CITY BULLETIN, 'DU Coe Cum , Haomictsn MT:E.—Last *vetting s convention of flrcmcui composed of three dohigates from each cOlziPany,' was held at the Phoenix Hose House. Mr. John G. Haller, of the' Ferseverancellose ttriiptiny, was chosen President, and Mr. Robt. T. Gill, of the Hope Hose, was appointed Secre tary'. The following companies were represented in the convention: Fairmount Fire Company, Hope Hose Com pany, Columbia Fire Company,•Washington Fire Company, Washington Engine ;'Company, Phila delphia Fire" Company, Colutibla Hose Com pany, Northern Liberty Hose Company, Shiftier Hose Company, Moyamensing Hose Company, Friendahip Fire Company, Fellowship Engine Company, Kingsessing Fits Company, Weccacoe Fire Company, United States Fire Company. Assistance Engine Company, Union Fire Com pany, Fairmount Hose Company, Delaware Engine Conipany, of Delaware; Southwark Hose CoMpany, West Philadelphia En gine Coutly, Resolution Hose Com- Paul, , Southwark Engine Company, Good- Will Fire Cob:many, Mechanics Fire Company, • Hand-in-Hand Fire Company, West Philadel phia Hose Company, Good Intent Hose Corn panyv Fame Hose Company, Decatur Fire Com p_aul, Excelsior Bose Company, Mount Airy Fire Company, Diligent Fire Company, Liberty Fire Company of Hohnestnarg; Germantown Hose Company, Western Fire Engine Company, Schuylkill Hose Company, Manayunk Steam Fire Encino Company, Independence Hose Com pany, Warren Hose Company, Washington Fire Company of Fmnkford; Globe Steam Engine Company, Weccacoe Hose, No, 2, of Camden: America Hose Com pany. Good Will Hose and Steam Fire Engine Company, Philadelphia Company. Vigilant Fire Company, Lincoln Hose Company, Hibernia Steam Fire Company South Penn Hose Company,Empire Hook and Ladder Com pany, Independenee Engine Company, Wash ington Hose Company,NeptUrie Hose Company, phoenix Hose Company', Spring Garden Fire Company, Taylor Hose Company, Robert Morris Hose Company, Congress Fire Company, Chest nut Hill Engine Company, Humane. Hose Com pany, Marion Hose Company,Mantua Hook and Ladder Company, and the. Unioll Hose Company of West. Philadelphia. . The President stated the object of the meeting; to take some action with reference to the sudden and sorrowful demise of Chief Engineer Lyle. It was moved that the Assistant Engineers of the Fire Department be invited to participate in the proceedings. The motion was adopted. Mr. Mann, of the Fairmount Fire Company, stated that the •remains of the late Chief were to be-taken on Thursday morning, the 28th inst., to the Fairmount Engine House, and from thence to the place of interment—Odd Fellows' Cemetery—in the afternoon. It was moved that a committee of fifteen be appointed to make all necessary arrangements for the funeral. An amendment was offered that the committee act in conjunction with the com mittee appointed by the Fairmount Fire Com pany. This being accepted, the motion was adopted, and the Chairman appointed the follow in persons as that committee: First District —Robert T. Gill, Hope Hose Company; F. A. Devitt, Moyamensmg H&c Company. Second District—William B. Kennedy,Columbia Hose Company; William R. Allen, Good Will Company. Third District—George Downie, Western En gine; Jacob Stahl, Humane Hose. Fourth Di/Het—George R. Plumley, Humane Fire Company; Andrew Hazlet, Globe Engine Company. Fifth District—Mlehael Kerbaup i tnion En- Eine Company; Joseph N. Coml , Washington ngine. slixth District—Marshall Hong, Germantown Hose; James A. McDonald Washington Engine Seventh District—Geo. W:`Morad, West Phila 4elphia Hose; Joseph Hand, West Philadelphia Engine Company. • It was moved by Mr. Hazelton that the funeral escort be composed of delegations, numbering thirteen each, from the various companfes, ex cepting the Fatrmount Engine Company. This motion causedeonsiderable debate. Some thought that to appoint more than thirteen from each company Would make the escort too long, and that thee, 'procession would be delayed. Others held thit the late Chief had endeared himself to the hreart of every firemen, and that all should turn out in their might to show their homage'and love and respect to the memory of the late Chief - Engineer. Mr. Kendrick, of the Columbia Fire Company; / moved to amend the motion, by leaving the / representation of companies in the escort to the option of the companies themselves. Vote was called on this, and resulted as follow's: ayes, b 3; nays, 21. The amended motion was then .carried. The following was adopted: Resolved, That the Mayor of the city be re quested to order the bells of the State House and the various station-houses to be tolled on Thursday, the 28th inst., between the hours of 1 and 3 o'clock, and that the citizens generally be invited to join in paying a last tribute of re spect to the memory of the deceased Chief En gineer, by displaying their flags at half-mast. The following Committee on Resolutions was appointed : T. C. Thompson, Good Intent Hose; Marshall Garrigues, Phcenix Hose; Benjamin Wharton, Neptune Hose; Thomas C. Jones, Northern Liberty Hose; Peter Armbruster, Humane En gine Company; William E. Mason, Resolution Hose, and James E. Van Dunn, of the Inde pendence Hose. The, Committee on Resolutions reported the following paper, which was adopted : Whereas, t he hand of Providence, in a sudden, manner, has called our beloved Chief from earth to another world; and 11' hereas, In life he not only proved a faithful, energetic Chief, constant in his attention to duty, counting no hardship too great, no labor too taxing, which his position called him to dare to -doi and, Whereas, In all his intercourse with this De partment he has not only gained our respect and .obedience as our Chid, but also our love and honor as a man of genial ways, of a ready hand and kindly heart; therefore, be it Resolved (by this Convention), That though. the blow is hard, even stunning to us, coming as it does in this terrible suddenness, we bow humbly to the Divine will of Him who death all things well, who, in His mercy, overlooks our transgressions, and folds us, when the change comes, in His far-reaching arias of love. Resolved, That we will bear in remembrance the memory of our departed Chief to the end of ourlives, recalling his fernlike face, and trying to imitate his courtesy and manners. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be appropriately inscribed, and tendered to his fam ily as an assurance of our sympathy in a loss which so sadly depletes their number, and sun ders the brotherhood bound together by ties of love and the associations of long years. The Fairmount Engine Company was, on mo tion, requested to act as a guard of honor on the day of the funeral. the eve Assistant Engineers, in conjunction with eye persons appointed by the Fairmount Fire Company, will act as pall-bearers. It was resolved that the Department turn out in black allitS high hats and white gloves. William S. Mann, of the Fairmount Fire Com pany, was selected as Chief Marshal, and the following gentlemen were appointed as his as sistants : T. H. Peto, T. T. Wharton, J. T. Stahl, J. A. Franks, D. V. Kavanab, G. R. Fox and D. N. SeaL The Convention then adjourned. Last evening the Committee of Fire and Trusts met and passed the following preamble and retie lutione : Whereas, The Committee has heard with feel ings of sincere regret of the sudden demise of the late Chief Engineer of the Fire Department, David M. Lyle; and, Whereas, During his connection as the head of this Department he has endeared himself to all having business therewith, and especially to the members of this Committee, on account of his general kindness and the especial interest always evinced by him in the welfare of the Department as well as the city of Philadelphia; therefore Resorved, That in the death of the late Chief . En gineer, David M. Lyle, the city has lost a faithful oMeer,and the Fire Department an energetic and Valued friend. Resolved, That the committee attend the funeral in a body, and that the office be draped in mourn ing for the 'mace of thirty days. Roared, That these resolutions be spread in full upon the minutes, published, and a copy thereof" be transmitted to the relatives of the de oetuseti. s The front of the Chief Engineer's office was draped In mourning yesterday. and the flags on the public buildings were flying at half-mast. BALI?, OF REAL ESTATE, aroeas, Thoinaa & Bons sold at the Exact:make yesterday poo p the following stock. and deal estqto, TIIE DAILY 'EYENING 'BULLETIN..--PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1867. 1 share Mercantile Library, $6 75; 15 sharoa Me chanics' Bank, $3O, $450; 80 shares Union Batik, $6l ,$1,850; 20 shares Central Bank, $116,52.320; 76 'shares Pennsylvania Company Insurance on Lives and Granting Annuities, $l4B, $11,248; 5, shares Pennsylvania Company Insurance 'on Lives and Granting AtiMlitiol3, $l4B, $740;1 share Philada. and Southern Mall Steamship Co., $5O; 4 $ hares Union Mutual Insurance Company, $8 $32; 1 share Pennsylvania Railroad, $49 50; brick and frame dwellings Nos. '2lB and 250 South Seventeenth street, subject to a yearly ground rent of $BB-72 feet front, $3,600; three story brick dwelling northwest corner Poplar and Hutchinson streets, subject to a yearly, ground rent of $74—53,700; two-story brick dwelling, No. 1231 Lombard street, subject to a yearly ground rent of $22 50—in front 15 feet, 80 feet deep, $2,100; modern four-story brick resi dence, N 0.1607 Locust street, 20 feetlfront,sll,soo; three-story brick dwelling, No. 717 Spruce street, subject to a yearly ground rent of $5l 55 $8,800; modern three-story brick residence, No. 1114 Vine street, 18 feet front, 101 feet deep, $10,900; modern three-story brick dwelling, No. 1903 Brown street, subject to a yearly ground rent of $72—52,200; three-story brick dwelling,' No. 1342 Crease street, $2,300; valuable lot, Bal mer street, Eighteenth Yard, $1,775; ground rent of $27 a year, $3BO. THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS.—A special meeting of the Board of School , Controllers was held at their Chamber yesterday afternoon, the President, EdiVerd Shipper', Esq., in the chair. Mr. Fillies, .Chairman 04 the Committee on Estimates, presented the foAoiring statement of the amount required for the ybar 1868, for the respective school purposes named : Teachers' Rent of Salaries. School Houses. Boys' High 5ch001... . .. $28,050 SJ,OOO Girls' High School 8,400 First Section 25,744 Second Section 25,143 Third Section ...... 26,535 Fourth Section 19,155 Fifth Section 22,802 Sixth Section 16,083 Seventh Section 24,483 Eighth Section 14,955 Ninth Section 16,335 Tenth Section 24,655 Eleventh Section 19,899 Twelfth Section 15,986 Thirteenth Section 17,979 Fourteenth Section 32,811 Fifteenth Section 35,331 Sixteenth Section 20,907 Seventeenth Section.... 21,483 Eighteenth Section 31,187 Nineteenth Section 30,279 Twentieth Section 36,287 Twentv-first Section.... 17,687 Twenty-second Section. 23,156 Twenty-third Section... 27,643 Twenty-fourth Section.. 14,914 Twenty-fifth Section .... 16,821. Twenty-sixth Section... 22,984 Twenty-seventh Section' 21,267 Twenty-eighth Section.. 9,284 The amount appropriated respectively for the Boys' iligti'Schoel, Girls' High School, and the schools of the different sections, including ap propriattions for salaries and rents of school houses as above given, and repairs, furnaces and stoves, furniture,, and janitors' and sec retaries' salaries, are as follows: Boys' High, School, $32,590; Girls' High School, $10,500; First Section, $31,286; Second, $32,030; 1'hird,532,865. Fourth, $25,099; Fifth, $27,922; Sixth. $19,779; Seventh, $29,714; Eighth,. $18,843; Ninth, $2O,- 815. ' Tenth;529,822; Eleventh, $23,943; Twelfth, *21,689; Thirteenth,s2l,97B; Fourteenth,s39,s96; Fifteelth, $42,064; Sixteenth. $24,927; Seven teenth, $25,953; Eighteenth,s3B,3o9; Nineteenth, $38,741; Twentieth, $45,728; Twenty-first, $2l,- 052; Twenty-second, $27,480; Twenty-third,s33,- 163; Twenty-fourth, $19,227; Twenty-fifth, $20,, , , 863; Twenty-sixth, $27,226; Twenty-seventh, $26,809; Twenty-eighth, $11,797. The total amount of appropriation asked, for is $1,110,959, of which $821,810 is for the ex penses of sections as above enumerated; $98,889 for special items for the different sections, such 'as new roofing, shutters, platforms and other expenses over $l5O. The sum of $190,260 is for general expenses, including fuel, books and sta tionery for all the schools, ground rents, clean ing cesspools, additional teachers and janitors, rent of additional buildings which may be re quired, &c. The entire appropriation asked for 1868:ils $12,041 less than the amount appro priated by Councils for the present year. The total number of male teachers in the dis trict is reported at 81, and female ' 1,293. There are 38,402 male scholars and 38,212 female. Mr. Bladen moved to add $l,OOO to the appro priation to the Twenty-sixth Ward, to be ap plied to the item for rents of school houses. He represented the school accommodations of the Twenty-sixth Ward as being totally insu;cient, and hoped his motion would pass, but it as not agreed to. Mr. Freeborn moved the report. as submitted by the committee, be approved, which was agreed to. Mr. Hilles asked the unanimous consent of the Board to make a report from the Committee on Grammar, Secondary and Primary Schools, which was granted. The report has appended a resolution to the effect that James E. Byram, Principal of the Fayette Consolidated School, be not confirmed, inasmuch as he does not possess the necessary certificate of qualification. Mr. Haines moved to strike out the word"not" in the resolution, which wits agreed to, and the resolution, as amended, passed—thus confirming Mr. Byrom. The Board then adjourned. LECTURE AT CONCERT HAI.I..—A lecture was delivered at Concert Hall last evening, in aid of the Young Men's Christian Association, by Henry Vincent, the celebrated English orator and reformer. Subject, John Milton. The lecturer was introduced in a few neat re marks by George NV. Eddy, Esq. Mr. Vincent fully sustained the reputation he has won, and delighted a .large and intelligent audience with the manner in which he, handled his subject. He brought forward the more prominent char acteristics of Milton,in language that went direct to the hearts of his hearers, and after listening to'him we felt that we had obtained a far deeper insight into the true character of the man than the most accurate history or biography could have afforded.: Mr. Vincent Is a lecturer of rare power,and we would advise those who enjoy an intellectual banquet to attend his next lecture, at Concert Hall, on to-morrow evening, when he will repeat the lecture delivered last night. ToE OFFICE.—The Postmaster has just issued the following circular By order of the Postmaster-General, the, box rents at the Philadelphia Post Office are increased to three dollars per quarter. . I recommend holders of boxes to vacate the same and receive their mails through the carrier system of free delivery. The carrier force, in addition to the delivery of wail matter, are authorized to receive from the public any letters, properly paid, that may be handed to them. The carriers arc reliable and trustworthy men, under heavy bonds. There arc five deliveries daily from this office, Viz.: 7.30 andlo.3o A. M.; 1, 3.20 and 5 P. M. HENRY' 4." Bi Nqii Postmaster. November V, 1 St;7 FINAL HEARING.--iUMCS Black, charged with robbing the millinery stores of Mrs. Cox, No. 1406 Chestnut street, and Mr. Moffatt, No, 674 North Twelfth street, -in the night time, and George Mansen with having disposed of, the stolen goods, had a further hearing yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Elizabeth Stewart, residing on Brown street, above Eleventh, testified to seeing Black hand Hansen 'in her place a carpet .bag. The bag containing - the goods which were bottght from Mansen by containing was here produced and identified by witness. Block was commituxl to answer theciaittgii of. , ::blirglar,y, arid Manson was held in $3,500 bail for disposing of the stolen goods. . - Hoattemr..—The Coroner held an inquest yes terday on the body of a, colored woman named Phillis Proctor, aged 24' years, who died at the Almshouse on Monday from .0 cut received in the leg on the 26th of October, in's:house in the rear, of 720 Cullen street. several witnessesxere examined, who testified to the difficulty 'Which occurred in 'the house. and also to the fact' that the , injuries' were inflicted by a colored iman named Alfred Alexander. The jury rendered the following verdict : "That the said Phillis Proc tor cattle to her death by a wound on ;h6leg, inflicted at the bands of Alfred Aleitander/ Oct. 26th, 1867, at rear of 720 Cullen street.'"Alexim . ; der bas not been arrested. , 3 3, __„„ POINT BREEZE DANK. --A race took plaml y r pr t terday, at Point Breeze Park, between the 14011108 Brown George and Ki ngston, with running gnaw Two heats were won by Brown George in 2.25 and 2.:i0; the third ht at was won by Kingston, 2.25;4,. Tun z. urns tic Comm.—Judge James Thotnp ' son yesterday 'ad 'Chief `justlce of the Stapreme 'Court of Ponnuylvahla,. vice the Bon. George W. Woodward, who retires at the expiration of his;term.'The court ae now constituted', is composed' ca follows: James Thompson, Chief Justice, and William Strong. ilobtt M. 'Read, Daniel Agnew and George Share wood. Associate Justices. 1, 2, ! ; 9 8 4 7 2,400 9,220 $13,281 $667,378 BOV,EIIIENTS R O O F' 0011111 X STEAMIER'. ABRIVE. NAM% { rll.Oll YOZ DAM Etna Liverpool—New York Nov. 9 Pennsylvania.....Liverpool..New York Nov. 18 Ontario .....Liverpoolßoston. Nov. 13 Moravian . ..... —Liverpool—Portland Nov. 14 Calla London—NeW,York........Nov. 16 Aleppo Liverpool, ;New Y0rk.......N0v. 19 City of Paris.......LiverrelNew York— .....Nov. 90 Franco .t. . York Nov. 26 City of Boston, ...Liverpool—NeueYork ..... ..Nov. 23 _ TO DEPART.; Bremen N ew. York. :Bremen ..... .....Nov. 28 Morro Castle.... New York.. Havana Nov. 28 Wm Fenn.......New York.. London Nov. 80 Nov. 80 Sazonia .. . .. ....New York..Hambing Nov. 80 St Laurent.... .New York..Havre .Nov. 80 • Wyoming. t . :Philadelnhia..Savannati t . . . . . .. Nov. 80 Star of the Union...Philada..Havana&N Orls.Nov. 80 of Washington ..N.York:.Liverpool ...Nov. 30 Arizona.... ..... Now York..Aspinwall Nov. 80 Sienville.......Neir York ..11avana...........N0v. 30 Geo Cromwell... New York..NoW Orlean.s....Nov. 30 France.... Now Yerk..LlVerpool.... . . ... Dec 2 Corsica ....New York.. Havana, &c Dec. 2 Cuba......... .Boston.. Liverpool. Dec. 4 Manhattan...... Now York..Liverpool.........Dec. 4 C01umbia..,.....N0w York—Havana.. Doc. .5 San Francisco... New York.. San Juan, Nic....llee. 5 Alliance..,....Philadelphia..Charleston........Dec. 8 Stars and Stripes.. .Philada..Havans..........Dec. 10 10.4QApar) c r TRADE. E. A. SO uatGR. GEORGE L. BUERY, , *ONTELLY OommirrEx. SAMUEL E. STOKES, • MARINE B1:%IMTIN. FORT OF FRIULDEL.YRIA—Nov. 27 Sax, Itters, 7 15 I film 8r715, 445 1 limn Wames, 2 55 ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamer Decatur. Young, 13 hours from Baltimore, with mdse to J D Ruoff: Steamer Black Diamond, Meredith;-2f hours from N. York, with mdse to W M Baird & Co. Steamer Chester, Jones, '24 hours from New York, with mdse to W P Clyde & Co. ' Bark Scotian Queen (Br), Esdale, S days from Windsor, NS. with plaster to C C Van Horn. Brig J C York. York, 20 days from St John, NB. with lumber to D Trump Son & Co. Schr Mary J Adams, Billings, 22 days from St John, NB. with laths and pickets to D Trump, Son & Co. Experienced very heavy weather and lost part of deck load. Schr Hiawatha, Howard, from Newburyport, with mdse to Knight & Sons. Schr A H Cain. Simpson, from Gloucester, in ballast to ealdwell, Gordon & Co. Schr J Martin, Baker, from Boston, with mdse to Mershon & Cloud. Seta. C Fithian, Tuft, 1 day from Port Deposit, with grain to Jas L Bewley & Co. Tog Thos Jefferson, Allen, from Baltimore, with a tow of barges to W P Clyde & Co. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamer W Whilden, Riggins,l3altimore, J D Ruoff. Steamer Ann Eliza, Richards.N York,W P Clyde & Co. Steamer Ii L Gaw, Der, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. Bark Prowess, Ilibberd. Havre, E A Solider & Co. Brig Moses Day, Loud, Marseilles, do Brig Clyde, Foote, St John,Nß. C C Van Horn. Schr Adolph Hugel, Robinson, Matanzas, John Mason & Co. Schr S& M D Scull, Steelman, Mobile, D S Stetson & Co. Behr A B Cain, Simpson, Richmond, Caldweli,Gordon & Co. Schr 1 H. Marvel, Quillin, Richmond, R Jones. Schr M H Westcott. Gandy, Lynn, Van Dusen, Loch man & Co. Schr Alice & Flora, Foote, Baltimore, Thos Watuon & Sons. Tng Thomas Jefferson, Allen, for Baltimore, with a tow of barges,W P Clyde & CO. Correspondence of the Phila. Evening' Bulletin. READING. Nov. 25, 1867. The following boats' from the Union Canal passed into the Schuylkill Canal, bound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned as follows• Nerchant, with lumber to J H Deysher Co; S Y Ciamony, do to Geo Ensinger ; J F Shower, and Wyo ming No 4, do to J Seeley; Sami Uhvick, do to A 11 Deyeher ; William .11 Martin, do to Dodge Jr Co; G W Wagner, and Sallie & Morrie, do to Patterson Sr, Lip pincott; Louisa Ann, do to J & D C Pennell; Convoy, do to Trump, Son it Co.. ' . Burning Bush, do to Watson Malone & Co; Lizzie Alice, do to Phelan ct Mac nell ; Five Brothers. limestone to J Shaeffer; Emma Brown, Bluestone to P Brown; Emma, iron ore to Thomas Cook ,Lt Co. F. MII3(IIIORANDA. Ship Tonawanda, -- Julius, from Liverpool for this port, was spoken 24th inst. tat 44, lon 69 30. Ship Philadelphia, Poole, sailed from Liverpool 14th inst. for Mobile. Snip Washington Booth, Granby, cleared at New York yesterday for Ban Francisco. Ship S D Thurston, Snow, sailed from Newport, E. lth Inst. for Bombay. Ship C Luling, Arians, sailed from Liverpdhl 14th inet. for San Francisco. Ship Hornet, for New York, sailed from San Fran cisco 23d inst. Ship Emma C Beal,Bailey,salled from San Francisco .23d Inst. for Liverpool. Steamer Tonawanda, Jennings, hence at Savannah yesterday. . . Steamer Norman, Crowell, hence at Boston yes terday morning. Steamer Saxon, Matthews, cleared at Boston 25th inet. for this port. Steamers Scotia, Judkins; Siberia, Martyn, and Nebraska, Guard, cleared at New York yesterday for Liverpool. Steamer Kensington, Hedge, at New Orleans 24th inst. from Boston. Steamer Oriental, Snow, sailed from New Orleans 23d inst. for Boston. Steamer Alice, Fniton, at Galway 13th inst. from New Orleans. Barks Teilus, Gregerson; Royalist., Tucker; Lord Byron, Enrico, and Bertha, Rickman, all for this port, at London 12th inst. Bark Village Belle, Little, hence at Londonderry 12th inst. Brig W Creevy, Haley, from Mobile for Providence, in Hampton Roads 23d inst. Brig Roble, Forbes, at Palermo sth inst. from Leg horn. Brig Jane Brundage, Brown, hence at St John, NB. 24th inst. Brig Levi Stevens, Stevens, from Boston 18th May for San Francleco, was spoken 24th Sept. off Cape Hors. Had dye cf her crew washed overboard toe day previous in the Straits of Lentaire. Scar Jae W,g Hickman, cleared ateGalvestou 16th inst. for New York. Schr Ann Burnett, Bennett, hence at Georgetown, DC. 25th inst. Schr E A Conant, Foss, hence at Portland 23d Inst. Schr E A Cummings, Smith, cleared at Baltimore 25:h inst.. for Wilmington, Del. Schr J W .Everman, Oaten, cleared at New York yesterday for this port. Seta John A Griffin, Foster, sailed from Alexandria 25th inet. for this port. Schr Emma Id Fox, sailed from Norwich '23d inst. for this port. Schr Mary Ella, Talpey,sailed from Portsmouth 20th tnet. for this port. Schr Pearl, liadkin,lence for Saco, at Gloucester 22d instant. Schr J Raymond, Holt, cleared at Bangor 22d inet. for 'Wilmington,Del. Schr .1 Williamson, Jr, Corson, sailed from Provi dence 23d inst. for this port. Schr N C Paine, Doane, cleared at Portland 23d inet. for this port. Scbr A D Scull, Barrett, from St John. NB. for Sa vannab, woe spoken 29th inst. off Cape Henlopen. MARINE MISCELLANY. Ship Galena. Copt Dutton, from Charleston via Key West, Ni hero she put in with loss of spars, has been wrecked on the Mexican coast, supposed at Frontera. The G registered 763 tons, was built at New York in 1546, where she was owned by Wm Nelson, Jr. Brig L L Wadsworth,Bailey, before reported ashore at St Jago, can be save by throwing overboard the cargo, valued at $lll,OOO. The brig is insured for $lO,OOO. , Schr JIM'S W Haig, from Indianola for New York, which put into Galveston in distress, having made PUilldela repairs to enable her to proceed, cleared for destination 16th Inst. Steamer Liberty, Bath, from New Orleans via Ha vana and Key West for Baltimore,w, aground on Haw kins' Point, and will have to lighren. PIANOS. PIANOS TO RENT. CHAS. W. TRUMPLER , At lite New Mole Store, 926 CHESTNUT STREET, Offers NEW-and SECOND HAND PLAI4OHTO RENE AT REASONABLE RA.TES. 6 1Pisinok Ind Organs FOR SALE. 0d11641 --- ,; t M ummy s tapaNik Ation ni OitiliElts . ~EL *INER ag u nltrigra4Z il a il Waitawara on 11181 e, Si 'Ai 1110.7d8 91 vabll4 trom 8 A. 81. to 7r. K. ear - betao. UsbWor tacit* !arta year% Simms made In 1 81117. ailkauldLatilkellimtat Fwicat rat" . ialttraii OPEOIAL NOTIOIFAIe Oar GARTLAND HALL. No. 35 SOUTII SEVEN. ' ,' teenth street, will be lit up for public inspection et'grY evening this week. nolig.3o ier THE ANNUAL -----"--TIILSETING Ok THE STOCK. holders of the Drake Petroleum Company Will be ;led lather office, No. i 42 South Sixth stroet..Plitladel. Pula; 'Ott ' MOADAY, December 2d, 1867, at 12 o'clock, noon.' , ' n026.6t• W. D. COMEGYS;.Sec. and Treas. liat' . 1'11)1 1 .1 ANNUAL MEETING Or THE • STOCK• holders of the Russell Farm Oil Company will be held on MONDAY, December 2d, 11324 at 11 o'clock, at room No. 3, National Bank of Republic building, 1309 Chestnut street. SAMUEL I'. FERREE, n023.8t. Secretary. - KENBINGTON NATIONAL BAN . , ono • „ PLIILADELPIIIA. Nov. `l3, anoo. 'fhb StOCkhOWlll are hereby notified that this Bank will pay the Three Mills Tax, now due, Rewind by the State upon the individual shares. non MO • WM. MeGONNELL, Cashier, • • • . VIE .CONSOLIDATION NATIONAL ]]ANK, .I'nm/off:Lenin, Nov. 2.3, 1867. The Stoakholderti are hereby notitied that the Hank will pay the Three Mille State Tax now due, tumefied on their shares in. thieliatak. ;JOSEPH N. PEIRSOL, Cashier. . . map NATIONAL RANH OF TIIE REPUBLIC.— PHILA_WILPIIIA. November 27, 1867. Tho Stockholders of this Bank are,lieroby notified that theßank will assume mid pay the State tax of Three aasess Receiverir aliases, and now payable at the Woe of the of Taxes of this city. JOB. Y. friUMFORP, Cashier. sor IsOTICE.—THE ANNUAL MEETING OF TUE STUCKDOLDERS of the IoEI,IIENY OIL COM. I'ANY will be held at the Office of the Company, No. 218 WALNUT street, on TUESDAY, December 3d, at LI o'clock M. Transfer hooka (dome at 3 P. M.. 25th limb; open December 4th. EDWD. P. HALL, Secretary. PHILADELPHIA, November 13, 1 L3 t437. no 15 18 20 22 25 27 5.91/de2* ser , BATCIIELORI3 HAIR DYE.—TII.II3 SPLENDID Hair pye is the beet in the world. The only true and Perfect Bye—Hannleee, Reliable, Instantaneous. No disappointment. No ridiculous tints. Natural Black or lirown.. Remedies the ill effects of Bad Dyes.. Invigorates the' ha_ leaving It soft, and beautiful. The genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR. All others are hat , tations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Druggists and Perligners. Factory 81 Barclay street, New York. riff — BEWARE OF ,A COUNTERFEIT. del-f,mtvly VfirUNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. EASTERN 'DIVISION. OFFICE 424 WALNUT EIRTEET, PIiIIATIELNITA. Nov. 22, 1867. The Inbred in Gold on the First Mortgage Bonde of the tinian Pacific Railway Company , h.netern Dieleion, due December 1,1E67 will - be paid, on presentation of the Coupone at the Nanking loupe of DABNEY, MORGAN & CO., . - 52 Exchange Place, New York, On and after that date ne23,th•r,tu,9t DIVIDEND NOTICES. DIVIDEND.—OCEAN . OIL COMPANY.—A 1111 W ' monthly dividend of Two Per Cent , and an extra dividend of Five Cents (being twenty-five cents per share), has been declared, payile on and after December 2d, clear of Taxes. Books cOW November 25th at 3P. M., open December 3d. -' ', ..! DAVID ROY D, Js., Treasurer. • 7 Nov. 23. 1867: n023.25,27,29de2.5t4 sitis.• PENNSYLVANIA , RAILROAD COMPANY, TREASURER'S 'DEPARTMENT, PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 2, 1867. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi annual Dividend of Three Per Cent on thecapitl stock of the Company, clear of National and State taxes, payable on and after November 30, 1861. Blank powers of tato' , ney for collecting dividends can be had at the office of the Company, 238 South Third street. Persons holding Scrip Certificates can have them cashed on presentation at this office. n 044300 THOS. T. FIRTH. Treasurer. APLUSEMENTS. A ' M T. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. AT. B. PUGH. ............ ....Leeeee and Manager MONDAY EVENING, DECEDIBER EVERY EVENING UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. MRS. F. W. LANDER, (FORMERLY MISS JEAN M. DAVENI'ORT,) An her great Clapeie and Ilietorie rsle of (Fac simile of the Signature of Queen Elizabeth to the Death Warrant of Mary Stuart,) QUEEN OF ENGLAND. Being a translation and adaptation of Gincornati's celebrated Tragedy of that name, rendered so famous by Madame 'lister MRS. LANDER AS ELIZABETH. Mb. J. a TAYLURAS ESSEX. Supported by THE LANDER HISTRIONIC COMPANY. POPULAR SCALE OF PRICES. _ Parquet, Parquet Circle and Balcony, $l. NO extra charge for reserved seats.. Family Circle. to centr. Am. phitheatre, 29 centr. Proscenium Boxes. $lO. The rale of Reserved Seats will commence on FRIDAY MORNING, November M at 9 o'clock. at Trumpler's Music Store. No. 996 Chestnut street. no2l-tf ACADEMY OF MUSIC. LAST NIGHT BUT TWO OF THE ENGLISH OPERA SEASON. Directress. .. . ... . . THILC(Wednesday)EVENING. November 27. BENEFIT OF MR. E. SEGUIN. The performance will consist of. Balfo's delightful ro mantic Opera of the ROSE OF CASTILE. Manuel. a Muleteer Mr. William Castle Don Pedro, a Conspirator.... ...... ....Mr. S. C. Campbell Don Florio, a Conspirator Mr. F. Seguin Don Ste, a Conspirator.... . . ... D. B. Wylie au Elvira, the Rue of Cada .... ... C. P.ichinge Donna Carman ......... ............. . .......Mrs. E. Seguin Beatrice. . .. Mrs. Arnold TO-MORROWISS LAURAWA LDRO N APPEARANCE OF M, A NEW PRINCIPAL SOPRANO, who will make her debutin ENGLISH OPERA AS "ARLINE," in Belie's BOHEMIAN GIRL. FRIDAY NIGHT, BENEFIT OF F IS MS ItICLIINGS. AUST. NEW STREET THEATRE Begh.t.. at 7.45. Doors open at 7. SIXTH AND LAST WEEK Of the eueeereful ergagemt ß of ISMS. D. I'. en OWERS, when she will repeat CHARLES READE'S EXQUISITE ALFREDTIFU DOMESTIC DRAMA, Founded on TENNYSON'S lovely Poem of DORA. Produced with New Scenery by It S. Smith. WEDNESDAY EV ENI t 4 (3, November 17, A NIGIIT WITH 'TENNYSON AND HEADE. The performance will commence with the domestic Drama, in three acts, entitled DeRA. ,Mrs. D. P. BOWERS D0re............ To conclude with the new Farce, GIVE ME MY WIFE. THURSDAY AFTERNOON, THANKSGIVING MATINEE. • MRS. D. P. BOWERS will appear in the only day performance of l3oucicault'a new flaw, • HUNTED DOWN. The Stock Company , will appear In the Local Squib, DOWN AT LSE MAY. WALNET STREET THEATRE, N. E. CORNER OF NINTH and WALNUT streets. Begins at 7}6. Third Night of ale distinguished Comedian, MR. JOHN BROUGHAM. ..THIS (Wednesday) EVENING. November H. Third night of Brougham's New Local Drama, THE LOTTERY OF LIFE. Terry, the 5we11.... . . ... JOHN BROUGHAM GRAND PERFOR .. MAYCE ON THANKSGIVING AFTERNOON, When will be presented the domestic Drama, full of startling incidents and effects, entitled WAITING FOR THE VERDICT. Admission. 50 cents. Children, half price. Doors open at I. aiommence at quarter to 2 o'clock. MRS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH STREETg ins THEA pant TRE. Be 36 7. UNDIMINISHED SUCCESS. FOURTH WEEK OF SURF. ALREADY WITNESSED BY OYER 'BO,OOO PERSONS. WEDNESDAY'AND DURING THR WEEK, Olive Losan'n American Comedy. SU '. Ir ." lii which Mrs. JOHN DREW and the entire Company SEA BATHING NIGHT. FRIDAY—BENEFIT OF MRS..IOIIN DREW. SURF MA') INEE THANKSGIVING DAY. SURF AGAIN THANKSGIVING NIGHT. Beats secured six days in advance. PHILADELPHIA CIRCUS. Corner TENTH and CALLOWHILL etreeti. NOW OPEN FOR THE WINTER SEA SON. UNDER A NEW MANAGEMENT. This building bee been entirely RENOVATED. ALTERED AND IMPROVED. WITH NEW MODES OF INGRESS AND EGRESS. BOTH ON TENTH STREET AND ON CALLOWNILL STREET. A SPLENDID— Ojai , OF HIGHLY TRAINED HORSES. THE COMPANY UNEXCELLED IN THE UNITED STATES. ' PRICES' OF ADMISSION. - - - - Dress Circle.... ........ . ',...:.....:.....:.......... 60 cents.' Children underl2 vears of , atm ....26 cents. Filthily Circle (entrance on Callowhill street).....2B cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Performance commences at a quarter of 8 o'clock. Matinees commence at halfpast 2 o'clock. Doors open one hour previous. 0c37/.1m5 ASSEMBLY BUILDING. LAST SEASON. SIGNOR BLITZ. EVENINGS at WEDNESDAY and. SATURDAY AFTERNOONS at 8 o'clock. Another Wonder„ the Great Double.headed SPHINX l SPHINX sp,MINE. I Aa performed by him only, raids in Magio,_ Funny Scenes in Ventriloquism, Marvelous Birds , and the Min. strels. Admhnton. 96 tonic Children. /8 OlAtoo R" erved Seats, 80 cents., • • , nolb-ti POWS ,AM Y T*RA,YRIP 4: EVERY EIMN/AG and ' • • EIATURDAVIIETERNOON. ' GREW 'OrMIBERATION TrAlgrfi Iq Grand 84014 Ethi 3 Orlext'BurßockluFume uannelk GummedActiasilt dca, : , . GB,R im mkarap u th- Dx - t angis . kiuitosAy. rj ircit IC 11. .tar ..itte,_l: l 6o, avit,,,,,' ft liri • u s awed, ,:. , , y. ~„.. . eim-1 ,. o_, 1B T 111 rl. stseeto or at, , 14 • IR We. 1' rr -7 . , *treat. + • ~ ' $ odd 8 t Open fro 9A.1& to • - Be n i =a m n Wer* goat Picture of GLIEII,II3T REJECI . ED o 4 ortaigorr 4441 GRAND COMPLIMENTARY 'CONCERT MRS. JOSEPhINE Sea!MPF, Tuesday Evening, December 3,1867. Mrs. SCIIIMPF will be assisted by the following dbl. tlnguished artists'. • Miss LOUISE BOLLTDAY, The celebrated Soprano WAIL Stephen's Choir. Mr. TIIEODORE lIA RE (MANN: Tenor. Mr. AARON R. TAYI.OI Basso. Mr. CARL GAERTNER. the eminent Violinbit. Mr. HENRY G. TRUNDER,PIanist. • TICKETS..... .. . ~,, . .ONE DOLLAR. May be Procured of .... J. E . Gould, Ng Chestnut street: Mr. Chas. W. A. Trampler, 1025 Chestnut street , and Mr. Wm. 11. Boner, 1102 Chestnut street. Doors open at V. o'clock. Concert to commence at 8 precisely. PROGRAMME. PART 1. 1. Doo—Eoncertante—Plano and Violin—on . " ' N°nDa ' " ... 'TB ......... Benedict Messrs. The Exile," . ... ........... ......... ....Keller Mr. A.ARON R. TAYLOR. 3. Solo--" Robert toi quo „Moyerbeer Mre. JOSEPHINE SCIIIMPF. 4. Violin Concerto ..... ...........................De Ballot op. 44. Mr. CARL GAERTNER. 5. Solo—" The Three Wanderere," (new) Abt Mire LOUISE SOL D Mr. THEODORE HABELMANNArdIti 6. Valce—"L'Rettuti," —IA • ./1 • 1. Tri "Gust tl 10146. ...... Donizettl Mu. SCIUMPF and Memn4. IILABELMANN and TAYLOR. 2. 8010 WM. J. PALMER, Treactrer z • • 1. above T'ENIII. , . e • . iee;••••:e• ••••:4 - if4=4"•-• %Ufa -- ‘4.4 44 ;• , ..4— ,- -4 , ••••••ee,4•T•-....ev..,..-- , •••• • • Alotins CONCERT HALL. TA RT L Romance—" Dreams of Scotland." Gaertner Mr. CARL GAERTNER. 2. SoTo—The Celebrated "Porter Song:'... Mr. AARON It. TAY. 3. Ballad—" Say. Was It Heartfelt?" .... ..Maschetr. Visa LOUISE SOLLatikk. 4. Duo—"La 91 darern " ... . . .. .... Mozart Mrs. SCITAIi i k and Mr'. fAiltolt. 6. Solo—ln Terra Solo. Mr. THEODORE lIABELMANN. 6. Quartotte—"Rigoletto." ... .. . .Verdt Idles SOLUDAY, Mrs. sdiii MeWre.II:ABEL MANN and TAY Loll. no23.tde3ise H ORTICULTURAL HALL. NO PERFORMANCE On THAMESGIVTNG DAY, Nov. 29th, BY CARL SE 4 . 17.13 ORCHESTRA. THE NINTH ORCHESTRA MATINEE will take place on THURSDAY. Dee. sth, at W 4 P. M., when Mr. C. H. JARVIS will play MENDELSSOILN'S SECOND CONCERTO for Plano. with Orchestra accompaniment Package of Four Tickets for One Dollar. NEW PHILADELPHIA OPERA HOUSE. SEVENTH Street, below ARCH. L. V. TUNISON & Co. ... .Proprietors TUNISON Tumoor; k CO.'S MINSTRELS. MONBAY AND EVERYWEEK.EYENING DURING TUC ALSO, THURSDAY 'T AFTERNOON AT HALF.PAST WO. Tbursd ay Afternoon at Two. THE PROGRESS OF A NATION. MACALISTER OUTDONE. GUIDE TO THE STAGE. YOUNG BOWEN IN FEMALE COSTUME. Young Bowen In Female Costume. COTTON DANCE. COTTON DANCE. THE PERSECUTED DUTCHMAN. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Commence at 8. Admission, 25.50 and 75 cents. Boxes. 85. no2B 13A51. S. SANFORD, Business Manager. NEW ELEVENThSTREET OPERA IDIUSE, ELE E VENTH street, above CHESTNUT. TH FAMILY RESORT. CARNCROSS DIXEY'S MINSTRELS, THE GREAT STAR TROUPE OF THE WORLD. Fe I—GRAND DRAWING-ROOM CONCERT. PART 2—VARIETIES. TWO JOIINSONS. STAGE-STRUCK HEROES. Concluding with the new AinericanOermanOperatic- Rhetunatic-Senaational-Faghlonahle•llurierque on SURF; OR, GENERAL GRANT AT CAPE MAY. Ar3SLER'S MONDAY AFT} RN ON CONCERTd. at Concert hall, every Monday. from 336 till 5 o'clock. Single admission. to cents. Package, four Tickets; 81 00. Connon" of thirty Tickets, 85 00. , 1 , 16.01:J4;m 50.000 FT. CHOICE Poets and 6 4 al:Pe? ' fug; snorted. width Shelving and beaded Fencing ;• dry Pattern stuff; 4 inch Yellow Pine Bills; cheap Boxing, Sheathing and. Flooring ; Cypress and White Pins Shingles, low prices. NICHOLSON'S, Smug' and Car. penter streets. nolSting, LONG BOARDS—IB TO 24 FT.. FIRST AND SECOND com., and roofing; also. 8-4 and 6.4 Sign Board All feet long; Undertakers ' Case Boards for sale low. NICE', OLSON„Seventh and Carpenter streets. nolSaml 1867.-BELECT BOARDS PLA AND INE. NK. • 4% 54. 2434, 8 and 4.inch. CHOICE PANEL AND FIRST COMMON, is feet km 44, 5-1. MA ULS, 834,8 BR O T HE R OH & CO.. No. 2500 BOUTII Street. 10 1 7 --_BUILDING I BUILDING BUILDING! .81.117 - LUMBER I LUMBER! LUMBER! 4-4 CAROLINA FLOORING. 5-4 CAROLINA FLOORING. 44 DELAWARE FLOORING. 14 DELAWARE FLOORING. ASH FLOORING. WALNUT FLOORING. SPRUCE FLOORING. • STEP BOARDS. RAIL PLANE._ ' PLASTERING LATH. _ MAULE, BRO'DBER dt No. MX) South stre CO. .et, 1867. -WALNUT BOARDS. WALNUT FLANK. WALNUT BOARDS. WALNUT PLANK. LARGE RTOGIC-BEARONED. MAULS & BRO. 1867.1A 4 1211 FOR R I DIRM I NI CEDAR, WALNUT. biARIOGANz, CEDAR, WALNUT, MAHOGANY. MALLE, BROTHER & CO. 1867 -ALBANY LUMBER OF ALL KINDS. . ALBANY LUMBER OF ALL KINDS. SEASONED WALNUT. SEASONED WALNUT. DRY POPLAR. CHERRY AND ASH. OAK PLANK AND BOARDS. HICKORY ROSEWOOD AND WALNUT VENEERS. MAULE, BROTHER & 00 1867 —cioAß-BOx MANUFACTURERS. . CIGAR-BOX MANUFACTURERS. SPANISLI CEDAR BOX -BOARDS. No. 2.600 SOUTII street. 1867.1 ENE j°IBT —SPRUCE JOIST-4PRIJCII FROM 14 TO 32 FEET LONG. FROM 14 TO 32 FEET LONG. SUPERIOR NORWAY SCANTLING. MAULE, BROTHER SOUT H CO.. my 13.44 No. Mu SOUTH street. NE PUBLICA'/'IOThr AIRS. SOUTHWORTH'S NEW BOOK.! .. THE WIDOW'S SON I ~. THE WIDOW'S SON ! MRS. SOUTUWORTIPS NEW AND BEST BOOK._ Will he published on Saturday. December 'ith, and :be for sale by all booksellers, complete In one large duodeci mo volume, bound in cloth, for $2 00, or in paper cover fur fill IA and will be published and for Sale by T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, no2f-St N 0.306 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. IVIES. SOUTIIWO T IITAI imr4 43 B S O O O N T. TUE WIDOW'S SON! MPS. SUCTHWORTIEPS NEW AND BEST BOOK Will be published on Saturday.l)ecember 7th, and be for sale by all booksellers, complete inane large duoder clam volume. bound in cloth, for 52 00, or in paper cover for ge, and will be published and for male by T. B. FETEBSON BEOTIiERS, no2B !It No. 506 Choetnnt street, Philadelphia. eiGEAP BOOKS ! CHEAP BOOKS I $2 00 BOOKS SELLING' AT 60 CENTS. • $1 00 BOOKS SELLING AT 25 CENTS. A large variety Just so popular prices. ALL BOOKS AT WHOLESA LE - PRICES. ALL ON PRANG'S CHROMOS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Call at the Cheap Book Store, and select $ $2 Book for 50 Cents, or a $1 Book for 26 Cents. JAMES S. CLAXTON. 1214 Chestnut street. _ TUBT READY—BIN • M'S LATIN GRAMMAR-- 0 New Editlon.—A Grammar of the LathrLawiyon for the use of Schools. With exercises sad vocabularies' By William Bingham. A. M., Superintendent of the Bind. ham School The Publiehers take pleasure In =ensuing to Teseben and friends of Education generally. that tf of the above work is now ready. and they invite a .rg examination of the same, and a comparison with other works on the same subject. Copies will be furnished to Teachers and Superintendents of Schools for ttd* Purim:nit at low e rates. sl Pric Published by E. H. BUTLER & CO. 137 Bouth Fourth otret And for rule by Booksellers goitti. PhiladelPau2ll6 CIOAL sy, A v i rja+ . 7 . C . OAL ... tit SO O avira ti A ILAV I TON, 1921 MARKET STREET.7I FREcKB CELEBRAT:RD CENTRALIA. HONExplaim ß iEnviii s t i rea ms; WEIGHT ANgdaIe t y AR GIT a tRANTEED. n01143m0 1848 MA R& STREET. ER. PENROSE & CO., DEALERS IN COAL , 1411 . Callowhill street, above Broad,' Philadelphia. Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal of all sizes, prepared es press'', for Family Use.. • Ur Orders received at 1411 North EIGHTH S t,tree ot through the Post-office. Ascii .1010% v. SE 11. UNDEMBIGiNIMI ; firn TO TE 4TTENTION J. their stock of ' 13pring Mountain. Lebbsh and Locust Mountain Coal, which. with the prepnrasson given by us. We think nannui be excelled by any other Coat • • , Office. Franklin Institute 117tN 0 • 15 South Omni& street • , & SHEAF!, talo-tf ' Arai wharf. kuhuAbifi.'' 'A PPLICATION WILL ill: •• 110 TO THE OIIId,RR widuidat , the renowal of A :At, NatiOneljLfildri v ''',--,,,, .. , od to.lldwaraChanip4 ‘l4fieVartifl, foartethoroeahiiree—Otrieoner d o ue dr arc toc h k aa in tle aal on d il io an un k d , and which Certificate, to be lost or udelaid.d all persons are called upon t o bow c o w why esitio u leat Certificate ah .. lul d . not be be ur re. IleWed, "T"'"'"" TN THE .DISTIUCT. COUR C FOE MAUL EDwd MAUI. and HENRY VI., ormartners as MAUL, E TliElt & re. W, CULLEN and JOS O'NIEL, men . ex. September ' Term, , 1 1 10.; r 1.7-Ther Auditor appo distribute the put Ng from the sale by.the Sheriff, under the above t, of the follow ing described realeatate. to wit: All that lot or ?lope of ground with the three.story , brick building thereon erected, situate in the First Ward of the city of Philadel. phis , beginning at the Intersection of Tenth street with the r mauluk road, thence extending eouthwestwardly ahma the easterly Nile dat ritaaYnnk road ono hundred and eloVen feet and one.hall of an that', thence sontheas. wardly on a line nt right angles with the said Plurs,yunk road ahoutirrtyfivo eat to a point, thence oast on aline at right an Cs'prith cold Tenth' erect about thirty.tlve feet to aril Tenth rarest, and thence north along said Tenth street one hundred and ten feet three inches to thj place (Tuning, Which maid lot of ground OEOIt W. 'NOR 13 and wife by indenture dated the 15th day June, A. . INie, recorded in deed hook L R. 8., No, lel. page 77, &c., granted and convoyed to the said .1. W. CULLER and J. 0111 EL, in lie, reserving thereout this yearly ground rent Al two hundred and fortymine dollars and neventyllve cents, in half yearly payments, on that day of the months of. January and Jr2lAitr7eirery qtiPAlJlAlY",lireencdemtlier_tigetuitil437" hL 1 ‘ 1 1‘ 1 &" rrr 3 „ at 11 _ o__ his of fi ce, No. ID Wal nut street, in the city of Philadei. plain, when and where all parties interceded are required to present their claims or be debarred from coining in upon paid fund. . JOHN B. TIIAYEIL n01610t4 • Auditor. 1 N THE DISTRICT COURT OF rHE UNITED STATES J. for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, In Bank r".lr Pt i c trio matter of ALEXANDER T. LANE, a Bantru t To whom it may cone-ern: The undersigned. hereV gives of his appointment as AMIMIC4I of ALE. - ANDEIt 'l'. LANE, of. the city and county of Philadel phia, State of Pennsylvania, within said District, who has been adjudged a lianknipt, upon his own petition, by the said Court. Dated at Philadelphia, therith of November, Ilifff; . ALBERTA. OUTERBRIDGE; Aistanee, nol3,w,Bti • 710 Walnut street. N :THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR. THE 1 City and County of Philadelphia—Assigned Estate of SAMUEL NEEDIIAId. The Auditor apooln , e4 by the Court to audit, settle Ala - adjust the first and final account of EVEkteTT 1). HAIL+. Assignee for the benefit of creditors dr NEEDNAM, and to report distribution of the balance its the hands of the accountant, will meet the partite f r . torested for the purposes of his appointment, on Monda y December 9th , IMI , at 4 o'clock, P. M.. at the Wethe Mouse, No. Oil demote street, In the city of Phila delphia. no7l-w,f,mloll TN TIIE ORPHANS , COURT FOR THE CITY AND Co li nty of Philadelphia.—Estate of TiIOMAS MOOR ED deceamcd..—The Auditor appointed try the Court to audit. mettle and adjust the account of SAMUEL. W. BI.Ac K. Administrator to the estate of Tllo3t AR MOORE. dec'd. and to report distribui lon of the balance in the h e n& of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for tho ',emcee of his appointment. on Tuesday, December loth. la6l, at OM o'clock, P ce . M. at his Offi, N 0.213 South Fifth street. In the city of Philadelphia. WM. P. MESSICK, Auditor. D WOOD. N TILE ORPHANS` E ONS` COURT AM THR_CITY AND County _of Philadmiphia.—Estate of MATTDIAS W. BALDWIN. deeetwed.—The Auditor appointed, by the Court to audit, mettle and adjust the trmt account of JOHN CLAYTON and JOSEPH 11. TOWNSEN__,D Bra. erutor of the hod will and teatament MATII3LABI W. BALOWIN, ticretteed, and to report distribution of the balance in the Ilan& of the accountanta, will meet the pmttles futeretted for the purpose of his appointment. on FRIDAY, December 13th. PM, at four o'clock P. M. at Ids oilier, No. 131 South Fifth street, in the city of Philadelphia. OLOIBIE M. CONARItoE. tief.i6tti,th,r,6H Auditor. IN Till: OfirDANS . COURT FOR THE. CITY AND County of Philadelphle--Trurt Estate 'of JANHI PELT f3IAN.--The Auditor appointed by the Court, to audit nettle and adjuat the account of PETER MOUAlria, Er quire, Trurtee under the Will of k.STHER CHM& MRS, for JANE PRETTY MAN, and to report dietribu. Don of the balance in the hands of thu accountants, will meet the viatica interested for the purpose of his appointment, on Tuorday afternoon. December M. A. Ill"-Irtit 4 o'dotk, at his -office, No. 311 North Sixth streets in - the city of l'hUactebahia. • CHARLES M. WAGNRR, , no2l theto Auditor. •••• IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND / County of Philadelphia.—Estato of JOs. W. EMERY. deceased.—The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit. settle and adjust the accatmt of ANN L EMERY; executrix, and to report distribution of the Wanes in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purpose of his appointment, on Tuesday', lb. Sd day S am ue l mer. 11937. at o'clock. A. M., at the of. flee of H. Perklus,yaq.. No. 617 Wabutt stroet, is the City of Philade l p hia . o th ea tat* H. C. TOWNSENTI. Auditor. 778 TATE OF WILLIAM HUNTER,JR—DEOEAM_EI). .E 1 Letters of Administration on th e e, state of %MUAM }HINTER, 111„, deceased, ha-sing een granted to " and Th. Pennsylvani a Company for Insurance on Ltres Gntnting Annuities: , all persons indebted basing Estate) are requested to make payment, and those claim to present them without delay at the Office of said Vora. Pany, RH Walnut street. nobta,• CHARLES DUTLLII, President. IN THE ORPHANS ' COURT FOR THZ CITY AND County of Philadelphia.—Estate of klaiAC MYR deceased.—The petition of Sarah M.7o,l" widow Doff raid decedent, having been tiled, praying to retain 8370 crash of the estate of said decedent. in PUZIMUIOO of the net of April 14.1h51. and its supplements. notice is hone er given that the same will be approved by said Gnat on Saturday, November Z. INV, unless exceptions be Iliad thereto. JOHN HUGHES WWARDS, nolii-tuLthat• Attorney pro Petitioner. nAciurtrasw, MELON, 1111,al• MERRICK & SONS. _ SOUTIMARK FOUNDRY 430 Avenue Philadelphia. MANUFACTURE STEAM ENOTNES—High and Low-f.... de;_figriaontal. Vertical. Beam. Oscillating, Blastandeornish Pumplew.. BMLERS—Cylinder, Flue, Tabular, dta. STEM HAMMERS—Nannyth and Davy dyke. and of all sizes. GASTINGS—Loam. Dry, and Green Band, Braes. &e. ; „VsFSl—lrort Frames, for covertng with Meteor Iron. 'ltti—Of Cut or Wrought Iron, for refineries. water. il. /cc. GAS tdACIIINERY---Such as Retorts, Bench Cantinas. Holders and Frames, Purifiers, Coke and Charcoal Bar , nawk; elves, Governors, die. - • SUGAR MAGIIINERY—Such as 'Vacuum Pang and Pumps, Defecatort. Bone Black Filters,. Burned Washers , and rievatoni: Bag - Filters, - .BMW and Bone Mick Cars. &e. Sole manufacturers of the following apeeiaitiee 1' In Philadelphia and vicinity. of Will tam Wright's Patent Variable Cutoff Steam Engine. In Pennsylvania, of Shaw & Justice's Patent Dead- Ste eke Power Hammer. In th e`aited States, of Weston's Patent SelLeentering and Self.balmicing CentalingalSugar-dainin&Machine. Glare & Bettors Improvement on Aspinwall & Woolsern CellfriftlsaL Bartors Patent 'Wreught.lron Retort Lid. Strahan's Drill Grinding Rest. - • Contractors for the design. erection, and fitling.up of Refineries for working Sugar or Molasses. THE COSFELDT PATENT WW-WATERDETEG tor Company OF PENNSYLVANIA. Capital egoo,ooo. Office No. IBS South Thb d street. Philadelphia. • PAY.4,IIIK.NT. THEA 8911.27, WM. A. STEPHENS. I A. MEttINO. DIRE, MR& WM. . STEPHENS,I J. SOLMS, W. \Hu USTON, 1 A. MEKINO. he Company in now prepared to apply Its Low-water Detector to Boilertc ,, ,This Detector, the original insets. ,t,len of John Corieldt, patented Jtme 13. HOS. is sot:modal Ito be the moat reliable one yet invented, and has been ha successful operation in various boilers In this city for some Steam Toiler makers, dealers and owner; °libellers are callT l4 llll c es a lid up to on e at trie r :V e tt e r: l l examine,7; addressing itor the 'it pany nen- m w-60 Dii" HELPHIA ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKS.— ROBERT WOOD la 00.. 4tanufacturers of CAST WROUGHT AND WIRE RAILINGS. GARDEN F O U N TAI N S EERY ADORNAtENTit i VASES, STATUARY___ VERANDAHS, SEI'TEEIL STABLE EITTHIGS Mg RIDGE AVENUE - PIaISDELPHIA. PA. ROBERT WOOD. TIIOS. B. ROOT. BRONZE WORM. Ravine fitted np our Foundry with special reference to the above clam of Work.we are now prepare tip till with Promptness all orders for Bronze Castings of every ft. ecliptic's, to which the subscribers would most r fully .call the attention of the publicm Mao to thein l =Z andextetusive assortment of 1 • ORNAMENTAL IRON GOODS. the lamest to be found In United States. _ eelitame ROBERT WOOD a 00. G filaV4lNBßefulilf aW,...11451.9'. Gas Fixtures, 11111p14 &c. would non th e attention cd the public te their s, e ana elegant pointa Chandeliers, Pendants, racket& dio. Th aas pipes into dwellings and public bundinV. and to extending, altering and repairing goo pips. An W Ollll warranted. OTTER AND YELLOW METAL SHEATHING. C Brazier's Copper Nails, Bats and Inset Coppproxes. CO. on band end for sale by HENRY wu4son a CO., No. 83ii South Wharves. XTUMBER ONE SCOTCH PIG IRON=GLENGAR. .1. 1 1 nook brand,_in store and for sale in lots to suit. bp PETER WRIGHT & BON& 115 'Walnut street. , jolt sumo& IDHUBARB ROOT, OF RECENT IMPORTATION. and very superior quality; White Gum Arabic; East India Castor Oil; Whits and Mottled Castile Sonp_; Olive Oil, of various brands. For sale by ROBRICP SHOEMAKER & CO" Druggists, Northeast corner of Fourth and Race streets. n 0274 PURE PAINTB.--WE OFFER TO THE TRADE , PURE White Lead, Zinc Whiteitnsi Colored Paints of oar own manufacture, of undoubted, purity ;_in quantities to suit purchasers. ROBERT' 13110EMAK.Eft. :Co&., Dealers in Paints and Varnishes, N. E. corner Pourth and Race streets. ' nontf ItOBERT SHOEMAKER & WHOLESALE ' Druggists. N. E. corner Fourth and Raoe 'streeta— invite the attention of the Trade to titer lPrp stock of Pine Drugs and Chemicals. Essential OW, nPoudfills &o. aceirtu Jam, BAKER & 00. QFFEE TO TWO TRADEA 011 New roadtt. Just rowolved. Alcohol.-96 per mt. In barrels. • Ip.o.cao.—Pgwderod. tp 25 pound boxes. 8. a, Agents for Hari mat ig=t. A4ento for the manufgAturo ,wr r of at3446 a inT l l4 l r Grit" ea Itoonollo Salto awl Oeigultz Jes 'tiimikrket • Dignlibrot rb.,PMaii;?- 4 legt Tftegr 80... Horn 8 viirsioat Inarreetlatt,__Th o l dl *a and Soft Rubber Vial .me _ _ 41 . , ~ 4 Spina*, dia. 8/4 it " 'Uvulae caL ,••,, • .. ~ ~ ,t, IMOWD & Mir *Vitt.'" , . • , , , r• ia SouinT 1121MMLIDA QUORGIA ^EWA, —TIIIII Ju mewL,Crost—owoot.. Pure. Aad , !!.,;rlunf irgrte neN2 iiiiectly from the gtveters. , 1 Sold at danaard m 4 0 4. alikertu u ,teer n : 4 """ ana pulitY l , k uto myllatf " • ' ' • j" P ' T V' s re llg aid A lkatke-Bater. asiatitrueBotithilhitteentit street,belowrine. Oomemade Bread, French Dread, Breakfast Ralik Pastry and Rolle Partite and PliVate figuiDo3lUPPlied. sgsw.im4 .THW.,!!.VOMITIL.:-!..r! , .;.-... , . , .., , 7 . ... , . The Theetellileitatentsir. Oil Cafe. , e..* Qv/Man Saliet on e -Jiidgif 1,11d1OW:-Thei Malt 2114 az • lour o'clock yesterday afternoon, and the & the.heiritlitellit,he debate casette in the cam of 'reek B rothers tn. wag ammented. , Tbe Judge, upon opening, said he wised it maderetood that thil was not an Afternoon medal of the Court, but that he had sat merely to aceotaill 9oo4 ° counsel. Whip were abeent. James O'Connor, sworn-Tire central= engv" tom ak e . against these Men le that they have defrauded mo of ,0 1 10; 1 called here on the 7th of July last, and visited 31r.'lack, who woe an oil broker doing business to Wale nuteareet,• he urged upon me to contract for shorts., and to . gee Theodore E. 'rack. his brother , who then resided in .Plttaburgb, and represented a Wiese; he told me thaspot eaves worth 23 cents, and oil for future delivery was worth 27 and 28; he stated that he and his brother were dealing in "short," that to oil to delivered in Mere,. and a dvised me to do the same: a ntis urgent solieitatia inuta.theed him to sell short forme; be. sad he was de area to make, meneet. ttm met on the 10th of June he made a sale of three thousand barrels to One am *bort, and afterwards closed the matter by aiming soy sante without authority; on the - day following he wed 3,040 barrels more to the same gentleman. 'signing my memo; It Is preperiog the..court to understand *at asslo tod ar ay med, closettedey, but • the contract not onfll the tent day; b rie gale was made the tete, ale -Jena 16the500 barrels to Weightmen do Anderson; the v'emet to National Refinitelt Association; next contracts for Lige barrels, deliverable thole wialtbeithe next is of the date of July Id,for liooo barrels, ' making in all li,ooo barrels;they were , my brokers, at 116 Per cent, commix/do the etennehttion upon these con e; tracts would ansonnt to about $3,000; the prices ranged tilowl 37 toda cents; Theatre Tack then told me it was necessary to came to Miladelphis to settle up •all that busineos, and pa - still further "abort" of oil; Ito then . Wedged Me that he would apprise me of what-occurred, isedvatect any interest: he stated tbat ho had 1320.000 in the P Mbileargh NaMottallhmk. the promote of the Oral, to see than° advantage was takenf the next the Gen thing that marred was that sale of * July Mieb ctived‘on Jul ftb, a letter dated July f. 112e7. written: l DX Theodore Tack; previa"' to the receipt of , this letter. met 'ilk's clerk. who told cue thet w e : eat ' lei t ec hum nts a r the letter : said WA it had fallen to : notwithstanding Ole hittelle'llia_narket. continued to SO UP thilfoWlO Theodore's arrive) borne on July et the follow'. the day,/ hid en. interViltor with r d he tab/ MA that ienest enty s even Jatlndted aged y arels to deliver In July. and that the thie was aly twe e Perste: be slated that the difficulty to the market was tgl comer/13 of the market by one Login, who woe ' meting or a Ong, and the toadies of May levitate with eil for ereee. by Julius, fiethee. & • CO. ; hte maid the 'Were • a Creek house; about tbee Middle' of Ju ly the market was 30 to 1 cents: a, tele was shown me signed by the Tacks, • saying t t General' Cummings had seized all the r e l i ned oilfor tittraction of ' the Revenue law; July 26, Weight:an called on 'me for the oil gold to him; - I told Theodore that /meant tO come en to Philadelphia to find out the truth of all this and told him I had been induced t believe he had been at the foot of it all; I then came on to viiiessielphis, and called on Anemia Tack and told him / Intended to invettigate the matter; called oe Central Carnruings; that night Mr. 'rack met me on the street and wept to the Continceital with me ; Mr. Fla i r! was with him; he said that he wanted to prevent feeling between myself and k, Tac and had a Plat by which I could avoid toes; he told me of a "hull" ritig to keep up oil. and asked me for twenty thousand dollars; he said that be WOO on snob terms with the persons with whom my contracts were, that he would be enabled to get them' he wombed to come to Cape May. where I was going, arid let me know how the ring was stetting along; but he dial not come, ani after I bad been there twelve days, he tele. gre_Plted t wentwas not coming ; the dey before going to Cape May to him office, and them read in his pram letteelbrook that on the day he wrote me he was buy, rug oil he was really exiling; after the tonvereatloa cone coning the "ring" the market went from 'Z to 37 cents, and my castrate were from 27 to 23 cente; I h i sd to pal' • wir th eta contracts $236 18; the last butlers/ was tn. I was President , of the Fourth National Bane of' Pitts burgh; I was eped.l pertner i biome Keystone Oil Re finery ; I was not engaged in anyts at the time of thews contracts; I made then, contracts ell speculations without their solicitation. Cromeexasninea-1 reside in Penn street, Pittsburgh; I ace kept en account vita the Merchants' and Me chadca• Bank at Pittsburgh; I was charged with haviug conspired to c h eat them out of $18 , 400; they settled that eye with me; lima them security for the payment of •185,006; the President of that bank was my father-false' ; I had an amount with the bank, involving minions of dol. WS. for three years; my father.intaw died, and a new President, inimical to me, was ehosen,and then this accu sation woe male; II ee heard before a magistrate. and woo discharged went into the coal business in lea, and remained in it until Pelt; I was made }'redden of the Eleventh National Bank in June. INC lI was elected unanimously.° reigned against protest sad was presented with a set of diver; there was no flnzialet of the coupons having been taken MY the belorging to the bank, and turned into gold by inee_l purchased an oil well in Norember. 11166; it has dried up: 1 never had lay other speculative cat:sets than these; I charged tVelshtmen abd his partner with conspiring to carat me; I swore to a bill of equity in the Common Pleas of this county ; in that oath I charged a number of gentlemen with basing conspired to cheat me; In the outset Mr. Tack told me that this "-Matter was ea good thin; that be bad taken liberty el using my mime to the contracts; t hes e cas trato Were then taken up, and genuine one" with my mane were Issued; I tint settled with Mr. Kirk believed that Mr. Kirk had bought in good fa ith, and I determined to pay every hated holder of my contracts; I again settled with Mr. Mirk. under the advice of counsel; the next was with Weightatau & Andersen; the affidavits were made by these gentlemen after payment; Weis:hams & Andonton meanie snots for $2.000: I don't know why it was; you'll Lave id ask a lawyer about that; all the contracts were andemed to Augustus Merino; some of those contracts are ninniagyet; nothing was said at the meeting of Tack and Pried/ that night at the Continental about my being able to aver my contracts legurcbseing ahead; oil has slice then gone up to th seven cents. and today nig :went . even and a bai t;l authorized Theo. Tack to offer mene barrels of oil, deliverable ahead of twentywx centsetrion the agreement that $lO,OOO margin should. be mat up by the purchaser; this was too heavy a contract for this market, and It was sent to - New - York ;but it wee withdrawn by t h e 'Tack Brother', because it was too heavy a transaction; the 'Tack Brothers were at this time my paid brokers for the sale of there 10,000 burets of oil Theo. 'Tack was my particular personal friend; in most of the contract& the matters were submitted tome; these contracts wesets di mode rectle st tettsteugh through Theo. Tack. an ler I was affected. Mr. Forbes!, sworn-I 'Was"Assistant Collector, under General teumminee. about Jnne Z; about that time there • bad been several tote of ell seized -in all about ninety barrel*: Tack came to tee about three barrette , . Croseexamined-1 know that certain parties differed with General Cemmirees in regard to certain oils; a coin . mates of gentlemen , ot r hom Anattus Tack was one, went to Washington. and General Cummings son after. warditeceived letters concerning the oil that had been seized. Cbarinieti. Burke testified to hie firm selling limns Trek Brothers 1.1100 bar r els` of oil tes the 11th of June, 1667. ell teem the Ist tO the Lsth of Jay, at 22 team': on neva 3 tley bought 2,e00 thumb! at 3I cents, deliverable from °Molter to January; on eeptember 6 we Dole them 15tio barrels, need cent', deliverable. December. Jewelry. cud Pebrumy; we made another gale in Octo• Der of leeo barrels, but I can't tell the date. Mr. Theo 'rack was talking prices of oil alp on one occasion when wane one raid. be bad changed; he said"-it was Well enough to be short on 011, bet persona shonid know when to eke nge; ; Lean't say if Mr. Tack told mu any oil during • that time. Croes-t sem Motion-try brother attends mostly to I'll il adelphia buelnessi my hnpreseion is the ;alms were made manly by wires; I can't ay whether the Tack Brotbere offered to tell who they were purchasing for; but I de clined hearing ; rey recollection is that a gale •seas mule by us through Logan to the Tack Brothers:' com mon occurrence for tureens to chauge their opinions to oil very spec_dilyi in consequence of the fluctuation', in the trade. MreWeightman testified that he was of the firm of I Weightunin it. Andenion; on the , 11th of June I bought Lhes barrels of oil from .James O'Connor, through R.. 1. Lysmh, and call b o ugh t the o i l the leth of July lane Ume before I the I had sold Lek, barrels to Bawler & Brothers; oil declined in price. and I took advantage of it and bought one of the contracts heft O'Connor to fill the contract; Buncker called on 1110 for the oil, and I called on O'Connor; I did 110 t get the oil from O'Connor. and had t. buy to cover my contract; I passed sty note for e. 2090, and 'received $2.010 in money• if . nor note was returned I ,would still be out • Vie; Banker. d: Bros. net rue a message through Tack Bros. Lo• so they said, that it would deposit 03,000 they 1 00 l rouse Theo f delieelleg MU contract until Auguste twit word to. Tack I would do no such Mires, as I bad Lae barrels of oil bought of O'Connor. which I ex pected to be delivered on the last day, and if It was not I • would buy at any price. to till my contract; Theodore Tack then told me he hold ley contract, which had be en passed by us to Buncker .1 o.; a paper was handed to net with 'rack Brew. & Coee name, upon it binding all , alumni to put up so much, money to buy oil; after this . oil went up from 25' cents, I thine, as high se 37 or MN cents in six weeks; 1 think the Tacks were sell ing oil In fore part of July, and buying in the latter part; there te a difference of opinion as to .whether thine COU• tracts were gambling transactions; we were ill garn• madeo those who cousider it in that light; at the time I my contraet I expected to &Meer 1,000 barrels of oil to liuneker di Brother ; at the time d eli ver and i from O'Connor I expected he would it, I would bad it over to Backer & Brother; when we did sot get it from O'Connor we sent to Peter Wright & to bu,y 1,000 barrels and deliver it to Buneker & Co., which they telegraphed was done. • .Cronsexamined-My note for $2, -still out, and I expect to have to take it up revolt; an affidavit was handed to me a mouth .before the settlement; I read it over and said I would not swear to it; it was rather 'stiff : elmet Mr. O'Connor freqbently about the contracts. and sometimes he presented the affidavit and tometimes he oild not; I may have add that I would not , sign the affi davit for five times the amount; there Were theme inn I knew nothing about. - Mr. Finney was recalled, and testified that Mr. O'Con nor said he did not want to gee • a drop of °Debut wanted the differences Maio up in gilt-edged checks ; Theodore • Tack said he was Mehemet'', boat wale Afr.Olionner., CrOsatilaichled-At the time Augustus Tack made the iproposition to purchme ell he said he was guing to do so to make money; don't recollect his naytug he was going to do eo to cover, his short contewts, nue Me. O'Coun or had bettor do I hem") thing, as they Were in the same • &eat • Mr. Finney teetithdeto :the interview between Mr. O'Connor and Mt„Ticite; Augustus ' told Mr. O'Connor they had a .111flgilifillellA thing, and if he would go in any trilling C onn or ; uld Lamed° aline' projec purchas e meted he' Mr.tethe Plan proposed was to from 120.t0 200,000 barrel.l of ell in Antwerp, hold tt and having tide control, thee stimulate the market artificially, and put un hy the price of oil there, and Om COMO it to go up in ' shim c Mr. Fullivocid, a telegraph .operator ' , from Pittsburgh, reduced the despetchem left la Weenie° by Macre. Tack • jams Merrthew testified to despatchee left at hi this city be Meant, Tackihos. • 1 n eross.ex gemination these witneeses said th'ey did not receive the messoges, but foiled them on file in the ollice. 'they also saidthey couldmet surrender the vipers except by theordere of the court. e . • Judge Ludlow thereupon took charge'of the papers. Mr. Brewsteregalled attention to 'there being no eel ` 4ence Wet , the oesdra. Tack Brea. over gent the stomached to the telegraphs:4lam' Mr. Campbell testified that hoWas a book-keepe r with Messrs. Tara Bros &C P.:, and be .produced a key for sleet. phering the cipher meat/wee sent. The evidence.Waseidesed with.the understanding that some of the menages should; be edeelphored, and the ettstommonse certificate of oil ,eh s worn to and admitted. • . , ; The .01mi:dent will probahly bo taker' up on Saturday next Meseta, hite, Collins, and Man appear 4.41 for pis. Crelonner, end Meters. James MeDOUOUghiLowle C . uns . ,Addy. aidlf. Berrie Brewstreefor; the IMMO% Took . POIWNILYOUR Europe by . Steamier: The,lorean cUarner,Oity of Washington, Captain Eel crow. which left Liverpool at U. .4,51, On the 18th, and kucenstown ,on the 14th . of 'lowan:icy, arrived at New ork, yetterl. , Iler advices are ono day later thus 'Ouse received rthe•daxonia. -. , O'Brien Vi bile aw aiti ng Ilia trial,..tlib convict O'Brien. iliac Clonld,.._madeet appealto the American Mlnleter le t, (41 „ don. 'Wei that lamest lie received the followingi•oply , Idioseriorcoittnn lizarztvies , Losiriem, yet 27,1867., —BO: liy,the,dtscotion ildr. , Adams, I. have the honor to lie/mow/wig° tilt ivy' , ii.:of lOer letteto hint oe the 14th inei; , From lu °mellow received. from a reliable I liourrAitio Midi ti_ % i Zointt sit tins same hliohaet pige o n whosPosged and iied erttion Protection lit Liiter4 cloolisti Yon th ', ratio trod sudichnitt, werniniP,frosn . /4 0 1n# 4 0 4 MAW CO - 110100- 01/ I °P t° F97°Veir again In any danger, and Mr. Adam rep eta to learn that yeti haVe f Adams ed to folloW:thatgrudent adVice. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant. BE,.NJAM IN MORAN, •• • A neeretary of Legation., dated November 13th, 'aye that in announcing the safe_of the Island of Bt. Croix, in the Thinigh Wert Indies, to America,the Doglikidet denies the atateinent that an old treaty reserves to France a two years' pr6cmption right. 'Vienna despatch, stated Nov. 18,announces that Count Von Bismarck has replied to the Aunt - Ilan circular des patch of the Ist, with t h eeular dated the gth. !The com munication exprereessatisfaction of the Berlin Cabi net at the declaration. that no negotiations have taken Duce du r i ng the Empseorra visit to Paris that might die turh theleneral peace . Preset*, for her Dart, will con tinue to wally the goedic o p inion of the Cabinets of Vi enna g n parte by advancing upon the national path on which she had entered, Intelligence from Athethetto the ad instant announces • the retuni of the two. Greek volunteer leaders Corot:wog and l'etrt4poulaky from Candle. the Cretans no longer re attiring sir earldom!. , The Insurrection was being car. fed on - th_ great 'activity. The Greek steamer Union Will still making voyages to the island with provision and munitions for the , !star deny and the Russian, French, .Frussian and Italian vessels continuo to transport fend. lieV'to Greece. Coal Statement. The following showa tho bash esa of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company for the week and season end mg Nov. 23, 1867: Week, Total. Tons.Cvrt; Tons.Owt. Summit Mine 5......... 11,529 15 243,212 18 Room Run Minee...... ........ ~ .. 1,313 02 John Lauback & Co 352 18 W. T. Carter & C 0... .. 65:5 . 07 14,352 18 Spring Mountain mines 658 13 8,85010 Thomas Hull &Co .... 571 06 12,594 06 Honey Brook Coal Company.. 1,919 58 ' 44,888 08 German Penna. Company 585 09 11,018 15 McNeal Coal and Iron Co 98 12 5,297 15 Knickerbocker 1,562 01 North Mahan01........ .'Z .... ' Ll4o'lo Delano ...... .. ... ... —. ..... . ....' 1;140'10 Walters, Brothere & C. .... 62 10 Mount Etna C0mpany........ 289 10 3,976 01 Trenton Coal C0mpany........ .... 184 14 Glendon Coal Company9s 00 Thomas Coal Company .... 95 15 1,775 17 Williams & Herring........ 189 00 New Boston Company OS 16 470 00 A. Pardee & C 0.... 1,472 00 71,005 15 G. B. Markle & Co . 1,712 10 52,767 11 W. 8. Halsey & Co 250 16 5,462 11 Buck Mountain Mine 5......... 1,202 14 42,475 11 Sharp, Weiss & CO . . ... ....... 1,245 09 83,6119 16 Coxe, Brothers & C 0.... 660 14 12,496 18 Ebervale Coal C0........f, 1,144 03 37,074 11 Stout Coal Company 388 43 21,193 18 Ilarleigh —' ... —p„ , ........... 891 10 23,260 00 Ashburton Coal C 0.............. 1,532 05 Highland 660 Oi 16,568 OS Mount Hall .... 180 00 Woodside Latimer .. Upper Lehigh Coal C 0.... .... . 802 le 15,384 11 Newport Coal C 0......... .... 3,533 15 Warrior Run ..... , .. .......... .... 2,148 10 Parrish & Th0ma5............ 162 05 11,925 14 New Jersey 620 01 7,310 14 Lehigh and Susquehanna. .. ... .... 2,933 05 Germania. ..... ........ ........ 279 10 8,654 15 Franklin..s,so7 00 .... A udenried........... .......... 167 08 9,123 12 Wilkesbarre ' 2,137 01 77,614 02 401 10 16,524 14 Union.... ............. ........ .... 5,323 OS . . Wyoming. .... .- ............. . 97 04 7,259 00 EverhardCoal C0.C........ ..... ... 2,618 16 Valley Coal Company..' .... 189 08 Job 11art0n........ .... 473 05 Enterprke C0mpany........ .... ,90 12 Shawnee........ ........:. 93 14 184 OS Other bhippere.. ....... ....... 417 18 11,747 17 Total for week. .... ......31,679 l 6 068,084 02 Corresponding last ,year.. 42,038 02 1,045,811 07 Increase nurrzits , GUIDE. ° For Boston---Steamship Line Direct SAILING FROM EACH PORT EVERY FIVE DAYS. FROM PINE STREET ARF , PHILA STON. DELPHIA. AND LONG WH, RO /111 M This line Sis composed of the firstelass temmaSpa HOMAN, 1,468 tone, Captain 0. Bata. SAX 0119 1,480 tone , Captain S . H. Matthews. NIORMIAR, 1.206 tons, Captain L. CrowelL The SAXON from Phdla. on Saturday. Nov. 80, at 6 P. M. The NORMAN from Horton on Saturday. Nov. 3 P. M These Steamaldpe sail punctualy. and Frei ght will be received every day, a Steamer betas always on the berth. Freight for points beyond Boston sent with despatch. For Frdat cc Passage isuperlor accommodations% apply to HENRY WINSOR C 0. ,& my3l BdB South Delaware avenue. PHILA.DELPHOULRIOHNQND AND NOR FOLK STEAMSHIP LJNB. THROUGH FREIGHT AIR LINE TO THE SOUTH AND WEST. EVERY SATURDAY, _ At Nook from FIRST WHARF above MARKET street. THROUGH RATES and THROUGH RECEIPTS to all points in North and South Carolina via Seaboard Air- Line Railroad. connecting at Portsmouth and to nh bug, Ya..., - Tenneesee sad the West, via Virgiia sad it Tennessee Line sad Richmond and Manilla Railroad. Freight NULkD BUT ONCE, and taken at LOWER RA9 EST ANY OTHER LINE. The Y. aafety and chespneao of this route corn. mend it the public as the mart dasirable medixun for carrying every description of freight No charge for commission, drayage. or say expense cf transfer. - Pteamehipa Insure at loweet rates. . Freight received DAILY. WM P. CLYDE dr G 0.... . 14 North and &um Wharv es. W. P. PORTES,Agent at Richmond and City Point T. P. CRO WEI J &CO.. Agents at Norfolk. ocietf PHILADELPHIA AND SOUTHERN MAIL ant tr i r Et rUP LVIAPANy'S REGULAR FROM PEER 18 SOUTH. WHARVES. •Tbe STAR OF THE UNION will -sail .FOR NEW ORLEANS, VIA HAVANA, Saturday, November 30, at 8 o'clock A. M. 'I he JUNIATA will mail FROM NEW ORLEANS. VIA HAVANA The WYOMING will tail FOR SAVANNAH,-Satur day. November 30, at.B o'clock A. M. The TONAWA:MA will tail FROM SAVANNAH. Saturday. November 30. The PIONEER will rail FOR WILMINGTON. N. C.. on Thursday. at 5 o'clock P. M. brough Bale of Lading signed, and Plow° Tickets 'old to all points South and West. WILLIAM L JAMES. General Agent, or lti.CB E. MIXES, Freight Agent, noB No. 314 South Delaware avenue. DAILY LINE FOR BALTIMORE. Via Ghesapeake and Delaware CsmaL Philadelphia and Baltimore Union Steam boat Company, daily at it o'clock The Steamers of thisline are new plying regatArly be tween this port and Baltimore, leaving Fier No. 2 North Delaware avenue, above Market street, daily at 3 o'clock P. M. (Sundays excepted.) Carrying all description of , Freight ae low as any other line. Freight handled with -great care, delivered promptly, and forwarded to all points beyond the terminus free of commission. Particular attention paid to the transportation of all description of Merchandise. Horses, Carriages...he.. &c. For further information. &POLIO • JO BN D RUOFF, Agent, ap18.131 N 0.12 North Delaware avenue. HAVANA STEAMERS. SEMI-MONTHLY LINE. The Steamships HENDRICK. H UDSON Capt. Howes STARS AND STRIPES thipt. Holmes These steamed' will leave thin port for Havana every other Tuesday at 8 A. M. The steamship STARS AND STRIPES, Holmee,maater, will sail for Havana on Tuesday morning, Deoember 10, at 8 o'clock. Panto Havana, 0150, CarreneY• No fre ht received after Saturday. For f tor passage, applzgo THOM WA'ITSON di SONS. sulk 140 North Delaware arrenue. • NEW EXPRESS LINE TO ALEXANDRIA. Georgetown and Washington. D. (I, via Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, with con nections at Alexandria from the most direct route for Lynchburg, Bristot - Knexville, Nashville, Dalton and the bouthweet. Steamers leave regularly from the first wharf above Market street, every naturday at noon. 'Freight received daily. WM. P. CLYDE & CO., 14 North and South Wharves. J. B. DAVIDSON, Agent at Georgetown. M. ELDRIDGE & CO., Agents at Alexandria, Vir ginia. • apil.ti Cat- FOR NEW YORK, VIA DELAWARE AND RARITAN CANAL. , Express Steamboat Company Steam Pro pellors leave Daily from first wharf bdo A' Market street_ Trough in 'twenty-four hours. Goods forwarded to all points, North, East and West, free of commission. Freights received at the lowest rates. WM. P. CLYDE At CO., Agarves. ents, JAHES HAND, Agent, 14 South Wh NM Wall street. New York. apll-t f FOR NEW YORK— SWIFfSIatE Transportation Company—Despatch and Swifteure Linea via Delaware and Rari tan Canal, on and after the 15th of March, leaving daily t 12 M. and 5 Y. M., connecting with all Neither(' and Dart ern linen. For freight, which will be taken on accommo dating terms, apply to W 5L M. BAIRD & CO., mhl3ly No. 183 South Delaware avenue. DELAWARE AND CHESAPEAKE Steam Tow-Boat Company—Bargee towed between Philadelphia. Baitimm e, Havre-de•Grsee, Delaware City and intermediate points. WM. P. CLYDE & CO., Agents. Capt. JOHN LAUGH LIN, Stun Office. 141 S. Wharves, Phila. apll•tdelli, riONSIGNEEB' NOTICE.—CONSIGNEES OF ME& chandise per Amer. ship JOSEPki 1 0 1130, iitackeulc, master, from Liverpool, will please send their permits on board at Arch street wharf, or to the countinghouse of the undersigned. The general order will he issued on Monday, the .25th hut,. when all goods not permitted will be sent to the public stores. PETER WRIGUT BONS, IR , Walnut street. no2l ONSIONEES . NOTICE.-CONSIGNEES OF MER chandine per Swedish hark ALEXANDER,' from G en oa. Aunts t, master, will please send their permits on board at Mead alley wharf, or tot he counting. room of the undersigned. The general order will be issued on the 6th inst., when altgoods not permitted will be sent to public stores. WOIt.AN it 00., 123 Walnut street. nob XTOTHJE.—AMER. SHIP .J .SEPH FISH, STAtrie.- .01 pole, master, from Liverpool, is now discharging, under general order, at Arch street wharf. . Consignees WEwill p attend to the reception of their goods. PETER GMT dr. SONS, Walnut street, nO2Stf "pijoTicE,—ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY eau .l.ll doted against harboring or trusting any of the , arewr of, the Bremen bark CARL GEORGE, &Imam master. froni 7..0nd0n, as no debts of their contracting will be paid by Captain or agents , . WORKMAN , di 004 Agents. nottitf ORDIDLEB. successor to JOHN SHINDLER noNikeau Mikan. No. 900 North Daiwa, ivenue„ 'Phil'idchs , • , , • • v, ''" lll Lwer WON best manner Sllfi COI thelawpet end rioter, fersoxii feteams; anitivarriuttodtOlaseForsoottlaiis. li rt i cUln stiOntlOD even to) . . THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1867. ENENNERMERMA QUICKEST TIME ON REttORD. THE PAN-HANDLE ROETE. try - 28 HOURS ANDYNCINT vie lees TIMERAILROAD ANHANDI.E. 734 HOURS buts TIME than by COMPETING LINES. PASSENGERS taking, the 6.00 P. M. TRAIN axrive In CINCINNATI next EVENING sta..% P. M., Sd HOURS. ONLY ONE NIGHT on the ROUTE. tar - Tun. WOODRUFF'S celebrated Fiasco State. Room 81,DEPINDAid.R8 run through from _BUILADEI• Pith& to CINCINNATI.: Ftusiongerottkiyo' I.IAO and 11.00 Y. AL Trains reach __OINSJPIN T 1 itudt ail whits WEST mid SOUTII ONE .&D.r - ADVAROD of a other Routes. _ . it Passengers for CIN KEEJI CINAATI, _INDIANAPOLIS, ST. LOUIS, CAIRO ,CHICAGO, PEORIA. BURLING TON. QUINCY. MILWAUT. PAUL, OMAHA, N. T., and all twiota WEST. NORTHWEST and SOUTH WEST. willbe particular to ask for. TICKETS far Via PA N.HANDLEMOUTE. 13r - To SECURE Ar ylkimumm of this LINE. bo 'VER P TWUL T IC KE T AS FOR TICKETS "Via P DLE." at OFFICES, N. W. CORNER NINTH and CHESTNUT Streets, NO. 118 MARKET STREET, bet., Second and Front Ste.. And THIRTY-FIRST and MARKET Streets, West PM a. S. F. SCUL2L, Gen , l Ticket Agt., Pittsburgh. JOBN IL MILLER. Genl Eitet,n Ast.,6243Broadway.N.Y. WWI@ WEST JERSEY ' RAILROAD LINES. FRON FOOT OF ILIRRET STREET, (UPPER FERRY). COMMENCING TUESDAY. SEPT. 17. 1867. Trains will leave u follows: For Bridgeton. llalem,Vineland. MlBoni° and internee diate Stations. at 8.00 A.M... and 3.30 P. M. For C_ Ape May 3.30 P. M. For Woodbury at ROO A. M., and 3.30 and (1.00 P. M. Freight Train leaves Camden at 1200 1. (noon.) Freight will be received at Second Covered Wharf be. Low Walnut street, from 7A. M. until 6P. M. Freight re solved before 9 A. M. will go forward the same day. Freight Delivery, No. J. Ruth Delaware avenue. WILTJAM J. SEWELL. Suenintendent. itavißE NORTH PENNSYLVANIA R. R.— THE MIDDLE ROUTE.--Shortest and most direct line to Bethlehem. Mauch Chun, Hazleton. White Haven. Mri l aria,Matuinny City,Mt. Carmel, Pittston, Scrap. and all the points hi the Lehigh and Wyoming Coal and ons. American Streets. 'WINTER ARRANGEMENT—NINE DAILY TRAINS— On and after TU UItdDAY. Nov. 14,1867, Passenger trains leave me Nerw_Depot corner of Berke and American Streets, daily (Bmnye excepted). se follows: At 7.46 A. M.—Morning Express for Bethlehem and Prin. °Will Stationson North Pennsylvania Railroad, connect. Mg at Bethlehem with Lehigh - Vailoy Railroad for Alien. twn, Cataranqun Slatington Manch Chunk, Weather. , Jeancaville, Hazleton. White Haven, Wilkesharre, ingston, Pittston, Scranton, and all points In Lehieand iT ii rl i i nL'V'Lg anflaronalro% f o rlVcita high and Railroad for Rupert.Danvile, Mil ton and Wil liamsport. Arrive at Manch Chunk at 12.06 A. M. lat Wilkeebarre at 8 P. M_ . • at Scranton at 4.06 P. M.; at Mahanoy City at 2P. M. Pane:osiers by this train can take the Lehigh Valley Train, passin& Bethlehem at 1156 A. M. for Barton and points on New Jersey Central Rail. road to New York. At 8.45 A.M.—Accommodation for Doybotown, stopping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers for Willow Grove, Hatboro' and Hartmille, by this train, take Stage .at Old York Road. At MS A. M.—Accommodation fur Fort Wsakington. stotming at intermediate Stations. At 1.80 P.M —Express for Bethlehein,Alleatown, Manch Chunck„White Haven, Wilkeebarre Mahanoy City Cen tralia, Shenandoah, _Mt Carmel, Pittston and Sc ra nton, and all points in M ahoney and Wyoming Coal goon.. Peasengers for Greenville take this train to Quak ert own. At 2.46 P. M.—Accomomdatlon for Doylestown, stopphig at all intermediate stations. Passenger/ take stage at Doylestown for New Hope, and at North Wales for Sum. aytown. At 4.16 P. M.—Acoommodatien for Doylestown, stepping at all intermediate stations. Passengers for Willow Grove. Hatboronyli and Hartsville take stage at Abington. At 6.20 P. M.—Through apcommod'u for Bethlehem and all stations on main line of North Pennsylvania Railroad, tonne at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Evening Train for Allentown. Much Chunk. At 8,20 P. IL— mmodation for Landsat°, stopping at all Intermediate stations At 17.80 P..sL ;; ;Accorrunodation for Fortyashington, 481 19 1,046 13 70 00 788 03 10,358 06 77,727 05 From Bethlehem at itls A. M.. V* and MO P. H. /01 P. M. train makes direct connection with Leh lgD Vs/ley trains from Eastou. Scranton. Wilkes/man Idshsnoy City and Hazleton. P era Leaving Esorton at 11.20 A. M. arrive in Philadelphia at C 6 P.M. Paimmeers leaving Wilkesbarre at Lau P. M. connect at Bethlehem at LISP. 11.„ and arrive at Philadelphia at MO P. IL Front Doylestown at AZ A.IL. I:10 and 7.00 P. M. Frcrm Lansdale at LW A. IA From Fort Wanhintton S at UNDILIO A. 11. and 8.06 P. H. AYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9.3) A. M. Philadelphia for_Dollestown at ISO P. H. Doytatown for Philadelphia &LIAO A. H. Bethlehem for PhEradolphia at 4.00 P. K. Fifth and Sixth streets Pasiseuger Can convey paws. era to and from the new White Cars of Second ont l lnte Streets Line and Union Line run within a abort distance of the Depot. Tickets must be procured at the Ticket office. in order to secure the lowest rates of [me. ELM CLAES. Apra. Tickets sold and ammo checked throu to find al OAHarm's N Penn. Baggage E./. er . South Fifth street IammPMNBYLVANIA. CENTRAL Raltroad.—Winter Time.—Taking effect Nov 24th ieei. The train's of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad leave the Di= Thirtyturt and Market irtreets, whic_h is reached by the _ Fare of the Market Street renewer _Railway, the last car connecting with each train, lasing Front and Market streets thirty minutes before its departure. Those of the Chestnut and Walnut Street Re lway run within one square of the Depot ON SIINDAYS—The Market Street Can leave Front and Market streets 86 minutea before the departure of each train. Sloe ing Car Tickets can be had on application at the Ticket Office, Northwest corner of Ninth and Chestnut Btreete, and at the Depot. Agents of the Union Transfer Company will call ter and deliver Baggage at the Depot. Orders left at No. lei Chest. nut street. No. 116 Market street. or No. 1 South Eleventh street will receive &tendon. ritA.LNis L,r.ev - E DEPOT. ...a.a.•-••• J .•41.413 k. , I , LA 22.2 .1..• • • •-- Mall Train . at ADO .111. Past Line at 1200 BL Erie F xurers at 1200 M. " Paoli Accmmodation :ie. 1.. at LOU P. M. Harrisburg Accom at 2.3 U P. M. Lancaster Accom at 440 P. M. Park-Apure Train. at 5.03 P. M. Cincinnati Express.. .at 8.00 P. M. Paoli Accent No. 2............................. at 9OO P. 14. Erie Mail. . .at 11.15 P. M. Philadelphia Express at ILIS P. M. Accommodation at 11.3 U P. M. Erie Mail leaves daily. except Saturday. Philadelphia Lannon leaves daily. All other trains Sally, except Sunday. ' The Western Accommodation Train runs daily, except Sunday. For this train tickets most be procured and baggage delivered by 500 P. M. at 116 Market street. TRAINS ARRIVE AT DEPOT. VIZ. • - Chteirmati . . '. . . .at L 35 A. M. PhiladelphiaWess 710 " Paoli Accom. No. 1.. " 8.20 Erie Mail " 9.15 Fast Line , .. 9 . 36 26 Parkeburg Train " 910 " Lancaster Train " LlO P. M. Erie Express " LlO , Day Express. " 3.20 ' Paoli Accom. No. 2.. . " 7.10 Harrisburg Accom. " 9.50 " For further infermation, apply to JOHN C. ALLEN. Ticket Agent, 901 Chestnut street. FRANCIS FUNK, Agent 116 Market street SAMUEL H. WAL.CE., Ticket Agent at the Depot. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not assume any risk for Baggage,except for Weaning Apparel, and Rua theirresponsibility to One Hundred Dollars in value. risk of We An Baggage unkase exceeding that amount in value ntr will act. be at the owner. taken b EDWARD ia H. WLLLLAMS. General Superintendent Altoona, Pa. RA PHILA ILR D OAD—WINTER TIELPHIA ANDMETA. ERIE BLE.— Through and Direct Route be. tween Phibulelphia, Baltimore, 'Harrisburg William. port and the Great 011 Region of Penasylvania.—Elegant Sleeping Care on all Night Trains. On and after MONDAY, Oct 14th, 11151, the Trains on the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad will run as follows : WESTWARD. Id4Lil Train leaves Phi1ade1phia............ ..... 11.15 P. K Wi11iam5p0rt................. 8.05 A. M. arrives at Erie . 8.45 P. M. Erie Kyoto isutves Philadelphia Noon. Williamsport 8.45 P. M. " arrives at Erio... $45 A. M. 4.. A. AL Elmira Mail levee Philadelphia 8.00 Williamsport: 6.28 P. M. " arrives at Look Haven.. . 7.45 P. M. Mail Tralnleaves Erie.. ..:.........10.40 A. M. 11.40 P. M. an. at 8.55 A. M. Erie Etp"ss leres Erie.. . .......... ..... 4.25 P. M. 3.60 A. M. " " arr. at Philadelphia......... ..... . 1.00 P. M, Elplrahipleaves Lock Haven 7.10 A. M. williamepopt ..... 8.15 A. M. " arr. at Philadelphia..." 1 1. 10 P. M. Mail and Express connect with =warns W arren and Fraoirlin Railway. Passengers leaving_ Philadelphia at 12.00 M. arrive at Irvineton at (40 A. M., and Oil Oityat awe. A. Leaving Philadelphia at 8.00 P. M. arrive at Oil bitY 41.85 P. M. All trains on Warren and Franklin Railwa make close connections at Oil City with trains for and Fetroletun Centre. Beano checked through. ALFRED L TYLER, %SO Generaltuperintendent. WEST CHESTER AND PHILA. DELPIIIA RAILROAD. VIA ME. DIA. WINTER ARRANGEMENTS On and after MONDAY. Oct. th, 1867. trains wll leave Depot, Thirty-first and Chestnut streets, as follows Trains leave Philadelphia for West Cheer ter.4s A. . MOO A. AL, SOO. Ll 5, 4.50. 0.16 and ILK, P. le 7 AL Leave West Chester for Philadelphia, from Depot on EL Market street. R 26, 7.46, 8.00 and 10.45 A. K. L 65. 4.50 and IN AL Trains leaving West Chet* at 8.00 A. M and leaving Philadelphia at 410 P. Ai., will stop at B.C. Junction and Media only. Passengers to or from stations between West Chester and 13. C. Junction going Dust, will take trains leaving West Chester at 7,46 A. BE, and going West will take train leaving Philadelphia at axe P. M.. and transfer at B. C. Junction. Trains leaving Philadelphia at 7 . 46 A. M. and 4.50 P. AL. ilect and ttr a IlWocl i W i reanittirt ON xford smnteesn ts. , • ON UNDAYS—lisave e Us at 8.80 A. fif. and 1.00 P. M. _ isve West Cheater 7.66 4, M. and LOO P. M. • The Depot is reached erectly by the Chestnut and Walnut street ears. Those of the Market street line run within one square. The cars of both lines cowed with eachtrain upon its arrival On Sundays • • Market street ears leave Front and Market ' mine each Train leaven , depose ,1;.;. train on Wad • • •• f , 4 • arei err and inGlen7 :2 11 17 :11 4 "P ease. I 1111 one undred nownra same. WA la uftgintenalit. Tits. • :1,11 0.'16;105lb:el. TBAINB AKR yE.mPHILADW'ECIA. : : 4. 5 ;-.....• ,:.•.‘Ml.i'ii4,.iii7liiiii , . . , ardillplig oluitEPAitts_,Eithl Lfril? At .....delohla to the ....or of• Pennalva. rthe talUngnie go_la4 l anna. Cumberland sad yoming MI. the c). . orthweet and the email's, hop arrangement of Passenger Train; Nov. 18, *el leaving , . Comp , s- Depot Thirtmath and Calowlail ‘1 • ••a at the following hours; O: 4 r • :A $.l MX I DATIONS.--At 7.421 A. M. • for ••• „ • :. ill •• ••• . f ate Station; I . „• • at Reading at ,11.161 P. M., salving in ,Philadel • • at 9.10 P. M. MOIL 0 EXPRESS.-At Ell A. M.. for Lebanon. _Harrisburg, Po Pine Grove. fat Sunbury, Willisonelert, Elmira, heater, Nisei Ca Fall; Buffalo, Allentogn, Wllkeabarre, York. Carlisle, rGlum orli co li x =ter i ;i . • u . ,ll . r . elSr42. with tri nut Pena. anis Railroad trainalir AlZretown. ac.; e and with the anon Valley ban for Harriabum, ea.; at Port Clinton Catawissa R. R. trains for Wamspo i L0ck 2,,,1i Haven, se, due. at Harriet with .1... c... beriand Vanap. and Oahu tut and fifffsi trans for Northumerland. W York. Chambersbura, ri gnEk ve ite- OON EXPRESS-Lmves Philadelphia at 8.80 p. for ReWng, Pottsville. Thertisburgh. ac., conned ing wi th Reading and Columbia Railroad trains for Col tim PC/t e ttil l iVN ACCGMODATION.--LeaVes Pottstown 48.46 A. M., 'topping at intermediate stations; arrives in Philadelphia at 9.05 A. M. Returning, leaves Philadelphia MT6.00 P. AL ; arrives in Pottstown at 7.05 P. M. l A:NG ACCOMMODATION-Leaves Reading _ai LW 1te139104 at all way stallions; arrives in Phila. flel a Was A. m. leaves Philadelphia at 4.00 P. X.: arrives in aimat 46 1",21. for Philadelphia leave( Harrialmr_g at 8.10 A M, and Pottsville at 8.45 A. M., arriving in MUadelphia at LOO P.M. Afternoon trains leave Harrlebnrrgg at 2.10 P. M. and Potheathe at 2.46 P. M.; arriving et Ida at Va il : iMfb...,.. accommodation leaves Reading at In A. M. and HarWertu* at 4.10 P. M. Connecting at ReaaM with Afternoon Accommodation south at 480 P. 24 arriving in Philadaphia market train, with aP a ssengers car attached, lemma Philadelphia at 12.46 noon for Pottsville and Way Statical; lenVee Pottsville at 7 A. M. for PhiladelphiaOA ' all Way Malang , All the above trains run Sundays excepted. Sunday trains leave P at ate A. M.. and Phila. &aphis. at 8.16 P. 14.,• leave adeiphia. for Reading at 400 A. M-__Leturam_from Reading at 426 P. M. • CHESTER VM.LEY RAILROAD.-Pessengers for sad intermediate points take the 7.1 a A.M. t eli nvi e. 3l o.7 4 l:L. trains from PhUsdelßhies, returning from Downingtown at 6.80 A. BL. and LOO P. 4 ff 14EVL/illit EXPRESS, FOR. PrfT - SBURGH AND THE wads r-Leavee N ew York at 9A. M, 6.00 and 8,00 . P. M., psalm Reading at. 1, A. ix . lis M e q. 0 and 10.06 P. M., and connect at Harrisburg */1 P sant; and North =Cm Itag ar =al El =ese or Pittsburgh. CU. nit5 . .21,... Baltimore. ac. Express Train_ leaves Harrisburg, on arrival oegreiMlvia Exprese - from Pittsburgh. at 8 and 4.56 A. 14.9,10 P M ausing Reading at 4.49 and 8.86 A.M. and and 11.15. P.M.arriN New York 10.10 and 11.45 A. M., and Loa P. M. glee Cara accompanying these trod= through between ersm City and Pittsburgh. without MMI train for New York leaves Harridan); at 8.10 A. M. and 2.06 P. M. Mail train for Harried:wee leaves New York at LO Noon. SCHULWEELL VALLEY RAILROAD.-Train leave Pottsville at 7, 11.20 A. M.. and 7.15 P. M. returning from Tam at .J. 06 A. M. end 1.40 and 4.lfs I'. M. EIC aqua.• ATM SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD.- Trains leave Auburn at 7.55 A. 21. for Pinegrove and liar. tabors,. and at 12.45 P. M. for Pinegrove and Tremont ; re. turning from Harrisburg at 8.56 P. and from Tremont at, 7.40 A. M. and 6.40 P. M. TICKETS.-Through Orstelass tickets and emigrant tickets Canadas to all UM principal points In the North and Wed and ~ Excursion T *eta from Philadelphia to Reading and Intermediate • tationc, good for day only are' sold by ' Morning Accommodation, Marketr Train, Reading and Pottstown Accommodation Trains at reduced rates. Excursion Tickets to Philadelphia good for day only are sold at Reading and Intermediate Stations by Reading sad Pottstown Accomodation ?mine at reduced rate& The followingt ickets are obtainable only at the Office of S. Bradford, Treaenrer, No. PE South Fourth etreot, Philadelphia or of G. A. Nioolla. General Superintendent, Reading. Commutation Ticket' atigm cent. discount, between any points desired, fort amilMs and firms. Mileage Tickets, goodf or 2,ooomiles, between ail points. at 1852 60 each, for families and firms. Seaeon Ticket; for three, dr, rune Ar i trave months,f or holders only. to all points at redumd en residing on the line of the road will be fur nished Cr erith cards, entitling themselves and wives to tick ets at halflare. Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to principal sta. llms, good for Saturday, Sunday and Mondey. at reduced fare, to be had only at the Ticket Office, at Thirteenth and Oallowhill streets. FREIGHT.-Goode cf ail dascriPtiona forwarded to an =x i i; i rAif iv in ii tr o, f;om the Company's New Freight Depot, Freight Trains leave Philadelphia 430 A. M.. MIS noon. and 8 P. fet... for Reading. Lebanon. Eisalaburg. Pottsville, Port Clinton. and all points keycend. Mails armee at the Madelphis Peet•OMee for all places on the road and ate branches at 6 A. 64. and for the Prin. deal Stations only at 2.16 P. M. EdiImIVI D CIR NEW' TORIL—THE CA AMEN PADELLA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COM. PANYIII LINES, from Philadelphia to New York. and Way paces. from Walnut street wharf. Pore. At 6 A. M., via Camden and AmboyMoo" $2 M At BA. M..visi Camden and Jersey C lit9 Express Mail. 300 At 9P. 111. 8 . 11 Eamden and Author Earrees. 300 At 5.1 k) P. via Camden and Amboy. Ist ohs" 225 decom. Emigrant, set dame. 1 11) At 6 A. M. and 2 P. M. for Freehold. • At 8 and 10 A. N e l and 320 P. M.. for Trenton. Ate, Band 10 A. 1. 2. 3.30, 56 and ILM PALA; Borden. At 6 town, Ihand n I. i o A. M. 1,2, hngto v 3.l. and Delano°, • 5, 6 and 11.80 P. ItLfor Flora" At 6 and 10 A. M.,1, 3.30.1 6 and 1180 P.M. for Edgewater. Riveralde, Riverton and At 6 and 10 A. M., L 3.30. 6 =4 4 IM P. IL for Fish Hon" 111 F -The 1 and 11.110 F.M. Lines .will leave from fool of Market ebeet„by upper ferry. Mum from KmMngton Depot will leave as follows: Atli A. M., 4.80 P. M. and 12 M. (nit) via Kensington and Jersey City. New Yorksft. press Lines. . . . . . .$3 00 At 8, ;Hui Zia; ii: 12 AL far Trenton and Bristol. At 8 and 10.16 A M.. 130, 6 and 12P. AL for Morrisville and Tnllytown. AtB.oo and 10.16 A. IL, 2.3), 4.84_5 and 12 P.M. for Schnnoks. At 10.15 - A . AL, 2.30 and 5 P. M.: for Eddingt: on. - • __ At 7.30 and 10.15 A. As . 4,5,6 and 12 P.M. for Cornvvells. Torreedahs, Holmeeburg. Tacony. Wiasinoming Brides. burg and Frankford, and BP. M. for Holmes burg and Intermediate Stations. BELVEDERE DELAWARE Ran ROAD LENEE 4— from Kensington Depot. At 8.00 A. M., for Niagara Falls. Buffalo, Dunkirk. Can. andlaglia. Elmira, Ithaca„ Owego, Rochester, Bingbamp. ton, Oswego,' Syracuse, Great - Be n& Montrose. Wilkes. bane, Scranton, Stroudsburg. Water Gap. At Mk A. M. and 3.30 P. M.. for Belvidere,Easton, Lam. bertville Flemington . Ac. _The 3.80 P. M. Line connects direct With the train leaving Easton for Mauch Chunk. Allentown, Bethlehem. Ac. At 6 P. AL for Lambertville and intermediate Stations. From West Philadelphia Depot, via connecting Rail may. .It 9.30 A. M., 1.30 and 6.30 P.M. New York Express Lines, via Jersey City $3 25 The 9.30 A. 34. and' 6.30 P. M. Lakes run daily. All others. ihinsiaiesnepted. At 9.30 A. M.. 1.30 and 6 SO P. M., for Trenton. At 9.30 A: M., and 6.30 P. M. for Bristol. For Lines leaving Kensington Depot, take the care on Third or Fifth streets., at Chestnut, at half an hour before departure. The Care on Market Street Railway runs direct to West Philadelphia Depot, th Chosnut and Walnut within one square. On Sundays, e Market Street Cans will run to corniest with the 6.30 P. Fifty Pounds of Baggage only allowed each Passenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as bag gage but their Wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their re snort/Ability for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond $lO%. except brine' dial contract. Tickets sold and Beg?? checked direct through to Boston, Worcester, Sp eld. Hartford , New Maven, Providence, Newport, Al any, Troy, Saratoga. LiNe Rome. Syracuse. Rochester. Buffalo. Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge. An additional Ticket Office is located at N 0.828 Chestnut street, where ticket's, to New York, and all important Points North - and East, may be procured. Persona pur. ibsAng Tickets at this Office, can havo rtheir baggage hecked from residence or hotel to destination, by Union Transfer Baggage Express. Lines from New York for Philadelphia will leave from foot of Courthuid street at LOO and 4.30 P.M., via Jersey City and Camden. At 7.00 A.M., 6.30 P. M. and 12 niAt. via Jersey City and Kensington. At 10.00 A. M. and 12 21.. and &CO P. M., via Jersey City and W. Phiadelphia. From Pier No. 1. N. River. at 6 A. M. and 2, 4 P. M.., via Amboy and Owned= • Nov. 25. 1667. • 'WM. IL GATIMEJI. Agent. MiIINiTOWN PRILAD AND ELP TABLE' -- N "KII4 nAIL• A ROAD TIME TABLE.—On W and atter Wednesday. Mav 1,1067. FOP, GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia-6, 7,8, 9.05, lA U. 12 A. M. O. 1, 2.15. 04, 4. 5, 534. 810, 1. 8,9, 10. 11, 1p P. M. Leave Germazdown—d, 7, 710,A 120, 9, 10, 11.12 A. M. ; 1. .8,4..54,0:834,7.8,9,10, 11 PAL The 890 down train, and the ing said inf. UP truism, win act atop on the Germantown Branch. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-415 minutes A.M.;and 1064 P.M. Leave Gerndad r.lllMillarel P. M. *cave Philadelphia -6. 8, 10, 12 A.M. ; 2, A 8%.. 5%. 7.8 and IP. M. Leave Chestnut 13111-1.10 minutes,B, 0.40 and 11.40 A. IL; 1.40, 8.40, 5.40. LC. 8.40 and 10.40 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9.15 minutes A. M.; 2 and 1 P. M. Leave Chestnut IBU-150 minutes A. M. ; 12.40, 5.40 and minutes P, , • Pd FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia-0, 736.9,1106 1.3 4 1, 8 , 436. 5)4. Ali, 8.06 and UM P.M. • Leave NorrisUwu-5.441, 7, 150. 9,11 436 Ali and 8 W.' id. _ _ _ UN SUNDAYS. ' Leave Philadelphia-0 A. M., 3 lir and 1.1E,P: M. Leave Norristown—Pin.A,.s and 9 P.M. U4A Leave Pbiladelfa --o s_ m 7 . 9,11.06 A. M.; Dif. 8. 4316, 536 LA 8.06, ..4)6 and ,414 P. Leave 9ftnarenk-6.10. Off. 8.99.936, UM A. M.l V. . p 4.9 and "A( P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave PhUadelphla-9 A. BL. SIM *41115 P. M. Leave hiaeayrunk-7MA. W. L neva! 8 paintendent. Depot. filth and Green street& migFOR NEW YORK.—RARITAN AND DELAWARE BAY RAIL. ROAD—Winter Time, commencing October 81st. 1801. From Vino Street Ferry, Daily, (Sun. doge excepted), 7.45 A, 31.,. Express Ylkaaangar Train for New York, Long'Branch,_No. • • FANE 032 00. 5.30 P. M. Express 'Freight and Emi_grant Train for New York. 1.45 A. , M. Way Freight Train from Cooper's Point, Camden ; • returning 1 rom New York, Pier foot Duane street. 11.15 A, 15._Express _Passenger Line per steamer "Jesse Hoyt." Lee M. Express Freight and Emigrant Line per steamer "wyoming." • wFreight should be delivered at the Warehouse 820 North Delaware avenue before 5.00 P. M. Reim low and quick time unifctrinly. made. Apply to , _ R, If;1311IMAN, Anent. oc3l-te W:11:1114i1DEN .1; CO., Lessens. . DUN AND ATIAN'ITO BAIL, RO Vi _ .__, _ __. • . __. ,!. • • ARRANGER:EN. TR; __. , 'On and atter Thuied . October' 51at,11417. uraWo . orSl Leave Vino @Greet 'Ferry , yGiundoYa excepted) t . . Mall and Freight . i,,,, ........ ......*.......4. - .Y.1.80 A. M. Atlantic Acs a non ; .. . : .. ... . —:. .`.L cc. .8.46 . P M. Junction Ancena44odatiott 'to : AtCo . s n i t intAnucidlato Rona. .., 6BO P M. A . , RETURNING Witt . igAlN".4. l tlagtritlti . , : _ 'atlantic Aecomnapdatien. ' • - • 11145 A. F. )I„siiltilitr...aai i lt tx,t . .:•-• 11:1101,:ht * maddo old' , p Vine street Yerry:...: . ...;...`:..<';:',. • M., taoo t. t 4.. 41addonflebi 44 .. - iii i 6; 8.Lar.• 34 ,o ootto ~,, , , , . ' • , ,',l'l;ftr.,,, . uf g y p . - • 0 41,. wrr'wMu 6 'l7l , /!7'fflll clout, .witairNem _Oe RALLEtO— . =easing Mon. de, rikth. It& g*Will- /WO: PeOot, comer of wows sigssetpul was avenue, as follows: Wan. aid: at 8.80 (SundaYs- excepted>, to t Bait ;won. sweet= at -ay ne. Itl stations. Connecting th Dehivreibinsft4 votniugton for, Crisfield and resa trIM at 12.00. M. (Sundays excepted) for Bat timore sad Wati a Ti. , . Express Train et P.' Winirdajii excepted ) for Bat timore and -W g e tt rt it pping at;Gbeeter,.Thurlow, Unlnt Chtringikto ton, Nmo/1,, Stanton, Neva!' MUM, N East, CharlftW, ParrTville, git vreAle-Oraeo, , ;Aberdeen, Perritman's, Editstwood. oils Chase's and Stemmerla Run. Washington:' 'MI at / 10 t 1 P. (Mir) for naltiniCre and W ni Lotmects at Wilmington (Saturdays ex. eepted) witir Delaware R. R. line, stopping at It/ew Castle, Middleton, Clayton, Dover, Harrington, Seaford, Salisbury, Princess Anne and connecting at CristleM with boat for Fortress Monroe, Norfolk. Portsmouth and the South. Passengers for Fortress Nowa) and Nor olk via Bait more will take the 1100 M. Train. Via Cristileld will take the MOO P, IL train. Wilmington Trains stopping at all stations between matzoh' and Leap t PhThidelp LSO. 4.80. (LOO and ILO° ( Ejlit. OLIO P.Xtratn connects with the Delaware da q road or MMorti and intermediate stationa, The tLXI P train runs to New Castle, Leave Wilmington 7.00 and 8.00 A. IL and COO and I% nxi detA i lit. ore to Philadelphia.--Leave Baltimore 7.91 A. IL, Virall. 9.25 A. M. Express. 2.15 P. L. EX. press. P, M. Express. P. M. Express, SUNDA "DR AINS FROM BALTIMORE, leave Baitt. more at 8.56 P. M., stopping at Havre de Grace. Perryville and Wilmington. Also stops at North.Eaat, Elkton and Newark to take p era for Philadelphia, and leave passengers from 'W er Baltimore,' and at Medea to leave passenger. from Washington or Bahl more. tickets to all potato West, South and Southwest mal'rwored at Ticket-oft/wed Chestnut street,under con rental libtel, where also State Rooms and Berths in Bleeping Can can be secured during the day. Persona purchasing tickets at this office tan have besiege checked at tbsdr residence tithe Union Transfer Com. pang. EL F. HEMEL Superintendent. pfiILADELINA •6 BALTIMORE B • Tr Rom:l. —tlroos Winter ad esdir, yondt h r, Brit i gk tr e es at Wilfrid elAh e i r r:r of -first and sibeenntstreeta,(west Philadi. ) at 7.46 AL, and 4.60 P. Leave Being Bun. at 6.46. and Oxford at 6.50 A. M. and leave Oxford at IBS P.l[. - A Market Train with Paseniger Car'aftached. will run," on Tursehsys and Prides, leaving the Being San at MOS ' bL. Oxfol at MG M.. and Sennett at Loa P, M., cow fleeting at West ester Junction with a Train for Phila delphia. OnWednesdays and Saturdays train laseillgPld ladelphia at WM P. M._ , run through to Oxford. The Train leaving Philadelphia at 7.46 A. M. connects at Oxford with a daily line of Stages for Peach Bottom. in Lancaster county. Returning. leaves—PeaCh Bottom to calmed at Oxford with the Afternoon nun for. Philadet phis. The Train leering Philadelphia at LSO P. M. runs to ItiVa ng stw. Md. • ers suowedlo take Wearing' Apparel only. le Minxe. and the CoMpany will not in any ease be rese:M. a an e made tor th xeeeMng onee samba d do ll ars, anise( I nir HENRY WOOD. Goner pt. ligligN FAST FREIGHT LINEy. VIA NORTH PENNSYLVANIA ROAD, to Wilkeibarre, Mahanoy City, Mount Carmel. Centralia , and all points on ,Lehlgh Vielley Railroad and Its branches. By new arrangements, _perfected this day, tttii road is enabled to lave increased &coat& to merchandise , con. sitrodC I I to the above named points. delivered at the Through F'reight Depot, S. B. cor. of FRONT and NOBLE Streets. Before 6P. M., will reach Wilkesbarre, Mount Carmel, Mahanoy City tuid the other stations in' Mahanoy and Wyoming aliens before 11 A. M of the succeeding day CLAR. Mont. CAMDEN AND BURLINGTON COUNTY RAILROAD.-'On and after, Thursday, November 14th.1867, Trains will leave from foot of Market street (upper ferry) for Men ehantville,Moorestown, Hartford, Masonville, Haines wt, Mount Holly, Smithville, Ewansville, Vincentown. Bir mingham and Pemberton at 10.30 A. M. and 4.20 P. M. ReMrning, leaves Pemberton at 7.20 A. M. and 2.80 P.M., Mount Holly at 7.42 A. M. and 2.64 P. M., 'Moorestown at 1108 A. M. and 3.21 P. M. C. SAILER. 0e22 - 11 Superintendent FOR FOR SALE.—ELEGANT NEW RESIDENCE. NO. 2022 SPRUCE STREET. ALL MODERN IM• PROVEMENTS. ALSO. ELEGANT NEW RESIDENCE, 'DIAL. LACE STREET, EAST .OF TWENTIETH ' 13TREET , FORTY FEET FRONT. AND FINISHED WITH ALL THE MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. WILL BE sop ON ACCOMMODATING TERMS. MAULE. BROTHER & CO.. nollm NO. 9600 SOUTH STREET. rCH BTREET.—FOR SALE—AN ELEGANT Brovowstone Residence, 90 feet front, with Mansard roof; and Lot W. 15 feet deep, situate on Arch street, west of Eighteenthiretreet, and extending through to Cherry street; was of cted and finished throughout in the very beet manner, of the beat materials, expressly for the occupancy of the present owner; has large back build ings, every convenience and improvement, and is in perfect order. J. M. GUMMEY 41 SONS. 508 Walnut et. FOP. BALE. ELEGANT BROWN STONE RESI. deuce, No. 1211 N. Broad street. 20 by 160. 1 11 1 , Three-dory brick house, No. WO Green street, in perfect order. 911.2.90 e. Three-story brick house, No. 924 S. Third street; LUSO. corner of street Suitable for business purposes. MDWRDS, n 026 No. 92 4 Walnut Street. FOR SALE—A GOOD PROPERTY, ON 'SCHOOL. house lane, near steam, and bone ears.—Storm House, JO rooms, large pailor, hail and modern conveniences. Lot 45 by 475 feet. Shade, grapes, pears, and garden, very desirable for business or retired citizen. Immediate poreceeim, ', Apply to . CONRAD, no . 12t• .4775 blain:strest, Germantown. rtARCH STREET.—FOR SALE—THE HAND• some four-story brick reeidence. with three4tor7 double back ,buile ins% situate No. 1808 Arcb street. Has every modern convenience and Improvement, and h In perfect order. Let 10 feet front by 140 feet deep Im. mediate possession given. GUMMY & SONS.ISOII Walnut street. FOR SALE—AN' ELEGANT FOURASTORV Stone Residence, built. and finished throughout in the very best manner, by the present owner, ex. prettily for his own occupancy, furnished with eitra eon. veniences—firet floor painted in fresco—and in perfect order. Situate on West Locust street, near St. Mark's Church. J. M. GUMMEY b SONS, 608 Walnut street. FACTORY FOR SALE" OR RENT.—A LARGE three•etory brick Factory Building, having fronts on three streets. le_built in thOmoetsubetautial man ncr, nearly new and in perfect order. Lot 84 feet front by 116 feet deep. Immediate aoeefweion given. F or further particulars apply to J. M. UtJMMEY & SONS. 508 Walnut street. MIOR SALE—THE FULL SQUARE OF GROUND J." bounded by Sixth and Seventh, Reed and Dickenson streets. Apply to LEVI MORRIS, no22f m silt* 909 South Third street. TO RENT. TO LET, Very Desirable Upper Rooms,, No. 708 Chestnut Street. noatitO TO LET Second Story S. E. cor. Seventh and Chestnut, store 612 Ch AND estnut street. EDWARD P. KELLY, odd! B. E. Chestnut and Savant% inFOP. RENT, FURNISHED OR UNFURNLSRED. —The fourstory brick Residence, with three.story double back buildings, situate on the northwest corner of Twentieth and Arch streets; , has parlor, dining. room, kitchen, out kitchen,. , llbrary, 8 chambers. 8 bath. rooms, 2 water closets,'&c.„ &c. J. M. GißitklElC & BONS. 508 Walnut streets • TO RENT,— A THItEE•BTORY DWELLING, No. 2012 Mount Vernon street, with all modern provemenis. Immediate P06808131Q11. Also the three. story Dwelling, b. Et corner of Broad and Columbia ava nue. all modern improvements. Immediate _posseesion. Apply to COPPUOK At JORDAN, 433,Walnut dtmet, TO RENT—A STABLE, DAM' OF 1006 IVA I, nut stree t. e i t. n Au? . T e m p ottor i t o e n f or 8 ko i r i irs o to d d o 4 r 2l , : : Apply to COI-14M e K ,J...44,PA ' N, 433 Walnut street. GEEMANTOWN,PROPERTY TO 'LET.—A DE. nirablo Residence with rood •Stabling, Elation" Dear Mill Street Station. Apply at 18 South Second tinect nol6 s to th 6t" jr2FOR RENT—FROM DECEMBER IST, A LARGE new Store, on Delaware avenue, below Chestnut at Apply to JOB. D. BUSBIER CO.. nod tf ' 108 South Delaware IV:CUM). FURNISHED HOUSE FUR RENT UNTIL TIIE last of April.. FURNISHED, on 'the promisee, No. 1211 lbw° street. between 10 A. M. and 12 M. no2t3t. ST4PIM% 'AND lIKATERM. REMOVAL. Wie 'A. ARNOLD Eat remove the De l ia for the nale of FURNACE% GRATE RANGES, SLATE MANTLES, &0.. front No. IMO WiESTNU etreefto 1305 O HESTNUT STREEt. fraymm,wy 460ActerIciri. for famfil l es. 11 1 1 11 ;4leill to ow , in anti different Sizes. Msg. hils. deltdda Rom, Mt Mr seek Portable Waters, I,otv-down taster, Firelloard Biasses. Bath Boilers, Btewhole Nabs', Broilers,' Utiolthtir stm% etc, wholeesle and retell, by the 32 , 11111a4 ear BRAUN dtrirs b • MOON. Ne. No 806ond street. THOUS S. MONA SQIIB, t. t a Late An & Dixon. No. 1324 CHESTNUT Street, PhiladelPhia• °Nome united Unto Mint. ill niiifacturels nf A ' ir " 0 And other RATES. For Anthrae#o., Btt!nrdnolw and Wood Fin& Vilti r kti l MlNACln tun For WarmMo and Priva_to_ MN% . RIO yENTILATULFA. -• '„ , 1 1 ;t;fiS .........- 01X)R7N40,41, Dtitara.... SEAL ESTATE SAL ' S. la v - .lltApdlt ,-(V A, ilt.e.-Es4l , 6,—EkitiVl/0^ • GP- -- Ridgway Minors. James A. Freeman. Auctioneer. Handsome Irellttlf Vaideitt‘,N 0 . Thatareialitteets t nder authority of the Grphinie Cotirt for' the Otte and County of Philadelphia, on Wednesday.' Dee. 4. 1883,04 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold tet public safes at thet,Plellits. dciphia Exehabge, tier followthig deseribedresl,otuto or , „ Ithigway 'Ahura: All Hint lot Of `ground , With the three., , story brick metamage thereon greeted, siteato- sinfr =Or A north side of Green street' (as widened to 10feet) .a t the - '' • distance of 24 feet eastward !rem Sixteotli f a hrt treekp l • Fifteenth Wird of the city; coutsdidng iff 0 street illefeetand extending In depth Pl' dotal 0 114516 : -1* t oo With the exclusive right of the ,4 feet allti e l t * POI bounds it on the west leading Jute Mgt/ ' • and for a passage wale and woster.Conns,On_y; of hereafter tot ever. Subject however to • • t he righ 'Ma. , •, privilege of the premises adjoining' to the Met Of and-, its over the said alley, leaving 9 feet in thenlette •ii“ -• ' The above la a handsome tiareestory tirick•Setlegigek ;. with two.story back buildings. Saloon parlor.* ble mantel on one side, diningroom, kitchen and iumm oi r„ , , kitchen, 2 ranges, private stairway and, three'it t rgt * try/3 Mal the other; three large chambers and b .looteliAA "... with uerrnanent washstands, eitting.reetu with instbler l e mantel," and nursery on the second floor; Claw chants ' hers and closets on third floor. Hot and cold weiterigneW , : - throughout. marble veetibule, wash pave, good heater.* . ~ cellar', and is neatly papered and painted. The gal nr.. l ' ... tures ard inch in the sale. prbnidediate possession. f May be examined at any time. ~. pr team to be paid at the time of sale, By the Court, H. A. MERRICK. Clerk O. O. • • JAMES A. FREEMAN Auctioneer, .-, Store.= Walnut agrees., nol4 91 2$ 1 it PUBLIC BALE ,.- JAMBS A. PREEMA , ave. , .‘ . tioneer.....Buildlng Lots..l—On Wednesday D camber 4,1667, at 111 o'clock: noon. , will be soda Apabikr..,......g• saki, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the f llow. described real estate, viz. i No.-I.—Lot. Ann street, *bre° , Belgrade—lot No. Won a plan of estate late of E. B. Gib- ' • son, Idlest° on the southwest side of Ann street, 20 feet northwest 'of Belgrade street, - 20' feet rront,,lMAnn street by 106 feet, more or leat in depth. '• . • ,+.. ••-• , .. . . No. 2.—Lot, William street, abore`Belgreide—lot No. ilefl on said plan, situate on 'the northeast :side of> William , street, 60 feet northwest of Belgrade street, 20feet front on William etreet by , 106 feet deep. __.- . _ . _,, , ' • No. B,—Lot„ William , treet, below - Almond—lptAt._ 71 6 on said obeli, situate on the southwest side of Wam street, 120 feet southeast of Almond street, 20feet ;via on William street by 100 feet deep. • ,",' No. 4:—Lot,Thompoum streetbelow WlllfamL-lot Mii: 004 situate on the southeast side of Thompson street: fitteet • southwest of William etreet, 20 feet front on Them Plea , street by 181 feet 7 inches deep. ' ' No. 6.—Lot, comer Thempeon and Monmouth streete—:. -. lot N0,.670 on said , plan, situate on the, east corner Of., Thompesne and Monmquth streets, 21 feet front bp ..1.4 feet, i , 7 inches deep. , bO. 6.--Lot, Monmouth street, below Belgrade-4ot. No. . '. ,me easel& plan, situate onl.the northeast aide Ail. Mon- ... mouth street, 110 feet southeast of Belgrade stree4 tOfeet fremt ton'Mournonth street by 106 feet In depth. ' Pr $5O to be paid on each at time of sofa JAMES A. PREEMAN,Auctiondv, Store, CI Walnut •Nt. . ' n 0101,28 ORE'IIANS , COURT SALE.-ESTATE or wm. liam 8..-Cextrad, deceased.-James A. Freeman. Auctioneer. Dtvellte'gs, Nos. 1318 Brown street, and 1314 Atmore eland, lnurteenth Ward. thorlty of the Orphans' Court for the City and County,of V.ltiladelphla, on Wednesday, December 4th, IM7, at o'clock. noon, will be sold at public pale. at the :Philadell phia Exchange, the following ,described real estate, Into the property of William H. Conrad:deed: All that lot of ' ground with the 4 brick dwellin e Ls thereon erected. situate on the north eide of Brown'stree in the FotateenthWar4 of the city, at the distance of feet 9t inches east of Broad street; containing in front 18 feet; and In depth oa the west line, 124,feet 64 Inches, and on the mud lina 124 feet inches to Atm°. e street. N. 11.-The above will be divided and sold according to a survey and plan made by . the District Surveyor'air follows BROWN ST.--A twoory brick lions° and lot north side of Brown' street o. 1315,) 18 feet front and 74 feet 8 inches deep, n the east line:. - end. 78 feet deep on the west line et right angles with' liniwn street. ' ATMORE ST..-Three small houses and lot . of ground on the rea f r o n t e above fronting on Atmore street c as t3l4,Y • 18 feet and 50 feet 37g inches deep on the line and 48 feet 8,;5 inches deep on the west line. SurveY and Elan at the Auction Store. im - sioo to be paid on eaclfat tho time of sale. By the Cotirr l C.A. MERRICK, Clerk O. C. /ANTHONY CONRAD, Admin., dbnot a. . JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer: n 014.21413 Store. 422 Walnut street. EXECUTIOX'S ABSOLUTE SALE.-ESTATE OF Richard Snietb wet, decaased.-James A. Freeman. " Auctioneer.,- - -Under, authority contained in the will of the late Richard Smethurst, deceased, on Wednesday. • Dec. 4 , 1857, at 12 o'clock. noon, will be old at public sale. ' without reserve. at the Philadelphia Exchange th e follow ing described Real Estate, v i z .: Building Lots, Fifty-fourth and Ceoar avenue, 27th, Ward.../1/I..those 5 lots of around : No.l4o to 144 inclusive, in a. plain laid out • by Wm. Morrison, situate on N. E. corner of Cedar atm. •, nue and Fifty-fourth street-together. 100 feet on Cedar . avenue, and 112 feet on Fifter.fourth street. No, 21.--A Lot of Ground, Somerset and Memphis street‘ A lot of ground on the N. E. side of Somerset. street and N. W. side of Lemon now Memphis Street. 56 feet front,. and 90 feet deep. No. 8.-Lot of Ground, William street. A lot on the S.. W. side of William street, B. E. side of Tulip and, N. W. side of Lemon now Memphis street,ll4l foot front on Wil liam street. and 122 feet 2 that. gar Imo to be paid en tied:fat:lied Y order of Executrix. JAMES A. FR BEAN:, Auctioneer, nol4 2148.• `.‘, s:Store. 422 Walnut able. 13 PEREMPTORY4.L.E.-JAM PREEMAN. An ctioneer.`;First.class seeurit and Rent. sautz ptr annum., On Wednesday,. mbar et 1147 at 12 o'clock, noon,' will be sold at public sale, without re serve. at the Philadelphia Exchange the folloWing de- , ibed real estate : A ground r , ut of $220 98 per sump! • out of a lot of ground with %the improVenienis there= erected, situate on the , . southeast side of Johnson street, 200 feet northeast froro Green the Twantieecond Ward of the city; containing is front on Johnson street 215 feet 8M inches, and in depth. bn the northeast IW_3sft • feet. and on the, southwast Una 355 feet 84' inches: being 230 feet 8 inches wide on the rear. . 5 , Cam" The above is improved by the erection of n '" inn house, barn, stable, greenhouse; An; and is Occupied as a place of business by the now owner of the property The ent is promptly paid and was the groundf the getout& alone in 1855 when it, WM! 2101 d. ' The without We ' improvements% worth double the price itcoat,eo thatther security is every way that close. SW' Vale peremptely. Terms cash within 15 days. • rer sloe to be paid at timeof sale. JAMES A,PREEMAN. Auctioneer. Store, 928 Walnut street; ORPLIANS' COURT t ALE.—ESTATE OFRENRY Faunce, deceased.- James A. Freeman, Auctioneer. Brick and Frame Douses, Nos. 1234 and 11136 'Otis street,' Eighteenth Wardo-Under authority of the Or.. ph' Wednesday, December and County of „ Philadelphia.. on 4th, 1867, at 12 o'clock, noon. will be sold at public. sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange., the following described, real estate, late the property of • henry Faunce. deceased:. All that certain, lot of ground. situate on the southwest side of Otfe 'etrec4, between , Girard avenue and 'Thompson street,lniithe F.dghteetitta ' Ward of the city; containinein freet on Otis street_llo. . feet, and in d. pth along Moyer street 142 feet.: n the,. • above lot are erected a two 144 a half story brick dwell ' ing and a two.storyfratne; house; also,the two.stery frame house with frame kitchertattached (No. lan), le fuoisd* in the sale. • . Clear of incumbrance. one.third.being the .dower of. th- widow, to remain. •• . , . $lOO to be paid at the time of sale. . BY the Court, E. A MENAOSER ICK IS,Clerk 0, S e. Trlette JAMB A. FREEMAN. Anctionetr. Store, 422 Walnut street. nol4 21,28 REAL ESTATE.--JAMES FREEMAN.. Auctioneer,Valuable Property, No. 776 Smiths; , Second street; and Court Houses. On Wednesday. , December 4, 1867, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at miblier. eale, at the IltiladelphiaExchange,the following described , real estate, that valuable business pro two , story frame Store and dwelling (No, 776) Son net street, with the lot of ground on which it id erected. on thew. west side of Second, street. below German street, in. the , Third Ward; containini in front 23 feet 5' bxehesi and ex tending in depth 100 fee t , then widening ,on the south to the width of 39 feet & ches, and%then extending tho further depth of 50 feet, being.lso feet deep on the north line. On the roar of the lot are erected 9 three-story brick houses, renting for $144. a-. year each . . Wearying to the property adjoining on the south . the nee of an alley way 3, feet wide and 60 feet deep for a ,paesae way and water.' course. 4tc. Subject to the payment of $ 4O per annum, part,'. of a ground rent of $l7 '4O now - charge upon this and the property adjoining on the south. The whole rents for $7llO Myear. , larmoo to be paid at the time of sale. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. .Btore OA Walnut street nol4 21 98 fIORPHANS' COURT SALE. ESTATE Cri Thomas , Carroll, deceased.—James A. Freenian. Auctioneer„—Dwelling, Sixteenth. above Shippers street—Under authority of the Orphans' Court for the. City and County of Philadelphia, on Wednfisday, „1;00.. camber 4th. 1567, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold' at pub lic sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, under Authority,' contained In the v ill of the late Thomas Carroll; deedd.. an equal moiety or haltpart of all that certain three.etory brick rummage end lot of ground aituate on the east side. of Sixteenth etract, at the diatance of a feet, northward? of Shippen etrect; containing in trout on Sixteenth street 17 feet and In depth 73 feet to a3-feet wide alley, with the' privilege of said alley. , • . IV" Subject to $l9 SO ground rent per annum, rie - Sloo to be paid at the time of Bale. By the Court, E. A. MERRICK. Ciork 0. D. AN DREW AL LIS 011..A.d ininlatraton. JAMES A. FREEMAN; Auctioneer. nol4 21&28 Store, N0.'438 Walnut street --- PEREMPTORY, BALE-JAMES ritroTer rouctioneer. Ilandkomo Residenec,‘, No 226 Pima street. On Wednesday, December 4, I 86?," at 121 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public, sale, with:entrees:rye, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following described real estate. viz.: --- All that handsome three-story brick residence and tot of ground thereto belonging,trituato on the front!' side of Pine street (No. t. 211, in the TWA,Waldi of the city; containing In frop . t. 12 - feet oil:idles, and in depth 142 feet to Stamper's alley. ' Rouse has 2)detory brick buck buildings, with outeide kitchen. The gas fix tures Itt o included. The property has all the modern im provements. gir It will be sold without reserve, and then owner will deliver possession within 8 mouths from the execution of the deed, paying rent - therefor at the rate of $lllO per month to the purchaser . It5,01)0 may remain it desired, remainder cash within 16 days. ti' $2OO to be paid at the time of safe. JAMES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer, nol4 2128 MP r. tore. 413 Widnutstreet. EXCURSIONS. FARE TO ,WILMINGTOIC 10 CTS". fourstEn on HOOK, 10 ors. 1,4401, On and attar TILEBDAY,_Oct. ateamaro Mot and Feltottwmterre ntar n ltsl4l2 VISInd bi-,="sivll l a r Zgton. 1.14V.t Famotalto l FWto4, l l -4 4 Fare to Master or Roman ets,;‘ maw, • • "fAa re vp , 1 , 10 , -••r, ,s. • -.0 ' 4 ' Or. &drug cat° B .. 2 .ii i•nd - h. • fa& y .at' Rivestalk Andalttes and 13everii, The mylendid=pl, A. WARNER leaves naidelpftiA, Medan w • at 2 o'clock. P. M. , R•?nwhis.? leiwei 42 , otlock A. M. • -, o,• .. 1 , • • t , ~ f+ Nara 96 ata: , ezokwai, IlipailiOn.itNia. - ,`' 'CUM 1018 111110T11.0111. PIIiTA ' ELPLI 44 'rOy; 19. BOMA 1 C)wrx chip. ilidolph a militia School, Po •••••••-•• etreot to now open tor the •• • , of Eleholore fon N ine, nter reason tm Ladien and i,.,,, men, deelringto‘OKonlwproftor a Horse .. • '7, find evert re it .% this la liii out The • : \tl comforts I,r „ hid bpd ice d. - Pio how . -• well trained . 0.4 .1e 110.011 red ill thAl Carriares 9.11 , a. Iho twit hire. and ito I. • , i „ . . . . f.,91 , ()MAI; el • 0.7.1...t..1.'... QuAKE z a : an - f , ir s:l^ 1.7 ceivedJul Wobsoig). i 108 Boo th nemtrixerilia*, • . -;4l'4Vki•loiv)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers