:?;~~ :~~: __ _., i BIIbLICESS ROTIOEI3. Great. Bea uction in•Priccs oltSuminer Clothier. to Cio6o out nook. - Mee, in price Of_Summer Goode, made to order. Areortment etill good. but telling out rapidly. All pricts ottaranfrat Lower than the lowest eyewhqre sndfnZ aatirsjaction guaranteed ivory purchaetr, or the *ate mutated and money r<funurd. Half way between BMNETT At Co.. - Ilia and TOWER HALL /Sixth stre4lB. 15.18 MARKET rTnEET, PLU EADELI'LI lA, AND 600 BROADWAY, NEW YOUR 'a be Poor 1111mo 7 s Prictid.—Doctor's ' blris am tee long for wooer man's pocket, but many of them maybe avoided by keeping Gt4ce'a Celebrated Salvo m the cupboard. It is the •'preciouepot of clot • matt," owing bnrns , cute, ecalde,brelees,epraine.wom.d., ehilblaine, snapped hand', &e.Slothere. do not neglect YO !IMO „TOUT bue band's ha/ Ileatned money, but purchaee box of this talve, only 25 eente. , au3iit EVENING BULLETIN. Thursday, August 6, 186E4 04" Persons leaving the city for the summer, and wishing to have the EVENING Bum Amur sent tO them, will please send their address to the Office. Price, by mail, 75 cents per month. szvraorms LETrEB OF Acccer "INCE. At last we have Seymour's letter accepting the Democratic Presidential nomination. He gives as a reason for his delay in issuing this document, that he wanted to see "what light the action of Congress would throw upon the interests of the country." The true explana tion of his tardiness is, probably, to be found n the fact that he desired to ascertain the popular feeling regarding certain obnoxious clauses in the Democratic platform, and to shape his course somewhat with the current. The letter is distinguished by two character istics—the utter falsity of its statements and its want of exact accord with the letters of Frank Blair and with the expressed opinions of the other Democratic leaders. The first peculiarity is not at all remarkable; the latter is - sufficiently so to excite the surprise' of those who do not understand the ambiguity, and consequent opportunity for diverse construc tion, of the Democratic manifesto. It was inevitable that we should find fault with Mr. Seymour, but this letter is so vulnerable, and its every sentence is so susceptible of positive contradiction,that the mendacity of the author can be made clear to the dullest comprehen sion, whileits failure to agree precisely with the declarations of Blair and ether leading Democrats, is manifest from simple com parison. Mr. Seymour begins with a falsehood. He makes-the-stale--assertion- that-his nomination sass "nnannuht and nr:lrpectpd" and th a t h. was "caught up by the whelming tide," and "found himself unable to resist the pressure." The history of the fraud by which he manip ulated the Democratic Convention to his own advantage, adjourning it illegally when the tide set in favor of another candidate, and in triguing in caucus with the Ohio delegation, bas been exposed too recently to need fresh demonstration here. His chicanery was only surpassed by his hypocritical pretense that he was surprised by the final action of the Con vention. Mr. Seymour asserts that "Congress has allied itself with the military power which is to bear directly upon the election." This is a repetition of the oft repeated Cop,serhead slander that General Grant will use the troops in the South to prevent free expression of opinion at the polls. General Meade's recent order withdrawing his soldiers from all su pervision of civil affairs, and the well known 'fact that the local governments of nearly all the States are in organized existence, and in -j hands of legally elected civilians, is suffi cient a ng l ipr to this. Mr. Seymour is aware of these facts, and lie knows absolutely that as far as General .coriceroeci i a South ern man who is not disfranchised can vote with as much freedom for the candidate of his choice, as , can the most violent Democrat in New York city. He knows, moreover, that jf General Grant had the power that is attri buted to him, he would not use it. Such a base imputation of the honor of his opponent could only come from a man whose moral nature is perverted by devotion to a political career that has never been checked for an instant by scrupulous regard for means to attain its end. In one particular Mr. Seymour's views are identical with those of General GranT. Ile asserts that the "interests of the country de mand peace." But it is just here that he differs with his party, whose Southern branch, if we are to take the declaratioru, of its orators and organs, is engaged in or ganizing a new rebellion. These absolutely threaten war in the event of defeat at the polls, and the return of the Southern States to anarchy if they succeed in electing their candidates. If there is anything in the Dem ocratic programme better understood than this, we do not know of it. The issue is as clear as any that has ever existed between two political parties. It is to this fact that Mr. Seymour must attribute the "uncertainties" with which "the minds of business men are perplexed;" not to the policy of Congress. Under.the latter,our commercial relations with the South would now be resumed, were it not that merchants fear the redemption of the Democratic promise to undo the work of reconstruction, and disturb the wise and benign results that have sprung from that work. They have another source of alarm in the declared intention Qf the Demo crats to repudiate part of the debt. This would deereelate the currency, cause con stant fluctuation of values, and do incalcu lable injury tc national and private credit. These are the considerations that fill business men with unecirtainty and hurt rue best inte rests of the country. But upon one of these questions Mr. Seymour has nothing to say. Ile Goes not utter one word for or against the repudiation plank in the platform, and we can only conjecture his endorsement of it by his assertion that "the resolutions adopted by the Convention accord with his views." This is one of the theories of his party which he found to be unpopular. He is afraid to come before the country and personally make repu diation an issue with the honest American ' people. • Ile complains that "the people are har assed with the frequent demands of tax gatherers," but he proposes no remedy. In the improbable event of his election does he intend ta lessen that burden by repudiating our obligations, and carrying on the (3, )ve meat-without money? Or will he permit tli tux-gatherers still to harass the people? It .be entertains the first design, the afflicted pe WWl° know it. If the latter is bis in- 9!MMAI tention, why does he allude to a thing that is as unavoidable as it is disagreeable?,. If he' intended the sentence simply as a hit,of poli tical buncombe, "sound and furY signifying nothing," it is contemptifile and stupid. \ Ile says, also, that "the chiefs . of the late rebellion have'submitted to the T:aalts of the war, and- are now quietly engaged in Useful pursuits." This is false. In the very Con vention from which ho obtained 'his nomina tion, there were dozens of rebel officers, and the committee by whom was drafted the plat form upon which he stands, contained the rebel generals Wade Hampton, Joseph E. Johnson, William Preston and Barksdale, together with Langdon a rebel editor from Louisima,and Babcock, Speaker of the lower Efouse of the rebel Legislature of Virginia. Moreover, most of these, with "Admiral" St mmes, Howell Cobb, B. H. Hill, and a multitude of minor men who were active rebels, are now stumping the South, making speeches in which the lost cause is glorified, and promised success, and in which bitterer anti-Union sentiments are uttered than any that found expression before the war. Mr. Seymour deliberately misstated the fact, when he penned that paragraph, for no man knows better than he does, the exact char acter of the men who are supporting him in the South. But Seymour is' directly at variance with hie party in one respect. He says "the elec tion of a Democratic Executive would not give to that party power to make sudden and violent changes." This is a declaration against the announced determination to with draw Congressional reconstruction in the rebel States; and it is another result of Sey mour's desire to follow the popular current. Wade Hampton's para&raph - in the platform, says, "The reconstruction acts are unconsti -tutional and void."- Frank Blair, in his Brod head letter, asserts that "the real and only issue in the contest," is upon the substantia lity of this reconstruction, and that it "can be overthrown by the Executive * * who will faik ‘ to do his duty it' he allows the Constitution to perish under a series of enact ments which are in palpable violation of its fundamental principles." He reiterates this sentimentin his letter of acceptance. We accept the declaration of the party, rather !ban that of Seymour, assured that if elected he will be found pliant when the demand is made upon him, or else that he will be re- moved by approved rebel methods, to enable Blair to embrce lua policy. Mr. Seymour affects to believe that his nomi nation has been received with unparalleled enthusiasm. We know, and all intelligent men know, that it surprised the very Con vention that effected it, and fell as coldly upon the rank and file of the party, as, the Domination of a man who in local elections has invariably run behind his ticket only could. Neither his personal qualities nor his political career furnish material from which enthusiasm can be manufactured. The boast that he gave In,ooo commissions during the war, avails nothing in view of the facts, that from his official position he could not possibly have done otherwise, and tha; hie whole record dining the strife was that of a strenuous, consistent and malignant oppo Dent of the war itself, and of every measure which could aid its successful conclusion. Mr. Seymour's letter is a failure. It is on skilfully constructed; it is filled with sophistry and falsehood; and while it is open to the ri dicule and contempt of the Republicans, i by no means satisfies the demands and ex pec tations of the Democracy. If this is all hi has to say respecting the issues now befor, the country, he can rest assured that his pro fneeed Aversion to accepting the Presidency Will be met by the actual dc,:_erminatien of t4f,' people that he shall not do so, OUR NATIONAL DIVISIONS. With the development and growth of the West,during the last ten years, there has been a grand shifting of all the centres of popula tion, wealth and commerce. What used to be a mass of undefined "Indian Territory" and "Great American Desert" on our school day maps, is now organized and inhabited, in States and settled Territories. What was, but yesterday, the "Far West," is so no longer. Chicago, St. Louis and Cincinnati are, to a 1 interests and purposes, as much Distern cities, as Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, New York or Boston. The real "West" of to-day, comes east" to Chicago for its sup plies, and Chicago with its quarter of a mil lion of inhabitants, its immense commercial activities, its splendid municipal improve ments, its grand capabilities for the future, iE one of the main points upon which the new regions beyond the Rocky Mountains wit: pivot their business operations for generations to come. The_ old divisions of the Coiled States int', Eastern, Middle, Southern and Western Sates have long ago ceased to have any practical meaning. The rebellion has obliterated the one institution of slavery, which gave signifi cation to the designation of the Southern States, while the Western boundaries have pushed themselves so far away that to call New York or Pennsylvania Middle States is simply an absurdity. The real "Middle State" of the Union is Nebraska, fifteen hun dred miles west of Pennsylvania. We want a new nomenclature for the geographies and maps of the rising generation. We want an adoption of the natural, not the political, divisions of the country. These natural divisions are very clearly marked and easily remora bered. The two grand lines teat cut the con tinent longitudinally are the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains, and taking these as the natural boundaries of the several sec tions, we have, the Eastern, the Middle and the Western States. The Eastern comprises New England; the old Middle and Southern States,excepting Louisiana and Texas; Michi gan, Indian-, Wisconsin, Ohio, Illinois, Ken tucky, Tennessee and Alabama. The "Mid dle" comprises Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska, lowa, Kansas, Missouri,Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas. The "Western" comprises Aliasha, Oregon, WashingtOn,ldaho, Wyom ing, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, California, Ai izona and New Mexico. A reconstruction of American geography would have many advantages. It would d.) away with educational terms which have now absolutely no meaning in our schools; it would convey a proper idea of what are the rtal and natural sub-divisione of the country; ~.>•. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1868. ALL NE==a and it would break - down the old political an tagonism of North and. South, which reated upon no distinction Faye the single-one of slavery, now and forever dons*away. This last would be •of incalculable advan tage to the future peace and prosperity of the whole countre, It would root out a class of troublesome politicians, anti pestilent dogmas, and false notions that haveteen so long a plague co our national harmony, and would realize the phrase upon which American orators have rung so many changes, that we know "no North, no South," but only those grand sections of the great Continent which have been mapped out, by the finger of Omnipotence.. Even tually these new divisions will be made as a matter of necessity, and it matters not how soon the general mind of the country begins to familiarize itself with the idea. NAVY 31.1111 D FRAUDS. The Philadelphia Navy Yard has the Mi - fortune to be located in the First Congres sional District, over which the Democracy presides with almost undisputed sway. It does not seem to have been of any special advantage to the public service that this should be the case, and there are periodical disclosures of rascality in one mechanical department after another, which are not pleasant in the eyes of honest men, and not calculated to elevate Philadelphia's credit abroad. Congress recently instructed the Committee on Naval Affairs to investigate the adminis tration of the Steam Engineering Department of the Navy Yard, and a sub-committee has just made a report to the Secretary of the Navy, through its chairman, Hon. Wm. D. Kelley. It shows, plainly enough, that a raudulent favoritism has been practiced, in the - purchase of tools from a New York man ufacturer, in the face of lower and better bids from the best Philadelphia houses. The committee does not seem to have fastened this rascality upon its perpetrators, but the fact itself appears very plain. The Secretary of the Navy is called upon to order such an investigation as will bring the offender to light, and to punishment, and it is to ba pre sumed thatlir. Welles-will-act-upon- the sug gestion as promptly as comports with his usual method of doing business. This exposure of official fraud at the Navy Yard should be made a searching and thorough - one; — without - respect — to pffiltical considerations:. We—Rave-no - know ledge' o the politics of the suspected parties, except iu the general fact that the Navy Yard is largely under Democratic control. But there are officials enough of both Republican and Democratic professions who regard office as a mere machine for swindling the public and feathering their own foul nests, and we rejoice in every investigation which tends to unearth their speculations and bring their evil deeds to the light. The real spirit of the Republican party is in favor of a purification of every public office from the President down to the lowest subordinate who receives Government pay, and it is to the honor of a Republican Congress that it has always been ready to investigate fraud and punish official offenders, without fear or par tiality. Upon no other principle can the Republican institutions of America be maintained. The fearful demorali zation which was spread through all the public offices of the country under Democratic rule, before the rebellion, was one of the causes of the rise and success of the Republican party. The purification of such abuses as may have crept in during the last eight years is duty over which Congress should and does keep a watchful eye, and the probing of this ulcered spot at the Phila.- - ,NFIvy Yard is only a part of drat sur gery which is needed to restore health and vigor once more to the whole body politic. LIENP.Y PHILLIPPI, CARPENTER AND BUILDER. NO. RIM SANBOM STREET. jealy4p PIILLADELPuIA. • JOHN GRUMP, BUILDLR. 1781 CHESTNUT STREET, and 213 LODGE STREET. Meehanlca of every branch required for houeebnilding and fitting promptly furnialled. fet37U WA ttBURI'ON`I3 IMPROVED, VENTILATED and easy-fitting Dress Hato (patented), In an the ap proved fal3hious of the season, Chestnut street, next door to the Poxt-ottice. selMyrp DEIN CtillN GROWS OLD, AND hi RkTur.:l; vl tough, the superioirty of the Pate!. t Corn Grater is the mole manifest by Heparating all the nutritio pulp trum the indigentihe skins of the grain when about to make ycur eon' fritters. oyetera, etc. For e•le by TRUMAN do BNAW, No. 835 (Light Thirty-five) Market etreet, below Ninth. I,`Olt titlMF DIATELY COOLING A GLASS OF SODA I Water, Lemonade or other dr nke, the Patent 103 Haile will be found moot uPeful. as the ice In in such fine pieces ae almoet instant/menu:4 4 y to melt. For side by 1 IiUMAN SHAW, No. 8.3 (bight Thirty five) Market wheel, below Ninth. 1,/EPAir.ITG Or CLOTHES WRINGERS DONE and variant; patterns of them aru for eale by uc. "I hoes with cogwheel, viz: the Universal and Guam', ion, we particularly recommend for durability, Titc.• MAN dc SHAW, No. KZ (Eight Thirty-five) Market et., bc low ninth. CONDENSED MILK.—NEW YORK EAGLE BRAND. 1.. the best that is made. For snip by JAM E 6 T. Apothecary, Broad and Spruce streete, Phila. 13,14.10trp§ 698 . --1100 P SKIRTS AND CORSETS Do not fail to examine them. Best and cheapest in the market. 6u spring Skirts, "our own make." and war• rented, at only $1 80. worth $2. Corsets retailed at wholesale prices, to get them Introduced. $1 corsets for 81 cents; $1 60 corsets for $1 15; $2 60 corsets for $2; $5 sorsets for $4, dm. The present low prices for our first-class Skirts and Coteets greatly surprise every one. Please call soon, as wo will advance pricee let of Ban. tem her. material having already advanced. Skirts made to order, altered and repaired, at 028 Arch street. jv2B In.l r 4 rpu als.olJEktl3, HOTEL-KEEPERS. FAMILIES ANL Other.—The undereigned has Jost received a [red wryly Catawbaa,,Cati[ornia and Champagne Wince:l 3 °mb Ale ([or Invade), constantly on hand. P. J. JORDAN, 220 Pear street, Below Third and Walnut etreeta. Lallat BALE.—TO MERCHANTS. STOREKEEPERS Haab and dealer - 3W Callen Champagne and Oral Cider. 2.60 bb la Champagne and Crab Cider. P. J. JORDAN. 230 Pear street VI OOP SKIRT AND CORSET MANUFACTORY. NO. 11 812 Vine etreet. All goods made of the beet materials and warranted. Hoop Skis to repaired. Iyl4 Sm E. BAYLEY. WINE WATCHES AT REDUCED PRICES. AFRESH invoice, just received, by FARR & BROTIIER, Importers, is atfro MA Chestnut street, below Fourth. h CORSETS. CORSETS. MADAME A. BARATEI fr ot o o m re i la s og o e u d t tel lf z e lt known ti Etiet eo t roet eotabllohment o.` entb, below Chestnut, Philadelphi l a l2 S A u te h ti Eje r Invited to bar beautiful light linen comet for o n u on e; wear. my3B Bmrpt f BAAC NATHANB, AUCTIONEER, N. R. CORNER Third and Bpruee streets, only one square below tht Exchange. a $250,000 to loan in large or email amounts, on diamonds, eilver plate, watches, jewelry, and all goods of value. Office hours from 8 A. M. to 7P. M. Pr' &tab Robed for the last forty year!. Advances made In large =manta at the lowest market rates. 148.tfrp INing H DIA RUBB d m.ER MAURINE BELTING. STEAM ose, Engineers and dealers will laid a full anortment ol Goodyear's Patent Vulcanized Rubber Belting, Packini (lose, dm., at the ManGOOD Y ufacturepo ehdg mitten. 11A3 (leotard street, Muth ride. N. B.—Wo have now on hand a largo lot of Gentlemen% Ladiee and Mores' Gem Boom Ako, every variety axte tile of Grua Ctvercoato. WITII INDELIBLE !NE EmBEAADEF ag. :us, Braldlng. Iltuatrarg.ll,.. MMMEMM! I WARD P. KELLY, S. E. Coy. Chestnut and Seventh Ste, barge dock tad complete assortment of . CHOICE GOODS. caD.egaggeMietrZatoraiTM.lny other Isiret. Pattern_Coata and_Clotheanotalled for now for sale at Itedneed Prices, SE BABLA EBPANOL. ON I'AhLE FRAMJAIB. MR BEECHER'S. SUMMER SUIT. One of the New York papers say that Mr Beecher is enjoying_ hie eummar vacation at his place in the country. `wearing a Leghorn hat and a serene countenance." This is a very fine rip fop the summer; a little too airy, per haps. Chespooo— Tha e.rstslehat jesttirrion T e ti &mums f ea5......4 of is that of a gentleman who was found a few days ago. ' at five o'clock in the morning 'on ihe steps of Independence Square with nothing at all whatsoever upon him In the clothes line. As he couldn't give a good acoount of himself or his clothes, the police asked him to march along with them. He said he wouldn't. The police were going to grab him by the collar and make him 'move on but, having no collar on 'hey failed to collar him. At the latest accounts the man had moved on. He isn't there any more. We are doing our best to keep people Heel, clothed Our prices are so low that there is no reason why anybody should, as a general thing. go without having at least something on his back. Come and see how cheap our splen did clothes are ! RC CKHILL & WILSON ONE PRICE ONLY, JONES' Old lEstablished ONE PRICE let CLOTHING HOUSE, 604 MARKET STREET u ABOVE BLXTB. L ore durability of wzlnanhlogoo cannote°.ceed. Particular attention customer work, and a perfect ft guaranteed all Cf3dBo, ap4 s to th,6mrp4 Tleal IE-T.a - vana, Cigars. "Mariana Rita" brand (copy-righted) of Vuelta Abajo ;)Leaf, entirely pure, equal to best imported cigars., and *beeper. Try them. Go to reliable dealers and gut genii Inc. Each box bears our trademarked labeL We make twenty varieties of "Mariana Rita." all of same material —of which several choice grades are now retailed at $B, $8 60 $9. $9 50 and *lO per hundred We will, on arm).- eatmn, direct consumers to those dealers who retail , heapest. We use this brand, "Mariana Rita.," tmy rot real tighest grade Havana cigars. Lower grades we brand "Fra Diavolo," 'Louis d'Or," "Fleur de Lye," etc. 1 he following city retailing keep regularly our "Ma. Haim Rita" cigars: Colton & Clarke, grocers, Broad and Walnut. David L. If eller, deal. r, Noe. 50 and 52 South Fourth street. above Chestnut Charles G. Anat., dealer. No. 215 South Fourth street, below Walnut. Crippin & Maddock. grocere. No. 115 South Third .treet. McEntire, dealer, Nc., 42 douth h leventh street, above Chestnut. Manning. dealer, No. 41 South 'I bird etreet. Keeney. druggist . Sixteenth and Arch. Spillin, grocer, Eighth and Arch. Mitchell & Fl teher, grocers, No. 1204 Chestnut. Bradley. grocer. With and Spruce. Stead, dealer, No. 1111 Chestnut. onnell & Son, grocers. No. 805 Walnut street. Eppel sheimer grocer, Tenth and Spring Garden. Wright, grocer,Franklin and Spring Garden. Wells, druggist, Ninth and Spring Garden. Whiteman, grocer, Seven' teenth and Arch Hitching*. grocer, Fifteenth and Mas. ter. Ambrose Smith. druggist. Broad and t:heetnitt. Areas & Nailer. grocers. Chestnut Hill. Rollock,druggtet, 1201 Ridge avenue. STEPHEN FUGUET & SONS, Manufacturers and importers of Cigars, No. 229 South FRONT Street, Philadelphia. WM. T. HOPKINS FOR GAPE MAY ON SATURDAY, Excursion Tickets. $3. On SATURDAY, the Bth instant, the steamer Lady of the Lake will leave Pier 10, above Nine street, at 9.15 A. M. and returning leave Cape May on MONDAY morning. Excursion tickets $B, including carriage hire. Bach way, $2 25 " " " It§ FITLER, WEAVER it CO. NEW CORDAGE FACTORV NOW IN FULL OPERATION. No. 99 N. WATER and sa N. DEL. Irma POINT BREEZE PARC— . • Annual Subscribers aro now If , *;;AIP , .?!. • - charged $lO for the unexpired Period of the year ending let April. ullice. 144 south FOURTH street. aus 3t 4 41% MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED UPON DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, ELAM, CLOTHING, Am. at JOAES dr CO.'S OLD ESTABLISHED LOAN OFFICE, Corner of Third and Gaskilletreote, Bel B.—DIAMONDS,,WATCHES,S JEWELRY, G S. A. TIMMY. at,izt Meal OLOTIiJN . THE PROBLEM SOLVED. Clothing need not be shape less when moderate priced ! Call at WANAMAKER & BROWN S. Brown Stone Clothing Hats, 603 and 605 Chestnut Street. CIGARS AND AronAccu. MEM EXCURSIONS. RE.T.4AREINLIt'aIzi mum Rani XfINIJK*NOE. THE PENNSYLVANIA LIVE STOCK INSURANCE COMPANY. Chartered Capital, - $250,000 SANDAL D. DELP, General Agent, OFil ICE, PRESS BUILDING. • Po. 702 Clizostaut Street. This Company is one of the meet reliable in the country. havirg for its lacers men of gcod Judgment of ho.sos and farm stools. it issues policies on live stick against death from any canoe, theft and the hazard of transportation. at moderate rates. lUpl WIIIE3, 1141441U01EN, &Eft LIGHT WINES. HEALTHY AND, INVIGORATING CLARETS. SAUTERNES. STILL and SPARKLING HOCKS. STILL and SPARKLING MOSELLES CHAMPAGNES. CHARLES BOTTLER'S Imperial Sparkling CATAWBA. SOLE DEPOT, H. & A. C. VAN BEIL, Wine Merchants, N r o i al wr ll EST NUT - Err REE2'. GROVERIEM. ILAQUOUS, art. 6. TEAS ! TEAS TEAS One of the finest nesortnient of Teas (New Crtip) evar ettezed to the citizens of Philadelphia, now in store. and will be sold to families by the package at wholesale Price , .F I A. 3F.LA Urt, Made from prime quality of Southern White Wheatfro the beet mills in the United States, always on band. SALMON! New Smoked and Spiced Salmon, just received. Families going to the country can have their goods care , fully packed and delivered, free of charge, to any of the depots in Philadelphia. All our Groceries are sold at the lowest rates and warranted to be as represented. CRIPPEN & SIADDOCK, (Late W. L. Maddock di C 0.,) Importers and Dealers in Fine Groceries, Wines, &e.. 115 S. Third Street, below Chestnut, mhlY-th tu dram ViA :AV. (1 VINE, FURNITURE. GEO. J. HENKEL% LACY ds 00., Thirteenth and Chestnut Streets., jell 24 FOR CHARLESTON- •DIRECT, ON TUESDAY NEXT. J,.ij: l l ) „, The euperior SteameldP PROMETHEUS, GRAY, Maeter, Will commence loading at Second Wharf below PINE ‘ 1 rtreet on THUNSDAY, and rail on or before TUESDAY, 11th lnnt. For freight, apply to L.A. SOUDER &CO., Dock Street Wharf. and 4t MERICAN ANTI-INCRUSTATION CO . ' S, OFFICE, No. 147 South Fourth St.. PHIALADELPIIIIA. • The Anti-Incrustator will remove scale from .team boilers and beep them clean, rendering the boiler less table to explosion, and causing a great saving of fuel. The Lustre-meats have been in summits' use during the last tv o yearn in many of the large establishments in this city, and from which the most flattering testimonials of their wonderful saving of fuel and labor have been received. Parties having balers would do well to cal at the office and examine testimonials, etc. JOHN F'AREJLI-2,A, President: EZRA LICHENS, secretary and Trimmer. m yl3 Bmrti CHOICE NEW WHEAT V.AI4/11I_AIC ka.41210131;1,, Made from Virginia, St. Lou!!. Ohio, Pennsylvania and Kentucky White Wheat, at reduced prices, WAR. RANTED SUPERIOR to any in tho market. GEO. F. ZEHNDER, FOURTH AND VINE. 1531 lmrp GOLD'S Latest Improved Patent Low Steam and Hot Water Apparatus, ?or Warming and Ventilating Private and Public Buildings, Alm the approved Cooking Apparatus, AMERICAN KITC) LIENER, On the European plan of heavy eastinge.-durability and unatneee of conetruction, for Hotels, Public Institutions and the better claee of Private Residences. Om A at FURNACES of the latest improvements. GRIFFITH PATENT AIIOHIMEDIAN VENTILATORS, REGIdTERS, VENTILATORS, 6:c. Union Steam and Water Heating Co., JAMES P. WOOD & CO., 41 south FOURTH . Sweet, Philadelphia. B. Di. FELTWELL, Superintendent ,IvB 4mrP§ aiIEW TURKEY PRUNES LANDINGAND FOR SALE 73.8110130.4 t;9,./Ct IWO) Delaware aVerniU JIETAIOL DUIr- 000D16 sriwor.; ARE N9W CLOSING OUT Thee balance ef their Summer Stock At a still farther reduction In price,. 1,500 YARDS OF 37 1.2 c, FEISOII JICONET CHOICE NEAT 13TYLEP, REDUCED TO lbc 76c. French Organdies, reduced to 8 7 / 4 0. 6734 e. French Organdies, reduced to 600. 8730. Black Bilk llernanles, Toduood to 6236 e. Yard-wfde Black Bilk Tiernanlee, reduced to $l. 84 Black Bilk Bernal:llea, reduced to 82 so. All grades 6-4 Black All- Wool Delanes, at low prices All grades Black Alpacaa, at low pliCea. DUMBED AND LABLEAtiIED INUALINS, All the beet makes at the lowest market prices. All bought before the recent Advance._ Nos. 713 and 715 N. Tenth Street: A CARD. Having bad a largo portion of our Stock of Dry Goods. consisting of SILKS, POPi INS. LINENS, DRESS GOODS of all kinds, MUSLINS, CALICOES. gtc.. gtc.. damaged by WATER and SMOKE on the let inst..we now offer ft at prices that will Insure its IMMEDIATE sale. Ladles will find it greatly to their advantage to o 1 amine Ulla stock. bTOKES & WOOD, 102 Arch Ntroct. act 6 21114 LINEN GOODS. Housekeepers will find a full Line of Linens, of beet makes and at lowest prices, at PEI I INS', 9 South Ninth Street. au6 th a to 314 ifecepi 66 Et E E -I-II ATE" DRY GOODS STORE, NO. 920 CHESTNUT STREET, J. W. PROCTOR & CO CLOSIN G OUT SALES To Make Room for Fall Stock. BARGAINS FOR 15 DAYS. li'ilil .al EL eduction s. Having completed our eernl-annual Stack Taking., we have MARKED DOWN the whole of (iv SUMMER STOCK to time the Besion`e Biter, and make room for FALL ARR[VALS. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., The "13ee-liive," NO. 920 CHESTNUT STREET. Spring Trade. D E RBIS, p o rtero o, 36 South Eleventh Stren., (UP STMICSO now opening desirable NOVELTIES Piquell b. Wefts, Piz id and Striped Nainnookm, Hannifin; Edging. and Insertinga, Needte•worii adglilgo and Inserting 2. Imitation and Heal tinny Lam, imitation and Real 'Palettetenon Lard. Jaconet Huslina t Sort Cambria!, Sulu Haslino, French Hackie, he,, an. A general azeortment of White Nods Embroideries, Laces, fzer.,,, Which he afore to the trade at importer.' vist4 thtl laving Retail Dealers the Jobber's profit. N. 8.-4 he special attention of Manufacturers 0 Childr ag.to en , e Clothing is solicited. c ROCKBRIDGE ALUM SPRINGS, VA. There Is not amongst all the Mineral Waters of Vir ginia eo valuable a therapeutic agent as this. It is not neon any such vague end uncertain toot as "Analysis . ' (though bven Analysis attests its great value) that W hittle rests. But it Is upon the accumulated proofs fur nished by forty Wan healing the sick of runny and most grievous maladies. And as the water bears transporta tion perfectly and bae often been kept five years and more without spoiling in the least, it is worth while to call at the Drug Btore of JOHN VIETH Ji BRO., No, 1412 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, And try a Bottle or box of it. Bend to them for Pamphlet and blip of the Ellprinsa RAZLER Es RANDOLPH, Proprietors. 737111 a to th 2mrpo CROUCH, FITZIiERALD & BROWN ? 1235 CHESTNUT STREET, MANUFACTURERS OF TRUNKS, VALISES AND BADS. Every article warranted our own make,"Ful to be ao represented. Jele 2mrPt WOE. BALE =AN JENV-OICE OF HAMBURG RAG 4 assorted linen and cotto E n. YET ER WRIGHT as BONS. *IIS Wninnt street. QUAKER SWEET CORN 26 BARRELS JUST RE ceived and for sale by JOSEPH B. BUSHER & et) tiontb Delaware AVOIIII9. The Colored Border Convention. 186 SECOND EDITION. BY TELEGrRAPH. ATLANTIC CABLE NEWS Money, Cotton and Breadstuff& FROM WASHINGTON. SENSIBLE SET OF RESOLUTIONS. THE DB,AWB &CK ON ALCOHOL. The Treasury Regulations. By the Atlantic Valhrle. Lonnon, Aug. 0, A. M.--Consols, 94X®943-‘ for both money and account. U. B. rive twenties, 7134; Illinois Central, 91; Erie Rail road, 39. Fa/micron; Aug. 6, A. 31.—U. B. bonds,•ls3. Ltvcaroot, Aug. 6, A. M.—Cotton opened easier at the closing prices of last night. The sales for to-day are estimated at 8,000 bales. Breadstnffs—No. 2 Rod Western wheat has advanced to 10a. Bd. All other quotations are unchanged from yesterday. Colored Border State Convention• [Special Despatch to the Phil.. Emilia Bulletin.] Iltimmonn, Aug. 6.—A Colored Border State Convention, which has been in session here, ad- Sonrned last night. Arrangements were made for an organization of the colored people in these Btates, with a view to ultimately securing their political rights, and for holding a national con vention of colored men in Washington on the . second Wednesday. in -Janu,ary_-+nest. Resolutions were adopted - earnestly favoring, the election of Grant and Colfax; tendering thanks to the Freedmen's Bureau, and entreating the colored people to sustain their schools after its discontinuance. A resolution was adopted re commending the Freedmen's Memorial Monu ment .Association to unite their interests with the Lincoln Monument Association, of Washing ton, D. 0. The Drawback on Alcohol. iSpectsi Detpatch to the PhiladeltSte Evening Bulletin—l WASHINGTON, Aug. 6.—The treasury regula tions for the allowance of drawback on alcohol and rums were issued to-day, end go into effect immediately. The law is construed_to limit ti2o drawback_to. alcohol of full proof, eighty decrees, .by hydfo meter ; and to pure rum fermented from sugar, molasses, or other product. of the sugar-cane; with the privilege of drawback only when im ported id 'quantities not less than two thousand gallons. STATE Or THE THERMOMETER THIS DAY AT THE BULLETDI OFFICE 1041. M "5 den. 12 M.. :Jai dag. 2 P. M. a de& Weathcr clear. Wind Nottheast. C ELI DI E. Tile Tragedy to Starourebary,Vermont. The Rutland Herald brings us the details of the Gilman murder in Shrewsbury, Vt., on Sat nrday evening, already briefly reported by tele graph. The Rutland journal says : For many years a feud has existed between the Plumley and Balch families, numerous law suits growing out of the same, and a salt being pending.between them in the Rutland Co. Court. A few days ago two horses, owned by Isaac H. Balch, broke into a field of' corn owned by Jibs Plumley, doing considerable damage, and as ts consequence the animals wore impounded. Dis interested persons were appointed to appraise the damages. which - they were en gaged In. doing on Saturday afternoon, in company with George Butterfly. a son in-law of Plumley, when they were approached by Balch and John Gilman and his son, John Gilman, Jr. Some words followed between Balch and the Gilmans on one side. and Butterfly on the other, as to the merits of the question under appraisal, which they seemed to settle, and all started toward the road, distant about thirty rods, nearing which Balch and Butterfly shook hands, the latter remarking that he was "willing to let by-goner be by-goner ," and that ho would 'stand the drinks for the crowd: With this explana tion Butterfly started for the house of his father in-law to get a pint of rum with which to keep good his promise. He was absent, however, about an hour, during which the appraisers departed, but young Gilman remained in the field within a few feet of the road, his father and Balch standing, in the highway. At the expiration of the time men tioned Butterfly returned, in company with Horace R Plumley, Frederick Plumley, and Ziba, their father. Horace Immediately approached Gilman, pointing a loaded shot gun at him, and or dend him out of the held, with which request Gilman expressed his willingness to comply, bat the gun being in what he evidently regarded too close proximity to him, ho seized hold of the barrel of the same and attempted unsuccessfully to wrench it from the hands of Plumley. At this juncture Frederick Plumley approached Gilman, and threatened to stab him with a pitchfork, with which he was armed, unless he quitted the field. Gilman turned to ward oil the blow of the fork, and in doing so loosed his hold on the shotgun in the handsof Horace, when the latter deliberate=ly fired upon him. the charge of shot taking effect, in the region of the heart. Two workmen in the employ of Balch, named Wina atm Quartier, then came up. and cross firing ensued, during which several volleys were dis charged, resulling in inflicting a severe wound in the left leg of John Gilman, Sr., and a flesh wound in the right leg, as well as a scalp wound on the person of Horace R. Plumley, who fired the first shot. A Coroner's jury was organized on Saturday evening, and the result was a verdict "that the deceased, John Gilman,Jr., came to his death from the effects of a charge of shot, dis charged from a weapon in the hands of some per son to the jury tinknown." The verdict was rendered that Horace Plumley may receive the benefit' of doubts in the case. as he claims that he acted in self-defence, or that the discharge of the weapon was accidental. Young Gilman was a resident of Little Falls, N. Y., and was but tem porarily at Shrewsbury, to help his father through haying and harvesting. He was about 22 years of age. JAPAN. "Material Changes In the Political As ,peet—The Stotebnaki Family Again .11:11 Power—The fillilsad 0 a Prisoner .at Klein—The Mee and „Flour Crops Lamagoil by the Heavy Rains. YONAHA.III., JAPAN, July 4 via SAN FRCNCLS .OO, ,August 1868.—The'United States store skip Onward arrived at an Francisco from Tekahama with dates to the 4th of July. Since last advicea the politleal condition of Japan has changed materially. The Southern confede,ration has been defeated whenever they earn° in,oonfilet with Stotsbashre friends. Yeddo and Yokahama axe again under control of the Tokugowaf3totsbashi family. The Mikado has been conveyed to riot°. Kanganck . tarni, one of the principal supporters of the late Tycoon, is marching to Kioto with a large force. Stotshashi has been requested, to resume the Tycoonato but has refused. The office was then offered to Romesaboro, a boy six years old and .one of the three branches of the Tokugawa feta %.ly, but.his father refused the honor, stating that le denied the authority of the Mikado to appoint the Tycoon. The Mikado is now a prisoner at Kioto and is-ineharge-ofthe-Illa r high-prieat. - lbe probabilities are that in less than two days Btott.bashi will have it ell his own way. It has rained incessantly all the last month and the crops are considerable damaged, conse tljneDtly rice and flour command high prices. Leon Roches, late French Minister, left on the Tail ultimo. The Liaitcd. - States men mf- war in port are the .Phqua toque, Troquols and Nfaumee. Arrived, barks Zingaree, Blanche, and Italy, from Cardiff ; barks Velocity and Lanereast and ships Formenio And Alexandra. from London ;. ships 8. F. Hersey and Uncle Toby, from New York ; ship Valley Forge, from London. mon, sicw itpuu. • • • NEW WEE, Aug. 6.—Mrs. Halpin° being still too much distracted at her terrible loss to allow of her being consulted on the subject, the friends of the family have arranged that the funeral ,cere monies over the illustrious departed shall helper formed at the residence, No. 58 West Mity seventh street, at ten o'clock on the morning of Saturday next. Responding to invitations for warded yesterday, the following gentlemen at once signified their willingness to act as pall beaters : Hon. John T. Hoffman, Major-General David Minter, James T. Brady, James G. Ben• nett, Jr.; Horace Greeley,- Robert B. Roosevelt, Peter B. Sweeny, Richard B. Connolly, William M. Theed, Nelson J. Waterbury, Richard O'Gor man and William C. Barrett. Another meeting of the Master Masons' So ciety took place yesterday at No. 51 Liberty street. Reports of additional ten hour men being at work were presented, and resolutions were passed. -A Convention of Tobacco and Snuff Manufac turers was held at the Astor House yesterday, the object being to arrive at some conclusion as re gards the intent of the new law relating to the collection of the tax on the articles manufac• tared. After a lengthy discussion, the members decided that the law required them to make each package contain the fall weight of tobacco or snuff It represented, exclusive of the weight of the package. The Convention then adjourned to Thursday, at 11 A. M. The Coroner's jury, for some time investiga ting the homicide at West Hoboken, rendered a verdict yesterday in which they characterize the act of Roche, by which the life of Madden was taken, as manslaughter. Roche was sent to prison. A number of military gentlemen of this city have presented a handsome standard to the Montgomery Light Guard, of Boston, who were defeated hero in the competitive drill last week. SANDWICH ISLANDS. Celebration of the Fourth of July at Honolulu. SAN Fnanctsco, Aug. 4, 1868.—Honolulu ad vices to July 12 have been-received.- The Fourth was Celebrated -with great- enthu 'steam by the Americans residing in Honolulu. The ceremonies commenced with a procession at midnight. Over one hundred persons bearing torches and transparencies visited the American Legation and Consul's house. The United States steamer Mohongo fired a salute, a regatta took place, and in the evening a ball was given on the Mohongo. The commercial news is unimportant. ~._ y _ ~ • • ~~ :r~: • The Philadelphia Blaney Narita C Bales at the Philadelphia Stock Bxehabge. itZFORC LIOAP.LB. MO eh Bead Ft beo 46,141100 eh Read B elo 46 100 eh do b3O 46 1100 eh de b3O 46 I 2000 US 10-40 e cp 10934 150 eh Penn R Its 52 600 Pa 6s 3 sells, 10SX 22 1111 do 52% --- 100 - rahlet ti - RLD Sd 100 eh do 52% 1000 Letocm Glom r, RAU 100 eh fin . ," v w 00 16 do 6841100 sh Read R c 46' 500 do 64 3 4 i 100 eb do b3O 46' leh Phila Bk 162 seh Leh Val 11 c 55V 14 eh Par&3lec Bk 12634 10 eh do lie 555( 11 eh Cam &Am Its 12634 100 eh Leh Nay Stk 211; 4eh Penna R 521; 100 eh do 2134 LETWEEN BOARD& 3100 City 6's new Its 103 V 100 eh Cataw of 060 335; 600 eh do 103 3 100 eh do b6O 331 e; 2000 Penna cp 58 9734 7eh Road B 46X 400 Pa 6e 1 kenes. 104 300 sh do 830 Ito 45 6sh Far&Meclik 12836 200 sh do 46i; 9 eb Penna R 5234 100 sh do b3O 46 10 eb do 52X 100 ehLeh Nv elk e3O 911( 2eh do 5234 2eh LehVal 11 651( 100 eh Sch Navpf b3O 20 azoorn, 200 11135-208'67 cp 109 1 2 00 City 6's new Its 103311 2000 Penns 6s 8 sere 109 1000 Read 6e '7O 105 7000 do do 105 1000 Leb 6's Gold In 683(, 10(0 do do 681; 2 eh Penna R 52351 PHILADELPHIA, Ang. 6.—The financial horizon is somewhat clouded by a violent fluctuation in gold and fears of political complications and domestic troubles during the ensuing Presiden tial campaign, but the supply of money seeking temporary investment Is as large as ever, and large sums are placed "on call" at 4@5 per cent. The bulk of the loans of the banks arenof this class, the merchants generally being very limited borrowers. There was a decided re-action at the stock board to-day, and the loans took a decided up ward turn. Government fancies were dull In State Loans the only sales were of the Ist series at 104, and the third do. at 108%. City Foans were steady at 103% 103% for the new and 99% for the old issues. Lehigh Gold Loan sold to some extent at 88%. Reading Railroad was quite active and sold up to 46%—an advance of 14 from the lowest point. Camden and Amboy Railroad sold at 1265‘—an advance of?:;; Lehigh Valley Railroad at L5,-V, and Catawissa Railroad Preferred at 33%—an ad vance of ?:.Philadelphia and Erie Railroad closed at 20 1 4 . In Canal stocks the only sales were of Lehigh Navigation at 21%—an advance of 1%. Bank and Passenger Railroad shares were without essential change. Prolladelptila Produce relarUct. PHILADELPHIA, August 6th, 1868.—The move ments in trade circles continue of a very limited character, and values have not been influenced to any extent by the violent fluctuations in gold. The reeelptS of Quercitron Bark are trifling, and,No. lis in demand at $66 per ton. There is no change in Cloverseed, and small sales are re ported at $B. Timothy is steady at $2 50. In Flaxseed nothing doing. The Flour market has undergone no change, and sales are confined to small lots for the sup ply of the home trade, at $7 25@8 per barrel for superfine ; zig , no l for Extras ; s9rall 50 for com mon and good Northwestern Extra Family, and $lO 50@12 50 for Pennsylvania and Ohio do. do. Rye Flour is selling in lots at $9 3709 50. Prices of Corn Meal are nominal. There is a fair demand for prime Wheat and prices aro well maintained; sales of red at $2 40 02 50 per bushel, and 2,000 bushels Michigan white at $2 65. Eye comes in slowly and is held at $1 SO. Corn is scarce and unsettled ; sales of 5,000 bushels Western mixed at S 1 22, and 2 aoo bushels yellow at $1 24051 25, Oats is higher; sales of old Ohio and Pennsylvania at 92c. and 600 bushels new light Delaware at $l. The Pew HOVE Riefler ITftre.ol. [From the N. Y. World of to-day . . I Atm. s.—The Government bond market was firmer, and prices advanced in the 1861 s, 18625, old and new 18655, and ten-forties. The advance in ten-forties is causing investors to sell them and buy the new 6 per cent. gold bonds. The gold market continues active and excited, opening at 147 k, advancing to 148 X and closing at 148 at 3P. M. The rates paid for carrying. were 3M, 4,2, 2M and 3 per cent. to flat. After the Board adjourned the excitement increased and the price advanced to 14 with enormous transactions; closing at 149 to 149Ji at 6 P. M. The operations of the Gold Exchange Bank to day were as follows : Gold balances $2,669,974 17 Currency balances 3,547,077 63 Gross clearances 101.606 00 The chief excitement in Wall street centres in the Gold Room, where transactions have been on a scale of unusual magnitude, with fluctuations greater than at any time since the London crisis m 1866, when the price advanced to 167. The lowest price of the day was 147, and tke highest 143.3, which was bid for large amounts at about 5 P. M. The gold and exchange markets wore further exalted by the report that a_Gartaan priate Iknir ing.firm was in trouble, which, however, proved to be without foundation. Rumors like these, industriously circulated everywhere as this was today, are to be deprecated at any season, but more eepetially when affairs are unsettled as at 'present. A prime banker was a large buyer of gold to-day. The foreign exchange market is unsettled and rates are irregular. The prime bankers are firm in charging full racks?, 110 to 11(V ; ; r to cover ship- Dr isle of specie, but the Gt•rmuubanking firm's THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN-PHILAPELPH4k, THURSDAY, AUGUST 6,1868. 30 eh Leh Nay stk 21 6eh Carri&Am 14 12614 leh Leh Val 85cm 553 50 eh do 55n 100 eh Read R 2dye 46.316 100 do b 5 46 316 11 eh 2d &ad SLR lts 52 _ _ lOC that have been drawing against bonds and are short of gold, are Offering on the 'market at - 1.09.15 to 1095 i for sixty day sterling, and slow of sale. The country is beginning ,to be awakened from the delusion In which it oft been kept by the misrepresentation in regard to the resumption of specie payments, which 'Secretary. McCulloch officially promised was to take place on July 1, 1868. 160 far from this being the case, the stock of gold in the, country is clangorously small, reduced thereto by the financial policy of Government and the national banks, which have done all in their power to drive the precious metals out of the country. Oar gold and silver mines are, In point of fact, working to enrich London and Paris. The propositions that oar stock of specie must be increased before it is possible to resume specie payments is so simple as to seem almost childish to state. And yet in the face of this plain fact, Government and the banks, instead of holding on to their specie and accumulating it, have been running a race with each other as to which could sell their gold quickest and at the lowest prices. They have also done all In their power to keep down the price of gold by unna tural Ea ean s,so that it has been one of the cheapest of American products to _export. Oar specie shipments since the passage of the Legal Tender net InFebrnary.lB62,have amounted to the enor mous sum of $370,000,000 In gold, equal to $550,- 000,000 in currency, with gold at its present price. If there is any serious intention with the powers that be to resume specie payments, then a policy Lust be adopted at once which shall retain and accumulate specie in this country, in stead of driving it to Europe. Both Government and banks must retain and accumulate their gold. The banks must bo compelled to keep the $20,- 000,000 in gold interest received from Govern ment against their $306,000,000 of circulating notes, and the Secretary of the Treasury must no longer violate the one per cent. in gold Sinking Fund act. If the Government and banks had pursued this common-sense business policy. in stead of sell(! their gold as fast as they could, then they would have held to-day over 113300,000,- .000 in gold against $66,000,000, their present stock, and considerable progress would have been made on the road which leads to specie payments. f From filo New York Herald of to-day.) Ana. s.—The gold market has been very strong and active to day, and the fluctuations were wider than usuaL From the opening to the adjourn ment of the board sales were made at prices varying from 147 to 148 X, with the - closing transactions'at 148; but following this-there-rase rapid advance to 149%, and the latest quotation on the street was 1490149 N. The attendance in the room was large, and great excitement ac companied the dealings at frequent intervals. The volume of business was very heavY, and there was a moderately active borrowing demand for coin. Loans were made "flat" and at rates varying from two to four per cent. for carrying. The gross clearings amounted' to $104,606,000, the gold balances to $2,669,994, and the currency balances to $3,547,097. The ateumerAnstralasian took out $1.800.000 specie on account of the Alaska payment. It was diligently rumored this morning that a German banking house, heavily " short " of gold, had failed or was about to fail, but the report was afterwards contradicted. There was no apparent cause for the extreme advance in old late in the afternoon, but a feeling oofire preva s among the importing and forelgu exchange hoz= who are " short " of it that speculation will carry it considerably higher, and hence there is a dispo sition among them to " cover" their contracts and return the gold they have borrowed. The Bub-Treasury disbursed $63,000 in coin in pay ment of interest on the public debt daring the day. Government securities were firm at the open ing, but afterwards there was a slight decline on a portion of the list and a fractional advance on the exportable bonds m sympathy with the ad vance in gold. The homeinvestmerit demand is increasing, but there is no speculative activity u yet. Ten-Forties advanced to 109 X. The railway share iharket opened weak, but after noon it became strong, and Erie, which sold at 56 at the opening, advanced to 62 before the close. The street was as much surprised by this reaction as by the downward turn in Erie oa Monday and Tuesday, and it is completely be fogged as to the influences at work. Rumor says that a new party began to buy the stock this morning, and that this entirely reversed the pro gramme of the party which engineered the de cline, and hence the sudden upward movement instead of the confidently predicted further •de cline to much lower figures. The Latest quotations from New York WY Telegraph.) ' Naw YORK, August 6.—Stocks steady. Chi cago and Rock Is; wd. 112; Reading. 92%; Canton Co., 38; Erie, 60%; Cleveland and Toledo, 1013; Cleveland and Pittsburgh, 89; Pittsburgh and Port Wayne, 109%; Michigan Central, 12034, Michigan Southern, 86%; New York Central, 131%; Illinois Central, 48; Cumberland prefer red, 30; Virginia 6s, 53%; Missouri 6s, 93; Hud son River Railroad, 138; Five-twenties, 1862, 114%; do. 1864, 111; do. 1865, 112%; do. 1867, 109; Ten-forties, 109%; G01d,149%; Money, un changed; Stealing Exchange 110. Markets by Telegraph. Neu' YORK, Aug. 6.—Cotton dull at 2934. Flour firm and advanced 15@25c., 11,000 bbls. sold; State $7 75@510 75; Ohlo, $9 90@513 75; Western, $7 75@511 30; Southern, $9 50@ $l5 25; California, sll@sl3. Wheat firm and Wine. higher; 15,000 bushels sold; Spring Wheat $2 10a12 15. Corn firm and lc. higher; 41,000 bushels sold at $1 1200 21. Oats firmer; 58.000 bushels sold at 82%'@84 Beef quiet. Pork (hill at $28@28 81. Lard firm at 18;4419. Whisky dull at $1 65. BALrimonft. August G.—Cotton dull and nomi nal at 30c. Flour firm and active.; prices un changed. 'Wheat firm; prime red $2 55( , 92 05. Prime white Corn $1 35; yellow, $1 35. Rye in good demand at $1 4041 50. Provisions firm and active. Pork $3O. Bacon—rib sides 17@17.4:; clear sides, 173 4 ‘@1734c.; shoulders 14%c.; hams, - 22;422,;(f . e. Lard, 1834@19c. IMPORTATIONS. Reportedfor thimadelphia Evening Bulletin. PENSACOLA—Bark VolareLeastner-316 we feet yellow pine timber S B Bailey dz. Soua. MARINE BUILLETIN. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA—Arro. 6 lialr See Racine Bulletin en Inside Page. baw H:l!Zf Steamer Brunette, Freeman. 24 hours from New York. with indse to Jan F OhL Steamer H L Gaw, Der, 13 hours from Baltimbre, with mdse to A Grover. Jr. Steamer Richard Willing, Cundiffa.3 hours from Balti more, with mdse to A. Groves. Jr. Steamer Frank, Pierce. 24 hours from New York. with mdeo to W 31 Baird & Co. Steamer Bristol Wallace. 24 hears from New York with mdee to W P Clyde & Co. Bark Volant, Costner, from Pensacola 7th ult with yel low oine timber to Merchant & Co. Schr D E Wolfe, Dole. 5 days from Pantego, with lum ber to Norcross Shcete. • Schr Pennsylvania, Smith', 4 days from Alexandria, with melee to D Cooper. Behr Jim S Watson. Houck, Lynn. Behr J Runyon, Rigby, Newburyport Schr J B McCabe, Pickup. Bridgeport Schr Glenwood, Lawrence, Horton's Point. Bchr J L McCarthy Simeon. Salem. CLEARED VHS DAY. Steamer Brunette. Freeman, New York. John F OhL Steamer Alida, Lennig. New York, W P Clyde & Co. Bark Mathilde (NG), Stover. Bremen, P Wright & Sons- Bark Freeman Dennis, Fletcher, Havre,E A Solider & Co. Brig Nigretta, Stowers, Marseilles, L AVestergaard & Co. Saw S McDevitt. McDevitt. Norwich, Sinnicknon & Co. Schr J P McDevitt McDevitt, Prov.dence, do Bchr Morning Star, Lynch. do do Schr J Watson , Hawk, Lynn, do Schr R RR No 49, Robinson, Brietrol. do Schr Sarah E Forces. Jones. Bristol. do Schr F mily & Jennie, Hewitt Weymouth, do Schr J S Clark, Clark, Edgartown, do Schr W F Pnelps,Crextmer. Boston, Davis, False & Ce. Schr Penneylvania. Smith, Richmond. David Cooper. Behr J C Runs on, Higbee. Salisbury, J Rommel, Jr. Schr E B Wheaton, Little. Weymouth. do Schr Glenwood. Lrwrence. N Bedford. Penn Gas Coal Co. Seim Pearl. Pinkham. Boston, L Audenried & Co. Schr Margaret. Nichols. Boston, Merehon & Cloud. MEMORANDA Steamer Norfolk, Vance, benco at Richmond 4th Ind. Steamer Whirlwind. Geer, hCtca aterovidenca 4th (natant. . Steamer Fan!La. Howe, hence at Now York yesterday. Bark Mary Fox. Rose, called front Havana 29th ult. for tins oorL k Cardenas, Paine, cleared at Havana 31st ult. for !Delaware Breakwater. Bark Bridgeport, Morgan , from Ban Francisco April 6. at New York yesterday. Bath Maggie Bennett, galled from Tunas 17th ult. for Delaware Breakwater. Bark emu Eui° • ngwood, Ellingwood, hence at Ilam. burg 2} l ii " 1 i; Brig J Bic} more. Pendleton. hence at Cardenas 29th ntL Brig Jet e (80. Neil. mailed from Cardenas 89th lilt. for a port north of Ilatterae. Brig .1 Balch, Tom:mend. called from Carderme 20th ult. for a port north of Hatterm. Brig Kate UPIIRITI (Br). .alextulder, from Montevideo 13th tilt at Now York yeeterday. with hides. dm. Brig rbsonon. Sawyer. ponce at Timati 15th Brig nee S Burnham, Simougon. wald Loading at Altar,. zee nit air, for Ole _port. • Behr Haze. Haskell. from. Necr-linven for tide port, at Nev York yerterdny. • -Nchr bearerillo. emus, hence nt-Bmitori4th-Ingt, Echr E P Chet e, Caine, hence at Linn let Mit. THIRD ,EDITION. BY TELEGRAPH. LATER CABLE QUOTATIONS. 'OYASHINQ-TQN. THE TROUBLES IN LOUISIANA. Gov. Warmouth Calla for Troops. A BAD STATE OF AFFAIRS. FRO AI ALLENTOWN. The State School Convention, TO-DAY'S PROCEEDINGS. INTERESTING DEBATES, From California. Affairs on the Pacific Coast. GENERAL GRANT AT ST. LOUIS. Enthtusiantic Reception and Serenade. By the Atlantic Cable. LoNnmcr, August 6, P. 11.--Consols, 94K, for money, and 943( for sea:amt. United State 'five-twenties, 713:( 3 . Illinois Central, 92X. At lantic and Great Weatern, 4034. - LIVERPOOL, August 6, P. M.—Cotton market irregular; prices are as follows: Upland Mid dling, 994@9%; Middling Orleans, 934®10. Breadstuffs Market quiet and prices nn_ charged. Provisions also quiet. Pork flat. Other arti cles unchanged. pnEsv, Aug. 6.—The steamer Europa, from New York July 25th, arrived on the way for *Havre. - - Gov. Trartriotothls Call for Troops. [Special Despatch to the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin...l WAPHINGTON, August 6th.—Govorner War mouth's official requisition on the President for forces with which to secure peace In Louisiana _Wiis_pr_euen_ted yesterday_by lieut. CoL-John_F— Deane, of his staff. . . Governor Warmouth encloses various letters from citizens and State officers, setting forth the horrible outrages that are daily being perpetrated in portions of the State. Ho says that in many parishes there exists no protection for the citi zens in the Courts; that men are shot down in the roads and at their houses without any steps being taken to bring the offenders to justice. The judge of the Twelfth Judicial District re fuses to go to the parish of Franklin without a force is sent to protect him. The sheriff of the same parish, a Democrat, has resigned, con fessing his inability to make arrests. Prominent Union men in the Parish of Caddo write that their homes are beset by desperadoes and their lives have thus far been saved only by armed men,who volunteered to guard them. Mr. Hudsefeth,District-Attorney for the Eighth District, whose letter is enclosed, says mon women and children have recently been murdered In the parish of St. Landry by bands cif armed men, who remain unmolested. Governor Warmouth has no doubt that one hundred and fifty men have been murdered in Louisiana in the last month and a half, and that there seems to be a settled determination by the rebels either to kill or drive away the Union white men and leading colored men, so as to be able to terrify the masses of colored people into voting as they shall dictate. A secret organization, founded for the purpose of keeping colored men in a condition of.infe riority, pervades the State. It designs with this end the precipitation of a conflict between the two races. There are military branches of this secret organization on foot in the city of New Orleans. They drill openly in the streets at night, or in haunts easy to be seen. The mob which threatened the legislature some weeks since were only pre vented from re-enacting the scenes of 1866 by the presence of U. S. troops. It was the deliberate intention of this organization to assassinate the Lieut. Governor and Speaker of the House of Representatives for having decided the prelimi nary questions in a manner obnoxious to them. In conclusion the Governor says he believes a bloody revolution is meditated, and he asks two regiments of cavalry and ®iment of infantry and a battery of artillery torenable him to repress violence, arrest criminals and protect the officers of the law. lie believes a few examples pf _non dign punishment would secure peace in the State as soon as the political campaign is over. It will be seen that this fully corroborates the previous statements in these despatches, which were twice contradicted by the Associated Press. These denials, with the absence of any informa tion of disorders at the South, by the Associated Press, aro explainable by the well-known rebel proclivities of the South ern agents of that concern. It has been since officially announced that the President will pro bably take no action upon this requisition until a full meeting of the Cabinet can be had, for their consideration. The Teachers , Convention. fdpecial Despatch to the Philadelphia Evening Bollethi.] ALLENTOWN, Aug. 6.—Prof. Brooks, the Pre sident, called the Convention to order; prayer by Rev. Mr. Wood, of Allentown. A hymn was then sung by the audience with good effect. Prof. Adams recited Crozer's "Vagabond." Mr. Young, superintendent of Lehigh county, announced that an excursion party for the Switchback, near Mauch Chunk,would leave this city to-morrow morning at six o'clock. The "Culture demanded by the Times" was the question under discussion. Mr. Persons, of Crawford county, took a posi tion against the report read last night by Prof. Shumaker, of Chambersburg, that the common schools were irreligious in their tendency. Prof. Deane, of Chester county, defended the report in the main. Hon. J. P. Wickersham, State Superintendent, made a very animated and eloquent reply to the report of last night. He was not afraid of critic ism. He defended the common school system of Pennsylvania. He had repelled former attacks upon this system, and he proposed to bury this ' opposition by the figures to-day. Thtre was no irreligion in our common schools. Their teachers, in a moral and religious point of - view, would compare with men and women in any other profession. Indeed they could not receive certificates if their moral character was not sound. The Pennsylvania system was the best in the United States. He hoped the time would soon come when every man and woman in the laud would be able to receive honors from something like a post graduate college in Pennsylvania, without one cent of expense. His own son was In a common school, and if he had as many children as old Priam, they should all go to common schools, which he regarded as preferable to academies or boarding schools. Out of eleven thous cud common schools iu Pennsylvania, about ten thou d_ivere_opened-with-reading- othe-Serip tures and other religious exercises. The text books were not e irreligious or even immoral in their tendency, as alleged In the report. Mx.- Wicker sham's epe - ech was applaudedNigoronsiy through- Prof. Wyere, of Chester ' took an intermediate stand. As the teacher of an academy, he pro tested against the allegation that the common echool system :wad better than, or even equal to, • hoarding schools- _Mid - religious training. 2:30 O'Olook. RUTLAND, Vt., August 6.—The first Congres sional District Convontion,which assembled here to-day to nominate a candidate to represent the district in the Forty-first Congress, is one of the largest and most enthusiastic ever held In this State. Thirteen ballots were taken, when there being no prospect of making a nomination, the con vention adjourned until to-morrow morning. The last ballot stood : F. E. Woodbridge, 71; W. G. Veneer, 67 ; C. W. Willard, 39 ; W. M. Dorr, 11. From Albany. ALBANY, Aug. 6.—The Loyal League of Utica, with a large number of the personal and politi cal friends of Hon. Roscoe Conkllng, serenaded him at the Butterfield House last evening. When he appeared upon the balcony he was vocifer ously applauded. He spoke briefly in response to the call of his friends. August 9, 9 A. M. Portland... Ilos ton New—York E Wt , ening) on S Clear. 76 Fortrees M0nr0e........N. W. Cloudy. 77 Richmond --- N. Cloudy. 71 Oen ego N. W. Clear. 88 Beaki PltlFburgh Clear. 78 Chita:go ..8. E. Clear. 78 Lovißvillu; . .8. Clear. 79 Cloudy. 83 Havana .... Clear. 8b Professor Shumaker explained his position, and ickitowledged that his estimate of common schools might perhaps, be deficient in accuracy. The discussion then closed without action. • Miss Sanford, of. Connecticut, read an essay on the management of the schoolroom. The College bill ,recently proposed in the Legislature was then discussed. Prof. Coppee, of Lehigh 'University, supported the bill In its main•ideas, but proposed various alterations fa vorable to 'College security. Prof. Muldenberg, of the Mublenberg UnlVer ally, said his college had been reported to be the only college in Pennsylvania that had approved the bill. Ho wanted to know bow many of the forty-seven colleges in . Pennsylvania had en dorsed the bill. Professor Wickersbam responded "fourteen out of the forty-seven." The question was post poned till this afternoon. The Convention ad journed till 23S o'clock P. M. From California. SAN Fressmsco, 'Aug. s.—The Union State Convention met at Sacramento to-day for the purpose of nominating five electors. The Se cond and Third Congressional Districts Union Convention met at 'Sacramento yesterday. A. A. Sargent, of Nevada. was nominated for Congress in the Second District, and Chancellor Hanson, of Napa, in the Third District. The First Dis trict Convention meets here on August Bth, for the purpose of nominating candidates for Con gress. The opposition steamer Nevada, for Panama, sailed to-day with $715,000 in treasure, for New York. The steamer Continentill has arrived from the north with $123,9,0 n treasure. She spoke the United States steamer Onward, 29 days from Yo kohama, and took on board an officer with des patches. Japanese advices to July 4th represent an un usually wet season. Teas and silk are dull. The Tycoon has been generally successful in his military operations against the Mikado. It is thought the war may result in a division of the Empire. Flour declined. Superfine, $5.50; Extra, $G 50. Wheat quiet at $1 60@$1 80. Legal Tenders, 6934. The steamer Montana arrived to-night from Honolulu. Amongst her passengers Is C. De verigay, Hawaiian Minister of Foreign Affairs, on his way for Europe with plenipotentiary powers for a revision of treaties, etc: Thd contract for a second steamer between here and Honolulu, for which a subsidy was of fered by the Hawaiian Govermnent,will be offered to a bidder here. It is reported from 'Macao that a large number of coolies have been shipped to Havana and the Cbincbas. The United States steamer Mohongo was at Honolulu. From ISt. Louis. Sr. Lours, August 6.—General Grant was ser enaded here last night at the residence of Wm. McKee. Esq . . Hundreds of citizens thronged the residence and were introduced to the Gdneral. Between ten and eleven o'clock, three bands,each accompanied by large crowds from different parts of the city with banners and transparencies, ar rived and serenaded him. In response to re peated calls the General appeared and was intro duced to the crowd— by—General Pile. —General Grant stepped forward and spoke as follows : Gaztlemin and nitourcilizens—i eau sca - ruciy find words to thank you for this very hearty and warm reception. It is peculiarly gratifying to me to meet so many friends in St. Louis, a place which has arisen since I have been a man,grown, and where I have interests and where I intend to become a resident at some future day. Thanking you again, I will bid you good night. The speech was received with cheers and large numbers pressed forward to greet' the ,General, who remained on the steps some minutes and shook hands with all who could approach within reach. lie afterwards left for his home, and to-day took his departure for Galena. • The City Council yesterday granted to the North Missouri Railroad Company the privilege of extending their track down the levee to the elevator on the river bank, and appropriated to their use 500 feet of the river front for the purpose of establishing a ferry designed for the transpor tation of laden cars across the river. These franchises are expected to and will have the effect of increasing the grain trade in this city. They will enable the railroad company to handle grain in bulk and draw the wheat and corn-grow ing regions of North Missouri and Southern lowa. The Treasury Department. WASHINGTON, Aug. 6th.—Regulations for the allowance of drawback on alcohol or ram under the act Imposing taxes on distilled spirits and to- bacco, approved July 20th, were this morning is sued from the Treasury Departinent. It is observed that the allowance of drawback is lim ited by the -terms of the law to "alcohol and rum,' and no drawback 18 to be allowed except upon the articles of alcohol and rum as known in commerce. No drawback will be allowed upon alcohol of a less degree of proof than 80 degrees by the hy drometer, or instrument for ascertaining the proof of liquors under the revenue and collection laws of the United States . pertaining to custom. MI exportations of such alcohol, to be entitled to drawback, must be in quantities not less than 2,000 lallons, and in casks actually containing not ess than thirty guage or nine gallons of alco hcl, and rum can only be exported with the privilege of drawback in quantities not less than 2,000 proof gallons, and in casks containing not less than 30 guage, or nine gallons each; and drawback will be allowed only on the basis and number of oof gallons actually exported. To entitle the exporter to allowance of drawback of taxes paid upon alcohol and rum, he must at least six hours previous to the time for inspecting, growing and lading the casks intended for export, on which he shall desire to claim a drawback of internal revenue taxes or pre sent to the Collector of Customs for the port of entry from which such exportation is to be made, an application in duplicate, setting forth his in tention to export the articles described therein, specifying the whole number of casks, the marks and serial numbers thereon, the kind of spirits, whether alcohol or rum, as known in commerce, the number of guage or wino gallons, the num ber of proof gallons claimed to be contained in each cask, and the amount of tax paid thereon, setting forth his intention to export the same, and the name of the vessel on which the same is to be inspected and guaged, and by which, and the post to which the same is intended to be ex ported. Major-General Kilpatrick will return from his mission to Chile, during the present month, for the purpose of attending to his private affairs. It is also stated that he will enter the political can vass in favor of Gen. Grant. Gen. Kilpatrick will probably address a fow societies while in this country, having re ceived a number of invitations to lecture upon South America, and General Sherman's march from Atlanta to the sea, during which he com manded the cavalry of the army. From Vermont. Weather Report. Ther- Trrind. IVeather. pionaßter .N. Clear. 68 ..N. E. Clear. 69 FOURTH EDITIOK* -at0171 , r13..v4 w.EST..• The Case of General Sheridan.. He is Fined One Hundred Dollars, LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS, August fore Justice Tholen, yesterday, the case of tha: State vs. Gen. Sheridan, General Gibbs, General McKeever, Lieutenant Levy and Corporal Lee,. for assault with sabres,etc.,taking postal stamps, envelopes, U. 8.. Treasury notes, and postal cur rency, to the amount of $2,000, was partially decided. Corporal Lee, who commanded the soldiers and forcibly ejected Postmaster Dunn from the reserve, was adjudged guilty, and fined one dollar and costs.. The court adjourned until this morning , and the same verdictn has bee rendered in all except the case of. General Sheri dan, who is fined one hundred dollars. The de fendants have appealed to the Criminal Court. SARATOOA, Aug. 6.—The entries for the Fall' meeting at arome Park and for the meeting at Springfield, Massachusetts, in the second week of September closed here yesterday. The entriest with the secretaried for both meetings were very full, thus insuring good sport for both' events. Ittarine Intelligence. , NEW YORIC, Ang. B.—Arrived, steamers Erinv, from • Liverpool, and Ocean Queen, from Aspin wall. WRECK OF TUE STE&RER SEA. Recovery of the Iron Safe—No Record of the Lost IP asseugers. [From the Chicago Journal, August 4.) On the oth day - Cif last April the beautiful and favorite steamer Bea Bird, of "Goodrich's line, was burned and sunk in Lake Michigan, near Waukegan. It is believed that nearly one hun dred lives were lost by the fearful calamity, and the painful uncertainty as to the exact number will never be dispelled, for it is now ascertained that the passenger list was destroyed in the iron safe. On Sunday last the propeller G. J. Truesdell, belonging to the Goodrich hne, steamed from this city to the closing scenes of that fearful dis aster, and on arriving there, soundings wore - made-for some signs ot the - awoken - boat. - Itwas found lying in the same spot where it has lain since it went down, about three-fourthslof mile from shore, and some four miles this side of Waukegan. An expert diver bad been taken on board the. Truesdell, and, having made the necessar) , ar rangemente,-he was lowered to the wreck. He h • -a- 71 - 4C.71 made signs to have a stout line let down Co him, and this being done, one end of it was made fast to the iron safe of the Sea Bird, which was soon landed on tbo deck of the Truesdell. The diver returning, reported the sunken vessel to be lying partially on her side, broken in twain, about midships, and that after a careful search, he had been unable to find any bodies. The safe was broken open and discovered to be entirel• em 1 • the terriblOYeat of the burning boat having en tirely consumed all the papers, including the passenger list, stored In it, thus destroying every clue as to the exact number who perished.. The safe itself is nothing but a stout iron box, intended to be burglarproof, but not made to stand extreme heat. It is badly rusted and bat— tered, and now lies just outside the office of the Goodrich line, near Rush street bridge. Having finished the examination of the safe. the diver was let down for the second time and attached the line to the anchor of the Sea Bird, which was also hauled on board the propeller. Further investigations were brought to a close by the rising of a high wind, and the Truesdell re turned to the city. There Is a , probability that the search will be continued at some future day, though the certainty of not being able to discover anything additional concerning the number and names of the lost will ,tend somewhat to deter further inquiry. There can be no stores of value left upon her, and as the bodies of those passen gers that were carried down with the boat have all been washed away, there is little left upon the. sunken hulk of the ill-fated Sea. Bird to tempt continued investigation. A Melancholy Accident—The Cahn HAVANA, August I.—Cholera may be said to have almost run its course. A melancholy ac currency happened in this city last week. Mr. Gerson, of the firm of Mathias Gerson & Co., lost a little son. The father became inconsolable. Accordingly, he determined to take his family to France. His trunks were sent aboard the Nazaire steamer btlt the vessel would not, atv was expected, sail that evening, and not until 1O o'clock of the next day. The poor man was taken sick of the cholera during the night, and at 2 A. M. was a corpse. The Narva le still promenading the seas, passing- - and repsesing between Cejiman, Key West, and the Moro. Nothing further can be given on the subject of the new cable. General Santa Anna has sued the proprietors of El Pai3 for language used In an article of the 17th ult. These gentlemen propose to advise the public of the result as soon as the cause is termi nated, and, of course, as one would suppose, all the facts in connection therewith.— Tribune. SHIRT]lam and Fatal. Casualty—Bishop• B. J. Spaulding's Death Caused by a Burning Mosquito Bar. LOUISVILLE, Aug. 4.—About 12 o'clock last night the mosquito bar over the bed in which Bishop B. J. Spaulding , . of the Catholic Church,. was sleeping accidentally caueht fire. In try ing to extinguish the flames his clothes ignited, and before assistance could reach him he was. very seriously burned, from the effect of which he died this evening. Bishop Spaulding has for a number of years been connected with the Catholic Church in this city, and his sudden 'death has cast a gloom over the whole city.—Cincinnati Commercial. DIED. EMLEN.—At the residence of .1. L. Wentworth, Eagle., Cheater county, on the Bth instant, George Emlen. aged' 37 ears, His male friends aro respectfully invited to attend hfir'e funeral on Saturday, the Bth hut., at 11 o'clock. A. M. Interment at Bt. David's, Radnor. •• PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY... Persons bolding receipts for subteriptlon Ca NEW" STOCK, dated PRIOR to July 23, are hereby notified that Certificates will beavad - , for delivery on and after the. 9th inst. Certificates for receipts dated July 23d to 30 Inclusive,. will be read; for delivar— en and aft.r the 14th instant. $25,000 CINCINNATI 7 3-10 LOAM - Clear, -72 - Cloudy. 78 The 6-percent. Geld Interest Bonds OFV/P. Union Pacific 11 W., Eastern Maim BARKER BROS. 8a CO., t 8 South Third Street. In 3 el spo ‘**" 4:14 trgib:mk. BY TELEGRAPH. From Leavenworth. The Races BIRD. CUBA.. Cable TaEAS DEER'S DEPARTMENT. Augcst LIM? 7otice to Shareholder,. THOS. T. FIRTH, For In-vestrri\ent,.` WE OFFER FOR SALE At - 10 - 5 and Trtfreeitr - Luso, Treasurer.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers