe will eitheffaell r l a se the veins of coal to the purchaser of the other h , Terms—Half cash; hal ce secured bY nand and mon, grlge on the prop° , tr. in Melanin' gratmer.‘ The celebrated Black Band,lron Oro to 'Said to run through this tract. ' ... ...‘ This land was selected ootpressly for thevrelient'ormers by the late Bird Pattemn. r Bq. . Mr. IL C. Russell. at, Pottsvibe.:Willpoint out the prop. ertY to any one desirous of examining It. M. 'IIIO3IAS & h 0.. , 4 . Alletioneers. no2l-28 deg ' 13 9 and 141 Pon ti Fourth street. OIti'IIANdCUURT Zial.,B. 7 .llllTA.Thl OF DAVID P. Moore, deeeased.—Thomas Seas, dUctiodeeta— Bardsome Modern three-story Brisk Residence, with side yard, No. 943 Franklin .street, shot/a Poplar street, 26 feet front—Pursuant to an alias order lir the -Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia will be sold at public sale, on TuesdayOrber 15th, 1863, at-13 p'cleck, noon, at the Philadei xchange, tho follow. bog dceerlbed property, late of a dP: Moore, deceased, Adz,: All that messosgo and lot of ground, ell u4to on the east side 61,,Franklln street, 438 feat 735 inches north of Poplar street Twentieth Ward of the city, of Phdadol. phia ; containing in Vont on Franklin street 26 - feet, and extending in de_pth eastward herh,dth un the north entline thereof 67 'feet 63‘inc ailtdon the southern lino thereof 56 feet 135 inches. Boundednorthward ground now or late of of the estate of dterTen‘B. Letteral, doc'd; so othward by ground of Willt.m dketchloy; eastward by ground late of Peter Wagner, and westwardliy F, ank in street aforesaid: Being tae same prBmnises which. William Sketcbley by indenture dated 14th day of December. A D. 1865, recorded in deed.bonk L. 11.13„ No. 141, page 1.8, granted and conveyed unto said rapid P. 'Moore. to fee. Subject to a certain ground-rent Of $9l per annum, and the reit t Ar alpha therein mentioned. —B e Court, JOSEPH - MEQARY, Clerk O. C. - N. .-7,he house has all the modern eonveniences; three-story back buildings; parlor, dining-room and kitchen on the first floor; gas throughout, hot and cold water, furnace, cooking-range, marble vestibule, wash pave, &c. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneer., 189 and 141 South Fourth street . .. .4.6 AL b.cfrATE. , -,-T11051,4 .es. Sow isa..uo.— s:;• On', ueeday. Decenlber 1, 11963. at 12 o'clock. noon. will be soul at public luau, at&the Failadelphia Ex change. the followingdescribed propertY, viz.: No. I. Mooern Three-story lirickAtesidence,No. 549 'Franklin street—Ali that modern three - story brick m silage, with threms tory back building and lot of ground, situate on the west side of Franklin street. 67 feel - ‘i inches north of Biting Darden street, Nd. 524; containing - in front on Franklin street 23 feet 8 inches and extending in depth on the north line 66 feet 4%; morose; and on the south line 67 feet 53 inches, and In breauth.omthe reat . end 23 foot 3'o inches. It has the modern conviiiiencep. Terms--$3 . 600 may remain. , ‘.. No. 2. Genteel two-story Brick Dwelling, No. 529 Logan street. nil that desirable two story brick dwelling with two-story back building and bttof ground. situate on the east tide of Logan street. (in tlitvrear of the ab -ve.) ueing N. 529; containing in front on Logan street 15 feet, and eitencling in depth on the north line 51 f . et 9(,, of an loom and on the south line 52 feet. It is in god's( repair; has peril),, dining rommand kitchen on the first floor, die. 'Lem's—G.Bh. i . . No.B.—Desirable two-story brie dwelling, No. 614 Franklin street: All that r7vo stor riekAd welling, with basement and kitchen. and lot ci g di' situate on the west side or Franklin StretZt. 113 fe 15nth of Wallace street, No. 619; containing in fr Franklin street lti 1 feet, and extending in (tenth on d north line s:ifeett3 6 4 inches, imd feete soutlrline 521 et t 0 lathes, and on toe rear line 16 PI-inch. l i ly the ortenP conveniences. 'tents—gash. , i M. THOWAS & ONS. Alictioneers. .(..- - 10 a fl 14C S. fourth .treet , rutsuu bes.LA , TIA kilY.4d." St/el A Ut; YiLi eery. Very valaable iffy ro o ty. Store and , fomactibtor tunnike, Lower Mel ion townalnp, 'Montgomery com“y. Pennsylvania. 6 milts from Market eorebt bridge, 2 wilco above, Rev on villa On Tuesday, Ducembet 1869 ugVo'clock;noon, will be sold at public sale.." ,- " wPhiladelphia All those 2 doutO^ lagge and lat of ground tetv. , ^` of ..ower MIZE no2l,clefi,l2 there= u hes Merlon, Mont Laumster tur from Market comprising ia, :s al4Pd_ -noimpro • _ mente are a tw,, me noose, (occupied as two Jairellinga—rt. ret annum); alto a larger two!brory uoubm . da tiling, and Yenta4 fused at a slur • and I.nnum); staple and car• riage hoote r taiga ga. _......_ 4' e land is in a high irate of cultivation and is used' a truck farm. Tbe above is visry pleasantly located 13._ what is,known at Libertyvilie t abd.adjbine lands of Owe& Jones, t.aroline Fry and others. . _ . sat Wilt be sold according to survey. which . may be .. seen at the i 00MB. . 2 , M. TtiOIKAS & SONS, Aletioneers. .slr an 4 141 -iri•iih Port-fh •+••••.,,t. rirnnadsic iUnx ~ .04...,.,.-- rriunx.a a au,. 0, A action ecre.—Valuable Bueiness_ f4.tand.—'llwee st.ry Brick Building. tstesst,Engtne arid Boller, Nob. 408 slid 410 North Front street, between Cello whit! and Merges erta streets, 40 feet !vont- On l t uesday, Decem ber nt, 'BB at 12 o'cipEk, firkin will be sold atpublia sale, without renerve. arliil Philadelphia Exchange, all those 2 contiguous lots of crund,and the improvemente thereon erected, situate on t b weakside of Front, street. between Calsowhill and Margar.tta , streete, Nos We end 410; con t sitting togepher in front on Front street 40 feet, and ex tending in depth on the ebrth line 104 feet 3 inches. and on she south-line 2 inches, The improvements are a three story, brick listing, containies 40 horse power boiler, 28-horse sibw ' ngine, frame shedaing, &c. (Bull. Jo t to the removal at tich shafting of other machinery a Inch may be bou she above described -property;) tope:num with a n e .faillng'etwint, viten. co. pletely ar ranged. &c. The shove described propgrty conid be converted into any manufacturing purpose,, . Terms—s3,3oo may remain on'mortpage, Cis'' clear of all incurred. . la at !southwest d met of Second And Callowhill struts. N.. May be examined any day previdus to,salt.4. Sale absolute. .. .4, M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers. 139 and 141 South Fourth street, - . EXECITTOBB' EREMPTORY BALE.—ESTATE of trial/ Bunt, deceased.—Thomas & Bons, Auction. - eers.— andsometdodern f onr9story brick itesidence. with Bids yd, No. t 3, York avenue, between Batton -wood‘ and G een streets:& opposite public soare, 81 feet frOil 142 .t deep to China street. tin; Xtiesday, De c er et IUBK at 18 o'clock, nookOotrill be sold at pub. male, to out Faeroe. at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that handsome modern four-stay' brick measusge. with three4nof bark builtfings and lot of ground, situate' on the east s 1 - sof York,,Mvenue, north of Buttonwood street, No. 5315,..thp let containing in front en Yon k ave. nue , Bl feet, and - txtending en def Ail oiskthe north side 195 feet 34 incites and on the south side 137 feet 611 i inches to Chine street, 'The house wael', the' late o Aner for his own occupancy, and built of 'the best materiahs and in th - e Mort substantial manner,with 'all the modern convenisuces; has 2. parlors, dining rtioria•gn4 2 kitchen on the first tio,,Ms'ioome - on - the - second - 1A tin- the third floor, and one large robin on the fourth floor; g,..18 intro -0 used. 2 bathe, hot and, „r eld water, f titmice, cooking run go lag privement,4c. ; side yard and garden planted with flower er.dtc. - ~, , 'I 4 rues—lirilf cash. Poiseadon early. 6 rir (nem' of all i Immo branoe. May cc examinsd.anY!day previous to sale. $3OO to be raid at time of sale, , .' . AL TlistoiCiAS &ACES; Auctioneers. ' 0 21.28,40 ,• - 139 and,l9ldiouth Fourth strset. ... HEAL ITATE. —THOMAS & SONS' SALE.— On Tueeda , December 1. 1869, at 12 o'cicclg, noon, iY:Jtwill be Doi lit public sale, at the Philadelphia Ex change, the' follbwiug describe& pro pe. ty, viz.: No. 1. Business IStaisd. Three-story Brick Store and Dgrelling, No 812 doutn Fifth street, cornercef Buckly street, be• tweet/ Spruce and Pine streets. AD that three story mos image with two story back building and enoatory kitchen and lot Of ground. situate at the northwest corner of Fifth and Buckly streets; No. Ms: containing in fronton Fifth street 20 teat, and extending in depth tit feet 2 tnchee . It is a well established business stand; etas gats,tange, &c. riff - Clear of all incumbrance. No. 2.—Genteel three-story brick dwelling, N 0.920 South Twelfth street. All that genteel three-gtory brick Lace imago and one-story kitchen and lot of 'ground situate on the west side of Twelfth street, south of Christian street, N 0.920; containing in front on Twelfth street 16 feet, and extending in depth 60 rect. It has .the gas introduced, batb hot and cold water, range, &c. Ia" . Clear of all incumbrance. - Terme—Cash. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, 139 and 141 Routh•Fourth street. riOItPHANB' COURT BAUSILEBTATIi OF-MARY G. Lewellyn, decebeed. Thomas N. Sons, Auc. tioncer9- Dwelling. llitlPPen street, cunt of N th erect. Pure uant to an alias order of the o , 'phane . Court- ur the city and county of Philadelphia. will he void at pu - lie sale. on Tueeday. December-15. '6B. at 12 o'clock. noo , at the Philadelphia Exchange ~,the following described p roperty. late of M ary 0 Lewellyn, .deceeeed. Alt that lot of ground and the back mensuagejhercon erected. eituatcon the eouth aide of Shippers %Are. t. 45 feet 136 ine.bee eaet of Ninth street , containing in front on Ship pen etre t 19 feet 1034 incites,and in depth 16 feet S 'mhos. t p , Butwd on the Wein by grodud late of Maurice NcNa memo of ?LOMB ITS don,on thefouth brground late of Charle Bizet'. on th (Wit by' an elley 4 -feet. wide, left open by the said t, wles lifter, leading into Shippers street: together wittLthe common nee and privilege of said 4 feet wide alleVeading ban and from said Shilnaill street,as an alley.paelltige and water-cpuree at all ti awe for ever. and also tegother with the common lee and privi lege of a privy eithato upon the west. m line of mad let at all *nee forever, By th 9 Court. Jr' SEPIL IfEGARY, Clerk 0. C. -- IIIAE1t; moitroN, Administrator: ,D 0 T 1101312113 & .80 NB. Quctloncera. 189,& 141 E oath Fourth street. -31021,d erhn rit-REAL ESTATE—THOMA. As BONS , * BALE.— Largo and Vattl'able - Triangular Clay Lot, N. W. corner - of Broadiatteet and Germantown avenue.2B4 feet front On Tuekday,,llocember lst., -DM, at 12 o'clock, noon. will be geld okpublie Bale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all thlst large and vaityibld triangular lot of ground, situate on the westerly side of Broad stroot, at e inteection of Germantown avenue; containing in i m ont on Broad street 284 foot 4% inches, and on. German town avenue 251 feet!tßn inches,-and db the other tine 131 feet '131,111.0e5. fEr'Whe above very,,, very , , .. . luable as a clay lot et' building ~. purposes - -IM - Clear , of all incumbrance. —nsaB b,TLOIAB&IBONAh street.Aucron REAL } EiTAti-.THOMAB dr. BONS+ BALE a: ThreAstory brie dWelllng,lici. 1095 Parrish street ! " . 0 , weepnlsTent street. On Omni , y.Deceinber Ist, 'U.:. at 442 o'cl , noon, will be Hold at public sale, at 7, e Philo& irlila !a : flange, all th 4 three.story . brick 1/ 1 o'l 13. age. wit etory. back bli tiding , . and :lot of ; d. 'aunts e"'north side of Parrish et. oet, west nth street. 095, containing , in (rout : on putriou i re si a foot ~ „ d i, , and extending l e i n dop i al o'i lo 8% illeil e .. to a e li a' wide „alley. which Toadsbast into a 4 0 ,4, , wid k elilloY,, with miff' s outhward into Par rish otreet. , A . Subject tiyearV i rolin tent of , sat '..-,.. ut. i051.0.6'di SONS. Auctioneers. null 2, 1 1 ,t4Tik 139 and 141 H. Fourth: ', '',', ," ' , MEMO HANIRICK.-& COLE, N0..4p Nciith E ghth Street ONLY THIRTY, DOLLARS FOR A . .• . • , MOIRE ANTIQUE DRESS OF 611.1PE1111 . 11;011,16FFY. . , . On Mouthy . Meraing o Noy. 4 48 d, S WE HALL MEI{ PURE SILK MOIRE 'ANTIQUES Elegant Quality, at $3 00 pee yard! It ie only necessary to obecive that this GRADE ane WIDTH bas not been Hold herotofore at lop than SIX DOLLARS! HAMRICK. & COLE, No. 45' North Eighth .'Street. no2l-s to 2t 713 N. Tenth Et', above Coates' 715 I-1. SrIEMEIA & SON. Entire Iltoek to be closed Oat ulthoat .... relid to Cost. No Old 'Stock of Poor Style, but New and Choice Goods of this Eeason's Importations, Closing Out at from 30 to 50 Cents below Cost. • A fine opportunity for persorui about purchasing HOLIDAY PRESENT rs, Ame Goode that large assortment of the newest styles of Dress that will - make; very suitable and acceptable presents. Colored Wks at $1 50 i nduced from $2.. Colored Silks at $1 76, reduced from 89 25. 19 llieft "UGLY' SILKS AT $2, REDCCID FROM $2 50, Colored Corded Silks at $9 ON reduced from $2 75. 26 in. Col'd. Corded milk , at 69 60, 4Ou - '45 in. Taffeta Bilks at 62 60, " 3 50. Black Silks at Low Prices. . LYONS CLOAKING VELIET6 AT LOW ralfEl. All.wnol French Poplins, 66c. to $1 50. Silk and Wool Poplins, $1 25 to $3 Dress Goode of ovory variety, 1.2.Mc. to $3. BLACK ASTNACAN CLOrils. BROWN RACAN. WHITE ASTRA( 'AN. SCARLET BEAVERS. WHITE CLOTH& LIGHT BLUECL,GTHS. LIGHT CHINCHIL .AB. A large assortment otetyles and qualities of FINE PAISLEY nfIikWLES. A N D BRO WOOLEN SHAWLS. BHAWLSB AWLf3. . A.t Greatly Reduced Prices. HAMRICK & COLE. SPECIAL CARD: In order to prepare space for an unusually elegant display of 110L1- DAY GOODS nowin port and about to arrive, we shall exhibit from this date to December 10th the Greatest Barga4s_ever put forth in General DRY GOODS. We have determined to carry the smallest possible portion of our magnifloi nt stock after January Ist. HAMRICK & COLE, No. 45 North Eighth Street. nn2l tii towiletiip of on 'etimplvaulo, on the old on rocuilLabout Ai miles milts from *l(l'in:indite.; ' - end q6eic.npr2vn. Fall Trade. 1868 • EDWARD FERRIS, GIRARD STORES, N.W. eceN Eleventh and Chestnut Ste, Entrance 86 South Eleventh, OFFERS AT JOB PRIERS 20,000 Yards Hamburg and Needle Work Embroideries. ALSO. 1,000 Doz. Linen Hdkis.---Ali kinds. Real and Imitation Valenoienne,Thread, Guipure and Cluny Laces. Arid a complete !neck of CHI 0-40CDS. IlgerEttraheedt and King% celebrated make of Po-fangs and Riff!lino at Menet &entree', Prices. laSlSte th ■ LINEN STORE, IP . S2S street s• Several Cheap Lot® of ` TOV4LS, TOWELING by the yard, TABLE LINENS; ti NAPKINS, LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS', itqr The largest then Stock to "the city at toperterPa pikes. nem - - JOHN. W. THOMAS, Nos. 405 and 407 N. Second Street, OFFERS MB LARGE AND ELUGINT STOOK WINTER DRY 'GOODb, ET BILAOING ALL OF TELE Newest Designs and Fabrics, AT PRIDES WARRANTED TO BE AS , Low as they can be bought elsewhere, 448 t► Jalrp GRAND ! .Qo_ : :'...- - b1):.......A . '..T . ::,' , : . •,.4..::..ic;;;.Q:":,.. €OIS atid . P432o Chestrtht 'Street, Below IjOntinentel Hotel, PHILADELPH/A., NiPs- S t a sto ~C om me nce November , 2 ' COMPRIf3ING ' 1 Cloaking,Cloths, Laces and Em b ro id er i es.. Silks ' Dreg° 'lll"hailv s ' ' and Gio„8 &e, Li s' and White Goods: &e., Hos l ..erY .. e ' lle 2e - _ ',. .11tourning Voods &e ., &e, & . Owing to the wide reputation et hair Hone, it Is needless to detail the character of their stook H., C. & Co. would merely state that'their ' • • , IMPORTATIONS OF 111 E PRESENT SEASON WHICH MUST BE 8011 D NEW MARBLE BUILDING , CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE BROAD, Have never been'surparwl rbiladelphia, containing an . :Eiisiless Variety Of texture in medium priced goods, as well as the CHOWEIT NOVELTIES OF 'THE SE4SON. H.,, C. & Co. would ad We all desirous of obtaining ' • GREAT BARGAINS INpitY , GOODS, To lose no time before insPecting their stock, feeling assured that the UNPARALLELED PRICES, At which the entire stock will be disposed of, must insure • • RAPID SALES. . nol6 6t C A R D. . We open on Monday large lot of Black Goode, obtained at a gmatlcnite to the importer, and which we will con sequently. sell very much tower than the regular prices. We will alsooffer some of our own goods in store at the same' proportional reduction in prices, ammo which are : Poplin Pekin, reduced from $1 25 to 75 Fontes* ie, " 160 to 87 Biarritz, " 125t0 87 1-2 " 150 to 100 " 200 to I 50 "- = 5 to 2-00- Satin Lem Epinglinea, ic.• ALSO. French Poplin, Clinch!lle Cloths. reduced from $4 00 to 2 50 Beavers, reduced from -7-00 to 500 Hemstitched He kfe., reduced from 25 to 12 1-2 " fl . 31 .to_lB PERKINS, 9 SOUTH =TH. -STBEET.- A &J. B. BARTHOLOMEW S Grwid - Special.Sale Of medium and DEESS Gr-OOODS, comuumetns • Monday, Povembar 16th, To continue a few days only. Our Goode are an dedrabie, bought latently at the lowed erica, prevailing thls season. AND EARNED VERY LOW. THIS IB A BONA•FIDE REDUCTION SALE. We do not advertise goods at HALF THEIR ERE/SENT COST. as we do not have any old goods on our shelves to offer at ball cost, when said old stocks were bought at prices ONE HUNDRED PER CENT. HIGHER THAN OURS. Hence the great sacrifice AT WHIM WE ARE NOW OFFERING DRESS ..GOODS. • 37,%0. Dress Goo at 27. 44c. Dress Goods ds at 33. boc. Dress Goods at 3734. 56c. tees Goods at 45. Mc. Dress Goods at 48. 680. Dress Goods at 60. 750 Drees Goods at 56. 6734. Dress Goods at 70. 05c Dress Goods at 75. 6-4 Wool Detainee sta. 81 25 All wool double fold Stripe Poplins at 96. $1 87 Wool Poplins at $L $1 50 Wool roplins at $1 25. $1 e 2 Wool Popitns st $1 9734. 1-7613111 t and WooLl!oplins at $1 45. 137 c. Strgis at 70: - - - 690. Borges at 50. Black Alpacsa, 87340.. 40c.. 45c., 50c., 55c.. 606., 65c., to $1 25. PLAIN. VELVETEENS. ALL COLORS, CHEAP. SPANGLED VELVETEENS, CHEAP. Wool Shawls, Broche Shawls. Flannels, Balmoral Skirts. GREAT BARGAINS IN BLANKETS. Ladies. Merino Underwear. Cheapest in Philadelphia. 100 DOZEN KID GLOVES, NEW SHADES. $1 20 per pair. WE WARRANT EVERY PAIL Hdkfe. scarfs, Hoelory. Ladies*, !Emu' end Childrenta _ Motes in great variety. et low Prien l L Oar prices are so low aa to guarai4lrrtipli. sales and tatlifattlou to all loose that favor us ulth a call. A. & J. B. BARTHOLOMEW. 23 North Eighth - Street. P. B.—Cut this out and bring with yon. nol4 mtu fit .• 7 %PROPRIETORS OF HOTELS,BOARDING=HOWIRS SHIPPING. We have a special wholesale department for empplying Linen and Cotton (sheeting. Towels. Napkins. Single Bed and Berth Blankets. and 'other goods particularly adapted to your want& . ABMs aboye kind of goo& made up at abort notice if desired. 1 • STRAWBRIDGE &CLOTHIER CENTRAL DRY - GOODS STORE, Corner of EighOnd Market Ste. 6625 6m . _ INDIA SHAWLS AND SO.ARFS. GEORGE FRYER, , No. 916 011116WN171 1 . ii4,llEP7', • . ' Invites attention to rile ntock or Real India eimels Hair Shawls & Scarfs Also. an ()lomat stock of BILKS in _Black and Colors; FANCY BILK EIoUSUES, poray; BRAWLS and FANCY 431001:16. India bhawis and Illcarfp Altorod,Roptdrod.and Cleaned in a suporior mannor. oc3o.2(nrpcj SA.U-.O . FiP.UH-0.0.0 - PS Preparatory to mmoval to their 727 CHESTNUT STREET. 721 RICKEY, SHARP & CO. CH A NGEABLE SILKS RICKEY, SHARP & CO. ,CHESTNUT 1-e4tiv e l • Fourth and Arch._ PIAVE REDUCED-801ME_DBSIBABLE, AND DEL. SONABLZOOODS.ADITUCH. AND PERIIAPO Mos& THAN OTHERS. FDA THE SAME CLASS OP GOODS. LYONS SILK VELVETS. . _ EXPENSIVE LONG SHAW LS. RKT QUALITY rOpLly.e. Dr sr As kmADAN CLOThS. TELT - Far wig AND pLUSEIZEI. Dimes a 4 lUDs REDUCED, ALL-WOoL PLAIDS AND PLAID POPLINS diell6nt Wig TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. We have now In 'dere a very large an Led lasort• mend of By caning on USI you can not •only see all the styles to vogue. but be supplied in quantities to snit at tits lowest wholesalevateL Con nazism of stock and prime with any wholesale holm solicited. Beatles sent by mall wnen decked. STRAWBRIDGE &CLOTHIER CENTRAL EMPORIUM, Corner of Eighth and Market tits. 727 CHESTNUT STREET 72 REDUCTION IN THE PRICES OF DRESS GOODS. RICKEY, SHARP &CO. No. 7'27 Chestnut Street, OFFERTODAY 50 Ctitif s of Imported Dress Fabrics, at zo.tet Is per yard, Worth d r atio. RICHEYt SHARP& CO. No. 727 Chestnut Street. ILIVE JIIST OPENED 3 Cases At $1 90 per yard.._ 7 LADIES' CLOAKINGS. 1E131623. MM. FUELS :t A. H. & F. K. W(INRATII, No. 1212 Ohestnut Street, (Late - stand MARCH Street). ARE BELLING Children's Sets of Furs at 85. Ladies , Siberian Bqulrrel6ets,BB upwards f 6.. Mink Sable 66 SIO • 66 66 German Fitch ' $1.5 66 66 Stolle Marten 6 ' 220 , 66 44, lloYai Xrmine 66 640 66 6 , 6 Hudson Bay Sable " $5O 66 66 Russian Sable ,"$lOO " BRIM MOO BOAS, SKINIG MUFFS, &a, In GLOVES. • FOOT mum, up BLANKETS, • great variety of Carriage and Sleigh Babes. A. K. If s F. K, WOMB Ala, No 1212 Chestnut Street, turfas rn 4nirto ' SUNDAY EXCURSIONS— Change of Time. The splendid now Bteatubeat TWLLIOLIT leaves Chestnut street wharf. at 634 o'clock. A. .M. ' and 2 P. -444 for Burlington and Bribtol. touch ii gat Tacony. Riverton. Andalusia and Beverly. ] Leaving Bristol at 10) , 5 A. AL and 4P. M. Fare, 25eents each WaV. Excursion, 40 cents. my304,t1 CAPT. ii. ORAWFORD. FURS !
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