GIBSON PEACOCK. Nita. VOLINE XXI.--NO. 191. TILE EVENING BULLETIN PUBLIBUILD EVERY ItVgIUNG • (Oundars excepted). *1 THE NEW HVLLETIN BUILDING, 607 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, nit Iva EVENING BULLETIN ASSOCIATION. ritOPRIVZOT.S. ; GIBSON PEAS, ERNEST Q. WAM, FF:THEB.STON. Taos. ,T. wit& N. CA IVES SOUDE.R, Jst.. EBANCIS WELLS. The norassur is served to enbecribere in the tiny at it cents er week. °nimble to the carriers. or Sever TUARIES FOR 1868.—NOW ERADY;kt729 ARCM .1.-/street. containing' blank eolee for etch day in the year, Weil of postage, table of stamp duties, die,„ pub llr had and for sale by W. O. PERRY. 7$ Mob street. MARRIED. HAVER—CROSSON.—on Wednesday evening, the Pith inst.. at WesLington. by the Row, William J. Mann, Mr. 4.;eorge W. Dauer. of Washington, U. 4 :;.. to Miss Anna Mitchell CrOnott. of:Philadelphia. DIED. 'OWAN.--011 the lath inst., at 'Baltimore, after a long and painful illneas,.thlin E. Cowan. aged 31 years.' GANS.—This morning, after a lingering illness, Daniel Gans. • • itEEP.—Suddenly. at Chestnut Mit, on the evening of the lGth that., wife of Witham B. iteed. 'Funeral services at the Church of St..lamee the Less, en Tuesday. wth inst. at half.paat twelve o'clock. the 17th that., Ma r! White. aged VS years. Her funeral will take 'lace from the reeldenee or bira. F.J. 81'11100%60g North sixth street, on Wednesday next, 2 P. bt. • Ow BURIAL CASKET. PATENT TOE DEMON QUANTA)) JOLT 9, 9367. E. 6. SAII.LZT, rNDERTAXLII. S. 14 COEN= OF TENTH AND GRIMM 81%1DCT6. I claim that my_ new improved and only patented IBUMAL CASKET is far more beautiful in form and finish than the old unsightly and repulsive coffin. and that its construction adds to its strength and dun. We the undersigned. having had occasion to ma In our families E. S. EAHLEVS PA'fENT BlittfAL CASKET, would not in the future me any othedf they could be ob. lmtttled. ehop M. Simpson, J. W. Jackson, .T. Schenck. M. D., E. J. Crippen. Cote. J. Kenton. V. 8. Jacob S. Burdssli, litcr.lD W. Bartine, D. D.: lieu. W. Evans. B enj.erne. Wm. Hicks. J. W. Claithome. D. N. Sinn. EYRE dr. LAP:DELL HAVE' THE 'FIRST QUALITY Lyons 'Velvets for Cloak*. Lyons Velvets, dash. Cif Seeks. -- ylfUl; DE tit LANDELL, VOURTH AND ARM. KEEP A x 4 fine suunitment of Coselincres for Bova' Clothes. Cas• troores for Buslne..l Suits. SPECIAL NOTICES. weir — 0 c ERT BALL. POPULAR LECTURES DEN RV VINCENT. 'lll I: EN6LISII' REFORMER AND BRILLIANT ORATOR.. will liver bi* Great Lectures, under the auspices of the loaux Men'. Christian Association, on • JOAN MILTON.. The Scholar. the. Poet. the Patriot—the prodigy of hit owu are. and G t A h RI BALDe alery of l. all time; and And the Ttilian movement for Unity and Freedom. TII.SDAY AND TIII7 . RSD D AY S% , NuVENIDER 58 AND 28. At 8 o'clock * P. M. tit ICET.S ADMISSION, RESERVED The sale of Tickets will begin MONDAY MORNING.PitIi at ASIIALEAD'S. 214 Chestnut etreet. nolgsarps GA.TION COMPANY. .P1.171.1,1)1I.I711%. November id. 18/D. Subscription Books for the new Five Minion Gold Loan of tI,IA Company. interest Biz Per Cent. per annum. in 'Gold. free of United States and State taxer, will remain open until the SOth ire.. to Stockholders. to allow all of them au opportunity to participate. Price. 85 Der cnt. Four millions Ulric already, been subacribed fur. The Company has reserved the right to prorate the 908u:rip. Now ti the amount should exceed five millions. SOLOMON 811EPIIED.D. - Treaßarer, nol8Mi! , Se—SOTICE.--A SPECIAL MEETING OF TILE "^""' liagoeistion Of Cotton and Woolen Goads Manu. Ise Of . .. Philadelphia. will be held on WEDNES. PAY. November IA at 3 o'clock. P. M. at the Board of Trade Rooms.. .Nabb - Chestnut street: TO prepare Its• ',orient buslneaa to lay before Congress. Other mitten of vital Importance to the Trade 4 in tke .present (lisle, will be brought before the meeting! WILLIAM DIVINE. Prteident. Jos. C. Fi.exino. noI 2tl HOWARD HOSPITAL, NOS. L6lB AND MI cal 7 re Lo garat robera nt an at= inea Dirpeseary Departnient.—Metli fured tratuitottelv to the poor. NEWS BY THE CUBA CABLE. JASIA.ICA. Another Negro Rebellion at Hand—. .Four Hundred Disciplined Negroes Heady for Arius in One Parish—The - Whites Seriously Menaced and Great Alarm••ShocKs at Earthquake. ,Kisc;stox, Jamaica, Nov. 15, 1867.--There is fear of another negro riotous and revolutionary outbreak. The parish of St. Thomas In the East is threatened on the present occasion as in the case of the former rebellion. There ate as many aa four hundred negroes dis ciplined according to mllltarrpractiee and ready to take up arms. The Protestant rector of St. David's parish has been already admonished by the leaders of the colored force. A great panic exists all over the island in consequence. The Coveinment and executive officers are on the alert. The white population is seriously menaced. Severe shocks of earthquake were experienced on the days of the llth and lflth instant, about the hour of noon. The Morris estate has brxn damaged. A chimney fell from one of the dwellings with the force of the shock. There were no live,. lost. Arrived here the ship Haidee, Captain Hinckley, from New York. Sailed, Triumph and Matilda, for New York. Loading, Baidee. D. A. Reed and J. Tit • t'' atter for Hayti. ST. DOMINGO. Destruction of St. DOII.IIIIXO City. HAVANA, Nov. 17 7 1867.—We have the an nouncement that Bt. Domingo Olty has been de stroyed. (probably by an earthquake.) I have telegraphed for details, which I shall forward at once. H &WTI. Detail* of the ilaytten Insurrection. HavaKa, Nov 17, 1867.—The news of the Insur rection in Hayti is confirmed. On the 12th of October, the scone in the Legis lative Chambers was very violent, and the lan guage used was of the most threatening character. It all arose from a motion made to relieve Montes, who is in a Cape Haytien dungeon. The mem bers all spoke in his defence l It is stated that President Salnave became so audacious as to secretly incite a ra ble of women and boys to attack the House of Assembly. This they did, aml&loud visas for Sainave, and cries of "Down with the Assembly !" hurling at the same time bricks, bottles, sticks, &c. The dwell ings of many were vigorously stoned. The American Consul was fired at, but escaped un hurt. A unanimous protest of the diplomatic corps has been presented against any further finch scenes, and demanding of the government to see to it that the like do not occur. At last accounts the city of Port au Prince was quieting. The treaty with thatnited States is as vet in sus- TOM. NEW JERIWir MATTERS. A NEw CuunCir, ENTRltrittstr.--YdSterday af ternoon at 9% o'clock the cornerstone of the new Mora. vian Church of Riverside New Jersey, was laid, in the n .„„ a o, a f a large concourse of the citizens of that timidsty. with appropriate, ceremonies. The buffing is t be located at the rtorthwest corner of Bri eboro' road and Washington avenue. Iti Ibe Mint stone, and one.etory in height, with a bac 'building suitable able for • • a Sunday School. The Rev. Robert de Sweinits, of Bethlehem, the • Press. dent of the Professienal Elders' Boar Officiated on the ocession,azdsted by the Rev. Philip °nap, who is to be pastor of the church. The Rev. Mr.einitz de • livered a most interesting address. in w hich he gave a history of the United Moravian Brethren rout the time . .of the going out of the colon/4kt° Bohemia down to the present time. The building will be completed early in the spring, and 'will no doubt attract a large congress, do m 'lle box deposited in the , corner.stoim contained a Mible, hymn book. text book. a copy of the tivcrasai Buz. itrrirr. and sotnevaluable silver coins exhibitody)Y Mr. Bodge. a resident of that place. The Rev :' Mr. sap is an industrious and earnest Worker in the cause truth, and will undoubtedly soon collect around him one of the largest cougregationii in /581 T rerdoY. TILE GLasswonicza at Rlveraide, N. J., which havAtiovaidlti for Kuno ttuttutaitt, it ;CP01'04.10;1 04.111 bD ailitta A olverattfou; A WOIIIAN 9 S EXPEDIENCE ON TJFIE OCEAN AND' IN PARIS. lspeeicaye pour Dan -Ks lEorrenpondenee of the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin.] Pants, October 28th, 1867.—H0w or why it has been circulated I know not, but in America there is arr idea current that females have more facili ties and better protection in traveling in their own country than anywhere else; in fact, the necessity and my great desire to come to Paris this winter were almost insufficient to enable me to "screw my courage to the sticking place," and undertake It after the accounts I heard of the insults and hardships to which females travel ing in Europe were liable. The wife of a Mora vian missionary, ono of our former Swiss con suls, and a Prussian lady, joined to re-assure me; and here I am, happy in the conviction that a lady can maintain her right to the title wherever there are beings with human sympathies, or capable of ordinary discernment. On the twenty-eighth of September the Arago sailed out from New York. A more select and agreeable company could not have been thrown together or chosen for traveling companions than the passengers on board. A number of families intending to reside in . Paris during the winter, giving their children the advantages of a French course of instruction; artists seeking .models and inspiration amongst the works of the old masters; invalids bound for the south of Franco, where the climate is of a more evert tem perature than in the southern American States: some bold travelers intending to brave the Alpine storms and Russian winter, and alms hurrying away from scenes of distress and sorrow to new scenes aid occupations—these composed our ship's company. In twenty-four hours we were like one family. Our captain. gen tlemanly and untiring in his attentions to all, was father. brother, physician and chap lain. When the storm rocked the steamer like a rowboat on the rapids of Niagara„ and old and young. male and female, paid the penalty of trespassers in the dominions of Triton. it was marvelous to ate the expedients resorted to by the captain for each peculiar cafe. None but the aged and those who were nreviously ill were al lowed to remain in their state-rooms. The sail ors were ordered to make bean bags for the young people to toss, rings of tarred rope for the gentlemen to substitute for quoits. and camp stools. reclining chairs, and every comfort that could aid in making the sea-sick company wil- Hog even to tolerate life were placed before them. Grapes, lemons, sour balls, mint drops, ginger nuts and apples were the favorite articles of diet until the fury of the storm god abated. Then the transformation scene was extremly ludicrous. Five meals per day failed to satisfy the ravenous 'appetites, and the promenade deck was crowded from daylight till near midnight with as lively a company as ever graced an ocean steamer. There was noth ing to mar the pleasure of even the most fasti dious. The sailors were orderly and respectful; the captain and officers patient and gentlemanly: the gentlemen passengers,without exception, at tentive, polite and temperate; and the ladies,pos sessing a full share of personal attractions, dis played none of the vanity and spirit of rivalry so often exhibited on long voiages. The paid- , archal head of our company was Mr. Edward C. Dclavan, a leader in the great temperance reform both in America and Europe. His influence was felt and acknowledged by all. At the age of seventy-five be was crossing the fifth time, in perfect health, and to his clear intellect we , were indebted for most delightful reminiscences of his visit to Paris at the time of the restoration of the Bourbons. A copy of his new book, the " Consi deration of the Temperance Argument and His tory," was presented to the on the very last day , of our voyage, with a modest but earnest speech, that will. I hope, leave a lasting impression. One thing is certain: his suggestions throw light on many little points that the French Govern ment wishes to conceal, and explain why there are few drunkards in the street.? of Paris, but host, in the restaurants and cafeis. Ten days out at sea ! It seems like ten months since we had seen land. Our little company entirely isolated from the whole race of mankind: but few planks between us and the unfathomable deep: fogs enveloping us so that the sun which had but a few moments before dazzled us with its pow erful brilliancy was now shut out as by a lieavy . curtain: sails taken down, signal whistles shriek ing and alarm guns booming with adult saddening sound in the Incessant roar and moaning of the seas! The captain walking with rapid strides on the bridge, watchful and silent, receiving and giving messages quickly and in low tones; every man at his post, and every part of the deck in perfect order! The misty rain had driven the passengers into the main saloon. I was spell bound. I would have thrown myself like a fire worshipper into the raging , elements. .Those beautiful lines of Adelaide Proctor, in her "Hymn to the Sea," were whispered by a spirit-voice close beside me: oclßlmrp "Do tempests swing thee, or deep choral nights Chant unto murmurous slumber? yield me still Thew.alm of hushed abysses!—human ill Patience transitlgures on her visioned heights. Thou dost not rive the blood-drenched deck apart, Nor whelm the slaver's freight of woe, but soft On patient swelling breast upborne Wattest the dismal burthen on. As trusting in the lore that watts akft, And the slow germ of good in man's unquiet heart." The blackness of night now fell round us like a pall, and the ship rolled, groaned, shivered, and started like a human being in the agonies of de lirium. The deck, ropes, benches and chairs were drenched with the mist that fell like rain; and with the ship riding on the crest of a wave, then plunging into the trough of the sea, rolling on its side till one water-wheel was completely submerged and the other raised clear out of the water, it made, the walk to the companion-way decidedly dubious, and I found myself seated or reclining suddenly and unintentionally several times before it was accomplished. Finding a friend (mutual dependence makes quick friendships), I paused beside her to enjoy the strange contrast of the stoma without and the cheery light and sounds that rose from the main saloon. Hark! a hymn, familiar to every Ameri can, but imagine it sung by sweet voices, at first trembling and uncertain, but strengthening and with 'more confidence iu every note, with the ocean grandly rolling its muffled thunderings for an accompaniment: "Jesus, lover of my ,our! Let me to thy bosom fly, While the billows round me roll, While tb:n tempest still is high! • ' Hide me, 0 par Saviour, hide! Till the store "of life is past, • Safe into the haven lde. ! 0! receive my soul at last! - ,„ „ We 4 11 retina to cur stakomma tookeAknow - A 44, !At - danger, but trusting th at thp,:apad of the UV/di:dela the helm. During `,TOnfOt of twelve days we pool °sly t** etesw *lf !YErnoward POWS, old s few sslht: giudi I forget the seisstitos . dot PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1867. cry of "'Land !" Our whole company • rushed forward, first-cabin, second-class, steerage and sailors forgetting distinction in the general joy; and when we anchored off Falmouth, the cannon . roaring for a response from the British Lion in the shape of a pilot to take us up the channel, and for a• tug to carry off our English passengers; the rockets shooting up into the highest clouds and descending in tears of lire that actually sunk into the waves; blue lights and Roman candles making the white cliffs of Eng land and the sails on the bay appear and disap'- pear from our sight like magic scenes—the ef fect was beyond description. It was here we learned our first English lesson. John Bull was taking tea, and he "'ad no hides that hanother 'alf 'our or so would make hany material differ ence." The pilot and tug arrived, and soon we were, steaming for Havre. It is worth all the risk and discomfort of sea-sickness in crossing the ocean only to have the sensation of entering the port of Havre. We were favored with a glorious sunset, and a favorable breeze that. rippled the deep blue waters till their diamond wavelets, catching the reflected light, seemed like fairy lace-work, and our stately ship glided over Its golden meshes as if moved by enchantment. On the high wails of the harbor, whose solid ma sonry might have been laid With the foundations of the world, so massive does it appear, were hundreds of citizens of all grades, and in every description of costume, from the severe broad cloth and beaver of the Englishman to the skull cap and blue blouse of the herdsman, and the trailing robe of a New York belle, or the appro priate street costume of a 'French lady,to the gap petticoat and frilled cap of the peasant girls ; while from the balconies and windows of the quaint and closely-built houses crowds of curious tadies and children stared at us through their opera-glasses, and waved us a welcome to ?ranee ! And now came the moment of pain. Our little company must separate, not likely to be ever united again, ti we should reach the haven where there are "no partings. Our good captain took each one by the hand,' and his kind wishes for our pleasant journeyings cheered even those who wept because there were no friends to s eereet them at the end of a two weeks' voyage on a stormy ocean. But what a merry, patient party we were at the Custom House. Why? Because there was co use in being anything else. For two mortal hours we were waiting ; to be called, occasionally peeping through thealnor only to have It shut in our faces with a "Par-r-dons ! Mesdames, ..Ves zieurs r from a smiling garde de ville, who finally led us in, two by two, and on pointing out our trunks, with the assurance that they contained nothing but our personal effects, they were passed without being unlocked, and away we all went to secure rooms and a good dinner at .the best hotels. As my letter is a spicialtii' pour dames, I will give the details that will be most useful to ladles who are, compelled to travel without male anis- Lance, and certainly experience is my authority for whatever knowledge I may impart. On board the steamer I was E 0 fortunate as to win the friendship of a lady vih.O. Wee atemellng..with her colored maid, and no other escort. At the hotel we engaged apartments together, and shared the benefits, amusements, and all that could be de rived from new scenes, customs , and people, and finally. the expense of service, cab hire, and the runny little calls that travelers have constantly :or funds. About nine o'clock, we started out and completely traversed the streets of Havre. ound the squares were booths gaily decorated and fitted up with fancy articles of every de scription for as le: in others were amusements of, sorts, and the French contrivefau as they do dishes, ear of nothing; ice cream saloons, wine tables. cafes, and everything one could eat, rinkmear, or use for furniture, were spread out and arranged in a style most attracti , ve, and tempt ing to the purse. It was a gocal opportunity to see the people of France. They do not 'reef here like Americans. They take their own time for everything. , When they have finished their task, a bottle of wine, a half' =mi . (' of bread, a little mutto n, a bunch of grapes •nd a stroll on the Boulevards is all they ask of •he world. how well the government under , aunts the people! Keep the gas in the streets, stores, gardens and palaces. Let the people have plenty of holidays to look at it all. Keep the prices of eancass low, so they will not wish to burn gas. If a soldier restdres another's lost hat, give him a medal; he is bound to think his em peror the most liberal of monarchs. But,look at the result! Let us begin with the depot at Havre, for the,road to Paris - in my next letter. Yours truly, E. D. W. MUSICAL. TIIE MATINEE of the Conservatory of Music, at Horticultural Hall on Saturday, was entirely suc cessful. The Sonata by Beethoven, for piano and holm, is not a very interesting work, because the horn is an intractable instrument for solos. Messrs. Plagemann and Clarke deserve credit fott the manner in which they played it. Mr. Charles IL Jarvis played a polonaise by Chopin superbly. It was unexceptionable, both In execution and in expression. Mr. Gaertner's solo for the violin was also elegantly played, and in the Mozart Sonata, with Mr. Jarvis, both artists acquitted themselves extremely well. CARL SENTZ'S ORCHESTRAL MATINEE, last Thursday, was fine,like all that have preceded it. The Mozart Symphony was splendidly played, and so were the other orchestral pieces. The solo on the violin, played by young Mr. Stoll, made a decided bit, and was very near being encored, The youthful artist will soon take a very high rank as a solo player. THE MENDELSSOIRI MUSICAL SOCIETY an nounce that they will give the first of a series of three subscription concerts at Concert Hall on Monday evening next. The overture to Dina rail, by Carl Bentz's orchestra and the chorus of the society; a bass solo with chorus, by Costs; a female chorus from Wallace's Lurlitael a four part song by Mendelesohn; the. Hallelujah chorus from Beethoven's Mount of Olives, and Mondale sohn's concerto in G. Minor, played by Mr. Thunder and the orchestra, comprise the pro gramme. RICIIINGS' OPERA TROUPE.—This evening, at the Academy of Music, the Richings will produce the long-promised opera, The Lily of Killarney. The plot is identical with the famous and favorite Irish drama, The Colleen Ilaton, and the 'music is by Benedict. This composition is said to;contain some beautiful music, and we are assured that the Rieldsgs' troupe not Only have studied it with" scrupulous care; but thefit will be placed upon the stage in an unusually tine style. Qompuusurrrattr CONCERT.—The grand com—. plintenfary concert tendcred to .Mrs, Josephine 041410 will be given ,/Nefi• day evening, Pecernber,ow WserlAt's Oonoattle:—The second of Mark iganaleen concerts 10 be given this afternoon at OUR WHOLE COUNTRY. Concert Eall. Performance commences at :;3 o'clock. EUROPEAN AFFAIRS CHARLES DICKENS. Complimentary Dinner Given to the Distinguished Anther Previous to piis,lleparture for the Iltriltudtitatos• IFroni the London Times, Oct. 4.1 On Saturday evening, Nov. 2, a grand complimentary farewell dinner was given to Mr. Charles Dickens, at the Freemasons"lavern, on the occasion of his revisiting time United states of America. Lord Lytton officiated us Chairman. Covers were laid for between 13(K) sod 400. The gallery was • tilled with ladies. Among the prominent persons present were noticeable Sir Charles Russell, V. C., M. I'., the Chap tieneral of the Forces: Sir Francis Grant, rrosident of the loyal Academy: Sir Benjamin Phillltat, Sir E. Landsier,K A.. Sir J. E. Tennant. Mr. Thos. Faed, ft. A., Mr. Layard, M. r., Mr. °sway, M. I'., Capt. Houston Stewart, B. N. and on the left the Lord Chief• Justice of Englenol, Lord oluthton. Martinis dfAzeglio. Mr. An thony Troliope the Lord Mayor , Prof. Owen, Sir C. W. Dikes, Sir William Ferguson, Mr. If. Webster. Mr. Brick stone, and others. After the regular toasts had beeri drcuak and responded to, Lord Lytton addressed the as semblage at length. In reply to a toast offered Ida, Mr. Charles Dickens made the following remarks: PPERCII OP ILL DICLMII9. Ile said "No thanks' that lean offer you can express my settee of me reception by this great assemblage, or con fu the least suggest to you how deep the glowing words of my friend, the Chairman, and your acceptance of them, have gunk into ley heart. But both combined have go sweetly shaken the composure which I am used to command Ixtare an audience, that I hope you may oh: serve in me some traces of an eloquence more expressive than the richest 14 ords. [Cheers..) To soy that I am fer vently eratelul to you le to say nothing; to say that I can 'sever lot get this beautiful sight is to say nothing; to say that. it brings upon me a rush of emotion not only in the present, but in the thought of its remembrance in the future by there who are dearest to me, is to soy nothing; but to feel all this for the moment, even almost to pain, is very much indeed. [Cheers.] blereutio rays of the wound in his le east. dealt him by the hand of a foe, that 'Tis not so des pas a well. nor to wide as a church door; but 'twill serve.'? I may any of the wound in my breast, newly dealt to me by the hinds of my friends, that it is deeper than the soundless sea and wider than the whole Catholic Church. [Cheers and a laugh.) I may safely add that it has for the moment. ahnoet wicket' me dumb. I should be more than human, and I assure you I am very human indeed, [cheers,) if I could look around upon this brill ,nt representative com pany and not feel greatly thrilled and stirred by the pre. seine of so many brother artists, not only in literature,but she in sister art', especially painting. among WIIOCC pro fessors living and unhappily dead, are many of my oldest and hest friends. [Cheers.) I. hope that I may, without presumption, regard this thronging of my brother's' around me as a testimony on their part that they believe that the came of art gen erally has been safe in Toy beeping, [cheered and that .it has never been falsely dealt with by me. [Cheers.) Your resounding cheers Just now would have been but so many cruel reproaches to me if I could not here declare th-e., from the earliest days of my career down to this proud night, I have always tried to be true to my calling, [cheers]—never unduly to assert it. en the one hand, and never, on any pretence or consideration, to permit ft to be patronized in my person, has been the steed y endear°, of my Hie; [cheers ;1 and I have occasionally been vain enough to hope that I may leave its social position in Ermined better than I found it. (Blieresi] Similarly, teed equally I hope withobt presumption,_on, trust that I may take this general representation of the public here, through so many orders, puttees and degrees', 419 a token that the public believe that, with a host of imper fections and shortcomings on my head,l have ae a writer, in my rout and conscience, tried to be as true to them as they have ever been true to me. [Cheers.] Andhere, in reference to the inner circle of the arts and the cutter circle of the public, I feel it a duty to-night to offer two remarke. I have in my dnty, at odd tlmee, heard a great deal sheet literary seta and cliques and coteries and harriers; sheet keeping this man up, and keeping that man down; about *wren disciples and sworn unbe lievers, and mutual admiration societies, and I know not what other dragons in the upward path. I began to tread it when I was very Yining without influence, without mone, without companion, introducer. or adviser, and )S am hound to put in evidence In this pliteelhae/ never lighted on these dragons yet. [Cheers.) Bo have I heard in my day, at direr' other odd times, Much generally to the effeetthat the English people have little er no love of art for its own sake, and that they de net greatly care to acknota ledge or do honor to the anise, My own 'experience has uniformly been exactly the reverse. iCheere.i I can. say that of my cauntomen, though I cannot say that of nay country. [A laugh.) And now, passing to the immediate occasion of your doing me this great honor, the story of my going to America is very easily and briefly told. biome I was there before, a vast and entirely new generation has arisen fa the United States. Since I was there before, most of the hest known_of t_ny_ books have been written and published; t s be new generation and the boob+ hare come together and have kept together, until et 'meth numbers of there. who hare tieWidele and content reed naturally desiring a Httle variety in the reLataonship between us, have ex premed a strong wish that I should read myself. [Cheers.] This wish, at find conveyed to me, through public channels and business channels, has gradually be. come enforced by an Minn:use accumulation of letters from individuals and ageociations of individuele, all es preteing in the saute hearty, homely. cordial, unelected way a kind of personal interest in me —lewd almost said a khid of personal affecte in for me [cheer'), which I am sure you would agree with me it would be dull insensi bility on my part not to prize. by little this, pees sure 1111.8 become so pvat that, although,. as Chaties Lamb says, my household gods strike a terribly deep root, I have torn them from their plates, and this day a week, at . tide hour small he upon the sea. Yon will readily con crave flea I am inspired, besides, by a natural desire to cue for myself the seetoniehing change and progress of a quarter of a century over there, to grasp the Lande of many faithful friends whom I tuft there, to see the faces and multitudes of new friends upon' hOlll I have never looked, and last, not least, to um my tact endeavor , o lay down a third cable [Memel of in t reoniretteiention anti tt , liance between the old world :mu] the new. [Loud (emcee.] Twelve years ago when ileaven knows I little thought I. should ever Lei bound upon the voyage which now lays before me, L" wrote in that form of my writings which obtains by 'the mort extensive circulation, them words of the American nation: — 1 know full well, whatever little mote+, may beamy eyes may have descried in theirs, that they are a kind, iorge-hearted, generous, and :swat people." [Bear.) In that faith I am going to 'see 'lem again; in that faith. I shall, please Goal, re turn lima them in the Spring, in that same faith to live red to eie. .1 told you in the beginning that I soul:" net thank sou Cnotigh, and Heaven knows I have u. 0,, thorvughly kinpt my word. LA laugh.] IC 1 may quote one other Aunt sentence from myself, let it imply :At that I Ii Ave left unsaid. and yet moo' deeply feel. lie tit. putting a girdle round the earth. comprehend both s t the Atlantic at once in this moment, and say, as 110 lint observer, 'God bless es every orte.' " [Loud eve continued cheers.) Otte'r toa,ta were subsequ , ntly thank, and ~pecelb:s made by Mao, n 3: Lnyard, Tranape and other.s, the nt''tbilditEe Gißberaing at a late hour. IA ALLY. Garibaldi's “Orders” and Manifesto Before liis Defeat. The following order of the day was issued by Garibaldi et Monte Itot,ndo on the 27th of October : Three hundred yrisenors, two bronze guns—twenty. f‘ur rounder and twelve pounder—a large quantity of ulna sold ammunition and fifty artillery and dragoon bolero -rich are the trophies which the brave volunteers offer to Italy as a pledge of its free and hap; y Mere. When I have received the complete retert of the various feats of arms which have dhtinsuished this_glorious affair I will give tho details. The Humans, our fathers, conquered the world by bravery and discipline. To the bravery of which the volunteers have given evidence, it is indisperaiably necessary. to add diaeivine, without which no military corps. what r can exist I especially recommend to the volunteers the - care of their health and their arms. cIARIBALDI The next day the General sent the following proclama tion to the itomand:— • • . CA , ENA PI SAN COLOMBO, October V-, 1861—Roman Brcthers:---ilaving conquered the enemy we are in sight of the old matron of Rome. Some miles only divide us. In a tew days the undaunted soldiers of liberty will ra pidly traverse them to give the last blow to the tyranny which has oppressed us for centuries. hold yourselves reads: for the supremo trial—preoare by every means for the destruction of the Sbirri—it is the right of the slave. This time it is you who will give to the world the now era, the Initiative of truth and progress. GARIBALDI. The l'iedmentese Gazette publishes the following letter from Garibaldi respecting tho.tictory of Monte Rotondo: y Dear Fabrizi:—Tho taking of Monte &Rondo fs cer tab ly a most glorious affair for those poor and valiant ro i e weers. In none of the campaigns In which I have had the honor to command them. have I ever seen them 00 tried by hunger and want of clothing. And yet these brave young paten, exhausted by fasting and fatigue, last night made a difficult and perilous attack as well or better than the, first soldiers in the world. It Is four o'clock in the mornng, and we are masters of the place, except the p a lace, ahere the Zonaves have taken refuge as well as the Anton and Swiss. We. have taken considerable booty, isting of horses, arms and prisoners. G. GARIBALDI. From Salk Francisco. SAN Fnmicisco, Nov. 17.—The snit of the State of California against the, steamship Moses Taylor, for a penalty, amounting to 116760,000, for fall ing to stamp passage tickets, has been quashed bykthe decision of Judge Sawyer that the. Cali fornia stamp act is unconstitutional. • The corner-stone of the Parker Monument, 111 the Odd Fellows' Cometery,,was laid to-day with imposiug ceremonies. The China mail steamer, Great ' Republie .. ,has not yet arrived: She is throe dayS overdue. Front Boston. Bones . , Nov..lB.—At an early hour on , Sunday morning a large.establishnient in the suburbs , of Roxbury, used for the manufacture of phosphate of lime and bone manure * was destroyed by fire. .Wm. L. Bradley was thaprinclig; o wner. The valuable steam maelableitt thld. amount at' stock were consumed : WiteloSt eetimated at .1.08;000. The property we:44 insured for $BO,- Arpetitiomto COY. Bulleekjagirthlisbedi signed ibmipromatuent _citizens, teriftfar , ,thetpardaa.` and discharge 'from liv , ,persona earrnririg troth eoriviction tptddr the probibltoq hototdaw. „F . l a k CITY BULLETIN. TIM - ASYLUM FOR INEBRIATE:S.—It is generally known that within a couple of years the Legisla • lure of Pennsylvania granted a charter to several well-known citizens and philanthropists of this city, giving; them authority to establish a society to be known as the "Citizens' Association of Pennsylvania." Its obh eta are very clearly set forth In the preamble to the act incorporating the Association. It Is as follows: Whereas, A number of citizens of this Commonwealth having associated themselves together for the purpose of establishing a Society for the reformation of inebriates, and for tee moral and social elevation; of the ignorant and neglected classes, and having applied to the Legisla-' tore to grant them a charter. of incorporation that they may better carry their benevolent designs Into effect;' therefore, Resolved," The gentlemen named in the act of incorpora tion were John A. Wright, John M. Mars,Jay Cooke, W. G. Morehead, S. Morris Wahl, Nis tar Morris, Samuel Parrish, George Milliken, Henry Seybert, Joshua Noolston, Henry D. Moore, and Joseph Parrish, M. D. In the address published by the Association they set forth their plane and objects in the fol lowing words: We propene to offer the means of recovery, if ivisible, to these who may desire to accept them, and to place thine means within reach of the friends of such as may be loot to the desire for good. It le not the intention to erect a large and forbidding edifice, with even the appear once of a public charity, a. reformatory or penal establish meat, bat a series of ,cottages where the domes tie idea and kabltet of Ike family may be observed and perpetuated. Domes to which persons may go without any compromise of their self-respect. subjecting themeelyes only to such treatment and discipline as their condition rosy require, and where the allurements of literature and art may be secured to them, with a hope of restoring and improving the taste for the good and the true. These honied will be erected in the country, and we will endeavor to make them as attractive in situation and external surroundings as possible. Above all, we will aim to make them Christian homer, believing as we do, that while the appliances of medical science are needful to relieve phy sical maladies, and the allurements of art and innocent pleasures are requinite to win the imagination and culti vate, the taste, the introduction of human sympathies and. the direct influences and teachings of Christianity must be am lied, and the Divine blessing sought, for the purpoee of awakening the religious principle within, and insuring the reformation of the moral character. The association have in part carried their plans, and they have the experience of a year as an ev dence of what might be accomplished if an in stitution upon a larger and more comprehensive scale could be organized. They have established a Sanitarium at Media, Delaware county; one powerful reason for selecting this site being the fact that the sale of liquor is forbidden within the bounds of the borough by the terms of its charter. The building is commodious and com fortable, and the harniture and appointments are in the best taste. There is every thing to at tract patients, and nothing to repel° them, there being an abundance of amusement with moral instruction and advice given in the most agreeable and least offensive form. There is a good library, music, billiards ; and other sources of amusement and occupation, and while the inebriate who desires to get rid of his vicious hablbs is undergoing medical treatment, he is subjected to moral influences which are calcu lated to contribute to his contentment and cure. There are five acres of land attached to the insti tution, and thp surroundin,g country is extremely beautiful. Since the 18th of June last, ivhen the Sanitarium was first opened, twenty-one patients have been treated, not one of whom have re lapsed into his former habits. At present there are but ten inmates, and as the institution is self supporting, only those who can pay for their crloll atlppOrt - can be admitted to the enjoyment of its.advantages. The Directors hope to make it more comprehensive and wide-spread in its operation. A Fray: COLLECTION OF PAINTING,,—For the past few days the galleries of B. Scott, Jr., 1020 Chestnut street, have been crowded with 'the picture-loving citizens of Philadelphia, who are profiting by the opportunity now given them of examining one of the best collections of imported paintings ever seen in Philadelphia. Upon the walls of the exhibition rooms gems of high ar tistic excellence are hung, and whether our fancy leads us to prefer the smiling summer to the chilling wintry days, we shall find no"difll culty in being accommodated in any choice we may form. Mr. D'Huyvetter has, we under stand, traveled over the erecter part of Europe to form thiS magnificent collection, which will be disposed of at public sale on to-morrow (Tuesday) evening, to be continued on Wednesday and Thursday, at 734 o'clock. Such an opportunity of acquiring artistic gems has never been offered to our citizens, and we have no doubt whatever that our connoisseurs will enrich their collections by the works of such men as Toussaint, de By landt, Von.Geben (who contributes two loving passages of summer scenery), and many others. Mr. Scott may be fairly congratulated on having such splendid material to exercise his professional abilities. TUE "FLIP-1:1,A1'" DoncE. --A. J. McWilliams has, for weeks past, been engaged in swindling apple and pea-nut venders out of small shins of money by a dodge known as "Hip-flap." Tle would go up to a stand and ask for the change of a two•dollar note. When the change was given him he would throw it back and say that it was not the kind he wanted, then pick up the bill and walk off, having, however, retained fifty or seventy-live cents of the change. He was arrested while operating on Saturday night, and was committed, in default of :1,000 ball, by Recorder Eneu. Mr.. A. D'HuYvErrEß's Firm GRAND SALi: ot. l'Aiyrizws.—To-morrow Evening B. Scott, Jr., Will commence the sale of these fine Plantings, at the Art Gallery, 1020 Chestnitt street. As this will probably he one of the beet collections offered at public sale this season, we would ad vise art connoisseurs to embrace the short time intervening before the sale, in carefully examin ing the collection. Among some of the artists represented we notice E. Verbocckhoven, B. C. Koekkoek, F. Musin, E. Boker, Count A. de Bylandt, and others. RHODE ISLANDER Rouiu:n.—Heury Gau tavern-keeper on Market street, above Thirty first, and his bar-keeper, C.. W. Timmins, were arrested yesterday upon suspicion of having rob bed a young man residing at Newport , R. 1., who stopped' at Gaul's house, on Saturday night ; of a watch.and $4O in money. It is alleged Ghat Tim mins visited the stranger's room during the night, and acted in a suspicious manner. Aid. Maud held the prisoners for a farther bearing. MORDEROUS ASSAULT.—Geo. Warner, colored, was before Alderman Swift yesterday morning, charged with assault and battery with intent to kill. Said assault consisted of the serious stab bing of two colored women, residing at No. 718 Cullen street, with a knife, , on Saturday night. He gashed the arm of one of the women and the baud of the other. He was committed in default of 64000 bail for trial. WHISKY RAlD.—Doputy U. S. Collector Faulk rod, assisted by a squad of Eighteenth District Police, captured two copper whisky-stills, in the Infected, district of Port Richmond, at 6 o'clock this mornine. One at MeGarvey's, William street, above . Salrnond, and another at Swann's, No. 1018 Elewston street. SUICIDE 1117 , HANGING.—James Wilkins, 62 years old, residing on Meadow street,Frankford, committed suleiele, yesterday, by hanging him self with a small cord tied to the stairway of his ,house.., His daughter died a few weeks ago, and since that time ho has been much depressed. %If HAHN THIEF A RitESTRII.-Jaltlefl FeigCll, wharf thief, was caught by a Third District po liceman, yesterday, while engaged in bursting open barrels containing apples , at Dock strot wharf, with intent to steal the, fruit. lie was sent to prison by Ald. Morrow. .• • SEMOUSLY SaLDEID,...O4 Saturday glom 011 a man named Thomas ilammett, a coPPera, was serionsi,r.Sealdett With boiling boor while repairing LiAlp: reltzer'a brewery, Vine street, °ATI!' 1 :4104 THE:'Tultr•ittoon,ipricnr aftero oo 4 k race will take pisee•at'Voliiit 'Breeie Park fora. purse of sll,ooo, , test•thm.l4ifiNe, Samosa. Tkrestlk9rses MOO beertiMOK • F. L AMERSTON. PRICE THREE CENTS. SrAmoren- Zening arrested at Mount Airy this morning upon sus picion of having eet fire to the stable attached to. the Lutheran Orphans' Home, Main street,. Ger mantown, last evening.c He was formerly in the employ of thelforae.'and ,when dischareed it s i3 alleged he made serious threats. Previous to the fire it is alleged he was seen around the building by some of the children Aldermau.Good :heht him in $2,000 bail for tt.further hearing. " THE CASE OF MItS. FuLLEIL- 2 -'tfrl. . Kap, the Mayor's clerk, desires us to acknowledge' the receipt of two dollars toward the fund for the relief of Mrs. Fuller. This Is AdditfOu to the other contributions acknowledged,. through,,the FACTS AND FINCH e. —Raisins are being made in California,. —The Quaker City e.xeursion party are etc= pected home in a few days. —The Earl of Camperdown 'visiting- West Point. , —The Crown Prince of Prussia gets hls van ti write his speeches for him. • —ln Paris, every winter, half a Ittlilion . of pates-deloie-gras are eaten. —Ericsson , the toren tor, has contributed $20,00511 to the fund for the famine sufferers in Swedeur. —Whipple will write, and Ttelator 80 Fields will pablish, the life of the late Gor. Andrew. • . —Two actresies in Paris have sued an editor for publishing their ages. —Valuable potter's clay, scarcein this country, has been discovered in Istorthamptomcottnty. —A Providenco'boy killed his companion the other day because ho rtfused to "lontelclndolVn . in playing marbles. —Punch suggests, a 3 a name for a liiensatleis novel, "The Rake's Progress: by the croupier of a gaming table." —Pbotozraphs of Weston's shoes Sold at Troy for as much as the articles themselves were worth. —A. Mormon elder has been converted to Re monism, and will enter the priesthood. Nu merous divorce suits have been begun. —There is an old Ideotehman on the Island of Arran who slept with Robert Burns,. and.has lived to 100 to tell of it. —What is the difference' between truth and eggs? "Truth crushed to the earth will rise again," but eggs won't. —A new invention for removing river bars, to be tried at New Orleans, loosens the earth by powerful streams of water. —Mount Sheshalnineky is the finest volcano oft the Alaska peninsula, in Walrusala, and now, be longs to Uncle Sam. • —A.Wum has a Divan piano at the Paris ROI , bitten which he claims can be used Alpo as bed, • bureau, wash-stand and book-case. —A journeyman mason in'London killed him self the other day, in despair at the discovery, the day after his wedding, that his wife had a glees eye. —An English half-penny of 1519 has-WAY been found in the crevice of a rock inPottatown, "Pa. The local journals are puzzling therosclveu with the question how it came there. —lt is said that a few weeks ago an emigrant wagon passed through a Missouri town bound west with the canvas marked "Kansas or bust." It has since returned labelled "Busted." - The joilor of Crawford county, Wisconsin; left his prisoners in eharta — of - a - eniall boy a few days ago. They all walked quietly out. of the, jail-aud left for other pirts. • • • ---The New Orleans Crescent. kindly, refers - is those whites who belonz to.the Loyal L eague . an d who Intend to vote, as "white sneaks ," - "deo; picable vermin," and "seoundreti.. - - —A young man whose sister's name was pub. lashed among the-oold maids" in . the' Troy AViin day Herald gave the publishers a severe thresh ing. Verdict, Served them right. —About nine-tenths of the Episconalisne Long Island are in favor of forming that district into a new diocese, with headquarters at Brooklyn. —ln Walruses it rains almost constantly—one fair day a week being considered a liberal allow ance. It must be a good field for the umbrella trade. —The Charleston(South Carona a)pa pers speak highly of an auction house for the sale of bacon smoked with mahogany shavings, Whieligives to the meat a rich brown color: —The Rev. A. K. H. Boyd (the Country Par son) has a new volume in press, entitled "Lee sons of Middle Age, with some account of Various Cities and Men." —Bishop Percy's famous folio manuscript has been offered to. the British Museum for a reason able price, and it. will probably pre's into the. keeping of that institution. —La Liberttl says that careful estimates place the number of public journals iu at 12,500. Of these, America issues 5,000 and Europe 7,000. Twelve million sheets are given as the daily issue. —ln several districts of Pent the soldiers have aesassinated their officers for siding with the Government. With no one to lead them they spread over the country, ,us highwaymen and murderers. —Gttizot, who is eighty-four, say:3 that: itt 1848, after his downfall, he tried to, drown hia grief by hard work. Instead of destroying:LlM, as he intended it should, It rendered him wod derfully hale and vigorous. hero is enough Iron In the blood of forty.- 'lwiy . men to make a ploughshare weighing twell ty-four pounds. 8o wheneveryou want a plough share, all you have got to do, is, to melt down forty-two men. —Mr. J. Rube Hawkins has invented a method of mutilating postage stamps,which he thinks will be effectual. Only gum half the stamp, he 4 1 0 1 0, and let the clerks in the post•office teur. off the other half. . • • —A man named Luke went to the Peterson jail last week sooner than pay the eity license fee for peddling in his wagon, and will "rot in jail" before he'll "come down a pcg." The police got. Luke warm about it. —Some Frenchman has discovered by some un known method that Adam stood 123 feet!! inches without stockings. Eve, according to the same authority, was 118 feet ii. 75 inches. Probably they would have exhibited themselves as giants if there had been anybody to buy tickets. —At the time of the accident which lately (re curred to the Empress's boat at St. Jean de Lux. when the Imperial boat ran on the sands anal upset against a rock' and its occupants were all fairly,in the water. the Empress cried out, "Save the Prince !—leave me, I can swim i" and. without help she reached the dry sands in safety. , —A spurious pedestrian entered fivracusele cently, followed by a single and doubk carriage. An immense crowd gathered and follpiwed.plks, dog trot the supposed Weston thteugk the streets with cheers, waving of handkerchief! and swinging of hats, but when the pedestrian took the Oswego road, the crowd 'vanished, trs the sellwas apparent. —Ohio is blessed with histrirSy robbers. -Mt old man returning from maiketwith'a large sum of money saw the knights of the road al:mussels jug, dropped his money ;* ,the bottom -ofi,,tbs wagon, and when they roughly asked,tdlit,whete it was, having vainly searched him, hesiummei, an e xpression of extreme fright and stsinterrosi out: aßaven'tgot paid yet; but if ymill stop me to-morrow nightyongi And It." • .; —A late number of a Loi says :—"The mantActure straw is not harder: than comic opera without amide i deficiency the country le rem no draMutte Wain in =lf Inv we cannot, wonder, $ laud. Perhape Me_ darn, irrespeeti or 40 a . '4 . Perhaps. Perhaps the abp 1 'NM' , i -1 cause there ban . sctuaLly +haps now that. tit and it . 64 . zvpi: t0n.4010,‘, , , 149,40 `. 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers