CITY ULLETIN. 1001111-.(: T.:i, I‘.r: Pi( !,0 nudisputed fact that Philadelphia leads every other city upon the continent, in the extent, va riety and excellence of its manufactures. If pride with all of our is ti matter of personal citizens, that ~hander Philadelphia Workman dill- is brought into competition with that of other cities, our factories always carry off the honors, without any hesitation on the part of the judces. This is demonstrated in the case of Samuel If. Phillips. the Ivan-known Manufae rarer of harness and saddlery in this city. Be sides althis prerious triumphs, Mr. Phillips won the gold medals at the West Chester Fair the Nor ristown State Fair. and at the late Fair m Mount IfOllY. N. J. And these prizes were not unjustly ,warded. - For durability. elegance of style, beauty of finish and profusion of ornamentation the due harness displays made cannot be Bur pasSed. affinitive not,baen in this country or in Europe. Mr. Phillips's manufactures have • car 7 Tied their reputation and the fame of this city to the old world, and he is constantly in receipt of • orders from Europe for his goods, which ere re cognized as superior to those of European manufacturers. The immense increase of 'busi ness consequent upon this universal recognition of merit, has compelled an increase of facilities for manufacture and sale. Mr. Phillips, with com mendable enterprise. has met the demtind by erecting a magnificent store on Chestnut street, above Twelfth,fur his own accommodation. This superb building. one of the largest of its kind in this country, will contain the wholesale and re tail rooms and the extensive workshops of the es tablishment, and will be fitted up in a style of un equalled beauty. It is a matter for congratula tion that our business men, while lidding to the reputation of the city a's a manufacturing centre, also contribute to its attractiveness by ereettu , r handsome edifices. Mr. Phillips is entitled to .Ifl ,raise for his enterprise and liberality. • A FIRST-CLASS ESTAIWNIIMET.—It is only un der certain circumstances that Franklin's proverb "Three removes are as bad as one fire" is true. An individual may shift his quarters and move, into new quarters simply because he desires a change, or his business may increase to such ' extent that he will be compelled to seek more ample accommodations, just as a man who grows too stout for his clothes seeks to procure DOW'', more suitable to his proportions. This brings us to speak of the fact that the well-known mer chant tailor, Dir. Edward P. Kelly, who for many our readers are aware,has been located at No. 611! Chestnut street, has been com pelled by the enormous increase of his business, and the consequent demand for larger sales rooms and workshops, to remove to the south east corner of Seventh and Chestnut strects,where The desired accommodations were to be found. Here Mr. Kelly, after altering and refitting the entire buildihg, has constructed and arranged what may justly be termed a first-class tailoring establishment, of meeting even the im mense and increasing demands upon' its resources. .Ir. Kelly has purchased a large stock of the finest cloths, cassimeres and overcoatings of the latest, styles, whieh e he prepared to offer to the public at prices very much below those which rule in the trade generally,, and as he makes a specialty of accu rate fitting, and nuts his cloth in accordance witu the very latest fasbionS, the public can rely now , obtaining from him garments which will fulfil the highest requir ~t ents ut dress, in couture, elegance and finish. The central location of Mr. Kelly's new store cannot tail to increase his busi ness even to the extent that his enterprise merits, I.v. SALE or ELEGANT 131PoirrED Auii (L B. Scott; Jr., will sell on Thursday and Friday mornings next, at the Art Gallery, No. 1020 Chestnut street, a large and elegant as sortment of alabaster vases and halls. parlors, drawing-rooms and mantels: verde antique:l groups and statuettes. Frpneh bronzes Bohemian glass. Also, three valuable pieces of Italian marble statuary. Au Um tuttoti of Messrs. VIII Brothers (late Vito Viti Sons). The collection will be ready for examination to morrow. ADVERTISING AGENCY.-A general advertising agency for the newspaper press of the whole country has just been opened in the Public Ledger Building. It is under the management of Messrs. Wetherill & Smith, who for . ye been connected with the advertising department of a number-of Philadelphia journals. Those who: patronize papers outside of Philadelphia can secure at this office the names and advertising ra es of all the principal journals throughout the cftntry. • CIIAILEN ., CIRCULATING LII:IIARY.-1111% Mil len, the proprietor of this popular establishment, has succeeded in maklnl one of the finest collec tions of entertaining and read 'Lie books to be found anywhere in the country. Any new volume can be procured here immediately upon its 1,1,:b -author', thus affording readers an opportunity to indulge their tastes at a trifling expense, and to secure the most desirable books without delay. AM I ) SE MEN'ES. TL:ic performance at this theatre last evening was of a thoroughly entoyable character. Miss Charlotte Thompson appearell as "Annie," in the pleasing drama of Litt e Ban..f,ut, and was exceed,. inglv well supported by the members of the company. The of "Amric" is one in which Miss Thump gained a well deserted reputation. The style of acting required for the successlul personation of the gale-s, t.tlmive and true-hearted little barefooted ctrl is eaactly suited ti Miss Thonquon's capabilities. iShe has evidently staciied the character rhly. glad in an approlative spirit, and there has been nothing in this city to: . a long time in the way of a theatri'j:al entertainment that is better eutitled to the patronage of those u ho admire genuinely natural iinti mcaffe-ted Indeed. it is Miss Thompson's gleulest ex , elleta that sh, is natural, while at the same time her performances are marked by au ease r - ;d era e whla,a belong onlv to the best Etrle of art. The plot ef the drama of I silght, anti the entire: interest centres in - ,he heroine, who is a poor ;Ili:, Milli a half-witted brottMr dependant in a goat measme u . pou her care and protection. The mmaldt (F.SpoSition. and begin) of "Antric - win for her Ito it., pet I and esteem of a I triio meet her, atal at I , bgth eimbics her to gain the hottest affections of a iii it tat It worthy of tel;t.r her husband. The incidents of the artana are sullielemly inteie , ting toontza , 4e the attemiou of the audience. while the charming MAMA': it' Nth . ... 11 the "Lillie Bare: foot" is represented secures the an'est applatue Last evening Miss Thompson was Mice called liefirc the curtain. The s!inordivatc characters were. fur the most part. very Well personated. Mr. Mordaum, as i',lohatines," the cr acted as ithimore spirit and better onset tnan u,nal. 'Mr. Fawcett, as "Hans," the brother of ".Atnl-le," and :Miss :Lena Prentice, as "Hose, - tle- Ol".tted the'ilSell es in a manner worthy of commenda -tic....,..---.^-j The audic me, although not so large as the fine per form:a:J.: deserved, was appreciative and heartily en tae enceilent acting. We sincerely hope then. , e • a fuller attendance during the remainder of Dint Tuempson'e ngagement, AS both her delineations of -..hmr - e.' at 7.7(6 Bare', ,I, and "Fanchon," which iS ti , '.el•ri.Liticed this week - , are- well worthy of the twc...tien of those play-goers who can appreciate 2. Car - -1., • T.—Mr. Jame: E. Murdoch will appear as - Allred L;elyn," in Duliven; line con,ce; 'hi A wEI be repeated this even it 1:C... , 211t-: 3td Et•ignuhls in the -ear•o-r. A( !Az , plemr.d spectacle of The Liar!: mlll rents r , hot one *.reek longer at the Acact , ,mm - . nutuly.l of teities hare been intro duced 'IS tie_ of zac.har.l, al and hCCUIC effects and new (I:mces. Tar:A AN.—A unr,l,er ei ente7taluM novelties are (: , ffered at the Atacr:.ta:, thisening. The whole bane*. corps s, ill appear wall the combuudion troupe. popular place Of anutsmient offer= a splendid bill for this wee k . Eph Horn and Frmik Moran, together with the other EthicT:tu stars of the troupe, will indulge In thlinea. tMus and eccentricities, ti htle iiol4;'F!, dances and bur le.-q:lcs will be produced in plJontEn , n. bYTIZET OPECA 114,1 sr.—The great attrac tion for the I.resent week will be the "Wonderful Jugs and Arabs," who will contort, evotuto and flip-lisp to an Imprecedeated extent. This is a most excellent and Intlglehle burlo:que, and will have deserved popu larity. PM/ !, , 1111. C IV( 1 popular place or amusement. at Tolth Lind canov.trir steeets. will open wlll, a tau company of nerobata and equestrian* on Thursday evening, October 17th. Ile et .0 CO''' 1 •• evening Mr. Theo. Ifabelmann will e the first of his costume concerts nt llortieultural Hall. lb assisted and sup ported by 31adameJohanusel. and a number of other well-khov,u and popular ar:l , tr. The programme is it most excellent one. and includes ;he second act of the ootn , o f L+rr;:r;u 'tic p:Tiortnert+ will be (.:.:ned, in aucurdaw..e itli the requirements of their parts.' 01.11:11tI 11.11. T..—The panorama of the Apocalypse , wilne eztdbtted this Qvcnickg at Concert Ilan. It con- Fist of iieeketi of 'very liaausome piintinge. incomprehcn , *bk. 1 , 4;11 , 1 will mystify nttu Lewi:iter the public at AsisL mbly Iluilding flair! t:ver 2. Krowrirripzszs. Reportefror tne Priumae phla vening I I A .—Br', Jamez BAL:er, lit f:ttant% B F THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, ,OCTOBER MARINE BULLETIN. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA -Our. a - YrBff Marine Bulletin en Third Page. ARRIVED THIS DAY. • Steamer Chase, !larding, BO hours from Providence, with mdse to 1) S Stetson& Co. Steamer Diamond State, Robinson, 18 hours from Baltimore, with mdse to J D Ruoff. Steamer J S Slither, Dennis, 18 hears from Balti wit h mdse to A Groves, Jr. Stiff Lucy, Townsend, 1 day from Brandywine, Del, with corn meal to It M Lew& Co. Schr II Simmons, Godfrey, 4 days from Salem, with ice to eaptaln. Schr G Green, Westcott, Lynn. Behr Julia Elizabeth, Candng,e, Brooksville. Schr J Galfwgber, Gallagher, Bridgeton. Schr W F Phblps, Cranmer, Boston. Seta J B Myers, Elwood, New York. Schr M J Fisher, Ftilier, New York. Schr H G Hand, Hand, Boston. Schr Camel. Gibbs, New Bedford. Schr Hate E Rich Doughty, Salem, Mass. Schr C W Locke, Huntley, )orcbester. CLEARED THIS DAY. SteaMer 'Vineland.Borden, Baltimore, J D Ruoff. Steamer Decatur, Young, Baltimore, J D Extort'. Bark Storm Bird, Schiller, Antwerp, Workman Jr, Co. Schr Jennica, Scott, Milford. Captain. Schr Diamond State, Connelly, Frankton], Bacon, Col lins % Co. Sehr Florence Nowell, Fennimore, Boston, J It Tom- Schr Cohassett, Gibbs, New Bedford, Suffolk Coal Co. Schr C E Elmer, Ilaley, Washington, DC. Rommel & Hunter. Schr Sarah, Cobb, New Bedford, - Schr Oneida, Davis, Boston, do Schr S N Smith, Matthews, Bridgeport, W 1.1 Johns Brother. Schr Julia Elizabeth, Candage, Boston, Bonin, Keller &Nutting. Schr P M 'rasher, Allen, Boston, do Schr Mary J Fisher, Fisher, Richmond, Va. do Bela Black Diamond, Young, Danveraport, Blakiston, Gree' & Co. Seta R Wilson, Harris, Newport, do Schr W F Phelps. Cranmer, Salisbury, captain. Schr J I 3 Myers, Elwood, Boston, Hammett & Neill. Schr E Magee, Barnes, Boston, Wanuemacher & Co. Schr ;a Baud, Hand, Richmond, L Audeuried & CO. Correspondence of the Phila. Evenine READING, Oct. 14, 186 T. The following boats from the Union Canal passed into the Schuylkill Canal, bound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned as follows• M B Rambler, Sallie d Annie and Wm King, with lumber to Dodge Co; W Taylor, do to Ueorge Ensinger A Co; (.3 W Strive, do to Wilson, Williams A Co; Cal Bollinger, do to II Croskey A Co; Oen Sheri dan, Two Sisters, and Saratoga, do to J Keeley; Two Brothers, do to J H Deysher Sa Co; S Light, do to Jae Haley; Dolphin, do to Foster A Bro; J W McFadden, do to Goldey A Cohn; Win F Reynolds, do to Saylor, Day Maury; Jno M Light, do to Norcross A . Sheets; Montana, do to Taylor A . Betts; Mary Ann, do to Pat terson A Lippincott; Pachlc, do to I) II Taylor ; Five Brothers, cordwood to Peacock A Orth ; Enima, lum ber to Trucks Parker; Old Abe, Bluestone to P Brown. • .• F. MEMORANDA. . • Steamer' Melita (Br), Sunnier, from Liverpool vla Boston, at New York yesterday Bark Bleomlie (Greek), Paschall, al days from Rio Janeiro, at New York yesterday, with coffee. rig Gambia, llnimafoid, hence at Deal 30th ult. and proceeded for London. Brig Lilly, from Maitland for this port, put into St. John, Nl3. 13th inst. having lost forcwpmast and part of the !uremia head. Brig A F Larrabce, Carlisle, from Bangor for this port, was off Point Judith, AM 13th inst. Schr Lena Hunter (not Sela Hunter), reported ashore on the Gridiron, Bell Gate, was taken oil Saturday night by the propeller John Fuller. car Daniel Hohnes, Holmes, hence at Providence 12th inst. -= Schrs Hannah Little, Godfrey ; Thoinas Clyde, Scull, and Sammel P Adams, Tabbut, sailed from Providence 12th inst. for this port. Schrs Albert Thomas Taylor, and Hattie E Dodge, Freeman, sailed from 'Providence 13th inst. for this port. Scbr lii H Read, Benson, sailed from New Bedford 12th inst. for this port.. Sehrs Ruby, Mend,rhence for Newburyport ; John W Hall, Brown, do for Boston; J W Wilson, S C Tyler, C Loeser, and A S . Cannon, for do, at Holmes' Hole 12th instant. Scbr 0 S Lord. Haskell,hence at Portsmouth 9th inst. Schr AB Conine, hence at Norwich 12th inst. WATOHES, JEWELRY, C. CUTLERY. PEARL, IVORY, RUBBER HANDLE KNIVES. Steel and Plated Blades. Sets of. Cutlery in Rosewood Cases, ►AT MODERATE PRICES. A LARGE STOCK TO 8F LECT FROM, AT CLARK & BIDDLE'S, 712 Chestnut Street. .174 u th r.Sm rp§ _ _ TUENICIVAJLA. WM. E. HARPUR, Chronometer and Watch-ma Ker, Respectfully iufonns his friends and customers that be has removed from over Messrs. Bailey di Co.'s. 819 Chest• nut street. to 407 Chestnut Street, Where ho intends to keep on hand a supply of first quality Watches,Chronometers.Clocks, Ladles' and Gents' Gold Chains, Seals, Keys, dm Chronometers rated by Solar and Siderial Transits Especial attention given to repairing Watches. Ira= rp' Sterling Silverware-Manufactory, 414 LOCUST STREET. • GEORGE SHARP, Patentee of the Ball and Cube patterns, manufacturei every description of fine STERLING SILVERWARE, and offers for sale, wholesale and retail, a choice aeeort• went of rich uud beautiful geode of now styles at low prices. J. b(• SHARP. A. ROBERTS. ecl7.3m rpo REAL ESTATE SALE. REAL ESTA 1 E.-1. 11051 AS & SONS' BALL - lElValuable Morocco Dressing Entablbhment, No. IEIO St. John street, 46 feet five inches on St. John street, 46 feet 5 inches on Canal street. Two fronts. On Tuesday, October 22d, 1667, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be cold ut public sale at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that valuable lot, with the itnprovements thereon erected, situate on the west side of St. John street, 231 feet 7 inches north of George street, No. 1130; the lot contain ing in front on Pt. Joint street 46 feet 5 inches, and ex, , tending in depth linehe south line 145 feet 5`., and on the uorth 145 feet 5'.; Inches to Canal street. The improvements consist of a number of frame Ines xuagcm necessary for a morocco dressing establishment, with tubs, ruts, Se. Subject to a yearly ground rent of 516:, 46. Immediate possession. M. THOMAS & 'SONS. Auctioneers, 139 and 141 South Fourth street, LEGAL NOTICES. 'l'llE DISTRICT COURT OF . TILE UNITE STATES, IN AND FOR. THE EASTERNH D DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. IN BANKRUPTCY. 111 the matter of JOHN C. PAYNTER, trading as D. PAYNTER & co, .To whom it ma concern : The um dersigned hereby gives notion of appointment as As• eignee of JOHN C. P T AYNER, tra ding as D. PAYNTER & CO.. of the City and County of Philadelphia, and State 01 . Pennsylvania,e within said District, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition by the Diet Het Court of raid District. JOHN LINDSAY, Assignee, No. 120 Walnut street. LA7III.IIIILA, Oct. IL. 1867 INSTRUCTION* A FEW MORI:1'11'1LS I'OR Tlll 7 . PIANO WILL 1.1. be taken at frJO fine etreet k7owere made ci tunglit ANTED—A GENTLEMAN RESIDING IN GERNIAN. 1! t(oll 11, to oducato , ft young man. Two 110111 , 4 a day ft;ll:itat. "rwPll," at 1 114 aim • 900.3c* WANTS. PICTURES, FRAMES. .......6.0 . it , 01'(d4 1 'k,. WENDEROTH, c... 2.). ) .. 4 A. N.. `) 4 , .. . ) ''''Y / . TAylon . K Ne,4 s 'S ", & BROWN, Ne e-, t.../ ~ , 914 s<', / ,, , , Chestnut St. Nr / fr . f V ) • Attention in called to the new Carbon Mezzotints_ just introduced by WEN 1/1 0 .110TH. TAYLOR & it IIOW, At:. Lists, 314 Chestnut street and 602 Broadway, New York. This new style of p9rbraiture, which is making such a stir in the art ahrouil, is produced by no other est:Oß.lh• mcnt in Philadelphia The merits of three pictures are: Being plinted with the same material Absolute as that used iu Steel Engravings, they Permanence. are free from chemical changes. • They' present no such hard lights and (intense shadows as are common in the Softness.i ordinary chemical photographs, but the lights are soft and the shades trauspa• rent, as in nature. • f From the nature of the materials used Finish. .! in these pictures they have an artistic I finish which is unattainablel by the for. Imor method of printing. The public are invited to examine specimens at the only Gallery where these pictures are furnished. RENDEROTR, TAYLOR & BROWN, OC9-{9 H tu'atrp§ 914 cliEsTsuT Street. NEW OIL PAINTINGS, NEW ROMAN PHOTOGRAPHS , NEW CHROMOS, From Milan and Florence. NEW ROGEES' GROUP, "THE SCHOOL EXAMINATION." Loohing Glasses in every variety. JAMES S. EARLE & SONS, 8113 CHESTNUT STREET, INSURANCE. METROPOLITAN INSURANCE CO, OF NEW YORK. Cash Assets, - $600,000, JAMES LORIMER GRAHAM, President. R. M.• C. GRAHAM, Vice President. Directors MARTIN BATES, DLDLEY B. FULLER, rItAiiKLIN IL DELANO, CaLIIERT L. BEEKDIAN, JOBEPII B. VARNU:II. LORRAIN FREEMAN, EDIYALD A. STANBURY,, JOHN C. HENDERSoN, J. BOORMAN JOHNSTON, JAMES SA!4I. - El. D.' BRADFORD, CLINTON 13. FISK W. R. WADSWORTH, Secretary. Continues to innire all descriptiong of Merchandise, Manufactories and Dwelling House Property, at current rates. SABINE & ALLEN, 'AGENTS, NO. 419 WALNUT STREET. c,c12.6tr0 THE SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY, The Fidelity Insurance, Trust And Safe Deposit Company, FOR THE serucairt9LO t r A n2US, STOCKS ans DIRECTORS. N. B. BROWNE. C.BARLESMACALESTER. CLARENCE 11. CLARK, EDWARD W. CLARK. JOHN WELSH, ALEXANDER HENRY. J. GILLINGHAM FELL, S. A. CALDWELL, HENRY G. GIBSON. Mr' Office in the fire-proof building of tho Philadelphia National Bank, 421 Chestnut street. This Company receive on depositand GUARANTEES TILE SAFE KEEPINCFOF VALUABLES upon the follow. big rates a year, viz: Coupon 80nd5............ per 1,000 Registered Bonds and Scen . ritiet. ..... .60 ets. per 1 1I Gold Coin or itu llor ...............:.....'...5125 per Silver Coin or 8u11i0n........... ........ per $l, oil Gold or Silver Plate— . . . . —sl per $lOO. CASH BOXES or email tin . boles . of ......... Broken; Capitalists, Arc., contents unknown to the Company. and liability limited, $26 a year. The Company offers for ItgT SATES INSIDE ITS VAULTS at *2O. $2O. $4O. $6O and $75 a year, according to size end location. Coupons and Interest collected for 1 per cent. Interest allowed on Money Deposits. Trusts of every kind accepted. N. B. BROWNE. President; ROBERT PATTERSON, Secretary' and Treasurer.,rply CLOTHING. EDWARD P. KELLY, TAI LOR, HAS REMOVED TO S. E. or. of Seventh and Chestnut Sts. HOOP SKIRTS. HOO V SKIRTS AND CORSETS.—MRS. E. BAYLEY, No. 812 Vine etreet, is now manufactur ing all the varieties o; Hoop Skirte, Corsets, cti". She has also the Real French Corsets of new styles. Hoop Skirts altered am! repaired. mh%tfrp WILLL&M 13. CARLME, giAUItIOE JOY CARLILE t JOY, • Souse god Sign Painters and Glaziers, N 0.437 Arch Street, Philadelphia: Glazing eunl Jobbing_ attended to with promptnese an Ileepateh. Give az &gall. my 4 tflPl FrrLER, WEAVER 45t Co. NEW CORDAGE FACTORY NOW IN FULL OPERATION, No. BS N, WATER awl WS N, DEL, wean RITTER & FERRIS , No. 36 South Eleventh Street, • impoßT EMS or . , cootica--)S, LACES, EMBROIDERIES, LINENS, AND HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS ' Which they otter to the trod . ° at great)" , reduced prices. 727 CHESTNUT STREET. 727 POPULAR PRICES IN Bilks, Shawls, Velvets, Poplins, Reps, Ye. our Busse, Her!noes, Boum Delaines, Mimeos, Mohair', Alpaca Poplins, Chene Poplins, Me. lange Poplins, Irish and French Poplins and Plaids. Also, Bombazines,Biarritz,Tamise, and other Mourning Goods in great variety, together with the most ex tensive assortment of Miscellaneous Dry Goods in the Market. Also, Blankets, Flannels, Linens, House. Furnishing Coods, Clotho, Cassimeres, etc., In reliable qualities, at low prices. RICKEY, SHARP &CO., LATE JAS. R. CAMPBELL CO., No. 727 Chestnut Street. WHOLESALE DEPARTMENTS Dry Goo, by Piece or Package, at and ds under Market Bates. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., eel44frp No. 717 CHESTNUT Street NEW AND LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITII F. U. WOLCOTT, P. W. I:CP,NEI WM. T. BLODGETT, CHAS, I'. KIRKLAND, FRONTING, SHIRTING, PILLOW CASES AND IVAT6ON E. CASE, JOHN A. GRAHAM, • Also, a Linen imported expresdy for LADIES' WEAR, al of celebrated 'maxi. Diew and elegant designs of splendid 3,4, 5 and 6 yards long 'ma with Napkins and Do.ylie2 to tch. TABLE PAMASKS AND DIAPERS iu all widths and Qualities, very heavy. NOV E.LTIV4 In TABLE NAPKINS and DOYLIES TOWELS. plain, bordered and fringed. TOWELIN GS of all deacriptiona, in every variety and size flit household use. IfIIID'S•EYE LINEN, bB.';, 7,i, 4.4 wide. LINEN LAWNS for Surplicea and lidkfs, and for Hu!. fling. .FLOOR and STAIR LINENS. FURNITURE COVERINGS, both plain and striped. Sheppard, Van Harlingen & Arrison, BLANRETS. FALLS ScHUYLKILL, HOLLAND, 4 'UNMET:LAND SWIS ' . . MELTON, NVIIITNEY, tA , .. PERKINS, • NO. 9 SOETII NINTH STREET e7-3n, rt.; anl7•lm nETALIL DRY GOODS, LINEN ESTABLISHMENT; OF SUPERIOR LINEN GOODS LOWEST CASH PRICES SHEETING LINENS Double Damask Table Cloths, No, 1008 Chestnut Street. orttIISISZLV-.,131 'UPHOLSTERY, &c. I3E.T)3DING - FEATHER WAREHOUSE TENTH STREET, BELOW ARCB Featle , rB, Feather Bed... BoMere and Straw, lla.dc, Bair aud bpring Mat trese4, Spring lleda and Spring Cote. iron Iledateadii of all klZe 4 iN DOW SHADES of every quality, and a great ~ ilety of 4ltterw. Con.fortable. inlf. and Counterpanes, all ounterpanes, of a kind.:, e.pecially BLANKETS. A wry hope 899ortment of Blankets, en cheap a to day et;thpetition. . ' AiVIOS ,1301 N, Ti No. 44 INortlt TENIII Stn'et, rell , tll r to 26t Below Arch HOUSL FURNISHING G ODDS. EVANS OILS, PAINTS, VARNISHES, Naval Stores and Soaps, No, 10 North Delaware avenue, Philada. pc:, Nu WI Olei Rye Whiskies. LARGEST AND BEST STOOK OF THE OLD RYE WHISKIES IN THE LAND IS NOW POSSESSED BY FINJE HENRY . S. HANNIS & CO., gis °and 2'20 SOUTH FRONT' STREET, Who offer the same TO THE TRADE, in Loth, on very advantageone Terms. "Chola Stock of nye Whiskies, IN BOND, comprises all pie favorite brands aka taut, and runs through the various months of 18014 , 80, and of this year, up by present date. Liberal contracts made for lots to arrive at Pennsylvania IL.B. Depot, Ervien soniLine Wharf, or at Bonded Warehouses, sus parties may °BIM FiII;PIITUKE. &c• SPECIAL NOTICE. We are prepared to meet Purchasers of Fine Furniture. BO IT( IN STYLE AND PRICE, GEO.J.HENKELS LACY & CO., CABINET MAKERS, 13th and Chestnut Streets. eel fin rp A:VI S Co . MUEI3 - 1, - F.S FINO in Serie de Cuart.c..s. COLOC A I )0 00 MO Salve de recibindeuto v • CUARTOS rif: CAMARA. GEO. J. HEIM ELM, LOOT ERANIS rns, 10.5"-Inn - M TIIIRTEENTU. AND C IiEST N Special 'Card. FINE FURNITURE ON EximwrioN IN twans OF ItooMS, CARFETED AND rußsisitED AS CIIA:kIBERS AND PARLORS. GEO• a. 31ENKELS, LACK do CO., CABINET MAKERS, THIRTEENTH AND CHESTNUT, PHILADELPHIA mu= C?." Pie feinfiten ftlettbel ttrrangirt In der gittazen Ettegc . fertig• zur Ansicht, Teppich land Gairatuen einbegriffen. GEO. J. HENKELS, LACY & CO., MeubelFahriltant, Thirteenth and, Chestnut, Philadelphia. pen•hnrp; • AVIS IMPORTANT. . BEAUX MEUBLES, , r , ynr Salon. et Chanibres a Coacher, Arrang.:e Pour ExprAthn duly , APPartewcnt4 Garnim et Converts de Tapia. GEO. J. HENKELS, LACY & CO., EBENIST ES, ee'2:4lnrp: CHESTN ?LUXE r. a•t Coin de lame A. & H. LEJAMBRE jlave removed their Furniture and tpholstering WareroOthil TO No. 1103 Chestnut Street, (up etalu.) ee7-am GENTLEIIIIIIEN 9 B FURNINIIIING 0000. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. JOHN C. ARRISON, Nos. 1 and 3 N. Sixth St,,Philadai, W 04 1 ,1 in' it. [lto attention 01 gentlemen to hi.: tqhVrtlllrnt of Furnishing Goods. ConA•ting of SILK SUILTS AND 1)1:AWL:::S. Ca rtwti Watner'k , Merino Shit: , and Lando' Wool do. do. d , do. do cf.. Cotton ti.. do. do. Enoi:dt S..ran'a Doo. n I. ant,,n flannel soul , expre.y , order for Sltirt , and 'rower ALSI ), GENTLE'. WI:A (,1.111T" BLINDS AND WINDOW SUADES. B. J. WILLIAMS & SONS, NO. 16 North SIXTH Street, ManiltictureN of VENETIAN BLINDS A\ I) WINDOW SHADES. Lorgryt and lineA amortment in the city, at L the lowest Repairing promptly attended to, Store Shades made and lettered. trp§ CHARLES L. HALE, Onto Salesman and Superintendent for B. J. Williams) NO. 831 ARCH STREET, MANUFACTURER OF VENETIAN BLINDS and WINDOW SHADES:\ LARGEST AND FINEST ASSORTMENT IN THE CITY AT THE LOWEST PRICES. UPHOLSTERING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Peri. tf rp GROCERIES, LIQUORS, &C. "THE STAFF OF LIFE IS GOOD BREAD," to secure which Good Flour is indispensable. This can be had of Thompson Black's Son & Co,, N. W. cor. Broad and Chestnut sts., who have now in store, and are selling by the bag or bbl , the best brands of choice St. Louis Flour. Try it, every barrel war ranted, They would also call attention to their specially imported Maccaroni, in boxes about 5 lbs: each, as being the finest ever offered for sale in this country. THOMPSON BLACK'S SON & CO. Jas. T. Black. R. J. M Whiteside. mum', a tu•lyrp3 ISAAC, NATIIANS. At - CM/NEE N. E, (%ORNEL Third and shmee etreettl, only one admire below the E:ehange. 11 ,, '...5u,000 to loan in large or maul' amounts, on (thulium% silver watehee, jewelry, and all goods of value. Office how' , fl'ollll A. M.lO P. M. re" Latta). li.hed for the last forty yearn. Advance wad:• in largo ttutount4 at the lortrt inatket. raid. 10..:It frt. S 10 4 I.:- U. I .. I CA It PE T ING S, dc C. PHILADA., 10th Mo.4sth, 'B7. i Messrs. Editors, Please say through the medium of our old friend, "The Evening Bulle tin," that in anticipation of our re moval in January next, to the new store, now building, N 0.12.22 Chest nut st., we are offering at low prices our entire stock of choice selections of CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS. DRUGGETS, RUGS, MATS, MAT ^9 IN OS, &c., including many latest and bi at designs of Velvets, Brussels and Tapestry Brussels, both lish and American. !English Brussels,, all widths, for stairs and halls4.,with extra borders to us:Lich; Ingrains, Three.Plles and 'We.. Also, a small involve new and choice designs French AX in mdel,' Carpets." BEEWE E. KNIGHT d Nag, 807 Chestnut stiect• ocmg th am ro RICH AND ELEGANT CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &c., Novot de-igns and loweA price! THREE SI lOW ROOMS. S. C. iICOILTY4W, NO. 25 SOUTH SECOND ST.„ reltqh r to 2in rp: 1867 CARPETINGS. 1867 JAS. H. ORNE, SON & CO. Chestnut Street, below Seventh, IBIPORTERB AND DEALERS FintEIGN AND DOSIF.STIe CARPETINGS. English. Brussels Carpeting& By tato arrival we have received a full anortnent of tit, BEST ENGLISH MAKES. M. OItNE SON eiT CO., Chestnut Street, below Seventh. English and French AXMINSTERS, ROYAL WILTON, AND ELI' ET CAJEZPIF.rriNc;-s. ALL TILE NEV," DEr:IGN3. rtcce and fc , r eale JAS. IL OM, SON & Chestnut Street, below Seventh. THREE-PLY AND INGRAIN CAItPtTINGS In Vrent v:‘liety of delign. OIL - IA 0 T EI S , In 1-I,e , :t from 1 F:4l - d to El SA:A. I nW. Henderson & Co.'s all Worsted Venitians. JAS, H. ORNE, SON it. CO, ? Chestnut Street, below Seventh, \ er•l-tt: tb f fm -Ncyric.E. LEEDOM & SHAW' 910 ARCH STREET, Between Ninth end Tenth Street,. Will continue to sell their ..toci; of CAR PETINGS At prices corresponding with low rent and expenies, And will open daily new goods, 115 they do not expect to move. ac 94 tm rnfl JOBBERS Al\6-0-IP-CiIiTEICS. E. S. JAFFRAY & CO. 608 CHESTNUT STREET, Are receiving and now opening for Fall Trade, fuU 1P.:31 Linens, Table Cloths, • Napkins, ITuekabacks, Diapers, Toweling s, Damasks:, Sheeting,s, Pillow Tiinens. L. C. Hdlvf.s. Hosiery, Gloves, Crapes_ „ „ ells"; Quilts.; Ladies', Gents' and Children's Under Wear, Embroideries, Net Ribbons. dm, The above will be so d a o lt n aty r t on tLe inm3t fl we t 7f.opre2ented by b.:ttcsy. mil e to d!lai lqorizeL aos-3 t a th
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers