CITY 14ortops. • Ray. NtrwatAti Hat.t„ D. D., .10, announced to deliver a lecture this evening, at Attskal , Fund on "Jfissiens to the NasseB. • We learn, that A tho en gagentente of this eminent divinikete , sueh,#tat .tbis will be the last lectire he can deliver IR, lie Will sive an account of his nitittiodaryk efforts,. i t y London, reliulting in great good, thanking • (Wen , " one who is interested in such work, and of special impor. mince to those who.would increase missionary laimr in 'our city. Tickets at Ashmeas. ELEGANT DRY 6K.XA)y AT A SACRIFICE. Read the attractive announcement orNlessrs, ,Edwin Hall Co., in another column, tO•day, The trash. for the splendid lines of tine imported dress . gOods at their store, No. 2s South Second street, Is Unprecedented. For se, oral days past their spacious salesrooms have been a literal bazaar of elegance and fashion, and the t hrong of purchasers embraces the first families of our city. Everybody is evidently willing to bug good gooda chilli?, if they can do so. F.dwln'llall Co.'s is the place to do it. Their immense stock is not ex celled in richness and extent by any other ill the coun- try. and the fact that there loltst bs as entire closing cut of it has made' extraordinary reduction in, prices a necessity. Their stock, while rich and complete iu every department, is pre-eminently so in, all kinds of silks, dresa-goode, abawls, cloths; Fretich poplins, of all the choicest colors and shades, 'silk cloak velvets, grab gralnes, tatf,etus, Lyons velvets, Ste. Their store is now open and ready for business at 8 o'clock every morning,. FP.INCH CHINA! Fturricli CHINA! azmarm °Fri BILLING OFF! :BRIE'S Cam. Hers, No. 529 CTIZEITNDT EITIMET. , We are now offering. to reduce stock before moving to our new store, 1218 Chestnut street, our entire stock of white French china retail less than the lowest wholesale importers' prices.and•guaranteed - to tupe rior to any FWnch china offered in this market, - and newest shapes. Warranted the beet quality white French, china dinner plates large size, 9}; inches, per doz... $ 8.25 Dinner plates, Frenchbize, 9 inches, per d0z.... 800 Ilreakfast plates, largo size, B>s inches, per doz. 275 Breakfast plates, esnall'elze, 8 inches, per doz:.. 250 Tea plates, large size, 734 Miles, per doz.. ..... 200 Tea plates, small else, flinches, per 0z.... 188 With a complete stock of all other articles in French china at equally low prices. .TAMES K. Kunz Bso., • China Hall, 529 Chestnut street. E. G. Wortams %Sr. Uo.—As the weather grows colder, and the holiday season approadhes, the mind naturally reverts to „confectioneryand confectionery naturally suggests the name of 'E. G. Whitman & Ca, No. 81 Chestnut street, ' ,"below Fourth. 'These gentlemen are now getting up some of the rarest trlumAs in their line of business, and if visitors to the great French Exaosition would' visit their estab lishment they walla find their Bon-bons and other standard articles are fully up to the best that' Paris can produce. As to such specialties US roasted Jor dan Almonds, Cream Fruits, Chocolate preparations and Caramels, they leave the French far in the back ground. E. G. Whitman & Co. are as scrupulous about the perfectourity and wholesomeness oi their confections as they are jcalons of their parity. Tms comyrny we stiffer more frequently from 'Neuralgia, Nerveache and other painfal nerve affections and prostration of the nervous system than almostfrom any other diseases. nonce tho value of Dn. Teausn's Tic-DontoilltSlTS, or UNIVERSAL NEU RALGIA PILL, which is a specific and complete anti dote for all complaints of this .~• Apothecaries have this medicine. II HAT ISILALL I BUY FM: A CIIRISTMAR GIFT fanny wife, sister, cousin, niece or "intended" (as the case may be), is the perplexing question as' the liolidays approach. Now, we are happy to say we can answer this question for one and all. Bay one of those Beautiful Combination Sewing and. Button hole Machines, at the S. W. corner of Eleventh and Chestuntstreets. Nothing could-be more appropriate for the purpose. Elegance and itatfeciaess combined, and the price within the reach of all. • TIM VERT meniasT RICIZE, "The Crass of the Legion of Honor," was conferred upon Mr. Goodwin, representative of the Elliptic Sewing Machine, at the "ErpositicinUniverselle, Paris, iser, thus attesting their superimitylover all other machines. Salesrooms, 920 Arch street, 'Philadelphia. FASHIONABLE HATS AND BONNETS. •-• Ladies making their purchases in this line will please bear in mind that the most elegant stock of Hats and Bonnets, for both ladies and misses, is offered by Messrs. Wood Cary, N 0.125 Che.sinut street. Also, Bonnet and Hat Frames, Satins, 'Velvets, Silks, etc., all of which they sell in any quantity to suit purchasers. VERT LARGE CLAJETEIIB Almeria Grapes.— Airrour.m. & mai Chestnut. street. 131100TM° STARS. Meteoric showers are promised us ha profusion by the astronomers this winter, but people don't have the same confidence in astronomers promises as in other people's, and it will be some time before they catch us a-napping again, or rather disturbing our naps to look out for stars to fall. The promise that everybody shall be pleased 'who buy their Clothing at Charles Stokes & Co's, First class Clothiers, under the 'Continental, is ranch easier believed. RAISINS, In whole, half, and quarter boxes Citron. Orange and Lemon Peel. Currants, Swee Cider, and Pare Brandy' for Mince Pies, Fruit Canes SZLLING OFF! BULLING . OFF!! GOODS AT ItEDETIED Nudes At Herr's China Jinn, 529 Chestnut street, a large assortment of rich cut and engraved glassware, rich decorated and plain white French china, stoneware, &c., marked down less than manufacturers' prices to reduce stock before removing to new Store, 1216 Chest nut street. Those in want of bargains will do well to call early and have a choice of selections. Goods marked in plain figures and sold for cash only. THE FIRST SNOW OF THE SEASON htlS reminded the Ladies that Otikfords keep a Magnificent Stock of Furs at their Stores, 834 and 836 Chestnut street. WHITEEIOUSIeS EATING HOUHE, For Ladies and Gents, No.. 42 South Second street, and as Strawberry street, Philadelphia, Pa. Being a branch of the WlLitehonse, Atlantic Oily, 'New Jersey. fix.4sOreastr..—Crippen & Maddock, grocers, 115 Small Third strees, are selling their Almeria Grapes at 4S cente. They have on hand new Bethle hem Buckwheat; new white Mess Mackerel. Pa halloo Abseil/ flour. Their new crop French green peas, Champigas ,, cm's Truffles, Capers. Olives, Sardines, also a varied assortment (reimported Cheese, are now in store and for sale at reduced prices. THE Frnsiasow or TIIIS tElEasoic has reminded the Ladle* that Oakfordb keep a Magnificent Stock of Furs at their Stoma, and 836 Chestnut street. VErT Fm.: OLD GDVISDNMENT JAVA Comm. Very Choke :New Crop Tea& itrronzu. Framorocs, 1204 Cheitron wee.. - - A LVIZIMITZSG 1TE31.—.3fe5142. H. Mil dr, CO. 134 t% e opened their new and elegant Cigar Store, No. Sd North Seventh street, and offer an extensive and varied assortment of the Choicest Brands of Havana Cigars. Snicking and Chewing Tobacco, Meerschaum Pipes, Fancy Articles. ie., at Wholesale and Retail. on all secular days. Prices reasonable. TICLE76 YOE. TilleNsw PIIILADLLYIII.II. OPEL& /10133 lion sate arras S o'etocx P. M. WHITE GRAPES, WHITE GRAPES, By the wholesale or single pound. 3lrroron.r. & Fr.rrount. 1204 Chestnut street. THE Finn. &cow or• rim SEASON has reminded the Ladies that Oakfords keep a Magnalicent Stock of Furs at their Stores, 834 and no Chestnut street. EVERYBODY KNOWS 11131.—We mean Geoqe %%Jenkins, the renowned confectioner, at No. 1037 Spring Garden street. Ms Bon-bons, Caramels, Cream Chocolates, etc., are deservedly in the highest repute with all classes. For Oranges, Lemons, Dan. mule, Fibre, Prunes, Dates, etc., this is just the place. Clime HALL. - • • .- GLASS .AT TBNEB. 501.1 dulti4e4 glaas ..... .$2 50 per dozen Chestnut Btreet, oppoelte the State House. Josue' Harm, 235 Dock Street, below Third, revived by W. P. Larkin on the European plan. Meals from 41 A. M. to 12 P. M. 000(1 lodgings for .guests. Bosse open all night. Booms 130 eta, per night. STU K T & FINE BLACK By the chest of from G to 50 pounds. lirrourm. & Fr.vrourat, 1204 Chestnut street. MULIFBMIN, BUNDNEIII3 AIM CATAERILa• J. Isaacs, IL D. Professor of the Eye and Ear, treats ail diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Teeth:wawa from the most reliable sources in the city can be seen at his office, No. 605 Arch street. The medical faculty are invited to ac. =many their patients, as he has no secrets in his make: Aresciel eyes inserted. No chorea made for examination. - - LADY Amiss, Oranges, Lemons, Almo n d s English Walnuts, Pecans, lc. Mrrottzw. & PI:CTOIIES, 1204 Chestnut street. REAR'S CHINA. HALL. sem.tho ors! semarra orb!! 1400 dozen cut deniable tumblers.. $1 75 per dozen CBY megujec street, opposite the State House. aLait OKLA ^liA.Nlloobilt NEN L t , -- E W oi Vans . 12 .t i r . tqf __AB ON ...11 Na g Of Want& **gni Dot WoUT 110V441 INCUOUNI Kitt . , NISKEY, MERRILL & VIACKPA . ,' biA.NOACTURERS • GAS ,FIXTURES BRONZES, And all kinds of Lamp Work, Store, 718 Chestnut strepti. Manufactory, 402 Race Street. They also introduce Gas Pipes into buildings, and re' pair and renew pld work. They have. alto. ' A MURCIA IWO, For Lighting 'Priv atelliin.,ffl,_Flotele and' Factories in any loca li ty, THAT THEY WILL WARRANT. They have them to supply from 200 to 200 lights. ' ocl7.toth sbn 311TOWELL FLIETOREIt, 1204 Chestnut stree VOW SALE. yowimems. ripn747 - FTT/ ONE 'PRICE ONLY. • JONES' Old Established ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, SO4 MARKET STREET, ABOVE MTH, 1. For etre. durablity', and excellence of Work tourcliztrraltota. a e n xnet erf lat t rtflulr; a atte tacang:aiti aa cases. oath e tam; 1897. CHRISTMAS. 1867. BENNETT'S, No. 20 North Eighth Street, (West; side, above Market st.) 30.AN . 0 . "5L7 33A ZA. Ft, AN EMPORIUM .0£ Novelty, -Pleasure and Fashion. ctolltu w e st NOTICE. THORNHILL & BURNS, 1208 CHESTNUT STREET, HAVE REDUCED THEIR -ENTIRE STOCK OF LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FURNISHING • GOODS, -iAt end Below CosL n 0144118 hi 13t rpl HIGHEST PREMIUM AWARDED • FOR BOOK'S, By the Paris Exposition. WM. F. MURPHY'S SONS, 339 Chestnut Street, Blank Manufacturers. Steam-Power Printers and Sta. Hanel's. A full assortment of Ilnd•class Blank Books. Counting-House Stationery, constantly on hand. no 2 s w4m ry_ SPECTACLES AND EYEGLASSES of Gold, Steel and Vulcanite ' , mince, JAMES W. QUEEN & CO, °MOLINE , . 924 Chestnut Street. oesm W e tf n)S SAFETY RAILROAD SWITCH MAIN TRACK UNBROKEN. 1 am now prepared td furnish railroads throughout the United States with my Patent Railroad Switches. by the use of which the MAIN TRACK IS NEVER BROKEN, and it is impossible for any accident to occur from the misplacement of switches. The saving in rails, and the great saving in wear of the rolling stock, which is by this 'Mamie provided with a level, smooth, and firm track at switches in place of the usual movable rails and the conseettent severe blows caused by the open joints and battered ends, is a matter deserving the especial attention of eulßalLroad Companies. AS A MATTER OF ECONOMY ALONE' this inven tion needs only to be tried to insure its adoption; but beyond the economy THE PERFECT IMMUNITY FROM ACCIDENT caused by misplaced switches is a subject not only of importance in respect to property saved from destruction, but it concerns THE LIFE AND LIMB OF ALL TRAVELERS UPON RAILROADS.. I refer to the Phitadelphia and Reading Railroad Com pany, and to the New York and Haarlem Railroad Co. I am now filling orders for various other Railroad Com panies, and I will gladly give any information in detail that may be desired. WSL WHARTON, Jr., Patentee, Box No. 2745 Philada., Pa. Office, No. 28 South Third Street, Philada. Factory, Walnut above 31st St., Philada. otisam rvs ISAAC B. EVANS AIANIMLOTUNXIC AND DRAMS IN OILS, PAINTS, VARNISHES, AND Naval Stores and Soaps, No, 16 North Delaware avenue, Phllada. 0r.4.8m LEGAL NOTICES. TN THE DISTRICT yOuR r rOlt, _Tap CITY AND I County of PhiIadeIphis..—ISRAEL.MALLEDWARD MAUL and HENRY MAUL, co.partnerg as M AUL, BRO. TUBB & CO., vs. JOHN W. CULLEN and JOHN ONTEL, vend. OX. September Term, r 1110.71.—The c Auditor appointed to dietributo the fun arising fro m the t sate by the Sherif, under the above wr t, of the ollow ing described real estate, to wit: All that lot or I p ie ce of ,ground with the threeetory brick building t ereon erected. situate in the First Ward of the city of Plillsdel phirkbeginsting at the intersection of Tenth street with the beginning road, thence extending southwestwardiy along the easterly Ode of Fassynnic road one hundred and eleven feet 111.p_d one-half of an inch, thence , itoutheast. wardly on a line at right angles with the said 'Passysmit road about thirty-five foot to a point, thence east_Opi,ll. IMO at right angles with said Tenth street' aboirty..thfe feet to said Tenth street, and thence 'nort h Akott i li t ie Tenth rues as s hundred and ten feet three inch es t i place of be ng, INMch said lot of ground 0 0 J une, Oßß and We. bp indenture dated the lath * . JA. D. 1860, rem detiC deed book L. R. 11,, 0 .. .., " ~,7 144,e., .....„, , " _oonveyed to the mad J . .. . ce 4 te o dd T.; 1... an Jrrs fa leer reselvi,li Minima i ' ; yearly granul o ma tr.) Pn _2 l te' fonFaloa de .11V 1 sad aaventy ve lin , tir Va.... 120.10.1110 fret dezif t ni ei- " I r. In oven'. , . . 4 ... anlkelet ea kb ar gestkutVeeVer tho Od.. ~ O kil 0 4 neek0 4 sr el a his MU% IV b ow rof alai. • Ws. Whew w , es la ate auti! to present the eh dotal hem ea ninanifittfulth. ) - JOU ff. TU.& "I eifikliall . .rI6 .t i ': A , ;." , 121MOMMMI • • TH • . •:BUTI,ETIN-.4IITIADELPHIA.:SATITIM , NOVEMBEEI6,:,IB6t, IMMIMEtI *'fn of our hapinliCa crapvsperity 418 ret n e l b P r lhe tifficrtunato and disabled soldiers who saved ' up a country and a raalionalit.."—Lus - COM • GRAND POPULAR , MOVEMENT T ERECT THE GETTYSBURG, 'ASYLUM Invalid Soldiers. UNDER A SPECIAL Charter from the State of Pennsyl vania, raised March 8,1887. _ AN APPEAL TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. The object of this Association ie to provide, by public exertion, a NATIONAL HOME for our Disabled Roddiem, to erect an asylum for those, who. in theirpatriotism have served their Country at the expense of their health and happiness: who, in the battle for the Nation's life were maimed, and aro now Incapable of woraing for their own maintenance. France has her Hotel Des Invades where wickrest the ashes of the great Napoleon; England her Green. and Chelsea neonate, the former being one of the finest architectural structures ever devoted to Charity. Russia, Prussia, and in fact, nearly all • European Countries have magnificent retreats for the unfor tunate Soldiers-Monarchies provide for the alleviation of the suffering canoed by war.• but free,. prosper. cue Ilartturacarr America has no place for her crippled and sick soldiers but the county poorhouse, or the side. walla of her crowded Cities. These noble patriots left happy homer to save our common Country bathe hour of her deep distress. We pledged to them our lasting grati tude, and now those who are dependent look to us in their utter need to redeem those pledges—they have per formed theirpart—we enjoy the result of their sacrifices— we must not be recreant to our obligations. Let us each devote but a single dollar to this purpose, and the Gettys burg Asylum will afford the Soldiers a Home and our Country will be honored by the noble Institution. TIIE LAND fIAS BEEN PURCHASED • By this Association, and Ten Thousand Dollars have already been paid towards the preservation of the Battle- Ground—about thirty acres (adjoining the site of General bleadOs Headquarters) have been set apart for the MCA of the Asylum. LEXII:GTOti AVENTIN, NEW . YORK, CiFtOt ti.,lPir Having labored for three years to or ct a Home for our Crippled - Veterans, and having paased a bill for that pur pose in the New York Legislature incorporating some MO of our hest citizens as Directors,—but under which bill no action has been had, from that time to this,—and know ing the great and crying necessity of the ease, the shame of leaving our disabled veterans to starve or beg. I hereby most cordially endorse your enterprise, and it shall have all the aid of my tongue, pen and influence. Very truly yours, CHAS. G. HAi..PINE. Fully sympathizing ,with .your great, object. I tender you, gratuitously. thoj services of my Full Orchestra, on the occasion of your' Festival, at Irving Hall. THEODORE THOMAS. [From the Postmaster• General of the United States.? I recommend to all Postmasters that they shall sad this truly benevolent and patriotic enterprise. A. W. RANDALL. Being satisfied with the integrity of your enterprise, we cheerfully commit to didplay your diamonds at our eAtab lishment. BROWNE & SPAULDING, 5 and 570 Broadway. October 25t1: 1867 We hereby certify that we have examined the Diamond Goods, Pearls, Emeralde, Rubies and other precious Stones, ae described in the list, and find them all genuine. HENLE BROS.. Diamond Importers. 2.3 Maiden Lane, NCH , York. J. HERAIANN, Diamond Setter, - 394 Broome street, Now York. In order to promote public confidence in the bighead de. gree, and for the furtherance of tide great object, the As. sociation has decided to place the $300,000 , Worth of Die. monde on public exhibition at- the Large Jewelry Estab lishment of Messrs. Brovthe di Spaulding, under the Met ropolitan Hotel, in the City of New York. The world. renowned Yacht "Henrietta" has also been purchased. The Farm of 600 Acres is located in Sullivan County. N. Y., and is one of the finest Stock Farms in the State; has a splendid Mansion and is complete in every particular. There will be 1.200,000 tickets issued at one dollar each. admitting the biliderstertbof GRAND DitsRAL PfiSTIVALB ONE AN InviNo Kw,. New York Saturday Evening, February ANT ONE AT lloancui,TE itai.llAp ; , ,, Philadolvi n ti, Saturday Evening, February On which latter occasion a committee of prominent citir.ena will be selected to associate with the manage. ,Februarymen ang the diatribution to commence on Mon day, s4th, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at liorticultund $641,950 IN VALUABLE PRESENTS Will withstributed among the Ticket-holders, in accord dance the Charter and the following • RIIIIEMLE AwAuns. No. 1 1 Grand Cash Award............. ....... 5100000 2 1 Splendid Farm (600 acres): . . ............. 60000 3 1 1 acht, the Famous "lienrietta"......... R,01.1C 4 1 Diamond Necklace, 48 Brilliants. ...... 30,000 5 1 Diamond Brooch and Ear.itings • (all Large Diamonds) 25,000 6 1 Diamond Brooch and Ear-Rings (all Large 25,000 7 1 Diamond Brooch and 15,0:1 It I Diamond Necklace, 28 Brilliants, .tar Setting .„ .. - • • • v.. .. v ... •• • ..... 9 1 Diamond Necklace, isrinianto .. . 10 1 Diamond Cross, set In Silver (harp! . Diamonds). .. . . . ..... ........... 11 1 Diamond Slide, 15 Brilliants 12 1 Diamond Cluster Brooch 13 1 Diamond Cluster Brooch ........ 14 1 Diamond and Pearl Cameo Br:We:let, Brooch and Eanfting. 15 1 Diamond Single Stone Ring.„ ..... 16 1 Diamond Cluster Bracelet 17 1 Diamond Cluster 8r00ch................ 18 1 Diamond Cluster Bracelet 10 1 Diamond Cluster Brooch and Ear- Ringo -20 1 Diamond Cluster 8race1et.......... ' 21 1 Diamond '22 1 Diamond Single Stone Scarf 23 1 Diamond Cluster Brooch. ..... 24 1 Diamond Cluster 8race1et........... 25 1 Diamond Single Stone Ring._ ........ 26 1 Diamond Emerald Cluster Brooch. .... 27 1 Pearl Necklace._ 1 Pair Diamond Single Stone . 29 1 Diamond Cross :xi 1 Diamond Single Stone Stud " 31 1 Diamond Single Stone Pin . _ ... . . 32 1 Pair Diamond Single Stone Ear-Ring;... I Diamond Single Stone Pin 3.4 1 Diamond Single Stone Stud . ....... 25 1 Pair Diamond Single Stone Binds.— . 16 1 Diamond Brooch, (in 5i1ver)............ 17 1 Diamond Cluster Brooch :8 I Diamond Single Stone ..... ....... .51 1 Diamond Single Stone Stud.- 40 1 Diamond Cluster Brooch ........ 41 1 Diamond Single Stone Ring.— ........ 42 1 Diamond and Emerald 8r00ch.......... 45 1 Diamond Single Stone Pin 44 1 J'earl Breaet-Pin, Ear-Rings and Head Ornament.— „ . ..... 45 1 Diamond Single'StonePin ........ 46 1 Diamond Cross ' ... 47 1 Diamond and Emeraldornament...... 48 1 Diamond Single Stone ..... 49 1 Diamond dingle Stone Ring. 50 1 Diamond Cluster Steni Pin 51 1 Single Stone Diamond Ring.. ...... 52 1 Diamond Cross fid 1 Pair Diainond'ainster Ear.ftings........ 54 1 Diamond Single Stone Ring.. .. • .... . 55 1 Diamond Single Stone 5tud............. 56 1 Diamond Bracelet 67 1 Diamond Single Stone Ring.... 58 1 Diamond Cluster Ring 5.9 1 Camel's Hair .... ... 60 1 Choice Emerald „ 61 1 Single Stone Ring.. 62 1 Single Stone Pin..... .... ........ 65 1 Cluster Brooch 64 1 Diamond Single:Stone Pin.. ..... 65' 1 Pair Diamond Single S ' Stone Ear-lunge...' 66 1 Diamond Single Stone Ring.. ... . J. 67 1 Diamond and Emerald Cluster Ring.. i,. 68 1 Diamond Cluster Bracelet. Ear-Rings and Pin...,......, , • , 11l 1 Camel's Hair Shuvrl. . . .. 70 1 Diamond and Ruby Three Stone .. 71 1 Diamond and Emerald Cluster Ring.... 72 1 Diamond Cluster Brooch 78 1 Pair Diamond Cluster Studs ... . . 74 1 Gentleman's Gold Watch and e. flary Chain..— . . .. . : 75 1 Diamond Stone Ring, Star Set- 76 1 Diamond and Garnet Cluster Ring 77 1 Diamond Single Stone Pin......... 78 1 Emerald Knob. ..'. .. ......,..... 79 1 Pair Diamond and Ruby Earßinga •-• 80 1 Diamond Clutter Ring 81 1 Diamond and Emerald Stem Pin 82 1 Ladi' Diamond Set Watch,.. 63 1 Diamo no nd Single Stone Ring 84 1 Gold 85 1 Diamond and Opal:Ring, . 86 1 Diamond Single Stone Stu'd..... 57 1 Diamond Single Stone Ring.. : 88 1 Diamond Three Stone Ring.. .... 89 1 Diamond Single Stone Stud.. .... PO 1 Pearl Scarf nu.. „ Pl. 1 Diamosulgtiater Ring 92 1 Dlanaond Single Siena - 55 1 Gentleman's Diamond. and Amethyst Ring. . . . ..... 94 1 Diamond * Cluster : Pin. 95 1 Cameo and Pearl Brooch . and Ear-Rings _ 96 1" Cameolirooch..„.. . , 97 5 Diamond Single Stone lung 98 1 Diamond Cluster ...... 99 1 Ladies` Gold Watch.... _. . 100 1 Coral Brooch and Ear-Rings. 101 1 Pair Garnet Sleeve Buttons... .102 1 Gold and Pearl Scnrf Pin... .. ... 108 1 Emerald Scarf IN 1 Emerald Scarf Pin. ... . . ... 105 to 1104-41n6thousand oi au; Aphid dldly Illusttated Presentation Work. • entitled the "Tribute Book," at 200 each. 20,000 1106 to 2104-1,00 photograph Albums nt $5 each 5,000 Aloo, 120,000 Cash Presents, $1 each. ....... 120,000 Until/r i bs the Aggregate 142,104 Presents, val. HOW TO OBTAIN TICKETS. Ciders may be sent to us in mitt/mod letters or pot of ace orders, in sums froze $1 to at ' our risk. L • r unto thou* be, sent In drifts or, kr ExPress, at th 01 STlolie., 1 0,4 ' $ g o go• do.••• • •• • •••,•••• • go d o , • • .. 171 40 s,o' do. .... . $ O tO da't ; ll 6. -••• .. g S so moos all ere &Miami& lan .GINTWINDWg I . ON. fightglik *WV: WI VMS& 0, : , ;',..',.:., , ...,;t:m , . ;1 - 6::% , €.. P.• q'. 'IT elf? ''',4 ':',',-. P ',Yl'.',3;-..:.-'L: JAMES T. BLACK. ft. J. WIIITEBIDE. Thompson Black's, Bon & Co., 5,000 4,000 4,00 U 4.000 4,000 an 8110 810 810 810 840 .. 360 300 2 , 50 160 '' '' , • 160 4.60 ''' ... 71U . MVO :4. &G. BROAD ABM CEIBIBTNVT ISTB., DEALERS IN FINE TEAS COFFEES, Ohdice Brands of Family'Flour, Hermetically Sealed FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, INPORTED AND DONFATIC PICKLES AND PRESERVES, And every variety of Choice Family Groceries. ro - Ordeng by mail will receive prompt attention. th s tf WHITE ALMERIA GRAPES, CHOICE, 50 CTS. PER LB. SIMON COLTON & CLARKE, W..cor. Broad and Walnut. , ..1.25t7,5 BEIVII I ifI ITIftCIFILINES4 THE GREAT AMERICAN COMBINATION BUTTON HOLE OVERSEAMING SEWING MACHINE Is warranted to execute in the best manner every variety of Sewing. Hemming, Felling, Cording, Tucking, Braid. im, Gathering. Quilting. Overseaming, Embroidering on tin edge, and in addition makes beautiful Button and Flirt Holes in all fabrics. IT HAS NO EQUAL, AIISOLUTELY THE BEST FAMILY IN THE WORLD. Awl Intrinsically the Cheapest. Ciritilare. with fall particulars and eampleu of work difnetm this Machine, can be had by application at the SALES ROOSS OF THE CO., S. cor. Eleventh and Chestnut Ste. Ivitruction given en the Machine gratultouPly to all purthaaen,. nols-11nrp) NEW PUB LI CATIONS. U. W. Prr at i lf : lTESTN UT STRIIET, fief?. ainounces the following • NEW BOOKS AND CHROMOS AT CLOSING.OUT PRICES: f'Waiting for the Verdict." by Rachel Davis; "I,inardian Angel," by O. W. Holmes; Strickland's "Queens of Eng. 1 yid.; "Prayers of the Ages ;" "Lucille," 24 illup rations; 'Snow Bound," with 40 illustrations, and many ohm lately published. . SEVEN NEW .JUVENILE BOOKS. "'Snow Berries." "Rainbows for Children." "Grimm's I;oblins," ."Starry Flag." "Breaking Away." "Shamrock stud Thistle." by Oliver Optic, and "Queer Little People," IA" Harriet Beecher Stowe. Our assortment of Books for Little Folks, either Finale 4r in acts, is mhurpitssed. and selling at CLOSING-OCT PRICES. A specialty made of the celebrated Prang CHROMOS: "The Kids' Plavground," "BlackberrieF." • "roder the Apple Tree" and "Putt on the Roadside," are pub lished this week. STEREOSCOPES. 25 different kinds, ranging in price front $1 to slisi. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS. 25,000 subjecbf, ranging in price from ID cents to $l. NOTE PAPER AND ENVELOPES. iy the quire, package, ream, bundle or box, at CLOSLNG OUT PRICES. Also, a new selected lot of as BOOKS /SELLING AT I,OCENTS. G. W. PITCHER, n014.2t41. taiii CHESTNUT. STREET. ism -- 011ROMOS, CIIROMOS. DUFFIELD ASILMEAD. 724 CHESTNUT STREET, oaf,:mit received a fresh supply of , all of PRANG'S A MERU; AN CH RAMOS, and offers them at "very large re ductions from the Publishers' prices. latest ones are: Kid's Playground," price, 00 'llouquet of Flowers,"", . . 00 "Under the Apple Tree," • .1 67 "Rest on the Roadside," • . ' 167 Corregglo's "Magdalen." " ..... .... . 600 N. B.—Always on hand, the largest and beat ac. leeted assortment of Books, in ever; style of binding, and for sale cheaper than in any other Bookstore in the country. nolesa• wh i & w h yON.- lOST BUP,NS'S COMPLETE WORKS, in ono volume.. 600 pages of printed matter, good type. with numerous illustrations. price 50 cents. THE PIRATE. By Walter Scott. Being volume 13,0 f the People's COP yr OW Edition. To be completed lulls volumes. Price per vol., 25 eta. Also a trod] lot of • • SIIAKESPEARE'S COMPLETE WORKS, with 26 Illustrations, rite 60 cents. BYRON'S COMPLETE WOWS with 16 Illuatrations, Price 35 cents. For hale by OUFFIELO A SHMEAD, 724 Chestnut street. N. 8.-Persons ordering tho above sent 'Wins.% will enclose, for postage on Shakspeare, an additional 93 cents. On Byron, an d cents. On Bums, an additi0na1........50 cents. nolE?t On Waverley, an additional....s cents. Xr. FAY SUNDAY-SCHOOL BOOKS. OPPOSITE NEIGHBORS; or, The Two Lives and Their End. Ilimo., 25. THE ORPHANS OF GLEN ELDER. A Scotch, Story. 16m0., cloth. -$1 00. WAITING FOR THE MORNING. A History of Per. sons] Experience. limo., cloth. 90 cents. THE LAST SHILLING; or, The Selfish Child. 18m0.. cloth. 61 cents. THE :AMETHYST. A Powerful. Argument for Total Abgtinenco from Intoxicating Drinks, 18M0. WO, 40 and 95 cents. "IT HINIT RIGHT;' Iriank Johnson's Reason, 16in0.. cloth $1 00. just published and for aide by THE AMERICAN SUNDAYSCHOQL UNION.. N 0.1122 Chestnut street, Philadelphia; : :Now York. 69A Broadway. 150 100 100 100 100 100 BOOTS AND SHOES ROWED PRICES. Fall and Winter Styles of erat.class work o and, and made to measure. The best materials used in all our !work. Bore and noes of the best CitiOlti 0 1 91 0 Out" Tl4lFA r r 710,. :48 SIXTH "EIfx , REX. , foliar fps CalltarNtri'. , THE STOCE OF FINEE I S' KES Tut 14 NOW POSSESSED BY • HENRY' S. 00., owrowls and 220 i4l.'ol4rar O r Who offer the- same TO ra,lll, TAAD, Low pn via . awsir . Tim& Stock of Bye WltteKlees irir BOND, eelletleeo l aA tionom. brif6idte sant, and runs throng* the Var/Olini / 1 / 116 / 0111 ASOVeui ant el *WM lOx *to, present date. ' Liberal contract/ anode tor 100110 104 1 / 4 11 Pol=l , Iposonu mme --- os ; a0 "s o , eonfLine or at Bonded War SO 11. WON* t • , • n INSURANCE The following statement of the affairs of the Company is publiehed in conformitl with a provision of its charter: PREMIUMS RECEIVED From November 1,1866. to October Ili, 1867. On Marine and Inland Ria1m........0660, 0 9 11 90 On Fire Ri51u.....•.......... 1158.690 11 11.813,087 01 Premiums on Policies not marked of November 1. 1966.......... ...... FREDIIII6II3 MARKED OFF As earned from Nov. 1, 1666, to •ct. 81,1667. On Marine and Inland Illsks.-.......5606 , 8 03 . 7" On Fire .............. 136,642 61 ---- 8746,146 N 1 Interest during the same period-- Saltagee, Sc. • • • • •• • ---- """" LOSSES, EXPENSES. dm., During the year, as above. Marine and Inland Navigation L055e5........ ...... ........—. $31%,413.1 11 Fire Losses. ........ ........ ....... 96 Return Premiums..... ....... 5:'..8211 87 .............. 4u,U2C, &I Agency, Charges, Advertising, Printing, ..... Taxes--1:. S. 'fax on Premiums Pulley Stamps, • • Expense, MACHINE INS vit,twor. INCORPORATED 1835. OFFICE OF THE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY PAILLADELPHIA, November 11.1887. ASSETS OF T coltirmirv. • November - 1. 101(7. ti.NoJ o ki United States Five. Per Cent. Loan, 10-40's $201,001000 120,0(0 United States Six Per Cent. Loan, 1881-- ......... .... , /54,404.1 00 50,0(S) United Sitties 7 310 Per Cent. Loan, 'TreasuryNotee . 52.5tZ 50 Wl,OOO State of Pennsylvania *ix Pei Cent. . .. . • .... . 210,070 00 125,000 City of PhiLljelphia Six l'er Ceni. Loan (exempt from tax) 125,925 00 50.000 State of New Jersey Six Per Cent.. Loan , 51,000 90 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad First Mort gage Six Per Cent. Bonds... —19 X) 00 25,000 l'ennsylvaniaßailmadfiecondMoit . gage Six Per Cent. Bonds.— .. . 111,375 00 2:,,000 Western Pennsylvania Railroad Six Per Cent. Bonds (Penna. RIL guarantee). ..• •• • •2_ •• • • .... • • M." 0 0 :WOO State of Tennessee Five Per • IEI,OOO Loan.. OO 7,000 Stub) of l'ennessee Six Per . Cent. Loan.. . 4.270 00 15,000:0 0 shares stock Germantown Gas Company. Principal and interest guaranteed by the City of 15,000 delphla 00 7,5 CA) 150 shares stock Pennsylvania Rail. road Company . 7,000 09 5,000 100 shares stock North l'ennllYiyania Railroad Company...,. 3. 1 100 00 20,000 00 shares stock Philadelphia and Southern 7,tnil SteamshipCo 15,00.3 00 :01.900 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, trot liens on ('ity Pr0pertie5........... 201.900 00 .---.----- iii• 101.40) 'ParMarket Value $1,14802 50 Curt. $4,0M670 26. Real Estate .. .... . . ...... ...,........ VI,OOO 00 Bills , Itecelvable for Insurances , ' Triads 21 , 1,1.35 67 Balances due at . Agencies—Pre. mime on Marine Policies—Ac crued Interest. and other debts due the Company. .... ...... . ... Stock and Scrip of . sundry Insm ranee and other Companies. R. 5.076 00. Estimated va1ue...... 3,017 00 ligrh in Bank $103,017 10 Cash in Drawer...... Vi 52 .............. --- 103,336 63 I.AerLeni t. Nocembir 13,181. The Beard of Directors have this day declared a CASH DIVIDEND of TEN I'ER CENT. on the capital stalk, and SIX PER CENT. interest on the scrip of the Cim- Pany, payable on and after the let of December proximo, free of national and State taxes. They have also declared a SCRIP DIVIDEND OF TWENTY-FIVE PEP. CENT. on the earned premiums for the year ending October 31, 1567. certificates of which will he issued to the parties entitled to the same en and atter the 'lst December proximo, free of national and State taxes. They have ordered, also, that the SCRIP CERTIFI• GATES OF PROVITd of the Company, for the year end ing °dither 3i. 18153. be redeemed in CASH, at the office of the Company. on and after let December • proximo, all interest thereon to cease on that day. re - No certificate of profits issued under *25. By the act of incorporation "no certificate shall issue unless claimed within two years after the declaration of the dividend whereof it is evidence. " ' . . _ . DIRECTORS: Thomas C. Hand, James C. Hand. John C. DIIVIY, William C. Ludwig, Edmund A. Bonder. " Joseph li. Seal, Theophillltl Paulding, George D. Lelper, John R. Penrose, Hugh Craig, Jae re Trwmair, John D. Taylor, Henry C. Dalai., Jr., George W. Bernadoe, Samuel E. Stokes. Jacob P.:Jones, henry Sloan, James B. McFarland, William G. Boulton, , Joshua P. Eyre. Edward Darlington, Spencer Blavaine, B. Jones Brooke, John D. Semple, Pittsburgh, Edward Latourcade. A. IL Berger, .. Jacob Riegel, D. T.ltiorgan. THOMAS C. HAND, President, ' ,JOEN C. DAVIS, Vice President. 'HENRY LYLBURN. Secretary. note tdel HENRY BALL, Assistant Secretary. vociiDwE4 4TI nt.ll itUSTEES' SAWS—THOMAS.& TIONEERS.—Two atory, brick dwelling, 'No. 711 Buttonwood street. On Tuesday December 3.1867 at 12 o'clock, noon, will be 'told at public sale, at the Phila delphia Exchange, all :that two•atory brick , measuage (with attics) and lot of ground, situate on the north . aide of Buttonwood street, west of Seventh street, No. 711; the lot containing in front on Buttonwood street 16 feet, and extending in dooth on the west lino 61 feet 11?,; inches, and on the east line 62 feet 13. inches to a 8 feet wide alley leading into Franklin street, with the free use and privilege of said alloy. The house has the gas, bath, hot and cold water, two cooking ranges, &c. rir" Clear of all inctnbrance. Immediate possession. Keys at Y. Saurman & Sons', 122 Spring Garden street. N. TI.IOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, 189 and 141 South Fourth etreet. HEAL ESTATE.—TIIO6IAB BONS' SALE.— "Modern three-story brick Dwelling, No. 1003 Brown street, west of Nineteenth street. On Tuesday, Nov. Id, 1867. at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Yhiladelphia Exchange. all that modern three story brick mersuage, with two-story back building and lot of ground, situate on the north side of Brown street. west of Nineteenth street, No. 1903; containing in front oirDrown street 16 feet,' and extending in depth 60 feet to an alley, with the privilege thereof. It has double' parlor and kitchen on first floor 3 chambers, sitting-room endath. room floor s ; 2 9n third floor bath. bath, ha . tiniord ;7'a Zooking.rango. &o. 801e0s 10 a yearly ground rent of 9472. Torras—Cash. Immediate possession. Keys next door, at No. , THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers , pold 23 US and 141 'S. Fourth street. REAL ESTATE.—'II.IOB I .4B & SONS, SALE. - laVery ,valuable Business Stand. Three.otory Brick Store and Dwelling. No. 714 North Second streei above. Goatee atreet.—On Tuesday, 'December ild, 1807, et 1.2 ora. Boon. will be sold at public ado. at the Phila. dolp a Exchange, all that valuable three.dory brick inessuage,with two.story back building andlot of ground. situate on the west side of Second street, northof Coates street, No. 714; the loCcOntaining in front 2A feet, and ex . tending in depth, 180 feet; has the gas hatroduced, &c. Or Clear of all incumbrante. Immediate possesdon. Terms-405.0 00 nagy remalnrin mortg _age. DLIBOMAB & SONS, Aactioneen , UOIO 28 80' , . 489 and 141 South fourth atreet. a r ppitEMPTORY V. BI _Uf s ,... g e l i alg it , B l4 - 0. ••Thomas & Sous, Au, 0 ,k 2 M.. a ir 7, December SI, ' sis Catharine streerve. , so ll - 0, p ublic ea% with. 1867, at lb o'clock. norn.bplas . Errhomiga: ~ „AU , that out reserve, at the mw,..- or littute for stio north frame mossusge and 0/::4 0 1 ill th,c Ito, 05 i the al ij le tionu i d tht i ttr u lf 4 ron t tre ln,g e ith....... ali t.. 1 , ,) ci l . be ch t ea. i an nw (to re z• unmet In eptl4l ,w Allo;, lV i r ' 7410,:i ink,more or 1 atior lid °a . " lll Nitgioate ii,Sfearl7ffrOgna marilt titiiilM ,' ' ' 81/1 " " ‘ 111 4 3 : TltOlt&S & SONS Anttiossens, ---- pit)9l3 ill tot gall it& *MA rOutth dad. aPEREMPTORY SAGE.—THOMAS k SONS. Auctioneers.—Three threesdory .Brick. Dweill.W. Nos. 1911 ,1 1909 and 1910 Wilcox street. west of Ism.- teenth street, tweet. Spruce and Pine girt& Ott Tue..- day, December 8.1, 1867. at twelve ii , cloe iioon , will by sold at public male, without reserve, at 0 PhUadHphiss hxchange, the following described , propertyiogie„; No. 1. —N0.1900 Wilcox street c Ali ~ t hat lot of round.. with the . three-nosy- n_th brick - mesa sewe ereon erected, on so aide of wil x street, between situate Nineteenth the and Twentieth streets, Seventh Ward; beginning at the gen_thwest Wiwi of a certain 4 feet wide alley and said Wilcox otreet, at the distance of 64 feet west of nineteenth stre et; thence ex tending southward along the said 4 feet wide allay 99 feet 4%' inches to a certain 8 feet wide } alley which bade seat. ward into the paid 4 feet wide alty; thew w t ward along the said $ feet wide alley 10 feet 6 inches; northward * feet 6 inches to the said Wilcox street: thence eastward along said Wilcox street 16 feet 5 inches to the said 4 feet wide alley and place of be nit*. To gether with the free and common use and privilege of the said 4 feet, and 4 feet wide alleys. . _ No. S.—No. 190 g Wilcox street . All t h at lot of trliond. with the threesderY brick mesons/4 ,4 6mm ' erected. situate on the' south aide of Wilcox s t 751)set 5, a ches west west of Nineteenth vette; containing front eV Wilcox street 18feet 1 inch. and extending in depth on the eastern ,- line thereof * feet 6 inches, and`on the welter* line thereof 89 feet I inches.. to a a feet wide alley'whicts leads eastward into a certain 4 foit ia l fi de. alleyleading 'lntl:hind from salWileox,street Tog er with the free l ' w and e cs a nd e finti"4 PlTReill. of the 43 feet and! feet. •, oi ll* 6. 1914 Wilcox street All that lot of growl s! ros h the three.story brick meanest thereon erected, th e • on the mouth side of Wilcox street, adrift? above. No. MO: being. at the distance o el feet 6 inches west of Nineteenth - streets thence =terabit 'Ruth. 29 feet IN inches. to a Sfeet wide all , . which leads east ward into a certain 14-feet wide all ey, le -ding into and from said Wilcox street; thence westward along ...aid it feet wide alley 3 feet; thence mouth along the bead of paid alley 8 feet; thence westward la feet one-half of an inch; thence north 42 feet 9 inches to said Wilcox 'treat: thence cast along said Wilcox street le feet our-half of as inch to the place of beginning. Together with the free use and privilege of said tfeet grid 4feet wide alleys. titrilate absolute. 6 M. THOMAS it SONS. Auctioneers. n 416 2 26 - 129 and 141 South Fourth street. COMPANY, =BO6 00 Ul„ 105,445 09 8348,001 89 irREAL ESTATE.—TIIOIIIAS & SONS' BALE.— Largo and Valuable Lot. 17 Acres, River Delaware. ' between Westmoreland and Ontario streets. Twenty fifth Ward, about 279 feet front. —On Tuceday, November 26th, DC. at 12 o'clock, noon, will be told at public gabs, at the Philadelphia Exchange. a valuable lot of ground. fronting on Delaware river, in Twenty-fifth Ward, a short distance above the Reading Railroad wharf property. and adjacent to manufactories and extensive ImProYeMentak commenting about 90 feet above 'Westmoreland street; having a front of 17 perches by 107 deep; containing down to Delaware avenue 11 acres, together with the fiats to the Port Wardens' line, seine 6 acres, in addition. making about 17 acres in all. It in situated in a flourl icing neigh borhood—about 100 new buildings now under kaitinct and building. k or particulars said plan apply at the Auction Store. It is valuable for building lota, manufactories, lumber and coal Yards. At., dm. gr See plan at the Auction Rooms. M. THOMAS A SONS. Auctioneers. LW and 141 South Fourth street. El!111=1 15`.. , 0,114819 BEAL ESTATTHOMAS SONS' SALE.— .. Valuable Business Stands. On Tuesday. December ' 1e67, at twelve o'clock. noon, will be sold at pub lic sale. at the Philadelphia Exchativithe following de scribed property. An.: No. L Fonra Brick Store and Da elline. northwest comer of Fifteen and line streets. All that valuable fouratory Mick store, and dwelling and lot of around. situate at the northwest COMMItf Fifteenth and Vine streets: containing hi front on Fit taunt street 1634 feet, and extending in depth along Pine street 81 feet. It ie now occupied as a drug storey and Han excellent bee- Loess stand. Lease will expire September 166!1. No. 2.-1 Tana/tory Brick Store and Dsrelling..Pine street. adjoining the above: all that thmeatory brickstore and dwelling, north side of Plne street. adioining the above: containing in front on Pine street 1336 feet, and ex tending in depth WM feet to a 9 feet wide alley. Lease expires December, l X THOMAS& SONS. Atietioneers, 139 and Hi S. Fourth street. , itPEREMPTORY BALE.—T t Okid BON% Auc. tioneent—Modern Threoatory Brick Residence, No. 1114 Vine street. west of Eleventh street tht Tune day, November 1887. at 12 o'clock. noon. will be sold at public sale, without reserve. at the Philadelphia Es. chants. all that modern three-story brick mesenale, with two-story back building and lot of ground, situate on the • so uth stole of Vine • tecet, west of 'Eleventh 'brat, No. 1114: containing in front on Vine street 18 feetousd ez tendingin depth 101 feet, to Oratl's street. The house Is well built and In perfect .order: tarter. dining-room end 2 kitchens on the first floor ; 2 chambers, bath and large library on the second hods : gas introduced. het and cold water throughout. furnace. cookintrange. cellar laid with brick, isc. IV dear of all incumbrance. 01e — lunnediste possession. it Is occupied by the owner, and can be examined any day previous to sale, between 8 and 5 o'clock. Terms-511A0 may remain on mortgage. tlrSale absolute. M. TROM and SONS, Auctioneers, 119241 tlouth Fourth street. REAL ESTATE.—TIIOMAS & BONS) BALE._ Modern three-atoll* Brick Residence. No. 1607 t street. On Tnmday, November 36th, 1067, ir i g. o'clrek, noon. will be sold at public Mae. at the Phila. delvhia Exchange: All that three-story brick mersuams., and lot 'of ground, situate on the north side of Locust street. 42 feet west of Sixteenth street, No. 1607: thence extending along Locust street 2) feet: thence norchwardly by ground of bt. Mark's Church. 100 feet. toe 20 feet wide street, called Erety street: thence eastwardly alonsErciT street 10 feet, to other ground now or formerly of (Norge Eantzinger: thence by Fame eouthwardie parallel with Sixteenth street 48 feet 439 Inches: thence eastwardly 10 feet, and thence southw RedlyM feet 7) , :i inches' to Locust street and place of beginning. no house has the modern conveniences. gas, bath, hot and cold water, &c. 123"' Clear of nil incumbranee. falr'l'erms, Balt M C .TI ) THOMAS d: s ß t O e I po s r .Auc o i s o t n eers. lab and 141 South Fourth street. $1.57;.015 15 HEAL ESTATE—THO 3I AB & BONS' BALE.— with Modern Three.shry Brick Residence. with side yard, No. 21V1 Wert Delancey Place. east of Twertyeecond street.—On Tuevlay. November 26th. 1867. at 12 o'clock, noon. will be sold at public sale at the Yhiludelphia Exchange, all that modern three4dory brick mestuage, with twoetory back building and lot of ground. situate on the south side of West Delancey Place, 44 feet east of Twentvescond street, No. 21.Vit containing he front on West DelanceyPlace 22 -feet (side >MIL 4 feet wide), and extending in depth 62 feet. It has the modern conveniences. gee, bath, hot and cold water. water cloeet. furnace, cooking range. kc. . Pr Clear of all incumbrance. Terms—S.lAM may remain on mortgage. THOMAS & NOtl liuctioneera, • 129 and 141 So uth Fourth Street. qpNe, tio Alic• ==E2l n• 1622.30 ciAL-P. 'BY ORDER OF HEIRS.—THOMAS & SonsAueoneers.'Phres.story Brick Dwelling. No. " 1842 Cr . Oes o street,. between Belgrade and Thompson" streets. On Tuesday, November 28th, 1837:at lito'clock, noon. will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Ex change, all that threeetory brick messusge. and lot of ground. situate on the southwestwardly side of Crease street. between Belgrade and Thompson streets, No. 1341 i containing in front on Crease street 19 feet B' ; inches. ann in depth 42 feet 9 Melee on the northwest line, and 47 feet feat 7 inches on the southeast line. It has gas, water. range. &c. nrClear of all ineumbrimee. Posession Ist January. 1969. THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneers. 109 and 141 South Fourth street. - - 11 REAL ESTATE—THOMAS d: SONS' SALE.— throe-story brick residtmce,No.2ls Spruce street9ofeet front. • On Tuesday. Nev. 26, 1867. at 19 o'clock noon, will be sold at public male at the Philadelphia Exchange. all that threoatory brick messuage. with three.story back buildings and lot of ground, situates on the north side of Spruce etreet. west of Second street. No. 215: the lot in i 1 depth g o neeo uTonhpuuce har eh 2 o moder a n dex vn d e n es: gas, bath, hot and cold water, cooking range. Wa ter-closet, &c. Ell" gear of all incumbrance. Immediate .. sesalon. Terms—s 2. I . may remain on mortgage. Rep at the Auction rooms. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers. 1119 and 141 South Fourth street. _-- REAL ESTATE—THOMAS & SONS SALE.— lirtvValuable Building Lot, Panto street, 7 h at Ward„—On Tuday, November 96th,_ 1867 at iv o'clock, noon. will b ee soldat public Bale, - at the "Philadel phia Exchange, all that lot 01 ground,situate on the soutb western side of Palmer and southeastern side of Ireland a we j ac knon) street, Eighteenth .Ward; beginning at the point of intersection of said streets, thence Meng .tne southeastern aide of Ireland Wert 56 feet 4 3 6 lungs, thence southeastward 95 feet 8 inches. thence northeest ward 140 feet to Palmer street end nerthwestveard slog Palmer street 128 fee THO M A S ch tq the pjaen of beitinnhod- M. as SUNS, Auotioneers, 189 and 141 South Fourth street. • •[ilil:r.ill:4jt, :►►C(l Ilo'l}9 !Timm csasitma, ima° ll 0 ?Ir _O4I3.ItLIXiN'I4 ,TAIG • mail mad sip Iraloters and Glaskeic Z 49.4.37 Arai eitroet , „„„„„,,. 4 0 4 1 isobbottonaott to w ith pro at inptiess an 111111 Will. vimitt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers