: - I :1 •J Gov. Gamer has left Harrisburg on a short tour for the benefit of his health. evidence elicited thus far points to Whelan as the assassin of D'Arcy McGee. Wm. C. Fonnna, a well-known Southern thea trical manager, died Tneeday at his residence, In Brooklyn. Tint confectionery store of B. Roe% Memphis; Was entered by burglars on Tuesda t during Inc SWIM, a safe blown open and, $1,00 • 0 stolen. A Lanun Fenian meeting was held in Indian upous last night., and nearly twenty of those present joined, the Fenian army. Tar. Apache Indians recently captured a large bad of cattle near Tucson, Arizona, killing two b eniere. Siszcrst. Deputy' Collector Field, who was sus pended 'from office at Brownsville, Toilis, on charges.of fmnd, has bfficially denied them. T uts British Boat Office Department is about to send,Out'to the 'United States A. Trollope i to re adjbat the Postal treaty. , TuirbiblAt government has commenced nego tiations for the sale of the Island of Santa Cruz to France. TM{ Democratic members of Congress held a caucus yesterday afternoon, to consult as to what course they should take on certain political questions. A Barnet CITIIRCIT and a large atable in Hallo well,-Maine, were burned yesterday. The loss on theohurch is $lO,OOO, with' an- insurance of Gag: lifze_tor has issued an, order giving. it as his opinion that all the members :elected to the Georgia Legislature May have 'to take the test , Thu election in South Carolina closed yester day. , The' new. Constitution is probably ratified, 2nd the Republican ticket elected by a large ma jority. Ramona prevailed in Londdli; yesterday, that thefliglish captives in Abyssinia had been re leselYelialufthitlthe war was fiver. Delitiatches fro _ s 4ldttitst Napier did not confirm the report., i•atti i ,VellitiWall,, now flying' the •Jiitimiese col `'lrtilt lit Mtoltilu. 14farch • 25th,' and., sailed. S e tha ~ ,;for okshaina. She was visited by Quirt. , " , ._,B and ,other dignitaries: • , o ranimixoltraeorr, of Westmeath, Ireland, one, , • wealthiest men of that county, And agtel4d , Awner, was shot and pled on Wed nesday nig ht , near his residence, by an unknown, man. The 'assassin escaped. , PETER Cooren, , President of the American In dustrial• League, has issued a circular Inviting a einderence.of the friends of American industry, to be held, at the Metropolitan Rotel, New York, on Tuesday, 'April 28th. THP. Virginia Convention has fixed upon the :.1d of June as the day for submitting the Recon struction Constitution to the people of Virginia. The' Legislature elected is to meet on the 24th of June. A. ME broke out yesterday in Cincinnati, in a building where a large quantity of oil was stored, and the machine shop of S. Stanler, which was destroyed together with A. Connolly & Co.'s cop persrntal losith works about an $ d Meader's boiler yard. The tofis4o,ooo. AN auction sale of 600,000 lbs. of Chilian wool in Boston realized the foll Owing prices: Chilian merino, 25@2We.; Chillan mestiza, 215,@22 ;( I c.; Valparaiso carpet, 1934(§22;..1e.—a1l payable in currency. Fifty bales of Valparaiso carpet wool, new clip, sold for 15%c., cash, gold, within ten days. TUE steamer Lexington was destroyed by a terrible storm at Vicksburg on Wednesday night. She ;was valued at $20,000. The steamer Carrie, bound for Fort Benton, with 200 tons of Gov ernmeitt freight, has been sunk near Sioux City, and is'n' total loss. • THE Democratic Convention of Illinois met at Springfield yesterday, and nominated a State ticket; headed by J. R. Eden for Governor. Resolutions were adopted declaring for green backpayment of the public bonds, the abolition of the tuitional bank system, and Pendleton for next Presidcmt. Emu. Hossuf.L. presided at an immense mass meeting of the Liberal party, held last evening at 8V40.10013 - 43 Hall, London. Many prominent members of Parliament were preaent. Resoin tion4 ;were adopted in favor of the disendowment of religions sects in Ireland, and' censuring the Torieslor keeping hold of their offices after the recent tote in the House of Commons. TMs heaviest rain storm known at Macon, Ga., occhrredjesterday. The fields and gardens were mostly destroyed, and fences washed away. In the city , the , Streets were washed'lnto gutters, brick walls torn down, sewers burst, cellars all filled, and many breaks were caused on the Cen tral and Southwestern roads. No trains arrived excegfrogn,Atlanta. AT Vziee' tliig of the proprietors of the daily gspets,of New York, outside of New York City, eldittllthe Metropolitan Hotel yesterd'al, an or ganitatien wets nffeeted under the statute of 1867, and the following officers were elected: President, Johi:ltrucis. :31 the Troy limes:. Secretary and urtr i • Ellis H. Roberts, of the Utica Hera ir i t . Tnn lace of Wales, accompanied by a large andlran t party, took a special train for Kil dare,' eland; yesterday morning, where he visi ted the Keonagh races. The Prince was received with great cheering by the immense crowd as sembled there. After visiting the places of in terest in the city of Kildare, the party returned to Dublin, visiting the Castle last evening. Hort. James Hums, a Little Rock, Arkansas, member elect to the Fortieth Congress, arrived in Weahipglon on Wednesday. His two col leagues, Messrs. Roots and Bowles, are daily ex pected. Hons. B. F. Rice and A. McDonald have been elected Senators from that State. The four teenth article ofthe amendment to the Constitu tion has been ratified unanimously by the Legis lature, now in session at Little Rock. OITY BULLETIN. 1. 0. 0. F.—A special meeting of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania was hold on Wednesday evening, the Grand Master, Richard Watson. presiding. Thirty-three new members were ad mitted;;and charters for six new,lodges3 and one degree lodge granted—the degree lodge to be located at Erie, and the lodges at Slatington, Le high co.; New Germantown, Perry co.; Mifflin vile, Columbia co.; Bainbridge, Lancaster co.; New Buffalo, Perry co., and Linglertown, Dau phin co. The election for officers of the Grand Lodge is .being held at present throughout the State juris diction, 151 the various subordinate Lodges; the result c.f - ;vvNeb,, , 'however, will not be officially announced until the annual session of the Grand L.. re, which will be held in. the city of Pitts b • riin;Star next. The Order is steadily in creasing in Pennsylvania, numbering at present over sixty thousand members, being more than one-fourth ''of the entire membership in the rut ted States. WAXPVA I KPI CONTRACTED FOR.—The contract for furniebing the Water Department with water pipe, castings, &e., was awarded to the following parties: 20 inch pipe to J. W. & J. F. Starr, at 3 8-100 c. per pound, and castings for the same at 4%, cents perpound; 20 inch pipe to R. D. Wood & CO4litß *O-100c. per pound; 30 inch pipe t 0 S. Fulton & Co., at 3 ) / s e. per pound: castings for same at 4%c.; 36 inch pipe to Warren Foundry, New Jersey, at 3.71-10 c. per pound; 10. 12 and 16 inch pipe to Camden Rolling Mills, at 5c.,,1 and castings*V44c. The whole Contract amounts to $241,603 78, which is'to be paid out of a loin to be creaLd for the extension of the Water Works. FUNERAL OF MAJOR FLOMERFFLT.—The funeral of Major. Armstrong I. Flomerfelt took place yesterday, at four o'clock, from his late re sidence, N0.e212 Catharine street. It was largely attended by the friends and acquaintances of the deceased. among whom were a number of muni cipal officials and prominent politicians. The Weccacoe Fire Company, Franklin Fire Com pany, Lodge No. 187, A. Y. M., and Fulton Circle, No. 11 B. 11 1 (H. F.) C. of A., also. attended the funeral- Wzossruto OI ficsmo GARDEN STRESS - E.—The jury appointed some months since to assess the damages for 7ridening BPriag Gordon:street{ be twee Eighteenth streets. g 4 weeedeethe damages at $94;000, $11 . )(74 then was claimed by the owne r the to be removed, Of the amount ow , -the city Is to pay $78,000, and the own ere of property along the line of the street, from Broad street to the Behuylkßl, the tisisttetr. NEW IitiILITART 0110AZIET..4ticHt..1-erha atone= , In „ , Guards le the name of a new, tutar,t , ,orgatkins4 tion, ,formed out ef t ' tha, , Wectarae , l434lo4',and' other, , ahnllar. organicationa.. The officenti. area. General Jo6hua T. Owen , Co lames: Gtvin, Lieutenant-Colonel , F. Wallington, Valor ; General .E.. R. Bilesi Adjutant; and t Surgeon. There are seven full cdtenitittetf, and a parade is contemplated on the 4th of July. , [The folio% lug articles apPouti only in a portion of our Iticlition'of ye4erday,j The'Dlity of ILeiading• Henry Ward Beecher writttir the following article on the "Duty of Lendingi" for the New York Ledger,. and We:edrnMenti its at tentive perusal by all our readers: "From him that would borrow, turn not thou ts*ay." There it is, plain as , writing can make it. No Matter what'•you may think, there's your duty. Do I hear yotisay, a man, with any forecast, would nriVey' rieeleto' borrow? What then? 'Do we owe no kindness to people who are deficient in forecalit? Do you say, It encourages shiftlessness?" Very likely. But would not the refusal promote selfishness? Selfishness in you is far worse than shiftless- ' ness in: your neighbor. First comes domestic borrowing. A little tea, a little sugar, a pint of milk, a half-loaf of bread, a gr in ding of coffee, or a drawing of tea, are severally the most common arti cles of that.kind of interchange called bop. rowing. Sometimes you get as good back as you lend; rarely better. What then? You should consider that your loaf of broad is a kind of mute missionary: gone out to inspire your neighbor with a higher Ideal of bread making. Your pound of best butter—yellow as a dandelion, sweet to the breath of cows in clover pastures, the last particle of butter milk worked out—do you not believe that it will work emulation nayour neighbor? Will he thereafter be content with poor. butter? When the milleniuna comes it will be known by the universal prevalence of sweet, pure butter! But so depraved are people now that myriad pounds of execrable grease are patiently consumed by people, whose degraded taste submits to this enormity, without a gasp, a resistance, or even an attempted re formation! And so we may reason upon the whole catalogue of groceries and household cates. Next in order is the borrowing of tools, ve hicles and animals. Do you say that no cau tious and self-respecting man would ever Suf fer himself to borrow a fine tool—at any rate, unless lie was an expert; that it is an impo sition on a man's kindness to ask him for a new, sharp axe, or for his buggy and harness, just brought home from the shop, and shining with repair, as good as new. It is a trial to lend a horse, unless it be one kept to lend. Indeed, if one is before-handed, and lives in a needy neighborhood, it is sometimes politic to have lending tools, a wagon for lending, and an old India rubber nag for lending. But he is a good man, a good neighbor, al most a Christian, who, for the sake of kind ness and good neighborship, will lend, cheer fully, a good horse, and do it several times. But, let no man take all these compliments to himself, simply because he lends a horse; for some horses there are that a man might well lend' and keep lend ing, for his own re- lief. Yet, even a good horse should some lent,,though I , should be slow to ad vise any one to borrow. But now we come to the department of books and papers. Shall we take 'from the shelves those fair volumes, or shall we suffer this magazine, or this weekly paper to go on such perilous pilgrimages as borrowers too often lead them? Why not? What if the book is worn, the paper soiled, the newspa per torn and dilapidated? Will you not suffer as much as that in the cause of intelligence? A hook is a candle. Will you put it under a bushel? A good magazine was made for cir culation. Shall it, lie dead on your table, when a hundred persons mgibt be deriving pleasure from it? When you have read your paper through, why not let your profiting ap pear by your kindness? Lend it out! Keep it going.! If people do not ask for it, do you ask them to borrow it! Don't scowl when it comes back thumbed, greasy, dirty. The very kind of men have had hold of it that ought to read! I can imagine no way in which a man, who bas the welfare of his neighbor at heart, can do so much with so little money, as by keeping on hand a few well selected weekly papers, and securing an interest in them of men who are inclined to find their employment in idleness, or in rude and sensuous ways. This is my . reply to those who complain that their neighbors love to borrow, but will not subscribe for a newspaper. Mow much better is this than if they would not even borrow, or read? Keep them supplied. By and by you will see the result of your pa tience. Stinginess will become ashamed of itself. Knowledge will no longer be a lux ury, but a necessary of life. Then men that began borrowing will buy, and finally become in turn, lenders, and so, with a little patience and public spirit, you will have contributed to the universal work of education. Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter. Refuse food, if you will, or tools or animals. "But from him that would•. borrow a book or newspaper turn not thou away." An Adventure With Brigands. The Spanish papers publish an account of the release of a captive to brigands after an imprisonment of more than two months under most extraordinary circumstance. At the beginning of January last a wealthy, in habitant of Priego, near Cordovao named Chavarri, aged seventy-three, was carried off by bandits, who demanded a' sum' of, more than two hundred thousand francs as a ran som. Notwithstanding a minute search made, by the authorities, no traces of the missing gentleman were obtained until about a week back,. when the commander of the Civil Guard; flamed Anjona, dificovered the mouth of the cavern in which, from infor illation received, he had Treason to suppose that M. Chavarri was concealed. Taking with him a: party of his men he got himselt, let down by a rope to the door of the cave, at a depth of about sixteen feet; he then liglited a lantern, and on looking around OW an opening to a second subterranean cavity still deeper. Anions how called for aid, and with one of his men, was let down by the same means to the second Cavern; they, how ever, found no signs of any: prisoner, and were about to abandon the search when they beard some groans.. from behind a heap of stones at one extremity; they then set to work, and after an lures labor had made an openingto a tldrd, cavern, in which they found the unfortunate prisons, who was then drawn up to the surface with the rope. He stated that he was provided with food every two days, and that he had suffered but little from'cold. PAPER lIIANGINGII9. F. BALDERSTON & SON. WALL PAPERS AND WINDOW SHADES. ae22roo 902 SPRING GARDEN Street. INBTBIIOTIAA • WEHRLE COLLEGE. BORDENTOWN. N. J.—THE _V Summer Booelon rrM commence April BAIL For cats. !mien address whiP.lmo Re,. JOHN H. BERKELEY...A. T.L . 211 ItiffirnTaMittE l'eaurth' l ` l ., ELE I ' -V1114 4 0.11 bet aug i VotartY , ' for , ihoo aka_ unt; moo° "4 nosorMo oo ti rto loaan_ 14114) tou • BOM owl V „) ,14 Batimtomituttoorto t,400t11.. l3h4 Joe tk > THORCAR caLtaF & T. 113 DAILY 3 V / 6.0 - toct E41'13 F4IDAY lt :TEE HANDEL AND HANDNOZOCIE TY /widened tho Third ankLadt o.ehtert ei3 the Realm . . • Friday Everlingi ,: JAP*ll 17, ACADEMY .0 tr,MXISIO. Ou this occasion Lbindel'e Oritorio'df JUDAS MA.OOA.BgUS be eterforine&miiii the lottovrirßdtilete: Mrs, SOPHIA. MOZART, M Neer York, Red A Lady AznatouAof Philatolobta. Sopranos, bin J. GRAF, ~ Iktr. W. W. OILORRIRT. and " ' • Mr. li. R. BARNIIUItBT, Sageos. The largo Cheques of the Society and ,Oarl Bentz's -Orchestra. TIt'HETS ONE" tt()LI, 4,R Including reeorced nests. for Wale at '1 riembler's; No. c.. 426 .Chestnut street, where aubSeribera can also receive tlwir tickets. , apiBsti ACADEMY, OF MUSiC RICH IN GS , '• ENGLIHn OrE44, COMPANY CAROLINE RICII IN 08. '. : DIRECTRESS FOX A IttiliViPliatilik" . ' COMMENCING MONDAY , EVIFINING,APRIL 2e. ALL • r,p B . O X , PFfikr, 4 I I I t I TELV • Campbell, Castle, 1 Site , Segu n, otnard. Peakes and Arnold. Al WI C. RiChiUAS. Mrs:E./le Mu, Mn. Arnold. FULL CBORU6LANEI Olt EsITRA. OPENINGYOTICk—NI TEA: 4 0 1 Box Sheet . I& thb Sale of Secure Aegis:. wiTIIOUT E I'llill Crib. UK ' • Will open at C. W. A...Trumpler's .Mus o_etere. No. 926 Chestnut, on Wedtiesdo Mo'reing,' Arkllls,` When the whole house will he on sale tillithe evenTri%Y. A. C,PEN 9 - Bil., Btelln sa anager. NEW CHESTNt'T STREET THEATRE.- A CROWNING SUCCESS FOB J.. E. MoDO'NOUOII.II Elaborate apectable • • THE &AVIV °Roos. BEtUONHWEEK.., THE kOLIA)WING EACH WERE TwICE , REPEATED EACH NIGHT : TILE INCANTATION SCENE THE GROTTO OF STALACTA. THE CRYSTAL CASCADE. AND TUE GRAND. TRANSFORMATION., THE no..T.L.F.T , • , Augmented thin week by the dis tap* twine° of TILB - ZUCCOIittIIS Who will appeartn conjunction WM • ' MLLEMARIE SA.NDA, • __, MONS. MARAVIX, IWAITRE DE BALLET. Supported by Principal and • • • • • PARLSIENNE BALLET TROUPE, • ANL - SEVENTY4TVE YOUNG LADIES. ARMORIAL DISPLAY'S, MARCHES and TABLEAUX. The whole produced at a coat of ~- • Piece preempted with a 100 pow 000 erful Dramatic cast. INCREASED *BALLET. MATINEE ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON. MRS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH STREET Be T e HEA rui m ,TRE. to 0. DOUBLE BILL--LAST NIGHT OF "PLAY." BENEFIT OF DIRS. JOHN DREW. THIS. Ent DAY EVENING. MRS.J.iIiN DREW. Eleventh and Last Time of Robeitson'a "PLAY." Every Scone New, and Great Cast. MRS. JOIIN DREW._ ..........as ROBIE MIL OWEN M A RLO .. .. ..FRANK PRICE Aided by the Full Company. Concluding with SKETCHES IN INDIA. Tom Tape (with liongs)• • . . _MR R. CRAIG M ONDAY —"DOES HE LOVE ME." WALNUT STREET THEATRE.— THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING, April 17t14 BENEFIT OF MR. EDWIN BOOTH. Who will appear for the 1.11:6T TIME IN PHILADELPHIA AS BENEDICK, In trhakepeare'a Comedy, in nye acts of MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING. ies Mary McVicker as ...... ~..... ...Beatrice To conclude with the Mr , eical . Brleigne of JENN.Y . LIND. SATURDAY- THE FOOL'S REVENGE. MONDAY—EDWIN BOOTH AS HAMLET. CADEM OF MUSIC. A SATURDAY EVENING, Anril 18,18 Q. 34ENDELSSOHN COMPLIMENTARY CONCERT TO TuEnt MUSICAL • DIRECTOR. MR. JEAN LOUIS. When they will perform, assisted by a number of emi nent artists, WALPURGIS NIGHT, by Mendelosohn. LUID.IN E. by Biller. CHORAL FANTASIA. by Beethoven. TICKETS, $l, with a Reserved Seat, can be obtained st the Society's Mice (Louis Meyer's Music- Store). 121 to Chestnut street, and Mr J. E. mould's New Warerooms. ;ell Chestnut street. See Programmes at the Music Stores. The Sale of Secured Seats will commence on THURS DAY, April iith. The holders of yellow tickets can ex change them for Secured Seats. aplbsit) MUSICAL FUND HALL, FRIDAY EVENING, Arrillltii, 1868, ANTONIO BARILPS GRAND CONCERT, When he will be assisted by a number of hie Dimas from New York and Philadelphia, and also by the celebrated Artistes, Signor G. BOY, Tenore, AND Mr. G. HALL, Baritone, from the principal Italian Theatres. 1 .. . . .. .. ..One Dollar. For sale at . Dution's, — 914; Gould's, ..... Marsh's, 1023: Boner's, 1102, and Remond's, 1338 tikestnut street Doors open at 7. Concert precisely at 8. ap6 8113.13-st; CONCE,R'T HALL CHESTNUT STREET, , above Twelfth. GRAND CON . CERT. In Aid of the Building Fund of the CATHOLIC PHILOPATRIAN LITERARY INSTITUTE BE G/17)711 On THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 16th, At 8 o'clock. Eminent Talent have been engaged. apl3-10t* TICKETS. 50 CENTS. N EW ELEVENIS STREET OPERA HOUSE. ELEVENTH ?tree :v. l6o'ov° CHESTNUT. THE FAMILY RT. CARNOROSS & DIXE MINSTRELS. *THE GREAT STAR TROUPE OF THE WORLD, Last week of the ?creaming act entitled TRIX, ON TRAVELERS. Find week of the Laughable Interlude, entitled GAZE'!" NIGGER. First week of the - great Demotion Deem, entitled LIFE ON A MISSISSIPPI , COTTON BOAT. GERMANIA ORCHESTRA.—PUBLIO REHEARSALS at the DiUSUAL FIRM FlL&l,4,every SATURDAY at ID6 P. M. Tickets sold- at the Door and at all principal Music Stores. • The last Rehearsal of the Semler' will take place on , Baturda 'April 18th. Engagements can be made by ad GI.EASTEXT.,IIBI Monterey street, or at R. WITTMPII Mualc,Btore. 1081 Oheetnut street Fol'B AMERICAN VARIETY THEATRE. EVERY EVENING and SATURDAY AfTERNOON, GREAT COMBINATION TROUPE. . In Grand Ballets, Ethiopian Burlesques, 13ongt. Dances. Gymnast Ant . Pantomimes, &c. ARL SENTZ , B ORCHESTRA 'MATINEES IN DOR. L ticultural Hall, will close on THURSDAY, April 80tIl. 1868, when tee 00th and Last Concert will be given. Tickets •at Boner's, 1102 Chestnut street, and at door. . . mb9.t-aP30,0 • pENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, CHESTNUT. above TENTH. Open !Jetl f l4 o i m WeAst M s M. roa 6 pi cttu ie of CHRIST REJECTED still on exhibition. iei-tf NEw- BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! NEW ROUX% FROM 'I lIE PRESS OF T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, Na 308 CHESTNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA. I. TUE HAUNTED MOUSE. By Charles Dickens. Complete and unabridged edition. One large octavo volume, printed from new, largo and clear type. Price Twenty-five cents. Being the Two°. ty fourth volume of "Peterson' Cheap Edition far the Million of Charles Dickens's Works.' READY NEXT SATURDAY. TilE FREEBOOTERS. A Story of the Texan War.. By Gustave Alward.. Author of "file rrairie Flower," "The Indian econt, ,, etc. One' volume, octavo. Price Fifty cents. READY NEXT SATURDAY. • ILL! THE lIEART OF MIDIATILIAN; By Sir Walter Scott. • Beinr the Tenth volume of an entire stew - edition' of "fhe Waverley Novels.". now publishing six weekly volumes,' at ' TWouty conte, fsae eo• or rive Dollars for a complete set, and . sent poet-pnin 'every where. "The ortdc nf •Lanniietmoor,',' —rho c Dwarf; and A Legend of illontroS.3."-"Old Mortality," "Rob Roy" "The Antiettam”"Guyliannering," "Renil- • wth." 'lvanhoe" and "Waverley" are also Published at Twenty cents each, THE MARRIAGE V.ERDIU IV T . . An entire new book. By Alexander Gurnee, author of '.'Count of Monte Clirleto,u "The Three Guarthunen." etc. Ono Volume, octavo. Price Fifty conic send for our Mninntoth Deeerintive Catalogue. Addreen all enah ordencretnfrorwholemtde, to PETERLON'Ar.BRO'rIiEIO3. au Chudnut.litn..PhilndeiPina. Pa. Soaks itent._postage ptud; On teeeipt:o7 retail prtee.t ALL NEW ROOKS AIM ger VETSMONIP. !ttptn.2t esUST. BBADY-111NO 1 lseld'S LATIN CIHACIAtAit.- • New Fsiftion.-A grimmer of the. Latin Language For, the use of School*. With exorcises and vocabularies FY 'lViitilial •iiinilkam. A. M. Superintendent of the Bin ara Sturfol. . ~ . • The Publidttere take pleasure in announcing to Teachen arid friends of Education generally. that the new edition of tbe,abare-prork is now readY , and they invite *careful exilinination ...of the same, and, a comparison with other works on the earn, subi , Copies will , bo furnished t, Teiichati and Supu intendenta of Schools f or thie ' at tow rates. , ' purpost = Ns BY . E. FL Blj'l'Lell 41 00:).. 1137 South Fourth ' etret_ And for *isle kr BookcaUers generally. . • ~ P l a m isi 41 111 0/0. f L ' .• r - Or .- ' 0 ' - n lat .'"--"4---.— 'at the ; I • • • , , Onlyisso asiu,.. ; • ,',' . , Y. 4 4 14 111 err ~. I , . Ir , : 4 .1 1.. os • ''' r,r i , v..4t - i-Al-t-v•N ~.., ~. ug , h4 , ;* 4 tiii ' 6. 11 , 11, 01'1-AA;'''' ',4.,. - 1 . ~ ; i.. : I,' '' , . 4 ! •" ell h i ' 1.. . An, ,•,':',. . ' " -' " " , 47 ~p,,,a, 4 ' t ,j,,,, tq 4 ' 4A 1 :4:4`4.1: , 1 ., 4 - i , • 4 .; 4 ""rirs , ,2f 11(tOdiartlikitgr,' SOW 'IND 'rzerrAticitt• AT , I ... JANIEB 0 'a, UM Market street. Phil's. 1010.11 , ' AUa'i[,l7t§te, • ii36o NEW PUBLICIATIOIM nrzDwe :. • DR HARTMAN'S • BEEF, MOS .1111110 111111WilD A Certain Cure for Corwumptiouand, d o l . Diseame of the Lunge tor;Srotiehlar Tu • • • • • Laboratory N 0.1519 South MITE TR Street. JOHNSTON. HOLLOWAY &COWDEN. HOBERT SHOEML Bt a Gt. tans and RACE &reel ' General Age%e te2l4lmf AYBR'I3 . IIARSAFARILLA. FOR PURIFYINO THE BLOOD.—The reputation this excellent medicine enjoys Is derived from ite cures, many of Which are fruit m_orrello oinina. In*terabits** Of Scrofill disease, where the syetem seemed eaturated with corrup tiOn, have been 'purified and careillbY 14 , Scrofulous *dec. flours and disorders, which were aggravated by the acre, inlets§ contamination until d were Val piffle t have been r ditto . cured in sst boozy section of o country, td to be informed of its virtues or sed S u crofulous frolsOn Is ono of the most destrtictitre enemies of our race. Often, thin unseen ,and unfelt tenant of the organism Undermines the obrlatittition; and inVitte the at ,idea of enfeebling or, fatal: ditseases, :without exciting, a suspicion of ita presence, Again, it seems to brood !Mee; Urn throughout thel 'body. and then, on wino favorable oecasion,yrspidly develop into clue or othqr of its hideous forms; either entitle Surfed . ° bt among the vitals. ' lir the latter; tuberrAes May be,suddenly ,doposited in ;the-lunge or heart, or , tuners fotmed In the liver, or it shows its presence; by emptione on the akin; or foul ulcer ations ..en petit e ~ part ,of the body. • Ilene," the tree& sional use Of a b ottle Of thie SARSAPAIIILLA ia 'advisable, even, whennO,activeenriptems of discorso appear. Per • sons afflicted with the following compilaints generally find-immediate relief, and, at length, cute; by the use of , thin 84,1r.APARlitA ANII TONT'a FialL ROSE Loa ERTBT rRLA a , tliTaT Aa, Turfs BALT RoBtlll, SOALD JIHAD Rim} Worm. Soul ETLB, SORB Emus, and other eruptions et. ., vittibie forms of 9utton - 44as disease- Also•in the more coneealed'forms ; as DTSORPOTA,DEMPEIV,'LLsarrr Erre, EPILEFST, fiXITBALOIA, and the variotus th.oruous affectione of the muscular and nervous systems. BTrfnflMor YirratelAL: and MesOMIWAL Muumuus are cured byit, though a long, time iq required, for subduing' these'obstinate-sttallidicahr irtrY Medicine.' Bet complaint,s con. tinned use of ; his medicine will_enre ,the n Llmootnincaa of Wnermr,Upreasta uLounamosre,andi rit MALE DiapAalra, are :coati:nadir soon relieved. and tilt& middy cured bride purifying and Invigorating effect. Minute Directions for each case are found in our Al. manac, rupplled Matta.- MIEOMATIEIII and Germ, when caused by aCTIIMUIariOna of extraneous matters in the blood, yield quickly to it, as also Luisa Cost. PLAINT,", TOBZWITT. , CONOFOTION Or INTLAJAMATIOII of the ' lAvErr., and Jaunntor, when arising, as they often do, from the rankling poisons ill the This SAIISAI'ARILLA is itreat restorer for the strength and vigor of the system. Those who are Larramm and Luvrimse,,Thrseenustrr, therteLsas, and troubled.ith, Marvel:re ArArtvitunsilowe or Fusee, or any of the eller, tiens vYreptobratio ofiWaaxbratol, will find immediate re• liefal. and convincing evidence of its restorative power upon tri Prepared.by. Ds. J. •C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Alletical Chemists. Sold by la Drug eta everywhere. sußel,ly J. 1% MARIS ¢t 40., Philadelphia. Wholeeale Axeols. / OPAL DKNTAI.LINA.—A SUPERIOR. ARTICLE ARM V cleaning the Teethf o destroYing animalcule which In fest therm giving to the guns , and leaving a feeling of fragrance and perfect cleanliness in the mouth. It may be need daily, and will be found to strengthen Week and bleedinggrim, while the aroma and detendveness will recommend it to every one. Being composed with the Rade time° of the Dentist' Physicians and ificroacopist, of is confidently offered as a reliable substitute for the int certain washes formerly in vogue. Eminent Bonnets, acquainted with the constituents of the Dentallina, advocate its use; it contains nothing to prevent its unrestrained employment Made only by JAMES T. SHINN, Apothecary Broad and Spruce stree ts. For sale by Druggists generally, and Fred. Brown, 39 D. L. Btackhouse. Hasaard di Co.. " Robert C. Davis, C. B. Keeny, Geo. C. Bower. Isaac H. Kay, Chao. Shivers, C. H. Needles, B. M. McCollin, T. J. Husband, B. C. Bunting, Ambrose Smith, Chaa. H. Eberle, Edward Parrish, James N. Marks, Wm. B. Webb, K Bringhunit dr Co. James L. Bispham, Dyott in Co., Hughes di Combo. H. C, Males Bons. Hen , A. Bower. Wyeth di Bro. iIItiIPPEB.3 9 OVID2s. For Boston---Steamship Line Direot SAILING FROM EACH PORT EVERY FIVE DAYS, FROM PINE STREET, PHILADELPIIM, AND LONG WHARF. BOSTON. 91112 k Ti E line is composed of the &std.= Steamships. • BOMAN, 1,488 tone, Captain 0. Baker. SAXON, 1,260 tone, Captain P. BL Boggs. ARIES. 698 tone, Cantain P. Cowen. The ARIES. from Pidle.„Wedneedsr. AprillB. at 6 P. M. The ROMAN. from Boston on Saturday, April 18.3 P. M. Those Steamships sail punctually, and inelgnt win be received every day. a Steamer being always on the berth. Frei ht for yolnts beyond Boston sent,With despatch. For PreOht or Passage Superior _acoommodattonsd, apply to HENRY WENSOR & CO.. mv3l RS South Delaware avenrus. PHILADELPHIA AND SOUTHERN MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S REGULAR LINES FROM PIER 18 SOUTH WHARVES. The STAR OF TIIE UNION will sail FOR NEW ORLEANS, VIA HAVANA.Tucsday. April2B, at 8 o'clock The'JUNIATA will sail FROM NEW ORLEANS.VIA HAVANA. ----.. The WYOMING will sail FOR SAVANNAH. on. Saturday, April 18th. at 8 o'clock A. M. The TONAWANDA. will sail FROM SAVANNAH, Sat urday -April 18th. • The PIONEER will sail FOR WILMINGTON. N. U.. Thursday, 23. at & o'clock P. M. 'through Bills of Lading is_kncid, and Passage Tickets sold to all points South -And West, • WILLIAM L JAMES . General Agent, CHARLES H. DILR, Freight Agent. L ot No. 814 South Delaware avenue. PHILADELPHIA. RICHMOND AND4NOR. int. FOLK STEAMSHIP LINE. THROW+ TIT AIR LINE TO THE SO , WEST. EVE Y. TURDAY At Noon, from FIRST WHA F above ' MARKET street THROUGH RATES and THROUGH RECEIPTS to all pointe in North and South Carolina via Seaboard AIL Line Railroad, connecting at I!ortsecouth and to Lynch. burg, Va., Tennessee 'and the Weet, Tit Virginia and Tenneseee Air-Line and itichmondend Danville Railroad. Freight HANDLED ma' ONCE, and taken at LOWER RATES THAN ANY OTHER LINE. The regularity, safety and cheapness of this route corn. mend'it to the public as the most desirable medium for carrying every description of freight. No charge for commission, drayage, or any expense transfer. Steamships insure at lowest ratea. Freight received DAILY. WIC P. CLYDE & CO. 14 North and South Wharves. W. P. PORTER, Agent at Richmond and City Point T. P. CROWELL & CO.. Agents at Norfolk. fal•tt •HAVANA STEAMERS. i ,; SEMI-MONTHLY LINE. The Steamships NDRICK HUDSON Capt Howes STARS AND STRIP,EBCapt. Holmes These steamers will leave M IS Port for Havana every other Tuesday at BA. _ _ The steamship STARS AND STRIPES. Holmaamaster. will sail for Havana on Truladay morning. April 2.Bth. at 8 o'clock. Passage to Havana. , $6O. ourrerter. No freit received atter Saturdal For treUht or passa ti e a sza 3 to WATTESON &BONS. 140 North Delaware avenue. NOTICE. FOR NEW YOM, Via Delaware and Raritan Canal. EXPRESS STEAMBOAT COMPANY. The Steam Propellera of the Line will commence load. ing ou SA'L'URDAY, 21st lust. leaving Daily, as usuaL TIIR01:41 IN 29 HOURS.. Goods foraiarded by all the Lines going out of New York—North, East and West—free of commlseion. Freight received at our usual low ratee. WM. P. CLYDE & CO 14 South Wharves, Philadelphia. JAS. HAND. Agent, 104 Wall street, New York. m 111249 NEW LINE TO ALEXANDRIA, Georgetown'-and Washington, D. C., via Chesapeake and .Delaware Canal, with con nections at Alexandria from the most direct route for Lynchburg. Bristol. Knoxville, Nashville. Dalton and the Southweet. Steamers leave regularly from the Slit wharf abov Market Street, everyliaturday at noon. • neight received daily. WM. P. CLYDE & CO.. 19 North and South Wharves. I l f ' D RIDGE DAVIDSON & Agnt a A t g G g a o Alexandria. Vir gin a felt, • L Q Fog LIVERROOL.. , -erilE FULL POWERM Ft ,o Iron Screw titeamship Union, 2,0 W tons .but. then, classed A. J, pt Lloyds, • ' * Caroitin. Commander, now loading at Pier 49 South wlihrves, will have immediate despatch, having the greater portion of horcergo engaged: •• " For freight or passage apply to E. A. SOLIDER & CO. a Dock street wharf. NOTIGE—FOR NEW YORK. VIA Delaware and Raritan Canal—Bwittsure Transportation Company—Despatch and 8w tsure Lines.—Tho business by these Lines win bo re• su ed on and after tho 19th of March. For Freight, which will be taken on accommodating terms, apply to W .M. BAIRD & C0.:132 Routh VTharvos. f00h194 k & A DELAWARE AND CILEBAPEAIKE Steam Towaleat Company. _.—Adardel towed between Philadelphia, Hal =ore.' H e•Grace, Delaware City and inlerinedlale ppgglnte • WM. P. CLYDE dr CO., Agents. Capt. JOHN LAuGH. Lill..Rup't Office, 14 B. Wharves. Phila. , . el t[ SEAMEIRIP ARIES, FROM BOSTON -.CONSIGNEES of merchandise per above steamer will please semi for heir goods, now landing at Pine street wharf. apl6Bt • HENRY WINSOR CO. .okuTio.N.—ALL PERSONS ARE TIE By FORBlD C ihatporitig or trusting any of the Ore* of the Russian bask Unita, Tornoik, Master as no debts their eon. *rooting will be paid Ity Captain or QIN 1 , • . 44 tit •w 0 14 : •AN ift 182 9, -43 Rho= rt,o4, IFIMANistIAN FIRE INSURANCE ; colop,Arinr PHILIADELPktIA, Nos. 435 and 4SYPChilstnid, OrooL Atsoete,o*Awitiir4-1000.., . .. .. ... tit; ic i Accrued Eurp lux . _ Premiums... ................ 17N13EPPLED - INCOME POM tale $33,683 23. $220.000. Losike'Pliii 'Since 1629 'Otei 05, 000;421Clo O. Perpetual and Temporary Mai, ea Liberal Terme DlitECTq .• .' ' : a. Tod , :Irttrodden!. ;a„y Pree ce . Poriliaiky har Ito 1612 Chas. N.. Rancher, Tobias Wagner, Samuel Grant, Geo. W. Rithard". Xanac t Us. ' ' .CHARigRit JAIL 'ff. fifo'A Ext Opt, at. • nE.l4wAxtr, MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COIL. yards, yaDY. Um - ported by the LeHi4tilin et , PtianstA Mk Oilice. S. E. corner M99OL .. , 1 21311 WALNUT Streets. Fro On Vessels, Corr) , and Fret, W allporti of the world. MILANO SUBANUES On goods by Ayer. tonal. hike and land carriage to aii posts of the UWort: • on merchandise l "aI iNsUItANCES On Stores, Divegoss,ta ASSE ES OF THE COMPANY. oyember J. 1867, 81800,000 United Stilted Fire rat cont. Low, 10.404 . . WlAletai 120,000 United &Wing . ; Ifirltior 1891. 184,100 os sow untedifiiii;Flie KUdia . :Loan. wu,ooo EO Loan 64563 ........ 110,070 oo tokooo ciant .rbuN4liiiit Per tiera. - AA rote rota' MI6 83 4.000 State of New Wetly Fir 'ben - I: Loan. . WO) ill 144000 Pennsyliallii ;EitaGiii . Moil gage Per Cent. Bonds-„.” 19,800 0 11,000 Pennsylvania Reth'oad BOCOEIII 01000 sore Six e it a lr AdL rOaali Per Cent. rondo (Pentui. RR. ammonite).. /AM on 10,000 State of Tennasiee Five Por Cent Loan. 13.000 7,0(t) State of Tortnewee Six Per Cent. - Loan- . .. . 4,170 00 15,000 ma abat e. ................ 64; Company. Principal and Interpol guaranteed by the City of Phila delphia . . 7,901 Mu shares s tock Pennsylvania EAR. road Company 1.000 100 shares stock North Pennsylvania Railroad.. 40,n 00 0.000 80 sham stock, Philadelpkia and Southern Mail Stestriahlp Co 13.000 OCI pax() Loans on Bond and Mortgage, first lions on City Properties.........:. 10.100 00 $1.1p1.400 Par Market Value sun= 50 Cost. suestera 95. Real P-stare... .......... 55,C00 00 Bills Receivable for Insurances Balances due aF Aanc.ii;;L:Eirei ft~ 13 t9l - miums on Marine Policies—An. crnod Interest. and other debts duo the Company.,.. .9 58 Block and Scrip of sundry Insu rance and other Companies. 54.016 CO. Estimated va1ue.. . ...4011 00 Csatan Bank— .......... ........ • .8W3.0 10 caebut 209 69 DIRECTORS. Thomas C. Hand. Janice O. Band, John C. Davis; Bamnel E. Stokes, Edmund A. Bonder. James TraeLtuat. Joseph 11. Beal. William C. Ludvrig. Theophilwi Paulding. Hugh Craig, rues Jones, Edward Darlington. tadona . Eyre, John R. Penrose, John D. Taylor, El.! Jones Brooke. &moor hicarsin id Henry Sloan, eIICI c_._Dallatt. Jr.. George 0. Lem. . Hewes W. Bernadou. William G. Boulton. John & Seumbo. Petard , . Edward Loloureade. D. T. Morgan. Jacob Riegel A. B. Barger. _ " JOHN C. HAIM. President. JOHN C. DAVIS, Wee President. HENRY LYLBLTBN. Secretary. BEERY BALL. Amista.nt Secretary. : . , 11. ' FIRE ABBOOLATION OF PFLILADEL ;:,..,._ . phi*. Incorporated March 27, 103. F 7 - A No:. 84 N. Fifth street. Insure Dula 1.. • Household Furniture and March -':P. generally, from Lose by Fire On the City of .. , .. . _ .. „..... 7 ... rkiisdelphla Statemcnt of Madmen; of the Association January Ist, 1868. published in compliance with the pro vision" of an Act of Assembly of April sth. 1.842. Ronda and biOrteages on Property In the (1187 of Philadelphia 0n1y.81.278,W 17 Ground Rents 18,814 98 Real Estate 5L744 57 Furniture and Fixtuna of Office 4490 OP U. S. 5.7 a Registered Rondo 45059 05 Cash on hand. PURI 11 Total .8.1 WASS * Titadfilil• . William IL Hamilton. Samuel Hparhawt. Peter Al Keyser. clharier P. Bower, John Cerrow, Jame L.l.Abtfoot, George I. Young. Robert ralweer. Joseph R. Lyndall. Peter ;Armbruster. Levi P. Costa, H. FL Dickinson. Peter W Illanuion. : WM. U. HA TON,Preaident. - SAMUEL BP VVIE, Vice Pilehlent. WAL T. BUTLER, • . - TILE COUNTY FIRE INSURANCE' COMPANY.--01P. bee. N 0.11.0 ilindh Fourth. street, belowChestnut__ _ The Piro InsuranceCo or the County of Plbd delphla." Incorporated by of •,P Ida in ISM for indemnity against or dame/te= excluatvely. PERREId4..,_. Thlsold Lud rei C tA r editatiollovig emus ea to lan4 contingent fund eardully luveeted. , continue, insure buildings, fun:titers, rcuitchandievlg" eitho ye or for a li mited time: agalast. Imo; e by tlre,at the lowest rates consistent With the absolute safety of Its ens to Low ens. adjusted andaid with as possible despatch. Chae. J. ;Ritter. DutE~tu A R nirew H. Miller. Henry Budd, James N. Stone, GeJohn Horn. Edstin 8431.1tht. orge Moore. ; - ItobereV4llaisey: Jr.. George Mecke. hlarlkEeltha. HENRYJ. StrITER, President. H BUM VicePteddent. Helmut"' F. HarAtax.sur. Ng:watery and Treasurer. • ' AETNA LIVE STOCK INSURANCE COMPANY OP 121 HARTFORD, (XiNN. C. C. KIMBALL, President. - T., O. ENDERS, Vice President. J. B. TOWER, Secretary. This Comipany_ineures -- BORES. MULES AND CATTLE against Death 1.),y Fire, Accident or Disease. Also. against heft and the Hazards of Transportation. 111.1LADELTIIIA 88VIDItkNOPJ3. " B. B. RiugeteJr., Gen. Freight Agent Penna. R.R. J. B. Brooke , M anager C,omm'l Agency. Ledger Buildl A. it 11. Lepunbre, Cahinet.ware Manufacturers, 1486 Chestnut street. David P. Moore's Bons, Undertakers, /1:0 Vine et. C. H. Brush. Mater 4Etxus Life Ins. Co ., 4th bet. Chestnut. H. R. Deacon. Lumber dealer, 2014 Market et. Ceo. W. Reed do Co,. Wholesale Clo der, 423 Market at. WILLIAM. C. WARD, General Agent. Forrest Btillding, Nos. 121 and 123 S. Fourth's!. lipl.3ru ' Philadelphia, Ps. _mg* FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OFP}IL No. SI North Fifth street. neat tiar a ers i t P re l et —°°444 • Ineorporeiehy the Leeslataretd PenneYlVania+ %Amy ter ,Perpetu Datiltal and Aseeta,Sl66,ooo. Maao, se ranee against Lose or Damage by Fire on Pub il lia=l. , iota Buildiap, Furniture, Stocks , Goods and dhe. on favorable terms. DEREarogs. Wm. MeDaubd.• Edward P. Moyer. ddrael Peterson, Frederick Ladner. Jam F. Debited/lig. Adam J, Ohms. Henry Troemner. Henry Delany. Jacob Sohandein John Mott._ Frederick Doll. g i hriatian D. Frick. Samuel Miller . Ie erip F. Fort. William D. *ADANI Euer.U WILLIAM Mo_Prealdent. IS PETSRSON. vic4Rregldent. PHILIP E. Coiatitert. Secretary end Troasurer. , HCENIX IN BUB GOMPAN F P E STER Id. INCORPOE.ATE.D ' PftIiPETIJAL. No. IM WALNUT street. opposite the Exchange. This Company insures from ies or damage by 011 liberal terms, on buil= merchandise. furniture. gm., for limited periods. end permanently on buildings bY deposit or premium. The Company - has been in active n 200012 for more than sixty _years,. during which all imosi hate been' promptly adjusted and odd.• . , MBE ItiL Jolla L, Bodge, G navid ani Vfi lux. M. B. maluilit Beni John T. Le Thos.: , • ewers. , filliabill. mit. A. 8.. •:o Robert W. Learning. • Lo ndru mm en s .107lo rrfiw u. ~ : Clark Wherton 4 , flamuel , iLcdx. I 141"11" .. 1419 1 5 5•to r ibl WC §: i • X Preaklaut• i Boma Wii.nex.Becretary, • . , ......... r des to oem [ IN` f 9 tl7 iYB.I i ICI ~171 tl4 e t IMMAL LLPI INSIMANOIC ) COMPANt Di EMr it.o 11 , 4 vf 7'tr 7 ........... PLINY /BEEMAN, Presidium. LOIUIVO lIIIDAEW,III J ,L, 't f • ie.pinpielts. NO,:lh lissmillinneff} - - , 111E3RY C. FRSINSIAN t decrtigary. ;Cush i 71""0191 4 -,a Asf4ol4ll• t • • • ,_;••• • - :',2•• 0 5... 1 ,000, • ' ORGANlZliiiiiesiiiiti ' • . • AMA i VOLVOS Pt • *lf ' ibityktstV ••:' RHEMICIIII•JRA -0 ? , 100' PAXt! 6 "rclt''' f i_ .. it if ' 60114. trews ''' 'Ohm. wiiti o No mi itt to BY the linia`nt•ftif•fiEfif • itiPl Ss** . 1 belongs to pol icy holders, and must bo paid to Dm div Mends. or _reserved for, gr i piter soeurO ax &nag areana•lia MOOR Deb %id : A ally, commaningfistoYears rogif As X. It has already ' mane •.' ewe Molise - ikk u , • slo2.oo(irsin*lnPuntawilfer before eisualedl 4t# , * , three yearn of any 'company. ~, , ' I f 7'11.A PEI, CPA NTRV ou ltt' ' OUT EXTRA CIIARGE. NO PeffirlV • •1I• • , REQUIRED. FEMALE MAWS T IrOlf Ali I THE lIBUA I, PR1N,770 ,R. , 1 A 1?#4.1itat . 441 ELEINO, DR 4 d r 1 , ti k A pplica e l i ons for all inners of bonds*: We, •ar ' endowai leindsor enildren's mdowmeat, *WI all Infornusf on ogres:fully afforded of too ts,. t., BaANOo orrion or toR colriin g ,.. No. Aos WALNU e STREET , 1 1 1 11ADIELPHIA. ~. , ,:j.,1 •, ELATES & GRIFFITTS. tiallartt. • . Eastern Department of the plate of Pnnail - mgt. Paiticular'somtion given to ,_ mtEAND MAR INE DISK& ' : • • Which. in all titoo(fo• Tin bothticed 62 1 an = te tett Ery i l: t k th Aw d ' M al l ar i t i l l Baltimore. ' .ftj tac ACUDE r tiTAL Id 8, A 0 INSURANCE ON fejnli , "IggrtrAttititth . s'm"`"-zw-p7.5.7 1 piljp i " ,L. l l*r( business entrusted to our vissk ere have to•ssiertt , gallief• Ceh 0 a full alai e of Public pa c tr udtr anage. ,• E.rtx p oo , (Late of PLR' ta i rciesisa g WA. F. RI IM vs , Pio• 44.4( a/nut litrbet• Inhl3lw tfi THE RELIANCF,LNIWWVE COMPANY OF. AD£LPIi lA. Lucorporitted inLMI. charter ' ?toops.* Ommt, No. MX walltatoboot. IGLEIT-Mt+-Madd.ooo._ - insure* Vilma ' or doutAlit oy IrMoa Storeoldid otbiur IduildloSK et' willow% Furniture. Goods. Won't and, ftleatutudir mx :me couutty • • LOG4EB PROMPTLY ADJusTED.Atib . Assets...... .....t..... ........ ........ Invested In the following InAz , First Mortgages on City Property well seenrad..l6l,l2ll6 tmited States Government Loans' lIT. O. Yil iladelp his City 6 percent. Long IS OM 40 Pennsylvania 63.000,10) 6 per cent. 94060 Pewfwlrlvanta Wailroad Bonds, first second ortgages .. • .. . . 0/41X0 1116 ' Camden and 'Aixii>cci _ Cent. Loan, . non mi rbiladelphta _ ' 6 per Oast. Loan- .. . . . . . . . irogirok Huntingdon and Biciaid'fili 7 poi r f a gage blonds. .... . ..... Law County Fire Ins ura nce Z, ; ( 111 • 11/1.Z;i 4 11 ifieV • 011111.''' Mechanics' Bank cum' mercial Bank of Pennsylvania 5t0ck...... Union Mutual Insura n ce Company's Stock,— Reliance Insurance Company of Philadelphia . * - Block. . • Agift. Cash in Bank and on hand 14.131 7111 Worth at Par Worth this date at market ream. DIRELTORIC Clem. TM,lay. • Thomas 11 Wm. Musser, Samna; Castmsr. Samuel Blipkam., JamsT. k mar& 11. L. Carson. . //! . IT"Bakan, W. Stevenson. Ildif My - Wm: auus. Benj. W. Tiastoy. S Thcalay Ed itar. • it, Tuoitas C. TINGLEY. Preside& HILL. flecrittary. PlatAins.riu4. Ekoonnba L 18.7. I•l4sl**lE pity, liailiM,BVlL EXCLUSIVELY.—TECE ESN& --(=er Pernetual-•- bi nrille e ntr anitt b3" =LT demi:nice Square. Thu Couipswy * favevably ltairsolt:CM over forty ream eq.:Senile to twigs ago hY GM ton FUM44I or rrivate Z Ag i te nenuy or me elimited ms. AI" on of Goods and simaiss secrally.**littmatesse.' Their Capital, together with • lego Surplus Bum% is is• vested in • most careful m raga enables them to offer to the hound an intdou mieetity in the owed lw. DIM. Ita toemm. ~ DanleillmiZa t Alectindet ' tlls Isaac RaziWit; • 74 Wu. Thomas Robins. J. t •• • •- • Mt. D ' *I" Pt : jp„.rtgiodgkga iiramtiiii Ct. Cltcwal.g. • - • • . INSURANCE COktrAMC' CW This Catoniuw takes Flake at the lowest esters at with safety. and cord/nes its twines+ exeluairat i Pr nit FIRE DISITILdNCE IN THE (TITY OF PILLOADIDEr MS. OFFICR—No. 723 Arch Street. Fourth National Brink Building. DiIIECTL : rznt r i. t. ldartin. . I c bett ( k =,, Wm. A.. Rolla. King. Jarpealdpngaa. I Hew; Wawa. William Wenn. Ja e Wool. .James Jenner, John Bhalteress. Alexander T. Dickson. J.-lisn Atkin. Robert 8. Parsela i, lie; I:Wigan. hllip tzpatrl (X)NRAD MANI) EB s . Preptd.sat. WK. A. Route. Treaa. Win. Fauns,. &ley. A O a ff , i NcaTT EHNMARLIR atA•d NCE cCO4 lIPALIY.--tilß aunt :m4 &two Mi r & rhUrai . Its:. eithertnall a mt s or a Ime...it WA Mao. M L A h on JAI& Colons Freights. Inland D e et the Wan. . Win. Esher. . eter_Steger. fainer u 4 nriett. . E. , rti m m ill. , John R. B4lriston., Davis Fon,n. wm. .ssi ge. Wht. F. AU. Floe Wll4 M. Hitmi. Secretary. .1 THE ENZREPRIEE INEUEANCE . GOILENLVIr ~.. (1. OFFIZEL fe j i. m ilis.aitars - Arai . *suitor s . • FIRE INAEAK. c__EFELF. TEEM , Efte,mi IJAL. CASH, APITAL.. cesurAssErso,o- - "'''' iiiiii:, ; "*;:::;:!:ittaii F. Ridebtori Fn arm - .. =. • - i r ~, , ,,.v..., , f '. . hOlk it Nalbre ..obn-Vid c: , ; '. .. 1 " 11 .., 4 17,t; . rn. ji3e98211;4:4 .1 3 " ' 7 1 2, gi iil l: .i l l - I.(' a' ," : ':it,'i 0c30.4ku6 ALEX. Iff.., . ' ; ve.8..,,,,, FAIe r teiBUBANUE GOiir-H 2 O. HUT= Dann PHILAD •:1 E / Eet 24 P. Y 4 ME ,'t ~1,;. ,Y, 45 1 .1,V,1i,L li. - lat Fralleitlf_ &i • ,•• a wpt ti . s - Charles FichOn. •' r aolitt I , t , fl - 't if t4 Ta i v e m w Geo. ALI WlO4 . •, L. istokia, " , Bobe,t B ... 1 1 . ~ • A l ai B u g% _EibilMetii! ...- , ,PMA.; . ~,.., . , - WILLIAM• I. ISTANCSAYD. - • - 4 , , f ~ ,t •- . I, - • p - un - r, I VAENN IT. & Ca. f. X NERAti tiVISPAPin COR- u . revondimmt A v ed 1 !"., par*mi. , itt lPertrsecaentei Bat nbliebers' retells-I isit'Aisn leading nap:roams pu lint =M i t t r Indiano PrOvinces, Mexico, South Mr. H. T. Ifelmbold, Dru . • latißroadwa i t o rd s gt rh e itTW. : ii"'" 4 , i l. ", 1 ., , a rM ivi°ll l t 3pn a t e 64. a .. • •77 einkr..s - rr • lir. I'' • .: -.1 ., .' t qO.. Type 'oak • ere, 88 uo • it. , • . ___ ta i tni ii i_ t rtar u I t a ifiailffikgr&WP;l4ll%;o447-: htmas A. WHlall , p, ITIONNTOW PIKE, GUMMI' ALVAII3OO7II • TI/Porgasic tr OMAN s tal . A. l 4. Importers of Earthenware , ' MOODS SU Psforolowta;; walnut street, .fUIRde)pON, PRIVY WELLEL—OWNEWOF. PROPERTY -3r : • ± only fletee i r get privieumerynivd mutiudrattp44- gt very ow p ea& ' 'A. IrBElO , Mfttiuttoturer of gam. drette. Gold Dr street COPAIITIVVVIHipg, TAISSuLITION 00.PARINERSIIII 2 jj, partnershitj4retefore,oxisting between REUBEN Wf.l and YrtEUP.RIOK J. CIAICK, under. the ;maw of wif rE oujK, as been dissolved.. The 1101,10F1 will be rettledlwihe undereignetl at the. store of tltirleter firm, 48 rah, wharves. • FREDESICKJ.,6I "- P lath, 18(ill. -111 8 it 0 4 4101 fsurn taue o ti nv i n • d ater.o t t 44, 1r) Pi(ksart .nourflan r , , „ f R 00 _ Kamm SyromiEsii.:; , , sTbies.-tsilm i lovar a ip " 4 04' Ans i r•DA. ,, aIII jgolgera ng , V.,,1 1 4Ptr,„0.3/, 0 1 ,0 q. ' r„ WIC' 8 It AV Ric now E I A°. 8 ° TrON ti,ND 20 : a O U +a a aßK_ RUBStal; 6uCOVOrtini a 'r for- f1..4° ( PA t f t: %at 11191.117111 • • II MIN MI • or • WO' - to Yr E . 'S S' `C O LUMN ''''' .. ~be, mix PPIEECILSIIIMILPIII.II IoWiINId 313101,W1N, . 4 t " ' l' k' ( 4 ,1 1 1 . 1 Arg il l'n 1 1 9 / * ' Tbe meantUdAtlhneting,.*C•the New York Chose C/4:ffsAlielli, Pe tit es-Oiest.oted th e fol lowing genuelnet Were wereoted of of the 41 / 1 3b i h tft s n hctatif- , v , , , Fri p,-. . ..uy.ng. Pieelftelferaugllt ilefiler.' TreasUr ary—rG er—J , . rittlifi - y ,' Beeret , ~ A i *, Litorarfan- , 4 ' i ' J Ar *S a ft 0 146 ) , in eeesstetieAkratelgoo4l4oo4 ef4l#l game last Eripil, we inake t tlrecrong 90freetion -24 MWeilliner—A, .1` An o . , , .04f 4 . .q" S PP :1 ,Itesidelatittortteediutetitmegignid pawers e any pleat or pawn which has-been captured may be replaced It ISitrai Volltuairk°l, tile player, ** . v t,' Ls! intotte, in stsgitilit tit' °MO his esrPXlien he ate re place tiny' n o the captured pieces of his adver saryelittikkert Vattintequare whatever, observing to keep that side up to which it was originally entitled, i. e., a captured Gin-shin he uses as a Gin :4)l c„,,,.., Mein , as a Kiema, &e., bat be to thittiontrd as his own 'piece oos a t tagenlst's, ts Was erroneously stated last week), and being, of course, subject to reversal if it be cattetteitorisig to erfroet any square in the enesayTeetinter. And the player must further more o „ imlyr e that he cannot replace a Ho on any co bieb. there bone of his own, in other, we Itarbtiot double a HO, &e., &e. O.I4IIODPEPrRifiIuE 'Ow& OF Tußon . . fltxtroot from "La :tfairon deo free," an unrondlobed Tale 3 " " This: extract commences abruptly in thei midst of * narration by an undefined speaker, thus': ' "4. * * • * * At the litzst big of the Reingtition,th*Pount dee Tres- pended constantly with three friends : Beandirona, his' banker, Lavoisier, and the CheaPer"lthes- Ton $4121 bow a helmet tensed thewstn of a Pope, h ots a single dacfp of acid on a ring caused that of a FrOnellgre. I shall now show you that even the apparently innocent game of Chess is fall of PePle 'AblitA Ai. Gliche, "In the thirty years I have pia Chafe, it as only broughtlne Ineffa ble dell t; except indeed, when som e inora mus has played in violation of the rules, and - given me a momentary pang." - "B. . the cashier, "my dear sir, I thought th e 2 , ~; A 0 was win. , Novri What ifthte i g C . ... 'l,l' " ' 1)00" prove ' That 1 ~-; , ' 4 ' •'t A ' ; . s.. -Adoat4tOtbrit ? I wait a weak .'' 0 yer Mani? No. indeed. lie simply annoy rne, that wee all. lint, go on, Monaleue, tr A an on the tnterniptiOn." " n 1790," continued the narrator, "M. de Crouseilhes was a habitue t in fact, a pillar of the Cafe's:lo,la Repues• ee ry evening, from seven till eleven o clock, he occupied the same seat, conspicuous by his black wig and immense frill. He had a general talent for all games of combina *WY Mall great passion for chess---brit his Me mory was very poor, arid he was but an unskill ful player; he believed hiniself, nevertheless, a proficient. Carlier, having made a bet that he vonktforce him to win a game without knowing it, stieceeded three times, to the great amusement of the epectators, and M. de Croneellhes flattered himself that he had made a brilliant delence. En connived by his triumph, he challenged Leger, edit:knot eanng to toped Cariter's bet deelded in hie own mind on the moves he would compel the Chevalier to make. The game went on- - suddenly I.iger looked alarmed, regarded his opponent with an expreettou of dleappolatment, the spec tators wttbuneasinests, the telard with terror, and Cartier with scarcely concealed mirth. ' Such a beautiful gam e,' he crick `and I have spoiled it. Alas!' nothing , remains for me but suicide!' 'Ah, my frlend,' exclaiming the Chevalier, 'do not de- Bps ir--doweit speak of suicide ,- -believe me, I con sider nayielfi , gmatlY 'n l6 OOOE l lO to you ; and, after all, Chess is but a game. an amtreemento not look so seriously on your ill-luck. Let us re sume our game--it may be ,111 is not lost; and if it were, where is the hero who has not once been corottored? In the mitiatiff 'his expressions "Of sympathy Leger offers his Queen—he must take her. Then his Bishop „ which he is forced to ac cept; then a pawn. Then he attacks the King by disceveu—he covers ; a second discovery gives the. Chevalisr cheek; he again mere, and so gille*Ma `Bat,' , cries M.'doCrotetellheav'itry did t an Ow thus F 'lt was in announced sole CifiC, replies Leger. A little reflection showed the Chevalier that he had , been laughed at, but being the mat good•naltirtd of men, be profited by the tenon, and abandoning the playing of games, devoted himself almost exclusively to the composition Of problems. Re sit alone, or fan cied himself alone, in latecomer, wholly engrossed by the board on which he arranged and rear ranged the pieces, studying sine side and then the other, applauding or blaming himself in a loud voice, as there pleased or dlspleated him. At leas: once in every twenty-four hours he fancied Lehattfpreaduced something , ery brilliant, and his delight was audibly manifested. Some charitable friend would inquire, 'Have yop composed still another problem, Moneleur? 'Y'Yes, yeti; I believe this will be a perfect head-brealeere-let us see: And then the famous problem would be summa rily demolished by two, three or fourditferent eolutioematnt,,Aone clay goOdArrtalue anWed - ou the ChWalW, and he actually 'achieved a per perfectly correct problem In four moves. lie was, of couree, tilled with delight, but warned by.pre view) reverses, he remained silent, and was about to retire, when an haUfeli of the Calt heekoued him* approach, a tale where two players were engaged in an apparently exciting combat. This was the position: " s Ah,' 'said ono of the Playeri, "Is that you, Chevalier? ,_ Pray, tell l'utp.4.l. kayo tits ~,whitesw— hat-VOttld 'be your` -pidi-' hi 'ndypic..„''The chevallerkblrobodgtrevi,),4l4uPPkb Ifidttlatty, and statrithered °tit, i ink--T e evn..4bs ! there ittpato—,yes, on the fourth move rr that bi-,.. with a satiation at• the.third move, eott- to Blacks defence.' `Wonderful 'erllttit TO of spectators, - who had gathered roan In er nge moment. . ; The Chevalier'sindications wereitel lowed—he was right—immense felicitations. , But be could, sleep that night, and next day he confessed , that.mikole gratifying, his own vanity, be had,mialed those around him, 'not ntudeetby utterbg a falielfood, , but by concealing th'e truth. He awaited his sentence with resignation, but not without , fear., , He expected to hear these words: ' ycinn t ust disabuse these gentlemen of the false haptessitni you gave: and acknowledge that you were acquainted with the combination.' But, instead, his, confessor said; 'l„cannot doubt, my dear sir, but that &mad one watched you while composing your problem ' and then pro duced It to tempt your pride. Might you not have fallen asleep for a few moments over your Chelierheard.?' 'To tell the truth, I did become a little drowsy before removing the pieces.' 'This thenelia l ll t he.thq expiation 0 . yon the go. to the. Itegenee ' di' eight days without divulging the fraudecnt at• ,ractised.4The spiked- , and ironi cal comp . • , 011 :WPECepk* WfU - be" a snip * clent.Pp , , . 4' 4 - ... ....t ~, v ,L- The uheiraßOi. t..• braittedg:lrith,r4ignation r lbnt f w m !tha t " ' '' • • ....d entipitonkepuiserable by the ea -,,' i , • rir r 1 fit , i,mevAim:OCletrer'Y t u rn, ~, 'o , areeytl . ~! can , pl,‘ or-aftsnt r,) , to wife* ~,,, • ;T ' , , ,i;. • , Vn• fil ~ ' totitikkbe a favor - to . e , , t „ni* Y ' - (Am er ., ' Ton mil.Wvari ,, •, ~ . ili .,_ „11,,„....,...., ~- ~,,„ ~ , . w,,,,, of course, on ond:gamei .',. .1 . -4' . , jii7, slew. condescend to Mee& 4 4,l4•Rik . . neat?' itc., kt. all! nnt,,npyy Lunn not i , coated • •at beflWite 'deg" dragged bite the presence Of ider, and foreg o r c itet the great Arbiteiddn 1 11 40704674, yarr the firbo.4 , t, •a • ' ok'. But he suffered during his eig t days of • enance a torment that hie confessor bad not • teemed of—he constantly feared that people •uld tell him what ho knew so well, and thus ePrivtldor of the ce4o Of his cOnfession. But appily I t irate hat set ;•r 'd!the eighth:day, in the .tesenee of numerous witnesses, be related •erything—lie crime, his confeseion, and his re atone°. If they no !Wager admired bun as a 'hese-player, every one felt a new respect for tin as a marletMdAtatetWpgypptag pan who bad • layed the trick, made hi tt ample apology. I re •• red before that Messieurs de Crouse il hes and es free were old.correspondente ; after the pua etrtterblesbeglin they Willy agreed to confine le topics of their lettere to personal details and their faVeriterinausemtnts. They wrote about Chess to avoidplitical questions, on which they 0188g -reed ; Ott heing tamp& et atheist in the eyes of his deed, the Chevalier, who never forgot him Inltht wayera.They_ had adopted, for some reason or other, the bad habit of writing In cyphers. Their cypher was-by no means a bhej d'e.nre of ingenuity, and it teas oftea a MIR- Cult task even for themselves to disentangle crom a melee of phrases, such as, I have a bad old,' or 'The Countessre more troublesome than ever,' their problems or notations of games. Some montiregt,er hie adventure at La Rdgeoce, M. de Crouse .. ea sent to the Count his first in- Vented problem' in five moves, as follows:, D2doß;T.6thOlt. CCR. Fr). P 2dlt 2dD, 3dFD, ":Voirs—R4thFß, DTR. P3dR, sthß, 6th D:' He,reteeived „reply, in her, which I give you. ' Yon efliallvective the explanation 'also, in coed time. The letter ended thus: 6447. 318994554 91884, 34.87898325. Blanca—R2dTD. D4thTD. T.2dFR. T7thß. Fath CR. C2dD.F4thD. Noies—R4thD. FR. F2dTD. GitheD. C5thFD, P2dFD,,2dFli; etltD. > • Solve in four moves (Direct, en quatro coups). The Count des Ires lived at this time, alone, in his chateau, near the village of Crobes. His wife and eon had emigrated in company with many of the neighboring nobility. By advice of the Mayor, the- count,now Jeoudueted himself very eircuhrspeetlY—be wrote little; and his occasional letters were models of brevity and propriety—he knew that his household was under strict sur veillance, that he, who was altogether innocent, was made' to suffer for the sins of his son; a known malcontent. He was resolved, neverthe less, not to leave his home, though the Mayor gave him etrong,hints that such a move was de sirable. Soon, hoSrever, he received a visit, which caused him to change his mind. To be concitutut mart meek.) Problem No. 586. By MR. WM. E. TINNEY, Plaids)lphin. *LACK. I r i x IN eo i r 1 m 7 vt: 4 --m-r , ...,/,,, t ,, , w,..' ,ft! : , , A , A '.',-,;';', ;•--.. '' </4 '"A - 0 -- ../„„; , ..0 0 < / //,/d r/7 / I t h / ' F r' • r/ Fffl r e' A r , /,/ ,..A r - fv/v, v " -W , - ;/ A A , A F ro . Fp r . r.. , A OYA I ----.------- ------ ----) WHITE. 'Mite to play and mate in live moves CHESS IN PHILADELPHIA,. Game No. 1911. Played between Mr. Reichhelm and Mr. Jacob Elm. (Sicilian Opening.) Wit. (Mn. REicminr.m.) Br.. (Mn. Et.soN.)' 1. P to K 4 P to Q B 4 :?.. P to CI 4 P x . P ;1. K Kt to B 3 Q Kt to B 3 4. Kt x Q P P to K 4 (In these close openings it is generally more prudent to push this pawn but one step.) 5. Kt to Q Kt 5 K Kt to 11 3 ii. B to Q B 4 P to Q R 3 7. Kt to Q 6 (eh) B x Kt 8. Q x B Q to K 2 9.Q x Q (ch) ' Xt x Q 10. Kt to B 3 P to Q Kt 4 11. ;Ito Kt 3 P to Kt 5 12. Kt to Q 5 Q Ktx Kt 13. Bx.Kt Kt. x B 14. P x Kt B to Q Kt 2 15. P to Q fi BxKtP (This capture was not judicious'; it ie 4 indeed, the proximate cause of thd'loss of the gaine. - ) • 18. It to K Kt sq B to K 5 . 17. R x Kt P lixßP 18. B to Kt 5 K to B sq 19. B to R il K to K sq . 20. R to Q B sq B to Kt 3 21. Rtoß 5 P to K 5 22. P to K R 4 Ptoß3 23. R to X 7 (eh) K to Q sq 24. P to R 5 B to K 25. B to Kt 7 RtoKK sq tsq Whitetnates in five moves. CHESS DI SCOTLAND. Game No. 191. Between Messrs. Kolisch and G. B. Fraser. (Mucio Gambit.) Wm. (Mn. Kotascu.) (Mn. Fe..c-na.) 1. P to K 4 PtoK 4 2. P to K B 4 P x P 3. Kt to K B 3 P to K Kt 4 4. Btoß4 PtoKts 5. Castles Q UP K 2 (A defence intreducd some years ago by Hon. witz.and Kling.) 6.PtoQ4 PxKt 7. Q x,.P QKt to B 3 8. P to B 3 Kt to R 4 9. BloQ3 PtoQ3 10. PtoQs PtociKt I: 11. Bx I . • .B, to 42 2 12. Kt to Q 2 ' Castles 13.PtoQKt4 Kt to Kt 2 14. - P to4t 4 • ThfcrEt 2 15.' Bib aft K to Kt sq 16.. X K 5 ~PAtr. 17.. Kt toll 4 Pto 5 18, K $ zo.Q Kt sq Kt to B 3 19. $t to 8.5 K4XKP 20. B x Kt 21. Kt to Q B 6 (eh) B B x xQ KtBP 22. B x r ß B to Q 5 (eh) . (B x R would have been answered dtclivo'y with Q to Q 3.) 23. K to B sq Q to R 5 24. RxRP Q to B 7 (eh) 25. Qx Q Bx Q • 26. RtolKt3 BtoAt3 B OF 3 P to K B 4 28. 'ft x T . (A fine move although it seems to have been an oversight of White's.) • 28. BxR (At this point Mr. Koliseh, overlooking the strength of his position, resigned the game. Sup pose- -28. R to '.Q R 3 Kt • toQ7'(eh) , This Is rather better than Kt to 84, which has been recommended. • 29. K to K 2 If B x Kt, Black•can reply with P to K B 5. 29. QR toK6q 30. BxR Rsß, 31. K.x Kt, with at least an even game.) io Pciiki : (.Icei • PV•I4I (+LOTH 1101.1 SE, No. :11"NORTZ SECOND ST., V Sign of the Golden Lamb. JAMES do LEE Have now on hand and are still receiving a large and choice PHAortment of Spring and Samuel. Goode.expresely adapted to Men's and Boye' wear, to which they invite the attention of Merchants, Clothiers, Tailors and others. COATING GOODS. Super Black Fren Clothe: • Super Colored Freneothe. Black an Colored Coatings. , Black and Colored cot Coatings. Diagonal ere Ribbed e, COsitinge.k‘ cashmtileett alleelers. New S Silk Mixed Co PA NT ALOON O STUFFS. Black French Doeskins. do Casattrlree. 'New dp Styles Fancy do. All shades! Mixed Doeskim3..• 'Plaid and Sirite4 04 111 04.q0k Also, a large testdinietitexunsitesAverteenaßatiaets Veetineo and temp for 04ta, at retaiL TAIL 04 No. Al Nortti t3econd dived. , . SWAM VA GetekliPonlh THE DAILY EV rinio EITILLEM --THYLADELPHIA FIB I DAY P ;IL 1 7, 1868.. FIVE 'UILDING LOTS „ li s Oß' SALE. • Andy di ; BALDERSTON & ALBERTSON - • utrurttas; ISt Ql2O North Thirteenth tStreet. ,•rnnWairr).s rFOR SALE—IN ATLANTIC CITY.—A I3EAUTI• fill Cottage Reeldel, altuste on Pacific avenue. above. Not/44;0ga aPronpee, and' frtnting the it. and bi within one an a'beifequares from , the rail. oad depot. It contains 10 chambcre, 7 of which can be double ImddiVariCit9co4l o M, a Pinion. dining roortu kitchen antlft ando ,duatng ; room.. who ,cottage ie two storiea high in r nt."three stake high back, with 28 feet portico front and DO feet portico on the aide. There are ample ciwietnarcqd Otani awl cellar., The lot le 98 by 90 feet. For fr4241111010141M apply atilt, Mee: 101160 FOR SALE—BUILDING LOTS. Largo loV v aahingtea avenue anollgyverity-third et 2 lota E.IY. ntreetcond, , above Attu et. 3 lots N. B. alnut, above Thirtyleventh street, West Philadelphia._ 3 lots W. S. Franklin, above Poplar it. 5 lota E. B. Eighth, above Poplar et 2 lota E. S. Frankford road, above Huntingdon rt. All in improving neighborhood. Apply to COPPHOK. etreet: ' SON,. EFOR BALE.—A.BEAL'TIFUL RESIDENCE on the River Bank, in the upper part of Beverly, N. J. containing one acre, extending to Warren street, The house la large and. convenient,: ;vide trail ig the ektitge ; large shade trees. gr. °nada taggfully out, and garden tilled With all kinds of fruitp within a few Minutest walk of steamboat or railroad. Apply on the premises, or to W3I. RAIN, No. IU North Fourth strest, ?Ueda. apt ER)II_:IIALLE—ON FORTIETII STREET , BELOW Pine. West Philadelphia—A very desirable Cottage " Residence, replete with every convenience, Stable. Coach house and (ireen-house. . Grounds handsomely laid ont with a prolualon, of fruit trees In full hewing.' Lot 16 by 190. SA)iUE L FIELD. 142 South Front street. The lot adjoining. 76 feet 6 inches, can be had if de sired. mh2lttf4 GETIMANTOWN.—FOR HANDBO3IE double Residence, surrounded by large shade and eVergreem trees. together with stable andr carriage bonne, tensuthonse, spring home. and two acres of land, situate pn High street, within seven minutes' walk from the railroad station; his every city convenience; fruit In abundance. J. M. GUM MEY & BONS. 50h Walnut street E FOR SALE— NORTH. BROAD STREET, The elegant Brick and Brown Stone Residence, No. 1337 Broad street, southeast corner of Master. Inqutre 91U Arch rtreet. apil 61.1 "r,FOR SALE.—TIIE HANDSOME DWELLING, No. Pal Pine etreet. with all the modern improve manta; built in the beet manner. Alen, the Three story Dwelling, No. 1118 North Seventh etreet, with all MI. provemente, lmmedlate possession to both. Apply to COPPLCK & JORDAN, 433 Walnut etreet. FOR BALE OR TO RENT FURNISHED —A Handsome Modern Reeidenee. with 11 acres of ground attached, situate in Darby Tow - wilily, Delaware county, within le minutes want from the Darby Road Station, on Philadelphia and Media RailroadJ. M. GUMM EY & SONS. 608 Walnut etreet. rGERMANTOWN—FOR SALE.--A HANDSOME " i double -pointed 13tone Reaidence,with stable endear " house and large lot of ground ; eltnate within 10 minutes walk lrom Wayne fltaidon, on Philadelphia and Germantown Railroad. J. M. G1.."51.11EY A SONS, 6nd Walnut Etreet dpitA FOR SALE A Ilandeome three-story Dwelling; on Twentieth stract, above Arch street. Inquire at Drug Store, • a ple 3to Twentieth and Cherry etreete._ FOR SALE OR TO LET FOR SIX OR TWELVE .11E monthe, in Germantown, a f urni-bed lir/Me, With " the modern conveniences , and a fine gar en; con venient to the railroad depot. Addrere .1. IN. T., Box No. Philadelphia Postoffice.. apl4-6tl FA VERY DESIRABLE RESIDENCE FOR SALE IN MANTUA, WEST PHIL %DELPHIsi.,--Modern built convenient house; large lot finely'improved. Fruit, Flowers, it c. Inquire on premises, No. :WI, Ham. Itou street. ap2.tfi FOR SALE OR TO LET.—A FRAME COTTAGE% 4 acres of ground. stabling, fruit, dc., on City ave nue, Twenty-fourth Ward. Apply to JOUN 1 ,911, sots', Jr., 121 and, 1M South Fourth street, [apl63t* FOR SALE - A THREE-STORY DWELLING, Jrr with double back buildinge, 443 North Fourth etreet Apply to S. MUDGE. a 415 4t• 1429 Market litreet. t FOR SALE-• SEVEN SMALL HOUSES ON BANK street, below Pine. Mt I+2 feet by 120. Apply to S. MIJOGE, EFORBALE—THE ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT, corper of Birch lane and Montgomery avenue, Cheat. " nut MIL BEDLOWE k PASCIIM,L, mhl7.tf 716 Walnut Arent. 1868.. .Elia:ZZI ITEMISE 1868. No.2O2SI, S PRUCE STREET. FOR SALE. KAHLE BROTHER ct• CO, 2rn• 23(X) SOUTH STREET; 1868. BABARIBIII NEW DWELLING: 1868. No. 19.. N WALLACE STREET. noose 40 feet front; lot AV feet to a etreet. F. It SALE. MAIZE BROTHER at CO.. fc-.17-1° .XOO SOUTH STREET. THE STOUR, FIXTURES AND GOODWILL OF A well establiehed retail Hardware etore for eale. The stock le well eelected. and in Sret.rate order. The tlx tures very complete. Address HARDWARE, Box '266 2 .,. aplbht• Phihm:lol , hia P.O. ITALIJABLE WHARF PROPERTY FOR. SALE, ON V the Delaware river, having a_ front of lOU feat,with Pier .71 feet wide. J. 3L GI:3111ET Is SONS, 5(03 Walnut etreet TO RENT.— GERMANTOWN A COUN PRY Seat on Limekiln Road and Haines street; large grounde, containing fruit, vegetable garden, ehrul]. bery ; the DEC of icohouee ; twelve roome, two pantry roome etable; has two rooms for servants. bath-room, hot and cold Water: all the Soars matted and partly fur. niched;- twenty minutee to Germantown depot. Rent, Sat a month. Apply to 4 iEO. N. WATSON, 2u9 South hixth etreet. Tenant to take the gardener. ap15.4.0 TO RENT—A FURNISHED HOUSE, FOR THE r , season, with modern conveniences, three to four " acres of Found, +tabling, vegetable garden and fruit. A few U inutes.walk from Fisher's Lane station, Germantown Railroad. Apply at No. 1000 Market, S. W. corner of Tenth street. apl7 VTO RENT, FOR A YEAR, FROM IST JUNE, A tarnished home, in Pint street, near Eighteenth. All modern conveniences. Address Box 2,34 P. O. apls FOR RENT FUR THE BUMMER SEASON, furnished.—An elegant Residence, with stabling, ' vegetable garden and several acres of land attached; IF. a & BONS. 508 on Manbeim suett. Germantown eet . J. 51. GUM. Y Welx. FOR RENT ON AN 131PROVDG LEASE—A I': large building, having a front of P. 6 feet, by 180 feet in depth, situate on the so th aide of Walnut street, west of Tenth . J. M. GU& OM, SOS Walnut street. TO BENT—TWO LARGE DWELLLNGS 1,y,1111 brown stone fronts, 1401 and 1403 North Sixteenth " 'street. Apply to B. MUDGE. apls 4t• 1429 Mnrket street. EFOR RENT—THE THREE-STORY BRICK =H dente, with three story double back buildings situate No. hnt• Arch street. 4. M. GUMMEY & SON, 508 Walnut street rFOR RENT—FURNISHED.—TIIE MODERN "brick Dwelling with every convenience, No. 110 south Twenty•tirct street. J. M. GUMMEY BON3, 508 Walnut street. FOR RENT—FROM DECEMBER 13T ,A LARCIP r new Store. on Delaware a_yenAbll Oneetnut et Apply to B JOO. B . B 8 /COY.. noiltr 108 South ware avenue. L"OR RENT—TILE THIRD AND. FOURTH. FLOORS I of Building oittinte No. &MN orth Third itreet ouita blo for storing furniture. J. 31. GU3IMEY & SONS, 506 Walnut street. Jan be made to boil with one third less fuel than any other. It is par. iculatly ads_.pted for •MANUFAG 'VARIES. ; FARMERS and ME. ;lIANICS. Sold with or without wera or wheels. and from 20 to \ I Ogallons in size. Wholesale and Retail. J. S. CLARK, loos Diorite" , Mitred", Philadelphia. mhal M &ERRICK S SORSVAItK FOUNDRY, 430 WASHINGTON, Avenne,__Pniladelphia. MANUFACTURE STEAM ENGINES—High and Low Pressure. Horizontal. yertical, Beam, OecillatLag, Blast and Cornish Futat , - ~,. , B1) - 11,Eylinder, , FIne, Tabular,'&o, ; STEAM ILAMMERS—Nsamyth and Davy styles, and of all tizes CASTINGS--Loam, Dry and Green Band,Brace, ROOFS—Iron Frames, for covering with Slate or Iron. TANI{ B—Of Cad or Wrought Iron. for refinerlea water, oil, &c. GAS MA Y= ab Bytom Bonen Outings, Holders and ea. rurifiere. Coke and Cnarcoal Bar. roweValve 4 tAmners. SUGAR idA ggintY-I-Such as Vacuum Pane and Pumps, Defocatorejlone Black Filters, Bunten. WWI. Se MITRE I'OK SALE. TO HEAVE. ICLILCHINEELY, 1111.0141,,414.4 C ARNIERe BOILER THAW/WIMP IMI4cIMI asesenewasman THE Paramus Rom Air IS HOURS to CINCINKI. I_ , 71. ilia PENNEIYLVA. NM RAILROAD AND PAN-HANDIA 736 HOURS lea TIME than by COMPETING LINER 'IR P. ' VRATII T A PATlVa g ebittl t9.614: - /if.7* Mal 0 fiL ONE NIGHT on the ROUTE. 1 sir THE WOODRUFF'S celebrated Palace State. Room SLEEPINGOARS run through from PHII.ADEL. pill& to CINE,TNNATL Praeengers tall the 1" M. and 11.00 P_, M. Trains reach ._Ol.l PA and and all puIIWEST and SOUTH ONE W.A.M IN ADVANCE other .10, .. k W P for 11,M Mtg.i1411.,, ,1,0 WEST. : e r t i _MORIA. / 311.4121 * ri, C i 4 ,lt r I MILwAUE_arr. PA io IkOM.A. N. P. and all ta WEST. NORTHWE and SOUTH *ST, _will particular t aak for TI - IS war Via N-HANDLE ROUTE. ' larTo SECURE the UALED advantages of this _UWE ! be. VERY PARTI and ASK ,KM TICKETS 'Via PAN-HANIJLE,”at a= orx=s, N. W. CORNER NINTH and CHESTNUT Streets, NO. 118 MARKET STREET, bet., Second and Front Sta.; And THIRTY-FIRST and MARKET Streeta,Wart PhDs, S. F. SCULL, Genq Ticket Agt., Pilaf arab. JOHN IL M mix% Gad IfautliAgUMßroadway,N.Y. iir t gims. READING RAILROA D GREAT TRUNK. LINE from hila delphia to the interior of Pennsylva nia, the *beylldll, lusViins, Cumberland and o Orthweet and the_Gana: das.'WfitiMr Arra tof Mieentmlnibin. Nov. 18, lhel h ieevieg the (4°17(4(11:D6r. Thirteenth and Cal lon ill streetstrhilad "fit. all " rWgtiotint. MOKNltici ACCO OD TIO,Nt 700 A. M. for nellamg 413 " U ic sa l r r i l i e iiittltr p and ' Alletitomn. Betubal& lea ading a & P. M., arriving in Phillstaltia 5110MUNO ELPRKSB.-At par k t Si: for Rea d ing. Le banon, Hanish r Pine„ Grog Tamaqua, Sunbury, W MROcherter,Niagitra Buffalo. Wilkeebarratr .York. Cat9Lle, Cham bersbarnrionagergarrisegth The _eraln t Reading with the East Penn sylv Rain bans for Allentown,. die., and. the 13.15 A. liL , eolliMaftritit tie 'Lebanon Valley bag for Harriaburs; 1944,49-POl Clinton:with- Catawisna 11.11. trains tor, WilliamatectUr,LOck. Haven,. ,Elmira,, .dfc.l at Harrialtetivith N&therla Central. Cumberland Valley, and Elebnylkill and Satemellasmatr&tns for Northumber land,Willi rt, Y o rk,Cluuribereburg,Pinegrove, etETIORNUO .EXPRESS.--Leavea Philadelphia at 1130 P.M. for Rea g.'Pottiville, Harrisburg. connect. ingsari kniding and Columbia trains f or Col. umbi &c. PO ISTOWN ACCOMMODATION.-Leavee Potts town at 145 A.M. stopping at intermediate etationa.• ar riveslin Philadelibsat 9. A. . Returning leaves P' hi. Is/aphis st 5.0 Q P . M .__ Veil Pottetown at 7.06. P. M. PADING ACWII6IODATION-Leavea Reading at 7..9l:lA.ld4otoning'at all way stations; arrives in nib. delphis at 10.. M. 16A Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 4.00 P. IL ; arrives in Reading atili46P. M. Trains for' lea ve HarriaburitatßlO A. and Pottsville It 'B4 A. 61.,larriving in Philadelphia at 1.00 P. M. Afternoon trains have lianisbarg al 210. and Pottirville at 9.45 P; MI arriving at Madelphia at &46 P. M. Ilarrinbrug accommodation Tartlet Reading at 7.15 A. M., and Harrisburg ata.lo k". M. Connecting at Reading with Afternoon , Accommodation' south' . at 020 P. M., arriving in Philadfthia at 9.10 I'. ' Market train, with a Passenger. ear attaehed, leaves( Philadelphia at 12.45 noon for Pottaville and all Way. Sta done ; leaves Pottsville at 7A. liL, for Philadelphia and all Stations. All the above bairn run dail , Sunday, excepted. Sunday trains leave Pottsville at 5.00 A. M., and Phila. delphia atBlbP. M.; leave Philadelphia for Reading at 8.00 A. M. _returning from Readings t 9.26 P. M. CHESTER _VALLEY ItAILROAD.-Passongeta for Downingtown and intermediate points take the 7.30 A.M. and 4.10 Y. M. trains from Philadelphia, returning from Downingtown at 6.30 A. M. and 1.00 P. M. NEW YORK EXPRESS. FOR PLITSARGH AND THE WEST.-Leaves New York at 9A: M.. 5.00 and 500 P.M., pluming Reading atil A. 3..,1.6 0 and 10.10 P. M., and connect at Harrisburg with Pennsylvania and Northern Central Railroad Express Train! for Pittsburgh, Chicago, Williamsport. Elmira. Baltimore. Returning. E )(press Train leaves Harrieburg, on arrival of Pennsy lvania VExaress from Pittsburgh. at 3 and 5.25 A. 34.. 235 P. 6L. pawing Reading at 4.4.9 and 7.105 A. SI, and 11.40 P. 6L, arriving at New York 10.10 and 11.45 A.M., and 6.00 P. M. Sleeping Cars accompanying these trains through between Jersey City and Pittsburgh, without change. Mail train for New Yerk leave. Harrisburg at S 10 A. 3L and 2.06 P. M. Mail train for Harrisburg leavea New York at 12 Noon. SCHUYLKILL VALLEY RAILROAD.-Trains leave Pottsville at 0.30, 11,00 A. M. and 7.16 P. M.,returning from Tamaqua at 7.35 A. M. and 1.40 and 9.35 P. M. SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD- Trains leave Auburn at 7.65 A. M. for Pinegrove and Har risburg, and at 12.45 P. 61. for Pinegrove and Tremont; re. turning from Harrisburg at 3.56 P. M., and from Tremont at 740 A. M. and 5251'. 58. TICKETB.-Through first-class tickets and emigrant tickets to all the principal points in the North and West and Canada:- . Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to Reading and .Intermediate 13tations, good for day only, are sold by Morning Accommodation, Market 'frail', Reading and Pottstown Accommodation Trains at reduced rates. Excursion Tickets to Philadelphia, good for day only, are sold at Reading and Inter ediate Stations by Read ing and Pottstown Accommodation Trains at reduced rates- The following tickets are obtainable only at the Office of B. Bradford, Treasurer, No. 227 South Fourth street, Philadelphia, or of G. A. Nicoll% General Superintendent. Reading. Commutation Ticket, at 25 per cent. discount, between imy_peinte desired . for familia@ and firms. Mileage Tickets, good for LOW miles, between all points at 552 50 each, tor families and firms. Season Tickets, for three, six, nine or twelve months, for holders only, to all points at reduced rates. Clergyman residing on the line of the road will be fur nished with cards, entitling themselves and wives to tickets at half fare. Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to principal sta tions, good for Saturday, Sunday and Monday, at reduced fare, to be had only at the Ticket Office. at Thirteenth and Callo whin streets. FREIGHT.-Goods of all descriptions forwarded to all the above points from the Company's New Freight Depot, Broad and Willow streets. Freight Trains leave Philadelphia daily at 5.30 A. M., 12.45 noon, and 0 P. M., for Reading, Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pottsville, Port Clinton, and all points beyond. Mails close at the Philadelphia Portia :Mae for all places on the road and its branches at 5 A. IL, and for the prin cipal Stations only at 2.16 P. IL PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL Railroad. Winter Time.—Train effect Jan. 96th, IEIII The trairn of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad leave the Depot, at Thirty.finit and Market streets, which is reached directly by the care of the Market Street Passenger Railway, the last car connecting with each train. leaving Front and Market streets thirty minutes before its departure. Those . of the Chestnut and Walnut Street Railway run within one square of the Depot. ON SUNDAYS—The Market Street ' Can leave Front and Market streets 85 minutes before the departure of each train. Sleeping Car Tickets can be had on application at the Ticket Office, Northwest corner of Ninth. and Chestnut streets, and at the Depot. Agents of the Union Transfer Company will call for and deliver Baggage at the Depot. Orders loft at No. 901 Chest, nut street. NoT RA INS . 116 MarketLE W,.. DEPOOctet, Will t T. VlZ.:ceive ttention. A Mail Train . . t •,.. . .N ,_. .. . ............ ~, —.—. at 8.00 A. M. Paoli Accomniodationo. 1 ....... ... ... ... —.at 10.00 A. M. Fast Line.. —....,... ................... ...... .at 12.00 M. Erie Express..,_ ... . . ... ....... . ... . • .at 19.0 M. Paoli Accom. Nos. 2;34i 4 it . 1,14:6;11101 „Id 80P.M. Harrisburg Accominodation.... ... . ....... . —at 2,3 Q P.,1 Lancaster Accommodation at LP) P. ParksburgTrain. .at 5.00 P. CincinnaU Express ... at.6.00P. M. Erie Mail._ia. . . _.. —.— ....... . .. ....... ........at,11,15Z, M. Philadelphia *CILIA P. M. Accommodation. ii.. ... . ii... at WO P. M. Erie Mail leavaldai, eiceitiiirasY. Philade l 9 l 4 ll -.' ExPress leaven daily. All ether trains daily, except Sunday. The Weetern Accommodation Train rune daily, except Sunday.. For title train tickets must be procured and baggage delivered by 5.00 P. M.. at 116 Market street TRAINS ARRIVE AT DEPOZ, 'Z: Cincinna l Exprees.. ... ....... . ..............st 1.35 A., M. Philade a Expre5e............. ......... .... 7.10 Parkebtirg Train......... ....... ...... ...... " 9.10 Erie Mail ..... ..........:. til 8.35 .14 Flat Liter ___• .. 9.85 WI Lancaster Train .... " 1.10 P. M. Erie oftcorees.. ... ...... „ .... ~. " LIO P. Paoli Aicom. Noe. i "ai i ........ ..... —sVilid & 710 . Day Express ' at 6.20 " Han isimrit Accom . •• f u s , . .. For further inforniaNms, anglY 1 . 0 ::_ JOHN C. ALLEN, TickerAgen 901 Chestnut street. FRANCIBII,Wha rc mi I •II6 Market street. SAMUML M. W CMyTicket Agent at the Depot, 1 The P2osylvanta Obtaptuar , assume any risk ' dr; Bs ; too . w a rare/. and Ilnait th ty to 114= d in value. All Baggage exceed tha i nultukuvalue will be at the risk of the owner , nide@ fkken Wad col:amt. EDWARD WILLIAMS, - ~ ...General Superintendent. Alteona,Tli. " , . PHILADELPITIA ANDY . ERIE 6 ' 2 ..i ', . RAILROAD-WINTER TIME TA " A . rir•rim EILO-apronshan4 Vim R ontix be. t w eerti • „Irr,nr - . , .,. .1 ore. , marruittirs. Williams. port a.. the Great I ir Tr on ainm of PennsifveitillS-14:40#411 t Bleeping' On and i thll iiti n • al i .A.Y. Nov. 26tk1E87. the 'Prato on the Philadelphia and Erie s ßailroad run se follows . Mail Train leavee PidladelPllia ...... - --- • ••••• . 1 .11 F. M. arrived 81„ , f i t s •i•.••.• :••••••• • • • .. • .... • P . Ede Emma lereswiluagloptioirlt........ 1100 Noon,, ft Be P. M. arrives at Erie 9.46 A. M. Elpre. aitili t ig i .v v :P at hilddeM. e ....... - ..... • ti . : A. E . galrgwW. rdel T r ° . in . W V ." • I tto e • • . st nt ...' .....:f.:11 2 1 5 6 Al " armee a.; vutaaelyna. • ' 41,C4, A. ~ E t - le E V ireu sires ell ' ltiiidiiiildii . ... .. .."'...:: ra C., f A' at A" A A ""!. ~ t. 7 'mei N. EleEirs Mtil i le ar tt': V." I tra i t;: :,-; .....,_'..*: .... :filo P. AL Mail and Papliss connect with • all . trains on , y, , and Pranklholtialway. Passengers leitAL 2._, ~, vti / at 12.00 arrive at irsington at 6.40 A. and . .tatao . at} I ° 4 11 0 1•9 * a t /140riiii.,:a. ve /4 , , Oicift* TRAIVEMEMS9 ligitill PENNS'S LURIA fL R.- t. , • , • '. - ' - ---,-- "' TM MIDDLE ROUTifilhortest , and most direct line to Bethlehem. .. Tfalteni AliMitewta Mstich ' Mint naziefli W hite Haven. Wilkwtharre,lialstrooy_City, t. Carina tiadonl Scranton,Carialandaie and all the points in the Lehigh and Wyoming 'COO regions. _ t Paseenger Dam in Philadelp hia, N. W. cornet of IRAs and American screq. • BPRINGARRM4 MENT-ELEVENDAILYTRAMB En ' and afterMONDAY APRIL tith. 1808. Pas teger Trans leave the New Depot. corner of Berk" and erlcan silents, daily (Sunday's exceiptedl, a s follow*: • At t* A. At_ Accommodation for Port Washington _ _iAt 7.45 A. Mt-Motong Express for Belhiehom and Principal Stations on North Pennsylvania Banread, con rg at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley and Lehigh Bilsquehanna Railroads! for EastonAlleutown. Cats ustanWatington, Mauch Chtusk,Weatherly.Jeauseville, atieton, white , Haven, Wilkosbarre, fn , Oates , Scranton. CarboWale. and all }mints i.e. WO an d Wyoming Vellos ;alsoy_in connection with Le- Milt Mahanoy Railroad for mallanaY_c`ity. and with kamidst Railroad fOr Rupert, Damille, muton and WiL sgstrt: .Arrive at Mauch Chunk at 1106 A. M.; at as arrie at 3 P.M. ; Scranton at 4,06 P. M,; at Maha may CitlAt aP. Id. , Pamengere_by _this train can take the Lehigh Valley Train, piping Bethlehem at 1L56 A. M. ter ,Erastori and points onNsw Jereey Central Railroad to lieriV , Yotki • 'At 11.45' e • M.-Accommodation for Doylestown, stop ping,at , ter t c mediatoStationa. Passengers for Willow grove. a ' and,ltartaville, by this train. take Stage at Old ork ad. A 110,16 A: AL-Acconir Stations. for Fort Washington., tiltatintennedis P. M.-Lehigh Valley °llL Erpress for Bethlehem. A ' *rt. Mitueh Chunk, White Haven, Wilkesbarre, Mahanoy Om Centralia, Shenandoah, Mt. Cannel, Pittston and Scranton. and all points in Mahanoy and Wyciningcoal Regions. At 930 P. M.-Accommodation for Doylestown, stopping at ali intermediate 'stations. Passengers take stage at Doi=wn for New Mona. and at North Wales for Sum . DO • taibit,X. -- Lehigh and Busspiehamm Express for Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown. • Mauch Chunk, Wilkes. bare and 'Scranton. Passengers for Greenville take this train to Quakertown. '' • , • At 4.16 P. Me-Accommodation for Doylestown. stopping at all llgtemediate Mations._Passengers for w il low Il Grove, athorongh and rautsville take stage at Abing. ton At 5.20 P. AL--Thrbugh accommodation for Bethlehem and all stations on main line of North Pennsylvania Rail road, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Even. inig Train for Easton. Allentownauch ,h unk. At 62 0 P. M.-AtnimmodationforLans e„ stopping at all intermediate stations. At 11.30 P : M.-Acconunodation for t Wash ington. -.,... . _ -......—. -.. Fort TSAIPIB ARRIVE triffURILPILIA. - From Bethlehemat 9.39 and 11.45 A. M.. 2 and 8.40 P. M. 11 45 A. M and 2.00 P. M .: Trifts makes direct connec tion with 'Lehigh Valley and lAhl h and Susquehanna trains. from Easton. Scranton. barre, Mallano7 City and Meriden. Passengers leaving Wilkesbarre a t LBO P. M, connect at Bethlehem at 635 P. M., and arrive in Philadelphia at 8.40 P. M. From Doylestoivn at 9.28 A. M., 6.12 and 7.00 P. M. From Lansdale at 7.80 A. M. From Fort Wasbington at 9.3031.00 A. M. and 8.10 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem ai 9.3) A. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 2.00 P.l. Boylestown for Philadelphia at 7.20 A. M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4.00 P. M. Fifth and Sixth streets Passenger can convey plasma. gen to and from the new Thr tarit White Care of Second and BireetsLine and Union Line run within a short distance of the Depot. Tickets must be procured at the Ticket office. in order to secure the lowest rates of fad e E l ia • CLAIM Agent. drab! sold and Baggage shocked thrbugh to principal Kate, at Mann's North Penn. Baggage Fannin Office. 0.108 Booth Fifth street. i tialgag ..4 1 X4 D AL9' 1 1 ' M a aE W I n d11.9(31.11 1 - 1 - TLME TABLE.—Commencing Mon day, April 13th, 1938, Trains will leave Depot, corner of Broad street and Washington avenue Las follows: Way-mail Train, at 5.30 A. 31. (Sundays excepted), for Baltimore, stopping at all regular stations. Conneeling with Delaware Railroad at Wilmington for Crisfield and intermediate etations. Express train at MOGI M. (Sundays excepted) for Balti more and Washington, stopping at Wilmington. Perry ville and Havre-de-Grace. Connects at Wilmington with train for New Castle. Express Train at 830 P.M. (Sunday" excepted), for Bal timore and Washington, stopping__at Chester, Ttiurlow, Linwood, Claymont, NVilmington,NewportStanton, New ark. Elkton,N ortheastCharlestown„ Perryville, Havre-de- Grace, Aberdeen, Perryman's._ Edgewoo.l. Magnolia, Chass and Stemmer's Run. . Connects at Wilmington with Delaware Railroad Line, stopping at Now Castle, Middleton, Clayton, Dover, iliarrington. Seaford, Salisbury, Princess Anne, and connecting at Crisfield with boat for Fortress Monroe, Norfolk. Portsmouth and the South. Night Express at 11.00 P. M. (daily) for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Perryville and Havre de - Grace. Passengers for hortrees Monroe and Norfolk via Balti more will take the 12.00 M. Train. Via Crisfield will bike the 3.30 P. 3L train. Wilmington Trains, stopping at all stations between Philadellibia and Wilmington: Leave Philadelphia at 11 A.311.,130,5.00,7 and 11.30 (daily) Railroad e 5.00 P. M. train connecte with the Delaware for Harrington and intermediate stations. . Leave Wilmington 7.00 arid 8.10 A. M. (daily) and Lsct. 4.16 and 7.00 (daily) P. M. The 8.10 A. M. Train will stop between Chester and Philadelphia. From Baltimore to Philadelphia.—Leave Baltimore 7.25 A. M., Way Mail. 9,40 A. DL. Ear ; 2.25 P. M., Ex press. 836 P. P.M. Express. 8. 56 P. Express. SUNDAY TRAINS FROM BAL ORE.—Leave Bal timore at 956 P. M.. stopping at Havre de Grace, Perry. vile and Wilmington. Also stops at North East, Elkton and Newark, to take passengers for Philadelphia. and leave passengers from Washington or Baltimore, and at Chester to leave passengers from Washington or Baia. more. Through tickets to all points West.flotith and Southwest may be procured at ticketoffice. 8•d8 Chestnut streetunder Continental Rotel, where also State Rooms and Berths in Sleeping-Care can be secured dining the day. PC11130115 aerch .ftieng ticketa thispffice can have baggage e.kecked t their rechlenee by the Union Transfer CompanY. EL F. KENNEY, Superintendent PHILADELPHIA, GERMAN. igraMETTOWN AND NORRISTOWN RAIL. ROAD TIME TABLE.—On and atter Wednesday. May 1, 1E67. FOR GERILANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia-6 7, 8. &CC 10,11, 12 A. M., 1. 2, 3.15, t;34,1, J. 53i, 6.10. 7, 8. 9. 10, 11, 12 P. M. Leave Germantown-6, 7, 736 8.8.20. 9, 10, IL 12 A. M.; 1, 3.4,4 X, 6, 634 7; 8. 9, 10. 11 P. k. The 8.20 down train, and the 334 and 53£ up trains, will not stop on the Germantown Branch. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-0.1155 minutes A. M ; 2, 7 and 103 i P.M. Leave Germantown—alb A. 31. •, 1, 6 and P. M. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia-6, 8, 10, 12 A. M.; 2,3 X, SX, 7.9 and 10 P. M. Leave Cheetnut Hill-7.10 minuted, 8, 9.40 and IL4O A. M. ; 140, 3.40, 5.40, 6.40, 240 and 10.40 P. H. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9.15 minuted A. M. ; 2 and 7 P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill-7.50 minuted A. M.; 1840.5.40 and 9.26 minuted P. M. FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia-6, 734.9,11.05, A. M. ; 134,3, 434, 534, 6.15, 8.06 and 1134 P. M. Leave Norristown-5.4e. 7.7210, 9,11 A. M. ;134, 3,434, 6.15 and 834 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9A. M.; 234 and 7.15 P. M. Leave N °midtow FO n— R 7 A. M.; LLNAYUNK. 534 and 9 P. M. ti Leave Philadelphia--6. 734, 9,11.06 A. M.; 1.34, 3, 434. 534. 6.15, &05 and 1134 P. Di. Leave Manayunk-6.10. 734, 8.20.934 1134 A. M.; 2, 334, 5, tai and 9 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Pldladelledda-9 A. M.; 234 and 7.15 P. M. Leave Manayunk-734 A. M. ; and 934 P. M. W. S. WLLSON, Gimeral Superintendent, Depot, Ninth and Green streeta WEST CHESTER AND PEULA. • DELPHIA RAILRO AD _VIA` ME , DIA. SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. On and after MONDAY, April lath. 1868,traina will leave 'Depot, Thirty.firat and, Chestnut streets, sus follows: Trains leave Philadelphia for Weet Chester, at 7.16 A. M., 11.00 A. M a 2.60, 4.15. 4.5 U, 7.00 and IU.OO I'. M. Leave'West Cheater for Philadelphia, from Depot on E. Market .treat' 6.16, 7.15, 7.30 and 10.46 A. M.. 1.56, 4.60 and 6.60 P. M. On and after Monday. June 15th. an additional Train will leave Philadelphia for Media and Intermediate Pointe lit 5.30 P.:M. - Trains leaving Weft !Cheater at 7.30 A. Pd., and leaving Philadelphia at 4.60 P. M., will stop at B. U. Junction and Media onb,.. • Paaaengers to or from stations between West Cheater and IT. O. Junction going East ikt &lll take train leaving 'West Cheater at 7.15 A. 61., ant Weft will,take train leaving Philadelphia at 4.50 . P, and transfer at B. C. Junction.• Trains leaving7.is A.' St and LBO P.M., and leaving_ , Weitliliceter , ' , it 1.10. A. M. and 4.60 P. M.. connect at B. C. Jun Withlrldrui on the P. and B. C. B. R. for OxfOrd, Mterftedisae pate n. • ON SUNDAY aYldlagledphla at 8.00 A. IL and 200 P. - • , Leave Wait Chester 7. , MA,41. and 6 P. M. _ The Depot hi reached diroctixim the,4oheatont and Wal nut streetcars. Those of the ifadret street I.se with in one equate. - The earl! of both line' tonne 31With;d1W train upon 115 arrival ,•-, • , lOrTscsengehi are illoWeA:te lake ' Wearing aPPAreI, only as Bsiggate, widths Company will not,ln% any *a" be ruponsibie for not ec-wdOtc Wileat spa. cialcontract is m 'for theism& HENRY WOOD. GenersißiMerlionindell6. ' ' ' ' • = ' ' F,.x, TA. vt4ta4 - .) __,,. AW--llutnig ..-- AtirSmitents. giaoMonday, Apritl4ll4o,lll Trial leave: , '; ' from the Depbt of.the Weal Clie , I' , del ad , con ner of Thirty.fustand streets ( est Philada.), • at 7.15 A. M. and 1.50 P. __ Leave Rising dun. at 6 . 16" A. M.,' and Oxford at 0.00 A. M.., and leave Oxford at MP. 51. A Market Train with Passenger thir attached will run on Tueellare and Pridaileaving the Ris tr l o dun Attlee Ai M.,•Dxford_. et ti,es - endirenneit a L P.con necting at West Cheater emotion with a aloe Phila. delphia. (in, Wednesdays , and , Saturdays train leaves , Pluladelphlaahltal P. 51.. rune tbrough to Oxford. • The Train lciolatitl','hiladelr ai la at 1.1f1A.51: connects at Oxford with a daily lino of 8 es for Peach Bottom, in Laimaitter county. Returning, eaves Peach Bottom to connect At Oxford with the Afternoon Train for Phihidel- labia. . , The , Train leaving Philadelphia at 4.50 P.. M. runs to' hieing 131116 Md .Pacaengers allowed to take wearing' apparel only, as ' Baggage, i e, and the Company will not. n any case, be re sponsible for an amount exceed hz of ti p sa hundred dollar* , nlese a special contracLtk ri vide or e me, —ti satin ithieltar , 00 . Chmeral finest. - -- - 7 - . FAST' •t FEEIGET LINE, VIA NOR , PFIVAXL/VANIA' IrMAIMUGEii4r WEST JERSEY RAILROAD LINES. ff i =ti , 42 4 lHrl SPRING ARRANGEMENT. .\ CoMlDlencing llWednesday, April 14868. TRAINS WILL LEAVE' FROM FOOT OF MARKET' STREET WHARF (Upper Ferry) as foliose: For Bridgeton. Salem, and Intermediate stations. at 8.40 . A. M. and 3.30 P. M. - - FoiMiliville, Vineland and way stations, at 8.00 A. M.;- For ape ay at 3.15 P. IL ' For WoodhuryAacconsmodation); at 600 P., 31. ' • • Commutalten Checks. good between Philadelphia and all stations, stay be obtained on application at the Tree. surer's Offices,Camden, , N. J. r. = , 7•:• • • Freight Vain leaves,Camdeia daily at 12'seelock (noon), Freight will be received at second covered wharf below _ NV slant street, daily. fi o ni 7 A_, M. until P. M. Freight Deety 08 nth Delaware avenue. liy • W ;4., BEWELL4.BnOOI4O46at il t ilig I 1P144 " A N IFi l i C a l n9 P G =IraI " PA I , • AND ENTON RAILROAD, COM.. PANY'S MR24: fr om Ph il adelphia to Ness YOrit,; end way places, from Walnut "Meet wluuf. ' At 6A. M., ihs Camden and Amboy, Assent 's2 26 At BA. •Isi.via Camden and Jenny City Express Matt, 8 CO At aao P.M. via Camden and Jersey City Uri: 2 ' 42 r At 6P. 3L, via Camden andAmboy, t Ist c 926 ,' .. Aocorn. and Emigrant, ' ' _ f' aclassa ~ 180 At 6 A.I.L. and 2 P, M.ifor,Freehold. _.. ~b ' ! ''' ^` At 8 and 10 A. 31. 5 isrA 8•A P. M., for'Prenton. ~,,. s r i.' . 7 At 6,8 and 10 A. /4., le 5. Mid 6P. M., far sols4o. , At 6 *ad 10 A.' M, 10. RM, 4.30 and 6P. fer., for 0 18 , 41 1 t At a 8 an. /0 A...M. I, *Jim, goo, 6 and LUSO we ~ Darlington,. Beverly and Delanco. ~_ _,'` ' At 6 end Er A. Ms. 12, CM, 6 and 11 . 80 PI ilLifliiinf46- water, Weill Riverton and Palmyra._ - - " :pi, At Sand Au ".. 6 and 11.80 P. M. for mum Dela _ er fle 1511 - Thel., and' L P. 3L Lines wilt leave ire as Oat Or Mp r eket,4=l2l Air ferry. At fri. - =naTL., erugion and Jersey City. NeW. TOIL , Express Line. . for ..i.. .$803.' '' At 7.16 and u.ooTit,iii;atiii;ri'di Rm . . i tranainort Bristol And at 10.1 b .A. M. for Bristol u k, ) 2 , ..., At 7.45 and 11 A. M., 180 and 6P. M. for Morrimilis Mid' TnYtown. , ,t, At 7.48 and 10.15 ALM., 2.BoSind 5 P.M. for Schencligand Edffington. -,+ - ; At 7.45 arid 10.15 A. 11 ., 2.80,4, 6, and 6 P.M., for Corn{ a. : Torresdala jdolmesburg, Tacony,_Wissinomicallrides.' burg and Fran.kford. and BP. M. for Holmesburg and' intmmtdiate Stations. BELIWERE DELAWARE RAILROAD , ge4 from Kensingten Depot. At 7.45 ',A. M., for Niagara Falls, Ruffala Danidrit Eintre, Ithaca, Owego, Rochester, _Bilushamidmid=r), Syracuse, Great Bend M ontrose . Wilkesbarral Stroudsburg, Waterdap. Ac. . -., ‘.. • . At 545 N. Id. end 8.12) P. M. for Belvidere, PlassteSeisste- ,Plemington, ie. The 5.80 P. AL Line monsecte, b dhe el t. th the train ,leaving Easton for Mauche 2 o2 l 6 Allentorolt,'Betbiebein, Me: At 6P44. terLamisertvine and intermediate Stittolau .7 ' From Wa011P. 2 41 242 9 1 P/gra Depot, via ,tormenting 11.. , At y _. At RBOA. 2L, 7.80, 6.80 and 19 P. M. New York 1Z Line, via Jersey City .- - . ~ ...,.... . ..„ ......... - 55 , - . The 9.30 A. M.; mid 6.80 P. M. Lines inn oaill. All Sandal's excreted. At Rai A. M., L3O, 6.80 and 12 P. M. for Trenton. , At 8.30 A. 111,„_1180 and 19 P. Id. for ll ristoL At 12 P. M. (Night) for, Morrisville, Tullytown, Schenck', Eddingtee, Gornarells, Torrisdale. Holmeebrus, Teeter,' Wisalnorning. Bridesburst and Frankford. . _ . . For Lines leaving Kensington Depot, take the cans on Third or Fifth streets, at Chestnut, at half animas before departure. The Cars on Market 13treet Railway meal. rect to West Philadelphia Depot, Chestnut and Wsdnut within one squares , On S the Market Street Cue will run to' connect with theundays, 9.80 A. M and 6.80 P. M. lines.. • Fifty Pounds of Baggage only allowed each,. Pnesenget.' Passengers are prohibitedfrom taking anything, *a .144- gage but their wearing apparel.' All baggage over. nltlr , pounds to be paid for extra. The Company =lt theirre sponsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound,and wild: not be liable for any amount beyond $112), except by ape.' • cial connect. _ Tickets sold and Baggage checked direet through .thef Boston, Worcester, Sp old, Dartford, New. havens.. . Providence, Newport, Aly, Troy, Saratoga,. litical , . Rome, Syracuse, Rochester. Buffalo, Niagara Fa lls and Suspension Bridge. An additional Ticket Office is located at No.. . Chestnut street, where tickets to New York, and elle. portent points North and East, may be procured.,„ er.; eons purchasing Tickets at this Office, can have their agr gage checked from residences or hotel to destination. by Union Transfer Baggage Express. Lines from New York for Philsulelphis. will Martyr= • foot of Cortland street at 7A. M. and 1.00 and 4.00 .21.. • via Jerse anKensi ngto n`amden. A .M. vie, IMAY City and At 10.00 A. brand 18 M.. sad WM P. 3L. and 12 (night). via Jersey City:and Wad .Pitileetet; Prom Pier No. 1. N. River. at 5 P. M. Express 'mid 6P. M. Emigrant, via Amboy and Camden. ~ April 13,1860. ' WM. H. GATVER, Agent. CAMDEN AND MINLIj COUNTY RAI:LRCM:X-4M t r agc. . Monday._ February, 1.0t4. wsll leave trims the foot of Market street: (UMW' for Merehantrille. Moorestown, Hartford. 3la e. Heine/Tort, Mount Holly, Smithrille, Ewansville,lirhuseno town Birmingham and Pemberton. at 10.90 A.M.. a00i414,, 'X 1 2 . M. • Leave remrton, 7,94 8.25 A.M.. and 9.20 P.M. Mount Holly; 7.45, 1L47 A.M., 2.44 Mme. The US, 9.15 A.M.. and3.l2 P.M. • The LOO P.M: line will run through to Misttsterrnodtrp ping at all the Intermediate places. lLE C. BAILEE. Superlntendir 14E4OPPOSITION TO MONOPOLY-IM—, . gumption of tripe. The.steamer ,XLIZA lIANCOX, Captain L W. Berko. ' - lag been thoroughly overhanled and put In oorapletedre.. l : pair, will resume her route on the Delaware rteA tween Wilmington and Phlladelphia,_ touching, At In mediate landings, MONDAY. March SO, 18 , 68, c _at 'r• from wharf south.end of Market sheet bridge ‘WOrabliti ;a". ton, and from Arch street wharf, Phlladelp ronning,, , on the following time-table : Leave Wilmington 141 M., leave Wilmington at IP. M. leave PhlladelPhist ' A. M. leave Philadelphia/A 4P. M. .The prop:l4B,ot • this line, thankful for the patronage co liberally. stud upon them last season, have dote:mined to oider , th ,for. • lowing reduced rates of fare : From Wihntingtorf tb."- Philadelphia. Wi centa ; from Cheater and Doak to dolphin. 10 cents; from Philadelphia. to Wilmington, X cents; from Chester and hook to MlLmington,lo c,ennt; Itound trip tickets :0 cents. •J. W. IiANCOXA mhiS,tft • President New York and Troy. Steamboat Co, PROPOSALS. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC liIGIIWAYS..-43Fire S. W. CORNER. WALNUT AND FIFTII STRE .• , • Plll TAIELT.NITA, April ldth. -1 . NOTICE TO cosTuAuTons. •, • • SEALED PROPOSALS will ha received at the Ice of the Chief Commissioner of Highways until 1.2 o'd Ock - M., on MONDAY, 33th inst., for the construction i.of the •' following Sewers, with a clear inside diameter of two feet six inches, viz: On Twelfth street, from Poplar street to north line' of Baines etrect: On Commerce street from Sixth street, 198 feet weal- ward; On Master street from West-curb line of Sixteen! to • it Seventeenth street:' On'Apple street from Diamond street 153 feet north l ", ward. Also the following sowers of three feet inside diameter, viz.: tai Sixteenth street from Arch street to north line of Cherry street , on Twentieth street train Arch i etee'etito • the south line of Filbert street; on Woodstock cower now laid in said Woedstock street.; to fli t tZiVer - C ' Berk, street; With'stich inlets and manholintilabe directed by the Chief Engineer and Surveyor. et. standing to be that the Contractor 'shall pared against therwoperty fronting on sablesheity tlie amount of one dollar and twenty-five cents t i oe st OF foot of front on each side of the.street as, ern ' ifil tb v,, e ,l. paid ; the balance, as limited by. Ordinance; tohe by ithe street ie occupied by a C i ty Pass e t i e ty n road track, the sows reheat be constructed alongsidl s r Atil track in ouch mummer as not to obstruct or interf th' • the sate passage of the can thereon: and no fallacies. fig o muneration shall be paid the Contractor by e;oraoinr . • using Bald track, au specified in Act Cl Ameni Wintered 3lay Btb, 1866. All bidders are invited to be present at the tlni tl yrd ro Place of opening eald Proposals. f ach proposal, lge accompanied by a certificate that a bond beefier= the Law Department, as directed by.Ordinonce,af.„kfisy 25tb, IEBO. , If the lowest bidder shalt not extolled a' •' tract within five day* atter the workit nwar . lei) 43 41 1 be deemed as declizing,and will beheld Liable on for the di ff erence between his bid and the , tett( bid. Spcciiictone may , be hed-at thO,Delt,. , , 4., Surveys; whit ,'will be strictaldher_ed to ,' • ''" , ' • •.. ' MAMON , EL'DIMNEI74 I aPI6 80 • c Chief (14)runt , !Inapt:Mkt, DROPOSALS , FOR COAL.' I ASBIBTANT- QUARTERMASTER'S OFF/tWitia.. " GIRARB STRE.F.T. . i t ' • Pititxtreirutaaa.; April 10, • Sealed propooale' will be received at 'this eleven my o'clocktA.M., on.TUESDA Y. ' twenty+ for furriliMing the, Quartermaster"ajNealuest thousand Areas tone ' best quality isft to - flt Coal. of :auch dace and in such 'quantities air) tick; ordered fore period of one year front the Mitt &mkt • • Moat, with the privilege of increasing ' the amOuni9lo, • thousand tom should it be required. Bo much of coal as may be required for meta thip city, including.the U. S. Arsenals •at Brideeburgh and Gray's Ferry Road, to an amount not exeeedint itve ben. , • droll tons, must bo delivered at , such volute - In the city as may be ordered, without any additional expend° tee thd r ; IL S. Tim balance to be delivered onboard of at, ; this port fn good order and condition,free from sla e. dust and other Impurities. Propos& must be made out in duplicate ork forme, which can be obtained at this olhce. . • Any additional information desired by-person witifiltit• to bid will be furnished on application to time undmitlooo6id - F.Ji_ClttLl4 li f:jNii: Bvt..Colonel and A. 1 4.• Al, ' wolgtollik 000.1. AND WOODS . • REUBEN HAAB. A. C. raTIER.4 .- - 11V,t.Faipress4 ) , AND AL D JEIPTEASOH E. ' '''XH , '' l Kecpon . hand' s. constant supply' 'of.'_ LAER.HSr4t ., gaiulaxaLLGOALs. front the beet. Minos, for , r aotory.' and Steam Purposes. ' ' -, ii 'NO.:. PRECRM_CELERRATED CENTRALIA.,_2 ' -'e,f , '&' , .'' ,,, F1 , 4 1 'd HONEY BROQK LEHIGH AND ~. , 0 , or iti tre .a : , OTHER b' bro :OLAAELROA4 WEIGHT MiD I 1104TE,G & C ' 44 "" m " ., ' ",. n:,', , fic'', , , , ,‘, ..; . UM T STR2I=4" - '. - P tdothißßY dr 8011,
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