.GIRSON PEACOCK. Editor. VOLUME XXI.-NO. 280. THE EVENING BULLETIN rtiBLIBI4O EyEnT EVENING (enadays excepted). AT TIM NEW lI,ULLETIN BITILDING I Cheitnut entreet, AT TIIS EVENING' BULLETIN ASSOCIATION. ractrarr.rons. OIBSON PEACOERNEST C. WALLAC% Y. L FITREI934) r g, TILOS, WIGWAM:ION. CAnPEIt BOOM h. fm. FRANCIS WELLS. The &Imms ht served ti thebscribe inhe city at IS cents nss weak. .svable ta eitrnen4 or t 8 igiatiTlciiii — POßWEtiniNGS. PARTIES. &e.. 1. executed It & superior manner by DitEKA. I WIESTNUT dTROBT. &20A MYtitifiti P. UPTON-11f A.RTIN.--On Weduaider. February lAth. in New York. by Rev. H. R. flrosvn. Brevet Major General Emnry Uptoo, U.S.A.. to Emily Norwood. daughter of E. Throop Martin. of-. Willowbrook. N. Y. • • . . DIJUe BEECTIER„.-012 the Blth ult., Howard (llarence, son of ..3. F. and Cathnrine?.. Beecher. aged 22 months,',: Gene to meet his arc they, The relaWom sulk Meads are respectfully invited to attend the MuMal. I rom his parents' residenee,ls:o North Twelfth street..d Wednesday, 4th !roent, at 2 o'elock. To proceed to Laurel Cemetery. Di - LG.—On the Ist ultimo, Sarah R. Ball, youngest •clanghter of Lewis G. and Sarah It. Bull. The relatives and friends of the fatally are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her parents, No. 1431 Vine sheet, on Thursday momhed, tith net., at eleven WeIOCIL. if t'uoKll4/04.—Alfred Brener Coo kman. son of Rev. Alfred and Anne Utoknian. In the ale Meath year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family at ercepectf ully Immo attend the funeral. from the residence of Ids parents, No. LMIY.3 Wallace street. on Friday afternoon, nt 2 o'clock. •.• Dit:KPON.-On the 2d indent. 'blueish Dickson. wife of the late Joseph It. Dickson. in the 78th year of her sgt. The relatives and friaries of the family are respectfully invited teatiend_ber funeral, fear:shoe tate residence', Na ICS stenint Wilton street, on Thursday, the 6th instant, .st o'clock. • • • . GIIISON.—At Savannah, Ga . on the Sd ln.L. Dr. Wm. Gibson, formerly of this city. F.meritus Profesmr of der. ger; in the University of l'entsylvania. Due notice will be taunted the innerat. 1011• K ELLE Monday mottling, March 2d. Mary .D, of hdrvin A. Kelley, in the 35th year of her age. Funeral will take "lace on Wednedday afternoon , at three o ' clock . from the residence of her mother, No. fed Ridge avenue. • it I.L'CAti.—On the t'.sth ult.. Frank N. Lucas, eon of the h•te John and Margaret Lucas, in the 19th year of his age. The relatives and frieude of the tunny are remectfUly invited to attend the funeral. on Wednerdor Iftertmoll, at 3 o'clock. from the residence of his mother, No. 755 1.1 orido street. without further notice. MONTGOMERY.— a March Ist. In New York, Maria Montgomery. In the 934 year el her age, widow of the late lion. John Montgomery.of .Maryland„and daughter of Commodore .1 amen ItialtWon. of the Revoltition Navy. ViEkt:F.• -February 26th , in Tallahassee. Flo rid a, Rev. Edward A. Pierce. et Chicago. The relatives and friends of the family are Invited to attend hie funeral. from the residence of big father.in. taw, John filblot ltin:1711 Arch greet, on Wedneso ay. 4th het.. at 11 o'clock. • TAYLOR..--Near Ellicott City. M. auddeniy. tbe oruing of February 71t.b. Jofepb Taylor. in the 72 year of hi: awe. a native of Lancaehire. Catiand. ‘Va'f.ElN.—tiuddertly, on tho evening of February tb, t rte.« Watkin. Inv male Nett& are respectfully invited to attend hie funeral. from the r evidence of tits brother dn-law. John 11. (:•t(er. No. TVS South Thoth .tree[, on Wednesday, it v , Th 4th, aka o'clock. P. kt. - proceed to North Laurel • , the evening of the thigh of - February. IF.do s at his old and favuillarly.known residence, on Front street, Nrxc+,Da*taoxt4 Wtht. $1 yeant mid montherone of the oldest, meet Ind tigruisi .and rtaxPeeted of phiscs nativa'elUzens, whew morning and meredian-of life Were pawed - I* enturpriser which ituldedinaclincher commi rein' validity, and whore honorable repute and stieccsa-cf talent were ever associated with her growth and Utterer's. Thu genius of invention, which, in his south, directed his efforts to he proventents i the mum tact tire at fire arms extensiv,ly oceopyitg him, in IS2d. culminated bit ;attempt@ in the production of Um:mall and initnitehly9erfectlehrtak whin's. in unlimited de. mond, has borne the name of Desincer, s househOld har of is (sty. into every section of this continent. and el, try country of Europe In the time of the full recognition of his talent and endeavor, and their renowned succesti, the voting end arohl t s f treinventor at 'lThe,Deringer Mae 1.4 Un atimegled gerdhs the hest Mots Wont of - _st...eis • into the circlet)! poi tient megruttso et the capital.whither the application of his enterprise summoned him and where he won the personal friendship of President Jack. son- ho was his guest at times—and of eubsequent siderite end noted** of Washington, *moue , is*oft wren. prominent Calhoun. Benton. Rusk.' Soviet 'And Odom slid the thief's of the Cherokee and other Indian intone.. wi u extended warm and friendly interest in hisativance. merit and whose retard--otter exhibited in visite at hip. hospitable home—he retained, until dcatispnrening ago hers nearly all his chief cotemporaries rut of mortal nor.• *eclat. ors. Large wealth, with great business ability and most intemenite honer. Mr. lteringer associated and em. pleyed in the origin and direction of many Banks of tots city, and to architectural extension of our streeta; and with a capacity no senility diminished. lie con ducted and controlled his varied album to the close of his lite. The 'ante locality, for sixty years the scene of rare businesa independence. of social hospitality and an lmost patriarchal domesticity, where two generations honored his strength and wisdom, and whence, one year ago, the noble friend, companion, sympathizer, and saintly counsellor of a lifetime, his well-beloved wife. ;rots ded him to the `Mndiscovered country'," was the shadowed scene of deattsprecurting pain to Mr. Beringer --a !define and final sickness. His body worn and wan; his nand and intellect untouched by caducity; "crowned with achievingyear& and leaving *name unspotted and secure of perpetuity, in its links with the records of sue ees4 n 1 inventive genius; at potato with tied and man. his life declined to its end, as Autumn days decline, fall of honors and fair deeds, rich with harvests gathered and sheaved borne home, and soft with tints of immortal pro. mile, to the "-- FerPetnal morning and the light Of eons that net not, on eternity." Mors Janua 6 1 1 0- 31ABONIC NOTICE.—The infiCeri acid members of Hiram Lodge No 81. A. Y. K. and the Order in aoneraL are requested to meet at the Masonic Temple, ‘Vee nerd ay afternocuant o'elock,te attend the funeral of .onr late mther. CLUB. WATkaH. Bp order of • BTERLING BONSAL W. IiIYRE Pop li nEN TO-DAY THE waking -UA Phadee of Drina for the Faahionablo Walking Dreser o. Ptcel Colored PoOhm Mode Colored Poplins. Bismarck Exact Salida 3PECI Al. NOt.IIDES. , seit - CONCERT. HALL. SELECT BEADING ar S. K. MURDOCH, IN AID OF THE. EDWARI 43 MISSION SCHOOL, On TUESDAY . EVENING, March 10. at 8 o'clock. Tickets, F.• cents. Reserved Seats, 75 cents. To be procured at TRUmPI,ER'S Music Store, No. 438 • Chestnut street, and at the hall on the evening of the Reading. • mh3.7trp• giggir•WHEREAS THE, VESTRY ure. sr. Luv...tps •••,' Church, id anaping,. Philailelphla,at a called meet; LigaiiivitegleanAMAlielleath , of , TOßLAßAYAGNElit,„ , • Es q., who tor thirty Years was; member. of this Vestry , and during all these years gate liberally of his means and spared no efforts in bie desire to establish permanently St. David's Parish, and own in his last illness thougnt of our affairs, and contributed to the into, improvements of the church; therefore, - Resolved, That we do hereby express our deep sympa thy with the family and friend, of the decease in their affliction, and declare our high estimate of his Christian 'character, and those untiring efforts and, valuable offer ings in the early history of the Church,' which. - under iiod, have greatly contributed to produce - the Present' prosperity of the parish. . Rewired, That this resolution of sympathy and high esteem he recorded on the minutes of the vestry, pub lished in the daily papers, and a copy transmit.ed to the PO reared family, • • ' F. R. BUSHNELL, Rector, WAL B STEPHENS. • ORLANDO (MBAS p MAN AY Philadelphia, Feb. SI, 1868. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HIGHWAYS. 1111 r . OFFICE OF CHIEF COMMISKONE&NO. 101 S. FIFTH - STREET. PIIMADELPIMA, March 3, MR Notice to owners of carts, wagons, drays and harrowers. The annual license due the city will be received and renewal of the same until April 1, 19 ( without penalty) M at the above °oe, daily from 9 o'cl ockA. H. to 8 o'clock P. M. Penally for neglect of renewal of license $3 each, on any of the above vehicles that may be used. THOMAS H. TRIOL, License Clerk. naafi' th,r 3t§rP ~. . LECTURE BY DU 011211ILLU.—PAUL Marc immuu• will lecture at Concert Hall, on TUET3- DAY EVENING NEXT, March 2. Subject—Journey to the Cannibal Gauntry; the Gorillajtshabits.and atlinitiom tq Man, illustrated by tumorous diagrams. Tickets. 60 o extra charge for reserved seats. To be had at Trumplers, No, P 26 Chestnut street; toner. N 0.1102 Chestnut street. feWi“itrp•_ see . SELECT HEADINGS Central Congregational Chapel , mor the Benefit of the Church, by RUFUS ADAMS.' _.. FRIDAY E%'ENING. March 6, 1868. Commencing at 8 o'clock. Tickcts to lc) had* Aelimead'e, 724 Cheetnut street. and I 3!"..1!IMPIMWM1WITITI•••••••••mr ST. MARY'S HOSPITAL. CIRNER OF FRANK:FORD ROAD and PALMER STREET Mcs s it o e f Yorkjensington Depot), in charge of the 64 Accident cruses received if brought immediate!: after reception of injury. Lyimpin cases received eta moderate rate of board. Pree medical and surgical advice given on Wednesday sad Saturday Aftornoone,between 4 and 6 o'clk. felltfrp .. . . . , . . . . . . . .. ' . ' . . . . . . , .. ~ . ~. t• .. ~.... . . . . , .. ........... .. Ix. i .. .. _ , ~ _ _ , ... ~ :. + . . . " • , „ . • , . . . . . . . (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Evening Bulletini The Republic does not equip its Minister to vie with other Ambassadors in style and establish ment. The simplicity of our representation Is a subject of raillery with Parisians when they are sincere, and of compliment when they are courtly. The modest apartment in the Champs Elyse - es, upon the curve of the Rue de Prosbourg, looks across with dismay upon the cestly shrine where the mother country, In the Hotel Borghese, sets up her oracle, the Ambassador of Great Britain. But the patriotic American, stealing up a rather narrow stairway, and leaving his hat on a little table In an entry, finds hirasislf in this defectively modest apartment Of four rooms, upon American soil again ! That le the legal fiction, the most poetical legal fiction I know of, and that, for oar patriotic American, sheik' be enough. The patriotic American is not apt to be back ward in presenting' himself, and the hospitable duties of the Embassy' are therefore no fiction. Every blessed Wednesday afternoon Mrs. General Dix is compelled to be smilingly and beamingly At Home to American ladles. Every blessed Saturday night the General and Mrs. General, and the portly daughter that married the officer, and the elegant daughter that did not marry any body, are compelled to be smilingly and Iseain- Ingly At Home to the American World, and the American World's wife, aid the croaked Ameri can, Miss Spoon, and the bibuicus American, Jerry Ladle. But there are Saturdays and Saturdays. If you are green, you attend on one of the off Satur days, when, as Miss Spoon crookedly declares, there is " not a soul:" she means, not a foreign Ambassador. If you have anybody to tell you, you take a Court night, and bathe your American patriotism in the effulgence of cordons and crosses from a good part of the old-worhl firma ment. "There is a star that I think brighter than any of the European ones here," I said, last Saturday, to the glittering Albata Spoon. I had laid my finger on the': field of the American standard, which rose in blue and rosy silks from a centre piece on the principal mantel. "There are many in the rooms," returned the sparkling Albata, "who would like to cut down those stars and stripes with their penknives, and hoist the stars and bars instead !" A tall gentleman entered, six feet and a-half high. broad in proportion, and the color of cocoa nut shell. He smiled superbly upon the four pre siding deities—and It was like breaking the cocoa nut. The negro was stately, good looking, crowned with a soft, gray fleece, dressed in glossy evening costume, and finished oil with a pair of gloves which struck me as being the largest and the most intensely white I had ever seen. It was the Haytien Ambassador. Miss Spoon (who is from Massachusetts) be came excited to a kind of agony. "Oh! I am so glad," shy exclaimed, under her breath and pinch ing my arm. "They have got to receive him! Bee how he bows and bows. It is gall and worm wood to them, but they have got to be polite! Well! This is worth crossing the Atlantic and being : violently unwell ,twenty _times_ over .to 'Witt - tee.' Ede flow" polite* ieverybody Did you,ever see such teeth or so many?" "Cuvier says," said I, gently fibbing, "that the ,races of the' Niger have forty-two teeth, not counting the eye-teeth, which sometimes take the form of tusks. " Oh, what an advantage!" exclaimed Albata—and I ' afterward saw her at the buffet, attentively regarding the Minister from Hayti, as, true to the instincts of his race, he was eating cake. Each time he drove his polished ivories into a wedge of . the saecharine paste, I saw her give a glance of in voluntary admiration, mingled with alarm. At the same time, with all her 'reverence for the sable minister, I observed that she had a shade of patronage for him, as if he had been some petted domestic animal rather than a dread Ambassador. For instance, she ad. dressed him without being introduced, a liberty I suspect she would hardly have taken s iritk a Paler representative. "On y eat bigingene!" I heard her say, lifting her warm face as near to his as she could. The Eiaytien, before replying, ate about half a pound of black-cake; the -alhnent seemed to-gcsdirectly to his brain;for, at' the end of a minute, after giving a final swallow, he poured out a reply so rhetorical, so itoWing, so round, so honeyed and so longs that it seemed like nothing but a slab of fruit-cake metamor phosed into a compliment. "I remember every word," she was soon telling me M a tone of triumph. "It shall go intomy diary to-night; and _I shall tell them all Omit in Norway: - lam going le Nor way It *note them a tropical feeling, I think, to .hetir.that —x was obliged to be civil to the Anglo African." I% ardone. 13 and at the Hall SPECIAL NOTICES. "row , THE LATE REV. DR. LYONS.---AT TOM RE. .^•^' (twat of the:Vector and Veatry of the Church of the Redeemer. Lower Merlon. the Right Reverend, the 'Whop of Sew .lerrey. will breach a Hermon in commemoration nf the late Reverend Jarnei. (albOrlle Lyons, LL. D , in St, Teter. Church thy the kind permission of the Vestry), on MI/AY, March Mt. Service to begin at It o'cMck A. AL mb2 tibth2t• gitirp. COM TU PAE NY PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE Martha 2 11269. The Tirecterif have fhte day declared a clividend of aeren dollars fifty cent+ , per filmre, on the Stock of the Company for the last efx monthr, which will be paid to the Stockholders or their legal revreeentativem after the 121 h hut. WM, G. CROWELL, mh2 till 123 Secretary. tOrNITRI C AIO O N F CO T A E ANI:'. EDIGH COAL AND Pim/an:tram, January 20, 1868. Tide Company is prepared to purchase Ha Loan due to go, at par, SOLOMON SUEPLIERD, Treasure r, Jaattirp No. 122 South 13econd Street, ar WEST SPRUCE STREET CHURCH. CORNER of Seventeenth and Spruce etreeta. There will be epeeiste services bell in the lecture room, every eve. nine this week; at a quarter before b o'clock. Sermon thised. evening by Rev. R. H. Allen. The pub li c are in- It' THE PLIIIdIPNG BUSINESS OF THE LATH IIdrJOAN PHILBIy will be continued by. Mr eon. STEPHEN K. PHILBIN and JOHN E. EYANSON. feA6t,rp* my: ANNCAL COMMENCE:KENT OF THE &COI. easana Medical College, at Mtasteal Yawl Hall TO. ORROW. at MIL Address by O. 11, GAUSS. M. D.; agate by CARL GAERTNER. lto 11011PA,LrufaA(74:cliALcitTir,yiTuRifG OF THE YOUNG liail Orrinantown. TUESDA" h 7NrE n N i irea t icki j Sd, at 8 o'clock. lfe29-3t rol ALF. MELLOR, Seey. HOWARD HO NOB. IBIS AND trao Lombard street, Dispensary Department --Medt ul treatment and medicines furnished gratuitously to the poor. stEr. NEWSPAPBRS, BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, WASTE paper. dm. bought by E. BLUNTER, felB,lmo-rp4 ale. 613 Jayne street HASH STEPS. WEBB An. Evening With the American Lega• 'non ,it Paris. She called him an Anglo African. It seism at present to be the accepted American euphemism for persons who are neither Hagfish nor /Uncial. VEILED! tiz EVANSON, No. 11 South Seventh street. PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY; bIARCII 3, 1868. "And FO you are going to Norway—to Noro way, to Norowny, to Noroway over thehem— hut people only go to Norway to fish; is it a fish ing expedition, Miss Spoon?" Albata, who has long been a hopeless wall flower, was somehow d 1 pleased. She hoisted one shoulder very much out of her dress, to show her resentment; "I have nothing to fish for," she said, haughtily, and sent me away. "There come the Reverend Mr. Spurious Sirius and family," said a scornful beauty behlad, me: "they like to come late, to enter among the min isters." "Mr. Sirius;" said the usher at the door, mis pronouncing his names awfully: for instance, he get Sinus Cerise, which would have answered very well for the clergyman's wife, who brought in with her, out of the frosty air, a nose like a carnation, the effect of lacing, probably.- "Mrs. Sirius. Miss Sirins,:and Miss - Caaereopela Sirius, Masters Aldebaron and Armageddon Sirius." "They are here every Saturday regularly," re• marked the same voice. "Mr. Sirius collects do nations for his Tabernacle. Mrs. Sirius bags game for her pitiful Thursdays. Besides, she is determined to marry the eldest Miss /Rens to young Jerry Ladle." Mr. Ladle, a young man almost without fea tures, but with a great mass of flaxen hair, had been dancing till he was pink. .11e is known as a dancing man. Be is acknowledged to be Insup portable in morning callsi or at the--Bols, but-the very girls who snub him without scruple in those situations are eager to languish in his arms half the night. When an entertainment is over they let him call the carriage, but they will not sub mit to be entertained by him on 'the way home. Mr. Ladle, M a moment of leisure, was standing alone, and apparently contemplating his image in the waxed floor, like Narcissus at the spring. I saw Mrs. Sirius fascinate him with her eye. Next I observed him 'sliding about . the polished parquet to the best of his ability in such a limited space-3liss Sirius' cleaned glove on his arm, and Miss Sirius' Chin on his shoulder. Dancing, at the American Ambassador's is stale, unprofitable, and occasionally, when the floor Is too wellfrotti , t flat. Then the room is not over twenty feet square, and several hundred people are anxious to dance in it. Miss Sirius exhausted Mr. Ladle, He reeled up to the buffet in a state of inanition, and spilled his punch all over my right arm. I rook this as a hint that it was getting late, and left. Estraacr PERM. DISASTERS. Int :Ikliiiitill.1010:4111iie:111:4k034 The Building and Menagerie Totally Destroyed. Scenes and incidents of the Fire-. Loss About $500,000, [From the New York Tribune of to•day.] At 12;4 o'clock this morning a fire was dis covered on the third floor of Barnum's Museum. The fire was first discovered in the southeast corner of the building. in the apartment occupied by Van Amburgh's Menagerie. The flames had attained such headway before they were seen that, with the limited means at hand, it was found impossible to extinguish them, and atten tion was at once turned to the task of rescuing those in the building, and getting out whatever property could be readily moved. The alarm, in the meantime, had been given, and sections of police from the Eighth and Fourteenth Pre cincts, under the command of Capta. Mills and Garland, were soon on the spot. The Fat Woman and Fat Boy. the Giantess, and other monstrosi ties, together with the janitor's family, were roused from their slumbers, and safely conducted from the burning building. Bo rapidly did the flames spread that it was found impossible to save any of the larger animals of the fine collec tion known as Van Amburgh's Menagerie. The yells of the animals, as the flames reached them, were appalling, and they bounded from side to side, or darted madly against the bars, in their vain efforts to free themselves. A kw of the animals on the Broadway side, among them a kangaroo, a small leopard, a few monkeys,together with the pelicans,and a variety of other small birds, were got out. The electrical machine, the property of the exhibitor, was also sated. On the Mercer street side the police and others were more successful. The giraffe, two camels, a pair of Japanese hogs, a Burmese cow, a lama and a variety of small animals,were got out. Many of them had narrow escapes, however, and a few were slightly singed. Owing to the fact that the fire apparatus was absent at a fire at Spring and Varick streets, it was over ten minutes elapsed from the time the alarm was sound before a steamer arrived upon the ground, and by that time the fire had worked into the floor above, and into the main portion of the building, and when a sufficient force had arrived the fire had attained such head-, way that it was utterly impossible to save the building, the flames raging with a force and fumy that rendered_ the,dozeatetreams directe,d-into the banding epparently Tweet's. "Tirreonitiertifilely short space of time the interior was burned out, and the adjoining buildings seriously damaged. The side of the Prescott House, Frederick Dietz, proprietor, was on fire at one time, but was saved by great exertions. The guests, aroused from their slumbers, hurriedly rushed down stairs, many of them in their night gear, and carry ing some of their property. Trunks were pitched headlong down stairs, and carried into adjoining houses or piled up in the hall, ready for re moval. The thieves who abound in the vicinity collected in large numbers, and in the confusion managed to appropriate a considerable amount of property. Several of the spectators were also relieved of their watches and wallets. The loss on the Museum and contents, includin,g Van Amburgh's Menagerie, will amount to about $500,000. It was iasured, but to what amount, or in what company, could not be ascertained, Mr. Barnum and his agents being absent, owing to the lateness of the hoar at which the fire broke out. The basement of No. 539 was occu pied by Charles Gray as a restaurant, known as the Original Oyster Saloon. His loss on stock is about $2,500. Insured. The basement of No. 541 was occupied by Sigler & Clinton as a sample room. Loss on stock of liquors and fixtures, $5,000; insured. No. 537, a four-story building, was occupied on the fourth floor by P. Franken beioneri_on. the •fifird..finorly.G. He 4, dealer furs,• on the second floor by John Wiley, book publisher, and on the first floor by B. Kahn, op tician. All these parties Nose heavily on stock by fire and water. No. 545 was occupied on the first floor by the Elliptic Sewing-Machine Com pany, on the second floor by Wm, Hall, music publisher, and on the upper floor by various parties. All will conifer a heavy loss on stock by fire and water. • The upholstery store of . Samuel P. Ireland, on Nereer,attee‘la.thantax±:2sle=t nd other parties lose heavily. When the fire had been in promos for more than an hour, and the entire interior of the build, ing, from collet-to reef, was one mass of surging dem i In Which it ;learned ,Impossible that any life could existfor.a single Instant, a sudden cry of wonder and horror rising from a group of fire. men who were standing near the trout of the OUR WHOLE COUNTRY. Barnum's Museum, destroyed by fire on the 13th of July, 1865, was again completely burned last night. The old Museum was situated at the corner of Ann street and Broadway, and was a noted place of resort long before Mr. Barnum, who bought it for a song and paid for it when he was able, gave it to the prestige, whick was transferred to the new Museum when, driven away from his old haunts by fire, he took possession of the buildings he lately occupied. The buildings were known as the "Chine. , ,e Assembly Rooms," previous to the time Mr. Barnum took possession of them, and transferred to them the name of "Barnum's American Museum," from the old establishment at Ann street. The Museum destroyed last night was located on Broadway, b6tween Spring and Prince streets, In a plain and unpretending build ing, which would riot have suggested to a stran ger the fact that there were stowed away within ••tbree hundred thousand curiosities." It was' opened to the public September 6, 1865, and Bar num has since vied with the ballet In the number of his visitors. No stranger thought of returning from a visit to the metropolis without having been to Barnum's Museum, and many, indeed; thought it comprised in a nutshell all that is worth seeing in this great city. It was thronged from morning until night, and neople thought it a satisfaction to be suffocated in the rickety old building to see a moral play the Happy Faudly, and the fattens gorilla, which rumor sayseould not resist recognizing now and then an old ac quaintance of the day when he was a very harm less and unpretending monkey. Poor fellow! unless he was out of the building last night,as well as out of Mr. Barnum's advertisement, we fear he has found a watery—no, an ashy grave. But while he was a "living Gorilla," he made no bad cicerone to those who could put their trust in him, and were' willing to believe that his, wild and untameable nature had been subdued. And indeed he had mach to show. The Museum con sisted of a spacious saloon and a lecture room, the stage of the lecture-room being 50 feet wide by 46 deep, and. the auditorium 79 feet deep, giving the whole room a depth of 125 feet, and accommodating '2,500 persona. The en trance from Broadway en the around floor went direct to the parquet of the Lectureloom, and in here streamed day and evening hundreds of people—people, many of them who would have been horrified at the idea of being in a theatre—anxious to see "Nobody's Bon," and "Little Barefoot." Up one flight of stairs were the first and second saloons, contain ing the wax statuary—"Oggers" similar to these by which Artemus Ward made his fortune in the show business—the Aquaria and the Living Curi osities, including of course the Gorilla, while he, was in the advertisement. From this floor was the main entrance to the balcony of the Lecture room and on the floor above were • the third and fourth saloons, and the entrance to the Leettue- , room gallery. Had not. Mr. Barnum's Lecture room verified the line that "Things are not what they seem," certain parts of the building might have been called by other names "than the stiff nomenclature he has compelled us to adopt. But Barnum did not manage a theatre In the language of the Artful Dodger, " Oh, no I" Iroaii 4cisideat—Arlaa Found Dead [From the P rirentonCleadte. Muth NM The body of a man named David (keen was found upon the railroad track , near. Now Bruns wick on Friday eficazoort. It waft ,imboequoutly discovoretniatlO*Wit resident or l i ttihtoNui Pa., about four miles front this:city. noleavesa widow and several children. The unfortunate man was seen about the depot in New Brunswick building, drew all eyes to the spat, when, to the t,mazetnent of all. tome poor beast, so charred :Jai wasted that it'Wfts impossible to tell whether it wns tiger, leopard, orbear, was seen faintly struggling to force-its way out . from the horrible pit of death. There was a moment of silence and a recoiling of the crowd, as the wretched creature, with a desperate effort, cleared the blazing pile of combustibles that hemmed it in, and half sprang. half tumbled to the side-walk. Per an instant it stood staring wildly around, uncertain which way to turn. Then with the first step to carry itself further away from the blazing doom it had so fearfully escaped nature gave wat, and it fell strangled and struggling to the side-walk. It was obvious mercy to put the poor wretch out of its agony, and a prompt policeman drew his revolver,hnt burnt,strangled, exhausted as the poor creature was, Its bold of life war wonderful, and more than a dozen shots were discharged into its body before it finally ceased to struggle. ANOTHER accomrr. At 2.80 the roofs and floors of the building had fallen in. and the front and rear walls were tot tering In the wind and flame. A fiery tempest of sparks dashed down the left side of Broadway, and spread itself over the roofs of the buildings in the direction of the Bowery. The spray from the engines was frozen, and rattled on the hats of the spectators like hall-storm. Broadway, from ' , Spring to Prince street, was a bed of deep slush, and it was with the utmost difliculty that the firemen could perform their duty. In Mercer street the cornices of the houses were repeatedly flashing in flame, and as repeatedly quenched with streams of water. The rear of the Prescott House was on fire, and the firemen were manfully fighting the encroaching flame with a desperation betokening sue. cess, though the probability Is that the building would be considerably damaged. The boarders of the Prescott House rushed down Spring street in scores, with big trunks on their shotilders,, toppling the spectators in the slush, and creating considerable alarm among the frail females of Mercer and Greene streets, clus tered in the vicinity, who feared that the whole menagerie had broken loose and was madly munching everything human within its reach. In the eating-house opposite were Miss Anna Swan, the giantess, Znlelma Agra, the beautiful Circas sian girl, and the fat woman. STATEN ENT OF THE BEAUTIrrt. I sleep ou the • third floor of the building; last night I went to bed about 11 o'clock: I went Into a doze, hut was rather restless and dreamy; about midnight I awoke, and had a confused idea of something startling going on; my room fronts Broadway: a noise in the stret attracted my attention; I sprang to the window and opened it: a clear volume - of flame was pouring into the street from the lower se cond story window. Hastily throwing on a wrapper,- I called out to Miss Swan, who was greatly agitated. The beasts in the menage rie began to howl in a piteous manner. The fire had reached the staircase. and while we were de liberating, as to the feasibility of this means of escape, a gentleman rushed up the stairs, seized me in his arms and quickly bore me- to- the street. This WAS all done in the space of a minute and a half. When I reached the other side of Broad way the fire was springing up the window casings of the third tier. I have lost all my wardrobe, valuable jewelry, and other articles which can hardly' be replaced. • - STATenlatil . MISS ANNA 3WAN, THE GIANTEM The lions in the menagerie were very restless after 11 o'clock. The giay wolf would howl spasmodically; and the lions would growl out a half-angry, feeble reply. Although this was un usual, It was hardly worthy of notice. I did not close my ayes ; however, and soon after midnight heard a quick shout in the Street, half drowned in a sullen roar from the lioness. I heard Zuleima spring from the bed, and raise the window. A flash of light partly illumined the room, and I heard Zuleima cry fire. The blaze was even then licking the floor at the bottom of the stairs. A fireman came up on a jump, clasped Zaleima in his arms. and dashed down stairs. I mechanically followed. I have saved nothing, but this old wrapper which I have on. I have lost a complete wardrobe, a pair of valuable diamond earrings. a large clus ter diamond ring, and a very fine gold watch and chain, in all about $3,000 worth. This is the second fire from which Zuleima and myself have been saved. The fat woman was too much overcome with terror to volunteer any explanation. by several persons on Thursday night. He took passage on the train leaving at 1.45 A. M. next morning, and the general theory in regard to his untimely death is that he must have slipped from the outer portion of the steps or platform of the car while standing, and had clutched the iron-railing to preVent his fall, but having on a long overcoat, (similar to those worn by the Union soldiers during the war) the skirts of which caught in the wheels, dragging the helpless man underneath. His legs were frightfully crashed and mangled, and almost severed from the body, evidently causing death instantaneously. There was also a deep cut and bruise upon the right side of the head. Railroad Disaster—Car Rurned on a New Jersey Railroad. , (Front tho Trenton Gnzette of March 241.) An accident happened on Saturday on the Bloomfield Railroad, which came near resulting seriously. A few minutes after, the 12.10 train from Newark had passed the Roseville station one of the axles of the smoking-car broke. As the train was moving at a high rate of speed the car was thrown down an embankment six or eight feet high, and lolled completely over. The coals from the overturned stove soon set the car on fire, and in a few minutes it was entirely consumed. Luckily the first passenger car was thrown off on the other side of the track, and so escaped the flames from the burning car. The locomotive and the rear car remained on the track. The passengers, of whom there are reported to have been over two hundred, almost miraculously escaped, with the exception of a. few scratches. Mr. Colby, the conductor, was slightly bruised, and the brake man, James Kane (who was stabbed at Mont clair, on New Year s eve, by Mulhaney), had hls ankle crushed. The debris was soon cleared away, and after the delay of an hour the trains were running on time. EUROPEAN AFFAIRS IRELAND• Fenian Arrests and Alarming Riots— The Police Ithot at and the Fire fie. turned—Assassination the Order of the Day—The iflob on the Look Out for the Informers, Massey and COI. rydon. Coen, Feb. 12, 1868.—The arrest of Captain Mackay, which has been followed by others of less note, has produced intense excitement throughout the country, and has caused serious rioting here. A spirit of retaliation not pre viously exhibited by the Fenian has been also shown. On the night of the inh inst., and after eleven o'clock a detective officer named Courtenay, while on his way from the Dublin Railway station, was dogged by two men, whom he first noticed 4:1 n passing over Patrick's bridge. He continued on his homeward way trail he met two police men on the South Mall, the most fashionable part of this city, whom he hailed for the purpose of assisting him in-examining the two men as they passed; but on turning round to do so, he was fired . at four times in succession by one of them. -This was at a distance of about twenty yards, but none of the shots took effect. The police .had a nar row escape. Both men Immediateirmade off, disappearing in the direction of Slorrison's Island. • Tile police made an aboitive attempt in, pursuing and 'although they, were asaisted shortly afterwards by others,. failed in getting any trace of the would-be assassins. This attack caused intense excitement and : is certainly remarkable for the daring way in which it was performed and for the impunity with which the perpetrators, at an hour when many people were abroad, , and also notwithstanding the numerous pollee patrols who at presentguard the streets daily and nightly. On the following day two men, named John Eddie, a store mason, and Patrick O'Brien, boiler-maker, were arrested while passing along Patrick street, and identified by the police and Courtc nay as the men who fired at them on the previous night. After a brief detention at the Tuckey Street Police Barracks, where they were searched by the police, but nothing of an implicating nature being found upon them, they were removed for judicial examination . to the police officce, which is attached to the bridewell on the Coal quay. After the removal of the prisoners to Tuckey street station, groups of people began to collect in the vicinity, and the subject of the arrest was freely discussed. It soon became evident that the men wore being removed, and the arrival of the police from the outlying stations gave more publicity to the affair. Tire crowd began to assemble, and the presence of a strong force of constabulary in the street, having two political prisoners, was sufficient to attract large numbers to the scene. From the moment the police escort emerged from the Tuckey street guard-house until it reached the bridowell, the concourse swelled ,to enormous dimensions. Going down Corn Market street the "Royal Irish" were assailed from all sides with hissing, yelling, and every expression of contempt • that the vocabulary of the Coal quay could furnish. The crowd pressed so closely at times that the rear guard bad to turn and use their bayonets to keep back the human current. The excitement continued - to' increase in, intensity, and stones were frequently thrown. With considerable dif ficulty the prisoners were lodged in safe keeping, but before this was accomplished the guard were obliged to charge the people who at this moment covered the large space In Corn Market street. There could not have been fewer than two or three thousand people present, of whom the great majority was composed of women,. girls and boys, who yelled furiously and hooted the police men in the most energetic manner. Everybody who passed by, having the semblance of a police man or detective, was dealt with by the crowd' in the moat unsparing manner, and denounced as =l3rithilf-Yejalee:hoft,:;tho:;...oistr,esiww=wis maintained for over an hour, during which the Investigation at the police office was being held. There was a temporary cessation of hostilities for a short time before the termination of the inqinry,but the removal of the prisoners afforded another op portunity for the . display of passions that were somewhat aroused by the demeanor of the police. As dusk approached the disturbances were at their culminating point, and George's street was made the centre for attack. Some mounted police men now arrived to render assistance in clearing the: ays of those who offered so muck annoyance to the preservers of-the-peace. The pollee charged down George's street several times. About half past nine o'clock the police made a fierce on slaught on the people down the parade, stabbing and wounding all in the way. A rush was made for Mr. Dorsey's shop.which was open at the time, by the retreating civilians. The policemen fol lowed them, flourishing their swords. Soine persons were slightly wounded and others had hairbreadth escapes. The police drew out one man from the shop and ran him across the parade at the points of the bayonets, amid loud cries of "Murder!" and the general execration of ' lookers-on. There were several arrests. In the early part of the evening Patrick Ellis, Evergreen street; An drow,,Prendergast, Wm..-Ryan. and -Cornelius O'Leary were apprehended for disorderly eon-. duct. Three of them were subsequently liberated. The arrests were John Donovan, Dunbar street; Thomas Hayes, O'Connell street. Charles Wag gett, Duncan street; Daniel O'Neill, Barrackton, charged with refusing to disperse and being die orderly and riotous; aim Keane, Barrack street. charged with throwing stones at the police; and. John Cottor, with being drank arid breaking glass. Michael Leary, tile young lad, Wbo, , , wao ridden down 'bYllid"p'oller" droMbritahilirg — lit one o'clock. 444uif+ Lang • ' fkt ke _ftglitah koNYOrs , over 4 447 'erableAt9!'°l ,; .10 1 1 1 K' Ittterk” that al; v ' sibe arvi A... it ' , 4044 • thirteen twd hhura. , voit, eggto tbst • by WO, rOP ptiottrb 4 - • thaw, 'F.:,:',.t, VATORSTON. : Pa'Kit* PRIDE THREE OEM'S. FIFTff ::.:ED'IVION BY TBLEJGRAPH. LATER FROM WASHINGTON; THE IMPEACHMbsn Naval THE U. S". SUPREME COURT: The MeArdle Case-• 11.10031NENV - YORIK. TUB LOSS BY TEE LATE FIBS An Additional impeachment Mitel4lo (Special Despatch to the Philadelphia Evening Belletisti WAsomccros, March three o'cleek General Butler, from the Committee of Maitagent, reported back the additional article of huPeach men t presented by him yetiterday. Mr. Eldridge rose to a point of order, and nigi t.. tattled that the Managers had no right to bring, another article into the Rouse, and, that said duty had been , intrusted to a Select Committee. The Speaker overruled the point of order, and said that-not only could the Managers bring in the article, but that individual members could do so, if they so desired. The Clerk then read the article. Recording Naval Courts Martial. [Special Deepatch to the Philo. .6enthg Bulletin./ WASHINGTON, March Eliot hatiodneed a billinto the House to-day, provldthg for the continuance of the office of Solicitor and Naval Judge Advocate-General, and delinlig the duties of the other officers. Section first prorides that the"proceedings of all navel, courts Martial shall , be filed and recorded by the Solicitor and. Naval Judge-Advocate General. Section second requires said officer to examine these proceedings eoort as possible, and to report thereon to the Secretary of the Nary; 'to prepare all changes requlriiiii the signature of the Secretary of the Navy, and to Investigate all claims made by the Navy Department; , to examine alt: contracts; to port to - the Secretary in October; antiu 7 .ally, all cases - tried, with • the punish ment, if any, inflicted. .fiection third requires that the Judge Advocate and Recorder of 4aval: ,Courts. shall. be officers of the Navy. Sectlow fourth requires all officers of the NavYlship M inflict a punishment on any person not tried by ar: courl•Marlial to'report the same' at once to .the Secretary of theNi7. Section ingnires officem who have charge of Nalaurts to report their action to the Secretary to be recorded. The McArdle law. • WASHINGTON, March 3.—ln the Supremo Court to-day Judge Meek concluded his argument against the constitutionality of the reconstruction acts of Congress., Mr. Carpenter replied, arguing that these acts were in accordance with the legislative power of the Constitution. The Ftre at Itaristun's Nuneaton. Yone, March 3.—The loss by the' Are .at Barpum's Museum is estimated at SSCIO,OOO. Tee giraffe, ralucd at $.20,000, will die from its burns, The museum was insured for $150,000. The loss is $400,000. A pair of tigers were burned, valued at $25,000. The scenery, Ste., for a now piece was burned. The giantess loses $3,000. The' Circassian girl is also a heavy loser. Twenty *lvo animals were saved, and twenty-eight burned. Burning of Dtetunboater. ST. LOMB, March 3.—The steamboats M. B. Mepham and Fannie Scott were burned at the levee this mornine. The former was a New Or leans boat, valued at 5G5,000„ and insured for 545,000, and the latter was a stern-wheeler, valued at 1185,000, and insured for tia25,000. Both boats were totally destroyed, and both belonged to M. B. Mepham do Bro. The -Insurance la In Cincinnati offices. From Cleveland. , CLIETELAND, March 3.—The storm has abated . , and the weather Is clear and . cold. , The. railroad lines are open and trains are running midair east andwest. FACTS AND FANQIEB. —Lleller is In London. - ' —A traveller -140 ween Leon and Guadalajars„ Mexico, was robbed fifteen times. —The Thames tunnel is to have a railroad laid through —lt is no pun to say the cotton basin*" bit loom-ing up.—Lowell Couner. —Now York is to experiment with artottwr kind of pavement, the Stafford.. thinri- - WeidtiF and after him the Omnd Duchess. —Republican prospects are said to be good in Oregon. —The police of Pittstrargh,Penna., aro to be nit formed. —There are now forty post-mistresses in Ma barna, and these ladies are discharging their du ties with great fidelity and promptness: • • —One dressmaking establishment in Boston has adopted the French fashion, and a male modiste Sts the garments of the fair customers. —Baltimore has been agitated by a lawsuit about • the possession of a dog once owned by Jeff. Davie. —At last accounts, Henry Vincent was amusing. and Instructing Cedar Rapids, in lowa, with his "Oliver Cromwell." —Du Chailln tells of an Afriean Ring with fina wives and 700 children, who yet takes a ttellf bride every week. --General Grant Is about to meet with the mini fortune of having another history of his lifilt written—by Rev. J. B. C. Abbott. —A young lady was baptized at Worcester, Mase.,last Sunday, after cutting through ice fifteen , • Inches thick. • • —lt is said that Mr. Thaddeus Stevenitwaitb.rit in• Peachem, , Vermout. - • - i•••••,- "He took his passion from hie vice 01 144! —The "divine Patti" sang in the " Barbge , - at Havre, and held a reception, granted only tAi Princesses. Thou sho had a grand soneleao gu a a was worshipped general/Y. —.lt is proposed by some of the Jews o f N ew York to hold service on Sand*, instead , of Bat , nr d a ys, in the new synagogue which is ' beteg erected on Fifth avenue . „ g, r —Rev. doittiph , dantinsky..,nio O `'44 t" -- passing 4.04 P ;;and s WAS it • -* Tt prop ; cregt spent At • reer." O'Cilcrok.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers