111/11LEGRAPHIC 6UlllHaa t A. %vAttrtmtr has been issued for the - arrest, of Governor Eyre, of Jamaica. IT is reported at Florence that Garibaldi has kft Caprera and gone to Naples. Trot election in Louisiana began yesterday and will conclude to-day. Tint customs receipts at the four principal At lantic ports from April 6th to 11th amounted to *2,97903. GENERAL MENSDORF is spoken of as the next representative of Austria at the Court of the Czar. THE Prince and Princess of Wales were enter tained at a banquet by the Lord Lieutenant • of Ireland on Thursday night. IstievisE damage is being done by the floods in Georgia and Virginia, many houses and uridgea being swept away.' Bnowx, the Canaan child-mnrderer has been found guilty of murder In the first degree. The jury recommend mercy in his case. TivErxx members of the Mississippi Conven tion have resigned their seats. Press renortere are excluded from the house after this date. JOHN BRODINS, who was arrested at St. Louis a year ago for having in his possession a plate for making counterfeit postal currency, has oeen sentenced to ten years In the penitentiary. THE City Councils of )3altimoro honored the nnniversary of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln by changing the name of Lincoln avenue. in that city, to Battery place. Tau Mississippi Couirention yesterday adopted nportion of a franchise article. One of the sec tions provides for six days' voting on the Consti tution. AT on informal caucus of Pacific coast Demo crats, it was,formally agreed to urge Associate Justice Fiehlof the Supremo Court as the West ern candidate for President at the coming De mocratic. Convention. Rav jolts B. llcKianim and Lanchman Mc- Laurin were killed by lightning in Richmond .corinty, L C., on Thurada3r. In Amelia county, Va.,,on the .same day, three negroes were struck 'dead by lightning. TIE remains of the late General John H. Morgaii, of the rebel army, have been rein terred at Lexington, Ky. A large concourse of citizens from various portions of the State and South, including many companions .in arms, at tended the funeral. Txia budley Woolen Company's mill, at Dud ley, Massachusetts, was entirely destroyed by fire on Thursday night. The fire originated in the picker-room, cause unknown. There is an insurance of $45.000 on the mill. The exact loss is not ascertained, but will exceed the in• Etrance. Dasrxrcims which have been received at the headquarters of the army of the United States show that, in nine districts in South Carolina, in which the registration amounts to 38,260, the vote cast was 21,883. A canvass of the vote shows 7,227 for the constitution and 4,990 against it. O'KKATING and Holliwood, the feather-weight bruisers, who were to fight near Cincinnati next Monday for the championship,have been arrested under the new law of Ohio prohibiting prize fights, and were required to give bail in five thousand dollars not to fight in or out of Ohio within one year, and,in detault, were imprisoned. PI:Iv/km nhsr.vrelins received from Constanti nople.-announce the sudden death in that city, on• die 23d instant . ; of Mrs. Edward Joy Morris, the wife of the AmericauoMinister. Mrs. Morris, it appears, was ill but a few days, and died from a combination of fever and acute neuralgia. Mrs. Morris was a native of Philadelphia. A wiwi i Gin high life came off at Fortress Monroe on the 15th. Brevet Brigadier-General Chauncey B. Reese,. of the United States En gineer corps, was married to Miss Mary Court ney, of Baltimore. The ceremony took place at the residence - of her brother-in-law, General Benry Brewerton, the Rev. Dr. Cheevers, post chaplain, officiating, and Was the most brilliant affair that has ever taken place, in that section. Tux Director of the Bureau of Statistics has compiled and published a complete list of all the merchant vessels of the United States by name, rig, tonnage and home port. The total number of vessels is 12,207; of which WI are ships, 745 barks, 608 brigs, 8,862 schooners, 2,841 sloops, 46 yachts, 58 long boats, and 2,505 steam vessels of various kinds. The total tonnage of the vessels contained in the list is 2,755,504. Gssanni. SCHOFIELD addressed the Virginia Convention, yesterday. in opposition to the "iron•clad oath." Ills experience taught him that it would be impossible to carry on the!tite Government with such a test, and' he — th that as a party measure it would be fatal to' the new Constitution. When he left the Convention, an effort was made to reconsider the oath, but this was refused by a vote of 32 against 26. TILE Secretary of the interior is in receipt of a telegram from General Dodge„chief engineer of the Union Pacific Railroad Company, stating that on the 16th inst. the rails would be laid upon the summit of the mountains in the presence of a large number of distinguished army officers and citizens. According to Blinkerderfer's sur vey, the railroad crosses the mountains at this hoint at an elevation of 8,242 feet, being the ighest point reached by any railroad in the world. Buffalo_ and Wastkington Railway. In the Buffalo Commercial Advertiser of the 18th instant we find an article on the above road, made up mainly of a "Statement of the Direc tors,'; which statement wa' published in answer to certain "inquiries" which had been previously made through the columns of the Advertiser. We do not know the gentlemen whose names are appended to that "Statement" as Di rectors of the road, but from' the facts laid down and the arguments used to induce the citizens of Buffalo to vote for a municipal sub • scription to aid in the building of that road, we feel warranted in expressing the ballet that thus.' gentlemen are not only "men of business," bui. are possessed of that tar-seeing business sagacity - which looks not merely to the present, but also to the future prosperity of their city! After showing that the completion of this root will open a ''great gateway to the coat fields" of our State, they ask most truly and per tinently the question: " ther 84.1t0 is to more than .double her population and wealth within th , ' , zuxt tweedy pears bp building up her manofizeturiny interests. and becoming the coal depot of the great iVest—orWhether she shall stand still and stag •nute?" Amtufter asking this question they say: ! 'Debt and taxation are evils to be avoided, if prat-' tieubt but they are blessings cmnpared with the death of public spirit and the paralysis of public pride and energy!" Most forcible words are these, and they remind us of almost the:same questions and arguments that were used twenty years ago to induce our citizens to vote for municipal aid in building our "Penn eylvania Central road." That aid was given and the road was built, and the result has been that our population and wealth has tnore than doubled during that twenty years, and Philadelphia is to-day the largest manufacturing city in the Union; and now these gentlemen cry asking their citizens to do for. Buffalo what asked our citizens to do for Philadelphia twenty years ago, cud which was done with such glorious results to us! if the citizens of Buffalo shall fail to resporid to the call thus made upon theta to secure the "proffered wealth of the coal fields, double the manufactures of their city, increase the shipping on their Lakes, and benefit every taxpayer and laboring man." then shall we think that the "paralysis of public pride and energy" has indeed fallen upon 'teem. ei Japanese Belle—Enshions in A' eddo Pipes and Chopsticks —nitre reel or Wooden Sandals. ITranelated for the Clucinnati Chronicle.] Every Japanese girl, of no matter what class in society, appears inspired with an in nate love of coquetry. The daughter of the humblest tradesman loves to pass whole days in shopping, and takes the greatest delight in prepsiing, long before it is needed, the dress she intends to display for the first time at the next fete. The day arrived, the happy girl Jibes early in the morning, and while her fresh new dress lies in one corner of the room, impatiently submits to the dilatory labors of her hairdresser, in whose pro fession there are some arti4ts s celebrated that they devote whole hours to the study and'toil requisite for the composition of some graceful or fashionable style, where the hair, carefully dressed with thp brush and pomade, half hides a piece of crepe coquettishly chosen and fastened by heavy pins of tortoise shell or coral. irne b fp« n, it must be confessed, is not al,'- er of nature's, growth, and It after r'' hair, we examine the face,' We shall see that stacianie Rachel herself could not teach tie Japanese much in •the art of making up. On the dressing tables stand averfect collection 4 little boxes just drawn from sortie hiding place; there are whites for the neck,the arms, the bust: reds for the mouth and the cheek ; black for the eyes ; some time gold for the lips; and yet, with all these aids from art, age is un able to conceal its decrepitude, while strangely enough the children are the most laden with paint. Putting aside this coquetry, universal in spite of its bad taste, the dress is very sim ple and invariably well chosen. A silk robe, generally of a dark hue, covers a chemise en crepe made of small patches of every color, al perfect harlequin's mantle, where bright green is placed beside a lively red. In wittier the costume is completed by a short mantle doubled and thickened according to the season. The dress is long, without shape, and , open from top to bottom; the upper part is confined by a bolt br tad enough to cover the breast and the lower part of the form, and terminating behind in— an enormous knot; to tie which with more or less elegance demands a careful examination and many retouches. The sleeves hang like large pockets, To the belts are fastened a pipe in a velvet case and a pocket-book containing two Chopsticks of silver,if it is intended to do honor to the host who may otter refreshments. In one corner of the pocket-book sparkles a little mirror, a European innovation, for our civilization has made this slight breach of Japanese manners. During the greater portion of the year the feet are bare; in winter they are clad in white:cotton, and rest upon sandals of varnished W ood,kept by wooden supports high enough above the ground to escape the mud and the damp. The sandal is ornamented with braids of straw,or sometimes of velvet, and held to the foot by a strip of cloth passed between the toes. Occa sionally it is re-covered with leather or paper, but is never honored by being worn in the house. Caution to Travelers. A letter from Italy to ' the London Times, says: "Travelers in Italy will do well to be on their guard against forged bank paper. Of the great Variety of notes now in circulation in this country -some are easily counterfeited, and the forgers have not neglected the op portunity. The safest are probably the ten franc and two-franc notes, both of which were engraved and printed in America, where that branch of financial art has attained a high degree of perfection. A. fresh Issue of thirty millions of the ten-franc paper is an nounced, a corresponding amount of large notes to be withdrawn. The Italian-made paper is more easily falsified. One hears of a good many false five-franc notes. The one tranc notes, which are not a legal-tender, but which readily circulate in the present com plete dearth of silver currency and scarcity of copper, have been extensively forged, and are to be distinguished—more readily than by the imperfection of the engraving and printing—by the coarseness of the paper, which is rougher and thicker than the genuine article. 'Lately the Banca del l'epolo, which issues the one-franc Dotes, has issued others of fifty centimes, or tivepence English. One step more and we shall have twenty-five centimes paper, and be on a par with Austria in that respect. We frequently hear of fresh orders given by go vernment for copper money. Twenty mil lions of francs' worth is now coining in Paris, under the superintendence of an Italian agent. The Naples Mint lately received instructions to prepare 600,000 francs' worth. Appa rently this government hopes at last to pro duce more than enough to meet the demand for exportation. Hitherto the copper hag disappeared almost as fast as it was put in circulation. There is always a certain quan tity floating in Florence, but it is insufficient. and postage stamps are now commonly offered as change." A Florida Spring. A correspondent of the Cincinnati Com mercial has visited a remarkable spring near Osceola, Florida, of which he gives this ac count: "I found it in the midst of a lone hum mock, overflowing its banks. It bubbled up in a basin thirty-seven feet deep and about an acre in extent, filling and overflowing it, and sending from it a deep stream fifty or sixty feet wide, and extending eight or nine miles to the Oklawaha river, into which it empties. In the spring itself fay steamboat may lie at anchor, and in the stream steam boats of considerable draught. The spring thus forms a natural inland port, to which three steamers now run reg ularly from the St. Johns. The clearness of the water is truly wonder ful. It seems even more transparent than air. You see on the bottom, thirty feet be low the bottom of your boat, the exact form of the smallest pebble, the outline and color and shades of color of the leaf which has sunk. Large fish swim in it, every scale vis ible and every movement distinctly ob3erva ble. The water is impregnated with lime and magnesia, but has no appreciable taste, and is excellent drinking water. If you go over the basin in the boat you will see the fiisure in the rocks, from which the river pours up ward like an inverted cataract. There art: more of these springs in the channel of the ,cream, further down." U&RPETINOB, &U. 1222 CHESTNUT STREET. 1222. Special Notice. Having completed our removal to New Store, No. LID CHESTNUT Street, we are now ready to offer, at lowe.l cash prices, a new stoat of handsome CABPETINGB, OM CLOVIS, BIA.TTINGS, With all other kinds of goods in our lice of business. REEVE L. KNIGHT dz SON , 1222 Chestnut Street. 1222. ant 8(15 EXC L & l EI- Icnc 1 RESSLER lARBECK , S 805 nnoDVI, RAT s ORE. No, 805 RACE STREET, IT ILAD gLPILIA. 'aving opened 'tt ith a new and f etth etogic of lIATti and CAPS, we guarantee to eell ag low as any other ti et close ' , tore in the city. Particular attention called to our SSIIO 'SILK HAT .! Silk Hats at Alanufaiqurerte Price.% ' A general uermtniont of 11.:''T8' F , 1011k 1 IIING GOOL'S ' COlOllOll. on hand, ap9 the to lay; I ,r AIWT & CO., GEC. 91KAL, IiEVVI3PAPInt, COU . responding and Advertising Agents, 183 Nassau street, New York. (Established in 186111 Advortisemonts inserted at publishers ratee in all the leading newspapers published In the United States,Dritisli Provinces, Mexico, South America, Eaet and Weet Indies; ILIWEItaCk , O6B: Mr. H. T. Gelmbold, Druggist, 6911 Broad Way, Messrs. B. It. Vend suer, di tie.. 198 Greenwich et ; Ales4JA. u away iturket 218 Greenwich street; fdeßers. 0 . " ru w‘ ebn dr Co., Type Foundors.l9 Chambers et.y 11 tior 9. • 1 1 0 40 &fin.. Trim Fogndere, 58 Gold et, N; Y. trelß•onl 11Q0OBB BOUGHT, BOLD AND Excuttriap)A U AM ES UM btarka Naps. ,fOlO 4 l - - wrpw cirtott„.vnittirq' ii)UftitElr FIGB.-46 CASES NEW Citutt, .17411.1" tr b i. gr i t i le s e ,; :gui r ttand: tor ado. by JOB. ,B. BUSOIE i 4 - - - --- DRElikatvED ARINDB.-4& KEGS MARTINIQti , ,o in suitor; landing and for onto by .1. B gusalElt & GICK, 108 Sontli p elAware Avenue. rur . . . THE DAILY EVENING BIILLETIN.-PHILADELIIIIA, SA'TIJA Ariq.T.4, 110868. et DIMON COUNCIL OF PHILADELPHIA, V CLERK'S OFFICE, PIIILAIAMPITIA, April 10, 1868. In accordance with a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the city of Philadelphia on Thursday, the ninth day of April, 1868, the an nexed bill, entitled "AN Or:nix/trier: creating a loan for the extension of the Water Works, the purchase of League Island, and for building an lee Boat," is hereby published fo lnformation. ' JOHN ECKSTEIN. Clerk of Common Council. Apr ORDINANCF. creating a loan for the extension of the Water Works, or the purchase of League Island, and for building an Ice Boat. SECTION 1. The Select and Common Councils of the city of Philadelphia ,do ordain, That the Mayor of Philadelphia be and be is hereby autho rized to borrow, at not less than par, on the credit of the city, from time to time, one million six hundred and forty thousand • dollars, to be applied as follows viz.: First—For the further extension of the Water Works, one million dol lars. Second—For the purchase of League Island and property on the back channel opposite thereto, four hundred and eighty thotisand dol lars. Third—For building an Ice Boat, one hun dred and sixty thousand dollars; for which in terest, not to exceed the rate of six per,cent. per annum, shall be paid half-yearly, on the first days of January and July, at the office of the City Treasurer. The principal of said loan shall be payable and paid at the expiration of thirty years from the date of the same, and not before,. without the consent of the holders theroof: and the certificates therefor, in tho usual form of the certificates of city loan, 44, he issued in such amounts as the lenders may require, •but not for any fractional part of one .hundred dollars, or if required in amounts of five hundred or one thou sand dollars; and it shall be expreased in said cer tificates that the loan therein mentioned and the interest thereof are payable free from all taxes. SEc. 2. Whenever any loan shall be made by virtue thereof. there Alla be, by force of this ordi nance, annually, appropriated out of the income of the corporate estates, and from the sum raised by taxation, a sum sufficient to pay. the Interest on said certificates; and the further sum of three tenths of one per contain on the par value of such certificates, so issued, shall be appropriated quar terly out of said income and taxes to a sinking fund; which fund, and its accumulations, are hereby especially pledged for the redemption and payment of said certificates. RESOLUTION TO PUBLISH' A LOAN BILL. Roolred, That the Clerk of Common Council be authorized to publish in two daily newspapers of this city, daily, for four weeks, the ordinance presented to the Common Council on Thursday, April 9th, 1868, entitled "An Ordinance creating a loan for,the extension of the Water Works, for the purchase of League Island, and for building. an Ice Boat " And the said Clerk, at the stated. meeting of. Councils, after She expiration of four weeks from the first day of said publication, shall present to this Council one of each of said news papers for every day in which the same shall have been made. apll-24t FIRE.PROOVSAFEIS. AWARDED THE PRIZE MEDALS. HERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION SAFES Awarded the Prize !Ledals at World's Pair, London; World's Fair, New York; Exposition Oniverselle, Paris, (88,000 IN GOLD.) At the recent International Corded in the Paris Exhibition The public are invited to call and examine the report of the ,Jury on the merits of the great confect, and see the official award to the lierring'e Patent over all others. 629 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Herrirg, Farrel & Sherman, New York. Herring & Co.. Chioago. Herring, Farrel 4 Sherman, N. Orleans. nail° to th r 31nrot 220. REFRIGERATORS FOR THE MILLION. , :iIE BEST VENTILATING REFRIGERATORS, ALSO, THE COMMON REFRIGERATORS, At 11..xtreitte Low Prices. E. S. FA.}..soN & CO., OLD STAND, Taos. 220 andi222 Dock Street, h ear the Exchange. apl4 to the f.nrpl The Arctic" REFRIGERATOR, The beet and moot conveniently constructed article in thin or any other market. AR the compartments are guaranteed DRY and free Prom MOULD, MOISTURE and IMPURE ODOR. Call and examine and see testimonials in behalf of this euperior Refrigerator. WILLIAMS .& WOODWARD, • No. 22 (Mae Twenty-Two) Chestnut Street, MANEFAC CURERB. mhiletiithtf sir all'llabllEss, JAE vw le.i.as mu. • [...._ 15. IN IS LA DO M US Ceo DIAMON 1) 1) EALEIiS & 3 E WELERFi. itiTellES, JEWRIALV A< HINER 11"%11.E. WATCHES and JEWELRY REPAIRED. 802 Chestnut St., Phila. Would invite the attention of , purchaeere to their Large nook of GENTS.' AND LADIES' %V A. r rCHES 9 Just ieeelvell.ot the finest European makereangepengent quarter second,• and gelf.windlng; In Gold and 84hr Cues. Alga Americoh , Watehee of all 'dorm _ Diamond Beta PUBJEltuds. Eingoote. Coral.Malerniso, _ 0 fund and ,IfttruloonlOets. to great variety. Solid Bilverwareo==.irieludhas large;aolerfe oaent imitable for B •glitA eveiywhero. CITY ORDINANCES. 30„000 Francs!! WINNER OF THE WAGER OF. 30,000 FRANCS!! FARREL, HERRING & CO., E ILATons. RETAIL VIM WOODS. E. M. NEEDLES ' & CO., 1101 Chestnut Sit., Call special attention to their large invoices of • SPRING GOODS, that cannottelfrtaobßvdee:ateialccitah, c t o h n e s u i f i i 3 o g r o tt price Laces and Lace Goods, Veils and Veil Material in Colors, White Goods and Embroideries, Handkerchiefs, &a, dio., Linens end House• Furnishing Dry Goode, In Great Variety. Ladies will fintit to their advantage to call and ex• amino our large stoat of Piques and Material for White Waists. E. M. NEEDLES & CO. • Fourth 'and Arch. _ KEEP A STOCK OF DRY GOODS ADAPTED TO THE DAILY WANTS OF FAMILIES. LARGE STOCK OF BHA WES. • LACE POINTS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. WHITE GOODS IN FULL VARIETY. BLACK GOODS OF ALL GRADES. STEEL AND GRAY GOODS. SILK DEPARTMENT WELL STOCKED. CLOTH DEPARTMENT, NEW ASSORTMENT. DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT, FAESII STOCK. STAPLE HOUSEKEEPING DEPARTMENT. HOSIERY. GLOVF.S. 'MKS'S., LACES, &e. deltrui w a tf Spring Trade. 1868. EDWARD FERRIS, Importer, No. 36 South Eleventh Street, (UP STAIRS.) now opening desirable NOVELTIES In • Piques lc Welts, Plaid and Striped Flainsooks, lhombitrg Edgings and Inserting., Needle-work Edgings and Inserting& Imitation and Real Cluny Lases, Imitation and Real Vaiendennes Laces, Jaeonet Muslin% Soft Cambric., Swiss Muslin. French Rualins, &a., ace. A general assortment of White Goods ; Embroideries, Laces, &c., Which he offers to' the fade at Importer's prices. the saving lietall Dealers the Jebber's profit, N. 13.—.1 he special attention of Manufacturers 0 Children's Clothing to solicited. l ski to th s SILKS. SILKS. JOHN W. THOMAS, Nee. 405 and 407 N. Second Street. Blitek.Silks. 4 Chene Silks. Stripe Silks, keiguredSilks, Plaid Saks. Plain Silks. CHOKE GOODS FOR EVENING DRESSES. mhi7.2mrpt Ew JAMES MoMULLAN I NEW STORE f j STOCK Importer and Dealer In' • Linens and House-furnishing Dry Goode, Takeo thia.opportanity to return his thanks to the Ladies of Philadelphia Mid surrounding districts for their liberal Patronage, and begs to inform them that FOR THE AC uOMMODATION OF FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE WESTERN PART OF THE CITY, he has opened his NEW STORE, No. 1128 Clieetnut Street, • Two doors below Twelfth street. His long experienceln Lines Hoods, and hie facilities for obtaining 'implies DIRECT FROM EUROPEAN MANUFACTURERS, enable him at al PRICES offer THE BEST GOODS AT THE "Ames."' The Old Store. B. W. corner SEVENTH and CHEST NUT, will be kept open, as usual. te294 m w-2m • JCHAMBERS, NO. MO ARCH STREET.—GREAT J . BARUAINtI PROM AUCTION IN • WHITE GOODS. • Marseilles and Piques for 25 etc. Rleid Neinisook, 26 cents. Stripe Swiss Muslin, 26 cte. Mu& two ?de. wide. 60 cts. \ Fre c Tucked in for Weide. \ Lorna Lace elutes, bargains. • Mario Antoinette Incline, Lain a Parasol Covens. Cololtd Trimming Laces. 'Homburg Rdgings and bleedings, choice designs, about 'half the coat di - importation. apB Imi T ItrEN O001)13 OF ALL KINDS. tiIIEAF.—TABLE 11 Linen at 50,.62..it '75. 2735 and $l. Handsome Barnsley Damask at $1 60. 1 75,19 26. and 122 50. • NaOkins. $1 50, $1 /5. $2, $2 25 and $2 be per doz.. all llnon. Doylies at 5, 67,A4. and $6 per doe. iihirt Bosoms Made of Richard then's Linen, my own manufacture. Shirting Unens,very cheap. Towels of all kinds. Busslaand American Orash ale and 12.36. EiRANVILIAP B. lIAINBS, , (.7 I.IE AP .LIN EN STORE, apl6 3t 1013 Market street, above Tenth. A T 2 HE OLD STAND,' NO. 239 S • unx, FIFTEENTH It street, A full line of Pique Trimming, Satin Pipings. Sash Ribbons. Good Kid'Gloves for till 22 - per pair. Mark. ins with Indelible Ink, Pinking,drc.,No.239 South Fifteenth street, three doors below Locust street. " apls,6t" 1868 — NEW SPRINGeet GO B C:IN3 . DAILY BEING New ffia,Now przgaa4 .11141)1. New Broche phawbs; New Lade Shawle,ete. • EDWIN MALL 6: CO, ,mbl6 if South Second street. RR 300' oilciff_pgNitlfillTutTgg-13,edE2Inch Bon., *and 60. worth 76 and $1: 135 and 2 inch Hem., 0235 &DWI& worth $1 and $1 26: 235 and 8 Inch , Hem, $1 and $126, worth $l6O ands 2: , °elite Hennaed Btltchedllandkerchiefe, only $l. The .above: goods are the cheapest ever offered by us. STOXES /8• WOOD, 702 Arch street. • apB.tf. CI. 4 6.RK'S ARIVIEFitr BOILER. : . SA 1) PO.llO to . POSSiththird fuelus t i n n an agh littp,ak luta, adapte d for bliL a Si I IRE FARMERS ItiE litNiCß: !Sold rWititor itiqrnt warmer whanlit c land trot; 110; to .15.0 , .Wholtude atuVßetailt ;' 1008 Market street9.4PloloAl/4P aplBBt (. Cl4:Cit4 P;fisWitiii.E*l,C o o jOitt of 'Philadelphia, 'Mate of .Yoquryh gCrs 'bat (w compliance with the act of Gertnrallleecmply, , apProviid the Fourth day of April, 1965, providing against r it wrong ful detention and appropriation cot- ; Bayrols and,atipli. yes. selm belonging to him,filed in the'olllca of the Prothono• tar" of Common PiCas, a desCription of marke, Which hie barrels and other sqraaeL3 are known.. Ile claims as Ida property all veeselti marked: "George Eager"--brauded on the bead or bottom, or on both, of oath yeesel. 101 l g gt§ • ' GEORGE ENSER. NOTICE.—A SPECIAL StOckholdere of Tlifi 81VAIVIACVCOMPA.SY will be held at No: 96 North Seventeenth Argot. Irl .thli CRY of Philadelphia. on 1110','iDA V. April 97th. U ) 68.. tit 43 eYclock. M..' ter the ourpooe of eensittering the prokrihlone 'of an act of Maitiolity oft he'Comnaonerea lt h. of • Peurtaritanla„ approved the third day of April,lBs3 .enOtlgii"An,att ex, t..udiug the Charter of The waters. i:ointintiy. and outh o . size the odd (Semen ny' to hold ad dit Maul lends,. to teene bond. and mot tango I a Beal Beetate,` , •and of determining hither the tame mhall be accepted or rettused. , Br order of the Board of Direetora: • . •080. VAVK, Sicratary. .A 14th, 1868. • • - • - f • npligipOi• Roe- LIBRARY COM PANY.—THR - ANNUAL Bbe.o ."'"" Hon of Directors and a Trearurer.of the Library Company of Philadelphia will be held at the Library, on MONDAY, the 4th day, of May next. at:A.o'o9ok in the afternoon, when thm'irciumrer will atterntto cave the annul payments. ' • - As there nro several shares on which find& /UNE due, the owners of them or their representatives. ore hereby noti• lied that they 14 ill be forfeited, agreeably to the charter and laws of the Company. unleol the arrears .are paid otf on the 4th day of May 4 or within tend/Lys thereafter. WILLIAM t wprote,N, , i liecretary. N. 11.—No books will he given out or'reao veiroh that afternoon. npl4ttn,tb,slornY44 OFFICE. CATAWISSA RAILROAD COMPANY. No. 424 WALNUT street. • , . Pli tLA 1.ED113 garcrt roth. IEI. The Board of Dlrectore of ON Company' toil; declared DlVidend of Three per Cent. on eccoent of ttufdlrldende due the Preferred Stockholders. PsYside ou the let of Hoy next, tel those persone,ln whosemann the stock stands at the clogs of the Transfer 060ke. Tho Treeefer Rooks of the Preferred Stock Willbeclosed on the 20th day of April, and ro•opened on the Int of May ruaoin,w,e,tuitlO ) SY. L. OLLItoY„ Treeeurer. lap. STOCKHOLDER!) , NOTICE.--A MEETING OP the Stockholders of the Gernu l'aesenger Railway Cowpony will beheld at their Office on NYE!). NESDAY, April Zithaftif, at 4 P.M:. to take Into conside ration the propriety of inereaelng the number of the Board (- f Manager=. in pirrenance of a supplement to an act of Arsenthly, approved the d day of April. latif. By order of the Board of 'Managers. • i 6 111 a tu7r , JOSEPH kilKOßill.Y. Secretary. mope NOTICE—THE ANNUAL MEETING 01 , •HE Stockholders of the Philadelphia chamber of Co in• coerce will be held at the bail of the Commercial Ex• change, Second and Cold streets, on SATeltn&Y. between the hours of 11 A. M. and 1 P.: M., for the election of President. Treasurer and eight. :111anagers, to serve for the ensiling year. • apl4,tu,th,s6t SANICEL L. WAliD,Secretary. sirOFFD E ELMIRA AND ‘VILLIAMSPORT RAIL ROAD COMPANY. P(R WALNUT STREE r. PIIILADELPIIIA4 April 14, 1 , 164. The annual election for President and Manager* of this Cowan* . will be held 04 MONDAY, the . loud& dey of .Tay, lbe», at 19 o'clock. M. LEWIS P. GEIGER npittn,th,s,lo m4l Secret/Irv. OFFICE OF SHAMOKIN AND BEAR VALLEY •"" COAL COMPANY, NO. 214 cimsTNUT PILILADELVIIIA. April Ii 1844. ' The Annual Meeting of Stockholdern and Election for Offirery of the Shantokln and Pear Valley - Coal Campanr ,sill be held at the Office of the 4:oinpanv, on MONI)AI'. May 4th, at 12 o'clock, M. W. I', K.NSON, a pi: 18 22 24 27 29 myl Secretary. NOTICE.—THE ANNUAL MEETINfI OF t3TOCK. il lt 4r holdall of the Mega Improvement Compile for the election of officers to serve the ensuing year. will he held at No. 16 Philadelphia Exchange, on TL,K3DAY,3Iay sth. ut 12 M. 'BO5 to snyg _(.EO.Ii. COLK ET, Secretary. ssolite• VULCAN MININGCOMPANY(OF M ECM •"`" OAN).--The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders l of the Vulcan Mining Company v. ill be held the Office! a the Company. No. 124, alnut street. Philadelphia, on Tutl*DAY the 14th day of May Peritt, at 12 o'clock M.. for the election of Directors, and transaction of other budneol, B. A. 1.100VE13. Secretary t.AI,ELPIIIA, Apt il Pith, ltie?„4. apl3finyl4l figgp...- OFFICE OF TILE AMARICAN FIRE INSUR ANCM COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA. April l3th. 1663. The Directore have Car day declared a dividend of Seven DoHars and Fifty Cents. per there for the lent FI x months, which will be paid to the Stockholders or their legal repreeentativc.f. on -and after the 234 in.ltant. c'ear of all taxoe. A. C. L. URA 1.V.F0 J. apl3 lCd4 Secretary. gee- GOOD oPRING RAILROAD. COM PASY.-- Put LADY.6I.IIIA, April It 11:41. The Annus! Meeting of the Stockholders of this coin. pany, and an election for President and cix managers to , serve for the enattiri year and until others nhall Tut elec t ed, will be held a t the office of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company, No. 2z7 South Fourth street, on MONDAY, the 4th day of May next, at 1 . 134 o'clock A. M. aplltirty4 WM. U. WEBB, Secretary. aopp-- NORTHERN LIBERTIES AND PENN TOWN. SIIIP RAILROAD COMPANY. April lt. /801. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this coin. piny, and an election for °Moen to/serve (or the ensuing Year. 11121 C/ until others shall be elected, will bo held at the oflice of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Com pany, No. 227 South Fourth street. on MONDAY., the 4th day of May next, at 11 o'clock A. Al. apll t my 4 WM. IL WEBB, Secretary. SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAIL. gIar ROAD COMPANY. Office 2.1 South Fourth r tree% rifIT,ADVLPHIA, April 11. 'WA. The annual meeting of the Sfockhoidefa of thl4 Com pany, and an election for Preeident and aix Managere, will take place at the Office of the Company on MON. DAY, the 4th day of May next, at 12 o'clocic M. Wfd. M. WEBB. Secretary. ST. MARY'S HOSPITAL, C iRN RR OF FRANKFORD ROM) and PALMER STREET (opposite New York Bennington Depot), in charge of the dieters of St. Francia. . Accident cases received if brought immediately after ^acention of injury. Lying in cues received ate moderate rate of board. Free medical and surgical advice given on Wednesday and Saturday A fternobnabetween 41 and fl o'clk. felltf BLINDS AND . WINDOW' SHADES. IL L WILLIAMS & SONS, 10 NORTH SIXTH STREET, LARGEST MANUFACTURERS OF Venetian • Blinds AND WINDOW SHADES. Cam"' SELL AT TUE LOWEST PRICES. -Al Blind?) vet:aired, Curtain Cornices, Shade TrimmlnaA and Fixteres, Picture Tassels and Cord, Store Shades end Leticring. Plain Shades of all kinds, Bell Pulls, dsc . spin the to - • • rrnjuirigilw GOODS. Mourning Good s. NEW SPRING 11W WEINER STOOK NOW. OPEN. 4 LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF " MOURNING BONNETS" IN VIE CITY. / Myga's Idonnfttg Stour 1113 Cheatiutt Street, Ginird Row,. I=Zl= CIAMILIAGES. . , P. M. LANE, Allik 4DABBIAGE OVILDE R * a , eipeetfullr invitee attention to hie Lupe took et 8n ea . ._,...1i oili also. • Onion , ' tiara • for Aitiiii ix' 01 fir! I,, , inga. 1.4 untweßy• AttDfWAltt M.. , ARKfirES ) 1 , 8481103434 " Salli Thlan 'Railroad Der 4 Vlitet.4qUaree ,to eo l l i I,4 l V eap I• • •.••,. 5164 u , i.. 1 A 1 '7; ' . 1 ,111 , - 1 0 . it t • ' ' otFrPf URA • • Ulna -RP) Cs•o9.. •' ' 4 " • 4.44 aPritf AcApElCicpp, 0 fiT a r. PEOLIII“ OrERA P comPANi. • • CAROLINE ItICIIINGS“ . .pIRECTRESS FORA. Elfif t - 001,1111ENCINIMOli NI.MAPIII so. 'ALL Tuff, o • iftr(thl Cemohell, Copilo t Wylie,,tleaulu, litemard, Peaked awl Ai nold. Mies C. Bhp+, Mrs E. tl i e:d i t l a Afro &molt FULLOH K Oito *A t grEt; eciA—M Box Bigot for the sale of oecured eeats, t : WITHOUT- EXl'hA (MAMIE, ' Will open at C. W. A, TrumpleF. Music Store, N o, wao Cl icenna. .Wodoeftlay taro If,Altillbbwbohs the whole botthe *ill be oh sale till t ere Wha to, A. C. PENN VER, Bustneso NE W.CILEEITN TXSTRZETTHEATILF.,— • •, • ~ • A CROWNING SCCCESS FOR E..bIoDON4 UGH% Elaborate spectacle. 1 4 .3 1 01MPRI " ,„: THE FoLLOW ti r.mS WERE TWIOR.REPHATED EACH NIGHT: TUE INCANTATION JSCBr ost THAI Giwrop orAii KAIreASOADEIL AND THE GRAND TRANSPVIIMATION. THE BALLET AttgreeptetlOrte week twAhollreLapppArjericeol TIIE ZGOVOIR 151E0 ' ' Who appesr conjuncOon lothEB4, hPLIA m A Irt E BANDA, MONS. MARAVIZ, MAITRE DE BALLET. 13upr!err.ed;b7 , etttelpeleued , ft; • - PARIVIENNE'ISAttiaMtaOUP4.' AND - BEVENTY.FIX.E YOUNG LADIES. ABMCI.RIAL DISPLAYS, r U The - MARGEB und TABLEAUX + produced t e: ut 0 ' - Piec° PM9"F l l NVlt h Ei a irat e tialt tic MATINEE ON toATLTRDAY Arrolgioo e .. M JOBB DREW/PAM:Mr STTEGSATB e IL ue W. • PAIIBIXIATIRIDAYNIGSITIG F. 3011$ DREW ANn (R),MPANt TIIIB,BATUIRDAY;E'VENING, April let 1888. The line Comedy entitled. PAUL ,rotire Dttp . vr ,fdAt. sa ctch PITOEBE YAULPI . After which the Drama of "THE 'DRUNKARD? fly the Anttre Company, MONDAY— Frnot time of Yoleonerp "DOES fiE 'LOVE ME," And, ate 'Hawn Of ".PAULIBE • WALNUT STREET THEATEE..4. THIS (SATURDAY) EVE'ETMD. Aprlt fah. EJUIVI.N But.Prit AS THE KIND'S JESTER, In Tom Taylor'• ceebrattd Ttagedi TILE FOUIAS REVENGE. _ BERTUCCIO (a Jester) AIR. EDWIN ROOTH FIORDELIEIA SIISS MARY bIoYIEKES. To c.t, Dkleriv , V 4 ith rho UniWn/_/Irarna of the ~1•01c, f ; EY lllAltlit THE OCEAN. MONDAY,-EDWIN 114/OTII A OADEItLY -or . Btusics SATUBOAI EVENING, April IS, BM. MI?..NDIILSSOIIN ' CIETIr'S ,A Cf)MPLIBIF.,..iTAItY CONGEin" TO TELEII, MUSICAL DISEI.=I4 • • - Id It. J .14-4;/,1: When then 1%111 perform. ambted by a number' of emi nent artiste. • A , ALFURGIS NIGEIT, by .Mendelssolin., ' LLltt.ltiC by Biller. t;Ilt ItAL FANTASIA, hr Beethoven; TICKETS. Al, 'Frith a Ilantervert Seat. can be obtained at titer Society's Offlce (1..0n1a Meyer's Music Store). 1'::M Chcetnut Wert, and Mr 'Nam orerooms. The abect, See Prograrnme.a at the Marie Stores. The Bale of Secured Stab wilt eoutmence UM DAV, Apnl SOL Thabolders of nth:tar tickets; can es: change them for Secured Scab. - 114115-4tt C ONCERT HALL. CII Eta N WEREET, above Tirelfth. ORAND C.ONCEKT. In Aid of the %tiding Fend of the' CATHOLIC PHIJAWATRIAN Lat.:RAMC INSTITUTE lt ILL lir.: On TilUttliDAY EVENING, APRIL 1504 At Et o'cloct. Eminent Tale Erd.nt have been T& engaged. GE WEVELEVENTH STREET OPERA HOURF N ELEVENTH Week &bore OILEBMIT. THE FAMILY RESORT RM./ROSS & DIIIEV'S hfirrana. THE GREAT STAR E Q' THE WORLD. Lest week of the esteernlng net entitled TEM ON TRAVELERS. Fleet week of the Lanshaitle Interlude. entitled • GAZZY NIGGER. PIM week of the crest fensation nese. entitled LIFE ON A MISSISSIPPI (X,PTTIIN BOAT. FOE'S AMERICAN VAIIETY TREAT= EVERY EVENIN All e r tu .:4,l5"ERNOON. GREAT CORBIN*? MTROurE• in amid Balltits. Ethiopian B likon64 Dsacal. Gynnvort Atta.PLutomlustio. Am. I Vail. J!dierl/i - EXII IN Now ucultural Ilan,wiwill close on 11L1ttiDAY;A1+r1l S)tb. l 1868. when tae zyth and Lart Conceit will-be the; Ticket/ at Bonex,a. 1104 taitat;, 41034_1U/4 at Ma door. • ' *slat- ft p 312.4 A MERICAN CONEERVATORY 11P , 1.11110. I 1 Fourteenth Matinee on BATE/WAY AFTERNOON. Anti! 18th, at .1334 P. M. See notice under natructfon. 'ap•tr +U ENNOYLVANIA AUADBM OP FIND ABTA IBIEBTS T . eIjovoTEJITIL Open i fir 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Rent With groat picture Cl . CIIII3)ItREJECTED still one: ihitian. ieW - PIIIOPOSAJLAS.' DEPABTIM ENT op PUBLIC 111011WAY8.-01•TleF, /04 MOUTH FIF II BTREET. Pit ILA or.LrnlA. Awl/ ldtti. 1568. NOTHIS. TO ?TRAM° RS. SEALYD PROPOSALS be received at the office of the Chief Complesteeter Illighwaya until 12 o'clock hi., on BlONDAl..2othinst., for th e . sonstrnetiou of the lotion ing Sewers. nith a c lear Inside diameter of two feet vx timber. eta: On To Witt: street. from l'opiar street 'to north line of Baines street: On tkonnierce street from Math street, lie feet west. ward: On Waster street from West:mut fine of Sixteenth I. Seventetoth sheet: On Ample street from 'Diamond street 163 feet north ward. . Auto tbe teflon ing sewers of three feet inside diameter. Vit : tm Sixteenth street trade Arch etreet taamrth line of cherry street: on Twentieth street ,trata Awl& street to the tooth line of Flibettatreet, _'' on WoodebackalMet, from sewer now laid in odd Woodstock. atreettto Ale sewer in Silks street, with much inlets and man bows rite may be directed by the Chief Engineer and Sersed d er. • The under standing to be that the • Oontractor sh take bills pre pared agalnstibe_propertyfrontlng on tweet to the amoinit et one dollar god firmly-tree Centefot tech lineal foot of front on tack ride, of, the Street as it rrottch cash paid: thnbalance, sat limited'by Ordhlastee.ita be paid by °I" V tY. the 1 1 d' . a Mt . PiAisell of aaid Men street s occupied e ., 1! . . A V ri t , or Rail oad track.. the eentiribaltbe track in such manner as not t=itiaTt7,Wr ri e ere with the tale pats.ge of the cam memos 0140,0th0 toll for re. inuneratbm shall beepaid the Contractor by the company n n lag said track. tie apecifiedip.Act of Assembly approved May Btb. UM'. • f t' - •,... , .0. ,Al All bidders are invited to be present at the time and place of opeifing Odd roposabs. Each proposal will be eccerepapied fir • • ;'• • I.ll# ~ • ;,,, • ...., • •„, • filed in the Low jigiosrtot , :Li v ft 4 fivi.7''. •T• of May jth, lt6o IT the.. • 0 1 ; , Vl- 4 .. , t ~• “4.4„ : „ to a con tract within flifeA 1•_ -• • • ''•• I. he will 1 be'deenied eadectining.seid. • lie •• • lii, „ on bia bone fee the apermenao,be,tiir ..- • . *NIL, next highest bid. f 3 eh VI 7.J. i ' iir 'Wida 10,,*ninenf of Surveil. Wilk& Willbe'll • • ••• • tiny, ). ,• —.• . n...i ..••::, ~.).. • it tw i mekoritaw • illPhiabi ~N 'I , * ' • t' , )1,1: . ROP D S 4 44,it 6431. 4. .i i Li , 130110841111160.1411 rerfifT I' rtfi k .t. aronal'or'l,o 40 k . 7 ' c le"if IT t tl i glio` t r exgritk ttiO WV 0 ,S thouestid to rho . - . 00 inoc_blog the 00, ,urs ir rOM non .1111 f d5llit ti tr i tY44 11 1 711:Wil ltr uth° 1 714: WO 1 0 '17tItivil) 4 441 :a r°11 *Mt ibftt'ttoknuit..oe i° 4 l 7#l c riiiii tsi iii be er , to bl Itilttid tdratattet, ,i 4 ,,;... d .._ _ 0 03,01 . ....., 0..., ftKHWWWWj 'a Gentle*en e blvilbllig' Goods. ' . iticHARD,X I ATTrEi , No, os N, sixply 070ot - 03°16w Aroh, . •„, 71 ^ , 11404,01ptichk,Vgi 1' t. .t. * 114;41040 4 lik. WOO .40 1 . ani r f igi t i k ehirt, 04 f or Alt o 'end eengotz elalleat MI gamed. It V 0 tiarerga l *1 A 0 094 11 00 tbk melibeetli,t .t on the ,REAW leoltifort in -thenNEONA ana ?' on the .13140LIWEND•iii,._:, h a ng $;,.,_ _,_. 11/0. ct/made en a9' b y ~i 7w. ; 91. , Rrt liforkman 6144jrapetiOr AtUilitar of KID 1(ILOVNil at No 58 N I)XX atraety Phita. . nadiam N. .... ' ' o ne rATENAVP 6„AND Lit,r . 4, - Wee Over eaters, ClOtigthe - r. w -- td• -•- b; Ab arid brown Lintel Ohll lo il Ciotti - , Moo made to order ef :voi b il sb GEL Or iilliaeillOri /101611.414 ft - I.OA 1 , L,1 , ' .`, ': a t ~ 1. /G42 G blr el tioient • ' 'OlvltS '. 7 111 N, , '61.8.;PAZ4A11.. ,OU IMMWM=EI From OWClCatestbditiOteiredOW fly the Atlhayatlc .4:l4blet Lonnorf,Aprlll7th..--Enthitsiastie meetings of the Liberalparty4krerling silo)yer Eo agid. The grievances o; 11101)Nip1114,Orteral,and particularly the dlsen owment of: feliglous sects in Ireland,are the' objects of these meetings. The speakers embrace mont ,, oftiltb ,well-known Liberal leaders in Parliament. The FeniameaUlat u pill..comt~ okbfOndaY, on next, at the, tigh ,milottaveurt , Ilr , 44oMn's Bench, , before Lord blot Justice, Cockburn. The latent despatches diour.Japau 'state that the Mikado has declared war,agalust the Tycoon Important Cablstet Meeting. WAsnmorstivalopreon, April tal l7th.—The Cabinet met at 10 M atipl in eo . ufAllin6e , Viabillfb Tee counsel'foi the President, excepting Mr. iltanbery, were also present, ar",441124.n0400 Allot matters in connectionibMt lllMplslainittraet Mid t*,'Werti under tintt. The counsel were at the Executive Mansion at , an early hour, some time In advance of the Cabinet meeting, and remained until nearirginning of,the 3"t; Planter. Woncesxsn, Mass., April 17.—A Frenchman, f l amed patotadloatfrpjAing In .WebetKWati ;bur+ tiered d'elock this tabrnlng, While ba bed with his wife, by three blows struck on his head with an axe.. ThePalife the' murdered man has been intimate with a man named Dare, who,ls charged with committing the deed. It Is supposed that his wife left tl+anag-d9qmanfutened, with the nn •fferstan tibirelhafild enter , and murder Larry in b sleep. They are bo under arrest and will bo examined to-morrow Outing. „If't g Froinflaikporie. BALTIMORE, April 7. —Of the eight coal oil idistileries seized on the 12th of March, by the In ternal Revenue Officers; tyre have been released by instructions of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Tbey„are tlvistep4sOrge Nyest and Merritt, Poulttro - - The State Convention of Soldiers and Sailors meets in tisle,drirop 4Vfdpeadayraptiwlli elect delegitei4o ace greiWittallobtritV ..sex‘ 4-4111thavelt. Lion of Soldiers and Sailors at Chicago on the 19th of May. • •, , From Vermont. BtraLIN(WN, ApliE - e.-111.1 e a r /443 ChtlM- Plain brOe RV yes% y', ,-A. . -Wats ;from pi a tt e 4oo,l o ..ibi t (Akt.l ,o 11' c running to'• day. ,Bo4w.iie r . Mbitehall ' and Rom'a PointleilWA;),lniit ' trips on X6rady. ,l { - EA* Tre nton. I 1 Trti***,llegal7.-,-The lA3glalatureo adjontnOd nine die at nObilto-day ' ' after passing 813 bills. The Governor .veroall - the incidental WI on ie. count 011ie • staticeittry !tan of ' some $13,90Q4 . This Remind , year was 424 0 0 0 , and; the PoV ernor thinks it a growing 'evil,' and noon stitntional. Both Homes pawed the bill over his , - 116rona 'Boston. ~ , Bostsw-Aprikti,-:=A-trwitett: tender on , Eastern, raihd,'n'aided'iVatermati,cefas killed to-day in North Chelsea, by being run over by a train- ,.- : From Albany. AI.TJANY, fklignoTio": lll 7 toned the Brown undergrotaul railroad bill tor a tunnel railroad, fropi the City,Ball Park , Westeheater county. tr, ,5 ; , Arrival of Steamers. NEW YortE, April 1 17i—Arylvpd—steamship Russia, from Liverpool. Also, the steamship Cordova, from Havre. OF '111.83:XIIVi ; 1 ; : T, sAanTE cot .8, GEORGE H N. TEEATHA ER., Blom= Co'airman. A TI)011AAN STEAIII.IIII/41h AMRIVE. 1011 DATA few Yolk 1 , LUMP.. it.. .v. 4 ...fig& 0 W.r. OW " fr ‘ ,..^:,.....0111 2 ....... .. ortl - • 2 ...... -Llverpool..l3oeton, inc..-- April 2 Ammon'. Lopdou-Nevr April 4 Berlin Southampton-8a1t1m0re..........Aptil 4 Alleppo.. -Liverpool-New York ....-. -April 7 City of Lon .. elote„..Live t ta r taLt....... . April 8 lowa ............. ... .... A prl l 8 April 9 'lmamate .iiiintlutropten.AfeW •YOttr.d . o, , AP HI /0 5c0tia............ . Llverpobl. - .NearYtwir^..: .. . 11 N apoleon-13rect..New ..April 11 Bemoan— - -Southimpton..New York April 11 llermonn Sonthampton_New Y0rk..........April 14 TO DEPART. 11rimmenit t i.". Nenryork.'.lltrolinne • - April el Etna. ::: 0rk..1.4v erpl via pril sV Burets. .New York..literPotd. Aprfl 21 -.New York ..Llearilool ..........April Morro Caetle New York. Nataiiiiießaranit-April tri Merrimack..:.. iiiinkokwifitn,i;.nap4l Pioneer.— ...naliMetWall....t...4. , AM l Biting 6-33 Star . New York..Mpinwall.... ...... April 24 irpnia.... 3 1 AWArcVY- En50pa........ ..... Orli 25 Europe. New Philadd York l illa ..asere. ......... -.April 2.5 Alliance ctliklilliesll l lP4l,ll . la¢Pil 2 - 5 Star of the Lnion.Phl tb6rl~l.. Tie Stare and Strilleil i Me.„4,46..A.pril 28 . Germania 9 Scotia.... ... Arai Minnetota .........New York .Liverpool April 24 Ear1e...414;4.,140E- Avail VI . PORT OF PHILADELPHIA—APRIL la Ova Bums. 6 M I Svii: Batio - 1 a l Una %^. Waits, zi AMEWFO.YEEITERP43I,, Steamer A C Stilnerey Kroll 24 [home from Sew York, with radlantn,W.X.Clyde . Steamer Ann Eliza. Richards, tik - tii,a'Nevi York.' with mdse to IV id Baird ets-tko: > - Steamer Mannah'dc - tioeVeaf,' 8 days from Ohowan River. NC. with lumber ' na Po, Schr Mary CarotW. fcinalseirele,DeL with Eraln ;o J'IP Pawky & uo. at- 5 a te v, 4 :.. 7 : 1.4 . : . 0 ON' fat 4 / 1 4 tram :?1,404;t6i41‘ Al4Yo* te g i " 7, ktglik****:l7 l. ; te tra tifibk'4464, L iC'i.,pria • z i t - Ih iVirrts94, 6iiok„ sailed' from ..lifoloh*. VOA AIL for s th port. ~, • Bark Talavera, Derv -op, at (4,11W1MV11.414 . twit. rrom But-130e Ayres. Bark Miltidltechi , Ghesebrotigh, 'at , oJandra from Baltimore and remained 10th for Ude potho; _ Brig Be rgomeixter. titatabergi Owens . at tile ilattella /484, tat for this port. „ Brig Cleo m Prescott , alch, lrom AmisigiwenAßrip./ port. sailed from Holmes Dole Ibtkinst - Behr aunts leaMilteaellenfielOr•• *OW% it Newport 15th instant. • • " ' '• ' " Behr Abitellei far ads twat weal at RIO Jl nelro 10th nit: B thre OtlaWeadilic fdaddloP, hence•tor Saco t Margaret ' Beinhart.Alaruk do for iiisism; Trod? . 94iiitt* 4 d p do, at Houne.stotottlethinia...:.? - , • Schr WBnnlth, Eitv4l4 hence at Gloucesterldth BettetUt. - 21thesficalloOsittoy,i , hence , at Portsmouth ....... fichr F A Sawyer, Read;±:fi ; olit" Pro'vflibncei Onrust, Beath, from E Greenwich; Hunter, Crime, from Dighton, all for thirportVarteth inst. , • Behr Mary (0 .iftliluditlibleh idtale.l6 which left Providence, arch 14t , tor Predericluibiirg, Va. he load era and forgoso much, anol felt. tsrrivssd at that. t t 8 b beiXtaloleateil, at , ton 'sl for Batavia. " • - • Brig. : Oise Minor. Etat% hence .. at Bostoglethltwt. Brig Resbitite.' Foretop* - , at ;0.400 " spout let inst. for this port. • • " ' Brig Alice Starrett,. . r, euifica from .011ardisaas dth fiat. tor a port norths4ll , ,HfitterAi' 12;" , Behr Bertha bonder. Wooster, from 'Havana for this port, was spukeri,llßsiietuerlittouer_ "c„! bCtirttailitirlal44 row Litetantegeit repotted for New t lekilals parhsa rettlt off Deitble deeded Shat dcgreWle b. '" 4l hitister, r "frorA-Philedelphlai'far•PortliMil,- ,before repot • fn oill .._unkno aehti stair 'in collie!? • dWirdaffratif Waroris, for et U. , 4 fo of , Doston Outman reported .. , :(I.iritk.atia4** trtr% lei reA C S•F-1 1 . - ;11.0:"..1, } 0 • • 3Ya Net& • • 'P • t ,; 4.- - datir_&,L Orlital; Btiliagfer*'NO. lath achr raj e G g, dew kith het. lb ensrt _ bea Godfrey, Goeirey, cleared at Boston 16th tyr Mr port. ' e &St2 3 lt= t e i zrati j VI% r "t Corlinaato6lolla, hence at {latent 16th Inet. ;~~-P~Q FRENCH • MEDICINES PREPARED BY GliblAULt & Chemists to H. I H. Prince Nape' teen, ' Parisi Theme different medicines represent the most recent Medical discoveries fotmdeff Oa tholainelpies Of Chemis. try and therapeutics. tiligyrruust. .not be confounded with gecret or quack medicines, as their names euilL - 4 olently indicate their corriposition; a circumstance which caused them to preciated and.pretscribed by the faculty in the whole world. They widely differ from those numerous medicines advertised in the public papers as able to cure every yoesible digests% as they are. applicable only to but a few complaints. The most stringente. laws: exist in France. withregar. Into ealei of medical Prepare.- ds, on' and only Ibbie w ch haVe undergohe an examina tion by dia./Academy Medicine, and have been proved efficacious, either in the Hospitals, or in the practice of the first medical men, are .authortaed by the Govern ment. This fact must be a guarantee for the excellency of Messrs. GItIMAULT El' CO. medicines. T R LERAS' • (Doctor of Medicine) LIQUID PHOSPHATE OF IRON• The ne • eat moat eateoo4.oolne. in ewes of a • i• IN ,_IDIFFICULT DIG • ',IIL 5 IBMBNORR A_ ANIMEA, RA I I TY AND POORNESS UP BLOOD. "It Id particularly recommended , regulate the rune tions of nature, and to all ladies of delicata constitutions, as well aa to pensoria Wafering under every kind of debility whatsoever,,,At *alba ,pr•peatiyq of health par epc knee, in alliriwirvina reir=ptlipier.; . NO MORE COD-LIVER OIL. (WillmanlN Syrup of .lodlased 'll4ollMEtadish. This medicine has been administered with the utmost success In the Hospitals of Paris.. it is a perfect sub4itute for Cod Liver 011, and has been fotord most beneficial in diseases of the. Cheat, Scrofula., Lymphatic Disorders, Green Blame* liinscultr Atm 'turd. j of :Appetite. it regenerates the C 01315 tutiott in Purifying the blood, it being the most powerful depurative known. It has also been applied with happy results in diseases of, the skin. Further, it will bo found to be of great benefit to young children subject to humors and obstruction of the glands. ',.'tOlifftriiPTlON CURED.. _' 0111.111AULT'S BYlttik OF IIYPOPHOSPHITE OF Tide new medicine le considered to be a eoyerelim re medy in cams of fimssumptioilAuct dh§eaaes of Abe Lunge. It pronleyresnoyile the inoet. Begone 'map tome. Theca* istefiered, - ght peraPira anti 'vase, and the patient is rapidly reetortd to health. N. I.—Bo sureto see the signature of iIitLfdAULT de CO. is affixed to the bottle. as this syrup is Liable to Imi tations. • No rem ilitiietilt OA' paint ul digestion! DR 'BURIN DU BUISSON'S (Laureate of the Perla Academy. of Medicine tIIGESTiVE "LoZENGS. This delicious preparation is always prescribed by the meat reputodmtulical menlD France, in cases of derange ments of the digestive funetions. Web as OABTRaII3, GASTRALGIA, long and laborious discs. tion. wind in the stomach and bowels. emaciation. Jima dice..and oeteplaint of the liveried Wes. NERVOUS READ ACRES t NEURALGIA; DIAR. RIKEA, DYSENTERY TN ESTA...NTAN EO USLY CURED BY 13TAULDS - GUIiRAN.A. This vegetable substance. which growa in the Brazils, has been employed duce time Immemorial to cure inflam. 'nation of the bowels. It has proved of late to be of the greatest service in caw of Umbra, as it b a preventive and a cure in eases of Diarinea. 13=1 IN PARIS, at GRIMAULT uti CO.'S, 45 rue Richelieu. AGENTd IN PHILADELPHIA. FRENCH, RICHARDS & CO., N. W. eor. Tenth and Market Ste. de7•c.fia; _ DR. HARTMAN'S BEEF, IRON AND BRANDY, A Certain Cure for Conatunption and ail l*Kieseee of the Longs or Bronchial Tahoe. Lateratory No. lil2 South FIFTEENTH. Street, JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY COWDEN, , &a ARCH Street, ROBERT SHOEMAKER dr FOURTH and RACE Streets!. General Asenie. resa-smi JIIDIBER. (MULE, BROTHER & CO. 1868• & SRUCE JOIST. SPRUCE JOIST., 1868 SPRUCE'JOIST. HEMLOCK. HEMLOCK. HEMLOCK. LARGE STOCK. LARGE STOCK. 11AULE T BIELOTACIER & CO.. , 240 SOUTH:STREET. ' 1868. 1868. FLORIDA FLOORING. FLORIDA FLOORI NO. CA R, LIN A FLOORING. .VIRGINIA MOORING, DELAWARE F LOO RI r 4 ASH FLOORING. WALNUT FLOORIvO. fLOSIEIASoTEIt AOAADS. 'tau, ,LP 1868. , Iv LN ET ,B ßatit tigazw c: 1868. WALNUT BOARDS.' WALNUT P,I•ANK. 1868. LTBERTAIEI3IIIIIIII 1868. itED DEDAR. WALNUT AND PINE. 1868., sfararff rII ) I P A R Y . . ASH. ' lB6B. WHITE OAK PLANK AND BOARDS. HICKORY. 1868. satirlita :11NIfilt 186. SPANISH CEDAR E BOX BOARDS. FOR SAL LOW. 1868. CAROLINA SCANTLING. CAROLINA H. T. 3ILLS. 1868: NORWAY SCANTLING. LARGE ASSORTMENT. CEDAR SHTNGL SHINGL ES. ES. 168. 1868. •CRDAR CYPRESS SHINGLES. PLASTERING LATH. CHESTNUT PLANK AND BOARDS. • 1868. pittge. WI; OE: 1868. spimillinekoht. F - FIVAIPPE - RNS. Fvz . ra,Eirsloniccit & co.. , 251*BOUTE1 STREET. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF BUILDING- LUMBER HARD WOODS. F, WILLIAMS, Seventeenth and Spring Garden Streets, mh2B tu th • • PTILAIsI• &WOK,NELLI Twenty-third and Chestnut Sts. lai WALNUT., ASH AND POPLAR ALL TRIQICNEBSESO ( LEAN AND DRY. FINE LoT WALNUT VENEERS. CEDAR, CY PRDS_S AN GN D , WERTZ PINE DRIMOI,EI3. SEAMI ' MICHIG F A R N L C ANADA4 VI IIAIIN u D PENNSYLVANIA. FLOORIAGfBIZ),,NDY QUALLTE.STTIMBER mbaffiBUD.DGLME A orA K LL AmDS. vitENcia PLATE GLASS. B. it SIioiMAKER: - Bott " Nos. 205' 207-.-209...aia'Artc: . , abr hlrtlt .41. I spl4 to th EVE 111 SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 1868. Bt., above ML?weast li/ UWti _ . EPUBLIH'SALE.4SI2 Thlos MI - di SONS, MlC tioneers.-10 Largo and Valuable Lots, and Um finlrhed Stone House. Chestnut- On Ttiesdav, April 283 r, 1668 at 12 o'clock. noon, will be sold at public gale, at tho Philadelphia Exchange. the following des. cribed property. viz.: Lot No ; B,'ffn the plan 'of Platt Es. tate.—Lot of ground N. E. aide 'of Montgomery .avenne. Chestnut H ill, Springfield township, Montgomery county, 450 feet N. W. of Evergreen avenue; containing 1 acre, 7 52-100 perches, r ' On the above let hViruktterfinfstied stone hone. Lot No. s—On the Plan of Platt Estate.—Lot of ground S. W. side of Montgomery avenue, 1.166 feet 7'4 inches 8. E. from the Willow Grove road; containing 2 acres 17 71.100 percbes. Lot No. 6—On the Plarfef Plitt Estate.—Lot'of ground B. W. side of Montgomery avenue, 885 feet 7. , .1", inches S. E. from the Willow Grove road; containing I acres Lot No. 1.:-.0pathe Flan of -Platt Estate:—Lot of ground S. W. side:of.•DfontannerY Avenue ; 566 feet 7M inches I'.lrorn the Willow Grove road; containing 2 acres and 30 38-000 perches!. On the above lot is a valuablo gravel pit. Lot No. B—On the Plan of Platt Estate.--Lot of ground, corner of Willow GtOve toed'and MontginnerY avenue; containing 4 acres 2910-100 perches. • Lot No. 17—On the Plan of .Platt Entate.—Tract of land situate in Springfield Townehip,' Montgomery county, State of Pennsylvania , marked in the plan of the Platt Estate. No.• 17; containing 9 acres 1 rood 1.96 percher, be the name More oe lees, includinlportions of the roads as shown an esktplan of the nett state.. Lot No.lB—Onthe Plan of Plat Estate.—Tract of land, situate in Springfield township, Montgomery county Pa., marked on tho plan of the Platt Estate, No. 18. containing six acres two roods and 36 perches of land, more or lean. Lot No. 22--On the Ilan of Platt Eetato,—Tract of land, situate in :Springfield tostmehip, Montgomery county, maf ked in the plan of the Platt 'Pilate, No. 22, containing nine acres three rm.'s, 17 61 perches to the middle of road. Lot No. El—On the Planet Platt, .Eatate.--Tract of land, situate in Springfield township, Montgomery county. Pa„, marked on the plan of the Platt Estate, No. 23, containing thirteen acres three roods and 9-98 percheis of land, more or less. Lot No. 24--On the Plan of Platt Estate.—Tract of land, situate in Springfield township. Montgomery county, l'a.. marked in the plan of the Platt Estate, No, 24, containing ta elve acres three =gig 287 perches of, land, be the same snore or less. OrThe 'above aro very valuable. having several very handsome building sites, beautifully located, and corn mending a surrounding view. r 3 See Plan at the Auction Store, or Lathe Office of Edw. Shippen and Wm. B. Robing, S. E. corner of Sixth and Walnut. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, np4 11 18 • • lau and 141 South Fourth street. PUBLIC. SALE.—H. THOMAS & .SONS, • AUG'. tioneere.—Valuable Country Reeidence, two Dwell. - Uwe, and about 4 scree of Land, Washington lane, near Chelten Hllle Station, North Pennsylvania Railroad. On Tueethey,April 211 t, 1669, at 12 o'clock, noon. will be eold at public elite, at the Philadelphia Exchange, main home, pointed etene, 20 by 65 feet, 3 rooms down etalre, 6 above; tenant ,bouee, Mono, plastered; 12 by .30 feet, 2 Towns down etairs 4 above. The two houses are con netted by a frame building, 14 by =feet; atone carriage houes,23 by 23 feet, large room above• stone out buildings, 10 by 14 feet ; a good pump in the main bouae,and anever failing spring in the meadow. The meadow wall pasture three head of cattle, and fella some 20 to 30 feet below the ground upon which the buildinge stand. The buildings are old, but substantial and well shaded. The premises opened to the couthwest are joined on the east and north by Sharpless's property; on the south Jay Cooke's; on the west to the dwelling of M r . Penrose blather. The locality makes this' a very desirable residence. Entrance from Washinaton lane, within ten minutee' walk west of Chel ten Hine ;Ration. Parties wishing to the the property can do ee by leaving Berke Street Station at 220 or 4.15 P: M., getting out at Chelten llilla Station. and returning in time for the down 'train of 4AI or 6.20. The keys of the houses can he had of Penrose Mather. The barn, 25 by f 6 feet, and the ground on which it etande, with an entrance from W+phlngton and Church lane e, as may re Seen by the red lines ou the mao of the property at bl. Thomaa L. lions, are reserved, but can be had at a fair price by any one who buys the main pro. perty. Ternle--Onethird may remain for four years. I Immediate porreftion. Al. THOMAS 4: SONS. Alletioneem apll,lB lag and 141 South Fourth eland, PUBLIC SALE—'III.OI4AS k SONS,Ad. eers.—Valuable Country Sest and Farm, 63 acres, junction of the County Line road and the Wgifloll.• hickon tans Ike. 13.6 miles from Chestnut Bill. On Tues day, April 21st, IeAA, at 12 o'clock, noon. will ,he sold at public eale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that valua ble country coat and farm, eit nate at the junction of the County Lire road and the Wissahickon turnpike, with an extrnrive I rout , n each. !if nines above Chestnut Bill, formerly the property of Richard Wietar, Eaq., deceased, now the property of fiarah W. Hopkinson: containing about 8.:3 acres, coanpriring woodland and open fields, hill top and valley, roc eyeing splendid views: excellent sites for buildings. The infprovements are a stone farmhouse, which has twelve rooms and outside kitchen,with piazza bath, water closet, cellar and cave, Ac. Also, large stone barn and stable. ben-limns. ice-house, stone tenant-house, rpring-hothie and 1101.1+0nd—three other dwellings on the turnpike—open and underground etono drains—ram and waterw heels delivering water to the houee and barn— abundant rare fruittrees and ehnibbery, hedgea and iron fence—deenpark, with lofty paling fence—also a valuable atonequarry. tr tlmmedinte possession. Terme— 4.10,0i0 may remain on mortgage. rer May be seen any time. ltt-TkialiLAS At SONS, Auctioneers, 139 and 141 South Fourth street. L -I PUB H LIC SALE-TOMAS dr SONS. ACC ::: tioneers.-Desirable small Farm 3St acres, Ham ruontc•ri avenue. Hammonton. Atlantic county. N, J., one mile from station on the Camden and Atlantic Railroad. On , uesaay. April 1869. at 12 o'clock. noon, will be sold at public sale' at the Philadelphia Exthange, the following described property, vie.: No. 1.- All that improved small farm or country place, acres, situate on Hammouten avenue, village of Hammonton, Atlantic county. New Jerrey, one mile from station. on Camden and Atlantic railroad. The Improvements • are al% stnr9 frame Louse, containing 6 rooms, with stone wall cellar kitchen and store room, conveniently fitted with sink closet, &c.-cos,roodious frame barn, with large cellar, work shop. &c.---shed, corn edit:. chicken yard, pump of excellent water. &t,. 1% acres of strawberries, blackber ries, cranberries, abundance of fruit and shadetreee, dG /t is near a pretty lake for fishing, boating, &c. Terms-Cash. No. ;1.--Lot-7 acres. Also. lot 7 acre ,- , partly hushed, about :;t., yards frciu :it:vv . ,: in a very desirable bOeN t Inn. fronting on the main road. Terms-Cash. - • - - lir - Clear of all incumbrance. rte" s luo to be paid on ff"..11 at time of sale. bL TltomAs & SONS, Auctioneers. 135 and 141 South Fourth street. mb2tap4,lB rrh›,,ar , 4,lF: IEFI - BLIC BALE.—THOMAS k: SONS, AUG tioneerr —Valuable Lot about 8 acres. Limekiln road, went ride, second lot 'south of Washington lane, Twenty-second Ward. On Tuesday, April 21,4., Ig6i, at 12 o'clock, noon, will lee eold at public rale, at the Phihtdelphin Exchange. all that valuable lot of ground, beginning at a corner in the middle of the Limekiln turnpike road, 37 S5-lie percher S. F.: from the intereection of kid-road and Washington lane; thence extending alo the middle of Limekiln road, S. 52 deg., E. 26 610 5A t etc ee to a corner of land granted by Isaac hi ichener to John ndrews; thence by the same S. 52 deg 55 ruin., W -46 75 duper-aim to a corner in the line of land allotted to William ShilTen ; thence by the canto N. 3 . 3 deg. 31 ruin.. W. 26 640 perches to a corner. aad thence by other land of raid parties of the first part, hereto intended to have been granted to Charles P. Bayard. N. 63 deg. 5 mum, E. 491.19 Derches to the place of beginning; containing 7 acres, 1445 perches of land, be it mere or less. ' Within a few minutes' drive front Germantown, or the station at Oak lane. North Pennsylvania Itaiload The handeomeat lot in the vicinity of Philadelphia, for improvements—on a good turnpike. Clear of all incumbrance. 51. THOMAS ttr. SONef, Auctioneers, apll 18 139 and 141 South Fourth etroet. riEXECUTORS' BALE .- ESTATE OF JOHN S. Lippincott, deceased .— Thomas sons. Auction " eerr„—Dedra ble 'a liree-story Brick Dwelling, with Fide yttrd, No. `5228 Buttonwood street. On Tuesday, April 21st, 1168. at 12 o'clock. uosn, will be sold t public sale, at tha Philadelphia Exchange, all that desirable three-story brick inesalage and lot of ground, .situate on the north side of Buttonwood street, 58 feet 3 inches east of Sixth street ; the lot containing it front on Buttonwood street 25 feet 4 Inches, including side yard), and extending in depth on the east line tZ feetB incheld, and on the west Sue 42 feet 2 inches, narrowing on the rear end to 20 feet. Toe holm is In good order throughout; has the gas intro duced, bath, hot and cold water, stationary washstand in bath room, cooking range, beater, Fr - Clear of all ineumbrance. ter in mediate possession. SCOW teas remain on mortgage. Can be examined any day previous to sale. • M. THOMAS & SONO, Auctioneers, apll 18 139 and 141 South Fourth street. EXECUTORS' SALE.—ESTATE OF BENJAMIN " Naglee, dee'd.—Thomas & Sone,. Auctioneem—VaLi able Wharf fronting ou Cohockeinkereek and Brown etreet, .nleventli Ws e d. On Tuesday, April Met, 184R1. at 12 o'clock. noon. will be sold a' public sale, at the . Philadel phia hxchange, all that valuable wharf property, situate on the north of Brown street...l72 feet 3.M inches east of Front street; the lot containing in front on Brown street 41 feet 934 inches, and extending in 'depth on one line 'll7 feet-6.4 inches, and on other line 32 feet inches, then extendusg.atill further in depth 13u ifeet 31:1; inches to Cohockeink creek, on which it has a front 53 feet 4 inches. Terme-4;01s luimediato peeneealon. 89,000 can remain on mortgage. iNlr flee plan. . SW" Clear of all incumbrance., 111"" 1t mechanic for Coal or Lumber Yard, or Manu factory. EDWARD I'ATTESON, ZE xecutorn. 11. It. NAGLE, THOMAS az SONS, Auctioneers. • ap4,11,18 139 and 141 S. Fourth street. riPUBLIC SALP.—TIIOMAS & SONS, AUCTlON eers.—Valuablo Country Seat and Farm; tr. 3 acres, Junction of the County Line road and the Wissa hickon turnpike 134 miles from Chestnut Hill Montgom ery county,Pa. On Tuesday, April 21st, 1868, at 12 o'clock, noon. will be sold at public sale, 4 the Philadelphia Exh ewe, all that valuable coimtny seat and farm situate at the juncticn of the County Line road and the Wissa hickon turnpike; with an extensive. front on each; 136 miles above Chestnut Hill; containing about 63 acres, coir pritiag woodland and open fields, possessing splendid -views; excellent sites for buildings., The improvements are a atone house, largo atone barn and stable.hen house, ice house, atone tenant house, spring house and fish pond ; three otherdwellings ou the turnpike ; • .open and under ground stone drains; ram and watsovbeele introducing water into the house and barn: abundant of, fruit trees and shrubbery: doer park, with lofty:paling fence; also a valuable stone quarry. Immediate possession. Term-414N may remain on mOrtgage.' • • M. THOMAS & BONS, Auctioneers., m h2l anti 18 . , 139 and .141 South .r9urth street., inREAL ESTATE—THOMAS di BONS' BALE Tn &story Brick Dwelling. No. 243% Quince 'greet. with a two-story 'Prick Dwelliap in the rear on Prot- , pecans alley. betweescEleyenth and Twelfth and Lerust , end Spruce etreete 4 .l On' Tuesday. April gtet,i3zpoit 12 ociock, moon...will Ate, s old , , at Clio gala,' at, the rhlla , delptda,klaoltalage, all th,eart b rie menuagee and the lot of 8 1 ' 09 9 9 I befoufgo . belonitlitg..od ate on the outside of Quince intact, 190 fel:rth of apruce street, No. 243; con taining in (rent on ulnae divot 16 feet, and in depth pd feet to Freeperoos , pun. of. the houses frouta on tae lobe street. the other to the rear. 1179rillear of all Inc:agleam°, :' ' ''',_ ‘' ' ' ',' - • ' M. TM' OU.AIOI. & SONlVAtititletulere: " ~'i 011,18 lB9 sad 141 Beath Fourth street, . - . .. . ` 11 EA IA ...-- ''' * ' -- ititAti i " THOMAS kriio4l3 , 'Etaig 'i Ground lien s4lp Year. Tuesday. . April t. 1 ' 18A9 at 18 WI tilltal , .:881 , bkiteldfas public: sale, „,pit , e rhMadelphia ebonite.* thatredeeniable ground sgfgrr4, loo l T . lOtlf *wad. en 1 1 , ~_,171 1 , ,:,,,.,4 1 itilun WlAtio - ,eorms i tiZ e ig n ks4 4 / ..' i 7 'Loh Pr 24 .."')..'#*, i° l 7- 4 ' 214 ' 4 .„,.,... alltr A ' • Dil3 Auctioneers.' *PAIS • 13)=14141 . !tat Fourth street. REAL Emma SALES. Ful!i'rh S res i tly — ii. i ltrl i tw i e 1 it g . 8 , 14 1 1. 8 102 ' cunt Vernon Streamed of Eleventh street. 8 with Three. story Brick Dwellings in the rear.—.on Tuesday, April 21st, 1868, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at pubic sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange. all thoee threestory , brick mucilages and lot of ,cround thereunto belonging, situate on the ninth side of Mount Vernon street, east of Eleventh itreet,`No. 10211 the lot containing in front on Mount 'Ver non street 18 feet, and extending in ,depth 106 feet, more or lest, tq Lemon street. One of the houses fronts on Nio Vey non street •, Contains 6 rooms, with basement kitchen. bath, &c.. end 3 three-story brick dwellings in the rear fronting on Lemon street. Terms-410N may remain on ground rent. M. THOMAS & SuNS. Auctioneers. apll.lB Rig and 141 South Fourth street. PUBLIC SALE. —THOMAS THOMAS b ROWS, ACC. tioneers.- -Valuable J Farm, 37.'4 acres, Chestnut Hill, Cheltenham township, Montgomery county, Penn. sylvania, t ear the Limekiln turnpike, and 1.14' miles from Chen nut Hill Railroad 'station. Thursday, April Sist, 16.35., at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale. at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that valuable farm, 37 acres and 43 percher! more or lore situate in Cheltenham to WA • ship, Montgomery county, Pa . fronting on a road leading from Church rood to Creislielm, and a short distance from New Jerusalem , near the Limekiln turnpike, and ban several eligible sites for cottage*. The improvements Lima frame house, frame barn, spring house; two springs of excellent water, be. Terms—Hall Cash. Will be shown on application to the tenant, Mr. Taylor. • 31. THOMAS ib 130Nti, Auctioneers. 144 11 18 189 and 141 Beuth Fourth street. ;al initEMPTORY SALE.—TIIONLAS dr. SONS, AUG , 011C811.—M rn ode Font story Brick Dwelling, No. .10 6 South Fourth street, above Spruce street. On Tnesday, April 21st. 1801, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, without reserve, at the Philadelphia Ex chan all•that modern founstory brick mamma and lot of -ground, situate on the,est side of Fourth street, 22 feet north of tpruce street, No. 276; containing in front on Fourth ptreet 16feet, and extending in depth 100 feet to.a 4 feet wide, alley, which leads Into Spruce street, with the privilege thereof. There nre 9 rooms, besided kitchen and cellar, and with a trilling alteration can be-altered into a store and dwelling. it is now occupied as a law yer's office, with an agreement to remove at thirty days' notice. Terms-45,000 may remain on mortgage. 61200 to be paid at the time of pale. N. THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneers, mh2Bap4 18 189 and 141 South Fourth street. rt, EXECUTORS' SALE.—ESTATE OF BENJAMIN Neste.. deceased.—Thomas & Sons. Auctioneers.— Valuable Wharf, fronting on Coltocksink creek and Brown street. Eleventh Ward. On Tuesday, April 21st, 1898, at 12 o'clock. noon, will be sold at public gale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that valuable wharf property. situate on the north ride of Brown street, 72 feet 334 tnehei cad of Front street; the lot containing in front on Brown sheet 41 feet 931 inches, and extending fa depth on ono live 111 feet 6.4 inches, and on the other line NO feet B'n" inches to Cohocksink creek, on which it Ras a front 53 feet 4 inches. Terms--Cash. Immediate possession. rff" Clear of all lncunibranco. EDWARD PATTERSONJ B. R. NAGLEE, ' Executors. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, ruh24 apt 19 1.1!,.9 and 141 South Fourth street. tPUBLIC SAI E.—THOMAS & BONS. AUCTION. eers.--Founatoro Hotel, known as the "Lapierre. House," Ocean street. Cape bland, N. J. On 'rues. day. April 21. 1969, at 12 o'clock,' noon, will be oold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that four. story frame measuage and lot of ground, situate on the east line of Ocean street. between Washington and Hughes streets) (opposite the col:1111We 'House), Cape Island, N. J.; the lot conaining in front on Ocean street IbB feet, and extending in depth 100 feet. It contains 41 chambers. Also frame stable. - Terms—S4,ooo may remain on mortgage. M. THOMAS & SONS, Anetioneero. mb14,ap4.18 139 and 141 S. Fourth street. PUBLIC SALE. THOMAS & SONS, AUG tioneers. —Very valuable property, Large Lot and ' ratneßuildings, northeast corner of Thirty-seventh ;F and Locust streets, Twenty-seventh Ward. lee feet front, 175 feet deep, On Tuesday, April 2 st, 1968, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Ex. change: All that large aid valuable lot of ground with the frame tenements thereon erected. situate at the N. E. corner of '1 hirty•seventh and Locust streets, Twenty. seventh Ward; containing in front on Locust street 100 feet, and extending in depth along Thirty-seventh street 17r. feet Ifif 7 Clear of all Ineumbrance. Terms—s4.2® may remain on mortgage. M.TiIOMAB & SONS, Auctioneers, mii2B-ap4,18 139 and 141 South Fourth et. riTRUSTEES' 13.A1 E—THOMAS & SONS, AUC. tioneera—Un Tuesday. May sth, 1868, at 12, o'clock, - noon. will be sold at public gale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following described property, viz : No. I. Large and valuable Four-story Brick Residence, with ride yard. No. 1524 Walnut street, west of Fifteenth greet, 35 feet front; all that large and valuable founetory brick ineesuage, with two-story back building and int of ground, situate on the south side of Walnut street, 60 feet east of k ixteentli street, No 1524; thence extending northward 116 feet; thence et ettward ee feet to Sixteenth etreet; thence extending southward- along Sixteenth street 4 lest; thence eastward 60 feet; thence condi ward parallel with Sixteenth street 20 fort; thence eastward parallel with Walnut etreet 85 feet; thence northward 140 feet to Walnut street; thence` extending along Walnut street tib feet to the place of beginning, Together with all the rights and remedies set forth cud contained in a certain indenture. made and executed by and between Robert Ewing and Jacob G. Mon - ia. dated the 7th of Stay, A.D. 1e47), recorded in Deed Book G. W. C.. N 0.6, page 506, &c., of and concerning buildings, or other obstructlone to be erected ucon the let, situate on the cruet side of Sixteenth etreet, therein and thereby granted, toe by reference to same will more fully appear. The house is well and cub. etantially built; white marble fror t to Freund story; has library, - two parlors, dining.room. and kitchen on the first floor; four chambers, sitting-room, bath-room on the second floor; four chambers on the third, and four cham beta on the fourth floor: gas, hot and cold water, water. closet,'lm Dace, cooking-range. &c. IlfZ" - Clear of all incurubrance. Terme-- Half Cash. Ilgkr - Immediate Possession. Keys at the Auction Rooms. No. 2.-Desirable lot, Sixteenth street, south of Walnut street. Ail that lot of ground, citrate en the east aide of Sixteenth etreet . ,l2o f ectsouth of Walnut street; contain ing in front on S ixteenth street 2u feet, and extending in devtli 60 feet. IrBe" t lehr of all incumbrance. iTi. , "" See Plan. M. 1110,4 AS n SoNS, Auctioneers, ap16,19,25tny3 139 and 141 South FourtlNdreet E. SALE BY ORDER OF HEIRS.—THOMAB dt Somi, Auctioneers. Business Location. 'Chine. story Brick Dwelling, No. an North Ninth street, above Wood street. On '1 uceday, April :Nth, 18t53. at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the phia Exchange: All That three-story brick messuage and lot of pound, situate on the east side of. Ninth street, lie ginnice at the distance of 48 feet north of Wood street, No. '.2.1; thence eastward 42 feet 7 4-5 inches •, thence N. 12 feet 6 inches, thence W. 2 feet, thence N. 4 feet along the division line between the privy of t his property and that of the adjoining proper y, and cm-ding over the common well of said privies ; thence W 40 feet 74 5 inches to the east side of Ninth' street; thence S. along Ninth street 16 feet 6 inches to the first-mentioned point and place of be ginning. The house has the gas. &c. irk — Clear of all incumbrance. Terms—s2.ooo map remain on mortgage. Possession within 30 days from sale. Si. THOMAS Si 'NS, Auctioneers, apll 18 25 158 and 111 S. Fourth street. -------- REAL ESTATE.—THOMAS & SONS' SALE_ rDesirable Modern Residence, No 634 North Twelfth " street, south of Wallace street. On Tuesday April 28th, 18e8. at 12 o'clock. noon, vlll be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that desirable mo dem three-story brick meseuage, with double three- Amy back buildings and lot of ground, situate on the iv est side of Twelfth street, 34 feet south of Wallace street, No. 634; containing in front on Twelfth street 17 feet, and extending in depth 85 feet 8 inches tea 4 feet wide alley which leads into Wallace street. The house has been recently papered and painted and is replete with all modern conveniences; contains 12 large and 2 small rooms, gas, bath, hot and cold water, furnace, 2 corking ranger, large dry cellar, &c. 11:17 - Clear of all incumbrance. Tut ms—lialifthe purchase money may remain, Immediate pout:session. Douse open every day for examination. or the keys at Ilan Y P. McCalla's llat and Cap Emporium, N. E. corner Tenth and Chestnut streets. 14. TII 'MAN & BONS, Auctioneers, apl6 18 25 139 and 141 South Fourth street. REAL ESTATE —TIIO3IIIB d SONS' BALE. - EL: liaindsome modern Residence, No. 19.13 Weet Kitten " how3e Square, 33 feet trent,l4s feet deep. On Tues day. May sth. 181/8, at 19 o'clock. noon.wili be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that hand eonie modern two-story brick mastic meesnage, with three - story back building and lot of ground, situate on the west elde of Rittenhouse square, between Walnut and LOCllat streets,No. 1920; the lot containing in front on West hith nhoitse Square 83 feet. and extending in depth 145 Met to a :al feet street, leading into Locust street It is built in cottage style. and is handsomely nnislied with all the modem conveniences; has a saloon parlor and two kitchens on: the first :floor; three chambers, bath room, water cloeet, dining room and library on eceond floor, and three teems thb third (boor; gas introduced. Ii t and cold water, furnace, cooking range, &c. far Clear of all incinnbrance. Tenus-510,000 may remain on mortgage. Immediate poeceeeion. 31. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, sPI6./BfflY2 • Wand 141 South Fourth street. REAL ESTATE--THOMAS SONS , SALE.— Valuable Busineee Stand—Four.story Brick Store and Dwelling, No. 839 South Second street, adjoining Southwark Hall. On 'l'ueeday April :38th. 1888, at 12 o'clock, noon, Will be eold at public nolo, at the Philadel. ;Mitt Exchange. all that valuable fourutory brick mee, snag°, with bree.etory back building's and lot of ground, timid° on the east eide of Second Area, north of Chrie- Ban itreei, adjoining "Southwark INN" No. 839; the lot containing in front on Second tired 17 toot It incites, in. eluding the moiety of a &feet wide allot, left open for the accommodation of this and the adjoining property, and extending in depth 39 feet, gradually narrowing to tho Width of ni feet* inches on the rear end. rir Clear of all inctunbrance. Teruo.. half Caeh. Posse's'sion within 30 days. ifk — The above would make a first-clasa nand for a hotel or liquor store. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers; aphi,18,25 189 and 141 South Foul th street. REAL EBTATE—TLIOMAS , BONS' BALE._ rinc . dem three:story Brick Dwelling, No. 471 North ' Seventh street. south of Buttonwood street on Tuesday. Al.lith, 18tA, -at 12 o'clock,, :. noon, : will bo sold at public pti sale, at.tho Philadelphia Exchange, an that ruodero threostory brick inessusge and lot of grooind fai. lito on east side of ,Scventls street,..igfeet.south , of Button. AV oed street, 'No; 471 contalnintriixfront 17 feet 8 inches. and extending in depth op . the atorth., lin 4' e 61 feet 8' inches. and on the soutlt line 51 feit'llß{ inches to a '2.feet 4 inches wide alleywith thetprivilege thereof It has the gas introduced. bill: hot 'gni cold water..fprinatice. cook ing range, 4c. So oct to , adowerol at 22400.,, ,,, • .1110 MA Ait. S4g anlMAUCtlatlaaree ap1618,25 , '., . . .".'42lttpli4lBepthYeerth streetr._ 11 REAL ItEITAT/1,,.'-Tilou ~,dr , ~ . Arc i `stivii.'l4ixie Modern tnreo4tOriltrink . Dson do 858 Mins 411 rtmet. t eeth .0 , ll* street . -41"rztado;- 4 4Pril ' u l t 4 l a .-280801) , st 12 o .. ~ noon. witt,P4-isol . d pi , o :Li, el, at , tb, phipitler - 4 . e amp, or that m orn ,thrdolifrt, brick meet '• ~ tw ~,itOtrok bli l dinftr - aldtilot or " grouglin . ' ~, • . , ortdars 0111 , otree nortk of r trip •'*'. 7 : , , a few in front an. bitarohnir etri et . 1 14,...i ' ,t.; dint : '' •i ii ).th APPhi * ek ' i t . 1148 , Perlor , 114 i l '4 , , A ap,00,, finer , snif ip, ; troducede . ~ :-., ~ V ,y 4, 004 , Ille• - ri' - • " • lirfir Cie x . f .'. ~ , no:7 ' , '''.- '''' -• .: , , TernaorNl44 ,1 , . r , .: r ~, - A lam ,; _ L__.- ' 0 ;fell V: ,' , a f tt Auotiogeer„,, -. ~l e. : t W . . . & se ig se . , -L - dl. '.: I. 1 Fourth street,' ft IFlS9eAlrle I9ALE9. EPUBLIC SALK—THOMAS & SONS, AOC ti"cero•--Vert'ElePlat Copntry Seat and Mansion, " eight ter ea, known's.. the "Jefferson Mansion." Oak lane. Cheltenham - tovviiship, Niontgorneiy county, Pa., N, miles from Usk. lane Station on North Pennsylvania Railroad. On Tuesday. April,4l3th. 1868, at 1l o'clock, DAOII, will be sold at public a*.'s at the'Philadetphia hlx. Fhangt , all that very elegaaWceuntry seat, known as the 'Jt fierson Dlamdon." situated on .Oak lane, opposite-to the Jenkintown road, Cheltenham township, Montgomery county, Pa., of a mile from Oak Lasso Station on the North Pennsytvenia Railroad, %of a mile of Second street turnpike.l}6 miles of the 01. t York road, excellent'mad to either: beautiful and healthy location, fine elevation. splendid view, very convenient to churches, school, store, &c. The improvements' consist of a pointed stone mansion;.4s by 711 feet; built and finished through. out in the most substantial and very best manner; hand somi ly papered, and in most excellent repair; ceilings 11 feet high; good cellar, contented floor, with every con venience; ball la feet wide, with splendid staircase; has 18 rooms; parlor, Fitting, di. ing and breakfast rooms and kitchen on the first floor; live chambers ; library, store room, bath room and water-closet on the second floor, and five rood a on the third floor with plenty of fine closet rooms. -The range and heating arrangements are most complete, and of the very best character. The water 'ls of a quality that cannot be excelled, and a never-failing surely of the same; the arrangement for getting it to the house is most complete; there is a hydrant in the cellar; hot and cold water on the first and second floors; the drainage is all unde' ground ;.there is an out wash house, with a good range: ice-house well filled with ice of an ex cellent quality and J line water closets; all surrounded with a good brick pavement; also a handsomely finished cottage style and eubstantially built pointed stone stable and carriage house, with accommodation tor i horses and 4 carriages ,• hydrant 'dr eines.); pleb orm over the manure pit 3or washing carriages; abio an extra stable for cows; double pig pen. hot beds,. &c. There is a handsome lawn laid out with beautif al evergreens, trees and shrubbery of the choicest kind : —Norway epruce hedge along the road. and a good stone wall—vegetable garden, with excellent soil—abundance of, strawberries, raspberries, blackber rice, gooseberries...currants and grapes, of the choicest ya rieties--50 de art and standard pear and apple trees, all of which come Into bearing this year—pasture field and 1 acre of ploughed /pound—all the ground lain the very b et order, It adjoins the handsome country seats of B. 'tow land, Thomas hoveland, E. Wain John Cook and Hobert Whim Ems - . May be examined by obtaining =order at the Auction Store, or at the Jeffenion Tannery, Jefferson street, below Sixth, where a photograph of the property may be seen. Parties seeking a strictly &etches property will do well to examine this before purchasing elsewhere. Terms—Twe s thirds Cash. t?r - Ituniturc—The carpets, ail cloth and furniture, which are nearly new, will be sold to the purchaser at a valuation, if desired. M. THOMAS L SONS, Auctioneere„ mh2l apll 18 25 139 and 140 South Fourth street. rORPHANS' COURT—ESTATE OF WM. SCREW renbrandt, a minor.—M.. Thomas et Sons, Auction " eers. filminess Location. three.story Brick Dwell , lug, N.-E. corner, of Front and Pine streets, extending through to Water strest—three fronts. Pursuant to an order of the Orphans , Court for.tho city and county 'of Philadelphia, Will be sold at public sale, onVuesday, April 28th, 186'8, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the PhiladelPhia Exchange, the following described property, late of Wm. Seheureubrandt, a miner, viz.: One equal undivided thh d part of all that three-story brick messuage and lot of ground, situate on the east aide of Front street, and north ride of Pine street, city of Philadelphia ; contain ing,in front on Front street 18 feet 9 inches. and in depth. along Pine street 90 feet to Water et, eet. Being, the ennui premises whfch Andrew Stranahan and wife, by indenture dated December 27. 1810, recorded at Philadel phis,•in deed book G. W. C., No. "0, page 494. &c., granted and conveyed to John Scheurenbrandr, in fee. Subject to 2 certain mortgage debts, together amounting to $2,700. And the said John Scheurenbrandt, being so, seized thereof, afterwards deceased. baying tlret made hie last will and testament in writing. dated August 29, 18.5J,duly proved and regietered at Philadelphia, January 29 1806, whereby he gave and devised all his estate, real and per eonnl, to bin children in equal shares . ' and leaving three children, to wit: Mary, wife of Lou i s Glazier, George and William. And the said William Schetuenbrandt, afterwards, deceased, intestate, and leaving a widow ginre deceased, and one child, the said William Schen* renbrandt. the miner, him surviving. N. 11.—The parties entitled to the remaining two-thirds of said'estate unite in the gale, eo that the purchaser will take 00. ti le to the whole property, subject to said mortgage of 2, By the Court, E. A. MERRICK, Clerk O. C. 1110 MAS di SONS, 'Auctioneere, ap7,18,2f5 139 and 141 South Fourth etreet. rREAL ESTATE.—TDOMAS di SONS' SALE._ On Tuesday. April 28th, Pf36B, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be eold at public sale. at the Thiladelphia Ex change, the foltiwing descrioed property, viz.: No. 1. Modern Ihree-itory Brick Dwelling, h o. 726 North Front etri et, south of Brow n area: - All that modern three-story brick inessuage, with back building, summer kitchen and lot of ground. situate on the west Bide of Profit street, south of Brown street, No. 126; coutaiuine in front on Front stf set 21 feet; thence weft on the eolith lino along the north side of an alley 4 feet 1 inch wide n feet 6 in clies; thence S. WI. 3 feet; thence n-cit 63 feet 6 inches; thence south 16 feet 6 inchee: thence west 49 feet; thence north 40 feet; thence coat 150 fe-t to Front rimer, the place of beginning. it has gas, bath, hot and cold water, furnace. cooking range, die. fag - Cleur of all inctuahrttnee. • I immediate possession. Keys at the Auction Store. No. 2.—Thtee.story . Brick Store and Dwelling No. 724 Front street south of Brown street. All that three.atory brick bakery and lot of ground, situate on the west side of Front street. 81 fee , south of Brown street, No. 724, thence houthward along Brown street, crossing a 4 feet I inch wide alley, 16 fret; thence westward 101 feet; thence northward 16 feet 8 inches: thence eastward 63 feet ineltce; thence.northeastwardly 8 feet, ucti thence east 35 feet 6 inches t. the place of beginning. ri.t- Clear of all incuruhrarice. Ct?r - A Plan of the properties can be seen at the Auction Ho: m. hl. Tuo MA 3 tz SONS, Auctioneers, aide 18 25 la 9 and South E math street. Ohi COURT BALE —ESTATE OF GEO r — Ernith, deceased.—Thomas 42 Sons, Auctioneers.— Pure usnt to an Order of the Orphans' Court for the City sad County of Philadelphia, will be sold at •publie sale on Tuesday, April 20th, 10-P, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following described pro perty, late of George Smith. deceased, viz.:—No. 'I twee-story Prick a welling, No. 1001 Barley street, west et Tenth sfreet and below Pine street—All that lot of ground, with the three-story brick messuage and tones went thereon erected, situate on the north aids of Bails street, No. let,!, west of Tenth street, below Pine stree t, at the distance of 18 feet westward from the - west side Tenth street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing it full breadth on said Barley Street 20 feet, and extending' in depth northward 45 feet. Clear of all them:l - trance. No. 9.—Three story Brick Dwelling- No. 1414 North Tenth street, north of Hipster street. AU that three story brick inertut age and lot of ground. situate on the mat aide of 'I enth a reet,No. 1414, at the distance of 118 feet north ‘t aid front the north old. of 51tutter street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on taid Tenth atreet, 19 feet, and extending in depth westward of that width DM feet, to Alder street. Subject to a ground rent of 11'54 75. By the Court, E. A. MERRICK, Clerk U. G. GEORGE 1, KELLERI Adminktratore, GEORGE F. LEWIS, M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, n 414.18,25 .139 and 141 South Fourth street. EL ADMINISTRATORS' SALE. ESTATE OF Frederick Sch vaeble, decd. Thomas & Sons , Auctioneers. On Tuesday: April 211th. 18M, at 11 e'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadel phia ,Ex.ehenge. the following described property, viz.: _No. 1. Three e.tory. brick Store and Dwelling, No. .9:3.1 North Seventh street, above Poplar street. All that three.eto , y brick montage, with three-story back build. Ingo end lot of ground, situate on the meet side of Seventh street. 755 feet 41 , : : inches north of Poplar street, No. 94; the lot containing in trout on Seventh street 20 feet, and, extending in depth on the north line llu feet 11.5ei inches, and on the south line 112 feet 6.'‘, inches. The house has the gee, bath. &c. U' Clear of all inciunbrance. 'Pettus—Cush. No. 2. Valuable lot adjoining the above. AU that lot of ground, situate on the west side of Seventh street, No 994, adjoining the shove; containing in front St feet, extend. ing in depth on the north line 109 feet 45.,1 inches, and on the eolith line 110 feet 113. inches. Terms—cash. .. . . CV" I 'lsar of all luctiMbrance. Ilan of the above two properties can be seen at the auc tion rooms. JACOB HESS, / EDWARD StitiWABBLE,S Adiu're. M. TBOSIAS A: SONS, Auctioneers, apt 18 25 139 and 141 South Fourth street. REAL ES'PATE.—THOMAS d: SONS' SALE H an &am e Modern three awry Brick lieeidence, with " eide yard. Stable and Coach•honee, No. 517 South Ninth Rivet, below Lombard street, 411}6 feet front. 180 feet deep to Cedar liven ne.—Ou Tuesday, April 28th, 1888, at 12 o'clock, noon. will be sold at public tale at the Philadel phia Exchange, all that handsome modem llatory brick incesuage„ with to ceetory back building and lot of ground. situate on the east tide of Ninth street, south of Lombard etreet. No. 517; the lot containing in front on Ninth street 40 feet 8 inches. having a Bide yard of 20 feet, and extend. ing in depth 188 feet to Ceder avenue. It is well and cub tantially built, and finished with all the modern conve nt,' ece ; marble mantles, gas tin oughout, bath, hot and cold water, water•clozet, _furnace, cooking-range, duo ; also, a two-story brick eitable and carriage -house. with ac commodations for 3 hone-c and 3 carriages; yard planted with a choice variety of frui , trees. [P-Clear of all incumbrance. Terme- $lO 500 way remain on mortgage. 1 Immediate pmeeeeton. 'IIIOMAS cir SONS, Auctioneers. \ ap11,18,25 139 and 1.11 -South Fourth street ty ORPHANS' cocwr BALE.—ESTATE OF SOS. 1. Conrad. deceased.—Thonoas & Sons. Auctioneers.— Pursuant to an order of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Phhadelphia, will be sold at public sale. on Tuesday, April 26th, 1866. at 12 o'clock. noon, 1 the Philadelphia Exchange. the followltut described pro perly late of Joseph Conrad, deceased, viz:--No, N` Street, east of Fifty second street. all • hat lot of ground. situate'on the north side of l'ine street. 60 feet east of Fifty-second street. city of Philadelphia; contain. trig in front ou l'ine street 20 feet; and M ending in depth 70 net. No. 2.—Lot. Spruce street, west of Fifty-second street—Ail that lot of ground,, situate ou the north side of Spruce street, 1110 feet west of Fifty second street, city of Philadelphia: containing in front on Spruce street 10,1 feet, and extending in depth 170 feet to a4O feet wide street. By the Court, R. A. MERRICK, Clerk O.U. MARI HA CONK D, Adruluistratrix. M. THOMAS 41 SO sS Auctioneers, apll 19 ^5 139 and 141 South Fourth Street. uREAL ESTATE.—TIIOSIAS\- & SONS' gALE.— hluable Itualnege Stand.—Vern legant Fourodory Pictou Stone Store, No 81)7 Cheetnut drool, between highth and Ninth etreetn, 25 lent front,,l7B Mot deep. On Tateday, May Bth r 1888, at 12 o'clock, noon, will ton sold at public ,at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that very klegent, and valuable tour-story pictou atone atm e and lot of ground, rituatc on the north .ride oft heAutit sheet, 75 feet meet of Eighth street, No. 807 ; cent tilling In front ou Cheotnut etrr et 251 cut, and extmidiag in depth 178 foot to Jayne etre-t -2 f, onto. It to well and aubetantealle bunt and neatly tinhlied and situate en one of thet MO,- vain& Me and desirable tql.lllll a in the idt., near the Cantinental 11^t.r1 and Girard Bowe. Subject to a yearly ground rent of $3,500. Terms-815 Oat may remain ou ium toige. CM-juin:lolAM purest-len. Hese at the at tiCtiOtt ttoome. Til & &INS. Attotiouvera: 4 06 18 gganyd d- 141'84- tlt etreet. f! 'NADA. FEITATP—TIIOII',Ap. & SONO' IfAte,-- Three4torl Brick Dwellitit it .: l ll: o l3 l l ....o er str a do T ti l s e too da n_d h°11 " ' ells° °I ' liriekllln will be *old at , public' Aprilißtr. AS% at 12 °'°/(3.cexcrlli all - that V 06401 rale, at the .Pidladelabia ; . a e,,, 4.0 , nor, briar, messuago and lid, dX,And f in _PIN 4PNA m .d- aetcop. tide Qt. Ij° 1" 1" r lseet ' .l l§ ll % ° t f i C u tt 'qositalnin g in tet e ; frlo u n a t ° o ' n el t.l a arp ° l ' n ll ter W at t reel Id feet, and i n depth zii tee tift.t.3 , 1044310e.) 1 */! . , 9 , , 1 19n*!* ,,, rt.,... " a4 ir"""' ° " l l7i ' '''endf it ',141703. ' • §u 30440 a e y ro ~ , * , ~ ~,,, , , , , , ,0 , "foinll.-thatb..:; -,, I ..:. , 4 , ~ 86' 1 f,14 ' 049 'Auctioneers. linnled/ale 22824, 0) 1 AS 4 3ij li Oa id ~ 1 ,:,,,,.... ...".? . . 239.. 2 , 4 04 tirth et. avkIKS ' - -- REA ESTATE ton LES. LrkilIMAS M SONS, tioneers. 2 -Very Elegant Country Seat and-Farm, 5e acres, known Ile "Wooddeldel, Old York Road and. Fisher's Lane, Twenty:second Ward, about mile from Fisher's Lane Station, on 'the North Pennsylvania. Rail rend, and of a mile from the. Germantown Railroad -Ihe reridence of Joseph Swifr, Fag. tin Tuesday, May sth, 1(88, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be gold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange. all that elegant country Feat and farm, situate on the Old York Turnpike road and Fishers Lane, Twenty .second phis. about' i of a mile from Fisher's Lane Station, on the North Pennsylvania Railroad. ' of a mile front the Germantown Itaiiroad; containing 51 - acres and 161 perches of ground; adjoining land of Alfred Cloned JOSS3PII Price and others; fine elevation and splendid view,, !Pie improve minis consist of a pointed rongh dressed stone. mansion. 52 by 68 feet, besidek wings and kitchen adjoin ing, built and finished throughout for the 'present osvier' , in the most eubstantial and saverior manner, witha wide hall and superb Staircase of walnut; gas' plied from the city gas a orks ;hydrant water. with all the modern conveniences lopen fireplaced in all the reetnawith the beet description of marble mantels; wide and oaten, sive utilizes. inclosed with largesize'd glre, adding ranch to the comfort of the house d.,ring the cold weather. and making it a very pleasant promenade. Also, a hand romely finished cottage,. aubetantially built in the same style, and with the same kind of atone (which came from the neighborhood of Trenton) as the mansion. Alao, large stcue rough.cast barn: stable end rcoattithOuiniet.iin imbed in a superior manner,,tvith gem and hydrant,Water. A large and productive garden, supplied' 'a ith hada of chticest strawberry plants. raspberries, Lawton blackber ries, and pear trees. Also. het.beds for early' vegetabletti and extensive green house. With several varieties or. choicest Grape-vines, which havo 'yielded Abundantly; early and late. lithe garden there lea lame frame wash house, with hydrant water.•and other conveniences. The, lawn around the mansion is beautifullYlaid out with a selection of choice evergreens and sugar ntaplesr '' The farm, which la now rented on shares to an excel lent tenant, is productive and ina good. . suite of cultiva: thin; has a comfortable and commodious frame houee., situate directly on . Fishers lane. Withlarge There r re two entrances trout the Old York road, and one from Fisher's lane, a quarter or' a mile in length, with a double row of maples and other trees. The. , furniture will be Bad to the purchaser; If dgairediat a valuntlan. ' In add tion to the ground described, there is a lot of 1.*:1 perches, with a front. t 125 feet on the Old York read, teamed from Alfred Cope on a ground rent of $lO per an- Terms—A large portion of the purchase money may .re. main on mortgage if desired. Posiession given subject to the lease of the farm on the let of June. For further particulars apply at the Auc tion Store. AAhotograph of the property' may be seen at the Auction uome. • M. TIIO3IAS & SONS Auctioneers, apl6 18 25my2 la# and 141. South Fourth arrest., PEREMPTORY SALE—THOMAS &SONS, AAje. tioneere.—On Tuesday, May 5,1868,at 12 o'clock'noon, will be eold at publ c sale. without reserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange. the following described property, viz. Livo. 1. Desirable beeidence, S.W.canner Th*rty,ninth and Spruce streets, 100 feet front, 150 feet deep.—All that modes brick mastic meesuage and Ibt.of ground, situate at the southwest corner of Thirtyminth and Spruce etre eta; the lot containing in front on Spruce street 1110 feet, and extending in depth along Thirty-ninth street 150 feet. The house le bu ilt in Swiss cottage style; has two parlors, dating room, kitchen and wash house on the first floor; four chambers and bath room on the second floor., and tut o chambers and lofts on the third floor ; gas, with fixtures (which are included in the sale free of charge), hot and cold water, two cooking ranges, furnace, k.e. The grnunde are handsomely laid out wits; fruit and shade treet3, grapevines, shrubbery. &c. Clear of all incumbrance Terme—Half the purchase money may remain. Immediate pOnefieiOLl. , May be examined any day pre. viotui to'eale. kale absolute. Nurpl.—The purchaser of the residence and 100 feet of grflund can have tho privilege (at the time of sale), to take any number of feet orthe adjoining ground on the west, at the rate of 510 per foot ground rent. If not taken by the purchaser of the residence, it will be immediately sold, without reserve. No. 2.—Valuable Lot, 100 by 150 feet, adjoining on the Went. All that valuable lot of ground south &Ado of Spruce strew t, feet west of Thirty-ninth street: containing in front on Spruce street 100 wet, and extending in depth 150 feet ton street. Subject to a redeemable ground rent of f 5210 a year. 'X'ernis Cash. re - Sale absolute. No. 2—Valuable Lot, 40 by 150 feet, adjoining. All that valuable lot of ground, south aide of Spruce street, 200 feet west of Thh ty-ninth street; containing in front on Spruce area 40 feet, and extending in depth 150 feet to a street. Subject to a redeemable ground rent of $l2O a year, Terms—Cash. Kif - Saleabsolute. ILW `The sale oi the entire property will be peremptory. By Order of the Assignee. M. TIIO b d; SONS. Aucttoueore, ap16,18,25-my2 139 and 141 South Fourth street, titPEREMPTORY SALE. THOMAS & SONS', Auctioneers. Elegant Four etory Brown Stone " Re. idence, No. 1531 Locust street, east of aixtoeuth street. 2o feet front. On Tuesday, May sth, Mi.' at It 3 o'clock, noon, - will be sold at public Sate, without reserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that elegant four-story (pictou) stone meeeuage and lot of ground, situate on the north Bide of Locust street 20 feet oast of 16th et.. No. 1531; containing in front on Locust et. 20 ft., and extending in depth:l , o fet.including a 3 feet wide alley, with tho privilege thereof. The house was built in the beet _Manner on the New York plan.expresely 4er the occupancy of the present owner; contains 17 rooms, using Storms deep; the mid; die chambers being lighted from skylight, those on the lower floor with curved cut glass; on first floor d hand• soniely finished rooms; the front second•story finished' for a drawing room; 5 commodious, the remainder smal ler chambers: cedar closets, butler pantry, dumb waiter. speaking tubes; vault unaer front pavement yard and cellar flagged; 3 low.down grates; first and second floors deadened from noises below them,. and' roof made non conducting; house finished throughout with every mod ern improvement and convenience; gas throughout; two bath roome,two water closets, f urnace,cooking range, &c. •" Clear of all incumbrancc. _ . . Terms—lialf cash. rir May be examined on application to the Auction ril" The above is situate in a very desirable neighbor hood, adjoining and surrounded with handsome restiden _ leV' Sale absolute. M. THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneersl,l apll,lB,2sdaDy2 139 and 141 South !fourth street. ; REAL ESTATE. —THOMAS k SONS' SALE,- 'hree4story Brick Building. No. 625 Wall street. be " tween Catharine and Christian and Sixth and Seventh ttrecb: On Tuet•day, April 216th, PO, at' 'l Celt el:. noon, Will be sold at public • gale, at the Phila. dolphin. Exchange. all that ‘4 eil and euoutantially built tbn e etory brick building and lot of ground. tlittiato on the, north side of Wall Olga and corner of Grubb street, west of sixth street, he. 615; • containing In front on Wall' erreet 16 feet, and extending in depth along 'Grubb street 84 feet to a 9•feet wide alley, with the privilege thereof. It le troll and eubetantlally built ; been occupied me a soap runnofartery: 111 . 5" Clem of all incumbrance. • Terme—Had each. Immediate possession. Kepi at No. 8.28 South Fifth greet, • M. THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneers. 189 and 141 South Fourth etreet, ap16.18,25 rSEAL ESTATE.—TII , SI.AS & SONS' SALE Pour•etory Brick Reeideuce, No. 313 South Fifth " etreet, below Spruce etrett. On Tuesday, May 5t14 15t8. at 12 o'clock,' noon, will be eold at public rule; at the Philadelphia Isxcluinge, all that modern founstory brirk ineeeuage and, lot of ground, eltuate ou the caakeide of Fifth etreet, eolith of spruce etre et, No. 313; containing In front on Fifth etrect 15 feet, and extending In depth 91 feet 5 Inciter. It contains 10 rooms, gee, bath, &c. To gether will the cornrow use and pit - Sego of a :3 feet d inches wide alley. SW" Wear of all incuo brance, Cam ` POPECb6/0/1 February 1.1869. M. THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneer% I`,i9 and 10 South Fourth , street. apl6lBm2 litiLlO SALE.—TIIC/NIAB ,f;, SWAB. AUCT,IO*-- L" eere.—Valuanle Lot, Baring street. between Thirty-- ' third and Thirty.-fourth streets, West Philadelphia. On Tuerday, April Zit'', 1868, at 'a o'clock. noon; be sold at' public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, la that valuable.lot of ground 'situate ou the north aide of Baring street,'" feet east of Thirty.third atreet, West Philadelphia; containing in trout on Baring street lb feet and extending in - depth 108 feet. Baring street is graded. and paved, and the water and gas Maine are laid. Ire Clear of all incumbrance. Terma—Cash. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers; 139 and 141 South Fourth street. apl6 18 26 inPUBLIC SALE.—THOMAS & • SONS, ' AUTOION: eC7l3.—Valuable Property—Uoal Yard. N 0.1927 Market street, between Nineteenth aad Twentieth streets, %), feet front and 176 feet deep to Jonas street, 2 fronia.-On Twerday, April 28d, 1866 at 12 o'clock, noon. will be'sold at public sale. at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that largo and valuable let of ground, with the ireprovementathere on erected, situate on the north side of Market, street' be tw cen Nineteenth and Twentieth streets. No. lan con taining in front on. M arket street, 26 feet 4 inches and ex. tending in depth 176 feet to Jones street. The improve. ments consist of a brick office, coal sheds, railroad track,. Subject to a yearly ground rent of $374. Terms,:Cash. M. THOMAS dc SONS, Auctioneers, 199 and 141 South. Fourth street. ap4 18,25 cPEREMPTORY SALE—THOM B 4 SONO, ABC. lioneets.— An Entire Boa o of Ground, to be di vided and sold SR 56 Building lobt. Newport street. Thirty-fourth street, Reed street, Wharton street, Tsreu• tv•sixtb Ward, '6 fronts.-On Tuesday, April 28, 1868, nt 12 o'clock, noon. will be sold at public sale, without reserve. at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that entire square of ground. composed of 56 desirable' building lots, having extensive fronts on Newport. Thirtyloorth. Reed an' h &WM streets, 24th Ward, from 16 to 18 feet front. Will be sold separately according to a plan which may be seen at the Auction Rooms. Bale absolute. ' M. THOMAS 4 SONS. Auctioneers. nill2B an 41825 Maud 141 nouth fourthstrest. ItEAL, ESTATE.—M. THOMAS & SONS' BALE.-- tv, Modern. Three-story Brick Dwelling, Pro. 471. North Seventh street, south of Buttonwood street. Oa Tuerday, April 58th, 1868, at 1l o'clock. noon, will be cold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange } all that modern threoStory brick messuege and lot of ground, situate on 'ha cast Bid:: of Seventh arca, 18 feet of Buttonwood street, No. 471: containing in front 17 reat'S inch , s, and , extending in depth on the north line 61 feet 8,4 inches, and on the south Hue 51 fee t lOU inches te a 2, feet 4 +lichee wide alloy, with the privilege' thereof ' lt has the gas introducedi bath. hot and cold water. furnace. cooking range, &c. Subject to a dower of $1,13:18 72414 M. TlloMdS & SONS. Auctioneers, 159 and 141 Pouth Fourth street. BUIE= DENt'ISTNIY. Di,. ,noliN ..‘l. r'iNE'S DENTAL E. (10 11 A . p No. 219 V Ma. struet.—Th if ty yearn'. granting.; i ; one of thrioldnet 0. ULM'. hed Dentlllo ko the city. .. Ladieu beware of ehenp dentiatrY•. We pre reiielvtrig cane wPekly trot there , that Ipivir poet*unpoirrookii i and :art making new acre for them, ,For .bpau I/ nu b . like teeth; and Leaf nod enhatautlal work, citirlrrit...titiiatv mote Ef axonal - 11e that, coy Ifetn fat in the . : cr itv..4. o ll I p l ugge d, teeth repaired. exellernied., or Nemlio4ol .tik,oult. ?..b ‘ tf one Oxide Gee and Ether atwatt_ en it 41, -ow. time and money, give 1115 a call ' Wow g; . ' i l fi e , where. Nfn eharne unlace .Rti Stied. ' Beet of enety Ixll e , m.tu elm PAJP-JPAIL s. V AlDEPAirkoan ' HAM • soli Ilmo • - opit p - A. Street, ItuARY tmpor . G"--11; 0 4$8 =lllk H. Dotter) Jo * nahlf.tfi E. FL "? da IIUTLER 6s CO.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers