MY BULLETIN. ' BRIITAIATY.4Obn O'Neill was arrested yea- Utast. In the Twenty.lourth Ward, upon the charge of Aid. his horse with* spade. Xite_ to taken before Aid. Mault, end was held in $3OO ball to answer. Pataorouts ilimitaer.v.—Anuat three hundred . PriconeM. who had been committed to Moyamensing orisoon difterent trivial charges, were retecrod yester day f or the want rf ritiffidalt acCommodations. A House of Comedies should be erected as aeon as possible. Smoot Frart.—A alight lire occurred at No. 48 Northrront street at 7 o'clock this morning, The pre• misosere used by E. A. Thomas, as a soap and alkali factory, and a kettle of resin boiled over, owing to the pelSolltn charge leaving it unattended. SUPPOSED Hones TBLEP. —A. colored man named Wm. liamiltonwas arrested at S>sl o'clock this m ercies in the Twenty-fourth Ward, on suspicion of the larceny of a hares which was found in his possession. Jie was committed tor it further hearing by Alderman Moult A BAD SOW.—This morning, before Aid. Fitch, a youth named Charles Simpson was charged with mall. dons mischief. It is alleged that he went to the house of thenother No. 16 North Twelfth street. beat her and smashed the window and overturned the stove. Simpson was held In 81,600 bail for trial. CHARGED WITH LARCENY.—WiIIiam Monk was wrested yesterday by Policeman W. F. Young, and was taken before Alderman Jones, upon the charge of having , stolen a piece of cassinet, valued at $l4. from the front of the store of C. Ward at Co.. at Thirteenth and Vine streets. He was held in SW bail for trial. A WIFE-BEATER.—Dennis A. Malhone, while nataina Broad street and Girard avenue yesterday, met bit wife and very unceremoniously knocked her down. A policeman witnessed the assault and arrested Dennis* The tatter wag taken before Alderman Fitch, and wan held in SEM bail to answer at Court. LARCENY BY A SERVANT.-1,0181 Down, re siding at No. 709 South Front street, was before Alder man Toland last ercning. upon the charge of larceny. It alleged that she was employed as a servant in the how: of John Freton. No. 441 Poplar street. and after re• rosining two days, left suddenly, taking with her four 'watches and $2B in ash. She was committed in default of $2,000 to answer ourt, _ THE FAIR AT lOLORTICULTURAL HALL cOntintinti open during this week,slay and evening. To there will be a Thanksgiving dinner served up 'aline style, and in the evening a Promenade Concert by Herder's Orches tra. When the low price of admission is considered (five tickets for one dollar), there is no place in the city whore families can spend 111 few hours more pleasantly at a small outlay. • BEQUESTS OF THE CHIEF ENGINEER.—The will of David M. Lyle, late Chief . fngineer of the Fire Depart ment, was admitted to probate yesterday. It contain@ a bequest of WO to the Fairmount Fire Company, of which be was President, and also directs that all his fire hats, belts, home, books, pictures and paintings shall be given to the company. The remainder of his property is left to his two brothers and nieces. A VETERAN Recroa.—The Rev. William Sad darda D. D., of Grace Church, in this city, entered upon the thirtylourth year of his pastorate of that congrega tion last Sunday. Dr. Budder& preached an appropriate sermon on the occasion, referring to his long and pleasant connection with his people, and giving many interesting statistics of his pastoral work. It is a rare thing in those slays of clerical roving, to find any clergyman so em phatically "in the right piece" ea to preserve unbroken the bonds of respect and affectionbetween himself and his congregation through such along/4El6d of years. ANOTHER OLD CITIZEN GONE.—Another esti mable citizen of Philadelphia has been stricken down in the midst of his usefulness. 11. A. Pue. Esq. . died on the 24th inst., in the 56th year of his age. Mr. P. had lived in this city his whole lifetime, during which, up to within a few years past. he hnd been engaged in active business operabons, and in all his dealings had acquired an honor. able reputation for enterprise, integrity and fair dealing. Be was ever foremost in acts of charity and benevolence: a close student of literature. and a keen observer of men and manners. To his family his loss is irreparable. A oving husband, a kind, affectionate, and indulgent father, a firm and generous friend. and a Christian gentleman. Bis life was characteriiedbv all that was good, and pure, and noble; and his end was peace. • TnAnicanAvinet Dkr.—To-morrow having been designated by Governor Geary as a day of thaaktudving and prayor.will be generally observed iii this city. Bishop Wood has issued the following notice: Ch.IaIRDEAL. LogAN SQUARE.-1118 Excellency the Goy ernor of the Commonwealth having recommended the Observance of Thursday, November 215th, as a day of 'Thanksgiving and Prayer, we recommend to our reverend ciao , aud people the sanctification of the day by such devout exercises as their respective localities and the oc cupation of the people may permit. Given at Philadelphia this Nth day of November. A. D., 1867. tisane PENDENT° Bishop of Philadelphia. here will be services in all the churches of the various denominations. Baxter's &mares, which were to have made a' gala parade, have decided to attend the funeral of Chiet gineer Lyle, instead of making the proposed parade. At the Soldiers' Home, and the different charitable in stitutions in the city. good end substantial Thanksgiving Dinners will be given to the inmates. The funeral of the late D. U. Lyle, Chief Engineer of th Vice Department, will take place in the attenmen, dl be a very largo affair. HONOUII TO APIiILADELPina. ACTOR.—Mr. J. B. Clarke has repeated his well-known character of Major De Boots at the tit. James Theatre, London. nightly, for nine succemive weeks, and he will continue it until Igew Year, when unalterable engagements compel the lessee to resume poasesaion of the theatre. But for this inter. ruption. Mr. Clarke would undoubtedly be enabled to complete the coming year. It may be interesting to our readers to learn that numbers of the leading authors of England. Charles Dickens, Bnlwcr . Wilkie Collins. G. A. Bala. Charles Stade and others have personally conveyed Mr Clarke gentlemanly manner their high estimate of Ns abilities . , while the judgment of the best class of society may he inferred from the following ex tract from anarticlo expressly contributed to the Court Journal of Nov. 9 by Lord William Lennox: "Mr. John S. Clarke takes the part of De Boots, and a ne r specimen of genuine comic acting we never wit nessed. It is irresistibly funny, and if the saying "Laugh and grow fat" is true, by a ' visit to Miss Herbert's well-managed theatre the thinnest skeleton would become a second Daniel Lambert. Liaton's act ing, which none but sexagenarians can remember, was calculated to set the audi ence in a roar, but he was nearly as much indebted to his face as to his histrionic oowera. Such is net the case with Mr. Clarke, whose acting and by-play cannot be excelled, and who, though his make-up is per 'feet, does not look upon his face as his fortune manner, milk-girl in the old song. His enunciation, his his walk, his look arc all in keeping, and it would burst the bolt of an anchorite, were so respectable a per sonage to witness the performance under notice. Mr. Clarke is well supported by Messrs. Irving, Blake and Allen, al of whom add much to the success of the piece." CITY NOTICES. JUDICIOUS MOTHERS AND NURSES USD for children a safe and pleasant medicine in Bower's In fant Cordial. Laboratory Sixth and Green. DRUGGISTS ' SUNDRIES and Farley Goods. Baownza & BROTHERS, Importers, 23 South Eighth street. "Bownit's GUM ARABIC BacaErs" Are demulcent and healing. One or two Secrets die volved gradually in the mouth quiets coughs, sheathes inflamed sarfaces, and imparts much comfort in Bron chial Irritations. Blginfactured by Bower, Sixth and Vine. Sold byDruggiatt - Price 35 cents. Bunnow's Soma.--Elder Flower, Turtle Oil, Glycerine, Lettuce, Sunflower, Musk, Rose, &c. SNOWDRNBBOTHERS, Importers, 43 South Eighth street. WRIGHT'S ALcortArxxo GLYcsnr. TABLET OF SOLIDIICIED GLYCERIN softens and smooths the skin, prevents chapping„ im parts beauty and brightness to the complexion, is de hciously fragrant, transparent and superb as a Toile soap. Sold - by all Druggists. R. & TA. A. Wanmrr, Philadelphia. VERY LARGE CLUSTERS Almeria Grapes.— IdrreillCLL PLETCIIIIII, 1e,34 Chestnut street. i!$11:11BLE WEATHER STRIPS.-- Having opened an office at No. 328 Walnut street, I um now isepared to receive orders. Parties who wish to have their residences made comfortable would do well to call and examine this !;trip, as it is far superior to any other. Agents wanted. County and district rights for sale. W. P. HOOD, 823 Walnut street. EAKTRA FLEE BLACK TEA By the chest of from 5 to 50 pound& llirrooaLt. & FLETOHICE, 1204 Chestnut street. WIIAT SHALL I Buy FOR A CHRISTMAS GIFT for my wife. sister, cousin, niece or "Intended" (us 1 the cafe may be), is the perplexing question as the lioluisys approach. Now, we are happy to say we can aurwer this question for one and all Buy one of thew Beautiful Combination Sewing and Button hole Machines, at the 8. W. corner of Eleventh and Cheatiut streets. Nothing could be more appropriate for the purpose. E/egance. and usefulness combined, and the price within the reach of all. 'VERY VINE OX.D GOVERNMENT JAVA COFFEE. Very Choke New Crop Tea& Dirronzw, & Frarronza, 1204 Chestnut street. DEAFNESS BLLNDNESS AND CATARRH.— J. lentac.s, D., Professor of the Eye and Ear, treats all die eases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most re liablc sources in the city can be seen at his office, No. 805 Arch street. Themedical faculty are invited to ac company their patients, as he has no secrets in, his practice. Artificial eyes inserted. No charge Made for examination. WHITE GRAMS, WHITE GRAPES, ' By the wholesale or eingle pound. & PLETOIIIII 1294 Chostant street. ' 'EETING OF CorwatEss.—A Preparatory meet ing to consider various important measures will be held at Charles Stokes & Co.'s, First-class Clothing ;louse, under the Continental Hotel, to-day. The measures will Include the exact she around the chest And waist, and length of sleeve for coats, and around the waist with length of inside seam for pants. If these measures are properly engrossed on the books Of the House, perfect satisfaction is guaranteed,.which 'fa more than can be said of those at that other /Louse Washington. OAANFOItai, UNDER THE CONTINENTAL, Cannot be excelled In their etylea of Fine FEM. :WILDOR'S COD Li 'ER OM sun Luta. 'she friends of penions who hive beefy:whored front , con firmed Consumption by:the use of this otiginal Prep oration, and the grateful parties themselves have, by recommending it and acknowledging its wonderfni enemy, given to the article a vast popularity in New .England. The Cod Liver,oll is in this combination robbed' of its unpleasant taste, and is rendered doubly effective in being coupled with'he Lime, whichis itself a restorative principle, suppying nature With AA the agent and aFsistance required to heal and' reform the dteearcd lungs.. A. B. Wilbor, NO. 166 Court Etna, Boston, is the proprietor. In Philadelphia by Johneon, Holloway & Cowden, and druggists gene- Palace, HOLIDAY PRESENTS, it Gay's China . 1022 Che Stint street. An immense absortme of China Vases, Card Re ceivers, Motto and ustache Coffees, 'Pete-a-Tato bets, &a. Bronze acid Parian Marble Statuary. Gold Gilt. Ornaments in endless variety. China Bouquets, Lava-ware, BohernidU Glass, and a full line of Staple Goode, just landed. Bought for cash from the largest manufacturers in Europe, and will be sold at prices defying competition. Call and examine stock before making purchases. Showroom open till 9 o'clock at night. INDESTRUCTIBLE FRAGRANCE. - The Living breath of the odoriferous Cereus Grandiflora, as it ex hales from that magnificent flower in the gardens of concentrated and rendered permanent in Pus- Los tt. Bow's Extract of the "Night Blooming Corot's," a perfume for the handkerchief, which clings to what ever it touches for days and weeks. irrAcirnip assortment of Hats and Bonnets; pretty new novelties;jaunty, stately and superb; lint and Bonnet frames in variety; nil kinds f ilf bonnet materials sold in any quantity to suit pureha rs. Woo') & Caul', 725 Chestnn street. EXTRA CHOCOLATE CARAMEL.--. EXTRA CIIOOOLATE CARAIMEL SELTPEERiIigIY Fine to the taste. ETZPMEN F. WEIZMAN, No. 1210 Market street. BEAUTIFUL LARGE CLUSTERS OF ALMER A t h °turas, French Bon-bons, fresh Jordan Ross i d Almonds, sweet Caramels, and eveiy variety of Fran, . and American Confectionery, at A.L. Vansant's,corner Ninth and;Chestnnt. His store already wears a holi day look. OARFORDS, UNDER THE CONTINENTAL, Cannot be excelled In their styles of Fine Furs. A Worn or ADVICE.—The stock of Holiday Presents at Gay's Cbina Palace, 1022 Cnestnnt street, is complete, and we advise all in need of such articles to make their selections before the assortment is broken. GROVER & BAKER'S Highest Pretn illlll 751achines, 780 Chestnut street. OAKFORDB 7 UNDER THE CONTINENTAL, Cannot be excelled In their styles of Fine' Fars BOOM—The largesruasortment of Men's 800 ano StIOCS in the city, .bartlett, 33 South Sixth scree above Chestnut. SPLENDID SUGAR ALMONDS Most beautifully fied, In great variety. STEPHEN F. WHITMAN, No. 1210 Market st., Manufacturer RAISINS, in Whole, half, and quarter boxes. Citron, Orange and Lemon Peel. Currants, Sweet Cider, and Fete Brandy for Mince Pies, Fruit Calms, Jos is a strong believer in guardian angels. "If it were not for them," he asks, "what would keep people from rolling out of bed when they are fast rodeep?" And if It were not for the newspapers how on earth would you know that the very hest family coal in this city can be procured of Mr. W. W. Alter, Ninth street, below Girard avenue, or to the Branch Oftlce, corner of Sixth and Spring Garden streets. EVERYBODY KNOWS kint.—We mean George W. Jenkins, the renowned confectioner, at No. 103 T Spring Garden street. His Bon-bons, Caramels, Cream Chocolates, etc., are deservedly in the highest repute with an classes. For Oranges, Lemons, Ban anas, Figs, Prunes, Dates, etc., this is just the place, JONES' HOTEL, 235 Dock street, below Third, revived by W. P. Larkin on the European plan. Meals from 6A.M. to 12 P. M. Good lodgings for vueste. house open all night. Rooms 60 eta. per night. LADY APPLES, Oranges, Lemons, Almon. English Walnuts, Pecans, In. & FLETCSIES, 1204 Chestnut Farr& AUCTION SALES. JAMES A. FREEMAN. AUCTIONEER, No. 413 WALNUT street. TENTH FALL SALE OF REAL ESTATE—DEC. 4, 1867. 'This Sale. on WEDNESDAY, at IS o'clock. noon. at th• Exchmege.will include the foll CKS owing— STO, hc. - - Share Mercantile Library. 2 shares Philadelphia uibrary. No. 1631 GREEN ST.—A handsome double three-story brick residence. with back buildings, below Sixteenth at. as all the modern conveniences," lot 36 by 15134 feet. Orphans , Court Sate—Estate of Ridgway 'Minor& Nos. 1234 and 1226 OTIS ST.-1 brick and 2 frame house& at the corner of Moyer and Otis etc, lath Ward; lot 60 by 142 feet. Orphans' Court Sale—Eetahe of Henry faunee, deed. No. 1315 BROWN ST.—A tivo-story brick house and lot, 18 by 76 feet. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of Win. 11. Conrad, deed, No. 1314 ATMORE ST.-3 housei in the rear of the above, lot 18 b 33 50 feet. Same Estate, 776 S. "SECOND ST.—A store and dwelling, with two brick houses in the rear, lot 2634 by 150 feet, being 40 feet wide in the rear. Subject to 640 ground rent. 2.33 PINE ST.—A handsome three-story brick re'i deuce, with back buildings, lot 18 by 142 feet ;'has the mo dern conveniences. Sale Peremptory. SOO EENTII ST,—The 34 part of three-story brick dv , citing, above Shippen at.; lot 17 by 73 feet. Subject to *iv 50 ground rent per annum. Orphans' Court Sale— state of Thomas Carroll, deed. 61220 23 GROUND RENT per annum, out of a lot on Johnson st, N. E. of Green et., Germantown. It is wolI• secured and punctually paid. Sale Peremrtory. 11121LD.ING LOTS- N. E. corner Fifty.fourtli et. and Cedar avenue, Twenty-seventh Ward. 100 by 112 feet. Executrix's Sale—Estate of Richard Snzethurst, dec'd. LOT, corner of Somerset and Memphis ste., Twenty tif th Ward, 56 by 90 feet. Same Estate. UILDING LOT. William, Tulip and Lemon sts., 241 by B 121 feet. Same Eetate. ANN ST.—A building lot, above Belgrade at., 20 by 105 feet. WILLIAM ST.—A building lot, above Belgrade at., 20 by 105 feet. WILLIAM ST.—A building lot, below Almond et., 20 by 100 feet. TDOMPSON ST.—A building lot, below William et., 20 by 1813 feet. BUILDING LOT—Corner of Thompson and Monmouth eta., 21 by 13134 feet. by ST.—A building lot, below Belgrade at., 20 by 105 ou feet ricaaA3 BIRCH & SON. AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 1110 Chestnut street. Rear entrance. 1107 Saneom street. Sale at No. 1110 Cite, taut street. SUPERIOR NEW AND SEHONDILA.ND HOUSE. MOLD FURNITURE, MANTEL AND PIER Min i:OßS. BRUSSELS AND INGRAIN CARPETS, ' PARLOR ORGAN, PLATED WARE. CANTON JBINA, STOVES. gm. ON FRIDAY MORNING. At 9 o'clock. at the auction store, No. 1110 Chestnut street, will be sold— A large assortment of elegant Furniture, comprising Parlor suit, in green and blue plush; Librarrsuits in Reps Hair Cloth; Chamber Suites, finished in oil and varnish. with Wardrobes to match, French Plate Mantel and Pier Mirrors, Superior Parlor Oran, Fine Velvet and Brussels Carpets, Bookcases. 011ie° Desks and Tables, Oak and Walnut Sideboards and Extension Tables, Sewing Ma chines, Fiuc Opera Glasses. Plated Ware, China Dinner and Toilet Sete, decorated. Case of Surgical Instru ments, &c, CANTON CIIINL. Also, an assortment of Canton. China Tureens, Dishes and Plates, DIAMONDS. • Also, 3 Diamond Cluster Rings, and flue Gold Watch. ARPETS. Also, a large number of Carpets from a Hotel. WIVATCHLEIS, JEVIIMILIE; 4111.4 Stealing Silverware Manatactory, 41,4 LOCUST STREET. GEORGE SHARP, Patentee of the Bail and Cube patterns, manufacture every description of fine STERLING SILVERWARE. and offers for sale. wholesale and retail. • choice watt mint of rich and beautiful too& of new styles at low prices. J. M. SEW. , A. BOSETiTI i sel74/In lUSEJLEN BUNYAN TABLEAUX. NATIONAL HALL. Market street, above Twelfth. Scenes 110 feet in width. The finest and largest MOVING MIRROR IN THE WORLD, Illustrating Banyan'a Pilgrhn i e Prowese. Open every night at 7.45 o'clock % and Wednesday. Thursday and Saturday afternoons $ 8. Admission. 85 cents . Five tickets for $l5O. Reserved Beata. 50 cents. Children 96 cents, _ n02743t• ROBERT J . GREEN WOO proprietor.J ISAAC B. EVAN'S - AXIMAUITUISS AND DM 311 : 1 1 nt OILS, PAIDITS, VAPXISIEES, - Naval Stores and Soaps; N 0.16 North Delawain avenue, Philag. wv ' DINQ AND EIROACIPMEN'r RING% WAS. canted of solid AneAdd t a full adoortment of gin& FARR BROTH Eoetu, B, ewellers, Ohootaut below lowa oleo. THE DAILY BYE LIIHG EDLLETIN.—PHILADELPHIA. inON DAY, NeertaßEß 27, 1867: Sewing MITCHELL Sr. FLETOHEE, 1204 Chestnut street. OIL PAINTINGS. P ----. JAMES S. EARJAE & SONS, 816 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, HAVE NOW OPEN THEIR LATEST COLLECTIONS EXQUISITE PAINTINGS, THE WORKS OF THE MOST CELEBRATED' MODERN PAINTERS Unusual care has been bestowed upon the selection of their Works of Art, this season, a far greater extent of country having been visited than usual, and a very general acquaint linen with the great • Artists of Europe his resulted in 'the acquisi tion of a more choice and extensive assortment of Paintings than they have ever before exhibited. The artists peiraeonted are prominently as follows ADOLPH STADEMANN. CH. TIOGUET, E. FRIEDRICHNEN, MAX. MICHAEL, A. BRAITH, W. ARLBERG, J. H. DE HAAS, DE VOS, (J DE NOTES, CARL RIILLNER, J. ARNOLD, A. MARTIN, METER VON BREMEN, CARL BORER, A. PBP.YER, • H. HERZOG, H. BROMBERG, JACOBSEN, ' SIMBILER, C. JUNGHEIg, FRIED. VOITZ, I A. LEU, REIMER DAHLEN, MENO RUHLIG, W. VEIISCHUVR, CARL HUBNER, H. WERNER, HERMANN BETHKE, VAN STARKENBORGII, VON SEBEN, PAUL WEBER, EMILIE SCHOULTE, R. ZIMMERMANN, RAUFTMANN, P. LOSSOW, . BOSCH. Christ - in the House at Emmaus. This great Painting, by . CARL AIIETLA.AE. R, IS NOW ON EXHIBITION AT MESSRS. BAILEY &CO.'S GALLERIES AT Penna. Academy of Fine Arta. All the Paintings in this tine collection are on PRIVATE amx, and tho attendant has the list of pricee. Opi‘n daily froMP A. M. to 6P. M., and every Sattirdar Evening from 734 to 10 o'clock. Tickets of Admission to be had only of Messrs. BAILEY CCU.. 110. 1311 E (=EMMETT STREET. .e 144 m wliterk ry • LINO DI tiVel HIGHEST PREMIUM AWARDED . FOR. BLANK BOOKS, By the Earls Exposition. WM. F. MURPHY'S SONS 339 Chestnut Street, Blink Minufacturero,,Bloam:PowerPrintoro and Sta. tlonero. A full a/ointment of Bret-riekaa Blank Boobs. Countins-Rouse Btationem conatandy . mh e o: a d , .; 1.14 HOOP SHIA' 628 HOOP SKIRTS, NO. NB. FALL STYLES Plain and Trail Hoop Skirts, 0, MG 2.9‘' and g yards round. of every length and shape, or ladlea, and a coot• plete turaortment of Misses* and Children's Skirts, frog tols.wrings, from 10 to inches long, all of "OUR 0 • " superior in style, llnleh and durebilitY, really4,e cheapeat and moat satiafactory Hoop Skftis iII the A mericanmarket Warranted in every respect. • Skirts made to order, altered and repaired. CAUTION.—Owing to the miprecedented reputation which "Our Own Make'. of BM* hav_ e atthisedoioma dealers are endeavoring to put a very Mferior .akirt *Pall their customers by representing them to be "HOPllinell Own Make." not deceived. "Our Make are aLiMPed on each tab, B e "W. F. Hopkhu6 Manufacturer, No. en Arch street; Philadelphia," and also have the letter woven in the tapes between each orbit. Also, dealer in New 'York made .lakirts, at very low Prices, wholesale and retaiL bend for catalogue of styles and prices, at No. RR Arch street. Ph rehtl.f,m,w4yrp. WM. T. HOPRUNIL • NEW FALL 1310 ET.:. THE PATENT CLASP HOOP Manufactnred and for Sale by SHAW & XIONIWis He ARCH and =North NINTH streets. The Patent Clasp NEW STYLE SlCElMOneltralef turgid by us,,are aelmowledged by the Ladies to be WO neatest, meet comfortable and durable Hoop Skirt made. They are superior to all o th ers, being made of one Pre the best patent glazed English Steel,. without szty, ttowcuthwthe nJoillatit; I =o l Skirts and Corsets made to order. Woriers and Other makes of Trench Comes tonna°. esegm.W.l• E. Le 8 - --- drei g m taTlV x 4 l : . . 7 gg l Y ; 'E ? % UV& ii . c" J... . r , , - m., att . ..iteue,.. oep ir. i ..,:. 4... . Beal. ' ' snot revs' b. A Pr. Y '' A QUALJYIED TO GIVE . WIN 41,.. • o and Vow Music, desire* amidoYment, ermr reatlOrablO,Ao hours arranged wal l a pup il,. d ross leX CaU at, Wagth Warmth east. • aot4iptt STRAWI3RIDGE& CO., EIGHTH and MARKET. n = =•• 0; 4 " STR.AWI3RIDGrE & CO., ElGliTil and MARKET. 60234% 1Y II 01 . , R o Ve #3, 4 . t StrieS. THE LISMOES'iI''BEST qToom OP FINE'.O. LD WHISXIBB 218 and 220 BIC)ILT9r3HE FrELONT STIELP:mgra Who offer the same TO WUXI TRA.Dkin Lots, on vary imiventsgoottb, Term. Their:stock of Rye Whiskies, IN BOND, tionaNp Loam' an tnnOinttnlta brands Various lo t sant, and runs through tho varlo months Of 1.84. 9 66. and at Una year* isp presentdate. Liberal contracts made for tomato *nitro as MB. Bova% anion son Lino Wharf, or at Bonded Warehouses, al aaes may alma, 111EA.L ESTATE SALES. IR()RPHANd' COURT BALE—ESTATE OPLEWISF — Weln, deceased-1 bonnet & Bone, Auctloncere. " Pureutuft to nu Order of the Orphans' Court f o r the• city and county of Philadelphia. will be cold at public sale, on Tueeday, December 17, 1867, at 12 o'clock. noon, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following described pro perty, late of Lewis Wein, deed, yiz. •• No. I.—Lot of Land, 6 acres, Frankford. Tvrenty•Third Ward.. All that lot of land, situate in the late borough of Frnnkford. Twenty-thind Ward, city of Philadelphia, beginning at a stake set seer a corner on the northeast et& of a4O feet wide road lending from Teton' , street southeastward, being oleo a corner of land devised- to rhpebe Waln; thence by raid road B. 40 deg. 55 min., E. 4 81.100 the perches, to a stake on the southeast side of a proposed street to be called Cambridge street; thence by other land of the estate of Lewis 'Wahl, deg:lessee), S. 9 deg. 38 min„ E. 13 31-100 the perches, to a stake for a cor ner in the middle of another proposed street to he called Bernatda street; thence by said land of Lewis Wain de ceased, along the middle of said proposed street N. 80 deg, 22 min., E. 57 97-100 the perches to a stake for a corner in the line of land late of Stiles, called Port Royal; thence by said land N. 36 deg. 46- min. W. 21 nion.i. , perches. to a stake for a corner, being also • corner of land devised to said lthesbe Waln thence by said land S. 711 deg. 18 min., W:sl', 6100 the perches, to the piece ut beginning • containing 6 geree_and 30 perehohmore Or lees. I`o. 2.—Lot, Trete' on avenue and Church 'street. Ymek ford, q went - third Ward. All tha t lot of lend, situate in Frauktord, Twenty-third Ward. city of Philadelphia; be ginning at stake on the southerly confer of Trenton av enue and Church street; thence extending alone the eide of Church street N. 16 deg., 541 min., W. about 203 feet 2 in. bee to a stake on the side of Tacony street; thence along the aide of said street S. 86 deg. 22 min.. W. about 885 feet to a corner; thence extending by land note or late of Briggs & Quicksall, N. 8 deg. 18 min.. W. 40 feet 9 in ches. more or lees,, to a corner ou the side of Trenton avenue; thence extendfme along the side of said RYCOLIO northeastward about 862 feet. to the'•ptioef of beginning; containing 2 acres and 119 perches, more or lees. By the Court, E. A MERRICK, Ci O f 4,4, It ItliN DLE SMITII Exceuth3. r m. THOMAS & SONS. netioneers, n 027 del4 . !IX9 ass 41 South 'ourth area. _....,:' 1 4•'‘' • . , SALE BY ORDER OF IIItIRS Atm TRUSTEES. —Estate of David Bacon, deceased.-eTheines & Seim Auctioneers.—Large Let and terve:awry Brick Dwelling , . No. 2l14•1 Vine street, extending through to Reeves street. On Tuesday, December 17. 1e67. at 1.2 o'clock. upon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadel. phia Exchange, all that lot of ground with, the 2 three. story brick dwelling, thereon erected, 'Oblige on the north side of Vine street, west of Twentieth street Ne e 014; the lot containing in front on Vine street 18 feet, and ex tending in depth lel feet 3 inches to Reeves lOret. The houses are erected on the rear end of the TOLI outing en Reeves street. . Two-fifths of the above premises are owned elriolutely. and will be sold without reserve or condition, three-tlfthe thereof are held in trust, and the eels thereof is made under en Act of Aemembly requiring the same to be ap• proved by the Orplinne , Court of the City and County of I'l ile delph la. subject to which approval this sale is made. 1116 ""The houses rent together for 2168_ M. THOMAS & Bose, Auctioneers, l&I and 141 South Fourth street nonde7 14 EX ECUTOn SALE.—ESTATE OF JOHN E. Carroll, deceased. James A. Freeman Auctioneer. Under authority contained in the will of the late John Carroll. deceased. on Wednesday, December IS, 1867. at 11 o'clock. noon, will be, sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange. the following described real es. ta , e, 917.. : No. Tavern, Stable, and large lot, N. E. coiner of York and Second streets. All that certain lot of ground with the three story brick tavern and two.etory frame stable thereon erected. situate at tho N. E. corner of York and Second street, in the Nineteenth Ward of the city ; containing in front on Second street 110 feet,ami extending in depth eststwardly of that breadth 104 fret to Perry street. Subject to a yearly ground rent of $55. No. 9.—Ground rent, $5O. All that certain yearly ground rent of fifty dollars. payable ,by Daniel B. Schilfcr, his heirs and assigns, in equal halflearly payments on the let days of February and Ausust, without deduction for taxes. dc.. issuing out of all that certain lot of ground on the wept aide of Second street, 60 fete south front York street in the 10th Ward of the city; containing in front on Second street 90feet, and in depth wintward. 121 feet 9 indica to Philip street. No. 9.—Ground Itent,sso. All that eertainlyearl v ground rent of $5O payable by Jenks Mack. his heirs and assigns. in equal half.yearly payments on the first of FebruurY and August, without deduction for taxes, dm., issuing out _of all that certain lot or 2 piece of ground Janata: on the west side of Delaware Second street, at the distance of 40 feet south from York street, in the Nineteenth Ward of the city; containing in trent or breadth on said Second street 'M feet, and extending in length or depth westward 121 feet 9 inches to Philip street. IX - $lOO to be paid on each at time of sale. By order of Executors, JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. Store 412 Walnut street. ORPHANS' COURT SALE.—ESTATE or JAMES E"lba deceased.—James A. Freeman, Auctioneer.— Under authority of the Orphans' Court (or the (*ity d Conuty of Philadelphia. on Wednesday, Dec. 161567. at I° o'clock noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadel. phis Exchange.the following described real eat ste.late the property of James Hall. deceased; No. I.—Two-story Brick House, No. 407 Rush street. below Coral.2sth Ward,. groundt certain two-story brick messuage and lot of , situate on the sonthwesterly side of Itosh street, at the distance of '45 feet aoutheastwardiy from Coral PL, in the 25th \Veld of the city; containing In front 15 feet. and in depth 61 feet 6 inches to a 5-feet wide alley laid nut for this and other lota bounding thereon. Subject to a mortgage of $7OO. No. 2.—Two-story Brick House, No. 411 Rush street, above Frankford Road. All that certain two sto-y brick mcssuage and lot of ground situate on the S. W. aide of Rush street, at the distance of feet east from Frank. ford Road; containing in front 14 feet and in depth 04 feet. Subject to a mortgage of $670. No. 3.—Two-story Brick 'louse, No. 417 !Melt street. AU that certain two-story brick mersuage and lot of ground situate on the S. W. side of Each street, at the distance_, , of 3f=l feet cast of Frankford Road. in the TwentY.fifth Ward of the city; containing in front 14 feet and in depth 64 feet. Subject to a mortgage of *6lO. Pr" *HO to be paid at the time of sale. By the Court. E. A.. MERRICK. Clerk 0. C. EDWARD BUCKLEY. Adm'r. ORPILANS' COURT SALE— ESTATE OF Ale hut Meley, dec'd.—Jaines A. Freeman, Auctioneer.— ' Two-story Brick Dwelling. N 0.4146 Lancaster avenue, Twenty-fourth Ward.—Under authority of the Orphans` Court for the City , and County of Philadelphia, on Wednesday, December 18th. 186/ at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following described real estate, late of Albert Meley, deceased: An that certsin two story brick urea. imago. with two-story back building and lot of ground, situste on the aouthwardly side of Lancaster avenue, in the Twenty fourth Ward of the city. at the distance of 112 feet west of Rebecca street; containing in front 16 feet, add in depth 100 feet to a 4.feet wide alley leading from Rebecca street into a 3-feet wide alley leading into Mary street, with the free me of the 2 said alleys. thus ga,t, range, hot and cold water, Am. Key next door. flat *llOl to be paid at the time of Kale. By the Court, E. A. MERRICK, Clerk 0. C. ROBERT THOMAS. Administrator. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, n027,deF.12. Store. 422 Walnut street._ uttPIIANS• uOURT SALE.—ESTATE OF JOHN McFeetere. deceased.--James A. Freeman. Auc tioneer. —Thrretatory Frame Dwelling, N. E.i.corner Thirty-sixth and Oak streets, Twenty seventh Ward. Under authority of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, on Wednesday, December 18, 1867, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale. at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following described real All late the property of John McFeeters, decemed: AU that certain lot of ground with the niessuage thereon erected, eitinste on the N. E. corner of Thirty-sixth and Oak etreeti, in the Twenty.tieventh Ward of the city; containing t. Sin front on Thirty.eixth street 18 feet, and ex. tending depth of that width lOU feeubject to the payment of the annual sun' of $24 to Jane MeNnally during her life, which may be paid off if the purchaser wishes it. Pr 111100 to be paid at time of Hale. By the Court. E. A. MERRICK, Clerk O. C. JOSEPH C. ol .101 Y, Adstrator Auctio nee r. . JAMES A. FREEMAN, Store, 422 Walnut street MEM 111=EZI IN THE LAND xS NOW POSSESSED BY HENRY S. .HANN'S & n0v27,de5,12 JAMES A. FREEMA.&'. Auctioneer. , nor do 51U Store 4= Walnut street. n02.7dr512 icORPHANS' COURT SALE.—ESTATE OF ANN D. Collins, dee'd.—James A. Freeman. Auettoneer.— Genteel threeetory Brick Dwelling, No. 1629 Race street tinder authority of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia. on Wednesday, Decem. her 18, l2 Philadelphian o'cick, noon. will be sold at public sale, at the Exchange. the following described real estato, into the property of Ann R. Cahn, deed.: All that certain throe.story brick dwelling, with double tvi'eatory brick back buildings. and the lot of ground, situate on the north Ado of Mice street. at the diatanco of 127 feet eastward from Seventeenth street. in the Tenth Ward of the city; containing In front 18 feet, and in depth 140 feet to Spring street. n't - Clear of incumbrance. IfW - $2OO to be paid at the time of sale. By the Court, R. A. MERRICK, Clerk 0. C. GEORGE W. HUNTER, Executor. JAMES A. FREEMAN _Auctioneer, Store, 422 Walnut street. n027d05 12 if t ORPHANS' COURT SALB.—ESTATE OF JO henna &herb, deceased. James ANo •Freeman Auctioneer. Threc.atory Brick Dwelling, ,VS West street, Fifteenth Ward. Under authority of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, on Wednesday, December 18, 1867. at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphi Ex change, the follow ing described real estate, late the pro perty ofJohanna Scherb, decd, All that certain three story brick messuage and let of ground situate on th,4e4 east side of West street. at the distance oho7o feet, 5 n inches north of Colltal street, (No. 783), i Fifteenth Ward of tho city ; containing in front on West street, 16 feet and in depth 73 feet 10 inches to a 4 feet alley Sub ject to a mortgage of StltO, and interest thereon abice Bth eptember. 1867. Occupancy with the deed. rie - thioo to be paid at tie time of sale, By the Court, E. A. MERRICK, Clerk O. C. BARBARA 11ABENB1EYf6R, Administrat ix. JAMES A. FREIMAN, Auctioneer. Store 422 Walnut street. __-------:-.=. n097.dc5,12 sPILTDCI BAL E —SIAMt,BB A. FREENIA , N. AUC tioneer—Valuable Factory Fir th BuildinDwelling and Lot. Noe. 1617 and' 1619 h if street. On Wednesday, December 18. 1967, ails &dock. noon. will be aold at public ante, at the Philadelphia lEaabange. the following described real estate, viz : Ali that valuable.lot pf .Bround. with eatey brisk factory, oue.stqry ulackamitb-ahop, the me fra stable and genteel threaatory brick dwelling house. with twastory. back buildup, thereon erected, situate on the apt side of Fifth street, 190 feet 6,16 inobea,north ~ o Dxfprd street , in the Nine teenth Ward of the city .. o f eet front on Fifth street, and in depth at right angles there With Mee south line 162 feet 10X inches, long onUe north linkitlifeet fikf inches: The • above is a very vattable ProPertY for a manufacturer. .now used as R CArtißge.o4ol7l'.: ~ ' ' . • , ' Pr $2OO to be iridat ttins nr sale, AKER A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. n 027,410,12 titore 939 Want strint, HEAL ESTATE SALE& STATE 01' SAX ORPILANIP CII.)CRT SAGE.- a d i s o ce t r o o p d. ert7 J . a s ns w es ali fr m lre o e ta naan. ego.. , g et t ri T ea r r u . rn y bu ai h u . eecond Ward. Under authet ty of the Orphans' Court for the .City and County ed l'hiladelphts. On Tuesday. Dec at teell, at, 12 o'clock, 1100 D. WM be sold at public Nal ilt. Plilladelphis Exchenge. the i followine deocrili real estate , late the property of Sam el F. Trufbllll. ceased. No., 1.-Tbe ono equal und i vided' thir pert ai` all that certain brick messuage or tenetnellt,back and out buildings, and lot or pieta of ` round . situate An the west mide,of Swanson St.between Christian and Wash ingtouetreets, in the late District of Southwark, noWeitY of Philadelphia; containing in front or. readtfutli t. the raid Swanson street 31 filet, 4 inches, and in or depth 146 feet, be the rime more or less. Bound7tntreth ward be the Swede's Church Burial Ground, eastward by the said Swanson street and southwatd and westward by ground now *elate of William N.Spencer. Together with the tree and common use and privilege of a certain la:Wins upon the river Delaware, and of a while 6 feet wide alley„the contlnuatien of said hindiegleft repenter the use of the rate owners and occupiers r ing thereon es laid down 01141 plan accom plia cer tain deed or return of pavilion lathe ease yr Dennis, remaining Bled ba the office Of , Prathonotary oft Snprente Court for the E. D. of Peatuevarda at Philadel. No. No. 2-The one equal undivided third part in all thrit certain lot of ground 'situate on the west side of Swan ton street, between Christian and Waithinpeon streets, In that part of the city of Philadelphia heretofore known Bathe District of Southwark. Beginning at a point in the junction of the west Mae of Swanson street and cer tain 6 feet wide alley, the continuation of the lauding in common left open for the use of the owners and occuSens of laud bounding thereon; thence extending along the north nide of the said 5 feet wide alley, north 83 deg. west 9 feet 8 Inches to a point; thence *Malone the mein erne of the said 5 feet wide alley N. 78 deg. 40 min. W. to a point, being a corner of other ground lately_ granted by Archibald Robertson send wife, and Daniel Mclntyre to said Palmer, Craycreft and Trumbull; thence by the raid ground northward 14 feet Bei inches to a corner of their other ground; thence northeastwardly by the same Freund 144 feet to a point in the, west line of the said Swanson street. and thence southweetwardly along the rams en feet to the place of beginning. With the free and common Ilse and privilege of the said 5 feet wide alley leading tato Swanson street. No. ;L-Also the omen undivided third part in all that certalp lot of ground situate on the east side of Church. street. between Christian and Washington etreeteen that ' pert of the city of Philadelphia heretofore known as the 111.trict of Southwark. Beginning at a point in the out line, of said Church street, at the distance of 217 feet leg i Deb es northward from the N. E. comer of said Church and Washington streets. being a corner of ground now or late of Joseph S. Snowdon; thence northward along the sari aide of said Church street 15 feet 43.1 inchee,incluegg an alley 2 feet wide to o be left open, emending in d el feet fro th said huh etreet; thence canwardly . along the n ort hside of sai d alley and by other (mound of Archibald Robertson and wife and Daniel McEntire. a lett to the middle of another 2 het wide alley to be left open and to eommunlcate with the first mentioned 2 feet wide alley; thence along the middle of said alley and parallel with Church et - mete' northward 47 feet to the bead of said last mentioned alley; thence eastward byground devised to John Fither.3o feet, a comer of said Fisher's ground; thence by the rime ground northward 36 feet 11 inches to ground formerly of the Swedes' Chumh: thence by the same eotitheutwardly 51 feet 434 inches to a comer; thence partly by the saute ground, partly by other ground of J. Palmer. B. illeeyersift sad id. T. Crumble!. and partl y by other ground of Archibald Robeelson and Daniel . clntire. led feet ale inches to the north lire of a certain 6 feet wide •ney. being the continuation of the landing IA comport left open for the use of the owners and occupiers ofieound bound ins thereou. westward Pirtle by raid alley and partly by the ground formerly et Joseph. B. Snowdon. lit feet 3 inches to a point in the line of said ground, and therm still along the same northwesterly fid feet lei inches to the phsco of beginning.. Togetber with the free usc of both the above mentioned 2 feet wide alleys. as and for '..,usage-ways and water-mums into and from the said Church thee, in common with the ownen, tenants" and occupieni of ties ground boustdine thereon, at satiate. hereafter forever. and with the prlMlege of building over the ',Kid alley. No. 4.--Ales the equal undivided third. part In all that three-story brick mr.suage or tenement and let of ground on the east, side of Otsego street (bag Church street), be tween Washington avenue and Christian "treed (No. 945): c‘ instinct in front 15 feet 8 Whet. and in depth thence extending east on the north line at:right angles Of feet lecher ; thence eouthearterly 4 feet Sf inch; thence east so feet 1 inch to an alley; thence south along the sane 15 feet 634 inches; thence westeo feet to Oteeeoetreet; thence peril along the same 15 feet 6 inches to the place of be. s inning. No. b. -Also the equal urelivided thirdpart in all that. three-atory brick hone and itit of ground adjoining the lest di , teribed. on the east aide of Otaego street (N0.1i1)4 containing In front lli , feet Blucher, and to depth 60 feet to an alley, of which it as the privliege -6.--Al.O. the equal undivided third part in all thee to o-story brick house sud lot of ground on the east aide of ()Pero street (late Church street, No. 3a, old number). in the late disixict of 800thwark now the city of Phila delphia; containing 12 feet 4!- 6 i nches on ' Otsego Weer, end extending east between eat alien Knee 103 feet. more or leer, with the rue of the alley en the north. No. 7.--A tro. the equal undivided third part in all that certain two-story frame dwelling and lot of ground on the east side of Otsego.street: containing in front to feet 23.. !oche*, and extending east of that width feet. No. the equal undivided third part in all that twoedory frame dwelling and lo frontound on the east ride of °treat' street containing inlo feet 2ei inches, • and extending cart of that width Ini feet, with the use of the alley on the south. No. 9.-Abo. the equal undivided third pert is all that two4dery brick hoe.° and lot on the cut side of Otsego Cate Church street, old number 41); containing in front 12 feet 434, inches, and extending emtwardly between parallel lines, or nearly such ir3 feet. more or le=a. gienelier to be paid at the time of eale. By the Court. E. A. MERRICK, Clerk 0. C. it. B. CRAY CROFT. Executors. E. C. CBEF.SiIROUGII.S JAMES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer, Store 4e.l WaLuutstreet. EkitaTOlS, POSITIVE SAI.I-:ESTATE OF e Thomas E. Morrie. deceaesel.--Jamee A. Freeman. " Auctioneer.-Oentect Dwellings Noe. 1010 and 1013 Marshall street.-Under authority contented In the December wilt at Thomas E. Morris. dece.need. Wedneaday. 18, 1867. at 12 o'clock. noon, will be sold at mete 1k rale, at the Philadelphia F.xchange. the following de, rcribed real estate., Aix ' No. 1.-All that ecrtain three eery brick dwelling, v.ith two-story brick back building and frame kitchen and bath mom attachedwith the lot of ground„ on the W. ride of Marshall street. in the Twen tieth V. of the city (No. 1010); containing in front / 2 feet. including the halt of a t feet alley on the N. Side thereof, - and extending westward in depth between per:kite' lines f:9 feet 10 inches, with the use of the said 2 feet alley No. 2--The three Orley brick dwelling. with two-atory brick back building. frame kitchen and bath house at tached, and the lot of ground, enjoining the above on the north feet ntaining in front 13 feet, Including the half of the. 2 alley on the eouth, and extending In depth 'weet wail between parallel lines V feet 10 inches, with the use of the said 2 feet alley. tn. - Clear of ineumbmnee. rerlloo to be paid on each at the time of sale. By order of I;xecutore JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, Store, 492 Walnut street. n01!7,1t5,12 n 027 des 12 ORPHANii , COURT BALE - ESTATE OF OATH- A urine.N o Rase, deceased -James A. Freeman. 1128 E u lm c ioneer. Three-story Frame Mouse, . street. Eighteenth Ward. Under authority of the Or phans' Court for the city and county of Philadelphia, rut Wednesday. December 18.1867, at 19 o'clock. noon. will he sold at public isle, at the Philadelphia Exchango. the following described real estatoiato the tiropetty of Catha rine Rass. deceased: AU that certain lot of ground with, the three-story frame meastutge and one/dory frame kitchen thereon erected, situate en the westerly side of Elm street (No. IIM), at the distance of 80 feet anti Xof an inch southerly from Girard avenue, in the Eighteenth Ward of the city; containing in front on Elm street 20 feet 1 Inch. and on the rear end thereof 17 feet 11 inches. and in depth on the southerly line thereof at right angles with Elm street 74 feet, and On the northerly line thereof parallel with Girard avenue 74 feet. gm - Clear of incumbrance. 9• 1,-. slou to be raid at time of sale. By the Court„ B. A. MERRICK, Clerk 0. C. GODFREY METORikAdministrator. JAMER A. FREEMA. Auctioneer. Stern 499 Walnut street. n027.dec5.1 2 ACKDICINALL. General view of the eases in which HOFPS MALT ElTltAN.sbcovirerattweEoAfKNhesath isoittpupliGeabEaler:loN. 2. FOR DYSPEPSIA IN GENERAL. 3. FOR A FOUL STATE Q_P STOMACH. 4. FOR BODILY TED PERSONS. S. FOR WEARNEnS. 6. IN CATARRHS IsSPECIALTX OBSTINATE. -. IN CAbES OF HOARSENESS. "I am hoarse and linable to perform to night, but now made happy with your della one Malt Extract," wrote BoSemli DaWhion. the celebrated German tragedian, to Mr. Holt • , ' 8. FOU CATARRHAL DISEASES OF THE BRON CHIAL PUBES. liolPs Malt Extract has been invaluable to • 'HOFF'S threat.e. who suffered from quinsey_were No. Beekmaxed. . R. L. LEWIS . 9. Fait OBSTINATE COUGHS. All our acquaintances are estemsned tes my MALT husband fools easier, coughs tom eto. West Hoboken. ' MRS. VuKTMEIER. Ic. iN CASE OF TUBERCULAR OR' PULMONARY 'CONSUMPTION. I advised one of my pitionXho is suffer ing from pulmonary consumkt to try_ it. Brooklyn. GARD HR. M. D e EXTRACT. Mr. Philip Benday, of New Ha it writes: 'The respiration is now free, the c ex: pandaunembarrseeed. and the c oughhas minished entirely. • 11. FOR ALL PEOPLE NEEKNo A TONIC I that:tors Malt Extract might come into-universal metes da y e theiseference over all tonics of ens and is.s endid es g Layers/re or table drink.. No: itW est Fifty. seoond 'street. • M. 0RM.10.011. • Sold everywhere. Pemosst i n.• ,,, ime 110 1 1 aP• ply to Hoff , ' Malt Extract De liroadWay. Y. nal-list Indio JOHN O. es 410.. Sole Agatha. TTALLIAN VERBOCELL-1.00 BOWS FINE_QUALIit whibe. imported and for sale or 1100. FL BUSSEEIR 40, - .lOB6O4AROlms tx,vacto. 01,1140 11104
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