'iff ’ ;' fiv / " fbc Juiy . Jfi. opeus the July “ om °° t r . r With It little article on the mural pain ting 'at Pompeii. The subject is much too iator “ l read important for the pen of a mere . and dilcUabte, and Mr. Taylor ought not tO thlnk, because.he can sketch a landscapo agreeably. ‘that his opinion cn tho pose of a Greek Ghlronor Achilles, is final, . Sir.. Taylor s Ignorance is dangerous; be has beard that On the opinion of M. Coatmc) Titian and the Venetians painted over a ground-color of amber or gray; and fancies the some method for these wall-paintings because many of them reach a single dominant key or - color; arguing from oil. to distemper with a heed ■ .lessness that would make an artist giddy. One .4s puzzled by the infelicity of sorno of the writer s “With the exception of Giotto and a T cci °’^ ■ find no such power of cxprwslon,in the Italian. • sKlste before Raphael, as in; the edc^' ’ AChilles.ond the Theseus of the Pompeian walls. “Here is nothing of the stiffness of the Byzan * ' \ . , . ’ Why should there be? Is Mr. Taylor misled . ty the fact that , the original “Medea” copied : in Pompeii was by Tymomachos (a Greet) ef .Byßant? Of course, the Pompeian pictures, the expiring effort of. Greek. ; painting, iaye no reflection whatever from what we know is Byzantine art, which is later, and one might as well congratulate Murillo oh having no trace , of the Aztec taste. In justice to Bayard’s pretty vift of word-painting, we may copy the folio wing paragraph celebrating the rather mediocre “Female Poet.” VA-single head, of cabinet size, belonging-to this class!: is,one of the most charming things 1 over saw. - Itrepresents a girl,dressed as a Muse, holding her tablets in one hand, while with the other she thoughtfully touches her lips with the point of the stylus, The face is perfectly ab stracted, and the soft, gleaming eyes look at von without seeing you. A smile has just left her lips, and it S a pleasant fancy for which she pauses to find the ; proper words.; Mtolght he a vouDg Sapphoi or a Leabla writing to Gatahus. Drawing, coloring, and expression are. alike ad mirable; and I scarcely know a single head by any later artißt which I would sooner possess. C. W. Elliott contributes an excellent paper, crowded with figures that are here the mosten , tertalniug of facts, about “Life in Paris.” As to the Peace Establishment of armed men: “Jußt what amount of all the taxes of the peo ple of Prance the army gets directly and indi rectly, It might be difficult to say; bat it seems, according to the Pans Temps, that 1G9,910,-100 days are consumed by It every year. That amount of men which might ,be productive, is • pot only unproductive, bnt it is consuming anil dcstroving. It was estimated that every soldier in onr’war cost one thousand dollars a year. It the French soldier costs but half that, it would , make the respectable figure of two hundred and fifty millions of dollars.” And of the yellow valetudinarian who employs these soldiers: “Does the man see the end approaching ? Does he see that in all the millions of France, not a I thousand have any sympathy with his grasped Empire ? that not one ot nil these millions loves him ? that the conscience of France has judged himthat the shopkeepers and traders support him only. because they tear change? He knows, and his people know, that he is all false, and his Empire a falsehood,. and yet pot a man in all Franco dare print one word of criticism or condemnation; not a man dare whisper it above his breath; his Senate and Corps Ldgislatlf must vote the laws he submits , or none. Meantime, starvation to-day presses more heavily upon the people of Paris; placards are posted in the secrecy of night, ‘Bread or Death!’ His moan says, ‘The situation iB undoubtedly not free from embarrassment. Industrial and commercial activity has slackened; uneasiness Is general In Europe—the harvest is not good—dearness is inevitable." At the close of his careful and studious article, Mr.Elllottkas the frankness to print the commens upon it of a gentleman “of high position and su perior'means ol observation,” whoso conclu cions are much more hopeful, though Mr. ElUott . still considers his own views to be justified by his favorite figures. “After three thousand years” is a short tale by J. G- Austin. “Cotton planting at Port Hudson” is an on-- tertalnlDg experience well narrated by James O. . Noyes. He introduces in the course of his nar \ rative the following “personal” item about a hero \ Tvbo has no connection whatever with cotton growiDg, the great Hyrtl, whose collection of prepared skeletons opened , folks’ eyes at the •«, ’ Paris Exposition; we cite the trait for its inherent •oddity: .. • “When I was a student at Vienna, Hyrtl, the oTeat anatomist, used to show us on his brawny ..forearm a little plantation of human hairs trans planted many years before from the bodies of 0 dear friends. Here was one from Humboldt, here one trom, the renowned Von Hammer Parg stall, there oue from a distinguished poet, a noted actress, from lii'a Transparency a Minister of the ..egonrt, or from a .famous Hungarian general. Ii *»as strange to hear the Professor eloquently des cant upon the virtues of departed friends who, to *a certain extent, were yet living in his own bodv. What, indeed, are the limitations of this subtle theory ? May not the single cell in which one life originated, transmitted mysteriously, bnt always imperishable in the'world of atoms, be, at last the nucleus of a resurrected body ?’’ Lovers of musical study will be delighted with the technical enthusiasm of the “Poor Musician,” •whose “Journal” is presented' by S. M. Warner. “Mackinaw,” by Samuel C. Clarke, is a souvenir of travel that will be acceptable to many a reader who only knows of the island as a place where they plait Straw for hats. “The Fabler of Bld pai,” by Prof. Tayler Lewis,.js a contribution to popular orientalism, and embodies a long parable translated from the Arabic. Prof. W. L. Gage has collected from the best accounts the mate rials for a sufficiently accurate portrait of Theo dore, late sovereign of Abyssinia. “The /Last of the Bonrbon Story," by C. F. ' Robertson, is by no means the last, bnt it depicts, without giving any satisfactory theory of the Bourbon claima of Mr. Williams, the close of that spoiled and dejected life. It Is only proper that Putnam's, which first gave a wide publicity to the theory in the famous article by •Mr. Hanson, should finish up the story to the best of its ability, or at lea6t trace the actldhs of its hero subsequent to the appearance of that paper. “ Napoleon Painted by Himself” is a de lineation prepared, from foreign periodicals we fancy, by E. 8. Gould: the extracts from the ' ‘ ‘Correspondence” recently published by Impe rial order, appear to us to have been taken at second hand from English or French liberal literature, in which latterly the I subject has been very fully expanded. The s epistolary “Visit—to- Yedo”-is continued; it is written by J. Bishop Putnam. Poems are con tributed by Elizabeth Stoddard, J.Milton Mackie, M. E. Nutting, A. B. Street and P. C. Mallard. Tbis number of Putnam's is the moat various, the moat original, the most informing and most amusing that has appeared since the re-issue. It \ : . iii s wonderful miscellany for 35 cents; if the | management would only give a holiday to y* Thomas Nast, the caricaturist! ' : . . -We'receive Putnam's from G. W. Pitcher. ■ —Dr. Doran Eays in one of his volumes, that :r~Tofo lately heard, in England, a sermon delivered : 2rom the pulpit in the style of VHiawatha. “First, it came upon the hearers like a tune of some old measure near forgotten, yet still wel come to the hearers. Next, from pew to pfw there circled signal smiles of recognition; lips seemed taking form to utter ‘Hiawatha! Hia watha!' Then the general ear grew tired of a song of weary sameness; on the general eye de scended iirfluences soporific, till at last all were sleeping, each in some especial dreamland. I <mec heard a sermon- by a lathlonunle sca-eide preacher, in blank verse. It was delivered in • Loudon, aDd had been advertised. The subject - was -Love,’ and of coarse a large congregulun - • jftlaestmb’.cd. It was the dreariest of human expe .W nci:s ;’' : ' & ■ ,gp- FOBFIUS Vagus riES. • [Translated for the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin 1 Haiusinahn, the 'Prefect of the Seine and re modeler of Paris, ifl a large, raw-boned' mao, the imago of an escaped English footman, something peculiarly rant, vulgar and low-bred 'about bis face, as revealed by the photograph, a coarse, and exceptionally plain visage hangs in. . stirrup of close-cut whisker, of the pattern known t!o cockneys as the .“Tyburn collar. A late writer in the Figaro thus sketches his . Pb ju! i &an'sßmann Is a very tall man; a poetwonld say, as tall as— Paris, We are content to say as tali as—tbe Rue Turblgo. •He is the tallest ot kupwn, . reactionaries. Suppose they take a P&3 Ms statue, Bomb day,-where the obullsh. now stands among tho symbolic Glues of France, it will not take milch exaggeration of the pro portions to moke oft-tbo Prefect a colossus iu a ’monolith of Egyptian granite.. Ibis tall enclosure of a tall Idea shines, Hk© , most of liia constructions, more by dimension than by grace and harmony. - He has broad ; shoulders,,a little stooping, as. If, they .carried a ; good many things and a good many people; ne has a robnst leg, hands and feet of pretty liberal dimensions; It is a solid man who does not easily I quit his hold of what he has taken up, and who i would not: bo uprooted so. easily as the trees whoFC. transplanting he has , When he haß been asked why, with his great faculties, with the great ambition he mnat with the great leg and the powcrlul arm that ne has, he resigned himself so long to distant sub prefectures, he has replied“l was waiting .and preparing myself;"" How can any on< ? thtn back ; a man who waß twenty years taking hlseprlng? They have beep Investigating a “'f The grandfather, a merchant, played a part in the revolution, and signed n appeal CatMayence) for die death oTLouib XVI, tnen ho'entered,under the Enipire into the_ad-, ministration ot alimentation. , Jhe son, .father • of ihe Prefect, entered tho same administration I when quite young. Ho was a journalist, and . signed'as editor of the Temps, in 1830, against the press law. Aftorwardahe became a satisfactory Commissioner of /*£ preeent assists in the oflice of the Monxteur del Armee. ‘ '' . ' . ' Paul Foucher recollects a fanny .pctmrrence , at a representation of Rossini's Siege The music was so noisy that nobody copta hear the words. Ddrivls, a wag, profited .by the cir cumstances to substitute facetious lmpromptufl lor tho heavy periods of the translated -llbretto- There was agrandfinule, the. words being:, “Rebellious daughter, Fear the rage .. Of the avenging gods!” . „„ ... Derivis, with his most-tragic air, his eyes flam ing, hie gestures furious, Bang: . , • ‘We must go to pie apothecary s, We must take some ——.” ■ ■ . . .. The public could catch nothing; but on the stage the effect was revolutionizing. Pamyra choked. Ndocles lost the trace of his la The miserable chorus festooned the chant with little e6capadcs,qf-stifled laughter, and, as y°n “JV vtry welf undetstand, it was on them that the blame of the public descended. - , Was it not, eavs the French author, a neat ana complete satire' on the music of Rossini, and on Italian music altogether ? Is it not, a more distant observer may ask, a lair specimen of the way in which the French treat the foreign talent they profess to adopt and fo6ter ? In these days,Romieu, (says M.E.Blandot in the Eienement lUuslre ,) waß lodging oyer an old lady who had the habit of exposing on her balcony an L-normous globe—tbe aquarium being yet to dis cover, —where a dozen little red fishes swam Üb One afternoon in May, Romleu placed himself at his window, armed with a fishing line, a hook and a few bits of sponge-cake. The good woman had gone out— Romieu baited his tackle with the sponge- Ted fishes love sponge cake.—in less ban five minutes the former were fished—to tho very laht! Romieu fried them. . . ' . Finally he lowered them again, by means of a Del— one after another —into the globe— _ The old lady came home and male straight for ihe balcony. . • „ , . , - . Tbe sight of the “small fry ’ extorted from her a terrible note of surprise, of Iright, and of I grief. , „ . At the sash of the upper story, Romieu ex tendi d bis imperturbable heud. _Wbat could you expect, madam ? It is your own fault. To leave such little creatures exposed io the sun in May ! The grand old cathedral town of Rouen has set ■he wittiest Parisians to talking, in a manner none too respectful, since the Imperial visit. Just now they are mocklng'the venerable but sufllci > ntly/gide-nwake mayor. TheTrlayor of Ronen (sayß the A vemr malici ously),'with a very natural emotion and a gravity that told no tales, was presenting the keys of the city: "Thtac keys, Bire, have been held in the hand of NapdSm First.” Now, in 1827* the Duke of Angoulemo pro ceeded. we iorget why, to visit the city of Rouen. The Mayor just then in power likewise offered he kevs to the illustrious visitor—(but they have been gilt since)—with the observation that those keys had been touched by Saint Louis; and the Dnke of Angouleme appeared very well satisfied. In 1831, Louis Philippe betook himself to Rouen, accompanied by bis sons, the Dukes of Orleans and Nemours, who (lanced admirably at a ball given at the Hotel de Ville, so that the de moiselles of the time still cherish tin; recollection. On that occasion King Louis Philippe likewise held the keys—but they have been re-gilt! •The Liberie, with all its democracy, is not too Jacobin to applaud the following act of the Em press, on the late journey to Rouen: may we be permitted to recollect the episode of Becky Sharp and the black draught? . Eugdnie asked M. Ancel, the Havre deputy, to offer her a glass of cider. The Roucnnois are so proud of their Norman apples! But ds she had just been refreshing herself with a more generous oeverage, the careful Ancel ventured to , suggest ihat 6be might be imperially incommoded bv the mixture ol the cider with the previous cham-, you fear for my head or my stomach?” asked the Empress. . “We never fear for your majesty’s head 1 “Then lam not afraid. I have a stomach as Arm as a sailor’s.” And the glass of cider—a very big glass indeed -was emptied at a draught. Tnis homage to the local drink pleased the natives excessively. Cut a worm, you only make more little worms; the fragments cover with wriggling life the whole area over which yon may scatter them. Tho freedom of thought is now to be justified in France, by a multitude ot petty sheets, appearing in the provinces or Over the border, and each armed, of course, with its own little sting tor the adminis tration. There is talk of-a weekly common place book, written by Victor Hugo all alone, to be entitled Sinai. Aluhonse Karr writes from | Baint-Michaol, near./Nice, .that ho is about to resuscitate the Giteper. It is .said that George, Sand wishes to piiblish in Paris a little weekly memorandum called tho Free-Talkor. Provincial sheets aTe announced with the following titles: at Avignon, the Lemocrate de Vancluse; at Colmar, the at Strasbourg, the Echo du Rhin: at 1“ Monltns; the-JViitme-deJwiier. —Will it not be difficult to set tho heel on all these scattered irri tants? Albert Wolff, the comic editor of the Figaro , has been on the point of adding ■ another duel to the long list of journalistic “affairs in Paris. Auguste Moquet complained of an article pub lished in 'Wolff ’s paper, and the quarrel was to, have been settled by a light at the Woods of Vin cennes on Tuesday, the third. On-tho point of coming to blowß, however, the combatants could not decide upon the weapon, one insisting on pistols, the other on swords—and both, we may 6uppoße,“knowiDg a great deal more of the pen than of any other arm. There are hopes, there fore, of an adjustment. At Brussels they publish a journal which ap pears to have reached tho extreme limit of cheapness. The sheet appears daily; it is political, literary, anecdotal; the name is Lea Nousitllee du Jour. Price, two-fifths of a cent! The memoirs of Alton Shec, late peer o- France, novv appearing In the Revue At adcrne.s.TK attracting great cariosity. Prince Napoleon has officially announced hi-> journev to Constantinople, which will closely lollow the maritime Exposition at Havre. ■ Nero, Napoleon's dog; is dead.. ..lt Is,known howattached the Emperor was to thte poor beast, who accompanied hlm.in all bis walks and. jour neya. Nero was the most disinterested and the leußt courtier-like of all the court. Tho Liberti is negotiating its sale. M. do Girar din will cede tbe first place V> Emile 0111vler; the Etearpubncrßi:wiU'wilte^political in bis old paper, and will exchange preconcerted letters with M. dc 14 and others. CITX BUULETEN. Tub Scnuyi.Kit.l. Navv Regatta;— This after noon the annual regatta of the Schuylkill navy, will be commenced. The races to-day will be between shells and boats of the third class,smooth gunwale barges. At ‘half-past, five, o'clock .pre cisely the boats will start from a short dlstattco above the dam at Fairmount, and wlu row to Belmont Cottage, just below thee Columbia r Bridge, and return. Distance three miles., They will'start at the firing of a signal gun by the com modore. The navy-was ;never . more prosperous than now/ ' It is well supplied •; with, boats, and tho membership is on the Increase. Tho; regattas are always witnessed by great crowds ot people, hud this afternoon the bluffs along the banks of the river- *lll bothronged I withe interested ‘spectators. The -.embankment overlooking tho eireani lilong Fairmbunt Bark ■ gives a'most excellent view- . : : On next Baturdsyi afternoon; at thasSmononr, tho ‘ebnclnding- 'races-of ithei: regatta ."Will- take-. place. The boats contending . Wili bo ioutj riggers of the second ’class, foavondtsix-oarwl: • respectively/ skeletons and - scull boats. ."Tho i contest on both tho first and Becond:day wUl_be i most’ exciting, and will be a scene, that.wiu ! repay any one who fedls : the slightest interest in aquatics. ■ ■ The Skcoxd i Rack.—The: annonneement that the contest betweeii Hamill and Coulter for the championship wonld take;place yesterday,'foiled to bring as' large a crowd to tbo fichnylklll banks as ontne prevloua day. There<vasa goneralbe llef that the race wouid not come off, and among those Who did visit the scene thore. were , great doubts expressed os to the probability o( a coni test. At twenty minutes past four the two con teatarila appeared, and thtls resolved'all'doubts. After a preliminary practice of about fifteen min utes the men came to : the" stake-boat, and tho order was given to,6tart. Ou tiie tliird Btroke of the oar, Coulter broke bls left oar and made no further effort to proceed; ' Hamill kept on, al though there were loud cries along Qo back.” As these did not come from the judges, HamUl paid no hcfed'to'the Veijrfest, but went over the course in 37 minutes 26 seconds, and was de clilrcd the winner. / Anecdotes of metbodlsm InKontucfcy. The first volume of a “History of Method ism in Kentucky,” by Rev. A. H. Redford, has just been published in Louisville. The Journal of that city says: “H contains a history of the Methodists fromthe landing of_James_Mcßride, the first white man who penetrated,the .wilds of Ken tucky, in 1751, to the conference of 1808. To the Methodists, as a sect, the volume must be particularly acceptable; and to all others, who desire to be posted in matters relative to the early history of our State, it furnishes historical incidents which we have hot met elsewhere. ' “The book is full of humor, and accredits stories to some 'of the'Methodist pioneers which have become household words, and have been variously applied since the dates given by the author. Of Father Ray, he 8&V8 : a , , ~ , “‘He became noted in Kentucky, in bis day (1801 to 1831), for his strong opposition to slavery, in consequence whereof he re moved to Indiana. Once, in hia presence, a young preacher was boasting that he was very popular in bis circuit with a certain de nomination. “It is a bad sign," said Father ■Ray. “That only shows that you are both impudent ahd ignorant; for these are the passports to popularity in that quarter.’ ' “ ‘A Baptist minister, the Rev. Mr. 8., meeting Ray on the road, aB he was returning from camp-meeting, the former, having just left an association of his sect, thus accosted him:—“How do you do, Brother Ray? You seem to be returning from camp-meeting, ‘ and I suppose had the devil with you, as 1 usual.” “No, sir,’' replied Ray, “he had not time to leave the association.” ! “ ‘Ray was very fond of horseflesh, and generally rode upon a superior steed. Once, while riding through the town of M., a group of young.lawyers and doctors, perceiving his approach, appointed a spokesman, who ad dressed him as follow^: —“Well, Father Ray, bow is it that you are so much better than your Master ? He had to ride on an ass, but you are mounted on a very fine horse. You must be proud. Wby don’t you ride as did, your Master?” “For the simple reason, said Ray, “that there are no asses now to be | obtained, they turn them ’all into lawyers ahd doctors: ” ’ ” ■ fIMITES, CABB»JgEKEB t feO. /"(LOTH HOUSE, No. it NORTH fiECOND ST. H ave now on hand and are still receiving a large anft •*.holce ftsflortment of Spring and Sammer Goodß.expre&alj adapted to Men’s and Boys’wear, ta which they JtnviU the attention ot Q(jop| t^ al,orS ““ oUien ' Bnper Black French Cloth/'.. Super Colored French Cloths. ■ . Black and Colored Pique CoaUngs. Black and Colored Tricot Coatings. Diagonal Ribbed Coatings. Caehmarett% all colors. New Styles Ladles' Cloaking. Silk Mixed Co|ti^ ? .hc boN STUFFSi . Black French Doeskins. do do Caßfilmores. New styles Fancy do. AUo^^^t^men^'Cordi.BGavonoeM,Satinet. Vestings ana goods fox retail, No. U North Second street __ Sign of the Gfolden Lamb auit I purchaeen^'KOßEllT Id Paints and Varnishes, N. E. comer Fourth and_Rac* streets . ' ' Do<f7 ‘ g Robert shoemaker - & ca, wholesale 1 Druggists, N. E. comer Fourth and Race streets. Invite the attention of the Tradoto their large stock oi Fine Drugs and Chemicals, Essential Oils, Bponges, Corks, &c. ___ noa7 - tI — L> BUB ARB BOOT, OF IMPORTATION. IV and very superior quality :White Gum ndla Castor OIL White and Boay.OUg Oil, of various brands*. For ;sUe by ROBERT BHOB i MAKER & CO., Druggists, Northeast comer of Fourth; *ud Race streets. no27.tr_ DK 8 S E *®l^i Syringes. He.. aUat J3ROTHEB. ' •-“23 Bonth Eighth street milE VERITABLE EA.TJ; BE COLOGNE-JEAN: T MARLA FARINA.—The mOBt faasiaatlng of all toßet waters. In festivity or aickneaa* and that which has given name and celebrity to this *££££l?, fame. Single hotHeß.lßcent^Ttoetetwo^oll^.vr -141Q Chestnot street. Advertising agency. GEORGE DEEP & CO.. . • : Agent* for all neWßpapers at nmr nli No. 7U3 CtiMtaut rtreet. eecond floor, PRESS BUltJ}< OPAL DENTALLINA.-A BUPEBIOH AETICLE FOB eleanlngtheTeeth, destroying animalottla wlychin-. feet them, giviiis toneto tho gunu, and leaving g feeling, of fragrance and perfect cleanUnes. In the mouth. It may. be need dally, ana will be found to strengthen weak rad bleeding gume, while the aroma and detorulvenecii wtU recommendltto every one. ■ Being composed with - thd- SaLtanco of the Dentitt, Physicians anf 4UcroswpUt.lt 1» confidently offered as a reliable substitute for the un« Ce EmlmmtDcnUß™ ecquainteSwith the comstltaenti of the Dentallinn, advocate Ita use; it contone xwthrof to Broad and Bpmce ttrseu. Hnuu rd&Oo.. Robert O. DaviJ, < i ii ty|jmp_ &CO, kvS-HICaW Chaa.' Shiyots, . . BiMoMoCoUiik ' t J uSebauS. S. C. Bunting, ChaklLEbSU tT-tu’i” h pdfrtiin. Jaine® N. Martaio Wm R Webty E. Bringhnr.ta Co •Tr.tueilLßisp.iMU* . ' ii-Rhea £ tJombe, - - Henry A. Bower* VYyot}}6 Bro. OBCOBa PEBSONAE. TO THELADIES. i •; ' .. ' • .• ;i <■:' ■: V. ■: tii - . j. / v Tfcwe Vliltlrig i&e Countryo* Bea-Mde are InrlUd to call.and Examine onr itw* of ; EMBROIDERED LINEN SETTS, Nuituble (or mornlOK* Alec ourliftrge ABa6rtincfct of ‘ . , i Piques, Puffed and "lucked Muslins in Swiss and Csnibrio Nainsooks, Wain Plaid and Striped. Jaconets, Mulls,/ Swissand Frenoh'Muaiins, ,», i Imported oxprosslfr for SUMME R WEAR, iTiio sbive, with our ium»t Ifni of i .-.if “ ' ». ti, vit ! lages, ■ einens, \JEJXS, Aid EMBB^>IDERIEB,, At Greatly BediidecL Pricey. E. M. Ki£Ei)iES & CO. 11 Ol Chestrmt St. gpr-p A STOCK OF DEY GOODS ADAPTED TO THE DAILY WANTS OF FAMILIES. ■LARGE STOCK OF SHAWLS; ' _ iace points; whoi as ale and retail. ■ WHITE GOODS IN FULL VARIETY., BLACK GOODS OF ALL GKADEB. : STEEL AND GBAY GOODS; ’. ‘ SILK DEPARTMENT WELL STOCKED. CLOTH DEPARTMENT, NEW ASSORTMENT K E GO h°o^^» e «rSS ,CK iroilEßY, GLOVES. HDKFB., NEW STORE; NEW STOCK. JAMESM’MULLAN, Importer 1 and pealcr id LIIfES AND BOI'SE-FOBSMBITO DB¥ fiOODI. For the acc6mmbdat!on pi , Fa'mUlet tealding in the western part of the city, ho haa opened his new store; No. 1128 Chestnut Street. t^^aMohim^taßameß^oo^ The old Store, S. W. comer 8 EVEN 111 and CHEST NUT, will be kept open ae omal, T CHAMBERS, 810 ARCH STREET. “* BARGAINS FROM AUCTION. LLAMA LACE POINTS, .■ . • ll Ulamaand ( COVERS. eeium WHITE GOODS. Maireillea for dreeeea from 23-ccnta up, laemburß BStfasa MilloMr&nwchoico dcelgaMinaer regolar price*. a royamn /~i AUZE FLANNELS! GAUZE FLANNELS! VX Domet Gauze flannela. . Gauze Merino Vests for Ladies. ' Gauze Merino Vests for Gents. _ Gauze Merino Vests for Girls and Boys. 'k£tf lhl ° 01 tIaII BTOKEB & WOOD. 702 Arch street New styles of fancy bilks. G'HENEA SILKS. STRIPE SILKS. C °aUPERIS?BLACK BILKS. eve^w g e»silk3. EDWIN HALE & CO., . . 28 South Second gtreey LOIttBEK. MAULE, BROTHER 4 CO. 1868. SHffjSP' ' 1868* u SPRUCE JOIST. HEMLOCK. HEMLOCK. HKMLOOK. LARGE STOCK. ' ’ LARGE. STOCK.' , „„ MAWJB, BBOTBEB&Cfe 1868. 1868. FLORIDA FLOORING; FLORIDA FLOORING, CAROLINA FLOORING. VIRGINIA FLOORING. DELAWARE FLOORING. ASH FLOORING-. WALNUT FLOORING. : FLORIDA STEP BOARDS. RAIL PLANK. ■ lees. ,WALNUT PLANK, * 1868. lB6B, WALNUT AND PINE. 10/.n SEASONED POPLAR. IQfiQ 1868. SEASONED 1000. WHITE BOARDS. tOOQ CIGAR BOX MAKERS. IQfiQ LofaO. • CIGAR BOX MAKERS; _ iOUO. IUUU ‘ SPANISH CEDAR BOX BOARDS. ' , FOB BALE LOW. ' ■' ■ CAROLINA: SCANTLING. CAROLINA H. T,SILLS. ; NORWAY SCANTLING, i - LARGE ASSORTMENT; 1868. CEDAR SHINGLES. CEDAR SHINGLES. . - ■ CYPRESS SHINGLES. PLASTERING LATH: . _ CHESTNUT PLANK AND BOARDS. 1868. 1868. SBWffiffiW 8 ’ SPANISH CEDAR, FOK PATTERNS. * COm, 2500 SOUTH BTREET. PHELAN & BUCKNELL | i * pTTff.mNfl DUMBER OF ALL J&IND3. tnh&Cxn ■ • •-. -ctftxoW PINE LUM BBR.-160.000 FEET • YELLO'W Y Pino BofttdrSioat and for, aalo by E. A. SOUDER & CO.. Dock fitreot wharf. - . l_ : -i°lSdL. Wanted-by a large importing and job, hine Cloth Houeo. an efficient andexporionced sale* mamwell acquainted with Pennsylvania and Ohio trade, Addrca/ciothTteuae, Bulletin Office. ie»6f . » YOUNG lady" _ wibheb a SITUATION, AS Atcaihei of Engliah and Latin. Pleaeo, uidreea N. MJ Bulletin office- • • l? 1 6 HAItimAHE. r-»nnoEHS* « AND WOSTENHOLM’S.: POCKET g^rfbteCtelteSG“,un\imd>li B hed EAR?NSTiiyI mVtkts of the -nioßt approved conetructleu to aaeiet the heßitn* atP; MADEIBA’3. Cutler, and Surgical Uutrui 'SfiSf&nkerlm Tenth BtreMbclow .ChAut.. rovl.tK IMPERIAL FRENCH* PRUNES,—fO OAHES XN‘'ilN I‘cannliitera and fantv boaee, imported and for ■ale by OO37B.TJUS3IEEfI CO.. l(B South Delaware ovonua, ■ft■:-■ ■ •’ ;■•• i‘j. ..... -.. .A»Jserliniu! .v:f. .•; u,j'- i ;.-,•. •' .-<** -' ;J -- - ; WIIJ.IaM UASI'LE t. ■ ~. ~ 1 ',..'. A» Lorenzo,. \ , ~ C&nOuctor 10 ™;”™....... ...!....B. BEBfiENB 1 Box Bhcetnoif opim«i'TrOnsP>zr'«., .' .": r alu . - Lima! EngUrUßpor* nnctz. ■ > ■• '■■- *•■■ > iB6a iB6a WANTS. *W» .»*^®^Hl@o"{.^ Willi Ha Great C*»t7Btartllng-.Effc«W., . . / ' ■ Kortli Elver by Moonlight. • , ... ~7 -ThoßUtlon.'rhoSTltr.li- i., : v -.1 , ” " : v Tho Down Exproaa Dnshc* past the Blallbaal full Speed at 10. MP. M. ,EWJB -VTEW CBEbTftPT,STREET TjUEATBE, , ... r’ LAtPTNitGH!POETHE f aEAB6N.. NIGHT.. XMtNjeijtof puujxy.j ■ : TO ABEAUTtfS^^<BPttBMa. , nOtta«EXE. Vtr&WVT : . . . •;< thjs(BAtoriiaW iEVZSOmi Joie Sotlulß6B. ; I^S3SSSBHIHS^'««'i' E HOUSE. . FOE A'SHOOT BEASON, Commenclflg, j, OM)A Y, jun 0 ."15Ui. , UNGABD'S: MBIIC CONCEBT. COMIC SKETCHES ANDLIVING BTATUEB. tfroia itke London The»tro andTbestre Comlqao CM- V.! "■[ 1 K q a K i®* 8 BrecialiUca oneandtlio M a “ e E^g|S[T STATUE BONG consists oi ■ jjviNG UKENE33EB '' ' _ o rm “ t0,Ol0 pROMINEST C ELEBK I TIE3 : of the present d»y. , I p l er'. Music Blor* No. 923 Chestnut street. ; r 1 jeu-m ■ JJOOLEV’a BBtOW AT.CH. lu on ■ And the Grima Bpe^»masr i B»rlc«iao of jyP" JA ? SO |Sy MAKBI.E GBOC?E .*< UT Ktrect. directly opposite thdffenxaylvaiiia Academy of Fine Arts.. .-V' ' • lottaw 5 AdmiislOD, S 5 cento. le ~ 3 " AC^^OP^E^ The Forty-fifth Anneal fachlbitlonof ary and Architecture .WILL V-IX)BE _on B/vIUKUAy, j nne 20th. 1 18®. , Open d«Uy from 9 A,, M. till 7 F. jL and from 8 011 ID fn the evening. Admittance 25 cente. ira-iit ITIbX’BAMEKICAN VARIETY THEATHE. EVBHXEVENINOand lUJAY AFrEaNooa . ra brand Diae« Pantomime* sc.- - <JAS iIXTUBKS. n»8 PIATDBES. —MISKEY. MEBRtLL" ft warranted*. - i r'IALL AND BUY YOUK GAS-FIXTUHE3 FEOW pemwiiilwtnreiß. a MAra j MU^ ..„■•■ No, 012 Arch e treat. Chandeliers. . ■ Also* refi n<gh old fixture!* ITANKIRK A MAES HALE. NO. MS ARCH STREET. V KiyeapecUlattention toilttingupChurcbea. : pipe run at thti lowest rates. ' ' TTAUtrntir A MARSHALL HATE A. COMPLETE V - etockcif ChandeUefß, Bracket*. Portable Stand and Bronzes. nt No. 912' Arch afreet ' ■sssk&he fjnANG's American' chromos eor _sale at SijgCTV.TCiHmgygjroßttggM i«OQO> ; GENTS* AHD BJJI toned Over. (tetters, Cloth, IfefttJWj.wfalU fcf. W grown linens ChDdren^e’Clotli sal or ladleiand cents, » t pIfTTmT . n KRPER'3 BAZAAR. noH-tfs OPEN IN THE EVENING. xo «EPnr. TO LET, 1.1 THE PHILADELPHIA EXCMSGE, Offices on tne 2d and 3d Floors, Which are large and well yentUated, with water intro. d Theyare well adapted for Banker*. Brokerstmd Jnaar. anee Rent Moderate, Apply at the Super fatendent’a Office, Reading ltoonje. jel3b» STORE,: 809 . STREET; TO LET., . APPLY AT BABTK OF THE BEPTJBI.IO. mvltf ' : '' ~ =•■ TO RENT. Tlie First Floor (Back) - - ...r OTjf.IVEE: - ■■‘■V".-' NEW BUIiWBTJLN BUIM>ING r No. 607 Street, ■; ' ■ (And 6M Jayne Street) , . , BMTABLE FOB AW IKBUttMCB COMPMY* r Inquire in tbd Publication Office of the Bulletin. * n>y2Btft • ••• *• RENT.— PROPOSALS 'WILL fiETftbt®IVEDTOR T 'Xtentlngportlbnaof therVaukJJiiMarket for BtoraKO. Aupi" to B, SCOTT, Jr.. 1030 Cheetnut Bt. . 3e19-8» f, TO KENT - HANDSOME ; COUNTRY-SEAT* S late the residence of William U. Alien, Eaa. J*re*f ildent of Girard College. Bltuato on the ; river Dela ware. near Torreadale. Apply ' ■" ;' 781 Walnut etreet. ; MOAPE MAY COTTAGEPURNIBHED. TO LET* Inquire at Hatstore, Tenth and Chestaut Philadelphia. , , : jei»btj_^ ■TO LET WITH' POWER—2d FLOOR, 86x10; 3d j|[flooi? 36x50;idth floor, 88x60r-oyer,iai9 and 1221 Mar, M” ■TO RENT—NO. 10 HAMILTON ; TERRACE, WestFbiladolpbla. • : ~ ; 2 ',.,,0,. 1 ' ~ Apply nOxt door above, • .. BENT. AT CAPE MAY.-rEURNISHEDCOT ? containing fourteen rooriiß,located onXafW> IliltSte 6 ' Delaware, Hoiu?.; 1 Evksino Buw.t;tin dlßee, - " J IYQUIGO. on the pyunueesl. T -.-I: ■ ±:L^-dL'- Dwelling.W. comer of Hne ftnd-lii«liteMith streets-....., „ Nor fl, Twentieth street, J £ ISvAucet. i'. FOHSALE. • : : r OF 84*000. MORTGAGE. OF 81,600. . . • ••. I:, i.• AFPLYTO ' : - BALDERSTOItA ALBERTBQN, ■; L'k,/ s U>i s IUo. 120 Korth Thirteenth Street* ! anMtf ■ ■•■■ ■■ ■■ - W FOB SALE. 'AT C.ERMANtOWN NEW ■Frltnim--eleven rooms; nil modern conveniences; tbroe Ho. 811 Arcti afreet, JPhlUd* ——poll BAI.E-THF. VEUY DE3IBAIILLE MEDIUM |&»iied*JeldcnM. Na 137 .North Twen«& street IS, ■3/Mtfrontby 100 deep. fouMtory, -with threeetory hack buJldlnge. All modern-conveniences. Dra.ln.go to eewer., Jn complete order «*™ u^£^ u£ * ETTINO... 707-Walnut Btrect' jelStbatuSH* COUNTRY BF-AT ANP FAHM Fpit..3Al,K- l p» ®?6oor IMlaerea. f -JBrWo»,pUci,-«tMurq« fflllp «tono.»p, JcAiSld near Xncun&j ;>UnjOThiniae,cOßCh »hnpj«*» and dwellings to let. Apply, ou the preuitaee, or to R. WHITAKER, No. blOJEocuiitstroet.. Je6a tu tU7t« mdsumi . afreet, Burlington., ■. ..»..... j. t „ »-■■■ Jetd at FOItHALE-A BIJJPEnjOK FAItU OFBM ACRES Of Kurd,' rituato ffl 'Bonn rrot county. Maryland U'atfern Shore), within Rve Anno, the county Beat, . A large portion of the Und W un der cultivation and improvedwltli users,ary farm btilld l%f For fl'rtherpartlcuUTi apply to .4. M. CiUpiMEYd: auNß.6cB Walnut street. . ~SI poRBALR—HANDSOME BROWN BTOSBBE3t. J «gs donee with-Slanaard tort and' doUblo tbree-itory K£bacV buildings, altnate on tprnco street, west of. Twentieth. Has evetr modern convenience and Improve* ment. and la well bnl(E-;-liOt 84 fwt front by IM feet deep to a 40 foot fltreat.'-4.’.hi. O UdIAIE V 4* SONS, 608 Walnut -a, [ lOR. BA W-SHtf ANPSOME« COUNTRY , ruga jEll. bollds Inga. N0.5004.Vch etrect. ; Abo,four-«tory brtcn.dweUiug ‘' - JftKaS* 0 ;’/ .Vi' . No, 741 Walnut street. , t^i't? l il®6n l 4^^tf^^lSoiS' ■> . Ji-.A • •■■ 33* g V iSSSSSS gtf., C.KRMANTOWN-rOR BACE.-A' MO»EItN fluf Cottage, with Two Parlore, Dining Kopm. lUtchen, Ifci Five.chamber*. Bath. sc. Situate No. itlVrt-e bt, within five minutes*- walk from tho railroad depot, o. MCIUMMEY At SONS, S& Walnut street, . . ioi: BALE.-A HANDSOME MODERN’ THREE ft ton* BrickDi&frni?. with attic*.two DouOlo Back Bulldinge, every convenience, and in tKTfect order, ritba'eon liiown etrcct above Seventh etrtcL J. M. GL'il&lEYa BONS. 6CB WalnatctreOh ~v;i COiiNTUYSEAT—FOR BALE.—GONTAINISCS E« game. nipeniJr land.wKb thrcWaUiy'ddubts ctouo fina taunrfon. etablo and ,carTl»«e lioum), tenanthouw. Ice hour. £c„ eitnate on the Limekiln Turnpilwone mile cast of ihe Germantown ltailroad depot; excellent yeso tnble garden, and firftdf all fctnda in abundance., J. il. GUMMEY A BOAS®* Av aluut street ■-& . ■ FOB SAJUk-THBNEW AND BEAUTIFUL BESf. fiSdcuco Id new block No. 329 South bttivcto Spruce end Bine, ii Jiut tin! r lieiL and wlfl bo eoM. lovuro of U. B. Writbt. lea bptuce. or la Boulh Third etreet. 1- . . myli-tt CAPE MAY COTTAGE FOK BALE. CONTAIN- —J, FOB SALELr-AU. THAT ELEGANT THUEE. :;,toryMansion. corner of Oak,nod I’rotto.'i street*, XWrit PhllndelpOla: frith atone atable and roeeh houarthaa all thonxxlrm taWTOmcoil.. Abo,aTAce »fnrv fnvcUtn*. no. 421 B6nth Tnlrteenth street Apply to WPPCCJt & JOKDAS.43J Wnluut etreot. FOK BAPE-BUILDING LOTB. , Carer lot Waahloßton avenue and Twenty-thirdJt . Three lot* W. 8-IFrontlln. ahore Poplar. Five lets F..S.Elsbtb, above Poplar. I rat r « below Spruce ft.- •, ■ . . XEtiAt. PiOXICJES. I ; KI“uSES IN I'OUKTH STREET. NOh'X’U <>K CUEBTOUT SI K f ;bT. Notice la hereby given tovrheirrit may concern, that a petition hft# been presetted to tho Oonrt of Common i’lcjip, of the county of -J'bUodeJpbla, byJOUN MAN. tmderthe act of. ajacnibly t of April, 1868, entitl'd “An Act relatfinr fo the errtiMulah ment of ground rents In the. city of 1 hiiadelpbia, in* for a tlecrte that a certain yearly ground rent of threa poimdF. wbieli issued out of ft certain lot of ground *|td" ate on the wetteideof hantth street. A?_} kf n J 5 * 1 \ one .biiuflred feet north of kfef.jE?* /itreit f*ct“ deplli fifty' f.jet. U reka;ed s?tss tition win Vo heard by »ue said Court on 8AI LKUA.y* the 25th day of June, im, &t JO o'clock cause be then ehown to the kowj *derive duo proof briefs made of .tbs said petition, inako a decree th&t*the sold rent l* released and in accord anco with the prayer ot the eEid^etltior^ . „Of Counsel with jectitlgner, Junefie, 1«3.: )<anilot» PUILiUA, N THE dItPHANSj. COURT FOB TDE CXTY AHp flountv of Phil&del&hii,—• Hit, settle and adjust tbe account ot JOHN STEAVAE r. Administrator ol « the estate of iU'-BtO -A. brEVV Agl . doceoEed, and to report distribution of.. the balance In the hands of tbo accountant, will meet the interests d fortha purpose of bis. appointment, on olOrj- IJAY.Jime 85*, 1668, at 11 o’clock, A. M., at his oflice, 634 Walnut e treat; room 13, Sd ???£,&iva J HHKN h l delphia. HAKV El C. WAKBEN, Jfcl&tU'th.R.tt* : Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT THE£ V ‘JX £ey deceased and to report dhtribution of the balance in tUo SSSS?of the acconntent, will meet the l it P 3 o-dock 8 I * Nofihvinut the city Cl R COLAH4N . Auditor. jell-ti) a tu. Et* in TIIEOKPHANb’ TOURT FOR ssB L County of Philadelphia Kfitate of■ K SIIIVKHB, deceased. —The Audllor appointed hy tho Court to audit, Settle and-adinst ,t£* e r count if EM-MAT. andWItUA3ITRAINt.U* executor? of the laetJfill and ; teataincnt of l)r._JAiiEd K siiIVEKS dcc’d# ancl to report distribution tf the h’danco iu to hSsoftheffiSiwKpfc "iinncet in- TN TUP ORPHANS' -F©K AND s^fefiMftS^S'aSSbßuSM^iTOS:^ indtoHeport“totribiXn of the baI«DC6 in the bands nf IN THE ORPHANS'COURT, TOR THE CETY.AND I fTmmtv of Philftdelpma.—Estate of MICHAEL LEVE- TtTNG- Aeceaacd •—Tho £uditorsppolot«dbyth® Court to aßaltVWe?a“didJu»t E. tfTVSON *ttd T VrLIEDB.-liittutOTB l»f tti« Estalftof Michael Lo'o* his bDlciv- NOi eia Walnut»etreet*in the: City ox TeUftiwV R. SHARKEY. Auditor: HBMMS FllAlflS-IN lEuTB. 6t PMladelphlviri.itfiaeaunty SSM&ASSESS *"? own polltion to tli6said.Dtatricf Court.: . ■ i- r .. TotheJUcealhnot -t■ ya-i rOAl. JkltD WOOP* EfinerL'No'wtwXldWT Street (lBt floor),, wßtrceclye —pi.'iiHKNHAAy; ~ . , ' , * i :-. r - *; • : -Aa C. IffiXTEB. Factory.^und Steam Ftu-po»Q».■ - , ■ ■■-->■-■) aPMty "■"■ * . • ' ~ ' jonw-Pt snaArr, IOTITB: ATTENTION TO ialO-tf ■; ..-■ 8 "[■:<) .'Archstreet wharf. BehuvlSlß. ThtlSl>l>^N«', JFEATHiEitS, &.Vi IDEATBER 'BEDS . -AND;• MATTRESSES• i-RENO- •* I? .vated.—Wattrrßeee and Feathdra on hand.- Factory, ;ill r.nmlmnl street , ' . ,". tiOFAJt'I JUiitNan'B. " PHILADELPHIA, FEBRUARY Ist, tSSi. • '- ' ' Mr. J, IL Butler (brother of E H, Butlor) ft ft part ner In onr firm from and after thjj . -tnblMfi hE. H. BUTLER & COI IKOH WABIM WaasisoTON, Jane 19. THE PALE OP TUB IBONQLAD9. The Joint Select Committee on Retrenchment; who were by a reeolntlon of the Congo of Representatives , • In dree ted to inquire Into the alleged frandulent gale, by the Navy, Department, of the irbnclade Onoota . and Catawba, to Alexander Swift & Co., to-day re ported all the facta and cllcomstances connected with the transaction. It appears that the contract price for each vessel was $460,000,1n addition to which,the Navy Department.aljpwed for extra work and.niattcrs not s included in the original Contract $161,424.54,' tnaklhg ; the total cost of 'each one of these vessels $621,421.51., The committee, after explanations at some length,say as soon as Swift &Co. obtained their grant from the Navy Department to bny these Ironclads they pro ceeded at once to look.oat for a-customer, and In the summer pf iBo7.mkde acontractiwlth jifarqtibM, repre senting himself to them as agent of this Peruvian gov ernment. It ■subsequently appeared that he had no authority toact for that government; so one of the firm ptoceededto-Benl and there with the Minister of Marine for the sale of these two at one million of dollars each. The report states that at the'tlm’o the contract was made with the Peruvian government. Swift & Co. bad ho right or title to the vessel*, whlcbwero still the property ofthts govern ment Swift also Bnpfldtotandlng with the Navy Department, that they should bo al lowed to take the vessels on paying $1,250,000 for the two. About this time, a joint resolution was drawn cp and-passed !by ~Congress, authorizing itboNavy Department to contract for the sale of any Ironclads foraprlce hot less than the appraised value ta..be fixed by a board of naynl-offleera. Secretary of the Navy advertised ‘for ! snd toe Board In the meantime proceeded to New Orleans, where a, Lumber of other’ vessels of the same class were lying Immediately oh the receipt of a telegraphic dispatch antonnclng.the AcUon .of. tbe Beard, thcßecf clary of the Navy Issued an advertlsemCnt. statlng that sealed propotals would be received till the Sd of March# forthe purchase of these keaseiebmong others. 4 qninbe? of/'bids .were received,;Whieh.failed from, one cause or another, and finally Swift 4s Co. offered to take the Oneota and Catawbaat s74o,oooeach. This offer was submitted to Mr. LeuthaU, Chief of v theConktxnctlop Bureau,by thc Secretary of and oh the former's rfcport,-the vessels were turned over to Swift A Co. for s7si,ooo,fiThe committee says that it was evident that ah understanding between the Assistant Secretary, Mr. Merritt, and too agents, and perhaps the Secretary himself,' thutSwlftA Co. should have these vessels; and the whole seems to have been so arranged as. to prevent either bidders &om having an opportunity to obtain them. The committee conclude their reportby saying; “Although In onr opinion the Secretary had no power to eell tlirae vessels hnidm: this-joint iritblhtlon of February 3, except to some bidder who compiled with toe con ditions of sale authorized by that resolution, yet a sale has actually been made by Mm at the appraised value, the money received and"paid Into the Treasury, and the vessels dcllverod 'to the parchesers. The ships now lie In the port of New Orieahi, and the work le rapidly progressing uptm. tbora. - They are receiving on board gone, provisions, and munitions of war, and will soon be, If they are not at thepresdit time, ready tp sail for a cxnlse. .As the matter now stands, certain citizens of the Unlted States nave be come too purchasere from their own government of two ironclad war ships, for the purpose of fitting them up and taming them over tofl foreign govern ment In condition fox service, under a. contract pre viously madt, that: government being at peace with onr own, hut inornate ’of recognized' belligerency with another nation, with whom we are also at peace. ■’ " ■■ ,f ’ f '"’ ‘‘ "The officers of each departmentjof our government, and the representatives ofbeth-of the foreign gov ernmente, are fnllypuformed ot . the facta; and-toe question to t>o kilved to as to ■ the manimr of de livering the ships to the agents of the government which haa contracted to purchase them, witoont rendering their present owneiß criminally liable for a breach of onr neutrality Saws, and without a.violation of international obliga tions bn the part of onr own government. The pres ent laws are sufficiently stringent to preserve all toe obligations of onr government and to prevent and punish any Infraction of the neutrality laws by bur i jjzens or othas wltMn oar territory, and to protect { ie Interests of too government against fraudulent I jmblnatlons upon the part of tte officers with other parties. The Executive clothed with ample power to enformriSe laws anmto punish for their violation, angfgne question scenfeto be such as to require tbezfEeclsion ot that department in the first instance. / But In the opinlonoFtbe fcomintttee, under existing circomstoftqgSj a< vessels cannot be delivered to the .Peruvian government without a violation of the neutrality laws. It fe the duty of the Executive Department, being so’ clothed.wich ample authorityin the premises, to see to it; that all our bbllgatiois of neutrality, under the State and Inter national laws, be fully observed. The committee, therefore, -■ submit the facts, tons ascertained, for anch action as msv seem to be demanded, and ask to be discharged from the further consideration of the subject.” ' . 1 ."’ BIOOF OpEAS KBITtL rsox VQB Din Afa1anta..............L0nd0n. .New York May SO Berlin... Southampton.. Baltimore. June 4 Caledonia............OlMitow..iScw Vork Juno 6 City olWa*lili>gtoiLLiv£rpool..N Y via Halifax.. .Juno 6 Napoleon IU ....Brest..Now Vork.. ..Juno b Nebraaka Liverpool. New York.... Juno 9 Palmyra .....Liverpool..New York. June 9 Uni0n...........Southampton-New Yoik Juno 9 City of Patis Liverpool.. New York Juno 10 Peruvian Liverpool. .Quebec. ...Juno 11 Holeatie Southampton. .New V ork. ?. .Juno 12 Bellona. ............... London. .New York. June 18 Bntsia. L ¥S r ggpAKTT ' °* Ju “ #U Jdtssijtippi..New York. .Rio'Janeiro, bo. . .June 23 AlleroaMa ..New York. .Hamburg June St China'.......... . .New York.-Livexpoid. Tnnr 21 Bieing 5tar........N0w York..Aspinwall Juno 21 Australasian.-. New York.. Liverpool. June 31 C010rad0............New York.. Liverpool June 34 Pi0neer........... Philadelphia.. Wilmington. June 2S Motto Castle... ...New York. .Havana June 3o Villade Paris..... New York..Havre. Juno 27 City of Paris New York. .Liveropool June J 7 Caledonia .Now York. .Glasgow Juno 27 Circastian . .New Y ork. .Bremen June 27 Erin......... New York.. Liverpool ....Juno 27 Wyoming..... —Philadelphia. .Savannah ......1 une 37 ' Stars and Shines.. ..Bbilad’a. .Havana ;... .June 8 > BQAKD OF TBADB. • JAMES T. YoUNGH „ . „ ■ :■. COATES WALTON,! Mouthlv Committee. THOMAS POT rEIt.) x MABIKE BUIiIiETBST. Bnn BißEa. 4 341 Stnr; Sect. 7tM I Htga Wares. 2 ll ARRIVED'YESTERDAY, f- \ Steamer Pioneer; Catharine, 60 hours from Wilmington, with coftoru&c»; to Philadelphia and; Southern Mail 8 Bfeamer Whlrlwind, Geer, 38 hours from Providence, '•withmdeetoDßßteteon SCO. 1 ... Steamer JS Bhriver,' Koblnpon, labours'from Kalfcl* •mor<v withmdeeto AGroyee, Jr. ' V: Bchr M. Patton, liumming», lQ , days from Bangor, with ,U Ames, Handy, from Spruce Hoad,Me. with io ßchr 9 SSi* l^em«yC.(i^ 1 day friom Now' Castle, DeL with eraiumJa,Watt £sTERDAY _ , ... . Bteamer Norman, Crawell.Boaton.H Winner & Co. Stoamor.H I. Saw: Ilor.'Baltimore, A Groyrs, Jr.. Dark Imperador, Heard. Pemamhuco. APDamon. ■SchrMaoDmimSS’Rich. Boston. Penn Gm Qoai Co.: , Bchr.J PattereomCorson, UOrchester.Mass. Westmoreland Price. Yates, Sostonißordai'KeUei 1 *'Nutting. Schr.Bahwa, Banborn, PortUad.’' do Bchr P A Bindera, CattoH,'Boston,..... ...... .do .. .SchrVMhti, Park?, Georgetown, L Andeuried<fe Co. BcbrMagellan, MudgetCiJaco, E A Souder & Co. Bchr FL Porter, Small, J3oston» Hammett a Neill. . Schr M & B Henderpon, Price, GtEgg Harbor. • - MEMORANDA. Ship Tnscarora, Rowland.hence via 3tobile»at Liverpool V€*Bfci*rdAV Ship Horatio, Wilcomb; from Sunderland, at Galle stb 'nit. \ 11. Bteamer New York. Jones,; roiled from; ; Georgetown, DC, 18th inet forthifl port. _ Steamer Pelican, dhaw, cleared fltjfew York yesterday for Ban Francisco. * t * r -. : . - • r-. • Steamer Columbia, Carnagban, clearedat -New-York -yeatfetdayfor Glasgow. >V- •<* \ . Erin . (Br); -Webster, at 'New York yesterday f frotn Liverpool,Juna Sd and Queenstown 4th; has 1116 pussengera. June 16, lat 4120; loa 61,. passed etaamer Vir ginia* forliverpooh • -Qaaken City,. Wolf, at Bremen 16th‘ instant from New York. • u ; - f,-. Bark l^owerß:fßr).Hibbert.cleared at, Baltimorelßth inat.forßivei -- Barkifiacbem t .mrwan. at Zanzibar 22d April from Salem, and sailed sth ult-for Aden. .V:m„ ■ BarirAtlanta, has 1 : been "tbartcredrto load at New York for Zanzibar and Muscat,* nadreturu. . Brig Clara m. Goodrich, Look, hence; Waa dischg at Cardenas 13ih ult. ; /v-v; v"• ;■ Brig Harp,” Daley, sailed from Bangor 17to"lsatahr for this port >, M Bris AlraCJlimkee Estes, at Holmes’ Hole ldth into fromTFernafidlna for Boston, reports JSth tost Block Isl and Bearing NNE. 15 rolled distant; saw the top part of: a .vowel's hnjse, painted white also too name of Sunbeam on the quarter board; supposed It to belong to evostel of about Bie tone . ■ • . Schra Grace Watson, Nickerson, anS J 3 Tracy. Haw ley, hence for Ncw Daven. and Jnaga Hopklneon, Fon ; ton, from Derby for this port at New Fork ISth Inst Bchrs A U Calm Simpson; from Boston, .and Carrie ’Biyer; Conant, from Newport both lor thls ,oort at Holmes’Holel7th last Bailed 16th, all thovcssetoiieforo reported from or for this port. _ ; store Skylark. I.orine. and Charles H Moller, Brown, cleared at Boston 18th - ' Sthr E H Wharton, BonSall. hencS for Provldcnco. was at anchor off Bandy Point PM 17th Inst. _ ' Schr J Trueman. Gibbs, sailed from Now Bedford 18th tost, for Marion, to load for.thls port v ; Bchr Wind., Warwick., from Trenton, at Ndw Haven 18th •• • Bchrs Burge, and Cloud* silled from Norwich 17th hurt, for hi* port. , Bchr,Undine* for;thla port, saflodfrom Neff l7ihJort'- -.uf ..'•*••• ■■ ■■ • • ■fj . Schr vVfttanga, Monroe, cleared *t Savannah 18th Itusr. for ProridimwfcrD : c v.i-i. vt ; Bchr Morning Light* Ireland,hence,was at Newport 16!h inrtant. . . wV - Bchr Monitor, Robbins,' , *ailed from New Bedford 17th izutt. for this port, . Bchrs Anna Barton. Frink; C E Jackson* Blackman; D BMenhon, Ayrc»;;Eliz4 A Ueb<cca;lMco; Menrietta, Simmona* Godfrey; II Parker, Parker; M Steelman, - Steelman. Rnd J Cadwaiader, 1 Schr P gunm an, Bot&beon, hence at Nbriolic Bchr J A Crawford, Bacaleyv hence ftt X)anvcra I6th ■ instant. ’ Schr North Pacific. Errlctoan,hence at Sslom 17th tost ; Seine Battle E Simpson; Blake, and Zela, Crowley, her re at Poitland 17th into - „ 1...... . Bchr Barblncer, Rvdor.'hence: it Portsmouth 17th Inst NOTICETOMARINEBB. „ , , i Its sUtion. It will be replaced a* soon as practicable. [ftxps; TiHEAKTMENT -OF PUBLIC HIGHWATB, 1/ OFFICE—NO.IO4 SOUTH FIFTH STREET. ‘ Pitft.AtsisrjpniA.'dUhe 18th,' 1868.' NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS; Scaled Proposals will be receivedat the Office of theChiefOoamniasionerof Highwaynuntil 12 o’clock M., on Monday, 22d Inst, for the con struction of Setters onthellneof Filbert street, between Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets,' threo feet In diameter.?: t; * ’Jf "ry <T A .ftV On; .Chopy. and. Frfcdlandcr streets, Jfroin Race to Twentieth street! ■•■■ ■ , _ On Orange street, from'Bovehth to Elghth bL: On Sixth street, frpm Taaker to RoedHtrCet.' * * OnHsvcrford street,from Brooklyn and Forty- Becondstrcct. f v ‘ Thirty-fourth and Market to Filbert, and on Filbert Btreet,from Thirty-fourth Street to Thir ty-slxthAtreel/ • ■'■•'•t 7 '?;- '■< 11 ■’?’ ' 1 On Marshall Btrect, between Dauphin and: Ports streets, 2,fept 6 ; r, 0 On Diamond 6t,'between Americaand Second Sts. 2 feet 6 Inchest With'snch man-holea as may be directed. by andaumyor; The understanding to be that the Contractor shall take bills prepared against the property fronting on said fewer to' the amount -Of one dollar and tweiity-flvo cents for each lineal fodtof front on r each side of the street as so mncb caah paid; - the balance,'as Umited by ordinance, to be paid by the-City. ■ ■ J ; • When tho street lq occupied by aCitvPassen ger Eallroad track; the sewer shall be constructed alongside ot eald track in such manner as not to to tibstrneror interfere with tho safe passage of the cars thereon: and no claim for remuneration shall be paid'the contractor by the Company using saia.track, as specified in Act of Assembly, approved May Btb, 18GG. -Ail Bidders arc invited to be present at tho time and. place of opening the said Proposals: Each proposal will be accompanied by a certificate that a Bond has been filed in the;.Law Department os directed, by Ordinance of May 25th, ASfjp- ■ If the Lowest Bidder shall not execute a contract within five days after the-work Is awarded, ho will he deemed as declining,and will be held liablo.on his bond for thedifference between his -bid and-the next highest bid. Specifications may be bad. at the Department of Surveys,, which will be strictly adhered to. ' - ' ' MAirtou H. Dickisson, ]cl&-3i§ Chief Commissioner of Highways. Notice to contractors; ' Subvey Dki-artme.vt. June 5,1868, SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the Department ot Surveys, No. 212 Sonth Fifth street, until three o’clock P. M., ofTUESDAY, June 23, In.sL, for the construction of the folio w in|oHOCKSINK .SEWER. On . Laurel and Canal streets.from the river Delaware to Front street. i .. i,'.. ■■ On Mifflin street from old Camac street- to Montgomery street; thence on Montgomery to Sixth street. On Ninth. NorriSj Eleventh, Diamond; Twelfth and Dauphin streets, from near Berks street to near Sixteenth street. GUNNER’S RUN BEWEK—On Broad, Onta rio, Smedley, and Tioga streets, from Clearfield to Twcntv-second streets. _ BROWN STREET SEWER.—On Brown and Eleventh streets. from Franklin street to Parrish street, and on Eleventh, from Parrish to Poplar. TWENTY-FOURTH STREET SEWER—On North College avenne,Twenty-fourth and Oxford streets, from Twenty-fifth street "to Ridge ave nne, with branch on Twenty-third street, from Oxford street to Ridge avenne; • WARREN STREET SEWER. —On Thirty sixth, Warren, and Thirty-seventh streets, from Filbert to Lancaster avenue. And the following sewers with diameters of three feet: Locust street, from River Schuylkill to Nine teenth street. f Seventeenth street, from Vine to Spring Gar den 6treet. < " , ■ Eighteenth street, from Vine to Spring Gar den street. Twelfth street,from Christian street to Shlppen street. ■ 1 Eleventh street,'from Christian to .Washington Washington avenue, from Broad to Seven teenth street. ;; The plans and profiles can be seen, and copies of blank proposals with specifications obtained on and after the 10Ui inSt., at the Department of Shrveys. The names of sureties and the time lor the completion of the work must bo inserted in the bids, and no bid will be urfeeived: unless accom panied by"n certificate from the City Solicitor that the provisions of ordinance approved May 26, 1860,‘bave .been complied with, and no bids for a part of any one of the sewers above noted will be received. All bids must bo-made upon the printed forms prepared therefor, upon which the blanks only for the especial work bid for need be filled up. The city reserves the right to reject any and all the bids should they not, prove satis- are invited to be present at the time and place above noted, to witness the opening oi the bids received. ; • ■ - STRICKLAND KNEASS, - Chief Engineer and Surveyor. ; MAHLON H. DICKINBON, Chief Commissioner of Highways. je1518203t Huemann's Puro;Natlve Winoa, Catawba, COnoord, .Herbemont, Norton’a Virginia, Clinton.&c., particularly ' adapted for this eaaaon, for sale by ' ■ j ' . “ JAM?SB.WEBB, - ]a2t 8. E. comer WALNUT and EIGHTH Stroahu HAVIS*. CELEBRATED DIAMOND BRAND GIN U einnati Ham, first 'consignment of the mm on, just re. ceived tuldforeSe at COUB i Y*S East End Grocery, No, ••-JlB South Second Street./. v : ;asr tHE^WI)y/^Wgßm^-ffl^A-BMM4-.BATp.DAY,,JPBE2Q,IB6B. TPHOPOSAIA.'' eROCEBIESi EI4EOBg t ftCt TO FlipHmES Residing in the Rural Districts, We are pTepared, supply familiea at their country residences with every“description of FINE? GROCERIES, TEAS. <sco,, &0. ALBEEX:C.MBEE^. CornerEleYeiith,andyine;Stroota. MISSOURI WINBSI BICHAKI> W. FAIETHORSrEI, -''’Dealer- lii Teai ? !>■£*• • ' 80.-205 BOKTiia ••SIINTJtt STIiEE'SV''. AU gonds.guaranteed pure, of, the best (luallty. and ®°id at moderate priced t ' Vm&tfcfcttn • rrABLE CLARET.r-200 CASES :OF SUPERIOR TABLE A Claret; warranted to give eatisiiuition. -For aate by M. F. bPILuN, N. W. corner Arch pndEighth streets. , ORDEROF HEIRS" MS d u.A»r^^!!££«afe :dece*(ed—Them** A Son*, Auctioneer). Furzuznt to Ktj. .order-of the Orphan*’ Courtier therClty,»nd’CO?nty or ThlhuJclpbiz. trill be zcldzt public. 23,jm»t12 o’clock, noon,»t the PhUadclphl* JlxohftM*, itbelollotring described jropcrty, !»to,ori»»t*n N*th*u*,.. idcceeeed, viz: No. L—Threeatotybrleketflre^zndAweh' ling, NordSHortb Second etracb'eonth of WlQowegpet. Alilbst three afory hritk metansge and lotof grounaalc juate on the tvcet ride of Second atroet, 4lfoet t*M , .4 T t c . !south of Willow: at reef; cesitnloing on'jrouttn; Second iM^^^uUWou^^olS: : west by? groundlormetlyof OetmcA Farjepaugh, gohth by )a nfessuw hid ©oaildTAto'of Tienjamta Browm de-- j ceased*- Being top: same -prerolsea ,pau*b, of thecity of Philadelphia, by indenture .dated ‘the 16th day OfAPrtLA, D.’lStf, recorded tfund, 23d* 1817. ;in deed book M. fcTW. IS. page mdrd£ grab tad and; convejedrmto too ajodlaalan Nathan* iA-fee&r LZ - .■: HdJ' 148 Margßl'dtU* street AUtb at three- story, brick mesauago, and lot of l ground, situate on the aba them? ofMargarcttaatreet, be- . tween New Market and Second streets, 80 feet castor 5 Second atreet;tbcnce extending E» along tho south side of fMargarettastrcefcSOfeet; thence 8.67 feet* more or h*s; ?thence W. 10 feetjthence N* --feetfl inches; thence \V„ 7 ‘ feet 14 Inches: thence N. 8 feet lOinches; thence W. 9/eet 8 wche*rand*brn«r "N-So foatflinchte to ttur*4»wcrof he-- • ginning. Bounded E. by ground formerly, of Lyon Van : by groondiormerly of George Kurtx, and-W.-- : by themessuage and lot next hereinafter mentioned; •being 1 he eameprcrtlaeaarlilch'CliariefiMcAlester. of the ‘citv of Philadelphia And America by ; indenture datedtho 28th day of May. A-D. 1829, Id deed ‘bbok 180, granted add-on. vcyed tmtelne said Isaiah Nathans,infee, recorded3lay ; No,fl^-Three-story Brick. Bake-House, No. thatthree-sloryhnckntessnage andioibL {ground, situate ontho south side of Mafgarcttasheet, be i tween Nowaiarxet and. Second stre«ta. aboufc da feet east of Seeond street;,thence extending eastward along the } south side of Marfaretta sheet SOTeetimore or less, to the ■SSf^ISSSIIiStSI T7feet?itocne«; (hence westward 10 feet; thenco north* ■ w*rdly;2Sfcet Binches; thence wwtwzrdly 20 feet, more: ror less, and thence Northwardly _35 feet 6 Inches, or there laboute, to the place of beginning.V Being the fame prc- Imlses which the Bank'ot NorthTUnerXca, by Indenture ’dated the2Bth day of May, A. D. 182% recorded May 29th, )A.®;lB2St> to deed hopfc ®. No: so,pagptlTPf fic.v; grantedandconreyeduntolstlahNathans-lufed. - | Noe. 4 and 6 —Two-etory frame store andjdwelling, and three-story Brick Hotel; known aa 4ho ’lEleven th Ward iHouee,” Noe. 124 and 126 CallowhlU etreet All those ’brick end frame; mereange. Mdriwp.contlgnoas joto of !ground siliite on tbe.oOih Hie of CallowhULLstrect, be ;tween Front and Second streets: contalnlng tocether in , ! frimtOriCallowhlUktreetw rdet anCL ln' dCtiUr 80 fdet Bounded E. by grojmd iate.or Jkme* Trimble. since of Jacob Wyman, - Shyi-ground' lato-ef -Thomoe-Mefore,- • > westward bygrounduteofLewieGoetzlngeivßelngthe ‘satherßremlree whlch Androw Bnsch r df »be rity of Fblta- :■ fdflpbia, akd’EUzabeth, hUf wife, by tadenture bearing 'datethe24thof October,A.D, 1831, recorded Octobe'2% ’A. D. 1831, to deed book A. Ma No >l6. page 629, 4tc.,granted 1 and conveyed unto Isaiah Nathans to fee; under and sub-. -iect, howeyeri: to the paymenfof two several yearly rent ’charges. th»t la to a»y, the. easternmost of the said two • contiguous lota to jCS sterlinz per i annum, and- thov west ! ornmost of the ssld lota to £2 sterling per armunh payable, -to the late proprietaries of Fennsylvanta,- thelthoira and IM No6.—FouMtory.BrickDwelling.'ko. 347 North Front ■ streetsektbndtog through to Water street, where It is - five-stories high.AU that bank messnage and lot of ground 'sitnate on the tank of Front and Wafer‘streets, 16 feet lo inches edmbwerd of CallowhlU street; containing In breadth north and south 13 feet-or thereabouts, and to ; length east and (west about 40 feet, more or less. Hounded north by the corner messuage and lotof Thomas Britton, • - eastward by Wate: street, southward by another hank messuage andlotlateoi Thomas Brittothandwestword by ■ - Front street aforesaid. Being the eamo premised whicn Jonathan Penroee. Esq.,*JUigh' Sheriff of the city and ■county ol Philadelphlm'by deed poll bearing date Ist of - April,'A.D,lBoo, acknowledged in open Supreme Court at ! Philadelphia. September 3d; A. V, •.•WO,', and; entered in: i book B„ p: 162, granted and conveyed untolsaacNathnns, ■ lD liy e tha Court - JOBEPH MEGARY.CIcrk O. C IL.THOMAS h SONS, Auctioueors. . : . - : - 139 and Ml Sonth Fourth street. M ORFHANB*COURT SALE.—EBTATB OF-MARY Q. L-eweliyn, dtccascd.—'J home.: ds- Sons, Auction eera —Pureuaut to an order of "the Orphans 1 Court for the city and county of Philadelphia, wUlbeaoldat public eale, on Tuesday, June 23, 1868, at 12 p clock, noon, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the. following do scribed property;; lateiofiMary O. -fiOwellynideceased viz; No. 1. Two story Brick Dwelling. Lombard street, weftol Ninth street,- All that twmetoiy brick messuage and lotof ground situate onthe south side of JjOixioard street, 198 feet west of Mnth street pcontalniugtu front on Lombard street 18 feet, and In depth 78 feet. .. Bounded on the cent by a mefßua*o and lofc 4 of grpuDa now.orlate bt Kobt'Beavf'.loh the tbuth by grouna formerly of Baron Hunt and Co., and on the wrat hr ground now or for merly of Kichard w. Bowlby and Win. Weaver*• Being the eame-premißea which BobertßiForten, aallmaker, hr indenture bearing date the ninth day of January, A- D. 18iLjrccoidedin the oDice for recording deeds, dfc., for the city and county Of Philadelphia, in deed boofcu.B.. No 25, page 124, Ac., granted and conveyed unto Fr&ncta J. Moore, hie heiia and. assigns forever; and by said Moore and wife, by deed dated the Sd day of November, A. D. 1642, and recorded,ln the said records on the 2d day of May, A, 1> 1813,Tn deed book- B. L. LU No. 4, page 190. conveyed unto Saimiel J* liewcUyn, now. deceased, and devised by the said Samuel B. Lewellyn, deceased, by hi? last will and teetaniene,'which waa duly proved and ap proved before the Register for the probate of wills In and for the city and cdunty of Philadelphia aforesaid, on tho. 10th day of March,. A D. 1858, unto the, eaid^fory^TiC* welJyn. ' . 1 No. 2. —Dwelling, Shippen ietreat. -Also, aB that lot of ground and the brick measuage, thereon erected, eitutte on the south jfide of Shippen etreet, <6 feet 1M inches east of Ninth eireet; front on Shippen etreet 19 feet lOfcfincbe?, and in depth 15 feet 3 inebee. Bounded on the we*t by ground late.' of;Mauiice McNamee, now of Phillis the-'aouth-by ground t*teof Cbarlcs ltizer, on the east by an alley d.fcetwide, left open by the eaid charles hirer; leading into, Shippen street: together with tbo common usd and privilege of said 4 feet wide alley leading into and from said Shippen etreet, as an alley, passage and watercourse at all times fordver; and also together with the common use' and prirflege of pnvy situate upon tho western line of said lot at all times forever. Being the eamo premises ‘which -alaunco McNamee. by indenture dated the £Bth day of June, A. D. 1837 and recorded in the offico for the recording of deeds in said county.io S. ILF.. No. 15, page 410, Ac., conveyed in fee eimple to George Platt, bj* whom, with his wife, it was afterward*, to wit, on tbe Bth day of pace 301 of raid records, cenveyed to Francis J. Moore, by whom, with bis wife, by deed dated Soptemqer 1U,1841, andrecorded4Abodk Gw 8,,‘N0.. 30, pdge 459 of said re cords.it was couveyed to said Samael D. Lcwellyn, by w bom it .was* in .bis last will and fceatameht, which was proved and approved m the office ef the Register of Wills, on tbe 10th day of Mflfch, A. D.’ 1858, devised to the said MarvG. Lewtllyn, deceased: ' By the Court, JOSEPH, MEGARY, Clerk O. G ISAAC MORTON, Administrator. M. THOMAB & SONS. Auctioneers. ]e3l3 20 IS9 and 141 South Fourth street —a. "ORPHANS’ fOURT SALE-ESTATE OP D. H. Ku? Brown.deceaeed.—'lhomaa & Sons,Auctioneers. Two- Jaiifcahd-a-half Story Frame Store and Dwelling and laiee Lot, N0;J453 Banov t-r street with five Threeistory Brick Dwellings id the rear, fronting on Rhil street; 40feet fronL. Pursuant to on order of the Oirhan’s Court for the city and county of Philadelphia, will be sold at public cafe, on Tuesday, June 23d,-1868, at 12 o’clock, noon, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following described property, late of D. H. Brown, deceased, viz: All that mes* nago and lot of ground thereuntor-belonging. situate oii Hanover street* Kensington, in the county of Philanelr rbia. Beginning at the corner of a2O feet wide alley by the hide oi enid street; thence along said street 40feet to a corner of a lotto be conveyed to Yost Becker ;thence hack from the street at a right angle, and by said Becker’s lot 14u ieetto a. corner -by the side of-a 12 ifeet wide alley; thence albug said alley v until it - intersects an other 20 feet wide alley; thence along the earno Uf eetU 1 * inches to the-ride'of the nlleyfiret mentioned, and thenco by the came 132 feet 3 Inches .to the corner first m ßy uTcburt, Jos! MEGARY. Clerk O. C. • - 5“,- - . JOHN WARD Executor. . ; ALICE ANN BRQWN, Executrix. Thc iraprovements are a 2>4-fitory frame store and dwell ing nnd large lot, northeet corner of Hanover and Rail street*, with 6 dweUlngs adjoining,front ing on Rh Btreet. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, mySoje!3,2o -- 1 139 and 141 South Fourth street. MREaL ESTATE.—THOM AS & SONS’ SALE.—, OnTnefiday. June 23d* 1868, at la o’clock, noon, will ; be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following aeecnbed property, viz: No. 1, three-etory brick itare and dwelling, E. corafer.of Front and Catlia nne streets. All tnatthree-atorybrick meseuago and lot of ground situate at the Bouth-eaat corner of Front and Cath erine fctreeta;containing in fronton Front eueetl? feet, and extending in depth r 6ofeet,Thoro or less. It ia occu pifcd.na a grocery and provision etore, and is a good busi ness stand. , t . Termt—s3,ooo toa^rSmiitf ; onLmbrtgage. , . _ No. 2.—Two 2J4-etory Brick DwelUogs,Nos. 1227 aud 1222 Conby gtreet.—AU thdse two 2)tf-atory brick messuages and tne Ipt ofground thereunto belonging, Bituate oatbo north Vide of Canby street. 67 feet east of Thirteenth at, Noe. 1227 and. 1229, containing 33 feet, and tn depth 37 feet • , ‘Tprms-rsl,ooocaßhonpach,-r' They will bVfcold separately. ~ No. S.—Two three-rory; brick Nc. 3ff. Beck's aUey, ; between Front"and Bwahson ana Christian and Queen street*.- All those twb; three-story- brick dweilinga and lot of ground, situate, on the side of 'Beck’s alley; N'o. SSVcontklnihg.lnfront lAfeet,tand'hi depth to ia lS fedtaDey. called'Umon alley; fronts on ;Beck.*sallcSP,'andtheotheron Umon auey; 1 / . i® ~ THOMAS & 80NS, Auttioneers, , r ’ 139 and 141 SouthFonrthjßtreot., COURT PEREMPTORY BALE.-E - of'.GeowEehcr, dec’tb—Thomairr&-Sanai“Aue ■B^tioneers.—Large and valuable Clay Lot, 6 acres* Ridge Road, northwestof Mifflimstreet. Pursuant to an Alias Order of the Orphans l -Court for the City and County ol Philadelphia* will be sold at public Bale, on Tuesday, June 83d, 1868, nt 12 o’clock, noon, at the Phila delphia Exchange. the foUowing'’deecribed property, late of George Esher* deceased* viz.: AU that lot of ground, in ihOr. SBtk* Ward ■of the. city of-Philadelphia, begin .6o J twOO}perfllJeft'N,.-W. of hUftllscßroa t thence, N. 06 deg. 59 min., west! (along said Ridge road) 6 44 100 perches to an angle or bend in sold Ridge road; thence extending further along said road north 07 deg. 5 min., west 12 48-100 perches to ground late of v ßobert Pollock; thence by said ground south 59 deg. 32 mlh., west 48 53-100 perches to a corner; thence still ny said Pollock’s ground south 34 deg. 37 min,, east 24 27-100 perches to a point in the line of land of Charles Dingoe; thence north 53 deg. 1 min, east 47 ,•6.100 ;perches; to thOvplafcn.bf beginning-;:containing 6 acres. 61610 perches. TUq .whole tract subject to.a lease (tor brick clay) of $350 per'annum, which expires on March Ist, 1870. Sale absolute. „ Terms—Cash. $2OO to be paid at the time of sale. By the Court, fu - - * JOSKPHYMEG A KY.Clerk O. C. J Vv - - vifiLLIAM ESBER, Administrator. M. THOMAS & SONS. Aucdonuere, 189 and 141 South Fourth etreef. M ORPHANS* COURT SALE—J2STAIE ; ;OF*.t JO : eeph Conrad* *'Son?, Auctioneers.— \ ■ Lot, Spruce atrect west of Fifty-second street* Pur- ■' Buantto an Alias Order of the Orphan*' Court for tho: City and County of Philadelphia, will be sold at public 1 sole, on Tuesday, Jnne’2sd,JSg3, at 12 o’clock, noon. at‘ tho Philadelphia Exchange, the following described property !n»e of Joseph Conrad, dec*(L. viz.: AUthutlot-. of' ground, situate on the north side of Spruce street 100 feet west of Fifty second street city ot Philadelphia;; contnining-in front on Sprnca street l(K):ieet n»drextQu<L. .iueindeplhTrtfeetfrMi-iufrecwidostreet*' 'j » t-'BSfCkariofaJllridTiHibn&ce.' V By lira Court. JuhEl’H ME<5 ARY, Clerk O 0; JtAHTHA F. (iONUAD, Administratrix, Jl. THOMAS & HON.-, Auotlmeere ’I . myit'A'lSia , ■ 139 and 141 Soulu Fourth street. 1 • :7:;B£AjLrEsxArrE':sw£s< t ; !*■» j.ORFHANS» CGUBT B 4L&-BBTATB OF,THUS ’ .■m;Lr<WOOJ^TON;• deceased.—ThomuMk Aue-, Thrc«-«tory Brick Dwelling No. 771 North Twentyfourtfi straet, r beWw Brown.street. Formant tozti order of theOrnhans'Coort for the City and- County of ThlWdelpnlz; win be sold at pobtle: saife-on Tuesday, Jono 23d, 1868, id 12 o’clock, noom at the Fhila delphla Ezchanso, the following described property, late OLThbmss L. Woolston,' deCeeaod. viz- all that three- Slory .brick.messnige toid lot of around, sltn&to-on tho elst slde of Twenty foortn Street;'® feet sooth of Brown Street; No, 771 i the Tot:containing In front on Twenty, fourth Etreet 16 feet,' incluOinß oil .tho northernmost slao thereof half ol sn sllcy 2 feet in width by ® feet in depth, left open for the nccommodatlanof this and the adjoining property to the t orth, and extending In depth 86 feet. Bounded north' partly by the northernmost cnoietr of the said alley, and partly bypremlsea now or Ute of Thomas L. Woolston. deceased, cast by ground now or late of' ’lhomasL. WooUton, deceased, south by messnago and lot of grotirld now or Uto of Thomas L. woolston, dec’d. and west by Twenty-fourth street aforesaid. - By tho Court. 1 JOSE hu meOARY. Clerk O. C, •; ! i. TAQY F. WOOLSTON; Administratrix. ; N; B.— I Tlie Improvements are a threestofybrick dwell- 1 mg. With two-stery back building; has the modern con veniences. —,, - ' M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneer,,, : . 139 and 141 Soutu Fourth atreot. i ie31820 ' ' MS, BEAL ESTATE—TIIOMAB & SONS’ BALE.- iSHandiome Modern Ttore-Btery Brlck Realdenco, Anorthewt corner of ’Nineteenth and Filbert 1 itfeete. un| Tuesday. June 23d« 18e8, at 12, o clock,' noon, rwill be Bold at public eaU, »t the Phlladelphia Kxcbango* all that handsome modem three-story brick messuage; with thxec-etory back building and lotof ground, situate at tho tooitheast corner of Nineteenth AndHEtlbert streets: con italnlDg ln front on Filbert street 18 feet, and extending in depth’along Nineteenth etreet 117 feet; reserving- to the ‘owners of the messuages and lota on tbc east the prlvh ilege of an alley across the northernmost 3feet?of thc«o ipremiets into and from Nineteenth street, until the niece 'of ground adjoiDfngto the north should havo/beca for a sweet. The bouse .Is. In most complete or* :der andyepfdr, and • has, alt 1 tlicr modern 1 conveniences; Jgaa introduced,' and cold wnater; stationary Iwaabatands, furnace, cookihg-tange; under drainage com 'iplftewAdi. ' I fir Clear of all * ■ ASTlmmedlate PoggeßBi<gu..ii.»> >i,< a • - • •ISTMay be examined any day previous to sale, i r*. . v ; M. THOMAS* SyNS. Auctioneers, ■ 141SouthFOWthstreet. . jttT- ADMINISTRATOR'S OF TAG Y. ■«§ Roberts, deceased—Thomoa dr Sons. Auctioneers. J*» Oil Uncsday, June 23d,186a at 12 o’clock, noom will be Sold at public sale. at tbe X J hiladefphta Excbange, thd following described property* vl«.:, No. L—Bdainesa loco, Modem Throe-story Brick Dwelling, No. 225 North Ninth atr&fc above Race street.’ AU that three-story brick' mefanOge and loVof* ground;'altuate on ther east aide of Ninlh street, ; 2lQ? of. Race street, No; 285: con l tiunlng; in front oh Ninth street 18 feet* and extending in [depth 93/eetto a lfifeet wide alley. ho altered to a iStore atasmall expense. • ; 1 : No. rerun d Rent, $M a year. ■AH that ground rent tof ®s4ayear, issuing out of a lot of ground on which -is terected a two story.mickbußdlng.'south side of Filbert irtreeVlfcdfeet from Tenth street, 18 feetiront, and 96 feet .deep. M. THOMAS <fc-SON3, Auctioneers,' ; J 3 20 *, lS9andl4lBouthForarth street. 1 REAL ESTATE—THOMAS «c SONS’ BALE.- Ilia Buiineca location, largo and valaabla Loa, Brood IJtkk.axd Kodroanatreeta, between Lombard.and South i ebteet*. 80 feet fronVira feet deep. OnTuesdav, June 23d, 18C8. Ktl2 o’clock, noom wlll bo sold at puhllceale, 'at the Philadelphia Exchange, all those 4 contiguous lota iof ground, sltuaco on ,tbe.west.aide of Broad street, be - tween- Lombard and South streets. Nos.; ML 513,615 and ; M 7, corner of R6draan street; each containing m fronton ;Broad street 20 fect, and extending in depth Io3feotto a i 6 feet wide alley:'On the lot situate on;the comer of 'Rodman street,!? erected a brick coaf office and. Wagon •house. 1; ; ' "• MT Clear of all Incumbrance. v , Tenna-rOne-quarter cash- They- will ; be told'sepa* . ratcly. • M. THOMAB * SONS, Auctloncorii, ", ; Je6,13&20 4 ; ,139 and 141 South Fburth etreet , MKEAL ESTATE—THOMAS d( SONSt SALK— Three-story Brick Dwelling. No. 2049 Hand street, between Fine and 1 Lombard and .Twentieth and ! Twen tyjiretstreets,.with a three-etoo'’ brick' dwelling in i tbe r rear.''Gn Tuesday, June 23d, 1868,. atja o’clock, noOn, will be'sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia 1 Exchange,''all that lot of ground, with the improvements ’ thereon erected, sitm te on the north side ,of Hand (late ; Harrison) etreet, 63 feet east of .Twenty-first street. No. •;2049; containing in fronton Bandatreet 15 feet ID inches, : and extending in depth 40 feet. Tbe improvements con sist of a three-story brick dwelling fronting on Hand ! etreet. No. 2049, and a three-story brick dwelling in. tbe rear, with gas, <Src. v ->’• • '■ ; of all Incumbrance. Terms—Casln xH&tAS dt SONS. Auctioneers, , 3c41320 ' ; j 139 and 141 Sooth Fonrth street. ’ M BEAL ESTATE. —M. THOMAS .. dr SONS* SALE..—Handsome modern three-story, brick real* dencei No. 1604 Green strett, west of Sixteenth ! street, 18 feet front, 131& feet deep,. rOnTueslay*. Juno 23d* 1868, at 12o’clock, noon; will beeold at pubic eale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that handsome modern three-story brick messuage. with thrce-BtoiT back, build ing and lot of ground; situate on thetonth Bide of; Green street,, west of Sixteenth street. No. 1604; containing In fronton Green street IBidet, and extending In depth. 121 feet 6 inches to an alley. It has - alt the modern convo i nicncee; gas introduced, bath, hot ana cold water, water cloict, furnace, cooking range, tec. Terms-$6,000 may remain on mortgage. Immediate possession. _ . .« M.MHOMAS * SONS, Auctioneers, 139 and 141 S. Fourth street jeljb2o-N —W nv.A\r, . F.STATE.—THOMAS. &SONB* SALES.— , win! Modem three-story Brick No. 233 G Green of Twenty third street 40 feet front,' 125 feet deep< uJn Tuesday, Juno 23d, 1868; at 12 o’clock, noon, will be gold at public sale, at the Philadelphia,Ex change, all that modern three-story brick messuage and ; lot oferoend, situate on the south Side of Green street, \Vcet of Twenty-third street. No. 2320; the lot containing ' in-froot on Green street 40 feet, and oxtending in depth 125 feet to Pennsylvania avenue. The house haa the •. nudem.convcoicnces; gas, hath, hot and cold water, fur nace. cookingTange.ifcc. ; garden planted with grapevines, ! fruit trees. Ac. Terra*-$6 600 may remain onmortgage, -. „ Immediate possession.. - _ • . M. THOMAS&BONB. Auctioneers, Jel3 20 139 and 141 South Fourth Btreot M DEPUTY ESCHEATOR’3 PEREMPTORY SALE.- Estate of Jonathan Chapman, deceased. Thomas <h Sons, Auctioneers. Ground Rent $9O a year. On Tuefdav, JuneiJOth, 1868. «tl2 o’clock, noon./willtoo Bold at public tale, at the rhihidelphio Exchange, all that yearly ground rent of $9O, navablo Ist of April and Octo ber. lawful eilver money or tho United States, each dollar weighing 17 peony weights and 6 graine, issuing out of all tbnt lot of ground, 1 situato on tho north side of t>uriug Garden street, 164 feet cast of Kleyehib street; containing in iront 16 feet, and in depth, on the east line, 72 feet 9 1m hee, and on tbe west lino 74ieet6 - 1 e inches. $lOO to be paid tit the time of sale. 1 By order of S. N; Rich. Deputy Eechoatre, 136 South Sixth street.. . - M. THOMAS Si SONS, Auctioneers, mj2l-SO,junel3,2o 139 and 141 South Fourth street M RP. AT, ESTATE -THOMAS & SONS’ BALE.- Frame Dwelling. Pear street, Hestonville, Block ley Township, vVest Philadelphia.—On Tuesday, June 23d, 1868, at 12 o’clock, noon, will be sold at public sale. •* at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that frame dwelling and lot of ground, situate iu Hestonville, 810 k ley Townthip, West Philadelphia, beginning at a point middle of Pear street, 160 feet northwest of ave nue, between Franklin and Apple, streets; thenco 'south w'tetwardly 86 feet; thence northwardlyBBfeet; thenco northeastwardly 63fe*frto the middle of Pear'strcet, and thence scutheaetwardly along, the same 25 feet te the place qf beginning SONS. Anctionoert, •> je!3,2Q ' ' ' ■ 139 and 141 South Fourth etroet MSALE BY ORDER OF HEIRS.—THOM AS & Sons, Auctioneers.—Business Location-Three story Brick Dwelling,ho. 823 uherry Btreot. westof Eighth street, with atw o.story Brick. Dwelling in the rear on Mint-street.—On Tuesday, Juno 23d, 1868, at 12 .o’clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Ex change, all that three-story brick dwelling and lot of .ground, situate on the north side of Cherry street west of Eighth street. No. fc23; containing in front on Cherrv Etrect 15 feet (including an nlley), and extending in depth 132 feet to Mint etrecton which street Ja a two-story bnck dwelling. _ - ~ BSr Clear of all incumbrance. Terras—Cash. ; M. THOMAS &SON 3, Auctioneers, . je13,20 • 139 and 141 South Fourth street MREAL ESTATE. —THOMAS £ SALE.- Two-atory Brick Dwelling, Nq. 1134 North Third street, above Poplar street, with a three-story bnck dwelling in Hie rear;—On Tuesday, June 23d, 1868, at 12 o’clock, noon, will be-eold at public Bale, at the Phila delphia Exchange, all that two-story brick messuage and lotof ground, situate on the: west aide of Third street north of Poplar, No. 1134; containing in fronton Third street 13 fett, and extending in depth 80 feet to an alley 14'feet wide, on which is erected a threo-Btory brick dwelling. ■ Subjectto ayearly groundrentof $6l. ■ ; ■ m, THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneers, je61320 , 139 and 141 South Eourt|istreet. ..SALE BY ORDER OF HEIRS-ESTATE OF —r ‘IB Hood; deceased.—'i'liomtw & Sons, Auctioneers.— tlo. BuMnttes Stand, '— ‘i hree-etory Brick Store and Dwelling, N.W. corner Front and Queen streets, wltha Frame Dwelling adjoining on Queen street OnTuoaday, Jurie 23d.1668.at 13‘ o’clock; noon. Will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that three-story brick store'and dwelling and lot of ground, situate at the D-W/comer of Front and Queen streets.: containing in frorit-on Front street IB feet, and extending In depth 83 feet■ • ‘ - t •• ** ; Alsoi h tw6-Btory frame dwelling oh Queen fltreet,lBfeot fropt by 48 feet dec feos . AS '^ oNg , Aiict(oneßra _ • jelB 2(> '• : ■ • • '139 and 141 South Fourth street* *;* HEAL ESTATE.—THOMAS & SONS* SALE - Redeemable Ground Rent sl9&ayaar.‘ i/n Tuo.*dav. ljuno 23d,’ 1868,’ at 12 o’clock, noon, will ho sold at public sale. at the-Philadelphia Exchange, tilL that re deemable ground rent of $lO5 & year .payable first of Fob ruaryand-Atunst issuing out of . a lot of ground situate ■on the east-side oLTwelfth street 880 feet nor;hofrMaster street: containing hrfront on Twelfth- street 80 feet ana extending in depth 173 feet to Mervine street on which is erected a three-story brick wheelwright shop. Interest jeit2Q • ‘i 189 and lil S; Fourth street M". REAL ESTATE. THOMAS SONS’. SALE -Two-story Frame Dwelling, .No.- 712 south Sixth street south of fibippen Tuesday. Juno 23d, 1868. v atJ2 o’clock, noon, will bo sold at public sale, at the -Philadelphia’Exchange,: alt that twO-story fratno dwelling and lot of ground, situate on tho. west Bide of :Sixthatre*>t south of Bbippen containing in front on Sixth itrect 16 feet 8 inches, and extending In dtpth 68 feet' more or less -; . / v ' Subject to a yearly ground rent of $lB 84100. ~'vA Terms—Half the purchase money may remain for three yean. r\ 3L THOMAB & BONS, Auctioneers, ■jelSSO 189 and Wl SouthJ'ourth atrect. "'ms, REAL ESTATE-THOiIAB & SONS* SALE. r Lot chestnut HillrTweutysecond* “ ar , ( f, June 30th, 1868. at 13 o’clock, noou,.will btisold: at Public etUe. at the Philadelphia; Exchange, all thptaotof ground,Chestnut Hill, Tp-enty-tu-cond ward, *bej*i fining at a etone oriThe northeoet aide of the Chestnut JbLiil Railroad, a corner of Und now* or late of Samuel 11. Austin; thence by said Amlin's land N. 41 aeg. 1 165fc'et6inchestOBtJOthercornqrHtoueon the loutuwest eideof .ProTetitiavenUvtlheTjce aloDg theteald southwest aide of 'Piospeetuvwin'o south 49deg ILmin-v L. -0o futt B>6 Inches to a stake on the northwest ejd., of Child a aja nue; thence along the said northwest eido of»ne said thUd’a avenue south 88 deg 42 min. west fatt b,*/??; 'cheato.a>tak«:ontiie,nortiicad eide O J. "UisdiOKO; them*along* the suid> side th.-reol n .rth-4o dip. 3mln . weat 200 fot-t to thr* plitreof •» ; - & THOMAS *SONB;“Atictiooecnr,- ;; ji-122027 i; k 189 and 141 South rOlu AfitroOw BEALFBTATE BiiLEB« MKfcA L fcBTATE.—THOMA 8 ft BONBV BALK- L*tg6 BttiSaUtgLok Third4toe»hhetWeexr Norrisand W*rd< andl'Ctf feet deep. On Tuesday, Jane 23,18®, at IS b’cl<&& noon, will be eoldaf 'public? sa!e,±fcfhe PbJlOdelpfcle Exchange, all that lot of ground, rttuate on tho west tide of Third etreot, • 114feetsouthof Dlatnopd strecty 19th Ward: eontdlulng n front on 'Jhlrd street 112 Teet, and extending in depth lOSfecr6lnches toOriana*lr«t~twofrants. .: . • J3T?-Ctearofall incumbrance. Terms—Cash,* ••••••- M. THOMAS ft SONS; Auctioneers, : ‘jmsfl - ! v r ~ <:m andmSopthFottrtSgQSefc" MA BEAT/ ESTATE.—THOMAS ft SONS* BALE. i 1-'Very desirable Lot, 8. E comer of Forty-second and. Market Streets, 65 feet front—On Taetday, Jane 23d, 1668, at 12 o’clock, noon, *lll be sold at public sale, at tbe Philadelphia Exchange, all that very desirable lot of 'around, situate at tho couth cast comer of Forty-second and 'Market streets, (Chestnut avenue will run on tbe west fide of tbe property—said Chestnut avenue or Forty ' second street being the same 0 containing in front S 3 feet, "and in depth 100 feet. Terms—Half tho purchase money mayremalnongrotma .rent.' 139 and 141 South Fourth street 4fA PUBLIC SALE-ON THE.PBEMIBEB—THUMA 8, IBM & Sonfe,-Auctioneers.—Tract of land, known as MSIL'* Coulter*A EirtiteJ’-vvillrbesoldaccoruiDflto a plan, vlx: 141 desirable lotsj_ Chelton avenue, School street, CoUlte'vPenn,- Queen; Kno*, Hansberry# wayne, Morris, Pulaski and Laurens stnftts, and WLw&bickon avenue, 'Germantown. 1 On Saturday, Juno 27,1963. a(;4 o’clock. Willbesold atpubllceajo.on thp premises, all those 141 •lots of ground, markedon a plnn of And Coulter* pro* ipbrtyVwofcl toMl* fronting‘on Cheltott -avenue,: Wusa* hickon avenue, and School. Penn. Queen, Haneberry, .Wayne, PhlahkL Morris, Laurens and Knorstreets They will he eold'accof ding to said plan . wbich may oobad at the Auction Booms, iS9 and 141 South Fourth street. - ~ , u . , M. THOMAS dt auN&fflactlonbeia, . JclB 2022,25 , • . IS9 and 141 BoutnFourth street ■ :MA TBUBTEB7B BALE.—ESTATE OF FREDERICK {BHa Haas, deceased. Thomas ft.Bons, Auctioneers.' Two- BsSetdiy brick Dwelling, No. asTJotth Third street, above Green street., On Tuesday. June 80tb« f 186 A • at la, o’clock, noon,'Will be sold at public solo at (ho rnfladel phia fckchanges*all that two story and lot of ground, situate on the east side of Third street, at tho diets nee of 107 fee tv n orihward : from* Green street* con taining in front onThiid street 18 feet, Including onehalf 'of a three-feet wide alley,one story in height; left open for - the common nse of this And (he adjoining property to 1 the southward; and in depth of that wldtn 115 feet to a 15 j feet wide allcyaeadlngfrom Green to Coatee streets, with : the free use ana privilege thereof; ! By order Of THOMAB J. CLAYTON.EJq., Truatec. : <•'■! ? i'-HL THOMAS* SONS, AucUoneei* . Je182027 y. 139 ; and 1418oulhFourth street. MBEAL JrBTATE—THOMAS ft SONS*-SALE.— Modem three-story brick E. comer 'Fourth and Y> illow streets; O*.Tuesday, June 30th, 1868. at 12 o’clock, noon, will bo Sold at public sale, at tho Philadelphia Exchange. all that modem threfretory brick manage, three story hack buildings and. tot of. ground, situate at the northeast.comerof Fourth and'Willow streets; containing In front on Fourth street 20 feet, and extending in depth 9Qfcct4 Inches- It-baa the gas intro duced, bath, hoc anA cold water, water closet, cooking ran re* furnoce,Ac.ft ’ • of all iinTumbrance. Terros—ss,ooo mayremain on mortgage. Possession Uth September. :•'••■ M.'THOMAS ft SONS. Auctioneere. JeJB 20 g? ; ' •; . 139 and 141 South Fourth street M PUBLIC SALE.—THOMAB *ft SONSyATJO tloneere,—Handflome Country Residence, with stable and coach-house, Mehl street, Germantown, between Duy’eandFbbcr’slanes; lot9o feet front. On Tuesday, June3oth.T66B, at l2o’clock,noon, will bo Bold:at public sale, ,at the Philadelphia, Exchange, all that weil-bullt 3Js*stoTy Btone dwelling, with two-story bock building and : lot of ground, situate on (be westerly side of Mehl /street between Duy’s and Fisher's lanes, within about3oo feet of the main street, Germantown; the lot containing in front ;on Mehl street 90 feet, and*extending in depth 108 feet, iThe bouse Is: well ibuiir, of best materials, and lined • throughout; has transoms overall the chamber doors; :parlor.hall, dining-room and two kitchens on tlio first ; floors verandahs front and back; bath, hot and Cold 'water,, furnace, cooking range, gas oven; gas pipes , throughout the house. Also, frame stable and coach ' house. • ■ * 1 / 25TClear of all incumbrance. . • • Terms—sB,6oo may remain on mortgage. : Immediate possession. „ . „ . ' . A garden adjourning, 60feet front, can be purchased at rivftte eala. M. THOMAS b HONS, Auctioneers, Je18.20.27 139 and 14X Booth Fourth etreat. - ORPHANS' COURT SALE.—EBTATB OP DANIEL McGee* deceaced.—Thomae Sone,-AuctlonediN Biia Brick bail ding andrliop, with 4 three etory brick dwellings Swanson street; between Queen and Christian streets. Pnrsnsnt to an order of tho Orphans’.Coßrt for the City ana County of Pniladelpbia. will be sold at pub lic sale, on Tuesday, Junc3otb, 1868, at 12o’clock, n-ion, at the Phiadelphia liichango, the followi; g described prop erty, iato of Daniel McGee, deceased, yiz: Alltaat lot of gronndiwlihthe brick buiidine, shop and 4. three-story brick messuates thereon erected, situate on the west side ; of Shsaneon street, between Queen and Christian'stroota, in the late Distiiet of Southwark, now the city of Phila delphia: containing in front on Swanson street 18 feet, and in depth.l2B feet, moro or less- Bounded westward by ground of William Faulkner,! northward by ground foriucrly by the widow David; southward byaSOfoet wide ; street, now called Beck street, formerly Beck’s alloy, and eastward by the said Swanson street. _ Bsrtoe Court, JOSEPHMEGARY, Clerk O. a , . . JANE McGEE, Executrix. N.8.-Each of said 4 three-story brick honeea have 4 t rooms and a basement kitchen, aha are 14feet In breadth ; nud th 6 width oi said lot as before mentioned, all fronting on an alley orcourt, - m.THOMAS is SONS, JeS.2O-27. Anctioneers, 139 and 141 South Fourth St fil PUBLIC SALE.—THOMAS '& SONS, AUCTION- Rieera— tiuperior and Elegant Residence, Stable and iiCoach houße. and large Lot, 79 feet front (widening to 116 feet) and 216 feet in depth, northeast comer or Eigh teenth and Summer streets, opposite Logan Square. On Tuesday; Junc23d, 1868, at 12 o’clock, noon, wilt he sold atpublic sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange; all that large and superior mansion and 3 contiguous lota of ground, situate on the N. E. comer of Eighteenth and Summer st. cots, opposite Logan cqnare; containing in front on Eighteenth street 76 fect,and extending in depth, fronting on enuimerstreet, 216 fwet, widening nt tho dis tance of 150 feetirom-Eigbteentb street to 116 teet and extending ol that increased width of 116 feet to Winter sti eet, making a third front, with outlet also through Au tumn street into Vine Btreet. Tho stable and coach nouse, with dwelling for coachman attached, fronts on Winter street. The mansion fronts on lighteonth sreet, oppo site the eh gant public square; is four stories high, 52 feet front, 45 feetin depth, finished throughout in superior style, ana replete with the modern improvements; and conveniences; brick, water drains, connecting with the public culvert, are laid throush the cellar,and around the exterior of the house. .Gaa chandeliers and fixtures in cluded in sale. Immediate possesion of tho dwelling; It Is altogether a superior, commodious and very desirable residence, oppoelteono of the most elegant public Eonaresinthlacity. ' . . ... May be examined any day previous to tho sale,bctweon the hours of 10 und 12 o’clock. .. , . Terms- $22,000 may remain on mortgage, or the whole may be paid in cash,at the option of the purchaser. Flan at the'Auction Booms. • i t, • M. THOMAS ft SONS, Auctioneers. jelB 20 22 139 and 1(1 S. Fourth street. REAL ESTATE.—THOMAS & SONS’ SALE.- Wjjt'Bußinecß Location—Ttiree-etory Brick Dwelling. No. Hat 816 Arch street, 20 feet fi ont, 147 feet deep., On Tuoa day. June 80th, 1868, at 12 o’clock, noon, will bo.Bold at public tale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following described property,viz.: No, L—All that three-story brick messuage, piazza, kitchen and lot of ground thereunto belonging, situate on the eolith side of Arch street. No. 816, between Eighth aud Ninth streets, in the Ninth Ward; containing in fronton Arch street 20 feet, and In depth 147 feet to a court or piece of ground, 10 feet in ; width north » nd sr utb. by 40 feet in length east and west, left optn and at all times forever to remain open as a passage u a> and w* ter-couree for the common nec and accommo dation of this and the adjoining ground in continu itionof a 10 ftetwide alley extending therefrom westward into >aid Ninth street. Together with <ha freeuse.andprivi. lego of the afoieeaid court or piece of ground, and of the said 10 feet wide alley hading into-and from thtveaid- Ninth street And also the free use, right and privilege of a certain water-course passing through and over the next described lot into filbert street; in common with the owners and occupieisof the other lots entitled thereto. No. 2 Brick Stable and Coach House. All that lot of ground aod two brick stables and coach houses thereon erected, situate oa the south .side of a certain court or piece of ground 10 feet in width north aud south, by 40 feetinU ngth east and west 158 fett west of Eighth etroet 'Ninth Ward; containing in front on said court 4sfeet, end 4nd-ptbsouthward 43 feet; together with the free use and privilege of the aforesaid court or piece of ground, ond of tbe said 10 feetwido alley luadiug into and from the said Ninth street. Subjoct to a certain water-course passing through, and over the said lot into FUbert street, and tpgpthtr with the iight, liberty aod privilege of put .ting and keeping windows in the southernmost wall of the said stables and'cOach houses,'and of placing aud keeping blinds theveiu, so as not 'to overlook the adjoin iDgpremipeE. oud also the right and liberty to extend tho eaves ui the stable root over the south wall thereof, as the.samo is now constructed at all times forovflr.. And i»i 'order to securellght and air to the stables, the owners of •said adjoining premises will notat any time or times put or BUffcrito bo put or placed within three feot oF the south wall of the said stables and coach house*, any buildiiig oc obattuction w hatover, save the privies os uow built and used. , ~ . .. Possession given in thirty days. _- • - Terma—cne-half the purchase money may remain on moitgago. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctionere. n- 139 and 141 Bouth Fourth at ' BT-.AT. ESTATE—THOMAS it SONS’ SALE.— fin? On Tuesday, June 30th, 186a,at 13 o’clock, noon. -.Built will be Bold at public Halo, at the Fhiladelphla Ex change, the followtog described property; vizl.-* Four-etory Brick Store and Dwelling, south westcorner : of Marshall and Spring Garden streets: *nd a FauMtory Brick Dwelling adjoining; fronting on Marshallstreet.— All those brick meesagea and the lot of ground, situate at flOuthwest corner of Marshall ana Spiiug Garden streets; containing In front on Spring harden feet, and on Marshall street 63 feet, the w ,ff * 4 U^ b ?n?fL«? feet in depth; thence extending W. 9 feet 4 inches, thence S. 8 feet 3 kches: thwnce E. 1 foot 5 «hhnpj> w n fi>et luincbec; thenco o. 7 loet w inches to a 3 feet alley, UeudJug_ luto thence E. along raid allcy37 feet BJ4 iucbea to Marshall Bh-eei The house. No. Old Mara hall street, is buht over paid alley, together with the privilege, os nowused. of a Etiin of CTound of tho 8 E. corner of the property adjoin ing on tfiowert in width 1 footBinches, and In.depth on ihS north liLo7 feet 6 inche, and on the south line 9 loot 4 inches to the “eight of 6 feet 6 leches abwe the pave inent The improvements ore u four-story brick store and dtnllinii. comer of Marshall and Spring Garden streets, briik dwelling ndfoiulug. front ingonMareballstreet,No. fits, The roof and surface. water drains, water-closets all connect with tho culvert. Clear of ail incumbrance. Terms cash No. 3 Four story Brick Store and Dwelling, No 600 Snring Garden street, adjoining the above. AH that tour, sto'y Irlrk store ai d dwelling and, lot of ground, situate on U e south ride of sprint; Garden street, adjoining tho above on the tied, N o, ,608; .containing In tront ,on spring ’ Garden >treet 18 feet, and in deotb on the oast lino 83 foot ■liLches: thence W 9 feat4lnchesj thence E. 8 feet 3 in ches; theuceEr IfootfthencuS. S feot; thence Wn 3 feet 10 inches: thence N. 43 ft ct 3Jf inches to Spdng .Garden street, reEiTvingtiothotiroswirtv. adjoining to tno east too privilege ot using fon-ver nttA pa Hago w*yi a» ho la now umd. attrip of ground of tlio 8 E. cornorof this lot 1 foot 8 Inrhtti fronti'aUU 7 feOt 6 rinch** deep on tho DOith Hue, aud on tlifc*buth line 9 feet 4 Inchee to tho height of-if foot dinthe® Above tin. pAvoulen;. Tho roof and turf-we water and privy counect wimculvott. ! , rs?'\ 1« ai of Mllincmubrauc-. Tcm»Bc*eh; > • will oe told tipcordlug to aaurvey made: Fob. Hlhastfi. It, Ed. 1) Jtoh. rts, surveyor and Kegulatorr •Foirth District, which plan i.uuy b« aeeu at tho Auction llooTue, ' M THO'fAH * SONB. Auctioneer*,’ 129 uud HI South Fourth street. jelS 20,27 * V M S u^.i-HAaR-tXniCTaAI^-EaTAfiFdBL\>^r. Griffin, \ ; streetfeMts Eight)f . " ' Purtuantto an orderof the Ombaits* CourtfctthoCtWk ; and County ofPhiladelphia,will-bo sold at public Mlfe, on Tuesday,' jnne'flCthr,lBCB. atl2 attl uj j Philadelphia Exchange; the foUowin*de«^6^propcrrtyvj,« Isteof William. Grtmn, deceased. viz*s JUV that three*?- story brick messu age and lot of grotmdsuaate on ; tfcaf•: north side of Pine street. iw fast weit of - containing in front cm Pine street feet»an<ioxtencingr.-—- in depths . 183 fcet ,$8 , ,ta v .’a: , 1 feet wide toEighth streets* ' laid out and thrown open oy the coutri tmtdra to the Fcun-j . ; eyivania Hospital for publici use forever,-called. Bjt?dayr : street. Bounded eastward by a lot of ground, conyeyed- * to William B. HartzelV and afterwards to SaraU Cope- ... Hand, northward by Barclay street, westward by «me«a» . age and lot now or lato of Samuel Brown., Being ?th£s - • same premises which were by Charles Atw a to rand r wi fa : j. S anted and conveyed unto the said decedent* Win. -Grif- . i, in fee, bydted dated the 2d of December* A>JD; 1337*.,, recorded in the office for the recording of deeds, . < for ibe. city of Philadelphia, indeed book.W-* tSrrrNdr 8r- p«go fas* &c. ■■■ On^half^cf 1 the ' jnir-. .* chase money, being the share of Eliza Griffin, widow ot said decedent; shall- lemain in the' uanda of the pnr-/, t V : chaser during the natural life .Of the said , widow, aac- > : shall be secured and charged on the premises,’and tho itt£V terest thereof shall bef retfalarlvrpaJdto;herby;tftft pur* *-'/» ; chaser, his heirfc and assigns, holdmc the premise*,-to bo* y\ recorered by distress orotherwise, as rents 4 recoverable* ■ in thiscortimonwealth.and Athor decease her share of th*>, . said purchase money shall be paid to the person*’legallym entitled thereto., ~ •*..«> .. Br the Court,' . ’ ' ' . •- ••• ~&• * JO§EFH MJ2GARY, ClerK. Orphans* Court;' . EUZAGiOFFIri; Administratrix, ; 4 » >• N. B.- Tbo house 1» well and substantially, buflkona, has All the modem conveniences; has taree-story back : buildings, gas, bathVhotfand cold water, furnace, I ranee. Ac. ' • •vf-;h s*". - iL THOMAS ft. SONS, Anctioneen, ;- “ - Je92oiW •; 139 and MiSouthFourth gtreei. ASSIGNEES* PEREMPTORY, BALE.r-THOiIA& ■m^Sons* Country P?ac£‘ 100* acre®, •■skparratt, Paradise township, Htisre* county,.: Pa. OnTucaday, June 3tth,1&68, at. is o’clock, noon; jwiU bo sold at public sale, without reserve, sit* the. Philadelphia . Exchange,' alt that country place of 100 1 acre® Ana W percbesjuluatein: Barratt, Paradise itOwnship.ijMdnroo r. county, Pennsylvania. Beginning at astone on Unopf land 1 • surveyed in the name of Cornelius Dupue; thence by tho 6- deg., W. 80 perches toa stone, 8. 40 deg., WV . laXpcrches to a stone; thence by land of Richmond Compton N. 60 dea,W. 70 perches toa stone, 40 deg., E. 64 ptrches to a atone; thence by Und In warrantoo. name of Jacob Corgis, 8.60 deg, E. 76 perches to a stone, N. 40 deg.,'R. IMMperchesv thence by other landof Rich, mond Comptons. 17 deg..E. 86'percnea. to a stone, B,«> deg., W. 124 perches to the place .of btginmng,: The Im-. provemrnta are a two and half story frame dwelling,- about 40 feet frontvby 25 feet deep, with frame; barn, 40 by about 00 feet. The property is about three quarters of a mile from Oakland Station., on the Delatvare/Xdcka wannaand Westernßailroad, ff bours* ride from PpUa- 1 . delphia, and about the same distance; from New'Vork, Access from Philadelphia can be had by.tne Belvidere . R ailroad. There Is excellent gunning and trout fishing In .the immediate locality. * Sold subject to a mortgage of $6OO. w-gale Absolute, . • M. THOMAS & SOilS. Auctioneers, je620&37 - : 189 and 141 Booth Fourth street . M PEREMPTORY SALE. THOMAS & SONS* Auctioneers.—lB3 Very Desirable Cottage - Sites* Care May, Mew Jersey. On Saturday, July 26th*i 1808, at 11 o'clock, will be sold at public sale, without re serve, on the Premises, all those very desirable and beau* tlfully located lots, commanding an unobstructed view of the ocean, about 1,200 feet from tho most beautiful and safe bathing grounds in tho world, the -same distance from the principal hotels, and about SCO feet from 1 the railroad depot.' The increasing popularity of Capo»May as a watering place, its unequaled bathing grounds, fine* fertile country in the rear, and now brought by railroad within 3 hour** ride of Philadelphia; and 7 hours from: New York atd Baltimore,offers inducements for purchas ing a site tor a summer residence that cannot be again ob tained In ro desirable a location. , . ... . • ' - A plan can bo hao. and further information obtained,on application at the office of M. Thomas :<h Sonß».. Auctions eers, 139 and 141 South Fourth street, Philadelphia, or U. B. Swain, Surveyor, Cape Island, N.J. , g-gf* gale absolute.' • M. THOMAB * SONS. Auctioneer*, jc62027 jy4lllB lfe and X4l South Fourth street. MREAL’ESTATE-THOMAS &;SONB»*SAta * Three-story Brick Dwelling, No. 906 North; Fifth street,, above Poplar street, with a three-story../ brick dwelling fronting on Poplar street. Uo Tuesday, / June 30th, 1868. at 12 o’clock, noon, will be Bold at pubuo sale, sttbe Philadelphia Exchange, all tooso brick, mes suages and the lot of ground thereunto belonging. situate ... on the west side of Fifth street, 44 feet north*of Poplar . street. No. 906; thence extending westward 66 feet 2?* . inches; thence south 2ifeet 2% inches to Poplar street; , thence westward along Poplar street, 16 feeti thence north 34 feet %of an inch; thence east 06. feet 6?£ inches . to Fifth street; thence south aJongtha same 18 feet totbe . placcot beginning. The improvements are; a three-story brick dwelling, occupied as a barber shop, and is a good bueinees stand ;• has back building, gas. bath, . &c.» BDd a throe-story, brick dwelling, NO.-607 Poplar street; has two-story back building, gas range, &e. g3Zf“Clear of all incumbrance.' ' Terms cash. • ‘ i -... ;i. : ;M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, , Je18.2Q.27 . , • 139 and 141, South Fourth street. • EXECUTORS' 8 & .SONS, AUC- BljjltioKeerfl. Three story Brick Dwelling, No. ,1248 ■■uigMascherstreet, between Front aßdJ3ecoridstreets, and above Girard (avenue, Seventeenth ward--On Tues day, June 80th, D6B. at 12 o’clock, - noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that three story brick messuage and lot of grouiid, situate on the east side of Maecher street, above Girard avenue; No. 12431 tho ■ lot containing in,front on Maecher street 12 feet, more or lees, and extending in depth 63 feet; more or less. Tho house contains 8 rooms; has gas, yard planted.with grape vines, peach tree, (fcc. ' . • tST Clear of all incumbrance. - Immediate possession. ... . ■ M. THOMAS & SONS, Auct're, J 013.20.27 139 and 1413» Fourth street; ■ Mbale by order of heirs.—estate of Auctioneer.—Valuable Property. 20>dacres. Old York road, James S. Boyer,deceased.—James A. Freeman* . belowTborp’alane,Twenty-second Ward—On Wcdnoa. day, July 1,1868 at 12 o’clock, noon, will be sold atpubUO ' sale, at .tho Philadelphia Exchange, the following do scribed real estate; All that valuable tract of landfiltuata on the west Bide of the Old Yorh road, beginning at a.- point in the middle of the old York road (*a corner of land.. of Charles H. Rogers’*, Esq >; thence extending along the same 8.2 deg. 23min., W. 70t;u feet; thence still along the same S. 18 deg. 36 min., W. 134 feet 6M inches: thence at right ansles to Broad'street N. 78 deg. 30 min., VV r feet 9)6 inches; thence N, 9 deg.,E. 6 deg. ,651 feet 8 inches thenco S. 87 deg. 28 min.; E. 1,186 feet ai£ inches to tha beginning. about 20 acres and 81 perches,*" more or less. • , - - • t Ibis property ia adjoining the elegant residence off CbarhsH. Rogers, Era,' and opposite that of Joseph ~v Swift. Eeq.Vou tho Old York road, and adjoins tho estate* of William Logan Fisher, deceased, -Broadstreet Is now. opened to flisher’s lane, a short distance, belo w tkujpqiw. perty.'and the vicinity is rapidly- increasing in ' Broad street. Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets, domersvilUfc avenue and Clarkson avenue., all'intersect it. The provehienls comprise a substantial stone dwelling; with ptabh, barn and outbuildings, Fino springy; about-70- fruit trees; fiUbearing, pears and apples smallTrult, Ac. • 'I be above will bo divided and sold in lots, according to a plan made (by Jesse Lightfoot siirvoyor; one tract waft the dwelling and new frame barn thereon,* coutamiagjpj* acres, 3r00d5,3 37 perches, and thootherhaylnga stoue attl frame barn thereon, containing 19 acres, 1 roqd and W perches ofland, more or less. • ■ . Plans abo w ing the streets, <fec., may be examined at the store. - . Occupancy with the derd . , , „ _ W $250 to bopaid on each at the time of sale.’ Terms at Sale.* -Byorderof the Heirs. JAMES A* FREEMAN* Auctioneer, ; je18.2Q.23. Btore, 423 Walnntstceet, • ADJOURNED ORPHANS’ COURT SALE ~ MZ Estate or John Bigonett, deceaBed.-r~Jftinca Au Free* man, Auct’oneer.—Stone Dwelling and Lot, ,Roxbo roueh. By virtue of an alia* order of satooE the Orphans* Court for the Citv and County of Philadelphia,-on. Thursday, June 25,1868, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at tbo Auction Store, 42J walnut street, the following described Real Estate, late the property of Jobußigonct, deceased: • . . . All that ceitain twoetory etono measuago or tenement, nud lot of ground whereon the ean'e is .erected, situato in RoxborouAi, in'the Twenty-first Ward of Philadelphia v beginning at a stake set for a corner on the southwesterly side of the Ridge T urapike Road, a corner of this and land late of Joseph and extending thence by the same south. 63? i deg H . W,, thirteen perclios and thirty hundredths of a perch, to a stone: thence by land of Martin Pickings, deceased* g, 31 deg. fiOniin., E. ‘J perches to a atone; thenc© by said land S. 64deg., E. 9 perches and 88 hundredths of: a perch to a stone on the southwestern side of the said, Hidg* Turnpike; end * thence along .-•thp- /side ot tlie said Ridge Tnrnpiko road. N.. 7 deg., Jb. ■5 perches end 43 hundredths of .a . Perch to the place of beginning. Containing HS-Ond 0 tenths per ches of land, more or less." [Being the same premises -which Martin Bickings and wife, by indenture dated Oc tober 6 1851, and recorded at Philadelphia, in deed boot T. Jj., No. 7; page 469, <sjc, granted and conveyed unto tho eiifd John Bigonett in *ee : _ = , ‘ . rar* The above property is on the Ridge Road, between th« 9th and loth milestones, Roxborough, Twenty-tirst •yy RT< j EB'-$250 to be paid at the time of said. __ _ By tho Court. JOSEPH MEG ARY* Cleric O. C * EDWIN Jacoby, Administrator. ' JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, Store, No. 422 Walnut street _ je!B 20 S 3 'PEREMPTORY’’ A. FREEWAY. ■M Auctioneer.—On Wednesday,.July t 1868,at 12 o’clock* .Kill noon, will be sold at public sale, without reserve, at the Pliilaaclphia Exchange, the following describedrcaE estate, viz.: WellsecuredGround Renta. No. t,~520 Per, annum.—Agroußdrcnt of $2O pc/ annum, issuing out of a : lot of ground, with the buildings and Improvements there* on, situate on the south aide ol Carver street. 7p feet west of Fifteenth street, being 16 feet front by 2a feet deep. ' No. 2L—s64 per annum.—A ground rent, nf $64 per an num, issuing out of a lot of pround.witiitho Impiovementa thereon, situate onthosouth eidu of Addison street, IS feet west of Bevcnteetb street, being 16 f eetfrontby 42 feet deep to a 3 feet wide alley. . • ■ = >o a- $64 per annum.-A ground rent of $5l per annum, issuing out of olot of ground with tho linproveniei tv feet west of Seventeenth street, being lb feet front by 42 leet deep’ The above are all well secured and punctually paid, and will be sold without any resorve. ■ < rsp-afin to be p*id on each at the timo of eale. JA&IES ArFjitßEilAN.'Auctioneer. l Store. 422 walnut atreefc_ je!B 20 S 3 INSTRUCTION. CBEGARAY INSTITUTE, ENGLISH AND FRENCH FOR YOUNG LADIFS. . . - • BOARDING AND DvY PUPILS, 153/ and 1629 SPRGtiE Street. ' : ' Philadelphia, Penn*,, Will re-open on MONDAY; Sort. 33d: French is tbo lan guage of the family ana is constantly spoken in the. loaii-’ tute, , MADAM.fi D’HERVILLY, tu = - "'-r.r ' r Principal. 'ftjGffTlgyrKY. jeaiam., DR. JOHN iu FINE’S . DENTAL. ROOMS* c Buz&Si Nft: flifl Titm streets—Thirty yoare*- practUavtnd of theaoldeat aetablLhedDentists fcnthecity, Ladle* beware of cheap dentistry. We are ’ rocsivliig ‘ ealla weekly from- thoae that hf»vo teen ;jUnpti*ad p>jn, > and: are making: new sets,for • them.- roc beautiful Ufa* k like tceth, and neat and. substantial work; oifr prifct* ato : ,• moye’ reaaonablo'tbafl any Dentist In the city.* Tpctb plußged, teeth repaired, exchanged, or remodeled to.untL ‘ Nttioi’B Oxide Gas and vEther alw aya on- hand.. .fo . timeapft money, give .us a call, beforerensamxwßfc.' • whore. No ’ charge unless latiafied. Peer orwgftiJßa ence. - If-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers