from WukUti.eton. ijprtykß mOM QgSERtL SCHOFIELD* The W»r ecntjto the Hoase to-dsytaa commtnitcaUoQ vrhlcb he addressed as commander of , the First Military District’ to General Grant, be trnnsmittedn.atthe suggestion of the General of the Auny tor the consideration of the proper corn * BJSAi><itiABTEBB First MiLiTAtn* District, ) • * -• v Virginia* Ri6umosd, May 15, ISG3. f ' General ;I havetoe hei or to Invite yonr attention , «bh matter‘which * understand tote of great imoort-, Z m «dwblih I, It I wllldcmandthe attention ot Congress. I suppose the amend: mMdtotteConstiintloii of thoPnltedStatca proposed bv the Thuty-ntntb Congress, and known as article fnnrtcen. will soon be declared to have been ratified : and a part of the Constitution, and f .inder eland the .fleet Will be toatonco remove from office all persons who are disqualified If J am right lnthe above anppoaltlon and In my un dcrstandlng of the effect of tbe proposed amendment, it becomes a matter ot great importance to determine :’“hrtiTto lm done in those States whoso govern roentfl are still provisional only* In which shall have boon readmitted to representation in Congress, no serious difficulty will exlst fortlie reason , thnwnthVfe States the only disqualifications for °®ces. will be that contained in the amend ment and hence an ampleflel4. wiU be left for the se lection of persons to fill tbe vacant offices, except per* haps the higher jiulgßhtps, bat in tbo)StateB not read mitted'to representation the oath prescribed by act of <s,n££*s of Jnly 9.1869, will sUIT-bo reflulrea of all persona elected orappointed to any office. P I have called for reports which w ' b of officers of the various grades In Virginia, who will be displaced by the operation of the constitutional amendment, anu will forward the specific Information . when obtained. For the present I can only state that the number will probably be several thousand,, and that only a small proportion of the vacancies thus crc ated am poeslblo be filled by persons possessing the netessaiy qualifications, Including the ability to take t^to > ihe C Judkla?y Dcpartment, *o dispense with the test oath, even would probably be Insufficient, for nearly all lawyers of sufficient experience to fit them for the bench - held some office before the .war, and hence are. disqualified by the constitutional amend- already appointed In Virginia nearly 800 offi cers, and would have appointed more If qualified per sons could bo found.’■■lids important to observe that the large majority of city, town and--county officers recslvo little or no compensation for their services; hence men who possess, the necessary qualifications ■ cannot be Induced to - accepf'snch- offices,- : except. In places where they reside and own property, or have substantial Interests. Reports have been received from several portions of the State that no persons can be found even to fill the vancies that nowoxlßt. When the constitutional amendment, takes effect, a large number of important offices must become vacant, and remain so until restoration la completed, unless some relief is afforded by Congress, .. . Very respectfully, yonr obedient servant, - - V J. M. Schofield. INSOLVENT 1 BANKS, The following was introduced by Mr. Morgan yes terday: , 1 A bill in relation to Insolvent banks—That the pro visions of an act of Congress entitled “An act to es tablish a nn'form of bankruptcy throughout toe Uni ted States,” approved March 9, 1867, or of any act amendatory thereof, or' of any bankruptcy act, shall not apply to any bank formed under the laws of toe United States which has heretofore or may hereafter become Insolvent, bat the possession and distribution of tbe-ÜBeets, of whatever nature, of any such bank, heretofore Insolvent, or hereafter becoming insolvent, snail take the couiße prescribed therefor In the act of ' Congress entitled ‘ 'An net to provide nation il cor irency, &c*,” approved June 3, lsot.and of acts amend ing we same and title of a receiver, appointed accord ing to law oriffid to all the assets of any snch banks axe hereby ratified and confirmed, whether any pro ax edings in bankruptcy, or relating thereto’, shall have been taken or not . „ ~ ... That any hank organized under the laws of toe United States shall be dissolved by the appointment of a receiver according to law, and it shall not be necessary to fake legal proceedings to have such a bank declared dissolved; and that It shall bo lawful for tbe Comptroller of the Currency to issue his cer tificate reviving snch bank upon toe payment of the expeusts of the examination and of the receivership, and upon Its capital being made whole. If he shall •deem it of pnbuc utility that such bank should be re vived; and thereupon the receiver shall transfer to each bank all the assets thereof in his hands, and such bank shall haveall the powers and privileges to which it would' have been entitled If it had not been placed in the bands of a receiver. „ That tbe Clrenit and District Courts 'of the United States'and 8 tate courts of record having jurisdiction of corporations bv laws of their respective States, shall have fall jurisdiction In all matters appertaining to a receivership, whether in law. equity or other wise, and all orders, judgments, decrees and remedies made or issued by any such court in relation to any such matters are hereby confirmed. That no process, attachment, warrant, decree, judg ment, execution, order, or remedy of any court shall be allowed, Issued, served, or levied in any State, dis trict, or territory, against the officers or assets of a national bank formed under the laws of the United States, and located In snch State, district, or territory which could not be allowed, Issued, served, or levied. If such bank was organized under the laws of such State, district, or territory, and upon the appointment of a receiver for’any such bank, all processes against its property which Bhall have been issued or served within thirty days next preceding such appointment, shall become null and void, and property seized under them shall be forthwith relumed to snch receiver for distribution according to law. That whei.cvir an association shall be dissolved, pursuant to Bectionfiity-three of aforaald act, approved June 3, 1864, commonly called tbe “national currency act," a receiver Bhall forthwith be appointed therefor by tbe Comptroller of the Cnrrency, as In other cases arising under said act. THE mi. TO ADMIT THE SOUTHERN RECONSTRUCTED The following lathe bill to admit North Carolina, South Carolina, Louisiana, Georgia, and Florida: An act to admit the States of North Carolina, South Carolina, Louisiana, Georgia and Florida to repre sentation In Congress. Whereas, The people of North Carolina, South Carolina, Louisiana,' Georgia; and Florida have in pursuance of the provisions of an act entitled ‘ 'An act lor the more efficient government of the rebel States,” passed March 2, 1867. and the acts supplementary thereto, trained constitutions of State government, which are republican, aud have adopted said consti tutions by large majorities of the votes cast at the elections held for the ratification or rejectlonof the same. They eforebe U enacted (by the Senate and House of Kepreßt-Ltaii vtiß Ol me united States of America in ■Congress assembled), Thai each of the States of North Carolina, South Carolina, Louisiana, Georgia, and Florida Bhall be entitled and admitted to repre,- aentation In Congress ns a State of me Union, when the Legislature of such State shall have duly ratified the amendment to me Constitution ot the United Btates proposed by the Thirty-ninth Congress, and known as article fourteen, upon the following lundamental condition: That there shall never be in such State any denial or abridgment of the elective franchise to any person by rea son or on account of race or color, except Indians not taxed: and the State of Georgia shall only be entitled and admitted to representation upon this further fun damental condition that the first and third subdivis ions ot section seventeen of me fifth article of the Constitution of 6aid State, except the-proviso to the first subdivision. Bhall be null and void, and that the General Assembly of said State, by solemn public act, shall declare the assent ot the State to the foregoing fundamental condition. Sic S. Andbe It further enacted. That If the day fixed ft r the meeting of me Legislature of either ot said States by the Constitution thereof shall have passed, or have so nearly arrived before the passage of mis act, in me opinion of the Governor elect, there shall not be time for the Legislature to assembleat the time fixed by the Cohstitution of such Stateisuch Leg islature may be convened within thirty days after the passage of thie act by the Governor elect of such State. Sec. 8. And be it further enacted. That the first action of this act shall take ettect as to each State, except Georglß, when the President of the United States shall officially proclaim the due ratification by its Legislature of article fourteen of the amendments to me Constitution of the United States, proposed by the Thirty-ninth Congress, and as to the Btate ot Georgia, when he shall proclaim, in addition, the assent of said State to the fundamental condition herein before Imposed upon me same, and It Is here by made the duty of the President, within ten days alter receiving official information of the ratification of said amendment by the Legists ure of cither of said Slates, to issue a proclamation announcing that fact. HONOR TO EX-PRESIDENT BUCHANAN The following was to-day issued: [Oi HERAT, ORDERS, NO, 25.] Headquarters ofthe Army, ) Adjutant-General’s Office, V WAamNauoN. June 3. ) The following.order ofthe President has been re ceived from the War Department: [Here followe me order of the President announcing Mr Bnchnnsn’s decease, and already- publiseed ] In compliance with.the instructions of the President, and of me Secretary of War, on me day after me re ceipt otthls order at each military post, the troops ■will be paraded at ten o’clock a, it., and me order read to them, atu- r which all labors for the day will cease The national fiag will be displayed at half staff, and at dawn ot day thirteen guns will be fired, and after wards, at Intervals df thirty minutes, between the rising and Setting sun a single gun, ana at the close of theoay, a nailonal salute of thirty-seven guns. The officers ofthe army win wear crape on the left arm and on their swords, and the colors of the - several regf, ments will be put in mourning for the period of( six months. - By-command of General Grant, E. D. Townsend, 1 Assistant-Adjutant General. In pursuance of the order of the President an nouncing the death of ex-President Buchanan, the Peaet ary of the Davy has issued an order directing that;. • vi“ v Thirty minute guns be fired ate’achof thenavy yards and naval stations on Thursday, the 4th Instant, the day oislshated as tbe funeral of thelate ex-rresldeut, Jap cs Buchanan, commencing at noOn,_aud on board ibe flagships In each squadron, on the day alter toe receipt of this order, too flags at the several navy yards. navy stations and marine barracks,-will • be placed el hair-mast- until, after the. funeral, and on aboard sll naval vessels in l commission upon the Cay nftc* this order is received. Washington, Junes, 1863, I General Orders -Treasure Defarthent ( " The beirttary of the- Treasury announces to too Revenue Marme’tho decease ’at Wheatland, Penasyl vonla, on too Ist . Instaut, of James Buchanan, ox ■ PrcsiceDt of the United States. As a mars of respect It Is directed ihat on the day after the receipt of this o'der all the revenue vessels In commission wear their flags at balf-maßtdnring that day. : H. McCulloch, Secretary of the Treasury. In accordance with the President's order Issued yesf6rday, the various departments of the government were appropriately decorated ifl- mourning to the memoijrof ex-Presldent Buchanan, and to-morrow they will be closed. Elags arc displayed t half-mast throughout the city. . , . KUh OONOBE«M*£COND SESSION. CLOSE OF YESTERDAY'S PROCEEDINGS. ‘ Senate* The special order, the bill to provide a temporary government for the Territory of Wyoming, was taken up. A statement showing the resources of the-Terrltory was submitted by Mr. XaTss, Chairman of the Com mittee on Territories. . . . _ Some discussion arose on an amendment changing the name to Lincoln. „ ... . Mr. Suhned suggested the propriety of adhering to the usage of adopting Indian names for the Territories, as being moro beautiful. . , 'Mr. Yates said the choice of the name of Lincoln had been unanimously made by the committee, be caueeof the great services, and the circumstances at* tending the death of Mr. Lincoln. • ■ ' Mr. shebmah suggested “Cheyenne,” the name of atribe of Indians in that vicinity. * : Mr. Yates agreed that that would be more popular Mr. Pomeboy and Mr. Morton opposed calling the Territory by the name of any individual as eetabllsh ing a baa precedent, and the latter favored Wyom ing” as a pretty name, saying that Cheyenne, the first syllable, pronounced “shy,” was one of those words r tbat would never sound dignified. • 4 _ - lifthecourse of the discussion it was stated by Mr. Sherman that the word “Cheyenne” Signified pr M?^Y ates called attention to the fact that the term Chicago baa been very well received, although fllgni* fring an animal too odious to be named here. Mr. Corbett objected to Cheyenne as being liable to be called Cheyenne. f . ' ’ \ .. " N* ;took the same view, suggesting that it Mr. NTB;too& the same view,— wss enough to create a sneeze. |LaugDter.j Mr. Saulsbuby said as there seemed to be some doubt aboutit, he thought it would be well to call it adlnterim>"{Laughter.] .. Mr. > ye— That, Mr. .President, would bring-the eyes of Delaware upon us at once. iLanghter.l That terrible scrutiny from a State the whole oE which would not make a connty in Wyoming. [Laughter ] Mr. Conkling held that Wyoming fs peculiarly ap propriate to this extensive country, signifying a large or wide plain. i • , Mr. Yatbs moved to strike out the word “Lin coln ” and insert “ OheyeDne.” After some further debate on the subject both amendments were withdrawn* The bill, which is an elaborate one, was then con sidered in detail, and amended. Mr. Bendbickb moved to strike out a provision nnking the Governor of the Territory Superintendent of Indian Affairs, ex-offlclo. He said the Governors of Territories invariably sought the favor of the white men for political preferment, and the poor Indians frequently suffered In consequence. ‘Mr. bTBWABT said he would support the amend ment, and hoped the Senate would go for turning the Indians over to the control of the War Department, and withdraw the soldiers from the Indian country, leaving some good army officers there, with power to call out volunteers, U necessary. Mr.. Morton characterized the present management of Indian affairs as a bloody and coßtly failure, and advocated the transfer to the War Department, reliev ing them from the control of men whose only object was to make money, and who generally succeeded. Mr. Cole referred to the Crittenden massacre to show the unfitness of the War Department for the trust. Mr Howard opposed the amendment as making too radical a change in a system that bos existed since the formation of the government, and which has on the whole worked weii. * *, Mr. Yates opposed it, also, on the ground that to put Indian affairs in the hands of a separate superin tendent w< uid be apt to produce antagonism. . The amendment woe rejected, and the bill passed. ARMY APPROPRIATION BILL. Mr. Mobiuu>, of Maine, mode a report from the commUtee’of conference on the army appropriation bill, which ywa agreed to. Mr. Sherman, from the Committee on Finance, repotted tbe following amendment to the proposed bill reported on J&naarv 10, relating to United States notes: Strike out all aher the enacting claase, and insert as follows; ‘-That any contract lierekfter made specifically payable in coin shall be legal and valid, • and may be enforced according to its terms, anything in the several acts relating to United States notes to the co&ttaiy notwlthstanaing ” Mr. H3endbicks moved to take op the bill to make -eight hours a day's work for mechanics and laboring men in government workshops, paying that it had passed the Bouse early In the session, and ia view' of the number oi petitions on ilie subject it should be acted upon. Mr.TBUMBtiiJi urged that the bill reported by him by the Judid&iy committee, for the admission of the States of North Carolina, South Carolina, Louisiana, Georgia and Florida, be taken up. Mr . Buckalew opposed taking the latter up at such a late hour, and said there was no danger of its being neglected, while the former-had fewer friends. Mr. Stzwabt thought the Senator was mis taken in supposing the former bill had few friends here. Mr. Euckalew rose *o correct his statement, and said be meant active friends [Laughter.] Bfr. Conness professed himself-a friend of tbe bi)lln question, and urged the impolicy of antago nizing the two. Mr. Wilson took the same view,but said the friends of the labormg man would feel the infinitely greater necessity of affording some relief to the Faboring men who had been dismissed from employ ment because of their political convictions all over the South, especially since the occurrence of a re cent event. At half-past four Mr. IVilltams made a motion to adjourn, which prevailed, and the Senate ad journed. Bouse of Representatives. EX-PRESIDENT BUCHANAN. Mr. Woodward ashed leave to offer the following eeeolntloD: | [The House having received, with becoming sensibil ity, intelligence of the death of James Buchanan, ex- Preelclent of me United States, at his country seat at Wheatland, on the Ist lust., does hereby resolve, that whatever diversities of opinion mav prevail in respect of, the administration of Mr. Buchanan ns President of ihe United States, me members Of the House can cordially unite in honoring the parity of his private character, the ability and patriotic motives which illustrated his long career of public service and the dignity which marked the retirement of the latter years of his life. Second, That as a token of honor to the many virtues, public and privato, pf the illustrious sage un l- Btateeman, whpse death In the ripeness of ms ag has arrested [be attention of the nation, the Speaker of this House is requested and authorized to appoint a committee of eeven members to attend of Mr. Bnchanan on behalf of the House, and to com mnnicate a copy of these reeolutlons to the relatives of tbedeceasecL There being no objection, the Bfeaeeb said mat me lesolntiOßß were before the House. Mr. Farnsworth suggested mat tho resolution should he somewhat modified. It certainly could not be expected that there would bo a unanimous vote ia the House commending tho patriotic motives of Mr Buchanan at all times In hie public career. He fo one could certainly not so vote. Mr. Mullins, of Tennessee—Noither can I. Mr. 'Woodward stated that the reeolutlons had been prepared at the suggestion of the Pennsylvani i delegation, and had been, at his toques', shown by his colleague, Mr. Broomall. to the members on the Bepubllcen Bide of me House. There had been another resolution included, but be had withdrawn mat, and the understanding wsb that the resolutions preeenied would encounter no opposition. " Mr. Washburn, |of Indiana, inquired whether there was any precedent for the resolutions? " Mr. Woodward said he believed that whenever an ex President had died during the session of Congress, Congress had always taken notico of tho fact. He moved the previous question. Mr. Biioohall hoped ills colleague would yield to him. Mr. Farnsworth said he was willing tho grave should bury a man’s faults, and should be spoken of only well afier death, but when he was asked to vote mat me motives of Mr. Buchanan we-e always patri otic he was asked to vote what he believed to he a falsehood, and he would not do it. -- Mr. Blaine said he had prepared a aubs'itute, to which hi thought there wonld be no objection, and which would obviate the disagreeable ecene of a con test over the body of a dead man. Mr. Eldbibce remarked that that corresponded with the action of the Ilonse on ail such matters: Mr. Mullins adeed: “And especially from the other side or ihe House.” Mr. Blaine’s substitute was read as ; follows: “Tte House having jecelved, with becoming sens'- billty. Intelligence of th> death of Jameß Buchanar, ex-Pneldent of the United States, at his country eeat ot WJbeatland, on the does hereby r j solvip: ~ .T . “That, ee a mark of honor to one who his heM such eminent public Btatioq, the Speaker ot the Hence is rtqueetcd to appoint a tjoinmlUec- ot aeveumem THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN—PHILADELP HI A, THURSDAY, JUNE 4,1668. bere to at end tbe tnticral of Mr. Bachman on tbe part ot the House, and to communicate acipy of this rca tilmton Co the relatives of the ri'ceaae^t”,;. . .5 : TboSFE»K»B naked'Mr. Woodward whether ns, would accept the substitute? ■- " ~ Mr. WooDWann declined to do so, and Insisted on the previous question. •• ' , ' Mr FaßKawoMn—Then X move today the rcao'u tlon oh the table . • • ' ' V ... Many Republican members—“Ob, no.l withdraw, th Mr. Wood called for the yeaa and ..niye, and they W Mr.°BTtv»ss asked hie colloago (Mr. Woodward) to omlLftem the resolution the wards “the ability and p.tew.Sjnr.ierca which Illustrated hla long carcor of- Sir Woodward said that If the House struck out thcskicrsl allusion to the patriotic motives of Mr. Buchanan, it might do eo, but he would not consent' to The question was then taken bn Mr. (Farnsworth's motion, snd the resolutions were laid on the table veas 711, nays 47, 08 follows: . Teas— Messrs. Allison, Arnel'. Ashloy of Ohio, Bald win Beaman, Beatty, BentoD, Blaine, Biair, Brom well Broomall, Auckland, Cake, Clark of Ohio. Clarke of Kansas, Cobb. Coburn, Coraell. Covode. Cnllom, Delano, Dixon, Donnellv, Driggs. Ecklcy, Eggleston, Farnsworth, Ferry, Field?, Garfield,: Harding, Ilalsey, Hill Hopkins. Hunter, Julian, Kitchen, Lawrence of Ohio, Logan, Loughridge, Mallory. Maynard, McClnrg, Mcrcur, Miller, Moore, Morrell, Mullins, Myers, New comb, O’Neill, Paine, Perham,. Paisley, Pomeroy, Price, Baum. Schenck, Belye, starkweather, Stevens ! of New Hampshire, Stokes, Taffe, Trowbridge. Upson, Van Acrnarn, Van Horn of New York, Van Horn oi Miesdnrl, Van WyckV Ward, Washburn of Wisconsin, Washburn of Indiana, Washburn of Massachusetts, Williams of Indiana—73. ' „ , . Kays- Messrs. Adams, Ashley of: Nevada, Barnes, Beck, Boyer, Brooke; Burr, Butler. Eldridge, Getz, Golladay, Griswold, Haight, Hlgbv; Holman, Hotch kiss, Hubbard of West Virginia, Hubbard of Connec ticut, liigcrsoH.Jbhnflon, Jones, Kerr, Knott. Koontz, Lawrence of Pennsylvania, Marshall, McCormick, Moorehead, Nlblack, Nicholson, Phelps, Plants; Ran dall, Boss, Sawyer, Sconeldcibltgreaves, Smith, Stew art, Taylor. Thomas, Trimble of Kentucky, Van An ker, Van Trump, Wood and Woodward-47.- Mr. Stevens, of Pennsylvania, asked leave tooffer a resolution relative -to the death of Mr. Buchanan, thesambas indicated by him to his colleague, Mr, Woodward, hut Mr. Van wyck objected. Mr. Blaine desired to offer hla substitute, hut Mr. Randall objected, remarking that his col league (Mr.; Stevens) was the appropriate- person to offer the resolution on that subject Mr. Blaine desired it to be noted that If any mark of respect 1n reference to the death ot Mr. Buchanan was,prevented In the House, .it was-prevented by the objection of the gentleman from Pennsylvania. ■■■ -Mr. It4.riDalt.—lwithdrawjho objection. Mr. Wood— l renew It . . ” " . ABKARSAB. V 'Mr. Paine, from the Reconstruction Committee, reported back the Senato amendments to the Arkan sas bill, with a substitute, boos to make the condi tion as follows •• That the Constitution of said State shall never be amended or changea so Os to discrimi nate in favor of or against any class of citizens of the TJnited Btates in their right to vote by said Constitu tion,-except Us a punishment for such crimes as are now felonies at common law, whereof they shall have been duly convicted, and no person shall ever bo held to service or labor as a punishment for crime In said State except by public officers charged with the custo dy of convlctsby the lawsthereof. Mr. Brooks mado the quesi ion of privilege that a majority of the committee had not authorized the re port to be made. ’ Mr. Paine admitted that the only members of the committee present at the session wherein the matter was discussed were Messrs. Stevens, Brooks, Beck, and himself. { ■ The Speaker stared that under the rule, whenever It Is disputed ihrt'a report has been authorized by a committee, the question of reception must be put to the Bouse ; Mr. Stevens remarked that whenever a gentleman made a report ob from a committee, It was to be taken for granted that he would stand by that' report with out explanation; but as his colleague had not chosen •to do so, he asked him to withdraw the report till to morrow. Mr. Paine said that under the circumstances he was unwilling to do so. y - The question was then taken on receiving the re port, and it was decided In the negative—6s to SG. ■ HARPER'S FERRY. Mr. Thomas, from the Judiciary Committee, re ported hack the joint resolution to remove the suit as to the Harper’s Ferry property from the State Court to the United Btatcs Circuit Court of West Virginia, and it was passed. The Speakeb presented several Executive commu nications, including one as to the dedclency In carry ing out the reconstruction laws in the First Mili tary District, and as to the disqualifications for civil officers .contained In the State Constitution of Vir ginia. Referred to the Committee on Reconstruc tion. The House, at halr-paßt three,commenced the busi ness of the morning hour, which was the call of the Committee on Public Landß for reports. Mr. Donnelly, from the Committee on Public Lauds, reported a bill granting land to the lowa and Missouri State Line Railway Company. Recom mitted. Mr. AShley, of Nevada, from the Committee on Mines and Mining, reported a bill to aid In the con struction of the Sutro Channel. Recommitted. Mr. Julian, from the Committee on Pabltc Lands, reported a bill declaring lands constituting the Fort Jessup military reservation in Lawrence, subject to homestead entry and settlement. Opposition being made, the bill was recommitted. Also, a bill to create the office of Surveyor-General of the Territory of Utah, and to establish a land office there, and tp extend the Homestead and Preemption laws* pQßsed. Also, a joint resolution directing the President to withhold patents for the landß of the Cherokee and Osage Indians. Alter a dlscusßlon the joint resolu tion was passed. ' Also, a bill to confirm to J. M. Hutchings and J. C. Lamon tbeir pre-emption claim In the Yosemite Val ley, California. After a discneßion the bill .was passed. MEMORY OP EX-PBESIdENT BUCHANAN. The morning hour having expired, Mr. Br.AiHil asked leave to offer the following resolution: The House of Representatives having received in telligence ot the death of Jameß Buchanan, ex-Presi tientof the United States, at his country seat at Wheatland, on tho Ist Instant, does hereby resolve that, bb a mark of respect for one who has held such an eminent public station, the Speaker of the House is requested to appoint a committee of seven mem bers to attend the funeral of Mr. Buchanan on the part of the Honee, and to communicate a copy of this resolution to the relatives of the deceased. Mr. Van \Vyok objected. The objection, howevtr, was got round by a motion to reconsider the vote laying Mr. Woodward’B reso lution on the table, and then offering Mr. Blaine’s as a substitute for it, and although Mr. Van Wyck and some otherß contested every point, the substitute was adopted—Bo t(F 16-and the following members were appointed a committee to attend Mr. Buchanan’s funeral. , Messrs. Glosabrenner, of Pennsylvania; Marshal', of Illinois: Dawes, of M.ssachusetts; Blair, of Michigan ; Eldrldge, of Wisconsin, and Trimblo, of Kentucky. , ■ The Bouse then, at .five o’clock, took a recess till half past seven, when the tax bill is tobe taken up in Committee oi the Whole for general deoate. EVENING SESSION. —Theßonse met at .half-past seven o’clock. In Com mittee of the Whole, Mr. Pomeroy in the chair,on the tax bill. Speeches were made by Messrs. \\ ood. Price, Hunter. Niblack and Eldrldge. Adjourned at 11 o’clock. The following is a statement or the coal transported over the Delaware and Hudson Canal for the week and •■oason ending May 80, and the same period last year Week. Season. Tons. Tons. Delaware and Hudson Canal.. £5,403 342,735 Pennsylvania Coal Company.. 412 6,005 Total For name period last year. Week. Season. Tone. Tons. Delaware and Hudson Canal,. 33, SOS 385,433 Pennsylvania Coal Company.. 1,297 4,918 Ueporte^?or£el?S3i®Si^!vfflsn?BnlleHn. CHARLESTON, SC.—Bchr Hannah Little, Godfrey— -95 ouu teet 4 4 yellow pino flooring 25,C00 feet yellow pine timber Norcrofifl & Bheeta. «>tMICEAN steaSebs, ' 6 ' • " TO ARRIVE. BIIIPB FEOM „ FOB DA*B Wm Penn. .London.. New York May 16 Delaware Liverpool, .Boeton. May 19 Aleppo .....Liverpool..New York May 19 Virginia. Liverpool. .Now York May 80 Auetriim Liverpool. .Quobeo May SI Teutonia Southampton. .New York May S 3 C!ity of C0rk..... .. .Liverpool. .NYorkviaHalifax..May 22 (ioidnva London-New York;, May 88 Bibertn Liverpool. .N York via Boeton. .May 36 Weter Southampton.. Now York May 86 City of Boston Liverpool. .Now York ..... .May 87 Louisiana Liverpool-New York May 87 Germania Southampton. .New York May 89 China York May 80 Santiago de Cuba. :New York-Aapinwall .June 5 i.uropa '.NewYork.-Qlaegow. June 6 City of Baltimore. New York-Livorpool Juno 6 Bonmia,.' New York-Hamburg...: Juno 6 Fi ance Now York. .Liverpool June 6 Nova Beotian Quebec. .Liverpool ...Juno 6 Pioneer.. -Philadelphia-Wilmington. Juno 6 Teutonia. Now York. .Hamburg Juno 9 ' Henry Chauneey. New York-Aepinwall Juno 9 Java .New York-Livorpool Jane 10 Aleppo. .New York. .Liverpool. Junoll 1 agle New \ ork. .Havana June 11 Wyomlng-vu...Philadelphia. .Savannah .Juno 13 Stara and S tripea... .Phllad’a. .Havana June 16 KOABT) <>F TRADE. GEO. MORRISON COATES,) , . JAMES DAUGHERTY, V Momtolt Cojonrrra, GLO. N. ALLEN. EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS. PUBLIC LANDS. Coal Statement. .. 85,875 348,740 89,605 310,351 IMAitlJ* Jei lit'iJiKllg. f; . PORT OF. PHILADELPHIA-Jfewz 4: V i.j tim, 4 KGflro arrs.,7. at; Uioa ARRIVED YKBTEKDAY- . , ■ ; ’ Ship Ucrrchcl (NO),Frclderlcbs, a days from NY ork, . (nmvk'oaUaibcr, from Wilmington, ' S 4 hour* from Now York, ‘ with u due to w PulvdOACo. .. bloomer Frank, Pierce. 24 hours from Now York, with • SteiS«-r Novilty.Tuft, a 4 Jjpura. from NowAork, with Mem! Nickonion, from Boston, with mdse to -'*^Vr o‘&Ks^!^^U»,Gad£rayT 0 ‘&Ks^!^^U»,Gad£ray T with flooring and timber toNurtrosa A Sheets. fcchr IbhL« l)ait, Bcone, 5 days from Norfolk* \&. with. lunibertoColliDß&Oo. • tebr DII fllerriumn. Tracy, 3 days from Indian Hirer. DcLwlthiuiiibcrtolPPniUiLß, Bchr Cblef. ’i'owneeud, l day from Indian EUCs.-rWith - lumber to Collins & Co. ■■•••• , bchr Fre* mason. Fuimnn, 2 daya from Indian River, with -coin to Mo: re, Wheatly 4s Oottingliam. _ ' - Bch Ariadne. Thomas. 1 day from Smyrna. Dot. with eraln to Jaa L Bowlcy 4s Co. . ■ , BclirJ< bn M Clayton, Tliomaa, I. day from Frederica, Del. wlihgrnin to JiaL Bewloy fflCo. Bihr Onward, Evans, 3 days from , Indian River; Del. w ithepokes to Conquest AEowher. fcchr Isabel Thompson, Endlcott, Providence. ’ bcnrULTay, Baker. Boston. ■ Bohr F W Johnaton. Marta, Boston. . : Bchr ff.ornlng Light, Ireland. Now London. Bchr.l Williamson, Corwin. Boston. • Bchr Reading HR No «ißodan, Norwich. BchrL Maul, Bucbler, Boston. j Bchr J Ktenzle. Lake, Boston. ' . s Bchr.l blrshman. Weaver, Uotton. Bchr R & Hand, Hand; Boston. Bchr A Woolcy. King. Gloucester. Bchi A Barlon, Frink, Boston. • allrn. from 1 * Baltimore, with a tow ofbargo.toWl’ i Clyd & ACo. BBTEra)Ay BtoamerAUtra,Lennlg. Now York, W P Clyde * Co. Etcamor Chester, .Jones, New York, W. P.Clydo ts Co. - Steamer F Franklin. Ploraon, Baltimore, A Groves. Jr, Uric Gazelle. Cole, btettiu.E A Boudcr A Co. - B?nr M M Fote, Abbott, Charleston, Lathbury, Wicker. Bchr Brandywine, Irelan, Balom,' John Rommel. Jr, Bchr Morning Light, Ireland, New London, do BchrLMauL Buebler. Boston, Wannemachor * Co. Bchr J Blusman, Weaver, Balom, LAudenrled A Co. Bchr H.G Hand, Band. Boston. . do Bchr John McAdain,-Willard,'Boston, ■ do Bchr Ocean Wave, Baker. Pawtucket, 5° Bchr W It Genu, Boaijo, Boston, Bchr i Thompson, Endlcott; Boston, do Blaklston,GraoO BchrF W Johnslon, Marls. Boston. Day, HuddollA Co. Bchr Amos Edwards. Bomors. Boston, Goo 8 ltoppller. - Tuk Thos JelTerson, Allen, for Baltimore, with a.tow or bargee, W P ulyde A Co. . Correspondence" of the Bull^n. 'Tli6 following boato from the Cnlon Cans! passed Into the Bchylklll Canal, bound 'W T PhitodelphlA,Jaden and C< KeanßSTg” lumber to jjayror A Botta - Wyomlng. ao to Abel Thomas; Evcnlngßlar. doito Reuben Uoffa: JA D Richard, do to JKceley; Amanda, do to SSKeely; edaj Anderson, flour. Ac. to captain, *• . memoranda. „ . Steamer New York, Jonce, hence at Georgetown, DC. (Ucopntra, Phillips, cleared at New York yea* Ada °(?r ay/ Davis, Bailed from Antwerp 15th uIL f °Bark el Mablon ■Williamson. Barnard, at Santa Cruz, Teneriffe, $d nit from Los Palma. _ t . Bna Geo Burnham. McLellan. from Sagfia for this port, wafl fpoben 25tb nit lat 28. lon 74 4. - . . Biia John Avilea. Macomber.hencc at Boston yee ter day. Brie Matilda, Dix. from Matanzaa, at BidtimoreSd intt. Schr Etta M Tucker, lor tbis Port in 6 das s, was at Nue vitas about 17th ult. ... „ , Bchr I, Q O Wish art, Mason, from Darien, Go. at Now York 2d lust bound to New Hayon. . Bchr Pioneer, henco at Washington, DC. 2d lost. MARINE MISCELLANY. ■ , . Bchr Halo, of Nowburyport, betoro reported sunk bv collision with steamer Baxon, waa built in Nawburyport in 1859. and was 162 tone burthen, own d by D I Uslo, and valued afiam I'tiero was no “insurance on the vessel; the cargo «» insured. Captain Disney went Into the rigging to got on board of tue steamer, when the vessel careened, bringing his body between the mast and steamer, killing him Instantly. He waa over 60 years of age, and bad been In the employ ofvtjto Messrs Hale for many years. • • NOTICE^ IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THEvUNITEO 1 States for the Eastern District of PonnsylfSala—ln Bankruptcy.—At Philadelphia. May 26,18687? Ihe un doreigned hereby gives notice of his appointment ,as as simte of JAMISB E. MITCHELL, or Phfiadolpmn. to the county of Philadelphia and State of Pemiavlvania. within Bald Dlßtrict.who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition, by the . 128 South Sixth aireet. To the Crcditora of said Je4 that* Tl/TARY N. BOLLES VS. JESSE N. EOLLES. C. P.. M Sept T.. 1867. No. 67: In Divorce. MR- Jr sßfc N. BOLLES. Kcouond.nt: Take notice that the Court have granted a rule to Bhow caueo why a Divorce, a Vinculo Matrimonii, should not bo decreed in ** Rule returnable June 13.1868. -MO “itE. Attorney for Libellant* je4-th f 4t» IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FORraE CITY AND J. County of Philadelphia.—Estate of CATHARINE BACDE. deceased —The Auditor appointed to audit, settle and adjust tbo Becond account of JAMES BAY ARD, Trustee by substitution under the will of Catharine Hache, deceased, and mßke distribution, will attend to the dutieflof his appointment on VuE3DA V, the ninth day of June. A. D. 1868, at 11 o'clock, A. M.. at hi* office. No, 271 South Fifth streot, in the city of PhOadelohla. my2B,th b tusts JOBEPH A. CLAY, Auditor. STATE OF MARY COTTERALL, DECEASED.- The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of WXAND NEA\EL, Executor of tho Will of MARY POTTERALL, deceased, and-to re pot t distribution of the balance in tho bands oi the Ac, countont, will meet the parties interested for the pur, POBeB of his appointment on MONDAY, June Btb, 188 A at 4 o’clock P. M., at his eft ice, No. ISO South Sixth street, in th mtf6*tS f thSs§ dt!lt ' hf 'GUßTAVUß REMAK, Auditor. TN TBE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND JLcounty of Philadelphla-Estate of JOHN G MlLlißrt. —'J ho auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the accountof GEORGE BARTALOTT, Adminis trator of estate of JOHN G. MILDER, deceased, and to report distribution o£ the balance in the hands of tbo accountant, will meet tbo Pertira interested,Tor the pur pose ol bis appointment, on MONDAY, . June,lB6B, aM o’clock. P. M., at No. 180 South BLxthetrect, In the citsAi PhUadelphia. MONTELIUS ab boTT, Auditor. my2^-tu,tb,e»6t* r etxebs testamentary on the estate Ll of)SAAC BARTON, deceased,(formerly-Dry-GWoda Merchant) have been panted by tto KegUter of wilto, Philadelphia, to the undersigned. All persona indebted to his Effete will please make immediate payment and thoee having_claime present them without delay to SAM PEL .JEaNES, No.; 1023 Arch etreet, or to ISRAEIi H. JOHNSON, No. 119 Market Btreet (2d etory). Executors of lease Barton, doceaeed. ___ apBo tn 6w tffSTATE OF MICHAEL EHRICKSON, DECEASED. Pj Letters testamentary upon the estate or ailouAbu EEItICKSON, deceased, have boon granted to the under siancd. All personß indebted to the decedent wiu make jmymont, «md those 40 to J 718 CallowhiU street my2l.tb.3t* fN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND 1 County of Philadelphia. Estate or JOSEPII MICH; tNEiI. deceased, -Notice is hereby given that MARY MILiIfeNEH, widow of eftid decedent, pee filed her peti tion with inventory and appraisement of Personal prop erty elected to be retained by her.under tlio Act of April M; 1861. and its supplements, and that the same will be allow ed by the Court on Saturday, June b, 1868, unless exceptions thereto be filed. „ * GEOBOE W. DEDRICK, Attorney for Petitioner.* MONELL VB. MONELU-IN DiVOKCE, C. P„ .Please taka notipo that the Court hfiß appointed Rlonteiiua Abbott,EBq.. Examiner in this case, and that ho will Bit to discharge tho duties of hiti appointment, at an adjourned meeting thereof, at Ilia office, ho. 130 South Sixth Btreot, on Wednesday, wth of June, IF6B. at 10 o’clock A- M. Interrogatories have been filed, ana you are at liberty to file cross-interrogatories, or appear and crosß-examine the witnesses. th G.°lf AKR V DAVIS, Attorney for Libellant,. le given in consequence of an order to that effect made in the said Court this day. myaolot DBDOS, In Paints and Varnishes, N. E. comer Fourth andJßacc «txeeie. _ „no.n-p isOHEhT SHOEMAKER * CO., WHOLES AjLB IV Druyghstiv-N. E.. comer Fonrth. and Race streets, invite the attenti OB of the Trade totheirlargeßtockol Fine -Drugs and- Chexnicals* Essential Oils* Sponge*. Corfce, &c. . - nosn-Xi T/tiUHARB boot, imtortation. ft &nd verv superior Quality : White Quip Arabic* Kmi India Castor Oil. White ana Mottled Castile Soap* Olive' (Hi, of varionV brands For Bide by ROBERT SHOE. MAKER <S CO.,' Druggists. Northeast comer of Fourth and Race streets. -- - - ’ n037-tr - DtarjiGluTß’ SUNDRIES.—GRADUATES, MORTAR P(U Tiles, Bombs, Brushes, Mirrors, Tweezers, Pug Syringes,aUat ‘•^^^^TbROTHEH,. 23 South Eighth street TTTt il V eJtilaßUß BATJ BE ImARIA FAIUNA-—The moat fascinating t)f all toilet waters, In festivity or sickness, and that which has given name and celebrity to this exquisite and refreahing per fume. tUm&e bottles. ,5 dollars. I4lff Chestnut street. iNSTKcerion. X-.. . HOBSEMANBHIP—AT THE PHILADEL ; TS3X> PHIA BIDING SCHOOL, Fourth street, above Vine, will be found every facility for acquWnj n knowledge of this healthful andelOKant accompllah mont The Bchoollapleaanntly ventilated and warmed, ■th© horses safe and .well tnJne4. v _--_, —- -- . An Afternoon Class for Young Ladle* Saddle Horses trained In the Best manner. SaddleHoraea,Horaea'and VehldostoMre.. Also,' Carriage, to Depoto. Parties Wedding., oho Pi l%tf C ‘ '■ TOOMfta ORATOB ft BQN. CROWN BRAND LAYER. EAIBINB. - WHOLES, halve. and quarter boxes ofjthls eplen.dtd fruit, land. liik aiiC for ealtj by J08..11* BUBSIER & CO., .103 South Delaware avenue. - ACADEMY MUSIC. >;. «. w.coraer Broad *Bdl*«nrttaMtB./f< ■ philip PHitiLiPss :: ; f ■ ORANO >'AUKWGi.Ii C&SOEBT. Mori‘da»'-liJv®xilftK,' JanelOi OLS6S. Hale of i Ickctr to commence on MONDA Y.June 8 th, it ■ 9 o'clock, at Tnimplor’s Music Stoiet SS6 i>Ua»tnutj)tt««t.', BISKbVtDMSATB....,.,.. 00 LMtF.c EKVEL) pF.AI9. ... , fiP; To con nmt coat 8 o’clock. , prtnw.ionn Di(iuii»ib-sl-SOCTr^-° r ='‘^j!W WATEB..I6Q, THLBBDAY EVKN»NQJune 4,18&. Opening Tableaux. - Alt MY AND NAVY. '■■r- • The Ferforraance rtiU. commenco vrlth J. B. Buckstone a . ... ■ Farce of tbo ,_ . ; BOBOH DIAMOND. „ j. 81rWm.Evergreen..i....... .t.:.Mr. Uaiy OaHer. Lord ..Sir. JohnG. Craig. C»rt. Blenheim.. Mr.Geo.B. fltun. (iouiiinJi c .iMf> Tho*» Bi Crnit Marscry.?.l; fi. JBigalow. Ladvtfato..! . ...........Mr*. I A. to, ; ' Liticv fMsiitcfy’B Maid). ..........MfM Rjbßccj Blwloff. l ■ To be^ lo ot Mrs. Lnnsnieb. *Mre. *Tpbn G. Craig. Alice (her Daughter).... ••*•»•¥.*** A CC r 8 - I u<*v Aiksn. i t ■' • i Mrs. •». A* Dane. S*- ; To conclude-with the Fare© of IBBESISTIBBY _ Dick Calmlelgh.... . .Mr. ThomM 11. Craig. Mr.Wiglcy ••••«/*%*ft’&ffij*;:' Jcnnlollajne (Mr. Wigley’a Ward) Miss Koheccaßlgalow. Managing Dlrectrera. .Mrs. John G. Croj g. Ticket* of admission Ft; t ’ Performance commences at go'cloca. • • ic* . ACADEMY OF. MUBIC. ; ; BEABON OFFOUB NIOIiTB and TWO MATIN.BEB. MONDAY. June 8-for the first «mc—Oamolo|tlM cele brated Drama, TEKEBA (BIBTEB TEKEBA); .Or, 'i-M BAlTjKDAY—Matlneoat I—MABIE ANTOINETTE. Admissionfor Evening! and Matlneoe, BE- Itesenred Beat*. W cents oxtra-e t arally Circle, WjehbkTpaUory. 26 cent.. Beats can be scoured at Tnimplera Music Store, Chestnut it, and kt the Academy of Music, lefl-C^ HIOR TWO WEEKS ONLY, • r THE GREAT EUROPEAN CIUOUS Upon tbo eligibly located and, extensively enclosed pound»on„ ; EIGHTH STREET. BETWEEN RACE AND WB. _ GivtaK Matinee Performances even; day *12% ”• M* Evening Performancesat 7£SP. M., THE EUROPEAN CIjiCES . Is acknowledged to be tbo best and most cpmprelicnslra establishment of Splendor, Merit- and Attraction, ever formed In tbo world, presenting all Ui© ANI) M™ ERN ARBNa.ta astvlo of TJNEXOEPTiONAISLbTABTE AND GRANDEUR, By a Troupe of • OVEK ONE HUNDRED _ ' FOREIGN AND NATIVE ARTISTS and tho wenderfaraud Sensational feats of Me FIERUE Withl ' l “ DEN OP'WILD LIONS. Admission.• Children, under 10 years of ago. £JEW CHESTNUT BTKEET THEATRE. SECOND WEEK -or lIUMPTY DL'MPTY. RECEIVED NIGHTLY BY CROWDED 110U3E3 ilUMray DL'MPTY. IS THE TALK OK THE CITY! - FULL OF NKWTRIUKBOBNERY! FIVE PREMIERE DANBEUSE3. FULL BALLET TROUPE, • Together with THE INFaNT BALLET. , The whele concluding with a MATOBLEBS BOENF.-_ _ FAMILY MATINEE. BATUKDAY AETERNOON. MONDAY—BENEFIT OF BOBT. FRASER. ■ - WALNUT STREET THEATRE. TOI3 (Thnre4ayi EVENING. Jnno 4th, .16®, Fourth Nlghtof ? odU i n. ONi lu hi, Woudc.fuUm^n^ono^ TnDionßouclcauit’s Great Drama, from the woik of Washington M RB. JOHN DREW'S AECH B^l^TgE ATOE.- ■ MONDAY, AND EVERY EVENING, AuguatineD^Wt^^^, LEWIS BNOBKEY ' The Great jo M gg THE GREAT FIER SCENE. Ferry Boat* In Motion, „ __ Great Bailroad Scene. ~ _ . Train of Cara at Full Bpee d LEt-'fUREONLKjHT __ MSieSy^oMbl^ June tStb/at 8 o’clock. Ticket. 60 cent, to all part" of the houee. For »ole at the Frantl[a ln«tltute,ls aouUi Keventh street. Beats reserved without extra charga Member’, ticket, admit to the Lecture, but do notSecmu Reserved Beat.. ' rc? 29 ** . milE CROWNING MUSICAL JUBHJEE. COSIPU -1 mentary to Mr, John Bower, by the pupil, of the Gram mar School", at the Academy of Marie, ewe nine,Juno 4th. 1868,at8o'clock. Ticketo 60 cento,tobo had at J. E. Gonuß New Store, 923 Cbratnut etreet. One thousand young ladlee will stag, accompanied wlthaovcn pianos. Mr Graf and member, of the Young Meenne. chor will also participate. « K SSa H o»™. LAST WEEK BUI ONE OF THE REASON. Luft week of Eanor^ ABOUND 'fHE WOKLD. i. Fit.tweekoft^a^^actj^Ued Last week of TiIE gp^KBS I FROLIC. ]_ PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth. The Forty-fifth Annual Exhibition of Tainttaeß, Statu ary and Architecture la now open dailyfrom a A. A. on IP. M. and from 8 till 10 ta tho evening. - . , Admittance 25 cents* BeasonTiofrofoi 60 c^fl « &p27-tf , ITOX’S AMERICAN VARIETY THEATRE. P EVERY A prEjjjjgon GREAT COMBINATION TROUPE . . in Grand Ballets, Ethiopian Bnrlesqoe** Son*** uanen Gjympaat Acta. Pantoinmo6g»^S^_ oiiOTsas. cAßainiEKEav <srv>. CLOTH HOUSE. No. XI NORTH BECOND ST Sign of tbe Golden Have now on hand and are stIU receiving a large on choice assortment of Spring and SmnmerGoods.eitpreaal) adopted to Men’s and Boys’ wear, to which they toylt. the attention of Tailora and othen Bnper Black French Cloths. Super Colored French Cloths,!. Black and.Colorod Plane Cpadngs. Black and Colored Tricot Coatings. Diagonal RlbhedCoatlng*. ' Caahmaretta, aU colors, v- -■ New Styles Ladles’. Cloaking, ...... STUFFS.' .9 Black French Doeskins. , . . : ;do do-> Csssimeres. . New styles Fancy do.. Also, a large assortment of. rest»g« geodi.for Petal!, No. 11 North Second sttpet. ‘ Sign of the Oolden Lamb flUnrri.riliUiH’g rBHHIHHiaB «Q«a Gentlemen’s Fine Frumisliing Goods. I RIOHA}SI> SAYRE. ; No. 68 nr. Sixth Street, below Aroh. • Invite attention to Jil» Improved Shoulder Seam Pattern Shirt, which fop ease and comfort cannot be anrparaed. Jl universalsatisfaction for neatnesaof fit on the f&f^,!esftortto the NECK and eaie on the B ?tiamata entirely byhand. with the boat workman. > w GENTS' FATENT-gPBING AND BUT. toned oyer'GaitQn, Cloth, LeathoTiWhitj or ladles end *enthi at HICHEI jj EHFEE , a baZAAB. not4.tft OPEN IN THE EVENING. TMSSOTjUTION of pabtnei»hip.=-noticb is D horeby given that heretofor© exit ing between WILLIAM HOGa JOaN.GAV, under the name and style of -WMi HO(*G, ohiii und Noe, 142.160. IW Oxford ;4erpbi^.tMs.Gfty. ! a^o^.by.tba^^tt<»-oL-lhe : time for which tbo partnerehip waS fprxned,.-.... »<. *»*_•. JuDOlt 1868. 3 - u a■ & net In our him from and after thg • tnhlLtf* ' - ••• -.■ : • TTAUAN A whltoLlinpoitod and for sale by JOS. »■ ■ CO.. IpSSouth Delaware avenue, ; AniusEMEPrrs. COFAItXSEHSHIPS. M, FOB SALE—DESIRABLE COUNTRY SEAT, h! with fivo or six acres of land,aitusto on !;ha*tor GB , •■“jrosd. miimta}’walk."*- 'of ptskengcr, and- ten minute*’ drive to Media- Railroad - station.--Hotuo contain* eleven rooms, with all eoavonS . cnce*,;»nd is partly futnWied. • Groradafortilk ufu, v good condition;large-and email fralhain foil-boatiiS: >Jcohouse fillod; conunodiomi stable audnaro; good witerl &fr—- -v - CLARK A ETUNgC mjBo.atu,tbSt* 4 „ 7tff Walnut street. 4M A' IIANr SOME BEBIDENOB ItULBALEIN Ku! Germantown, with ail tho- modern convenience*. ■Ka two minutes* walk from Day's Lane Station. Apply aAiWSouthEighthstreet,x . '; ■ leapt* m a, new; CATALOGUES GIVEN GRATIS,- CON- ' : - KS taining full particulars of a great-variety of farms, -JKJi country seats, residences; stores, mills,, Ac., aii e^zWal^apt^e<* t ty, and 'throughout the: States t.ot Fonnsylvanial'Neur '• Jersey. Delaware,Maryland. Virginia, Ac. All wislilag re buy or oxcliapge real estate should get them. RANSOM BOGERS.Bfd South Fifth street. Jem* M ' FOB BALE- THE THREE BTOEYS BRICK Ku Dwelling with basement, No. 141 P Walnut *troet. ■Ku immediate poesewion given. Apply to the Pennsyl vania Llfo Insurance and Trust Company.ho. 804 Walnut street. - jea tf FOR SALE OB TO, RENT-FURNfSPED FOR'. Kir the summerseaeon-vAn V legant Country Seat,within *• 1 mllo of Burlington, N. J. Fine Lawn; ample etabling; abundance of fruit and vegetables; terms low: ■ apply at 66 North Front street. ]c24t* MCAFE ISLAND COTTAGE FOR BALE OR Rent, Thomas' Cottage, with coach-housc, stable, ice-house {tilled), and well. shaded, extensive giounds;foreaJo or to iet by executors. - A. CUTHBEKT, 28South Eighth street Jcl-CQ C.J. THOMAS, SO Walnut street MFOICBAJ E-A. WELL-BUILT THREE3TORY Brick Dwelling, back buildings and lot of ground. No. 1609 Race street. Immedlato possession given. Apply to „ ... v a. B: CARVER A CO.. J<a-6t* , S. W. cor. of. Ninth and Filbert streets- -ere FOR SALE-A VERY DESIRABLE FARM AT Hiia Ilodd'nfield, New Jersey; 133 acres of laud good JkuL dwelling bouse, new barn, three tenant houses, a mill property with good water power, and very fine rhado trees. Land in high state of cultivation. Apply to . C. H. A H. I*. MUIKUEID, Jel-lOt ~ - . - 203 Bouth Sixth street. jjm. FOR SALE.—A .COUNTRY BEAT CONTAINING Kuj .Tcn acres of land, handsomely located Jn Cbelton- JBuL ham township, on Church Road, a mile from Abington Station, on North- l'ennsylvania Railroad, aa'.' FOB BALE-A . HANDSOME FOURS TORY Kiabrick:residence.'with marble dressing*, three-jtory *»doublo back bundlugaextrs convenience i and lot ITO feel deep to a street,situate onthe couth side of Arch sticet wtetof Twentieth street. J, JLUUMMEV atttlNS, - -' ■ 608 Walnut street. 1, JM2, AT WOODBURY, N. J.-A DESIRABDERBSL K» deuce, lately put in complete order for the owner’s Kit me; ha* 13 rooms, all modern conveniences usual in the city residences; large garden, 45 by 400 feet: stable* enniagc-hoiue, Ac.; for sale on easy terms, br exchange for city property. J. FREDERICK LIST, 629 Watnnt street, Phlladplpuia. . : niy29-tf chi FOR BALE.-TUE NEW AND BEAUTIFUL KEBI. ■3? deuce In new block No. 329 South Seventeenth street. ■Ktkbetween Spruce and Vine, ia just finished, and will be sold. Inquire, of C. B, Wright, 163 a Spruce, or 143. Bouth Third street. . mylAtf «a FOR SALE OR TO LET-HANDSOME STONE Kaßesidence,-just built, with half on acre of ground, at AuaMounc Airy, Chestnut Hill Raihoad. Rent. $675. Applvto ■ ALFRED G, BAKaB, my3s tat* ; Np. 210 Chestnut street. , sea FOR SALE OR TO LET AT BRANCUTOW**.-* A Country Scat for * small family. Btono llotuo* .Glti'd for cummer oud winter. Frame Bam and 1 8 acres of laod. Inquire of C. W. WlfAitTON, next to prtnibca. mjlXlCt* atx FOR BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE M air. on tho River Bank, in the upper part of Beverly,«gP N. •!., coataintuß one acwu oxter dins to Warren***" * street, llio hotue ia Urge ana convenient: wldehaUln the centre; lant* shade trees* icrounda taatciuHy laid oat, and garden filled with all kind* of fruit; within s few minutes* walk of steamboat or railroad. Apply on the premises, orto WM. kain, ?>q- iq North Fouimstreet, Fhilada. apltf FOR BALE-THEHANDSOME TRUEE-STORY D«reUing«No. Pino street; built in the best Safa manner. All modem Improvement*. Also,, tho dcidrahle tbrecetojy dwelling, No.BlB North Heventtr street, with all modern improvement*. Immediata pea session for botL Apply to COPPUCK Ai JORDAN, 433 Walnut street. * my27tf M AIiCU STREET—FOR S4LE-AN ELEGANT brown stone Residence, built in a superior manner, JKSfcwith every convenience, and lot 23 feet front by 160 feet deep to a 20 feet wide street, situate onthe south side, west of Eighteenth. .J. M. GUMMEV 4t SONS, 60S Walnutetreet CAPE MAV COTTAGE FOR SALE* CONTAIN- Eu ing 7 rooms: eligibly located on'York avenue, -- Fdr particulars addrcag ALIX, this office. myS-tfS M WEBT PHILADELPHIA - FOR SALK THB haedfoujo double residence, bußt In tho best man n<*n With* every convenience, and lot 8a feet front by 1® feet deep. Sitnate Sn the xnoetdesalrable part of Weat Phlad’a. Ground* well ahaded and Improved with choica ehrubbery. J, M. GCM3IEY & 80NS, 609 Watoot atredt. FOR BALR-A MODERN BRICK RESIDENCE BE| —Hacdtoihely Furnished; built’' and finished •■s* l throoghout in a anperior manner, with extra convo nlsneea; five feet wide aide yard, and in perfect orders situate on Nineteenth etreet, above Aicln J«SL GLM> MRY ii SONS, jMH Walnut street. , M WALNUT BTUEET.-WEBT —For Sale—Tbe Handsome Brown Stone Keeidcnco, juat finished; furnished with eveiy conveniencer altuaie Nos. 3137 and 3439 Walnut street. J. M. GUMMEY & SONS, 604 Walnut gtreet . „ f?OR SALEj-BUILPINCS COTS. .___■ . ..■ JO Large lot Washington avenue and Twenty-third at. Three lots W. SlFranldln, above Poplar. • Five lota E. 8. Eighth, above Poplar. Lot E. S. Twentieth, below Sprurost Lot E. 8. Franltford road.' abovo Huntingdon. Apply t COPPL'CK ti JORDAN, 453 Walnutst my27tf .TOtjUEfrJU, STORE, 809 CHESTNUT STREET, TO LET. APPLY AT BANK OF THE BEPUBLIC. myl tf _ _ TO KENT Tlie First Floor (Back) - ' s *- OP TUB NEW BULLETIN BUILDING, No. 007 Chestnut Street, (And 604 Jayne Street) Inquire In tbo Publication Oliico of tho BPr-LErnf. myatH •' ' ' . 1 ~ L_. §E3 Horne. furnished. otrArch street, west of Broad, Be am! low Sixteenth Possession given middle of August Address,withreferenco, ... . my3o-t,tu.tliilt» . ... . ■ . p. W. T„ at thus omce._ TO BENT AT GERMANTOWN-A FURNISHED BB House, with stabling, and every modern conveul- Hat ence. cither for five months ora year. Apply io\V. C. HENSZEY, 7a7 Market street • )e36f jtzt, TO RENT-VERY DESIRABLE OFFICES AND figjjij Rooruß, on first and eocond floors of No. fil2 Chestnut X.a rfui foiir- 1- tory Brick Dwelling, N. W. comer of Pino fi 21 31 North Twentieth street. J. M. GUSIMEY i fiPNS,SOS Walnut street . . _TO RENT—IN WEST PHILADELPHIA,, A FUR fii ihlied house. N0.'4107 Walnut street Immediate JHia! possession given. Apply on promises. Jeiat* TO RENT FOR THE SUMMER.—A FURNISHED Sul Cottage on Price street Germantown. Terms mode- Hu! rare. Address **A* W. 1 * VTcstom Nat Bank. je3 8t ; EOABDING HOUSE .TO BENT. ' St?? A large four-eto’ry. building; 1 with foar-ctory back fiilii. buildings, Wo. 83*Arch street.- The parlors would make ft good ahowropm for a Tailor.. Dr csa maker or. Lfti dlea 1 Shoemaker..,, \ ; Inquire on the ptemlsee.! —. TO BENT FROM JUNE >5 TO SEPiEMBER J 5, a Furnished House, on Prfco etreot. GennJuj. ,fl£L town. All modem ; conveniences. Address J" W." Box 8064. P. O. - ' s ' . 1 mySttai, nACHINBBI. mod. Atl. JyJEKHICK FODHOKY. .tjlee. and of. In B rtWtlfiam Wright’* Paten* ‘. ofi W«*ton'a Patent Self -centering BartePsPatlmt Wronghtlron Eetort Ltd.. ConfawtoS^OT 1 thedejign, ereeUon, and fitting tip of Be enoHea for working Soger or Molaage*. iTOPPEB - AND YELLOW METAL SHEATHING, QO. No. 833 Bpath WhMTCe. .. , •■.'■■■■- ___- XTO. I.GLENGAKNOCK, SCOTCH FOR _ \N salefnlotatoßnlt purchasen, from T Btora_aoa to af. :_ t TnTlß.tft , PETER 115 Walnut street ' Apples?axtcSes • fresh Plhe Apples, In glass: WOO cases Green Corn and .Green, Peas; 600 csaeß fresh Plums, in cahet 200 cases fresh Green Gages; 8(10 cases Cherries, fn, syrup; 6(0 cases Blackberries, tn'syrup; 600 cases Straw berries. in syrup; 600 Cases fresh Pears, tn syrup; 9,000. casosCanned Tomatoes ;600 cases Oysters, Lobsters and Clams: 600 casos Unast Beef, Mutton, Voal. Boup3.oc. For safe by JOSEYHB. BDSBIEK & CO., 108 South Bala, waro avenue, ! rioMMQN cOpncil ,of rHiLMiELmiA, ' V< CLERK'S OFFICE, - ~ ~:Cr~~- Mays, im>: ■ 1 Xd nccortanco' with a 1 resolnUpß adopted by ' tho Common Connell of jhodty of Philadalphu* on Thursday, the Beventh flay of May, 1868, the annexed bill, entitled ' •.;;: : v, ;; • . ■ •• . “Ah'Ordihahck to create a. Ibon for the farther ~...... mijytthf* GflB ifi hereby'ruhllahod for, Clerk of Common CodncU. r. —’ my29,6t* AnOrdlnancetocreatoa LoanTortho further extension of the Philadelphia Gas Works. , 1 '- Beotioh l-ThoSelect andQommon Councils of Philadelphia do ordalnThat tho Mayor of the City be and he is hereby authorized to borrow at not ltss thah'paf.on the credit ofthe city, such enma as tho Tnißteea of tho Goa Works may re quire, not .exceeding in the aggregate one mullon dollars, at a rate of interest not above six per cent., to bo applied its follows, viz: First—" Sat enlarging and ■extending the works and purchasing,a suitable site for the erection of any new bnlldings or other structures ip tho northeastern part of tbd, city: tho selection of the cite and the character of the now bnlldings Or strit'cinres as proposed to be erected to be first submitted to and approved by the Councils, five honored thousand dollars. • Second—Pot street mains, two hundred and twenty.fivo thousand dollars. services and metres, two hundred thousand dollars. • Fourth—Eor coal storehouse at Point Breeze, seventy-five thousand dollars.' ’ .' The principal of said loan shall bo payable at the expiration of thirty years from the date - of negotiation, and shall be free from all taxes. ' Bec. 2. Certificates for said loan shall be issued by the Mayor, in such amounts as the londers may desire, but not for any fractional parts of one hnndred dollars, nor made transferable other wise than at the City Treasurer’s office, and shall be In the following form:' >. i Gas Loan. Certificate No.— - Six per cent Loan of the City of.' Philadelphia,, issued Under authority of an ordinance entitled “an ordinance to create a loan for the further extension of the Philadelphia Gas Works,” approved ——• ;■■ ■■■■.■■■. This cerUncs that there la duo to by the City of Philadelphia, dollars,, with Interest at six per. cent, payable half yearly-on the Ist days of January and July, at tho office of the City Treasurer In the said city, the principal tabepaidatthoxsmo office in-—years.from the date of'said ordinance and not before, without the holder’s consent . .Free of nil taxes. In wit ness whereof tho City Treasurer ■ has hereto set his band and affixed the seal of said city this —— day of_— —■ A. D.lB—. . *{■£. s. y Attest— City Controller. Sectios 3. That the terms and provisions of the ordinance .entitled, “An Ordinance for the further extension and management of theFhUa delphia Gas Works,” approved June 17, 1841, shall not apply in any way or manner to this Loan . : BESOmmOH TO PUBLISH A OAS loan bill. . Resolved, That the Clerk of Common Connell be authorized to publish in two dally newspapers of this city, daily, for fbhr weeks, the Ordinance presented to the Common Connell on Thursday, May 7,1868, entitled “An Ordinance to create a loan for the further extension of the Philadelphia Gas Works."'And the said clerk at the stated, meeting of Connells, after the expiration of four weeks from the first day of said publication, eibiul present to this Connell one of each of said sewspapera fcr every day In which the same shall have been made. ' . , myB,24t COMMON COUNCIL OF PHILADELPHIA— CLERK'S OFFICE, Philadelphia, May 15th, 1868. ' In accordance wlth.a Resolution adopted: by the Common Connell of the City of Philadelphia, on Thursday, the fourteenth play of May, 1868, the annexed bill, entitled: “Ah Obdihascb to create a loan for the further extension of Folrmount Pork, and the im provement thereof” to hereby published for imbU&jnfoimation. Clerk of Common ConnciL AN ORDINANCE To create a loan for the further extension of Falrmount Park, and for tho Improvement . thereof. n . . Section 1. The Select and Common Councils of tee City of Philadelphia do ordain, That the Mayor of Philadelphia be and he 1b hereby au thorized to borrow, at hot less, than par, on the credit of the city, from time to time, for the far ther extension of Fairmonht Park and for the improvement thereof, $4,000,000, for which Interest not to exceed the rate of six per cent per annum shall, be nald .half yearly, on the first day of January and July, at tho office of the City Treasurer; and the said loan shall be called the “Park Loan.” The principal of said loan shall be payable and Said at the expiration of thirty, years from thb ate of the some, and not before,without the con sent of the holders thereof; ana the certificates therefor in tho usnal form of the certificates of City Loan,'•shall be issued in such amounts as the lenders may require, but not for any frac tional part of one hundred dollars,or, if required, In amounts of five'hnndred or one thousand dol lars; and it shall bo expressed in said certificates that the loan therein mentioned and the Interest thereof are payable free from all taxes. Section 2. Whenever any loan shall bo made by virtue thereof, there shall be by force of this ordinance annually appropriated out of the in come of the corporate estates, and from tho sum raised by taxation, a sum sufficient to pay the Interest on said certificates; and the farther sam of three-tenths oftone per centum on the par value of such certificates do Issued shall be appro priated quarterly out of said income and taxes to a sinking fund;' which fund and its accumulations are hereby especially pledged for the redemption and payment of said certificates. RESOLUTION TO PUBLISH A LOAN, BILL. Resolved, That tho Clerk of Common Council be authorized to publish in two daily newspapers of this city, daily, for four weeks, the.Ordlnancc presented to the Common Council on Thursday, Slay 14,1868, entitled, “ An Ordinance to create a loan fbr the farther extension of Fairmount Park, and for the improvement thereof.” ' And the said Clerk at the stated meeting of Councils after the expiration* of four weeks from the first day* of said publication, shall present to this Council one of each* of said newspapers for every day in -which' the same shall have. been made. , * . ! my!B 24t .- BUEATEJB* JUID STOVEB. Hbalt I m o re IMPROVED BABE BURNING . FmE-PDACE HEATER MAGAZINE • VV..‘ : ..* ' , AND",. i ’ 11, lid M I N A T I N O D O O BS. ' The most Cheerful and-Perfect Heater in* Use. To be had, Wholesale and Betail; of : ®LARK, 1008. mARHET- SfREET, myl Bms - THOMAS 3. DIXON * SONS, , jnrtgl < Late Andrew* ft Dixon, ■ Jljn»j~-~No7TBSI CHESTNUTStroet, PhUadelpMs, Oppoiite United States Mint. Mmmfactarer.ot tOWJ)OWN> CHAMBER, OFPIOE,_ a _„ o , ■ For Anthracite? BRmninoua and’ Wood EtM, •. AUBO.. WARM-AIR FURNACES. For Warming Public and Private Halldinfii, REGISTERS. VENTIIaATORS, . i -y -and-"*. ... COOKING^iSGEsfBrwFu-'BOILEKa. w NyHOLKBAI.Band RETAIL. . BjtitßWA TJODGERS* AND WOSTENHOLM'S ‘ POCKET Jv KNIVES,* PEARL and STAG HANDLES, of beauti fnt flniah?- RODGERS* andWADE* BUTOiiBR’S, and tho CELEBRATED LECOULTRB RAZOR., SCISSORS ■IN CASES of, tho finest mmlity, Razors, Knivea. Sclmoni and Table Cutlery, Ground and frollshed; EAR INBTKU MENTS of the moat* approved construction to aßaiat the tearine, atp. MADEIRA'S. Ontlor and Surgical Inrtrn jnent Maker. UsTenthStreet,bolow-Chfeetnut.:. mrltfs, NAVAIL STOKES, EOSIN AND SPTB. TUBPT. ‘ ' ... . ... . „ 177 bblaiJitoain. ■ :■:■; 157 bbla. Prime/White Spirita Turpentine,, now landipg from Btmr. "Pioneer” from Wilmington. N. C..ahd foraalo by,,, - OOCHRAN? RUSSELL* CO., leltf _.. ■ ■ 23 North Front atreot. PRESERVED TAhIARINDB.-20 KEGS MnRTJLNIUUE Tam arinde, in sugar, landing and for sale by J. B BUSHIER * CO.. 108 South Delaware avenua erf WEST JERSEY RAILROAD LINES. spring abbaHgement.' Commencing \Vedne,tiar,April,l,lBoB. TOLL leave, wiu n»T op MAKKgr „ graEKT WHARPTUpper Ferry) as follows: A aL and'fao'i*! gf*"™’intermediate stations, at&W Vineland and way (taUocr. at 8.04 A. M. For Cape May at 8.15 P. SI. ■ ~T For Woodbury (accommodation).at 6-00 P. M. . . Commutation Check*, rood between' Philadelphia and an atailons, may be obtained on ayplleatlon at the Tree, surer’. Office, Camden. N.J. Freight Train leaves Camden dally at 13 o’clock (noon). Freight will be reedred at second covered whan below Walnntetreen daily, from 7 A. M. dntU B F. M. Freight Delivery 228 South Delaware event! o. ——■ TOU. SEWELL, Superintendent. IgTTrnwnimma I FOR NEW YORK.—THE CAMDEN AND AJIBOY and PHILADELPHIA ■ TRENTON RAILROAD COM. . PANY’B LINES, from Philadelphia to New York, and way place*, from Walnut street wharf. r : Fare; At BEO A. M- Via Camden and Amboy, Aceem. east ‘At 8 A. JL.vie Camden and Jersey City Express Mall, S DO bAt 2.08 P. M., via Camden and Amboy Express, r . 800 At 8.00 ft S».,v£a Camden hnd Jersey City’Express, 3 00 At 61'. M. for Amboy and Intermediate st-tlohs. At ASOaud 8 A. M,. and 2 P.M-lor freehold... AtBand 10A. MA2.B.Boand P.SL,forTrentJmv .. * At6.Bo,Band 10AE, 1.2,3, Sand It 30 P. H., for borantowm • At 6.30 audio A.M„ 1, t, B,AB<VW 6 and 1L33P.M., lor aioittict. At 0.80, B and 10 AM., L 3.3, 3.80. 430,8 andlLßO P.JL for Burlington,' Beverly and Delanco. ■ "-■•■■* ' At RSO ana 10 A M.,1 a00,A30, S and ILBO P. M. far Edge . water, Riverside, Riverton and Palmyra. 2P. JL for Riverton and 3.30 P. Jl. for Palmyra.. . • ■■ At 5.30 and 10 A JL.1,4 30. 6 and lLßoP.Jl.forFleh House. ■ (WTherandlLSUP. M.LlneswlU leavefromfoot of Marketstxeetby npperferry, Krotn KcxmDgtcDVtipot: . ; •' At 11A Si., via Kensmgtoa and Jersey City, Herr York Express Line.:...., ........... SB 00 At 7.00 and ILOO A.M_SLUJ,aBO and 6 P.M. for Trenton and Bristol.. And at 10J6 A.M. for Bristol - At 7.00 and 11 AiL,a.3a and6P. M. for Monisvllle and TnUytown. At'. 7.00 and -10.16 ASL, U3O and 6P. M. for Scneneks and Eddio^toxz. At 7.00 and IS.IBASL-ILSO.Ad, and 6 P.MLfor Cornwells, - TorresdaleLHolmesmirt:, Tacony, Wlarinomlna, Brldea. burs and Pranklord, and BP. M. for Holmesborg and Intermediate Statlona. - From West Philadelphia Depot, via Connecting BaH. > At’kanA Bli L3o,' 6L3O’ arid' U Pli'SL New. .Yorit.ExWeeg Line, via Jersey City., ..83 26 AtlA. SfTEmlgmntUno.... .......rA® 'f he aao AM. and 680 P.M, Lines run dafiy. All others, Sundays executed. ■ ■ ,: ■ At Rat A. M„ 1.93,630 and ISP. M-for Trenton, AtftSO A M„ At 12 P: JL (Night) for MorrirvlUe, Tujlytown, Bchencki, Eddington, Cornwells, Torrisdale, Holmesbnrg,Taconr, ■Wlaslnomljlß.Brideshur*andFranklord...., For Linea leaving Kensington Depot, take the ean on Third or Fifth streets, at Chestnut, at ball an hour before departure. The Carson Market Btreet Railwayrun di rect to-West Philadelphia Depot, Chestnut anAWalnut within ono Un Sundays, the Market Street Cara will run to connect with the 9.30 A M and 6.80 p„ JL linea, BELVIDERB DELAWARE RAILROAD LINES from Kensington Depot. At 7.00 A6L, for:Niagara Falls, BnSalo, Dunkirk, Elmira, Ithaca, Owego, Roehesterjiingbampton, Oswego, Syracuse, (treat Bend, Montrose, wilkesbarre. Scranton, Stroudsburg. Water Gap. Ac. . At 7XO A JE. and A3O P, 6L for Scranton. Stroudsburg, Water Gap, Xaaton, Lamoertrihfi,Flem]ngton, be, The &30 P. M. Line connects direct srith' the train telmhg Easton forManch Chnnfc Allentown, Bethlehem, &e. At BP. Id. forl»*mbertviUe and totermedlftte BtaHoiu. CABLDEN and BUHEINOTON CO.,AND PEMBERTON AND- HIOHTBTOWN -KAILKOADB, 2rom Market At for Merchant sville,' Mtwrea* town, Hartford, Maeonti'le, Ilalnsport, Mount Holly. Smithvllle, Evansville. Vincentovm, Birmingham and *. Pemberton. . .. At 1 and 4 P.M. ; wEewfatowu,WriglitgtotvmCodtotowp« New Egypt,Hornerßtovm, Cream Kldgc, f baron and UJclitetown. ilty Pounda wßamxe only allowed eacn PajEsenger. Pancngen are prohibited from taUffiT'Anything as bag gage but their wearing apparel AH oaggaae* over fifty pounds to bejp&id for extra. The Company limit their re* •possibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound.and.will not be liable for any amount beyovA dltf), except' hy spe cial contract. ' • r - Tickets sold end Baggage checked direct through to Boehm, - Worcester, Springfield, Hartford, New Haven, Providence, Newport, Albany, Troy. Saratoga, Utica, Borne, Syracuse. Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge. An additional Ticket Office Is located at No. 829 Chestnut rtreet, where tickets to New York, and all lm pertant points North and East; may be procured. Per. sons purchasin g Tickets at this Office, esa have their bag gage checked from residences or hotel to destination, by « t »^m e fSTOdel f hiawlUleaverrem foot of Cortland street at 7 A M. and LOO and 4.00 P. M., via Jersey City and Camden.' At 6330 P. M. via Jersey City and Kensington. At 10.00 AM- and 12 JL, andhdo P.'jl.. via Jersey City and West Philadelphia. From Pier No. I, 5,30 A JL Accommodation and 2 P M. Expreu.Tla Ambov and Camden. . , JuneLlMS. ’ , WM. H. GATZMEB, Agent •City Treas. r»l" NORTH PENNSYLVANIA. 8.H.- MIDDLE ROUTE—Shortast ———w V— —and most direct Una to Bethlehem, Keeton, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Hazleton. White Haven, WllkeabarreJMthanoy City. Mt. Carmel, Fitteton, Bcranton,C*rbond&le and all the point* to the Lehigh apd N, W. eomerof Berk* DAILYTRAINB -On and after WEDNESDAY. MAY 13th, 1868, Pa* •eager Trains leave the NewDepat, comer of Berks and American streets, daily exceptedVas follows: At 6.45 A. hL—Accommodation for Fort Washington. „ At 7.45 A. Mv—Homing Express for Bethlehem and Principal Stations on North Fennaylvania B&llroad, con necting at Betblebemwith, Lehigh Valley and tohigh ans Btuquehazma Railroads ■ for EastoiL Allentown, i!afa» ManchChunk*Weatherly. Jeanesville, HaalctonTwhite • Haven.• Wflkeabarre, Kingston, Carhondale, .and all points to Lo highina Wyoming Volleys; also, in connection with L»o -high and Hah ahoy Railroad for MahanoyCity,. and with Cstawie*& Railroad for Rupert, Danville, Milton and_Wil- U&mrpoit. Arrive at Mauch Chnnk at 15L05A. M.:at Wilkeebarre atSP.M.; Scranton aUOS P. ,M, ? at Mana noy.City*t2P:M* Passengers by this train can take the Lehigh Valley Train, passing Bethlehem at 1L66 AM. for E&eton and points on New Jersey Central Railroad to At &45 A. M'-rAccommodatisn for Dbrlestown, "stop ping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers for Willow Grove, Hatboro* and Haitsville, by this train; take Stage at Old York Road. - • ' ' m .. . At ia2o A; ML—Accommodation for Fort Washington, •toppingatintermediateBtatiohs. « ... v At L 45 P. M.~LehJgh Valley Express for Bethlehem, All£nu»WDi.Mauehf Ohnnk, White Haven. Wilkeabarre, Mahanoy Ci.Tr, Centralia, Shenandoah, ML CarmsL Pittaton and Scranton, and all points .in Mahanoy and WyomingCoalßegions. ' ■ . . • _ At 255 F. M.—Accommodation for Doylestown, stopping atoll intermediate stations. Passengers take stage at DoylOctown for New Hope, and at North Wales for Bum* oeytowiu . At aiBP. M.—Lehigh and Smqnehonna Express"' for Bethlehem, Eafeton, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Wilkes bane andSeranton.Passenger, for Greenville take this train tef.Quakertown- . - At 415 P, M.—Accommodation for Doyleetown, stopping at all Intermediate stations. Paeeengera for Willow Drove, Hatborough and Hartsville take stage at Abtog ton ’ . At 6.00 P.‘M.~Thr6ogh accommodation, for-Bethlehem and all stations on main line of North Pennsylvania Kail roads connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Even ing Train for Eaaton, Allentown, Mauch Chunk. - Hit 620 P. it—Accommodation for Lansdale, stopping at all intermediate stations. . ■ . „ , At 11301*. M—Accommodation for ForMVasbington. TRAINS AKMVB"IN")PHiL^EIiPHIA. From liothlchenj at&OO end 11.60 A. M., 9 and &S 0 P. H. ,1160 A. 11. and 8.00 P.M. Trains makes direct connec tion with Eebjgh Valleyand he high and Susquehanna trains - from Easton, Scranton, Wukesbarre., Mahanoy City and Hazleton. -■' Passengers leaving^WilkeabauTeat LBO P. H, connect at bethlehem at 6.05 P. M., and arrive in Philadelphia at 8.88 P, M« From Doylestown at 8.25 A* M., 5.00 and 7.00 P. M* From T.nriffdftlo at7.SB A* M. ■ From Fort A. M. and 3.16 F.M. Philadelphia for Bethlehem ai 9.30 A. M. for Doylestown at 2LQO P. M. ■ • • •> .- Boylettown for Philadelphia afc.7.00 A. M. ' Bethlehem for-Philftdolphia at 4.80 P.M. - Fifth and Sixth streets Passenger Gan convey passen gers to and from the new Depot. ■■ ■ ■•••■ m ~ - t ■ 7 White Cara of Second and Third Streets Line and Union Line ran within a short distance of the Depot. ./. Tickets must be procured ■ at the Ticket office* in order to secure th* lowest rates of fare,7 : - i.• EtiLIB GLABK, AgdnL Tickets sold and Baggage checked through to principal «at Mann's North Peon. Baggage Express Office, • Sooth Fifth street. ; * * «nrW ■"■> i MM “. TIME TABLE.—Commencing Mon a»l.' April J3tb. 1868, Tralnawill Mave Depot, comer of Broad Btroet andWaahihgton avenue, os folio we: , ■,: Way-mall Train, at &30, M. IBundays MTOpted),for Baltimore; stopping at all resjilar.Btatlons.,-Connecting with Delaw aro Railroad at WiiniinKtoil for Criatiold ana o iaooM.(3unihßyßnioejitoa)for Balti more nndWaahington. stopping: at WUmtngton. Porry ville and Uavro-de-Graoo. Conneotß at Wilmington witn train for Now Cattle, *. . : EipressTrainat 380 P. M. (Bondayo excepted), for Bal timoro and Washington, stopping at Chester,'Thurlow, Linwood. Claymont, WilmlnglouTNewpQrtatanton, New ark, Elkton,tfortheast,Charlestown,Perryyille,Hayro-de. Grace, Aberdeen, Edgewood.,- Magnolia, Chase’s and Btemmer’a Bun. Connects at Wilmington .with Delaware Railroad Line,,,stopping at Now Castle, Middleton, Clayton. Dover, Harrington, Seaford, Salisbury. Princess Anne, and- connecting' at Cririlala tvitb boat for Fortress Ricnroo, Norfolk, Portsmouth and the South.: , . -, ; 7 \ .• **«-.. • ' Nffibt.ExpreMatlLOQP.M, (daily) forßaltimore ind . Washington, Btoppingat Perrvville and Havre de*Grace; 'Paeecngero forFortressMonroe and Norfolk..via Balti more Wul take the IHOO M. Train., Via Crisfieja will take the 3.80 P.M. train.' ' .... -Wilmington Trams, stopping , at all station* between FbUadelpnia and Wilmington.: Leave Philadelphia atU, 11.30 (daily) P. M. The 6.00 P. M. train connects with tho .’Oclaware Railroad for Harrington and Inter media testations.'.•;;/... . Leave Wilmington 7.ooandaio A M. (daily) and L3O. , 4,16 and 7.00 (daily) P. M«- The 8.10 A. M.Train will’step , between Cheater and . ‘ From Baltimore to PldladelpiUaer-LeaVD Baltimore 7.25 A. Ms,WayMaiL 9.40 A, JL, Expreea V L&25’'P, ;M., Exf areas. 636 P.M., Express. 8.55P.8iL I ;Expreße : _ , P BUNDAYTrAiNS FROM Bat timers atSteF;M„etopidn?Bt Havre, do. Gragm Perry; ■riUo and Wilmington. Also stop, at North Eaat,.E|kton and Newark, to take pasaeygers for Philadelphia, and leave passengers from Washington or Baltimore, and at Chester to leave passengers from Washington or Btdfl m§Sfough‘ tickets to all ppihti WestSonth andScrathwest maybe procured at ticketoflice. 828 Chestnut street, wider Continental Hotel, whore also Bute Booms and Bertha in Bleeping-Cara can be secured during tho day. Pertains Durcnpjnns tickets at this office can have baggage checked at their reddened by the Union Transfer Company, -ttuieur cn • H.F. KENNEY* Superintendent. '< :.sM/, THED ILY 4 a -18,68* ITBATELBBT SUinU’ QUICKEST TIME ON SECOED. tbb pu-HiMoLE Bonn; tOPRa to OraCXHWATX. Tt« PEHI TIME than by COMPETING LINE& PASSENGERStakIngthe &00 P.M. TRAIN MntE, CINCINNATI next EVENING at BAB P.hL, 34 BOUBE ONLY ONE NIGHT Oil the ROUTE. V „«r THE WOODRUFF’S celebrated raUoe dtate- Koom BLEEFINCKiARS ,mn through from VHiiaiutT. PmAwWpWi. Passenger*taking the lAOO M. points WEsf and ofoUother Btw , iMinaaiaww.m, StTLOUHLCAIHO, CHICAQiVPtioKIA, BUHLINtL .TON.QUINCY,MILWauKBB.BT. PAUL, OMAHA. 9. T., anAisll pomSrWEST. NORTHWESTandBOUTH “*,or¥IRKBTB ,KnTo SECDBE the ETOBWAhED .'advantiwe* of this LINE, be VERY PARTICULAR and TICKETB“Via PAN-HANDLE,*’ at TICKET OFFICES, N. W.COHNER NINTH and CHESTN DT Streets, HO. US MARKET STREET, bet. Second and Frontßts, And THIRTY-FIRST and MARKET Streets.Wert Phila. KF. SCULL, Oen’lTickrtAgt, Pittsburgh. JOBS H. MILLER, GenT EoatM Agt^636BroadwayJ.Y. ; RTSBOBOaD READING RAILROAD— : T NT LINE from Philo , "■ " dolphin to the Interior of Pennsylva nia, the Schuylkill, Susquehanna, Cumberland end ! Wyoming Volleys, the North. Northwest and the Cana. • t das,Bummer Arrangement of Passenger Trains. May 4, ' Ufig.leayinr the Company’s Depot Thirteenth &nd CaL : low hill streets, Philadelphia, at the following hours. ■ MORNING ACCOMMODATION.—At 7.80 A. M. for Beading end all intermediate Allentown. Returning. leave*_Readlng at ASO P„ M* arriving in Philadelphla stRIOP. MT^ i MORNING EXPRESS.-At Rl5 A. M. for Beading, Le . banon, Barrisbnrg, PottevlUe, Pino Grove, Tamaqua, i Sunbnry.WUliainsporLElmiia, Roehee ter,Niagara Falls, . Buffalo. Wlikeabarre. pitteton, Yorki Carlisle," Cham benburr,Hagerstown.'Ac.. * -v....... . - The 7.30 train connect* at Reading with the Kart Penn sylvania Railroad trains for < Allentown," Ac* and the 8.16 A.M.connectrwith tie Lebanon Valley train for . Harrisburg. Ac. ; at Port Clinton 'with Catawissa 8.8. trains for Williamsport Lock Haven, Elmira, Ac.: at Harrisburg with Northern Central, Onmberland Vauey, and SebuylklU and Basqnehannatralna'forNorthmnber , land. Williamsport Y o rk.Chambersburg. Pinegrovo, Ac. AFTERNOONEXPRESS—Leaves Philadelphia at a3O P.M. for Beading,Pottsvilie.Harrisburg, Ac., connect. lng-with Beading and ColumWa - Railroad trams for. Got “pO&raTOWN ACCOMMODATION—Leaves Pott* i town at &4B AM., stopping at intermediatestatiOnstar rivealn Philadelphia at 9.05 A. M. Returning leaves Phi ladelphia at LOOP. M.: arrives in Pottstown atASSP.M. BEADING ACCOMMODATION—Leaves Res ding at 7.80 AM, stopping at all way stations: arrives In phila. AM. , ?’ :'t ' ,■ . Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 6.16 P.M.: arrives In Beading at E.OO Pi M* Train* for Philadelphia leave Harriabnrg at &1Q A. 2f*. and Pottaville at 0.45 A. M.', arrivingin Philadelphia at LOOP. M. Afternoon train* leave Harri*biirgaJ2.Us P.SL, andPottxville at 2.45 P. M.; arriving at Philadelphia af 6.45 P.M. Haniabuig accommodation leave* Reading at7.l5A. hL.asdHarrlßburßat4.tO P. M. Connecting at Beading with Afternoon Accommodation »outh at6L2O P, U.« arriving in Philadelphia at 0.10 P. M. Maifcet train, with ,a Passenger car attached, leaves Fhlladeli hia at 12.45n00s for Pntsviile and all Avay St*, tiona; leaves Pottaville at 7 A. M., for Philadelphia and all Wav Stations. AU the above trainaron daily, Sunday* excepted. ' Sunday trains leave Pottavilro at ana Phila* deljphla at 306 P. M.; leave Philadelphia for at, 8.00 A. returning from Beading at 428 P. M. CHFBTEK VALLEY for Downingtown and intermediate points take the 7AO A.M., li.<sand LSO P.AL trains from Philadelphia* vetnming from nowTringtown at &S 0 A. M.(jLOO P. M. and 5145 P* M. PEBKJOMEN KAILKOAD.-Pesfiengem for College villa take 7 30 A. M. and 4.30 P. M. from. PhUadel phia, returning from Collegevilte at 701 A. M. and 139 P. M. Stage lines for various points in-Pdrkiomcn Valley connect with t> ales *t Co liege ville. - NEW YORK EXPRESS, FOB PITTSBUBQH AND THE WEST.—Ueaves New York at; 9A. M.. &00 and aoo PAL, paaaing Beading atd A. M.« L6oand 1010P.M.. and connect at Haoiabuig with Pennsylvania and Northern Central BaflroadExpre&s Trains for PittebtxrKh, ddcagOt Wiiiiamßport,Ehhira.BaUiiiiore.&c \ Eeturning, E . xprea Train leaves Harrisburg, on arrival «of Pennsylvania "Express from'Pittsburgh, at S and A. M.. 0.85 P. M.. paaeing Beading at 449and7.06' AIM, and U.40P.5L, arriving at New York 10.10 and lid A.M^ . and aooP. M. Sleeping Cars accompanying these trains through between Jersey .City and Pittsburgh* without change. •• . v' Mall train for New York leaves Harrisburg at 810 AM. and 3.06 P.M. MoR train for Harris burg leaves New York at 12 Noon. SCHUYLKILL VALLEY RAILROAD—Trains; leave Pottsvilie at Aao, li(B AM. and 7J6 P. M^retumlngfrom Tamaqna at 7.86 AM. and I.4oand 4.85 P.M. - SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD— Trains leave Aubnm at 7A6 A 6L for Pinegrovo and Har risburg. and at 13.46 P. M. for Finegrove andTremont; re- Tremont at 7.40 AM. and AB5 P.M. TICKETS.—Throngb firsLdass tickets and emigrant tickets to all the principal pointsin the North and 'West and Canada*, n Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to Beading and . Intermediate Station*.: good for day only, are sold by MaminglAccommod&uon, Harttet Train, Reading and Pottetown Accommodation Trains at reduced rates. Excuraion Tickets to Philadelphia, good for day only, are sold at Beading and Inter edlato Stations by Bead ing and Pottstown Accommodation Train* at reduoed The following tickets ore obtainable only at theOffiee of 8. Bradford, Treasurer, No. 337 South Fourth street, Philadelphia, or of Q.A Nlcolls. GenerolSsperinteniient. Beading. Commutation Ticket, at fiSper cent discount, between any points deaired, forfamillea and firms. Mileage Tickets, good for 2 000 miles, between <aU point* at 8© w each,’ftr families and firms. Season Ticketß, for three, six, nine or twelve month*, for holders only, to all points at reduced rates. Clergyman residing on the line of the road will be fur nished with cards, entitling themselves and wive* te tickets at half fare.' Excursion Ticket* from Philadelphia to principal sta tions, good for^Saturday, Sunday.and Monday, at reduced fare, to be bad only at the Ticket Office, at Thirteenth and Callo w hill streets. „ FREIGHT.—Goods of all descriptions forwarded to all the above point* from the Company** New Freight Depot, , Broad and Willow streets. ' j . .. Freight Trains leave Philadelphia daily at (UK) A. ML* 12.45 noon, and 6 P. M., for Beading, Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pottsvilie, Port Clinton, and all points beyond. Mails dose attho Philadelphia Poat-Omce for aD placet on the road and it* branches at 6 A.M.', and for the prin cipal Stations only at 2*15 P. M. •.... BAGGAGE*. ... Dungan** Express will collect Baggage for all trains : leaving Philadelphia Depot. Orders can be left at No 225 South fourth street, or at the Depot, Thirteenth and Gal- . Lowhill streets. i RfTnßsnann PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL IfijlMßtdirnad. —Sommer Tima. Taking ffTOzaHT,.... May loth, 1868. Tho- trains of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad leave the Depot, at Thirty-first and Market streets, which is reached diroctly by the cars of the Market Street Passenger Railway, the last car connecting with each train; leaving .Front and Market streets thirty minutes boforoitedeparture* Those of the Chestnut and Walnut Street Railway run within one square of the Depot. _ , _ . ON SUNDAYS—The Market Btreet Cars leave Front and Market streets 85 minutes before the departure of Car Tickets can b$ had on application at the Ticket Office, Northwest comer of Ninth and Chestnut streets, and at the Depot. tl _ _ Agents of the Union TransferCompony will call for and deliver Baggage at the Depot. Orders left at No. 901 Chest ; nut street. No. 116 Market Btre6t. wiU receive attention. . h TRAINS LEAVE DEPOT, VIZ-: Mail Train .... at*B.OOA.M. Paoll Accommodation No. 1... at 10.00 A. M. Fast Line..........., P . .at 12.00 M. Erie Express. ...; . at 12.00 M. PaoU Accom.Nos. 2,3 & 4 .atL00,6.00 6 10 80 P. M. ; UarristrorgAccommodation.. at2.3OP.M. Lancaster Accommodation.'... .tat 4.00 P. M. PorkeburKTrain.. 6 30P.M. CincinnatiExpreaa.......w......... ... 8.00 r. M. pu!adripifiw Ei®ftos' i.! I'.! * Mat IUS P.' M, Accommodation. at 11.20 i. M. Erie Mall leaves daily,- except Saturday. PhiUdelphla Express leaves daily. AU .other trains dally, SxceptSufaday; ..H*. V - Tho Weutern Accommodation Train runs daily, except Sunday, - For, this train tickets must bo procured and -haggagedclivered by&l)OP. It;.' at 116 Market street. TRAINS ARRIVE AT DEPOT. VIZ: Cincinnati at 1.35 A. M. : Philadelphia Express ...”7.10 - PaoliAccom. No. 1,. ,-i. ” 8.20 Parkebuxg 'rr&iu......... ~,.,.." 9.1 U “ Erie Mai 1....................... -‘7,10 FastLine,.’.:..... -.-c O. 35 “ .Train. P. Mi: GMi^GngskR .Mi .v-..Ai- li.KMS. ..>•«*'s.oo PaoU Accom. Nos. 3 ft 8 at 3.40 dt 7.10 " Hanisbure Accom #.50 For further information, apply to - . . . . . JOHN C. ALLEN, Ticket Agent, 901 Chestnut street. ' FRANCIB FUNK Agent, 116 Market street. SAMUEL H. WALLACE, Ticket Agent at tho Depot. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will vnot assume ! any risk for Baggage, 1 except for fwearing apparel,, and 1 limit their responsibility to Ono Hundred Dollars in value. : 111 Baggaga'exceeding that amount In value will be at i ‘he ri*R of the owner, unless taken by special contract. , ™ U ; i. h EDWARD'IL WILLIAMS, i General Buperintendent, Altoona, Pa. PHILADELPHIA & BALTIMORE y§sSS3affi3jK;ENTKAL RAILROAD. - Summor r7Bt ”— On and.after Monday, • April 18,1868, the Trains will leave Philadelphia,from the : Depot Of. th o, W eat,Che b ter Phlladel phi a itailrpad, cor. » n'er of Thirty.first and'Choßtaut streete (West Philado.), ! ' > -l . ■ . rt#ui . LeAVeißisingflnn,‘ats,ih As M*. and Oxford at 6.00 A. : M.vahd/r4eave r Oxford, at 84$P. ■ i { ' A Market Tram wit&■"PoSehier Cai } attached will run ; on-Tufefedayß and Fridays, I leaving the RUtng Sun at ILOa i A:-M(v Oxford atvitism and Konnett abLOO P. JWU con i West Shorter Junction with a tr&in fpr . Phiia : delphia. On- Wednesdays' ana Saturdays train leaves : PMladelphiaat2.3o.P. 3d.,runs through foOrford. ( --TheTrain leaving Pliiladelphia at 7.16 AMMconn6cta at ' Oxford with a dailyßnOcPf Stagea for Peaehrßottom* in ; Lancaster county. Returning, leaves Peach Bottom to connect atOxfpw! With the AJierooonTrain for Philadol • phia."'" r■ ; Tcato^Jte,viDg. PhOadelphla at ,160!’P..M.runf to Paaeengers allowed, to take wearing apparel- only, as the ’Company will not, in any case^be -re* : sponsible £or an amount exceeding one hundred -douara, anlfegßLa speclal contract bamade for the same.* • • >•* < .. y- • r i , * WQOD. General Su^t ■■ —RQaD. to. Wilkesharro, Mahahoy City* Moant ' CanneLCentraUa, and all points on Lehigh Vnlleyßailrcfad‘andituhTanche«. ' By new arrangempute, perfected this day, this rood la maoled to give mo-eased dhspiitch tb merchandise con* drned to the above named polcts. Goods delivered at the T&ongh Freight Depot, 8. E, cor. of FRONT and NOBLE Btreeta, Before 6P. M., will reach Wilkeabarre, Mount CanneL Mahanoy City, and the other stations in Mahanoy and Wyoming volieji before U A* SILS of the succeeding day, ~ le2B ELLIS CLARK* Agent#. Tbe&& Sown t«mi Mid the SH ant 696 DP tralxu, wfll aoffjtOTiOTtoGermantflw-n Branch. ;. :■; LeaveG*rman£cn*n— 6ls Ar M.i i*. M. .• xjhfbtnut iuLl<laileoai>. . —• . : i( J>av« ml*aelphl|k--fl, 8.10, 13 A.M. I a.ff16,6J6, 7. Sand LeaveChertnutfl 111—7.10 gdnntee, 8,8.40 andIL4OA. M!fi4a r a«.6.40.V v A .. ;? —Leave Philadelphia.-al6 minute. A.M.'; t and 7P. W- Leave Cheeurat Hi 11—7.60 mlnuta. A. M,; 13.40, 6.40 and 0.36 minute. K M. . . FOH CONBHOHOCEEN AND NORttIBTOWN. 7 * **•*<*• 6 * . Leave Nonl. town- 6.40,7,7.60,8, UA. M. i Wtf, ?. 416. «Lli endSMP.U. ■ •■*— ■--■■■ „ . ON SUNDAYS. I«ave Philadelphia—9 A.M.:3M and 7.16 P. M. Leave NoTiiiown—7 A. M.: SMand ■ • pok majJayunk. ' . 7 Jf,8.1L05 A. M-;1>f.3,4X,t>4. 0.16. &06 and 1125 P. 14,. .- ■ ■ -Leave Manayonk-6.10.724,8.5)0. 525.U26 A.M.-.2,326,6,1 06 and 9 P.M. • • _ . : ■v-:-'■' • "' ■ OH BDNDAVB., r - ■ LeavoPhilad(«ehla-9A.M.; Wand 7.16 P.M. Leave Manajnnk—7J4A. M.;6and SJ6P.M. s. WlLSpN.GeneralSuperintendent, -... Depot, Htoth and Green ttreeta. ijVLiaafflrt ■ WEST CHESTER-AND PHILA Oband MterMONDAY.April 18th<lB68>trainB will leave Depot, Tbtrty-first and Chestnut streets, as follow*: -TrftJjDsle&ve Philadelphia for West Chester,. at 7.15 A -M.» ILOQ A. M., 130, UA AW, 7.00 and 11.00 P. M. .w . Leave West Chester for Philadelphia, from Depot onlS.' Marketstreet,Als, 7.15,7.80 and 10.45 A. M./L&V4.60 aq<J ftfiOP.M.. •**--. tta] Od and after Manday. June l£tb. an .additional Train will leave Philadelphia (or . Media and Intermediate Point* atABOF.SL , e..*j -..... "Trains leaving West Chester at 7.80 A. and leaving Philadelphia at 4.60 P. M., will stop at 6. C. Junction ana .MHlttdw;><•••* }•.'■ < •. •**/„■ C* Passengers to or from stations between West Chester and#: C. Junction going East,'. will_take 'train leaving West Chester at 7J6 A. aL, and going West will take train leaving Philadelphia at A5O F.M., and transfer at B. U Philadelphia at 7JB aJ M. and ASOP.M., and Wert-Cheeteratt 7.50 A. BLdnd A6O F. M., connect at B. C. Junction with Trains on theF. B. C,B, R, for Oxford and intermediate points. ON SUNDAYS—Leave Philadelphia at &00 A. H. and 8.00P,M. -V -7V7- - •’ - Leave Westchester 7.45 A M. and 5 P.M. The Depot is reached directly by the Chestnut and Wal* not streetcars. Those of the Market street line ran with* in one square. The can of both lines connect *with each trainnfroaltsarrival. . _ A . -- • are allowed to take wearing , apparel only as Baggage, and the Company will not, in anyeass be responsible for an amount exceeding 8100, unless ipe. dal contract is made for the same, ' 1 1 v .., hENBY WOOD, General Superintendent rrpmMsam FHILADBLP3SQA AND ERCB BAILBOAD—SUMMER TIME TA ... .llMl.y.' BLEl—Through and Direct Route be* tween" Philadelphia, Baltimore, Harrisburg, Williams* port, to the Northwest and the Great Oil Region of Pens* sylvsnia.—Flmbf Sleeping Care on nil Night T'ainA -On and after MONDAY! May 11th. 18<S8, the Trains on the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad will run a* follows: vV 88TW ARP. - MaQ Train leaves Philadelphia 1115 P. M, •' » *• Wuliameport 8 20A.M. ** ; -■ •* arrives at Erie... 8.60P,M. Erie Express leaves Philadelphia. .12LOO Noon. •s •» Williamsport... 860 P.M. ** , •• arrives at Erie. 10,05 AM. TCtmfni Mail leaves Philadelphia... -I 8.00 AM. ‘V Williamsport 6J28 P. M. M ** arrives at Lock Haven 7.45 P. M. EASTWARD. Mall Train leaves Erie... .1100 AM. «» « “• Williamsport... - 10.16 P.M. ** ** arrives at Philadelphia;.. 7.10 AM. Erie Express leaves Erie... 7.40 P. M. ** “ “ Williamsport 8.15 A. M. “ ** _ arrives at Philadelphia .. 6.00 P. M. ' Mail and Express "connect* Vith Oil Alle gheny Elver Railroad. Baggage Checked Through. ALFRED L. TYLKH, General Superintendent. camden and. Atlantic kail. ; MB go '^ J3 -<TBiATJ GE OF HOURS. On and after MONDAY; May 4th, trains will loa%#Ylue.. | Street Ferry as follows, viz.: , ‘ ! Mai1.;...,...........^tf.50AM; 11 Freight, with passenger car. ........ .916 A. M; i Accommodation ......4.15P. AL i RETURNING—LEAVE A CLANTIC. : Accommodation 6.60 A M. ■ Freight, with passenger car.*.................... IL4S A. M. : Mail... .............i.......&20P. M. : Junction Accommodation to Atco and interme diate stations, leaves Vine street 6.30 P. M. ; Fetuming, leaves Atco 6130 AM. ; Haddonneld Accommodation Trains leare Vine. street 10.15 A. M. and 2 00 P. M. Leave Haddonfield .100P.M. and3.lsP. M. SUNDAY MAIL. Leave Vine Street ...;*7.30 P. M. 1 Leaves At1antic........:....'.. . 4-20 P. M. i apSOtfl D.-H. MU. PY, Agent fiXOUBSIORB« Old, Reliable and Popular Route - ■ : BETWEEN • NEW YORK AND BOSTON, And the only Direct Route for, Ifewporf, Fall River. Taunton. Sew Bedford. IPddlelioro’, and the Bridgewstere, amt all Towns on the Cape Cod • Bailway, and Nantuiket |k Tbii line is composed-of “tirtrßOSTG'N'r fagfeaawf? NEWPORT AN- NEW YORK STEAM ■IMMiagJB.BOAT COMPANY (Old Fall River Line), comprising the magnificent and fleet steamboats NEW. PORT. OLD COLONY, METROPOLIS and EMPIRE STATF, running between New York and Newport, R L, and the Old Colony and Newport Railway between Bos ton end Newport, making a through line. ~ One of the above boats leave Pier 28 North River daily (Sunday* e> cented).'ats tfclock P M. aHi vine in New port at the firet v train leaving Newport at 4 A arriving In Boston in reason for all Ef'*em trains. Families «*an tnke breakfnst on board tho bout at 7, and leave at arriving in Boston at an-earl/ hour. Rettirniug can leave Old Colony and Newport Railway, corner Sonth and Kneeland Btreet*, at 4)4 and 5)4 o’clock P. M, For further particulars, apply to the Agent, E. LITTLEFIELD, J 2 Broadway, Hew Fork. mv27-sin BRISTOL LINE BETWEEH NEW YORK AND BOSTON, VIA BRISTOL. tew For PROVIDENCE. TAUNTON. NEW BEDFORD. CAPE COD, and all points of railway communication. East'and North. The new and splendid steamers BRISTOL and PROVI DENCE leave Pier .No. 40 North River, loot of Canal street, adjoining DebTassce street Ferry. New. York, ac 5 P. M., daily, Buudaysr ex< epted, connecting with steam* boat.train at Bristol at 4.80 A'. M., arriving- In Boston at 6 A. M. in'time to connect with all the morning trains from that city The moat desirable an(f pleasant toutQ to the White mountains. Trawler# for that point can make direct connections by w&y of frovideiice and Worcester or Boston. State-rooms and -Tickets secured at office on Pier in r ’ ■ • (? , - . . H. O, BRIGGS, GenU Manager. ap2o 5m5 r ■ ■ : Ite THE BPLENDID NEW STEAMER will leave Chestnut street wharf “““““““““at 10 o’clock, A M. for Byrliuptoa, Bns tol Florence, touching at 'Tacony, Riverton, Torriadalo and'Beverly. Retuniing, leave Florences at 3P. M. t and Bristol at P. M. Fare 25’ cents each way. Excursion 40 cents. CaptH. CRAWFORD. - myBQ-tf§ SDniSEB BESOKTS. SUMMER RESORTi ON LINE OF I - PHILADELPHIA AND READING .RAILROAD AND BRANCHES, MANbION HOUSE, MIV CARBON. Mrs. Caroline Wtmder, Pottfvillo, Schuylkill qo. , ' ' TUBCARORA HOTEL, Mrs.M.L;Miller,Tuecurora P. 0., Schuylkillco. , MANSION HODSB,- - - W. F. Smith. Mahanoy City P. 0., Schuylkill co. E. A. Moss, Beading P O. . J ' ANDALUSIA, . : j ; • s j ■ • Henry Weaver. TV O. ' _ ' —•LIVING SPRINGS HOTEL, Dr. A. Smith; Wernerrdße P. O:; Berks county. t - f - COLD SPRINGS HOTEU LEBANON COUNTY, vCliaa. RodoarineL Box l'o, HarrLbnrg P. O. .iiBOYERTOVVN SEMINARY,- - .ri L.M/K6ons,Bojertown P.O j-Berkacoonty. ‘ • . • . LITIZaPRiNGS,. • : George Tr Grider, Litfz PJ O.v £i!iu(liiBter>county.- PERKIOMIiN BRIDGE HOTEL, Davis Lorigaker; Freeland, Montgomerycoilnty.: s V J PROSPECT TERRACE, - - Er. Janfes Palmer, Freeland, Montgomery • mj27-2m ; , Fountain springs, 1 si j: ; 1 Opens 15th June, with terms reduced, For particulars, .route* etc;. Address-,; , S. T. CO^ZENS, np9-th stu Bms _______ Proprietor. ONE LARGE'OR^:TWO SMALL FAMILIES CAN BE accommodated at a pleasant farmhouse nine rniloa from thccity r by addressings ' ; , -r > . • E* F.;'offieo ofthoßnHetin. BOARDI.vG ~A FEW SELECT-PERSONS CAN. OB tali’ Board/ng a&afarm libueoi on Pennsylvania Cen traUßofltoadv-For further:infQnnation*vappiyiatNo..9os‘ Chestnut ttrect. . : <i . ji ;je3-6t;* .■ ;1. l(P-A31) . -t v ;4 6 110RS . ..;:f,URNITURES K T, f N rt4E pp or , c, Er) c ; For Bine Direct. j ; , : .. ,WHARF,BuimrtL r I U eompoeed of tbe OnMiaai ■* L«M«JBiwaate*-.L i» j-tutta. wnuMyi-iftuwwi!. : The Roman, Ifrora Fhfla.k/TlmcsdaV; -June 9. ‘10.’A. M. | Boston. on inio 6th; 8 P.M. I Htoimar^StS'al^Wen*thebertb i Jbj'pototolwfona Boston sent with despatch _Frelalit takenlor alt potato In New England and for. ! Warded ms directed. Insurance ... { For Freight Of Passage (superior ' accmumodsHonil. j apply to , -■.■ >. HBNftY WXHBORaCO | -nml... ■ Bsa.BontnDelaiyaraaTenna. 1 JBStWv PHILADELPHIA. RICHMOND AND.NOB FOLK STEAMSHIP LINE. ; t° thb ! At R««.froinftßBT WB^"^aS)v? , MARKET street, i THROUGH BATES and THROUGH RECEjrrtJ to all points in North and South Carolina via Seaboard Air. i pfnO Bailrood, connecting at Portsmouth and to Lynch i here, Va., Tennessoo and tho West, via Virginia, and” i TenncsSeoAir-Lino and Richin ond ana Danvilleßailroad. Freight HANDLED BUT ONCE, sad taken at LOWER RATES THAN ANY OTHER USE. . , , and cheapness of this ronte com ; tnendittotfce public as the moat desirablemedium for carrying every description of freight. j . No charge for commission; drayage, or any expense transfer. l *r- ■ • ; (Hteamsbipt Insure at lowest rates. ; Freight teeotved DAILY. _ _ . • • tin WM. P. CLYDE A DO.. . j '_* il- • ••" ‘ H North and South Wharves, 1 :W; F.PORTEHrArentat Richmond and City Point ;■ ■ T,P.:CBOWELI»&CO,. Agents atNorfolk.- fel-tl i PHILADELPHIA AND SOUTHERN MAH, . -COMPANY’S REGULAR FBOMRTBR 18 SOUTH WHARVES. The STAR OF THE UNION will sail KOR NEW VIA; HAVANA;, Wednesday, Juno 3d, : at 8 JTh?JUNIATA wOl sail FltOM NEW ORLBANB.VLB The WYOMING wUIsOiIFOR SAVANNAH, on Saturday,iiay 30th. atS o’clock A. M, , , ; .-r The TON A waNDA fo withdrawn for tho present. The PIONEER wiUsali FOB WILMINGTON. N. C., Wedncssday, June Bd,at 5 o’clock P. M. ' 1 Through Bills of Lading signed, 'and ‘FastaddTicket/ •old to all points South and West. - - ‘ WILLIAM L .TAMES, General Agent. CHARLES E. DILKEB, Freight Agent, ;POB, ........ ; j . No. au South Delaware avenue j HENDBXCKJ^U^^Ntf^If?•*.. 1. a. Capt Howei ISTABS AND STRIPES.;..., Capt. Holma .Thesesteamerswillleave this,port for Havana ewerr other Tuesday at B‘Ai M. ' "v: 'V *•• ;*v; : -Tho steamshipBTAßS AND STRIPES, Hoimekmastor, wiileaß for Havma cm Tuesdaymoming, June 16th, atfto’dock: •• Paßsage to Havana, g&O, correncj.. No fretaht received After Baturday « BOSS. 140 North Delaware avenue. N oT^C! | l dß : NEOT yoek, ; Via Delaware and Raritan CanaL ; EXPRESS STEAMBOAT COMPANY, The Bteam Propellers of the Cine will commence load* Ing on SATURDAY, airtinit. leaving Dally, aansoal. . THROUGH IN 34 HWJRS. Goodß forwarded by all the lines going oat of New .York—North, Teat and West—free of commission.: Freight received at oar usual Tow rates, ? 1 ; .. . ...WM. P. CLYDE 6 CO.. ■ > • "—--- -14 South Wharves, Philadelphia. JAB.HAND,Agent, i.' 119 Wall street, cor.Bouth, New York. mhlS-tfg KPnyyrgpßPAß t.nm to IXFJIm&y Georgetown j and Washington, D. 0., via Chesapeake and Delawaro CanaLwithcon necnons at Alexandria from the 1 most direct route for Lynchburg, Bristol, Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton and the Steamrra leave regularly from the first wharf abov Market street, every Saturday at noon. Freight received daily, >?■ . WM. P. CLYDE dr CO„ “ ■■■ r_.- _-• . ~ ,14 North and South Wharves. J. B. DAVIDSON, Affcutat Georgetown. . . M. ELDRIDGE AmOO., Agents at Alexandria, Vlr rinia. v d . y-t. NOTICE—FOR , NEW ; YORK. . VIA. fi|gafeßljDelsware and ""Transportation I Company—Despatch and Bwiftenre Lines.—The business by these Lines will be re- Burned on and alter the lfith ofMarcbd For "Freight, which will be taken on accommodating • terms, apply to WM. Tjmh&tf „ r DELAWARE AND - CHESAPEAKE KfiaaMUßj Steam Tow-Boat Company.—Barges towed betweeaPhiladelphia; Baltimore, Havre-de-Grace, Delaware City and Intermediate points. WM. P. CLYDE A Car Agents. Capt. JOHN LAUGH LIN. SnpH Ofhce,l4 & Wharves, Phila. - Vf OTICE.—THE AMERICAN SHIP “ THOMAS H AR* JLv ward,”-Strickland, Master,, fromXlvprpooL is now dlßch&rgingtinatr general order at Smiths wharf (above Race street)' Consignees will .please’attcnd to the recep tion of their good*-PETER WRIGHT & BONBf No; 115 WalnutetreeL . ~ je26t KEAt ESTATE - SALE. ; , MS» READ ESTATE.— SoIe by order of Assigned in H;»i Bankrupt cy.—James A. Freeman. Auctioneer.—Un **deroeCroeof the Circuit-Court of the Unitedstates in Bankruptcy, on Wednesday, June 10, 1868,at 12 o’clock, noon, Will be sold at public sale, at tho Philadelphia Ex. cbonge, the following described real estate of James Gal. higher, a bankrupt: No. L—3t6 Acres of Land. Missouri. Apiece or parcel of land..situate.lying.and being in tho county of Ripley and Stato of Mtßsourr.towit: the w«rt half of section thirty-one (31) in township twenty six (26) range ono (l) west of tbo principal meridian; containing and stxtcenaeres (31643 acres). ' No. 2.—Building Lot, Carpenter street.—Also, all that certain lot or piece of ground iltuato on the.north sldo tfi Carpenter street, at the distanced 68 feot westward from the west side of Sixteenth street, in the city of Philadel phia; containing in front or breadth on tho sold. Carpen ter etreetB2 ,feet. 4 Inches, and.extending of that width In length or-depth northward between liner parallel with the said Sixteenth street 76 feet to a 3,feet wide alley, leading eastward into and communicatine with a certain other 3 feet wide alley which leads into .Montrose street: together with the freo and common übo. right, liberty and privilege of. both the above mentioned alleys, as,passage ways and water courses forever. Being tha same lot or piece of ground whicu.Wm. U. Stiles, by indenture datod October 18,'1866. intended to he'recorded,jgranted and conveyed unto tbe said James Gallagher in fee, reserving therefrom and thereout an annual of $B4 68, to which tho same Is still subject.. - By order of tbo Court. - • : $5O to be paid on each at time of sale. CHARLES M. GIL«ERSON. Administrator. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer.: ray2l2Bje4 Store 423 Walnut street. ORPHANS* -COURT SALE.—ESTATE OF Lijhij.Jauiea Rooney, deceased.—James 'A. Freeman, “Rik Auctioneer.—House end Lot, No. 2518 Germantown Road, Nineteenth Ward. Under authority of the Or phans* Court for tbe City nnd County of Philadelphia, on Wednesday, Juno 10,1868.'at 12 o’clock, noon;' will be sold at public sale, at tbo Philadelphia Exchange, tho follow ing described Real Estate, late the property of James Rooney, deceased:. A lot of ground with the, throe-story brick nie&uago nnd side lot, on tho side of Ger mantown road (No. 2513 L 92 feet -north of- Cumberland street, 36 feet front by 180 feet deep, moro or lots, to Tyson street. Subject to $45 ground root per annum. On the above lot-ore erected a three-story brick houso with one-story frame kitchen, fronting on Germantown road and a two-story frame stable ; fronting on Tyson street, Title indiaputablo. g3T $lOO to bo paid at the timo of sale; By the Court. JOSEPH MEGARY; Clerk O. C. Patrick buoney, i • ■* .JOHN VoREANBV, 5 JAMES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer, nvy2l2Bje4 ‘ '8 tore, 432 Walnut street. ORPHANS*• COURT BALB.—ESTATE :OF GOT fjprlleb Schweibcrt, deceased. James A. Freeman, Auc- Property <No. : 608-Sfc. John.street. Under authority of the Orphans 1 Court forth© City and county of Pbite.on fWe dn en a ayvJ one 10,1868;atl&o’cloekf noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange; the following described roal tiio of Got* lieb 'fjchyveikert, defeated.- All that,' certain t\vo*story fran c meeßnage with two-story back bviildloga arrtf-lot of ground situate on the west'siad of Bt.John streetrat the distanre of 74 feet 8 inches northward from Green street, in thelltli waidbf theoity ? containing, In front S 3 feet 11 iochcp, and in-deiith ; ltld feet;-more or less, to a 15 feet wide alley, called Roeo Alloy, \vi h tho privilege of aiid alley. Clear of ipcumbisnce..- to,be paid, at tho Ume of J !£' 1 0 j lo Courti JOSK pn MEG ARY, Clork O. a JOHN G. A. MULLER. Administrator. JAMES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer, Store, 422 Walnut street, PUBLIC BALE.4-JAMES ‘ A'. -FJtySBBC'&V* AUC- HtHrUonceiv—Ofttitcel Dwelling, Noil2oi No.ih .Seventh above Girard avenue.—On Wednesday, Juno 10th. 1868. at 13 o'clock noon,' will be sold at. pubUosalo. at tho Philadelphia Exchange, tbo following 'described real v-state:. All thatcertain three-atory brick cottage and lot of ground situation, the -west >ido of Seventlrrtreot, 100 feel north.of Girard nvenue.lB feet front bv 83 feet lU£ inches deep/; SubJecfctaiivredeQTPKblQground rentof $5l per annum.: 7ho boas® is well built, lma double cellar all. paved, range,, liat,'and,cold: baths./gas fixtures,, wash bouse, ,irou fountain, iron railing:in front, new roofed. an.d: ia.perfcptiordttvbavjpgreoontly bad spent upon it. Passenger cars pßpßtaiong Seventh,str?ct,and donbletmck On Girard avenue. . , , , . ff6ottr«ntbaß been oftered. Occupancy with thp deed. .'CEr s2UOto:lw pnid ntthc time of anle. 1 JAME& A FREEMAN, Auctioneer, - Store, 423 VVulnnt street. AKA*: JPUBX4C • FREEMAN, . AUC.' tfl:; tionccr , Modem Fonr-atory ,Brick. .Dwelling. No., wuit SU& iircli street. ; (>n Wednesday, June.; lllth, 1863. at 113 o'clock, noon, will bo sold at put-Rc sale,, at.tke FUu«* dolphin Ezchauge.the following described real citato,viz; AUtlißtniodern four-story brick “dwelling with ilirae~ story brick back buildings, and. the lot of ground, ultuater on the north side of Arch street (ho.iUifi)j; at the distance Qfl44f« l et wfet of twenty firßt street, in the Tepth Ward of the city ;coutainfns in front 18 foot and in depth 102 foot to a/fret wide nljey.ltjading Into T>venty,aecOAtl street, and with the privilege thereof., ~ fas bet ►nd cold water; batn.raugc, permanent wash stand, marble mantel, jfuraacojh cellar and feAe. through our. Cleariof »H remain, -Uc rupanry Fepttmberla. Mayup examined on application to the auctioneer. •' $2OO to be paid at thetime of stile. „ ...•■■ r* ; f .v, JAMES a; FREEMAN.: Aucilo’noor, ■ rny2l j2Bjc4 • r, : ;- -,- Stote,.4ad>Yk!nnt street, < m, ORPHANS* COURT: SALE-*- ESTATE OF JOHN Tja:;ir ClOTkfdßcecPOtl.—James A, Freeman*. Auctioneer,*-- Three-story Brick Dwelling No. 3,523.' Fine street. Under authority of.tbp Orphans’ Court tor the citv .apd countyiOf.f'biladelpbia,' opt. Wednesday, Juno I’J. I*s?, at ISo'cloek. nom, will he'flold'nt'ydblic sale, attho 1 nim- PelphiarExcbange, the- following-described real est-uc, late the. property hf John Clark, deceased All ..that cor tßin:tlm‘C*story ibrick dwclHug. cuutainin/ six rooms witli bn'mnentjniid the lot of ground, situato on the uonn >ldo;of Mpp street <N0r2.523 J in toe oeventh Ward m tho city.conraininc tii Front 15 feft and in depth 100 feet three incbcfi to a 20ic**'tr.widPBtrtet.called Kent street. Subject to s24groued r»nt per «nnitni. idatthe timeof ealf. , Bj thet’omt, JOBEWI MKfiAltY, ■ t\ATIIARIMv< r ’Nt}lL.AdniiahJfrutnx. -JAMES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer. jiiySi-S&JiSI Store, 422 Walnute-rect, aunne. ' mj2l,27,Jn'), TWfiKiniAAa; r • j ■ • a, 1 cnfETTEic^ ri AAS * FETTER, COAL rEALBR&Vi - V"'i . H; N, W.-COR. NINTH .AND JEFFEitSONSTi)., Kipp on hand a Uonatant etipbly.of. LEHIGH ana SCHUYLKILLCOALS, from the best Mince, for Family! Fh ! • ory, and Steam Furpotca. ; . apH ly B. 44 AEON BINDS. JOHN *V SIIKAMV T S iScfcS -TO Earing Mountain, Lehigh and Loenst Mountain Ooab which, with tbe prepamtion given by ug, we ihjtotk cannot be excelled by any other OoaT. . r .Ofilce, Frankßnlmrtitutp.Building, .No. .15 S. Seventh itreofe.’""' ' BINE S4 fSII.EAFF. - umtf : Arch street wharf. 8 •huglfrflt a ..ORTON’S PINE APPLE CHEEBB.-IWBOXFSON i." Conaigmnent. Landing and for iealo by .>OB It. hUSSIEB <6 CO.. Agentafor Norton* Elmer. 108 South Dtb ware Avenue. REAS*' ESTATE SAtES.. «5w . ORHi A* S> COURT 8 VTF. OF HAK- Hxlrlet. Toy, deceased, - . June. A. Freeman. Atic “-Mldntcr, 34 *cre», »na, ÜBpfo»BrtiOß*ft' Hirer Foad, Hoftn csbnrg. Under authority of .the Orphans' Coon for' the CltygEd Countyof Philadelphia-; on ,'¥edn*«J»r. ' Jane loth, IB6S,.ft«j J 2 O'clock, noon, wllf bo wlo,t pnbUc •*!?,. at the Philadelphia Exchange,' tbipfonewlng de eerlbedireel estate, late the property offiafrletToy. d> teaifd.. All that certain; tract of land with tbo improve tneata thereon erected, situate InlbeTwenW-thua.wiu-j ...: (if tbe eltT; bcglnnlor >t a'corner atAtt# ofJanie* Wil* betuC mm. .E; y^t ~ *atODe;thence by rranh land a.7t deg.2omiavJE.KB4 perches to a port; thcnco ter the tamo S.‘3t deg. SO mijp-, U. 70.60 perches to the unaware river, thence .Jong low water mark 16.1 porches to a corner p then So N.<32deg.a} ‘ W. 73 pcrchca to a port; thehco g. 74 deg. 80 niiiL. W. aBperches foa stone/thence by land of Wm-BucSlua, N, 31 deg. 3lmln.;\V. f>il3perches to aciTner-ilonOltrn public road leading to Ifolmeibnig; thenen alone the* middle,; of -paid ;road) and;, another > nnb» lie road.. .N. • 68 "dc. ;30 TTiln../, E.’ porches to the place of beginning. Containing 31 acre.lts pet ebraaf land. Bnbicct to a mortgago; dootrof 82,600. ii Tbo above 'property u very ploasantly sltnatedion tha River Road, nnltc near tb.thb atntlonat IfolMesburg; on the Trenton Railroad It has a fine view of the water, la , high and bealtbr. adjacent tor echcrcl :snd. cblirchea, rand in the midst of excellent socioty, and in, b‘ neighborhood . rapldb Thore aro npw many tfama'to and from Hobneabnrg dally, ; and • the' atcamboat- liinding at .Taconv is witbin.ainile of the property. ' The! place la unOrrrent tut nextspring, but parties desiring occuoancy can obtain it by arrangements with tho tenant. . Plan at the Auction Store. . far saxi to be paid at time'of ,«ale. f : , liy the Court, JOSEPH MEU ARY, Clerk O.C. , , ' .JACOB H>TOY, Administrator. , ’ JA3AEBA; FRELMAN. Auctioiieer, t -'iretai,SBjc4 d -:-;c: - Store; 423 Walnut street. - « PEREMPTORY SALE?—JAMES A FREEMAN, Bill Auctlonpcr.—Vaiuablo Brick Clay TrwC.7>ii Acres,' Old Vcrk ro»d and Thirteenth ward./ On Wednesday. Junoio, 1868, at lSd’cloCk, hooni will be Bold at public pal#v without reservCy St'tbe PhUa delpbla F.xchnnse, the following described real ijetHte,; y!z:—All thatvalnablo triwtof land with tbe,dwelling home and other improvements thereon sUttstb on the weai-eidc of the Old York road of the city; extending from the middle of Butlorstreef, as laid down on a plan of *llO city to anoint beyond the croeeing of tho Rcading Rallioad. aRo along tho sald rtitt lei street to the middle of-Thirteenth street, as laid down on the said plan., ■'% .‘'■•r-..'; "T Containing 7 acres and &4 perches of land. The above tract Js within 200 feet of the croesingof Broadst, andthe Ocrnmutown road, and in In the raidit of a neighborhood rapidly improving. ' It is leased for 3 years from Jan: ‘lst, 18*-:a, at nrottof $4OO per annum. ■-•.* . f®'"* $9OO has been clTored for Sacresof it fora brick-yord.-: It ia. very valuable, for jta dcpouit orclay^ Whichislargo •• .-t . >•. . Sftlepetcroptotfr. sAOOOmayrcm&lnifdesired. / CW"s6ootobopflldatthotla:eofaalos 3 '--‘ -, • • • JAMES A.- FREEMAN, Auctioneer.' - r . , iny3l2B 3c4 . ~ , y ; Store,422 Walnutst^ect : dfsvJIEAL ESTATE—JAMES ,A'- £FREE MA; v »A UC ffi<» tloreer. llondeomo Brown- StonQ\ BcsUtaoco, N<k. *2. 24 Walnut street, Oil mdneßdayrJunc' 10,- l&V fit 13 o'clock, noon, will be Bold at public Halo,'at tbdPnll sdeJphla Exchange, the following described rcahcstate: Allien*, lot ;ef ground with >the improvements* thereon, situate on the south *i<3e of Walnut stre* t. (Nol 3934 V In theTwenfy.Boventb Ward, by 160 feet deep to ;a J 6 feet alley or street .On the ;lot is erected' a threo story brown-stone residence, with mansard roof, .with dou ble threr-Ptory brick back building?, saloon parlor, dining room and 3 kitchens on first f100r. : 2 ranges,'baths, heat ers. a gjpkg.gaß nod fittings..water in the chambers, water closet. SSTTWalnutstrcetisSO fcet.wide, nnd, this house (as aretheadjoining ones,) is set back 20 feet, having granito baso ttHd a 'portico'front/ A - culvert ia about being conatructedin frontwbeutbo street will be Eaved, r . .Theeituation i» very eligible, opposite the Pres yterian church, and the purchaser con have immediate possession.-'' •• *>' •• Itmay bp at any time. ■ l g®Ts7sQo miy re main if desired. . ;• V3T $2OO to be paid at time of sale. JAMES A.FREEMAN,A«*Ufmeer t Store, 422 Wafrint street MftSt PUBLIC SALE-JAxMBS A. FREEMAN. AUC ■il Lots, Spruce Street, belowTwcn- PS ty Fifth.r-On Weanesday, June,lG,lft6& at l? o'clock*, noon, will be sold of pubUcsnie, dt tho Philadelphia Ex* chance, the following dCscrihedreal estate, viz-j AH that certain lot or, pleco of ground attuate on the south side of £pr* cu street, in tho 'Seventh Ward <?f tlio city, bounded as follows; beginning at the. distance of 20 feet caat from the southeast corner of Spruce and' Twenty-fifth streots, running east along Spruce street 40 feet to a 4 feet wide* " alley; thence southward 100 feet,'more or less, including & feetdf’ aSSfeetwide alley;thence continuing’4o feet, ‘ more or less, to tho southeast comer of land now or Wte of Thomas Sprett; thence northward along/the, oast lln& of tho said land of Thomas Sbratt- northward to the place of beginning. . CST’Tho abovo will bo divided in two lob? each 20by 100 feet. - « • . . Clear of incumbrance. HaU of tho purchase money may remain.' ' ■- ; v ‘- ,} v •* " : sßiOGtohepaidatiho time of sale. .s * . ..*> t* ,>Tw-> - J&M£S ; 'A. FKEEMAN. Auctioneer, ;my21,28je4 t. . , , walnuggtieet M, I OHPH4HB'COUBTBAIi&rPN .THE PREMISES. —Estate of Robert W. Holly, deccaaddU-ifamea A.. Freeman, Auctioneer;-Nacres and improvements, Ron landyille and Adams, rondafcear Frank/ord.—Under authority of the ttrphunr* Court fob the <Utvandcbita£y of Philadelphia, on Wednesday -afternoon, June ■;l7tm : lB6Bv wLlbo sold at public gale/at ff o’do'ck/otitheprenuises, the following dewribedreat'estate; tato tbo;p£opertyoi Robert W, Solly, deceased: AU thatcertaintract-ot land situate in Oxtord township; in tbdT wnv-'tmm 5 ward of the city, Beginning at-a poinbin the Ui iddld r of lAdams add Rowlandvihe roads; thencealongthoxulddloof Row fohdvilie. road; 8 49,deg, 63nUn. t ;WrioB.Q> perches to a point; tbettcb B:19 deg ! otf 43.6 percheitoK point l thence Si 63 deg. 13 mln.v& percUeStd'-tha l middle of Franfeford creek; thencedowntbo middle of tfrOrCteekto a point;' thence N;S5_ deg.T7m1n.,K.107.4 perches, to a point in.th6 middle ofAdr-mi road t thence along themld dlo of Adamaroad N. 2gdeg. 51 min.0W.63.34S perchesto Koa InndviUe road, the Place, ofheginuing.; -Containing 49* atiea and 44 perchea‘ofiand: ! / r •? -About twoacresaro woodland, and there is a fine quarry on the.pmbtaes./ The improvexhehta constat of a twostory stone lionflo. containing eight rooms, stone barn and earn, ago houae« tfc<v. One-thtrd of tlifl. purchaaa money, being: thowidowtadowor, toreraAln*,>T;y , , , . Clear of ineumbranea.- — -- - *-■. ~ :J ’ - :■ tar- 8100 to be paid at the tlmc_of Bale. ,> ■. - ■.[ jjL , By the Court, 'JOSEPH MfcGAK YVCterk 0. C. , S. EClXA'SOliUrJAdminUtratdx.’:' JAMES A. FREEMAN; Auctioneer, .. —• Store, 423 'Vy'alnutatrbet. MOEPJUS Sr CQUKT SALE, ON THE PREMISES. Kb t ato of H obe rtW. Soily,deceased.-J.amQ3.A« ■Fteeman,-'Auctioneer:—llo acrds&nd improvements, Montgomery Township, MontaomeTyiCoiraty;.»Under an. tboriry of the Orphan*’ Court for the City and County.of Phlladelphiavon Thursday* Afternoon, Juno 18,1868, «t2>s o’clock, will*De sold at public sale, on ; tho premises, tbo following described real estate,late tho property of Robert W. Solly, deceased: All that' certainmessu&go aud tract of land situate in the Township of .Montgomery, Mont gomery County, and‘.State ofPennsylvania. Rounded and described as follows: Beginning at aatono set for a cormrln the. middle of a public roadleading from- the county lino to tbe'Horsham or Cow Path road, and in the line of-Ttoxnaa Wilson’s land; thence' by .the e*id Wil • eon’s laud N. 46% deg, W. 2e.3U pcrchesrto, a post set for a corner; thence still by the said Wilson’s l&nd R. 40% dog. YV. 39.65 perches to a stake pet for a corner in, the line ■of Abrahamlmnebower T * land; thence b>' the said Done bower’s land hJ. 46% deg- W.. 120.25 perches-to a .Btono -sot for a corner in the line of Bergea Med*rah r s land; thence by tlm said Medarah’s land f». 42 dec. E. 146 40' porches to a stone set for a corner Id the line of Walter Uibbs’a land ; theme by the said HibbsVland S. SSK deg.B. 60.80 percuee to a comer: thence by land of John Marston/S. 46% deg. E. 50.77 deg to a stonein tho line pi land of Miles a, diet; thence by tho same 8. 41% d*g.,W. 80.40 porchqs te&etone eet for a corner; thence t»y tbo 8am05.46% deg. £,, 26-85 perches to a stono set for a corner in tbtr uforesdia public road and in the line of-Samuel .Jamison’s lano.:,tbonpo along said road and by Jamison’s 1 and 1 land - of Reuben Me' auchlin tf. 40%-deg,- W. 69 -perches -to the place of beginning; ' 11 KP% acres and 24 perches of land, bo the game more or,Jess. And also, the free and unin.errupted right and privilt-g© ortwuing the water'oufc -ot its natu ral .channel of - a certain stream on < land late of Joseph Roberta, deceased,, and to convoy the same along a ,ditch or race tbrougtPtho land late of Jbsepli Kobertadsceased, a,Dd also through tho land formerly of Samuel H<nc?,to tho hereby' prbmhes, tb’ and for the purpose'of wutorlng meadowe on the same, ashy referenceto Deod Book 65dpagQ 683, &c.» will more fully appear, . Tho improve ments''ebhHhjt -of a.-twoptorv stone hotiso, contalug lO rooms, frame bam. <fcc,; about 6 acres ore woodlands; and a huge young, orchard. . ‘ ..... Esr One’third of tho purchase money, being the dower of 1 lie widow, to remain. . > ' Clear of Incumbranco. gar $3OO to be paid at tbe time of sMe. By the Court, JOSEPH-MEGARYVCIork O. C. v—ELIkA SOLLY* Administratrix. .JAMKB,A,.fKEEMAN.. Auciiauecr, : my2Bje4,ll Store. 423 Walnut street. . UAKKAAGE.-a. . >y; „*3O OO. OHABL.ES XiYNJB, Patent h olding, Spring Beat and Bound Back , , PEBAMBUEATOR MANUFAOTUKEB. : “414* ARCH Street,-Philadelphia.- .* . , They can fee taken apart or, folded up.- and packed, m the erualle«t place possible, or inmg up if not requited. Their equal haa never hef ore been aeon in tine ’country. l Second-hand Perambulator* repaired or takeninox-, yhqnfla. -.... .. - ■ AplftolO ‘ carriageßCTU»E^s^«si respectfullyinvites attention to hfa large stock of finished. CaxriaKea; ;aleo t .orders Ijakon, for varrlages of ( overp “^^^nWacTORYAND WARjBSQPMS.:: t-V 1 * ' 01313,3-13-1 and 3430 MAltKitr ■ ■ .. Three «<nurea west of rvnnsylvanla Railroad_.r>ey«4J WostPhiladolplUa. Ja3B-tn th a-fmj COAL AWP WOOD. CROSS CBEEK iEHIQjEC COAL. . 1 FLAIBTKD <6 MoOdLUN. No SOSB CHEBTNUT Street; WeMPhiiadelpbiav - Sole Retail Agente for Goxe: Brothers &:’*;OjV*elebrateft Cro.e Creek Lebigl Coaf from the Buck. Mouotaip Vein. This Coal la particularly adapted for quaking Steam, for Sugar and Halt Houser, Urotveiies, Act? It la also unsur tdasedna a Family CoaL.-Ordtra lettatchootficooi-tbo- Mlucre.No. 841WALNUTStreet C 1 f=tttoor). : win receive Our prompt attenl iorr Liheral' ■.trungumenca made with maDiifaoturefa i’-'ilia a regular quantity.'’ i- i mvlJ init ti WHOLESALE-' RETAIL, FBOSt 83 OO TO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers