mom( wff E Aolviaa ATLANTIC dQIADKON. come renitence of the nheiteetahta Evening Ballethgl U. eelless;;;Terta, Hannon or Mogrerrogo, Uruguay, Feb. Bth, 1868.—Thisship, commanded by Capt. Thomas (4. Corbin, Is lying about three miles opposite the city of Montevideo: On the 6th of Februaly Admiral Davis, corn -mending thigSonth Atlantic Sguldron, received • a note from the U. S. Consul, telling him that a • on of Gen. Florea, the Provisional Governor of the Banda Oriental, had driven his father into the 'country; in fact, created a revolution, and; I am told, confined the Secretary of War in prison. This son, Col. Fortunato Flores, held a commission as Colonel of the National Guards, coneititing of about six hundred men. The report was that the Colonel had collected all his men and was fortifying himself on the Plaza in front of the Government House. A meeting of all the foreign Admirals was held on board the Enlists flag-ship Narcissus, to take into consideration what was to be done, and to protect the various Consulates. It was agreed that each nation should and a certain number of men ashore, for the protection of the public buildings, Cus toneilouee,egesall the forces to report at the Cus tom-House landing to Admiral Anguitesola, of the Italian flag-ship Regina. At 10 P. M. Lieut. ComManderitumsey,Secoad Lieut. R. R. Neill and Ensign L. E. Chenery were ordered to hold themselves in readiness to go with 15 marines and 86 sailors to protect the city. We did not move until the next morning, the 7th, and, bright and early we were up, seeing our 'men •properly equipped and the arms and ammunition In good order. We thought of • our last moving upon the rebels, duringehe war, and all thought some ex citement was on hand. At six in the morning we arrived and landed our . forces ' shore.. t.: LieuCilium - lrder Riuniey reported his tom as having arrived, When the Admiral ordered us to take our quarters in a yard of the custom-house, the 'officers having one of the offices. After inttiag,the men as comfortable. as possible, and Sentrielisheing posted, we waited for farther orders. Ensign L. E. Chenery handed ine'' the 'number of men on the' ground on our arrival, which was 110 Italians, under the com mand of the Italian Captain; Qfty English sal lorsand marines, ` ".under the command of the Captain of the Narcissus; twenty. Spaniards, under_ officers_ from _the_ flag-ship, and fifty Frenchmen, from the )Magicienne. Afterwards detachments arrived from all the ships, and at 10 A. M. the following troops werein the yard: Italians, 160, two cannons, 6-pounders; French, 100;• Spanish 80, two cannons, 18-pounders; English, 60, Cannon, 12-pounder; Americans, '5O; Brazilians; 60. • . We experienced some trouble with the sailors on account of some of them getting hold of a calm of brandy. Butes soon as discovered it wts destroyed. lite men were drilled during the day at firing, and held themselves in readiness. to move at nay moment. The court that we were .ouartert d in contained boxes, bales and crates of all aorta of goods. Having sent five of the sailors to the flag-shin for committing offences by breaking into boxes of wines and getting eirnuk, we found the effect was good, and very little insubordination was detected afterwards. In the evening we heard a report that Colonel Fortuea to Flores had surrendered to his father, and given up his sword, on the condition that he should leave the country, that the men of his regiment should be absolved from all blame, and it is said he demanded £60,000. During the night his officers arrived at the Custom House to go on board of the apaniek frigate, confrming the report of • the surrender. Early on the next morning the Colo nel wars escorted through the Custom-House Tale; and placed on board of a mail steamer, I am told, for Buenos Ayres. How true his going to the above-named place Ido not know. The next morning, Bth inst., the Admirals, finding the affair was over or the grand revolution was at an end, ordered their men,through the Italian Admiral,. to their' ships. The American Consul, Mr. Long, was very kind to us, and made turas comfortable as he could with blankets and can de de that he sent us. I called upon him, and founiteouse few sailors from the Kansas, under Midshipman Mclivane, guarding the house. I found the Consul, who is from Baltimore. He was not alarmed, as he said it wits all over now, and that to-morrow the Custom- House would be opened. Atterreturaing, the. officers called • upon- each other, and lam afraid very few went to sleep early that • night.' The eight was very pictu resque to see the uniforms of the various nations all together- ' at one end of the building were the English headquarters, with the fine-looking ma rine in his red coat walking hie post; the Spans lab quarters with . the Spanish marine, with his wide trowsera of black, and a wide stripe down the side, and tight- fitting coat; the Americans with the American flag in the door-way, with the modest marine, but clean, and in good order; the French, with the latelf•soldler and half-sailor dress of its sentry; the Brazilians very dark, but walking at arms, right-shoulder, and not allow uny of the men to cross the gate; and at the sad the Italian Admiral, with his fintnlooking ;tuff, and in a very brilliant uniform, very much neaged In giving orders to the. different nation+. During the night the Colonel was sent to the eteamer, , cud the next morning, after parade and drill, we were ordered by the Admiral to "for ward, march:" so all our mess pans, ammunition, tiIIDE, 4:C., were sent to the boat landing, and a sentry was detailed to guard theununtil our ships' errlved. Moving backwards and forwards to get all the men together, the sun coming full - down upon us, and in the closely buttoned and belted coats of the officeri e was anythiug but plea ,ant. At bet our bosh, were announced as having arrived, and the men moved off in very good order. Our steam launch. and the second launch in tow, were EtlitiCiell I for all the men. . During this time the others were moving off as east as poeeible. and very glad that they had nut to r+ male longer in the plaice. Thus ended the Revolution of 1868, and I have. no doubt this son will come back again, and do the some thing. No doubt the force at the custom Houk prevented - hint rrom making a laid upon it, as biaidee containing goods of all Vaal', a greed deal of tt eseure was in the vaults. We left Rio on the •setti of December, and reached this city on the :oh of January, finding the Kansas and Shamokin here, the • Wasp and Quirmentes coming from Rio with us. lam told . on the 12th inst. we go to the Falkland Islands. and do not go to Africa until next winter. Thu cholera has been raging up the river, and in this place there have been some thirty deaths t day. • Eor the pastetwo days it is- on the" de- ' t Etat*. I send you a list of the otlicera: Admiral Dears, commanding squadron... Conn:crawler F. R. Rumeey, Chief of Stain Master H. Davis, on Staff. T. C. Baker, Fleet Engineer. T. In Gibson, Fleet Paymaater. M. Duvall, Fleet Surgeon. Capt. P. R. Fendall, Fleet Marine Officer. Midshipman H. M. Lisle, Stall. Capt. I'. G. Corbin, Commanding. Lient.-Conamander R. R. Wallack, Executive Officer. Lieut.-Commander E. T.- Woodward, Naviga- - I.leut.-Cormeander, B. B. Ramsey. Acting Vedette:sr Lieut. E. M. Greco. Acting Muster, C. H. Rockwell. Acting his nor, C. F. Hodgkins. Soaped Lieut. R. It. Neill, United States Ma rine Corps. Past Assistant Surgeon, Joseph Hui„ -g. Coo. Henderson, Chaplain. Assistant Surgeon, T. it. Brown. Ensign, IS. Hubbard. Ensign, L. H. Cheuery. Sixty marines, 400 spitfire and twelve miclehlp men. Robbery of !A Hatiroad OINIce. The Lancaster Express of Saturday say e: Sonar time during yesterday evening or last night the Pennsylvania Railroad : office at Landisville, nix Milts west of thiti city, wait lintglarionsly entered and the sate either broken or blown open with gunixty , dcr, and one thousand . dollars ab stracted. We have not learned the partici:t iara at thin writing. Late, in the evening a man was et - rented in Mount Joy on suspicion of being the perpetrator of the net. The toots used v ere obtaintal at Mr. Sanders' smith rhop, "at tandiaville. A • knife belOnging to the Fatty was left sticking in the window. A cheeL for one hundred and thirty-six &tilos was left untouched. All the drawers, desks, &X.. Were broken Opell. 't hre er persona flUSittteted of the wither). stopptd at Mr. Minnieh's hotel, in niuht; and raid thev tame from Mt. k trA and iiitenlcd to alt u Ijcture city. This rooming one of n4ded was arro.hti at Mmitivita, lie had come. bark from Mt. Joy and seemed very final hinve about the matter. I¢ITY BULLETIN. &mums Acelmo:T.-White some workmen were engaged in loading cotton on Front street, below Vine, yesterday, one of the bales full upon a little girl named Ellen Wnrtz, aged eight years. She was seriously injured, and was taken to her worne - , --- the - house - of - Mr. -- Behemminger, - No:7 - Farn'ts Court. Front street, near Race. The acel dart is attributed to the carelessness of two of the workmen, and they were arrested by a Fourth District policeman. After a hearing before Aid. Murky. they were held in $l,OOO bail to await the result of the injuries of the child. DEATH ors A ,-MERCHANT.—IirillIata Collins, of the late firm of McCutcheon &s Collies, died yes terday at his residence on North Broad street. E. Harper Jeffries, Esq., the President of the. Commercial Exchange, at their meeting this morning, alluded to the sad exult in fitting terrnc, after which an appropriate preamble and resolu tion were adopted. Messrs. Hugh Craig, Win. Brice. W. Butcher, W. Halm Murphy and Israel Michener were appointed a committee under the retolntion. STILL ANOTiIER SNOW-STORII.—By way of a change In the weather, today we have another snow-storm. At an early hour this morning the wind was northeast, and the atmosphere was raw and chilly. The snow commenced falling shortly before nine o'clock, and during the entire morn ing the white - Bakes descended thick and fast. They melted as they touched the ground, how ever,. and therefore only had the effect of making oat-iloor exercise rather disagreeable. BrArmn BURNED.—This morning about half past_three o'clock a fire broke out in a large brick stable, No. 2011 Bansom street, belonging to Ber nard Dully. The flames spread rapidly through the building, but the police succeeded in rescuing four horses and two new wagons. The structure was gutted, and a quantity of hay and feed was destroyed. The loss is estimated at $3,000, and is fully covered by insurance. SMIIDAT SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY.—The anniver sary of the Sunday Schools of the Second Re formed Church, Seventh street, above Brown, Rev. Mr. Talmage's, will take place this evening. Addresses will be made by Rev. A. A. Willits, Rev. Mr. Talmage and others. •The exercises throughout will be of a highly interesting character. LOST HIS WATCIL—A man was enticed into a house in St. Mary street, last night, and while itiiere was relieved of his Watch. ' A e:dored ioinan, named Anna Dornan, was arrested on the charge of having committed the robbery. She was taken before Ald. Morrow, and was held in 8800 bail for trial. Pocas.T.s.—A young man. named ,itv. Pennington was arrested by Poßeeman Carlisle. at the Baltimore Depot, yesterday, upon the ar rival of a Baltimore train, upon the charge of having picked the pocket of a lady in the care. Ile was taken before Alderman Mink, and was held in $l,OOO bail to answer. DEATit OF A IAY.--PeterTolbert;apolico man rt man attached to the Fifth District force, died yesterday of typhoid fever, after an illness of two weeks. He was 37 years of age, and resided at No. 130,5 Pine street. Mr. Tolbert served as au ( , fficer under the administrations of Mayors Con rad, Henry and McMichael. THE SALE or MESSRS. VITT Brans'. elegant col lection of Artistic Vases, Qrsaments, (troupes and Statuettes, was unavoidably postponed this morning, on account of the storm; it will be con tinued this evening, at 7 o'clock, at Scott's Art Gallery, pa) Chestnut street. We advise our readers to attend the sale. RAILROAD ACClDENT.—Wifilatil Ruck,a brakes man on the Pennsylvania Railroad, was run over by a freight ear at 16th and Market streets, about eleven o'clock this morning. He had a foot 'crashed and a jaw broken. He was taken to the Pennsylvanra HoFitsl. SLIGHT FIRE.—An alarm of fire about half-part ten o'clock this morning was caused by the burning of some goods in the bulk window of the slimming store or Mrs. Firsin, No. - 2101 Callow hill stress. The damage done was not serious:. ROBBERY AND REeOVERY OF (3,,oDS.—A lot of washed clothing was stolen from the yard alb.: dwelling of Mrs. Sophia King, at Eighth and Lombard streets, last evening. Subsequently a policeman found In an alley, clo3c, by, a nag cm!- mining the stolen articles. Arrt - atrIED ROBBERY.—An attempt was made to enter Kline's curiosity emporium, No 212 South Eighth street, early yesterday mornitm. A jimmy was used upon the door, but the thieves were unable to effect an entrance. PAINTING BALE.—PerbollBElliDg to contri• hute to a sale of paintings,. to take place at Seott's Art Gallery, MN Chestnut street, on Fri day (-sluing next, 27111 'tot., must have thorn in the gallery immediately. B. B,:orr, J,c. CONTESTED ELECTION CASE. Close of the Argil. !nen ROW TO SWICE A FAIR AM) HONEST Ellicriirs Speech of Hon. Wm M. Meredith Mr. Mii•edith said: May It please the Court, it io. I i.tai tit the eN iii, toi in them, it it not 01, .upper c, to say that anything 11 an evil that tit, nnj nn htni.nal. to (10,Stit it inn ono of tau heron Mem., ell aii et, use juditiory, and it le a very fri intent ie., r. r net that the whin:num cotupo lu the boucle •,, 1,, to orir or the other of the politaal p,irtiib, stint( et bete, (ien which in the n no be ,1 ji,(tl of. 'lbis circtinki.tance renlllll - CS or the belie-, lon con Nice of the hialkei.t quolitice of judim t ity • 1 sl say no more on mai. suupet (-ie. • • jodicia I infest Iry is ste niuoli prostituted fir pito:, ,Itsinet political II wlien the case is Mot on tit in dihn. fib it It 0 11111 be to cant It the other In 84 ill eorSenttleiln, of PO/IU , al feelings If there 1., a judge. not coos o: i stenhi, okind to that point of tergettv, Ike e h. dd sien, and not leave to his prod( oy a unto disg rieett:iy thcnn m ile he bas set yiiiir . llbriorspleitse,l don't readily on h ret o 1 on her(' fat , in regard to the point • of law. In this . ..esues. 1 lend helpmeet that they lied long Hill.:(' Ii tit it hod adjudicated in the moat derided loro: ill Inn n I 4 ass When. there was n allatlifility of ()I - Union, and wit it was lent down Da law that ii there WIN the ,lighp , t evidesev 01 fraud° ur of such petit, i i to. t o 11 n• (fu• it itopoksible to rely tipun the lemilta gi e a rl by tin (Arleen, that either of these grounde would be reseon for throw lug out the poll. dodge Ludlum' tv• tit urther, lie not only kid down that principle, but in tai view the evidence in that case did annlOULit to jnftonl of int!)regularities nun, therefore. he in na u favor of striking out tine Tta, the on tin !IMPS Orilinlin On the I olinl, mith ely ale.tve and boyood tatty. ,hlielon if tits t cane vs-no ultimately Holm! more. The striking out of that la II still leaving a majority for the party who received the (bile, Inn on the ,b. s . 'ion id law non hefnre y01f,141 this record, they mire Minh 1110J.Jo iliac where there m: , either the slightest rands ~ Lilt 11 gllnf.n, it rckjlllal i I ht, that thole that the fiPlecro 1,11 MA to I e depended upon, the poll should he etrickc u nut IA by? Fur nt no other way can you do medico to the. eiti. stns of the County. When we talk about in iitsaes, what ate you doing when you allow thew) Irregularithil to elev.) todt=_tiovthpright. of the whole body of citizens woo have claims in thin, Matter. It might have lo en supposed that Clio queNtian tam: ,fart. tin a would flint LliVe been again rallied And if your hell or. no 311 look at the record et the ram before you, you will find not) reabon to be eurorised that ft is attempted to be again imbed. You wilt ate that thii respondenta them. selves have upon lees ground asked you to strike out tom hund3( d and two polls- not eight- at which hO,OOO vat• were cast. Nobody cou:d have titutposted that, to its their present view hof the law, they would have preheuted thin and suited thin Court to do ouch n roonatroub thine as that of ould be—in their view, Tiwy Own seemed to think that lemihreattlauith a than one complain of would MI aunt eluot to Pirtle out a poll. But when they came to tile proof towy, evidetw.ei...l-hat marks the linoteWeeh`thlinit and the tiujuht—mink) an allegation and bin unable to prove it. The logical conclusion that they wish to draw i If ur adversary has made a Molnar allogat.on and has proved it, it in absurd to lot hot have any benefitfrom it., But w e cornea little later down, -'Vii. proof on the p;trt of the contehtnute in giveu. it hi proof of what hanoctred at these polls; it is proof of what happcncal inside of theme pollh, where the pie (hue who ottended ware on the oppo nit, side: it It proof of what took panto that could he iienn known by partiee outside. The respondents having heat d the evident(' upon the part of the Coin teatants, give n ne at all themselves. They stand upon the proof me prmebitd by the couteetante. Therefore I need not say that you aze left to take what the witneshea have .'tat, - ( ovi eei, d a w Lo ro no t tato 'tno fbom doubted .- 'tors, t w e re web no denial of their testimony. Tth ru wan Miniudalit opportunity for denial if any mild I , e r,. so rated by the oilier side. hen ore au a step further in this case. Mr. Gert urd, who opened thecae° on tit., part of the respondents, treated it as whatt A-duanirror t o eyed nee: 'I b, y could tior dispute the law, bat they I. it at last to the point where they d :Med your power to .to halt To do on hat they had 11.14.0 d you to do the solves lie denied, not that tin , law waffanted it, het that thO evidence the caho wax truillchant. It Le a tearat day to ask in to batik bellied. the Canto sad up by the emit, tit., principti ti we find laid down to the umnarotto coco dectOcd ill the put. it in THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.---PHILADELPIIIA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1848. fortunate. that the eaten cited did not bear out tha Reale' men in there view of tho law; fortunate that the cam has not befnrebcon presented to justify a court in throwing tent a poll The question is, nits her this coats odes yieroeur mit ze tome? Unless you overturn all these decisions, and es ex vtbing done by your predeeenaore, it la ientleesilde for .- - lintsite - nem ire, except &DPI/that/tots to what is the ilifablfsGrr 4- ; You hiave the power of a comtnittee of the Legislature -tam,. the, pelves. o decide exactly what they decide-- the legato.) steetion-vi ho has the majority or the votes. You have DO power beyond that, You cannot order a new election any more than a committee of the Legislature. lour &melon is subject to review upon mutters of law, spin wring upon the record, While the de. - melon - of-a - commit tecto not. , Now, hAv arc you to get at it ? I dea l t want to go Into the details of thin election. IoW have heard enough of it. It hoe ho n fully end Clear' , ' , stated on noth sides. But suppose you find In a division the proceedings commenced by the dodge taking the APECSPOT'S Het. that is sent. the e ras a guide, and clapping it under him one sitting on it-- never le eking at it. Preeently lie haw oacamion to go out for a few minutes. and then the book din gape are, and is not s• ea, agile the whole day. There is some p 'Mica wit tell--1 preemie he may be called no-standing out• side is len him conceived tea idea that the. e in an elation, and lit eliailenges, sod hall copy of this book; Marabout II Wel°, k, or thereabouts, ho has occasion to leave the whadow-pi op rip . , perunps-and his hook in carried oaf. he election- it you can cull it no-goon on the ye hole day. How? One challenge in the • time oa the day, and I ant not nu but that n lien the challenge was Made, it wag met with profane end significant language In the staters, what was that done for? At any rate there was no repetition; no oath n its islueinietered. Recollect where thlo ova . e nit in the Eighth, Seventh and Sixth Dlvisious of the Fetal th Wald; Seventh of Third Ward, and the Fourth of 'Twee 4.oth ward. Not n naturalized voter In toy of there'll aide? Not a naturalization paper---not 0 quo , - Hen Deiced. Was there any moved or pushing? Oh. no. The %o'er walked up quietly and without meleetatiom and they voted one every half a second. Too voter world go up and put in bin ballot, and sometimes the Y e meld appsrently forget to auk fur a name. and after he left they would call after him. but the voter went on, and somebody fu the ere wd A ould give a non o for him. Is that an election ? There tire forty of such inotancee in one itioiston. think one citizen is there as having voted three Hanes In one Division, in more than forty cases, when the citizen the rat to vote, he found he had voted already They did not tick a single voter, but they put by the list and said "we'll tick them after the election!" How could they do it after the election ? Hy memory? How are the infanta! ants of the other 190 Precincts in this city and county. who have their rights at stake, to be protected, if this thing le to be allowed Y As well abandon the poll., • and allow the ballots to ho put in the box by the whole sate, es ithont any voter going to the That these men who have been guilty of these frauds should be brought topunishment is undoubted.; hut that punishins the nine will protect the rights of the citizens in entirely a mistake. 'I he citizens ask that there may be a due (deafen-that the candidates Telma' a majority of the people favor shall have the offices. Punishing the officer will not reach that. Punianing the officers will not eetabl nit that precedent. which, If not established, must ultimately andrapidly turn our elections into affirm It to impoosiula to look back to the coarse of Wale in timed past without grief and sorrow, and the only chance of future safety lies In the still tin touched fidelity of the great body of tho inhabi• tante < f this county. So tor g as all our classes, Meted Ma the working elapses, (and excluding those called thee "dangerena elopers," having no bronco, no habitations. no me imilotion with the body of the people) PO long an Ibis° are provided with conafortable ho NUS Hi they err in Phi.adelphirt, we have a electivity here that no other largo eity on the earth ban. Let the chan nels of justice be pure !nd undefiled; let the people know that their rights shall be protected, and flint Their elections shall not bo the plaything of parties, but shall be fair and honest expression f popular and all mowed' all partied,will thank thejudielory, that gives these assurances. Although a man of decided politi cal principle,--and I hold ti to be the duty of every CIO- Mil to t' ke part in polities--yet I trust that I have never been no Waite a partisan as to do injustice to men .chi differ in opinion with me. And i can say that I have never seen the day when there was not the mime honesty of purpose in the I arty opposed to me as in that to W Mai lhe long. Misled I have believed Mein; de ceived I have Melee , e el theta; but the mass of the citizen , of till parties desire to do what is right and fair and just, and dotes to protect the violate at the people. They Will thank any In imal that will take a decided step Ina one , NI here the fi etc are nedieputed. Upon the other hand. it, open ill , uffirient evidence--if upon slight ground-as was tioreamd in some of the ca.en man ed, the Court svo I'd marten:am to set aside, a poll when lames could be thole without it the ruasees 01 both parties would resent suet. a r recta ding. If the views which have iwpreeeed me upon examining the ev done, which is not contradicted, have a tr,,et 3 our al ohors, 1 shall look with centidence for yoor siert. AN old lady, who had never traveled in th.; ears, iesolved last year to visit Philadelphia. She hail no sooner aliuhted - from the car than a man took her arm, with tbe usual "Have a back?" Looking him full in the face, she drawled out hesitatingly: ' Wa'al. l dnnno. Be they good to eat?" This seema a favorable opportunity to recommend our readers to buy their coal at reduced prices of W. W. Alter, Ninth street below Girard avenue, and at the corner of and Spring Garden streets. Tier: sure is about to cross the equator and in sug,urste Spring, and Bartlett, the boot-maker. is now crossing the hue of Winter fashion and bringing out his Spring stylts, at No. 83 South Sixth street above Chestnut, with a resplendency of beauty which threat t;l,B to ellipse even his own previous efforts, As EvtoElier, that "Westward the star of em, pirelakes its way," we have a bit of news across the I'iaint4 that at Omaha, in Nebraska, is to be erected a Yt tel, at a cost of $3110,000 ! The next thin?, following, no th übt, will be a large, first-clam clothing hone.: under it, in imitation ache celebrated Clothing House of Charles Stokes & Co., under the Continental dote', in this city. The Datives of that Territory will then no MOM go about in their bear-skins. CtrivortErr CUTTING TEEM TEY7II, or afflicted with cramps, cholie, griping and other infantbe C , 1131- niaintr, obtain instant relief from the 114 C of Bower's Infant Cordial. SPRENtI HATS. Spriug Flats. The newest and most beautiful style,.. The vt ry lowest Oalifords% Continental Hotel Tilt; reason wily hltstmistt'sTrEtt,i cures so minty different dipeases,is, bec%itse it Is the beat ~,f, ; (1;; fora deranged shinaitch, or ps6pepsia, now II tiowa, and hecalow it :TlVigOrate9 the entire urtero, strentriren,thencrvousilbet devote the standard of all the vital forces, and rinstalas a most healthful Inns of tte entire lourin (krgAliIFM. Medicine tlot u ill dot bib, will cure tier far the simple ea rot), that t tome will do the rc,it. We .tiat'antec, that no sv eqn an or child, however pale and emaciated, can u-c theFe !Voters regular y ror nly, one Anye, vv;thotit the return of the c.a..), 'ho,Ln au a lair complexion charateristic of good health. Sold by all Druge . i.,o! and Dealer,. Dr. S. It. II torr NOo k & Co., Proprietors, Lancaster, l'n.. ;oat Chn.ago,.lllinoe , . FikuE.Nci; iSWINO .11..ktSITN • Florence Sowit%Maeltit..e. Florence hewing Machine. Office, 112.1; Chestnut Etrcet. 131.1 , CIALT Y.—All thoee gents dc al ring elc4ant fitting pantaloons will find them at C. C. Dittrieh Co., Continental Hotel, Ninth street. this brllch 0: Tailoring is male a specialty, and really warraiits"an,, uvitation. Always a thin stock of goods on hand. SrItING HATA. Bpring Hats. The 114'1.Sett and most beau . iful The very loweat priced. pairforda', Continental GAY'S Ciii.A PALA eg, No. 1022 CC sta in strt.o.—Selling off the entire stock at less than Sm. porting coat. Tlw assortment mnsisM of Bohemian, French anc American Cut Glassware, White French and Dec.,. rated Chins, Stone China, er,e. • And the most complete Kuck of Fancy Goods, in. eluding Perim' Marble and Bronze Statuary, Gill Mounted Ornaments and Lava Ware ever imported to this city. White French China Caps and;Saneers, per set, 12 pieces _ ..... ............ $1 21', White Fiench China Dining Pim es,tf}: in.,per ee Do, do. (le Breaktast d0.,534 " " 19' Do. do. do. Ten " 1 hit Ott Glass Goblets, per dozen.. ..... ............. 225 DO. do. Champagnes, per d0zen.......... ..... 1 76 Do. do. Wines, per 1 25 Do. do. Tumblers, per 126 And nil other gtx)ds at equally low prices. • GnovEn dZ BAKER'S Highest Premium &whtg Machines, 790 Chestnut street. "Bowitn'E4 Gum. ARABIC, BE:IO,CTS."—Try them for your Cough, Sore Throat, trsencea or Bronchial Affections. , Bower's Depot, us _Sixth and. Vine. &Ad , . by druggists, 88 cents: ' • Suntan - at. INSTRITIVIKNTS and druggists' sundries SNOW - Drat & &OTHER, douth Eighth street. DEAFISRELS, BLINWIESS AND CATARUII. J. Isaacs, M.Professor of the Eye and Ear. treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most re liaiAe in the city can be seen at his Mike No. 605 Arch street The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as be has no Secrets in nis practico. Artificial eyes Inserted. No charge mule for examination. BPRING llAns. Spring Hata. The newest and most beautiful styles. Thevety_lostest prices. • ' ''''"Onfords'tVuutinental Hotel Freth _Spiced Salmon, Froth Mackerel in Cana, New Smo'Aed Salmon, Mess Mackerel in Kit's. ALBERT C. ROBERTS,. Dealer In Fine Groceries, Corner Eleventh and Vine Streets. M PrnIAV FRENCH - Pittrfirrif.:4lro - lio' ( anniatere and fancy boxes, imported and tor sale by 110, 81/1381.ER 00 4 tioutb Debliettre --- CITY NOTICES. BELMBOLD'S BUCHU THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY DIABETES' Irritation of the Neck of the Bladder' Inflammation of the Kidneys, Catarrh of the Bladder, Stransury or Painful Urinating, For these diseases it is truly a sovereign remedy. and too much cannot be PRill in its praise. A. single don ha been known to relieve the most urgent symptoms. , Are you troubled with that distreeubag pain In the mall of the back and through tho hips? A teaspoonful a day of flelmbold'a kchu will relieve you. IHYSIOIANS AND OTHERS PLEASE NOTACE. I make too secret of ingredients. Helmbold's MMus! Beebe ie composed of Becher, Clubebs and Juniper Ber Hee, selected with great care, prepared In same and •o cording to rules of PHARMACY AND CHEMISTRY. These Ingredient! are known se the moat vale Diuretics afforded. A DTURETTO ie that which acts upon the kidneys HELIUM'S EXTRACT BUM ACTS GENTLY. la pie/want in 'age and odor, free from till inJulian pro. purtiee, and immediate in lie action. FOR TB SATISFACTION OF ALL, See Medical Properties contained in Dispensatory of the United Rtates, of which the following is a correct eapy: "'wenn—lts odor is etrong, diffusive and some rebut aromatic; its taste bitterish and analogous to that of mint. It is given chiefly in complaints of the Urinary Organs such as GraveL Chronic Catarrh of the Bladder, morbid irritation of the Bladder and Urotha, diseases of the Prostate, and Retention or the Incontinence of Urine, from s loss of bone in the parts concerned in its evacuation. It has also been recommended In Dyspepsia Chronic Rheumatism, Cutaneous Affections and Dropsy.' OR FURTHER INFORMATION ree Professor Dewees's 'valuable works on the Practiced physic. See remnrka made by the celebrated Dr. Physic, of Philadelphia. See any and,all Standard Works on Medicine. [Dr. KEThIR is a physician of over thirty years' expo depot% and a gradnate of the Jefferson Medical College and of the University of Medicine and Surgery of MM.. - delphia.] T. lirtmnoLD: Dear Sin—ln regard to the quesHon naked me as to my opinion about Scour, I would say that I have used and sold the article in varieua forms for fho peat thirty yearn I do not think there is any form or preparation of it I have not need or known to be used, in the various disease• where such inedicate agent would be indicated. You are aware, an well as myself. that It has been extensively employed in the various diseases of the bled der and kidneye, cud the reputation it lies acquired. in my judgment, is warranted by the, facts. 1 have seen and used, as before stated, every form of BIN lit - -- the powdered leaves, the simple decoction, tine t..rr fluid extra cia; end I am not cognizant of any preps,- r*.tion of that plant at all equal to yours. Eighteen years experience ought, I think, to give me the right to Judge n , its merits. and without preludice or partiality, I give yours precedence over others. robe your Buchu for its effects on patients. I have erred with it, and seen cured with it, more diseases of the bladder and kidneys than I have ever seen eared with any other Bimini. or any other prop rietory compound of whatever name. Re; your r. Arc., GEO. 13. KEYSER, M. D.. 140 Wood ttroct, Pittsburgh. Pa. A agu.-t 11, 15.n0. Sic for He Imbold's Fluid Extraot Buobu. Tbo T'ro c/etor hue been Induced to make this Ante mmt from tbik-fact that Ida remedloa, although adv deed, are GENUINE PREPARATIONS • And knowing that the intelligent refrolit , from ming any. thing Pertaining to Quackery, or the PalentModlchie order—moat of a hirhare prepared by self4tylortdoctort who aro too ignorant to read a phyviclan'a,almpleat'prrk • , cript ion, much term competent to prepare Pharmaceutics Preparations. THESE PARTIES RESORT to carious xnesus of effecting sales, matt as copying party of advertisements of popular remedies andilniabbitt with certificates. The Scieuee of Medicine stands SIMPLE. PURE AND AJFSTIC, having fact for its basis, induction for its pinta, truth alone for its capital. A WORD OF CAUTION. Health a moot important; and the afflicted ehotild no use an advertised medicine, or any remedy. unless its eolliettc or ingrOdiento are known to others Weddell the manufecinrer,.or until they are satiated of auallfes tiono of the party oo offering. • II ELMBOLDI GENUINE PREPARATIONfi FLUID EXTRACT BUGIOM, . - FIXTEDVICTIikIYt SAILBAVARILLA. AND IMPROVED ROSE WABB. Petablinhed upwarda of 18 years. Prepared by IL T. umusisogo PH2NO2PALDEPOTS. EILLSIBOLIPS DltUe AND 0/11=43A.T. WARM MUM. ; iod [BROAD WAY, New York. lILIMBOLD , S MEDICAL DEPOU - 104 South TENTH Street. Philadelphia. Patti Price $1 ffi per bottle. or Use Se 50. Sold by all Drundgrhi. A!OIJR'XING GOODS,- HOMER COLLADAY & CO. Would call special attention to their MOURNING DEPARTMENT, Co ntaining as it does all the • N 11P. Vir 10 3T FAESEt S. 01' TUE SEASON. rioß. &VS and F_42o ClieNtnnt Street* nth 24 LAD I ES , DEL ENS TR IMIAI I MIL MARY B. CONWAY, LADIES' DRESS 12URSDIIIIING ANTI tiIIOPPING EMPORIUM. 31 801.71.1 SI X.TEP.NTII writ Ect 1411I.A.nEr.PMA. Ladies from uny part of the t:nited Status can sefid their orders for Nes. icinterinl& Dressen.Cloalts Bonnets. 81tociie Under t lothing. Mourning butte. Wedding Trne , 4ool. Tra• v•elerg Outfit-, eery Children's Clothing, In tent's N ard obes. Oentidolerild Linen. 4:c. In orde , ring I,lld/t4l will please rend ono of tb it lIEhT YlTriso DILKSATA for !Dentin and Ltniki viFitlng the city shin Id not tail to call and have their ssures ?biter , d for future couvettienco. fiefere, by psimb e ion, to MII. J. M. TIALFLEIGIf, loll: and lull Cites - mut iitr..ct: 110.11Elt Cirt.LriDs.Y d Ut).. • tulill4lrn rp /Ili end iLOCheatnut ktreet. AM "MEM ENTS. Xth 4cd for Addaimusl Antmenvitts. A MERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC.- GE E MAN DR N3l A. The p Ade la reapectfully /donned that MLLE. FANNY JANAIJSt HEX, Onliar return from is BRILLIANT AND MOST SUCCESSFUL TOUR Through the principal cities of the West, will give. pre loud to her depart o e for Europe, 111 X WIRER ELI. PERFGRILLICEIF, l'nder her Perkonal Direction. Commencing Wednesday, April Va. 311.1. E. PANNYJANAUSCHEK Will avp. sr err the first limo ha Philadelphia la the frp'- los, 4 :-tat.,lard Dramas: MARY STUART. • IPHIGENIA IN TAtiltlit 111 'MELDS ; or, 'I JIE GLADIATvi: RAVENNA. Wl DNFAIiAY EVENING, APRILIst, at p o'clock. Will be produ red Schtfler's celebrated prams, MARY l t LAILT. BILLE. ts NY .14 11A1.7SCIIFIE In her unricoiled character of ,'Mary Stuart. MRIh)AY. -DEROF:AI.I. SATURDAY— I HAGEN IA IN TAtatlii. AIONOA'4 —TII(;tNELDL:; OR, THF; I.ADTATOII. OF RAY EIN 'ITESDAY AND 41 F. 1.1 Eti I) AY - LAST T ere) NIGH-re 11;11;E3 OF ADMISSION: ADM'SSION TICKPIS. . ... .ONE LIAO: hE/VED ccsl Fen,Oy Circle, GO rents. Gallery, GO centli. 81111 , CRIPTIONti for the 51%. PeFformancat Wlll M r.• t.x.ircill ru r I IDAY. Mar. lx Int It. mud nATt..ltt,./.1Y.M.,r,11 ti,1,11 at 1: Wll'l ctore, ltr l Chovnut atr, 'I HF itEGULAR ti ALk OF I'IClE Gti fer Pingle l'tt follail net, will commence ou MoNIJAY. Mardi :7(111, at WITTPIerI Weir: ot6re, 1421 the-tact alert Dud at thu Box Orliv,u of the Acndcan'. Int 25 ttt• BOOTS 450 SHOCS. -6- ' Spring Styles in Fine Custom p... 2 Made Boo's and Shoes for ten- d •,.; El th men. The only place in the to: - city where ell the Leading Styles ~,,, o ' 4 in IF irst Class Boots and bhoes p m nay bo obtained. Prices Fixed t - -I at Low Figures. al BARTLETT, tr. , -a 1-4 83 South Sixth Strom, a b overi.: PP =:. Chestnut. c=l gi-i <4 g : 5013.19 .5 Nowrrnrrnrrwrimi c 3 : 41.4,/k' I ;JR 1 et. a.O tient era:',Two-atory Frame Dwelling. No. Isl 3 Car " penter street, with a Three-story Brick Dwelling in the rear, 81 feet frOat. On ruceday, April Ttli, 186 e, itt 18 o'clock, noon, will tiaaold at ohne aide. without reser. e, it 'he ltkchange, all that lot of ground, ii lilt the imprtcumenta tliettion tweeted, situate on the north side or Carpenter atreBt.,ll9 feet west of Ugh tit Duet. No. containms la front i larpenteratreet •-1-1 hut, and caul ding in dridli ".40 feet. The Improvements ccuslet of a two•story frame dsfrlltna fronting on U•trooll frr street, No. tali, and a three story brick dwelling in tic (tar. • • Terms,Casb. • • Itr" Clear of all ineumbranee. lair sale absolute. M. THOMAS ta SONS, Auctioneers, int f111.,18.6 P 4 189 and 141 South Fourth Arne. LEAL Er3TA o three sto y brick dwellings Nom. 1317 and 1:49 lititchinion street. not th of Thompson street. On '1 ta Roan April 7th, 1818. Ft 12 o'clock. noon. will be Fold at piddle sae ricke l'hiladel. hui Exch *into, all those 2 three story% inessuages and the lot 01 ground th er ". unto beloneing. situates on the cart chic of lint hineon street, 168 feet north of Thildpsoo street. Neil. inn and 1319; rontatolog together in fr nt on tutohineon mtroot 06 feet 4,40 inches, and extending in depth 60 to A. 111 Clear of all ineuttbrau ce.. IL Tilt rts & SONS, AnOfioneors, 189aud 141 South Fourth street. wv - Krirti. WANTED TO IttCyr FOR THE SUMMER--A in lu. ui. be.l HOUSE) tit enn auto wnor C :t cAnut " Add , ceB W., Box 2814 i P. 0., Phil +(lava' t. mit2s it --- XMIDDLE. AGED MAN, OF BUSINESS (: APAUTY .Land vxpot ictgo 4in poaltive Dead), iitrlctly,tempof ate and faithfin, le deMrona of a eitnution in Storo or want ine.boure, or any light occupation. Balary at otoployer'o juduzurn4t during fair trial. Thc very beat of city refer. (-MI 9, businote. morel and otherwide. Addrese WANT, I VPNING 11191.1,1,11 t: tuli23 llt To CALItILIAGES. owD. NI LA NE N, CA tRIRIAGE BUILDER, int. respectfully invites attention to his larg toek of finished Carriages ; aim, orders taken for Carriages of ever] &saki:IM ANUon, at , c , - , ' FACTORY AND WA ItORCOMR. 11432, 804 and WO MARKET Wool. Three squares wok of rennoylvania Railroad Depot, West Philadelphia , Ja`3Fstitth a•unki TTfaiti 71.81cibl,ENT.E1ItY I.IAYING BEIEN .11-4 granted to .the undersigned iinun the eototo of eIIAPLES WATICIN. deceased, Venous indebted will maim psyrnerit, and thOoll hIITIIIK Cl4llllB present them to • Wfot.liAltilEBl)ii. • inhlialitir.• • Castplu Heuer. WATCUES, JEWELRY, drift NATIONAL. WATCH CO. ELOIN WATCHES! ELGIN WATCHES! SIX STUBS NOW IN num N 0.1.13. W. 11*ycnoncl; No. '2. (:ulcer; No. ft IL Z. (hl. ,J-tr ; !co. 4. J. T. Ilyereen; No. 5. G. M. Whitler; N. 6. Mat. Logliik. But recently placed before the puldle. the SUPS. P,IOFITT OF THESE WATCIIE3 IN DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION ha., elrredy secured for them a NATIONAL REPUTATION, and the DEMAND foremen has so RAPIDLY TEL REARED that the Company have been compelled to make LARGE ADDITIONIi to their force of Employes and Machinery, iu order to watt the requirements of the Trade. Railroad men and others desiring an accurate and mita. ble Watch, are invited to examine the B. W. RAYMOND MOVEMENT. One a our leading Railroad Companies have been to well convinced of its superiority. that Baer have furnished It to their Engineers. and it LI pronounced by them to be the clown running American Ballwin . Watch yet manufactured. and fully equsl to some of the ttneot imported Watches as a correct 'flute-trooper. No Movements Retailed by the Company. Call on your Jeweler and ask to rice !beim Business Office and talesman, 159 and 161 LAME STREET, CRUM!. Irtll4 6 Iv 41 BAILEY & CO., 818 ORES'iTsiu'r STREET, Dare lust reeetved s full invoice of the CELEBRATED WATCHES, MAIM ftY PATER PHILIPPE & CO., in Geom. Among them an Improved TIMING WATCH- The.c. Watches took flip FIRST GOLD MEDAL At the , Parb Espaltlod. and &v. turAtsttPrtwat ttlt BAILEY & CO. fe3iwfmrptt J, P. Clark.e 5- Sam'l AMERICAN WATCHES, ENGLISH WATCHES, SWISS WATCHES. FROM ALL THE LEADING MAKER& 1.811. LEONTMS CHAINS. 1811. CH ATELAIN =AIN& 18K. VEST CHAINS. ISE. GUARD CHAIN'S. 712 Chestnut Street. 714 frz.w4lts•tf • - 74, lk BUTLEII, MeCA,RTY & CO., 131 North Second Street, WHOLESALE DEALERS American, National, Howard and Tremont WATCHES. mh2lo-f m w 2mrv4 BEDDING, IFEATIIEUX, &O. 44 North Tenth St nodding and Feather Warehouse. Feathers of all qualities. Feather Bed% Bolsters and Pillow% Opting and Hair Matresses. Lin& and Straw bftreeths. Iron Bedsteads of air Bizet". Tucker's Mete attd Spring Beds. Ilowe , a colt brated Spring Cote. Alhambrab QuUte, Lancaster Quilta, Quilts. imperial CipnnanteWn Quint' 4.14 1 bia110. nrivith as handsome and complete variety of Marseilles Counterpanes as can be found in the city, of white, pink, and orange eolas. Thud we keep and sell Blankets as cheap as anybody. Window Shades in great variety of pattern at the lowest market prieol3, AMOS HILLBORN, No, 44 N. Tenth Street, below Arch. w f rn 2rurp FOR SALE. FOR BALE--A ITANDBoURinfoIVEIRNT WOW Rance, eltustod on Tenth otrontrabove are"' Apply to .70$10r11 PARRIS% , koanionloyooti 1 Ulh ° 4,62lrp! N b Threet.ENil t i rroV No. 44 North TH #O4 U Ardt• No. 44 TNONT/lorth 1x)b"Al.low
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers