CITY BIILLISTEN, -_ - ft) hSPISMENT or PIITI.APPLNIt A .---The following o.atement of the assessment of Plxiladelphis is compiled from the books of the Board of Revi- Money at Fartii. ward Beal F.state. IntereAt. titre Militia. 8,688,250 912,182 00 87,798 6,848 210,687,300 1A1343 00 :701.8361,., d 01.276 a 0,648.261 - 0 . 0615 4 " -03 • 8.094 888 _ 8,200 00 :,Tho.lo 1,8, sth. ...... 21,919,692 "5,0 1 9,210 00 14,867 5,% 0 8 41,T44 661 648,932 00 81,671 2.572 ........ • , 71b 132 0 6. 7 0 2,61%448 00 , 510,029 6 268 2412 .... 55,121,016 '4.996.06400 9.26,91 1%526 Ana 30 4,866 1011. .... 27,838.583 3 , 7( 4 072 ,;;;110 7 7,114 M1C,0,889 . 1122,486 00 4,504 1111. 8,570,518 76,415 00 4...huu 12th 8.707,43.1 594,801 00 147,783 4„3, 14th......:.13,914 800 1,692.7 0 3 CO 807,6 M 14,921,060 90.786 89 267,179 4,746 156 h ...... '26,240483 1,493/42 00 694.013694,013 0 013 ~170 1615........ 7,660,100 262,072 00 33464 4,414_ 176 h. ••.. • • . 6,874,510 a 155 00 10, .45 ~760 18th........ 9,061,570 196,916'00 94,660 7,5134 15,1366,819 53626 00 .T,7(25 _4._s3o__ ... 29,863.275 744,150 00 4g1 6 , 4 54 . 3 1 - 1 2 :14 ) 0 2111 •• • 2 . 8 r 2,8 §. 9 289 '" 07'4018 11,540 •• 1 ".•,L 13,061,709 3,843,454 00 yam,,,,,,,;,4,275,161 791,628 00 61,935 4th........7,338,942 448,901 00 96,241 3,034 6,964,676 147,405 00 ' 11,950 1,814 2613)....... 1%753,424 407,144 00 58,170 8,7403 97th........ 7,843,108 432,799 00 90,715 Val -20th 6,027,71 1 0 611,871 00 89,1.50 1,954 Total—. $4O6,=Z M,771,726 21 5,469,02 119,5 Z The total value of rural property assessed is $68,911,028, and meadow property *889,125. Of the "rural" the most valuable is in the Twenty world ward being $7,429,605,and the least valu able in the Nineteenth ward, being $1,018,634 , Rural property is only assessed In the First, .Nbseteenth,Twenty-first,'rwenty-second,TWenty third, Twenty-fourth, Twenty-fifth, Terenty sixth, Twenty-seventh and T went-elghth wards, and meadow property in the F irst and Twenty-math wade. The total. amount of personal tax in the city assessedis $81,847 73. The highest amount is in th e 'Twentieth Ward, $2,381 00, and the smallest' amount in the Twenty-eighth Ward, $409.:76.'' The value of carriages kept for hire is $19 . 4.- 611. The. Twentieth Ward ranks first in this item—the amount being $59,226. Then follows the Fifteenth Ward with $56,076. The Twenty seventh Ward is put down at $lBOOO, and the Ninth Ward at $12,175. The remaining Wards range from *5O to $B,OOO. The emoluments of office are assessed at $6lB - The highest figures are in the Fifteenth Ward—sB9,242. The Seventh Ward is not far behind, the amount being $2,018. The Ninth Ward return's $55,720, and Tenth Ward $41,275. The Third, Eleventh, Sixteenth, Seventeenth and Twenty-first Wards are blank. The value of horses and carrieges and watches in each Ward Ls as follows . Ward. Harsco. Carriages. Gold. Silver. 0. ht..... .. . . .... 39 510 5,520 139 16 ~ 1d........... 31,010 5,265 202 142 1 3d ...... .. . ....... 6,640 1,414 134 19 4 4th........ ... 7,376 199 5 . 5th........ ... .. 13,526 8,655 at..) 24 3 fith, ....... ..... 19,918 6.875 183 20 5 7th........ ..... 44,5 29,405 847 96 7 4th........ .... 63,720 69.185 1,447 43 31 9th........ ... ... 65,865 24,025 871 5 1 1 19th . . ... ...,.... 64,396 42,468 1,009 55 12 11th ..... .: ... 3,Et20 590 426 5 .. 12th...... .... ::: 29 929 11,900 449 4 1 12th- ... 28,720 26 355 1.148 53 17 14th.... . ........ 43,306 16,380 879 172 . 1510. ..... ...... 164.790 40,879 1,643 106 3 16th.......'...... 18,902 .. 177 18 1 17th............. . 42,016 5,2 1 8 88 12 18th. ..... ...... 83.045 5,636 128 16 5 19th. ..... ....... 115,548 5 110 236 21 5 20th............. 111,347 .33,669 1,063 64 4 21. t..... . ....... 52 096 10,585 125 7 . MIL 917,665 105,790 1,004 fii 4 230... ... ........ 218.486 20,945 214 24 2 24th............. 116,245 13.580 :02 45 . 251 h. 1E1,105 8.955 51 5 3 36th 80,870 4,655 176 168 .. 97th.......:...:. 71,912 21.146 206 25 .. 28th ...... ....... 53,293 12,805 236 35 8 1,740,947 849,979 11.71; 1,324 The New STORE OF Me. SAMUEL. R. Pui —We have already referred to the block of three elegant stores that have been reared upon the site of the old Messchert mansion, on the south aide of Chestnut street,. above Twelfth. The stores are in the occupancy, respectively, of Messrs. Baeluel_lt. Phillips, saddler; Reeve L. Knight & Son, carpet dealers, and James K. Kerr & Brother, dealers in glass and chinaware. We have already referred to the stores of the Messrs. Knight and Kerr. Mr. Phillips. had a formal opening of his portion of the block yes terday, and the occasion was markedly an ele gant entertainment that was spread for all corners, under the caterership of the veteran Dorsey. The name of Phillips is inseparable from first-class saddlery, and Mr. P. has cause to be proud of his elegant establishment. Thewain store has a depth of 235 feet, and fronts on Chestnut and Saloom streets, of 253 E feet. There are 160 lept of oiled walnut cases for the display of harness, &c., on the eastern side of the store, and a long array of counters, tables, &c., tor the display of all kinds of articles connected with the business. The store is admirably stocked, and contains everything in the horse and harness line. The second floor, fronting on Chestnut street, a room sixty feet in length, is elegantly fitted up as a reading-room, and will be used as such by Mr. Phillips' customers. All the different works on horses, &c., and papers and pamphlets pertain ing to the turf, can be found here at any time. Over this room are two others of the same size, which are used as manufactories. Over the rear portiOn of the store and fronting on Ransom street is a room sixty feet deep, used as a work shop and cutting-room, and over this again is another used as a factory. The lower floor, or store, is well lighted by means of spacious sky lights. The establishment is elegant throughout, and it is replete with all the appliances necessary to secure business facilities, and the convenience and comfort of all concerned with the establish ment either as buyers, sellers or manufacturers. • Ma. G. PELMAN'S MIRROR fied.R.—ln conse quence of the severe storm yesterday morning, which prevented the attendance of buyers, 'it was concluded to continue the sale of Mr. Pel man's Mantel and Pier Mirrors on to-morrow ,(Saturday) evening, at 7% o'clock, at Scott's Art Gallery, 1020 Chestnut street. These glasses were all manufactured for custom trade, of the best material and workmanship, and will com pare favorably to any other manufactures in this country or, elsewhere; to be sold on account of building his wit store for his increasing busi ness, which is Sufficient guarantee of their good quality. He is about departing for Europe to make selections of new styles and designs. CamsEr.—The Philadelphia Cricket Club will open the season for 1868 to-morrow at ten o'clock A. M., with a glut match. The playing days are every Saturday, and the practicing days are every other day in the week. The membership of this Club comprises many of our prominent citizens, and the playing is equal to that of any club in the United States. The officers of the Philadel- Dhla Club are : President J. Dickinson Sergeant; Vice President, A. Charles Barclay; Treasurer, William'Nelson West; Secretary, Horace Magee; Assiatant Secretary, Albert Wilson; Ground Commlitee, A. A. Outerbridge, C. Stuart Patter son, Spencer Meade, William Nelson West and Horace 'Magee. LABOENT AND FORGEfiY.--John Powell had a 'tearing bat evening before Alderman Heider, upon the charges of larceny and forgery. He was employed as foreman in the door-mat manu factory of John Higgins. It is alleged that he collecta about $6OO for Mr. Higgins and appro priated the money to his own use. It is further charged that he telegraphed, In the name of. Mr. Higgins, -to 'parties in Baltimore, not to remit money, that the amount of bills would be col -IM,ed personally. The accused was held in $l,OOO ball to answer at Court. TUE BROAD STREET CADETS.—These youths, pupils of the Broad Street Academy, gave a very interesting entertainment at the Academy of Music, last evening. The,,exercises consisted of military manceuvres, gymnastic feats, •singing and recitations. The *hole performance passed off pleasantly, each of the cadets acquittihg him self creditably. Owing to the sickness of Mr. George Bright, the closing piece lost something of its effectiveness. BAD Bors.—Two boys named James Ward and William rerun were arrested yesterday upon the charge of _ebbing Johnson's mineral water irwmi la the neighbortmd of Nineteenth and Beftardatreets. It is alleged . that they hive been committing depredations upon these wagons for ' mom. UM put. They were committed by Alder man Mink. DOW. Mann.-4, man named Doling, evidently demisted, and supposed to belong to Yonkers, N. Y., was toundlest evening wandering about the Streets in the Sltrth Ward. This morning he urns sent to the Almshouse. • CUARGIC.I) «writ ALODDICIII".-20tOr Fritz,Viralter Rowland and (home Peggs, whose agarell From 13 to %years, Were arrested yesterday npold the charge of having been concerned in the reitl , bery of the grocery store of Joseph P. Smith, lit the southeast corner of Eleventh and Catherin streets. The door was opened with a key, an 1..;* in pennies were carried off. These boy, are said to belong to the gang who have beeh engaged 4n stealing door-keys, and the ket.Fith which this store was opened is believed 41 live been one of those stolen. The yOnthfni pr Bon ers are also suspected of having been etitatced In other iobberies. They will have a hcatitig at the Central Station this afternoon. num.—Lest night about 11 o'clock 6 fire oc curred in the basement of the. establishment Of Messrs. French & Richards, at CrOWn and Cal lowhill streets. The damage done was not se rious. This morning about 2 o'clock a fire broke out in Brannon's chair manufactory On Godey, street below Catherine, between Sixth and Seventh streets. The flames originated on the first Aoor and burned through to the second story. The stock and tools in the building Were considerably damaged by water. The amount of lose was not' ascertained. A MIMED HORSIE BWINDLE.—A man named Pat. Kelley was arrested yesterday in the Twenty fourth Ward and taken before Ald.Plaull upon the charge of obtaining money under false pretences. It is alleged that he sold a horse to a New Yorker for $240, representing that it was a very good animal. The nag turned out to bo unsound. and when Kelley was applied to for the money he denied that the horse was the one that was sold by him. The defenJant was held' for a further hearing. TARGET SHOOTINO.—The well known Artillery Corps, Washington Grays, Col. William C. Ward commanding, will celebrate their forty-sixth anniversary by a parade for target practice, leaving Reading Railroad Depot, Thirteenth and Callowhill streets, in a special train at 2 o'clock to-morrow afternoon for Belmont Cottage. THE Loss.—The loss by the fire at General Patterson's mill in Manayunk yesterday morning is estimated at $4,000, upon which there is no in surance. WI ',TITS'S LEMUR K. —On Tuesday evening next Rev. A. A. Willits, D. D., will deliver his lecture on "The Model Home, "gat Concert Hall. CITY NOTICES. A LEX ANDER'S This preparation is one ofithe most extraordinary discoveries of modern science for restoring the natural color of the hair. A single application produces a permanent and natural color, and a 'beautiful, soft, glossy appearance. Sold, retail, by Fred'k Brown, Fifth and Chestnut; Ilasard & Co., Twelfth and Chestnut. Wholesale, by It. & U. A. Wright, 624 Chestnut street. PROF. WARR, of New York, has laid before us a new rule for the equation of accounts, of all classes. Upon examination, we find that It possesses intrinsic merit, and saves a great amount of time and labor over the methods now in use. We feel safe in saying that it would be a valuable acquisition in all com a ercial houses, and a safe investment. • MOTH PATCHES, FRECKLES AND TAIL—The only Tenable remedy for those brown discolorations on the Cafe is "Perry's Moth and Freckle Lotion." Prepared only by Dr. B. C. PEWIT, 49 Bond street, New York. lair Sold ever.ywbere. ioTERICAN WALTIIAM WATCHES —The Best. The Cheapest. Recommended by Railway Conduc tots, erglneers and expressmen, the most exacting elliss of watch-wearers, as superior to all others fur strength, steadiness, accuracy and durability. i'necntpulons dealers occasionally sell a worth less Swiss imitation. To prevent imposition, Inivers should always demand a certiticate of genuineness. For sale by all respectable dealers. PA INFUL. —:-There are few operations more pain ful than cutting teeth. A little of Bower's Infant Cor dial rubbed upon the gum of teething infants is a great ‘ther. CHAS. OARFORD &i BONS Have now opened a large stock of Ladies', Misses' and Children's flats and Caps, Store, Ba 4 and 636 Chestnut street PFICIAL'IT.—AII those gents desiring_ele,gant tlta ing pantaloons will find them at C. C. Dittrich do Co., Continental Hotel, Ninth street. as this branch of Tailoring Is made a Specialty,- and really warrants an 110:14215.mi. Always a fine stock of goods on hand. BOWER'S SENNA FIGS, FOR CONSTEPATION— iIf:y cents. Depot Sixth and Vine. , . TILE Gettysburg Asylum Lottery - scheme we er. has come to grief, and their flue office in Broad y:by, where they dispensed Poldeu hopes for paper ilollare, is now "to be let." If the public had treated the company as the landlord has the building, and posted "to b'e let" alone, on its prospectns, some green people would have had more money iu their pockets than they have now. We think an investment iu a fait of spring clothing at Charles Stokes & Co.'s Clothing House, under the Continental, about as sat isfactory as anything. FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE. Florence Sewing Machiee. Florence Sewing Idluthine. Office, 1143 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, GROVER & BArcurt's Highest Premium Sewing Machines, 730 Chestnut street. CHAS. OARFORD & Boss Have now opened a large stock of Ladies', Mime' and Children's Rats and Caps. 8 Store, 884 and 836 Chestnut street. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH. J. Isaacs, M. D., Professor of the Eye and Ear. treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the moat re liable sources in the city can be seen at his office, No. 805 Arch street. The medical faculty are invited to accompany theirpatients t li as be has no secrets in his practice. Artificial eyes iruserted. No charge made for examination. GRFAT Bargains in Lace Curtains, at PATTEN'S, 1408 Chestnut street. GREAT Bargains in Lace Curtains, at PATTEN'S, 1408 Chestnut street. GREAT Bargains in Lace Curtains, at PATTEN'S. 1403 Chestnut street. GREAT Bargains in Lace Curtains, at PATTEN'S, • , 1408 Chestnut street. CHAS. OAKFORD & Sorts' , Have now opened a !alp stock of Ladies', Misses' and Shildren's Hata and Caps. Stores, 834 and 836 Chestnut street. SonoicaL 12tarausetrcra and drug!. eta' sundries. Sliownas &TB Rama, 28 South Hishth street. PERSON/11w ATTENTXON Thomas Tremor mid John Treanor will Gad comma nioations for them at No. 400 Penn street. avl7 at• p (I) IV V) :VI TREES TREES I 1 Standard Pear treee,largely or Bartleft;Apole,Pesr. and Cherry trees . Twenty thousand reach trees, select varieties. Evergreens suitable for lawns and hedges. Osage orange, Shade trees, large size trees de, livered in the city without charge. Address JOHN PER KINS Moorestown N. J. Catalogues gratis. TO BENT• IeTO RENT—FOR SIX MONTHS Olt LONGER, from May nth. s NEd.TLY FURNISIIED MEDIUM SIZED ROUSE, Dealrable !Rua tlon, weat ot Broad Street, between Chest nut and Walnut. Addrees "E". . Buta.rrm Office. apl7.2t. uNtYkitr - Al - Mnis - fitioolos. ‘ i i v .. so REMOVAL. WILLIAM N. ATTWOOD A SON. UNDERTAKERS, Have removed from No. 44 North Eleventh street to No. 1216 Race etTeet, mh3l lm 8 • corner of Jecob Street. south side. AIUCTAON 8/k.LES. TAMES A. FREEMAN, AUOTIO NEER, No. 422 WALNUT street. J AMES Sale o. 421 GaakUl street :LEASE, ENGINE, TUBS AND QOMPLETE FIX TURES OF A DISTILLERY. ON THURSDAY MORNING. At 11 o'clock, will be sold, on the premises, the com- Tplete Fixtures of Distillery. including Engine, Boiler. une. Worm, Ac., Ac. LEASE.—,else the Lease of the property. It will be sold in one lot, Immediate possession. • 8500 to be gild at the time of sale. • NDIA RUBBER MAGIIINE BELTING, STEAK Piii. J., i _ a ins aose. et, sun dealers will end afa ...irrtenlLte B isvortnait of lirr . all! Pack ing g , l rt w.*tteruf Y EAß g i GOOD'S. Se 3 Chestnut seet, . ' " .' '• _ _ El and a _ uttt side . N. R.— .w nor on Eland a unto lot of antlaetes, .Lafilest line Moe.' Warn Boots. Also. every vartet7 ma style of Otun Overcoats. N EWC ROP ARABIAN DA7118.-100 MATTB. FINE tr. landing and for sate by JUN. B. 8 1 18 8LER. Oontlt ®e /ammo avenue, THE DAILY Eirrifhtf4l IULLIPTIN„--4111LADELPIIIA, FRIDAY„ AOItIL 17, IBK. WOOD ,6 °A I RY. BONNET 9PEN.ING TharOay, April 2, 1868, No. 79.5 Chestnut Street, PUILIDELIPHI4I apl ffrp Ladies Making their Bonnets CAN FIND ALL TEM MATEBULLS AT 'GEORGE W.IIOIIL ES'S, 911 Chestnut Street (North Side). Straw HonnetS valid Trintraings, French F/Owers t .Laces, Frosted and Plalk Malines, With narrow LACES. in Won to match. Freed' and New lark Deseet Anuney are , am. &c. Liberal discount to Milliners. apt !tarp 72Li ell EENTEB+SittEIF STREET. DAY, 60 pieces of Colored Matinee, every desirable elide. 80 pieces of Frosted and Diamond Illusion, all colors. 10 piecee Colored Spotted Nate, with Edgings and Lam to match. All the latest novelties in HATS, BONNETS AND INFANTS' HATS. In the finest Braids, White, Drab, Brown and Black. Bonnet Ribbons, Trimming Ribbons,Stish Ribbons,flatin and Moire Ribbons, Silks, Crapes, Velvets, in the newest tints, Metternich, Sultana, &c. Linen Black Satins, all shades. Artificial Flowers, the choicest styles. COLORED VELVET RIBBONS. The celebrated BROWN BRAND. The best assortment of new colors in the city. Our prices at WHOLESALE and RETAIL We guarantee to be as low aa those of any house in the trade. npl.lrn,rp§ BAILEY & CO., 819 OHESTNUT STREET, OFFER FOR BALE AT LOW PRICES A LARGE ABBORTMENT OF FINE PLATED WARESI BOTH ENGLISH AND AMERICAN. ft 66. w 1m rptf BUTLER, McCARTY it CO„ 131 North Second Street, WHOLIESiALE DEALERS IN American, National, Howard and Tremont WATCHES. mh2C4 m w 2mng r- (--- LEWIS LADOIYIUS & CO, -I I DIAMOND DEALERS hJEWELER S. WATCHES, JEWELRY de SILVER WARE. L WATCHES and JEWELRY REPAIRED. ) Would invite the at :Won of purchasers to their Largo Mock of GENTS' AND LADIES' WATCHES, Jut received.of the finest European makerroa,lndependent Quarter Second. and Self-winding] in Gold and Sliver Casee. Also; American Watchee ail aizeic, Diamond Seta. Pima Studs, Bas. CoralMalschite. Garnet and Etruscan Seta, in great radar. Solid Silverware of all kinds, including a large assort. went suitable for Bridal Presents, 44 North Tenth Street Bedding and Feather Warehouse. Feathers of all qualities. Feather Bede, Bolstereand PAlowr Spring and Hair Matrosses. Busk and Straw Metre:nee Iron Bedsteads of all alma. Tucker's celebrated Spring Bede. celebrate d Spring Clots. Honeycomb Quilts. Lancaster Quilte Alhambra Quilb Imperial Quilts. Germantown Quilt", Allendale Quilts. Or Withas handsome and complete variety Mi. 44 of Marseilles Counterp anes as can be found in North the city, of white, p and °rim colors. TENTS Ilr - And we keep an sell Brets as cheap Street. as anybody. Window Shade* in great variety below of pattern at the lowest market prices. 1 Arch. AMOS 11ILLBOAN, No. 44 N, Tenth Street, below Aroh. mhltw f m FOR SALE. Dwelling, No. 1405 N Fifteenth Street. Built in superior manner for present owner. Winter and Summer Kitchens, Library. Conseriodory, two Bath. Rooma, Cedar Closet, and all modern conveniences. Lot 40 feet by 166 feet, opening on Carlisle street Garden handsomely laid out and furnished with rare and expen sive plants. Call between 10 A. M. and 4P. M. Price, SAM. a 16 6trPll FOR SALE—VALUABLE RESIDENCE. NO. 2002 Chestnut street.; 20 feet front; well finished throughoat Limmedlats vossession. Also; desirable Residence. ho. 724 Pine street; lot 22 by 1811Lbonse large and well finished thrcumhout. Apply to 8. WAGNER, Jr, 28 South Third street. 02 1781' • ' itFOB SALE—A COUNTRY OEM WITH ITB furniture, near PeallYa Station, North Pennsylvania Railroad. Inquire at 219 O. Fourth et. • aplltits stTINDER 14bD131 T1111312R LANDS! A large quantity of excellent timber lands situate on the west branch of the Susquehanna and its trlbu, taxies, in t he counties of CLINTON AND OENTRE. These la dso amv_ Set timbered with INDIII9 PINE, YEINE, TV A, CHIIIBTNTIT • • • , • 4.24 D• or • e t xi4 slug' of • access. A pp ly at . 219. MI st eeeet, between 9 and 10 A. M. and 1 and 2 P. K. or L i z, timitars. ' eprfir ' 'ITALIAN VERMICELLI-100 BOXEB PINE gUALITY A whltklmportod and for male by JOB. D. 11 uRIBIEA 09..108 nom DolAwaro overate. MILES, 911 Chestnut Street. on - E to II CALL. WEYL & ROSENIIEThi. No. 726 Chestnut street 802 Chestnut St.,Thile, BEDDING, FEATHERS, &G. WWI SALE. OADNETINGS AND 0)1Mi CtILONINts. . CARPETS. oonEA cLown. MATTINGS, 4ko q , $ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Wo pared a t i :erA s id i r e grzwe s te,ft i rrage , V. LEEDOM & SHAW, 010 Arch Street, faB9 Bmrps Between Ninth and Tenth Streets. NM '%V' CARPETS. JAMES H. ORNE, EON & CO., 626 Chestnut Street, Have opened New Carpets. Oil Cloth. Druggeta, Canton and Cocoa Matting, Rugs, dm Winona, Brussels, Velvets, Extra Tapestries. The above are our own Patterns. English Ingrains. Three Plys, Oil Cloths; Druggets, English Venetian, • Cocoa Matting, Straw Matting, OF OUR OWN INPORTITION Tall SPUN, Some wry superior. all of which we o ff er at lowest prices. JAMES IL ORNE, SON & CO., Chestnut, below Seventh. apce 2torp; CANTON MATTING. Our Own Importation Tlds Spring. SOME VERY SUPERIOR 3-4, 7-8, 4-4, 5-4, 6-4 W HITE AND RED CHECK STRAW MATTINGS. JAMES IL ORNE, SON & CO., 626 Chestnut St., below Seventh.; at& Ening IL H. GODSHALL TWO. E. W IRDIIHRIDUII, Just Received, New Lot of FINE CARPETINGS, 'Of rich deldgna and offered at low figures. Oil Cloths, Matting" f &o , K 11.GODSHALK & CO. 5723a27-6mro Chestnut Street. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINOS, IMPORTATION OF 1864. All the Latest and Best Stylel AT .B.EIDIJOED PRIDES. TOWNSEND .Sr.. No 59 N. Second St., below Arch. apl6lcraT4 1222 CHESTNUT STREET. 1222. Special Notice. Having completed our removal to New Store. No. MS CHESTNUT Street, we are now ready to offer, at lowest cash prices, a new stock of handsome CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, With all other kinds of goods in our line of business. REEVE L. KNIGHT do SON, • 1222 Chestnut Street. 1222. apt No. 49 I TE No ti rta /Week below Arch. No. 44 North FURNITURE. ite. CEO. J. HENKEL% LACY & CO„ MITER AB COMM OMEN, Now offer an entire new stock of furniture in he Wad style, comprising ri NEO °REC. RENOISISANCE. POMPEII. GOTHIC. And other style/. We are prepared to offegn it teements in We irl' i lti a G B rA c nj o e f ES FINE ENAMELLED FURNITURE. GEO. J. IMENKELS, LACY & CO., mbil.w f m 3m THIRTEENTH and CHESTNUT. Street. below Arch. CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. GRAND OPENING OF, CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, Thursday, April 23d, AT MRS. E. KEYSER'S CLOTHING EMPORIUM, 1227 Chestnut St., below Thirteenth, North Side. Boys , , Bide, Infosts'Auel Misses' Sults on hand and made to order at short notice. MRS. E. KEYSER, No. 1227 Chestnut Street. HELMIOLOS aen ME OKI KNOWN RIUDY fea DWiE2IOB4 Irribtion of the Nook of the 011460 Inflemmetion of the Mime. Cater* of the Pashto , . Stmngury r PahM urinating. For them Aleemea it is kali a tioulunktil IOWA?. and too much cannot be said in ks pram, A (Moth dose ha been known to relieve the moot urgent muithora• Aro you troubled with that diatreming paha toemal t of the back and through th e hips? A tompoonfol a day of ilelmbold'a Hoehn will relieve 1014 PRIBIOIANS AND OTHERS PLEABIE 1107143 g. I make (no secret of ingredient idelmbold'a Extras Botha is composed of Socha. Cubebs and Juniper Her rtes. ;selected with great care. prepared is vaeuo and ad cording to rules of PHARMACY AND CHEMISTRY. These ingredients an known as the most, red Dietetics afforded, A DIURETIC is that which •cts upon the kidnei* HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BREW ACTS GENTLY. fs , Mews:int in taste and odor, free from all Min:lons pro pertles, and immediate in its action. FOR TAE SATISFACTION °FALL, tx. Medical Properties contained in Dispensatory of the United States, of which the following Ls a correct copy: "BUC/lU. —lts odor la strong. diffusive and some a hat aromatic: its taste bitterish and analogous to that of mint. It is given chiefly in complaints of the Urinary Organs, such as Gravel, Chronic • Catarrheif the Bladder. morbid irritation of the Bladder and Urotha. diseases of the Prostate, and Retention or. the Incontinence of Urine, from a tom of tone In the parts concerned in Its evacuation. It ball also been recommended in Dyspepsia Chronic Rheumatism. Cutanemst Affections and Corona?... I OR FURTHER INFORM &TIM! ere Pi ofessor Decrees's valuable works on the Practiceof physle. Bee remarks made by the celebrated Dr, Physic. of Philadelphia. See any and all Standard Workft on Medicine. (Dr. KEYSER In a physician of over thirty years' erne Hence, and a graduate of the Jefferson Medical College cud of the Univentity of Medicine and Surgery of Pails. deiphia.] Ma. H. T. Hyr.mnor.n: Dear regard to the question asked me as to my opinion about Buono. I would say that I have need and sold the article in various forms for the put thirty years I do not think there is any form or preparation of it I have not used or known to be used. In the various diseases where curb medicate agent would be indicated. Yon are aware, as well as myself, that it has been extensively employed in the various diseases of the bled. der and kidneys, and the reputation it has acquired. in my judgment, is warranted by the facts. I have seen and used. as before stated, every loam of Snout —the powdered leaves, the simple decoction, tine tare fluid extracts; and I am not cognizant of any prepa ration of that plant at all equal to yours. Eighteen years experience ought. I think, to give me the right to judge of its merits, and without prejudice or partiality, I gin yours precedence over ell others. I value your Botha for its effects on patients. I have cured with it, and seen cured with it, more diseases of the bladder and kidneys than I have ever seen cured with any other Buchu. or any other proprietary compound of whatever Dame. Respectfully yours. dm. OEO. IL KEYBER. M. D.. 140 Wood street. Pittsburgh. PC tkagust 11,1846 Ask for He Imbold's Fluid Extract Bu 'flu. The Proprietor has been imbued to make this state ment from the fact that his remedies, &Rhenish etc heed. are GENUINE PREPARATIONS, and knowing that the intelligent refrain from Wag sou thing pertaining to Quackery, or the Patent Biedichis order—most of which are prepared by self Led Odom who are too ignorant to read a physician's ahriPleat Pew scriptlon, much leas competent topropare Pharmaceutics preparations. : Wa ;XI cigj 14:10 to various moans of effecting calm each as copying parts of advertlcementa of popular remedied and finishing with certificates. The Science of Medicine Mande SIMPLE. PURE AND htmEsTIC, having fact for its bulk induction for it pillar. truth alone for ite caldtat A WORD OF CAUTION. Health s most Important; and the afflicted afloat& no. use an advertised medicine, or any remedy, unless He contents or ingredients are known to others besides the manufacturer, or until they are satisfied of onaWka thins of the party so offering. SEMIBOLD'S ISIENUENE PREPARATIONS, FLUID EXTBALOT BUCUU. • FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. AND IMPROVED 11083 WAWA* Eetablinhed upwardeof 18 years. Prepared by IL t M:M11:130 1 AD PRINCIPAL DEeOTO. . lIELBIBOLD'A DRUG AND CLIMICAL HOUVE. ' 554 (BROADWAY. New; Yotfr. nizloWire ri F44°lll ' D 2211t. iSontkTENllll! r ferp* nth" Ili 111% 1414 gar Ala IA Bold by all Drugefity iMtilullrtßMw NEW YORK, STOOK& lus.mummion burro Eivar YORK Te,4,usta*, Stooks, Mild and Govenuso4, 0000tantli tarnished AO" Oat' 101A1r111411011440ak STOCCAti INosht find OMto ifteethita 01111640104440, G 0 Lt moot wis 'm4[621449'04 mkt aiboatei. oow =am smut mut tr4nir romt iimoolw terra 4TO ,fflexv roust, I 1011113433.1330,946 3 31sursau BLi 13 a• 7:3113*-1336 CENTRAL , PACIfIU IL ENT MORTGAON BOND% PrintiOd and Interest This road receiver an . the Chrva. boron*, Ail Sonde are lamed under the iMeeiet • :Miket Mai of OA lords and Nevada. and the agreement to par Quid btrit , In In We over them for mho at Par. and accrued Intend are Jan. let. 1868. Ii current% • thrrenuasate taken In Exchange at the mart* rata . BOWEN 64. FOX 18 MERCHANT'S EXCHASIGE: SPECIAL /WENT/3,0E THE LOAN EN PIIILIW3a_ PEI& emmare B4NICING MUSIC Or' JA, l"rh7 Cl oOrt 112 and 114 So. THIRD ST. P 131141144. Dealers In all govermant &marl* NAitti Seven per cent. First Mtge, Binds OF THE • Danville, Hazleton & Wilkeibarre R.R. FREE MOH ALL TAIEB. ml rang will connect with the Northern Contneit rhillutatale and Erie. Lehigh VOW. Lehigh Darla* • Hon. sag Hazleton Railroads. sad opens mg aR lihei richest anthem at the rest middle Coal tidd We offer tor ealo it limited amount of time hooded the very tow rate of Si AND ACCEDED iNTEßliggr. BOWEN 41 POI 4 13 Merchants' Ezolitaitte • POPULAR LOAN. Principal and Interest Payable in 6dd, CENTRAL PACIFW rtAILIZOIAJ:IO First, &rime Boni Offloo of DE HAVEN & 1180", No. 4.0 South Third S. WE OWES FOS BALM FIRST MORTGAGE RONDO CENTRAL. PACIFIC R. R. CO. At Par. and Back Interest. won ikgidi*Thlea stood iA l er vil i reta '4"ll7l4ll Casost tra ne ll4i - 6 4% The Owe 80ee44,000n per Gnu* inaltalelot Ln Sod IN OrSallito oft 11 0004, tooting libOtilte WA' than their. moo* with =.1 11 07 4 asid enstealgtsseastog not menua DE HAMM •1$ DEALS= IN ALL =NM OF GO DEUURMEIS. GOLD. An. 40 S.. Mp,ted Seven per Cent. Mortgage Bottoks. OF THE PENACYLVANLI4 ANA NEW YORE CANAL AND RAILROAD utoMPANY. Clawantead, Principal autl Intamti By the Lehigh Valley Railroad, awe Beale an wffion 00 t 000.= ot os i nl i , ,C zje Whkak Lddrgari,==ffn. am. arm Need» A Firet•Olass Investrnellt. At Laß thetvayp mach invest si te v i tenek.... North eV RE w. oat them tor pale et 96 sad seemed Int • erest freak Dee. C. 8o H. BORIE. 3 Merchants' Fan:thane% BOWEN & FOX, 18 merohante' Exchange. renann* DESIRABLE INVESTMENVS, producing Over 7 and 8 per Md. War*, 11 1 Kaawill m . , .', gr, ZIA PER Tip` t ,saNT. i ii - 111/1" , ~ FREE ir co 044 it g m 81 --- : . ERIE Vali ' ENUV/liririTEß WO ' . UNION' AlatlgtObiAtiCKL,,,ktmir A 31 PET(Ai ° Rat& ttew York, C° 6 9 / 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 0 10 1 I fsz% txrprim" - trabbitt nr P EER ,The iiittat 0 , pr i eboulto vast ;vs or e 5! mange fIOOS il to, MO awn. txxittmw and micas aim en sip Um. ' ' DREX.EL & t)c).„ tioulth intitat 4treat,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers