itSViALLETIN. CLIA.P.ORD Wrar RODlMitY.—Coorge Miller, alias Monk MIller„ wee arrested last night by . _ Policeman MOuille,of the Fifth District, upon the chino of having been concerned in the attempt to 'rob the tailor store of S.C. iVezey, on South Tenth atte4 a few nights ago. He will Lave a barigai the Central Station this after noon Bienrrtlable wasbeld in sBollball yesterday by Aider Man Tolandi to answer the charge of 'havtagstolear a bresat-pin and a small amount of IriOneYlPl"gloiS It woman residing on Beach street: This morning Aldermen McCloskey had before him Virginia Magee, charged with robbery. She reekleii at Eighth Street and Passynnk road. Yes terday an agent of an ice company went to the house to collect a ' bill. Ire had two men with him. After being in th e house a short time two of the went out. A blanket was then thrown over the head of the remaining one and he was robbed of 028 61 Virginia, it la alleged, partici pated in the robbery and locked the door to pre vent an alarm from being raised. She was com mitted for a further hearing. Art EXACi'inqUa4ol.—The following telegraphic despatch is novr going the rounds of the news pa rs throughout the country: PPrrit.sosuenra, April 1.3.—A. street fight oc curred hese to•day-betweftXlval fire companteo, *eau which ,bne man was'.'killed and several 'mum - 4W., T 5, ringleader won arrested." IbW . ptibit ,rerd' to . a squabble which oc curred on 8 ay'aftinkoOhe at Sixth and Queen ti atreeis, between some bol who had indulged too freelyinnogg. The , affairs of fire companies P sotmg to !lei with AC disturbaUce., No body was Wick , rind 'only one person was , la juredi and he:was dlibuy-hutt by a flying brick. itscb exeCtiteif despatches are calculated to injure the fame of our city abroad,and should Pot*, Sent. Br4eire Ziosprzox.- - -Altenvian Heins had I=o,,bla yesterday Michael McKinney, 0 ,11th.. assault a rgil battery on Michael w/* intent to kilL Idtbless,_it seems, esarri t t li sta Oder of Mali, Mrs. - Morgan has men , glue to reside with Or parents, on (ter manta road - above ,0 ord street. Morgan went to the house 01 Saturday „night to see his wife, Add wee attacked by BMW of her relatives. A fight earned, aid Morgan Was cut upon the, head with a hatchet in the hands of Michael Mc- Kinney. He received quite a severe wound. A warrant for the arrest of the assailant was oh tabled, and he was taken into chstody. yesterday. The accused was held 1L51,500 bail. Mrs. Mor gan has entered snit against her husband for desertion. Ho has been held in $BOO bail. NICOLSON PAVEMENT ON (TWELFTH STREET.- The following petition, to be, presented to City Councils, is now receiving n u merous signatures : "The undersigned citizens of PhiladelPhia re spectfully represent that Twelfth street being the only one between the Delaware and Broad street unobstructed by rails, and therefore the only one convenient and agjegable for ordinary driving, beg your honorable bodies to cause it to be im proved' by the sabstitation of the Nicolson or other approved paving for the present cobble stonm---the latter not meeting the reasonable de tneuds of the public. 44 APRIL 181 h, 1868." INPORTANT SALE OF MANTEL AND PIER MIR- Roat3.—B. Scott, Jr., will offer for sale to-morrow (Thatt3day) morning, at the Art Gallery, 1020 Chestnut street, at 10K o'clock r one of the best aseortmenta,of mantel and pier:mirrors ever be fore', displayed for - public competition in this country. They are all from the establishment of Mr. G. Pam, w ho .. has been compelled to make the sale"on account of ball4lng his new store , and making other extensive alterations. They are all splendidly framed - in the newest styles and best workmanlike Manner. Now open for inspeation. • &new CoNnucT. Yeaterday afternoon • number of boys engaged in' a stone. fight at Twenty-second and Race streets. The police interfered, and captured some of the juveniles. The officers were Interfered with and three priso ners were rescued. Officer Duncan was knocked down, beaten and kicked, and was so badly la tticed that he is not able to be on duty. John Patterson, alleged to have been one of the princi hal assailants, was arrested. This morning he ad a hearing before Alderman Jones, and was held in $2,000 bail for a further hearing. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA.-OUT readers will find in another column an interest ing account of the last monthly meeting of this important Society. Oar accomplished towns man, John William Wallace, Esq., will prove a worthy successor to the honored and eminent men who formerly presided over that institution. The Society, we are glad to learn, is in a flourish ing condition. Our citizens who have a taste for curious relics will find many rare and valuable things in the Historical rooms. 'Ronan THIEF. The horse and wagon belong. fug to Dr. Penrose were stolen from the front of a house at Twenty-second and Spruce streets yesterday afternoon. Subsequently the team was . recovered at Twenty-second and Pine streets, by the Fifth District pollee. The horse bore evidence of having been driven very hard. A notorious character named Hugh Magary was in the wagon at the time, and he was arrested. This morning he was taken before Ald. Patchel, and was held in $1,500 ball. ASSAULTS]) HER FATHISS-117-LAW.—Alice Mul len was before Altera:um Heine this morning upon the charge of assault and battery. It is alleged that she went to the house of her father-In-law in Rainbow street, abOve Otis, and .assaulted him with a club. She then hurled at &is beads huge atone, but fortunately the missile cuhuitsi ite mark. As she wee leaving the prem ise& ehe• threatened to tits old man. She was sbeld , in ti*Oo bail to answer. , Busprcton Rommar.---John Caldwell, Alex. 4mder Ross and. Alfred. Lilly wero arrested this onorniug, and taken before Alderman 'Somali, on , suspicion of robbery, Theoecupant of a house an Laden's court Went out , to assist in extinguish ing a Ere In an adjoining house; when he returned be found the defendants in his house. After they left he discovered that $350, which had been concealed under a bed, had been stolen. The pri ooners were held for a further hearing. Ma. Puir.mrs's Nww &max.—Samuel R. Phillips, Eaq., the veteran and successful saddler of Philadelphia, will open his new and elegant ,store. No. 1220 Chestnut street, to-morrow. Mr. !Phillips has spared no expense to make his new .establishment all it should be,and with the genial hospitality for which ho Is distinguished, he In vites his friends and patrons to give him a call on the occasion of his opening. LARCENT.—John Williams had a hearing before Alderman Toland last evening upon the charge of the larceny of a roll of flannel from Bley's store at Second and Willow streets.• He was ar rested at New Market and Callowhill streets with the stolen goods in his possession. He was held in $1;1100 bail for trial. Presidio - Pocitscrs.—John Logne was arrested yesterday in the vicinity of Twenty-third and Bi m e6Btreeta, while in the act of picking the poeket• of Joseph Lightfoot. A police officer observed Logue with 'his hand in the pocket of Mr. Liightfoot. Lope -Was taken before Ald. Jones ai►d WAS col:grated to prison. ROls/lER,T. -- The establishment of Michael Lucas, No. 402 Wood street, was, entered last evening between six and seven o'clock, and was robbed of 400 squirrel skins, five coon muffs, two mink skins, a lot of wearing apparel, and a gold watch andckain. STEALING LUMEEE.--John Campbell, John Robinson and George Gartland have been held for a further hearing by Aldermaaltlata on' the cherge'of the larceny of lumber treat the house of 4 1 0 14 0. Joats, at Forty-drat and Ilaverford street,. Fr= DaaO..—Thomas Gilbert; employed as Os* lathe establishment of Nes& & " Lety, at Beach attliTalutor streets, fell dead in the street this morptug o while on the way to Ids place ~ o f At*pAsta miry* 4y, Talt , , GovEnrioa.—mr, ()has, dt. goffiliqukibmg, atiliOlnted Notary Public by , t he Octysmor, This unsolicited honor does credit to a young and rising member of the rbilodelphia Bar. Fir:E.—The alarm Of fire about 1 oietock this morning war - caused by the burning-of a , lot of rage in a house In Laden'a court, Bedford etrtet, between Seventh and Itightli. DA.NI*IIIII DWELLING FOR BALE.—Mtentl.oll directed to an `advertisement of a fine dwelling, No. 1405 NOrth'Fifteenth street, Mita!, offered for sale upon reasonable terms. CITY NOTICES. AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCHEE,—.The, Best. The Cheapest. Recommended by Railway Conduc tors, engineers and expressman. the most exacting class of watch-wearers, as superior to all others for strength, steadiness, accuracy and durability. ," ' Unscrupulous dealers occasionally sell a worth less Swiss imitation. To prevent imposition, buyers should always demand a certificate of gennineness. For sale by all respectable dealers. Tn reason why' Mnatum's 1181111 Brrinas cures so many different diseases,lo became it is the bast remedy for a deranged stomach, or Dyspepsia, now known, and because it invigorates the entire system, strengthens the nervous fibres, elevates the standard of all the vital forces, and sustains a most healthful tone of the entire human organism. Medicine that will do this, will cure any disease, for the simple rea son, that nature will do the rest. We guarantee, that no woman or child, however pale and emaciated, can use these Bitters regulemy for twenty-one days, without the return of the rosy cheeks and fair cbrapletion characterietic of good health. Sold , brill Druggists and Dealers. Dr. S. E. liarrmaar & Co., Proprietors, Lancaster, Pa., and 04101404111inoie. • FINE BOOTS , AND GAITERS AT LOW enreaS.— Gentlemen who sonsalt corafort, • econotny, elegance and good taste ehotild call on Cnae. Riche!, the accom plished cordwainer, No. 604 North Eighth street,above unttonwood. Be brut an immense stock of Boots and. Nimes of &I the prevailing styles, At very low prices. Youth& Boots and Gaiters on hand and made to order. $25,00Q 4wAnn.—The above reward is offered for the detedlon of "Spring," the counterfeiter. Ile made an attempt about two weeks ago to palm off upon the: confiding public a few pleasant and sunny days, as an earnest of the coming spring weather; but the return,of a snow storm last Sunday shows that there Was no truth in his pretensions. We adit3e our readers not to be caught in this manner, , but always to have their spring overcoats about them. Those without these necessary articles are informed that a tine assortment, at low 'prices, can be bad at Charles Stokes & Co.'s Clothing House, under the Continental. GREAT Bargains in Lace Curtains, at PATTEN'S, 1408 Chestnut street, GREAT Bargains in. Lace Curtains, at PATTEN'S, 1408 Che,stnut street. GREAT 'Bargains in Lace Curtainsat ' PATTEN'S. 1408 Chestnut street. GREAT Bargains in Lace Curtains, at - PATTEN'S, • • • 1408 Chestnut street. CRAG. ()AFFORD & Boris' Have now opened a large stock of Ladles', idiesea' and Children's Hats and Caps. Stores, 834 and 838 Chestnat street. SURGICAL .INSTRUIRENTSSIId drag lB ' snndries Smowtong & Karam, 23 South Eighth street. PAINFOL.—There are few operations more pain ful than cutting teeth. A little of Bower's Infant Cor dial rubbed upon the gam of teething infants is a great soother. OILAS. OAKFORD & So:4B' Have now opened a lirge stock of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Hats and Caps. Store, 834 and 836 Chestnut street. Wigan, waiting for a cough "to go as it came," you are often sowing the seeds of Consumption. Bet ter try at once Jayne's Expectorant, a sure cure for all Coughs and Colds. Sold everywhere. GAY'S ClitsA PALACE, No. 1022 Chestnut street.--Selling off the entire stock at less than im porting coat. The assortment consists of Bohemian, French and American Cut Glassware,White French and Deco rated China, Stone China, And the most complete stock of Fancy Goods, in cluding Perim Marble and Bronze Statuary, Gilt Mounted Ornaments and Lava Ware ever imported to this city. White French China Cups and Saucers, per set, 12 pieces. .. . $1 25 White French Ylaies:93.S ir . C.,per al. 200 Do. do. do Breakfast d0.,8% " " 190 Do. do. do.,Tea d0.,71( " 180 Cut Glass Goblets, er dozen... .............. 225 Da do. Champagnes, per dozen. Ivs Do. do. Wines, per d0zen.................... 125 Do. do. Tumblers, per dozen... ..... 1 25 And all other goods at equally low Prices. GROVKR & BAKER'S Highest Premium Sewing ettachines, 730 Chestnut street. BrEctenry.—All thosegents deeiringelegant fitting pantaloons will find them at C. C. Dlttnch.t Co., ecrntinental Hotel, Ninth street. as this branch of Tailoring is made a specialty, and really warrants an invitation. Always aline stock of goods on hand. Bownit's SENNA FIGS, FOR CoNsTirATiox— fifty cents. Depot Sixth and Vine. nomatcz SEWING 31Aokirts. Florence Sewing Machine. Florence Sewing Machine. Office, 1128 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. CIIAS. OANFORD & BONS' Nave now opened a large stock of Ladies', Mims' and Children's Hate and Caps: Store, SU and 936 Chestnut street. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH. J. Isaacs, M. D. Professor of the Eye and Ear. treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most re liable sources in the city can be seen at hie office, No. 605 Arch street. The medical ftictilty are invited to accompany their patients, ss he haS no secrets in his practice. Artificial eyes ; inserted. Zio charge made for examination. APIUSEMENI49• gketh Faro for dattional Am OTICE.-- THE PALATIAL BILLIARD SALOON The proprietors take pleasure to inform their patrons and the public that they have remodeled and reacted their Beautiful Saloon with all new tables of the second size, with all the latest improvements, and are now open and ready to receive the calla of their friends and the public. With many thanks for their most liberal patron. age, they ask a continuance of the same. The grand opening will take place on THURSDAY even. in ,April 16th,wben will be presented to the public a host of billiard talent rarely seen together. The following pro. feosional gentlemen will be present Dudley Kavanagh, Melvin Foster, 'lsadore Garand. Victor Esteplie, R. T. It.. H. W. Hughes, G. H. dchrack, J. l'ohner, E. IL A elms, end ethers. apls-2tt WO RENT. • STORE TO RENT, No. &in Ardli gtroet. WITH IMMEDIATE: POSSESSION. Fixturee, including Piro Proof, (Amu& .te., for sale, or to let with the premises. Apply to Tllos. S. WOOD, No. 18 South THIRD street, second floor. daily. Wore :Di.o'elock. P. , epl4 litre TO RENT.'-z.fIERMANTOWN A COUNTRY Seat on Limekiln Road and 'Jaime street; large grounds, containing fruit. vegetable garden, ahrub. berg; the use of icehouse; twelve rOOl.llll, two pantry rooms; etable; has two rooms for servants. bathroom, hot and cold water; all the tioors matted and partly fur. Welled; twenty minutes to tiermantown depot. Rent, WO a month. Apply to GEO. N. WATSON, 2tel South sixth street. Tenant to take the gardener. a 134 t• FOR SALE• FOR SALE. Dwelling, No. 1405 N Fifteenth Street. Built in superior manner for present owner. Winter and Summer Kitchens, Library, Conservatory, two Bath. Booms, Cedar Closet, and all modem conveniences. Lot 40feet by 166 feet. opening on Carlisle street. Garden handsomely laid out and furnished with rare and expos. aloe plants. Call between 10 A. M. and 4P. M. Price, 022,000. , apl6 arpl, 5.000 GOLD FISH FOR BALE CHEAP AT EAST wick Skating Park, Gray's ferry. min; STOCK. FIXTURES AND ,000DWIL,I, 0F A. 11 wellestahlbshed retail Hardware store. for sale. The stock in well selected, and in first-rate order. The fix tures very complete. Address HARDWARE, Dos 'S€4B. a .16.6 t. Philadelphia P. 0. AOR SALE.—TO mgRgfILANTO, STOREKEEPERS. Hotels and deeleril—We Oases ChtUnPagne and Oral Cider. Ste bbla. Champagne and Crab Cider. P. J. JORDAN. c,220 Pese st reet. nANNED FRUIT A VEGETAALES, ato,—;,ooo OASES ‘4IF trash Canned Peaches; 600 eases fresh Leaned flue Apples; 200 oases fresh Pine Apples, in glace 1.000 dazes Green Own and Green Peas; NO caws fresh Plume in - cans; 200 eases fresh Green Gages; 600 eases Cherries. in syrup; 6to eases Blackberriesan iurup; 600 cases Straw berries, In syrup; 600 •eases fresh Pears. in syrup; ittooo osaes Canned Tomatoes; 600 Cages Oysters. Lobsters mid - arms: 600 eases }toast Beef, Mutton. Veal. Songs, &O. per safe by JOSEPH B. BUSSIER & (.100 1118 Bomb Gels. WM IMMO. . r•- -----. 'GRENOBLE WALNUTS—a BALES NEW Eloitehell Grenoble !miffing. and f n male by JOS. B. BUDS= 4 c0.G0., 108 South - Delaware liven% TILE DAILY :itYICNING 1313/IATIN,--NIILADELP/LIA, *EDNEEIDAY f -AP 'IL 15 1868. cAlsrvA-stgEnSii AGENTS wanted in everY town to canvass for Margball's great line engraved portrait of GENERAL GRANT. This is the only authentic and satisfactory por trait of the Commander ,Of our Armies yet ()located. • • ' It is commended in the strongest manner as a faithttd likeness and as a work of art by Senator Sumner,Mr. Washburne, General ilovrard, Senator Trumbull and many'others every , way competent to speak with autherlt on these points; and Mrs. Grant has sent Mr. M arshall the following letter : • , • ,- WASHINGTON, Feb. 25, 1968. Mn. W. E. Marterratt•—Dear Sir: lam de lighted with your splendid engraving of my hus band. I cannot say too much in its praise. As a likeness I do not think it-could be better, and I shall always 'prize your elegant gift. Yours, truly, duLIA D. GRANT. This engraving will be• sold only _ b subscrip tion, and good canvassers are Wanted to engage in its sale. _For terms, Address, For tho Now England States, TICKNOR & FIELDS. Boston. For the Middle and Southern States, Ohio and Michigan, TICKNOR . & FIELDS, al6 w a2trpp Bleecker street,, New York. The Protestant,Episcopal Bo* Society , 1224,Eitesu4at. strete6 In anticlionfon, Qf their removal to Snow the robuiid isoo. and enlargement of their 19Yore: O'er ' their whole stock at reduces vriam. * • _ L It comprises a' cbmplete asso_rlmertt Of PRAYER. BOON 0, 75 different styles of binding and !ices, tam the zointabire edition for the vest pocket to the QUA* for the reading desk—both English and. American editions. BMUS, THEOLOGICAL AND DEVOTIONAL BOOR ' BIIPDATACIIOOIi LIDItAIIY BOOKS: Of the latter, perhaps the largest and moat complete assortment to be fond in the city. PICTURE REWARD CARDS IND TICKET". Scripture Texts and Book Markers The Photograph of the Bishops of the Pan- Anglican Connell. ' Also 800,000 TRACTS. published originally for the 11. S. Christian Commission, which will be sold at onesixth their original coat, viz.: at $1 50per IMO without and 62 60 with covers. Samples furnished on application. 124 Chestnut Street. =hm 12frol FINE TEAS. Just received, an invoice of the finest quality CI-lULAN TEA. For sale at ONE DOLLAR per pound. SIMON COLTON & CLARKE, Importers of en d-Dealem in Fine Family Groceries. Fine Wines, Brandies. Cordials and Cigars. S. W. oor. Broad and Walnut Sta. f m REDUCED. FRENCH PEAS AND MUSHROOMS, 45; Extra White Heath Peaches, 26; Fresh Green Tomatoes for Pies, 15 cts., at A. J. DxOABLENB. 107 'South Second street. NEW YORK PLUMS AND SPROLESS CHERRIES, 60 ctn.; North Carolina Pared Poaches. 25 Ms.; . bright =- pared halves, lb Ms., at A. J. DECAMPS. 107 South Second street. WINSLOW'S GREEN CORN and very ouperior Fresh Tomatoes, for ege by the case or can,at J. DECAMP'S, 107 South Second street. YARMOUTH BLOATERS, timoked,Bpiced and Pickled Salmon and Boneless Mackerel, in kits, at A. J. D. CAMP& 107 South Second street D rehl AVlEPti 4.llmrpo DIAMOND BRAND HAMS always on hand. REMOVAL. KERR'S CHINA HALL. Chlzens and Strangers are Invited to Visit Vs AT OUR NEW STORE, 118 Chestnut Street. THE STOCK, OF CHINA, GLASS, AND STONEWARE, ARTICLES OP VERTU', Eto., WILL DE FOUND The Largest and . Most Comprehensive Ever exhibited on tills Side of the Atlantic. It t was se. cured direct from the manufacturers. Buyers from us, therefore, obtain the smallest lota at wholesale PriCkM. JAMES K. KERR & BRO. ap7 lmrpt LAW DEPARTMENT, 212 SOUTH PIETH STREET. Pumanammia. April 14,1888. SEALED PROPOSALS wilt be received' as hereinafter set torch, for the printing and binding..bc., of a new City Digestais provided for by the First section of the following ordinance, approved twouty.seventh day of March, DIM:. An ordinance to authorize the publication of a new City Digest, nod to make an appropriation therefor. idgerion 1, fl'he &lect and CommonConncire of the MN , of Philadelphia do ordain, That the City Solicitor oe and ho is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for sealed proposals for the printing and binding of the new City Digest, from the manuscript now inpreparation by and under the direction of said t Solicitor, including a full index to be prepared for the same. The book to tie' printed in a good workmanlike manner upon fine paper, to he bonne in full sheep, with double titles, in law book style, sadto be furnished to the city of Philadelphia. at and for the sum or price for each copy contracted for three hundred copies thereof within three months after the delivery to said contractor or contractors, printer or printers, of the last copy for said Digest upon orders for tiro mine from the 'City Solicitor for at least that number 9f copies, at the rate or price contracted for by said sealed proposals and he or th ey shall as ree to furnish such additional copies as the city of Philadelphia may ft cm time to time requite within nveyears next after the completion thereof by said 'contract^r or contractors to whom the said contract shall be awarded, and upon the same terms and for the same price as above accepted upon the contract awarded:by the City Solicitor under the provisions of this ordinance; and the said contractor or contractors shaflhave the exclusive privilege (so far as the city of Philadelphia is entitled. to vest such privilege in him) et printing such other copies for sale as b e or they may desire. The manuscript can be made s u b je ctffi from 10 A, M. to BP. Hide must be to the right of the city to • add to the manuscript' as now .preparad new matter to the extent of notexceeding fifty printed Pages. The bids must be presented to the chairman of the Committee on Law at their fleeting at this office. on TUESDAY. April 21.1&i6 at 4 P. M. No bid Will be received 'initiate accompanied by a Omit. licate that a bond has been tiled in this department as recttd by the ordinance of May Sit, WO. Contractors must give security for the faithful perform. epee of the contract. . '811164 1N THE DrOT 4 MORT_OFTIIIAAINITED STATEN FOKTEI EASTEII EIdTRIDT OF PENNI6IMILik. NIA.-In ankruptny—ln the nutter of EDWARD Romon.d i p, ban k rupt. To whom it way cancer= The uude od hereby gives notice 'of his appoin t ... molt ea gr 00 of the estate of EDWARD RONERTS., JR., of Philadelphia , in the county of Philadelphia atm Stale 4 Pennsylvania, in maid district, who has <Weft adjudi. 4aAosnkfuptupoli his own petition. loot° A at Philadelphia, the 6th day of April, A. I). INifk, • JOHN d. PoWELL, Ammo, apls. w. 3 : 8: Fourth attest. 7 .1549 z.,74pANO. ADOP/OtaLEE, d 'l5 ruse streets. PaS7Pue Seliare baloW gi ct iu3ga. 000 to lean fri e qe or small amounts. s ) dlamon& e ver.plate. watch °wary, ans p opoa, value. hours from 8 A. to 7 P. M. - Mob. limbed for the last forty years, :Advances in large amounts at the lowest Market rates. iaßarP NEW GROCERIES. Liquous, KEDIOVA.L. PROPOSALS. zmuurl. wAreirug% •azMwaT t *o. BUTLER, &CARTY' &,;tll, 181 North Second Street, WHOLES&LE mamma* Jli American, National, Howard and Tremont WATCHES , . mialf m w Slmrot BAILEY & CO6 9 819 CHESTNUT STREET, OFFER FOB BALE AT LOW. PRICES 4 LARGE ANORTMENT Or FINE PLATEIj WAILESI ENGLISH AND AMERICAN. feSvr m rptr J. P. Clark. ( . 8 1 Sani'l Biddle. AMERICAN WATCHES, • ENGLISH WATCHES, SWISS WATCHES, FROM ALL THE LEADING MASERS. 18K. LEO/TWINE CHAINS. 18K. CHATELAIN CHAINS. 18K. VEST CHAINS. 18K. GIYARD . CHAINS. 7jsau.p ,Q hestnut Street. 71 MILLINERY GOOD& WOOD & CARY, BONNET OPENING Thursday, April 2, 1868, No. 725 Chestnut Street, PUILLADELPHIAs Asa tfrp Laiies Making their Bonds CAN TINE ALL THE MATERIALS AT GEORGE W. MILES'S, 911 Chestnut Street (North Side), Straw Bonnets and Trimmings, French FloWers, Ribbons, Laces, Frosted and Plain modules, With narrow LACES, in Colors to match. French mid New York Bonnet Framer, Liberal db3count a bdan a e r ni: " MILES, • 911 Chestnut Street. apaintro I 26 CHESTNUT STRF.N TEET. WE OFHIS DAY. 60 pieces of Colored Matinee, every desirable shade. 80 pieces of Frosted and Diamond Illwdon n all colors. 10 pieces Colored Spotted Nets. with Edgings and Laces to 'match. All the latest novelties in HATS, BONNETS AND INFANTS' HATS. In the finest Braids, White, Drab, Brown and Black. Bonnet Ribbons, Trimming Ribbone.Sash Ribbons,liatin and Moire Ribbons, Silks. Crape", Velvets, in the newest tints, Metternich. Sultana, dte. Linen Black Satins, all ehades. Artificial Flowers, e choi styles. COLORED VELVc e E st T RIBBONS. The celebrated BROWN BRAND. The best assortmenW H OLES lors ande city. Our prices at LE RETAIL We guarantee to be as low as those of any house in the trade. GIVE US A CALL. " WE - IL ROSENHEIM. apl.lm,rp§ No. 726 Chestnut street. AUCTION SALES. JAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONRER. iu. 4x3 ,WALNUT, street. REAL ESTATE SALE, APRIL 22. This Pale, on WEI/NESDAY, at 12 o'clock. noon, at the Exchange, will include the followlug— STOCKS, &.c. ®Share North America Insurance Co. -- No. 10 FEWER LANE, 8 WARD.—A fourstory brick manufactori. witb engine and boiler, lot 2 by 81 feet. Subject to 104 ground rent per annum. Orphan', Court Sale— Rita • of John Gadaby, dee'd. 06 ST. JOHN ST.—A two-story frame hope with back buildings,_ lot 23 by 100 feet to Rose alley. Orphans' court Bak—Estate qf Gottleib B`chwebbeft. etted• NINTH and. WASHlNGTON.—Theee•story brick store and dwelling. at tbo' N. W. corner, lot 18by,4+1 feet. Clear. Orphans' (bust Saie--Estate of '. it. Amos. arg i d. 1508 CHESTNUT ST.—.A desitable four-story brick residence and stab. Portico Row. lot 19 4.5 by_l42.}o feet. Clear. Orph tau? , C o urt Bak—Mato re E. W. Palmer, deed. LOT. 25TH WARa.on the east side of N. st., near But. ler at, 20 by.-10fee. TR ~Name Estate. No. 4 WOO LAWN , IthACE.—A three-story brick residente, wit back buildings and side yard, lot 811 by 185 feet 'ls as all tholuodern oonveniencem. 2.44. I=3 RANDOLPH ST.—A neat three-story brick dwelling with back buildings lot le by 5.3,3•5 feet. 48100 grount rent per annum, Pale Peremtory. 2022 ELLSWOII.I ST.—A nea t three-story brick dwelliug, above 20th et., lot 1.3 by 65feet Sib &nand rent per annum. • ' • No. 619 PENN ST.—A three etory brick dwelling with basement lot 41ki feet. Clear. Sale absolute. 8160 PER. AN iv Cll.—A ground rent of $l5O per annum. out of a lot No. 961 Lawrence et, 80 by• 90feet. .Executors' Absolute Sale—Estate of Daniel Jekras, deed TENTH ST.— Two bulidiug lots, below Wharton et., each 18 by 105 feet. Executor's Bak—Plate. of Wen. D. Lentz. deed. No.. 838 WHARTON ST.—A. neat three story brick dwelling, with back buildings. lot 15,4 by 80 feet. Subject to ground Mat.. &as absolute. GERMAN row N.— Six two-story eons houses, at the corner' of Morton and Ployd ate., lot 90,35 i by 73 feet, Assionees Absolute Hale. Ob..IIBIANTOWN.—Two threestory stone houses, 13baelfer, xi., near Center st.. lot 84 by 120 feet. Aesianesos Absolute Salo. . AT PRIVATE SALE. BURLINGTON,—A Eandsomo 31ansion, on INfoln et, lot 68 b 11.00 lito/MOlllO. PRIVATE BOARD WANTED.—A !SMALL FAMILY (Ito infant> &air° to obtain two or three rooms and beard. ,with quiet * refined , people. In Germantown or eloewhere convtdMent , to the city; bummer— and winter. • Address' B. C." .14 . 4 BULLETIN Qflico. v.NO=rIVMEUS , Gffinlq3. ' WN ytnmow Akr... 84 N. ATTWOOD SPN, • Hove removed from No. 44 Norah Xle'verkth Shia to No. 1918Rut1„Ek, street • , : • corner. of Jaco Le, 'oo th aide. rat= 2 1 1 4 3 .0 AME BEVAN% STaAMPAaIt hoer' deg* win .OM., st• nU 0 goody:lsos n unloanized lry genii% da. • , efeue. 41444,4114 5 1o0AfAthrer'a tadourtera. :**4 W U P lt r a 818 Chestnut stree t % 4i, B.—We have now on baud alone lot of It i t l itiente i n% Ladies' and Miss& Qum Boota. Also. every varlet, and style of Own Overcoats. 11EINBOLD'S 81;1011U ~,~f THE ONLY KNOWN inkr i xtey , DIABETES' Imitation of the Neolc of the Bladder, Inflamniation of. the Kidneys.' Catarrh of the Madder, Strangury or Painful Urinating: For these &sews It truly a krreitsitit 14111‘17. too lunch eannotbeista in its praboo., A idnalle dam ha been known tp Infirm the most tukentritmplane. Are you troubled sib Oat dietreatlactaia fa ttte magi of the back sad through the 14yef Spfufpoonfol w Ow; ef Ifelmbold's Bachu will telecom. P ammo AND OTNERO runAilm BrOTICIL I make in° secret of hntredieetai Belmbolors Ettese Buciin is composed of Bustin. Onbebs and Juniper Ber rtes, Selected with peat sere, prepared in vacua and cording to rules of PHARMACY AND CHEMISTRY, These Ingredients are known of the most vat Diuretics afforded. A DIURETIC Is that which acts upon the kidus7ll; RELMEOLVS EXTRACT BUM ACTS GENTLY. • Ie plaassot fn taste and odor, free from all injurious pro parties, and Immediate in its action. FOR THE SATIMPACTION Or ALL, Bee Medical Properties contained In Dispensatory of the United States, of which the following is a correct copy: "BUCIIII—Ite odor is strong. diffusive and , some what sromatie: its taste bitterish And 'analogous to that of mint. It is given chiefly in complaints of the Urines Organs, such as Gravel. Chronic Catarrh of the Madder morbid irritation of the Bladdei and Meths. diseases of the Prostate, .and Retention or the Ineenthience Urine. from a idea of tone in the pitts concerned in its evacuation. It has also been recommended in Disposals Chronic itheulnatlaN Odium's Affections NA MOM: • : : rt . . 1 I jr . L 11 . • • • see rrofesaor Deweee's valuable works on the Prsetiesof Physic. • Bee remarks made by .the celebrated Dr. Physic, of Philadelphia. Bee any and all Standard Works on Medicine. [Dr. Korean is a physidan of over thirty years , expo rienge, and a graduate of the Jaen= Medical Caeca and of the University of Medicine sad Surgery of Phila. delphis.) Ms. H. T. limarsorm : Dear Sir:—ln regard to the queetlen asked me sa to my opinion about Buono. I would say that I have mod and sold the article in various forms for the past thirty years I do not think there la any ((Mn or preparation of ft I have not used or known to be need, in the various diseases where such medicate agent would be indicated. You are aware, sa well as myself, that it has been extensively employed in the various diseases of the bled. der and kidneys, and the reputation It has acquired. in my Judgment, le warranted by tke facts. I have seen and used, u before stated. eery form of Buenr—the powdered leaves, the simple deeoetion, tine tare fluid extracts; and I stn not cognizant of any preps• ration of that plant at all equid to yours. Eighteen yeasse experience ought. Ithink. to five me the right to judge of its merits, and without prejudice, ar amtialitra (Ave yours precedenCe over all *then. I I value your Blau for its . effects on patients. I have cured with it, and seen cured • with , it, more diseassee of the bladder and kidneys than 'I have error seen cured with any other Burka, of ers"' otker annstleta =MMus! of whatever name. Respectfully Yount duf.. GEO. ff. ICRYOBR. 'IR. D.. . 140 Wood greet. Illtatsburab. PIN August 11,18. Ask for Helmbold's Fluid Extraof BUohu. The Proprietor hes been induced to make this state meet from tbe feet that Ihs rettuailes. allhous/iiktr GEM M PIOPMUTPNBI spa ing knowing tAtat the intelligent rettettt,frons netnitimp. th 11131.0ininff tO QtarierN or the Patent Zietthshie order — moet of rh l Ofierto PrePered*Mdc 4l o lo4 410 9 Mrs who are too ignortust to read & physician`, atinelest pro scription, much less noispettnit to prePrie riekroManAtko prelnuatiolus. THESE PARTIES RESORT to various means of effecting sides. on& as eopyingt ;also of advertisements of popular remedies and finhddnit with certiiictit,es. The Octane° of Medicine stands SIMPLY,. F URS AND MAJESTIC. having fact for Its bails, Induction for it pillar, truth alone fol eta capita/. A WORD OF CAUTION. Health s most Important; and the afflicted should no. use an advertised' medicine, or any* remedy. unless its contente or ingredients are known to 'others besides the manufacturer, or until they are iatiefied of quango* tione of the Patti SO 4WD& aminouva IeantiIMa,DII#AIUITIONs. FLUID EXTRACT DIND4I. FLUID EXTRACT OADSAPARI:LLA. , ANDIMPROVED 11011DWA9lii. etabliotted upworda of 18 years. ' - Prepared toy IL T. 11311.:!CLp 11111.1012PALDIC0614 ' • itE12.11301.1:08 DMIO , : iginf'utaggqo NVOi: 16941BROADWAYs New,York. BFPRPowilsodmo*T4 were 105 1401.1 th Bisset. Philadelphia, P 6, Price el 25 per bottle. or tibor dA 50. Sold by an Drusibbh MIME r. u. Taro. r. wirc•riularix; Jog ketelved, flew Lot of FINE CARIPETINtB w rich derhirkor Gad taxed at low Omar. Oil 0/otlBl Mat/tinge, dgec • E. fE.GODSKAIK 4(X). 1 . 7 "128 Chestnut Street. CARPETS, OIL cr...cyrrt, --- MATTING!) ad. WIIOLEPALTS 4WD. BETA= ' oa v oTrAllV l rrantir,;dmil e tngsr or t;:= LEEDOM & SHAW; fno , Arch Street, Between Math aid Tenth• Otreeint NEW CAJEtl i Evit'o4 JAMES H. ORNE, SON & CO.; 626 Chestnut Street, Have opened New Carpets, Oil Cloth, Drauete. Canton and Cocoa Matting. Rum dre. Wiltone, Brussels, Velvets, Extra Taperies.' The above are oar own Pattern& English Ingrains, Three Prys, Oil Cloths, Brunets, English Venetian, . Cocoa Matting, Straw Matting, OF 011111 OWN INPOWEITION Tan spun, Some very ruperior, all of which we offer at lowest prim. JAMES H. OHNE, SON & CO., Chestnut, below Seventh. ••• 2m CANTON MATTING. Our Ova hopertallen Inds Spring. 802 dB MY 8172a1012, 8-4, 7-8, 4-4, 5-4, 2374 WHITE AND ADD CHECK' STRAW 111A'rTINGE4, JANES 'IT. ORNE, SON & CO., 626 Chednut 8t" below , Seventh: erg aura 1868. cARPETINGs• 1868. GLEN ECHO Mlltta l Germantown, Philadelphia, VEZAtill & SLOAN Beepectiully Invite the attention of THE TRADE to their large Stock of CARPETINGS 2 ' of their went and other Mertuffieturom . - •No, 509. CHESTNUT STREET. . •s . 1868 ; REMOVAL 1806 RETAIL DEPARTMENT From 5190hestnutEltreeta Na. TO 609 €0E1311101 6 eThiit Where we w opeeles AN IMMENSE 71121 W 81001 C OR CARPETINGS, Inn bra c in g ell the West end cadceet larked, i nt nts LIEU OIL CLOTH together will a fo➢l line of V lISTRY,LVPIFIVWIBI3.I_4I4',AINMS •bt DOMESTIC , CARPETINSL , BRUSHELA. _TAPESTRY BRWELly and YENS TIAN ror HALI4S and STAIRS. with extra bor d er. NV ALMA CREASE a s Ettokir, DEMODINOt. "igh, 44 North Tenth H e a din g and Veather .Warehoustt, Feather. of aft qualitioa. Feather Beds. Easton" and Pillow& Spring and flair filatresea. . ;; Husk and Straw Hatresses. ' - • • Iron Bodeteade of all. elzea. Tucker'. celebrated Sp Bede. • Howe's eelebratedtprths vote," ' • , lippeivorab Lancaster,Ainatnarot ,(,tullts, Imperial Quilte, Germantown Quits, Mendel° Quilts. 'lrvin' as 'handsome and complete varietil of Marseilles Counterpanes u can be found in' tbedAty, of. white, pt^i arid orange e ttdona And We keep and sell Bier* to as do* as anybody. Vindow Elbadea J peat of pattern at tbe lowest market Ptmee • AMOS, BILLBORN,' No. 44 N, Tenth Street, below Aroh.;; rnhll w f m 2mrP No i . r k, •No TE a N t o tO . i t Iow AT g N N nelow Arch. No. EN below Arch. $,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers