UITIT UULLKTUii Jki'i krson Medical College.. -The canvaßs whichhasbeen,going on daring the pust jnonth " for the chair of the Institutes of Medicine ana Medical. Jurisprudence, made vncaul In thte. In ttHOUoh by ihe resignation of Professo. Kobley Danglison, term loan d last Tucsoay evening In the Section of James Aitkin Meigs, M. D.-The BtKScesslnl candidate is a well-Known Physician of this Oltv. who received -his diploma from_tho College In which he has just been chosen a Pro- fessoL sSTtbongli y eta vouug man, ho enjoy a a very high reputation ns a ehUlnl practitioner and sflen,tic Investigator.- Our Academy of Natural Sciences, In which he has been for years an active member, owes much to - him for the arrangement of the Mortonian col lection and for the contributions to It which his efforts have secured. His published catalogue ef ibis collection has always been regarded as a valuable addition to the literature of cranlo gxaphy. This and his many other pnblica uons on ethnology, phymology and !kindred subjects have attracted the attention and regard of men of scionco In this country and _ la Europe, and gained for him the honor of election to membership in several of the learned societies ’(.'.England and Franco.' At the late Congrpss of the Anthropological Societies of Europe, held in Paris, he was ore of the few; Americans selected as foreign members—a distinction conferred ■■rpen Agassiz. Bquier, Wyman, and also upon T)r. Joseph Leldy, another ol our own citizens. Dr. Meigs is a graduate of the Central High School, and has twice before held a professorship of Physiology, at first in the Philadelphia College of Medicine, arid afterwards In the Medical De partment of Pennsylvania College. In both these positions he exhibited snob learning and ability as save promise of great usefulness In ms profession. This promise has now the opportunity of being realized, and we may safely congratulate the Jof ferton College in having secured the services,of one so competent to promote its interests and maintain tie high character- which It holds among the medical Institutions of tho country. Pnor. Morton’s Lecture on Sunlight and MooNLiGKi.-Prof.Hemy Morton proposes to add to the subject of his former lecture on sunlights many brilliant experiments and much interesting information In regard to the moon and moon light, at the Academy of Music, on Saturday evening next. His immense camera and power ful lime-lights will enable him to exhibit his col lection orphotogrophs and drawings to great advantage, and we shall not bo surprised If he succeeds in settling the vexed question ol the moon’s Inhabitableness, and in showing ns that venerable individual,the “Man in the Moon"! Se rioufely, the discoveries of modern science have brought that planet so near to the eye that its hills can be distinctly seen—tho shadows that travel down their elopes watched in their slow progress—its extihet volcanoes ex amined and measured—-its. plains its whole surface clearly comprehended. This display, with the most striking of the experl-, menls and illustrations of tho previous lecture on the Sun, together with several hew ones, present a very interesting programme, and will no doubt attract a large audience. Already, as wo hear, a great many of the best Beats have been secured by those anxious to witness tho exhibition. A prompt application to the custodian at theFrank liri Institute, in Seventh street,, will probably be necessary to procure any eligible position for eebing and hearing' the illustrations and explana tions oi the lecturer on Saturday night. Sad Accident.—A lit tlo boy named Charles Tur ner, 11 yearsold,residing at 923 BorgeantSL.went on a Shbday-school excur-alon on the lino of the Media railroad, yesterday. Upon returning to the city last evening he got upon .the front plat form or car No. 21,' of the Market Street line, which was much crowded. At Thirtieth street a man jumped from the car,and in doing so pushed Turner off. The lad fell under the wheels and ■was horribly' mangled. He was taken to the Hospital, where he died this morning. This ac cident is another of the evil effects of crowding the passenger railway cars. ' Keeping a Gambling Room.— Last night,abont eleven o'clock. Sergeant Johnson and a squad of the Eighth District police made a descent upon a room No. 1592 Ridge avenue, where, gambling is alleged to have been carried on. Win. Ackley and Chas. Young, the alleged proprietors of the establishment, and Henry Hotz and John Ross were arrested. It seems that a Jerseyman Went into the place and lost $3O. He entered com plaint before Alderman Massey; And a warrant for the arrest of the proprietors was issued. The prisoners had a hearing this morning. Ackley and Young were held in $1,200 hall for a further healing, and tho others in $BOO bail. Bow is a Lacer Beer Saloon. —Charles Hoff man, proprietor of a lager-beer saloon at Front and Mead streets, was before Alderman Titter marv this morning npon the charge of assault and 'battery with intent to kill. A row occnrred at his house a night or two ago, and several par ties were injured. Hoffman is alleged to have cut a man in the head with some sharp instrument. He was committed to answer. Fire.—This morning, about three o’clock, the house of Mr. Marshall, on Germantown road, above Thompson street, was slightly damaged by fire. Some clothing was hung up to -dry in the kitchen. During the night the line broke, the clothing fell on the stove and took (ire. The flames extended to the carpet and were then dis covered and extinguished. Point Breeze Park.—Thero was an exciting race yesterday afternoon. The following was the time made: - First Heat—Lizzie Littlefield, 2 33. Second Heat—Lizzie Littlefield, Third Heat—Maggie, 2.35>£. Fourth Heat—Maggie, 2 35. Fifth Heat and Ruee—Maggie, 2.3 G. Assaulting a Policeman.—George Mountjoy was arrested yesterday for fast driving on South Broad Btreet. When stopped, he got out of his carriage and knocked down Policeman Mitchell. He was taken before Alderman Dallas, and was held in $7OO ball to answer at Court. Assault and Battery William Eyrich, Cap tain of a canal boat from Reading, Pa., was ar rested yesterday and taken before Aid. Hutchin son, npon the charge of having badly beaten one of the bands on the boat during the trip to this city. He was held in SI,<JOQ bail to answer at Court. Children’s Home The thirteenth anniver sary of the Children’s Home, of West Philadel phia, will be held at the Church of the Saviour, Thirty-eighth street,above Chestnut, this evening, at 8 o’clock. Addresses are expected from the Rev,. Phillips Brooks and Judge Peirce,and a col lection will be made in aid of the institution. Suspicion of Larceny A woman, who is known as on old thief, was arrested this morning at Gray’s Ferry, on suspicion of having etolen'a lot of meat, dead chickens, &c., which were found in her possession. She was committed by Alderman Maull. The Fete at Eastwick Park to-morrow pro mises to be a decided success, and if the weather continues fnc, a pleasant entertainment may be expected. f ine Paintings.—B. Scott, Jr., will, sell this before 8 o'clock, a collection of fine American paintings, crystal medallions, «fcc., part from the American Art Gallery, New York, and uart several private collections, all elegantly mounted in fine gold leaf frames. Families leaving the city should not fail to visit Stephen Whitman, 1210 Market street, and procure u supply of his fine chocolate ;■ also, confectionery. He stands unrivalled inthd .manu facture of these two articles. THEATRES Etc* . The Theatres.—The pantomine Jlumpty . Dumpty will be given, with transformations, ' ballet, &c., at the Chestnut this evening. At the Walnut Mr. Joseph Jefferson will appear in his great impersonation of “Rip Van Winkle.” (XnSer ihe Gasliyhi will be repeated at the Arch. The American announces a miscellaneous per formance. Rietori. —Madame Rlstori, the great Italian tragedienne, will inaugurate a brief season at the Academy of Music on Monday evening next -with the drama Bor. Tereta. Beats ior the course can be secured at Trumpler’s and at the Academy. l Tub European Circus. —This great circus and ; menagerie combination glfcca afternoon and evening performances every dav in ibq tent upon ; the lor, Eighth street, betwren Rued and Vine. rThccolleedon .of wild animals is rare and curious,- and the pcrforinanpesln-the den Of lions are very' remarkable.' Tho equestrians* and acrobats are' the btsrin their .:professlon :ln -the world, and those persons who are fond of entertainments of this character cannot fail to bo pleasod.!, :,. - Gband Entertainment.— A ' grand musical and literary entertainment .will bo given this evening at Concert Hall, in aid of a most worthy Abuflij—(Ee’uTrard Avenuo Affiaion. rMf. Ciri Senlz will conduct tho musical exercises,-Which wlll.be participated in by ihe members of the Handel and Haydn Society and a number of male and female artists. Professor J. W. Shoe maker. well known in this city as an accom plished teacher of elocution, will, with his wife, read several choice selections. This, entertain ment promises to be immensely attractive. 1 , Musical Festival.— This Thursday evening Jdr. Jobmßower, so well and favorably known firm hislong connection with the public schools in the capacity of music teacher, will give a grand concert at the Academy.of Mublc. It is announced that over one thonsand of his piiplls will participate. There will be Seven pianos upon the stage. A number of popular artists have volunteered tneir services and will sing solos, duets, &c. The programme is an excellent-- ono in every respect. Tickets can be procured at Gould’s Piano Warehouse, No. 928 Cheßtnnt. street Farewell Concert.— Mr.' Philip Phillips, tho well known baritone Blnger, will give a farewell concert on Monday evening, the 15th instant at the Academy of Music. Mr. Phillips is about to leave for Europe, and ho deserves a handsome testimonial from his friends before his depar ture. CITY NOTK3BB. Fine Watches.—We desire to call tho atten tion of watch-buyers to tho very lino. Watches made by tho watch Company of .Waltham, and known as the Jf-plate, 16 size. . , - „ To tho manufacture of these watches the Company have devoted all the science, and .skill In the art at their command, and confidently claim that for finehesa and bcanty, not less than for ihe greater excellencies of mechanical and scientific correctness of design and execution, these Watches will compare favorably with the best made in any country. - In this country the manufacture of such Watches is not oven attempted except at Waltham. .... . For sale by all respectable dealers, . , Bobbins & ArPLETON, Agents, No. 182 Broadway, N. Y. Minister Burlingame is now in Washington in chaige of the Chinese Embassy. The object; or their visit to this courftry, at this time, is a mysteryto most people, bnl.not to üb. The people <3t tho Celes tial Empire are»very fond of ratples, dog chops, and smoking very strong cigars, This last practice ha 6 injured their cbnstitntions, and they have come across the “deep blue sea" to investigate Lorillard’s lastHis covery, the “Yacht Clnb v smoking tobacco, which* is free fiom nicotine and perfectly innocent. They hope bypurcbasinigaiargelot toobtaln a foil supply of gennine meersebanm pipes. This is a state secret, bnt we just whisper it to onr readers. It is said to be a fact that the Postmaster-Gene ral has received letiera asking why Petroleum V. Npßby is allowed to,remain in his, department while bringing odium on the administration. This is quite a "sell, bnt not as great a ono nor of the Same order as is seen every day at Charles Stokes & Co’s Cloth ing House, under the Continental, where one day’s sell exceeds in amount a month’s of many other cloth ing houses. Our commercial friends are Invited, to visit Oakfobd’s under the Continental, and examine their spring slyleß of hats and caps. .Very little veneration is vouchsafed to him who weirs an unsightly boot or shoe, whereas n stylish and good fitting boot or shoe will always command for ihe wearer morb'or less genuine respect. For fur ther particulars inquire of Bartlett, No. 33 S. Sixth street, above Chestnut. : : Florence! Sewing Machine. Florence Sewing Machine.' ■ Florence Sewing Machine. Office, 1123 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, New Hats for Misses and Children, of the most elegant styles, and at all prices. Oakfobd’s, under the Continental, ' . Bower’s Senna Figs, for Constipation— fifty cents. Depot Sixth and Vine. Members of the Masonic Order can gel their Silk Hats for the coming "occasion” at Cilab. Oak fouu & Sons, under the Continental Hotel. Judicious motheraand nurecs use for children a safe and pleasant medicine in Boweb’b Infamt Cob dial. Surgical Instruments and druggists’ suh driee. - ■■ „ Snowden & Bkotiieb, 23 South Eighth street. Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh. . J. Isaacs, M. D., Professor Of the Eye and Ear, treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most re-, liable sources in the city can be seen at his office, No. SOB Arch street. The medical, faculty are Invited to accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in his practice. . Artificial eyes inserted. No charge made for examination LAiiugi’ duess fiuaia&rßvo MAEY B. CONWAY, SSAUIEB’ DBESB I'IIRSISIHHH AND SHOPPING EMPORIUM, BIBOUTH SIXTEENTH STREET, Ladles from any part of the United States cansendtheb orders for Dress materials. Dreeses,Cloaka,Bonneto, Shoos, Under Clothing, Mourning Suits, Wedding Trosseau, Tra. voting Outfits, Jewelry, &c., also Children’s Clothing, In. font’s Wardiobes, Gentlemen's Linen &c. In ordering Garments, Ladies will please send one oi their best fitting dresses for measurement; and Ladies visiting the city should not fail to call and have their measures registered for future convenience. Refers, by permission, to _ __ MR. J. M. HAFLEIGH, , 1012 and 1014 Chestnut street] MESSRS. HOMER COLLADAY & GO., mhls-3m rp 818 and 820 Chestnut street. t'Olft SAliJh. FOR SALE. MORTGAGE OF $4,000. MORTGAGE OF $1,600. APPLY TO BALDERSTON & ALBERTSON, (BUILDEBS,) ' Wo. 120 Worth thirteenth Street. ap3otf L t on da11..-a valOaule lot. north brssd J? street, near Diamond street, 60 feet front,62B feet deep. Terms easy. Apply for one week to (JHiKLES M. BURNS, Jr., architect, 616 Walnut street je4-3t* SEWING MaCHINES. 1106. REMOVAL. 1106. THE BIRGER HAMFACTEIUfIfI COMPANY Have Removed their Warerooms to No. IXOO Chestnut Street. SINGER’B NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE is simule, durable, quiet and light running, and capable of performing an a toniahing range and variety of work. It will hem. fell, stitch, braid, gather, cord; tuck, quilt, embroider-, &c* ' my 2 lyrp - WM. E. COOPER, Agent, EDUCATION. TTAKVARD COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, MASS. JJL 'J be examination for admission will be hold on THURSDAY, FRIDAY »nd SATURDAY, July flth, 10th nnd 11th, 1868. Attendance on the three days is required, beginning at 8 A. M. Another examination begins Sep* tember loth, at the same hour. . THOMAS niLL, je2.tUjGfcBtr - -Preßidentf- OOAHDINO. /''ERMANTOWN-No. 1.14 PRICE STREET WILL U offer desirable accommodations to families wishing io rpend the summer months out of the city. Chcerfu rooms with ga*; also, hot and cold baths, and large yard. Only two minutes n alk to Depot. je4-3t* SUMMER BOARDING FROM THE EIGHTEENTH of June, at the p». W. corner of and WALNUT streets. je4-2t* ELIGIBLE ROOMS,WITH BOARD, AT 8921 LOCUST JGiStreet, West Philadelphia, jcl,m,th,rpBt» TO BENT* MTO LET.-THE NEAT COTTAGE. NO. 22 South *1 hlrty-Ninth street, first bouse below Chest* 'nut street CLARK ii ETTING, - . je4 6t» 707 Walnut Street TO RENT.—TUE EARGE/ WELL-LIGHTED S.ore, 31JJ ©ace street; will be reuted low for a clean wholesalehuaineai. Apply up-etaird. LEWIS HAEHNLEN, J jag, TO LET.—TWO HOUBF.S, NORTHWEST COR- Kaner Eighth and Race otreeta. Ono or both. Thirty* mxiktv(6 rooms. • ja4 3t^ GERMAMTOWN—TWO COTTAGES TO KENT, , w. a STOKES, Insurance Ouice. Gormanto ivn. It Jp2 3tn>' TVfEWTUEKEY PRUNES LANDING AND FOR SALE JN Jjy J. B BUSSEERfr GOBI'S South Delaware avenue THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN--PHILADELPHIA, THUR SPAY JUNE 4,1868. j ' SUMMER RJESOBTB* UNI 1 ED STATES HOTEL, : -ciTyriwif "r;; Will bo opened for the reception of guests .0 - ‘ On or About June 25th. Persons wishing to engage rooms'csnSe saby,spplyim: to BKOWN & WUELPPEH, Proprietors, ffo. 829 Richmond Street, corner of lab. leattrp. • • ' • ""■ - UNITED STATUS HOTKL cape isi-anti, n. ,r. Will bs open for the reception of gueets JUNE SOtb. Price of board reduced to $2O por week, or $8 SO per day. • Booms may be engaged by addressing , WEST & MILLER Proprietors* IcSStri? ■ ■■ : T° I ' LEASURB SEhKEEB 'I O PLEASURE SEEKERS I The Spring MUI Heights! , Too Spring Mill Heights! Onoofthc finest places in tho State for Sunday Schools and respectable associations. Splendid graands i Large Woods: Large Saloons: Boats; Bathing and Fishing. Situ ated on Beading 8.K..U miles out. Apply to . Vvlo. HUNTER, Gcnl. Ticket Agent. Thirteenth and OallowbUl: or, JACOB H. BREIBH, PropV. Je4-Bt*rp “THE OLD OAKEN BUCKET.” JAMES S. EARLE & 80NS Arc in receipt of the exqnijsite New Chromo-X4th6jgraph or Jerome'Ahompson’fl picture* “THE bLD OAKEN BUCKET,” : the home of wobdswob ni. Excollent lmpreMlona wlilletho plate 1b new. EARLES’ GALLERIES, 81G Chestnut Street. jc33t ■■ ■ ■■ ■■ ■■■ ■■ NEW STYLES' OP LOOKING GLASSES, NEW ENGRAVINGS, NEW CHROMO-LITHOGRAPHS. EARLES’ GALLERIES, 816 Chestnut Street. CARRINGTON, DE* ZOUCBE & CO., S. E cor. Thirteenth and Chestnut 819,, PHILADELPHIA. Wholesale and Retail Dealers IN Curtain Goods. Window Shades, Furniture Coverings and Paper Hangings. White Holland Shades, Trimmed and put utf as low as $1 GO each. Swiss and Nottingham Lace Curtains, New stock, low prices, and entire satisfaction guaran. eed in every instance. ap4 a to th 3mrp 320. 222, REFRIGERATORS FOR THE MILLION. THE BEBT VENTILATING REFRIGERATOB& ALSO, THE COMMON REFRIGERATORS, At Extreme low Prices. E. S. FA* SON & CO., OLD STAND, 2?os. 220 and 222 Dock Street, Near the Exchange. apl4 to th 82mrpS ' ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., N E corner Fourth and Race Sts., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS AND FAINT MANUFACTURERS, Offer to the trade or consumers. Pure White Lead, " Zino White, Colored Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Artists’ Materials, &o. Agents for the celebrated , VIEILLK HKHVTiGNE BSOW WHJTK ZEfO, superior to any other White Paint for Inside work. We solicit orders from those who want PURE PAINTS: 201 and 203 North Fourth Street^ Northeast comer of Race Street. an!B tfn>B Desirable Firot Class Investment. THE ISHICH TILLET BAILBOA9 CO iPi.\Y OFFER FOR SALE AT THEIR OFFICE, No. 303 Walnut Street, AX SINETY-FIVE PER CENT, One Million Dollars ol their Mortgago Bonds bearing Interest at the rate of r Six percent, per annum, Fiee from State and United States Taxes, ’ payable on the first daypef Juno andpecember. Bald Bonds are either Coupon or Registered, and ard secured by mortgage on jthe railroad and branches, the rolling stock ana the franchises ol the Company. The outstanding ;Bor da of the Company due m 1878 will bo received in exchange for these Bonds, thus saving to tbo holders ol the oldbssue the amount to be paid for taxes, L. CHAMBERLAIN, Secretary. let ltnrpt - 1 Fractional Share? Pennsylvania Railroad BOUGHT AND SOLD. DE ttAVEN & BRO., 1 No. 40 Soath Third Street. •~mvB»strp* - - - ennn WANTED ON MORTGAGE OF FIRBT •UUU class CltyPropsrty. Also. $15,000 and to loan on mortgage. E. R. JONES, Cenvevancor. le4 8t c - - • 53S Walnut Btreet.. 313 Race street. INFORMATION WANTED.-L. L. HAN AN, OF.RfT. 1 land. Dane county, Wlscoiutp, wants to know tho pose, office uddr* ss of Dr. L. S. HOLTON, who was Surgeon in charge of IlOßpital No. 2 nt Vicksburg, Mlbb„ in February, 1665. TheinforaerwiU.hotvwardoch , joist* HIE FJUtG &BW. CURTAIN JIA'IEUIALS. FROM AUCTION, VERY CHEAP. REPBIGEBATOBS, URDUS. nninouD. WANTS, • : CA^PETS^ JAMES H. ORNE, SON & 00., 626 Chestnut Street, . Have opohofl New OupeKOinncftE, Srn*geb.Cant<m ' aud Cocoa Mattie*. Bag>, &c. Brosaels, Wiltons, Velvets, The above are ear own Pattern.. , Englishlngrains, Three Plys, Oilcloths, Bruggets, ;y English Venetian, Cocoa Matting, OF OCR OWN IMPORTATION TH» SFBINfI, Bo~e verr tuperlor, all of which wo offer at lowort prloiat JAMES H. ORNE, SON & CO., Chestnut, below Seventh* at93mnn : - -■ . CANTON MATTING. Our Own Importation Triilß Spring, bome veby superior 8-4, 7-8, 4-4, 5-4, 6-4 ■■■ HHITEASDIIED CHECK V - STRAW MATTINGS. JAMES Hi ORNE, SON GO., 626 Chestnut Bt.» below Bevanth; ap9Smn>B • . '■ WHITE CANTON MATTING, Less (ban Original Cost of Importation, 860.PE8 YABD. B. H.6ODSHALK&CO. 723 Chestnut Street. CARPETS, OILCLOTHS, 6c., At Low Prices. E H. GODBHALK. • -• TZZEO. & WXZDSBftBEOd . ' ■ PIBE>PBOOF SAFES. AWARDED THE PRIZE MEDALS. 80,000 Francs!! HERRINGS PATENT CHAMPION BAKES Awarded (be Prize Gcdal* at World'g fair London j World’s Fair. Hew ¥orfej Exposition Lnlverselle, Pari*, WINNER OF THE WAGER 30,000 FRANCS!! (86,000 IN GOLD.) At the recent International Contest in the Faria Exhibition The public are invited to call and examine the report of the Jury on the merits of the great contest, and cee the official award to the Herring's Patent over all others. FARREL, HERRING & CO., 029 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia. Herring, Farrel & Sherman, New York. Herring & Co., Chicago. Herring, Ferrel & Sherman, N. Orleans; mhlO-tn th . 3mrM OABBIACEB. c . WAS. D.itOGERS, CARRIAGE BUILDER; rannuiacturor of Firsucia*. Carriages ONLY, 1009 and lOlfCließtniit Street, : ’ pHIT. ATIRT.PpTA. Orders received for new and elegant styles of Carriage* for the season of . 1808. Special attention given to Repairing. . Carrlof e« stored by the month, ondlnsnrance effected* THE NEW WAREHOUSE, W. 1014, 1016 and 1018 Filbert St. mv2B-th»Btrp AMERICAN ANTI-INCRUSTATION CO.’S, OFFICE, No. 147 South Fourth St.. PHILADELPHIA. The Antl3ncrnstator win remove scale “from Steam boilers and keep thein dean, rendering the boiler leal liable to explosion; and causing a great caving of fneL The instruments have been in successful nee daring the last two years lnmeny of the large ectablichmenta In this city, and from which the . most flattering testimonials of their wonderful caving of foal and labor have been received. ’ . . Parties haring boilers would do well to call at the office "and examine testimonials, etc, JOHN FAREIRA, President; ’ EZB A LIREM, Secretary and Trcaturcr, mylSßmrp ' • - •' **• G. O. MOEEIfI* : HOBACEHOSES. • GALLOWAYO. MORRIS <BOO., 208 Walnut Street, a LEHIGH Mb SCHUYLKILL COAL, Wharf Footof Tasker Street myiiliinrp Extra Tapestries, Straw Matting, ONLY OF THE 5,000 <■ *» OFTHE. ; I'",:-' MUSIC ALBUMS, BOUND IN —JJ.. . CONSISTING OF, ' ; t w : . OF TIIE ■•" ' . . Most JPitces of Music FOR ONE DOUAR, Tho Ectill Price of wlilcli would be uot losi (him FIITSEN DOULABB, GOULD’S PIANO STORE, No. 928 Chestnut Street, ALSO AT Claxlon’a Book Store, !fo. 1214 Cbetfnnt St. Union Plano Compauy,lOl7 Walnut St. Conrad Brothers, So. HOT Chestnut Bt> se2tf ■ V - - . 7 TkOOBITFALSE. U doubly fajlse. MBS. ANN a STEPHENS* NEW BOOK. MBS. ANN a STEPHENS* NEW BOOK. ■ SECOND EDITION NOW. READY. AND OTHEB WOIiKS PUBLISHED THIS DAY AND FOR BALE BY T. 1). PETERSON & BROTHERS. 808 CHESTNUT ST. DOUBLY.FALBE. By Un. Ann a Stephens, anther of “Fotblon and Famine.”, Ac. Complete In ono large duo* dcclino -volume. Fries 81 78 in cloth, or 8160 In paper cover MBS. ANN S. STEPHENS* OTHER WOBKS. Doubly False. ......$L fiUlTbo.Heiress........... $1 GO The Soldleiß’ Orphans. 1 GOlFashion and if amice... 1 GO Bilent Struggles.. .....w 1 B(j j M ary Per went......... 1 60 The Wife's Becfet X GO The Gold Brick. ...... 180 The Rejected Wife..... 1 GOIThe Old Hom&tdad,.., 180 Tho above oro in paper cover, or in cloth, price $£ each. PERILS OF ENGUBH piaBONERft By Charles Dickens. Price 25 cents. * ... Tty. QUENTIN DURWARD. By Sir Walter Scott Beip* the Sixteenth voluxno of Petersons* new edition of "The Wavcrley to be completed in twenty-six . weekly volumes, at Twenty cents each, or Five Dob , lan for a. complete set, and Bent postpaid everywhere. All books published are for sale by ns tho moment they are foued from the press, at Publishers* prices. Coll in person, or send for whatever hooka you want, to T, B, PETBKdON* BftOTIIERS. le4-2t. . 806 Chertnut street, Phllada., Pa. UEAL ESXATI! ». MBEaL ESTATE.—THOMAS * SONS’ SALE.— On Tuesday,'Juno 23d, 1863, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be cold at public sale, at tho Philadelphia Exchange, tbo following described .property, viz: No. 1, threoeiory brick itore aud dwelling, 8. 11 corner of Front and Oath a xinG strectß- AU that three-etory lrrick messuage and lot of ground situate at the south-east corner of Front and Cath arine street*: containing in frbhtoa Front street 17 feet, and extending in depth 60 feet, moro or less. It U occu pied* as a grocery ana provision store; and is a good busi ness etand. Term*—s3,ooo may remain on mortgage. No. 2.—Two SE-story Brick DweUiogs,Nos. 1227 aud 1222 Canby street—All those two 2J4-stOfy-brick-mee«i*gi*i and the lot of ground thereunto belonging, situate on the north tide of Canby street. 67 feet cast of Thirteenth st,* N os. 1227 andISLS, containing together in front 33 feet,and m depth 37 feet. ...» Turns—sl,ooocash on each,- . : They will bo sold separately. No. B.—Two three-a'ory brick Dwellings, Nc. 33 Beck’s alley, between Front and Bwanson and Christian and Queon-strects. AUthoee two three-story brick dwellings aud lot of ground, sltuaro on the south aido of Beck's ol ey, No. £6; containing In front U feet, and in depth to al2 feet alley, called Union alley. No. 43, One fronts on Peek’s alley, and tho other on Union alley, M. THOMAS * SONS. Auctioneers. . j 041320 sndlQ South Fourth street M EXECUTORS* - SALE—ESTATE OF URIAH PESHunt, deceased. Thomas * Son*. Auctioneers.— Ate* Handsome Modem four-story Brick Residence, with side yard. No. G3l York avenue, between Buttonwood and Green streets, opposite a public square, 31 feet front. 141 feet deep to Chinastrcet. On Tuesday, June 16th, 18%’ at 12 o'tlock, noon, will ho sold at public sale, at tho Philadelphia Exchange, all that-.handsome modem four-story brick messuage, with three-story back build, ingaandiotof mound. situate on the east aide of York avenue, north of Buttonwood street. No; G3l; the lot con taining in front on York avgnqe 81 feet, and extending in depth on tho north side 145 fact and <m tho t outb side IC7 feet inches to China street. The house was elected by the loto owner for his own occupancy* rnd built cf tho best materials, ant In tho moss substan tial manner, with oil tbo modem conveniences: has 2 pnrlors, dining room and 2 kltchezts on .the .lst Boor, 6 rooms on the second, 4 09 the door, and ono large room cn tho fourth Boor ; gas introduced, 2 baths, hot and cold water, furnace, cooking: range, flag payemenh &c-'; eidft yard and garden, planted with, flowers, &c, t3r" Clear of all Incumbrance, ri Terms—Half cash. Possession early, tirMw bo examined any day previous to sale. M. THOMAS * SONS. Auctioneers, je4613 -> 139 and 141 Booth Fonrth street PEREMPTORY BALE—TO CLOSE A PART HEgnerehip account—Thomas. A Sons, .Auctioneers.— JScitThree modem new three-story brick Dwellings. Twenty-first street, north of Pitzwatcr street. On Tues day, Juno 16th. 1868. at la o'clock. noon,wlUbo sold at pubiicsalo, without reserve, at the Philadelphia Ex. change, all those three new modem three-story brick messuages; with two-story back buildings Ud lot of ground, situate on tbe west side of Twenty-first street, 18 met north of Fltzwuter street; each containing in front cn)Twenty>flrststr(etl6fe(t, and extending in depth 61 feet to a3f eet 6 Inches wide alley. They have the gas in troduced. bath, hot and cold water, oooting rango.ee. Each subject to a yearly ground rent of 8108. S2r~Sale absolute. 1 ear They will be sold separately. M.TIIOMAB SONS, Auctioneers, jc4 613 189 and 1418. Fourth street MItEAL ESTATE.—THOMAS & SONS* SALE.— On Tuesday, June 16th, 1868, at 13 o’clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Ex change, the followingdescribed pfoporty, via.: No. L Largo and valuable Lot, Third street north of Seed street All that largo and valuable lot of ground, (composed of- three contiguous lots,); situate on tbo west side of Third street,—Bo feet north of Heed street. First Ward; Containing in front owThtrd street 63 feet, and extending in depth loe feet No. 3. - Four well-secured Ground Kents, each 8100 a year. All those four well-secured ground rents of 8100 ay car each. Issuing out of a lot,of giound, sltuato at the N. W. comer of Third and Seed Btrecfs, First Ward; each containing to front 20 feet, and to depth 100 feet. They \jill bo sold separately. „ . ifTHOMAS & SONS.Auctlaneers, : je4.6.13 189 and 141 South Fourth street. M REAL ESTATE.—THOMAS A SONS’ BALE.- Three-story Brick Dwelling, No. 2049 Hand -street, between Pine and Lombard and .Twentieth and Twenty .first streets, with a three-story brick dwelling in the reur. On Tuesday, June 23d, 1868, at 13 o’clock, noon, will he sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange,, all that Jot of grouted,tWitb the Improvements thereon erected, situi teonthe north side of Hand (late Harrison) street, 63 feet east of Twenty-first street, No. 2049; containing to front on Hand street 13 feet 10 Inches, and extending to depth 40 feet. Tho improvements con sist of a three-story brick .dwelling fronting on Hand Btreet. No. 2019, and a tbree-atorybrlck dwelling to the rear, with gas, Ac. ' S3*"Cloar of all Incumbrance. Terms—Cash. u tHOMAB A SONS. Auctioneers, je41320 139 and 141 BouthFourth Btreet M REAL ESTATE.—THOMAS A SONS’ BALE.- Three-Btory Brick Dwelling, No. 439 Lombard St, bi tween Fourth-and Fifth streets. On Tuesday, June 10th, 1868, at 13 o’clock, noon, will bo sold,at public sale; at tbo Philadelphia Exchange, all that three-atopy brick messuage and lot of ground, situate on-the north Bide of Lombard street; between Fourth and Fifth streets. No. 439; tho lot containing in front on Lombard street 19 foots inches, and extending in depth 68 feet 6 inches to a 3 feet 6 inches wide alley, with the privilege of said alloy, nudalsoof a 3 feet wide alley, leading Into Lombard St. Tbohousecontalns 10 rooms; nea gas, path, water in first end second floors. Ac. ■> '■■ SST Clear of oil incumbrance. Terme-8769 may remain on mortgage. ... " u. THOMAS A BUNS, Auctioneers, jc-1,6.13 . I. 10-jiand 141 South Tourthstreet A-, heat. ESTATE-TBdMAS & SONS’ SALE.— SO Three-story Brick Dwelling; Ho, 903 South Eleventh .laiiil street, south of Christian, street —On Tuesday, June 9,1868, at 13 o’clockTnoon, wIU bo sold At public Bale, at tto rhiladelPhla’Excbange. all that three-story brick lnessuoge and lot of ground, situate on the east side of Kloventn Btreet, 85 feet south of Christian street. No. 905; Containing in front on Eleventh street 16 feet, and extend ing todepth TOTcot Togetherwith the commonuse nnd privilege of a 8 f eet wido alley., Tho honßO is built in cot tage style; stands hack from tho street about 23 feet; con t ulus 6 rooms; has gas,bath; hot and cold water,range,Ac. gar Clear of all incumbrance. Terms— cash. Immediate possession. , 1 ' The owner SONS.Auctioneers, . je4,a No. 189 and 141 South Fourth street. M BEAL EBTATB.-THOMAS * SONS' BALE.— Three-story Brick Dwelling, No. 161 North Sixteenth street, below Race Btreet ,On Tuesday, June 16th, 1868. at 13 o’clock, boon, will bo sold at public sale at the Philadelphia: Exobange, All that threo-etoryjjriok mes suage andlot of ground, sltuato on the east afdoof Six teenth'street, 67 feet-7 inchessouthof Race street No. 161; the lot containing to fronton Sixteenth street 13 feet, and extending in dcptlr-iu feet, car Clear of alMucumbrancc. Til ins-Half cash, & gQ Na> Auctioneers.' jo4 6AJ3 . - 189 and 141 South F’ourtli Btreet— , PEAT. ESTATE—THOMAS A SONS’’BALE.- Hga Three-story .Brick Dwelling, No.: 1623 Filbert Btreet, Hia west of Sixteenth Btreet. On Tueuaav. Jiino b. IM, at 13 o’clock, noon, wlllbe sold at public sale, at the_Ph»a detohia Exchange, all that brick messuago, with two-story hack building and let «f | r ? u s‘*' on the Bomh.side of Filbert street. *53 feet 6 inches bast nf Seventeenth Btreet, No. 1622; containing to /rent onAU. bert J 8 teei, and exteudlDg to depth 106 feetto Jones alley. It has the modem conveniences. . . . - 139 aud Ml S-lourUi street. MS. PF JIF MPTOMt 8 ALB.—TnOMAk * HONS. MJO. ■5 Uonfera—On Tuesday June 16tb, 186% at « o'clock HoueeJ'S, E> corn or of Chestnut end Boach attest* nose tbo 11rid&60/eetfr»nt All.th«t_ln»wl riloTO (lye-etoiy-bnek hotel: known' as' etreet Hotuo,'t*ltu*teatthe S, Brcomer'of Uheitnnt and Boach etrreta; the lot containing In frtmt onChwtnut etreK w fedt and exleudlnrln depUr *!o'g H«»c'i atrcct 01 foot. The hotel It tlx itoflei hgh on Beech etreet. ' Tenn«—@ll),i«om*y remain wpniortitage.' ■■ No, a-S-Htory,Brick Store, Beach etreet and Bonnoff'e court, in the rear of the above. All toat tw-o.atory. brick !5 C -^ rnPr eacl * tlrcot and Seqrtjre; cut;-.. . uuotp, mi seci-trunthin . .. street, nnd on Bonncfro court to feet Term*—Holt cuh. N dc. 3to 8w8T»o story Brick Dwelling, Hos, S3IS;S3Ui. 2SI7.SSIP.IBT end 2S2»;Sennefl , s courts adlo!-,tog the ebore. An those 6 two-stoiy brick plastered housos,snu atebn BennelPs court In the rear ol the abovo, No. 2313 Is about infect front, 26 foot deep, and Nos. 2315, 2317. 2819. 2121 and 23S3,~eachU feet front and 26 feot deop! They will bo Bold Separately,. Terms—Hull cash. • * - Wo.Thrcestorv Brick Store and Dwelling, No. 2313 Sansbm street. All that three-story brick store nod dwelt. lne.No. 2312Bansom street corner of Cope street. about 14 toot front and about 57 feet deCp.^Terma—llolf cash. Nos. 10 and 11.—Two Throestory Brick Dwellings, Noa. 2302 and 2311 Bansom street All those two tbee-aforr brick dwellings, adjoining the above: each about 14 feet front and about 67 feet deep. Will be sold separately. Terms—Half Cash. ■ Nos. 12 and la—TmoTlirceatorr Brick Dwellings, Codo street, in the rear of the above. Ail those two tliree ston- brick dwellings fronting on Cope street, in the rear of.tbc above: each about 14 feel 6 inches front and about 43 feci .8 Inches deep, WIU bo sold separately* Terms— Mulf Cash. tv* 8e« Plan at the Auction Booms. Bale absolute. 4 ■ ■ .. M. THOMAH & BUNS. Auctioneers? jesaia 139 and 141 Booth Fourth street. m a FLUr-IL BALK—THOMAS & SONS, AU& ■fig tionecra.—Vcrydeslrablo Country Residence. known -■us as •‘Evergreen,” U acres. Fisher's Lana, Iluacomb street. Ffth'lrcct, North Penua. Railroad, about amln ulea’ walk of I'lsbcr's Lano Station. On Tuesday, Juno IS. IE6B, at 13 o’clock, noon, will bo cold at pnbUc side, at the PhlladelphleExchance, all that very iholrablo coun try rcsldence.knowa aa ".Evergreen,” on the North Penn. Railroad, within a mlnutea*. walk of FislSrtT LaSe Bit tion. eontahilng 11 acrca, fronting on Uio North Penua. Railroad, Flaher’a Lane, Buscorab (tree! and Fifth atreetl tbo: latter being.opened to the premleea. Tho lm. provementa consist of a atone bouse, frame barn, chicken-house and other outbuildings, including ic« bouse, (filled;) a very superaor and convenient milt bouse, and we'l of excellent water in the kitchen. The land la among the moat valuable for cultivation, and la in toe hlabeatatate of fertility.,with abandonee of valu able fruit, elude and. ornamental trees: alto. grtoeL t mail fruits, asparagus, be. Thla property lawcU worthy of examination, ita convenience of access to and from the city by railroad, (only 15 mlnutea from home to Mar. ket street Iho year around.) (9traina dally,) rendering It a most desirable snmmtr or permanent residence for a bnalnera mam and owing to lbs proximity to the bolU-un portion of tho city, nowrapldly tending in that direction, makes it a most dealrablo Investment. . !- DOUBLY FALSE. DOUBLY FALSE. Terms—Half cub upoae*ecutittt of pipers.. Pones, sloe J ly 1. • - . yor further particulars apply to C. H. & H. P. Muir held. No. !05 South itatli striel, or to M. THOMAS & S''NS, Auctioneers, ;12amd Ml South gonrthstreet 4fßk■ PUi>UG fiAIdI—THOMAS & SONS. AUCTION. ■3« cere. Veryelegant country seat, pointed atone mas. *■«* elon,stab!o oua coach hou«?. McKean avenue, near ManhJlm at. cut of the township lin» road,Germantown, on Tuesday. June 16tb, 1868, at twelve o’clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that very elegant country residence. situate on the west side of McKean avenue, near Manhcim street,-and east of the townahlplineioad* Germantown; the lot contain ing w front on McKean avtnuo 189 feet. laches, ami extending in depth ononelino23sfeet,2in chcs, and the other line 239 fL*W4 inches. The house finished in the beat imumer. built of handeozne pointed *tonc, and for the occupancy oftho late owmr, ana no ex - pen*© spared to make it an elegant residence; contains parlor, library, dining-room and two kitchens on the< lintlloor; ceren chambers and two bath rooms above; gasand water 'throughout, water closets, furnace, iwo cooking rangte.^c.: ako,poiotcd*fono stable, w*i th acc-om* modalioiuhfor nve bones and four carriages and Is fin. tebed in a very superior manner. The grounds are, ele gantly laid out and underdrained. planted with r«iy Eesdrome evergreen* fruit and idmo trees: vegetable garden,. &c. • The neighborhood laono of the Very mat In Germantown, and tbeeituatton very desirable. ’ ■ Terma—SlSCOOEDay remain on mortgage. t9~ Immediate possession. May be examined any day „rorfou.to«U e . ■ ji. THOMAS * BOKB, Auctioneers, 133 andltlSouthEourth 8b fs, R'BLIU BAUw—TIIOM AS * SONS. AUC ationcers.-Elegant Country Seat ass Mansion, £3 acres. known as ’‘Edgewood/* OiilpU Hoad. Horn- Rorntry county. Pa. near Henderson Station, on Ul9 Cheater Valley Railroad On Tuesday, June is£b, 1968. at 13 noon, will be fold at public tale* at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that elegant fctoce mansion, and about 33 acres of known as situate on tiulph road, Monfg'incrycounty, ea.. about FCO or 600 yards from Henderson station, on the Chester Valley .lMirond.. Thejfceusc U balltof stone, S 3 feet font by 40 feet deep; has ball, parlor, dining room-and kitchen on firstfloors $ chambers on second Hoor, and4ro6m*<m third floor, it baj Stable, with carriage bouse, chicken* house and attached, cpring'hoiiae ana ice house (filled); baa 2 with a variety of fruits, apples, peaches, pears, .plums, grape*, fie. The house is built in the best manner, and of the vert test material. Tcryns-r Half cash. * Photographs of the properly may be seen at the Auction Booms M. TJBOMaB &SON& Auctioneers, ; )* t A al3 ■ '139 and 141 houth Fourth street. a KbAl/ fcBTATE-THOMAS' * 80X3* BATJS. Modern Three-«tory , Brick Residence. northeast comer of .Nineteenth and Filbert stnftit*. On Tuesday, Juno ,23d. ,Ib®. At noon, will be eold at public sale,at the. Philadelphia exchange, all that handsome modem tbree-etory brlik messuage, withf tbrec-story back building and lot of ground, situate at the northeast corner of Nineteenth and Filbert streets: con* UiDluain fronton Fllbertetrect Id feet* and extending, in depth alonjrNinetecntli street 117 ft*«t, reserving to the owners of fhemeeauaaes and lota oh Hie east the privi* legtof an alley acroest&e northernmost 3 feet of these premises into'and from Nineteenth street, until the piece of ground adjoininrjto the north should have been opened fora street.. The house.is inmost complete or der and repair, and X** hfl the modern conveniences: gas introduced, bath, hot and cold water. Elation ary \rashittnds, furm cc, cooking-range; under drainage Com plete. &c. ■■ -f j •" - • g3f“Clear of aD incumbrance. tViiomcdUto pofsewion.. g3 r *May bo examined any daF previous to sale. - M, THOSiAS & 80X8. Auctioneers, 139 and 141 South Fourth street. —KfcAL, EoTATE.-fTHQMAS A SONS’ SALE.- WSBaodeomo Modemthreo-stoiy brickKetldeoce,No. IBS* 631 North Twentieth street. above Gee h street On Tuesday. Juno Sth,l£€B, at 12 o'clock. will be sold at Tubllc sale, atiho Philadelphia Fxebange, all, that very hnndeome modern brick mc«uage # with three «*tory back building and lot of/round, situate on the eosteide of Twentieth atrect, north ot Green street, No. 631; containing lu fronton Twentieth afreet 19 feefcand extending in depth SO feet to an alloy. It haa handsome marble vestibule; parlor, diningroom and kitoNcrroOutUn first; 2 chambers and sitting room, with bay window era the second floor; gas introduced, bath, hot and,cold w fttcr. water closet 2 furnaces, cooking ranges, &c,, Terms—B6.&oO may remain on mortga*©, Immediate pos&jalon. May be examined any day pro. vioustorsle. • . , • .. i . Fnmlturo —The surplus furniture con be had by the purchaser of tl»o bouse at a valuation, a y M.THOMAB&BONB, Auctioneer*. I29and|4l 8, Fourth streets. _, JHKLKMPTURY A. FREEMAN, fg-HI Auctioneer.—Genteel three-story brick .Residence, J&tto. 2018 Vine street. On Wednesday, Jtxno 10,1868, nt 13 o’clock, coos, will bo sold at publlc;*ale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following described real estate; viz: All that certain lot of ground with the n**t three-story brick residence with double two-story a brick buildings thereon erected, situation the south side of Vlxfajtrect, west Twentieth (No. £018,)17 feet 8 inches front' and 83 feet deep, then narrowing slightly the fur* thc-rdepthof a fect. being 85 fevt deeo altogether, with fho use of a 9)6 feet alley leading Into Whiter street. Tho bouso la in good repair. Has heater, range with hot • and cold water, bath, gas. die. May be examined at any time ticcupancy with tho deed. Clfar of incumbrance, bale absolute, eST&Sff) to bo paid *t tbe time of sale. w VAMEB A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, it . . , Store, 429 Walnut street. ORPHANS’ COURT BALF.-ESTATE OF MAR BSa GAIIET TOTS deceased.—James A. Freeman,. Auc. JHiiltloneer,—Frame Home and Lot. Otis street, below imo 24. 1868, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be Bold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Eiclurnse,. the following de scribed real estate latetbo property or MaraaretPote, de ceaseds ' All that certain two story frame messuage and franlo Btable thereon erected, eiteato on tho eouth westerly ride o’ Otis etreet (late Wood), at the dlatancoof 879 foot 3’5 Irclicß southeasterly of Girard avenue, in the Elgh tt enlh Ward of thin city; coptaiulmfiu front at feet and oxtcUdlne in depth of that width 131 feet 10 Inches, ho tho eiime more or Jess, to a SO feet wide street called Howeon street. ..Clear of Incumbrance. ■ ra-«100 to be paid at time of sale. By the Court. ‘ JOSEPH MEGARY, ClerkO, C. - y “ JOHN LUFF BARRY, Administrator., JAMES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer, i Store. 432 Walnut street,. ■ ORPHANS* COURT BALE.~ESTAT)S OF WHi HEs Rheiner, dec'd.—James A, Freeman, Auctioneer —• Jk£ Dwelling, and large Lot, Tioga street and Township Line road. Under , the authority of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, on Wednesday* JvnS*34tb, at 12 o'clock, noon, will bo sold at public sale, at the PhUadelpbla Exchange,, the foUowtog de. netted real estate, late the property of \Y]lUam Rhemor* dpc'd.: All that certain triangular lot or piece of ground, withtb&two and one-half story frame house,andfmmo rtablo thereon, situate on the north.side of -Ttojro street* 63 feet 6 U inches eastward from the Tonriihlp Lineroad 28th Ward; thench extending northeastwardlTBo4 feet lnches to a point and thence south *^(£ ot o^< fP c kf2 to a point on the north sido of the *sd Tioga street and thence westward along the nortbside of_Tiogaßtreet27o jestCjJo inches to the place of beginning. .Plan at the teiWSSEB, Adminlatraton. H JAMESA. J?KEBMAN,AucOoncer, ir»4 it Store, 422 Walnut street i• -. ■pt?T>k;M PTORY BAIiE.—JAMES A. FREEMAN t tffiS A?Sionce£~Geatccl four-story Brick I)welling®. EjaS&JJJ 1 »£ and 837 Fitzwater street—On Wednesday, TntinoJffi itea.atl3o’clock,noon,'willbe sold at public at the Philadelphia Exchange, the fMinwlnc described real estate: ; No. 1-All that certain fiSJrSnhv brick dwelling situate an the north aide of Fita north side of Fltzwater street, anAeußt of Bussell street (No 837) : containing in front on Fitywatcr street 19 feet, and in depth along Knsaell street 80 feet to a 10 feet wide alloy. ■ Bulled to B« BO ground rent per annum. L B»" On the rear of the abovo lots is erectcdalhroe story hrick house fronting onlßuesell street; f Sale of the whole peremptoiy. . Immediate possession. Tenns at sale, B®~ 8100 to bo paid on oach nt the timo of sale,, “ ‘jAMEB A. FBEBMAN. Auctioned^ Store 422 walnut atroot_ MUHIUAJL, BOXE3, USEFUL TO WHILE AWAY the tedium of a lick chamber, or for a bandioma bridal preaent, FAKR * BEOTHEE, Importer*. \- feSMfrp ; 331 Cheetdut afreet, below Fourth. beAjlestate sales,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers