stmUISLIAIKir Vtacouvr,CmulsoraNn, Marquis of lis'ishury and ate f3cOletary of State for India, is dead. Is ASioltimdieltand ninety-three ' patents Will be ell April 21: tic Baxonla took out for LiverpooLyesterday, $167,090,in specie. .. . lin,rott Chtules G. McCaulloy has. been con firmed Lieutenant-Colonel lA:.the -Marine Corps. . Commononic James •Lintuan was yesterday continand as Rear Admiral On, the retired list.. IllicgroFoirit.DtjailFßlC dealinee to inadlate between Denmark and Prussia in the Schleswig - - Holstein controversy. , OmA*le; w;all . visitdd veitidayevening by a fire, winch destroyed $30,000 worth of pro nerty. Jonson & e.Donti.- Wholesale coffee and spice merchanti of Indianapolis,'inive failed tor .$lOO,- 000. Their assets are stated at $OO,OOO. (AN. Senorita.° has, apppluted a Mayor and other city °filet:refer. Akutand rift; • and new city councilmen for. Fredericksburg, in Virginia. A TgraconAst from St. Louts says the fruit trees in Mistottri Col nnt,aplutdlyAamaged fits` waa ex-, . . . pected. Ti, ars. hundred savings banks in New York and the New England States, having I,o77ooo,,aeposit ors, , hold. nil iniestments $10:1)0,400• of. U. S. boittWanalsis;or 000 Nittitentill Bank stock.' MAl7tivri N. Y. held hava *terelection yester day.,-.7lie DentoceatintleetetUlheir candidate for wagon, and o•.•TmsforAtytof „the 4 . pt4er, fpflicers by' nearly 3,040 majority .1 T,i . ',,- F,. , :J •,:- it} , • 11 1 4" 4.9, -- - witr, kl i A w g fripW Brazi l of : Mar and _ d,, , .. Via sups' d that, theyecent. move-100 mei k* , • eg*,:git piel Milt PtiratahaVe not P -lit era bic ois the Brazilians expected they Winiti14,41.54 : , ,,7? , 0) .i , 0 a , THE REV. H. 14,Bavolita: -D. D., President of the . Pentwodunlstiolliege,i4W-Gettytiburgc lilted 1 ppairdn ' ' Het 444. kiellgotirtected with the e° g is4e 091 i RO was, its -Fred tuit vei t 4 ' PIPPr ' te l eg , Ot N iVtaa" haveleft d 0 ttlee 'years { , , , Loifitthrof t 'lnlylieticiV here tiOlvill ' embark onOtbdoilitiet, athiatisottiftirr Mein aero-s the .4. Sc t raOreparatiArka have been made, t D 1 , ~ i ldgir, o pebahholownot , apprehend tha ; 6 is an dant& of war, and denies that, the ‘• will he trouble with Germany ,. , end in proof of- , .1 , alittektli , tliitt `EitiliCchat refused to enter intent:clod , alliasim with... England and Austria unless Pruswia talneluded. ,, :,•tt l ' 7 THE Vititainkl - Ponvention yesterday adopted articlea providing that amendments to the State ewlaiktlliggP,,llat,* ratified by, the Legislature befbit ti mlsiti lii to the ' people, and allirmiug the equal rights and privileges of all citizens. A report re-districting the State, and providing for one Congrestimatit at largo Was also adopted. AnnAtimr.K.NovvvroN, of,' , Waltham, Mass., has been arrested for the !warder of an infant; the child of his' own,• unmarried daughter, and of which child he is supposed to bo the father, as the two are knoWn to bate lived in, criminal in. =lacy. Knowlton' 18'53 years old, and has been a widower for three )Cars.: - , PoLzenstßTl Swxxrr and Robertson yesterday cncoluatered four negides inott th street, Mem phis, and ordered' li theta -toelialt . , which Was re sponded to byAdrollerof , pititOF idiots; seriously wounding Sivedt. , :, .I.Folitirtsett , fired and Drought one ddwn,' and tholothers Iled:. Alobertson then appontobtd.tha , wonnded man, who fired' at him. grazing his head, when • the policeman put an other' bullet intolliim. He proved; to be George Harris, and stated that the others belonged to the crew;of the Notoma. .- ' ,t,, Peunoylxtauta, Le~idttature. h. _ ~._ limuusitußo, April 14, 18G8 The laatise met at ten:o'clock. . Resolutions of thankamore offered by the De mocrats and' rintralmonaly adopted, to Speaker Elistra Vettitvid,'Chla Crdrk 'Selfridge, Assistan t Clerks Edward G. „Leo .and. John Smull, and Li brarian Pm. CeopOr. Menthe; Offichnylklii, offered the Itesolred,That the thanks of the House be ten dered tolbe ttrin.: Elistia,W. DAVIS for theceffi dent and lignroll'al manner in, which he has dis charged the' duties of Speaker of this House. Unalimorialy,,adorita. , • ~ • WMann, bf Potter, who occupied the chair_ on the passage of the resolution, notified, Mr. - Davis of the paiiiidge in a few complimentary remarks. Mr. Linton,'of Cambria, offered a resolution of thanks to Gen:James Selfridge, Chief Clerk. ' Unanimously'adbpted. Mr. Barrett, of Susquehanfia, offered a resolu tion of thanks to Edward G. Lce, Assistant Clerk. Unanimously adopted., • Mr. Playford,4E43 - elle, offertil a resolution of thanks to johii - AnStutill,: Resident Clerk. Unarilmotisly adotited.' ef Allegh6ny,lba behalf of the Re publipanpers of the Houae, presented' to the estimaVe ,y the Speaker of' the House a handoOm hina set.:. Mr. Jon,es, of. Berko, on behalf of the Demo cratic meltibera,''presented to the Speaker, in an eloquentlintlitpprdNate manner, a costly gold watch, with properiniertptions. The Speaker simplyieturned his thanks for the preseftaiiim made by Mr; Jones.' Mr,. Hop, of Dauphin, in behali;f tke officers of tilt lie se, presented'the Speak with a heavy gold watch chain. " , • • . Mr. Linton, of Cambria, on the part of the members..ef the glonse.''without distinction of party; prisented td Gat: 'Selfridge, Chief Clerk, a valuable gold watch. ' ' .4 Mr. Thorn. of Fidladelphiat'on behalf of the pages of thellousb, .presented the Chief Clerk with a gold-beaded ebony; vine. ,' [Applause.] M. Jenks, of Jeterson. on behalf of the mem bers generally, presented gdward G. I Lee, Assist ant Clerk, a ggold-headed ebony cane. Mat Ford;of Allegheny, on the part of the ofll- cers.o_f the Houst,presented John 'A. Sintill, Ibisi dentrlerli,-a gold -headed cane.' Mr.vMeCtilletigh; of Clearfield, on behalf of the Chief Clerk, preseniett-the'Speaker with a hand some gavel. Davis The following arelhe iOnarlut, of Speaker D uponldjontoltar i thesHouse: i Gellaemeri, l'efedltiOrea,; if. Penlayll'4lllia: At no period of t life'llaVe I felt so much like r making - a atihe 'tis'oil the Preeent occasion, and at no time have I felt more ‘forcibly what I mu about to say. Silence is said to be the exponent of, grief, but with my grief:to-day 'ls 'mingled a feeling of deep gratitude. -Yon have been pleased to present me with your very kind regards, and have tendered me kindly tokens of those , regards.' If I know anything,of my own heart I know that I have endeavored to do my whole duty. I feel • to-day that. I have made many mistakes and 'many errors. I feel that every individual Mein. her of this 'EC:Mae, separating to-day, will agree\ With me;that they were errors' of; the judgment and not of the intention. ._ litep" arate front yon to-day profoundly grate- - Oil for,your kindness, for _your 'forbearance, for your edurtesy, fox your co-opera - ilea and for your euPport, and with a feeling of sadness un utterable. Seven years ago I bade farewell to a House like this—oue over which I then pre sidedfs,At these desks to-day there is not a sin gle member that then parted •with Me. True one of theux t rut bore a few dayn,.ngo, but is now absent;' sick; I mean the Hon. Mr. Straeg ? of Tiogins :With =this single exception the .tionee this yenr,has presented to me entirely new facest.: Nearty"one-balf of the then House of ,Repre eentatives have been called , to their final account. Then io me this partingis double sad. I ptlit 14th you, and I know you will all be lieve tme-Wben=l% say stl, with more sadness and with n3(ln4 profound regret at the separation, and with more kindly feelings than I have ever before experienced. In the discharge 'of 'my duty, to which you have referred =on • both sides of the House so eloquently, I have endeavored to be true to myself, believing that 'es ,Itght follows darkness, the man who is true to ixtuundf can be false to none others. Again, I thank you kindly for ,your forbear ance and kindness. I have received nothing but kindness from every member of this House, and the success of my adminietratlon has been more by the of your co-operationand support than from any intrinsic merit is myself. And now, gentlemen,,l hid you farewell. Adjourned aino die. FINE !LILTS* Connoiseurs will notice the sale'of the pictures and objet.9 .of the estate of the late Clamor . F. Hagedont, on the lat of!ay, at 321 South Third street. The collection includes the marble statue o p of P .t,, by - 13teinhauaeri a large bronze "Apo Il i aPaintbl4 l of .Judith and 8010 ' fern ,:Ip L • Anudoo Prleatess, the same, Christ , nt; , ~ JernSide ' on porcelain, aftey Kaulbsch, wI rare prints, bronzes, &e. Cata logues ready ten days previous. On Friday night tlae sale of-Mr. -S P. • Avery b choice collection of 'paintings was continued at his Gallery, -No. n-Fiftivevenue, New York; highly satisfaetoryreenl4., "The Happy Mother," by Youguerean, lahlUght $l,OOO. Meissonier's portrait of himself, a cabinet - picture of exqui site finish, was. , withdrawn from the sale, as no one was inialltied to offer 1153,000 in gold foalt, the minimum price demanded by the owner. "Eerier anza," by Hamon, brought $5OO. .„ A., larger pic ture by Merle, "Early Borrew," $726. PTA, Via. liu," by Leon y Escosura, $455. A little gem by Paul Seignoc, entitled "Learning to Pray," so little that an ordmary.porifolio would•coAtain it, frame; and all, was sold . for $415, 'after .a• sharp contest; "Cherries and Nuts," by Prayer or Dus seldorf, sold for s2Bo.,Tantardini'S 'statue, in marble, "La Leggitrice," was the ;het artt speci men sold, and this brought but $1,025. On next Friday and Saturday nights, Mr. Avery, will sell his collection of iyiter‘color drawinge,l Ztc., at the gallery. Lpelts !mid Ate .; If the time-honored maxim, "Love laughs at locksmiths," has, like. the Sp wish, proverb, "held good In • every ate and 'clime," the muscles of CtiPid's Chubby face must have been relaxed toward that par ticular clamor , craftsmen, for a porbd not far. short of, forty. centuries. The Egyptian lOchkreithi 'pate fashioned his curious con : trivance out of the world-renowned Dimas cm steeli was probably the first to excite. the sly- god's mirth. Next in order game the fabricator of the "doore fastenings ,p , f dyverse colors made of brass and ivory, ' of ancient Rome; followed, by the maker Of the'litill more elaborate Serrure rze. Taber 71Clele in the mediteval • age, immortalized by early Christian .Missals. The locksmith of the Celestial Empire then began td, make. his "strange instruments having wooden slides," the architecture of which was pecu liarly adapted to the Summerhouse, in.which the,tair heroine of the "willow: pattern" was, kept in ' durance vile. Then the locksmith began to flourish in England; and by the time of good Queen Bess, the operations of the craft were so fully established , in the ,toWns of 'Staffordshire, to wit: Wolverhampton, Willenhall and Wednesbury, that Cupid must have indulged in peals of laughter worthypf the immortal Comus; and after all the enter, prise of later years,with its levers,and wards. "detectors," and master keys, the Muse of Love is still able to chant, oven in the hear ing of Hobbs and Chubb: "My father he has locked the door, My mother keeps the key, But neither bolts nor bars can part My own trite love and me." The Egyptian lock, the rude carvings of which are said to have embellished the walls of ancient Karnak's temple and the Hercula neum, is thus described by Mr. E. Beckett Denison, Q. C,: "In this look three pins fall into a similar ntunber of cavities in the bolt, and so hold it fast; they are raised again by putting in the key through the large key-hole in the bolt, and raising it a little, so that the locking pins are pushed by the key out of the bolt. The security afforded by this lock is very small, as it is easy to find the places of the pins by pushing in a piece of wood covered with clay or tallow, on which the holes. ill leave their impress, and' the depth can easily be ascertained by trial." These . locks were first introduced. into , EuglandAy., the merchants of Pho3nicia, who gave theiioo the Cornish miners in exchange for tin. Strangely enough locks of similar construc tion, but evidently "home made," are still to' be found on the doors of many of the peas antry in Cornwall and Devon. The locks of ancient Greece and Rome are quaintly described by the philosoPhers and poets of the time. Aratus compares the con stellation of Cassiopei to a Roman key, "having .a curved stem," and a handle "shaped like the south stars" of the group. Curved stems were common in the keys of that age, and the poet Ariston applies to one of those articles, the epithet "deeply bent!" Enstathius says that,these ancient keys re sealabled sickles, andwere sometimes so large as ito be carried on% the shoulder, as reapers bear their sickles to the harvest-field. This statement is confirmed by Caliimachus in his Hymn to Ceres, where he represents the priestess of Nicippe carrying a key on her, shoulders. Homer's allusion to the lock and key on the wardrobe of the fair Penelope, will probably be better known. The passage is thus rendered by Pope; - A brazen key she held the handle turned, i With steel and polish'd vory. adorned. The bolt, obedient to the silken string, Forsakes the staple as she pulls the ring, The wards respondent to the key, turn round, The bars fly back, the flying valves resound ; Loud as a bull, makes hill and valley ring, Elo roared the lock when it released the - spring.' Eustathius, a Greek commentator on Homer, who flourished in the twelfth century, says that the key here referred to was very ancient, and was known as the "serpent key," from its resemblance of form. It was in use before the siege of Troy, although some writers persist in ascribing its invention to Theodore ,of Simos. ' The mediteval locks were, perhaps, among the most , elaborate and artistic specimens of those articles ever produced. Beads, scrolls, or floral wreaths, exquisitely' graven' in steel, lined the edges., Angel..forms, simi larly wrought, surmounted the escutcheon, like the twin 'guardian of the.' fairies' grotto in the pantOminie; while the sttefice of the lock presented aS great', *thiety, of 'leaves and flowers, .'all chased! ;With ,:lhe 'utmost skill, EIS Eugene 'PartiMpl,'S, iheentiful bouquet. ~These. Lula-were ,mostly found on the doors of the ancient continental cathedrals, or on the magnificent cabinets for which the middle ages were so , famous; and Mr. Fairholf: assures us, that, in 'either case, `the lock constituted no mean part of the profuse decoration of the door to which was affixed. The skill of continental lock smiths, after 'a considerable slumber, was re- , vived in'the seventeenth century, in the per son of M. Reignier / French artisan, who 'acquired great fame es the maker of "letter locks," with which the couriers' despatch boxes were secured., 14titeh writer, Von Euse, passing over the Claims of his own countrymen, ascribes to M. Reignier the ,in vention of the letter lock, which, of Duteh'origin; and was made a esritktly be . fore thiS French Chubb saw the light. An allusion to it is made in Eeautnont and Fletcher's play, l'he Aroble, printed as early as the year 1615, which conk pletely Seta aside bl. : ' Reignier's' claim' to, the invention ' "A cap case for your linen and your plate, With a strange lock" that opens with A. M. E. N.: and Carew, in some verses , written tive year.; later, has this reference: • ".A6 doeth a lock that goes , With lettere, for Lill evpry, one be liciqvirn- The locks ae fruit as. thdugh you had , featud net& The latter quotation partly explains the construction of the letter look,with which AL Reigner's name will always be connected as their most famous manufacturer. The letters of the alphabet were engraved on four paral lel revolving, rings, which by pre-arrange ment on the part of the owner was < made to spell a certain' word, or number of words,be; fore the lock could be opened. If even the owner chancodtta forget the "open iesatite" on which he had determined,like the luckless youth in the of AZ flaba,tile door wupld remaiii.oloied against him:• till the magic watchword was recalled. TO ancient Ckinese lock verifies one of the WIS 4 sayings of"King'Solomoi—"Jilen have sought out many inventions . there is nothing now under the ann." The Tag DAITJTEr.ENING BULLED.-PRILAADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY APRIL 15 1868 --- ct ~hasAitely"tecu, ,dllol,*d r ,that hicks; 41 :**Pir,gltd.TPrOltati tqtableXsp:' , A3Vo for cen t :etvileenanade in. China, - on: the !identical ticiples ,ofPaction , which 'have been ore i i Venled w by;' Engliah' .pateritens ' at • various periods "dung' the last 'hundred years. -, 8 ime of A11e", , 07. oldest leeks :made' by, Chinese wriritmen were constructed almost entirely of wood, _ and adorned with', :groteaque, miry irtgs,of "Celestial scenes,"..attch as those with which.' modern, tea-caddies hays made us familiar; „ ' ' ~‘ r , _ I Tradition assurtis:us thatlocks Were pi ado in England as.early, its the' reign of 'Alfred the Great; and some go so far' as to say that the ingenious . monarcirillitt,Self, like Louis V. 1., of France, was an amateur fabricator those articles. It is true, fib:doubt, that even at so remote a period, ingenious black sfpniths,Were wont to construct elltiusy locks aad keys, together with other articles of do mestic use, when •itcdasion. demanded; but lookmaking was not recognized, as, a distinct ctaft in 'England until the fourteenth century; and two hundred years -followed before, it , as urtrned proportions at all . equal to • those at tained in earlier 'times' On the, !Continent, in China, and ;in ancientlgypt. The locks pro ditned in 'England in the ftfteenth century . wore niassive and strong i bitt ichiefiv,of simple construction. Almost the only :Specitiaen now remaining is to ' found on 'the parish church of Einodland, in. Kent:'2ln” 'the six teenth century commenced the dis Play of in genuity on ' the , part ~ of English,. locksmiths which, has been unifiterruPteilly 'maintairfed since that time, and .which'forms , an interest ing,cbapter ih'the. Curiosit i e s - of Inoilfilt3 7 . D'uring r Queeh - ELizaheth's reign,. the bola of keys 'w e ueuallY ornallleOted *,,the'inber tiOn of a cross ' . and the locks • were frequently 'made 'of Metal, soinetinies' hi:11016d Ili, oak cases. Latch keys--the terrttr• of MiStress Caudle—also cable into use, about this pe riod. Lochs were , for the first' time made with'alarm bells and chinks during the same period. home of these bells rang so loudly in case of , apy unlaWfdl tampering vtitn the lock as toi arouse the whole street. , Bells with chimes warned, the'ittrnates and slarmed the burglar in'a much more soothing •way. No 'sooner was the skeleton key of the intruder applied to the lock than the latter began to chime some such plaintive air as : "florae, sweet home, Be it ever so humble, There's no place like home"; A sentiment wftli which the chagrined housebreaker would doubtleSs concur as he took his precipitate flight. LOOKING GLASSES, ()IL PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS; CHIRIMO LITHOGRAPHS, PICTURE FRAMES. EARLES' GALLERIES, 816 Chestnut Street. NO. 917 WALNUT STREET, WOOD HANGINGS Positively don't fail to see them before ordering any. thing else. Wall paper is now among the "Things That Were." • WOOD HANGINGS Cost no more. and are selling by the thousand rolls per day. See them and be convinced.• No speculation, but stubborn facta Specimens are also on exhibition at the Store of JAMES C. FINN &SONS, Southeast corner Tenth and Walnut qtreete. Inhift.tfrp LAMES' DRESS THLIMILDWIGS• MARY B. CONWAY, LADIES' DRESS FIJRNLSHING AND SHOPPING EMPORIUM. 81 SOCTII SIXTEENTH. STREET. VULAMD.P.IIIA. • Ladies from any part of the United States can send their orders for Dress Materials, Dresses.Cloaks,Bormets, Shoes. Under Clothing, Mourning Suite, Wedding Trosseau, Tra veling Outfits, Jewelry. /co.. also Children's Clothing, In. fant'p Wardrobes. Gentlemen'eLinen. In ordoting Glarmente, Ladies will please send one of their .BEZT yrrrnio mucesae for mezu3urement ; and Ladles visiting the city should not fail to. call and have their measures registered for future convenience. Refers, by permiscion. to • MR. J. M. HAPLEIGH, 1012 and 1014 Chestnut street; MESSES. BO= COLLADAY GO., tnhl42m rp 818 and 830 Chestnut street. BOOTS AND SHOES. O E -4 ' Spring StYles in Fine Custom $ . 3 D 3' 94 Made Boots and Shoes: or Oen- o 6 4.1 tlemen. The only place in the V I oity where's!! the Leading Styles ,P 4 in First Class Boots and Shoes E. 74 ra maybe obtained. Prices Fixed t- 4 at Low Figures.' • BARTLET'T,, 1-4 SS South Sixth Street, above Poe, s'. Chestnut, 4A16.1v rpt BER3INDA' AND GEORGIA ARROW ROOT.—TiIE new crop—sweet, pure, and of dazzling whitouegal directly irons the gro'grere. Sold at standard weight and guaranteed in freahneu and purity. HUBBELL, Apothecary, mvity.ti 010 Chestnut street. DOEERT SHOEMAKER ds CO., WHOLESALE lA+ Druggists, N. E..,eorner Eourtli and Race streets, invite tho attention of tho Trade to their largo stock of Firlo D nigs and Cheudeals, Essential 011 s, Spongen, nontf TIRUGGISTS* BUNDRIIIII 4 -OItADUATES, MORTAR, Pill Tiles. Combo. Brushes, Mirrors, Tweezers. rut! Boxes. Horn Scooye, Surgical Instrumento, Trusses, Hard and Soft Rubber Goode, Vial Cues, Glass and Metal Syringes, dte., all at "Drat Hands" prices. SNOWDEN dr, BROTHER, ap&tf, 23 South Eighth 'street. 1)IPUBARB ROOT, OF -RECENT IMPORTATION,- and very superior quality; I Nbito Gum Arabic, East India Castor Oil, Wblto and Mottled Castile Soap, olive, Oil, of Various brands. For sale by ROBERT 0110 E. miumg & CO. Druggists, Northeast corner of Fourth and Race streets. IDURE PAINTR t —WE OPFER TO TUE TRADE PURE white Letid 4 Eine White and Colored Pointe of mu; own rnanufactarp, of lindottbtod Mlty ; in quantities to) suit purchasers" ROBERT 4105= AKER & CO., Dealers in PalnksAnd yarnietioe, corner if:ourth and tint , l• HORSE HIP—AT J THE PHILADm IT o ,RfitAtßl 84;111Q0X4 Fourthoailitt otor freet, obov.uirini ; jv i ttg seq, a led a 'mg end &omit sooomplioS went know Th 00l •p. patty:y.l4ll4od so Tirw., •the hOril000l". a wouulinam •- • -- 777rr", re An AftArnom t 'Tom!" _TAW* , v• • • J I' ' r i setroa Saildkinoinvial in MO beet Winner. • • i'A Outdo 'Homo, Homo and Vehicles to hire, r t •• 4:4 Also, Carriages to Depots. Parties. Weddings, 3ho Ong. Oro. . Poi tt THOMAS CP,AIGE & SON. THE PIPIE ARTS. WOOD HANGINGS. DU11309. THE HANDEL .AND.LIA.YDN SOCIE TY Announce the Third and Last' COniert of the Season On Friday Eveping, ,April 17, AT THE ACADEMY 0 E" MUSIC. On Ibis occasion Efandel's Oratorio Of JUDAS MACCABETTS willbe performecl. with the:following Soloists MOZART, of New York, and , • A Lady Jonateur. of Philadelphia, Sopranos, M .1... G RAF, Tenor, ',AIL W. W. GILCIIRBT. and Mr. U. E. BA IibiLLURST, Bassos. The large Chol'uiles of the Scanty and Carl TM IC T • ' Sixty's Orchestra. •. OE DOW_ , including merrid seats or sale at 'let6nalers.No. 92e Chestnut street, where subscribers can also receive their tickets, •' r eplB 6tl A OAHE At OP MUSK. tl .RICTIINGI3I ••ENCILIBfI OPERA COMPANY. CAROLINEVettwis. . . ..,DIRECTRERS 'FOR A• MO P . AV.;iff6N, ; • COMMENCING IIIONDAY EYI)NINGAPRIL M. • A LL TitE OLD EAVO itIT E.S. • entnpbell. Castle.• Wylie; Regain, Dement. Nukes and ACPH C. Itichinrs. Mrs B. Seguin. Min Arnold. I (ILL CHORUS AND 0101 H EiTRA. OPENING OPERA—MARTHA. Box Bheet for the sale of secured Heats. WITHOUT EXThA CHARGE. Will open at C. W. A. 'Prompter's - Music titore. No. P 26 Chestnut, on Nlre.duestlay Morning, April 16, when, the whole house will be on ealo till the eve of A pal WI •. 80344 , • • A.•C..PENNOYER , ,• ,• • • • - 13ustriess Manager. N EW CIIEBTNETartupTTHEATit . c.7 , A CROWNING EatccEas J. E. MoD9N IBPOLII . Elaborate spectacle. - ' T ATIID " THE FOLLO7 I 6P WESER WERE TWICE. REPEA EARA.Niutur: THE INCANTATION BCE • , • THE GROTTO OfiITA,LACTA. . ~ THE cititivret, cAscADE. (.• mot, viit GRAND .TRANIFORMATION. . . UE. MET, Augmented this vreesby the Th i t ni manett of Who will appeal l iii n clfn ' etetr with • MONB. littfikVlrd E Aßlt 4 RDE BALLET. SuPP°ried 1 7 Ala i S n I c all e giALLETTROUBE. SEVENTY-FIN IEB. V n YOIJIVI LAD , „ ARMORIAL DI PLAYS, MARCHES and TABLEAUX. The whole produCed at a.eost of . . 8'20,0 b. • Piece preser. ted With apowertul Dramatic cast. INCREASED BALLET. 1%1 A TIN F.E ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON. MRS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH Vie,STREET.THEA Hoghut . EASTER HOLIDAYS. Second week of Robertson's 'PLAY." MONDAY AND EVERY EVENING, Robertson's New Comedy, ' • Great Cas .. 't. ' With Every Scone New, New Effects. Double Orchestra dm., called ' THE SCENEERMANY. MRS. JOHN DREW. ........ .. ROSIE MR. OWEN . .. PRICE Aided by the Full Compsny • SFATS SFCITED SIX DAYS IN ADVANCE. WALNUT STREET THEATRE.—. , THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING April 15th. MR. EDWIN BOOT". AA • ROMEO In 14 halcapeare'e Grand Tragedy. in& acts, of ROMEO AND JULIET. Mien Mary McVlcker as . .Juliet THURSDAY—EDWIN Fi" lI . AS . HAHLET. FRIDAY—BENEFIT OF EDWIN BOOTH. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. • SATURDAY EVENING, April 113,18193. , • • ~ ...MENDELSSOIIN SVCIETY'S COMPLIMENTARY CONCERT TO THEIR MUSICAL DIRECTOR, MR . JEAN LOUIS: When they will perform, atteleted by a number Of cm!. mut artigte, WALPURGIS NIGHT, by Mendeleeoftn. • LURLINE. by Hiller. CHORAL FANTASIA, by Beethoven. TICKETS. $l, with a Iteeerve,A Seat, can be obtained t the Seclety'e (Mice (Louts Meyer's MtI3SIC Store). 12.3 A chr:Attut etrect, and Mr J. E. oould'e New Warerooma. i lie,t nu t etrect. See Programmes at the Music Stores. The Sale of Secured Seate will commence on THURS DAY. April Sth. The holders of yellow tickets can est change them for Secured Seats. ap1..544 CSICAL FUND lIALb L ir FRIDAY EV,RN ENG. ATTU 17th, /864 ANTONIO BARILI'S GRAND CONCERT, When he will be assisted by a number of his midis from New York and Philadelphia, and also by the celebrated Artistes, Signor G. BOY, Tenors, AND Mr. 0 HALL, Baritone, from the principal Italian Theatres. 'I .... .. ... .. .one Dollar. • For sale at bution'a. 41 , i; ..... Marsh's, lUD: Boner's, 1102, and Reinond's, Ip3 Chestnutatreet. Doors open at 7. Concert precisely at 8. ap6 8 11dr.13-stl CONCERT HALL, CHESTNUT STREET, above Twelfth. GRAND Cf)N . CER In Aid of the Building Fond of the CATHOLIC PHILOPATRIANLITERARYINSTITUTE WILL BE utvnu On THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 16th, At 8 o'clock. Eminent Talent have been engaged. ardrilet" TICKETS. 50 CENTS. NEW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA HOUS% trr ELEVENTH street, above CUES THE FAMILY RESORT. CARNCR(SS dt DIXEY'S MINSTRELS, THE GREAT TAR TROUPE OF THE WORLD. Last week of the screaming act entitled Tx ON TRAVELERS. Firet weak of the Laughable Interlude, entitled GAZZY NIGGER. Find week of the great Sensation scene, entitled LIFE ON A MISSISSIPPI COTTON BOAT. FOYER OF ACADEMY. EIGHTH BEETHOVEN MATINEE, THURSDAY, April IBi 18& CARL WOLFSOHN. WILLIAM HARTMAN, The favorite German Halftone. TICKETS ONE DOLLAR. Deere open at 4. Concert at 43 4 4. *PH 4t GnERMANIA ORCHESTR.A.—PUBLIC REHEARSALS itt the MUSICAL FUND llALL,every SATURDAY at 836 P. M. Tickets sold at the Door and at all principal Music Stores. The last Rehearsal of the Season will take place on Saturday. April 18th. Engagements Can be made by addressing G. HASTERT, 1181 Monterey street, or at R. W.ITTIGI Music Store. 1041 Chestnut street. A bIERICAN CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC.— 1 - 1 Fourteenth Matinee on SATURDAY AFTERNOON, April 18th, at 83e.i P. M. See notice under Instruction. aro3.n. a tf 1100 X'S AMERICAN VARIETY THEATRE. EVERY EVENING and SATURDAY AFTERNOON, , GREAT COMBINATION TROUPE. In Grand BOWL*, Ethiopian Burlesques, Songs, Dance" Gymnaet Acts. Pantomimes. dtc. VARL !ANTE'S ORCHESTRA 'MATINEES IN HOW ticultural Hall, will clean on THURSDAY, April /30thi 1868,.when the 30th and Lind Concert will be given. .• 'Dakota at Boner's, 1104 Chestnut atreet, and at the efoor. , zniat-ap3o.-4 PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, CHESTNUT. above TENTH. Opetifrom 9'A. M. to 61'. M. lienjatnin Weat'e great picture of CHRIST REJECTED •till on exhibition. 164-tf EIVISINOSS CARDS. T VIENNOT & CO., GENERAL NEWBPAPEIk COB. t$ responding and Advertising Agents, 133 , Munn street, New York (Established , 186'1.) Advertisement; inserted st publishers. rates in 'all the leading newspaperspubliehed in the United Stater,British' Provinces. ltlexico, South America, East ami-Weat nzrzaratoze : 4 Mr. H. T. liehobold. 6414 Broadway', Messrs. 8.. R. Vanduzer, & 94198 Greenwich et.; Oars. Flail & Ituckel, 215 (ireenlvidh street; Mom. .O. Bruce. Son dt Co., Typo Founders 18 Chambers st.; Messrs. Hagar & Co., Type rounders. 38 Gold et.. N. Y. fe114.3m6 fIOTTON AND LINEN SAIL DUCK OF EVERY V width from one to six feet wide, all numbers. Tent and Awning Duck. Paperro akere° Felting, Sail Twineotie, JOHN W. EVERMAN & CO., No. 102 Jones's OMER A. WRIGHT. THORNTON Tuup., Of-RMHNT A. lIHHBO • THEODORE WRIOHT, FRANK L. NUM. PET,PR WRIGUT &SONO, importers of Earthenware and ; . Shipping and Commissioh Merchant". N 0.115 Walnut street, Philadelphia. I.RIVY WELLS.--OWNERIS PROPEriTY--TIIE only .place to get privy walla Ted and disinfected , at very low prices, it. PgYfit3Ohl 14041ufacturer of row drette. Goldsmith's - gall. bibrary , *Towles , AND mniumptuk ' 'IIIOMBON'S LONDON KUMMER. ORB "- Pram Bulge', for families; hotels or public fwd. " "'" k ;•to no , In twenty difTgrent size& Mak Philadel. P a B4mgea,_..Uot Air FlUEULClrxtable Mater* 'Low4own Grates; rweboard Stoves, O&. Bata Boilers,. Wm. bole Plates. BrolLere, Cooking Btovee, etc,. • SOIOWSUO an retail, by the manufaeturers,' m o ns THomso i s no2g-M,Te temp ' No, North , *beet , • viCkwas%roixoica e we 11 SONS, . ' te An aw l.X.Ol No. 1824 . 0 SOWN Stree t , oitutatibt4l4 _ • Opposite 'United atow. apaturevi.of;. Pfillifi l ik A '- I . ir o,ia er, QUATES4 n 11 4PC..1 1 . 4 T'%0t , --, 4 of l YO °o ,! t•ii WARII 4 RtiACAlt - For Warill. WELu tranditlaatp 141 VENWHAWORS) am) CHIMNEY 000B WHO ONO- LESALE RANORS. and ,8A'124 ETAIL,RNOTLEHEL •' 111/PIRCLAIININOTRIDIR6 "VULC N hiINII4(I: : ( I .,O4PANX fOF, , MIO I / 11., , faAN),—Tho Annuol etteCof' the titockholdoni o thatAtuloan Mining Company,will he held at Mid Office! , of the Conop,,ony. No 4 8,24 Walnut stre Ph et. , itodolphia. on , Tii 14;31)A , thel4th day of May 1868, et tg o'cioolc for the elocuon of Directors, and tronsoction or other. business fi A. 110OPM3,1feerotory. ntk.annt.ritia. April 18th, 1868, api2traY/ 4 11 111011. ' 61110 E ' THE' AMERICAN ..E'UtE , INSUE ' 1 "..7. ANCR COIPANY. , whet mwttors • h oVe thin , ddy dtalarod nn disid purl 'qt" Seven •Dollsto and ilifty.Conts pershore for-the loSt dr') t, °laths, ,widch will be paid to , the Btockholdoro opthelr , legal Oprosetitativoo, on and after ,th.o 414 d figlantoloar or, oil taxes. ' v. L. , catit. wrott tt, ap,ts toto,z •: • .1 . Strorntowy. - •00101YoPitibti ItA.TLECIAD'IDtIMPANY;--:, .. , '7,l!atratnattottrA4lt:priill,.lB6B: Annl44l/.Mgetingof 4110 d tockholdero or..thla Volts; Pony, and on eleetioti. fbr .tfroisidltht. and six mot:snore to pet•vo for the ensuing year •Ond: until' other', 'MOB he elected. wide he , held nt the office of tho Philadelphia and Hooding Railroad Compnnv, No. 24 south Fourth street, od MbNDAY. tlio 4th day of May , nos, at It . teolOok AJ aplltm,y4 WM. H. WEBB/ Sectetary. I MtTHERN Eirrt ES•AND'PENN ..rpTsr.' RA/LROAD „CUM PAN ; . • ~ • ,Putr,auntrui a,•Aptil AL 18fifi.„ The annual meeting 'Or thb libtoOkhOldCTO of this tc OM- . pang. and an election for officere toeervo for' th criaidttg year, and nail °then, shall be;elected. will be held•atthe .ole cc ot the 'Phil idelphla ,and Reading Railroad Coin. pane'; No. 227 South .Fourth street. 'on., MONDAY. the 4th tiILY of May next, at 11 o'clock A:M. • • apli t my 4 —__ , WM. IL WEBB, Secretary. • SCHUYLKILL AND BUSQVFMANNA RAIL. ROAD COMPANY. Office VI tiouth Fourth street, April It 1868. ' annual meeting of the titockhoidtro of this Com pany, and an election for Preatdent lend six ifantigorr,' a ill take , place at the °Meet( the Company on MON. , DAY, IV tho 4th ,day of May next,at 12 o'clock el. - • 4PID 4 • - WM. H. WED% hoOrettiry., _ gaga. A MEETING OF, THE STOCKI I OI4DERS OF the EMPIRETRANSPORTA` IIO t ANY ti ** For the purpose of fixing the time of ol g the annual caTthat for Directorr, as law, will be hold at the office of the , Gompapq. No, 1123Vhostnut EAreet„ vu FRIDAY. the kith Inst.. at 10.30 o'clock. A M. - • W. 11. BARNES, • • ~- _,. • ' ~,,,,, '` 'BeetalarZ; Pintatforn.vria. npralth; ,1000. • ,• , apkl mos.' OFFICE OF _THE ~FRANKLIN , FI}X,E, ~ , INGIT 141 ;E CC:4l"l47. PniC.t . ' sini.iiiia. :- 'Alit it IBM.; .At a meeting of the Board of Dyi seem ot the oultstry. Field ibis day, APM I•annual dividend of IXXERXIF,NT 1 and an extra dividend of TEN PEWO . Twerudoclared on the-capital stock. PaYable , to the t re holders or their legal-representatives on and:atter ) I i fat:cleat ef taxes. . f , J. W. ktedl..l4iTTSß. ' 11.1 , 6, (16§ . ' _ , S ecretary: , pro lent mew" ST. ‘biAßra HOSPITAL it, CORNER OF FRANKFORD ROAD and .1" SIER STREE T IriVreettolr York .ft°lll)°"t I P ichar g e 31-697 Accident eaw received broadly imMedietedy after reception. of injury. Lying in cases received at en:Merge rate of board. Free medica Aftd magical advice given on Wedneada7 and Saturday ernoonebetween 4 and 6 Welk tf • gee- OFFICE CATAWISSA RAILII()AD COMPANY; No, 441VALIsU r Went. l'int.attreemeta.„ March 30tb. In% The Hoard of Directora of' Ude Company' have declared' a Dividend of Three per Cent. on account of the dividend! due the Preft rred Stockholders, payable on the let of Mal next, to those perrone in whose name tba took etas& at the clove of dhe Transfer Hooke. , " Tho Transfer Books of the ]'referred Stock will be closed on the 9Oth day of April, and ro•o_pened on the let of May. W.I GILROY. Trenmurer. iwitiet BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE.-- , TMB SPLENDID Hair Dye is the best in the world; the only true and perfect Dye barmiest. reliable. instantaneous; no disap pointment ;no ridiculous Untie; remedies thq elfocta of bad dyes: irrylgOrates and leaves the hair soft and beau tiful, black or brown. Sold by all Dniggista and Port'''. !mire, and properly applied at BATt;IIEiLOK'd WIG FACTORY, Hood street, N. Y. . apl-ey,f,m,39t '1 ear 11E LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD COSI "- ',any lute declared a guarterlyldividend of Two and a Half Per Cent., payable at their office, No. 412 Walnut street, on and after Weduemlay. April I.stht, apfi. w I 5t.• CHAIIIBERLAIN. Treasurer. A MEETING OF VIE STOCKIIOLDERS OF THE UNION R. R. AND TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, • For the, purpope of fiiing the time for holding the in. nual election for Directors, as authorized by law, will be held at the dike of the. Company. No. 1123 L'heatnut ktreet, on FRIDAY, the 17th imt., at 10 o'clock A. M. • - ' W. 11. DARNER, Secretary. • Pll Npril 7:1W. , • • • ap7.lOt• SUIPPEUM GUIDE. For Boston—Steamship lime X Di rec t * HAILING FROM EACH PORT EVERY FIVE DAFF. /DOH PINE STREET PHILADELPHIA. ALIO) LOW] . MUM. 4 7. trt This St sh ips. comp:lad of the - flnit•class • • eam tine Is ROMAN, 1,453 tong, Captain 0. Baker. SAXON, 1,250 tone, Captain F. M. Bo a% AR lES. 598 tons. Captain P. flows. The ARIES. from Plills.,Wednesday. April 18. at 632. M. Me ROMAN. from Barton on Saturdar. April 15.3 P. B. These Steamships sail pi:textually; aM ~t will be rec.:ved every day, a Steamer being always on the berth. Frelit ri foointe beyond ton sent with deepateb. ap k pi; to ce moil MO South Inuware avenue. PHILADELPHIA AND SOUTH : 44A MAIL Erd i trup oos:wawa JUR/ULAN • FROM PIER 18 SOUTH WHARVIAII, The STAR OF THE UNION will sail OR NEW ORLEANS, VIA UAVANA.Tuesday. AprilM, at 8 o'clock The' JUNIATA will sail FROM NEW ORLEANS.VIA HAVANA, The WYOSIINI3 will sall IN:111 SAVANNAH. ou Saturday. April 18th . at 8 o'clock. A, M. • The TONAWANDA will nail . 1 . 1.1 ct SAVANNA% Saturday • The PIoNEES wi ll Sail FDIC vvtuinurto. N. 0., Thursday, April 2.1„ at 5 o'clock'"? ,151: glarongh Bala of Lading me.' and' Passage . Tickets sold to all poInWILLIta South' AM and S E J llonersil 4Seek GLIARLES E. DI refight &Ont. noB No. 314 South, Ja E5l elaivere avenue: PEGIADELPHIA. RICHMOND ANDINOR.- ir,l FOLK STEAMS LINE. THROUGH F 1014.T_111.14 LINE TO Whiff D w • EVERY SATURDAY ' - At Noon, _from FIRST WHARF above AI THROUGH RATES'and TIIRODGH to points' in North and South Carolina via Seaboard Line Railroad, connecting at Portsmouth and to Liflich• burg, Vs., Tennessee and the West, via Virginia' and Tennessee Air-Line and Richmond and Danville Ra.s.lll, Freight HANDLED BUT ON(I, N ri . taken at LOWER RATES THAN ANY OTHER L The regularity, eafety and cheapness of this route com mend it to the public as the most desirable medium for carrying every deecription of freight. No charge for commission. drayage. Or any =Penile transfer. Steamships insure at lowest rates. Freight received DAJLY. WM. P CLYDE le Ca. , 14 North and South Whereas. W. P. PORTER, /Meat atßichmend and city Point T. P..CROWELL as CO.. Agents et Norfolk,. feta • 'DAILY LINE FOIL BALT/IdO. 41i. Via ° Vir a l' igiti' D 4L l Vii re ntoTirma.. Mit an boat comb * dailyat 8 o'clock Y. At . _ _,_, „ . .._.; ,'ste - a f ri % of line are bow ' 11154_reglarg oli twaen thla port and 13alttroore.. leaving ge _ __P...... North Delaware avenue, above Margot cumy aka o'clock P. Iddliundaye excekbed.A . „, / „...... ; .... ‘ 1 , ,, Carrying a ll dew-1'44190 of kl°46 " 4 * NI " ... I ' m4 '''.." tine ' . ' all great ' ant deltil i fttenPtti Freight handledC _ and forwarded to, point, ,boxon uta tree cox-omission. i Slid t o th ii j o si ,,,,,,, iti di m 4 iar Particular attention ,p, . _ _ ._ ._ , deecription•of friecchancuse. BOMA, miaow. man, ow For furtbotinforniatitorydriira rosTs i t; Agen i ; „ - A . - ' No ' 14 biorth Delaware " 6 4 0 .. O&M ' ' • ; save.muiLveivaaßs. ••••; ', hirhallteanwhiße HFNDRIQK HUDSON. ... . . . ........Cept. Helves STABS AND STRIPES Capt . Holmes There steamers will lemed . ' !his 'Dort • for Havana ever? ether Tuesday at BA.M. • • • • The etoamehlo &FARO AND STRlPEB,llolmeamester, Will earl , for Elevens on Trualekl roralag. April at 8 o'clock. • • • Fertile , Haven 880: otwillturl.. rlo rre received after Elatorday • For f tor pruirefa i tr z sZ to _ _ • 8 WA'n'l3oB 80810. au2(l • •• • • •• ••• • 1 North, Delaware aveliala N 0 T I DR Via Delaware said Radler' Canal. ' EXP I IIIII3II,4ITDAMBOAT COMPANY. ; The Steam ropollere of the Linewilt commence load.; lug on SATURDAY, 2let leaf.. leavindßy; as mud. 'i' LlltOUfilif IN 84 11 Goode forwarded bY ; gal•tho 14/ea go out; of NOW York—North, haat and West—free of Cominthalon. , ' • Freight received at ourusual low rate.. ; ;• ; WM, P 4 CLYDE Is CO, , . 'l4 South Wharves, Phihtdelphla r . JAS. 11ANT), • 1 04 alreot. New Writ. ,; , pahig.tftc ~.. NEW EXPRESS Lras..wer.anaNDELA. m 1 pa. Georgetown and Wasnington. D. 0., via Checaligalto and Dclaware Canal, with, Con, [(actions at Alexanata fr om 'the moot direct route for LyuChburg, Briatoi s Entatvßio ! N achvillo. Dalton and t!ze Southwoct,„ , -,, ~, "+ i =, I Steamer - 10mi° t r lviarli from the fi rst whatl ahoy Market gtreet , eve aturdaynooritt___ _. Frei4ht received 'Y. _,-, ' wx,r. If DEA GM. ", l4 Ngrth and ontb innatvea. , J. D. DAVIDSON Aatht at'ueorgetown. N. gamaxocip.;es 0 Met* , AS ' Alexan&llP 'Mr' ''' . nit LIVIDAOOI+ , ..-E I'ITI, T.,4'.O,WEItELD. . ;ill; 'lron creW, bcpanudir U nion. 24419 tone bm'• oon, clamed, A. 1. at to.Yds, 4 ' IL V...Candan,_Connnairim npw oaatris at. Pier 49, Sonth wharves. writ have' twueo,l4o 499Patch.:,..bavw9 the greater portion of her Arita e 119 9 ,949. o. . . : ' For frolgbt or 94 , 0agc , # 4 9PLY to r _ A . Ejatita &Vt.', ' i'Doek street w a“. , 99 .1 - - tf licericg--Fsoi, — 7- 7,,,,,, , v2. :1 ,, , , i„ .- ,,l x t Delawaro and ,„,_,,,, 5 . h i m * , Transpartation , OwPV:13'111; o r "he r 0,,, Oniftsure Lines.'--The frailness b,y Eur o , po,c, •P, tanned on qud, after the 19th or _ld r n, ~ , , ~ w wl x iieb , vri4l autu bst..tlke . p , o i n , , 801 t ,.,,. . a ?.,, ,,, -. A ......r ... , ~7, • e f fExi&W,,, , A• o 6„po'xiur- : • -,-- , team ..,ovr• ....„ .„ ~ a lti mor s„ twed betwffln A 4. d in t erm edi ate mints. Sande ( irate Delaware tl,an clapt. joaN L oa n . . P,OloruE 49-fflga Agen•l. h ij a . tel•tf LIN. Bu9l O ffi ce. 14 tr. wnarves. 'Er N 'TED fil' ADES MA BSTI A.Lii) tOPPICBruturrER ft Li ) DIBTRICT 01 0 PEN b SYLVANIA, . - Pirttnnar:ruts, April 10.1888. )is Is hypjva Notice, That on the Wont , .nintli day of ,/, bruary, A.p., 18. a aWorent in IllinkkaptcY Wilfl Lamed a ainat the &bate of fICORGE It. AYRES, -*of pim a ; id 'phis, in the county of Philadelphia and State of Pena. 3 lvsnia, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt, on . , li own Petition; that the Pelqout ‘ ,..0t y ally v Debts ~ 'R d do livery ‘of : any :property, . lOpOtis, t to: such '--` (1 'l3 uhrtipt," to" him, or for tun at, and the trans -1 of any property by him, ate Y forbidden by , la ; that a Meeting of 'the Creditors 'of the said Bankrupt to prove .rheir Debts. and to choose one or 'm re as,sidteei, of his Rotate, Will be held' at v. Cohn, 'of , .11InkruptcY, to be hoiden at No. WO Walnut street, Phila. d Iphia, before WILLIAM MoMtULIABL, Esq. 'testator, 'o the seventh day of May, A. 11, 1808, at 8.) , o'clock. 1'., , 81. y. v. ELL.MAKE •. . ~. 0 1 ,16. i timi . , :,: , .'..,,, '' ~ '1?, 9, Marshal, WI M stinker.; U - N I TIT) EITATF 8 MA rtfill Afa OFFICE, EASTERN DifirltleT OF PEN Nt• LVANI , 1 -o nit.Angratiito, Argil id:48430. s$ to give !Mik e! `Flint on the 20th day'or Marcia. A pi. IfittB, e , Worreqt-lo , Dariltruiltor filSae4 VAtalit Ik.'Emote of itNif AIN) MOFFET of Rbiladolphia, tlr Contity Of- I biladidplila, and Slinteof °Penntivlrtdifit„ • lo bam baba adjudged A i/ttllkration Ids trivet ,Petitoteni that tile Payment - of any d btS 'anti delivery of any, pro. party belonging to 'ouch. dna,- odd Ale treuutio,r of any - property by, r ' t him forbidden by law, rn t' that; a',V o eling of 'the Creditors ohe' Said 'Hank. rantilp provp their dobto. and to ohOosoexie or more .es. • elgotes of life I.lstate, will be held at a ,Court of Dank.. rel;tey, to be holden at No. 6uo walnut stNeet, in the City` or; rhitadelphla, before WILLIADI MuSIDIVARLo, Waster, !ster, on the 20th day of - April, A. D. ISM at 3lf o'clock •• ; • P. C. e.LIO2IARER,.; r ; apt wit¢ AT DISTRICT mum . OF TIM; DRITED I 'STATES FOR TUT: RASTBRINP DISTRICT „DF I'ENNtsYLVANIA.—In Bankrtiptey,-4kt Ph il adelphia, April the 11th. A. I). 1868. The underslithedtherebittel... notice of hie appointment' - Aealgiiob b Cif EZ DOMADKIXITIa 'WM 3 U/Kl l 97r.GteAttpri4 dm.. of l'hiladelphia, in the Cou nty of Phil el la and t• tate; of . Polotrattia. within said. w tt Imre' helm Id/miffed Baehr uP,IO uPonAlteir own petition. br 't,he ,eafd oletrietlloUtt. VOODE 8, AUfghte, ' ' aplfto 128 South Sixth ettOati ; To the Creditors 'of the Bankrupts. - „,„ ---- , 11 Ili THE D'STRICT C:ODP.T O} THE .DNITED ~ ii, , States far the '?astern District of Penziseles*in , In ' ' 'lldntruptcy. At Philadil i phiskaassalt d the Blot, A. D. 186& The undersigned beroby_ vat notions of hisMottnent Jut assignee of.s/f)liN P. RE 113NE1DErt, of I elphist. ila the county' of Philadelphia., and lite.o.o Ponnayteania„ irithin raid district. who has Inerr‘djudged a bitain'as upon his own petition. by the said Dbdrict trourto'.o ):' WM. VOGDES. Assigns., ~... ' i ' . . .12180ath Sixth stroa42 , ' ITo theirs-Mors of the a D iskruld: apilS•war - " ........--. ---- . lig THE ORPIIAN/P COURT ARTIER, - IT A. - ..,,, V ',IL/ . J. ', Couaty of Philadel his: F.stot of Robert °Hack,' f , . °eased" The Auditor appoint° by the , Opal, it, settle and adjust th Land at account ot Joka, o .“' , ~. jot*. acting exerutr r ender th last will and testing ot Robert Pollock. dotoase ;lin to report distribution the'' balance in the hands the accountant, will rneet thy. , rfo ie d m , ,r 7 lll "thil e titt f l r ts, Li t Tati c :7tee f4 hi e g liielf ° /. 13 . 1 / 11 ,: f f'Lle l ' til 'ofi ce. " .,'W..inu..s o tree '..... the 1 11..• of Philadelph._ ll . nols-ir.f,msto O. II ItltY DAVIS. Augialri" IN THE ORPHANS' COURT MR THE CITY ANA ,Counti_of I'hiladelphia,—Fotate of SARAH KIRK , de teared.—lb.e Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the secount of J' REPIt EING24n4 JAMES LISTON, Touter's under oi NARAR , KII K, deceased, and to report distritatifon of °balling* In the hands of th e accountants, urn tarot . Partied interested for tho Purposes. of his apPlottOolltb i on Monday. April With, at 4 o'ckscis, a_t JIM Mr No, '212 South Fifth rtreet, In the elty of rhilideitibia,„ silt, iv f ut BO :TAMES t i ND. Atiditor. l 4 TUE DIS'IRICT COURT OF TIER UNITED litotes for the Eastern Dtstrict or Permaylranicl In Bankruptcy. At Philadelphia. Aprtflgth The' hn• R deroirced herebyi Ms Ricca notice of appointment as As. Omer of WM( TAM MYERS. of Philadelphia, in the County of Philadelphia, and Stats of Pentufylvanie, w itbin said District, who lino been adjudiced a Bankrupt uPOI2 bia own petition by thesaid District Conti.; VOGDES, Malone, i7lBoutb Sixth 'Street,' To the Creditors in Bankruptcyi -apilirSta N THE ORIIIANB , COURT FOR THE CITY 'f!) I cot:IAT of ..11tiladelphla.—FAtate of..IAMES.. degeated.—The Auditor appointed by the Court to' audit,. rettle and adjuPt the account of It ft)irEf.., lion*, aria 3Arti . L. TAYLOR, Pfxecutora. to' *r eport dirt( ibution of the balance in the hands of the antauktAnt,,• will lin (et theparties intereated for the purpoae ntt his appointment, on l!donday, April 2.7, lifidt. at 4 ceclock at hip- office. No. 211 liouth 15txth ettect, in the city Of (1011:1, GOFORTII. ' apl34n w f Anditnt: N ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND County of Philadelphia.—Reuito of fiIIARLES IitARIE. alias BRIITUAULT, deceued.' The Atildff9r tippointed by the Conti to audit, rattle and adiust the an rc,unt of George V. Richards, Adminiatrator &bora of the Estate of VIIARLy.s DERTIIALIVT, deceaiied, and report diettibution of the balance In' the lino& of the accountant, will meet the partied Interested for the mu - polies of his appointment on Monday. April tmh. Infia at four o'clock P. 74 . 441 his otbee,So,lD3 South iiixth street, fn the City of l'hilailelishla. npl fin writ,* JAMES W. LiATT'A.Auditoe. 'IN 'ME ORPIIANEP COlaa TILN CITY AND I Comity of Philadelphia—F./tate of HENRY HAD. NAN. dreeeeed —The Auditor appointed by the'Cosirt to malt, acttle and adieu:4th+, WOOnt Of fiAM.X.O ebar. E;ecetot of the will of mold decanted, and to report die. tribution of the hotline° in the for of the accountant. will meet the pertlealnterested for the purpose at Mr ap pointment. on Monday. April nth, A. D. likeki. et 4 , wk. P. M.. at hie office. 8. Y, corner of IValnut and Sixth troete (2d gory), the city of Philadelphia' OE.OIWE JUN KW. JR.. Auditor. rya-cc.t,ao,6t• N THE ORPl3Aliflo (*CRT FOR THI CITY AND A County of Philadelphia,—Hite of HISNRY CLOSE. dres..ared.—The Auditor appointed by the Coat to au. . di t, Bet tie and adjust thpaccount of EN SAMUEL,DA.II.____Ts Executor of the Lett Will and Teatlintent of ii. CLOSE. deceased. and to report diettibun t balance in the hands of the' accOn i ntLitt, PriU meet the n op ! ,1 8. ( TV ; tis 2o p i t , eraterr the p_ h de) d l A rP 2p at the office of EDWARD S. CAIIIIIELL.Thni 911 Vine the city of Philadelphia. aphow fm 50 rN 1111 E ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND A County' of Philadelphia- EFtete of JOSEPH STEAM. deceased.--The Audttor appointed bY the Court, _to Malt, Fettle and adjust the account of F. HALTER MAN MX& DANIEL K HAUS. Executors tteder the lad Trill end tea.' foment of JOSEPH STRAfIK, ,dmeased, tad- to refit/ft dietribution of the balance in the hands of the account ant, will meet the parties interested, for the purpose at Ids appointment, on MONDAY, April 91), 1886, at 4 o'clock. P. N.. at his office,. No. 113 South Fifth street, to the city of Philadelphia. • WM. L. DENNIS, Auditor... PhiladelPhis. April d; IN THE DISTEI MIDST OFTHE UNITED STATES POE THE PA TEEN El/STRICT OP PENNeY.L. lIRANIA.—In Bankruptcy.—At Philadelphia. March =. A: D., IFM.---1 he undersigned hereby_sives notice of hie appointment as assignee of WILLIAM, H. ELY, 'of the city of Philadelphia, in the connty of Philadelphia and State of Pennsylvania, within said district, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his oleo petition by Willa Die. trlct Court of said platelet . JAMES W., LATTA.. Areigneo. N 0.128 Sonth Sixth street. To the Creditors of the above nstned Bankrupt eplw3t• • LBITERS TP.STAMENTARP 014 THE ESTATE' OF MARTHA It.LHWIS, late of the city of Philadelphia., decetteed„, h riving been granted to the subscribers by, the. Register of Wills, of the county of Philadelphia, all per, sons'ndebted. to said etdeto we requested to make pay went. and those having ciaitfls or demands against , the am t ( l C litr tieist tr4ire them 2tEreet.lAefWiAgit . LE , vll5, P. ; l' A. LYrit, Executore, - 438 Walnut street. • . whilewer STA'.I E OF MARGARET' SAWS;' DF.OP,ALSED. 4:Letterset Ailministratiow upon said Eatette.-haling betri Kra rd to the, undersigned, all; persons indebted to the said 'state Are requested totuake payment, ami those hal tug e alms asainst the Barna to present them, without dtloy, to JOREPiI ENEU. Administrator. or O f F. Fill CiliON, his Attorney. No. Ml:beating Street. na delpriia, . na Puhltiowtit* IN THE COUItT OF CPYLMON PLEAS FOR THE Oity s gkoi/Jounty otEhliadelphie,_—yvorce hi Torre. 'l4O. ANDREW rya. L JOHF Pill it • -STILES. •To Etff, STILES, the respondent above named:" rd Avadani:--Yonmilt please tzhe notice that Interroga terlep to be administered to the witnesses, in this ease on the part of the Libellant have been Sled *knitWO 1d am ' iPlothourerl o o 4UIWo , saki 'OHS: end that thalvit— nesses II be produced, awprxt er sfdrxned and examined, before John 3, Ridgeway, dr.;Esq., Examiner appointed by the Court tor that nnremso,i on WEDNESDAY. , Appli 21,11418, at 4 o'clock, P. m., at his Office, No. Sikh on the North side of Walnut street, above Sixth, in the city of Philadelphia, when and where you may attend, or fn the meautinul You maylleerosplntorte thrice if yed think PriiPer• , HHARLE: lip4-15t4 s S. cite! for ,idbewn TIIR ORPHAN& , COURT FOR•,TIIE CITY .¢NDs• County of Philsdelphia. Estate of . It CI4AItDB. decesised.--ThO pidititm and' appr situ , 'of ESA RA II 11. ItICIIARDS, the widow, and col dr° t rem of said decedent, claiming tb retain • operfii to tb@@ valnebf roe ndred, dollsra, Odor. the ,provision of the Act of April 4th.lBOL, and its supple luente notice hs .hereby r t y lven that the lamb will Wats. proved by the said Coo on P SATMAY:AP.4 I S S , pnless exceptions thereto ti • L._.• • . f..'tllCtiNkftßßOTZ: Attorney for Petitioner. GAS IX A[o A 8 ',.' ' ' VIVRA t_ .—PatIKEW tilltattEUD rr.,10 . • TILe. t r A oib VAlifollytAtreetiVAlHOSaUtran.r, ,L .0 Illas Fi 0, ye, Otc. &a t would quu Ake otteggon it "o tuft publ eto the tarp, WA eesep.Lass_ortrneAtatpuo Mendelian!, Permienta.Przegats 4 '"? l :,"Z e r ' llba , gat•TiPel Into &troll/430 and .PulAck_ ull anst..sttenA ,3 to,extentling, ititerh3g,”. l #,Arwing Ve l P P ti l' ALI Fold" A7ANKiIIN :82.,14AMBALL fokE9r4win V stock ef Ohand2liero, Braotets.Tortsb 13,19.94 and bronzeo. atNo. 912 9roh 9tree24 kraiTll.-71 YOU,R or t ‘rprriv - 40 ritc• •- 1 the mal'uf" t ''viamutic MASIAT:L. No. 912 oh stiver. • ATANREIB & MARSHALL, NO.;"9I2'ARCH STREET, manufacturopnd keep all styleotelas•Fixtures and MandeHere. A lee refinieh old flatupw vAr" MARSHA-TA NO. 912 ARON 'II'I I IIET. ye special attention tong Ohure4es. pe rturat the lowest rates.. • • _ _ coLD, GILT AND ELECTitO ;11,VER.pLATED 11. T Oss.Fixturegi at VAINNIILTS di ILARBRALL , B;, pla t s pl Arch street. All work guaranteed to eve satisfaction.. "Nona but firsts] workmen emiployed. , , fe&ormw Bud Geutriort-ALL PERSONS ARE. REREBY , I harboring or trustin_g any . of the Ptew of ttto Russian bark Lottika Tomo*, Blaster. as no. gebts of their pop-, trasting win be paid by Captain - apl4 gt , • ,wo=6l4l,lld;RO. ,tiollDEirlf SEEP WEA.—.IIA4 *Net will Make a pint of excellent Bea law utes. Alwave on hand and for sale by OSEPII D. D EDER & C0..108 South Delaware avenue. ITALIAN VEIUdICELLI —WO BOXES FINE QUALITY I white. imported and forotti by JOB. B. IIUi3BLUB. 8 CO., 108 South Delaware avenue. YAM our latest edition of Yesterday. Ity the Atlantic Tellegprat#o;', LOUtkor,'Aprill4, polltteal news le meagre and unimportant. • Console closed at 93y03933 ; 5-20 s, 723W2,74. - 111inole Central, 9334'. Erie, 46. Atlantic and Great Western* 83 . 34, - • ••• ~ . ..._, V RA-NKFORT, April 14th, Evening.—United State(' Fivestwenties 75 • • LivisnrooL; April 14, Evening.—Cotton firm and quite active under a favorable trade reporti sales to-day 12,000 bales. T , Uplands,,l.2.4Co)l2,Sd. Orleans,l2K9l,2l6ll:' Attywunr, April 14, Evening.—Petrolestm flat, and norninal 42% franca -; a- 1 , Q'orrittnirovilt; 1 i ehtp City of Boston, from New York Aprll Alb/ Sergeant Dates, ' lePecla , 001Pata! to the Pldlefolaidii Evening Balietial April 14th.—T& arrival of per geant Bates from Vicksbfirg "did not :reit° the excitement evectO here, He made his appear tame at the 'Long Bridge this morning it eleven o'clock, but was kept waiting about two hours for the arrival =of the' bend of music and the ,„delegation who were to escort him through the Aboat two 'o 4 clock the delegation appeared on Pennsylvania arcane, consisting of the band of music s , Bergeant Bates, clad in a -velvet suit, carrying a silk flag; carriages containing the editors Of;tfurXittiOnatLniolliiendei,'Coptillttional Union, and President Johnson; the Depart mental - followed . on footby abonrloo boot,blacks and about 200 cations. The procession went immediately to the White Holm, where as many more people had congre gated. A henry, rain , storm prevailed at the !' .3. v ; Arriving at the White House, the Presi dent appeared, and after being lustily cheered by the pockbit cks,,,,Luyite4: the Sergeant t imogrtoe, whlie ilotuie, l iieeorapantabir the band ortntisie, a few citizens and a dozen reporters. The President led the way to the East . Room, where r taking Sergtiarit . Bates by ;the, harid, ho said: "Sergeant, lam glad to welcome you to this city, carrying, as , you, d o, the pag e of, your eimitry,and I trust it may carried with equal succeess over the land. I have no other speech to make on-this occasion but to extend to you my hearty thanks: If Ike band wilt play uS a,tunellgia4 be much obliged. • ';. The requeit of the President was complied with, and the band played a National air. On its conclusion the,President corriersed a faw minutes with thoie about him, and the Sergeant was about leaving]why-It was discovered that Some person bad purloined his hat during his brief stay in the White House with the President. He was loaned one, however, and then proceeded on his way with the procession to the Capitol, to wave his gag from the dome. from Canada. OTTAWA 4 APrlll4.—The Eigni.`B. Weir, Benatot! from Nova Scotia, died suddenly in his room tkt the linssell House, this morning. Np further developments have transpired in the MeGee,aseassination cave reiszeirrivatiia Legislature. Hineisneim, April 14, 1868. • SINAI - R.—The Senate met at 11 o'clock. t Speaker Graham, of Allegheny, delivered the following address: ,mater .Before vacating the Chair and hand ing the` bet over to my honored friend and sue (*soot, allow me to tender mv , sincere- acktioW ledgmenta to every member of the Senate for the unifonntenttesy, fotbearance and snp'port which I have received from yeti. I shall cherish the ,remembrance of your kindness and frleridship - until Ilfe's latest hour. When I "assumed ' the - ditties of ' the' chair I promised to dipettalgt them impertially,Teltr leasly,lirmly,'sne yet kindly. I have endeavored to redtemthat 'pledge, and, if in the disehfugo of Inv 'duty as ' your presiding officer, I . ' hive given offence to any; Awns unintentional, hal sincerely ask to 'be forglien; This hoar dis misses no from legislative labors to theSepose and sweets of private life. The thought of soon again meeting with and enjoying the society of loved Rues ,at home, dispels, ,in A manner, the eadaeew and gloom which always gathers arofindlthe last moments of the session, when we bid each otter Mica with the thought that in ell human' probability it is for ever. I resign"the trust, you have committed to my bandit', with the consciousness that I have de voted mylmet4tfort4 to the discharge of its du tks, however Imperfectly I may have succeeded. To the, officers of the Senate, especially to whom ~Rie rkgrey his :aaelstants, to I am indebted for ready support on every emergency, I desire to express my thanks and gratitude,and Senators, in bidding you an affectionate farewell, permit me once more to, cordially thank you for your uniform ' titaness and courtesy, and the assurance that 'you "have with you my earnest prayer for your future prosperity and happiness. The ballot being' then taken for Speaker of j the Senate for the recess, the followin was the result : For„.-Nrimer • I .W orthing tos • Rep.), of Chester count_ f tr,_ _lffYotes,:ng for qui etell Bur nett (DenLy, of 'Monroe co ty;tl res. The Speaker elect, then assumed the chair and delivered the following address: Senators—ln accepting the position to which I v r have been called by your generous confidence, I am f i 6f i t ti V ilb/ 1 Et04116. ho AtlM„ v.° Onfer+., red p '' tr.* t is With iumf'reeting that I tender you my warmest t anks. :Had I only consulted my personal convenience, I might have paused and perhaps de clinid*mark of ' , your rptertiality and favor. , Othf ,higher edintilleratidiiii; however_- have brorgh ' e to a different decision. While delicacy might forbid a ricitiloruil solicitation for a poet of so much honor, yet duty may require a comPt?Vilillh, In - f',/fmicket,9"be ilao spoutsot. ons wi* Low whe nase , tuosen:-me,ton'Abis dieting ed position. To preside over the de liberations of the Senate of. Fennsylvania, I regatC , .as -, no trivial', , d u ty, _ With the position Is blended responsibility as well as honor, and its duties can only be satisfactorily , perfcgdAy4eprdiel, pq.opistafien, and sym-,„ path MAP, eiVbfithfibOS.:l Selfissuredi that in not mistaken when I say that this will be cheerfully renderattencl thp eame,corirtesy and alO kindness towards thrnsldlikolliees which have heretofore characterized the deliberations:cif this bottliKiltift bb'withbeld' in bill Morn. 4.1 lay no claim to infallibility, but it shall be my constant aim to discharge the duties of the office with in it ilallty, ever keeping in mind that t 't 0 qdtandVillt7lo,..rnoritottft only ttit dittaiiied,. .Joaleintait Mikis' ft tion of its rules and the cultivation of, that spirit of equality f hatinony and det a titilra IbUY tou'in ten4Riltq,Kettfo{yr -7471 3 terMINK. 1 4 00 19 1 Y9wW qua cart. Sp' r.xor, we, performance of tbedttW ayett have' aidnpontilePtvith entire' rd- Banco on yohr lila need and the seStaihing date of an overruljng Itrovidenecf, May, I -notAdulge,the hope that t rthill bontinalr , to -celjb3io4lYeasenia ble share of your esteem and eonildence?. To perialpiiiiediithifi'lriertaining fhi ,this ices' sphere of libier with fidelity, and retain 'th° good opin e , . thee° walk whom I bave been fiol' lo 4i; and, , 1 41.* iitiocittati/4111 be FluMattg izi , , higtg % t r oi MUP"— ' lllll ' the ' Bentith-be ' 4 - enoug o cognate some one to admiister t . ne rrquisitesibligadda ..,: r-'(,, s' ,i , . :. &r,••• , Mr. - Burnett (Dem) then offered a resolution of thaffisq,,toittie igirippipeak% , Ir.,Ciraliartit for 4 his^ -sonnet - it Vail ' ability. Unanioiously passed. Ms.tGlatzKDem.) offered a resplutlon of thanks eketr.f„W. Hammersltehlef elerk:oftho Senate. Unohnerisi l y adopted; aO, were also resolutions of a Similar mnort to Lucius Rogers, F. IL Brag gins, astratint clerks, and to all the retiring offi cers of I,h Senate. Adjourned einollie. • • 7"+ < '." , 01 From Neur,•4l'orrey:''' NriiAlt — ' - 'll,l April: 14.4-The . totrl4 elections in easterd blew Jersey and` Essereortiaty show that the Republicans have , eleetetti twenty Cholea Freeholders and the Deihoersie four pen. —A ast Toon; Obiesfgoall ,t463,1t!4.4Y0ritA of tbolodfes; 'sow ffataktW.4.o l 2V l 3oll.l3' t he 4140, and pioNgelretttovAgantorildivA.mone7, ended bie career the other day . drowrtlng himself In the Leine, leav#4 4 P l lo AblFlLhegMiltim. '.. p" A YEWS CHERRY PECTORAL, FOR DISEASES OF Xi THE THROAT AND LUNG& JdUCH AB thiItGLIES. (A3LDS, 1100 PING CO UGII, NCLUITIS.ARTHMA AND CONSUMPTION. • • Probably stever=beforo in the whole history of medicine. has anything won so widely and so dee r gyion the cool/. denceef mankind. as thin excellent , for pulmo. nary cotordsiete.., Through men ng has n and anions most of the races of it has risen higher and higher he their estlinlatian as it has become better known In uniform, character and power to cure the„•rarious fretless olthe kings and throat, have made pown as a reliable protector against them. 'While ada to milder forms of dhoti.° end to young children, it at , the 15111X10 time the Most effeenhalreniedy that can be given or in. defeat comosoption. and th e dangerous&Scrims' of the throat and Mugs. Ac a proyisidn against eu den attacks of Croup, it should bake* ea hand In Seery family, and indeed as all am seluetimeissubleettomMa and Cougils,” , all shonldbe provided with this antidote for them. Although settled Consumption is thought incurable, still great numbers of came where the disease seemed settled, have been completely cured,and thepatient re. atoned to sound health by the CAtirrerPectoftl. So coin plat= lithe eartery over the disorder's. of the Lunge _and Throat, that the most - obstinate of them yield to it. When nettling else could reach them, under the Chary Pectoral they ettUide and disappear. bulges* and Pubtso Speakers find Mat protection from it. geOlitlatik r iVe r fttrlielidV a thatit ' inredbg row gene cured by the Cherry Cored in small and frequent doses. generally are Its virtues known that we need not publbh the I'Metted bf 'Ohm hese, or do more than asouregig 2_0 1 4.0 tluktrylisl full maintained. AY *GUN ' FeIe:MYER AND AGUE, IN. 'IERMITTENT FE R, CHILI, FEVER, REMIT TENT FE'VER, DUMB AGUE, PERIODICAL 011 BILIOUS FE VE ' &C. AND INDEED ALL THE AF. FEAf ti ref t, it:MAT -Annus ., MAI • AN its name imp ca, it does Cureand does not fail. Mining neither Arsenic, Quinine. Bismuth. Zinc, nor otherel o letteeeet_lebAtever it , lit Ssil wise n numuezi importance of its chi P ie = il • bb , msid ao connt, wire „puke parallsiha, e Wdery Agueinedibility. .= 0 ityjiratilleld by e acknowl. edgmenteweSensivp Ira liti t i g e ne=etritp,, °, llgerresUt Iktinfarem through miasma c localities, will be proteated by taking the AGUE CURE daily. For LIVER COMPLAINTS. arising from torpidity of the Liven e ßdean s Ageellentfekmedy,, , stleeebiung, the Liver into s beeßbtailUbitY. • '' ' ti e w Bilious Disorders and Liver Complaints, it is an ex. relent remedy, producing many truly remarkable cures, wit re other medicines bad failed. Prepared by Dr, J. C. AYER & C 0.,, Practical and Ana lytical Chem - hits, Lowell, Masa, and gold all round the woHd. PRICE, $l,OO PER BOTTLE. bLisLABIII ft 00.. Philadelphia' ( Wholesale Agouti, DENTALLINA.—A SUPERIOR ARTICLP.FQIi %.1, cleaning the Teeth, destroyirkg animalcula wytdi feet therti. giving ttightldthe gturwaltkibliving•si eelhig of 'mantes spa perfect clesnlismea thq_mputh. t may he Used daily. Mid will tie foruidio ngthen weak- abd bleeding gums, while the arokiletlil24 , iiekißOVedess will recemmend it to every one. Being composed with the as4rtanco of the Dentist, Ph sicians and Microscopist, if confidently s offered if ri i l i bi llbli,Pi e iqq , A4 4 / up certain wash it Ktddlerir l e ic to ;il bi ~•• Eminent Deanne. of , the Dent/411ns, advocate its use; it Contains nothing tc prevent its nnreatraidedemplument. MILO oplyhy • ••••., , n". 4 17 AM= TAlRlNWAVothgeifry iorlialgitOrttiOsiglaisradandAß"Miq lib Fred: Bossard dico. • , -R0b44% 104 "vi/h • ' 4 • lt.iKetn y , ' : . ar. ' C. Isaac IL Kay. chego Geo a guste w org • C. IL Needier, S. M. McCollia , T. J. Husband. Ambrose gmith, • Edward Parrish , , • 4 , Jima z•L'''' 4 7=4. Wm. B . Webb, drat diCti. James L. Di spham. Hughes ds Combo. Let t lMilinoti. Henry A. Bowed - i i•-•• •:•wYmitit4i Pro. i.:. ~.:'f.'• 7!' A DIVORCE DECREED AOAINSIT ,At o DA ISAAC la FIN I( EN. —ln the Cincinnati Oottrti. f Coirunon Pleas was heard, em haturdaYe.-the•nase^9( under T. Menken agt. Ada Isaacs Menken. Tins ; peAl4lO4 for divork tiered. by lige. Cox.. T 'ip . l4dtifV alateirr.tbiit- 4, Bens estaent C nechttott; Mat On the 3d el r'of Apr r, 186, in Polk County, Texas, he was married to Ma Bertha Theodore, the defendant; that he has con , ducted himself toward her as a faithful hitsband, but that she, regardless of her marital ohliga -1; tions, ,g4VeilthelsM of September,; 1859; In the city of NeW 'York, &Admit adultery 'with one John C. Heenan, and on the 25th of. October, ,1859, at Hoboken, in the State of New Jersey, committed adultery with the-same party, and since that time has left the plaintiff. Charles S. !Matthews, Jt., deposed that he'. melded on the l iDowery, New York, and was steward of the Westchester Hotel; knows the defendant; she ro ll eidedthere abotet 'live' months, between March" land July, 1860; she was registered on the books and known in . the louse se Mrs. : -Heenan; •John ;C. Heenan came to the honed in December, 1859, land asked for boar4for I,4meetlf and wile; he did not seem to like tlizfriee'ot the'toOnie mucti,and ;said he would sen d, wife; Heenan tithed about ;noon, two weeks' o re' his went to Europe; !during the time she boarded at the house she iwas frequently visited by a young man named IJames Heenan, either a brother or a sonata of J. C. Heenan. The action was not resisted, and the iCqurt, rendered dperee - ,41.yoree on , the. :ground of adultery. ' oi~rsC ORHIWIN4 Esc ..:. . OMMON' COUNCIL: 0 V CLERK% OFFICE; " ' PnriansinuA, kprlllo, In.accordance with a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the city of Philadelphia on Thured,V;llo.tdnttWef ( Orlli go, the en nexed DM; ' "An ORDINANCE creating a loan for the extension of the . Water Works, the, porclaaeo of League Leland, and for btilding en Pee Boat," le hereby published for public information. JOHN ECKSTEIN , Clerk of Common Council. ORPEINANCE creating a loaUfer.the extension of the Water Works for the purclutfie of League Island, and for building an Ice Boat. SECTION 1. The Select and Common Councils of the eitxtifNitiladelphlk4 s o ordalta, That , the Mayor of Fhil is bb and•he is Hereby antlio xized to borrow, at not less than par, on the Credit of the city, from time to time, one million 'six hundred. and: forty thousand , dollars, to be , 'applied as follows, viz.: First—For the farther extension of the Water Works, one million dol lars. Second—For the purchase of League Island hand ptoperty ort Abe. ,baek channel opposite. thereto, four hundeed ' °and deity' tlidusand dol lars. Third—For building an Ice Boat, one hun dred and sixty thousand dollars; for which in• terest, not to exceed the rite Of six 'per cent.'per lAnnum, shall be paid half-yearly, on the first days of January and July, at the office of the City Tmetner. Ine ¢riipat qft Said loan 'shell be payable and paid at the expiration of thirty years from the dais of the same, and not before, without the consent of the holders thereof; and the certificates therefor, in the usual form of the certificates of city loan, shall be issued in such amounts as the lenders 'hay require, but not for any fractional part of one hundred dollars, or if required in amounts of five hundred or one thou sand dollars; and it shell be expressed in said cer tificates that the loan therein' mentioned and the interest thereof are payable free from all taxes. Sac. 2. Whenever anyloan shall be made by virtue thereof, there shall be, by force of this ordi nance, annually apprepriated out of tlle Income of the corporate &tate!, and frcun the enm raised by taxation. a surwiraMelent to pay the interest on said certificates; and the further stun of three. tenths of one per Centnat on the pt villte,of such certificates, so issued, shallbe approprlated,qear terly' out of said Income and' taxes to a sinking fund; which fund, and its acenundations; are' hereby; Cspeclally pledged for the rederoption and payment of said. certificates. REE-OLUTION TO PUBLISH A LOAN BILL. Regolred, That the Clerk of Common Council be ant/004d to publish Into daily newspapers of this city, daily, for four weeks, the ordinance presented to the Common Council on Thursday, April ittb, 1868, entitled "An Ordinancecreatinga loan for the extension of the Water Works, for the purchasaof -League Island,,tuad for-building an Ice Boat " And the said Clerk, at the started meeting of Councils, after the expiratiOn of, four weeks from the tint day ;of said publicatloty t shall present to this Connell one'of each ' of said news papers for every day ill Which the same shall have been made. apll-21t 17LIEDI134U1. DR. HARTMAN'S BEEF, IRON /MD BRA 6fDY, A Certain Core for Omeeniaptlast sad Diseases of the Unix Broalchial LaborstAl o. 51213otith FIAMEI Street. JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY A COW DEN. 602 A WEI Street, .• ROBYRT snormati A 00 • FOIHall sad BACH. etreele ta. feltatnf ' Oreturnd Aeon NAVAL STORM I. NAVAL BTORES.-120 BARBEE& Plahtls. WfIITID Spirits Turpentine. 55 do. Roldrkso do. Tar. now land. log f r om steamer "Pioneer** from , wilmlugton. N. C. and for sale by COCHRAN, RUI3BE/410 di CO.. No. 93 North Front street apfilt 190_PALES: _OOI I W. ACM! lAN DWG, Can E` for sale by COCIIRLNaguEimAiIz 004 No. 92 North Front street. ANSIBO COR'AK IpIipMADELPHIA, 174BRUARY, „InT, 186 EL 31r. J. U. Butler (brother of s Butler) is a pirt ner in our m tp,nkam4 4,4rAtk..adati 12314446 " 0.03=4, 1111'4 (V. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15,.1868. UNEVROMPOr - QU,IOKEEIT TIME ON REOOIWi THE PANHANDLE ROUTE. Ear M rit/CRS .to ri.! • et r intlEw DAD NII TAME tban bra) • , .61 PASSENGERS thB.oo P.l.TR i AlN ar ar t rv in e 4 ln 014 7 , 4 t1t rA 5.0, THE es v gArr tink rait a tioda. Room SLEEP 'Vie maw EL. PHIA to UN Passengers taking the 12,00 M. and 11.00 P. M. Trains risegb CINCINNATI and an ,Pointa WEST and SOUTH . ONE TRAIN IN ADVANCE ei4; her Me tea, "h i lir • rit VC • SLMECA, 110=761daN - 5: toil; w wzgkts t om i . 2 4: 11 1; T,„ an all e/ 4' T. el ,P76 . I.FLAU RO ittlif °llWia BarTO 15E0M.Ltli• UNE4141491, 10 •- m. iron adaventnjfeignf this LINE, be 11, VERY P ICULAR and Am .Tic •is PAN-H,AN atTIOIL yI iv 'FICES N. W. NINTH and alit w. iJx NO. SMET, bat, P l ••• Frartgilig,, , 'And THIRTY-FIRST and MARKET Streeta,West. Phila. S. F. SCULL, Gann Ticket Agt, Pittsburgh. JOHN H. MILLER, Gong Agt..626,Preadri3rtir. RMArixNa ;RAILROAD.- GREAT TRUNK LINE from Phila. delphia to the interior of Pei:newly& 'ilia the Schuylkill, Sonoma, Cumberland and ;Wyoming Valley-e ; the No NorthWeat and the Cana { des, Winter ArranigeMent of as:tenger Trains, Nov. 18, 1887. leaving the Company's Depot, Th irteenth and Cal. low hill streets, Philadelphia, at the folio wint i hE 13. 14 MORNING AtttaiMMODATIQN.6I 1. M. for Reading and an biterfnediatA fitlitionkand- wn. Returning. leaves Reading at SAO P. M., arriving in Philadelphia at 9.10 P M. MORNING EIf,PRESS.-111516 &ISA. M. fat Beading. Le. hanon. Harrisburg, Pottsville, Pine Grove, Tamaqua, Sunbury. ,Willianusport,Elmira, Rochester,Niagara Falls, Buffalo. tittatina.,Yfirk t poltsift„ Chain bYt !' With %be Haat Perna Evart Railroad trains for Allentown , .be., and the 16 A. M. connects with tie Lebanon Valley train for arrisburg, die.; at Port Canto with Catawissa R.R. gigs for WiWamsport, Lock Haven. Elmira, Ac. ; at arrisburg with Northern Central. Cumberland Valley, and BehniMrSA r nehannattaintif9 No amber lend,__WS 9 tiAFTER cO HESS P p a nt 3.30 . M. for Reading, Pottsville. Harrisburg. connect. g with Reading and Columbia Railroad tralla for Col. tinsels gre. POTTSTO,WN ACCOMPDATION.-Ldavea Polio ris4T)l3tP.46,4l.l3l4stopPing at Intermediate flatlets'': al ititilfbileine Aelt.o6 Ml , „Betursdnit leaver Middy - ids at 6.00 . arrives irePottstown at 7.06 P. M. RF A HING ACCOMAIODAT/0/9-Leaves Reading at 1.20 A. M. stopping at all way stations; arrimin Phyla d e le e l t !=.. l „ Uritilfurgialliilsi 440 P. itt : arrives be Reading at - 6.46 P, M. Trains for PhilgedslpilitaUrtfl A. M. d Pottsville SAS Mfladelphia at 00 P. M. Afternoon trains leave liarrisburg al 2.10 P.M., r4.d Pottsville at 2.4gfri 1. riling af Fnakdlitehlie at 5 .M. __Harrisburg 'Reading 14735 A. M.. and Harris at,1.1.0 P.M. X.,oo.pecting at/loading With stf EWen' south' id-41.30 P. M.. p.rriving Philadelphia at MO P, M. Maiketone*, rerith ir,Paraiefigfirear illtaehe& Leaves Philadelitiget filbrioduldr Pottsville and all Way Elia ; leavee Pottsville at 7,A,M..f or philadelphia and all , 111 Stations, , .2 4 All the above trains run da Sunday, excepted. Sundaytrains/cave Pettey oet dOO A.. 1 1 ., and PIM& delphia at 3.16 it M. Active Philadelphia for Reading at 1.00 A. M. returnMig from Reading at 4.26 P. 41. OLT frit ITALLMC RAILROAD.-- , Patetniken for Downin town and intermediate points take the 7,30 A.M.' , and 4 - W . M. trains from PMladelphiso-reguridng irons - Downingtown at SALA, M. andl.oo P., M. • NEW YORK EXPRESS; FOR PITTSBURGH AND THE WEST.-Leaves New York at; 9 A. M, 600 and amo passing Reading ail A. M.,1.60 and 10.10 P. M., and connect at Harrisburg with Pennsylvania and Northern Central Ridirpad Exprese,Traine ter ,-Piliebur - Chicago. . Williamsport Elmira. iisdrinseep. Beturaing, Rapregairrgin iegvea old arrival Of Pennsylvania 'Express from Pittsburgh, at 3 and 5.25 A. IL. 9.35 P. M.. passing Reading at 4.49 and 7.06 A. and IL4O P. M., arriving at New Yorklo.lo and 11.45 A.M.. and 6 Or/ P. M. Sleeping Care accompanying these trains through between Jersey City and Pittsburgh. without change. Mail train for New York leaves Harlie4 . trg at 8.10 A.M. and alll !, Mail trainfiorklarrisberg vet Nen York' at Ohms. , • • - ; . • hI3CHUYLBOULL VALLEY RAILROAD.-Trains leave atsvillo at 6.30, 11.0t , ,,A. M. and 7.15 P. Ni„returning from Tamaqua at 7. 35 A. M. and 1.40 and 4.35 P. M. SCHUYLKILL AND BUSQUEHANN A RAILROAD - Trains leave Auburn at 7.65 A. M. for Pinegrove and liar risburg, and at 1245 P. M. for Pinegr_ove and Tremont ; re. , turning fromll T rprg_at us If ., alla iron? Thaliont at 7.40 A. M. uid 35 07.. ' TICKETI3. ,, ough first-oboe tie/rats' and entigranC tickets to all the principal points in the North and West and Cantu:lBz% Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to Reading and Intermediate Stations, good for day only, are gold by Morning Accommodation, Market Train. Reading and Pottstown Accommodation Trains at, reduced rates. Excursion 1 icketa tokidladelPhist, good for day. eullai, are sold at Reading and Inter ediatelltatioro by Read ins and Pottstown Accommodation Trains at reduced Yates. The following tickets are obtainable only at the Office of S. Bradford, Treasurer, No. 227 South Fourth street, Philadelphia, or of G. A. Nicilills. Cicantglilaparintendent, Refining. i Commutation Ticket, at 116 per cent. discount, between anlyignte desired, for families and firma M Tickets. good for miles, between all point at 8352 each. for families and firms. Season Tickets, for three, aim, twelve months. for holder* eO6 to all pobito at radii rate,' ' Clergyman residing on the line of t e road will be fur. niched witti,carda, enititling themselves and wives to tickets at ban fare. F.reuri ion Tickets .froin Philadelphia to principal et a *Da good for SatardaY,l3nn.bly and Mondayy, at reduced fare, te had only at the Ticket Office, at Thirteenth and Callowhillatreete, FREIGHT.--elooda of all desert:dons forwarded to all th ßr e oa l d bci alA t ilhiv fn is ili treeta. °""an"l4lWYreigb4DePat. Freight Trains leave Philadelphia daily '05.30 A. If.. ISA noon. and et P. id. forßeedin4L o ebanon, Harrisburg. Pottsville.Port Clinton. and all po to beyond. Malls emu) at the thlladeipitia, tdilflice for /diploma' on the road iind-lbs branittea at SA. M. and tor the prin. eipal Stations only *MIS , f ' ° • PENNSYLVANIA•'OLN' TRAI; Railroad. Winter Time. Taking ffect Jan.-26th, 1869.. 'The trains or the PeetelYivalsits lientral Railroad leave the Depot, at Thirty.firet and m &kat streets, which is reached directly by the camel the Market Street, Pao ginger Railway, the last car connecting with each tr 'ain. leaving Front and Market streets thirty minutes before its departure. Those of the Chestnut and Walnut Street Railway Fen within ode square of the Depot.„, • ' ON SUNDAYS—The Muter Streit 'gem leaye Front and Market streets 86 minutes before the ,departore Of each Slee tra ping , Car Tickets tan be had •on application at the Ticket Office, Northwest corner of Ninth, and. Chestnut' streets. and stabs Depo t • Agents of the Union TraneferCompany will call for and deliver ihsggege at the Depot. Orders left at No. RR gest. not etretit. nll6 Market street, will receive attention • TRAINS LEAVE Mail Train. . &00 A. M. Paoli Accom modation No. 1 " - at 10.00 A. M. Fast Line....... -....... .... ...; .. .....- ..... .at 12.00 M. Erie Express... ... -. • . , ... ....... ...• • • , .. , 18.00 M. Paoli Accom. Nes. 9.8 &4 . - . ....atL00,6:00;& 10 80 P. M. Harrisburg Accommodation . at 2.30 P. M. • Lancaster Acc0mm0dati0n............. .. . ..... at LOOP:M. Pitrkeburg Train..... . . ....... . ..... . 5.00 P. M. Cincinnati Express.... .. ... ... at 8.00 P. M. Ede Mali - ....... .. at ILIS P.M. .Plilladelpiiii ............................ at 11 . 15 P. Adeommodatioe. . . ...... at 11.80P.M, fee Mail leavei Tali. ii • ctiii • iliaitr - da,i n itylelphia Express leaves da il y. other trains daily, except Sunday. The Western Acoommodation Train runs astir, except Sunday. For this train tickets must be procured and baggage delivered by 5.00 P. M.. at 116 Market street CibcinnaTßAlNS ABRIVE AT -DEPOT, VIZ: Philadelphia refs-- .......... ..... '., ..... 7.10 Paoli Accom No 1. Parkebnrg T rai n:............... ......:- .. . . "9.10 ' " Erie Ma11.......... ........... .... .... : .... .... " 9,15 • ," F clufte ldne r .. ..Train -‘. "........'...........::.. .. .... ........................" l el s o P. 14, eFarprees..,,,... .._. ... . .... ............, .. " 1.10 " P 11 Amon. N05.11& • 4.10 • 4 7.19 " 1 D ki is E S " Accom.. •• • •-• - 1•• • •••• ., 14 " "" O further information , apply to • • ' . • FrC. ALLEN, Ticket Agent , 901 Chestnut street, NCI& FUNKi Agent 118 Market street. • AMUEL H. WA.LLACE, Ticket Agent the Depot. The Pennsylvania Railroad Comeau/ will not assume i a li n4 risk for Beggade v er iti cept for wearinapparel, t their responsibility 041, Handled llarein value. Alli Baggage exceeding that amount value Will be at the risk of the own er , rethics taken hi_ eo tract,', i . . ~ s . . ratWARD , u. : . General Sueerintendekt. Ms 1.,' , . rit ionegpm , PHILADELPHIA .AND ' c ERTE RAILROAD-WINTER' TIME , -TA' B,lErThrotat i ltulDiresit Route:bo pareirettithz-itioeot Penney i lita%„ W -pegaay, i l . 1 ping I C E.. al ik t ei T i ißL ightsi the Treins • ..L1 IMO Amu Nov. , , on the hila , and a Id Train leaves Philadelphia: ... .. ..ILth P. m. • .. .v. Oliver at____-_.... • ~..... .... .... . . 9.00 N o on. Ed liana leaves Phliadelphia,.•'.... ........... : 1 " •i„anti at 'Erie. - . „ P° ' rt •- •• • • - .. • • .. trill: re E t .4...fri). Mail leaves Philadelthia ' - 8.00 A. M. 1 " arrives at Lock avow.... ...'....' 7.45 P. M. .1 , EASTWARD. . I , , Mail Train leaves nth.: .. .{ 10.25 A. M. „ata us 6. il " 4 - liVilliannport.... ..... .'.1L66 P. M. " arrive' at Philadelphia.... BA6 A. m. ELki Hiyres m ol i tzrErs.. .. .. . .... AZP. M. at t.4 i ii i• . 1.00 P. M. Mahn Mail leaves Lock Haven. , arr. at PhiladelopMA:.....".i.,— **;**** ... !If. M. . . 6. H. Mail and I''Wy ;Imo oonntst Inns ad; triune * on • Warran and Franklin Hallway. pamengem leaving Pbiladelphls at H.OOll- Arrive at irliadtWatiterds: X 4 And Un HUY atoo3o A. it Lisavinihldladelphia at U.15.P. eat pu CitY to Won Warren and Railway 60 : 181 • at • OltffltY.lll tOr ,and • Po 47031#01 88011Slea r„ ,i. , ..... razi.u.,......-_ ; L •I I f-4 tl'; -7 81 ATI. PAP/41',,,9 Ig4,', '-.. - • --, •-• ...,j .. NknyttrAlNNlAg•---.' r. 'rilir . lian.,Dl.,nrzi• - norierfc " d ~...„ li tot t il e , e ,. ,; : ethleherrt, i tae ton. A lientertisi; , liftirW• - -- s ' ',_,toiA,W,,hite; Hawn, W likes barre,BialianOTi li C F, l4 -Crithiah ritt" 4oll l !Sron.Carbondale and, ll tato the•Dlital , v.. siting.'iCoal, vegans.. „ ,-,-' -. $_ :c , : ,A.:>. Pi' 6,.. 1 istenger Depot in Philadelphia, N. W . corner of nate anclAntericatk streets. . irAnitilialitts t SPED; GABRANGDMENT.=ELEVM „„__ '; -On Bud ' , .a.i ter ,MONDAY • ;APH.ll4,l3l4linegl i lKaa :senger 'l'i ains les VO the Near Depot. Corner or and 'Air,erican.streets, daily (fiundaystexite ' val: At 646 A 0H,04-Atc6Aurpedattonito . eat ; • 11 , ! At 7. 4 / I A. ill.-4lianling, Bennie 10 and !PrilliCiPlllBil4lollll en DiOnn..Pennsyly v aula, ' . , Ed.? Inecerat klettdelltoplwit4'.lolo ,l Vo ,' • ' ^ -5. 1 T 3 an , , usquena v Fa,.stauroada . for , '" '. Ilk-, sari si.bletn MrldkuCW Chtliik, ei . • ..,."- :'es , 'Hazleton, Whitt, .haven. Wilkeabarre, ''',“.- ' ll / 'Pittston.- Scranton. _Car cdotik ,• s ' lei ' • ,hlsh i nd Wyoming Vallayliteli *Mtn • "' ',VA ,' .; high and Mabarmy Railroad' tor st ail I ;' - a f ir Cataalessi Railroad for dtoperti Dia 5512 ; . ;• , ' lianaport.,, Arrive at; Mauch JD,. 414 4 , Milkeskirre sit 3P. M.:'; ;Urania ' . ; 4,t , , • no CI at 2 P.' M.' pasSengear ' !can Lehigh alley.l rain, ~ iinvn 11. *PIC' for Easton and points o n Nowpassing Jersey Cogitiritil-,Estitre#ll42 ' ...y pew,York. , . - A maid,' id.s..Aeconintiodatittg , ff'l 7 4 ,,e Dal e egm i sar v . king at e t il intermediate Stations/. 6 / I " , r al k °° ) l 4 a r d / 41 714Ps b-. 1. '; , .stgfitk! ;SW Wade, at 01 Yor k At 10.15 A. M.-Accemmodation for 1 ;Fait liTalill(llgild, ea c stopping at intamediate Stationa: ; I I J 4) ri ..f . , A 4, oe i t ,_ .. - , At 1.451' . M.- Lehigh, Va ll ey F.appmi.. or - ergs' Alienist. I..,6lauch' - Chunk,- White - nee ' . a *Mlle. hisbanoY 'City; Centralia, flbenandsiah.! 1 it.t.' 'Carmel, Pittston. and deranton,truit tali %date in , / 44 ,1 140 Y .1 Ma Wyoming Coal Regions., . .. . ~. ~ . , , • ,' A. t2llO P.M.;-AccothmedatitkifoilfeYle st oppin g Dt all intermediate stations!' ; ; Passengerc eake.atage at; oylestown for New Hope, and etklertla Wake for; 11:1=1- . tit 16,P. M.-Aebigh 'and Eitanuebantia . ExPrege for get kJ chtani Easton, AllentOwn:' - Mauch Chunk' -.' Wilkes. burro and Scranton. Paniongersjor Greenville take , this train, to Quakertown. At:l5 , P. M.'-=Aceonititodation for Doylestown,,qOplitste at all , intermediate stations Passengers for Willow Grove;liatboraugh and Hartaaille take stage at Mtn& As ropr. M.--maygitt - smanp)nodation . for Bethlehem' - i l and .all Stationa du 'mainline dr North Pennsylvania Salt road. connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Even- 1 1 big gain for Easton, Allentown. Mauch chunk. • 7 At 6 20 19 .M,‘:-Accototioilatkafor Laasdabs , stopping at all intermediate stations. 4411:41'. M.-01.m a nodailon for •Fetyaststtoa; ' TIf.AINI3 ' IN P./11 1 %AI' , • From'Bettdehein at , And ' 1L45 A, M 2 and 11.40 P. P.M. ,' • 1146,4,11. and 9,40,P. M.... Veins niakel directcomm. tiCITI'VtIM,LIOMEtY said Lehigh ;ant Smmilektuna C aine fteng„Eastlitc: iiernntoth WallFeatig*,:Mananey eibr'artr:Maidgiebi , .,____•.. '.. , , . , paase th pr4letwitiewitknoberre at 1.30 4 1": M,' c on nect at be at d,15,1',. M., /pd. noir, in f indladalphla at 8.40FP. _.p's_i' I ~' , t'' ,!.. ,_. ' ii , - ,- . t?. „ : .. ~ From Peileatown at 13.05`11. m:, 5.12 and 7.00 P. M. "9 Cg s"4"47 Piiii NI: 4: i 1; Fgo Misuihhi lit.. .11. - and 10 .M. SUNDAYS. ridladelehlafor ißethiehenr *19.30 A. M. Philadelphia for Do 'esteem at2.ooP.' M. Bortown, for hi at 7.204.. M. , _ Be tow rot at 4.01.1". M. ,- ~ .. .! ~. Fif and Sixth streets amuses Can convey passes. gerAtt inudg " .31 S tb s= iT ailktiiititi f eeteDine and Dalai efLtra of Line ran within a short dil:,nce_of, the Depot. , ' Tickelsiosastise precut' at the Ti _i, lane. in cirdei to secure the lowest 'rata' fare. _,, . A 1- i. , :.. ' ID mLRK. Agent. i Tickets Bold and Baggage sheeted through to princi pal Oints. at, Mannt! Isiortn peen. Paligeliti :.t;.?t9.14 9Dise. No. 105 South Fiftketreet "- - ~• ,' ' . . agongr PEULADELPHIALWILMINGTON AND BALTLUOKLEAILROM)--. , TIME TABLE.—Commencing , Mon day, April 13th, 1969.-Trains will botive , Depet,. corner of Broad street and Washington avenue..' ad follows: • Way,mailTrain,attiall A.M.— ( iondayive.seapt•d)„ for Baltimore, etopping at, ail. reAlliarConnecting with Delaware Railroad at Wilmington for citsidela and intermediate stations. Expresa train at lI N. (Sundays excepted) for Balti more and Waehingtom stopping at %Wilmington. Perry ville and Ilavrts-de.Graq. Connects at Wihnington with train for New Castle.' • Express Train at 330 P. M. (Sundays exeepted) for Bal timore and Washington. /topping at Chester Thurlow, Linwood. Claymont, Wilmington,NewportStantom Now ark. Elkton,hortheast.Charlestown. Perryville,llavrode &rl"eltirezl7t"E::7°ital°lB. as ggme.7irbong t:elvlmaon ith Delaware Railroad Line, stopping at New t,attle, Middleton Clayton, Dover, llamngton, Seaford, Salisbury, Princess Anne, and connecting at ,Ltiageld with boat for Fortrieg Mordsle, ;kaiak, Pottamdlith And the South.' - iNight Express at 11.00 P. M. (daily) for Baltimore and Waehington, stopping at Perryville and Barre de-Grace. Pam:engem for irortraels Monroe , and Norfolk via Haiti. more will take the 11100 Id. Train. Via Crisfield will take the 3..0 P. M. train. • Wilmington Trains, stopping at all etations between Philadelphia and Wilmington- Leave .Philadelphia stll A.14.,2.310.0.00,7'en 4 ILAiti (deny): P. M., ,, ,The 6.0(1 P.M. train connects with the Delaware Railroad for Barrington and intermediate stations. Leave Wilmington 7.00 and MO A. M. (daily) and,1..30. 4176 and 7.00 (daily) P. M. The 9.10 A. M. Tram will. stop between Cbeaterand Philadelphia. From Baltimore to Philadelpute.—Leavallaltimore 7.25 A. M., Way Man. sp. 3i, Exprees. 125 P. Ex prase. P. M Ex . &WE E f .siDreea. SUNDAY TRAIN FROM BALTDIORE.---,Leatg Bal timore at 966 P. Ai. stopping at !flavre- de Orate, Tarn villo and WRmington., Also Stows at NegthEart. Elkton and Newark, to takepaseengers for Philadelphia, and leave paissengers from Waahhigton or Baltimore,. and at Chester to leave patemigers in= VraOialiston or Balti ore. nr;:iiito(Wlesitrah' Through tickirta to l i t IA C l eat may procured at ticketothee. 928 _ softatit under mental Motel, where aloe State Robnuttind in ping-Cars can be eeeured 'during - ..wsomr ormehaang detain at tide office 'Mohave Mintage ch eck ed at theirtesiderien by the Vision Transfer . U. Y. KKNITErr. StrVerintestaella' irciN AN LS D) *UMW"' w DNORRIS WN RAM: ROAD TIME W,ednea49:-Nai,-1.1867. .T#B, _ !clog qEltiL§A*.rwit Leave Philadelphia-6, 7,9, 9.0§ t 1e1.1. 12A. AL, 1:901.11, 2 1 X,4.1, 6%, 610. 7;6.9.10. IL 12P. et. , • Leave Germantown-6, 7, 1.;4 2= 8, 8.. 9 0 , 9, PAL !2 A. 4,1 2, 3.4., 4X, 6. fIX 7, 8. KM 11 The 8.90 down tram, and ,the 6,d and 6 1 4 up trains, will not stop on the Germantown Branch. _ ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia,44.96 , minietee ALM ; 2,4arld 10X P.M. Leave Germtotsry—ftl6°A. M.l;_6 and P. 31. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROA . Leave Philadelphia--& 8, 10, 194. Id.; 2,9 X, 64. 7.9 and 10 P. M. •. Leave Chestnut ;11ill— .11;1' minuted, 8, 9.40 and IL4O A. M.; 1 40. 3.40, 5.40.6:40, and 10.40 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9.16 minutee A. M.; 9 and 7 P. M. Leave Cheatnut Ilill-7.60 minuted A. AL ; 12.40„ 6.40 and 1126 minutes P. hi: • FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia-6, 734, 9, 11.06, A. M. ;1.4.3, 434, 534, 6.lEs 9.06 and 11,i6 P. AL Leave Norristown-6.40, 7.7.60, I.IA. AL ;1,34, 9, 434, 6.16 and 834 P. . c 1 Li \ irm aAys:- • ' Leave P hiladelphia -9 A. M.; 234 and 7.16 P. M. Leave Norristown-7 A._ ,M. • 6 3 4 and 9 P.M. , • APR MANAYUNK. - • . Leave Philadelphia-6, 7%, 9,11.06 A. M.; T, 4,1 , 1, 6}5, 6.16, 8.06 and 1131 P. M. Leave Manayunk—&lo, 736, 8.20, 9M, 11.}6 A.M. I ; 3X, • N and 9P. M. 613uNraiti. Leave Philadetphia-9 A. AL ; 2)si and 7.15 P. M. Leave Mamiyunk i at i t i ld,; end 9 - rA P. M. . Uenolll Buperintenderst. spot, Ninth and Green streets. WEST_ CRESTFJI AND KULA. MURIA: RA11,714/AD, VIA ME. ' 14 - 141 MIDIA. SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. On and after MONDAY, April 17th. 1868,trains will leave Duot. Thirty- fi nd and Cheednutstneetta, as follows: Trains leave Philadelphia for West Cheater, at 7.15 A. M., MOO _,A 54.41.80, 4.lEs 4.60,5,00 And 4.0.0),P. M. • Leave Wert CheiterlorPhliadelpidealrem Depot on E., Market street, 6,15,1.15, 7.80 and 10.46 A. M.. 1.65, 4.60 and 6.00 P. M. On and after MondaykJane • 16than IidditiCaULTIIIIII will learn Philadelphia for Me dia and Intarnsesilete , Points at 5.30 P. M. • • , ,' . Train& leaving' West Chester at 7.90 A. M.,'• and <leayng Philadelphia at 4.60 P. M., will stop at B. C. Junction and Media only. Paeaengere to or trona4t,t,Ogill'iieivreesi Weeti Cheater end R. Ls &Mail= gd ins mastOwill take train leaving , We Chester at 7.15 A.M. and going West will take train leaving Pia l44l / 91 " at' 4 • so2 -M-o 411 4 - trilador ' 44- B.• " Junction. _ Trains leaving Philadelphia at I:1FX Ml and 4.50 P.M., and leaving_ West Cheater et 7.80 A. M. And 4.50 P. X. connect at BC. Junction 'w•lth Trains on the P. and B. C. R. It. for Oxford'and larteribadlatepointa._ _ ON SllNDAYS—Eta*e"Radelphill 4 5 B,OO AL IL and I nk Leave West Cheater fr 'A , M: and' 6 P_, M. ' ' The Depot is reached by the 'Sheen:int and Wal nut greet care.. Those' f the Whet street firm l'idt with. in one square. The cars of be lines catuialtrieith &EP train noon its arrival. ' '• • ' . FW - Panengers armallareved to takeS' wearing , apparel only as Baggage.. and the - Company will not, in any case, be rasponmale tor an =ohne exceeding SION unlade ape ; Di contract &made tor tha salon • ' • •• .: • 1, MONEY WOOD, General Supethitendent - ' , Iit i gimig.•PITILADELPHIA & BALTIMORE RAL . RAILROAD. ,••- Summer . , ementa. On and after Monday, April la. 1.1301,•the 1Z & 3s will Leave rbiladelphia.from the W • Begot of the eld ester Philadelphia Railroad, car- Der of Thirtydrat Chestnut streets (Wed Milled/IL). at 7.15 A. M. and,Lbo P.M. • = • , • Leave Rising Bllntat • .14 PIL,Aud Ox f ord at 1 11 ' A. M., and leav_et Ond atILLS P. M. • A Market Trial th• Passenier Car 'attuned wi ll run on Tuesdays and days. leaviM the Rising glen atlL66 A. M., Oxfollint,lL44 M. and Kennett at LOOP.- con.' netting at Weit_oneater Junction with a train for Phila. , delphia. Oa Wednesdays and tiatunlays train leaves Philadelphia 40E130 1,4,,nup through to Oxford. The Train loving Philadelp h i a am at 7.15 , M: connects at Oxford with daily lino of Li for •Peach Bottom, in Lancaster county 4 Returning, eaves Peach Bottom to. connect at Oxfor d with the Afternoon Train for Philgdel• phi'.. The Train leaving Philadelphia at 4.60 P.M, rune to Rising bun. MIL • • = • • ~ - • , , Passengers aIIOWO4 to ;take wearint: *viand tAttly.'aa ,, , Baggage, al e ye••,vomisany not: in angr ease, inr , re. sponsible for ,aluo texceeMni , one hundred dollars,: unless eV be made for tbl, same. r, • , rehl2 • RE' WOOD. Glesteral Burt; t•'. 1111.1 V 1 1 *** wi i i i "A. P. Id; * l4 4int Aso! t • RAMILEfts , oIIIDEs wErt NPAV RAIEVIAO ONEs SPRING AR CO cit ita ell ein sr*eti itsdiiy; 4r111,184361 . , TRAINit WILL__LEA_VF, ,g9tOM FOOT, OF MARKET illitEET wHARF (Upper NMI as follows: For. Bridgeton. Salem, and intermediato • stations, at 8.00 'lt. M. and 3.110 P„litil •', „, i,'i' i ri ~ ' ' For Miliville. Vineland and * way *Unions,' at 8.00 A. M. and 3.16 P. 61., I. or Cape May at 816 T. M. , For Wdednuryiodeommodatlon), ate 00 P, M. Commutanowelnalts, good between Phitadelehla and p a u ll r l e t o ttirt , in fir ty be d ihtilii . ne j .? on application , at the 'pre/1.- 14dg .4.'s ea 'elndian daily lit 12'o+clock (noon). ell will re in at isteond doveredivharf below NY admit Stet ,iit ditilvtf m 7 ' A , Minna tifi 61. • • Freight Delteery rA °nth - Dow:care *whine. , wild. J. SE,WELL, Superintendent" agimit POIrIfE r IOD O . •=-412D2 i --- U; ----- . - M - Mq ND AM 74 2 1 11 , 1,ADL111A AND TRE TO 'lt ROAD COM. PANY I II_ 4ila42l;ltutirPhllegrilphi•• •to ow'. YOtk. and twrFMantilittninWaltint street ivniirg,i , , I • , , .... • , 11,1 4 WO 1 '.l . ' ~ i ~,,,i ;,, r ..:r • • : • •,,, imam At g 08.,, arriden and Amboy, Atmonn: J 62 25 At 6.8., deli sn4ifirrtY ib' AxpreeeMail, 300 t s At 3.80 Odder' aim JeneY City, Kamen, 800 At 6 , P. M. l ll amdenend Anibor, 1. lot elan. 296 Acconi__,,i , Diligrant - _- , , 1, $d elan, "1 gO At 6A. 34,. and 2.P. Id.„ for Freehold ., 4a, :,, .;, At li anAlO A,,i .64:,02 and 3,30 P. 61.afor 'l'rentenc. . At AS end la A.• M.,,11.,2, 8.80.4. N wad 6P. M. for Borden. Atl andio A: 61,; Sit, 11.80; 4.90 and 6P. M.', far ? Florence : At A B end. 10 Ai .d la, 3.90, 4.80. 6 and' 18.80 P. M. for Burlington, Beverly and Delano. At d and 10 A. M.._ ,1• 2.4.121i6 and 11.30 P.ALfer Edge. water,,Riversidat Riverton and Palmyra. • , • At 6 an d' 10 A. M., 1.6 and 11 .8 0 P. M. for Fish Souse... IlArThe 1 and 11.30 P. M..14.11041Wi1l learn fronl foot of Market street hy, upper ferq li , ~ • From erisingten Benet : At 11 A: M. via genoithgtoifiltna Jersey gib", New York Exam' SAtieL•,.. _.,• ....., ..• ... . ..,..., 1... ....... ...133 00 At 7,46,and 11.304,54.1110.6.80 an dd P.M. for Trenton and Bristol., And, sit 10i1fi,A.,31., for Bristol. • , At 7.45W :i 1l 1. 31 ., ABO Ast4 SF. 3154 for ML, °rrigville and „ Tully ~ ' ' ' g'P i •M. f sett ke d At 7 Arland 10,15 A. M i 2.80 and • or Mir tut Eddington. „ • • - A.t 7.46 and 10.16 A. IC, 2.20,4, 6, and @P.m,. for Cternwello, TAtreorialo,liolmesburg, Tammy; Wissinoming, Brides bug, Fr saki ord, and, SE M. for Mobneeburst and hi littatioryi. •,.', , , • ' • B g .D.EL/Aveskg RAALROAD ,LENES itr et from engin& DePot• At 7. trAtill,,,_,' SOT ?gagers 'Falls, Buffalo, Titinktrit. Elmtrei Aback/074o; Roshester,Bhigharripton Oswego, Syracuse, Gre#,B onn. Montrose. Wiliniebarre, ton* fitreudebur7r P. Ac. ___,• .' , • Lam At 7 46,4,._.M •8.20 P. Id. fot Belvidarsi,Pnaton, Lam. bertelliii, ,Ele gton, &A rhe 8.80 P. M. Line,conneeto direct with the train, leaving Emden, forMauch, Chunk, Allentown, BemlehentiAlte. ' - • At 6 P. M. forLambertvilleltnd intermediate Rhino_ _,,,rte.. From West •Miladelphia Depot. via Connecting Bail; way , ,- ~ • ' At 980 A. Ma 1.80, 6,30 and 12 P. M. New York Exlress Liiie, via Jersey City. . .• .. . . . . .3 26 , The MO A. m. and rho PAM. Vie; ran "digiiii: iiii, are: Sundays excepted. At 9.m A, M., 1,30, 6.30 and 12 P. M. for Trenton, At 9.30 At M. 6.80 and 12 P. 31.. for Bristol. At 12 P. M. (Night) for . Morrisville, Tullytown. Schencks. Eddington, Cromwell% Torrisdale,Hoimesburg, •I'acony, Wiannoiningi Bridesburg and Frankford. For Linea leaving' Kenstrigton Depot, take t h e cars on Third or Fifth streets, at Chestnut, at half an hour before departure. The Cars oti. , Market Street. Railway run di.; ruct to West. Philadelphia Depot, Chestnut and Walnut withineno square. , On Sundays, the Market Street Cars will run to connect with the 9 &I A, M and 8.30 P. M. lines. Fifty Pounds of Baggage only allowed, eacti.PinseiNter.i Passengers arc prohibited from taking, anything ,as nag gnge but their wearing' apparel. Ali baggage Gray pounds to be paid for extra. The Conipany limit th eir re sponsibility for One Dollar per pound,and will not be liable for any amount beyond 6110 d, 'except by ape. cial ccmtract. - - , ; ~ • , Tickets sold and Baggage ,cheeked direct t h rough to Boston, Wori ester, Springfield, Hartford, New Haven. Providence, Newrt, Albany. _Troy, Saratoga, Utica, Rome. BYTartele, Rochester. Buffalo , Niagara Fall* and Suspension Bridge. An additional Ticket Office is located at No. 828 Chestnutatreet, where tickets to Now York, and all fm. : Portant points North and Eaet, may be procured. Per. . eons purchasing Tickets at this Office, can have their bag gage checked from residences or hotel .to destination, by Union Transfer Baggage Express. , ' Lines from New York for Philadelphia will leave from foot of Cortland street at 7A. M. and 1.00 and 4.00 P. M., via J. rsev curt and Camden. At' 6.80 P. M. via Jersey City and Kensington. At 10.00 .A.IIL ang 12 IL. wad 6,00, P. IL,' and 12 (night), via Jersey City and West Phllidel. oda, , , •. From Pier No. 1, N. River, at 6 P. M. likrprea and 5 P., lif..Ernigrar t, via Amboy and Camden. _.______,_. , . , At rill 3 - IE6B. . • WM.. fL GAT3DER, Agent CAMDEN AND BURLINGTON CO UN RAILROAD.—On and after Monday. February, 10th,18t73. Trani; will leave from the foot of Market street, (Upper Ferry) for MemhantvilM, Moorestown, Dartford. Miaow/ripe. liainesport; Mount Bony, Smithy - 111e, Fwanaville,Vincen. tow n Blruaingiugn and remberton, at 18,80A.M..8.08 • RPTCRNING- • ' Leave Pemberton, 7.7 e. 8.86 A. 31 ~and 2.2 e P 3L " Mount Dolly, 7.45, 8.47 A 1.,. and 2.44 Moorestown, 8.18, 8.16 A.M., and 8,128. m. , The 3.00P.M. lino will run through to Ilightstown, stop Ting at all the intermediate places. C KAMER. Superintend° • OPPOSITION TO MONOPOLY—RE gumption of tripe. The steamer ELIZA. , HANCOX, Captain L. W. Burns,' hav ing been thoroughly overhauled and put in complete re pair. kill resume her route on the Delaware ritter, be tween Wilmington and Philadel4bia, touching at inter mediate landings, MONDAY. arch 110. 1808,, , starting from a harf south-end of Market street bridge. Wilming• ton. and from arch street wharf. .Philadelphia... marling on the following time-table : Leave Wilmington -at I A. M.. leave Wilmington at 1 P. IL ;leave Philadelphia at 10 A; M., leave Philadelphia at 4 P. M. The proprietors of this line. thankful for the patronage so liberally bestowed -upon them last season, have determined to oiler the fol lotring reduced rates of faro : From Wilmington to Pb lilt del phia. 20 cents from Chester and Doak to Phila delphia, 10 cents; from Philadelphia to Wilmington, 20 , ceial ; from * heater and 11ook to Wilmington, 10 cents. Round trip tickets 50 cebte. . J. W.IIANCO; ruh2B4fl President New York and Troy Steambbat Co. TO RENT. IaGERMANTOWN COUNTRY BEAT.—TO LEY, a large, well-built Mansion:With about tea acres of lawns, situate at the corner of Gorges lane and Bristol Township line road. Germantown, within five minutes' walk of the railroad station. It commands an extensive view, has hot and cold water -.bath, stabling, etc. The lawns ale handsomely .embellished with trees, shrubbery. itc. z • Also-,A..neatmodern Residence, situate on Washington Inc,n near Bristol road. Has hot and cold water, stab , ling. handsome Plinth, trees, &c. Also—A desirable Residence, with two acres of land, stabling&c., situate on Bristol Township line road, above Go „ rgas lane. All the above are convenient to railroad stations. Apply to WIL LIAM C. HENSZEY, aO-43t0 737 Market street •TO RRNT. , --A Of)UNTRY 'BEAT ON 'LIMEKILN Road, near Ha neipatreet ;large grounds, containing fruit, bed, shrubbery: the . 1188 of lee, of a cow. Twelve rooms. two pantry room ; stable, bas two rooms ford servants; bath room, hot and cold water; all the &Mrs matted ; partlty furnished. Twenty 'Mr:Lutes to Ger. mento wn depot. Rent, WOO a month: Apply to Geo. N. WATTBON, keil Routh Sixth street. Tenant to take the gardener. aPlPitli TO LET.—DWELLING HOUSE No. 475 NORTH Sixth: stivot. lianniediato possession.. Heat $l,OOO Per annum. Liquuu ol . JOHN , ULRICH. Pennsylvania Railroad Office, apl3 4t Third and Willingra alloy. TO RENT—A THREE-STORY DWET,LEIG 11411 with back buildings. No. bll South Eleventh street+, '' Modern improvements. Immediate pesseeelom Also. modem dwelling S. E. corner - Broad d AUTO tvjets. Apply to CuFFIKIK JOEDA,Nr , 4fra,—Welant str/et. TO RENT. FORA YEAR, FROtFIST JUNE, A. .furnished house, in Fine streekAgar „Eighteenth. ' All modern conveni enos. • Address 'lox 2,934 P. O. ' iplEr 40 TO LET.—A COUNTRY PLACE, THREE %tams frcm the city, with' six acres, good house, shade, fruit, garden. grape-house, stables, Ate., and every, GollTf•Ditnce, and partly furnished. Apply to aplu ws ti ' B.OO.IfECAVE.4 .• 0 FOR RENT. FuR THE BUItiIIER'HEASONt furnished.—an elegant Residence,' , with stabling'. vegetable garden and several acrea of bindattaehed '. sit' ate on .Manbeitn street. <I ermaniorL'' d4'. l MtiW ' 1 4 ,1( & iSONS.I.OB Wainntatreet." , . , 16 FOR RENT ON AN IMPROVING , LEARE4 I A; ' large baildiag, having a front of 2d feet , by 130 feet in depth, situate on-the south side of WaintituOtreek %atlt of Tenth. J. M. 01.11dMEY; at' 1301$8,- 508 ,Walaut I/ 10•RENT.,41 , GERMAN WIC•L-A A M 'ORNIED V owe, with all ntodorp copventeucos; stabling, gar ., den, Am; VieseentlY.' attested and convenient to .rau oad. Apply at 737 Market street. apt s vt 4t• c::illce RENT—TWO LARGE DWELLINGS. WITH brOvyn atone fronts,' and 14U3 North Sixteenth " tArt-Et. Apply to 8. MUDGE, ~ a ;1611.• ~ $ ~ 149 Market street., , , tiTO itENt,L:i' HANDSOMELY PDRNIRDED Douse with modern conveniences, in a central loca. tton, for four months or Mote. Apply to 518 Fourth i sire% second story, from 12 t 0 .3 o'clock. spl4.2t* FOR REN r-ARESIDENCE, SUMMER ' REDENCE, :FUR : . t nishodi near Radnor 'Station, an Penn,3ylvania' Rail. mad, blcpply to JOLLN M. LINDSAY, West Haver , , ?for P. 0., Del. county.aplikit... . . •_. 11 FOR RP 7.7 T--THE THREF-STORYRRIOK REEIV v deuce. with three story double back buildin.situato ' No. am 1231 Arch t. J. M. GUMMEY & SONS, ME Wklnutitrect, • ~ • ., .• :, 1 ' ;• TO ANT 7 DEBIitAI I LE 7101.780 EYE, with all the modern improvementa, suitahle . ' privntetamils. ,solll.4lt*;.' --- itTO RENT —TIII4 ,FOUSBTORY DWYb7LLINtI, -, WO. 1316 South Broad street. Apply on the f i rogi-: TPta/P9fE FOR SALE. BIJILDING LOTS PoSALE. A BALDERSTON :tirAtIIERTSON (Air i rrj,:r No:120 Nort t lai erhfxlo24ikettlattll42tli* ninme•lm2 ''3C.P/ 112, FOR BAIL—TIT A7LANTIO Orcir ful Cattaga Iteildevent , eituattiOadßims above North Carolina 'sena% an frontlsigttbd oea,,And,le with,1 11 0 417 1, 4 1 d 0 16 .1kollflar ' ll Ali t " road dept. - ;It 1 0 10 chalincerV.'7 doublet bedded,' 24 rgttlitiptknoth , 2 , .„ kilebtlifanardlutlf; 41104Pfigltapp .11 rtorleo hig front. tArttf_Cues irk • IT Portico Ira! and's° fee vernal tin • a . ' ample closet& Ao od cictern and cellar. The lot IS 22 , feet. 'Yor further 449M4040POPIY141 1 4+4.ffievoit,. • uon SALE--BU i DiNtyvato ,07,44 - v: i,lnrwl. olii:. - 1 -'• Latteiorthip7og r ionAllisrffintStlxtrol; 2 loin .1f,,, , ?Tee Lb r itt,,, 04, _, ' 3 lots N. .- WA ti A V,4l' • e=lrtt, Welt' philadejriblit.t • • S.)tti. ~; t . t•,. - , Y 11': , in. t.,.. • , ;.- -. 1 3 ioth WQ 1101#4 11 / 40 , , PilnetreP3sTatitrrti -4 )..”., A , t + 6 lots F. B. i 10.,,a viEtre i ttratir,Axv , ~,. '`,l 'a' 2 lotm E. El. niserd =it Ve =goon ' All in improing'nelghtol,,ls4ttrlk ltb • ..,..,a " JORDAN, 433 WAlnut,r ' " ‹: '". ''' /owing, 0 ' FORBALFLWA.. ...the Itiver'lliimit. N. J. containing Or street. The house ls the centre; lara.shadt and liardetrtilled with' minutes , walk of Omani premises, or to 'WM. Ki tiCkit'shLEtoi Pb.i Nett W l4c ~ esidence, r6p6 Used hon 66 ,11761 Gira laid out withs. tiotizei I.4:kt 76 bir • The lot sldjoiiiirig; sired. tit 44149 gou (C bleneeleenet evergreen green how e, temnt houeesAl situate on IRlghltreet: th to rgrirog4 e ' stloritth. abarkliggee;J.J44,43ll3) dim- FM BALE— -. ..1' m i iff .11.11 11 . t ii ;NORM. Olegi ..t. "MI 1 - i ----- ti ' "0 A The elegant Brick and Bpptesallippetyolder t ' u N i 0,14411-1, Broad , etreet, southetet` Centel!' el-miesem, n rtt - *KV Argil ftreet• ,c• v - . ,! i... 1 Ilim 211144411 111.ctaliaOlteli7 ilpir , I co i rmAr t mc—Fo4l etunkt t, • ; 7,, 1: . s ,I. MI titerfiLla ild tl' i t :r n i 4 .i tly-? , ,, , t ~ , ,, , ,ttprN l ittQ xpintit Welk kWh , WI of. ,` .• , ' P , .,' , ,r• , - A Get/n* l O4V n . 1 11411:40,k•':(4.01L ' ' ' NI S ' ss ` 110101 WttlTglt , lttle4ti ' I-P '.• yliclUi FA ass . 2troid set Ali if(01. I.' r ,•,,, _ f r ~, FDA- iiii4Liii ORA /l' 'l5 4 • • 24 11111sAdsoput Id ?9_llt . ea.,74 Atri ~.,,- trOtatd.4tat ° ea,' a ' " lav 4 , r -11,-;:. Deitivareteo .IV thhelle I etnici • mid / . 1040. Stitt' ~ ..17a 4 , 11,1411121te twit 14e0111*reAlteli tirr).l di_ Mt GIO '/,'" *lssW.N43.e nt a YIA iilit• 'FOB ~ 0 .440,g,t , '4 daftit t iOlkti c 4Myr t noose, at , mereban f "ii : j p . p _ , ~,,.. ,v. quest maroon, emanate" , , aiad dB ~, lington canna* , railroad; rMarif lift Of lialget J udttut ab 1 Camden, in oi, u _v ?hl o,o4,jur.4wittra,,Lc.l l r, „,• 4 aP9 60 No. 21 N-Delawaroavenue, Philadelphia. riTOI SALE °RV) L Fa' = • ' MT" `T..r" months, in GernatuttplOnAArgiejeeetthei lth the mod ern conveetenee!, : pia Onto img; con vesuler tte the reflr,ond` dee et, Addreellik' .r 44 EOl1 4 10: 2113, Ithiladelphle Peet(' 4 %4-, • 't , :WO ' ' am÷i tt FOR SALE-4PREMISESiNaII(it 414101114:011/0e 4111%11! tf .f rrri o r isuglik#o-htLst4 tint , P linttimenowitleint447o° "• Second a Treinandblimite cA VERY DESIRABLE , REMl)7l44llrireriiinliV:? , ; - MANIUA. WESr, 111,LiDild•PUtitt. adorn 4. 1 built convenient houpe argn i t y Wfilig •' ""y43 Ftutt, Flowere, tto. inquire 0 pr Iton otreet. / , la ) , ) FOR SALE A THREE-ST& 4 "11i 3 4 411 with doubts back buildings, 443 Apply to .„_, c , FOR SALE-44 VE NIMAIIIIRO' 88' 4188 r ti, §3t ,x . !e t, below Rine. Lot 39 4p154t0, FOR SALEL-I'llE ML'FOANTL'Otrit!SRAZ,''' '' earner of Birch lauffsnAl bionflopf err a • Lsaw - Chtet. :( g lk ~,to , MI / .._ , . • ...* P4.1 11 M .. .,.. 13 ..;.r ,, - - ' - ''''''' • _ • ' ' -, 1•:•;•iX Mr "'""tfOrr'"rt 1 aQ . ELEGANT , NRW,gnstrowg, , tgapi . a. uv 'ELEGANT NEW REISIDENuti . ..11X45.7d '. No. 9022 SF_ISVOR' STREET: ' l9 +“ , 4 .1... ' FOR RALE. ,- JlAlR.SBROTilltliteit'oo' h;y.,‘,l , feb27.2v. , —, ~ ,A 500 :80 . 04 1 WEE .•' 1P,•• 4-' 18684 iliii'ißlNE;'DFTPlvE'3winiEfilitAB6B,l' ~_ N. 1929 WALLACE ETIV. Woe 1 , .k -. 'lir ~..... tionee4Si feet front; !skip te&11„ street. 4 j ''-- r 4 a tIIALE. .• . ',.. MACEMMICITME.R..4II4IALOI - 4 4 1 . fe97.2m!' , , , . - ~, , treMPIE gitTnfrW.lV-1 ' ITAI.OIJABLE WHARF .Y . ROREI , ItT4 4 rar s Aii f •v. theDelptere rivelr, halime i st eu trint la . Pier 71.fiadiwide. - ; J. M. 010 ~, i ~:, . .I street, , •; II , ~. i .::..-.,'7"fr11 ~..--,, Otirt ; 31", .e . ,:YJ , ff. , tai 131trlifik, r STALTEMENV4:II i , , WI - ••:%' - 9,'7. .4 ., ‘ 4, '..1.4 '*f. IIIGHTII QUARTEHLY '`RFPORT "OF .. I',J . ET: i . , ~. XI TIUNAL HA NROF THE '-. -, ‘tl ~,, , , . . Part.apm-riul..4Prik.6.4, ale ,: • ,-, i REROI.Ih.UA-./S. .. _ L clans and diseounts.... .. . .... ..... ...e.PPS,,dd.p, $,, ~, . ,i t L'aited Stet( e bonds deposited with ~ __. OS , ....., , ~ . A Treasurer of the United Statae..'.., I 50%000 ~ 1 E ' I:nited Statt.l3 bonds and othet.„.atou• ~,...d t ~i , , s ~ ,:. ~ 0 'A ,, , rides on . hand • ..........:.):, 17231 to ,. j ,. , ~.,, ~ •,_ ,., ,,v., ,, , Real estatelPreductivo)• ' '' 'ol *IT OP efa. • Legal tender notes and ,: evil' fi , :,.'"' 308 ' 1; ',',:,, „‘, .' , .`.' , "' . .,., 4 cares. '......t.i. .... .. ..... ......,..34a, go ' 4 . ' 4 "' " National B ank n0te5...... .,. ,.i. :! ,..V.%'.''.' .11 1...." "RU II ; 0 r ,; . 4 ' 7 E1' ,.. .':". 5 Pfactional !currency, and atatups,..... ,11.1 , 112t m lei , 1 ~,,i, ~., ! r PAM:HUMS... ••• • • ; •,• • • . 6 . ... .• ~• 7' t , atr'd 1a,”.( . ., it)tal'l%li Doe from. other banks: :. sia,‘.tay .1884a _ _ nv ,. , , ' , •-.: i .0. , .rr-, : ~„ 11 . ExpenseS Alla taxes ........ ..,.....,..,.,,,...!. ~ , r 3 1 ,., ..let.., . . ... - ..... ... _ LlANtangs; -• • r , capital 5t0dc...... oabot circulation ... ... .. . . .. . . Depoeitc.,. . . „ Profit and Ices ....... :. . 1 , WI; 12 • - TOtal •- • • $2 6W,lt2ft j , i3l - E1 P. Atitliflthilo. M=EI 1)/TPOSALS FOR GOAL: , '= -- ' ' i - ". ,=_•' L...tihz. ' ,'- :' .I. AoSISTANT QUA ItTER'itASTE XI IPS OFF I C E 3141(1. liJ' GIRARD S'PttnitT, • ; , • .• " ' • .PB/ LADT.GrIIIA. Pa.,Abillat4 ISO. , & Sealed proposals will be rt ceived at ill's Milos until eleven (II) o'clock A.M.: °flirt EV DlVl'lleWetOlfirilt intr. l'. • for furnishing the Quarierma.tersi,Dopartment w flirgks., , ~... thousand gross time best' quality White"Asit'AntlirlM - Coal. , tf ouch sinee and id atielvesiantitiee fade' A hige . 4 ordered or a period Rf,orwitear frogt,TMli iltr,;_ nest, tri the privilege or ineretteing it t ''..bouean twig. should it be Mouthed , f• tI , , So moon of the makes; near et &f . gado ko. city. including the L. if, 41,reinetye. edepri I t 4 k Gray's Ferry Hoed, to' ag antiminglAtt WA ' lt • . diet tone, mint beleliveredtat lead valdlol l ' '' may be ordered, any,adielgoetiltiinpidgio the, I U. B. The balance to he delivered oa board of veste at thin Pm tlnfoOldtiolaitd.chdditiedifro.VoinidAteitiow , duet at e the r unwritten. .. , , ._, , ~ , ~ „ , _ P,ro 1 'Mut :he' Made %Mei en/ . 4 .llcuebfi ere 'tlinnr , " 4l forme, iv MA canibeigtidedifg i/e;.'S .. it '....,; -4,n,.1 , 1t) • A li Any 'ad iticirtatin mien e. a b ..refiref we ' to bia,vyal l te t foxiliggidost applicator) ', , dereigittede,") 0 • • 1 • n ,Intolitk, 13, ' •thrt-001011el ini I A; . 1 . ..* •VI '" . . , . , ClO/ REUBEN ILI, Atll.:f mi. F ; I , t .t. R UP. , ; A ll. B . V ll .k Y etit r . riA% AkirwErriatr t ., neon on hand • constant supply o L ands SGRUYLKILL GOAL& troll tha 0402404 tor Fottnliyo, Factory. and Steam Purpories. atol4 TREGMUMBTED OBN IS RA NIIII BROOK LER EV A 0 • ' , OTHER4IIIBI I - 'LASES COMAS, ; wia(arr ta.4lAll' in , Ri ft liFP,____*, • , &lath =UMW fe2o-21n - • We 4.) t I,doGAltilli' Ab' EON; .. f .' , .`,l 'it il -, 'A. .1 ~ , .' - ..zit&L.Xaltniit 4E. _, ' ' DEMEN., SAyp A , AIR; 40:. .-.' IMIT END OF CHESTNVF ITFitSI4,LT.BIUDOE. !....fe.u.m#3 , • ALSO. DUAL AND Wm/Ey. - ' ~ , a. maittust ininta.' • " • 4onw v . eintarr. T B tt et ,uppv k lusJoND INtarn , taTrafrioN , . 14, r stock or tiring MOuntain, Lehigh 'and Lamle Mtnintalti.basio w et 4 with the preparation_prep br til‘weilbitedr. Canna, bei . xs sued by_any other Lou, ~, , ~,. •- -is '• ' oii We, Franklin bustitute Botuainig„ 'No, 16 • 0 Moe ,t. SINES di 81:1_ ,__1 1 ' i otl Arch street wharf. SehuyauL s ".. ~~.:r.. •110TII • USE, No: ,11 'NORTEK SECOND digs of ttl , qq 4 l n A' am k , ' • , ttr . A ES' ac LEE flay° now on band , and at* still recatirlittlViarte 41•1141. 1 - mil'' choice assortment, of Spring and floonneT Good, t g ir op t adapted to Men , s and Boys' akar. to WPien .1'14 t' the attention of Merchants Clothiers 'Tailors ali • COATI:1 , 10 0091/ki. ; ar SliPer Mack French Cla hs. • gyper Co/ored Aensh, Cloths, f Black and Colored t °stings. • , Black and Colored•TricetCoatings:' ?iagonol,Rl4 , B4,Coattogre!. • li l l , olMitratti., alt colors,' , c 1 • w Styles i.,adies , Cloaking( - • ~„t 41,/tir*.A, 81 Mixed Coatings. atc. f_ PANTALOON STUFFS. • • • Black roonelt Doookioa. - do do Canimeres, • „ , N ei ", s tyl es Faticy • do. ••••, - °,!;; 'l DOr2 ' '•'Al4'''lo tl MU D MilifkdiattelV,,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers