it slum Kar igdA s mui Tin: New York Legislature yesterday adiourned sine die. Tau entire domain belonging to the Hudson Bay Company is to be ceded to the Crown. GEN. BUCHANAN has ordered. the Texas Recon struction Convention to meet on June Ist, instead, of 15th, as before ordered. Two max, named Sullivan and Doyle, were severely injured by the explosion of a barrel of benzine, yesterday, in New York. Tun postponed trot on the Fashion Course, New York, was resumed yesterday morning. and after another dead beat in 2.36 X, between Brad ley and Pierce, it was won by Bradley in 2.36. Tau Lutheran National Synod meets in Harris burg today. Over two hundred and fifty dele gates are already there. representing twenty-one distinct synods. A NOME MOSEQUI has been entered by the At tornef-General in the ease of Mullany, who be came Queen's evidence against Burke and other Clerkenwell explosion conspirators. PROFESSOR SWEET. of Rhode Island, yesterday accomplished his feat of walking one hundred miles in twenty-four hours. Time—Twenty three hours and fifteen minutes. Tun Connecticut Legislature organized yester day by electing the officers nominated at the Re 'publican caucus on Tuesday evening. The mes sage of Governor English was sent in yesterday. The Inauguration parade was unusually fine. . Tula Virginia Republican Convention met yes terday. and nominated Gen. Wells for Governor. Jas. H. Clements received the nomination for Lieutenant Governor. The Convention then ad journed until - to-day. HARD rain and hailstorm occurred at Indian yeaterdi.y afternoon, and considerable damage was done to the railroads. The depot at 'Greencastle Junction was blown across the track. all the streams are very high. IT IS understood that the test dath will be re luired of the Georgia Legislature members, and that the Legislature will first be assembled at Milledgeville as a provisional body, to take Action on the constitutional amendment,and then adjourn. GEN. JOHN M. PALMER. was yesterday nomi nated by the Republicans in council at Peoria, Illinois, as their candidate for Governor at the ensuing election. Col. John Dougherty was chosen for Lieutenant-Governor, and General John A. Logan was nominated for Congressman at large. MANY of the letters in the mail boxes. robbed on the cars yesterday, a short distance east from Harrisburg, have been fished from the canal, where the boxes were found. Letters from houses in the West, containing drafts and checks in favor of parties in New Yerk and Philadelphia, to the amount of some $7,000, are among the letters recovered. The checks and drafts from Harrisburg to Philadelphia, which have been re covered, do not amount to more than $6OO. A CONVENTION of those favoring impartial man hood suffrage, and opposed to the action of the Maryland Republican state Convention of the 6th of March, met at the New Assembly Rooms, Baltimore, yesterday, seventeen counties being represented, some counties having hut one repre sentative. Nearly one-half of the delegates are negroes. Judge Bond was chosen President, with four Vice Presidents, one of whom was a negro. A full delegation to the Chicago Conven tion was appointed, and an electoral ticket for the State. The Irish Clllll7lOll Question. Lozinort, May 6. A division is expected to take place in the House of Commons to-morrow night on the remainder of the resolves proposed by Mr. Glad stone in reference to the Irish Church. A meeting was held in St. James Hall to-day in favor of the con tinuance of the Irish Church establishment. The at tendance was immense, and the proceedings very noisy and turbulent. The Archbishop of Canterbury occn pled the chair, and the platform was crowded with the most prominent men of the Tory party. The Arch bishop of Canterbury, on taking his position, made a speech in furtherance of the object of the meeting. Lord Mayo then rose, and moved a series of resolu tions in favor of a continued union of the State and Church,which were seconded by the Bishop of Oxford. The Archbishop of York also presented resolutions to the effect that an attempt to overthrow the Irish Church was an attack upon the Church of England, and a movement towards the establishment of Papacy upon the country. There was much tumult and con fusion at this point of the proceedings. The resolutions were finally adopted, and the meet. ing adjourned. FROM MEXICO. Be YANA, May t.--The English Mail steamer Mer sey arrived from Vera Cruz the 2d instant. Passen• gers by her report that before sailing a telegram was received at Vera Cruz announcing that a revolution had taken plate in the capital, and President Juarez was flying to the Texas frontier, with seven million dollars in his possession. Vera Cruz journals and pri vate letters are silent upon the subject. The American men•ot-war Ossippee, Swannee and "Resaca, and the English man-of-war Chanticleer, were at Mazatlan, where other American vessels were expected. Cebillo, acting Bishop of Mexico, is dead. The government has disapproved of the action of the Gov ernor of Yucatan, suspending the elections. Senor Romero bad published documents against .General Ortega. Mr. Plumb, Acting American Minister, had pre sented a document from the government at Washing ton, expressing regret and sympathy in the matter of the attempted assassination of Juarez, who responded in an address, thanking the Minister and the Ameri can government, and expressing the wish to preserve always smicablo relations between the two republics. Three hundred and F 3 evonty thousand dollars of the English and French bonds had been purchased for thirty thousand dollars. seventy thousand dollars more had been appropriated for the same purpose. General .Biscobedo was superintending the building of a telegraph line to San Luis Potosi. General Lahane and William Pritchard have made a 'proposition to Congress to run a steamship line from Yera Cruz to New Orleans and Europe at a moderate subvention. An attempted conspiracy at Orizaba had been de tented. Collectors of customs throughout the republia haVe been enjoined to pay all drafts on the national treas ury. The death penalty has been abolished. Ad vices from Colina state that a priest, who commanded a party of bandits at Toluca, had been captured. General Vega denies breaking his word in recently escaping. General Basaido has defeated General Negrete. The usual number of murders and robberies is re orted. CRIME. Execution of u Murderer UAVERIIIII, May 6.—Samuel Mills, for the brutal ' , Murder of an old man named• Maxwell, in Franconia, lieW Hampshire, was hanged to-day. The Rev, Mr. McCowan offered an impressive prayer. Mills, iu the ' meantime, looked through the vast assemblage as if endeavoring to discover one kind or familiar face, but evinced outwardly no emotion whatever. At a .quarter past ten o'clock prayer was concluded. The Sheriff then informed Mills that he had flf teen minutes to live, and could say what he pleased before he died. "I do not know as I have much to say, sir," said he, Then turning to the crowd, he remarked: "Gentlemen —Samuel Mills is guilty of this crime, and I think that I have made my peace with God. Samuel Mills has acted like a MEW, and will die liken man. If I have done any thing wrong, I hope you will forgive me." Bete he closed temporarily, but after the lapse of a minute, continued: "Gentlemen, tell all of the folka that Samuel Mills says he is guilty 'of this crime and 'he died like a man." As the last minutes were passng sway the Sheriff informed the unfortunate crimi 1 that ke had one more opportunity of saying anyth he desired to the crowd. Mills said in a low, clear voice, "Good bye; good luck to you." The black cap was then placed over his head and the Sheriff re marked: "Samuel Mills, your time is up, and may God have mercy on your soul." As he concluded the ltring was pulled and the trap dropped. Mills being a heavy man, tell a distance of eight foot with such velociuy that his neck was broken, and the only ap pearance of life in the body afterwards was the con -traction of the legs. Atter hanging for halt au hour afe was pronuunced•estinct and the body rid, down. The Looto Dian Robbery—intiaalling Let-, terra . Found. The Harrisburg Telegraph of yesterday con tains the following list of letters wttiell wore found after having been stolen from the mail at Harrisburg:, • • Notwithstanding the especial request made by those connected with the postollice here that nothing should he said about Attu , last mail rob bery, the public have become considerably ex cited on the subject and our cotemporaries have condescended to notice the same. Although one mall robber% has oocurred every month for the last six, nothing was said about it, the Telegraph being the only journal that noticed it.- A large number of letters supposed to be a part of the mail stolen hero on Monday night were tumid early this morning in the canal below this r•ity. It appears that the lock-tender Mr..Tosenli Westbrook, noticed an unusual quantity of paper last night in the look, Lula Otr dude exatuniation he discovered that it was a portion of some mail; he gathered a large pile of paper from the Bur face, and on examination he found the following letters torn open, containing drafts, checks, &c. We append a partial list of the same, so that Persons who may have ordered goods can dupli cate them: Letter 'trom Shoemaker & Major, check to w M. Stehley, Philadelphia. $6OO. Letter to Mrs. 11. M. Kneass, to Philadelphia. Letter to Mrs. T. D. Nelling from her husband, from Loehiel hotel. Various letters from Lancaster to New York, Philadelphia. &c. • Check from Mrs. M'Calla to Mindel 41k Co., $46 78. Letter from Jacob Singer, Harrisburg, to his father. Letters from Chicago to parties east. • Jacob Singer to W. L. Wilson. John D. Lustin, Esq., Philadelphia. A large lot of lettere from Western merchants to Philadelphia and New York. Two certificates In the Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company to W. Parkhill, of $2O each. Draft of Mitchel & Lvnde on Black, Newborn & Bros., Rock Island, Hi., $263 62. Account of W. Buehler to Enterprise Insur% anco Company. Check of Aughinbaugh & Bentz to H. C. Trump & Co.; Philadelphia, $B7 67. Draft on Mitchel & Lyndall, $306 21. Draft on National Bank, Omaha, M. Froth & Co., $57 20. Cheek, B. N. A., Philadelphia, $2O 00. Note of sixty days from John D. Lustin, Phi ladelphia, to Shuman, Hall & : Lyman, Chicago, $l./35 97. • Check, First National Bank, Moline, 111., D. H. Bcyber, .LS. Gilleu, $3OO. Letter from D. D. Domer, Harrisburg, to Joseph Mill.;•; - Esq., Philadelphia. Letter from John C. Herman, Harrisburg, to Wanamaker & Brown. ' Dealt on kitte. National Bank, Chicago, to Gill man, Son & Co., $llB 75. • Draft on First National Bank, Chicago, to U. 11. Arnold. ' C. J. oSinith & Co., $2lB. Check on First National Bank, Mechanicsburg, Pa. Skinner & Test. Koods, Megay & $B7 63. It seems that, the largest portion of the letters were mailed in the West. How the mail box containing them could be taken from the mail car in or near this city, without a direct collusion ith the mail agent or person whose duty is to watch them, seems to us a mystery. The ear cam lug this mail conies, direct from Pittsburgh or Chicago, and the mail boxes or pouches are never disturbed here. The boxes found in the canal yesterday must have contained the mail twill 'Harrisburg and Chicago. From the fact that these letters were found only this morn ing and late last night in the canal, it is evident that the parties concerned examined the mail yesterday or last night, and then threw such pot'- lions in the canal that could not be used by them without running the risk of detection. The water is very high in the canal at the present time, and we are informed that a large portion of the mail must have gone over the waste sluices below the mill, before it reaches the lock, - and that-the canal all the way up from the lock is filled with paper. We've not yet learned whether any effort is made to ferret out the perpetrators of this robbery. CITY BULLETIN, THE COLORED SOLDIERS' AND &mons' „HOME AOCIATION.—A meeting of this association was held yesterday afternoon, at No. 711 Sansom street. . Mr. Benjamin P. Hunt was appointed chair- Ulan, and Mr. It. R. Corson secretary. Mr. Randolph presented the report of the com mittee. appointed to purchase a building for a home. It is stated that the committee had met the varions parties who held mortgages, and paid off $B,OOO, and that the property is now held by the trustees. Mr. Bulkley moved to discharge all the sub committees hitherto appointed, which was done. The president stated that a building, formerly called Whitehall or Bristol College, about six teen miles from Philadelphia, on the' Delaware, had been purchased for a home. The price paid WWII $14.000, Of which $5,000 still remain on mortgage. Mr. J. S. Flint has been elected superintendent of the home, which will be opened for the or phans in about one month; The main building is 204 feet long; besides these there are two wings, thirty feet wide by sixty et deep. The association also owns thirteen acres and a half of land, surrounding the home. Mr. Bulkley offered the following resolution: hereas, The purchase of a colored school for the colored soldiers' and sailors' orphans has -now been made, a superintendent appointed,and the gathering of orphans into said home about to be commenced; and whereas, as the business of organizing and pushing the home into success ful operation will require very frequent meetings of those who shall be immediately concerned in the affairs of the home; therefore Resolved, That a sub-committee be and the same is hereby appointed, to consist of the fol loWing persons,. -which sub-committee he known as the 'Executive Committee of the Colored Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphans Com mittee. and have lull and competent power and authority to act in all respects for the Colored oldiers and Sailors' Orphans Committee. The President appointed as the members of the committee the following persons: B. P. Hunt, Edward S. Buckley, E. W. Clark, Joseph G. Ro s. ngarten, James A: Wright, Philip P. Randolph, William Still, Gen. Louis Wagner, R. It. Corson, Mrs. W. H. Furness, Mrs. P. Williamson, Mrs. A. H. Smith Miss Mary E. Jackson Mrs. Edward Hopper,Mrs. Richard P. White,Mrs. J. L. Bald win, Messrs. A. IL Smith, W. W. Justice and E. 1). Bassett. The President stated that the committee had reported that they had agreed to guarantee to Mr. Flint his salary of $BOO, with board and rent free. The report was then adopted, after which the meeting adjourned. RESISTING A REVENUE OFFICER.—James Har kins, the alleged proprietor of a distillery hack of No. 529 South Second street, was before U. S. Commissioner Henry Phillips, Jr., yesterday, on the charge of resisting Revenue Inspector Jesse Johnson m the execution of his duty. Thecom plainant testified that he visited defendant's dis tillery on Tuesday, and though the still was in operation, he failed to obtain admission. Upon knocking at the door, a man looked out of a window, and said that the person who had charge of the key had gone away, but would be back in a few minutes. After wait ing fifteen minutes, the witness knocked again at the door, whereupon a man replied from an up per window that he could not open the door, as he was only the engineer. The Inspector then l'ft. By a pfovision of the Revenue law distil leries are to be accessible at all times, between sunrise and sunset, to the Inspectors, and at night also when the stills are running. Mr. Harkins was bound over for his appearance at Court. HANDSOME PRESENT.-- ME. Alexander Ai member of the Legislature from this city, was recently presented with a splendid service of silver, comprising ten pieces. The salvor is in scribed—" Presented to Alexander Adaire by the Ingrain Carpet Manufacturers' Board of Trade, Philaddphla, 1868." Each of the other pieces have the initials of Mr. Adaire's name engraved upon them. The entire sot is handsomely gotten upi Rommo.—Joshua B. Hudson, a citizen 0' Chincoteague, Virginia, and a dealer fn oysters, went Into a tavern on South Water.street, on Tuesday night, and fell asleep'in a chair. On avrakeninglie diseovered himself minus of $lBB which was in his pockets, he avers, whim he en tered the place. , . i Tiii.vALLAY z4VENING BULLETIN- PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, MAY 7, 868 o • LIULADEuPHIA ANO SOUTHERN TRAIL STEW . SHIP COMPANY..--abo,l3CCOnd annual meeting of this company was held yeeterdayat the Board of Trade room. James C. Hand; Esq., was called to the chair, and Mr. Teal acted , as Secretary,' The annual report states that only about ti 47,000 bad been raised since the. Board of Directors were authorized to secure an additional subscription of $lOO.OOO, and the necessity for this increase of Capital 'still exists. The report, after referring to' the loss sustained by the company, particularly in the burning of the steamship, Tioga, concludes with the following summary: Loss sustained in thuTunning of the New Orleans line has been $34,656 55, that in the Wilming ton line, $3,373 44; and the profit of the Savannah line $14.455 03, makes the total excess of ex penditures on account of the boats qvor their earnings, $23,574 96, to which is added the item of expenses of Philadelphia office, damages, Ltc., $38,361 81, the deficit of the first year, $21,476, and the loss from the burning of the Tioga, $116,- 444 40, making a total loss of $195,859 17. It is recommended that the par value of the stock be reduced, and a motion was made to authorize the directors to make application to the Legislature for a reduction of its par value from $250 to $lOO. After some discussion, the subject was postponed for the present. THE CAurwr WEAVERS.—A meeting of journeymen carpet weavers was held last evening at Front and Master streets: The bill of prices reported at the last meeting was taken up, and, after being amended so as to reduce the price of nine pairs one-half cent per yard, was adopted. ENGLISII PLAYS ON THE PARIS STAGE.—In the annals of the Paris stage, this year is remarkable for .the employment of English subjects. "Ham let," "The Fair Maid of Perth," and "Robinson Crusoe" have been done in opera. A French version of "Hamlet," as s tragedy, has been pro duced; and one of "King Lear" Is now acting at the Odeon. Alexander Dumas's drama, of which Edmund Kean is the hero, has been revived. "Gulliver" has been produced as a spec tacle. One of Boucicault's plays has had a long run. "Jack Sheppard" has been resusci tated with success. Several pieces, new and old, of which the personages and the scenes are Eng lish, have been presented. Among them are "Glenarvon," the "Bell-ringer of St. Paul's," and "Miss Svsane," and now the public arc informed that a piece founded on Dickens's "No Thorough fare" is in preparation at one of the houses, and that Bulwer's "Last Days of Pompeii" is set to music by a composer who has already tried his hand OR "Hamlet." Coal statements. The following shows the shipments of coal over the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad for the week ending May 2, compared with the same time last season Shipped North Shipped South T0ta',............ .... ... 35,075 02 453,28/ 03 For ecarespouding time last veer: Week. Year. Tons.ewt, Tons. Cwt. 9,030 13 121,933 15 29,532 04 497,125 11 Shipped North Shipped South Decrease ....... ......... 3,457 15 65,772 03 The following is a statement of the coal traneported over the Delaware and Hudson Canal for the week and season ending May 2, and the szune period last year Week. Tons. Delaware and Thidson Canal.. 41,416 Pennsylvania Coal Company.. 525 For sante period last year_ Week, Tons. Delaware and Hudson Canal.. 36,360 Pennsylvania Coal Company.. 1,303 PASSENGERS ARRIVED: In steamer onawanda, from Savannah—G W H Whit- taker and lady, floerwald and lady, J D Fitzpatrick and lady, Mrs 1:01 Folsom, airs J W Stove. Miss Carrie Stone, Mr and Mrs J Dl Foreman, Miss Lillie Stone, Stra Coleaberry, Mies Cora Brearly, Capt Treadway, Messrs M Givin, it J Caoghey,_e Gottleib Homer, A B 00, B Sheldon, T R Brown. Wm Nash, John iletzeck. I: Thi ng ft Duller. J Slitchner, 4 Bryan, T M Co /140i3. J Kane. F bleeder. J Welsh, Wm McClellan, B Do Witt, Col Joa Do W itt, Bart. tni Witt. In steamer Juniata, from New Orleans—Jas B Wild, Nla 11 Wild. Mrs Darien and seri ant, Chu Adams. - - .1111.PQRTATIONS. Reported for the rhiladelphia Evening Bulletin. MATANZAS—S(Iw Florida, Itictiarda-127 hhde 49 tea 30 bbls molasses Isaac Hough & Morris. - NEW ORLEANS VIA HAVANA—Steamship Juniata, Iloxie—From New Orleans-47 bales cotton 14 Sloan & Sous; 40 ladle saddlery 4 cases mdse W S Hansen; 147 empty Mils Massey. Dilators & Co; 1 bale bags It lintel; 1 box plants F (3 Smith; 1 do A R blontgoinery; 2 eke mdse Harrison dr. Bro•, 1 engine 1 boiler I cap 1 chimney box rodeo S& J Flanagan; 1 box books W Lippincott; 1 box cigars Jas Loeb; 2 do melee R C Dunn; 3 trunks HCham bers ; 100 empty bbls 120 ladle bides order. From Havana —l6O bxs sugar John Mason & Co; 130 bales cotton .goods W L James ; ti2o bxe 164 bbds sugar order. SAVANNAH—Steamship Tonawanda, Jennings-53 hales cotton Coebran. Ruesell & Co; 57 do yarn 391 do cotton Clughorm Herring & Co; 4 do W 31 Greiner; SO do Wood & Garrett ; 7 do Boston SS Co; 15 do yarn Alex Whilldin A: Sons: 40 like wine Batty & Bold li/0 do green peas II F Ives; 190 bbls Massey. Huston .l Co; 31 hales cotton shipper's' order; sundry email lots and packages C E Dilkee,_lreight .Agt. WII,MIPETON, NC—Schr W H Mauler, Murch-110.• 000 feet yellow pine timber E H Rowley. floori n g s CßTON, SC—S Leeringnes, Richardson-60,C00 feet boards W A iwat MOVEMENTS OE OCEAN STEAMERS. TO ARRIVE. enl99 , TROY TOE Darn Beßona. ..... .........London..New Y0rk..........April 18 Tarifa Liverpool .Boston & N Y April 21 Deutschland....Bouthampton..New York.... ..... .April 21 City of Boston. ....Liverpool..New Y0rk..........April 22 Erin. ~. .. ..... ....Liverpool..New Y0rk..........April 23 Nova Scotian Liverpool_Portland.„ . ...... .. April 23 Allernania......Boutharripton..N ow York .... ..... April 24 Ca1ed0nia.............015ag0w..New Y0rk........• •&Pril 24 Denthark..... ..... Liverpool—New York. ........April24 Citylof Washin'tion.Liverpool—N Y via Halifax...APril 21 Villa do Paris ..... ~.. Brest.. New York.. .. ..... April 25 China........ ... . ... Pari5......... Y0rk..........April 25 'Union Soutbampton..Ne w Yoi k ......• ...Apri 2i Palmyra ... ... ... ...Liverpool—New Y0rk..........April 28 Nebraska Liverpool. New York April 28 TO DEPART. Henry Chauncey.. New York. Aspinwall .... ...... May 9 Louisiana—. New York.. Liverpool.. ... .....May 9 Colon hie.. ....New York.. Havana. .... ...... —May 9 City of Hoslon....New York.•. Liverpool Max 9 War:Mlle New York—Havana..... 11 ay 9 Allernania.........Now York .11aniburg May 12 colorado— .. —New Y0rk..Liverp001............May 13 Touftwancfa.....lthilad elphia —Savannah May 13 Juniata . ......Philadolphia..N. 0. via Havana.. May City of New 'York.New Y0rk..Liverp001.......,....M ay 13 China New York.. Liverpool...... ...... May 13 Morro Castle...... New York..Naman&llavana,...May 14 Virgo SOW York ..Vera Cruz, &c May 14 Mars and Stripes....Philad'a—Havana . May 19 130AlD OJ' T}tADtl. n.c.MoCAMDION W A SH ICENGTO WEI BUTCHER MONTILLY Commirrien. N. Bun BIBE. 5 21 Bmt it3=B. 658 I Hum Waans. 2 ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamer Juniata. lioxie, from New Orleans via Ha vana 20th nit, with cotton, sugar, &e. to Philadelphia and Southern Mail Steamship (Jo. • Steamer Black Diamond, Meredith, in hours from Now York, with ludas to W Baird & Co. iffeamer Richard Willing, Cundiff, 15 hours from Bain more, with nidse to A Groves, Jr. Steamer D Caney, Davis, 24 hours from New York. with mils° to W M Baird & Co. Schr Florida, Ith bards, 10 days from Matanzas, with molasses to I Hough & Morris. Behr W H Stainer, Murat. 4 days from Wilmington,NC. with lumber to E H Rowls y. Behr N Jouee. Richardson, it days from Charleston. with lumber to W A Levering. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Ship Memnon. Baker Rio Janeiro, Workman & Co. Steamer F Franklin. Hereon, Baltimore, Groves, Jr. Brig Altavela, Reed, Witinington, NC. Warren & Gregg. Behr B F Reeves. Brandin. Washington: Davey, Son&Co. Behr Charm. Studley, Portland, Borda, Keller & Nutting. Bahr L S Levering, Corson, Boston, J c 1 & G 8 Repplier. Behr Hiawatha, Newman, Newburyport, Audenried. Norton & Co. Schr J P ishedden. Moon Norfolk, 'do Bohr Jesse L Leach, Stafford. St Mary's, Ga. Week. Year. Tons. Cwt, Toimewt. . 8,109 11 145,052 15 .28.965 11 357,634 uS --- 35,562 17 . 5.!9,059 03 MARINE BULLETIN. PORT OF PHMADELPHIA—Men Correspondence of the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. READING, May e, The following boats from the Union Canal passed into the Schylkill Canal, bound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned as follows: Susie, with lumber to A J Geiger;California. do to 'Henry Dinner ; Exemplar. wheat to Geo Macklin; A TM Rine, bark to Keene 41; Coates; Emblem, flour to Blatt. man 4z, KelmedV. MEMORANDA. Steamer New York, Jones, hence at Alexandria. Va. 9th inst. Bark Ranger, Baby, hence at Helvoet 20th ult. - Brig Daisy, Phillips, hence at .Antwerp 20th ult.: ' Brig Maria Wheeler, Wheeler, hence at Barbadoil 20th ult Brig A B Patterson, Wilkie, hence for LaguaYre, was passed sth inst. lac 87 12, lon 74 26. Brig J Means, Wells, cleared at Calais let bid. for this port. 43chr Oneida. Davis, hence for Cardenes,L palled from Fort Monroe sth inst. Bohr Ann Cadet. Westcott, sailed from Matanzas 27th tilt. tor a port north of Hatteras. • Bohr Percy, Waldman, from New Cootie, Del. at Calais 27th ult. Behr F R Baird, Ireland, hence for Cienfuegos, was spoken9th nit. no lat. dm. John Behr Rowlett, Bradley, hence at Alexandria' 4th Instant. Schr R E Tamcilick, tailed from Mayaguez 16th ult. for this port. • - 0 - Saw Win P Coxflateman, from Lynn for this port, at Holme Hole 4th inst. Schra John Blueman, Weaver. and Ntutna Shaw, hence) at t'ortsinontheth inst. Bate Alexandria, Weetcott ; N "Pylon Owen% and Jao Thomas. t3tnith, hence at Waaldngtom DC. titti inst. ACADEbIY OF MUSIC. ENGLISH OPERA. LAST MOUT BUT ONE. CAROLINE RIC DINGS. —..,DIRECTRESS TIIIh (THURSDAY) iv:ENING. MAY 7th, Eichbenre -Cowie t • DOCTOR. tiF ALCANTARA. With n great cast FRIDAY—BENE DIFITV OF MISS RIGILINGS. ERA AOLO. SATURDAY - 4 GRANDATINEE. GALA D AY. M At 50 cents to all parte of the 11011/30. CROWN DIAMON DS. Box Sheet noyt , open. NEW CHESTNUT STREET TREAT FIFTH WEEK OF J. E. MoDONUUGII'B _ Elaborate Spectacle, the B ENTIRE NEWW DANC CRO ES, OK. And introducing for the firet time to n Philadelphia audience, . _ THE GREAT MORLACCIII. • UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION. FIVE PREMIERE DANSEUESES. MORLACCHL SAND& LEAH. . ZUCCOLL " Immenee success T of HE "CANCAN." . TOE "CAN-CAN." Received with a RAPTUROUS ENCORE AND UNBOUNDED ENTHUSIASM. FAMILY MATINEE, SATURDAY AFTERNOON. W ALNUT STREET TIT THIS (THURSDAY) EViNING, May ith, 1868. Fouith night he of t Great Comedian, _ JOHN BROUGHAM. Who will app TERRY Original Character of Tub SWBLL, In his Groat Dramatic Satire upon the Vices Foltios, and Sensatione of the present times, entitled THE LOTTERY OE LIFE. Received nightly by large and intelligent audiences with UNQUALIFIED APPROVAL. FRIDAY—BENEhIT OF JOHN BROUGHA AL MM. JOHN DREW'S ARCH STREET THEATRE..— .Regina ,k 1 to 8 o'clock. LAST TWO NIGHTS—TANGLEDTIIREADS. LAST WEk.R. OF MISS FANNY B. PRICE. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS. TANGLED THREADS. ROSE CLINTON.... ............... ....MISS F. B. PRICE Col. Vivian.— ....,....... ........ .......Mr. C. Walcot After which the Burk:mine. BLACK AYED SUSAN. Mrs C Ws.!cot William Dame Miley Mr. It Craig FRlDAY—Benefit of Miss F. B. PRICE.. An entire change of Performance. MADELAINE AND LITTLE TREASURE. • 'VARIETY IS TILE SP WYM ANICE OF LIFE V AT ASSEMBLY BUILDING. COMMENCING MUNI) Y EVENING. MAY 4TII. WYMAN'S POPULAR GIFT E X LIIBITION WYMAN—MONA R(III 01 MAGICIANS. VENTIGLOQUISba AtsD DANCING BABIES. New Experiments, new FcaturAs and cos'ly Gifts every night. W ednehtlay's and Saturday H. at 3 o'clock, PHLSEN'I AT tON mANIN Evening ridrniesin, 25 cent., , . 'I ickets Admitting st per. Doors open et 7: Colllllll'nefi inyti•til • FOYER OF ACADEMY. • FRIDAY AFTERNOON. MAY Rh, 1868. CARL WOLFSOHN'S LAST BEETHOVEN MATINEE. MAD BEHREI\ S. MR. WM. STOLL, Ja. GIANT SONATA. TICKETS.. ONE DOLLAR. EACH. Doors open nt 4. Concert at 4M. • my 4 4t5 MEW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA HOUSE, ELEVENTH street, above CHESTNUT. THE FAMILY RESORT. CARNCRUSS Aa loxes/4i MINSTRELS. THE GREAT STAR THAtaft'E OF THE WORLD. • First week of the ne w Bmiteque entitled 14IFL sCOMEN TRC.L; OR. W es 0 rero :,e; VIES riEEP. Fire t week of au entirel EO y new meal D Burlesque. TANG' To REA r. Olt, BLINKS AN o Doors open. at t commencing at 8 o'clock. MERICAN CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC.--- _ M_Fifteenth Matinee on SATURDAY AFTERNOON, May 16th, nt 33.<',. Second Grand Concert, THURSDAY, May 21, at 3111610 AL FUND HALL. See notice under Thar uctiun Season. 'Cons. 172,'251 2,45 T 174,;20 &won. Tune. 226,445 3,14 T I.IENNSYLVANIA•ACADEMV OF FINE ARTS, CHESTNUT Stri - et. above Tenth. • Tho Forty-fifth Annual Exhibition of Paititing ,, , Stiitm ary and A r chitectu re hi now open daily from A. A. till M. and from 8 till RI in the evening. Admittance 25 cents. Season Tickota, tllctu. ap27-tf ionos AMERICAN VARIETY TIIEATNEs EVERY EVENING and dATURDAY AFTERNOON. GREAT COMBINATION TROUPE. In Grand Ballets, Ethiopian Burlesques, Sow. Dances. Gsmnast Acts, Pantomimes. &c. MAULE, BROTHER & CO. 1868. SRUC JOIST. E T SPRUCE OIS. 1869 1 SPRUC JOIS HEMLOCK. II EMU) CK. II ELI LOOK. LARGE . STOCK. LARGE STOCK. rO.A.IILE', BUOVIIIIEIR at CO.. 2500 SOUTH STREET. 1868. FLORIDAI 118811111. 1868. CAROLINA FLOORING. • VIRGINIA FLOORING, DELAWARE FLOORING. ASH FLOORING. WALNUT FLOORING. FLORLDAIL PL STEP ANK. BOARDS. RA 1868. VALUTRUDERBOU 1868. WALNUT BOARDS. WALNUT PLANK. 1868. REPITVIE111:11IMIEIL . 1868. RED CEDAR. WALNUT AND PINE. ' .. 1868. SEASONED SEASONED CHERRY. 1868. ASH,_ WHITE OAR PLANK Y. AND BOARDS. HICKOR 1868. CIGAAR CIG BOX OMMAKERS. _ R AKERS. 1868. BPANIBLI CEDAR E BOX BOARDS. FOR SAL LOW. . , RilkifMlUN'KtM EATRE. LIMBER. 1868. CAROLINA SCANTLING. 1868. CAROLINA IL T. SILLS. NORWAY SCANTLING. LARGE ASSORTMENT. CEDAR SHINGLES. CEDAR lB6B. 1868.. CYPRESS SHINGLES. PLASTERING LATH. CHESTNUT PLANK AND BOARDS. 1868. SEASONED CLEAR PINE. 1868. CHOICE rxrrERN PINE. SPANISH CEDAR, FOR PATTERNS. FLORIDA RED CEDAR. DIAULE, unor nica a co. T 2500 SOUTH STREE. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF BUILDING LUMBER AND HARD WOODS. F. H. WILLIAMS, Seventeenth and Spring Garden Streets. Oa x to th 2xn PHELAN Sr. BUCKNELLII Twenty-third and Chestnut Sta. LARGE STOCK OF . WALNUT, ASH AND POPLAR, ALL THICKN ESSES CLEAN AND DRY. FINE LOT WALNUT VENEERS. CEDAR, CYPRESS AND WHITE PINE SHINGLES. SEASONED LUMER, MICHIGAN_ SIZESA AND PENNSYLVANIA. ALL AND QUALITIES. FLOORING AND HEAVY CAROLINA TIMBER. SPRUCE AND 31EMLOCK JO (ST BUILDING LUMBER OF ALL KINDS. mla6m R A.# J. J. INUTIABS, \ Broad and Green stre6to SEASONED BUILDING LUMBER WALNUT, Aill at low pricer czars*, VARSIIIIIEIitEIt ma rILOTH HOUSE, No, 11 NORTH SECOND Err.. V- Sign of the Golden Lamb. JAMES & LEE Have now on hand and are still receiving a large and °holes assortment of Spring and Slimmer Goods,expressly adapted to Illenis and Hoye' wear, to which they invite the attention° , Merchants, Clothiers, Tailors and °there. COATING GOODS. Buyer Black French Cloths. Super Colored French Clothe. • Black and Colored Pique coatings. Black and Colored Tricot Coatings. Diagonal Ribbed Coatings. Cashmaretta all colors. New Styles Ladies* Cloaking. pakl4xed CoatiAge„ilic. PANTALOON STUFF% Black French Doeskins. do do Cassimeres. New .styles Fancy do. AellPlaid Mixed Doeskins. Plaid and Striped Cassimeres'. AjzO, a largo aecortmeat of Cords.Deaverteens.petinew Vestings and geode for sults, at wholeside and retail. JAMES di LEE, No. 11 North Second street. Sign of the Golden Lamb. ACCIDENT , TIOICPTS ' From One Thirty $5,0 1 :0111 Cabe of death by inturl; and $25 per 'week is case of disabling injury; at 26 cents per day. WILLIAM ALLEN', .Agent, ortitr,wr 81M.ADING. No. 117 South Fourth Street. nayl Intli • MEE RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MIL. ADELPHIA. , Incorporated in 180 4 Charter Parinuas. °Him No, SOS Walnut street. vAPFIAL $900,0e0. Insures against loss or damage by=r i s ato ibtorona• Stores and other Buildings, limited or mut on Furniture, Goode. Wares, and Merchandise in Am or country. LOKIES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. Assets. Invested in the following !Securities. viz. First Mortgages on City Property.well 5e0ured..011.98,600 00 United States Government beans 117,000 00 Philadelphia City 6 per cent. Loan .s. ..... 75,000 00 Pennsylvania 813,000,000 6 per cent. Loam 96.000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds, first and Second Mortgages f1,0C13 OC Camden and Amboy Railroad Company's ever Cent. Loan. . . 6,:suu 00 Philadelphia and Reading Railroad aipanra a per Cent. Loan. • .. • . • MOO 00 Ituntingdon and Top Cent Mor- gage Bonds. ... . ... 4.600 00 County Fire In 1,060 oo Mechanics' Bank Stock.. ,00 00 Conimercial Bank of Pennsylvania Stook ... .. 00 Union Mutual Insurance Company's Stock. 061 00 Reliance Insurance Company of Philadelphia's Stock. . • • .. • • ... &MO 09 Cash in ......• 7,937 70 Worth at Par..— .—..... ...... . . ... . . 8421.177 70 Worth this date at market prices . . ... ........•. 84.92,082 94 DIRECTORS. Clem. Tingley, Thomas IL Moore. Wm. Musser, Samuel Castner. Samuel Bispham, James T. Young. 11. L. Carson. Isaac F. Baker, Wm. Stevenson. Christian J. Hoffman. Beni, W. Tingley, Samuel B. Thomas. Edwar Biter. • CI.EM. TINGLEY. Preddent. th s eit THOMAS C. Hu Secre PHILLDEWIII/L, December NTHRACITE INiITILANCE (X.IMPANY.—tiIfAR ATER PERFECTO L. Office, No. en WALN T street, above ['bird. Philada.- Will insure against Lows or Damage _by Fire, on Bull& Inge: either perpetually or for a limited time, tiouaebold Furniture and Merchandise general. Also, Marine Insurance on Vessels. Cargoes toe Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union DIRECTORS. Wm. Eaher, Peter Sieger. D. Luther, J. E. Baum, LOW in A udenried, Wni. F. Dean. John R. filakisten. John Ketcham. Davis Pearson. John B. Heyl, WM. ESHER, President. WM. F. DEAN, Vice President. Was. M. Burt n, Secretary. JUTNA LIVE STOCK EV:It/RANCE COMPANY OF LL LIARTIOILD, CONN. 0. C. KIMI,ALL, Preddeut. T. 0. ENDERS. Vico Proddeut. FL Tovan...secretary. Tim Company in=ures 1101:SE4, MULES AND CATTLE e,ainat Dertili by Fire, Accident-or I)ieeme. Alan, against Theft aid the ilazarde of Transportation. 11ELVIII A REFICIZENCM S. IL Hingptoo, Jr.. Ctn. Freight Agent Penna. R.R. B. Brooke,Managei Coming Agency, Ledger Building. A. ,t IL Leiainbre, Cabiuot-ware Manufacturers, 1324 . Cheetutit ,tyrvt.. I)avid Moorc'e Bone, Undertaken!, F... 9 Vino et. nfill. Man`r /Etna Life In& (,0., Ath hcl. Dbeetrint. H. It. Deacon. Lumber dealer, uel 1 Market fit. Geo. W. Reed A: Co., Wbelevale Starket St WILLIAM C. WARD, General Ag , - , nt, Forreat Building,. I`.:ofi• 1i 1 and (21 d. tkairth et. apt 3m Philadelphia, Pa. MIN ., . ENTERPRISE INSURANCE, COMPANY OP 1 PHILADELPHIA.. ok - FicF. W. colt. FOUP.III AND WALNUT STREETS, FIRE INSURANCE. EXCLUSIVELY. TERM AND PERPETUAL. CASEI cAPrrAL. • swoooo 6 CASU ASSETS. aan 1.1 . 566. .. • ..........s4 l l4dse DIRECTORS.. F. Ratchford Starr, J. L. Erringer. tialbro . Frazier, Geo. W Fahnestoek. ohn M. Atwood, Jam,.- L. CLnahoni,, floij. T. Tredick, W. G. Soulton, George 11. Stuart, Charles Wheeler, John 11. Brown. Thos. H. MontaomerY. F. RATCHFORD STARR, President. THOS. IL MONTGOMERY, Vico President. oral- m§ ALEX. W. WISTER. Secretary. A.M.E INSURANCE COM I: Street. PIIILAD FIRE INSU RA DIRE NC Francis N. Nick, Charles Richardson. Henry Lewis. Robert Pearce, Oeo. A. West, Robert B. Po ANC tter. FRIS 15143 CHAS. RICIIA WILLIAYB L BLAWORAIW. DR. HARTMAN'S BEEF, IRON AND BRAND, • A Certain Cure for Consumption and an Diiessee of the Linage or Bronchial Tahoe. Laboratory No. 612 Sonth FIFTEENTH Street. JO/3NSTON, HOLLOWAY es COWDEN. 602 ARCH Street. ROBERT SHOEMAKER A CO. FOURTH and RCE A t ree General fe2l-3ml UPAL DENTALLINA.—A SUPERIOR Annals FOR cleaning the Teeth. destroying animalcula which in. feet them, giving tone to the gums. and leaving a feeling of fragrance and perfect cleanliness in the mouth. It may be used daily, and will be found to strengthen weak and bleeding gums while the aroma and detensiveness will recommend it .o every one. Being composed with the assistance of the Dentist, Physicians and sticroscoelst, Is confidently offered as a reliable substitute for the ins certain washes formerly hi vogue. • Eminent Dentists, acqaainted with the constituents of the Dentallina, advocate its use; it contains nothing to Prevent its unrestrained employment Made only by JAMES T. MUNN, Apothecary. Broad and Spates 'tree% For sale by Druggists generany, and Fred. Brown. D. L. Stackhouse. Hassard & Co.. Robert U. Davis, C. R. Keeny, Geo. C. Bower. Isaac H. Kay, Chas. Shivers. E. 11. Needles. S. M. McCollin. T. J. Husband, S. C. Bunting. Ambrose Smith, Chas. IL Eberle , Edward Parrish. James N, Marks, Wm. B. Webb, E. Bringhurst & Co, James L. Elephant, • Dyott a Co., Hughes & Combs. S C. Blair's Sons. -nrY A. Bower. NEW PUBLICIATIONS• Tt.ST READY—BINGIIAWS LATIN GRAMMAR.— e) New Edition.—A Grimmer of the Latin Language for the Use of -Schools. With exercises end vocabularies by William Bingham, A. 31., Superintendent of the Bingham School. • The Publishers takepleasure in announcing to Teachete and trim& of Education generally, that the new edition of the above work is now ready, and they invite a careful examination of the same, and a comparison with other. orks on the same subject, Verdes will be furnished to Teachers and Superintendents of Schools for this purpose at low rates. Price Si 50. Published by or Bale b Lectures.—A new Course of Leeturee, as delivered at the New York Museum of Anatomy embracing the sub' jecte: How to live and what to live fo r; Youth, Maturity Old Age ; Manhood generally reviewed; The canes of indigestion. flatulence and Nervous Diseases. accounted for. Pocket volumes containing these lectures will be for. warded to parties unable to attend on receipt of four forOPe, by addressing J. J. Dyer, Si School' street. Doe ton. fold 131 ROOKS BOUGHT. BOLD AND. BKOHANGBD AT LA JAMBS BARR'S. Hob Market etreet, Phira. fe1043 T OST CERTIFICATE OF STATE LOAN.—NOTICE IJ is hereby given that application has been made to the Auditor• General of Palmylvauta, for the Wee of a duell. ente of certificate No. 831, of the Five per cent. loan of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for KW—dated the Sixth day of April, A. .18:311—iseued to JANE HULL, DOW deceased, under act of Assembly of March 84,1828 which certificate has been loot. ANNA E. JONES. fe27.01.3m4 Admx., d. b. n. c. t. a. of Jauo Hull, dec'd, Cl_ AS FIXTURES. —MISERY. MERRILL kir THACKARA, No. 718 Chestnut street, manufacturers of Gas Fixtures. Lamps, dm, dm, would call the attention of the public to their large and etessaiat assortment of Glut Chandeliers, Pendants, Srackets. dm. They also introduce gas pipes into dwellingliand public buildings, and attend to extending, altering and repairing gas pipes. All work warranted. JOIIIISINIEISS cAitnis. my6.10t4 T NIENNOT 4cCO., GENERA'. NEWSPAPE&COS responding and Adverthing Agents. 153 Neuman etreet. New Nei*. ,FEetabliehed in 1863.) Advertisements inserted at.publlehere ratB4in all the newspaperepublished in the United tiehEritieli Prvinces, Mexico. Beath Amrica, East mod es Indies. • Ommlumoza: Mr. IL T. Relmhold. Drupplei; 594 Broad Wan N. .`• Moore. B. R. Vanduzer, & Itle Greenwich qt. iMeiem & ituekel , 918 Gireenwhilietreeti -Mean. o..ruce. Bon Co.. Type Foundere,ls chambers i ds Coo TY Pe founder% 88 Gold et.. N. X , fIOTTON AND LINEN BAIL_ DU.901 OE .. /flyp r ltY qui width frog. one to int feet vtirt au, ni42 i b,evi i arid Awnini tex,:geßenstaltere ittinß. ll r Mtn,. JOHN W. EvEßmAzi & co.. ti 0. 103 Jones's Alloy. a/xis A. waxcpwr, T!{OBN'rON pIKEr cligiors' cuusoing TlllzqpooNctionr, trailonc 1011 AF. , , PETER SONS,: Shipplug an,lvrtamiegon Merchants._ PQ.O S 4111 _ 43t* "lladeivhis. RIB WELLt3--OWNERS OF PROPERTY—Tin J. only place to get privy wells clammed and disinfected. at very low prices. EYEISON, Manufacturer of POtt• draft°, Cioldemitb , e Fa il. Library area. ANY, NO. NUI 406 CHEST ELPHIS. E EXOI.USIVELY. 'TORS. iPhilip S..7antiee, John W. Everman, Edwar Ewdale D. r, d woodra. Jno. r., Chu. Stakes, Mordecai Buzbl. Oft„ President. EDSON, Vico PrealSent. Sea:ratan% MEDICAL. E. A. BUTI...ER & CO.. 12.1 Heath Fourth street, Philadelphia. au2l. 13ooksellers generally. LOST. GAS FIXTURES• ~ . 7P` ''; IN THE )11ST1l111TCOUICTOF7IIE UNITED STATES' L f or th o m t , tem, pleoict rannr,yl9auta.—in Bankrupt. > a o i o s ¢y At Philadelphia. April 28th. 1e68. the undereigue l itercil notice of hie nypointment Nb of rhiledelPlilei 4 1 ,00 nrallitY delp iti, on Stole of Penntnlvente, within said %lir Who has been itdJudged.a, thinkrutt upon nits own petition, by the Dietrlet Court of daid bIvNTEL4IiB ABBOTT, Aestateo, 180 South Sixth et lti6t t; To whom it may concern. ' N THE DISTRICT COURT(W TIIdeNITED STATES for the Rodent Dittylet of Poonartvanic —ln,,Bank ruptey.s.At thiladelPhla, Atilt 15, 1868._ The undengkod hereby gives notico of ht appointment AA Aveignee of JAMES 11. aiox. of Kip adapiiiii,in the county of Phila. delphta and State of Pennaylvattis, wt hin Bald Maria. who hits been ad.udged a bankrupt upon hia own petition, by the said Markt Court. WM, Assiguee f . my7411,3t• IM South tlixth street: T STATE S OR COURT •OF THE UNITED .1 FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNbYLVANIA: , -Jn 13finkruptcy.—At May gd, A. D. 18611. The undersigned hereby giverenoUoe of his appointment rut Assignee of NATli.t_ Y. PAN. COAST and WILLIAM ti. WAltoOta. and an Copartners, late trading an PANCOAST & WAR NOCK, in the city of Philadelphia and county of delphis and /Kate of Fenno lvanta, within said District, who have Non adjudged flankropt, int on tteir own path iion, by the District Court of Raid District. ALEXANDSR. R. CUTLER, Assgnee, No. Mil Walnut streeL To the creditors of said Bankrupt my7,tb,Stt lf NITER STATES MARSHAL'S OFFICE. EASTEIiff U DISTRICT OF PENICSYLNAkIA iIiILADEI.I.I.IIA, May 7. ISM. I his fa to give notice : That oil the sth day of :Kay; A. D. ledS, a Warrant In Bankruptcy was issued against the Estate of jolt N RtKIENCKANTZ. of PhiladelphiNist the County of Philadelphia and Stare of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged 4 a Bankrupt, on his own Petition:, thatthe payment of ,anydebte And delivery of any pro. party betoughtim to ouch BankrulK, to him, or for his can. and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law; that a notating of the crediton; of the said Bank• rept. to prove their debts, sold to choose one or idgliCeli of him estate, will:116'1mill at a court of Bardv ; eider. to b. holden at No. r Walnut street Palladel. Able, before William McMichael. Ent , Koester, on the 2,1 day of June, A. tr. 18411, at Lid o'clock, l', P. C. ELLMAKEit tnyl th 2t 17.13. Dienthall, as Messenger. INTUE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND County of Philadolp tea F.etate..ofw BENJ. RAY. docessed.---The Atiditor appointed by thAicontt to audit. settle and Adjust the aceoluit ,el WM. WRAY and ROBER'L`• RALSTON. Executors of Replan:du U-i. deceased, and to report distribution of tho balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties inter• eats(' for the purpose of his appointment on :WEDNES DAY, May 1D.1f04, at 11 o'cloca. A, M., at his office, No. Atet &South Fifth street, room fio. 11, in the city of Phila delphia. my 2 s,tu.thsV Irl 111 E ORPHAN[` COURT FIR Tan CITY AND County of Pldiadelphih.—Estato of TII!►MAAB mexim. LEY, deceased.—The Auditor appointed by Rho Court to teport distribution of the fund to court arising from ludo of real estate Into of. said decedent, will meet the parties interested for the purpose of his sppointment. on Wad. nerday, May 13th, A. is. 1848, at 4 o'clock M..'at the office of Samuel k. klood, Esq., No. 810 8. fifth St., In the city of Philadelphia. tnyls to eh bt• - I." TUE ORPIIANn. COURT FOR VIE CITY AND Criunty of Philadelphia—Ertate of SAMUEL BTE VENBON, deceased—The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, eettln and adjust tho account of Til'..olAd E. SEARLE and. WILLIAM M. DAVID, Administrators of the estate of SAMUEL 8 I'EVENSt./N, late of the citY of Philadelphia deceased, and to report distribution of the Balance In the hands of tho accountant. will meet the partici! In Internet for the purposes of his appoint. merit. on ./ U1:111M V, May 7th. leo3. at 4 clot*, I', ht. at hia 01tict.,1417 Race street. in the city of Philadelphia. AV:A tu.tirea,st. JOSEPH A I.SRANitI, Auditor. N THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND 1. County of Yhiloielphis. FARR) of WILLIAM W,. deeetved.--The Auditor appointed by the Court. to audit, Fettle :ILA thOiwoond amain of Mfr. lIAIODET ENlataT.Adminietratrix of WILLIAM W. KNIGHT. deceai.ed, and to report dbteibutleu at the ittikance In the hands the,aeceontant., will inert the yartser interet•ted, for the pitrpo.e of t: Lo appointment. ou TUESDAY. flu 12th day of May, 1 19, al II o'clock A M. at the °lnce of A. M. Hl.Jril'ON, Lay.. No. WI walnut -- etreet, in the City of Fhtladelpidll. If. C. TOWNSEND. Auditor. aDZOthistust oltifIANS . COVET FOR ifiEr CITY AND Coen" oflladulpliia.--EAtate of (VATkB decenred.—The auditor appointed by the Coal t to audit, iettlo awl zicljeyttlie account of ANNIE if. ti:lDN,Aelielobtratrix of tbo k state of L. COATES IsTOCKIOI decentrel. and to report distributiou of the bal%oce in Mr beetle of the accountant, will meet the partieo interstud, for the perpeso of hit appoint went on MuM)AY. May the 11th. .P. , 44. at 4 F. M. at hi. rate, No. 134 south hixth street. in the thy of Phila delphia, apbllth a to 324 24 - 'DOE MM COVIIT OP COON PLEA'S FOIL TIT S J. City and County' of I'billidolplde.—CA ROI:INF:Ca KIS TIA NNA II k.."11152A . Ye. FHA NCI srrit Noutnix Elt tiST neptunber 'term, lea No. 10. In Divorce. ' TO FHA:St:IS 1119)DOItIal liflltaiT —Sir— Tako notice of Ik rule grant" d upon you to flinty cause Irby a divorce u vioetito lnotrilnoroi obould not be decreed. re. vinable dATURDA V. MAY t. PDX at 10 o'clock. A. 2d. 'eti anal etridee baying faib d on account of your .11u. ice. CIIABALESr ney F o E L n b t e 4 l 2 a 4 n t. , :'), 40 THE DISTRICT COURT OF TUB UNITED, States for the Eastern District of Pentisrivanis.—ln It ankruptev.—At Philadelphia. April =. lifsi The undo , . signed hereby gives entice of his appointment as assignee n; OWN M. LANDIS. of Philadelphia. In the county of Phitsdelpnia. and State of Petinsidvartia. within said lintrict,who has teen adjudge.d a binkrupt upon hie awn petition, by the said District Court 'MODES, Assignee. No. South bixth street. To ths Crtditore of the said Bankrupt. apg.that• TUE Disrfuer COURT Or TUE' UNITED Matta for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. In Bankruptey.—At Philadelphia. Avri► Pith. A. D., IBM. The undersigned hereby thee notice of his appointment RP nsslosee of JOI►N A. BAST and JOBN G. MILLER, Copartners. &c.. of Philadelphia. fn the county of ehila. dolphin end State of Pennsylvania. within said die. trict. who have been adjudged Bankrupts upon their own Petition by the said District Court. VOL VOGDF.S. Arsignee, M South Sixth street. To the Creditors of the said Boultreptit. 604 that* VSTATE OF WILLIAM COLLINS, DECEASED.— X/ Letters Testamentary on the tut will and testament of WILLIAM COLLINS, deceased, balding been granted to the undersigned. unrson* having claims or demands the estate of sai d decedentare requested to mako known the Paine without delay, and all persons Indebted thereto to make payment to JAMES T. YOUNG, Execu tor, No I= South Front street, residing at Chestnut Bill; or to his Attorney. NV ILLIANI J. Mot:LEVY, E. corner Sixth and Walnut streets, Philadelphia. apTth6t. LETTERti TESTAMENTARY ON THE ESTATE of SAA C B wroN. deceased, (formerly Drs , Goods Merchant)• have been granted by the Register Oft Wills, Philadelphia. to the undersigned. All persons indebted to his Estate will please make immediate DAYMCI and those havingclaimaresent them without delay to A 51. EEL •JEANES, No. Arch street. or to ISRAEL JOHNSON. No. 119 Market street (.3d story). Executors of `lsaac Barton. deceased. ap3,lth ESTATE OF WILLIAM MERCER . DECEASED.—. Letters Testamentary upon the above 'Estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persona indebted thereto are requested tO make payment.. .and those having claims to I:P resent them to MARTHA MERCER Execu trix. No. 718 Hepburn street, or Se her Attorney,WENCEL HARTMAN, Jr..; No. 121 Southventh ot.* N TIIE COUItT OP COMMON PLEAS FOR THE CITY J County of , Philadelphia.—MAßY N. BOLLES by her next friend Ye. JESbE N. BOLLES, U. P., September Terro,lB67 No.b7. In Divorce., TO .JESSE N. BO,LLES. Ileapomient—Sup—Take notice that the Exereirter aPPonSted by the Court to take testi mony of libellant'a witneesse, will meet for that purpose on the Mit day of May, A. D. 1860, at 4 o'clock. P. M. at the Office of the undsraigned, No. 2, second floor of the Nw.Ledgß er uilding.lo4 South Sixth etreet, in the city of Philadelphia pwhen and where ,you may attend if yoU think proper. GEORGE H. EAItLE, m 59160 • . AtterneyOr Libellant. I NeYII,E DISTRICT . COURT FOR THE CITY AND I- COUNTY OF PIITLADELI'IIIA.--JOUN C. 13UL, - LITT VP. JOSEPH. 0. UtiU/A and MARY A. HUGHES bus wife. Lev. Fa: SeptemberTern: l , PO.. No. 575 The auditor appointed in the above case to mako distribution of the fund now in Coutt, arising from the sale of tits fol lowing described real estate. to wit: • All• that full, equal , undividedcpalf part of and in. all tiltwo-certau lot~ or I;deces, or parcels of land situate, 13. n. end being late la the township of Blockiny, now in the wenty.fourth Ward of the City of' Philadelphia. Ono of them beginning at a stone in •Coulter's road, thence by lend allotted to Rachel , . Blankley„ north 62 de, steep east 81 perches to a stone in the line of land of Peter Wikoif, dec'd, thence by the same north 6 degrees west 9 perches to a stone, thence by land allotted to Sarah Cosa , d ay. south OIN degrees west, 78 perches to Coulter's road. aforesaid, thence by the said road south 9 degrees west . 10 perches to theplace of beginning. Containing 4 acres of land be the same more or less. And the other of said pieces :or parcels land 'begin' ming at , stone f.r a coring' in • the middle of the West Chester road; thence in a line with John' Fisher's land. 1, north 8 degrees 45 mik utes oast 16 perches and MO of a perch to a stake ;thence in a line of land al otted to Ritz: aetlt Feu Is, north &I 'degrees 'east 15 perches And .710 et A perch to a Stage . and poet, thence in a line of land late of the said Peter Wilton'. south degrees east 17 perches a Georget a perch to a steno, N 4. thence in a line of land ofC Sent:nor, F.sq.. ‘ and , ;;A James Edger. south 62 , degrer e, west 75 porches, and .2.10 of a perch to a stone set UP for. a corner in the Middle of ,1W the said Weet Cheater road, thence up the middle of .theik, said road north 45 degrees, west 4 perches and 7.10 of ititS, perch to the place of beginning. Containing 8 acres and 4'.. 10 perches of land. Will meet the parties interested for the purpose of appointruent,nt Isle °nice. No. tin Walnut strost, in the - city of Philadelphia, on Monday, May 18th. 1863, at 1.4.15'.. , o'clock P. Iti, when and where all perilous intereetedl;. are equetted to present their dolma or to be debarred Auditor. lrom conoin g h o t a u . p l o ß n v t i b N e z en w id n ;fu i n T dg n 615 Walnut street. e mvi lora OBERT SHOEMAKER& CO., WHOLESALE.' is, Druggists. N. E. corner Fourth and Race streets, invite the attention of the Trade to their largo stock or, Fi n e Drugs and Chemicals,. Essential Oils. Eipoage, e. Corks. &c. n 027.14 yal inJBARB ROOT, OF RECENT IMPORTATION. flv and very superior quality; White Gum Arabic, Ems india Castor 011, White and DI °Riad Castile Soap, 011 re 011,_of yarioys brands. For sale by ROBERT StioE- DiARER & 1.0. Drugglate, 'Northeast corner of Fourth 111 d Race streets. 5i0274 'DIME PAINTS.—WE 01 0 1 , LR TO THE TRADE PURE .1 White Lead, Zinc White and Colored Paints of our Oct manufaetur _,e of undoubted purity: in quantities to suit Purchasers. ROBERT 8110EAIA.KER di UO., Dealers in Paints and Varnishes, V. E. corner Fourth and Race streets. n 0274 plat/1018TE , ' , BUNDRU B.—GRADUATES, MORTAR A Pill Tiles, ,Combs, Brushes, Mirrors, Tweezers. PIM axes. Mtn Bcoope, Burgled Instruments. Trusses, Hard 4. z ed Soft Rubber Goode, - Vial Cast* , GLata and Metal '` Bytiuges, &0.. all at !Tint Bands" prise*. 0 • ap tf SNOWDEN & B ' OTITSR.. street -, - 5-- li . - . . MHE:.VERITABLE EAU DE COLOGNE—JEAN .L MARL% FARINA..—The most fascinating of all toilet waters, In festivity or sickness, - and that`Which has glover name and celebrity to this exquisito and refreshing per fume. Single bottles, 75 centf U Th ELL, r Apothecary, tile Chestnut street. autos. From our Latest Edition of 'Yesterday , Hy the Atjavisic Felograrra• PARIS, May 6.—lt authoritatively 436144 to day'that the French AmbassadOr at St.,Petern-' burg hadltul any consnitation With the 'Russian Minister of Foreign .fitfairs in regard, to the East ern question. tendon, May 6. France has suddenly, brolten off all diplomatic relations with the government of !Arai& the reasons alleged aro the'pertetri - ' tion of outrages on French citizens resident in that country. • ' losoon, May 60x, Evening.—Conpols, 0314f004 for money, and 023 492% for account,, ex-divi dend. Five.-twaatien quiet. IliinPt Ceutral,os;,i. VnAittronv, May . 6, Evening.— Fit;e4werttles firin at 76%.1 ,rating t .blay 6111.—The Soiree Is dull. Rentes, 60f. 30c. • Lronroor„ May 6th,'Evening.--Cotton heavy and unchanged. Breadatutis quiet. Corn ad vanced to 38s. 3d. Provisions dull and un changed. Naval stores dull. Petroleum advanced to 18a. sd. Sperm Oil nominal at £O5. Linseed Oil declined to d.:35 10s. t3ugar firm and un changed. 'ArarwrruP,, May 6th, Evening.—Petrolenm firm al, 45f. From Panama. Ilisw 'Una, May G.—The steamer Ocesz Queen boa arrived, bringing Panama dates to the 28th sit.; and *727 849 In treasure. 'The United States Steamer Saranac and gnardship Cyane, were at Panama. The revolution has been suppressed, aad °the lesidera set at liberty. Arran named Peak, from San Francisco, was arrested end held op suspicion of selling spuriotui gold dust. As the dust has been shipped it will take fifty days to decide the question. The 13. S. Consul has the matter in band. !thee Cabinet Ministers at Bogota have all re , signed, and a new Cabinet is appointed. Another revolution broke out in Bolivia, but it was speedily quelled. There is no news from Central America. The Paraguayan war still continues, notwith standing the passage of Fort Rumaita. The slaughter at the recent engagements has been ter rible. The cholera Is diminishing. Twenty-seven thousand persons died of it in Buenos Ayres city and the surrounding country. The Argentine journals state that the Emperor of Brazil was determined to abdicate. The yellow fever Is on the Increase in Callao and Lima. Inauguration oft Gov. EngGott. Natv YORK, May 6.—Maypr Hoffman, accom nanit d by several promineut city officials, a &lc.' Ration from the Americus Club, and a detach ment of the ;Ist Regiment, left bete this morning for New Haven, to attend the • inauguration of Govt rnor English. Two 'men named Sullivan and Doyle were severely injured this morning by the explosion of a barrel of benzine in a house No. 72 Division street. The Chteago Conference. Curcaoo, - .lfay 6th. The Conference was opened with the usual devotional exercises by the Rev. Dr. Brooks r of Minnesota. The regular order of business was taken up, being the presentation of resolutions, etc. Great numbers were offered on a variety of subjects, embracing one to 50 amend the discipline as to allow lax men to be elected assistant book agents at blew 'fork and Cincinnati. The question of the admission of the Southern delegates was taken up and discussed until the adjournment. From Canada. Tt.nosTo, May 6.—Two more prominent Fe n/IMF. named Peter McMahon and John Murphy. were arrested at Little Ireland. near Guelph .by Government detectives, last night. They with those who were arrested here on Monday will be sent to Ottawa for side keeping: The government has prohibited the sale of papers of Fenian proclivities through the country. A Montreal despatch says that the tug Relief capsized near Boni yesterday. The captain and a Amman were drowned. - The New York WAHere. • Nww YORK, May 6.—A.. J. Mealsenger, the banker, whose failure was noticed yesterday, has effected settlements with some of his Wall street creditors at 75 cents on the dollar. Marine intelligence. Nov YORK, May 6.—Arrived, steamship Ban tlogo de Cuba, from Aspinwall, with $400,000 in treasure. PATH= POINT, May o.—The steamships S. Lawrence, from London, and Moravian, from Liver 001, passed bete to-day bound for Quebec. CITY ORDINANCES. CiOSIMON COUNCIL . OF PfULADELPMA, 1J CLERK'B OFFICE, • Yumann:rim, April 10, 1868. In accordance with a resolution adopted by the Common Connell of the city of Philadelphia on Thursday, the ninth day of April, 1868, the an nexed bill, entitled "An Ountsuagen creating a loan for the extensio4 of the Water Works, the purchase of LeaKte Island, and for an Ice Boa" / is hereby published forbuildin pu g blic Informa t, tion. JOHN ECKBT,EIN,,` Clerk of Common CertmclL An Onnmenca creating a loan for the extension of the Water Works,for the purchase of League Island, and for building an Ice Boat. __ Sscrion 1. The Select and Common Councils of the city of Philadelphia do ordain, That the Mayor of Philadelphia be and he Is hereby autho rized to borrow, at not less than par, on the credit of the city, from time to time, one million six hundred and forty thousand dollars, to be applied as follows, viz.: First—For the farther extension of the Water Works, one million dol lars. Second—For the ruches= of League Island and property on the back channel opposite there hird— Fo rbuilding a • cc Boat, one hun dred and sixty thousand d• : rs; for which in terest, not to exceed the m of six per cent. per Annum, shall be paid h. yearly, on the first days of January and Jul • •: t the office of the City Treasurer. The priu al of said loan shall be payable and • aid at • expiration of thirty years from , the • =of • same, and not before, without the cons. •t of • e holders thereof; and the certificates th• =for, • the usual form of the certificates of city „= ft.., shall be issued in such amounts as the len. ra may requires but not for any fractional part • one hundred dollars, or if required,in amounta ',. , f five hundred or one thou sand dollars; and it . .. U be expressed in said cer tificates that the • . ; therein mentioned and the interest thereof are • ayable free from all taxes. Sac. 2. Whenever :ny loan shall be made by virtue thereof. there . • all • •,, •co of this erdl wince, annually up • . • prle vo , 014, thee inme of the corporate es tes, ant •• um r c a o ised by taxation, a sum .ufllelen • pay the interest on said certificates ; • nthe further sum of three tenths of one per = • •m on the par value of such certificates, so ism:. , shall be appropriated quar terly out of said in omo and taxes' to a sinking fund; which fund, and its accumulations; are hereby especially pl. dged for the redemption and payment of said car • cotes. mcsourrion TO I Immo"' Resolved, That the C t be authorized to publ* II of this city, daily fo j ib presented to the G l om i• r April 9th, 1868, entitle; ' loan for the extensio ~ •I the purchase of Lea • A c I enlce Boat " And t •- 441ry • meeting o"r Council. r • / weeks from the firs • , r Prqsentto 's Cot •• papers for e .: been made.. •, t ~,,. 4 , WOSTENLIOLM'S POCKET Li and STAG DANDLES, of boavtl• and WADE & BUTCHER'S, sad E(X)ULTRE RAZOR.' SOISSOfte ;et quality,Razon, Knivea,ticiesors ,und and PoliaLted. EAR t approved conatniction to,sarksti the IfitOSA,utlor andlin4Loal instra inth Streetladoar Oheatrait 111.11 ALEILTNEREIEEIVIiIa:' "DODGER AN ENILVE S' R, BEAT ful.finfoh. BODGE tbe CELEBRATED IN CASES of the and TableCutlet'''. t• RENTS. of thn hearing; et? . ein went Maker. 115 ID • HILADELPII a - ' • PHBRUAl ti loriv IsBB.. •, • j ?Jr. J. H. B 1 , tier lbrothe; of . ' H..2ntler) it fi part. per in our Alta ' f ' - rom and after dote: 133111441 . . • ) • , AA' Stenlia N 0 30, ... 'WILMS A WAN Dm. lerk. of , Common Council ph in two daily newspapers :four weeks, the ordinance 'ion Council on Thursday, "An Ordinance creating a af the Water Works, for ie Ishnid, and for building said Clerk, at the stated After the expiration of four lay of said publication, shall Al one of each of said news- In which the same shall have 'apll-241 DIVAItE. =EI INII&VAILA ()TINKER TIME ON RECORD. Piiv:iiiiro Li Amu a • OW' lit MA 3 311921NN__ AM Ale , PENNVLII. A NLA RAILROIMSI AD A PAN-HArWle., HS HOURS ytiE than OF CO ETINO LINE& SEMMES takina_thS B.IXI P.' M. TRAIN arrive fn. iz_NNAT/ nextEWENING at 9.56 P. Di..*Sel HOURS. ON Y ONE NIGHT on the ROUTE. 101 r THE W.)DRUFF'S celebrated Pat o _gate 4Wm SLHEPIN -(M101 -an through from PHILADEL , ?ILIA to CINCI NATL Pmeensere tail the 1100 11, and EOO P, bi. 'lts ONE _CINVIN ATI and au solute WEST, and SO ONE =AM ADVANCE 0 all other Routes. _____ ' ~__. 'Mr Passengers for cm ATI k iNDIANAroLIS. BT. LOUIS. CAIROSAII GQ,_,P 16,4 4 BURLIN.Q. . 'EON. QUINCY, MIL AUKEEL"._ °MAIM_ N. O E 7 1 49 .4 ?„, 1 111Fr i ti c a r errie l A z Vi l At OKE , PAN.0.4. 1v D ROI& ' 1118 - To SECURE theUNEQUALED advantages of this LINE . bo VERY PAinIcULAR and ASK FOR TlGHE'fia Via PAN-HANDLE," at TICKET OFFICE& N. W. CORNER NINTH arid CHESTNUT Streete, NO. HA MARKET STREET, bet., Second and Front Ste. And THIRTY-FIRST and FLARKET Streets:Wed Pull& ' S. F. SCULL. Deng Ticket Agt., Pittsburgh. JOHN H. MILLER, Oen'i East`n Agt..s26BroadwaF.N.Y. MIMSREADINO RAILROAD.- GREAT TRUNK LINE from Phila delphia to the interior of Penneylva ads, 'the Schuylkill, Susquehanna, Cumberland and Wyoming Valleys, the North. Northwest and the Cana dee/Summer Arranigement of Trains. May 4, 11353, leaving the Company'', Depot, Thirtemth and Cal. lowhill Etreeta, Philadelphia, at the following hours . MORNING ALLOMmODATION.-At 7.30 A. M. for Reading and all intermediate Stations, and Allentown. Returning. leaves astatine - at LBO P. hi., arriving in Philadelphia at 9.10 P. M. - MORNING EXPRESS .-At 8.15 . A. M. for Reading . Le. baton, Harrisburg, Pottsville , Pioe Grove, Tamaqua, Sunbury,ViilliamsportElmir a. Rochester,Niagara Falls. " I Buffalo Wilkesbarre. Pittston. York, Carlfale. Chain. handle . Hagerstown. &a. The train connects atßeatt e g with the Eget Penn, Sill" Railroad trains for A ntown, dre., and the Elle .M. contacts with 0 a Lebanon Valley train for listrisbiarg.,..tre; at Port Clinton with Catawissa R.R. trains* for Williamsport, Lock Haven, Elmira, .110.; at Blarrisberg with Northern Central, Cumberland Valley, and Schuylkill and Ousquehannatrains for Northumber landameportrY o rk.Cliambershurr„ Pinerxtve, 4,.....UNc0N EXPREBS.-Leaves elillaolelphia at 8.30 Re P. m. for mile& Pothering, Harrisburg. dr.c., connect ing wit, &e h Reading and Columbia Railroad trains for Col umbia. P' OTFSTOWN ACCOMMODATION.-Leaves Potb,- town at 6.46 AIL stops log at intermediate etations; ar. rives' in Philadelola at 0.115 A. M. Returning Pewee Phi. ladelphia at 4.3:4 •M. arrive* fn Pottstown at 6.36 P. M. RE AFa ACCVMMODATION- Leaves Reading __at 7.30 A. stoppuig at all way stations; arrives' in PMls. delphia a 10.15 A. M. Returning, leaver' Philadelphia at 5.15 P. M.; arrives in Beading 5t6.00 P. M. Trains for Philadelphia leave Harriallwg at 8.10 A. M. and Pottsville at (146 A. M., arriving in Philadelphia at Leo P. M. Afternoon trains leave Harrisburg at 2.05 P.M.. and Pottsville at 2.45. P. M.; arriving at Philadelphia at 45.45 P. M. _ _ilarriatang aeoommodation leaves Reading at 7.15 A. M,,,,and Harrieburg at 4.10 P. M. Connecting at Reading with Afternoon Accommodation tooth at 6.30 P. M.. arriving in Philadelphia at 210 P. M. Market train, with a Passenger car attached; leaves Philadelt hla at 12.45 DOOR for Pottsville and all Way St& Dons •ll , leaves Pottsville at 7 A. M., for Ph il adelphia anda Way Etationa All the above trains run dally, Sundays excepted. Sunday trains leave Pottsville at P.O A. 51., and Phila delphia at alb P. M.; leave Philadelphia for Reading at e.. 00 A. hi. returningfrom Reading at 4.26 P. M. CHESTER VALLEY RAILROAD. -Passengers for Downingtown and intermediate points take the 7.00 A.M. and 4.30 P. M. trains from Philadelphia, returning from Downingtovvn at 6.30 A. M. and LOO P. 6 4 __ NEW 'MEE. New ` EXP FOR PITTSBURGH AND 'IIIE WEST.-Leaves York at ; 9 A_ IL 5.00 and L t) convectres Reading and 1110 P. M.. and at Harrisburg wail Penrelyivania and Northern Central Railroad Express Trains fur Pittsburgh, Chicago, Williamaport, Limira. Baltimore. &e Returning, ti xprees'irain leaves Harrisburg. on arrival el Pennsylvarus•Exprees from Pitteburgh, at 3 and 6.20 A. M.. 14.35 P. ht. pagaing Reading at 4.4.9 and 7.06 A. It and 11-40 P. M., arriving at New York 10.teand 1L46 A.M., and &tic P. M. Sleeping Care accompanying these trains through between Jersey City and Pittsburgh. without change Mail train for New York leaves Harriabmg at. 810 &M -ae d 2.f6 I'. M. Mail train for Harrisburg Leaves New York at 12 Noon. 8C111.:1 MOIL VALLEY RAILROAD -Trains leave Pottsville at e.ierr, I Lte A. 31. and 7.15 P. 31.,returnine from Tamaqua at 7. 35 A. M. and 1.40 and 4.35 P. M. BUH' Y LKILL AND au SQUEIIAN N A RALLRO AD 'Prelim leave Anbum at 7.65 A. M. for Pir.egrova and liar rieburg. and at 12.45 P. Id. for Pinegrove and Tremont; re turning from Harrisburg at 365 P. M... and from Tremont at 7.40 A. M. and 536 P. M. TICKETS. -Through first-elan tickets and emigrant tickets to all the principal points In the North and West laid Canzelac. Execution Tickets from Philadelphia to Reading and intermediate Stallone, good for day only. are sold by Morning Accommodation. Market Train, Reading and Pottstown Accommodation Trains at reduced tutee. Excursion Ticket,' to Philadelphia, good for day only. are sold at Reading and Inter ediate Stations by Read ing and Pottstown Accommodation Trains at reduced rater. The following tickets are obtainable only _at the Office of B. Bradford. Treasurer, No. 237 South Fourth street, Philadelphia. or of 0. A. Nico ll s. General flaperhatendent. Reading. Commutation Ticket, at 26 per cent discount. between sigpoint' desired, for families and firms ire ' age Tickets, good for 20:0 miles. between all points at 64Z1 50 each, fbr families and firma. Season Tickets. for three, six, nine or twelve months. for holders only, to all points at reduced rates. Clergyman residing on the line of the road will be fur. niched with cards. entitling themselves and wives to tickets at half fare. Exewslan Tickets from Philadelphia to principal et a. He tubef_fisturday t , Sunday and Monday at reduted farem, had only at he Tieket Office, at: Thirteenth and Collo whill street& FREIGHT.-Goods of all descriptiona forwarded to all the above points from the Company's New Freight Depot, Broad and Willow streets. Freight Trains leave Philadelphia daily at 6.30 A. M.. 12.45 noon, and 6 P. Vi... for Reading, Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pottsville, Port Clinton, and all points beyond. Mails close at the Philadelphia Post Office for allplaces on the road and its branches at 6A. 2,L. and for the prin cipal Stations only at 2.15 P. M. BAGGAGE Dungan's r sprees will collect Baggage for all trains leaving Philadelphia Depot. Orders aan be left at No 2.Y.i South P ourth street. or atthe Depot, Thirteenth and Cal lonitiU streets. . . Railroad. IPENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL J." effect a3 Winter iat Time.—Taking The trains of the Pennayivania Central Railroad leave the Depot, at Thirty-first and Market streets, which is reached directly by the cars of the Market Street Passenger Railway, the last car connecting with each train, leaving Front and Market streets thirty minutes before its departure. Those of the Chestnut and Walnut Street Railway run within one square of the Depot. ON 13UNDAYfl—The Market Street Cars leave Front and Market streets 85 minutes before the departure of each train. Sleeping Car Tickets can had on application at the Ticket Office, Northwest corner of Ninth and Chestnut streets, and at the Depot. Agents of the Tinton Transfer Company will call for and deliver Baggage at the Depot. Orders left at No. 901 Chest nut etreet. No. 116 Market street, will receive attention. TRAINS LEAVE DEPOT. VIZ. :at Mali . .. . .......... 800 A. M. Paoli Accommodation No. 1 ........ ......... .at 10.130 A. M. Fast Line . . .. .at 12.00 M. Erie Express.. .. • • ...... ... .It. 19.00 M. Paoli Accom. ifos. 94; Icau P. M. Harrisburg Accommodation at 2.30 P. M. Lancaster Accommodation..... •• .. • • at 4.00 P. M. ParksburgTrain. .... . . ..... 6.00 P. M. Cincinnati Express at 8.00 P. M. Erie Mail._ „ ... ......... ILIS P. M. Philadelptds'Expresa.....• •—• • .. —...... 11.16 P. M. Accommodation. . . 11.80 P. M. Erie Mail leaves . .................. Philadelphia Express leaves daily. All other trains daily. ex es cept Bandar. The WMrn Accommodation Tralsi rana dilly, except Sunday. For this train tickets must be procured and baggage delivered by ¢W F. M.. at 116 Market streetTRAINS ARRIVE AT DEPOT. VIZ: Cincinnati ..... ....... .... 1.85 A. M. Philadelphia Express " 7.10 " Paoli Accom. No. • • • ... . &20 Parkeburg Train " 9.10 " Erie Mail 9,35, Fast Line . ~.• • .—..... ......... . ..... " •9.65 •• Lancaster Train. .......... ..... ........ " 1.10 P. M. ErleExprese . ..... ....... . . "110 " Paoli Accora. Nos. ........ .... d; 7.10 " Day Express........ ......... ........ ...... 820 " lianisburg Accom . . ...... 9.50 For further information, apply Id • JOHN C. ALLEN, Ticket Agent, 901 Chestnut street. FRANCIS FUNK.,Agen_,t 116 Market street. _ SAMUEL H. Ticket Agent at the Depot. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not assume any risk for Baggage. except for wearing apparel, and limit their responnibility to One Hundred Dollars Mvalue. All Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be at the kW, of the oWner,;indese taken bLepecial contract. ,FDWARD D. WlJJ.Ls.sag, General Superintendent, Altoona. Pa. -.Tim pmaggialg CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAH. ROAD. CH _ . A • 'LIIRMIII.4°^IIIIIII-- NGE OF HOURS. On and after MONDAY, Map 4th, trams will leave Vine Street Ferry as follows , viz, : SO A M FrelabV•Witi passenger car 916 A. fa Atlantic: Accommodation. . . ..... • • . RETURN NG- . Accommodation . i I.rlll/33. ATLANTIC 6.60 A Freight. with ptteridgei .c.ii..........................................11171t. M. Mai 1:......... Juncti: Ac.oniminiationfeo-o sotva tv.;: . . M. diate stationa, leaves Nine e 1.... .. ..... , P M . . Returning, leaves Mao 6.30 A. M. Haddonfield Accommodation Trains leave Vino street .. . - . .., ~,......... ...... .10.15 A. M. and a oo P. _. _.M Leave Haddonfield. ....... '.. . . 100 P. M. and 115 P. M. aPSdif: .. D. H. MUNDY, Agent, . Argaing FAST FREIGHT LINE. VIA NORTH PENNSYLVANIA_ PAIL. ROAD. to Wilkesbarre. mahanoy (Utz, Mount Carl:eel, Centralia, and all points on Lehigh ValleY UMW audits branches. By new arnungements, perfected this day, this road le enabled to give inereiused despatch to merchandise cow shined to the above named Pointe. Goode delivered at the Through Freight Depot, ' 8. E. am of FRO NTand NOBLE etreets. Before 6P. M., will reach W cabana, Mount Carmel. hied:Laney Mr, and the 'other elation*, in ea and Wingvallers before 11 . A. Wolf_ the succeeding day, . , Wall CLAIM Agent. maItOPPOSITION TO MONOPOLY...- Daily Excureione to Wilmington, Dela. ro Steamer ELIZA lIANCOX will leave Arch Street Whorl daily (Sundays excepted) at 10 A. M.. and 4 P.M. Returning, leave Market . Street Wharf. Wilmingtcri, at 1.4%,11.4.nd IP. M. • , g are forthe round trip... , .............. 80 cents. tlatetit , . . ..... 20 Pheater And ifarcne'llook.... . _....... _lO 0r tprtner pirticulars applZon board. • AP24 Una • Ia W. BURN% Oaptedit‘ • THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.--PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1868. 'BRISTOL LIN NEW YORK AND BOSTON, VIA 13111E4T01_ , . P For PROVIDENCE TAUNTON. NEW BEDFORD, CAPE OM. and all points of railway comMunication, East and North. The new and splendid ateamera BRISTOL and PROVI BENCE leave Pier Noi, 40 INOrth itiver,toot of Canal street, adjoining Debraases street Ferry. New York. tie 5 dally, liundaya -ex , anted,' convecting with steam boat train at Bristol at 4.30 A. M.. arriving in Boehm at 6 A. Id, in time to connect with all the morning trains from that city The 77108 t desirable and vleasant route to the White olfountains. 2*4lt.etersfira that point MTh Mate.; aired eaftneetittne biwaY of .tWvidelle 4 ai/ 6 Worce Bt e rbr ' Boston. , Staterooms and .Tieketisilecured et office 'on Pier in Nan , ona. . k Gears Manager. Jty , 2o . NORTH PENNSI LVANIA IL R.— aIIiEWITHE MIDDLE ROUTE.-13hortest and most diteet line to Bethlehem. Eaaton, Allentown. Mauch Chunk, Hazleton. White Haven, Wilkesbarre.idahanoy City bit. Carmel, Pittston, Scranton,Carbondale and all the pointy in the LeDigh and Wyoming Coal regions. Paseenger Depot in Philadelphia. N. W. corner of Berko and'Ainerican streets. SPRING ARRANGEMENT—ELEVEN DAILY TRAMS —On and after MONDAY, APRIL 6th. 1868, Pali Banger Tiara leave the New Depot. corner.of Berko and American streets, daily (Sundays excepted) as follows: At 6.45 A, M.—Accommodation for Port Washington. At 7.45 A. M.—Morning Express for Bethlehem and Prin'cipal Stations on North Pennsylvania Railroad, con. netting at litthlehem with Lehigh Valley and Lehigh and Susquehanna. RailrOads for Easton,AllentOwn. Cats. sauqua,Matington, Mauch Chunk.. - Weatherly, Jeanesville, Hazleton, White ...Haven. ilkesbarre. S',' ton. Pittston, Scranton, Carbondale, and all points in Le. high rnd Wyoming Valleys :also, in connection with Lo. high and Mahanoy Railroad for Mahasioy City, and with Catawba& Railroad for Rupert, Danville. Milton and Wit liameport. Arrive at Mauch Chunk at 1106 A. M. at Wilkesbarre at 8 P.M.; Scranton 04.05 P. hi ,; at Mabee noy City at 2P. M. Passengers by _this train can take the Lehigh Valley Train, passing )3ethlebem 11.55 A. M. for Easton and points on New Jersey , Central Railroad to New York. At &45. A. M.—Accommodation for Dovlestown,_ stop. ping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers for Willow Grove. Hatboro'. and Hartsville, by this train. take Stage at Old York Road. At 10.15 A. M.—Aenommodatien for Fort Washington. stopping atintennediate Stations : _ At 1.45 P. IL—Lehigh Valley Enrage for Bethlehem. Allentown, Mauch Chunk, White Haven, Mahaney City. Centralia. Shenandoah, Mt. Carmel, Pittston and Scranton. and all points in Mahaeloy and Wyoming Coal itettinna • At 2 30 P. M.—Accommodation ter uoylestown, stepping at all intermediate stations. Passengers' take stage at Doylestown for New Hope, and at North Wales for Sum. nestown. At 3,15 P. M.--Lehigh and• Susquehanna Express for Dethlehera, EastomAllentown, Munch (lank. Wilkes -1 blare and Scranton. Passengers for Greenville take this train to Quakertown. At 4.15 P. M.—Accommodation for Doylestown, stopping - • at all intermediate etationa. Pal e for Willow Grove, Hatborougb and Hartsville • take stage at Abing tor At 5.20 P. M.—Through accommodation for Bethlehem and all etations on main lino of North Pennsylvania Rail road, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Even-, mug 'I rain for Eaeton, Allentown, Stanch Chunk. At 520 I'. hi.—Accommodation for Lansdale, stopping at all intermediate stations_ At ILBe P. M.—Accommodation for Fort Washington. TRAINS ARRIVE H. PHILADELPHIA. From Bethlehem at 9.80 and 11.45 A. 51..2 and 8.40 P.M. 11 45 , A. M. and 2.00 P. M. Trains makes direct connec tion with Lehigh Valley and Lehigh and Sus nehanna trains. from Radon, Scranton, Wilkesbarre, Mahanoy City and Hazleton. Passengers leaving Wilkeebarre atL3O P. 51, connect at Bethlehem at 6.15 P. M.. and • strive in Philadelphia at is.4o P. M. From Doylestown at 6.85 A. ISL, 5.12 and 7.00 P. M. From Lansdale at 7.20 A. hi. From Fort Washington at A. M. and 110 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem al .9.30 A. AL Philadelphia for Doylestown at 2.00 P. IL Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 7.'bi A. M. for Philadelphia at 4.00 P. M. Fifth and Sixth streets Passenger Cars convey passen gers to and from the new Depot White Cars of Second and Third Streets Line and Union Line run within a short diotance of the Depot. Tickets maid be procured at the Ticket oilice, in order to Beenre the lowest rates of fare. ELLIS CLARK. Agent. Tickets sold and Baggage checked tht oug,_h to principal points, at Mann'e North Penn. Baggage EsPress Office. No. 105 South Fifth street. MEM &ARMPHILADELP93TA,_WILMINGTON AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD— TIME TABLE.—Commencing Mon day, April lath, 1568, Trans will leave Depot, corner of Broad street and Washington event:Likes follows: Way-mail Train, at 8.9., A. M. (Sundays excepted), for Baltimore, !topping at all rehrular etationa Connecting with Delaw are Railroad at mington for CriiiieLl and intermediate stations. Express to - iin at BOOM. (Brmdays excepted) for Belli bore and Washington. stopping at Wilmington. Perry ville and Ifavrede-Grace. 'Connects at Wilmington with train for New Csitle. Express Train at &WI P. M. (Sundays excepted) r for Bal timore and Washington. stopping_ at, Chester, Tharlow, Linwood. Claymont, Wilmingthrt,Newport,Stanton, New. ark, Elkton,NortheastCharlestown , Ferrr ville . Havrodti•• Grace, Aberdeen, Perryman's. Edgewood. Magnolia, Chase's and Stemmees Run. Connecta at Wilmington with Delaware Railroad Line, stopping at New Castle, Mid dle ton. Clayton, Dover, Harrington, Seaford, sallehury, Princess Anne, and connecting at Crisfield with hostler Fortress Monroe, Norfolk. Portsmouth and the South. Night Express at ILOO P. Pees) for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at and Havre derGrace. Passengers for k °mess Monroe and Norfolk vii Balti more will take the 1/00 M. Train. Via Crisfield will take the are P. train. Wilmington M. Trains, steeping at all stations between Philadelphia and Wilmington: . P L M v T h O d O e P h M. a ran connects wi t h n th Del d w y e Railroad for Harrington and intermediate stations. Leave Wilmington 7.00 and 5.10 A. M. (daily) and L3O, 4.15 and 7.00 (daily) P. M.. The FAD A. M. Train will stop between Cheater and Philadelphia. From Baltimore to Philadelphia—Leave Baltimore 735 A. hi., Way Mail. PAO A. M. Express. 125 P. M., Ex press..s3s-P. 51., _Express. 855 P.M. SUNDAY TRAINS FROM BALTLMORL.—Leave Bal timore at 855 P. M.. stopping at Havre de Grace, Perry ville and Wilmington. Also stops at North East. Elkton and Newark, to take passengere for Philadelphia, and leave passengers from Washington or Baltimore, and at Chester te leave passengers from Waahington or Balti more. Through tickets to all relate West.Sorith and Southwest may be procured at ticketoftice. 823C'hestnut etreet,under Continental Motel, where also State Rooms and Berths in Sleeping-Cars can be secured during the day. Persons purchasing tickets at this off,,ce can have baggage checked at their residence by the Union Transfer ComeanY. H. F. KENNEY. Superintendent PHILADELPHIA. GERMAN! TOWN AND NORRISTOWN RAIL. ROAD TIME TABLE.—On and after Wedneeday. May 1, 1861. FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia-6 , 7,8, 9.05,10 11, 12 A. M., 12, 315. 3X,4, i 534, 6.10. 7, 8. 9. 10, 11. 19 P. Leave Germantown-6, 7,734, 8, 8.20. 9, 10, IL L 3 A. M. ;1, 2, 3. 4,4. X. 6, 06 7,8, 9, 10.11 P. M. The Ei.a) down tram. and the 3 1 4 eta 596 11P train!. will not atop on the Germantown Branch. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia.-9.16 minute! , A. M ; f. 7 and 10X P.M. Leave Germantown-8.15 A. M.ll. 6 and 9X P. M. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphla-6, 8, 10, 12 A. M. ; 2.396` SX, 7.9 and 10 P. 2L Leave ChM:tint 010-7.10 minutes. 8,9.40 and ILO A. M.; 1.40. 3.40, 5.40, 6.40,8.40 and 10.40 P. r. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9.15 minutes A. M. ; 2 and 7 P. M. Leave Chesuiut Hill-7.50 minuted A. M. ; 12.40. 5.40 and 9.25 adnutee P. M. FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia -4 3. 9. 1105, A. M. ; 134.8. 4.X. 534 6.15, 8.06 and Leave Norriethwn-5. 40, 7,7.50, 9,11 A. M.;134, 2.04, 6.15 and 636 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9 A. M. ; 33 2 r 3 4 and 7.15 P. M. Leave Norristown- 7 A. M.; SYUN and K. 9 P. 5L FOR M. Leave Philadelphia- 4 3, 734, 9,11.05 A. M. ;134, 3, 434. 5.15. 8.05 and 1136 Y. M. Leav M e anayunk—t3.lo. 7.3tc 8.92 1 , 93 , 1, 11X A. M. ;2, 336, 5, 6 1 A and P. Di. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9 A. M.; 236 P. M. Leave blanayunk-7M A. M.; 6 and 9,X P. M. W. S. ON , General Superintendent, Depot, Ninth and Green streets. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAILROAD—WINTER TIME TA BLE,—Through_and Direct Route be tween Philadelphia, Baltimore, Harrisburg, Williams port and the Great Oil Reeon of Pennaylvania.—Elegant Bleeping Cars on all Night Trains. On and after MONDAY, Nov. 25th 1867, the Trains on the Philadelphia and Erie RailroadSTWAßD wilt run as follows: WE. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia arrives at Erie.. ._.. .... Erie Express levee Philadelphia.. Williamsport. " " arrive! at Erie Elmira Mall leaves Philadelphia. " " wires at Look 44 aven EASTWARD , MP Train leveed Erie ........ :: 1 1 ( 1 1 :1 5 5 arrives at Philadelphlai • .. • • 8.55 A. M. Efj"'re‘saliativr ...... • • •• •• • lit P. M. Elmira Mal lea . viar t o ll e t t a . . . . .. arr Mai l and ErAegs camel with all elphla iraiis • On Warren and Franklin yay. Piussengers leaving Philadelphia at 12.00 51_, arrive at IrVhaaton at 5.40 A. M.. and Oil CRY at 11.60 A. _ _ Leaving _Phitaaelpnui at u. 15 P. M., arrive at 01101 , 9 at 4.55 P. M. • • All train on Warren and Franklin Rally& make dose connections at 011 City with trains for and Patrolciant °antra., Baggageeekeekeg tbrono: ALFIULD L. TYLER, .t 1 • • 'A, General thwarintandent. PIITLADELJ'DIABALTIMORE CCENTRALX.AILRO & AD. Summer Arrangement* On and after Monday, April 18,1668; the Trains will 1.071V0 Philadelphia,from the Depot of the. West Chester & Philadelphia Railroad, con. ner of Thirty,thst and Chestnut *treats (West Philada.). at 7.16 A. M. and 4.50 P. M. Leave Rising Sun, at 5.15 A. M.. and Oxford at 6.00 A. hi.. and leave Oxford it 0.96 P M. - A Market Train with Taesenier (AC attached will ran on Tuesday's and Fridays, leaving the fllsinil_Bun at 11.05 A. M., Oxford at 11.46 51.. and Kennett at Lou P. M. con %mating at West Chester Junction with a train for Phila delphia, tin Wednesdays and Saturday* train leaver, Philadelphia at %Be P.m..rene through to Oxford. 'The Train leaving Philadelph ia at 1.15 A.M. connects at Oxford with a daily line of a es' for Peach Bottpm, in Laneppier. county. Returninc , exact •Peach Bottom to connect at Oxford with tian &tharnoon Train for k'hilatiel e Tisin r ing Fbils4elphis. at 4.60. P. M. num to Kleine Sun. M Pateensers allowed to take weartal ini s i pparel only, al llassaso, and the. Company net : . ewe, be no o spol ole for an amount ex one' mated dollars. sinless *MClttleellWal_Mitaltde_lttime sauna • ' kllaiiPE: WOOD. (lelleral Bain, VJEUVM&WitA 101AVJEL8KIP 4111(Minto „ = MEM WEST' JERSEY RAILROAD' LINES. ~.`-w. , fi t -"k' ' k~Bl r - ' ~~;~.~ w ""' ur«' brRING ARRABOEMENT. " Commencing Vie ednestiny, April 1 9 113690 TRAINS WILL LEAVE FRO? FOOT OF MARKET STREET WHARF (Upper Ferry) as follows: For Bridgeton. Salem, and intermediate etnious. at if.oo A. M. and aBO P. M. For Miliville, Vineland and way nations, at 8.00 A. M. and 3.15 P. 41., for Cape May at 8.16 P. M. For Woodbury (accommodation), at 800 P. Commutation Checks, good between Philadelphia and all stations, may be obtained on application at the Tres. surer's Office, Camden, N.J. Freight Train leaves Camden daily at 12 o'clock (noon). Freight will be received at ascend coveted wharf below Walnut street, dally. from 7 A. M. until a P. M. Freight Delivery WA South Delaware avenue. WM. J. SEWELL, Superintendent. Argar i g FOR NEW YORK.--THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY and PHILADELPHIA. AND TRENTON RAILROAD CUM. PANE'S LINES, from Philadelphia to New York, and way places, from Walnut street wharf. Pars ram At 530 A. M.,, via Camden and Amber, Accom. $2 25 At BA4. M„via Camden and Jereey City Express Mail. 300 At 8.80 P. M., via Camden and Jersey City Express. 300 At 6P. M., via Camden and Amboy. t Ist class, 225 Accent. and Emigrant, t 2d dug. 1 130 At 8.20 A. M,. and 2.20 P. M„ for Freehold. A At 8 and 10 . M.. 2.311 and 3.80 P. M., for Trenton. At 5,80 8 and ill A.M.,1,2.30, and 6 P.M.,for Borden town. At 6.9.0 and 10 A.M„1,2.20. 3110, taa and 6 P.M.,for Florence. At 5.80 8 and 10 A.M., 1, 2,30, 8.80, 4.31), 6 and IL2A P.M. for Burlington. Beverly and Delanco. At 5.80 and 16 A. 51.. L 2.30,4.80, 6 and 11110 P. M. fer Edge. water, Riverside, Riverton and Palmyra. At 5.80 and 10 A. M. L 6 and IL2O P. 5L for Fish House. Ifir - The 1 and 11.20 P. M., Lines will leave from foot of Market street by upper ferry. From Kensington Depot- At 11 A. M., via Kensington and Jersey City. NOW York Express Line .. . .$3 00 At 7.00 and 11.00 A.M.,_2.33,1 rid F. M. ic;i l Sinbin and Bristol. And at loaf, A. M. for BrietoL At 7.10 and 11 A. K. 2.20 and 6P. for Morrisville and Tullytown. At •7.00 and 10.15 A. K.. 2.30 and 5 P. EL for Schenck. and Eddington. At 7 00 and 10.15 A. M. 2.50,4, 6, and 6P.M.. for Cornwell', Torreadale, liolmeaburg, Tacony, Wiesinoming, Brides. burg and Frankford, and BP. M. for Holmeeburg and Estero dicta Stations. BELVIDERE DELAWARE RAILROAD LINES from Kensington Depot. At 7.00 A. M.for Niagara Falls, Buffalo. Dunkirk. Elmira, /illana,,Owego, Rotheeter,Binghampton, Oswego. Syracuse, Great Bend:, Montrose.. Wilkeebarre. Scranton, Stroudsburg Water Gap. &e. At 710 A. M. and KW P.M . for Belvidere, Easton. Lam. bertvlue, Flemington, die. She 2.30 P. M. Line connects direct with the train leaving Easton for Manch Chunk. Allentown, Bethlehem. isp.. At 5 P. M. for Lambertville and intermediate Stations. From Wert Philadelphia Depot. via Connecting Rail. way • At 9.80 A. M.. 1.20, 6.80 and 12 P. M. New York Exiir a ess Line, via Jersey City. 26 The 9.80 A. M. and Kau P.M. Lines run daily. All o ere. Sundays excepted. At nal A. M., L2O, 6.30 and 12 P. M. for Trenton. At 9.30 A. M.. 6.20 and 12 P. M.. for BrietoL At 12 P. M. (Night) for Morrisville, Tullytovro. Schenck!, Eddington, Lornwelle, Torriedale, flonneeburg,TaconY, Bridesburg and Frankford. For Lines leaving Kensington Depot, take the cars on Third or Fifth etre ete, at Chestnut, at half an hour before departure. The Cars on Market Street Railway run di rect to West Philadelphia Depot, Chestnut and Walnut within one square. On Sundays, the Market Street Cars will run to connect with the 9 80 A. M and 6.30 P. M. lines. Fifty Pounds of Baggage only allowed earn Passenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as bag gage but their wearing appareL All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their re. rponeibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound.and will not be liable for any amount beyond $lOO, except bY ant/ . dal contract Tickets eold and Baggage checked direct through to Boston, Wor. ester, Springfield, Hartford, New Haven, Providence, Newport, Albany, _Troy, Saratom Utica, Rome, Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falb and. buePeraion Bridge. An additional Ticket Office Is located- at No. 228 Chestnut street where tickets to New York, and all ire. portent points North and East may be procured. Per rone purchasing Tickets , at this Office, can have their bag gage checked from residences or hotel to destination. by Union Transfer Baggage Express. Lines from New York for Philadelphia will leave from foot of Cortland etrect at 7A. M. and LOO and coo P. M., via Jersey City and Camden. At .3.30 P. M. via Jersey City andnsington. At 10.00 A. M. and 12 P. M., 2 (night>, via Jersey City and West Philadel. phis. From Pier No. 1, N. River, at 4 P. M. Exprels and 4 P. M. Emigrant, via Amboy and Camden. May 4. 1863. WM. H. GATZMER, Agent. iiimpa WEST CHESTER AND PIIILA. DELPHIA RAILROAD VIA ME DIA. SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. On and after MONDAY, April 13th. 1666,trains will leave Depot, Thirty-first and Chestnut streets., as follows: Maains leave Philadelphia for West Chester, at 7.15 A. II.OOA. M.. 3.30, 4.1 b, 4.50, 7.00 and 10.0 u P. M. Leave West Chester for Philadelphia. from Depot on E: Market street, 6.15, and 10.45 A. M.. 1.55, 4.50 and 6.60 P. IL On and after Monday June 16th. an additional Train mill leave Philadelphia for Media and Intermediate Points at 8.-WY. hi. Trains leaving West Chester at 7.80 A. M., and leaving Philadelphia at 4.50 P. M... will stop at B. C. Junction and Media only. Passengers to or from station between West Chester ond B. C. Junction going East, will take train leaving West Chester at 7.16 A.M., and going West will take train leaving Philadelphia at 4.50 P. M. and transfer at B. a Junction. Trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.15 A. M. and 4.50 P.M., and leaving_ West (hears; at 7-30 A. M. and 4.50 P. B. connect at B. C. Junction with Trains on the P. and B. C. P. R. for Oxford and intermediate points. ON SUNDAYS—Leave Philadelphia at 8.00 A. M. and 2.00 P. MI Leave West Chester 7.45 A M. and 5 P. M. The Depot is reached directly by the Chestnut and Wal. nut streetcars. Those of the Market street line run with in one square. The cars of both lines connectiwith each train n its arrival. p assengers are allowed to take wearing apparel only as Baggage, and the Company will not, in any case. be reeponaible for an amount exceeding $lOO, unless ape. clad contract is made for the same. HENRY WOOD. General Superintendent - CAMDENI AND BURLINGTON atEW-4. COUNTY RAILROAD. ISPRING ARRANGEMENTS. On and after Monday, April 20th 1868, trains will leave from the foot of Market street (Upper Ferry), for Mer chantville. Moorestown. Hartford. Masonville. Heiner. port, Mount Holly. Bmlthcille, Ewanaville, Vincentown, Birmingham and Pemberton at 9 A. M. and 3.30 and 5.30 P. M.- RETURNiNG: Leave Pemberton 630 and 8.25 A. 51. and 2.45P.M. Mount Holly 652 and 8 47 and 3.08 P. M. Moorestown 7.20 and 9.15 A. 51. and 3.38 P. M. The 3.30 P. M. line will run through to blightetoWn. etoppine at all the intermediate places. apa).t.f C. SAILER. Superintendent. PEMBERTON AND lIIGEITSTOWN RAILROAD. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. A Freight and Passenger Line wiL leave Ilightetown at 5.50 A.M.,and a Passenger Line at 7 A.M.for Philadelphia via Pemberton and Mt. Molly. Returning, will leave Philadelphia from the foot of Market street (upper ferry) at 1 P. M. Freight and Passen ger Line, and at 3.80 P.M. Passenger Line for fllghtetown. mh26 WM. H. GATZMER. Agent VATANTED.—A SITUATION, BY A MIDDLE-AGED TT English woman (widow), as Housekeeper, to wait on a invalid, or any reaponeibl position. Apply to Mr. James B. iA ebb, Eighth and Walnut streets. myti3t. WANTED—IN A RAILROAD IN terlor of this State, a first-does Ne r" rkl N go T orplain and rapid penman. quick and correct at figures. A single man, .about 21, preferred. Address TLANSPORTATI, Evelung Bulletin Oilico, mY6-80ON — ...WANTED TO RENT 13V JUNE IST, A HOUSE witl all modern Western a small fal. e blo Children. Located intim part of the eity. Address J. B. C, Box 206, P. 0 S()DIDIER RESORT'S. HEATH HOUSE, SCHOOLEY'S MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, N. J. Opens 15th June, with terms reduced. For particulars, route, etc.. address S. T. COL:GEMS, tuft* Proprietor: CI:MMER BOARDING AT ROCKVILLE PLACE, Corroantown, second house above the Washing.= s venue Station, on the Chestnut Hill Railroad. A de. lightful place, and excellent water. Tho conductoni on the care will direct applicants. niy7 tit* 11M.MER BOARDING.—ELIGIBLE ROOMS, WITH O. board, now vacant at MI Locust street, West Phila. dolphin. apalra" .11.15 P. M. . 9.00 P. M. 1100 Noon. fl 80 P. M. 9.46 A. M. awl A. M. 7.46 P. M. OARDING. 7065. WASHiNGTnN BQUARE.—TWO Bhandeome communicating front rooms to let to a gen. Hyman, f w am it ily. h breakflust if deviled. Also single my' room In pHs ate l Bt. LU t !KlA}!ll.hill+W•l i i MERRICK & SONS, • fiOUTRWAItS FOUNDRY, 430 WAIMIINGTON Avenne,_philadelphia, MANUFACTURE STEAM ENGINES—nigh and Sow Pressure, Horizontal, Vertical, Beam, Oscillating, Blast and Cornheh Pump., 1301 LERS—Cylinder, Flue; Tubular, die. STEAM HAMMERS—Neuemyth and Davy styles, and of all aims CASTINGS—Loam,Dry and Green Sand, Brass, die. ROOFS-4r= Frames. tor covering with Slate or iron. TANKS—Of Cast or Wrought Trod. for refineries, water, oil, &e. GAS MACHINERY—Such as Retorts, Bench Castings, liolders.and Frames. Purifiers, Coke and Charcoal Bar. rows, Valves, _Govan:eine. &c. • • SUGAR MACMINERY Such as Vacuum Pans and Pumps, Defecators,Bone Black Filters, Biel:tem Wash ers and Eleyestdrs e Bag Filters, Sugar and Belle Black Caro, dm. Sole manufacturers al the following specialties: In Philadelphia mid vicinity., of Willlam Wright's Patent Variable Cutoff Steam, Engine. In Pennsylvania, of pilaw& Juoticog Patent Dead Stroke Power Hammer. • In the United. States, ot.Weston's Patent Self.centering • and Self.balancing Centrifugal Sugar.draining Machine. Glass & Bartol's improvement on Aspinwall & Aroolitoyis Centrifuged , BartoPs PatentiVrought.lren Retort Lid. Stratian's Drill Grinding Rest. tontractorp few tbe damn, erection, and fitting up of Re. fineries for working Sugar or Molasses. IOPPER AND YELLOW METAL BUDA ('VINO. Brazier's Copper Nalbl, Bolts and In of Cyyper. con• otantly pn end and toy .sale by HENRY WDISOR CO.. Np. •••' Soutb,Whayvte. NUMBER, NE SCOTCH Pia • IRON—OLENGLIt . nook brl4 , 'in Kora and for sollo in lotA to mit, by PETER WAI 'A'di. BONO. 115 Inlnut easel. L.LI "4 ntyii-rit• 1 BOARDING. FOR SALE. von, SALE.. MORTGAGE OF $4,000. MORTGAGE OF $1,600. APPLY TO BALDERSTON ALBERTSON, (BuiLDERB,) No. 120 North Thirteenth Street. .p3O tt FUR SALE., • f rt ALIA Splendid Four-Story ZiA On W eat Green. Street, with all the modern improv.mente. Lot 18 feetity• 121 feet deep. 'I he entire furniture will be eold with the boost. if desired. Apply to .11LIERVRY BRYAN, ap2B to th s 12t, 142 South SIXTH. Street. FOR. t AGFe--4...OUNTRY SEAT, WITII-IRVE2 Etcl sic acres of ground, situate on ite.ter road, ' below Darby. within ten minutes' walk of pas. renger and ten minutes' drive to Niedia Railroad Stations. tionre contains eleven roems, With all conveniences, and is partly furnished. Grounds fertile, and In good condi tion ; large and Mall fruits in full bearing; ice-house filled; commodious stable and barn; good water. CLARK ,ti ETTING, 707 Walnut street. rnys to th 812t' FOR SALE—DESIRABLE WHARF PROPERTY and largo and commodious I ,Varehouse on the cut - side of Bench street. between Marlsorough nud Han over streets.los feet front on Beach street, and 650 feet more or lees in depth to the Warden's line In the river Delaware good depth of water. LL 1-N & MONTGOMERY, Conveyancers. mys-tn th Mt' • 1035 Beach street, above Laurel. fieFOR SALE—THE VERY DESIRABLE MEDIUM 4sized Residence, No. 2117 De Lancey Place, 18 feet front bY 108 deep; three-story front, with three•etory back buildings. All modern conveniences. 1 u complete order throughout. CLARK & aTTING, 707 Wal l street. . mys.tu,th3t. DESIRABLE COUNTRY RESIDENCE FOR sale, in a healthy and beautiful locality on the York " road, about fifteen miles north from Philadelphia; five acres with stone house. 25 rooms; good water, barn end necessary out bnildinmsi variety of fruit, grapes, &c. 4a DIONTIOIO.SIEttY, Conveyancers, ap9 th sl2t. 1035 Beach street. COUNTRY SEAT AND FARM FOR SAL.E.— t "and o nea re, Bristol Pike, above 7 mile hops` Tacony. Mansion house, coach and dwellings to let. Apply on the premises, or to R. WHITAKER. No. 010 Locust street. ap2O 9to th 7t. Eh FOB BALE—A BEAUTIFUL REBB3ENDif. u; on the River Bank. in the upper part of Beverly, " N.J., containing one acre, extending to Warren street. The house is large and cont•enient; wide hall in the centre large shade trees, grou n ds tastefully laid out, and garden tilled with all kinds of fruit; within a few minutes' walk of steamboat or railroad. Apply on the Premises, or to WM. HAIN, No. 10 North Fourth street, rhilada. apl tf FOR HALE OK EXCHANGE FOR A DESIRA.- ble residence in Germantown or vicinity, a:superior tour. tore stone residence in the best location, near Broad and Chestnut rtreets; value, $35,000. Inquire at No. 1609 Chestnut street. my7.2t, FOR BALE--A WELL BUILT THREE STORY lEBrick Dwelling. back huildingc and lot of ground, No. Well Race street. Immediate Possession Oren. Apply to. A. A. CARVER & CO.. my 7 6t S. W. corner Ninth and Filbert streets.. A VERY DESIRABLE RESIDENCE FOR SALE MANILA, WEST PHIL sDhLPlll9..—Modern " built convenient house; large lot finely improved. Frnit, Flowers. Am. Inquire on premises. No. WI. itonstreet. ap24f§ FOR SALE OR To LET—A El ANDSOISTE MOD. laern Residence, Just built, at Mt. Airy, Otreettutt WU " Railroad. Terms easy. Appl yto ALFRED G. BAKER,. 210 Gtreetnut et. arY,' Pit* inFOR SALE.—THE DANDSONIE DWELLING, No. 9 - 25 Pine street. with all the modern improve. m€ nee built in the beet manner. Alm, the _Three. story Dwelling. No. killil North Seventh etreet, with all On. rovemente. Immediate poesession to both. Apply to P OPPY OK & JORDAN, 433 Walnut etreet FOR IrSALE.—A lIANDSOME TFIREE.STORY brick Residence, 4 feet front, with 8 foot Bide yard and every convenience, 'eituate on the rough nide of Clinton street, welt of Ninth ntreet. J. M. GLIMMEY & SONS. 508 Walnnt etreet. ARCII STREET—FOR SALE—THE ELEGANT brown stone Cottage, built in a superior manner, with extra conveniences, and Lot, 64 feet front by 106 feet deep, northwest corner of Arch and 'N. enty.first streets. J. M. OUIDILY di BONS. 608 Walnutsbeet. FOR SALE—HANDBUME BIDE-YARD DWELL big, situate on the south side of Master street, west of " Fifteenth street. Lot 40:160. C. D COLLADAY, my 6-31. ioi SansOm street. CAPE MAY COTTAGE FOR B ALE, CONTAIN ing 7 rooms; eligibly located on York avenue. WM be rented if not eold (furnished) for the eummer sea son. For particulars address M. C., this office. myli•tff FOR SALE—ELEGANT iLOTTAGE, DA.RBY Eavenue, near Darby. BEDLOCK .P.AI3CU ap ALL, " 715 Walnut street. . 2lltf FOlt SALE—A TIIREE-STORY MUCK HOUSE, with three-story double back buildings, N 0.169 North " ' Twentieth at. Inquire on the prerainee. Irly2l2t. VALUABLE PATENT RIGHT FOR SALE.—RARE chance to make money —"the Patent Right for the r tate of Pennsylvania of a most useful mechanical inven tion to offered for sale. An article used in every house. The owner can be seen for throe days at KRACAJII & HELL'S Engineer and Patent Mike. my 7 3t. 30 N. Fifth street, bet. 9A. rd. and 3P. M. FOR SALE-131JILDING LOTS. Large lot Washington avenue and Taventv-third st. 2 lots E. B. Twenty-Second. above Arch et. 3 lot, N. B. Walnut,. above Thirty-seventh street, West Philadelphia. 3 lots W. S. Franklin. above Poplar st.. lota E. B. Eighth, above Poplar at. 2 lots E. S. Frankford road, above Huntingdon et. All hi improving neighborhood. Apply to COPPUCK & JORDAN, 433 Walnut street. ap4tf VALUABLE WHARF PROPERTY FOR BALE, ON V the Delaware river, having_a front of 100 feet,with Pier 71 feet wide. J. M. GUMMEY & SONS, 508 Walnut street. TO ELIEN'i • STORE, 809 CHESTNUT STREET, TO LET. APPLY AT ' BANK OF THE REPUBLIC. Inyl if eaTO RENT—BY THE YEAR. A convenient and c.,mfortable residence. at the northwest corner of Linden and Green streets, GERMANTOWN, having a parlor,d in ing•room and kitchen on the first floor, and sir chambers. Attached thereto is a good lot with. handsome shade. trees. Inquire at the adjoig Railroad at the Mine hilt Office. in the Hall of the Franklin Institute, N o. 15 South Seventh street. my 6,13 t• _ To RENT FOR THE SUMMER MO:siTIIS—A highly desirable Residence, on the Old Yolk road. op. " posit° the North Pennsylvania Railroad Station, 7 miles frcm the city. The bons() is large. handsome, and furnished. There, is a welltdoeked fruit and vegetable garden, icehouse tilled, stabling, die., ate. Possession given lbth of June. Address "EILDON," Shoemaker. town P. 0., Montgomery county, Pa. my 244 GERMANTOWN. —TO RENT A COUNTRY CC Seat, with large gardens, fruit and shade trees; stable and tee house. House contains Li rooms an d large . antrita,hot and cold water, bath. Twenty minutes from Germantown Depot. Apply to U. N. WATSON, D:l9 south Sixth street. tuy66t• iraTO RENT FROM JUNE 15 TO SEPt EMBER 15." Furnished House. on Price street. German. town. All modern conveniencee, Address "W." ilox 2064, P.O. myst4 ___ _ __ __ _ . __- .. rTT) RENT—A FURNISHED E AT GER. rnentown, delightfully situated; with gas, water, stabling. kitchen, garden, &c. Apply at 737 Itinrk.t ereett. irty4.6t• 'lO RENT—DESIRABLE. ROOMS FOR BUSINESS pupoeee, at No. la 7 South Third etreet. Apply to " Executors and Trueteee, Estate of Win. Richardson. deceased, S.W. corner Fourth and Locust streete. my 2.64 r" TO LET.—A LARGE COUNTRY SEAT, FUR. M Dished, 4 tulles from Alarket Street Midge, 10 min. utes walk f rona horse cars. Lawn with shade, good garden, fruit, stable, carriage bonse. ice house full. Ap ply 1221 31arket street, from 12 to 2 o'clock. Apgar° TO RENT.—THE HANDSOME FOUR-STORY EReddencen No IMS and 1815 South Broad street. Apply to 2'6 South Fourth street ruyt 6t* TO RENT FURNISHED. OR FOR SALE—A llandrome Modern Residence. with 14 acres of " ground attached, situate in Darby To Delaware county, within la minutes walk from the Darby Road Station, on Philadelphia and, Media RsWoad. J. M. OUMMEY & SONS. 508 Walnut street. EFOR RENT, NEAR GERMANTOWN, A DEBI. in rablo atone Cottage, on Abbotteford avenue. near " '1 ownehip l i ne road, adjoining.the reeidences of Goo. Blight, John Wlliams, &e. By C. 11. & 11. P. MUM - IEID, ai.213. lot 205 South Sixth street. r: 'r o LET—A SUPERB COUNTRY SEAT—JUST papered, painted, ac., near PrAnkford, with, eta. tiling , . carriage•houee, garden, ice-bowie, dto. Inquire 13M Girard avenue. ap2B tfr FOR RENT FOR THE SUMMER SEASON. furuished.—An elegant Residence, with stabling, vegetable garden and several acres of land attached atuate Mshaui street. Oormantonia. J. M. GUNI. NIEV & SONS. n 508 Weluut street. FOR RENT ON AN IMPROVING LEASE—A El a rge building, having a front of 26 feet, by 120 feet in depth, situate on the south side of Walnut street. weet of Tenth. J. 2.1.G1/MMEY dc BONS, we Walnut FOR RENT—TEE T4IRER.ISTORY BRICK RES!, deuce. with three story double back buildiugs.situate ' No. I= Arch street. J. Id. GIALMEY & ISONI3, 608 Walnut street. FOR RENT—THE THIRD AND FOURTH FLOOR 9 I' of Building situate NO. 834 North Third stunt; suita ble for storing furniture. GHISIIKEY & SONS, boa nlt.ut street. • • TOTIeE.—A.LL . PER NB. AliE HEREBY 0 .)11. Honed atainst'trtlStiolt any or ho crow of the Nor. wegliln Bark Progreca, Lindrup Nas t ier, f i r d o b nli e l ui vo o r r poo t , l . as no debts of their contracting will Ds na WiIIGELk 11 ( 1! 1 1 Captain or EollRllcelh PETER"got/ lit l / 4 .1111111114 etple ' REAL ESTATE SALES. ORPHANS' COURT SALE—ESTATE OF MARY InC. Hopper. a =par.—James A. Freeman. Auctloneam —On Wednesday. May lath, 1868, at 12 o'clock. noon. will be gold at pnblict sale, at. the - Philadelphhs Exchange., the following &Scribed real estates, the property of Mary' C. Hopper. a minor: No: I.—Briek House. Audubon place (west from Front; abovelifarket).---A threostory brick. inessuage and lot situate on the north side of Wallis now - Audubon place, between Front and Second streets.. beginning at a point in the north line of said alley 9i. feat west of n'ont eireet Hier ce extending north Ward thrOrlgh the middle of the wall dividing this from the house 'next adjoining to the eastward. 16 feet to a point; thence west ward thrdugh the middle of the wall dividing this from the house adjoining to the westward 16 feet 4 Inches to's point, thence southward at right angles to .the- lastemen. alongsouth ches to a brick wall, thence westward theside of the said brick wall. 4 feet 4 inches to a point, thence southward in 'a straight line 7 feet 9 inches to a point. at the north end ,of the partition divid ing the ivy belonging to , the lot thereby granted from the priv y'belonging to time next lot adjoining to westward.. thence t hrough the middle of the partition aforesaid. 4 feet to the eonth side of said privies. thence eastward parallel with the said Wallisses alley . 7 feet to 4point fl inches from the west side of the hereby granted dwelling , house, thencosonthward parallel on the west side Of said house, and at the distance of 6 inches therefrom, 4feet fl inches to Wallis alley aforesaid, thence eastward along the north side of said alley Id feet to' the Place of beginning. Also, a strip of ground, situate on-the north side of NVnilis alley, being i feet font by 6 feet deep.- Clear of all lncumbt once.• No. 2.—Frame Houses, Hermitage street . 'All those meseuages and lot on' the west side of Hermitage hitreet: (between Third, Fourth, Green and Coates), beginning 54 feet from the northwest corner of 4 :oaten street 12th Ward, being 20 feet front by 30 feet deep. IDP — Clear ineuu• br ‘nce• • No. 3 —Frame Douse, No.llo Dillwyn street, with brick , house on the rear. A two-story frame house snd lot, on '" the west side of Diliwyn stn set, 81 fret 7y, inches north— ward of Buttonwood strett, being 19 fret front by '7O feet. deep. lar There is a threes f ory brick house , on the rear of the- lot. Clear of incumbrance. $lOO to be paid on each at the sale. by the Court. E. A. MERIUCE, Clerk 0. C. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. ap2ll SO my 7 ' No. 44 Walnut dice. riPUBLIC SALE.-JAMitS A. FREEMAN, .A.UE tioneer.- Acres and linprovemOnts,Fisher's bane Fifth and sixth streets, and N. P. IL R. Twenty. second Ward. On Wednesday, May 13. 1068, at 12 o'clocg noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Et.: • change, the following described real estate, viz.: All that valuable property known as "Evergeen,' , situate at thp , N. E. corner of Fisher's Lane and Bristol street, in thn Twenty-second Ward of the city; containing - in front on Bristol street (N. P. R.. R.), near LlOO feet, and on Fisher's. Lane near 1,200 feet, the lot being nearly square and con• taining about at acres of land. The improvements are a eubstantial stone louse, good,but old style, could by a not large expense be made a handsome reeldence,frame barn, superior milk.hotne, iechou se (filled). outbuildings, well of excellent water in the kitchen,several springa,a stream of water passes through the premises, fine shade trees, an abundance of very fine pear trees to full beating, also cherries. apples, grapes and small fruits. The situation is inviting having fine views and being adjacent to the sta. tion.. The lot will divide very advantageously. Rockland and Ruscomb streets will cut it ease and west. Fourth, Fifth and Sixth streets intersect it north and south. Fifth street 60 feet wide is opened to Fisher's Lane, the south line of the property, and is the only street entirely safe to• travelers, as no railroad mewls it at grade. It is already the best, and will soon be the principal avenue to the northeastern part of the city. irsr - The property may bo . examined at any time bet Ore the sale on application to Mr. James IL Stevenson, owner and occupant. Flan at the Auction Store. .500 to be paid at the time of sale. .JAMEb A. FREEMAN Auctioneer. anlL2 20 my 7 Store. Gil Walnut street. PUBLIC BALE—JAMES A. FREEMAN, AEC ] tioneer. On Wednesday. Mav at th em e at 12 o'clock, " noon, will be sold at public sal; , at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following described reel estate, viz : No. I.—titone Home, Ridge avenue, Falls of Schuylkill A to o.etory stone house and lot, situate on the westerly side of the hidge road, near the Fails of Schuylkill, and bounded by Noe. 2 and 3 hereinatter described; containing in front or breadth on Ridge road 31 feet 10 inches, and ex tending in depth 360 feet, more or lead, to low water-mark in the river SchuylkilL -- Nos. 2 to 6, inelusive—Lots. Ridge avenue —No. 2. A lot of ground adjoining the above on the west and also ad joining property now occupied by Mr. Leon, belong 20 feet front by 3 131 feet deep to low water mark in the river Schuylkill - No. a A lot adjoining No 1 to the eastward, being 20 feet front by about 360 feet deep to low water mark in the river Schuylkill. No. 4. A lot adjoining No 3 to the eaetward, being al feet front by about 355 Sect deep to low water mark in the river tichnillt- No 5. A lot adjoining No. 4 to the eastward, being 53 fret front by about 350 feet deep to low wafer mark in the river Schuylkill. No. 6. A lot adjoining No. 5 to the eastward, being 20 feet front to Alowen3'e lot by about 347 feet 9 inches deep to low water mark in the river Schuylkill Plan at the auction store. All clear of incumbrance. rkr $lOO to be paid on each at the time of tale. Ja MLS A. FREI:3I Auctioneer, Store Walnut street. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—ESTATE OF JOHN Welbauk. deceased, James A. Freeman, Auc tioneer. Dwelling. No. 814 Noble street, lot 25x12 5 feet. Under authority of the OrpMtna , Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, on Wednesday, May 13, PhiladelphiaroV3,a 2 Exchang e, will fo ll ow at public sale, at the , theing described real es tate. late the property of John Welbsnk, deceased. All that certain two-story brick house. brick stable and let situate on the south side of Mulberry alley, now Noble street, between Eighth and Garden streets, in the late District of Sr ring Garden, in the 1 hirtet nth Ward; con taining in breadth east and west 25 feet and in length or depth north or south 126 feet. Together with the free nee ana right of the westernmost 7 feet in breadth on Noble st: eet. by 96 feet in depth of Mathias Sowers' adjoining lotof 'ground, in common with the said Mattdas Sowers. Lila belie or assigns. Clear of incumbrance. larThe above is a two. cry' brick house, with frame kitchen, and brick stable on the. rear of the lot. CIF*" $2OO to be paid at the time of sale. By the Court, E. A. MERRICK, Clerk O. Trustee. . JAMES WELBANK. Trustee. JAMES A. FRVEMAN. Auctioneer, an24,30,my7 Store. 429 Walnut street. EXECtITOR'S SALE.—ESTATE OF REV. DR. P. rF. Mayer, deceased —James A. Freeman. Auctioneer,. —Residence and Large Lot, No 1020 Race street.— Under authority contained in the will ‘.O the late Rev. Dr. P. Mayer,deceased, on Wedneeday, May 12th, l&Z, at 12. o'clock, noon, will be gold at public gale, at the P Exchange, hiladel phia xchange, the following described real estate, all that desirable three.story trick residence with two-story back buildings and large lot of ground, on the eolith side of Race 'stout (No. 1020); con taining in front 20 feet and in dupth 110 feet to a street leaditg into Cheri" street. Thle is a very dearable pro. perty„ in what is known as Montgomery Square, with land e lot ; all the propertied In the square are large and valuable. It is in the inidet of the city and in a few veers will bo in demand for bitsineen purposes. I Occupancy with the deed. Part of the purchase money may remain if deeired. Clear of itrcumbrance. May be examined any, time. I e - $2OO to be paid at time of sale. Or. E it MAY ER, Executor. JAMES A FREEMAN. Auctioneer, stp3,3om7 7 Store, No. 422 Walnut area _ _ ORPIIANS' COURT SALE.—.ESTATE OF Montier, deceased.—James A.l reeman, Auctioneer. --Propertieti Centre street Germantown.—Under authority of the hans' Court for the city and county of Philadelphia, on W Orp ednesday. May 18,1868, at 13 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Ex change, tke following described real eitate, late the pro perty of Charles Montler, deceaeed.—` , .o. 1. All that lot of ground marked In the soothe:es.: elle Kingntr street, being marked In a plan made by Joseph Jr. , as No. IS, being 80 foot front by 116 feet 7 iuchea deep, more or lees. No. 2 A half part of a two -stay stone messnage and lot marked on a rlan of real estate of Robert H. Thomas and namuel S. Richie. made b.y Joseph King 'Jr , being No. 89: containing in front on Centre street 80 feet by 1166.10+ lest deep. Clear of iucumbrance. Or $lOO to he paid on e act& at time deal& By the Court. E. A. MERRICK. Clerk O. C. JANE MON rl ER, Adminiatratrix. JAMES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer., ap23,30my7 , Store, Oa Walnut street PUBLIC BALE,-JAMES A. FREEMAN. ACC lationeer.---Two Two-and-whal( story brick Dwellings, or.-1111.end 915 Rodman street. On Wedireaday, May la, 18611 at 13 o'clock. boon, will be sold at publics sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange.—No. I.—All that cer tain 2)6 story brick messuage with kitchen attached, and lot of ground. situate on the north sid, of Redman street (No. 911), at the distance of 100 feet west of Ninth street, in the Seventh Ward of the city; containing in front 15. feet and in depth 82 feet. Clear of ineumbrance. No. 2.—A1l that certain On story brick mesenage and lot of ground situate on the north side of Rodman stmet (No. 915), at the distance of 130 feet west of Ninth street., in the Seventh War d of the city; containing in front lb. feet and in depth 52 feet. Clear of ineumbrance. or - two to be paid on each at the time of sale. JAMES A. FREEMAN,' Auctioneer . . ' 80 my 7 Store. 423 Walnut street VOAA. AND WOOD, REUBEN lIA AB. • A. C. FETTER.III' HAAS & FETTER, COAL PEALERS, N. W. COR. NINTI:1 AND JEFFE RSON Keep on hand a constant supply of LL'flfoll and BCIIUYLKILL COALS, from the beet Mines, for Family. Factory. and Steam Purpose& am fy F HEMS CELEBRATED CENTRALIA. HONEY BROOK LEHIGH AND _ OTHER FiRk3T.CLASS COALS I IiVEIGUT AND QUALITY GUARANTEED. SCOTT 41 CARRICK.- 1%6 MARKET STREET. O. 11•6014 BR OM JOLIN F. BLIZAPIN. TBE UNDERSIGNED INVITE ATTENTION TO' their stock of Spring Mountain, Lehigh and Locust Mountain Coal• which. with the preparation given by us, we think cannot be excelled by an y other Coal. Of ice, Fe a rs am Institute Building, No. 15 B. Seventh street._ s BINES taIIEAFAL , Arch etreet wharf. Schuylkill. SADDLES, liAlltrti ESN, &c. NA.VAI , STORES, 1010-85 BALES COTTON NOW La,NDINO AND IJ for sale by cocniub, RUbdELL ArOO.. No. '4 North Front. : , ...vioncL.E—..lsob.,7,;.oEgLicaAANH.Ri,cß - esr,..„ , ,„"&°R l3 oo. 4 2lNDlir°ortali Front greet. IDY4If driOTT(TR--500 BALES OOTTON I RIVE& AND FOR Ili Halo by LOCIIRAN. It - LISSEI4* ei) , .. YAI, North Front tt strest.„ QrtRITEITURPNTR 4 F. ANEF STOREI • barroix Spirits 'FarpettitiuNitat tosin,_6o o Tar, now is ndLng from "Fin, n,LtOititOg kb) by OLIOURAN. ilititsirL di CO ta Pl. rru iny4-tt intIAT ,a #VINB CRUALITY 1' Whfte,lm " ' ' Jos. 1111SEOZR a loa a? Palalvaraavwfmk
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