CITY .13117LLET1I. SAr.nsrlt-Senoor. AnNivints.inv.— -The first an niversary meeting of the Sibbath-School con nected with the. Bethesda Presbyterian Church was held yesterday afternoon, in Friendship Hall, their present place of worship. The Bethesda Presbyterian Church is a colony emanating from the First Presbyterian Church, Kensington (Rev. motherv old church). This church left the church ono year ago with about one hundred and ninety persons. ,A Sabbath-School was formed with about one hundred and eighty pupils and thirty-four teachers.' The congrega tion connected with this church, of which the Rev. Wililat= T. Eva is pastor, is engaged in put ting up a handsome stone edifice at the corner of Frankford avenue and Vienna stree, caable of holding from 1,000 to 1,200 persons. t They have added to their number since their organisation, upon profession of faith and by certificate, about slily persons. The anniversary exercises were of an exceed -1.3g1y interesting character. Their large htdl was crowded to its utmost capacity, many going away, unable to be accommodated with seats. The school numbers four hundred and twenty nine pupils, with thirty-nine teachers. An in teresting Bible class is also connected with the lichee', numbering about seventy persons, male and female. The sum of three hundred and eighteen dollars win, raised by the school during the past year; ono hundred and fifty dollars was given to the American Sunday School Union and one hundred and fifty . dollars to the American Board of Home Missions. The exercises were commenced by singing an appro priate hymn, followed by interesting ad dresses by the pastor; Rev. Mr. flutter, on behalf of the AmeriCan Board of Home Mis sions; Rev. Mr. Godfrey, on behalf of the Amer ican Sunday School Union; Rev. Mr. Lewis_, a missionary from Red Wing, Minnesota,and Rev. Mr. Beak, of the First Presbyterian Church,Ken sington, The music was exceedingly organ was under the direction of Mr. Woodruff, and the children were led in singing by Mr. Hugh J. Laird. One very interesting feature was ,the singing by the infant class, composed of sixty nine infanta,under the instruction of Miss Anna S. Hubbard. Everything passed off pleasantly, and the large company dispersed well 'leased with the exercises of the afternoon. PIirLADELPIIIA CATTLE MARKET, November 16th. 1868..-The cattle market was very dull this week, but prices were without any material change. About 2,300 head arrived and 'sold at B(g9 cents for extra Pennsylvania and Western steers; 6Xig7M cents for fair to good do.,' and 5(0 cents per pound gross for etimmon as to quality. The following are the particulars of the sales; Beau. Name. Price. - ea Owen Smith. Western. gra 736® 9 125 A Christy & Bro.. Western. gm—. ...... .... 7.4'(6 94 66 P. MeFillen, Chester co., gm 7 4 8 i 121 P. Hathaway. Chester co., gre........ .... .. 7 04 8 1 4 142 Janice S. Birk, Chester co, grs ........ •••• • • • 7 514 86 James McFillen,Westeni. grs• •••••-. . •• . • . 8 9 £0 B. B. Mak - Ilion. Chester co., gre. ...... ..... 9 9 lee Ullman & Bachman, Western:gm - 71 8V 171 Martin Fuller & Co, Western, gre 634 9 1135 Mocney & innith. Western. gra-- .... •• - 6 834. 98 Thomaa Mooney & Bro., V a.. gm .. ...... .. . 6 7X Eg ii. Chain. Penns .. grs• • 6 ( 7 1:1 1.. Frank. Western, gre........ .. ...... .... 6 754 100 Frank & Shamberg, Western. nre............. 6 9.59' 79 Chandler & Co., Chester co„ gra— . ..... 7 ( 8 Boos were higher; 4,000 head sold at the diffe rent yards atsl2©l2 50 per 100 pounds net, and a few extra at $l2 75. SHEEP were also higher; 6,000 head sold at 4@7c. per pound gross as to condition. Cows were unchanved; 200 head sold at s4o@) $6O for springers, and sls@sBo per head for cow and calf. ROBBERY OF A BONDED WAREHOUSE.-011 Sat urday night the U. S. Bonded Warehouse at the N. E. corner of Penn and Lombard streets was broken into and was robbed of a lot of tobacco. This morning, Sergeant Bromall, of the Third Police District, recovered some of the tobacco from Jacob P. Howell, to whom it had been sold. Howell was arrested for receiving stolen goods, and was held in $6,(00 bail,by Alderman Carpen ter. John Harvey and Charles Glazier were ar rested upon the charge of having stolen the to bacco. They were held in $BOO bail by Alderman Carpenter. WlllBlll7, CArren.un.—On Saturday night the Seventh District Police noticed two men in a wagon, acting in a suspicions manner. The vehicle was followed to Second and Pine streets. and was then overtaken. It was found .to contain three barrels of whisky, upon which no tax had been paid. The two men were arrested. Their names are John McGovern and Felix O'Toole. They were held to await a hearing before the U. S. Commissioner. A SUNDAY FIGIIT.-Wm. Jones and Robert Kennedy got into a fight, at Duponceau and Walnut streets, yesterday afternoon, about' four o'clock. The affair caused considerable com motion for a short time. The belligerents were chased to Eighth and Spruce streets by Reserve Policemen Ferguson and Kendig, and were then arrested. They were hold in t 3. 500 bail by Alder man Jones. Duowzmo.—Jacob Wagner, aged about 35 years, went to Market street wharf last evening, to meet his wife, who was expected to arrive in one of the Richmond steamships. While there he accidentally fell int,, the dock and was drowned. His body was recovered this morning by Harbor Policeman -Wm. J. Brown and the slip-tender at the Market street ferry. SLicarr FlRE.—Yesterday morning,abont eight o'clock,a fire was discovered in the gold smelting establishment of John Speidel, No. 126 South Second street. The flames were extinguished by Reserve Policemen Creighton and Hodges be fore any serious damage had been done. FOUNDLING.-A female infant,apparently about three months old, was found on Lesher street, near Orthodox, in Frankford. By the side of the little one was a bundle of clothes. The found ling was taken in charge by Mrs. Ott until some persons adopt it. MAN STABBED.—Patrick Flynn and Timothy Gwynn mot into a quarrel yesterday afternoon at Ninth and Suffolk streets. Gwynn, it is alleged, drew a shoemaker's knife and stabbed Flynn in the beck. Flynn was taken to the Hospital. Gwynn was not arrested. BonnEny.--On Saturday night, about half-past ten o'clock, the money drawer of Wilson's lee cream saloon, on Ninth street, below Arch, was robbed of $3O. GREAT SALE OF FINE OLD LNUORS.—Special attention is called to a great eale of fine old liquors, from bonded warehouses and in store many years, to take place on Tuesday morning, Nov. 17th, at the auc tion rooms of C. J. Wolbert, No, 16 South Sixth et. The catalogue includes Champagne, Sherry, Port and Madeira Wines, 'Martel and Hennesey Brandies. Gin, Bum, fine old Whiskies, Clarere, &c , in Wood,Demi john and Cases. The stock also inc,ndes some tier-, Wines. &c. A splendid chancels here offered to connoisseurs in due wine to replenish their vaults with good liquor , . This is probably the lineal and largest stock of pure liquors ever sold in the city at auction, and the same chance will not be offered for a long time to come. THE BIETEORIC SHOWER. The Meteors from Dudley Observatory Mr. C. W. Hough makes the following reports, slated November 14. Observations on the periodic meteors made at the Dudley Observatory from 11:30 P. M , of the 13th, to 5:10 A. M.. of the 14th - inst. Our efforts were mainly -dirt-cited to the det , trminadonbf the rate of 'fall. and the time of flight, From 11 :35 to 12 o'clock the rate of fall was only two per minute, they, however. gradu ally increivedlll - FrequenOn - according a maximum of twelve per minute at a Oen:sA'. Tho whole number of meteors visible between 11:30 P. M. and 3:30 A. M. must have exceeded two thousand. During the tneteoric shower of last November, the time of maximum tall occurred about half an hour earlier, and the rate of fall was four times as great: yet the number of meteors seen during the night did not exceed those of this year. The time of flight, of mole than one hundred me teors, was recorded by electricity on the chronograph, in the manner adopted in 1E63. Tne maximum of ap pearance was Ogle-tenths of a second, and the mini mum three-tenths, the mean being about sixty-five hundredths of a second, not differing materially from the same quantities deduced from the observations of 1863- one' of themost interesting features of the phenome na was; the permanence of the train after the meteor had disappeared. Advantage was taken of this circum stance to examine the train with a telescope. As seen through , . One eomet-seeker4 • the train appeared as a brilliant gray 'band of light, which gradually changed Ha form. assuming a great variety of shapes before it di sa ppeared., J general, the . train first became bent like a p i ece of fierpentine maul, after which it grade s ii s , se parated In different pieces. Through the tele scope the train was visible for mere than ten min utes. —The leopard and the tiger and the lion and the fire reminded the Inquirer's young man of a WeStern prairie. A natural history of America is wanted there badly. • Albany. CITY 'NOTICES. LAC= CURTAINS--GISEAT Elar.s.--Selling off tho large' lot of Lace, Aiuelin, and Nottingham Cartalus; also Cornice Loops, Centro Tassels and Gimp!. at prices to snit the timee—trnly groat bargains'—at PAT SEN'a Curtain Store, 14105 CllOStlant area. IRONING TABLES, Moat Sates, Stop Ladders, Wath Tubs, Pie Boards, Wash Benches. every article wanted In the kitchen, ninon 4c Co., 1i05.220 and 222 Dock street, below Walnut. ' LACE Cunmena done up, mended and put up to windows, at about the same price others charge for watching only, at Perr;:tt's, No. 14114 Chestnut street. • TITE ADDItION of numerous suites of MOMS to the Amthick • norms BOSTON, renders it more than antral eserved favori te with families traveling. Ita t position and large airy rooms are ;unsurpassed. THE CrAnnimort, 1516 Chestnut street, Is nos.r opened'as a tirst-elass restaurant and lee cream saloon for ladles and gentlemen. The patronage of old friends and the public generally solicited. Tompkins clt Co., formerly, 45 South Fourth street. CARPETS made and put down. Workmen put on all carpet jobs and the work finished. No delay; no disappointment. Workmen always ready, at Patten's, MS Chestnut street. Wn.t.l H. HittAvrco.—Who has not board of Heiweg, e incomparable Boot Maker, at 1535 Arch street? 71 . 0 fame as a manufacturer of fine calf boots is proverbial. He never fails to fit his patrons neatly and comfortably, and moreover be uses the best mate rial in his manufactures. Of Helweg it may be said that be has brought the business of hoot-making to an art, so exact is he in his measurement,and so neat ele gant and substantial in the making of his wares. Mr. Helweg confines his stock exclusively to men's and boys' wear, of which he has at all times a very largo stock ready-made. He bus also just opened % full as sortment of gentlemen's parlor slippers, very suitable for presents. DON'T FAIL TO TRY BOWER'S "Gum Arabic Secrets" for your Cough. Sore Throat and Pulmonary troubles. Physicians use them. De pot, Sixth and Vine. sr rwnta. - - JUDICIOUS mothers Lava Llama use for children a safe and pleasant medicine in Illowan'e INFANT Con dial. PANTALOONS CUT TO FIT. Pantaloons cut fashionably. Pantaloons cut in the French style. Pantaloons in the English style. Tan npsz PANTALOON CUTTEII IN THE UNION IS at CI:KAMM : I STOKES & Co.'s, No. 624 Chestnat street NOVELTY. Prince of Wales Walking Coat, cut by Fairchild, The Prince of Coat Cutters. A perfect" gem of the art. Via Call at 24 No . STOIIEKA CO:13, , T , ;- N. 8 Chestnut street. TRY ONE. A snit made from the New Colored Scotch Cheviots and Irish Frieze, as they are gotten up at No. 824 CheEtnut street,is far ahead of anything is that line in the country. Try ond. Corms, Bunions, Inverted Nails, skillfully treated by Dr. J. Davidson, No. 01-5-Chestnut street. Charges moderate. 3. To. THE LADlES.—Charles Oakford & Bons, nutlet-the Continental, have opened a stock of Fine Furs, unsurpassed for beauty, durability, a.;:i cheap ness by any in the city. TO THE LADlES.—Charles O akford ESL Sons, under the Continental, have opened a stock of Fine Furs, unsurpassed for beauty, durability, and cheap ness by any in the city. MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S DRESS MAR:D.7O4H the ateet Paris styles. M. SHOEMAKER h CO., 1024 hestnut St. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS and dlllggiEltf; sun dries. SNOWDEN & BIIOTIIEE, 23 South Eighth street. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH. J. Isaacs M. D.. Professor of the Eye and Ear, treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the a city can be seen at this oflice, No. 805 Arch street. 'Phe medical faculty are invited to accompany their patienb3,as he has nu secrets in his practice. Artificial eyes inserted. No charge made for examination. 4460TIRINGii. JONES'. ONE-TRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 6 04- MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA: First Class .Ready-Made Clothing, sui able for all Seasons, constantly on hand. Also, a Handsome Line of Piece Goods for Custom Work. TINE FINE ABM% LOOKING GLASSES, THE VERY CHEAPEST AND BEST. JAMES F. EARLE & SONS, 816 MEMO STREET. ADIEUS See Sixth Page for Additional Amusements H A C N 11 'S T K t 5 G. Mr. Max Strakosch takes pleasure in announcint the first appearances,einee her return from Burope.of the re nowned American Prima Donna. 61195 CLARA LOUISE KELLOGG, IN TWO GRAND KELLOGG CONCERTS AND A FAREWELL MATINEE. to take place during the week commencing the 23d:of ovember, assisted by several distinguished artists. The sale of tickets to commence on Saturday, Nov. 21, at 9 A. M., at Trumplea'e Mimic Store,No. 92t1 Chestnut st. Particulars in future advertisements. PIitOPONALS.; PROPOSALS FOR COAT PIIILADELPLIIA, November 16, 1668. PROPOSALS will ba received by the Trustees of the City Ice Boat until TUESDAY, December 1, Ihtid, at noon, for furnishing from seven hundred to twelve hundred tons, at their optiOn; (2240 peuilds each), of beet quality hard WHITE ASH ANTHRACITE UOAL, steamboat aim). Also, for furnishing from seven bun dred to twelve hundred tow, at their option (21Ite pounds each ), of best quality Shoup% Run Broad Top Coal, lump and run of mine's eizo, during the winter of 18611-0. Said coal to be delivered on board of either of the city ice boats, at any wharf on the Delaware front of the city of Philadelphia, free of wharfage, in ouch quan tities and at such Unice aa the Trustees may designate. The coal it to be weighed at the times of delivery on board of the boats, at the expense of the party furnishing the same. The contract will bo awarded to the lowest and best b:dder, and payments will he made monthly, in city waiTants. Address proposals to JOIIN DEVEREUX. President Trustees of the City Ice Boat. Oflice No. no WalnuP street. Second story. BAAC NATELANS, AUCTIONEER, N. CORNER .1-Third and Spruce Streets. only one square below the Exchange. 8250 000 to loan in largo or small amounts, on diamonds. silver plate, watches, jewelry, and all of value. Office M. ce hours from BA. to 7P. M. Estab lished for the het forty years. Advances m ein large amounts at thelowest market rates. ja..tirp FMICR SALUPTO MERCHANTS, STOREKEEPERS, Hotels and dealere.—SO MUMS Champagne and Crab Cider. il5O Me. Champagne and Crab Cider. P. J. JORDAN. • WO Pear street. MACCARONI AND VERMICELLL-12.5 BOXES Dalian Curled Maccaroni and Vermicelli landing from ship Memnon, direct from Gonoa, and for fele by JOB. B. BUBBIEB 6s CO.. 113 Booth Delaware avenue. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY' NOVEMBER 16. 1868. CIIAILLRB , STOKEH it CO VnISV T H E EAST 1.14.131 A. TELEGRAPH COMPANY. This Company have an exclusive grant to lay Submarine Cables, / CANTON TO TEIN-TSIN, (tho eesport of Pehin,) connecting all the porta on the ASIATIC COAST, hose foreign commerce amounts to One Thousand Millions Annually. The Company Is chartered by the Legislature of the State of Now York, with a Capital of $5,000,000; Shares, $lOO Each. A limited number of shares are offered at $5O each, payable $lO cash, $l6 November 1, balance in monthly instalments of $2 60 per share. The inquiries for this stock are now very active, and the Board of Directors in struct us to say it may be withdrawn at any time, and that none will be of fered on the above terms after Novem ber 20 next. For Circulars, Mapa and full information apply to DREXEL & CO., No. 34 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA ; To duly authorized Banks and Bankers through out Pennsylvania, and at the Office of the Company, Nos. 28 and 25 NASSAU Street, NEW YORK. rpg. B RONZ . ES OF OUR OWN IMPORTATION, The best assortment In the country, now open and for sale by MISKEY, MERRILL & THACKARA, Manufhoturers of Gas Fixtures, Lamps, Bronzes,&c., AT 718 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. 0016 f m w Bmrp4 ENVELOPES I ENVELOPES I 5,000,000 SAFETY ENVELOPES All colors, qualities and sizes, for sale at reduced prices at the Steam Envelope Manufactory, 223 SOUTH FIFTH STREET. sel7.3rorPe SAMUEL TOBEY. Agent. E. S. 4 0116 7 139 11ITPHOILSTERER, No. 186 North Ninth Street, PHILADELPHIA, WINDOW SHADES. BEDS, MATRESSES, CIIRTAINVAND CARPETS. Wr Furniture .pattred and Uphobterod. selßmrp FITLER, WEAVER & CO. NEW CORDAGE FACTORS! NOW IN FULL OPERATION. No. El N. WATER and 28 N. DEL. avi V'•t arllJ. Y! CA.EUEZI A.GI ES. o t ig 44( vo. .7 .le nt g i msf e Aut r ec7 te en to e i cipmrisAtdathere de- WM. D: ROGERS, OF CIIMSTNUT STREET. to place their orders as soon as passible to mono their completion for the DRIVING SEASON OF 1869, CARRIAGES REPAIRED in the most neat and expe ditious manner. CARRIAGES STORED and Insurance effected. WM. D. ROGERS, Nov. 1009 and 1011 Cheatnat 4t,, Philada. nofi f w 2mrP INE APPLE CHEESE.—NORTON'SICELEBRATED I Brand on coneignment nnd for ealo bY,108.18. BUS, BIER dt C0..108 South Delaware avenue EOUSS• bought recently at the lowest prices prevailing this season. AND MARKED VERY LOW. THIS IS A BONA•FIDE REDUCTION SALE. We do not advertise goods at . HALF THEIR PRESENT COST. as we do not have any old goods on our shelves to offer at hall coot, when es id old stocks wore bought at micas ONE HUNDRED PER CENT. HIGHER THAN OURS. Hence the great sacrifice AT WHICH WE ARE NOW OFFERING 5736 c. Dress Goods at 27. 44c. Dress Goods at 33. 60c. Drees Goods at 87.56.7, - 116c.1 rots Goode at 46. 620. Dress Goods at 48. 68c. Drees Goods at eO. 75c Drees Goods at 58. 6736. Drees Goode at 70. 950 Drees Goode at 75 6-4 Wool Delainee at 65. $1 26 Ail wool double told Stripe Poplins at 93. $1 87 Wool Poplins at $l. 11 50 Wool roplthe at $1 25. 1 62 Wool Poplins at Si 3736. 1 75 Silk and Wool Poplins at $1 45. 87c. Serges at 70. 68c. Borges at 60. Black .Alpacas, 3734 c.. 40c.. 450., 60c.. 550., 600..65c., to $I 25. A. J. B. BARTHOLOMEW'S Grand Special Sale - Of mat= and Hne DRESS GOODS, Commencini Monday, November 16th, To continue a tow days only. Our Goods are all desirable, DRESS GOODS. PLAIN VELVETEENS, ALL COLORS, CHEAP SPANGLED VELVETEENS, CHEAP. Wool Shawla, Brodie Wiwi& FlllllllOl3, Balmoral Skirts. GREAT BARGAINS IN BLANKETS. Ladies' Merino Underwear. Cheapest in Philadelphia 100 DOZEN HID GLOVES, NEW SHADS.% Si 20 per pair. WE WARRANT EVERY PAIR. fidkfs. Scarfs, Hosiery. Ladled, Misses' and ChM:lron's Gloves in groat variety. at low prices. Our prices are so tow as to guarantee rapid sales and satisfaction to all those that favor us with a call. A. & J. B. BARTHOLOMEW. 23 North Eighth Street. P. B.—Cut this out and bring with you nol4 sm to fit 05 EL SITEVA... Sr, SON WILL OFFER TO-DAY 5 000 YARDS OF COLORED SILKS, Reduced to nearly one-half the former prices. All-wool Empress Cloth Poplins, Double width, reduced to 65c. Empress Cloth Poplins, 75, 87, $l. All-wool Eplnglines reduced to 62 1-2. $2. 111 k and Wool Poplins reduced to $1 50. $2 25 Plaid Irish Poplin. reduced' to $1 25. Shawls, Cloaking Velvets and Velveteens AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES. 1, Nos, 713 and 715 N. Tenth St. EYRE LANDELL, Have Reduced Tbelr Pikes As much, and perhapst more, than others, for the sumo Close of Goods.> DRESS GOODS REDUCED. SHAWLS OF FINE GRADE. LYONS COAT VELVETS. LYONS PURE SILK VELVETS. FASHIONABLE POPLINS. FASHIONABLE SERGES. GOLD MIXED REPELLANTS. BEST BLACK VELVETEENS. BLUES,BRO WNS,PUR PLES,&c nol4 727 CHESTNUT STREET. 727 RICKEY, SHARP & CO. HAVE JIIST OPENED 3 Cases CHANGEABLE SILKS, At $1 90 per yard. RICKEY, SHARP & CO. r 0.7,37 CHESTNUT STREET; LA..47: 6 Fourth and Arch._ t g : Velvettas for Dresses at $1 25 per yard LIGHT FRENCH BLUE. METTERN ICH GREEN. fLAIMETS AND - BRONMS, BLACKS AND PURPLES. • - SCARLET -AND CRIMSON. dell= w tt TO PROPRIETORS OF HOTELS,BOARDING-HOUSES SHIPPING. We have a special wholesale department for supplying Linen and Cotton Sheeting. Towels, Napkins. Single Bed and Berth Blankets, and other goods particularly adapted to your wants. Au the above kind of goods made up at short notice if desired. STRAWBRIDGE &CLOTHIER CENTRAL DRY GOODS STORE Corner of Eighth and Market Stif. own 6m GRAND SALE OF DRY GOODS HOMER,,, COLLADA-Y & CO., Nos. SI.S and eMO Chestnut Street, Below Continental Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. Sales to Commence November 2d, Silks, Dress Goods,_Shawls, Cloaking Cloths, Laces and Embroideries, Linens and White Goods, he., Hosiery and Gloves, &c., Mourning Goods, &c, &c., &c. Ots , o l . n i t z:; .l . ie ide reputation of their House, it is needless to detail the character of their stook. B wouldmerelystate that their IMPORTATIONS' OF THE PRESENT SEASON, WHICH MUST BE SOLD NEW MARBLE BUILDING, CHESTNUT STREET; ABOVE BROAD, Have never been snrpanaed in Philadelphia, containing an Endless Variety Of texture in medium priced goods, as well as llio CHOICEST NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON. 11., C. & Co. would advise all desirouß of obtaining GREAT BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS, To lose no time before Inspecting their stock, feeling assured that the UNPARALLELED PRICES, At which the entire stock will be disposed of, must insure A REVOLUTION In the DRY GOODS TRADE has been caused by he inauguration of the "FAIR VALUE FOR MONEY" systera adopted by the "BEE HIVE." Old Stocks of dear-bought goods are reduced to "ONE-HALF THEIR FORMER PRICES," and are still "TOO DEAR BY HALF." The "BEE-HIVE" does not require to REDUCE prices—their Stock, ALL NEW—BOUGHT AT THE BOTTOM OF THE MARKET—and BOLD AT FAIR PROFITS--ontnuake the rapposltitions bargains fulsomely' promised by "GRAND SALES" and "IMPORTANT NOTICES." The "BEE-HIVE" is now offering bona fide bargains In all their departments=no catch- penny trifles to mislead—but a pure and un- equivocal moderation in prices—ln other words, FAIR VALUE FOR MONEY" will be Wand to pervade all the stock. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., No. 920 CHESTNUT Street. sto i t , I K 44, LINEN STORE, IP 82S .44Lirch. street. Several Cheap Lots of TOWELS, TOWELING by the yard, TABLE LINENS; 'NAPKINS, LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. Cr The largest Linen stock In the city at Imperteea price.. atm WI INDIA SHAWLS AND SOARES'. GEORGE FRYER, No. 916 CHESTNUT STREET, Invites attention to his stock of Real India Camels Hair Shawls & Scarfs Also, an elegant stock of SILKS in Black and Colors; FANCY SILK FLUSHES, POPLINS, SHAWLS and FANCY GOODS. India Shawls and Scarfs Altered,Repaired and Cleaned in a e oporior manner. oc3O2mrri 727 lIHESNMIT_STREET 727. REDUCTION- - IN-THE--PRICES- DRESS GOODS. RICKEY, SHARP & CO. No. 727 Chestnut Street, OFFER TO-DAY 50 Cases of Imported Dresi Fabrics, At 25 cents per yard, worth double the price. RICKEY, SHARP & 00. No. 727 Chestnut Street. mwarp COMFRIBING Preparatory to removal to their RAPID SALES. The "BEE-HIVE," MARKET as o & Ok• NINTFL * CY 4 1 / & Have marked down the prices of many of their Dress Goode,and are selling their entire stock at the very lowest point of the market. WOOL POPLINS. good value. 62 up. HEAVY RIBBED POPLIN ell 25 up. Pit$NCH SLUE aND WOOL POMMEL STRIPED PopLINS, very desirable. BICH PLAID POPLINS for Misses' Wear. CHEAP DRESS STUFFS. 2.5 to 87 cents. HEAVY POPLIN PAR ICS. 37 to 75 cents. FRENCH hiEtilBioEB, 75 to $1 ta.., reduced Irom 8I and el 75 We are determined•to close out our Merino stock, and offer inducements to buyers. FIiENCEI CLOAKINGS, And fine Black French Cloths and Doeskins. from Beak— ard lintrows lest auction sale. at prices in currency about sebat they cost to land in gold. Just opened, pieces choice and extra fine Black and Colored Velours. and Black real Mimes.= and astraenn Plug/ca.. BLACK IMOSCOWS. BLACK CIIINtifiILLAS, ITAtiK VELOURS. BLACK CAIMRS.BLACK ABrite.tle.NB, BLACK DOESKIN& BLACK SILK VE LAMM, BLACK V ELVKTIKKNK. WHITE FANCY CLOAKING& TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. We have COW in store a very, Large an fed assort ment of LADIES' CLOAK INGS. Bp ceiling on us you can not only gee all the styles In vogue. but be supplied in quantititn to trait at the lowest wholesale rates. comparison or stock and piece with any wholesale hence solicited. Samples sent by mall mien deelred. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER CSTITRAL EMPORIUM, Corner of. Eighth and Market Sts. JOHN W. THOMAS, Nos. 405 and 407 N. Second Street, OFFERS HIS Ulla AND ELEGANT lITOCK WINTER DRY GOODS, EMBRACING ALL OF THE Newest Designs end Fabrics. AT PRICES WARRANTED TO BE AS Lew as they can be bought elsewhere. w e%tl jalrp LADIES' DRESS GOODS. Ma,gaz' irides Modes, 1014 WALNUT STREET. For the better convenience.of her Patrons, Mrs. PROCTOR has REMOVED her DRESS-MAKING ROOMS to 1014 WALNUT STREET, where she will be happy to see her friends. The general Dry Goods Business will be con tinued as heretofore, at 920 Chestnut street. J. W. PROCTOR St. CO. no6-linn4 FOBS. V. VIETIEII4I FiILTIELS A. K. & F. K. WOMRATH, No, 1212 Chestnut street, (Late stand 417 ARCS Street). ARE SELLING Children's Sets of Furs at $5. Ladies' Siberian Squirrel Sets,SS upwards 61 Ilink Sable 64 66 510 66 German Fitch 64 Slb 66 44 Stone Marten . 64 520 64 BOyarAgrMane 641)--4-4- Iluosoullay sable " 650 46 Sable a. 44 6100 66 ENGLISH BIDING BOAS, EMIG MUFFS, 80., FUR WV FOOT MUFFS, LAP BLANKETS. A great variety of Carriage and Sleigh Robes. A. ,g.:& K. WOMILITH I No 1212 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA.. auDas rn cc , 4mro timiaffNlrni.laitatrizs. tints:ldlers, .littrness-11/ ,, ,lrers. rflanttfan. *urine of lothing. Boots, 4 Shoes,&c., Will find it to their interest to use our UNRIVALLED MACHINE TWIST and the "Milford Linen Taread." Manufactured expressly for us from the best material. and 'warranted a superior article. THE BINGER 111416UFACTURIME COHPANT Manufacturers and Props ietars of the SINGER REwDeu MACHINE. No. 1106 . Cheetuu.t Street. roy2l.yrp WM E. coome., Agent *aft ta w 2=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers