TELECtliArla NII)7IITZAki V. Tim wife of George D. Prentice died yesterday. SI'KCIE shipments from New York last week amounted to $1.,867.2a1. NINE persons were killed and Eix wounded by the late Poiler explosion' at Maiustec, Mich, ANDREW CI:3IMINGB, President of the Boylston (Mass.) Bank, died on Saturday night. Coeai' oi; STA lIKENMM: has been appointed Russian Ambassador to France. B. F. Ewa and Alexander . MacDonald, S n s tore elect from. Arkansas, have, arrived In Wash ington. Worstiv frauds, involving prominent mer chants and revenue officials, have been reported in St. Louis by the Grand Jury. ON SATURDAY the people of Jackson, Miss.. tattled out to decorate the graves of the men who fell fighting against the government. ,Tnoon ILassum, W trdett of the North Cam- . bridge Alms House, dad yesterday from injuries received at the hands of one of the inmates. Mn. STA:4mm) - is improving in health and ex pects to deliver his argument for the President on Wednesday or Thursday. MANY American naval officers are expected to favor the opening of the International Marine Exhibition at Bavre with their presence. OnnEas have been given to augment the French fleet In the waters of Japan at once.owing to the recent trouble and massacre of French sailors. Witt. C. RivEs, formerly United States Minis ter to France, and Senator from Virginia, died at Charlottesville, Va., last Saturday, at the age of seventy-live. J. R. TuaxAs was killed by the frilling of a smokenstack of the steamer Red Jacket, which was totally destroyed by fire at Elizabetliport, N. J., on Friday. JOSEPH BLOOMOART, OfLonieville; Ky., charged - with embezzling Government funds to the amount of $120,000, has been committed to jail in default of $150,000. This: latest returns from North Carolina in dicate the 8112:,PES of the Constitution and the Radical State ticket by several thousand ma jority. TirE Supreme,Court of Louisiana has decided the Grand Jury drawn under General Hancock's order, composed only of white men, to be illegal, and the jury is to be discharged. Anon' a dozen different attempts at burglary were made in Memphis on Friday night. One of the burglars, a negro, was shot and mortally wounded. Risrout ancl'her troupe nod a portion of the operatic troupe, which have been performing at Havana recently, sailed in the steamer Columbia, for New York. Ristori's gains Suring the season amount to $160,000 in gold. CAPT. Pitim.tes, registration cornmiSsioner and commander of colored militia, was shot by a man named Barrett, at G allatin, on the, 24th; and mortally wounded. Barrett was intoxi cated. ONE man was killed and five were dangerously wounded by the explosion of a new fulminating compound. at Montreal, on Saturday. Among the wounded was Dr. Ehrhardt, inventor of the fulminator, who loses his eyesight and an arm. THE Democrats claim the election of Gordon over Bullock, for Governor of Georgia by a small majority, while they concede the ratification of the Constitution. On the other hand, the Itepuli licans risert that Bullock is elected by a large ma juri,y. AFu occurred in Warren, Massachusetts, on the 2fith. destroying Fairbanks's block, occu pied by Safi J. Wetherhec, dealers in hardware and clothing, and others. The total loss is esti mated at $35,000, with an insurance of about $25.000. ' TUE forty-ninth anniversary of Odd Fellowship in the United States, was celebrated at Alexan dria, Saturday. An address was delivered by P. A. Sweet, Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge, of that district. There was a large attendance of visiting brethren. , • Ax interesting murder trial was concluded last wetk at the term of Sussex County Court, Dela ware, Jesse Draper, a deaf and dumb colored man, was charged with the murder of Nathaniel 1). Dickerson, in November last. The facts were not denied, but a plea of self-defence and non accountability on account of deficient mental capacity was made. His own counsel could not make him understand, and he did not compre hend the proceedings of the trial. A verdict of not guilty was rendered. Defeat of the A byssinnians and Death of King 'lneottore. LONDON, April 26--Evening.--Dispatches have just been received from Abyssinia which give the follow ing important and gratifying intelligence• A battld was fought on Good Friday, before Magdala, between the British troops, commanded by Napier, and the Abyssinians, under command of King Theolore in person. The Abyssinians were defeated and retreated Into the town, losing very heavily in killed and wounded. On the following Monday, all hie prepara tions having been completed, General Napier ordered nn assault upon Magdala, and the town and citadel were carried by storm, and King Theodore was slain. A large number of his warriors were killed, wounded and captured. The entire capital remained in pos session of the British forces The loss of the British was small. All the British captives were found in the city, alive and well, and were set free. Napier's in stant return to the coast is expected. Trial or the Clerkenwell Prisoners LONDON, April 25- Evening.—The trial of the Olerk erns ell prisoners was resumed at the Old Bailey to-day. The case for the defense was opened and the evidence taken. Four of the witnesses swore that the prisoner, _Barrett, was in Glasgow on the 13th of December, the day on which the Clerkenwell explosion occurred. Though subjected to a most rigid cross-examination, their testimony was unshaken. Many other witnesses were examined by the defense, when the case rested. 'The Attorney-General then summed up the case for the prosecution, De urged that the proof against all the prisoners was established beyond a doubt. HO was compelled to admit that there were serious doubts about the complicity of Timothy Desmonds, but he contended that there was no doubt in the case of Bar rett. Ile ridiculed the attempt to prove an alibi in the case of the latter, saying that all efforts in that direc-''f lion had been strongly outweighed by direct proof. After the Attorney-General had concluded his speech, the Court adjourned until Monday. AiNairs in i!lcxico. AviNA, April `s.—Later advices from Mexico:have limn received. Many foreigners were arrested during the part month, but only four were expelled from the country, none of them Frenchmen. Negrete, with about ,0U men, is openly in arms against the govern ment. The war in Sinaloa is progressing. The revolutionists had 51.00 men, and the government troops, canter Corona, were 5,000 strong. The com merce c,f 'Vera Cruz, and other towns, was com pletely paralyzed. Ortega's party is making strong exertions, and is allied with Chiefs Negrete, Leon Qalves, Vicar 0, Zertuehe, and others. Thu stages leaving the capital are robbed almost regularly. The 'war of races continues in Balize, and the English are gaining ground. SAN FRANcisco, April Z.—Mexican intelligence received here by the steamer Colorado, cunilrms the repo, ted EubunHion of Jimeztz to the supreme gov ernment of the State of Guerrero. General Acre! has accepted his submission in behalf of the general and Jimezez has disbanded his troops. An airs are quiet in querrero, and there is now no opposition to the will of Alvarez. Ad\ ices:rom Guadalajara state that the commander of the tortes has been ordered to join Corona at alas. out that he hittl refused to obey. l:cntcra end Va'eseo bacLcollected a force of about 1,:;/01131.1, and.were levying contributions on the in habitants of the bode of Bajio, which compel the general t Lmirut to hold bat* its troops' for a new campaign. The Erie Railroad Accident. POIVT J1:10.'1F, April 23.--The Jury of inquest which Las been in seE , hiOil EI/IWC Saturday last upon the body of Townsend 'N. Horton, who diod from Injuries re• ceivcd at the late disarter at Carr's Itoctri rendered, At 4 P. 31, today, the 10110..vin4 verdict: We find from the evidt.nce that To wntiend N. Hor • ton, of Salem, La Crp j ese Comity, Viriscolißin, came to his death from injurite received on train twelve of the Erie Railroad, Delaware Diviaion, at Carr'a Rock, Pennsylvania, on Wedn , aday, April 15, meg, at 3:30 A. 14., said train being throw\•n trona the track by a rail broken in two places. We also find that the train was running at the rate of thirty miles an hour, between Lack/waxen and the scene of disaster, and from the testimony of cancers or the road .touching th condi' lion of the track and the quality of iron upon portions of the track, we deem the rate of speed too fast for the eatery of passenz ere on this division 'I: be McGee 'feint -Alleged Confession of Wilmot' OTT.P.w.k, April In the McGee trial to-day two detect irus swore to having overheard a conversation t‘etween•Whalen and Doyle in Jail, in which Whalen iy said to have admitted to Doyle that ho shot Malec, and he w ould either be hung or go to the peniten tiary for life for it, and that ho was prepared for r. De seemed to take pride in the idea that his mune would be handed down to posterity. Coyle was placed in a cell adjoining that of Whalen, as n strata gem to lead him into conversation, the detective taking up a position near at hand to listen. The evidence bears hard against Doyle as an accomplice. The Douse of Commons last night passed a bill pro-, riding for the support of the widow and family of the late Mr. McGee. Treasury Department. Secretary McCulloch, in reply to a resolution of the ❑oure, directing him to report on the subject of the amount of commissions paid for the sale or disposal of United States bonds and securities, says, among other things: It will be seen by Fes senden's letter, datetlJanuary 28, 1865, that hav lug failed in negotiating the 7-30 notes as rapidly as the necessities of the Department required, through the instrumentality of depository banks and other general agencies, he deemed it neces sary to avail himself of the services of Jay Cooke to popularize the loan, and to increase the com missions from one-half per cent., which had been allowed to the banks and general agencies, to three• quarters of one percent. on the first $50,- 000,000, and five-eighths of one per cent. on the next $50,000,000. It was understood, however, that this increase of commission was not to inure to the benefit of Mr. Cooke, inasmuch as he was directed to allow sub-agents and others the same rates of commis sion that had been allowed to them, and to pay all the expenses of negotiating the notes. This arrangement was continued on a larger scale by the present Secretary. The Secretary says it will be noticed, by the schedules of sales of seven thirty notes, that the commissions paid to some subscribers were higher than those paid to others. The explanation of this fact is that, in order to induce large subscriptions,`one-half of one per cent. was allowed by the Department, as well as by Mr. Cooke, to theist; subscribing for a million of dollars and upward, and from one-eighth to three-eighths of one per cent. to those making smaller subscriptions. It is not too much to Say that the popularizing and successful negotiation of the loan, as well as that of the five-twenty loan, saved the govern ment many millions of dollars. Since Mr. Cooke's agency was terminated, the sales, when, not made by the Assistant Treasurer at New York or by brokers employed by him in special cases, has been conducted through the agency of the First National Bank of Washington. The sales tat gold have been made through the agen cies selected by the Assistant Treasurer at New York ; and, under his direction, Messrs. P. M. Myers & Co. have for nearly three years past been the piincipal agents, but otiMr persons or firms have been occasionally employed. MT Y BULLETIN. MEETING OF CARPET WEAVERS—An adjourned meeting of the Journeymen Carpet Weavers' AE . sedation was held on Saturday night. at Front and Master streets, Thomas Mulcahy, president, in the chair.' The president stated that it was desirable to have some action taken on a bill of prices, as a standard to be presented to a convention to meet on the first Monday in May, to be composed of employers and a committee of the association. • A bill of mites from the manufacturers, allow ing three cents per yard advance on old prices, was read. This bill announced that windage would have to be paid by the workman himself. Strom' objections were made to this, and the bill was finally laid over. A committee consisting of one delegate from tick shop represented at the meeting was then a;Tointcd to revise the prices and report at nest meeting. After some unimportant discussion the meet ing adjourned until Saturday evening, May 2. OnriamnY.—John M. Harper, Esq., a well known and estimable citizen, died in this city on Friday last, the 24th inst. The deceased for ninny years was engaged in the manufacture of watches. Ile was a man of large and liberal views, and an active worker in various philan thropic and charitable enterprises. For twenty live years h9,,was connect:A' with the Howard Sunday School, in Shippen street. lie was the Secretary of the Pennsylvania Seamen's Friend Society, and also of the Sailors' Home, and the Treasuter of the Pennsylvania Colonization So ciety. As a member of the Presbyterian Church, he earnestly labored in the various institutions connected with that denomination. Solomon, aged 19 years, a native of Wirtenberg, employed as a domestic at a house on Fourth street, above Shippen, has been arrested by Day Sergeant Magee on a charge of infanticide. Yesterday morn ing she gave birth to a fine male child, which was subsequently found in the cesspool of the house. She at first denied all knowledge of the infant, but after she had been removed to the Central Station she confessed that she had given birth to it, and that she threw it in the well. Dr. Shapleigh, the Coroner's physi ci In, made apest nwrient examination. ainl pro nounced that the child had been born alive, and had been suffocated. FUNERAL or n FiltrobtX.—The funeral of Mr. Matthew O'Brien, who died on the 21st iidant, from injuries received whilst laboring at a fire a short time since, took place on Saturday morn ing, from the residence of his brother-in-law, No. 11,21 Spring Garden street, and was very largely attended, the members of the Columbia Hose Company , and the Spread Eagle Assembly being pit sent in great numbers. The services took place in St. Augustine's Catholic churelhin which olcnin requiem mass was celebrated by Very Rev. P. A. Stanton, 0. IS. A., and a sermon preached by Bev. Murk Crave, 0. S. A. Tun NEIN' REcoarwit.—During last week Col. James Givin, the newly-appointed Recorder, watt engaged in fitting yip the second-story faint room of the building No. 527 Chestnut street, which he has secured for his office. He entered upon the discharge 'of his duties this morning. The Recorder has organized a detectivepolice ageney,and has associated with hint R. 11. Smith, G. W. Bartholomew and Charles S. officers of practical experience. EhlicTrox or Orfrnits.--The annual election of officers of Ihe'llibernia Engine Company 10.5 just been held, with the annexed result: Presi• dent, Colonel P. McDonough, 2d Pennsylvania Reserves; vice president, John P. Delaney ; sec retary, John IL Downing ; assistant secretary, John A. McGrath; treasurer,Williton F. McCully; n corder, William Rodgers; directors, Philip .1. Taylor. William F. M , lCully, David A. Sisk, Martin McLaughlin, Dennis Kelly, A. C. Gohn. WinskY CASTS.—On Saturday afternoon the CIISCI of Wm. hI. Cooper, Thomas If. Price, T. L. Coward, George Hannmen. and Ambrose Kehoe, charged with distilling whisky without having paid the special tax, was before Commissioner ;imitli on a anal hearin. The defendants were held in bail each for trial. NAVAL STORES. kr AVA I, SI 011 ES- 175 BAKKE! l 3 NO. t AND PALE .1:1 Bork,; 2eu barrele No. 2 Loin ; Ita.) barreld Cor n non IEO barrels IV liming on Pitch. Lr store and lor le by CU(IIItAN, ItUt3SELL & CO., No. 22 North Fr,nt ,treet. ap27 1,(00 P itAI.S. W. SERM L; OI 1,5(.0 GALS, / . Whale Oil; 1,800 gals, Racked Whalo Oil. 1 200 Oral Winter Whale 1 nil ;20 bblo No. 1 Lard Oil, In Fiore and for race by COCHRAN, RUSSELL &CO.. No. 22 Ni o th Front street. av27-te - DowiTint.—GuN NIN I AND BLASTINGPOWDKU, F, Fr. FFF, Ainelic3ll Sporting, Kentucky Ride, Duck Shooting and the various kinds of Gun Powder, coni , tantly on hand and for sale by COCHRAN, RI'S SELL. k CO., Agente for I lamed Powder Co. apOti NIMA RUBBER MACHINE BELTING, STEAM PACK, J. lug Iloso, &c. Engineers and dealers will find a full assortment of Goodyearts Patent Vulcanized Rubber Belting, Packing no d e, itr,c., at the Manufacturer's headquarters. GOODYEAR'S. SOB Chestnut street, • South aide N. R.—We have now on hand a large lot of Ginahnnems, Lta?tand mimed' Gum BODtd• e v er y vaxlety and y e Gum Overcoats. es of s THE •DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.-PIRILADELVRIA, MONDAY, APRIL 27. 1868. A OADEMY OE MUSIC.: A SECUNL. ANT) LAST WEttIC HUT ONE of the ENGLIeII ()PENA SEASON. ' CATIOLINE Tilt; 1i1N05........ ..... Of REOTIR,ESS t 4. : . ..coNnucron Tills, v () 27, • Benediet 'aOraud Irish per., KILLAItNY. Cartle, Camnbt 11. Wylie. 1'13111 , e8. Arnnid, MiHN C. Rich. Mls E. Sce , on and M re. Arnold all in the camt. , 'II,'ESDAI EVENING, Amil2i—lienelit of J. F. Zim -1)11±1111U13. Counod'e Grann i_ippra, FL BT With a Great Cuat. Pox Stint now open at Tottnpler'il, thn Academy, and at Pheey Coyert'e Stand, Continental lintel. N VW N T S'l REM` TUEATRE.— AN 'UNDISPUTED SUCCESS nr J. E. MoDONOUGIPS Eloborn to Spectnele, the C K C It 00 K, Which no during the loud three weekn been witneved by over 45,000 I'ERSONS, BRILLM T RECEPTION • • or Tut: BEAUTIFUL IMAM, THE ACCOMPLISitED SANDA AND THE GRACE FUL LEAH. BALLET COMPLETE. FOUR PREM I RISES, BALLET OF SEVENTY-FIVE YOUNG LADIES. 1 nder the direction of , C,,RL MARRAVIG AND G. W. SMITH. Th {diet pYoduced with MAGNIFICENT SCENERY. Unbounded upplauge nightly greet tho A RA INTELLA, BY PWENTY LADIES. THE 11171 , GA MAN POLKA BY DIANI, THE SKIPPING ROPE POLKA BY bEAu. TILE PAS DE MATED) by SANDA and MAItItAVICL THE INCANTATION SCENK THE CRYSTAL CASCADE. THE TRANSFORMATION SCENE FAMILY MATINEE, SATURDAY AFTERNOON. W ALN ur STREET THEATRE. THIS (Monday) EVENING_, April 27,18 d FIFTH AND LAST WEEK OF THE BRILLIANT ENG 4 GEMENT OF MR. EDWIN BOOTH. Shakapeare's Tragedy, in five net& of MACBETH, RING OF SCOTLAND. MACBETH. •........ .• MR. EDWIN BOOTH LADY M Sfiss MARY MoVICKER TUESDAY—ROMEO AND JULIET. WEDNES DA Y—Til E FOOL'S REVENGE. • THURSDAY—THE LADY OF LYONS. FRIDAY—TILE STRANGER. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MATINEE. ROMEO AND JULIET. Al RS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH STREET THEATRE,— Begins to 8 o'clock. 11119 S FANNY B. PRICE. 'rim young Trsgedienne. for Twelve Night& MONDAY EVENING. April 27th, 1868, LEAH, THE FORSAKEN. Mies FANNY B. PRICE - - - Aided by the Pull Company. To conclude with SKETCHES IN INDIA. Torn Tape (with Mr. R. Craig Sir Matthew Scram. .Mr. F. Mackay b. Hy Scrairga Mr.+ C Walcot Lady 5crimp.......... Mre. Thayer DOUAI—BENEFIT CF MISS F. B. PRICE. COMPLIMENTARY QUADRILLE PARTY _ . Secretary of Philadelphia (Beck's) Baud, No. 1, will be given at the MUSICAL FUND HALL, TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 23th, He& Subscription Tickets *2 each. 'lo be had of BECK & BROTBER, No. Kri Market h treet. - ap27-tio M=M=IN - _ April 3Uth and May lot and 2d GRAND MATINEE, SATURDAY AFTERNOON. May 2. Signor Blitz line the honor to annonnea to the eitizetni of GCIIIIBIIION% n that he rill appear hi., amusing and in structive performances on the above dated.. Aft:damn 25 cents. ReFerved seats 59 cents. Children 13 cente. Ticket? for sale at • .10.3. PARKE It'd, apl23 t my3l Statiomiry and No vs Depot. TORTICULT UR Ali HALL , I 1 TIiFItSDAY AFTERNOON. April qoth, 181;9, At half.paq o'i lock, • GRAND COM Fl,iM ENTARY lONEFIT TO CARL SENT 4,4 ORCHESTRA. By the Mayor and Citiz•ms of PlilladelPhia. Tickets, 50 code each, forvale at IN. H. Boner & Co.'e, 1102 chcetmrtStreet. and Utile door. • • Llo• — :NO FREE MST. For r amcs of Artistes and further particulars see pro. grammes in the Music Stor, ap:l3-13t.; NEW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA HOUSE. . ELEVENTH area, above CHESTNUT. THE FAMILY ELSORT. CARNCROSS DIXEN'S MINSTRELS, THE GREAT STAR TROI PE OP THE WORLD MORE NOVELTY. First week of an entirely new and original Burlesque, KU KLUX KLAN. Concluding with the new Ethiopian burleaque, entitled LIGHT AT LA , T, THE STATUE ON TI , E HASFMENT. Dooro open at 7' : commencing at 8 o'clock. 11 CHESTNUT ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS. CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth. The Forty-fifth Atinnal Exhibition of Ninthly, Statn at end Architecture is now open doily from 9A. A. till P. N. and fromi 8 WHO in the evening. Admittance 25 cents. &aeon Tickets, 60 eta. ap37-tf FOX'S AMERICAN VARIETY THEATRE, EVERY EVENING and • SATURDAY AFTERNOON. GREAT COMBINATION TROUPE. In Grand Ballets, Ethiopian Burlesques, Songs, Dances. Gymnast A , qt , . ntnrelivneu Are 1222 CHESTNUT STREET. - 1222. Special Notice. Barin g completed our removal to Now Store, No. 1299 CliFSiNUTStreet,we are new ready to offer, at lowest cash prices. a new stock of handsome CARPETING'S, . OIL CLOTHS, BIATTINGS, With ell other kinds of goods in our line of businees. REEVE L. KNIGHT & SON, 1222 Chestnut Street. 1222. nra B FIXTURES. —MISKEY. MERRiLI., lT THACKARA, No. 718 Chestnut etreot, inanuiacturerx of Gas Fixturee, Lamp., &c., &c, would cull the attention of h , t public to their largo and elegant tuatortne it of Cal Chandeliers, Pendants, Brackets, &c. Thee also introduce. ea, Opt,- into d wellings and public buildings, and attend to extending, altering and repairing gas piped. All work warranted. ANKIRK At MARSHALL HAVE A COMPLETE t stock of Chandeliers, Brackets, Portable Stand and, Bronzes, at No. Hl] Arch street. CIALL AND BEY YOUR GAS-FIXTUREi FROM lJ tho manufacturers. VANKIRK z MARSHALL, No. ,12 Arch ntreot. A T ANKIRK & MARSHALL, NO. 112 ARCH 6 . 1 1 , ELT, manufacture and keep all utylea of Gas•Flxtun a and Chandeliers. Also, refinish old fixturea. --- \TAhK Kfi MA RSIIAI,I,, NO. 11 AltUll nTRELr. #dheap nil attention to fitting up Uhurchee. Pipe run at the lowerft ' , OLD, GILT AND ELECTRO SILVER-PLATED Gne-Flsturce,_at VANKIRK dr MARSHALL'S, No 912 Arch 8 treet. All work guaranteed to give aatiefaction. None but firot-rl,u nrktetnulllployed. feli-e in iv nrns THOMAS S. DIXON ds. SONS, " ii t No. 1824) Late Andrews dc Dixon, ESTEUT Street, Philadelphis, Manufacturers of ( ( Po i: late United States Mint, LOW D OWN, • PARLR, CH A M BER, OFFICE, G And other RATES, For Anthracite, Bituminous and Wood Firs. WARM-AIIRMUREACES, For Warming Public and Private Buildings. REGIS FEES, VENTILATORS, AND CHIMNEY CAPS, COOKING-RANGES, BATH-BOILERS. WHOLESALE and RETAIL _pi THOMSON'S LONDON KITCHENER., oft ttlj. .9.-0-0 !cocoon Ranges, for families, hotels or public hot'', Lur tutions, in twenty different sizes. Also. Philaeo). phis Ranges, Hot, Air Fut maces Portable float( n, Low-down Grates, Pirchoard & twee,Bath Boilers. Stew. hole Plates, Broilers, Cooking Stoves, etc., wholesale and retail, by the manufacturers, SHARPE do THOMSON, tic , 2s-m.w.f-SmS No. 2U9 North ';' , .'•om , et ILOTII HOUSE, No. 11 NORTH SECOND ST. Vi Sign of too Golden Liunh. JAMES & LEE Have now on hand and are atilt receiving a huge and choice assortment of spring and Sulam Gooda,,» adapted to PAWN and Bops' wear, to whieh they invite the attention of Dlerchnnta, Clothiers. Milord and others,COATING GOODS. Saner Black French Clothe. • Super Colored French Clothe, Black and Colored Pique Coalinga. Black and Colored Tricot Coatinite, Diagonal Ribbed Coatings,. Catinuarette, all oolong. New Fitylee Ladien' Cloaking, • • Silk Mixed Continga. &c, PANTALOON naps. Black French Doeskina. do do Caifeirnerce. Now atylen Fancy do. All elindee Mixed Doeskirui. Plaid and Striped Caeninforea. Alto, a large nasortment of Cordn,Benvertecnig,Satlnetal Vestinge and goods for aulta. nt wholemalo and retail. JAMES & E, No. It North Second stied. . Sign of the Goldou iamb. A(►l UNEITI*INTb. TO JAMES MADISON BECK, SIGNOR 'BLITZ. • TII UFISDAY, FRIDAY and SAT! RDAY EVENINGS, CAIHLPETINGS, &C. GAS ft' I Xl' U HES. HEATED. errov EX AND (3LOTHB, 11301151121ElitER, 4-91138 DIM IL)111.11MIUM.• 00(I -CHARTER PERPETUAL. 1-040. FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA, Not, 435 and 437 Chestnut Street. Assets on January 1,1808, 00.2 9 003,740 09 J9Q0.000 .1,108,893 8 00 9 1,184,848 20 ...... Accrued Surpinu UNSETTLED CLAIMS. 5at3,6113 Losses Paid Since; 1329 Over *5.500,000. Perpetual and Temporary Policies on Liberal Terms DIRECTORS. Geo. Foley Alfred Valor, Pram. W. Lowia, M. D..• Thomas Sparks. Wm S. Grant. N. BANCKER, President, ES, Vice Proaldent, Secretary Oro tom. tacky, this Company has no 1012 Ong. N. Snooker. - Tobias Wagner, Samuel Grant, Geo, W. Richards, Isaac Loa. CHARLES GEO. FALL JAS. W. McALLISTER, St Except at Lexington, Kent' • onciee Weet of Pitteburgh. riELAWARE muTuta, SAFETY INSURANCE COM. .I_, pony. Incorported by the Legislature of rennsylp yaws, 1.8:15, Office. S. E. corner THIRD and WALNUT Streets. Philadelphia. MARINE INSURANCES On Veesels, Cargo and Frefght, to all parte of the world. INLAND INSURANCES On goods by river, canal, lake and land carriage to all parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES On merchandise gencralli. On Storee, Dwellings, in ASSETS OF THE COMPANY. November 1.1867.- 11200,000 United Staten Five Per Cont. Loan. 10 , 10'a ... . ~ . s ean,ooo 00 120,000 United States At Per Cent. Lo . an. 1881— .. 194,400 00 50,000 United Silifoe Por Cent. Loan, Treasury N0tea.........s 52.50 50 100,000 State of Pennsylvania Six Per Cent. Loan.. ..... . . 110,070 00 125,000 City of Philad . cipida Six Per Cont. Loan (exempt from tax) ... . 125,925 00 li 60,000 State of my Jereey Six PC : r ceni. L0an......... . . 61.000 0 20,000 Pennsylvaa it . ral . r . oaa . First gage Six Per Cent. Bonds.. . . 10,000 0 15,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Second Mort gage Six Per Cent. 80nd5.... 12,375 0 15,0 X) Western Pennsylvania Railroad Six Per Cent. Bondi (Penna. BE. guarantee), 80,000 State of Tennemee Five Per Cont. 18, . . ... ~. . 0k) 7,000 State of Tenneseee 'Pei' Cent Loan —.. 4,270 00 16,00,1 fthaioa itock ticrrnarit‘iX, G . ...... ..... . ..... nGae Company, Principal and interoet guaranteed by the City of delphia 15.000 00 7,500 140 shares etock Penneylyania road Company... . . .... . . 7,800 00 6,000 100 shots clock Norti . Pa . nusylvania Railroad Company , ..... 8,006 01 :0,000 EA shares etock Philadelphia ° and Southern Mail Steamship Co 15,000 00 201,900 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, first liens on City Properties 201,500 00 $1,101,400 Par Market Value /111.100.,800 60 Cott. $1,069.079 Real Estate. - . .' ..•..... 813,060 00 Bills Receivable for In surances made. Balances due at. Kgencles-:Pre miums on Marine Pollcies-Ac crued Interest. and other debts due the Company. ..... Stock and Scrip of sundry last!, ranco and other Companies, $5,078 00. Estimated va1ue...... 8,011 00 C' aahl n D a"- ••••• • •• • ••• •••• • • • -1614017 10 • Casbi Drawar.................... a.lB 19 103,01 E 69 DIRECTORS: Thomas C. Hand. James 0. Hand, John C. Davis, Samuel E. Stokes, Edmund A. Souder, James Tracmair, • Joseph IL Seal, William C. LudWlit, Theophilus Paulding, • Jacob P. Jones, Hugh Craig, James B. McFarland. Edward Darlington. Joshua P. Eyre, John It. Penrose, John D. Taylor, 11. Jones Brooke. Spencer McDvaine, Henry Sloan, Henry C. Hallett, Jr.. George G. Leiner, George W. Bernadou. William G. Boulton. John B. Semple, Pittabargh. Edward Lafourcade. D. T. Morgan, _ Jacob Riegel.. A. B. Berger re.'" '' - " I.AN P THOMAgi2,:ifik - Nr),Preddent, JOHN C. DAVIE.. Vice Prom'dent HENRY LYLBURN. Secretary. HENRY BALL. Aeeietant Secretary. • „, - - FIRE ASSOCIATION OF PIIIL.ADEL sid;:s. phla. Incorporated March 27, I.M. Office, F t.,..., ,c ; No. 34 N. 111th street. 'inure Buildings, ' i ','* liousehold Furniture and Merchandise ..r; •‘'.. ,Aii generally. from Lore by Fire tin the City oi *"-"':?.., '',. Philadelphia only.) l'';e 2 ' - ' -' Statement of the Assets of the Association January let, 1868, published in compliance with the pro. visions of an Act of Assembly of April sth, tau Bonds and Mortgages on Property in Gm City of Philadelphia only. .......... ......... .... 81,075,155 17 Ground Rents 18,314 98 Real Estate . 51,744 67 Furniture and Fixtures of Office.... 4,490 03 U. S. 5.20 Registered Bonds 45,030 00 Cash on hand. 81.878 11 TRUSTEES. William H. Hamilton, Samuel Sparhawk, Peter A. Keyser, Charles P. Bower, John Carrow, Jeooe Lightfoot, George I. Young. Robert shoemaker, Joseph R. Lynda% Peter Armbruster, Levi. P. Coate, - M. - 1.1 Dickßaton, Peter W lllameon. WM. H. HAMILTON, President. SAMUEL SVARIIAINIL Vice President, WM. T. BUTLER, Be .etary. THE COUNTY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.--OF. &a, No. 110 South Fourth street, below Chestnut. "The Fire Inaurance Company of the Count y of Phila delphia," Incorporated by the Legigature of Pent:ugly& m ain 1831 i, for Indemnity against lon or damage by fire, exclueively. CHARTER PERPETUAL. - - - - _ Thie old and reliable inetitution,with ample capita land contingent fund carefully invoked, continuos to insure buildings, furniture, morchandise,dic., either permanently or for a limited time, against lose or damage by fire,at the lowest rates consistent with the absolute eafety of its cue tomere. Loecee adjusted and paid with all possible despatch. DIRECTORS: Chae. J. Sutter. Andrew IL Miller, henry Budd, ' James lc. Stone, John Corn, Edwin 1., Reakirt, Joseph Moore, Robert V. 91:ieeey, Jr.. George Mecke Mark Devine. CHARLES J. surrEß, President. 'HENRY BUDD, Vico-President BENJAMIN F. lIOECHLEY. Secretary and Treasurer. p IICENIX INSURANCE COMPAN OF PIILLADELI'IIIA. INCORPORATED WA—CHARTER PERPETUAL No. 224 WALNUT street, opposite the Exchange. This Company insures from losses or damage by FIRE nu liberal terms, on buildings. merchandise, fainltnre. &c., for limited periods, and permanently on building' by deposit or premium. The Company has been in active opngntion for more than sixty years., during which all MHO have been romptiy adjusted and paid. DIRECTORS. John L, Hodge 4 David Low% M. B. Mahony, Benjamin Elting, John T. Lewis, Thos. 11. Powers, William S. Grant, A. R. McHenry, Robert W. Learning,' Edmond Castillon, D. Clark Wharton Samuel Wilcox, Lawrence Lewis, Jr., Louis C. Norris. JOHN L. WUCTIERIIII, President. Belmar. Wmoox. Secretary. "ETN DA LIVE FOR STD,OCC K IN N. SURANCE COMPANY OF ' ARTON C. C, KIMBALL, President. T. 0. ENDERS, Vico President. •L B. TOWER, Secretary. This Company insures BOBSES, MULES AND CATTLE agairtht Death by Fire Accident or DiBOEU3O. Also, against Theft and the hazard of Transportation. PHILADELPHIA REFEEENOEB. S. D. Kingidon, Jr., Gen. Freight Agent Penna. R.R. U. 13rooke, Manage, Coming Agency. Ledger Building. A. az 11. Lenunbre, Cabinet-waro Manufacturer!, 1436 Chestnut street. David P. Moore , e Sons, Undertakers, 822 Vine st. C. 11. Brush, Man'r ./Etna Life Ins. Co., 4th but. Chestnut. 11. R. Deacon. Lumber dealer, 2014 Market et. Geo. W. Reed & Co., Wholesale Clothier, 423 Market et. WILLIAM C. WARD, General Agent, Forrest Building, Nos. 121 and 123 S. Fourth Ht., apt ihu . . „ . Philadelphia, Pa. JEFFERSON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OP PIM ladelphla.-01Imo, No. 24 North Fifth street, near Market street. Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania. Char. for Perpetual. Capital and Assets, %KOK Make In. surance against Loss or Damage by Fire on Public or,Prt. vete liuildings, Furniture, Stocks. Goods and Morahan. dice, on favorable terms. DIRECTORS. Wm. McDaniel. Edward P. Moyer, Israel Petunia. Frederick Ladner. John F. 13eleterling. ' Adam J. Glasz, Henry Troemner, ' Henry Delany. Jacob Schandein John Elliott, Frederick Doll, Christian D. Frick. Samuel Miller, William D. Garord Gege r. E. Fort, ne WILLIAM MoDANIEL. President. ISRAEL PETERSON, Vice-President, Pram. E. Colander'. Secretary and Tretulurer. A MIIRICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. INCOB. pated 1810 —Charter perpetual. No. 810 WALNUT street, above Third, Philadelphia. Having a large paid.up Capital Stock and Surplus In. vested in sound and available Securities, continue to In• sure on dwilings, stores, furniture, merchandise, vessels likport, end their cargoes, and other personal property. All losses liberally suidarptly adjusted. MORS. Thomas E. Marls. James R. Campbell. John Welsh, Edmund ( l.l)ntilh, Patrick Brady Charles W. Poultner. 'John T. Lew* Israel Morris, John P. btherill. • THOMAS It. MARIS, Pre/AM/lit &XL= C, L. cMWrOjsr), aocretarT, k .lltP.; INSUR&NCE EXCLUSIVELY.—THE PENN sylvan's' Fire Insurance Company—lncorporated 1826 -.:barter Perpetual—No. 610 Walnut street, opposite In.. dependence Square. This Company, favorably known to the community fot over forty years, continuos to insure against logs or disco ago by fire, on Public of Private Buildings, eit her perma nentlY or for a limited time. Also, on Emitter°, Stock" of Goods and Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. Their Capital, together with a largo Surplus Fund, is in vested in a most careful manner, which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the mute of lons. DLREUTO KS. • Daniel Smith, Jr.. John Deverenz, Alexander Benson, Thomas dmith, Isaac II azollsurst, Henry Lewis, Thomas Robins, J. Gillingham Fell, Daniel Haddock, Jr. DANIEL, SMITH., Jr., President Wrimtais G. CROWELL. Secretary. UNITED FIREMEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. • This Company taken risks at the lowest rates consistent with safety. and confines its business exclusively to FIRE INSURANCE IN THE CITY OF PHILADEL. INCOME FOR 1S $350.000. OFFICE—No. 7X3 Arch Street, Fourth National Bank DIRECTORS: Thomas J. Martin, Albert C. Roberts, John liiret, • Charles It. Smith, Wm. A. ROIL Alberti's King, James Mongan, Henry Runup, William Glenn, Tames Wood, J 81110? Jennor, John dinilleross, Alexander T. Dickson, J. Henry A:Ain, Robert 13. PareeLs, linell Mulligan. Philip Fitm,atriek. CONRAD B. A NLRESS, President Wm. A. Rrmtn, Tress. WM. IL' FAGF.N. tiec'y. rpiiE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OP PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE —S. W. COR. FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS. FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. TERM AND PERPETUAL. CASH CAPITAL. .. . ... ............ $200.000 0 CASH ASSETS. aan 1. ....... ... . . . ... ..$409,6d8 11 DIRECTORS. F. Ratchford Starr. J. L. Erringer, Nsibro. Frazier, Geo. W. Fahnestock, ohn M. Atwood. James L. Claghorn. • Benj. T. Tredick, W. G. Boulton, George 11. Stuart, Charles Wheeler, John B. Brown. Thee. H. Montgomery. F. RATCHFORD STARR, President. THOS. 11. MONTGOMERY Vice President. ocBo-ftml , ALEX. W. WISTER, Secretary. IDIAME INSURANCE CON .112 Street, • PH ir.ADEEPHIA. FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. TORS. Francis N. Buck, Philip S. Justice, Charles Richardson. John W. Evormatt. Henry Lewis, Edward D. Woodniii. Robert Pearce., Jno. Kessler, Jr.. Geo. A. West, Chas. Stokes, Robert B. Potter. Mordecai Blab!. FRANCIS N. B 'CR. President, CHAS. RICHARDSON, Vice President. WIT.I.IAI.IP I. 13LANOILAIM. Secretary. 1868 1868. 1868. ~ ' ,"‘L•i'll:ll((),`„Zig) , .',Z.ll:l'.,.l;l 1868. IVALN I T BOARDS. WALNUT PLANK. 1a1ik,126 Cl 1808. LEIRIA 1.808. 1.868. CIGAR BO MAKERS. CIGAR BO X MAXI-;R . 1968. SPANISH uEDAR BOX BOARDS. FOR SALE LOW. If CARCLINA SCA 11N G. • 1000 CA EOLIN A 11. T. N SIILLS. jowl NORWAY SCANT I,INC. LAI:GE ASSORTMENT. • tAR S. O• GLE. 1808. ' CEDAR SHI .I ES. ' 1868. CYPRESS SHINGLES. PLASTERi NG LATH. CIIESTNI:i PLANE AND BOARDS. REASONEO CLEAR PINE. 1868 1868. SEASoNIJI CLEAR IN c 11( pH 1: PATTERN PINE. SPANISH CEDAR. FUR PATTERN:S. FLORIDA RED CEDAR. ginoruiEit * co.. , 2, , 0,5UCT11 STREET. dos to °e3l I'HELAN & BUCKNELLI Twenty-third and Chestnut Sts. LARGE STOCK OF WALN ITT, ASH AND POPLAR, ALL THICKNESSES, CLEAN AND DRY. FINE LOT WALNUT ti ENEERB. CEDAR, CYPRESS AND mil rE PINE SHINGLES. SEASONED LUMBER, MICHIGAN, CANADA AND PENNSYLVANIA. ALL SIZES AND QUALITIES. FLOORING AND HEAVY CAROLINA TIMBER. SPRUCE AND HEMLOCK JOIST BUILDING LUMBER OF ALL KINDS. !TIM -6m 891.222.058 Si T HE lIOLLY-TREF: INN: AND OTFIEIt STORIES. By CHARLES DICKEVB. rETEEsoNs , rEorms DroDECIMO EDITION IS NOW costvLETE. The "People's Edition' of Charle..4 Diekenb'd Work'? 14 the hest one is.. ued. in size of VOilllllC, Of type. paper, H. I nThn.tionr and hinding.and all the. e l , lloit itB conrfdero "t lifit.NS' PEI 'S EDITION" IS E, Ch EA PEST AND HEST EDITION AT Ttir. PRICE (IF 'l'l I WOFES OF CHARLES DICICESB PUBLISLIED TIiEWOELD. TIII: lIOLT.Y•TBEE INN; AND OTHER STORIES. Large tyi•c, leaded. Price $1 W. By Citadel Dickens, being the rant volume of "Petersono People's Edition. Ilhotrated. of Charles Dickens's Work e," published Chi• uniform style with all of the previous volumes of tide edition. hie hi autiful edition Is now complete In nineteen volumes, and is printed on flue paper, from large. clear type, leaded. that all can read. and contains Ine Hundred and Eighty Illustration., on tinted paper, and each book is complete in one large duodecimo vol• tune, hound m cloth, price $1 C;(1 each. The following are their 118.1TICe Dar Mutual Priem , 31 50 Little Hardt. ........... 1 50 Pickwick Papers 1 50 Doinhey and 1.:on 1 60 ledae Nicklcbv I 1,0 Chri , teme I TA (;rear Expectation:l.. .. 1 11' Sketchce by "Boz" 1 50 1 id I 'enpertield 151 BArnaby it? Id ..... 150 Oliver 1 00 Martin Cluizzl”wit...,. 1 50 Bleak 1 GMOld Curiosity Shop. 1 10 A 'Cale of Citice... 1 0011nel:cm' New 1 50 American Notes; and the Uncommercial Traveler.. I 5'.1 Minted Down; and Other Reprinted Pieced-- ..... 1 rdi The Holly-Tree Inn; and Other titmice • 10 I 'rice of a eel, Black Cloth, 19 volume,' 00 Price of a ret, in Full Sheep, Library atvlo Price of a vet, in Half t'alf, aprinkled edged...... 47 00 l'rice of it cc), in Ilan' ('cif, marbled edged....... 63 at/ Price of a l‘et, in Bait Calf, antique........ 57 00 Price of a ect, in Half UN. full gilt backs, etc... 57 00 11. Et/Mk:BODY'S LUGGAGE. By Charlea Diekona. Coin. plete and unabridged edition. Ono largo octavo volume. printed from now, largo and clear type. Price Twenty.tive cents. Bang the Tivem ty fifth volume of "Prtertiona' Cheap Edition for the Million of (Tharlce Dickeni'm Workd." THE MONASTERY By Sir Walter Scott. Being the Eleventh volume of an entire now edition of "The Waverley novels," now publishing In twenty 'six weekly volumes, at Twenty cents each, or Five Dollars for a complete set, and sent port-paid every where. " rho Heart of Midlothian," " The Bride of Lammermoor," "The Black Dwarf ; and A Legend of Montrose," "Old Mortality," "Rob Roy," The Antiquary," "Guy Manncring," worth," "Ivanhoe" and "Waverier aro also published ut Twenty cents each. All books published are for sale by us the moment they me termed front the preys, at Publishers' pricer!. Call in person, or send for whatever books you want, to - T. 11. PETERdON k BROTHERS, 71.p25. 2t 306 Chcatnut street, Phllada., Pa. Ti ST READY—BINGII AM'S LATIN GRAMMAR.— e.l New Irdltlon.—A Grammar of the Latin Language for the Use of Schools. With exercises and vocabularies by William Bingham, A. M., Superintendent of the Bingham School. The Publishers take pleasure in announcing to Teachers and triends of Education generally, that the new edition of the above work is now ready, and they invite a careful examination of the same, and a comparison with other orke on the same subject, Copies whit be furnished to Teachers and Suporiutendeuta of Schools for thin ',nom at low rates. Price $l. 50. Published by E. IL BUTLER & CO., I'S7 Beath Fourth street, i'ldladelph a. And for Hale by Booksellers generally% au2l Lccturee.—A now Course of Lectures, ae delivered at the New York Museum of Anatom embracing the sulr jade : How to live and what to live tor; Youth, - Maturity and Old Age; Manhood generally reviewed; Tho cause of indletion, flatulence and Nervous Diseases accounted wardedk volumes to ncontainig these lectures will of for. to parties unable attend on receipt of four stamps, by addrorsing J. J. Dyer, 85 School street. Dow ton. . folB 111 IQOOKB BOTJGHT., SOLD AND EXCHANGED AT LI JAMES DARR'O. 1105 Market street. PblPa. telo4, HORSEMANSHIP---AT TUN. FHILADEL PHIA RIDING SCHOOL, Fourth street. above Vine. will be found every facllltY for acquiring a knowledge of this healthful and elegant accomplish. meat, The School is pleasantly ventilated and Warmed. the horses safe and well trebled. • ' An Afternoon Claes for Young bit ' dfjaL Saddle Horses trained in the beat manner, Saddle Horses, Borges and Yekie,les to hire. Also, Carriages , to Depots. Par ti es. :: W°d aw a l ' u " ° Plug, , • Jakl tf • TrtObIAB. MAME di SON. - • • INSURANCE* . , C.. , .. I) 4o k Dit L uTn KER. MAULE, BROTHER & CO. SPRUCE JOIST SPRUCE JOIST 13PnucE namLocK. ENILOCK. HEML4jCK. LARGE STUCK. LA I:GE STOCK. ITIAULE, ROT HIER 411 i: CO, ZOO SOUTII STREET FE-ORMA FLOORING. FLORIDA FbOORINO. CA LINA Fi OORING. VIRGINIA FLOORIN(; DELAWA RF: FLOoRIN ASII FLOURING, WALNUT FLOORING. FLORIDA STEP BOARDS. RAIL PLANK. ItEDUEDAH. WALNUT AND NM' sEnsoNED PON, A It. BEikIiONED CHERRY - - ASH WHIM OAK PLANK AND BOARDS HICKORY. NE Sir PUBILICATiforig. LA RGE TYPE, LEAVED. 'PRICE, $1 Pt DR. HARTMAN'S BEEF, IRON AI%D lIRANDY . • A Cedilla Cure for Ociniumptidin ntid all Himmel' of MO Lunge or Bronchial Laboratory No. il2 South FIFTEENTif titttief. .10.1.1155T0N, HOLLOWAY do COW DEN. .602 AR t3tr Ot. HOBERT 811011 MAX BC R H 00., FOLUCTU and RAGE' Streote. General Agent* fill tin f, AYER' ATIIARTOI PILLS, FOR( ALL THE rtfhPonfii OP A LAX A: TAW; MEDICINE. -Perhaps no one medicine is so univerr finily reeeired by everybody As a cathartic, nor Woe ever any, before so universally adopted into use, in every country and among all classes, as tide Mild hut effi cient purgative Pia The obvious reason is, that it to a more reliable and far more oilcans' remedy than any other..; Those who have them; those who have not, ighboN and friends, and n.ll know that what it does once it deco always-that it never fails through any fault or neglect of IN composition. We have thousands upon thousands of certifleatenof their rIN markfible cures of the fol'owing complaints, but ouch cures are known In every neighborhood. and we need not publish them. Adapted to all ages and conditions in all clitrantea; containing neither calomel or. any deleterious drug, they may be taken with safety by anybody, Their fluor coating preserves them ever fresh and makes them pleasant to take, while tieing purely vegetable no harm can nrise Nem their nee in any quantity. - They operate by their powerful Influence on the inter nal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it into healthy action--remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body. restoring their irregular Action to health, and by correcting, wherever they cant, such derangements as aro the that origin of disense. Minute direction!, aro given in w the wrapper on the box, for the following complaint&which thew Pala rapidly cure:— For DYRPEPRIA or Imnorerut, LTATLEABITEB4, LAPIN Grow and Loss or Arrmrrn. they should be taken moder ately to etlmidato the stomach and restore its health, tone and action. For LIVER Commoner and its various Syroutcons t mt.t. 0113 itronoonr., 1 1 EADA0iir,loic or unarm BloaarPS, Como and BILIOUS Fr,VERB, they plieqld judiciouFly taken for each case, to correct the dipeased action on:tutor° the obstructions which cause tt For Dram:Tray or DIA_MIURA. but ono mild dose is gen. erally required. For Itiox,mATifOr, GOUT, GOAVEL, PALPITATION OP Tiiy 11V.Arti\l'AIN IN THE Sinn, limes _and lAnna, they should be continuously taken, as required , to change the diseased action of the system . With such change those complaints disappear. For (Morel' and Dnornicar.SwELLTruin they should be taken in large and frequent doses to predate the effect of a drastic purge. For $ urFREfifiTON n large dose should bq taken, as it pro duces the de-aired effect by sympathy. As it Morin: take one or two Ptlrs to promote digestion abd relieve the stomach. An occasional dose ntknulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, restores the appetite. - and invigorates the t4yrttrii. hence it IA often ad. antageous where no se. 110)0 derringerati t exist.., One who loofa toleably well. often finds that dose of thole PD.1.8 makes h im feel de cidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating effect on tie digestive apparatus. Dit, J. C. AyEli & CO., Practical Ctietnlnti.. Lowell, inia, V. S. A. .1. St. MA BIS & CO., Phila., Wholesale Agents. Eel mly PAL LiDINTA.DDLN A.—A SUPERIOR 4. wricbii eleiutli,g the Teeth. dmtroying animalcule which u. feet there, giving , tone to the gums, and leaving a feeling of fragrance nod perfect cleanliness in the mouth. It may be tired daily. and will be found to strengthen weak and bleeding sums, 'while the aroma and deterviveness will recommend it to every one. Being composed with the melt Lance of the Dentist, Physicians and Microscopist, it to confidently altered as a reliahle substitute for tiu3 certain Neosho! fcraicrly in voguo. Eminent Dentists, acquainted with the constituents of the Dentallina, IUIVOCAte its nee; it contains nothing to prevent its tuirestrained enttplQvinent. Made only by JA.REd T.SHINN, Apothecary, Broad and Sprite illy. and D. L. Stackhottnt, Robert C. Davis, Gixi. C. Bower, Chan. Shivers, 8. M. McCain., S. C. Bunting, Chas. Eberle, James N. Marks, B. liringiturst Et Co. Dyott a Co, li. C. Blair'. Sou. Wyeth dt Bro. 'ol'll(AF:ft. 1868 1868. For sale by Druggists gene Fred. Brown, Ilassard L Co. C. H. Racily. Isaac B. Kay, C. H. Needles, 'l'. J. Husband, Ambrose dmith, Edward ?artist , . Win. B, Webb, James L. BiPplizon. Iltighes 4 Comte, Henry A. Bower. LEGAL 1868. lIN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR. THE CITY AND county of l'hiltidelphia.—E4ate of JAMES DOYLE; deeenaed. 9he Auditor appointed, by the Court to audit. Fettle and , adjuO tne tint and final account of Maria Doyle. A dminictrat ix, c t. n.. of the otate of Jawed Doyle, deceased. and to report dictributton of the balance in the Lunde of the accountant, Brill meet the pardon in. 'Ulu...fed for the purroven of hit apt ointment, on MON DAY, May 4th, tho', at o'clock. l M., at hie (mice, 1,1”, zio9 Walnut etreet, in the city of Philadelphia. afe4l ry f nt W. D. CON WIS. Auditor. THE ORPHANS' coutr FOR TIM CITY AND County of Phitadelphia.Entate of ANN M RUSMAN, decenced.--lf he auditor appointed by the Court to audit., netlle and adJu,t the account of WILLIAM FOX, admin ictrator of the Estate of ANN M. BUSMAN, deci,ved, and to report diffhlbution of the balance In the haude of the accountant, will meet the partied intere6to.l, for the-port-one of hit appointment. on THURSDAY. April: b, Imo, at 4 I'. M., at his office, No. Lerf Race tire, t, in the city of Philadelphia. JO3. ABRAMS. Auditor. alC'tim,c^,lst' ITPIE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND County of Philadelphia.--Estateot .101 Es; ROLAND dscered.- The Auditor ftfpoinWd by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the second and final account of CATHA RINE. 1•'. COLAN I Executrix of the will of .N)iiN,.RO• LAND, deceased Uilcd by SUSAN C. HENDERSON and THOMAS Li. POWERS. her Executory!), and to report distribution of the balance In the hands of the account ants. will inert the parties Interceded for the purpose of hie appointment, on :Monday, April 2 - Ith, VfOi. at (o'clock P. M.. at his office, No. LS south Sixth street, in the city of Philadelphia E. E. wALLAce, apl74 to w•flt Auditor. N Tli E DISTRICT t 'OE RT OF TUE UNITED STATES FOR TIIE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNtine VANIA. In the matter of FLORIAN MOSS. of Philadelphia, in the county of Philadelphia, iu the said District, a Bank nt pt, 1 he said Bankrur.t having under the act of Congress of 2,1 March, 15.07, filed his petition for a discharge from all hi. debts. provable under said act, and for a certificate thereof, alleging that no al seta have e We to the hands of the assignee. it is ordered that n meeting of creditors be held on the tei , th dal of April, a ato'clock P.M., be fore the Register, WILLIAM MeMIOIIAEL, Fol., at his Other, No. 5;Xt Walnut street, in the city of elfiladelphia. to he continued by adjournment, if necessary, when and %via-re the examination of the said Bankrupt will be fin ished, and any business of the second and third meetings rtaintred by the :7th and sections of said act may be transacted. and that if neither assignee nor creditor op. pores, tlic Itegiater cedittea to the Court whether the said Bankrilit has in all things conformed to his drily under a...said act. and if not. in what respects, which certifi cate. and the said examination when closed. with all other par era relating to the case, will be bled by the Re gister in the Clerk's odire. •- It is further crilered that a hearing Po had upon tho Fail petition for discharge and certificate on WED DAthe thth day of May. leer, before the said Court, at Ithilijilth bta. at to o'clock A. Mwhen and where all err ditors who have proved their dehtr. and other persona 111 i tat loth, may appear and show cause. if any they have, w by the pray er of raid petition should not be granted. Witness the Honorable (OIIN • (;.‘ DWAI.A DER. Judge of the 'Sod of Court, said Diotrict Court,l and the of. - - ' thereof, at Philadelphia, the eth day of April, A. I) Attest, O. R. FOX. Clerk. WILLIAM. Me .MICHAEL, Register. apla•nan • ...• 1 1 NITED STATES MARSHAL'S OFFICE, EASTERN U DISTRICT OF PENNc. LVANI PuttanaLPltta. April Oth. DA VI. This Is to give notice; That on the 14th day of April, A. D. ISO, a Warrant in Bankruptcy wits issued against the Estate of It. M. FELTWEI la of Philadelphia, in the County of Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylvania, who bait been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own Petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any pro perty belonging to witch Bankrupt, to him. or for his IWO: and the transfer of any pioperty by him arc forbidden by law; that a meeting of the Creditors of the said Hank rept, to prove their debts, and to choose one or worn alk Fiances of his Estate, will be held at a Court of Bank- • ruptcy, to he holden at No. 1)30 Walnut street, in the City of Philtuit ladare MoMMIAEL. En, Register, ou the 14th day of May, A. D. IhtiB, at 3% o'clock ‘P. P._ C. ELLMAKER; ap2em,3Q• • U. S. Marsha!, as Messenger. NITRO STATES DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. DILLADILLI'LIIA • April 20th, 1888. This is to give notice, that on the 18th day of ApriL A. D. 1868. a Warrant in Bankruptcy was famed against the , estate of WILLIAM W. MOORD. of Philadelphia, in the . County of Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylvania. t ho has been adjudged a Bankrupt, on Memo Petition; t lat the payment of any debts and delivery of any prop y belonging to such Bankrupt, to him, or for his use and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the Creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their deb's, and to choose one or more aslgnees of his estate, nil' be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to. be holden at No. 630 Walnut street, Philadelphia. before WILLIAM MoMICII Esq. Register, on the I . B th day of, May, A. L. 1868, at 11,1 d o'clock P. M. P. C. ELLMAKER, D. S. Marshal, as Mean:niter. ar 20 Tri.3t TUE LISTBICT COURT OF TILE UNITED Staten for the Eastern Dietrict of Pennsylvania. fit Bankruptcy, No. 221. At Philadelphia, April 8 1848. The onderigned hereby gives notice of Ms appointment as madame of 11 IRA 51 WREN TY. of Philadelphia, in the county of Philadelphia, end State of Peimaylvamit w ith. in euid 'ONO ict, who hoe been adjudged a Bank' upt upon Liu own petition by the Oistrict Court of cold DiStriet. JAMES W. LATTA, Aasignee, RP131.11 No. 128 South Sixth 'Wont., To the creditors of the above named Bankrupt. TERS TESTAMENTARY TO THE Es.r vrE OF I_4 HENRY . 1, BRINGER. &conned, were grtuted to lite Executors; nil persons indebted to the Entnto will make plum ont,and all claims will he present.' d for nettloment to 'l'. T. DERlbltiElt, Acting Executor, 114 South Third nt,, second floor. 111'8-m 6to LETTERS TESTAMENTAIi.Y - 1.1.9.V1NG g E PEEN granted to the subscriber neon tho Estate of WA ki.I.WIIII3ERGER, &ceased, all persons indebted to' tho same will make tlayment, and those having claims pro net them to WM. VOGUES, JA6l.liiS 111e1LVALN E. Ex venters, No 128 South Sixth street. ap:20.11)60 m a. DR. JOHN M. FINE'S DENTAL ROOMS, No. 210 Vino street.—Thirtyyeare? practice, and ' 4351512 ! ) , one of thetoldest establlthed Dentists in the city. Ladies beware of cheap dentistry. We are receiving calls weekly from those that have been impesed upon: end are making new sets for them. For beautiful. Wei like teeth, and neat and substantial work, our prices are ix ore reasonable than any Dentist ha the' city. , Teeth plugged, teeth repaired, exchanged, or remodeled to suit. Nitrous Oxide Hee and Ether always on band. To save time and money, give us a call before engaging otso• where. No charge unless satisfied. Best of refer.: uce. . • alle,tu,tu.dat PI E DIU A L• DENTILSTILY. From our late Editions of Saturday. By the Atlantic. relegraph: • , • LONDON, April 25th, Evening.—Further partac 'stars of the attempted assassination of Prince Alfred have been received. Fanoll,a Fenian, shot Dim in the back on March 12th, and the ball was Fj extracted on the 14th. He was doing well, but would be sent home. MADRID, April 25.—The Spanish Cabinet is completed. Beida is re-appointed Minister of , 1 Marine. LoNnoN, April 25.—Earl Kimberly has been appointed Governor of the Hudson Bay Corn pony. Gladstone publishes a Gard denying in a lump a host of personal charges. BERLIN, April 25th.--Blemarck says the loss of ,) the dent bill will stop ship and fort building. '., The army reduction begins on May Ist. From St. Br. Loins, April 25.—Senator Yates has writ ten a letter addressed to the people of Illinois, f:; acknowledging the substantial truth of the criti cism passed upon him by the press of that State, but declaring that their statements are exaggera ted• Be apologizes tor hAd conduct without re• serve or defence; declines positively to,resiv.n, but promises to reform at once, and do 1116 duty s' hereafter free front the besetting sin which has dragged him down, The U. S. Grand jury yesterday found bills against several members of the ring. No names are yet known, but it is underaood that several prominent citizens and one or two Gov ernment officials are involved. Bishop Hawks wee buried yesterday With im pressive ceremonies. Bishop Whitehouse, of flimols, Bishop Lee, of lowa, Bishop Vail, of Kansas, and a number of clergymen from abro:24 were present. The fire broke out afresh yesterday among the 1- ruins of tho conflagration of Thursday morning. The Treasury Department. WAsiiiN(.los, April 25.—Fractional currency issued for the wesk, 07,000; do. shipped to ac count Treasurer at New York, 8200,000; do. do. Philadelphia, $200,000; do. U. S. Depository, Buf falo, $35.090; do. do., Pittsburgh. 460,000; do National Banks, ]49,988; Securities held for cir culating notes, $3.11.913,.100; do. do. deposits of public money, e88.277;930; National Bank cur rency issued, $120,930; total to date, e 367,41.3,231. To be deducted—mutilated bills returned,'- 61)3.427; do. notes of insolvent bank redeemed, $52'2,204; actual circulation at this date, $299,797,- G 00; fractional currency redeemed and destroyed, $539,460. Ship News. NEW YORK, April '2s.—Arrlved—Steamer Vir loin, from Liverpool I M d for tr 3 I eSn S Lletin PUt MABELIO-lark Roanoke, Dtrit—Vri bap coffee 11413 hides John Dallett do TRINIDAD—Behr U Adams, Adams-4 l hhds ram ZO tes do bdo W Welsh. MILOVENIrw"---- 111LW41,119 OW MEAN TO ARRIVE. RUM 7ELO/1 Fos DAILTII Atalanta. ..... ..... 21..0nd0n-New Y0rk.......... April 4 ',manhunt ' Liverpool-Now York ..... ....April si Bova ........ ..... ,• .filwigow..New York. April 4 City of Cork Liverpoil-New Y0rk...........April II Vila de Pa.ll/1.. .... - ....11reet..New York. ~...... A pril II Siberia Liverpool..N York via lsooton.April 14 ilermovn..... .Sopthanapton.:New York. .April 14 (lly of Baltimore..Liverpool_New Y0rk.....„ ... April 15 3 ava.................Liverp001.. Ne w York April 14 Bellona. . . ..... - .... ..bondon..New Y0rk..........April ll! hew York......Houthamoton..Now York - ..... ...Aprlll.4 City of Boston. ....Liverpool.New Y0rk..........April .12 Enn. . Liverpool.. Nlew York ..........April 22 China. ..,..Liverponl..New York. :April 25 TO D LTA RT. Star of the ljnion-rtiVadoVa..N. 0. via liavana-April 21 Stars and Sirloin..* .Philioi`a..flitvans....... ...... April 24 04 mania. ... ...... New Y0rk..11nr0bure...........April 2 ,- ; 5c0tia........... -New York.. Liverpool.... ..... _AKA 29 In lneeroita __New York. _Liverpool.. ...... Aprll2:i, Aleppo New York ..Liverpool. April So He. mann._ • ...... .New York ..8remen............ April :al )x.e10......--.-..New York-Havana &nil F.O Ville do Paris.. ...New 'York..Havre %Inc 2 France.. -. .. ...New York ..Liverpool May 2 City of Cork. New York..Liverli'lviallalifax.Moy 2 10w5......... ..... ..New York. Jilrirgov.• May 2 Virginia . New York ..Liverpool May 2. • City of Baltiruore.New York,..Llverpool. ... ....... .51av 2 Atalanta - ----New York ..L0nd0n......... ..... May 9 l'e,i , r .............New Y OrK ~ Pi erre. -.- ... ...:.May 2 A to , trian Portlxnd..Liv ,, rpool.... ....... VI ay 2 Fulton.... \OM York..AciAnwalL Stay E. Germania New York-hamburg May S BOA RD OF TRADE. P. C. Ng ccA 5 , 1 N. 1 PRICE El II EMIL, Mowniur Homialrree. WABWNGTON BUTCHER., MARINE BULLETIN. PORT OF PEOLADELFRIA,--Aratz. juirßlstisor , Elmt BETn. d 5 , 3 WArris. 5 31 ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Ship Michigan (Br,. Whelan, 7d days from Liverpool, with todee to Peter Wright 6,,1 4 4 `.4./1144.. Ilsrk Roanoke (Br), Davis. 14 days from Porto Cab2llo, with coffee and hides to John Doliett Co. Fehr 3 S. A L C Adorns. Adams. 14 days from Trinidad with togar to 8 k W %Web. Seta Sew. I. Bennett. 2 days from Indian River, with lumber to Collins St Co. A Ritivcri ON SATURDAY. Steamer Saxon, Boggs, 45 hours from Boston, with md-e and vose,..pgcr sto IX Winsor e: Co. Steamer Diamond State,Webb,l3 hours from Baltimore, with I. dee to It Poster. Steamer Mayflower. llohinsom24 hours from New York, with r u ler to w M Baird A: Steamer Philadelphia. e ults. 4 floors Irmo New York, with Hideo to W P Clyde et: Co. :Steamer New York. Jouts, front Washington, with indge, Vt W P Clyde k. Co. 'Reenter Taconv. Nichols. 24 hours from New Yo.k, with mdse to \V M Baird k t'o. etentoer S C Walker. Sherin. 21 hours from NeW York. with mdse to W M Baird Co. Steamer t la , uo nt. Carr. front Richmond and Norfolk, ith mdse. to W P Clyde k Co. Steam. r Concord. Gorman. 21 home from New York, mdse to NV M Baird At Co. Fehr Martha M Davie ' /AMP. 2 days from Milford, DeL with grain to .18.4 Barrett Behr n It wihmo. Itarri. Belem. S. hr Jas Martin, Baker, Providence. Behr .1 11 Bartlett. Darns. Boston. Schr F. A Conkliug, Daniels. Boston. Tog Clyde. Duncan. from Baltimore. with a tow of barges tow P Clyde et Co. Tug 'I hoe Jefferson, Allen, from Baltimore, with a tow of bargee to W P Clyde & Co. CLEARED ON SATURDAY, Steamer Union, Carolan, Liverpool, E A wonder k. Co. Steamer Tonawanda, Jennings, Savannah. Philadelphia and Southern Mail 55 Co. Steamer Romans Baker.`Boston. II Wingor 6: Co. Steamer Norfolk. Vance. Richmond, W P Clyde k Co. Steamer Bruitette, Howe. Now York, John h Uhl. Steamer F Franklin. Pierson. Baltimore, A. Grove... Jr. Steamer Decatur, Young, Baltimore, Reuben Foster. Steamer O Ii Stout, Ford, Washington, W P Clyde S. Co. Bark Lizzie tt Jackson, I.fitrwiek, Rotterdam, Warren Gregg- Bark Amelia, McDonald, Gibraltar for orders, C C Van 'Dorn. fichr If A Sawyer, Reed. Boiton, Caldwell. Gordon dr Co. Behr Re ad Bit No 41. Reed, New Lindon, SinnielreondrOo. Behr Mail, Merrill. Providence, Aodeorted, Norton o; Co. t hr B C Noyet, Bradley, Newhuryport, do Behr Delaware, Fielder, Tompkia ,,, Cove, Vaa Wien & Brother. Behr Zeyla. Crowell. Providence, John Rommel. Jr. Igehr .1 U Bartlett, Harris, New London, do f3chr E . A Conlillia, Mulch, Provideace, Blakiaton, Graeff & Co Tug 'lhoe Jefferson, Allen, for, Baltimore. , with a tow of harem W P Clyde & Co. Tug Clj de, Duncan, do do DIEMORANDA. Ship Isaac Joules, Boyling. from Nanaimo for Callao, was below San Francisco Ild inst. Steamer Wyoming, To/Mailed from Savannah 25tteitu3t. for this port Steamer Hermann (Brem), Wenke from Bremen 11th in. and Southampton 14th, at New fork yesterday. Sttatuer Belgiati, Trocks, sailed from Portland 25th MM. for Lion pool. Ste truer Teutonia, Kier, at New York 25:11 lost. from Bambara. Steamer Cordova. (Br), Couch, cleared at New York 95th hut. for London. Steamer Lodona, Hovey. cleared at Now York 25th i. t for i aVILDIEL• Steamer Gen Washington, Gager, clewed at New York 116th bast for New oilcans. nu , , mor Europa (Br), Craig, cleared at New York 25th inst for Glasgow. Bark Deborah Pennell. at Havana 18th inst. chartered for this port via Ca ibarien, 1000 hints at $9 each. Bank John hlathues (Br), LoughU.n, cleared at NOw York 24th Met. for St Jag' do Cuba. Brig Five Brothers, Tburlow, hence at Key West 18th instant. Brig Mineola, Wright, henco for. Thomaston. at Holmes' Hole .230 lust. Brig Coo Burnham. at Havana 18th inst. chartered for this port alms Sagas, 600 hilds molasses at or 110 galls. Brig &villa, at Havana 18th Mat chartered tor this port vi. ( tat demur 200 laid, molasses at $5 75 each. Brie Geo den s e, Vinalliaven for this port, tat New I..toslon 224 lust Bchr Archer & Hoene. Foster, hence Itt 11 , 33 , West Itith hiptuet.. Schr J B White. Bolles, hence at Mystic, Ct. 2.3t1 inst. Hchr II W 11-nedlet, l:11180, hence at N London 23d lust. Behr W Byer; Tayl or, hence at Fall River 22d inst. Behr J Lancaster, Williams. hence at Bristol 23d inst. Behr Flar,di Oat k Griffin. hence at Fall River 224 inst. liar 13 0 Terry, W elver, hence at Providence 24th last. belie American Eagle, nhaw. & Corson, and II Croekey, Hackett,' Hailed from 'Providence 24th Instant for this_ port. Behr Wm Thompson, Nickerson, from Providence, at Bristol 234 inst. for this Dort, after going on the marine railway. Saw C & Q Brooke, Brooks, hence at Pawtucket 24th jukfint. . _ -Behr / 1 1 D Finney, Towneend, at New (Means 20th fast, from gay setup W 11 Mahler. Month, for dila port, and leFrazior. Steelman. for New York, cleared at Wiltrdnaton, NC. 23d i tent. Behr Florence, Sondem, cleared at Baltimore 24th hlat. tortilla nort: Bohr Virginity Price, Blanchard. at Wilenin&n, NC. 2.9.1 Met, liam New York. 13chra C B Edwards, Coreon, for this port, and WI, Sol iugA. Willard, for, Now York. were loading at Wil mington, NC 23d itot. ISchr Franceo, Gibbs, hence at Belfast, Mo. 19th inst. Bohm Oliver Amee, French,and John n Detwiler, Graoo. *ailed from (Amleaton yesterday for this port, CITY ORDINANCES. COMMON cOUNOIL OF PHILADELPHIA, C LEEK'S 0 I CE, , PHILADELPHIA, April 10, 1868. In accordance with a resolution adopted by the common Council of the city of Philadelphia on Thurptlay, the ninth day of April, 1868, the an nexed bill, entitled "Au OnDirutricic, creating a loan rex the extension of the Water Works, the purchase of League Island, and for building an lee Boat," is hereby published for public information. JOHN ECKBTEIN, Clerk of Common Council. AN ORDO7ANCE creating a loan for the extension of the Water Works for the purchase of League Island, and for building an Ice Boat. SmiroN I. The Select and Common Councils of the city of Philadelphia do ordain, That the Mayor of Philadelphia be and he is hereby autho rized to borrow, at not less than par, on the credit of the city, from time to time, one million six hundred and forty thousand dollars, to, be applied as follows, viz.: First—For the farther extension of the Selater Works, one million dol lars. Necond—For the purchase of League Island and property on the back channel opposite thereto, four hundred and eighty thousand dol lars. Third—For building an Ice Boat, one hun dred and sixty thousand dollars; for which in terest, not t.• exceed the rate of six per cent. per annum, shall be paid half-yearly, on the first days of January and July, at the office of the City vagirer. The principal of said loan shall be payable and paid at the expiration of thirty years from the dal.e of the saute, and not before, without the consent of the holders thereof; and the certificates therefor, in the usual form of the certificates of city loan, shall be issued in such amounts as the lenders may require, but not for any fractional part of one hundred - dollars, or if required in amounts of five hundred or One thou sand dollars; and it shall be expressed in said cer tificates that the loan therein mentioned and the interest thereof are payable free from all taxes. fiEc. 2. Whenever any loan shall be made by virtue thereof. there•shall be, by force of this ordi nance, annually appropriated out of the income of the corporate estates, and from the sum raised by taxation, a sum sufficient to pay the interest on said certificates ; and the further sum of three tenths of one per centum on the par value of such certificates, so issued, shall be appropriated quar terly out of said income and taxes to a sinking fund; which fund, and its accumulations, are hereby especially pledged for the redemption and payment of said certificates. lIKEOLUTTON TO PUBLISII A LOAN WILT Resdred, That the Clerk of Common Council be authorized to publish in two daily newspapers of this city, daily, for four weeks, the ordinance presented to the Common Council on Thursday, April fith, 1868, entitled "An Ordinance creating a loan for the extension of the Water Works, for the purchase of League Island, and for buildirm an Ice Boat " And the said Clerk, at the stated meeting of CouncifS, after the expiration of four weeks from the first day of said publication, shall present to this Council one of each of said news papers for every day in which the same shall have been made. upll-21t liklIrrlEICFP GUIDE. For Boston ---Steamship Line Direct. SAILING FROM EACH PORT EVERY EWE DAYS. FROM PINE STREET. PHILADELPHIA. AND L(..)NC , WHARF, BOSTON. CMThis line is composed of the flrst•clasi Steamihsps, itOITIAN, 1,453 tone, Captain O. Baker. SAXON, 1,2 N tone, Captain F. M. 13 , Yive. NO II ;11A N. 1,21.3 tone, Captain Crewel). The SA XI /ti, from Phila.. or Thursday, April at. IC A.M. Tbo N GILMAN. from Botton.WednerdaY. April :19,3. P.M. These Steamships rail punctually, and Freight will ht received every day, a Steamer being always on the berth Freight Or points beyond Boston gent with deepatcb. For Freight or Passage (superior accommodations) apply to HENRY WI•NSOR k CO., tr, y3l EC South Delaware avenue. PHILADELPIIIA AND tiOUTLIERN MAIL E B EDP COMPANY'S lIEDITLAS sat STEAMSHIP N FITOM - fiER 18 SOUTH WHARVES. The STAR OF THE UNION will rail FOR NEW ORLEANS, VIA HAVANA, Saturday, May 2, at 8 o'clock A. M. The JUNIATA will tall FROM NEW ORLEANS,VIA HAVANA, • The WYOMING will rail FOR SAVANNAIL on Saturday. Mayat 8 o'clock A. M. The TONA WANDA will call FROM SAVANNAH, on Saturday, May 2. The PIONEER will rail FOR WILMINGTON. N. C., Thureday, May 7, at 5 o'clock P. M. 1 hrotigh Bald of Lading rigned, and Plumage Tickets sold to all paints South and Wo,t. WILLIAM L JAMES, General Agent, CHARLES E. OILERS. Freight Ag , 'rlt, not No. 314 South Delaware avenue PIIMADELPIIIA. RICHMOND ANDINOE , teal, FOLK BTEAMSHIP LINE. - THROUGH FREIGHT AIR LLNE TO THE SOUTD AND WEST. EVERY SATURDAY, At Noon, from FIRST WHARF above MARKET Ozeot. THROUGH . RATER and THROUGH RECEIPTS to all points in North and South Carolina via Seaboard Air- Line Railroad. connecting at Portsmouth and to Lynch. burg, Va., Tennersee and the Wee, via Virginia and Tennessee Air• Line and Richmond and Danvilleitailroad. Freight HANDLED ONCE. and taken at LOWER B.A'i ES THAN ANY OTHER•LINE. The regularity, safety and cheapness of this route corn: mend it to the public as the most desirable medium for carrying every description of freight No charge for commission, drayage, or any expanse traveler. Steamships (mare at lowest rates. Freight rece4ved DAILY. WY. P. CLYDE & 14 North and Booth Whiuvoa. W. P. PORTER, Alet at Richmond and City Point. T. P. CitUWELL Agoutis at Norfolk. felt! HAVANA STEAMERS. • ij SEMI-MONTHLY LINE. The Steamships HENDRICK HUDSON Capt Howes STARS AND STRIPES..... . . . .... .Capt. Holmes These steamers will leave thi s iV . rt for Havana every other Tuesday at 8 A. M. The steamship STARS AND STRIPES, If olmes,marter, will call for Havana on Tuesday morning, April 28th. at 8 o'clock. Passage to Havana, $BO, currency.. No freight received after Saturday For freight or passag_e, apply to THOMAS WATTSON ar BONS. au2o 140 North Delaware avenue. NOTICE. FOR NEW YORK, Via Delaware and Raritan Canal. EXPRESS STEAMBOAT COMPANY. The Stearn Propellers of the Lino will commence load. ing on SATURDAY, flet inst., leaving Daily, as mutt 'FIIROUGIII IN '2.4 HOURS. Goode forwarded by all the Lines going ont of Now York—North. 1 aet and West—free of comudepion. Freight received at our usual low rates., WM. P. CLVDE k CO , 14 South Wharves, Philadelphia. JAS./ 'BAND, A gent, 104 Wall street, New York. mhlfLtf§ Georgetown a me nd W N a ET in O g t A on L . E XD., RLiia. Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, with con nectione at Alexandria from the most direct route for Lynchburg. Bristol. Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton and the Southwest. Steamers leave regolarly from the ant wharf abov Market street. every Saturday at noon. Freight received daily. WM. P. CLYDE W h at. 14 North and South es. J. 13. DAVIDSON, Agent at Georgetown. M. ELDEIDGE es CO., Agents at Alexandria. Via admix. fel-ti FOR LIVERPOOL.—THE FULL POWERED Irma Screw Steamship Union, %WO tons bur. then, classed A. 1. at Lloyds, C. Carolan. Commander, now loading at Pier 49, South wharves. will have immediate despatch, having the greater portion of her cargo engaged. For freight or passage apply to E. A. SOLIDER & CO. apB•tf 8 Dock street wharf. NOTICE—FOIt NEW YORK. VIA Delaware and Raritan Canal—Swifteure Tranaportatiou Company—Despatch and Bwiftsure Linea—The boldness by these Linea will bore awned on and after the 19th of March, For Freight, whichill be taken on accommodating tonna apply to Wld. M 13AIRD cli C0.,132 South Wharves. [11111194f DELAWARE AND CHESAPEAKE Steam Tow. Boat Company.—Barget towed bet Ween Philadelphia, Baltimore, Havre-de.Grace, Delaware City and intermediate points. WW. P. CLYDE dc CO., Agents. Capt. JOHN LAUGH. LIN, Sup't Office, 14 S. Wharves, Phila. IIAUTION.—ALL PERSONS ARD HEREBY FORBID harboring or trusting atm of the crew of the Prussian bark "Meta." baulks. master as no debts of their con tracting will be paid by captain or consignees. WORK. MAN & Cis., 103 Walnut street. ap11,5-61 NOTICE.—ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY CAU- Honed against trusting any of the crc v of the British back Kathleen WILLIAMS, Master, from Liverpool, as no debts of thtir contracting will he paid by sither the Captain or Consignees. PETER WRIGHT & SONS, 115 Walnut trreet,. apla tf CiWA - 1. - A14116 - WiioD. REUBEN HAAS, A. C. FETTEILM Tj AAS di FETTER, COAL DEALERS. IA N. W. CO.ft. NINTH AND JEFFERSON 5T.3., Keep on band a constant supply of LEHIGH and SCHUYLKILL COALS:from the beet Mines, for Family, Factory, and Roam Purposes. anti 13, F RECK'S CELEBRATED CENTRALIA. HONEY BROOK LEHIGH AND OTHER FIRIST.CLA SS COALS WEIGHT AND QUALITY GUARANTEED. SCOTT & 'CARRICK, fe2o-Bxn la4ti MARKET STREET. B. MASON BINE& JOAN V. 131184.17_, OBE UNDERSIGNED INVITE ATTENTION TO their etock of Spring Mountain, Lehigh and Locust Mountain Coal, which, u ith the preparation given by us, we think caimot be excelled by any other Coal. Office, Franlclin institute Building, No. 15 S. Seventh etiviet. HI ES & dREAF Arch street .wb art, NE* CROP ARABIAN DATEB.--tn MNITS, FINE -1-1 quality, landing and for sale by JON , B. BUSSIEIt Ca, lee Bouth Delaware avenue. ThE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.--PIIILADELPHIA, MONDAY, APRIL 27,1868: QUICKEST TIME ON RECORD. litbr 1111r111 HOURS to CINVMA_TL _via ENNEYLVA. NIA" RAILROAD AND PAN m.:4, OLE. 21.4 IHOUNII loss TIME than by COMPETING LINEB. PASEO/OEIIB takier the 8.00 P. M. TRAIN arrive in CINCINNATI next EVENING at 9.56 P. Bt., 28 SOURS. ONLY ONE NIGHT on the ROUTE. wir THWODRIFF'S celebrated Palace State Room BLE GAMER run through from PHILADEL NBA to CIN 'INNATL Paecengera taking the Moe M. and 11.00 P. M. Trains reach CINCINNATI and all Points WEST and SOUTH ONE TRAIN IN ADVANCE of all other Router. Paceengere for CINCINNATI, IND4NAPOLIS, ST. LOUIS, CAIRO, CHICAGO, PEORIA, BURLING. TON. QUINCY, MILWAUKEE, T. PAUL.. OMAHA, N, T. and all pointe WEST. NORTHWEST and SOUTH. WEST, will be particular t ask for TICKETS W . Via 'PAN-HANDLE ROUTE. tarTo SECURE the UNEQUALED advantages of this LINE, ho VERY PARTICULAR and ASK FOR TICKETS "Via PAN.HANDLE," at TICKET OFFICES. N. W. CORNER NINTH and CHESTNUT Streets, NO. 116 MARKET STREET, bet, Second and Front Sta. And TIIIRTY.FIRST and MARKET Street ,West S. F. SCULL, Gang Ticket Agt, Pittsburgh. JOll IL MILLER, Gen'l Eaet'n Agt,s2d Broadway,N.Y. i ff t... l3 READING RAILROAD.- GREAT TRUNK LINE from Phila. delphia to the Interior of Penneylva nla, the Schuylkill, Suequehanna, Cumberland and Wyoming Valleys, the North, Northwest and the (Jana das, Winter Arrangement of l'aetenger Trains, Nov. 18, Pall, leaving the (a rnpany's Depot, Thirteenth and Cal low bill street, Philadelphia., at the following hours. MORNING ACCOMMODATIONS.-At 7.20 A. M. for Reading and all intermediate Stations, and Allentown. Returning. leaves Wading at 6.20 P. M., arriving in Philadelphia at 9.10 P. M. MORNING EXPRESS.-At 8.15 A. M. for Reading, Le banon, Itarrlaburg, Pottaville, Pine Grove, Tamaqua, Sunbury, .Williarnsport,Elmit a, Rocheater,Niagara Falba .Buffalo. Wilkesbarre, Pittston, York, Carliele, Cham berelfurg, II aparatown. arc. The 7./10 train connect. at Reading with the East Penn sylvania Railroad tretillfs far Allentown, tic., and tho 8.15 A.M. counects with ti e Lebanon Valley train for liarrieburg, arc. ; at Port Clinton With Catawisea R.R. trains for Williamepora Lock Haven, Elmira, cac. ; at Harrisburg with Northern Central. Cumberland Valley, aria Schuylkill and Suequehannatraine for Northumber landWilliameport, 'Y rk,Chambereburg, Pinegrove. AI t TERNi ON EXPRESS.-Leaves Philadelphia at 3.30 P. M. for Reading, Pottaville, Harrisburg. ate., connect. lug with heading and Columbia Railroad trains for Col. urnhia tic. PfYITSTOWN ACCOMMODATION.-Leaves Potts- town at 6.40 A.M. stopping at intermediate stations; at rives in Philadelphia at 9.05 A. M. Returning leaves Phi. ladelphia at 5.00 P. M. arrives in Pottstown at 7.05 P. hi. READING ACCOMMODATION-Leaves Reading at 7.30 A. M., atm:gang at all way stations; arrives in Phila daintily. at 10.16 A. AL Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 4.00 P. AL ; arrives in Reading at 6.45 P. M. Tsarina for Philadelphia leave Harrisburg at 8.10 A. M. and Potteville ' 8.45 A. arriving in Philadelphia at 1.00 P. hi. Afternoon traineleave Harrisburg ai 2.10 P.M., and Pottsville at 2.46 P. AL; arriving at Philadelphia at 6.45 P. M. Harrisburg accommodation leaves Reading at 7.15 A. M. and Harrisburg at 4.10 P. M. Connecting at Reading with Afternoon Accommodation south at 6.30 P. IL, arriving in Philadelphia at 9.1 U P. M. Market train, with a l'azenger car attached,. leaves Philadelthia 12.4 a noen foa 'attevlile and all Nl, ay Sta tions,: leaves Potteville at 7 it for Philadelphia and all Way Stations. All the above trains ran daily, Sundays excepted. Sunday trains leave Pottaville at 8.00 A. AL, and Phila. delphis a gt 3.16 P. M.; leave Philadelphia for Reading at 0.00 A. M. returning tram Reading at 4.25 P. M. CIIFSTER VALLEY ItAILP.OAD.-Passengers for Downingtown and intermediate points take the 7.30 aa.M. and 4.00 P. M. train from Philadelphia, returning from Downingtown at 6.30 A. A& and lay M NWsV YORK EXPRESS. FOR PIT'FSBURGII. AND FILE WEST.-Leaves New York at 9A. It.. 5.00 and 8.00 P. 11., passing Reading at 1 A. al., 1.50 and 10.10 P. M., and connect at tsar burg with Penmylvania and Northern Central Railroad Express Trains for Pittsburgh, Chicago, Williamsport, Llnsira. Baltimore. &a. Returning, E ann.'s's a rain leaves Harrisburg, on arrival f l'enneylvania 'Exprest from Pittsburgh. at 3 and 5.25 A. 9.35 P. AL. passing Reading at 4.49 and 7.101 A. 51 and 11.40 P. M., arriving at New ork 10.10 and 11.45 A.M.. ~nd 5.0 a 1'.51. Sleeping Care accompanying these trains through between Jersey City and Pittsburgh. without change. Mail train for New York leaves Harrisburg at 8 lu A. M. irid ltd P. M. 'Mail train forßuniehurg leaves New York at 12 Noon. aCitUNLICILL VALLEY RAILROAD--Traine leave Pottsville at a:$(1, 11,10 A. M. and 7.15 P. lif , aneturaing from Tamaqua at 7. 35 A. M. and 1 40 and 4.35 P. Al. 15121.112YLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAlLROAD ['rains: leave inborn at 7.a5 A. M. for Pinegrove and Liar. rieburg, and at 1345 P M. for Pinegrove and Tremont; re. turning front Harrisburg at 3.55 P. M., and from Tremont it 7.40 A. M. and faab P. M. TICKETS.-Through first-class tickets and emigrant tickets to all the principal points in the North and West and'Earedas. Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to Reading and intermediate Stations., good for day only, are cold by Morning AecomModation, Market Trail', Reading and Pottatown Accommodation Trains at reduced rates. Excursion 'I ickete to Philadelphia, good for day only, are sold at Reading and Inter edtate Stations by Read. ing and yottatcwia Accommodation Trains at reduced rafta. The following tickets are obtainable only at the Office of S. Bradford, Treasurer, No. 221 South Fourth street. Philadelphia, or of G. A. Nicole, General Superintendent Reuling. Commutation Ticket, at a 5 per cent discount, between any points dt sired, for f amilieu and tirme. Mileage Tickets, good for 2 ear mike, between all points at afal bo each, Ibr tamilies and Srtne. Season Tickets , , for three, six, nine or twelve months, for holders only, to all points at reduced rates. Clergyman residing on the line of the road will be far. niched with cards, entitling themselves and wives to tickets at half fare. Ex curtion Tickets from Philadelphia to principal et tions„ good for Saturday, amia': and Nienday, at reduced fare, to he hod only at the Ticket Cilhce, at Thirteenth and Cello.s hilt streets , . I-TEI(111T.- Goods of all deacriptione forwarded to all the above points from the Company's New Freight Depot. Broad and Willow streets. Freight Trains leave Philadelphia daily at 5.30 A. If., 12.46 noon, and 6 P. M., for Reading, Lebanon, Harrisburg, l'etty villa, Port Clinton, and all points beyond. Mails close at the Philadelphia Port-Offica for all places on the road and its branches at 5 A. aL, and for the prin cipal Stations only at 115 P. ht.• --------- PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL Railroad. Winter Time.— Taking eifeet Jan. '.).oth, 1569 The trains of the Poscsylvaula Central Railroad leave the Depot, at Thirty.firet and Market streets, which is reached directly by the care of the Market Street Passenger hallway, the let car connecting w Ph each train. leaving Front and Market strestc thirty niinittes before its , departure. Phu-e of the Chestnut and Walnut Street Railway run within one square of the Depot. ON SUNDAYS —The Market Street Care leave Front and Market streets 35 minutes before the departure of each train. Sleeping Car 'rickets can be had on application at the Ticket Oince, Northwest corner of Ninth and Chestnut streets, and at the Depot. Agents of the Union 'rransferComPany will Call Tor and deliver Baggage at the Depot. Orders left. at No. 901 Chest• nut street: No. 116 Market street, will receive attention. TRAINS LEAVE DEPOT, VIZ.: Mail Train. .... . . ........ — B.OOA. AL Paoli A ccommudaliou Ko. 1 10.00 A. M. Fast Line .at 12.00 M. Erie Express.. ....... ....... . 12.00 M. yordi Accom. Nos. 2, 3 &. 4 . I:00.6.00 dr. 10 30 P. M. Harrisburg Accommodation ' at 2.30 P. M. Lancaster A cc0mm0dati0n............ ......... at 4.00 P. M. Parksburg Train. at 5.0) P. M. Cincinnati Express. . at 8.00 P. M. Erie Mail at 11.15 P. M. Philadelphia Express . . .at 11.15 P. M. Accommodation... . . ..... ........ . . .. ... 11.30 P. M. Erie Mail leaves daily, except Saturday. Philadelphia Express leaves daily. All other trains daily, except Sunday. The Western Accommodation Train rams daily, except Sunday. For this train tickets-trust be procured and baggage delivered by 5.00 P. M., at 116 Market street. TRAINS ARRIVE AT DEPOT, VIZ: Cincinnati Express 1.35 A l M. .... . . ........ 7.10 Paoli A ccom. No. 1.. Parksburg Train......... ..... ...... " 9.10 " Erie Mail . ... . . . " 9.35 Fast Line. . . ... " 9.35 " Lancaster Train " Ili) P. M. Eric Express Paoli Accora. . • ..... . 4.11i& 7.10 " Day Express at 6.20 Harrisburg Accom..... . ...... . . ........ ...... " 9.50 " For further information, apply to JOAN C. ALLEN, Ticket Agent, 901 Chestnut street. FRANCIS FUNK, Agent, 116 Market street. SAMUEL H. WALLACE, Ticket Agent at the Depot. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not assume any risk for Baggage, except for wearing apparel. and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars in value. All Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, unless taken bypecial contract. EDWARD H. WILLIAMS, General Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAILROAD—WINTER TIME TA BJt—Through_ and Direct Route be tween Philadelphia, 11 tigore,__Harrisherg, gliete;rndatte Groat d aPl el i ns. renwYlvanla. Megan On and atter MONDAY, Nov. 25th, 1867, the Trains on tho Philadelphia and Erie Railroad will run as follows : WESTWARD. Milli Train leaves ........ P. M. 4 14 arrives at Erie.....„, .......... 500 P. M. Fade Expels leaves Philadelphia 1200 Noon. • Williamsport-- 8. 60 P. Ai. " arrives at Erie 9.45 A. M. Minim Mail leaves Philadelphia......... ....... 8.00 A. M. arrives at Dock 5 avßD.en ....... 7.45 P. M. _, EASTWA Mail Train leaves Erie. . • —10.05 A. M. .................11.55 P. m. arrives at ..... 8.55 A. M. erje Express leaves Erie.. .... .. ..... ........ 4.05 P. M. arrives at Philadelphia.... ...... 1.00 P. M. Elmira Mail leaves Lock Haven .......7.10 A. H. arr. at Philadelphia ........... .... 6.10 P. M. Mail and Express connect with all trains on Warren and Franklin Railway. Passengers leaving Philadelphia at 1200 M. arrive at Irvington at 6.40 A. K, and Oil City at 9.60 A. M. Leaving Philadelphia at 11.16 P. M., arrive at Oil City at 4.55 P. M. All trains on Warren and Franklin Railway make close connections at 011 City with trains for franklin and Petroleum Centre. Baggage checked through; ALFRED L. TYLER, •tt General Sunarintendent gamCAMDEN AND ATLANTIC HUI" ROAD. WINTER ARE &NORM - ENT% On and after Thursday. October Mat. 1887. trains will kayo Vine Street Ferry daily (Sundays excepted): Mail and Freight..., - . .... . ............ 7.80 A. X Atlantic Accommodation.. . 8.45 P. Bf. Junction Accommodation to Atco and Enter• mediate dation& . .... P. M. RETURNINO, A:TU*110: Atlantic Acc0mm0dati0n.............. •.. • ... • • 115 A. M. Mail and Freight.t ....112.60 M Junction Accommodation ......... &SO A. M. Haddonfield Accommodation will leave Vine Street Ferry.................... 10.15 A. M, SIP P. M. Haddonfield. ...... ..... t __Loo P. M. A _&ll5 P. M. 003041111 D. diIINDIG dung TRAVEt•ERS• GUIDE THE PAIN-BINDLE ROUTE. TRAVELERS , GVIDE• NORTH P . 'NNSI LVANIA it. & THE MIDDLE ROUTE.—ahortetet and most direct line to Bethlehem. Easton, Allentown. Mauch Chunk, Hazleton. White Haven, Wilkesbarre.Mahaney City,hit. Carmel, Pittston, Sera nion,Carbondale and all the points In the Lehigh and Wyoming Coal regions. Passenger Depot in Philadelphia, H. W. corner Of Berke and American streets. SPRING ARRANGEMENT—ELEVEN DAILY TRAINS —On and after MONDAY. APItIL illh, 18613, Past ganger Tiainn leave the Now Depot, corner of Becks and American streets, daily (Sundays excepted) as follows: M.—Accommodation At 6.45 A. for Port Washington. At 7.41 A. M.—Morning Express for Bethlehem and Principal Stations on North Pennsylvania Railroad, con necting at ghthlehem with Lehigh Valley and Lehigh and husquehanna Railroads for Easton, Allentown. Cala, eauqua.tilatington, Mauch Chunk. Weatherly, .1 eaneaville, Hazleton, White Haven, Wilkes barrel, Kingston, Pittston, Scranton, Carbondale, and all points In Le higg I nil Wyoming Valleys:also, in connection with Le his and Mahanoy Railroad for Mahanoy City, and with Catawis. a Railroad for Rupert, Danville, Milton and Wil liamsport. Arrive at Mauch Chunk at 12.05 A. M. ;at Wllkeabarre at 3 P.M.; Scranton at 4 05 P. M,; Maim. noy efts sir 2P. M. Passengers by this train can take the Lehigh Val ey '1 rain, passing Bethlehem at 11.55 A. M. for East- n and points on New Jersey Central Railroad to New Ye k. At 8.45 A M.—Accommodation for Doylestown, stop. ping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers for Willow Grove. Hatboro' and Hartsville, by this train. take Stage at Old York Road. At 10,15 A. M.—Accommodation for Fort Washington. stopping at intermediate Stations. At 1.45 P. M.—Lehigh Valiey Express for Bethlehem, Alli WORD, Mauch Chunk, 'White Haven Wilkesbarre, Mahanoy City, Centralia, Shenandoah, ~ Mt. Carmel, Pittston and Scranton. and all points in Mahanoy and Wyoming Coal Regions. At 230 21.--Aceounnodation for Doylestown, stopping at all intermediate 'stations. Passengers take stage at Doylestown for New Hope, and at North Wales for Sum neytown. At alb P. M.—Lehigh and Susquehanna Express for Battik-hi 111, Easton, Allentown, Munch (.hunk, Wilkes. barre and Scranton. Passengers for Greenville take this train to Quakertown A t 4.15 P. M.'—Aceonfrnodation for Doylestown, stopping at FLU intermediate stations. Passengers for Willow Grove, liatborough and Hartsville take stage at Abing tor At 5.20—Through accommodation for Bethlehem and all stations on main line of North Pennsylvania Rail road, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Even ing '1 rain for Easton, Allentown, Stanch Chunk. At 620 P. M.—Accommodation for Lansdale, stopping at all intermediate stations. At u.aoy_ M.--Accommodation for Fort Washington. .....• TRAINS ARRIVE IN PiIiLADELPUIA. From Bethlehem at 9.30 cud 11.45 A.. 4., 2 and 8.40 P. NE 11 96 A. M. and 2.00 P. M. Trains makes direct connec tion with Lei.ign Valley and Lehigh and Susquehanna twine from Easton, Scranton, Wilkeebarre, 51ahanoy City and Ilazieton. Passengers leaving Wilkesbnne at 1.20 P. M. connect at bethlehem at 6.15 P. 51., and arrive in Philadelphia at 8.90 P. M. From Doylestown at P.M A. M., 6.12 and 7.00 P. M. From Lansdale at 7.3 u A. M. From Fort Waahingtou at 2.30,1L0n 8. A. M. and 3.10 P. M. UN SUNDA Y Philadelphia for Bethlehem ai 9.30 A. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown nt 200 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7.20 A. M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 9.e0 P. 51. Fifth and Sixth streets Passenor Care convey Passen gers to and from the new Depot. White Care of Second and Third Streets Line and Union Line run within a abort distance of the Depot. Tickets mast be procured at the Ticket office, in order to secure the lowest rates.of fare. ELLIS CLARK. Agent Tickets sold and Baggage checked through to principal points, at Mann's North Penn. Baggage ExPresa Office , No. 106 Booth Fifth street. PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD— TIME TABLE.—Commencing Mon day, April 13th, 1.20), Trains will leave Depot, corner of Broad street and Washington avenue, as followa lA'ay-mail Train, at 5.30 A. ht. (Sund4ys excepted), for Baltimore, stopeing at all regular stations. Coneectlng witleDelar4 are Railroad at Wilmington for Crisfield and intermediate stations. Express train at 1341 M. (Sundays excepted) for Balt!. more and Washington, etopping at' W ilmington. POrry ville and Havre-de-Grace. Connects at Willa iugtou with train for New Cattle. Expresa Train at 3 50 P. M. (Sundays excepted), for Bal timore and Washington, etopping at Chester,Thurlow, Linwood, Claymont, Wilmington,N ewport,S tauten, New ark, Elktori,Northeast Charlestown, Peravville,Havre-de Grace, Aberdeen, Perryn)an's, Edgewood. Magnolia. Chase's and Stemmer's Run. Connects at Wilmiugton with Delaware Railroad Line, stopping at Nevi Castle, Middleton. Ciayton, Dover, Hamngton, Seaford. Bali .^.try, Princess Anne, and connecting at Crisfield with s tioat for Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, Portsmouth and the South. Night Express at MVO P. M. (daily) for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Perrvville and Havre de-Grace. Pas:image:a for t orue,. Monroe and Norfolk via Balti more will take the 12.00 51. Train. Via Crisfield will take the 3.1A1" M. train. Wilmington Trains. stopping at all stations between Philadelphia and Wilmington: LeaveThiltuaelphi a at 11 A 61.,,7 and 11.30 (daily) P. M. The 5.00 P. 51. train connects with the Delaware Railroad for Harrington and intermediate stations. Leave Wilmington 7 in and api A. M. (daily) and 1.30, 4.15 and 7.00 (daily) P. M. Tue 9.10 A. 51. Train will stop between !Chester and Philadelphia. From Baltimore to einiadolynio.-1 env() Baltimore 7.26 A. M., Way Mail. 9.40 A. 51.. Expense. 2.25 P. M., Ex. oreaa 636 P. 51., Express. 55 P. 5i,„ Express. SUNDAY TRAINS FROM BALTIMORE.—Leave Bal. timore at S 65 P. M. . stopping at Hawn do Grace, Perry vile and Wilmington. Aieo stops at North East, Elkton and Newark. to take passengers for Philadelphia, and leave passengers from Washington or Baltimore, and at Chester to leave passengers from Washington or Balti• more. Through tickets to all points Westilenth and Southweet may be procured at tickebotlice. EA Chestnut streetunder Continental Hotel, where also Stab.) Rooms and Berths in Sleeping-Care can be secured during the day. Persons puechaslng tickets at this office can have baggage checked at their residence by the Unto)! Tranefer .. Ccmiliany. H. I. KENNEY, Superintendent PHILADELPIIIA, GERMAN. .a.._lTON'il‘l,_ DNOIt It i STOWN RAH, ROAD TIME TAB LE.—On and after Wedneeday. May 1. 154:7. FOR (IERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia-6, 7. 6, 8.0.5, 10, 11, 12 A. M., L 2, 3.15, 3 i 5%, 6.10. 7, 6. 9. 10, 11, 12 l' Lave cermantown-6, 7, 73 8, 860. 9, 10,11. 12 A. M.; 2, a. 4. 4%, 6, 630 7,6, 10, 11 P. M. The 8.2 t) clown train, end the 3% and 5% up train, will not itop on the Cierm ON SantoatiUNDA Brandi. 16. Leave Philadelphia-9.15 minute:. A. M; 2,7 and 10%P.M. Leave Germantown--r. 10 A. M. •1, 6 and 9% P. M. CI ivsTNurr HILL 11A Leave Philadelphia-6, 8, lu, UA. Si.; 2,3%, 5%, 7.9 and 10 P. M. Leave Chestnut 11111-7.10 minutes, 8, 9.40 and 11.40 A. M.; 1 40. 3.40, 5.40. 6.40. 640 xud 10.40 I'. M. UN SUNDAYS Leave Philadelphia: - 5.15 miuuto A. M. 2 and 7P. 51• Leave Uheew t 11111-7.50 miuutee A. M.; 12.40. 5.40 and 9.251,111111.. e. P. M. FOR. CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. • Leave Philadelphia-6, 9. 11.05, A. M.; 114. 3,4 J, 5,%, 6.10, t.. 115 and 11R, P. M. Leave Norrietown-5.40, 7,7.50, 9,11 A. Si.; 134, 3,0 d, 6.15 and 534 P. SL ON SUNIMICS. Leave Philadelphia--9.A. M.; 2 and 7.15 P. M. Leave Nortirtown--7 A. M. 5 ,, and 9 P. M. FOR MANAI:'UNK. • Leave Philadelphia--6, 7N, N. 11.05 A. M.; I.}¢, 3, 4, 4 6, 5}6. e. 15. 0.05 and 11X P. M. Leave 'NI annyunk,--5.10, 7N, 8.20, 03 1 . , , 11.3 d A. M. ; 2, 334, 5, aud if P.M.. ' ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philaderphia-9 A. M.; 2}e and 7.15 , P. M. Leave Manayunk--V6 A.M.; 6 andSa P. M. W. S. WILSON, General Superintendent, Deuot. Ninth and Green etreeta. WEST CHESTER AND PHILA DELPHIA RAILROAD, VIA ME. 1:11611 1.)1A. SUMM ER. A R.ItANGEMENTS. On and after MONDAY, April 13th. 1303,traina will leave Depot, Thirty-tiret and Chestnut streets, ae follows: Trains leave Philadelphia for Went Cheater, at 7.15 A. M., 11.00 A. hi. 2.30, 4.15, 41,0, 7.00 and 10.00 P. hi. Leave. West Cheater for Philadelphia, from Depot on E. Market atreet, 6.15, 7.15, 7.30 and 10.45 A. M.. L 65, 4.50 and 10 I'. M. On and after Monday, June 15th, an additional Train will leave Philadelphia for Media and Intermediate Pinto at 5.30 P. 51 Trains leaving West Chester at 7.30 A. hi. and leaving Philadelphia at 4.50 P. M., will atop at B. C . Junction and Media only. Passengers to or from stations between Weet Cheater and 13. C. Junction going East, will take train leaving Went Cheater at 7.15 A. SL, and going West will take train leaving Philadelphia at 4.60 P. M., and transfer at B. C. Junction. Trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.15 A. M. and 4.50 P.M., and leaving West Chester at 7.30 A. M. and 4.10 P. M., connect at B C. Junction with Trains on the P. and B. li. C. 13. for Oxford and intermediate points. ON SUNDAYS—Leave Philadelphia at 8.00 A. M. and 1.00 P. M. Leave West Cheater 7.45 A M. and 5 P. M. The Depot is reached directly by the Chestnut and Wal nut streetcars. Those of the Market street line run with in one square. The care of both lines connect !with each train upon its arrival. par Paasengers aro allowed to take wearing apparel only as Baggage, and the Company will not, in any case, bo responsible for an amount exceeding $lOO, unless alto. cial contract is made for the saute. HENRY WOOD. General Superintendent. • . PHILADELPHIA & BALTIMORE CENTRAL RAILROAD. Bummer Arrangements. On and after Monday. April 113. 1/303. the Trains will leave Philadelphia,from the Depot of the West Chester & Philadelphia Railroad, con ner of Thirty-first and Chestnut streets (West Philada.), at 7.15 A. M. and 4.60 P. M. Leave Rising Sun, at 6 la A. M. and Oxford at 6.00 A. 61., and leave Oxford at 3,25 P. M. A Market Train with Passengel cal attached will run on Tuesdays and Fridays, leaving the Rising Sun at 11.05 A. Id., Oxford at ILIS M. and Kennett at 1,00 P. M., con. necting at West Chester Junction with a train for Phila delphia. On Wednesdays and Saturdays train leaves Philadelphia at 2.130 P. M..runs through ter Oxford. The Train leaving Philadelphia at 7.15 A.M. connects at Oxford with a daily line of Stages for Peach Bottom, in Lancaster county. Returning loaves Poach Bottom to connect at Oxford with the Afternoon Train for Philludel phia. The Train leaving Philadelphia at 4.60 P. M. rune to Rising Sun, Md. Passengers allowed to take wearing apparel only, as Baggage, and the Company will not, in any case, be re , spousible for an amount exceeding ono hundred dollars. unless a special contract be made for the same. • mhl2 - HENRY WOI‘D, General Sup% .... FAST FitEßlH'r LINE, VIA NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAIL. :Mom ROAD. to Wilkesharre, Mahauoy City, Mount Carmel, Centralia, and all points on Lehigh Valley Railroad and ito branches. BY new arrangements, perfected this day, this road is e u ahled to give increased despatch to merchandise con* signed to the above named points. goods delivered at the Through Freight DePet, ‘3. E, cor. of FRONT and NOBLE Streets, Before 6 P. M., will reach Wilkesbarre, Mount Carmel, Mabanoy City, and the other stations in Mahoney and Wyoming vallers before 11 A. M. of the succeeding day. belg ELLIS CLARK, Agent. PE:UEFA - PON ANP 111GLITSTOWN RAILROAD. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. A Freight and Pa. Banger Line wilt leave Highratown at 5.10 A.M.,and a passengor Line at 7 A.M.for Philadelphia via Pemberton and Mt. Holly. • Returning, will leave Philadelphia from the foot of Market area t (upper furry)) at 1 P. M. Freight and ?Roan ger Liae and at 8.80 P.M. Pageenger Line for Hightatowm Mh2s tf WM. M. GATZMER, Agent, TAIAVEILEUSI 411311 DMA EI-IsTOl., LINE .13...:TW EWA NEW YORK AND BOSTON, VIA BRISTOL. UP,. TAUNTON. NEW riA l" 7.}es4 :ll . ld% F r ti l l ( t ) 1Y, 1 1 1 1i 1 : 4 E /I), and all point , o' rail ny.communiention, Malt and qortti. The new and .plcndid ateam• ra iIitISTOL and Pi-ti DENO. Dave li. r No. 40 North Pivot% tout of Canal etteet, adjoining Debram:s..trect Ferry. Now York. a 5 P. M.. daiy, tinndavn ex vpted. conneetine with .team boat train at linetol at 4 30 A. M . an icing in.ftwiton at 6 A. 11. iu time to w nncet aith ail the morning train.i from that city The mottle:arable and picaeant runt, In the fl/tile Mountaine Travelers for that men' eaa mak•. direct eonnectiene by way of Pt evidence inn Worcester or Boston. State rooma and Tickets secured at office an Pier in NEN; 11. 0. 8P.1G09, Gang Manager. a .2.0 5n4 WEST JERSEY RAILROAD LINES ...;~...- ~J SPRING ARRANGEMENT Commencing Wednesday, April I,ISGS. TRAINS WILL LEAVE FROM FOOT OF MARKET STREET WHARF (Upper Ferry) as follow: For Bridgeton. Salem, and Intermediate EtstionF, at 9.00 A. M. and 3 30 P. M. For 511liville, Vineland and way etatlorm, at t.uo A. 31, and 3.15 P. M. For Cape May at 3.151'. M. For Woodbury (accommodation), at d 00 P. 11. Commutation Cheat.. good between Philadelphia and all otations, may be obtained on application at the Tnea. surer'n Office, Camden, N.J. Freight Train leaves Camden daily at 12 o'clock (noon). Freight will be received at necond covered charf below Walnut street, daily. from 7 A. M. untilS F.M. Freight Delivery 22 South Delaware avenue. WM. J. SFAVELL. Superintendent. a FOR NEW YORK .— THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY and PHILADELPHIA -53-W— AND TRENTON RAILROAD COIL PANY'S LINES, from Philadelphia to New York. and way places, from Walnut street wharf. Pare, At Ci 110 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accom. 52 25 At BA. M, via Camden and Jersey OW Exproee Mall, 3 00 At 3.20 I'. M., via Camden and Jersey City Express, 3 00 At 6P. M„ via Camden and Amboy, lot class, 225 Accom. and Emigrant, i 11 class, 180 At 5.Ee A. M„ and 2,30 I'. M.. for Freehold. Ate and 10 A. M., 2,20 and 3.30 I'. M., for nrenton. At 0.30 8 and 10 A. M.,1,2.30. and 6 P. td„for Borden. town. At 5.30 and 10 A.M.1,2.30, 3.30, 4.80 and 6 P.M.for Florence. At 5.W, 8 and 10 A.M., I, 2.3 u,, 4.30, 6 and 11.30 P. 61. for Burlington. Beverly and Delanco. At 5.30 and 10 A. M.. 1, 2.30,4.30, 6 add 11.80 P. M. for Edge. • water, Itivereide, Riverton and Palmyra. At and 10 A. M., 1, 6 and 11.30 P. M. for Fish 13011f0. UrrThe 1 and ma) P. M. Linea will leave from foot of Market etreet by upper ferrY. From Kennington Depot • At 11 A. M., via Kennington and Jamey City, New York Expres a Lino.... . ..153 00 At 7.45 and 11.00 A.M..2.30,3 30 and 5 P.M. for Trenton and BristoL And at 10.16 A. M. for BriatoL At 7.46 and 11 A. M., 2.30 and 6 P. M. for Morrisville and Tullytown. At 7 95 and 10.15 A. M., 2.30 and 5 P.M. for Bchencka and Eddington. At 7.45 and 10.15 A. M. 2.30,4, 5, and 6 P.M., for Comwella, Torreed ale, Ilohneeburg, Tacony, Wieelnoming, Brides. burg and . Frankfort!, and 8 P. M. for Liolrueoburg and Intermediate Stations. BELVIDERE DELAWARE RAILROAD LINES from Kenaington Depot. At 7.4 5 A. f., for Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Dunkirk, Elmira, Ithaca, Roehester,Bingliampton, Oswego, Syracuse, Great Bend Montrose, Wilkeabarre, Scranton, Stroudsburg. Water Gap. &c. At 7.45 A. M. and 3.30 P. M. I'm Belvidere, Easton, Lam. bertville, Flemington, the 3.30 P. M. Lino commas direct with the train leaving Easton for Mauch Chunk. Allentown, Bethlehem. &c. At 5 P. M. tor Lambertville and Intermediate Stations. From West Philadelphia Depot, via Connecting Rail way At 0.30 A. M.,1.30, 57.0 and 12 P. M. New York Express Line, via Jersey City.. ................... ..$3 25 The 9.30 A. AL and 030 P.M. Lines run daily. Another& Sundays executed. At 9.3() A. M., 1.30, 6.30 and 12 P. M. for Trenton. At 0.30 A. 11.. 6.10 and 12 P.M., for Bristol. At 12 P. M. (Nifht) for Morrinville, Tullytown. Scheneks, Eddington, Cormvells,Torrisdale, ilohnesburg, Tacony, Wiesinoluing, Bridesburg and Frankford. For Lines leaving Kensington Depot, take the cars on. Third or Fifth streets, at Chestnut, at half au hour before departure. The Cars on Market Street Railway run di. rect to West Philadelphia Depot, Chestnut and Walnut within one square. Un Sundays, the !dark& Street Care will run to connect with the 9.30 A. 3,1 and,6.30 P. 31 line.). Fifty Pounds of Baggage only allowed cacti Passenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as hag. gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their re. spousibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound,and will net he liable for any amount beyond 8100. except by opts. cial contract. Tickets sold and Baggage checked direct through to Boston, Wort ester. Springfield, Hartford, New Haven, Providence, Newport, Albany, Troy, _Saratoga, Utica, Rome, S,yracuse, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Ilt!Pe.11t1011 Bridge. An additional Ticket Office le located at No. 828 Chestnut street, where tickets to New York, and all im• portant points North and East, may be procured. Per- sons purchasing Tickets at this Office, can have their bag- Rage checked from residences or hotel to deetluation, by Union '1 ransfer Baggage Express. Lines time New York for Philadelphia will leave from foot of Cortland street at 7A. M. and Leg and 4.00 P. M., via J. rser City and Camden. At 6.30 P. 31. via Jersey City and Kensington. At 10 00 A. 3f. and 12 %1.. and 0.0 k) P. 31., and 12 ,z)))41 t), via Jersey City and West Philadel ph in. From Pier No. 1, N. River, at 4 P. M. Exproli and 4P. 31. F migrant, via Amboy and Camden. Al WM. IL GATzmErt. Agent rr. CANI DE '4 AND BURLINOTJN CUL - NTY RAILROAD. 'SPRING ARRA;srITEMENTS. On and after Monday, Anril.2oth, 1869, trains will leave from the foot of Market Etreet (Upper Ferry), for M or eh an trille. Moore,town, llartford, pal, Mount IJollc, Smfthville, Ewamville, Vineentown and Pemberton at 9 A. M. and am P. 31. RETURNING: Leave Pemberton 6 3u and 8.25 and 2.45 I'. M. " Mount holly 652 and 847 and 3(14 P. 71. Moorekown 7.20 and 9.18 and 3.:>1 P. M. 'lll 130 I'. 3d. line will run through 'to Ilightotown, otoppine at all the intermediate places. U. SARA:R. Superintendent. E647.OPPOSITION TO I,,NOPOLY—RE- E.4' sumptim of hips. The steamer ELIZA lIANCON, Captain L. W. Burns, hay.' ing been thoroughly overhauled aud put in complete re pair. will resume her route on the Delaware river, be tween Wilmington and Philadelphia, touching at inter mediate landings, MONDAY. March 3U, Nii3, starting from a harf south , md of Market street bridge Wi NM and from rch street wharf, Philadelphia, numbing on the following; time-table .: Leave Wilmington at 7 A. M., leave Wilmington at I P. M. leave Philadelphia at 10 A. M., leave Philadelphia at 4 P. M. The proprietors of this line, thankful for the patronage so liberally bestowed upon them last season, have iletern2iued to offer the fol . lowing reduced rates of tare : From Wilmington to Philadelphia. Alrenta ; from Chester and Hook to Philh delphia, 10 cents; from Philadelphia to Wilmington, '2,0 cents; from t hester and look to Wilmington. 10 cents. Round trip tickets 30 cents. J. W. lIANC9X, inh2i.i-tf4 President New York and Troy Steamboat Co. jug ',cm. HE VERITABLE EAU DE COLOGNE—JEAN T MARIA EARINA.—The most fascinating of all toilet waters, in festivity or iqkneee, and that which has given name and oriel,' ity to this exquisite and refre4iing per fume. Single bottles, ';5 cents. Three for two dollars. HUBBELL, Apothecary, . 0 p27-tf 1410 Uhestr ut street. DOBERT SiII)E3tAKER in C').. iNtIULESA.LE IL Druggist,. N. E. corner Fourth and Race streets. invite thO attention of the Trade to their largo stock of Fine Drugs and Chemicals, Essential 0112, Sponges, Corks, &c. no27•tf D " ( ;GISTS , SUNDRIt S.—GRADUATES, MORTAR, Tilee. Combs, Brushes, Mirrors, Twoozonr,_ Puff Boxes. Horn Scoops, Surgic Instruments, Trusses, Hard mud Soft Rubber Goode, Vial Caeca. Otani and Metal Syringes. drc., all at "First Hands'. prices. SNOWDEN do BROTHER, -aps-tf 23 South Eighth street DIIURARB ROOT, OF RECENT IMPORTATION, II and very superior quality; White Gum Arabic, Runt India Castor Oil, White and Mottled Catitile.Boap, Olive Oil, of variotin braiods. For sale by ROBERrrOP, 51 AKER At CO., Druggists, Northeast cornor ourth and Race streets. n Tbtf PURE PAINTS.—WE OFFER TO THE TRADE PURR hito Lead, Zinc Whito and Colored Paiute of our own manufacture, of undoubted purity; in quantities to suit purchasers. ROBERT BIIOLMAKER & CO., Donlon in Paints and Varnishes, N. E. corner Fourth and Race streets. no'37•tf lli IIYUS!f U*1L1)! • J VIENNOT 60., GENERAL NEWSPAPER, CON reuponding and Advertising Agents, 133 Nassau street, NfilW York. (Established in Mt) Advertisements inserted at publishers' mho; in an thr leading newspapere published in the United States,Britieb Provinces, Mexico, South America, East and Wait Indies 13,EFERKNOES: Mr. H. T. Ilelmbold, Drugglet, 694 Broadway, N. Y. Meeers. B. R. Vanduzer, & Co., 128 Greenwich et.; Mourn Ball & ituckel, 218 Greenwich street; Meaere. G. Bruce. Son & Co., Typo Foundere,ll Chambers et. ; MedorS. liggar & Co., Type Founders, 88 Gold et., N. Y. telll,3mB noiroN AND LINEN SAIL DUCK OF EVERY V width from one to six feet wide, all nunbers. Tent and Awning Duck. Papermakers` Felting, Sail Twine, E JOHN W. VERMAN & (XL, No. lU ,lnnes's Alloy. JAILER A. WRIGHT, THORNTON NKR. MAW ENT A. 01/1800/1 TIMM/ORE WRIGHT, FRANK NrALL. PETER WRIGHT k SUNS, lnipertere of Earthenware . , and Shipping and Commission Merehante, Philadelphia. N 0.115 Walnut etreet, DRIVY Wi LLB.— NEltd uF PROPERTY—IIi 1. only place to get privy wells cleansed and disinfetted, at very low prices A. PEYSSIN, Manufacturer of You. drette. GoldsinitlA , Ilan. Library street, ti A BOLEN. HARNESS, &c. WADDLE MAR S 0 , 8) HORS fURNITURE K CASS &.Go, 0 T PHIL A_ tri rwr Dooa LtIG IrTAEIAN VERMICELIA —tun Ltt)XEs FINE QUALITY whitejmkorted and for sale by JOS. B. BUSSIER & C0..108 00111 n WARM avenue. volt SALE. E fi, NI A N o tiff N FOR SALE. A handsome donbh , Ainted 1:5 1 1 ON E R C Ivlth Stable and Carriage:House, and large lot of Ground, situate ou PIcKCAN AVENIUE, within ten mlnut CO walk from Wayne, Station, delphia and Germantown Railroad. J. al. tittILIILY S. lONS, HS Viralnut Street. ap24 FOR RALF OR TO RENT—THREE-TORY ta stone Cottage, Germantown; ten MOW, good Iona " Hon and all modCrn cony; niencee. Immediate nog. r err ion. t rice *6,000. Rent $4BO. For ,9nlo.—DeAirithle threo•etory brick incidence, on pgrrei ger railway; choice location, huge and excellent gardpn. Immediate poeiieesion. e 61 , 31011 Terms eney. Apply to L. C. DAVIS, VIS South Sixth ;Area. ap962t4 firFOS SALE.- A BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE on the River flank, in the upper part of Beverly, N. containing one acre, extending to Warren 4rcet. Thu home it large and convenient: wide boll in the cr ntre ; lore. shade treea, grout de teetefully laid out. and t order' with all kinds f fr•it; within a few minutes , walk of t‘toomboat or railraad. Apply onthe in emi,ca, or to W:11. RAIN, No. 10 North Fourth area., I hilada. api tf WEST I'IIII.ADELPIIIA.--FOR SALE—THE 11 andronie Brown Stone Cottage Residence, Moat() " on N. West corner of Spruce and For tystiret atreeta; has salnen parlor, dining•reore, kitchen, chainhere, bath rs , l,), store.rooni. heater-range, hot' and cold water, ac.. &e.; rrbetuntielly built and new; tot 3.5 feet front by 191) feet deep; immediate pmieetsion given. J. M. GUMMEY 41 SON,. 508 Walnut street. OR SALE OR EXCUANGE —A HANDSOML Peeidenecl nt Cheytnutll, witha it modern conve - niencet+,eßnated near the Railroadf)epot. Apply to PREVosT & ICERRING, aV2S-30 Real Eatate Agente, 107 6outh Third street. rFOR SALE.—A VALUABLE STORE PROPERTY nn Market sweq between Ninth and i enth, for F Adeirers or apply to Wid. H. COuLSTON. 0p24 5t No. 21 North Tenth street, Philadelphia. I rFUR SA I.E.—A FURNISHED COTTAGE AT Atlantic city; has (+Wien roma, ia in perfect order ut and situate on Pacific avenue, OPT .t• end of the inland Apply to , ap`24,3t• WM. B. DAYTON, 522 Walnut street. it. A VERY DESIRABLE RESIDENCEFOR BALE mIN MAN'I UA, \VEST PHIL wDELPIII A.—Modern " built convenient ileum; large lot finely improved. Emit, Flowers, &c. Inquire on premises, No. 3603, Ham. Iton elect. ap2MO EFOR SALE OR To LET—A HANDSOME MOD. ern lteeidenee, just built, at Mt. Airy, Chestnut Hlll " Railroad. Terms eaey. Apply RED Gto ALFRED BAKER, 210 Chestnut et. ap3llBt• trFOR SALE.—TILE HANDSOME DWELLING, , No. P`2s Pine street. with all the modern lmorove "' mints ; built in the best manner, AlllO, the Three story Dwelling, No. blB North Seventh street, with all im provements. immediate possession to both. Apply to COPPt. CK & JORDAN, 933 Walnut street. rATLANTIC CITY BOARDING HOUBE,CONTAIN "' ..T3 rooms. completely urnielied, good lot, barn. caning° and harness, to bo sold A bargain. Apply to . JOHN W. PROST, ap2l.7t* 810 Race street, Plilleda. • FOR SALE.—A HANDSOME THREE•STORY lm brick Residence, 22 feet front, with N foot sitio• yard - and every convenience, situate on the south aide of Clinton street, we, tof Ninth street. J. M. GUMMEY dt SONS, 508 Wain ut.street. Ann sTvEET-FUR 9ALE--THE ELEGANT leibrown stone Cottage. built in a ouporior manner, " with extra conveniences, and Lot, 64 foot front by 106 feet deep. northwest corner of Arch and Twenty-first streets. J. M. GUMMLY & SONS. 509 Walnutsh eet. itFOR SALE- TILE ELFGANT COUNTRY SEAT, corner of Birch lane and Montgomery avenue, Chest nut MIL HEMLOCK & PASCHALL, inhl7Lf 715 Walnut street. r. FUR SALE -ELEGANT RESIDENCES ON WAL. uut and Sprupe etreete, west of Broad. Prices fronn *PACOO $.10,110(1. Apply to E. R. JONES. ap2frtiti 5i2 Walnut street, ITALUAI3IE BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE.—A NUM her of chr ice building iota are now for Rale at Mot , chentville, n. J.. most eligibly situated near tho Nfooreu• town pike, about tour miles from Philadelphia, and within a few minutes , walk of the depot of the Camden and Burlington County Railroad, and with frequent corn• ruunicationto and from the city Inquire of E. G. (,AT TELL, ' No. 26 North Wharves., Between Market and Arch streets. Fox ciALE—BUILDING LOTS. Large lot Washington avenue and Twenty-third at. :3 lots E. S. Twenty-second, above Arch at. 3 lot. N. S. Walnut, above Thirty•seventh street. West Philadelphia. 3 lota MP. , S. Franklin. above Poplar at. 5 lota E. S. Eighth, above Poplar at. 2 lob! E, Frankfo , d road. above Iluntingdon at. All in improving neighborhood. Apply to GOPYUGK dl .JORP AN, 433 Walnut street. ap4tt 1868. ELEGANT IEW arIIPER, 186& No. 2122 SPRUCE STREET. FOR SALE. MAULE BROTHER it feb27 2m. 2600 SOUTH STREK.P. p I.EiPB. lIRBME P',l.3',',liiii , ltt. 6: No. 1929 WALLACE STRI. ET. House 40 feet front; lot j6O feet to a street. F R SALE. MAULE BROTHER .4t. CO.._. fe27-2m• t5OO SOUTH STREET. VALLIitiLE WHARF PROPERTY FON SALE, ON the Delaware river, having a front of 100 feef,witta Pier 71 feet wide. J. M. GIIIMINIEY ct SONS. 5n9 Walnut street. TO IMEN'I4. TO RENT. Bit Residence 1505 Locust Street. Mil Apply to MAC MAN IJ A TRAUTWINE, a V 23 111 N0.61 5 WALNUT Street fu ItENT, Al' GERMAN OWN. A. LARGE AND very desirable modern built M 11.1214012, wilt). about 10 acres of lawn, handeomely embellished with shrub• bery and shade trees, situated at Bristol Township Line road and Boretts lane; convenient to the railroad 'Ration; has stabling; also, erring Water iutrodleed through the house Cry - a hydraulic ram. Tereus moderate. Apoly to \V. C. liENe.. ZEN, Vi 7 Market street. ap24.6t§ er'lll RENT FURNISHED. OR FOR SALE—A ;;f am:home Modern Residence, with 14 acres ol" " ground attached, situate in Darby Township, Delaware county, within 10 minutes walk from the Darby lto,d Station, on Philadelphia and Media liallroad. .1. M. GI'IMMEY At SONS, sto Walnut street. LFOR RENT FuR THE BUMMER SEASON. furnished.—An elegant Residence, with stabling, " vegetable garden and eevoral acres of land attached; situate on 141.uhelin e tn. et. Germantown. J. N. GUM. MEY ,!.•. BONS. &08 Walnut street. TO, RENT.—A DESIRABLE COTTAGE, EIGHT in intin' walk trout VillanovaBtatiou,Pmminilvarda ' Railroad. CiEO. F. CLIIINVESI, arB4 t m ' Wort Ilaverford, Pa. 'l'u RENT—A 1.11,1131,11 OlyrrAcmi- mum Ez Coach House and ntablm at ming Stittion, " cm Trenton Radiroac, eev on miles from tho city, apno 1 Apply, No. 717 VS , ALN UT fitrect.,• rFUR RENT I.IN AN IMPROVING LEASE—A large bundle g, having n front of 26 feet, by 135 feet in depth, situate on the south side of Walnut street,. west of Tenth. J. M. GUMMEY & SONS, NI Walnut street. FOR RF NT—TUE TIIREF.STORY RRICK REFlr irdeuce. with three story double back buildinga,situate No. 1231 Arch etreet. J. M. OU3ISIILY & SONS, ii4)B Walnut street. FOR RENT—FROM DECEMBER IST,. A LAMA new Store. on Delaware avenue, below Chestnut Apply to JOB. B. BUBBLER & no& tf lOB South Delaware avenue. rFURNISHED COUNTRY-PLACE ON SUMMIT avenue. Chestnut Ilirl, fo Rent. Apply t.l GEO. " W. BIDDLE, :208 South Fifth etreet. up 27 3.* TRENT.—SECOND STORY ROOMS, N. E. 'R' ER Broad and Chestnut streets, suitable for °tikes for a. l'hypielsn or Dentiat, or fur a Dreestnakor, ,te. Inquire In the Drug store, IL A IOit RENT—TILE THIRD AND FOURTH FLOORS V of fiuilding situate No. 334 North Third etree.t• suita ble for storing furniture. J. M. GUMI&EY do E10N.4,508 0.14, ut street. HEAL ESTATE SALES. I'Un.LIC PALE OF PEAL ESTATE: - _ Will be sold on the Premises. on 111EPSDAY, May lth, IPel, at 3 o'clock P.M., ..the pt opertv kimwn ua PEN COTTAGE, 0 Late the residence of Mary Penn Gaskell, deceased, Situate in I over Merlon township, Montgomery county, 7 mitre front Market Street Bridge. and 1 mile from Wynne Wood P taVon, Pennsylvania lt‘tiirmid. 1 outalnlnß about 7tii acres of land. The improvemmts consist of a stone mansion. with mod e rn hoproveuit Ws Pt lair, green house, ice home.otoue whouse and Vann, with all the neccolary farm buiiH. Steno lodge at entrance to lawn and two frame tone meta houses. flit. above described property is, on account, et Ito proximity to the Mix., and Pa easy BM,. by 11111'011d, o very desirable location I or persons doing busines In the city bale positive, OW EX JONES, Executor midTruateu JOE. F. PEANCE. iletaoueur. ftroft 1;tf• • f ` 40.. W.H.0r.0 4 S &ISE 1714 AND 4 aH ET .k. EL, %! . (1 1 ' , ' t ' .. , ritou %•:' S 3 00 Vii44s 1 .4 d+. ;It' TO ( 1 - 1 A 1 - t ES TJV N 141, Patent foldiag, Boring Seat nun' Houdd Back PLlntmd tsulaA TM< MANI7FAIiTeRt..,K, 414 PON Street, Pidladelobia. They eau be taiith apart or foldui4,lad packed in the eoialla t place imetible, or hung up, if hot requirrd. 'their qual has never hollre been poen' is this country. eroud.luuld Perambulators ropfdreil or , token id ex. 'Mu to.anlx 8m CO IP A ICTIV IMSI-11 II PS. L..sistlLADN'ir L'ELIKUARY tar. bitN. 1 Lir. J. li. Dutler (brother of.IL LI. Butler) Ls rparL. per in our front and after this date. • n.hlatf - TIIITL'FIR it CO 1,) n I. 1....1) 'LabiaElt.lla. 7 -2o KEGS MARTINIQUE I Tamarinds, in sugar, landing and for gado by J. B BUMMER & CO., 108 South Delaware avenue.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers