GIBSON PEACOCK, Editor. VOLUME XXIL-NO. 192. THE 'EVENING. BULLETINZ PuBL.IBIIED EVERT- EYSIN/NO, (Sundays excepted). TICIeNEW BULLETIN 607 Chestnut Street, •PhUndelphin. BT Tire EVENING BULLETIN ABBOOLtTION. peorairrota. GIBBON PEACOCK, CASPER sniinyNll,_ ar. L. FETIMESToN. Tues. VaLur spry FRANCIa W 8. The Btruxrut fa served to subscribers in the city at 18 aerate • week. paiable to the carriers. or 88 • annual. A,MBEICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Philadelphia, $. L Corner Fourth and Walnut Ste. sr Ma Institution has no superior in the United Matti. ra727-111 NIVEgDING CARDS. INVITATIONS FOR PAR. es.4se. New styles. MASON &CO., 146t1) PO7 Chestnut street. WEDDING INVITATIONS ENGRAVED IN THE VI Newest and best manner, LOUIS DREKA. ißar boner and Engraverat33 Chestnut street. feb2o,ll --- - - ECKEL—SPERING.—On Thuradayevening. 19th Inst., by the liev. Benjamin Watson. DM.. Samuel Eekel e to Sallie Spering, all of thla city._ FtilthEesTOCK—FAUrs T OOK.-In Lancaster., Nov. 19th, by Ray. J. Isadore Mombeut, LLD., Dr. IL A. Fatale 'talc. of Anowilie, and Emma Ellmaker. daughter of George Fahnestock• Eq., of Lancaster. ORAFF—AUDENRILD.— tin Trartday, 19th irwt. at the reddest. OWm G. Audenried• Rs b 1 the iteg..J. Withrow, Mr. Alfred Waft to MIAs Jeanie 51. Av dented •• GILULAN—UOPEINSDN.—On the 19th lust., at St. Mark's Church. by the Rev. W. 11. N. Stewart. LL. D.. Junta V. Gallia's. to Sarah W. Hopkinton. daughter of the late Richard Wiatar, Fag WILSON—MURRAY.--On the sth instant, at the reel amok of the brLde'e mother. by Rev. Frank B. Woo. Mr. William Wilton to Mina Mary Emma Murray. all of this city. • , DIEM IRELAND.—On the wonting of Wednesday. November ardour of the tate William Ireland. 3 be Male friends of the family are Invited to attend the funeral. on Saturday. the Mat hut. at U o'clock A. n• f rem her late realdtnee, 817 North Thirtotentlit street. • For Winds .and hough Weeitner.— C.otrate & co.'s Glycerine and Aromatic Boar* Are pre. duly the thing needed for the wind' and rough weather of Fall and W in ter.--iiellaiortie l eleaoope. not w.l .mizt GBLACK AND COLORED BILKS. vi FYI OUT ELK. CORDED SATIN FACE ORO GRAIN. PURPLE AND GILT EDGE. BROWNE AND BLUE (iRo GRAIN. MODE WM/ PLAIN IDLER. an= EY R b dt LAN DELL. Fourth and Arch. SPECIAL NIOTICM. SCIEN I IFIC 1.1 cru - REs. HALL YOUNG BlaN'S CIiBISTIAN ASSOCIA TION, No. 12(0 Chestnut sweet Dr. W. W. KEF.Nh will lecture this (Friday) evening ate o'clock. Subjeet—"The Circulation of the Blood." Wnatratod by experimentaimodels and microscopic preparations, ex hihtted by the magic lautern. Nov. Sti. Theo. D. Band, Esq. Subject---" Lead; Its Me tailm gy. Chemistry and Dace." Dec. 4. Bev. Daniel March. subject—"Artronomy." Lee 11. Dr. P. D. Keyser. Subject—“ The Anatomy and Physiology of the Eye." Dec. if), s r. E. B. Hutchins. Subject—"llealth, How to Preserre I t." Tickets free to member/ who have paid the annual dues for the ensuing year. TeT/21a of membership. SI co per annum. Apply at the It ler7llE OLD MAIDNEUS , EL.—sERVioE in the Now Lecture Itooni.'ennoer'Pront and Union attneta. between Spruce and Pine. Mc A. M. and&i 7 P.M. Sabbath School at 9 o'clock A. kV &feeling for prayer and addrewea every Tueeday evening, at 734 o'clock. "W however will, let him come." It p er PHILADELPHIA ORTHOP.DICF. HOSPITAL, No. 15 South Ninth street. —Cluthfoot, Hip and Spinal Diseases, and Bodily Deformities treated _,Aotly daily at 12 o'clock. D. 3m.r55 iser 110WAItH HOSPI TAL. streeL NOB. pensary D 1518 e lg : TDD.e4ll)Lombar. eal treatment and medicine furnlsh:2 ' gratuitously to tbn perm THE ISAAC WEBS DISASTER. Later and Fuller Facts About the Voy age and Wreck— Statement of Me picot Mate of Inclsttac Webb—The Cargo bayed In a Damaged Condi tion. Further and more accurate information con cerning the packet ship Isaac Webb' has been ob tained. It appears that the first account of the severities of the voyage was considerably exag gerated, so far as regards the reported suffering of the immigrant passengers, and the death of several of them, of hunger. These on board, however, experienced considerable privation and peril from the stress of weather and the insubor dination of the crew—sufficient hardship enough to make a similar voyage undesirable to any of them,DanL H.Cozzens.the Ist mate of the vessel,a thorough seaman makes the following report of the difficulties which occurred on the voyage: He assumed command after the death of the Captain; Iwo mutiniessoon broke out,which he had to sub due; one was brought on by the crew indiscrimi nately sharing out water and provisions during his sleeping hours, which left the vessel with a scant supply of provender and drink on the last week of the trip.,The packet ship left Liverpool on the 22d of Sepember; she bad 70 days pro visions on board in conformity with the English passenger act,' these were intended for 400 passengers; only 377 passengers sailed, however, many of whom were children. On the 12th of this month he commenced. to serve out the rations, and found a large deficit. There were only remaining calf a barrel of Sour, two barrels of oatmeal, and three bags of rice, together with a email quantity of other food. The usual weekly supply furnished the passen gers was 2 barrels of flour, 2 barrels of oatmeal, 1 barrel of sugar, 2 barrels of peas, and 2 bags or rice. The ship was leaking at the time. and many of the passengers bad been incessantly working at the pumps, conjointly with the crew, for several days. Of course it be came necessary, in this condition of things, to put those on board on a sho. i allowance, which was done. This commenced on Saturday last, when each person received two biscnite.but ended on the same day. On the next day, Sun day, a vessel was hailed and boatiled, which proved to be the bark Brazil, of Yarmouth, Nova 13cotia,from London to Philadelphia,3o days out, from which a sufficient stock of provisions for the remainder of the voyage was secured. The first mate emphatically contradicts the statement that any of the passengers died for want of food. Vivo infants (two born on board) died. The mate also mentions that a portion of the crew were colored men, and says that they would not obey orders. On the night of the 23d of October, while it was blow ing hard, he ordered some of them to farl the simile, but they-would not go Out on the yards. It is claimed that during the passage the second - mate, John - Nolan, - supporteld by some - of the white crew, endeavored to usurp the superior au thority of he first mate, and compel aim to run the vessel into Newfoundland, beside acting in a demonstrative manner on other oc casions. It is also , said that the black crew only rebelled because they were badly treated by their white companions. The packet ship was yesterday morning hauled from the beach at Sandy Hook, and was towed to her dock at the foot of Beekman street. It is esti mated that it will cost the owners $25,000 to place the vessel in good condition. The cargo of the Isaac Webb consisted of 2,400 bags of salt; nearly all lost; also, several hundred bales of wool, 100 casks of soda, about 100 casks of she'e.p skins, several hundred bare of iron and casks of bleaching powder. The loss on cargo is heavy. —N. Y. Tribune. —A rather disagreeable clerzyman was a candi date for the chair of Hebrew in'one of our. New England institutions of learning. A gentleman who was asked if he thought the candidate was suitable person for the professorship, replied, "Certainly, he is one best he•braists in the emu - —Cows can be purchased at $lO the dozen in Texas. EUROPEAN AFFAIRS A WOZIAPI 9 B EXPERIENCES IN EUROPE. NO. XXVI. [Correspondence of the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. f Ilflalt to the Sewer" of Pasts. l'snrs, Nov. 6.—Yesterday, the fifth of Novem-i ber. was the day appointed by the Chief of the sewerage department for our party, to,n,qter the subterranean vaults of Parfs,so interestlitg to the readers of Lea Misirables. The ticket of riotiftea tion informed ns we must be at the Place de 'la Madeleine, on the alde'of the Houlevard Male sherbet; at ono and a quarter o'clock precisely- Arriving, we found about twenty-four persons assembled around a temporary railing of iron thatsnclostd the opening to the sewers, two Iron. doors that lay flat on tho pavement just like our covers over the gas and Water pipes in the streets of Philadelphia. The doors opened; a 'narrow spiral stairway was disefbaed, and a ray 'of light from a lamp far down the disinal entrance rather increased the gloom than any attractions the place might have. However,when the Chief, dressed in Gin ernment uniform, with the title of his office fn gilt letters placed conspicuously on his hat, gave the signal, we started, single file, and in a moment were nearly blinded by a glare of light from rows of kerosene lamps in the hands ofmen who were to conduct us through the sewers. At the foot of about twenty-five steps, two large boats were waiting for us, and when my sight became man ageable, that was at first dazzled by the swinging lights reflected upon the water, the boat rocking as each one stepped en the side, I tried to realize that I was not entering a death-barge on We Styx, or a hearse gondola on the Via Mora, or funeral canal of Venice, by night. Who would imagine a sewer, through which .the dish-water of Paris was carried, could be converted into a canal twelve feet broad, a foot-path on either side of solid stone, where two persons could pars each other; a vaulted roof, along which water and gas-pipes, two feet in diameter, were conducted, and telegraph wires by dozens were held. From the centre of the arch large lamps were suspended every ten or twelve feet. Oar party having seated themseves in two boats, there were twenty men in blue blouses and wooden sabots ready to seize the ropes when the command, " A ranee:," was given. Presently a faint sound of a horn was heard, that grew louder as It was caught up and echoed from every angle of the sewers. Our Chief gave a shrill.whistle, and ethe men started on a trot. On the sides of the walls small white porcelain plates were inserted, bearing in black letters the dates and heights of risings of the waters at different periods, some, of them considerably above our heads, and sgestive of the horrors escaped by Jean Vaijean, at the Place de la Bastile, at the time of- the French revolution. The names of the Streets under which we passed and the corners of the cross streets were marked, so we could tell exactly our direction. Running down the main sewer of the Rue Royale to the Place de la Concorde, we found—what do yqn suppose.'—a train of cars waltitigfor us i Six of the prettiest little cars I ever saw. They con sisted of six platforms, about eight feet square, with brass railings, seats cush ioned with red leather, no top to the care; and on each corner of the cars a brass lamp, with grained glass globes, formed a bright and beautiful finish to this fairy-like conveyance. The sewer was narrower here and the wheels of the cars ran on brass rails laid on the edges of the foot-paths. Each car had an iron handle back and front, with a brass cross piece like those on our hose carriages at home. When the cars started, four men pulling and pushing each down the grade of the Rivoli sewer, the long vista of the illuminated vault, the regu lar clack of the sabots on the stone walk, water splashing into the side entrances either on stone steps to break the force,or inverted arches to pre_ vent splaping of the main canal, the speed of our human locomotives, the expression of de light and wonder on the faces of our party, . strongly thrown out by the four foot-lights on each car—all was so strange, and half pleasing, half frightful, that, like the rest, I waited to see what the end world be. After trotting a mile and a half we were suddenly landed at a large iron gate, and so intense was the light there that I went back to my first theory, and concluded we were at the gate of Dante's Inferno. But it was no such place; we had arrived at the Pince du Chatelet, and the light was the powerful sun of noonday,on the white embankment of the Seine, and opposite the two tall towers of the Palais de Justice, invit ing us to come and see that we wore in a world of reality, that there the beautiful Marie Antoinette suffered the torttuts of imprisonment, and from there was released by death alone. As we had horrors enough for one day, we promised onr selves the renewal, at another time, of this visit. What we see there" I will relate anon. E. D. W. LETTER FROLIC VIENNA. VIENNA, Oct. 30, 1868.—Theevent of the day is the exposi of foreign relations by Baron Beast in t he Committee of the Reichsrath - on the Army Bill. As you will remember, this bill fornis an integral part of the compromise with Hungary, while at the same time it was to be the basis of an army reform. Hungary accepted it because by the establishment of a militia on a national footing it satisfied, up to a certain point, the long-cherished wish of the country to have a national armed force, and it was agreeable to the sovereign and military authorities because it in troduced general liability to service and increased the effective force in time of war from 640.000 to 800,000 men. The provisions of the bill which made it most acceptable to the sovereign and military advisers on the one hand,sind to Hungary on the other, were those which made it most dis tasteful in the western half of the Empire. In the well-to-do German provinces the ex emption from military service by payment was very poptilar, - and its abolition was felt as a great hardship. Then, both in and out of the Reichs, rani, there has long been a decided tendency to reduce the effective force •of the army, and thereby relieve the Treasury of a bfaen which has had the largest part in its financial embarrassments. It was, therefore, to be ex pected that there would be a strong opposition to a demand for increasing the effective force, instead of reducing it. Finally, in Hungary the organization of a national militia was a set-off against this sacrifice; in the German provinces the militia was only looked upon as an addition al burden. Moreover, the very name "Honved," which revived the memory of 1848-'49, sounded it, and the establishment of a national militia in Hungary was considered as - a last blow to the unity of the Empire. As most of the Cisleithan Ministers were tinted by these notions i lf they did not entirely share them, they could scarcely be expected to display extraordinary energy in urging on the committee of the Reicherath to adoptideas-which were not much to their own taste; but even had they been zealous converts to these ideas, they could not use the most weighty arguments which might be PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2Q, 1868. brought forward in support of them—the neces sity arising from the state of Europe; so the hetper•in•need, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, volunteered to come to the rescue. In his quality as Minister of Foreign Affairs, Baron Benet comes in contact with the delega tions only, which are the representatives of both Legislatures, and not with the Legislatures them selves ; but he is a member by election of the Reichsrath, and may in that quality be chosen to form part of any committee; and of the Commit tee on the Army Bill he determined to be a mem ber. There was equal disposition in the House to gratify this desire. It was felt torte au anomaly to admit one of the most important members of the Government to take an active part in the de liberations on a prdposal of the Government, and thus lo exercise, perhaps indirectly, a pres sure on the decision. In order to overcome this unwillingnees, the members of the Cisleithan Go vernment bad to canvass the House, and their canvass was so successful that Baron Beast was elected at the head of the poll. The committee had got to the paragraph firing _ the effective force of the s army at 800,000 for the next ten years, on which an animated discussion arose, the proposition of the leader of the Ex treme Left toxeduce it to 500,000 finding strong support and having. great chances 'of being adopted, Cisleithen -Ministers, the Representative of Minister of War,-and-several safe Ministerial- Isis trying in vain o make head against the cur rent. This was the moment for the Minister of Foreign Affairs to come to the rescue, and after having asked the members of the committee to keep to themselves what they were going to hear, Baron Beast made an (=pose of the situation of Europe, from which he drew the conclusion that an effective force a 800,000 was by no means too much under the circumstances. The effect , of his expose was that the force demanded was agreed to. The minor Press of Vienna is noted for finding out such secrete, or, at any rate, for divulging them, and the very next morning the Wrener Tageblatt gave an acount of the speech of the ' State Chancellor , w ch found its way with little di , variation into other en 3, and has given rise to much comment. The tate Chancellor began by assuring his bearers tha the policy of Austria I t c aimed at the preservati n of peace, but that it did not depend upon her alone to maintain it. Austria entertained the most cordial relations with England and France, but had kept her freedom of action entire. Austria was likewise ongood terms with Italy, but Italy was not always free to act as she liked. With regard to Prussia,Baron Beast stuck to the policy before annouced, warmly to •• t all idea of revenge or retalia. - .L ,• ,nt he could not say that Prussia •.,. m ays met these good dispositions half way. With Russia, AlM tria is likewise anxious to entertain amicable relations, but in the eyes of some it is almost a crime on the part of Austria to exist at all. In the expectation of a conflict between Prussia and France, Austria must be prepared to make others respect her neutrality, and to check others who may be inclined to interfere.. It was above all with regard to such eventuality that the effective force of 800,000 men was desirable. With regard to the Hungarian militia, Baron Beast remarked that it was just this force which might be called upon first to come into action, as it was a well known fact that the Danubian Principalities were being transferred into a great arsenal. Now, If you go point by point through this speech, you will find nothing which has not been known and discussed for months past, but things even well known sound very differently in the mouth of a Minister of Foreign Affairs from what they look in the columns of a newspaper; so, coupled as they were with the injunction of se crecy, they were rather calculated to startle, and they did startle people the first moment,but they soon recollected the circumstances under which they were said. Ministers who have to ask unwilling Parliaments for sacrifices are some what in the position of parents with naughty children, when the trick of calling in the help of Old Nick is often very effective. That on such occasions the old gentleman should be brought as close as possible to the imagination is bat natural, but for all that there is no necessity of inferring that he is standing close by. The 800,- 000 men who were to be granted by the Com mittee are the comment on the picture of Baron Beast, and they have been granted. POLITICAL. OFFICIAL MAJORITIES. Connecticut—rOffacial.] Gwrramon.-1863. Passim'—lsa .Countiee. Jewell. Eng lilt Grant. Seymour. Hartf0rd......... 9657 10217 9931 9924 New Haven 10089 12983 10722 12192 New London.... 6230 5629 6336 5299 Fairfield 7831 8595 8614 8235 Litchfield 4978 5283 5130 4983 Middlesex . 3352 3168 3473 2973 Windham .. 4029 2540 4167 2335 ..... 2611 2125 2622 2009 48777 50541 Total vote ? 98,047. Grant's maj., 3,043. English's mai., 1,764; Republican gain., 4,807, New Jersey—[O/110LO.] Grant, Seymour, Blair, Randolph, Rep. Dem. Rep. Dom. 1633 1091 1632 1096 2164 2770 2149 2789 Counties Atlantic. Screen . Burlington 5925 5161 5891 5206 Cape May 958 672 946 688 Oamden 4150 3613 4126 3656 Cumberland 3777 2353 3742 2394 Essex 13043 11522 12902 11720 Gloucester 2475 1769 2460 1796 Hudson 7301 11073 7103 11301 Hunterdon 3414 4796 3384 4795 Mercer 4378 4435 4338 4480 Middlesex 3946 4274 3912 -4325 Morris 4283 3934 4210 4074 Monmouth 3771 5236 3706 5303 Ocean 1870 1002 1856 1020 Passaic 4055 3406 1032 3431 Salem 2554 2200 2553 2220 Somerset 2186 2535 2179 2539 Sussex 2186 3269 2219 3211 Union 3425 3734 3373 3785 Warren.... 2627 4156 2620 4122 Total 80121 83091 79333 .83951 80121 79333 Maj. for Seymour 2980 Randolph.46lB LEGISLATURE. Benate....Republicans...9 Democrats....l2 Assembly—Republiemm..2B Democrate....B2 Democratic majority on joint ballot, 7 GEN. GRANT ON UNIVERSAL SUF FRAGE-HIS tutHINGT. Speculations of a Democratic Corres pondent Rased on Radical informs• 0011. tWashington (Nov. 18) Correspondence of the Boston Poet.) A distitguished Radical Senator, who arrived in this city last evening, says that the idea now becoming so prevalent of General Grant's con servative views will prove delusive. He bases this declaration upon his knowledge of Grant's political faith as derived directly from the General immediately after his nomination by , the Chicago Conyention. Among other things he says that Gran't emphatically declared to him a full endorsement of negro suffrage, enforced, if necessary, by Congressional action. In a protr*ted conversation on the subject between the General and a number of Radical Congress men-he said he had been at one time opposed to extending the right of franchise to freedmen,but that his views had undergone a - radical change on that question, and that he now regarded it as essentially necessary for the protection of the negrees that they should be armed with the bal lot. This Senator , further says that daring the latter portion of the last session of Congress Grant was in the lead, on all radical measures, and favored the most' radical method of exe cuting the several reconstruction acts: - Hence he laughs at the idea that Grant's inaugural Will lay out a conservative policy for his administration :—.uriless an administration of the laws,as enacted and underetood by the radical party, can be con sidered conservative. Our Senatorial informant further stated that General Grant had, no doubt OUR WHOLE COUNTRY. fixed upon the whole of his Cabinet, except a Secretary of the Treasury.and upon this he would probably decide while in New York. He thinks that Mr. Motley, late Minister to Austria, will be tendered the State Department. This gentleman, who is ono of the rising states men of our country, hall been spoken of in con nection with the position of Postmaster-General in the — next Administration, by a Chambersburg correspondent of the Erie Republican, who thus alludes to him : "Eon. 'Edward McPherson, Clerk of the National Rouse of Representatives, is from this district, from wirch he was elected to Congress in 1860. At the close of his service in the House, as a member he was elected to his present position, in whicli be has main tained the exalted character he showed himself as pos sessed of while as a representative. Next to Schuyler Colfax, no °Dicer of the House has been more popular than has Ron. Edward McPherson. Rio pu lineal manual has made the masses. acquainted with him all over the land, as a clear thinker and a sys tematic worker for the people. •• We have heard him epokerrof several Lines as Postmaster-General in the next Administration.' it he 'shall be chosen for that position the people will be served as faithfully as by Benjamin Franklln, the - first head of that Department. Later Accounts or the "erie War:, The N. Y. Herald of this morning says Wall street continues to be a kaleidoscope of interesting changes. Tuesday Erie 'and gold were the features. Yesterday' Erie was the ab sorbing object of speculation. To-day New York Central comes upon the stage as Erie makes its retiring bow. The mat campaign in Erie has ended with vie tory_for_the clique and discomfiture for their opponents. The latter were forced to capitulate on very hard'terms. They took the best they could get. Annihilation stared them in the face did they persist in the struggle. The great Erie "corner" "burated"about 2 o'clock this afternoon. The efforts of the Drew party to stay their fate by purchasing stock themselves at the ruinous rate to which the price bad been forced were without avail. It was their last card. Tiffs sublime strategy which produced for the receiver of the Erie Railway the power to pur chase back the overissued stock was too much for them. It was the de cisive manteuvre of the battle. The clique could now run Erie up to par, which con tingeneF would be the certain bankruptcy of the "shorts" A flag of truce was sent in and a settlement arranged by which the Drew party paid for the stock at an average price of ato 58. They put out their contracts at from 35 to 40 on an average of 37 to 38. As they were "short" 30,000 shares, and had sold " calls" n :01, 0 more, a little arithmetical calculation will how that their losses, after making alio for the stock purchasedi to " cover," amount to about a million and a quarter of dollars. This, of course, is a trifle, pecuniarily, to the wealthy operators who were caught by the "corner," and they would hardly regret it were it not for the triumph of their enemies and the ziuzurais on of the whole . thing. The course of Erie was,as may be conjectured, ' very fitful in connection with these movements on the part of the respective combatants. It opened in the morning on the street at all sorts of prices, with a difference of ten per cent. be tween stock deliverable on the spot and stock de liverable before the usual hour, which- is a quar ter past two o'clock in the afternoon. The sign was immediately interpreted to mean that the "corner" was to culminate to-day and the result has proved the correctness of the inference. The price of Erie. for cash, went up as high as 62, bat the bulk 01 transactions took place between 57 and 60. After the "bursting" of the "cor ner" it went down to 42, the price about two o'clock in the afternoon. From this point it took a sudden start upward,partially in consequence of a report that the settlement of the Drew party was a "hoax," and partially be cause it was said the receiver was buying in stock in accordance with the powers granted him to retire 200,000 of the overisaued certificates. It ascended gradually and rapidly to the vicinity of 19; but as nothing transpired to confirm these reports, it settled again, and at six o'clock this evening Erie is quoted at 44®44X. Whether it is to be permitted to remain quiet lies within the knowledge of the clique. With the power to issue new stock and withdraw the overissnes—and the clique have the power and the opportunity to do either or,both—Erie is ever a reliable means of profitable speculation in their hands. The print ing press will continue to supply all the new certificates required to make another "short" venture successful, while the retirement of the certificates at any moment will permit "long" transactions to be equally remunerative. Cer tain circumstances which will presently appear indicate that the clique intend to let the fertile field of Erie lie fallow for a time while they un dertake a raid among other stocks on the list. Certain it is that at the close of business to-night Erie was comparatively neglected, while New York Central and Hudson River suddenly turn,' into active notice. 50995 47942 It seems that a few weeks ago the clique sud denly became ambitions of subjecting New York Central to the tender treatment, %which they have been dealing out to Erie, --- AtAlt hence they began to buy and put away the stock and make contracts for more. How far this am bition extended it is useless to attempt to guess, bat doubtless they sought to control the direction of the road and elect a President from their own number. The veteran Commodore who wields the destinies of the Central was too wily to suffer himself to be so easily thrust from his throne. He headed off the game by suddenly closing the transfer books on the. 7th inst., preparatory to the election which is to come oil on the 9th of next month. To-day the result of this complication was shown in the sudden rise of New York Cgntral stock from 121% cash in the morning t 0 1 .29 at 4 o'clock In the afternoon. There was a report on the street that the clique had obtained a mandamus from one of the Judges, ordering the opening of the books, and that they,, succeeded by this means in having 75,000 or 80,000 shares trans ferred under their name. That there was a de mand for the stock is undeniable. Both the clique and the agents of Mr. Vanderbilt were heavy purchasers, white one per, cent. was re ported offer - 8d for the use- of proxy stock. The price underffils stimulus rose to 129. But the books were not reopened, nor was any manda mus served at the transfer office up to the close of business. Several inferences may be drawn from these facts. In the first place it is probable that the clique bought the stock with the inten tion of controlling the election, but were baulked by the closing of the books. It doubtful if they procured enough stock to cast a majority vote, as it is rather authoritatively asserted that Mr. Vanderbilt and his friends, as soon as they disco vered the scheme, took good care to provide themselves with more than half the stock of the road. If the clique did procure enough they failed in getting .the mandamus. In either_ case they found themselves pretty well loaded with the stock: — The — satipicion, therefore, gained ground towards the close last night that the price was run up merely to enable them to "un load" profitably. The consequence was a very creasy feeling after half-past four o'clock, and the price of Central declined to 12630,127 X at six o'clock. Hudson River, which is also under the wing of Mr. Vanderbilt through sympathywith its neighbor became quite active, and closed at 12830124. The remaining stocks on the list were comparatively neglected, through a whole some fear on the part of operators. Colonel Ceopedes Provisional Presi dent—Orders for _ F Conscription— Puerto Principe cillen—limbel Vic tory at Jilam s HAVANA, Nov.'• 18, by *ay of KEY WEST, Nov. 19, 1868.—From revolutionary sources we learn that 'Colonel Ctispsdes Is acting as Provisional President, in the , absence of Colonel Aguilera. Re has issued a decree.ordering all citizens be-, tween tbe ages of 'eighteen and forty to bo en rolled for active, service, under penalty, in case of failure, that they be declared enemies. All na tive male persona between the ages of 40 and 60 must do "home guard" duty. Lieutenant-General idareano commands the Eastern Department, Agucro to Central, the Han. Edward flcPher.ou. THE PANIC IN NEW TOBH• 'ovis&. other chiefs being Mactdol, Eisnestebin, Berdomo and Persica. The latest news by telegram,reeelyed last night froni Puerto Principe, andonnees that the go vernment troops who were besiege , ' with the Governor in a convent had surrendered to the in surgents. At Jilure the Insurgents whipped the tXOOp3 DRAMA.TIU AND MUSICAL. —At the Walnut, Mr. Forrest last night played Othello to a crammed house, which hung upon every word from first to last. We have seldom seen anaudience more completely in sympathy with a performer. As for the tragedian, never has he been so inspired, so strong, so ripe and pure in style as now. Time has only mellowed the bass of one of the grandest voices to be heard on any stage, and the long career that almost covers the dramatic history of. America has been profitable. to him in lessons and experience. Many of the mannerisms which have sourer. hat, annoyl Mr. Forrest's beat friends are now sub dned, while the fiat symptom of decay or lassitude has yet to appear in that energetic delivery.. His reading last night in the calmer passages—such as the beginning of the temptation-scene with lago. and the landing scene at Cyprus,in which Othello hardly knows how to express his over-brimming light-heortedness, was an example of harmony and refinement which we have never known to be excelled, while his immense reserves of pas sion and strength were fulminated with the ut most grandeur. Mr. G. H. Clarke recited the part of Lego slowly. weightily, and with the ut most intelligence, bringing the minutest points Into light like a careful Shalrespearestudent as he le. Mrs. Charles Walcot's Desdemona was very pure and delicate. Her husband made as good a Casio as need be, and Owen Fawcett's low comedy interpretation of Roderigo, if not very Shakespearian, was immensely to the taste of the house. Mr. Forrest will appear this evening as "Richard Taird." —The Lancashire Lass will •be repeated at the Chestnut this evening and to-morrow afternoon. On Monday the drama Blow for Blow will be pro duced in handsome style. —At the Arch Street Theatre the Lancashire Lass is continued on the bills. —The American Theatre announces a miscel laneous enttrtainment this evening. —The theatre Comique is improving its per formance nightb',,This evening It announces a varied entertafiament, in which the entire com pany will appear. The Saturday matinees will be given for the benefit of ladies and chlldren,and the price of _admission will be reduced to twenty five cents. —Miss Caroline McCaffrey's concert will be given at Musical Fund Hall this evening. The sale of tickets has been large, and a full house will reward the efforts of the artists who have arranged this fine entertainment. —Messrs. Bentz and Hassler will give their usual orchestral matinee at Musical Fund Hall, to-morrow afternoon, when the following pro gramme will be presented: Surprise SymphOny, No. 6, in G major n - Haydn Introduction—Adagio cantabile, 1, Vivace asset. 2. Andante. 3. Minuetto, Allegro molto. 4. Finale —Allegro molto. Overture—Le Lac des Fees.... Auber Song—Adelaide Beethoven Waltz—Getnisths Tone,(Sounda from the Heart,) (By request,) ...... ............ Piefke Second Finale Verdi The management of the Bentz-Ressler Or chestra has been solicited to produce, on the same evening, Mendelssohn's Reformation Sym obcny and Schubert's Unfinished Symphony. 'For this purpose the orchestra will be made com plete in all its details and requirements, by the engagement of sixty artists of the first rank in their profession. The string instruments to be apportioned as follows: 15 first violins, 10 second violins, 5 violas, 5 violoncellos and 5 contra bassos. The rehearsals will be frequent, exhaustive and perfect, but private. The private subscription list having already reached a sufficiently large number, the management announce that a public list will be opened to subscribers at W. H. Boner & Co.'s Music store, No. 1102 Chestnut street,on Monday, November 23d. —The sale of tickets for the Italian Opera season, which begins on the 30th inst., will com mence on Monday next, at Trampler's. Max Maretzek's company contains some of the most accomplished singers in the country, and in his repertoire are found favorite German and Italian operas. Of course everybody will make the most of the singleopportunity offered this season to enjoy legitimate opera. After the miserable French burlesque with which we have been sur feited for weeks past, high art from genuine artists will be thoroughly appreciated. ,Max Btrakoach's two concerts, at Concert Hall on the 25th and 26th instants, promise to be very successful. Miss Kellogg will sing popular ana classlcal music and Miss Alide Topp, the fa mous pianist will givens specimens of her ability. A number of other artists will participate in both entertainments. —Blind Torn will perform at Concert Hall this evening, and to-morrow afternoon. —The Young iiiinnerchor gave their annual concert last evening at the Musical Fund Hall, which was crowded. The orchestra, led by Mr. Hartman, opened the concert with the overture to Der Freischiitz, and opened the second part of the programme with the first finale of Wagner's Lohenfirm,be,sides accompanying in several of the vocal pieces.' There was an Insufficiency of stringed instruments. but the perfor- Mance was generally good. The vocal part of the entertainment was very fine. The Young Miinnerchor ,has never had so fine and well-balanced a body of voices, and it has never shown such excellent training. The chorus itohtraut," by Veit, was-splendidly sung; so, too, was the beautiful "Friitilingenahen" of Krentzer, which was enthusiastically encored. The fine, stirring and dramatic "Geisterschlactur of Kretschruer was given with grand effect, and the same may be said of the final piece, a " Roman Triumphal Chorus," by Brush. Mr. Graf sang a beautiful air by Abt so well that 'he was called out and sang another. Mr. Hartmann, in Hiiltzel's in "Glockengellinte," was deservedly honored in the same way, but declined the encore. A charm ing quartette by Storch, called " Waldeinsam keit," was sung: with exquisite grace and. feeling by Messrs. Graf, Hartmann and two other gen tlemen. The whole performance was heartily en joyed by an intelligent and appreciative audience largely composed of Germans. —Several prominent professors of this city contributed their services last night to display an instrument built by E. and G. G. Hook, of Bos ton, Mass., for the Green Hill. Presbyterian Church. The organ has two banks of keys, and a pedal of two octaves and a third. Much admiration was expressed at the beauty of the fancy stops, and the ensemble full organ blended with fine ffect, showing a proper bal ance among the different qualities of tone. The power of the instrument is also well proportioned to the size of the bullding i showing judgment on the part of the builders in adapting the voicing td the space to - be filled; and - although seemingly a small matter, the case was much admired for its fitness of style and propriety of ornamentation. It was no matter of surprise to find that Messrs. Hook bad built an organ coming up to all the demands made upon them for the firm is an old-established manufacturing house.and has built some of the largest and best instruments in the country. The reed stops of the Messrs. Hook have long enjoyed a truly enviable reputation, and it is only fair to say that their diapason quality is by no means inferior. The congrega tion of the Greenhill Church has occasion to be proud of the noble instrument they have just erected in their beautiful edifice. —When General Lamoriciere arrived at Rome a solemn review of the Papal Army was held in his honor. Five Generals cantered by his side; among them was the Roman Prince X., whose remarkable martial air and formidable white mus tache misled Lamoriciere. "Combien de caul pagnes aces vous?" (in how many campaigns hate you fought?) asked Lamoriciere of Prince The Roman warrior, who never heard a bullet \ whistle, thought Lamoriciere wanted to know r,bow many estates he owed, and replied to the General's surprise: "I used to have five, bat have sold four of them." F. L. FETHEIRSTON. Publist= PRICE THREE OENTS. FIFTH EDITION BY TELEGRAPH. LATEST CABLE NEWS Gatibaldi Urges a Dictator for Spain LATER FROM WASHINGTON fiepolts of the Military Commanders ALL IN EXCEPT ROUSSEAU'S OFFICIAL ELECTION RETURNS By the AtMilne Cable. LONDON, Noy. 20.—A letter is published to-day from General Garibaldi,urging Spain to choose a. dictator for two years and then to establish are. public. • Peter Burns snil Martin Constantine were ar rested at Ashton yesterday on suspicion of be longing to the Fenian organization. Valuable papers, understood to give details% in regent to the orgimization, weie found on the persons of the prisoners. The Reports of the Military Com. manders. [Special Despatch to the Phila. Evening Ballatimf WAsanga'rols, Nov. 20.—The annual report of Gen. Meade, as Commander of the Department of the South, was received at the War Department this morning. The reports of the military coin:. mandera are now all in. with the single exception of that-of General Rousseau, from the Fifth Mili— tary Department. 411 these reports contain in— teresting details regarding the practical working of reconstruction in the different States. Secretary Schofield has returned, and attended the Cabinet meeting to-day. The Official Vote . of Ohio. Comrsmus, Ohio, Nov. 20.—The official vote of Ohio is as follows: Grant, 280,222; Seymour, 239,032. Grant's majority is 41,190. The 011ietai Vote of Indiana. INDIAPAPOLIN Nov. 20.—Grant'8 official mat jority in Indiana is 10,146. FACTS AND FANCIES• —The Government picked up a million and a half of dollars last year from its tax on matches. —Electricity; is Said to be a remedy for opium poisoning. —The degree of D. D. has been conferred on 106 ministers in this country the present year. , —"Beverage Compoundary" is the sign on a New York rummery. —Queen Christina is reported as not very de sirous of meeting Isabella and Marlon at Paris. —liabella's personal fortune does not exceed $4,000,000. —An Ohio woman dreamed she was blind, and awoke to find herself really and totally so. —Tho Louisville Courier says drunkenness among women seems to be increasing in that city. —A printing house for the blind is to be es tablished in Washington in connection with the national institution for this unfortunate class. —Squib, of the Lowell Courier, thinks the tone, when the morning slira sang together, must have been common meteor. —The London Court Journal says that IE4 Braddon has Joined the staff of the Saturday Review. —Cotta, the Stuttgard publisher, gave Baron Humboldt 520,000 for the privilege of publishing his "Cosmos" for twenty-live years. —A Swede arriving at Minneapolis, Minn., the. other day, had with him a chest, the construc tion of which dates back to 1716. —A railroad company Is sinking in artesian• well in San Francisco harbor, in twenty feet, of water. —San Francisco is overrun with fleas of huge size, and elegant "back scratchers," in ivory, form a common ornament of the parlor table. —Mrs. Kemble read the "Midsummer Night's. Dream" in Cincinnati on Saturday, and the Ga zette called it "a bundle of insipidity." Poor Shaksp care! —A newspaper biographer, trying to say his subject "was hardly able to bear the dolmas of his wife," was made by the inexorable printer to say "wear the chemise of his wife." —Stephens, the Fenian agitator, is still most unnecessarily watched by the Paris police. Het has recently complalded to the Frefet do Police about it, but did not get a very satisfactory answer. —Victor Hugo is a peer of France, having; been so created by Louis .Philippe, and a Spanish Viscount, but he prefers to be called by his own name without any "handle." , —An eminent London photographer has jthst. taken a portrait of "an illustrious person," which shows her in the process of giving ono Of her children a ride on her back, in the orthodox fashion of childhood. personal friend of Secretary McCulloch, who knows his wishes, says that under no cir cumstances would that gentleman remain, in Oboe longer than the 4th of March. Mac needn't. worry. He won't be asked. —Prescott, Canada, has a "cordwOod ring" es tablishment for the purpose of giving short =a ttire and refusing to sell except when prices are high. The people do not know what to db about it. —Hoops have fallen under the condemnation of Sir Richard Mayne, and every one bowled along the streets of London by children is imine diately confiscated. There are already several thousand at the pollee stations In the metropolis. —Rochester was thrown into something of a sensation on Friday by an escaped lunatic, who. with an axe in his hand and blood in his eye, raided about declaring himself to be Maximilian's avenger. He hewed his way into several resi dences in hopes of finding Juarez. —Lopez, the Dictator of Paraguay like all tv rants, is a great coward. He has never on a sii gla occasion-risked-himself_in_any-battle t -an, once, when a shell strack_at sillstanee of _half fa mile from him, he turned and ran like a !Seared. sheep. —A festive youth living near Granger'e- land ing, on Green river, Ky., appropriated a pair of pants belonging to another, and wore teem to a party a tow nights ago. The owner was - present, and recognized the apparel, and coin pelled the wearer to doff them on the spot. —As illustrative of Rossini's laziness--and ge nius, it is related that housed to compose in bed, and that once, when a fine duet that• he was writing, and had almost finished, slipped off the bed and beyond his reach, rathbr dianget tip for it, he took another sheet and coinposed another duet entirely different from the first. —A goitleman of Madison. relates -the follow ing Incident:—"Going home he . obiservedin his yard a cat, with head, tall and - hair erect, every nerve trembling with- excitement, looking in tently at a hen which was sitting in-the Frau, head also erect, looking, at the cat. The latter tinproaclitT cantionsly, and slowly, the hen. 'When about three feet from the chicken, and about to spring upon it, the gentleman s. rushed to the rescue and, drove away the cat. - The hen fell over .on her side insensible, was - - picked up, carried into the house, and died is' fifteen minutes." Catalepsy killed tivr, 4:00 04:31ook.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers