t} ,C = ` rLßile NR tefeStlpß 0•10 Ti" 111/dry, a•'6lll.s. coMdbiatsea. ie .gcr*fleTeral years since, on the t'nheritesmer_Arabia,...returning_to this country. - -The,steamer was, near Cape Rsce and thelhe Was thick: - "It was half-past eleven as I was about quitaallietprix• ,tatti . The ;cabin pas sengers had - been long abed, and statirooM lights were all out. Save the sailors on the watclk,the men at ithe. wheel, and senior and junior officer on duty, there was no one astir. Passing the compass on my way to thecompanion-ladder, I ebgeryed that' the `slilp'idirection was nearly west itenthwest: "'So you have changed her course since eight bells; I- see,' Mr. Jones?' `•'Onlyhalf a point, sir, and• hardly that. : .'A Id why shelf 'point, pray? Or why change-her course at all?' "! gtve the Cape a wide berth,. sir. Yott see this dead reckoning, in the long run, isn't very reliable, especially with such currents as we have hereabouts.' u `Where away does Cape Race lie, Mr, Jones?' "°dust above the bows in the direction of the red light swinging from the halyard yon der.'. , • hand was •on the'guide of the ladder (which 'alone saVed tne a minute' afterward fives' being hurled, overboard) as I - turned to n down ; saying ...) go u, "%leodtaght, sir. - 'No more 'news of the ehrJ...3.1r. ,-, , -, .; • ~ , _ ..• , " ratOrdir +Are Scarcely uttered,i when call-thatletinfiedlike the peal of doom came boihnliblookout forward: s‘llail'on' the *either bow, sir!' __‘.l:llThere , sway ?'; instantly- Shouted , the of irt command::;; • • - "But no sooner were the words:tittered (and before an answer could be returned) they were foliated - Verdant so sharp and impera tive•eir to he heard through the' ship: • Bard S:"-port! Jam her doWo, air,•jam•her.doUrbri instant. , the ship, 'answering • her helm, :begairto =lnc: from her bearings, whenii directly in, the ;line ' of , our bowsprit, emergrng front the . mist,4'-appeared.tlioblack lines of an ocean steamer, tinder , full head way, and of such monstrous size, that it seemed inevitable She must send us"-to the bottom. It was the Europa,' bound from 004011 to Liverpool, which here, in mid-ocean, under full steam, had met her donsort,'Sn this one parallel of- latitude of All others, self to falsify the prediction forever that die Canard -line was bound to be lucky. Boyvs on, head to head, the. two ships rushed together. The shock was , fearful. Our rate , of speed was nearly thirteen knots. Hera was as great, so that at a momentum of more than ilve-and twenty knots an hour, two steamers, each of nearly three thousand tons burden, were hurled into collision. Following the crash that crumbled oak timbers ten inch e s square as if they had been chalk, was the stagger of the ship, like an ox stunned. 1-.ly the blow of an axe, the lilt of the huge, leviathan almost bodily out of the _water, and the dash of bil lows as she fell back into the trough of the sea and careened heavily on her side. "OftourSe there:wee not a soul. on board who Was not aroused to apparent, instant death. Passengers, sailors, engineers, fire men, waiters and officers were, for the first moment, mixed together in almost hopeless confusion, and as one after another of various classes appeared on deck a continued• series of cross purposet ruled the hour. Order, how ever, is net only Heaven's first law, but the first law of human beings in time of danger. In less time than it takes to narrate it, the captain was - on the wheel-house giving orders though his speaking trumpet to the crew,and conversing with the captain of the Europa across the space , the steamers had drifted apart; everything resolved itself into rule at once. There could not be discipline more perfect. Every man was at his post. Not a word was spoken beyond the orders given and repeated, And - th tr‘nye,--aye,sir;Linrresponse.---Slowl3r, steadily and calmly sails were furled, rigging made taut, fires extinguished, boats lowered and manned, lead thrown, blue lights burned, and eXandnation made by the carpenter; and hilt men of the daniage sustained and the dan ger awaiting us. "Meanwhile the passengers, male and fe male, steerage and cabin, whose slumbers had been rudely enough disturbed by a concus sion that had thrown thesleepers from.berths at theriak of limb if, ,not of life,) were crowd ing, half-clad, upon deck: The frantic cries of our prima donna and her Italian maids, imploring the aid of the Virgin, pierced through the ship. Anxious questions were asked of each other as the group thickened about the stack-pipes, which none could answer. No one was bold enough to make an inquiry of an officer, and every sailor was heedless of all save the authority which kept him up to the duties of the moment. Just over our bows, at a distance of tufo hundred feet, more or less, the huge bulk of the Eu ropa kept appearing and disappearing in and out of the fog, her paddle wheels moving back and forth to free her pumps—for she - was leaking badly—her boats unshipped from their davits in readiness to lower to the water, and bluelights flashing up and dying :away from her amidships. Outside of the frightened, semi-nude crowd on our own deck, were the measured march of the sailors manning ropes and hawser, the shouts of the under officers to men in the rigging, and the :quick cheery reply, the hoarse conversation , carried on between the two commanders from the paddle-wheel boxes, the noisy rush .01 steam blowing off through the pipes, and the unlashing and swinging of the boats over the side, the pulleys and tackle made sure to run free from knots and kinks. "For more than an hour and three-quar ters we stood upon the deck without -being able to learn one word of the real nature of our danger. To those of us' who knew any thing of seamanship, there were orders con tinually given by the captain which indicated that the good ship must be in a sinking con dition, and yet we hoped they were provi sions as they proved to be, rather against a contingency than a certainty. "Just as impatient remarks about the unne cessary delay in giving us information as to the state of the ship began to be overheard, the captain descended from the wheelhouse and came toward us. All eyes were bent upon him. He was a man of cold tempera ment and few w lrds; but what he said was usually to the purpose. It was unmistakably BO now. "'Passengers, the Arabia has 'collided with the Europa. This ship is not injured. The Europa leaks, and will ,put into kli. John's. We shall follow her. lc ou can go to bed.' " 'Can our lamps be lighted?' asked a pas senger—for, by a ship's rule, the lights once out may not be relighted. "'Yes! f3teward, light up for fifteen min- " `Can we have the saloon for a prayer meeting!' asked an active Connecticut parson who, having been busy distributing tracts with very` hopeless results. during the ,voyage, looked upon the opportunity now presented -asprovidential_ • " 'Prayer meeting!' exclaimed the captain, uult i a d an interjection that showed he, at least, n tO be prayed for; 'prayer meeting! why, bless your soul, it's past two in the morning. ,•—Better : go to bed and hold your 4.lneeting_Lb/Aglight.' • forhe „Europa put into - St ro - lan's.' The Arabia did not; but made her way, in a disa bled condition,'for New 'York, it having been ascertained, after the steam was, got , up, thst hkr• machkierrwas'danosged - ty - the - donens- - ' sioni and would need the help of the Novelty Works to fit her again foram not the_place to discuss nautical. rules. Nothing can be more abstrnsh. two navigators ever agree- upon their apPli cation. They are not unlike metaphysics, as defined by the. Scotch • dominie: He that's listening does na' ken what he that's talking means, and he-that's talking does na' ken what he means himself,' • - - "'You should have put your helm a-star board, and not a-port r , .111 r, Jones, and then this cursed misadventure would never have happened,' said the captain of the Europa, when our boat boarded her. "'lf I had,' replied the officer, 'your bows would have struck the Arabia amidships, and every soul of us gone to the bottom.' "The Cunard Company was teoo wise to have the questionargued in the = courts. By the admiralty'rules each ship should have put her helm hard a-starboard. By 'the higher rule of self-preservation, the 'order 'Hard s port' on the Arabia could not have been wrong, since the ship and ,those on board were saved. The Cunard Company pocketed the loom:id promoted the officer." . on the Jordan. Rev. Dr. Bellows -writes ; to ',the Liberal Christiana description of •his visit to the river Arden,' An says',-_ _ `fW,elookeur; horses at 83- Sunday thoukkit - Wee, to ride, fir short stage on our JOilfriiiy; 'knowing that fifteen - thilesnorth, at Reiabeyfiraa'a• inissidnary station' of the American'Bolird, where-We -might 'teihrips join in the afternobn' worship: We hid Mod enough' for serious and worshipful thoughts, as our road lay among the beautiful' spritiks which are the moble'sources• ofi the Jordan: No river has a'-.purer or; more inspiring -parentage. • From at least four great B Prindsi within twentyimiles , of/each, other; it :bursts out of tbO!earthdEP MinetTa , •came-trom., the head of• Jove, full, grown and, , armed. ; ,The vigor, freshness and, life oU these: new-born streams is something • delightfpl to contemplate in a country . where every thing , else is so stagnant. The altluentii bound and leap with, gladness and Ride, as if they knew their destiny 'and re joiced in offering their youth and fulness to the sacred-river. We found a very bad road as we climbed the mountains skirting . about * Hermon, Whose melting snows did not ,im prove our way. Merom was in, view behind us all the way; the country sloping 'rapidly down the Jordan valley, and having a look'as If it was going to drop behind the lake into the great gorge which actually descends to the Dead Sea. •We stopped to take our lunch eon by the brook-side of the affluent known as the Rasbeya, which flows , from a. copious fountain a few miles to the north. The green sward was spotted with the rich red flower of the anemone species, perhaps the. Rose of Sharon, which so universally brightens the fields and mountains , of Palestine and Syria, and which the Christian 'pea sants have a tradition - Originally sprung from the drops of Christ'i blood. r jotted down. the following simple lines as we lay upon the, grass in commemoration of, this innocent superstition: " the bathe of the Jordan, Sunday noon, March M.] "There Is a ruby flower that blows On'Jlidah's mountains cold; Wherever Jcirdan's liver Bows, Or Sharon's plalns unfold. "Not Solomon in all hisprlde Was ey'r so:richly dressed As the green fields or mountain side, By these fair flowers caressed. "They spadde - with the morning's dew, They kindle'in the sun, Their blusheerhave a lustre new When the - bright day is done. "When our dear Lord hie wounded•side - Emptied en -- Zion'eground, - - - The winds caught up the precious tide And scattered it around. ' "From every drop a flower sprang up, And in strange beauty stood, Till every acre had its - cup Full of that sacred blood. "So the sweet truth by Jens taught, Borne on the spirit's breath, To every distant clime Is brought, The antidote of death. "In each believing heart-there grows One healing plant of'Cod• 't An offshoot from sweet Sharon's rose , That sprung from Jesus's blood. LEGAL MOTIVES. N TEE DISTRICT COURT OF TUE UNITED STATES I FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNS YL. VANIA. CHARLES P. HAYES. of Philadelphia, Bankrupt; havinga petitioned to his discharge, a meeting of credi t tors will be held 011 the EIGHTH DAY•of SEPTEMBER, 1868. at 335 o'clock P. M., before Register WILLIAM Mo bIiCHAEIk b.sq., at No. 630 WALNUT Street, in the city of. Philadelphia, that the examination of the bankrupt' may be' finished,' and any business of meetings required by sections 27 or 28 of the act of Congress transacted. . The Register, will certify whether the Bankrupt has conformed to his duty. A hearing will also be had on WEDNESDAY, September 23d. 18ft before the Court at Philadelphia at 10 o'clock A. M.. when parties interested may show came against the discharge. Witness the Honorable JOHN CADWALADER. Judge - of the "Seal of Courts said District Court, and'the seal thereof. at Philadelphia, August 15th, 1888. R. PDX, Clerk. Attest: WILLIAM MeMICEIAEL, null-mBt• Register. ÜbTATE OF ELIAS MOYER,DECEABED.—LET7ERS lh of administration upon the above go ate having been granted to the undersigned, all parse= indebted. to said estate to make payment, and those having claims against the same present them to SAMUEL, BERRET, Adminis Lrstor,472 'North Second street, or to his attorney, H. G. ILIA.RTRANFT, 307 North Fifth street. RAI7 milt• EBTATE OF PHILIP 8. WHITE. DEC'D.—LETTERe , testamentary having been granted to the subscriber's upon the estate of PHILIP 8. WHITE, deceased, ail per. emusindebted to the. same will rnake.poment_M, and those having claims present them to JOHN THORNLEY. 03C tn street ; hesut seet; F. A. TREGU, 606 Walnut street Executom. jyrl4 f ViSTATE OF JAMES DICK. DEOE&BED.—LETTER , 114 Testamentary upon the above Estate, have been granted the tinderaigned. All perdons indebted' thereto will ment, and those baying claim present them to Jd MEB DICK. Executer, 6164 B. Thirteenth street, or hie Attorney, W. VOODES;I2B S. 81Xth street. au7 fr 6t* 1 N THE 1 / 1 13TEICT COURTOFTHE UNITED STATER . 1 for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.—ln Bankrupt. cy,So.7lo.—At PhiladelplAaJune BEIBOI. The undersigned hereby gives notice or his appointment as Assignee on GEORGE G. STAMBACH„ of Philadelphia, in the County of Philadelphia, and iJ state ,of Pennsylvania within said District, who has been adjadged - a liankrunt upon hie own petition by the District Court of said Die „. . .3/I.llEfit W. L.ATTA, Assignee, - No. 128 South Sixth street. To the Creditors of said Bankrupt auln T E TTERB TEBTAM reNTARY HAVING BEEN 14 granted toll° subscriber.unon the Estate .of Mre. ELIZABETH IkIcYIIERSON, deceased,. all 'persons tn. debted to the game will make payment, and those haying claims present them to SARAH HARKNESS. Exectitrlx,' 1617 Bou Street, r aulOm•tit• ESTATE OF ZORN R WHITE, DECEASED.—LET' ters of Administration cum testament° annexo upoi, the above Estate having been granted to the uudersigned, all persona indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present them to MARGARET WHITE, 413 South Eighteenth street: or her Attorney -THOS. J. DLEHL, 530 Walnut et. au3-n6t. DIVIDEND NOTIICIES• wir PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY, Office 227 South FOURTH BITe ___Plyneßnalai, June 25the,18433. DIVIDEND NOTICE::. The transfer books of this Company will be closed on, TUESDAY. June 80th, and be reopened on THURSDAY,. July 16th, 1868. A Dividend of Five per Cent. has been declared on the Preferred and Common Stock, clear of National and State taxes. payable In Common Stock on and after July lath to the holders thereof as they shall stand registered on the hooka of the Company on the 80th inst. All pay able at this office. B. BRADFORD, .le264me Treasurer. U37.TP'rrTIr.MITITI 8 A AND 34 BLACK IRON . BAREQES. BEST — x - qualities. •, Pure Silk Black Grenadines, Summer Poplins, steel colors, Black Lace Shawls end Rotundas, White Lace Shawl and Rotunda's, , Real Shetland Shawls la I tV t lit a ie ll r l d Vacritar s e v is i t Shawls, White and Black Llama nhawls-- Summer Block of Silks and Dress Goods. closing out' cheap. . . EDWIN HALL & CO - 73 , 15 tf . 88 &nth &mond divot. ‘J)!BUMN7Ctiki M BY rigtEa LE 85E48. • • ••"' ' '' E le 241A1 '. 1. ! • i i i iiiiii i iiii i iiiiiii 2 r r i e l t irpri ar ee i w r gin. mo_d_pkaborste the greatest can panclicqjutirufg ever priieartilato . M 3 Amorl• In which W l L E apf t rar Et IT ~ - - 17 A' W COMDIXRD" AtitriTNT -ibkisAkrioN'srEsig .BALLET IBOUPAS. First appearance in this city of BPLEEK BON ONTI, nOLILKE,ANDETON,_ NIZZL CEREBEUE, ODERTI. MAZZARI, , FRAN. CISCO, PI ZUTTI and LA PETITE BUHL aGE R. SUPPORTED BY 40 CORYPHEES, And a Grand Co pEI de Benet. THE tiCENEBN 18 THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AND • . • 'COSTLY , Ever presented at any theatre in the world, THE COSTUMES Are the most brilliant ever aeon in America. PRICES OF ADMISSION.. Dream Circlear d Pat quet....: ......... ..70 cents Orchestra Seats— ...... ....... One Dollar , _ . . .. . Emily Circle .. ......,. , , ~.. • .W, cents NO EXTRA CEIARGV . FOR RgBERVED BEA•rs. SATURDAY, FAMILY. MATINEE, . .nu 17.1 WALNUT STREET THEATRE. Baena at 8 o'clock. THIS (THURSDAY) EVENING, August 20, OK LABI' MORT BUT TWO. - ,• ' • _•• BUT. TWO OF J. E. MoDONOUGH'S BLACK CROOK. GRAND PaIUbIENNE-BALLET TROUPE. THE GREATEST COMBINATIoN OF ARTIS ES IN • THE'COUNTRY: MDLLES. MORARAN ,T 'I)IANIoLEAECAWENDEL. ALEXANDRENA, BAIPtETTA AND PANZ lA. THE ORIGINAL FRE B IgH CAN-CAN. SATURDAY...IB7g. ELKIO AT,2•O'CLOCK. 'BLACKIOROOK MA TIN EE. MONDAY—Mt ialiat.tof , tbe• at Horaadion and Bar . • e acto "FINCIWELL. OADB,I9r OF FINE zaL • • • COEBTNuT abbve Tonto. coßen• from 9 49.. to 6 P.M., Beithinillt Wen% Oroistlifcre of ORM= REJECTED • din on exhibiticrn.„ n , r .„ .1 FtWO.ABIIIIRIO_L . 43L . ..AMETY pAIyIT E . . 1131 • 111 Y zVE ' NUI TIIVAY ACIECNOON. anTado 0 1710 , In Gifu*: Osinnagt AotkPantain=d rbo. • r •. • l• (J.L() .1 144',0..a1.41 . :, ~ ~,,,- ~ , • 'Whittiethoßtaximit AT. •L:P.N.AicaltriCot,llo6nOwltadi WIC/ 'edition of ,rtaohnan, ri =operlocillustritio_ljk - Matador's 'fatuous -48480- BensksiFOOY 4 noltr one of the molt khortadPla t tr enrOgotUren rUlted,l,4, WI :coma+ try. he rot roe e Cora o , romp r era oold In advance of publication . - ~,, 44. ' 0 0- • THE POET. Jobn-Cf.:lnittler.- aaqa of our ohronao: "Your admlrablVanno of .Vhe.4tarctoot Be ye. „Is a onapenarna Ole! , n. of ruy : 4lttle vete.. and in raw= WA T I B IATIIikAOTO Mt a' IrOIN of art + 1.. ,+,+ - - - , L ~ PAPIT4BII, Eastman Jolihoora., -writes of our on 0; Flt tioutwan o U halftone of ' the hoot chrosto. thodrarba 12 have ever. spear ~, - t ft.!' ,4 - _,..' 1. 'll ,, Bold ea all Art, StoreN. or sent bienprpos__ ~, _ _Moe of charge, • to`iniaiddrets in the U.'15.; cad of ' tiasniuratuagrpf; oo ” '- mild °price: ,',. r . , ". - 4,l . rcs .. i.t v ii i ti o i tuall . 13 Xe '''' X Is t. PRANG 4; CO., Art kiihltehera, ktoslon. 1, 25 auB 22 Sal , , _ EA GUSH & .EUROPEAN NEWS. 'THE . . • A Paper coritainigtheneivi: the principal feeders, a welt divested eummary,euid all interesting matter from The Tunes. The Fewspaper hitherto known as the Eventhp having become the property of the proprietors of TM Itmes, IS NOW published twice tweek.under the title of "TI:IEst.MAIL.," at the price of Threepence per copy u heretofore, or ed. a week, post free. •.) be days of publication will be Tuesday and Friday. and each paper will contain the news andailmatters of interest*rooaringin the three previous numbers of . The Tones, which will thus be rendered .availisble, 1111 a cheap and convenient form, for Demons residing abroad or in the colonies: • • • • . Subscribers can obtain 'THE MAIL". through News paper Agents. or may have it from the Publisher, on pre payment, at Prinf Inc House Square, London, 111125 null 22 ses fit anacs for .11.56 , New ready. in great variety. Twelve lands English, three kinds German.. For tale or made to order at short notice and lowest pride. ,peklisken, Booksellers, Medicine Venders and others Can have the imprints and advertisements inserted is what they o rder, at velylow rates. • . Book and Job Printing of all kind. (macaw cheaply nd promptly. KING & sulk w f m'Sw 607 Bansom Street. ' • . • r— s • . fir.lrfriel: New Edition.—A Grammar of,th T.atiii Language for the Use of Schoob. Withamnion and xocabrilariea by wilUamool Bingham. & lluP Mulat t ts 6 Binialan Sch The Pabliehen• takenlaasuni firsiniiinnalng tO Teachers antiriends of _Education generally. that the, jiew editlpo of-the above work is now rerobrilusallie9 Mite k Warm exansination of.the isame.and a econ_wisan x ; with othr o 7= 1 4 =lre l ajg D . ur ect. Oncial for th 4 purpose at low rates.: • ' ' 14 4 11 01 110. by . ds Co.. . ___ 80 4 h Fourth Igre And for gale by BOOAdligi generally PhibidAlpws sun T eetares.—A new Course of Lecture:4u delivered at the . • • meeggre. ot•Anatomy, embrael • them:lb e • : :ow o snd - wbat to nvelor; YoutA and Old Age -,ldanbood generally rgviewediTlie cause of indigo:di° flatulence and Nervous Diseasec at:contd.:o tyr,--Po . times econtsinthortbeseleetures will beta: warded to parties unable to attend on receipt of tofu stounpa. blr addrendos.j..o.7.lDYer:Bls School street, 800 t o m • t._ ••• • feu; bio DRANO'S AMERICAN CHROMOR FOR BALE AT nL roffPeetabLe Art Worm Calalones mailed free by my% e.em L. PRANG dt GO.. Boston. 1 :30tiNinv , k4.4E4 , 160F 4 I [II .11 1 / 4 1 KI/ 11:11/ JORN J. WEAVE& J. BELLE:LLB PENIIIOIII%. WEAVER de PENNOCK, PLUMBERS, GAS AND STEAM FITFERB, 37 North Seventh Street, Philadelphia. Country Beats fitted up with Gas and Water in first• class Style. An assortment pf Brass.and Iron Litt and Force Pumips constantly on band. LEAD BURNING AND CHEMICAL PLUMBING. N.B.—Water Wheels supplied to the trade and, others at reasonable prices. IyBl 9m6 ROBERT M. O'KEEFE, Plain and Ornamental House and Sign Painter 1021 Walnut Street. Glazing promptly attended to. ' my2o Bra IA111:5 A. WRIGHT, THORIUM% EIILT. GLZKIDIT A. WILBOOR VIISOTORI: WRIGHT, manic L. NEALL. PETER WRIURT & SONS. . Importers of Earthenware and F . :Rapping and Commis/don MerehanM. N 0.115 Walnut street. Philadelphia. COTTON AND LINEN BAIL . DUCK OF EVEItY width, from one to six feet wide, all numbers. Tent and Atvning Duck. Papermakere Felting. Sail Twine, die. JOHNtW. r .KVERMAN tit CO., No. lin Church Bt. PIIIVY WELLS.—OWNERS OF PROPERTY-THE only place to get privy wells cleansed and disinfected it very low p4ces. A. FEYBBON, Manufacturer of Poo irette. GoldieWtiPa Hall. Litriaky street: OAT ALL HE °URPOSEB OF A LAMA WE MEDICINE.—Perhaps one medicine le co univer ly required by everybody a cathartic, nor was ever iy before so universally looted into use, in eves untry and 1 ameng lasses, as this Mild but effi• 3nt purgativ i t h at The IViOUB reason s, that it is a we reliable and far more fectual remedy than any Those who have vureei them; those who , have not, sat it cures their neighbors and Mende, and all know that what it does once it does always—that it never fails through any fault or neglect of its composition. We have thousands upon thousands of certificates of their re. markable cues of the following. , complaints, but such cures are known in every neighborhood, and we need not publish them. Adapted to all ages and conditions in all climates; containing neither calomel or any deleterious drug, they may be taken with safety by anybody. Their sugar coating_preserves them ever fresh and makes them pleasant to take, while being Purely vegetable no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. They operate by their powerful Influence on the Inter. nal viscera to purify the blood and sthnulato it into healthy..action—remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring their irregular action to health, and by correcting, wherever they' exist, such derangements as are the first origin of dieeaee. •-• • - Minute directions are g. Iven in the wrapper on the box, for the following complaints, which these Pala rapidly CUM For DYBPZPVIA or IsrmorsTtoN, LISTLESSNESS, Lax. citron and Loss or APPETITE, they should be taken moder. ately to stimulate the stomach and restore its healthy tone and action. . - - For Lrv - En COmvrarmv and its various symptoms But. ors HEAD•Accm, ghon HEADACIIr a JAITITDIOE lIRICICS BicKNY.BB, BILIOUS COLIC) and Brmous FEvima. they should be judiciously taken for each case, to correct the diseased action or remove-the obstructions which cause it. • For BTEZITTZRY or BLAZRUCHAI but bnendld dose is gen. erally required. For Rustrmarnos, Govt.. Gravity Persrramon or rim Hasler PAIN IN THE SECA BACK and Loma, theahould be continuously taken, as required, to change the diseased action of the system.. With such change those complaints disappear. _ For 13E01151t and IBIOPSIOAL Bwaiumats they should be taken in large and frequent doses to produde the effect of a drastic purge. For Berrmassion sitars* dose should be taken. gts ft prth duce the desired effect by sYmpathy. As ' -a Dprrom. Pox,• take one or- two Prue to;Promote digestion and. relieve the stomach. An occasional does stimulates the stomach and' bowels into healthy lotion. restores the appetite, and invigorates the,eystata, ;Bence it is often advantageoua where - no as. rious derangemot.texists.. One who feels tolerably ten-finds MA cdosoof-these-Puse makeetterfeti - do., 'sweetly better, l freer rll their cleansing and renovatins effect on the digestive a .ratan. • V. A & CO., Practical Chemists, LoweLL Maas., 11. 8. A.. . J. hi. MARIS & CO.. Phlla Wbolostk4gents, eO9 Jar 1, =PR PA E-POD ,T g W L -TRADE, AIDVERTISE IN THE COMMERCIAL LIST PRICE CURRENT. Invarilx-ITVE REASONS WHY EVERY MERCHANT, STOREKEEPER, MANUFACTURER, Should Read and Advertise in the COMMERCIAL LIST PRICE CURRENT. 1. It is strictly a Commercial Paper, 2. It contains reliable Market Reports. 3. It contains the Arrivals and Clearances. 4. It contains the Imports and Exports. 5. It contains more Financial News than a the other daily or weekly papers. 6. It contains the best Ship News. 7. It contains a list of all vessels in Port. 8. It contains a list of all vessels on the way to this Port. 9. It contains a list of all vessels loading for this,Port. 1 It makes a specialty of all Commercial News 11. It makes a specialty of all 011 News. 12. It makes a specialty of all Gold and Silver Mining News. 18. It has special Marine Reporters. 14. It has racy local and biographical sketches. 16. It has spicy Editorials on Commercial Topics. 16. It has two columns of reliable Quotations 17, It has a faithful report of the Petroleum Trade. 18. It contains OFFICIAL STATEMENTS of the condition of the Banks. 19. It contains the Annual , Reports of all the Railroad Companies. • 20. It contains the Annhai Reports of the In surance Companies. 21. It contains several columns of Commercial Items condensed from original sources. 22. It contains a list of the BANKRUPTS, the names and the amount due each creditor. 28. It contains Sketches which instruct and amuse the clerks. 24. It is not a partisan paper. 25. IT IS ONE OP THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUMS IN THE WORLD Published every Saturday by WINSLOW & SON, 241 Dock. Street, • PHILAHELPSIA. ligninrruAFai 1829. I.PIINM:3U(Nr FIRE MOURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA. MN 435 ad 437 Chestnut ,St. Ameta on Januar, 11 Mei 00,2,008,740 .09 Ze P i- I c a tediGia . .. . ........... Premitune „ 1.184,1311$ 111118. Imp 0 oriel:ra1411113. 0100909 FOR USN 98. 11851:4000. Looses Paid Sine 1829 Over $045945009000. Perpetual and Temp°War Policies on Liberal Tamil rigiaririvnanir. imuyeis 1 31 Bs. • u_ol gram. VIr j ull IL D.; L ani w. mama s omu al • cnimm. A l r. l it. int haelEkca, % 11 _ . ~ _ Ji. ...... EQ,M.EI: ulna. iim i t. meata.nrEmis. •,..14 .. treBoir bas ~,, .Ammeiau " Wtro b tV " tnd= 7—# ! — , -' 7 mar . v .,4 1/ 16 1Y:"If‘ = " !tr irjarBwrir •tbs Idellidsge inanill i Illif iliga Oilike. O. N. *ilia - 4:18; ! guff WALNUT as .41 4 ". • .7: On VesoofasHibig .. D,, _• : , ....,.. •of tba trod& 1 Ch p ar t ol u l s oi c a mn vor. oOnali 13 g 4.- Oandiug to a minti ,,, thiiiitt swimrara On Rom Doraff , ' *swim Ihdtild States Me ,Pir l at. Lbw. ./20400°WSJ" 90.001 States_ 76 . 1(114i4;:iiii.MW. 134,100 a Sao uao i ti Wg zl = 4 .a ... Six Pee E a sO9 06 Ont. MAO ciag his pee -74 co ocot..t. T lM:my , six . yam Luu° ° I ) fili.oo6'l==k).26l•_l"fiArt..... • 19A) CO • ig n gin Peg cent. Bo ßsuroad ads.„.•.. k .:. AIMS 01 2500 a. 33.060 Sao of Loan. . .. . ... 00 %COO St.? of MOM SOO -di; 4.370 0 Company. }thrall* and interest w rrluatri , bY City of Phil's.7.6o)l}o shares stock ICionnyllanla road' Conusaier...... rth . OD BYtI Isooo 01 ii. 003 100 drams snick - No I.B°o Railroad Coinpar. • • OD WOO 80 - alum 'stock - ma .. 41311 .. "113 201.ann Southern nc Bond and m pCo ord 0.030 0) Rims trai City Propertles.... ....... 901.003 03 81.101.400 Paz Market Salmi 111.102.809 60 Cost. 81.0111 M 96 • Real Bills • Readvam ess for Insuranc 11000 00 made. . i .... Nand 6 Balances st . nth= on Mains Ac. =ad lamest. and ether debts due the Company...-. 43.334 36 Stock and , p of =wry insu. rano, other Companies. Cub in Bilr eo7ll 03. value. 3.017 03 -..---..11103.017 10 Cash in ... so " MIMI 87 CLERK DDIFIDED . Tbomu _EL Rand. ammo 011 aid. John O. Davi; Edmund A. Ronda. W ra gitat i r e" , Jaleltal H. Read. . O. dud& Thaophiliss Paulding. Jacob P. Jon a. EHughdward Craig. Jams R. HaFarbog. Darlington. J H R B o e h JninroiEin Pso=ter. . e cab nD e D. T. BByrenr I=a n r o .. 0. anon. n ignulg sado pftb urh.n t ward Laimacada. T, Jacob Riegel. m Ma dant rine .. THO • . . ____. __JOR:bi D YLLI.NIon Proddant HENRY ',ELMORE, Seeretarr. ELENRY BALL.;Aactotant Secretary. • del to oat . - - FIRE- -ASSOCIAMI th OP PEULADEL F . ' - libiLBdilifcM4 gm lEnt °idea .. o. Z. street. In. nollatnom, Irousehold 'Furniture and liferchandiss ' s--- 143 1 i ~ fia rimer frff..flre7thsthetiltirca ; • - ftstexaeut of ,theAno of the deloilatlns Jan • 1>3, 19 e9 ` , published tel COMMInee with es ere Fof an JUL or Assembly of April 5%.041. end ht•krlnades **Property m thew, __ Groundof PbUsdehgus oast ... 4. ' ' WARM II b........" . . ..... .... ........ . ..... ; VC se ............... .. ... ara -Fixtares of oaks , 744 47 J ' OS U. B. 20 Iteglstered 80nd5.................... :tgi oo Cash on band. Toy& .111,224411 U RUSTEE& leal .barilavrickiv P. Bolden . Missn rt. thurdlion. lbartilkwr. r A. Eerier. John thirrow ewe tf Joie c , ter. P' Coate. Peter on. WM. B. ErAzduiro N President SAMUEL SPARHAWS. Vice Pruden , . WM. T. BUTLER. Seeretarr. UrD iu:L an e MEN'S /NOUVINOE COMPANY OF This Company takes risks at th lowest rates arnalsteat with safety. and confloos its inane'. exulludielY to FIRE IBM/RAMS IN THE P Lan( OF piTILADEL, HU. OFFICE—No. BD Arch Street Fourth National Baal' Building. DDIFAffeBB: Thomas J. Marlin. R. Smith. John Hirst. Alberto. King, Win. A. Bolin. Homy Eitunm s Jame. M James _Wood. William Glen n, John 131mt sk ti.r Jama JDickson.J. Alexander T. Di Mu Henry ulligan. filbert D. Roberta. Philip Fitzpatrick. CONRAD B. ANDREWS. ?readout. Wm. A. ROLM. Treas. Wm. EL FAcwss. Seel; frIitCOUNTY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.-07 . No. 110 South Fourth street, below Chestnut "The Fire Insurance Company of the CountE of *Ms dolphin" Incomorated by the Legislature Of PennsYlva nix in IS, for Indemnity against len or demote by Ara excludvely. CHARTER ERPETUAL. This old and reliable huditution.with ansPle capita lane contingent. fund carefully invested. cultinnes to insure byßdino. furniture. merchandise,Aa., either permanently or for a li mited time, against loss or damage by Mesat tb.• lowest rates oondstest with the absolute safety of BA cgs tomer& Losses saluted am , ill with all possible &Oath& Chas. J. Butter, Andrew R. Miller. Henry Budd, . g i mes N. S tone, l John Horn, wfn L. Joseph Hoot I Robe *Massey. Jr.. George 11.0 v ark a B U J. ty ER, President RY BUDD. VienPreaident. Branum F. Homan:. Secretary and Treasurer. p RCENIX INIMRANCE COMPANY OP P 4.ADEPHIA. • • INCORPORATED 1804—CLURTER , PERPETUAL No. 224 WALNUT street, opposite the Exchange. This Comm/ Insures from IMO or damage 137 PIRE on liberal terror, on buildings. merchandiae, furnittirs de., for lindt i zl li eriodi. and permanently ins buildings bY de oeita premi um. hari heed in Mitre operation for ntor. than rixtf jeers,. during' which all loom have beer oromPlly awned suid_prdd. IaRECTIAE, gtd.141411 Drviran%"%ni. John rtowli. Thos.'ll. Powers, Filllarn 8. Grant, A. IL AlcHem7. hart W. Learning. Edmond 4 t QaxbßiOris D. Clark Wharton A -Samuel LasssenseLewls,_.ir,_. Louis o—Norris. JOIN WUCHICIUP.RreiIdent. TEP ON FIRE INKIRANCE COMPANY OF pni. 1 ladalolde..-Offlae, No. RI North : Filth etreot,near Market. street. ... Incorporated biremealflatato Of Ikenurvbrania. Char. ter perpetual. Mal and Afisf3SX66., l 39,N. Make In. E nz. j o s a i me sis t , yundture. o or Damage orLaasanizo_qo. La. on favorable teconL uuw. .77 '".". 4 " wiuul.. , pia:laid,* Player. I Potato _ . /nal , * ~, .ad . , obn F.: . . A dam LL Henry TrOorr h an . lionrl Effi llelan.T., Jacob oh= . • John , ato,_ Doll,. ' ObriatianD. Fri*. Smola !OAF. wiuth i l br George N . , MoDANDEOLl_Froaldent. RR. • ' ' - - -- i ll. PETERSON,...NimPrealdani; Paroiril. Vorataf-Oxithinrotalif arid mammy. A ASEEMItit MBA TNESIIILIMCEIr COMPANY. /N 0073., ,CL porAW 1810.—Cheutor,porpetaol. No. 810 wALNUT street, , above maid. PlAlMelphla.- .ESViElig • 1 / 7 Paii= d rtal..l3tot and ,Scumitur to-. vested In ;ono mai a e Beouriti tont:fano to 4. irOztoti otOrtic Mature. .•mccroltitudiso. , ,... s rtve r a ar 6 and ' i , ai n iaPnni , 1,. Ornfln ll7 . i ' loom II . • .. 4 ~ --._ B. . • , ~ •s:.. s _ t Ra, t • 0 . ,- 1 •,1 . Thomas B. Math. " ' : • .. and CF. DottlX ... 4.fr otor Wo& i. Wo - IV - froi- - 31ttutra . - • • Sonia. Wa.T. ' " Jo o P •WetherM. William ' Pau _ THOMAS LAURI& rredleld: &Moil C. Le OzAwrow, tlecretary., SlUlQliallge JOON 1 431 IA 0 3310 Art7fl.4. - r7.:iMp.g....:1N - 0.1)40 , 4g COMPANY. NEW YORK. !MEW IItEENOIN, President. LOUIS lANDIUSWO,, wi ....p irodoci. JNO. 111. HAR0111816261061 -- BEMIS Of Faxtus, Secretary. Cash Assets 200 000 . • ORGANIZED. JUNE 1804. • • ALL___PAUCIEIS NOII.FORPRITADI.E. PREMIUMS PAYABLE IN CASH, LOBBEB PAID IN OAS/1.• It RealmsNo Notes and Owes Now. , , , By the prevhdons of Its charter the entire surplus belongs to policy holders, and most be paid to them in dividends. or reserved for their greater security DM. denoP•ltra Made on the contribution platy and a a nzga . ally, COMMOIMS two Yeats from the date of It bas already made two dividends amounting to an amount never before equaled during the flat three Yeas of any company. _ PERMITS TO TRAVEL GRANTED WITH OUT EXTRA. CHARGE. NO POLICY FEE REQUIRED. FEMALE .RISKS TAKEN AT THE . USUAL PRINTED RATES, NO EXTRA PREMIUM BEING DEMANDED. Applications for an lands apatite. life , ten•year life endowmet,, terms or centime' endowment, aim. eve all Infon cheerful!" afforded at the • swat OffICU OF TUB CONPINT, NO. .4.08 WALNU C PEULADELPRIA.' Why. F. GRIFFITTS, Jr., Manager, Euterni4p:iimezda the State r af P'einatvania. Perticeler sttsnalonAlto , , , UNE MOM _ _ Width. In idiness, b ite Owed In atztassi Com. peniep_of this kr_. se wtll au d e =4 :1 1 known etandlng be A l MI Wi a r teM aa D iNfsoE ON LIV 1 I I inwardly attended te. in IWl:3empazdeir of tbstirled, I=uta gamma atte.ntion Wend . 'prompt &witch al entrusted _to my care. / hope to merit and tn. alive a hasher. et vabniatrent anrrisa Wain w Ull lie. 403 Walnut &NC — rr art , ar! . 00 • Atm • 11Ar i p rr Stridant dread. Maxtor ParpitoaL Imam fora or dasuso lla Ttr torso and other isandiods. limited orand as Good,. Wane sad Marebraultso fa or e3in abES 'noiernar 'ADMITEri AND rem. «........ Invested hi the fallowing Beetuttlas. siii" Writ Mortiputw a n My ProW .wail tomorsd..sl96.lll:ooll United States .. -.. .......... 117,630 MI Philadelptda (Elpeieent. Lomat. —. . .. . . Moo° a) Pennsylvania IXIIM 6 parLossi.....-," MOM 06 Pennsylvania sd Bonds. Mt and wooed - • hiorfgaWs .. Camden and &shop iiiiileOitiliil Oils WOW 00 Cent. oan Philadelph L .ia la Viiiiiatilialiii . itromtpatirs 11.1)33 21 6 per Cent L0an............. . . . • ILO3O ES Buntthidon and Bro ad 7 — pet: beisi:jait: '' lase muds ... ... OW to cpunty _Phu inaprozos Comiliaii WWI': Lora al mechanics. Bans 'stock.. . OW Bank of PennSigiiit'ai Stock. • 10.0:0 MI 06 F.Ti c illV al itual Insurance_B _Lock., . WO 03 Reliance Insurance Com te : Miaddpists:lr•• nom.. .. ..-............. ..... LII6O to Cash in iiiiilriiicro:zi ajar. ... ............. -.. 'I.WI II --..........-.. Worth at Par. ...... .. ....... ....... ......... 8U1.177 711 —........... Worth this date at market prices *MOW W LUM/TO RS. . - Clem. itnaley. IL Weft% Wm. , =Costner. Samuel Bisp Musser hata. Junes T. Young. U. L. Carson. Iwo F. Bake; galar= ry .1. Hoffman ; = Thum ' Edward alum ' ... ,... .iLEIL TMILET. f i raddliat. gni.a.u llidi srra i n iEL — Fen WM 1014 n th a U MItiIIVEANUE IiMiILUILIVELLY.—TECE ' ania hirs lastirezieo Gereverri -- c bil rt a r renetiua - DI o . KO Wilout streets 41 q 151 (k i rotritirestsblylosown ti a 4= for crrer orty yews, conttories to tome ei lZer en ta fires on Publie_ar IPrlesto 8 • = M i tr tor *Hi t 1II : =6 • Also, on . onlborai_term Their C r igtoi, c =tir writ nakir lantrplasEhedat le vestedn a raort offer t ote Imerred an liguitn i H m al it t gai ns fig th : a Alexszeler Beams, =as base Tholoos l / I ToW . ' ' • Fell. , DANIEL Wrizzeit 0. (bonne& Seereters...." L. 4 '411"14 A NTHRACITE - INSUBMWEI- 1301111%.1M-41 ant Mea t _ o. a TER r fiV R 5Ma iiit ca Thfrd. iu i N nrm• or b Piro. e i r k Aib A Vi i:theniarirl 11catiott00 - xmltare sad embus/Die seaeraity. ' P =lx . 1 El " i l i a bra Irc id " L irum n e e trip., .the p rier . . Visiz. P. Dino. ES "actbnitettbuch John EA= at. :jIIIIIM DEAN° Y i r k sm i 111'11= Wm. Mier. D. Luther. Lewis t uilettried. Juke R. Maim% Ravi, Pearson. war. M. WAG K. Mara. Beetetarv. 'WAKE INIRTRANOE 0011PADY. NOORDTEOII mass: Swag& • PUILADELPHIA. FIRE lIIRUBANOB ExoLuszvarat; 'TORS. Francis N. Buck. rilibpA. i ve uslibl azm i. Mattes Richardwa, - am Nv. Ileru7 Lew* Wsedrodl. ' Robert - rearm ' no. Iteadar4 or.. • RO W, IL Potter, Deo. lia West. OnileVelei .....p . • FRANWE It. ___, . CHAR. RICHARD 71r: WILLIAM L Busstastain. O . _ , „ MAULE, BROTHER & CO. 1868. ingriBWr: 1868 1 OPROCET. ~✓ • - - - • • LAROB STOCK Lai:4* STOCK. 111111.1171.E. - BROTHED & 00.. 2500 8013T11 STREET. .ThDRIDAWORING. FLORIDA ORIN% WtOLINA - ORIN% VIRGINIA FLOORIN G _, DFIL &WARE FLOOsui G. WALNUT L F S LOO N R G G. FLORIDA-STEP ,, :BOARDS. RAIL PLANS. 1868. 1868. RENNIREBNEMPLATILL 1288. WALNUT BOARDS. WALNUT. PLANK. • I. UO. Mr""9ll:kutiga. 1368. CEDA4 WALNUT 'AND rirtE. 1868. IrEA A B E CVIEMaIt • ASH. 1.868 Mt:MEDAN FLANK AND BOARDS. HICKORY. i GAR BOX.MAKRRS. r : I . :a, 1868. ISPANDiraVATI 131 - 55 - E FOB ULLE 140 W,, CABOLINA-BCANTLING. 1868. cAROLDJA tORWAY TUNG. AIiGE 4438 RTMENTi CED SINGLES. CE UES. OYFRESSSHINLES. PLASTREHNO.LATH. CHESTNUT EXAM. AND BOARDS. 1868. 1868.. RE A E°lBNE R ,°%Enivilit. 1368. CH ICE PA TTERN PINE. • SPANISH CrEDA.BFOR PATTERNS. , • PLORT.I4 REL . . CED A R. . . 0 1 411iWPEVELIBIli dkiflALL_ • • PKEL4IN & BUCKPISLXII T•, w A_ o,n !y-40thEiNrd a Tnd 'Chestnut - Sp AF T Z7NwALfwA OLEN 4 A •EINEZ T v b P . ,_. • •" "L i CEDAR, CYPRESS tsr pra Fg ,OBABONEH gyp, AbLMzESANDQU VANM FLOOruNG AND HEAVY DAROLDiATAmpursEsi • 10=0 - HAND "HEBILDINE_ , ,JOIST,I BUXIADUie lA/MS=or 4 1 44 , ilatii ) KW rnhstm • VAILEMILitaa.v. • ? ••• = - D • ~ 1 , ,• ciIIOeOS.BELLIMEN n revectr_rali. t .„ l, l; l 4%.,,,,ll2eg for es . ' ' V 1 -6=". Ti c 11 , -14854 ' °42345ja t Thkei P , 1 , 01 111 MS 13. LAM. 4:XyACITMA.KE caniages. Which her' ol 7* , , mv4431.* toi :~~ ;~u .wrowtraur., 1868. 1868. Frith otillificiidificiitiforiesterhy , iho Atininitic Loivri - ew, Ang.lo.-Bocht lifter the arrival of die American yacht Sappho at Cowes, on Friday last, Capt. Baldwin issued a general challenge to the yachtmeti of gngland'for a race: :The ehal lenge was at'once acceptedliy the rollowingwe" 11- known yachts: Aline, Cambria, Onward and Condcii. A conference was held, and the details of the friendly encqunter agreed upon. Thesaco, which, will be.for sweepstakes, £2O, will , come tiff •on Friday next,'August 21st. The yachts' will 'Start from CQWCB and, proostad,east through Spitiiad; out to sea,- around theillialf Wight to westward, and thieugh the Solent, to the place of starting —a disitance of 'perhaps 75 or 80 miles. The event intliatide it considerable Or' in _sporting circles, And'a Jibe race Is looked for. AiusrannAar,.. Aug. 19:— The subject , of the equalization of the duties - on — sugar — imported from foreign countries, which has for a longtime engrossed the attention of different European powers, bids fair Co be definitely settled. The representatives of France, Holland, Belgium, Prussia and England'are now assembled at the Bogue, for the purpose of holding a conference looking to such equalization. The Case at Cernnallosioneillonkns • fspedat Despatch to the Eveidna Bo WASIIINGVIN, August I.9.—According to the testimony of numerous 'Democrats here, the President has determined, to remove ,CO,lntel3- lon , 0.11,418 and prefer ,chayges against...bird; but it is now thought this purpose, if formed, will not be executed ontil t after the question of a September session bfgongresa Is settled. - From Waxbinglomw Wii.s?P*,o),-tkggcust 11)...Prral, R9*linkei who bad a severe attack of 4 bemorrimge a few days since, has reentered sufruilently lo be oat and was at the army headquarters for a short time to-day. The appointment, of &metm -da' still milk ing, nnnebtivjegyetbectimade, Commissioner Rollies.hatendit sending over neminations for the . , remaining dlstriete shortly. ' Amoogat the visitors at the White Hone to day were Genemis flaucock nod lionsseaN both of whom had'hitervievis with the President. From ISt. Louis. BT. Lou,IS August 19.---The latest .Kansas ad vices state that the Indians have left Solo Mon Valley and quiet is restored. • Adjutant-General 'McAfee reports that eight personahave been burled,three are ;wounded,and five missing. This is probably less than half the casualties. At least twenty persons have been killed.•. General Sully reports that two daughters of Aaron Bell have been recovered from the In dians. About two'huudred settlers are left desti tute, stripped of clothing, bedding, etc. From Buffalo. BUFFALO, Aug, I*--Thei , Thirty-firet Annual Convention of the Diocese of Western New York opened in St. Paul's Chirrech, In this city, at 9 A. M., The Right Rev. Bishop Ctix pro aided. Ope hundred and thirty. tour clergymen were present. Amongst some of the notables were Dr. Fuller, Archdeacon of Toronto; Rev. Dr. Hill, 3Lissiimary to.fireece; Judge P 3 M 8100 4 of Glicii . :ludge Niles, and others: , Romtio Sey mour will bc , attendance during ,the conven tion. The Morning exercises consisted of an ad dress Co4andlliii - iitintuil Bernina by the Rev. G. 3L Rill. This afternoon will be de voted to business. Am Issionarx meeting will be held' tho evening, when addresses will be &- livered by Dr. Rill and others, after which a r•- cePtionisill be held at the Lee House. - The Chinese Embassy. - Masi., Aug. 19.—The Chineao _Embassy arriyedliere 'froM,l Albany at 2 P. M., and proceeded, after. a- brief stoppage, to Wor cester, where they witrepetrtEßY - tight They were met here by a Committee of the Boaton City-Council,:anAty-sixteen-Chinmeolttendants, from New York. They will go to Boaton on e spetlal train at 9 o'clock to-morrow morning. Bosnia, Aug. 19. 4 —The Heft.' cie - ora H. Pen dleton arrived in town yesterday. Late in the evening the colintitaticaral Demoemtte Club gave bim a serenade at the Parker House. He returned thanks in a few remarks, during which he said he was on big way to Maine to take part in the po litical campaign in that State. Thcsa was a large assemblage present. Pedestrianism. Tno Avg.lQ.—Considerable excitement exists in this iricinity• in Iregaril,to the., walking matc4 between , ' Weston an& young Payne, the AlbanY pedestritin;which will take place in Rensgalaer Park, in this city, on Friday and Saturday of this week. The Park offers'a'ourso of 41,000 to the one who first aecomplirihfus 100 miles, pro vided;ll-Kdone-withirt 2Alntra, Parp's friends are * Con i tidift atilt ii Wilebritrirak Weston. , Marine, 'in telligence. FATHER. FOIN'r; Aug.. 19.:—Arrived, stoim . ship Damuteue,lfrom 'Live rooL REAL ESTATE SALES. 11 ORPHANS'. COURT ItAIta—EBTATE OF lOLIN Cieggett. deceased.'-James A. Fre.eman,Auctionecr. —Building - Lots corner of Thompson and Birch etre* ts, Twentyjifth Ward. Under authority of the Or phans' Court for the city and " county of Philadelphia, on W ednesday,' Bepteniber 2d,..1803. at 15 o'clock, noon, will be eo d at pubUtteaie..at the Philadelphia,. Exchange. the following deecribed real estate, late the property of John Cleggett, deceaeed.-1. All that certain lot of ground situ ate on the east corner of Thompson and Birch streets, in the Wwentr-tifth Ward of, the city; containing in front on Thompson street.` feet. i ctod In depih so tithe outwardly along Birch street 124 feet 36 an inch. and on the N.E.eide 125 teat 4 inches. 2.—A1l that certain lot of ground /Butte on the southeast.: orly wile of Thompson street, at the distance of 20 feet northeastward of Birch street; containing in front 20 feet and in depth on the eouth west-side 125 feet 4 inches, and on the northeast side 126 feet inches. &—All that certain lot of ground situate on the southeast side of Thompson etreet, at the distance of 90 feet north: eastward of Birch street: containing in front 20 feet and in depth on the set - Almost side 1211 - feet 7,4; inches, and on the northeasteide 127- feetlllX/nenes.'- - - - - Building Lot, Thompson street abeve William. that, ~ certain, lot, ,of ground , sit uate on: sontheasterlv aide of Thompson street; et the distance of 92 'feet "northeastward of Wil liam street In the Twenty fifth Ward of the city; containing in front 21 feet and indepth' southeastward 181 feet ? inches. 6.—A1l that certain lot of ground situate on the south easterly side of Thompsonbtreet, 63 feet northeastward of William street; containing in front : 21 feet and in depth 131 feet 7 inchea,.. , • . • , t3—Allthat ceitainlot grOand dictate on the south easterly aide of Thompson street. 84 feet northeastward of Wiltiam street; containing in.front 21 feet and in depth 131 feet 7 inches. • Lian,Each of the above of all.incumbrances. Of $5O to be paid on each atthe time of sale. By the Court. JOSEPH biEGARY Clerk. 0. C. . ?TAWag - riditi:_litranis itiax. JAMES 'A:'FRIREISIAN.. , Auctioneer. att12.20,27 = ' 4 " Store.' 422 Walnut street. rORPHANS' coun. e d a t F . — ESTATE OF CHAS 13beble, deceased.--James a. Freeman. Auctioneer.— " nder authority of tho Orphans Court forth° city and county ofPhiladelphia, on Wediiesday, September 2,1168. at 12 o'clock, noon,will be sold at public sale, at Philadelphia Exchange, the^ following described real estate late the property of Charles Sheble, deceased.—No. 1. Three story Brick Store and Dwelling, 1 1278 North Second !street All that certain three.dory brick store and dwelling? g with three story brick bark buildings and lot of ground situate on the West ride of r econd street, at the .distance of 46 feet 6 inches south of Thompson street, in the Seventeenth Ward of theOD' ; containing in front on Second streetl6 feet, and in .depth on the North line 69 feet Of Ina es and on the South line 68 feet 636 inches. Ow of incumlirance.. • - . No: 2-Three-dory brick hone, No:1285 'Cadatitllader etreet.,Allthatcertain-threeetaryluick.housanitaate.on the eastwardly side of Cadwallader street, at the the Lance of, 80 feet 1036 inches southeast wardly• of ..Chomp. son, giseet; containing in fronti id- feet and. in depth 70 feet. tilegxellneumbrance. - - No: 8. t-I.o}s, N. W. carper Fifth street and Erie avenue'. All that cat tamp lot of ground comp: mod of seven separate lots of ground described twit:Bowe:',Beginning at the tfortitpre - secinner of Brie avenue .143fUElft#1 &treat. in tho Twentv•OfthVarA;, thence extending; northward along the west aide ofFifth street. 140 feet; thence westward at right, angles yetth‘Fifthstrertit3 feet estl.bachea; thence, aonthward,parallet with :FBA street 40 - teet: thence east ard at right angles viith`Flith street, ID feet 431; inches : : ence southward parallel with Fifth Arcot 100 feet to the north Ilea of ?Erie tventle;•therice eadward along Kite .%.11.148 - feet 436 - inchetrto-the - place - offileglerting.-Glear inoumbran oe. _ Ire' igloo to be paid on each at the time of WA, BY.the , Cogn; _moizen:m4GAßy .uorii. 0. C. JANES A. FREEDlANOuctioneer. : 7 1 111 /2 20 27 ' Store, 422 alnut street. Political. HEALIESTATE SALE BY O,RDER 01 1 '. THE OCLUILTIOFCMG teen tleaso-Jatheird.; Freonlab. Ai:Monde-0m —Well' secured Ground"Rente:=4lipurenence of It D'ecree or tbe'Court of Common Pleas 'for the City and Comty of Philadelphia. .n Empty. 11. Clinton .Lelb. Platntf and Claudia EL Leib and Octswia &Leib, a Minor. for whom Joseph It Inches been appointed Guardian, De, fendants. June elm, 1668. NO. On ye edneaday.itep tember 5. IE6B. at 12 o'clock. noon. will be cold at public sales at OW PliadaiDbia Exehenge , the fallowing do. permed ereal,,eittite, irredaemeble Ground Rent of 8241 , Persil:mom of(ntel) All teat certain yearly grouna rent or rum of eiBo.' lawful none`-tharged on half yearly. Inning and payable on the find day of the menthe of April and October, by Limes Rinker, his helm and , cies of taxer, a e... out of and for all that certain let pr thee of ground. Ablate on the MO' ode of Apple *erect, at the • distance of 163 feet northward from the .north ride of Diamond street, in the late District of Ken singtob, now in ;the city of 'Philadelphia; containing in front or ureadth slid .Apnle et ee't 16 feet, end eXtehd. Ire in depth between parallel lines at right angles there te tett 7% inches% " No. 2.—lrredeemable ground rent of $4B per annum (68ro). All that certain yearly ground rent or eum of $4B. lawful money. charged on half yearly. belling and PRY , able on the lint day of the months of April and October. by John A. Brown, hie heirs and neatens, clear of taxer, - ac.. out of all that certain ot or piece of ground with, iho three • story brick dwelli ng thereon erected, 'situate on the west ride of Fifth etreet , at the Mite:ice of 2604 test tenth of Diamond street, in the Nineteenth Wardof the . city; containing in frontl2 feet. and in depth 100 feet to Carry street, No. 8.--Grourd ront of rei per 'mute. ' (8484 86.) - All th at certain - yearly groundrent or BUM of 828 lawful silver money of the tinted States. inning out and parable by Isaac Cole, his heirs and atteigne. out of all that certain lot of ground eitnate on the- southweeterlyeide of Nano; , ver street, betweett_Thompeon etreet sou Girard wronye. In the ElehUenth Ward ofctbe My r , Containing In front 18 feat binds, and hi depth 100 feet." Bounded north. sweet by ground grantedlojoseph and. Alexander Burr; routheastward by ground of head Porter: tenth Westward by ground formerly of George Laniele, and northeast be of 4114 per anndni 011.203 that certain yearly ground - rent 'or 'suit of 8114.‘laavhd• sliver =Obeyed the trotted States oflAmerlexe Ott savable tlyoD,Wiges e l l; iiesuir g , end .payable; by. .William J., Jobneon. Is kateltrui. on: the first 017, of the months o M a y • d Nevelt ei, etch and , every year forester. Without any deduction for takee, die.. out of and for all that certain lot or piece of around, with the three. etoty,brick netleence therms erected, Athlete on the west tido of Bread street. as widened 0.113 'feet, at the die, lance of 118 feet northward from the north side of Fairish' street:in theiate Dhtrietof epilog Garden, now in the ' city Off'hitedelp,bbto containing in front, or. breadth on the eald Brenta street 19 feet, and In length or depta. be. tween parallel with the said...Ferri/1i street 160 feet: to Carlisle street. Wended northward' by, other ground set the alldtßenryF Leib,' southward by ground now or late of Benjamin eastward bYhe, said, Broadetreet. and westward loy Carliale street aforesaid. (Being the game lot or piece of isf l ound which thexald Henry F. Leib and wife. he Indir, re; bearing ;debt the'-twenty fourth day of April, A. D. 861. recorded at Philadelphia. in deed book 1.1, N o,loo iPage &e., granted lrod conveyed unto the Said 'William Johann: in fee, re. peeving thenroat unto him the raid elenryT.' Deb, his hairs and !taigas; the yearly g ro und rent DO BUM of 8114 as roui3d rent Of 820(ifier sunintin 015.00 e) All that. ..certain y early ground rent or rum of 11200. lawful money eh/greed on half yearly. issuing and pa able by Charles Leming aed - GeerEeßill; hang and , aaellettie. o on.the Brat day of the mobthisof Jannasy and... Jule, - clear. of taxer. &c. out of and far all that certain lot or piece of rround. with the double threestory brick and ironer emit dwelling thereon erected. situate on the north skis, of Green etreet, (an now widened to 70 feet.) at the dietatice of 252 feet westward front the :west Ado r ed Nineteenth street, in the raid City of Philadelphia; .• containing in front or breadth on the said Green etreet 26 feet, and ex tending of that , width in length or dee% northward feet to a certain 6 feet wide alley, leading westwardly into Tweutieth streeti-!Being the same - yearlY ground rent which Edward Taylor listrelo`ph and wife. by in. dente. e bearing date the fourteenth day of FlePteteber. A, D, 1855. recorded in deed book IL D. W. No. 42, page less.ite...nranted and eselgued unto the said HenryF. Leib in fee.) No. 8 —43ronnd Rent of 8240 per annum (614.000).—All that, certain yearly ground rent or atm. of $240, lawful money, charged on half yearly, issuing and payable by Chaffee Leming and neorge MTh - their helm and esteem., on the first days of the menthe of January and J uly. clear of taxer, &e... out of and for all that certain lot or piece of ground. nith the thref.4,t!,ry brick messuage or tenement thereon erected "situate on the eoutb rest corner of Monet Vernon and Seventeenth etreets id the raid city of Phila. tfelphia ; containing inheritor breadth on the said Mount 'Vernon greet 20 feet, and extending in length or depth votithersolt of that width fil feet 6 inches to a 4 feet wide alley leading eastward into said Seventeenth greet. (Be. ing the aewo yearly ground rent. triter alit. which Oliver joam amid Nathaniel Randolph. and wives, by indenture bea4ng date the eighth day of March. A. D. 1856, recorded in deed book B. D. W.. No O. page-249. ad. granted and assigned unto Beery I'. Leib, in fee.) City Sulk to be bald on each at the time of gale,. WILLIAM D. BAILER. Muter. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. aulZb3,27 . ' :Store,4V,Watiout street. r- TO CAPITALISTS .AND (Y/DERS. 7 -43ALE BT order of the Court of - CommonP leas.. JURE', A; free man, Auctioneer. Valuable church property. Fourth and Cherry. Gl' 713tAn Lutheran Church. In pursuance of a decree of the Coati! of Common 'Pleas for the City and County of Philadelphia, on Wednesday, September 2, 1843 a. at 12 o'clock, moan; will be sold at public eaie„ at the Philadelphia Exchange, tbe following ' described real estate the, property of the German Luther:l congruga. lion he church edifice end Lot of ground at the south . eat corner of Fourth and Cherry streets, known as Zion's Church, in the city. of Philadelphia. extending sou th ward on Fourth street 125 feet, mistreat(' on Cherry street 96 feet: thence south 4334 feet; thence east 6 feet; thence eolith 26 feet 9bachee: thence west 3 feel 11 inches ; thence south latest: _thence east It inches:.thence south to ground lately conveyed by the said Congregation unto William B. Grove, and thence westward lir the same to Fourth street a 1 a poirit 125 feet south of Cherry street The above is a valuable propau, to the hear t of the business portionUie city. , Thu church building xe rem large and massively constructed. and would be suitable for any manufacturing, purpose. 113e — Clear of all incumbrance. Plan at the Auction no following are the conditions of . - - • lat.-7 be same shall be aubjeet to the approval azifi coafirrnation of said court, 2d.—Slituettitsrpaid caszla whara Ulu properiy struck off the remainder pf one-half of the purchase money to be paid in cash within 15 days after the con firmation of, the sale by the Court. The other one-half of the purchase moues , may remain on bond and mortgage on the premisee for a period of not lees than , one •or More than fiveyeam at Per cent interest, clear of taxes; or the whole purchase money may be paid in cash. at the option of tl.e purchaser. By order of the Court. FREDERICK G. WOLDR RT, Prothonotary. JAMES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer. Store, 421 Walnut Rtreet. sun-50.27 rPUBLIC SALE.—JAMES A. FREEMAN, ABC. tioneer. Genteel Dwelling and Side Yard, ffri4 Richmond St.: Bridesburg. On Wadheeday. Sept: 2. 1E435. at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold.at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange. the fcllowing described real es tate, viz.: All that certain three story brick mesantage, and the lot of , ground compared of 2 'contiguous lots of ground marked Nos. 19 and 19, on a curtain plan of lots laid Out •by Herbert Ite3 nolds, situate on the northwest erly aide of Richmond St, in the 25th Ward of the city, at the dierance of 144 feet 8 lychee southwestward of Ash St.. being also-a LC<ITLICT of ;John. Benninger's land; . thence exteeding along the Zoi thWect side of Richmond St, eetithieestw aril 40 feet to a corner of ot No l 7 on said plan; thence along the side of' said lot northwestward 160 feet to the side ofix'3o feet wide street' called Emery St.: thence along the 'sante ,northeastward .40 feet to a corner of Benninger's Land, thence southriard. 151 feet to Rich mona St., the' lace of beginning. .• - - - On" the abore are ere:led a ger - doer ihre"tory trriek tol , It brick and frante back buildings. and a (arae Itco-stori frame stable, in good order. The grounds are neatlE t laid out with: a ea. int/ of fruit tree.s, cur rants, raspberries, pope? berriu blackberries, large grape arbor.' with "ci 'tutriety of araPrg, coon/remit &c. immediate posse.seion.: Clear of incumbrance. • A leo, ail that let of ground, situate on the northwesterly side of Richmond street, adjoining the above oa the southitest at. the diat'nce of 184 feet 8 inches south westerly of Ash street, in the 25th Ward of the city; con taining in front 80 feet and in depth 1 50 feat to Emery street. Subject to de,6 ground rent tier annum. The above will p be sold as one property, la' feet front by 150 feet dee. getr - $2OO to be paid at the time of sale. JAMES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer. aul2 20 27 . Store, 4:..12 Walnut street. irPEREMPTORY SALE.—JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer.—Modern Residence, Woodland Terrace. " On Wednesday. September 2, 1868, at 12 o'clock. noon, will be 'cold at public sale, without re• serve. at the 'Philadelphia b.change. the fol lowing described real estate, viz.: All that cer tain three-story brick .reugh,ast dwelling, with tbreeTtory brick back buildings, situate on the east aide rf Woodland Terrace , (No. 4) at the distance of 93 feet southward from Bellmore avenue, in the Twenty-seventh Ward of the city ; containing in front 30 feet and ex tending in depth 135 feet. The elbows is a vented residence, with verandah and 'aide pant, eatoon parlor. (Oran/ and dining-room con nectma with folding doors, and kitchen on the. first floor, marble mantels, butler's closet, with hot and cold water, bath .roota and. water ctoset, rahpa. turnue, .tc. The yard to /aid out with a Oar WY of shrubbery, grape vines LC. rer - Clear of incumbrance. Bale absolute. Pr 03200 to be paid at the time of sale. JANES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer. anl2-20.27 - store,42l Walnut street. ORPHANStk'OCRT NALFFESTATE OFJAHE3 Brown,- deeened.—James A. Freeman, Auction ", eer.—Threenory Brick Elwe lin No. 2117 Frankford Road.-=.llxider authority of the Orphans' Court for the city and county of Philadelphia, on Wednesday, Sept. 2,1368, at 12 o'clock, noon will be sold at public ante, without reserve, at the Philadelphia* Exchange..the fol. lowing described real estate late the property of James Brown, deceased : All that certain three.story brick dwel ling with the two-story brick building.. and the lot of ground situate on the eastwardly side of the Frankford Road, at tha .distance of 132 feet 8.11 inches northward from the north.side of Dauphin street, in the Nineteenth Ward of the city; containing in front DJI feet , extend. in 4. othl2oieet to aBO feet wide: • street called pray street. , Subject-to 825 ground. rent pek annum. guns ,— go Courts paid at the time of sale. By the JOSEPH MEGAItY, Clerk O. C. • - • ' JOSEPH BROWN,_Adminiatrator. JAlikEB 4.. FREEMAN Auctioneer, aul2 20 27 Store. 4= . Walnut street rORPHANS' COURT SALE.—ESTATE) OF ,HUGER Minors.—James A. Freeman, Auctioneer. Dwitable Building_Lot, Twenty-second street; south of Walnut, •Eighth •Ward. Under authority of the Orpb_arle' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, on Wednesday: litept.'2; 1888; at 18 o'clock. noon. will be sold at nubile sale. at, the Philadelphia Exchange, the following' described . Real' Relate of Htsor Minor!: 'All that certain lot or piece of ground, situate on the east Bide of Twenty , recond. street, at 'a distance of fBfeet ii inches northward of Locust 'street. in the Eighth Ward .of the city: containing in front 25 feet 4 Inches, and In .depth 188 feet to Aspen Arcot. r Fir Clear of Mourn. brance. Salo abaolifte. , , • • • ' sir w Co ur t, paid at the time of' sal. By the ,IOBEPH !AVIARY, Clerk O. C. °FORGE G.-MEADE. Guardian. JAMES. A. FREEMAN Auctioneer. aul2 '2O 27 _ Store 4.4 Walnut street. ft PEREMPTORY SALE.—JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer..&-iDeierabie- Building ,Lot' Eleventh sties:l...below .Gita4 i4 avenue, , Tosentleac,,Wards— , On edilesday; Set t;2,.1 'at 12.'Welock, noo , will be, sold at, public sale, at'st o`Philadelohia Exchange. the follewingtesctibed teal listatel AR - that 'Certain: lot or piece of grs and situate .on . the west, ride of Eleventh street, at the distance of 291 feettig 'echo+ south of Girard _ftr ,,. .etmon - theq - wentiettrWard-of, the - ci ... . sa, ag n front on Eleventh streetl2 feet and In depth 79 feet. riff Clear of inentnbratice , Bal e absolute. - 2:60"" 03100 to bePaid at.theiree of nolo: - . ••- • - JAMES A. FREEMAN. AuCtioneer, anl2 2087 Store, siti Walnut street • • mki•ictiraw.. FRENCH' IdDICINES PREPARED Br GRIMAULT keo. Chemists to H. I. IL Pilate Napoleon. NO. 45 Rite de Richelieu, Paris.. SOLIDBLE PHOSPHATE OF .11tON, By Leese, M. D.. Docteur es Sciences. Gelmanlt di Co. " Chemists, Paris.. . • • Aecording to the opintotibr the truimbers of the Paris . Academy of Medicine, this article is superior to all the ferruginous preparations known. It agrees nest with the stomach, never causes costiveness; it contains the Ere* is of the blood and the osseous frame, _and succeeds where other preparations fail. such asVallers Rills, iron' redpced by hydrogen, lactate of iron, and ferruginous mineral vrster. One tablespoonful of the volution or syrup contains' three grains of .ealt of iron. They are both colorless. - chndreita 7 s Diitaxopi-•-•lOdized. Syririp of :11orse.Hadish. . Prepared by Grimault & Co., Paris... • , This syrup contains iodine combined with the juice of water cress, , bonaradbh and 'cum./cram :in which iodine and rulphur exist naturally and for this roseon it Is an excellent substitute for cod liver Oikwhich is MO' rally supposed to owe its efficacy to the presence ofiodine. The lodized Syrup of Horseradish invariably, pfodfices most satisfactory results 'administered to children suffer. 133 g from iympbatirm. rechinsm , congestion of the idimils of the neelc; or the various eruptions on tne 'face so fro. (meet during infancy. It Is aloe the beat remedy for the tint stage of Consumptii.n. Being at. :once tonic and de• purative to , it excites the appetite. promotes digestion, and stores the Woes their natural annheas and vigor. • Dr.'Darits Du littissOn's Digestive Lg. ' i mobiles of 'the A.llittlitte Leetates.••' The Alkaline Lactated exercise tho most `beneficial in fluence over the derargernents of digestion, either by their peculiar action on the' rtincuotis membrane of the stomach. or by affording to this latter through their cons. , bination with the saliva to the gastric MICE, a supply of lactic_ t dd, which all English, French and other physiolo‘ &admit to be an essential principle of digestion. For l i e information of those who may, be without Medical advice, it may be stated' here ;that the ,symPtoros of fru mired digestion are: Headache, pain in toe forehead., hemicrania, gastritis., gisstralgira heartburn, wind in-this stomach and bowels, load of appettte t emaciation. Au, _ _ Nl:)D l . l :tD i ztO'Afjziate):Mil Syrup of "imp PPP o.ql Lime ;.; 'antiplaylPf4 .110:Mends,* atis.•l A sruP iinnPoonded - Pith this iiessi Utiles heeiiititio.' ducea by Dr , lantrchill, for . the t .of rpalmonssy. pitibisis. Recent trial* made"at the'BritstintonyContamp , Ural Hospital, an Institution especially devoted-4o• the treatment of diseases of the chest, have , abundantly de• menstrated the absolute necessity of obtaining this new therapsutia agent in the 'most perfectly pure add natural condition. Each table spoonful of syrup contains tour stains of petfectly_ pure hypophosphste. of lime: and as compounded by 31M. Grimault & of; Paria..the syrup Le the only preparation which guarantess to the medical profession all the properties, required in this values:lle DIARRHCEA, DERANGEMENTS 'Or THE •• STOMACH. G11101.1.17Lfr./k. This natural vegetable production; perfectly innocuous. bas been long used in Brasil with the utmost success, as a remedy for Warrhcea, dick leadache, dysentery. and all disorders proceeding from derangement of the stomach or bowels. This powder is indispensable for all families. and far re ore efficacious than opium. -and, the 'fulminate of bismuth. ' . ' OFIKERAL DENT: IN PARIS, at GRfIIAULT at CO.'S. 45 rue de Richelieu AGENTS IN PIIILAPELPEI/A. .FRENCH,HICHARDS4 N. W elev. Tenth and Market: gt". A YERS - 011ERRY PECTORAL,. FOR.-DISEASEECOP, THE THROAT AND LUNGS: SUCH AS COUGHS, COLDS. WHOOPMG COOGH, BItOIiCLUTDI.ABTLIMA AND CONSUMPTION. Probably never before in the whole history of medid.M has anything won ati widely and o deeply upon the cond. denee of , nnufkindj ae.-thhs- remedy for =lmo. miry complaints. Through' a Ling series of years, 'and among mod of the races of men it has . risen-higher and higher in their estimation, as it has become better known. Its uniform character and power to cure the undone al% fectiona of the lungs and throat, have made it known to a reliableprotector against them. While adapted to milder forms of diseaze and to yous Li c ua hlidren, it is. at the same time the most effectual rem edythat can be given for in cipient consumption, and the gages affectiona of •he * throat and lungs. As a provision againse Sudden attests of &cup. if should be kept on han d inn everyfamily. and indeed as all are sometimes subject to colds and coughs. all should be provided with this antidote for them. Although settled Consumption is thought Incurable. still great numbers of cases where the disease seemed settled, have been completely cured, and the patient re. eMre , l n Pelmui health by-the--Chenv-PecforaL—Socom-- k i ltte is its mastery over the disorders of the Lunim, v? and ua roat, that the most - obstinate of them yield to it. no ling else could reach them, under the Cherry Pectoral they subside and disappear. &livers and Public Speakers find great protection from it. Asthma is always relieved and often wholly cured by it Bronchitis to generally cured by taking the Cherry Pea toratin small and frequent doses. - So generally are Its virtues imown that we need not publish the certificates of them here, or do more than assure the public that its qualities are fully maintained. AYER'S AGUE CURE,_FOR FEVER AND AGUE. IN. TERMITTLNT FEVER, CHILL FEVER, REMIT. TENT FEVERDUMB AGUE, PERIODICAL OR BILIOUS FEV '&C.,AND INDEED ALL THE AF. FECTIONES WH CH ARISE FROM MALARIOUS. MARSH, OR MIASMATIC POISONS. As its name implies, it does Cure,and does not fail taming neither Anlenie. Quinine. 4innlitili ty line'ra" other mineral or p oisonous substance wha er, it .In 1./1. wise injures any patient.,he number „and Importance of its cures in the ague dist ricts are literally beyond ac count, and we believe without a parallel in the history of Ague medicine. Our pride Is gratified. by. the aclaiowl• edgments we receive of the radical eurea effected in ob. stinate casee,and where other remedies had wholly failed. Unacclimated persons, either resident in, or traveling through miasmatic rocalities, will be protected by taking the AGUE CIME daily. For LIVER COMPLAINTS, arising from torpidity of the Liver,. it is an excellent :, remedy. stimulating the Liver Into healthy fletnitY.‘ For Bilious Disorders and Liver Complaints, it Is an ex. cellent remedy, producing many truly remarkable cures, where other medicines had failed. Prepared by Dr J . C. AYER & CO., Practical and Affi. lytical Chemists , Lowell. Maze, and sold all round the world. PRIM $l,OO PER BOTTLE. ' • J. M. MARLS & CO., Philadelphia. Wholesale Agents. ati.D3 w lr ji WAL DENTALLINA.—A SUPERIOR ARTICLE FOB A.! cleaning the Teeth, destroying animalcula- which in. fest them, giving tone to the gums, and - leaving • a feeling of fragrance and perfect cleanliness in the mouth. It may be need daily, and will be found to etrengthen weak and bleeding grns, while the - aroma and deterfiveheas Will recommend it to every one. Being composed ' with the assistance of the Dentist, Physicians and Microscopist. it Es confidently offered as a reliable substitute for the on. certain washes formerly in vogue. . ' Eminent Dentlete, acquainted with the constituents of the Dentallina, advocate ita me; it contains nothing to Prevent its unrestrained employment. Blade only by JA , ': T. SHINN, Apothecary Broad and Spruce streets For sale by Brumbrbr generally. and ,' • Fred. Brown. D. L. Steakhouse. Hassard & Co.. Robert C. Davis, C. R. Keety, Geo..C. Bower. Isaac H. Kay. Chas. Shivers, C. H. Needles. B. M. McCall% T. J. Husband. S. C. Bunting Ambrose Smith, Chas. H. Eberle, Edward Parrish. James N. Marko, Win- B. Webb, E.•Bringhurst dl Co. James L. Bispharri. Dyott as Co., Hughes dr Combe. H. C. Blair's Sons.l . Henry A. Bower, Wyeth A Bro. ' BABFIJ A MARIANNO, M. D.,'846 N. TWELFTH LEitreet. Consultations free. mealy coAll AND WOOD. CROSS , CREEK • LEHIGH COAL. PLAISTED McCOLLIN, No. 3033 CHESTNUT Street, West Philadelphia, Bole Retail Agents for Cox° Brothers dt Co.'a celebrated Cross Creek Lehigh Coal, , froth the Buck Mountain Voln. This Coal is particularly adapted for making Steam for Sugar and Malt Houses, Breweries, are. It is also unsur passed as a Family Coal. Orders left at the office of the Miners. No. 841 WALNUT Street (let floor), will receive our 1 rompt attention. Liberal arrangements made with manufacturers using a regular quantity. jyle tt IlL&BON Bp(113. F,11112,411, BE 115111EBBIGNED INVITE ATTENTION TO L theiratoocic of , Spring Mountain. YAMgb and Locust Mountain Coal, which, with the prepexabion given by soh we think cannot be excelled by any other Coal. Office. Franklin institute Building, blo. 15 S. Seventh 4treet. BINES ikI3HEAFF, jab -U , Arch street whar f, Sehuldkil, CIOAL CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND PREPARED klexpressly for family use. Locust Gap Black Diamond coal, and Boneybrook and Harelton. Lehigh coal, at re duced rates to close out business. - Orders received at Forty-sec"nd and Darby Road s No. 411 South Fortieth Al, Ohetia it Miller's Feed Store, Fortieth and Market streets. iY19.tv.f.m,120 ' JOSEPH JAMES dc SON, p: :4 id :1 4 4,rlmg t•r At ! TROMAB La $. DIXON R BONS. Late Andrew' . Dire WNo. 11324 CRESTNOT Street, P Idai ufactaren fr P°lll6llllßeaatatx Mint ' • LOW DOWN. , - PARLOR, OCFFHA /C M R BER.-- _ And other ORATE& tor Anthracite, Bitumin ,_ oui and Wood Fire: WARM-AIR FURNACES forWarmingi B Pnblio and Private utidinv;l FIEGIBTERB. VENTILATORS. AND . At' e. • G ATH. : I MERE', MitIOLEBALE and RETAIL. • VATALNUTS AND ALMONDS.—NEW CROP OBEN% YI ble Walnuts and Paper Shell Almonds, tor sale bir. J. B. BUSHIER d CO.. 1W South Delaware ma a. 'r~ti►rialr'l~~~j _III ST MCE 'ON 'RECORD " . tat I , III4IIIIbLE EUTL jradiousa„ttsWWMAlmnaltlP72iNßlELM °AD Pal " rfilL E: 736 Minis 'ME then by COMPEIIigtIMES.: thisM. =k sartimo 811 NA ' ING et 9.56 P.' I BOUM ,0141 V OHT on the , ROUTRe 11W : , 113018 WOODEM7B-eaebregoi i mete. AI,CF-S.','ARS throngli frost 'Pktia to GioitaNNATI. Peelefingers taking the oil and IL L _ P TtalDS rtiab NATI' " Obits WEST and SOUTH ONE CIN IN Jury GE Passengopior i rClNNA VitiLiNAPOLIS. ST) LODA uemo "" EiluAncti IV/N)I 6B KM I an d . all' WEST N O end SO iLayilenler ssit tor 11111 r Via o PAN•UANO ROUTE, I MIME the advi~it at TICKETS V LlNEliheia HA VERY. P N and ARK "at TICKET OFF/CES, FOR PAN.. N. W. CORNER NINTH end e r CHESTNUT Streets. NO; Itti:ItARICET STREET, beta Second and Pruitt Sts. And TAIIRTIr-FIRST and KARKETStreetiNed Pidh‘ E. P. OCUp... Gann Ticket A4gt.. pittoburgh. Jolitra, :4: Ova Eaat'nAßti a Broadw*ADLY A rasa . RAILRO.t&- GREAT TRUNK LINE from delphis to the interior of Pennallvs ga. Me `giChnlikin.- .SurAtilnall.- Conolgessal • and , wyommg lftlleyls, the No _ Northwee a l i the Cana. . 42 W olivi r i ti fkrgir",4 n .,..eater psh. ..... 'Azusa t ut. 10whill streets, Mirada ilairfarailiiit oars : MOKN/NO Act.* op T/ ..-At 1720 , A. ,M , for Bestir el notermetate Etta and Allentown. g,,, leaved , Reading at' • thL. arriving in Rhtdelpert at 9.15 RM. , _,. • . ..,,,, • • ~, MORNING EXPREI3B.-At 8.15 A.M. for Read i ng. Leo batIQII• TriebuM l'ottsvilitens Orcrv e, - Taxrusons. Butler" BliammorkElnitasharter.bi Falls. Refers,. Skesligrre., Mato% ?keg., carlis • Chau. homburg *CM tin On. to. -•- •••- , i • ...,,•: -. ?-• .. „ The , 7.110 man connects at Reading with the Rut Penn. sYlVanin 'Railroad trend • for 'Allentown; die.; and the & i t s kaii.•,. torments Mith:greybebroicar Valley train for burg,ge ; at Port Maori tWitk. Catmints R.R. for wiltlamsport. Lack Hayek- Pinsk* Art at , Harrisburg - th Northern Centre; -Cumberland Valley. • and Sc • .1 . , Bruguelumnatrainso (or. blorthmnber. . . W 1 ... , 'o a: . •• beribt&Wore, ac. 41'0:4 • ..`, :4.9 ~4.... Leaves hils at 8.80 -P. • for Reading, rebel* Harrisburg. connect. ing with Reading ad Columbia Railroad •trena forCol:' uni_hia,_ dm. POWS, TOWN' ACCOM M OD A TION.- 4"Ves Potts. town , at 8.45 A.M., adopt/ at , MM•mediato stations ; Cr. riveginPhiladelphbi iLm.• Returning leaved jadembit i at 4.80 P r MA ves in Pottstown at 8.41 P.M. iso n , E i r.,:ir ivi ii i mpr i ven=te l mitemag de 10 t itt A. •- - -.,,, 5..1 • , •••• ' ' eaves Philadelieta at Au/ P. M.; arrives in Reading at 8.05 P. M. _ . • ' Trendier Philadelphisiri 0 rierglibM•4. e lila A. • M. and Pottsville at Ea A. ' arriving ' in •Phils,delphia' at LOO P. M. Afternoon trains leave Harrisuurrgg a12,051?.11L. and rottamaa, 3.45 P. M. t arriving at b > riladelphia at Batrieebmg accommodation Leave* t Reading , at. 7.15 A. I, si i i h smd Harrisburg at 440 P. M. ,Cosurectbig at Reading v Afternoon Accommodation'south at .14(1 r.A. arriving in Philadelphia at 9.15 P. fd. , • Market train, -with a Pane. car attached, leaves Philadelphia at 12.45 noon for Po•Wville and all Way Sta tions •leaves Pottsville at 7EL M. for Philudelphia and all Ways !ions Ali the above trend run daily. Sundays egeetted. Sunday trains leave Ro •W•••e at, &00 A. M., and Ma. delphis at 8.15 P. SL: leave Philadeliti; for Raiding, .at 8.00 A. M., returnin from Reading 4.85 P. M.' - CHESTER V ~Y •. l r , RO ~-Pusengoa, for Downing/own and intermediate point. take the 7.WJA.M., la.isand 4.30 P. M. trains from Phßadelphia,L returning from Downingtown at OW A. M. 1.00 P. M. and 5.45 P. IL PERICIOMEN RALLROAD.-Paseengera for College elle take 780 A.' fd.and 4.80 P. M. trains, from Phtlabd. plua, returning from Collegeville at 8.27 A. M. and 1.49 P. M. Stage lines for 4 / 1 14.0118 POinti, LI ferkiomen Valley connect with ts ens at Collegeville. NEW YORK EXPRESI3,ROIi PITTSBURGH AND THE WEBT.-Leaved New York at; 9 A.M.. 5.0.) and 801 P.M., parsing Reading atit A. EL,' 1.50 and 10.10 P. Mare connect at Hattaburg with Pennsylvania. and , Northern Central Railroad Erpreed Trellis for Picflikurghs . 4 4" 1 " ) . • Williamsport. Elnilra,lialtimore. die • • • •, • • , • Returning, E sprees Tien leaves Harrhburt, on arrival of ;Pereurylvarta tExpresa Prom Pittsburgh. a 8 • and AM A. 451.. 915 P. IL. pardng Reading at 4.49 and • 7.05 'A, M and 11.40 P. M„ arriving at New york 10.10 and 11:45 A.M.. and 6.63. e. M. Blaming Cars ' atscompanYtng there trains through between Jersey 'City and Pittabmith. without __ ~ .... ° rattler' for New York leaves Harriebbrg ate.lfl A. and 2.05 P.M. Mail train for Harieliths• WOW NeW Xark Ar V /1.9 0 4. - ' • ' ' .. • SCHUYLKILL VALLEY ItAILROAD,--Trains. leave ' pottsville at 6.0, Mt° A. M . and 6.40 P. BLmittemhufurin TILMILISAtt 8.35_A. M. and 2.15 and 4.85 P. M. • - ' BC/MrLK.I.I.I AND SUSQUEHANNA-RAILROAD:— Trains leave Auburn at 7.56 A. M. for Plnegrova and.liar. rieburg, and at 12.15 P.M. , for Phlegm° and Tremont; re from Harris at, ale P. M.. and from Tremont M. and 5...%-I`. _ TICKETS. Through ignite= 'ticked and tickets to all the prinepalpoints in the North anTI and Canadas Wt, Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to Reading and Intermediate Etationt good' far are Isala r g MOrtdng Acettomekla ow Market Reading Pottstown Accommodation Trains at reduced rates. ExcmeonTickets.to Philadelphia, good for day _mai ere sold at Reading and inter ediate Stations by Head. Inf ee. and Pottstewn Accommodation .Trains at reduced The felewieg ticketsereibtainatheoeitet Nut .011i'ea of S Bradford. Treasurer. No. `2i7 I Sou th ouith sweet. Philadelphia. or of G. A. Nicolls.iiktnexalSapatintadeat. Besding. Columniation Tlcker taa lat PlMlM,llollMl_betstetM a tilra fi g i r T d i= f oil! for 210 6 0 between el points at 0250 each. fbriamilies and Erma • • - Season Tickets,. or three, str, nine, Or. tweigg rggeog, for holders only, to a ll Points as reduced rasa Clergyman residing on the ?line of the road will be um lashed with cardsc entitling `011110 1 1170 1 1.* Su* IdVell te tickets at half fare.. . • • . Exeunt= Tickebt Wain Phibpdatil Prinelid d tie= good for Saturday._ Sunda Menden at reduced fare, to be had only at. the Tic t Office. at 'Thirteenth and Cello whin streetL-: - of all dataiplionsforwarded to ail the above pointa from thelOixoipauriNew Freight/kV% Broad juul.Willow,ertree4..., Freight e n dve 111112Aelphistall4 at 4.85 11., 12.45 noon. 810 P. K. for Readir.2, banon, Harris. hive: Pottsville, Port Clinton, and all points beyond. • Mails elope at the Philadelphia Post.Ofilee for au places on the read And, it. brancheset A. and for pa prin. cipal Stitiotut oniy at 115 r' aa BAGOAG Dongan'e• Ergot! will collect. Baggage for all trains leavalli..ll l DedurPula Depot. Orders, eau be left at No ZG South pultrth Wrrfet, o s r at the Depot, Thirteenth and Cal. lowhillstreettf:., ENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL ENlENNEaliroad. —Summer Time. Taking • effeet•May 10th, 1868: The trains of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad leave the Depot, at Thirty-first and Market streets, which is reached Mrmtly by the care of - the - Market Street Passenger Railway, the last car connecting with each train, leaving Front and Market streeta thirty min,itea before its departura. Those of r the Clusstnut and-,Walnut Street Railway run within one square of the Depot. ON SUNDAYS- he Market Street Cars leave Front and each train Market streets 135 minutes before the departure of . Steeples Car Tickets can be had on application at the Ticket Office, Northwest corner of Ninth and Chestnut streets. and at the Deret., • Agents of tne Union Transfer Company will call for and deliver Baggage at the Depot. Orders left at No. 001 Chest. nut street, No. 118 Market street, will receive attention. TRAINS LEAVE DEPOT. V/Z.: Mali Train— . ..... -- -—at 8.00 41: M. Paoli 1. .... . ..... ----at moo A. M. Fapt. ...... ....... ........... .at 12.00 M. Ene EaPre55.„,.......... ......... ..at 12.00 5L Paoli Accom. Nos.. 2, .. .. 4 at 1.00.5.a11a fa E.. M. Harrisburg Accommodation at 2.80 P. M. Lancaster Acc0mm0dati0n............ . 4.00 P. M. Parksburg Train. .......... 530 P. M. Cincinnati Express. .... . . SOO P. M. Erie ..... . ....... . ....... at ILIS P. M. Philadelphia Exprear........ ........ . ........ .at 11.15 P. M. Accommodation. . at Mal P. M. Erie Mail leaveitiEilli, ' Philadelphia ,E.xpress -, leaves dallY. All • other train daily. except BundaY. The Western Accommodation Train ran daily, 'except Sunday. For thia train tickets must be procured and baggage delivered:b 5.00. P. M., at 118 Market street.: TRAINS. ARRIVE AT DEPOT, VIZ; . Cincinnati Enrols: .. . ... ........at 1.85 A. 111. Philadelphia .. . ... ....... " 7.10'. Paoli Acconc No. 1.... ' ............ " 8.20 • " Parkeburg ....... " 9.10 " Erie Mall ..... ............................ ...... " 7.10 " Fast .......... . ....... " 9.35. Lancaster Train".„ , L. ..... ........ '12.30 P. M. Erie Expre55..,.,..,....„ ................. .&W " Paoli Accom. Noa. 240 . 8 . . aii:l . o . dr, 7.10 " Day Express. ......... ........ ......... ,at " Harrisburg Aii(;;:pi 9.60 For further information, applY to JOHN C. ALLEN. Ticket Agent, 901 Chestnut Street, FRANCIS FUNK, Agent, 118 Market 'frost.. SAMUEL IL WALLACE. Ticket Agent at the Depot. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will `not assume any risk for Baggage:except for wearing apparel. 'and limit their resp..mdMhty to One Hundred Dollars in value. All Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be at the link of , the owner, unless taken eye al contract.. . EDWARD H. 'General Superintendent, Altoona. • . . PHILADELPHIA dc IIALTIMORP) CENTRAL RAILROAD. Summer Arrangements. On and after Monday, April 13,1868, the Trains will leave Philadel hia,from the Depot °Atha West Chester & Philadelphia cur. ner of Thirty-first and Chestnut streets (West Philada.). at 7.16 A. M. ands4.so,P. M. , . , , Leave hieing Sun, at 5.1 6 A. M. i _and O xf ord at 8. 00 M., and leave Oxford ' at AM P. M. ' • - - A Market Train with Passenger Car attached will ran on Tuesdays and Fridays, leaving the Rising.flunat A. M., t nford at IL* M. and Kennett at Lep P. P.M. con. fleeting at West Chester Junction with a train for Phila. delphia. On Wednesdays and .Saturdays train leaves Philadelphia at au P. ad...rure through to Oxford..l. , The Train leaving Philadelphia at 7.16 A.M. connects at Oxford with a daily line of Stages for . Peach Bottom, in Lancaster county. Returning, leaves Peach Bottom to connect at Oxford With the Afternoon Train for phi Th & • • ' • e Train leaving Philadelphia at 4.60 P M. runs to Rising Sun. Md. Passengers allowed -to - take wearing i i i sellarel only - at - Baggage. and the Company Will net. any case, be re. sponsible for an amount exceeding -one hundred doilara. artless a special contract be made forthe same. mial2 HENRY WOOD, General Burt. cej . .. '..,,NOIRTAB.II.I.,,LPFIMSNNGSYLIFIVANIA' LINE VIA ROAD to. Wilkeebarra, Biahanov ~d iritielitentialia.w?,4 a il pant. pa Lehi g h Valley Ralkotili and brawahes,_ . BY new irranxetneti , vorietted this. tiew this roaa is enabled to give c; • mod dee *toil to nitirelstpso cow oodi delivered ;it the Tough rnitlght llgelrot, , • • ; S. 'Ejeor. , 6frrill endliOßLE Streets. Before), P. M.., will reach Willieebarre, Mount Carmel, Mahanoy city. ata the other stationeln-llabeneY as Wyorains valleys bei'ore 11 A. M. of the s QUM uccee An at. ding day.' FOR CAPE MAY via WEST : JERSEY RAILROAD. 'oe; liet Sireet, Fro (UPPER FERRY) , • Conimencing Saiarday,suly istb,ll36B. T.114.12Vp.9 LEA V.E ,AS YOLLPWS: • ;, , FOR. CAPE MAY. P.OO A. M., Cape, May Express, due at 1205 (noon.) 8.15 P. L. Caw) Way Palesager, due at. 715 P. 11S. 4.00 P. W., Feet Express, due, at 655 P. W. • RETURNING LEAVE CAPE ISLAND. 6.R) A. M ; Morning Mail due at 10 06 A. M.' 0.00 A. AL Fast Express. duo at 12 u 7 P. M. s.oti P. Al.. Cape May Mr.prees, due at KM P. M. Sunday Mail and Paesenger train leaves Philadelphia at 7.15 A. M. Returning leaves Cape bland tit 5.10 P. M. t...xeursion Tickets, Sp 00. .. • Cape May Freight Lain; leave Ciimden daily at 9.a) A. M. and Cape bland at 6.45 4: Commutation Tickets between PhiladelPhill and Cape ' May. at time following ratfrs:• • Annual Ticketa, $100: Quarterly Ticket 4 510. for , sale at the office of the Con party in Camden, N,-• ' ' Through ticket. can !be procured at No: ES Chestnut street (Continental Hotel), where orders can *ha be left for Baggage, which will be called for and checked at, reel. deuces by the Union Transfer Company. - • JERSEY -R All ROLINES. For Bridgeton. Salem. Vineland and inter : mediate stations, at&00 A. M. and 8.30 For Cape idity,'9.oo A. M. and 8.18 P. M. and 4.0 P. M. Woodbury Accommodation train, e.glP. mt. .• • - Bridgeton and Satan Freight train ]eaves Camden daily, at 12 (noon). Commutation 'Checks between Philadelphia and all stations at ranted rates. • - WI& J. SEWELL. Superintendent,: - - ' FOR HEW YORIC.—THE CAMDEN DliCri t i s and PHILADELPHIA , ..Tit Di "RAILROAD COM. PANTS - Phllitdelp New, York. and way Maws. from Walnut meet what <• . At 580 .11.M..Ig un Cirtagen "AratiOYLAOttons; ga At BA. kLi _via den and Jamey Eity EsPrees AGA 800 At 2.001% Camden and Amboy Eurasia 8.00 At. 8.801: M.. via Camden. and Joao City Express. 8 00 At El Y . M. for Atnboi and interreediate'statlonir, • At LW mid 8 A'. Wand 11,8 u P. M.". far PreeA r ' i. • At and WA: , M...6i8.110and 4.80 _, • . At 6.80,8 end __ 4.#0.• 8 and 140 • . far. P e rneatown.' Darlington. Beverly 1M Delano:6' • At &Wind lu A.M.. 8. SIMI" Can& 11,..W P.M. fir Florence. -At ,6.1011 and_ 104. 111..L,1100.4.88, llangill.Bo P. far , water, Itiversid_e. nivertatumd P. IC , for Riverton end wP. AL for rake •• • .• • . - At &80 and 10 A.AL,LBA 8.0,8 and _P./UM' Fish news., 1 1W- i nie t /1 • 8°1 "'i m- ,kW i lltroul Pot of At 11 A, , ,m,ina, and &MAY Oitl. blew York Erpreevidne. .. .4101 00 • At 7.W tuidll.oo . A.M;q:ao:tigilld isf.ni.VOiTieition ant Bristol, ••' And at 10.1 e A. M. for BriatoL and: AtMinild .11 A. 91.. 8.80 and P, M. for Mottireiße and: At 7 and 10.15 A. M.. SID and 8 P.M. forliichesclur w, end ' Eddingtoti. - d orn • " At 7.00 da 1e ,16.14. 11..11.80&11." ana CP, for Torrlerl d luirg,Waculy.,Wlsenomin&Bil ena. 0 • 'awl BP, m. for Holmeenurg and intermediate tatiatuL • • .4 • • From West Philadelphia Deppt. via Connecting Rail. At 9:30 A: 81. 1.81,11.80 and 19 P. M. New York Er reo Li via Jersey C9o: ........... .... At 1 A. nd. M. Emigrant Line— ..9 The &W A. hi. arid gal P.M.M Lines' lezi 'daily, Al other,. undays accepted: At S 9.11 i M.. LSO, 8.80 and 1,9 P. M„far Trenton. At IMO A. M.,,,i3.80 andl2 P. far Bristol. At 12 P. M. (Night) for Morris M.. ville, Tullytown„ Schenck". Eddingteti. COrnWaa. Totriedide, Holmeeburg.TaconY. Wieshumarg, Bridesbms and Frankford.• , • E ' OZlAnes leaving .Ico estop. Depot, take 'the ars on Third orFilth streets, at Cheetanikat halt an hour before depatbrre. , The Care on 'Market, Street , Railway run di rect to Weet, Philadelphia Depot, Clieetnut and. Walnut within one square. On Sundays a Market Street Can will run to connect with the 9.80 A. M and 8,80 P. M. lines. BELVIDEItEi 'DELAWARE BAILIWAD LANES(. from Kensington Depot.• • _ • _ •.. At 7.00 A. M., for • Niagara " sufialo. unman. Elmira. Ithaca, Owego. Sochester,Bhighantptan. Oswego. pyrame, Great Bw,. Montrose,Wilkeabtare. Schooley's mountain, &a. • • Ulm a: Ai. and 8,801'.; M. fest rictus Btroddisroril. Water Oen Beividere, Easton. Lambertville,FleruingtOn. gre, 'The ass P.M. Line rormecta direct •with- the train leaving Eaton for Mauch ChnrikAllentorvm Bethlehem, At '6 P.M forlainbeatvise and inteithediate Stafford. CAMDEN - AND BURLINOTON CO.:AND PEMBERTON. AND HI(1111:13TOWN RAILROADS . : !rem Market Street Ferry( uplift' , • At BA. 11., 1, 4 and 616 r. for Marehanhiville, Moores. town, marhord, Habnport,;,Mount • HollY, Smithville, Evnsville, Vincentown. Birmingham an Pe m berton..... - • A forlArwistown,Wriglitiste Cookstown. New - Egypt, Hornenstown, Cream Ridge. town. Sharon and:llightetown. Fifty Pounds of Baggage Only all o we d` e Paseinger. Passengers Fire wearing fro= sa D a g' gage but their wearing apparel. All , age ponndi to beipaid for extra.. The Company. =it their re., •seansibility for baggage to One Dollar_ par pound,and will not be liable fortiniceMnantierisind ,exuaPT-blilPil- Tickets'eold and Ba aq u llbegked direct throath to Boston, Worcester. BP d. Hartford. New navels.' Providence, Newsmt, guy: Tror=ol Rome. Byracasgißotbeitm 'Buffalo; • BuarebacakEridge, , • . , additional' Ticket - Office it 'located at 'No. RE Cbeetant street, where tickets to New York, 'and all int , portent Deltas North and East may be - Procured. Per sons purchasing Tickets at this Oilleci, can have their bag. , me checked from residences or hotel to deekiation. by nes Unimi elph ia willleave rum Li foot of Cortland street at 7A. M. and , l.oll and 4.0) P. M., via Jrsey City ; and , Camden. • 4.t M. via City_ and RenApiton. At moo M. and n m., aide P. M. via Jerrie', • , ndWiset PbiladelPhia. - Pro;n Pier No. 1, N. liver, at 6.20 A. N. Accommodation and 2 P hi. Expr,eee, via A isly and June lg. 1861 t, IIfeRZNIEK • Agent. PHILADELPEHA. WILMINGTON AND I BALTIMORE,. TIME TABLE .: ., Mon. da3P, 13th. 1868; 'Tram' , will. leave Papa.' Corner of Broad atreet andWeahhigton avernawasi =emir, • Way,inall Train.. at 8.80 tai Ri ti a m days, eitaem;,& Balliaore, stonting at aU statkme.. Co • with Delaware Railroad at- for CrtafleidM intermediate stationw_.... • ..___, • Express train at 12.00 rd.' fliundars exAepted) for Balli. more and Washington, stopping at WiAnindien. Perrk villa' and Havradasarace. roommate at Wilmingten w ith train for.. Nev Cattle. • • - Express Train at OU3O P.M. (Sundays w.for t)more and Witeldieden, irtoPpinCat, 'Cheater, Murton , . Linwood. C'Vreont. vviiminattewPort,Stenton. New ark. Elkton,Northeast,Charlestown. Perrivill%Havrede- Grace, Aberdeen, Perry_mairsi. Edgewerld. Chaae's and Stammers ' B ut ' • • • • - - NiOt Express at MOO PI MI (daily)) far:, Baltimore and Washington. atoP.Vg akPerryville. and Havre de-Grace. Connects at.. Wilmington (Saturdays , excepted/ with Delaware Railroad Line, atop ping' at . New *Castle, Middletown, Clayton. Dover, H n,Beaford. Baliabury, Princess Anne, and connecting at Crisfield with boat for Fortuna _Monroe. Norfolk. Portsmouth and the Booth. - Pangengere for Fortrelaidomee and Norfolk. via Baltl. more, will take the, 12.00, M. Train. Via Crisfield will take the 11. P. U. train. • wumingten Trains stopping 'it all stations between Philadelphia and W iwi. n : • Leave Philadelphia Atli A.M..2.30,5.00,7 and 11.80 (daily) P.,M. Thai 6.00 P. M. 'train connects with the Delawar.3 Railroad for Harrington and intermediate stations. Leave Wilmi ngt on 7.00 and 8.10 A. IL (d aily ) _. and LBO, 4.L6 and 7.00 (daily ). P. M.. The 8.10 A. M. will at6)l between Chester and Philadelphia; From Baltimom 10 Philadelpiala,—L e aye Baltimore 7.25 A. M., Way Mail. 9.40 A. M. Express. 2.25 P. id-. Ex preas,•_ ,111. TExprease. 8,,U , P. BL, Express. surito„y TRAINS FROM BALTLMORE,Leaire Hat Union) at 855 P.M.. stopping at 'Havre , de Grace, Perry ville and Wilmingteag,.edao , dope at North Eaat. Elkton and Newark: to takerclamengers for Philadelphia, and leave era from Washington or Baltimore. and at Cheater is leave pauengeta, troM.Wastdruiton or Bala' more. • Through tickets to all"paints Weiheonth 'and Sonthweet maybe procured:at ticket...office. 828 Chestnut street,muler C:mtintmtal•filotel. where also Mate Rooms and Berths in pureplara can be officeduring the, daY. Persona chasing tickets at this can have baggage checked at their residence by the tratcm Transfer Companr. EL F. KENNEY. Eldwintendent, . , ~----:., WEST CHESTER AND PHILA. RAILROAD, VIA 111 E. . DIA. SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. On and after MONDAY,. April.l3th, 1666, the train will leave Depot, Thictv Snit and Chestnut streets, as follows: Trains letive , Philadelphia for West Chester, at 7.16 Ai M's, 11 A.M., 2.30, 415, 4.50, 7 and 11 P. M. 4, Leave Weet Chester for Philadelphia., from Depot on Market street, 6,15, 7.15, 7.30 and 10.45 A. A, 1.55, 4.50 and On and after Monday June 15t1N an additional Era n will leave Philadelphis for Media and intermedla Points at 5.30 P. M. • • ' Trains leaving West Cheater at 7.30 A. M., and leavin g Philadelphia at 4.50 r, M.. will stop at B.C. Junction and Media only. - - • - Passengers. o or from stations between'Weet Chester and B C. Junction going Bast, will take train leaving West Chester at 7.15 A. M..and going West will take train leaving .Philadelphia at 4,60 g. and transfer at B. O. Junction,. • • • • waims leaving Philadelphia at 7,15 A. M. and 4.50 P. M.. eeaving Wet "Chester at 7.30 A. M. and 450 P. M., c ct aril. 0. Junction with 'trains on P. and B.C. It. tor (J ford and intermediate points. UN SUNDAYO-7-Loaye :Philadelplia at 800 A. M. and save West Cheater., 46 A. M. and 5.00 P.-Id. Tne Depot is reached directly by the Chestnut and Wal. nut Street cars. •T hose of the Market Street Line run within one square. 'Phe cars of both lines connect with each train upon its arrival - _ Rte'Passengers are allowed totake wearing apparel only as Baggag_e, and the Company will not, in any case, • be rear:Maine for an amount exceeding $lOO notate special contract is made for the same. lit N BY WOOD, . General Superintendent. • . . PEULADELPIII,6,___ABD 1 4 VEI RA.ILROAD—t3UMMBE TIME TA.' pLE.--Through and Direct Route be. tieeu, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Barrieburg, winkles. Ug . allis.. the lltu rt i h j l e t= Mg r gri t aTir t4veini.Penn• Oq , after ; MO..D.la g qiltio,.. riaa Thu = an the Rkaliulelphia Erie ran al follows: MILLI Train learn; P. M. Williamsport. 8 4A A.M.: arrircestEgie:4 , .... .......... .......P.M. Express Erie Noon, illlamapotrtt ar.o P. M. " • =11 , 4 at. • • " A. M,EimiraMailleaveel. .....6 & I A M. =Bret a Rt_ebrimck 'Haven 7.45 P. M. Mail iPARD. Train lesvee Erie. . . . .... ..1100 - A. P. M. • " arrives At Philadelptua...." • • ' ' 7'lo A. M. . Rxerese Mare/rade; . • -7 P M. ammo .... .....,. 8.15. A. M. arrives at Philadelphia .13.00 P. M. Mail and • Express connects trlth:vii urea arid Alla. R he a s River Railroad. • Raalaga Oliecked 'rhrough. • ALFRED L. TYL.Ets. Gemara' Eluperintendtmt. , r: - . - . : • IT: a ii_LMi'nl2,V R. 1t..... - .•n : : rsIaWIMO!.. meu :14118114=11gmn- and ilkBS.gl7 sdlls r : 7ll - 13 /d a. —ricusati4 DA i tillii: ;J 1C L: 1111 - ‘ 7FI. - CI 7 -PAe- : .._ Ab i l • a .411%M sAllt ....t • IP to - --, • . c er inkiliii -. : "tattle ... . 4 4 rut 41dId il i z i l Amm nt=ititVimtiii si tiiii4liiit, s er.Tratnalellve the.liewDeptotornercd- Isis Ell t Artunican altn a rlailly„(srmayt exceidedhi=i At 6,45 A. - cesroonrodattort terror! W 44 t 4.45'12."." amnia , Express. far - 1 end i t tll4444lm seetsueherr. a4Pl Va`Er m" hightVil lik (Bata. an 8 hasuialtaitroathrlar Flit ' 0 rap3_lgor', Mauch Chunk.Wea erli.Jelutenillo. . , white . Haven. Wilkesbarre, _ _Rbigurten... A gy. %end ...sin , I palate: ;sln .: . 1 ;•. Lehigh ..,S , : iswl W ODIUM 171/14.... akO• in connection with Le. h wax, ad for MahanoY CRT sr and With : C wins Railroad for Rumt., Danville. Milton and ll spat.: " Arrive at . Mauch '. Chunk at 12.15 A. M.:at W We'resitslL: at Mahauoy , City at .-51; '• • Paattragers by , WS' train can takes the la Valley Train. passing Bethlehem .at 1146 A.. M. to N Easteriand points on NOWJersey•Cenikal Railroad to , i t: 8.45 A. sf.:Ac Mihodation for DoilestreVP.' p g Mall Intermediate Stations., Passenger, for, w ii e.. Hatboro* and Martiwille , by this take' tage atlOldribirk RearL , " . ' • , -', ~ ' ' ," •,' At 10.20 A. 111.-AccoMMoidation for - Fort VirashirigiMi; ililPPlng at interinediate Station& . .--.. • •• s 51 At 1-46P Mr -- Lehigh Vallay, Rennet for Bethlenem. Allentown. Mauch Chunk. White nitwit. Wllkeebarre. Mahamoy Clain %Hazleton. Centralia: ShenandoakMt. Carmel. Pittston and' Scranton. and al . points in ,Msha nov and Wyoming Coal ROW I O/1 ' eret _......____' At 886 m..- 85 P.-Accommodation forDerws.MOPPME at all intermediate stations. _ , • . • _ ~ , • 13 At 8.15P.M. , --Lehlgh, and StiSpelhatint Etrpresa - fbr ethlehem, BistowAllentow.n. nab: ignildajlitot. arra an S cranton . Passengers or Greenville A thin train to akertown and SumneytOwn to- "North s liVillee .At 4.15 an. , -A,ccommodationforpoyft"Mowne IC at , all interniedlate- station : Passeng e r! for bw Gre v e. Rethareugh and liartsviUe take stir .isit' •I'`,. tor, for New Hope at Dolsiestown. •,,• c -•_ ~,.. 1 • ,-._ _,...,--,1 •":- ..),!'!, At ism P. Ib. -tiltrougn accommodation for,liettilehenn and all stations on main Lino of North Peurellvanin RAIL ( : road, connecting at Lkithlithem vith , ..,Lehi, l Vallen_Xfr i high and snigkeheirula Even Ing Tra in Nub*. - Anew - town. Match chant- '-: •• i ~ . •ii .- . .'.• !!:. 1 , !!(''...• '.., ' si ft 6 t Xatja=r l MPl4°! 1 1 1 . 9 # dl !!'$!itP 11 4 , >:. m. At 11.20 P. M.- .•-• retnodatiorilorZoitrifftigto i• r. .TRAVNEI ARRIVE IN PHILADELP . • From Be thl ehem at 2.00 'end 11.05 A. 2‘..4-2 and (Lai 'l‘ kii..- • ti 06 "A; rid. and PAO P. M.:Tratus make@ direct gm:Moot t lion With Lehigh Yana and , Lebjgh ,And Sumehanna trains • hem Reston.- Scranton. WilMierni. - • maminoir mongers leaving_Vnikesbarre atislilLt:M; _CoMbect at Betldehmat 5.06 P. SL. and- arrive its raUgidapbia'at From poxifithirricat &25 6; 1i..5.00 siMI lid?. If • From tensed') at 7.20 A. N 0 . ,.. Lit • .' ! .1. . 'hi' Fr0X41 , 9r4 WOlhille.OU 650.313,i0.46 .4.44: i, 4 4 Oils P.M. _, _ , _._ - • " LIN " SUNDAYS. , " • rmialeipula forMethie.hen. al 9.30 As M. ' • , „., ,!-• : , • Philadelphia for Doylestown at2.00.r. z& - _. , ~ . . • , Byrn' for PhWelphla at,,T.oa A: au . .-," '-'.' . • Be em far Pldladelphia at 4.30 P.lstf s _ ..• ',. ~ : ..s.'i YU and Sixth streets Pasaenger Rua ,convely passel, germ to andiron' thane* Depot. , • --- ~ .- . r .... •, • • White cans of Second and Third Streettldne andMnitn Line rim within a short distance of theEepot.' Tickets mutt - be procured 'at the Ticket office. In order' to secure the lowest rates of fare.- - --.: _ ,•••,--- - , , ,.. t , . ~ , • Fria% CLAIM. Agent, ' Valets told inn Baggage i chocked through to prmat pal eintEt , at liann'S North Penn. Baggage t.-preal Office. o.lub Son Fifth Watt- , . ' SHORTEST ROUTE TO TEE SEA- CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. SUMMER 'ARRANGEMENT. - FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO'TLANTIC CITY. - On and after SATURDAY. July 4th, 1868, balms will leave Vine street Ferry, as follows, viz.: , • cial Excursion.. r ....... ..... . (115 A. M. Freight. with Daeeonger car aftAchcd 915 A. M. Express (through in two hours) 2.00 P. AL Atlantic Acc0mm0dati0n.:.:::......::....... E. EL - 11ETURNENG, WILL LEAVE ATLANTIC: 1 3 , g i cial ,Excurslon. .... . . 53$ P. g. hL Freight. %dill ..... , . ... M. Express (through hilts; o hours) 710 A. M. Accemmodatlon iiso A M. Junction ACComniodation. to Atee arui Intetine. ' " ' Mate Stations leaved Vine street:.. , . ASO P. M Returzdng, Ravels Atc0..... ..... . ... ... A. M. HADDONFIELD 'ACCOMMODATION i TRAINS , WILL Vine Street FerrY at ....10.16 A.'IIL and 2.00 P. IC. Haddonfield, at. P. EL and 6:16.P. M. SUNDAY MAIL TRAIN TO AVANT/0 CITY Leaves Vine Street.. .. . . ........ . 7.30 Leaves Atlantic. .. .. .. 41.201.. M., Fare to Atlantic. ea Round trip ticheta. good only Jot' the day and train on which they are issued. el& The Philadelphia Lima]. Express Comeau easi Chestnut street. will call for baggage is any part of the city g and suburbs. and check to hotel or cottage . a antic Ci t i ', t AdditionalTi of (Aces nave been located the Readinsproonx of_the-Continentalllotel.-_and.--at.No.',62ek Chwitnut street: -. • ) , je3O•tf , Thrll. MUNDY; Agent. ' agiIIMTOWN P W&C L M I IONVErI ieja M i} ROAD. TIME TABLE.--Oltand after- Filday. May 1, 1888. • . Leave philidelphis.-8, -7, 8,2.05.40. II: 18A.-11...1.1.8.M. 814. 4, 5. 1 , 14". RM. 7.1 9.10, 11, p 41. _ Leave uormantoma-6, 7; 1.35,_8, t. 20. 9, 10.11. 12 ILALT I. 6.0301 A 2, 10. 1 11 F. - not atop on the GiFeiantovrnEranolo, , t. • _ _ ONSUNDAXO. - Leave Philadelphla- 7 9.1.5 niinutes M ;Shand !WEN. Leave HermantoWn-8.15 A. Al._; I, 6 and • CHESTNUT 7 T•Pg • " Leave Philadelphia-A 8, 10, 18 A. AL; 8. __Leave Cheetnat /1111-1.10 minute& , 6.2.40 mtg** 4. LA 8.40. 5.40. 11.4011.40 and 10.40 r.'m; _ oN SiR4DAYS. • Leave Philadelphia-9.15 minutes A. M.; and 7P.15. Leave Cheaunit minutes A. M. 12.40, 5.40 and FOR coNsnoitocKEN AND •iioftiusTovirm Le avoThitadelp_bla--6. 736.8.'L00, A. AL ;135.8. QC 531; 4.15, 8.06 and 104 P. , M. Leave•Norrimel, 8, 11 4. 1,44 B;ol,tui _ ON SUNDAYS. _ Leave Plinadelpnla.--9 A. M. ; 936 and 7.15 F. VI. Leave Norristown-7 A: M. 541 and E.. AL ,• , FOR' MANAECNR. Leave 7, 4 5, 9,11.06 A. M. ;MC, 8, 436. 5 M. 4.15, B.osand 1134 Y. M. Leave Manayunk-4.10. 734. 8.%). 835.1135,A,A 11 834 5. ex and 9 P. K. ON SUNDAYS. . , ' . . Leave Philedelphia..-9 A. M.; *6 and 7.15 P.M. . Leave Ma W . W. IL WILSON. General erintendent, Depot. Ninth and Omen meets. XLII.OIIIIIIEILT I . IROI Stedi poN FENCING _ The undersigned are' prepared to receive orders for English Iron Fente of tho best quality.' known as Cattle 'Hurdles. the most durable and economical fence that can be used. This fence is especially adapted for country orate Pr for the protection of lawns. It is In universal Mll3 in England in parks and pleasure grounds. • , YAR NALL &T MILE, No. 418 13onth Delaware AvexioN U MUCK & BON_ .• , ill SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY. (SO WASHINGTON Avenne,_Philludelphia. MANUFACTURE BMW ENGINES—High and Low Pressure: Horliontal... Vertical. Beam. Oscillating, Blast and Cornish Pamir Ins. BOlLERl—Dylinder. Fla% Tubular, dm STEAM HAMMERS—.Nasmyth and Dm .stYles, and of,. all sizes. CASTINGS—Loam. Dry and Green Band.Hrtwe6 ROOFS—lronFratnes. for covering With elate or Iron. TA iI NN , EIOf Cast orWrought Iron, for refineries. watt* A die. • . GAB MACHINERY—Such as Retorts, Bench Castings: Holders and Frames, Purifiers, Coke and Charcoal Bar djodWitlyznetny. dro. BBY r8 :-Such as Vacunm Pans and ' Pumps; Defedators, Bone Black Filters, Burners, Wash. era esuLEDscatets; , BagFiltere, Sugar and Bonn Mao& El e o uM leln a artut enure riot the following` In PhiWelphia sad victhity. of With= Wright's Pedal Variable Cutoff Steam Buena. • • • In Penzerflverite. Shaw* Justice's Patent DeadStroka Power Ilionreer, , In the United Stats. of Weston's Patent Seltcentering and Self-balancing Centrifugal Sugar Machine. Glass dr Bartol's improvenlent on Aspinwall dr MOWN Centr ifPat enugal. BartoPs t Wroughtlron Retort Lid. Eltrahan*s Drill Grinding Rest Contractors for the design, erection, and fittbig up qg fineries for working Sugar or Molasses. • - /I(HTER AND YELLOW METAL SHEATHING. vv Brazier's Copper. Nails, Bolts and Ingot. Cr cork stootly on hand and (or sale by HEN.SY SOX & CO.. No. WS Booth Wharves . • r • . NO. 1 GLENGARNOOK 13COTCEL 4ah3ln lota to suitpurchoserfrom store • and td , iv - PETER. WRIGHT dc SON& • • 15.1111 • • 115 Walnut ott7alt:•l DR E/08. ÜBE PAINTEL—WE •OFFER TO THE TRADE Ma i.. _ White Lead, Zino White and. Collared •PaVi t zl own manofacture. undonbted ll in • itd_ carehasere. ROBERT 80Em.d.R.ERA 104a4D arta'o nlent in Pah:item:id 17artea. N. E. earner, R0aFR1,441 ... R000 streets., , ' - "now& RHUBARB' ROOT , OF RECENT IldrO ATION and very anperior qualiton_White Gum Araid‘ , Eart India Cast o r OA White , and Mcgtleol,cartne Rosa. , Oily Oil, of various' brand's.' For rale by 4 ROBERTI3HOE. an IMMI 'd liftea d itreota" "°. Dna. Northeast .„ c° , raer 4.. .;41 Fourth, no2/2i TIBUCIBTIP LESUNDRIBB.--BRADUAT . 1 , .WI1) AY Pi Tiles, Combiy' Bn uth es,,. swoops; Boxes. au Sec% B _lnieical Blsitrtaxiesk Trusirs_i; : . Thaa sAt . oft Rubber' WOGS. , Vial Car. , 4 . es. Be.. aillit "First Banda* eft. - - , 137 """. :,..“: %, Imam st.ififtygont. &Dear f------ , , - 23 Bouth WA sisolt. DOBF,ItT=OWER & 41 , - Druggists, : 'earner Fourth - and Race e Invite the lthe Trade tailiairlarge Finke s. Drum . aingt .04eP 21 0 9 44' F 4 + B Pasi Amu tio2l r, Cor tic. - • - - - - XIAAL'IVIATVWRN.. (2.As .IPrx ir tr RE B, '—kIIIKEY.' ' - - MERlttai - a VI -VIAUrt -A; Noille Obeetunt street. meanie:tap= - - --- a or %Tara. Lampe. 4r,0., dm,. woUld call the attention ~ . to' tbeir lar and elegant awortmenit of ({sr &c..Thog also LIMO C4l, 0 0 DiPte lOW dw d public, building; an.djit sl . to extending, ..'alt and repairing gissliPeL ' 4 U W 4l ' l warrantee.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers