ITTBUL lb NEM.. MILL BunNED—FI.I I .MU I c night between 10 and 11 o'clock a fire broke out in the 'saw mill of Messrs. Keely & Brownback„on Sixth street above Jefferson. Owing to the com bustible nature of the contents of the building,tae flames spread rapidly and the whole structure was soon involved. The mill was a three-story brick building, rather poorly constructed. A large quantity of finished work and a lot of valuable tools were destroved and the machinery was al most entirely ruined. Some lumber in the yard took fire and was badly damaged. The loss of Messrs. Keely & Bro wnhaek le estimated at $3,000, upon which thew hi an Insurance of $4,000 in the Royal, ,,, Frankhn and Spring Garden Insurance Companies. During the fire portions of the rear and side walls fell out and caused quite a panic among the firemen. A part of one of the falling walls do' molished an addition to the mill which was in course of erection. Three firemen were injured by the falling rubbish. William Biosard, a mem ber of the Empire Hook and ladder Company, was much hurt about the chest and right arm. Ile was taken to the residence of Mr. Haas, No. 1447 North Sixth street, where his wants were kindly attended to. A ma named Lucas, a mem ber of the Mechanic Engine Company, was in jured about the breast. A member of the Fair mount Engine Company was caught by a falling joist and received severe. injuries. • MILITARY ORDER OF TRH LOYAL LEGION OF nix UNITED STATES.-/it the annual election of e'..:ers held last evening, by the Pennsylvania Cosamanderv, at the headquarters of the order, No. 1103 Walnut street, the following named gentlemen were duly elected : Commander—Brevet Major-General George Cadwalader, U. S. Army, late Major-General U. S. V. Senior Vice Commander—Commodore. John B. Marchand, U. S. Navy. Junior Vice Commander—Colonel and Brevet Major-General George H. Crosman, U. S. Army. Recorder—Brevet Lieut.-Gol. Sam'l B. Wylie Mitchell, M. D., U. S. V. Correspondent—Commodore Oliver S. Gllsson, U. S. V. Treasurer—Brevet Major-General Horatio G. Bickel, U. S. V. Chancellor—Brevet Lieut.-Col. James Collins, D.,,U. S. V. Chaplain—Rev. John Jay Pomeroy, late U. B. V. Council—Major..General Winfield Scott Han cock, U. S. A...; Captain Jo*— , C. Howell,U. S. N.; Captain Wm. A. T. Maddox, U. S. M. C.; Cap tain Nalbro' Frazier, late U. S. V.; Brevet Brigadier-General J. m. Hofmann, U. S. V. COMBINED FIRE LADDER AND HOSE CARRIAGE. —There is now on exhibition at the office of the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department, a model of a combined fire ladder and hose carriage, which has recently been invented. The new ap paratus is to be so constructed as to be easily and rapidly transported from place to place, to be very compact, and the ladders at the same' time to be capable of as great extension as may he ne cessary, or as is compatible with the strength of the material. The carriage i 4 constructed with four wheels. mounted oh a suitable frame and supporting two segmental racks. Then racks are attached at one end to a number of ladders and braces, so fastened together us to form a se ries of knee-levers placed in opposition to each other, and raised from a horizontal position to One wore or less angular, by the segmental racks, and a mechanism consisting of several wheels to give motion to the racks. On each side b, attached a hose reel, from which a line is run on each side of the ladders in such a manner that when the ladders an; being raised two lines of hose are. also raised with them. A BOGUS PBIEST.—A man named James McGill was arrested in West Philadelphia yesterday, at the instance of Father Martin, upon the charge of collecting money under false pretences. He represented that he was a Catholic Priest, and was soliciting subscriptions on behalf of a poor woman. He called upon the sister of Father Martin for $5O, and when she refused to give it to him he threatened . to curse her. He called a becond time, and, Father Martin being at home, sent for a policeman. McGill was committed by Alderman Lungren. It Is said he was arrested in New York under similar circumstances, but was let off on condition that he would leave the state. SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSAHY.—The Mission schools of the Baptist Church, located .at Tenth and South streets, will celebrate their tenth anni versary this evening, at the Spruce Street Baptist Churn. The children have been thoroughly prepared for the occasion under their efficient musical instructor, Mr. James Speer, and their varied programme of solos and chorussois is very attractive, and will be admirably , carried out. Ad- dresses will be made by several of the leading Baptist clergy of the city, and the whole affair pi omises to be a very interesting and successful one. The public generally are invited to be pre sent on this occasion. SAD ACCIDENT.—MII3. Lewis, wife of the Ser geant of the Sixth District Police; was badly scalded yesterday at her residence on Winter street, above Twentieth. She was in the act of lifting a kettle of boiling water from the stow when she accidentally fell over backwards. The hot water scaytered over her head and face, and the upper part of her body, scalding her in a horrible manner. She suffered so much agony that she be came temporarily crazed, and attempted to jump from the window. Her injuries, though serious, are not considered dangerous. A WIFE BEATER.—William Herman, residieg at Eighteenth and Olive streets, got' drunk yes terday and amused himself by heating his wife. Sergeant Albertson, of the Ninth District Police, was called in, when, it is alleged, Herman seized a poker and attempted to strike the officer with it. He was arrested, and after a hearing 'before Alderman Pancoast, was held in $5OO bail for trial. IN6ULTING FEMALEB.-P. W. Shindel was ar rested at Seventh and Sansom streets, last even ing, upon the charge of insulting females in the grossest manner. Ho was taken before Alder man Beitler, and was held in $l,OOO bail to an swer. ANOTHER ARREST.—Anthony McGarvey was arrested yesterday, and taken before Alderman iodbou, on the charge of having been concerned in the assault on James Boyd, at a Cavern on Martet street. west of Eighteenth, aim nights ago. He was committed to answer. AN OWNER WANTRD.—The Second District Police desire an owner for five coils of hawsers and a piece of halyard material, which were found stowed away in a small building at the ex treme end of the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany's wharf, at the foot of Washington street. NEW PASTOR.—Rev. Dr. Kunkleman, from Fort Wayne, Indiana, who received a unanimous call to St. Mark's Lutheran Church in this city, will preach for the first time in that church on Sunday text. He succeeds Rev. Dr. Krotel,who ..oes to New York. ItcrEnFunrsto.--Charles Kemal!' was arrested yesterday at Twenty-fourth and Walnut streets, on the charge of interfering; with the goat catchers. Alderman Dallas held him to bail to keep the peace. Settled at Last. The long disputed question with the Sewing "Machine fraternity, as to which is the best ma chine, has at last been definitely disposed of and set at rest by. the unexpected appearance among them of that wonderful family machine, known as the "American Combination Button Hole and /Sewing Machine." It at once carried off the palm without any ceremony about it, and left its competitors the, question to settle among them selves as to which is the next best. In this secondary question the public will feel but little interest so long as they can be supplied with the "latest and best" and also the cheapest in the the market. Another gratifying circumstance connected with this master-piece of machanism is the fact that it is entirely the product of the inventive genius and mechanical skill of our own Citizens. These machines are manufactured in the factory of the company, Twentieth and Washington a venue, and sold at their rooms, south -1,-eat corner of Eleventh and Cheri our streets, Phila delphia. No lady enould fail to examine them. A Ilene of Southern Barbariana A eorrespOndent of• the Cincinnati Ciircnitle, vvriting.from Chillicothe, °hitt, says : "Corning out over the Marietta and Cincinnati road, on the evening of the 22d vvi:lt Conductor Rndin, bad the good luck to fall in company with Messrs. J. N. Wright and S. M. MeMahill, of Greenfield, Ohio. We had been talking but a, few minutes when the conversation turned upon the condition of affairs in the South. The operations of the Ku Klux Klan, the prevail ing rebel preference for Andy Johnson and Brick Pomeroy for President and Vice President, &c., were freely and radically discussed. These topics naturally elicited sundry pa renthetical comments upon Southern character; and in the course of these Mr. McMahtll happened to remember that he had in his pocket a relic of the barbasm exhibited by the F. F.V.'s towards John Brifwn and his confederates; and, pro ducing his pocketbook, took from that recep ta do a small piece of weli g finished leather of re markable fineness of texture. "That," said he, "is a piece of the tanned skin of Oliver P. Brown, son of the fast ous John Brown." "Can it be possible?" asked an excited bystander, A full explanation was, of dowse, im mediately demanded, which I here pre sent, as substantially given by Mr. Mcviahill, whose reputation for truth and veracity stand unimpeached by any Who know him. Dar .ing the action in which John Brown and his little abolition band were captured by the Virginians, Oliver P. Brown was shot dead on the railroad track, near the United States Arsenal, at Harper's Ferry. So soon as killed he was taken up, put into a box, and shipped to to the medical insti tute at Winchester, Va., to bo used In the pro motion of the professional training of Southern Esculapians. Upon the reception of the body the students of that school took off the hide somewhat after the man ner of skinning a beef, tanned it, and had it manufactured into moccasins,which, in the most truly chivalric style, they delighted to use as ornaments to their " blooded" pedal extremities on all public occasions. The piece shown by Mr. MeMahill was a scrap left from the cutting of these "Yankee-skin" slippers, and was procnred in 1860, at the Winchester Medical Institute, by Mr. MeMahill, while he was visiting some rela tives in the vicinity of that place. It was volun tarily presented to him by ono of the students; who, after a triumphant parade of the slippers, and a bloviating description of the processes by, which they were produced, heroically exclaimed: "That's the way we servo the d—d Yankees when ye come 'mongst ns an' don't walk afteh ouh style!" _ THEATRES. Etc. BICNINGS' OPERA Tammit.--!-Eichberg's comic opera, The,Dootor of A lcantara, will be performed this evening at the Academy by the Haminge' Company. To-morrow evening Miss Caroline Richings will have, tylienefit, in Pro Wank m: TuETiArit's..s.LMr. Jahn . Brougham will ap pear at the Walnut this evening in his sonsAtional drama, The Lottery of Life.. At the Chestnut The Mack Crook Hill he repealed with Morlacchi and other accomplished dancers in the ballet. Miss Fanny B. Price, will appear, for the last Ilnae but one, in 'Tangled Threads at the Arch. To-morrow evening she will have a benefit in a new bill. The American, announces a varied performance. MUSICAL Finn HALL.—On Saturday evening nest the "Young America Minstrels" will give an entertainment at Musical Fund Hall. The per formance will consist of negro minstrelsy and de, lineations. The occasion of this concert will be the benefit of Mr. Samuel McDougall, the former doorkeeper of the Academy of Music. Mr. Mc- Dougall is well and favorably known to all classes lu this community, and as his worthiness is an accepted fact, it may be taken for granted that his benefit will be a complete success. Tim LAST BEETITOVEN MATINEE.—To-morrow afternoon, at half-past four o'clock, Mr. Carl Wolfsohn will Five the last of his series of Beetho ven matinees, in the Foyer of the Academy. The following programme has been prepared : Sonata—F major, opus 10, No. 2. Allegro-, Allegretto—Presto. Die Rose, Spohr (by request),—Madame Beh rens. Romanza, in G, Violin Solo, Beethoven—Mr. William Stoll, Jr. Aria, from Der Freischiitz, Weber—Madame Bebrene. • Sonata—B fiat major, opus 106 (Giant Sonata) Allegro; Scherzo, Assaf Vlvace ; Adagio Boston uto ; Largo: ; Fuga a tre voci. ELEVENTH BTnm'r OPERA House.—An attrac tive performance will be given at this popular place of amusement. 7'he Inipeachntent Trial will be given, with the most accomplished mom hers of the company In the parts; a burlesque on Tangled Threads is also announced, together with other burlesques, farces, singing by Carneross and the company, negro comicalities, and a mul titude of other good things. WY3IAN.—The magician Wyman will give an exhibition at Assembly Buildings to-night. Legerdemain and ventriloquism are on the pro gramme. Various articles will be distributed to the audience. CITY NOTICES. MALADIES THAT TEND to impair the nervoui ,ysteni, such as N nuttaLeta, nerve-ache and others of a tmilar chatacter, are entirely removed throtto the agency of Da. TURNER'S Tic-DouLoommx or UTNIVER NAL NEURALGIA. PILL, which increases the vitality of the 9Nrvevluid, and restores the nervous structure to a healthy state. Apothecaries have this medicine. JouNwrox, Hot.Loway & COIVDEN, Agents, Philade. BonGwAL INsTnumuNTS and druggists' sun dries, SPECIALTY.-All those gents desiring elegan t fitting pan? aloons will find them at C. C. Dittrich Co.'s, Continental Hotel,Ninth streetom this branch of tailoring is made a specialty, and really warrants an invitation. Always a tine stock of goods on hand. FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE. Florence Sewing Machine. Florence Sewing Machine. Office, 11242 Chentnnt wee!, Philadelphia "A DISTINCTION WITHOUT A Dt FFERENCE.."—An English paper has discovered the line which divides it distinction from a difference: "A little difference frc quently makes many enemies;" while "a little dis tinction attracts hosts of friends to the person on whom it Is conferred." The cheapest way to possess an enviable distinction among men is always to dress In clothing of the cut and finish of that sold at Stoael &o.'s, under the Continental. JUDICIOUS mothers and nurses use for children a safe and pleasant medicine in BOWER% INFANT COR DIAL. CHAS. OAKFORD 4,V. , SoNs Have now ready all the latest Styles of Spring Hats and Cape. Stores, 834 and 836 Chestnut street. VatRY little voneration is vouchsafed to him who wears an unsightly boot or shoo; whereas, 11 t 4 1).1k=12 and good•dtttng boot or shoe will always coin mbnd for the Wearer more or less genuine respect. For further particulars inquire of Bartlett, No. 33 South Sixth street, above Chestnut. CHAS. OARFORD & BONS Have now ready all the latest) Spring Styles of Hats and Caps. • 'Stores, 934 and 833 ChesMatstreet FASHIONABLE BONNETS, HATS AND MILLINERY Goons.—The ladies of our city seem to be irresistibly attracted to the popular establishment of Messrs. Wood & Cary, No. "12,p Chestnut street. They have evidently won the affections of the fair by their sm perb display of Fancy Bonnets, Ladles', Mears' and Children's Hats, and cut materials of every description, of which they have the largest stock in the city, at . the lowest prices. For elegant and fashionable articles in this department Wood Cary's store is unquestiona• bly the headquarters. ITAms! Rom!! Mims!!! • Choice Maryland Hams, Very nue Virginia Hams, Davis "Star" Cincinnati Hams, I4ewbold's Celebrated Jersey Hams, For sale by Mitchell Fletcher, 1204 Chestnut street COUNTRY HAMS! COUNTRY HAN.IS !! Averaging only about eight pounds in : weight. Very desirable. For sale by Mitchell & Fletcher, 1204 Chestnut street BOWER'S SKSNA BIOS, FOR CONSTIPATION fifty Depot Sixth and Vine. CHAS. OAKYORD & SONS Bove new ready all the latest b'tyles of Spring Hats and Caps. Stores, 834 and 83G Chestnut street. 'DEAFNESS; BLINDNESS AND CATARRH. J. laws. M. D., Professor of the Eye and Ear. treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most re liable sources in the city can be seen at' his Mike, No. 806 Arch street. The medical faculty are invited .to accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in his practice. Artiticial eyes inserted. No charge made for examination. TILE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN-PHILADELPHIA., THURSDAY, MAY 1868.' SNowomv & Bsorote, 23 South Eighth street. Alts sircEnr,Nlrat. Ara Sixth pato for Additional A174(1881111.1. , . M USICAL FUND ll.A.Let.a. SATIRDAY EVENIII6, OHL 6, 18683 Complimentary Benefit MR. SAMUEL MoDOUGALL. ' The entertainment] will comprise adult:au§ from the 'meet p.pular . NEGRO SONGS MELODIES DANCES AND CHARAC. TSitto lu Ef.;(IENTEICITIES, Itlf TILE YOUNG AMR/tit:di MINSTREL/3, (a company cf young gentlemen of Philadelphia), whose performances during ;be past two years have received molted and unbounded applause from delighted audi ences. The Evening's Programme wilt be presented in a 'limner that cannot offend the taste of the most fasti dious.' The Roneficiare respectfully. returns his most sincere' and her‘rtfel. tbAuks to the :wends and patrons who hare honored him upon this OCCRWOD. Doors open At M past 7; performance to commence at 8 o'clock. Admission, 50 cents; reserved acute, 75 cents. my6-itris MEMCAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. A BRIEF BEAbON ON MR. H. L. BATEMAN'S PAIRISLAN OPERA HOU FEE. MONDAY;'TLESDAY and WEDNESDAY IB EVENINGS. MAI 12. and , after upwards of one hundred and eighty representations, the juetly renowned Opera Renfro, in four acts, by °flex bach. the GRAND DUCHESS OF GEROLSTEIN, With all its ORIGINAL PARISIAN ARTISTS, (MORON OF FIFTY VOICES, AUGMENTED AND EFFECTIVE- CIRCHESTRA, AND NEW AND BRILLIANT COSTUMES. FIRST PRODUCTION HERE, ON THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 14, of Offenbach's celebrated operatic work, illustralve of the exaggerations of Italian Grand Opera, entitled LA BELLE HELENE, received by crowded and fashionable audiences in New York, for weeks past, with the most unbounded admire ration and enthusiasm. THE QUEEN BY MLLE TOSTEE, supported b.) the ENTIRE CI IMPANY OF VARISIAN ARTISTS. FRIDAY EVENING. MAY 12, LA BELLE HELENE. SATURDAY NI ,11T, LA BELLE FIELENE. SATU RD AY, AT 2 O'CLOCK, GRAND DUCHESS MATINEE. ADMISSION. . . „ONE DOLLAR NO EXTRA CHARGE FOIL RESERV ED SEATS. Seats secured at J. E. Gould's Piano Warerooin, Chest nut street. below Tenth. my7.ti NEU PUBLICATIONS. WILL BE RE A.DY, AND FOR BA-LE, APRIL 30, 1868, •• AT ould's Piano store No. 023 'Chestnut Street, 5,000 MUSIC ALBUMS, BOUND IN Rich Gilt 'Morocco, with Gilt Edges, CONSISTING OF nr VV . NTH' OF TILE Most Popular Pines of Music FOR ONE DOLLAR, The Retail Price of which would be not lees tbnn VII TEEN D LILA R 49. 1. Mini() Mlle (Polka) 1dy11e.... .. ..... 3. C0nv01at10n........ 4. Graml Triumphal blarch 5. Grande Duchene. (Waltz) G. Mabel (Waltz) 7. Borneo and Juliette (l'antnelo . - - Arranged by H. Clarke 8. Faust (Song), "In the Language of Love," used by ternaleslon of Oliver Dlteon & Co... Gounod 0. Flfres Do La Garde (Polka Militaire)........J. Ascher 10. Perle d'Allemague (Dinette a la Mazourka)..J Ascher 11. Marche Du Bravo 12. Don Carlos (Fantasia /Viral.. 13. Grande Duchene (Quadri le) 14. Guarda' Waltz . - . 15 La Traviata (Pot Pourri), arranged by.....H. Cramer 16. 11 Trovatore (Pot Pourri), arranged by H. Cramer 17. Grande Duchene (long, "It Is a Legend ........... .. . ..J. Offenbach 18. Romeo and Jbliette (A ir), arranged by.....H. Clarice 19. Bohemian Girl (Pot Pourri) IL Cramer O. Champagne Charlie (song) ALSO AT Clauton's Book Store, No. 1214 Chestnut St. Union Nano Company, 1017 Walnut St. Conrad Brothers, No. 1107 Chestnut St. n,y7tf DICKENS'S LIFE OF GRIMALDI: And Other New Works published this day by 'l'. 13. I'ETEKSON R BROTHERS. No 306 CHESTNUT STREET. Plll A DELPHIA. LIFE OF JOSEPH GRIMALDI; the noted English Clown. Written out from Grimaldi's own manuscript and noter,by Charles Dickens. Only edition in America. Price 60 cents. IL TDB PIRATE. By Sir Walter Scott. Being the Thirteenth volume of Peterson' new edition of The Waverley hovels," to he completed in twenty-six weekly volumes, at Twenty cents each. pr Five Dol. late for a complete set, and sent poet-paid everywhere. THE HOLLY-TREE INN AND OTHER STORIES. Large type, leaded,. Price di 60. By t harlot Dickens, being the irugt volume of "Petersons People's Edition. illustrated. of Charles Dickens's Works," is published this day,in uniform style with all of the previous returnee of thisedition. "this beautiful edition is now complete In nineteen volumes amid contains One Hundred and Eighty Illustrations on tinted paper, and each book is printed from largo type, leaded, and is the only complete, as well as the cheapest end beet edition at the price published to the world, w it contains all of Dickens' short Stories. complete, which no other edition does. Each'volhme bound in cloth, price SI 50 each. A FEW SETS OF FIELD CROQUET. THE BEST . MADE. Price reduced from 525 to 515 a set. Send for our Mammoth Descriptive Catalogue. Address all cash orders, or wholesale, to T. B. PETERoON & BROTHERS, &la Chestnut St.. Philadelphia, Pa. Books Bent, postage paid, on receipt of retail price. ALL NEW BOOKS ARE AT PET ERBONS.. my7-3t CURTAIN MAO E MAIS. CARRINGTON, DE ZOCCHE tii CO., S. E ear. Thirteenth and Chestnut Ste., PHILADELPHIA. WholeEale and Retail Dealers IN Curtain Goods, Window Shades, Furniture Coverings and Paper Hangings. White Holland Shades, Trimmed and put up as low as 51 50 each. S.Viiks and Nottingham Lace Curtain% FROM AUCTION. VERY CHEAP. New stock, low prices, and entire satisfaction guar= teed in every instance. ap4 8 to th BmrP WO SENT. TO LET. NEXT DOGE TO POST OFFICE Entire Upper part, Basetnent and Sub•dellar, Apply at 430 Chestnut Street. noatf wpm A b -• riTO EXCHANGE FOR DRY GOODS OR OTHER trade. a tine property in Burlington, N. J. Also, Or sale. a tine reetdonee ut itlyAenaLiFdße.ED YOUNG, lay; 2t.. " . 727 Walnut street JBOARDING. 1)0 AVM NU.--FIRST-CLASS 130A4DINO AT NO oui; Walujit street. zny4 4t BP .G. Herzberg ..........Charles B. Lysberg ....Ifendelasohn j. Concone 4. Offenbach D. dodtrey ...H. Clttrkti .J. (Montilla' D. Godfrey o AliniAO". DIEDICINAA. SaF'E YiVIR PORT GRAPE WINE , VINEYARDS, NEW JERSEY, SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE, FOUR YEARS OLD. This justly celebrated native Wino is made from the juice of the Oporto Grape rained in this country. Its in valuable TONIC AND SI RENGTIIE PROPER, TIES are unsurpsioed by any other native Wine. Being the pare juice ot the grape. produced under Mr. Speer.. own personal supervision, ita purity and genuineness are guaranteed. The 3 nungest child may partake of iti generous qualities, and the weakest invalid may use it to advantage. it is p. rticularly bencficial to the aged and debilitated, and stilted to the various ailments that afflict the weaker sex. It is in every roApect A WINE TO BE RELIED ON. Samples at the store of JOHNSTON HOLLOWAY & CO.. No. :13 N. SIXTHid. FRP MEI. RICH filing & DV OTT & U., No. 232 North SECOND street. Invalids use Speer's Port Grape %Vine. Yemales use Rprera Port Grape Wine. Weakly persons find a benefit by lb use. Speer's Wines in Il..spitals are preferred to other Wines Sold by Druggists and Grocers. The trade supplied by JoHNbTON, HOLLOWAY a Co. a nd FRENCH, RIMARDS di CO., Prilladelphia. A. SPEER, 243 Broadway, N. Y. mha.tu th 33.8tth0 ELRE-PROOFSAFESe AWARDED THE PRIZE MEDALS, 30,000 Francs !! HERRING'S 'PATENT CHAMPION SAFES Awarded the Prize Reda!' at World's Pair London; World's Fair, New York; Exposition Universelle, Paris, WINNER. OF THE WAGER 30,00 P FRANCS!! ($6,000 IN GOLD.) At the recent International Contest in the Paris Exhibition The public are invited to call and examine the report of the .3m3 on the merits of the great contect, and tee the official award to the Earring's Patent over all others. FARREL, HERRING & CO., 629 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Herring, Farrel & Sherman, New York. Herring & Co.. Chicago. Herring. Farrel & Sherman, N: Odeon& mblo th o3mtPt ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., N E corner Fourth and Race Ste., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS AND PAINT MANUFACTURERS, Offer to the trade or consumers, Pure White Lead, Zino White, Colored Paints Varnishes, Oils, Artists' Materials, 8,r,0. Agents for the celebrated VIEILLE NONT IGNE IR OW WHITE ZINO, Buperlor to any other White Paint for inside work. We Bolicit of 'ders from thooo who want PURE PAINTS. 201 and 203 North Fourth Street, Northeast corner of Race Street. tinlB tfrps IWIIJ I ti ifi4Azizito #: t tr;• MARY B. CONWAY, LADIES' DRESS IrCRINISIIING AND SHOPPING EMP ORM E 81 SOUTH SIXTEENTH ST T. puncumenie.. Ladles from any part of the United States can send their orders for Dress Materials. Dresses. Cloake,lionnets. Shoes. Under Clothing, Mourning Suits, Wedding Troeseau , Tra. veling Outfits, Jewelryolw.. also Children's. (11othirm, In. Pant's wardrobes, Gentlemen's Linen. dm In ordering Garments, Ladies will please send one of their user yrrrixo minims for measurement; and Ladies visiting the city should not fail to call and have their measures registered for future convenience, Refers, bt Permission. to MR. J. . RAPLRIGH. 1012 and 101 M 4 Chestnut street; BIEBBIIB. H 01111414 COLLADAY & CO., Inhl4.Brn rp 818 and 820 Chestnut street. SEAL ESTATE SALES.. rSALE BY OBBBROF 8E11014,--TEIOMAS dt SONS. Auctioneers.—Very Valuable BUSIIIOB6 Location-8 Thretsetory Brick Dwellings..Noa. 407 anti 409 South Front etreet, and two Warehoufes, Noe. 406 and 4118 Penn street, below Pine street, 40 feet front, Via feet deep two fronts, adjoining the Pattereon .Warehouste. On Tues. day, May wanes, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be gold st pub , Boggle, at the Philadelphia. Exebasge, all that lot of ground, with the buildings thereon erected, situate on•the east side of Front street, south of Pine street. adloining the Patterson Warehouses; the lot containing in front on Front street 40 feet, and extending in depth ISO feet to Penn street. • The improvements are 2 threelitOry brick dwellings fronting• on Froutstree:, lios.:467and 409, and 9 warchoures in .the rear on Penn street, Nos. and 408. Subject to an irre4oo l l ll able *reload re pt of 820 88-100. 'I i M. — e above are very valuabie for warehouSes, etotes er any buslneseri gutting a e lot. Fr" Posses; fon from date of sale. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, ulyi 916 189 and 141 South Fourth street. EN*AItIS ;SAL St , Xt.CHU/a& SALE. ESTATE N HAltitIET Hingeton, DScegettl.—Thomas do lionsA,lietioneers tle 4 deY. MC, 19th IW. at 111 &dock:Amon.: bt- told at public sale,,at the Philati• IYhta r'xehange. the toltou ing di scribed proverty, I.—Desirable three. story I-rick t eat , once, No. 621 Spruce ,treet. West of tlixth street. .611 that three-store twit& -dwelling, with *Via, and tbroe4itory bat k babe lags and lot of ground; ,altuato , 13 on the 011.1 t side of cortices t,treet, between .011ttll and Bert nth street.. No 621; °entail:og front , on ti prase street 15 feet ail pud extending imdepth 114 feet 10 it cites, more er less. intiodingtathill ll 4 :or a , B feet wide alley. of which the adjoining propel - trim the east has the lire as a passage Ha, anti water courwe at times ;or. ever. The house has saloon, parlor kind kitchol on , first floor; 9 chartbera and - dining roomon second floor; 8' chambers on third foot , and attics; also, bath room and Edo: e'reom .; gas throughout •, coal vault under front pave. went., The house Is in good repair._ ir tt-Cd late na , o , ers lon will ho given. Hoye at the Ant. lion Store. Title undoubted. 019 Clear of turutubrance: . . in e..Ldi cash; balance to be secured by bond and 2. • I, Igo and valuable fonr-story brick Dwelling. No. 620 Locust strset, ong.stite Washington dquaro, 118 ft et hoar. that four..tory brick mes-ease. with attic stories and triple three-story -back buildings and tot around, situate on the south side Leaflet street. of tweith Washitgion Equate. between Bigth'and flow cth a Yeats. No. 6AI; col front oh Locust street 28 fee, in• cludris on the 'west side thereof, a certain 4 footp inches st lee all y, over which-he said mention() is bult, audio death 109 feet 7 incheA. Excel, lug the right arson of the westernmost 1 foot 6 inches of the said 4 feetil inches wide. nlbr to the ow urn, of the prtintset adj. , ,ining to the west wpm d. '1 ho house contains 21 rooms, and, boa furaace,- gas throughout, range bath rooms and water introduced to-third story, and is occupied ad a boarding 1 10 1140 . 'ented for *1.50 per ar.blllTl. August let, 1868, if desired. rir Vicar of all Inca x.brance. ' '/ trms-48,000 may remain on mortgage, If deelred: once cash. M. THOMAS & Auctioneers iny7 9 16 119 and 141 South .rourth street. EXECUTORS' VALlik,-ESTATE OF lIARItiST Kingston. dee'd.--1 homes & eons. Auctioneers.— ' klegont Country dent And itatm, 2354 acres. (Mph Road, Lower Merlotti tonriship, Montgomery county, ?a. opposite the 13 mile stone, and 12 tulles , from 6C/tyke, Street Bridge. half a mile from Villa' Nova atatiOn, on Pennsylvania, Central Railroad, sia• miles from iloush ,, liocken and Norristown ono Knotting Railroads, and same' distance from Rosemont Station, on Penns .Ivwla Con. tral Railroad. On Tuesday, May 26th, laltd, at It, o'clock;' noon. will be sold at public sale, at the tehlladelphis. change, ell tint elegant country scat and farm . situate on the ttulph road. in Los cr M ion lownabin. Montgomery' county, l'a. and about )4 mile from $ llEt Nava Stalin * kennolvsnia Central ltailroad; containing` ,511 soros of land, adjoining hinds of John McKee, Dr. Attawelt , Robt, Atkinson and Mhos. Thu improVementa consist of a largo stone mansion,. rough cast, three stories high, tin roof; having parlor, dining room and u on the first floor; three chambers on the second floor and (oar climbers on the third floor. in all lo rooms, and a fine milk cells r and vault under the house; tenant h site built in the same manner adjoining. containing 0 rooms; never. failing water at the door of k itchen; ice house in porfeet order and tilled. A no•x and handsome barn stone _stable 111A1 frame above with barn yard. enclosed by a good stone w the whole built within two years, In the oust Manner. about 35 by 48 fret, having every modern cativo- Mower, and stabling for 10 bend of stock; chicken house. corn crib Pia AMP, he, A fine vogetablo and truck gar den; apple otehtud, large and in full bearing, with fine lilt;tt '&4o. ClAirliee, pears, Ptriswho Ties, respbaries. cur. rants. : land in a high stare of eultivatiou, and fencing in 'coo order. The place is en a fine elevation. end - cos inandlug ore of the (Meet views in Montgomery minty. overlroking Norrfstr wn, and rits b•cn OCCAplea by the lath owner as a country seat for over 30 years. •1 be purkliarer will have the privilege or purchasing t he stock sod fanning ituplournts, ‘te., and the furniture of the t OAF e. Pr' Clear of ell .uctunbrenee. `.l C.l 6P-11 Alr the pIiTCLIASC money may remain on mort gage, it de.,ired. M. TIMMAS k SONS. Atictioneen., any 7.14,23 -1.35 and 11l South Four •11 street E".. j. t BLit: tiA -1 Huai & SONS, A l - C (lON ;:: eel e— Vet y elegant Country dent -54aurtlen. and Truallt Hoare Acres. Beaver Dam road, 111 istol, Buck. County. Pennsylvania, ahmt one mile run the steamboat landing, mtio from the railroad depot. the Residence of Joseph B Ilutchin ran, Et On Tlletd , ty, May Nth, d):8, at Id o'clock. nosu. i l he sold at public sale. at ti o Philadelphia Fxclinuge, all that elegant Co entry beat of about eix Heroin( ground, .haste on the northerly side of the dearer Mau road. hich unites whh Walnut street, in the Vert .ing to to of Bristol, Pucks county. I he improvement tire a inrge and elegant two.stor) etanii lnnurion, wall..t ripped, tins large It'll, parlor, with eliding (Mare. sitting- room. dining 'urn, and kitchen. china closet and pain ry on the Met th.oi ; 6 chambers and notrery on th secruni littor; 4 ,tti les atone : ot , ern uteri% commanding a beautiful v ow of the I:iver 1 el await., and sttr..ntm ding eotintry: batu. hot see cold irate'. furnace. cooking range, &c.; colar under the it hole home; billiard room lathe is Juent: verat (la cu the sonth and in est aid , s of ttdi hon.e: wind mill pun pp supplies tat house and stable with water; t Ettli,le and carriage houoe, with accommod . gone tor 5 hoist o and 6 carriage.; ice home. stroke ho te, t•hluktii hetwe genteel two stor_v brick tenant hires Vegetr Me garden, fruit and shade trees, ever greens, grapery et t,.rrign grapes, &c. itr." clear of all inctnbrance. ' Teims , -Onatitirtl cash- - Pit May ho examined any day previous to sale. Porret sl eti Juneau. The above is Faunae(' in a high and healthy location: convenient to churches, schools, stores, die; bee picture at the Auction Rooms. . M. TlitillAti & SONS, Auctioneer!, ron-7 in ?I 1:11 and 141 Smith Fourth street. IS Ili SALE. —THOMAP s SONB..AUCIION " e er t ,.—very Elegant Country 14w.t. Mansiomeight acres, Waverly Heights. Limekiln Turnpike, _Choi. tenharn too mhip, Montgomery county, Penns, 9 Mlles from 'Market etrect, 34 mile from Abington Station. on the Nolit Pennsylvania Railroad. On Tuesday, May 1 pa l , lttB. nt 13 o'clock. noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that elegant coon try seat. containing nacres of lsud, situate at Waverly Heights, off from the Limekiln turnpike, Montgomery ccunty. Penna. The improvements conelq of an elegant mastic-lac. d ston • msrelon, built and finished throughout iu the most substantial manner, and in excellent repair; porticoes, high ceilings, parlor , sitting and d kitchen. ironing and wash room on the first floor; 6 chamber'', store-room bath-room and water - closet , 4n the second floor; 4 chambers rod battProom on, the third Scot; numemite closets; water introduced from Private water works; large frame stable and carriage house; stable has stone basement: room for 8 head of stuck and 8 carrisges; has loot cellar and cart.housa, eh clan-house, pig pen, ice-house (filled) and good milk cellar. the grounds are handsomely laid out; very fioe vegetable Barden in highest state of. caltivation. and choicest variety of fruits standard and dwarf pear trees, lib apple and 40 peach trees, plums, cherries, grapes, strawberriea, asparagus bed. &c. Ur Clear of all encumbrance. Terms—fine Half Cash. ' ItS" May be examined by applying at No. Synth Wharves. klirTurn Rare, carpets. &c., which are nearly new, w/ 1 4. be sold to the purchaser at valuation. if desired. • ' M. THOMAS & SONs), ,suctioneers. 1 ,, V7 12A and 141 South Fourth streets .i.c..e.a.".he tTE—Triusteri & ONS' %LE.-- Handsome modern threestosy dorm Residence, Queen street, northeast of Wayne street. giterman-. town. Tor entyrrecond Ward . 85 feet front 163)4 feet deep. ,p Tuesday. blav lath, 1569. at 12 o'clock, noon, will he old at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange; gin that handeorne modern double three-story stone messuage, with frame Mb ben and lot of ground, situate on the southeast side of Queen street. hii feet northeasterly from Wa)ne street, Germantown, Twentyaecoed Ward; the lot contaleing front on Queen street 85 feet, and extendir g in flepth 163 feet 6 inches. griroluallv narrowing to 81 feet 2% inches. The house is well built and handsomely finished with the modern convebiences; papered *rid painted througuout; large hall, saloon-patios, dunes room end 2 kitchens, and ,Anlip and well of waver on tile fleet floor; 4 chrmibere ont 'he second, and 3 chamber"; end ,tore room on the teird, floor; numerous closets. &c.; gas introduced, with hand -mare chandeliers (e bich are included in the Bale, f es of barge); garden planted wan trust trees. shrubbery, &e, Ibis property is within a con' intent aiatance of the horse and steam rot road. pleasantly lecsted,' and in a good neighborhood, with pavement and gas tamps to Gorman , own avenue. "'crew—Half cash. Immediate possession. or May be examined any nay pies ions to sale. 51. THOSIAII & SONS, Auctioneers, • levy 916 ' 1161 and 141 South Fourth street. HALE.—THOMAS & SONS. AMMON." E sere —On Tuesday, May . 26, IBt3it, at 13 o'clock,' noon, " will be sold at public sale. at the rhiladelphla Ex change, the following described proverty. viz: No. L Building Sites. Very valuable lot of 4 acres. Stanton avenue, Rockland street,- Germantown and Norristown Railroad, four fronts, Germantown. All that large and• valuable lot of ground. containing 4 acres 01 ground, eituate on the oa,terly side of t.tenton avenue, German. , 'own and Norristown Railroad Itocki,nd street. &c.-- 4 ft ents. It is within three minutest walk of Fisheer Lane Station, on the Germantown and Norristown Rail r( ad. and one Foam of Passengor Railway OP turnpike ; hap a number of fine old trees, 9 nevenfailing springs of water dc. Ter me—lfalf Cash. • No. 8. Large and valuablo lot. 1 acre, Germantown ave.: All that large and valuable lot of ground situste on the easterly side of Germantown avenue, botweca Fishert,, lane and Germantown turnpike bridge. It is 60feet front, and extending in depth to Stenton avenue, on which it has a front of 160 feet. 'The ground is high and beautifully located. Terms—Half cash. M. THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneers, Toy? 16 23 139 and 141 S. Fourth street. ittREAL ESTATE-411.051A8 dc SUNS' SALE.— Two and It.halt story Frame Dwelling, N 0.250 Du. ponceau Street, a Three-story .Brick • Dcteßing in the rear on Acorn Alley, No, 229. On Tuesday, May 26tb.1868, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold' at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that lot of ground.with the improvements thereon erected, situate on the west, side of Duponceau street,. between Spruce And Locust i‘ treats, and bet., ten Eight and Ninth enact; containing in front on P uponcean street 16 feet 8 inches, and extend. leg an depth 60 feet to Acorn Alley. Iho improvements estish4 of a- Two and a.halt story Frame Dwelling, front. I eg 'on Duponcenu street, No. 250, and R. three.story brick dwelling fronting on Aeons Alley, No :129. Subject to a yearly ground rent of $l6 67. fd. TLIO:4 AS t Of , Nb Auctibneers. tn 17,16,23 189 and 141 south Fourthstreet„ BALE BY ORDER OP. IfEIRS.—TEIONIAA g . t Sono. Auctioneero.—On Tuesday , May 26th,1309, 1 at ' 13 o'clock, noon, will be 'told at publio.nale, at. the Philadelphia l xohange,the following deacribed propertx, viz.: Tv , o Valuahie but uese istanda, btoree: end Inveli• loge. Nee. 231 and •49 Bcutb street. west of Secondletreet. No. L—All that valuable two-atory from.° mesauage and Lot of gr , und, rituate on tho ?with aide of atrect. coat of Third street. No 231; containlog in front on . Smith duvet 20 1 tt,,inctuding half of a three feet wide alley. and extending in depth 87 feOt , 4 i oehes more or lOadt aldot two fr.tto dwolllup In fho rear. Vir:Oloot of all Inounv brunet.. No. that valuable ttio.atory frame meaausg9 And lot c f gro nd, rittPite on ti n ' north, side of . South street: adjoining the a hove. No ' 299; containing In Mot 04 South attest feet, including halt of a 3-feet Ride alley, al in depth $7 tort. Together vx tth the privilege of an: ou er, u inch leads into 'I Itiro street. Almo, two brick hointea in the rear. Vlear of all ipeumbranee. , • M. 'l'llO6lAB & SONS, mt 7-16.28 • ••I' , ' and 141 South Fourth street. B 1 nom sovsesax.EAL ESTATE. -•— EiTliree.story Brick Dwelliag.'l , 7o:222tl ilutlahr it t? attilet. Ivnt, of Twenty•serond street. , On Tun 4.y. MAY 19th, 1868, atTa ntion,loll be sold at pu blicnde. at the Yhiladelphia Bxch nage,. all that' tht/80.3t0r9 brit* dwf ding end lot of ground, attune aQ ., i o. 822J1 Gpthbtrt ptroe,t; contaluthitin front 15 feet: and . extenapyiln d epth 55 feet to a 3 feet hte' alloy leading into Amon rect, mill) the privilege thereof. _ SubJect to a yearly ground rent t M. THOMAS dr S ° ONS, Auctioneers, la) and 141 South Fourth street. 5 ~f~:.,j_ .. ~ d:i,. EsTATE.—M. TllOOl4B & /111 4 41. WO. tiopeetv.-412.31deedaY. Mei* 28th 1666, 012 &leek, .„ boon will be sokt, atpubl Caine. at the Phllsdol phla tycehanae. the follrodina described property, vis.„f No. —r al out Very detirable , foa ern Threastory Brick i) men ham Nos. 2820. 2622, 2824 and 2626 North dread street, above Cumberland street.— AU that modern three•strY brick ineesusge and lot of grout.d, alttiate on , the westerly side of Broad street north .4 Cumberland street, N't:664o; , robtalninir foltr.nt ou Broad street 20 feet. and ectondlow in d, pth 177 feet 10 it,chee to Dale street. The house stands. , balk from the street; has bay whistor. p +nor. Ainld iroom And kitchen on the Unit fl oor; B,ehatubers ; lia cry cn the second floor, and 2 above; ate introduce bath. hot and cold water, water clo , et„ permanent w. stands, portable heater, cooking vane, dtt. There La a arass.plot in front. enclosed with iron fence. • immediate possesaion. 10 May be examined any day prevlcute to gala., Not 2,8 and thee° modern thrdistory briek images and lot of frrout , d,Hltuate on tho west side of Broad Street. 'Aloft Log the above on the north, Nos. 1512, 2824. 4626; cart; 25 feet front, and in depth 177 fest bit ache*, to Dale tort et They have the modern conveniences; also, a t. an e stable with boa. 2622 and 2626. The houses st tad back from the street; each have a portico,grass plot, Ate„ etc toted with iron fence. • darl hey will be sold aeparatelv. DI.T.IIOI4AiI SOVB,,stuetioneent. t0y7,16,23 - 189 and 141 Mouth t eurth street. F XECUTOItd• BALE —F.,BTATE OF 11AltalE'r ;a Kingston, deceased. t henput it Sons, Auctlone , Vfil , all business location. Wick ,dwellings No. 1818 Callow bill street, with 4 small dwelline,e in the rear on t art on street, No. 131,1. On 19th, 18 , 10. , at 19 o'clock,' noon, w 111 be sold at public sale. at • the Philadelphia S. soliatige, all that 934 story brick dwelling 61 d lot of ground, situate an the math de of Callowhili street, at the dlPtlitleo of 1111 feet west of Thirteentustree„V thence r. , nning south, at light , musics whit ;O* ll oWhiil street 140 feet to thalton street; thence running west atoms said Ca•lton street 28 feet 3 inches ; thence north 79 feet; thence east 8 feet Inches; thence north 70 feet to t. allow hill street; thenteasist vard along Callowitlll street 17 f. et 6 inches to the place of beginning. On the mild lot is erected atsvostory brick dwelling. with 'attestor/ iron' ins on tiallowitill atreetr. and .4 tbreastory bile dwellings in the rear, with entrance from (;anion /street. hscellent stolid for a ithbile house, oiler liVery stable - property. The properly now rents for 1026 per annum, rind will readily lent f r over SOW. Tenne—•s3,4oo may tamale OA mortgage; balance cash. Ilittleati atrNhatnetboseers: 129 and 341 &nth Fottrth street. zny7 %Id PUBLM SALE—TOO/4AB SON% AutristoN. nt our none Cottage and about two noted of ~I"l grot usd, , Darbr Road. Xof a. toile ladow the , , Blue Bell tavern: On 1 Uesdair, May 19lh; Ast 19 eolook, noon. will hq sold at puidiesatl et the Pllitadelphis change. all that lot call ground, with .the intproeotrtent; the rt on erected. contaitung about two acres situate OS - barby road. or atntlebelow,theßlue , hall q i ;c o rn. Ihe improvements cousFat of a neat atone ;oft* con. talking nine roornr.giu (truces hon. and d;) , I/ ft. I. egrtahlo garden; large and well-shaded lawn. and si good variety of fruit: pullicient pasturage for cow. dm.; patches front and both shies of the house. ' hue ground is .tarty feet above the ravel of the road. with stone w alt stet grass hank In ft out, end has a commanding view,over loaing the Pelaware river suet surrounding country. 'ars pass half hourly to the city. making it a convenient winter and slimier residence. •Pr'"ele rof all bacons bronco. 1 errns—half the perebato money may tenses% on mort gage. M. THOMdt3 & BONS; Auctioneers, 149 nod 141 li. t ourth street. m 37 9 16 id 'SEAL ESTATE.—TIit.IMAS soliS' SALE in Very Vithintle Property 'l' tireti.ety Stone MAU ., SIOILII., a fill SW.I/0 end i:oach Hoist. and Large Lot; No. :npl Market oirtti, West Puilattelphiti; 100 feet front on 310 ti.`t btrett. !IA feet 0 lin lo a in depth to Ludlow t I II UYEalltl.3luy It 4 ls43itt is o'rirell.nitcist will be told at patine tnle nt xelinuto, (hit very vatunlde lot of ground. 'a it h the improve went/ Merton t rectod. nate on the south rich of. Mar. kei ttrtid. tre.t of Thirtyieightlesireet. 3../16; rontato ing frcr.t on :dkrket &Arcot 100 feet, and avendinti itl depth 2i4 feet 6 jut:lmA to tindlo w ktrect, tut which it hot a 'tool of Psi test. fhe trupooveint tan conal.t of it three ttory tione tvith the hOttcdneed, with. but and cold water. cooking rlkt)ge. do ; trusting on l'ilart kit otrett. and n tvris.tiory otsble and toucit liouto front. Ina on ttrer t. the Clear of oil it:cumbrance. . 'Penh.—@l4,(AUma•rrte,nino, mortgage. rar the chive is one el •he vrtA valuable Into fur butt. ;etc port town in %Vett' I CV - IMay tic catuninod on avid cotton to the Auctioneer/. M. Tilt/Ma S 1'; rit):‘2l Auctioneers. LS and 1.11 South Fourth etreet. no: 9 Pi PEREMPTCIIIY SA 1.. E-11 %IA ti BONS. /1,17(1t. TI Mt*" 1,2a11, WA, at 12 o'clocz, econ. eohl at public rale. trltoout reeerve, at the Pill.. 1 . -Xt Itnuke. , °flowing deter:bed pro. petty, viz : I.—T o o-etory Brick !receding, No. tit. John et: eet. I'2 feet trout: 114 feet deep. MI that t o e-retery Wick dwelling and telietilerita and lot of ground. .trust' oo the islet e hie of tit. John street. tietivmd G. otg, lleaver prieete. No. lo:10; containing' In trout n John trtr , :ct Lzi feet, and in depth 144 feet, more or Use, to (lewd etreet. 1 his to a very volualile:proPerty for toonlfactro log pur. rOACr. :".0.2. — L0t, Canal etre et.—Ml that lo: of gronod,eituato ou the weet elde or anal; conlainiug to front oz, tt et, and tr, depth to feet, wore or 1444 t. it, the %yeomen( 1 , 0 , ou 'fhbd t trett. being part of the tint deectihed lots, t off by e olvertingtiolaicktink creek, and the , opeol l / 4 2 , of Uonal street. Llt at of all Inc umbran ce Sala fiber:bite. b 1.1110.11118 dt SON-, Anctlaneere. 1% , and 141 booth Fourth euvet. EREAL ESTATE-1 11011 AS t SONiP SALE." 1. we-story Brick Ltwelling. No 1111 Pierce street. he. tween Eieventa :and 't w elf th and Morris nod Moore strt et'; First 'Word. tm Tuesday. May 12t1 Iris i, at 12 o'cieck. noon. will be sold at public tale, oe the Philadel-• ofOM Exchange, all that twoatery brick 1.111144U.R0 and lot. ground, Waste ou the north aide of Pierce etreet. east of '1 welt th etrett, No 1111 ;the lot containing in front on . Pierce etreetls feet 10 incite.. and extending to depth 40 keit; inches to a .1 feet wide alley. which leads Imo an other 3 feet wide alias. leading into „Pierce street, with th, 1 privilege thereof. hubJect to a year_lv ground rent of $32 M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneer s. ms l29 and 141 South Fourth street. h. AI. ESTATE.— JAM Vic. A. FE E R.M . AN 7 Auctioneer.-1 tireo.stery Brick Dwelling. No. art Tate 1 bird street. On Wednesday, Muy 27th. Law.; at 12 o'clock. coon. will be sold at public bale, al the Plilladeirhia Exchange, the following described real entate.-All that certain threestory brick house and lot of ground thereto belonging, situate on the east aide of find street, 24 feet north of Beaver arrest, 20 feet front by to feet deep. The dwelling is thrce.storitss hish. with we-storiee brick back building. - it hos bath, hot aud cold water. lenge, gig throughout, and to in gooe order, Ver'6l,tee rf the purer, ere wormy may remain._ gr - Possession can be had on the Ist November next. but $6O a month rent w hit bo allowed the purchaser for the Pao of the property till that linie• fair 81100 to be paid at the time of lisle. tor . Clear of all incumtwance. slAidEll A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, Store, 422 Walnut street. • ORPIIAN 6 , COURT SALE.—ESTATEOF SAltAff Fulton. &ream —James A Freeman, .Auctioneer.— Business Location. No. 4415 South Street. Under au thority of the Orpbane . Courtier the city and county of Philo elphin, on Wednesday. May 27,1888, at 12 o'clock, nt un. 111 be sold at public sale, at rho Philade;phia Excha . the following described Rost Estate the pro. petty ol figireh Fulton, deceased. All that certain three. story bricituieemage and lot of ground shit ate on the north side Routh street, at the distance of 40 feet west ward of Ni street. in the Seventh Word of the city': containing front on Routh street 16 feet and in depth 67 feet to a 1 eet wide alley. clear of all Encumbrance.. Wiillte to paid at the time of sale. ' By the CoJOSEPH M HOARY; Clerk a G. WI 'lAm W. FULTt Adminleteater. MES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer. • Store, 922 Walnut street. n 1341421 my 7.14,21 -- - - SALE BY ORDER OF 11E1118.— ESTATE OF. E“ John Tomer, . eceased. Jam, it A. FREEMAN, Alia tionee.r; NM .. lop Sites, Chestnut 11114 with fronts n Turnpike and 1 ' wnship Line Roads. On Wednesday, May LI, 1558, at 12 0., locs,noon, will he sold at public sole, at the I'Lliadelphia . schange, the following described real estate, the prop tv of John 'Vanier, deceased; all that certain tract or eco of land with te frame build. leg and barn thereon ,'heeled situate on the easterly aide ut the Chestnut Dili it d Spring 'louse Turnpike road; p commencing at a point at the distance of 33 feet, north westward from a etoneMlilding the laud of Charles Yo wler and land belonging to Esther Derr: thence along the land ' of the said Charles Yoruer. North 48 deg, 02 min. east to a , point; thence along 'midland S. 56 deg+. 25 min. E. to land of said N:sther Derr; thenecalong the same N. 42 deg. E. 590 feet 9AI In cMs to a atone in the nilOdle of the Township Ldne road; thence N. ti deg: 51 W min. W. 99 feet to k stone in the mid dle of - laid Townehio Lit road; hence along laud of T hm oas Lvle 8. 44 deg..o6 in. 1 feet 7 inches to the road; Chestnut Hill and tarring name T ininike road; thence M ons . Paid road 8.21• deg. 29 Min. E„, at f ee t 73,4 m e t es to V431)148 of beginning. rir Onnteining 1 aere.2 rod+ and 83.40 rerchoa, according to surrey by Jesse Lightfoot. Esq., made Apill nd,lBCA.City Surveyor. There to an excellent well of water on the , remises. Ono minute's walk to depot. ravementfrom depot peat the premises. tier vey and plan at the store . • y Order of fleas. 13 ,- 8250 to be paid at the time .r sale. JAMES A. FR - ” AN, Auctioneer. m 77,14.21 Eit .re, al Walnut street. o f t it ItnAil .thi'l'A'r F.,..4,44E; ip,tioneer.—lr , - - S* 4 4l We peeda ert z ° .P 4, old at PUbile et.. jet- ' oh t • lotting described -V- 0 . ' tro t ;, 0 g.rtmnd with the. iv Xi back double two•story brick back bul ablate ou the south aide Of Vinti tieth(bio.--2018), 17ft et '8 inches then immersing rligh ly the 1 orth 86ft-et deep altorethtr, with the Wading into Winter street. The Ilm ht titer, range. with hot arid be. - Pr May he examined at with the deed. ( barer inturnbranee. ' Wier $lOO to be paid at the tin • , ' ,JAMEBI..I". m 3 -7 le 91 rRALF, DY ORDER Or Jone , liru Leedom. deco •• Auetioneer—owelling On Wedneeday May 27.1868 at 801 l at publiepaio, at the Willa lowing described reel estate. la then Leedom. decoarest: All tba throe'-tore brick dwelling• bon thereon erected. situate on the n, between TIODE and becond street fund 23 feet lON inches, and lu do! ?ler 4tef het being 29 feet 9 inches property on she ta4 the use of a eastern aide hereof, 8 feet 9 inches . 1049,, to te left open ' ds now is. Th•_ and pleasant,,. near the market and wharv6s, lien and survey at the etoro. Terms CI WI, $lOB to be paid when the property • JAMES A FREEM 1nY7.14 2t, • , Store PHOPOSAI PROPOSALS, ENDORS jo for Prioting 'Blanks .nd Reports trOlikra.-16 , tho year.lB6B, , ' will oe ruck signed until Tut adaY. May 12th. 1868, 41 from proposal a ill' be received fro any but Mal print* TB. Information will be isivi th e par,er and printing required can be of the Board of Controllers. Security f° ll ' )!Ti f d 4 e i Nf u litlgfll4L of A l lti e', l " i t il rr.V7 4l' h .1 FHA] 'EW TURKEY PRUNES LANDING • it by J. B •BUBBIER & C0..108 South D A. FREEMAN, AM . 2018 Vine street On 12 o'clock. noon. will be , his Exchange the fat- Ii that certain lot of brick residence with dirge thereon elected. street, west of Twen ront and 83 feet deep. r depthof 8 feet. being • . : of, a 2) feet a11,,y , °use is in good repair. cold water, bath, gee. 'any time. occupancy 'eof sale EEMArt,_Auctioneer, tore 922 Wahout.treet HEIRS.—ESTATE OF ed.—Junes A. i r tgeMan Lot No. 127 Pine , street: lS o 'clock, noon, WIU be $ iphia Exchange, the tel. tho s property of Jona lot if grand with the to with hack Windings , rth side 'of Pine stree t; No, 127, containiakili ,th 80 feet 6 inches, me ride. Reserving to the alleyway alorg the ido and about S.lfeet ' tisVellins is roomy business on, the ..track off. 'Di:Auctioneer, 4 4 Walnut stoet. 2d i T) " ROPOSALS r the oard of eon -I:ed v the under 'clock 41. No r ponsible,prac -4 and r. arapleo of , eeott at the oftlee NIII be relihtted lirOß SALE sync° avenue
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers