GIBSON PFACOCK. )ditor. VOLUME XXL-NO. 281. THE ' EVENING BULLETIN PUBLISHED EVE= EVENING Mondays excepted). AT E NEW BULLETIN BUILDING, 801 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, tr a i llt11: 1 'EVENING B 'IN ASSOCIATION. GIBSON PEACOCK. PigirW i r atirr C. WALLACE. F. L. FETHEESTON, TECH. J. WILLIAMSON. OASPERSOIMER, Ja.. FRANCIS WELLS. The Batman, is served to subscribers in the city at 13 Uinta ner week. payable to the carriers. or S 8 per annum. INVITATIONS NOR WEDDINGS, PARTIES. &a., executed no a superior manner 1,7 . MENA. 1033 CUESTN d'r ILEE r. fe20.114 M . 7 1• T17M IMEYBOB--BERNMAR.D.---At Cheltenham, on the 21th ult., by the Rev. M. A, Den Mr. Reuben R. Mayen to Mire Borah A.. daughter of Anthony Bernhard. Eoi.. of Mont. %ornery county, [Germantown papers please copy.] • MECH. —February 3d, Julia Ann, wife of John Birch. in the 6lst year of her age. The funeral wilt take place on Friday. 6th instant. at 10 .o'eloc/g, - from the emhience of her husband, 1701 Write street, Bi;LL ' 9n the let Ultimo. Sarah IL Bull, youngest slaughter of Lewin O. and Sarah ft. Dull. The relatives and friends et the family arc respectfully invited to attend the humeral, from the residence of her parents. No. 1431 Vine street, on Thursday morning, sth inst., at eleven O'clock. COOKltlAl4.—Alfred Veinier Coo kman, eon of Kew. Alfred and Anne E. Cockiness, in the sixteenth year of his age. The relstivee and friends*, the family are respectfully invited in attend the funeral, from the residence of his invents, ?ie. 3ill Waller= street, on Friday afternoon, at 2 .'clock. •f, DICKSON.--On the 2sl insta.nt, Mrs. Marla Loofas Dickson, wife of the late Joseph M. Dickson. in the Vith year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend her funeral, from her late residence, No. ine Mount Vernon divot, en Thursday, the sth instant, at 1 o'clock. GIBSON.—At devannah, Ge.. on the 2d last., Dr. "%Vim Gibson, formerly of this city, Emeritus ?releaser of Bar nem- in the University . of l'eaneylvania. Due no_tlee will be givef of the funeral. KELLLE.--On Monday morning, March 2d„ Mary P., wife .4 t hdwin A. Kelley, in the :'zth year of her age. Funeral will take place this (Wednesday) afternoon, at three o'clock, from the residence of her mother, No. PM Ridge avenue. KIMBALL—On Tocr,l3, moraine, the7A inst., Mary wife of nteohon Kimball, and daughter of William Lavenpoort. deceased. 'rbe relatives and Kende of the family are invited to attend the funeral. from the residence of tier husband, 19s1 Spruce street. on Friday morning, at 11 o'clock. [New York end Boston papers please copy.) •• KIitKPAI RlCK.—tin the evening of the 311 Instant Francis A. Kirkpatrick, In the 3lst year of his sge. The relatives and friends et the family, also the mem bers of 01101113 h Lodge No. 246„ A. Y. 31. the members or Excelsior Mark. Lodge No. 21G. and the members of Keystone Chapter No. 175, .1 I'. M... are respectfully invited to attend his funeraL from the residence of Its another. ral Arch street, on tiaturday inonaing ' nth , st II o'clock. A. M. lust , TilYkE & t..ANDELI. OPEN TO-DAY THE Walking xi IS/lades of tiering Poplins tor the Fashionable Walking VI eaves. Steel Colored Poplins. Mode Colored Poplins. Bismartk Exact Shade. *IaZVI &L seer CONCERT H ALL. SELECT BEADING IST S. K. MURDOCH, 11st - 1t11)01 , TRH -EDWARI MIIMICEN SCHOOL, On TUESDAY HVENING. March le, at 8 o'clock. Tickets. f/' cents. Reserved Seats, 75 cents. To be procured at THUM YLER'd Music Store. No PIA Chestnut strve . and at the hall on the evening of the Reading. mhB.7trp• sw U. S. DEPUTLEt.;FORII OFFICE4FIPTII DISTRICT PIM NSYLVANIA. FRANKEORD. Feb. 19th. 18tH. Notice labs reby given to the owner of the following. .dr.cribed property. pelted and talgenior violation of the United Motet , Revenne loam that they may make claim for the same on or before SA IT siDAY, March 21ft„ February Mb—No. 1. One copper atin and head, troll' • cast ride of Salmon 'Arent, between Arm and Maple eta. No." One copper still and head. from ,o. 1714 Salmon vtrea February - 13th—No 3. One copper atilt complete, from 1414 Salmon otreet. No. 4. One copper otill,complete,frorn 112.1 William stmt. February ILth -No. g, One copper, till and one barrel whisky, from Ulu Salmon street. O. d One copper atilt. frma No. Irdl Salmon atroet. No. 7. One. copper 4111, ,romplete. and one package whioky, from No. 1103 Clear. field street. 11106. S. FOULEIROD, fair-sr.:3** Deputy Collector. mgr. HALL YOUNG MEWS CHRISTIAN ASSOCTI. ••""`" atton. LID Chestnut street. _ SCIENTIFIC I,ECT FRES. THURSDAY. March 6th, at 5 o'clock P. IL, 0. H. WILLARD. Es,c.—"Stereopticon Exhibition." including finest European Views and Public Buildings of Europe and America. March Ittb--"Ilible Study." conducted by OEO. W. MEMO., ESQ , with Mape and ItlackboarlL Subject— Second Chapter of Acts. tuistats air CONCERT HALL. 51. SECOND LECTURE, THURSDAY EVENING. 'A Journey to Ashango Land; the Habib. and Manners of the People." TICKETS. FIFTY CENTS. Reserved Seats to be bad at TrumPler's, to.:g Chestnut street Boners, lite Chestnut street. 'lndia the HAIL =MEM ST. MARY'S HOSPITAL, C itiNER OF FR&NKPORD ROAD and PALMER STREET (oppoeite New York Kensington Depot), in charge of the Slaters of Et Francis. Accident eases received if brought immediately after reception of injury. Lying•in careareeeived at a moderate rate of board. Free medical and burgical advice given on Wedmsday and Saturday Afternmmabetween 4 and 6 Welk. fel2-tfrp OFPItE OF THE LEHIGH COAL AND NAVNIATION COMPANY. PUILLIMLPIIIA. January ak. This Company is prepared to purchase its Loan due In ISM at Par. SOLOMON SHEPHERD, Treasurer. ' &Warn No. 42.2 South Second Street ---- • oriiStr• THE ANNUAL MEMING OF K. THE STOCK- gr"" THE 1 of the HYDE FARM OIL COMPANY will be held at the ()dice of the Company on MONDAY. April 6th, at I P. M,Md. S. WOOD. mho tit' Secretary. THE ANNUAL MEI•XING OF Tiln STOCK• i lar holders of the EGBERT OIL COMPANY, wilt bu - Lehr at the - *thee - of - the - Company; on WETNESDAY, April lilt, at 1 o'clock. P. THUS. S. WOOD. Secretary. ruh443r Z JEFFERSON MEDICAL COLLEGE. -' I7IE " ANNUM. GOMMENGSNI ENT will be hold at the MUSICAL FUND HALL, on SATURDAY NEXT. at. 12 o'clock, The Addreee to the Graduatee by Professor GRUSIS. The public are invited. noh4.Bt maw* TIIF PLUMBwNO BUSINESS vr - - .L.vr. JOHN PHELBIN iertit no continued by his 'STEPHENPHILBr.4 and -JOHN-E.EYANSON: , - , PHILBIN & EYANSON. N6.llSouth Seventh etreet. foII,6LTP . oirHOWARD aosprreu NOS. HIS AND 1620 Lombard street, Dispensary Department. —Medi na treatment awl meMelnes furnished gratulliamly to the Door• _ maw. NEWSPAPERS, BOOKS, PAMPHLET% WASTE paper, dte.. boughtby EE. HUN R, feleamo. . • No. 813 JaynTe E street. Death of Dr. William Gibson. Dr. William Gibson died at Savannah, Ga., on Monday last. Although long withdrawn from Lis active professional pursuits, Dr. Gibson is still well remembered in this community as one of the most distinguished surgeons among the many men who have adorned the medical and surgical, profession of Phila delphia. For nearly half a century he .oecupled the Chair of Surgery in the University lof Pennsylvania, and held the Emeritus Profes sorship at the time of his death. In his prime, he was a tower of strength to that indtitution, and by his rare talents and great skill, both as an operator and leustrae 2or in surgery, long maintained the supremacy of, the University among the medical schools of %his country. Dr. Gibson was a native of Mary ]and, and received his professional education in -Pdinburg, after graduating at Princeton College. At the time of his death, which resulted from an • attack-of erysipelas, he had passed his eightieth year. He has bang been missed from the pro fessiun which - he so brilltantly — addrned; and; at his advanced ago, his death was not unexpected. But the announcement will recall his memory -14) --the-- _large_ other friends ' of two generatiOns, who Were accustomed, in bygone years, to share In the honors which he conferred upon his chosen' . iselence by the groat abilities which he so strongly developed and so long exercised in its behalf. The Impeachment Question.-Meeting at the Connery. POST OMs, CONFEDRiT X ROADS (wich is in the Stait uv Kentucky, Feb. 22, 1868. Yesterday we receeved' the Looisville 'paper, and I notist into it reports uv mass meeting in Chicago and all over the country favorin impeachment. I felt that the huntid Presi dent, denounst and .persekootid ez he is, shood at least hey sympathy from one spot— ahood at least know that in one place he hed sound and solid friends, who wood stand by him in this tryln period uv his eggaist ence. I therefore called a meetin try the Corners, wich wuz held last nite. I okkepied the chair, and made the speech of the okkaeion, wick I alluz do. I remarkt that never in the histry of the Dimekratic party wuz the clouds lowrin so fritefully over it ez now. I spored it wnz a fixed fact that the President would be impeeched and removed, making that hory headed Ben Wade, who is a profane perse kooter nv the saints, President in his stead. Here wuz *at eggsited my alarm for the future uv the Dimocracy. It aint that John son is agoin out. It aint that I care so very much for him, but the fact that he will cer tinly be impeeched, shows that there is a pint beyond wich offishel patronage cant control. rsee afore me nothin but trouble. Ef Wade is President the grate moral ques tion is who will be Postmaster at the Corn ers? Will Deekin Pogram's paper still con tinyoo to pass thru the hands uv a sound Conatooslinel Demekrat? or will that skoffer Pollock hand it out? Will I be forced to leave these sylvan retreats, this haven of rest, and agin, in my old age, buffet the cold world? Good Heavens! The very ijee makes me shudder, and that same shudder will convulse the entire South. Wat kin we do? Shel the Corners sit idly by and permit this grate wrong to go unre hooked? Is a President to be deposed and his postmasters endangered for nothin? lam too full for further utterance. Capt. McPelter, late uv the C. S. A.., sed be hed never felt so good sence the Fort Pil fer affair. tiv course A. J. wood resist, and then his sword wood again Jeep from its scabbard. In the coz uv sich a I oonyun ez the President wantid, he felt ez tho he cood go calmly to his death. His sole wuz up and eager for the fray.. In such a coz, he cood gather about him all the brave men he led doorin the whole uv the 0 late war, every one uv wich wuz alive and in good health, eeptin one who hed died recently uv delirium tremens. Ile longed for it to begin. He hed - Ablishrtists - in -his- mind's- eye, wich he wood. like to go thro—he knowd nv safe places to cross into Ohio and Lc:o'mq, and nv farms rich in horses. 0 for a return uv them days. To ashoor the President and to stiffen his back-bone, the follerin despatches wuz sent : To the President:—The Corners is with yoo. We will, in the cousin struggle, take care uv the niggers. They hey chattles. How soon shall we begin? ISSANER GAVIIT. TO A. Johnson:—Yoor friends here are moovin. Be firm and steadfast. I pledge yoo the aid of every Confedrit sober in this seckshn. 111:Gli 11.14 'PELTS.); Late Capt. C. S. A. To the Chief Afaoistrate:—The people are with yoo. Never permit yoor power to be wrestid from yoo. The Corners will con tinyoo to speck. In sick a cos lam willin to go all I hey. . BASCOM. To A. Johnson and his Cabinet:—Ken tucky is troo to yoo. She will uphold yoor bands. Execoot the laws and ez much uv Congris ez yoo kin. Death to Radicalism and nigger ekality! A. PENNERACEEE, Jr. To the President:—Will volunteers to aid you agin the yoosurpashens uv Congris, receeve use same bounty ez the Fedral Government pade doorin the late croosade agin Suthern rites? Anser by telegraph, pre pade. ABEL PUNT. To the President:—Send me :...010,000 to be yoosed in recrootin men for yoor service. I pledge you the hearty co-operation of Ken tucky. NA:,1117. Deekin Pogrom remarked that so far ez he, wuz persnelly concerned, he hed no inter- est in the matter. Androo Johnson wuz nothin to him, nor wuz he anythin to Androo Johnson, but he wnz a beleever in constoo shnel liberty. lie wanted his niggers back , agin, and wat hope wuz there uv that, with that pestiferous Ben Wade in A. Johnson's seat? He shuddered at the ijee. With a Congris in the hands uv the Ablishnists, with - a - President - deeply - dyed - with - Radikalism how long wood the little remnant uv rites wich Kentucky enjoyed be left her? How long wood it be before we should ne com pelled to admit niggers to a ekality with us? , How long wood we hold even the elite control uv em - we now hey? Why, under sich rool we mightexpect to see,-sorae day, the _stars and stripes flaunt in the air in the Corners, and beer Yoonyun speeches made in front uv Bascom's. What chance, he asked, wood ther be uv continyooin in the struggle agin Congis? Wat earthly hope coal the first families hey uv perpetooatin ther rool ? None. Let us arouse ! Let us ido suthin ! Let us, ez Kentucky 'anus hez done, resolve. He begged leave to submit the followin : Wein:As, Androo Johnson, the President of the Yoonited States, tho not a Dimekrat, is considably neerer thereto than Ben Wade, and Wenees, He removed from offis one Ed win M. Stanton, a bloody-minded Ablish hoist, a thing alluz grateful to the Dimekratic heart, and WAnees, For this act of eStil3 a Rump Congris is at this time engaged in a attempt to depose him, u Wer W es, e the. Dimocrisy uv Confedrit X Roads, fear: a love for the Yoonion bur& In britely in oui buzzums, and feelin, also, that the sed Yoonion is in imminent danger uv utter and entire destruckshen onless the oPerashens nv 'an unholy Congris is checked,- therefore be it Resolved, That we look with alarm upon the ackshen uv Congris, aimed at our beloved President, and do hereby pertest agin sick ackshen. . . Resolved, That we, the Dimocrisy uv the Comers, fcelin the need uv - decision - in - this crisis, implore the President to be dedided. Resolved, That we, uv the 'Corners, res pectfullTregemi mend-then ininiejit arrest uv every member wit th e - MO* Congritrverairotea for impeachment, on the ground uv opposin the execushen uv the will uv_the Executive, and, alsO, the removal of Gen. Grant from the ofils he okkepies, and the appointment in his mlii 21rP. (From the Toledo Blade.) NA2IIIIII. PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1868. sled uv Bich a Constooshnel Dimekrat ez Oen, Rosso. _Resolved, That ez the Corners is in a state uv continyooal feverish anxiety to know the intensbuns uv His Eggslency, we recommend the boldin uv conversashens with the corres pondent uv the New York Herald reglerly, at least once per day,till this crisis hez passed. feeeolved, That if need be, to prevent the power uv the government from parsin en tirely into the bands uv a ablishn Congris, we, the Democrisy uv the Corners, pledge ourselves, our forchoons and our sacred honor, to maintain the Executive by all the means in our power. Bascom complained that them resoloo shens wasn't strong enuff. Good Lord, he trembled when he thot uv the consekenses that wood ensoo of the President shoos) be removed. >Lv coorse the cheerman uv this reeetin wood be ousted from hie Post Gills, and wat wood become uv the Corners then? Wat wood tiecome uv the debt he (the Post master) owed him (Bascom) ? Wat wood become uv the debts he owed every citzen uv the Corners who hed anything with coed be borrered or bot on credit'? "My " be remarked, "the Corners would ire rooined I And realizin myself the awful consekences fly destroyin the hope they wuz livin on, I bustid into teers, at wich they wuz all Yisably affeetid. Joe Bigler rose, and sed he perposed that this 'nee= never adjourn, but that it keep in continyooal session. pasein resolooshens, that bein the entire extent uv the aid the-Presi dent wood git from Kentucky. Ef resoloo aliens wood do A. J. any good, he wuz in favor of givin them to him by the yard. Uv coorse, of ther wuz a struggle, Kentucky wood remain mitre'. It pays best, ez yoo kin thereby rifle the corpses uv both sides. But, payin no attenshen to the words uv the scorner, we separatid sadly, waitin further developments. PETROLEUM V. NABBY, P. M.,. (Wich. is Postmaster.) From India. 4Correapondenee of tne Philadelphia Evening Bulletin.] CaLcurrA, Dec. 20, 1867.—Large and impor tant as our oily is for being the seat of the Anglo Indian Government, there are but few topics which the American reader is apt to take a lively interest in. J Local matters occupy the mind of the public, and speculation is at present alive as to the probable fate of the Abyssinian expedition, for which India has furnished a not inconsidera ble contingent of native troops, as well as of Europeans who have served among us for a num ber of years. The Northwestern frontier of this empire is constantly kept in excitement by iii surrections of native tribes and by invasions from beyond the line. They raise considerable discussion, particularly among military men, who are generally in favor of vigorous measures for the suppression of minor revolts, while the civil employais of the Go vernment generally, agree with the mercantile community in their opinion that kind .treatment and the observance of a liberal policy towards the half civilized tribes will advance the interests of Great Britain in preference to harsh measures. It should be remembered that Russia is our nearest northwestern neighbor, and the policy the court of St. Petersburg is sufficiently well known to put this country on its guard against a gradual invasion or the establish ment of permanent Russian influence, which, al though it may not bear prejudice to Groat tritain for the next decennium or two, may eventually untangle us in complications with the said pOwer, and even compel us to the use of arms, for protecting and defending our frontier. Commercial matters do not give the desired satisfaction. Imports have been inadequately large as compared with the consumption, and great efforts are made by men of influence and knowledge of European and Asiatic manufacture to introduce cotton mills, and thin; gradmdly to dispense with the importation of British goods for which a large Proportion of the raw material is furnished by his country. It is justly argued that the cost of transportation for the necessary machinery from England would soon be balanced by the saving of freight on the raw material to Europe and the reshipment of the same to India as a manufac tured article. Complaints are mutually made by the Yorkshire and Lancashire manufacturers and cotton spinners on one side. and the importers in Calcutta and Bombay on the other. The former complain of the quality of cotton sent from India being in a poor condition, while the latter accuse die British manufacturers of throwing into the Indian market a lot of rotten goods, adulterated with lime and other similar substances, which cause the goods to decay during the long voyage and thus become unsalable, Sir John Lawrcnce,Governer-General and Vice roy of India, has lately held a levee in the capital of the ancient Kingdom of Oude, Lucknow, which has become ever memorable for its siege during the rebellion of '57. These levees—called durbars—are an imitation of the receptions held by the Grand Mogul of Delhi, for the purpose of receiving the homage of distant princes of the - Empire, - and of having their-oaths of - fidelity re newed. They are kept up for the purpose of ex hibiting to the native element the power of Great Britain over the Indian feudatories, but none had been held from the annexation of Gude to the second conquest in '57. It is difficult for any body who has not witnessed the festival to form an idea of all the splendor exhibited. The Rajahs of- Oudelnulansw_eredahaappealof. the_Viceroy _ by appearing In large numbers at the capital.with their elephants, servants, jewels, and all the ostentatious elements ofOriental luxury. Five hundred elephants, covered: with blankets of gold-thread and silk, the majority of them carry ing on their backs tut rets of massive silver, made their entrance,with the Rajahs and their families clothed in the richest, Bilk garments and orna mented with bracelets, collars and chains of dia monds, emeralds, rubies and pearls. On the day _of their solemn entrance into the city the Viceroy took the lead of the cortege,• motuntal on an ele phant of immense size. After he had stopped on an elevated spot, the Rajahs paesedin review. He stood under a parasol, hold above Ida head by two servants. The parasol is the emblem of the highest dignity in Oriental countries, and it is a curious fact that the parasol la fofind on the bac 'dials of Nineveh over the head of every Assyrian kin—this custom having not only preserved itself for centuries, but spread from the shores of the Ganges to those of tho Tigris, for there is little doubt but that India was inhabited and civilized before. Assyria was—for, "westward did the course of empire take its way" at that re mote period not less than in our modern times. Comfortable Traveling'. One of the great conveniences accruing from the far:Seeing Pollef of 'our enterprising 'Capital: - ists is, that at any season we are not confined to any particular line or route in traveling, and are thus enabled, of the many routes, to choose the ono we may deem the least, objectionable. Wo quite agree with our Boston contemporary that traveling at this season is, to say the least of it, a nuitiance;_and,_further, _wo_ludoree_lis_opinions relative to traveling biboat. And for the benefit of such of our readers who may have to pay a %hit to Boston from our City by way of New York, we submit the followhig < article we clip from-the Boston. Bairirckv-Ervirnori Gazette-:- - "COMFORTABLE TnAvErmici.—Traveling during the winter season, either by rail or boat, is, in oureminion, a decided bore; But from being \ cramped up,many hours in the impure, atmo sphere of ': a crowded rallWay corAvith the • OUR WHOLE COUNT)EtY. billty of a three days sojourn in a snow drift without food, the saints defend us. No, if we must travel to any particular point, say. New York, for instance, commend us to the comfort of that floating palace, the 'Old'Colony' steam boat. What If It should blow a little outside. Captain Brown and his able and experienced of ficers. ever on the alert, will take care c)f that matter. Her halls are elegantly furnished, 9.nd be state rooms, one hundred and fifty in num ber, are fitted with all the the conveniences and comfort of' handsome bedrooms, the whole lit with gas and heated by steam. The Bill of Fare, provided by Mr. L. V. Tilton. the steward, comprises every delicacy of the season, and his attention to the requirements of the pas sengers is proverbial. We must admit that his system of arranging the supper tables to suit small parties are excellent and give general satis faction. The ability and energy displayed by Mr. Theodore Warren, clerk of the boat, In his department, prevents any confusion. The 'Old Colour was built but two years ago, and is a first-class boat in every particular. She runs on alternate days with her consort, the 'Empire State,' which has facilities similar to those of the 'Old Colony.' On the arrival of the cars at New port from Boston the nassengers will find a delectable supper awaiting them on either boat. On leaving New York supper is served between the hours of 4 and 7 o'clock, P. M." The New York Agency for the Fall River Line in question Wm 72 Broadway and Is under the able superintendence of E. Littlefield, Esq., so long andfavorably known to the traveling public. The Old Colony and Empire State leave pier 28 North River, foot of Murray street, a few steps from where the passengers from Philadelphia land on each alternate day. rbg4itiol Heavy Swindling Operation... Four. teen Thousand Dollars involved•.. Arrest of the Swindler. ' [From the Detroit (Mich.) Free Preen.] On the 9th of January last there appeared In the Free Press an account of the disappearance from her home in Weston, Mo., of a highly re spectable married woman named Western, who took with her $20,000 in gold, belonging to her husband. It was supposed that one Simon Sher man accompanied her, and photographs of both parties wt re forwarded to the Chief of Pollee in this city, with a request for the apprehension of the originals. As our readers are already aware, Mrs. Western, whose real name it has since been ascertained is Wells, was arrested at a millinery establishment on Woodward avenue. Her husband and eon were informed of the ar rest, and as soon thereafter as practicable they came to this city for the purpose of recovering tho money and inducing the woman to return home. She readily consented to the latter, but refused to give any information concerning the $20,000. with the exception of $6,000 worth of United B:ates bonds, which she delivered to her husband. The family then returned to Weston, Mo., but detective Stadler, who had worked the ease up, determined if possible to find Sherman, who, it was believed, could account for the re maining $14,000. With this end in view, he kept- a -lookout for Sherman, and, on Monday last, while standing in front of the Post Office, his patience was re warded, for, behold! the very man bohad so,long searched for passed within two feet of him. Hastily referring to the photograph to assure himself that there was no mistake, Stadler fol lowed hilt. He visited various localities,and finally stepped into one of the newspaper offices and. asked permission to teach the files for the account of the arrest of his late companion. This eettled the question of identity beyond cavil, and Sher man was taken into custody. A telegram from the Chief of Police informed Mr. Wells of Sher man's capture, and a requisition from Governor Fletcher was procured, armed with which Wells arrived „in this city yesterday. On Thursday, ho veyer, a writ of habeas minus was issued by Cokamisaloner B. T. Pretitise, requiring the Chief to produce the prisoner and show cause for his detention. The case was argued yesterday after noon, but a; decision was not reached, and , Sher man was still a prisoner. -Further action In the prctaiaa will be taken to-day. Attempted Suicide or a Murderer. [From the Pittsburgh Poet of the .7,41. In Carbon county, recently, a man named Strobl was arrested on suspicion of having mur dered his wife, who died suddenly. Examination showed that the woman died of heart dis ease. Strobl was released, but showed such agony of mind that he was closely watched. Early on Friday morning he escaped the vigilance of his watcher, and proceeded to a chamber where was standing a gun loaded with shot, which he took, placed the end of the barrel in his mouth, and pulled the trigger with his foot, discharging the entire con tents of the gun in the back part of his mouth and throat, 'Macaug a terrible wound. A phy sician was called, who did all he could to relieve him. He is gradually improving, and it Is thought he will recover. DISASTERS. Fatal Railroad Accident. From tbo ilarrieburg Patriot of -March :Id.) James M.-Bailey, a resident of this city, WAS killed on Sunday morning at Allegheny city, while coupling passenger cars on the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago railway. Mr. Bailey was a conductor of trains in the yard of the above company and in the discharge of his duty was -crushed-- between- the cars and instantly killed. His remains were brought to this city yesterday afternoon by Mr. Thomas W. Jones, a resident of this city and an employ& of the P.. F. W. & C. R. R. in whose care the body was placed by Mr. J. D. Lang, general. superintendent of that road. The company under whose employ Mr. B. was at the time of his death did every-, -thing ,their_power..-toAnyl respect to the de-' ceased. Mr. Bailey was a general favorite upon= the'road, and his untimely death has cast a gloom among a large circle of acquaintances. The de ceased leaves a wife, who resides on Fast State street in this city, - from where his funeral will take place on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'elock. Fearrni Aeeldent..Death and Disaster Overtake a Sleighing Party Return. nig from Church. (In Sabbath evening, 9th Instant, a dread ful accident occurred in Union tewnship, Har din county, lowa. The Eldorado Ledger says: "The scene of this sad and fatal attair was near Mr. Ward's residence ; the time of its occurrence in the evening. A revival had been in progress at Lockard's school-house, for some weeks previous, and the unfortunate man whose death we record, drove his family "to meeting" with unfailing. regularity. On the evening which proved so terrible to him, he was returning from church. His sleigh had , some six persons therein, male and female, and Mr. Spurlin was driving. There were three Wards in a string, all gaily prancing homeward and W proud of the bells' chiming chorus. When within a short distance of Mr. Ward's residence; where the Union post-office is now located the la-t sleigh lurched into a deep rut and capsized, pilling Hs • occupants unharmed in the snow. Bre;aking from the driver's hands the frightened team flew past the middle sleigh, - and, maddened with the cries of the women, blinded with uncon trollable fury, they leaped into the advance sleigh, in which wore Mr. Spnrlin and a number of men and women. This starepeded Mr. Spurlin's team. It ran fifty yards with furious speed, and - dashed the aleigh, with the force and velocity of / a battering; ram, spinet 'the trunk of a largo tree. The sled was demolished, and the occu pants scattered, maimed, bruised and killed, in every direction. ~341....1ipur1in had ..heeg.beat..c9l the head by the iron-shod feet of the horses which leaped in on.his company. Then a lame stake had been driven deeply into• his head, Mr. James Kirkman was cut and crushed in a dread ful manner, and all• the Aptiorolepyoroly injured. Drs. Cusack and Underwood were immediately brought to the distressing scene, when all the sufferers were cared for. In spite of science and surgical ,skill, Mr. Spurlin expired , after six hours of intense suffering. The remainder of the party, Mrs. Spurlin, Mr. and Mrs. Pitts and John Joins, will all likely recover. Miss Fanny Jewell, who was in the rear sleigh, made a narrow escape from death and is now suffering severely. Many of them will bear the scars of this accident on their bodies to the grave. Mr. Daniel Spurlin, the deceased, was about sixty D years of age. e had been in the county before its organization in 185:1, and at the time of his unexpected and violent end, was halo and hearty. De had a fine, large farm, a wife and family and neighbors who deeply mourn the loss of the hus band, father and blend. The•fire at Barnum'. Museum--Far- they Pftrtielliarffik [Fr 3 - 4,t the Now it ort Brent/mg Post. of yesterday.] Mr. Serguson, one of the proprietors of the Barnum & Van Ambnrg Museum and Menagerie Company, makes the following statement in re lation to the origin of the fire, and losses: The room in which the fire broke out was called the "Bird Department." It is supposed that the fire originated from, a defective flue. The room above was occupied by the giantess, fat woman, Circassian girl and others connected with the Museum, all of whom escaped. The following is a list of the animals binned: Four lion cubs, Two large lions, Four leopards, One panther, Two hyenas, Two black bears, One white bear, One Ibex, Two lynx, One Brazilian tiger, Four porcupines, Four kangaroos. Two white peacocks, together with all of the birds, parrots, monkeys, &cc., on the upper floor, were also burned. ANIMALS SAVICTA. The following-named animals were taken from the building, some of them badly burned: One giraffe, One moose, One saered,zebra, One sacred bull, One youm4 elephant, Two•camels, Three llamas, Two• Japanese hogs, One four-horned ram, One Persian sheep, One Hindostan goat, Three kangaroos, Two pelicans, Two silver pheasants, One Bengal leopard, Threeporcupines, One wambot. A large number of small. animals were also saved. Thegiraffe was burned so badly that It is expected to live during the day. It was valued at $20,000. The seal rescued from the fire at the old Museum was burned. The wardrobe of the Museum was nearly new, having been col lected since the fire of two year& and a half ago, and was valued at $25,0004 The loss of the owners of the Museum Is estimated at 41400,- 00, on which there is. an Insurance of .15150,000. The safe is in the rains, and the names of the companies are not known. One hundred and thirty•five persons are thrown out of employment by the fire. The company had in preparation a piece for which a large outlay had been made in machinery and, scenery. This was all destroyed. It was valued at $lB,OOO. A pair of tigers burned were valued at $21i,000. A number of persons connected with the Museum sustained private losses. M ST4C IT. LIA:1 OPETS.A.—iIigOO/0, whielk was played last evening, at the Academy_ot Music ' contains some of the best music ever written by'Verdi. But it failed to attract a full audience, and the performance went off tamely. Yet Madame La grange sang, in some of the scenes, very finely. M assuniliani was excellent in the ride of the Duke: Orlandini was .gepd ae "Rigoletto," and Miss Phillips sang and acted with spirit in the only act in which she appears. The opera was badly cut- r the entr'actes were tediously fang:. the chorus was weak anti defective, and there was. 6 general In difference on the part of all, in some scenes, the vast blanks in the auditeriumlutving a dispiriting effect. It is a risk to begin an opera season in the first week of Lent, and if itis attempted, there should be such care in mounting the operas as to tempt people to go in spite of the season. The. Grand DucheB.4, with its trashy music and total lack of good solo singers, would draw because it is well acted and well put on the stage. There should be still greater care with more Important works. The present season of the Lagrange, Brig - noli trouye has been begun without any such care, and it is likely to. languish to the close. Still there is a chance to do better, this evening,. when Robert M Diable is to be pr need, with a good cast. It is a great work, Which is worthy of great efforts, and it is to be hoped that it will draw a full house. GRA:in Comma:T.—On Monday evening, March 9th, a grand'vocal and - instrumental concert will be given at Horticultural Hall, iu aid of the Hebrew Philanthropic Association. A number of favorite artistes will appearo.nd the full Germania orchestra will be present. AMUSEMENTS. THE THEATRES.—.I)Ba , I Ssw Frit at the Chest nut has proved a success, and seems likely to have a long run. It will be repeated this evening. At the Walnut this evening Mr. J. W. Wallack, Jr., will appear in his celebrated impersonation of "Leon De Bourbon," In the drama of The Iron Maak, At the Arch, Lotta will sustain the char acters "Little Nell" and the "Marchioness," sus tained by Craig as "DiCk Swiveller."- The-Ame rican otters a varied bill. Ouvr. LOGAN' , " LEcruEw.—Mlss Olive Logan, the celebrated author and actress, will deliver a lecture at Concert Hall this evening. The dis course is entitled "Stage Struck," and is said to be instructive and amusing. Mug. Bowxus' B.uxßiar.—On Monday even ing next Mrs. D., r. Bowerswill have a compli mentary 'benefit at - the Walnut St-Theatre.:2 - Mrs. -- Bowers is about to leave for California, and- this benefit is tendered her by her friends and admir ers. An attractive bill will be presented. ELEVENTH STREET OVER-% lIOUSE.—The excel lent burlesque, entitled ..lnything You Lae, will be presented at this Opera House this evening, with local scenery, local hits, humorous situationsand general jollity. There will also be the usual minstrel enterfid.nment, with singing, dancing, negro comicalities, &c. The entertainment at this house is of an excellent character. BunsErr.—Mr. Alfred Burnett; the celebrated humorist and inhale, will give an entertainment at Assembly Buildings this evening. Mr. Burnett possesses extraordinary powers and never falls to keep his audiences in a roar of laughter. He in troduces now impersonations every night. Dv CIIAILLU'S LECTI7III:.—.M.. Du Challlm's se cond lecture will be .given at Concert Hall to morrow night. A full report of that delivered last evening will be found upon our inside pages. —The London Spectator considers George Francis a remarkably costly Train at his own Valuation. It says: "If two days are worth £lOO,OOO to Mr. Train, a year is worth X 30,000- 006. to-Mr. , Train r and. all the ., insuilinee offices in the world would never, undertake to insure Jointly Mr. Train's invaluable life for what it is really worth. Twenty-Live years of Mr. Train would more than extinguish the national debt. The imagination reels before Mr.' Train's sublime' pecuniary measure of his own imports-nee." proposition was Made in the Kentucky State Democratic Convention, a few. days since to pay the national debt ,in greenbacks. An amendment was oftbred not to pay the debt at all, which was received with a shout ofapproval. JC43136 D. Blightitiadir altrpei3cll,lliitt'o 7- *-4.'itt - Ite - titer still opposed to the war, and that, if the Demo cratic party, should come into potter. Kentucky would be, paid in full for !oases incurred by: the rebellieu, F. L. 'YETIIERSTON. PikUglier:— PRICE TRUE OENIII4 FACTS AND, NANULDIT, —Mrs. Partlngton, has the gout- —Edwin Booth lain Cleveland. —California raises tea. —Out of season—Andy Johnson's March forth is likely to come in April this year. • —Why does a policeman seize his man by the collar? For collarateral secnrity.—Pan. —Mr. Dickens is to stay in Boston ten clays Or so to recuperate. —Cheyenne boasts of prairie fires:at this Mir season. —The death is annonneol cif Gathechlr, the fatuous Parisian fencing master. —The Cart(e) before the horse—The bill of Fare at a Home Banquet.--Fun. —Miss Maggie Mitchell has closed her ensge meat In Now York. —Gmieral McCall was an accomplished orni thologist. —Garibaldi baa oent•his photograph and auto graph to Wendell Phillips. —The swindler'a early miming aapiration— Let Its be np and doing.' —Tbolaat words of Sir David Btrewster were, "I am dyin " Which. nobody coil e deny. —Forrest Is playing "Jack Clulen'in and the papers call him an intellectual treat —Our first President was liesefirmorn to telt lie; the last one was neTer known to tell any-- thing else.. —Digby,. In Nova Scotia, haa a new paper called the Bluenose, advocating annexation to the United , States. ,—Londen.saw the production of one bundrett and twenty-three new plays. during 1867, not counting the .Christmas burlesques. —A lady in New has two Gobelia tapestry arm chairs that she values. at eighteen hundred dollars. —Prince Alfred went into the minoa at Balla rat and dug out gold' nugget& that had beam carefully placed there for the purpose. —Koy thinks that the compositor who , made "White Fawn" read White Faun meant to be sa tyricaL—Kr. —Rossini (the.composer) was eighty-four years of age on Saturday, Feb. 29. It was. his Swenty ft rst birthday. —Archduke Henry of Austria has really mar ried Mile. Hoffman, an actress,.and , the pair are on a wedding tour. —He's a Lunatic.—A correspondent wishes to know the name of the Barrsd .who. wrote the Prisoner qiChilicm!. —To what would a man, taking breakfaet with his betrothed, be most likely to object?—To take any butter (but-her.) —Anber, the composer, has in his possession, neatly bound, the rriginal of all his composi tions. He always stipulates with his publishers that his autograph copy shall be returned to him. —Mrs. Theodore ,Martin„ formerly Ilblen , WA*: cit, an actress of celebrity, has• been presented with a magnificent ruby diamond•braceletby ker Majesty Queen Victoria. , • .—SeveraTof theAavghsirs of Brigham Young are actresses in the theatre at Salt Lake City, dali a Gentile, who is recently from that city,- says he salit Brigham at an evening's- perfonnance,.oo. companied by six dozen of his children. —Pastor Holzapfel, of Relfnitz, has- left the moat simple will on. record; it is one line :. "My soul to God,_ my body to the earth, andoxiy_ money to our Deaf and Dumb Hospital."'All the lawyers in Germany cannot break that will. L** —The Constitutionalist, of Augusta, Oa., named Admiral Farragut as a possible Dernoetatio eandi date for the Presidency. The Admiral would make a strong candidate and a good President, but we believe he is-a Radical. ter —The famous tepor, Niemannovho-was, tified with the r4fe of 715sarddiarer In Faris two eloppd from Dresden. with a young, Gorman oe tress. ' bac celebrated Mme. Becbattla, has applied for legal. separation , from. her kw band. The best horses for the IllppoDbagise&table would bp "Coursers;" 'arranged in tke.bill of fare as First Coursers, Second Coursers ) etc. Why was horse-radish omitted in the mew' at the Lanham ? And horse-chestnut& were wanting. Where, too, among. the sweets was.the Pie-balai? —.Punch. choice rhetorical flourish was. made by a Nova Scotian in the debate on repeal :—"PtibUsts it not in Russia,. mention it not in the streets of Brazil, tell it not in this western hemisphere, that in this decade of the nineteenth century, 340 5 000 British, subjects have been made 330,000.BrRisk serfs.' —A controversy has been going, on among practical as well, as scientific men, as to. ttie transparency of molten metals, since the an nouncement of the fact by Father SeechL The manager of certain steel works in England has, however, recently stated that in pouring out molten steel the edge of the crucible can be dis tinctly seen through the flowing sheet of metal. —On Saturday last a man named Isaac Baton, aged about fifty years, was engaged. in sawing logs with.a circular saw in a raill owned in pert by him, at Williams's Crossing, on the Martins ville railmad, in Indiana, Having adjusted his log and set the feed in motion, he fell by some nicans. over the log, and although a large man, weighing over two hundred pounds, was cut completely through the body and arms, the severed parts,falling on each side of the log. --BanjeminDisreeli, the new British Premier, is not, as a paragraph going the rounds of the press says Ito is, an Israelite in faith. Ills &their. Isaac Disraeli (the celebrated author of "Quarrels of Authors," and many other works), embraced' Christianity some years before Benjamin's birth; and the Premier himself declared, during a crow exemination in begirt about four years two, "I am, what I have always been, a Christian:" —The (kreensburg (hid.) Herald, in comMent ing on.thebillitt - pnt reet. unfirtletion - in A:lepers' Grant's hands, says: "When that time doe's come (when itpasses the Senate), the sooner the earth is ridof him the better; there will be a job for another Booth.• By the hair of St. Michad, we would rather see him in h-11 than king over Et single inch of American soil; - and, it is our opinion, if_ills_ Equestrian Mightiness were to accept- under the new reconstruction law, he would be seeking a home in the above hot region before he would ever reach the capital of his new kingdom." —An extraordinary red tape story is related by a German paper as authentic. It is told of a town in Wortemburg. It is the role in Schilda, Stuttgart, that the fire engine shall always be tested three days before a fire. In Wurtemburg, an alarm cannot be given until the oberamtnuunt has given his permission : "On the night of January 19, a fire, caused as is supposed by 60 incendiary, broke out in the granary of the: (horse) postmaster in Galidorf. As Et high wind! was blowing, all was soon in a blaze. The town , runner, Alchele, was at once sent full speed to, the oberamtmann, twelve miles distant, to adt, for the fire engines. Ile came, but had lost. the written order on the way, and the °Bernath mann would not let the engines go 'witiaeur, a regular. denutud black and white to: ehow for it. In vain did tin: messenger . they might Inflict any punishment they plot& on him, ut not to let the unforttipata. town. suffer for his careloseneas—the red-tape map re ,. mained firm, stuck to the letter of the biw c and s without so touch as lettinptbe chief ok tip fire department know what was required, an wl(lri the distant flames plainly vufible, 4 drove the meet , senger away and turned t 071407 pillow, to oleo tbo slumber of an official wito,striotV,ohze the law. By five o'clock In he numn i nt , obdo had returned with itow.mier,-,ba b fri the time - forty gO rft"henMe nd-beett eluding the root, the OnArch,', th9 , 'esotki: Ato Counts von Eneekl, and eeimatk•eight . *OP% in all threeintadred peopl0„ were cu,rufti out um . nahed - IU tbv *Wel natlW,"'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers