[From the Toledo Blade."' NALSBIIto a Futile Attempt to Rattly the Noml. =allonym the Corners. POST OFFIS, CONFSDRIT X ROADS (WICh IS in the State of Kentucky), July 31, 1 BGB. We hed last night a ratification meeting at the Corners wick started out gloriously but didn't end so happily ez it might. I hed gone to a good deal uv trouble about it and Died made all arrangements for a feast uv rea son and flow uv sole ekalled by few ratifica tions and surpassed by none. The blessid. Deacon, McPelter and Issaker Gavitt, who expect respectively to hold the posiehens uv Assessor, Collector, and Whisky Inspector for this district, came down hand somely with the funds, enuff to enable me to dekorate the post offis with flags and trans parencies, and myself with a pare uv ready made pants,. wick I muddied considerable to make em look old so that they shood not suspect ther funds hed bin applied in that way. Human nacher is a inscrutable mys tery. They wood objeck did they know I hed clothed myself with ther money instead uc wastin it on taller candles and sich, wich burn out and leave nothin behind. I wuz economikle in my expenditoors, or Tnther but little expense wuz nessary. De skin to wake the enthoosiasm uv the Democ nisy, I procoored a passel uv Confedrit battle fl wich the returned heroes hed brot home with em, and hed the talismanic words, 4 13eymore and Blare," painted across em. The effeck wuz gorgus ! Ez nite approacht hed the transparencies saved over from a celebrashenwich hed bin held after the battle uv Chickamauga lighted up. The enthoosiasm, ez the populace saw these, and listened to Captain McPelter, ez he red em to em wuz overiclowerin. How they cheered ez the words flasht out into the nite, "Southern Rites, Southern Men, and a Southern Govern ment!" "Death to Northern Hirelins!" "Down with the gorilla Linken !" "Jeff Davis and the Confederacy forever !" "No quarter to Fedral invaders !" And when .Boregard's black flag, onto wich 'Seymore and'Blare" wuz painted in red- letters, wuz unfurled, ther arose }itch cheers for the nomi nees uv the Noo York Convenahun ez I hed \ _never heerd before, nor expect to agin. At this time,jeat ez everything wuz a gittin Ted-hot,the trouble commenced. Pennibacker, wich runs our biggest and best distillery, .jumpt onto the platform, at my suggestion, and perposed three cheers for Seymore and Greenbax and three groans for the bloated bondholders. The crowd, with troo Dime era& doeffity, wuz agoin to cheer, when Bascom, who ez some 5-20 s, riz and swore that he'd be d—d of that shood be. "Gov ernor Seymore is in favor of payin the Nashnel indebtedness, principle and intrest, in gold. Reecllus_speech_at_the Cooper Ins-_ 200 t. s e is se es °a • ennt •ac er, spring onto the platform, "is he? Read the platform wich he accepts !" "Don't Bellmont and the eastern bankers support him?" yelled Bascom. on'tVallandygum, Pendleton, Brick Pomroy and dirty shirt Dean support him?" yelled Pennibacker. "Your doctrin," sed Bascom, excitedly, "is a swindle—a peece uv theevin wich af Arab wood be ashamed uv, and Seymore sed so." "Yoor proposishen is a outrage onto a op prest people, a grindin uv em into the earth under the iron heels uv bloated aristocrats and pamperd sons uv luxury, and the platform Seymore stands onto sez so," shouted Penni backer. "Tool a swindler," excitedly yelled Bas com,' whereupon they clinched and rolled orf the platform titely huggin, and making extra ordinary physikle efforts at injoorin each other. To direct the attenshun uv the populie from this untoward circumstance, I rekested Issa ker to sing out three cheers for Blare! "Three cheers for Blare!" sung out Issaker, "the Missouri statesman, who will rid us uv Freedmen's Burows and military rool!" "Three groans for Blare!" yelld Punt—"a Ablishinist and Linkin hirelin, wick shot my unkle in Missoury, and burnt my grand mother's house near Vixburg!" - "He aint no Ablishnist!" exclaimed Is 'aker, "reed his letters!" "Its difficult to say wat he is to-day, but I'll aware to it he wuz three years ago, but it makes no difference. I swore four years ago to lick any man who hurrahed for any member uv the Blare family." And this infooriated wretch pounced onto Issaker, and they rolled off the stand to join Bascom and Pennibacker, who hedn't settled their onpkasantnis yet. Before it ended Deekin Pogram and Kernel McPelter got to arguin ez to the propriety uv recognizin niggers in the ranks uv the party, the Deekin takin one aide and McPelter the other. The passions uv these estimable gen tlemen wuz arouzd somewat, and before I cood interfere they hed each other by the throte and rolled orf onto the ground beneath the platform. I sprang down to seperate em, when McPelter turned upon me, and wood hey sacrificed me on the spot, but the Cor ners ruaht ez a man to save me. Ez I owe the most uv em I am entirely safe here, and cz I shel be ontil I pay my debts I shel never die uv violence. At this pint the fite became general. Some uv the people sided with Bascom, some uv em with Pennibacker, (akkordin ez they bought whisky by the barl, or by the drink,) and the balance uv em assisted Bigler and Issaker Gavitt ez their inclinashen promptid em. In the melee the platform, flag and transparencies wuz tore down, nearly breakin my leg, for wick I wuz insufllshently remu nerated by the handkerchers I borrored from the prostrate combatants under cover of assistin uv em to rise. After the scrimmage wuz over Pollock and Bigler carne, with three niggers, into Bas corn's, where we wuz repairin damages, wich remarkt that they bed held a meetin, and hed passed resolooshens thankin the Lord de voutly for hevin releeved the Republikin party uv the Blare family, and sympathizin with the Dimocrisy wich hed reseeved em; and also acknowledging the obligashun the colored men uv the nashen were under to the Democriey for the handsome manner in wich they hed treated Joe Williams, the Afrikin delegate to the Noo York Convenshun, ez the eelectin uv a nigger ez a delegate and assoshatin with him on terms uv ekality, wuz a step in the direction uv yooniversal,Brother hood wich wuz cheerin. The insultin mes sage, delivered to men wich wuz a patchin up ther faces and washin orf the blood uv a politikle conflick, w uz the reverse uv soothin. The ratificashun wuzn't altogether a suc cess, but we shel try it agin after time hez softened the asperities engendered by the re cent conflick, and the candidates hev hed time to fit theirselves and ther records to the platform. The Corners can be counted on. PETROLEUM V. 'IN ABBY, P. M., (With is Postmaster.) —The Paris papers mention that the chief Post •Office of that city will probably soon be removed from the present building, in the Rue Jean Jacques Rousseau, to the huge ektillee of the Ma gasius-Reunis, on the place du Chateau d'Eau. The spacious courts can contain three hundred vebieW.S and - stabling for five hundred horses. The building Is large enough to allow the Post °Mee and chief central telegraph to be united under one roof. --:Young women are admitted to the agricul tural colleges of lowa and Kansas on the same ;terms as young men. POLITICAL. Democratic Judgmtent or Grant. (From the N. Y. World. 4prll IL 11365.3 General Grant's history shciuld teach us to dis criminate better than we Americans are apt. to do between glitter and solid work. Our prone neSs to run after sponters and demagogues may find a wholesome corrective in the study of such a character as his. The qualities by which great things are accomplished aro here seen to have no necessary connection with showy and superficial accomplishments. When the mass of men look upon such a character, they may learn a truer respect for thernsolves and for each other; they are taught by it that high qualities and great abilities are consistent with the simplicity of taste, contempt for parade and plainness of man ners with which direct and earnest men have a strong natural sympathy. Ulysses S. Grant, the tanner, Ulysses B. Grant, the name ressful applicant for tip post of City Surveyor of St. Louis, Ulysses S. Grant, the driver into that city of his two-horse team with a load of wood to sell, had written in him every manly quality which will cause the name of Lieut.-Gen. Grant to live forever in history His career is a lesson in practical democracy; it is a quiet satire onihe dandyism, the puppyism and the shallow affecta tion of our fashionable exquisites, as well as upon the swagger of our plausible, glib-tongued demagogues. Not, by any means that great qualities are inconsistent with cultivated man ners and a fluent elocution; but that such superficial, accomplishments aro no measure of worth or ability. General Grant's last brilliant campaign sets the final seal upon his reputation. It stamps him as the superior of his able antagonist, as well as of all the commanders who have served with or under him IMthe great campans of the last year. It is not necessary to sacrifice any part of their well earned reputation to his. Sherman and Sheridan deserve all that has ever been said in their praise; but there has never been a time since Grant was made Lieutenant-General, when anybody but Sherman, on onrside, could have been classed with him. Since Sherman's bold march through Georgia, and his capture of Savannah and Char lene/Ir, there have been many who, in their strong admiration of his great achiefements, inclined to rank him as the greater general .of the two. That Judgment, we take it, is now reversed by the court of final appeal—not by dwarfing the reputation of Sherman, which suf fers no j st abatement4t. by the•expansion into grader proportions - of that of Grant. Grant stands pre-eminent among all the generals who have led our armies in the late war, in that ho has exhibited the utmost strength of will of which the highest type of manhood is capable. The defences of Vicksburg and the defences of Richmond were both deemed impregnable, and were defended with a proportionable confidence and obstinacy; but they both yielded, at last, to Grant's matchless persistence and un equalled strategy. If anybody is so ob tuse or so wrong headed as to see no thing great in General Grant beyond - his mar velous tenacity of will, lot that doubter explain, if he can, how it has happened that, since Grant rose to high command, this quality has always been exerted in conspicuous energy precisely at the Point on which everything in his whole sphere_ of' operations hinged—There_haa_been no - i display of great , qualities on small occasions ; no ~,, 1 . 1 , 1 --,=,- ,:, ::„ . 5 ,;;,;,,:, , . . - Z., t L -i.,........k.0 kiii.biu ub- . jecis not of the first magnitude. It is only a very clear-sighted and a very comprehensive mind that could always thus have laid the whole em phasis of an indomitable soul so precisely on the emphatie place. Apply to Gen. Grant what test you will ; measure him by the magnitude of the obstacles he has surmounted, by the value of the positions he has gained, by the frame of the antagonist over whom he has triumphed, by the achievements of his most illustrious co-workers, by the sureness with which he directs his in domitable energy to the vital point - which is the key of a vast field of operations, or by that supreme teat of consummate ability, the absolute completeness of his results and he vindicates his claim to stand next after. Napoleon and Welling ton among the great soldiers of this century, if nut on a level with the hitter. Grant and Butler. Gen. Butler addressed the citizens of Glou cester, MUM, Saturday evening, on political mat te s. The results of the legislation of the first ses sion of the 40th Congress were reviewed at length, and the platforms of the respective parties corn p., red, the speaker closing with matters of a per sonal character. He said : My enemies, your enemies, and the enemies of the country, as a means of sowing dissensions in the Republican ranks, have told you that, b( cause of personal differences upon military qtu stions heretofore existing between the Gen eral of the Army, whom you selected as your candidate for President, and myself, that I should wcrve from the path of loyalty to the country which I had marked out for myself at the be ginning of this contest seven years ago, and refuse to support that party in the coming election, or at least one of its nomi nees. These slanderers mistake their ~man. shall go as I begun. When the first hostile gun was fired at the flag of the Union in '6l, I marched among the earliest at the head of the men of Essex and Massachusetts for the sup pression of the rebellion, and until the country is restored to that peace and prosperous tran quillity which it is her destiny to enjoy, I shall bull march on with the men of Essex and Massa chusetts fighting the enemies of my country whenever and wherever found. "Not content, however, with their slanders, finding that I had never wavered in my support of the principles of the Republican party, they next maligned both General Grant and myself by asserting that to achieve some supposed personal advantage to each, an improper and unworthy agreement as to personal difficulties, some bar gain such as they would have made had they been in our places, had been patched up between us, alike disgraceful to us both. "I take pleasure in declaring to you, fellow citizens, as well in behalf of General Grant us myself, that nothing of the kind has taken place. A difference in social life, merely, arising from misunderstanding, has been the subject of mutual satisfactory explanation. No more, nor less. I EL all advocate the election of General Grant as the man selected by my.party, whose patriotism, energy and success at the head of the armies of the l lilted States, in destroying the rebellion in arms, give satisfactory assurance that he will bo able, at the head of the government, to crush this new phase of the rebellion as applied to civil life; and his administration, devoted to such patriotic work,shall have the same cordial and hearty sup port horn me that it would have were he my dearest personal friend. "Another of the many-headed rumors circulated to injure me in your good opinion, fellow-citi zens, is that in the event of General Grant's being elected to the administration of the government, as I have no single doubt ho will be, your repre sentative will not receive that just and proper recognition from the administration which be longs to his position in the Republican party. Of that I have neither doubt nor fear. I shall receive from a Republican administration all and more than all that distinction I may personally deserve, and all that consideration which should be accorded to your representative if I shall be so fortunate as to be so greatly honored by your suffrages." The Rebel Spirit. —At a Seymour and Blair ratification meeting at, Atlanta, ;Georgia, one of the speakers de nounced the constitutional amendment as "pre pared" principally for the purpose of keeping out of office such gentlemen and true patriots as Howell Cobb, A. H. Stephens, Robert Toombs, B. H. Hill, John C. Breckinridge, and Jefferson Davis! As the speaker named each of the patri ots in the above list there was a storm of cheers ; but when he mentioned the name of Jeff Davis the hall was at once the scene of a wild and tu multuous uproar. Both delegates and spectators jumped to their feet as if in excitement uncon trollable. Hats and handkerchiefs were waved and shaken fiercely above their heads and yells and shouts 'and cheers and wild stamping for the space of several minutes shook the hall. It was the "old rebel yell." —The President of the South Carolina Demo cratic State Convention, held on the Gth inst. at Columbia, on taking the chair, said: " Your State has been despoiled of her sovereignty; your people have been deprived of their liberty. You, are now entering on the great work of restora tion. We must restore the great, proud, noble Carolina of former days. Lamm. The_cramt bling walls and solitary, smokeless chimneys of your noble State souse are typical of our pre sent political condition. Thank God, that noble, brave building lies in ruins. I Applause. I Thank God; it is 'not desecrated by those beings who as slime to legislate for us. Let us resolve befor High Heaven that the land which was once th THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN---PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, AUGUST. 11, 1868. home of the Huguenot and the Cavalier, shall never be ruled by the Puritan and African. [Great applause.]" —Howell Cobb, after hiti fiendish'speech at At lanta, Ga., a few days ago, anathematizing and denouncing the Union men of the South, should remember Andrew Johnson's scathing rebuke de livered ig.tho Senate in 1861. In referring to the seceding members of Buchanan's. Cabinet, Mr. Johnson said: "Cobb remained in the Cabinet until the Treasury was bankrupt' and the nation al credit disgraced at home and abroad, and then ho con'tclentiously seceded." Such is the man who sets himself up as a censor of men and morals at the South, as described by one who is at present his bosom friend. Presidential Paragraphs. —The lictrtford Post perpetrates the)following : Frank Blair's "best bold"—to hold his tongue. —Will the bountry hays Grant and Peace, or Seymour, and Blair and pieces? asks the Tribune —Who boasted that they would not vote a man nor a dollar to put down the Rebellion? The Democratic Party. —The soldiers got no encouraging words from Horatio Seymour when they were in the field,and they will give him none now. —The Presidency has "no attractions" for Ho ratio Seymour. Oh no., Ho says It don't. HS also said the nomination didn't. He's a first class decllner, Horatio Is. Artemns Ward said, "not a drop of good liquor has passed my lips in fifteen years. Cause why? I reached out and Dived it before it got by." —There was a grand Seymour ratification meeting at White Sulphur,Va., a few days since, n pI ded over by Thomas L.. Price, of Missouri. Ab t2O ox-Confederate Generals were present. Oof the resolutions passed is as follows: Re solved, That the efforts of the Radicals in Con gress to overthrow the constitution, change the form of government, and establish negro su premacy in 'the South, cannot succeed without Involving the country in another bloody and desolating war. Letter from Hon. J. Lottirop Motley Declining %public Reception ixt Hoak. ton. Bo.sTox, July 28.—T0 Pis Excellency Alexan der H. Bullock, Governor of Massachusetts: Nis Honor N. B.Bhurtleff, Mayor of Boston; The Reve rend Thomas Hill, President of Harvard Univer sity; The Honorable John H. Clifford; The Honor able Giorge 'Bigelow;' The Honorable David Sears; Jacob Bigelow ' if. D., and others. GEN TLEMEN: I have just had the honor to receive your letter of July 14, in which yon request me to name an occasion upon which I could meet yourselves and such others of our fellow-citizens as might be inclined to greet me after my long absence. I find it difficult to say in adequate language how deeply I am touched by this un expected and cordial letter of welcome. No manifestation of regard has ever grati fied me so much as this which I now receive from so large a number of ray fel low-dtfie.ns,men whose names are most honored in our Commonwealth, and many of whom I am proud to count among my familiar and personal mends. I assure you that the letter one the sig natures which it bears will always be treasured by me among my most valuable possessions; and it is because I- so fully- appreciate-your kind ex pressions of esteem that •trust you will not mis- in erpre my mo ives nor in tme n any • egret) - wanting in sensibility to your very flattering pro position if I ask leave to decline the honor of a public reception. The warm expression of your wishes in this respect is a suffi cient gratification to me, and I cannot but feel that too long a period has elapsed, owing to accidental circumstances, be tween the abrupt conclusion of my term of public service and my return to Boston, to permit my giving you any recent details of political affairs at my late place of dirty, It will be my good fortune, I trust, to meet every one of those esteemed friends and fellow-citizens who have signed the letter, and to exchange with them the friendly greetings, without any formality, which are so grateful to one who has been so long absent from his country. Seven years have passed since I left the United States, and I hardly think it extravagant to say that they have been more important than any other seven years in the annals of our race. The stride which has been taken by the Republic in its on ward and upward progress during thoSe event ful years is without precedent or parallel. De mocracy has been upon its trial, and irrevocably has the Anierican people vindicated the right and the capacity of the people to govern itself. Self-government might have perished from the earth s had the great republic fallen in its strug gle with oligarchy, had our faith in the demo cratic principle faltered during the awful con flict to which we were doomed by the inexorable logic of history. Perhaps you will not think it out of place for me to say on this occasion that in the country where I have so long been officially residing, it was never my lot to hear or to read any expressions of un friendly feeling towards our country. Every manifestation was courteous, kindly and sincere, the Imperial Government throughout the war maintaining its amicable relations unimpaired with the Government of the United States. There are many clouds hanging over the present and he future of that ancient empire, but there is light breaking above them, and no man that has hopes of human progress bat must wish God-speed to the efforts of the administration of the present sovereign to advance the cause of constitutional freedom and the emancipation of the people from civil and sacerdotal thraldom. I have written more than I intended, it may be more than I ought, but it was impossible for me not to respond with the utmost sympathy to your congratulations on the abolition of slavery and the successful issue of the civil war. I am, gentlemen, With sincere respect and regard, Your friend and obedient servant, J. L. MOTLEY Jcifertion Darts to Reside In New Or. leans. [From the New Orleane Picayune, Aug. 6.] Mr. Jefferson Davis and family, as we are in fot med by telegraph and mail, have left for Eu rope. As it has been stated that he has gone there for the purpose of engaging in business, it may be proper for us to state that while he goes abroad mainly for his health, and for that recrea tion which his most eventful life for the past seven years especially makes needful to him, he has been likewise induced to go to England upon the invitation of an eminent commercial firm, which desires him to become a partner in its busi ness. It is very possible that Mr. Davis, who has been deprived by the events of the war of any means of support, will accept this very generous oiler: but we may assure oar fellow-citizens of New Orleans, that unless the other members of this house shall think it best that he should re main with them in England, he will make his borne with us, and represent in this country the interests of thei house. We shall welcome the distinguished gentleman with the utmost pleas ure to this city, where his eminent abilities and Christian virtues are held in the meat exalted re spect. TILE WALNUT.—The spectacle of The Black Crook will be repeated this evenng with all the gorgeous scenery, transformationS, ballet, 4.45 c. The success of the piece during the representa tion has been very great, the theatre being crowded every night. THE CHESTNUT.—On Monday evening " next The White Fawn will be produced in magnificent style. All the properties belonging to it, as it was presented at Niblo's, in New York, are here, together with the same ballet dancers and actors. Messrs. Sinn Sr, Co. promise to surpass all rivals in their production of the piece. THE AAIERICAN.—A miscellaneous entertain ment will be given this evening, with dancing by the accomplished ballot troupe. Canso.—On Friday evening next, the 14th, Mr. Robert Craiz, the comedian, will give another series of his wonderful imitations, at Congress Hall, Cape Island. This is in response to the earnest solicitations of a large number of our citizens who are visiting Cape May, and who ap preciate Mr. Craig's remarkable talents. He contrives to crowd the hall whenever he appears. THIRTEENTH WARD CLUB. -A. meeting of the 'Grant and Colfax Club, of the Thirteenth Ward, will be held this evening, at the hall, northeast corner of Ninth and Spring Garden streets. RnrunmcAn INVlNOieLES.—Attention of nieni bers (of , the Club and the public generally is di rected to the call in our paper for a meeting to night. THEATRES, Etc: CITY BITWiITIN. COLLECTING RAILWAY Ferns.—The Passenger Railway companies have . comp'lained of being robbed by their conductors, and various plans have been !suggested to check the evil. A Phila delphia artist, who has studied the subject in its different phases, has hit noon a plan which seems to be the most feasible ono yet brought forward. The conductor is to carry a small box, constructed in a peculiar manner, and which will be more of an ornament than an ineumbrance. When a passenger gets into the car the conduc tor waits upon him, takes his fare and furnishes him with a check which ho (the passenger) de posits in the box. The number of checks in the box at the time the return is Made will,of course, represent the amount of money received by the conductor. This plan could be carried out with little or no inconvenience to either the conduc tors or passengers, and is worthy of the consid eration of the ra ilway companies. A:patent has been applied for by the inventor. The same gentleman made another design to accomplish the same object. This was to fasten boxes over each of the windows and allow the passengers to deposit their checks when taking their seats. This idea was not considered as perfect as the other, which was finally adopted by the inventor when applying for a patent. A NOVEL PROCESSION.—The Gambrinus Bene ficinl Atsociation, composed of the employes of the various lager beer breweries in the city, have a picnic at Washington Retreat to-day. Pre vious to starting for the scene of enjoyment, this morning, the society made a parade through the streets of the city. The procession was very neatly formed, and as it was somewhat of a novelty it attracted great attention. The marshals, mounted, led off, and were followed by a cavalcade, at the head of which rode Ki ng Gambrinus, carrying a large mug of beer. Then came the wagons belonging to the different breweries. These were all decorated with evergreen, arranged in such a manner as to represent a pleasant grove. The first wagon was occupied by a band of music, another was filled with young ladies and another by small boys. The others were occupied by the men from the brew eries. They were dressed in the same style as when at work, and presented a neat appearance. On some of the wagons were handsome banners,. and others had representations of huge lager beer kegs. All lied some different decoration, so as to make the procession morn attractive. ROBBERIES ALONG pus WILARVES.—For some time past, produce commission dealers along Delaware avenue and Water street have suffered from the depredations of a gang of negro thieves. These fellows would watch for articles to be de livered at the stores, early in the morning—some times before the stores were opened—and would then remove them. Yesterday, Officer Casper CeoPer,_ ofthe_ ,Central__Btation,_ and_ Thomas. Davis, a private watchman, detected two ncgroes in the act of removing three boxes from the front of the store of Shrmder, Christ & Co., on Water street, below Chestnut. The thieves were arrested with the boxes in their, possession. They gave their names as Simpson and Smith, and were-committed-by-Alderman-Hurley. before Alderman Carpenter, this morning, upon the charge of the larceny of a gold watch valued at $l2O, and a lot of plated spoons. It seems that about a week ago he went to the house of John Lacey with whom he was acquainted, and asked permission to remain. Mr. Lacey granted the request, and gave him a bed to sleep on. During the night, it is alleged, he got up, ran sackca the hope, and left with the watch and spoons. Ho was committed in default of $1.200 bail to answer at Court. BOBBING NEW BUILDINGS.—UIysses Blaker was arrested yesterday, while leaving a new house at Twenty-second and Diamond streets, with a bundle under his arm. When the bundle Was examined, it was found to contain a lot of lead pipe. Blaker was taken before aid. Hood and was committed for trial. SNEAK TnrEvEs.—Kate Morgan and Ellen Riley sneaked into a house at Seventh and Cath arine streets yesterday and made way with some jowelry, clothing, dm. They were afterwards arrested and the stolen articles were found on their persons. The accused were committed by Ald. Emmen. THE WHITE FAWN.—Jarrett & Palmer's com bined Parasian and Viennoiso Ballet Troupe arrived In this city this morning from Chicago in a special train consisting of two sleeping and three passenger cars. The baggage was con tained in four baggage cars, and consists of the properties, costumes, scenery &c., to be used in the production of the White Fawn, at the New Chestnut Street Theatre, on Monday evening, August 17th. REAL ESTATE.-WO call the attention of our readers to the card of Wm. L. Creece, to be found in our Real Estate column. Persons desirous of purchasing or renting cottages at Cape Island would do well to consult him. DRINK the famous Arctic Soda Water and read the EVENING BULLETIN, at Hillman's News Stand, at North Pennsylvania Depot. CITY NOTICES. WE Ann in the midst of a revolution. No more premature decay of the teeth. Sozoooter ren ders them indestructible. Nay, more, it makes the enamel as white as Parian marble, and the breath as odiferons as " the sweet South breathing o'er banks of violets." Neither the teeth nor the gums can become diseased, if it is used daily. " SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE" 18 useful in every house. MOTH PATCHES, FRECKLES AND TAN. —The only reliable remedy for those brown discoloration on the face is "Perry's Moth and Freckle Lotion." Prepared only by Dr. B. C. PERIM, 49 Bond street, Now York. Ita ,— Blold everywhere. ENGLISII WALKING COAT, NEW STYLE.— No. 824 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. French Sack Coat, New Style, No. 824 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Fi ench Sack Overcoat, entirely New, No. 824 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. English Palto Overcoat, Latest Style, No. 624 Chestnut street, Commas STOKES & Co. Under Continental Hotel,i Philadelphia. ANNOUNCEBLENT.—ObarIes Oakford & Sons, under the Continental, announce to the public that they have the largest and cheapest stock of hats and caps in the city. FINE Custom-made Boots and Shoes for Gen tlemen. Bartlett, 33 South Sixth street, above Chest nut. • JUDICIOUS mothers and nurses use for children a safe and pleasant medicine in Bowna's Inratrr 00S. DIAL. Fnza. WArcnns.—We desire to call the atten lion of watch-buyers to the very line Watches made by the American Watch Company of Waltham, and known as the 3C-plate, 16 size. To the manufacture of these watches the Company have devoted all the science and skill in the art at their command, and confidently claim that for fineness and beauty, not less than for the greater excellencies of mechanical and scientific correctness of design and execution, these Watches will compare favorably with the best made in any country. In this country the manufacture of such Watches is not even attempted except at Waltham. For sale by all respectable dealers. ROBBINS 8G APPiETON, Agents, No. 182 Broadway, N. Y. SURGICAL INSTRUAGINXI3 and druggists' sun dries. SNOWDBIN FG BEOTITER, 23 South Eighth street. ANNOUNCEMPIIs7T.—CharIefi Oakford AR. 130110, under the Continental, announce to the public that they have the largest and cheapest .stock of hats and caps in the city, Dreericass, BLINDNESS AND CATAID3H. J. haat*, M. D., Professor of the Bye and Bar, treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most re liable sources in the city can be aeon at , hie once, No. 130 a Arch street. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients as he hasno secrets in hia practice. Artificial eyes inserted. No charge made for examination. rtelNEUßadelgaßM El itdletlm NF GOB—Bark Sara Sheppard. Evans-203 hhda 25 tee sugar 185 hhda 6 tea 855 bble molasses 1 pipo ram 1 ease Jelly Goo 0 Carson 4: 00. HAANA—Bark Mazy 0 Fox. Ross-!-6611 EmICeS hhdo do E Knight & JIUUI:NO BULLETIN. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA—Ana. IL liras Matins Builatis on bUtide rag& ARRIVED THIS DAV Steamer Whirlwind. ' Geer. 36 hours f , rom Providence. With mdse to D 8 Stetson, Co. Steamer H L Gaw, Der, 13 hours from Baltimore, with indite to A Groves, Jr. Steamer A C Stlmers, Knox. 24 hours from New York.. with rodeo to W P Clyde & Co. Bark Mary C Fox, Ross, from Matanzas via Havana, 10 days, with sugar to E G Knight dr Co. Dark StuS Sheppard. Evans..2o days from Clonfuegos, with sugar and molasses to Goo C Carson & Co. Behr Warrington. Lord, from Boston, in ballast to Len nox & Burgess, Behr Reading RR No 4a, Powell. 6 days from Norfolk. with ehingles to Norcross & Sheets. Behr F Nickerson, Kell DOIStOIL Behr Godfrey, God fre y, Bostam. Bchr T J 11111. Chase, Boston. Behr L &A Babcock, Smith. Boston. Behr H G Handy. Taylor, Boston. Behr .1 11 Allen. }Ketcham, Boston. Behr Alice B, Parker, Boston, Behr J 11 Bartlett, Harris, Boston. Behr W W Marcy. Champion, Boston. Behrl W Hine. Lane. Wilmington, Del. Bchr Id Bewail, Friable. Providence. Behr 11 Hobart, Martin, Providence. Behr AS Percy, Poulson. Washington. Bchrt E Elmer. Haleyßoxbur". Behr J B Cunningham: heath, New,London. Behr Mary Anna, Adams, Bridgeport. Behr Marshall Perrin, Packard, Cohossett. Behr Evergreen, Beilesto, Saugus. Behr R H Wilson. Harris, Groenport. Behr If W Benedict. Case New Bedford. Behr L B Ives, Bowditch , Newport. • Behr L D Small. Tice, Donvereport. Behr F French. Lippincott, Salem. Tug Chesapeake, Mershon. from Havre do Grace, with a tow of bargee, to W P Clyde & Co. CILFARnis Tills DAY. Steamer Brunette, Howe. New York, John F Ohl. Steamer Ann Eliza. Richards. New 1 ork. W P Clyde&Co. Behr F Nickerson. Kell, Salem, Westmd Coal Co. Selr I W Hine, Lane. ldartford, do Saw )3 Hobart, Manson, Providence. do • Behr Maggie. McFadden, Boston, F. A Bonder & Co. Behr Warrington, Lord, Boston, Lennox & Burgess. Behr J B Cunningham, Reath. Norwich, Sinnickson & Co. Behr B Iver. Bowditch, Providence, do Behr Boston, Smith, North 'rrure do Bchr Minnesota, Phinney, Bristo l, do Behr E B Wharton. BonsalL Bristol. do B.thr J D Cunningham. Rooth, Norwich. do Behr L & A Babcock, Smith, Chelsea, Illakiston. Graeff & Co. Behr Evergreen, Delloste, Bristol, RI, Jno Rommel, Jr. Behr R H Wilson Harris , Fall River, do Bchr H W Benedict, Came, Gloucester, do Behr M 11 Freeman, Howes,_Boston. Sinnickeon & Co. Behr 31 H Wescott, Gandy, Beaufort. NC. Captain. Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. Dra... Aug. 10-4 &61. Bark Brunewick. for Marseilles; Priam. for Genoa; Mathilde. for Bremen. and Restless. for Rarbadoe. all from kthiladelphia. went to sea yesterday. Wind N. . Yours. do. JOSEPH LAIETRA.. - MEMORANDA' " Steamer rimier, Catharine, hence at Wilmington. N(3. y esterday. Steamer City of New York (Br), Tibbetts. cleared at N York yesterday for LiverpooL Steamer Holeatia (NG). Ehlers, cleared at New York yesterday for Hamburg. Steamer Ville de Paris (Fr). Surmount, from Havre 30th ult. and Brest lot inst. with 203 Passengers, at New York yesterday. Steamer Cimbria (NG), Barends, from Hamburg July !2.9 and Southampton Slat, with 765 passengers. at N York yesterday. Bark White Wing (Br), Morris, cleared at New York yesterday for Lagnayra and Porto CabeUo. • Brig Ambrose Light, Higgins'. sailed from Charleston yesterday for this port. Behr.) B-Smith. Williams, flailed from Providence fth inst. for this port. Seim George Fates, Nickerson. hence at Providence 9th Instant. Behr A Van Cleat'Heath, hence at East Greenwich Bth instant. Behr Wm C Atwater. Taylor. sailed from Bristol Bth inst. for this Dort. Behr C G Cranmer. Cranmer, cleared at Boston Bth inst. for tbirgoort - . --- Behr Jos May. Maxfield. cleared at Boston Bth Wt. far - urn4.4a ••, K11:811;Z:1 Strong. Broi TIT — Res tI e ae,. Kelley, and Maria Roxana, Palmer, hence at Boeton fith Met. Schrs Jetele . B Allen. Case, and 0 8 Watson, Adams. hence at Nantucket let imt. and both nailed 6tb to return. • Sehr Henry. Dobbin hence at Bangor 7th inst. FINANCL4Li• Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania. T H UNION BANKING COMPANY , N. E cor. Fourth and Cheattut &S. ! PHILADELPHIA, Authorized Capital, - $1 000,000 Paid in Capital, - - $lOO,OOO Solicit the Accounts of Business Firms, Manufacturers, Dealers and Others. Collections Made and Checks on Country Banks Received. Certificates Bearin g Interest at 4 Per Cent. will be issued for De. posits Hemalpin g 30 Days or Lon g er. re- Check Books Issued on Call. N. C. MUSSELMAN, President. E. F. MOODY, Cashier. auB lm§ BANKING HOUSE , XCOOKE Cpe Xl2 and 114 So. THERM ST. PELTLAVA. DEALERS IN ALL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES THE SAFE DEPOSIT CO., For sale Keeping of Valuables, &mull. ties, etc., and Heating of Safes. MECTORS. N. B. Browne. J. (1101.in6ham Eely Al= Henry C. H. Clarke, C. Macalester. B. A. Caldwell. John Welsh B. W. (dark. Cleo. F. Toler. OFFICII, 0.421 oli.EsTrarr sr - skins N. B. BROWNE. President. • 0: H. CLAIM Vice Presidemt. PATTERSON. Beo. and Treasurer. Isle.thAttaTlV WANTED TO ENGAGE—AN ENERGETIC MAN of igood address to receive orders for the LONDON PUBLILIBING' COMPANY, 411 Chestnut street. It' AGENTB WANTED! Gentlemen of good address, to solicit for an old and suo easeful LIFE UrisIUNAI4CE COMPANY IN PHILADE4 PHIA. Liberal ' terms and permanent positions to good men. This is also a good opportunity for Teachers and Clergy men who have lehsure time. to employ the same advan ._ _ th.lBo Addrere NV.. Box 1.980. - DREBERVED TABILtitINDFS.-20 EEGS fdAWI F IREQUEI Tamarinds, in sugar, binding and for sale by Ja)3. BUSKER Wr lOC Wath Delaware avow. IN,IIIMUMOIIII E. W. CLARK. & CO BANKERS, No. 85 South Third Street, Philada-, GENERAL AGENTS iron TUE NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF TUE United States of Aaner(ea, rou TUE States of Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey. The NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COM PANY is a corporation Chartered by Special Act of Congress, approved July 25, 1868, with a Cash Capital of Ono Million Dollars, And Is now thoroughly organized and prepared for business. Liberal terms offered to Agents and Solicitors, who aro Invited to apply at our office. Full particulais to be bad on application at our office, located In the second story of our Banking House, where Circulars and Pamphlets, fully describing the advantages offered by the Com pany, may be had. E. W. CLARK & CO., No. 85 South Third Street. anB to th ttO -The Liverpool ee Lon, aeon &P -Globe Insurante Company. The Report of this Com pany for 1868 shows: Premiums - 5,479278$ Lops - - - 3,344,728 and after paying a •ent o 3o per cent., tze Total Affets are, in Gold, $17,005,026. ATWOOD SMITH, General Agent, No. 6 MER CHJNTS' EXCHANGE, PbiladeObia. SURVIER. RESORTS. COLUMBIA HOUSE, CAPE MAY. /1111 E COLUMBIA HOUSE, at Cape bland, N. T., will be opened thin season on the 25th of June. Situated but a few rods from the beach,, with three hundred good bathing rooms standing di rectly at the surf, and with fine shade trees upon the lawn, this house must surpass any other at the Capes as well for its outside attractions and conveniences as for its extensive and well regu lated Interior. The Columbia has long been sustained by a sub stantial and select patronage froth all parts of the country, and its appointments may be depended upon as strictly first-class. For rooms,&e., address GEO. J. BOLTON, Proprietor, Cape Island, N. J., BOLTON'S HOTEL, Harrisburg, Pa. lel3 a to tL ttrpo UNITED STATES HOTEL' ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Will be opened for the reception of gnats on SATURDAY, JIM E 27. The house has been repainted, papered and otherwise improved. Altaic will be under the direction of Simon Hassler. Persona wishing to engage rooms can do so by applying to BROWN & 'WOELPPER, Atlantic City, or No. 827 Rletunond Street. EIGHT-HOUSE COTTAGE, `ATLANTIC crinr, N. J. This well-known House bas been Removed. Remodeled andab very Roo much Enlarged—with commodious and com fortle ms. LUCATED BETWEEN U. 8. HOTEL AND THE BEACH he grounds surrounding are nicely enclosed and well shaded. Guests for the house will leave the cars at U. 8. HoteL . WV — NO BAIL Jell 2ml JONAH WOOTTON. Proprietor. T ORETTO SPRINGS. CAMBRIA CO., PA.—TRIS ..LJ well-known and delighti nisummer resort having boon thoroughly renovated and much improved since last sea son, is now oven tinder the management of the under signed. Excursion tickets over the Pennsylvania Rail road can be procured in Philadelphia.Pittaburgh aterilßar- Nyberg to Kayler's Station, two miles distant from the Springs, at which point vehicles will be in readiness to convey visitors to them. Visitors will take the 11 o'clock P M. train to avoid delay. The owner of the Springs, Nr. Gibbons, will give hie personal attention to the wel fare of hie guests. Terms, $l2 per week. For circulars and further particulars, address iv3l.2ot* CONGBESS HALL. ATLANTIC CITY. IS NOW open for the season. This house is most oonvenient to the surf. ofthey improvements have been added for the comfort A band of music has been engaged for the season. GEORGE W. IIINRT:14 Proprietor. jyl£s-Imo I OUNTAIN HOUSE, AT CRYSTAL SPRINGS. Allentown. Pa, will be opened on the 23d of June. This new establishment is fitted out in magnificent atyle for the especial accommodation of those from abroad. who seek a healthy and pleasant Bummer retreat. Rooms can be secured by letter. 11)y addressing Jena 2mo BERNDT & GRADER, Proprietors. CIOTTAGE BOARDING—AT MISS MMUS, I Anil'. ette et, opposite Delaware House, Cape Island. a74nr* VIIIIIMITIDILE. me. VINE FURNITURE. GEO, J. HENKEL% LACY CO., Thirteenth and Chestnut Streets. ipll 2m6 *SEW PECANS.-10 BARRELS NEW CROP TEXAS .L Pecans landing. ezeteanwhip_ Star of the Union , and for eale by J. B. But:hums - a CO.. 108 South Delaware 110701111.6. ITALLON VERMICELLI-100 BOXES FINE _QUALITY white r tmoortoil and for sale by JOEL p. FIUME.% CO,. US Bonth Delaware even= JOHN MoINTOSH, Proprietor
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers