GIBSON PEACOCK. Editor. VOLUME XXI.-NO. 300. THE EVENING BULLETIN Vitamins: l p EVERY EVENING (Sundays eneepted). z/iT TUE NEW BULLETIN BUILDING, 801 Chestnut ',trees, Philadelphia, BY Tall EVENING BULLETIN ASSOCIATION. murmurous. ( mum pluaw c s ERN BST ' 411._wALLActg, T 805../. ILLIAtitiON CASPER iFETWER. VitANCIS WELLS. • The Bouvrtuf is served to subscribe= in the city at 15 mite . week. .avatde to the card . or BB annum. INVITATIONS TOR WEDDINGS, PAIITIES. ii executed to s en_perior mannetly. DItEILA INS OUESTNIJT WERMET. MOO* MARIA I ED. KIFFERLY-11AOKR.---0a Thursday; the loth fast. is csmodoo. N. J. by Rev. J. C. Ditztnger, Mr. Cortatopbor KafforlY.• of Philadelphia, to biles Kate Hager, of Cam den, N. J. DIED. CLMMING.-On Sabbath afternoon, March N, Mar. Atiern. wife ef James r. CufflmiLlC of Now York, .and daufMec of the fate Clement McCune. of Philsdelphle."• DILLON.-Tise interment of John P. Dillon. law of San Francisc.o. will take place on Friday, the 27th fast, at 1 o'clock. The remains will be removed to South Laurel Milt The male friends of the tawily are invited to attend the religious ceremonies at 1330 North TwenV. Snot, below Muter street. leetitP.-On the meridian et the 26th indent, Thomas Rem in the 83d year of his age. The reletivee and Mende el the family are invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence. No. 1010 Race street, en Saturday afternoon. 28th hut. at 3 o'clock. •• HVANS.-lla Third-oay inerning,the 24th inst ,Margaret Ervenean the eld year of her age. _ Thai rehetives rand friends of the are respectfully invited to attend her funeral from the residence of her son, lietnL Evans, iaWhitemarsh, on Sixth-0v afternoon. the 27th Wet.. at L o'clock, without further notice. R. Carriages will be at the Wiershickon Station. N. P. R. to meet the 46 A. IL train from Berke street • KELLOGG..-In New York Wednesday. the 25th inst, Louisa 11.. wife of Dr. E. M. Keller& of that city, and diarighter of A. T. Chur.formerly of Philadelphia. • PATTERSON.-On Wednesday, March. 26th. Joeeph l'atterson. req., formerly of Pittsburgh, in the 85th year of his age. The relatives sad male friends of the family are Invited to attend the funeral aervic,c, at his late r esidence, 1728 Spruce Weer, oulrriday at fer noon. at 4 o'clock. The remains to Ire taken to Pittsburgh. [Pittsburgh papers plisse cony.] ItEMINGI ON.--On Wednesday, 26th instant, Sarah Remington. Funeral from No. int Chestnut stied) on Saturday s Hermon. at 2 o'clock. SARTGUL hie morning. Georgians, wife of Viet 1r A. Sartori. • sIMPSON.-On the 96th inst.. Henry Simpson. `ills male friends and these of the family are reapeet• f ully invited to attend hie tuner al,from his late residence , hire Green greet, on Saturday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. interment at St. Paul's, South Third etreet. ••• &Malt -1u lthrlington. b. J,. ou the 24th inst., in the -,Oth year of her age. Catharine Smith. Tho relative& and triende of the family are respectfully invited to attend the f wire, from the Divides:coot Caleb. it. Smith. SO Main street. In that city. on after noon, at 3 o'clock, without fur th er notice. • S I Ei'llkhlS.--013 Tuesday evening, 24th instant. Mary Sophia Stephens, aldow of the late wtlllam etc-phew. in the 7U Year of her eit iLe relativte nod f. len of the -family are i nv it e d to attend the funeral, from the residence of her daughter, it. Hutton. No. lteri Walnut street, on Saturday, siternoon„ at 2 o'clock. Services at the Church of the Ascension. Lchubord area. above Eleventh proceed to Ronal dson's Cemetery. •• WAY.-The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral of the late Francis R. Way, ,irom the reel& nee of Mr Joe. o:regrind, Southwest corner Tenth and Walnut streets, Philadelphia, On Friday, tho 27th horsed: Savior* a$ eleven o'clock. • • .VIVRE it LANDELL OPEN TODAY. Llour .E.J shades of Spring Poplins for the Fashionable Walking VPO3IIIML OoloredWpiles. Mode Otdored, Poplins. Bismarck Exact Shade.' • , Y+t~x.t~itoYis'lr~►irßcEa BT. YtGL•tl 011eTt(H 'EMU) BEIOJW ••—•"' 'aut. The Itfte of yonfittoa y tinn . .l o v p h_l ec he . a tidni c !a. Word thtievealog. at 7.4 0 mint :11j SPECIAL NOTICES. tor The People's COPULAR ENTER TAINMENTS, 417 • BETHANY MISSION BUILDING, Twenty-second and Shippen Ste. LECTURE ON CHEMISTRY TO-NIGHT, With Splendid Experiments ISY PROF. LEEDS. Music) by a Quartette. Admlsalon—tl2 ..... ......... .I( s i cents. Silr" Tickets—Rave Cl;ange res4 . l;: Iti OOP Rev. R. H. ALLEN, D. D , tif kiln Street Church," will deliver a LAX rum AT MUSICAL FUND HAM TUE9DAY EVEN tNO. March 3M. übiec4--Obwval tons and Experiences in tat Southtemt. Tickets can be obtained as Presbyterian Book 1334 Chestnut street; Ashmead'o. 734 Chestnut street, and at the Door the night el the Lecture, ite?rtat ggiti - teire:l;7l 6 fr.Cl,lll. l .'",Y,i'gcel zubra o ri fl o o t d et tl V lt ni l a n as a t y will organize at the AU additional hotel . on must be entered previous to the abet . date, at the Exhibition Monts. No. 917 Walnu t etreet. Enhl2tf rp orsigr. TORRE WILL IRE BEKvICEB IN THE OE , tral Preebyterian Church, corner of Eighth and Cherry street', this evening, at 734 &clock.. Judge dmita, of Wilton; and other gentlemen, who have taken part in , theisroceedingt of the Christian Convention, just closed, winbe present and address the meeting. it• BOWARD 110t3PLIAL. NUB. MO AND 1580 ardstreek.Diapensary Dep artmtmt.—Mecti. cal iNlatanat *Ad inediatnee furnished patuitonalv to Duo or NEWSPAPERS. BOWLS, PAMPRLETS,WASTE .reass rPor ini &c.. bought by , E. NUN rEit, NO. 613 Jayue street. ABIUSENENICIS• ,Bee Sir& Page for A ddstional Anuisoinnite. , MRI 3. JUAN DREW'B ARCH STREET THEATRE.- COMPLIMENTARY AND FAREWELL BENEFIT TO FRANK MORDALINT. MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 30. GREAT NIGH. Box Sheet open. Ileiteta can be able obtained at hie residence, 851 North TWELFTH. STREET. one door above Ogden. it Fgme DE5Htp HALL, CORNER OF SEPVIVA AND Norris streets, Kensington. SIGNOR BLITIZ. THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY EVENINGS, March irlth andSN, comment:leg at 73i,_ and ester day Afternoon et S. Magic Ventriloquism, Canary Birds and Bgriesque Minstrels. Admission, Me.; Children, Mo. Reserved Seats, 55c.mh2filit rot L,z.Au..l flO )OE COMPANIES. PACKERS, BREWERS AND J. BUTCHERS. • The Subscriber, having had 26 yearn experience in the Ice Business, is prepared to give Information in regard to the ,IMeiness in all its details. Paniens that are about to organize an Ice Company, or detail the Ice business in the beat system for the retail tree r s a *llll find it to their intereet to obtain the services of otlbecriber, whose experience and practice can be co entialiy relied upon. Persone w bitting to obtain the services of the subscriber tl_ad Miirwi <._ . WM. If- rpts4. Newark:W.7; Cut this advertisement out and put it into your mono. .randa to refer to when the services of the above are re. quir*/* • •• maint th ato MI I)II4IDITED.--41. YOUNG LADY CAPABLE oi , ` VS teaching the higher branches, wish as a situation as e . to go into the country.. Best city reference ego "Govorne•s,” Humane' office. mh26 it* FOR SALE. FOR I SALE—A HANDSOME MODERN RE 'L dense. situated on Tenth skeet above (*roan. APPLY to ' JOSEPH PARRISH. • No. 7114 Seauseux street - mbB6.*Pire reo:ORoORREI. HOPEL.SEEPNRS. PANDAS/I - &ND OtbeThe undersigned has Just mortised a 'nosh sunkl i ir Detail/114001'mm* and IhntPs4ote Wiriosmopla Ale or Invalids!. constantly on and. P. J JORDAN. =I Pear street. Below Third and Walnut streets. Edward Nora* in HL New Sandlo. What mother on earth spoils her saucy babes so deliciously as Art spoils some of her children ? To fly from the easel to the piano, dissolving over the keys the conception that seemed a little stub born on the canvas; to talk of Turner and Troyon In the society of men and women of genius all day long through the intervals of music; to melt the hearts of tailors with a sketch; to lavish on your tobacco-merchant or your color-maw whole Atlantic and Pacific oceans combined with the greater part of the solar sys tem in exchange for his wares; to dine with the Mayor and the Judge, winking fondly meanwhile at your own picture hung over the mideboard; to be called eccentric and to wear the kind of things you like best; to buy all the pictures you want, and call them the material of art; to sell your old trash for gold. in San .Francisco: there is liberty! there fa Bohemia! Edward" Moran was voluptuously floating off the coast of Maine last summer, while his landlord was heating himself over the erection of a new studio for him. It Is fifty feet along, it is twenty feet across, It is fifteen fret when you look tip to the ceiling, and more than that If you go to the skylight. And the violincello is standing against the farther wall, with the foot-peg thereof in a spittoon, mont likely, and the guitar, minus a string, leans against the big chair, while just within the door rests a lumbering piano, with the varnish some what rusty and the keys in admirable tune. Then throw in a good many pipes, and a litter of to bacco over the sketches. Then introduce a tall, athletic figure, very sailor-like In its close car and knitted waistcoat, and attach it, is a twisted and cross limbed condition,to the pedals,the stool and keyboard of the aforesaid rusty piano; fill the room with the impassioned reverberations of a German serenade, and you have the painter completely at borne. .' The building Is in Walnut street, No. 704. The Artist receives on Saturday afternoon. As we rose, stage by stage, to the fourth floor, and knocked, the rich strains ceased; but then the dcor flung open, and the pictures flashed before ne,'"and filled with light the interval of sound." What a spoiled child! What a careless, rollick leg sketcher'. What a crude, car-pauol colorist ! What raging, sensational skies! What flippant boats,l'llLVaa billows, and cotton-wool foam! How delightful such Work must he, though, if he can only satisfy himself with it! What a breezy existence, to flourish off breakers a!! day long like a writing-master! And then, what a various sympathy, what mountains, deserts idle and antres vast, smugglers' caves, wide oceans, rocky coasts, illimitable skies, all painted with equal content and self-applause! What fecundity, what gay irresponsibility, in this fantastic mer man ! Over the piano stretches copy, painted with some care, of Turner's "Childe Harold." Turn s: es favorite umbrella-pine lies printed against the sub, ' dud thei landscape recedes into one •of Turner's distances of fainting waters and dis solving groves. On solid easels beneath stand the works under the immediate care of the artist. The hugest and most effective of these is the "Launch of the Life-boat," at present being imi tated in chromo; the wreckers' sturdy horses have drawn the boat down to the beach; and the wild dark men of the shore are pulling it off the wheels, their figures defined in silhouette against the seething pallor of the foam; beyond, a gleam of watery sun sifts through the scudding firmament, and dies over the melancholy downs. Each Bide of this large picture stands a scene of cheery labor; the "Lobster-catchers" to the right, and on the left a group of llght-wineed "Mack erel-schooners" standing for shore in a fair wind, laden deep with their brilliant prey. In another part of the atelier two upright shaped pictures of moderate size are devoted to the more peaceful harvests of the land ; in one, the hunter's-moon, like broad red gold. rolls up through the haze upon a scene of despoiled fields and trees thinned of their leaves ; in the companion-piece, under a dark-red oak, stand the generous ehoCks of maize. In an insufficient light beneath the window is hanging a large, impressive group of the scrub oaks of Now Jersey, their meagre contours shaved close by the cutting east wind, and their roots struggling confusedly among the breadthe of eliding sand they anchor in. Over all, like luxury mocking poverty, spreads a sumptuous sunset. mh.,s3stri,* The walls are sheeted over with Moran's rapid, imposinraketchea, rapidly picked up over an extensive traveling route. Each clings to its place, separated by the narrow strip of bright "cleating" from its neighbor and from the world at large. England is there, or the rock-bound coast of the Puritans, or the lazy beach of South ern oceans. In the midst of the principal wall, a band of travelers, fixed like pinned butterflies to the paper-hanging, seem to be awari)ng np the bridle.path towards Mount Washington; they are rounding'the Horn, and a flexible white cloud, large enough to make an Alp or two, indolently clambers up with them for company. Or, upon unvisited coasts, the crags tear the komeleas waters with their black fangs. What Edward Moran has here done is perhaps well. What he could better do, perhaps, were this. He might study a little, apply himself a little, and so perhaps creep an inch - nearer to Nature. Mrs. Remble's Sixth _Heading. It may well be doubted whether there is any real choice, in point of positive enjoynient, tweet, the several plays which Mrs. Kemblo se lects for her readings. Over all she throws the influence of her transcendent genial and mates them all glow before her hearers with an effect which sends them away, puzzled to choose be tween tragedy and comedy; betiveen Antony and Romeo; between Constance and Cleopatra; be tween Touchstone and Dogberry, or Beatrice and Viola. Yesterday afternoon another large audience assembled to hear "Twelfth Night." Although it cannot be said that Mrs. Kemble was interrupted by late corners, we were sorry, for the fair credit of Philadelphia, to see that it needed a little good:nett - tied lingering over tier beialia'andialile; to give a few inconsiderate people a chance to get out of the aisles into their seats before she began the play. Mrs. Kemble politely asks her audience to be seated before she enters,—which she does with clook-like pundit ality,—and her request, is cheerfully complied, with by all thoughtful and Polite people. If any are unavoidably a fen , minntea late, they should have the good taste to take back seats until the intermission. "Twelfth Night" was a great treat. The Bove ral characters were sustained, will; wonderful power, the greatwonder being how Mrs. Eatable Is able to preserve the Sweet tones of the gentle Viola, interjected as they are between the roar- PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1868. ing gutturals of Sir Toby and the rattling brag gadocia of Andrew Aguecheek. The whole comic portion of the play was absolutely indes cribable. The scene in 'Olivia's garden, when Malvollo finds the letter; his appearance before his mistress "In yellow stockings, a color she abhors; and cross-gartered, a fashion she de teats;" and the visit of the disguised clown 'to Malvolio, were brimming over with the most de lightful fun, which set the audience off into peals of laughter. But it was not alone in her merry humors that Mrs. 'terabit!, ehowed her great genius yesterday. The passages between Viola and Olivia, and between Viola and Cimino, were, full of the most touchLuglbeauty and pathos and were as keenly, though more quietly enjoyed by the audience, as were the extravagances of Sir Toby, and the pranks of the mischievous Maria. Each successive performance by Mrs. Kemble impresses her audiences more and more distinctly with the fact, frequently overlooked at first, that they are witnessing the works of Shakespeare placed upon the stage with the entire cast of characters, in the bands of the greatest living dramatic genius. It is not only the !ceding characters that are played by Mrs. Kemble. The servants, clowns, oflicere, men, women and chil dren, all receive their highest traditional inter pretations at her hands ' and there is an advantage In 'this that more than compensates for the absence of the scenery and costume of the stage. Mrs. Kemble reads the "Merchant of Venice" on Friday night, and "Hamlet" on Saturday afternoon, on both of which occasions there will be crowded houses,as they will be the last oppor tunities to hear Mrs. Kemble until May, when she will give another single series of four readings. MUSICAL. JAuvrs's Sorstrtzs.—On Saturday evening next Mr. Charles H. Jarvis will give his Fifth Classical Soiree at Natatorium Hall, Broad street, below Walnut. The following programme has been prepared : 1. Sonata—Plano, op. 81,F Sharp Mi nor, Hummel] ; 1. Allegro; 2. Largo can molt' exprestione : 3. Finale—Vivace. 2. Fantaisie zituke, op. 3 (Piano and Clarinette), Schumann; 1. Zart and mit Ansdrock ; 2. Lebhaft and leicht; 3. Basch and mit Feuer. 3. Piano Solos: 1. Etudes Charaeteristique, Moschelles • a, Contra diction ; b, Reconciliation ; 2. "Liebeslied," R. Schumann—Transcription by Liszt. 4. Trio,—op. 42 (F. Major), Gade ; 1. Allegro animato ; 2. Al legro molto vivace ; 3. Andantino;_ 4. Finale— Allegro con fnoco. THE COMBINATION CONCERT.—The Combina tion Concert, at Concert Hall, last evening ' was In every respect a brilliant success, and it is a matter of regret that this entertainment closes ;he reason. The most delightful part of the per formance unquestionably was Leopold de Meyer's execution of several the compositions upon the piano, and Mr. 13. Sisteman's violin playing. This genUenaan is a stranger hem, and as In was not heralded with a Boum:: of truce pettibeiiitdiences to which he played were not as large as they should have been. But his merit is very great, and we are sure that when our public are better acquainted with him they will recognize, the fact and reward him with large audiences. Mad. Gazzaniga acquitted heraelf creditably, and Signor Ardavani sang with much feeling and good taste. WOLFSOIIN'S MATINEES.-9n Friday afternoon in the Foyer of the Academy of Music Mr. Carl Wolfsobn will give the seventh of his series of Beethoven matinees. The following programme is offered: Sonata—F sharp major, opus 78, Al legro ma non troppo—allegro vivace . Ah ! mon file (from Le Propbete), Meyerbeer. Sonata—C sharp minor, opus 27, No. 2 (Moonlight Sonata), Adagio—Allegretto—Presto Agitato, Der Wan derer, Schubert. Sonata—s major, opus 109, Vivace ma non troppo—Adagio espressivo—Prea tlssimo. Andante molto cantabile ed eapreesivo, con varlazionL ORGAN CONCERT.—This evening, at Concert Hall, will bo given an organ concert, during which twenty-four parlor organs will be plaved upon by prominent organists of this city. The attractive programme includes selections of vocal music. OLD FOLlES.—"Father Baldwin's" Old Folks will appear at Concert Hall, on the evening of Monday the 30th inst. C. H. JArtvis's CLASSICAL SOIREE.S.-011 Satur day evening, the 28th inst., the fifth soirée of this series will be given at Natatorium Hall, Broad street, below Walnut. AMUSEMENTS. Tns TUEATRES.-At the Walnut this evening the comic , drama Giralda, and the play Jes'ie Brown will IR given. At the Arch to-night the comedy Ours will be presented for the last time. To-morrow (Friday) night Mr. A. Everly will have his benefit. On this occasion the {fife' s Secret and The Vampire will be given. Mr. Everly in the course of his brief career has estab lished an enviable reputation for himself as a careful and conscientious actor, and ho deserves the support and encouragement of play-goers. This we do not doubt he will have, and as he has a multitude of personal friends and admirers, it may be taken for grayted that his benefit will be a BUMS. GouGies LEcTurtEs.—On Monday evening, the 30th instant, Mr. John B. Gough will deliver his celebrated lecture upon "Eloquence and Orators," at the Academy of Music. On Tues day evening, he Will - lecture . upon - "Temper ance." Both these lectures will be given for the benefit of the Young Men's Christian Associa tion. Tickets are for sale at the piano ware house of Mr. J. E. Gould, No. 923 Chestnut street. - - ELEVENTH STREET OPERA.--Craises brilliant burlesque, Anything You Like , will be repeated at this opera house this evening , i with all the tine scenery, local hits and comic situations. This is one of the best pieces of its kind ever placewl upon the stage in this city, and is well worth seeing. Mr. earncross will sing several favorite ballads, and there will be the usual medley of farce, negro_ sielineations, dancing, instrumental music, itc. BARNUM AND VAN Amßussoft's MN 7AaRRIE.— This attractive combination of museum and me nagerie is now on exhibition at Assembly Build ings. The collection is a very large and interest ing one, comprising many rare animals and extraordinary curiosities. BunsinTr.—Mr. Alfred Burnett, the eelebratect humorist, will give one of his amusing entertain ments at Assembly Buildings to-night, assisted by Miss Helen Nash. JANAUBCHEIL —Mlle. Fanny danauschek will appear at the Academy of Music for a season of six nights, commencing on the evening of Wed nesday, April Ist,with Behlller's tragedy of Mary Stuart. The.Wity-theJapeleese Tight. Accounts from the Japanese civil war, which has fairly begun, show that while that astute people are ahead of the Chinese in already having adopted the occidental arnaea de predawn, and breech-loaders at that, they fight in pretty much the old Chinese gong style after all. A letter to an English paper , describes them as "going opt in the morning and fighting till ten; then brcakfaiting, and fighting' till three; then dining, and going home • With• one man killed and another frightened to death.' , They need a few Christians to teach them the art of wholesale murder over there. The Dimities have sbown their shrewdness in, one, thing, hosvever, their have played a very pisraelieh trick on Stole, basis', the late Tycobn. - and; stealing his reform thunder, insist .now on opening more poets to foreigners than at first they objected to his do ing. , OUR WHOLE COUNTRY. URINE. THE O.I7II9SELEVILLE, KENTUCliklir, • BANK ROMBERY. Ones! the Boldest Crimes on Record- Additional Particulars. The Nashville Banner, of the 22d,-contains full details of the daring robbery of Long's bank, at Russellville, Kentucky. About ten days ago, tv , man calling himself Colburn, and claiming to be a cattle dealer, offered to sell to Mr. Long a 7-30 note, of the denomination of $6OO. As none of the coupons had been cut off, and the stranger, who pretended to be from Louisville, where the notes are worth a premium, offered it at par and allowed interest, Mr. Long became suepi clone, and- refused to take it. On the 20th, about 2 P. M., as Mr. Lon t, Mr. Bar clay, clerk in the bank, and Mr. T.ll Simmons, a farmer living near Russellville, were sitting be hind the counter, Colburn and another man rods up to the door, hitched their horses and entered the bank, three companions remaining outside. They asked for change for a fifty dollar note. Mr. Long pronounced it oounterfeit, but was about making a more careful examinatlon,when Colburn drew a revolver, placed its muzzle against his head and cried out, "Surrender." Mr. Long wheeled around and sprang toward the door leading into a room in the rear of the bank ing office. He hoped thus to make his exit from the building and give the alarm. He was, however, anticipated by one of the robbers, who intercepted him at the door already mentioned, placed a pistol within six or eight inches of his head and fired, without having tit tered a word. The ball did nogreater injury than grazin Mr. Long's scalp for about two Inches tearing away the hair and flesh but not fracturing , the skull. Mr. Long se?zed hold of the weapon, anclniade an effort to wrench it from his assailant, but the robbersucecoded in re gaining possession of his pistol. Daring the Ecuille which now took place, Mr. Long managed to reach the hack door of the rear room. Here be concentrated his almost exhausted strength into a final effort, freed himself from the clutches of the robber, sprang through the door and closed it after stun. He then ran around toward the front part of the building, shouting for assist ance. When he reached the street he found two men sitting on their horses before the entrance to the bank. They were armed with Spencer rifles and pistols, and were shooting up and down the street at all citizens who came within range. As Mr. Long ran by, they also tired twelve or fifteen shots at him, but, fortunately, without effect. Inside the bank,while Mr. Long was struggling with the fellow above mentioned. and before Messrs. Barclay and Simmons could rise from their stats,the latter were confronted by Colburn and his companion with cocked revolver and threats of instant death in case the least show of resistance was made. As soon as Mr. Long made his retreat by the back door, his antago nist returned to the banking office and assisted in the . work of plunder. One of the robbers stood guard over Messrs. Barclay and Simmons, while Colbuna and the other. proceeded tc clean out the establishment.. They appeared to havenn exact knowledge of its re sources. In the cash drawer they found over nine thousand dollars in currency., From the 'vault, of which the door was standiag open, they took several bags of gold and silver. This specie consisted principally of dollars, half dollars and quarters, and had been placed in the bank on special deposit by several of the neighboring farmers. The amount has not been definitely ascertained, but it will not, we understand, exceed live thou sand dollars. Two robbers kept guard outside while the work of pillaging was going on, and though the alarm.had spread, kept the citizens at bay. Finally the sentinels became alarmed, and called for their accomplices inside to come out. They quickly complied, bringing with them saddle-bags crammed with gold and greenbacks. They were greeted with a heavy volley by a squad of citizens who were advancing up the street. All were soon in their saddles, and at a signal from Colburn, the party dashed at full speed out of town by the Gallatin pike. Many a leaden missile was sent after them, but beyond the report that one had his arm broken, there is no ground for supposing that any of the shots took effect. Ten minutes later„ some forty citizens, mounted on such animals as they could collect from buggies, wagons and hitching posts, started in hot pursuit. All the advantage, except in point of numbers, was with the rob bers. They rode splendid horses,and were as com pletely armed and equipped as the most daring and accomplished highwaymen could desire. Five miles from Russellville the trail was lost in the woods, nor was anything heard of Colbura and his men until the 21st, when a despatch was received hero stating' that they had crossed the Louisville and Nashville Railroad early in the morning, near Mitchelbwille. A Sad Story—The !Murder of Lieut. Kid der and Ills Little party in July Last —l•artiettlars of the Ivent. • A correspondent of the St. Paul Prev, writing from Fort 'Wallace, in Kansas, March 9th, says: lion. J. P. Kidder (who will be remembered as a lawyer for many years in your city, and now United Sums Judge in Dakota) has been out on the plains northwest of here, into the Indian country, accompanied by a military escort frinu this poet, to recover the remains of his son,Lient. Lyman P. Kidder, of the Second United States Cavalry, who was, with ten of his regiment and a guide, killed by the Indians lust July. They returned, being out about nine days, with the remains of the Lieutenant and his men. Judge Kidder left here last night with the re mains of his son, for •the purpose of carrying them to St. Paul for interment. The recollection of the manner of the death of this gallant young officer, who was widely known in military cir cles, having served his country during the entire rebellion, and who was a favorite of all who knew him, is still fresh in the minds of soldiers and others. Lieut. Kidder was bearer of de spatches from Gen.Shorman,fcom Fort Sedgwick to Gen. Custer, then (supposed to be) in camp at the forks of the Republican river, 110 miles south of the former place, and reached the place to which he was eent in 26 hours from the time he left. Failing to find Gen. 'Custer, (who left that point the day before), and learning that the Indiana had collected in such numbers in his rear —us is supposed, that being true, as since ascer tained—that he could not return to Fort Sedgwick; and still endeavoring, but failing to find Custer on the trackless prairie sea, the Lieutenant, with a faithful Indian guide, directed his course toward this fort, when, as interpreters have since learned, his little party were attacked by several hostile luiliaes, He and his trusty, chosen men, made a brave defence continuing on their course at such intervals a d 'opportunities as their strategy could procure,saving themselves, but losing.some of thelr_h rses (they had three extra ones), for about two days, havin fought over 80 miles, their and killed more than own number of In dians. They were. however, about sunrise on the morning of the second of July, overpowered while crossing a low piece of prairie, which was surrounded. 913,all.eldee _OY../i4l, ,A,,Boddea. tik. tack by more than eight Imam savages, brought the party to a stand here for decisive resistance. How long and well the band of heroes fought, no tongue , was spared to tell! But the copper cartridge Nhimbles" or shebs (used by them) which were scattered in large quantitiee on the ,ground around their bodies when found, and are still there, are more elo quent than volumes- of •exeitedly-written tales. They form a speeeliful record of bravery and heroism. Interpreters have endeavored to ascer tain the number of Indians killed at this point, but have failed to learn; the , precise number al-' though:they gig% Indiana), admitted that u they _ "killed, novae nliamj a and wounded 114211980 me, ,and tbitt."WaY (WOLieutenant and,party) four 'braVely'and warm t dlO. O . , , , ' Gen. Custer, on the 11th of July, when return ing to this place with his command, found all their bodies, and buried them on Beaver Creek, Col, where they were found. The courage and perseverance which have been exhibited In reaming the bodies of this brave band from their lone prairie grave, although stimulated by parental affection, is worthy of Imitation. The remains of the enlisted men and of the guide were yesterday buried here in the post cemetery with full isiritttry honors and with re ligious ceremonies. Action is being taken for the purpose of erecting a suitable monument over their grave. r , . .. AMERICAN TOPICS. Lord Stanley Confident of the UM. mate Peaceable Settlement of the Alabama Claimu. On March 10, a deputation frost the Peace Society waited upon Lord Stanley at the Foreign Office. Rev. Newman Hall, Rev. Dr. Brock, and Sir Francis Crossley, all of whom had visited the United States aim the war, briefly addressed his lordship, all of them concurring in the statement that, though no doubt a strong_feeling existed as respects the conduct of this country during the war, which frequently found very strong expres sion, yet that the only practical grievance to which much importance was attached was that of the Alabama, and that, if that were out of the way, the great , Republican party of the States would cordially promote kindly feelings toward this country. Lord Stanley said that he thanked the deputa tion for the honor and pleasure of this interview. It was quite unnecessary that Mr. Baines should apologize to him for their paying him this visit ; for though, no doubt, almost everything that can be said on this subject has been said, he was very glad to see them as nothing more strength ens the bands of a Minister than to feel he is sup ported by the sympathies of large and intelligent bodies of his countrymen. Ile could assure them that the government, and he thought ho might say any government that might come into power in this country,waa as anxious to maintain peace as they were. War, no doubt, was the great antagcni , t of civilization, and, bad as war would be for any country, perhaps for no country is it of greater importance to maintain peace than for England. We are burdened with a very conside• rable debt, and our taxation, though not intoler able, will not bear augmentation without seri ously affecting our productive power. He was fully conscious of the magnitude of the interests involved in the question of peace or war with the United States. He must say that he never felt the same amount of alarm on this subject as had been expressed by some friends for whose judgment he had great respect. He had listened with much interest to the remarks of Mr. Newman Hall. and the other gentlemen who had visited America,. on the state-of public feeling there. Ile had alio been in America for several months, though that was twenty years ago; and though no doubt they often use, strong lan gusge, he found, to use a homely, phrase, that their bark was worse than their, bite. The strong lavgusge was perhaps - their means of letting off the strum of popular discontent; but .when they came to the actual arrangement of affairs, he thought they were much more . moderate and reasonable. And he thought they were not likely to be leas so now; for they are now, like ourselves bound In heavy securities to iscepi the peace. , He felt, as the memorial said, that it would be an honor and happiness to him self and his colleagues to' bring the matter to a satisfactory settlement. And while he agreed with Sir Francis Crossley, that it might not be necessary to be very rigid about the terms, but still there must be a feeling of reciprocity. It is only reasonable to expect that if concessions be made on one side, conces sions should also be made on the other. If the demands were too exorbitant, it would render it more diftisult to bring about the unanimity which was so very desirable. He could not state the precise terms on which a compromise may be effected, but he had little doubt if they were met, as he hoped and believed they would be, by a cor responding spirit of conciliation on the other side, means would be found to set the question at rest. I Hear, hear.] GERIUANY. Prince Napoleon's Reputed 417lission,, The Augsburg Gazette still publishes letters on the subject of Prince Napoleon's tour. The wri ter of one communication from Vienna states that, on the announcement of the approaching arrival of his Imperial Highness in that city, the Emperor Francis Joseph immediately offered him an apartment at the Induce. The Prince, however, declined the invitation in order that a political character should not be attributed to his jour ney. A Berlin letter to the same journal remarks that in Governmental circles the belief has be come more and more general that his Imperial Highness has not been charged with any mission. -it that opinion," observes the IMbats, "is main tained for a time with so much persistence and unison, we may be able to believe that the con trary is the case, and the public will end by attributing a great importance to this visit, to which,at first, but little importauVe was attached, at least in Prance. Count Biemarck gave a grand dinner to Prince Napoleon on the 12th. Southern Trade. Motatr, Alabama, March 23, 1868.--ifessrd. Cut, Wetherill .4. Co., Advertising Agents, Ledger Budding, l'hiladelohia, I'a.—GISNTLEMEN I beg leave to call your especial attention to the papers published by me, copies of which are now rega l:illy mailed to you, the Mobile Daily Register and .Mobile Sunday Times. The Regsster is the oldest paper in the State, the largest, and has the largest circulation in the South outside of New Orleans. The high character long ago given to it as the Hon. John Forsyth's paper insures for it a widely extended circulation. Recently it has had its circulation vastly increased by the con solidation with it of the Advertiser, Times and Evening News, all of which papers,with their very considerable list,' purchased. The Sunday Times, a semi-literary , sheet, very large and In I, has already an immense city and country circulation, and is rapidly gaining subscribers, especially -in the States of Alabama, Georgia, Virginia, Mis sissippi, Tennessee and Texas. In this city it is universally read Sunday morning. I am taking few advertisements for it, design ing to depend mainly , upon its subscription lists for profits. Positively, as a means of reaching planters and country people, it has no equal. I feel sure you may safely urge both the Sunday Tines and Register upon your advertisers as af fording unsurpassed advantages to them in placing themselves before the Southern public. The improved price in cotton, as well as the larger crop than was expected, is having the ef fect of brightening business prospects so much throughout the entire South as to warrant Northern businese houses in making extended efforts to secure her trade. A great change has come over business circles here in the last few days. Good returns will comp to your patrons for investments made in Southern advertising. Yours, very respectfully W. P. • Proprietor Register and Sunday Times. P. 8.--Advertisements and subscriptions tor the Register and Times will be received by MOMIII. Coe,-Wetherill & Co., Advertising Agents, at their offices, 7 and 8 Ledger Building, phia.' cum*. Arrival at the itioarloom mum. , HAVANA, ' Misch 25, 1868 The Spanbah mail steamer Morsel* from , Vera Crust IDih losti, and Sisal 22d, arrived-here-to , day. .131 m ..brings news from , the eapitallto Much 1 i The Bishop' 01: Ilromutsi Ordered to ) sl9lllNa, , • HAVANA, March 25i 1800- 4 -&-foilatiso has bean received from Madrid °Edo:wive the Whop of Ifs vans to Iktdo. F. L FETSTON. Pablisbird YAWS THREE OATS. rearrB AND ra.firmago. (rot the Philadelphia Evening HulleUti4' 'll suite. The candles shed a mellottelighti• The band diacoureed'a dermingalop; With beauty and with jemen bright„ Miss Slender danced with Mi. &Mow. She toM her confidential Mend' (Miss Jones, elese of Madams Roultlo l That in a convent she would end Her days, ere marry , such a armour. He told the fellows that be knew The girl would have a pot of money; But that her tongue, if fame said true , Would sour.the sweetest moon Of ionor3 4h, insincerity of youtid When next the tree, their leaver were sheilair d ir She took the veil in sober troth; Miss Jones, as bridesmaid, graced the wedding, —A bridal pair in Detroit weigh 550 pounds, • —Mr. James E. Murdoch la lying (IL, , at OW • house of a friend hi Lancaster,' lissiehtuseths, —There is a "champion baptiser"' out who dips 46 persons in twenty minntec.' --Rossini gave a dinner-party to fottrteest peed pie on his birthday, whereat Gustave Der tiadsti , a good joke. . —A boarding-hone keeper in Nashville kW been detected in patting pins in the bread *et 0, murderous intent. —Charlotte Cushman has given busts of Mo zart, Beethoven and Palestrina to the Mule Malt in Boston. —Napoleon tells Vietoria that he . Is charmed with her book. She has not reciproe4ted cow corning his "Ca?sar." —We take this from a Holland journal: "MI morning theyoung Louis Van t3kelheimer hung himself in his father's house; Hie death is at tributed to a suicide." —lt is stated on very good authority that them is a paper in Illinois which prefers General Logan for President. Dlnna ye hear this, Logan P-- Batton Advertiser. —An Albany clergyman, in a fit of generosity'' , or of morbid conscientiousness, returned ssoottay ) a real estate agent whom he had directed to sell a dwelling for $6,000, "no more, no less." —Henry Kingsley says, in the intrOduction to a new edition of "Robinson Crusoe," that Um( story is no romance at all, but merely an *Mot- - ical account of Defoe's own life. —A French paper states that an analysts of • suicide shows that married men and woman Awe more liable to make way with themselves thia. bachelors and widows. —Rossini wears a yellow overcoat and a ban dana handkerchief about his neek. Ii is natural. that a composer of operas should be predisposed. In favor of yeller.. . —The Itrlgnoll Opera .Troupe lost $1,600 net week by singing to , unappreciative Philadel-, phiane.—Boaron Post. The reason. for thhi was that they plaptd wretchedly - . Maietzere troupit:' OD the contrary, slid well. sad made ntOney. 4 t. —Thirty-five years ago a merchant of Newt York was "crossed in love i 7 sold out his brutineu t and went to the wilds of Michigan, where he di tabliehed himself as a hermit, wore cotton bag's: as clothing, and slept in a coffin. In this gaga lar bed he was found dead the other day., „ - —An insanii doctor In the Edinburgh anylnint • s insists that he know Noah very well, declaring, that he was a eke boy in early'llfe, but after- wards fell Into dissipated habits. And we known , Noah also, but he has no connection . Deluge man. —A letter from Greenvi4Tenn., Andrew doki son's home, says: "Andy's house. ib undergoing k a complete renovation. Mechanics and laborers are busily at work putting the old house in repair for his occupation. His friends are expeothig him soon." —King Theodore of Abyssinia once saw s beautiful girl with a band of roving beggars. Hs offered to marry her to a farmer, but she dined, saying she preferred to beg. "Beg thee." replied the Sing, "But you must have the rigta - to beg." He had her foot and hand cut off. —Mr. Seward has been telling the story of. a, boy who, when setting out in life, was toldlogr• his father there were two ways for him to follow.. One was the right way and the other WWI Shift wrong way. The young man concluded, in view' of the whole matter, not to take either, and Mt: back on the old gentleman for support. —Five hundred sportsmen the other day wont en a wolf hunt in the adjoining counties of Lake. 111., and Kenosha, Wia. They rode over tem square mike of territory, formed a circle atuif closed in. Four wolves were discovered, aM driven into a marsh, but outflanked the.hunter* aid made their escape. One cat, three ralibiti,. and a prairie hen were the result of the dafs. work. —A child's book, by Oliver Goldsmith, hasjusb been 'republished in .England. The Nan*lde,- scribes it as being "the biography of Tommy: Trip and his dog Jowler, and the great dant,. Woglog, to which is appended a history. of birds. and beasts, with descriptions of each laproam and verse," and the Judgment upon it is that it is. - as supremo in its way as "She Stoops to•GoaT• quer' and the "Vicar of Wakefield" are in. theirs,. —Here is en affecting tale ; get out youthand kerchiefs and prepare to shed real tears. At thy, last levee in the White House, a youth, about tea years of age, named WaltergWilkins, approichedt the President, in company with two g entlemen; and reaching Ida hands to him, said ‘ 4 1.-lovett, the President who loves the Constitotion' and, Union." The President said: "God bless my boy," and raising him in his arms, blot. —Queen Victoria has directed that her Journal! ', shall be translated into Welsh. Sir Thomas 8id..... vinlph, by command of Her Malesty,htuf ratnastedi.. the Rev. J. Jonevs, Vicar of Llandissillogogo, new* New Quay, Cardiganshire, an eminent . Waking scholar, to undertake the work. Thisi set of the Queen has given great satisfaction to the Web* speaking population of the principality. It will i be translated by simply striking out the vowel s sad cramming in a lot of l's. —"I have never turned over one of my • dd scores," said Anber one day, "with the joy t Ala ought to feel at seeing faces one has known , I and loved; and when It happened that I Mao, I v teed to surprise myself by thinking how many p' moot I would begin again, if my score had bead re modeled." He added, "I have never kldown, when composing, any other muse than ON*4ll. People findmy_mnsic gay; but I don't know bow that can be. Thera is not a single moat am.nv those the public has been good enough, to int happy, that wan not written between two gam. I could point out to you such and enc.% a plum where my pen slid over the work, and tuetita, long trig-zag, as my eyes were cleslug ! end ft' head, heavy with sleep, was dropping upon . mar score. We must believe," added the satudobee e with an expressive -snalley qthat. ther e , andk , m e tai l k , things as lucid sonmambulists." 77 -. T'"7" , —The letters of Mr. George }Primal mi t t A t e 41 sometimes, amusing, althonga we rA t o e dd riatedie 174, _ to print, them the brovulidde v as doe, - 7 organ, the New York Work/ Ow of the taw*. which has accidenhally attractevrour nett** a tains a copy of a missive which t.a d a t e d s e a rrat la, and which begins as follow 8 of 1 1 : r o th;4 2l„. ' Honorable Benjamin Di r anarf , 14 00 , 1 ii r. jasik...." As I wee the &s o. t t o,,norndn'avn! ,' a g the Rotunda , -Dublin, V 5 : wo n d er ; of ,, , before Lord. Derby ' s rolignaott; 'I * . among the first: ten 06i„,, e , i , e, , u , , , iimml ., ‘ , tea Fine ' WI 1 " r " . appolntmen , „ Lord o f .0 wor t Iwo Iniahideepiwittja h th a t* : trompot i=lirldomir l yl na . o r sdroomase of eas/ Iron thotatio tritiOx America." -;,-. . . .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers