yALDEBIAR TUE HAPPY. BY M. E. M. BANGSTER Favored in love and first in war, Ever bad been King Waldemar. 'Bards had written heroic lays, Minstrels bad sung in Valdemar's praise Mothers had taught their babes his name, Maidens bad dreamed it: thin is fame. lkautiful eyes grew soft and meek When Valdemar opened his mouth to speak. Worr)ors grim obeyed hie word, Nobles were proud to call him lord flavored in lOve, and famed in war, Happy must be King Valdemar I" • So, as he swept along In state, Muttered the crone at the palace gate, Laughing, tO clasp in her withered palms The merry monarch's golden alms. Home at evening, for test is swee Tottered the beggar's weary feet. t, 'tome at evening from chase and ring, Buoyant and brave came court and king Flickered the lamp in the cottage room, Flickered the lamp in the castles gloom. One went forth at break of day, Asking aims on the king's highway One lay still at the break of day— A king uncrowned--a heap of clay For swiftly, suddenly, in the night, A wind of death had put , out tho light, And never again 'night Valdemar Strike lance for love, or lance for war Silent, tui if on holy ground, The weeping courtiers throng around. Tenderly, as his mother might, They turn the face to the morning light, Loose his garmenteat throat and wrist, Softly the silken sash untwist. Under the linen soft and white, , What earprisds their aching sight? Fretting against the pallid breast, Find they a penitent's sackcloth vest Seamed and furrowed and stained and scarred, Sadly the flesh of the king is marred. Never bad monk under serge and rope, Never bad priest under alb and,eope, Hidden.away with eloSer art The passion and.paln of a weary heart, Than had he whose secret torture lay Openly shown in the light of day. At the lips all pale, and the elose-shut oyes, Long they gazed in their mute surprise— Eyes once lit with the fire of youth, Lips that had spoken words of trail From each to each there floated a sigh, " Had this man reason ? then what am I ?" Ob, friend ! think not that stately step, That lifted brow, or that smiling lip, That sweep of velvet or fall of lace, Or robes that cling with regal grace, Are signs that tell of a soul at rest : Peace seldom bides in a Valdemar's breast She shrinks away from the palace glare To the peasant's hut and the mountain air, And kisses the alone at the palace gate, While the poor, proud king is desolate. —Lippincott s Magazine for May OlTlir BULLETIN. Toe DAMAGE DONE.—The fire at the coal oil refinery of J. H. Smith, on Allegheny avenue, near Frankford road, yesterday afternoon, was caused by the ignition of the vapor from the heating tank from which the oil is furnished. The heating house, a long building,containing the engine and the valuable machinery, was destroyed, with its contents. A cooper shop was also de molished. A lot of barrels, some full and others empty, a number of carboys of acid and crude oil, valued at $3,000, were destroyed. The still house, receiving house, and a frame 'building used as an office, escaped the flames. The total loss was about $lO,OOO. Upon this there is an insurance of $1,500 in the Commonwealth,of New York; $1,750 in the Yonkers Insurance Company, of New York, and $1,750 in the People's Insu rance Company, of Worcester, Mass. RESIGNY,D.-Dr Robley Dunglison, Professor of Physiology in the Jefferson Medical College, and Dean of the College, has resigned his posi tion in consequence of impaired health. Dr. Dunglison has been connected with the institu tion for a long period, and has occupied the posi tion of Dean for many years. Much of the success and the widespread popularity of the "Old Jef ferson" is due to the able management of affairs by him. The College has lost a very valuable officer by his resignation. RELIGIOUS.—Rev. Benj. Watson will , repeat an interesting sermon recently preached before the Society for the Advancement of Christianity among the Jews at the Church of the Atonement, to-morrow evening, at 7% o'clock. Rev. Dr. Z. M. Humphrey, recently of Chicago, but who has accepted the call tendered to him by the Calvary Presbyberian Church of this city, will enter upon the duties of his now pastorate to-morrow. TEMPERANCE Mr.s..rixo.—Last evening a large number of persons assembled in the lecture room of Rev. Dr. Shepherd's Church, Buttonwood street below Sixth, for the purpose of listening to remarks made by several speakers on the subject of temperance. Addresses - were made by Rev. Dr. Shepard, Thomas M. Coleman, Hiram Ward and others. These meetings have been held during the last three months, and. nearly 600 persons have signed the pledge in that time. A LARD THlEr.—This morning, before Alder man Morrow, David Shone was charged with the larceny of six tubs of lard from Hartman's cracker bakery, at Front and Lombard streets. lie was obbened to take away some of the lard, and one tnb was found at a tavern where he boarded. He was committed for a further hearing. RUN Oa ER.—.A. boy named Henry Naylor, aged twelve years, residing at Sixth and St. Mary streets, was run over this morning at Second and Dock streets by a furniture car. Ho was cross ing the street at the time, and was struck by the horse and knocked down. He was badly in jured, and was taken to the hospital by Reserve Policeman Cooley. Limn FAIR.-A grand Easter Fair, in aid of the Building Fund of St. James's Parochial School in West Iltiladelpbia, is now open at Commissioners' Rau, corner Thirty-seventh and . 3larket streets. An attractive assortment of use tut and fancy articles of every description can be tound upon the tables, together with refresh ments of all kinds. The fair is a superior one in every respect, and is well worth a visit. Mr.. G. PISUMAN'S Bale of Mirrors will be eon tinned this evening at 7% o'clock, at Scott's Art Gallery, 1020 Chestnut street: It comprises one of the best assortments ever beforo offered at public sale in this city, all manufactured in the best manner, and to be sold only on account of Mr. relmtin's building his new store and to make room for other extensive alterations. Sale posi tive. FICKPOCKETA ARREhTED.—Frank Buck, alias Buck Taylor, and Philip Bromley, the latter about GO years of age, known to the police as pickpockets, were arrested at the circus, at Ger menu:mil, last evening, by Detectives Brown and Webb. ' They were captured before they had time to operate on the pocketa of the audience. They will have a hearing at the Central Station this afteruoou. 'A WinE son THE Bawavotsay.--Ily the fire which occurred recently, at a planing-mill; near Tenth and Master streets, three -families were turned suddenly into the cared, and left not only. without household effects, but with scarcely eisf &lent wearing apparel to properly clothe them. The families who are thus rendered destitute are those of John Birmingham, a Ineralvr of the South Penn Hose Company, Michael beaffey, a member of the Humsne Engine Cortipany, and Mrs. Elizabeth Fisher, the widow of a soldier, who has six small children. We are assured upon the most undoubted authority, that these per sons are all worthy of thb kindest consideration at the hands of our benevolently-disposed citi zens. All contributions on their behalf will bo received by Chief Engineer McCusker, at his office, Fifth and Chestnut 'streets, and properly disposed of. EXPLOSION AT A Deno &OREL —Thismorning , about nine o'clock, a lad employed at the drug store of John F. Hillary & Bro., at the N. E. corner of Seventeenth and Market streets, went into the cellar to"dtaw a half gallon of bonzine. Be took with him a coal oil lamp, well protected with a substantial glass globe, and placed it in a box, as he supposed dt a safe distance from the barrel of benzine. There was sufficient vapor generated, however, to penetrate the lamp and cause an explosion. The bonzine in the measure took fire, and the boy was slightly burned. For tunately the flames did not reach the barrel. Some of the drugs is the store were injured by smoke, but no further damage was done. • BOY STARTED.—Wellington Archer, 17 year' of age, living on Sixth street, above Catharine, was stabbed in the side by a man named Cassidy, in Catharine street, below Seventh. Cassidy re retudes on Christian street. Archer was taken to the Pennsylvania Hospital. ACCIDENT AT A LUMBER YARD.—This morn ing about nine o'clock a colored mciu named Pe ter Bailey, GO years of age, was badly injured by a pile of lumber falling upon him at Williams' lumber yard, at fleventeenth^ and South streets. He was taken to the Pennsylvania Hospital. * RAILROAD AMID/WT.—William Sheppard, re siding at No. 1807 Tallow street, was run against by a passenger railway car at Seventeenth and Market streets last evening and had his hip . fractured. He was conveyed the Pennsylvania Hospital by the Sixth District Police. MARN:F.T TlllEF.—Mtayilason, an old offender, was arrested this morning by Policeman Reeder, upon the charge of the larceny of butter. Some of the stolen butter was found in a basket, and she bad three pounds in her pocket. She was committed by Alderman Massey. ' Tux NEW Ifaoxic HALL.—The preparations for laying the' foundations for the new Masonic Hall, at Broad and Filbert streets, have been commenced. Workmen are now engaged in removing several old buildings which occupy the lot. BusFICION OF LAIWENY.—Joseph IV. Sellers was arrested this morning and taken before Al derman Morrow, on suspicion of having stolen a watch belonging to a deck band on a vessel lying at Spruce street wharf. Ile was committed for a further hearing. STont ROIMERY.—This morning, "about four o'clock, the window of the dry-goods store Of , Thomas O'Neill, No. 1310 South street, was broken, and three pieces of ladles' dress material were stolen. SERIOUS Bumaxa.—Ella Knorr, 13 years of age, residing at Whitehall, was badly burned about the body by her clothing catching fire, as she was in the act of removing a coffee-pot from the stove, yesterday. RETURNED TO His Dirrins.—Hon. Chas. Gilpin, U. 8. District Attorney, has returned from Cubs, in improved health, and entered upon his official duties. JEWELRY BTORR ROBBED.—The window of a jewelry store on Eighth street, below Walnut, was broken about 4 o'clock this morning. A lot of jewelry was abstracted. Wu respectfully call the attention of the trade to the special sale of Clocks at the Concert Hall Auction Rooms. THE PERFECTION OF MECHANISM is better exem plified in the celebrated Grover & Baker Sowing Machine than in any other mechanical invention of the age. These superb machines leave no thing to be desired. For all kinds of plain and fancy sewing, including the richest and most elaborate embroidery, these instruments to-day are unquestionably superior to all others. The relative increase in their sale over other machines is thus readily accounted for. The ware-rooms of the company in this city, No. 730 Chestnut street, are as emphatically the sewing-machine headquarters in this city as Chestnut street is our leading business avenue. For the latest improve ments in this important labor-saving department we recommend our readers to visit the Grover & Baker rooms, where they will be afforded every facility for testing and realizing the marvelous perfection of these admirable instruments. CITY NOTICES ALEXANDER'S SILAMEAII T 1.14 preparation is one of the most extraordinary discoveries of modern science for restoring the natural color of the hair. A single application produces a permanent and natural color, and a beautiful, soft, glossy appearance. Sold, retail, by Fred'k Brown, Fifth and Chestnut; Bassard & Co., Twelfth and Chestaut. Wholesale, by R. , G. A. Wright, 624 Chestnut street. ONE cold after another, will with many COINti- IIIiODS, securely establish the seeds of Consumption the system. Those in need of a remedy will nod In EXPFCTOICANT one alwas prompt, thorough fid efficacious. Sold everywhere. REMOVAL. H7.Bll'S CUDIA HALL, Now open at their new Store, 1218 Chestnut street, where families and all in want of any article in China, tt hiss or Stoneware. will find a complete stock of all a , tieles for house-furnishing, from the commonest goods made to the richest, imported, and can depend ini the quality being the best, and solitin any quantity to suit families, at the lowest wholesale prices. CHINA AND QLAss °ANNA) TO PARTIES, at Ii eau's CIIINA HALL, 1218 Chestnut street, Families and others will find it to their advantage to hire their China and Glass for parties. halls, ,tc , at the China Hall; also, a large supply or best silver plated Knives. Forks. Tea and Table Spoons, con stantly on hand, for hire at a moderate charge, and de livered at an hour's notice. REIM'S CHINA HALL.-1218 CHESTNUT STREET. Beat quality White trench China. Dinner Plates, large size, 034 Inches per doz., $8 16 Breakfast Plates, large size, 8 inches, per doz. 2GO Breakfast Plates, small size, 7,,46 in., per doz., 235 Tea Plates, large size, T inches, per dozen, 2 00 Tea Plates, small size, 6y4 mama per dozen, 1 63 All other articles in French, China at equally low prices. CIIINA AND GLASS LOANED TO PARTIES.—Facts orth knowing. Parties giving public or private par ties, balls, etc,can be furnished with White and Gold Band China, Gassware, Silver Plated Table and Tea Spoons, Knives and Norio, Candelabras, Tables, Chairs. Napkins, Table and Floor Cloths, Flags and other Decorations, at a moderate per centage, at S. S. Fetherston & Co.'s, 270 Smith Second street. AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCHES —The Best. The eteapest. Recommended by Railway Conduc -I,,re, ugineers and expresamen, the most exacting class of watch•wearers, as superior to all others fur strength, steadiness, accuracy and durability. Unscrupulous dealers occasionally sell a worth less Swiss Imitation. To prevent imposition, Layers should always demand a certificate of genuineness. For sale by all respectable dealers. V 1 , ". It IAI M SAP.—To some it may seem like a work of supererogation to call attention 10 the choice assort meat of dainty confections which to be found at the popular establishment of E. G. Whitman & Co., No. 318 Chestnut street below Fourth. But a sense of duty impels us to remind our readers that if they would enjoy ravishing cream-fruits, toothsome bon bons, well•tiavored roasted Jordan almonds, appetiz ing caramels, and hundreds of other choice dainties in the way of confectionery, they can be gratified and satisfied by calling upon E. 6. Whitman & Co. It should also be borne in mind that their confections are as pure and as wholesome as they are daintY and dellelqua, OrmorALlT.—All those gents desiring elegant fitting pantaloons will find them at C. C. MUT& & Co., Continental Hotel. Ninth street. as this branch of Tailoring is made a specialty, and really warrants an invitation. Always a One stock of goods on hand. • THE,DAILY. EVENING BULLETIN, -PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, APRIL 18 , 1868. firat-clase Family and Manufacturing Sew ing Machines, sold on installment*, exchanged, and forrenr, at, the Srirfttg Madame /izekantre, No., TOt Chestnut street, krona floor. • - PAINYVI,.—There aro few operatiorts rnorepata. ful than cutting teeth. A little of Bower's Infant Car dial rubbed upon the gum of teething infanta b 3 a great soother. • Br suutrorriirtrrnici the nerve structure and toning the nerve-fluid the constitution is so invigorated that Natira.x.ou, nerve-ache and ail other painful nervous affection speedily subside and are positively eradicated. All of which is effected by' administering Da. TURNIP :8 TICBDOULOUREUX or universal Nsv r.atora. Pm.. Apothecaries have this medicine. Joundrott, Elolzower & COWDEN, Agents, Philadel phia, Cites. Mitronio tfe SoNs' Have now opened a large . stock of Ladies', Misses' and Chi Wren's Hats and Caps. • Store, 834 and 636 Chestnut street FLonitacz SEWER° MACHINE. Florence Sewing lidackdee. Florence Sewing Machine. Office, 1128 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. FINE BOOTS AND GAITERS AT Lore• PRICES.— Geutleineu who soneult comfort, economy, elegance and good taste should call on Cnas. Eichel, the accom plished cordwainer. No. 604 North Eighth street,above Buttonwood. lie has au immense stock of Boots and Shoes of all the prevailing styles, at very low prices. Youths' Boots and Gaiters on hand and,made to order. HOT HOI7SR FRUITS, pure French Confections, Ae cet Jordan Roasted Almonds, delicious, Bon-,Bons, Chocolate preparations, and all the latest novelties in Conlections, at A. L. Vansant's, Ninth and Chestnut. AN old bachelor in New York offered a young lady a pony for a kiss; she gave him the kiss; he re fused her the ,roy ; she sued him; he pleaded " no consideration ; the court decided that a kiss was a legal consideration, and made him "pony over." He was so put out at the reaalt of this snit that he made up his mind (as so many bache!ors' hive ' 6a — before him), that it he ever tries on another.suit It will be one from Charles Stokes & Co.'s Firat-class Clothing House, under the "Continental." BOWER'S SENNA FIGS, FOR CONSTIPATION fty cents. Depot Sixth and Vine. CHAS. OAKFORD & Boris' - - •: Pave now opened a large stuck of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Hats and Caps. Store, 834 and 836 Chestnut street. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH: J. Isaacs, Y. D. Professor of the Eye and Ear , treats all diseases apperitilning to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most re liable sources in the city can be seen at his office, No. 805 Arch street. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients as he has no secrets in his practice. Artificialeyes inserted. No charge made for examination. GRFAT Bargains in Lace Curtains, at • I" A.T TEN 140 S Chestnut street. GREAT Bargains in Lace Curtains, at PATTEN'S, 1408 Chestnut street. GREAT Bargains in Lace Curtain's at PATTiN'B. 1403 Chestnut street. GREAT Bargains in Lace Curtains, nt P&TiEN's, 140 S Cheetnut street. CHAS. OAKFORD & HONs'• Have now opened a large stock of Ladies', Misses' and (thildren's Hats and Cape. Stores, 834 and 836 Chestnut street, SURGICAL .INBTRUMENTB and drugVf3tB' sundries. SNOWDEN & BOTHER, 8013th Riffhth iatrilnt GENUINE ROMAN SCARFS, For Ladies and Gentlemen. A full line just received by J. W. SCOTT & CO., No. 814 Chestnut Street. hi th 12trpg FOR SALE. Dwelling, N 0.1405 N Fifteenth Street. Built in superior manner for present owner. Winter and Rummer Kitchens, Library, Concervatory, two Bath- Booms, Cedar Closet, and all modern conveniences. Ltot 40 feet by 156 feet, opening on Carlisle street. Garden handeomely laid out and fumiched with rare and expert. eiyc plaute. Cull between 10 A. M. end 4P. M. Price. Et:l2,Cial. rTIP ki ENT —TWO SMALL SWISS (.;01 rA Eat the Brandywine Springs. until January next; (ti each. Apply at hal South *lent street, Philadel phia. it VOR RENT.—OUR GALLERY CAN N' RENTED from about Jane Int. B. SUOT onlg Val Chretuut Street. RE L EbTATE.-111UMAS .& SUNS' SALE. Four Brick and Frame Dwellings, Nos. MD and 1324 " Bedford street, between Juniper and Broad streets, 32 feet front —On Tuesday. May sth, 1b93, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that lot of ground, with the improvements thereon erected, situate on the tenth aide of Bedford at., between Juniper and Btoud streets, Nos. 1311 and 1324; containing in front on Bedford street 39 feet, and extend ing in depth 50 tee.. 'The improvements consist of two threestory brick dirt I lugs one two and a half story brick dwelling, and one two and a half story brick and frame du ening. WV — Clear of all ineunibrance. Terms cash. , M. THOMAS k SONS, AuctionoCre, aplB 134 and 141 South Fourth etroot. PUBLIC PALL.—THOMAS & SONS, A CCTION• CM—Elegant Pointed Stone Cottage, 1 acre. Wis bahickon Turnpike,adjoining grounds of St. Joseph's Academy, about 1 mile from Clie,itmit Hill depot, Twen. ty•eecond Ward. On Puesday, April 28,18t1i, ut kJ o'clock. noon, will be sold at public rate, at the Philadelphia Ex change, all that valuable 2Y4.storY clone cottage abd lot of ground. situate on the southerly side of the Wissahickon turnpike. about 1 mile from Chestnut 11111 Depot, adjoin ingbirounds of St .Toseph's Academy; containi❑g about 1 rule of ground. Title property- was built in the beet man ner for the late owner's own use. It contains 9 rooms: excellent wafer: grounds handsomely laid out; fruit trees of choice variety. Terms —Cash. Immediate possession. . . May he examined by applying to the owner, at St. Joseph's Academy. M. THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneers. ni a<t2ii ligt and 141 South Fourth street. E 14.44 1 , i liOJl,lO dL riUNA'd.L.L.— " handsome Modern Threeatory Wick Residence, No. 2125 Gre,n Sheet, east of 1 wency-second area. 2u feet front. 103 feet deep.—On Tuesday, May 11th, 1843.1, at 12 0 clock. noon, will be add at public toile, at the Phila. delphia Exchange, all that handsome modern tl rce-story brick fuessuage, with three-story back buildings and lot of gi maid, situate on the north side of Green street. east of Twenty-second street, No. 2125: containing in front on Green greet 19 feet ii inches, and extending in depth 103 feet? inches to Outletstrect. the house is in good order. and handsomely papered throughout: parlor, dining room and two kitchens on the first floor; gas in.roduced, bath, but and cold water, furnace, two cooking ranges, perma nent m aabstand, numerous closets, Are. May he examined any day Previous to sale. Per Clear of all incumbrance. Terms—One .third cad'. Immediate poesetsion. Keys at the S. W. corner of neveuteenth and Green sb eets M. THONIAS k BONS, Auctioneers, npr 25 my 2 MO and 191 South Fourth street. GLANT ABPARAOL 8' ROOTS--2 YEARS OLD, R . by the hundred or thousand. 11. A. DRELtt, 714 Chestnut street. I . IIII,ADELE'IIIA HAtiPBERItY PLANTS, THE most hardy and prodnetß•e varlet ,; also. Clarke Dubring Raspberry, Ea; 1y \Wilson, Kittatinny Blackberry. IL A. D BOIL '714 Chestnut street. MEER'S EXTRA EARLY PEAS.—MOL.EAN'S Lille Own. Tom Thumb. Eugenia and Champion of Engl.md Peat , . Early Modish. Lettuce, Reet, Celery. Onion, Cal rot, and other Beet% in alnl4oll, for Bowing. 11. A. DREEII, 714 Clie.tutilotrect. st. .11.1CUN DA OR KNOX'S —7OO Plantm. Extra Large lona Chtpo Vluet. 11. A. Dt EER, aplB tu tit 4t4 711 4 111440 n. t street. LIFE INSU 11 RANCE.-IVANTED-100AGENT5 TO canyame for Life insurance in Pennsylvania and New Jereey. Apply nt the office of the tiand lu Band Mutual Life insurance (Joni any N 0.1128. Fmrth ..treet. ap18.30 • lESI eABLE COUNTRY BOARD (lAN BE IdAD X/ eigh immediately mhe city Chestnutelightful location, by applying at INN street. aplit3t.' CAMDEN AND AMBOY ItAlip arialleglOAD 0061PeN Y. Special Notice.—Change of ttmo of departure from Walnut Street Wharf. On and after MONDAY, Arril 211th, the lino now looir* lug Philadelphia at 8 A. M., for New York, will leave at G. 30 4. M., and the line now leaving at 2 P. M., for South Amboy. will leave at 2.20 P. fit . from Walnut street wharf. W. It. GATZMER, Agent. Arun. i& 1868 • 1t f ÜBIO4, BOXES, USEFUL TO WHILE AWAY Au the cowl= of • sick chamber, or rot • han,440)310 /04 1 Dreamt. FARE ttr BROTHER, fe29•UrP 834 OhesiMa otivet boiWuria.R. 4*ht. FM'S' A URAV AWN IBM* 6UOLI• FOR SALE. TO RENT. KLIIL ESTATE SALE. HORTICULTURAL. 1%/A;viiA BOARDING. CLOTHarfele . . ONE PRICE. ONLY. .. JONES' . Old Established ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 004 MARKET STREET . ABOVE BIXTIL For etyle, durability and excellence of workmanship, our goods cannot be excelled Particular attention paid to customer work, and a perfect tit guaranteed in an MOB. • ap4 etu th tinwps EDWARD P. KELLY S. E. Cor. Chestnut and Seventh Ste. Large stock and complete assortment of SPRING GOODS, From the beet Foreign Manufacturers. Clothes equal or euporior in Fit, Style, Comfort and Durability to than of any other FIESTA:LABS TAILORING ESTABLISH. MEN T. noderate Prices. Liberal Discount for Cub. KIM I IC AND COAI4. ICE. ICE. ICE. ICE. ICE. ICE. 10E. • ICE SUPPLIED DAILY TOUMERS LARGE OR SMALL CON. S In any part of the paved limits of the Consolidated Cib— WEST PHILADELPHIA. MANTUA, TIOGA BRIDESBURG. and GERMANTOWN. Offices„Ota, SERVEDlyankfurnfshod with a Pt RE ARTICLE,PROMPTLY. and at the la weet market rates. COAL. COAL, COAL: COAL. COAL* BEST QUALITY OF LEHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL, at prices a. low no the lowest. for a first-rate article. BLACKSMITHS' COAL. HICKORY, OAK AND PINE WOOD. AND KINDLING WOOD. SEND YOUR ORDERS FOR ICE OR COAL TO Cold Spring Ice and Coal Company. THOS. E. CAHHENRY ILL. Preen. JNO. GOODYEAR, Sec'y. THOMAS. Superl. OFFICE, No. 935 Walnut Street. BRANCH DEPOTS. TWFLFTH AND WILLOW STREETS. TWELFTH STREET AND WASHINGTON AVENUE. 'IW i.NTY-Flra Is AND LOMBARD STREETS. NORTH PEN NS LVANLk RAILROAD AND MASTER STREET. PIN E STREET WHARF. SCHUYLKILL. w 1111,4p§ p : • t,t4e):c_ol LOCKING , GLASSES, OIL PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, CUOMO LITHOGRAPHS, PICTURE FRAMES EARLES' GALLERIES, 816 Chestnut Street. MOOTS AND SROES. P 4 td O c• E A Soring Styles in Fine Custom t., 1)1 3 4 1 Made Boots and Shoes for Gen- o m tlemen. The only place in the g 2 l E-i oily where all the Leading Styles ~.. r 4 in First Class Boots and Shoes El f al may be oblainld. Prices Fixed t-I .1 at Low Figures. BARTLETT. 1 g 14 33 South Sixth Street, above to a en Chestnut. W . P .losiv ras NEW PUBLICULTKONft. BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! FROM THE PRESS OF T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, No. 306 CHESTNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA. THE HAUNTED HOUSE. By Charles Dickens. Complete and unabridged edition. One large octavo volume, printed from new, large and clear type. Price Twenty•five cents. Being _ the Twen ty fourth volume ot "Peterson' Cheap Edition far the Million of Charles Dickons'e Works." IL THE FREEBOOTERS. A Story of tho Texan War. By Gustave Aimard. Author of •Phe Prairie Flower," "The Indian Scout," etc. Ono volume, octavo. Price Fifty cents. TAE HEART OF MIDLOTHIAN. By Sir Walter Scott, Tieing the Tenth volume of an entire new edition of `The Waverley Novels," now publishing in twenty six weekly volumes. at Twenty cents each, or Five Dollars for a complete set, and sent post-paid every where. "The Bride of Lammermoor," "The Black Dwarf; and A Legend of Montrose." "Old Mortality", "Rob Roy" "The Antiqua'"Guy Mannering." "Sena. worth," "Ivanhoe" and "Waverley" are also published at Twenty cents each. V. TILE MARRIAGE VERDICT. An entir. new book. By Alexander Dumas, author of "Count of Monte Christo„" "The Three Guardsmen," etc. One volume, octavo., Price Fit ty cents. FIELD CROQUET. Price reduced from $25 to $lB a set. eild for our Mammoth Descriptive Catalogue. Address all cash orders, retail or wholesale, to T. B. PETERnON & BROTHERt3. RA Chestnut St.. Philadelphia. Pa. Books sent. postage paid, on receipt of retail price. ALL NEW BOOKS ARE AT PETERSONEP. WHOLESALE AND • ' RETAIL, m2lO - 113 00 1150 00 • • CHARLES LYNE, Patent F_oldintering Seat and Round Back PERA.MBU TOR MANUFACTURER, 414 ARC Street, Philadelphia. They can be taken apart or folded up. and packed in the smallert place possibla or hung up If pot required. Their equal has wryer before been seen In this country. Second-handPeriunbalators repaired or taken 'in 'ex chat .e. &OE FITLER, 'WEAVER & 00, tIEW CORDAGE FACTORS WOW IN.Fou , oriotAttolip' Ech WATER and WI N. DIEU Amiable I ik.Kfl A1)11 rar4o"o: .80,000 TCrINVEIIT tff. PI • ztr t iput.f.utitry class sitEroortoasss of those moo** at s dlecount. B.ILINGISTQft f4oll&Y. No. 420 Wsmas street. VAUIPSEINS our. aropirmult 1868. caßryzentios.. l B6B. GLEN EOlO Germantown, MeCALLUIti I CREI4,BI. & $4OO. Reepectfully Lame the attention Of • THE TRADE to thelr largOetoctkof CARPETING of their own and other Mandan - 4mm No. 509 CHESTNUT STREET. 1868. REMOVAL 186 S, OF OUR RETAIL DEPARTMENT . From 519 Chestnut Streets TO NO. 609 CHESTNUT STREET. Whore we are now opening AN IMMEINEIN NNW STOCK OF FOREIGN CARPETING& Embracing all the latest and choked styles of ia p TIRAtOALTAITIEENtit ' M. MASH, AND PAL AT INE VENETL&NS; ALSO. ENO LII3II OIL CLOTHS. together will a full Ozte of DOMESTIC CARPETING& 42, BRUSSELS. TAPESTRY BRUSSELS and VENE TlAlsie. for 11A LIB and STAIRS, with extra borders. IffoOALLIIII GREASE & SLOAN 6 mbll•ce e m :Imre! NEW CARPETS. JANES H. ORNE, FON Si, CO., 020 Chestnut Street, Have opened New Carpete, Oil Cloth, Druggeta, Canton end Cocoa Matting, sn6, &c. Brussels, Wiltons, Velvets, The lave are our own Pattern.. English Ingrains, Three Plys, Oil Cloths, rruggets, English Venetian, Cocoa Matting, Straw Matting, OF OUR OWN IMPORTATION TRU SPRING, omo very eupertor, all of which we offer at lowest prices. JAMES H. ORNE, SON & CO., Chestnut, below Seventh. CANTON MATTING. Our Oin importadon This 'piing. SOME VERY SUPERIOR 3-4, 7-8, 4-4,• 5-4, 6-4 W HITE AND lIED CUECK STRAW MAT TINGS. JAMES ORNE, SON & CO., 026 Chestnut St., below Seventh.; I. IT. GODBILLLE. raw. Z. WIIIIMIUMILUIC Just Received, Ilev Lot of FINE CARPETINGS, et rich designs, and offered at low Brim Oil Clotho, Mattitigo, dr,o, E. H.GODSHALK &CO. 723 ,Chestnut Street. , • Jo2l4in= cAßPrrig, OIL CLOTHS, MATT MS, IMPORTATION OF Ikea. All the Latest and Beet 'St*lee AT , REDUCED PRICES. TO'WNSI NI) at: CO.; e , No 59 N. Second Bt,, below An*. a .16 ImrPS CARPETS, 4 :31 1 -4 1-40 f1 ". 11 ,* MATIINGS, &0., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Ve f e Lrdgl g lS P AM2 pared o receiving our LEEDOM & SHAW, 010 -Arch, tOtreet, Between Ninth end Tenth Streets. fan Smrnt, UNDEIEVIAILEKV Goo** L. it i vi L oat _ ATTWOOD dr, BON. "'EBB.th street to Na Nave removed front No. 44 North Eleven On Race A:gm:ahead.. . thhat Irik , VA A corder of ram sms.' - - To 13 T re eR":1 1 1: ... P &I , uoteis and dePT.--11LAILTI. L CHilpr. 219 bbis• v,144333/) At reet'" • Extra Tapestries. 910011fre morn MOW •TEA $1 24),0rrti".1,611$ bkha halt cheat. A FINE !OOLO ; NI ' Fotal o pec4b, A Goon Punt 00144440 For DO tomtit per lb Aeolis to call particular attenttoo to thooo ToileAls .lOolos remarkably chtiii?. • ' THOMPSON BAlten,llolilt Broad and Chestnntlitnti., CRIPPEN & IIfAIMOCC' 115 El; -Third Strept, belowllhestoti (Late W.L. Maddock & Go..):' Hare • , Have on hind a brae cod choke dockaf GREEN AND, BLAOK 'T E A .4., the/ are Wage li l t • BALTIMORE'O46IILtrUnnt,.. OONBTANTLY cnblMh * to tico • itEDUCE i rIt , FRPN. 101 PEAS AND • 11. •• t : I s KO, as; IlbriPit_WOW, Detail Xpoeh Pb :. • r• • i .- • ,• tbr, , Elekilir ca., at a. 4 : lel Son • ~,,..: • ~ NEW Yu • - . ff . ? 4 _.: • 4 . . 4 . 50 CtS . , l N . . - parts helm,al A. , , s'-it". -, '.• bpi* almond street. • - - WINSLOW/ GREEN CORN and very koEt+4,., Tom stook** n4 by the CAW or cuunt A. J.,trwAaria. RP Bout n news* *treat - A - IteRNOUTO BLOATERS. emokadadeatt and Plaldell Salmon end edam Naollterek in Pt" at Ai. , A4L 0* CADMAN 0/ street DAVIIM D ORD MUNI) HAM always on toad. mkt :- • • • to . • 7 — •,IVE A small invoice of BOUCHE FILS A; CO. GREEK SEAL CLIAMPAGNE. 14 Arroo lDDLETriti, 4 tro. NOrtt street. ImmiT7CZ - T - f - r1:1 NEW MARBLE STORE 902 CHESTNUT EPPREET. JAB. E. CALDWELL & CO. JEWELERS, incite *Maio* to new deign la 13ELIIDAJL , AZID SILVER WARES:, Pre r &red eoperially for their retail Was. JAL E. CALDWELL & co., SO2 Climitnut Street; .i.tuthtt• J. P. Clark.l)Saml Biddle. AMERICAN WATCHES, ENGLISH WATCHER. SWISS WATCH . PROM ALL TILE LEADM-ItAICKEIL 1811, LEONTIMILCHAISM CHATRTIAIN CHAIM NH. VEST CHAINS. 188. GUARD CHAINS. 71120*.gheiatlitit Street. 713 DIEDICINAis• WOAD , NO. 917 WALNUT STBNET. WOOD HANGINGS Pooltiveiy dmk4 fell tq nee them before ordering ow. thing else. Wall paper hi now among the 'Things That Wares!' WOOD EIIasTOINGS Coat no more. and are eelling 'by the Minuend roll. f dal. eeo t4an and be confuted. fie imeoulotion, etubborpteeekrie are alto on OXlll j big Ma le asatriAg 4 btitfrp 89ut 6 th "11/840147, .4,r/ .11000W/nti i niDELW 4 *.. 1E44 Briu• OtlitaPiaft qm• , 111"1,11,1.1"" EERIE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers